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E29: Coinbase goes public, direct listings vs. IPOs, unions & more with Bestie Guestie Brad Gerstner


0:0 Bestie intro & crowning a new SPAC king
3:1 Coinbase's direct listing, comparing vehicles to go public & lockup periods, Sacks on Coinbase vs. NYT
12:6 David Sacks on running for governor
15:21 Brad & the besties react to the crazy Q1 in the markets, a16z's savvy buying moves with Coinbase, issues with short-term behavioral lock-in
32:37 Top insights from Bezos' letter to shareholders, Amazon employees reject the union in Alabama
50:27 Reacting to Drew Holden's recent thread on media double standards in covering each party
54:28 Federalism's benefits throughout COVID, State-by-state results reveal lockdowns didn't work, vaccine incentives and PR due to J&J decision
64:20 Degradation of faith in institutions accelerated by COVID
69:26 Republican Senator Josh Hawley calls for big tech antitrust reform, bypassing institutions for progress

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | any word from the dictator or should we just do uh i don't know man i gotta i i cannot spend my
00:00:05.440 | whole day sitting on zoom waiting for tomorrow or i could have brad gerson come on and sit in for
00:00:09.040 | isn't he richer than chamath he is now the largest back in the world should we do that should i just
00:00:13.200 | have brad come on the pod oh my god yes start it now get him on started later come on come in later
00:00:22.160 | he's like what the we're like we replaced you with the new spat king oh my god oh my god get
00:00:26.320 | him on is this like uh a kidnapping and you guys are going to take me out and drop me out behind uh
00:00:31.840 | behind the railroad cars what's going on okay good here we go i'm good is it how's the game
00:00:37.600 | game is great good okay three two one
00:00:43.520 | rain man david sask
00:00:49.440 | and instead we open source it to the fans and they've just gone crazy
00:00:55.760 | hey everybody hey everybody it's another episode of the all-in podcast we took last week off
00:01:05.360 | because it was spring break and we all needed a break hope you had a great one too with us today
00:01:10.000 | of course the queen of quinoa from an undisclosed sunny location david friedberg it looks like the
00:01:17.040 | rain man city is it redwood city a rain man himself david sacks ready for
00:01:24.080 | and of course the king of all sports
00:01:25.600 | spax brad gerstner is with us again the new dictator uh filling in for chamath polyhapitiya
00:01:31.920 | the dictator oh wait chamath polyhapitiya the dictator is here as well and special bestie
00:01:37.200 | jason jason jason
00:01:38.960 | not when you
00:01:42.080 | i don't know what that means but we're editing that out of the show
00:01:48.720 | that's a bunch of beeps uh but welcome brad sitting in uh just for a moment here because chamath was
00:01:54.720 | gonna
00:01:55.040 | blow us off he was a no-show we needed a spacking sorry guys
00:02:00.240 | emergency it's just it's just a little flattery for chamath the truth of the matter is
00:02:07.120 | chamath uh chamath is pioneering here and uh you know i think um uh
00:02:13.760 | it's been incredible to watch the competition and choice and as chamath knows i participated
00:02:19.360 | in a couple of the deals that he's done um and i think we all share the same feeling which is
00:02:24.960 | that you know there's been a uh a system that is pretty byzantine that wasn't serving the founders
00:02:32.400 | who we all uh you know care deeply about and so i'm just i'm thrilled whether it's direct list
00:02:38.960 | like roblox did a few weeks ago that we we helped do and you know or whether it's chamath and the
00:02:44.320 | incredible innovation that he's helping to do or you know we're lucky we've been we've invested
00:02:50.320 | you know building a capital markets business on top of this uh this business uh you know we're
00:02:50.960 | you know we're lucky we've been we've invested you know building a capital markets business on top of
00:02:53.280 | this uh this back and and and then you know worked with uh grab to bring a great public
00:02:59.280 | company out this week so let's get to the direct listing uh good segue clearly the biggest news of
00:03:06.400 | the week is coinbase the largest direct listing ever uh bill gurley somewhere is smiling
00:03:11.360 | and that's on top of roblox which i think was the second biggest
00:03:15.840 | uh 2020 revenue 1.2 billion sorry brad did did snowflake direct list or that was a traditional no
00:03:22.640 | that's traditional ipa traditional ipa i don't know who got their bet week their wet their beaks on
00:03:28.320 | this one sax did you have a little bit i had a little tasty poo a little tasty poo i had uh
00:03:34.720 | i had a lot showered upon me uh explain boys because you're because you're in ribbit right
00:03:41.280 | i am i was mickey's one of mickey's largest lps yeah who's mickey for the audience who doesn't
00:03:45.520 | mickey malka who runs uh ribbit capital who owns seven percent um or ten percent or seven or eight
00:03:51.520 | percent of coinbase and what was incredible was i got distributed all of it yesterday which by the
00:03:57.680 | way i think for a direct listing the strategy to me makes a lot of sense i made a mistake
00:04:03.040 | in hindsight if i think about my distribution strategy because myself excel and andreessen
00:04:07.280 | when we did the slack direct listing we distributed probably five
00:04:11.680 | ten percent and then we waited and then we trickled it out over time but by definition
00:04:16.480 | i think the price action on direct listings shows you that you top tick the top price
00:04:20.400 | at the moment on the open print and so you know if you're going to sell you're probably better
00:04:26.480 | off selling absolutely right away and if you look at the price action on direct listings it's
00:04:30.240 | basically been one way direction down from the point of the direct listing spotify did that for
00:04:35.680 | two years it kind of languished you know slack did that until the salesforce acquisition um so
00:04:41.440 | in general i think if a direct listing happens when you get distributed the stock you should
00:04:46.000 | probably sell it right away and that uh means it was probably a little bit more expensive than the
00:04:46.400 | price action on direct listings but it's basically been one way direction down from the point of the
00:04:46.480 | direct listing spotify did that for two years it kind of languished you know slack did that until the
00:04:46.560 | salesforce acquisition um so in general i think if if a direct listing happens when you get distributed
00:04:46.560 | the stock you should probably sell it right away and that uh means it was probably a little bit more expensive
00:04:46.640 | right away and that uh means it was priced correctly as opposed to underpriced is that
00:04:53.200 | what we should take from that well no because there's no price that's what's what's tbd is what
00:04:58.320 | is the morale hit to the company to see a one-way direction down in you know a stairway down on the
00:05:04.080 | stock price so maybe it was good for selling shareholders it's not necessarily good for the
00:05:07.840 | morale of employees which then could impact the long-term enterprise value that's being built at
00:05:12.160 | a company so i think there's a bunch of tbds i do think that direct listings are administratively
00:05:16.560 | clean in some ways but company building may not necessarily win but you had a point of view i
00:05:23.760 | think it was last year or two years ago about how you know and i read some papers that one of the
00:05:28.560 | analysts at wall street put out showing that um there isn't much of a benefit to lockups with
00:05:34.160 | respect to short or long-term uh price volatility do you still hold that point of view like i think
00:05:40.320 | lockups are i think lockups are really unfair because they they're they're attacks on the people
00:05:45.600 | that have been there the longest and they're not going to be there for a long time and they're not
00:05:46.160 | going to be there for a long time and they're not going to be there for a long time and they're not
00:05:46.480 | going to be there for a long time and they're not going to be there for a long time and they're not
00:05:46.540 | longest, which are the employees. So, the idea that somebody that comes in at the absolute
00:05:51.700 | last minute, Brad and I have done a bunch of IPOs recently where like you get allocations
00:05:57.160 | in a book. He and I had nothing to do with companies but we get it shares and we sell
00:06:01.020 | it day one. Then there are people that have been in that company for 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years
00:06:05.840 | who sit around twiddling their thumbs, watching all these other people generate one-day returns.
00:06:12.460 | There was a tweet that Bill Gurley had yesterday that says, "There's a well-known crossover
00:06:16.340 | fund that over the last year has printed a billion dollars of one-day share gains." Well,
00:06:22.600 | that's crazy. So, I think that lockups are kind of a regressive tax on the people that
00:06:28.080 | do the work and they are just rewarding people that have nothing to do with companies.
00:06:31.820 | Brad, what do you do in Grab because you locked yourself up, right, for a couple years? Is
00:06:37.360 | there a lockup for the existing shareholders in Grab?
00:06:39.660 | Yeah. So, first, I totally agree with Chamath.
00:06:42.240 | Yeah.
00:06:42.240 | Yeah.
00:06:42.360 | Yeah.
00:06:42.440 | Yeah.
00:06:42.940 | Lockups are one of the most insidious things, I think, about the traditional IPO process.
00:06:46.940 | The fact that DoorDash employees are sitting there watching the stock go from 100 to 200 and then
00:06:52.740 | all these other folks are selling while they'll watch the stock go from 200 back to 100,
00:06:57.940 | I would think it's incredibly demoralizing. Here's the thing, it doesn't need to exist.
00:07:02.900 | In Roblox, there was no lockup. The employees were free to sell, but guess what? A lot of them
00:07:08.300 | chose not to sell, right? It's fairer and quicker.
00:07:12.220 | It's a quicker price discovery when you actually allow the supply and demand to exist in balance.
00:07:17.840 | So, what we did at Grab was we fought hard for the most open unlocked, right, day one we could
00:07:26.080 | possibly get. In that case, there are a lot of big shareholders who are on the board. So, they're
00:07:31.040 | deemed affiliates under Section 16 of the security law. So, they can't sell, right? They're deemed
00:07:36.080 | to be insiders, right? But we, at the end of the day, all employees can sell. There is a
00:07:42.000 | group of senior management that said, "Hey, we want to voluntarily lock. It's a signal to the market."
00:07:46.960 | But all other employees in the company can sell. So, there are over 5,000 employees in the company.
00:07:51.760 | And all of the early shareholders can sell on day one. And I think this was the first time I've
00:07:58.960 | seen this in this alternative IPO. So, we have almost a third of the entire share base of the
00:08:06.480 | company that is available for sale on day one. Incredible. Hey, Brad, can I ask one more question?
00:08:11.780 | Yeah. So, the economics for Grab, are they better under your structure than they would have been for
00:08:19.060 | a traditional IPO to get the same amount of capital and they're paying 7% to the underwriting banks?
00:08:23.140 | You know, as we all know, you know, Bill Gurley has laboriously pointed out and documented that
00:08:31.540 | there are two expenses to a traditional IPO, right? There's the upfront fee, five and a half,
00:08:36.260 | 6%, whatever they're paying on the amount of capital raised. But he would argue the much bigger
00:08:41.560 | expense, right, is the indirect cost of the structural underpricing.
00:08:45.900 | Right.
00:08:46.400 | Right. So, in a traditional IPO, let's say you have a $10 billion enterprise value raising $1 billion.
00:08:51.340 | If it's being underpriced, he would argue structurally by 40%. We can all debate that,
00:08:55.660 | but that's $400 million of dilution to employees and to existing shareholders.
00:09:00.740 | I think everybody in the Grab process, both the buy side portfolio managers from Fidelity, Janus, T. Rowe, etc.
00:09:11.340 | as well as the company believe that we got a 20 to 30% higher price than a bank would have got
00:09:18.520 | because of the conviction the portfolio's managers had as a result of the significant investment we
00:09:24.840 | were making in the company, as a result of the fact that we were locking up our promote shares,
00:09:29.240 | our sponsor shares for three years. And so, if you say it's 30% on a $4 billion raise,
00:09:35.480 | that's over a billion dollars of savings, right? Over a billion dollars of indirect cost savings to
00:09:41.120 | the employees and the shareholders. And for me, our North Star is founders. And so, we literally
00:09:49.120 | have deconstructed the IPO at every step of the value chain. And to say, like Rich Barton, my
00:09:55.120 | thought partner in this, he's on the board of Netflix when it went public, took Zillow public,
00:09:59.440 | took Expedia public. And he said, "We can make this better at every step of the value chain."
00:10:04.320 | And so, we've thought about it like a product and we build in a capital markets business that says,
00:10:08.560 | part of it is eliminating the value chain. Right.
00:10:10.900 | Part of it is eliminating the commission. Part of it is getting a fairer price. But part of it is
00:10:14.660 | curating that day one cap table, right? Because these companies are stepping into the public
00:10:20.020 | markets. And as Rich has said and others have said, think about all the curation that goes into
00:10:25.940 | a private cap table. Now, when you go public, Rich calls it a cap table randomization event,
00:10:32.820 | right? You lose total control over your cap table, right? Whereas in the case of Grab, we hand-selected
00:10:40.660 | what we think are the world's best public market shareholders to be their day one cap table.
00:10:44.660 | So, it's a very different outcome. And it's not just about cost savings. It's not just about
00:10:49.620 | trying to get a fairer price. It's actually making the process better at each step of the value chain.
00:10:54.820 | All right. So, we were talking about Coinbase last year when they had a big brouhaha
00:10:59.460 | and Brian Armstrong said, "We are not going to talk about politics inside the company.
00:11:03.940 | You can have political views, but not inside the company."
00:11:07.460 | So, actually did some tweets about this. What are your thoughts?
00:11:09.540 | Yeah.
00:11:09.780 | Yeah.
00:11:09.860 | Yeah. I mean, apparently, Coinbase's ban on politics in the workplace and their refusal
00:11:20.820 | to submit to New York Times interviews did not prevent them from creating an $85 billion company.
00:11:25.460 | You know, I'm shocked, shocked that they were able to do that. That's basically what I tweeted. And
00:11:31.700 | just shows that founders can do things their own way. They don't have to submit to the woke mob.
00:11:38.980 | And that's basically what I tweeted. And then, you know, of course,
00:11:41.380 | well, the first, it's been interesting to see the reactions. The first day,
00:11:45.380 | I got like 10,000 likes. And then the second day, it seemed like some sort of SOS went out.
00:11:50.580 | And now I've been sort of surrounded. There's been this like outcry. And my takeaway is that
00:11:56.100 | the woke mob really doesn't like to be called out as a woke mob. And they're sort of surrounding me
00:12:02.900 | with pitchforks now saying, "How dare you call us a mob?"
00:12:05.860 | Sax, are you running for a job?
00:12:07.020 | Yeah.
00:12:07.240 | Are you running for governor? Because it looks like you've taken Botox. Did you take Botox?
00:12:14.160 | He's in Miami. So it's probably-
00:12:15.760 | What is going on with your cheeks and your face?
00:12:17.280 | Lace-a-mots, lace-a-mots on the Botox. Your lips, your lips are incredibly swollen. I mean,
00:12:22.080 | they look so succulent. It's unbelievable.
00:12:24.880 | Sorry. I've got a new lens. I've got five different technologies, making me, slimming me here.
00:12:30.480 | But you do have your pin on today. And you do look very gubernatorial. And I noticed that you bought-
00:12:35.600 | I'm wearing my Miami pin. This is my city of Miami pin.
00:12:39.320 | Francis gave you that pin?
00:12:40.360 | Francis gave me the pin.
00:12:41.320 | That's fantastic.
00:12:42.680 | Did he tell you never call me Francis?
00:12:44.440 | What is the big announcement today?
00:12:48.120 | I wore it for you guys.
00:12:48.840 | We're really excited to hear it.
00:12:50.440 | Yeah. Tell us, What do you got on deck?
00:12:53.720 | There's nothing. This is adjacent construction. I don't want to get the-
00:12:57.880 | Do we have an exploratory committee set up yet?
00:13:01.080 | Let's get Sax out of the game. I need that deal flow.
00:13:04.280 | I mean, guys, guys, obviously, if this comes to pass, we're going to rewrite history as David
00:13:08.520 | Sax was our Manchurian candidate. You know, I floated the trial balloon. There was a layup
00:13:13.400 | for David Sax to come and alley-oop and dunk on Gavin Newsom.
00:13:16.280 | No look. Oh, come on, Sax. Do it.
00:13:18.040 | No look. No look.
00:13:19.720 | The world needs-
00:13:20.520 | I tell you, Newsom is doing everything in his power to blow this recall. Because, I mean,
00:13:26.040 | timing is working in his favor. I mean, he's done a horrible job on everything vaccine related,
00:13:30.600 | but the reality is COVID is winding down. It's going to be over.
00:13:33.720 | So even though he delayed everyone getting the vaccine by weeks, if not months-
00:13:39.320 | Months.
00:13:39.960 | Probably, yeah, by months. We've got 7 million unused doses sitting on the shelf in California
00:13:44.680 | because of all of his crazy eligibility requirements. Despite all of that, by the time
00:13:48.920 | we actually get around to the recall, which will be in about five or six months, the recall election,
00:13:53.880 | you know, the economy is going to be booming again. COVID is going to be over. People will
00:13:58.280 | probably forget. But for the fact that he is now saying that he cannot-
00:14:03.720 | The fact that he is now saying that he cannot guarantee that schools will reopen in the fall.
00:14:05.880 | So we now have schools reopen in, you know, every public schools reopen, basically, in every other
00:14:12.440 | state. You now have private schools are all reopened in California. And he still cannot
00:14:17.480 | guarantee that schools will be reopened, not now, but in the fall.
00:14:21.240 | David, throw down the gauntlet.
00:14:23.480 | Make the guarantee that if, Governor, you will open all the public schools, when they open in
00:14:29.480 | fall, day one, and- Well, I'm not-
00:14:32.040 | This is the window, David. Now, I'm not saying- This is the window, David. Now, I'm not saying-
00:14:33.520 | David, now or never. I'm not saying that I'm running,
00:14:36.840 | but one thing I would say is that whoever does- No, but what about if you ran? How about if you ran?
00:14:41.400 | If I ran, I would 100% absolutely guarantee that school was open in the fall. What we need is a
00:14:47.880 | governor who will go to the teachers unions and say, "Listen, you will either report for your
00:14:53.640 | duty the first day of school, five days a week, no exceptions, or you go look for another career."
00:14:59.160 | David Sachs. That is what we need.
00:15:01.160 | David Sachs. David Sachs.
00:15:03.320 | David Sachs. David Sachs.
00:15:05.440 | More, more, more, more.
00:15:06.800 | I'm not running. I'm not running, guys.
00:15:08.880 | I'm not running.
00:15:09.440 | Wait, let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
00:15:10.880 | Can you make all the vending machines free?
00:15:12.400 | Yeah, sure. We can do that too.
00:15:14.640 | Okay. Can you get rid of all my debt?
00:15:16.480 | Yeah.
00:15:17.200 | Yeah, why not?
00:15:18.080 | Okay. I'm in.
00:15:19.360 | Can we go back to the markets just for one second?
00:15:24.080 | Yeah.
00:15:24.160 | Because I just want to ask a couple of questions. Brad, Q1 was nuts. Let's get some color commentary
00:15:30.560 | from a big player in the capital markets, you.
00:15:33.120 | Talk to us through what factor rotation was. Talk to us about your reactions to
00:15:41.880 | this Archegos Capital thing about inflation.
00:15:45.880 | Also gut check.
00:15:47.320 | What does the rest of the year look like? What's your sentiment? How are you feeling? Just give us
00:15:53.480 | a reaction on just the economy.
00:15:55.480 | And the gut check, Brad, on weren't you the biggest shareholder in United at some point?
00:16:00.360 | Oh, yeah. That was a bad way to start off. 2000.
00:16:02.920 | Yeah. I want to hear about that.
00:16:04.560 | It was a bad way to start off 2020. However, I would say that it ended up being the best year
00:16:09.440 | in the history of the firm. And so we, like everybody else, had to reinvent a lot of things
00:16:14.640 | about our business last year. And we learned a lot from that moment. And the courage that a lot of
00:16:20.960 | people at United showed through that period of time, without a lot of help, a lot of people think
00:16:26.400 | the government was helpful. There's a lot of unhelpful things that were being done. But
00:16:29.920 | notwithstanding that fact, to Chumash's point,
00:16:32.720 | Chumash, I think I went on CNBC in November and just said, like, when we normalize, there's no
00:16:39.160 | reason that the 10 year shouldn't be back at the level it was in January 20. Right. And for every
00:16:44.760 | 1% move in the 10 year, you've got a 10 to a 20% drawdown in growth multiples. And the reason for
00:16:51.560 | that is very simple. They're long duration assets, you discounted back at a higher rate. And so you
00:16:55.960 | have multiple compression. And so we were starting at an all time high in terms of growth equity
00:17:01.080 | multiples for both software and internet. And so we were starting at an all time high in terms of
00:17:02.520 | growth equity multiples for both software and internet. When you look at October, November of
00:17:05.040 | last year, we've seen about 30 to 40% retracement, or, you know, give back in terms of those
00:17:13.680 | multiples, right? In some names, it's bigger, and sometimes sometimes it's less, I suspect that
00:17:19.280 | there's another 10 to 20% to go, right, for a 10 year that's going to be sitting here at 180. I just
00:17:26.640 | got done talking as part of this roadshow, as you know, to all the biggest growth equity portfolio
00:17:31.440 | managers on the on the podcast. And I think that's a really important part of the conversation.
00:17:32.320 | So I think that's a really important part of the conversation. And I think that's a really important
00:17:32.820 | part of the conversation. And I think that's a really important part of the conversation.
00:17:33.580 | I can tell you, they're all D leveraging growth, they are not adding, they're not looking to add
00:17:38.180 | dollars to growth. And these are the biggest managers in the world. And so we're not through
00:17:43.140 | that process. There are some people who have anchored themselves to the fact that zoom was
00:17:47.180 | just at 500. They're like, Oh, my God, it's going straight back to 500. You're like, No, 500 was the
00:17:51.980 | outlier event. That was the all time high multiple event, it will get there in the fullness of time,
00:17:57.340 | but it's going to have to get there through earnings.
00:17:58.780 | So what do you think then happens in the privates
00:18:02.120 | and you know, there's a lot of talk about certain firms, some of your competitors in the growth
00:18:07.400 | stage side ripping capital into companies every 24 hours or 48 hours? Where Where does that then
00:18:13.760 | normalize? Because aren't we setting up a dynamic where if you have a bunch of growth firms pricing
00:18:19.640 | crazy rounds, whose valuations can then will not be able to be held up in the public markets? Aren't
00:18:26.480 | we creating a different kind of problem? Well, you know, you and I've watched this dynamic
00:18:31.920 | play out probably four or five times over the course of the last 15 years where there's this
00:18:36.480 | inversion, private capital markets, private markets are actually overvalued relative to
00:18:41.460 | public markets. I just look at a few IPOs this week, or over the last couple weeks deliveroo
00:18:45.900 | hot private company down 30% in the IPO app love and came out this week 20% down in the IPO,
00:18:52.260 | right at the end of the day, the great day, you know, as Munger likes to say,
00:18:56.580 | you know, the markets are a voting machine and the public markets are a brutal voting machine.
00:19:01.720 | And so you know, it just is going to take remember when Groupon got done that last private round at
00:19:07.240 | 20 billion, and then about nine months later, trading at 5 billion or Zynga. I mean, you and
00:19:12.160 | I go through this, we've watched this, you know, so it just takes the smackdown and people losing
00:19:18.160 | actual money. And however, so that's the one side, right? This is a temporary dynamic markets will
00:19:24.820 | clear. I think it is possible you reference, you know, a good friend of mine, you know,
00:19:31.520 | you know, who's supposedly writing a term sheet every two days. You know, at Tiger, the truth of
00:19:38.420 | the matter is you can hop you can hold simultaneous troops, you can believe the next three months that
00:19:43.520 | we're likely to have more multiple compression in the public markets, right? You could hedge your
00:19:48.320 | public book in a variety of ways against that, like like we did, and announced last last December.
00:19:53.900 | And at the same time, you can believe that the secular trend in technology has never been more
00:19:59.780 | potent. Right? And I believe that the secular trend in technology has never been more potent. Right? And
00:20:01.320 | I believe that if you own an index of the top 30% of technology companies in the world today,
00:20:06.120 | and you're willing to hold them for five to 10 years, you will be incredibly well rewarded. The
00:20:11.220 | most asymmetric bet maybe in the history of all of investing is having a golden ticket to have access
00:20:18.780 | to the best technology companies in the world today. It's it's like unfair play. And everybody
00:20:24.540 | on this call is playing in what is a highly asymmetric and unfair game stacked in our favor.
00:20:30.600 | Now, we can see that in the world today. And I think that's a good thing. And I think that's a good thing.
00:20:31.120 | We can screw that up by trying to think we're good at short term trading or doing a bunch of other
00:20:35.440 | stuff, we can get individual things wrong. But if you bet on the top, the top quartile of technology
00:20:40.540 | companies on a global basis, like tiger and others are doing, and you have time on your side, you're
00:20:46.540 | going to be well rewarded. We talked about the mid market late stage, venture space being a no man's
00:20:55.960 | land of vortex, the value being created in the late stage and value being created in the early stage, but
00:21:00.920 | the money in the middle becoming a commodity, because of tiger code to and others coming in
00:21:04.940 | and just coming over the top. Do you subscribe to that? Brad, do you think that's just a financial
00:21:09.980 | transaction in the middle and not a lot of value to be made there? Or do you think?
00:21:13.100 | You know, listen, it doesn't matter in snowflake, whether you invested in the $100 million round,
00:21:18.920 | the $200 million round, the $500 million round, the billion dollar round where Sequoia came in,
00:21:23.840 | you know, if the company is going to two, three $400 billion, right, all of those are extraordinary,
00:21:30.720 | extraordinary returns. So altimeter is described itself often as a lifecycle investor, right? I
00:21:36.420 | represent the biggest portion of the capital in the firm, some long term endowments are number two
00:21:42.120 | and number three. And we have a multi decade view on the world. And our view is the one that I just
00:21:45.900 | articulated, I want to have maximum dollars, I don't care that it's all in the B or the C or the
00:21:51.060 | D or the IPO, or you know, I want to have maximum dollars behind our best ideas. And I want to be
00:21:56.820 | an incredible partner to these companies, as they move through the lifecycle.
00:22:00.520 | And part of the reason we build a capital markets business to help founders in a better way step into
00:22:06.400 | the public markets is it's part of our mission, right? Like I want to, you know, how frustrating
00:22:11.920 | it was to me, Jason, to be pre mark or pre IPO and Mongo or Twilio or Okta. And then when it came to
00:22:18.640 | the IPO, I have to go to the banks and grovel, right and grovel for an allocation and they dribble
00:22:24.520 | five or 10 million and I see them handing big, you know, big allocations to people who I know are
00:22:30.320 | going to flip it. And I actually want to own this stuff. It's very frustrating. And so we think
00:22:35.060 | there's a better way. And when those companies come public in the future,
00:22:37.820 | you said something which I want to use as a question to Friedberg and sacks and Jason,
00:22:44.120 | because these guys are involved very sense in one way in what I'm going to say, which is you said
00:22:48.320 | gross tonnage of dollars. One of the most incredible things that I thought about the
00:22:53.540 | coinbase s one was the amount of unbelievably
00:23:00.120 | smart buying that Andreessen did. And I thought to myself, Andreessen just out Sequoia Sequoia.
00:23:06.000 | And what do you guys think about sort of how they've been able to, to actually execute? It
00:23:13.560 | just seems like Andreessen is done an incredible, incredible job. I don't want to I mean, Jason,
00:23:19.740 | you're close to Sequoia. So are you free, Brooke, I just want you to react to that.
00:23:23.640 | No, you got to get you got to give them credit on coinbase because I think they made the they made
00:23:29.400 | the most money.
00:23:29.920 | I guess, ribbit and Gary Tannen initialized may have made the highest ROI because they invested
00:23:36.940 | a smaller amount of dollars earlier.
00:23:38.680 | My return, my return and ribbit was the Maya from iconic told me was 506 times.
00:23:44.920 | Right, exactly. So so so ribbit made the 500x. And I guess Andreessen, but Andreessen made like
00:23:51.940 | 20 billion of returns, of which you know, they're probably getting 25 30%. So they made the most
00:23:59.200 | money may not have been the highest IRR, but it was the most money. And you're right, they doubled
00:24:04.900 | down in this like 2018 2019 period, it sounded like they were doing a bunch of secondary buying.
00:24:10.060 | They were buying the stock at 25 bucks. Yeah, they bought it all from Fred Wilson in Union Square.
00:24:14.980 | Right? Yeah, they were just, they did what socket did with Twitter, right and with Uber and started
00:24:21.760 | buying. But they did it but they did it at a time where people were losing faith in crypto. There
00:24:26.860 | was like, you remember, there's like this bit.
00:24:28.360 | Crypto.
00:24:29.000 | Crypto winter.
00:24:29.840 | Yeah, there was a big crypto boom. And like, I'd say December of 2017, January 2018. And then it
00:24:35.360 | kind of collapsed. And that, you know, mirrors the price of Bitcoin, you had Bitcoin reached
00:24:38.900 | a peak of about 20,000 that crashed all the way down to four to three or 4000. Obviously,
00:24:43.820 | that was a great time to buy Bitcoin. But it sounds like these guys were also buying Coinbase
00:24:48.440 | at that time. So that was a pretty that was a remarkable double.
00:24:52.100 | By the way, it's a good validation of Brad's point about you know, market perturbations being fairly
00:24:58.800 | good value creation over the long run. And you know, if you have faith that this is where value
00:25:03.660 | will be created over a period of 10 plus years, you know, you're when you have an opportunity to
00:25:10.200 | buy in buy in and don't let the market perturbations drive your decision making, or else you end up in
00:25:15.060 | this market trading trap. Yeah, I think we've talked about this a lot. Warren Buffett talks
00:25:19.740 | about it a lot. I think Chamath you've made the point about not timing the markets, but your time
00:25:24.540 | in the markets and this notion that when you have conviction in a business or an idea or a thesis,
00:25:28.600 | you know, you can continue to double down on that conviction, regardless of whether you think
00:25:33.700 | relative valuations are appropriate or, or kind of disjointed at the time, it's even more acute.
00:25:38.740 | Because what happens is we make short term decisions. And then those short term decisions
00:25:43.660 | oftentimes to prove to be right in the short term. And let me give you an example. Right,
00:25:47.980 | exactly. And then it leads to behavioral lock in. Right. So at the end of 2014,
00:25:52.360 | bitcoins at $1,100 a share, we get I get very interested in crypto, I think this is one of
00:25:58.400 | the most asymmetric bets I see in the world, right? I think it's a low probability event. But
00:26:03.680 | if you win, the size of the prize is absolutely gigantic. Right. So we're looking at a deal with
00:26:09.920 | Andreessen, because I thought Balaji was one of the smartest people in the space. The company
00:26:15.020 | was called idea of mining for Bitcoin on a chip. On the eve of the deal. My partner and I,
00:26:22.580 | I said, You know what, I believe that we should place our bet in Bitcoin.
00:26:28.200 | Because I'm not sure whether or not this mining company is actually going to work out. Okay,
00:26:32.760 | so we pass on the deal. Crypto Bitcoin goes from 1200 to 300 in like a straight line down. And what
00:26:40.920 | was my takeaway? My takeaway is like, man, I'm so smart. I'm so smart. We passed on that deal. Okay,
00:26:47.760 | rather than being curious, rather than learning more, rather than developing it. And what
00:26:53.460 | Andreessen did during that period of time is they stuck to their belief,
00:26:58.000 | that this could be a highly asymmetric outcome. Ultimately, I ran into Katie
00:27:02.800 | Hahn, a board member at Coinbase the night of the IPO. And she said, Brad, you know,
00:27:07.960 | do you remember, you know, I was like, yeah, she goes, those were some of our original
00:27:13.960 | shares in Coinbase. We sold that company to Coinbase. Wow. Right. And, you know, it's just
00:27:21.460 | for me, I sent this note to our team, because I said, you know what, guys, in the face of having
00:27:26.080 | some good wins, I want to remind you, you know, we're going to be able to get a lot of money out
00:27:27.800 | you of some really potent near near wins and misses and my mistake at that point in time was
00:27:35.320 | i lacked mental flexibility i got locked in to this idea that i was really smart by having
00:27:42.680 | rather than learning from that moment and saying listen when i started to see it move and then it
00:27:47.800 | moved pretty quickly and i was like oh i missed it it's just like a stock we do the same thing
00:27:52.760 | the reality is you should allocate to things that you think are thematically
00:27:57.160 | highly s asymmetric and great ideas and and this was one of them and one we missed
00:28:02.040 | can i just kind of add something to that i was in 21 it was 21.6 i don't remember getting any
00:28:07.960 | coinbase shares so i need to i need to all right so somebody somebody you did not own the prefer
00:28:13.720 | i did own preferred i invested you did not clear the press stack
00:28:22.440 | the wrong series one thing i'll add to that is you have to
00:28:26.520 | look at the mandate of these funds if you're an early stage fund and you have the ability to sell
00:28:31.720 | at 500x or a thousand x or two thousand x sometimes you've got to lock that in and give something to
00:28:37.960 | your lps and i think this is where you know thinking full life cycle you said chamath like
00:28:42.280 | what did you learn from all this well if you're building a business right well i mean one of the
00:28:46.680 | things i learned is i didn't even know what prorata really was when i started my career
00:28:50.280 | i didn't do prorata in uber or anything and now my position is i am
00:28:55.800 | going super prorata in our winners so not only holding winners i'm trying to get to 10 15
00:29:01.640 | ownership in these companies and it's starting to happen you know with companies that are worth 500
00:29:06.520 | or 700 million and so that that is the economic that's the change in behavior i'm doing which is
00:29:11.320 | you know to your point if you bought snowflake at any time you feel great about it
00:29:16.040 | but then you have to have buy-in from your lps that they agree with that and that they're okay
00:29:20.280 | with you taking a longer strategy and then at some point you want to return capital and that becomes to
00:29:25.640 | be super problematic you're in seven eight nine ten of your fund you want to take some chips off
00:29:30.200 | the table and so what i'm going to do now is i think i'm going to try to do both where i have
00:29:35.800 | a group of lps who want to buy shares and i don't know how to figure this out and maybe somebody
00:29:41.240 | could advise me here because i have had other venture firms who had this challenge where the
00:29:47.240 | growth i don't want anything you own well no no i know that
00:29:55.480 | why do you set yourself up like that no yeah i'm looking for advice here
00:29:59.720 | but if you don't talk about the whole point of this podcast is for me to draft off people who
00:30:03.960 | are smarter than me mission accomplished so here we go yeah we still have to teach you how to step
00:30:09.000 | an llc to buy your house i mean it's unbelievable i'm doing it in the process sorry i'm an idiot
00:30:14.840 | but here's the issue can i be an angel investor in uber and then be selling shares in uber to my
00:30:23.480 | other lps and create a share in uber and then be selling shares in uber to my other lps and
00:30:25.320 | creating that sock a secondary market or is that conflicted you know what i'm saying i'll tell you
00:30:29.400 | you know um uh i think this is public i don't know if it's public i will say it anyway because i
00:30:35.080 | think it's well known but um founders fund had early spacex shares that they thought it was
00:30:39.800 | prudent to sell in the early funds those spacex shares the later fund was buying spacex shares
00:30:45.240 | in that round um and so they were in a circumstance where they had such a big markup on the early
00:30:50.200 | round the early fund um that they had to kind of distribute and liquid liquidate those spacex shares
00:30:55.160 | meanwhile they're somewhat with a good overlap of lps were buying in the other fund at that at that
00:31:00.600 | higher price you are speaking to something i lived out in the early venture funds of social capital
00:31:06.280 | because when it was not entirely my own capital base i felt that pressure and i did similar things
00:31:12.760 | because i was like oh wow we're in year seven eight nine you know i had and i had great lps
00:31:18.840 | it's like wait i how can i not give capital back to the brode or mayo these are phenomenal instances
00:31:25.000 | of people who are in the top quartile of things and i felt that pressure and i felt that pressure
00:31:28.920 | and i felt that pressure and i felt that pressure and i felt that pressure and i felt that pressure
00:31:31.640 | and i felt that pressure and i felt that pressure and i felt that pressure and i started to make
00:31:33.400 | suboptimal decisions for myself i couldn't make really you know clearly the best optimized
00:31:39.480 | decision which would have been to hold everything as long as possible you know to your point like
00:31:43.640 | if you're in the top quartile of things the best thing is to never sell and it's an incredibly
00:31:48.920 | special place where you can actually have that freedom to do it the it's what's interesting is i
00:31:54.840 | think that's what's interesting about the way that you're doing it and i think that's what's
00:31:58.120 | really interesting about the way that you're doing it and i think that's what's really interesting
00:32:00.920 | about the way that you're doing it and i think that's what's really interesting about the way
00:32:03.480 | that you're doing it and i think that's what's really interesting about the way that you're
00:32:05.480 | doing it and i think that's what's really interesting about the way that you're doing it
00:32:07.560 | and i think that's what's really interesting about the way that you're doing it and i think
00:32:09.640 | that's what's really interesting about the way that you're doing it and i think that's what's
00:32:11.160 | really interesting about the way that you're doing it and i think that's what's really interesting
00:32:13.400 | about the way that you're doing it and i think that's what's really interesting about the way
00:32:15.640 | that you're doing it and i think that's what's really interesting about the way that you're doing
00:32:16.680 | five, three and five different baskets of shares that you're
00:32:20.340 | getting. And you know, those are those are costless options,
00:32:23.280 | effectively, that's actually an incredible form of portfolio
00:32:26.360 | construction for these people. Because if you never have to
00:32:28.980 | sell those things, you can wait till they go public and you can
00:32:31.200 | underwrite them forever. That's probably what a lot of
00:32:34.460 | employees in Silicon Valley have figured out implicitly, I have a
00:32:37.400 | question I want to ask you guys as well, which is, I just want
00:32:39.880 | to go back to the public markets for a second I tweeted out some
00:32:42.100 | of these amazing things I learned from the Bezos.
00:32:45.340 | Oh, my God, this is demented. Did you guys see what I what I
00:32:48.700 | tweeted? Your tweet? Nice. And I've been reading it. It's
00:32:51.040 | unbelievable. It's been Do you have it in front of you, Jason?
00:32:53.740 | I do. I'll just give you the Chamath's tweet here high level.
00:32:56.680 | 28% of purchases on Amazon are completed in less than three
00:33:00.580 | minutes. I think we've all done that. 50% of purchase is on
00:33:04.940 | Amazon are completed in less than 15. And if you actually
00:33:08.740 | look at that, and I think this is a really I don't know if you
00:33:11.000 | made this calculation.
00:33:11.920 | No, this is Bezos wrote it in the letter. So if you value your
00:33:15.080 | time,
00:33:15.320 | $10 an hour, a very low one, that's $750 a year. And that
00:33:21.260 | means your prime is free of $120 a year. So let me say 30 and
00:33:26.280 | profit,
00:33:26.760 | let me say differently. The average trip to the store
00:33:30.440 | driving buying coming back as an hour. So what Bezos said is that
00:33:34.580 | typically, we will save you 75 hours because we can make all of
00:33:38.240 | that more efficient for you. At 10 bucks an hour, that's worth
00:33:41.480 | $750. We only charge you 120 for prime.
00:33:45.440 | Which means you're you get $630 of savings. But then he goes on
00:33:49.740 | to say, and we have 200 million customers on prime. So we're
00:33:53.500 | saving them $126 billion. My instant reaction was two things.
00:33:58.620 | And so the last two points in that tweet are mine. One is holy
00:34:02.020 | fuck, that's more in one year than what most companies are
00:34:04.820 | worth in their entire lifetime. And the second is that you can
00:34:08.340 | buy Amazon for 13 times one year's worth of savings for a
00:34:11.900 | customer. It just if you look at prime, yeah, which which makes
00:34:14.940 | Amazon worth $130 billion. And then you get $630 billion in the
00:34:15.140 | savings. And then you get $630 billion in the savings. And then
00:34:15.240 | you get $630 billion in the savings. And then you get $630
00:34:15.400 | billion in the savings. And then you get $630 billion in the
00:34:15.780 | savings. And then you get $630 billion in the savings. And then
00:34:15.840 | you get $630 billion in the savings. And then you get $630
00:34:16.200 | billion in the savings. And then you get $630 billion in the
00:34:16.560 | savings. And then you get $630 billion in the savings. And then
00:34:16.960 | you get $630 billion in the savings. And then you get $630 billion
00:34:17.380 | in the savings. And then you get $630 billion in the savings. And
00:34:17.740 | the reason I brought up Amazon is he also wrote in there about his
00:34:19.800 | responsibility to his employees. And we were just talking about
00:34:22.620 | employees and churn. And this was incredible to me that 70%
00:34:27.480 | of their employees voted down the unionization effort in Alabama.
00:34:30.340 | And I just wanted to get sexy poo. Yeah, red, red, pillet,
00:34:33.820 | crush it, snort it. What do you got to say? Yeah,
00:34:36.340 | well, I mean, what happened is you had in Alabama, there's a
00:34:42.040 | Amazon plant there, that were they there basically was an
00:34:46.960 | election to decide whether they would go union or not. And there
00:34:50.580 | were 2536 workers who voted in this union election, about 1800
00:34:56.860 | voted against unionization, versus 700,
00:35:00.320 | and 338, who voted to unionize. And then ballots from another
00:35:04.220 | 505 workers were either were challenged by either Amazon or
00:35:08.280 | the union. So we don't know yet what they mean. But those votes
00:35:11.520 | won't change the outcomes, the election is over. Now, this was
00:35:14.120 | a heavily lobbied election. I mean, Amazon was lobbying
00:35:18.360 | employees, but so were the unions. And it looks like the
00:35:21.560 | unions at the end of the day, or lost and the employees voted to
00:35:26.520 | you know, remain union was
00:35:27.800 | Brad, what do you think?
00:35:30.300 | I thought it was a beautiful defense of capitalism. That's
00:35:33.180 | very much needed right now. Yeah, you know, it reminded me a
00:35:38.580 | lot, frankly, of the Gates Foundation annual letter, you
00:35:42.780 | know, where Bill Gates is saying, you know, capitalism is
00:35:45.660 | far from perfect, but it's resulted in the most important
00:35:48.960 | era of prosperity and health and wellness in the history of the
00:35:52.860 | planet. And, you know, as I said, on CNBC this week, you
00:35:56.760 | know, we live in a moment where capitalism is absolutely under a
00:36:00.000 | hand.
00:36:00.280 | attack. And I truly believe it's the greatest force, the greatest potential force for good in
00:36:08.180 | the world. It brought us a vaccine, right? It brings us innovation that pulls people out of
00:36:14.660 | poverty, that makes people healthier, gives an opportunity for people in rural areas that are
00:36:20.780 | impoverished to be educated. But I do think it's incumbent upon Bezos. I think this was very much
00:36:27.800 | a robber baron sort of defense of building railroads. And I thought it was brilliant
00:36:34.080 | in its execution. But I think it's important for all of us to stand up, not defensively,
00:36:41.160 | but to say, what are our obligations to make capitalism the greatest force for good?
00:36:46.520 | You know, Chamath, whether it's you and I talking about Invest America on CNBC and giving every
00:36:51.620 | child in this country a participation in the ownership society, right? Or all the other
00:36:57.680 | investments.
00:36:57.780 | I think it's important for all of us to stand up and say, we need to do this. We need to do this.
00:37:00.600 | We need to do this. We need to do this. We need to do this. We need to do this. We need to do this.
00:37:02.880 | And I think one of the issues here is, you know, what we see on Twitter being part of the
00:37:07.020 | Twitterati is, you know, people who are super woke, socialist, whatever, talking about this,
00:37:13.380 | but in reality, the workers don't want it. And I was talking to somebody in the media space.
00:37:17.820 | No, hold on. Can I just say something slightly different, Jason? I think what workers don't want
00:37:23.480 | is the version 1.0 of unions.
00:37:26.240 | Okay.
00:37:26.660 | Because I think...
00:37:27.660 | I think what they see that as is a tax that then goes and fills the coffers of certain people. I
00:37:35.420 | think you've seen like, you know, a bunch of waste, a bunch of graft, a bunch of corruption,
00:37:40.060 | people have been arrested. Unions are not effective anymore in collective bargaining.
00:37:44.380 | They are not. They don't have any data. They don't have any facts. They're not...
00:37:48.720 | They don't have any power.
00:37:49.600 | But they're not set up to win. So I think, in my opinion, I think unions have an important role.
00:37:56.300 | But you need a...
00:37:57.540 | You need a version 2.0. You need some young, smart, bright people to reframe what unions are.
00:38:03.220 | And then I think you would see everybody collectively organized, which is it's not about dues.
00:38:07.600 | You don't need hundreds of millions of dollars to all of a sudden, like, use to then elect certain people.
00:38:14.340 | And that old model is breaking. It's breaking every day.
00:38:17.500 | Instead, I think what people need to do is like, if you come together and like, you understand what are the products we make, what are the margins we have, how is my contribution measured, you know, and then you're able to use data.
00:38:27.380 | And in fact, to really collectively bargain, that hasn't happened yet.
00:38:31.600 | So I think what it was...
00:38:32.740 | Or it could be a free market and people could go work at Starbucks or for Postmates.
00:38:36.980 | Both are good.
00:38:37.700 | And get paid more.
00:38:38.500 | But capitalism allows both to exist.
00:38:40.940 | Yeah, if you think about what a union is, you could almost make an argument that it is the ultimate manifestation of a free market system, because it is basically like a bunch of people spinning out to have their own startup.
00:38:53.260 | And so, you know, that group of people are saying we're not charging enough for our products.
00:38:57.260 | Our product or service today, the value that we are creating is worth more.
00:39:01.220 | Therefore, we should go create a, you know, a different business and charge more and effectively compete in the marketplace with a higher quality product at a higher price point.
00:39:10.580 | And I think that that may be kind of, you know, the distinction between what people kind of view to be regulatory capture around unions where there has been government involvement in the past versus what may be possible.
00:39:21.800 | I think I've heard some people talk about how, you know, at some point in the world, we end up with, you know, at some point, the evolution of capital.
00:39:27.040 | Yeah.
00:39:27.140 | Capitalism, you end up in a place where there are no employees, there's just a ton of independent contractors doing independent work.
00:39:31.940 | And maybe there is an organization of people around doing the same work over and over together as a group, where you charge one kind of, you know, aggregated fixed rate for that service.
00:39:41.340 | The other thing to me was like, all of a sudden, it brought into such a stark contrast.
00:39:45.760 | This wasn't like 55-45.
00:39:47.620 | This was 70-30.
00:39:49.740 | Yeah.
00:39:50.040 | And probably it could have been 80-20 or 90-10.
00:39:52.640 | And so, it said to me, wait a minute.
00:39:54.680 | There's a very small vocal group of people.
00:39:57.120 | There's a very small vocal group of people who are screaming for the mountaintops about this level of unionization and organization.
00:40:02.040 | And then the people that are actually the participants of that system are like, no, thank you.
00:40:07.200 | Yeah.
00:40:07.720 | Well, I mean, it shows that Amazon does a great job managing, right?
00:40:10.740 | I mean, they create enough value and they've bid enough for the service that people don't feel like they're being underbid.
00:40:15.340 | Media companies have been going through a unionization process from Gawker to Vox.
00:40:20.080 | The New York Times has already had one.
00:40:21.960 | And you're starting to see a bunch of folks voting on that.
00:40:24.300 | I was speaking to somebody who runs one of these companies.
00:40:27.100 | And they said, in the short term, it's fabulous because they set the prices of employees.
00:40:35.460 | So, when somebody comes to you and says, I want to raise, they say, well, we can't because here's the pay scale that you negotiated.
00:40:40.960 | So, we have to stick to that.
00:40:42.300 | And I can't give you more than other people because one of the things you fought for as a union was pay parity.
00:40:47.700 | And so, you've got five years.
00:40:49.500 | Here's what it says on the chart.
00:40:50.620 | Five years.
00:40:51.280 | So, it made everything predictable.
00:40:52.500 | And they said they like that.
00:40:54.060 | They said the problem is over the long term, when you get to you, you're going to have to pay for it.
00:40:57.100 | And you're going to have to pay for it.
00:40:58.100 | And you're going to have to pay for it.
00:40:59.100 | And you're going to have to pay for it.
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