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All-In Summit: Alexandra Botez takes on the Besties in a 1v4 simultaneous chess match


0:0 Besties welcome Alexandra Botez to All-In Summit ‘23!
1:35 Rules and ratings
5:46 Chess match
17:55 Results
21:0 Q&A with Alexandra
22:34 Conversations with fans and the creator economy
27:30 Expanding distribution
30:11 Live events
31:4 Poker
32:15 Growing up with chess
36:10 Chess scandals

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Ladies and gentlemen, Alexandra Botes.
00:00:03.000 | [APPLAUSE]
00:00:04.000 | Good seats, good seats.
00:00:05.000 | Zach, can you go to the middle?
00:00:07.000 | Is this me?
00:00:08.000 | This is you?
00:00:10.000 | What is this red thing for?
00:00:13.000 | It's a clock.
00:00:14.000 | It's a clock?
00:00:16.000 | Don't worry, you won't need to use it for very long.
00:00:18.000 | Oh, Alan.
00:00:20.000 | Oh, Alan.
00:00:21.000 | [MUSIC - "DON'T GO IN THE RING"]
00:00:23.000 | Don't let your winners ride.
00:00:26.000 | Rain Man David Sackman.
00:00:28.000 | I'm going, I'm going all in.
00:00:30.000 | And it said--
00:00:31.000 | We open sourced it to the fans, and they've
00:00:33.000 | just gone crazy with it.
00:00:34.000 | Love you, guys.
00:00:35.000 | I mean, queen of quinoa.
00:00:37.000 | I'm going all in.
00:00:38.000 | She's a globally recognized chess player,
00:00:40.000 | one of the most followed chess commentators online,
00:00:42.000 | with about 2 million followers.
00:00:44.000 | I think that's more than we have, isn't it?
00:00:46.000 | Totally.
00:00:47.000 | We're kind of lagging.
00:00:49.000 | She was a five-time Canadian National Girls Champion.
00:00:51.000 | She won the US Girls Nationals at age 15.
00:00:54.000 | She achieved her highest FIDE Elo rating of 2092
00:00:57.000 | back in March 2016.
00:01:00.000 | She began streaming online chess content in 2016
00:01:03.000 | as a student at Stanford, where she studied
00:01:06.000 | international relations.
00:01:07.000 | And she and her younger sister, Andrea--
00:01:10.000 | or is it Andrea?
00:01:11.000 | Did I pronounce that right?
00:01:12.000 | Andrea, yeah.
00:01:13.000 | And she's in the audience somewhere.
00:01:14.000 | She's in the audience.
00:01:15.000 | Where are you?
00:01:16.000 | Hi, Andrea.
00:01:17.000 | [APPLAUSE]
00:01:19.000 | Anyway, they manage the popular Botez Live Twitch and YouTube
00:01:22.000 | channels together.
00:01:23.000 | And I've watched it from time to time.
00:01:25.000 | So very entertaining.
00:01:27.000 | She'll take a selfie with you later, after she beats you.
00:01:30.000 | And so we're about to do a four-game simultaneous here.
00:01:34.000 | Do you want to just explain the rules to the audience?
00:01:37.000 | And maybe before we get started, thank you guys
00:01:39.000 | all for coming to a chess talk.
00:01:40.000 | I appreciate it.
00:01:42.000 | [APPLAUSE]
00:01:43.000 | How many of you guys know how to play chess?
00:01:45.000 | Raise your hand, please.
00:01:46.000 | Whoa.
00:01:47.000 | OK, that's very impressive.
00:01:48.000 | Smart crowd.
00:01:49.000 | You guys have a great audience.
00:01:51.000 | So the way it's going to work, I'm
00:01:53.000 | going to be playing all four of them at the same time.
00:01:57.000 | Yeah.
00:01:58.000 | [APPLAUSE]
00:02:00.000 | If you guys saw the betting line at the betting
00:02:02.000 | lobby in the front, it's 50 to 1 for any of us
00:02:05.000 | to even have a shot at winning.
00:02:06.000 | Sacks, you must have a shot.
00:02:08.000 | Sacks is actually pretty good.
00:02:10.000 | Before I explain the rules, maybe you tell them
00:02:12.000 | what your chess rating is.
00:02:13.000 | And we can all talk about the chess experience of it.
00:02:15.000 | I'm about a 1,600.
00:02:17.000 | Yeah.
00:02:18.000 | It's not that good, though.
00:02:20.000 | Can you explain the Elo rating for folks?
00:02:22.000 | 1,600, he's probably in the 65th percentile.
00:02:27.000 | So he's kind of like club player type rating.
00:02:30.000 | Chamath, you've never played before, right?
00:02:32.000 | I know the rules, but I've never played.
00:02:36.000 | I'm a zero.
00:02:37.000 | Technically, I'm a zero.
00:02:38.000 | OK, are you better than Jekyll, though?
00:02:40.000 | Well, I'm smarter than Jekyll.
00:02:41.000 | [LAUGHTER]
00:02:43.000 | Maybe.
00:02:45.000 | I can still beat you at chess and poker.
00:02:48.000 | I think I did end up doing better in poker
00:02:50.000 | than you did, though.
00:02:52.000 | I think you were on 30.
00:02:53.000 | I won only 12.
00:02:55.000 | Pretty good.
00:02:56.000 | You won a Prius, and I won a first class ticket
00:02:59.000 | to anywhere in the world.
00:03:00.000 | Not bad.
00:03:01.000 | Not bad.
00:03:02.000 | And David, you also are pretty decent at chess.
00:03:04.000 | No, no, I'm setting expectations.
00:03:05.000 | I'm a zero.
00:03:06.000 | No, what is your actual rating on
00:03:08.000 | I don't know my rating.
00:03:09.000 | I'm not going to talk about that right now.
00:03:11.000 | We're not talking about it.
00:03:12.000 | Why are you such a sandbagger?
00:03:14.000 | I peaked at 1,200.
00:03:16.000 | Stop sandbagging.
00:03:17.000 | What is it?
00:03:18.000 | I peaked at 1,200.
00:03:19.000 | So you were basically misdirecting us
00:03:22.000 | to think you couldn't play.
00:03:24.000 | No, I really do suck.
00:03:25.000 | I'll be direct.
00:03:26.000 | He's insecure.
00:03:27.000 | I'm insecure at chess.
00:03:28.000 | OK, but--
00:03:29.000 | He has a problem with women.
00:03:30.000 | Why can't you make eye contact?
00:03:31.000 | I don't want to talk about anything right now.
00:03:33.000 | I'm just really nervous about this.
00:03:36.000 | OK, well, I love that you guys are already trash talking.
00:03:38.000 | I've got to be honest.
00:03:39.000 | This session is like my fucking nightmare
00:03:41.000 | because I'm so frustrated with chess.
00:03:43.000 | I've got to be honest.
00:03:44.000 | I get beat by a girl.
00:03:45.000 | I've not been able to get back in my score.
00:03:47.000 | Just sitting here and getting embarrassed in front of everyone
00:03:49.000 | and putting it on the fucking internet.
00:03:51.000 | It's like--
00:03:52.000 | [LAUGHTER]
00:03:53.000 | It's OK to get beaten by a girl.
00:03:55.000 | It's not about being beaten by a girl.
00:03:57.000 | It's seeing how dumb I am.
00:03:58.000 | It's like, let's go.
00:04:00.000 | So I think--
00:04:01.000 | [LAUGHTER]
00:04:02.000 | He's not faking it.
00:04:03.000 | It's true.
00:04:04.000 | We're out of here.
00:04:05.000 | Go, beat us, beat us.
00:04:06.000 | OK, so let me explain the rules really quickly.
00:04:08.000 | Also, I know it's hard for you guys,
00:04:10.000 | but it's actually good if you're going to work together here
00:04:12.000 | because we are only--
00:04:13.000 | That doesn't work, ever.
00:04:16.000 | That hasn't worked in 145 episodes.
00:04:17.000 | No, no, no.
00:04:18.000 | It's impossible.
00:04:19.000 | These two idiots are the two that cannot work together.
00:04:21.000 | David and I have worked together for years.
00:04:23.000 | So we'll be fine.
00:04:24.000 | We're going to collaborate over here.
00:04:25.000 | I feel like this is a group therapy session instead of chess.
00:04:27.000 | [LAUGHTER]
00:04:28.000 | So I'm going to explain the rules now.
00:04:30.000 | 20 called me dumb.
00:04:32.000 | Well, no.
00:04:33.000 | I mean, you know what podcasting means to men, right?
00:04:36.000 | Group therapy.
00:04:37.000 | Oh, yeah.
00:04:38.000 | No, that makes sense.
00:04:39.000 | That makes sense.
00:04:40.000 | We don't do therapy.
00:04:41.000 | So five minutes on the clock.
00:04:42.000 | Everybody playing only has five minutes.
00:04:44.000 | I have five minutes.
00:04:45.000 | They have five minutes.
00:04:46.000 | If anybody runs out of time, the game is over.
00:04:49.000 | So if they manage to stall me enough and they're just running my clock on one board,
00:04:53.000 | I can lose.
00:04:54.000 | Every time they make a move, they get an extra two seconds increment.
00:04:58.000 | This is just so that if I only have 10 seconds on one clock,
00:05:00.000 | I can at least run there, not lose on time.
00:05:03.000 | And the way it works is they can make moves at any point.
00:05:07.000 | I think we're going to have a little eval bar on the screen behind.
00:05:11.000 | So if you don't play chess, you can kind of look at that.
00:05:14.000 | There we go.
00:05:15.000 | [Applause]
00:05:18.000 | There we go.
00:05:19.000 | So you can look at that.
00:05:20.000 | If the eval bar, you could see more of white than black.
00:05:23.000 | Alex, mine doesn't work.
00:05:24.000 | That means I'm -- it's because that's an illegal move.
00:05:27.000 | Oh, okay.
00:05:28.000 | That's okay.
00:05:29.000 | [Laughter]
00:05:30.000 | It will work.
00:05:31.000 | Don't worry.
00:05:32.000 | I'll come back.
00:05:33.000 | [Laughter]
00:05:34.000 | All right.
00:05:35.000 | Yeah.
00:05:36.000 | And don't worry.
00:05:37.000 | If you don't know chess, I will let you know if they make a good move
00:05:39.000 | or if they make a bad move.
00:05:41.000 | I will call it out just so that everybody can follow.
00:05:43.000 | It will be better.
00:05:44.000 | That would be funny.
00:05:45.000 | Okay.
00:05:46.000 | All right.
00:05:47.000 | Let's get started.
00:05:48.000 | [Applause]
00:05:49.000 | All right.
00:05:50.000 | Are you ready?
00:05:51.000 | No, I'm not.
00:05:52.000 | Good luck.
00:05:53.000 | Good luck.
00:05:54.000 | Okay.
00:05:58.000 | I think I'm just going to do the same first move.
00:06:00.000 | Actually, no, I'm trying to checkmate you in four.
00:06:03.000 | Get him!
00:06:04.000 | [Laughter]
00:06:05.000 | Good luck.
00:06:08.000 | There we go.
00:06:10.000 | And you are the strongest of them all.
00:06:12.000 | I'm not going to try to checkmate you in four.
00:06:14.000 | I'm just going to play simple openings here.
00:06:17.000 | I knew you'd be speedy.
00:06:19.000 | When do I go?
00:06:20.000 | Uh-oh.
00:06:21.000 | Do I go?
00:06:22.000 | Okay.
00:06:23.000 | Here we go.
00:06:24.000 | We're running.
00:06:25.000 | What do I do?
00:06:26.000 | What do I do?
00:06:27.000 | What do I do?
00:06:28.000 | Yeah!
00:06:29.000 | Get him, David!
00:06:30.000 | Get her!
00:06:31.000 | Wait.
00:06:32.000 | You're not letting me checkmate him?
00:06:33.000 | I didn't know you were going to help everyone.
00:06:34.000 | Hold on.
00:06:35.000 | I know what's about to happen here.
00:06:36.000 | Okay.
00:06:37.000 | Let's go here.
00:06:39.000 | Also, the clock near the board is their time.
00:06:42.000 | The clock near the outside is mine.
00:06:44.000 | Okay.
00:06:45.000 | Where's my moves, guys?
00:06:48.000 | Oh, no, it's there.
00:06:49.000 | All right.
00:06:50.000 | Well, I can't -- oh, the timer didn't start.
00:06:53.000 | Sorry, Alex.
00:06:54.000 | No, that's okay.
00:06:55.000 | I'll reset it.
00:06:57.000 | You know what?
00:06:58.000 | For fun, I guess let's just do three minutes on this clock.
00:07:01.000 | [Laughter]
00:07:04.000 | There we go.
00:07:06.000 | I only count in increments of 12 minutes.
00:07:10.000 | Okay.
00:07:11.000 | It's my turn.
00:07:12.000 | There we go.
00:07:13.000 | So you actually can try to flag me faster.
00:07:16.000 | Okay.
00:07:17.000 | I am going to -- David, what do I do?
00:07:20.000 | [Laughter]
00:07:22.000 | I've got to concentrate on the game here for a second.
00:07:24.000 | What are you going to do?
00:07:25.000 | I'm standing here to intimidate you.
00:07:27.000 | Are you going to develop that knight?
00:07:29.000 | It's working.
00:07:30.000 | Yeah!
00:07:31.000 | I came up with this myself.
00:07:35.000 | I can tell.
00:07:36.000 | [Laughter]
00:07:38.000 | I can tell you didn't get assistance on that one.
00:07:41.000 | Take it.
00:07:42.000 | Take it.
00:07:43.000 | Yeah, take it.
00:07:44.000 | I didn't know that David Sax would be doing a simul of his own here, but I guess it works.
00:07:48.000 | It was actually a pretty good move.
00:07:50.000 | I didn't know you could go backwards.
00:07:52.000 | What have you done?
00:07:54.000 | What have you done?
00:07:55.000 | I'm going to go like this.
00:07:57.000 | Yeah.
00:07:58.000 | Why do you keep saying it's okay?
00:07:59.000 | Why not -- it's nice.
00:08:00.000 | [Laughter]
00:08:02.000 | I'm going to have to play faster.
00:08:04.000 | I'm starting to only get three minutes on each board, and nobody has been checkmated yet.
00:08:08.000 | Okay.
00:08:11.000 | Check.
00:08:12.000 | What?
00:08:13.000 | [Laughter]
00:08:14.000 | The fuck?
00:08:15.000 | [Laughter]
00:08:16.000 | All right.
00:08:17.000 | You asshole.
00:08:18.000 | [Laughter]
00:08:19.000 | What?
00:08:21.000 | Check's not a big deal.
00:08:22.000 | Okay, not a big deal.
00:08:23.000 | I'm going to move this person here.
00:08:24.000 | Look.
00:08:25.000 | Hey, hey.
00:08:26.000 | I'm moving this person to here to block her.
00:08:28.000 | Okay, good.
00:08:29.000 | Okay.
00:08:30.000 | Oh, my God.
00:08:31.000 | She did two moves, and now I get two moves.
00:08:32.000 | She's got more play time than I do.
00:08:33.000 | What?
00:08:34.000 | Take your knight out.
00:08:35.000 | You've got to get castled.
00:08:36.000 | What?
00:08:37.000 | You've got to get castled.
00:08:38.000 | What the fuck does that mean?
00:08:39.000 | Okay, you've survived.
00:08:40.000 | I'm proud of you.
00:08:41.000 | [Laughter]
00:08:42.000 | Fuck.
00:08:43.000 | Why did I not be speaking a different language?
00:08:44.000 | Did I move?
00:08:46.000 | Okay.
00:08:47.000 | Easy move for you.
00:08:48.000 | Easy -- David.
00:08:49.000 | Oh, okay.
00:08:50.000 | Wait, did I miss a move, or no?
00:08:51.000 | Or am I good?
00:08:52.000 | I think you just castled.
00:08:53.000 | I castled.
00:08:54.000 | Yeah, yeah, you're good.
00:08:55.000 | David, look, I'm doing this little tip-sitting over here.
00:08:56.000 | Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:08:57.000 | Okay.
00:08:58.000 | I can tell he's not paying attention to you anymore.
00:09:00.000 | He doesn't care.
00:09:01.000 | Alex, take that!
00:09:02.000 | Okay, I think I need to bully the weakest link,
00:09:03.000 | and then focus on the other boards.
00:09:04.000 | What the fuck?
00:09:05.000 | There we go.
00:09:06.000 | Okay, so he just lost a piece.
00:09:07.000 | He's lost, but now he can try to stall me on the clock.
00:09:08.000 | Stall, stall, stall.
00:09:09.000 | Okay.
00:09:10.000 | What does this thing want to do here?
00:09:11.000 | Here?
00:09:12.000 | Hold on, I am confused.
00:09:14.000 | Okay, I'm starting to get two minutes on the clock
00:09:15.000 | on most of the boards.
00:09:16.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:17.000 | Okay.
00:09:18.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:19.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:20.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:21.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:22.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:23.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:24.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:25.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:26.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:27.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:28.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:29.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:30.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:31.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:32.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:33.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:34.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:35.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:36.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:37.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:38.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:39.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:40.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:41.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:42.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:43.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:44.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:45.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:46.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:47.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:48.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:49.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:50.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:51.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:52.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:53.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:54.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:55.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:56.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:57.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:58.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:09:59.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:10:00.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:10:01.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:10:02.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:10:03.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:10:04.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:10:05.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:10:06.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:10:07.000 | I'm going to cast a spell.
00:10:09.000 | So far, they're actually-- he just put a queen on the board.
00:10:13.360 | I can tell.
00:10:14.360 | It's a different color than the other queen.
00:10:15.360 | I want to.
00:10:16.360 | [LAUGHTER]
00:10:17.360 | [APPLAUSE]
00:10:18.360 | [LAUGHTER]
00:10:19.360 | Oh, fuck.
00:10:20.360 | She forked me.
00:10:21.360 | OK, there you go.
00:10:22.360 | I'm forked.
00:10:23.360 | I'm fucked.
00:10:24.360 | She forked me.
00:10:25.360 | So Sax's position is even right now,
00:10:26.360 | and he's up a minute on the clock.
00:10:27.360 | So he has the best chance so far.
00:10:28.360 | Shemoth hasn't gotten checkmated.
00:10:29.360 | The other two have been able to get a little bit of a break.
00:10:30.360 | So he's up a minute on the clock.
00:10:31.360 | So he has the best chance so far.
00:10:32.360 | Shemoth hasn't gotten checkmated.
00:10:33.360 | The other two have been able to get a little bit of a break.
00:10:34.360 | So he has the best chance so far.
00:10:36.360 | Shemoth hasn't gotten checkmated.
00:10:38.080 | So let's round of applause.
00:10:39.080 | [APPLAUSE]
00:10:40.080 | [APPLAUSE]
00:10:41.080 | [APPLAUSE]
00:10:42.080 | [APPLAUSE]
00:10:43.080 | [APPLAUSE]
00:10:44.080 | And this position is actually pretty even also.
00:10:46.200 | And I only have two minutes.
00:10:47.200 | So I'm going to just have to do more cardio at some point
00:10:49.240 | and take out Jkal very soon, because he's managed to lose
00:10:52.520 | many of his pieces.
00:10:53.600 | So he's in big trouble.
00:10:54.600 | [LAUGHTER]
00:10:55.600 | [LAUGHTER]
00:10:56.600 | OK, OK.
00:10:57.600 | Nice, nice, nice.
00:10:58.600 | I'll be faster.
00:10:59.600 | [SIGHS]
00:11:04.720 | I think what I need to do is I need to take them out
00:11:06.960 | and then focus on you individually, because you're
00:11:08.720 | playing very well here.
00:11:10.720 | Uh-oh.
00:11:11.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:12.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:13.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:15.720 | And you're in second place.
00:11:16.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:17.720 | OK, let's try this.
00:11:18.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:19.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:20.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:21.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:22.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:23.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:24.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:25.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:26.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:27.720 | [APPLAUSE]
00:11:29.720 | I'm trying.
00:11:30.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:11:32.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:11:33.720 | All right.
00:11:34.720 | We're going to just do--
00:11:35.720 | That's what I'm talking about.
00:11:37.720 | I only have a minute on that board, because I accidentally put
00:11:38.720 | three minutes instead of five.
00:11:39.720 | I give you an extra minute if that's what you want.
00:11:40.720 | No, I don't need excuses.
00:11:41.720 | This is competitive.
00:11:42.720 | Come on.
00:11:43.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:11:44.720 | That is actually a good move.
00:11:45.720 | Oh, my God.
00:11:46.720 | I blundered a pawn.
00:11:47.720 | Oh, God.
00:11:48.720 | Or did I?
00:11:49.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:11:52.720 | What is she doing?
00:11:53.720 | Every time I come here, I feel like I'm doing something
00:11:54.720 | completely different.
00:11:55.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:11:59.720 | What is she doing?
00:12:00.720 | Every time I come here, I feel like I'm doing something
00:12:01.720 | completely different.
00:12:02.720 | Every time I come here, I can't tell if you've made a move,
00:12:03.720 | because your position is so bad.
00:12:04.720 | It takes me an extra second.
00:12:05.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:12:07.720 | I have a minute on this board.
00:12:08.720 | This is getting really dangerous, so I need to focus on Friedberg.
00:12:09.720 | Otherwise, I might flag.
00:12:10.720 | And I also have a minute here.
00:12:11.720 | So we're just going to have to make fast moves.
00:12:12.720 | How much do I have here?
00:12:13.720 | Two minutes?
00:12:15.720 | We're going to do that.
00:12:16.720 | He's giving me free pieces.
00:12:17.720 | This is helping.
00:12:18.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:12:19.720 | I did?
00:12:20.720 | Check.
00:12:21.720 | I appreciate it.
00:12:22.720 | Thank you.
00:12:23.720 | Check.
00:12:24.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:12:26.720 | We're trying now.
00:12:27.720 | Three minutes here.
00:12:28.720 | Plenty of time.
00:12:29.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:12:30.720 | Actually, I have a better chance to flag JCal than they do to flag me, so I'm looking forward
00:12:31.720 | to it.
00:12:32.720 | Check.
00:12:33.720 | Oh, sorry.
00:12:34.720 | You didn't move yet.
00:12:35.720 | Oh, wait.
00:12:36.720 | You did.
00:12:37.720 | You just didn't press your clock.
00:12:38.720 | So now it's on you.
00:12:39.720 | 50 seconds here.
00:12:40.720 | [LAUGHTER]
00:12:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:44.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:45.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:46.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:58.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:12:59.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:00.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:01.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:02.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:03.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:04.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:05.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:06.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:07.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:08.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:34.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:44.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:45.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:46.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:13:58.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:04.720 | Oh, this is tricky.
00:14:05.720 | Oh, my God.
00:14:06.720 | I'm going to lose on time.
00:14:07.720 | I have only eight seconds here.
00:14:08.720 | I don't know how I'm going to do this.
00:14:09.720 | Okay, check.
00:14:10.720 | 17 seconds.
00:14:11.720 | That's a good move, actually.
00:14:12.720 | I saw the audience yelling.
00:14:13.720 | I need to try not to flag here.
00:14:14.720 | I don't know if I can pull it off.
00:14:15.720 | Take a shot.
00:14:16.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:17.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:18.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:19.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:20.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:21.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:22.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:23.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:24.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:25.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:26.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:27.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:28.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:29.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:30.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:31.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:32.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:33.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:34.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:35.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:36.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:37.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:38.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:39.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:40.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:14:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:08.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:37.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:38.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:39.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:40.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:44.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:45.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:46.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:15:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:21.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:58.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:16:59.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:00.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:01.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:02.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:03.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:04.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:05.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:06.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:07.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:33.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:17:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:18.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:58.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:18:59.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:00.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:01.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:02.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:03.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:04.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:05.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:31.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:38.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:39.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:40.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:44.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:45.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:46.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:58.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:19:59.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:00.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:01.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:02.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:03.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:04.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:05.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:06.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:07.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:08.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:09.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:10.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:11.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:12.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:13.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:34.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:20:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:25.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:26.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:27.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:28.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:29.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:30.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:31.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:32.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:33.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:34.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:35.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:36.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:37.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:38.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:39.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:40.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:21:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:04.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:30.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:37.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:38.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:39.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:40.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:44.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:45.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:46.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:58.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:22:59.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:00.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:01.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:02.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:03.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:04.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:05.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:06.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:07.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:08.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:09.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:10.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:11.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:12.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:23:37.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:03.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:32.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:33.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:34.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:35.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:36.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:37.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:38.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:39.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:40.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:44.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:45.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:46.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:24:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:14.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:21.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:22.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:23.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:24.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:25.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:26.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:27.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:28.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:29.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:30.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:31.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:32.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:33.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:34.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:35.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:36.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:37.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:38.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:39.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:40.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:44.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:45.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:46.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:25:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:20.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:27.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:28.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:29.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:30.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:31.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:32.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:33.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:34.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:35.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:36.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:37.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:38.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:39.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:40.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:44.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:45.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:46.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:58.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:26:59.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:00.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:01.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:02.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:23.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:58.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:27:59.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:00.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:01.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:02.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:03.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:04.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:05.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:06.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:07.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:08.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:09.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:10.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:34.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:41.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:42.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:43.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:44.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:45.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:46.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:48.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:51.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:52.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:53.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:54.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:55.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:56.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:57.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:58.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:28:59.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:00.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:01.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:02.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:03.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:04.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:05.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:06.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:07.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:08.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:09.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:10.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:11.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:12.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:13.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
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00:29:15.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
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00:29:40.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:29:47.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
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00:29:49.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
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00:34:50.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
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00:35:21.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:22.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:23.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:24.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:25.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:26.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:27.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:28.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:29.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:30.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:31.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:32.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:33.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:34.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:35.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:36.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:37.720 | I'm going to try to get this done.
00:35:39.720 | >> And that's in memory chunking, and that's where people confuse maybe intuition with
00:35:46.440 | actually pattern recognition or chunks of moves.
00:35:49.840 | And that is the best way, from what I understand, to get really good at chess is to understand
00:35:53.360 | those sort of situational chunks of moves like when you hit me with a knife fork and
00:35:57.280 | I lost my rook.
00:35:58.280 | >> Yeah, exactly.
00:35:59.280 | Exactly.
00:36:00.280 | And Magnus, the best player in the world, he's extremely good at end games because,
00:36:03.920 | again, he knows the foundation of end games really well.
00:36:06.560 | He's had a lot of practice.
00:36:07.560 | And he also just has crazy natural talent at figuring them up.
00:36:10.880 | >> So speaking of Magnus, there was a chess scandal that we talked about on the pod some
00:36:15.360 | ways back involving Hans Niemann, a player who has kind of kicked off and maybe
00:36:20.960 | some other places, too, for alleged cheating.
00:36:23.840 | Magnus said he wouldn't play with him.
00:36:25.520 | Now I guess there was a statement that is allowing him back.
00:36:29.160 | Magnus said he will play with him.
00:36:30.760 | Can you give us an update on what the chess world thinks happened there?
00:36:34.720 | >> Yeah.
00:36:35.720 | So I'll give some general background a little bit more so the audience has it, too.
00:36:40.120 | Basically the best chess -- and I know they talked about it on the pod, but just in case.
00:36:44.040 | So the best chess player in the world was playing against a talented junior.
00:36:47.520 | He was in the top 50 of all players in the world, top 10 for all juniors.
00:36:52.840 | And he was this chess player who had risen really quickly, like 100 to 200 points, which
00:36:57.280 | was unheard of for his skill level.
00:37:00.240 | And he ended up beating Magnus.
00:37:01.960 | And Magnus the next day withdrew from the tournament, which is the first time Magnus
00:37:05.760 | has ever done anything.
00:37:07.040 | And it basically led to Magnus accusing him of cheating.
00:37:10.680 | And Hans coming out with a public interview saying he's never cheated on the board, but
00:37:14.400 | he has cheated online when he was, you know, 16 or very young.
00:37:18.440 | saw this, and because he said that information about cheating on their site,
00:37:22.720 | they wanted to correct the information.
00:37:24.400 | So they came out and they said, actually, he's cheated online in hundreds of games,
00:37:28.480 | including events that were for money.
00:37:31.200 | And then he got uninvited from some larger tournament.
00:37:34.800 | And basically what ended up happening is it blew up into this giant controversy where
00:37:40.080 | people on Hans' side were saying they haven't been able to prove the cheating over the board.
00:37:44.600 | He admitted to online, that's very different.
00:37:47.080 | And then people on Magnus' side were just saying, you know, if the best person in the
00:37:51.280 | world thinks he cheated, he has really good intuition.
00:37:54.220 | This was recently resolved, where Hans has been able to get back onto
00:37:58.800 | I spoke to them the day he got back on the website.
00:38:02.040 | The way they saw it is, we just want the world to move forward.
00:38:05.480 | We don't want there to be drama in any sport.
00:38:07.640 | Somebody can get a penalty, but they should be allowed to come back in.
00:38:10.840 | And Magnus agreed to play him back over the board.
00:38:13.800 | And then just a day ago, another world chess champion accused him of cheating and made
00:38:18.680 | a YouTube video on it.
00:38:20.080 | For what it's worth, he accused him of cheating because his timing was really weird in an
00:38:23.760 | online game.
00:38:24.980 | But this 19-year-old was like changing music, talking to his chat, so that's probably why.
00:38:29.880 | But because of computers, it's just really easy to be suspicious now.
00:38:33.600 | But didn't some of the cheating occur in person and they were thinking he might have had some
00:38:36.920 | sort of signal and somebody was, you know, maybe an issuer or something like that.
00:38:40.280 | Maybe he could talk to that because that seems, yeah.
00:38:44.000 | That's what Magnus was accusing him.
00:38:45.960 | Even when the report came out, said they found no evidence of cheating over
00:38:50.360 | the board and there still has been no cheating, no evidence of cheating over the board.
00:38:55.340 | So that hasn't been proven.
00:38:57.160 | That being said, it's extremely difficult to catch people who cheat because it could
00:39:01.360 | be as simple as an arbiter you're working with scratching their head when you have a
00:39:05.720 | winning move and that's it.
00:39:07.460 | So it's really hard to catch.
00:39:09.040 | Not saying that he did cheat, but that's the difficulty of catching cheating at a league
00:39:12.680 | chess.
00:39:13.680 | At tournaments, are they now going to do them like in a sealed room so that nobody can be
00:39:16.740 | watching and present in order to keep the integrity of the game?
00:39:19.840 | I mean, they do metal detectors and all of the arbiters now, you know, they check them
00:39:24.520 | a lot.
00:39:25.520 | They're doing statistical analysis.
00:39:26.880 | They look over their game and things like that.
00:39:28.480 | So they're doing all of the tools that they can.
00:39:31.480 | Alexandra, thank you for bringing chess to the world.
00:39:34.760 | I think you've been an amazing ambassador.
00:39:35.760 | Amazing.
00:39:36.760 | And thank you for joining us today.
00:39:37.760 | Congratulations on all your success.
00:39:38.760 | Thank you.
00:39:38.760 | Rain Man, David Saks.
00:39:39.760 | And it's said we open sourced it to the fans and they've just gone crazy with it.
00:39:40.760 | Love you, Wesley.
00:39:41.760 | I'm the queen of Kinwam.
00:39:41.760 | I'm going over you.
00:39:42.760 | Rain Man, David Saks.
00:39:43.760 | And it's said we open sourced it to the fans and they've just gone crazy with it.
00:39:44.760 | Love you, Wesley.
00:39:45.760 | I'm the queen of Kinwam.
00:39:45.760 | I'm going over you.
00:39:46.760 | Rain Man, David Saks.
00:39:47.760 | And it's said we open sourced it to the fans and they've just gone crazy with it.
00:39:48.760 | Love you, Wesley.
00:39:49.760 | I'm the queen of Kinwam.
00:39:50.760 | I'm going over you.
00:39:50.760 | Rain Man, David Saks.
00:39:51.760 | And it's said we open sourced it to the fans and they've just gone crazy with it.
00:39:52.760 | Love you, Wesley.
00:39:53.760 | I'm the queen of Kinwam.
00:39:54.760 | I'm going over you.
00:39:54.760 | Rain Man, David Saks.
00:39:55.760 | And it's said we open sourced it to the fans and they've just gone crazy with it.
00:39:56.760 | Love you, Wesley.
00:39:57.760 | I'm the queen of Kinwam.
00:39:58.760 | I'm going over you.
00:39:58.760 | ♪ Winners win ♪