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The Future of Neuralink


0:0 Introduction
4:13 1. Alleviating Suffering
6:56 2. Consciousness and Intelligence
11:10 3. Augmented Body, Mind, and Reality
13:13 4. Gaming & Virtual Reality
15:56 5. Merging Tech & Biology
19:11 6. Telepathy
22:29 7. Memories & Immortality
27:35 8. Merging with AI

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | This video and solo podcast episode is on the long-term future possibilities of brain-computer
00:00:06.960 | interfaces and Neuralink, specifically based on the recent update of progress given by the Neuralink
00:00:15.120 | team. I have a basic outline in front of me with some ideas, but most of it is just off the top of
00:00:20.960 | my head, so I hope you're okay listening to that kind of thing, about my general thoughts about
00:00:25.840 | Neuralink and the recent update of progress. I was fortunate enough to attend the demo in person
00:00:32.400 | as a random visitor, really, and chat with another random but much, much smarter visitor,
00:00:41.440 | Jim Keller, with whom I did a podcast a while ago and we agreed to do another with him soon.
00:00:48.640 | He's one of the most interesting and brilliant people I know, so it was great to catch up. But
00:00:53.520 | outside of that, I was just a spectator like everybody else watching online. I have no insider
00:00:59.680 | information, have no interest in insider information. I'm just a fan, long-time fan,
00:01:05.760 | of the human brain and anyone who's working hard to understand its inner workings.
00:01:11.920 | The general sense I got is that there's a lot of exciting engineering and scientific challenges
00:01:18.720 | that the big and varied team there is tackling. I think it's a really exciting place to be.
00:01:26.080 | Just lots of ideas swimming in the air and lots of brilliant people. It's always exciting to me
00:01:31.200 | to sort of be in the presence of great engineering teams, so it's exciting to see that.
00:01:36.160 | But what I found especially exciting for my romantic and scientific soul is the long-term
00:01:45.280 | vision, the dreams, the possibilities that were mentioned by the team in a spontaneous final
00:01:51.280 | question that was asked where every member of the team up there answered their own version of what
00:01:58.000 | they're excited about to see in the next decade, two decades long-term future possibilities of
00:02:04.080 | this technology. So this video is about that. My thoughts about the possible ways that Neuralink
00:02:11.760 | might change the world and the human condition. I'll try to stick to some categories, some
00:02:17.840 | structure, and try to discuss off the top of my head my thoughts of the possibilities that fall
00:02:23.440 | within those categories. I should note here that a lot of the things I'll discuss are long-term
00:02:30.320 | visions of the future. To make all of these visions a reality is exceptionally difficult.
00:02:35.760 | There's a journey of many breakthroughs required, but I think we are now in the realm where a lot
00:02:42.560 | of these things are scientific and engineering challenges that can be solved by great teams,
00:02:47.920 | by bold innovation from many companies, not just Neuralink, hopefully many others,
00:02:54.720 | hopefully many competitors that push the boundaries of what is possible. But this video
00:03:00.640 | is about the visions of the possible futures. And I think great efforts of humankind start
00:03:09.440 | with a vision. Let me give you a quick outline of categories within which I see some exciting
00:03:15.520 | possibilities. So first is alleviation of human suffering. Second is understanding of consciousness,
00:03:22.640 | intelligence. Third is augmentation of the body and mind, and generally augmenting reality.
00:03:30.400 | Fourth is gaming, and beyond that, virtual worlds, virtual reality. Fifth is all the
00:03:39.200 | engineering challenges around merging biological systems and computational systems, basically tech.
00:03:46.160 | Sixth is telepathy, much richer forms of different communication. Seventh is saving and replaying
00:03:53.920 | of memories, but also saving and replaying of mental state or mind states, period. And finally,
00:04:01.600 | eighth is merging with artificial intelligence, all the exciting possibilities around that that
00:04:06.960 | I'd like to discuss. So since I'm Russian, let's start by discussing human suffering. I think first
00:04:13.840 | and foremost, as was mentioned by the team, is the possibility that Neuralink might help alleviate
00:04:20.480 | human suffering. The nervous system, the brain, at the very basic level, is the source of pain.
00:04:25.840 | That's both physical pain and psychological pain. So you can talk about anxiety, depression,
00:04:31.520 | trauma of all different kinds. The ability to measure signals from the brain, and perhaps more
00:04:37.840 | importantly, the ability to send signals and in a closed loop interact continuously with the brain,
00:04:44.080 | sending signals in both directions. It seems like it provides a very rich toolkit with which
00:04:50.240 | to start to deeply understand the human brain generally, but in the nearest term, to focus that
00:04:57.840 | exploration on the understanding of neurological diseases so that we may first, of course,
00:05:04.160 | understand and second, to treat them. A huge number of mysteries yet to be uncovered at the very basic
00:05:11.280 | level of how do we treat some of these diseases, and that falls into the category of human suffering.
00:05:17.280 | You know, we often think about suffering as arising from the environment within which the
00:05:22.720 | individual lives. So by placing the focus on the environment, it allows us to kind of be hopeful
00:05:29.120 | because we can make the environment better. The source of trauma, the source of anxiety,
00:05:33.520 | the source of depression, all of the things that come up in political discourse, these are all
00:05:38.320 | things that we can do something about. So that's what we focus on when we try to alleviate human
00:05:43.120 | suffering. But from another perspective, the real source of suffering and pain is the human mind,
00:05:52.240 | which creates the experience, the lived experience from the perception of the external environment
00:06:01.120 | and the perception of the internal environment. Now there's a lot of discussion of meditation,
00:06:06.880 | exercise, a lot of social programs and education, all kinds of things that aim to help the mind.
00:06:16.560 | But in addition to that, the exciting possibility with a brain-computer interface is that
00:06:21.920 | we might be able to accelerate our understanding and treatment and control of the internal
00:06:31.040 | environment of the mind. Now of course, it's also important to say that there's injustice in the
00:06:35.440 | world, there's evil in the world. Neither Neuralink or any other piece of technology will be able to
00:06:40.880 | get rid of hatred in the world. But the hope is that at the individual level, you'll be able to
00:06:48.640 | aid in the alleviation to some degree of all the sources of neurological suffering. So second
00:06:57.600 | category of future possibilities in Neuralink have to do around our understanding of how the brain
00:07:04.160 | and the mind works and all of the things that derive from that. So basically we'll supercharge
00:07:10.000 | research going on in neuroscience today. So first is understanding how the brain works
00:07:15.520 | at the functional level. So all the different modules from memory to perception to cognition
00:07:23.280 | and all the sub-modules of that. And as we untangle those pieces, it's possible that it
00:07:30.560 | will inspire or instruct us on the engineering side of how to build smarter and smarter
00:07:37.680 | artificial intelligence systems. So inspire totally new algorithms for learning systems,
00:07:43.680 | for reasoning systems, for knowledge base, knowledge acquisition, and so on. And as you
00:07:50.000 | push that further, of course to me as an artificial intelligence researcher, the exciting possibility
00:07:56.480 | is that we may be able to understand human intelligence where not location-wise,
00:08:03.760 | but functionally where intelligence arises in the brain or good answers to the question of
00:08:10.720 | what is intelligence. And the next step is beyond just engineering AI systems,
00:08:18.080 | that may help us understand how we enhance it. You have all these productivity hacks,
00:08:25.760 | all these kind of life hacks. Understanding from where our ability to reason about this world
00:08:33.360 | comes from might help us to really have some nice brain hacks to improve our ability to reason
00:08:43.200 | in a purely natural way I'm referring to. This is before any kind of augmentation
00:08:47.680 | from a computational device. Now the next level of understanding the human brain,
00:08:53.520 | as was mentioned by the team, as I bring up often, the fascinating, hardest, most interesting
00:08:59.840 | problem I would say of the mind is the hard problem of consciousness. Beyond intelligence,
00:09:06.720 | where does consciousness arise from the brain? Again, not location-wise, but functionally.
00:09:12.320 | And again, to be able to, with more scientific rigor, answer the question, what is consciousness?
00:09:21.440 | Is it a property of matter? Is it a unique emergent property of the human brain? Is it
00:09:27.840 | something totally different that we don't even understand? Like our mind is some kind of key
00:09:32.560 | into an alternate dimension that only psychedelics and a device like Neuralink may be able to unlock.
00:09:41.200 | So at the risk of sounding crazy, it's an exciting possibility to take consciousness from,
00:09:47.600 | I would say, a field of philosophy in the 20th century to a field of science and engineering
00:09:54.640 | in the 21st century. To me, that's deeply interlinked with intelligence because I think
00:09:58.960 | there's a beautiful dance there between consciousness and intelligence in the human
00:10:02.640 | mind that's not easy or even necessary to untangle, but I think understanding one will
00:10:08.320 | help us understand the other. And finally, perhaps interconnected with consciousness
00:10:13.760 | and intelligence, it might help us take the question of, is there free will into the realm
00:10:19.120 | of science and engineering versus the realm of philosophy to try to make a rigorous study of
00:10:24.960 | where does this experience of making a choice, making decisions, like we humans have a control
00:10:34.160 | of the way the future unfolds from where that arises. Is that a real part of the fabric of
00:10:41.760 | reality or is that something that the brain conjures up? What I see Neuralink as, as I talked
00:10:48.640 | with Elon a second time on the podcast, I see it as a way to sort of get beyond the factory walls
00:10:58.800 | and see how the inner workings of the factories operate. As a scientist, as an engineer, and a
00:11:06.480 | bit of a philosopher, that's truly exciting. Third future possibility of Neuralink is
00:11:13.040 | augmentations of all different kinds. So, regaining the ability to move for people who can't move
00:11:21.040 | parts of their body. I mentioned neurological conditions that affect the mind, but certainly
00:11:26.560 | there's neurological conditions that affect the body. I mean, giving people who can't walk
00:11:33.600 | the ability to walk again or to walk for the first time, such an exciting possibility. If you've seen
00:11:39.920 | videos of people who for the first time are able to see color or gain a function that they didn't
00:11:48.720 | have before through technology, the bliss in their eyes is magical. Now, the augmentation doesn't
00:11:56.400 | have to be just in regaining the physical function of the body. It could be augmentation to the mind.
00:12:02.720 | It could be, for example, regaining the ability to see by stimulating the visual cortex,
00:12:09.680 | connecting a camera to the visual cortex. And perhaps more than regaining regular visual
00:12:15.200 | function, it could lead to superhuman level vision, whether that's expanding the spectrum,
00:12:23.520 | like ability to see infrared, or it's doing some basic augmented reality kind of things where
00:12:31.600 | some of the detections are done for you about moving objects, about the categories of objects
00:12:36.720 | and all that kind of stuff. Many of the ideas here are the same as those explored by the work
00:12:42.880 | that people are doing in augmented reality devices, but it's very possible that the difference between
00:12:49.840 | a brain-computer interface and glasses, for example, or heads-up displays, is that BCIs
00:12:57.680 | might be able to create a much richer high-bandwidth experience with a fast, closed loop
00:13:05.040 | of perception, more so than the constraints that you have to operate under with glasses or
00:13:12.080 | HUDs. Fourth, a super exciting possibility for those of us who were once gamers, or still are
00:13:20.000 | gamers, is by creating an immersive gaming experience. So BCIs might be able to, once again,
00:13:28.960 | read the brain and stimulate parts of the brain that enrich in some way the gaming experience.
00:13:36.480 | This could be very shallow kind of basic enrichment, just being able to measure
00:13:41.600 | levels of excitement, emotion, those kinds of things that can aid in the experience of the game.
00:13:49.280 | But also, again, as I said, with augmented reality, being able to stimulate the visual cortex in
00:13:55.360 | order to create an immersive visual experience. So with a brain-computer interface, beyond just
00:14:02.800 | gaming, you can start to think about creating virtual worlds, virtual reality. That's very
00:14:08.400 | useful for games, but just creating an immersive experience of all different kinds, again, this is
00:14:14.880 | an open question, but there could be technical barriers in creating an immersive, rich,
00:14:20.400 | high-bandwidth experience with a virtual reality headset versus a brain-computer interface. It's
00:14:27.120 | an open question of creating a fully immersive experience, what is easier to do in the long
00:14:35.360 | sort of arc of history. With the technology we have today, it seems clearly more doable in the
00:14:41.520 | short term to create virtual reality experiences with a headset as opposed to something that
00:14:48.320 | requires brain surgery. But that's not to say if we look at the long arc of technological progress
00:14:53.840 | that the much easier solution won't come from the direct access to the brain through something like
00:15:00.080 | a brain-computer interface. And again, I think bigger than gaming, a lot of people write to me
00:15:04.720 | about psychedelics, for example, which I've never done. But this would be an example of something
00:15:10.240 | where you can create visual experiences that are safe and controlled and can take you, perhaps,
00:15:19.040 | to some of those different multiple dimensions or wherever the heck you go when you take psychedelics
00:15:24.480 | in a more controlled way, perhaps. And maybe even taking a step back into more kind of vanilla
00:15:32.400 | experiences of visualizations and meditation. So imagine the closed loop of being able to write
00:15:43.440 | and read from the brain in aiding the meditation experience, sort of emptying your brain from
00:15:52.640 | thoughts figuratively and literally. The fifth exciting future possibilities of Neuralink and
00:16:01.360 | brain-computer interfaces is all the innovation and engineering around the two-way communication
00:16:07.840 | between a human-made electrical computational system and a biological system. Just the fabric,
00:16:17.120 | the nature of the two design paradigms, not saying biological systems are designed, but they are
00:16:24.640 | designed through evolution. Whatever that resilient mess, mush of biology to the more structured,
00:16:32.160 | architectured electrical systems that are programmed explicitly and clearly, the communication
00:16:39.040 | between these two different worlds and bringing them closer and closer together is super exciting.
00:16:44.240 | First, at the very basic level, that could be all the innovation around robotic neurosurgery or
00:16:51.440 | even surgery in general. So allowing robots to do what narrow AI systems do best, which is for
00:16:59.440 | basic tasks that have vision and control where everything is controlled in the environment.
00:17:05.840 | Fully actuated system to be able to minimize the risk of injury, maximize the probability of
00:17:14.160 | success. So there's a lot of interesting innovations around just the robotic side of that.
00:17:19.760 | The next layer of that, when you look at some of the materials engineering and even the
00:17:24.560 | computational side of connecting the laces to the brain, so connecting the electrical device to the
00:17:31.280 | biological device, we may be able to understand how to engineer physical computational systems
00:17:37.840 | that have some of the same nice properties of resilience that biological systems have.
00:17:42.800 | And in so doing, be able to work better with biological systems, but also just be able to be
00:17:48.720 | more resilient, more robust, more adaptable perhaps, or maybe come up with totally different
00:17:54.480 | ways that such systems can learn about their environment, just like our biological systems
00:17:59.120 | can at multiple levels. And another layer of that, when you look at what Neuralink is currently doing,
00:18:06.080 | they have 1,024 channels. The engineering around scaling that to, I don't want to put numbers out,
00:18:14.560 | but any number above that is super exciting. It's already 100X, anything else that's out there,
00:18:20.480 | but you can imagine, especially long-term, it being 10,000, 100,000. I mean, it could be millions,
00:18:27.120 | maybe billions. I mean, there's so much possibility of engineering breakthroughs about the number of
00:18:33.680 | channels that are possible that we can't yet imagine. And that's a engineering challenge of
00:18:40.320 | how to scale these number of connections, which are tricky to do because they have to live, exist
00:18:46.640 | successfully in cooperation with biological systems for months, years, for long periods of
00:18:53.040 | time. That's really interesting. I feel like that's a forcing function for us to understand
00:18:58.400 | really how we can engineer systems that in the best possible ways are not only able to work with
00:19:07.600 | other biological systems, but become more like those biological systems.
00:19:11.680 | So, sixth possible future of Neuralink and BCIs was mentioned a few times by the team
00:19:19.680 | under the flag of telepathic communication or telepathy, conceptual and consensual telepathy.
00:19:28.560 | So, I think in general to enrich the bandwidth in quantity and quality of the communication
00:19:39.120 | between two human beings. So, you can imagine being able to communicate not just through this
00:19:45.440 | kind of 1D realm of words, but to communicate visual concepts, first of all, but also kind of
00:19:53.840 | mind maps of like multi-dimensional concept maps that are in our mind when we're trying to
00:19:59.920 | reason through things. To be able to communicate those in some way. It doesn't even have to be
00:20:05.920 | kind of a perfect replication, but any kind of improvement, increase in the bandwidth of the
00:20:14.000 | communication between humans on the visual or on the conceptual side is super interesting.
00:20:19.840 | I think somebody on the team mentioned kind of art, to be able to communicate creative,
00:20:25.200 | artistic kind of things in your mind and share them with others without having to learn the skill
00:20:30.720 | of converting that art into something in the physical world that can be observed by others.
00:20:39.200 | You can sort of directly without learning the skill, be able to communicate all the crazy,
00:20:43.120 | beautiful things that are in your mind. I think for my world of like programming, for example,
00:20:49.120 | it'd be exciting to think that two human beings at any level could sort of collaborate together.
00:20:54.560 | It gives a whole nother meaning to pair coding, where two people can collaborate together as they
00:21:02.560 | work on a project of any kind, whether it's in the programming world or any kind of design world,
00:21:07.440 | architecture, any kind of illustrations, all that kind of stuff. Collaborations between humans
00:21:12.320 | for intellectual labor, for design, for engineering work, or any kind of collaboration
00:21:19.920 | in the intellectual space. Finally, I think it'd be pretty good for podcasting.
00:21:25.280 | For those of us who don't like the sound of our voice, and funny enough, don't like to be in front
00:21:33.600 | of the camera, instead of having to convert my thoughts awkwardly in a monotone voice
00:21:41.600 | into a microphone, I can somehow communicate them in a much richer way, which I think at least for
00:21:50.400 | an introvert, I think the kind of things going on in my mind seem to be much more eloquent and
00:21:57.440 | interesting than the kind of things that come out of my mouth when I perform the conversion.
00:22:03.360 | So from a car mechanic, or maybe I should say brain mechanic perspective, my converter is not
00:22:11.280 | working very well between the brain thoughts and visualizations and concept space to mouth
00:22:18.160 | speaking different English concepts. So I look forward to this podcast being consumed
00:22:27.760 | and generated telepathically. So seven possible future application of Neuralink will be the
00:22:35.760 | ability to save and replay memories, or save and replay mind states. It's a way to do what
00:22:44.320 | Daniel Kahneman, for example, talks about as many of us kind of live life through memories
00:22:54.560 | of previous events. So kind of the memorable special things that happened to us are experienced
00:23:02.080 | more deeply and more frequently through our memories than directly when we actually experience
00:23:08.560 | them for the first time. And the exciting possibility of Neuralink is basically improving
00:23:15.680 | the resolution of that memory replay that we generally do anyway, as people should check out
00:23:22.880 | Daniel Kahneman's work. He describes it quite eloquently. And it's true, many of us live in
00:23:28.960 | our memories. It's also from a certain perspective, nice to be able to modify, delete, or alter some
00:23:37.040 | of those memories. So for example, on a darker side, it could be traumatic events that, you know,
00:23:44.000 | from a psychological perspective could be haunting. You can remove or at least alleviate the impact of
00:23:50.080 | those memories onto your cognition, or maybe pull stuff from the subconscious. You can think of it
00:23:56.560 | as a Freud's favorite kind of toolkit to play around and explore with our own mind to discover
00:24:05.760 | our demons. So as opposed to the David Goggins approach that I've taken recently of doing insane
00:24:12.080 | amounts of exercise to discover and have a conversation with my demons, I could do it in
00:24:18.160 | a more controlled and safe environment of brain-computer interfaces. As a quick side note,
00:24:24.640 | there's interesting echoes of the memory replay that you've seen our reinforcement learning
00:24:30.960 | systems. So it's kind of interesting to think that instead of just us being able to replay our
00:24:36.800 | memories, it could be our own little machine learning systems that can learn something from
00:24:42.720 | our previous memories by replaying them over and over to try to give us maybe a strategy of how
00:24:47.920 | to avoid those memories in the past. So it's basically converting our prior experiences into
00:24:53.760 | data, and once it's converted into data, that could be used for all kinds of applications.
00:25:00.160 | So you can think of like a personal machine learning system that can replay your memories
00:25:04.560 | and try to figure out, try to be a personal executive assistant to you to advise you what
00:25:11.120 | to learn from those experiences. With a lot of these applications that I've already discussed,
00:25:16.880 | privacy and security is of paramount importance. I mean, like with actually a lot of our technology,
00:25:24.720 | but this is very much at the forefront of what Neuralink is working on currently and always will
00:25:32.000 | be, and I think a lot of companies in general in the tech space will sink or swim based on how much
00:25:38.880 | they respect privacy and security. I think in the early days of our development with social networks
00:25:44.720 | and so on, you could get away easier by being careless with people's data. I think my long-term,
00:25:52.160 | perhaps optimistic, but I think it's a realistic view of the future that people will demand
00:25:57.360 | much more control over their data, demand much more transparency around privacy and security,
00:26:04.640 | transparency and clarity. So of course, that's underlying all the different features that I'm
00:26:11.040 | discussing. And finally, to move a little bit beyond the ability to save and replay memories
00:26:16.960 | is to save mental states, and that's essentially a path towards digital immortality. So you can
00:26:24.000 | think of being able to save the contents or the critical contents of your mind into digital form
00:26:31.840 | and then being able to transfer it to other systems, to robots, or as in, for example,
00:26:38.400 | my discussion with Sarah Seager, who searches for habitable planets outside our solar system,
00:26:44.960 | exoplanets, we discussed the idea that one way perhaps to reach far away livable planets that
00:26:54.800 | might have extraterrestrial intelligent life on them is by sending digital humans there. So being
00:27:01.920 | able to save essential or entire contents of the human mind and to be able to reload it once you
00:27:10.640 | arrive into any kind of, whether it's a biological or a robotic system. So that's the kind of stuff
00:27:17.760 | that Ray Kurzweil thinks about. It's also a kind of stuff that I think a lot of people are excited
00:27:24.640 | about is the ability to store and digitally transfer the contents, the important, the
00:27:33.520 | beautiful contents of the human mind. Finally, the eighth future possibility of Neuralink,
00:27:41.040 | and also one of the original motivations behind the company, is the methodology by which
00:27:49.760 | the human mind, the human brain, the human society can merge with artificial intelligence systems
00:28:00.560 | once they're able to achieve human level and superhuman level intelligence.
00:28:04.960 | Since the origins of the field of AI, most, if not all of the progress that's been made has been in
00:28:12.720 | what might be called narrow artificial intelligence. But as a lot of people have discussed,
00:28:18.720 | now there's a lot of debates around this, there's a lot of thoughts, but it seems very possible that
00:28:24.880 | humans, limited though we are, will one day be able to engineer systems that are far more
00:28:32.480 | intelligent than us human beings in some dimension that fundamentally changes the fabric of human
00:28:39.280 | society. So we already have AI systems that are much better at a lot of things than humans in a
00:28:45.280 | narrow way, but there might be a set of dimensions where an intelligence system is able to generalize
00:28:51.840 | better than humans in a set of tasks that can lead to existential risks to human beings,
00:28:57.920 | where artificial intelligence systems essentially become a kind of direct or indirect competitor,
00:29:05.280 | whether that's a paperclip manufacturing AI systems that destroys all humans just to make
00:29:11.360 | its manufactured paperclips a little bit more efficient, or if it's a much more complex distributed
00:29:18.560 | system, kind of like our social networks of today, but much smarter with some kind of combination of
00:29:24.160 | GPT-3 or GPT-20 systems that kind of creep up on us like the boiling water creeps up on the lobster
00:29:32.640 | and overwhelms the resources or the capacities of human civilization in a way that's fundamentally
00:29:40.960 | traumatic or destructive or poses an existential risk. Even if that point is far away in time,
00:29:46.720 | and that's difficult to predict, I think it's very difficult to rationally say that we will never
00:29:56.560 | reach that point. So once you allow that as a possibility, you start to think from an engineering
00:30:02.640 | perspective, how can we minimize the existential risk associated with that? And then creating ways
00:30:09.280 | to merge with the AI so we kind of ride the wave of AI and they ride the wave of the functionalities
00:30:16.320 | of the human brain is an interesting possibility. I think it's a beautiful vision of a future that's
00:30:22.640 | mostly filled with mystery. So we don't know how AGI systems will evolve, but it's an interesting
00:30:30.400 | idea that as AI systems become smarter and smarter, it is one way to ensure our survival
00:30:38.960 | is to expand the capacity of the human mind to communicate with AI and with the AI to communicate
00:30:44.560 | with the human mind. At the basic level, to me that's super exciting because AI systems can learn
00:30:51.280 | from the brain, the brain can learn from AI systems. And I'm, as a person who is a big fan of
00:30:56.560 | deep thinking, of sitting for multiple hours and focusing on a single idea and just thinking with
00:31:03.040 | a sheet of paper and thinking about an idea, I find myself needing to look up things a lot. And
00:31:09.840 | that's actually a huge distraction and it's a huge drain on my mental resources and the kind of
00:31:17.520 | distraction, the timing of the thinking is disrupted by having to look up different kinds
00:31:24.080 | of information, to look up different kinds of papers, to look up even basic information on
00:31:28.640 | Wikipedia. So the ability to kind of close the loop, to increase the bandwidth of thinking,
00:31:35.280 | of the lookup of the information that's available online is super exciting to me. Now that's not
00:31:41.120 | even AGI, that's just like basic recommender systems, basic search engines, basic even like
00:31:48.160 | GBT 3++ type of communication back and forth. I think that's really exciting to empower the brain
00:31:56.880 | as it's doing the usual kind of deep thinking that it's capable of. And then, of course,
00:32:02.400 | but then of course you could take that farther as the AI systems get smarter and smarter and smarter.
00:32:08.240 | If we completely open the gates of the communication in two ways, then it increases
00:32:14.960 | the likelihood of AGI not leaving us behind. And I think that's a scary and exciting future,
00:32:21.840 | and that's probably where we humans do our best work. I hope these thoughts were interesting,
00:32:27.680 | useful to some of you in these difficult times of economic pain, of political division. I personally,
00:32:35.520 | and I hope others do too, draw a lot of inspiration from companies, from people, from
00:32:42.080 | scientists that are boldly pushing forward the limits of human knowledge, the limits of human
00:32:48.080 | capability, and just engineering and building, doing their best to engineer and build a better
00:32:55.040 | future for our world. So I hope you find it inspiring as well. And as always, I love you all
00:33:02.160 | and hope to see you next time.
00:33:05.200 | [END]
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