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Full Length Episode | #174 | February 17, 2022


0:0 Cal's intro
2:34 Behind the Curtain
24:31 Finding the counter argument
33:42 Solid activities for a gap year
42:15 Jugging lots of hobbies
47:13 Staying disciplined to keep motivated
58:57 Cal's thoughts on the Metaverse

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | [MUSIC]
00:00:04.740 | I'm Cal Newport, and this is Deep Questions, episode 174.
00:00:11.440 | [MUSIC]
00:00:15.580 | I'm here in my Deep Work HQ, joined by my producer, Jesse.
00:00:22.080 | Jesse, something I am supposed to do and I always forget to do,
00:00:27.080 | so I'm going to do it today, is tell people,
00:00:31.540 | and I'm not saying the right things here,
00:00:33.400 | but tell people if you like the podcast,
00:00:37.000 | consider leaving a review so that people who are interested in the show can see that people like it.
00:00:43.360 | If you listen but don't subscribe, subscribe.
00:00:47.080 | Are these the right things to ask people to do?
00:00:49.440 | Yeah, people should definitely subscribe to your podcast.
00:00:51.880 | All right, there we go. I used to tell my listeners,
00:00:56.880 | I would only do this once a month,
00:00:58.640 | and then I just forgot to do it altogether.
00:01:00.240 | So here we go.
00:01:01.720 | This is how you know I'm not a digital media native.
00:01:05.040 | So yeah, do that. I think it's helpful.
00:01:06.760 | Might as well tell people about your YouTube channel too.
00:01:09.160 | Yeah, okay. As long as we're doing this.
00:01:11.440 | The YouTube channel has the videos of every question asked,
00:01:15.600 | it has videos of the full episodes,
00:01:17.280 | it has videos of every segment we do,
00:01:19.360 | so you can save, refer to, and share all of that.
00:01:22.800 | So go check that out.
00:01:24.320 | YouTube is something you can subscribe to too, right?
00:01:26.720 | Yeah. Okay. But what does that do?
00:01:29.200 | Does that matter?
00:01:30.200 | With the podcast, subscribing makes sense to me
00:01:32.560 | because then it means they'll see all the new episodes.
00:01:34.720 | I don't know what it means to subscribe on YouTube.
00:01:36.520 | What happens? When you subscribe on YouTube
00:01:38.480 | and you get notifications, which you'd be all about,
00:01:40.760 | getting notifications on your phone.
00:01:42.480 | That's exactly what I want people to do.
00:01:44.360 | Is there a feed?
00:01:46.000 | If you subscribe to some channels
00:01:47.600 | and you go to, is it like,
00:01:49.240 | "Oh, here's new videos from people you subscribe to"?
00:01:52.280 | I don't get any notifications on any of my, including YouTube,
00:01:56.360 | so, but you just, if you're at the channel,
00:01:58.400 | you can go in, you can see stuff,
00:01:59.440 | but people do get notifications.
00:02:00.840 | They get notified when a new video comes up.
00:02:02.520 | Now, does it help trick YouTube
00:02:05.000 | into telling more people about your videos
00:02:08.040 | if more people are subscribed?
00:02:09.360 | Is there some sort of stuff like that going on?
00:02:10.320 | Yeah, probably. Yeah.
00:02:11.160 | Okay.
00:02:12.000 | 'Cause comments, subscribers, views, likes, all that stuff.
00:02:17.000 | Yeah. All right.
00:02:18.560 | Well, do those things, don't do those things, I don't know.
00:02:21.840 | I'm terrible at this.
00:02:23.200 | Guys, here's what I do.
00:02:24.040 | I get in front of the mic and I answer your questions
00:02:26.240 | and so, subscribe to things,
00:02:29.960 | leave a review for the podcast if people know you like it,
00:02:32.240 | and I won't bother you about this again for a while.
00:02:35.440 | All right, so new segment.
00:02:36.280 | We wanna try something new.
00:02:37.760 | So back in the early days of this podcast,
00:02:40.040 | back when it was just me all by myself,
00:02:41.680 | I used to do a segment where I would give updates
00:02:44.560 | about what was going on in the life of Cal Newport.
00:02:48.800 | So I'm a very private person,
00:02:50.600 | but I would, on things I was comfortable talking about,
00:02:54.320 | give a little bit of insight
00:02:55.320 | into what was going on into my life.
00:02:57.000 | A little bit weird doing these segments
00:02:59.080 | because it's myself basically just talking about myself.
00:03:02.320 | But now it occurred to me, now that we have Jesse here,
00:03:06.200 | we could rejuvenate this segment,
00:03:09.560 | which I call Behind the Curtain,
00:03:11.240 | since, well, we are in a room surrounded by curtains.
00:03:13.600 | So it's like what happens outside of this room,
00:03:16.040 | a segment called Behind a Curtain,
00:03:17.640 | where Jesse will be the proxy for you, my audience,
00:03:21.720 | and Jesse will ask me some questions
00:03:23.880 | about what's going on in my life.
00:03:26.680 | I have not seen these questions ahead of time,
00:03:29.400 | so these are new to me.
00:03:31.120 | And Jesse, let me make it clear,
00:03:32.840 | if I don't like them, you're fired.
00:03:34.360 | So let's just put that on the table.
00:03:36.160 | - Take that $250,000 a month and go buy a new truck.
00:03:40.360 | - I am gonna spend that on YouTube subscriptions.
00:03:44.320 | Is that how that works?
00:03:45.440 | Can I spend money on YouTube subscriptions?
00:03:47.800 | - One thing you can do on YouTube
00:03:49.920 | is you can subscribe to YouTube Premium,
00:03:51.880 | and you don't get the ads and you get the music.
00:03:53.360 | It's actually only like $9 a month.
00:03:54.800 | I do it, it's unbelievable.
00:03:56.000 | - I should probably do that too.
00:03:58.320 | - You save so much time when you don't have to watch ads
00:04:00.480 | and it just goes right to the video.
00:04:02.000 | - So do YouTube Premium.
00:04:03.040 | All right, do YouTube Premium, subscribe,
00:04:05.040 | leave reviews, I don't know, smoke signals,
00:04:09.720 | send me encouraging telegrams so I know what's going on.
00:04:13.200 | Write to your congressman and say,
00:04:15.320 | I like what Cal Newport is doing.
00:04:17.640 | Send cards to your network executives, I don't know.
00:04:20.920 | I don't know, guys, I'm terrible at that.
00:04:22.240 | All right, Jesse, behind the curtain,
00:04:24.440 | you have some questions for me
00:04:25.680 | about what's going on in my life.
00:04:27.760 | All right, I think I'm ready for it.
00:04:29.120 | - All right, so I got a bunch of questions here.
00:04:32.040 | So I'm just gonna fire a couple off and we'll see how it goes.
00:04:36.000 | Can you give any updates on your Zittelkasten experiment?
00:04:40.560 | - All right, you're fired.
00:04:43.560 | - Next, let's move on.
00:04:44.720 | The reason why I ask is 'cause I remember
00:04:49.000 | you had the interview with the fellow
00:04:53.080 | back over the summertime.
00:04:54.080 | And I was actually, I was in a cool place.
00:04:56.880 | I was on a jog in Scotland on a golf trip.
00:05:00.640 | And I was doing that jog in the morning and I heard this.
00:05:03.480 | And I was like, this sounds cool.
00:05:05.600 | And then I was in a cool place too, near the beach,
00:05:08.360 | in this nature area.
00:05:10.640 | But anyway, so I remember that.
00:05:12.040 | And then you've talked about it a few times,
00:05:13.400 | so I wanted to know what's going on with that.
00:05:16.080 | - It's a timely question
00:05:16.920 | 'cause I was talking to Srini recently.
00:05:18.840 | So one of the ideas, I was talking to Srini,
00:05:21.120 | I was like, man, I should just have you call into the show.
00:05:25.080 | And we could do like a Zittelkasten back and forth,
00:05:27.720 | like just like a 10 minute, 15 minute thing.
00:05:29.720 | So I think we could technically do that, right?
00:05:32.040 | Like we could have him call in on Zoom or something,
00:05:34.360 | 'cause he lives in Colorado,
00:05:36.200 | so he's not be able to get here easily.
00:05:37.640 | But we could have him call in on Zoom
00:05:38.920 | and like we could just do a Zittelkasten
00:05:41.800 | 'cause he has a lot of thoughts.
00:05:43.600 | He has a lot of thoughts on what I've been saying.
00:05:45.280 | And he thinks like I'm missing out on some of the value.
00:05:47.640 | So I think that'd be cool.
00:05:48.680 | We could have a back and forth.
00:05:49.760 | In my own life, I haven't made any big steps forward.
00:05:53.080 | I mean, I'm still in the place where I want Roam,
00:05:57.520 | the tool Roam to be the primary place
00:06:00.080 | in which I'm capturing most notes
00:06:02.480 | that are with the exception of CS research,
00:06:05.000 | which requires math notation, it's a whole separate thing.
00:06:07.360 | Or writing ideas and book ideas
00:06:09.360 | and article ideas and all that.
00:06:10.400 | I want that all to be in Roam,
00:06:12.040 | roughly indexed in a Zittelkasten style
00:06:14.320 | where there's a central index,
00:06:16.040 | but then also bi-directional links.
00:06:18.360 | And I haven't really upgraded that yet
00:06:21.560 | because I've been slammed,
00:06:23.120 | which is its own issue I'm having in my life right now.
00:06:25.960 | It's self-enforced, self-imposed,
00:06:27.840 | but pretty brutal these past months with my workload.
00:06:31.600 | And to me, that's something you do when you have some time.
00:06:33.680 | So I'm thinking as the spring gives way towards summer
00:06:38.120 | and my schedule opens up,
00:06:39.640 | I want Zittelkasten style system
00:06:43.440 | basically capturing the place where I capture
00:06:46.000 | most of my ideas, 'cause I have a lot of ideas.
00:06:48.480 | And so we'll see.
00:06:49.320 | And so we'll have Srinian, he can help me out.
00:06:51.000 | And then you also just read that book
00:06:53.800 | back in January, right?
00:06:55.280 | Yeah, I mean, that book, "How to Take Smart Notes"
00:06:57.200 | is what really introduced me to Zittelkasten.
00:06:59.280 | And it was a cool book and I liked it.
00:07:02.720 | And I recommend it actually.
00:07:03.760 | And a listener sent it to me just out of the blue.
00:07:06.880 | So I'll report back, but maybe what I'll do,
00:07:08.240 | here's what I'll do is when I have time,
00:07:09.760 | I'll have Srinian and have him be my guru.
00:07:12.360 | Like let's just 15 minutes, walk me through.
00:07:14.760 | Let me ask you my highly technical questions
00:07:17.520 | about how to get this right.
00:07:18.840 | And then I'll go try it out.
00:07:20.120 | So I remain intrigued by Zittelkasten.
00:07:22.160 | I have heard from a lot of people, however,
00:07:23.680 | that agree with my central complaint
00:07:25.760 | that Zittelkasten can't do thinking for you.
00:07:28.360 | It can't write articles for you.
00:07:29.840 | It's not, in almost any position,
00:07:33.240 | this idea that you're just going to wander
00:07:36.200 | through your Zittelkasten system
00:07:37.480 | and come out on the other side with an article
00:07:39.880 | or a book or an academic paper is just not how that works.
00:07:43.360 | But it's a really cool way to probably organize a lot
00:07:45.760 | of thoughts that aren't easily put
00:07:47.920 | into some sort of hierarchical categories.
00:07:50.000 | - Okay, moving on, kind of related,
00:07:54.000 | talking about lifestyle centric planning,
00:07:56.840 | which you discuss quite a bit.
00:07:59.800 | For your own life, do you think you're close?
00:08:02.040 | - I think changes are looming.
00:08:06.840 | I think changes are looming that would get me closer.
00:08:10.760 | So I've done extreme lifestyle centric career planning.
00:08:14.480 | I mean, it's why I'm a professor
00:08:17.000 | and not in tech startups or venture capital
00:08:19.720 | or something like this.
00:08:20.680 | It's why I write books.
00:08:22.680 | Very autonomous and interesting income stream
00:08:28.240 | and very interesting to me.
00:08:30.200 | It's why we live in Tacoma Park.
00:08:31.560 | That was very much a lifestyle centric career planning,
00:08:35.600 | very explicit planning process of where do we want to live
00:08:39.360 | and why we want to live there.
00:08:41.120 | Right now, I would say the main obstacle
00:08:46.280 | between where I am right now and the very clear lifestyle,
00:08:49.880 | and I gotta say, I have this written out very clearly
00:08:51.920 | in my strategic plans documents.
00:08:53.120 | I mean, I know the bullet points of what goes
00:08:56.160 | into the lifestyle that I'm working backwards
00:08:59.800 | to try to get in place.
00:09:01.920 | Right now, I still have too much on my plate.
00:09:04.160 | And so the old joke on the podcast is I have 17 jobs,
00:09:07.960 | but I need seven instead of 17.
00:09:10.840 | So that's, I think, the next evolution to come
00:09:15.840 | is it's to be a full-time this and a full-time that
00:09:19.960 | and a full-time that, like three or four multiple things.
00:09:23.000 | It's just the volume of work is too much.
00:09:25.800 | My ideal lifestyle is slower and way more autonomous.
00:09:30.480 | Less things, high stakes, like, hey, deliver a book.
00:09:34.720 | Deliver a really good New Yorker piece.
00:09:37.920 | So high stakes, but you have nothing
00:09:40.120 | on your calendar tomorrow.
00:09:42.080 | It's up to you.
00:09:42.920 | You gotta figure this out.
00:09:43.760 | You need to make this work done.
00:09:44.640 | So I'm working on that.
00:09:46.240 | There's some early stage visions we're working on
00:09:49.840 | right now too about community investment,
00:09:53.560 | getting a little bit more involved in Tacoma Park.
00:09:56.960 | Maybe we need having some more,
00:09:59.520 | I don't wanna get too much into it,
00:10:01.840 | but some sort of commercial presence here.
00:10:03.680 | Do we wanna be, so there's a lot of thoughts we have
00:10:05.360 | about being more integrated into what's going on
00:10:08.680 | in our town, which I think is interesting too.
00:10:11.560 | So it's an ongoing process.
00:10:14.120 | Right now I have too much.
00:10:14.960 | In the moment, I have way too much, but strategic.
00:10:16.920 | So I took on a lot of extra work
00:10:20.040 | 'cause it's gonna help.
00:10:21.520 | I think it's important.
00:10:22.480 | The thing I'm doing is short-lived
00:10:24.040 | and I think it's important.
00:10:25.080 | And I think it's also gonna maybe be important
00:10:26.600 | for the lifestyle I want down the line.
00:10:28.360 | But right now I'm just being crushed by it.
00:10:29.960 | So I'm definitely in a mode right now
00:10:33.040 | where I'm thinking through what I wanna, wanna,
00:10:36.480 | wanna get there.
00:10:37.320 | 'Cause right now I'm just being crushed with overload.
00:10:40.040 | Yeah, you've seen it, you've seen it.
00:10:42.240 | You know, I'm kind of in and out right now.
00:10:43.920 | Like it is, there's too much going on.
00:10:47.360 | Having too much is just not good.
00:10:49.680 | Now I'm doing it on purpose
00:10:52.760 | and for a temporary amount of time.
00:10:54.520 | It's an initiative at Georgetown I think is very important,
00:10:57.320 | but it brings with it a lot of work.
00:11:00.080 | I probably should have aggressively slowed down
00:11:02.960 | other things to compensate, but I didn't.
00:11:04.840 | I added it on top of the stuff that was working just fine
00:11:07.040 | and now it doesn't add up and work just fine.
00:11:08.720 | And it's too much stuff and it's organized
00:11:10.440 | because I'm very organized.
00:11:11.720 | So it's not like I'm disorganized
00:11:13.120 | and I have the, technically I have the time for it.
00:11:15.960 | The issue is, and this is a core idea of slow productivity,
00:11:19.240 | when there's too much on your plate,
00:11:20.400 | no matter, even if you do have the time to get it done
00:11:22.600 | and you're super organized,
00:11:23.440 | it's still short circuits everything.
00:11:24.560 | It stresses you out and it's not healthy.
00:11:26.960 | So it's a good kind of kick in the butt right now
00:11:29.720 | to be like, okay, once I finish this,
00:11:31.480 | I really got to get pretty aggressive again
00:11:33.520 | at pursuing the lifestyle I have in mind.
00:11:37.440 | - Makes sense.
00:11:40.000 | Kind of going with a broader question here.
00:11:43.120 | You've discussed the book, "4,000 Weeks"
00:11:46.080 | that you read recently, you told Tim Ferriss about.
00:11:48.640 | I haven't read it yet, but I will.
00:11:50.720 | And generally, do you find that time goes by very fast?
00:11:55.400 | - Yes.
00:11:58.760 | Yeah, I mean, it depends on what's going on.
00:12:03.680 | These type of seasons like winter,
00:12:06.120 | where it's, there's a lot going on,
00:12:09.120 | it's this, then this, then this, then this,
00:12:10.760 | like this day's basketball and this day I teach.
00:12:13.160 | And so you have this sort of very regular schedule
00:12:15.440 | that each day is different than the one before,
00:12:18.320 | but it's regular each time.
00:12:19.760 | I always feel like time moves very fast during those seasons
00:12:22.080 | and then when you're in like the summer
00:12:24.680 | and there's not a schedule like that
00:12:27.320 | and it's much more autonomous,
00:12:29.480 | I feel like time moves much slower.
00:12:30.720 | So summer feels like a long time to me.
00:12:32.880 | Usually winter feels very fast.
00:12:37.200 | Like, are we in February already?
00:12:38.600 | We're in mid-February already.
00:12:39.440 | I mean, I don't mind it because like winter's
00:12:40.880 | not the best time anyways, but yeah, winter's fast.
00:12:45.880 | - And then, so does that lead to like broader thoughts
00:12:49.960 | about getting older and stuff like that
00:12:52.080 | and not being able to do certain things
00:12:53.440 | or not really for you?
00:12:54.280 | - Like that's the "4,000 Weeks" things.
00:12:57.080 | I'll tell you, I definitely started thinking about that
00:12:59.520 | with 40 looming, right?
00:13:04.440 | 'Cause there's a lot of things,
00:13:08.680 | especially if you're looking at bigger types of achievements
00:13:12.000 | there's a lot of things where you say,
00:13:13.960 | if that's not happened by 40, that's not on your list.
00:13:18.720 | This is like a key Oliver Berkman thing.
00:13:21.160 | Like I think about this with writing.
00:13:22.320 | Like I've been a successful writer.
00:13:24.360 | There's writers that are a lot more successful.
00:13:27.160 | You would think, yeah, you're where you're gonna be.
00:13:30.440 | Like you've taken your swings.
00:13:31.600 | You've been doing this since you were 20 years old.
00:13:35.120 | You've written seven books.
00:13:36.600 | Like you've taken your swings and it's gone well.
00:13:39.400 | But if you were gonna be a absolute top
00:13:43.080 | of the market writer, you'd be an absolute top
00:13:44.520 | of the market writer.
00:13:45.800 | Like same thing with computer science.
00:13:46.920 | Like you've done good computer science,
00:13:48.560 | but if you're gonna be like a breakout brain
00:13:50.200 | in that world, you would have been a breakout brain
00:13:51.480 | in that world.
00:13:52.320 | You've been doing this for a long time, you know?
00:13:53.800 | And I never really, in the 30s,
00:13:55.440 | you still feel like you're working on things.
00:13:57.440 | 40 feels like, yeah, this is where,
00:14:02.000 | these are my levels, so how do we build a life around it?
00:14:04.320 | And that might be overly pessimistic,
00:14:06.480 | but that's kind of an Oliver Berkman point, which I like.
00:14:09.200 | As big as that.
00:14:11.160 | There is one key exception to that, though.
00:14:13.400 | So I've gone down a Taylor Sheridan rabbit hole.
00:14:16.040 | You know this guy?
00:14:17.560 | - No.
00:14:18.400 | - Okay, so he was an actor.
00:14:21.200 | And he, so he was an actor, probably best known
00:14:25.640 | for being on Sons of Anarchy on FX.
00:14:28.840 | - The main character?
00:14:30.240 | - I don't know the show.
00:14:31.520 | - I've seen the show.
00:14:32.440 | I've seen the whole show.
00:14:33.760 | - Yeah, he's like a lantern jod.
00:14:36.320 | - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:14:37.400 | - You know what I'm saying?
00:14:38.240 | - Yeah, he's, yeah, I know.
00:14:39.160 | - Okay, so he's like a big character in that.
00:14:40.720 | Anyways, but he grew up on a ranch, right?
00:14:42.960 | Like he came out of, and he owns a ranch,
00:14:46.440 | come up out of a ranch.
00:14:47.920 | In his, so after the age of 40,
00:14:50.760 | he said, "I'm gonna screenwrite."
00:14:52.640 | And he was gonna do neo-westerns,
00:14:54.840 | which is like the new type of western.
00:14:57.880 | I think the Coen brothers kind of helped usher this in
00:15:01.400 | with No Country for Old Men.
00:15:02.600 | So neo-westerns, they take place in our modern world.
00:15:06.880 | And some of the issues are not,
00:15:09.120 | there's like a bandit coming to town.
00:15:11.960 | It's like the economic hardships of whatever.
00:15:15.360 | And so he's like, "Great, I'm just gonna like
00:15:16.360 | "start writing these type of things."
00:15:17.520 | And he wrote Sicario, Hell and High Water,
00:15:22.520 | and then Wind River, just like rattled off
00:15:24.840 | these like great movies, started writing in his 40s.
00:15:28.200 | His second movie was Oscar nominated for best screenplay.
00:15:32.840 | Wind River, he directed,
00:15:34.640 | like just kind of came out of nowhere.
00:15:36.680 | He just had such a clear vision.
00:15:39.160 | And then he did the show Yellowstone,
00:15:41.400 | which has become a huge phenomenon.
00:15:44.280 | So then he did the show Yellowstone,
00:15:45.680 | and then there's a spinoff,
00:15:46.760 | and they're doing another spinoff.
00:15:48.040 | And he's part of, I don't know if we talked about this
00:15:50.440 | on the show, but in Yellowstone,
00:15:53.400 | there's this huge ranch in Texas,
00:15:54.840 | a real ranch called the 6666, four sixes.
00:15:57.960 | And it's huge.
00:15:59.120 | I think it's over a hundred thousand acres.
00:16:02.960 | It's like six times the size of Chicago.
00:16:05.080 | And he's part of a group that just bought it.
00:16:07.760 | And they have a spinoff of the show
00:16:10.120 | that like takes place on that ranch.
00:16:12.040 | And he's like a horse wrangler.
00:16:14.200 | So like often in this show, Yellowstone,
00:16:16.360 | he's a character in the show,
00:16:17.880 | and he's always just doing crazy things on horses.
00:16:20.200 | And all the horses in the show are his horses.
00:16:22.800 | Anyways, he started all that after 40
00:16:25.160 | and just sort of redefined the genre.
00:16:27.000 | So you never know.
00:16:28.640 | What I'm saying is I think we need a ranch.
00:16:30.800 | (laughing)
00:16:33.040 | We should broadcast from a ranch.
00:16:35.640 | Yeah, it would be episode one,
00:16:38.800 | but guys, I'm reporting from my ranch.
00:16:40.320 | Episode two, you'd be like, it would be you.
00:16:42.520 | He'd be like, I have sad news.
00:16:44.400 | - Cal's 40 miles in the other direction on a horse
00:16:47.120 | in his cabin writing some poetry.
00:16:49.320 | - No, I was gonna say more, Cal has been killed.
00:16:51.880 | He has been trampled by,
00:16:54.280 | trampled by his snake bitten body was trampled by horses
00:16:58.520 | and then dragged by cattle through barbed wire
00:17:00.560 | because he has no idea what he's doing.
00:17:01.800 | And also the ranch is on fire.
00:17:03.240 | That's what would happen.
00:17:05.600 | Yes, I worry about that stuff.
00:17:08.080 | I don't know if I worry about it, I think about it.
00:17:09.880 | And I never thought about that before
00:17:11.320 | until I realized I was gonna turn 40 this year.
00:17:14.040 | - Interesting.
00:17:14.880 | - Yeah, and then I was like, oh my God, I guess this is like
00:17:18.240 | I'm no longer like the hungry upstart thinking like,
00:17:20.400 | what's the thing I'm gonna do?
00:17:22.040 | Where am I gonna break out?
00:17:23.120 | But also I'm pretty happy with where I am.
00:17:25.280 | So it's not bad, but it's definitely an adjustment.
00:17:29.960 | - You want another question?
00:17:32.840 | - Yeah, let's do one more.
00:17:34.240 | - All right, final question.
00:17:35.680 | You talk a lot about training like an athlete.
00:17:38.560 | Are there any athletes that you closely follow
00:17:41.160 | that you like that resonate with you?
00:17:43.960 | Based on like their training resume
00:17:46.840 | and like what they do, what they're all about?
00:17:49.120 | - Well, our man Scherzer.
00:17:50.360 | You know a little bit of something
00:17:53.320 | about his training regime, right?
00:17:54.360 | But he's a beast, right?
00:17:56.640 | - Yeah, absolutely, obsessed.
00:17:58.840 | - Yeah, he was obsessed
00:18:01.920 | and was able to keep his career going.
00:18:04.800 | I mean, the deal he just signed with the Mets,
00:18:07.360 | he's old, man.
00:18:08.360 | - I know.
00:18:09.200 | - He's younger than us, but he's old.
00:18:10.720 | That's a big deal, that's a lot of money.
00:18:13.280 | Yeah, that's all training and competitive.
00:18:15.680 | That's competitive fire right there.
00:18:17.280 | Just that like lasers, yeah.
00:18:20.560 | So I like that, I follow him.
00:18:23.720 | I like the thing, I'm like the Max Scherzer of,
00:18:28.600 | I have to go incredibly narrow here.
00:18:30.200 | I'm like the Max Scherzer of podcasts
00:18:32.680 | that are in a Q&A format
00:18:34.720 | and that deal mainly with questions
00:18:36.720 | about like work and productivity
00:18:38.720 | and are taped in Maryland.
00:18:41.800 | I'm like the Max Scherzer of that.
00:18:43.520 | All right. - Take it.
00:18:47.520 | - All right, so there we go.
00:18:48.360 | So this is a listener calls thing.
00:18:49.640 | I think, thanks for the questions, Jesse.
00:18:50.960 | So there you go, a little insight
00:18:52.000 | into what's going on in my life.
00:18:53.600 | I think it was useful.
00:18:55.960 | If you have questions you want Jesse to ask me,
00:18:57.480 | you can send them to
00:18:59.760 | This is a listener calls episode.
00:19:00.880 | We have some listener calls,
00:19:02.120 | but we have to first pay the bills.
00:19:05.320 | Those type of ranches that we are going to buy imminently
00:19:08.080 | don't pay for themselves.
00:19:09.480 | So let's talk about a couple of sponsors.
00:19:12.320 | I want to talk first about MyBodyTutor.
00:19:16.640 | All right, now Jesse,
00:19:18.360 | you've heard me talk about this before,
00:19:20.840 | and maybe this would be a good model for us
00:19:23.520 | for actually like productivity tutoring or something,
00:19:25.360 | because like what they're doing here is pretty smart.
00:19:27.040 | It's fitness and health online coaching.
00:19:32.000 | You get a coach, they come up with a plan for you,
00:19:35.240 | what you're eating, how you're exercising,
00:19:37.160 | and you talk to them every day.
00:19:38.960 | You check in, here's how it's going.
00:19:40.760 | And they get back to you every single day,
00:19:43.000 | like, "Hey, good work," or, "Focus on this,"
00:19:44.680 | or, "Worry about this."
00:19:45.520 | "Oh, you had a question about this.
00:19:46.480 | Let me give you some answers to it."
00:19:47.480 | So you have the consistency of a coach with the convenience
00:19:52.400 | and the economic efficiency of that coach
00:19:54.600 | being entirely online.
00:19:55.840 | I think this is a really good idea.
00:19:57.960 | And it gives you something to do.
00:20:00.080 | If you're like, "I want to get in better shape.
00:20:01.200 | I want to get my health together.
00:20:02.480 | I don't want to just randomly go at it."
00:20:03.880 | Sign up for MyBodyTutor, get one of these tutors.
00:20:06.880 | I mean, we could do this, Jesse.
00:20:08.920 | We should do this with MyWorkTutor
00:20:12.600 | or something like that.
00:20:14.160 | And you would check in online with me, right?
00:20:17.280 | Every day, you fill out a survey
00:20:18.560 | about all the work you would do.
00:20:20.360 | And I would leave a voice message
00:20:22.400 | in which I would just say, "Work deeper."
00:20:25.080 | - And you need another job.
00:20:27.960 | - The issue is I don't have enough to do.
00:20:30.320 | So I'm going to tell Adam Gilbert,
00:20:31.440 | who I've known for a long time,
00:20:32.440 | who runs MyBodyTutor,
00:20:34.160 | I'm going to tell Adam Gilbert,
00:20:35.240 | you need to add a deep work tutoring service
00:20:38.760 | that's just me saying, "Work deeper,"
00:20:40.680 | and add that to your offerings.
00:20:43.040 | So here's the deal with MyBodyTutor.
00:20:44.480 | If you go to,
00:20:47.840 | that's T-U-T-O-R,
00:20:50.760 | and you tell them that you came from Deep Questions,
00:20:53.080 | and you could just,
00:20:53.920 | Adam looks at every single person who comes in.
00:20:56.440 | I mean, he gives you his personal phone number,
00:20:59.680 | cell phone number when you sign up.
00:21:01.040 | So this is not some anonymous Peloton type nonsense.
00:21:05.560 | This is personal.
00:21:06.720 | If you tell him, "Hey, I came from Deep Questions,"
00:21:08.680 | he will give you $50 off your first month.
00:21:11.760 | So that's,
00:21:14.120 | mention Deep Questions,
00:21:15.080 | and get $50 off.
00:21:17.320 | All right, so Jesse,
00:21:19.240 | as long as we are getting our listeners
00:21:21.440 | in the fantastic shape
00:21:22.720 | so that we can recruit them to come work on our ranch
00:21:25.120 | and save me from being trampled,
00:21:27.080 | let's talk about Athletic Greens.
00:21:29.600 | Athletic Greens is a,
00:21:31.600 | it's a powder that includes 75 high-quality vitamins,
00:21:35.480 | minerals, whole food source, superfoods, probiotics,
00:21:38.760 | and the thing I'm always bothering Jesse about, adaptogens.
00:21:43.240 | I'm always like, "Hey man, how's your adaptogens going?"
00:21:46.560 | You got all the stuff you need in a powder.
00:21:49.720 | You take it once a day,
00:21:50.600 | you put it in 12 ounces of water.
00:21:52.280 | I add two ice cubes 'cause I like it cold.
00:21:54.640 | Shake it up, drink it once a day.
00:21:56.280 | The reason why I take Athletic Greens
00:21:59.280 | is because it is all they do is this one product.
00:22:03.680 | They say we again and again relentlessly
00:22:06.960 | keep upgrading this one product
00:22:08.640 | to have the very best sourced materials in it.
00:22:11.520 | The whole point is that you don't have to worry,
00:22:14.360 | am I getting the right stuff?
00:22:16.760 | Am I getting the best stuff?
00:22:18.880 | I've talked to Athletic Greens directly.
00:22:22.400 | They walk me through how this whole works.
00:22:23.840 | I trust them.
00:22:24.680 | I literally use it every day.
00:22:25.760 | It's a powder.
00:22:27.280 | And the only thing that's not in the powder
00:22:28.520 | is the vitamin D because it's not,
00:22:30.160 | again, they obsess about what's gonna work.
00:22:32.120 | Vitamin D doesn't work well in powder form.
00:22:34.200 | So you add a couple of drops to it for the vitamin D.
00:22:36.040 | And I take it every morning
00:22:37.800 | 'cause I don't wanna have to worry.
00:22:39.400 | Am I having enough of this nutrient?
00:22:41.560 | Do I have enough of this vitamin?
00:22:43.160 | Take the Athletic Greens.
00:22:44.080 | They also have travel packs,
00:22:45.160 | which is great when you travel.
00:22:46.320 | So it's one serving.
00:22:47.400 | Wherever you are, you just throw it into some,
00:22:50.160 | you throw it into some water.
00:22:52.880 | So I am fans of Athletic Greens.
00:22:55.520 | They're not just a sponsor.
00:22:56.560 | I actually use it.
00:22:59.040 | Your adaptogens okay, Jesse?
00:23:01.880 | I was worried about you today.
00:23:02.840 | - They're deep.
00:23:03.680 | - Yeah, are they deep?
00:23:04.520 | 'Cause I was like,
00:23:05.520 | you look like you're adaptogen deprived.
00:23:07.600 | I'm not sure about this.
00:23:09.120 | I'm worried about it.
00:23:10.400 | I'm gonna bring some Athletic Greens in the studio
00:23:12.040 | and force you to take some before every episode
00:23:14.640 | so that you're on top of your game.
00:23:16.400 | So let me give you a call to action here.
00:23:19.040 | Right now it's time to reclaim your health
00:23:21.200 | and arm your immune system with convenient daily nutrition,
00:23:24.320 | especially heading into flu and cold season.
00:23:28.160 | Yes, trust me, we're there.
00:23:30.000 | I have three kids.
00:23:30.960 | I know all about this.
00:23:32.040 | It's just one scoop and a cup of water every day.
00:23:34.760 | That's it.
00:23:35.600 | No need for a million different pills and supplements
00:23:37.680 | to look out for your health.
00:23:39.880 | Jesse, I would say the reason why you need
00:23:41.160 | to take Athletic Greens, by the way,
00:23:42.440 | is that if you ever got near my family,
00:23:44.280 | I have three young kids that are just germ factories.
00:23:46.800 | You're not around kids a lot.
00:23:48.360 | I think you would quite literally just die.
00:23:50.240 | (Jesse laughs)
00:23:51.240 | Like if they came in here right now,
00:23:52.600 | you'd be like, "Oh, it's nice to meet you."
00:23:53.720 | And then you would just die.
00:23:55.400 | Just your immune system would be like,
00:23:57.400 | forget COVID, man.
00:23:58.520 | Like these kids are swarming in germs.
00:24:01.320 | This is why I gotta take Athletic Greens.
00:24:02.200 | I take it every single day because man,
00:24:04.360 | my immune system is at war every day in the winter.
00:24:08.640 | So to make it easy,
00:24:09.520 | Athletic Greens is going to give you free one year supply
00:24:13.760 | of immune supporting vitamin D
00:24:15.280 | and five free travel packs with your first purchase.
00:24:18.600 | All you have to do is visit
00:24:23.800 | Again, that is
00:24:28.000 | to take ownership over your health
00:24:29.520 | and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance.
00:24:33.720 | All right, Jesse, let's do some calls.
00:24:38.440 | Who do we have on the old call docket today?
00:24:41.900 | - Okay, our first call is from Mark.
00:24:44.320 | He's like you, he's a professor in DC.
00:24:46.640 | And he has a question about finding the opposing views
00:24:51.480 | when you're dealing with certain topics.
00:24:53.840 | - Hi, Kel, my name is Mark
00:24:57.680 | and I'm also a professor at an R1 university in the DC area.
00:25:01.640 | My question for you is the following.
00:25:03.240 | Often on your show, you'll discuss this idea
00:25:05.440 | of building up the Socratic dialectic, as you call it,
00:25:08.160 | or finding the best thinkers or writers or speakers
00:25:12.480 | from opposing viewpoints on a given topic.
00:25:15.440 | My question is the following.
00:25:16.880 | If you want to explore a given topic,
00:25:19.200 | but perhaps you're not as familiar with the topic
00:25:21.880 | enough to kind of know who the key thinkers
00:25:24.240 | are on that topic,
00:25:25.600 | how would you go about the specific mechanics
00:25:28.000 | of identifying who the best speakers were
00:25:31.040 | for that specific topic?
00:25:32.920 | For example, let's say I wanted to understand
00:25:35.360 | the causes of the Baltic War.
00:25:36.920 | It's not a topic I'm typically familiar with.
00:25:40.160 | How would I go about finding the two or three
00:25:43.200 | best thinkers or speakers on that,
00:25:44.880 | given that I have no knowledge of that area?
00:25:48.320 | So this is sort of the curse of knowledge situation,
00:25:50.640 | where if I know who the best thinkers are,
00:25:53.120 | I'm probably already knowledgeable enough
00:25:55.320 | about the field to understand what the key points are.
00:26:00.160 | But if I'm just entering something for the first time,
00:26:02.440 | it's actually quite difficult to do what you're describing.
00:26:06.960 | Thank you for your time.
00:26:08.880 | - Good question, Mark.
00:26:10.080 | Let me start by just underlining the bigger picture method
00:26:13.880 | that Mark was talking about here.
00:26:16.560 | So it's one of the big points I've been making
00:26:18.560 | on this show since the beginning,
00:26:20.600 | is when it comes to having an interesting,
00:26:23.680 | thriving, resilient, but also authentic
00:26:26.040 | and value-producing intellectual life,
00:26:29.400 | you have to be very worried about
00:26:31.560 | or wary of intellectual groupism.
00:26:34.640 | And this is where you say,
00:26:36.040 | I just wanna be told what I'm supposed to think
00:26:40.720 | about something, who the good guys are
00:26:42.920 | and who the bad guys are.
00:26:44.920 | Your mind knows that you are being subservient
00:26:48.880 | when you do that, and it's not happy with yourself.
00:26:51.440 | It's not a approach to intellectual life
00:26:54.360 | that is sustainable.
00:26:55.360 | It makes you feel bad about yourself.
00:26:57.120 | And it brings you into weird tribal places.
00:26:59.480 | It's also, by the way, the dominant mode
00:27:01.520 | of intellectual discourse on social media.
00:27:03.520 | So beware if you are wandering through the waters of Twitter,
00:27:08.480 | you're wandering through the waters of,
00:27:10.840 | I don't know what people use these days, Instagram.
00:27:12.840 | So my alternative, and by my, I mean this goes back
00:27:16.040 | to the very early days of systematic thinking
00:27:19.200 | about thinking, is the Socratic dialectic method.
00:27:21.800 | If you wanna understand something better,
00:27:24.000 | listen to really good thinkers on multiple sides of it.
00:27:26.280 | In that collision, you see what resonates,
00:27:28.920 | you get more insight, you get a more nuanced,
00:27:30.960 | rooted understanding of that topic,
00:27:32.560 | one that you can actually base real action on
00:27:34.600 | and feel good about it.
00:27:36.560 | If by contrast, you just do intellectual groupism,
00:27:39.880 | your mind often is not gonna really trust your stance
00:27:42.640 | because you know you're just following a crowd.
00:27:44.320 | So it's not a good foundation for action.
00:27:46.640 | You don't feel confident taking action,
00:27:49.440 | real action based off it.
00:27:51.400 | So then you end up just doing very little about a cause,
00:27:54.440 | maybe like tweeting about it or yelling at people,
00:27:57.120 | or like getting mad at your cousin or something like this,
00:27:59.720 | and nothing really happened.
00:28:01.000 | So there's this irony of intellectual groupism
00:28:03.480 | is that often people think this is the key
00:28:06.920 | to changing the world.
00:28:07.880 | If we could just get people to just be on our side
00:28:10.400 | and don't question it and attack the other side,
00:28:12.280 | then we'll change this issue.
00:28:13.400 | But actually what you do is you defang people's
00:28:15.800 | actual activist impulses and very little action is taken
00:28:18.560 | because they don't trust the intellectual foundation
00:28:21.200 | of what they believe.
00:28:22.040 | They just vaguely think you're on their team
00:28:24.080 | and don't wanna get yelled at.
00:28:25.400 | So encounter real argument, real argument on both sides.
00:28:30.160 | You will not be tricked.
00:28:31.400 | Your deep moral intuitions will not be tricked
00:28:34.440 | because you read a particularly clever National Review
00:28:38.520 | or Mother Jones article.
00:28:39.760 | It's not gonna trick you.
00:28:40.920 | It's gonna make your belief stronger and more nuanced.
00:28:43.000 | It's actually gonna make you a better advocate
00:28:44.640 | for what you believe in.
00:28:46.560 | So how do you find these things?
00:28:47.840 | Well, for really specific issues like the Baltic War,
00:28:51.360 | you know, something that's kinda niche,
00:28:54.080 | you don't have to find from scratch the best thinker.
00:28:56.480 | You just have to find someone who knows about it
00:28:58.320 | and ask them who the best thinker is.
00:28:59.960 | That's almost always the right way to do it.
00:29:02.200 | Like, oh, here's a professor who wrote an article
00:29:04.680 | about the Baltic War.
00:29:06.000 | That's why I'm thinking about it.
00:29:07.120 | I read this article.
00:29:08.160 | Let me talk to this person.
00:29:09.640 | Like, hey, what are like the definitive books on this?
00:29:12.760 | Who are the definitive thinkers on it?
00:29:14.040 | What are the different sides of this?
00:29:15.200 | You can do that for almost any topic.
00:29:18.640 | Find someone who knows about the topic
00:29:22.000 | and then ask them who they think the best thinkers are.
00:29:25.480 | Now, if there's already a clear tribal divide on the topic,
00:29:28.760 | just find a reasonable person
00:29:30.560 | who seems to be roughly speaking on one side.
00:29:33.280 | Find a reasonable person who, roughly speaking,
00:29:34.920 | seems to be on the other side.
00:29:36.280 | And say, what are the best articles or books
00:29:39.520 | about this topic?
00:29:41.000 | Then you're going to get those two opposing viewpoints.
00:29:43.200 | You read them both, let them collide.
00:29:44.880 | You are going to have the more nuanced understanding.
00:29:48.360 | All right, so Mark, I appreciate the question
00:29:50.080 | because it gives me a chance
00:29:51.640 | to go back to that general thinking.
00:29:54.240 | There's actually a name I heard for that approach
00:29:58.160 | to intellectual life,
00:29:59.120 | especially like culturally relevant intellectual life.
00:30:01.600 | It was a name that was coined by a former doctor
00:30:06.080 | who is now a full-time podcaster YouTuber
00:30:11.000 | who talks about medical issues.
00:30:13.280 | And he goes by,
00:30:14.840 | and this name is not going to make you feel better
00:30:18.200 | about what I'm about to tell you here,
00:30:19.720 | but he goes by the name ZDogg with two Gs, MD.
00:30:23.880 | That's how you can find him on YouTube, ZDoggMD.
00:30:27.400 | I don't know what his actual real name is.
00:30:30.680 | Really funny guy, really smart guy,
00:30:33.000 | really funny broadcaster.
00:30:34.400 | But he coined this term alt-middle.
00:30:37.840 | And I kind of like this terminology, right?
00:30:40.920 | So alt-middle is basically an approach
00:30:43.080 | where instead of partaking in intellectual groupism,
00:30:48.080 | where you say, where's my tribe?
00:30:50.160 | What do we believe?
00:30:51.040 | Send me the memo.
00:30:52.040 | Great, who can I tweet at?
00:30:54.280 | You approach topics one by one and say,
00:30:56.520 | let me get into this,
00:30:57.360 | if it's interesting or relevant to me and I have the time.
00:30:59.600 | Let me look at people on both sides of it
00:31:02.560 | and come up with my own take on it.
00:31:04.840 | And then, and this is critical,
00:31:06.280 | be willing to change that take
00:31:07.520 | if I get better information down the line.
00:31:09.640 | That hold that position with some empathy
00:31:12.600 | and with some contingency.
00:31:14.400 | I might not quite be right here.
00:31:16.240 | This is a complicated topic.
00:31:18.000 | And so I'm going to hold that with some contingency
00:31:20.360 | and I'm going to be relatively empathetic
00:31:22.000 | to people on other sides.
00:31:22.960 | Other people aren't evil.
00:31:24.280 | And that is what he calls the alt-middle approach.
00:31:26.800 | It really emerged because he's a doctor.
00:31:29.640 | He does a lot of sort of COVID centrist type communication.
00:31:33.480 | He's sort of a COVID centrist.
00:31:34.760 | So one of these people that's very plugged in
00:31:37.280 | and mainstream on COVID and understands the science,
00:31:40.560 | but also is alarmed by both sides.
00:31:43.640 | Alarmed, for example,
00:31:45.080 | by really extreme anti-vaccination type of discussion.
00:31:49.840 | Also alarmed by really extreme,
00:31:52.440 | we need to lock down the kids
00:31:53.720 | and put them in underwater cages
00:31:55.040 | because there's a guy who lives six states over
00:31:56.960 | who was once immunocompromised type thinking.
00:31:59.200 | And so through COVID centrism, he has evolved this idea,
00:32:02.880 | but I think it could apply to all of intellectual life.
00:32:05.120 | Alt-middle.
00:32:06.080 | So ZDogg, I appreciate that terminology.
00:32:08.160 | Mark, I appreciate you bringing this up.
00:32:10.360 | Find people who seem reasonable, ask them who the best is,
00:32:13.360 | read on both sides of the topic, think for yourself,
00:32:16.640 | hold ideas with some contingencies,
00:32:19.120 | be empathetic to the other side
00:32:20.920 | and trust your moral intuitions.
00:32:23.200 | You're not going to be tricked into believing something bad.
00:32:26.960 | Your views are going to get more nuanced.
00:32:29.600 | Your beliefs are going to get stronger.
00:32:31.400 | Your ability and motivation to actually make change
00:32:34.040 | in the world, which is what actually matters,
00:32:36.640 | is actually going to be improved
00:32:38.760 | when you encounter the very best thinkers
00:32:40.480 | on all sides of an issue.
00:32:43.080 | All right, so thanks, Mark.
00:32:45.680 | Jesse, I showed you ZDogg's.
00:32:48.840 | - Yeah.
00:32:49.680 | - I showed you one of his videos.
00:32:50.520 | I guess his studio looks very nice.
00:32:52.760 | I'm jealous.
00:32:53.600 | So what is it that makes it look nice?
00:32:55.760 | - It's like a lighting, but I don't know,
00:32:59.560 | it's like a big studio and it's in soft focus or something.
00:33:03.160 | - Yeah, it kind of looks like a really nice yoga studio.
00:33:05.040 | - Yeah, and I don't know if he has like a nice camera.
00:33:07.480 | I mean, pretty nice cameras,
00:33:08.320 | maybe he has an even nicer camera,
00:33:09.400 | but they're good looking videos.
00:33:11.080 | He's also a funny guy.
00:33:12.600 | I like him.
00:33:13.440 | ZDoggMD.
00:33:14.280 | That's such a like, the first name I came up with
00:33:18.680 | when I, I bet if we asked him, he's like,
00:33:20.680 | "I signed up for YouTube on a whim 20 years ago."
00:33:23.000 | And it was like the first name that came to mind
00:33:24.480 | and then you're stuck with it.
00:33:25.920 | It's like when you end up with like your email address
00:33:28.960 | is like
00:33:33.960 | And you're kind of stuck with it
00:33:36.180 | because like all your family,
00:33:37.480 | that's the one they know to use.
00:33:39.600 | I wonder if that's where ZDogg came from.
00:33:41.640 | All right, what do we got next?
00:33:44.340 | - All right, the next question's from Drew.
00:33:47.160 | He's in a gap year and he has a question
00:33:50.040 | on what activities he should pursue.
00:33:53.080 | - Hey, Kyle, loving the show.
00:33:55.280 | I'm Drew from the Philippines
00:33:56.680 | and I'm currently in a gap year before college.
00:33:59.480 | I've applied to elite universities in the US
00:34:02.000 | and I'm pretty confident I'll get into at least one of them,
00:34:04.880 | hopefully, but in the meantime,
00:34:07.080 | I'm trying to make the most of my time during my gap year.
00:34:10.000 | My country is still in the dying thralls of the pandemic
00:34:12.680 | so going outside is still a bit restricted.
00:34:15.400 | So I've started developing a lifelong habit
00:34:17.400 | of reading books at a more frequent level,
00:34:19.840 | averaging at least one or two nonfiction books per week
00:34:23.120 | by employing your method of making it a default activity.
00:34:26.440 | And it's been working effortlessly so far.
00:34:28.840 | I have approximately 10 months before college
00:34:31.880 | and by the end of my gap year,
00:34:33.440 | I want to come out of it becoming the best possible version
00:34:36.360 | that a 19-year-old like me is capable of actualizing.
00:34:39.640 | What activities should I pursue
00:34:41.760 | and what kind of mindset should I employ going forward?
00:34:44.880 | Thanks, Kyle.
00:34:47.280 | - So given that you're somewhat physically stuck,
00:34:52.280 | that's gonna change the way we think about this gap year
00:34:55.080 | because often gap years is built around experiences.
00:34:59.320 | You go to interesting places, you meet interesting people,
00:35:01.560 | which I think is really important,
00:35:02.680 | but now you're gonna be limited there.
00:35:04.800 | I think what I'm gonna advise
00:35:06.200 | is that you actually develop a curriculum.
00:35:09.560 | So instead of just, which by the way is great,
00:35:12.600 | but instead of just encountering and reading a lot of books,
00:35:15.880 | let's have a curriculum that has maybe three goals
00:35:20.880 | that you're gonna make consistent effort towards.
00:35:24.480 | So you might have a curriculum for reading.
00:35:27.960 | I'm trying to get through these particular books
00:35:30.680 | and I'm gonna read these secondary sources
00:35:32.680 | about each of these books
00:35:33.600 | to try to fill in a particular subject matter
00:35:36.680 | that I wanna know a lot about.
00:35:38.480 | And I don't care about the details so much here
00:35:40.800 | as it is just doing some sort of consistent intellectual work
00:35:45.320 | and intellectual exploration.
00:35:47.720 | I mean, for example, I'll give you an example from my life.
00:35:51.040 | When I first came down to Washington, DC
00:35:54.280 | to take a professorship at Georgetown,
00:35:56.160 | this is before we had kids,
00:35:57.320 | so I had a lot of free time on my hand.
00:35:59.520 | My wife worked a normal person job.
00:36:01.280 | Professorship's not a normal job.
00:36:03.360 | So she had to actually go to work for normal hours
00:36:05.240 | and I didn't, I was a first year professor.
00:36:07.880 | I did a self-imposed curriculum.
00:36:09.520 | I had come across this book,
00:36:11.000 | a book of philosophy called "All Things Shining."
00:36:14.800 | By Dreyfus and Kelly.
00:36:16.360 | And it was an interesting book that was,
00:36:18.440 | went back through the classics
00:36:20.040 | and extracted ideas from the classics
00:36:22.280 | about the sacred and finding meaning in life.
00:36:25.360 | We actually talked about this recently
00:36:26.880 | in my appearance on the Tim Ferriss podcast.
00:36:28.600 | I guess Tim tried to read it
00:36:30.120 | and he didn't actually like it much.
00:36:32.760 | And the reason Tim didn't like it is he said,
00:36:34.160 | "I didn't know all the references.
00:36:35.480 | "I hadn't read Aeschylus.
00:36:36.960 | "I hadn't read Dante."
00:36:38.320 | And so what I did, I said, "Here's what I'm gonna do.
00:36:40.400 | "I'm gonna use 'All Things Shining'
00:36:41.760 | "'cause it's talking about all these books
00:36:43.240 | "and drawing interesting lessons about them.
00:36:44.840 | "And as it gets to each of those books
00:36:46.840 | "that it references, I'm gonna stop and read that."
00:36:50.080 | So I'm gonna go, you know, I started with "The Odyssey"
00:36:52.760 | because they started with the classical heroic Greeks.
00:36:55.200 | And I read "The Odyssey" and then I read Aeschylus
00:36:57.560 | and then I read Dante and I read Augustine.
00:37:02.000 | And so I followed this book and I would read the things
00:37:07.000 | and then read them, talk about it,
00:37:08.160 | then read the next things and read what they talked about.
00:37:09.720 | And it was like an organized curriculum
00:37:11.120 | and it was actually really interesting
00:37:12.520 | to go through these.
00:37:13.360 | And the book ended up with David Foster Wallace.
00:37:15.120 | So we went from Homer to David Foster Wallace.
00:37:17.760 | And there was an organized reflection here
00:37:21.280 | as the book went on.
00:37:23.000 | So do something like that.
00:37:23.960 | Just to get in the habit of,
00:37:25.200 | I can on myself autonomously
00:37:27.440 | dive into an intellectual pool
00:37:30.080 | and make sense of it just because I want to.
00:37:32.400 | And there's a lot of different topics you can do this on.
00:37:34.760 | If you wanna steer this,
00:37:35.920 | you might consider subscribing to the great courses
00:37:39.080 | and let one of the great courses,
00:37:41.120 | you pick a topic from there and let that course
00:37:42.720 | actually watch the lectures and then read the books.
00:37:44.480 | Like actually follow a great course
00:37:45.840 | if you want a little bit more structure.
00:37:47.720 | So that should be part of your curriculum,
00:37:48.900 | some sort of focused intellectual exploration
00:37:51.920 | where you learn to just love doing
00:37:53.080 | focused intellectual explorations.
00:37:54.760 | The second thing in your curriculum
00:37:57.600 | should have you building or creating something.
00:37:59.960 | And I don't know if it's physical,
00:38:03.440 | if it's digital, if it's written, if it's code,
00:38:05.600 | but it's just you're building and honing a skill
00:38:07.680 | and creating things, making intentions manifest concretely
00:38:10.920 | in the world, just to get in the habit
00:38:12.800 | while you have the time of developing a skill
00:38:15.680 | and creating things, being able to actually add new things
00:38:18.120 | into the world, I think that's quite fulfilling.
00:38:20.680 | And then the third part of the curriculum,
00:38:22.120 | I would add is something physical.
00:38:24.400 | Get in really good shape.
00:38:27.200 | Not that you need to be in really good shape
00:38:29.600 | to go to college in America,
00:38:31.360 | but just that it's an outlet for the energy,
00:38:35.440 | it will calm intellectual anxieties
00:38:37.680 | and it's self-mastery and efficacy.
00:38:40.160 | I'm the type of guy that can structure my time
00:38:42.080 | and get after it, I'm getting in really good shape.
00:38:43.680 | It just makes you feel like you have control
00:38:46.120 | over your own life so that when you get there,
00:38:48.800 | when you get to college, you have all this confidence.
00:38:52.560 | I can control my life and create something here
00:38:54.400 | that's really interesting.
00:38:56.440 | And I'm not at just the whims of,
00:38:58.960 | oh my God, my classes and I'm stressed
00:39:00.760 | and I'm just up drinking all night.
00:39:01.880 | Like you feel like you're actually in control.
00:39:03.160 | So I would do those three things.
00:39:04.440 | That's my three-part curriculum I would suggest
00:39:06.640 | for your semi-homebound gap year.
00:39:10.960 | The fourth thing I'm gonna say,
00:39:11.800 | which is not part of the curriculum,
00:39:12.800 | but this is just a substrate.
00:39:14.920 | You need to socialize and connect as much
00:39:17.240 | as the Philippine pandemic restrictions allow.
00:39:20.680 | You need to connect to other people.
00:39:21.840 | You need to sacrifice on behalf of other people.
00:39:23.640 | You need to be a leader in your community
00:39:25.480 | and among people you know.
00:39:26.720 | That's just gonna be the foundation
00:39:27.840 | that stops you from going crazy.
00:39:30.000 | If you're allowed to see people outside,
00:39:31.080 | see people outside.
00:39:32.520 | You're not allowed to do that,
00:39:33.480 | then do it virtually until you can.
00:39:36.960 | But as soon as you can do that,
00:39:38.160 | like be around people, see people,
00:39:39.680 | communicate with people, help people,
00:39:40.960 | bring stuff to people who need help.
00:39:42.960 | Make the social aspect of your life really amplified.
00:39:46.840 | And this is not about your gap year.
00:39:48.760 | This is about you're going through a period
00:39:50.560 | of pandemic restrictions that we all went through before.
00:39:53.160 | And it's the thing that you have to push over the top
00:39:56.080 | to counteract the isolating negative impacts
00:39:58.720 | of pandemic restrictions.
00:40:02.040 | And so I just want you to see that as medicine.
00:40:05.280 | That is your, I don't wanna get anxious
00:40:06.760 | and depressed medicine for this very specific circumstance.
00:40:09.800 | It is, I'm gonna become more socially engaged
00:40:12.880 | and sacrifice more time and attention
00:40:14.360 | on behalf of other people than I ever have before in my life.
00:40:16.560 | And that's just your daily medicine.
00:40:18.000 | All right?
00:40:19.040 | So Drew, hopefully things will calm down there soon.
00:40:24.040 | Hopefully you'll find your way to a nice school soon
00:40:26.600 | and really enjoy that.
00:40:27.440 | But in the meantime, that is my prescription.
00:40:31.920 | - It's kind of weird, Jesse, to imagine there's still,
00:40:33.840 | I mean, I guess it's true,
00:40:34.680 | but there's places where you're dealing
00:40:36.960 | with lockdown type things.
00:40:40.160 | - Yeah.
00:40:41.000 | - Yeah.
00:40:41.840 | I mean, I think we've been done with those here for a while.
00:40:44.440 | I think the populace basically just said,
00:40:47.200 | you gotta find a better way.
00:40:49.360 | You gotta find a better way.
00:40:50.200 | Though, I don't know where we live.
00:40:51.280 | You see it every time you come here,
00:40:53.080 | compared to where you live.
00:40:54.440 | Montgomery County, Maryland is not exactly chill,
00:41:00.200 | chilled out about the virus.
00:41:02.160 | - Yeah.
00:41:03.000 | I mean, I'm in Virginia,
00:41:04.040 | but it's only seven miles away.
00:41:05.920 | It's different.
00:41:07.280 | - Yeah.
00:41:08.120 | Interesting times, but hey, we can go outside.
00:41:10.160 | So feel bad for Drew.
00:41:11.920 | - When you were doing that All Things Shining project,
00:41:14.720 | how long did it take you to do all the,
00:41:16.000 | read all the books and everything?
00:41:17.640 | - I don't remember.
00:41:20.560 | Semester, maybe?
00:41:22.920 | More?
00:41:23.760 | I mean, I don't know if I read every one.
00:41:24.840 | Maybe I skipped a couple.
00:41:26.080 | But I just remember doing it
00:41:28.080 | for a lot of that academic year.
00:41:30.520 | And then I do other things,
00:41:31.360 | and I would come back to it.
00:41:32.760 | Yeah, it's vague memory,
00:41:34.960 | but I have all those books still.
00:41:36.120 | And I remember, by the way,
00:41:36.960 | I remember so much from that,
00:41:39.640 | that it was very useful.
00:41:41.480 | Like I have all these references now,
00:41:43.280 | and these understandings of all these different books.
00:41:44.880 | I know these cultural references
00:41:46.000 | was actually a pretty cool,
00:41:47.400 | it was a pretty cool experience, actually.
00:41:48.760 | That's what I should have told Tim on the podcast.
00:41:50.720 | So Tim was saying he tried to read it,
00:41:52.320 | but found it really academic.
00:41:54.480 | Which it kind of is, if you haven't read the books.
00:41:57.400 | You're like, what the hell are they talking about?
00:41:59.200 | So I probably should have suggested to Tim,
00:42:01.320 | go back and try the book again,
00:42:03.520 | but read the books along with the writers.
00:42:07.640 | And so, longtime fans will recognize the reference,
00:42:11.240 | because I talk about it in "Deep Work."
00:42:13.840 | So that's where that original reference came back.
00:42:17.920 | All right, who do we got?
00:42:19.160 | - Next up, we have Shane McGrath.
00:42:23.520 | I'm pretty sure he's submitted a question before.
00:42:26.120 | And he's basically got a lot of jobs.
00:42:29.160 | He's doing a lot of juggling,
00:42:30.360 | and he's got a specific question about that.
00:42:32.600 | - Hi, Cal.
00:42:37.240 | My name is Shane, and I work as an operations analyst
00:42:40.000 | in the medical device field.
00:42:42.000 | I'm a big fan of your work,
00:42:43.280 | and credit the embrace of "Deep Work" principles
00:42:45.520 | as a catalyst for my last two promotions.
00:42:48.280 | So I first and foremost,
00:42:49.480 | just want to express my utmost gratitude to your work,
00:42:52.200 | and I look forward to your future work as well.
00:42:55.240 | What I want to ask you is your advice and strategies
00:42:57.720 | for shifting gears between multiple domains.
00:43:00.960 | I have several interests, including writing,
00:43:03.240 | learning to code, investing, data analysis,
00:43:06.520 | cooking, and playing guitar, which I all tend to.
00:43:10.840 | They all feel rewarding in different ways,
00:43:12.760 | and I guess I just operate as a right-brained guy
00:43:15.040 | who loves to throw coals in the fire.
00:43:17.640 | Assuming I keep this juggling act going,
00:43:19.960 | do you have any tips or strategies
00:43:21.560 | that help to shift gears
00:43:22.920 | between work in different domains?
00:43:25.760 | When I write, it seems like the optimal state
00:43:28.160 | is quite different than when I'm coding in JavaScript,
00:43:30.800 | for example.
00:43:31.760 | They just seem to hit different.
00:43:34.080 | I just wonder how I could do a better job
00:43:36.000 | with managing this juggling act I'm in the middle of.
00:43:39.080 | Much appreciated, Cal.
00:43:40.360 | Thanks a lot.
00:43:41.200 | - Well, I mean, Shane, my advice here is
00:43:44.680 | if you're struggling juggling lots of balls,
00:43:47.960 | the best solution is to take out a bunch of the balls.
00:43:52.320 | That's much easier than trying to learn
00:43:53.840 | how do I juggle five balls.
00:43:54.840 | That's hard to do.
00:43:56.200 | Two balls is easier.
00:43:57.840 | So instead of trying to figure out how to juggle five balls,
00:43:59.720 | you could get rid of three,
00:44:00.720 | and that's what I think is the issue here.
00:44:03.120 | That's too many things.
00:44:04.240 | That's too many things.
00:44:06.520 | I think the overhead of having that many things
00:44:09.240 | is probably counterbalancing a lot of the value.
00:44:12.800 | So if we wanna see what's a more reasonable load,
00:44:15.520 | and we're talking here,
00:44:16.360 | these are all sort of out-of-work leisure-type pursuits,
00:44:20.520 | there's a few different things.
00:44:21.720 | If we're looking through the different deep life buckets,
00:44:24.600 | there's a few different things
00:44:25.680 | that are pulling at your time,
00:44:27.880 | especially outside of work.
00:44:29.400 | I mean, first of all, there's the community bucket.
00:44:31.000 | I mean, serving your family, serving your friends,
00:44:33.920 | being a leader in your community,
00:44:35.560 | enjoying and savoring times with people you care about.
00:44:38.280 | Like, that actually needs a lot of time.
00:44:40.600 | That's a default.
00:44:41.680 | That's already taking up a lot of time.
00:44:43.880 | We have constitution.
00:44:45.720 | You gotta take care of your body.
00:44:47.000 | It's the best way also of keeping anxiety low,
00:44:49.920 | especially during difficult times,
00:44:51.240 | and it keeps you with more options
00:44:53.240 | for doing things with your life going forward.
00:44:55.520 | And that takes time.
00:44:56.600 | So now we don't have a ton of time left.
00:44:59.520 | Then you wanna throw in there,
00:45:01.840 | if we wanna have the celebration bucket
00:45:03.440 | or under contemplation,
00:45:04.280 | you wanna throw in there just having
00:45:06.120 | high-quality present leisure experiences,
00:45:08.160 | just really enjoying a movie,
00:45:09.520 | really enjoying a dinner,
00:45:10.760 | really enjoying a sunset while you're out for a walk,
00:45:12.800 | and that type of just present gratitude-generating moment.
00:45:15.560 | Now we're really getting down
00:45:16.680 | to a small amount of free time,
00:45:18.800 | which honestly, I think the right load there
00:45:20.880 | is there's a primary hobby that you work on over time,
00:45:24.080 | so you get the satisfaction of mastery
00:45:25.880 | and of developing a really refined taste in one area.
00:45:30.160 | So if you get really good at guitar,
00:45:31.960 | you don't just get the benefit of the mastery
00:45:34.600 | of playing your guitar well,
00:45:35.440 | you get the benefit of really being able to appreciate
00:45:37.440 | and understand other good guitar players.
00:45:39.280 | So it's a gift that keeps on giving.
00:45:40.880 | And then maybe have a secondary hobby
00:45:42.520 | that you're messing around with.
00:45:44.320 | I'm learning how to cook this season,
00:45:46.360 | and then I'm really busy and I'm doing no secondary thing.
00:45:48.960 | And then I'm messing around with code.
00:45:50.080 | I'm gonna make like a video game for my kids.
00:45:52.080 | And then I'm doing nothing because I'm busy.
00:45:53.960 | And you have that secondary slot.
00:45:55.480 | I honestly think that's really what people
00:45:58.280 | more or less have time for.
00:45:59.520 | And my worry is if you try to have
00:46:00.760 | five different leisure activities,
00:46:02.640 | those other core deep life areas,
00:46:04.520 | like community, like constitution,
00:46:06.720 | like just present celebration,
00:46:08.080 | they're gonna get squeezed out,
00:46:09.080 | and that's to your detriment.
00:46:10.320 | And the overhead of just switching back and forth
00:46:12.080 | between these things are gonna make you more anxious
00:46:13.720 | than you get benefit from them.
00:46:15.440 | So I'm not sure if that's the answer you wanna hear,
00:46:17.440 | but that's the answer I am gonna give right now
00:46:20.040 | is if you do less, this might sound paradoxical,
00:46:24.040 | but if you do less, you're actually going to
00:46:26.880 | experience more good things in your life.
00:46:30.600 | All right, thanks Shane.
00:46:33.360 | All right, how are we doing here?
00:46:36.280 | How many total questions we're gonna try to do today?
00:46:38.800 | - We have two more questions,
00:46:41.400 | two or three more questions,
00:46:42.480 | depending on what you're feeling.
00:46:43.760 | - All right, well, let's do one more,
00:46:46.400 | and then we might check in with our sponsors
00:46:47.920 | and do another.
00:46:48.760 | - Okay.
00:46:50.560 | - So the next question is from,
00:46:52.840 | it's about lifestyle planning,
00:46:55.640 | and there's some struggles to stay disciplined.
00:46:58.560 | So we'll hear what it says.
00:47:01.800 | - Hi Cal, this is Ina, and besides being a homemaker,
00:47:06.760 | I learn languages autonomously
00:47:08.680 | and aspire to have my own language school.
00:47:11.400 | My question has to do with rituals and motivation.
00:47:14.440 | I have done life-centric career planning, as you recommend,
00:47:17.680 | and truly believe that at least
00:47:19.280 | for the current season of my life,
00:47:20.800 | I have chosen adequate goals towards the future I desire.
00:47:24.320 | Nevertheless, I find that some days
00:47:26.360 | I really do struggle to stay disciplined
00:47:28.820 | and to show up in the morning and get to work.
00:47:31.600 | Thinking back on advice you've given on this podcast,
00:47:34.480 | there are at least two ways I can approach this.
00:47:37.120 | One is to automate the process with a specific when,
00:47:40.000 | what, where, and how,
00:47:41.600 | so that I can let the power of habit take control,
00:47:44.160 | and the other is to seek a variety of awe-inspiring places
00:47:47.660 | to keep my brain interested and to jog my memory
00:47:50.440 | about why this work is important in the first place.
00:47:53.880 | Which of these options would you suggest
00:47:55.800 | for someone who still has to periodically
00:47:58.280 | drag herself to her desk?
00:48:00.460 | - That's a good question, Ina.
00:48:02.600 | So I think there's a few things that are relevant here,
00:48:05.840 | and you hit on some of them.
00:48:07.520 | So my answer is gonna overlap pretty strongly
00:48:10.480 | with what you were just saying.
00:48:12.120 | Automation is key,
00:48:13.520 | and automation can mean multiple different things
00:48:16.000 | in this context.
00:48:16.840 | So as you hinted, automation could just mean
00:48:20.200 | this is when, where, and how I do this work.
00:48:22.580 | So I don't even have to think about it.
00:48:23.900 | I get back from the gym,
00:48:25.580 | and then we have a desk put aside for bills.
00:48:28.700 | And that is when I do it, right after the gym on Wednesdays,
00:48:33.000 | and that's when I do the bills.
00:48:34.660 | And you know what?
00:48:35.500 | I always collect the bills from the mail
00:48:37.100 | and put them in a two-process sorter on that desk
00:48:40.420 | so I know where they are.
00:48:41.660 | And you know what?
00:48:42.500 | I have stamps there and the envelopes there,
00:48:44.460 | so it's real easy to do.
00:48:46.080 | There is an actual boost you get from organization
00:48:49.260 | where you say, "I built out a system for this."
00:48:51.640 | It's kind of fun to execute a system
00:48:54.580 | and see everything was here and it works really well,
00:48:56.600 | and then you're more likely to actually do the work.
00:48:58.340 | So you have that type of automation.
00:49:00.140 | The other type of automation is literally automating it.
00:49:03.260 | You're not gonna have someone else do this,
00:49:05.540 | especially when it comes to work, household admin work.
00:49:09.260 | I think Laura Vanderkam has a good book about this,
00:49:13.300 | "162 Hours."
00:49:15.040 | And she's a big advocate for this,
00:49:16.940 | of to the extent that you can afford it,
00:49:19.620 | this is where you should be putting a lot of your money
00:49:21.620 | is towards automating stuff in the house,
00:49:24.500 | getting household admin off of your plate.
00:49:27.380 | You have someone who does laundry,
00:49:28.740 | someone who does your yard work,
00:49:29.940 | the handyman who comes once a month,
00:49:31.380 | and you have this list that grows,
00:49:32.580 | and he just takes it and does those things around the house.
00:49:34.660 | And her point, which I think is a good one,
00:49:36.940 | is that is a super high return investment in money.
00:49:39.500 | And what happens instead is people often say,
00:49:41.940 | "Well, I technically could do these things,
00:49:43.620 | so I'd rather spend that money on, you know,
00:49:46.000 | something more fleeting or superficial."
00:49:48.560 | And it's actually what it got a lot more return
00:49:50.200 | in your life just to take those things off your plate.
00:49:53.160 | So literal automation, I think,
00:49:56.040 | is a priority to the extent that you could do it.
00:49:59.180 | The second thing to do here is reduction.
00:50:01.280 | So just taking things off your plate.
00:50:03.120 | Sometimes when you're not able to get started on things,
00:50:06.640 | it's because you're overloaded, there's too much,
00:50:08.200 | your mind is exhausted, it knows it's not sustainable.
00:50:11.400 | So I'm not gonna do this, I'm sorry,
00:50:13.200 | I'm not gonna help on that committee.
00:50:15.760 | This is a bridge too far with like my exercise routine,
00:50:18.560 | whatever it is, reduction.
00:50:20.120 | So when your load is reasonable, it's easier to execute
00:50:24.360 | because you're playing with your wiring here.
00:50:26.560 | Your brain is very good at the things important,
00:50:28.960 | let's set a plan, let's execute that plan,
00:50:30.560 | let's feel really good because we got the plan done.
00:50:32.560 | If you overload that part of your brain,
00:50:34.120 | it short circuits and you lose all of that
00:50:36.160 | evolutionarily optimized inducements
00:50:39.000 | to actually do the daily work that's important.
00:50:41.520 | We are wired to do daily stuff that's important
00:50:44.080 | for the survival of us and our families, right?
00:50:46.020 | So let's take advantage of those mechanisms,
00:50:49.760 | but you can't take advantage of those mechanisms
00:50:51.520 | if there's 75 things on your list.
00:50:53.260 | And then clarity would be my final suggestion,
00:50:56.080 | and that is something you touched on before.
00:50:58.960 | Here's my vision, lifestyle-centric career planning,
00:51:01.160 | where we wanna be in five years,
00:51:02.580 | where we wanna be in 10 years,
00:51:03.720 | where we wanna be later this year.
00:51:05.840 | This is how everything fits in.
00:51:07.920 | These type of more mundane chores,
00:51:09.580 | we've really automated and structured,
00:51:11.160 | and there's these other things I'm doing
00:51:12.440 | that's really fulfilling, and we're saving up to do this.
00:51:15.160 | And you have this vision that this is all a part of that.
00:51:17.280 | You mentioned that as being important.
00:51:18.600 | You are right that that is important.
00:51:20.600 | You are building towards a vision that you believe in
00:51:23.260 | and think is important.
00:51:24.520 | You're working backwards from that positive goal.
00:51:26.880 | It's very important to keep things moving.
00:51:29.100 | So if you have kids, for example,
00:51:32.000 | there's a couple natural milestones to think about.
00:51:36.600 | There's a sort of young kid period,
00:51:39.280 | which is sort of a survival mode.
00:51:40.880 | There's a steady state period
00:51:42.400 | where you have grammar school-aged kids
00:51:44.640 | and what you want life to be like there,
00:51:47.040 | time with them, the role of work, where you live,
00:51:50.080 | really thinking through what that experience is like.
00:51:53.320 | You have a really clear vision for,
00:51:54.600 | okay, when does the last kid leave the house?
00:51:56.840 | These are the changes that are happening then.
00:51:59.480 | I think it's a great time to have
00:52:00.480 | a more substantial change to your lifestyle.
00:52:02.000 | So you have these very clear visions
00:52:04.320 | that you're working backwards from,
00:52:05.800 | that you're working towards with your day-to-day efforts.
00:52:10.520 | And that, again, you're very right to point that out.
00:52:12.360 | So automate, reduce, clarify.
00:52:15.800 | Do those three things.
00:52:17.440 | That's what's needed to keep making progress
00:52:19.640 | in a disciplined fashion on the stuff that's annoying,
00:52:22.520 | but has to get done.
00:52:24.200 | That's how you avoid just being paralyzed
00:52:27.120 | by exhaustion and indecision and lack of motivation.
00:52:31.020 | All right, well, speaking of motivation,
00:52:34.400 | talk about a couple of sponsors
00:52:35.560 | that make this show possible.
00:52:37.520 | One thing I often lack motivation to do
00:52:39.800 | is go to a physical post office.
00:52:44.100 | We have one right down the street from us here
00:52:46.200 | in the Deep Work HQ, and it is crowded.
00:52:50.280 | You have to wait in these long lines.
00:52:52.840 | It's a little bit depressing.
00:52:54.640 | This is where comes to the rescue.
00:52:59.260 | So with, you can print official postage
00:53:03.720 | right from your computer.
00:53:05.360 | So you can spend less time at the post office
00:53:07.060 | and more time running your business.
00:53:10.680 | It gives you access to all the post office
00:53:12.800 | and UPS shipping services you need.
00:53:15.000 | You can do it right from your computer.
00:53:16.880 | You print the postage, you stick it on,
00:53:20.840 | you schedule a pickup, no going to the post office,
00:53:24.280 | no waiting in line.
00:53:27.740 | They're one of these rare business ideas
00:53:30.260 | that just simply makes sense.
00:53:32.280 | It barely even requires to be pitched
00:53:34.120 | because people get it.
00:53:34.940 | Oh, instead of going to the post office,
00:53:36.080 | I print the postage at home.
00:53:37.400 | Got it.
00:53:38.880 | What do we do?
00:53:39.720 | How do we sign up?
00:53:40.920 | Well, I'll tell you how to do that.
00:53:42.800 | You go to and you use the promo code DEEP.
00:53:47.520 | And what you're gonna get with that is a special offer
00:53:49.380 | that includes four-week trial, free postage,
00:53:53.520 | and a digital scale with no long-term commitments
00:53:56.400 | or contracts.
00:53:57.600 | You just go to,
00:53:59.320 | click the microphone at the top of the page
00:54:00.880 | and enter that code DEEP.
00:54:03.560 | Remember, whether you're sending invoices
00:54:05.520 | or side hustling with an Etsy shop,
00:54:07.720 | or you're a full-blown warehouse shipping out orders,
00:54:10.160 | is gonna make your life easier.
00:54:13.240 | You're gonna join over 1 million businesses
00:54:16.280 | that have been using for over 20 years.
00:54:18.160 | So go to and use that promo code DEEP.
00:54:22.640 | I also wanna tell you about one of the original sponsors
00:54:27.600 | of the DEEP Questions podcast, and that is Grammarly.
00:54:33.200 | Grammarly is a software product that works
00:54:38.200 | on all of the tools in which you do daily writing
00:54:42.000 | and all of the types of apps or programs
00:54:44.000 | you use to do this daily writing.
00:54:46.240 | And it helps you make your writing better.
00:54:48.720 | This is really important.
00:54:51.960 | We are here in this winter grind where it's emails all day
00:54:55.680 | and instant messages all day, work is work,
00:54:58.360 | the summer's far away, Christmas break
00:55:00.760 | is in the rear view mirror.
00:55:01.960 | All we're doing all day, it seems like seen on our screens
00:55:04.360 | and communicating.
00:55:05.200 | You want that communication to be crystal clear
00:55:06.960 | so people will take you seriously,
00:55:08.640 | that you will be persuasive so that you will have influence
00:55:12.100 | and respect within your company.
00:55:13.680 | Grammarly is how you make sure that you are doing this.
00:55:17.420 | So I don't know, Jesse, do you remember
00:55:19.980 | the old grammar checkers from the old days
00:55:22.280 | where it would just like underline the words
00:55:24.360 | and tell you like you misspelled there
00:55:26.000 | or something like that? - Yeah.
00:55:27.400 | - Well, I gotta show you Grammarly Premium
00:55:29.520 | 'cause I've been working with it
00:55:32.040 | and am really impressed with what it can do.
00:55:36.240 | It's not just telling you you spelled there wrong,
00:55:39.240 | it can help you rewrite an entire sentence.
00:55:41.440 | It can tell you what the tone is on your email, right?
00:55:44.920 | So you can be like, Jesse, I'm looking at this email
00:55:47.040 | that you're about to send here or something.
00:55:49.240 | And the tone here is that you sound like
00:55:52.160 | that you're coming in a van to carry away their corpse.
00:55:56.080 | So you might wanna adjust that tone
00:55:58.920 | to be a little bit more positive.
00:56:02.120 | No, that's not actually one of the tones,
00:56:03.820 | but it can tell you like this is the tone,
00:56:05.200 | like it's super official, it's super friendly, colloquial,
00:56:09.640 | because you don't always know.
00:56:11.320 | You don't always know when you're writing
00:56:12.520 | how it's coming across.
00:56:13.840 | This program can actually tell you.
00:56:16.240 | It even has clarity suggestions.
00:56:17.640 | I like this one, like it'll come in and say,
00:56:19.880 | hey, there's Steinbeck.
00:56:22.120 | This is me voicing the grammar.
00:56:23.720 | It doesn't actually say this,
00:56:24.540 | but this is what I feel like when I use this tool.
00:56:27.280 | Hey, there's Steinbeck.
00:56:28.580 | This giant adjective, great, you're smart, I love it,
00:56:34.200 | but no one's gonna know what the hell you're talking about.
00:56:35.960 | Like it'd be much clearer if you just use this word,
00:56:38.460 | which actually captures what you're trying to say better.
00:56:40.760 | Grammarly actually does that.
00:56:42.360 | So it's really powerful now.
00:56:43.400 | It's like having an editor who sits over your shoulder
00:56:45.920 | and helps you actually write clearly.
00:56:48.340 | So get through those emails and your work quicker
00:56:51.840 | by keeping it concise, confident,
00:56:53.440 | and effective with Grammarly.
00:56:54.880 | Go to to sign up for a free account.
00:56:58.400 | And when you're ready to upgrade to Grammarly Premium,
00:57:01.840 | you will get 20% off for being a listener of my podcast.
00:57:06.200 | That's 20% off at
00:57:11.200 | Tell you, Jesse, we need something like that
00:57:21.600 | for like most academic departments.
00:57:24.760 | It's like professors, we're all weird and live in bubbles
00:57:27.640 | and we have 10 years, so like no one ever,
00:57:30.360 | our jobs aren't in jeopardy,
00:57:31.440 | and we get weird in our email communication.
00:57:33.840 | And there's always that one professor in every department
00:57:36.440 | that has to send out an incredibly like a grieve
00:57:39.800 | and upset email about everything.
00:57:43.080 | Like you can say, whatever,
00:57:46.400 | FYI, we have a new water cooler.
00:57:49.560 | 'Cause the other one broke.
00:57:50.400 | And you will get this long email almost immediately
00:57:52.680 | that is like, in this day and age to have a water cooler,
00:57:57.280 | because my uncle was killed by a water cooler,
00:58:00.880 | and I don't like the way that water cooler looked at me,
00:58:04.200 | and I think it's an antisemitic water cooler,
00:58:07.720 | and also we shouldn't use the word water,
00:58:10.360 | and just mad about everything.
00:58:11.920 | We need like a plugin
00:58:13.640 | that it sits on every academic email server
00:58:16.080 | that just comes back and say,
00:58:17.080 | don't send this, you sound like a crazy person.
00:58:19.800 | Everyone's gonna think you're a crazy person.
00:58:22.040 | And it just flash, just crazy person detection,
00:58:25.320 | because every department has someone
00:58:27.400 | who's just been in their head too long,
00:58:29.200 | and they just are, I just imagine in a dark room
00:58:31.520 | with their, somehow it's a typewriter hooked up
00:58:34.240 | to their email, I don't know how that works.
00:58:35.360 | Just like, I'll show them.
00:58:37.600 | They need a detector that's like,
00:58:40.240 | people are gonna think you are literally insane.
00:58:43.440 | - That's what we need.
00:58:44.560 | - All right, what are we doing here?
00:58:48.040 | 55, let's do one more call.
00:58:49.080 | I think we got time for one more call.
00:58:50.480 | - Okay, sounds good.
00:58:52.000 | This question is from Cameron.
00:58:53.960 | He's in college.
00:58:54.880 | He has a question about your thoughts
00:58:56.440 | on the metaverse, from Meta.
00:58:58.480 | - Hi Cal, college student here.
00:59:01.920 | What are your thoughts on the metaverse
00:59:03.280 | that Meta is currently trying to build?
00:59:05.840 | How do you think that it's going to affect society?
00:59:08.640 | Thank you.
00:59:09.480 | - Well, there's a few things going on here.
00:59:13.320 | One, why is Facebook doing this?
00:59:16.600 | And in part it's because,
00:59:18.880 | as I've been predicting for a few years now,
00:59:21.080 | the age of social media monopoly platforms
00:59:24.760 | has begun its descent.
00:59:27.120 | We just didn't realize it.
00:59:28.120 | Now we're actually starting to see it.
00:59:30.280 | Facebook posted one of their first reductions
00:59:35.360 | in active user minutes,
00:59:37.040 | and their stock lost something like $150 billion.
00:59:39.600 | The biggest in absolute value,
00:59:43.040 | single one-day drop of a company's valuation ever.
00:59:46.280 | So people are leaving Facebook.
00:59:48.880 | People are leaving Instagram.
00:59:51.200 | This era in which there's six platforms you have to use,
00:59:56.200 | or you can't communicate,
00:59:57.160 | and you're completely out of it.
00:59:58.800 | That's all dissolving into a world
01:00:00.480 | of much more niche social media.
01:00:01.920 | And I've talked about before why this has happened.
01:00:03.760 | I talked about this on Lex Fridman's podcast, for example.
01:00:06.560 | I went into detail on this.
01:00:07.920 | The issue is the network effect,
01:00:10.720 | the main network effect that these platforms had
01:00:12.920 | that made them monopolies
01:00:15.240 | was everyone you know is using them.
01:00:18.280 | And so when their main promise was,
01:00:20.160 | you're gonna update people on what you're up to
01:00:22.480 | and see what people you know are up to,
01:00:23.760 | that network effect dominates.
01:00:26.240 | If I need a place to go to see what people I know are up to,
01:00:28.760 | and they're all on this one platform,
01:00:30.200 | no competitor will succeed.
01:00:31.680 | I have to go to Facebook.
01:00:33.000 | That was the foundation
01:00:33.880 | on which they built their massive user base.
01:00:36.720 | They then got spooked
01:00:38.080 | because they saw Twitter come out of nowhere
01:00:40.000 | and have a lot of success
01:00:42.040 | with this algorithmic curated timeline feature.
01:00:44.600 | And so the main social media companies,
01:00:47.320 | namely Facebook and Instagram,
01:00:48.880 | and then Facebook eventually bought Instagram,
01:00:50.480 | said, well, what we're gonna do instead is,
01:00:52.640 | say these platforms are not about
01:00:54.440 | connecting with people you know,
01:00:55.560 | it's about distraction and entertainment.
01:00:57.880 | We will select articles and posts and things
01:01:00.080 | that are generating a lot of engagement
01:01:01.440 | and we'll put them in an infinite scroll newsfeed.
01:01:03.520 | And you could just click on that F on your phone
01:01:05.520 | when you're bored, and there'll be something there
01:01:06.880 | that's gonna press your buttons in as a good distraction.
01:01:09.520 | That was the beginning of the end for these platforms.
01:01:12.360 | Yes, when you already had 1.3 billion people
01:01:14.840 | on these platforms, they were gonna use it more
01:01:18.240 | in the short term, 'cause that's more interesting
01:01:20.840 | than seeing what your cousin's up to.
01:01:23.200 | But in the longterm, now there's no reason
01:01:24.920 | to be on Facebook if I wanna be entertained.
01:01:26.920 | Yeah, that's entertaining, but so are podcasts.
01:01:31.560 | So are shows on the streaming services.
01:01:33.720 | So are books, you know?
01:01:35.640 | So are any other number of other services
01:01:39.320 | where it could care less if my cousin uses it.
01:01:42.960 | And that's exactly what happened to Facebook,
01:01:44.640 | is like, yes, that was more entertaining
01:01:46.240 | for their existing users, but over time,
01:01:48.280 | their users were saying, I don't really wanna see
01:01:50.760 | Facebook newsfeeds, I wanna watch Yellowstone
01:01:54.680 | over on Paramount and listen to a podcast
01:01:57.800 | on some niche topic I'm really interested in.
01:02:00.680 | This is entertaining, but other things
01:02:02.320 | are even more entertaining.
01:02:03.160 | So they're starting to lose users.
01:02:05.500 | And so what we get instead is the rise
01:02:08.120 | of much more fractured social media,
01:02:10.640 | where the experience is, okay,
01:02:12.240 | if we're gonna do distraction, let's just do distraction.
01:02:15.840 | And that was TikTok's play.
01:02:17.760 | TikTok said, okay, if this is just about
01:02:20.360 | scrolling things and being distracted,
01:02:22.640 | let's just plug that matrix cable straight
01:02:24.760 | into the back of your spine.
01:02:26.020 | Let's get rid of the whole, like, my cousin's on here
01:02:28.120 | and I have a wall and I'm connecting to people.
01:02:29.600 | Just get rid of all of that.
01:02:31.160 | And let's just hone in like a laser beam
01:02:33.840 | on just the absolute most in the moment
01:02:37.440 | dopamine hijacking, attention generating style of content.
01:02:41.160 | And don't even worry about where it comes from.
01:02:43.200 | We'll just show you things one after another.
01:02:45.360 | If that's our game here, then let's just purify that.
01:02:49.600 | And that's what TikTok is doing.
01:02:50.680 | And that's why it's sort of eating the lunch
01:02:52.420 | of the other social media platforms,
01:02:53.860 | because it's saying, forget this,
01:02:54.960 | like I wanna connect to people I know stuff.
01:02:57.680 | However, that is a world in which the obligation
01:03:01.880 | to be on these platforms completely dissolves.
01:03:04.220 | And I don't mean to rant too much about this,
01:03:06.740 | but Cameron, I think about this a lot.
01:03:08.760 | Five years ago, when I would say in public,
01:03:11.520 | I don't use social media, I don't use Facebook,
01:03:14.380 | people were aghast.
01:03:17.040 | Like, this is crazy.
01:03:19.080 | How can you survive in our society without it?
01:03:22.240 | That's where everyone is.
01:03:23.140 | That's how you know what's going on.
01:03:24.080 | That's where all the cultural trends are.
01:03:25.340 | That's where all the news is.
01:03:26.420 | That's how you get business.
01:03:27.620 | In an age of TikTok, no one cares anymore
01:03:29.640 | if you're not using it.
01:03:31.140 | 'Cause it's just purified dopamine distraction.
01:03:35.040 | So if you say, hey, I don't have a TikTok account.
01:03:37.960 | No one's like, how do you survive?
01:03:40.080 | Like, yeah, I know it's weird.
01:03:41.960 | You know, it's fun,
01:03:43.260 | but there's no expectation that you would use it.
01:03:46.760 | And that's actually way more healthy relationship
01:03:48.880 | with these tools.
01:03:49.720 | And so what we're gonna get is TikTok 2.0 and 3.0,
01:03:52.520 | all sorts of different services
01:03:54.680 | that directly press buttons in very specific types of ways.
01:03:58.020 | A clubhouse was like this.
01:04:00.400 | It was doing something else very specific,
01:04:01.840 | was very interesting.
01:04:02.820 | None of which have any network effect requirements.
01:04:04.840 | I don't need my cousin and my friends from high school
01:04:08.080 | and my grandfather to be on TikTok
01:04:10.120 | for it to be useful in its promise to me.
01:04:12.400 | It's promised to me is like,
01:04:13.240 | we're gonna show you these videos
01:04:14.680 | and there's gonna be a cat on it
01:04:16.480 | and it's gonna be entertaining.
01:04:18.540 | And so once you got rid of the network effects,
01:04:21.000 | this whole thing is just gonna fragment
01:04:22.440 | into lots of different sources of entertainment.
01:04:24.580 | Some different than others, some much more base,
01:04:27.120 | some much more high end.
01:04:28.280 | It doesn't matter.
01:04:29.680 | And no one will be expected to use any one of these things.
01:04:32.160 | And it's not a weirdness
01:04:33.120 | if you don't use any one of these things.
01:04:34.440 | And that's actually a much better, healthier world.
01:04:36.760 | This more long tail niche social media type world
01:04:39.280 | that's less about connection and more about distraction
01:04:42.120 | is fine and that's where we're going.
01:04:43.880 | And you can't be a $700 billion a year
01:04:46.480 | social media company anymore once we get to that world.
01:04:49.360 | And that's what Facebook sees.
01:04:51.000 | And that's why they're trying to shift away from it.
01:04:53.200 | So that's the whole background for what's going on.
01:04:56.720 | I think the particular meta vision that we see now,
01:04:59.740 | which tends to be focused on social life occurring
01:05:01.880 | in virtual reality, that's a smoke screen.
01:05:04.120 | That's not the big headline.
01:05:07.360 | The big headline with these technologies
01:05:09.140 | is going to be the dissipation
01:05:11.120 | of the personal electronics industry.
01:05:14.220 | I was talking to some people in the industry about this
01:05:17.040 | when I was doing a New Yorker piece last fall
01:05:19.560 | about people who work in virtual reality.
01:05:21.480 | This Cameron is the trend that is much more powerful.
01:05:24.680 | And the trend works as follows.
01:05:27.120 | Once augmented reality glasses get to a certain level
01:05:30.900 | of quality, and once we have sufficient high-speed internet
01:05:35.900 | wherever we need to be, and we're very close to that,
01:05:39.740 | there'll be no need to own any other consumer electronics
01:05:42.280 | beyond those glasses.
01:05:43.340 | If I want to use a computer,
01:05:46.740 | I don't buy a computer from Apple.
01:05:48.920 | There is a instance in some Amazon virtualization cloud
01:05:52.880 | somewhere of my computer running in a giant server farm
01:05:55.860 | and my AR glasses will create a screen
01:05:58.280 | wherever I want in the environment in front of me.
01:06:00.360 | And there is a screen of whatever size I want.
01:06:02.320 | And there I work on my computer.
01:06:03.520 | If I need to use my phone,
01:06:04.600 | I do not need to own an iPhone or an Android phone.
01:06:07.040 | I have my glasses on.
01:06:08.320 | I can just pull my hands down
01:06:10.040 | and there is the list of my contacts
01:06:11.640 | and I can see who's texting me.
01:06:13.460 | I don't need a separate phone.
01:06:14.340 | If I want to watch TV, I do not need a 65 inch TV.
01:06:17.520 | I can make a 65 inch TV show up wherever I want in my house.
01:06:21.160 | And it can be in a position
01:06:22.800 | where I see it through my AR goggles,
01:06:24.320 | but everyone else in my house sees it
01:06:25.800 | in the exact same position.
01:06:26.900 | We can't tell the difference between that screen
01:06:28.540 | being there in real life or not.
01:06:31.560 | There's no need to actually buy or own TVs.
01:06:33.760 | That is the huge game changer that is coming.
01:06:37.160 | The virtualization of computation into the cloud
01:06:40.520 | and the replacement of interfaces
01:06:42.800 | with augmented reality goggles.
01:06:44.660 | Many companies disappear once that happens.
01:06:48.200 | What's the Foxconn plant,
01:06:51.240 | Apple's Foxconn plant gonna do
01:06:53.440 | when there's no iPhones to produce,
01:06:54.780 | there's no iMacs to produce?
01:06:57.060 | What are they gonna do?
01:06:58.000 | You know, that's gonna go out of business.
01:06:59.120 | What's Samsung gonna do
01:07:00.360 | when high-end Android phones
01:07:03.980 | and large screen TVs don't need to exist?
01:07:06.240 | It's gonna disappear.
01:07:09.280 | It's gonna be a huge change
01:07:11.120 | to the digital electronics industry.
01:07:13.140 | And guess what?
01:07:14.440 | All of the major players are investing huge amounts of money
01:07:16.920 | to make sure that they are not going to lose
01:07:19.240 | in that game of musical chairs.
01:07:20.320 | Yes, Facebook talks about Meta.
01:07:22.080 | Facebook is also caring a lot about this future
01:07:25.560 | of virtualized consumer electronics.
01:07:27.620 | They are spending a lot of money on, guess what?
01:07:30.480 | Their own pair of these augmented reality glasses.
01:07:33.600 | Apple is putting a ton of money into this as well
01:07:36.080 | because it is existential for Apple.
01:07:38.880 | Apple is a trillion dollar company
01:07:40.320 | that will disappear and no longer exist
01:07:42.440 | if they don't win the fight to be the people
01:07:44.980 | who produce the best glasses that virtualize all this,
01:07:47.400 | because you don't produce iPhones
01:07:49.040 | in a world of augmented reality.
01:07:51.000 | Amazon and Google are betting big on both.
01:07:53.120 | Google is betting big on the glasses front.
01:07:55.480 | They're doing that with Magic Leap,
01:07:57.080 | which they put well over a billion dollars into.
01:08:00.240 | Amazon is trying to be the back-end computation.
01:08:02.800 | So if we don't actually have a phone,
01:08:04.320 | if we don't actually have a computer,
01:08:05.760 | where does that computation happen?
01:08:07.160 | Amazon is saying, "We'll do it.
01:08:09.200 | "We're not just virtualizing computation.
01:08:10.800 | "We're virtualizing hardware.
01:08:12.260 | "We can make anything you want happen in our servers,
01:08:14.400 | "and we'll just beam the screen to wherever you are."
01:08:16.640 | So Cameron, that is the big trend.
01:08:18.480 | That is going to be the trend
01:08:19.440 | that's going to completely upend our industry.
01:08:21.800 | Not, as Mark Zuckerberg videos would seem to imply,
01:08:25.180 | us playing cards in virtual reality in a space station
01:08:28.560 | with some of our friends.
01:08:30.280 | That's not that interesting to me.
01:08:32.560 | The thing that's going to upend our world
01:08:34.080 | is all interfaces are virtual.
01:08:36.640 | All computation happens on Amazon servers.
01:08:39.360 | And 80% of the major digital electronics companies
01:08:41.920 | that exist today no longer exist in any way,
01:08:44.440 | anywhere like how we see them today.
01:08:46.600 | That's what I would keep my eyes on,
01:08:49.200 | not being in one of these weird virtual reality
01:08:52.480 | space stations and doing Facebook with avatars
01:08:56.740 | or something like this.
01:08:57.920 | Interesting stuff could happen there,
01:08:59.180 | but that's not where my eye is right now.
01:09:01.880 | All right, well, speaking of where my eye is right now,
01:09:04.460 | I think we've run a little long,
01:09:05.580 | so we should probably wrap up this week's episode.
01:09:09.140 | Thank you to everyone who called in.
01:09:10.960 | If you go to,
01:09:13.720 | you can get instructions on how you too
01:09:15.460 | can submit your own listener calls.
01:09:17.500 | Videos of this episode and every question discussed
01:09:20.240 | are available on our YouTube page.
01:09:22.660 | There's a link in the show notes.
01:09:24.080 | If you like what you heard, you'll like what you read
01:09:25.940 | on my longstanding weekly email newsletter.
01:09:28.760 | You can sign up for that at
01:09:31.640 | We'll be back on Monday,
01:09:32.740 | and until then, as always, stay deep.
01:09:35.240 | (upbeat music)
01:09:37.820 | [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:09:41.180 | [MUSIC]