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Saagar Enjeti: Politics, History, and Power | Lex Fridman Podcast #167


0:0 Introduction
2:41 Hitler
7:1 Evil
8:20 Donald Trump
18:51 Teddy Roosevelt
24:12 Nazi Germany
29:8 The balance of power in US government
33:4 Bureaucracy
41:38 Money
43:54 UFOs
47:57 Jeffrey Epstein
61:18 Left and Right
72:2 How to fix politics
97:28 Political predictions
110:42 Journalism
121:37 Joe Rogan
129:4 Lyndon Johnson
130:23 World War I
135:15 Dan Carlin
142:9 How Stalin came to power
147:36 Putin
153:47 Lenin and Stalin
157:17 Book recommendations
164:44 Antarctica and Mars
171:59 Born to Run
174:26 Texas

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | The following is a conversation with Sagar Anjati.
00:00:03.040 | He is a DC-based political correspondent,
00:00:05.800 | host of "The Rising" with Crystal Ball,
00:00:08.200 | and host of the "Realignment" podcast
00:00:10.600 | with Marshall Kozlov.
00:00:12.680 | He has interviewed Donald Trump four times
00:00:16.520 | and has interviewed a lot of major political figures
00:00:19.800 | and human beings who wield power.
00:00:23.160 | He loves policy and loves history,
00:00:25.920 | which makes him a great person to sail
00:00:28.000 | through the sometimes stormy waters of political discourse.
00:00:32.640 | He showed up to this conversation with a gift
00:00:35.400 | of the second volume of Ian Kershaw's biography on Hitler,
00:00:40.160 | a two-volume set that is widely acknowledged
00:00:42.320 | as one of the greatest, if not the greatest,
00:00:45.160 | most definitive studies of Hitler.
00:00:48.280 | Nothing wins my heart faster on a first meeting
00:00:51.360 | or a first date than a great book
00:00:53.840 | about the darkest aspects of human nature and human history.
00:00:57.480 | I think I started saying that as a joke,
00:00:59.320 | but actually there's probably a lot of truth to it.
00:01:01.520 | I love it when we skip the small talk
00:01:03.160 | and go straight to the in-depth conversation
00:01:05.440 | about the best and worst of human nature.
00:01:08.960 | Quick mention of our sponsors,
00:01:10.760 | Jordan Harbinger Show, Grammarly Grammar Assistant,
00:01:14.440 | Eight Sleep Self-Cooling Bed,
00:01:16.280 | and Magic Spoon Low Carb Cereal.
00:01:19.240 | Click the sponsor links to get a discount
00:01:21.360 | and to support this podcast.
00:01:23.320 | As a side note, let me say that for better or for worse,
00:01:26.560 | I would like to avoid the trap
00:01:27.880 | of surface political bickering of the day.
00:01:30.400 | I do find politics fascinating,
00:01:32.400 | but not the talking points produced
00:01:34.200 | by the industrial engagement complex
00:01:37.080 | of red versus blue division.
00:01:38.840 | Instead, I'm fascinated by human beings who seek power
00:01:42.440 | and how power changes them.
00:01:44.880 | I don't have a political affiliation,
00:01:46.960 | and my ideas, at least I hope so,
00:01:49.080 | are defined more by curiosity
00:01:51.080 | and learning in the face of uncertainty
00:01:53.360 | and less by the echo chambers who tell me
00:01:56.520 | what I'm supposed to think.
00:01:58.440 | I'm constantly evolving, learning,
00:02:00.920 | and doing my best to do so without ego and with empathy.
00:02:04.240 | Please be patient with me.
00:02:05.920 | As far as I'm aware,
00:02:07.000 | I do not have any derangement syndromes,
00:02:09.360 | nor do I get a medical prescription
00:02:11.080 | of blue, red, white, or black pills.
00:02:14.400 | If I say something, I say it because I'm genuinely thinking
00:02:18.200 | and struggling with the ideas.
00:02:21.080 | I have no agenda, just a bit of a hope
00:02:23.800 | to add more love to the world.
00:02:26.680 | If you enjoy this thing, subscribe on YouTube,
00:02:29.160 | review it on Apple Podcasts, follow us on Spotify,
00:02:32.200 | support it on Patreon,
00:02:33.520 | or connect with me on Twitter @AlexFreedman.
00:02:36.320 | And now, here's my conversation with Sagar Anjati.
00:02:40.080 | There's no better gifts in this world
00:02:44.720 | than a book about Hitler, so thank you so much.
00:02:47.800 | I've gotten a gift when I was,
00:02:49.160 | what were we just talking about?
00:02:50.000 | - Yes, right, right. - Flying the watch
00:02:51.160 | from Joe Rogan, and this almost beats it.
00:02:54.400 | So tell me what this particular book on Hitler is.
00:02:58.800 | So this is volume two.
00:02:59.880 | - Yes, so this is Ian Kershaw.
00:03:02.000 | He wrote the famous two-volume on Hitler.
00:03:04.520 | I'm a big book nerd, and I spend a lot of time
00:03:07.120 | reading biographies in particular.
00:03:09.180 | So this one, if you need a one-volume,
00:03:11.960 | "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," right?
00:03:13.840 | I think you talked about that, William Shire,
00:03:15.520 | because that's like Hitler's rise,
00:03:17.520 | Nazi Germany, the war, et cetera.
00:03:19.320 | But I like bios because it's the,
00:03:22.960 | a good biography is "Story of the Times," right?
00:03:25.320 | And so this one, the first volume, it does exactly that,
00:03:28.400 | which is that it doesn't just tell the story of Hitler.
00:03:30.880 | It's the context of poor, you know, this kid in Austria,
00:03:34.240 | and he's got all these dreams,
00:03:35.360 | but then actually pretty courageous
00:03:37.400 | in terms of World War I, right?
00:03:38.860 | Gets pinned to metal on by the Kaiser,
00:03:40.800 | and then what it's like to lose World War I
00:03:44.120 | and actually lose this stain,
00:03:47.020 | and then the rise within, everybody knows that story,
00:03:49.800 | the Beer Hall Putsch and all that.
00:03:51.560 | This one I like, and the reason I like Kershaw
00:03:53.920 | is obviously, number one, it's English,
00:03:55.680 | which is actually hard, right?
00:03:57.000 | Like in order to write that story,
00:03:58.560 | who can do both the primary source material
00:04:01.040 | and then translate it for people like us,
00:04:03.160 | but he tells the dynamic story of Hitler so well
00:04:08.000 | in this second volume, just like the level of detail.
00:04:10.880 | And you've talked about this, Lex,
00:04:12.200 | like what was it like inside that room,
00:04:14.880 | inside with Chamberlain?
00:04:16.200 | Like what was it like in terms of
00:04:18.520 | who was this like magnetic madman
00:04:21.400 | who did convince the smartest people
00:04:23.600 | in the world at the time?
00:04:24.720 | And you know, up until like 1940,
00:04:27.720 | the Soviet gamble, like was it,
00:04:30.120 | it took tremendous risks, but like highly calculated,
00:04:34.360 | thinking, no, no, no, no, I'm not gonna pay for this one.
00:04:36.520 | I'm not gonna pay for this one.
00:04:37.800 | And it put himself, he had a remarkable ability
00:04:40.560 | not just to put himself in the minds of the German people,
00:04:42.960 | but in terms of his adversaries,
00:04:44.440 | like with when he was across from Mussolini,
00:04:46.640 | calculate, he's like, how exactly did Mussolini,
00:04:48.760 | the guy who created fascism,
00:04:49.800 | becomes like second fiddle to Hitler?
00:04:52.440 | Think it's an amazing bio.
00:04:53.640 | And yeah, like Ian Kershaw, along with Richard Evans,
00:04:57.880 | two of my favorite authors on the Third Reich, no question.
00:05:00.280 | - Do you think he was born this way,
00:05:01.600 | that charisma, whatever that is,
00:05:03.360 | or was it something he developed strategically?
00:05:06.040 | That's like the question you apply
00:05:07.200 | to some of the great leaders.
00:05:09.200 | Was he just a madman who had the instinct
00:05:13.520 | to be able to control people
00:05:14.920 | when in the room together with them,
00:05:16.520 | or is this like he worked at it?
00:05:18.000 | - I think he worked at it.
00:05:19.320 | But also there is an innate quality.
00:05:21.660 | I'm forgetting his name, his lifelong,
00:05:23.920 | Rudolf, the one who flew to Berlin in like 1940.
00:05:28.000 | I forget his name.
00:05:28.840 | Anyway, so he helped Hitler write "Mein Kampf,"
00:05:31.560 | and he was like slavishly devoted to him in prison.
00:05:35.640 | This is 1925 or something like that.
00:05:38.600 | And so you read that and you're like,
00:05:39.920 | well, how does he get this like crank wacko
00:05:43.000 | to basically believe he's like the second coming,
00:05:45.320 | help him write this book?
00:05:46.680 | I mean, literally they lived together in the prison cell
00:05:49.440 | and they would wake up every day.
00:05:50.480 | And as he was composing "Mein Kampf"
00:05:52.440 | and because of the beer hall putsch and all that,
00:05:54.800 | had this like absolute ability to gather people around him.
00:05:59.020 | I think his greatest skill was,
00:06:00.800 | is he was just a very good politician, truly.
00:06:03.120 | I mean, if you look at his ability
00:06:05.080 | in order to read coalitional politics
00:06:07.620 | and then convince exactly the right people
00:06:10.400 | in order to follow him.
00:06:12.080 | I think I heard you ask this once
00:06:13.400 | and I've thought about it a lot,
00:06:14.520 | which is like, who could have stopped Hitler
00:06:16.560 | in Germany, right?
00:06:17.400 | That's always like the ever present question.
00:06:19.080 | Of course, like the whole baby Hitler thing.
00:06:21.200 | Really the answer is Hindenburg.
00:06:22.680 | Like Hindenburg was the person who could have stopped
00:06:25.040 | and had the immense standing within the German public.
00:06:28.000 | The only real like war hero,
00:06:30.880 | definitely was personally skeptical of fascism and Nazism.
00:06:34.760 | - And didn't like Hitler.
00:06:35.800 | - And didn't like him.
00:06:36.800 | And he knew he was full of shit.
00:06:38.280 | He was like, yeah, I think this guy is dangerous.
00:06:40.200 | I think this guy could do a lot of damage to the Republic,
00:06:43.720 | but he acceded basically to Hitler at the time.
00:06:47.000 | And I think that he was one of the main people
00:06:48.800 | who could have done something about it.
00:06:50.200 | - And also he was able to convince the generals,
00:06:53.160 | the military.
00:06:54.000 | I mean, that was very interesting.
00:06:56.640 | And to convince Chamberlain
00:06:58.360 | and just the other political leaders.
00:07:01.560 | That's something I often think about
00:07:04.200 | 'cause we're just reading books about these people.
00:07:06.760 | I think about what like Jeffrey Epstein, for example.
00:07:09.080 | - Oh yeah.
00:07:09.920 | - Like evil people, not evil,
00:07:12.500 | but people have done evil things.
00:07:14.160 | Let's not go to the Dan Carlin thing of what is evil.
00:07:17.700 | People that do evil things,
00:07:21.420 | I wonder what they're like in a room
00:07:23.280 | because I know quite a lot of intelligent people
00:07:25.760 | that did not see the evil in Jeffrey Epstein
00:07:30.760 | and spend time with him and were not bothered by it.
00:07:37.040 | In the same sense, Hitler,
00:07:40.320 | it seems like he was able to get,
00:07:43.040 | just even before he had power,
00:07:45.900 | 'cause people get intoxicated by power and so on,
00:07:48.500 | they wanna be close to power.
00:07:49.660 | But even before he had power,
00:07:51.060 | he was able to convince people.
00:07:52.660 | And it's unclear,
00:07:55.540 | is there something that's more than words?
00:07:58.820 | It's like the way you,
00:08:01.100 | I mean, people talk, tell stories
00:08:02.940 | about this piercing look and whatever,
00:08:05.860 | all that kind of stuff.
00:08:06.740 | I wonder if that's somehow a part of it.
00:08:10.220 | Like that has to be the base floor
00:08:12.600 | of any of these charismatic leaders.
00:08:14.600 | You have to be able to, in a room alone,
00:08:17.820 | be able to convince anybody of anything.
00:08:20.280 | - So I can tell you from my personal experience,
00:08:23.120 | one of the best educated lessons I got
00:08:26.480 | was when I got to meet Trump.
00:08:29.380 | So I interviewed Trump four different times as a journalist,
00:08:32.520 | spent like two and a half hours with him in the Oval Office,
00:08:36.320 | not alone, but like me and one person
00:08:38.820 | and like the press secretary.
00:08:40.000 | And that was it.
00:08:40.840 | So I actually got to observe him.
00:08:42.480 | And as a guy who reads these types of books, right?
00:08:45.320 | And you think of Trump, obviously most people,
00:08:48.360 | what they see on television, in articles and more,
00:08:51.720 | but being able to observe it like one-on-one,
00:08:53.960 | I was closer to him than I am right now from you.
00:08:57.600 | That was one of the most educational experiences I got
00:09:01.520 | because it's like you just said,
00:09:03.160 | the look, the leaning forward, the way he talks,
00:09:07.720 | the way he is a master at taking the question
00:09:11.920 | and answering exactly which part he wants.
00:09:14.040 | And then if you try and follow up, he's like, excuse me.
00:09:16.360 | You know, like he knows.
00:09:18.320 | And then whenever you're talking,
00:09:19.600 | it's not that he's annoyed about getting interrupted.
00:09:22.240 | If he realizes he's been marandering
00:09:24.400 | and then you interrupt him, all good.
00:09:26.040 | But if he's driving home a point,
00:09:28.320 | which he has to make sure appears in your transcript
00:09:31.180 | or whatever, it's like,
00:09:33.320 | it really was fascinating for me to look at.
00:09:36.360 | And what was also crazy with Trump
00:09:39.080 | is I realized how much he was living in the moment.
00:09:41.920 | So like when I went to the Oval,
00:09:44.720 | I've read all these biographies and like I walk in
00:09:46.920 | and I'm like, holy shit.
00:09:48.960 | You're like, I'm in the Oval Office.
00:09:50.840 | - Were you interviewing him in the Oval Office?
00:09:52.320 | - In the Oval, every time, was in the Oval Office.
00:09:53.920 | - You scared shitless?
00:09:54.760 | Sorry to- - Well, I wasn't scared.
00:09:56.640 | I was just, look, it's the Oval Office, right?
00:09:59.360 | I mean, I'm this nerd.
00:10:01.520 | He was like this kid.
00:10:02.600 | I'm so, I will admit this here.
00:10:05.080 | Like I printed out on my dad's label maker
00:10:07.280 | when I was like seven
00:10:08.120 | and I wrote like the Oval Office on my bedroom.
00:10:10.020 | So I was like a huge nerd,
00:10:11.960 | like obviously egomaniacal even from seven.
00:10:14.680 | But so like for this, I mean, it was huge, right?
00:10:16.760 | I'm like this 25 year old kid.
00:10:18.440 | And like, I walk in there and I see the couch, right?
00:10:22.200 | And I'm like, oh man, like that's Kissinger.
00:10:24.360 | Like, you know, I'm like,
00:10:25.260 | that's where like Kissinger and Nixon got on their knees.
00:10:28.280 | And then you see over by the door and you're like,
00:10:29.880 | are the scuff marks still there
00:10:31.240 | from when Eisenhower used to play golf?
00:10:33.080 | You know, this is all running through my mind.
00:10:34.520 | With Trump, none of it was there.
00:10:35.640 | None of it, right?
00:10:36.480 | So like, even the desk,
00:10:38.040 | I put my phone on the desk to record.
00:10:40.480 | And I'm like, this is the fucking Resolute desk.
00:10:43.360 | Like I shouldn't put my phone on this thing.
00:10:46.160 | And I'm like HMS Resolute, you know, all that,
00:10:48.520 | you know, national.
00:10:49.360 | And even for him, he doesn't think about any of it.
00:10:51.640 | It was like amazing to me.
00:10:53.480 | Like he had this portrait of Andrew Jackson
00:10:55.480 | right next to his, to the, I think from on the fireplace,
00:10:58.360 | like right here on the right.
00:10:59.880 | And the most revealing question was when I was like,
00:11:02.520 | Mr. President, what are people gonna remember you
00:11:04.280 | for in a hundred years?
00:11:05.520 | And he was like, he had, he was like, I don't know,
00:11:07.840 | like veterans choice.
00:11:08.960 | He like has a list in front of him of like
00:11:11.760 | his accomplishments, which is staff.
00:11:14.120 | - Good question by the way.
00:11:14.960 | - Yeah, well, I mean, that's what I wanted to know.
00:11:17.080 | And he's like veterans choice.
00:11:18.920 | And I remember looking at him being like,
00:11:20.480 | it's not gonna be veterans.
00:11:21.480 | (both laughing)
00:11:22.320 | You know, I'd be like, I'm like, I'm looking at you,
00:11:24.720 | Donald Trump, the harbinger of something new.
00:11:27.880 | We still don't know what the hell it is.
00:11:29.760 | And so I realized with these guys
00:11:32.480 | and their charisma and more,
00:11:33.960 | is that they don't think about themselves
00:11:35.840 | the way that we think about them.
00:11:37.280 | And that was actually important to understand
00:11:39.000 | 'cause a lot of people are like,
00:11:40.400 | Trump is playing all this chess.
00:11:41.760 | I'm like, I assure you, he's not.
00:11:43.200 | Like he's truly, one time I was interviewing him
00:11:46.360 | and he had like a certificate that he had to sign
00:11:48.400 | or something on his desk.
00:11:49.840 | He's like, it was like child almost.
00:11:51.440 | Like he got distracted by, he's like, oh, what's this?
00:11:53.640 | You know, he's just like picking it up.
00:11:54.800 | And I was like, wow, like this, this is the guy.
00:11:57.720 | Like, this is what he is.
00:11:59.040 | - Well, I wonder if there was a different person
00:12:02.240 | because you were recording than offline at a bar.
00:12:05.880 | - I can tell you.
00:12:06.720 | Well, here's the thing though,
00:12:07.540 | because that's another part of it.
00:12:09.360 | Because that two hours,
00:12:11.320 | I would say like half of that was not on the record.
00:12:13.480 | So like whenever he's off the record,
00:12:15.400 | he changes completely, right?
00:12:18.000 | I don't wanna like go into too much of it or whatever,
00:12:20.580 | but like he, I mean, he is so mindful
00:12:25.580 | of when that camera is on and when the mic is hot
00:12:29.120 | in terms of the language that he uses,
00:12:30.840 | what he's willing to admit,
00:12:32.160 | what he's willing to talk about,
00:12:33.680 | how he's willing to even appear in front of his staff.
00:12:36.740 | I think the most revealing thing Trump ever did
00:12:40.160 | was there was this press conference,
00:12:41.920 | like right after he lost,
00:12:43.600 | right after the midterm elections in 2018.
00:12:46.240 | And one of the journalists was like,
00:12:47.520 | Mr. President, thank you for doing this press conference.
00:12:50.360 | And he looks at him and he goes, it's called earned media.
00:12:52.880 | It's worth billions.
00:12:54.160 | (laughing)
00:12:55.000 | He just like had so much disdain for him
00:12:57.600 | 'cause he's like, I'm not doing this for you.
00:12:59.360 | He's like, I'm doing this for me.
00:13:00.880 | - So he's really aware of the narratives and story.
00:13:03.280 | I mean, people have talked about that all comes
00:13:05.800 | from the tabloid media of the, from New York and so on.
00:13:09.680 | He's a master of that.
00:13:10.880 | But I've also heard stories of just in private,
00:13:14.160 | he's a really, I don't wanna overuse the word charismatic,
00:13:18.180 | but just like, he is a really interesting,
00:13:21.440 | almost like friendly, like a good person.
00:13:25.880 | Like that's what I heard.
00:13:28.080 | I've heard actually surprising the same thing
00:13:29.760 | about Hillary Clinton.
00:13:30.880 | And like--
00:13:33.160 | - That I can't tell you anything about.
00:13:35.040 | - But like the way they present themselves
00:13:37.760 | is perhaps very different than they are as human beings
00:13:41.280 | and one-on-one that that's something,
00:13:43.200 | maybe that's just like a skill thing.
00:13:46.600 | Maybe the way they present themselves in public
00:13:50.720 | is actually their, I mean, almost their real self.
00:13:55.420 | And they're just really good in private, one-on-one
00:13:59.220 | to go into this mode of just being really intimate
00:14:02.800 | in some kind of human way.
00:14:03.960 | - I think that's part of it.
00:14:04.960 | Because I would notice that with Trump,
00:14:06.800 | he's like, it's almost like a tour guide.
00:14:08.800 | It was very like, it's very crazy, right?
00:14:11.240 | 'Cause you're like, you're in the Oval.
00:14:12.440 | I mean, it's his office.
00:14:13.920 | And he's like, do you guys want anything?
00:14:15.720 | He's like, you want a Diet Coke?
00:14:16.920 | 'Cause he drinks like all this Diet Coke.
00:14:19.240 | - That's awesome.
00:14:20.080 | - You know what I mean?
00:14:20.920 | - Great, I'd apologize.
00:14:21.740 | - Yeah, he's just like, you guys want a Diet Coke?
00:14:23.680 | Right, and you're sitting there and you're like,
00:14:26.040 | the way he's able to like,
00:14:28.500 | like the last time I interviewed him,
00:14:30.220 | he wanted to do it outside
00:14:33.220 | because he studied himself from all angles
00:14:36.300 | and he knows exactly how he looks on a camera
00:14:38.500 | and with which lighting.
00:14:39.860 | And so we were supposed to interview him on camera
00:14:42.060 | in the Oval Office, which is actually rare.
00:14:43.980 | Like you don't usually get that.
00:14:45.660 | And they ended up moving it outside at the last minute.
00:14:48.380 | And he came out and he's like, I picked this spot for you.
00:14:50.420 | He's like, great lighting.
00:14:51.860 | I was like, you are your own lighting director
00:14:55.260 | and the president, right?
00:14:56.920 | - It was great.
00:14:57.760 | - It's so funny.
00:14:58.960 | But it's like you said, he's very charismatic and friendly.
00:15:03.960 | I mean, you wouldn't know.
00:15:05.720 | I mean, look, this is what I mean
00:15:07.000 | in terms of the dynamism of these people that gets lost.
00:15:10.720 | And I think even he knows that.
00:15:12.280 | Like, I don't think he would want that side of him
00:15:14.240 | that I see, you know,
00:15:15.080 | that you've seen those off the record moments and more
00:15:18.000 | in order to come out because he's very keen
00:15:20.360 | about how exactly he presents to the public.
00:15:23.400 | It's like, you know, even his presidential portrait,
00:15:25.400 | everybody usually smiles and he refused to smile.
00:15:27.800 | He was like, I want to look like Winston Churchill.
00:15:30.000 | You know, like even he knew that.
00:15:31.400 | - Do you think he believes that he,
00:15:34.440 | what he kind of implies that he is one of,
00:15:38.560 | if not the greatest presidents in American history?
00:15:42.000 | Like people kind of laugh at this, but there's quite,
00:15:44.820 | I mean, there's quite a lot of people, first of all,
00:15:46.420 | that make the argument that he's the greatest president
00:15:49.080 | in history.
00:15:50.400 | Like I've heard this argument being made.
00:15:53.460 | And I mean, I don't know what the, first of all,
00:15:55.740 | I don't care, like you can't make an argument
00:16:00.740 | that anyone is the greatest.
00:16:02.700 | That's just, that's just, I come from a school
00:16:05.620 | of like being humble and modest and so on.
00:16:08.400 | It's like even Michael, you can't have that conversation.
00:16:11.860 | Okay.
00:16:12.700 | So I like that he's humble enough to say like
00:16:16.500 | Abraham Lincoln and whatever, like.
00:16:18.700 | - He says maybe Lincoln.
00:16:19.900 | - Maybe. - Remember that.
00:16:20.740 | He says maybe Lincoln.
00:16:22.100 | (laughing)
00:16:23.420 | - Do you think he actually believes that
00:16:24.900 | or is that something he understands will create news
00:16:29.740 | and also perhaps more importantly,
00:16:32.580 | piss off a large number of people?
00:16:35.600 | Is he almost like a musician masterfully playing
00:16:38.860 | the emotions of the public or does he,
00:16:42.360 | or/and does he believe when he looks in the mirror,
00:16:47.260 | I'm one of the greatest men in history?
00:16:49.900 | Combination of all three.
00:16:51.620 | I do think he believes it.
00:16:52.860 | And for the reason why is I don't think he knows
00:16:54.740 | that much about US history.
00:16:55.940 | I really mean that.
00:16:57.020 | Like, and that's what I meant whenever I was in there
00:16:58.780 | and I realized he was just living in the moment.
00:17:01.220 | I don't think he knew all that much about why.
00:17:03.780 | I mean, this is why he was elected in many ways, right?
00:17:06.380 | So I'm not saying this is a Norbert,
00:17:08.300 | like I'm not making a judgment on this.
00:17:10.640 | I'm just saying, I do think in his mind,
00:17:12.940 | he does think he was one of the best presidents
00:17:15.780 | in American history, largely because,
00:17:17.740 | and I encountered this with a lot of people who work for him
00:17:19.520 | which is that they didn't really know all that much
00:17:21.780 | kind of about what came before and all that.
00:17:25.020 | And it's not necessarily to hold it against them
00:17:27.300 | because for in many ways,
00:17:28.660 | that's what they were elected to do
00:17:30.540 | or elected to be in many ways.
00:17:32.820 | - It's an interesting question whether knowing history,
00:17:35.460 | being a student of history is productive
00:17:39.520 | or counterproductive.
00:17:40.420 | I tend to assume I really respect people
00:17:43.500 | who are deeply like well-read in history,
00:17:46.580 | like presidents that are almost like nerd, history nerds.
00:17:51.260 | I admire that, but maybe that gets in the way.
00:17:55.160 | - Well, it's--
00:17:56.000 | - Of governance, I don't know.
00:17:57.500 | It's not, you know, I'm just sort of playing devil's advocate
00:18:01.120 | to my own beliefs, but it's possible that focusing
00:18:04.920 | on the moment and the issues and letting history,
00:18:07.760 | it's like first principles thinking,
00:18:09.160 | forget the lessons of the past
00:18:12.200 | and just focus on common sense reasoning
00:18:15.360 | through the problems of today.
00:18:16.840 | - Yeah, it's really hard question.
00:18:18.400 | In terms of the modern era,
00:18:19.600 | I mean, Obama was a student of history.
00:18:21.760 | Like he used to have presidential biographers
00:18:25.080 | and people over and I mean, famously,
00:18:27.040 | like Robert A. Carrow,
00:18:28.000 | one of my favorite presidential biographers,
00:18:29.760 | he was invited to have dinner with Obama
00:18:32.320 | and Obama would like pepper some of his,
00:18:35.040 | it was interesting 'cause he'd try and justify
00:18:36.920 | some of the things he didn't do by being like,
00:18:38.800 | well, if you look at what they had to do
00:18:40.640 | and what I have to deal with, mine's much harder.
00:18:43.360 | So in that way, I was a little pissed off
00:18:45.040 | because I'd be like, no, that actually,
00:18:47.240 | like you're comparing apples to oranges and all that.
00:18:50.660 | But if you look at Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt in particular,
00:18:54.720 | this was, I mean, a voracious reader,
00:18:57.560 | not of just American history, all history.
00:18:59.600 | He wrote- - That guy's just
00:19:00.440 | such a bad-ass, Jesus. - Incredible.
00:19:02.240 | The only president who willed himself to greatness,
00:19:07.120 | that's like the amazing thing about him.
00:19:08.440 | He wasn't tested by a crisis, right?
00:19:10.380 | Like it wasn't, nah, he didn't have the Civil War,
00:19:12.680 | he didn't have World War II,
00:19:13.520 | he didn't have to found the country literally,
00:19:15.160 | or like didn't have to stave off that,
00:19:17.760 | or he didn't buy the Louisiana Purchase, like all that.
00:19:20.800 | He literally came into a pretty static country
00:19:25.100 | and he could have just governed with,
00:19:27.840 | I mean, he was the person who came before him
00:19:30.120 | was assassinated, like he easily could have coasted,
00:19:33.660 | but he literally willed the country into something more.
00:19:37.700 | And that's always why I focus a lot on him too,
00:19:40.640 | 'cause I'm like that, in many ways,
00:19:42.600 | I wouldn't say it's easy to be great during crisis,
00:19:44.680 | I mean, like look at Trump, right?
00:19:46.520 | But it can bring out the best within you,
00:19:49.440 | but it's a whole other level
00:19:51.200 | to bring out the best within yourself
00:19:53.200 | just for the sake of doing it.
00:19:54.720 | And that's, I think is really interesting.
00:19:56.440 | - His speeches were amazing.
00:19:58.280 | I'm also a sucker for great speeches
00:20:00.320 | 'cause I tend to see the role of the president
00:20:04.440 | as in part like inspirer and chief,
00:20:08.480 | sort of to be able to, I mean, that's what great leaders do,
00:20:12.200 | like CEOs of companies and so on,
00:20:14.280 | establish a vision, a clear vision,
00:20:17.180 | and like hit that hard.
00:20:19.840 | But the way you establish the vision isn't just like,
00:20:22.480 | not to dig at Joe Biden, but like sleepy, boring statements.
00:20:28.460 | You have to sell those statements
00:20:31.340 | and you have to do it in a way
00:20:34.160 | where everybody's paying attention, everybody's excited.
00:20:37.040 | And that Teddy Roosevelt was definitely one of them.
00:20:40.560 | Obama was, I think, at least early on,
00:20:44.080 | I don't know, was incredible at that.
00:20:47.760 | It does feel that the modern political landscape
00:20:49.920 | makes it more difficult to be inspirational in a sense
00:20:52.880 | 'cause everything becomes bickering and division.
00:20:55.480 | I do wanna ask you- - Please.
00:20:57.760 | - About Trump.
00:20:58.680 | So you're now a successful podcaster.
00:21:03.920 | I've talked to Joe about Trump, Joe Rogan,
00:21:07.840 | and Joe's not interested in talking to Trump,
00:21:11.480 | which is fascinating.
00:21:12.440 | I try to dig into like why.
00:21:14.320 | What would you interview Trump on,
00:21:19.520 | like realignment, for example?
00:21:21.840 | And do you think it's possible to do a two, three hour
00:21:26.440 | conversation with him where you will get at something
00:21:29.960 | like human or you get at something,
00:21:33.200 | like we were talking about the facade he puts forward.
00:21:36.000 | Do you think you could get past that?
00:21:38.000 | - No, I don't.
00:21:39.320 | I look, I was a White House correspondent.
00:21:41.800 | I observed this man very closely.
00:21:45.120 | I interviewed him.
00:21:46.400 | I think if that mic is hot, he knows what he's doing.
00:21:49.440 | He just, he's done this too long, Lex.
00:21:52.120 | He just knows.
00:21:52.960 | - But do you think he's a different human now
00:21:54.640 | after the election?
00:21:56.160 | Do you think that- - Yeah, not at all.
00:21:59.240 | I think he's been the same person since 1976.
00:22:02.840 | I really do.
00:22:03.760 | Like basically 1976.
00:22:06.000 | I studied Trump a lot and I think he's basically been
00:22:09.680 | the core of who he is and elements of that.
00:22:12.840 | Ever since he built that, you know,
00:22:14.760 | the ice rink in Central Park and got that media attention,
00:22:18.680 | that was it.
00:22:19.520 | - Yeah, he's a fascinating study.
00:22:21.040 | Still, I feel there's a hope in me
00:22:24.880 | that there would be a podcast like Joe Rogan,
00:22:28.560 | like a long form podcast where something could be,
00:22:31.600 | you know, and you're actually a really good person
00:22:33.480 | to do that, where you can have a real conversation
00:22:37.880 | that looks back at the election and reveals something honest.
00:22:40.400 | But perhaps he's thinking about running again
00:22:42.880 | and so maybe he'll never let down that guard.
00:22:45.760 | - Yes.
00:22:46.600 | - But like, you know, I just love it when
00:22:48.560 | there's this switch in people where you start
00:22:53.640 | looking back at your life and wanting to tell stories.
00:22:57.880 | Like, you know, trying to extract wisdom
00:23:01.320 | and like realizing you're in this new phase of life
00:23:03.640 | where like the battles have all been fought.
00:23:06.320 | Now you're this old, like former warrior
00:23:10.360 | and now you can tell the stories of that time.
00:23:12.480 | And it seems like Trump is still at it,
00:23:14.720 | like the young warrior he is.
00:23:16.160 | He's not in the mode of telling stories.
00:23:18.400 | - You know what I got from Rogan?
00:23:19.600 | He's the only president who didn't age while in office.
00:23:22.720 | It's true, right?
00:23:23.720 | Like, 'cause, and this is what I mean,
00:23:25.240 | 'cause he lives in the moment.
00:23:26.320 | Like the job actually aged Obama.
00:23:29.920 | I mean, Bush, same thing.
00:23:31.920 | Even Clinton, Clinton was like fat.
00:23:34.160 | He looked miserable by like 2000.
00:23:36.440 | HW, like, I mean, Reagan, famous.
00:23:38.840 | Actually, yeah, pretty much everybody I think about.
00:23:41.440 | Yeah, including John F. Kennedy
00:23:44.120 | who got much sicker while in office.
00:23:45.720 | The job like weighs on you and makes you physically ill.
00:23:49.320 | Trump was, he's the only person who just,
00:23:51.880 | he didn't have to do it.
00:23:53.120 | - He almost gotten stronger
00:23:54.880 | and he was one of the most divisive,
00:23:57.040 | like the climate, there's so many people attacking him.
00:24:00.240 | So much hatred, so much love and hatred.
00:24:03.160 | And it was just, he, it was, I mean, it was,
00:24:05.920 | whatever it was, it was quite masterful
00:24:08.320 | and a fascinating study.
00:24:10.880 | If we stick on Hitler for just a minute,
00:24:15.880 | what lessons do you take from that time?
00:24:20.040 | Do you think it's a unique moment in human history,
00:24:23.440 | that World War II?
00:24:25.880 | I mean, both Stalin and Hitler,
00:24:27.840 | you know, is it something that's just an outlier
00:24:33.880 | in all of human history in terms of the atrocities
00:24:36.480 | or is there lessons to be learned?
00:24:40.840 | You mentioned offline that you're not just a student
00:24:45.320 | of the entirety of the history,
00:24:46.440 | but you're also fascinated by just different
00:24:48.120 | like policies and stuff.
00:24:49.600 | Like what's the immigration policy?
00:24:52.160 | What's the policy on science?
00:24:53.560 | - Well, look, Third Reich in power.
00:24:55.080 | Let me plug it by Richard Evans, I think is what it was.
00:24:58.520 | 'Cause that actually will tell you,
00:25:00.040 | like what was it like to live under the Nazi regime
00:25:03.040 | without the war?
00:25:04.120 | - Yeah.
00:25:05.400 | - Yeah, it's a hard question in terms of the lessons
00:25:08.080 | that we can learn.
00:25:08.920 | 'Cause there's a lot, and it's actually been over,
00:25:11.840 | it's been over indexed almost.
00:25:13.760 | Everything comes back to Hitler in a conversation.
00:25:15.960 | So I kind of think of it within Mao, Stalin and Hitler
00:25:20.960 | as, I don't wanna say payments for,
00:25:24.900 | but like the end point payment for the sins
00:25:29.900 | and the problems of the monarchical system
00:25:34.060 | that evolved within Europe, basically like 1400 and more.
00:25:38.320 | I basically think that 1400, the wars between the state,
00:25:43.160 | wars between France, England, the balance of power,
00:25:45.560 | eventually World War I, and then serfdom within Russia,
00:25:49.440 | the Russian revolution that birthed Stalin,
00:25:52.120 | same thing, the Kaiser and Imperial Germany
00:25:55.080 | and this like incredibly crazy system of balance of power
00:25:58.460 | in World War I.
00:25:59.780 | And then same thing within China
00:26:01.700 | in terms of the warring states
00:26:03.620 | and then the disintegration, the European,
00:26:06.980 | this is how they think of it,
00:26:08.520 | which is like the century of humiliation
00:26:10.460 | and they had to have something like this.
00:26:12.740 | I think of it, I try to think of it
00:26:14.060 | within the context of that.
00:26:15.660 | I don't wanna think of,
00:26:16.900 | I don't wanna sound like an inevitable list,
00:26:19.080 | but I think of it as, I like to think about systems,
00:26:22.920 | especially in here in DC, that's where I got into politics,
00:26:25.160 | which is that you have to understand systems of power
00:26:29.480 | and the incentives within systems and the disincentives,
00:26:33.000 | the downside risk of what you're creating,
00:26:36.840 | because that is what leads and creates the behavior
00:26:41.840 | within that system.
00:26:43.160 | I was just talking to my girlfriend about this yesterday.
00:26:45.880 | It's kind of funny, like I read these,
00:26:47.920 | I'm obsessed with these books by Robert Caro,
00:26:50.900 | the biographies of Lyndon Johnson.
00:26:52.380 | He's written like 5,000 pages so far
00:26:54.220 | and it's still not done.
00:26:55.460 | Okay, so like these are like books I base my life on.
00:26:59.280 | And look, these are Washington
00:27:02.620 | and the story of the post New Deal era and forward.
00:27:05.480 | Not much has changed.
00:27:06.760 | Like the Senate is still the Senate.
00:27:09.000 | So many of the same problems with the Senate
00:27:10.840 | are still there in some cases.
00:27:13.300 | No, not anymore.
00:27:14.460 | But for a while, some of the people
00:27:16.100 | who were there with Johnson are actually still.
00:27:18.800 | One of them is the president of the United States,
00:27:20.460 | just a joke.
00:27:21.540 | And you think about also same
00:27:24.780 | with the media relationship, right?
00:27:26.300 | Like there's this media really,
00:27:27.740 | they may have come and gone.
00:27:29.260 | Like the people who were in the media
00:27:31.780 | and who were cozy with the administration officials.
00:27:34.900 | I mean, they just recreated themselves.
00:27:37.220 | It's like an ecosystem which doesn't change.
00:27:41.020 | And that's why I'm like,
00:27:43.260 | oh, it's not that was a specific time.
00:27:46.180 | That's just DC.
00:27:47.380 | Like that is DC
00:27:49.900 | because of the way the system is architected.
00:27:52.980 | It's pretty much been that way since like 1908,
00:27:55.560 | whenever like Teddy Roosevelt was dining
00:27:58.300 | with these journalists and he would yell at them.
00:27:59.920 | And then he would go over to the society house.
00:28:02.560 | And like in many ways,
00:28:04.120 | that's now instead of going to Henry Adams's house,
00:28:06.580 | like the people are congregating in Calorama,
00:28:10.420 | which is the richest neighborhood here
00:28:12.120 | at somebody else's house.
00:28:13.300 | Like it's the same thing.
00:28:14.900 | So you have to think about the system
00:28:16.540 | and then the incentives within that system
00:28:18.660 | about what the outcomes that they're producing.
00:28:20.540 | If you actually wanna think about
00:28:21.860 | how can I change this from the outside?
00:28:23.760 | That's also why it's very difficult to change
00:28:25.680 | because the system is designed
00:28:27.660 | in order to produce actually pretty specific outcomes
00:28:31.040 | that can only be changed in extraordinary times.
00:28:33.800 | - Yeah, it's sometimes hard to predict
00:28:37.340 | what kind of outcomes will result from the incentive,
00:28:41.280 | the system that you create, right?
00:28:42.980 | In the case, because especially when it's novel
00:28:45.380 | kind of situations.
00:28:46.500 | Trump actually created a pretty novel situation.
00:28:49.300 | And a lot of the things that we've seen
00:28:53.580 | in the 20th century were very novel systems
00:28:56.380 | where people were very optimistic about the outcomes, right?
00:28:59.800 | And then it turned out to not have the results
00:29:02.780 | that they predicted.
00:29:04.060 | In terms of like things being unchanged
00:29:06.580 | for the past 100 years and so on,
00:29:08.480 | can you like Wikipedia style or maybe like in a musical form,
00:29:13.480 | like I'm only a bill, describe to me.
00:29:17.020 | (laughing)
00:29:18.760 | - I still sing that to my head sometimes.
00:29:20.640 | I'm just a bill.
00:29:21.960 | (laughing)
00:29:24.200 | - I don't know what the rest of the song is,
00:29:27.160 | but let's leave that to people's imagination.
00:29:31.400 | How does this whole thing work?
00:29:33.000 | How does the US political system work?
00:29:35.000 | The three branches.
00:29:37.080 | How do you think about the system we have now?
00:29:40.760 | If you were to try to describe,
00:29:42.520 | if aliens showed up and asked you like,
00:29:46.320 | they didn't have time, so this is an elevator thing.
00:29:49.760 | Should we destroy you as you plead to avoid destruction?
00:29:54.760 | Well, how would you describe how this thing works?
00:29:58.680 | - I would say we come together
00:30:00.600 | and we pick the people who make our laws.
00:30:03.740 | Then we pick the guy who executes those laws
00:30:07.900 | and they together pick the people who determine
00:30:11.380 | whether they or the president is breaking the law
00:30:14.900 | at the most basic level.
00:30:16.360 | That's how I would describe it.
00:30:17.860 | The people who make the laws are Congress.
00:30:22.620 | The executive is charged with executing the laws
00:30:27.620 | as passed by Congress, the branches of government.
00:30:30.260 | And the Supreme Court is picked by the president,
00:30:33.140 | confirmed by the Senate, which then decides
00:30:35.780 | whether you or other people are breaking the law
00:30:39.420 | in terms of interpretation of that law.
00:30:42.000 | That's basically it.
00:30:42.840 | Oh, and they decide whether those laws are in,
00:30:47.840 | they fall within the restrictions
00:30:53.980 | and the want of the founders as expressed
00:30:58.860 | by the constitution of the United States,
00:31:00.820 | which is a set of principles that we came together in 1787.
00:31:05.820 | I wanna make sure I get this right.
00:31:08.300 | 1787 and decided that we were gonna live
00:31:11.660 | the rest of our lives barring a revolution and more.
00:31:14.740 | And we've made it 200 and something years
00:31:16.900 | in order on under that system.
00:31:18.660 | - So there's a balance of power
00:31:20.420 | that is because it's multiple branches.
00:31:22.460 | There's a tension and a balance to it
00:31:24.940 | as designed by those original documents.
00:31:26.980 | Which is the most dysfunctional?
00:31:30.420 | Which is the branches?
00:31:31.260 | Which is your favorite?
00:31:32.740 | Like in terms of talking about systems
00:31:34.880 | and like what's the greatest of concern
00:31:37.340 | and what is the greatest source of benefit in your view?
00:31:41.540 | - The presidency, obviously.
00:31:42.780 | Well, the presidency is my favorite to study, obviously,
00:31:46.500 | because it is the one where there's most subject
00:31:49.940 | to variable change in terms of the personality involved
00:31:53.460 | because of so much power imbued within the executive.
00:31:56.860 | The Senate is actually pretty much the same.
00:31:59.460 | (laughs)
00:32:00.660 | One of the things I love about reading about the Senate
00:32:03.820 | and histories of the Senate is you're like,
00:32:05.740 | oh yeah, there were always like assholes in the Senate
00:32:08.740 | who were doing their thing and filibustering constantly
00:32:13.220 | based upon this or that.
00:32:15.320 | And then the personalities involved with the Senate
00:32:18.500 | haven't mattered as much since like pre-Civil War.
00:32:23.500 | Like pre-Civil War you had like Henry Clay
00:32:25.980 | and then Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun,
00:32:29.980 | who even in their own way,
00:32:31.220 | they represented like larger constituencies
00:32:33.180 | and they crafted these like compromises
00:32:35.340 | up until the outbreak of the Civil War, et cetera.
00:32:37.860 | But like post since then,
00:32:39.140 | you don't think about like the Titans within the Senate.
00:32:42.720 | Most of that is because a lot of the stuff
00:32:44.620 | that they had power over
00:32:45.660 | has transferred over to the executive.
00:32:47.720 | So I'm most interested in really in like power,
00:32:51.040 | like where it lies.
00:32:52.020 | It's actually pretty, you know,
00:32:53.720 | throughout American history,
00:32:54.900 | much more used to lie with Congress.
00:32:56.940 | Now it's obviously just so imbued within the executive
00:33:00.440 | that understanding executive power
00:33:02.340 | is I think the thing I'm probably most interested in here.
00:33:04.940 | - Do you think at this point,
00:33:06.340 | the amount of power that the president has is corrupting
00:33:09.340 | to their ability to lead well?
00:33:12.700 | Is this, you know, power corrupts,
00:33:15.140 | absolute power corrupts absolutely.
00:33:17.340 | Are we, is there too much power in the presidency?
00:33:21.500 | - There definitely is.
00:33:22.540 | And part of the problem,
00:33:23.820 | and one of the things I try to make come across to people
00:33:27.740 | is if you're the president,
00:33:29.740 | unless you have a hyper intentional view
00:33:34.020 | of how something must be different in government,
00:33:36.740 | your view doesn't matter.
00:33:37.920 | So for example, like if you were Trump,
00:33:41.140 | let's take Trump even,
00:33:42.100 | and even in with a pretty intentional view,
00:33:43.580 | he was like, I'm gonna end the war in Afghanistan
00:33:46.080 | and Iraq, right?
00:33:47.380 | And he came in and he gets these generals in.
00:33:49.500 | He's like, I wanna end the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
00:33:52.420 | Oh, and I wanna withdraw these troops from Syria.
00:33:54.780 | And they're like, okay, well give us like six months.
00:33:57.300 | He's like, okay.
00:33:58.140 | And this is the thing about Trump,
00:33:58.980 | he doesn't realize that it's bullshit.
00:34:00.580 | So they're like, he's like, six months seems fine.
00:34:03.260 | Right, so then six months comes and he's like,
00:34:05.940 | he's like, so, and then he'll announce it.
00:34:07.540 | He'll be like, and we're getting out of Syria, it's great.
00:34:10.140 | And then the generals freak out.
00:34:11.700 | They're like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:34:12.740 | We don't have a plan for that.
00:34:13.660 | He's like, but you guys told me six months.
00:34:15.100 | He's like, I don't know, now we need another six months
00:34:16.700 | in order to figure this thing out.
00:34:18.340 | And by that time, now you're midterms.
00:34:20.020 | So now what?
00:34:20.860 | You gotta run for re-election.
00:34:22.140 | So more what I mean by that is,
00:34:24.540 | if you don't have a hyper-intentional view
00:34:26.020 | about how to change foreign policy,
00:34:27.540 | if you don't have a hyper-intentional view
00:34:28.980 | about how the Department of Commerce should do its job,
00:34:31.300 | they are just gonna go on autopilot.
00:34:33.160 | So this is part of the problem.
00:34:35.740 | When you asked me about the presidency,
00:34:37.260 | it's not the presidency itself,
00:34:40.080 | like the president himself, which has become too powerful.
00:34:43.100 | It's that we have less democratic checks
00:34:46.620 | on the people and the systems that are on autopilot.
00:34:51.540 | And I would say that basically since 2008,
00:34:55.040 | we have voted every single time to disrupt that system,
00:35:01.840 | except in the case of 2020 with Joe Biden,
00:35:04.300 | and there are a lot of different reasons
00:35:05.420 | around why that happened.
00:35:06.980 | And in every single one of those cases,
00:35:09.260 | Obama and Trump, they all failed
00:35:11.460 | in order to radically disrupt that.
00:35:14.960 | And that just shows you how titanic the task is.
00:35:17.620 | And I'm using my language precisely,
00:35:19.860 | 'cause I don't wanna be like deep state,
00:35:21.380 | but obviously there's a deep state.
00:35:22.980 | - Deep state, I guess, has conspiratorial
00:35:24.460 | - Exactly. - Tensions to it.
00:35:26.100 | But so what you're saying is the true power
00:35:29.340 | currently lies with the autopilot,
00:35:31.500 | - Yeah. - AKA deep state.
00:35:32.740 | - Well, but see, it's not, this is the thing too
00:35:34.940 | I wanna make clear, 'cause I think people
00:35:37.420 | think conspiratorially that they're all coming together
00:35:40.140 | to intentionally do something.
00:35:42.220 | No, no, no, no, no.
00:35:43.260 | They are doing what they know, believe they are right,
00:35:47.480 | and don't have real democratic checks within that.
00:35:50.720 | And so now they have entire generations of cultures
00:35:53.440 | within each of these bureaucracies where they say,
00:35:55.960 | this is the way that we do things around here.
00:35:59.560 | And that's the problem, which is that we have a culture
00:36:03.840 | of within many of these agencies and more.
00:36:06.960 | I think the best example for this
00:36:09.100 | would be during the Ukraine gate with Trump and all that,
00:36:13.940 | with the impeachment.
00:36:14.780 | I don't wanna, I'm not talking about the politics here,
00:36:16.540 | but the most revealing thing that happened
00:36:18.980 | was when the whistleblower guy, Alexander Vindman,
00:36:21.960 | was like, "Here you have the president
00:36:24.220 | "departing from the policy of the United States."
00:36:27.140 | And I was like, "Well, let me educate you, Lieutenant Colonel
00:36:32.140 | "the president of the United States
00:36:34.520 | "makes American foreign policy."
00:36:36.100 | - Yeah. - But it was a very
00:36:37.140 | revealing comment because he and all the people
00:36:41.240 | within national security bureaucracy do think that.
00:36:44.040 | They're like, "This is the policy of the United States.
00:36:46.520 | "We have to do this."
00:36:48.160 | That's where things get screwy.
00:36:49.440 | - Well, listen, for me personally,
00:36:51.060 | but also from an engineering perspective,
00:36:53.200 | I just talked to Jim Keller, it's just,
00:36:55.480 | this is the kind of bullshit that we all hate
00:36:58.000 | in when you're trying to innovate
00:37:00.080 | and design new products. - Right.
00:37:02.360 | - So that's what first principles thinking requires
00:37:05.840 | is like, we don't give a shit what was done before.
00:37:09.080 | The point is, what is the best way to do it?
00:37:11.640 | And it seems like the current government,
00:37:14.960 | government in general, probably,
00:37:16.280 | bureaucracies in general are just really good
00:37:20.440 | at being lazy about never having those conversations.
00:37:23.560 | And just, it becomes this momentum thing
00:37:26.520 | that nobody has the difficult conversations.
00:37:29.080 | It's become a game within a certain set of constraints.
00:37:32.520 | And they never kind of do revolutionary tasks.
00:37:34.880 | - But you did say that the presidency is power,
00:37:37.920 | but you're saying that more power than the others,
00:37:41.500 | but that power has to be coupled
00:37:44.760 | with focused intentionality.
00:37:46.440 | Like, you have to keep hammering the thing.
00:37:48.480 | - If you want it done, it has to be done.
00:37:51.080 | I mean, and you gotta, this is the other part too,
00:37:54.200 | which is that it's not just that you have to get it done,
00:37:57.740 | you have to pick the 100 people who you can trust
00:38:01.760 | to pick 10 people each to actually do what you want.
00:38:06.680 | One of the most revealing quotes
00:38:08.800 | is from a guy named Tommy Corcoran.
00:38:10.640 | He was the top aid to FDR.
00:38:13.000 | This I'm getting from the Cara books too.
00:38:14.880 | And he said, "What is a government?
00:38:17.200 | "It's not just one guy or even 10 guys.
00:38:20.720 | "Hell, it's a thousand guys."
00:38:23.400 | And what FDR did is he masterfully picked the right people
00:38:28.200 | to execute his will through the federal agencies.
00:38:31.080 | Johnson was the same way.
00:38:32.640 | He played these people like a fiddle.
00:38:34.760 | He knew exactly who to pick.
00:38:36.480 | He knew the system and more.
00:38:39.000 | Part of the reason that outsiders
00:38:40.760 | who don't have a lot of experience in Washington
00:38:43.240 | almost always fail is they don't know who to pick
00:38:45.900 | or they pick people who say one thing to their face.
00:38:49.200 | And then when it comes time to carry out
00:38:51.480 | the president's policy in terms of the government,
00:38:54.280 | they just don't do it.
00:38:55.320 | And the president's too, think about this.
00:38:57.240 | I think Rahm Emanuel said this.
00:38:58.880 | He was like, "By the time it gets to the president's desk,
00:39:01.680 | "nobody else can solve it."
00:39:02.920 | It's not easy.
00:39:03.760 | It's not like a yes or no question.
00:39:05.640 | It's every single thing that hits the president's desk
00:39:08.760 | is incredibly hard to do.
00:39:10.780 | And Obama actually even said,
00:39:12.840 | and this was a very revealing quote
00:39:14.040 | about how he thinks about the presidency,
00:39:16.520 | which is he's like,
00:39:17.360 | "Look, the presidency is like one of those super tankers."
00:39:21.960 | He's like, "I can come in
00:39:23.460 | "and I can take it two degrees left and two degrees right.
00:39:27.340 | "In 100 years, two degrees left,
00:39:29.620 | "that's a whole different trajectory.
00:39:31.780 | "Same thing on the right."
00:39:32.920 | And he's like, "That ultimately is really all you can do."
00:39:36.960 | I quibble and disagree with that
00:39:38.760 | in terms of how he could have changed things in 2008,
00:39:41.480 | but there's a lot of truth to that statement.
00:39:43.680 | - Okay, that's really fascinating.
00:39:44.600 | You make me realize that actually both Obama and Trump
00:39:48.760 | are probably playing victim here to the system.
00:39:52.160 | You're making me think that maybe you can correct me
00:39:55.800 | that, 'cause I'm thinking of like Elon Musk,
00:39:59.280 | whose major success, despite everything,
00:40:01.560 | is hiring the right people.
00:40:03.440 | - Exactly.
00:40:04.280 | - And like creating those thousands,
00:40:05.960 | that structure of a thousand people.
00:40:08.540 | So maybe a president has power in that
00:40:11.280 | if they were exceptionally good at hiring the right people.
00:40:13.880 | - Personnel is policy, man.
00:40:15.280 | That's what it comes down to.
00:40:16.640 | - But wouldn't you be able to steer the ship
00:40:18.520 | way more than two degrees if you hire the right people?
00:40:21.340 | So like, it's almost like Obama
00:40:23.160 | was not good at hiring the right people.
00:40:25.240 | He hired all the Clinton people.
00:40:26.920 | That's what happened.
00:40:27.760 | What happened with Trump?
00:40:28.580 | He hired all the Bush people.
00:40:29.520 | Weird. - And then you just sit back
00:40:30.600 | and say, "Oh, president can't,"
00:40:33.800 | but that means you're just suck at hiring.
00:40:36.320 | - Correct.
00:40:37.160 | Yeah, I mean, look, it's funny.
00:40:39.000 | I'm giving you simultaneously
00:40:40.680 | the nationalist case against Trump
00:40:42.880 | and the progressive case against Obama.
00:40:45.120 | The progressive people were like,
00:40:46.180 | "Why the fuck are you hiring all these Clinton people
00:40:48.920 | "in order to run the government and just recreate,
00:40:51.800 | "like why are you hiring Larry Summers,
00:40:53.720 | "who was one of the people who worked at all these banks
00:40:56.240 | "and didn't believe that bailouts were gonna be big enough,
00:40:58.360 | "and then to come in in the worst economic crisis
00:41:01.120 | "in modern American history?"
00:41:02.560 | That was 2008.
00:41:03.720 | And Summers actively lobbied against larger bailouts,
00:41:06.520 | which had huge implications for working class people
00:41:09.960 | and pretty much hollowed out America since.
00:41:12.440 | Okay, from Trump, same thing.
00:41:14.160 | You're like, "I'm gonna drain the swamp.
00:41:15.920 | "And by doing that, I'm gonna hire
00:41:17.840 | "Goldman Sachs' Gary Cohn and Steve Mnuchin
00:41:22.160 | "and all these other absolute Bush clowns
00:41:25.840 | "in order to run my White House."
00:41:27.700 | Well, yeah, no shit.
00:41:29.340 | The only thing that you accomplished
00:41:31.140 | in your four years in office
00:41:32.760 | is passing a massive tax cut for the rich
00:41:35.840 | and for corporations.
00:41:37.320 | I wonder how that happened.
00:41:38.840 | - What role does money play in all of this?
00:41:41.320 | Is money a huge influence in politics,
00:41:43.640 | super PACs, all that kind of stuff?
00:41:46.480 | Or is this more just kind of a narrative that we play with?
00:41:50.240 | Because from the outsider's perspective,
00:41:52.040 | that seems to be one of the fundamental problems
00:41:55.840 | with modern politics.
00:41:56.840 | - So I was just having this conversation,
00:41:58.520 | Marshall and I, Marshall Kass,
00:41:59.840 | one of my co-hosts on the realignment.
00:42:01.220 | And it's funny because if you do enough research,
00:42:04.560 | we actually live in the least corrupt age
00:42:08.360 | in American campaign finance.
00:42:10.880 | As in, it's never been more transparent.
00:42:13.680 | It's never been more up to the FEC,
00:42:15.480 | yeah, and all of that.
00:42:18.340 | If you go back and read not even 50 years ago,
00:42:20.960 | we're talking about Lyndon B. Johnson handing people,
00:42:23.520 | like literally as he came up in his youth,
00:42:26.600 | paying people for votes,
00:42:28.160 | like the boss of the person who had all the Mexican votes,
00:42:33.160 | like the person who had,
00:42:34.120 | and he was giving out briefcases.
00:42:35.760 | This is it, like within people's lifetimes
00:42:37.580 | who are alive in America.
00:42:38.960 | So that doesn't happen anymore.
00:42:40.480 | But I don't like to blame everything on money,
00:42:44.480 | although I do think money is obviously
00:42:46.280 | a huge part of the problem.
00:42:47.440 | I actually look at it in terms of distribution,
00:42:51.800 | which is that how is money distributed within our society?
00:42:55.400 | 'Cause I firmly believe that politics,
00:42:59.520 | this is gonna get complicated,
00:43:00.760 | but I think politics is mostly downstream from culture.
00:43:04.480 | And culture, obviously I'm using economics
00:43:06.880 | because there's obviously a huge interplay there.
00:43:08.380 | But like in terms of the equitable
00:43:10.880 | or lack of equitable distribution of money
00:43:12.720 | within our politics,
00:43:13.840 | what we're really pissed off about is we're like,
00:43:16.040 | our politics only seems to work
00:43:18.140 | for the people who have money.
00:43:20.120 | I think that's largely true.
00:43:22.000 | I think that the reason why things worked differently
00:43:24.640 | in the past is because our economy was structured
00:43:27.740 | in different ways.
00:43:28.880 | And there's a reason that our politics today
00:43:31.660 | are very analogous to the last Gilded Age,
00:43:34.360 | because we had very similar levels of economic distribution
00:43:39.360 | and cultural problems too at the same time.
00:43:41.160 | I don't wanna erase that,
00:43:42.000 | 'cause I actually think that's what's driving
00:43:43.640 | all of our politics right now.
00:43:45.020 | - So that's interesting.
00:43:45.860 | So seeing as one, so in that sense,
00:43:48.160 | representative government is doing a pretty good job
00:43:50.240 | of representing the state of culture
00:43:52.240 | and the people and so on.
00:43:53.600 | Yeah, can I ask you in terms of the deep state
00:43:58.480 | and conspiracy theories, there's a lot of talk about,
00:44:01.560 | so again, from an outsider's perspective,
00:44:04.440 | if I were just looking at Twitter,
00:44:06.360 | it seems that at least 90% of people in government
00:44:09.440 | are pedophiles.
00:44:10.280 | (laughing)
00:44:11.120 | 90 to 95%, I'm not sure what that number is.
00:44:15.200 | If I were to just look at Twitter, honestly, or YouTube,
00:44:17.960 | I would think most of the world is a pedophile.
00:44:20.640 | I would almost feel like--
00:44:22.060 | - Right, and if you don't fully believe that,
00:44:24.320 | you're a pedophile.
00:44:25.160 | (laughing)
00:44:26.340 | - I would start to wonder, like, wait, am I a pedophile too?
00:44:31.080 | I'm either a communist or a pedophile, or both, I guess.
00:44:34.080 | Yeah, that's gonna be clipped out, thank you, internet.
00:44:37.480 | (laughing)
00:44:39.420 | I look forward to your emails.
00:44:42.180 | - But is there any kind of shadow conspiracy theories
00:44:47.180 | that give you pause?
00:44:50.500 | Or, so the flip side, the response to a lot
00:44:53.620 | of conspiracy theories is like, no, the reason this happened
00:44:57.460 | is because it's a combination of just incompetence.
00:45:01.800 | So where do you land on some of these conspiracy theories?
00:45:06.380 | - I think most conspiracy theories are wrong.
00:45:09.100 | Some are true, and those are spectacularly true.
00:45:12.980 | And, if that makes sense.
00:45:14.620 | - Yeah, and we don't know which ones, though.
00:45:16.780 | - I don't know which ones.
00:45:17.660 | - That's the problem.
00:45:18.620 | - I think, oh, well, I mean, look, man,
00:45:20.320 | I listened to your podcast.
00:45:21.580 | I think I was a huge non-believer in UFOs,
00:45:25.540 | and now I've probably never believed more in UFOs.
00:45:28.300 | Like, I believe in UFOs.
00:45:30.860 | Like, I'm very comfortable being like,
00:45:32.840 | not only do I believe in UFOs,
00:45:34.340 | like, I think we're probably being visited
00:45:35.740 | by an alien civilization.
00:45:37.620 | And if you asked me that three years ago,
00:45:39.540 | I would've been like, you're out of your fucking mind.
00:45:40.980 | Like, what are you talking about?
00:45:42.220 | Well, listen to David Fravor.
00:45:44.020 | That's all I have to say.
00:45:44.900 | That's it.
00:45:45.740 | - I have the sense that the government has information
00:45:49.140 | that hasn't revealed, but it's not like they're,
00:45:52.140 | I don't think they're holding,
00:45:53.740 | there's like a green guy sitting there in a room.
00:45:55.780 | - Exactly.
00:45:56.620 | - They just, they have seen things
00:45:58.100 | they don't know what to do with,
00:45:59.780 | so it's like, they're confused.
00:46:01.460 | - They're afraid of revealing that they don't know.
00:46:04.420 | That's what I think it is.
00:46:05.260 | - They don't know, right.
00:46:06.100 | - It's revealing, yeah, exactly, that they don't know.
00:46:09.100 | And then in the process,
00:46:10.700 | there's a lot of fears tied up in that.
00:46:12.380 | First, looking incompetent in the public eye,
00:46:15.220 | nobody wants to be looked that way.
00:46:17.700 | And the other is like, in revealing it,
00:46:20.360 | even though they don't know,
00:46:22.020 | maybe China will figure it out.
00:46:23.300 | - Exactly.
00:46:24.140 | - So like, we don't want China to figure it out first.
00:46:26.780 | And so that, all those kinds of things
00:46:28.980 | result in basically secrecy,
00:46:30.580 | then that damages the trust in institutions
00:46:33.340 | on one of the most fascinating aspects,
00:46:36.740 | like one of the most fascinating mysteries of humankind
00:46:39.980 | of is there life, intelligent life out there in the universe?
00:46:44.780 | So that's one of them, but there's other ones.
00:46:47.540 | Like for me, when I first came across,
00:46:49.660 | actually, Alex Jones was 9/11.
00:46:53.420 | - Yeah.
00:46:54.260 | - I remember like, 'cause I was in Chicago,
00:46:57.780 | I was thinking like, oh shit,
00:46:59.220 | are they gonna hit Chicago too?
00:47:01.420 | - That's what everybody was thinking.
00:47:02.340 | - Yeah, everybody was thinking like,
00:47:03.900 | what does this mean?
00:47:05.100 | What scale?
00:47:05.940 | What, I mean, trying to interpret it.
00:47:07.660 | And I remember like, looking for information,
00:47:10.340 | desperately, like what happened?
00:47:12.380 | And I remember not being satisfied
00:47:14.420 | with the quality of reporting
00:47:17.140 | and figuring out like, rigorous,
00:47:18.820 | like, here's exactly what happened.
00:47:21.460 | And so people like Alex Jones stepped up
00:47:23.660 | and others that said like,
00:47:25.900 | there's some shady shit going on.
00:47:27.940 | And it sure as hell looked like
00:47:29.620 | there's shady shit going on.
00:47:30.900 | - Yes.
00:47:31.860 | - So like, and I still stand behind the fact
00:47:34.740 | that it seems like there's not enough,
00:47:38.580 | like it wasn't a good job of being honest
00:47:40.580 | and transparent and all those kinds of things.
00:47:42.140 | - 'Cause it would implicate the Saudis, let's be honest.
00:47:43.980 | - Is it?
00:47:44.820 | - That's my conspiracy theories.
00:47:46.220 | I'm like, yeah, I think they covered up a lot of stuff
00:47:48.180 | because they wanted to cover up
00:47:49.540 | for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
00:47:50.820 | Like, I mean, that was a conspiracy theory
00:47:53.500 | not that long ago.
00:47:54.460 | I think it's true.
00:47:55.340 | I mean, I don't think it's 100% true.
00:47:57.180 | - Yeah, so those kinds of conspiracy theories
00:47:59.180 | are interesting.
00:48:00.020 | I mean, there's other ones for me personally
00:48:01.780 | that touched sort of the institution
00:48:04.340 | that means a lot to me is MIT and Jeffrey Epstein.
00:48:09.340 | - I wanna hear a lot more.
00:48:10.660 | I wanna hear about that.
00:48:11.620 | I talk about Epstein a lot.
00:48:12.780 | So I'm like- - Oh, you do?
00:48:13.660 | - Yeah, and he, I was gonna say,
00:48:15.700 | in terms of conspiracy theory,
00:48:16.980 | that one changed my outlook.
00:48:18.780 | 'Cause I was like, whoa, like, you know this dude
00:48:22.420 | who convinced some of the most successful people on earth
00:48:26.620 | that he was like some money manager
00:48:29.100 | and it looks like it was totally fake.
00:48:31.140 | Like Leon Black.
00:48:32.300 | I mean, this is one of the richest men on Wall Street,
00:48:34.300 | $9 billion net worth.
00:48:36.740 | Why is he giving him over $100 million
00:48:40.100 | between 2015 and 2019?
00:48:42.460 | What's going on here?
00:48:43.860 | Lex Wexner, same thing.
00:48:45.340 | So yeah, I wanna hear
00:48:46.300 | because you know people who met him.
00:48:48.540 | And the only person I know who met him was Eric Weinstein.
00:48:50.860 | I've heard his, right?
00:48:52.180 | - Oh boy, so I, listen, I'm still in,
00:48:55.180 | and Eric is fascinating.
00:48:56.620 | And like Eric is full on saying that-
00:48:59.820 | - He was a Mossad or whatever.
00:49:01.700 | - Yeah, there's a front for something,
00:49:04.180 | something much, much bigger.
00:49:05.980 | And there's a, whatever his name, Robert Maxwell,
00:49:09.700 | all those stories.
00:49:12.100 | Like you could dig deeper and deeper
00:49:14.060 | that Jeffrey's just like the tip of the iceberg.
00:49:17.540 | I just think he's an exceptionally charismatic,
00:49:20.660 | listen, this isn't speaking from confidence
00:49:22.780 | or like deep understanding of the situation,
00:49:25.740 | but from my speaking with people,
00:49:28.380 | he just seems like, at least from the side of his influence
00:49:33.380 | and interaction with researchers,
00:49:36.820 | he just seems like somebody
00:49:38.340 | that was exceptionally charismatic
00:49:40.060 | and actually took interest.
00:49:44.780 | He was unable to speak about interesting scientific things,
00:49:49.780 | but he took interest in them.
00:49:51.940 | So he knew how to stroke the egos
00:49:53.940 | of a lot of powerful people like well,
00:49:56.240 | like in different kinds of ways.
00:49:58.500 | I suppose, I don't know about this
00:50:01.220 | because I don't have, like if a really,
00:50:04.180 | okay, this is weird to say,
00:50:06.020 | but I have an ability, okay,
00:50:10.060 | I think women are beautiful, I like women,
00:50:12.740 | but like if like a supermodel came to me or something,
00:50:16.300 | like I'm able to reason.
00:50:19.300 | It seems like some people are not able to think clearly
00:50:22.700 | when there's like an attractive woman in the room.
00:50:25.260 | And I think that was one of the tools
00:50:27.480 | he used to manipulate people.
00:50:29.400 | - Interesting.
00:50:30.300 | - I don't know.
00:50:31.500 | Listen, it's like the pedophile thing.
00:50:33.620 | I don't know how many people are complete sex addicts,
00:50:35.880 | but like it seems like, like looking out into the world,
00:50:39.680 | like there's like the Me Too movement
00:50:41.720 | have revealed that there's a lot of like weird,
00:50:44.680 | like creepy people out there.
00:50:47.240 | I don't know, but I think it was just one of the many tools
00:50:50.520 | that he used to convince people and manipulate people,
00:50:55.520 | but not in some like evil way,
00:51:01.420 | but more just really good at the art of conversation
00:51:07.040 | and just winning people over on the side.
00:51:09.840 | And then by building through that process,
00:51:13.700 | building a network of other really powerful people
00:51:16.120 | and not explicitly, but implicitly having done shady shit
00:51:21.120 | with powerful people, like building up
00:51:26.340 | a kind of implied power of like,
00:51:31.340 | like we did some shady shit together,
00:51:34.700 | so we're not like, you're gonna help me out
00:51:37.740 | on this extra thing I need to do now.
00:51:39.600 | And that builds and builds and builds
00:51:42.000 | to where you're able to actually control,
00:51:44.700 | like have quite a lot of power
00:51:46.460 | without explicitly having like a strategy meeting.
00:51:50.140 | And I think a single person or,
00:51:53.060 | yeah, I think a single person can do that,
00:51:55.940 | can start that ball rolling.
00:51:58.140 | And over time it becomes a group thing.
00:52:00.620 | Like I don't know if Julian Maxwell was involved or others.
00:52:05.220 | And yeah, over time that becomes almost
00:52:08.020 | like a really powerful organization that wasn't,
00:52:11.580 | that's not a front for something much deeper
00:52:14.540 | and bigger, but it's almost like,
00:52:16.580 | maybe it's 'cause I love cellular automata, man.
00:52:19.580 | A system that starts out as a simple thing
00:52:22.140 | with simple rules can create incredible complexity.
00:52:25.380 | And so I just think that we're now looking in retrospect,
00:52:29.540 | it looks like an incredibly complex system
00:52:31.780 | that's operating, but like, that's just because it's,
00:52:34.860 | you know, there could be a lot of other Jeffrey Epstein's
00:52:37.340 | in my perspective that this simple thing
00:52:39.980 | just was successful early on and builds and builds
00:52:43.020 | and builds and builds.
00:52:44.580 | And then there's a creepy shit that like a lot of aspects
00:52:47.820 | of the system helped it get bigger and bigger
00:52:50.940 | and more powerful and so on.
00:52:52.460 | So the final result is, I mean,
00:52:55.940 | listen, I have a pretty optimistic,
00:52:58.780 | I have a, I tend to see the good in people.
00:53:01.980 | And so it's been heartbreaking to me in general,
00:53:04.220 | just to see, you know, people I look up to
00:53:08.540 | not have the level of integrity I thought they would,
00:53:12.020 | or like the strength of character,
00:53:14.060 | all those kinds of things.
00:53:15.340 | And it seems like you should be able to see the bullshit
00:53:20.340 | that is Jeffrey Epstein, like when you meet him.
00:53:22.940 | We're not talking about like Eric Weinstein,
00:53:25.780 | like one or two or three or five interactions,
00:53:28.700 | but like there's people that had like years
00:53:31.820 | of relationship with him.
00:53:33.700 | And I don't know, I'm not sure.
00:53:35.820 | - Even after he was convicted.
00:53:36.900 | - After he was convicted.
00:53:37.740 | - That's the thing, that guy always gets me.
00:53:39.700 | - Yeah, there's stories.
00:53:41.040 | I mean, I don't need to sort of,
00:53:42.700 | I honestly believe,
00:53:46.260 | okay, here's the open question I have.
00:53:52.180 | I don't know how many creepy sexual people
00:53:55.740 | that are out there.
00:53:57.100 | Like, I don't know if there's like,
00:54:00.180 | like the people I know, the faculty and so on,
00:54:03.420 | I don't know if they have like a kink
00:54:05.300 | that I'm just not aware of that was being leveraged.
00:54:08.300 | Because to me, it seems like if people aren't,
00:54:13.000 | if not everybody's a pedophile,
00:54:14.600 | then it's just the art of conversation.
00:54:18.600 | That is just like the art of just like manipulating people
00:54:22.000 | by making them feel good about like the exciting stuff
00:54:25.120 | they're doing.
00:54:25.960 | Listen, man, academics, people talk about money.
00:54:28.560 | I don't think academics care about money
00:54:30.400 | as much as people think.
00:54:31.560 | What they care about is like somebody,
00:54:34.720 | they want to be, it's the same thing
00:54:37.840 | that Instagram models post in their butt pictures,
00:54:41.020 | is they want to be loved.
00:54:42.660 | They want attention.
00:54:43.780 | - My parents are professors.
00:54:44.780 | Yeah, I get it.
00:54:45.620 | (both laughing)
00:54:48.020 | - And Jeffrey Epstein,
00:54:49.540 | the money is another way to show attention.
00:54:52.420 | - Right, it's a proxy.
00:54:54.220 | - Mind work matters.
00:54:55.540 | And he, for some, he did that for some of the weirdest,
00:55:00.540 | most brilliant people.
00:55:02.660 | I don't want to sort of drop names,
00:55:04.620 | but everybody knows them.
00:55:06.180 | It's like people that are the most interesting academics
00:55:09.900 | is the one he cared about.
00:55:11.460 | Like people that are thinking about
00:55:12.940 | the most difficult questions in all of science
00:55:16.060 | and all of engineering.
00:55:16.940 | So those people were kind of outcasts in academia
00:55:21.140 | a little bit because they're doing the weird shit.
00:55:23.220 | They're the weirdos.
00:55:24.500 | And he cared about the weirdos and he gave them money.
00:55:27.040 | And that's, I don't know if there's something
00:55:32.040 | more nefarious than that.
00:55:33.980 | I hope not, but maybe I'm surprised.
00:55:36.620 | And in fact, half the population of the world
00:55:38.660 | is pedophiles.
00:55:39.620 | - No, I think it's what you were talking about,
00:55:41.340 | which is that it's the implication after the initial,
00:55:46.340 | right, like you do some shady things together,
00:55:48.740 | or you do something that you want out of the public eye
00:55:51.220 | and you're a public person.
00:55:52.420 | And look, we probably even experience this
00:55:54.320 | to a limited extent, right?
00:55:55.420 | You're like, ah, you know, like, I don't want to,
00:55:57.580 | I don't know, I almost lost my temper, you know,
00:55:59.340 | one time whenever a car hit me and I'm like,
00:56:00.880 | I can't freak out in public anymore.
00:56:02.420 | I'm like, you know, like what if somebody
00:56:04.060 | takes a photo or something?
00:56:05.340 | And so I think that there's an extent of that
00:56:08.240 | times a billion, literally,
00:56:10.020 | when you have a billion dollars or more.
00:56:12.220 | And you take that all together
00:56:13.380 | and you stack it up on itself.
00:56:15.020 | I saw a story about like Bill Clinton.
00:56:16.860 | Like Bill Clinton was with Epstein or with Ghislaine Maxwell
00:56:20.340 | in a private air terminal or something.
00:56:23.100 | And she had one of their like sex, you know,
00:56:26.460 | one of those girls who was underage,
00:56:28.160 | had her dressed up in a literal like pilot uniform.
00:56:31.120 | And she was underage in order to, you know,
00:56:33.980 | and she was being disguised for being older.
00:56:37.540 | And she was a masseuse, right?
00:56:39.060 | Because that was one of the guises which they got
00:56:41.620 | in order to sexually traffic these women.
00:56:43.420 | And she was like, Bill was like complaining about his neck.
00:56:45.700 | And she's like, give Bill Clinton a massage, right?
00:56:47.740 | So now there's a photo of an underage girl
00:56:49.420 | giving a massage to the former president
00:56:51.360 | of the United States.
00:56:52.740 | I don't think he knew, right?
00:56:54.620 | But like, that looks bad.
00:56:56.680 | And so this is kind of what we're getting at,
00:56:59.060 | which is that you're setting it all up
00:57:01.020 | and creating those preconditions.
00:57:03.000 | Or like Prince Andrew, do I think Prince Andrew knew
00:57:05.480 | that Virginia Gouffre was underage?
00:57:08.800 | I don't know.
00:57:10.060 | He probably knew she was pretty young,
00:57:11.520 | which I think is, you know, skeevy enough
00:57:13.120 | where you're a fucking prince, you probably know better.
00:57:15.880 | But I don't think he knew she was underage.
00:57:18.760 | Or maybe he did.
00:57:19.600 | And if he did, then he's even more of a piece of shit
00:57:21.240 | than I thought.
00:57:22.080 | But when we look at these things,
00:57:25.620 | the stuff I'm more interested in
00:57:26.960 | is like what you were talking about.
00:57:28.400 | I'm like, Bill Gates?
00:57:29.920 | How do you get the richest man in the world in your house?
00:57:33.280 | Like under what, and Gates is like,
00:57:35.600 | he was talking about financing and all this.
00:57:37.200 | I'm like, you don't have access to money or bankers?
00:57:40.300 | Like you're the richest man in the world.
00:57:42.640 | Like you can call Goldman Sachs
00:57:44.280 | anytime you want on a hotline.
00:57:46.340 | Like why do you need, that's where I start again
00:57:49.680 | to get more conspiratorial because I'm like,
00:57:51.740 | Bill, dude, you have the gold credit, right?
00:57:55.040 | Like you don't need Epstein
00:57:56.280 | to create some complicated financing structure.
00:57:59.380 | Or Leon Black, like what is 2015, 2009?
00:58:04.320 | I mean, this is very recent stuff.
00:58:06.040 | Or, and this is the part that really got me
00:58:08.080 | is I read the, I think it's called
00:58:10.520 | the Department of Financial Service report
00:58:12.280 | around Deutsche Bank with Epstein.
00:58:15.600 | They knew he was a criminal.
00:58:16.900 | They solicited his business.
00:58:18.640 | Explicitly knew that his business
00:58:21.320 | meant access to other high net worth individuals.
00:58:23.760 | Consistently doled money out from his account
00:58:27.120 | for hush payments to women in Europe and prostitution rings.
00:58:31.260 | They knew all of this within the bank.
00:58:33.580 | It was elevated multiple times.
00:58:35.580 | Here was the other one.
00:58:36.580 | One of Epstein's associates was like,
00:58:38.260 | hey, how much money can we take out
00:58:40.060 | before we hit the automatic sensor,
00:58:42.580 | before you have to tell the IRS?
00:58:44.780 | And that question by their own standards
00:58:47.980 | is supposed to result in a notification to the feds
00:58:51.380 | and they never did it.
00:58:52.300 | And he was withdrawing like $2 million of cash
00:58:54.940 | in five years for tips.
00:58:57.160 | I'm like, okay, something's going on here.
00:59:00.400 | - Yeah. - You see what I'm saying?
00:59:01.240 | - There's a lot of signs that make you think
00:59:03.800 | that there's a bigger thing at play than just the man.
00:59:08.120 | That there is some, it does look like
00:59:11.640 | a larger organization is using this front, right?
00:59:15.200 | - Again, I don't know.
00:59:16.080 | I truly don't know.
00:59:17.400 | And I'm not willing to use the certainty,
00:59:19.120 | which I think a lot of people online are,
00:59:20.640 | to say like it was 100%.
00:59:22.360 | - The certainty is always the problem.
00:59:24.480 | That's probably why I hesitate to touch conspiracy theories
00:59:28.540 | is 'cause I'm allergic to certainty in all forms.
00:59:31.660 | In politics, any kind of discourse.
00:59:33.420 | And people are so sure, in both directions, actually.
00:59:37.860 | It's kind of hilarious.
00:59:39.080 | Either they're sure that the conspiracy theory,
00:59:43.380 | in particular, whatever the conspiracy theory is, is false.
00:59:45.900 | Like they almost dismiss it like,
00:59:47.800 | like they don't even wanna talk about it.
00:59:50.940 | It's like the people, like the way they dismiss
00:59:53.080 | that the earth is flat.
00:59:54.140 | - Yes.
00:59:54.980 | - Most scientists are like, they don't even want to like
00:59:57.660 | hear what the flat earthers are saying.
01:00:02.380 | They don't have like zero patience for it.
01:00:05.180 | Which is like, maybe in that case, is deserved.
01:00:09.420 | But everything else, you really, like have empathy.
01:00:14.060 | Consider the, you have, okay.
01:00:17.300 | This is weird to say, but I feel like
01:00:20.060 | you have to consider that the earth might be flat
01:00:23.700 | for like one minute.
01:00:26.220 | Like you have to be empathetic.
01:00:27.780 | You have to be open-minded.
01:00:29.460 | - I don't see a lot of that through our cultural
01:00:30.900 | tastemakers and more.
01:00:32.300 | And that really is what concerns me the most.
01:00:35.620 | 'Cause it's just another manifestation of all of our
01:00:37.620 | problems, is that we have this completely
01:00:40.300 | bifurcating economy, bifurcating culture,
01:00:43.580 | literally, in terms of, we have the middle of the country,
01:00:46.900 | and then we have the coast.
01:00:48.020 | And in terms of the population, it's almost 50/50.
01:00:51.260 | And with increasing mega cities and urban culture,
01:00:55.260 | like urban monoculture of LA, New York, and Chicago,
01:00:58.900 | and DC, and Boston, and Austin,
01:01:01.420 | relative to how an entire other group of Americans
01:01:04.700 | live their lives, or even the people within them
01:01:07.440 | who aren't rich and upwardly mobile,
01:01:09.220 | how they live their lives, is just completely separating.
01:01:12.220 | And all of our language and communication
01:01:14.860 | in mass media and more is to the top,
01:01:16.980 | and then everybody else is forgotten.
01:01:18.700 | - Do you think when you dig to the core,
01:01:21.500 | there is a big gap between left and right?
01:01:25.540 | Is that division that's perceived currently real?
01:01:30.060 | Or are most people center left and center right?
01:01:33.460 | - It's so interesting, because that's such a loaded term,
01:01:36.740 | center left.
01:01:37.980 | What does that mean?
01:01:38.980 | To you, I think the way you're thinking of it is,
01:01:42.940 | I'm not like a, well, even this,
01:01:46.420 | I'm not a radical socialist,
01:01:49.260 | but I'm marginally left on cultural issues
01:01:54.260 | and economic issues.
01:01:56.540 | This is how we've traditionally understood things.
01:01:59.140 | And then when in popular discourse, like center right,
01:02:02.060 | like what does it mean to be center right?
01:02:03.320 | Like I am marginally right on social issues
01:02:08.320 | and marginally right on economic issues.
01:02:10.780 | But that's just not politics.
01:02:12.500 | Like if you look at survey data, for example,
01:02:15.180 | like stimulus checks,
01:02:18.180 | people who are against stimulus checks are conservative.
01:02:20.700 | Well, 80% of the population is for a stimulus check.
01:02:23.680 | So that means a sizable number of Republicans
01:02:26.180 | are for stimulus checks.
01:02:27.540 | Same thing happens on like a wealth tax.
01:02:29.900 | The same thing happens on, okay,
01:02:33.100 | Florida voted for Trump 3.1%,
01:02:36.720 | more than Barack Obama 2008.
01:02:39.500 | On the same day, passes a $15 minimum wage at 67%.
01:02:44.060 | So what's going on?
01:02:45.260 | So that's why-
01:02:46.100 | - What is going on?
01:02:47.820 | - Oh, that's my entire career.
01:02:49.700 | - But it seems like, so that's fascinating.
01:02:53.660 | Conversation is different than the policies.
01:02:57.740 | - Well, it's different than reality.
01:02:59.180 | That's what I would say,
01:03:00.020 | which is that the way we have to understand
01:03:02.300 | American politics today,
01:03:04.860 | it didn't always used to be this way,
01:03:06.580 | is it's almost entirely along.
01:03:09.580 | Basic, I would say the main divider is,
01:03:12.780 | 'cause even when you talk about class,
01:03:14.180 | this misses it in terms of socioeconomics,
01:03:16.540 | it's around culture,
01:03:18.740 | which is that it's basically,
01:03:21.040 | if you went to a four-year degree-granting institution,
01:03:24.240 | you are part of one culture.
01:03:25.940 | If you didn't, you're part of another.
01:03:27.940 | I don't wanna erase the 20% or whatever
01:03:30.900 | of people who did go to a college degree
01:03:32.420 | who were Republicans or vice versa, et cetera.
01:03:35.380 | But I'm saying on average,
01:03:37.060 | in terms of the median way that you feel,
01:03:39.880 | we're basically bifurcating along those lines.
01:03:43.040 | And 'cause people get upset, be like,
01:03:44.560 | "Oh, well, there are rich people who voted for Trump."
01:03:47.280 | And I'm like, "Yeah, but you know who they are?
01:03:50.480 | "They're like plumbers or something.
01:03:52.240 | "Like they're people who make $100,000 a year,
01:03:55.040 | "but they didn't go to a four-year college degree,
01:03:57.080 | "and they might live in a place
01:04:00.300 | "which is not an urban metro area."
01:04:02.520 | And then at the same time,
01:04:03.440 | you have like a Vox writer who makes like 30 grand,
01:04:08.040 | but they have a lot more cultural power than like the plumber.
01:04:11.720 | So you have to think about where exactly that line is.
01:04:15.120 | And I think in general, that's the way that we're trending.
01:04:18.480 | So that's why when I say like,
01:04:20.520 | "What's going on?
01:04:21.360 | "Are we divided?"
01:04:22.180 | Yeah, but it's not left and right.
01:04:24.560 | I mean, and that's why I hate these labels.
01:04:26.760 | - So it's more just red and blue, like teams.
01:04:29.360 | They're arbitrary teams.
01:04:30.880 | - Yeah.
01:04:31.720 | - So how arbitrary are these teams, I guess,
01:04:34.000 | is another- - Completely arbitrary.
01:04:35.760 | - So, well, you kind of imply that there's,
01:04:37.840 | I don't know if you're sort of in post analyzing
01:04:40.880 | the patterns, 'cause it seems like there's a network effects
01:04:45.240 | of like, you just picked the team red or blue.
01:04:47.600 | And it might have to do with college.
01:04:50.240 | You might have to do all of those things,
01:04:51.640 | but like, it seems like it's more about
01:04:54.800 | just the people around you.
01:04:58.160 | - Correct.
01:04:59.000 | - So less than whether you went to college or not.
01:05:01.920 | I mean, it's almost like, seems like,
01:05:04.080 | it's almost like a weird- - Yeah, right.
01:05:06.000 | - Like network effects that are hard.
01:05:08.400 | There's certain strong patterns that you're identifying.
01:05:11.600 | But I don't know, it's sad to think
01:05:14.200 | that it might be just teams that have nothing to do
01:05:17.000 | with what you actually believe.
01:05:18.800 | - Well, it is, Lex.
01:05:20.120 | Look, I mean, I don't wanna believe that,
01:05:22.800 | but the data points me to this, which especially 2020.
01:05:25.880 | I'm one of the people, chief among them,
01:05:28.120 | I will own up to it here.
01:05:29.400 | I was totally wrong about why Trump was elected in 2016.
01:05:33.160 | I believed, and I based a lot of my public commentary
01:05:36.400 | belief on this, Trump was elected
01:05:38.800 | because of a rejection of Hillary Clinton neoliberalism
01:05:42.600 | on the back of a pro-worker message,
01:05:46.060 | which was anti-immigration, it was its pillar,
01:05:49.760 | but alongside of it was a rejection of free trade with China
01:05:54.120 | and generally of the political correctness and globalism,
01:05:58.880 | which has been coming through the Uniparty
01:06:02.320 | and same thing here with the military industrial complex
01:06:05.440 | and endless war, he rejected all of that.
01:06:08.640 | - Wait, what's wrong with that prediction?
01:06:10.480 | - I was wrong, man.
01:06:11.360 | And the reason I know this is that-
01:06:12.560 | - Sounds right.
01:06:13.520 | - It sounds right, I honestly wish it was true.
01:06:16.760 | But here's the truth.
01:06:17.800 | Trump actually governed largely as a neoliberal Republican
01:06:22.520 | who was meaner online and who departed from orthodoxy
01:06:26.600 | in some very important ways, don't get me wrong.
01:06:28.600 | I will always support the trade war with China.
01:06:31.400 | I will always support not expanding the wars
01:06:33.920 | in Afghanistan and in Iraq.
01:06:35.600 | I will support him moving the Overton window
01:06:38.320 | on a million different things and revealing once and for all
01:06:41.080 | that GOP voters don't care
01:06:42.800 | about economic orthodoxy necessarily,
01:06:45.660 | but here's what they do care about.
01:06:47.480 | Trump got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016,
01:06:50.980 | despite not delivering largely, largely,
01:06:54.080 | for all the Trump people out there, on that agenda.
01:06:56.760 | He wasn't more pro-union, but he won more union votes.
01:06:59.800 | He wasn't necessarily more pro-worker,
01:07:02.600 | but he actually won more votes in Ohio than he did in 2016.
01:07:07.080 | And he won more Hispanic votes than despite being,
01:07:10.880 | all the immigration agenda, rhetoric, et cetera.
01:07:13.880 | Here's why, it's about the culture,
01:07:16.240 | which is that the culture war is so hot
01:07:19.500 | that negative partisanship is at such high levels.
01:07:22.980 | All of the vote is geared upon
01:07:25.300 | what the other guy might do in office.
01:07:27.000 | And there's a poll actually just came out
01:07:28.480 | by Echelon Insights, Crystal and I were talking about it
01:07:30.800 | on Rising, that number one concern
01:07:33.440 | amongst Democratic voters is Trump voters,
01:07:36.480 | number one concern, not issues like Trump voters.
01:07:41.400 | And number two is white supremacy.
01:07:43.400 | And so like, which is basically code for Trump voters.
01:07:47.080 | - And is the same true for the other side?
01:07:48.960 | - Well, so on the right,
01:07:49.960 | the number one concern is illegal immigration.
01:07:52.400 | And number, I think three or four or whatever is Antifa,
01:07:56.800 | which is code for Democrats.
01:07:58.680 | - At least on the right, it's a policy kind of thing.
01:08:00.880 | - Well, yeah, it's funny,
01:08:02.000 | I saw Ben Shapiro was talking about this,
01:08:03.800 | but the reason why I would functionally say it's the same
01:08:06.720 | is because, I mean, you can believe whether it's true or not
01:08:10.260 | I think it actually largely is true,
01:08:11.400 | but like a lot of GOP voters feel like a lot of,
01:08:14.700 | illegal immigration is code for like people
01:08:16.800 | who are coming in, who are gonna be legalized
01:08:18.520 | and are gonna go vote Democrat.
01:08:19.840 | Like I can just explain it from their point of view.
01:08:22.760 | So like, what does that actually mean, each other?
01:08:26.100 | Like each other, which is that the number one concern
01:08:29.340 | is the other person.
01:08:30.840 | So negative partisanship has never been higher.
01:08:33.560 | And I think people who had my thesis
01:08:36.240 | in terms of why Trump was elected in 2016,
01:08:38.880 | you have to grapple with this.
01:08:39.800 | Like, how did he win 10 million more votes?
01:08:43.080 | He came 44,000 votes away from winning the presidency
01:08:45.640 | across three states.
01:08:46.840 | Like, I don't, none of our popular discourse
01:08:49.400 | reflects that very stark reality.
01:08:51.840 | And I think so much of it is people really hate liberals.
01:08:56.840 | Like they just really hate them.
01:08:59.760 | And I was driving through rural Nevada before the election.
01:09:04.060 | And I was like, literally in the middle of nowhere.
01:09:06.380 | And there was this massive sign this guy had out
01:09:09.780 | in front of his house.
01:09:10.660 | And it just said, Trump colon, fuck your feelings.
01:09:14.380 | And I was like, that's it.
01:09:16.240 | That is why people voted for Trump.
01:09:18.460 | And I don't wanna denigrate it because they truly feel
01:09:21.500 | they have no cultural power in America,
01:09:24.500 | except to raise the middle finger to the elite class
01:09:28.440 | by pressing the button for Trump.
01:09:30.540 | I get that.
01:09:31.380 | That's actually a totally rational way to vote.
01:09:35.020 | It's not the way I wish we did vote,
01:09:37.060 | but like, you know, that's not my place to say.
01:09:40.140 | - So this is interesting.
01:09:41.500 | If you could just psychoanalyze,
01:09:43.260 | I'm again, probably naive about this,
01:09:46.660 | but I'm really bothered by the hatred of liberals.
01:09:51.660 | It's this amorphous monster that's mocked.
01:09:57.580 | It's like the Shapiro liberal tears.
01:10:00.980 | And I'm also really bothered by probably more
01:10:05.980 | of my colleagues and friends, the hatred of Trump.
01:10:09.400 | The Trump and white supremacist.
01:10:15.260 | So apparently there's 70 million white supremacists,
01:10:19.540 | 75 million, sorry.
01:10:21.300 | There's millions of white supremacists.
01:10:25.220 | And apparently whatever liberal is,
01:10:27.580 | I mean, literally liberal has become equivalent
01:10:32.500 | to white supremacist in the power of negativity it arouses.
01:10:36.560 | I don't even know what those, I mean, honestly,
01:10:39.180 | they've become swears essentially.
01:10:41.040 | Is that, I mean, how do we get,
01:10:45.060 | out of this?
01:10:46.180 | Because that's why I just don't even say anything
01:10:49.860 | about politics online.
01:10:50.980 | 'Cause it's like, really?
01:10:53.260 | Like you can't, here's what happens.
01:10:57.860 | Anything you say that's like thoughtful,
01:11:01.100 | like, hmm, I wonder, immigration, something.
01:11:05.260 | I wonder like why, you know, we have these many,
01:11:10.260 | we allow these many immigrants in,
01:11:13.220 | or some version of the, like, thinking through
01:11:16.140 | these difficult policies and so on.
01:11:18.460 | They immediately try to find like a single word
01:11:22.020 | in something you say that can put you in a bin
01:11:24.820 | of liberal or white supremacist,
01:11:28.060 | and then hammer you to death by saying
01:11:30.820 | you're one of the two, and then everybody
01:11:33.240 | just piles on happily that we finally nailed
01:11:36.700 | this white supremacist or liberal.
01:11:39.260 | And that, is this some kind of weird like feature
01:11:43.340 | of online communication that we've just stumbled upon?
01:11:45.940 | Is there a way, or is it possible to argue
01:11:48.700 | that this is like a feature, not a bug?
01:11:51.020 | Like this is a good thing?
01:11:53.340 | - Yeah, well, look, I just think it's a reflection
01:11:55.340 | of who we are.
01:11:56.180 | People like to blame social media.
01:11:57.500 | I think we're just incredibly divided right now.
01:11:59.220 | I think we've been divided like this for the last 20 years.
01:12:02.140 | And I think that, the reason I focus almost 99%
01:12:06.140 | of my public commentary on economics
01:12:08.300 | is because you asked an important question at the top.
01:12:10.900 | How do we fix this?
01:12:12.820 | What did I say about the stimulus checks?
01:12:14.860 | Stimulus checks have 80% approval rating.
01:12:17.020 | So that's the type of thing, if I was Joe Biden
01:12:19.220 | and I wanted to actually heal this country,
01:12:21.100 | that's the very first thing I would have done
01:12:22.540 | when I came into office.
01:12:23.900 | Same thing on when you look at anything
01:12:26.840 | that's gonna increase wages.
01:12:28.980 | I said on the show, I was like, look,
01:12:30.980 | I think Joe Biden will have an 80% approval rating
01:12:33.020 | if he does two things.
01:12:34.220 | If he gives every American a $2,000 stimulus check
01:12:37.660 | and gives everybody who wants a vaccine, a vaccine.
01:12:40.120 | That's it.
01:12:40.960 | It's pretty simple.
01:12:41.780 | 'Cause here's the thing.
01:12:43.660 | I don't really like Greg Abbott that much.
01:12:45.140 | We have like very different politics.
01:12:46.460 | I'm from Texas,
01:12:47.300 | but my parents got vaccinated really quickly.
01:12:50.300 | That means something to me.
01:12:51.660 | I'm like, listen, I don't really care
01:12:54.180 | about a lot of the other stuff.
01:12:55.820 | He got my family vaccinated.
01:12:58.240 | Like that, well, I will forever remember that.
01:13:02.420 | And that's how we will remember the checks.
01:13:04.980 | This is a part of the reason
01:13:06.020 | why Trump almost won the election
01:13:07.940 | and why if the Republicans had been smart enough
01:13:10.420 | to give him another round of checks, 100% would have won,
01:13:14.780 | which is that people were like, look,
01:13:17.140 | I don't really like Trump,
01:13:18.340 | but I got a check with his name on it.
01:13:20.820 | And that meant something to me and my family.
01:13:24.300 | I'm not saying for all the libertarians out there
01:13:26.940 | that you should go and like endlessly spend money
01:13:29.820 | and buy votes.
01:13:31.060 | What I am saying is lean into
01:13:33.940 | the majoritarian positions
01:13:36.540 | without adding your culture war bullshit on top of it.
01:13:40.080 | So for example, what's the number one concern
01:13:42.700 | that AOC says after the first round of checks got out?
01:13:45.380 | Oh, the checks didn't go to illegal immigrants.
01:13:47.500 | I'm like, are you out of your fucking mind?
01:13:49.680 | Like this is the most popular policy
01:13:51.460 | America has probably done in 50 years,
01:13:55.260 | since like Medicare and you're inserting,
01:13:58.420 | you're ruining it.
01:14:00.260 | And then on the right is the same thing,
01:14:02.040 | which is that there'll be like,
01:14:03.580 | these checks are going to like, low level, blah, blah.
01:14:08.020 | People who are lazy and don't work.
01:14:10.040 | I'm like, oh, there you go.
01:14:10.880 | You're just playing a caricature of what you are.
01:14:14.340 | Like if you lean into those issues
01:14:16.380 | and you gotta do it clean,
01:14:17.340 | this is what everybody hates about DC,
01:14:19.640 | which is that Biden right now is doing the $1,400 checks,
01:14:23.280 | but he's looping it in with his COVID relief bill
01:14:26.160 | and all that.
01:14:27.000 | That's his prerogative.
01:14:27.820 | That's the Democrats prerogative.
01:14:28.760 | They won the election, that's fine.
01:14:30.500 | But I'll tell you what I would have done if I was him.
01:14:33.240 | I would have come in and I would have said,
01:14:34.940 | there's five United States senators
01:14:36.360 | who are on the record, Republicans,
01:14:37.900 | who say they'll vote for a $2,000 check.
01:14:39.900 | And I would put that on the floor of the United States Senate
01:14:42.840 | on my first or so, the first day possible.
01:14:46.240 | And I would have passed it.
01:14:47.420 | And I would have forced those Republican senators
01:14:49.660 | to live up to that, vote for this bill,
01:14:52.280 | come to the Oval Office for a signing.
01:14:54.760 | So that the very first thing of my presidency was to say,
01:14:58.840 | I'm giving you all this relief check.
01:15:00.720 | This long national nightmare is over.
01:15:03.060 | Take this money, do with it what you need.
01:15:05.360 | We've all suffered together.
01:15:07.480 | The thing about Biden is he has a portrait of FDR
01:15:10.640 | in the Oval, which kind of bothers me
01:15:13.120 | because he thinks of himself as an FDR-like figure.
01:15:16.060 | But this is, you have to understand the majesty of FDR.
01:15:20.080 | We're talking about a person
01:15:21.320 | who passed a piece of legislation
01:15:23.200 | five days after he became president.
01:15:25.360 | And he passed 15 transformative pieces of legislation
01:15:29.240 | in the first hundred days.
01:15:30.880 | We're on day like 34, 35, and nothing has passed.
01:15:35.480 | The reconciliation bill will eventually become law,
01:15:37.680 | but it will become law with no Republican votes.
01:15:40.120 | And again, that's fine.
01:15:41.440 | But it's not fulfilling that legacy
01:15:44.920 | and the urgency of the action.
01:15:47.240 | And the mandate, which I believe that history has handed,
01:15:50.360 | it handed it to Trump and he fucked it up, right?
01:15:53.000 | He totally screwed it up.
01:15:54.040 | He could have remade America
01:15:55.400 | and made us into the greatest country ever
01:15:57.440 | coming out on the other side of this.
01:15:58.960 | He decided not to do that.
01:16:01.040 | I think Biden was again handed that like a scepter almost.
01:16:04.140 | It's like, all you have to do,
01:16:05.040 | all America wants is for you to raise it up high,
01:16:07.800 | but he's keeping it within the realm of traditional politics.
01:16:10.560 | I think it's a huge mistake.
01:16:11.640 | - Why, so this is, everything you're saying
01:16:13.560 | is perfect sense.
01:16:14.960 | Like take, okay.
01:16:16.320 | It's like, again, if the aliens showed up,
01:16:19.480 | it's like the obvious thing to do is like,
01:16:22.520 | what's the popular thing?
01:16:25.120 | Like 80% of Americans support this.
01:16:28.160 | Like do that clean.
01:16:30.500 | Also do it like with like grace
01:16:36.400 | where you're able to bring people together,
01:16:38.640 | not like in a political way,
01:16:40.760 | but like obvious common sense way.
01:16:44.600 | Like just people, the Republicans and Democrats
01:16:48.600 | is bringing them together on a policy
01:16:50.160 | and like bold, just hammer it
01:16:52.080 | without the dirt, without the mess, whatever,
01:16:54.640 | try to compromise just the yellow
01:16:57.800 | with have a good Twitter account,
01:17:00.000 | like loud, very clear.
01:17:03.280 | We're gonna give a $2,000 stimulus check.
01:17:06.720 | Anyone who wants a vaccine gets a vaccine at scale.
01:17:11.040 | What make America, let's make America great again
01:17:14.960 | by manufacturing.
01:17:16.600 | Like we are manufacturing most of the world's vaccine
01:17:20.320 | because we're bad motherfuckers.
01:17:22.200 | - Yeah.
01:17:23.040 | - And without maybe with more eloquence than that
01:17:26.120 | and just do that.
01:17:27.800 | Why haven't we seen that for many,
01:17:31.040 | for several presidencies?
01:17:32.800 | - 'Cause of coalitional politics
01:17:34.600 | and they owe something to somebody else.
01:17:36.720 | For example, Biden has got a lot
01:17:40.120 | of the democratic constituency has to satisfy
01:17:42.920 | within this bill.
01:17:44.560 | So there's gonna be a lot of shit that goes in there.
01:17:47.080 | State and local aid, all this stuff.
01:17:49.240 | Again, I'm not even saying this is bad,
01:17:50.560 | but he's like, his theory is, and this isn't wrong,
01:17:53.960 | is like, we're gonna take the really popular stuff
01:17:56.600 | and use it as cover for the more downwardly less popular.
01:18:00.440 | And so the Dems could face the accusation,
01:18:03.640 | the people who are on this side,
01:18:05.360 | this is their pushback to me.
01:18:06.280 | They're like, why would we give away
01:18:08.080 | the most popular thing in the bill?
01:18:09.720 | And then we would never be able to pass state and local aid.
01:18:13.240 | Why would we do that?
01:18:14.440 | And then the Republicans do the same thing.
01:18:16.480 | Mitch McConnell, because he's a fucking idiot,
01:18:18.720 | decided to say, we're gonna pair
01:18:20.320 | these $2,000 stimulus checks with like section 230 repeal.
01:18:24.040 | And it was like, oh, it's obviously dead, right?
01:18:26.080 | Like it's not gonna happen together.
01:18:28.240 | That's largely why I believe Trump lost the election
01:18:31.080 | and why those races down in Georgia
01:18:33.240 | went the way that they did.
01:18:34.200 | Obviously Trump had something to do with it.
01:18:36.880 | But the reason why is they have longstanding things
01:18:40.000 | that they've wanted to get done.
01:18:41.200 | And in the words of Rahm Emanuel,
01:18:42.680 | "Never let a good crisis go to waste
01:18:44.760 | and try and get as much as you possibly can done
01:18:47.480 | within a single bill."
01:18:48.960 | My counter would be this.
01:18:51.720 | Things have worked this way for too long,
01:18:53.680 | which is that the reconciliation bill
01:18:55.840 | is almost certainly going to be the only large
01:18:59.240 | signature legislative accomplishment
01:19:02.280 | of the Biden presidency.
01:19:03.720 | That's just how American politics works.
01:19:05.400 | Maybe he gets one more, maybe one.
01:19:07.800 | He gets a second reconciliation bill,
01:19:10.020 | then you're running for midterms, it's over.
01:19:12.900 | I believe that by trying to change the paradigm
01:19:16.200 | of our politics, leaning into exactly what I'm talking here,
01:19:19.880 | you could possibly transcend that to a new one.
01:19:23.400 | And I'm not naive.
01:19:24.720 | I think people respond to political pressures.
01:19:27.240 | And the way that we found this out was David Perdue,
01:19:30.960 | who is just a total corporate,
01:19:33.880 | dollar general CEO guy.
01:19:36.640 | He was against the original $1,200 stimulus checks.
01:19:40.300 | But then Trump came out,
01:19:41.520 | who's the single most popular figure
01:19:42.760 | in the Republican party.
01:19:43.760 | He's like, "I want $2,000 stimulus checks."
01:19:45.400 | And all of a sudden, Perdue running in Georgia is like,
01:19:49.260 | "Yeah, I'm with president Trump.
01:19:51.040 | "I want a $2,000 stimulus check."
01:19:53.540 | That was, if you're an astute observer of politics to say,
01:19:57.000 | you can see there that you can force people
01:19:59.280 | to do the right thing because it's the popular thing.
01:20:02.320 | And that if it's clean,
01:20:04.280 | if you don't give them any other excuse,
01:20:06.200 | they have to do it.
01:20:07.760 | So this is what we've been gaslit
01:20:10.320 | into our culture war framework of politics.
01:20:13.240 | And the reason it feels so broken and awful
01:20:17.360 | is because it is, but there is a way out.
01:20:20.600 | It's just that nobody wants to be,
01:20:22.520 | it's a game of chicken, right?
01:20:23.760 | Because maybe it is true.
01:20:24.820 | Maybe we would never be able to get
01:20:26.540 | your other Democratic priorities or Republican priorities.
01:20:29.360 | But I think that the country understands
01:20:31.480 | that this is fucking terrible
01:20:33.520 | and would be willing to support somebody
01:20:35.860 | who does it differently.
01:20:37.120 | There's just a lot of disincentives to not stay without,
01:20:40.880 | there's a lot of incentives to not stray
01:20:43.680 | from the traditional path.
01:20:44.880 | - Yeah, is it also possible that the A students
01:20:49.560 | are not participating?
01:20:51.360 | Like we drove all of the superstars away from politics.
01:20:56.280 | So like you just had-
01:20:57.120 | - I've heard this argument before.
01:20:58.680 | - I mean, everything you're saying sort of rings true.
01:21:03.680 | Like this is the obvious thing to do.
01:21:08.400 | As a student of history, you can almost like tell,
01:21:10.840 | like if you look at great people in history,
01:21:14.360 | this is what great leaders in history, this is what they did.
01:21:17.160 | It's like clean, bold action.
01:21:22.000 | Sometimes facing crisis, but we're facing a crisis right now.
01:21:24.920 | - No, we're in a crisis.
01:21:25.760 | - We've been, exactly.
01:21:27.460 | So why don't we see those leaders step up?
01:21:32.460 | I mean, you say that it's kind of like, it makes sense.
01:21:36.660 | There's a lot of different interests at play.
01:21:39.240 | You don't wanna risk too many things, so on and so forth.
01:21:41.840 | But that's what like, that sounds like the C students.
01:21:46.000 | - I don't think it's that.
01:21:47.440 | I think it's that the pipeline of politician creation
01:21:51.220 | is just totally broken from beginning to end.
01:21:54.280 | So it's not that A students don't wanna be politicians.
01:21:59.280 | It's basically the way that our current primary system
01:22:02.660 | is constructed is what is the greatest threat
01:22:05.320 | to you as a member of Congress.
01:22:07.140 | It's not losing your reelection.
01:22:10.420 | It's losing your primary, right?
01:22:13.360 | So that means, especially in a safe district,
01:22:16.200 | you're most concerned about being hit
01:22:18.240 | if you're a Republican from the right,
01:22:19.800 | and if you're a Democrat from the left
01:22:21.400 | for not being a good enough one.
01:22:22.880 | That's actually what stops people,
01:22:25.600 | heterodox people in particular, from winning primaries
01:22:28.620 | because the people who vote in our primaries
01:22:30.800 | are the party faithful.
01:22:32.280 | That's how you get the production.
01:22:34.560 | The production, it's important to understand
01:22:36.040 | the production pipeline, which is that,
01:22:38.680 | all right, I'm from Texas, so that's what I know best.
01:22:40.720 | So it's like, if you think in Texas,
01:22:43.040 | if you're a more heterodox like state legislature
01:22:46.120 | or something who's real works with the left on this
01:22:48.640 | and does that, you're gonna get your ass beat
01:22:51.240 | in a Republican primary because they're gonna be like,
01:22:53.400 | he worked with the left to do this, blah, blah, blah,
01:22:56.800 | take it out of context and you're screwed.
01:22:58.880 | And then that means you never ascend up
01:23:01.720 | the next level of the ladder.
01:23:03.320 | And then so on and so forth all the way.
01:23:05.640 | But I do think Trump changed everything.
01:23:08.280 | This is why I have some hope,
01:23:09.900 | which is that he showed me that all the people I listened to
01:23:14.900 | were totally wrong about politics.
01:23:16.840 | And that's the most valuable lesson you could ever teach me,
01:23:18.960 | which was, I was like, wait,
01:23:20.800 | I don't have to listen to these people.
01:23:22.560 | I'm like, they don't know anything, actually.
01:23:24.560 | - Yeah, that's- - That's powerful, man.
01:23:26.080 | I'm like, he did it.
01:23:27.040 | - That's exceptionally powerful.
01:23:28.080 | - This guy.
01:23:28.920 | - Even if he didn't do anything with it.
01:23:32.480 | - It doesn't matter, right.
01:23:33.560 | - He showed that it's possible.
01:23:35.200 | - Exactly.
01:23:36.040 | - And that means a lot.
01:23:39.640 | You're absolutely right.
01:23:40.640 | There's young people right now
01:23:42.120 | that kind of look, turn around and like, huh.
01:23:44.880 | - You're like, wait, I don't have to comb my hair
01:23:46.840 | a certain way and go to law school and be an asshole,
01:23:50.560 | who everybody knows is an asshole,
01:23:52.440 | and then get elected to state legislature.
01:23:55.120 | I mean, look, who's the number one person
01:23:57.800 | in the New York City primary right now?
01:24:01.160 | Andrew Yang, he's polling higher
01:24:03.600 | than everybody else in the race.
01:24:05.680 | Look, maybe the polls are totally fucked
01:24:07.360 | and maybe he'll lose because of ranked choice voting
01:24:09.480 | and all of that, but I consider Andrew,
01:24:11.400 | I mean, I know him a little bit
01:24:12.440 | and I've followed his candidacy from the very beginning.
01:24:15.160 | I consider him an inspiration.
01:24:16.720 | He's the new generation of politics.
01:24:19.720 | Like if I see who's gonna be president 20 years from now,
01:24:22.960 | it's gonna be, I'm not saying it's gonna be Andrew Yang.
01:24:25.040 | I think it's gonna be somebody like Andrew Yang,
01:24:27.280 | outside the political system,
01:24:28.800 | who talks in a totally different way, right?
01:24:31.760 | Just a completely, one of my favorite things
01:24:34.320 | that he said on the debate stage, he's like,
01:24:35.760 | "Look at us, we're all wearing makeup."
01:24:37.960 | It's crazy, you know what I'm saying?
01:24:38.800 | - Yeah, yeah.
01:24:39.640 | - And he like brought that, that he brought that,
01:24:42.200 | and he's right, like, "Yeah, why are,
01:24:43.760 | "they're all wearing makeup."
01:24:44.600 | - He probably, arguably hasn't gone far enough almost,
01:24:47.400 | because, but he showed that it's possible.
01:24:50.080 | And then you see other, like AOC's a good example
01:24:53.320 | of somebody, at least in my opinion,
01:24:55.460 | is doing the same kind of thing,
01:24:56.480 | but going too far in like, well, I don't know,
01:25:00.440 | she's doing the Trump thing, but on the other side.
01:25:02.280 | So I don't know, what's too far, who knows?
01:25:04.320 | - Don't take a normative judgment of it.
01:25:06.040 | I will tell you the future of politics looks like this.
01:25:07.520 | - Appreciate the art of it.
01:25:08.680 | - Right, no, I do.
01:25:09.520 | Look, I don't, I'm not a big AOC fan,
01:25:12.080 | but she's a genius, media genius,
01:25:14.200 | once in a generation talent.
01:25:16.040 | The way that she uses social media, Instagram,
01:25:19.680 | and everybody on the right is like trying to copy her.
01:25:21.680 | Like Matt Gaetz is like, "I wanna be the conservative AOC."
01:25:24.320 | I'm like, "It's just not gonna happen, dude."
01:25:25.640 | Like, you just don't have it.
01:25:27.200 | Like what she has, it's like, it's electric.
01:25:29.920 | And Trump had that.
01:25:31.960 | Like I've been to a Trump rally,
01:25:33.640 | like to cover as a journalist, it's nothing like it.
01:25:36.780 | And Yang is similar.
01:25:39.080 | It's the same way where you're like,
01:25:40.400 | "There is something going on here,"
01:25:43.080 | which is just, like I've been to an Obama rally,
01:25:45.760 | I've been to a Clinton rally,
01:25:47.400 | I've been to several normal politics.
01:25:50.560 | Yeah, it's fine, you know?
01:25:53.280 | With Trump and with Yang, it's another world.
01:25:55.960 | - Yeah. - It's another world.
01:25:57.000 | - Yang gang. - Yes.
01:25:58.360 | - There's probably thousands of people listening right now
01:26:00.240 | who are just like doing a slow clap.
01:26:03.080 | Yes. - I know, I know.
01:26:05.120 | - Yang gang forever.
01:26:06.880 | Okay, but yeah, I mean, my worst fear,
01:26:10.400 | I prefer Andrew Yang kind of free improvisational idea,
01:26:15.400 | exchange, all that versus AOC,
01:26:21.640 | who I think no matter what she stands for
01:26:25.440 | is a drama machine, creates dramas just like Trump does.
01:26:29.420 | I would say my worst fear would be in 2024,
01:26:33.240 | is AOC old enough?
01:26:34.520 | It'd be AOC versus Trump.
01:26:36.320 | - I don't think she's old enough.
01:26:37.420 | I think you'd have to be, I think she's 30.
01:26:39.640 | So she needs five more years, so probably not.
01:26:41.880 | Yeah. - Okay.
01:26:42.720 | But that kind of, that's, or Trump Jr.
01:26:45.440 | - Well, AOC probably wouldn't win a Democratic primary.
01:26:47.620 | So I mean, look, Joe Biden has, you know,
01:26:49.700 | they pretty much showed that.
01:26:51.000 | - That's exactly what you're saying.
01:26:52.320 | This process grooms you over time.
01:26:55.800 | You see the same thing in academia, actually,
01:26:57.880 | which is very interesting, is the process of getting tenure.
01:27:02.520 | There's this, it's like you're being taught
01:27:06.080 | without explicitly being taught to behave
01:27:11.760 | in the way that everybody's behaved before.
01:27:14.480 | I've heard this, it was funny,
01:27:15.640 | I've had a few conversations
01:27:17.800 | that were deeply disappointing,
01:27:20.680 | which involved statements like,
01:27:25.000 | "This is what's good for your career."
01:27:27.400 | - Yes.
01:27:28.240 | - This kind of, almost like mentor to mentee conversation,
01:27:33.240 | where it's, you know, it's like,
01:27:35.240 | there's a grooming process in the same way,
01:27:36.720 | I guess you're saying the primary process
01:27:39.080 | does the same kind of thing.
01:27:40.080 | So, I mean, that's what people have talked about
01:27:42.360 | with Andrew Yang, it was, he was being suppressed
01:27:45.580 | by a bunch of different forces, the mainstream media,
01:27:47.820 | and all, just the democratic,
01:27:49.900 | just that whole process didn't like the honesty
01:27:54.360 | that he was showing, right?
01:27:55.200 | - For now, but here's my question to you.
01:27:57.380 | People gotta see, look, Jordan Peterson
01:27:59.700 | is one of the most famous people in America, right?
01:28:01.700 | Like, you have a massive podcast,
01:28:03.700 | you're more famous than half the, 99% of the people at MIT.
01:28:07.220 | So, like, from that perspective, everything has changed.
01:28:10.700 | And somewhere out there,
01:28:12.380 | there's a student who's taking notice.
01:28:14.340 | And I've noticed that with my own career,
01:28:16.100 | everybody thought I was crazy
01:28:17.300 | for doing this show with Crystal, "The Hill."
01:28:19.060 | They thought I was nuts.
01:28:19.900 | They're like, "What are you doing?
01:28:21.100 | You're a White House correspondent.
01:28:22.540 | You've got a job forever."
01:28:24.480 | The other job offer I had
01:28:25.660 | was being a White House correspondent.
01:28:27.320 | And people thought I was nuts for not just sticking there
01:28:30.960 | and, you know, aging out within Washington,
01:28:34.140 | pining for appearances on Fox News and CNN and MSNBC,
01:28:39.140 | but I hated it.
01:28:40.260 | I just hated doing it.
01:28:41.380 | And I did not wanna be a company man,
01:28:43.300 | like a Washington man, who's one of those guys
01:28:45.500 | who, like, brags to his friends
01:28:47.100 | about how many times he's been on Fox or whatever,
01:28:49.460 | mostly because I just have a rebellious streak
01:28:51.820 | and I hate being at the subject of other people.
01:28:55.300 | I created something new,
01:28:56.340 | which a lot of people watch to get their news.
01:28:58.420 | And I noticed that younger people
01:29:00.900 | who are almost all my audience,
01:29:02.820 | they don't really look up to any of the people
01:29:05.060 | in traditional, right?
01:29:06.140 | They don't go, they're not coming up and being like,
01:29:08.960 | "How do I be like Jim Acosta?"
01:29:10.860 | You know, they're like,
01:29:12.220 | "Hey, how did you do what you do?
01:29:13.780 | And the way you did it is by bucking the system."
01:29:16.460 | So I think that we are at a total split point.
01:29:20.300 | And look, there will always be a path for people,
01:29:23.620 | 'cause I don't want people to over-learn this lesson.
01:29:26.180 | I have people who are like, "I'm not gonna go to college."
01:29:27.780 | And I'm like, "Well, just wait."
01:29:29.340 | - Yeah, like, I'm like, just--
01:29:30.620 | - I was starting to apologize.
01:29:31.460 | - Yeah, like, stop.
01:29:32.340 | Just like, just hold on a second.
01:29:34.820 | - But there will always be a path for the institutional
01:29:37.620 | that will always be there for you.
01:29:39.220 | But now there's something else.
01:29:40.900 | Now there's another game in town.
01:29:42.340 | And that's more appealing to millions and millions
01:29:45.060 | and millions and millions of people
01:29:46.920 | who feel unserved by the corporate media,
01:29:50.020 | CNN, and these people, possibly who feel unserved
01:29:54.580 | in the, you know, the faculty.
01:29:55.960 | Like, if you are an up-and-comer
01:29:58.980 | who wants to teach as many young people as possible,
01:30:02.620 | I think you should be on YouTube, right?
01:30:04.540 | Like, look at the Khan Academy guy.
01:30:05.900 | That guy created a huge business.
01:30:07.900 | So I just think we can be cynical
01:30:10.460 | and like upset about what that system is,
01:30:12.600 | but we should also have hope.
01:30:13.960 | Like, I have a lot of hope for what can be in the future.
01:30:16.940 | - Yeah, there's a guy people should check out.
01:30:18.860 | So my story is a little bit different
01:30:20.540 | because I basically stepped aside
01:30:24.060 | with the dream of being an entrepreneur
01:30:28.340 | earlier in the pipeline
01:30:30.300 | than like a legitimate, like, senior faculty would.
01:30:34.340 | There's an example of somebody
01:30:35.620 | that people should check out, Andrew Huberman,
01:30:37.760 | from Stanford, who's a neuroscientist,
01:30:40.180 | who is as world-class as it gets
01:30:42.500 | in terms of like 10-year faculty,
01:30:45.340 | just a really world-class researcher.
01:30:48.320 | And now he's doing YouTube.
01:30:50.140 | - Yeah, I see him on Instagram, yeah.
01:30:52.300 | - So he switched, so he not just does Instagram,
01:30:54.700 | he now has a podcast,
01:30:56.660 | and he's doing, he's changing the nature of like,
01:31:00.440 | I believe that Andrew might be the future of Stanford.
01:31:04.760 | And for a lot, it's funny,
01:31:07.300 | like he's basically Joe Rogan is an inspiration to Andrew,
01:31:10.520 | and to me as well.
01:31:13.060 | And those ripple effects,
01:31:14.480 | and Andrew is an inspiration probably,
01:31:16.300 | just like you're saying,
01:31:17.140 | to these young, like 25-year-olds
01:31:20.460 | who are soon to become faculty,
01:31:22.020 | if we're just talking about academia.
01:31:23.800 | And the same is probably happening with government.
01:31:26.700 | Is, funny enough, Trump probably is inspiring
01:31:31.540 | a huge number of people who are saying,
01:31:33.620 | "Wait a minute, I don't have to play by the rules."
01:31:35.620 | - Exactly.
01:31:36.460 | - "I can think outside the box here."
01:31:39.580 | And you're right, and the institutions we're seeing
01:31:42.460 | are just probably lagging behind.
01:31:44.580 | So the optimistic view is the future
01:31:48.100 | is going to be full of exciting new ideas.
01:31:50.220 | So Andrew Yang is just kind of the beginning
01:31:52.140 | of this whole thing. - He's tip of the iceberg.
01:31:54.540 | - And I hope that iceberg doesn't,
01:31:56.420 | it's not this influencer.
01:31:57.740 | One of the things that really bothers me.
01:32:00.460 | - Yeah.
01:32:01.300 | - I've gotten a chance, I should be careful here,
01:32:03.580 | I don't wanna, I love everybody,
01:32:05.660 | but these people who talk about how to make
01:32:10.300 | your first million or how to succeed,
01:32:13.220 | and they're so, I mean, yeah,
01:32:16.540 | that makes me a little bit cynical about,
01:32:21.100 | I'm worried that the people that win the game of politics
01:32:25.460 | will be ones that want to win the game of politics.
01:32:29.820 | - They already are, man.
01:32:31.140 | - And like we mentioned, AOC,
01:32:33.740 | I hope they optimize for the 80% populist thing, right?
01:32:38.740 | Like they optimize for that bad-ass thing
01:32:42.380 | that history will remember you as the great man or woman
01:32:45.140 | that did this thing versus how do I maximize engagement
01:32:49.500 | today and keep growing those numbers?
01:32:51.740 | The influencers are so, I'm so allergic to this, man.
01:32:55.640 | They keep saying how many followers they have
01:32:58.460 | on the different accounts, and it's like,
01:33:01.900 | I don't think they understand, maybe I don't understand,
01:33:05.740 | I don't really care.
01:33:06.780 | I think it has destructive psychological effects,
01:33:12.340 | one, like thinking about the number,
01:33:15.580 | like getting excited your number went from 100 to 101,
01:33:19.820 | and being like, and today it went out to 105.
01:33:23.420 | Whoa, that's a big jump.
01:33:24.620 | That may be, like thinking this way,
01:33:26.220 | like I wonder what I did, I'll do that again.
01:33:28.860 | In this way, one, it creates anxiety
01:33:31.660 | and those psychological effects, whatever.
01:33:34.100 | The more important thing is it prevents you
01:33:37.060 | from truly thinking boldly in the long arc of history
01:33:42.060 | and creatively, thinking outside the box,
01:33:45.980 | doing huge actions.
01:33:48.060 | And I actually, my optimism is in the sense
01:33:50.580 | that that kind of action will beat out all the influencers.
01:33:54.400 | - Well, I don't know, Lex.
01:33:55.980 | (Lex laughs)
01:33:56.820 | This is where my cynicism comes in.
01:33:58.180 | So there's a guy, Madison Cawthorn,
01:34:00.540 | the youngest member of Congress,
01:34:02.820 | and he, I don't wanna say got caught,
01:34:05.820 | but there was like an email where he was like,
01:34:08.060 | "My staff is only oriented around comms."
01:34:11.700 | Like he was basically saying, he got basically caught saying
01:34:14.100 | like, "My staff is only centered on communications."
01:34:19.100 | And that's the right play.
01:34:21.260 | If you do want to get the benefits
01:34:23.860 | of our current electoral, political, and engagement system,
01:34:26.760 | which is that, what's the best way to be known
01:34:29.300 | within the right as a right-wing politician?
01:34:32.200 | It's to be a culture warrior, go on Ben Shapiro's podcast,
01:34:36.720 | be one of the people on Fox News, go on Sean Hannity's show,
01:34:40.380 | go on Tucker's show, and all of that,
01:34:42.660 | because you become a mini celebrity within that world.
01:34:47.020 | Left unsaid is that that world is increasingly shrinking,
01:34:50.380 | portion of the American population,
01:34:52.100 | and they barely, they can't even win a popular vote election,
01:34:56.060 | let alone barely win, eke out
01:34:58.120 | an electoral college victory in 2016.
01:35:01.680 | Well, but the incentives are all aligned within that.
01:35:04.640 | And it's the same thing really on the left,
01:35:06.880 | but you're right, which is that,
01:35:08.740 | and look, this is why geniuses are geniuses,
01:35:11.560 | because they buck the short-term incentives,
01:35:15.200 | they focus on the long-term, they bet big,
01:35:18.420 | and they usually fail, but then when they get big,
01:35:21.060 | they succeed spectacularly.
01:35:24.680 | The people I know who have done this the best
01:35:27.440 | are a lot of the crypto folks that I've spoken to.
01:35:31.600 | Some of the stuff they say, I'm like,
01:35:32.760 | "I don't know if that's gonna happen,
01:35:34.240 | "but look, they're like billionaires."
01:35:35.920 | Right? - Yeah.
01:35:36.760 | - And you're like, "So they were right."
01:35:38.560 | So the way I've heard it expressed is,
01:35:41.640 | you can be wrong a lot, but when you're right,
01:35:44.160 | you get right big.
01:35:45.680 | And I mean, I've seen this in Elon Musk's career,
01:35:47.680 | I mean, he took spectacular risk, like spectacular risk,
01:35:52.720 | and just doubled down, doubled down, doubled down,
01:35:55.000 | doubled down, doubled down.
01:35:56.120 | And you can kind of tell to him,
01:35:57.780 | I mean, you know him better than I do,
01:35:59.060 | but from my observation, I don't think the money matters.
01:36:02.520 | - No. - Right?
01:36:03.360 | I just, when I see him, I'm like,
01:36:05.520 | I don't, it's, nobody works as hard as you do
01:36:08.760 | and builds the way that you build
01:36:10.940 | if it's just about the money.
01:36:12.280 | It just doesn't happen.
01:36:14.080 | Nobody wills SpaceX into existence just for the money.
01:36:18.480 | It's not worth it, frankly, right?
01:36:20.000 | He probably destroyed years of his life
01:36:21.820 | in mental sanity.
01:36:23.440 | - Money or attention or fame, none of that.
01:36:25.280 | - Yeah. - It's not the primary
01:36:26.680 | priority. - Well, that's what's
01:36:27.520 | so appealing to me, to me in particular, about him,
01:36:30.280 | just like in how he built, like I read a biography of him
01:36:32.640 | and just the way that he constructed his life
01:36:34.920 | and is able to hyper-focus in meeting after meeting
01:36:37.740 | and drill down and also hire all the right people
01:36:40.500 | who execute each one of his tasks discreetly
01:36:43.340 | to his perfection is amazing.
01:36:45.720 | That's actually the mark of a good leader.
01:36:48.540 | But I mean, if you think about his career,
01:36:50.680 | the reason he's a renegade is 'cause probably he was told
01:36:53.220 | to put it in an index fund or whatever,
01:36:55.420 | like whenever he made his 29 million,
01:36:57.460 | and from PayPal, I don't know how much he made,
01:36:59.540 | and then just go along that road, and he's like, no.
01:37:01.360 | So he succeeds spectacularly.
01:37:04.020 | So you have to have somebody who's willing to come in
01:37:07.260 | and buck that system.
01:37:08.240 | So for now, I think our politics are generally frozen.
01:37:12.080 | I think that that model is gonna be most generally appealing
01:37:16.860 | to the mean person.
01:37:18.820 | But somebody will come along and will change everything.
01:37:20.720 | - Yeah, I'm just surprised there's not more of them.
01:37:22.720 | - Yeah.
01:37:23.560 | - On that topic, it's now, what is it, 21?
01:37:28.040 | - Yes.
01:37:29.300 | - Let's make some predictions that you can be wrong about.
01:37:31.560 | - Good.
01:37:32.400 | (both laughing)
01:37:33.960 | - What major political people are you thinking
01:37:37.760 | will run in 2024, including Trump Jr., Sr., or Ivanka?
01:37:42.760 | I don't know.
01:37:45.040 | (both laughing)
01:37:46.240 | Any Trump.
01:37:47.200 | Trump.
01:37:48.520 | - Yeah.
01:37:50.000 | And who do you think wins?
01:37:52.400 | - I think Joe Biden will run again in 2024,
01:37:56.120 | and I think he will run against someone
01:37:57.720 | with the last name Trump.
01:37:59.640 | I do not know whether that is Trump or Trump Jr.,
01:38:03.840 | but I think one of those people
01:38:05.560 | will probably be the GOP nominee in 2024.
01:38:08.280 | - Who is it, some prominent political figure,
01:38:10.680 | was it Romney, somebody like that,
01:38:12.200 | said that Trump will win the primary if he runs again?
01:38:15.160 | - Of course, that's not even a question.
01:38:16.720 | Trump is the single most popular figure
01:38:19.060 | in the Republican Party by orders of magnitude.
01:38:22.960 | Oh, I mean, probably more, honestly.
01:38:25.320 | There was a, actually, I can tell you
01:38:26.740 | 'cause I saw the data, which is that pre-January 6th,
01:38:30.280 | it was like 54% of Republicans wanted him to run again.
01:38:33.740 | Then it went down eight points after January 6th,
01:38:37.340 | two days later, and then after impeachment,
01:38:39.580 | it went right back up to 54%.
01:38:42.440 | So the exact same number is in February
01:38:46.960 | at post-impeachment vote as it was after November.
01:38:50.020 | Now, look, yeah, again, surveys, bullshit, et cetera,
01:38:52.620 | but that's all the data we have,
01:38:54.100 | that's what I can point you to.
01:38:55.500 | If Trump runs, he will be the nominee,
01:38:57.900 | and he will be the 2024 nominee.
01:39:00.940 | I just don't know if he wants to.
01:39:02.820 | It really depends.
01:39:04.140 | - Do you think he wins?
01:39:05.620 | After the Trump vaccine heals all of us,
01:39:09.100 | do you think Trump wins?
01:39:10.260 | - It depends on how popular culture functions
01:39:12.480 | over the next four years.
01:39:13.520 | And I can tell you that they are,
01:39:15.240 | 'cause I don't think Biden has that much to do with it
01:39:17.080 | because, again, Trump is not a manifestation
01:39:20.880 | of an affirmative policy action.
01:39:22.920 | It is a defensive bulwark wall
01:39:26.600 | against cultural liberalism at its best.
01:39:29.760 | So it's like, this is why it doesn't matter what Biden does.
01:39:33.360 | If there are more riots,
01:39:35.160 | if there is a more sense of persecution
01:39:38.880 | amongst people who are more lean towards conservative
01:39:43.020 | or like, "Hey, I don't know about that, that's crazy,"
01:39:45.800 | then he very well could win.
01:39:48.340 | Let's, okay, let's say Joe Biden doesn't run
01:39:50.100 | and they put up Kamala Harris,
01:39:51.340 | I think he would beat her.
01:39:52.740 | And I don't think there's a question
01:39:54.700 | that Trump would beat Kamala Harris in 2024.
01:39:56.940 | - And you don't think anybody else,
01:39:59.500 | I don't know how the process works,
01:40:01.180 | you don't think anybody else on the Democratic side
01:40:03.180 | can take the-
01:40:04.740 | - Well, how could you run against the sitting vice president?
01:40:07.740 | It's like, if Joe Biden has a 98% approval rating
01:40:11.400 | in the Democratic Party, if he says, "She is my heir,"
01:40:14.720 | I think enough people will listen to him
01:40:16.400 | in a competitive primary or a non-competitive primary.
01:40:19.260 | And then there's all these things
01:40:20.280 | about how primary systems themselves are rigged,
01:40:23.160 | the DNC could make it known that they'll blacklist anybody
01:40:26.580 | who does try and primary Kamala Harris.
01:40:29.820 | And look, I mean, progressives aren't necessarily
01:40:32.560 | all that popular amongst actual Democrats.
01:40:35.000 | Like we found that out during the election.
01:40:37.800 | There's an entire constituency which loves Joe Biden
01:40:40.660 | and Joe Biden level politics.
01:40:42.320 | And so if he tells them to vote for Kamala,
01:40:44.680 | I think she would probably get it.
01:40:47.180 | But again, there's a lot of game theory obviously happening.
01:40:50.000 | - But see, I think you're talking about
01:40:52.200 | everything you're saying is correct
01:40:54.080 | about mediocre candidates.
01:40:55.960 | It feels like if there's somebody like a really strong,
01:40:59.600 | I don't wanna use this term incorrectly, but populist,
01:41:02.360 | somebody that speaks to the 80%
01:41:05.360 | that's is able to provide bold,
01:41:10.360 | eloquently described solutions that are popular.
01:41:15.040 | I think that breaks through all of this nonsense.
01:41:17.160 | - How?
01:41:18.000 | How do they break through the primary system?
01:41:19.520 | 'Cause the problem is the primary system is not populism.
01:41:22.520 | It's primary.
01:41:24.020 | So it's like--
01:41:24.860 | - But you don't think they can tweet their way to--
01:41:27.720 | - Well, you have to be willing to win a GOP primary.
01:41:30.720 | You basically have to be at,
01:41:32.760 | whoever wins the GOP primary, in my opinion,
01:41:35.440 | will be the person most hated by the left.
01:41:37.660 | One of the people, things that people forget,
01:41:39.800 | is you know who came in second to Trump?
01:41:41.920 | Ted Cruz.
01:41:42.960 | And the reason why is 'cause Ted Cruz
01:41:44.960 | was the second most hated guy by liberals in America,
01:41:48.720 | second to Trump.
01:41:49.900 | They have nothing in policy in common.
01:41:51.560 | - But don't you think this kind of
01:41:53.680 | brilliantly described system of hate
01:41:56.240 | being the main mechanism of our electoral choices,
01:42:01.240 | don't you think that just has to do with mediocre candidates?
01:42:05.240 | Basically, the field of candidates, including Trump,
01:42:11.240 | including everybody, was just like,
01:42:13.680 | didn't make anyone feel great.
01:42:16.680 | It's like, really?
01:42:17.680 | This is what we have to choose from?
01:42:19.680 | - Maybe a Mark Cuban.
01:42:22.120 | Or like, Mark Cuban is a Democrat.
01:42:26.080 | Or it would have to be somebody like that.
01:42:29.160 | Somebody who, 'cause here's the thing about Trump.
01:42:30.960 | It's not just that it was Trump.
01:42:32.400 | He was so fucking famous.
01:42:34.480 | People don't realize.
01:42:35.320 | He was so famous.
01:42:37.040 | Even when I first met Trump,
01:42:39.900 | I met a couple of other presidents,
01:42:41.760 | but when I met Trump, even I felt kinda starstruck.
01:42:44.560 | 'Cause I was like, yo, this is the guy from The Apprentice.
01:42:47.760 | I'm like, this is the dude.
01:42:49.480 | - From The Apprentice?
01:42:50.320 | - Yeah, 'cause I'm like, my dad and I
01:42:52.560 | used to sit and watch The Apprentice
01:42:54.520 | when I was in high school.
01:42:55.440 | And then one of the guys was from College Station
01:42:57.520 | where I grew up and we're like,
01:42:58.520 | oh my God, that guy's on The Apprentice.
01:43:01.120 | It was a phenomenon.
01:43:02.280 | There's like that level.
01:43:03.120 | It's kinda like when I met Joe Rogan.
01:43:04.280 | I'm like, holy shit, that's Joe Rogan.
01:43:06.760 | I don't feel that way when I meet Mitt Romney
01:43:08.640 | or Tom Cotton or Josh Hall.
01:43:10.000 | And I met all of them.
01:43:10.840 | - But there's a lot of celebrities, right?
01:43:12.480 | Do you think there's some celebrities
01:43:13.560 | we're not even thinking about that could step in?
01:43:15.520 | The Rock?
01:43:16.360 | - It'd have to be, so I was about to say,
01:43:18.240 | I think The Rock could do it.
01:43:19.480 | But does he wanna do it?
01:43:20.880 | I mean, it's terrible.
01:43:21.920 | Like, it's a terrible gig.
01:43:23.760 | It's very hard to do.
01:43:25.440 | I don't know if The Rock necessarily
01:43:27.120 | has like the formed policy agenda.
01:43:29.680 | 'Cause then here's the other problem.
01:43:31.080 | What if we set ourselves up for a system
01:43:32.920 | where like these people keep winning,
01:43:34.320 | but like with Trump,
01:43:35.160 | they have no idea how to run a government.
01:43:37.040 | It's actually really hard, right?
01:43:38.600 | And you have to have the know-how and the trust
01:43:41.040 | to find the right people.
01:43:42.880 | This is where the genius element comes in
01:43:46.160 | is you have to understand that front
01:43:48.540 | and you have to understand how to execute discrete tasks.
01:43:52.000 | Like this is the FDR.
01:43:54.440 | This is why it's so hard.
01:43:55.720 | Like FDR, Lincoln, TR, they were who they were
01:43:59.960 | and they live in history and their name rings
01:44:02.380 | like for a reason.
01:44:04.220 | And yeah, I mean, one of the most depressing lessons
01:44:07.040 | I got from 2020 is at almost,
01:44:09.720 | it seems like in my opinion,
01:44:11.920 | that we over learn the lesson of our success
01:44:15.240 | and not of our failures.
01:44:16.560 | For example, like we have this narrative in our head
01:44:19.560 | that we always have the right person
01:44:21.880 | at the right time during crisis.
01:44:23.920 | And in some cases it was true.
01:44:25.640 | We didn't deserve Lincoln.
01:44:26.960 | We didn't deserve FDR.
01:44:28.540 | We didn't deserve a lot of presidents at times of crisis.
01:44:33.400 | But then you're like, okay, George W. Bush, 9/11,
01:44:36.840 | that was terrible.
01:44:38.480 | Reconstruction, Andrew Johnson, awful, right?
01:44:41.840 | Like we had several periods in our history
01:44:44.520 | where the crisis was there,
01:44:46.600 | they were called and they did not show up.
01:44:50.160 | And I really, it hadn't happened in my lifetime
01:44:54.080 | except for 9/11.
01:44:55.680 | And even then you could kind of see that as an opportunity
01:44:58.800 | for somebody like Obama to come in and fix it.
01:45:01.360 | But then he didn't do it.
01:45:02.760 | And then Trump didn't do it.
01:45:04.560 | And you realize, I feel like our politics are most analogous
01:45:09.320 | to like the 1910s, like all in terms of the Gilded Age,
01:45:14.000 | in terms of that.
01:45:15.200 | Remember there's that long period of presidents
01:45:17.600 | between like Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt,
01:45:22.400 | we were like, wait, like who was president?
01:45:25.040 | Or even TR was like an exception where you'll have like
01:45:28.240 | Calvin Coolidge, who like, Silent Cow.
01:45:30.960 | - So we're living through that.
01:45:31.800 | - Grover Cleveland.
01:45:33.120 | That's kind of how, if I think of us within history,
01:45:36.640 | I feel like we're in one of those times.
01:45:38.860 | We're just waiting.
01:45:39.700 | - It feels really important to us right now.
01:45:41.640 | Like this is the most important moment in history,
01:45:43.640 | but it might be-
01:45:44.480 | - It could just be a blip, right?
01:45:45.840 | 20, 30 year blip.
01:45:46.880 | Like when you think about who was president
01:45:48.840 | between 1890 and 19 before, I mean, yeah.
01:45:52.240 | Between like 1888 and 1910.
01:45:56.740 | Like nobody really thinks about that period of America,
01:45:58.880 | but like that was an entire lifetime for people, right?
01:46:01.600 | Like what did they, how did they feel
01:46:03.640 | about the country that they were in?
01:46:04.960 | - That's hilarious.
01:46:05.800 | - That's how I kind of think about where we are right now.
01:46:07.400 | - It's funny to think, I mean, I don't want to minimize it,
01:46:09.440 | but like we haven't really gone through
01:46:12.040 | a World War II style crisis.
01:46:13.960 | So like say that there is a crisis
01:46:17.560 | in like several decades of that level, right?
01:46:21.440 | Existential risks to a large portion of the world.
01:46:25.060 | Then what will be remembered is World War II,
01:46:29.920 | maybe a little bit about Vietnam
01:46:31.640 | and then whatever that crisis is.
01:46:34.120 | And this whole period that we see as dramatic,
01:46:36.000 | even coronavirus.
01:46:37.320 | - Even 9/11.
01:46:38.160 | - Even 9/11.
01:46:39.240 | It's like, 'cause you can look at how many people died
01:46:42.680 | and all those kinds of things.
01:46:43.700 | All the drama around the war on terror
01:46:45.880 | and all those kinds of things.
01:46:47.760 | Maybe Obama will be remembered
01:46:49.640 | for being the first African-American president.
01:46:52.400 | But then like, that's, yeah,
01:46:54.880 | that's fascinating to think about.
01:46:56.320 | Oh man, even Trump will be like, oh, okay, cool.
01:47:00.640 | - He was that guy.
01:47:01.480 | - Yeah, maybe he'll be remembered as the first celebrity.
01:47:05.840 | I mean, Reagan was already a governor, right?
01:47:10.720 | - Yeah, he was.
01:47:11.740 | - So like the first apolitical celebrity that was able,
01:47:14.940 | so maybe if there's more celebrities in the future,
01:47:18.020 | they'll say that Trump was the first person
01:47:19.740 | to pave the way for celebrities to win.
01:47:23.140 | Oh man, yeah.
01:47:24.860 | And yeah, I still hold that this era
01:47:29.020 | will probably be remembered.
01:47:30.560 | People say I talk about Elon way too much,
01:47:34.500 | but the reality is like, there's not many people
01:47:37.900 | that are doing the kind of things he's doing
01:47:39.620 | is why I talk about it.
01:47:41.240 | I think this era, it's not necessarily Elon and SpaceX,
01:47:44.780 | but this era will be remembered by the new,
01:47:48.080 | like of the space exploration,
01:47:51.560 | of the commercial, of companies getting
01:47:54.280 | into space exploration, of space travel,
01:47:57.320 | and perhaps like artificial intelligence
01:48:01.760 | around social media, all those kinds of things.
01:48:04.160 | This might be remembered for that.
01:48:06.160 | But all the political bickering, all that nonsense,
01:48:08.760 | that might be very well forgotten.
01:48:11.140 | - One way to think about it is that the internet is so young.
01:48:16.140 | I think about it.
01:48:17.060 | - That's right.
01:48:17.900 | - So Jeff Jarvis, he's a media scholar I respect.
01:48:20.900 | He's not the only person to say this,
01:48:22.160 | but many others have, which is that,
01:48:23.540 | look, this is kind of like the printing press.
01:48:25.800 | There was a whole 30 years war
01:48:27.680 | because of the printing press.
01:48:29.320 | It took a long time for shit to sort out.
01:48:31.780 | I think that's where we're at with the internet.
01:48:33.220 | Like at a certain level, it disrupts everything.
01:48:36.340 | And that's a good thing.
01:48:37.380 | It can be very tumultuous.
01:48:38.880 | I never felt like I was living through history
01:48:41.880 | until coronavirus.
01:48:43.060 | Like, you know, like until we were all locked down,
01:48:45.140 | I was like, I'm living through history.
01:48:46.980 | Like this, there's this very overused cliche in DC
01:48:50.400 | where every comm staffer wants you to think
01:48:52.320 | that what their boss just did is history.
01:48:54.420 | And I've always been like, this isn't history.
01:48:56.020 | This is some like stupid fucking bill, you know, whatever.
01:48:58.340 | But like, that was the first time I was like,
01:49:00.240 | this is history, like this right here.
01:49:03.140 | - Well, I was hoping, tragedy aside,
01:49:06.820 | that this, I wish the primaries happened during coronavirus
01:49:10.820 | so that we, because like, then we can see the,
01:49:13.980 | so, okay, here's a bunch of people facing crisis
01:49:17.460 | and it's an opportunity for a leader to step up.
01:49:20.120 | Like, I still believe the optimistic view is
01:49:23.220 | the game theory of like influencers
01:49:27.500 | will always be defeated by actual great leaders.
01:49:31.340 | So like, maybe the great leaders are rare,
01:49:34.180 | but I think they're sufficiently out there
01:49:36.780 | that they will step up, especially in moments of crisis.
01:49:39.860 | And coronavirus is obviously a crisis.
01:49:43.140 | We're like, you know, mass manufacture of tests,
01:49:46.920 | all kinds of infrastructure building
01:49:50.700 | that you could have done in 2020.
01:49:52.500 | There's so many possibilities for just like bold action.
01:49:56.140 | - It makes you sad.
01:49:57.140 | - None of that, even just,
01:50:00.700 | forget actually doing the action, advocating for it.
01:50:04.820 | Just saying like, this, we need to do this.
01:50:07.780 | And none of that, like the speeches that Biden made,
01:50:11.660 | I don't even remember a single speech that Biden made
01:50:14.780 | because there's zero bold.
01:50:16.340 | I mean, their strategy was to be quiet
01:50:18.420 | and let Donald Trump-
01:50:21.500 | - Polarize the electorate.
01:50:23.020 | - Polarize the electorate and hope that results
01:50:25.460 | in them winning because of the high unemployment numbers
01:50:30.460 | and all those kinds of things,
01:50:31.960 | as opposed to like, let's go big,
01:50:34.620 | let's go with a big speech.
01:50:36.220 | Yeah, it's a lost opportunity in some sense.
01:50:42.740 | So we talked a bunch about politics,
01:50:44.300 | but one of the other interesting things
01:50:45.980 | is that you're involved with is,
01:50:48.420 | or involved with defining the future of is journalism.
01:50:53.200 | I suppose you can think of podcasts
01:50:54.980 | as a kind of journalism, but also just writing in general,
01:50:58.820 | just whatever the hell the future of this thing looks like
01:51:02.780 | is up to be defined by people like you.
01:51:05.460 | So what do you think is broken about journalism?
01:51:09.140 | And what do you think is the future of journalism?
01:51:11.780 | - I think the future of journalism looks much more
01:51:13.980 | like what we, you and I are doing here right now.
01:51:17.160 | And journalism is gonna be downstream from a culture
01:51:20.800 | that can be a good and a bad thing,
01:51:22.220 | depending on how you look at it.
01:51:23.960 | We are gonna look at our media.
01:51:26.140 | Our media is gonna look much more like it did
01:51:29.420 | pre-mass media.
01:51:31.260 | And the way that I mean that is that back in the 18,
01:51:35.500 | in the 1800s in particular,
01:51:38.060 | especially after the invention of the telegraph,
01:51:40.220 | when information itself was known.
01:51:43.140 | So for example, like you and I don't need to,
01:51:46.020 | let's say you and I are competing journalists.
01:51:47.820 | You and I are no longer competing, quote unquote,
01:51:50.820 | to tell the public X event happened.
01:51:54.140 | All journalism today is largely explaining
01:51:58.860 | why did X happen?
01:52:01.340 | And part of the problem with that is that,
01:52:04.460 | that means that it's all up for partisan interpretation.
01:52:08.100 | Now you can say that that's a bad thing.
01:52:09.840 | I think it's a great thing,
01:52:11.100 | because the highest level of literacy
01:52:13.700 | and news viewership in America
01:52:17.060 | was during the time of yellow journalism,
01:52:19.780 | was during the time of partisan journalism.
01:52:22.140 | Not a surprise.
01:52:23.020 | People like to read the news from people
01:52:25.820 | that they agree with.
01:52:26.840 | You could say that's bad, echo chambers, et cetera.
01:52:29.960 | That's the downside of it.
01:52:31.240 | The upside is more people are more educated.
01:52:33.480 | More people are interested in the news.
01:52:36.560 | So I think the proliferation of mass media,
01:52:40.040 | I mean, sorry, of this format, of-
01:52:42.440 | - Long form. - Eshing,
01:52:43.760 | of not just long form.
01:52:45.960 | Dude, I do updates on Instagram, which are five minutes.
01:52:48.840 | - Oh, you consider like Instagram?
01:52:50.480 | - Yeah, oh yeah. - Almost even Twitter.
01:52:51.980 | - Oh, of course Twitter.
01:52:53.120 | Twitter is where I get my news from.
01:52:54.560 | I don't read the paper.
01:52:55.460 | I have literally, Twitter is my news aggregator.
01:52:57.680 | It's called my wire, where I find out about hard events.
01:53:01.200 | Like the president has departed the White House.
01:53:03.320 | - But not only that, I don't know about you,
01:53:04.860 | but I also looked at Twitter,
01:53:06.720 | to the exact thing you're saying,
01:53:07.920 | which is the response to the news.
01:53:09.640 | Like the thoughtful, sounds ridiculous,
01:53:13.000 | but you can be pretty thoughtful in a single tweet.
01:53:15.080 | - If you follow the right people, you can get that.
01:53:18.520 | And so that is the future of media,
01:53:21.040 | which is that the future of media
01:53:22.880 | is it will be much smaller amount,
01:53:26.140 | or it's much larger amounts of people,
01:53:27.500 | which are famous to smaller groups.
01:53:29.540 | So Walter Cronkite's never gonna happen again,
01:53:32.180 | at least in our, and probably within our lifetimes,
01:53:34.300 | where everybody in America know who's this guy is.
01:53:37.660 | That age is over.
01:53:39.180 | I think that's a good thing,
01:53:40.420 | because now people are gonna get the news
01:53:42.940 | from the people that they trust.
01:53:44.780 | Yes, some of it will be opinionated.
01:53:46.460 | I'm gonna, my program, I'm,
01:53:49.060 | Crystal and I are like, we are,
01:53:51.220 | this, she's coming from this like view.
01:53:53.760 | I'm coming from this view.
01:53:55.140 | That's our bias when we talk about information,
01:53:57.640 | and we're gonna talk about the information
01:53:59.180 | that we think is important.
01:54:00.820 | And it has garnered a large audience.
01:54:02.740 | I think that's very much where the future is gonna be.
01:54:06.200 | And the reason why I think that's a good thing
01:54:08.720 | is because people will be engaged more within it,
01:54:13.200 | rather than the current system,
01:54:14.760 | where news is highly concentrated, highly consolidated,
01:54:17.920 | has groupthink, has the same
01:54:20.820 | elite production pipeline problem of,
01:54:23.680 | everybody knows journalists all come
01:54:25.280 | from the same socioeconomic background,
01:54:27.280 | and they all party together here in DC,
01:54:29.300 | or in New York, or in LA, or wherever,
01:54:31.840 | and they're part of the same monoculture,
01:54:33.800 | and that affects what they,
01:54:35.640 | that affects what they report.
01:54:37.120 | This will cause a total dispersion of all of that.
01:54:40.520 | The battle of our age is gonna be the guild
01:54:44.640 | versus the non-guild.
01:54:46.200 | So like, what we see right now
01:54:48.160 | with the New York Times and Clubhouse,
01:54:50.680 | this is a very, very, very, very, very intentional
01:54:54.640 | thing that is happening,
01:54:55.840 | which is that the Times,
01:54:57.720 | talking about unfettered conversations,
01:55:00.360 | that's happening on Clubhouse for people who aren't aware.
01:55:03.160 | This is important because they need
01:55:06.320 | to be the fetters of conversation.
01:55:08.920 | They need to be the interagent.
01:55:11.640 | That's where they get their power.
01:55:12.800 | They get their power from convincing Facebook
01:55:15.540 | that they are the ones who can fact-check stuff.
01:55:18.520 | They are the ones who can tell you
01:55:20.780 | whether something is right or wrong.
01:55:23.240 | That battle over unimpeded conversation
01:55:27.160 | and the explosion of a format
01:55:28.680 | that you and I are doing really well in,
01:55:30.440 | and then this more consolidated one,
01:55:32.720 | which holds cultural power and elite power,
01:55:35.320 | and more importantly, money, right, over you and I,
01:55:38.320 | that's the battle that we're all gonna play out.
01:55:39.960 | - Do you think unfettered conversations
01:55:41.840 | have a chance to win this battle?
01:55:43.680 | - Yes, I do, in the long run.
01:55:45.400 | In the long run, the internet is simply too powerful.
01:55:48.500 | But here's the mistake everybody makes.
01:55:50.760 | The New York Times will never lose.
01:55:52.240 | It will just become one of us.
01:55:53.780 | See-- - You think so?
01:55:54.880 | - They already are.
01:55:55.720 | They are the largest-- - The Daily?
01:55:57.100 | - The Daily, look at The Daily.
01:55:58.820 | Not even that, think about it not in podcasting.
01:56:01.240 | The Times is not a mass media product.
01:56:04.760 | It is a subscription product for upper-middle class,
01:56:08.480 | largely white liberals who live the same circumstances
01:56:12.840 | across the United States and in Europe.
01:56:15.440 | There's nothing wrong with that, but here's the thing.
01:56:17.920 | You can't be the paper of record
01:56:19.680 | when you're actually the paper
01:56:21.600 | of upper-middle class white America.
01:56:23.560 | Your job is to report on the news from that angle
01:56:27.040 | and deliver them the product that they want.
01:56:29.080 | There's nothing wrong with that.
01:56:30.580 | Their stock price is higher than ever.
01:56:32.600 | They're making 10 times more money
01:56:34.120 | than they did 10 years ago,
01:56:36.160 | but it comes at the cost
01:56:38.600 | of not having a mass application audience.
01:56:41.560 | So when people, I think people in our space
01:56:44.240 | are always like, "The New York Times is gonna be destroyed."
01:56:46.320 | No, it's actually even better.
01:56:48.680 | They will just become one of us.
01:56:50.600 | They already are.
01:56:51.520 | They're a subscription platform.
01:56:53.120 | - Well, yes, in terms of the actual mechanism,
01:56:54.920 | but New York Times is still,
01:56:58.060 | and I don't think I'm speaking about a particular sector.
01:57:00.440 | I think it, as a brand,
01:57:03.840 | it does have the level of credibility assigned to it still.
01:57:08.720 | There's politicization of it.
01:57:10.640 | - Totally.
01:57:11.480 | - But there's a credibility.
01:57:14.000 | It has much more credibility than,
01:57:16.560 | forgive me, than I think you and I have.
01:57:18.840 | - No, you're right.
01:57:20.120 | - In terms of your podcast,
01:57:22.800 | people are not going to be like,
01:57:24.400 | they're gonna cite the New York Times
01:57:27.840 | versus what you said on the podcast for an opinion.
01:57:32.840 | I wonder, in the sense of battles,
01:57:35.360 | whether on federal conversations,
01:57:36.960 | whether Joe Rogan, whether your podcast
01:57:39.320 | can become the, have the same level of legitimacy
01:57:43.840 | or the flip side, New York Times loses legitimacy
01:57:47.800 | to be at the same level of,
01:57:50.920 | in terms of how we talk about it.
01:57:52.680 | - It's gonna be long.
01:57:53.520 | It's a long battle, right?
01:57:54.520 | It's gonna take a long time.
01:57:55.920 | And I'm saying, this is where I think the end state is going
01:57:58.280 | and look at what the Times is doing.
01:57:59.560 | They're leaning into podcasting for a reason,
01:58:02.000 | but not just podcasting as in NPR level,
01:58:06.200 | like here's what's happening.
01:58:07.760 | Michael Barbaro is a fucking celebrity, right?
01:58:10.320 | The guy who does the Daily.
01:58:11.760 | That guy's famous amongst these people
01:58:14.920 | 'cause they're like, oh my God, I love Michael.
01:58:16.880 | Like I love the way he does this stuff.
01:58:18.240 | Again, that's fine.
01:58:19.400 | More people are listening to the news.
01:58:20.720 | I think that's a good thing.
01:58:22.200 | And then who else do they hire?
01:58:23.720 | Ezra Klein from Vox, Kara Swisher, also from Vox,
01:58:27.560 | who does Pivot, which is an amazing podcast.
01:58:30.400 | Or Jane Koston, same thing.
01:58:32.680 | It's personalities who are becoming bundled together
01:58:36.320 | within this brand, right?
01:58:38.240 | - Here's, okay, maybe I'm just a hater.
01:58:40.960 | (Lex laughing)
01:58:42.800 | 'Cause I loved podcasting from the beginning.
01:58:45.280 | I loved Green Day before they were cool, man.
01:58:48.440 | But I'm bothered by it.
01:58:50.620 | Like why doesn't Kara Swisher, she's done successfully,
01:58:53.440 | I think in her own, no, she was always a part
01:58:55.620 | of some kind of institution, I'm not sure.
01:58:57.560 | - But she started her own thing, I think.
01:59:00.000 | - It would, anyway. - Recode, right, yeah.
01:59:01.920 | - Recode, I don't know if that's her own thing.
01:59:03.520 | Yeah, yeah, so she was very successful there.
01:59:06.200 | Why the hell did she join the New York Times
01:59:08.760 | with the new podcast?
01:59:09.920 | Why is Michael Barbaro not do his own thing?
01:59:13.120 | - 'Cause he gets paid, and because he has,
01:59:14.920 | he wants the elite cachet that you just referenced
01:59:17.820 | within his social circle in New York,
01:59:19.900 | which is that I think the biggest mistake
01:59:21.960 | that some of the venture people make is
01:59:23.880 | if we give everybody the tools that those people
01:59:26.640 | are all gonna leave to go sub-stack and go independent,
01:59:29.680 | within their social circle,
01:59:31.440 | sacrificing some money from being independent is worth it
01:59:35.600 | to be a part of the New York Times.
01:59:38.080 | - That's sad to me because it propagates old thinking.
01:59:43.080 | It propagates old institutions,
01:59:46.400 | and you could say that New York Times
01:59:47.800 | is going to evolve quickly and so on,
01:59:49.680 | but I would love it if there was a mechanism
01:59:54.200 | for reestablishing, for building new New York Times
01:59:57.360 | in terms of public legitimacy,
01:59:59.960 | and I suppose that's wishful thinking
02:00:02.320 | 'cause it takes time to build trust in institutions,
02:00:06.320 | and it takes time to build new institutions.
02:00:08.400 | - My main thing I would say is public legitimacy
02:00:10.520 | as a concept is not gonna be there in mass media anymore.
02:00:13.180 | Because of the balkanization of audiences,
02:00:15.920 | I mean, think about it, right?
02:00:16.880 | Like this is like "Legion," you know,
02:00:19.520 | the classic stuff around 1,000 true fans,
02:00:21.920 | or no, sorry, like 100 true fans even now.
02:00:24.520 | Like you can make a living on the internet
02:00:26.000 | just talking to 100 people.
02:00:27.600 | If as long as they're all high-frequency traders,
02:00:29.400 | some of the highest paid people on Substack,
02:00:32.480 | they don't have that many subs.
02:00:34.240 | It's just that they're Wall Street guys, right?
02:00:36.080 | So people pay a lot of money.
02:00:37.160 | Again, that's great.
02:00:38.640 | So what you will have is an increasing balkanization
02:00:42.040 | of the internet, of audiences and of niches.
02:00:46.120 | People will become increasingly famous within this.
02:00:48.680 | You will become astoundingly famous.
02:00:51.040 | I'm sure you've noticed this for your fan base.
02:00:52.480 | I just certainly have with mine.
02:00:53.400 | Like 99% of people have no idea who I am,
02:00:56.040 | but when somebody meets, they're like,
02:00:57.040 | "Oh my God, I watch your show every day."
02:01:00.920 | Right, like it's the only thing I watch for news, right?
02:01:04.140 | Like instead of casually famous,
02:01:06.440 | if that makes sense, be like,
02:01:07.280 | "Oh yeah, that's like Alec Baldwin," you know?
02:01:09.280 | Like, "Oh shit, that's Alec Baldwin."
02:01:10.680 | But you're not like, "Oh shit, I love you, Alec Baldwin."
02:01:14.280 | This is a Ben Smith of the New York Times, actually.
02:01:17.200 | He wrote this column.
02:01:18.040 | He's like, "The future is everybody will be famous,
02:01:20.160 | but only to a small group of people."
02:01:22.720 | And I think that is true.
02:01:24.160 | But again, I don't decry it.
02:01:26.120 | I think it's great because I think that the more
02:01:28.440 | that that happens, the more engaged people will be,
02:01:31.000 | and it empowers different voices to be able to come in
02:01:34.560 | and then possibly, I wouldn't say destroy,
02:01:36.500 | but compete against.
02:01:37.960 | I mean, look at Joe.
02:01:39.200 | Joe is more powerful than CNN and MSNBC
02:01:43.280 | and Fox all put together.
02:01:45.120 | That gives me like immense inspiration.
02:01:47.560 | Like he created the space for me to succeed.
02:01:50.040 | And I told him that when I met him.
02:01:51.200 | I was like, "Dude, like I listened to his podcast
02:01:54.280 | when I was like young."
02:01:55.480 | And like, I remember like when I got to meet him
02:01:58.020 | and all that, and I told him this on this pod,
02:02:00.260 | I was like, "I didn't know people were millions
02:02:02.840 | were willing to listen to a guy talk about chimps
02:02:05.400 | for three straight hours, including me."
02:02:08.080 | I didn't know that I could be one of those people.
02:02:09.800 | - Yeah, me too.
02:02:10.640 | I learned something about myself before the show, yeah.
02:02:12.760 | - And so by creating that space, I'd be like,
02:02:15.280 | "Wait, there's a hunger here."
02:02:17.460 | Like he showed us all the way.
02:02:20.240 | And none of us will ever again be as famous as Rogan
02:02:22.400 | 'cause he was the first.
02:02:23.560 | And that's fine because he created the umbrella ecosystem
02:02:27.480 | for us all to thrive.
02:02:29.120 | That is where I see like a great amount of hope
02:02:32.400 | within that story.
02:02:33.440 | - Yeah, and the cool thing,
02:02:34.280 | he also supports that ecosystem.
02:02:35.880 | He's such a-- - He's so generous.
02:02:38.160 | - One of the things he paved the way on for me
02:02:40.960 | is to show that you can just be honest, publicly honest.
02:02:45.960 | And not jealous of other people's success,
02:02:51.320 | but instead of be supportive and all those kinds of things,
02:02:54.600 | just like loving towards others.
02:02:56.120 | He's been an inspiration.
02:02:57.320 | I mean, to the comics community,
02:03:01.240 | I think there are a bunch of, before that,
02:03:04.480 | I think there were all a bunch of competitive haters
02:03:06.920 | towards each other. - They were, yeah.
02:03:07.880 | And now he's like just injected love.
02:03:10.320 | - Yeah. - You know?
02:03:11.200 | - They're like, they're still,
02:03:12.040 | like many are still resistant,
02:03:13.600 | but they're like, they can't help it
02:03:15.080 | 'cause he's such a huge voice.
02:03:17.120 | He like forces them to be like loving towards each other.
02:03:20.160 | And the same, I try to,
02:03:22.440 | one of the reasons I wanted to start this podcast
02:03:25.320 | was to try to, I wanted to be like,
02:03:28.680 | do what Joe Rogan did, but for the scientific community,
02:03:33.960 | like my little circle of scientific community
02:03:36.040 | of like, let's support each other.
02:03:38.600 | - Yeah, well, like Avi Loeb,
02:03:40.400 | I would have no idea who he was if it wasn't for you.
02:03:42.920 | I mean, I assume you put him in touch with Joe.
02:03:44.920 | He went on Joe's show.
02:03:45.760 | I had him on my show.
02:03:47.000 | Like millions of people would have no idea who he was
02:03:49.560 | if it wasn't for you.
02:03:50.400 | - Just by the way, in terms of deep state
02:03:51.920 | and shadow government, Avi Loeb has to do with aliens.
02:03:54.760 | You better believe Joe.
02:03:56.760 | - Dude, the last thing I sent to him
02:03:58.400 | was the American Airlines audio.
02:04:00.480 | Did you see that?
02:04:02.120 | The pilots who were, oh my God, dude, this is amazing.
02:04:04.960 | So like, I'm like getting excited.
02:04:07.280 | This American Airlines flight crew was over New Mexico,
02:04:10.440 | this happened five or six days ago.
02:04:12.240 | And the guy comes and he goes,
02:04:14.360 | hey, do you have any targets up here?
02:04:16.320 | A large cylindrical object just flew over me.
02:04:20.560 | - Oh no. - Okay, so this happens.
02:04:21.880 | So this happens. - Yes.
02:04:23.200 | - Then a guy or like a radio catcher
02:04:26.560 | records this and posts it online.
02:04:29.080 | American Airlines confirms that this is authentic audio.
02:04:33.440 | And they go, all further questions
02:04:35.440 | should be referred to the FBI.
02:04:37.120 | So then, okay, American Airlines just confirmed
02:04:39.760 | it's a legitimate transmission, FBI.
02:04:42.440 | Then the FAA comes out and says,
02:04:45.760 | we were tracking no objects in the vicinity of this plane
02:04:50.760 | at the time of the transmission.
02:04:52.480 | So the only plausible explanation
02:04:54.600 | that online sleuths have been able to say
02:04:56.120 | is maybe he saw a Learjet,
02:04:58.840 | which was using like open source data.
02:05:02.200 | FAA rules that out.
02:05:03.960 | So what was it?
02:05:05.280 | He saw a large cylindrical object
02:05:07.360 | while he was mid-flight, American Airlines.
02:05:09.680 | But you can go online, listen to the audio yourself.
02:05:12.960 | This is a 100% no shit transmission,
02:05:15.680 | confirmed by American Airlines of a commercial pilot
02:05:19.840 | over New Mexico, seeing a quote unquote,
02:05:23.200 | large cylindrical object in the air.
02:05:26.040 | Like I said, when we first started talking,
02:05:28.200 | I've never believed more in UFOs than aliens.
02:05:31.160 | - Yeah, this is awesome.
02:05:33.160 | - Yeah. (laughs)
02:05:34.000 | - I just wish both American Airlines, FBI,
02:05:37.520 | and government would be more transparent.
02:05:40.000 | Like there would be voices.
02:05:42.080 | I know it sounds ridiculous,
02:05:43.280 | but the kind of transparency that you see,
02:05:45.280 | maybe not Joe Rogan, he's like overly transparent,
02:05:48.920 | he's just a comic really.
02:05:49.960 | But just, I don't know, like a podcast from the FBI.
02:05:54.080 | (laughs)
02:05:55.080 | Just like being honest, like excited, confused.
02:05:58.960 | I'm sure they're being overly cautious
02:06:03.120 | about their release information.
02:06:04.520 | I'm sure there's a lot of information
02:06:05.960 | that would inspire the public,
02:06:07.560 | that would inspire trust in institutions
02:06:09.480 | that will not damage national security.
02:06:12.320 | Like it seems to me obvious.
02:06:14.240 | And the reason they're not sharing it
02:06:15.480 | is because of this momentum of bureaucracy,
02:06:17.800 | of caution, and so on.
02:06:19.400 | But there's probably so much cool information
02:06:21.560 | that the government has.
02:06:22.720 | - The way I almost, I wouldn't say it confirmed it's real,
02:06:26.600 | but Trump didn't declassify it.
02:06:28.960 | Like you know that if there was ever a president
02:06:31.320 | that actually wanted to get to the bottom of it,
02:06:32.760 | it was him.
02:06:33.600 | - Yeah.
02:06:34.800 | - I mean, he didn't declassify it, man.
02:06:37.120 | And people begged him to.
02:06:38.400 | I know for a fact, 'cause I pushed
02:06:40.680 | to try and make this happen,
02:06:41.960 | that some people did speak to him about it.
02:06:44.320 | And he was like, "No, I'm not gonna do it."
02:06:47.280 | - He might be afraid.
02:06:48.560 | - That's what I mean though.
02:06:49.720 | They were probably all telling him,
02:06:50.560 | "Sir, you can't do this, all this."
02:06:52.480 | Like, wow.
02:06:53.320 | And I get that.
02:06:54.160 | And there's this legislation written as COVID
02:06:56.400 | that like they have six months to release it.
02:06:58.640 | - Is that real?
02:06:59.480 | What is that?
02:07:00.300 | Is that a bunch of bullshit?
02:07:01.140 | - I think it's bullshit.
02:07:01.960 | I think it's bullshit.
02:07:02.800 | There's so many different levels of classification
02:07:04.280 | that people need to understand.
02:07:05.840 | I mean, look, I read John Podesta.
02:07:07.960 | He was the chief of staff to Bill Clinton.
02:07:10.360 | He's a big UFO guy.
02:07:11.560 | He tried, like him and Clinton tried
02:07:14.840 | to get some of this information
02:07:15.920 | and they could not get any of it.
02:07:17.880 | And we're talking about the president
02:07:19.680 | and the White House chief of staff.
02:07:21.340 | - Well, there's a whole bureaucracy built
02:07:22.800 | just like you're saying with intent.
02:07:24.640 | You have to be like, that has to be your focus
02:07:27.080 | because there's a whole bureaucracy built around secrecy
02:07:29.840 | for probably for a good reason.
02:07:31.160 | So to get through to the information,
02:07:33.720 | there's a whole like paperwork process,
02:07:35.440 | all that kind of stuff.
02:07:36.280 | You can't just walk in and get the,
02:07:37.880 | unless again, with intention, that becomes your thing.
02:07:40.920 | - Exactly.
02:07:41.760 | - Like let's revolutionize this thing.
02:07:44.000 | And then you get only so many things.
02:07:46.000 | It's sad that the bureaucracy has gotten so bulky.
02:07:50.840 | But I think the hopeful message is
02:07:53.080 | from earlier in our conversation,
02:07:54.440 | it seems like a single person can't fix it.
02:07:57.800 | But if you hire the right team, it feels like you can.
02:08:02.000 | - Can't fix everything.
02:08:03.040 | I don't wanna give people unrealistic expectations.
02:08:05.580 | You can fix a lot, especially in crisis,
02:08:08.000 | you can remake America.
02:08:09.240 | - Yeah.
02:08:10.080 | - And all of that is 'cause it's already happened twice.
02:08:12.600 | FDR, or in modern history, FDR and JFK.
02:08:17.160 | But sorry, FDR and JFK's assassination, LBJ.
02:08:20.920 | Two hyper-competent men who understood government,
02:08:25.500 | who understood personnel,
02:08:27.160 | and coincidentally were friends.
02:08:28.480 | I love this.
02:08:29.300 | I don't think actually people understand this.
02:08:31.040 | FDR met Johnson three days after he won
02:08:35.720 | his election to Congress, special election.
02:08:38.600 | He was only 29 years old.
02:08:40.320 | And he left that meeting and called somebody and said,
02:08:44.200 | "This young man is gonna be president
02:08:45.640 | of the United States someday."
02:08:46.960 | Like, even then, what was within him
02:08:50.120 | to understand and to recognize that?
02:08:52.000 | And sometimes Johnson, as a young member of Congress,
02:08:54.400 | would come and have breakfast with FDR.
02:08:56.320 | Like, just two of the great political minds
02:08:58.820 | of the 20th century just sitting there talking.
02:09:01.360 | Like, I would give anything
02:09:03.000 | to know what was happening.
02:09:04.760 | - I hope they were real with each other.
02:09:06.360 | And there was like a genuine human connection, right?
02:09:08.520 | That seems to be-
02:09:10.000 | - Well, Johnson wasn't a genuine guy.
02:09:11.400 | So we're almost certainly not.
02:09:13.560 | - Well, I need to read those thousands of pages.
02:09:16.520 | I've been way too focused on Hitler.
02:09:19.720 | - I was gonna say, one of my goals in coming to this
02:09:22.880 | is I was like, I gotta get Lex into two things,
02:09:24.560 | 'cause I know he'll love it.
02:09:25.600 | I know he'll love LBJ if he has the time to read the books.
02:09:29.240 | - Really?
02:09:30.080 | - 100%.
02:09:31.200 | He's the most- - Of all the presidents?
02:09:32.760 | - I didn't say you'll love him,
02:09:33.680 | but you'll love the books about him.
02:09:34.960 | Because the books are a story of America,
02:09:37.520 | the story of politics, the story of power.
02:09:39.600 | This is the guy who wrote "The Power Broker."
02:09:41.320 | These books are up there with
02:09:44.040 | "Decline and Follow the Roman Empire"
02:09:46.240 | by Edward Gibbon in terms of how power works.
02:09:48.840 | - Study of power.
02:09:49.800 | - Exactly.
02:09:50.640 | - No, that's why Carroll wrote the books.
02:09:52.840 | And that's why the books are not really about LBJ.
02:09:55.600 | They're about power in Washington
02:09:57.440 | and about the consolidation of power post New Deal.
02:10:00.200 | The consolidation then,
02:10:01.780 | or using the levers of power like Johnson knew
02:10:04.640 | in order to change the House of Representatives,
02:10:08.000 | the Senate of the United States,
02:10:09.520 | and ultimately the presidency of the United States,
02:10:11.500 | which ended in failure and disaster with Vietnam.
02:10:13.920 | Don't get me wrong.
02:10:14.960 | But he's overlooked for so many of the incredible things
02:10:18.840 | that he did with civil rights.
02:10:19.960 | Nobody else could have done it.
02:10:21.520 | No one else could have gotten it done.
02:10:23.960 | And the second thing is we gotta get you into World War I.
02:10:27.280 | We gotta get you more into World War I
02:10:29.640 | because I think that's a rabbit hole,
02:10:31.860 | which I know you're a Dan Carlin fan.
02:10:33.600 | So blueprint for Armageddon.
02:10:35.320 | - Yeah, it's good.
02:10:36.160 | - Guaranteed.
02:10:37.440 | - But there's fewer evil people there.
02:10:40.000 | - Yes, but that's what actually,
02:10:43.720 | there's a banality of that evil,
02:10:45.480 | of the Kaiser and of the Austro-Hungarians.
02:10:50.240 | And see, I like World War I more because it was unresolved.
02:10:54.440 | It's one of those periods I was talking to you about,
02:10:56.080 | about sometimes you're called and you fail.
02:10:58.840 | That's what happened.
02:10:59.680 | I mean, 50 million people were killed
02:11:02.240 | in the most horrific way.
02:11:04.000 | People literally drowned in the mud,
02:11:06.400 | like an entire generation.
02:11:09.200 | One stat I love is that Britain didn't need a draft
02:11:13.040 | till 1916.
02:11:15.000 | They went two years of throwing people
02:11:18.000 | into barbed wire voluntarily.
02:11:20.600 | And because people loved their country
02:11:22.640 | and they loved the king,
02:11:23.800 | and they thought they were going against the Kaiser,
02:11:26.320 | it's just like that conflict to me,
02:11:28.480 | I just can't read enough about it.
02:11:30.160 | Also just like births Russian revolution, Hitler.
02:11:34.560 | - You can't talk about World War II without World War I.
02:11:37.000 | - Right, and I'm obsessed with the conflict.
02:11:39.200 | I've read way too many books about it.
02:11:40.800 | For this reason is it's unresolved.
02:11:42.920 | And the roots of so much of even our current problems
02:11:46.200 | are happened in Versailles.
02:11:48.280 | Vietnam is because of the Treaty of Versailles.
02:11:51.760 | Many ways, the Middle Eastern problems
02:11:53.480 | and the division of the states there,
02:11:55.320 | the Treaty of Versailles in terms of the penalties
02:11:57.500 | against Germany, but also the fallout from those wars
02:12:01.820 | on the French and the German population,
02:12:03.940 | or the French and the British populations
02:12:05.380 | and their reluctance for war in 1939 or 1938
02:12:10.380 | when Neville Chamberlain goes.
02:12:12.940 | One of the things people don't understand
02:12:14.060 | is the actual appetite of the British public at that time.
02:12:16.540 | They didn't wanna go to war, only Churchill.
02:12:18.540 | He was the only one in the gathering storm,
02:12:21.940 | being like, "Hey, this is really bad," and all of that.
02:12:24.980 | And then even in the United States,
02:12:26.500 | our streak of isolationism, which swept,
02:12:28.860 | I mean, things were, because of that conflict,
02:12:32.100 | we were convinced as a country
02:12:34.780 | that we wanted nothing to do with Europe and its problems.
02:12:37.980 | And in many ways, that contributed
02:12:39.500 | to the proliferation of Hitler and more.
02:12:41.320 | So I'm obsessed with World War I for this reason,
02:12:43.980 | which is that it's just like the root,
02:12:46.060 | it's like the culmination of the monarchies,
02:12:48.660 | then the fall, and then just all the shit spills out
02:12:51.900 | from there for like 100 years.
02:12:53.620 | - So World War I is like the most important shift
02:12:56.300 | in human history, versus World War II
02:12:58.700 | is like a consequence of that.
02:13:00.420 | - Yeah, so I have a degree in security studies
02:13:03.060 | from Georgetown, and one of the thing is
02:13:04.900 | that we would focus a lot on that is like war,
02:13:07.580 | but also the complexity around war.
02:13:11.100 | And it's funny, we never spent that much time
02:13:13.800 | on World War II, 'cause it was actually quite a clean war.
02:13:17.420 | It's a very atypical war, as in the war object,
02:13:21.620 | which we learned from World War I,
02:13:23.260 | is we must inflict suffering on the German people
02:13:26.660 | and invade the borders of Germany and destroy Hitler.
02:13:30.580 | Like the center of gravity is the Nazi regime and Hitler.
02:13:34.320 | So it had a very basic begin and end.
02:13:37.380 | Begin, liberate France, invade Germany,
02:13:40.660 | destroy Hitler, reoccupy, rebuild.
02:13:44.060 | World War I, what are you fighting for?
02:13:46.860 | I mean, nobody even knew.
02:13:50.180 | The German general staff, they were like,
02:13:52.100 | even in 1917, they're like, the war was worth it
02:13:54.900 | because now we have Luxembourg.
02:13:56.200 | I'm like, really?
02:13:57.040 | You killed two million of your citizens
02:13:58.420 | for fucking Luxembourg?
02:13:59.760 | And like half of Belgium, which is now like a pond?
02:14:02.660 | And same thing, the French are like,
02:14:04.980 | well, the French more so, they're defending their borders,
02:14:07.500 | but like, what are the British fighting for?
02:14:09.500 | Why did hundreds of thousands of British people die?
02:14:11.540 | In order to preserve the balance of power in Europe
02:14:14.340 | and prevent the Kaiser from having a port
02:14:17.420 | on the English Channel?
02:14:19.300 | Like, really, that's why?
02:14:21.420 | That's more what wars are, is they become these like,
02:14:24.380 | atypical, they become these protracted conflicts
02:14:29.380 | with a necessary diplomatic resolution
02:14:33.260 | that's not clean, it's very dirty,
02:14:36.260 | it usually leads in the outbreak of another war
02:14:38.900 | and another war and another war
02:14:40.020 | and a slow burn of ethnic conflict, which bubbles up.
02:14:43.100 | So that's why I look at that one,
02:14:45.820 | 'cause it's more typical of warfare in terms of how it works.
02:14:49.060 | - Exactly, it's kind of interesting,
02:14:51.260 | you're making me realize that World War II
02:14:54.340 | is one of the rare wars where you can make a strong case
02:14:57.860 | for it's a fight of good versus evil.
02:14:59.700 | - Yeah, just war theory, obviously,
02:15:01.180 | like they're literally slaughtering Jews,
02:15:02.880 | like we have to kill them.
02:15:04.300 | - And there's one person doing it,
02:15:05.820 | I mean, there's one person at the core,
02:15:07.820 | yeah, that's fascinating.
02:15:11.320 | And it's short and there's a clear aggression.
02:15:15.660 | - It's interesting that Dan Carlin
02:15:18.780 | has been avoiding Hitler as well.
02:15:21.060 | - Yeah, probably for this reason.
02:15:24.020 | - Probably for this reason, I mean,
02:15:25.740 | but it's complicated too, because there's a pressure,
02:15:28.900 | that guy has his demons.
02:15:30.260 | I love Dan so much.
02:15:31.700 | I don't know if you feel this pressure,
02:15:36.700 | but as a creative, he feels the pressure
02:15:39.140 | of being maybe not necessarily correct,
02:15:43.900 | but maybe correct in the sense that his understanding,
02:15:48.540 | he gets to the bottom of why something happened,
02:15:53.540 | of what really happened, get to the bottom of it
02:15:59.540 | before he can say something publicly about it.
02:16:02.540 | And he is tortured by that burden.
02:16:04.900 | - I know, he takes so much shit
02:16:06.980 | from the historical community for no reason.
02:16:09.220 | I think he's the greatest popularizer,
02:16:11.580 | quote unquote, of history.
02:16:13.300 | And I wish more people in history understood it that way.
02:16:17.100 | He was an inspiration to me.
02:16:18.380 | I mean, I do some videos sometimes on my Instagram now,
02:16:21.180 | where I'll do like a book tour.
02:16:22.940 | I'll be like, here's my bookshelf of these presidents.
02:16:24.700 | And like, here's what I learned from this book,
02:16:26.140 | and this book, and this,
02:16:26.980 | and that was very much like a skill I learned from him
02:16:30.700 | of being like, as the historian writes.
02:16:33.980 | (both laughing)
02:16:34.820 | I just love the way he talks, he's like, in the mud.
02:16:38.180 | Or he'll be like, quote.
02:16:39.660 | (both laughing)
02:16:42.420 | He inspires me, man.
02:16:44.700 | He really does to like learn more.
02:16:46.660 | And I've read, I bought a lot of books
02:16:48.740 | because of Dan Carlin, because of this guy,
02:16:50.940 | because of that guy.
02:16:52.260 | In terms of, you know another thing he does,
02:16:53.980 | which nobody else, and I'm probably guilty of this,
02:16:56.220 | he focuses on the actual people involved.
02:16:59.420 | Like he would tell the story of actual British soldiers
02:17:03.300 | in World War I.
02:17:04.580 | And I probably, and maybe you're guilty of this too,
02:17:07.100 | we over-focus on what was happening
02:17:09.740 | in the German general staff,
02:17:11.020 | what was happening in the British general staff.
02:17:12.780 | And he doesn't make that mistake.
02:17:14.220 | That's what he tells real history.
02:17:16.100 | Yeah, and it gives it a feeling.
02:17:18.700 | The result is that there's a feeling,
02:17:20.540 | you get the feeling of what it was like to be there.
02:17:22.900 | Exactly.
02:17:24.300 | You know, you're becoming,
02:17:25.940 | quickly becoming more and more popular.
02:17:28.120 | Speaking about political issues in part,
02:17:34.100 | do you feel a burden, like almost like
02:17:38.500 | the prison of your prior convictions
02:17:43.660 | of having to, being popular with a certain kind of audience
02:17:47.660 | and thereby unable to really think outside the box?
02:17:51.380 | I have, I've really struggled with this.
02:17:54.460 | I came up in right-wing media.
02:17:56.380 | I came up a much more doctrinaire,
02:18:00.220 | conservative in my professional life.
02:18:02.100 | I wasn't always conservative.
02:18:02.980 | We can get to that later if you want.
02:18:05.260 | And I did feel an immense pressure
02:18:09.860 | after the election by people to say,
02:18:14.860 | wanted me to say the election was stolen.
02:18:17.620 | And I knew that I had a sizable part of my audience.
02:18:21.660 | Oh, well, here's the benefit.
02:18:22.820 | Most people know me from "Rising,"
02:18:24.260 | which is with Crystal and me.
02:18:26.220 | That is inherently a left-right program.
02:18:29.440 | So it's a large audience.
02:18:31.260 | So I felt comfortable and I knew that I could still be fine
02:18:35.540 | in terms of my numbers, whatever,
02:18:37.320 | because many people knew me who were on the left.
02:18:40.300 | And if my right listeners abandoned me, so be it.
02:18:44.660 | I had the luxury of able to take that choice,
02:18:47.100 | but I still felt an immense amount of pressure
02:18:51.020 | to say the election was stolen,
02:18:52.780 | to give credence to a lot of the stuff that Trump was doing,
02:18:55.500 | to downplay January 6th,
02:18:57.740 | to downplay many of the Republican senators
02:19:00.100 | or justify many of the Republican senators,
02:19:01.900 | some of whom I know,
02:19:03.300 | who objected to the electoral college certification
02:19:06.180 | and who stoked some of the flames
02:19:08.900 | that have eaten the Republican base.
02:19:11.700 | And I just wouldn't do it.
02:19:13.540 | And that was hard, man.
02:19:15.380 | Like, I feel more politically homeless right now
02:19:19.860 | than I ever have,
02:19:21.660 | but I have realized in the last couple of months
02:19:24.660 | that's the best thing that ever happened to me.
02:19:26.300 | - It's freedom.
02:19:27.140 | - It's true freedom.
02:19:28.620 | I now, I say exactly what I think.
02:19:32.700 | And it's not that I wasn't doing that before.
02:19:34.980 | It's maybe I would avoid certain topics
02:19:38.160 | or like I would think about things
02:19:40.700 | more from a team perspective of like,
02:19:42.820 | am I making sure that it's,
02:19:45.540 | I'm not saying I didn't fight it.
02:19:46.780 | And I still, I criticized the right plenty
02:19:48.780 | and Trump plenty before the election and more.
02:19:51.460 | It's more just like,
02:19:52.900 | I no longer feel as if I even have the illusion
02:19:56.620 | of a stake within the game.
02:19:58.620 | I'm like, I only look at myself as an outside observer
02:20:02.420 | and I will only call it as I see it truly.
02:20:05.660 | And I was aspiring to that before,
02:20:08.420 | but I had to have, in a way,
02:20:11.900 | Trump stopped the steel thing.
02:20:13.520 | It like took my shackles off 100%.
02:20:16.180 | 'Cause I was like, no, this is bullshit.
02:20:17.700 | And I'm gonna say it's bullshit.
02:20:19.060 | And I think it's bad.
02:20:20.260 | And I think it's bad for the Republican party.
02:20:22.420 | And if people in the Republican party
02:20:24.180 | don't agree with me on that, that's fine.
02:20:26.860 | I'm just not gonna be necessarily
02:20:29.060 | like associated with you anymore.
02:20:30.940 | - This is probably one of the first political,
02:20:32.780 | liberal politics-related conversations we've had.
02:20:35.980 | I mean, unless you count Michael Malice, who--
02:20:38.780 | - He was great.
02:20:39.620 | (laughing)
02:20:41.540 | He's a funny guy.
02:20:42.540 | - He's not so much political as he is like,
02:20:44.860 | burning down man.
02:20:46.340 | (laughing)
02:20:47.580 | - He leans too far into anarchy for me.
02:20:50.020 | - Yeah, I think he's--
02:20:52.020 | - There's a place for that.
02:20:53.300 | - It's almost, well, first of all,
02:20:54.980 | he's working on a new book, which I really appreciate.
02:20:58.020 | Outside of, he's working on like a big book for a while,
02:21:00.900 | which is White Pill.
02:21:02.380 | He's also working on this like short little thing,
02:21:07.140 | which is like anarchist handbook or something like that.
02:21:11.700 | It's like Anarchy for Idiots or something like that.
02:21:14.580 | Which I think is really--
02:21:16.100 | - I like that name, but.
02:21:16.940 | (laughing)
02:21:19.100 | - Well, me being an idiot and being curious about anarchy
02:21:22.540 | just seems useful, so I like those kinds of books.
02:21:24.700 | - That's Russian heritage, man.
02:21:26.060 | - Yeah.
02:21:26.900 | - Anarchist 101, yeah.
02:21:28.300 | - I find those kinds of things a useful thought experiment
02:21:33.300 | because that's why, it's frustrating to me
02:21:37.860 | when people talk about communism, socialism,
02:21:40.500 | or even capitalism, where they can't enjoy
02:21:43.780 | the thought experiment of like, why did communism fail
02:21:50.900 | and maybe ask the question of like,
02:21:53.340 | is it possible to make communism succeed
02:21:55.540 | or are there good ideas in communism?
02:21:57.380 | Like I enjoy the thought experiment,
02:21:58.980 | like the discourse of it, like the reasoning
02:22:02.460 | and like devil's advocate and all that.
02:22:04.580 | People seem to not have patience for that.
02:22:07.140 | They're like, communism bad, red.
02:22:09.300 | - I was obsessed with the question and still am.
02:22:11.620 | I will never be, I will never quench my thirst
02:22:16.260 | for Russian history.
02:22:18.500 | I love that period of 1890 to 1925.
02:22:23.500 | It's just like, it's so fucking crazy.
02:22:30.220 | Like the autocracy embodied in Czar Alexander.
02:22:35.020 | And then you get this like weird fail son, Nicholas,
02:22:38.820 | who is kind of a good guy, but also terrible.
02:22:42.240 | And also Russian autocracy itself is terrible.
02:22:45.020 | And then I just became obsessed with the question of like,
02:22:47.620 | why did the Bolshevik revolution succeed?
02:22:49.580 | Because like people in Russia
02:22:51.340 | didn't necessarily want Bolshevism.
02:22:53.940 | People suffered a lot under Bolshevism
02:22:56.420 | and it led to Stalinism.
02:22:58.120 | How did Vladimir Lenin do it, right?
02:23:01.140 | Like, and I became obsessed with that question.
02:23:04.540 | And it's still, I find it so interesting,
02:23:06.380 | which is that series of accidents of history,
02:23:10.640 | incredible boldness by Lenin,
02:23:13.820 | incredible realpolitik, smart, unpopular decisions
02:23:18.820 | made by Trotsky and Stalin,
02:23:21.780 | and just like the arrogance of the czars
02:23:25.440 | and of the Russian like autocracy.
02:23:30.440 | And just, but at the same time,
02:23:32.280 | there's all these like cultural implications of this, right?
02:23:35.220 | In terms of like how it became hollowed out
02:23:37.700 | post Catherine the Great and all that.
02:23:40.140 | I was obsessed with autocracy
02:23:41.380 | because Russia was an actual autocracy.
02:23:44.120 | And like actually, and I'm like, it was there.
02:23:46.260 | Like they didn't even remove serfdom
02:23:49.300 | to like the civil war in America.
02:23:51.780 | Like that's crazy.
02:23:52.980 | Like, you know, and nobody really talks about it.
02:23:55.900 | And I just became, yeah, I was like,
02:23:57.980 | was Bolshevism a natural reaction
02:24:01.140 | to the excesses of czarism?
02:24:03.940 | There is a convenient explanation where that is true,
02:24:07.340 | but there were also a series of decisions
02:24:10.000 | made by Lenin and Stalin to kill many of the people
02:24:13.140 | in the center left and marginalize them,
02:24:15.420 | and also not to associate with the more quote unquote,
02:24:19.260 | like amenable communists in order to make sure
02:24:24.080 | that their pure strain of Bolshevism was the only thing.
02:24:28.080 | And the reason I like that is because it comes back
02:24:29.980 | to a point I made earlier.
02:24:31.460 | It's all about intentionality,
02:24:32.780 | which is that you actually can will something
02:24:35.820 | into existence, even if people don't want it.
02:24:38.500 | That was the craziest thing.
02:24:39.500 | Like nobody wanted this,
02:24:41.380 | but it still ruled for half a century,
02:24:44.060 | more actually, I mean, almost, you know, 75 years.
02:24:47.660 | - To think that there could have been a history
02:24:50.180 | of the Soviet Union that was dramatically different
02:24:55.180 | than Leninism, Stalinism, that was completely different,
02:25:00.860 | like almost would be the American story.
02:25:03.020 | - Yeah, easily.
02:25:04.340 | I mean, there's a world where,
02:25:06.340 | and I don't have all the characters.
02:25:07.820 | There's like Kerensky, and then there was like,
02:25:10.380 | whoever Lenin's number two, Stalin's chief rival.
02:25:12.940 | And even, I mean, look, even a Soviet Union led by Trotsky,
02:25:15.900 | that's a whole other world, right?
02:25:17.340 | Like literally a whole other world.
02:25:19.420 | And yeah, it's just, I don't know.
02:25:21.620 | I find it so interesting.
02:25:22.500 | I will never not be fascinated by Russia.
02:25:24.540 | I always will.
02:25:25.660 | It's funny that I get to talk to you,
02:25:26.900 | 'cause it's like, I read this book.
02:25:28.620 | I forget what it's called.
02:25:29.460 | It won, I think it won a Pulitzer Prize.
02:25:31.220 | And it was like the story of,
02:25:34.580 | I tried to understand Russia post Crimea,
02:25:37.420 | 'cause I came up amongst people
02:25:40.100 | who are much more like neoconservative,
02:25:41.700 | and they're like, "Fuck Russia, Russia, bad."
02:25:43.900 | And I was like, "Okay, what do these people think?"
02:25:46.260 | And we have this narrative
02:25:48.260 | of like the fall of the Soviet Union.
02:25:49.860 | And then I read this book from the perspective of Russians
02:25:52.980 | who lived through the fall.
02:25:54.180 | And they were like, "This is, I was like, this is terrible.
02:25:56.020 | "Like actually the introduction of capitalism was awful.
02:25:59.420 | "And like the rise of all these crazy oligarchs,
02:26:02.980 | "that's why Putin came to power,
02:26:06.560 | "to like restore order to the oligarchy."
02:26:11.560 | - And he still talks to this day.
02:26:13.220 | Do you guys, I mean, that's always the threat of like,
02:26:15.540 | do you wanna return to the '90s?
02:26:17.220 | - Right.
02:26:18.060 | - Do you want to return to- - To Yeltsin.
02:26:19.380 | - Yeah. - And like,
02:26:20.380 | but the thing is in the West,
02:26:21.660 | we have this like our own propaganda of like,
02:26:23.940 | no, Yeltsin was great.
02:26:25.040 | That was the golden age.
02:26:26.000 | What could have been with Russia?
02:26:27.660 | And I was like, "Well, what do actual Russians think?"
02:26:30.020 | And so that, yeah, I'll always be fascinated by it.
02:26:34.300 | And then just like to understand the idea
02:26:37.960 | of feeling encircled by NATO and all of that,
02:26:41.320 | you have to understand like Russian defense theory,
02:26:44.500 | all the way going back to the czars,
02:26:46.460 | has always been defense in depth
02:26:48.960 | in terms of having Estonia, Lithuania,
02:26:51.800 | and more is like protection of the heartland.
02:26:54.560 | I'm not justifying in this,
02:26:55.600 | so NATO shills, like, please don't come after me.
02:26:57.920 | But, and look, Estonians like NATO.
02:27:01.200 | They wanna be in NATO.
02:27:02.040 | So I don't wanna minimize that.
02:27:03.080 | I'm more just saying like,
02:27:04.320 | I understand him and Russia much better having done that.
02:27:08.920 | And we are very incapable in America.
02:27:11.580 | I think this is probably 'cause my parents are immigrants
02:27:13.280 | and I've traveled a lot,
02:27:14.320 | of putting yourself in the mind of people
02:27:17.320 | who aren't Western and haven't lived a history,
02:27:21.060 | especially our lives of America's fucking awesome.
02:27:23.320 | We're the number one country in the world.
02:27:25.040 | I'm like, we're literally better than you,
02:27:26.480 | like in many ways.
02:27:27.960 | And they can't empathize with people
02:27:31.380 | who have suffered so much.
02:27:33.740 | And I just, yeah, it's just so interesting to me.
02:27:36.060 | - What about if we could talk for just a brief moment
02:27:38.800 | about the human of Putin and power.
02:27:42.800 | You are clearly fascinated by power.
02:27:46.960 | Do you think power changed Putin?
02:27:51.620 | Do you think power changes leaders?
02:27:54.260 | If you look at the great leaders in history,
02:27:57.480 | whether it's LBJ, FDR,
02:28:01.120 | do you think power really changes people?
02:28:02.940 | Like, is there a truth to that kind of old proverb?
02:28:06.120 | - It reveals, I think that's what it is.
02:28:08.400 | It reveals.
02:28:09.420 | So Putin was a much more deft politician,
02:28:13.220 | much more amenable to the West.
02:28:15.240 | If you think back to 2001 and more, right?
02:28:18.460 | When he came, 'cause he was still,
02:28:20.040 | 'cause at that time his biggest problem
02:28:21.900 | was intra-Russian politics, right?
02:28:24.200 | Like it was all consolidating power within the oligarchy.
02:28:27.460 | Once he did that by around like 2007,
02:28:31.100 | there's that famous time when he spoke out against the West
02:28:34.720 | at the Munich Security Conference.
02:28:36.180 | I forget when it was.
02:28:37.540 | And that's when everybody in the audience was like, whoa.
02:28:40.480 | And he was talking about like NATO encirclement
02:28:42.860 | and like, we will not be beaten back by the West.
02:28:45.700 | Very shortly afterwards, like the Georgia invasion happens.
02:28:49.020 | And that was like a big wake-up call
02:28:51.020 | of like, we will not be pushed around anymore.
02:28:53.340 | I mean, he said before publicly,
02:28:54.780 | like the worst thing that ever happened was the fall.
02:28:57.380 | Or what did he say?
02:28:58.220 | He was like, the fall of the Soviet Union was a tragedy.
02:29:00.640 | Right? - Yeah.
02:29:01.480 | - Of course, people in the West were like, what?
02:29:02.740 | I'm like, I get it.
02:29:04.180 | Like they were a superpower.
02:29:05.500 | Now their population is declining.
02:29:08.500 | Like it's like a petro state.
02:29:09.620 | It sucks.
02:29:10.460 | Like, I understand.
02:29:11.800 | I understand like how somebody could feel about that.
02:29:15.640 | I think it revealed his character,
02:29:17.520 | which is that he, I think he thinks of himself probably
02:29:23.440 | as he always has since 2001, as like this benevolent,
02:29:27.820 | almost as a benevolent dictator.
02:29:29.100 | He's like, without me,
02:29:29.940 | the whole system would collapse.
02:29:31.340 | I'm the only guy keeping these people in,
02:29:33.020 | I'm the only guy keeping all these people in check.
02:29:35.320 | Most Russians probably do support Putin
02:29:38.420 | because they feel like they support some form
02:29:41.460 | of functional government.
02:29:43.500 | And they view it as like a check against that,
02:29:46.440 | which is a long, you know,
02:29:48.140 | has a long history within Russia too.
02:29:51.020 | So I don't know if it changed him.
02:29:53.180 | I think it just revealed him.
02:29:55.100 | Because it's not like he, I mean, he has a,
02:29:56.820 | you know, Navalny has put that like billion dollar palace
02:29:59.220 | and all that.
02:30:00.700 | I don't know.
02:30:01.620 | Sometimes I feel like Putin does that for show.
02:30:03.820 | He doesn't seem like somebody who indulges
02:30:05.820 | in all that stuff.
02:30:06.780 | Or maybe we just don't see it.
02:30:08.020 | Like, I don't know.
02:30:08.860 | - Well, I don't.
02:30:09.780 | It's very difficult for me to understand.
02:30:11.260 | I've been hanging out, thanks to Clubhouse,
02:30:13.360 | a lot of, I've gotten to learn a lot about the Navalny folks
02:30:18.700 | and it's been very educational.
02:30:20.420 | Made me ask a lot of important questions about what,
02:30:24.780 | question a lot of my assumptions
02:30:27.180 | about what I do and don't know.
02:30:29.260 | But I'll just say that I do believe, you know,
02:30:34.260 | there's a lot of the Navalny folks say
02:30:36.160 | that Putin is incompetent and is a bad executive,
02:30:40.700 | like is bad at basically running government.
02:30:44.380 | But to me-
02:30:46.380 | - Well, why do Russians not think that?
02:30:48.500 | Right?
02:30:49.340 | Well, they probably say propaganda.
02:30:50.180 | - They would say it's the press.
02:30:51.100 | Yeah, they would say the control.
02:30:52.300 | There is a strong either control or pressure on the press.
02:30:56.780 | But I think there is a legitimate support
02:30:58.860 | and love of Putin in Russia that is not grounded
02:31:02.260 | in just misinformation and propaganda.
02:31:05.140 | There's legitimacy there.
02:31:07.420 | Mostly, I try to remain apolitical
02:31:09.940 | and actually genuinely remain apolitical.
02:31:12.900 | I am legitimately not interested
02:31:15.780 | in the politics of Russia of today.
02:31:18.940 | I feel I have some responsibility
02:31:20.780 | and I'll take that responsibility on as I need to.
02:31:23.620 | But my fascination, as it is perhaps with you
02:31:26.620 | in part, is in the historical figure of Putin.
02:31:30.660 | I know he's currently president,
02:31:32.420 | but I'm almost looking like as if I was a kid
02:31:34.860 | in 30 years from now reading about him,
02:31:37.060 | studying the human being,
02:31:39.180 | the games of power that are played
02:31:43.560 | that got him to gain power, to maintain power,
02:31:47.140 | what that says about his human nature,
02:31:51.140 | the nature of the bureaucracy that's around him,
02:31:54.900 | the nature of Russia, the people,
02:31:56.900 | all those kinds of things,
02:31:58.380 | as opposed to the politics and the manipulation
02:32:00.700 | and the corruption and the control of the media
02:32:03.660 | that results in misinformation.
02:32:05.660 | You know, those are the bickering of the day,
02:32:07.620 | just like we were saying,
02:32:08.660 | what will actually be remembered
02:32:10.220 | about this moment in history?
02:32:11.580 | - Totally.
02:32:12.400 | He's a transformational figure in Russian history, really.
02:32:14.420 | Like the bridge between the fall of the Soviet Union
02:32:16.820 | and the chaos of Yeltsin.
02:32:18.540 | That will be how he's remembered.
02:32:21.060 | The only question is what comes next
02:32:22.700 | and what he wants to come next.
02:32:24.420 | That's, I'm always, I'm like, he's getting old.
02:32:26.540 | How old is he?
02:32:27.380 | 60 something?
02:32:28.200 | - Yeah, 60.
02:32:29.040 | So he would be, I think he would be 80.
02:32:31.780 | So with the change of the constitution,
02:32:34.860 | he cannot be president until,
02:32:38.200 | six, four, 2034, I think it is.
02:32:44.500 | So he would be like 80 something
02:32:46.700 | and he would be in power for over 30 years,
02:32:48.540 | which is longer than Stalin.
02:32:50.700 | So, but he still, he still seems to be-
02:32:54.380 | - Seems fit.
02:32:55.220 | I think he's gonna be around for a long time.
02:32:57.940 | - But this is a fascinating question that you ask,
02:32:59.700 | which is like, what does he want?
02:33:01.900 | - I don't know.
02:33:02.740 | Yeah, that's the question.
02:33:03.580 | I don't, and this is where I think,
02:33:06.060 | given all of his behavior and more,
02:33:07.780 | I don't know if it's about money.
02:33:09.220 | I don't know if it's about enriching himself.
02:33:11.180 | Obviously he did to the tune of billions and billions
02:33:13.660 | and billions of dollars.
02:33:15.140 | But I think he probably,
02:33:17.420 | he's as close to like an actual Russian nationalist,
02:33:20.340 | like at the top, who really does believe in Russia
02:33:24.020 | as its rightful superpower.
02:33:26.060 | Everything he does seems to stem
02:33:28.140 | from that opposition to NATO, intro to Syria,
02:33:31.260 | like wanting to play a large role in affairs,
02:33:35.780 | deeply distrustful and yet coveting of the European powers.
02:33:40.340 | Like, I could describe every czar,
02:33:43.340 | you know, in those same language.
02:33:44.620 | Like every czar falls into the exact same category.
02:33:47.180 | - Yeah, and I mean, it makes me wonder,
02:33:48.940 | well, looking at some of the biggest leaders
02:33:51.420 | in human history, to ask the question of,
02:33:53.900 | what was the motivation?
02:33:55.420 | What was the motivation for even just the revolutionaries
02:33:58.140 | like Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin?
02:34:00.300 | What was the motivation?
02:34:02.060 | Because it sure as hell seems like the motivation
02:34:05.780 | was at least in part driven by the idea,
02:34:10.780 | by ideas, not self-interest of like power.
02:34:15.620 | - For Lenin, it was, I think he was a true believer
02:34:18.060 | and an actual narcissist,
02:34:19.860 | who thought he was the only one who could do it.
02:34:21.620 | Stalin, I do think just wanted power.
02:34:23.700 | And realized, well, I don't know.
02:34:25.220 | Look, he wrote very passionately when he was young.
02:34:27.860 | - And he really believed in communism.
02:34:30.300 | - In the beginning he did.
02:34:31.500 | What I'm always fascinated is I'm like,
02:34:34.500 | around 1920, what happened, right?
02:34:36.980 | Post revolution, you crushed the whites.
02:34:40.340 | Now it's all about consolidation.
02:34:42.540 | That's where the games really began.
02:34:44.860 | And I'm like, I don't think that was about communism.
02:34:47.460 | (both laughing)
02:34:49.460 | - Yeah, maybe it became a useful propaganda tool,
02:34:53.260 | but it still seemed like he believed in it,
02:34:55.740 | whether it was, of course, this is the question.
02:34:58.300 | I mean, this is the problem with conspiracy theories for me.
02:35:01.540 | And this is legitimate criticism towards me
02:35:04.900 | about conspiracy theories, which is,
02:35:06.740 | just because you're not like this
02:35:09.860 | doesn't mean others aren't like this.
02:35:11.300 | So like, I can't believe that somebody be deeply two-faced.
02:35:16.300 | - Oh, I've met them.
02:35:17.740 | You're welcome to Washington.
02:35:18.940 | (both laughing)
02:35:20.460 | - But like, I think that I would be able to detect.
02:35:23.340 | - I don't think so. - No.
02:35:25.820 | - These people are good.
02:35:27.380 | - Well, my question is-- - I've seen it.
02:35:29.660 | - Well, so there's difference.
02:35:30.860 | There's two-faced, like,
02:35:32.300 | there's different levels of two-faced.
02:35:35.940 | What I mean is to be killing people,
02:35:39.380 | and it's like "House of Cards" style, right?
02:35:43.340 | And still present a front like you're not killing people.
02:35:49.060 | I don't know if, I guess it's possible,
02:35:52.100 | but I just don't see that scale.
02:35:54.940 | Like, there's a lot of people like that,
02:35:56.620 | and I don't, I have trouble imagining
02:35:58.980 | some, you know, that's such a compelling narrative
02:36:04.260 | that people like to say.
02:36:06.180 | Like, people, that's the conspiratorial mindset.
02:36:09.820 | I think that skepticism is really powerful
02:36:11.700 | and important to have because it's true.
02:36:14.020 | A lot of powerful people abuse their power,
02:36:15.920 | but saying that about,
02:36:18.000 | I feel like people over-assume that.
02:36:21.900 | It's like, I see that with use of steroids,
02:36:24.260 | often in sports.
02:36:25.580 | People seem to make that claim
02:36:28.040 | about, like, everybody who's successful.
02:36:30.700 | And I wanna be very, I don't know,
02:36:32.360 | something about me wants to be cautious
02:36:33.980 | 'cause I wanna give people a chance.
02:36:37.900 | - Being purely cynical isn't helpful.
02:36:39.500 | People say this about me.
02:36:40.340 | "He's only saying this to do this."
02:36:42.100 | - Yeah, but at the same time,
02:36:43.340 | being naively optimistic about everything
02:36:45.180 | is also kind of pedophilic
02:36:46.780 | 'cause people are gonna fuck you over.
02:36:49.140 | And more importantly, that doesn't bother me.
02:36:51.980 | More importantly, you're not gonna be able to reason
02:36:53.680 | about how to create systems that are going to be robust
02:36:56.260 | to corruption, to malevolent, like, parties.
02:37:01.260 | So in order to create,
02:37:04.220 | you have to have a healthy balance of both, I suppose,
02:37:07.500 | especially if you wanna actually engineer things
02:37:09.580 | that work in this world that has evil in it.
02:37:13.180 | I can't believe there's a book of Hitler on the desk.
02:37:15.780 | (Lex laughing)
02:37:17.340 | - We've mentioned a lot of books
02:37:18.660 | throughout this conversation.
02:37:20.460 | I wonder, and this makes me really curious
02:37:23.380 | to explore in a lot of depth
02:37:27.460 | the kind of books that you're interested in.
02:37:30.300 | I think you mentioned in your show
02:37:31.940 | that you provide recommendations.
02:37:35.780 | - Yes, I do.
02:37:37.220 | - In the form of spoken word,
02:37:39.440 | can you beyond what we've already recommended,
02:37:42.220 | mention books, whether it is historical, nonfiction,
02:37:47.220 | or whether it's more like philosophical or even fiction
02:37:50.460 | that had a big impact on your life?
02:37:52.540 | Is there a few that you can mention?
02:37:53.820 | - Sure, I already talked about the Johnson books,
02:37:55.740 | so I'll leave that alone.
02:37:56.820 | Robert A. Caro, he's still alive, thank God.
02:37:59.540 | He's finishing the last book.
02:38:01.540 | I hope he makes it.
02:38:03.000 | So those Johnson books.
02:38:05.380 | Second--
02:38:06.340 | - Can I ask you a question about those books?
02:38:07.780 | - Yes.
02:38:08.620 | - What the hell do you fit into so many pages?
02:38:11.020 | - Everything, man.
02:38:11.860 | (laughing)
02:38:12.940 | Let me tell you this.
02:38:13.780 | So I'll just give an anecdote.
02:38:14.900 | This is why I love these books.
02:38:16.540 | The beginning, the first book is about Lyndon Johnson.
02:38:19.540 | His life to when he gets elected to Congress.
02:38:22.820 | The book begins with a history of Texas
02:38:26.300 | and its weather patterns,
02:38:27.760 | and then of his great, great grandfather moving to Texas.
02:38:32.740 | Then the story of that,
02:38:34.500 | about 100 or so pages in, you get to Lyndon Johnson.
02:38:37.260 | (laughing)
02:38:38.260 | That's how you do it.
02:38:39.980 | - Okay, so it's like a Tolstoy-style retelling.
02:38:42.900 | - This is the thing.
02:38:43.720 | It's not a biography, it's a story of the times.
02:38:45.860 | That's a great biography.
02:38:47.460 | So another one, this isn't part of my list, so don't.
02:38:50.380 | (laughing)
02:38:52.020 | Is Grant-- - All right, off the record.
02:38:53.540 | - Ron Chernow.
02:38:54.820 | Ron Chernow's Grant.
02:38:56.060 | It's 1,000 pages.
02:38:57.500 | And the reason I tell everybody to read it
02:38:59.060 | is it's not just the story of Grant,
02:39:01.540 | it is the story of pre-Civil War America,
02:39:04.380 | the Mexican-American War, the Civil War,
02:39:07.460 | and Reconstruction all told in the life of one person
02:39:10.840 | who was involved in all three.
02:39:12.540 | Most people don't know anything
02:39:13.380 | about the Mexican-American War.
02:39:14.460 | It's fascinating.
02:39:15.820 | Most people don't know anything about Reconstruction.
02:39:18.120 | Now more so, because people are talking, it's a hot topic now.
02:39:21.120 | I've been reading about it for years.
02:39:22.820 | That is another thing people need to learn a lot more about.
02:39:26.260 | In terms of non-history books,
02:39:28.760 | the book that probably had the most impact on me,
02:39:31.820 | which is also historical nonfiction,
02:39:34.860 | is I am obsessed with Antarctic exploration.
02:39:39.860 | And it all began with a book
02:39:43.420 | called "Shackleton's Incredible Journey,"
02:39:45.900 | which is the collection of diaries
02:39:48.740 | of everybody who was on Shackleton's journey.
02:39:51.180 | For those who don't know,
02:39:52.900 | Shackleton was the last explorer
02:39:56.740 | of the heroic age of Antarctic exploration.
02:39:59.780 | He led a ship called the Endurance,
02:40:03.060 | which froze in the ice off the coast of Antarctica in 1914.
02:40:08.060 | And they didn't have radios over the last exploration,
02:40:13.740 | the last one without the age of radio.
02:40:16.100 | And he happens to freeze in the ice.
02:40:18.580 | And then the ship collapses after a year,
02:40:21.980 | frozen in the ice.
02:40:23.180 | And this man leads his entire crew from that ship
02:40:28.180 | onto the ice with a team of dogs,
02:40:31.140 | survives out on the ice for another year
02:40:34.460 | with three little lifeboats,
02:40:36.380 | and is able to get all of his men,
02:40:38.820 | every single one of them alive,
02:40:40.720 | to an island hundreds of miles away called Elephant Island.
02:40:44.920 | And when they got there,
02:40:46.340 | he had to leave everybody behind except for six people.
02:40:50.420 | And him and two other guys, I'm forgetting their names,
02:40:54.680 | navigated by the stars 800 miles through the Drake Passage
02:41:00.060 | with seas of hundreds of feet to Prince,
02:41:03.580 | I think it's called Prince George's Island.
02:41:05.700 | And then when they got to Prince George's Island,
02:41:08.580 | they landed on the wrong side
02:41:10.380 | and they had to hike from one side to the other
02:41:14.100 | to go and meet the whalers.
02:41:15.700 | And every single one of those things
02:41:17.540 | was supposed to be impossible.
02:41:18.940 | Nobody was ever supposed to hike that island.
02:41:21.820 | It wasn't done again until like the 1980s
02:41:24.260 | with professional equipment.
02:41:25.860 | He did it after two years of starvation.
02:41:28.220 | Nobody was ever supposed to make it
02:41:30.740 | from Elephant Island to Prince George.
02:41:33.460 | The guy, they had to hold him steady, his legs,
02:41:36.440 | so that he could chart the stars.
02:41:38.380 | And if they miss this island,
02:41:40.040 | they're into open sea, they're dead.
02:41:42.780 | And then before that,
02:41:44.220 | how do you survive for a year on the ice?
02:41:46.380 | On seals.
02:41:47.580 | And before that, he kept his crew from depression,
02:41:51.700 | frozen one year in the ice.
02:41:53.700 | It's just an amazing story.
02:41:55.660 | And it made me obsessed with Antarctic exploration.
02:41:58.460 | So I've read like 15 books on.
02:42:00.020 | - What the hell is it about the human spirit?
02:42:02.700 | - That's the thing about Antarctica
02:42:03.780 | is it brings it out of you.
02:42:05.260 | So for example, I read another one
02:42:06.580 | recently called "Mawson's Will."
02:42:08.940 | Douglas Mawson, he was an Australian.
02:42:10.780 | He was on one of the first Robert Frost expeditions.
02:42:15.140 | He leads an expedition down to the South.
02:42:17.420 | Him and a partner, they're leading explorations,
02:42:21.700 | 1908, something like that.
02:42:23.460 | They're going around Antarctica with dog teams.
02:42:27.500 | And one of the, what happens is they keep going over
02:42:31.060 | these snow bridges where there's a crevice,
02:42:33.220 | but it's covered in snow.
02:42:34.660 | And so one of the lead driver,
02:42:38.460 | the dogs go over and they plummet.
02:42:40.980 | And that sled takes with it.
02:42:43.300 | So the guy survives, but that sled takes all their food,
02:42:47.460 | half the dogs, their stove, the camping tent,
02:42:52.900 | the tent specifically designed for the snow, everything.
02:42:56.180 | And they're hundreds of miles away from base camp.
02:42:59.860 | He and this guy have to make it back there
02:43:02.740 | in time before the ship comes to come get them
02:43:05.780 | on an agreed upon date.
02:43:07.740 | And he makes it, but the guy he was with, he dies.
02:43:11.180 | And it's a crazy story.
02:43:12.020 | First of all, they have to eat the dogs.
02:43:14.300 | A really creepy part of Antarctic exploration
02:43:16.380 | is everyone ends up eating dogs at different points.
02:43:20.220 | And part of the theory, which is so crazy,
02:43:22.940 | is that the guy he was with was dying
02:43:25.980 | because they were eating dog liver.
02:43:28.980 | And dog liver has a lot of vitamin E,
02:43:31.300 | which if you eat too much of it
02:43:32.980 | can give you like a poisoning.
02:43:34.740 | And so Mawson, by trying to help his friend,
02:43:38.180 | was giving him more liver.
02:43:39.300 | - Of all the things that kills you.
02:43:40.900 | - I know, it's dog liver.
02:43:42.500 | And so his friend ends up dying,
02:43:44.340 | have a horrific heart attack, all of that.
02:43:46.340 | Mawson crawls back hundreds of miles away,
02:43:49.700 | makes it back to base camp hours after the ship leaves.
02:43:54.180 | And two guys or a couple of guys stayed behind for him.
02:43:57.940 | And he basically has to recuperate
02:43:59.420 | for like six months before he can even walk again.
02:44:02.620 | But it's like you were saying about the human spirit.
02:44:04.180 | It's like Antarctica brings that out of people.
02:44:07.500 | Or Amundsen, the guy who made it to the South Pole,
02:44:10.500 | Robert Amundsen, oh my God.
02:44:12.780 | Like this guy trained his whole life in the ice
02:44:16.780 | from Norway to make it to the South Pole.
02:44:20.140 | And he beat Robert Frost,
02:44:21.660 | the British guy with all this money and all these.
02:44:24.700 | I could go on this forever.
02:44:26.060 | I'm obsessed with it.
02:44:27.340 | - Well, first of all, I'm gonna take this part
02:44:30.180 | of the podcast, I'm gonna set it to music,
02:44:33.020 | I'm gonna listen to it,
02:44:33.860 | 'cause I've been whining and bitching
02:44:35.620 | about running 48 miles with Goggins this next weekend.
02:44:39.260 | And this is gonna be so easy.
02:44:41.420 | I'm just gonna listen to this over and over in my head.
02:44:43.660 | You're gonna be cool.
02:44:44.500 | - Elon's obsessed with Shackleton.
02:44:45.820 | He talks about him all the time.
02:44:46.660 | - He uses, I was gonna ask him about that.
02:44:48.860 | He uses an example of,
02:44:51.100 | that as an example of what Mars colonization would be like.
02:44:56.940 | - He's right.
02:44:58.540 | No, Antarctica is as close to, you can simulate that.
02:45:02.220 | Antarctica's as close to what you could simulate
02:45:05.580 | what it would get.
02:45:06.420 | That Nat Geo series on Mars,
02:45:08.960 | I'm not sure if you watched it, it's incredible.
02:45:10.780 | Elon's actually in it.
02:45:11.980 | And it's like, they get there, everything goes wrong,
02:45:15.820 | somebody dies, it's horrible, they can't find any water,
02:45:20.540 | it's not working.
02:45:21.780 | - So what is it?
02:45:22.620 | Is it simulating the experience
02:45:23.980 | of what it'd be like to colonize?
02:45:25.220 | - So it's like a docu-series where the fictionalized part
02:45:28.940 | is the astronauts on Mars,
02:45:32.100 | but then they're interviewing people like Elon Musk
02:45:34.580 | and others who are the ones who paved the way
02:45:37.340 | to get to Mars.
02:45:38.780 | So it's a really interesting concept.
02:45:40.380 | I think it's on Netflix.
02:45:41.900 | And yeah, I agree with him 100%,
02:45:44.220 | which is that the first guys to make,
02:45:46.300 | like for example, Robert Frost, who went to Australia,
02:45:50.140 | sorry, to Antarctica, the British explorer
02:45:54.220 | who was beaten to the South Pole three weeks
02:45:56.220 | by Robert Amundsen, he died on the way back.
02:45:59.260 | And the reason why is 'cause he wasn't well-prepared,
02:46:01.460 | he was arrogant, he didn't have the proper amounts
02:46:05.260 | of supplies, his team had terrible morale.
02:46:08.460 | Antarctica was a brutal place.
02:46:09.940 | If you fuck up one time, you die.
02:46:12.260 | And it's like, and this is what you read a lot about,
02:46:14.780 | which is the reason why such heroic characters
02:46:17.220 | like Shackleton Shine is a lot of people died.
02:46:20.820 | Like there were some people who got frozen in the ice.
02:46:23.660 | I mean, man, this again also came to the North exploration.
02:46:28.020 | So I read a lot about like the exploration
02:46:29.700 | of the North Pole.
02:46:31.060 | And same thing, these unextraordinary men take people
02:46:35.900 | out into the ice and get frozen out there for years
02:46:38.780 | and shit goes so bad.
02:46:40.660 | They end up eating each other, they all die.
02:46:43.700 | There's a famous, I'm forgetting his name,
02:46:45.740 | the British Franklin Expedition,
02:46:47.580 | where they went searching for them for like 20 years.
02:46:50.860 | And they eventually came across a group of Inuit
02:46:52.900 | who were like, oh yeah, we saw some weird white men here
02:46:55.340 | like 15 years ago.
02:46:56.860 | And they find their bones and there's like saw marks
02:46:59.020 | which show that they were eating each other.
02:47:01.020 | - So history remembers the ones who didn't eat each other.
02:47:03.700 | - Yeah, well, yeah, we remember the ones who made it,
02:47:06.820 | but there are--
02:47:09.420 | - And that would be the story of Mars as well.
02:47:11.100 | - That will be the story of Mars.
02:47:12.300 | - But, and nevertheless, that's the interesting thing
02:47:14.500 | about Antarctica, nevertheless, something about human nature
02:47:19.500 | drives us to explore it.
02:47:22.100 | And that seems to be like, a lot of people have this kind
02:47:25.300 | of, to me, frustrating conversations like,
02:47:28.460 | well, Earth is great, man.
02:47:31.520 | Why do we need to colonize Mars?
02:47:33.140 | - You just don't get it.
02:47:34.660 | - I don't know, I mean, I don't know.
02:47:36.220 | It's the same people that say like, why are you running?
02:47:39.220 | Like, why are you running a marathon?
02:47:41.620 | What are you running from, man?
02:47:43.980 | I don't know, it's pushing the limits of the human mind,
02:47:48.580 | of what's possible.
02:47:51.300 | - It's George Mallory because it's there.
02:47:54.180 | - Yeah. - It's simple.
02:47:55.980 | - And that somehow actually, the result of that,
02:47:58.380 | if you wanna be pragmatic about it,
02:48:01.900 | there's something about pushing that limit
02:48:04.240 | that has side effects that you don't expect
02:48:06.420 | that will create a better world back home
02:48:08.780 | for the people, not necessarily on Earth,
02:48:11.020 | but just in general, it raises the quality of life
02:48:15.300 | for everybody, even though the initial endeavor
02:48:18.220 | doesn't make any sense.
02:48:19.900 | The very fact of pushing the limits of what's possible
02:48:24.820 | then has side effects of benefiting everybody.
02:48:28.740 | And it's difficult to predict ahead of time
02:48:32.100 | what those benefits will be.
02:48:33.540 | Say with colonizing Mars, it's unclear what the benefits
02:48:36.780 | will be for Earth or in general.
02:48:38.620 | - Well, what did we get from the moon?
02:48:41.260 | What did we get from Apollo, right?
02:48:43.500 | Technically, and there were a lot of socialists
02:48:45.500 | at the time making this argument.
02:48:46.660 | They're like, "All this money going."
02:48:48.780 | You know what?
02:48:49.600 | We went to the fucking moon in 1969.
02:48:52.820 | That was amazing.
02:48:53.940 | The greatest feat in human history, period.
02:48:58.020 | What did we learn from it?
02:48:59.340 | We learned about interstellar or interplanetary travel.
02:49:04.100 | We learned that we could do something
02:49:06.580 | off of a device less powerful than the computer
02:49:09.800 | in my pocket.
02:49:10.900 | Like the amount of potential locked within my pocket
02:49:15.540 | and your pocket.
02:49:16.940 | I mean, if you were to define my politics in one way,
02:49:19.420 | it's greatness, like a quest for national greatness.
02:49:23.600 | There is no greatness without fulfilling
02:49:26.500 | the ultimate calling of the human spirit, which is more.
02:49:30.260 | It's not enough, and why should it be?
02:49:32.540 | It wasn't enough.
02:49:34.540 | Our ancestors could have been content to sit,
02:49:38.380 | well, actually, many of them were content to sit
02:49:41.240 | and say, "These berries will be here for a long time."
02:49:43.460 | And they got eaten and they died.
02:49:44.980 | And it's the ones who got out and went to the next place
02:49:48.700 | and the next place and went across the Siberian land bridge
02:49:51.780 | and went across more and just did extraordinary things.
02:49:55.460 | The craziest ones, we are their offspring
02:49:58.220 | and we fail them if we don't go into space.
02:50:01.440 | That's how I would put it.
02:50:04.000 | - You should run for president.
02:50:05.100 | (laughing)
02:50:06.300 | - I'm just pro space, man.
02:50:07.540 | I love space.
02:50:08.580 | - No, you're pro doing difficult things
02:50:10.780 | and pushing, exploring the world in all of its forms.
02:50:14.860 | I hope that kind of spirit permeates politics too.
02:50:18.800 | That same kind of-
02:50:20.420 | - Can, can.
02:50:22.040 | - Well, it can, and I hope so.
02:50:24.780 | I don't know if you want to stay on it,
02:50:25.980 | but I think that was book number one or two.
02:50:28.140 | - Oh, shit, yeah.
02:50:28.980 | Okay, all right, all right.
02:50:30.620 | - Is there something-
02:50:31.460 | - Well, this one is a second,
02:50:32.280 | actually is a corollary to that, which is "Sapiens."
02:50:34.280 | And I know that's a very normal, normie answer.
02:50:37.640 | One of the best-selling book.
02:50:38.600 | I think there's a reason for that.
02:50:39.960 | "Yuval Noah Harari."
02:50:41.600 | Oh, cool.
02:50:42.440 | Okay, look, yes, he didn't do any new research.
02:50:44.660 | I get that.
02:50:45.500 | All he did was aggregate.
02:50:46.540 | I'm sure he's very controversial in the scientific community,
02:50:49.060 | but guess what?
02:50:49.900 | He wrote a great book.
02:50:50.720 | It's a very easy to read general explanation
02:50:55.720 | of the rise of human history.
02:50:58.160 | And it helps challenge a lot of preconceptions.
02:51:00.600 | Are we special?
02:51:01.600 | Are we an accident?
02:51:02.640 | Are we more like a parasite?
02:51:04.200 | Are we not?
02:51:05.160 | What, is there a destiny to all of us?
02:51:08.000 | I don't know.
02:51:09.240 | If anything, it's like what I just described,
02:51:11.000 | which is more.
02:51:12.000 | Move, move out.
02:51:14.140 | The evolution of money.
02:51:15.520 | Like, I know he gets a lot of hate,
02:51:17.780 | but I think that he writes it so clearly and well
02:51:21.220 | that for your average person to be able to read that,
02:51:23.560 | you will come away with a more clear understanding
02:51:26.200 | of the human race than before.
02:51:28.880 | And I think that that's why it's worth it.
02:51:30.720 | I agree with you 100%.
02:51:32.840 | I'm ashamed to, I usually don't bring up "Sapiens"
02:51:35.560 | because it's like-
02:51:36.520 | - Yeah, it's like everybody's uncle has read it,
02:51:38.760 | but that's a good thing, actually.
02:51:41.040 | - It is one of the, I think it'll be remembered
02:51:43.320 | as one of the great books of this particular era.
02:51:46.440 | Yeah, because it's so clearly,
02:51:48.480 | it's like the selfish gene with Dawkins.
02:51:50.760 | I mean, it just aggregates so many ideas together
02:51:53.440 | and puts language to it
02:51:54.800 | that makes it very useful to talk about.
02:51:57.260 | So it is one of the great books.
02:51:59.320 | - 100%.
02:52:00.880 | Another one is definitely "Born to Run"
02:52:03.460 | for the same reason by Christopher McDougall,
02:52:05.940 | which is that-
02:52:06.780 | - I'm just gonna listen to this whole podcast next week.
02:52:09.040 | - You have to.
02:52:09.880 | You should, because you are inheriting our most basic skill,
02:52:14.880 | which is running and re-imagining human history
02:52:19.120 | or re-imagining what we were as opposed to what we are
02:52:24.120 | is very useful because it helps you understand
02:52:27.740 | how to tap into primal aspects of your brain,
02:52:31.040 | which just drive you.
02:52:32.700 | And the reason I love McDougall's writing
02:52:34.920 | is because I love anybody who writes like this,
02:52:37.160 | Malcolm Gladwell, who else?
02:52:39.640 | Michael Lewis, people who find characters
02:52:42.600 | to tell a bigger story.
02:52:43.680 | Michael Lewis finds characters
02:52:45.360 | to tell us the story of the financial crisis.
02:52:48.120 | You know, Malcolm Gladwell writes,
02:52:49.640 | finds characters to tell us the story
02:52:51.160 | of learning new skills and outliers
02:52:53.080 | and whatever his latest book is, I forget what it's called.
02:52:56.640 | And, but McDougall tells the vignettes
02:53:00.160 | and a tiny story of a single person
02:53:02.560 | in the history of running
02:53:04.700 | and like how it's baked into your DNA.
02:53:07.760 | And I think there was just something very useful
02:53:10.560 | to that for me for being like,
02:53:11.760 | I don't need to go to the gym or like,
02:53:13.640 | I'm not saying you should still go to the gym.
02:53:15.420 | I'll be clear.
02:53:16.260 | I'm saying like, in order to fulfill like who you are,
02:53:19.840 | you can actually tap into something that's the most basic.
02:53:23.680 | I don't know if, I'm sure you've listened
02:53:24.920 | to the David Cho episode with Joe Rogan.
02:53:27.160 | - Can you remind me?
02:53:29.160 | Oh, where he's the animal?
02:53:30.400 | - Yeah, right, with the baboon.
02:53:32.000 | When he goes hunting.
02:53:32.840 | And there's something to that, man.
02:53:33.960 | There's something to that,
02:53:34.800 | where it's just like,
02:53:36.040 | they are living the way that we were supposed to.
02:53:39.560 | We're not supposed, well,
02:53:40.600 | I don't wanna put a normative judgment on it.
02:53:42.240 | They're living the way that we used to.
02:53:45.280 | There's something very- - It feels more honest
02:53:46.520 | somehow to our true nature.
02:53:48.800 | - There's a guy I follow on Instagram.
02:53:50.480 | I've come from, Paul Saladino, carnivore MD.
02:53:53.840 | He just went over there to the Hadza to live with them.
02:53:57.320 | And I was watching his stuff, just like,
02:53:59.480 | I was like, man, there's something in you that wants to go.
02:54:03.560 | I'm like, I wanna do that.
02:54:05.160 | I wouldn't be very good at it, but like, I want to.
02:54:07.560 | - I'm so glad that somebody
02:54:09.280 | that thinks deeply about politics
02:54:11.040 | is so fascinated with exploration
02:54:13.000 | and with the very basic nature,
02:54:17.840 | like human nature, nature of our existence.
02:54:20.240 | I love that.
02:54:21.600 | There's something in you.
02:54:23.160 | - And still you're stuck in DC.
02:54:25.160 | - For now, for now.
02:54:26.760 | - Speaking of which, you are from Texas.
02:54:31.480 | - Yes.
02:54:32.640 | - What do you make of the future of Texas politically,
02:54:35.960 | culturally, economically?
02:54:39.640 | I am in part moving, well, I'm moving to Austin.
02:54:43.600 | - Congrats.
02:54:44.440 | - But I'm also doing the Eric Weinstein advice,
02:54:46.920 | which is like, dude, you're not married,
02:54:49.440 | you don't have kids. - Blood everywhere.
02:54:51.080 | - There's no such thing as moving.
02:54:52.960 | What are you moving?
02:54:54.600 | You're like, you're three suits
02:54:58.440 | and some shirts and underwear.
02:54:59.960 | What exactly is the move entail?
02:55:02.720 | So I have nothing.
02:55:03.640 | So I'm basically, it's very just remain mobile,
02:55:08.000 | but there's a promise, there's a hope to Austin.
02:55:12.600 | Outside of, I mean, my, outside of just like friendships,
02:55:17.280 | I have no, it's a very different culture
02:55:19.000 | that Joe Rogan is creating.
02:55:20.200 | I'm mostly interested in the,
02:55:22.640 | what the next Silicon Valley will be,
02:55:24.520 | what the next hub of technological innovation,
02:55:28.480 | and there's a promise, maybe a dream,
02:55:32.040 | for Austin being that next place.
02:55:34.440 | - It's very possible.
02:55:35.400 | - Doesn't have the baggage of some of the political things,
02:55:40.400 | maybe some of the sort of things that hold back
02:55:46.080 | the beauty of, that makes capitalism,
02:55:49.720 | that makes innovation so powerful,
02:55:51.760 | which is like a meritocracy, which is excellence.
02:55:55.520 | Diversity is exceptionally important,
02:55:57.400 | but not, it should not be the only priority.
02:56:01.680 | It has to be something that coexists
02:56:05.840 | with a insatiable drive towards excellence.
02:56:10.280 | And it seems like Texas is a nice place.
02:56:13.560 | Like having Austin, which is like a kind of this weird,
02:56:18.560 | I hope it stays weird, man.
02:56:20.520 | I love weird people.
02:56:21.360 | - I don't know about that, but we can get into it.
02:56:24.360 | - But it's, there's this hope is,
02:56:29.080 | it remains this weird place of brilliant innovation
02:56:32.760 | amidst a state that's like more conservative.
02:56:36.400 | So like there's a nice balance of everything.
02:56:38.400 | What are your thoughts about the future of Texas?
02:56:40.400 | - I think it's so fascinating to me
02:56:43.160 | because I never thought I would want to move back,
02:56:46.880 | but now I'm beginning to be convinced.
02:56:50.520 | So I'm- - You hear that, Joe?
02:56:52.040 | I'm gonna send you this clip.
02:56:53.680 | - I am, I'm being honest,
02:56:55.220 | and many Texans will hate me for this.
02:56:56.720 | Texas was not a place that was kind to me, quote unquote.
02:57:00.520 | And this is because of my own parent.
02:57:04.120 | Like I was raised in College Station, Texas,
02:57:06.960 | which is a town of 50,000.
02:57:08.760 | It's a university town.
02:57:10.360 | It exists only for the university.
02:57:13.040 | So it was a very, I did not get the full Texas experience.
02:57:16.320 | It's purely speaking from a College Station experience.
02:57:19.240 | But growing up, first generation,
02:57:23.640 | or I forget what it is, whatever.
02:57:25.280 | I'm the first American,
02:57:26.180 | I was born and raised in College Station.
02:57:27.880 | My parents are from India.
02:57:29.160 | Being raised in a town where the dominant culture
02:57:34.820 | was predominantly like white evangelical Christian was hard.
02:57:38.840 | Like it was just difficult.
02:57:40.520 | And I think of it, in the beginning,
02:57:45.160 | I would say like ages like zero to like eight,
02:57:48.240 | it was like cultural ignorance,
02:57:50.520 | as in like they just don't know how to interact with you.
02:57:53.480 | And there was a level of,
02:57:55.600 | always there was like the evangelical kind of antipathy
02:57:58.560 | towards like you being not Christian.
02:58:01.120 | You know, my parents are Hindu,
02:58:02.200 | like that's how I was raised.
02:58:03.840 | And so like there was that.
02:58:05.880 | But 9/11 was very difficult.
02:58:08.200 | Like 9/11 happened when I was in third or fourth grade.
02:58:13.000 | And that changed everything, man.
02:58:15.000 | Like, I mean, our temple had to like print out t-shirts.
02:58:18.400 | And I'm not saying this is a sob story, to be clear.
02:58:20.400 | I've still actually largely for my adult life
02:58:22.960 | identified on the political right.
02:58:24.160 | So don't take this as some like, you know, race manifesto.
02:58:27.080 | I'm just telling it like this is what happened.
02:58:29.160 | Which is that, like we had,
02:58:32.480 | it was just hard to be brown, frankly.
02:58:35.300 | And to have some of the fallout from 9/11 and during Iraq.
02:58:40.300 | And the reason I am political is because I realize
02:58:45.520 | in myself I have a strong rebellious nature
02:58:49.640 | against systems and structures of power.
02:58:52.960 | And the first people I ever rebelled against
02:58:55.680 | were all the people telling me to shut up
02:58:58.840 | and not question the Iraq War.
02:59:00.640 | So the reason I am in politics
02:59:02.640 | is because I hated George W. Bush with a passion
02:59:07.300 | and I hated the war.
02:59:08.820 | And I was so, again, my entire background
02:59:10.920 | is largely in national security for this reason,
02:59:12.680 | which is I was obsessed with the idea
02:59:15.360 | of like how do we get people who are not gonna get us
02:59:18.300 | into these quagmire situations in positions of power.
02:59:21.340 | That's how I became fascinated by power in the first place
02:59:24.180 | was all a question of how do this happen?
02:59:27.780 | Like how did this catastrophe happen?
02:59:30.420 | I realized it's not as bad as like, you know,
02:59:32.260 | the previous conflicts, but this one was mine.
02:59:34.500 | And to see how it changed our domestic politics forever.
02:59:38.080 | And so that was my rebellion.
02:59:40.760 | But it's funny 'cause I identified as a left,
02:59:43.000 | on the left when I was growing up, up until I was 18.
02:59:46.520 | I had also a funny two-year stint.
02:59:48.720 | This is where everything kind of changed for me.
02:59:50.240 | When I was 16, actually, I moved to Qatar, to Doha, Qatar.
02:59:53.760 | 'Cause my dad was the dean or associate dean
02:59:57.400 | of Texas A&M University at Doha.
03:00:00.160 | So my last two years of high school were at this.
03:00:02.160 | I went from this small town in Texas.
03:00:04.160 | And I love my parents because they could recognize
03:00:07.440 | that I had within me that I was not a small town kid.
03:00:10.160 | So they took me out of this country every chance they got.
03:00:13.320 | I traveled everywhere and constantly let me go.
03:00:16.440 | And so I went from school in College Station
03:00:20.120 | to like this ritzy private school, American school.
03:00:24.400 | Best thing that ever happened to me
03:00:26.160 | because first of all, it got me out of College Station.
03:00:29.560 | Second, at that time, I had this annoying streak of,
03:00:34.320 | I wouldn't call it being anti-America,
03:00:36.440 | but you don't appreciate America.
03:00:38.680 | Let me tell everybody out there listening,
03:00:40.400 | leave for a while.
03:00:41.720 | You will miss it so much.
03:00:44.960 | You do not know what it is like
03:00:47.760 | to not have freedom of speech until you don't have it.
03:00:50.960 | And I was going to high school with these guys
03:00:55.960 | in the Qatari royal family.
03:00:58.000 | And all I wanted to do was speak out
03:00:59.960 | of how they were pieces of shit
03:01:01.440 | for the way that they treated Indian citizens
03:01:03.800 | in that country who are basically used as slave labor.
03:01:06.960 | And I could not say one word
03:01:08.800 | because I knew I would be deported.
03:01:10.520 | And I know my dad would lose his job
03:01:12.520 | and my mom would lose her job.
03:01:14.040 | And we would be forced out of the country.
03:01:15.960 | You don't know what it's like to live like that
03:01:17.680 | or to be in a society where like,
03:01:20.280 | you have like a high school girlfriend or something
03:01:22.480 | and you can't even touch in public
03:01:25.120 | or you're lectured for public decency.
03:01:27.640 | Like, listen, I've lived under a Gulf monarchy now.
03:01:31.160 | And that turned me into the most pro-America guy ever.
03:01:36.160 | Like I came back so like America, like pro.
03:01:40.800 | And I still am, frankly, because of that experience.
03:01:43.760 | Living abroad, like that will do it to you.
03:01:46.240 | Live in a non-democracy.
03:01:48.400 | You have, even in Europe, I would say,
03:01:51.600 | you guys aren't living as free as we are here.
03:01:53.240 | It's awesome and I love it.
03:01:55.160 | - You're ultimately another human being
03:01:56.680 | than the one who left Texas.
03:01:58.440 | - Yeah.
03:01:59.280 | - So, I mean, have you actually considered
03:02:02.040 | moving to Texas and broadly,
03:02:03.800 | just outside of your own story,
03:02:05.720 | what do you think is the future of Texas?
03:02:07.440 | What is the future of Austin?
03:02:09.000 | There's so much transformation seemingly happening now
03:02:12.920 | related to Silicon Valley, related to California.
03:02:15.480 | - That's the fascinating part to me,
03:02:16.300 | which is that since I left, it's changed dramatically,
03:02:19.000 | which is that it used to be like this conservative state
03:02:22.880 | where the main money to be made was oil
03:02:25.720 | and everybody knew that.
03:02:26.720 | Petro, it was a Petro state, Houston, all of that.
03:02:30.440 | Austin was always weird, but it was more of a music town
03:02:33.240 | and a university town.
03:02:34.280 | It was not a tech town.
03:02:35.760 | But in the 10 years or so since I left,
03:02:39.200 | I have begun to realize, I'm like,
03:02:40.920 | well, the Texas I grew up in is over.
03:02:43.240 | It is not a deep red state in any sense of the term.
03:02:48.240 | The number one U-Haul route in the country pre-pandemic
03:02:51.840 | already was San Francisco to Austin, okay?
03:02:54.520 | So you have this massive influx of people
03:02:57.560 | from California and New York,
03:03:00.160 | and the state, the composition of it
03:03:03.080 | is changed dramatically, the intra-composition
03:03:06.280 | and the outtra, or yeah.
03:03:08.080 | So the intra-composition, it's become way more urban.
03:03:10.520 | So when I grew up, Texas was a much more rural state.
03:03:13.580 | Its politics were much more static.
03:03:15.480 | It looked much more like Rick Perry.
03:03:18.320 | He was a very accurate representation of who we were.
03:03:22.640 | Now, I don't think that that's the case.
03:03:25.400 | Texas is now a dynamic economy,
03:03:28.160 | not just 100% reliant on oil
03:03:30.960 | because of its kind of like,
03:03:32.680 | I would call it like regulatory arbitrage
03:03:35.760 | relative to California and New York,
03:03:38.080 | offers a large incentive to people who are more,
03:03:41.560 | I wouldn't say culturally liberal,
03:03:43.040 | but they're not necessarily like culturally conservative,
03:03:45.400 | like the people who I grew up with.
03:03:47.160 | That's changed the whole state's politics.
03:03:49.200 | Beto came two points away from beating Ted Cruz.
03:03:51.920 | I'm not saying the state's gonna go blue.
03:03:53.480 | I think the Republican Party will just change
03:03:55.480 | and we'll have to readjust.
03:03:57.080 | But the re-urbanization of Texas has made it,
03:04:01.640 | I'll put it in this way,
03:04:03.200 | much more attractive to me than the place that I grew up.
03:04:08.200 | - And then from my perspective, well, first of all,
03:04:11.920 | I love some of the cowboy things that Texas stands for,
03:04:16.640 | but for more practically, from my perspective,
03:04:18.700 | the injection of the tech innovation
03:04:23.120 | that's moving to Texas has made it very exciting to me.
03:04:27.820 | It seems like outside of all that,
03:04:29.740 | maybe you can speak to the weird in Austin.
03:04:32.020 | It seems like, I know that Joe Rogan is a rich,
03:04:37.020 | sort of almost like mainstream at this point,
03:04:42.940 | but he's also attracting a lot of weirdos.
03:04:45.240 | And so is Elon.
03:04:46.800 | And a lot of those weirdos are my friends.
03:04:48.700 | And they're like Michael Malice, those weirdos.
03:04:52.540 | And it's like, I have a hope for Austin
03:04:55.800 | that all kinds of different flavors of weirdos
03:04:57.860 | will get injected.
03:04:58.980 | - It's possible.
03:05:00.100 | I actually think the most significant thing that happened
03:05:02.860 | were Tesla moving there.
03:05:06.180 | The reason why is I love Joe, obviously,
03:05:08.340 | but he can only attract X amount of people.
03:05:11.260 | Elon actually employs thousands of people.
03:05:14.460 | And then you will also, Oracle.
03:05:17.000 | Oracle's decision to move to Austin is just as important
03:05:20.840 | because those two men, Larry, was Ellison, right?
03:05:25.440 | Ellison and Elon,
03:05:27.240 | they actually employ tens of thousands
03:05:30.040 | of people collectively.
03:05:31.320 | That can change the nature of the city.
03:05:33.720 | So you combine that with Joe bringing
03:05:36.600 | this entire new entertainment complex
03:05:39.080 | with the bodies of people who will appreciate
03:05:42.760 | said entertainment complex.
03:05:44.580 | - Spend money on the entertainment.
03:05:46.220 | - Exactly.
03:05:47.060 | You just remade the entire city.
03:05:48.820 | And that's why I'm fascinated.
03:05:50.900 | And obviously there's network effects,
03:05:52.260 | which is now that all those people are down there.
03:05:54.700 | I mean, if I were Elon Musk,
03:05:55.980 | I would donate a shit ton of money
03:05:57.460 | to the University of Texas.
03:05:58.620 | And I would turn it into my Stanford for Silicon Valley.
03:06:01.340 | Let's introduce some competition
03:06:03.180 | and let UT Austin hire the best software developers,
03:06:07.140 | engineers, professors, and more,
03:06:08.880 | and turn Texas into a true Austin revolving door hub
03:06:12.960 | where people come to UT Austin
03:06:14.800 | to get an internship at Tesla
03:06:16.560 | and then become an executive there
03:06:18.480 | and then create their own company
03:06:20.040 | in their own garage in Austin,
03:06:22.720 | which is the next Facebook, Twitter.
03:06:24.600 | That's how it happens.
03:06:25.760 | This is why I'm much more skeptical of Miami.
03:06:27.680 | There's a whole tech Miami crew.
03:06:29.440 | I'm like, yeah, there's no university.
03:06:32.280 | It's pretty inorganic.
03:06:34.080 | Look, I think Miami is awesome.
03:06:35.480 | I just, I don't know if the same building blocks are there.
03:06:38.520 | And also no multibillion dollar companies
03:06:42.100 | which employ thousands of people are coming there.
03:06:44.880 | That's the ingredient.
03:06:45.920 | It's not just Joe Rogan.
03:06:47.360 | It's not just even Elon Musk,
03:06:48.960 | if he's still operated in California.
03:06:50.680 | It's all the people he employs.
03:06:52.760 | I think that is where,
03:06:55.320 | I think Texas is going to dramatically change
03:06:57.920 | within the next 10 years.
03:06:59.440 | Alternative to our,
03:07:00.440 | it's already become a more urbanized state
03:07:03.320 | that's moved away from oil and gas
03:07:05.800 | in terms of like its emphasis,
03:07:07.480 | not necessarily in terms of his real economics.
03:07:09.880 | And 10 years from now,
03:07:11.160 | I don't think it will be necessarily the name prop
03:07:14.320 | like of the town.
03:07:16.400 | The only question to me is how that manifests politically
03:07:19.360 | because it's very possible though,
03:07:22.080 | because a lot of these workers themselves
03:07:24.200 | are California culturally liberal.
03:07:27.340 | You could see a Gavin Newsom type person
03:07:29.680 | getting elected governor of Texas
03:07:31.960 | or like the mayor of Austin.
03:07:34.400 | I mean, look, mayor of Austin is already a Democrat, right?
03:07:36.400 | Like, I mean, Joe has his own problems with Austin.
03:07:39.480 | It's funny, I remember him leaving LA and I'm like,
03:07:41.920 | "Oh, have you been to Austin?"
03:07:43.800 | (both laughing)
03:07:45.320 | It ain't, you know,
03:07:46.160 | it's not everything you'd cracked up to be,
03:07:48.240 | you know, necessarily.
03:07:49.240 | - But no matter what, you know,
03:07:50.800 | a new place allows the possibility for new ideas,
03:07:54.880 | even if they're somehow left leaning
03:07:57.160 | and all those kinds of things.
03:07:58.200 | I do think the only two things missing
03:08:00.320 | from Austin and Texas are two dudes in a suit
03:08:05.560 | that sometimes have a podcast
03:08:07.160 | talking a bunch of nonsense on a mic.
03:08:08.720 | So let's bring the best suit game to Texas.
03:08:11.680 | I hope you do make it to Texas at some point.
03:08:15.120 | Thanks so much for talking to me.
03:08:17.240 | Thanks for listening to this conversation
03:08:18.800 | with Sagar and Jetty.
03:08:20.040 | And thank you to our sponsors,
03:08:22.000 | Jordan Harbinger Show, Grammarly Grammar Assistant,
03:08:25.640 | Eight Sleep Self-Cooling Bed,
03:08:27.440 | and Magic Spoon Low Carb Cereal.
03:08:30.440 | Click the sponsor links to get a discount
03:08:32.440 | and to support this podcast.
03:08:34.880 | And now let me leave you with some words
03:08:36.920 | from Martin Luther King Jr.
03:08:38.880 | about the idea that what is just and what is legal
03:08:42.880 | are not always the same thing.
03:08:45.000 | He said, "Never forget that what Hitler did in Germany
03:08:49.320 | was legal."
03:08:50.320 | Thank you for listening and hope to see you next time.
03:08:54.160 | (upbeat music)
03:08:56.760 | (upbeat music)
03:08:59.360 | [BLANK_AUDIO]