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E5: WHO's incompetence, kicking off Cold War II, China's grand plan, 100X'ing American efficiency


0:0 Jason intros the group and catches some heat for his recent Twitter video & recent rounds of golf with David Sacks
8:0 Roundup controversy & the WHO's incompetence explained
18:58 Fixing the WHO, economic arms race with China
26:21 Kicking off Cold War II, 5G chips as the new oil, American manufacturing
37:34 Is the CCP targeting the US with their geographic & economic influence? China's grand plan, protecting Taiwan
46:18 Utilizing Central & South America to decrease reliance on Chinese manufacturing
51:16 Ideas to 100x America's efficiency, as if it were a startup, Jason tells his doxing story
73:29 Will school re-open in the Fall? Impact of decreased socialization on kids
83:35 Election update

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Hey, everybody, welcome to the all in podcast. This is our fifth
00:00:03.060 | episode. As you know, we regularly publish this podcast,
00:00:06.880 | well, every two to four weeks, something like that. And just to
00:00:12.420 | give you a little idea of how well this is going. The podcast
00:00:16.240 | peaked at number 10 in tech podcast, even though we never
00:00:20.240 | publish it. And we're only for 10. So tell your friends about
00:00:23.580 | the podcast so we can be number one, and just dunk on
00:00:26.560 | traditional media, which is full of people who have us as the
00:00:30.000 | guests.
00:00:30.660 | Jason number 10 on what Apple,
00:00:32.820 | Apple technology podcast, we literally raced I mean, it went
00:00:36.600 | from like, we debuted in the 20s, then the teens, and then
00:00:39.780 | boom, we hit number 10. And I was talking to somebody in media
00:00:43.240 | who has us on as guests. And I was like, Listen, I formed a
00:00:47.820 | super team. And we're now getting more traffic. I'm sorry,
00:00:50.820 | who are you talking to just like a mirror where you were just
00:00:53.000 | looking at yourself? I mean, you are so fucking arrogant after
00:00:57.300 | that shitty video. What video are you referring to?
00:01:00.000 | Jason
00:01:04.000 | Oh, my God. You want me to say it to all the listeners? You
00:01:06.540 | want to say hold on? Let me just somebody made how somebody made
00:01:09.780 | a cut of the billion times Jason mentioned he was an early
00:01:13.140 | investor in Uber. All right, take it easy. Virgin Galactic
00:01:16.200 | slash slack investor. I don't I don't say anything. I know they
00:01:19.500 | put companies I can mention put it on the Chiron the lower third
00:01:22.800 | every time you're on CBC everybody.
00:01:25.500 | My problem is I have too many unicorns to mention just one.
00:01:28.500 | Right.
00:01:30.000 | Jason Cosper: And knows Peter Thiel.
00:01:31.200 | David, David, I have a question. Why is there a picture of two
00:01:35.500 | pregnant men behind you on zoom?
00:01:37.520 | We now have the technology for men to be impregnated.
00:01:42.840 | Jason Cosper: This is a recent picture of Jason on the golf
00:01:45.460 | course. And I'm not sure who's more out of shape.
00:01:47.500 | Jason Cosper: Are you on the first hole? You look like you're
00:01:50.880 | about to collapse.
00:01:51.720 | Jason Cosper: In fairness, in fairness, it's 106 degrees.
00:02:00.000 | shoulders and hold him up.
00:02:01.160 | - It's 106 degrees and 80% humidity.
00:02:04.860 | And I kid you not this was the second and third time
00:02:08.100 | I played golf.
00:02:08.920 | This was the third time.
00:02:10.480 | And I'm gonna just ask Dee Free,
00:02:12.860 | David Freeberg is here.
00:02:13.900 | Of course, he's our science friend, buddy,
00:02:16.920 | and Shamath Palihapiti is here.
00:02:19.280 | How many holes, I want one of you to set the over under
00:02:22.300 | on how many holes we completed each day.
00:02:24.940 | The maximum number of holes we completed.
00:02:27.400 | Four, okay.
00:02:28.260 | - Nine.
00:02:29.100 | - Four and you're taking the over.
00:02:30.920 | It was, Sax?
00:02:32.920 | - Five.
00:02:33.760 | - Five.
00:02:34.600 | - And actually, there's a red door every five holes.
00:02:42.160 | So that may have had something to do with it.
00:02:44.220 | - I took nine 'cause I figured Jason was on his rush
00:02:46.420 | to the hot dog stand.
00:02:47.980 | - Well, that's where the red door
00:02:49.180 | is where the hot dogs are.
00:02:50.320 | - Yeah, you know what I said?
00:02:51.620 | I said these two dorks with ADHD can barely make it an hour
00:02:55.860 | doing anything.
00:02:57.020 | And so if you think an average round
00:02:58.980 | takes four hours, then basically, you know,
00:03:01.220 | you get through four holes in about an hour
00:03:02.740 | and then you want to give up.
00:03:04.280 | - We got to the fifth hole.
00:03:05.460 | I am addicted to golf now.
00:03:07.260 | I don't know if you guys know this.
00:03:09.620 | You can gamble on golf.
00:03:11.540 | - Jason, the biggest match I ever played
00:03:15.200 | was a $500,000 million NASA.
00:03:19.000 | - I don't know what a NASA is.
00:03:21.800 | - I lost one and a half bets.
00:03:23.680 | I lost 750K.
00:03:25.340 | - What is a NASA type bet?
00:03:26.860 | - NASA is just basically a game.
00:03:28.800 | It's basically a gambling bet on a per hole basis.
00:03:30.800 | - Got it.
00:03:31.640 | We had just a ton of fun and it was great
00:03:34.980 | 'cause this was the first time I've ever-
00:03:37.080 | - It's the single best aspect of golf in my opinion.
00:03:39.340 | If you gamble, it makes that game
00:03:40.900 | one of the most incredible games
00:03:42.360 | because people with mental fortitude
00:03:44.640 | who cannot play at all can show up
00:03:46.400 | and literally make hundreds of thousands
00:03:49.560 | or millions of dollars.
00:03:50.780 | - Yeah, we were playing for hundreds of dollars per hole.
00:03:53.800 | So let's just leave it at that.
00:03:55.040 | In fact, we were playing $100 a hole.
00:03:56.680 | So it was just for fun.
00:03:58.320 | But man, I don't know about you guys.
00:04:00.800 | Do any of we have some,
00:04:02.500 | if we know somebody who's got a membership
00:04:05.340 | in one of these places, I'd love to go back out again.
00:04:07.500 | But it was great fun and it was fun.
00:04:09.560 | - Come to Shadow Creek.
00:04:10.440 | Come to Shadow Creek in Vegas.
00:04:11.560 | We can play.
00:04:12.400 | It's probably the best gambling golf course
00:04:13.680 | in the world.
00:04:14.500 | - Okay, I'm in.
00:04:15.540 | So let's get to business.
00:04:16.700 | For those of you who are tuning in for the first time,
00:04:19.740 | Chamath Palihapitiya is my co-host here on the podcast.
00:04:24.740 | We've been friends since we both did a very brief tour
00:04:28.140 | at AOL.
00:04:29.760 | He then went to work for Mayfield,
00:04:31.560 | which is a venture firm you might not have heard of.
00:04:33.640 | He stayed there for about 27 weeks
00:04:37.520 | before going to work for Mark Zuckerberg.
00:04:41.300 | He secured the bag, then started his own venture firm.
00:04:44.880 | It grew way too big and he kind of got bored
00:04:48.760 | having to manage 100 people.
00:04:50.720 | So now he's running his home office venture firm
00:04:53.100 | and doing two deals a year.
00:04:54.700 | The one you've certainly heard of is,
00:04:57.960 | Virgin Galactic, where he's taking people to space
00:05:01.460 | and he did a SPAC for that.
00:05:02.840 | IPO B and IPO C are lined up from what I understand.
00:05:06.740 | He'll correct me if I am wrong.
00:05:08.280 | And he'll be SPACing two more companies once a year,
00:05:10.900 | I guess will be the pace.
00:05:12.260 | Is that correct, Chamath?
00:05:13.460 | - Among other things, but yeah.
00:05:16.640 | - Yeah.
00:05:17.800 | And then David Sachs has now become,
00:05:20.920 | and David Freberg have become regulars.
00:05:22.480 | We've decided we're gonna stick with this foursome
00:05:25.280 | as it goes because we're getting a really nice,
00:05:27.780 | passing of the ball around topics.
00:05:31.060 | And David Sachs went to Stanford with folks,
00:05:36.060 | you know, like Keith Raboi, Peter Thiel,
00:05:39.100 | during an era where they were a bunch of huge nerds
00:05:43.160 | who created a way to transfer money on Palm pilots
00:05:46.980 | called PayPal.
00:05:47.940 | It didn't work until they decided to move it to email.
00:05:51.520 | I'm not sure whose idea,
00:05:52.760 | who gets credit for moving it to email, Sachs?
00:05:57.600 | - Who decided like, hey, I don't know.
00:06:01.640 | - Sachs' silence is his way of saying me.
00:06:04.420 | - 'Cause it was an abject failure
00:06:07.640 | when you tried to send money between Palm pilots,
00:06:09.520 | Peter Thiel's original idea.
00:06:10.520 | But then somebody woke up and said,
00:06:12.000 | well, why don't we just do this over email?
00:06:13.660 | - What he hasn't said,
00:06:14.660 | let me tell you the names at PayPal he has not said yet.
00:06:17.220 | Musk, Thiel, Hoffman, Levchin, silence,
00:06:21.720 | radio silence so far, David Sachs.
00:06:24.660 | - Jeremy Stoppelman, Chad Hurley from, you know,
00:06:27.420 | from YouTube, Jerry Stoppelman from Yelp.
00:06:29.660 | Anyway, he was part of that cohort.
00:06:31.640 | Then he made a movie called "Thank You for Smoking,"
00:06:34.940 | which was Jason Reitman's first film.
00:06:36.360 | Jason Reitman then went on to great success.
00:06:38.420 | That film actually made money.
00:06:40.500 | Sachs was so absolutely depressed
00:06:42.420 | by how long it took to make one film and how painful it was.
00:06:45.620 | He then decided to go create a billion dollar company
00:06:47.760 | in under three years called Yammer,
00:06:49.920 | which Chamath made a ton of money on
00:06:52.260 | and he cackles about regularly.
00:06:54.080 | And then David Freeburg is with us.
00:06:57.240 | He is just the smartest kid at the table,
00:07:00.380 | but somehow figures out how to lose tons of money
00:07:02.580 | to us in poker.
00:07:03.460 | He created and sold it to Monsanto.
00:07:08.460 | He created Metro Mile and he created Itza,
00:07:13.160 | which failed horribly, but that just goes to show you,
00:07:17.000 | nobody remembers what Itza is,
00:07:18.340 | but they do remember his giant multi-billion dollar companies
00:07:21.240 | and he now is running his own startup studio,
00:07:24.520 | which is making incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly,
00:07:27.060 | interesting companies.
00:07:28.120 | Can I talk about the one that's related to beverages or not?
00:07:32.300 | - Not yet.
00:07:33.180 | - Okay, anyway, there's a company related to beverages
00:07:35.300 | that is so game changing.
00:07:37.560 | - You just said no.
00:07:38.400 | You can't say it.
00:07:40.000 | He showed it to us under Friend DA.
00:07:43.040 | - I just said, can I talk about the beverage company?
00:07:45.240 | Yes or no?
00:07:46.080 | I'm trying to give the guy a goddamn plug here.
00:07:47.680 | - But he said no, so you can't do a plug.
00:07:50.680 | - I'm not doing a plug, but I'm teasing it.
00:07:52.360 | And I think he's literally sitting on
00:07:54.320 | what could wind up being the greatest.
00:07:56.880 | - Stop.
00:07:57.720 | - Most successful company of the entire group.
00:08:00.020 | - Stop, stop. - Period.
00:08:00.860 | - Okay, let's jump in.
00:08:01.680 | I wanna talk about, - Let's jump in.
00:08:03.880 | - David, you sold Climate to Monsanto for a billion dollars
00:08:07.620 | back in the day when it was shocking to people,
00:08:10.440 | that amount of money.
00:08:11.560 | Still is, but you were one of the first
00:08:14.900 | sort of quote unquote unicorns.
00:08:16.340 | And then you were right in the front seat of Monsanto,
00:08:19.440 | probably could have been CEO if you wanted.
00:08:21.840 | I want you to talk to me about what is going on
00:08:24.820 | with Bayer, Monsanto, and the company that you're in.
00:08:26.700 | - Well, I'm a big fan of Bayer, Monsanto, Roundup,
00:08:29.700 | and I wanna use that as a jumping off point
00:08:31.700 | to talk about the World Health Organization.
00:08:33.880 | - So Roundup is a molecule known as glyphosate,
00:08:38.880 | and it's been used as a herbicide for decades.
00:08:43.220 | And for decades, it was very well studied.
00:08:45.680 | The US EPA and the FDA and USDA
00:08:49.680 | and global health organizations have studied it carefully
00:08:52.260 | because of its incredible use.
00:08:55.160 | It is a, it biodegrades,
00:08:56.520 | the molecule glyphosate biodegrades in a couple of days.
00:09:00.400 | And it is a very effective herbicide.
00:09:03.460 | So when farmers grow stuff,
00:09:04.640 | they don't want weeds growing in the field.
00:09:06.700 | And Roundup was a pretty effective way
00:09:08.680 | at getting rid of weeds.
00:09:09.700 | So you could get more crop per acre, more yield per acre.
00:09:12.500 | A long time, people thought that Roundup,
00:09:15.360 | like many of the traditional persistent chemical herbicides
00:09:19.320 | was carcinogenic and people were concerned about that.
00:09:21.380 | And as a result, there was a lot of studying done.
00:09:22.860 | In fact, before I sold my company to Monsanto,
00:09:24.820 | I spent a lot of time researching it.
00:09:26.340 | I was researching Roundup and glyphosate
00:09:28.100 | to make sure that it was safe,
00:09:29.520 | that I wasn't selling my company
00:09:31.220 | to what everyone was saying was the devil at the time.
00:09:33.420 | And from a scientific basis,
00:09:34.640 | I felt pretty comfortable about the data,
00:09:37.860 | the studies, the research that had been done.
00:09:40.320 | When I was at Monsanto,
00:09:41.940 | there was a bit of a political event
00:09:43.340 | that took place at the World Health Organization.
00:09:45.160 | The World Health Organization runs a group called IARC.
00:09:49.320 | It's a cancer research institute that's part of the WHO.
00:09:53.200 | And there was a gentleman who was politically trying to,
00:09:56.160 | he had himself on that council to make the case
00:09:58.280 | that glyphosate was carcinogenic.
00:10:00.340 | And years later, a Reuters reporter identified
00:10:03.620 | how he was able to get this council to disregard
00:10:07.720 | a number of scientific findings and studies,
00:10:09.720 | including the US EPA and other very wide,
00:10:12.260 | broad ranging studies by international organizations
00:10:14.300 | showing that Roundup or glyphosate was non-carcinogenic.
00:10:17.440 | But the political process by which he was able
00:10:19.640 | to get on the council,
00:10:21.180 | get that data excluded from a study,
00:10:23.400 | and then get IARC to declare Roundup or glyphosate
00:10:25.980 | a possible carcinogen or probable carcinogen,
00:10:28.860 | then triggered a bunch of tort lawyers in the United States
00:10:32.780 | to start suing Monsanto and now Bayer,
00:10:35.160 | 'cause Bayer bought Monsanto a number of years ago,
00:10:37.860 | for causing cancer.
00:10:40.560 | And the data is absent,
00:10:41.820 | but the way the US court system works
00:10:43.300 | is if you have some probable definition
00:10:44.880 | and you can get a jury to say yes,
00:10:46.660 | and the probable cause was there's a probable carcinogen
00:10:49.440 | label applied to it by IARC.
00:10:51.560 | And this Reuters reporter years ago did a great job
00:10:54.300 | highlighting how this whole thing was kind of
00:10:55.800 | politically motivated and the data and the science
00:10:59.480 | from a broad range of scientists,
00:11:01.100 | including the AAAS,
00:11:03.560 | a lot of scientific membership organizations,
00:11:08.040 | very definitively and clearly show
00:11:10.040 | that glyphosate is non-carcinogenic.
00:11:12.580 | But it was super troubling and frustrating.
00:11:15.860 | Now, look, this doesn't bother me personally anymore.
00:11:17.960 | I have no interest whatsoever,
00:11:19.840 | but it turns out that these lawsuits
00:11:22.420 | are now gonna cost Monsanto and now Bayer,
00:11:24.340 | which bought Monsanto,
00:11:25.620 | somewhere between 10 and $15 billion to settle this.
00:11:29.120 | And this is all a function of some political hacking
00:11:32.340 | that took place at the WHO.
00:11:34.700 | So for a long time,
00:11:35.640 | I've had a bit of a concern about how the WHO operates
00:11:38.480 | and the process by which they do scientific assessment
00:11:41.480 | and validation.
00:11:42.620 | And a lot of this has obviously become much more apparent
00:11:45.360 | with the coronavirus crisis and their response
00:11:47.260 | with respect to masks and treatment and so on.
00:11:49.680 | So that's a little bit of the background
00:11:51.160 | I think you're referring to, Chamath.
00:11:53.040 | - And so, go ahead Chamath if you want to.
00:11:55.440 | - No, I mean, like to me,
00:11:57.620 | I think that this is such an interesting thing.
00:12:00.400 | I wanted to use it as this on-ramp to the WHO largely
00:12:03.240 | because it's like the ineptitude keeps compounding
00:12:08.060 | in that organization.
00:12:09.220 | I just read that we still don't have a definitive posture
00:12:14.620 | on masks from the WHO.
00:12:17.040 | And that they are finally seeding ground to the idea
00:12:20.300 | that the coronavirus could partially be spread in air.
00:12:25.260 | And that they are actually doing it in a way
00:12:27.260 | that is not necessarily a scientific or scientific way.
00:12:30.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:32.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:34.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:36.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:38.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:40.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:42.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:44.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:46.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:48.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:50.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:52.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:53.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:54.260 | And I think that's a really interesting point.
00:12:55.260 | see this in universities where, all of a sudden, things tilt away from facts, and it tilts towards,
00:13:01.760 | you know, all kinds of very, very, very small points of sort of like political capital that
00:13:08.160 | people fight over. And so these politicized organizations are incredible. And to the point
00:13:13.780 | at which we saw, you know, this past week, the report that well over 250 of their own scientists
00:13:20.020 | who they rely on said, hey, it's very clear that this is an airborne phenomenon. Aerosol,
00:13:27.620 | tiny microparticles of aerosol, when people talk, when they sing, when they cough, when they sneeze,
00:13:33.680 | all this obvious stuff floats in the air. And if you have a closed air conditioned,
00:13:37.380 | you know, location, like say a church in the South or a hotel or a casino,
00:13:44.160 | it's not a good idea to be in there. And it's especially not a bad idea,
00:13:49.040 | especially when you're in a place like the United States, where you're in a place like the United
00:13:50.000 | States, where it's not a bad idea to take your mask off. So now the WHO is 0 for 2. And Trump,
00:13:55.200 | as you said, in his just horrifically comical way, can explain, as we're very clearly explaining,
00:14:01.880 | that this is a political organization that is funded by a duopoly of superpowers that have
00:14:08.800 | many issues, which we're going to get into today. And we don't have to say who the duopoly is.
00:14:14.040 | Sachs, when you look at this, being our token conservative here, and you see the Trump win,
00:14:19.980 | how frustrating is it for you that Trump's delivery and his persona, when he is right,
00:14:25.920 | and a person can't be wrong all the time, I'm proof positive of that, you have to deal with
00:14:31.820 | the fact that he does it in such a stupid, inane way that you don't actually get credit for the win?
00:14:36.320 | Well, you know, Trump is often the bull in the China shop and, you know, kind of disrupts the
00:14:44.440 | status quo by throwing a grenade into it. But frequently, you know, Trump is the one who's
00:14:49.960 | there. And frequently, there are good reasons why the status quo needs to be disrupted. And
00:14:53.920 | the New York Times laid out the case in a news story on who the one that reported the scientist
00:15:01.180 | complaining that you were talking about. It was just a straight news story, but it almost came
00:15:05.500 | across as an expose because whose incompetence was laid out so starkly. The fact that they were
00:15:13.900 | slow on mass and opposed them, and I think kind of lied about them. And then, you know,
00:15:19.940 | and then to be downplaying the airborne nature of the virus in favor of maintaining this narrative
00:15:27.800 | that it's spread through touching surfaces or fomites, which I think people are realizing now
00:15:33.700 | is much, much less likely. And so, yeah, you do kind of have to wonder whose side is who on. And
00:15:41.780 | the New York Times article kind of suggests why they do this, which is when they issue a
00:15:49.920 | statement, they're not going to be able to do it. And so, you know, they're going to be able to do it
00:15:51.920 | in a way that's not going to be in line with the ramifications in all of their member countries.
00:15:53.920 | And so what ends up happening is they sort of start with the policy implication or political
00:15:59.360 | result that they are thinking about, and they kind of reverse engineer the science. And, you
00:16:04.800 | know, the article talks about how, you know, if who were to come out and sort of be very clear
00:16:12.160 | about airborne transmission, that could affect spending or, you know, political budgets in all
00:16:17.040 | these different countries. And so they've been reluctant to do that. And so, you know, I think
00:16:19.900 | that's a big part of the reason why they're doing this. And so, yeah, it's a organization that's sort
00:16:22.780 | of political first and then reverse engineers the science to fit that. And-
00:16:26.780 | You know what this reminds me of? It's like when you have giant investors on the board of a
00:16:31.900 | company, the management team comes out and now they've got to present like a pivot or an
00:16:36.380 | acquisition or whatever it is. And they're thinking, well, okay, we've got this funding
00:16:40.940 | source. These people own 26% of who? This person owns 22%. We've now got to present it to them.
00:16:47.740 | And what are the downstream ramifications?
00:16:49.880 | Luckily, there's an alignment in a single company. The alignment is we all want the
00:16:55.320 | company share price to go up. But here in the world, it is not equally aligned. What is in
00:17:00.600 | China's best interest, what's in the EU's best interest and what's in America's best interest
00:17:05.640 | might be radically different. And they are literally funding them, correct, Chamath?
00:17:08.840 | Well, there's a thing called Sayer's law, right? Which many of us kind of have seen play
00:17:15.080 | out, which is that academic, the saying is something like academic politics
00:17:19.860 | are so vicious because the stakes are so small. And in this interesting way, the WHO has lost the
00:17:26.020 | script because they fight over politics. Who gets to say what, who's being positioned, and they lose
00:17:35.540 | sight of the real downstream, in my opinion, the downstream implications of the things that they
00:17:40.100 | have, because if they actually just thought from first principles and tried to be a truly independent
00:17:45.460 | body that said we are going to take the capital we're given from the countries that are supporting
00:17:49.060 | us. And if we don't, we're going to lose sight of the real downstream implications of the things that
00:17:49.840 | and actually do the best and actually publish
00:17:53.360 | what is the best thing to do.
00:17:57.400 | For example, in the case of coronavirus
00:17:59.380 | and be definitive and iterate,
00:18:01.760 | we'd be in a much better place.
00:18:03.480 | But a lot of what has allowed the posture around coronavirus
00:18:07.960 | to transition from a health issue to a political issue
00:18:12.040 | in many ways has been because organizations
00:18:15.100 | like the WHO and the CDC are political bodies.
00:18:19.760 | And they're academic bodies.
00:18:21.360 | And so the incentives of the players
00:18:23.080 | within these organizations are not to necessarily
00:18:26.300 | project the right public health positioning.
00:18:28.860 | They are at some level to think about
00:18:31.300 | their own career trajectory and the political machinations
00:18:35.640 | that happen within the organization
00:18:37.140 | that are blind to normal citizens like us
00:18:39.520 | that just consume the output.
00:18:41.180 | And then so when you see something like an inability
00:18:43.860 | to give a definitive ruling on things like masks
00:18:47.200 | or other things,
00:18:49.680 | you just kind of scratch your head and wonder,
00:18:51.900 | is it that they're dumb?
00:18:53.100 | And the answer is no, it's not that they're dumb.
00:18:54.900 | They're just motivated by very different things
00:18:57.300 | than public health all the time.
00:18:58.660 | - Which might be including keeping their jobs.
00:19:00.560 | And the fact that we had David Friedberg on this podcast
00:19:04.540 | and then Sacks chiming in after it shortly after
00:19:07.380 | just definitively saying first principles,
00:19:09.820 | why wouldn't you wear a mask?
00:19:12.020 | What is the possible downside?
00:19:13.680 | And Friedberg saying,
00:19:15.120 | hey, I'm getting some testing equipment.
00:19:17.580 | We should just be doing mass testing.
00:19:19.600 | - Yeah, and I think, Friedberg, when you look at this
00:19:21.740 | and how, when we started the podcast,
00:19:23.780 | I think in March or April,
00:19:25.020 | we were very clear as people not in the,
00:19:27.920 | with the exception of yourself,
00:19:28.920 | not in the healthcare space in any way,
00:19:32.620 | why can't they, what would be a better structure for the WHO?
00:19:37.620 | Or is there a better structure than just a bunch of,
00:19:40.860 | you know, randos like us on a podcast,
00:19:43.060 | very easily seeing through first principles
00:19:44.960 | that a 79 cent mask is a no brainer,
00:19:47.260 | that getting testing, mass testing,
00:19:49.520 | recording it every day and doing sampling.
00:19:52.380 | What is the better solution here for governance
00:19:56.120 | or for dealing with these type of, you know,
00:19:59.760 | really large problems and ones that kind of have a clock.
00:20:04.460 | That's the other thing about this problem is
00:20:07.280 | this problem came with a countdown clock.
00:20:10.420 | You had to make a really fast decision
00:20:13.000 | in order to protect yourself.
00:20:14.520 | And we made a really drawn out decision.
00:20:16.400 | Now we're paying the price.
00:20:18.200 | - I mean, I think under the circumstances,
00:20:19.440 | you outline, you know, you need leadership, right?
00:20:22.140 | So you need probably a country or some entity
00:20:25.360 | to step forward and lead with respect to being proactive
00:20:30.280 | and aggressive with action,
00:20:31.340 | because any multinational oversight body
00:20:34.840 | or political body is gonna be kind of, you know,
00:20:38.740 | molasses out, it's gonna be stalled out with the processes
00:20:42.500 | and the competing interests as you guys have highlighted.
00:20:45.160 | So the libertarian argument would be,
00:20:46.660 | let the free market drive outcomes and, you know,
00:20:49.360 | some folks will succeed and some folks will fail.
00:20:52.240 | If we want all of humanity to succeed, then, you know,
00:20:55.040 | the likely scenario is what we've seen with world wars and such,
00:20:58.760 | which is you need leadership.
00:20:59.820 | You need one organization or one entity or one national body
00:21:02.540 | to step forward and say, this is what we're doing
00:21:05.020 | and we're gonna lead.
00:21:06.020 | And the world was absent leadership over the last six months.
00:21:09.240 | Historically, the US has filled that void,
00:21:12.100 | but that certainly wasn't the case this year.
00:21:14.940 | And so, you know, it seems to me like
00:21:16.720 | you're not gonna find a political governing system,
00:21:19.280 | multinational governing system that's gonna be successful
00:21:21.680 | in solving these kind of existential global problems overnight.
00:21:25.880 | You really need someone to step forward.
00:21:29.160 | And the US is kind of leaving a bit of a gap.
00:21:31.040 | This might be a good segue because the question next is,
00:21:33.220 | who's gonna fill that gap going forward?
00:21:34.780 | Yeah, so let's make that segue.
00:21:36.400 | When you look at the duopoly that currently is,
00:21:41.500 | I would say on par now,
00:21:42.780 | I don't think we can say we're the superpower anymore.
00:21:45.720 | And that China's an up and coming superpower.
00:21:47.660 | It's pretty clear.
00:21:48.660 | They are.
00:21:49.200 | They are an equal superpower.
00:21:50.200 | I don't know if anybody here disagrees with that right now,
00:21:52.360 | but if we have an edge,
00:21:54.580 | it's a very minor one at this point.
00:21:57.300 | How do we look at health problems
00:21:59.700 | with an authoritarian country where individuals do not vote?
00:22:04.580 | And there is a God King who has recently said,
00:22:07.160 | I will be the God King for the rest of my life for sure.
00:22:11.780 | How do we manage this relationship with China?
00:22:14.120 | Friedberg.
00:22:15.120 | And then we can pass it over to Saf.
00:22:17.820 | From a healthcare perspective?
00:22:19.120 | Yeah.
00:22:20.120 | Let's start there for sure.
00:22:21.600 | And then whatever other major issue you would like to then segue into,
00:22:27.100 | climate change comes to mind,
00:22:28.280 | trade comes to mind,
00:22:29.280 | human rights comes to mind.
00:22:31.280 | I would imagine the biggest,
00:22:33.400 | the argument that your geopolitical commentators would make,
00:22:36.640 | who are probably more experienced and experts in this than any of us,
00:22:40.320 | would probably relate to the degree of influence.
00:22:44.120 | The question of who has the most influence globally may be kind of,
00:22:49.040 | the way that you define who has the most power globally.
00:22:53.680 | And so, in the current circumstance,
00:22:56.540 | you can look at trade balance between China and other nations.
00:22:59.400 | You can look at trade balance between the US and other nations,
00:23:01.580 | and you can look at the balance sheet, the assets and the debt owed.
00:23:05.600 | And you're right.
00:23:06.600 | I mean, a lot of people are making the case that we're kind of reaching a point of parity
00:23:10.320 | through some metric or some set of equations here.
00:23:13.640 | And at this point, there's going to be a jockeying for leadership globally in terms of influence.
00:23:18.960 | And so, that will have ramifications with respect to things that are global in nature,
00:23:24.680 | like global pandemics.
00:23:26.780 | And I think this is a really kind of key flashpoint moment for us,
00:23:33.460 | because we did face that circumstance this year,
00:23:36.340 | and obviously we took the raw end of the deal.
00:23:38.860 | We failed most.
00:23:39.860 | I mean, we all concur on that.
00:23:42.100 | We did worst.
00:23:43.620 | China is just like an extremely good example of focusing on strategy while the rest of
00:23:47.880 | us focused on trade.
00:23:48.880 | And I think that's the key thing.
00:23:49.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:50.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:51.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:52.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:53.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:54.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:55.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:56.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:57.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:58.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:23:59.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:00.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:01.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:02.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:03.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:04.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:05.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:06.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:07.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:08.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:09.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:10.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:11.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:12.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:13.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:14.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:15.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:16.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:17.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:18.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:19.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:20.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:21.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:22.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:23.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:24.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:25.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:26.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:27.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:28.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:29.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:30.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:31.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:32.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:33.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:34.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:35.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:36.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:37.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:38.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:39.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:40.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:41.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:42.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:43.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:44.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:45.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:46.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:47.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:48.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:49.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:50.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:51.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:52.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:53.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:54.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:55.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:56.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:57.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:58.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:24:59.880 | I think that's the key thing.
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00:28:58.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:28:59.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:00.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:01.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:02.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:03.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:04.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:05.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:06.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:07.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:08.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:09.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:10.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:11.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:12.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:13.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:14.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:15.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:16.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:17.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:18.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:19.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:20.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:21.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:22.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:23.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:24.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:25.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:26.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:27.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:28.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:29.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:30.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:31.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:32.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:33.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:34.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:35.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:36.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:37.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:38.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:39.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:40.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:41.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:42.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:43.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:44.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:45.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:46.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:47.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:48.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:49.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:50.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:51.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:52.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:53.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:54.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:55.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:56.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:57.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:58.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:29:59.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:00.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:01.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:02.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:03.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:04.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:05.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:06.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:07.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:08.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:09.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:10.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:11.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:12.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:13.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:14.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:15.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:16.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:17.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:18.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:19.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:20.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:21.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:22.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:23.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:24.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:25.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:26.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:27.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:28.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:29.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:30.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:31.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:32.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:33.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:34.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:35.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:36.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:37.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:38.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:39.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:40.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:41.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:42.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:43.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:44.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:45.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:46.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:47.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:48.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:49.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:50.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:51.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:52.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:53.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:54.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:55.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:56.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:57.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:58.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:30:59.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:00.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:01.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:02.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:03.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:04.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:05.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:06.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:07.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:08.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:09.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:10.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:11.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:12.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:13.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:14.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:15.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:16.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:17.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:18.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:19.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:20.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:21.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:22.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:23.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:24.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:25.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:26.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:27.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:28.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:29.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:30.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:31.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:32.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:33.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:34.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:35.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:36.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:37.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:38.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:39.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:40.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:41.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:42.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:43.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:44.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:45.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:46.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:47.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:48.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:49.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:50.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:51.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:52.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:53.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:54.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:55.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:56.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:57.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:58.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:31:59.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:00.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:01.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:02.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:03.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:04.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:05.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:06.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:07.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:08.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:09.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:10.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:11.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:12.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:13.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:14.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:15.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:16.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:17.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:18.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:19.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:20.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:21.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:22.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:23.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:24.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:25.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:26.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:27.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:28.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:29.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:30.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:31.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:32.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:33.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:34.880 | I think that's the key thing.
00:32:35.880 | I think one of the huge blind spots of American trade policy over the last 30 years is kind
00:32:42.520 | of not to notice that this key technology that's really the substrate for all of our
00:32:50.840 | technology for our economy has now been many, it's now been moved and it's manufactured
00:32:58.940 | in Taiwan whose sovereignty China does not recognize and is constantly threatening with
00:33:05.820 | a lot of pressure.
00:33:05.820 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:05.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:06.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:07.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:08.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:09.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:10.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:11.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:12.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:13.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:14.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:15.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:16.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:17.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:18.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:19.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:20.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:21.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:22.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:23.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:24.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:25.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:26.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:27.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:28.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:29.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:30.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:31.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:32.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:33.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:34.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:35.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:36.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:37.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:38.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:39.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:40.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:41.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:42.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:43.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:44.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:45.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:46.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:47.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:48.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:49.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:50.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:51.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:52.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:53.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:54.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:55.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:56.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:57.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:58.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:33:59.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:00.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:01.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:02.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:03.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:04.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:05.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:06.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:07.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:08.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:09.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:10.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:11.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:12.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:13.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:14.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:15.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:16.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:17.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:18.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:19.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:20.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:21.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:22.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:23.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:24.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:25.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:26.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:27.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:28.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:29.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:30.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:31.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:32.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:33.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:34.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:35.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:36.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:37.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:38.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:39.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:40.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:41.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:42.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:43.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:44.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:45.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:46.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:47.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:48.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:49.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:50.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:51.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:52.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:53.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:54.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:55.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:56.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:57.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:58.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:34:59.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:00.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:01.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:02.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:03.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:04.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:05.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:06.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:07.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:08.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:09.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:10.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:11.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:12.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:13.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:14.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:15.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:16.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:17.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:18.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:19.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:20.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:21.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:22.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:23.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:24.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:25.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:26.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:27.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:28.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:29.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:30.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:31.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:32.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:33.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:34.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:35.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:36.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:37.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:38.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:39.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:40.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:41.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:42.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:43.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:44.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:45.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:46.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:47.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:48.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:49.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:50.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:51.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:52.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:53.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:54.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:55.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:56.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:57.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:58.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:35:59.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:00.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:01.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:02.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:03.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:04.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:05.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:06.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:07.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:08.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:09.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:10.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:11.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:12.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:13.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:14.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:15.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:16.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:17.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:18.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:19.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:20.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:21.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:22.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:23.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:24.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:25.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:26.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:27.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:28.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:29.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:30.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
00:36:31.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
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01:30:46.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:47.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:48.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:49.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:50.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:51.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:52.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:53.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:54.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:55.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:56.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:57.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:58.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:30:59.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:00.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:01.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:02.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:03.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:04.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:05.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:06.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:07.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:08.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:09.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:10.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:11.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:12.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:13.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:14.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:15.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:16.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:17.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:18.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:19.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:20.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:21.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:22.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:23.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:24.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:25.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:26.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:27.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:28.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:29.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:30.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:31.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:32.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:33.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:34.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:35.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:36.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:37.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:38.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:39.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:40.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:41.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:42.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:43.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:44.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:45.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:46.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:47.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:48.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:49.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:50.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:51.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:52.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:53.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:54.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:55.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:56.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.
01:31:57.860 | It's constantly threatening with a lot of pressure.