back to indexLove Jesus over Human Approval
0:0 Intro
0:30 Love Jesus
2:20 Dont be a second hander
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In the following sermon clip, Pastor John talks about what it means to have God's 00:00:08.760 |
Word, His law, with us and His Spirit within us. 00:00:13.960 |
The presence of the Holy Spirit changes everything about the Christian's obedience. 00:00:19.300 |
The result is that we live off of the approval of God, not the approval of man. 00:00:26.280 |
Here's what Pastor John said back in his sermon in 1999. 00:00:30.360 |
I remember a day in seminary, 31 years ago, it was the fall of '68. 00:00:35.520 |
My systematics theology teacher, Jim Morgan, was a big, strapping, strong 36-year-old man 00:00:42.320 |
who died of stomach cancer in six months from this moment that I'm talking about. 00:00:47.520 |
It was the day of the Vietnam War and people were going barefoot to class and hitting the 00:00:51.900 |
streets afterwards and Jim was a real radical. 00:00:55.920 |
And one day we were in this heated conversation after class. 00:01:02.300 |
I learned the word "refractory" at Fuller Seminary. 00:01:06.160 |
And there he stood and in the middle he stopped and he said, "John, I love Jesus Christ." 00:01:19.300 |
I'd never heard a professor say that in my life. 00:01:28.820 |
Do you feel some of that welling up inside of you? 00:01:38.540 |
Secondly, the law plus the Spirit results in an internal change of the heart that loves 00:01:45.060 |
Law plus Spirit equals satisfaction in the praise of God, even if no man approves what 00:01:54.220 |
You can be content and satisfied because you know in Christ God says, "Well done, good 00:02:02.380 |
I can sweep all of your errors away because I paid for them with the blood of my Son. 00:02:09.500 |
Isn't that great to know that even our sin-infected good deeds are going to be praised by God? 00:02:21.820 |
You don't have to produce a perfect deed to get the praise of God because if you did, 00:02:26.340 |
there would be no such thing as the praise of God. 00:02:28.820 |
There won't be a perfect deed you've ever done until the twinkling of an eye changes 00:02:34.880 |
But all the little contaminations or big contaminations of the good things you do are burned up in 00:02:42.300 |
the fire of Calvary so that what's left, he will praise. 00:02:49.100 |
And knowing that you will have his smile forever and there will be this mutual delight that 00:02:55.380 |
goes on and on that so satisfies the heart of the saint that if nobody approves what 00:03:07.220 |
When I read "I and Ran Atlas Shrugged" twenty years ago, another thing emblazoned itself 00:03:25.620 |
That is, always choosing what you do and what you say not because of its intrinsic worth 00:03:34.820 |
in the face of God, but because an eye is being cut to what they will think and say 00:03:47.940 |
If you have God, if through Abraham you are a beneficiary of the covenant, I will be your 00:04:01.460 |
That was from John Piper's sermon, "Who is a True Jew?" 00:04:09.320 |
This clip was recommended to us by David Bolton. 00:04:14.080 |
You can download the full message and over 1,200 others from our website at 00:04:20.380 |
We've talked about this addiction to human approval back in episode number 141, an episode 00:04:26.300 |
on why we can fall into the addiction of lying. 00:04:29.800 |
You can find that in the podcast archive, episode number 141. 00:04:34.380 |
We are going to close out the week with two important and very common questions we get