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E26: State of Venture Capital, plus fan questions on longevity, decentralization & quantum computing


0:0 Bestie intro & poker talk
5:49 Fan question: Longevity & Biohacking, Chamath's health regimen
12:54 Fan question: Decentralization, separation of currency & state, will governments fight back against crypto?
22:48 Fan question: Quantum computing's potential impact, why heavy R&D technologies should are better suited for government funding rather than the private sector
33:33 Chamath's thesis behind deep tech investing
37:25 State of VC & how it's changing in terms of demographics, new access to capital, deal size & more
48:49 Trend of founders caring more about individual investors rather than firms, who is well-positioned & who is left out?
55:0 Why growth stage firms could become less relevant: undifferentiated capital, routing around dilution, brand matters more in the early-stage; how Pipe & Clearbanc are revolutionizing non-dilutive funding
64:0 Summarizing the changing landscape of venture capital, how startups can best position themselves in a full lifecycle, innovations in equity crowdfunding, opportunity for entrepreneurs

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | sacks is there something you object to here the poker one and net worth no i mean it's fine i
00:00:04.400 | don't give a about longevity or quantum computing but here's the good news david it's not all about
00:00:09.280 | you there's four people you could have two people who like the topic and then you could just ask
00:00:15.280 | them a probing that's fine it's fine just tell me when it's over i'll do you know
00:00:18.960 | let your winners ride brain man david sacks
00:00:29.840 | hey everybody hey everybody welcome to the all in podcast i'm jason calacanis and with us today
00:00:47.120 | again the queen of quinoa david friedberg sans his dog in the background sorry for those of you who
00:00:54.800 | love his dog he's on a walk he'll be back in like 10 he'll be back and he'll be in the seat uh
00:00:59.680 | and the rain man himself david sacks ultra focused on sas and marketplace startups
00:01:07.600 | and involved in some illegal trafficking of red pills straight up from honduras to cuba and then
00:01:15.920 | through miami making the red pills making their way to california and finally daddy's back
00:01:22.320 | the spac master himself bestie c the dictator
00:01:29.040 | is replenished bank account replenished he's been re-billionized firing on all cylinders
00:01:35.440 | oh it's so so you know live by the spac die by the smack that's what they always say in
00:01:41.440 | this business but you know what we have been absolutely inundated with i kid you not hundreds
00:01:47.520 | of questions from you our loyal audience and when this thing is over we are going on world tour
00:01:53.200 | we'll see you in vegas we'll see you uh in uh at the royal albert hall in uh london and we're going
00:01:55.200 | to be back in a couple of weeks and we're going to be back in a couple of weeks and we're going to
00:01:55.200 | be back in a couple of weeks and we're going to be back in a couple of weeks and we're going to be back in a couple of weeks
00:01:55.280 | uh in uh at the royal albert hall in uh london and we're going to be back in a couple of weeks and we're going to be back in a couple of weeks
00:01:55.280 | uh in uh at the royal albert hall in uh london and miami all cities are on the agenda let's take our
00:02:04.400 | first question from you the audience to what extent are you guys wait how's everyone doing
00:02:08.240 | i thought we didn't see the questions but how's our i mean look at this guy he got his ass kicked
00:02:13.760 | and he's back i'm doing really really great what about the rest of you guys you guys played poker
00:02:18.240 | this week we played poker it was a bloodbath well although you know it's so funny because like we
00:02:23.200 | played i played uh
00:02:25.040 | uh a very big game the week before and then we step into our game which is like i think still
00:02:29.920 | quite big but i could not rub two cards together to make a hand and i uh i went off like a rocket
00:02:36.720 | ship i just lost it somewhere along the way and just despite that despite that every time i chamath
00:02:44.080 | and i were heads up at hand he just smashed absolutely smashed me smashed and then i was like
00:02:48.960 | you know what i'm not going to be bullied anymore and then i stand up to him and he's got the nuts
00:02:52.400 | each time uh i was down i didn't know that i was going to be bullied anymore and then i stand up to him and he's got the nuts each time
00:02:52.800 | uh i was down i didn't know that i was going to be bullied anymore and then i stand up to him and he's got the nuts each time
00:02:52.800 | uh i was down i didn't know that i was going to be bullied anymore and then i stand up to him and he's got the nuts each time
00:02:52.800 | uh i was down i did check out i did run you over i mean the number of just complete bluffs i ran on you oh
00:03:00.240 | that's crazy and i'm just like he's totally got my number tonight after bluff after bluff
00:03:05.680 | and then i showed him the nuts five times in a row it was beautiful so i'm stuck a model y
00:03:10.000 | and i come back and i win a used prius i'm just leaving it at that
00:03:14.320 | i lost a mid-sized home in phoenix arizona i think you lost a betley okay don't cancel us
00:03:21.760 | uh please uh sax jack did you play i wasn't there in that game but i played in uh la game a couple of
00:03:28.880 | nights ago and uh any celebrities yeah me me sax and oh god you guys don't count your podcasters
00:03:36.080 | no there was one there was one unnamed celebrity we can't say what what an actor no we can't say
00:03:41.280 | but we all won well just give us a genre i mean an athlete okay yeah i won in in that game but i lost
00:03:47.920 | uh i lost a different game this past week and it wasn't pretty
00:03:51.520 | yeah wait sexy sexy are you what game you're playing yeah i think he may be playing actually
00:03:56.720 | i mean beep that out would you nick beep it out but we can all laugh at him for being so precious
00:04:03.680 | oh you i'm sorry do you lps think you're supposed to be in san francisco investing in startups no
00:04:08.800 | no they know i go wherever the deals are oh really miami what are you gonna do would you get a deal
00:04:14.640 | on some croquettes and a cuban sandwich two for one there's no copies there when do you think
00:04:21.280 | you'll make an investment in a miami-based company you think that'll happen anytime it's happened
00:04:24.880 | already that's what happened are you in the new free are you in the new reboy i've invested in
00:04:29.920 | a miami company i've got like six yeah i well there's some companies that are moving to miami
00:04:36.240 | that i'm already in you know chamath and i are both in pipe right and and uh part at least the
00:04:41.520 | ceo of the company just moved to miami so that's two of four two or four besties in pipe thanks
00:04:46.640 | by the way how did you miss that jcal they they advertise on your show and you didn't think to try
00:04:51.120 | and invest that the lp beep that we all share wanted everything and he couldn't fit me in and
00:04:57.280 | i was like how about a slice and he's like is that lp me no there's another lp that sax and i share
00:05:04.320 | who got their beak significantly doused in that one but i'm just gonna i'm gonna get the kid to
00:05:09.600 | give me a 25 basis points in uh advisor share so i'm getting a slice no matter what yeah good good
00:05:14.720 | luck with that good luck with that good luck the trains off the station the trains off the station
00:05:20.080 | dude that that that company's worth a couple billion dollars in less than two years of its
00:05:23.920 | existence good luck with that jason okay well it's i we call it a make good i don't know what you guys
00:05:28.880 | are seeing but my god early stage valuations went bonkers i had one company that raised
00:05:34.400 | that that was looking at run it i have all kinds of data okay right so today we're going to do
00:05:39.440 | some audience questions and then we're going to do the state of vc we're running through a deck
00:05:42.800 | we're running through everything that is changing right now in venture capital and early stage
00:05:47.280 | investing and it is changing very quickly here's a question what's the best way to get a good deal
00:05:49.240 | on a company that's going to make a lot of money in the future and what's the best way to get a good
00:05:49.240 | deal on a company that's going to make a lot of money in the future and what's the best way to get a good deal
00:05:49.280 | here's a question from leonard uh omazix to what extent are you guys interested in longevity
00:05:57.800 | in your opinion what technologies could help us live longer and healthier lives friedberg
00:06:02.120 | that's got your name on it why don't we start with you um on this one i would uh point folks
00:06:08.440 | to read the book lifespan by david sinclair who's a researcher at harvard and he's done
00:06:14.040 | a lot of kind of leading work on um on uh basically calling aging a
00:06:19.160 | disease and life extension so the book lifespan highlights i think a lot of his research and
00:06:23.800 | findings and paths forward uh for um for improving uh longevity and basically you know comes down to
00:06:32.840 | what he defines as kind of an early switch that evolved in evolutionary biology
00:06:37.000 | in every cell on every living organism where the cell is either in growth mode or repair mode
00:06:42.920 | and the trick is can you get the gene to switch on that puts the cell into repair mode and if you do
00:06:48.440 | that you're going to have a lot of problems with that and so i think that's a really good point and
00:06:49.040 | i think that's a really good point and i think that's a really good point and i think that's a really good point
00:06:49.120 | and i think that's a really good point the cell fixes itself and you and the cell lasts longer
00:06:52.240 | the cell fixes itself and you and the cell lasts longer
00:06:52.240 | the cell fixes itself and you and the cell lasts longer the organism lives longer
00:06:53.600 | the organism lives longer and so they've identified a number of
00:06:55.760 | and so they've identified a number of
00:06:55.760 | and so they've identified a number of genes that trigger this and a number of
00:06:57.760 | genes that trigger this and a number of
00:06:57.760 | genes that trigger this and a number of compounds that trigger expression of
00:06:59.600 | compounds that trigger expression of
00:06:59.600 | compounds that trigger expression of those genes
00:07:01.120 | those genes
00:07:01.120 | those genes and there's a number of things you can
00:07:02.240 | and there's a number of things you can
00:07:02.240 | and there's a number of things you can do lifestyle wise to trigger these genes
00:07:04.560 | do lifestyle wise to trigger these genes
00:07:04.560 | basically to get yourself to live longer so fasting is a good one and then there's a bunch
00:07:08.400 | of compounds that you can take that mimic fasting on a cellular level like metformin and rapamycin
00:07:14.400 | i'm on metformin i think a couple of you guys are on metformin right yeah and then and then
00:07:18.640 | the nad plus supplements um which you can buy you take m nmn substance yeah nmn nmn and nad plus um
00:07:26.240 | so there's two there's two compounds nmn like nancy mike nancy um and then nr um and those uh
00:07:34.720 | you can buy a product called true niagen on amazon which which has those compounds and you take about
00:07:39.200 | a thousand milligrams a day and um anyway all of this stuff's laid out in his books and it supports
00:07:44.480 | a lot of the research that's being done obviously fasting and exercise also trigger this gene
00:07:48.640 | expression and enable kind of measures of longevity uh to kind of be showing up biologically
00:07:54.560 | but um i think i think it's a
00:07:56.160 | it's an emerging field and there's a lot of deep work going on and as people have highlighted the
00:08:01.760 | process of aging is a biological process that theoretically we can stop and potentially reverse
00:08:06.160 | and there's a lot of new work that's being done in stem cell therapy that may kind of
00:08:11.120 | elicit some new paths forward here so arguably someone is alive on planet earth today that
00:08:15.600 | could live past the age of 200. um so it's an exciting field and lots of kind of paths forward
00:08:20.960 | i'll uh i'll tell you for what it's worth my regimen
00:08:26.480 | and oh god here we go thirst trap photo coming in no uh so so i i do uh
00:08:32.720 | the the following so um i take uh a statin now it was 10 milligrams now i'm at 20 milligrams
00:08:43.200 | um i take metformin and all of this i take sort of in a preventative posture
00:08:49.040 | um because my cholesterol wasn't super high but it wasn't super low it was like sort of like in the
00:08:54.640 | 160 170 180 but now it's sort of like 120. um and then metformin i take preventatively as well i'm
00:09:01.760 | not pre-diabetic um and then a couple of vitamin d and some other stuff but then here are these things
00:09:07.120 | that i do that i think could be valuable for some folks listening uh there are these places now that
00:09:13.760 | exist they're popping up one company that you can check out is called pre-nuvo p-r-e-n-u-v-o
00:09:20.960 | um they're in vancouver they're in la they're in redwood city so mid peninsula for those in silicon
00:09:28.080 | valley and what you can do is you can get a head to toe uh mri so you know there's no radiation you
00:09:35.760 | know you could do these things you know every other week if you wanted to it takes about an hour
00:09:39.840 | and what happens is they can basically uh look through your entire body
00:09:45.040 | um your musculature your organs um from the literally from the tip of your head all the
00:09:50.960 | way down to your ankles and they can spot a lot of stuff that may not otherwise uh be seen and so you
00:09:57.360 | know every three or four years to get one of these scans you could see a lesion um you could see the
00:10:02.080 | beginnings of a tumor um you know i did one a few weeks ago touchwood it was great nothing nothing
00:10:07.600 | so much does it cost um there's a range of prices um and i think those prices will come down the
00:10:13.840 | range of prices are from like 1500 to 2500 so it's not expense it's not cheap sorry
00:10:19.120 | but here's what they're able to do they're building a corpus of all these images where
00:10:24.480 | they're running uh machine learning on it and they're getting better and better at identifying
00:10:28.880 | anomalies and so as a result of that they're able to actually take the mri images and they
00:10:33.600 | can do fewer and fewer scans to get the equivalent resolution so two things will
00:10:38.000 | happen one is the scan time will come down right so it was an hour and a half now it's sort of right
00:10:42.640 | under an hour it can probably be as low as 40 minutes which is relatively tolerable for most
00:10:47.520 | people and then the cost will come down into the hundreds of dollars because you'll be able to very
00:10:52.240 | rapidly assess um so i do that and then the second thing is for anybody with heart disease in their
00:10:57.920 | family i really implore you one of my friends actually is flying down from toronto i'm taking
00:11:03.040 | him to my cardiologist in la and there's a thing called heart flow and what heart flow is is a
00:11:08.880 | contrast ct which basically means they inject it into the heart and they're able to get the heart
00:11:12.560 | to die and then they put you under a ct and they they map out your heart and you can literally see
00:11:19.040 | the calcium build up you can see the state of your arteries um and you know what probably people don't
00:11:24.320 | know is when you have a calcium score you know most of us it's zero but when it starts to be
00:11:28.800 | non-zero it doubles every year and by the time it gets into the thousands you're basically
00:11:33.760 | guaranteed to get some form of cardiac issue um and so it doesn't seem like anything if your
00:11:38.960 | cardiac score is 20 except it goes to 40 80 once a year and then you're like oh my god i'm gonna die
00:11:42.480 | 60 and all of a sudden within five six years you're really in the red zone for a heart attack
00:11:46.160 | or something um i've done it twice now um every five years i do it um and touch wood you know my
00:11:51.920 | my calcium score is still zero um but in any event uh that's what i do for longevity i kind
00:11:57.360 | of preventatively at the cellular level with some drugs and then just trying to catch cancer
00:12:02.000 | and heart disease on the front end otherwise eat three balanced meals and exercise and sleep a lot
00:12:08.080 | sax uh you obviously don't care about longevity
00:12:12.400 | uh any thoughts here i mean sax has looked like he's a thousand years old since he was seven no
00:12:16.880 | he was when he was in 12th grade he looked like he was a vice president united states yeah guys
00:12:21.680 | just just let just let me know when this conversation is over i've been doing my email
00:12:26.720 | oh that's so great all right here we go end my life now i hate it you don't you guys
00:12:36.000 | like i just lost two years right now sax has got an early spot both on the
00:12:42.320 | rocket ship to mars and he's got an inside vip to peter thiel's blood boy project and so either way
00:12:49.360 | he's getting off the planet or he's going to refresh his blood or both so he's good
00:12:54.160 | all right action bias asks please debate decentralization of monetary
00:12:59.520 | value ultimate threat for insider's power erosion i interpret this as a as a bitcoin question so
00:13:06.960 | yeah i think one of the most interesting things happening in the world today is
00:13:12.240 | is this is what's happening with bitcoin right it's and and you're seeing the price go up because
00:13:17.280 | a bunch of institutional investors on wall street are all getting into it now
00:13:20.400 | it's gone from retail to institutional and the narrative basically it's a really profound
00:13:26.320 | narrative which is it's the separation of money and state so if you think about like one of the
00:13:32.320 | most important events in human history was the separation of church and state where we no longer
00:13:37.360 | look to the state to determine you know what religion everyone was going to be well
00:13:42.160 | what crypto is introducing is this idea that the government cannot control the money supply
00:13:46.960 | i think that's what he's talking about with the decentralization is that you could have a currency
00:13:51.600 | that everybody in the world believes in that no government can control
00:13:55.840 | that's the separation of money and state now this is just really a narrative right now
00:14:01.120 | um i mean and who knows if it will actually come true but the interesting thing is that
00:14:06.240 | if everybody does believe in it it will come true and so bitcoin's been sort of described as the bub
00:14:12.080 | that never ends because if everyone kind of buys into this bubble it actually comes true so i think
00:14:18.160 | it's very interesting and you're seeing um because bitcoin is kind of perceived as the antidote to
00:14:25.120 | inflation and money printing by the government uh i think you're seeing it take on new urgency
00:14:32.000 | now because the government just keeps printing trillions and trillions of dollars of of new money
00:14:36.800 | doesn't this threaten government so if government um doesn't have control over monitoring financial
00:14:42.000 | transactions and have control over the accounts in which the financial assets sit which is
00:14:46.560 | effectively the notion of decentralized anonymized wallets then um how does the
00:14:51.920 | government secure taxation which is requisite for their ability to fund well the good the
00:14:57.040 | fund the state right and so what happens to the state well so there's an enormous amount
00:15:01.200 | of leakage that happens today in assets that actually get financialized but in the gray market
00:15:06.720 | and i think the the beautiful thing is on the one hand you know we become less focused on like the m
00:15:11.920 | one and the m2 money supply like the physical printable distributable money that we can see
00:15:16.720 | and touch and it gets replaced with virtual currencies that are tied to other things
00:15:21.120 | i think what the the the the person who wrote the question is asking really is more about
00:15:25.280 | d5 and what's happening sort of like on the ethereum you know 2.0 erc20 contracts all that
00:15:31.520 | stuff which is sort of much more next gen i think than bitcoin and i think at some point we should
00:15:36.560 | deep dive into it but what i would say friedberg is all the leakage you have today goes away in a
00:15:41.840 | world of d5 because you will financialize every single asset possible you know you'll
00:15:47.920 | financialize your homes you'll financialize your cars your watches your jewelry your art
00:15:52.720 | you'll financialize every random thing maybe even your career and how people will trade it
00:15:57.280 | absolutely your career and and the thing is by by monetizing it and financializing it you can
00:16:02.960 | borrow against it you can trade it you can pull forward value into the future against it but it'll
00:16:08.240 | all be tracked and so as long as a government then says listen you're going to have to do this
00:16:11.760 | listen we're going to enable it all but there needs to be an off-ramp to taxation and that's
00:16:17.520 | pretty simple because a physical house exists in the world you can't hide the existence of a
00:16:21.840 | physical house but it's not anonymized right and so i you know if you want to track it i mean that's
00:16:26.960 | the challenge if no i'm saying if it is anonymized then the government can't track it and the
00:16:31.040 | government can't these are these are two separate things some assets will live anonymously and those
00:16:36.880 | are the assets that don't need to exist in the real world but i think what this will create
00:16:41.680 | is a world where all of these assets that actually truly exist in the real world it'll be fine that it
00:16:46.880 | exists and that people get taxed on it but it'll be much more legitimate and i think it'll be
00:16:51.520 | simpler and so i think people will trade off incremental taxation for incremental monetizability
00:16:57.280 | i'll give you an example let's use real estate there is no reason why every single piece of land
00:17:05.040 | everywhere around the world isn't written into a ledger with knowledge of who owns it
00:17:11.600 | such that the person that owns it could trade it could borrow against it um could sell it
00:17:18.160 | um fractionalize it fractionalize it even if you can't fractionalize in the real world because your
00:17:22.800 | neighbors won't let you set it up into four lots you could do that online online and so today what
00:17:28.000 | will happen is that you know that person has a level of wealth and what they do instead take the
00:17:33.680 | united states is they lobby lobby lobby to create all this convoluted real estate tax law to make
00:17:38.880 | their life simpler but if you actually invest in real estate you're going to have a lot of money
00:17:41.520 | and you're going to have a lot of money to spend but if you actually invest in real estate you're
00:17:44.960 | going to have a lot of money to spend but if you actually invest in real estate you're going to have
00:17:47.280 | a lot of money to spend but if you actually invest in real estate you're going to have a lot of money
00:17:48.080 | to spend but if you actually invest in real estate you're going to have a lot of money to spend but
00:17:50.000 | if you judge just to you know sort of answer the question here from the from the reader from the
00:17:54.640 | listener i think you can really judge this based upon how much it's being pumped by the people who
00:17:59.600 | own it and they are absolutely dogged religious about this it's like talking to and you know a
00:18:06.240 | person who's you know met jesus and now everybody has to be a christian and you can also look at
00:18:11.440 | the people who are opposing it i don't know if you saw yellen um and then um christine lagarde
00:18:18.400 | she came out against it yellen's come out against it india might ban it and then you have obviously
00:18:23.120 | china's coming out their digital one so i think it's going to be there's going to be a dogfight
00:18:27.840 | here where governments are not going to easily give up their control of this and there's many
00:18:34.160 | ways they can make a bunch of red tape to slow this down and in countries that are
00:18:38.800 | authoritarian they cannot write ban it let's take another question
00:18:41.360 | here by the way there's like three outcomes here right i mean you could either see bitcoin for
00:18:45.360 | example you know being banned and that's going to be ugly um and obviously there would be significant
00:18:51.520 | financial loss at this point i mean to sax's point at some point there's so much asset value tied up
00:18:56.160 | in bitcoin it's it's too big to fail so david banned by who oh that that's chinese government
00:19:01.840 | this is what they're trying to do on some of the states right and they're trying to make it illegal
00:19:05.600 | for citizens to transfer money in and out of the asset class i think it's a bigger threat to
00:19:11.280 | want to impose export or currency controls and and export restrictions but but frankly if you're
00:19:18.000 | a country that's not afraid of currency movements because you're not trying to do something
00:19:21.600 | oppressive to your people i don't think you have that much to fear here i mean there are other ways
00:19:26.080 | of trying to hide assets or hide money besides bitcoin and every transaction every bitcoin
00:19:31.360 | transaction is written into the ledger i think you have to be pretty dumb to try and commit a
00:19:35.440 | crime with bitcoin because there's going to be a permanent record in the blockchain forever
00:19:39.600 | of that transfer and then there's companies that are going to be able to do that and then there's
00:19:41.200 | companies that that provide uh that do kind of sleuthing and try to you know unravel you think
00:19:48.800 | tax evasion in the united states is going to be difficult um with bitcoin if i accrue a bunch of
00:19:53.840 | value in bitcoin am i going to be able to evade paying taxes on those gains and convert that
00:19:58.240 | bitcoin into physical assets by purchasing it from another bitcoin wallet holder i mean how
00:20:03.840 | realistic is tax evasion going to be uh and how much would because that's ultimately what
00:20:07.920 | the us government would mostly well so you would convert cash into
00:20:11.120 | bitcoin and then you want to sell your bitcoin at some point you're going to have to sell it
00:20:14.640 | i mean there would be a there'd be a a realization of it i'm saying transfer to a seller of an asset
00:20:21.120 | of another asset that's willing to accept bitcoin in receipt and so two anonymized wallets i don't
00:20:25.920 | know i mean that that transaction is going to live on the blockchain forever and it's going to live
00:20:30.000 | in the books of whoever the seller is what are they selling you a car a house whatever i mean
00:20:34.960 | that that trans a watch i mean look if it's a personal item maybe but if we're talking about a
00:20:39.760 | substantial asset i mean if it's a personal item maybe but if we're talking about a substantial asset
00:20:41.040 | like a house or a company or something they're going to need to the other side of the transaction
00:20:46.160 | is going to need to report the realization event so you're going to have to have two people collude to
00:20:51.520 | engage in tax evasion seems like a really stupid thing to do legally incorporated businesses are
00:20:56.560 | going to be mandated to do effectively identity verification much like we have to do under the
00:21:00.800 | patriot act with all the the financial laws totally totally yeah ultimately how the compromise
00:21:06.560 | arises right yeah i'm not i i'm not that worried about i i feel like this whole like
00:21:10.960 | silk road type bitcoin will be used illegally thing is like kind of a old meme about it that
00:21:18.400 | i think that the fears are like greatly exaggerated but the thing that jumps out at me about all the
00:21:23.600 | critics of bitcoin and i'm not like a pump or whatever but i do i do own some um is the thing
00:21:29.920 | that like all these like critics don't seem to understand is the technology that's the common
00:21:34.240 | denominator whether it's like howard marx or warren buffett or charlie munger or whoever
00:21:38.240 | they're they're all like great investors or whatever but they're not technically
00:21:40.880 | technologists it's a blind spot and the thing they don't understand about the technology is that
00:21:46.480 | bitcoin is the first digital asset to ever be created that you can't create infinite copies
00:21:51.760 | of right so think about like a song or a photo or a video or whatever anything that's digital
00:21:58.400 | you've always been able to make an infinite number of copies isn't that what the word
00:22:02.080 | digital means is that it's infinitely copyable so how do you have digital money
00:22:07.040 | that can't just be infinitely copied obviously that would destroy the value and that's
00:22:10.800 | what's happening with bitcoin right now bitcoin is a digital asset to every transaction and
00:22:15.280 | that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:18.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:22.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:26.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:30.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:34.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:37.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:40.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:42.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:44.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:46.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:50.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:55.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:22:59.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:03.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:10.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:14.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:21.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:25.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:30.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:35.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:40.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:44.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:49.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:23:55.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:00.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:06.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:10.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:14.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:19.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:24.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:30.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:34.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:40.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:43.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:48.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:52.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:24:57.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:02.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:10.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:14.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:17.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:21.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:25.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:28.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:32.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:36.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:40.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:42.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:48.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:52.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:25:57.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:00.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:04.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:10.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:13.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:18.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:22.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:26.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:30.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:35.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:40.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:45.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:50.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:54.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:26:58.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:02.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:10.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:14.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:19.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:25.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:29.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:33.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:39.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:43.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:45.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:49.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:53.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:27:59.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:04.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:09.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:13.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:17.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:21.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:25.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:30.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:35.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:39.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:43.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:47.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:52.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:28:57.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:02.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:09.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:13.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:17.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:21.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:25.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:29.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:34.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:39.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:43.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:46.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:50.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:29:55.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:00.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:05.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:09.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:14.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:18.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:22.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:26.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:30.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:34.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:39.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:42.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:45.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:50.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:54.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:30:58.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:02.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:09.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:12.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:16.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:21.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:24.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:29.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:34.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:39.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:42.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:46.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:51.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:31:56.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:00.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:04.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:09.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:12.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:16.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:20.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:24.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:28.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:32.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:36.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:39.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:42.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:46.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:50.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:54.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:32:58.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:02.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:06.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:09.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:12.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:16.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:20.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:24.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:28.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:32.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:36.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:38.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:42.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:46.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:50.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:54.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:33:58.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:02.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:06.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:08.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:11.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:15.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:19.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:23.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:27.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:31.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:35.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:38.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:41.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:45.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:49.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:53.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:34:57.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:01.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:05.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:08.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:13.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:19.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:23.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:27.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:33.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:38.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:41.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:45.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:49.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:53.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:35:57.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:01.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:05.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:08.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:11.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:15.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:19.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:23.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:27.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:31.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:35.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:38.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:41.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:45.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:49.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:53.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:36:57.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:01.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:05.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:08.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:11.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:15.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:19.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:23.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:27.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:31.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:35.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:38.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:41.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:45.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:49.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:53.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:37:57.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:01.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:05.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:08.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:11.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:15.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:19.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:23.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:27.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:31.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:35.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:38.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:41.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:45.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:49.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:53.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:38:57.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:01.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:05.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:08.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:11.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:15.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:19.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:23.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:27.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:31.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:35.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:38.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:41.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:45.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:49.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:53.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:39:57.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:01.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:05.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:07.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:10.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:14.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:18.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:22.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:26.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:30.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:34.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:37.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:40.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:44.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:48.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:52.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:40:56.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:00.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:04.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:07.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:10.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:14.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:18.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:22.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:26.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:30.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:34.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:37.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:40.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:44.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:48.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:52.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:41:56.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:00.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:04.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:07.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:10.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:14.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:18.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:22.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:26.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:30.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:34.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:37.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:40.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:44.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:48.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:52.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:42:56.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:00.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:04.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:07.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:10.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:14.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:18.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:22.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:26.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:30.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:34.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:37.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:40.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:44.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:48.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:52.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:43:56.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:00.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:04.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:07.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:10.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:12.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:14.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:18.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:22.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:28.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:32.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:36.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:37.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:40.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:44.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:48.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:52.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:44:56.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:00.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:04.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:07.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:10.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:14.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:18.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:22.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:26.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:30.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:34.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:37.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:40.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:44.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:48.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:52.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:45:56.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:00.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:04.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:06.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:10.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:14.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:18.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:22.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:26.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:30.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:34.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:36.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:39.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:43.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:47.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:51.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:55.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:46:59.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:03.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:06.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:09.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:13.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:17.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:21.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:25.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:29.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:33.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:36.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:39.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:43.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:47.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:51.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:55.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:47:59.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:03.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:06.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:09.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:13.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:17.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:21.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:25.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:29.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:33.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:36.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:39.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:43.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:47.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:51.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:55.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:48:59.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:03.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:06.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:09.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:13.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:17.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:21.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:25.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:29.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:33.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:36.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:39.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:43.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:47.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:51.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:55.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:49:59.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:03.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:06.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:09.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:13.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:17.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:21.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:25.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:29.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:33.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:36.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:39.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:43.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:47.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:51.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:55.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:50:59.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:03.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:06.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:09.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:13.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:17.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:21.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:25.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:29.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:33.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:36.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:39.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:43.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:47.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:51.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:55.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:51:59.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:03.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:06.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:09.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:13.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:17.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:21.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:25.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:29.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:33.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:35.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:38.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:42.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:46.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:50.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:54.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:52:58.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:02.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:05.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:08.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:12.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:16.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:20.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:24.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:28.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:32.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:35.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:38.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:42.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:46.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:50.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:54.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:53:58.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:02.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:05.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:08.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:12.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:16.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:20.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:24.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:28.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:32.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:35.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:38.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:42.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:46.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:50.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:54.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:54:58.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:02.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:05.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:08.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:12.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:16.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:20.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:24.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:28.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:32.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:35.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:38.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:40.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:42.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:46.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:50.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:54.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:55:58.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:02.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:05.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:08.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:12.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:16.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:20.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:24.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:28.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:32.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:35.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:38.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:42.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:46.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:50.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:54.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:56:58.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:02.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:05.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:08.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:12.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:16.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:20.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:24.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:28.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:32.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:35.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:38.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:42.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:46.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:50.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:54.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:57:58.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:02.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:05.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:08.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:12.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:16.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:20.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:24.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:28.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:32.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:34.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:38.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:42.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:46.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:50.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:54.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:58:58.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:02.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:04.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:07.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:11.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:15.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:19.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:23.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:27.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:31.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:34.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:37.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:41.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:45.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:49.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:53.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
00:59:57.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:01.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:04.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:07.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:11.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:15.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:19.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:23.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:27.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:31.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:34.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:37.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:41.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:45.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:49.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:55.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:00:59.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:04.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:07.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:11.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:15.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:19.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:23.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:27.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:31.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:34.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:37.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:41.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:45.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:49.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:55.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:01:59.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:04.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:07.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:11.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:15.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:19.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:25.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:29.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:34.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:37.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:41.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:45.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:49.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:53.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:02:57.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:01.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:04.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:07.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:11.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:15.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:19.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:23.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:27.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:31.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:34.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:37.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:41.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:45.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:49.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:53.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:03:57.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:01.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:04.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:07.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:11.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:15.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:19.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:23.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:27.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:31.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:34.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:37.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:41.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:45.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:49.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:53.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:04:57.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:01.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:03.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:06.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:10.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:14.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:18.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:22.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:26.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:30.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:33.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:36.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:40.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:44.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:48.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:52.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:05:56.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:00.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:03.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:06.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:10.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:14.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:18.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:24.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:28.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:33.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:36.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:40.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:44.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:48.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:52.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:06:56.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:00.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:03.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:06.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:10.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:14.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:18.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:22.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:26.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:30.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:33.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:36.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:40.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:44.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:48.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:52.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:07:56.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:00.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:03.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:06.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:10.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:14.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:18.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:22.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:26.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:30.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:33.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:36.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:40.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:44.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:48.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:52.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:08:56.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:00.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:03.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:06.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:10.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:14.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:18.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:22.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:26.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:30.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:33.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:36.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:40.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:44.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:48.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:52.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:09:56.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:00.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:03.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:06.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:10.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:14.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:18.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:22.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:26.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:30.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:33.040 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:36.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:40.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:44.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:48.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:52.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:10:56.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:00.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:02.960 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:06.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:10.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:14.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:18.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:22.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:26.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:30.000 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:32.880 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:35.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:39.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:43.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:47.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:51.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:55.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:11:59.920 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:02.800 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:05.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:09.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:13.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:17.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:21.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:25.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:29.840 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:32.720 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:35.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:39.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:43.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:47.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:51.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:55.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:12:59.760 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:02.640 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:05.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:09.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:13.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:17.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:21.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:25.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:29.680 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:32.560 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:35.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:39.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:43.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:47.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:53.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:13:57.600 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:02.480 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:05.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:09.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:13.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:17.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:21.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:25.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:29.520 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:32.400 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:35.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:39.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:43.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:47.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:51.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:55.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:14:59.440 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:02.320 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:05.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:09.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:13.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:17.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:21.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:25.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:29.360 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:32.240 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:35.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:39.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:43.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:47.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:51.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:55.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:15:59.280 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:02.160 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:05.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:09.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:13.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:17.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:21.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:25.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:29.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:31.200 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:32.080 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:35.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:39.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:43.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:45.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:47.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:49.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:51.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:53.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:55.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:57.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:16:59.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:01.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:03.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:05.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:07.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:09.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:11.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:13.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:15.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:17.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:19.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:21.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:23.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction
01:17:25.120 | and that's why bitcoin is so important because it's a digital asset to every transaction