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Jacobs Behavioral Money Hack | #shorts

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00:00:00.000 | here's a hack. I don't know if it's a hack. I find it useful as a hack. If there's some
00:00:03.840 | recurring thing you pay for, whether it's, you know, a monthly bill is easy, but even
00:00:08.040 | like a thing you buy at the grocery store every week, annualize it, right? So if there's
00:00:13.080 | something, if you're spending an extra 10 bucks a week at the grocery store on something,
00:00:18.480 | something's 10 bucks more than the other thing, that's actually 500 bucks a year, right? And
00:00:23.640 | I find saying, is this worth an extra 500 bucks a year to me feels different than is
00:00:28.000 | this worth an extra 10 bucks to me every time. So like that's a sort of behavioral hack,
00:00:32.560 | right? It's a way of framing things that helps me spend less, frankly.