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Ep. 203: Taming Meetings, YouTube’s Potential, Kids and Smartphones | Deep Questions Podcast


0:0 Cal's intro
3:30 Cal Reacts Journalists and Twitter
23:45 Cal talks about Grammarly and Betterhelp
27:54 When should kids get smartphones?
37:50 What age should my kids start coding?
46:18 How can a non-native English speaker widen his vocabulary for scientific writing?
47:42 Habit Tune-Up: Cal’s toolbox for taming meetings
64:45 Cal talks about Eightsleep and Zocdoc
68:30 What should I read while waiting in line?
71:38 Are some people not wired to focus?

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | I'm Cal Newport, and this is Deep Questions,
00:00:09.240 | episode 203.
00:00:11.960 | I'm here in my Deep Work HQ, joined by my
00:00:16.620 | producer, Jesse.
00:00:18.680 | Jesse, it took me what, six months to stop
00:00:22.280 | calling you my professor?
00:00:24.440 | It's muscle memory.
00:00:26.480 | You said it a few times.
00:00:27.600 | It was pretty funny.
00:00:28.720 | It was actually pretty common.
00:00:29.980 | Let me use this muscle memory.
00:00:31.200 | During the semester, I, you know, I'm around
00:00:34.120 | other professors, but now I feel like I have that in.
00:00:37.440 | Speaking of the Deep Work HQ, I've been
00:00:40.360 | thinking about it recently.
00:00:41.640 | We've talked about this before, but now I
00:00:43.460 | want to get serious.
00:00:44.140 | Maybe get some serious feedback about it
00:00:45.680 | because we're coming up to the point where we
00:00:48.440 | signed the new lease, et cetera, et cetera.
00:00:50.200 | And as Jesse will attest, we have yet to do
00:00:54.560 | work on any part of this HQ except the studio.
00:00:56.800 | You're a busy guy.
00:00:58.360 | You got a lot of stuff going on, but it'd be fun.
00:01:00.000 | I am a busy guy.
00:01:01.360 | Uh, but the studio we put a lot, you know,
00:01:03.920 | we're, we're, we're always working on the studio.
00:01:05.800 | We're always adding new technology.
00:01:07.440 | We always have people coming in and out, be
00:01:10.160 | it sound technicians or FCC experts, shout
00:01:15.560 | out the Albert power company.
00:01:17.880 | Like we're always working on things.
00:01:19.320 | We have video people, et cetera.
00:01:20.640 | The rest of the HQ is, uh, dismal.
00:01:24.160 | And I think it's time that we actually make
00:01:26.240 | this into, into something better.
00:01:27.880 | We've talked about this before, but we've
00:01:29.000 | never had a good idea.
00:01:29.880 | You've been here now for a while.
00:01:31.860 | What should, what are we going to do?
00:01:33.600 | We got a large room, a common space room
00:01:36.920 | that has bookshelves that I'm about to ransack
00:01:39.640 | for my new library study at home.
00:01:41.480 | And we have a, a standalone office
00:01:44.440 | that right now is storage.
00:01:45.840 | We have a bunch of old lights in there
00:01:47.600 | and in piles of books.
00:01:49.000 | First thing we need is, yeah, we need to get
00:01:52.040 | what books to fill that.
00:01:53.520 | And we need a cleaning lady.
00:01:54.480 | We do need a cleaning service.
00:01:56.360 | We should have a clean late, like once a month.
00:01:58.360 | The people next door have one.
00:02:00.320 | Yeah.
00:02:00.840 | So we should get in on that.
00:02:02.040 | And I also want to get on, this is, this
00:02:03.560 | is riveting for the audience.
00:02:04.880 | I also want to get in on the, uh, the big
00:02:07.440 | water bottles that goes into the bubbler
00:02:10.520 | water dispenser thing because the water's
00:02:13.160 | like really metal here and not good.
00:02:14.680 | Uh, I do want to get into that, but I
00:02:17.440 | got to figure it out.
00:02:18.200 | I'm thinking about, maybe we can have
00:02:19.920 | other writers right here.
00:02:21.040 | I don't know.
00:02:21.480 | I was thinking about making the conference,
00:02:23.560 | putting like a giant table in the middle
00:02:25.960 | of the common space, like a library table,
00:02:28.160 | or maybe it should be like couches and
00:02:30.520 | chairs and I don't know, man, I'm terrible.
00:02:32.920 | Buy some furniture, throw it back at
00:02:34.240 | the truck, just haul it over.
00:02:36.280 | Well, anyways, one way or the other, uh,
00:02:38.920 | I'm inspired by getting my, my study and
00:02:42.360 | my home back in the shape I'm inspired to.
00:02:44.280 | We'll get the HQ, uh, into some sort of shape.
00:02:47.280 | That's exciting.
00:02:48.160 | Yeah.
00:02:48.480 | You're going to some sort of shape.
00:02:49.480 | I think having some of my writer friends
00:02:51.120 | be able to like reserve time and come out
00:02:52.760 | here and get away from their home and
00:02:54.840 | write, that could be cool.
00:02:56.040 | Yeah.
00:02:56.560 | That would be really cool.
00:02:57.240 | Actually.
00:02:57.560 | Yeah.
00:02:57.880 | We can even get some other
00:02:58.720 | podcasters in here.
00:02:59.520 | We like when we're not using it.
00:03:01.520 | Don't want this all to go to waste.
00:03:03.080 | I have big plans, but no time.
00:03:04.840 | Um, all right.
00:03:07.320 | Well, anyways, we've got a good show.
00:03:08.360 | God, I'm looking here.
00:03:10.440 | I'm looking through the script.
00:03:11.400 | We've got some good questions.
00:03:12.360 | We got some good calls.
00:03:14.640 | We'll get through a lot here.
00:03:15.960 | Uh, I want to start with a.
00:03:17.880 | A brief news reaction as usual.
00:03:20.400 | I'm, I'm less interested in the details
00:03:22.480 | of the news as much as using this as a
00:03:24.080 | hook to get into a, maybe a slightly
00:03:26.360 | larger discussion of some bigger points
00:03:28.280 | going on with tech and culture.
00:03:29.440 | But I wanted to start with an article
00:03:32.160 | that a listener sent me that
00:03:35.200 | came from Pew Research.
00:03:37.080 | All right.
00:03:38.240 | So it's a, an article.
00:03:39.320 | This is from June 27th.
00:03:41.280 | So quite recent for those who are
00:03:43.600 | watching on YouTube,
00:03:45.880 | Calendarport media, you can see the
00:03:47.080 | article, those who are listening at home.
00:03:48.400 | I'll narrate it.
00:03:49.040 | The title of this article is Twitter
00:03:51.880 | is the go-to social media site for us
00:03:54.560 | journalists, but not for the public.
00:03:58.320 | Uh, if we, we look at it,
00:04:00.800 | it's based off of a survey.
00:04:02.680 | So a recent Pew Research Center survey
00:04:06.480 | of people from the news industry.
00:04:09.040 | So we have reporters, editors, and
00:04:10.560 | others working in the news industry.
00:04:12.320 | I want to hone in on one particular
00:04:15.640 | chart, which you, you should be seeing.
00:04:18.640 | I'm going to scroll this up now.
00:04:19.840 | There we go.
00:04:21.320 | So you should be seeing this
00:04:22.320 | chart if you're watching online.
00:04:24.320 | Basically, if you're listening, here's
00:04:26.000 | what it is, it's two bar graphs.
00:04:27.760 | On the left, it shows for each of these
00:04:31.680 | common social media style sites.
00:04:35.240 | What percentage of us journalists say
00:04:39.160 | they use that most or second most in their
00:04:41.880 | job, and then on the right, it is what
00:04:44.760 | percentage of us adults say they use that
00:04:46.680 | platform, particular platform
00:04:48.120 | regularly to get news.
00:04:49.480 | So we're comparing the platforms
00:04:52.040 | that journalists use regularly.
00:04:54.200 | When their top two sites they use in
00:04:56.400 | their job versus the websites that the.
00:04:59.000 | Average us adult uses to get news.
00:05:02.760 | That's the comparison being shown here.
00:05:04.240 | Left is journalist, right is adults.
00:05:07.120 | The big thing you'll notice, and this
00:05:09.480 | is from the headline is that for the
00:05:10.920 | journalist, Twitter dominates 69% of
00:05:16.440 | the journalists surveyed say Twitter is
00:05:18.720 | the top one or two platforms they use
00:05:22.920 | for their job.
00:05:23.920 | You look next to it, you look at us
00:05:27.320 | adults and you see Twitter is 13%.
00:05:29.280 | 13% regularly used to have to get news.
00:05:32.040 | So there is a major difference between
00:05:36.360 | the digital world in which journalists
00:05:39.160 | live versus the digital world in which
00:05:40.840 | most us adults live, journalists are
00:05:43.760 | very Twitter focused.
00:05:45.800 | That is where they find news.
00:05:47.200 | That is where news is discussed.
00:05:49.360 | The average American adult is not.
00:05:51.160 | Now this matters for a couple of reasons.
00:05:54.040 | One, as we've covered numerous
00:05:56.840 | times on this show, there is a real
00:06:00.480 | effect, a real filter effect of what
00:06:02.640 | you see and how it is portrayed based
00:06:04.800 | on the particular platform you look at.
00:06:06.640 | So Twitter creates its own ecosystem
00:06:09.920 | of what's important and what's not
00:06:11.160 | important, how we should feel about this,
00:06:13.000 | how we shouldn't feel about this.
00:06:14.120 | And it's a very emotionally salient
00:06:16.680 | ecosystem, so it not only pushes things
00:06:19.720 | to the forefront as being important,
00:06:20.880 | but it does so with great emotional gusto.
00:06:24.320 | So if you're a journalist who
00:06:25.960 | lives in this world, you are being
00:06:27.920 | exposed to these huge, seemingly
00:06:31.480 | huge upswellings of emotion and
00:06:33.680 | commitment and engagement and activism,
00:06:35.880 | which may actually be largely
00:06:38.120 | artifice or at the very least, largely
00:06:40.080 | separate from what the population
00:06:42.600 | as a whole believes.
00:06:43.480 | This is why, as we covered in previous
00:06:45.400 | shows, we're beginning to see some of
00:06:47.320 | the major news companies pushing their
00:06:50.560 | staff away from Twitter because of this
00:06:53.440 | effect, New York Times being the most
00:06:56.760 | prominent example of them telling
00:06:58.360 | their reporters, please stop using
00:07:00.560 | Twitter. This is not helping
00:07:03.400 | the quality of our reporting.
00:07:05.600 | The other issue with Twitter, it's
00:07:08.360 | not captured directly, but as implied
00:07:10.080 | by this graph, is that the reaction to
00:07:13.560 | what you do as an individual who posts
00:07:16.400 | on Twitter can be quite strong.
00:07:17.920 | We talked about this in a previous
00:07:19.120 | episode, feedback is something we're
00:07:21.400 | wired to take seriously.
00:07:22.760 | So if you're a journalist who uses
00:07:24.960 | Twitter as your primary tool, like 69%
00:07:27.160 | of US journalists do, you're constantly
00:07:30.440 | working with this digital sword of
00:07:32.880 | Damocles hanging over your head.
00:07:35.000 | What if I say the wrong thing and
00:07:37.160 | really upset the crowd on Twitter?
00:07:40.080 | What if I miss out a particular
00:07:42.360 | caveat or don't mention this other
00:07:44.760 | factor that could be happening and I
00:07:46.080 | really get swarmed on by other people?
00:07:48.040 | This is anxiety producing, this is
00:07:50.040 | nerve wracking, and it really can push
00:07:51.720 | coverage in certain directions.
00:07:53.040 | Certain issues are never talked about
00:07:54.840 | or other issues are drowned in all
00:07:56.480 | sorts of defensive maneuvering.
00:07:58.480 | So there is all of these negative
00:07:59.720 | side effects, both what you see and
00:08:01.600 | how you worry about people seeing you
00:08:03.720 | if Twitter is the main thing you use.
00:08:05.560 | Most people don't use it.
00:08:06.560 | Journalists do.
00:08:07.840 | So it's an interesting separation.
00:08:09.000 | There is, however, something new I
00:08:10.880 | want to remark about, new to this show.
00:08:13.440 | I think it's significant.
00:08:15.000 | And I don't quite understand this well,
00:08:16.480 | but I want to put a preliminary
00:08:18.320 | stake in the ground here.
00:08:19.320 | Let's look at the right side of this chart.
00:08:21.560 | So the sites that US adults in
00:08:25.800 | general use to get news, look at number two.
00:08:27.680 | YouTube.
00:08:29.240 | It's the second most used site by
00:08:33.640 | US adults to obtain news.
00:08:36.920 | So what's going on with that?
00:08:40.800 | Well, I think what this might
00:08:42.080 | be reflecting is generational.
00:08:44.720 | There is, I think for the younger
00:08:48.680 | adult generations, what I guess you
00:08:50.520 | might call Gen Z and the younger
00:08:53.200 | millennials, a shift towards YouTube
00:08:56.640 | being a replacement for what my
00:09:00.320 | generation would have used cable for.
00:09:02.200 | That YouTube has become your source
00:09:07.800 | of television style entertainment.
00:09:10.920 | And so why are you getting a lot of
00:09:12.800 | news from YouTube because that's where
00:09:14.040 | I watch shows putting quotation marks
00:09:16.160 | around because they look very
00:09:16.920 | different than they did before.
00:09:17.800 | But if I want news, maybe I'm looking
00:09:18.960 | at breaking points or Kyle Kalinsky,
00:09:22.320 | or if I'm on the other side of the
00:09:24.120 | political spectrum, you know, Ben
00:09:26.360 | Shapiro or what have you, but this is
00:09:28.400 | actually where I think a whole generation
00:09:29.960 | is going for relatively reasonably
00:09:32.880 | produced video content.
00:09:35.520 | Now I think this is really significant.
00:09:37.600 | I think it's really significant
00:09:38.640 | because it is a different game than
00:09:40.160 | is being played by the real flashy
00:09:43.200 | players in the online digital
00:09:44.720 | attention economy.
00:09:45.440 | We're looking now at the war between
00:09:46.960 | Tik Tok and Facebook, and there's
00:09:48.520 | Instagram and there's Twitter.
00:09:49.640 | And these are the platforms that are
00:09:51.000 | getting a lot of attention now, but
00:09:52.560 | they're playing a different game.
00:09:54.160 | Those platforms are playing what I
00:09:56.080 | think of as being the more short-term
00:09:57.520 | game of how do we get maximum
00:09:59.800 | engagement from people today?
00:10:01.560 | How do we get you to put your eyeballs
00:10:03.480 | on this app as long as possible?
00:10:05.200 | And so Facebook adds this feature and
00:10:07.000 | then Tik Tok tries something different
00:10:08.760 | and then Instagram tries to pivot and
00:10:10.480 | let's try to use reels here to be more
00:10:12.360 | Tik Tok like, and it's just fighting
00:10:13.960 | short-term to get people to glue their
00:10:16.000 | eyes to these screens and they're using
00:10:17.680 | user generated content.
00:10:18.800 | Most of it's not super high quality.
00:10:20.280 | Fine.
00:10:20.640 | YouTube, I think is playing a longer game.
00:10:22.960 | It is looking at what happened when
00:10:25.040 | the web came along and it completely
00:10:26.960 | disrupted and democratized the
00:10:28.960 | production and publication of text.
00:10:31.560 | You used to have to be a newspaper or
00:10:33.720 | a magazine or a book publisher to have
00:10:35.680 | any sort of mass audience for text.
00:10:37.560 | The web said anyone could do this now.
00:10:39.280 | YouTube is doing this with video.
00:10:41.320 | And I think it's a really important
00:10:43.360 | shift it's going to change long-term
00:10:47.200 | how we consume and produce video
00:10:52.120 | content away from the TV and towards
00:10:54.840 | these new sort of mediums that
00:10:56.400 | YouTube is experimenting with.
00:10:58.040 | And I don't think the game is how do
00:11:00.400 | I do this addictive Tik Tok style
00:11:02.080 | experience that's going to get you
00:11:03.480 | glued to this as much as possible.
00:11:05.520 | I mean, maybe they care about
00:11:06.480 | that in the short term, but the
00:11:07.360 | long-term impact I think of
00:11:08.640 | democratizing video is going to be
00:11:10.640 | a complete change of that landscape.
00:11:12.640 | So we see hints of that in 22% of us
00:11:16.800 | adults getting their news from YouTube.
00:11:18.040 | That's because YouTube is their TV.
00:11:20.160 | That is their cable TV.
00:11:22.000 | They don't go to CNN.
00:11:23.120 | They go to a YouTube channel
00:11:24.600 | of someone they trust.
00:11:25.720 | They want to know about, let's
00:11:28.000 | say the latest COVID news, instead
00:11:29.760 | of going to Fox news or MSNBC.
00:11:32.360 | They will switch to something like
00:11:35.240 | John Campbell's YouTube page, a
00:11:38.360 | former nurse and instructor of nurse
00:11:40.440 | who has a YouTube page where every
00:11:41.920 | other day, or maybe even every day,
00:11:43.400 | he literally just takes the statistics
00:11:45.320 | of what's going on in UK in particular
00:11:47.240 | with COVID numbers, and he goes through
00:11:48.600 | them and the camera shows him the paper
00:11:51.240 | and he just ticks things off with his
00:11:52.640 | pen and just let's go through the numbers
00:11:54.040 | and see what's happening.
00:11:54.920 | 2.5 million subscribers.
00:11:56.880 | He had more people watching those
00:11:59.480 | videos than are watching the
00:12:01.400 | morning show on CNN.
00:12:02.800 | So this I think is, is interesting.
00:12:04.760 | And where is this all going to lead?
00:12:06.120 | Well, I honestly think the red
00:12:08.600 | herring in this conversation, the red
00:12:10.480 | herring is the highly engaging, addictive
00:12:14.080 | TikTok style user generated, go straight
00:12:17.160 | into my brainstem type quick, quick,
00:12:19.240 | 15 second content.
00:12:20.440 | What I think is going to emerge from
00:12:22.160 | the YouTube world is this medium
00:12:25.400 | level production value.
00:12:26.760 | Like, I think this is
00:12:27.800 | what's going to be important.
00:12:28.840 | This is what is going to disrupt
00:12:30.200 | the television in particular, the
00:12:32.160 | cable television landscape, which is
00:12:35.360 | hundreds of billions of dollars of economy.
00:12:37.280 | What's going to disrupt this is
00:12:38.520 | people creating videos, but not creating
00:12:41.040 | videos quickly with their phone to go
00:12:42.920 | to TikTok, but people who have some
00:12:44.520 | production value.
00:12:45.440 | That they have a set, they have some
00:12:48.480 | good lights, they have some people working
00:12:49.880 | on it.
00:12:50.000 | It's still a fraction of the cost of
00:12:51.600 | producing a half hour of standard
00:12:53.320 | terrestrial linear cable programming,
00:12:56.000 | but it's, it's, it's good
00:12:57.600 | enough production values.
00:12:58.840 | We saw that happen in the blogging
00:13:01.120 | revolution. It was individual bloggers
00:13:02.960 | that gave way towards content sites.
00:13:07.120 | You get the like buzz feeds and the
00:13:09.680 | slates and the vox that actually were
00:13:11.840 | replicating newspaper magazine quality,
00:13:14.680 | but at a fraction of the production cost.
00:13:16.080 | We're seeing that in audio,
00:13:17.120 | what's happening in podcast.
00:13:18.320 | We're seeing this large industry
00:13:21.520 | eating into and about the conquer radio.
00:13:24.800 | But what are the shows
00:13:26.520 | that are doing this?
00:13:27.040 | Well, they have radio
00:13:27.960 | style production values.
00:13:29.200 | I mean, there's a reason why we're in
00:13:30.400 | this studio, why we have all this
00:13:32.320 | equipment over here.
00:13:33.440 | It's a lot cheaper than
00:13:35.200 | running an NPR affiliate,
00:13:36.560 | but when you, you, you cross that
00:13:38.720 | uncanny Valley into production values
00:13:40.800 | that are close enough to professional.
00:13:42.320 | That's when these democratized.
00:13:44.160 | Channels for media production
00:13:46.560 | become important.
00:13:47.200 | And that I think is the, the important
00:13:48.800 | thing happening in YouTube is not.
00:13:50.960 | My picture I took with my smartphone,
00:13:53.640 | but the breaking point set where they
00:13:56.920 | have a pretty good lighting grid and
00:13:58.840 | they're using a $60,000 4k camera,
00:14:01.720 | three camera system with a TriCaster
00:14:03.560 | so that you can actually display their
00:14:05.120 | show on a 4k large screen television.
00:14:08.400 | And it looks the same resolution style
00:14:11.000 | as what's coming out of the TV studios.
00:14:12.960 | $60,000 is a lot, but it's a fraction
00:14:15.640 | of what it pays to do cost to
00:14:17.120 | do a traditional cable show.
00:14:18.280 | So anyways, there's this underlying
00:14:20.040 | trend I think is important.
00:14:21.120 | YouTube is becoming the new TV
00:14:23.640 | for a bigger generation.
00:14:24.680 | This is driving a crossing
00:14:27.800 | of the uncanny Valley.
00:14:28.800 | More and more democratically
00:14:30.160 | distributedly produced video content
00:14:33.120 | is beginning to approximate the
00:14:34.560 | production values of low in television.
00:14:36.320 | That I think those are the moves.
00:14:38.040 | I think that really
00:14:38.680 | disrupt the media landscape.
00:14:39.840 | So there's the whole engagement
00:14:41.680 | war happening with social media platforms.
00:14:43.280 | Let's put that aside for now.
00:14:44.440 | This I think is a trend that is also.
00:14:46.560 | It's also worth keeping an eye on.
00:14:49.320 | I mean, Jesse, that's
00:14:51.440 | why we're doing video.
00:14:52.360 | I don't really know.
00:14:53.840 | We don't really know what exactly
00:14:57.360 | we're trying to accomplish by having
00:14:58.800 | the reasonably lit studio,
00:15:00.320 | a pretty good camera system,
00:15:02.160 | you know, some good audio.
00:15:03.520 | But as you heard me say all along
00:15:05.760 | is I just had this instinct.
00:15:06.960 | I think we should be there.
00:15:08.400 | I think things are happening.
00:15:10.080 | I can't tell you.
00:15:10.720 | I can't point to, oh,
00:15:12.600 | we're trying to do X,
00:15:13.520 | what this person is doing,
00:15:14.400 | and we can be there in six months.
00:15:15.680 | But I think a couple of years from now.
00:15:17.320 | There's some importance
00:15:19.400 | to being early on this.
00:15:20.360 | It's the same deal you talked about
00:15:21.960 | originally when you, you know,
00:15:23.760 | provided the justification
00:15:24.960 | for the YouTube channel and having.
00:15:27.520 | You know, your core ideas,
00:15:29.800 | those types of like your reading lists,
00:15:32.160 | like you can get specific content
00:15:33.640 | where I've like you went to the podcast
00:15:35.280 | and go to minute 32.
00:15:37.600 | Yeah, whatever.
00:15:38.760 | To see Cal talk about books.
00:15:41.200 | Whereas now you can
00:15:41.840 | just send him the video.
00:15:42.560 | It's like easy.
00:15:43.280 | You can share.
00:15:44.480 | Yeah.
00:15:44.720 | And there's something about visual.
00:15:46.040 | Like, why do people
00:15:47.640 | watch video of podcasts?
00:15:49.200 | I had this conversation
00:15:50.120 | with a friend of mine.
00:15:50.760 | We went out to lunch and he's my age.
00:15:52.760 | So he's like, I don't understand
00:15:54.960 | why you would anyone
00:15:56.920 | would have a video of a podcast.
00:15:58.400 | He's like, when are people,
00:15:59.920 | when are they listening to it?
00:16:01.000 | And I was like, no,
00:16:01.360 | people like to watch it.
00:16:02.720 | It's funny.
00:16:03.320 | I actually figured out when they do
00:16:05.240 | one of my buddies, Aton,
00:16:06.680 | who I hadn't seen in a while.
00:16:08.360 | He watches it in the gym.
00:16:09.760 | So he has it on the gym.
00:16:11.280 | And then he's like on a big TV.
00:16:13.360 | And then he sent me a picture.
00:16:14.920 | He's like, is that you?
00:16:15.680 | And I was like, it is me.
00:16:16.960 | So then he watches it when he works out.
00:16:19.280 | Yeah.
00:16:19.480 | I think a lot of people do that.
00:16:20.240 | It's like people used to put TV on.
00:16:21.600 | So why not?
00:16:22.200 | I think the sports radio
00:16:23.800 | people figure that out, right?
00:16:25.760 | Especially like the early Dan Patrick,
00:16:27.760 | Colin Coward, like they figured out
00:16:31.200 | people like to see you,
00:16:34.840 | even if it's just they're
00:16:36.000 | in their studio with their fancy mic
00:16:37.320 | and they're just sitting there talking.
00:16:38.360 | Something about it is just
00:16:39.400 | that was really compelling.
00:16:40.880 | There's the, you know, the sports junkies
00:16:42.960 | is a morning sports show here in D.C.
00:16:46.320 | They have they're now televised
00:16:49.000 | on the NBC sports network, right?
00:16:52.640 | It's just four guys
00:16:54.280 | around the table talking.
00:16:55.520 | But that is like compelling television.
00:16:57.720 | There's something don't underestimate,
00:16:59.520 | you know, our attraction to the visual.
00:17:01.760 | So I don't think the models there yet.
00:17:03.840 | Like the obviously the monetization
00:17:05.960 | model is coming there for podcasts.
00:17:07.640 | I mean, the ad rates are good.
00:17:10.360 | Really good shows are getting bought up
00:17:12.880 | in the networks for real money.
00:17:14.240 | You know, people are making more on
00:17:16.720 | podcasts than they would have
00:17:17.800 | made in low end TV.
00:17:18.880 | So like the model is there for podcasting.
00:17:20.600 | YouTube, not really.
00:17:22.080 | I mean, there's like the super
00:17:23.400 | like professional YouTubers
00:17:25.400 | trying to do that, Mr.
00:17:26.680 | B style.
00:17:27.440 | I have millions and millions of viewers
00:17:28.960 | and trying to get that game.
00:17:30.240 | But I think there's another video game
00:17:32.440 | that that hasn't emerged yet.
00:17:33.840 | We're like high quality video
00:17:35.360 | approximating cable
00:17:36.720 | where the revenue is not from
00:17:38.560 | some incredibly low CPM
00:17:40.120 | automated YouTube ad,
00:17:41.600 | but from something else.
00:17:42.520 | And maybe that's nothing
00:17:43.080 | to do with YouTube.
00:17:43.800 | It's on private apps or networks.
00:17:46.440 | I don't know.
00:17:47.080 | But I mean, I think there's something.
00:17:49.240 | Well, even on Tyler
00:17:52.640 | Cohen's podcast recently,
00:17:53.920 | he was talking to Horowitz
00:17:56.640 | and what's the partner's name?
00:17:57.840 | He's talking to the partner
00:17:59.360 | and they were talking about
00:18:00.240 | how Andreessen Andreessen.
00:18:01.800 | Mark Andreessen.
00:18:02.440 | Yeah.
00:18:02.720 | And he was talking about how the economic
00:18:05.560 | model for podcasts
00:18:06.400 | actually isn't there yet.
00:18:07.320 | Well, he's like it's
00:18:08.640 | starting to get there, but it's still.
00:18:10.360 | He was explaining he does a much better
00:18:12.480 | job of explaining than I did,
00:18:13.520 | but it was pretty cool to listen to.
00:18:14.760 | Yeah, because I know two people, not well,
00:18:16.440 | but just like have crossed paths
00:18:17.760 | with them or talk with them.
00:18:19.000 | Who in the last year or two are
00:18:22.080 | have done seven figure deals.
00:18:24.760 | For podcasting.
00:18:26.520 | I mean, the interesting thing about that is.
00:18:30.280 | Like in writing, for example,
00:18:32.560 | which has been around forever,
00:18:34.120 | seven figure deals are very, very hard
00:18:37.360 | and they're very, very rare, right?
00:18:39.160 | I mean,
00:18:39.560 | the level of success
00:18:42.480 | you have to have in the world of writing
00:18:44.600 | in terms of where you rank
00:18:47.440 | among other writers to do seven figure
00:18:49.240 | deals is like really at the tippy top.
00:18:51.920 | These guys doing seven figure deals
00:18:53.920 | for podcast are not at that super elite level.
00:18:58.200 | It's not like, OK, these are the names.
00:19:00.080 | I mean, if you're
00:19:00.440 | going to, if you're doing a seven
00:19:01.320 | figure deal for a book,
00:19:02.240 | people know who you are.
00:19:03.640 | These are not podcasters
00:19:06.600 | who people like, oh, yeah,
00:19:07.560 | I know that show, right?
00:19:08.760 | So there's something
00:19:09.520 | interesting going on.
00:19:10.240 | I think it's a highly monetizable world.
00:19:12.640 | It's the, I don't know, Jordan Harbinger
00:19:15.160 | and I talked about this when we did.
00:19:17.400 | It's last summer, I don't know, I did.
00:19:18.880 | I had him on the show a while ago
00:19:20.640 | and we got deep into
00:19:21.680 | the economics of podcasting
00:19:23.520 | and we tried to get into this
00:19:25.480 | and I was kind of arguing
00:19:27.200 | that the peak of,
00:19:28.440 | you know, you can make a good living
00:19:30.360 | is actually way broader on that
00:19:32.080 | than in other things.
00:19:32.720 | He kind of disagreed, but it was
00:19:34.120 | something interesting going on
00:19:35.160 | when I when I know two people.
00:19:36.440 | Who's like if I
00:19:38.760 | grab someone on the street
00:19:41.000 | and said their name,
00:19:41.480 | they don't know who they are,
00:19:42.360 | but are doing these seven figure deals.
00:19:44.120 | Something's interesting going on
00:19:45.880 | because in almost every other media,
00:19:47.320 | if you're doing seven figure deals
00:19:48.840 | at the very least,
00:19:50.040 | you're a popular host of a radio show.
00:19:53.000 | You're like you have
00:19:53.760 | you have a pretty good prime time,
00:19:55.760 | maybe early prime time cable news show.
00:19:58.520 | Your your book is.
00:20:00.480 | At the front of the bookstore
00:20:03.680 | at the airport and podcasting is.
00:20:06.080 | Bringing people to that level,
00:20:08.440 | it's similar to like Internet marketing,
00:20:10.440 | how people kill it on the Internet,
00:20:11.880 | you know, and like you can compare that
00:20:13.640 | to like a brick and mortar business and.
00:20:16.080 | Right, some of these
00:20:16.720 | Internet marketers are.
00:20:17.960 | You would see this simple website
00:20:19.520 | and it generates millions
00:20:20.840 | of millions of dollars a month.
00:20:21.800 | It's yeah, you kind of told me
00:20:23.440 | about some of that world
00:20:24.160 | like the numbers are crazy.
00:20:25.200 | Yeah, they're insane.
00:20:26.120 | Yeah, yeah.
00:20:27.400 | And forget seven, right?
00:20:29.080 | Talk eight figures or more, right?
00:20:30.760 | Some of them.
00:20:31.440 | I mean, I mean,
00:20:32.200 | it's really hard to figure out,
00:20:33.160 | but if you figure it out, I mean,
00:20:34.360 | but even like the seven figure ones
00:20:36.360 | or whatever, I mean, that's doable.
00:20:38.560 | You know?
00:20:39.000 | Yeah. So it's interesting.
00:20:40.040 | I love those trends.
00:20:41.320 | So I think video like so
00:20:42.960 | audio is getting there.
00:20:44.480 | Text never got there.
00:20:45.480 | It was very the upper limit
00:20:48.760 | for monetizing democratized text
00:20:51.160 | after the World Wide Web came along.
00:20:52.640 | The upper limit there was
00:20:54.560 | the ceiling was relatively low,
00:20:58.320 | like and Andrew Sullivan
00:21:00.440 | could get high six figures
00:21:02.760 | for the Daily Dish.
00:21:03.600 | But it was a huge pain.
00:21:05.560 | You know, it was a huge pain technically.
00:21:07.920 | You know, I think some people
00:21:09.760 | now with substack
00:21:10.680 | and can do like high six figures.
00:21:13.280 | But it's like that's a ceiling
00:21:14.840 | for people who are
00:21:15.520 | at the very top of the game,
00:21:16.680 | the very top of their pyramid.
00:21:17.960 | Audio seems to be, you know.
00:21:20.600 | Better like I could
00:21:23.880 | I could replace my Georgetown salary.
00:21:26.280 | With what we're doing right now,
00:21:29.760 | which is a half day a week,
00:21:31.040 | so that's like
00:21:31.680 | something's happening there.
00:21:32.920 | And we see these people
00:21:34.040 | doing seven figure stuff
00:21:35.080 | and video, I think it's going to.
00:21:36.880 | Maybe have an even bigger.
00:21:39.000 | Yeah, I just don't think
00:21:40.360 | it's figured it out yet.
00:21:40.920 | Obviously, YouTube ads is not
00:21:43.600 | what is going to monetize video
00:21:45.800 | in a meaningful way.
00:21:46.920 | It's just the numbers aren't there.
00:21:48.200 | It it only rewards virality
00:21:51.680 | and certain types of like content
00:21:53.960 | that serves to the algorithm.
00:21:55.760 | Well, I think this could be monetization
00:21:58.000 | that gets free from the algorithm.
00:21:59.120 | So we'll see.
00:21:59.840 | That's kind of what Mark
00:22:01.120 | was talking about.
00:22:01.840 | Right. So that's what he was.
00:22:03.960 | I can't really explain it well,
00:22:05.840 | but I'd have to listen to it again.
00:22:06.960 | But he was talking about some stuff.
00:22:08.200 | This was so this was on
00:22:09.440 | Tyler Cowen's podcast kind of recently.
00:22:11.520 | Yeah, I just listened to last week.
00:22:13.080 | Andreessen and Horowitz were both.
00:22:14.880 | It was just Mark.
00:22:16.080 | Just Mark Andreessen.
00:22:16.880 | Yeah. On the show.
00:22:18.200 | Interesting. He reads a lot, too.
00:22:19.400 | You probably get along with him.
00:22:20.400 | Never met him.
00:22:21.560 | You guys, I could tell you guys
00:22:23.440 | would be able to talk about a lot of stuff.
00:22:25.040 | Yeah.
00:22:25.320 | Well, speaking of talking about stuff.
00:22:27.720 | Let's do a couple ads,
00:22:30.400 | as that's what actually allows us to keep.
00:22:32.800 | Speaking of monetization,
00:22:34.200 | let's do a couple ads here
00:22:36.760 | and then we can get into some questions.
00:22:38.120 | Let's start with Grammarly.
00:22:41.040 | One of the oldest sponsors of this show,
00:22:43.520 | I think they might have been.
00:22:44.440 | I think they might have been
00:22:46.120 | the original ad read on Deep Questions.
00:22:48.600 | I'm not sure, but if they weren't,
00:22:49.680 | they were one of the first test ad reads
00:22:52.000 | we did to prove that
00:22:52.840 | that we actually had an audience
00:22:54.440 | who cared about these things.
00:22:56.080 | So you've heard me talk about Grammarly
00:22:57.800 | for a while.
00:22:58.800 | I'm a fan because I'm a fan of writing
00:23:03.040 | clear communication,
00:23:05.120 | whether you are sending an email
00:23:07.000 | or a report going to a client
00:23:09.040 | or a cover letter for a job application.
00:23:12.600 | Clear communication is absolutely vital.
00:23:15.320 | If you can communicate confidently,
00:23:17.960 | competently and clearly,
00:23:19.600 | it just reflects an organized,
00:23:22.120 | competent, clear thinking mind.
00:23:24.640 | It makes you a much more powerful,
00:23:26.960 | puts you in a much more powerful position
00:23:29.040 | in the job market.
00:23:29.960 | Grammarly can help you do that.
00:23:34.040 | It's an all in one writing tool
00:23:35.720 | that helps you turn out
00:23:36.560 | clear, concise communication quicker,
00:23:38.920 | than ever.
00:23:40.440 | And when you use Grammarly
00:23:42.720 | and its premium product,
00:23:44.320 | Grammarly Premium,
00:23:45.320 | you get access to some
00:23:46.440 | pretty cutting edge tools.
00:23:48.120 | It doesn't just fix your grammar mistakes,
00:23:50.000 | which, by the way, you have to do.
00:23:51.280 | You cannot have grammar
00:23:52.640 | mistakes in your writing,
00:23:53.640 | but it can do much more.
00:23:55.280 | Are you trying to nail
00:23:56.080 | that perfect cold pitch?
00:23:57.160 | You can use Grammarly's free
00:23:58.520 | tone detector to make sure
00:24:01.280 | you're making the right impression.
00:24:03.560 | Let's say you have an idea
00:24:05.520 | that you're trying to get out clearly.
00:24:07.760 | This is the whole challenge for me
00:24:09.840 | when I do my writing,
00:24:10.720 | especially New Yorker writing.
00:24:11.880 | It's all about I have this idea
00:24:13.440 | and how do I get that out clearly?
00:24:14.720 | This is a place where Grammarly can help
00:24:16.480 | by doing clarity focused sentence rewrites.
00:24:20.680 | You said this.
00:24:21.640 | Redo the sentence this way.
00:24:23.760 | Same meeting much clearer
00:24:25.680 | if you use Grammarly Premium.
00:24:27.480 | So the EPSIL premium product,
00:24:29.040 | they'll will also do tone transformations.
00:24:33.440 | These are kind of cool.
00:24:34.760 | Your tone is this.
00:24:36.560 | You want the tone to be like this.
00:24:37.760 | Let's show you how to make changes to do that.
00:24:40.440 | So Grammarly is free to download
00:24:42.240 | as a desktop app.
00:24:43.160 | It works where you do.
00:24:44.320 | You wherever you write on your computer,
00:24:48.000 | Grammarly can be there to help you.
00:24:49.560 | So get to the point faster
00:24:51.480 | and accomplish more with Grammarly.
00:24:52.760 | Go to
00:24:55.400 | to sign up for a free account.
00:24:57.680 | And when you're ready to upgrade
00:24:59.440 | to Grammarly Premium,
00:25:00.280 | you'll get 20% off for being my listener,
00:25:03.320 | but you have to use that slash deep.
00:25:05.280 | That's 20% off at
00:25:06.680 |
00:25:13.560 | Now word from another sponsor.
00:25:17.160 | Better help.
00:25:19.440 | Think for a second about
00:25:22.120 | how much you care about
00:25:24.000 | taking care of your car.
00:25:26.640 | Right?
00:25:28.120 | Imagine you had the same car
00:25:30.120 | for your entire life.
00:25:30.960 | You would put a lot of effort in.
00:25:32.120 | Let's keep this thing running.
00:25:33.440 | Let's keep the oil change
00:25:34.840 | when the timing belt is getting old.
00:25:36.320 | We want to replace them.
00:25:37.920 | Well, we're stuck with our same brains
00:25:40.360 | for our whole life,
00:25:41.120 | so why aren't we treating them
00:25:42.800 | the same way?
00:25:44.480 | How you care for your mind
00:25:45.960 | will affect how you experience your life.
00:25:47.920 | So it's important to invest time
00:25:49.600 | and care into keeping our minds healthy.
00:25:53.280 | And there are plenty of ways to do this.
00:25:55.520 | You can challenge your mind
00:25:57.960 | by learning a new language.
00:25:59.160 | You can take naps.
00:26:00.320 | You can, of course,
00:26:01.680 | listen to the Deep Questions podcast.
00:26:04.840 | But you should add to the list.
00:26:07.080 | Better help online therapy.
00:26:10.320 | We live, as always, in challenging,
00:26:13.920 | uneven times.
00:26:14.920 | I talk to a lot of people
00:26:16.080 | who are struggling
00:26:17.160 | in the mental department.
00:26:18.080 | Maybe it's anxiety.
00:26:19.720 | Maybe it's depression.
00:26:20.880 | Maybe it's a sense of pervasive overload.
00:26:23.400 | Therapy can help.
00:26:24.960 | Therapists are in a lot of demand right now.
00:26:28.000 | The one that happens to be down the street
00:26:30.440 | might not have any slots open.
00:26:32.280 | This is where it's great
00:26:33.400 | to have an option like Better Help.
00:26:36.240 | It is an online therapy tool
00:26:38.440 | that will allow you
00:26:39.320 | to connect with therapists
00:26:40.440 | without actually having to be right there.
00:26:44.320 | It does not have to be someone
00:26:45.720 | who is local.
00:26:47.320 | So when you use Better Help online therapy,
00:26:50.120 | you get video, phone
00:26:51.560 | and even live chat only sessions.
00:26:54.920 | You don't even have to use the camera
00:26:57.080 | if you do not want to actually be seen
00:27:00.120 | by the other person.
00:27:00.760 | Whatever makes you comfortable.
00:27:02.200 | It's much more affordable
00:27:03.760 | than in-person therapy.
00:27:05.000 | It gives you access to many more
00:27:06.520 | potential practitioners
00:27:08.840 | than doing traditional therapy
00:27:09.960 | where you're limited
00:27:10.520 | to your local neighborhood.
00:27:12.120 | You can be matched with the therapist
00:27:13.720 | in under 48 hours.
00:27:15.800 | Our listeners get 10% off their first month
00:27:19.680 | at
00:27:23.440 | So if you go to,
00:27:27.280 | one word,
00:27:28.960 | you will get 10% off your first month.
00:27:31.200 | That's
00:27:38.320 | All right, let's do some
00:27:42.160 | questions of our own,
00:27:43.720 | some questions of our own, Jesse.
00:27:45.280 | I have two in a row
00:27:46.200 | that are about children.
00:27:48.120 | So I figure we'll do
00:27:49.000 | we'll start off our questions today
00:27:50.640 | with a child question block.
00:27:54.080 | Our first one comes from Sarah.
00:27:58.360 | Sarah says, I'm particularly fascinated
00:28:00.760 | in digital minimalism
00:28:03.120 | from a parent's perspective.
00:28:05.120 | I'm really concerned
00:28:07.080 | about how my children,
00:28:08.400 | the oldest of which is currently nine.
00:28:10.840 | Sarah, by the way, my oldest is also nine.
00:28:13.680 | So this is relevant.
00:28:16.000 | I'm particularly concerned
00:28:18.480 | about how my children will navigate
00:28:19.640 | the digital world as they reach the age
00:28:22.480 | when they and their peers
00:28:23.680 | are likely to first obtain smartphones
00:28:26.440 | here in the UK, where we live.
00:28:28.280 | This is generally
00:28:29.000 | as they start secondary school at age 11.
00:28:32.040 | I'm equally concerned
00:28:34.520 | how they will navigate adolescents
00:28:35.960 | in the digital world we live now.
00:28:38.120 | I'd really appreciate
00:28:39.200 | any information or advice
00:28:41.320 | you may have directed towards parents
00:28:44.080 | on this topic.
00:28:45.880 | Well, Sarah, I do have some thoughts,
00:28:48.480 | these are the thoughts
00:28:49.080 | that makes me very unpopular
00:28:50.560 | among a lot of young adolescents,
00:28:53.160 | but I will give them to you nonetheless.
00:28:57.000 | Here's my TLDR summary of
00:28:58.840 | digital engagement and kids.
00:29:01.840 | I would worry about
00:29:04.600 | giving unrestricted smartphone access
00:29:07.880 | to anyone under the age
00:29:10.680 | of, let's say, 16 or 17.
00:29:12.160 | In other words, 16 or 17
00:29:14.000 | is probably the appropriate earliest age.
00:29:17.520 | To give unrestricted smartphone
00:29:20.200 | access to a kid, certainly not 11.
00:29:26.520 | There's a couple of issues
00:29:27.480 | here that are relevant.
00:29:28.360 | I believe the evidence is becoming
00:29:30.760 | increasingly clear
00:29:32.200 | that social media use
00:29:34.760 | during early adolescence
00:29:36.440 | and during puberty or pre-puberty
00:29:39.560 | is really potentially
00:29:41.520 | psychologically quite damaging.
00:29:43.080 | Now, your kid might be fine,
00:29:44.160 | but there's a big chance
00:29:45.040 | that they won't be.
00:29:45.880 | This is a danger zone.
00:29:47.120 | Early adolescent girls in particular
00:29:49.600 | who do heavy social media use.
00:29:52.200 | There's some real scary signals there.
00:29:54.880 | But forget the debates
00:29:56.400 | about the research literature.
00:29:57.800 | Social psych literature
00:29:59.280 | is very difficult.
00:30:00.040 | It's very difficult to get clear
00:30:01.320 | signals on anything.
00:30:02.400 | Just look at the target audience itself
00:30:05.200 | and see what they self-report.
00:30:06.440 | I hear this again and again
00:30:09.400 | from young adolescents.
00:30:10.800 | This is a source of anxiety.
00:30:13.600 | This is a source of feelings of self-harm.
00:30:16.760 | This is ruining my life.
00:30:19.960 | All occasions pointing towards
00:30:22.160 | heavy social media use on their phone.
00:30:25.400 | There's other issues
00:30:26.240 | with unrestricted
00:30:27.240 | smartphone use as well.
00:30:29.880 | Excessive video game
00:30:31.320 | playing is a big deal.
00:30:33.400 | These games are very addictive,
00:30:34.920 | especially those that are massively
00:30:36.480 | multiplayer online style games.
00:30:38.600 | Give, for example,
00:30:40.080 | a young adolescent male
00:30:41.480 | unrestricted access
00:30:43.040 | to games on their phone.
00:30:44.280 | And you might get six,
00:30:45.760 | seven plus hours of playing.
00:30:47.320 | They'll play them into the night.
00:30:48.600 | They'll show addictive tendencies
00:30:51.080 | where they can act out
00:30:52.920 | with anger or rage
00:30:54.720 | if the screen is trying
00:30:56.200 | to be taken away from them.
00:30:57.200 | Their brains are not ready for that.
00:30:58.880 | I think that is really damaging.
00:31:00.280 | The other issue is pornography.
00:31:02.520 | You give unrestricted smartphone
00:31:04.040 | use to a 12 or 13 year old.
00:31:05.760 | You are going to potentially generate
00:31:08.560 | some real issues
00:31:10.160 | with their developing sexuality.
00:31:11.640 | You might also develop
00:31:12.480 | some real issues
00:31:13.440 | in how they actually relate to or treat
00:31:15.720 | with respect or not the opposite sex.
00:31:18.240 | These are real issues.
00:31:19.400 | And we shrug our shoulders at it and say,
00:31:22.840 | yeah, but.
00:31:23.360 | The other kids are doing it.
00:31:25.960 | And I don't think that's
00:31:27.720 | a strong enough rationale.
00:31:29.160 | I don't think that's
00:31:31.240 | a strong enough rationale.
00:31:32.080 | So what should you do instead?
00:31:33.200 | At the appropriate age,
00:31:35.360 | get them a phone with text messaging,
00:31:37.360 | but does not have the standard OS
00:31:40.040 | that can run social media apps
00:31:42.200 | and unrestricted web browsing.
00:31:44.000 | Get them a dumber phone,
00:31:45.600 | a feature phone that has text messaging.
00:31:47.440 | Sure, that's useful.
00:31:48.840 | That's very useful.
00:31:50.040 | Text me when you're done with practice
00:31:52.600 | and you want to be picked up.
00:31:53.440 | Let me text my friend and say,
00:31:54.680 | I'm coming over now.
00:31:55.680 | I think that's fine.
00:31:56.560 | I'm completely fine
00:31:57.560 | with that modern convenience.
00:31:59.200 | I mean, when I was in high school,
00:32:01.240 | it was all about pay phones
00:32:03.240 | and we had a calling card numbers
00:32:05.400 | we had memorized and quarters
00:32:07.040 | and you would try to call
00:32:08.160 | and hope that your parent was there.
00:32:10.240 | And if not, you waited.
00:32:11.240 | And that's not great
00:32:12.880 | from a convenience standpoint.
00:32:13.880 | So texting is fine,
00:32:14.840 | but not unrestricted access
00:32:16.240 | to the web or standard apps.
00:32:19.040 | What you also have to do instead
00:32:21.240 | is help encourage and guide your child
00:32:23.320 | so that they can find a social community
00:32:26.480 | aimed at some sort of
00:32:28.120 | common objective or goal,
00:32:29.320 | whether this is a theater
00:32:30.400 | troupe or a sports group or a band
00:32:33.480 | or a small fledgling teenage company,
00:32:36.600 | or they're in the first robotics club
00:32:39.520 | and in some sort of,
00:32:40.480 | you know, a STEM style gathering,
00:32:42.880 | whatever it is, but something
00:32:44.120 | that they can be with other people
00:32:45.720 | and build up their skills
00:32:47.280 | and feel the sting of defeat
00:32:49.240 | and enjoy the camaraderie of success
00:32:51.400 | when they do well
00:32:52.280 | and let this be the core
00:32:53.960 | of their social experience.
00:32:55.120 | If you have successfully
00:32:56.440 | a group like this,
00:32:57.280 | but you don't use social media,
00:32:58.840 | you'll be fine.
00:33:00.240 | You're like, yeah,
00:33:01.000 | I have my buddies from the track team
00:33:02.920 | and, you know, they kind of rag on me
00:33:04.600 | because I'm not on TikTok or whatever
00:33:06.800 | or I'm not on Snapchat or whatever.
00:33:08.920 | But like we have this bond
00:33:10.360 | and we do these things
00:33:11.240 | and it's just like a quirk
00:33:12.240 | and you will be fine.
00:33:13.720 | What you would want to avoid,
00:33:15.160 | of course, is someone
00:33:16.000 | whose entire social identity
00:33:17.800 | is based just off of this digital world.
00:33:19.640 | That's no good.
00:33:20.440 | And if you're in that situation
00:33:21.480 | and take away that digital world,
00:33:22.560 | you're isolated.
00:33:23.160 | Yes. So we need alternatives.
00:33:24.760 | And I think that's really.
00:33:25.800 | That's really the key
00:33:28.200 | to making it palatable
00:33:29.600 | for a 12, 13, 14, 15,
00:33:31.400 | maybe 16 year old
00:33:32.360 | not to have access to these phones
00:33:33.920 | is that they are entrenched
00:33:35.080 | in things that matter to them,
00:33:36.160 | to connect them to other people
00:33:37.400 | and give them meaning and forward drive.
00:33:39.720 | That's what we're wired for.
00:33:41.280 | That can satisfy it.
00:33:42.520 | They will survive without it.
00:33:44.480 | The only other point I want to say,
00:33:46.080 | Sarah, is I picked up a strong current
00:33:49.040 | during my digital minimalism book tour.
00:33:51.720 | I picked up a strong current.
00:33:53.920 | From contemporary adolescence
00:33:57.800 | of a backlash against these companies.
00:34:00.440 | And the last few years
00:34:02.680 | has seen this major
00:34:03.480 | social media backlash.
00:34:04.640 | This is media backlash
00:34:06.720 | against social media.
00:34:07.840 | Mark Zuckerberg has been transformed
00:34:10.080 | into a devil style character.
00:34:13.000 | Twitter is raked through the coals.
00:34:15.640 | This is all out there in the zeitgeist.
00:34:17.440 | I don't think these these apps
00:34:19.120 | have the same atmosphere
00:34:20.320 | of countercultural cool that they used to.
00:34:22.080 | Now, the countercultural move is perhaps
00:34:24.240 | to say I don't use any of these things.
00:34:26.160 | Forget you, Mark Zuckerberg.
00:34:28.160 | I'm not going to use your app.
00:34:29.600 | Forget you, ByteDance.
00:34:31.280 | Good for you for getting a billion users
00:34:34.680 | to TikTok in only four years.
00:34:35.960 | I don't want to be a part
00:34:37.000 | of your attention mining factory.
00:34:39.520 | There is a growing countercultural
00:34:41.480 | street cred in being someone
00:34:42.920 | who knows what you're about
00:34:44.320 | and you're 14 and you're
00:34:45.400 | not on those things
00:34:46.400 | and you're killing it somewhere else.
00:34:47.600 | And people like you,
00:34:48.520 | that thread was definitely
00:34:50.400 | one that was growing.
00:34:51.600 | And I think it's getting easier and easier
00:34:54.000 | to be one of those younger people
00:34:56.720 | who doesn't use these services.
00:34:58.240 | It's not seen as square,
00:34:59.880 | I think, as much as it might be seen
00:35:01.560 | as forward looking.
00:35:03.520 | So this is all going to get easier, Sarah.
00:35:05.400 | So resist getting them a phone for now.
00:35:08.000 | Hopefully by the time
00:35:08.840 | your nine year old is 11,
00:35:10.040 | it'll be considered quite standard
00:35:12.640 | the fact that you are not
00:35:13.720 | giving them a smartphone.
00:35:14.920 | And even if it's not, you should resist.
00:35:18.120 | I have a quick two questions, actually.
00:35:20.880 | So in terms of getting
00:35:22.720 | the appropriate phone
00:35:23.600 | for just text messaging,
00:35:25.080 | when do you think that should be?
00:35:27.120 | I mean, I guess it's regional.
00:35:28.840 | So around here, I don't know,
00:35:32.760 | it could be pretty early,
00:35:33.440 | like around here, I know.
00:35:34.960 | Nine and 10 year olds
00:35:37.360 | where they don't give them a phone yet,
00:35:39.040 | but they give them these watches.
00:35:41.960 | And the the watches allows them.
00:35:44.280 | There's there's three numbers
00:35:45.760 | programmed into it that they can call.
00:35:48.680 | So like you're
00:35:49.120 | typically their parents, right?
00:35:50.880 | And then you can do
00:35:53.680 | text messaging on the phone.
00:35:55.400 | But I think it's pre-programmed text
00:35:58.920 | like a mom, my wife,
00:35:59.840 | or you talk into it or something like this.
00:36:01.280 | But again, you can only talk
00:36:02.200 | to a small number of people on it.
00:36:03.560 | And it can also be a GPS tracker
00:36:05.840 | that your parents can use.
00:36:08.800 | And like around here,
00:36:11.080 | these watches will sometimes be used
00:36:12.680 | to allow like to give more freedom
00:36:14.360 | to like a nine and 10 year old.
00:36:15.320 | Like you can walk to school and back
00:36:16.680 | or go to the stores,
00:36:17.440 | because like if you have some issue,
00:36:18.480 | you can just like press the button
00:36:19.520 | and it'll call me and I can come get you
00:36:21.240 | or something like that.
00:36:21.800 | So there's these transitional things
00:36:23.120 | that I think are good
00:36:25.400 | in these close in city environments
00:36:27.200 | where people are otherwise worried
00:36:28.400 | to have their kids be completely free.
00:36:29.920 | I don't know.
00:36:30.720 | I mean, to me,
00:36:31.640 | text message available phone.
00:36:33.560 | I mean, I'm thinking middle school.
00:36:35.120 | I don't know if that sounds reasonable to you.
00:36:38.560 | I mean, the kids you coach are older,
00:36:40.480 | right, their high school.
00:36:41.280 | Yeah, they are.
00:36:41.880 | So they're all, you know,
00:36:42.960 | plugged into the matrix.
00:36:44.360 | Right.
00:36:44.600 | One other question, though,
00:36:46.040 | in terms of computers,
00:36:48.600 | like getting kids on computers
00:36:50.200 | and doing that sort of thing.
00:36:51.320 | Is there a crossover?
00:36:53.480 | Yeah, but I think
00:36:54.640 | the next question
00:36:56.480 | is going to be relevant to this.
00:36:57.360 | I think it's good for kids
00:36:59.040 | to have access to computers.
00:37:00.200 | Yeah.
00:37:00.360 | But it should be in public.
00:37:04.520 | Here is the family computer.
00:37:06.880 | It's in the middle of everything.
00:37:08.760 | As we go about our business,
00:37:10.240 | you know, preparing dinner,
00:37:11.400 | this or that, we see what you're doing.
00:37:12.680 | Don't have a computer in the room.
00:37:14.800 | At least until, you know,
00:37:16.560 | what in their room.
00:37:17.240 | Yeah.
00:37:17.640 | You're 17 and you're a hacker and you're,
00:37:19.640 | you know, you're going to go to MIT
00:37:21.920 | the next year and like, fine,
00:37:23.280 | you can go do your computer hacking,
00:37:25.280 | but you're 12, 13, 14 years old.
00:37:27.200 | Yeah.
00:37:27.720 | You want to go on like the Minecraft
00:37:29.840 | forum or whatever.
00:37:31.120 | And that's fine.
00:37:32.480 | But I'm going to it's out here
00:37:34.440 | and we're going to see what you're up to.
00:37:35.920 | Yeah, that's a good idea.
00:37:36.840 | All right.
00:37:37.640 | So here's a relevant related question.
00:37:39.400 | This is from Sam.
00:37:40.320 | Sam says, what is the appropriate age
00:37:42.440 | to get my child started
00:37:43.480 | with learning to code?
00:37:45.480 | My boys are eight and four.
00:37:47.880 | I want them to develop skills
00:37:49.000 | that can give them a great career.
00:37:51.160 | Sam, eight is not too early.
00:37:53.760 | I mean, if we're talking fundamentally,
00:37:56.480 | where do you have to be
00:37:57.280 | to potentially learn to code?
00:37:58.760 | You have to be comfortable
00:38:00.760 | working your way around the computer
00:38:02.440 | and computer interfaces,
00:38:03.440 | and you have to obviously be
00:38:04.720 | a fluent reader and writer
00:38:07.360 | because code is words.
00:38:08.880 | You got to understand how to do words.
00:38:10.800 | I believe I started coding
00:38:13.040 | when I was probably.
00:38:13.960 | Six or seven,
00:38:16.920 | if I had to remember,
00:38:18.600 | I mean, I don't know exactly.
00:38:20.480 | I just know when we moved
00:38:21.880 | from one place to another,
00:38:23.240 | I moved after second grade
00:38:25.240 | from Houston to New Jersey,
00:38:27.640 | and I remember in Houston
00:38:29.000 | messing around some with coding
00:38:33.320 | on my mom's computer.
00:38:35.720 | But really, when I was seven and eight
00:38:38.200 | in third grade is when I probably
00:38:39.400 | got more serious about it.
00:38:41.000 | So if they're interested,
00:38:42.560 | they can get their way
00:38:43.960 | around a computer.
00:38:44.720 | They can read.
00:38:46.360 | It's not too early.
00:38:47.280 | Here is my hot take
00:38:49.240 | on teaching kids to code
00:38:50.720 | where I differ from other people.
00:38:51.920 | I'm not a big believer
00:38:53.520 | in these dumbed down tools
00:38:56.560 | to help give you a, quote, unquote,
00:38:59.200 | coding mindset that will then set you up
00:39:02.120 | to learn a programming language later.
00:39:04.760 | I'm a big believer of
00:39:06.280 | start with a real language.
00:39:08.680 | Do simple stuff at first,
00:39:09.800 | but start with the real language
00:39:12.720 | and in your quest to want to do cooler
00:39:15.880 | things with that language.
00:39:17.120 | That is what will stretch you
00:39:19.560 | to learn more and more.
00:39:20.440 | So I was doing this
00:39:21.280 | some with my nine year old.
00:39:22.440 | He was he was interested
00:39:24.400 | in coding at the time,
00:39:25.280 | so I set him up with Python.
00:39:26.520 | And we use and I would recommend
00:39:29.400 | using something like replit, R-E-P-L-I-T.
00:39:33.240 | I think people I'm saying that wrong.
00:39:35.320 | So my pronunciation is wrong,
00:39:36.360 | but it is a web based coding environment.
00:39:38.960 | Cost a little bit of money,
00:39:40.360 | but you can just select
00:39:41.520 | whatever language you want to use
00:39:43.000 | and all the compiling
00:39:44.080 | and everything is happening
00:39:45.480 | and interpreting is
00:39:46.200 | happening on their servers.
00:39:47.280 | So so you don't have to configure
00:39:49.600 | your computer and download
00:39:50.920 | the latest version of Python
00:39:52.320 | and find a development environment.
00:39:54.240 | You just go to R-E-P-L-I-T.
00:39:56.000 | I want to Python.
00:39:57.800 | All the libraries are there.
00:39:59.480 | Whatever language you want to do.
00:40:00.760 | It's also a Google Docs
00:40:02.520 | style shared document paradigm.
00:40:04.400 | So while your kid is on there,
00:40:06.200 | you can be on a different computer
00:40:08.240 | sharing the same document,
00:40:09.800 | seeing what they're doing
00:40:10.880 | and helping them edit it.
00:40:12.600 | So just use something like that.
00:40:13.760 | Start simple.
00:40:14.560 | I taught my kid with some
00:40:16.440 | game, a book,
00:40:17.440 | showed him some basic stuff,
00:40:18.960 | and he was doing relatively simple
00:40:21.240 | text based games
00:40:22.920 | with some inputs and conditionals.
00:40:24.560 | So it would like present a question
00:40:26.520 | and you could type in your response
00:40:28.000 | and then based on what you said,
00:40:29.240 | it would print out what happened next.
00:40:31.160 | So he was sort of working on some basic
00:40:33.560 | conditional text based game logic.
00:40:36.600 | He kind of lost interest,
00:40:38.400 | but it was not a far step from there
00:40:40.840 | if he was really into it,
00:40:42.040 | into building out
00:40:43.800 | maybe more of an engine
00:40:45.600 | for those type of games
00:40:46.600 | than moving on the graphics,
00:40:47.800 | maybe using something like pie games.
00:40:49.160 | You would be surprised
00:40:49.960 | by how young people can.
00:40:51.200 | Master relatively complex
00:40:54.120 | syntax and procedure,
00:40:55.600 | just they memorize
00:40:57.560 | and learn it pretty quickly,
00:40:58.360 | so use real languages.
00:40:59.440 | They don't need blocks
00:41:00.920 | that they hook together
00:41:02.160 | and try to get the programmatic
00:41:03.320 | mindset, just use languages.
00:41:04.680 | At least that's the way
00:41:06.560 | that's the way I did it.
00:41:07.960 | You know, I don't code much anymore,
00:41:10.400 | Jesse, but I used to be
00:41:11.520 | kind of a coding nerd.
00:41:13.120 | I can imagine coding nerd.
00:41:15.200 | I knew a lot of languages.
00:41:16.840 | Do you miss it now?
00:41:19.720 | Now, so I was I was like
00:41:21.400 | a I was a bit of a.
00:41:22.440 | Computer guy,
00:41:24.680 | but I was also a guitar guy,
00:41:27.640 | so I was also in bands
00:41:28.720 | and then I was a sports guy as well,
00:41:31.720 | like a track track
00:41:33.160 | athlete in high school.
00:41:33.800 | I put on a lot of hats.
00:41:35.000 | I move between a lot of circles,
00:41:36.960 | but I always like coding
00:41:39.040 | and making video games.
00:41:40.280 | I just learned a lot of languages.
00:41:41.600 | I sort of started with basic
00:41:42.920 | and then you get some C
00:41:44.120 | and then you start writing
00:41:45.440 | more inline assembler.
00:41:46.760 | And then when I was in early high school,
00:41:49.720 | you can it's not too hard to learn
00:41:52.440 | how to hack the assembler language
00:41:54.240 | that runs on the Texas
00:41:56.160 | Instrument graphing calculators.
00:41:57.480 | So if you can, if you can write
00:41:59.240 | in the underlying assembly
00:42:00.520 | language on those calculators,
00:42:01.600 | you can touch the graphic memory
00:42:02.920 | directly and actually do.
00:42:04.120 | So if you ever played
00:42:04.800 | like the actual real non text
00:42:06.280 | based games in your graphing calculator,
00:42:07.960 | that's programming
00:42:09.280 | directly in assembler language.
00:42:11.320 | And so I programmed a game
00:42:12.880 | back then called punt return
00:42:14.160 | my big contribution
00:42:16.000 | to the world of programs.
00:42:17.720 | And so it's a graphing calculator game
00:42:19.360 | in which you were a football player
00:42:22.320 | doing a punt return.
00:42:23.240 | And so you were kind of
00:42:24.800 | on the bottom of the screen,
00:42:25.680 | but you would see the football field,
00:42:27.440 | the yard markers kind of scrolling past
00:42:29.360 | and defenders would come on the screen
00:42:31.520 | and you would have to maneuver
00:42:32.680 | your way around them.
00:42:33.520 | And if you could get past
00:42:34.320 | enough defenders, you'd get the touchdown.
00:42:35.800 | So that was my big
00:42:37.440 | that's my big contribution
00:42:39.000 | to the world of programs.
00:42:39.760 | But then I went.
00:42:40.440 | So with the undergrad
00:42:42.040 | was doing computer science,
00:42:43.400 | doing research,
00:42:44.720 | systems, the type of research
00:42:46.960 | and so doing some coding
00:42:48.480 | and stuff like that.
00:42:49.120 | And then when I got to MIT, I just.
00:42:50.680 | Decided I don't want to program
00:42:54.520 | and I joined a theory group
00:42:56.440 | and that was it.
00:42:57.120 | And I stopped programming.
00:42:58.760 | So we got the MIT
00:43:00.600 | joined a theory group
00:43:01.560 | and that was that was
00:43:02.800 | the end of my programming days.
00:43:03.880 | And so now I'm really out of shape.
00:43:06.240 | I don't know.
00:43:06.560 | I don't know the modern.
00:43:07.640 | I mean, I do.
00:43:08.080 | That's not sure I program
00:43:09.200 | some games for my kids
00:43:10.200 | and Python and stuff like that.
00:43:11.520 | But I'm no I'm no coder.
00:43:13.520 | So is the theory group
00:43:15.440 | in terms of computer science, is that like
00:43:17.680 | if you're a mathematician
00:43:19.520 | going to like applied math?
00:43:20.800 | Yeah, I mean, they do have apply.
00:43:23.240 | It has a porous boundary
00:43:25.120 | with the applied mathematics group.
00:43:26.400 | At MIT, but
00:43:28.560 | yes, and all the financial guys
00:43:30.200 | use applied math and like stocks.
00:43:32.040 | Yeah, so there's an applied math.
00:43:33.760 | If you look at and I did recently,
00:43:35.320 | it was for my book for various reasons.
00:43:37.080 | I was looking at recent hires
00:43:38.480 | in the the applied math department
00:43:40.520 | at MIT, and some of those recent
00:43:42.360 | hires are doing things
00:43:43.320 | that could just as easily
00:43:44.200 | be within the theory group
00:43:45.440 | in the computer science department.
00:43:46.720 | So there is a porous border.
00:43:47.840 | The theory group at MIT was so cool
00:43:49.600 | because there was so many.
00:43:50.800 | So many world class famous minds
00:43:54.960 | that were all just.
00:43:55.960 | On the same floor,
00:43:57.880 | I talk about on the show sometimes,
00:43:58.960 | but it was still really cool
00:43:59.960 | thinking back like here's
00:44:01.480 | multiple MacArthur
00:44:03.200 | Genius Grant winners,
00:44:04.040 | multiple Turing Award winners,
00:44:05.640 | the people who invented all the things.
00:44:08.360 | Here's the guy who invented
00:44:09.560 | public key cryptography.
00:44:10.680 | He's the R&R essay.
00:44:12.200 | Here's the guy who became an MIT
00:44:13.880 | professor at 18 because he
00:44:16.160 | beautiful mind style
00:44:17.840 | proved this big thing
00:44:19.400 | about rigid geometry.
00:44:20.840 | You know, when he was a teenager,
00:44:23.240 | you know, here's a person
00:44:24.400 | who invented that.
00:44:25.440 | Here is the person who.
00:44:28.720 | You know, innovative
00:44:30.120 | all a quantum complexity theory
00:44:31.360 | and is really cool.
00:44:32.320 | Yeah, really, really cool.
00:44:33.680 | Really interesting, really intimidating
00:44:35.160 | because it really concentrates just.
00:44:36.880 | The superstars and MIT
00:44:39.680 | style of hiring is
00:44:41.200 | will wait till you're famous
00:44:42.800 | somewhere else.
00:44:43.600 | You know, it was like
00:44:44.880 | you talk about this like a
00:44:46.280 | like the Lakers were
00:44:47.960 | in the 2000s or something.
00:44:49.680 | Will wait till you're famous
00:44:50.480 | somewhere else and then you
00:44:51.520 | will bring you over here.
00:44:52.840 | So is this all superstars?
00:44:54.000 | Is everyone balls?
00:44:55.000 | I told you about that book
00:44:56.160 | about Ed Thorpe I'm reading
00:44:57.480 | and when he was at MIT
00:44:58.760 | back in the 60s, he.
00:45:00.280 | Claude Shannon was there.
00:45:01.480 | Oh, Shannon's a cool.
00:45:02.400 | And then they actually started
00:45:04.320 | becoming friends
00:45:05.040 | because Ed was doing all this
00:45:06.400 | like card counting stuff
00:45:07.440 | and he wrote that book
00:45:08.320 | and then they were building this like
00:45:09.840 | machine to like predict roulette
00:45:12.440 | like late at night.
00:45:13.400 | It's it's pretty cool.
00:45:14.640 | I got to read this book.
00:45:15.600 | Yeah, Shannon's a cool guy.
00:45:16.680 | Shannon must have been
00:45:17.360 | a grad student at the time
00:45:18.480 | because then he went on the Bell.
00:45:19.680 | Now they were on the same age.
00:45:20.880 | He was teaching, I think.
00:45:22.080 | Oh, he was doing some teaching there.
00:45:23.120 | Yeah, he was teaching there.
00:45:24.000 | OK, yeah, yeah.
00:45:25.320 | Shannon's an interesting character.
00:45:27.440 | Master before his Master's thesis, he basically invented digital electronics
00:45:31.460 | That was his Master's thesis. So
00:45:34.200 | It was saying in the book
00:45:36.080 | it was talking about how he had these shoes that he would like put on and like
00:45:39.040 | He could walk on water and his neighbors like who is this guy's a weird guy. But so I'll
00:45:44.100 | Shout out to my friend Jimmy sunny's book mind at play
00:45:49.620 | It's fantastic Shannon biography mind at play
00:45:54.240 | Sonny has a new book out about the PayPal mafia called the founders also recommend that
00:45:59.680 | But mind at play I like that book. So I'm a Shannon fan
00:46:03.340 | All right. Let's do some more questions. I got one here from Patrick not about children
00:46:09.020 | Figure we get a quick one in here Patrick says what are your suggestions to widen the vocabulary of a non-native English speaker for scientific?
00:46:17.580 | writing
00:46:19.680 | Well reading is probably the best way to do this. You want to read as much science related writing as you can
00:46:26.760 | I would probably focus more on science journalism
00:46:30.320 | So books written by good science journalists than I would actually scientific papers
00:46:36.000 | A lot of scientific papers are written pretty poorly, you know scientists have other things on their mind. You're actually going to pick up probably better
00:46:42.080 | Writing habits from science adjacent writings of reading a good science journalist
00:46:47.640 | I'd read as much of that as possible and then write as much as possible
00:46:50.960 | specifically trying to deploy
00:46:53.520 | rhythms turns of phrases techniques that you're seeing again and again in these
00:46:57.640 | Award caliber science journals and books trying to deploy some of that in your own writing that stretches where you're going to get better
00:47:02.880 | But it's all an exposure game read read read read read right right right right right back and forth back and forth
00:47:08.180 | That's the feedback loop that's going to make you better
00:47:10.680 | All right, let's do a call I
00:47:15.200 | Think we have a call here Jesse that
00:47:17.200 | It's gonna set up an even bigger topic I want to discuss okay, it sounds good
00:47:22.440 | Hi Cal, my name is Vito. I'm an engineering manager at the tech company as an engineering manager
00:47:32.140 | I have a lot of meetings and my calendar is always full. I'm having a hard time
00:47:37.280 | Controlling this spiraling calendar and I would like to ask you. What do you think I could do?
00:47:42.660 | I will have a lot of meetings. It is a part of my job. I cannot avoid right now
00:47:47.540 | I'm having full days with back-to-back meetings and it is often the case that
00:47:52.320 | Meetings will be scheduled right after one another
00:47:55.880 | I do have a good a good scenario here that I control a lot of these meetings and when they happen and I can
00:48:02.200 | Reschedule them a lot of them not all of them, of course
00:48:04.620 | But a lot of them I can't so I do have some control over the duration of these calls
00:48:09.320 | When do they happen if they meet up against each other or not?
00:48:13.240 | So I would like to ask you what what is your suggestion on controlling this calendar? Should I have a little bit of time?
00:48:20.740 | Between every every meeting should I schedule a lot of them together so that I have
00:48:25.820 | Bigger blocks on other parts of my day or maybe other parts of my week and then I have some days full and others not
00:48:34.180 | How would you handle a situation where your calendar is full and you need to have a lot of meetings?
00:48:39.240 | But you can move them around a little bit. What what you're taking this? Well, I mean Victor meeting overload is a perennial problem
00:48:46.940 | I think it's a problem that is worse
00:48:49.160 | These days than it's ever been before. So it's a good excuse to talk about meetings now
00:48:54.220 | probably the best advice here is to
00:48:57.520 | Be really weird in
00:49:01.060 | an unsettling way
00:49:03.580 | But not a way that you know directly is going to get you fired
00:49:07.620 | And then people just aren't going to want you in the meetings
00:49:09.480 | This is what I'm going to suggest and I think this is this is going to be the solution to your problem Victor
00:49:12.740 | I want you to come into each of those meetings
00:49:14.740 | with a squid a
00:49:17.460 | Squid on your head
00:49:20.580 | Don't really mention it just you come in you're in the meeting
00:49:24.980 | Maybe it smells a little bit weird and then just throughout the meeting keep breaking in the volunteer to say can I tell you what?
00:49:32.140 | I really
00:49:33.260 | really hate
00:49:35.260 | Squids and just kind of keep bringing that up and then you know, someone else be talking and then and you just say, you know
00:49:41.020 | beady eyes
00:49:43.900 | that devilish beak
00:49:45.900 | Satan spawn they are
00:49:49.540 | Squids we could do without I'm telling you do this enough the squids on your head
00:49:54.280 | Maybe sometimes you come in with a fishing rod, but like you don't talk about it do this long enough and people like no Victor
00:49:59.840 | We're cool. We'll
00:50:01.700 | We'll email you the notes like you don't worry about it
00:50:04.960 | Like it's it's really gonna it's nothing because it's not it's unsettling, but it's not like an HR violation, right?
00:50:10.680 | Like you're not you're not coming in there and being like, let me tell you what I hate about people with red hair
00:50:15.680 | It's squids, you know
00:50:17.680 | This doesn't work. If your boss is a squid actually, okay. Let's let's let's be more serious here
00:50:22.920 | I want to use this as an excuse to go through
00:50:25.260 | my standard toolbox
00:50:29.140 | For taming meetings
00:50:30.660 | There's multiple different tools that can be deployed to tame meetings in exactly Victor situation a situation where you can't just not go to meetings
00:50:37.960 | And Victor is really clear about this here. I can't not do these. I can't not do these
00:50:42.040 | Don't tell me to stop do these I can't not do these great
00:50:44.420 | A lot of people are in that situation be it in their office or over zoom, but it's lots of meetings
00:50:49.000 | I have a toolbox. I'm gonna give you this toolbox
00:50:51.200 | And you can pick and choose
00:50:53.880 | Which of these things might work best?
00:50:55.880 | So these are all things I've written about before but I'm gonna bring them all together. I
00:50:59.520 | Have four ideas to share
00:51:02.480 | All right idea number one
00:51:05.280 | meeting
00:51:07.160 | Buffers, so the meeting buffer method is all about working with your calendar in a slightly smarter way
00:51:14.440 | and here's how it works if you have to set up a meeting and
00:51:18.520 | You know how long that meeting is going to be so often meetings have hard stop for it's a it's one hour
00:51:24.160 | That's the hard stop. Don't just block out that hour on your calendar add
00:51:29.040 | 15 to 20 minutes to that block
00:51:31.720 | So it's not just if the meeting is supposed to be from 1 to 2 you have 1 to 2 15 or 1 to 2 20
00:51:38.120 | actually blocked off on your calendar and
00:51:41.160 | If your calendar is public everyone sees that as what's blocked off if it's not public you just treat it like any other meeting
00:51:48.840 | I'm next available at 2 15
00:51:51.440 | I'm next available at 2 20 what you then do with this 15 to 20 minute buffer period is that is where you process?
00:51:57.800 | Everything that came up in that meeting to get it out of your mind
00:52:01.560 | To take the small steps through the small tasks that could be done right away
00:52:05.120 | The capture in whatever systems you use the longer term tasks. It is how you clear out the mental buffer before the next meeting
00:52:12.320 | this is important because this is a
00:52:15.200 | Its absence can create one of the real killer issues of a heavy meeting schedule
00:52:19.120 | Which is you get into a meeting it generates new obligations and plans and things that's all up
00:52:24.080 | There's open loops and you go straight into the next meeting
00:52:26.240 | You haven't dealt with those open loops yet, and now new ones are being generated is very stressful
00:52:30.640 | Our minds hates it. We want to shut the door on one thing before we move to the other meeting buffers is going to
00:52:37.080 | make you feel
00:52:39.640 | 50% less anxious about a meeting filled day small hack goes a long way
00:52:43.960 | All right
00:52:45.400 | So what I'm going to do here is I go through these these tools each one is going to get a little bit more aggressive
00:52:50.480 | Be a little bit more radical
00:52:52.800 | Than the one that follows so meeting buffers is number one. Let's now ratchet up the stakes here with tool number two
00:53:00.720 | Which is the one for you one for me approach to meeting scheduling?
00:53:06.920 | Here's how it works. If I'm putting a meeting on my calendar, I
00:53:11.900 | Need to then within one week of that date. So let's say five workdays
00:53:17.080 | Schedule an equal amount of time that is protected time for me to just work without distraction
00:53:23.300 | You want to put an hour-long meeting on my calendar for Monday?
00:53:26.280 | I'm gonna find some time on Tuesday where I'm gonna break schedule an hour-long
00:53:29.500 | Work block deep work block for me and I don't say deep work block. It could be whatever
00:53:35.340 | It could be a just get my act together go through my inbox
00:53:38.300 | Just take a breather and try to organize everything that's going on
00:53:40.820 | I don't care what you do in it, but it's a non meeting block
00:53:42.820 | One-to-one ratio is the default application of this tool to our meeting here
00:53:47.300 | I have to find two hours later in the week that I protect and when it's on my calendar
00:53:50.780 | I treat it as a meeting with myself
00:53:52.500 | That time is no longer available for other people to come and take it now as other meetings fill into your calendar
00:53:58.020 | You might have to try to fit these in elsewhere. But what you'll end up with is
00:54:01.980 | enforcing a
00:54:04.900 | Predetermined ratio of meeting the non meeting time and so I like the one-to-one ratio
00:54:09.580 | One to one every minute in a meeting gets a minute of protected time. I like that ratio
00:54:13.560 | You might use different ratios depending on what you do for a living
00:54:17.460 | If you're an executive that is almost always in meetings. That's where most of your work happens
00:54:22.660 | Maybe it's a two to one ratio. So for every meeting you you schedule half that length in
00:54:28.620 | Undistracted time for yourself somewhere else in your calendar on the other hand, maybe if you're in a more
00:54:36.500 | Concentration forward position. It's a one to two ratio for every hour of meeting here. I'm gonna find two hours somewhere else
00:54:42.520 | But anyways, the key here is you're being intentional about what ratio you want your time to be
00:54:47.060 | collaborative versus individual concentration and you're taking advantage of the calendar and
00:54:53.660 | The social and professional convention around this time is blocked. So it's not available to actually enforce
00:54:59.380 | that ratio
00:55:02.180 | All right idea number three
00:55:05.940 | Again, let's ratchet up a little bit
00:55:07.940 | wage war on quote-unquote
00:55:10.980 | standing meetings
00:55:13.940 | Now in academia, this is a killer. I think this is killer in a lot of other places as well
00:55:18.580 | It is people who are who have been assigned. Okay, we're working on this obligation
00:55:24.260 | Here is a project that you know me and Jesse and this other person have been assigned to work on
00:55:29.740 | This is an open obligation. I'm stressed. Like how am I gonna make progress on this? I
00:55:35.320 | Don't listen to Cal Newport, so I don't do multi-scale planning
00:55:38.280 | What is the easiest thing you can do in that moment to assuage your anxiety about making progress on a project?
00:55:44.040 | You say I know what we'll do. All right, Jesse. All right other guy
00:55:46.600 | standing meeting
00:55:48.940 | Let's just get a meeting on repeat
00:55:50.980 | So we know at the very least every week Tuesday at 2:30 that we get together on zoom and we talk about this thing
00:55:56.460 | And now I can be like who this will be, you know, not forgotten because I trust meetings on my calendar
00:56:02.680 | This can completely take over your calendar with all of these different standing meetings one for everything
00:56:07.920 | You're working on where the actual amount of useful collaboration that happens is often very little
00:56:12.740 | Like sometimes the meetings a forcing function for you to do something but it clogs up your calendar. It's a big source of calendar
00:56:19.400 | congestion
00:56:22.000 | So wage war on them
00:56:24.000 | replace standing meetings
00:56:26.080 | with much more
00:56:28.000 | Concrete processes for how you're gonna make progress on this specific project
00:56:32.640 | So you don't say let's just meet Tuesdays at 2:30. You say well, okay
00:56:36.400 | What is the next thing that needs to happen here? We need a draft of this client report with some commentary great
00:56:42.020 | Jesse you have the ball here write that report you write that draft once you have a good draft
00:56:48.840 | Put it into this Google Doc in this folder like a shared doc where we can see it
00:56:56.040 | Send us a note to say it's ready. That will start a
00:56:59.120 | 24 hour timer for us to look at it get it done this week and
00:57:04.000 | Look, I have a standing office hours on Fridays
00:57:08.000 | That will be the time like if I have any big questions, you have any big questions come meet me there
00:57:13.100 | I don't know. I'm thinking about this out loud. But my point is it's specific and it's concrete
00:57:17.160 | What is the next thing that has to happen for this project? Okay, who's doing it? How do they signal they're done?
00:57:21.520 | What happens after they're done? How do we get to the next step? So it's not just let's meet again next Tuesday
00:57:26.000 | It's let's do this specific work. And here's how it's going to unfold so replacing standing meetings with concrete
00:57:31.960 | project specific processes for how you're going to get to the next step is way more effective than let's just get on zoom every week and
00:57:39.040 | Small talk for a while and then kind of make excuses for why we didn't get things done
00:57:43.400 | All right. So the the last thing I want to
00:57:47.160 | recommend for waging or tackling meetings ratcheting up again is
00:57:52.040 | office hours plus reverse meetings
00:57:56.480 | Office hours are great
00:57:58.480 | Regular times that you are available this time on these days. I'm always available. You can come into my office
00:58:04.440 | My phone is on I have a zoom window open if you're in a hybrid environment
00:58:07.440 | No appointment necessary. Come grab me. That is great on its own
00:58:12.040 | It allows for example small issues to be taken care of without having to have a synchronous back-and-forth
00:58:18.120 | Conversations or hold dedicated meetings just stop by my office hours and we'll chat about it, right? That's great
00:58:24.360 | But it can be used to implement this more aggressive notion that I call the reverse meetings concept
00:58:31.320 | Subscribers to my newsletter have heard me talk about this a
00:58:34.760 | Little chance for a plug by the way, if you don't subscribe to my newsletter, you should Cal Newport comm I've been writing that since
00:58:41.260 | 2007 roughly one article per week about all the types of stuff I talked about here plug ended
00:58:47.400 | So the reverse meeting concept
00:58:50.040 | Leverages office hours in a way that I think is quite powerful. Here's how it works
00:58:53.320 | The standard way meetings unfold is I need your help this three or four people's help on something. I'm trying to work on
00:59:00.120 | I need some input. I need to assign them some tasks. The standard thing to do is I'm gonna organize an hour-long meeting
00:59:06.500 | So now six of us have to give up an hour of our time
00:59:11.360 | To come to this meeting so that I can make progress on this thing that I'm trying to work on
00:59:16.400 | So that's six total man hours of time obligation generated by a meeting
00:59:20.400 | Reverse meetings leverages office hours to significantly reduce that footprint
00:59:25.000 | It says okay if I need help feedback or assignments from each of you five or six people to make progress on this meeting
00:59:30.840 | I am going to go to each of your office hours one by one. I will come to you
00:59:36.120 | I'm not gonna force you all to come to me and take this time on your schedule. I'll come to you in
00:59:40.960 | Time you've already put aside for types of quick discussions and with each of you all
00:59:44.640 | Hey, what do you think about this? Could you take this on?
00:59:47.000 | Now let's say on average I talk to each of you for 10 minutes
00:59:51.320 | Now it's less convenient for me because your office hours might be spread out
00:59:54.480 | So I have to take three days and remember to go to talk to each of you. The onus is on me
00:59:59.520 | I have to do more work
01:00:01.400 | But let's look at the total man hour footprint of what just happened
01:00:05.240 | before we had six people spending an hour six total hours of time being taken away from other types of pursuits in
01:00:11.120 | This stand in this setup
01:00:13.840 | It is significantly less. There's me doing 10 minutes with five other people
01:00:20.000 | So if we want to add that up
01:00:22.480 | We do 50 minutes times two because it's the time I'm spending the time you're spending so now we're less than two hours
01:00:29.520 | We're closer to an hour and a half total footprint. So we've reduced this footprint by a significant amount
01:00:34.920 | We have also made the life easier for these other five people
01:00:38.120 | Me coming to your office hours
01:00:40.520 | We are already there taking calls and having people coming in and chatting with you for 10 minutes is a no op
01:00:46.400 | In terms of an impact on your schedule. It was time. You'd already set a time for that
01:00:50.240 | that's such a less of a
01:00:52.240 | injury to
01:00:54.200 | Your schedule than you having to actually put aside a full hour that you've now lost
01:00:58.240 | Outside of your office hours to doing this discussion
01:01:00.400 | the only person who maybe has to do slightly more work in this is me because I have to
01:01:04.800 | Coordinate and go to each of you and spread out my meeting over multiple days, but you know what good
01:01:09.040 | It should be harder to call a meeting than it is
01:01:11.640 | You know the person generating the meeting should do more work than the people who have to attend
01:01:15.520 | So use office hours as the foundation for doing reverse meetings
01:01:20.600 | There's so much that can get organized without having to actually put aside extra bespoke
01:01:25.200 | periods of conversation for each individual project that some conversation
01:01:29.280 | requires
01:01:31.800 | So that's my tool that's my toolkit meeting buffers one-to-one ratio one for you one to me on your scheduling
01:01:38.360 | Replace standing meetings with concrete
01:01:40.360 | Progress and process and use office hours to switch from standard meetings to reverse meetings all of those things
01:01:47.840 | Will really help
01:01:50.520 | There you go. It's a great thing about summer for professors Jesse is meetings go away. No more meetings. They no more meetings
01:01:57.640 | And no more meetings for you this fall either right? Well, no meetings. So much not teaching. I saw meetings. Yes a summertime summertime
01:02:06.440 | I'm off the clock
01:02:08.440 | To go to the meetings. Well, but like summertime, I'm not a professor. Oh, sorry. Yeah. Yeah. So like in summertime, I pay my own way
01:02:13.760 | I'm on a 10-month salary at Georgetown. Yeah, so I can do whatever this fall. I'm on teaching leave
01:02:19.240 | So I don't have to teach what does save a lot of time, but it's not
01:02:22.000 | It's also just normal
01:02:25.040 | Academic life still happens meetings and this and that and I don't think they're gonna put up with and rightly so
01:02:30.600 | I think we're probably past that period where it's like
01:02:34.080 | I'm just gonna have to zoom into this faculty meeting
01:02:36.960 | Because uh, you know the virus or this or that I think we're probably past those point now everyone's had cope at three times
01:02:43.200 | I think like we're probably going to be back to
01:02:45.640 | You got to come in, you know, the Dean wants to meet with you. You're coming to meet with the Dean
01:02:51.200 | We're having a faculty meeting
01:02:52.920 | You're coming in for the faculty meeting. I mean, maybe not. I don't know academia slow about that stuff
01:02:57.600 | I think a lot of the other professors were probably pushed back to so you wouldn't be alone. Yeah. Well if anyone asks
01:03:03.120 | I'm incredibly worried about
01:03:05.120 | It's a promise for fat I could say I'm incredibly worried about picking up
01:03:09.040 | Kovats I can't come to the meetings, but we've been teaching in full classrooms for for a long time at this point
01:03:15.440 | So it's it's kind of hard to argue that like the thing I'm really worried about is the 20 minutes
01:03:19.760 | That's mean you in an office not the 50 kids that I'm lecturing to
01:03:23.400 | But I'll be good I've missed the campus is nice. It'll be nice because I build days around it
01:03:28.720 | Yeah, you can be a camp gym - yeah, I can use a bro. I am I can work in their libraries
01:03:33.360 | It's like a nice. Yeah, it's change of environment. It's a sweet campus. It really is nice. Yeah
01:03:37.440 | All right. Well speaking of nice if you are
01:03:42.040 | Looking for a new doctor and you don't know where to look who takes my insurance
01:03:49.240 | Who does people trust and you're not quite sure how to do this?
01:03:51.520 | You need Zoc doc
01:03:55.880 | You've heard us talk about Zoc doc comm on this show on multiple occasions EOC DOC
01:04:01.360 | It's a free app that shows you doctors who are patient review take your insurance and are available
01:04:05.080 | When you need them on Zoc doc
01:04:08.720 | You can find every specialist under the Sun whether you're trying to straighten your teeth fix an aching back or get that mole checked out
01:04:13.960 | Or anything else Zoc doc has you covered?
01:04:16.520 | You know, I now have two different
01:04:19.040 | doctors in my life to use Zoc doc my
01:04:23.680 | Primary care physician and my dentist both use the Zoc doc comm
01:04:28.640 | So I think that is
01:04:31.360 | Quite useful. So you go to Zoc doc comm to find the doctor that's right for you. You can book your appointment right there
01:04:38.120 | Find times that work for your schedule. Make sure they take your insurance read those
01:04:42.960 | Reviews all of that is available on
01:04:46.280 | Zoc doc comm so go to Zoc doc comm slash deep and download the Zoc doc app for free
01:04:52.960 | Then start your search for a top-rated doctor today
01:04:55.160 | Many are available within 24 hours
01:04:59.400 | Trying to think what would be the hardest quip here would be let's say you got a doctor
01:05:06.640 | named Tom Tom Knox
01:05:10.440 | I got my doc Tom Knox and Zoc doc comm
01:05:14.320 | Trying to go would be the most challenging possible
01:05:18.800 | Read here my doc Tom Knox on Zoc doc comm
01:05:23.200 | That's it on a dot matrix that's like a bill Burr I had right there. Yeah. No, I think bill Burr would then yeah
01:05:32.400 | Hair the company. Yeah, we really go after the company. I heard him on Tim Ferriss's
01:05:37.640 | Television show Tim Ferriss has a television show
01:05:41.000 | It's like on
01:05:43.520 | Direct TV. I did not know that. Yeah, I saw that he's recently on an episode again
01:05:48.240 | He's been on before so that bill Burr episode of Tim Ferriss is the audio from Tim's television show fearless and you can watch it
01:05:56.000 | Oh tube. Okay, like a huge studio with like an audience. Yeah, and it looks like he did that show like several years ago
01:06:03.120 | So maybe been reposting a lot of those so you think this is a repost?
01:06:06.320 | It's gotta be because I think because he's been I mean, I've listened to a bunch of those first ones
01:06:10.680 | I think the fearless he did like three or four years ago. Yeah, but so what we're trying to say here is that
01:06:15.080 | Bill Burr bill Burr support Zoc doc comm in particular his doc Tom Knox
01:06:21.000 | That bill Burr found on Zoc doc comm
01:06:23.600 | So that's ZOC doc comm slash deep Zoc dot
01:06:28.720 | Zot doc comm slash deep. I almost got it. Perfect. Jesse. I made one mistake
01:06:33.920 | One mistake, but pretty good. Let's also talk about eight sleep
01:06:40.360 | Listeners from last week know eight sleep is the ultimate game changer for good sleep
01:06:48.000 | because it allows you to control the temperature of your sleeping environment you put on the eight sleep pod cover and
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01:07:06.280 | clinical data shows that eight sleep users experience up to 19% increase in recovery a
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01:07:14.240 | 34% more deep sleep. I am a I need coldness to sleep
01:07:21.240 | So I am a big eight sleep fan if I can make my mattress cool
01:07:24.840 | I am happy as I threatened last week
01:07:28.140 | I'm gonna start wearing my eight sleep Pro Pod cover to the podcast draped around me set to 55 degrees
01:07:34.520 | So I can be cool. I'm gonna bring it to my classroom at Georgetown as well
01:07:38.320 | Heat is not something I love so I am a fan of
01:07:43.080 | eight sleep
01:07:45.920 | So go to eight sleep comm slash deep
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01:08:02.480 | That's eight sleep comm slash deep
01:08:06.040 | All right, what do we got here
01:08:09.920 | Do a couple more questions
01:08:13.000 | Now let's check out our time. Let's do a couple more questions here
01:08:16.240 | This one comes from Maria
01:08:19.000 | Maria says my goal is to read more. I
01:08:21.800 | Replace checking my phone with reading books. However with more technical books. It's hard to jump in and out
01:08:28.700 | So I find I struggle to make progress
01:08:30.700 | If I only have five to ten minutes such as waiting in a line
01:08:33.900 | It takes some time to remember where I left off conceptually and I have to reread a couple paragraphs before I know
01:08:38.900 | What specific point is discussed and by the time I have caught up I need to put the book down
01:08:44.660 | well Maria, I like that you are using a
01:08:48.660 | Higher quality cognitive alternative to just looking at your phone when you're bored in line
01:08:55.100 | Reading is a great option. The solution to your particular issue with this strategy is don't read highly technical books in this context
01:09:02.980 | Different activities are better suited for different situations
01:09:07.800 | So if you're reading in line
01:09:10.620 | Novels as well as episodic or biographical nonfiction. This is really good for jumping in and out
01:09:16.960 | I usually have some sort of biographical or episodic nonfiction
01:09:21.020 | I'm listening to on audible so I can turn that on when I need to go
01:09:25.180 | Whatever put my laundry in one of these quick five to ten minute things. I mean I find
01:09:30.260 | Business biographies for example where it's you know, the story of whatever
01:09:34.900 | Universals rise or the CBS's moment of success during the early 2000s
01:09:44.260 | Those are really well suited to jumping in and out because when I say episodic, I mean they're talking about this show
01:09:49.460 | They're talking about this thing that happened. They're talking about that thing that happened. It's sort of individual stories
01:09:53.460 | You can come in and out you don't have to keep up with highly technical things
01:09:56.420 | Novels can be the same way is jump back in into the action is interesting. Tell you you jump back out
01:10:02.220 | If you're reading in line, you might also consider our good friends over at mouse books
01:10:08.500 | This is a product that I like quite a bit. I've known Brian and Dave in particular for a long time now mouse books
01:10:18.020 | Produce these pocket size condensed or abridged versions of famous books or short stories. They are
01:10:24.220 | Look like a field notes notebook
01:10:27.380 | If that's useful, I think they might use the same printer who does the field notes notebooks
01:10:31.180 | So anyways, it's a little bit smaller than a standard smartphone
01:10:34.700 | The idea is you can have that in your pocket whenever wherever you have your phone
01:10:37.520 | So in any instance when you would pull out your phone you pull out a mouse book
01:10:41.220 | Instead so I think that's a cool way to have some more
01:10:45.700 | erudite exposure to the world of literature and philosophy while you're waiting in line
01:10:50.860 | Anyways good for you good for you
01:10:53.060 | And the reason why I don't want you to look at your phone in that situation is not that there's bad
01:10:56.040 | It's just by default bad. It's not the phone that is bad. It is these
01:11:00.300 | attention economy companies that dwell on your phone and
01:11:03.980 | Can play your brain stem like a harpsichord the tick tocks of the world the instagrams of the world the Twitters of the world
01:11:11.100 | That just gets its hooks into your brain. That's what I want you to get away from being the default
01:11:15.940 | So, you know if you're if you're taking out your phone to work on a wordle, I don't think that's so bad
01:11:20.060 | but if you're slack job the drool coming down the side as your
01:11:25.020 | TikTok videos not good for you
01:11:28.180 | Alright, let's do one more thing. Let's end here with a call Jesse. There's one I thought was
01:11:32.580 | Potentially kind of interesting. All right, sounds good
01:11:38.500 | Hi Cal, it's Hattie from Toronto Canada. Thank you for all your hard work. I really appreciate it
01:11:45.180 | the question I wanted to ask today is
01:11:47.540 | given
01:11:50.620 | most people's inability to
01:11:52.620 | Change the way they think and do things and take on high quality leisure and focus time
01:11:58.900 | I've realized more recently after doing the Clifton strength test
01:12:04.100 | That not everybody possesses the skills to focus think big picture
01:12:09.220 | Consume high quality content really think about everything that you talk about. So I'm starting to think that there are
01:12:16.380 | characteristics that make people
01:12:19.620 | More able to adjust to your way of thinking to really get an edge on everybody else
01:12:26.340 | and so I was just wondering do you have any advice for
01:12:30.860 | Helping people who don't naturally gravitate towards focused work to do more of it to consume better
01:12:37.900 | Media to get less distracted because I think it comes easier to some than it does to others. Thank you so much Cal. Bye-bye
01:12:45.460 | Well, howdy, it's a good question. I agree with parts of your premise and I vehemently disagree with other parts your premise
01:12:51.500 | So I think this will be productive to discuss a quick aside
01:12:55.460 | The Clifton strength finders is interesting. It's an interesting backstory
01:13:00.740 | Interesting backstory there. So it was Don Clifton
01:13:03.340 | This would have been much earlier in the 20th century was really an innovator in using
01:13:08.220 | Quantitative data
01:13:11.740 | To make predictions or assessment. So the his strengths finders was a good example
01:13:17.380 | You take this test and the numbers are crunched. They can tell you what your strengths were
01:13:22.180 | They were also really ahead of the game on employee satisfaction
01:13:25.380 | We we run this survey by your employees and it crunches down to a number we can figure out
01:13:29.660 | You know who is unhappy who is they could do this with customer satisfaction really well
01:13:34.140 | Let's give this standard survey
01:13:37.140 | We crunched the numbers and get a score that tells us are your customers happy?
01:13:40.740 | Did this latest change make them more happy or not? So Don Clifton was really ahead on that
01:13:44.460 | Our families had lots of interesting intersections with that the Clifton family really quick aside
01:13:50.580 | All right, so Don Clifton starts this company survey research international sri based out of Nebraska
01:13:57.380 | in the late 1980s they buy
01:14:00.900 | market research company in Houston, Texas
01:14:04.860 | where my dad was one of the partners and then soon after sri bought
01:14:10.820 | Gallup and
01:14:13.060 | they they took my dad from the market research forum in Houston and put him in charge of the Gallup poll and
01:14:21.020 | so I grew up kind of surrounded by the
01:14:25.300 | the Clifton legacy
01:14:27.300 | Don son Jim Clifton until recently was the the CEO of the company
01:14:32.460 | They took the name Gallup, but it used to be sri
01:14:34.220 | And so I've run into the Clifton's quite a bit and grew up hearing about all these Clifton products
01:14:37.820 | They're very interesting. Don Clifton was really ahead of the game. All right, that's an aside
01:14:41.420 | I want to push back on your premise that well, you know, some people just aren't suited
01:14:46.780 | to focusing or consuming
01:14:49.740 | high quality
01:14:52.420 | Information or doing high quality leisure. I don't agree with that. I
01:14:56.620 | Think that's like saying look some people just aren't suited for
01:15:00.420 | Eating good food and exercising like they just need to eat junk food and they can't really exercise
01:15:06.380 | That's not a fundamental attribute of a person
01:15:09.460 | You can move your diet towards better food. You can start exercising. You can get in better shape. You can eat better food
01:15:16.060 | Anyone has access to that so I I don't think that there is a fundamental
01:15:22.220 | Necessary
01:15:24.060 | Precondition aptitude to be able to do focus or to consume higher quality information or to do more higher quality leisure
01:15:30.660 | You do however have to get in cognitive shape to do so
01:15:35.300 | So if I look at you and you mainly eat terrible food and you never exercise
01:15:40.300 | if you went out and said here's what I did Cal I tried to go for a jog and
01:15:46.260 | It was terrible. I barely got very far before I was completely winded and I felt really bad and and I I tried to eat some
01:15:53.780 | You know
01:15:55.100 | Broccoli Robin and it just is like I don't know I had a hard time preparing
01:15:58.460 | I'm just not meant to be in shape or eat good food. I'm like nonsense
01:16:00.980 | He just started you have to start training
01:16:03.180 | you know, you're gonna have to start with walking and then go from walking to jogging and give it six months of
01:16:08.540 | Regular work and you'll be much better shape for running again
01:16:13.460 | If as we'd like this come back to again and again if Alexander Sarsgaard can get into Viking shape in six months
01:16:20.340 | You can get into the ability to run a mile
01:16:23.300 | In six months as our touchstone for a lot of things same thing with food
01:16:27.580 | You got to start eating a little bit better making more things at home getting more used to it. It just takes some work
01:16:32.860 | We're used to that in the world of fitness. We're used to that in the world of health. Well, we should
01:16:36.780 | Translate that comfort that idea that we're comfortable with to the world of cognitive pursuits as well
01:16:43.020 | Yes, if you're slack jawed with the drool looking at tick-tock most of the time
01:16:46.820 | You're not going to do well when you pick up a book if you're captain email and slack
01:16:53.700 | When you say now it's time for me to go do deep work and figure out a big new philosophical concept
01:16:58.820 | It's not going to go well
01:16:59.940 | But you know what if you do the cognitive equivalent of Sarsgaard's Viking training you will get better at that
01:17:06.420 | We've talked about what that could be, but you need to embrace boredom
01:17:10.660 | So on a semi regular basis have brief exposures to boredom your weight in line
01:17:16.020 | You do nothing once a week do a longer exposure like a walk with nothing in your ears that gets you more comfortable
01:17:20.900 | With the idea that sometimes you don't get stimuli when you're bored
01:17:25.580 | Then you can begin doing direct stretch training on your concentration ability do intervals. Here's my watch ten minutes
01:17:32.560 | No distraction or I have to reset the watch
01:17:34.560 | Once you're comfortable working hard for ten make it fifteen
01:17:37.100 | You can slowly start pushing that up do productive meditation sections one problem in my head
01:17:42.020 | Work on it while walking when my attention wanders notice and bring it back
01:17:46.220 | Notice and bring it back the walks can start small the problems you're working on your head can start easy
01:17:51.380 | Expand and increase as you get more comfortable. You can do these things. You know, what's going to happen over time
01:17:57.460 | You're gonna be more comfortable
01:17:59.780 | reading books
01:18:01.980 | Watching a harder movie and not having to look at a tablet thinking about a hard business problem
01:18:06.740 | Writing something for 90 minutes at a time without having to jump to the cognitive crutch of looking at email looking at slack
01:18:12.500 | You will get in better shape
01:18:14.500 | and I think
01:18:16.500 | Everyone should get in that shape just like no one should just be eating junk food and never move
01:18:20.620 | You should not be in a cognitive situation in which you rarely challenge your mind or have any freedom from constant
01:18:27.700 | highly optimized
01:18:29.900 | distraction
01:18:31.460 | Now what about the types of aptitudes that are pointed out in things like the Clifton strength finders test?
01:18:37.260 | I think we're talking about something
01:18:39.820 | Different there you do a strength finders test. You might find I'm really well suited to
01:18:45.580 | Coordinating teams is maybe more my strength than it is trying to come up with original strategy
01:18:53.700 | Well, that's useful for shaping which direction you go in your career
01:18:57.940 | But it doesn't mean you can't have a floor of cognitive comfort if I can concentrate when I need to I can consume higher quality
01:19:05.380 | Leisure everyone could have that floor the strengths might tell you what general direction you might want to go in your career
01:19:10.900 | The other thing people talk about is, you know, hey, look, maybe I'm not
01:19:14.020 | Super brainiac. I'm not one of those MIT theory group professors that can and this is a true story move things with their mind
01:19:22.980 | Just stare at something and make it move. That's how smart they are. That might be true. But those type of fundamental
01:19:28.760 | Abilities less sort of raw horsepower. You might be born with that's only relevant in terms of the ceiling you can hit
01:19:35.520 | Right and again, we're comfortable with this when it comes to fitness
01:19:40.140 | You're not going to tell me don't get in better shape and start jogging because you know what you're never going to be on the Olympic
01:19:45.880 | Team like your genes aren't going to allow you to actually run a fast enough mile to be on the Olympics
01:19:49.940 | I say that's fine. I don't need to compete with Olympic athletes
01:19:52.580 | I need to be able to run a mile without throwing up that's different
01:19:56.100 | So same thing you don't need to be able to move things with your mind like some MacArthur award-winning
01:20:00.700 | MIT professor in order to be able to focus on a business problem for an hour and to be able to go on a long
01:20:07.360 | Walk without any distraction
01:20:09.220 | You can be in good shape without having to be elite
01:20:12.300 | So that's what I'm gonna come down on here
01:20:15.460 | Adi is yes
01:20:16.400 | Maybe we have different
01:20:17.420 | aptitudes that we should keep in mind when we do our lifestyle such a career planning and try to think what we want our life
01:20:22.020 | To be like what type of things we want to work on but everyone should have a base level and everyone can accomplish a base
01:20:28.900 | Level of cognitive fitness just like you should with your physical health your mind
01:20:33.580 | needs to have a
01:20:36.100 | declaration of freedom from the slack jaw distraction and the easy diversion of email and slack the slack jaw
01:20:43.660 | Distraction of a tick tock or of an Instagram. You should be comfortable being alone with your own thoughts
01:20:49.300 | You should be comfortable concentrate on something kind of difficult should be caught and comfortable with self-reflection boredom
01:20:54.620 | Shouldn't scare you
01:20:55.740 | Everyone should be able to get there just like everyone should be able to go on a light jog
01:20:58.980 | Without dry heaving when it's over. So how do you I get the spirit of your question?
01:21:03.400 | But I'm gonna push back on some of the specifics
01:21:06.140 | Embracing boring really works
01:21:08.780 | Yeah, like I heard you say that I don't know several years ago before I even knew you and I started doing it
01:21:14.400 | It was did you know you noticed a difference huge? Yeah now I do it and I see people they can't do it
01:21:20.260 | They don't even know what that means. Yeah. Well for you, it must be really useful
01:21:23.140 | You might must notice it when you're doing even just casual athletic pursuits, right? Yeah, like what about golf?
01:21:29.300 | If you're comfortable, just let me just stay with what's going on in this game. Yeah, I'll let my attention wander
01:21:37.100 | Really? I'm assuming the players who look at their phone all the time in between holes. I don't even bring my phone
01:21:41.440 | I get yeah
01:21:42.340 | They get distracted all the time
01:21:43.780 | Like it's got the number of bad shots you make your bad shot rate has to go up quite a bit, right?
01:21:49.180 | If you're constantly got on because I mean
01:21:51.180 | Say somebody hits a bad shot
01:21:53.980 | Then their reaction would be to look at their phone so they get bad news and that's like hitting two bad shots
01:21:58.500 | Yeah, or so they get you know, and then they're not there for the next shot and a spiral. Yeah
01:22:02.980 | Yeah, sometimes like you could have somebody like say you're like in a partner event or whatever and they're on their phone the whole time
01:22:08.060 | It's like they're not in the game. They're not there. Yeah. Yeah, also it feels bad
01:22:13.200 | It's this weird trade-off like the the state of constant distraction. It's
01:22:16.580 | It's appealing in the moment in the sense of it's a I
01:22:20.220 | Don't know numbing
01:22:22.900 | but it's not the same type of satisfaction of man is beautiful out here and
01:22:29.500 | Just enjoying it and I'm walking, you know across the course and the Sun is starting to go down and and
01:22:35.540 | Your mind is kind of clear and present like that's way more satisfying
01:22:39.740 | well, it's like you said like way back in the day how you know, the
01:22:43.400 | The financials for these people is like 20x like what oil exploration is. Yeah, I mean, it's designed to do that and it's working
01:22:51.940 | Yeah. Yeah, they're really good. I've been going deep. I'm right really good at it
01:22:56.220 | Like as you know, I was writing right before this
01:22:58.660 | Episode I have to run now to keep writing have a deadline and and I don't like to give details articles before they're out
01:23:03.700 | But I'm working on an article right now
01:23:05.700 | And I have to go kind of deep into tick-tock their algorithm and and its rise the fame. Let me just say this
01:23:12.900 | Here's my summary. They're good at it
01:23:14.900 | Like they're good at it. Just like
01:23:17.420 | you know
01:23:21.500 | What's that chicken everyone likes or whatever the I don't know the brands very well what a flight chick-fil-a like they're really good at cooking things
01:23:29.220 | We're like man. Yeah, this is really good. I really like eating this right like they're good at it
01:23:34.780 | There's a reason why there's always a line there. Yeah, you know, they're good at it McDonald's fries
01:23:39.940 | Like they're really good at it. You know, like I'm just going to keep eating these
01:23:42.540 | Mm-hmm. I could I could eat a bucket of these things that tick-tock is really good at just next thing next thing next thing
01:23:50.180 | You know, but it's just a different
01:23:52.180 | Feel it's like eating the McDonald's flies you eat the bucket like in the moment
01:23:56.100 | You're like I kind of am glad I'm doing this then when you're done. You're not happy with the world
01:24:00.860 | I think it's the same thing you come off of like all the scrolling like I kind of numb myself. I'm unhappy
01:24:04.660 | It's just it doesn't it doesn't it's distraction snacking. It doesn't serve what you really need
01:24:10.380 | It doesn't serve the real meal that the brain the brain actually desires
01:24:13.060 | So there you go. I don't care what the StrengthsFinder says stop looking at your phone so much
01:24:18.820 | Alright, well speaking of stopping and working on deeper things. I got to go right so let's wrap up this episode
01:24:23.940 | Thank you
01:24:25.180 | Everyone who listened if you like what you saw you will like I said backwards if you like what you heard you will like what?
01:24:31.660 | you see
01:24:32.980 | at our YouTube channel slash Cal Newport media full videos of full episodes as well as
01:24:38.220 | Highlighted clips are available there
01:24:40.780 | We'll be back next week with a new episode until then as always stay deep
01:24:46.060 | [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:24:49.400 | (bright upbeat music)