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Apple BANS Epic Games and it BACKFIRES #apple #epicgames #fortnite #ios #tech

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Did you just say that Apple booted
00:00:03.080 | Epic from their app store because they didn't like
00:00:05.000 | what Epic said about them?
00:00:06.540 | I think that's what he said.
00:00:07.780 | Their feelings were hurt.
00:00:08.700 | They're violating Epic's free speech
00:00:10.620 | because they don't like what Epic is saying.
00:00:12.240 | According to Epic, yes.
00:00:13.460 | This is crazily heavy handed by Apple.
00:00:16.580 | Apple heavy handed with developers.
00:00:18.380 | Have they lost their minds?
00:00:19.540 | I mean, this is right out of Power Corrupts
00:00:21.920 | and Absolute Power Corrupts.
00:00:22.960 | Absolutely. Yeah.
00:00:24.000 | Whatever dispute you have with Epic,
00:00:26.260 | you don't boot them out of your app store
00:00:27.760 | because you don't like their criticism of you.
00:00:30.180 | This is basically proving
00:00:32.260 | exactly what everyone's been saying about Apple,
00:00:34.640 | which is they're too powerful and heavy handed.
00:00:37.460 | And Apple's coming along and saying,
00:00:38.840 | let me confirm it for you guys
00:00:40.460 | by acting tyrannically against Epic.
00:00:43.300 | Talk about a backfire.
00:00:44.500 | This seems insane to me.