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E11: Election Night Special featuring Phil Hellmuth, Bill Gurley, Brad Gerstner & more!


0:0 The besties & Phil Hellmuth on Trump’s early lead, live betting odds, the Latinx reversal
10:9 Sacks intros political expert Michael Newman on vote tally timing discrepancies, why some states skew a certain way early & more
20:33 Assessing the 180 in the gambling markets & equity markets towards a pro-Trump outcome
24:18 SurveyMonkey Chief Research Officer Jon Cohen joins the show to talk about polling updates from 2016 to 2020, understanding the race so far, electoral college & more
41:51 Biden losing Florida, tax policy, cultural repudiation of the elites in 2020
50:43 Chamath on the stupidity of the establishment, socialism, Democratic ideology for 2024 if Biden loses
55:40 Mid-show predictions, Jason goes off on Trump
67:58 What will happen in the time until we have a clear winner, Trump as a middle finger
77:55 Brad Gerstner joins the show to talk about stock futures, what the Democrats keep getting wrong - coastal elites losing touch with normal people, rebuking lockdowns
98:24 Reviewing the race swing state by swing state
107:28 Bill Gurley joins the show to talk about divisiveness, urban/rural rapture & more
115:53 Pete Buttigieg as the future of the Democratic Party, Chamath calls out the democratic leaders
120:43 Reconciling middle America & the coastal elites, respecting each other’s differences, understanding Prop 22
131:34 Diagnosing states that flipped from Biden to Trump, anti-business California state propositions failing, union impact on legislation
143:1 Senate races, market talk, which Democratic candidate had the best chance of beating Trump, voting for character over policy
154:32 Jason & Sacks debate Russian election interference legitimacy
161:34 Sacks unveils his Trump Derangement Score tracker, updated outcome scenarios & more
171:51 Trump declaring victory could tank markets, live reaction to Joe Biden’s election night address

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Hello, everybody. Welcome. We are live at the All In headquarters, and the All In podcast is now live.
00:00:08.280 | We have 63 people watching already, and bear with us while we get the besties on the line.
00:00:15.060 | I'll be doing my introductions in just a moment after I tweet this.
00:00:20.980 | But it is an eventful night, and we had to start early because it's looking like this could be another shocker.
00:00:32.300 | And I am not being facetious here. I am not happy about this, obviously.
00:00:39.900 | But Trump looks like he's been underestimated again. This is not a blowout.
00:00:46.480 | We are going live early.
00:00:50.240 | This could be a shocker, folks.
00:00:55.640 | Okay, so with me early on the pod is regular David Friedberg.
00:01:03.800 | David, you're watching this early action, and what's your early reaction to what we're seeing?
00:01:11.660 | You know, Trump's moved.
00:01:17.340 | There's nothing definitive yet.
00:01:19.980 | But he's moved in the results, and he's moving markets.
00:01:24.180 | We're seeing Forex markets show a sharp indication that Trump has a real shot at winning here.
00:01:32.920 | Treasury markets.
00:01:35.080 | And as Phil Helmuth will share with us, betting markets as well.
00:01:40.160 | So it is more of a nail-biter than Game 7 of the Warriors-Cavs.
00:01:46.980 | So here we go.
00:01:48.780 | This is a hell of a nail.
00:01:49.420 | This is a hell of a nail-biter, guys.
00:01:50.860 | And I'm just going to say this.
00:01:52.000 | The U.K. markets had it first.
00:01:54.060 | He was 5-2.
00:01:55.860 | You could get Trump at 5-2, 2.5-1.
00:01:59.000 | Then it hit 5-4, and I thought that was quite crazy.
00:02:02.980 | You're watching CNN.
00:02:04.300 | You're watching these networks, and they're saying, oh, my God, Biden's winning this.
00:02:07.500 | No, they're not even in the right neighborhood.
00:02:09.460 | I'll never watch a network again on election night.
00:02:11.640 | And now the market from five minutes ago, 368 million pounds wagered.
00:02:19.260 | 368 million pounds.
00:02:20.220 | Trump is now a 3-10 favorite.
00:02:24.220 | Okay, so for people, Phil, who are not gamblers, let's put this in dollars.
00:02:30.260 | You bet $3.
00:02:30.960 | No, no, Jason, you have to understand.
00:02:34.840 | If you bet $13, okay, you don't get 13 back.
00:02:38.240 | You only get 10 back.
00:02:40.060 | Okay.
00:02:40.800 | Now, if you want to bet Biden, it's 7-4.
00:02:42.940 | So if I bet $70, if I bet $40, I can get $70 back.
00:02:48.800 | I can get $70 back on Biden.
00:02:50.240 | Now, the shocker is right around 6-28 p.m., the betting odds, the markets have been in Biden's favor for three straight months.
00:02:59.100 | I've been live posting them on my Twitter all day.
00:03:02.220 | The worst I saw was Trump was Biden was minus $1.25, still a big favorite to win.
00:03:08.920 | And then, boom, and, you know, there are people in my house that are actually crying.
00:03:14.120 | You know, I'm very much more in the middle of this thing.
00:03:17.860 | But all of a sudden.
00:03:18.880 | Trump, all of a sudden it was 5-4, then it was even.
00:03:22.560 | And then all of a sudden Trump was nearly a 2-1 favorite.
00:03:26.380 | I'm getting live information from my friends right now.
00:03:29.300 | I'm seeing that it's a little bit lower on some of these sites.
00:03:35.380 | I saw $2.67.
00:03:38.000 | That's for a $200 bet.
00:03:39.660 | So he's a pretty big favorite.
00:03:41.060 | I saw the lowest I've seen is $2.17.
00:03:44.160 | But, Jason, if you're watching the odds and I put some stuff on my Twitter, it's amazing.
00:03:48.500 | How it went from, you know, minus $1.70, you know, all the way down minus a $30.
00:03:54.400 | Then it came all the way up to minus $1.70.
00:03:56.800 | This is crazy.
00:03:58.000 | And I've seen this movie before in 2016, actually.
00:04:02.300 | Okay.
00:04:03.400 | So we all know that you need 270 electoral votes to win and that there were a couple of states that were critical for Trump to win.
00:04:13.000 | And it seems like those states that Trump was critical to win.
00:04:18.000 | He has now won.
00:04:21.000 | So let's bring in David Sachs.
00:04:24.000 | David, we just turned on the live stream.
00:04:28.000 | And, boy, is this a turn of events that I don't think any of us except for maybe you, but you were very pessimistic on the last maybe three or four all-in podcasts.
00:04:39.000 | You're watching these results come in.
00:04:41.000 | The betting markets have totally flipped to Trump.
00:04:43.000 | What are you seeing and what can we expect tonight?
00:04:46.000 | What are you looking for?
00:04:47.000 | Well, I'm going to start with the betting markets.
00:04:47.900 | Yeah.
00:04:48.400 | I mean, it's looking just like 2016.
00:04:51.400 | I mean, you're right that I was looking at the polls in the last few pods that we've done and there was no way to say anything other than, you know, Trump was the underdog.
00:05:02.400 | But at the same time, I still thought that Trump had a really good shot because I was watching both candidates on YouTube all the time.
00:05:13.400 | They both were doing live events.
00:05:14.900 | I wasn't watching it with the commentary.
00:05:16.900 | I wasn't watching the clips.
00:05:18.400 | I was watching Trump do these rallies.
00:05:20.400 | I was watching Biden do these parking lot events.
00:05:23.900 | And I would see Trump do four or five events a day flying from tarmac to tarmac on Air Force One, having these huge crowds.
00:05:31.900 | I saw him do this event in Butler, Pennsylvania over the weekend.
00:05:35.900 | It looked to me like there was tens of thousands of people there.
00:05:39.900 | And I remember Trump saying a line like, you know, this doesn't seem like a second place crowd.
00:05:44.900 | And, you know, it's one of those Trump lines.
00:05:46.800 | But, you know, it did put in my mind this idea, you know, he's got a point.
00:05:51.800 | Whatever the polls say, we're seeing tens of thousands of people show up at these events who are fanatical.
00:05:58.800 | I mean, just fanatical for Trump.
00:06:01.800 | And so you always had to think that he had a chance of pulling off an upset just like 2016.
00:06:07.800 | I will say what I said on our text earlier.
00:06:10.800 | Donald Trump ate the COVID virus and killed it with his body.
00:06:14.800 | And then he got it.
00:06:16.700 | And then he stood in front of the White House and ripped his shirt off and let us all know that he is our leader.
00:06:22.600 | He did not get elected.
00:06:24.600 | He claimed victory beginning in 2016.
00:06:27.600 | And he has not and will not let go since then.
00:06:30.600 | And I think it is that cult of personality that draws so many people in that are just, you know, feeling like they need change and they need leadership.
00:06:43.600 | And they don't need something from the old school.
00:06:46.600 | And they don't need to be the new generation.
00:06:48.500 | And they don't need to be the old generation.
00:06:50.500 | And they don't need to be the new generation.
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