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Ep. 199: Fleeing Your Home Office, Ambition Overload, and Reading Limits


0:0 Cal's intro
2:5 Cal's book writing update
9:0 Cal talks about Eight Sleep and Blinkist
14:11 How do I get my family and friends to take my profession seriously?
21:30 How should we adjust our work for the arrival of our first baby?
28:10 Do maximum deep work durations depend on the type of work?
31:20 How do I overcome the sense of being overwhelmed by all of my goals?
37:25 What are the most important trends in technology at the moment?
56:20 Cal talks about Grammarly and My Body Tutor
61:1 Does reading too many books dilute their impact?
62:35 How do I turn off my ambitious mind?
65:5 How do I get back on the productivity horse after I fall off?

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | (upbeat music)
00:00:01.720 | I'm Cal Newport and this is "Eat Questions" episode 199.
00:00:06.720 | I'm here in my Deep Work HQ.
00:00:15.600 | No Jesse today.
00:00:17.600 | That's my fault, not his.
00:00:20.780 | I missed our last recording session.
00:00:24.120 | I had some travel and then I had a touch of the COVID.
00:00:27.200 | I was thinking about waiting
00:00:28.400 | until our next recording session to record this episode
00:00:32.160 | in the next back to back,
00:00:33.560 | but I wanted to get this out as quickly as possible.
00:00:36.240 | So as soon as I could break free from isolation,
00:00:40.120 | I ran over here to try to knock out this episode.
00:00:43.960 | It'll be a little bit late this week,
00:00:45.620 | but hopefully not too late.
00:00:49.260 | So since it was just me,
00:00:50.700 | I figured what if we did a blast from the past?
00:00:56.040 | What if I actually structure today's episode
00:00:59.160 | the same way I used to structure the podcast
00:01:02.640 | back in the very early days
00:01:03.740 | when it was just me recording out of the study in my house.
00:01:06.680 | Back then as long time listeners might remember,
00:01:09.960 | I would do only written questions in the main episodes
00:01:12.560 | and I would divide them into three categories,
00:01:15.420 | work, technology, and the deep life.
00:01:18.740 | Over time that then became just deep work and deep life.
00:01:23.180 | And then over time we got rid of the categories
00:01:25.160 | for questions altogether.
00:01:26.600 | And now of course we have this much more,
00:01:29.560 | let's say vibrant structure where there's written questions
00:01:32.720 | and voice questions and segments
00:01:34.880 | where I'm talking about different things.
00:01:36.300 | And I use the Telestrator, we go through articles
00:01:40.040 | and there's a lot more that goes on in today,
00:01:41.500 | but let's go back to the past.
00:01:43.360 | Questions all written three categories,
00:01:45.600 | deep work, technology, and the deep life.
00:01:51.580 | Before we get into that though,
00:01:54.320 | let me give you a quick update on my book writing.
00:01:58.100 | So as you know, I'm working on a new book.
00:02:02.840 | Let's see, what book is this for me?
00:02:04.120 | One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
00:02:06.480 | This is my eighth book.
00:02:07.480 | Okay, so I'm working on my eighth book,
00:02:10.080 | slow productivity.
00:02:11.800 | And I wanna give you an update on how that's going.
00:02:13.720 | I have two observations I wanna make
00:02:15.280 | about the last week or two of working on this book.
00:02:17.840 | Observation number one,
00:02:21.000 | there was a period of roughly five days
00:02:23.840 | in which I was not on my game.
00:02:27.640 | So some combination of mild sickness symptoms
00:02:30.960 | plus disruption in the household,
00:02:33.000 | a little bit of travel disruption early on in that period.
00:02:35.240 | There's a period of five days where I was not on my game,
00:02:39.000 | where I was full energy writing in my normal routine.
00:02:41.520 | During those five days, I still wrote.
00:02:45.640 | Because it's what I do.
00:02:46.640 | I write every day except for Shabbat
00:02:48.560 | and I feel uncomfortable when I don't.
00:02:50.640 | So I still wrote, disrupted or not,
00:02:52.200 | I still wrote every day in these five days.
00:02:54.880 | And I spent all five days working on the same section
00:02:59.600 | of the new book.
00:03:00.560 | Now by section, let me give you quickly a survey
00:03:05.160 | of the hierarchy of sections in the book.
00:03:09.560 | Right now I'm doing a three level hierarchy.
00:03:11.520 | So you have numbered chapters.
00:03:13.240 | Numbered chapters are pretty long in this book.
00:03:15.080 | They could be 10,000 words plus.
00:03:18.320 | Numbered chapters are then broken down into named sections.
00:03:21.200 | So these are sections that each deal with a certain topic
00:03:23.600 | and have a title, sort of a bold headed title.
00:03:26.760 | And then sections themselves are broken down
00:03:28.920 | into subsections, which are broken up
00:03:31.440 | with just horizontal divider symbols.
00:03:35.240 | All right, so those are the three levels of hierarchy.
00:03:37.100 | So I was working on a section,
00:03:38.720 | which in other types of books might be roughly the length
00:03:41.280 | of what you might call it a chapter.
00:03:42.680 | But again, I call it section.
00:03:43.880 | Same section.
00:03:44.720 | And I'll tell you exactly what the section was.
00:03:47.080 | I chose it 'cause I thought it'd be pretty straightforward
00:03:48.720 | to write.
00:03:49.560 | It was talking about in the broader context
00:03:52.640 | of doing fewer things,
00:03:56.000 | I was pushing the notion of having a pull-based workflow
00:04:01.280 | instead of a push-based workflow.
00:04:04.560 | Where a push-based workflow is where anyone can put work
00:04:07.360 | onto anyone else's plate whenever they want
00:04:09.220 | by just sending out a message or grabbing them
00:04:11.080 | or saying, "Hey, can you do this?"
00:04:13.080 | So all of the work in this particular professional context
00:04:17.600 | exists spread out over different people's list.
00:04:20.720 | In a pull-based workflow, by contrast,
00:04:25.120 | you only work on a small number of things at a time.
00:04:26.760 | When you finish something,
00:04:27.580 | you can then pull something in to replace it.
00:04:30.320 | So actually in a pull-based context,
00:04:31.740 | most of the work exists in some sort of centralized,
00:04:34.480 | external place.
00:04:36.460 | And work is only pulled on the individual plates
00:04:38.480 | as they have the free cycles.
00:04:40.400 | The same amount of work gets done,
00:04:41.960 | but you get rid of the overload on people's plates.
00:04:43.760 | Anyways, I was getting into this idea
00:04:45.640 | and I had a really good case study
00:04:48.080 | I really wanted to get into from the MIT Management Review.
00:04:50.440 | And it felt like it should be easy to write.
00:04:51.880 | Five days I worked on this and was all over the place.
00:04:55.280 | This thing was getting long, it was rambling.
00:04:58.160 | And my instinct of, is this clicking,
00:05:01.960 | is this clear, is it aspirational, was all a fritz.
00:05:06.560 | Did it feel good about it?
00:05:07.380 | Five days, starting to make me nervous.
00:05:09.440 | All right, fast forward, feeling better,
00:05:12.260 | have my structure back, I can write in the morning again.
00:05:15.920 | In two sessions, I rewrite that whole section from scratch,
00:05:20.920 | complete confidence, boom, boom, boom.
00:05:23.600 | This is right, this is clear, great.
00:05:25.400 | Two sessions, I redid all of the effort
00:05:30.600 | I'd put into over five days
00:05:33.080 | and turned up with something much better.
00:05:34.880 | So the reason why I'm bringing this up
00:05:36.120 | is that I think it underscores the degree
00:05:38.880 | to which context matters for doing cognitive work.
00:05:43.180 | Having a good routine, your structure,
00:05:46.440 | this is when you write, your mind is used to it.
00:05:48.720 | Being at your full physical capacity
00:05:51.880 | when you're doing cognitive work,
00:05:53.120 | all of this stuff matters.
00:05:54.480 | Not all work is made equal when it comes to your brain.
00:05:57.880 | And so when I was working under duress,
00:05:59.720 | yeah, I could put down words, but they weren't very good.
00:06:02.040 | When I was on my game, I was a much better writer.
00:06:04.720 | So I thought that was an interesting observation.
00:06:06.280 | I think it's an observation that is relevant
00:06:08.480 | for anyone doing cognitive work.
00:06:10.880 | We don't think about the degree to which
00:06:12.400 | being in a disrupted or unusual
00:06:14.120 | or fragmented type of cognitive landscape
00:06:16.080 | can really draw down just the sheer ability
00:06:19.240 | that you are able to express.
00:06:20.760 | So I thought that was interesting.
00:06:22.400 | The other thing I would mention,
00:06:24.800 | just another update on writing slow productivity
00:06:26.920 | is so I'm working on this first big chapter
00:06:29.620 | about doing fewer things.
00:06:30.840 | First big chapter I'm writing,
00:06:32.280 | not the first chapter in the book.
00:06:34.120 | There's a whole first part to the book
00:06:36.120 | that motivates and explains the ideas.
00:06:38.080 | And the second part's a little bit more pragmatic.
00:06:40.560 | So it's this first big chapter I'm writing on,
00:06:42.560 | but it's from the second part of the book.
00:06:45.040 | Overall, it's taken me a long time.
00:06:47.100 | I've thrown out a lot.
00:06:48.400 | I'll write 5,000 words, cut that down to 2,000.
00:06:52.360 | I've changed the outline three or four times.
00:06:54.520 | And the point I wanted to make about that is
00:06:57.340 | that is expected as well,
00:06:59.900 | at least in my experience,
00:07:01.120 | when you're working on the first major chapter
00:07:03.240 | of a new book, it will be by far
00:07:06.060 | the slowest chapter that you write.
00:07:08.400 | And the reason is, is you're finding the voice of the book.
00:07:12.040 | It's something we don't talk about a lot,
00:07:13.720 | but I think is really important.
00:07:15.960 | What's the pacing?
00:07:16.840 | What's the tone?
00:07:18.620 | What's the type of information you pull in?
00:07:21.320 | What is the voice in which you present this information?
00:07:24.360 | Is it didactic?
00:07:25.520 | Is it journalistic?
00:07:26.960 | How tight are you breaking up sections
00:07:29.560 | or how rambling is it going on?
00:07:31.960 | Is this a clear transition book or let it hang?
00:07:35.120 | All this stuff has to be worked out and it's all feel-based.
00:07:37.880 | There's no way to get around it except for the right,
00:07:39.440 | throw it out, redo it, stare at it,
00:07:41.760 | say, is this really clicking?
00:07:43.200 | It's okay, but could it be better?
00:07:44.600 | And you do that until you love it.
00:07:46.080 | And it takes a long time, but you know what?
00:07:47.680 | At least I'm hoping this is true
00:07:49.060 | 'cause it's been my experience.
00:07:50.000 | The next chapter you write goes twice as fast.
00:07:52.160 | So that's my update on my book writing.
00:07:56.840 | One other quick point I wanted to make,
00:07:59.480 | one other quick announcement.
00:08:01.780 | In a recent episode, we talked about,
00:08:04.680 | Jessie and I talked about an article
00:08:06.180 | about someone running for,
00:08:07.240 | I believe it was the city council in Toronto
00:08:11.040 | and how she was not using any social media.
00:08:13.540 | She said, "I can use tech to connect to my constituents
00:08:16.600 | "without having to be on Twitter,
00:08:17.640 | "without having to be on Instagram."
00:08:19.240 | Anyways, I was pronouncing her name wrong
00:08:21.280 | and I'm not sure why.
00:08:22.120 | She sent me a note.
00:08:23.500 | Her name is Siri, S-I-R-I,
00:08:25.920 | spelled like Siri, the voice assistant for Apple.
00:08:29.840 | So I really have no excuse
00:08:30.820 | for some weird pronunciation I made up.
00:08:33.160 | Maybe it was just, I was assuming,
00:08:34.280 | well, it can't be pronounced like the voice app.
00:08:36.400 | So Siri, my apologies,
00:08:38.580 | but I will wanna correct a record now
00:08:40.700 | about how to pronounce your name.
00:08:42.180 | If you haven't seen that clip, we put it on YouTube.
00:08:45.040 | It's called something like a novel solution
00:08:48.140 | to social media in politics.
00:08:50.340 | Go check that out,
00:08:54.260 | And you can see the article and just in your mind,
00:08:57.140 | correct that name to the correct pronunciation
00:08:59.140 | as you listen.
00:09:00.180 | All right, so we got three batches of questions here,
00:09:02.180 | all written old school style, work technology,
00:09:06.180 | and the deep life.
00:09:07.580 | I'm excited about that.
00:09:08.820 | Before we get rolling into that,
00:09:10.380 | let's quickly talk about a couple of sponsors
00:09:12.140 | to make this show possible.
00:09:13.740 | The first is a new sponsor,
00:09:16.020 | but one I am excited about, 8Sleep.
00:09:20.020 | Particular, I wanna talk about the Pod Pro Cover by 8Sleep.
00:09:26.300 | This is the most advanced solution on the market
00:09:28.460 | for thermoregulation.
00:09:31.380 | So this is a cover you put on top of your mattress,
00:09:34.620 | on your bed.
00:09:35.580 | It hooks up to this cool looking machine.
00:09:40.380 | My kids are really impressed by this.
00:09:41.780 | They think that we have some sort of robot bed now.
00:09:44.420 | And there's little channels in it.
00:09:46.380 | And I don't know exactly how all the technology works,
00:09:48.420 | but it's able to move cooling or heating,
00:09:50.900 | I guess it's fluid through these channels
00:09:53.020 | to control the temperature of your bed.
00:09:57.180 | You can make your sleeping surface as cold as 55 degrees
00:10:00.380 | or as hot as 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
00:10:04.020 | You can have different temperatures
00:10:07.540 | for the different sides of their bed as well.
00:10:10.460 | Here's why this is important.
00:10:12.580 | Temperature matters for sleep.
00:10:14.980 | If you're not at the ideal temperature,
00:10:17.380 | it is hard to sleep.
00:10:18.260 | I am particularly sensitive to this.
00:10:22.300 | I blast myself with a fan while I sleep
00:10:24.660 | because I need to try to bring my temperature down.
00:10:27.220 | So for me, the Eight Sleep Pod Pro Cover is fantastic
00:10:31.860 | 'cause I can bring down not just the temperature
00:10:35.140 | around my head with a fan,
00:10:36.180 | but the entire mattress surface I am on
00:10:39.300 | to a cool temperature.
00:10:40.300 | It really does help me sleep.
00:10:41.620 | Particularly important, let me just say,
00:10:43.780 | this is a non-theoretical observation.
00:10:47.820 | This is a concrete observation.
00:10:50.300 | If you have COVID, you will have hot periods at night.
00:10:54.860 | Not a bad time to have a Pod Pro Cover to help cool you down.
00:10:58.700 | They have stats.
00:10:59.620 | The Eight Sleep users fall asleep up to 32% faster,
00:11:04.300 | reduce sleep interruptions by 40%
00:11:05.940 | and get overall more restful sleep.
00:11:08.860 | So we have stats, but you'll know it if you try it.
00:11:11.780 | The Eight Sleep Pod Pro Cover.
00:11:13.540 | So go to
00:11:20.100 | to check out the Pod Pro Cover
00:11:22.540 | and receive a discount at checkout.
00:11:26.900 | Eight Sleep currently ships within the US, Canada,
00:11:29.260 | and the UK.
00:11:31.380 | So that's Eight Sleep,
00:11:32.540 | spell out the word eight,
00:11:34.060 | E-I-G-H-T
00:11:38.820 | to check out the Pod Pro Cover
00:11:40.340 | and get a discount for being a listener of my show.
00:11:45.340 | All right, that's a new sponsor.
00:11:47.900 | Let's also talk about a longstanding sponsor,
00:11:49.820 | Blinkist.
00:11:50.660 | You know my argument, ideas are power,
00:11:56.060 | especially in today's knowledge-based economy.
00:11:58.900 | The best source of ideas are books
00:12:00.820 | 'cause books represent concentrated thought,
00:12:04.860 | years of concentrated, careful thought
00:12:06.940 | crystallized into an efficient format.
00:12:09.340 | The difficulty is figuring out which books to read.
00:12:12.780 | We only have so much time.
00:12:13.940 | That's where Blinkist comes in.
00:12:16.260 | Blinkist offers a selection of nonfiction books
00:12:19.260 | over 5,000 titles in 27 categories
00:12:22.380 | that they have reduced down to 15 minute summaries
00:12:26.020 | that they call Blinks.
00:12:26.860 | You can read them or listen to them on the go.
00:12:31.620 | This allows you to very quickly figure out
00:12:35.940 | what the big ideas are in books.
00:12:38.620 | The way I recommend using this
00:12:40.520 | is if there's a topic you're interested in,
00:12:42.180 | read the Blinks of three or four books from that topic.
00:12:44.800 | Now you know the lay of the land.
00:12:45.780 | Now you know the big ideas.
00:12:46.780 | Now you know which of those books, if any,
00:12:48.780 | are worth actually buying and diving into in more depth.
00:12:53.780 | I wanna add that Blinkist also now has Shortcast,
00:12:58.340 | which are quick summaries of podcast.
00:13:02.580 | So now you can get summaries of both books and podcast.
00:13:07.500 | All right, so 5,000 titles, 27 categories.
00:13:09.560 | I mean, I was looking at there the other day.
00:13:11.580 | They have multiple books on blockchain.
00:13:13.540 | We're gonna talk about that later in the show,
00:13:15.180 | but if you wanted to quickly get up to speed on blockchain,
00:13:17.660 | what it is and its impact,
00:13:20.060 | read the Blinks of three or four of those books.
00:13:21.540 | That's probably will be enough.
00:13:23.100 | And if not, they'll tell you which of those books
00:13:25.700 | you should probably buy.
00:13:27.320 | Should you buy "The Blockchain Revolution"
00:13:29.300 | or just the book "Blockchain"?
00:13:31.380 | Blinkist can help you make those decisions.
00:13:33.140 | So right now Blinkist has a special offer
00:13:34.820 | just for our audience.
00:13:36.380 | Go to to start your free seven-day trial
00:13:40.860 | and get 25% off a Blinkist premium membership.
00:13:43.340 | That's Blinkist spelled B-L-I-N-K-I-S-T.
00:13:48.340 | to get 25% off
00:13:51.460 | and a seven-day free trial.
00:13:53.660 |
00:13:56.320 | All right, let's do some work questions.
00:14:00.640 | Our first question comes from Bethany who writes,
00:14:07.280 | "I'm a private music teacher.
00:14:10.660 | So I teach voice and piano lessons online
00:14:12.920 | and from my house.
00:14:13.940 | I find that my friends and family
00:14:16.340 | don't take my profession very seriously
00:14:19.200 | and feel that they can ask me to do things
00:14:22.300 | like run errands for them or go for coffee
00:14:24.180 | or sometimes they just come over at any time
00:14:27.780 | because I quote, only work 20 hours a week, end quote.
00:14:31.820 | When in reality, I work more like 40
00:14:35.040 | because of admin work, prep time, product development,
00:14:38.100 | you know, small business stuff."
00:14:42.740 | Well, let me tell you, Bethany, the ultimate solution here.
00:14:46.420 | I don't know if this is possible for you right now,
00:14:48.440 | but I wanna throw it out there.
00:14:50.000 | Don't work from your house.
00:14:52.900 | I wrote a blog post just a couple of days ago
00:14:56.880 | where I went back and revisited an article I wrote a year ago
00:14:59.600 | for the New Yorker about this phenomenon
00:15:01.440 | I called work from near home.
00:15:04.840 | And the idea is if you are remote,
00:15:06.640 | that is you're a worker who does not need to go
00:15:08.440 | to a centralized office to get your efforts accomplished.
00:15:12.340 | There's a real value to having a space for your work
00:15:16.000 | that is not your house.
00:15:17.720 | It's not a home office in your house.
00:15:19.320 | It is not a table in your house you use for other things.
00:15:22.120 | It is somewhere else near your house.
00:15:24.120 | You don't have to commute.
00:15:25.440 | It could be a shed in your backyard,
00:15:26.960 | or like I do, leasing low cost office space
00:15:31.920 | in your nearby downtown.
00:15:37.080 | I have a relative who's a writer who leases an office space
00:15:40.680 | which is actually a basement.
00:15:42.920 | It's a basement in someone's house.
00:15:43.840 | So it could be like a simple basement apartment.
00:15:46.000 | He rents it as an office, whatever,
00:15:48.700 | but a separate place that you go to work.
00:15:51.480 | Now in that original article, in that New Yorker article,
00:15:55.680 | I focused to try to highlight this phenomenon.
00:15:58.920 | I focused on famous writers.
00:16:01.600 | And I said, look, if you go back and look
00:16:02.880 | at the work habits of a lot of famous writers,
00:16:04.840 | you'll see a lot of them that have very nice home offices,
00:16:09.840 | nice houses, nice home offices, don't work in them.
00:16:12.440 | They write near their home, but in eccentric locations,
00:16:15.280 | in locations that are often clearly less nice
00:16:20.280 | than their home offices.
00:16:21.960 | And I gave a bunch of examples.
00:16:23.520 | Maya Angelou used to do this.
00:16:26.680 | She would go and write in hotel rooms.
00:16:28.320 | She would write on the bed.
00:16:29.180 | She'd prop herself up on her elbow and work on legal pads.
00:16:32.180 | She would take the artwork off the wall.
00:16:34.720 | She wanted to be completely blank, zero distraction.
00:16:37.200 | She even developed a callus on her elbow
00:16:39.040 | from how much she would, or how long she would prop herself
00:16:42.440 | up on that elbow in the hotel room.
00:16:45.060 | It was different than her house.
00:16:47.380 | Peter Benchley, author of "Jaws."
00:16:50.360 | When he wrote "Jaws," he lived down the street
00:16:52.040 | from where I grew up.
00:16:53.160 | So I know the house well that he lived in
00:16:55.680 | during the time when "Jaws" was written.
00:16:57.000 | It's a beautiful carriage house on a half acre of quiet land.
00:17:00.760 | He didn't write there.
00:17:02.440 | He would write "Jaws" in the back room
00:17:03.920 | of a furnace supply company.
00:17:06.200 | I know from contemporary interviews that it was loud.
00:17:08.840 | Bang, bang, bang.
00:17:09.840 | They're working on furnaces.
00:17:11.460 | Much worse space, aesthetically speaking,
00:17:13.560 | functionally speaking, than his home office.
00:17:15.080 | But he went there.
00:17:15.920 | John Steinbeck would take a portable writing desk
00:17:19.320 | on a boat out into the middle of Sag Harbor.
00:17:21.320 | He lived near Sag Harbor during some parts of the year,
00:17:24.060 | right in the middle of the water.
00:17:25.880 | I found a new example.
00:17:26.920 | So the blog post I wrote a few days ago
00:17:29.280 | was about a new example I came across.
00:17:30.960 | Jack Carr, the adventure novelist,
00:17:34.640 | writes the James Reese novels.
00:17:38.680 | He lives in this beautiful house in Park City, Utah
00:17:41.280 | that overlooks the forest.
00:17:45.440 | I found photos of him online doing some work in this house
00:17:48.840 | with floor-to-ceiling glass.
00:17:50.480 | He also has a well-decorated home office
00:17:53.840 | that he records his podcast out of.
00:17:55.600 | When he was working on his new book, "In the Blood,"
00:17:58.760 | he rented an old beat-up cabin
00:18:00.240 | in the same town from Airbnb,
00:18:03.160 | an old beat-up cabin to go right.
00:18:04.800 | We had to chop his own wood to fire
00:18:06.240 | in the wood-burning stove.
00:18:07.280 | It had two rooms in it, basically.
00:18:09.760 | Again, much less nice than his house,
00:18:11.600 | but he would go there as well.
00:18:12.440 | So what's going on here?
00:18:13.280 | Well, home is where the familiar is,
00:18:15.960 | and the familiar lays a lot of cognitive traps.
00:18:19.680 | Our mind is semantic.
00:18:22.040 | Our mind is associative.
00:18:24.720 | It sees something
00:18:25.840 | for which there's salient mental connections.
00:18:28.760 | It's gonna fire up a lot of related networks in the brain.
00:18:32.200 | You see the laundry basket.
00:18:35.040 | There's a lot of networks to get fired up about chores
00:18:37.280 | and what needs to be done.
00:18:38.800 | Your kids run by, okay.
00:18:41.240 | There's all sorts of networks coming up
00:18:43.300 | about what they're doing,
00:18:44.300 | what needs to happen later in the day.
00:18:46.120 | It is a cognitively difficult environment to get work done.
00:18:48.760 | So writers would flee their homes.
00:18:50.160 | They could have an environment
00:18:51.000 | that was associated just with work.
00:18:52.320 | They could focus better.
00:18:54.040 | They could get more work done.
00:18:55.120 | So I am a big believer
00:18:57.680 | that remote work doesn't mean you have to be in your house
00:19:00.040 | because your house is probably a particularly bad place
00:19:02.280 | to actually get things done.
00:19:03.520 | So consider if possible,
00:19:05.440 | and this is not just to Bethany,
00:19:06.680 | this is for anyone listening.
00:19:08.280 | If you are remote,
00:19:09.760 | consider investing money in having a place to work
00:19:14.160 | that's not your home.
00:19:15.200 | I think we're too quick to dismiss this option.
00:19:19.680 | Some people can't afford this, but a lot of people can,
00:19:22.440 | but they think it's superfluous.
00:19:24.320 | Like I have a home office.
00:19:25.280 | Why would I do that?
00:19:27.080 | This is why.
00:19:28.160 | You will be able to focus much better.
00:19:31.360 | You'll be much more concentrated in your work.
00:19:33.000 | You will be much better at your job.
00:19:35.080 | All right, so Bethany,
00:19:35.920 | that's what I would recommend if you could.
00:19:38.360 | You have a place you go when you work
00:19:39.540 | and then you're home when you're home.
00:19:41.100 | Everyone in your family,
00:19:42.260 | your friends will get that conviction.
00:19:43.760 | Oh, Bethany's not at home.
00:19:45.280 | She's at work.
00:19:47.960 | Okay, so she can't run errands for us.
00:19:50.500 | When is she home?
00:19:51.340 | Oh, she'll be home at four.
00:19:52.560 | Great.
00:19:53.400 | Now we can stop by.
00:19:55.020 | Now we can see if she wants to come with us to the store.
00:19:58.860 | All right.
00:20:00.300 | So that's the ultimate solution there.
00:20:01.420 | Now, Bethany, you might not be able to do this
00:20:02.900 | because you're a music teacher.
00:20:04.060 | So if you're doing piano or something like this,
00:20:06.020 | well, you can't necessarily find another location
00:20:09.020 | that has a piano.
00:20:10.140 | So your fallback solution here
00:20:11.920 | is gonna be having a clear work schedule every day.
00:20:15.540 | In particular, I would have a block of time.
00:20:18.500 | It's like nine to 12 or nine to one,
00:20:21.560 | where you can just train everyone in your life.
00:20:24.340 | During that period when I'm not in lessons,
00:20:26.540 | I'm doing admin.
00:20:29.140 | I run a company, a music instructional company.
00:20:31.800 | There's a lot of things that come along with that.
00:20:34.020 | That's what I do in my mornings.
00:20:35.240 | I might have a lesson or two in there,
00:20:36.420 | but mainly that's what I do.
00:20:37.300 | I can never do things before 12.
00:20:39.220 | And then after that, you can still schedule lessons,
00:20:41.560 | but you're a little bit more flexible.
00:20:42.700 | After that, yeah, if I don't have lessons,
00:20:45.180 | I might be able to run an errand or to hang out with you.
00:20:48.140 | So I think that repeated clarity,
00:20:51.940 | these are work hours, these are work hours,
00:20:54.140 | you do that for a few weeks,
00:20:54.980 | they'll stop bothering you during those periods.
00:20:57.220 | So I have this bigger argument here that
00:21:00.020 | remote workers in general
00:21:03.180 | should heavily consider working from your home.
00:21:06.180 | And Bethany, what I'm saying for you in particular
00:21:07.860 | is if you need to work from your actual home,
00:21:10.100 | have this clear schedule that doesn't change day to day,
00:21:13.620 | that you're definitely not available during those hours
00:21:15.620 | and then just teach those around you well.
00:21:18.660 | All right, our next question comes from
00:21:23.500 | momtobee who says,
00:21:27.740 | my husband and I are expecting our first child in June.
00:21:30.980 | So congratulations, we're in June now.
00:21:33.540 | You submitted this question a while ago,
00:21:34.780 | so you may even have this child with you
00:21:36.420 | right as you hear this.
00:21:38.180 | We are both full-time knowledge workers.
00:21:40.740 | I am planning to take four months leave.
00:21:42.540 | Once I go back to work,
00:21:43.660 | my husband is planning to take 10 to 12 more weeks of leave.
00:21:47.860 | Once we are both back at work,
00:21:49.980 | the baby will be in daycare two days per week
00:21:52.220 | and with my mom three days per week.
00:21:53.540 | My husband works remotely full-time
00:21:55.540 | and I work in an office three days a week.
00:21:58.300 | I am curious if you have any advice for us
00:22:02.420 | on navigating parental leaves
00:22:04.460 | and a return to work afterwards
00:22:05.900 | in order to keep performing well at work.
00:22:08.720 | Enjoy having a new baby and keep our sanity.
00:22:11.220 | Many thanks.
00:22:12.500 | Well, first of all,
00:22:14.860 | I think it's cool that you're able to do sequential leaves.
00:22:18.460 | So you take a leave, then you go back to work,
00:22:20.380 | your husband takes a leave or he's a primary caregiver,
00:22:22.820 | then he goes back to work
00:22:23.820 | and that's when the baby goes into daycare.
00:22:27.860 | I think that's great.
00:22:29.080 | Both caregivers now get familiar early on
00:22:33.140 | with taking care of the baby.
00:22:34.620 | That's obviously critical.
00:22:36.180 | I mean, people don't turn to me
00:22:37.900 | that often for parenting advice,
00:22:39.220 | but I will say if you have one member of the partnership,
00:22:43.960 | not learn early on how to take care of the kid,
00:22:46.080 | it causes troubles down the line.
00:22:47.460 | So I think that's really cool.
00:22:48.660 | The people I know who did sequential leaves
00:22:50.380 | always say the same thing,
00:22:51.460 | which is I'm really glad that we did it.
00:22:54.300 | And Georgetown didn't have a policy.
00:22:56.440 | They don't really have a paternity leave policy.
00:22:59.660 | They do have a policy that if you are the primary caregiver,
00:23:03.420 | so let's say, so if you have the baby,
00:23:07.700 | you get a semester off paid, which is fantastic.
00:23:11.900 | Let's say that your wife had the baby and you didn't.
00:23:15.780 | You can argue that you were gonna be the primary caregiver.
00:23:18.260 | So like if your wife had to go back to work full time,
00:23:21.020 | you could as the partner take a full semester off,
00:23:24.060 | all paid, which is actually a pretty cool policy.
00:23:28.340 | But when we were having our first kids,
00:23:29.840 | my wife was working like four days a week
00:23:32.900 | instead of three or something like that.
00:23:34.460 | And so we could not argue that I was the primary caregiver.
00:23:38.580 | So I never got to take advantage of any leaves,
00:23:40.260 | but I was able to arrange for either sabbaticals
00:23:44.040 | or buyouts or research fellowships for all three kids.
00:23:46.740 | So I was able to do something kind of similar
00:23:48.020 | to really be around, really be around for a while
00:23:50.980 | when the kids are young, it's really cool.
00:23:53.100 | Okay, so what's the key here
00:23:54.140 | when you both are going back to work?
00:23:56.280 | My big argument about kids and work is clear separation.
00:23:59.700 | Have clear work hours, schedule shutdown complete,
00:24:03.900 | then family hours.
00:24:05.020 | When you work, you work, that's what you're doing.
00:24:06.820 | When you're not working, you're doing family stuff.
00:24:08.700 | That's what you're doing.
00:24:09.960 | This is why that early period of the pandemic
00:24:13.820 | where especially in the blue states,
00:24:15.360 | they kept schools closed forever
00:24:17.100 | was really a dumpster fire from a work perspective
00:24:20.660 | because we mix those two things together
00:24:23.940 | and pretended like we weren't.
00:24:25.380 | Like, well, your kids are, you know,
00:24:27.460 | they're doing Zoom school and you're kind of working.
00:24:29.620 | It'll all be fine.
00:24:30.460 | You have Zoom, what's the problem?
00:24:32.480 | Well, the problem is those are two different jobs
00:24:34.060 | you're trying to do at the same time.
00:24:35.240 | And it was chaotic and it was terrible
00:24:36.940 | and it burnt everybody out.
00:24:38.700 | And we pretended like it wasn't a huge problem,
00:24:40.580 | but it was a huge problem.
00:24:41.860 | And it underscores what I'm recommending,
00:24:43.980 | the importance of what I'm recommending to you now
00:24:45.840 | is the key to working with kids
00:24:47.340 | is you have work and you have non-work.
00:24:49.880 | When you're working, that's all you're doing.
00:24:51.160 | You're trying to do as well as possible.
00:24:52.160 | When you're not working, all you're doing is family
00:24:53.600 | and you're trying to do that as well as possible.
00:24:55.840 | So when you go to the office, that's really clear.
00:24:58.240 | You're at the office, you're working.
00:24:59.240 | When you're home, you're not.
00:25:00.400 | Your husband has to be really clear though,
00:25:01.960 | working from home.
00:25:03.240 | This is when my work starts.
00:25:05.560 | And then this is when it's over.
00:25:08.080 | Don't try to mix those two things.
00:25:09.580 | The kid is in daycare
00:25:10.640 | or the kid's being taken care of by your mom.
00:25:12.840 | They are not your responsibility
00:25:14.300 | until you're done with your work.
00:25:15.300 | I think that separation is key.
00:25:16.900 | By the way, in an earlier question,
00:25:19.660 | I talked about how we underestimate the value
00:25:22.580 | of having workspace near your home
00:25:26.020 | that's not actually in your home.
00:25:27.500 | This is a clear example where that would be very useful.
00:25:30.820 | If you at all have the financial resources,
00:25:32.780 | the lease is sort of, doesn't have to be fancy,
00:25:34.720 | just lease some office.
00:25:35.660 | And I got to tell you,
00:25:36.500 | there's nothing more available right now
00:25:37.620 | than commercial real estate.
00:25:39.320 | Your timing is good.
00:25:40.840 | Lease an office, spend 500 a month.
00:25:44.060 | If you can swing it, it's worth it.
00:25:46.720 | You can get to have this clarity,
00:25:49.300 | even on work from home days.
00:25:51.020 | When I'm there, I'm at the office.
00:25:52.060 | When I'm here, I'm home.
00:25:53.220 | I can't think of any more powerful cognitive snare
00:25:58.220 | than hearing the sound of your baby.
00:26:02.700 | So that's what I would recommend.
00:26:06.660 | You need to be on your game
00:26:09.780 | from a productivity perspective while you're at work,
00:26:12.960 | because you really cannot or don't want work
00:26:15.680 | to bleed out of the work hours,
00:26:16.960 | especially when you have a young baby at home.
00:26:18.980 | So this is a good time.
00:26:19.860 | And you mentioned in your elaboration,
00:26:21.060 | you guys are big believers in multi-scale planning.
00:26:23.860 | You have your quarterly plan, you have your weekly plan,
00:26:25.680 | you have your daily time block plans,
00:26:27.580 | you have full capture on your Trello boards.
00:26:29.340 | Just be on your game with that.
00:26:30.660 | You wanna be very organized,
00:26:32.340 | really clear in scheduling and setting expectations
00:26:35.140 | so that you can keep work constrained.
00:26:38.900 | I will also say, ramp down your ambitions for the next year.
00:26:43.280 | So for the second half of 2022 into the first half of 2023,
00:26:49.820 | you're not trying to be a superhero.
00:26:52.860 | You're not trying to crush it at work.
00:26:55.340 | You're trying to not be a pain for people,
00:26:57.260 | be organized, get stuff done,
00:26:59.500 | but you need to go easy on yourself.
00:27:00.820 | You have a long career ahead of you.
00:27:01.900 | This is not the year for you to try to make that move,
00:27:04.580 | to launch the new business,
00:27:05.700 | to try to get the new promotion.
00:27:06.940 | This is a time to go a little bit easy,
00:27:09.180 | to go a little bit easier on yourself
00:27:10.860 | and be okay with that.
00:27:11.820 | It's one year.
00:27:13.460 | One year, your career will be fine,
00:27:14.940 | but also there's things that are just as important.
00:27:16.740 | And then finally, the advice I always give new parents,
00:27:21.020 | if you both work, you have to sleep train the kid.
00:27:24.140 | All right, they're not gonna magically
00:27:25.200 | sleep train themselves.
00:27:26.840 | They'll get over it.
00:27:28.100 | Everyone in the family has to sacrifice.
00:27:30.300 | To keep the lights on, the food on the table,
00:27:31.820 | you have to get work done.
00:27:32.740 | If you're gonna get work done,
00:27:33.560 | you cannot have a baby waking up four times a night.
00:27:35.420 | So you're gonna have to sleep train that child.
00:27:39.060 | All right, let's move on.
00:27:42.180 | Now, I always worry when I give that advice
00:27:43.920 | that parents are gonna yell at me
00:27:46.460 | because it's kind of a fraught topic.
00:27:47.720 | Sleep training, it's controversial.
00:27:49.220 | No one ever actually yells at me.
00:27:51.460 | So maybe Deep Questions listeners
00:27:52.820 | are on board with sleep training.
00:27:56.300 | All right, our next question here comes from Freddie.
00:28:00.920 | Freddie says, "Is the following understanding
00:28:04.220 | of deep work durations correct?"
00:28:08.500 | All right, then he goes on to elaborate.
00:28:11.100 | "When deep work is geared towards deliberate practice,
00:28:13.500 | something like learning how to program,
00:28:15.140 | only four hours can be sustained per day
00:28:18.060 | since deliberate practice is inherently not fun
00:28:20.880 | when you're stretching your abilities.
00:28:22.040 | However, when deep work is geared towards work
00:28:25.820 | that can generate a flow state,
00:28:27.420 | something like writing computer programs,
00:28:29.580 | it can be extended to eight hours or maybe even 10."
00:28:34.240 | So Freddie, that's more or less correct.
00:28:37.960 | So that four hour limit that I mentioned in my book,
00:28:40.800 | "Deep Work," really came from a study
00:28:44.600 | of deliberate practice.
00:28:46.000 | It was actually an Anders Ericsson paper
00:28:47.720 | studying violin players.
00:28:49.560 | I've also seen anecdotally this four hour limit
00:28:53.840 | confirmed by other, in particular, professional musicians.
00:28:56.520 | So practicing a musical instrument
00:28:59.040 | at the professional level is a very intense act
00:29:02.080 | of deliberate practice.
00:29:03.200 | You're not just playing things,
00:29:05.280 | you know you're stretching your ability,
00:29:06.680 | you're trying to perfect.
00:29:07.880 | And the standard schedule that Anders found,
00:29:10.840 | and I've heard other people talk about as well,
00:29:12.880 | is two hours break two hours, adds up to four hours.
00:29:15.840 | So that's correct.
00:29:17.080 | Other type of deep work, yes, you can do much longer.
00:29:21.320 | So remember, for something to be counted as deep work,
00:29:24.560 | it needs two attributes.
00:29:25.840 | It has to be cognitively demanding,
00:29:27.040 | so it can't be trivial.
00:29:28.560 | And it has to be done without distraction,
00:29:30.160 | so no context shifting.
00:29:32.240 | You're giving your full attention to the effort,
00:29:33.760 | you're not also checking email,
00:29:34.920 | you're not also checking your phone.
00:29:38.120 | That covers a lot of activities,
00:29:39.600 | include a lot of activities though,
00:29:41.760 | that though not super simple,
00:29:43.280 | because it has to be cognitively demanding,
00:29:44.600 | are things you could do all day long.
00:29:46.440 | Right, a lot of deep work is not nearly as intense
00:29:50.400 | as a professional musician trying to push their skill
00:29:53.200 | to the next level.
00:29:55.280 | So yes, most deep work you can do much longer than four hours
00:29:58.600 | Even deliberate practice,
00:29:59.720 | most people can do longer than four hours
00:30:01.040 | 'cause they don't do it nearly as intensely
00:30:02.680 | as professional musicians.
00:30:03.760 | I think most people are just not familiar
00:30:05.680 | about how cognitively intense real practice actually is.
00:30:09.920 | In my book, "So Good They Can't Ignore You,"
00:30:11.480 | I try to capture this with an anecdote
00:30:13.160 | where I went and spent time
00:30:14.520 | with a professional guitar player.
00:30:16.240 | And I wrote about what it looks like
00:30:18.040 | to watch a professional guitar player practice.
00:30:21.240 | In this case, the player, Jordan,
00:30:24.120 | Jordan Tice is his name, actually he played at my wedding.
00:30:28.680 | Jordan was practicing with such intensity
00:30:31.480 | that he would forget to breathe.
00:30:33.880 | And then he would have a ragged gasp
00:30:35.560 | as he sucked in air, his body forcing to suck in air.
00:30:37.680 | That's what it looks like when you're deliberate practicing
00:30:39.680 | at your full extent.
00:30:40.960 | That you can't do more than four hours,
00:30:42.520 | but most people aren't anywhere near that level of intensity.
00:30:47.080 | So typically what I tell people is,
00:30:49.840 | don't fret too much about these limits for deep work,
00:30:53.440 | numbers or thresholds, you're fine.
00:30:57.560 | Just make sure you're doing deep work on a regular basis.
00:30:59.880 | Don't be distracted, focus on the hard things,
00:31:02.200 | do that regularly and good things will come.
00:31:06.100 | All right, we got one more work question here.
00:31:11.920 | This one comes from Ledbetts who says,
00:31:15.120 | "Hi Cal, I recently bought your time block planner.
00:31:20.120 | I am so overwhelmed with everything
00:31:22.000 | I wanna get accomplished, practice Java for work,
00:31:24.300 | pay off debt, exercise, lose weight,
00:31:27.160 | declutter my spare room, take a Spanish course.
00:31:30.160 | How do I utilize the planner to time block my workday
00:31:32.920 | and add in the additional goals?"
00:31:35.780 | So Ledbetts, when we're talking about goals,
00:31:39.720 | we need to divide these into two categories.
00:31:42.040 | Projects versus ongoing efforts.
00:31:47.160 | So exercise that you talk about here is an ongoing effort.
00:31:51.400 | I wanna exercise on a regular basis
00:31:53.120 | so I can be in better shape.
00:31:54.200 | That's an ongoing effort.
00:31:55.120 | It's not something you do once and then you're done.
00:31:57.120 | Whereas decluttering your spare room,
00:31:59.480 | by contrast, is a one-time project.
00:32:01.360 | It's something that you wanna do and then it's done.
00:32:04.440 | Let's deal with both of these types of goals separately.
00:32:07.680 | Let's start with ongoing efforts.
00:32:10.400 | Here you're gonna wanna do
00:32:12.400 | some sort of habit stacking methodology.
00:32:14.720 | Let me simplify this a little bit.
00:32:16.560 | Start with a keystone habit in the relevant area.
00:32:21.140 | So if you really wanna get in good shape,
00:32:23.700 | start with a keystone habit related to health and fitness.
00:32:26.400 | Now, keystone habits means it's something you do every day.
00:32:30.160 | It's tractable, so it's something you can actually
00:32:33.600 | probably do every day.
00:32:35.320 | You know, 10 pull-ups every morning, 5,000 step walk,
00:32:40.320 | but it's also non-trivial.
00:32:42.120 | Like it actually takes a little bit of effort.
00:32:44.040 | And you wanna do that every day.
00:32:45.640 | In each of these areas that's important to you
00:32:47.880 | that you have some goal, start with a keystone habit.
00:32:50.720 | This might not be enough to actually accomplish
00:32:53.680 | the particular goal you have in mind,
00:32:55.040 | but it gets you used to it.
00:32:56.680 | Where does the time block planner come into play here?
00:32:58.840 | Use the metric tracking space
00:33:01.880 | on the daily pages for every day.
00:33:03.080 | You can track, did I do my keystone habits every day?
00:33:07.000 | There's a real power to seeing that
00:33:08.400 | you don't wanna break the chain.
00:33:09.560 | There's a real power to actually be able to write down
00:33:11.280 | that you did it.
00:33:12.920 | There's a real urge to try to avoid
00:33:14.800 | not being able to write down that you did the keystone habit.
00:33:18.080 | So use the metric tracking space
00:33:19.600 | to keep up on those keystone habits.
00:33:21.840 | Once you're doing those regularly,
00:33:23.320 | you will have rewired your psychology
00:33:25.360 | into one that says for these areas of my life,
00:33:27.720 | I'm willing to do optional but important work
00:33:29.840 | again and again, even when it's not easy.
00:33:31.800 | That will change your self understanding.
00:33:34.640 | You are now someone who spends time on these things
00:33:36.880 | like in this case, fitness.
00:33:38.400 | And it's important to you and you're proud of it.
00:33:42.840 | Now you can upgrade the habit.
00:33:44.320 | All right, so I have that keystone habit.
00:33:46.320 | Now that I'm used to that,
00:33:47.200 | now let me get into the more intense workout routine.
00:33:52.800 | Then I'm gonna do three days a week
00:33:54.480 | or there's something I do every day.
00:33:55.840 | Now I have this 30 minute block before lunch every day.
00:33:59.240 | And I go back and forth between rows and exercise
00:34:03.280 | and whatever.
00:34:04.120 | Now you can put in the more intense habit
00:34:05.960 | because you've rewired your brain
00:34:07.320 | to be someone who makes,
00:34:09.120 | to see yourself as someone who makes progress
00:34:10.880 | on those areas of your life on a regular basis.
00:34:13.280 | So start with the tractable keystone,
00:34:14.960 | track it in your planner,
00:34:17.040 | upgrade once you're used to it.
00:34:21.280 | All right, what about projects
00:34:22.520 | like decluttering your spare room?
00:34:25.560 | Well, here's where you wanna actually leverage
00:34:27.720 | the full multi-scale planning stack quarterly, weekly, daily
00:34:30.920 | your quarterly or we sometimes call strategic plan
00:34:35.400 | is where whatever that goal is might first show up.
00:34:38.120 | You know, this quarter,
00:34:40.080 | I want to clean my room
00:34:44.480 | and I wanna take a Spanish class.
00:34:46.680 | So when you get your weekly plan for each week,
00:34:50.920 | you look at your quarterly plan,
00:34:52.960 | you know what you're trying to make progress on.
00:34:54.320 | You can say, well, is this a week
00:34:55.160 | that I have time to do that?
00:34:56.080 | And if it is, get that time into your weekly plan.
00:34:58.960 | And I would recommend at this point,
00:34:59.960 | putting it onto your actual calendar,
00:35:02.240 | the same calendar that you use to track your appointments
00:35:04.680 | and existing meetings.
00:35:05.960 | Because when you then do your daily time block plan,
00:35:08.080 | every day you look at your calendar to fill in stuff
00:35:10.280 | already on your calendar into your time block plan.
00:35:12.320 | And that project work time will get automatically moved
00:35:15.480 | right into your daily time block plan.
00:35:18.240 | So maybe you're doing your weekly plan for the week,
00:35:20.880 | you see decluttering your spare room is on there.
00:35:23.120 | The week seems kind of reasonable.
00:35:24.640 | You say, this is the week I do it.
00:35:27.160 | Tuesday, you're gonna stop work at four
00:35:30.360 | and work on the room for two hours.
00:35:31.720 | Let me put that on my calendar.
00:35:33.960 | Then I am going to Friday evening, finish it.
00:35:38.160 | And I'll put that on my calendar.
00:35:39.280 | And then when you get to Tuesday,
00:35:40.840 | you look at your calendar as part of making
00:35:42.320 | your daily time block plan, your time block plan,
00:35:44.000 | or you just block out that time.
00:35:45.040 | When you get the Friday,
00:35:46.840 | you're making your daily time block plan.
00:35:48.120 | You look at your calendar as part of that process.
00:35:49.680 | You see what's on there.
00:35:50.520 | You put it on your daily time block plan
00:35:52.280 | and you just execute your blocks each day.
00:35:54.640 | The work gets done.
00:35:55.640 | Same thing with something like a Spanish class.
00:35:58.760 | So when that's on your quarterly plan,
00:36:02.640 | I wanna take a Spanish class.
00:36:03.520 | You can come up with a persistent plan for doing that.
00:36:06.960 | Like for the next four weeks,
00:36:08.640 | I work on this during lunch hour
00:36:10.240 | on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
00:36:11.800 | And that's just sitting there in your quarterly plan.
00:36:13.840 | So when you make your weekly plan, you block off that time.
00:36:16.080 | And again, when you get to every day,
00:36:17.280 | it goes on your time block plan and the work gets done.
00:36:20.320 | So the time block planner by itself cannot give you
00:36:24.120 | everything you need to accomplish goals,
00:36:25.680 | but it could be a big part of a goal accomplishing framework.
00:36:30.040 | For people who don't know about the planner,
00:36:33.040 | go to
00:36:34.400 | You can watch a video where I explain how it works.
00:36:38.420 | There is a version 2.0 coming out that is spiral bound.
00:36:41.060 | Again, we're just being delayed by supply chain issues.
00:36:43.920 | There's a lot of backups in the global publishing
00:36:46.780 | supply chain, but the whole thing is designed
00:36:48.440 | and we're ready to go to the new format.
00:36:49.900 | So I would say, don't bother waiting
00:36:52.880 | because you'll be done with your current time block planner
00:36:54.800 | in three months anyways.
00:36:56.520 | But just know if you're using a planner
00:36:58.640 | and want the lie flat, it is coming, we are working on it.
00:37:01.540 | All right, let's do some technology questions.
00:37:07.380 | Now I said questions,
00:37:10.560 | but it's probably more accurate to say question
00:37:12.660 | because I only have one technology question.
00:37:15.000 | I only selected one because it's big and open-ended.
00:37:17.600 | It comes from Miranda and she asked,
00:37:22.760 | what are your thoughts in general about AI,
00:37:26.500 | machine learning and where technology is headed?
00:37:30.860 | So we haven't done a good open-ended technology question
00:37:34.880 | in a while.
00:37:35.720 | Well, Miranda, I'll tell you where the focus seems to be,
00:37:43.120 | at least in popular online conversation in the media,
00:37:46.200 | there's a lot of focus on crypto, social media and AI.
00:37:51.200 | Those seem to be big topics.
00:37:56.360 | So let's go through those briefly one by one.
00:37:58.880 | All right, so let's talk about crypto.
00:38:02.320 | As you may have heard me talk about before,
00:38:05.120 | my personal belief is that the hype around crypto
00:38:08.660 | is a little bit excessive.
00:38:12.040 | So there's a political element to crypto
00:38:16.120 | that's based around trust and power and control.
00:38:21.000 | This idea that these distributed ledgers
00:38:23.200 | implemented by cryptographic protocols,
00:38:27.600 | that these distributed ledgers
00:38:29.080 | are not controlled by a single government
00:38:30.760 | or controlled by a single company.
00:38:32.380 | And therefore there can be coordination
00:38:34.320 | and information sharing on the internet
00:38:36.280 | that is not beholden to the censorious efforts
00:38:40.800 | of individual organizations or countries.
00:38:44.560 | So there's a crypto,
00:38:46.160 | a sort of techno libertarian political argument
00:38:49.200 | for what you gain from this decentralization.
00:38:51.400 | I don't think most people care about that.
00:38:53.800 | I don't think, I think it's important for certain people
00:38:56.480 | who think a lot about this, but for the average consumer,
00:38:59.560 | they don't care about that, right?
00:39:02.840 | So that by itself is not that strong,
00:39:04.280 | but if you take out the techno libertarian
00:39:06.160 | political justification
00:39:07.720 | for crypto based ledger technologies,
00:39:09.740 | there's not something else there
00:39:11.120 | that we don't already know how to do much better
00:39:12.680 | or much faster.
00:39:13.520 | We know how to have consistent distributed data stores.
00:39:17.520 | This is what distributed databases do.
00:39:19.720 | This is easy to implement.
00:39:21.880 | So it's not like there's a new technological capability
00:39:25.200 | that is introduced by crypto based blockchains.
00:39:28.000 | It's just, there's a decentralization that comes with it.
00:39:30.700 | And the value of that is largely political,
00:39:33.380 | not technological.
00:39:34.500 | So again, I think most consumers don't care.
00:39:37.980 | They don't really care whether the data
00:39:41.300 | for this app they're using is stored in the cloud somewhere
00:39:46.300 | in just a virtualized SQL database system,
00:39:50.460 | or if it's implemented by an Ethereum blockchain.
00:39:53.260 | It looks the same to them,
00:39:54.300 | and they don't really care about
00:39:55.660 | which way this is being implemented.
00:39:57.980 | Now for a while, there was an argument
00:39:59.200 | about the particular aspect of crypto
00:40:01.060 | that is the currency aspect.
00:40:02.460 | So all of these ledgers, or not all of them,
00:40:05.460 | but open ledgers are almost all based
00:40:07.340 | on there being some sort of underlying currency.
00:40:09.560 | And there's some thought that a currency
00:40:11.920 | not controlled by governments,
00:40:13.060 | it was critical and it was going to be a worldwide currency.
00:40:17.560 | That's sort of fallen flat.
00:40:20.260 | The currencies didn't really take over from fiat money.
00:40:23.180 | So you get rid of that.
00:40:24.280 | Again, there's nothing sexy about what's being,
00:40:28.180 | the functionality implemented by these crypto tools.
00:40:32.460 | It's really just the political reality
00:40:36.440 | that no one controls it.
00:40:37.620 | And I again, don't think enough people care about that
00:40:39.700 | for this to be a complete game changer.
00:40:42.020 | Could be wrong about this.
00:40:43.780 | And Jason Horowitz would probably say
00:40:45.500 | that Firm would not be happy with my interpretation,
00:40:47.820 | but there you go.
00:40:48.660 | All right, social media.
00:40:50.760 | That's the other thing that seems to be really
00:40:53.060 | the focus of a lot of techno criticism
00:40:55.500 | and conversation right now.
00:40:56.860 | Longtime listeners know that I believe
00:40:59.620 | that social media as we know it,
00:41:01.340 | that is this age of a small number
00:41:03.500 | of massive platform monopolies
00:41:05.540 | that everyone is culturally pressured into using.
00:41:08.300 | We are in the twilight of that moment.
00:41:10.400 | That moment is passing.
00:41:12.820 | This is the standard oil,
00:41:16.660 | Pennsylvania Central Railroad robber baron era
00:41:19.620 | of the social internet era.
00:41:22.180 | And I think it is passing.
00:41:24.180 | I've talked about this before,
00:41:26.060 | so I won't go into too much detail,
00:41:27.620 | but basically at the core of my thought is,
00:41:29.720 | one of the things that used to capture people
00:41:33.700 | in the social media was network effects.
00:41:35.260 | People were using social media platforms
00:41:37.220 | to connect to people they know.
00:41:38.920 | Therefore, for a platform to be useful,
00:41:40.820 | it has to include among its members,
00:41:42.820 | all the people that you know or might wanna connect to.
00:41:45.500 | That is a huge advantage once you get there first,
00:41:48.100 | because another social media platform
00:41:49.740 | will have a hard time competing,
00:41:51.460 | because until they can get your cousin and your aunt
00:41:53.260 | and your six friends from high school onto their service,
00:41:55.380 | it will be lesser than an existing service like Facebook.
00:41:58.340 | This is called network effects.
00:41:59.940 | There's a sort of trivial mathematical law here
00:42:04.580 | that says in a network,
00:42:05.780 | it's the value grows with the square of the number of users,
00:42:09.260 | because now you have a potential connection
00:42:10.500 | between every person in it.
00:42:11.900 | Forget that math.
00:42:12.960 | In general, this was a big justification
00:42:18.580 | for why you could not unseat,
00:42:20.180 | you could not unseat existing platform monopolies.
00:42:24.980 | Then they got out of the connection business.
00:42:28.060 | They thought there was more money in offering distraction,
00:42:31.840 | because people spend more time distracting themselves
00:42:34.100 | than they wanna spend talking to their aunt or their cousin
00:42:37.220 | or their six friends from high school.
00:42:39.460 | And so Facebook and Instagram and Twitter,
00:42:42.140 | in particular Twitter and Facebook,
00:42:43.540 | moved away from what's your friends up to.
00:42:46.860 | And towards, here's an algorithmically generated feed
00:42:51.860 | of content curated to press some buttons in your brain
00:42:54.380 | and keep you looking at your phone.
00:42:55.980 | You need a moment to get lost or distracted.
00:42:58.980 | Life is hard, you're stressed, you're anxious, you're bored.
00:43:01.700 | We will give you something
00:43:02.740 | that'll be palliative in the moment.
00:43:05.120 | They went towards that model,
00:43:06.740 | which did get their existing users using the phones more,
00:43:10.900 | looking at these apps more,
00:43:12.580 | but it has destabilized
00:43:14.460 | the originally motivating network effect,
00:43:16.260 | which is the people you know are on here.
00:43:18.420 | Once it is no longer giving you that advantage,
00:43:20.420 | social media is now competing
00:43:21.860 | with any other form of distraction.
00:43:24.880 | And there's a lot of them, and they're good.
00:43:30.180 | And now suddenly it's not so critical
00:43:32.860 | that my distraction is coming from Facebook
00:43:34.540 | versus coming from Spotify,
00:43:36.700 | versus coming from TikTok
00:43:38.420 | or coming from some sort of bespoke, small niche network.
00:43:42.940 | You're competing with any source of distraction.
00:43:45.280 | There's no reason to have a massive $500 billion monopoly
00:43:49.420 | in this type of context.
00:43:51.120 | I can be just as diverting with my podcast
00:43:55.300 | that is produced with a slightly smaller budget
00:44:00.300 | than $500 billion a year.
00:44:01.900 | With even just half that money,
00:44:05.420 | I could produce deep questions.
00:44:08.540 | All right, so I think that's what's happening
00:44:09.500 | with social media.
00:44:10.320 | I think TikTok is actually the harbinger of this transition.
00:44:13.140 | Yes, it's true that TikTok is widely, widely used.
00:44:15.820 | It has a lot of active users,
00:44:17.460 | but TikTok is different than Twitter.
00:44:19.340 | TikTok is different than Facebook from five years ago.
00:44:22.700 | It's popular, but it's just pure distraction.
00:44:27.220 | They don't pretend like it's anything else.
00:44:28.940 | And because of that,
00:44:29.780 | it no longer has the situation of cultural valency
00:44:32.660 | where it feels like you have to use it.
00:44:35.120 | Lots of people use Facebook.
00:44:36.420 | No one thinks, I mean, TikTok,
00:44:38.220 | no one thinks it's weird if you don't.
00:44:40.460 | A lot of people like TikTok.
00:44:42.260 | No one says you're missing out on business opportunities
00:44:46.260 | or knowing what's going on in the world if you don't use it.
00:44:48.940 | And so from TikTok, we'll get multiple other,
00:44:52.360 | I think, increasingly niche, increasingly focused,
00:44:55.620 | increasingly much smaller and independent types of apps
00:44:59.780 | and sources of distraction that leverage
00:45:01.700 | social connections and groups, et cetera.
00:45:04.220 | And it'll be a fragmented marketplace
00:45:05.780 | in which there's no monopoly powers.
00:45:07.180 | And that's gonna be, I think,
00:45:08.140 | a much healthier social internet.
00:45:09.620 | So social media is a focused lot of conversation.
00:45:12.260 | I think it's moment has passed.
00:45:14.140 | The final one I mentioned was AI.
00:45:16.020 | I don't know what to think about AI.
00:45:19.420 | I haven't got my arms around AI yet.
00:45:23.320 | I've been trying to.
00:45:24.580 | I mean, I understand a lot of the underlying technologies,
00:45:27.600 | but in terms of its cultural impact,
00:45:30.480 | I don't know where I fall.
00:45:31.880 | I don't have, for example,
00:45:34.200 | a natural fear of AI, general intelligence,
00:45:38.200 | sentience in AI and what that might cause.
00:45:40.620 | I just don't have that instinctual fear.
00:45:44.520 | Is that something that's even on a development pipeline
00:45:46.760 | that we need to worry about?
00:45:47.600 | I don't know either way.
00:45:49.320 | AI's role in disrupting industries,
00:45:51.800 | it's gonna be disruptive.
00:45:52.960 | It's complicated how, I think it's hard to predict.
00:45:56.280 | So AI, keep your eye on it,
00:45:58.920 | but I don't have a good sense.
00:46:02.280 | Let me tell you two things
00:46:03.120 | that I think are being overlooked
00:46:04.600 | that are gonna be super disruptive,
00:46:06.680 | but I think are being overlooked
00:46:07.720 | in a lot of conversations today about technological trends.
00:46:10.400 | The first is augmented reality.
00:46:13.000 | This came out of some reporting I've done for The New Yorker.
00:46:15.400 | I don't think people realize the economic disruption
00:46:18.080 | that is going to come from what I call
00:46:19.760 | the augmented reality singularity.
00:46:21.920 | This is gonna be the point where multiple technologies
00:46:25.480 | that exist today advance sufficiently
00:46:29.920 | to allow the following
00:46:32.960 | with a relatively unobtrusive piece of headgear,
00:46:38.320 | so some sort of pair of glasses
00:46:39.720 | that is socially appropriate to wear, comfortable.
00:46:43.480 | It's not like Google Glass
00:46:44.520 | where you walk around with a Google Glass on,
00:46:46.520 | and Google tried this experiment.
00:46:48.440 | They said, "Try walking around with Google Glasses on,"
00:46:50.480 | and people's instinct when they saw you with on it was,
00:46:53.320 | "I think I need to punch you."
00:46:54.880 | Like, when we get past that, with Google Glass,
00:46:58.640 | people were walking around with Google Glasses,
00:47:00.200 | and I'm not exaggerating here,
00:47:02.400 | nuns would walk out of the convent,
00:47:04.440 | say, "Forgive me, Father,"
00:47:07.200 | and then just punch you in the face
00:47:08.640 | because it was so annoying looking.
00:47:11.240 | That's what AR.1, version one looks like.
00:47:15.840 | That will get better.
00:47:16.920 | So when we get past that stage
00:47:18.440 | where AR devices make people wanna punch you,
00:47:20.640 | where you look so weird and pretentious wearing them,
00:47:22.960 | when we get past that stage,
00:47:24.480 | when nuns no longer walk out of their convents to punch you,
00:47:26.840 | and then two,
00:47:28.000 | two, we get sufficient power and field of view
00:47:33.680 | in these glasses that you can replicate
00:47:36.640 | with sufficient resolution,
00:47:39.000 | basically any type of screen,
00:47:41.320 | digital screen interface we use today,
00:47:44.120 | and three, we have sort of sufficient internet backbone
00:47:47.360 | that we can essentially stream screen surfaces
00:47:52.360 | without actually having to do the computation locally.
00:47:55.960 | And so what I mean by that is,
00:47:57.460 | if I want to play a video game,
00:48:01.760 | there's sufficient wireless internet backbone
00:48:04.520 | that that video game can run in a server somewhere,
00:48:07.880 | and the thing that's being streamed to my AR device
00:48:10.200 | is just what's on the screen.
00:48:11.600 | So there's this key point,
00:48:13.400 | there's this key speed point where a high res,
00:48:15.680 | the contents of a high resolution screen
00:48:18.260 | can be streamed over the internet to a device
00:48:20.600 | in which you no longer need
00:48:21.520 | to actually bring computation with you,
00:48:23.040 | just enough computation to get the screen of computation
00:48:25.280 | happening in the cloud.
00:48:26.200 | When those three things come together,
00:48:28.100 | again, to summarize,
00:48:30.760 | hardware that is unobtrusive and people are willing to wear,
00:48:34.240 | sufficient field of view and resolution
00:48:37.280 | that you can replicate most of the standard digital screens
00:48:40.400 | you look at in your day-to-day life,
00:48:41.520 | and three, sufficient internet wireless backbone,
00:48:43.840 | which by the way, we might already have,
00:48:45.440 | that you can stream high resolution screens to devices
00:48:47.920 | so we can now virtualize actual computation.
00:48:50.400 | It will be the end of consumer electronic,
00:48:55.360 | of the consumer electronic industry as we know it.
00:48:58.400 | Samsung, Apple, Sony,
00:49:03.280 | the companies that produce complicated electronics
00:49:09.220 | that they sell to people,
00:49:10.760 | and those people buy these devices and use them.
00:49:13.420 | Those companies will essentially have to go out of business
00:49:19.060 | or massively retool,
00:49:20.320 | because why would I buy a phone
00:49:22.760 | when my AR headset can put in front of me,
00:49:26.240 | in the space in front of me,
00:49:27.740 | the interface for whatever phone I want?
00:49:30.600 | Why would I buy a computer
00:49:32.040 | when I can make a computer monitor anywhere?
00:49:34.480 | Doesn't exist in the real world,
00:49:35.480 | it's being projected in my AR goggles,
00:49:37.120 | but I can make a nice monitor wherever I wanna go,
00:49:40.400 | and all the computation is happening in the cloud somewhere.
00:49:43.880 | So I have the most powerful computer computing,
00:49:46.080 | much more powerful than I can actually buy,
00:49:47.880 | and I can just see the screen right there.
00:49:49.680 | Why would I buy a TV
00:49:50.680 | when I could just stretch a 72 inch on my wall?
00:49:53.240 | It's all virtual,
00:49:54.200 | and everyone who's in that same room
00:49:55.360 | sees it in the same place.
00:49:56.520 | We literally cannot tell the difference
00:49:57.960 | between that and an actual TV.
00:49:59.360 | Why would I buy a TV,
00:50:00.800 | ship it to me, bring it into my house?
00:50:02.580 | I could just have that right up there on my wall.
00:50:05.900 | The end of the consumer electronics industry as we know it,
00:50:09.440 | it's gonna create some of the most powerful companies
00:50:11.640 | in the history of the world,
00:50:12.760 | it's gonna make Apple seem like a lemonade stand.
00:50:16.440 | If you are the company that owns
00:50:19.720 | the first mainstream, widely adopted,
00:50:22.720 | full function AR singularity goggles,
00:50:25.600 | with that backend doing all the computation,
00:50:27.800 | all of these companies like Sony, Samsung,
00:50:30.560 | will become essentially software companies.
00:50:32.600 | You're basically just running processes in the cloud
00:50:35.560 | that can then stream visuals to individuals.
00:50:39.320 | It's hard to underestimate how disruptive that's gonna be.
00:50:41.680 | I don't think we talk enough about it.
00:50:43.840 | I think it was perhaps a blind spot of Mark Zuckerberg
00:50:46.360 | to focus too much on virtual reality
00:50:48.040 | instead of augmented reality.
00:50:49.640 | Google has invested many, many billions of dollars into this.
00:50:52.840 | Apple is investing many, many billions of dollars into this.
00:50:55.700 | Amazon is investing many, many billions of dollars into this.
00:50:58.380 | Less about the hardware
00:50:59.400 | and more about being the backend cloud computation
00:51:01.760 | to virtualize all this hardware.
00:51:02.920 | It is gonna be huge,
00:51:04.080 | and I don't think we talk about it enough,
00:51:05.480 | we get too distracted.
00:51:06.760 | The other technological trend I think that's gonna be big
00:51:09.300 | is the continued decentralization of media production.
00:51:14.300 | This is the story of the internet,
00:51:16.920 | but I think it's just starting to get pretty interesting
00:51:19.920 | in recent years.
00:51:21.080 | So you get HTML in the 1990s,
00:51:24.520 | you get websites and then eventually web 2.0.
00:51:27.320 | So it's websites that are easy for people
00:51:29.080 | to update regularly like blogs.
00:51:30.860 | That had a big impact on decentralizing the ability
00:51:35.320 | to produce and sell text.
00:51:38.640 | We take it for granted now,
00:51:39.880 | but remember in 1996,
00:51:41.900 | text came from magazines and newspapers.
00:51:44.320 | You had to have giant warehouses with these big machines
00:51:47.440 | with ink and newspaper rolls moving really fast
00:51:50.440 | and fleets of trucks.
00:51:51.700 | And all the advertising dollars would come there,
00:51:54.160 | they had a ton of money.
00:51:55.360 | There's a lot of money in newspaper syndicates,
00:51:57.840 | a lot of money in magazine syndicates.
00:52:00.240 | That's where text was, available text.
00:52:03.400 | The internet changed that.
00:52:04.240 | Think about how many websites people go to now
00:52:06.520 | for information.
00:52:07.780 | How many independent little media companies,
00:52:09.800 | five person, six person shops.
00:52:11.740 | Ain't it cool news?
00:52:14.280 | Let's go back to those early days.
00:52:17.680 | These type of sites are blogs.
00:52:19.520 | Ezra Klein came out of blogging
00:52:22.480 | before moving over to the Post
00:52:23.720 | and over to New York Times.
00:52:25.880 | Nate Silver, just all of this text, Politico.
00:52:30.880 | I mean, Politico eventually printed a hardcover version,
00:52:34.960 | a newspaper version for a while of their thing.
00:52:37.040 | But there was so much innovation that happened
00:52:39.980 | in text media because of HTML.
00:52:42.740 | Now we're seeing this with audio, podcast.
00:52:46.140 | Incredibly disruptive.
00:52:48.300 | This industry is exploding
00:52:50.580 | because people like real time analog content.
00:52:54.300 | We can actually hear someone's voice.
00:52:55.620 | Radio is a pretty big industry.
00:52:56.900 | Podcasts will surpass radio soon.
00:52:59.900 | It will surpass it soon.
00:53:01.360 | Because again, you open up the ability
00:53:02.920 | to create audio to most people.
00:53:05.380 | The big change happening now is video.
00:53:07.340 | Video, the ability to produce video
00:53:12.780 | whose quality crosses that uncanny valley
00:53:15.280 | and is at least comparable to stuff
00:53:16.900 | that we maybe saw on cable.
00:53:18.540 | That's where we're getting now.
00:53:19.420 | Where more and more people at a fraction of the cost
00:53:21.900 | can produce video at a quality that you would say,
00:53:25.980 | I could have seen this 10 years ago on Bravo.
00:53:28.580 | And now you've decentralized video,
00:53:31.420 | which was the most powerful media forms of all, right?
00:53:34.300 | Television and movies is a huge dominant source of media
00:53:39.300 | and that is being decentralized now as well.
00:53:41.480 | These trends I think are critical.
00:53:43.260 | I think the shift from audio as the stepping stone
00:53:45.940 | in the video is gonna be much bigger
00:53:48.180 | than even the decentralization of text
00:53:50.060 | that happened with the early HTML based web.
00:53:54.220 | All of this I think is really excited.
00:53:55.580 | I don't know where it's going,
00:53:56.400 | but I think it's really exciting.
00:53:58.020 | The main critique people give,
00:53:59.620 | and I think this is so short sighted,
00:54:00.900 | is every time one of these media technologies
00:54:03.300 | is decentralized, there's always this pushback
00:54:07.500 | that emerges where people set up this straw man
00:54:11.360 | of everyone now will be able to make a living
00:54:15.920 | off of this new decentralized media.
00:54:18.180 | And then when they don't, and most stuff is bad,
00:54:22.620 | they say the revolution is a failure.
00:54:24.460 | Oh, so blogs arise.
00:54:27.860 | People looked around and said, well, most blogs are bad.
00:54:31.240 | This idea that everyone's gonna make a living
00:54:32.440 | off a blog isn't true.
00:54:34.020 | But that was never the point.
00:54:35.620 | Yeah, most people are bad at producing stuff.
00:54:37.620 | Most people are not meant to be media figures.
00:54:40.100 | Most people don't have the insight or the training
00:54:42.780 | to produce really interesting audio or words or video.
00:54:46.080 | The point is when you open it up to everyone,
00:54:47.740 | you get this extreme Darwinian competition.
00:54:49.980 | And what is the point of Darwinian competition?
00:54:52.060 | Not that all the different types of proverbial species
00:54:54.520 | are gonna survive, but that it's going to drive innovation
00:54:57.020 | into new species, new configurations
00:54:58.860 | that wouldn't have existed before.
00:55:00.620 | That is what is important about decentralization.
00:55:02.840 | There's 850,000 active podcasts right now.
00:55:05.700 | Most of them do not do very well,
00:55:07.680 | but that is a huge amount of selective pressure.
00:55:10.560 | There's gonna produce a couple thousand
00:55:12.460 | that do really well and are really innovative
00:55:14.480 | and will change the media landscape altogether.
00:55:16.520 | Most of YouTube is dreck,
00:55:17.960 | but there's millions and millions of hours of footage
00:55:21.280 | being uploaded every minute.
00:55:23.480 | That is a huge amount of selective pressure.
00:55:25.240 | It's gonna change and evolve and mutate
00:55:27.760 | the visual media landscape.
00:55:29.120 | So I don't know where all this decentralization is going.
00:55:31.720 | I just think it's important.
00:55:33.100 | That's why I'm doing audio.
00:55:34.240 | This is why Jesse and I were quick to get video
00:55:37.120 | going on the show as well.
00:55:38.480 | We think all of this is very important,
00:55:40.100 | even if we can't tell where it's going.
00:55:42.600 | All right, Miranda, that was a long answer.
00:55:45.140 | That was a long answer to a short question,
00:55:48.240 | but I'm glad you asked it.
00:55:49.340 | So really quick summary.
00:55:51.120 | Crypto I think is overhyped.
00:55:54.120 | We're in the twilight of the massive
00:55:55.520 | social media monopoly era.
00:55:57.960 | AI, I don't know, keep an eye on it.
00:55:59.880 | I don't want to tell you about it.
00:56:01.720 | Two biggest trends that are being missed.
00:56:03.520 | AR for sure.
00:56:04.760 | I think people don't understand the impact.
00:56:06.760 | Decentralized media, people know it's gonna be big,
00:56:09.360 | but maybe they don't realize how disruptive it's gonna be.
00:56:12.700 | I think the audio video,
00:56:14.360 | internet audio video revolution in particular
00:56:16.120 | is gonna be the biggest change to media since television.
00:56:19.340 | All right, that's technology.
00:56:22.020 | Do a couple of quick ads,
00:56:23.000 | and then we'll do a couple of deep life questions,
00:56:24.540 | and then we will wrap things up.
00:56:27.880 | Let's talk about another longtime sponsor of this show,
00:56:30.920 | and that is Grammarly.
00:56:33.220 | We are busy now, and we're working from home.
00:56:38.360 | We're on Zoom all the time.
00:56:40.000 | We're involved in more products and initiatives
00:56:41.840 | than we ever have been before.
00:56:44.080 | This is not when you wanna have unclear communication.
00:56:49.080 | You want your emails, your Slack chats,
00:56:51.800 | your text messages,
00:56:52.960 | your reports that you're sending the clients.
00:56:54.880 | You need that writing to be professional
00:56:57.520 | and effective.
00:56:58.360 | If you can write concise, professional, effective writing,
00:57:02.440 | it is a huge competitive advantage.
00:57:05.400 | This is where Grammarly enters the scene.
00:57:10.440 | Grammarly is a free to download desktop app
00:57:14.160 | that works wherever you do your writing on your computer.
00:57:18.160 | It has features that blow my mind.
00:57:22.240 | I am used to the old grammar checkers
00:57:25.400 | from the word perfect days in the early 90s.
00:57:28.480 | Compare that to what Grammarly can do today.
00:57:30.720 | It is night and day.
00:57:33.600 | So let's say you're writing a pitch.
00:57:35.320 | Grammarly has a tone detector
00:57:38.560 | that can make sure that the tone you're giving
00:57:41.200 | is just right.
00:57:42.480 | Tone detector can look at your writing
00:57:43.720 | and tell you about your tone.
00:57:45.640 | It can help you in the premium version of the product,
00:57:48.860 | rewrite your synthesis to be more clear.
00:57:51.920 | So the premium version of Grammarly can say,
00:57:54.520 | look, here's a different way to write that same sentence.
00:57:56.800 | It's gonna be more clear to the reader.
00:57:58.560 | Clarity impresses.
00:58:00.760 | It even will help you do tone transformations.
00:58:03.920 | So again, this is why Grammarly premium
00:58:05.360 | has this feature as well.
00:58:06.640 | Why don't you rewrite it this way?
00:58:10.200 | And the tone will be more colloquial.
00:58:11.560 | These are powerful, cool tools.
00:58:13.760 | It's like having a professional editor
00:58:14.900 | looking over your shoulder,
00:58:15.920 | helping your writing be clear, professional and effective.
00:58:20.380 | So get to the point faster and accomplish more
00:58:23.000 | using Grammarly.
00:58:24.760 | Go to to sign up for a free account.
00:58:28.760 | And when you're ready to upgrade to Grammarly premium,
00:58:30.720 | you will get 20% off just for being my listener.
00:58:34.880 | So to get that 20% off,
00:58:36.800 | you have to sign up at
00:58:39.320 | That's
00:58:44.320 | I also wanna talk about my body tutor.
00:58:53.300 | I've known Adam Gilbert,
00:58:54.440 | the founder of My Body Tutor for many years.
00:58:56.300 | He used to be the fitness advice guy
00:58:58.820 | back on my old study hacks blog.
00:59:02.940 | His company, My Body Tutor,
00:59:04.220 | is a 100% online coaching program
00:59:06.500 | that solves the biggest problem in health and fitness,
00:59:08.940 | which is lack of consistency.
00:59:12.240 | It does this by simplifying the process
00:59:15.100 | into practical sustainable behaviors.
00:59:17.200 | Do this exercise at this time,
00:59:18.580 | eat this food, not those foods.
00:59:20.500 | And then, and here is the secret sauce to My Body Tutor,
00:59:23.820 | giving you daily accountability
00:59:26.340 | with a dedicated online coach
00:59:28.420 | who you will get to know and appreciate,
00:59:30.420 | and will get to know you to help you stick with your plan.
00:59:34.580 | That is the key.
00:59:35.980 | Here is my coach, I talk to him every day.
00:59:39.060 | Sustainability, consistency,
00:59:42.140 | that's what makes these programs work.
00:59:44.060 | Adam and his coaches at My Body Tutor
00:59:46.540 | are the best in the world
00:59:47.380 | at delivering highly personal accountability and coaching.
00:59:51.360 | And because Adam has known me for so long,
00:59:54.220 | if you're serious about getting fit
00:59:56.500 | and you wanna sign up for My Body Tutor,
00:59:58.900 | mention that you heard about them from Deep Questions
01:00:01.420 | when you sign up and you will get $50 off your first month.
01:00:04.660 | Just mention you came from Deep Questions,
01:00:06.220 | they will give you that $50 right off your first month's cost.
01:00:11.220 | You wanna get in shape, summer, wanna look good,
01:00:16.260 | wanna get healthier, want more energy,
01:00:21.260 | All right, woo, look at this.
01:00:23.620 | I was trying to knock out a quick episode,
01:00:27.560 | my diseased adult body here by myself,
01:00:32.020 | but I'm already over an hour, I can't help it, I get bored.
01:00:35.700 | Must've missed everyone.
01:00:37.900 | I'll move quick, I got a few deep life questions,
01:00:39.620 | let's move quick, but let's get them done.
01:00:41.720 | The first deep life question comes from Kim.
01:00:46.040 | Kim says, "Does your focus on the quantity of books
01:00:48.900 | "that you read dilute their impact?
01:00:51.540 | "Can you remember the content of that many books
01:00:53.340 | "or does it even matter?"
01:00:55.420 | Kim, I don't think I read that many books.
01:00:57.580 | I read five books a month, I don't think that's that many.
01:01:00.780 | I think in June, I'm gonna read six
01:01:03.180 | because I had a couple of days where I was being COVID-y,
01:01:08.180 | so I took advantage of that to read an extra book.
01:01:11.020 | I don't think that's a lot of books,
01:01:12.100 | I think our standards are too low.
01:01:14.260 | I think our standards for intellectual engagement
01:01:16.360 | have got so low that that seems like
01:01:17.680 | some impossibly large amount,
01:01:19.120 | but I think historically speaking,
01:01:20.500 | or looking at the life of any sort of serious intellectual,
01:01:22.840 | especially pre-internet intellectual,
01:01:25.000 | five books a month is nothing.
01:01:26.600 | That's nothing.
01:01:29.480 | And so no, I don't think I read too much
01:01:31.720 | to dilute their impact.
01:01:32.880 | Again, here's the thing, I don't skim,
01:01:36.900 | I'm not staying up late in the night
01:01:38.680 | to try to make some numbers.
01:01:40.460 | You have more time than you think to do things like reading
01:01:43.640 | if you get rid of other things that are taking its place,
01:01:46.020 | namely looking at your phone.
01:01:47.800 | Just leisurely reading in your spare time
01:01:51.320 | can generate more books completed than you would imagine.
01:01:55.080 | So I actually uploaded a video a couple of weeks ago.
01:01:58.460 | I recorded it just for YouTube,
01:02:00.740 | it was just an inspiration I had.
01:02:02.000 | So you can only find it at the
01:02:03.000 |,
01:02:05.480 | but it was called something like
01:02:07.840 | how I read five books a month.
01:02:09.580 | And so Kim, you might wanna watch that.
01:02:12.440 | And I get into what I do in my life
01:02:15.040 | to get through that many books.
01:02:15.960 | If you watch that video, you'll see
01:02:17.760 | not that much reading.
01:02:19.780 | All right, Thomas.
01:02:22.180 | Thomas says, "As I become more efficient
01:02:25.000 | and ambitious with my time,
01:02:26.700 | I find it is psychologically harder
01:02:29.680 | for me to take vacation and disengage.
01:02:32.520 | I think extended breaks are valuable,
01:02:33.880 | but as my mind workflows and priorities
01:02:35.520 | become more fine-tuned,
01:02:36.880 | it feels harder to turn them off for a few days.
01:02:38.900 | I feel like productivity is a high inertia machine
01:02:40.900 | that isn't easily slowed down."
01:02:44.120 | Thomas, you are right.
01:02:45.560 | Welcome to the club.
01:02:46.760 | If you really get going,
01:02:50.920 | you're in a cognitively demanding field,
01:02:53.080 | you're structured in your time,
01:02:55.340 | you're focused diligently on
01:02:57.320 | ambitious intellectual goals.
01:02:59.080 | We come back to something again and again.
01:03:00.840 | You're seeing results, it's exciting, it's interesting.
01:03:03.960 | You're podcasting, you're writing,
01:03:05.400 | you're solving proofs, you're whatever you're doing.
01:03:08.360 | Yeah, it is a high inertia machine
01:03:09.960 | that you cannot just turn off.
01:03:11.400 | I learned that lesson the hard way,
01:03:13.100 | trying to go on vacation for a week and say,
01:03:15.880 | "I'm not gonna do any work."
01:03:17.320 | And you get to day three,
01:03:20.000 | and I have delirium tremors,
01:03:23.840 | like a recovering alcohol addict,
01:03:25.720 | like shaking and frustrated and upset,
01:03:28.200 | and scratching math equations in the size of palm trees.
01:03:32.320 | So I learned early on,
01:03:33.580 | you can't really shut that machine down very easily.
01:03:37.520 | So if you're going on a trip,
01:03:39.520 | bring something to do.
01:03:41.520 | It shouldn't be something that is going to be high stakes.
01:03:45.640 | It shouldn't be something that involves you
01:03:46.760 | having to do work communication or email,
01:03:50.640 | but bring some sort of project.
01:03:52.760 | I would often bring, especially pre-tenure,
01:03:55.760 | a math problem I'm trying to solve.
01:03:58.080 | Or I would say,
01:03:59.840 | "I think I wanna write a paper on this topic.
01:04:02.600 | "Let me really start thinking through a little bit each day.
01:04:05.000 | "Let me walk the beach,
01:04:07.720 | "walk through town and think and take notes.
01:04:09.640 | "At least have one session every day
01:04:10.760 | "where I'm working on some sort of long-term,
01:04:12.400 | "non-urgent, but intellectually demanding project."
01:04:14.800 | You just have to do it.
01:04:16.040 | Once you get up that intellectual motor turning
01:04:19.760 | and cranking, it doesn't stop.
01:04:21.720 | So give yourself stuff to do
01:04:23.120 | that's going to be minimally distracting.
01:04:25.920 | I can actually connect various intellectual output
01:04:30.360 | to various trips.
01:04:31.720 | Like I know exactly the beach.
01:04:35.800 | Where was it? In the Bahamas.
01:04:37.920 | And I forgot the name of the island.
01:04:42.000 | But I can picture the beach so clearly
01:04:44.160 | on which I figured out the whole structure
01:04:45.800 | for digital minimalism and made the decision of,
01:04:47.640 | "Wait a second, I need to write this book."
01:04:50.240 | There's just an arbitrary, I remember the paper.
01:04:52.680 | It's not a very interesting paper,
01:04:53.680 | but I remember the beach in Lewis, Delaware,
01:04:56.680 | where I solved the main results for a particular paper.
01:04:59.840 | Blah, blah, blah.
01:05:01.080 | Stuff gets done on trips.
01:05:02.280 | I think that's fine.
01:05:03.160 | The only thing I'll say, Thomas,
01:05:04.160 | is also have good schedule shutdown rituals.
01:05:07.760 | If you have a high inertia mind, you need them.
01:05:10.120 | Otherwise your mind will spiral off
01:05:13.360 | into work-related thoughts at night,
01:05:15.280 | and you'll never be able to enjoy anything,
01:05:16.960 | and you're going to have a hard time sleeping.
01:05:18.360 | So you have to be able to shut down
01:05:19.720 | sort of back and forth communication
01:05:22.680 | and decision-making about work.
01:05:23.880 | You really got to trust those schedule shutdown
01:05:25.680 | complete rituals, but don't expect you can go five,
01:05:28.360 | six days without doing any work.
01:05:30.320 | Once your mind gets going, you got to feed it.
01:05:32.960 | All right, let's do one more question here.
01:05:35.160 | This one comes from Joe.
01:05:37.960 | Joe says, "How do I get over discouragement
01:05:40.600 | from inconsistency on progress for developing a vision,
01:05:44.280 | having a quarterly plan, spending time on weekly planning
01:05:46.400 | and daily time block planning with my shutdown ritual?
01:05:49.280 | How do I get back on the horse after I fall off my attempts
01:05:52.200 | to put this process in the place?
01:05:54.640 | I used to enjoy your podcast so much.
01:05:57.200 | Now I've got a sense of discomfort in listening to the podcast
01:05:59.600 | and realizing how little progress I've made
01:06:01.280 | on the whole process.
01:06:03.800 | Joe, you might be trying to bite off more
01:06:05.960 | than you can chew all at once.
01:06:07.720 | There's a lot of ideas I talk about on the show.
01:06:11.080 | It might be tempting to put them all into place at first.
01:06:13.920 | You talk about all these different multi-scale
01:06:16.560 | planning things where you have your vision
01:06:18.520 | and your quarterly plan, your weekly plan,
01:06:20.160 | your daily plans with shutdown complete.
01:06:22.960 | We talk about deep life stuff.
01:06:24.560 | We talk about reading.
01:06:25.640 | We talk about training your mind.
01:06:27.120 | We talk about, there's so much we talk about.
01:06:29.360 | And it's all appealing to you,
01:06:31.720 | which is good.
01:06:32.760 | That means you're aiming down the right path,
01:06:34.440 | but you're trying to take too big of a leap all at once.
01:06:36.440 | So one thing I might recommend is,
01:06:38.800 | let's go through the deep work bucket overhaul exercise
01:06:41.880 | first as a way of just grounding your life,
01:06:45.400 | rewriting your self narrative as someone
01:06:47.480 | who can take changes towards things that matter,
01:06:50.200 | and then worry about making bigger changes.
01:06:54.040 | So as you know, the deep life overhaul strategy says,
01:06:57.160 | you break down your life into the buckets,
01:06:58.760 | the areas that are most important to you.
01:07:00.480 | Let's say craft, constitution, community,
01:07:03.360 | contemplation, et cetera.
01:07:05.040 | And then for each of those,
01:07:07.160 | you put a keystone habit in the place,
01:07:08.320 | something that is not trivial,
01:07:09.960 | but not super, super hard.
01:07:11.720 | Something that you can probably do every day
01:07:13.080 | that signals to yourself,
01:07:14.000 | you take each of these areas of your life seriously
01:07:17.760 | and are willing to do non-necessary,
01:07:21.000 | non-mandatory action to make progress on
01:07:24.320 | or support these different areas
01:07:26.320 | that are important to you.
01:07:27.280 | And you track that every day.
01:07:28.600 | That's what you're tracking.
01:07:29.440 | Keystone habits, four or five buckets.
01:07:32.240 | Just do that for a while.
01:07:34.120 | That might be harder than you think.
01:07:35.920 | You might have false starts.
01:07:38.840 | This keystone habit wasn't really consistent.
01:07:42.440 | This was too ambitious.
01:07:44.160 | You might spend months until you get to that collection
01:07:46.360 | of keystone habits and buckets that you feel good about.
01:07:49.960 | Once you're consistently hitting those habits,
01:07:51.520 | then you take one bucket at a time,
01:07:53.040 | give it four to six weeks,
01:07:55.000 | and do some sort of significant overhaul
01:07:56.720 | of that part of your life.
01:07:58.720 | Then and only then is where I would do something
01:08:01.280 | like introducing multiscale planning in your case.
01:08:03.400 | So maybe when you're doing the craft overhaul,
01:08:05.160 | you're rethinking your work,
01:08:06.720 | you're taking projects off your plate that aren't important.
01:08:08.840 | You're focusing on a smaller number of initiatives
01:08:10.720 | you think are important.
01:08:12.240 | You bring in something like multiscale planning.
01:08:15.240 | Like when it's part of this bigger, more gradual,
01:08:18.080 | more structured overhaul of your life,
01:08:21.000 | I think you are able to more consistently make progress
01:08:27.080 | and not have everything fall apart
01:08:28.600 | when one thing doesn't work.
01:08:30.000 | So Joe, you're aimed in the right direction.
01:08:33.320 | I think you have the right ambitions.
01:08:35.160 | What you're missing is I would say
01:08:39.720 | a more sustainable process towards depth.
01:08:42.840 | So do the buckets, do the keystones,
01:08:45.480 | keep working on the keystones till you have them,
01:08:47.400 | then do a round of overhaul.
01:08:49.000 | Enjoy that life for six months,
01:08:51.240 | do another round of overhaul, repeat.
01:08:52.960 | You will gradually bit by bit get deeper and deeper.
01:08:55.720 | The hardest part is deciding that's what you wanna do.
01:08:57.640 | Everything else is just execution.
01:08:59.840 | So congratulations, you've already done the hard part.
01:09:02.480 | Now get after it.
01:09:04.160 | All right, that's all the time we have for today's episode.
01:09:07.680 | Thank you for listening.
01:09:09.000 | If you like what you heard,
01:09:09.880 | you will like what you see
01:09:12.080 | at
01:09:15.520 | Get video of the full episodes
01:09:18.000 | as well as clips of selected segments.
01:09:21.360 | I'll be back next week with the next episode of the show.
01:09:26.600 | And until then, as always, stay deep.
01:09:29.320 | (upbeat music)
01:09:32.040 | (upbeat music)
01:09:34.680 | (upbeat music)
01:09:37.280 | (upbeat music)
01:09:39.860 | (upbeat music)