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Hotel Status SECRETS

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00:00:00.000 | We don't talk a lot about hotel status.
00:00:01.540 | It feels like in the points and miles world, it's Hyatt, globalist or forget it.
00:00:05.160 | A big part of it too, is because airline status is so hard to get with credit
00:00:10.480 | cards, while hotel status is given out willy nilly.
00:00:13.140 | So you have like all these cards that give you either like mid-level or
00:00:16.020 | even like higher level status, Hilton, Diamond being one of the prime examples.
00:00:20.440 | You're getting a top level status by getting a credit card that runs you 450.
00:00:24.100 | And then I would argue that the card actually is a net positive because
00:00:27.520 | of all the credits and the free night.
00:00:29.720 | So you have all these people that have status because the math makes sense.
00:00:33.920 | The reason people like Hyatt is because that's the one you actually had to chase
00:00:37.980 | and had to do, meaning that there's less people that have it, meaning that.
00:00:41.520 | It's more beneficial because upgrades actually come to you.