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Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #28


0:0 Introduction: Protocols for sleep, mood, focus, exercise creativity
4:8 Sponsors
8:50 Protocol 1: Record Your Daily Waking Time & Temperature Minimum
12:7 Protocol 2: Self-Generate Forward Motion (Outdoors)
17:0 Protocol 3: View Natural Light For 10-30min Every Morning
22:43 What To Do If You Can’t View The Sun: Blue Light
26:50 Protocol 4: Hydrate Correctly
28:0 Protocol 5: Delay Caffeine 90-120m After Waking
30:48 Protocol 6: Fast (or Fat-Fast) Until Noon
32:30 What Actually Breaks A Fast & What Doesn’t?
34:30 Fat Loss & Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP1), Yerba Mate, Guayusa Tea
37:30 Protocol 7: Optimize Deep Work: Visual Elevation, Ultradian Cycles, White Noise
48:30 Optimal Time of Day To Do Hard Mental Work
52:7 Protocol 8: Optimal Exercise; 3:2 Ratio
63:54 Tools for Training & Mental Focus: Fasting, Salt, Stimulants, Alpha-GPC
70:0 Protocol 9: Eat For Brain Function & Mood
77:39 Protocol 10: Get Your Testosterone & Estrogen In An Ideal Range
84:0 Protocol 11: Reset the Mind & Body, Enhance Neuroplasticity,
91:15 Protocol 12: Hydrate Correctly, Nap Rules
93:29 Protocol 13: View Late Afternoon/Evening Light To Support Sleep & Dopamine
99:0 Protocol 14: Eat Dinner That Promotes Serotonin, Calm Sleep
104:27 Protocol 15: Optimize Falling & Staying Asleep; Tools & Supplements That Work
115:0 Protocol 16: Preventing Middle of the Night Waking
119:10 Protocol 17: Weekends, Recovering From A Poor Nights Sleep
125:20 Neural Network, Supplement Sources, Sponsors

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | - Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,
00:00:02.280 | where we discuss science and science-based tools
00:00:04.920 | for everyday life.
00:00:05.920 | I'm Andrew Huberman,
00:00:10.520 | and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology
00:00:13.200 | at Stanford School of Medicine.
00:00:15.320 | Today, we are going to talk about science-based protocols
00:00:18.460 | for sleep, mood, learning, nutrition,
00:00:23.460 | exercise of various kinds, strength and endurance,
00:00:26.640 | and hypertrophy.
00:00:28.020 | And we are going to talk about some protocols
00:00:30.080 | that relate to creativity.
00:00:32.300 | We're going to talk about behavioral protocols,
00:00:34.260 | supplement-based protocols,
00:00:36.040 | all science backed by quality peer review literature.
00:00:39.400 | The reason that we're holding this episode now
00:00:41.120 | is that in the recent previous episodes,
00:00:43.360 | we've covered some pretty intense and in-depth topics.
00:00:46.360 | We've talked about vision and how we see
00:00:48.840 | and how to get better at seeing and how to maintain vision.
00:00:51.420 | We've talked about hearing and balance.
00:00:53.660 | We've talked about chemical sensing,
00:00:55.680 | and we had a guest episode
00:00:56.840 | that covered a lot of information
00:00:58.340 | about new and emerging technologies in neuroscience,
00:01:01.100 | as well as mental health.
00:01:02.620 | That was the interview episode with Dr. Karl Deisseroth.
00:01:06.220 | So given that we've covered so much detailed information
00:01:09.280 | in the previous 27 episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast,
00:01:13.360 | I decided that we would hold office hours.
00:01:16.200 | Office hours in the university setting
00:01:18.020 | are when students come to the professor's office
00:01:20.840 | or you meet outdoors on campus or in the classroom
00:01:24.440 | to review the material and questions from lecture
00:01:27.480 | in more detail.
00:01:29.360 | Now, unfortunately, we don't have the opportunity
00:01:31.320 | to meet face-to-face in real life,
00:01:34.200 | but nonetheless, you've been sending your questions,
00:01:37.280 | putting them in the comments section on YouTube, et cetera,
00:01:40.840 | and I've prepared a number of answers
00:01:42.600 | to the questions that have shown up most frequently.
00:01:45.580 | Now, in order to provide context and structure
00:01:48.960 | to the way that we will address these questions,
00:01:52.240 | I've arranged the science and science-based protocols
00:01:56.040 | that relate to various aspects of life,
00:01:58.640 | such as mood, exercise, sleep, waking,
00:02:01.560 | anxiety, creativity, et cetera,
00:02:03.600 | into the context of a day.
00:02:06.600 | Selecting the unit of a day
00:02:08.800 | in order to deliver this science information and protocols
00:02:12.240 | is not a haphazard decision on my part.
00:02:15.440 | It's actually the case that every cell in our body,
00:02:17.580 | every organ in our body and our brain is modulated
00:02:21.120 | or changes across the 24-hour day
00:02:23.680 | in a very regular and predictable rhythm,
00:02:27.040 | and it's no coincidence that the earth spins once
00:02:29.320 | on its axis every 24 hours.
00:02:31.600 | These two things are coordinated by virtue of genes
00:02:35.480 | and different proteins and things that are expressed
00:02:37.680 | in every cell of your body,
00:02:39.720 | and so selecting the unit of the day
00:02:41.720 | is not just a practical one,
00:02:43.160 | but it's one that's related to our deeper biology.
00:02:46.360 | You may have heard in my interview episode
00:02:49.960 | with Dr. Karl Deisseroth that he himself,
00:02:53.660 | in order to juggle a tremendous workload,
00:02:57.180 | a full-time clinical practice, a lab of 40-plus people,
00:03:00.400 | a family of five children, et cetera,
00:03:02.400 | breaks up his life into units of days,
00:03:06.480 | and so today we are going to further dissect the day
00:03:10.040 | as a unit that one can manage and manage extremely well
00:03:14.360 | and, in fact, can optimize.
00:03:16.340 | So we're basically going to talk about
00:03:18.240 | how to leverage science-based protocols,
00:03:21.120 | and when I say science, I mean quality,
00:03:23.340 | peer-reviewed science published in excellent journals.
00:03:26.520 | We're going to talk about how to take that science,
00:03:28.520 | convert it into specific protocols
00:03:30.740 | that break up along the course of a single day
00:03:33.520 | and direct certain types of behaviors
00:03:36.140 | in order to optimize the various features of life.
00:03:39.300 | I will couch this in the context of what I do
00:03:42.720 | across a daily 24-hour rhythm.
00:03:44.920 | That doesn't mean that you have to follow this schedule
00:03:47.240 | at all or even in part.
00:03:49.280 | It's just by way of example.
00:03:50.640 | Any number of the different things that I described
00:03:52.600 | could be applied to any number of different schedules
00:03:55.040 | or frameworks, but if there's one truth
00:03:57.680 | that applies to all of us is that we all have to exist
00:04:00.320 | within the context of this 24-hour rhythm
00:04:02.960 | that we all possess, so that's what we'll focus on.
00:04:06.120 | Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast
00:04:08.700 | is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.
00:04:11.520 | It is, however, part of my desire and effort
00:04:13.760 | to bring zero cost to consumer information about science
00:04:16.560 | and science-related tools to the general public.
00:04:19.520 | In keeping with that theme,
00:04:20.640 | I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.
00:04:23.520 | Our first sponsor is Roca.
00:04:25.540 | Roca makes eyeglasses and sunglasses
00:04:28.040 | that I believe are the very highest quality possible.
00:04:31.320 | Developed by two All-American swimmers from Stanford,
00:04:33.760 | Roca sunglasses and eyeglasses were developed
00:04:36.420 | with their intention to create sunglasses and eyeglasses
00:04:39.000 | that could be worn anywhere, so while exercising
00:04:41.400 | or while working, at home, while driving.
00:04:44.320 | The reason I like Roca glasses so much
00:04:46.720 | is that, first of all, they're extremely lightweight.
00:04:49.120 | The optical clarity of the lenses is excellent,
00:04:51.920 | and so I often just forget that I even have them on.
00:04:55.380 | When I'm outside and I'm wearing sunglasses,
00:04:57.780 | they have this really terrific feature,
00:04:59.040 | which is that I can move in and out of shadows
00:05:00.880 | or the cloud cover can change,
00:05:02.480 | and I can see perfectly well the entire time.
00:05:04.960 | You know, many eyeglasses and sunglasses that I've tried,
00:05:07.200 | depending on what we call the ambient lighting conditions,
00:05:09.880 | the local lighting conditions outside,
00:05:11.760 | I have to take them off or put them back on.
00:05:13.440 | It's really annoying for me, but with Roca glasses,
00:05:15.960 | somehow, I'm assuming because they really understand
00:05:18.760 | the science of the visual system,
00:05:20.880 | the eyeglasses and sunglasses work seamlessly
00:05:23.400 | with whatever environment you're in,
00:05:24.800 | so that's absolutely terrific.
00:05:26.440 | Another thing about Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses
00:05:29.120 | is that their aesthetic is really terrific.
00:05:31.680 | Now, I don't think I'm alone in saying
00:05:33.120 | that many performance glasses, as they're called,
00:05:36.120 | end up making people look like a cyborg,
00:05:38.000 | but the sunglasses are of the sort that, you know,
00:05:39.920 | you can wear while running or biking or driving
00:05:42.780 | or out to dinner.
00:05:44.280 | I don't typically wear sunglasses while out to dinner,
00:05:46.440 | but you get the idea.
00:05:47.280 | You can wear them anywhere, and they look very natural.
00:05:49.900 | They have a huge number of different styles to select from.
00:05:52.920 | If you'd like to try Roca glasses,
00:05:54.520 | you can go to Roca, that's R-O-K-A, .com,
00:05:57.640 | and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off
00:06:00.480 | your first order.
00:06:01.440 | That's Roca, R-O-K-A, .com,
00:06:03.640 | and enter the code Huberman at checkout.
00:06:06.000 | Today's podcast is also brought to us by Inside Tracker.
00:06:09.160 | Inside Tracker is a personalized nutrition platform
00:06:11.600 | that analyzes data from your blood and DNA
00:06:14.180 | to help you better understand your body
00:06:15.740 | and help you reach your health goals.
00:06:17.960 | I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done
00:06:20.920 | for the simple reason that many of the factors
00:06:23.480 | that impact your immediate and long-term health
00:06:25.700 | can only be analyzed from a quality blood test.
00:06:28.820 | With Inside Tracker, it alleviates a specific problem
00:06:31.940 | that's associated with most, if not all,
00:06:33.920 | of the other blood tests and DNA tests out there,
00:06:36.440 | and that problem is you get information back
00:06:38.700 | about the levels of various things, metabolic factors,
00:06:41.020 | hormones, et cetera,
00:06:42.620 | but you don't know what to do with that information.
00:06:44.620 | With Inside Tracker, they have this terrific dashboard
00:06:46.900 | that allows you to both see your levels of hormones,
00:06:49.800 | metabolic factors, and the rest,
00:06:51.660 | but also it suggests specific things that you can do
00:06:54.740 | with your nutrition, your exercise, and lifestyle,
00:06:57.480 | and so forth, in order to bring those levels
00:06:59.700 | into the ranges that are best for your immediate
00:07:01.840 | and long-term health.
00:07:03.460 | In addition, they make the whole process
00:07:04.940 | of getting your blood and DNA taken very easy.
00:07:08.020 | They'll even come to your home to take the sample.
00:07:10.500 | If you'd like to try Inside Tracker,
00:07:12.260 | you can go to,
00:07:15.220 | and if you do that,
00:07:16.060 | you'll get 25% off any of Inside Tracker's plans.
00:07:19.300 | Just use the code Huberman at checkout.
00:07:21.460 | That's
00:07:24.180 | to get 25% off any of Inside Tracker's plans.
00:07:27.540 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Helix Sleep.
00:07:30.540 | Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows
00:07:32.860 | that are ideally matched to your sleep needs.
00:07:35.780 | I started sleeping on a Helix mattress
00:07:37.580 | about eight months ago, and I can honestly say
00:07:40.640 | it's the best sleep that I've ever had in my entire life,
00:07:43.820 | and that's because the mattress was actually designed for me,
00:07:46.820 | and you can have a mattress designed for you.
00:07:48.900 | If you go to,
00:07:50.660 | they have this free, very brief two-minute quiz
00:07:53.560 | that asks you a number of questions,
00:07:55.140 | like do you sleep on your side or your back?
00:07:56.940 | Do you tend to run warm while you sleep,
00:07:58.500 | or do you tend to get cold in the middle of the night?
00:08:01.880 | Maybe you don't know the answers to those questions,
00:08:03.500 | and that's fine too.
00:08:05.260 | After taking that quiz,
00:08:06.260 | they will match you to a specific mattress
00:08:08.880 | that's ideal for your sleep needs.
00:08:11.180 | I matched to the so-called Dusk mattress, D-U-S-K,
00:08:14.300 | because I wanted a mattress that was not too firm,
00:08:16.560 | not too soft, and as I mentioned, I absolutely love it.
00:08:19.420 | If you're interested in upgrading your mattress,
00:08:22.160 | you can go to,
00:08:25.240 | take their two-minute sleep quiz,
00:08:26.660 | and they'll match you to a customized mattress,
00:08:28.900 | and you'll get up to $200 off your mattress order
00:08:31.540 | and two free pillows.
00:08:32.700 | They also make these terrific pillows.
00:08:34.820 | They have a 10-year warranty,
00:08:36.100 | and you get to try out the mattress for 100 nights risk-free.
00:08:39.020 | If you don't like it, they'll come pick it up,
00:08:40.980 | and they'll take it away, but I think you'll love it.
00:08:43.100 | I certainly love mine.
00:08:44.340 | Again, if you're interested,
00:08:45.300 | you can go to
00:08:48.260 | for up to $200 off and two free pillows.
00:08:51.340 | So let's talk about how to apply
00:08:52.620 | quality peer-reviewed science to your day
00:08:55.180 | and how to optimize everything from sleep to learning,
00:08:58.500 | creativity, meal timing, et cetera.
00:09:01.600 | As I mentioned earlier,
00:09:03.660 | I'm going to do this in the context of my day
00:09:06.060 | and what I typically do.
00:09:07.880 | However, the specific protocols
00:09:10.180 | for any number of different things, sleep relaxation,
00:09:13.460 | meal timing, exercise, et cetera,
00:09:15.280 | any one or all of those could be rearranged
00:09:18.540 | to suit your specific needs.
00:09:20.940 | I'm going to tell you what I do from morning until waking
00:09:24.100 | and even what I do while I sleep
00:09:26.060 | in order to optimize my sleep.
00:09:28.260 | So let's start with getting up in the morning.
00:09:31.500 | Now, for me, I tend to wake up sometime around 6 a.m.,
00:09:34.660 | 6.30, sometimes as late as 7 a.m.
00:09:37.200 | I don't typically sleep much later than 7 a.m.
00:09:40.500 | The first thing I do after I wake up
00:09:42.740 | is I take the pen that's on my nightstand
00:09:45.240 | and the pad of paper on my nightstand
00:09:47.140 | and I write down the time in which I woke up.
00:09:50.220 | Now, I do sleep with my phone in my room.
00:09:52.700 | I realize this is considered a sin
00:09:54.860 | and has certain hazards associated with it,
00:09:57.900 | but I put my phone on airplane mode
00:09:59.660 | about an hour before I go to sleep.
00:10:02.020 | And then I set my alarm typically for 6.30 a.m.
00:10:05.380 | And some days the alarm wakes me up,
00:10:07.300 | other days I wake up before the alarm.
00:10:09.740 | And yes, some days the alarm goes off
00:10:11.520 | and I hit snooze a few times.
00:10:13.100 | And then usually by 7 a.m. I am up and out of bed.
00:10:16.940 | The reason for writing down what time I wake up
00:10:20.100 | is because I want to know that average wake up time.
00:10:23.240 | That average wake up time
00:10:25.980 | informs what's called my temperature minimum.
00:10:28.860 | It tells me when my body temperature was lowest.
00:10:31.900 | The temperature minimum is the time in each 24-hour cycle
00:10:36.900 | that your body temperature is lowest.
00:10:40.300 | I don't sleep with a thermometer in my mouth or elsewhere,
00:10:43.260 | and I don't think you should either.
00:10:45.260 | Instead, I know that the lowest temperature
00:10:48.660 | that my body will be at across the 24-hour cycle
00:10:52.860 | tends to be two hours before my typical wake up time.
00:10:57.060 | And I want to know that number.
00:10:58.820 | It's called our temperature minimum.
00:11:01.220 | So if you're somebody that typically wakes up at 8 a.m.,
00:11:04.580 | then your temperature minimum is sometime around 6 a.m.
00:11:07.260 | Remember, the temperature minimum
00:11:08.660 | is a time in the 24-hour cycle.
00:11:11.700 | I don't care what my actual temperature is.
00:11:14.640 | I care when my lowest temperature is.
00:11:17.220 | And I know that that lowest temperature
00:11:19.900 | is approximately two hours before my average wake up time.
00:11:24.000 | So I highly recommend that you write down when you wake up
00:11:29.860 | or track that in some way that works for you
00:11:32.940 | and use that as a reference point
00:11:35.080 | to determine your temperature minimum.
00:11:37.460 | We will return to the temperature minimum
00:11:39.780 | and how you can leverage the temperature minimum
00:11:42.200 | for several things, shifting your clock,
00:11:45.180 | shifting your circadian sleep schedule and wake schedule,
00:11:48.060 | also for shifting your eating schedule, et cetera.
00:11:51.120 | We will return to that.
00:11:52.400 | But even if you don't travel,
00:11:54.320 | even if you don't care about things like jet lag,
00:11:56.900 | even if you sleep fabulously all year round,
00:11:59.820 | never have a poor night's sleep.
00:12:01.540 | Knowing your temperature minimum,
00:12:02.960 | that time when your temperature is at its lowest point,
00:12:05.340 | is a valuable thing to know.
00:12:07.980 | The second thing I do after I wake up
00:12:10.000 | is to get into forward ambulation,
00:12:12.520 | which is just nerd speak for taking a walk.
00:12:15.600 | I have a dog, and as many of you know, he's a bulldog,
00:12:19.580 | and he doesn't really like to walk,
00:12:21.420 | especially not in the morning.
00:12:23.080 | But for humans and for animals,
00:12:26.420 | there's a phenomenon whereby
00:12:28.180 | when we generate our own forward motion, forward ambulation,
00:12:32.400 | visual images pass by us on our eyes, so-called optic flow.
00:12:39.140 | And for those of you that are low vision or no vision,
00:12:41.760 | the same phenomenon occurs in the auditory system.
00:12:44.280 | Sounds pass by us in so-called auditory flow.
00:12:48.240 | Getting into a mode of forward ambulation
00:12:54.240 | and especially experiencing visual flow
00:12:58.200 | has a powerful effect on the nervous system.
00:13:01.880 | The effect it has is essentially to quiet
00:13:04.920 | or reduce the amount of neural activity
00:13:07.260 | in this brain structure called the amygdala.
00:13:10.180 | Amygdala means almond,
00:13:11.660 | and many of you have probably heard about the amygdala
00:13:14.440 | for its role in anxiety and fear and threat detection.
00:13:18.000 | And indeed, the amygdala is part of the network in the brain
00:13:21.840 | that generates feelings of fear and threat and anxiety.
00:13:24.960 | It does a bunch of other things too,
00:13:26.240 | but that's one of its primary functions.
00:13:28.360 | There are now at least half a dozen quality papers
00:13:31.500 | published in quality peer review journals
00:13:33.740 | that show that forward ambulation,
00:13:36.040 | walking or biking or running,
00:13:38.240 | and generating optic flow in particular
00:13:41.080 | has this incredible property of lowering activity
00:13:44.200 | in the amygdala and thereby reducing levels of anxiety.
00:13:47.720 | There are two papers that I'd like to highlight
00:13:49.640 | in particular that relate to this phenomenon.
00:13:52.480 | The first one was published in the journal Neuron,
00:13:54.620 | and the title of this paper
00:13:55.580 | is "Whole-Brain Functional Ultrasound Imaging."
00:13:57.760 | That just means they have a cool technique
00:13:59.360 | to evaluate the activity of structures in the brain
00:14:02.660 | across the entire brain,
00:14:04.240 | reveals brain modules for visual motor integration.
00:14:07.320 | What they found in this study,
00:14:09.980 | and I should mention the first author is Massey.
00:14:11.680 | This comes from Boton-Roska's group.
00:14:14.300 | This was work done in mice,
00:14:16.180 | but I will talk about other species in a moment.
00:14:18.400 | What they found was essentially
00:14:19.800 | that when these mice walk forward
00:14:23.020 | and their eyes move from side to side,
00:14:24.640 | which is a natural consequence of moving forward,
00:14:26.880 | so-called optic flow is flowing past their eyes,
00:14:30.880 | many brain areas are activated,
00:14:32.800 | increase in their level of firing,
00:14:34.640 | but the amygdala in particular reduced its levels of firing.
00:14:37.760 | That's a very interesting finding, but it is in mice.
00:14:41.200 | However, another paper,
00:14:44.440 | "Eye Movement Intervention Enhances Extinction
00:14:46.680 | via Amygdala Deactivation,"
00:14:49.080 | was published in the Journal of Neuroscience,
00:14:51.820 | a strong journal, and shows that, again,
00:14:55.260 | these eye movements, these lateral eye movements
00:14:57.320 | from side to side reduce activity levels
00:15:00.780 | in this fear/threat/anxiety center in the brain,
00:15:04.760 | the amygdala.
00:15:05.600 | Now, those are eye movements.
00:15:08.720 | They didn't specifically look at forward ambulation,
00:15:11.680 | and yet other papers have looked at forward ambulation,
00:15:13.960 | and we know that forward ambulation, walking forward,
00:15:16.840 | generates the sorts of eye movements that cause optic flow
00:15:21.480 | and reductions in amygdala activation.
00:15:24.160 | So for me, this process of taking a walk each morning
00:15:26.920 | isn't about exercise.
00:15:28.580 | It's not about burning calories.
00:15:30.040 | It's not about any of that.
00:15:31.540 | It's really about getting into optic flow
00:15:34.440 | and reducing the levels of amygdala activation.
00:15:38.120 | Now, I don't have anxiety.
00:15:40.920 | At least I don't have chronic anxiety
00:15:42.580 | or generalized anxiety.
00:15:44.100 | I tend to have a lot of energy,
00:15:45.560 | but at these points in the morning, I'm not very energetic.
00:15:48.580 | Sometimes I'm sort of shuffling more than I'm walking,
00:15:51.040 | in fact, and Costello is almost always shuffling,
00:15:53.340 | and I'm almost always trying to drag him
00:15:54.960 | first thing in the morning,
00:15:56.520 | but that walk is a particularly important protocol each day
00:16:00.020 | because it really serves to push my neurology
00:16:03.720 | in the direction that I'd like it to go,
00:16:05.340 | which is alert but not anxious,
00:16:08.320 | and it's kind of a fine line sometimes,
00:16:09.840 | especially as events surface throughout the day,
00:16:12.320 | emails come in, text messages come in,
00:16:14.680 | get bombarded with a number of things.
00:16:16.260 | I want to be alert and responsive.
00:16:18.900 | I want to be able to focus,
00:16:20.000 | but I don't want to feel anxious or reactive to these things.
00:16:24.640 | So the forward ambulation and this optic flow
00:16:28.260 | is the way that I ensure, based on quality peer review data,
00:16:32.280 | that my amygdala activation is slightly suppressed.
00:16:35.440 | Now, at the same time, I also want the alertness.
00:16:38.540 | I want alert and focused.
00:16:40.160 | I don't just want to be sleepy or super relaxed.
00:16:44.020 | I want to have a high degree of focus and alertness
00:16:46.620 | because I'm soon going to move into a bout of work.
00:16:50.120 | I need to lean into the day.
00:16:51.980 | So in order to do that,
00:16:53.460 | I make sure that the walking is done outdoors.
00:16:57.960 | That might be sort of a duh,
00:16:59.440 | but many people get up and start moving around their house,
00:17:01.440 | their apartment, and they don't go anywhere,
00:17:03.360 | and just walking around inside,
00:17:05.640 | it will generate some optic flow,
00:17:07.320 | but nothing like the sort of optic flow
00:17:09.080 | that you can generate in larger environments,
00:17:11.660 | like outdoors environments.
00:17:13.240 | If you can't get outdoors,
00:17:14.320 | doing it indoors is perfectly fine,
00:17:16.720 | but it's not going to have the same magnitude
00:17:19.120 | of positive effect.
00:17:20.840 | Now, in order to get the alertness,
00:17:22.600 | I do it outdoors because I also want sunlight in my eyes.
00:17:25.840 | I know many of you have heard me talk about this ad nauseum
00:17:28.880 | on various podcasts and this podcast,
00:17:31.300 | but getting sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning
00:17:35.640 | is absolutely vital to mental and physical health.
00:17:38.960 | It is perhaps the most important thing
00:17:40.940 | that any and all of us can and should do
00:17:43.360 | in order to promote metabolic wellbeing,
00:17:46.480 | promote the positive functioning of your hormone system,
00:17:49.500 | get your mental health steering in the right direction.
00:17:52.840 | There are a number of reasons for this,
00:17:54.120 | but before I get into those reasons,
00:17:56.780 | let me just emphasize what the protocol is.
00:17:59.560 | The protocol is get outdoors,
00:18:02.200 | ideally with no sunglasses if you can do that safely,
00:18:04.940 | even if there's cloud cover.
00:18:06.760 | More photons, light information are coming through that
00:18:08.960 | cloud cover than would be coming
00:18:10.280 | from a very bright indoor bulb.
00:18:12.720 | So getting outdoors is absolutely key.
00:18:14.540 | How long should you do this?
00:18:15.920 | It's going to depend on the brightness of the environment.
00:18:17.920 | It's going to depend on a number of different factors.
00:18:20.520 | Two minutes would be a minimum.
00:18:22.600 | 10 minutes would be even better.
00:18:24.560 | And if you can, 30 minutes would be fantastic.
00:18:28.440 | Now it's a very bright day or you live in a place
00:18:31.400 | where there's bright sunlight, clear day on a snow field,
00:18:33.960 | you would only need something like 60 seconds,
00:18:36.220 | but most people aren't living in those sorts of conditions.
00:18:39.360 | So getting outside for a 10 minute walk
00:18:41.280 | or a 15 minute walk will basically ensure
00:18:44.600 | that you're getting adequate stimulation
00:18:46.200 | of these neurons in the eye that are called
00:18:47.800 | the melanopsin intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells.
00:18:50.680 | I know that's a mouthful.
00:18:51.820 | These are neurons that don't care about shapes of objects
00:18:54.080 | or the motion of objects.
00:18:55.440 | These are neurons that convey to the brain
00:18:58.120 | that it's daytime and it's time to be alert.
00:19:00.600 | And it sets in motion a huge number of biological cascades
00:19:04.600 | within every cell and organ of your body,
00:19:07.100 | from your liver to your gut, to your heart, to your brain.
00:19:09.660 | It really sets things down the right path.
00:19:11.820 | Early in the day, we experience a natural and healthy bump
00:19:17.600 | in a hormone called cortisol.
00:19:19.360 | Cortisol comes from the amygdala.
00:19:21.740 | That cortisol, as I mentioned, is healthy and normal
00:19:24.140 | and promotes wakefulness.
00:19:25.920 | It actually promotes a healthy immune system.
00:19:28.760 | So I know you've heard that stress and cortisol
00:19:30.720 | disrupt the immune system,
00:19:31.720 | but not the short little pulse of cortisol
00:19:34.280 | that you get each morning.
00:19:35.560 | It's very important that that pulse of cortisol
00:19:38.320 | arrive early in the day.
00:19:40.140 | I want to emphasize this again.
00:19:42.440 | It's very important that that pulse of cortisol
00:19:44.680 | arrive early in the day.
00:19:46.360 | And that pulse of cortisol is going to happen
00:19:48.400 | once every 24 hours, no matter what.
00:19:51.520 | It's going to happen and you get to time it.
00:19:53.440 | How do you time it?
00:19:54.600 | Primarily by when you view bright sunlight
00:19:57.920 | or bright light of another kind.
00:20:00.280 | And we'll talk about that in a moment.
00:20:01.960 | So you want that cortisol pushed early.
00:20:04.300 | If you wake up before the sun comes out,
00:20:07.140 | it's fine to turn on artificial lights,
00:20:09.080 | but then you would want to get outside as soon as you can
00:20:12.000 | to get this natural light stimulation of your eyes.
00:20:15.920 | And it does have to be to your eyes.
00:20:17.680 | Just to really drill down into the details for a moment.
00:20:21.480 | You don't want to stare directly at the sun
00:20:24.080 | or any light that's so bright that it feels painful.
00:20:26.460 | If you feel like you have to close your eyes or blink,
00:20:29.360 | please do, you don't want to damage your retinas.
00:20:32.560 | The point here is to get the sunlight indirectly.
00:20:35.880 | It's going to essentially be scattered everywhere
00:20:38.760 | through the cloud cover.
00:20:40.040 | But you know from looking at a flashlight
00:20:43.400 | directly into that flashlight versus looking at the beam
00:20:45.720 | that flashlight generates on the ground,
00:20:47.960 | that if you're standing in the shade,
00:20:50.240 | you're going to get less of that sunlight than you are
00:20:52.400 | if you're out in an open field.
00:20:54.560 | So this is why the time outside it's going to need to vary
00:20:57.520 | depending on your particular environment.
00:21:00.080 | But do your best to do this every day.
00:21:01.960 | If you miss a day, no big deal,
00:21:03.200 | but try not to miss more than one day.
00:21:06.400 | Otherwise your mental and physical health
00:21:08.580 | will start to suffer.
00:21:10.120 | And doing this each day costs nothing, it's just time.
00:21:13.000 | You can combine it with the forward ambulation with the walk
00:21:15.920 | and the optic flow that I talked about before.
00:21:17.840 | And that's what I do each morning
00:21:19.840 | to generate a sense of alertness in my body
00:21:22.600 | and brain to generate a sense of calm yet alert.
00:21:26.920 | And that's also what I do with Costello, with my bulldog.
00:21:30.080 | People have asked me,
00:21:30.920 | do these same mechanisms apply to animals?
00:21:33.480 | Well, the reality is many of these mechanisms
00:21:36.240 | were actually discovered in animals
00:21:38.200 | and then were tested in humans
00:21:40.320 | and verified that they also exist in humans.
00:21:42.720 | Not always, sometimes it was the reverse
00:21:44.720 | where they were tested first in humans
00:21:46.440 | and then brought to animals.
00:21:48.120 | But indeed your dog, your horse,
00:21:51.220 | I don't know what other animals are out there,
00:21:54.320 | they need this.
00:21:55.520 | Now, if you have a hamster or a nocturnal animal,
00:21:58.560 | the reason why they like to run on their wheels at night
00:22:00.840 | is because they're nocturnal,
00:22:02.360 | they don't like being in the light.
00:22:03.440 | Light actually causes them to freeze, right?
00:22:05.900 | Actually, if you are into aquaria, you like fish,
00:22:09.280 | they always say don't overfeed your fish,
00:22:11.200 | you'll kill the fish, that's true.
00:22:12.440 | But guess what the fastest way to kill a fish is?
00:22:14.800 | To keep the lights on 24 hours a day.
00:22:17.020 | They also need circadian rhythms, these 24 hour rhythms.
00:22:21.280 | So we'll do an entire month at some point about pet health,
00:22:24.700 | but meanwhile, get that morning sunlight.
00:22:27.740 | So now we have our first protocol,
00:22:29.500 | which is to write down the time of day that you wake up.
00:22:31.400 | The second protocol is to take a walk
00:22:34.080 | first thing in the morning.
00:22:35.240 | And the third protocol is woven in with that walk,
00:22:38.400 | at least for me, which is to get that sunlight exposure.
00:22:43.320 | Now, if you can't get sunlight exposure,
00:22:44.920 | you absolutely can't.
00:22:46.800 | I don't necessarily recommend
00:22:48.260 | buying one of these dawn alarm lights.
00:22:50.860 | And I'm sorry to say this,
00:22:53.160 | but they're just vastly overpriced
00:22:55.840 | relative to what they are.
00:22:56.740 | They're basically a bright LED.
00:22:58.700 | I instead use, I have a pad that's a 930 lux light pad.
00:23:03.000 | I think it was designed for drawing.
00:23:05.140 | Those are available at a fraction of the cost
00:23:07.700 | that a morning light simulator would provide,
00:23:11.360 | and yet it's really bright enough, at least for me.
00:23:14.540 | I tend to put it on my desk while I work each morning.
00:23:17.620 | So here's a principle that you can leverage.
00:23:20.920 | If you want to be alert, view bright lights
00:23:23.540 | and make those lights above you or in front of you.
00:23:27.200 | If you want to go to sleep soon
00:23:29.040 | or you don't want to be awake for whatever reason,
00:23:32.080 | try and eliminate your exposure to light.
00:23:33.980 | And this is, again,
00:23:34.920 | is not about exposure of the skin to light.
00:23:37.960 | This is about exposure of your eyes,
00:23:39.840 | of your neural retinas to light.
00:23:42.200 | For those of you that are concerned about blue light,
00:23:44.320 | I want to emphasize that blue light
00:23:46.840 | is precisely the wavelength of light
00:23:48.620 | that is optimal for stimulating these neurons in your eye,
00:23:51.620 | which set your circadian rhythms properly.
00:23:53.960 | So you don't want to shield yourself from blue light
00:23:56.740 | early in the day or throughout the day
00:23:58.560 | or anytime you want to be awake.
00:24:00.760 | In fact, that could have a number
00:24:01.980 | of detrimental consequences.
00:24:03.900 | Fortunately, all those consequences are going to be reversible
00:24:06.720 | after a short period of time of making sure
00:24:08.840 | that you don't wear your blue blockers during the day.
00:24:10.740 | Please, the time to wear blue blockers, if you do,
00:24:13.900 | is at night and in the evening
00:24:16.640 | when you're headed towards sleep.
00:24:18.460 | My colleague, Samir Hattar,
00:24:20.280 | who is head of the chronobiology unit
00:24:22.180 | at the National Institutes of Mental Health,
00:24:24.380 | has spoken about this before on my Instagram.
00:24:27.160 | We held an Instagram Live and I said,
00:24:28.720 | "Samir, what do you think about blue blockers?"
00:24:30.900 | And he said, "I don't think that's a good idea at all
00:24:33.400 | "unless it's really late at night
00:24:34.900 | "and you're in a bright environment
00:24:36.460 | "and you're trying to limit the amount of bright light
00:24:38.620 | "that impacts the eyes."
00:24:40.060 | Eliminating specific wavelengths of light,
00:24:43.680 | in Samir's opinion, and also in my opinion,
00:24:46.500 | is not a natural thing for the visual system
00:24:49.280 | and the brain to experience.
00:24:50.840 | Some people get headaches while they work on the computer
00:24:53.960 | all day or staring at screens,
00:24:55.880 | and so they get blue blockers thinking
00:24:57.900 | that's going to protect them from their headaches.
00:25:00.300 | However, any protection that you get from headaches
00:25:03.540 | from blue blockers is going to be minimal
00:25:05.960 | in comparison to what's really going on there,
00:25:08.440 | which is that people are viewing devices
00:25:10.300 | and screens up close for too many hours
00:25:12.960 | throughout the 24-hour cycle.
00:25:15.880 | A better remedy would be to step away from that computer
00:25:18.880 | from time to time and to make sure
00:25:20.480 | that you can look far off into the distance,
00:25:22.260 | ideally a distance longer than 20 feet,
00:25:24.520 | like view a horizon, go out on a balcony,
00:25:26.560 | things of that sort, take a walk around,
00:25:28.200 | get into optic flow.
00:25:29.500 | So if you're into blue blockers,
00:25:32.220 | make sure you're only wearing them
00:25:33.500 | in the late evening and at night.
00:25:35.520 | I personally don't wear blue blockers at all.
00:25:37.360 | I prefer to just control my light viewing behavior
00:25:39.920 | by doing this.
00:25:41.040 | I do the other form of circadian control,
00:25:43.320 | which is to dim the lights.
00:25:45.200 | And I do that because dimming the lights
00:25:47.800 | and setting them lower in the environment
00:25:50.280 | sets up the brain and body for sleep much better
00:25:52.640 | than simply just wearing some blue blockers, excuse me.
00:25:56.560 | And please know if you do wear blue blockers,
00:25:59.120 | that if the light in your environment is bright enough,
00:26:01.880 | it doesn't matter if you're blocking out the blues.
00:26:04.180 | These cells in the eye will respond
00:26:05.860 | to other wavelengths of light.
00:26:07.880 | So I have no vendetta against the blue blockers.
00:26:10.840 | And I fully expect the blue blockinistas to come after me
00:26:13.760 | with, I guess, blue blockers.
00:26:15.680 | But as you do that, please understand
00:26:18.200 | that the biology points in the direction
00:26:20.000 | of get a lot of bright light throughout the day,
00:26:21.880 | including blue light, and at night,
00:26:23.480 | just limit the total amount of overall light
00:26:25.580 | that you're exposed to, including from screens.
00:26:27.760 | So then Costello and I get back from our walk.
00:26:30.080 | Sometimes that walk was 10 minutes.
00:26:31.520 | Sometimes it was 60 minutes,
00:26:33.080 | depending on how slowly Costello was walking that day.
00:26:36.060 | Indeed, many mornings,
00:26:37.800 | I'm the guy carrying his bulldog back up the hill.
00:26:40.600 | My neighbors know me so well.
00:26:41.820 | They know Costello so well that they've since stopped
00:26:44.680 | pulling over and asking if the dog is okay.
00:26:47.100 | Sometimes they'll ask if I'm okay.
00:26:48.800 | Nonetheless, we get back.
00:26:52.200 | I give him his food.
00:26:53.420 | I give him his water.
00:26:55.220 | And I give me my water.
00:26:57.000 | I'm a big believer based on quality peer review data
00:27:01.600 | that hydration is essential for mental performance.
00:27:05.240 | Now, I confess, I don't really like drinking big glasses
00:27:08.340 | or big jugs of water first thing in the morning.
00:27:10.140 | I don't know why, but my thirst doesn't tend
00:27:11.840 | to kick in first thing.
00:27:13.160 | You may be different.
00:27:14.200 | Either way, I force myself essentially to drink
00:27:18.520 | at least 16 and most days, 32 ounces of water.
00:27:23.240 | I also put a little bit of sea salt in the water.
00:27:25.860 | As many of you know, neurons require ionic flow.
00:27:29.600 | What that means is neurons need sodium,
00:27:32.240 | they need magnesium, and they need potassium
00:27:34.060 | in order to function.
00:27:35.800 | We do tend to get dehydrated at night,
00:27:38.980 | even if the day is not very hot.
00:27:40.800 | I try and top off or I try and make sure
00:27:44.000 | that I'm hydrated early in the day before I begin any work.
00:27:47.520 | So I make myself drink this water
00:27:50.440 | with a little bit of sea salt.
00:27:51.640 | How much sea salt?
00:27:52.480 | If you really want to get detailed,
00:27:53.880 | I suppose it's about half a teaspoon.
00:27:55.660 | It's not much.
00:27:57.200 | That's what I do.
00:27:58.440 | And I drink that more or less room temperature.
00:28:01.140 | I find that drinking really cold water
00:28:02.720 | first thing in the day kind of like cramps up my insides.
00:28:05.360 | So I don't do that.
00:28:07.240 | At that point, I start thinking about
00:28:09.300 | and fantasizing about and craving caffeine,
00:28:11.840 | but I don't drink that caffeine yet.
00:28:14.320 | I purposely delay my caffeine intake
00:28:17.620 | to 90 minutes to 120 minutes after I wake up.
00:28:21.380 | Of course, I know when I wake up because I wrote it down,
00:28:23.300 | although it's pretty easy to commit to memory.
00:28:26.360 | The reason I delay caffeine is because one of the factors
00:28:30.240 | that induces a sense of sleepiness
00:28:32.580 | is the buildup of adenosine,
00:28:34.920 | or as some people call it adenosine in our system.
00:28:39.640 | The buildup of adenosine accumulates
00:28:42.780 | the longer we are awake.
00:28:44.660 | So when I wake up in the morning,
00:28:46.200 | when you wake up in the morning,
00:28:47.560 | your adenosine levels are likely to be very low.
00:28:51.440 | However, caffeine is an adenosine blocker.
00:28:55.840 | It's actually a competitive antagonist for you aficionados.
00:28:58.640 | It sort of parks in the receptor
00:29:00.560 | that adenosine normally would park at
00:29:03.120 | and prevents adenosine from acting on that receptor.
00:29:06.320 | That's why you feel more alert
00:29:07.580 | because it's essentially blocking the effect
00:29:10.400 | of this sleepiness factor that we all create
00:29:13.020 | called adenosine.
00:29:13.940 | The reason for delaying caffeine intake
00:29:17.000 | 90 minutes to two hours after waking
00:29:19.160 | is I want to make sure that I don't have a late afternoon
00:29:23.660 | or even early afternoon crash from caffeine.
00:29:26.920 | One of the best ways to ensure a caffeine crash
00:29:30.380 | is to drink a bunch of caffeine,
00:29:32.360 | block all those adenosine receptors,
00:29:34.160 | and then by early or late afternoon,
00:29:36.800 | when that caffeine starts to wear off
00:29:38.720 | and gets dislodged from the receptors,
00:29:40.760 | a lower level of adenosine
00:29:43.280 | is able to create a greater level of sleepiness.
00:29:46.980 | It took me years to figure this out.
00:29:48.560 | I used to wake up and I'd think,
00:29:50.020 | oh, I don't want to drink caffeine too close to bedtime,
00:29:51.960 | so I'm going to start drinking my caffeine really early.
00:29:54.060 | I let my cortisol naturally come up in the morning.
00:29:57.240 | I avoid drinking caffeine
00:29:59.040 | until about 90 minutes or two hours after waking.
00:30:02.800 | And when I do that,
00:30:03.760 | I find that I don't experience the afternoon crash.
00:30:07.720 | At least I don't experience that crash
00:30:09.600 | unless I do something foolish
00:30:11.020 | like ingest far too much food at lunch
00:30:13.160 | or I stay up all night the night before.
00:30:15.640 | But provided I don't do anything foolish like that,
00:30:17.980 | delaying caffeine at 90 minutes to two hours
00:30:20.400 | optimizes this relationship between adenosine
00:30:23.120 | and wakefulness and sleepiness
00:30:24.920 | in a way that really provides a nice consistent arc
00:30:28.680 | of energy throughout the day
00:30:30.160 | and brings energy down as I'm headed toward sleep
00:30:33.200 | and falling asleep.
00:30:34.760 | My primary objective early in the day
00:30:36.960 | is to get into a mode of being focused yet alert
00:30:39.920 | so that I can get work done.
00:30:41.320 | I found that the best way for me to achieve that state
00:30:45.360 | is through fasting.
00:30:46.860 | So I don't eat anything until about 11 a.m. or 12 noon.
00:30:51.480 | I'm not absolutely religious about it.
00:30:53.440 | There are days when I'll have a few Brazil nuts
00:30:55.440 | or a spoonful or three of almond butter, for instance,
00:30:59.360 | but most days I'm not doing that.
00:31:01.400 | I'm just not eating anything.
00:31:03.300 | I'm drinking some caffeine.
00:31:05.260 | Caffeine source for me is yerba mate, guayusa tea.
00:31:08.560 | Those are my preferred sources.
00:31:09.960 | I tend to avoid coffee these days.
00:31:11.680 | Occasionally I'll have a cup,
00:31:12.680 | but most often I stick to the teas.
00:31:15.740 | I drink water as much as I feel I need to and want to,
00:31:19.720 | and I also drink my athletic greens,
00:31:21.560 | which is compatible at least for me with fasting.
00:31:24.960 | Let's talk about why fasting works
00:31:27.720 | to create this heightened state of alertness
00:31:30.120 | yet calm brain state.
00:31:31.580 | Fasting increases levels of adrenaline,
00:31:35.760 | also called epinephrine in the brain and body.
00:31:38.200 | And when our levels of epinephrine and adrenaline
00:31:40.720 | are increased, we learn better, we can focus better.
00:31:43.960 | There's terrific data supporting that.
00:31:46.440 | You don't want epinephrine, aka adrenaline, too high.
00:31:51.240 | That feels like stress and panic.
00:31:53.240 | You get jittery, you can't focus.
00:31:55.300 | But in its optimal range,
00:31:57.440 | adrenaline really provides a heightened sense of focus
00:32:00.840 | and the ability to encode,
00:32:02.800 | meaning bring in and retain, remember information.
00:32:06.240 | And so since my job is mainly a cerebral one
00:32:08.960 | where I'm writing grants and working on papers, et cetera,
00:32:11.440 | I fast in the early part of the day.
00:32:13.920 | I mentioned ingesting things like guayusa or yerba mate,
00:32:17.840 | or in my case, athletic greens.
00:32:20.520 | Many people ask, in fact,
00:32:21.800 | there's a whole community and discussion boards, et cetera,
00:32:24.600 | and YouTube comments on the internet
00:32:26.400 | about what breaks a fast and what doesn't.
00:32:29.440 | The fact of the matter is
00:32:30.600 | that's going to be highly individual
00:32:32.400 | because it's going to depend
00:32:34.340 | on how sensitive your blood sugar is.
00:32:37.520 | And more accurately, it's going to depend
00:32:39.480 | on things like your insulin sensitivity.
00:32:41.760 | So for instance,
00:32:43.440 | if you're somebody who gets up in the morning,
00:32:45.560 | hydrates and goes out for a six mile run,
00:32:48.900 | you could probably eat a jar of almond butter
00:32:52.720 | and still be what's called fat fasted.
00:32:55.000 | Your insulin levels will still be very low
00:32:56.900 | because even though that is a large volume of almond butter,
00:32:59.660 | even to me and Costello,
00:33:02.300 | that large number of calories come from a source
00:33:05.360 | that doesn't increase blood sugar very much
00:33:07.520 | and insulin very much.
00:33:09.540 | Now, I'm not suggesting you do that,
00:33:11.460 | but what I just described is a vastly different situation
00:33:14.260 | than somebody that ate their last meal at 2 a.m.
00:33:17.060 | and that meal was essentially a feast.
00:33:19.580 | And for that person,
00:33:21.280 | fasting until 10 or 11 a.m.,
00:33:25.040 | their blood sugar might still actually be pretty high
00:33:27.800 | or even low-ish such that they might eat one almond
00:33:30.680 | and it would bump them out of fasting.
00:33:32.680 | So you get the idea.
00:33:33.520 | It's going to depend on your recent eating history,
00:33:36.520 | your blood sugar history,
00:33:38.080 | your glycogen stores, et cetera.
00:33:40.280 | So if anyone tells you that breaks a fast or that doesn't,
00:33:43.920 | that's kind of silly.
00:33:44.740 | Would one grain of sugar break your fast?
00:33:47.600 | Would an entire tablespoon of sugar break your fast?
00:33:50.560 | You'll get a big blip in blood sugar and insulin from that.
00:33:53.540 | However, how long that lasts,
00:33:55.160 | how long it breaks your fast
00:33:56.540 | will depend on how glycogen depleted you are
00:33:59.080 | and a number of other factors.
00:34:00.780 | So for me, I just keep it fairly simple.
00:34:03.200 | I ingest water, caffeine from yerba mate and guayusa,
00:34:07.120 | and I drink my athletic greens with some lemon juice in it.
00:34:09.660 | That constitutes my fasting.
00:34:12.940 | And there are days when I do all those things.
00:34:15.420 | There are days when I do none of those things.
00:34:17.100 | Although most days,
00:34:18.060 | I would say about 355 days out of the year,
00:34:21.840 | I'm ingesting water, caffeine, and athletic greens
00:34:25.780 | during this period of fasting early in the day.
00:34:27.720 | And that's the period of time when I do my work.
00:34:30.440 | One interesting fact about yerba mate and guayusa teas
00:34:33.500 | is that they increase release of something called GLP-1.
00:34:36.860 | GLP-1 is related to glucagon.
00:34:40.000 | Glucagon is a hormone that you can sort of think about
00:34:42.920 | as opposite to insulin and blood sugar.
00:34:45.200 | It's more complex than that,
00:34:46.360 | but GLP-1 has a couple of positive properties.
00:34:50.240 | One is it increases lipolysis
00:34:52.200 | and mobilization of body fat stores, so burning of fat.
00:34:55.780 | In fact, there are now a number of clinical trials
00:34:58.600 | that are achieving good success,
00:34:59.820 | and there are drugs out there,
00:35:01.100 | only available by prescription, which mimic GLP-1
00:35:04.620 | and are being used to treat, quite successfully,
00:35:07.280 | certain types of diabetes and obesity.
00:35:10.740 | Now, I'm not diabetic,
00:35:11.680 | nor am I trying to shed a ton of body fat,
00:35:13.920 | but I figure as long as I'm fasting,
00:35:16.800 | and as long as I like yerba mate and guayusa,
00:35:19.160 | which I do, they're delicious,
00:35:20.760 | I'll tell you which type I use in a moment,
00:35:23.300 | I might as well increase my GLP-1
00:35:25.300 | because it's probably not as good as getting out
00:35:27.400 | and doing some cardio work.
00:35:28.720 | But nonetheless, if I'm fasted,
00:35:30.640 | increasing GLP-1 in my system,
00:35:32.560 | I'm going to be alert from the caffeine,
00:35:34.120 | the adrenaline, et cetera,
00:35:35.800 | and I'm going to be burning body fat while I'm doing my work.
00:35:38.920 | So for me, it's just an efficient biochemically rational,
00:35:42.320 | or I should say grounded in quality biochemistry
00:35:45.240 | sort of approach.
00:35:47.120 | Yerba mate comes in a lot of different forms.
00:35:49.440 | There are a lot of different brands out there, et cetera.
00:35:52.120 | I don't have any relationship whatsoever
00:35:54.840 | in a business sense to any of these brands.
00:35:57.360 | Some of them are very smoky.
00:36:00.740 | I, just because of something in my genetic makeup,
00:36:03.760 | or I don't know, maybe it was some sort
00:36:05.320 | of Y chromosome associated lesion early in life,
00:36:08.480 | but I don't like smoky flavors.
00:36:11.040 | So I'm not a Gouda cheese guy.
00:36:13.200 | I don't like smoky stuff.
00:36:14.420 | You may love it, but I tend to avoid smoky tasting mate's.
00:36:19.160 | Instead, there's a particular brand
00:36:21.020 | that I just found on the internet called Anna Park.
00:36:23.460 | I don't know Anna.
00:36:24.300 | I don't know if she has a park,
00:36:25.320 | and I certainly don't know what Anna Park is,
00:36:27.080 | but for me, that's the best tasting Yerba mate.
00:36:29.200 | Again, I don't have any relationship to them,
00:36:32.320 | but it's affordable in the context of Yerba mate,
00:36:35.920 | and it's the one that I use.
00:36:37.560 | And I should mention along the lines of affordability
00:36:39.700 | and GLP-1 is there's a nice feature of Yerba mate,
00:36:43.800 | which is if you put it in a filter or a metal strainer
00:36:47.160 | and you pour hot water over it and then drink it,
00:36:51.360 | keep the leaves.
00:36:53.200 | The Yerba mate leaves can be used over and over again.
00:36:55.260 | It seems that the GLP-1 stimulating aspects of mate
00:36:59.200 | actually are enhanced with subsequent pour overs.
00:37:02.640 | So there's something interesting about these teas
00:37:04.640 | that my tea aficionado friends tell me allows the tea
00:37:08.600 | to release more of some of the beneficial compounds
00:37:11.900 | by reusing the tea leaves.
00:37:13.640 | Now, eventually it'll grow mold
00:37:14.900 | and other sorts of disgusting things.
00:37:17.040 | You don't really want to run that experiment.
00:37:18.460 | I would say you can use it for a day or two
00:37:21.400 | before it starts to go bad,
00:37:22.720 | but that's a feature that will extend the life
00:37:24.540 | of whatever Yerba mate you happen to use
00:37:27.040 | if you decide to use it, and that's certainly what I do.
00:37:29.840 | Next, I want to talk about what I'm doing
00:37:31.520 | while I'm drinking all this Yerba mate,
00:37:33.080 | 'cause I'm not just sitting there thinking about
00:37:34.600 | all the GLP-1 circulating in my system.
00:37:37.080 | I'm working.
00:37:38.560 | A couple of things for optimizing workspace
00:37:40.920 | that are grounded in neuroscience and physiology.
00:37:44.440 | I've talked before about the fact that
00:37:46.820 | when our eyes are directed upward,
00:37:48.920 | literally when our eyelids are open, no surprise there,
00:37:51.800 | and when our eyes are directed upward,
00:37:54.760 | it creates a state of heightened alertness.
00:37:57.720 | And this has a relationship to the brainstem neurons
00:38:00.920 | that create alertness and their control
00:38:05.360 | over the muscles of the eye and, believe it or not,
00:38:07.320 | the eyelids.
00:38:08.920 | Now, it's not the case that if you are absolutely exhausted
00:38:11.980 | and you need to feel more alert,
00:38:13.560 | that looking upward is going to make you feel wide awake,
00:38:17.040 | although it will help support your levels of alertness.
00:38:19.960 | The point here is that you can optimize your workstation
00:38:24.920 | in a physical way that leverages this aspect
00:38:28.600 | of the visual system and your level of alertness.
00:38:30.720 | Since most of us want to be awake while we're working,
00:38:34.360 | try and position your screen or your tablet,
00:38:37.520 | whatever device you happen to be working on,
00:38:39.960 | at least at eye level and ideally slightly higher.
00:38:44.060 | If you think about it, most people are not doing this.
00:38:46.120 | Most people are looking down at their computer or tablet
00:38:48.740 | or are angling their eyes at their screen
00:38:51.800 | at about 30 degrees.
00:38:53.200 | That is not going to support heightened states of alertness
00:38:56.920 | and optimal attention.
00:38:58.480 | In fact, the opposite relationship between eye position
00:39:02.360 | and alertness is also true.
00:39:03.560 | When we look down, when our eyelids are slightly closed,
00:39:07.100 | it tends to decrease our levels of alertness
00:39:09.160 | and increase our levels of sleepiness.
00:39:11.240 | I really want to emphasize this,
00:39:12.600 | that there's a bi-directional or reciprocal relationship
00:39:15.680 | between the brainstem areas that control alertness
00:39:19.000 | and the eyes, meaning how alert you are controls
00:39:21.280 | how open or closed your eyes are, no surprise there,
00:39:24.080 | but also that how open and upward directed your eyes are
00:39:28.540 | will increase your levels of alertness.
00:39:30.780 | And if your eyes are pointed downward
00:39:32.320 | and your eyelids are hooded, like they're slowly closing,
00:39:36.780 | like Costello's always are, you'll feel more sleepy,
00:39:40.400 | especially if you're somebody who tends to have
00:39:42.560 | that mid-morning sleepiness or mid-morning crash.
00:39:45.760 | So what I do is I have a standing desk,
00:39:47.840 | but I also prop the computer up
00:39:50.080 | such that it's at least at eye level.
00:39:52.760 | And I haven't figured out yet how to develop a workstation
00:39:55.920 | where the computer is above me.
00:39:58.180 | I think the only way to really do that
00:39:59.780 | is actually to tilt one's body back,
00:40:01.900 | but actually that's not a good idea either.
00:40:04.320 | They have done studies recording from areas of the brain
00:40:08.160 | associated with alertness, areas like locus coeruleus
00:40:10.720 | and the so-called reticular activating system.
00:40:12.840 | They found is that depending on how reclined you are
00:40:15.880 | or upright you are, you will decrease with reclining
00:40:19.560 | and increase with sitting forward your levels of alertness.
00:40:23.780 | So body posture and whether or not you're upright
00:40:26.920 | or reclining will impact your levels of alertness
00:40:30.800 | in the predictable ways.
00:40:32.820 | And where you position your eyes,
00:40:34.660 | whether or not your eyes are upright, so to speak,
00:40:37.080 | looking up or directly forward or looking down
00:40:40.260 | will dictate whether or not you are feeling more alert
00:40:43.900 | or more sleepy respectively.
00:40:45.980 | So try and arrange a workstation or a position of your body
00:40:50.160 | and your chair or your standing desk, whatever it is,
00:40:52.660 | that allows you to work with a heightened state
00:40:54.900 | of alertness.
00:40:56.360 | This is really, really key for me
00:40:58.680 | because I found that when I would sit down,
00:41:00.440 | not only would my hip flexors start to get sore,
00:41:03.120 | I'd feel tight in the back, et cetera,
00:41:05.080 | but if I was staring down at my screen all day
00:41:08.640 | or even for short periods of the day,
00:41:10.080 | I would start to feel sleepy
00:41:11.440 | and I couldn't figure out what was going on.
00:41:12.680 | I also thought maybe I needed glasses.
00:41:14.080 | I do wear readers at night, but it was really a problem.
00:41:17.280 | And simply by getting the screen directly in front of me
00:41:20.200 | at eye level, it's been completely transformative.
00:41:23.220 | So we're now at the description of my day
00:41:26.440 | and these protocols in which I would do
00:41:28.280 | a 90-minute bout of work.
00:41:30.940 | Now, why 90 minutes?
00:41:32.140 | Well, the brain is going through these 90 minutes,
00:41:35.040 | so-called ultradian cycles
00:41:36.500 | throughout the entire day and night.
00:41:38.200 | Every 90 minutes, we shift over from being very alert
00:41:42.360 | to being less alert and then back to alert again.
00:41:44.100 | Here's how it works.
00:41:45.640 | At the start of one of these 90-minute ultradian cycles,
00:41:49.320 | my brain is not quite engaged
00:41:52.300 | in whatever it is I'm trying to do.
00:41:53.880 | Oftentimes, I have things jumping into my mind.
00:41:56.900 | I've got distractions, et cetera.
00:41:58.860 | I'll talk about how to deal with those distractions
00:42:00.480 | in a moment, but I set a timer for 90 minutes
00:42:05.260 | and I try and get a strong bout of work done
00:42:08.500 | inside of that 90 minutes with the full understanding
00:42:10.960 | that the entire 90 minutes is not going to be uniform
00:42:13.800 | in terms of my ability of focus.
00:42:15.440 | There will be kind of peaks and valleys within that,
00:42:18.260 | but that 90 minutes is about what the brain can handle
00:42:22.040 | in terms of a dedicated effort for high degree of focus.
00:42:26.320 | Some people can push out a little bit further.
00:42:28.140 | Some people can't handle more than 10 minutes,
00:42:30.280 | but that's what I'm striving toward.
00:42:32.840 | You'd be amazed how much you can get done in 90 minutes
00:42:34.960 | if you are focused.
00:42:35.800 | So how do you increase that focus
00:42:37.240 | and how do you use the timer feature?
00:42:40.060 | Well, you can combine those.
00:42:41.560 | I use a program called Freedom.
00:42:43.280 | It shuts me out of the internet completely.
00:42:46.100 | So that means no checking the markets,
00:42:48.720 | no checking social media, no checking the news,
00:42:54.080 | no checking email, none of that.
00:42:56.340 | I get a dedicated bout of work done.
00:42:59.060 | I confess, I don't allow myself to go to the restroom
00:43:02.300 | in that period of time.
00:43:04.200 | Here's an interesting little tip
00:43:05.480 | that's grounded in physiology.
00:43:07.920 | You have a direct neural connection from your bladder
00:43:11.680 | to your brainstem areas that increase alertness.
00:43:15.300 | This is why when you have to go to the bathroom,
00:43:17.960 | when you have to urinate, it is extremely agitating, right?
00:43:21.640 | It can be very, very agitating.
00:43:23.920 | I'm not encouraging you to get so agitated
00:43:26.980 | by filling your bladder so much
00:43:28.680 | and resisting going to the bathroom
00:43:30.040 | that you are uncomfortable and can't focus.
00:43:32.360 | But I generally will just drink liquids
00:43:35.360 | and work away and work away,
00:43:36.520 | and I won't walk away to go use the bathroom
00:43:38.560 | unless I absolutely have to.
00:43:40.740 | Sort of odd that we're talking about this,
00:43:41.960 | but this is one way in which I've learned
00:43:43.960 | to funnel my attention into whatever it is I'm doing.
00:43:47.400 | Because as you all know,
00:43:48.240 | the moment you sit down to do some serious work
00:43:50.000 | and you flip off the internet,
00:43:51.420 | all of a sudden it's as if the phone has a voice.
00:43:53.680 | It starts calling you.
00:43:54.520 | It's almost as if the restroom has a voice.
00:43:56.980 | But we all are familiar with the fact
00:43:58.900 | that if we are focused on something,
00:44:01.280 | all that just kind of melts away.
00:44:02.800 | So the goal is to get into what I call the tunnel,
00:44:04.940 | to really get into a tunnel of quality work.
00:44:07.600 | The brain loves that state,
00:44:09.620 | but it's very hard for many of us to access.
00:44:12.440 | My phone is absolutely off.
00:44:14.720 | It's not on airplane mode.
00:44:15.880 | It's absolutely off during this time.
00:44:18.640 | If I've been struggling with that,
00:44:20.480 | and I confess, there are times when for whatever reason,
00:44:23.920 | something going on in life,
00:44:25.040 | it's been harder to put away the phone.
00:44:27.080 | I will sometimes put it in my car.
00:44:28.880 | I used to joke that I used to throw it up on the roof
00:44:31.300 | or something like that.
00:44:32.360 | Look, I've done and I suggest people do whatever they need to
00:44:35.400 | in order to self-regulate that activity.
00:44:38.440 | And if you're somebody that feels that you absolutely
00:44:40.660 | need to be on your phone and on the computer
00:44:42.340 | for this work bout or the work that you do,
00:44:45.100 | well, that's a different matter altogether.
00:44:46.440 | This is just simply how I work.
00:44:48.000 | So I will do 90 minutes,
00:44:50.160 | and I do set a timer and I turn on the program freedom,
00:44:52.700 | locks me out of the internet.
00:44:54.640 | If someone rings on the doorbell,
00:44:56.680 | I will often shout not coming to the doorbell,
00:44:59.740 | leave it there.
00:45:00.580 | I mean, unless there's a real emergency,
00:45:02.720 | I'm not going to step away from that work.
00:45:04.800 | I learned how to do this when I was a graduate student
00:45:07.280 | under different conditions where I used to slice brains
00:45:09.600 | on what's called a microtome.
00:45:11.040 | So I used to spend time just cutting very thin slices.
00:45:14.400 | It's like a deli slicer,
00:45:15.440 | but for a brain of various types of brains
00:45:19.200 | and I've sectioned through a lot of brains.
00:45:20.960 | And we had a rule,
00:45:22.040 | which is that when the blade hits the brain,
00:45:26.440 | you don't stop pulling, even though it's very, very slow,
00:45:29.900 | even if a nuclear bomb goes off,
00:45:32.400 | even if a fire alarm goes off.
00:45:33.760 | Now, I don't want anyone burning to a crisp
00:45:35.880 | because they didn't step away from their workflow.
00:45:38.480 | That would be foolish.
00:45:39.320 | But that's the mentality that I've embedded in myself,
00:45:41.920 | that there's nothing more important
00:45:44.640 | than what I'm doing in that 90 minute block.
00:45:46.940 | And that's what works for me.
00:45:47.840 | You can try various other things.
00:45:50.400 | That's what works for me.
00:45:52.040 | In addition, I use low-level white noise.
00:45:55.880 | This is something that is supported
00:45:57.640 | by quality peer-reviewed data.
00:45:59.860 | We covered this on the episode on hearing and balance,
00:46:03.340 | but it turns out that white noise,
00:46:05.560 | which is essentially all frequencies of sound,
00:46:08.120 | or all frequencies of sound that we can perceive,
00:46:11.560 | mixed up kind of randomly, there's no structure to it,
00:46:14.200 | turned on at a low volume,
00:46:16.120 | not with headphones most of the time,
00:46:18.480 | puts the brain into a state
00:46:20.160 | that's optimal for learning and workflow.
00:46:22.700 | And I covered two papers during that episode,
00:46:25.720 | one that showed that indeed,
00:46:27.560 | brain area is involved in attention,
00:46:30.420 | brain area is involved in focus and cognition and memory.
00:46:33.320 | Those are engaged to a greater degree
00:46:36.800 | when there is low levels of white noise
00:46:39.400 | playing in the background.
00:46:40.680 | The other paper that's really interesting did brain imaging
00:46:43.440 | and showed that areas of the brain
00:46:44.700 | that are associated with dopamine release
00:46:47.840 | are increased by low levels of white noise.
00:46:50.600 | Dopamine release is associated not just with pleasure,
00:46:53.640 | but with motivation and craving.
00:46:55.920 | So everything about this 90-minute block
00:46:57.800 | from the low levels of white noise
00:46:59.200 | to the position of my computer, how I'm standing,
00:47:01.880 | where my eyes are positioned,
00:47:02.920 | is geared towards putting me in this tunnel of work.
00:47:05.760 | And I have to say that while it can be a challenge
00:47:07.760 | to try and achieve this state and this tunnel of work,
00:47:10.560 | some days you start to get kind of addicted to it.
00:47:13.480 | It feels really good.
00:47:14.900 | It's like a workout for the mind.
00:47:16.360 | And it is something that as you exit that 90 minutes,
00:47:19.920 | you really feel like you've accomplished a lot
00:47:22.080 | because often you have,
00:47:23.940 | and it just feels deeply satisfying.
00:47:26.020 | And I'm convinced that that's because of the release
00:47:28.340 | of neuromodulators like dopamine
00:47:29.980 | and the norepinephrine that's circulating in your system.
00:47:33.740 | And I want to be clear
00:47:34.760 | that I'm not perfect about this 90 minutes.
00:47:36.820 | Occasionally, I get drawn away.
00:47:38.500 | Occasionally, something will happen
00:47:40.860 | or I'll go use the restroom
00:47:43.120 | or Costello will have a need
00:47:45.180 | or somebody will have a need that I will have to respond to.
00:47:48.220 | But I really try and achieve this
00:47:49.860 | most if not every day that I'm alive
00:47:52.280 | because for me, that work session is kind of holy.
00:47:55.580 | It's where I set up a relationship,
00:47:57.680 | not just between me and the work that I'm doing,
00:48:00.400 | but between me and my ability to control
00:48:03.900 | my own state of mind using these various supports
00:48:06.860 | of the white noise, et cetera.
00:48:08.120 | But really, those supports are peripheral
00:48:10.760 | to the fact that I'm creating this space.
00:48:13.580 | I'm funneling my brain into a state
00:48:16.560 | rather than allowing whatever events
00:48:18.860 | and contexts on social media and elsewhere
00:48:21.340 | might be occurring in the world
00:48:22.460 | that would yank me out of what for me is my purpose
00:48:25.640 | and my mission in life,
00:48:26.520 | which is to do the sorts of work that I do.
00:48:28.420 | There's a powerful way in which you can place the timing
00:48:31.080 | of this 90-minute workout in an optimal way.
00:48:34.400 | You have access to a very important piece of data
00:48:39.260 | that dictates when this bout should start, more or less,
00:48:43.580 | and when it should end.
00:48:44.740 | That piece of data is your temperature minimum.
00:48:48.660 | If you're somebody who wakes up on average at 7 a.m.,
00:48:51.840 | well, then your temperature minimum is 5 a.m.
00:48:54.680 | And you can be reasonably sure,
00:48:57.420 | I won't underscore reasonably,
00:48:58.460 | but you can be reasonably sure that your best work
00:49:01.720 | is going to be done anywhere from four to six hours
00:49:05.580 | after your temperature minimum.
00:49:07.300 | So for me, I tend to wake up around 6.30 a.m.
00:49:09.940 | That means my temperature minimum is at 4.30 a.m.
00:49:12.960 | You can add five hours to that.
00:49:15.060 | So that means that a 90-minute workout could fall at 9.30 a.m.
00:49:19.840 | and it would be fairly optimized.
00:49:22.420 | Or I could do it at 10.30 a.m.
00:49:24.860 | Or I could do it at 8.30 a.m., somewhere in there.
00:49:28.500 | We can't say that it's exactly six hours
00:49:30.700 | after your temperature minimum.
00:49:31.720 | You will find it, however,
00:49:33.220 | there is a precise and best time
00:49:35.940 | for you to do this 90-minute workout.
00:49:38.660 | Whether or not it's five or six hours
00:49:41.020 | after your temperature minimum
00:49:42.060 | is going to vary from person to person.
00:49:44.120 | How do I know this?
00:49:44.960 | How do I know this relationship
00:49:46.120 | between temperature minimum and focused cognition?
00:49:48.900 | Well, temperature minimum defines the trough,
00:49:52.420 | the nadir, as they say, of your temperature
00:49:56.300 | across the 24-hour cycle.
00:49:57.740 | And immediately after that,
00:49:59.520 | your temperature will start to rise.
00:50:01.900 | That temperature rise is actually what triggers
00:50:04.580 | the initial cortisol release that you experience
00:50:07.420 | and wakes you up further.
00:50:08.700 | And then, of course, that sunlight that you're getting
00:50:10.680 | is going to further enhance that healthy release of cortisol.
00:50:14.120 | That cortisol will then provide fuel, if you will,
00:50:17.380 | for that increase in temperature.
00:50:18.840 | And your body will continue to increase in temperature
00:50:21.420 | throughout the day toward the afternoon.
00:50:23.940 | What you're trying to do in this idea
00:50:27.220 | of optimizing this 90-minute workout
00:50:29.740 | to a particular time of day
00:50:30.980 | is catch the portion of the steepest slope
00:50:33.700 | of that temperature rise.
00:50:35.300 | Now, again, you're not walking around
00:50:37.180 | with a thermocouple or a thermometer
00:50:41.100 | in some orifice of your body,
00:50:42.920 | so you don't have accurate information about temperature,
00:50:45.620 | but you can make very good guesses
00:50:48.540 | about when your body temperature is rising fastest
00:50:51.980 | by virtue of that temperature minimum.
00:50:53.540 | So again, just to be clear, it's a 90-minute workout.
00:50:56.540 | That's about what the brain can handle
00:50:58.040 | for a very intense workout.
00:50:59.780 | Do understand, again, that there are going to be portions
00:51:03.080 | of that 90-minute that your brain is flickering
00:51:04.920 | in and out of focus,
00:51:05.820 | other portions where you're going to be entirely focused,
00:51:07.700 | that's entirely normal.
00:51:09.020 | But when to place that 90-minute workout,
00:51:11.300 | when to start it and when to end it,
00:51:13.840 | will depend on that temperature minimum.
00:51:15.780 | So if you're somebody who wakes up at 8 a.m. each morning,
00:51:19.300 | your temperature minimum is 6 a.m.,
00:51:21.180 | chances are you're going to want to start this workout
00:51:24.020 | somewhere around 10 a.m. or 11 a.m.
00:51:28.340 | Now, some people wake up and feel very alert
00:51:31.060 | first thing in the morning.
00:51:31.900 | They can really do their best work
00:51:33.340 | first thing in the morning.
00:51:34.760 | Please, if that's you, continue to do that.
00:51:37.500 | Leverage that time, use that time.
00:51:40.020 | But if you're somebody who struggles to find focus,
00:51:43.380 | definitely let your physiology
00:51:45.380 | and this rise in your body temperature
00:51:47.400 | support your efforts to focus
00:51:49.680 | rather than trying to do your best work at times of day
00:51:53.520 | when your physiology is actually directing your body
00:51:57.460 | and your brain toward defocus
00:51:58.980 | and towards being more lethargic.
00:52:00.420 | It just is setting yourself up for success
00:52:03.940 | when you try and capture this rising phase
00:52:06.100 | of your temperature.
00:52:07.100 | So up until now, we've been emphasizing practices
00:52:10.080 | that allow you to optimize your level of alertness
00:52:12.620 | and your levels of mental focus.
00:52:14.540 | Data going back to the 1990s supports the idea
00:52:20.260 | that physical movement of particular kinds
00:52:23.120 | can support brain health and brain function,
00:52:25.420 | both in the immediate term and in the longterm.
00:52:28.580 | Now, this is at a profound impact
00:52:30.620 | on the field of neuroscience,
00:52:32.360 | but frankly, it's also at a profound impact
00:52:34.360 | on how I structure my day.
00:52:36.140 | So after I've finished a bout of work,
00:52:39.300 | this 90-minute bout of work,
00:52:41.780 | I force myself some days, other days I want to,
00:52:43.940 | but I force myself to do some sort of physical exercise
00:52:47.220 | that is going to be supportive of my brain health
00:52:49.780 | and brain function and organ health
00:52:51.820 | and bodily function in general.
00:52:53.900 | So I just briefly want to touch on
00:52:55.340 | what the structure of that exercise looks like,
00:52:58.640 | how it's structured within the day
00:52:59.940 | and how it's structured across the weeks, in fact,
00:53:03.340 | based on the scientific data
00:53:06.160 | and what the scientific data say is best or optimal
00:53:10.040 | in order to promote longevity of the brain,
00:53:12.220 | ability to focus, as well as cardiovascular health
00:53:14.740 | and all the other things that we know exercise supports.
00:53:17.520 | Now, there are various forms of physical activity
00:53:19.980 | or what we call exercise,
00:53:21.740 | but those can generally be batched into two categories.
00:53:25.220 | First is strength and hypertrophy work.
00:53:28.200 | So physical movements that are designed
00:53:30.460 | to make you stronger and/or make your muscles larger.
00:53:33.640 | There's also endurance work,
00:53:37.180 | physical exercise and movements that are designed
00:53:39.580 | to allow you to do more work over time
00:53:42.940 | or to extend the amount of time that you can do work
00:53:45.980 | of any kind, both physical and mental.
00:53:49.340 | And we did two full podcast episodes
00:53:51.780 | on the details and the science
00:53:53.440 | and the protocols related to these topics.
00:53:55.860 | We did an episode on the science
00:53:58.540 | of strength and hypertrophy,
00:54:00.720 | of building strength and muscle building,
00:54:03.060 | and that included a lot of protocols.
00:54:05.100 | And we did an episode on endurance,
00:54:07.400 | how to build any one or all of the four types of endurance,
00:54:11.260 | which are muscular endurance, anaerobic, aerobic,
00:54:13.880 | long-distance endurance, et cetera.
00:54:15.700 | So if you're interested in the specifics of those protocols,
00:54:18.140 | please see those episodes.
00:54:19.500 | However, right now, I just want to emphasize
00:54:22.920 | how the data impact my day and how I structure my day
00:54:27.460 | in a way that I can incorporate physical movement
00:54:30.020 | in a way that supports my brain and health.
00:54:32.340 | Basically, after I finish that cognitive workout,
00:54:35.620 | that 90-minute workout,
00:54:37.300 | I do some form of physical exercise for about an hour.
00:54:41.100 | The data all point to the fact that working out hard
00:54:43.700 | for longer than an hour can actually be detrimental
00:54:46.660 | because of the way that it raises cortisol,
00:54:49.140 | and cortisol can be a good thing
00:54:50.580 | if it's appropriately timed
00:54:51.820 | and in the appropriate low levels,
00:54:53.480 | but you don't want to have your cortisol levels up
00:54:56.180 | throughout the day or have big spikes
00:54:57.980 | of cortisol repeatedly.
00:55:00.080 | So keeping workouts relatively short
00:55:02.000 | can definitely help with that.
00:55:03.680 | And certainly if you're training hard,
00:55:06.340 | 60 minutes or less should be more than sufficient.
00:55:08.980 | And for many people, including myself,
00:55:10.340 | 45 minutes or 50 minutes is probably even more optimal.
00:55:13.520 | The basic design of this physical exercise
00:55:16.900 | is that it be approximately 60 minutes.
00:55:19.500 | So maybe 60 plus or minus 15 minutes
00:55:21.640 | should be well within the margins
00:55:23.420 | of keeping hormonal health proper and not going too long,
00:55:27.140 | nor making the workout so short that it's not beneficial.
00:55:30.580 | And essentially what the data tell us
00:55:32.680 | is that in order to optimize cardiovascular
00:55:34.820 | and brain health and other systems of the body,
00:55:37.220 | we want to exercise at least five days per week.
00:55:40.860 | I know that seems like a lot.
00:55:42.660 | It certainly is a lot for certain people.
00:55:44.660 | Some of you, you compulsive exercisers might gasp
00:55:48.320 | at the idea of taking two days off.
00:55:49.880 | I personally find that taking two full days off per week
00:55:52.860 | is actually both beneficial
00:55:55.140 | to my exercise training performance, as well as pleasant.
00:55:59.660 | I like those rest days.
00:56:00.900 | But essentially the structure of the exercise regimen
00:56:05.060 | that works for sake of supporting health
00:56:06.780 | is going to be one in which there's a three to two ratio,
00:56:09.660 | where for a 12 week period or so, maybe 10 to 12 weeks,
00:56:14.540 | three of those five workouts per week
00:56:16.460 | emphasize strength and hypertrophy,
00:56:18.260 | and the other two emphasize endurance.
00:56:21.000 | Then after 10 or 12 weeks,
00:56:22.600 | one switches over to a 10 or 12 week regimen
00:56:25.120 | of doing a three to two ratio
00:56:27.720 | where you're prioritizing endurance work.
00:56:29.840 | So primarily the sorts of workouts
00:56:31.940 | that are described in the endurance episode
00:56:33.780 | and those protocols and the other two days,
00:56:35.500 | you're focusing on strength and hypertrophy work
00:56:37.780 | merely to maintain strength and hypertrophy,
00:56:40.760 | to not lose the strength and hypertrophy that you've created.
00:56:44.220 | And there are a lot of data now supporting the fact
00:56:46.580 | that maintaining muscular health and bone health
00:56:49.860 | is supported by resistance training,
00:56:51.500 | weight training of various kinds.
00:56:52.980 | It can also be done with body weight
00:56:54.500 | if you don't have access to equipment.
00:56:56.260 | And of course, that doing cardiovascular endurance work
00:56:59.580 | is very beneficial both to the muscles of the body,
00:57:02.500 | the organs of the body, but also to the brain.
00:57:05.300 | Many of you have probably heard
00:57:06.740 | that doing physical exercise of various kinds
00:57:11.020 | can support the production of new neurons in the brain.
00:57:13.700 | Frankly, those data are specific to research animals.
00:57:18.180 | As far as we know, increases in neuron number
00:57:21.900 | are not supported by exercise in humans.
00:57:25.440 | There's a little bit of data that supports
00:57:27.140 | that maybe a few neurons might get created
00:57:29.140 | by running or weightlifting
00:57:30.460 | or things of that sort in human beings,
00:57:32.780 | but there's still a host of other reasons
00:57:34.700 | to have this hour or so per day
00:57:37.200 | where one is doing physical exercise.
00:57:39.980 | And those include increased blood flow to the brain.
00:57:43.320 | Remember, the brain is an organ too.
00:57:44.880 | It's the most metabolically demanding organ in your body,
00:57:47.900 | and it's receiving those metabolic factors.
00:57:51.340 | It's receiving its fuels by way of vasculature,
00:57:54.100 | of blood vessels and capillaries and veins
00:57:55.960 | and things of that sort.
00:57:57.300 | So movement is very crucial
00:58:00.060 | to get your brain to function properly.
00:58:02.020 | Movement of various kinds is very important
00:58:05.100 | to get your brain to function properly.
00:58:07.060 | Resistance training turns out to be as important
00:58:09.660 | as endurance training because of the way
00:58:12.180 | that it stimulates the release of particular hormones
00:58:14.540 | actually from bones, things like osteocalcin,
00:58:17.580 | which can positively impact brain function
00:58:20.060 | and can support the health of existing neurons
00:58:22.560 | as opposed to increasing the number of neurons.
00:58:24.540 | Turns out increasing the number of neurons
00:58:26.220 | may not actually be as beneficial as we think.
00:58:27.980 | It all sounds great.
00:58:29.000 | More neurons, more neurons.
00:58:30.260 | Certainly more neurons is better than fewer neurons
00:58:33.380 | and losing neurons,
00:58:34.740 | but incorporating new neurons into existing brain circuitry
00:58:37.560 | is actually very challenging for the brain to do.
00:58:40.640 | I make sure that after that work about,
00:58:43.000 | I get this one hour or so of exercise five days per week
00:58:47.200 | because of the ways that it supports my general health.
00:58:49.900 | And there are now hundreds of studies supporting the fact
00:58:53.320 | that both endurance work and strength training
00:58:58.000 | or hypertrophy training done in combination,
00:59:01.340 | meaning not necessarily in the same workout,
00:59:03.340 | but done across the week is immensely beneficial
00:59:07.040 | for the production of things
00:59:08.120 | like brain-derived nootropic factor,
00:59:10.220 | for limiting inflammatory cytokines like IL-6,
00:59:14.340 | for promoting anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10,
00:59:17.660 | provided that exercise is of the proper duration
00:59:20.860 | and that it's not so intense
00:59:23.120 | that you're actually creating damage
00:59:25.020 | to the various systems of the body.
00:59:26.940 | Now, where is the threshold
00:59:28.540 | between optimal sub-threshold and detrimental?
00:59:33.420 | This is a complicated theme
00:59:36.020 | if we don't put some structure around it.
00:59:37.660 | So let's put a little bit of structure around it.
00:59:39.020 | We already said that about 60 minutes,
00:59:41.060 | so 60 minutes plus or minus 15 minutes
00:59:43.940 | is going to be optimal for all these health benefits.
00:59:47.040 | What about the structure of the actual workouts?
00:59:49.980 | Well, we need to address this issue of intensity.
00:59:53.340 | A good rule of thumb based on the literature,
00:59:56.940 | and I discussed this with Dr. Andy Galpin
00:59:58.740 | prior to the strength and hypertrophy
01:00:00.260 | in the endurance episodes,
01:00:01.660 | and the literature that's published
01:00:03.380 | in quality peer-reviewed journals
01:00:04.700 | really points to the fact that approximately 80%
01:00:08.780 | of the resistance training you do
01:00:10.540 | should be resistance training
01:00:11.820 | that doesn't go to what they call failure,
01:00:13.540 | where you can't actually move the resistance anymore.
01:00:18.000 | The other 20% can be of the higher intensity
01:00:20.700 | to failure type training.
01:00:22.580 | Now, with respect to endurance work,
01:00:24.500 | one can build up endurance
01:00:27.380 | without having to log long, long mileage
01:00:30.480 | or extensive mileage in the pool or by running,
01:00:33.380 | and that's because there are these other forms of endurance
01:00:35.780 | that can build up, for instance,
01:00:37.300 | the capillary beds within the muscles.
01:00:38.900 | Building up the capillary beds within the muscles
01:00:40.820 | will allow more oxygen utilization within the muscles,
01:00:43.940 | and thereby will increase your endurance,
01:00:46.360 | both of the muscles,
01:00:47.200 | but also will improve brain metabolism
01:00:50.060 | and the way that the heart functions
01:00:52.140 | of cardiovascular function.
01:00:53.500 | That 80/20 rule of less than failure and work to failure
01:00:59.500 | in the resistance exercise regime can be transported
01:01:03.360 | or translated to the endurance exercise portion
01:01:06.300 | by focusing on that thing that we're familiar with,
01:01:08.460 | which is the burn.
01:01:09.300 | When we're running hard or cycling hard,
01:01:11.020 | we'll experience a kind of burning of the muscles
01:01:12.820 | that's associated with the lactate system.
01:01:15.980 | During the episode on endurance,
01:01:17.140 | I pointed out that that burn is not lactic acid.
01:01:22.020 | Contrary to common belief, it is not lactic acid.
01:01:25.560 | It's associated with lactate metabolism,
01:01:27.620 | and again, about 80% of the endurance work
01:01:31.080 | should not incorporate that so-called burn,
01:01:34.020 | but if 20% of that work or so,
01:01:36.660 | I should say approximately 20% of that work
01:01:39.140 | does include the so-called burning sensation,
01:01:42.040 | that burning sensation actually triggers the activation
01:01:46.440 | of release of certain compounds and molecules from glia,
01:01:50.820 | this brain cell type that supports neuron health,
01:01:54.140 | and actually the lactate system
01:01:56.080 | is its own form of fuel for the brain,
01:01:58.500 | and so there's increasing interest
01:02:00.220 | in generating the lactate or pushing past
01:02:04.440 | that lactate threshold for small portion,
01:02:06.460 | 20% or so of endurance work
01:02:08.340 | in order to support brain health and function.
01:02:10.540 | So what does this all look like as a protocol?
01:02:14.080 | Well, as I mentioned before, this three to two ratio,
01:02:16.660 | so maybe you spend 10 weeks or so or 12 weeks or so
01:02:20.160 | focusing mainly on endurance work,
01:02:21.620 | three workouts per week on endurance work,
01:02:23.780 | 80% of those workouts, meaning 80% of the time
01:02:27.060 | you're below that burn threshold,
01:02:29.060 | you are not experiencing a burning sensation,
01:02:32.100 | but that for 20% of it, you are,
01:02:34.840 | that based on the scientific data
01:02:37.220 | should support lactate metabolism, brain health, et cetera,
01:02:39.860 | as well as cardiovascular health and oxygen utilization,
01:02:42.380 | all the forms of endurance that we're aware of,
01:02:45.540 | and then the other two workouts
01:02:47.060 | would involve resistance training,
01:02:48.660 | again, with this 80/20 split,
01:02:50.860 | where 80% of the work is not to failure and 20% is,
01:02:54.420 | and then maybe after 10, 12 weeks, you switch,
01:02:56.980 | where you start emphasizing strength and hypertrophy work
01:02:59.820 | for three of the workouts
01:03:00.860 | and endurance work for two of the workouts.
01:03:03.680 | Now, of course, some of you will be able to train
01:03:05.580 | six days a week, or you'll compulsively need to train
01:03:07.960 | seven days a week.
01:03:08.800 | If you decide to do that, please be aware
01:03:11.680 | that this cortisol threshold is a real thing.
01:03:13.740 | So for me, the three to two ratio works out perfectly
01:03:16.820 | 'cause I like two full days off a week.
01:03:18.580 | When I take those really depends on my schedule
01:03:20.540 | and how I'm feeling.
01:03:21.380 | Sometimes it's two days in a row,
01:03:22.440 | sometimes they're interspersed throughout the week,
01:03:24.480 | but in reviewing the scientific literature
01:03:26.640 | for those two episodes of the podcast
01:03:29.580 | and in talking to people who are really informed
01:03:32.580 | in the world of resistance training and endurance training
01:03:36.160 | and how that relates to brain health and body health,
01:03:39.020 | this seems to be the most rational and grounded protocol.
01:03:41.480 | So that's the one that I follow.
01:03:42.980 | So on any given day, I finish that work block and I train.
01:03:47.080 | I do some sort of resistance or endurance training.
01:03:49.400 | I put those on alternate days or different days rather.
01:03:52.940 | So we've now talked about the arc that spans
01:03:55.340 | all the way from waking to a morning bout of focused work
01:04:00.340 | to physical training.
01:04:02.320 | I have not mentioned ingesting anything or nutrients.
01:04:06.840 | One of the most common questions I get
01:04:08.160 | are what should I eat for my brain?
01:04:10.220 | Well, ironically enough, one of the best things
01:04:12.820 | you can do for your brain is to not eat.
01:04:14.780 | But of course we all have to eat sooner or later
01:04:16.980 | and eating is wonderful.
01:04:18.140 | I absolutely love eating.
01:04:19.460 | I even enjoy the mere act of chewing.
01:04:22.100 | But the question of what to eat is an important one
01:04:25.260 | as it relates to brain health and brain function.
01:04:28.460 | Before we talk about that,
01:04:29.980 | I want to emphasize that training fasted
01:04:33.260 | actually has some immediate and long-term benefits.
01:04:37.060 | Prior to having my lab at Stanford,
01:04:39.060 | I was down in San Diego at UC San Diego
01:04:41.660 | and had an appointment
01:04:42.660 | at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies.
01:04:44.980 | I had a colleague there by the name of Sachin Panda.
01:04:47.180 | He wrote a wonderful book called "The Circadian Code."
01:04:49.660 | He runs a serious biology laboratory
01:04:52.140 | focusing on metabolism, circadian rhythms, and so forth,
01:04:55.300 | as well as the effects of fasting.
01:04:57.360 | Sachin and his book, "The Circadian Code,"
01:05:02.080 | describe how engaging in physical exercise while fasted
01:05:06.300 | can amplify the effects of that exercise,
01:05:08.660 | not just for sake of increasing the percentage
01:05:11.100 | of things like body fat burned, et cetera,
01:05:13.320 | but for cellular health, liver health,
01:05:15.840 | and the health of other organs.
01:05:17.820 | So where possible, I do strive to do my workout
01:05:22.800 | without eating anything first.
01:05:24.840 | However, some days I'm very, very hungry,
01:05:27.060 | and so I do ingest water, which contains electrolytes.
01:05:31.860 | So that means sodium, magnesium, potassium,
01:05:34.100 | for the simple reason that sodium, magnesium, potassium
01:05:37.560 | are required for neurons to function properly.
01:05:40.820 | It's part of the way they generate electrical activity.
01:05:44.880 | As well, ingesting electrolytes, for me, can quell hunger.
01:05:49.160 | And this points to a whole other topic
01:05:51.240 | we could do another episode on at some point,
01:05:53.120 | which is many times people will think
01:05:55.040 | that their blood sugar is low,
01:05:56.340 | and actually, that's not the case.
01:05:58.400 | And frankly, one wouldn't want their blood sugar to be high.
01:06:02.380 | You don't want your blood sugar too low,
01:06:04.200 | but you also don't want it too high.
01:06:06.040 | Very low blood sugar is terrible,
01:06:08.200 | but low-ish blood sugar tends to give us
01:06:10.120 | a sense of mental clarity and focus
01:06:12.200 | related to this adrenaline phenomenon
01:06:14.520 | that we talked about earlier.
01:06:16.300 | In order to be able to focus on exercise or work
01:06:18.880 | or anything else, you need sufficient electrolytes.
01:06:21.840 | And so many people find that if they
01:06:23.840 | simply ingest some water with salt,
01:06:26.120 | maybe a 99-milligram potassium tablet,
01:06:28.480 | all of a sudden they feel very mentally clear
01:06:30.760 | and able to do physical work and mental work.
01:06:33.320 | So what I do is prior to this morning exercise,
01:06:37.360 | although it's now late morning in this way I'm describing it
01:06:40.840 | and typically it does occur late morning,
01:06:42.920 | I'll have some water with either,
01:06:45.160 | so maybe half a teaspoon of sea salt
01:06:47.880 | with a 99-milligram potassium tablet,
01:06:50.560 | or these days I'm fond of taking what's called Element,
01:06:53.480 | LMT, Element.
01:06:54.840 | I learned about this from Lex Friedman's podcast.
01:06:56.640 | I know many of you are familiar with Lex.
01:06:58.240 | He's an excellent podcast, excellent scientist.
01:07:01.260 | I don't have any business relationship to Element.
01:07:03.520 | They're not a sponsor of the podcast,
01:07:05.280 | but Element is a product that essentially contains
01:07:08.300 | electrolyte, sodium, potassium,
01:07:10.840 | as well as magnesium malate,
01:07:12.400 | which has been shown to offset things
01:07:14.240 | like delayed onset muscle soreness.
01:07:16.160 | That form of magnesium doesn't make people drowsy.
01:07:19.520 | It's not an anxiolytic like some other forms of magnesium.
01:07:22.480 | An anxiolytic is just one that reduces anxiety.
01:07:25.320 | So whether or not it's Element
01:07:26.320 | or whether or not you're just putting a little bit of salt
01:07:27.960 | into some water and ingesting that prior to training,
01:07:30.960 | that can be an excellent way to ensure
01:07:32.440 | that you're able to complete the physical exercise,
01:07:35.400 | even though you haven't eaten anything.
01:07:37.940 | And I confess some days I will eat a little bit
01:07:39.800 | before my workout just because I can't seem to resist eating.
01:07:43.440 | I want to mention the use of stimulants
01:07:46.520 | before physical training.
01:07:47.800 | This has certain benefits and certain drawbacks.
01:07:52.120 | The benefits are sometimes it can facilitate motivation
01:07:55.540 | because things like caffeine
01:07:57.560 | can increase the release of dopamine,
01:07:59.320 | can increase the release of epinephrine,
01:08:01.200 | can reduce that adenosine level in the bloodstream.
01:08:03.480 | So some people use caffeine before training
01:08:06.120 | in ways that benefit them.
01:08:07.320 | It can also increase fat oxidation and kind of fat metabolism
01:08:11.060 | and things if that's your goal.
01:08:13.360 | I am not a particular fan of ingesting stimulants
01:08:16.020 | before training because of a whole set of problems
01:08:19.120 | associated with most forms of stimulants
01:08:22.680 | in the form of energy drinks, et cetera.
01:08:24.360 | I am not a fan of energy drinks.
01:08:25.760 | I did a decent portion of a previous episode
01:08:29.900 | on food and mood on energy drinks
01:08:31.600 | and some of the detrimental things they contain.
01:08:33.980 | Rather, I try and train simply by ingesting
01:08:37.420 | the caffeine sources I mentioned before,
01:08:39.300 | guayusa, mate, some electrolytes, some water.
01:08:43.540 | Occasionally I'll have an espresso or a cup of coffee
01:08:45.660 | before I train.
01:08:46.740 | And on rare occasions, I should emphasize rare occasions,
01:08:51.460 | if I really need help increasing my motivation
01:08:54.140 | or I decide I want to push extremely hard,
01:08:56.260 | I will ingest something like alpha-GPC.
01:08:58.580 | Alpha-GPC supports the release of a neuromodulator
01:09:01.980 | called acetylcholine, so 300 milligrams of alpha-GPC
01:09:05.020 | has been shown to increase physical performance,
01:09:07.460 | but also cognitive performance.
01:09:09.280 | Some people might not be interested in ingesting anything
01:09:11.840 | to improve their physical performance or anything at all,
01:09:14.080 | but they might be addressing
01:09:15.820 | how they can improve cognitive performance and focus.
01:09:18.380 | And alpha-GPC is a non-stimulant way to approach that.
01:09:21.320 | Again, definitely check with your doctor
01:09:23.000 | before taking anything or stopping to take anything,
01:09:25.580 | but alpha-GPC has been shown in various studies
01:09:28.420 | to improve cognitive performance
01:09:30.020 | and in people who have age-related cognitive decline,
01:09:33.480 | there have been some positive benefits reported
01:09:36.420 | in quality peer-reviewed journals.
01:09:38.740 | If you want to explore those references,
01:09:40.780 | please go to, please put in alpha-GPC,
01:09:44.140 | go to the Human Effect Matrix,
01:09:45.660 | and there you can find details of those studies,
01:09:48.700 | references to PubMed, et cetera.
01:09:50.620 | So let's talk about food timing first.
01:09:52.980 | As I mentioned, I eat my first meal sometime around noon,
01:09:56.300 | plus or minus an hour for the reasons we've discussed.
01:10:00.160 | The volume of food is also important.
01:10:02.780 | If you eat a large volume of anything,
01:10:06.480 | because it diverts blood to your gut,
01:10:09.280 | you will feel lethargic
01:10:10.800 | and you will have less blood going to your brain.
01:10:13.560 | That seems like a simple and trivial fact,
01:10:15.400 | but if you want to be able to think,
01:10:17.480 | you can't ingest large volumes of anything into your gut.
01:10:20.820 | So the discussion about what foods give you energy
01:10:22.840 | is kind of moot if you eat enormous volumes of that food.
01:10:26.520 | Now, the volumes are going to depend on you
01:10:29.100 | and your needs and your activity levels.
01:10:31.780 | I'm going to discuss what I do in terms of food content,
01:10:36.280 | but I'm not going to discuss food volume.
01:10:38.000 | I sort of know where that mostly full, like 80% full line is
01:10:42.660 | and I usually eat a little bit past that, frankly.
01:10:45.120 | And I'm able to maintain a decent degree of alertness
01:10:48.480 | into the afternoon.
01:10:49.440 | And that's my goal.
01:10:50.280 | And I think that's the goal of most people
01:10:51.800 | to not work out in the morning or do some work
01:10:55.640 | and then just collapse into a slumber
01:10:57.280 | that lasts all afternoon,
01:10:58.340 | but to be able to generate alert, calm, focused states
01:11:02.440 | throughout the day.
01:11:04.020 | So for lunch, I do emphasize slightly lower carbohydrate
01:11:08.300 | or low carbohydrate intake for the simple reason
01:11:11.580 | that adrenaline and dopamine
01:11:14.460 | and their associated neuromodulators
01:11:16.840 | are going to support alertness.
01:11:18.960 | So for me, I fast up until about noon.
01:11:22.740 | Then I eat a lunch that consists of some sort
01:11:25.800 | of protein thing, like some meat or some chicken
01:11:28.600 | or some salmon and some vegetables, et cetera.
01:11:31.720 | And if I've exercised previously,
01:11:34.700 | which I do, as I mentioned, five days a week,
01:11:37.140 | then I will ingest some starches.
01:11:39.040 | I'll ingest some bread, excuse me, or rice
01:11:42.200 | or oatmeal and butter and nuts and things like that.
01:11:45.000 | I will consume the various food groups, as they say,
01:11:49.340 | but I will keep the total amount of carbohydrate
01:11:52.520 | a little bit on the low side.
01:11:54.120 | Or if I haven't trained, I won't have any carbohydrate
01:11:56.640 | at all, not because I'm ketogenic,
01:11:59.680 | not because I'm anti-carbohydrate,
01:12:01.640 | not because I'm on a pure carnivore diet, far from it,
01:12:04.600 | but because starches cause the release of serotonin
01:12:09.600 | in the brain and lend themselves to a state of sleepiness.
01:12:13.000 | Now, I should mention that about 25% of individuals
01:12:16.840 | have genes that encode for enzymes that allow them
01:12:20.020 | to eat large amounts of carbohydrate
01:12:22.160 | and not suffer from this lethargy,
01:12:24.240 | this kind of sedation from carbohydrates,
01:12:26.500 | but I don't have that gene.
01:12:28.780 | And so for me, eating a noon-ish meal
01:12:34.300 | that is not enormous, but is decent in size,
01:12:36.620 | but that is mainly protein, healthy fats,
01:12:39.920 | and low-ish carbohydrates or no carbohydrates
01:12:42.140 | is what allows me to achieve heightened states of alertness
01:12:45.600 | throughout the day, which is what I need for my purposes.
01:12:48.800 | So just knowing that meats and nuts support alertness,
01:12:52.280 | provided you don't eat too much of them,
01:12:53.960 | that vegetables are healthy for us
01:12:55.880 | and therefore we should eat them,
01:12:57.360 | and I happen to like them as well,
01:12:58.880 | and that carbohydrates tend to have
01:13:00.680 | a kind of sedative-like quality to them,
01:13:04.080 | that should help you kind of guide your food choices
01:13:07.280 | in an intelligent way that's grounded
01:13:08.960 | in the scientific literature as it relates to alertness.
01:13:12.860 | Now, what about components of foods
01:13:14.900 | that are not about alertness, but are about mood?
01:13:17.480 | We did an entire episode on mood and food,
01:13:19.720 | and it's very clear based on now dozens of studies
01:13:23.480 | that ingesting sufficient levels of omega-3 fatty acids
01:13:28.480 | is going to support healthy mood
01:13:30.900 | and even can act as an antidepressant.
01:13:33.820 | More than a dozen studies have shown
01:13:35.880 | that ingesting at least 1,000 milligrams per day
01:13:39.200 | of the EPA form of essential fatty acid
01:13:42.700 | is as effective as prescription antidepressants
01:13:46.520 | in relieving depression.
01:13:48.200 | And if you're somebody
01:13:49.100 | who requires prescription antidepressants,
01:13:51.520 | Prozac, Zoloft, et cetera,
01:13:53.400 | it can allow people to take lower doses
01:13:56.960 | of those medications, which in many cases
01:13:58.880 | is a positive thing or a good thing to do
01:14:01.520 | because of the side effect profiles
01:14:03.220 | that many of those drugs carry.
01:14:04.880 | So I find these data remarkably compelling.
01:14:07.520 | I mean, here we have a food or a substance from food
01:14:12.640 | that can improve our mood and our sense of wellbeing,
01:14:15.720 | and it does that by way of increasing
01:14:18.160 | certain neuromodulators in the brain,
01:14:19.620 | in particular dopamine,
01:14:20.760 | but also some other related neuromodulators.
01:14:23.160 | So if you're eating fatty salmon regularly,
01:14:26.440 | if you're eating krill regularly,
01:14:28.840 | meaning if you're a whale,
01:14:31.560 | if you're ingesting foods
01:14:34.400 | that tend to have a lot of omega-3s,
01:14:36.240 | you probably don't need to supplement with omega-3.
01:14:38.980 | Most people are not ingesting sufficient levels of omega-3s,
01:14:42.820 | and I'm certainly one of those people.
01:14:44.880 | Despite an effort to eat good foods
01:14:46.360 | and whole foods, et cetera, and unprocessed foods,
01:14:49.120 | I've made the choice to ingest
01:14:51.480 | at least 1,000 milligrams per day of EPA.
01:14:53.760 | I do that in the form of fish oil
01:14:55.080 | and the EPA/DHA combination fish oil.
01:14:57.640 | But the threshold of 1,000 milligrams
01:15:00.160 | is not 1,000 milligrams of fish oil,
01:15:02.280 | it's 1,000 milligrams of EPA.
01:15:04.680 | Now, for those of you that don't want to consume fish oils
01:15:07.480 | and prefer to get your omega-3s from non-animal sources,
01:15:11.080 | there are non-animal sources,
01:15:13.500 | various forms of algae, et cetera.
01:15:15.000 | You can just look that up online
01:15:16.840 | and you should be able to find that.
01:15:18.020 | There are also a number of foods
01:15:19.480 | that include these essential omega-3s.
01:15:21.640 | We did an episode on food and mood
01:15:23.260 | where I go into more detail than you could ever want on that
01:15:26.520 | as well as some additional recommendations.
01:15:29.440 | We also did an episode on thyroid function,
01:15:31.580 | this hormone that's important for metabolism,
01:15:33.980 | and that pointed to the importance
01:15:36.160 | of getting sufficient iodine,
01:15:37.700 | which you should naturally get
01:15:39.200 | from the salts you're ingesting
01:15:40.520 | provided you're ingesting enough salt.
01:15:42.220 | I'm not somebody who eats a lot of kelp or seaweed,
01:15:47.000 | although I don't mind the taste of seaweed,
01:15:48.380 | I don't ingest it regularly,
01:15:50.000 | but ingesting sufficient selenium or selenium
01:15:53.560 | has been shown to be important
01:15:55.080 | for proper thyroid production, thyroid function,
01:15:57.300 | which is why I tend to eat a few Brazil nuts each day,
01:16:00.160 | typically with my lunch or sometimes before my workout,
01:16:02.720 | doesn't really matter.
01:16:03.820 | The point is that the volume, the amount, the content,
01:16:10.760 | and indeed the ratios of protein to fat to carbohydrates
01:16:14.440 | are going to impact how you feel,
01:16:15.920 | and they're going to impact your brain health.
01:16:18.260 | And of course, the timing.
01:16:19.600 | We know that allowing periods of 12 hours or more
01:16:22.520 | each 24-hour cycle where you're not ingesting anything
01:16:24.980 | is beneficial for your brain and body health.
01:16:26.680 | That's what Sachin Panda and his colleagues' work
01:16:29.640 | has shown over and over again in these quality studies.
01:16:33.020 | So when people ask me, "What should I eat for my brain?"
01:16:36.980 | More often than not, it's really a question
01:16:39.660 | of how you're structuring your day,
01:16:41.140 | when you're eating for the first time,
01:16:42.660 | how long you're allowing yourself to fast
01:16:44.400 | each 24-hour cycle, and also whether or not
01:16:49.020 | you're getting sufficient omega-3s,
01:16:50.420 | whether or not you're getting sufficient selenium
01:16:52.920 | to support things like thyroid function,
01:16:55.420 | which has an impact both on the metabolism of the body,
01:16:58.660 | but also the metabolism in the brain.
01:17:00.420 | And when I say metabolism, I don't just mean burning energy.
01:17:03.300 | I actually mean the rebuilding of things.
01:17:06.440 | So in the episode on growth hormone and thyroid hormone,
01:17:09.380 | we talked about how metabolism means not just the breakdown
01:17:13.680 | of fats and carbohydrates, but also the building up,
01:17:16.060 | the repair of muscle tissue, the repair of bone,
01:17:19.240 | the reinforcing of bone, and the repair
01:17:21.820 | and the buildup of brain tissue.
01:17:24.100 | And so those are the things that I emphasize
01:17:26.220 | because they're so strongly supported
01:17:28.080 | by the scientific data done in mice, studies done in humans.
01:17:33.080 | And basically, there's a lot of biochemical evidence
01:17:37.380 | that supports everything that I just described.
01:17:39.620 | Along the lines of health and wellbeing,
01:17:42.200 | I'd be remiss if I didn't mention hormones.
01:17:45.100 | Hormones have broad effects on the body and brain.
01:17:48.340 | We did an entire month on hormones.
01:17:50.280 | If you want to hear about any of those hormones in detail,
01:17:52.740 | we talked about testosterone
01:17:53.820 | and optimizing testosterone, estrogen, et cetera.
01:17:56.320 | The sex steroid hormones,
01:17:59.060 | which include testosterone and estrogen,
01:18:02.500 | which of course are present in varying ratios,
01:18:05.500 | but in both men and women and in kids,
01:18:09.900 | they are manufactured from cholesterol.
01:18:12.500 | We hear about cholesterol as this terrible thing,
01:18:14.360 | but they are actually made from cholesterol.
01:18:16.160 | And so if you don't get sufficient levels of cholesterol,
01:18:19.820 | that can be problematic for your hormones
01:18:21.480 | and that can be problematic
01:18:22.780 | for your brain and your body health.
01:18:25.500 | So without going into too much detail,
01:18:28.340 | I'll just point to a couple of things that I do
01:18:30.680 | that at least from my blood work
01:18:33.300 | and from my subjective experience
01:18:34.740 | have been very beneficial for me
01:18:36.140 | that some of you might want to consider.
01:18:38.860 | First of all, I'm not shy about my love for butter.
01:18:41.780 | I will eat pats of butter directly.
01:18:43.820 | I believe if people are going to eat cheese
01:18:46.140 | without a cracker, I will eat butter without a cracker.
01:18:48.840 | Butter is high in cholesterol, so I don't eat a ton of it,
01:18:52.060 | but at least for me and for my lipid profiles, it's fine.
01:18:55.200 | Butter has cholesterol,
01:18:57.500 | which is a precursor to the sex steroid hormones,
01:18:59.620 | and men and women need testosterone and estrogen
01:19:03.320 | in order to feel good and to be able to think.
01:19:05.700 | You do not want your estrogen too low
01:19:08.180 | or your testosterone too low.
01:19:09.820 | So I eat butter in order to ensure
01:19:11.840 | that I get sufficient cholesterol.
01:19:13.100 | Butter also has some other things that are beneficial,
01:19:15.920 | various small fatty acids that are interesting
01:19:19.700 | in terms of their effects on metabolism, et cetera.
01:19:22.780 | You can look those up, the benefits of butter.
01:19:24.880 | But again, volume is important and you can't overdo it.
01:19:28.420 | Costello incidentally loves butter as well.
01:19:31.960 | Along the lines of hormones and testosterone,
01:19:35.380 | get a lot of questions about this, I think,
01:19:37.180 | because a lot of online communities
01:19:39.060 | are sort of obsessed with testosterone.
01:19:40.840 | And I just want to emphasize that yes,
01:19:43.540 | having sufficient levels of testosterone
01:19:46.040 | is vitally important for brain function
01:19:48.380 | and having sufficient levels of estrogen
01:19:50.560 | will allow your brain to actually function.
01:19:53.100 | It turns out that estrogen is one of the main ways
01:19:56.340 | in which the brain maintains longevity
01:19:59.420 | and maintains its ability to think.
01:20:01.540 | So we should all be seeking optimal testosterone levels
01:20:04.820 | for ourselves, both testosterone and estrogen.
01:20:08.260 | And many of the things that we've discussed up until now,
01:20:11.440 | morning sunlight, exercise, fasting,
01:20:15.460 | those can support testosterone and estrogen
01:20:18.640 | in meaningful and positive ways.
01:20:21.700 | I get a lot of questions about hormone optimization.
01:20:24.440 | We did an entire month on this topic.
01:20:26.780 | We did an entire episode on testosterone
01:20:29.260 | and estrogen optimization.
01:20:31.400 | I just want to briefly highlight two things
01:20:34.220 | that could be relevant.
01:20:35.580 | And then if you want more details,
01:20:36.780 | please go see that episode.
01:20:37.940 | The first is that testosterone
01:20:40.700 | can exert its various functions
01:20:42.620 | only in its unbound form, free testosterone.
01:20:46.420 | We all make a particular binding protein
01:20:49.460 | called sex hormone binding globulin
01:20:51.860 | that essentially binds up testosterone,
01:20:53.680 | prevents it from being free.
01:20:55.320 | This sounds like a terrible thing,
01:20:56.460 | but actually it's a good thing
01:20:57.300 | because it allows testosterone to be transported
01:20:59.420 | to the various tissues, including the brain,
01:21:01.300 | where it can exert its various functions.
01:21:03.960 | For those that have lower than desired levels of testosterone
01:21:10.420 | or too much sex hormone binding globulin,
01:21:12.900 | it turns out that 400 milligrams per day
01:21:15.120 | of something called tongkat ali,
01:21:16.880 | which is a form of ginseng,
01:21:17.980 | can actually help increase levels of free testosterone.
01:21:21.160 | Many people experience a positive subjective effect
01:21:23.900 | and some objective effects as well,
01:21:26.180 | meaning increases in free testosterone
01:21:28.160 | when they do blood analysis.
01:21:30.980 | There are some data on that,
01:21:32.140 | not a ton in the peer-reviewed literatures,
01:21:34.060 | and again, always approach these with a sense of caution
01:21:37.800 | and definitely talk to your doctor.
01:21:39.880 | If you want to learn more about that,
01:21:41.100 | you can go to
01:21:42.420 | There's a lot of information there listed about that.
01:21:45.060 | The other compound that's relevant both to men and women,
01:21:48.180 | or I should say people that are trying to optimize
01:21:50.020 | testosterone and/or estrogen is Fidogia.
01:21:52.620 | Fidogia agrestis is actually an herb
01:21:56.040 | that increases the levels of what's called
01:21:57.860 | luteinizing hormone.
01:21:58.740 | Luteinizing hormone is a hormone that's released
01:22:00.580 | from the hypothalamus within the brain
01:22:02.900 | that travels to the gonads,
01:22:06.240 | either the ovaries or the testes,
01:22:07.980 | to stimulate the release of estrogen or testosterone.
01:22:12.560 | And Fidogia agrestis has been shown,
01:22:14.940 | albeit in a limited number of studies,
01:22:16.500 | to increase levels of luteinizing hormone
01:22:18.280 | and thereby levels of testosterone and estrogen
01:22:20.260 | in ways that some people find beneficial.
01:22:22.980 | So I just want to mention those two.
01:22:24.160 | And again, if you want a lot more information
01:22:25.920 | about hormone optimization,
01:22:27.720 | please see the episodes on hormone optimization.
01:22:30.720 | A key aspect to the midday meal,
01:22:34.560 | if you want that meal to benefit you,
01:22:36.960 | is to take a brief walk afterwards.
01:22:39.520 | It turns out that brief walks of five to 30 minutes
01:22:42.360 | after ingesting food can accelerate metabolism
01:22:45.320 | and actually can accelerate and improve nutrient utilization,
01:22:49.360 | which is essentially the same as metabolism.
01:22:51.040 | But nonetheless, that's something that I do
01:22:53.840 | after I finish my noon meal.
01:22:55.800 | I do force myself to stand up and go outside
01:22:59.640 | and take a brief walk.
01:23:00.620 | That also gets me again into optic flow.
01:23:02.600 | It also has another benefit,
01:23:03.840 | which is that I am giving my brain and thereby my body
01:23:08.160 | more information about light and time of day,
01:23:10.600 | which is always better than less information
01:23:12.740 | about light and time of day.
01:23:14.200 | Much of our circadian rhythm and our health rhythms
01:23:17.920 | and all of our cognitive rhythms, et cetera,
01:23:20.540 | are supported by our cells knowing where they are in time.
01:23:25.080 | And light is the primary zeitgeber,
01:23:27.460 | that's German for timekeeper,
01:23:29.200 | is the primary way in which the body learns information
01:23:33.960 | or about what function should be turned on
01:23:36.620 | and what function should be turned off.
01:23:38.220 | So getting that morning light pulse,
01:23:39.520 | but then also leaving the house or apartment or workplace
01:23:42.400 | and getting out for a few minutes after lunch
01:23:43.960 | is beneficial for metabolism,
01:23:45.600 | beneficial for nutrient utilization,
01:23:47.720 | and beneficial for all the organs and tissues of the body
01:23:51.480 | because you're getting that outside light exposure.
01:23:54.240 | Now I'd like to shift our attention
01:23:55.500 | towards science-supported protocols
01:23:57.920 | that increase the effectiveness
01:24:00.160 | and our performance in everything.
01:24:02.560 | And by everything, I mean sleep,
01:24:04.320 | I mean physical performance,
01:24:06.400 | I mean mental performance,
01:24:08.160 | I mean less anxiety, all the things, truly all the things.
01:24:12.740 | And that is something called non-sleep deep rest.
01:24:16.980 | Non-sleep deep rest or NSDR is an acronym that I coined
01:24:21.360 | as an umbrella term to encompass many protocols
01:24:25.760 | that all have been shown in one form or another
01:24:29.100 | to support better brain and body function.
01:24:32.320 | Now these protocols have names that you've heard before,
01:24:34.920 | things like meditation, things like yoga nidra,
01:24:38.440 | and things like hypnosis.
01:24:40.060 | All of these protocols and these activities, however,
01:24:44.160 | share something in common,
01:24:45.360 | which is they involve a deliberate
01:24:48.840 | and directed shift in one state,
01:24:51.720 | and the shift tends to be toward
01:24:53.880 | a state of deeper relaxation.
01:24:56.160 | We certainly don't have time now
01:24:58.520 | to dissect out the literature on all of these.
01:25:01.000 | There is ample literature,
01:25:02.800 | I should say there is robust and ample literature
01:25:05.480 | supporting the fact that a regular meditation practice
01:25:08.040 | is beneficial, but meditation itself has many forms,
01:25:10.960 | transcendental meditation, loving kindness meditation,
01:25:14.400 | third eye meditation, walking meditation.
01:25:16.800 | Yoga nidra is a practice I've talked about
01:25:19.100 | many times before, which involves simply lying down.
01:25:21.580 | It doesn't involve any movement,
01:25:22.600 | no down dogs or up dogs or anything.
01:25:24.200 | It just involves lying on your back
01:25:26.080 | and doing some specific long exhale breathing.
01:25:28.440 | There are a lot of yoga nidra scripts out there
01:25:30.040 | that are quite good, but there's one NSDR-type protocol
01:25:35.040 | that has been shown by the greatest number
01:25:39.440 | of scientific studies to promote
01:25:41.200 | not just states of deep relaxation,
01:25:43.620 | not just states of heightened focus,
01:25:46.360 | but also to accelerate plasticity
01:25:49.140 | and learning within the brain, and that's hypnosis.
01:25:52.080 | And I've become increasingly excited
01:25:53.880 | and interested in hypnosis as a tool
01:25:57.200 | and not just a tool of any kind,
01:25:59.680 | but a tool that really can be directed
01:26:01.600 | toward particular goals and outcomes.
01:26:03.760 | And I think that's really what sets hypnosis apart
01:26:06.300 | as an NSDR, non-sleep deep breath protocol,
01:26:08.900 | from things like naps or things like yoga nidra
01:26:12.080 | or things like meditation.
01:26:13.960 | And I certainly believe and understand
01:26:16.400 | that meditation naps and yoga nidra
01:26:18.060 | can be directed toward less anxiety, et cetera,
01:26:21.760 | but hypnosis is unique in that it's very directed.
01:26:26.760 | The essence of hypnosis is for the person, you,
01:26:30.920 | to guide your brain toward a particular outcome or change.
01:26:35.020 | So I'd like to point out a particular resource.
01:26:36.940 | It's a completely zero cost resource, which is
01:26:40.720 | That's,, obviously is a website,
01:26:45.720 | where there are links to an app
01:26:48.160 | that's available in Apple and Android.
01:26:50.280 | This is a hypnosis app,
01:26:51.620 | but this isn't just any hypnosis app.
01:26:53.220 | This is a hypnosis app
01:26:54.720 | that contains multiple hypnosis protocols
01:26:58.160 | that are all backed by very high quality science.
01:27:01.040 | The science was done by my colleague
01:27:03.160 | and our associate chair of psychiatry
01:27:04.720 | at Stanford School of Medicine.
01:27:05.920 | That's David Spiegel is responsible for that work.
01:27:08.460 | I'm not associated with that scientific work.
01:27:11.720 | They've examined what brain areas
01:27:14.440 | get activated during hypnosis,
01:27:16.260 | what the outcomes are for various hypnosis protocols.
01:27:19.540 | And within Reverie, you will find hypnosis protocols
01:27:21.860 | for enhancing your focus, enhancing creativity,
01:27:24.800 | reducing pain, getting better at sleeping, reducing anxiety.
01:27:28.600 | Most of these are about 10 or 15 minutes long.
01:27:31.660 | Some of them are extremely brief, one minute long.
01:27:34.060 | They have a one minute hypnosis that you can do.
01:27:36.580 | Those one minute hypnosis scripts work best
01:27:38.920 | if you've been doing the 10 and 15 minute ones
01:27:41.540 | regularly or semi-regularly.
01:27:43.900 | It's a really wonderful resource
01:27:45.560 | for which there is a lot of peer-reviewed published data.
01:27:48.980 | One study I'd like to emphasize in particular
01:27:52.500 | is Jiang et al, J-I-A-N-G.
01:27:55.360 | That is a reference you can find
01:27:57.520 | on the website under our research.
01:28:00.600 | And the title of this paper is Brain Activity
01:28:02.600 | and Functional Connectivity Associated with Hypnosis.
01:28:04.800 | And it was published in the journal Cerebral Cortex.
01:28:07.920 | What this paper essentially shows
01:28:09.800 | is that specific areas of our brain
01:28:12.800 | that are involved in executive function,
01:28:14.820 | which is associated with our ability to focus,
01:28:16.800 | as well as what's called the default mode network,
01:28:19.400 | which is sort of the way that your brain idles.
01:28:21.300 | Does your brain tend to idle
01:28:23.300 | at a level of high anxiety or calm,
01:28:26.780 | as well as activation of a brain area
01:28:28.560 | called the insula, that's I-N-S-U-L-A.
01:28:31.380 | The insula is extremely interesting.
01:28:33.240 | Hypnosis has been shown to activate the insula,
01:28:35.880 | which can enhance our sense of interoception,
01:28:38.360 | our sense of internal state,
01:28:40.320 | which might sound like a annoying thing.
01:28:42.260 | You don't want to be thinking about your heartbeat
01:28:44.480 | or your breathing.
01:28:45.480 | But what's really interesting about hypnosis
01:28:47.880 | is that it increases areas of the brain
01:28:49.840 | that are responsible for deep relaxation,
01:28:51.780 | focus, and self-awareness,
01:28:54.200 | this interoception, simultaneously.
01:28:56.760 | And that's very unusual compared to other states
01:29:00.160 | and other states of any kind.
01:29:02.200 | So I've made it a practice, a daily practice, in fact,
01:29:05.480 | that after lunch and after this walk,
01:29:07.960 | I do a brief 10-minute hypnosis script,
01:29:10.960 | because what I found is that in contrast to naps
01:29:14.960 | and in contrast to other forms of NSDR,
01:29:17.220 | it really allows me to enter a state of deep relaxation,
01:29:20.480 | but also to then exit that state
01:29:23.240 | in a very focused and deliberate way
01:29:25.000 | that allows me to lean into my afternoon in an alert way,
01:29:28.040 | in a way that I can function and do mental work
01:29:30.960 | and interact with people, et cetera.
01:29:33.400 | So there's no brain fog, there's no grogginess.
01:29:35.880 | And I want to emphasize that the hypnosis
01:29:37.600 | that I'm referring to here and that Reverie provides
01:29:40.860 | is not stage hypnosis.
01:29:43.080 | This isn't you being programmed to squawk like a chicken
01:29:45.640 | or do anything against your will.
01:29:46.800 | This is you teaching your brain how to access
01:29:49.320 | these focused, relaxed, interoceptive states.
01:29:52.500 | This is also an extremely valuable aspect to hypnosis
01:29:56.040 | because it can increase plasticity,
01:29:58.760 | the brain's ability to change in response to experience.
01:30:01.120 | It's essentially opening up pathways
01:30:02.960 | that allow you to change your brain
01:30:04.980 | in the ways that you want.
01:30:06.480 | And it's very directed toward particular outcomes.
01:30:09.880 | So I am an, as you can probably tell,
01:30:12.160 | I'm very enthusiastic about hypnosis
01:30:15.380 | as an optimal NSDR protocol.
01:30:17.480 | And so I do that every single day.
01:30:19.480 | There are days that I don't manage to do it
01:30:21.260 | for whatever reason, I forget,
01:30:22.840 | or interference from email or et cetera,
01:30:25.540 | but that is essentially how I enter my early afternoon.
01:30:28.720 | I do this post-lunch, post-walk NSDR
01:30:33.560 | in the form of a Reverie hypnosis.
01:30:35.540 | Again, a completely zero-cost resource to you.
01:30:39.440 | There are excellent data.
01:30:40.960 | All those data can be found on the Reverie site.
01:30:43.840 | And you can also learn a lot more about hypnosis
01:30:45.920 | and what sorts of hypnosis protocols
01:30:48.040 | might be optimal for you.
01:30:49.620 | So if you are looking for a science-backed, zero-cost,
01:30:52.800 | very effective tool for getting better at focusing,
01:30:56.120 | better at sleeping, better at all the things
01:30:58.260 | that I believe people want,
01:31:00.120 | I do believe that is the best tool
01:31:01.860 | that one can access at this point in time.
01:31:03.980 | So then after I exit hypnosis,
01:31:06.840 | usually give Costell a little scratch behind the ear,
01:31:09.120 | and then I make sure that I hydrate.
01:31:11.040 | Hydration, again, is vitally important for brain function.
01:31:15.800 | It's vitally important for all bodily functions.
01:31:18.120 | And I often forget to do it.
01:31:19.720 | So I've just sort of linked the drinking of water
01:31:23.240 | to my hypnosis practice.
01:31:25.000 | As soon as I'm done, I hydrate.
01:31:26.680 | And then I tend to focus on another work bout.
01:31:30.440 | So this would be, for me, sometime around 2.30
01:31:33.180 | or three o'clock in the afternoon,
01:31:34.620 | when normally I would be quite sleepy and passing out.
01:31:37.500 | However, the protocol of shifting my morning caffeine
01:31:41.080 | to 90 minutes, two hours after waking,
01:31:43.500 | as well as the use of this hypnosis protocol
01:31:46.280 | has really allowed me to move through the afternoon
01:31:49.020 | in a way that I don't experience that dip in energy.
01:31:51.880 | Every once in a while, I'll feel kind of sleepy
01:31:53.920 | or kind of out of it.
01:31:54.740 | But I've been really pleasantly surprised
01:31:59.640 | at the extent to which one can avoid that afternoon dip
01:32:02.000 | if you do certain things properly
01:32:03.800 | prior to the arrival of two or three p.m.
01:32:06.860 | Now, if you're a napper and you want to nap, no big deal.
01:32:09.880 | Naps can be wonderfully beneficial.
01:32:12.720 | Here are the rules around napping
01:32:14.320 | according to the sleep science.
01:32:15.560 | Stanford has an excellent sleep clinic.
01:32:17.120 | I consulted with Jamie Zeitzer,
01:32:19.120 | my colleague in the Stanford Sleep Laboratory,
01:32:22.420 | as well as Matt Walker out at Berkeley,
01:32:24.620 | whose name I'm sure most of you are familiar with,
01:32:26.800 | wrote this wonderful book, "Why We Sleep."
01:32:29.020 | Naps should be 90 minutes or less,
01:32:32.240 | and 20-minute naps are fine,
01:32:34.460 | but not longer than 90 minutes.
01:32:36.120 | And there are essentially two varieties of people,
01:32:38.560 | people for whom napping interferes
01:32:40.720 | with falling asleep later that night and staying asleep,
01:32:44.960 | and people for whom the nap does not interfere.
01:32:47.560 | You have to decide who you are.
01:32:49.160 | And if you're somebody who can nap
01:32:51.660 | and not have any trouble falling asleep and staying asleep
01:32:54.440 | later that night, well, by all means nap.
01:32:56.600 | Just make it 90 minutes or less.
01:32:57.860 | Again, these 90-minute cycles are really a vital constraint
01:33:00.860 | that we should all obey.
01:33:02.480 | If it's 91 minutes, don't worry.
01:33:04.340 | You won't dissolve into a puddle of tears,
01:33:05.940 | but if you're starting to sleep for an hour or more
01:33:07.820 | in the afternoon, that can be problematic.
01:33:10.140 | If you're somebody who can nap for 10, 20 minutes,
01:33:14.220 | that's probably better than getting a full 90-minute cycle
01:33:17.380 | unless you didn't get enough sleep the night before.
01:33:19.940 | But you really have to figure out what's right for you.
01:33:21.800 | There's a lot of variety there,
01:33:22.860 | but that's essentially what the science says.
01:33:25.300 | Now, whether or not you nap or whether or not you do not nap,
01:33:28.880 | a key protocol for sleep health and wakefulness
01:33:31.800 | and metabolism and hormone health
01:33:34.360 | is viewing light in the afternoon.
01:33:37.520 | So here's the reason for doing this.
01:33:39.320 | As we progress into the evening hours,
01:33:43.580 | there's a phenomenon where our retina, our eyes,
01:33:47.140 | become very sensitive to light,
01:33:49.360 | such that if we view bright lights
01:33:52.560 | or even not-so-bright lights
01:33:54.780 | between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.,
01:33:58.600 | that is strongly disruptive, very disruptive,
01:34:02.300 | for our dopamine production.
01:34:04.860 | It can really screw up our sleep.
01:34:06.960 | And it's actually been shown in data
01:34:09.040 | from David Berson's lab at Brown University,
01:34:11.840 | one of the foremost circadian biology laboratories,
01:34:14.560 | as well as Sami Tarr's laboratory
01:34:16.540 | at the National Institutes of Mental Health,
01:34:19.240 | that viewing bright light or even not-so-bright light
01:34:22.880 | between these hours of 11 p.m. and 4 a.m.
01:34:25.620 | or even 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. can disrupt learning and memory,
01:34:29.360 | can disrupt the immune system,
01:34:31.120 | and can disrupt mood in very long-lasting ways.
01:34:34.160 | There are ways to offset that, however,
01:34:38.160 | what I call your Netflix inoculation.
01:34:41.200 | For those of you that like to stay up late on the tablet
01:34:43.360 | or computer or watching Netflix,
01:34:45.720 | getting a little bit of afternoon light in your eyes
01:34:49.080 | somewhat counterintuitively can prevent this disruption
01:34:54.080 | of bright light later in the evening, at least somewhat.
01:34:57.800 | What do I mean by that?
01:34:59.160 | Well, if you view light as the sun is starting to go down,
01:35:03.480 | so if you step outside around 4 p.m., 5 p.m.,
01:35:06.100 | again, what time exactly will depend on time of year
01:35:08.920 | and where you are located on our planet,
01:35:11.440 | but as the sun starts to head down,
01:35:14.160 | you don't necessarily have to see the sunset.
01:35:16.000 | It'd be lovely if you could.
01:35:17.880 | Sunsets are beautiful,
01:35:19.300 | but if you can get outside and see the sun as it arcs down,
01:35:23.240 | or if you can't see the sun directly,
01:35:24.720 | get some sunlight in your eyes in the afternoon hours,
01:35:28.420 | so maybe 4 p.m.-ish, and do that for 20, 30 minutes,
01:35:32.160 | maybe reading outside or taking a walk.
01:35:34.800 | I walk the dog again.
01:35:35.900 | That's my protocol in order to get that evening light.
01:35:38.360 | What it does is it lowers the sensitivity of your retina
01:35:43.260 | in the late evening hours,
01:35:44.800 | which allows you to buffer yourself against
01:35:47.960 | the negative effects of bright light later at night.
01:35:50.740 | Now, it won't allow you to blast your eyes
01:35:53.440 | with bright light.
01:35:54.280 | You still need to dim the lights in the evening,
01:35:56.520 | but there's a very nice study that was published
01:35:58.960 | in "Scientific Reports" that illustrates
01:36:02.180 | that if one does this, if you go outside and view sunlight
01:36:06.220 | in the evening hours for anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes,
01:36:10.320 | and I realize that people have a range of constraints
01:36:14.040 | on their schedule, but from 5 to 30 minutes,
01:36:16.760 | what happens is that your melatonin rhythm
01:36:19.640 | stays appropriate.
01:36:20.980 | Now, we haven't talked too much about melatonin,
01:36:22.640 | but melatonin is a hormone that is inhibited by light.
01:36:27.140 | It's actually prevented by light,
01:36:29.120 | and melatonin is the hormone that allows you
01:36:32.240 | to fall asleep easily.
01:36:33.960 | Now, I'm not talking about supplementing melatonin.
01:36:36.260 | I'm talking about melatonin that you naturally produce
01:36:39.120 | from your pineal.
01:36:40.560 | So the protocol is very simple.
01:36:42.640 | Get outside in the afternoon or evening
01:36:45.040 | for 10 to 30 minutes.
01:36:46.800 | Take your sunglasses off, get some bright light,
01:36:49.420 | get some natural light in your eyes.
01:36:50.840 | If you can't do that, probably better to just stay
01:36:54.760 | with standard artificial lights inside.
01:36:57.440 | Don't crank them up, but just start to dim them.
01:37:00.800 | Again, this would be a time to avoid blue blockers.
01:37:03.740 | People are popping on blue blockers at four o'clock
01:37:05.640 | in the afternoon because you're worried
01:37:06.800 | that blue light is going to disrupt your sleep.
01:37:08.520 | Well, you're making your eyes more sensitive
01:37:11.140 | to any light that you might see later in the evening,
01:37:13.500 | blue light or otherwise.
01:37:15.120 | So get that afternoon light.
01:37:16.940 | So what you'll probably notice is that the optimal protocols
01:37:20.440 | for optimizing your brain and body health and performance
01:37:23.860 | and sleep, et cetera, are actually really simple.
01:37:27.280 | But just because they're simple does not mean
01:37:29.520 | that they are not powerful.
01:37:30.900 | In fact, they are very powerful
01:37:32.160 | because they leverage the most powerful technology
01:37:35.380 | that exists, which is your nervous system.
01:37:37.500 | You know, we always think about technologies as devices,
01:37:40.340 | and indeed there are some wonderful devices out there.
01:37:42.640 | Some people are really into tracking their sleep
01:37:44.640 | and their sleep time.
01:37:45.560 | If you're into that, great.
01:37:46.440 | That's not something that I personally do,
01:37:48.220 | although I keep telling myself that I should do that.
01:37:51.560 | There are devices that can control brain waves
01:37:54.480 | and things of that sort.
01:37:55.320 | But what we are talking about today are really basic things
01:37:58.920 | that we can all do that can steer our neurology
01:38:02.140 | and our biology in the directions
01:38:04.360 | that are going to support workflow,
01:38:06.720 | that are going to support hormones,
01:38:08.040 | that are going to support brain function.
01:38:10.480 | So this afternoon light viewing is yet another example
01:38:13.640 | of leveraging a technology that you were born with
01:38:16.760 | and that you will die with
01:38:17.760 | and that you will have every day in between
01:38:20.380 | in order to tweak the hormones of your system,
01:38:24.300 | in this case, the hormone melatonin,
01:38:26.080 | so that it's released at the appropriate times
01:38:28.000 | and not at the wrong times.
01:38:29.560 | Because we know that when hormones and systems of the body
01:38:32.520 | are well aligned with the 24-hour schedule,
01:38:36.000 | beautiful things happen.
01:38:37.200 | And when they are misaligned, terrible things happen.
01:38:39.800 | Sometimes those terrible things are subtle at first,
01:38:42.640 | but disrupting your circadian rhythms is really bad
01:38:45.940 | for every system in your body.
01:38:48.120 | Getting it right, and as you can tell,
01:38:50.100 | getting it right doesn't take much,
01:38:52.140 | can really serve to quote unquote optimize you.
01:38:55.040 | When I say optimize,
01:38:55.960 | I mean, it puts you into a better mood overall,
01:38:58.160 | better state for learning, et cetera.
01:39:00.880 | So get that afternoon light as well.
01:39:03.060 | So at some point in the evening,
01:39:05.140 | I eat that thing that we call dinner.
01:39:07.440 | And while it feels sort of strange to talk about my dinner,
01:39:11.340 | the reason I want to talk about my dinner
01:39:13.260 | and what I eat for dinner is that for me,
01:39:15.740 | dinner, of course, is about eating.
01:39:18.140 | I'll mention again, I love eating,
01:39:19.720 | but also about optimizing the transition to sleep and sleep.
01:39:24.540 | So obviously I eat foods that I enjoy.
01:39:27.100 | I'm not one of these people that will eat anything
01:39:29.380 | or avoid eating anything simply to benefit from that.
01:39:34.380 | I do enjoy food very, very much.
01:39:36.620 | And so my dinner generally is comprised of things
01:39:40.140 | that are going to support rest and deep sleep.
01:39:43.180 | And that means starchy carbohydrates.
01:39:46.220 | It's absolutely clear that one of the major ways
01:39:49.140 | that we can increase serotonin,
01:39:50.980 | which helps in the transition to sleep,
01:39:52.980 | is by ingesting starchy carbohydrates.
01:39:56.140 | Now I realize that starchy carbohydrates
01:39:58.060 | are kind of a demonized term nowadays,
01:40:00.300 | and everyone's anti-carbs,
01:40:01.460 | but we really should distinguish between refined sugars
01:40:05.860 | and complex carbohydrates.
01:40:07.220 | And we did an episode about this.
01:40:08.580 | We talked about how refined sugars
01:40:10.100 | disrupt not just metabolism,
01:40:12.660 | but they actually disrupt some of the neurons in the gut
01:40:15.620 | that sense fatty acids and amino acids
01:40:17.820 | from fats and proteins.
01:40:19.220 | But those same neurons can actually respond to sugar
01:40:22.260 | and create a situation where
01:40:24.580 | you actually start craving more sugar
01:40:26.100 | because those neurons in your gut
01:40:28.500 | communicate via a nerve pathway for your aficionados
01:40:31.860 | called the vagus nerve,
01:40:33.740 | and a little cluster of neurons
01:40:34.760 | called the nodose ganglia, N-O-D-O-S-E.
01:40:37.700 | Nodose ganglia, so right next to the corner of your jaw,
01:40:41.540 | and can trigger the activation
01:40:43.020 | and the release of dopamine in your brain,
01:40:44.520 | which basically makes you crave more sugar
01:40:47.400 | independent of how something tastes.
01:40:49.260 | So when I say carbohydrates,
01:40:50.420 | what I really mean is starchy carbohydrates,
01:40:53.340 | non-refined sugars.
01:40:54.760 | And in the episode about food and mood,
01:40:59.100 | and metabolism as well,
01:41:00.700 | I referenced a really spectacular lecture
01:41:02.980 | by Dr. Robert Lustig,
01:41:04.240 | who's a pediatric endocrinologist at UCSF,
01:41:06.540 | UC San Francisco, absolutely spectacular talk.
01:41:09.960 | You can find it on YouTube easily,
01:41:11.640 | where he talks about the science of refined sugars.
01:41:14.900 | And this isn't in any kind of conspiracy or paranoid way.
01:41:18.080 | This is really the medical and scientific literature.
01:41:21.160 | So my dinner is carbohydrates and some protein.
01:41:24.620 | So maybe some chicken or fish or something like that.
01:41:26.540 | Maybe some eggs or sometimes just pasta
01:41:28.900 | or just rice and vegetables.
01:41:30.800 | And that's because I enjoy those foods,
01:41:33.220 | but also because I want to increase the amount of serotonin
01:41:37.480 | in my brain so that I can actually fall asleep that night.
01:41:39.920 | Many people who are on low carbohydrate diets
01:41:41.980 | struggle with falling and staying asleep.
01:41:44.380 | And that's because it's hard to achieve
01:41:46.380 | heightened levels of serotonin,
01:41:48.360 | which are necessary to enter sleep.
01:41:51.120 | I should also mention that melatonin and serotonin
01:41:53.720 | fall in the same pathway.
01:41:55.280 | They are related hormones and neuromodulators.
01:41:58.760 | We won't go into their biosynthesis now,
01:42:00.960 | but essentially what we're talking about
01:42:02.720 | is a system that's biasing us towards rest and relaxation
01:42:06.200 | as opposed to wakefulness.
01:42:08.220 | You might ask, well, can't I just take serotonin?
01:42:10.400 | Can't I just take 5-HTP or a precursor to serotonin
01:42:13.240 | or tryptophan?
01:42:14.080 | And indeed you can.
01:42:15.640 | However, many people, including myself,
01:42:17.480 | find that when they supplement with serotonin
01:42:19.360 | in the evening or at night,
01:42:21.680 | that can cause problems in the architecture
01:42:24.160 | or the structure of sleep.
01:42:26.240 | It can cause a lot of people,
01:42:27.360 | including me, to fall asleep very fast,
01:42:29.640 | sleep very deeply for three or four hours,
01:42:31.340 | and then wake up and have a terrible time
01:42:33.680 | falling back asleep.
01:42:34.800 | And that effect, at least for me, can last several days.
01:42:38.540 | It's really disruptive.
01:42:39.620 | So I don't like to supplement with anything
01:42:41.840 | that is directly dopamine or a precursor to dopamine
01:42:45.560 | at any time or directly serotonin
01:42:48.060 | or a precursor to serotonin.
01:42:49.440 | Rather, there are other things
01:42:50.440 | that can enhance the transition to sleep safely,
01:42:53.020 | which we will talk about in a few minutes.
01:42:54.680 | But the evening meal consists largely of carbohydrates
01:42:57.560 | for that specific purpose of generating a sense of calm.
01:43:02.560 | And of course, carbohydrates are delicious.
01:43:04.380 | And because I'm doing some physical training,
01:43:07.000 | and presumably you are as well,
01:43:08.440 | I hope you are 'cause it's so beneficial to one's health,
01:43:12.000 | that's also going to replenish my glycogen stores,
01:43:14.760 | which is one of the primary fuel sources
01:43:17.060 | for moving one's muscles and moving around
01:43:19.120 | and doing exercise, as well as for the brain
01:43:21.220 | and for cognitive function.
01:43:22.600 | So low carbohydrates throughout the 24-hour period
01:43:26.320 | are not something that are attractive to me.
01:43:28.400 | I realize that some people will do much better
01:43:30.760 | on a low carbohydrate or even ketogenic diet,
01:43:32.920 | but for me, and I do believe for most people,
01:43:37.440 | creating a situation of maybe fasting
01:43:40.120 | and then low carb or no carb diets
01:43:42.520 | for states of alertness and focus
01:43:45.160 | at one portion of the day,
01:43:46.640 | and then ingesting starch carbohydrates
01:43:49.600 | for sake of inducing rest and relaxation
01:43:52.420 | is a at least scientifically rationally based protocol.
01:43:57.320 | It's grounded in real neurochemistry.
01:44:00.000 | It's grounded in things that we can point to and say,
01:44:03.160 | ah, this food substance, this thing can support my brain,
01:44:08.120 | not directly because it's some magic substance
01:44:10.320 | that's going to make all my neurons extremely robust,
01:44:13.740 | but rather it's going to support sleep,
01:44:16.080 | which is perhaps the foundation
01:44:18.440 | of all mental and physical health.
01:44:19.840 | In fact, we can point to sleep as the primary way
01:44:23.480 | in which we can ensure our overall health,
01:44:25.400 | including our brain health.
01:44:27.080 | So let's talk about sleep and how to access sleep,
01:44:30.340 | how to fall asleep easily,
01:44:31.800 | and how to make sure that the sleep we have
01:44:33.560 | is of sufficient duration and quality.
01:44:36.740 | One way to do that is to leverage the drop in temperature
01:44:39.900 | that's necessary to fall and stay asleep.
01:44:43.000 | So as I mentioned earlier, in the early parts of the day
01:44:46.760 | after waking, our body temperature is rising,
01:44:49.960 | and that continues throughout the day.
01:44:51.160 | And then sometime late in the afternoon,
01:44:52.900 | our temperature peaks, and then it starts to drop.
01:44:56.720 | That drop in temperature of one to three degrees
01:45:00.100 | is vitally important for us
01:45:01.520 | to be able to fall asleep easily.
01:45:03.320 | One way that we can decrease our transition time into sleep
01:45:07.680 | is to accelerate that drop in temperature.
01:45:10.560 | And one way to accelerate that drop in temperature
01:45:13.520 | somewhat counter-intuitively is to use hot baths,
01:45:17.800 | hot showers, or if you have access to one, a sauna.
01:45:21.160 | Now, this is counter-intuitive because you'd say,
01:45:23.000 | well, hot baths, so it's going to heat me up.
01:45:25.360 | But actually, if you are to get into a sauna
01:45:28.040 | or a hot shower or a hot bath and then get out,
01:45:30.700 | your body is going to engage particular mechanisms
01:45:33.680 | for cooling itself off that are going to allow you
01:45:37.080 | to drop your temperature more quickly
01:45:38.760 | and fall asleep more easily.
01:45:40.640 | And this is why many people find that falling asleep
01:45:42.720 | after a nice hot shower, bath, or sauna
01:45:45.080 | is really, really easy and really terrific.
01:45:49.080 | It's sort of a natural state
01:45:50.640 | that follows hot baths, saunas, and showers.
01:45:53.700 | So how would you do this?
01:45:54.740 | Well, we did an entire episode on this topic as well,
01:45:58.020 | the use of sauna for sake of growth hormone release.
01:46:00.160 | If you want to check that out and all the details,
01:46:02.100 | you can look at the episode on growth hormone.
01:46:05.940 | You will experience a growth hormone release
01:46:08.080 | from sauna, hot bath, and hot shower,
01:46:10.240 | provided they are done for sufficient duration
01:46:12.560 | and sufficiently high temperature.
01:46:14.840 | For all the details of that, please go to that episode.
01:46:17.240 | It's all laid out there.
01:46:18.140 | It's all timestamped.
01:46:19.040 | It's all captioned in English and Spanish, et cetera.
01:46:21.840 | But basically what we're talking about
01:46:23.320 | is 20 minutes in the sauna,
01:46:25.360 | or if you're one of those folks
01:46:27.120 | who's really chasing growth hormone release,
01:46:29.040 | you could do 20 minutes,
01:46:30.280 | then get out of the sauna for 10 minutes
01:46:31.960 | and just cool off at room temperature
01:46:33.680 | and then get back into the sauna,
01:46:35.000 | then get out and then shower or dry off and head to bed.
01:46:39.360 | Shorter bouts of sauna will work also.
01:46:43.660 | The longer bouts of sauna cooling, sauna cooling
01:46:46.180 | have been shown to lead to huge increases in growth hormone,
01:46:48.760 | and growth hormone, of course,
01:46:49.760 | is involved both in muscle growth,
01:46:51.720 | but also growth and metabolism of all tissues,
01:46:54.020 | fat metabolism, and repair of various tissues.
01:46:57.640 | So it's not just about growth.
01:46:58.880 | You hear growth hormone, you think hypertrophy,
01:47:00.800 | but the enhancement of metabolism and health and repair
01:47:03.440 | in a number of tissues.
01:47:05.040 | So that's one way you can leverage heat
01:47:07.640 | toward the transition to sleep
01:47:09.640 | by the ways in which exposure to heat
01:47:11.800 | actually cools off your body.
01:47:14.040 | Now let's talk about actually getting to sleep,
01:47:16.000 | and let's talk about behavioral protocols first.
01:47:18.840 | It is absolutely true
01:47:19.880 | that keeping the room very dark is beneficial.
01:47:22.640 | Some people, including myself, have thin eyelids,
01:47:25.040 | and it doesn't take much light
01:47:26.640 | to wake up the brain and body.
01:47:28.800 | So keeping a room very dark is essential.
01:47:31.240 | The other thing is keeping the room cool.
01:47:33.240 | You've probably heard this before.
01:47:34.440 | Keep the room cool, get under warm blankets.
01:47:37.680 | But rarely is it discussed
01:47:38.920 | why keeping the room cool is useful.
01:47:41.720 | The reason keeping the room cool is useful
01:47:44.520 | for getting into and staying asleep
01:47:46.680 | is that throughout the night,
01:47:48.920 | there are phases of sleep where you are paralyzed,
01:47:51.200 | so-called REM sleep, that's a healthy paralysis,
01:47:53.800 | presumably so you can't act out your dreams,
01:47:55.960 | but there are portions of the night where you can move.
01:47:57.840 | And one of the more important movements
01:47:59.200 | that you do in the middle of the night
01:48:01.000 | is put your hand out or your foot out,
01:48:04.080 | or you take your face out from under the covers
01:48:06.680 | as a means to cool yourself,
01:48:08.560 | and you do this while you are asleep.
01:48:10.440 | If you are in a cool room,
01:48:13.040 | you can put yourself under the blankets to stay warm,
01:48:15.840 | and then if you want to cool off,
01:48:17.840 | you can simply remove a limb
01:48:19.640 | or you can toss the covers off entirely.
01:48:21.640 | However, if you are in a room that's too warm,
01:48:25.820 | it's very hard to cool off.
01:48:28.000 | You would need a bucket of ice water
01:48:29.800 | or to get up and turn on the air conditioning
01:48:32.160 | or something of that sort, or turn on the fan.
01:48:34.280 | So it's a simple but non-trivial way
01:48:37.040 | in which we can improve our entrance to sleep
01:48:40.400 | and staying asleep.
01:48:41.760 | So keep the room cool or cold and get under warm blankets.
01:48:45.920 | And if you want to understand more
01:48:48.120 | about why putting a hand out or a foot out
01:48:50.800 | is valuable for cooling,
01:48:52.520 | I did an episode on the role of cooling
01:48:55.920 | in something called heat dumping or bringing heat
01:49:00.620 | into the body through the palms, the face,
01:49:02.960 | and the bottoms of the feet.
01:49:03.800 | You've got these portals, these radiators, if you will,
01:49:08.240 | that allow us to bring heat into the body and to dump heat.
01:49:11.400 | I don't want to go into the details now,
01:49:12.660 | but that episode is entitled
01:49:14.120 | Supercharge Your Exercise with Cold.
01:49:16.480 | This is based on work that was done by Craig Heller's lab
01:49:18.840 | at Stanford University.
01:49:20.540 | Absolutely incredible data
01:49:22.560 | showing that the proper use of palmer cooling,
01:49:25.360 | so the palms or the upper half of the face
01:49:27.040 | or the bottoms of the feet can vastly,
01:49:30.000 | I mean, vastly increase the volume of exercise
01:49:33.480 | that one can do and still recover from that exercise
01:49:36.520 | and derive benefits from it.
01:49:38.120 | But this method of cooling for exercise
01:49:40.440 | is grounded in a basic physiological function
01:49:43.160 | of our palms, the bottoms of our feet and our face,
01:49:45.640 | which is to dump heat or to allow cool
01:49:48.860 | to pass into the body.
01:49:50.200 | So that's why in the middle of the night,
01:49:52.200 | as long as you're not in REM sleep,
01:49:54.440 | if you get too warm, you put your foot out
01:49:57.160 | or you put your arms out,
01:49:58.520 | you're actually allowing cooling of the body
01:50:01.340 | through what are called AVAs,
01:50:03.920 | arteriovenous astymoses is the technical name,
01:50:08.360 | that are in the palms, the upper half of the face
01:50:10.640 | and the bottoms of the feet.
01:50:11.760 | And that's a very efficient way to cool off your body,
01:50:14.080 | so you do that subconsciously.
01:50:15.960 | Now, there are things that one can take
01:50:19.840 | to enhance the transition to sleep.
01:50:21.320 | I am not a fan of melatonin
01:50:23.520 | for enhancing the transition to sleep
01:50:25.300 | for a couple of reasons.
01:50:26.140 | One, dosages of melatonin are far too high
01:50:28.440 | in most supplements.
01:50:30.160 | Melatonin can have some negative effects
01:50:32.140 | on the sex steroid hormones, testosterone and estrogen.
01:50:34.960 | That's a serious concern.
01:50:37.140 | Third, melatonin's role during puberty or around puberty
01:50:40.120 | is to suppress the onset of puberty.
01:50:42.100 | So that's concerning.
01:50:44.200 | I don't know that people should be taking this hormone
01:50:45.840 | that has all these other effects.
01:50:48.160 | The other reason is that melatonin
01:50:49.920 | will aid the transition to sleep,
01:50:51.260 | but it won't keep you asleep.
01:50:52.280 | And many people that take melatonin
01:50:53.560 | find that they fall asleep more quickly,
01:50:55.400 | but then they wake up unable to fall back asleep.
01:50:58.600 | Three compounds that could be very beneficial
01:51:00.640 | for aiding the transition to sleep
01:51:02.540 | and for which there are wide safety margins,
01:51:05.520 | although please do check with your physician
01:51:07.100 | before taking anything, are specific forms of magnesium,
01:51:11.080 | something called apigenin and theanine.
01:51:14.120 | Magnesium comes in many forms.
01:51:15.740 | Magnesium malate has been shown to improve
01:51:19.480 | recovery from sore muscles.
01:51:21.320 | For instance, magnesium citrate
01:51:23.200 | is an excellent laxative, for instance.
01:51:25.900 | Magnesium threonate, that's T-H-R-E-O-N-A-T-E,
01:51:29.440 | threonate and magnesium biglycinate
01:51:32.600 | have transporters that allow them
01:51:34.720 | to cross the blood-brain barrier more readily
01:51:36.760 | than other forms of magnesium.
01:51:38.280 | And there within the brain,
01:51:40.080 | they promote the release of a neurotransmitter called GABA,
01:51:42.920 | which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter,
01:51:44.660 | which shuts off the forebrain to some extent.
01:51:47.560 | It doesn't shut off completely,
01:51:48.600 | but it essentially shuts down thinking, rumination,
01:51:51.200 | planning, and what we call executive function.
01:51:53.820 | So for many people taking 300 to 400 milligrams
01:51:58.020 | of magnesium biglycinate or magnesium threonate,
01:52:01.000 | and there I'm referring to the elemental magnesium
01:52:03.520 | for you aficionados, many people find
01:52:06.280 | that doing that 30 to 60 minutes before sleep
01:52:08.860 | can aid them in falling asleep,
01:52:11.200 | can really help them fall asleep faster and stay asleep.
01:52:14.080 | Some people, however, achieve some gastrointestinal
01:52:17.680 | discomfort from magnesium and therefore should avoid it.
01:52:21.600 | Magnesium threonate and magnesium biglycinate
01:52:24.240 | for many people work, however,
01:52:27.160 | and when coupled with apigenin and theanine,
01:52:30.400 | provide a sort of synergy or a sleep cocktail
01:52:33.840 | that seems to be very effective
01:52:36.380 | in aiding the transition to sleep.
01:52:38.680 | So apigenin is the substance that's found in chamomile,
01:52:42.640 | and 50 milligrams of apigenin taken 30 minutes before sleep
01:52:46.440 | can act as another way to shut off the forebrain
01:52:50.120 | and reduce rumination, reduce anxiety,
01:52:52.300 | and allow people to fall and stay asleep.
01:52:55.340 | I did a podcast with Dr. Daria Rose.
01:52:58.280 | She's got an excellent podcast
01:53:00.040 | that I highly recommend you check out,
01:53:01.380 | covers a number of different health,
01:53:02.560 | scientific, and other subjects,
01:53:04.880 | and she's a PhD in neuroscience,
01:53:06.540 | terrific scientist, et cetera.
01:53:08.320 | She's a big fan of apigenin, as am I.
01:53:11.200 | And then the third compound is theanine, T-H-E-A-N-I-N-E.
01:53:15.920 | Theanine is a compound that can also increase GABA,
01:53:20.920 | but also increases activation
01:53:23.200 | of something called chloride channels.
01:53:24.940 | Chloride channels are another way
01:53:26.320 | in which neurons turn themselves off or turn each other off,
01:53:30.440 | not turn each other off in the way
01:53:31.980 | that we're typically heard, like that turns me off,
01:53:33.560 | but turn them off and then shut them down,
01:53:34.800 | lower their levels of activity.
01:53:36.860 | So magnesium threonate or by glycinate,
01:53:38.840 | apigenin and theanine in combination can be very effective
01:53:43.440 | for aiding the transition to sleep.
01:53:45.060 | And I realized that not everyone wants to take supplements.
01:53:47.720 | I certainly am not pushing any of these.
01:53:49.600 | I would hope that everybody be able to fall asleep easily
01:53:52.640 | and stay asleep for the duration of time that they want
01:53:55.220 | without any supplemental help.
01:53:57.060 | But I do think it's important to point out some things
01:53:59.400 | that lie somewhere between doing nothing
01:54:01.300 | and taking prescription drugs,
01:54:02.840 | because many of the prescription drugs
01:54:04.180 | associated with sleep, and you all know what those are,
01:54:08.480 | carry other side effects.
01:54:10.340 | They can create bad dreams, often very disturbing dreams.
01:54:15.120 | They can be addictive or at least habit forming.
01:54:17.660 | They can create grogginess in the morning.
01:54:19.640 | Some are safer than others.
01:54:20.780 | There's a variety of them out there,
01:54:22.480 | but for those that want to explore supplements
01:54:25.480 | and how they can impact sleep,
01:54:26.640 | this combination of about 300, 400 milligrams
01:54:29.160 | of magnesium threonate or by glycinate,
01:54:31.840 | 50 milligrams of apigenin,
01:54:33.480 | and 100 to 200 milligrams of theanine alone
01:54:36.280 | or in combination have been beneficial to many people.
01:54:39.660 | And there are excellent studies to support those statements.
01:54:42.560 | Again, I suggest you go to
01:54:44.920 | and look up the human effect matrix
01:54:46.960 | for each of those compounds and you can explore them.
01:54:49.440 | One of the more interesting aspects to magnesium threonate
01:54:52.860 | and by glycinate is that it seems to have
01:54:55.080 | some neuroprotective effects as well.
01:54:57.040 | There aren't many studies on it,
01:54:58.200 | but the few studies that are there point to the fact
01:55:00.280 | that magnesium threonate and magnesium by glycinate
01:55:02.660 | can also support neuron health and neuron longevity,
01:55:05.800 | which is just an added bonus in my opinion.
01:55:07.960 | Now, what if you wake up in the middle of the night?
01:55:10.280 | This is a very common occurrence
01:55:12.480 | and there are two general themes
01:55:14.840 | around waking up in the middle of the night
01:55:16.720 | that one can use tools to counteract.
01:55:20.380 | The first theme is if you're somebody
01:55:22.440 | who is tired in the evenings
01:55:24.600 | and you're kind of pushing yourself to stay awake,
01:55:27.340 | so you're going to the party
01:55:28.940 | or you're pushing yourself to study your work
01:55:31.460 | when in fact you'd like to get into bed at 8, 30, or 9,
01:55:33.880 | and then you're falling asleep around 10, 30, 11
01:55:36.160 | and waking up at 2, 30, or 3 in the morning
01:55:38.040 | and you can't fall back asleep,
01:55:39.860 | chances are that your melatonin pulse
01:55:42.640 | was initiated early in the night.
01:55:45.080 | So that melatonin pulse started probably around 8, 30, or 9,
01:55:50.080 | but you're staying up, you're battling that melatonin.
01:55:53.080 | And then sometime around 2, 30, or 3 in the morning,
01:55:57.160 | that melatonin is no longer present,
01:55:59.240 | it's sufficiently high levels in your bloodstream
01:56:01.120 | and you're waking up,
01:56:02.200 | you're getting your morning cortisol pulse
01:56:03.920 | shifted into those wee hours of the morning.
01:56:07.300 | You may not like this advice,
01:56:09.920 | but one of the things that you can do to offset that
01:56:11.560 | is to simply go to bed earlier.
01:56:13.860 | By going to bed earlier,
01:56:15.240 | you're going to get the longer duration of sleep.
01:56:17.440 | But I realize that there are social reasons
01:56:19.120 | and work-related reasons why going to bed at 8, 30, or 9
01:56:22.160 | is not necessarily beneficial to your life.
01:56:25.600 | So in that case, you might be one of the rare individuals
01:56:29.500 | for whom getting a little bit more bright light
01:56:31.680 | in the evening could be a good thing.
01:56:33.600 | So this would be around the hours of 7 or 8 p.m.,
01:56:36.960 | and in that way, causing that pulse in melatonin
01:56:40.780 | to be delayed because again, light inhibits melatonin.
01:56:45.780 | Now, the other thing is,
01:56:47.240 | many people wake up in the middle of the night
01:56:49.060 | because of anxiety or because they have to use the restroom.
01:56:52.500 | It's perfectly fine to flip on the lights,
01:56:54.200 | but keep the lights dim.
01:56:56.380 | But if you flip on those lights,
01:56:57.760 | try and flip them off as soon as possible
01:57:00.200 | and try and get back into bed.
01:57:01.960 | And if you have trouble falling asleep again
01:57:03.960 | and you absolutely need to sleep,
01:57:05.440 | that's where these NSDR,
01:57:07.060 | these non-sleep deep rest protocols
01:57:08.720 | can really be beneficial.
01:57:10.080 | Even though the NS, the non-sleep part,
01:57:13.300 | might make you think that they will prevent you
01:57:15.940 | from falling asleep, rather than trying to fight your mind,
01:57:19.960 | trying to fight anxiety,
01:57:21.800 | which is always a terrible thing to do.
01:57:23.360 | I always say it's very hard to control the mind
01:57:25.000 | with the mind.
01:57:25.820 | Look to the body, and that's what NSDR scripts do.
01:57:28.480 | Things like yoga nidra, even the sleep hypnosis
01:57:32.380 | done in the middle of the night,
01:57:33.420 | if you wake up and want to fall back asleep,
01:57:35.160 | oftentimes will help you fall back asleep immediately.
01:57:39.160 | And if they don't,
01:57:40.200 | they will at least put your brain and body
01:57:42.000 | into a state of deep relaxation
01:57:43.920 | that more closely mimics the sleep state
01:57:46.180 | that you ought to be in than the awake ruminating,
01:57:48.920 | stressing about the fact that you're not sleeping state.
01:57:51.480 | So if you wake up in the middle of the night,
01:57:53.240 | really try and get back to sleep.
01:57:55.000 | And if you can't do that by doing, for instance,
01:57:57.920 | long exhale breathing, which can work,
01:58:00.320 | use some other tool of the body to shift the mind.
01:58:04.020 | And the tools that I'm recommending
01:58:05.720 | are of the non-sleep deep rest variety.
01:58:08.440 | So now we've essentially traveled around the clock,
01:58:11.480 | so to speak, from the time where one wakes up
01:58:14.400 | until the time they start working,
01:58:16.980 | until the time they exercise, eat lunch,
01:58:20.400 | do an NSDR, head to sleep, get to sleep,
01:58:23.760 | maybe wake up, get back to sleep, et cetera.
01:58:27.120 | I want to emphasize that although people's schedules vary,
01:58:30.400 | most people are doing more than one or two workouts per day.
01:58:34.520 | And indeed, I'm doing more than one
01:58:36.600 | or two workouts per day.
01:58:38.160 | I really emphasize that morning 90-minute work block
01:58:41.120 | because I think most people would agree
01:58:44.140 | that there's a portion of each day
01:58:46.440 | in which we need to do the hardest thing
01:58:48.620 | or the most important thing,
01:58:50.380 | or the thing that demands the most of our cognitive self.
01:58:54.780 | I position that early in the day,
01:58:56.360 | and I position everything around that
01:58:58.640 | in order to ensure that it happens
01:59:00.680 | and that it happens with the highest degree of efficiency.
01:59:03.600 | And yes, I make sure that it happens every day.
01:59:05.960 | And that brings about two other important points.
01:59:08.820 | First of all, we do have this thing called weekends,
01:59:12.380 | and I tend to take one day off per week, not both,
01:59:16.060 | much to the dismay of people in my life and Costello.
01:59:19.960 | But nonetheless, there is something called weekend drift,
01:59:24.000 | which is that we can be very regimented
01:59:26.520 | on a Monday or a Tuesday,
01:59:28.000 | and then even if we're good about maintaining a schedule,
01:59:31.120 | Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, et cetera,
01:59:32.980 | most of us, I would hope,
01:59:35.420 | would alter their schedule somewhat on the weekends
01:59:37.800 | in order to recover and get some additional rest.
01:59:40.880 | And I want to emphasize, I absolutely do that.
01:59:43.480 | I take one day per week where I go full Costello,
01:59:46.520 | where I essentially do nothing in a structured way.
01:59:49.120 | At least if I have my way, I'm not making any plans.
01:59:52.160 | I'm completely free to explore what I want to do
01:59:55.200 | and when I want to do it.
01:59:56.500 | That's not the way life works out.
01:59:57.800 | Oftentimes there are social engagements and other things
02:00:00.440 | that get in the way or that I enjoy,
02:00:02.680 | and that breaks up the day.
02:00:04.360 | But I do take rest.
02:00:06.260 | I don't think that one has to follow the same schedule
02:00:08.880 | every single day.
02:00:09.840 | However, I do think there are a few things
02:00:11.600 | that people should do every single day if possible.
02:00:15.240 | And those are get morning sunlight,
02:00:18.280 | because if you don't, your circadian rhythms
02:00:20.120 | and your health, et cetera, and your mood
02:00:21.520 | are going to start to drift
02:00:23.440 | and to try and get sleep on a regular basis.
02:00:26.840 | And of course, some of the greatest of things in life
02:00:29.480 | happen after 10 p.m.,
02:00:31.320 | and some of those even involve sleepless nights
02:00:33.940 | of various kinds.
02:00:36.000 | I certainly don't want to discourage people
02:00:37.720 | from having a social life or from having a robust party life
02:00:41.560 | if that's your thing, or for enjoying life,
02:00:44.720 | because that's certainly one of the main things
02:00:47.360 | that we should all be pursuing is to enjoy life.
02:00:50.920 | The only point I want to make about sleep
02:00:52.840 | is that if you happen to stay up late,
02:00:56.360 | it's still best to get up at your regular wake-up time.
02:00:59.180 | It's a very simple solution to a problem
02:01:01.280 | that a lot of people have,
02:01:02.520 | which is they stay up till two or three in the morning,
02:01:04.320 | and then they tend to sleep late,
02:01:05.720 | and then it tends to disrupt their rhythm.
02:01:07.780 | Try on most days and most nights
02:01:11.040 | to wake up at more or less the same time
02:01:13.120 | and try to go to sleep at more or less the same time.
02:01:15.920 | In fact, I was talking to Matt Walker about this recently,
02:01:18.860 | and he was also surprised to see these new data,
02:01:21.300 | and I was surprised to see these new data
02:01:22.840 | that emphasized that if you get a poor night's sleep,
02:01:25.860 | or if you're up late the previous night for good reasons,
02:01:29.080 | many people feel like they just want to go to bed
02:01:30.960 | early the next night,
02:01:32.020 | but it turns out that's not the best thing to do
02:01:34.480 | for your immediate and long-term health.
02:01:36.540 | Try and stay up to the point
02:01:37.860 | where you would normally stay up and then get to sleep.
02:01:40.380 | If you go to bed a couple hours earlier,
02:01:41.940 | it's probably not going to kill you,
02:01:43.380 | but try to not go to bed, for instance, at 6 p.m.
02:01:46.900 | because you were up the entire night before.
02:01:48.560 | That can really be disruptive.
02:01:50.840 | The other thing I want to emphasize is that
02:01:52.660 | even though that morning 90-minute work block is so vital,
02:01:57.440 | of course, there's a second work block,
02:01:59.440 | and in fact, I described one in the afternoon
02:02:01.380 | after the NSDR.
02:02:02.620 | For me, that's reverie hypnosis.
02:02:04.820 | There's a 90-minute work block in which I drop in again
02:02:08.780 | in a no internet connection, no phone kind of way
02:02:12.740 | to complete some work that's important to me.
02:02:15.660 | So combined, that's just three hours of focused work,
02:02:18.180 | which may not seem like a lot,
02:02:20.180 | but if you were to dissect your day
02:02:22.140 | and kind of look at the arc and structure of your day,
02:02:24.760 | I'd be willing to bet that if we added up
02:02:28.660 | the total period of time in which you were in
02:02:31.400 | what Cal Newport would call deep work,
02:02:33.760 | really focused, dedicated work,
02:02:35.580 | that it would probably amount to about three or four hours.
02:02:39.040 | If you can squeeze in another 90-minute work block,
02:02:42.060 | or if you can get four 90-minute work blocks,
02:02:44.720 | well, then more power to you,
02:02:45.820 | but I think most people find that one or two
02:02:48.300 | of these really deep focused 90-minute work blocks
02:02:51.360 | are about what one's schedule and even mind can handle.
02:02:55.380 | And of course, throughout the day,
02:02:56.940 | there are other things happening
02:02:58.440 | outside of those 90-minute work blocks.
02:03:00.820 | I'm checking my text messages, I'm checking my email,
02:03:03.360 | I'm responding to various demands,
02:03:05.060 | I'm working and tending to life.
02:03:08.000 | So while I've carved some boundaries
02:03:11.060 | or delineated some boundaries around those work blocks,
02:03:13.580 | and I'm certain that if you do too,
02:03:15.500 | you will benefit from them,
02:03:16.800 | they are certainly not the only periods of time each day
02:03:19.640 | in which I or I believe other people
02:03:21.640 | should be trying to learn or trying to focus.
02:03:24.220 | And I want to emphasize that even though my job
02:03:26.380 | is to discover knowledge and distribute knowledge
02:03:29.620 | because I'm a scientist,
02:03:30.680 | I realized that 90-minute work blocks
02:03:32.980 | of the sort that I'm describing
02:03:35.280 | may not apply specifically to the kinds of work you do
02:03:37.920 | if you're an artist or a sculptor or you build furniture
02:03:40.780 | or whatever it is that you happen to do,
02:03:42.220 | you teach children or they teach you,
02:03:44.140 | whatever it happens to be.
02:03:45.900 | Of course, please adapt and modify what I've described today
02:03:50.340 | in ways that best serve you and your schedule.
02:03:52.780 | What I've tried to do is provide you a picture
02:03:55.580 | of the 24-hour schedule that I follow
02:03:58.660 | and why I do certain things at particular times
02:04:01.720 | and why I do those particular things.
02:04:03.660 | And I've really tried to emphasize the scientific rationale
02:04:06.500 | behind those things, the peer-reviewed data.
02:04:09.300 | In some cases, I pointed out the specific papers.
02:04:11.420 | In other cases, I've referred to large bodies of work
02:04:14.240 | that support these practices.
02:04:16.060 | When I say large bodies of work,
02:04:17.940 | I'm a big fan of looking to the scientific literature
02:04:21.060 | and asking where is the center of mass
02:04:23.920 | for a particular topic?
02:04:25.720 | For instance, where is there 50 or 100 or 1,000 papers
02:04:30.720 | that, for instance, support morning light viewing
02:04:34.180 | in order to optimize melatonin secretion later in the day,
02:04:38.900 | cortisol secretion early in the day,
02:04:40.960 | mood, metabolism, et cetera.
02:04:43.140 | If one were to put into PubMed light, metabolism, and mood,
02:04:47.640 | you would literally get tens of thousands,
02:04:50.540 | maybe even hundreds of thousands of studies.
02:04:52.360 | So when I say the center of mass,
02:04:53.720 | what I've really tried to do is examine the literature
02:04:56.960 | and figure out where there's a sort of a directive protocol
02:05:00.940 | that emerges from all these various studies that used,
02:05:04.180 | in some cases, animals, in many cases, humans,
02:05:06.800 | and explore different what we call dependent variables.
02:05:09.840 | Some studies were looking at effects on blood sugar,
02:05:11.920 | other on mood.
02:05:13.340 | So I hope that makes clear why the rationale
02:05:16.540 | behind what I provided today.
02:05:18.280 | If you're learning from this podcast and enjoying it,
02:05:20.660 | please support us by subscribing to the YouTube channel.
02:05:23.780 | There at YouTube, you can also provide comments
02:05:26.020 | and feedback.
02:05:27.020 | We use that feedback to inform future episodes.
02:05:30.420 | In addition, please subscribe on Apple and Spotify.
02:05:33.740 | And on Apple, you have the opportunity to leave us
02:05:35.860 | up to a five-star review,
02:05:37.460 | as well as to leave us written comments.
02:05:39.760 | If you're not already following us on Instagram, please do.
02:05:43.420 | There, I provide short tutorials on neuroscience
02:05:46.220 | and neuroscience-based tools on a frequent basis.
02:05:48.880 | Please also feel free to join our neural network.
02:05:51.620 | The neural network is a free resource newsletter
02:05:54.180 | that I provide each month that has protocols
02:05:56.860 | and resources all zero cost.
02:05:58.920 | You can find it at
02:06:01.820 | During today's episode, I describe various supplements
02:06:04.820 | that one might want to consider taking.
02:06:06.980 | We've partnered with Thorne, that's,
02:06:10.780 | because Thorne supplements are known to be
02:06:12.760 | of the very highest stringency and quality.
02:06:15.720 | When I say stringency and quality,
02:06:17.160 | that means the quality of the individual ingredients,
02:06:20.080 | as well as the amounts of those ingredients match precisely
02:06:23.340 | with what's listed on the packaging.
02:06:25.280 | If you'd like to see the supplements that I personally take,
02:06:27.860 | you can go to,
02:06:32.600 | and there you'll see all the supplements that I take,
02:06:34.820 | and you can get 20% off any of those supplements
02:06:37.720 | or any of the other supplements that Thorne makes.
02:06:40.660 | Another great way to support us is
02:06:42.180 | by checking out our sponsors.
02:06:44.080 | We only work with sponsors whose products we absolutely love
02:06:47.460 | and if you want to support us,
02:06:48.780 | please check out their websites.
02:06:50.100 | The links to those websites are in the episode caption.
02:06:53.200 | And last but not least,
02:06:54.580 | thank you for your interest in science.
02:06:56.380 | [upbeat music]
02:06:58.960 | (upbeat music)