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Medical Search Engine with SPLADE + Sentence Transformers in Python


0:0 Hybrid search for medical field
0:18 Hybrid search process
2:42 Prerequisites and Installs
3:26 Pubmed QA data preprocessing step
8:25 Creating dense vectors with sentence-transformers
10:30 Creating sparse vector embeddings with SPLADE
18:12 Preparing sparse-dense format for Pinecone
21:2 Creating the Pinecone sparse-dense index
24:25 Making hybrid search queries
29:59 Final thoughts on sparse-dense with SPLADE

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Today we're going to take a look at how to implement a hybrid search engine using both
00:00:07.240 | Splayed and a sentence transformer.
00:00:11.180 | This is going to be very hands on, so I'm going to outline the architecture of this
00:00:15.820 | thing and then we'll jump straight into building it.
00:00:18.360 | So as for the process that we're going to be going through here, we're going to start
00:00:23.500 | off with data, obviously.
00:00:25.420 | So we have our data over here and it's just going to be paragraphs of text, like loads
00:00:31.760 | and loads of text.
00:00:32.760 | What we're going to have to do is we're going to have to create a chunking mechanism.
00:00:37.400 | So when we are encoding these chunks of text or just general information, we can't encode
00:00:44.980 | too much information in any one go, depending on which models you're using.
00:00:50.900 | So if you're using Cohere or OpenAI, the chunks that you can use will be much larger.
00:00:56.220 | We're going to be using a sentence transformer on one side and then Splayed on the other
00:01:00.900 | side.
00:01:01.900 | Splayed and the sentence transformer are somewhat limited.
00:01:04.520 | You're definitely not going to go over around 500 tokens.
00:01:08.620 | And with the Dennis Vector Embedding model, the sentence transformer, I believe it's like
00:01:13.040 | 384 tokens.
00:01:15.100 | So you think that's probably around a thousand characters at most.
00:01:19.540 | So you're thinking a few sentences.
00:01:21.980 | So we're going to take that through a chunking mechanism to just break it apart into chunks
00:01:26.900 | of text.
00:01:27.900 | Right.
00:01:28.900 | And then those chunks of text, we're going to take them on one side, we're going to feed
00:01:34.380 | them into Splayed, which is going to create our sparse vectors.
00:01:42.020 | And then on the other side, we have our sentence transformer.
00:01:45.780 | Can't remember which one we're using.
00:01:48.020 | So I'll just put ST for now.
00:01:50.540 | And that will give us our Dennis Vectors.
00:01:54.420 | Right.
00:01:55.780 | With both of those, we're going to take them both and we're going to create with both of
00:02:00.260 | them a sparse Dennis Vector, which we then take into Pinecone.
00:02:04.380 | Okay.
00:02:05.380 | So that's our vector database where we're going to store everything.
00:02:08.460 | And then what we can do is we can ask like a question, we ask a question up here.
00:02:13.820 | That gets encoded again by Splayed, so since this is Splayed, this is our dense embedding
00:02:20.660 | model.
00:02:21.660 | Put those both together to create a sparse Dennis Vector.
00:02:27.340 | And we actually take it over here, feed it into Pinecone and get a ton of responses based
00:02:34.460 | on both the sparse and the dense information.
00:02:37.980 | So that is what we're going to be building.
00:02:40.540 | Let's actually go ahead and build it.
00:02:42.380 | All right.
00:02:43.380 | So we're going to start.
00:02:44.380 | The first thing, we're using transformers, sentence transformers here.
00:02:47.620 | That means we're going to be creating these embeddings on our local machine.
00:02:52.820 | In this case, it's actually Colab, but I'll call it local rather than the alternative,
00:02:57.900 | which would be called an API like OpenAI.
00:03:00.300 | So what we'll do is we go to runtime.
00:03:02.860 | We need to change runtime type and we need to make sure that we're using a GPU here.
00:03:07.420 | Okay.
00:03:08.420 | So save that, run.
00:03:10.420 | And these are just the libraries that we're going to be using.
00:03:12.940 | So HungFace datasets for our data, obviously transformers, sentence transformers for our
00:03:18.220 | encoder.
00:03:20.060 | This is a dense encoder, our database, and also our SPLADE model.
00:03:25.900 | Okay, cool.
00:03:27.060 | So we're going to first load the PubMedQA dataset.
00:03:31.420 | So this is a medical question answering dataset.
00:03:34.060 | So with medical things, you'll find that there's a lot of kind of specific terminology and it's
00:03:40.700 | within that sort of domain that models like SPLADE or just general sparse embedding models
00:03:47.880 | will perform better.
00:03:49.660 | However, if you are able to train your sentence transformer, your dense embedding model on
00:03:54.420 | the dataset, then in that case, you can actually improve the performance to beyond that of
00:04:01.300 | a sparse embedding model, usually.
00:04:03.680 | So let's have a look at what we have.
00:04:06.900 | So we just have our ID here, and then we have this data, this context, and we have all these
00:04:12.160 | paragraphs.
00:04:14.140 | And what we're going to need to do with these paragraphs is put them all together and then
00:04:17.820 | chunk them into the smaller chunks that will fit into our models.
00:04:23.020 | So I think we mentioned here, we're going to, yeah, into digestible chunks for our models.
00:04:28.980 | We are going to be using BERT, which has, you know, the default BERT model has this
00:04:33.720 | max sequence length, 512 tokens, which is fairly big, but your typical sentence transformer
00:04:39.900 | actually limits this to 128, right?
00:04:43.320 | So we're going to be pretty naive in our assumptions here, but we're going to just assume this
00:04:48.780 | 128 token limit, and we're actually going to assume that the average token length is
00:04:53.260 | three characters.
00:04:54.260 | In reality, it will vary.
00:04:55.820 | We should realistically actually create our tokens and then count the number of tokens
00:05:01.380 | in there, but it's just more complicated logic, and I want this to be as simple as possible.
00:05:06.220 | So we're just doing this for now, but if you're interested in that, let me know and I can
00:05:09.560 | send you a link to some code that does actually do that.
00:05:12.300 | Okay.
00:05:13.300 | So to create these chunks, we're going to create a processing function called chunker,
00:05:17.180 | which is here.
00:05:18.180 | We're just going to feed in that list of context that we've got up here.
00:05:21.660 | So this literally, this list here, and what it's going to do is join them and then split
00:05:27.940 | based on sentences.
00:05:29.220 | So we're going to create our chunks at a sentence level.
00:05:33.300 | So what we do is we loop through each sentence in here, and we say, okay, if we add it to
00:05:40.060 | the chunk here, and once the length of that exceeds our limit, which is here, the limit
00:05:48.060 | is 384 tokens, we will say, okay, we've got enough here, we're not going to go any higher,
00:05:54.420 | so we then add that to the chunk.
00:05:57.580 | Okay.
00:05:58.580 | So here, what we're doing is, let's say we have four sentences, or no, five sentences
00:06:04.620 | in a single chunk.
00:06:06.340 | What we're going to do is so that we're not cutting off between sentences that are relevant,
00:06:12.780 | like have some continuum logic between them, what we're going to do is between each of
00:06:16.820 | our chunks, we're actually going to have some overlap.
00:06:19.500 | So let's say we take chunks zero to four, and then what we're going to do for the next
00:06:24.980 | chunk is take chunks two to seven, or something like that.
00:06:30.900 | So there's always a bit of overlap between the chunks.
00:06:33.340 | Okay.
00:06:34.340 | So once we are done, and we get to the end of our sentences, we might still have a smaller
00:06:40.340 | chunk that's left over, so we just append that to our chunks list.
00:06:45.300 | So that's our chunking function.
00:06:48.180 | So let's run that, and we'll apply it to our first context.
00:06:52.500 | All right, and then we get these smaller chunks now, okay?
00:06:57.020 | And they've been split between sentences.
00:06:59.060 | We're not just splitting in the middle of a sentence.
00:07:01.220 | But one thing you will also notice is, like here, it says, "The leaf server plan consists
00:07:06.340 | of a lattice work of," and we also have that here, right?
00:07:11.680 | So we always have, like, basically half the chunk is overlapped.
00:07:15.820 | So we have a lot of repetition in there.
00:07:19.300 | Depending on what you're doing, you can minimize that.
00:07:21.020 | Just this example is fine.
00:07:22.740 | You should realistically have some overlap there, so you're not cutting between sentences
00:07:30.380 | that have some logical continuation.
00:07:33.260 | We basically don't want to lose information.
00:07:36.540 | So that's why we have those overlaps in there.
00:07:38.900 | This is probably a more reasonable one, so you have all this, and then the overlap starts
00:07:43.140 | from around here.
00:07:45.180 | Okay?
00:07:46.180 | Cool.
00:07:47.180 | So what we want to do is give each chunk a unique ID.
00:07:52.020 | So we're using the pub_id here, followed by the chunk number, okay?
00:07:58.740 | And what we do is we create the full...
00:08:02.620 | So this is for the full dataset, I think.
00:08:04.820 | Let me...
00:08:05.820 | Okay, yeah.
00:08:06.820 | So we're going to go through the entire PubMed dataset here, we're going to get the context,
00:08:12.660 | and we're going to create our chunks, okay?
00:08:14.700 | Again, we're using that PubMed ID and the chunk number.
00:08:18.940 | So we're in that.
00:08:19.940 | All right?
00:08:20.940 | And we get a list, okay?
00:08:23.560 | So that's good.
00:08:26.060 | Now what I want to do is move on to creating our vectors.
00:08:29.540 | All right, so the first one I'm going to do is the dense vectors.
00:08:33.740 | We're using a sentence transformer for this.
00:08:35.740 | All right?
00:08:36.740 | And the first thing we want to do is make sure that we're using CUDA if it's available,
00:08:41.500 | otherwise you can use CPU, it's just going to be slower.
00:08:44.220 | It's not going to be too slow, it's not a huge dataset that we're processing here, but
00:08:48.220 | you know, just be aware of that.
00:08:50.220 | And the model that we're using is this base model that has been trained on MS Marco, which
00:08:55.940 | is like an information retrieval dataset.
00:08:59.580 | And specifically, so this is important, it has been trained to use dot product similarity.
00:09:05.300 | And we need that for it to function with the sparse dense vectors that we are putting into
00:09:11.460 | Panko.
00:09:12.460 | Okay?
00:09:13.460 | So they're basically, they're compared in a dot product similarity space.
00:09:17.460 | So that is important.
00:09:19.740 | And we initialize it on CUDA if we can.
00:09:22.820 | Right?
00:09:23.820 | Cool.
00:09:24.820 | So we see the sentence transformer details here, and we can actually see here that the
00:09:29.140 | max sequence length for this sentence transformer is 512 tokens.
00:09:33.180 | So early on when we went for the 128 token limit, with this one, we can actually do 512.
00:09:40.700 | So we could increase that quite a bit.
00:09:43.020 | So I think we set like 380 something for the character limit.
00:09:47.540 | With this, we could actually set like 1,500, which is quite a bit more.
00:09:55.100 | But anyway, we'll stick with what we have because with a lot of sentence transformers,
00:09:59.900 | they are restricted to that smaller size.
00:10:03.140 | And then we create a embedding like this.
00:10:05.340 | So we have our dense model, we encode, and then we pass in our data.
00:10:09.860 | Right?
00:10:10.900 | And we'll get a, we'll see in a moment, 768 dimensional dense vector.
00:10:18.980 | Cool.
00:10:19.980 | You can also see that in the model, get sentence embedding dimension here as well.
00:10:25.100 | This is important.
00:10:26.100 | We'll need this when we're actually initializing our vector index later.
00:10:30.060 | So moving on to the sparse vectors, we're using the splayed co-condenser assembled distil.
00:10:37.600 | So it's basically like an efficient splayed model.
00:10:41.460 | We do we want, I think this all looks good.
00:10:45.460 | So one thing, we move it to CUDA if we can.
00:10:49.180 | The aggregation here is max.
00:10:51.840 | So it's basically how it's creating its single vectors from the many vectors I initially
00:10:58.900 | create.
00:10:59.900 | And I created a video on splayed so you can go and take a look at that if you're interested.
00:11:05.100 | There'll be a link to that in the video at the top somewhere.
00:11:08.140 | Okay.
00:11:09.140 | So it takes tokenized inputs that need to be built with a tokenizer initialized with
00:11:14.860 | the same model ID.
00:11:16.420 | Okay.
00:11:17.420 | So this model here.
00:11:18.740 | Right?
00:11:19.740 | So we create our tokens like this.
00:11:22.500 | We make sure to return PyTorch tensors.
00:11:26.780 | And then to create our sparse vectors, we do this.
00:11:29.140 | So we're saying torch no grad, which basically means like, don't calculate the gradients
00:11:33.860 | of the model because it takes more time.
00:11:37.380 | And we only need that for training the model.
00:11:39.660 | Right now we're just performing inference or prediction.
00:11:42.500 | So it's not needed.
00:11:43.620 | Okay.
00:11:44.620 | And what we do is we move the tokens to CUDA if we're using it.
00:11:49.820 | And then we feed them into the model.
00:11:51.280 | So the reason we move to CUDA is because if we don't, the tokens feeding into the model
00:11:57.580 | are on CPU and the model is on GPU, we're going to see an error.
00:12:01.780 | So we need to make sure we include that in there.
00:12:04.420 | And then here is the splayed vector representations output by the model.
00:12:10.580 | And we use squeeze to reduce the dimensionality of that vector.
00:12:14.640 | So initially it's like, I think it's like 30,000 comma one, the shape.
00:12:20.420 | We don't need that one.
00:12:21.420 | So we just remove it like that.
00:12:24.820 | All right.
00:12:26.020 | So that gives us this dimensional vector, which is huge, right?
00:12:30.260 | So 30.5 thousand items, right?
00:12:34.660 | So that is actually the vocab size of the BERT model.
00:12:39.100 | So every token that BERT recognizes is represented by one of these values.
00:12:45.540 | And essentially we're creating a score for each one of those tokens through splayed,
00:12:51.300 | right?
00:12:52.300 | Most of them are going to be zero, right?
00:12:55.420 | That's what makes it a sparse vector.
00:12:58.060 | Now to create the data format that we'll be feeding into Pinecone, it's essentially going
00:13:05.460 | to be like a dictionary of the position of the nonzero values to the scores that they
00:13:15.740 | were assigned.
00:13:17.140 | So what's that look like?
00:13:18.500 | Let me show you.
00:13:20.940 | So here we can see we have 174 nonzero values here, should say that as well.
00:13:29.860 | And we create this, okay?
00:13:31.460 | So let me show you what that is.
00:13:33.900 | This is a kind of bad example.
00:13:37.500 | So we come up to here and we have our indices.
00:13:40.940 | So at position number 1,000, the score of that token is this, right?
00:13:49.620 | And I think I have a little example of what that actually means here.
00:13:53.880 | We don't need to do this for processing things by Pinecone.
00:13:57.480 | We are just doing this so that we can understand what this actually means.
00:14:02.580 | So I'm going to create this.
00:14:03.580 | This is an index to token.
00:14:05.820 | So like I said, all of those 30.5,000 values in that vector that was output by splayed,
00:14:15.400 | they all refer to a particular token, right?
00:14:18.580 | And in this, these tokens are just numbers because that's what the transform model splayed
00:14:24.940 | will read, which we can't read.
00:14:27.120 | We don't understand that, right?
00:14:28.860 | We need actual text.
00:14:30.540 | So this is mapping those positions, those integer values to the actual text tokens that
00:14:38.740 | they represent.
00:14:41.300 | And we process the dictionary that we just created up here through that.
00:14:47.440 | And then we get this, right?
00:14:49.180 | So let's see.
00:14:51.780 | So this is for, can I see what this is for?
00:15:01.380 | It's for this here, right?
00:15:03.180 | Let's just have a look at what this is and then we'll see if it makes sense.
00:15:07.940 | All right.
00:15:10.700 | So program cell death is a regular death of cells of an organism.
00:15:15.880 | The lace plant produces so on and so on.
00:15:20.080 | Lattice work of longitudinal and transverse veins, including areoles.
00:15:26.920 | You know, I don't know what any of that means, but we can at least see that in this sparse
00:15:32.160 | dictionary we have, so we have PC, which is, I think this is like, it's coming from here.
00:15:37.160 | It's not ideal, but it's fine.
00:15:39.680 | Lace, which is mentioned here, programmed.
00:15:44.540 | We have this up here, Madagascar, I don't know where that's coming from.
00:15:50.240 | Death D is the D at the end there, right?
00:15:53.640 | So we have all of these.
00:15:55.120 | And then I think we should also have some other words in here that are not actually
00:16:00.240 | from this, because what SPLADE does is actually identifies the words that are in the vector
00:16:05.680 | already, or within this, it identifies the most important words, okay?
00:16:11.040 | So I would say it's probably got that right with, like, lace programmed, the PC, and the
00:16:16.720 | D here, right?
00:16:19.400 | And death, lattice, cell, all those are probably the most important words in here.
00:16:24.400 | It's not giving us the word the, or the word within, right?
00:16:28.300 | Because it doesn't view those as being what are important.
00:16:32.120 | But if we go down, we'll probably see, we'll probably see some words that are not actually
00:16:38.360 | in here, but are similar to words in here.
00:16:42.160 | Because part of what SPLADE does is it expands, it does term expansion, which basically means
00:16:48.640 | based on the words it sees, it adds other words that it doesn't see, but that we might
00:16:54.760 | expect a document that we're searching for to contain.
00:16:59.640 | So I think the word, okay, so the word die, I don't think is in here, right?
00:17:05.860 | But you come down here and it is here.
00:17:09.000 | Regulated, okay, regulated is in there.
00:17:13.100 | Lacy, it's probably not, so we have lace plant, all right, so lacy is in there, I don't know
00:17:19.920 | if that is actually relevant, I don't understand any of what this says.
00:17:24.780 | We have plant and plants, I wonder if both of those are in there.
00:17:29.540 | So we've got plant, plant, okay, we don't have plants, right?
00:17:34.580 | But that might be useful, right?
00:17:35.840 | So imagine in your document that this, well, actually, this is a document.
00:17:40.980 | Let's say in the query, the user is searching for program cell death in plants, or how do
00:17:47.460 | plants die from PCD, right?
00:17:50.660 | They would have the term die and plants in there, but they wouldn't have the term death
00:17:55.740 | or plant, right?
00:17:57.220 | So that's why the term expansion is really useful, because then you do have that term
00:18:02.220 | overlap, which is what traditional sparse vector methods kind of lack, so like BM25.
00:18:09.820 | They don't have that automatic term expansion.
00:18:12.740 | So we create our sparse vectors, or we have seen how to create our dense vectors and seen
00:18:18.040 | how to create our sparse vectors.
00:18:19.860 | Now let's have a look at how we do this for everything.
00:18:23.820 | So we're going to create a help function called builder, which is first going to transform
00:18:29.500 | a list of records from our data, so the context, into this format here.
00:18:35.580 | So this is the format that we're going to be feeding into PyCone, right?
00:18:38.940 | So we have our ID, we have our dense vector here, we have our sparse vector in the dictionary
00:18:44.840 | format that we saw already, and then we have this metadata.
00:18:48.300 | Metadata is just additional information that we can attach to our vectors.
00:18:52.360 | In this case, I'm going to include the text, like a human readable text.
00:18:58.180 | So what we'll do is we create builder.
00:19:02.460 | This is just going to go through everything, right?
00:19:04.140 | So let me go through everything here.
00:19:07.520 | So we get our IDs from the records that we have there, so we have our IDs.
00:19:12.820 | So records is just everything, I believe, yeah.
00:19:16.600 | So records is everything nowadays, so it's going to extract the IDs for everything, and
00:19:20.620 | then it's going to extract the context, right?
00:19:24.200 | So that's why we have the pub ID followed by the chunk number.
00:19:29.580 | That's the ID.
00:19:30.580 | And then we have those kind of smaller sentence, couple sentences, chunks of text.
00:19:36.480 | And then from those chunks of text, what we're going to do is we're going to encode everything.
00:19:43.580 | That creates our dense vectors, then we're going to create our sparse vectors, so we
00:19:47.620 | get our, what is this bit, so input IDs, that's creating our tokens, and then we process our
00:19:54.120 | tokens through the sparse or the splayed model, okay?
00:19:59.380 | Then what we do is we initialize an empty list, which is where we're going to store
00:20:02.800 | everything to add to Pinecone.
00:20:05.500 | And what we do is we go through the IDs, the dense vectors, the sparse vectors, and the
00:20:09.960 | context that we've just created, and we create this format here, all right?
00:20:15.680 | So this is for every record, we have this format, the ID, values, sparse values, and
00:20:20.280 | metadata, okay?
00:20:21.280 | Which is what I showed you just here, right?
00:20:25.280 | Cool.
00:20:26.400 | So with that, we'll run this cell, and let's try it with the first three records first,
00:20:34.680 | okay?
00:20:35.680 | So we'll just kind of loop through, there we go.
00:20:39.040 | So we get these, there's a lot of numbers in there, but we have the metadata, we have,
00:20:43.240 | if I come up to here, we have the, these are the values and the indices for our splayed
00:20:49.800 | vector, right, indices for the sparse values.
00:20:53.480 | We have our dense values, our dense vector, which is very big.
00:20:59.720 | And then we have the ID.
00:21:01.640 | All right, cool.
00:21:02.760 | So now what we want to do is initialize our connection to Pinecone using free API keys.
00:21:07.520 | So for that, you will go here, it's actually, and you will end up on this
00:21:15.120 | page.
00:21:16.120 | Initially, you go to API keys, and you will have your API key here, it will probably say
00:21:21.280 | default.
00:21:22.280 | You click copy, say that over here, and you just put it into your API key.
00:21:27.560 | I've stored mine in a variable called your API key.
00:21:31.440 | And then for your environment, you go back over to your console, and you just copy whatever
00:21:36.400 | is in here.
00:21:37.680 | So for me, us-east1-gcp, yours, there's a good chance it'll be the same, but it may
00:21:43.640 | vary.
00:21:44.640 | All right, cool.
00:21:45.640 | So we run that.
00:21:48.040 | So that just initializes our connection with Pinecone, and then what we want to do is actually
00:21:51.920 | create a index.
00:21:54.340 | So we run this, there's a few things that are important here.
00:21:57.640 | So the index name is not so important, you can kind of use whatever you want there, but
00:22:02.160 | you do need to pass an index name.
00:22:04.160 | Dimensionality, so that is the 768 dimensions of the dense vector embedding model.
00:22:11.000 | Not the displayed model, the dense model.
00:22:13.520 | We have to use the dot product metric to use the sparse dense vectors.
00:22:18.800 | And for the pod type, we must use either S1 or P1.
00:22:23.760 | So that will just create the index, and we can actually go to the console, we go to indexes,
00:22:30.200 | and we should see it if we refresh.
00:22:33.520 | All right, so we have this PubMed displayed, one in there now, go to here.
00:22:42.040 | And what we then need to do is initialize the connection to our index.
00:22:47.360 | For this, we can use either index or we can use gRPC index, which is just essentially
00:22:54.300 | faster and also a little bit more reliable in terms of your connection.
00:22:59.760 | It holds a stable connection to Pinecone.
00:23:02.120 | The index one is still very stable and still very fast, but just not as good.
00:23:07.560 | So we run those.
00:23:08.560 | Okay, cool.
00:23:09.560 | That will just give us some index statistics, of course, our index is completely empty right
00:23:14.400 | now, and the dimensionality is what we set before, the 768.
00:23:20.480 | Now to add some vectors, we just do this, so index upsert, and we pass in what we created
00:23:25.880 | with Builder, because Builder is outputting the format that we need to add things to Pinecone.
00:23:31.440 | Okay, so we can see that we upsert three items if we do that.
00:23:37.040 | Upsert just means like insert, like three items.
00:23:39.840 | All right, so cool.
00:23:42.000 | We can repeat that for the full index.
00:23:45.520 | So you can also increase the batch size depending on what hardware you're using.
00:23:50.720 | We'll stick with 64, which is pretty low, just to be safe depending on what you're using.
00:23:56.900 | And with this, it's not going to take long, so we've got like a minute 20 here, so I'll
00:24:02.360 | skip ahead.
00:24:03.360 | Okay, so that is complete, it took one and a half minutes.
00:24:07.440 | And then what we want to do is we're just going to check that the number of upserted
00:24:11.440 | records aligns with the length of our original data.
00:24:14.820 | Okay, so here is our original data, and here's a number of items that are inside our index
00:24:23.200 | So it looks like everything is in there, and we can move on to querying.
00:24:28.180 | So our queries will need to contain both sparse and dense vectors, so we're going to use this
00:24:34.760 | function here called encode.
00:24:37.160 | And what that will allow us to do is, it's just going to handle everything for us.
00:24:42.380 | So we create our dense vectors, we then create our sparse dictionary and we just return those.
00:24:49.440 | So we're going to start with, can clinicians use the PHQ-9 to assess depression in people
00:24:55.460 | with vision loss?
00:24:57.600 | So we run this, and we say, straight away, I think to investigate, we have a PHQ-9, the
00:25:08.560 | essential psychometric characteristics to measure depressive symptoms in people with
00:25:13.240 | visual impairment.
00:25:14.500 | So I would say that is probably correct.
00:25:18.320 | So you see that we have depressive symptoms, depression, vision loss, and visual impairment.
00:25:25.760 | So it's not, the words don't align perfectly, right?
00:25:29.900 | But they have the same meaning.
00:25:33.080 | So my question here would be, what is doing this?
00:25:36.540 | Is it the dense component, or is it the sparse component?
00:25:40.580 | And actually, we'll see that it's kind of both.
00:25:43.760 | But what I want to show you is that we can actually scale the dense versus sparse components.
00:25:51.720 | So the way that we do this is that we use this hybrid scale function.
00:25:56.160 | And what it's going to do is it's going to take an alpha value, where the alpha, when
00:26:00.600 | it is equal to 1, it will maximize the dense vector, but it will basically make the sparse
00:26:07.860 | vector completely irrelevant.
00:26:10.780 | If we use an alpha value of 0, it means the sparse vector is the only thing being used,
00:26:16.940 | and the dense vector is completely irrelevant.
00:26:19.220 | And if we just want an equal blend between the two of them, we use 0.5.
00:26:23.980 | So let's first try a pure dense search and see what happens.
00:26:30.040 | I need to run this.
00:26:34.400 | And you see that we actually get the right answer up here straight away.
00:26:37.580 | The score is different.
00:26:39.060 | This is 181, whereas up here it is 203.
00:26:43.220 | It's not that much different, but it's different.
00:26:46.940 | So does that mean it's only the dense vector doing this?
00:26:50.780 | Let's try an alpha value of 0.0, and we actually get the same answer at the top again.
00:26:57.340 | So I think there is some variation.
00:26:59.060 | I think that maybe this changes.
00:27:01.340 | Yeah, so with the dense embedding, I'm not sure if the performance on that is better
00:27:08.020 | or not, but we do get slightly different results.
00:27:11.580 | So when we have a mix of both, we actually get the star result there.
00:27:15.400 | So let's try some other questions that maybe will help us get slightly different responses.
00:27:23.400 | What is going on here is that both models are actually very good for this data set.
00:27:28.460 | So we don't see that much difference when we try and vary them.
00:27:32.320 | So does ibuprofen increase perioperative blood loss during hip arthroplasty?
00:27:42.140 | This is a sparse search, and when we run it, we get to the term where the prior exposure
00:27:47.900 | of non-okay, this is ibuprofen from what I understand, anti-inflammatory drugs, increases
00:27:56.540 | this thing here, perioperative blood loss, associated with major orthopaedic surgery.
00:28:05.420 | So I checked what this means, and this basically means a hip replacement, or sorry, no, this
00:28:11.620 | means hip replacement, and the words, I think both of them.
00:28:18.340 | So this is like major surgery, and this is a hip replacement, which is major surgery.
00:28:23.540 | That's what I understood, it could be completely wrong, but I'm not sure.
00:28:27.980 | This one, and then they mentioned hip replacement here.
00:28:30.820 | So I think this one is relevant, and this is using the pure sparse method, right?
00:28:37.400 | And then we get this, and this actually does talk about ibuprofen and this sort of stuff,
00:28:43.380 | but I don't know if that is, it doesn't mention the arthroplasty thing.
00:28:49.740 | So I just assume it's not as relevant.
00:28:53.840 | If we'd go pure dense, okay, we actually get the best answer at position number two, which
00:29:00.340 | is still good, right?
00:29:02.540 | It's not that it's not performing well, that is a good performance, but it's not quite
00:29:07.540 | as good as when we have the pure sparse, right?
00:29:11.380 | So what we'll find, and I put a ton of example questions in here from this PubMed QA paper.
00:29:19.240 | So you can try a few of these, but what we find is that some of them perform better with
00:29:24.520 | sparse, some of them perform better with dense.
00:29:27.460 | So what is a good approach to use here is to use a mix of both using the hybrid search.
00:29:32.620 | So we set like alpha to 0.3, 0.5, whatever seems to work best overall, depending on your
00:29:41.140 | particular use case, and overall we're going to get generally better performance.
00:29:46.960 | Now, once you're done with all of this, if you've asked a couple more questions and so
00:29:50.700 | on, what you need to do is just delete your index at the end, save resources so that you're
00:29:56.080 | not using more than what is needed.
00:29:58.820 | So that's it for this video.
00:30:01.380 | We've just kind of quickly been through an example of actually using hybrid search in
00:30:07.300 | Pinecone with Splayed and a dense vector sentence transform model.
00:30:13.260 | And I think the results are pretty good.
00:30:14.580 | Now this is just one example.
00:30:16.500 | What we'll find is that the performance of hybrid search versus just pure dense or pure
00:30:23.280 | sparse search generally is a lot better.
00:30:27.440 | So if you're able to implement this in your search applications, it's 100% worth doing.
00:30:35.000 | But anyway, for now, we'll leave it there.
00:30:37.440 | So I hope this video has been interesting and useful.
00:30:42.600 | So thank you very much for watching, and I will see you again in the next one.
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