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Understanding & Conquering Depression | Huberman Lab Podcast #34


0:0 Mood Disorders & Maintaining Mental Health (Protocol 1)
7:10 Sponsors
11:15 Major Depression
18:40 “Anti-Self” Confabulation
21:42 Autonomic (Vegetative) Symptoms of Depression
26:58 Norepinephrine, Dopamine & Serotonin
31:50 SSRIs (Prozac, Zoloft, etc.): Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
37:0 Epinephrine/Motor Functions, Dopamine/Motivation & Craving, Serotonin/Emotions
39:33 Physical & Emotional Pain are Linked: Substance P
41:50 Hormones & Depression: Thyroid & Cortisol
46:50 Genetic Susceptibility to Depression: Impact of Stress
50:50 Understanding Biological Mechanism Is Key: Recipes versus Skills
52:50 Tools for Dealing with Depression: Logic & Implementation (Protocol 2)
56:25 Brain Inflammation & Mental State: Cytokines, Prostaglandins, etc.
59:20 Protocol 3: Essential Fatty Acids (Omega-3, EPAs: Eicosapentaenoic Acid)
62:50 How EPAs Help Offset Depression: Serotonin Synthesis, Kynurenine, Quinolinic Acid
65:25 Protocol 4: How Exercise Offsets Depression
71:44 Protocol 5: Creatine Monohydrate, Forebrain Function & NMDA receptors
80:30 Protocol 6*: Ketamine, PCP (*Prescription-Only), & NMDA-Receptor Function
93:8 Protocol 7*: Psychedelics (*In Clinical Trials) for Major Depression: Psilocybin
107:0 Protocol 8: Ketogenic Diet, GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)
114:50 Summary of Protocols Covered
120:10 Support & Additional Resources

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.320 | - Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,
00:00:02.280 | where we discuss science and science-based tools
00:00:04.880 | for everyday life.
00:00:05.900 | I'm Andrew Huberman,
00:00:10.320 | and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology
00:00:13.040 | at Stanford School of Medicine.
00:00:15.100 | This month, we're talking all about disorders of the mind,
00:00:18.760 | things like depression, attention deficit disorders,
00:00:22.240 | eating disorders, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.
00:00:25.920 | During the course of this month,
00:00:28.080 | we are going to discuss the psychological
00:00:30.220 | and biological underpinnings of mood disorders of all kinds.
00:00:34.320 | You'll learn a lot of science.
00:00:35.940 | You'll also learn a lot about the various treatments
00:00:38.160 | that exist and that are in development
00:00:40.720 | for these various mood disorders.
00:00:43.120 | We will talk about behavioral tools,
00:00:45.520 | things like exercise, meditation, breath work,
00:00:49.280 | but also prescription drugs, supplements,
00:00:52.080 | and novel compounds that are now being tested
00:00:54.420 | in various clinical trials.
00:00:56.400 | Across the month, I think you'll start to realize
00:00:58.460 | that there are common pathways
00:00:59.800 | underlying many mood disorders.
00:01:02.360 | In fact, mood disorders that look quite different
00:01:05.120 | from one another often depend on the action
00:01:08.040 | of the same neurochemicals or neural circuits
00:01:10.260 | in the brain and body.
00:01:11.920 | That actually should be a point of great relief
00:01:14.420 | because what it means is that by understanding the biology
00:01:17.160 | of one mood disorder or understanding how one treatment
00:01:20.480 | or behavioral intervention can impact a mood disorder,
00:01:23.800 | we gain insight into other mood disorders as well.
00:01:26.800 | As always, we will discuss science and science-related tools
00:01:30.640 | that people could implement should they choose.
00:01:33.200 | Before we dive into today's topic,
00:01:35.660 | I'd like to discuss a very particular set
00:01:37.840 | of scientific findings that relate to today's topic
00:01:41.920 | and that are important for understanding all mood disorders
00:01:45.240 | and all states of motivation, happiness, and sadness,
00:01:50.240 | as well as depression.
00:01:52.240 | Basically, I'm going to paraphrase a brief segment
00:01:55.020 | of my discussion with Dr. Anna Lemke,
00:01:57.840 | who I sat down with to discuss addiction
00:02:00.600 | and the biological basis of addiction
00:02:02.660 | and addiction treatment.
00:02:03.920 | A very important aspect of that discussion
00:02:07.720 | was when Dr. Lemke described the pleasure-pain balance,
00:02:12.120 | literally the circuits in our brains
00:02:13.880 | that control our sense of pleasure and pain,
00:02:16.360 | and ultimately whether or not we remain happy
00:02:19.320 | in our pursuit of pleasure or not.
00:02:22.300 | This is an absolutely crucial aspect
00:02:24.440 | to the way that we function in everyday life
00:02:27.100 | and especially under conditions of mood disorders.
00:02:30.820 | The pathway that she was describing
00:02:32.460 | is the so-called pleasure system.
00:02:34.500 | However, what most people don't realize
00:02:36.460 | is that the pleasure system is also directly associated with
00:02:40.380 | and in fact is the very same system
00:02:42.500 | that modulates mental or psychological anguish and pain.
00:02:47.100 | Essentially, what she described
00:02:48.620 | is that whenever we pursue something that we think
00:02:51.620 | will bring us pleasure,
00:02:53.500 | and that could be anything that we think
00:02:55.180 | will bring us pleasure, from food to video games, to sex,
00:02:59.420 | to a particular job or goal, short-term or long-term,
00:03:03.280 | that we experience release of the neuromodulator dopamine.
00:03:09.280 | Now, dopamine is associated
00:03:11.060 | with increased levels of motivation and drive.
00:03:13.480 | It is not the molecule of reward.
00:03:15.000 | It is the molecule of craving, motivation, and drive.
00:03:18.560 | However, as Dr. Lemke pointed out,
00:03:21.480 | when we are in pursuit of something,
00:03:23.540 | there is a release of dopamine in our brain.
00:03:26.680 | That makes us feel motivated,
00:03:28.340 | and in general, it makes us feel good.
00:03:30.820 | But very shortly thereafter,
00:03:33.160 | and beneath our conscious awareness,
00:03:36.000 | there is a tilt of the pleasure-pain balance in the brain,
00:03:39.460 | literally a shift in the neural circuits
00:03:41.260 | that underlie pleasure and pain,
00:03:43.180 | such that every bit of pleasure or pleasure seeking
00:03:47.340 | that causes release of dopamine
00:03:49.480 | will be balanced out by a little bit of pain.
00:03:53.820 | And we don't experience this as physical pain,
00:03:56.320 | at least not at first.
00:03:57.460 | We experience it as craving for more
00:04:00.060 | of the thing that brought us pleasure.
00:04:02.380 | Now, that sounds pretty good.
00:04:03.740 | You get pleasure,
00:04:04.560 | and then you get a little bit of pain to balance it out.
00:04:06.820 | It's subconscious,
00:04:07.740 | and you experience it as the desire
00:04:09.340 | to seek out more pleasure.
00:04:11.300 | However, it's actually more diabolical than that,
00:04:14.580 | and we really need to keep an eye on this
00:04:16.080 | if we are to remain happy,
00:04:18.040 | if we are to remain in pursuit of our goals.
00:04:20.620 | The crucial thing to understand
00:04:22.260 | is that if we remain in constant pursuit of pleasure,
00:04:26.220 | the pain side of the balance tips
00:04:28.420 | so that each time we are in pursuit
00:04:30.940 | of that pleasureful thing, activity or substance,
00:04:34.300 | we are going to experience,
00:04:36.420 | we literally achieve less dopamine release
00:04:39.460 | each subsequent time.
00:04:41.080 | So we get less pleasure,
00:04:42.820 | and the amount of craving increases.
00:04:45.380 | Now, after a certain point or threshold,
00:04:47.020 | we call that addiction.
00:04:48.740 | And the way to reset the balance,
00:04:50.700 | and this is very important,
00:04:51.540 | the way to reset the balance
00:04:53.460 | is actually to enter into states
00:04:55.240 | in which we are not in pursuit of pleasure,
00:04:58.280 | to literally enter states in which we are bored,
00:05:01.760 | maybe even a little bored and anxious,
00:05:03.740 | and that resets the pleasure-pain balance
00:05:06.640 | so that we can return to our pursuit of pleasure
00:05:08.900 | in a way that's healthy and that in an ongoing way
00:05:11.880 | won't lead to this over-tipping
00:05:14.080 | or this increase in the amount of pain or addiction.
00:05:18.140 | So this is very important.
00:05:19.260 | And if this seemed vague, what this means is
00:05:21.420 | we should always be cautious of any state of mind or body
00:05:26.420 | or any pursuit that leads to very large increases
00:05:29.820 | in dopamine.
00:05:30.820 | And if it does, we should be very careful
00:05:33.200 | to not pursue that repeatedly over time.
00:05:35.980 | During today's episode, I'm going to give an example,
00:05:38.060 | a real-life example of a discussion that I've been in
00:05:40.820 | with a young man who's 21 years old
00:05:42.500 | who's dealing with a disruption
00:05:44.480 | in this pleasure-pain balance.
00:05:46.320 | He is essentially depressed.
00:05:49.160 | And he's depressed because of his ongoing pursuit
00:05:52.660 | of a particular activity that initially led
00:05:55.840 | to a lot of dopamine, but over time has led
00:05:57.900 | to less and less dopamine and more and more
00:06:00.360 | of this pain side of the balance.
00:06:03.380 | We could call him addicted to that particular activity.
00:06:07.140 | Whether or not he's addicted by clinical standards or not
00:06:09.700 | really isn't important.
00:06:11.100 | What is important is that he experiences this as depression,
00:06:15.540 | as low affect as it's called, or anhedonia,
00:06:18.500 | an inability to experience pleasure from that thing
00:06:21.980 | or from anything else.
00:06:23.540 | And he's currently undergoing treatment
00:06:25.180 | through a rebalancing of this pleasure-pain pathway.
00:06:28.120 | So while I can't reveal his identity to you,
00:06:29.980 | that wouldn't be appropriate.
00:06:31.220 | He did give me permission to reveal the general architecture
00:06:33.900 | of what he's coping with.
00:06:35.060 | And I spent some hours with him on the phone this week,
00:06:37.360 | talking to him, as well as to the various people
00:06:39.740 | that he's working with to really understand
00:06:41.140 | what's going on here.
00:06:42.180 | Because I think it can illustrate the relationship
00:06:44.580 | between dopamine, pleasure, and pain for sake of addiction,
00:06:48.900 | but also for understanding how to avoid depressive states,
00:06:52.620 | how to remove ourselves from depressive states.
00:06:55.500 | And as you'll see today, as we discussed depression,
00:06:57.940 | many of the molecules and neural pathways
00:07:00.420 | and biological mechanisms that we know can be used
00:07:04.460 | to counter depression,
00:07:06.860 | feed back onto this pleasure-pain balance.
00:07:09.420 | Before we begin, I'd like to say that this podcast
00:07:11.780 | is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.
00:07:14.740 | It is, however, part of my desire and effort
00:07:16.860 | to bring zero cost to consumer information about science
00:07:19.620 | and science-related tools to the general public.
00:07:22.580 | In keeping with that theme,
00:07:23.720 | I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.
00:07:26.620 | Our first sponsor is InsideTracker.
00:07:29.380 | InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform
00:07:31.820 | that analyzes data from blood and DNA
00:07:34.420 | to help you better understand your body
00:07:35.980 | and help you reach your health goals.
00:07:37.980 | I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done
00:07:40.780 | for the simple reason that many of the factors
00:07:43.400 | that impact our immediate and long-term health
00:07:45.780 | can only be detected from a quality blood test.
00:07:48.980 | The problem with most blood tests, however,
00:07:51.100 | is that you get information back about hormone levels,
00:07:53.740 | metabolic factors, et cetera,
00:07:56.060 | but you don't really know what to do with that information.
00:07:58.500 | Some things might be flagged as too high or too low,
00:08:02.200 | but really interpreting those data and taking action
00:08:05.160 | to bring those numbers into the ranges that you want
00:08:07.500 | is what it's really about.
00:08:08.580 | And InsideTracker makes all that very easy.
00:08:11.820 | They have a platform, it's a dashboard
00:08:14.100 | that will tell you, for instance,
00:08:15.860 | what sorts of dietary changes or supplementation changes
00:08:19.300 | or exercise changes will help you bring various hormones,
00:08:23.040 | metabolic factors, and other factors
00:08:25.300 | into the ranges that are right for you.
00:08:27.700 | If you'd like to try InsideTracker,
00:08:29.300 | you can go to
00:08:32.580 | And if you do that,
00:08:33.420 | you'll get 25% off any of InsideTracker's plans.
00:08:36.300 | Just use the code Huberman at checkout.
00:08:38.860 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Athletic Greens.
00:08:41.860 | Athletic Greens is an all-in-one
00:08:43.500 | vitamin mineral probiotic drink.
00:08:45.860 | I've been using Athletic Greens since way back in 2012.
00:08:49.380 | And so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.
00:08:51.980 | The reason I started taking Athletic Greens
00:08:53.700 | and that I still take Athletic Greens
00:08:55.620 | is that it really covers all of my foundational
00:08:58.300 | nutrient and micronutrient needs.
00:09:00.500 | It has vitamins, minerals,
00:09:02.120 | and the thing that's especially important to me these days
00:09:04.820 | is the probiotics,
00:09:06.620 | because there are so many data
00:09:08.260 | that show that having a healthy gut microbiome
00:09:10.640 | is vital to having a healthy immune system
00:09:13.220 | and for healthy gut brain access.
00:09:15.760 | Literally the functioning of your brain,
00:09:17.700 | your mood, various aspects of brain inflammation
00:09:20.400 | or limiting brain inflammation
00:09:22.200 | are facilitated by having a healthy gut microbiome.
00:09:24.740 | And that's facilitated by getting the proper probiotics.
00:09:28.140 | If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,
00:09:29.660 | you can go to
00:09:32.960 | If you do that, you can claim their special offer.
00:09:35.000 | The special offer is five free travel packs,
00:09:37.180 | which make it very easy to mix up Athletic Greens
00:09:39.520 | while you're on the road or in the car,
00:09:41.480 | and a year supply of vitamin D3K2.
00:09:44.140 | Vitamin D3K2 have been shown to have
00:09:46.680 | a number of different positive health effects
00:09:48.900 | on hormones, on cardiovascular health, and so on.
00:09:51.620 | Again, that's
00:09:54.340 | to claim their special offer.
00:09:56.060 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Belcampo.
00:09:59.420 | Belcampo is a regenerative farm in Northern California
00:10:02.140 | that raises organic, grass-fed,
00:10:03.880 | and finished certified humane meats.
00:10:06.620 | I don't eat a lot of meat.
00:10:08.040 | Typically my diet regime is one in which
00:10:10.140 | I fast until about noon.
00:10:12.140 | And then I have a lunch which is fairly low carb.
00:10:14.380 | So I'll have some piece of meat or chicken or fish
00:10:17.640 | and some salad typically.
00:10:19.820 | And then in the evening
00:10:20.660 | is when I tend to emphasize carbohydrates.
00:10:22.920 | That helps me be really alert during the day
00:10:25.140 | and sleep well at night.
00:10:27.300 | When I do eat meat,
00:10:28.520 | I insist that the meat be of the very highest quality
00:10:31.160 | and that it is sourced in humane ways.
00:10:33.580 | Belcampo's animals graze on open pastures
00:10:36.020 | and seasonal grasses,
00:10:37.120 | and that results in meat that is higher in nutrients
00:10:39.320 | and healthy fats.
00:10:40.460 | There are now a lot of data pointing to the fact
00:10:42.640 | that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids
00:10:45.020 | are vital for mood, for cardiovascular health,
00:10:47.980 | and various aspects of maintaining
00:10:50.060 | what's called a healthy inflammatome.
00:10:52.340 | The various things in our brain and body
00:10:54.180 | that maintain a healthy inflammation response,
00:10:56.660 | but one that doesn't go out of whack or get unchecked
00:10:59.780 | in any way that is detrimental to us.
00:11:02.280 | If you'd like to try Belcampo,
00:11:03.860 | first-time customers can get 20% off
00:11:05.780 | by going to
00:11:08.360 | and using the code Huberman at checkout.
00:11:10.720 | That's for 20% off
00:11:14.600 | and use the code Huberman at checkout.
00:11:16.940 | Today, we're discussing depression.
00:11:19.040 | In particular, we're going to talk about major depression.
00:11:21.760 | The phrase major depression is used to distinguish
00:11:24.380 | one form of depression from the other,
00:11:26.460 | the other one being bipolar depression.
00:11:29.720 | Bipolar depression, sometimes called bipolar disorder,
00:11:33.260 | is really characterized by manic highs,
00:11:36.940 | so where people aren't sleeping
00:11:38.960 | and they're talking very fast and they're buying things
00:11:41.900 | and pursuing resources that they can't afford.
00:11:44.540 | They're starting relationships left and right.
00:11:46.620 | They're manic, followed by periods of crashes,
00:11:50.620 | of feeling very low, lethargic, and so on.
00:11:54.340 | Bipolar depression is an absolutely crucial thing
00:11:57.520 | for us to discuss,
00:11:58.660 | and therefore, we are going to have
00:12:00.480 | an entire separate episode related to bipolar depression.
00:12:04.900 | Today, we're going to talk about major depression,
00:12:06.840 | also sometimes called unipolar depression,
00:12:09.400 | just because it doesn't have the highs and lows.
00:12:11.620 | It's more characterized by the lows.
00:12:13.980 | We're going to talk about the biology, the psychology,
00:12:18.640 | and the various treatments,
00:12:19.740 | behavioral, drugs, supplementation, diet, exercise,
00:12:22.640 | all of that.
00:12:23.480 | Before we go forward into the material,
00:12:25.360 | I just want to emphasize that any discussion
00:12:27.780 | about mood disorders carries with it
00:12:29.840 | a particular sensitivity,
00:12:32.080 | and that sensitivity is one related to self-diagnosis.
00:12:35.400 | Today's episode, and indeed in the future episodes
00:12:39.540 | for this month on mood disorders,
00:12:41.420 | you're going to hear very symptomologies
00:12:43.500 | that are used to diagnose and characterize these disorders.
00:12:48.020 | If you recognize some of these symptomologies in yourself
00:12:51.560 | or in others that you know,
00:12:53.340 | that's an important thing to take note of.
00:12:55.220 | However, accurate diagnosis really should be done
00:12:59.300 | by a qualified healthcare professional.
00:13:01.340 | So at once I'm saying, keep your eyes and your ears up
00:13:04.380 | for things that sound familiar to you
00:13:06.340 | that might be of concern.
00:13:07.460 | And at the same time, I'm saying,
00:13:09.460 | don't necessarily leap to conclusions.
00:13:11.620 | Take those flags of concern if they're there
00:13:14.100 | and bring them to a qualified healthcare professional,
00:13:16.460 | and they'll be able to properly diagnose you
00:13:19.960 | as having a particular mood disorder
00:13:21.780 | or diagnose somebody as having a particular mood disorder
00:13:24.260 | or not, and that's an essential step.
00:13:26.900 | I don't say this to protect us,
00:13:28.300 | I say this really to protect you.
00:13:30.600 | Okay, let's have a fact-based discussion about depression.
00:13:34.660 | And I promise you that where we don't know
00:13:37.720 | certain things about depression,
00:13:39.060 | I will be clear to tell you.
00:13:40.700 | In fact, we are going to talk about
00:13:41.980 | some treatments for depression
00:13:43.540 | that are looking very promising
00:13:45.060 | and that right now are actually being used more and more.
00:13:48.920 | And from my read of the mechanistic literature,
00:13:52.300 | we're still a bit in the dark as to how these work.
00:13:54.900 | That's actually a common theme of medicine.
00:13:56.540 | Many times there are treatments that seem promising
00:13:59.540 | or that look really terrific,
00:14:01.620 | and there isn't a lot of understanding about mechanism.
00:14:04.500 | However, any good discussion about neuroscience
00:14:07.360 | and in particular about mood disorders
00:14:09.060 | has to get into mechanism.
00:14:10.340 | So we're going to do that.
00:14:11.360 | And in doing that, we're going to frame the discussion
00:14:15.020 | for the tools of how to keep depression at bay
00:14:18.200 | and how to deal with it
00:14:19.420 | if you happen to find yourself depressed
00:14:21.020 | or if you know somebody else who's depressed.
00:14:23.980 | What is this thing we call depression?
00:14:26.500 | Well, as I mentioned before,
00:14:27.400 | it has two forms, bipolar depression,
00:14:29.780 | which we're not talking about today,
00:14:31.340 | and major depression,
00:14:33.020 | also called unipolar depression is the other.
00:14:36.100 | Major depression impacts 5% of the population.
00:14:41.680 | That is an enormous number.
00:14:44.140 | That means if you're in a class of 100 people,
00:14:46.800 | five of them are dealing with major depression
00:14:49.060 | or have at some point.
00:14:51.160 | Look around you in any environment
00:14:52.620 | and you can be sure that a good portion of the people
00:14:56.540 | that you're surrounded by is impacted by depression
00:14:59.880 | or will be at some point.
00:15:01.260 | So this is something we really have to take seriously
00:15:03.140 | and that we want to understand.
00:15:04.700 | It is the number four cause of disability.
00:15:09.460 | A lot of people miss work, miss school,
00:15:12.400 | and before then likely perform poorly in work or school
00:15:16.300 | due to major depression.
00:15:18.720 | Now, there's a very serious challenge
00:15:21.320 | in having a discussion about depression,
00:15:23.660 | and it relates directly to the challenges
00:15:25.480 | in diagnosing depression.
00:15:27.040 | Earlier, I did an episode with Dr. Carl Deisseroth,
00:15:30.800 | who is indeed a medical doctor and a PhD,
00:15:33.440 | he's a psychiatrist,
00:15:34.280 | and he made a very important point,
00:15:35.720 | which is that the field of psychiatry and psychology
00:15:39.880 | are confronted with a challenge,
00:15:41.320 | which is they're trying to understand what's going on
00:15:43.440 | within the stuff that's in our brains,
00:15:47.280 | that's deep to our skulls.
00:15:49.440 | We don't have access to that without brain imaging
00:15:51.640 | and electrodes and things like that.
00:15:53.520 | Someone just comes into the office
00:15:54.880 | and the dissection tool for depression, so to speak,
00:15:58.520 | is language.
00:15:59.520 | In order to determine if somebody has depression or not,
00:16:03.280 | we have to use language, how they talk about things,
00:16:05.660 | also how they carry their body,
00:16:07.280 | also some general patterns of health.
00:16:09.620 | So let's talk about depression
00:16:11.840 | the way that clinicians talk about depression,
00:16:14.520 | because one of the issues is that we use the word depression
00:16:18.560 | loosely, a lot of people say, oh, you know, I'm so depressed,
00:16:21.780 | I didn't get this job, or I'm so depressed,
00:16:24.240 | I just, I don't know, I had a really rough week,
00:16:25.920 | or I'm exhausted, I'm so depressed, or I'm so depressed,
00:16:29.240 | I thought I was going to go on vacation
00:16:30.600 | and then they canceled the flight, okay?
00:16:32.640 | That is not clinical depression,
00:16:35.240 | that's called being bummed out, being sad or disappointed.
00:16:38.320 | Now that person might be depressed,
00:16:39.760 | but clinical depression
00:16:41.040 | actually has some very specific criteria
00:16:43.880 | and those criteria are mainly characterized
00:16:48.420 | by the presence of certain things
00:16:51.160 | and the absence of a few particular things.
00:16:54.580 | So let's talk about the things that are present
00:16:57.520 | in somebody that has major depression.
00:17:00.480 | First of all, there tends to be a lot of grief,
00:17:03.900 | there tends to be a lot of sadness, that's no surprise.
00:17:06.560 | The threshold to cry is often a signature of depression.
00:17:10.140 | Now that doesn't mean that if you cry easily
00:17:12.160 | that you're depressed, some people cry more easily
00:17:14.140 | than others, but if you're somebody
00:17:15.920 | who typically didn't cry easily
00:17:17.580 | and suddenly you find yourself crying very easily,
00:17:20.240 | that could be a sign of depression,
00:17:22.440 | and I want to emphasize could.
00:17:23.940 | There's also this thing that we call anhedonia,
00:17:27.360 | a general lack of ability to enjoy things,
00:17:30.440 | things that typically or previously we enjoyed,
00:17:33.080 | things like food, things like sex, things like exercise,
00:17:36.000 | things like social gatherings,
00:17:38.000 | a kind of lack of enjoyment from those things.
00:17:41.160 | Sometimes that lack of enjoyment is sad,
00:17:44.320 | and sometimes it's just flat, it's just kind of neutral.
00:17:47.820 | It doesn't feel good because there's nothing there,
00:17:49.940 | it's like bland food, it's like these experiences
00:17:54.400 | are analogous to biting into your favorite article of food,
00:17:58.500 | and it just not tasting very good,
00:18:00.980 | it just doesn't taste like anything at all,
00:18:02.700 | and that's a common symptom of major depression.
00:18:05.960 | The other one is guilt.
00:18:08.160 | Oftentimes people with depression will feel very guilty
00:18:11.120 | about things they have done in the past
00:18:12.800 | or they'll just generally feel badly about themselves,
00:18:16.060 | and we're going to talk about this
00:18:17.480 | because it relates to some of the more serious symptomology
00:18:20.320 | seen in depression sometimes,
00:18:21.640 | things like self-harm, mutilation, or even suicide,
00:18:25.100 | but for the time being, we want to frame up anhedonia,
00:18:28.600 | this lack of ability to achieve or experience pleasure,
00:18:31.840 | a kind of a flat affect as it's called,
00:18:34.680 | sometimes even delusional thinking,
00:18:37.500 | negative delusional thinking,
00:18:39.080 | and in particular, anti-self confabulation.
00:18:43.080 | What is anti-self confabulation?
00:18:44.680 | Well, first of all, confabulation is an incredible aspect
00:18:48.160 | of our mind and our nervous system.
00:18:50.220 | You sometimes see other forms of confabulation
00:18:53.480 | in people who have memory deficits,
00:18:55.440 | either because they have brain damage
00:18:57.240 | or they have age-related dementia.
00:19:00.200 | A good example of this would be
00:19:01.700 | someone with age-related dementia
00:19:03.760 | sometimes will find themselves in a location in the house
00:19:07.800 | and not know how they got there.
00:19:09.620 | And if you ask them, oh, what are you doing here?
00:19:12.320 | They will create these elaborate stories.
00:19:14.280 | Oh, you know, I was thinking about going to shopping today,
00:19:16.860 | and I was going to take the bus, and then I was going to do,
00:19:19.640 | they create these elaborate stories, they confabulate,
00:19:23.000 | and yet that person hasn't left the house in weeks,
00:19:25.080 | and that person doesn't have a driver's license.
00:19:26.740 | And so they're really just creating this stuff.
00:19:28.640 | They're not lying to get out of anything.
00:19:30.720 | They're confabulating.
00:19:31.560 | It's as if a brain circuit that writes stories
00:19:34.360 | just starts generating content.
00:19:37.720 | In major depression,
00:19:38.740 | there's often a state of delusional anti-self confabulation
00:19:42.600 | where the confabulations are not directly
00:19:45.900 | or completely linked to reality,
00:19:48.160 | but they are ones that make the self,
00:19:50.840 | the person describing them,
00:19:52.520 | seem sick or in some way not well.
00:19:56.920 | A good example would be somebody
00:19:58.200 | who experiences a physical injury, perhaps.
00:20:00.780 | Maybe they break their ankle, maybe it's an athlete,
00:20:02.900 | and they also happen to become depressed.
00:20:06.240 | And you'll talk to them.
00:20:07.080 | You'll say, how are things going?
00:20:08.040 | How's your rehab?
00:20:08.880 | And they'll go, oh, it's okay.
00:20:09.720 | And I don't know, I'm just,
00:20:11.140 | I feel like I'm getting weaker and weaker by the day.
00:20:13.560 | I'm just not performing well.
00:20:14.880 | And then you'll talk to the person that they're working with,
00:20:17.720 | their kinesiologist or whoever the physical therapist is,
00:20:21.120 | and they'll say, no, they're actually really improving.
00:20:23.040 | And I tell them they're improving,
00:20:24.120 | but somehow they're not.
00:20:25.420 | They're not seeing that improvement.
00:20:26.800 | They're not registering that improvement.
00:20:28.620 | You notice that sometimes it's subtle
00:20:30.480 | and sometimes it's severe, but they'll start confabulating.
00:20:33.720 | You'll say, I actually heard you're doing much better.
00:20:36.400 | You're getting better.
00:20:37.440 | You're taking multiple trips around the building now
00:20:40.320 | before you could barely get out of bed.
00:20:42.080 | And they'll say, yeah, well, basically,
00:20:44.760 | they changed some things about the parking lot
00:20:47.520 | that make it easier to move around, so it's not really me.
00:20:50.040 | And these aren't people that are just explaining away
00:20:52.400 | their accomplishments
00:20:54.400 | 'cause they're trying to brush off praise.
00:20:57.000 | They are viewing themselves and they're confabulating
00:21:00.740 | according to a view that is very self-deprecating
00:21:04.760 | to the point where it doesn't match up with reality.
00:21:07.500 | It's not what other people see,
00:21:08.920 | and it's actually not matched up with reality.
00:21:11.500 | And that's a symptom of depression
00:21:13.780 | that I think we don't often think about
00:21:16.080 | or conceptualize enough.
00:21:18.000 | So it's not just telling people, oh yeah,
00:21:20.640 | it's not as good as it seems, everything's bad.
00:21:22.760 | These people really believe that
00:21:24.200 | and it becomes disconnected from reality.
00:21:26.320 | So it's as if they're sort of sinking into a pit
00:21:28.380 | and they're losing touch with the realities of the world,
00:21:30.980 | including data about themselves,
00:21:32.960 | their ability to move and get around.
00:21:35.380 | For example, in the particular instance
00:21:37.920 | that I used as an example, but there are others as well.
00:21:40.960 | The other common symptomology of major depression
00:21:45.360 | is what they call vegetative symptoms, okay?
00:21:48.680 | So vegetative symptoms are symptoms that occur
00:21:52.240 | without any thinking, without any doing,
00:21:55.040 | or without any confabulation.
00:21:56.440 | These are things that are related to our core physiology.
00:21:59.080 | The word vegetative, you might know it sounds like vegetable,
00:22:02.080 | it actually relates to a system in the body
00:22:04.520 | that nowadays is more commonly called
00:22:06.160 | the autonomic nervous system.
00:22:08.480 | The vegetative nervous system
00:22:10.600 | and the autonomic nervous system,
00:22:12.320 | historically were considered sort of one in the same.
00:22:15.040 | And it relates to things like the stress response
00:22:17.840 | or to our ability to sleep.
00:22:19.720 | So vegetative symptoms be things like
00:22:22.480 | constantly being exhausted.
00:22:24.400 | The person just feels exhausted.
00:22:26.720 | It's not because they exercise too much.
00:22:28.400 | It's not necessarily because of a life event, it could be,
00:22:31.640 | but they're just worn out.
00:22:33.440 | They don't have the energy they once had.
00:22:36.080 | So it's not in their heads.
00:22:38.180 | It's probably, and now I think we have good data
00:22:40.840 | to support the fact that there's something off.
00:22:43.480 | Something is disrupted in the autonomic
00:22:45.540 | or so-called vegetative nervous system.
00:22:47.560 | And one of the most common symptoms
00:22:49.400 | of people with major depression,
00:22:51.220 | one of the signs of major depression is early waking
00:22:55.560 | and not being able to fall back asleep
00:22:57.560 | despite being exhausted.
00:22:59.820 | So waking up at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. or 5 a.m.
00:23:03.220 | just spontaneously and not being able to go back to sleep.
00:23:06.220 | I want to emphasize that that could happen
00:23:07.900 | for other reasons as well,
00:23:09.860 | but it is a common symptom or warning sign
00:23:12.900 | of major depression.
00:23:14.520 | So let's talk more about sleep and depression.
00:23:16.960 | It's well known that the architecture of sleep
00:23:21.460 | is disrupted in depression.
00:23:23.320 | What's the architecture of sleep?
00:23:24.660 | I've done entire episodes about this,
00:23:26.100 | but very briefly in two sentences,
00:23:28.340 | although they'll probably be run on sentences,
00:23:31.140 | early in the night, you tend to have slow wave sleep
00:23:34.320 | more than REM sleep or rapid eye movement sleep.
00:23:36.620 | As the night goes on,
00:23:37.500 | you tend to have more rapid eye movement sleep.
00:23:39.860 | That architecture of slow wave sleep
00:23:42.380 | preceding rapid eye movement sleep
00:23:44.840 | is radically disrupted in major depression.
00:23:49.840 | In addition, the pattern of activity in the brain
00:23:52.220 | during particular phases of sleep is disrupted.
00:23:55.180 | Now this is during sleep.
00:23:56.420 | So this can't be that people are creating
00:23:58.460 | this situation for themselves.
00:23:59.640 | These are real physiological signs
00:24:01.940 | that something is off in this so-called autonomic
00:24:04.780 | or vegetative nervous system.
00:24:06.880 | And then there are some other things
00:24:08.160 | that relate to the autonomic nervous system,
00:24:10.780 | but that we normally think of as more voluntary in nature.
00:24:14.560 | And these are things like decreased appetite.
00:24:17.180 | So you could imagine that one could have decreased appetite
00:24:21.180 | because of the anhedonia, the lack of pleasure from food.
00:24:24.660 | If you don't enjoy food, then you might be less motivated
00:24:27.620 | to eat it, that makes sense.
00:24:29.660 | As well, because of these disruptions
00:24:31.500 | in the autonomic nervous system,
00:24:33.260 | these vegetative symptoms as they're called,
00:24:35.540 | you can imagine that someone would have decreased appetite
00:24:37.740 | because some of the hormones associated with appetite,
00:24:40.320 | hypocretinorexin and things of that sort,
00:24:42.820 | ghrelin, that those will be disrupted.
00:24:45.460 | And if those names of hypocretinorexin and ghrelin
00:24:47.660 | don't make any sense to you, don't worry about it.
00:24:49.820 | What those are just hormones that impact when we eat,
00:24:53.180 | when we feel hungry and when we crave food more,
00:24:57.140 | as well as when we feel full,
00:24:58.620 | we have enough so-called satiety.
00:25:00.460 | If you want to learn more about those,
00:25:01.700 | we did entire episodes on eating and metabolism.
00:25:04.700 | So you can see that the symptomology of major depression
00:25:07.940 | impacts us at multiple levels.
00:25:09.800 | There's the conscious level of how excited we are generally.
00:25:14.160 | Well, that's reduced.
00:25:15.340 | There's grief, there's guilt, there's crying,
00:25:18.580 | but then there's also these vegetative things.
00:25:20.640 | There's disruptions in sleep,
00:25:21.860 | which of course make everything more challenging
00:25:23.860 | when we're awake, we know that.
00:25:25.260 | Sleep is so vital for resetting.
00:25:27.020 | You're waking up early, you can't get back to sleep.
00:25:28.940 | That's going to adjust your affect,
00:25:32.860 | your emotions in negative ways, we know this.
00:25:35.540 | And appetite is off.
00:25:36.940 | And there are hormones that get disrupted.
00:25:39.500 | So cortisol levels are increased.
00:25:41.660 | In particular, there's a signature pattern of depression
00:25:44.620 | whereby cortisol, the stress hormone that normally
00:25:48.060 | is released in a healthy way
00:25:49.740 | only in the early part of the day
00:25:51.900 | is shifted to late in the day.
00:25:54.740 | In fact, a 9 p.m. peak in cortisol
00:25:57.500 | is one of the physiological signatures
00:26:00.980 | of depressive like states.
00:26:02.820 | It's not the only one, but it is an important one.
00:26:06.440 | So there are a lot of things going on in major depression.
00:26:08.520 | And by now you're probably thinking,
00:26:10.000 | oh goodness, this is dreadful.
00:26:11.180 | Like there's all this terrible stuff.
00:26:12.500 | And indeed it is terrible.
00:26:14.480 | It is a terrible thing to find oneself
00:26:17.420 | in a mode where things feel sad, you feel guilty,
00:26:20.660 | you're exhausted.
00:26:22.020 | And oftentimes there's also an association
00:26:24.480 | with the anxiety system.
00:26:26.620 | So just because people are exhausted and lethargic
00:26:29.160 | and they don't enjoy things doesn't necessarily mean
00:26:31.320 | that there's an absence of anxiety.
00:26:33.320 | There can also be a lot of anxiety
00:26:34.660 | about what's going to happen to me.
00:26:35.940 | Am I going to be able to achieve my goals in life?
00:26:38.140 | Will I ever get out of this state?
00:26:40.540 | And so things really start to layer on.
00:26:42.420 | And as if this sounds depressing to you,
00:26:44.580 | it is indeed depressing.
00:26:46.380 | This is really the place that many people find themselves.
00:26:49.700 | And it's a pit that they just don't know
00:26:51.520 | how to climb out of.
00:26:52.940 | So let's just take a few minutes
00:26:54.700 | and talk about some of the underlying biology
00:26:57.380 | that creates this cloud
00:27:00.020 | or this constellation of symptomology.
00:27:02.940 | I think that's really important to do
00:27:04.380 | because if we want to understand the various treatments,
00:27:08.180 | how they work and why they work and how to implement them,
00:27:10.660 | we have to understand some of the underlying biology.
00:27:13.260 | So let's spend a few minutes talking
00:27:14.700 | about the biology of depression.
00:27:16.740 | What's known, what's not known.
00:27:18.460 | Because in doing that,
00:27:19.800 | I think you'll get a much clearer picture
00:27:21.860 | about why certain tools work to relieve depression
00:27:25.020 | and why others might not.
00:27:26.700 | So one of the most important early findings
00:27:31.040 | in the search for a biological basis of depression
00:27:35.180 | was this finding that there are drugs
00:27:37.960 | that relieve some of the symptoms of depression.
00:27:41.960 | Those drugs generally fall into three major categories,
00:27:45.520 | but the first set of ones that were discovered
00:27:48.320 | were the so-called tricyclic antidepressants
00:27:51.780 | and the MAO inhibitors, the monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
00:27:56.780 | You don't need to understand that nomenclature,
00:27:59.040 | but I'm going to give you a little bit of detail
00:28:00.600 | so that if you want to understand it, you can.
00:28:03.480 | Most of this work took place in the late 1950s
00:28:06.920 | and in the 1960s and continued well until the 1980s
00:28:11.320 | when new classes of drugs were discovered.
00:28:13.880 | And these tricyclic antidepressants and the MAO inhibitors
00:28:17.780 | largely worked by increasing levels of norepinephrine
00:28:23.440 | in the brain, as well as in the body in some cases.
00:28:27.100 | And they were discovered
00:28:28.440 | through a kind of odd set of circumstances.
00:28:30.320 | We don't have time to go into all the history,
00:28:31.820 | but suffice to say that they were discovered
00:28:34.120 | because of the exploration for drugs
00:28:36.760 | that alter blood pressure.
00:28:39.320 | Norepinephrine impacts blood pressure
00:28:41.920 | and drugs that lower blood pressure,
00:28:45.200 | reduce levels of norepinephrine.
00:28:47.440 | And that in many cases was shown to lead to depression
00:28:51.280 | or depressive-like symptoms.
00:28:53.240 | And so these drugs, these tricyclic drugs
00:28:55.720 | and the MAO inhibitors actually increase norepinephrine.
00:28:59.740 | And frankly, they do quite a good job of relieving some,
00:29:03.800 | if not all of the symptoms of major depression.
00:29:07.360 | However, they carry with them many side effects.
00:29:10.160 | Some of those side effects are side effects
00:29:12.540 | related to blood pressure itself.
00:29:13.960 | By increasing noradrenaline, norepinephrine as it's called,
00:29:17.600 | you raise blood pressure.
00:29:18.680 | That can be dangerous.
00:29:20.060 | That can be uncomfortable.
00:29:21.600 | But they also have a lot of other side effects.
00:29:25.000 | The reason they have other side effects
00:29:26.680 | is because they impact systems in the brain and in the body
00:29:30.180 | that impact things like libido, appetite, digestion,
00:29:35.040 | and others, and we'll talk about each of those in sequence.
00:29:38.280 | Okay, so the experience that clinicians had
00:29:41.160 | of observing some relief for depression
00:29:44.140 | with the tricyclic antidepressants
00:29:46.120 | and with MAO inhibitors was terrific,
00:29:48.780 | but there were all these side effects,
00:29:50.400 | side effects that people really did not like.
00:29:52.440 | They didn't like these drugs at all.
00:29:54.360 | A lot of people would get dry mouth.
00:29:55.920 | I mentioned the low libido.
00:29:57.120 | They'd have sleep issues, appetite issues, weight gain.
00:30:00.000 | They made some people so uncomfortable
00:30:01.480 | that they preferred not to take them,
00:30:02.980 | even though when they didn't take them,
00:30:04.840 | they had a worsening or a maintenance
00:30:06.720 | of their depressive symptoms.
00:30:08.160 | A decade or so later, there was the discovery
00:30:12.840 | of the so-called pleasure pathways in the brain.
00:30:15.480 | These are pathways, literally groups of neurons
00:30:18.380 | that reside in different locations in the brain,
00:30:20.520 | but connect to one another.
00:30:21.580 | So it's a circuit.
00:30:22.880 | And when you stimulate these neurons with certain behaviors
00:30:27.880 | or with electrical stimulation in an experiment,
00:30:30.680 | believe it or not, that's been done
00:30:31.640 | in both animals and humans.
00:30:33.620 | Animals and humans become very, very motivated
00:30:36.660 | to get more stimulation of these pathways.
00:30:39.680 | So this pleasure pathway or these circuits for pleasure
00:30:42.280 | are very what we call reinforcing.
00:30:45.320 | In fact, animals and humans will work hard
00:30:51.600 | to get stimulation of these brain areas
00:30:54.040 | even more than they will work to obtain sex, drugs,
00:30:58.600 | or even if they are addicted to a particular drug
00:31:01.200 | and they are in a state of withdrawal,
00:31:02.840 | the ultimate state of craving, if given a choice,
00:31:06.140 | a person or an animal will select to have stimulation
00:31:10.620 | of this pleasure pathway instead of the drug itself.
00:31:14.060 | And that is a major and significant finding.
00:31:17.060 | This pleasure pathway, as it's sometimes called,
00:31:19.820 | involves areas like the nucleus accumbens
00:31:22.060 | and the ventral tegmental area.
00:31:23.920 | These are areas of the brain that are rich with neurons
00:31:26.660 | that make dopamine.
00:31:28.360 | And if you think to the symptoms of depression,
00:31:31.000 | of anhedonia, lack of pleasure,
00:31:32.760 | a lack of ability to experience pleasure,
00:31:35.340 | well, that was a smoking gun that there's something wrong
00:31:39.440 | with the dopamine pathway in depression.
00:31:42.300 | And indeed that's the case.
00:31:43.260 | So it's not just norepinephrine,
00:31:44.640 | it's also the dopamine or pleasure pathway
00:31:46.960 | is somehow disrupted.
00:31:48.640 | And then in the 1980s,
00:31:50.360 | there was the discovery of the so-called SSRIs.
00:31:53.000 | Most people are now familiar with the SSRIs,
00:31:55.240 | the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
00:31:58.400 | The SSRIs worked by distinct mechanisms
00:32:01.980 | from the tricyclic antidepressants and the MAO inhibitors.
00:32:06.060 | As their name suggests, SSRI,
00:32:08.160 | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
00:32:11.020 | prevent serotonin from being wiped up from the synapse
00:32:16.020 | after two neurons talk to one another.
00:32:18.340 | What do I mean by that?
00:32:19.200 | Well, here's some very basic neurobiology 101.
00:32:21.920 | If you don't know any neurobiology,
00:32:23.560 | you're going to know some in about 15 seconds.
00:32:26.480 | Neurons communicate with one another
00:32:28.560 | by spitting out chemicals into the little gap between them.
00:32:32.520 | The little gap between them is called the synapse
00:32:34.700 | or by the Brits, the synapse.
00:32:37.320 | Those chemicals bind to the neuron on the opposite side
00:32:40.840 | and cause changes in the electrical activity
00:32:43.200 | of that neuron on the other side of the synapse.
00:32:46.280 | Serotonin is one such neurotransmitter
00:32:49.040 | or more specifically, it's a neuromodulator.
00:32:51.720 | It can change the activity of large groups of neurons
00:32:54.520 | in very meaningful ways.
00:32:55.900 | Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor means
00:32:59.400 | when a person takes this drug,
00:33:02.040 | some of those drugs include things like Prozac or Zoloft,
00:33:05.160 | the more typical names or more generic names
00:33:07.320 | are things like fluoxetine.
00:33:09.100 | When people take those,
00:33:10.640 | more serotonin hangs out in the synapse
00:33:13.640 | and is able to be taken up by the neuron
00:33:15.880 | on the opposite side
00:33:17.540 | because of this selective reuptake inhibition.
00:33:22.320 | It prevents the clearance of serotonin from the synapse
00:33:26.700 | and thereby more serotonin can have an effect.
00:33:29.500 | So SSRIs don't increase the total amount of serotonin
00:33:33.240 | in the brain.
00:33:34.180 | They change how effective the serotonin
00:33:37.900 | that's already in the brain is
00:33:40.020 | at changing the activity of neurons, okay?
00:33:43.860 | So they don't increase serotonin.
00:33:45.760 | They increase the efficacy or the function of serotonin
00:33:49.560 | in the way that I just described.
00:33:51.540 | So that was more than 15 seconds,
00:33:53.000 | but now you understand how SSRIs work.
00:33:55.860 | And I wouldn't be talking about SSRIs
00:33:58.200 | if they didn't in fact work.
00:34:00.100 | Yes, there are many problems with SSRIs.
00:34:03.820 | They do carry certain side effects in many individuals.
00:34:06.900 | Also about a third of people that take SSRIs
00:34:11.240 | don't derive any benefit.
00:34:13.020 | It doesn't relieve their symptoms of depression.
00:34:15.300 | However, for the other two thirds,
00:34:17.080 | there's often a relief of some,
00:34:18.860 | if not all of the symptoms of major depression.
00:34:21.480 | The problem is the side effects that accompany those SSRIs.
00:34:25.500 | And so these days, SSRIs are a complicated topic.
00:34:28.740 | It's sort of what I would call a barbed wire topic
00:34:30.780 | because we often hear about all the problems with them,
00:34:33.860 | but these drugs also have saved a lot of lives.
00:34:36.300 | They've also improved a lot of lives.
00:34:39.280 | The issue is that they tend to have varying effects
00:34:42.660 | on different individuals
00:34:43.580 | and sometimes varying effects over time.
00:34:45.820 | So they'll work for a while,
00:34:47.160 | then they won't work for a while.
00:34:48.240 | There are also a lot of mysteries about the SSRIs
00:34:51.620 | and those mysteries bother people.
00:34:53.700 | What mysteries am I referring to?
00:34:55.100 | Well, SSRIs increase the amount of serotonin
00:34:59.300 | or more specifically,
00:35:00.540 | they increase the efficacy of serotonin at the synapse.
00:35:04.220 | That happens immediately
00:35:05.860 | or very soon after people start taking SSRIs,
00:35:08.980 | but people generally don't start experiencing any relief
00:35:11.700 | from their symptoms of depression
00:35:13.300 | if they're going to experience them at all
00:35:16.060 | until about two weeks after they start taking these drugs.
00:35:19.000 | So there's something going on there that's not clear.
00:35:21.380 | One idea is that the SSRIs
00:35:23.780 | actually can improve symptoms of depression
00:35:27.620 | or even remove symptoms of depression
00:35:30.340 | through so-called neuroplasticity
00:35:32.820 | by changing the way that neural circuits function.
00:35:35.900 | And there are many studies on this,
00:35:37.820 | but the main categories of studies on SSRIs
00:35:40.200 | that relate to neuroplasticity fall into two camps.
00:35:43.020 | One is the ways in which SSRIs might,
00:35:46.400 | and I want to emphasize might,
00:35:47.760 | be able to trigger the production of more neurons
00:35:50.180 | in the brain, in particular areas of the hippocampus
00:35:53.200 | called the dentate gyrus and others that impact memory.
00:35:57.460 | This is important and we're going to come back to memory.
00:35:59.460 | The other is that the SSRIs have been shown
00:36:02.540 | in various scientific studies
00:36:04.900 | to reopen critical periods of plasticity.
00:36:08.500 | I'll just briefly describe one of those studies.
00:36:10.500 | It was a study done by Lumberto Maffei's group in Pisa
00:36:14.380 | that explored brain plasticity
00:36:16.820 | that's known to be present in young animals
00:36:18.960 | and disappear in older animals.
00:36:21.440 | And this is also true in humans.
00:36:23.140 | Younger humans have a far more plastic brain.
00:36:25.980 | It can change in many more ways,
00:36:27.740 | more easily than can the older brain.
00:36:30.180 | And what they showed was that fluoxetine, Prozac,
00:36:33.340 | given to adult animals,
00:36:35.980 | can reopen this incredible period of plasticity.
00:36:39.860 | It can allow more plasticity to occur.
00:36:42.580 | That was interesting.
00:36:43.420 | I mean, it's purely through increases
00:36:44.820 | in serotonin transmission.
00:36:46.900 | And there are other studies showing
00:36:48.700 | that fluoxetine can increase the number of new neurons
00:36:51.000 | that are born into the adult brain, so-called neurogenesis,
00:36:54.220 | the production of new neurons.
00:36:56.300 | So it's very clear that there are at least
00:36:59.340 | three major chemical systems in the brain,
00:37:01.700 | norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
00:37:04.620 | that relate to and can adjust the symptoms of depression.
00:37:08.980 | And those actually can be divided into separate categories.
00:37:12.120 | So for instance, epinephrine or norepinephrine
00:37:15.940 | is thought to relate to the so-called psychomotor defects,
00:37:19.300 | sometimes called psychomotor retardation.
00:37:21.380 | This is the lethargy.
00:37:22.680 | This is the exhaustion.
00:37:24.060 | This is the inability to get out of bed in the morning.
00:37:26.740 | Dopamine is thought to relate to the anhedonia,
00:37:30.300 | or I should say lack of dopamine in depressive patients
00:37:33.700 | is thought to lead to the anhedonia,
00:37:35.920 | the lack of ability to experience pleasure.
00:37:39.360 | And serotonin is thought to relate to the grief, the guilt,
00:37:44.360 | some of the more cognitive
00:37:45.820 | or more emotional aspects of depression.
00:37:49.140 | So we've got the norepinephrine system
00:37:50.740 | related to activity and alertness,
00:37:52.920 | the dopamine system relating to motivation, pleasure,
00:37:56.100 | and the ability to seek and experience pleasure,
00:37:58.520 | and then the serotonin system that's related to grief.
00:38:02.340 | And unfortunately, brains and organisms don't work
00:38:05.640 | in a simple mathematical way where you just say,
00:38:08.380 | "Oh, well, this person's experiencing a lot of grief,
00:38:10.760 | but they don't have any problems with lethargy,
00:38:14.460 | and so let's just boost up their serotonin."
00:38:16.300 | On paper, it works,
00:38:17.300 | but oftentimes it doesn't work clinically.
00:38:19.580 | And in another patient,
00:38:21.320 | you might get somebody who can't experience pleasure,
00:38:23.260 | but they're kind of anxious.
00:38:24.540 | They don't have any trouble sleeping,
00:38:27.220 | but they're just much more anxious
00:38:28.820 | and frustrated than they normally are,
00:38:31.140 | and they meet the symptoms of depression.
00:38:33.260 | Well, you might think, "Oh, well, do you just give
00:38:35.600 | that person some drug to increase dopamine
00:38:37.800 | and everything will be better?"
00:38:38.760 | And indeed, in some cases, that's true.
00:38:40.740 | There are drugs like wellbutrin,
00:38:43.100 | which function more specifically on the dopamine system
00:38:46.660 | to increase dopamine, and they also increase norepinephrine.
00:38:49.480 | Many people get great relief from things like wellbutrin.
00:38:53.540 | They don't really impact the serotonin system so much,
00:38:56.460 | and therefore you don't get a lot of the serotoninergic
00:38:58.860 | or serotonin-related side effects.
00:39:00.920 | However, some people feel far too anxious on those drugs.
00:39:04.460 | Some people get addicted to those drugs in a way,
00:39:07.420 | because a lot of those drugs that increase dopamine
00:39:09.940 | make you want more of those drugs.
00:39:11.620 | So you start to realize that what makes sense on paper
00:39:13.900 | doesn't always make sense clinically,
00:39:15.300 | and this is why it's complicated,
00:39:16.480 | and a really good psychologist
00:39:18.060 | and a really good psychiatrist will work with someone
00:39:19.840 | to try and pull and push on these various systems
00:39:22.400 | to find the combination of drugs
00:39:24.540 | that may be or may not be correct for them.
00:39:27.940 | There's a fourth aspect of the chemistry of depression
00:39:31.180 | that's really important to understand, and that's pain.
00:39:34.500 | We've talked about pain on this podcast before,
00:39:36.480 | but even if you didn't hear the episode
00:39:37.920 | on pleasure and pain, I just want to emphasize
00:39:39.900 | that pain is something that we experience in our body,
00:39:42.400 | no surprise there, an injury, a cut, et cetera,
00:39:45.100 | but that we also experience emotional pain,
00:39:47.280 | and those systems are linked in very intricate ways.
00:39:50.320 | There's actually some data showing that pain relievers,
00:39:55.120 | Tylenol, aspirin, these sorts of things
00:39:56.880 | can help certain people with emotional pain.
00:40:00.000 | Now, I'm not recommending people run out
00:40:01.360 | and take those things for emotional pain,
00:40:03.200 | but actually, if you think about that,
00:40:04.220 | it shouldn't come as any surprise,
00:40:05.620 | given the enormous number of people that take painkillers,
00:40:09.040 | opioids and things like them,
00:40:10.360 | to try and relieve their psychological pain,
00:40:12.240 | and as we know, those drugs are very, very problematic
00:40:16.380 | for many individuals.
00:40:18.080 | They can help certain individuals,
00:40:19.320 | but they are very prone to abuse,
00:40:21.720 | and they can induce addiction very easily
00:40:24.040 | in a number of people.
00:40:25.320 | There's a substance that's literally called substance P,
00:40:29.460 | the letter P, that's manufactured by neurons
00:40:32.880 | in our brain and body,
00:40:33.720 | which underlies our sensation of pain,
00:40:35.360 | and indeed, substance P inhibitors have been used
00:40:38.800 | to treat depression, and in some cases, works.
00:40:41.360 | A lot of people with depression are hypersensitive to pain,
00:40:44.920 | and of course, they could have multiple things going on.
00:40:46.880 | They could have chronic pain or chronic injury
00:40:48.880 | and major depression, so you start to get the constellation
00:40:51.720 | of the many things that could happen.
00:40:53.880 | So that's all I want to say today
00:40:55.960 | about the chemistry underlying depression
00:40:59.840 | or major depression.
00:41:01.160 | There's a lot more there,
00:41:02.160 | but I think if you understand the norepinephrine system
00:41:04.600 | and that it relates to some of these things like lethargy,
00:41:08.560 | the psychomotor defects, as they're called,
00:41:11.560 | dopamine and how it relates to motivation
00:41:13.960 | and lack of motivation and lack of dopamine and depression,
00:41:16.960 | and serotonin and its relationship to grief,
00:41:20.280 | and that low serotonin can lead to extreme grief and shame
00:41:23.480 | and higher serotonin levels can sometimes restore
00:41:25.960 | a sense of wellbeing and safety
00:41:27.880 | and feeling good about oneself.
00:41:29.680 | If you understand that and you understand
00:41:31.040 | that physical pain is somehow involved in certain cases,
00:41:34.400 | I think you will know more about depression
00:41:37.280 | and its underlying chemistry than most all people out there,
00:41:39.840 | and if you'd like to learn more,
00:41:40.840 | I invite you to pursue searching those terms further
00:41:44.520 | on the internet, and we'll certainly go into them
00:41:46.440 | in more depth, but that really sets the stage
00:41:48.720 | for where we're headed next.
00:41:50.140 | So next, I'd like to talk about hormones
00:41:51.780 | and how they relate to depression,
00:41:53.920 | and I'd also like to talk about stress
00:41:55.740 | and how it relates to depression,
00:41:57.380 | as well as talk about some of the genetics
00:41:59.440 | or the predispositions to depression,
00:42:02.740 | and for those of you that are thinking,
00:42:03.940 | hey, I want the tools, I want to know how to fix depression,
00:42:07.080 | I understand the desire for that.
00:42:09.740 | I will just ask if you hang in here with me
00:42:11.760 | a little bit longer, not only will you learn a lot more
00:42:14.060 | about how this complicated mood disorder works,
00:42:17.980 | some of the more interesting things about it,
00:42:20.240 | but it will also position you to get a lot more out
00:42:22.740 | of the tools that we will describe.
00:42:24.480 | You always have the option to skip forward, of course,
00:42:26.400 | but I think it's important to understand some
00:42:28.440 | of the hormonal and stress-related aspects of depression.
00:42:31.540 | So let's talk about hormones.
00:42:33.100 | 20% of people that have major depression
00:42:37.180 | have low thyroid hormone.
00:42:39.340 | Thyroid hormone is related to metabolism.
00:42:42.100 | Oftentimes we think about thyroid as only related
00:42:44.460 | to having a fast metabolism,
00:42:47.240 | but thyroid is related to all forms of metabolism,
00:42:50.340 | including our ability to synthesize new tissues
00:42:52.800 | like protein and repair injuries.
00:42:55.420 | I did a whole episode on thyroid and growth hormone.
00:42:58.460 | If you want to check that out,
00:42:59.500 | all of that is archived at
00:43:02.340 | It's all timestamped, et cetera.
00:43:03.700 | You can find it on YouTube, Apple, Spotify,
00:43:05.140 | all those places.
00:43:06.340 | So if you're curious about thyroid hormone
00:43:07.900 | and growth hormone, and you want to do the deep dive
00:43:10.000 | on those, and you want to learn how to alter their levels
00:43:13.000 | using various approaches, check that out.
00:43:15.640 | But 20% of people with major depression are hypothyroidal.
00:43:20.340 | They don't make enough thyroid.
00:43:22.240 | And that leads to low energy,
00:43:24.240 | low metabolism in the brain and body.
00:43:27.300 | And there's a condition called Hashimoto's,
00:43:30.060 | which is essentially low thyroid output.
00:43:33.520 | And again, I don't want to get
00:43:34.660 | into all the tools related to thyroid.
00:43:36.140 | Sometimes a psychiatrist will prescribe thyroid medication
00:43:39.980 | to increase thyroid output in people that are depressed,
00:43:42.500 | and that will work to relieve the symptoms.
00:43:44.520 | So there isn't necessarily a direct problem
00:43:46.900 | with serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine,
00:43:49.000 | or substance B.
00:43:49.840 | Sometimes it's a thyroid problem.
00:43:51.620 | So there are certain situations or conditions
00:43:54.140 | that can impact the thyroid hormone system
00:43:57.120 | and make people more susceptible to depression
00:43:59.660 | or make a preexisting depression worse.
00:44:01.860 | And those are things like childbirth.
00:44:04.340 | So it's well known that women who give birth
00:44:06.780 | can often undergo what's called postpartum depression.
00:44:09.660 | It actually comes from the word postpartuition depression.
00:44:13.780 | They give birth, what's happier,
00:44:16.660 | what's more joyful than the birth of a new healthy child,
00:44:19.320 | and they will lapse into a depression.
00:44:20.900 | And that's thought to be hormonally related,
00:44:23.360 | either directly to the thyroid system
00:44:25.960 | or perhaps to the cortisol system as well.
00:44:27.760 | We'll talk about cortisol in a moment.
00:44:29.460 | As well, certain women during certain phases
00:44:31.940 | of their menstrual cycle experience symptoms
00:44:34.940 | that are very much like clinical depression
00:44:37.760 | and oftentimes are diagnosed
00:44:39.760 | with clinical depression appropriately.
00:44:42.100 | And of course, the menstrual cycle is associated
00:44:43.700 | with shifts in hormone levels.
00:44:45.040 | As well, menopause and postmenopausal women
00:44:48.620 | are more susceptible to major depression,
00:44:51.480 | regardless of whether or not they've had
00:44:52.780 | that major depression earlier in their life.
00:44:54.380 | So these are things to be on the lookout for
00:44:56.160 | and to definitely talk to a doctor and get a blood panel
00:44:59.180 | that hopefully includes measures of thyroid hormone
00:45:01.700 | and cortisol hormone.
00:45:02.660 | Why cortisol hormone?
00:45:03.780 | Well, more stress is correlated with more bouts
00:45:07.220 | of major depression across the lifespan.
00:45:09.820 | How many bouts?
00:45:10.660 | Well, it turns out that as you go from having one
00:45:14.380 | to two to three, well, when you hit four to five bouts
00:45:17.620 | of really intense stressful episodes in life,
00:45:20.700 | these tend to be long-term stressful episodes,
00:45:23.260 | your risk for major depression goes way up.
00:45:26.300 | So whether or not you have a genetic predisposition
00:45:28.860 | to depression or not, one of the best things you can do
00:45:32.980 | to try and avoid getting depressed
00:45:34.500 | is to learn to control your stress system,
00:45:37.460 | to not go from short-term stress,
00:45:39.880 | which everybody experiences,
00:45:41.140 | we all have short-term stressors,
00:45:43.220 | to medium-term stress, to long-term stress,
00:45:45.380 | and to not have too many bouts of long-term stress
00:45:47.780 | because that probability of getting depressed
00:45:50.180 | goes way, way up.
00:45:51.380 | And this is something I've seen over and over again,
00:45:54.360 | not just in my scientific career, but just throughout life,
00:45:56.900 | people in all sorts of domains, young and old,
00:45:59.520 | I've seen that people will go
00:46:01.260 | through a very intense relationship, a breakup,
00:46:05.460 | sometimes it's the staying together that's stressful,
00:46:07.460 | sometimes it's a graduate school that can be stressful,
00:46:10.880 | sometimes it's some other event,
00:46:12.860 | and then some months later, they become depressed.
00:46:15.580 | And that's because the stress system
00:46:17.220 | is associated with the release of cortisol.
00:46:19.240 | The cortisol system can dramatically impact
00:46:21.720 | the way that these different neuromodulators,
00:46:23.880 | dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin function.
00:46:26.260 | And so there's this kind of latent or longer lasting impact
00:46:30.420 | on the systems that impact mood and wellbeing.
00:46:33.940 | So learning how to control your stress is really key
00:46:36.400 | if you're not depressed,
00:46:37.940 | or you're somebody that has not lapsed
00:46:39.980 | into a depression recently,
00:46:42.020 | take control of your stress system.
00:46:43.660 | And we did an entire episode on how to conquer stress,
00:46:46.560 | and that involves dealing with stress in the short-term,
00:46:48.860 | the medium-term, and in the long-term,
00:46:50.420 | and there are a lot of different ways to do that.
00:46:52.620 | One of the more important reasons
00:46:54.620 | for learning how to counter stress
00:46:56.160 | in order to offset depression
00:46:59.000 | is that there is a genetic predisposition
00:47:01.940 | that certain people carry to become depressed.
00:47:04.540 | There are these studies now of many,
00:47:06.680 | many thousands of individuals.
00:47:08.260 | These were mainly done in New Zealand,
00:47:09.860 | but these studies have now been done elsewhere,
00:47:12.160 | looking at many tens of thousands of individuals
00:47:15.460 | who carry particular copies of genes,
00:47:18.680 | what they call polymorphisms,
00:47:20.560 | in particular of a gene called 5-HTTLPR,
00:47:24.980 | which is a serotonin transporter.
00:47:27.320 | So this is a gene that controls or regulates
00:47:29.880 | how much serotonin is available in the brain.
00:47:32.620 | If you have this gene, this polymorphism,
00:47:36.100 | it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be depressed,
00:47:38.460 | but it greatly shifts your susceptibility
00:47:42.560 | to depression under conditions of stress.
00:47:45.180 | So I realize some people are listening to this
00:47:47.240 | and some people are watching it on YouTube,
00:47:48.660 | so I'm going to describe this in a way
00:47:49.840 | that doesn't require looking at any graphs.
00:47:51.980 | What I want you to imagine is a very shallow hill,
00:47:56.200 | like a very mellow hill.
00:47:58.100 | It's just a ramp set at about 10 or 15 degrees, okay?
00:48:02.580 | What we're plotting there in your mind
00:48:04.640 | is that with each bout of serious stress,
00:48:09.640 | so that could be trying to finish a degree
00:48:11.540 | or a relationship breakup or a family member that's sick
00:48:14.980 | or the loss of a loved one or a pet,
00:48:16.740 | with each bout of stress,
00:48:18.960 | the probability that you will experience
00:48:20.700 | a major depression goes up.
00:48:23.060 | However, if you carry this gene, this HTTLPR gene,
00:48:29.820 | the steepness of that curve goes way, way up,
00:48:33.380 | or it's actually more like a line,
00:48:35.040 | such that you need far fewer bouts of stress
00:48:39.460 | in order to lapse into a major depression, okay?
00:48:42.380 | So if the typical person who doesn't carry this polymorphism
00:48:46.020 | has to experience two or three or four or five bouts of stress
00:48:49.380 | before they lapse into a depression,
00:48:51.940 | somebody with this gene is susceptible
00:48:54.540 | to getting depression after just one bout
00:48:56.640 | or two bouts of intense stress, okay?
00:48:59.200 | So that's how these genes work.
00:49:01.160 | They don't preordain or determine you to be depressed.
00:49:05.800 | They raise a susceptibility.
00:49:07.460 | And many genes, many things related to heritability
00:49:10.740 | in general work in that way.
00:49:13.100 | And we know there's a strong genetic component
00:49:15.320 | to depression.
00:49:16.160 | How do we know?
00:49:16.980 | Well, in what are called concordant monozygotic twins.
00:49:21.060 | So these would be identical twins,
00:49:23.580 | and they can either be in one biological sac
00:49:26.780 | or two biological sacs while in utero,
00:49:30.080 | what's called a monochorionic or dichorionic.
00:49:32.780 | Well, typically it's monochorionic and identical twins
00:49:37.780 | for which one of those twins goes on
00:49:39.940 | to have major depression.
00:49:41.020 | There's a 50% probability that the other one
00:49:43.440 | will have major depression.
00:49:44.580 | So it's not 100%.
00:49:45.640 | It's not 100% inherited.
00:49:48.140 | It's not 100% genetic, as you might say,
00:49:50.860 | but there's a much higher predisposition for depression.
00:49:55.660 | Whereas in fraternal twins, that number drops.
00:49:59.500 | And in siblings, that number drops to about 25%.
00:50:02.620 | And in half siblings, it's about 10%.
00:50:05.380 | The numbers vary from study to study.
00:50:07.100 | But basically the more closely related you are
00:50:09.220 | to somebody who has major depression,
00:50:11.460 | the more likely it is that you will also
00:50:13.700 | get major depression.
00:50:14.540 | And therefore, if you haven't gotten major depression,
00:50:17.100 | the more likely it is that you should take steps
00:50:20.600 | to learn to mitigate stress,
00:50:22.660 | because stress is the major factor
00:50:24.140 | that can trigger one of these depressive episodes.
00:50:27.140 | Okay, so we've covered a lot related to the stress
00:50:32.140 | and the hormones and the neurochemistry of depression.
00:50:35.860 | In fact, I think this is probably the deepest
00:50:37.560 | I've ever gone into the biology of any topic
00:50:40.280 | on this podcast before getting to any specific tools.
00:50:43.700 | I mentioned that learning how to mitigate stress
00:50:45.640 | and deal with stress, learning how to measure
00:50:47.740 | and adjust your thyroid hormone, those might be useful.
00:50:50.460 | But next I'd like to turn to some very specific tools
00:50:53.780 | that people who both have depression
00:50:57.100 | or who are prone to depression,
00:50:58.580 | as well as people who don't have depression
00:51:00.020 | and simply want to maintain a good mood,
00:51:02.540 | who want to maintain a positive affect
00:51:04.320 | and pursuit of things in life.
00:51:05.900 | What are the things that you can do?
00:51:07.340 | It turns out there are things that you can do.
00:51:08.940 | And all of the biology that underlies
00:51:11.880 | the utility of those things,
00:51:14.180 | meaning the reasons those things work
00:51:16.420 | will now make sense to you,
00:51:17.640 | because they adjust things like serotonin and dopamine,
00:51:20.620 | and they adjust them through very specific pathways.
00:51:24.180 | I know for many people,
00:51:25.680 | learning about mechanism is kind of grueling.
00:51:27.780 | I realize this podcast isn't necessarily one
00:51:29.840 | that you can listen to passively while doing other things,
00:51:32.300 | although I would hope that you could do that
00:51:34.740 | and still enjoy it and extract the information.
00:51:37.220 | Why mechanism?
00:51:38.140 | Mechanism is so key,
00:51:39.940 | because mechanism is a little bit like understanding
00:51:42.920 | some of the chemistry of cooking.
00:51:44.580 | If you read a recipe and you can follow a recipe,
00:51:48.820 | you often hear people say, "Oh, I can follow a recipe."
00:51:52.440 | That means that if you have every ingredient in that recipe,
00:51:55.420 | you're good.
00:51:56.260 | You likely can make that dish.
00:51:58.020 | You can make that meal.
00:51:59.700 | However, if you understand a little bit of the chemistry
00:52:02.340 | of why salt has to be added third and not first,
00:52:06.820 | or why the heat has to be adjusted at a particular time,
00:52:09.820 | well, then not only can you follow a recipe,
00:52:12.140 | but that also gives you flexibility
00:52:13.660 | for when salt isn't available,
00:52:15.540 | or when you want to adjust the flavor of the dish,
00:52:18.340 | or when you want to try a new dish,
00:52:20.480 | or you want to get experimental.
00:52:21.640 | So when you understand mechanism,
00:52:23.100 | it puts you in a tremendous place of power
00:52:25.780 | to work with your system.
00:52:27.500 | So it's not just plug and chug,
00:52:28.880 | like take 12 milligrams of this,
00:52:31.660 | you either feel better or you don't.
00:52:33.260 | You can really start to understand how prescription drugs,
00:52:37.060 | supplements, nutrition, behavioral tools,
00:52:41.500 | how those things weave together
00:52:43.020 | to either work for you or not work for you,
00:52:44.980 | and get you to paths of healthy mind and body.
00:52:49.180 | So let's think about why any tool would work
00:52:51.980 | to relieve depression.
00:52:53.520 | We've talked about how some of the drugs
00:52:54.900 | that impact these different chemical systems might work,
00:52:57.280 | and why they create some of the problems they create.
00:53:00.200 | The problems are mainly created by the fact
00:53:01.740 | that they impact lots of systems in the brain and body.
00:53:04.520 | So you take a drug to increase serotonin,
00:53:06.840 | but that serotonin is also related not just to mood,
00:53:10.220 | but to things related to libido and appetite,
00:53:12.480 | and so you start disrupting multiple systems.
00:53:15.040 | The same could be said for behavioral tools, right?
00:53:18.960 | That any behavioral tool that adjusts the levels
00:53:22.180 | of a particular chemical ought to perhaps provide
00:53:25.860 | some relief for some of the symptoms of major depression.
00:53:28.720 | Let's take an example that I've talked about before
00:53:31.600 | on the podcast, which is if you get into a very cold shower,
00:53:34.220 | you take an ice bath, you will release norepinephrine
00:53:37.260 | and epinephrine in your brain and body.
00:53:38.900 | There's no question about that.
00:53:40.900 | I don't think anyone can really escape that.
00:53:43.020 | It's a kind of a universal response to being in cold water.
00:53:46.680 | Well, if some aspects of depression are related
00:53:50.160 | to low levels of norepinephrine,
00:53:52.220 | will taking cold showers relieve your depression?
00:53:55.660 | Perhaps.
00:53:56.500 | It might even relieve certain aspects of that depression.
00:53:58.920 | Is it a cure?
00:53:59.760 | Well, that's going to depend on the individual.
00:54:02.000 | Will exercise help?
00:54:04.000 | Well, if you go out for a run,
00:54:05.680 | you're going to increase the amount of norepinephrine
00:54:07.920 | in your body.
00:54:09.080 | If you enjoy that run,
00:54:10.980 | it's likely that you'll increase the levels of dopamine
00:54:13.760 | and probably serotonin in your brain and body as well.
00:54:16.840 | Will that cure your depression?
00:54:18.000 | Well, there are a lot of studies exploring how exercise
00:54:21.040 | can impact depression and indeed regular exercise
00:54:23.940 | is known to be a protective behavior against depression,
00:54:28.000 | but it also can help relieve
00:54:30.480 | some of the symptoms of depression.
00:54:32.460 | So you may ask yourself, why would you need drugs at all?
00:54:35.400 | Why would there be prescription drugs
00:54:37.520 | or the need for supplementation or other things
00:54:39.580 | to alleviate the symptoms of depression?
00:54:41.600 | Ah, well, that's the diabolical nature of depression,
00:54:44.880 | which is if people are far enough along in this thing,
00:54:49.880 | this sometimes called disease, sometimes called disorder,
00:54:52.520 | but major depression,
00:54:54.600 | oftentimes they can't get the energy to even get up
00:54:58.480 | and take a bath or a shower.
00:55:00.800 | They have no motivation to do it.
00:55:03.100 | They have no desire to go for a run.
00:55:05.160 | So you say, come on, let's go, you'll feel better.
00:55:06.880 | I know you feel better.
00:55:07.720 | It generates all these chemicals.
00:55:08.920 | I heard on the whatever podcast, Huberman Lab podcast
00:55:12.000 | or another podcast that getting into action
00:55:14.240 | does all these things and they just don't want to do it.
00:55:16.640 | And to you, a person who's not experiencing depression
00:55:20.160 | that perhaps could just seem like the most frustrating
00:55:22.040 | and confusing thing in the world,
00:55:23.660 | but it's very important to highlight the fact
00:55:25.440 | that these circuits that are accessible to some of us,
00:55:29.040 | the circuits for happiness, for pursuit of pleasure,
00:55:31.660 | for exercise, for getting in a cold shower,
00:55:36.360 | if that's your thing, that those circuits are present
00:55:39.740 | in all people, but for certain people
00:55:42.520 | that are experiencing major depression
00:55:44.160 | and are really in the depths of their depression,
00:55:46.960 | they can't really access those circuits in the same way
00:55:50.600 | that people who are not suffering from depression can.
00:55:54.200 | So I hope that makes it clear.
00:55:55.180 | It's not offering any excuses for them.
00:55:57.360 | And indeed, I think those behaviors would help
00:56:00.440 | jolt them out of some of the symptomology of depression,
00:56:04.380 | but they're just not accessible to everybody.
00:56:07.200 | So let's talk about the things that people can do
00:56:10.700 | to deal with depression.
00:56:12.180 | And again, anytime you add a behavior or a tool
00:56:15.660 | or a supplement or subtract a behavior tool,
00:56:18.860 | supplement, drug, et cetera,
00:56:19.940 | you absolutely should talk to your physician,
00:56:21.680 | especially if you're somebody
00:56:23.100 | that's dealing with major depression.
00:56:25.180 | I want to focus on the stress system.
00:56:27.860 | And I'm not just going to tell you
00:56:29.820 | to get sunlight in your eyes and to get a good night's sleep,
00:56:32.380 | although I think everybody should do that
00:56:33.940 | on a regular basis, ideally every day.
00:56:36.640 | Talked about those ad nauseum on this podcast.
00:56:38.960 | They will help your sleep.
00:56:40.140 | They will help you alleviate stress.
00:56:41.660 | I think you should have tools to deal with stress
00:56:43.320 | in real time, et cetera.
00:56:45.100 | But let's look at depression from the standpoint
00:56:47.340 | of a deeper biological phenomenon,
00:56:49.440 | which is inflammation and the immune system.
00:56:52.500 | There's growing evidence now
00:56:54.360 | that many forms of major depression,
00:56:56.460 | if not all of them, relate to excessive inflammation.
00:57:01.560 | Now, inflammation plays an important role in wound healing
00:57:04.100 | is that it is a positive aspect of our immune system,
00:57:07.580 | our ability to combat wounds, combat illnesses, et cetera,
00:57:12.580 | but inflammation gone unchecked,
00:57:15.640 | inflammation that lasts too long or is of too high amplitude,
00:57:19.140 | meaning too many anti-inflammatory or inflammatory cytokines
00:57:23.340 | and things of that sort in the body is bad.
00:57:25.920 | And there's decent evidence now
00:57:27.940 | that inflammation can lead to or exacerbate depression.
00:57:32.340 | And that if we want to control depression
00:57:34.380 | or limit or eliminate depression,
00:57:36.740 | that focusing on reducing inflammation
00:57:40.180 | and its associated pathways is a really good thing to do.
00:57:42.840 | And I think this is a really good thing
00:57:44.860 | for everybody to do, regardless of whether or not
00:57:47.300 | you suffer from depression or not.
00:57:48.660 | And today we're going to talk about exactly how depression
00:57:52.140 | comes about through the inflammation pathway.
00:57:55.540 | So first of all, who are the major players
00:57:59.340 | in creating chronic inflammation in the brain and body?
00:58:02.620 | They are the inflammatory cytokines,
00:58:04.980 | things like IL-6, interleukin-6,
00:58:07.420 | things like tumor necrosis alpha, TNF alpha,
00:58:11.660 | things like C-reactive protein, all right?
00:58:15.340 | Not all of these are cytokines, you have interferons
00:58:18.060 | and your prostaglandins and a lot of these things,
00:58:20.580 | but when we are stressed, chronically stressed,
00:58:23.580 | we get inflamed, our brain and various locations
00:58:26.620 | in the brain become inflamed because certain classes
00:58:28.740 | of cells in particular, those glial cells,
00:58:31.380 | the cells that are typically thought
00:58:33.140 | to just be support cells, those cells and their biochemistry
00:58:36.460 | and their dialogue with the neurons of the brain and body
00:58:39.140 | starts to become disrupted.
00:58:40.580 | I may have mentioned it earlier, I don't recall,
00:58:44.100 | but I certainly mentioned it in an earlier podcast
00:58:46.540 | that adrenaline, epinephrine, when it's released in the body
00:58:50.260 | it doesn't cross the brain barrier,
00:58:51.860 | but there are certain things that are able
00:58:55.140 | to cross the blood-brain barrier when we are stressed,
00:58:56.960 | things like the E2 prostaglandins,
00:58:58.980 | those cross the blood-brain barrier
00:59:01.100 | and our blood and our brain,
00:59:03.520 | therefore our brain and our body can communicate
00:59:06.140 | because certain things can pass through this barrier
00:59:09.400 | we call the BBB or the blood-brain barrier
00:59:11.240 | and also we have something called the glymphatic system,
00:59:13.380 | which is really a plumbing system
00:59:14.700 | that links the brain and body,
00:59:15.820 | it's the link between the immune system and the brain.
00:59:19.540 | Well, there is a set of actions that we can take
00:59:23.940 | in order to limit inflammation
00:59:26.400 | and this has been shown in several quality
00:59:29.420 | peer-reviewed studies now to reduce inflammation
00:59:32.620 | and to relieve some, and in some cases,
00:59:35.280 | all of the symptoms of major depression.
00:59:37.700 | One of those approaches is to increase our intake
00:59:41.660 | of so-called EPAs or essential fatty acids.
00:59:45.320 | There's now a very long list of papers in quality
00:59:49.720 | peer-reviewed journals showing that when people ingest
00:59:53.640 | a certain level of EPA omega-3 fatty acids,
00:59:58.640 | the relief from depressive symptoms matches the SSRIs.
01:00:03.780 | That's incredible, right?
01:00:05.880 | That essential fatty acids could relieve symptoms
01:00:08.280 | of depression as well as some
01:00:09.580 | of the prescription antidepressants.
01:00:11.800 | Now this doesn't necessarily mean you run off
01:00:13.880 | and stop taking your antidepressants
01:00:15.680 | if you've been prescribed them.
01:00:16.560 | Please don't do that.
01:00:17.400 | Please talk to your physician.
01:00:18.640 | And I should mention that some of these same studies
01:00:22.480 | have shown that increasing our intake
01:00:24.560 | of these essential fatty acids,
01:00:25.980 | in particular the EPA variety of omega-3s,
01:00:30.840 | can lower the effective dose of things like SSRIs,
01:00:35.680 | meaning if we required a 50 milligram
01:00:37.820 | or 40 milligram dose of fluoxetine,
01:00:40.560 | that one can get by on a lower dose
01:00:42.840 | and thereby perhaps not experience as many
01:00:46.360 | or as severe side effects by taking
01:00:48.800 | or supplementing with EPAs.
01:00:51.240 | Now the threshold level seems to be about one gram,
01:00:54.980 | a thousand milligrams of EPA.
01:00:57.140 | So you will sometimes see on a bottle of krill oil
01:01:00.360 | or fish oil or any other source,
01:01:02.320 | even plant source or other source of EPA,
01:01:07.280 | that it's a thousand milligrams or 1200 milligrams.
01:01:10.360 | But what's really important to look at is
01:01:12.640 | whether or not there's more than a thousand milligrams
01:01:15.400 | of EPA, because the EPA in particular
01:01:18.160 | is what's important here.
01:01:19.280 | And actually in exploring some of the literature
01:01:22.280 | on the effects of EPAs on cardiovascular health,
01:01:26.120 | as well as their effects on depression,
01:01:28.700 | there's some interesting dose dependent responses
01:01:31.960 | such that people who took anywhere from 400 milligrams
01:01:36.000 | to 5,000 milligrams of EPAs achieved a variety
01:01:40.320 | of different benefits.
01:01:41.520 | And in some cases, some side effects,
01:01:43.260 | we'll talk about those.
01:01:44.360 | And it does seem that this thousand milligrams
01:01:47.280 | is the critical threshold for benefiting
01:01:50.460 | or getting some relief from depressive symptoms.
01:01:52.720 | But people who took two grams seem to do better.
01:01:55.360 | And in the cardiovascular health realm,
01:01:57.680 | there it's a little more complicated.
01:01:59.680 | Some studies point to a very positive effect
01:02:03.080 | on cardiovascular health by taking increasing amounts
01:02:05.920 | of EPA, others not so much.
01:02:08.160 | The current data point to the fact
01:02:11.240 | that for every gram of EPA that one ingest,
01:02:13.880 | there's about a 9% improvement in cardiovascular health.
01:02:17.220 | The same dose dependent improvement on psychological health
01:02:21.560 | in combating depression can't really be stated.
01:02:25.600 | I wouldn't say that the more EPA you take,
01:02:28.200 | the better you're going to feel, so to speak.
01:02:30.220 | I don't think the data point to that.
01:02:32.760 | However, it does seem that if you take a gram,
01:02:35.200 | a thousand milligrams or 2000 milligrams of EPA,
01:02:38.420 | there does seem to be some substantial relief
01:02:40.840 | for many people, which I emphasize many, not all,
01:02:43.500 | for many people in major depressive symptoms.
01:02:47.800 | So how would this work?
01:02:49.240 | Well, it turns out that these inflammatory cytokines,
01:02:52.020 | they impact neurons and the circuits of the brain
01:02:56.600 | that relate to things like serotonin,
01:02:58.360 | dopamine, and norepinephrine.
01:03:00.560 | These inflammatory cytokines act in a variety
01:03:03.280 | of different ways, but they mainly act to inhibit
01:03:06.000 | the release of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine,
01:03:09.160 | or the synthesis of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.
01:03:13.320 | And I'll give you one example of how EPAs
01:03:16.120 | can positively impact this process.
01:03:18.080 | And then it points to a second tool,
01:03:19.860 | which is the proper utilization of exercise
01:03:22.760 | to offset the effects of depression.
01:03:26.900 | So now you should understand why having healthy levels
01:03:29.420 | of serotonin is important for maintaining healthy mood.
01:03:32.760 | It's not responsible for all the aspects
01:03:35.840 | of having a healthy mood.
01:03:37.980 | There's also dopamine and norepinephrine,
01:03:39.560 | but it is a very important one.
01:03:41.800 | Dopamine, also called 5-HT,
01:03:44.000 | essentially derives from a precursor called tryptophan.
01:03:50.560 | Tryptophan arrives into our system through our diet, okay?
01:03:54.800 | Tryptophan is an amino acid.
01:03:56.800 | Tryptophan is found in turkey.
01:03:59.600 | It's found in carbohydrates.
01:04:01.640 | And that should therefore raise the idea of,
01:04:04.000 | hmm, I wonder if one of the reasons why people
01:04:06.080 | who are depressed have such an appetite for carbohydrate
01:04:08.540 | laden foods is because they're trying to get more tryptophan
01:04:12.180 | and therefore more serotonin.
01:04:13.960 | And indeed that's the case.
01:04:15.520 | Tryptophan is eventually converted into serotonin.
01:04:19.820 | However, if there's excessive amounts of inflammation,
01:04:23.380 | these inflammatory cytokines cause tryptophan
01:04:28.500 | to not be converted so much into serotonin,
01:04:31.640 | but to be diverted down a different pathway.
01:04:35.460 | The pathway involves something called IDO, indolamine,
01:04:38.760 | which converts tryptophan into kynuren, okay?
01:04:43.260 | Kynuren actually acts as a neurotoxin
01:04:46.020 | by way of converting into something called quinolinic acid,
01:04:50.720 | okay?
01:04:51.560 | And quinolinic acid is pro-depressive.
01:04:53.500 | So if that seems like a complicated biochemical pathway,
01:04:55.920 | what's basically happening here is that the tryptophan
01:04:58.220 | that normally would be made into serotonin
01:05:00.420 | under conditions of inflammation
01:05:02.900 | is being diverted into a neurotoxic pathway.
01:05:06.260 | And ingestion of EPAs,
01:05:08.040 | because it limits these inflammatory cytokines,
01:05:11.140 | things like IL-6, C-reactive protein, et cetera,
01:05:13.840 | can cause more of the tryptophan that one ingests
01:05:19.900 | or has in their body to be diverted
01:05:21.940 | towards the serotonergic pathway.
01:05:23.800 | Exercise, it turns out, also has a positive effect
01:05:29.980 | on the tryptophan to serotonin conversion pathway.
01:05:34.060 | And the way it does it is really interesting.
01:05:35.860 | You now know that tryptophan
01:05:37.340 | can either be converted into serotonin
01:05:39.340 | or it can be converted into this neurotoxin,
01:05:41.300 | which is a bad thing.
01:05:42.580 | Exercise, the activation of the muscles
01:05:46.260 | through rhythmic repeated use,
01:05:47.880 | in particular aerobic exercise,
01:05:49.180 | but also resistance training
01:05:51.020 | has been shown to do this to some extent,
01:05:53.460 | tends to sequester or shuttle the kynuren into the muscle
01:05:58.340 | so that it isn't converted into this neurotoxin
01:06:01.300 | that is pro-depression, okay?
01:06:03.860 | There are a lot of steps in the pathway
01:06:05.100 | leading to depression.
01:06:06.620 | But what this essentially means
01:06:08.100 | is that hitting a certain threshold level of EPA intake,
01:06:12.380 | whether by supplementation with fish oil or krill oil
01:06:15.500 | or through some plant source,
01:06:16.900 | if you're not into ingesting fish or krill,
01:06:19.700 | or trying to get up above that 1,000 milligram threshold
01:06:23.860 | for EPA by ingesting particular food sources,
01:06:25.940 | you certainly can do it through food,
01:06:27.060 | you don't have to supplement,
01:06:28.540 | but it's easier to do with supplements,
01:06:31.380 | that doing that will limit the inflammation
01:06:33.620 | that diverts tryptophan into this neurotoxic pathway.
01:06:36.740 | And exercise as well augments this conversion
01:06:41.480 | of tryptophan into serotonin
01:06:44.380 | because it takes this thing
01:06:45.900 | that would potentially be a neurotoxin
01:06:48.780 | and it sequesters it, it pulls it away
01:06:51.120 | so that it can't actually go have its pro-depressive effects.
01:06:54.540 | So you've got multiple steps here.
01:06:57.000 | We're describing two tools, increasing EPA
01:07:00.240 | and regular exercise as a way of increasing serotonin
01:07:03.960 | somewhat indirectly, right?
01:07:05.580 | It's by limiting this bad pathway
01:07:07.480 | to promote the activity of a good pathway.
01:07:10.200 | But from the data that are published
01:07:12.460 | in quality peer review journals,
01:07:13.820 | it really appears that this inflammation pathway
01:07:15.700 | does function to increase depression through these pathways.
01:07:19.220 | And so knowing that there are behavioral steps
01:07:21.380 | and supplementation-based steps,
01:07:22.980 | or if you prefer getting your EPAs from typical food,
01:07:26.940 | from nutritional approaches,
01:07:29.580 | I find that very reassuring that the mechanisms
01:07:32.580 | all converge on a common pathway, serotonin.
01:07:35.360 | That gives me great peace of mind
01:07:37.820 | that when people say, hey, go out for a run
01:07:40.840 | or you should get outdoors, exercise,
01:07:42.580 | or you should take fish oil,
01:07:44.480 | or like the Scandinavians do,
01:07:45.540 | I have Scandinavian family members,
01:07:46.900 | and they are known to,
01:07:49.840 | or I should say they are quite open about the fact
01:07:52.260 | that during the winter months in particular
01:07:54.060 | when depression is more likely,
01:07:55.920 | but throughout the year, really,
01:07:57.400 | they make an effort to regularly ingest high levels of EPA,
01:08:01.920 | either through ingesting fatty fish and its skin.
01:08:06.180 | I'm not a particular fan of ingesting the skin of fatty fish
01:08:08.520 | or by supplementing with cod liver oil
01:08:10.740 | or other types of fish oil,
01:08:11.900 | sardines and things of that sort, sardine oils.
01:08:14.540 | There are a number of different things out there
01:08:15.800 | that one could use.
01:08:17.220 | So I find it very reassuring
01:08:19.580 | that there's a common biochemical pathway
01:08:21.660 | that can explain why these things not just work,
01:08:24.820 | but why they should work.
01:08:26.520 | They should work because they operate
01:08:28.060 | in the very same biochemical pathways
01:08:30.540 | that antidepressants that are prescribed to people do.
01:08:34.680 | So what does this mean for you?
01:08:35.760 | Well, if you're somebody who suffers from major depression,
01:08:38.720 | again, don't stop taking your prescribed medication,
01:08:41.040 | talk to your doctor,
01:08:41.880 | but talk to them perhaps about the EPAs and exercise
01:08:46.880 | and how these things can impinge
01:08:48.360 | on the same biochemical pathways.
01:08:50.160 | If you're somebody who's not suffering
01:08:51.380 | from major depression,
01:08:52.500 | I still think these pathways are really important
01:08:54.480 | to understand and actually knowing these pathways
01:08:57.180 | is additional motivation to get regular exercise.
01:09:01.100 | I think we all know that we should be getting anywhere
01:09:02.980 | from 150 minutes to 180 minutes per week
01:09:05.820 | of so-called zone two cardio for cardiovascular effects.
01:09:08.820 | Zone two is the kind of mellowish cardio
01:09:10.740 | where you can sort of hold a conversation
01:09:12.740 | if you needed to, but it's a little bit tough.
01:09:14.300 | You're kind of sucking for air a little bit
01:09:16.540 | and that's going to limit these depressive like symptoms.
01:09:20.080 | I think in all of us,
01:09:20.940 | I don't think that we should think of depression
01:09:22.700 | as a strict threshold.
01:09:24.740 | I'm somebody who personally has made the choice
01:09:27.220 | to take a thousand milligrams of EPA per day.
01:09:30.740 | I do that by supplementing fish oil.
01:09:33.020 | There's debate out there as to whether or not
01:09:35.120 | it's better to take EPA and DHA in particular ratios
01:09:39.860 | and whether or not DHA can impact the LDL,
01:09:43.340 | which is the so-called bad cholesterol.
01:09:45.260 | That's getting really down into the weeds
01:09:46.980 | and we can talk about that in a future episode.
01:09:49.160 | But for myself, I notice a pretty substantial
01:09:53.400 | positive effect of taking anywhere
01:09:55.360 | from a thousand milligrams to 2000 milligrams
01:09:57.400 | of EPA per day.
01:09:58.440 | I do that through supplementation
01:09:59.740 | and I do strive to try and eat some fish,
01:10:02.080 | even though frankly, I've never liked the taste of fish.
01:10:04.680 | For those of you that would like a little more detail
01:10:06.740 | or perhaps a lot more detail into the effects
01:10:09.640 | of EPA on depression and in relieving depressive symptoms,
01:10:14.220 | and if you want to get into the nitty gritty of it,
01:10:17.120 | I invite you to go to, put in depression, EPA.
01:10:20.780 | They list off and have links to 28 studies
01:10:24.900 | on the effects of EPA on major depression.
01:10:27.120 | If you go to PubMed, there are many, many studies on this
01:10:30.940 | now that date back several decades, really.
01:10:34.000 | If you're interested in the specific effects of EPA
01:10:39.300 | as opposed to DHA, I want to point you towards
01:10:42.460 | a particular study entitled, not surprisingly,
01:10:45.180 | EPA but not DHA appears to be responsible
01:10:48.240 | for the efficacy of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated
01:10:51.000 | fatty acid supplementation and depression,
01:10:53.200 | evidence from a meta analysis of randomized control trials.
01:10:55.960 | This is a really wonderful paper.
01:10:58.080 | The author is Julian Martins, M-A-R-T-I-N-S.
01:11:02.240 | It was published in 2009.
01:11:04.760 | We will provide a link to this study in the caption.
01:11:08.080 | And that study is really the one that at least to me
01:11:10.400 | points to why EPA in particular is what's effective.
01:11:15.080 | And that whether or not DHA is problematic or not
01:11:19.260 | is a separate issue, but it's really the EPA
01:11:22.200 | that one wants to hit a certain threshold level of
01:11:25.160 | if one's goal is to get relief from depression
01:11:28.160 | or to keep depression at bay by keeping mood elevated,
01:11:31.600 | which is why I take a high dose EPA.
01:11:35.000 | So we've got EPA, we've got exercise.
01:11:37.240 | Now you understand how they work to adjust mood.
01:11:40.580 | Now I want to talk about something that at least for me
01:11:44.620 | was quite surprising when I first learned about it
01:11:47.400 | for sake of treatment of mood disorders
01:11:50.400 | and that's creatine.
01:11:52.160 | Creatine has a number of very important functions
01:11:54.900 | throughout the body.
01:11:56.220 | For those of you that are into resistance training
01:11:59.620 | and actually for those of you
01:12:00.680 | that are into endurance training as well,
01:12:02.800 | creatine has achieved a lot of popularity in recent years
01:12:07.360 | because supplementation with creatine
01:12:09.960 | can draw more water into muscles
01:12:11.960 | and can increase power output from muscles.
01:12:14.820 | So it's something that does indeed work.
01:12:18.260 | There have been debates about whether or not
01:12:20.460 | it's unhealthy for the kidneys
01:12:21.700 | to take long-term creatine supplementation at high doses.
01:12:24.480 | And I invite you to go down that rabbit hole.
01:12:26.760 | I think most people now accept the idea
01:12:29.300 | that for most people, not all, but for most people,
01:12:31.740 | low dose creatine supplementation
01:12:33.300 | of anywhere from one gram to five grams per day
01:12:36.640 | can have a number of positive effects
01:12:39.380 | on physical performance.
01:12:41.380 | People with kidney issues, et cetera,
01:12:43.000 | need to be especially cautious,
01:12:44.280 | but creatine is interesting for that purpose.
01:12:46.960 | However, there's also a so-called phosphocreatine system
01:12:50.520 | in the brain and that phosphocreatine system
01:12:53.820 | has everything to do with the dialogue
01:12:55.460 | between neurons and these other cell types called glia
01:12:58.700 | and glia comprise several cell types,
01:13:01.600 | microglia, astrocytes, et cetera.
01:13:04.260 | But the phosphocreatine system in the forebrain in particular
01:13:08.340 | in the front of our brain has been shown to be involved
01:13:11.220 | in regulation of mood and some of the reward pathways,
01:13:15.460 | as well as in depression.
01:13:17.940 | And there are now several studies, at least three,
01:13:22.260 | although there are probably more by time this comes out
01:13:25.980 | because they're coming out very quickly now,
01:13:27.980 | at least three quality studies pointing to the fact
01:13:30.540 | that creatine supplementation
01:13:32.980 | doesn't just have these positive effects
01:13:35.300 | on physical performance,
01:13:36.280 | but can also be used as a way to increase mood
01:13:40.980 | and to improve the symptoms of major depression.
01:13:44.100 | This has been now done in several double-blind,
01:13:49.100 | placebo-controlled studies.
01:13:50.540 | These studies have looked at women, have looked at men,
01:13:55.540 | have looked at adolescents, some of whom were taking SSRIs,
01:13:59.540 | some of whom were not.
01:14:01.420 | They've done magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
01:14:05.860 | So spectroscopy is a way that you can look at
01:14:09.520 | the concentrations of particular compounds in the brain
01:14:12.200 | in real time in humans.
01:14:13.960 | It can be used for other things as well, of course.
01:14:15.660 | And basically what's been observed is that
01:14:18.920 | increasing the activity of the phosphocreatine system
01:14:21.840 | in the forebrain can be beneficial,
01:14:23.940 | or at least as correlated with improvements in mood.
01:14:27.140 | So let's just talk for a moment about what's involved
01:14:29.740 | with using or supplementing creatine
01:14:32.400 | in order to improve mood and perhaps even treat depression.
01:14:36.000 | First of all, when I talk about creatine,
01:14:39.140 | I'm talking about creatine monohydrate.
01:14:42.700 | There are a number of different forms of creatine.
01:14:44.300 | Here I'm talking about creatine monohydrate.
01:14:47.260 | The American Journal of Psychiatry in 2012 published a study
01:14:52.260 | which was a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial
01:14:54.740 | of oral creatine monohydrate.
01:14:56.860 | And what it found is that it could augment
01:14:59.440 | or enhance the response to a selective serotonin
01:15:01.920 | reuptake inhibitor, in particular in women
01:15:04.460 | with major depressive disorder.
01:15:07.320 | So like EPA, creatine supplementation
01:15:10.940 | seems to either lower the required dose of SSRI
01:15:14.680 | that's required to treat depression,
01:15:16.540 | or can improve the effectiveness of a given dose of SSRI.
01:15:21.540 | However, there are other studies that have looked directly
01:15:25.240 | at creatine supplementation in the absence of SSRIs,
01:15:27.940 | and those are interesting as well.
01:15:29.360 | There's a wonderful and very comprehensive review
01:15:32.780 | on creatine for the treatment of major depression
01:15:35.760 | that includes beautiful tables of all the subjects
01:15:39.340 | and the dosages, et cetera.
01:15:40.560 | I'm not going to read off every line
01:15:42.480 | and every column in that review,
01:15:46.160 | but we will provide a link to that review as well.
01:15:48.660 | One of the things that's really striking
01:15:51.960 | about the lists of studies that they include
01:15:54.820 | is that most of them used dosages
01:15:58.080 | that are pretty reasonable for most people,
01:16:00.960 | anywhere from three grams to five grams,
01:16:04.800 | sometimes up to as many 10 grams per day of creatine.
01:16:08.960 | Many of these also were shown to increase activity
01:16:12.980 | of this phosphocreatine system in the forebrain,
01:16:16.040 | and some show a relationship
01:16:18.600 | between that phosphocreatine system
01:16:21.240 | and a particular category of receptors in the brain
01:16:24.480 | called the NMDA receptor, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor.
01:16:31.000 | The NMDA receptor is one of the first things
01:16:35.080 | that every budding neuroscientist learns about
01:16:38.000 | because it is the receptor
01:16:40.340 | that has particular electrical and chemical properties
01:16:43.520 | that make it a critical gate for so-called neuroplasticity.
01:16:48.520 | So it's not a receptor that's activated in the brain
01:16:52.360 | typically for just the functioning of the brain
01:16:56.320 | on a day-to-day basis.
01:16:57.680 | It's a receptor that's activated
01:16:59.240 | when circuits are going to change,
01:17:01.900 | when they are inspired to change
01:17:03.780 | by some very strong stimulus, meaning some experience,
01:17:07.440 | or in some cases a drug, or in some cases something else.
01:17:11.420 | But the NMDA receptor is a kind of a key node
01:17:15.760 | for shifting brain circuitry.
01:17:17.340 | And so while the details aren't entirely clear,
01:17:20.100 | it seems that creatine supplementation
01:17:23.180 | leads to increases in the phosphocreatine system
01:17:26.280 | in the forebrain,
01:17:27.560 | and that increases in the activity
01:17:30.520 | of the forebrain phosphocreatine system
01:17:32.980 | relate to changes in the way the NMDA receptors function
01:17:36.960 | and may lead to some of the plasticity,
01:17:38.840 | the changes in neural circuits that underlie the shift
01:17:42.120 | from negative mood and affect to positive mood.
01:17:44.940 | Now, there are a lot of gaps.
01:17:46.040 | Those are, you know, there are a lot of little boxes
01:17:48.560 | or bins in the diagram I just laid out for you,
01:17:50.880 | and some of them are still truly black boxes, as we say,
01:17:53.640 | meaning we don't really know what's in them yet,
01:17:55.680 | and more mechanistic data are coming.
01:17:57.400 | However, when you look over the data in this review,
01:17:59.600 | or when I look over the data in this review,
01:18:01.900 | what you find is that
01:18:03.060 | they're pretty striking positive effects of creatine.
01:18:07.400 | And one of the more interesting effects
01:18:10.180 | is that creatine has actually been shown
01:18:12.960 | to increase mania in people that are already manic.
01:18:17.960 | And that's interesting.
01:18:19.740 | We're not talking about bipolar depression today,
01:18:22.000 | but it seems that creatine elevates levels of activation
01:18:25.480 | and kind of mood overall.
01:18:26.620 | And you could see why that would be a problem for somebody
01:18:28.620 | that's already in a manic phase,
01:18:29.960 | but it actually might be beneficial for somebody
01:18:32.520 | who is very low affect and has major depression.
01:18:37.200 | So should you supplement with creatine?
01:18:39.180 | Well, as always, talk to your healthcare provider.
01:18:42.560 | But if you're somebody who is thinking about things
01:18:45.760 | that you can do and things that you can take
01:18:48.000 | in order to improve your mood, keep depression at bay,
01:18:50.680 | maybe even support other treatments for major depression,
01:18:56.040 | the creatine system seems like a logical one.
01:18:58.700 | There's at least strong studies
01:19:01.680 | and a good number of them to look to
01:19:03.800 | to determine whether or not that's right for you.
01:19:06.240 | I personally take five grams of creatine for other reasons.
01:19:10.500 | I take it for the physical performance enhancing effects,
01:19:15.500 | but it's kind of nice to think that perhaps
01:19:17.700 | it's also helping me improve my mood.
01:19:19.780 | That's a choice that I've made for me
01:19:21.140 | as in within the margins of safety for me in my life.
01:19:24.120 | I don't know that it's right for everybody,
01:19:26.040 | but I find it very interesting.
01:19:27.860 | And again, I find it particularly interesting
01:19:29.900 | because there's a logical biochemical pathway
01:19:32.800 | to support the finding that it improves mood
01:19:35.200 | and can offset the effects of major depression
01:19:37.640 | in some cases, or can improve the effects
01:19:40.120 | of antidepressant medication in many cases.
01:19:44.000 | When I see mechanism and I see effectiveness
01:19:47.240 | and the mechanism and the effectiveness map
01:19:49.580 | to a lot of the same mechanisms
01:19:51.200 | that are involved in prescription drugs,
01:19:52.720 | that gives me great reassurance
01:19:54.400 | that this isn't just some sort of mysterious pathway
01:19:58.240 | or mysterious compound by which creatine might be working.
01:20:01.580 | So now we've clustered together EPA's exercise
01:20:06.040 | and their relationship to inflammation,
01:20:07.880 | creatine and its relationship to forebrain function
01:20:11.320 | and the phosphocreatine system and this NMDA receptor.
01:20:15.920 | And as you'll see in a few minutes,
01:20:17.080 | that NMDA receptor turns out to be vitally important
01:20:20.520 | and is actually one of the main nodes of action
01:20:23.600 | for some of the more novel and exciting therapeutics
01:20:26.160 | that are being explored now in psychiatric clinics.
01:20:29.800 | So let's talk a little bit more about this NMDA receptor
01:20:33.200 | and how it relates to some of the more experimental
01:20:36.720 | or novel therapeutic compounds
01:20:38.600 | for the treatment of major depression.
01:20:40.200 | And the compounds that we're going to be talking about,
01:20:43.620 | you may have heard of before, one is ketamine,
01:20:46.980 | which is getting increasing interest in psychiatric clinics
01:20:50.620 | and in various experimental and clinical studies.
01:20:53.460 | And the other is PCP.
01:20:55.840 | Both ketamine and PCP are known drugs of abuse.
01:20:59.940 | For many years, people have abused these drugs,
01:21:02.540 | go by the street name Special K, et cetera,
01:21:05.440 | and they create dissociative anesthetic states.
01:21:08.860 | So dissociative states where people don't feel
01:21:12.060 | as closely meshed with their emotions
01:21:15.180 | and their perceptions, it's an odd state I hear,
01:21:20.180 | and it's an odd state that clinicians are now leveraging
01:21:24.080 | for the treatment of depression.
01:21:25.380 | We'll talk about why that is,
01:21:26.680 | but let's talk a little bit about this NMDA receptor
01:21:29.580 | and why ketamine and PCP might work
01:21:32.760 | for the treatment of depression or how they even could work.
01:21:35.840 | I want to be very direct that this is an area
01:21:40.160 | that still needs a lot of data.
01:21:42.960 | There are however, some excellent papers
01:21:44.900 | from really terrific groups.
01:21:46.940 | One of them is a paper that was published
01:21:49.560 | in "Nature" last year, 2020.
01:21:52.100 | First author is Vesuna, Sam Vesuna, V-E-S-U-N-A,
01:21:56.060 | and the last author and the lead on the study
01:21:57.780 | was Dr. Karl Deisseroth, who was a guest
01:22:02.420 | on the Huberman Lab podcast a few months ago.
01:22:05.620 | He's a world expert in neuroscience.
01:22:07.560 | He's a psychiatrist.
01:22:09.200 | And this paper from Sam Vesuna and Karl
01:22:13.260 | and colleagues explored how these dissociative states
01:22:16.560 | come about.
01:22:17.400 | And they looked at this both in animals and in humans
01:22:20.400 | and found that there was essentially a common mechanism
01:22:23.800 | whereby a particular layer of cortex.
01:22:27.360 | So your brain has this outer shell of tissue
01:22:31.480 | that is called the neocortex.
01:22:33.160 | It's where our perceptions lie.
01:22:35.360 | It's where our associations lie.
01:22:37.160 | It's a very important area for processing,
01:22:39.760 | decision-making and planning, et cetera.
01:22:43.080 | It's literally stacks of cells.
01:22:45.220 | And one of those layers in the stack of cells is layer five.
01:22:48.940 | And the layer five neurons in particular
01:22:50.940 | went into a particular rhythm of electrical activity,
01:22:54.040 | this one to three Hertz rhythm,
01:22:56.400 | after mice or humans were administered ketamine or PCP.
01:23:01.400 | There was activation of a particular area of the brain,
01:23:07.020 | this retrosplenial cortex, as it's called,
01:23:10.540 | and the dissociative state that emerged
01:23:14.140 | was an interesting one.
01:23:15.860 | And clinically what's described in the trials for ketamine
01:23:20.180 | and things like it,
01:23:21.480 | that people who are depressed will take ketamine,
01:23:25.180 | will experience a kind of separateness from their grief
01:23:28.980 | and from their emotions.
01:23:31.020 | And that possibly there's plasticity.
01:23:33.660 | There are actually shifts in the neural circuitry
01:23:35.660 | such that their emotions don't weigh on them so heavily.
01:23:39.600 | I'm using very loose language here,
01:23:41.780 | but that they don't feel as over ridden
01:23:45.660 | or as burdened by their own emotions
01:23:48.360 | as they did previously to the ketamine therapy.
01:23:50.760 | Now, absolutely in no way, shape or form,
01:23:53.140 | in my suggestion that people run out and take ketamine
01:23:55.180 | in order to treat their own depression.
01:23:56.980 | These drugs are still very much experimental,
01:24:00.540 | although they are approved in certain contexts,
01:24:04.020 | at least in the US by prescription
01:24:06.740 | for the treatment of depression.
01:24:09.220 | What's interesting to me is that these dissociative states
01:24:13.360 | sound, at least at the outset,
01:24:15.780 | to be more of a separateness from everything.
01:24:20.120 | It sounds a little bit like depression itself.
01:24:22.360 | It's sort of like anhedonia,
01:24:24.560 | an inability to experience pleasure.
01:24:27.320 | And then one takes a dissociative anesthetic
01:24:30.500 | and somehow is able to get relief
01:24:32.940 | by getting even further away from an experience.
01:24:36.000 | To me, that doesn't make sense,
01:24:37.620 | but that just speaks to the fact that these drugs
01:24:40.740 | and these receptors and these pack pathways
01:24:43.620 | operate through very cryptic means.
01:24:46.660 | And we really don't understand all the pathways in the brain
01:24:49.060 | that relate to motivation and mood and so forth.
01:24:51.740 | And the results with these ketamine trials
01:24:53.500 | are looking very promising.
01:24:55.600 | In fact, there are a number of trials that show that
01:24:59.380 | a fair number of people that take ketamine
01:25:01.260 | in a therapeutic setting legally
01:25:03.060 | with a psychiatrist guiding the experience
01:25:05.920 | are able to get relief from their symptoms
01:25:08.520 | without the need for many, many treatments with the drug.
01:25:12.080 | Just how many treatments varies
01:25:14.640 | from individual to individual,
01:25:15.900 | but it's not like people have to take this stuff ongoing.
01:25:18.440 | This is really an attempt to tap into this NMDA receptor
01:25:22.380 | that is related to neuroplasticity.
01:25:24.920 | Both ketamine and PCP essentially act as antagonists,
01:25:30.560 | which means they block the NMDA receptor.
01:25:34.640 | They do it through different methods,
01:25:36.680 | non-competitive and competitive
01:25:38.080 | for you chemists and pharmacologists out there.
01:25:40.380 | You can look it up if you like.
01:25:42.260 | But what's therefore even more surprising
01:25:45.140 | is that every neuroscientist learns
01:25:47.420 | that activation of the NMDA receptor,
01:25:50.380 | not antagonism or blocking of the NMDA receptor,
01:25:53.660 | leads to changes in neural circuitry in very profound ways.
01:25:56.440 | In fact, experimentally,
01:25:57.900 | and I've done these experiments myself,
01:25:59.180 | if you want to prevent plasticity,
01:26:01.400 | you want to prevent an experience
01:26:03.660 | from reshaping neural circuitry,
01:26:05.180 | you give an NMDA receptor blocker.
01:26:08.020 | I've done that many times
01:26:09.200 | in the course of my experimental neuroscience career,
01:26:11.760 | not to myself, obviously,
01:26:12.880 | but in the course of doing experiments.
01:26:15.940 | So it's still a bit mysterious to me how this could work.
01:26:21.300 | A couple of things,
01:26:22.140 | one is this layer five activation is pretty interesting.
01:26:26.720 | We're going to come back to layer five
01:26:28.280 | when we talk about yet another emerging treatment
01:26:31.480 | for depression, which is psilocybin, so-called magic mushrooms
01:26:34.660 | and the effects of psilocybin
01:26:38.460 | on layer five neurons in the cortex.
01:26:41.000 | So there's a common theme emerging here,
01:26:42.600 | which is that layer five activity in the cortex
01:26:45.360 | may be important for rewiring the brain in certain ways
01:26:48.200 | that can lead to recovery or to an alleviation
01:26:53.200 | of some of the symptoms of major depression.
01:26:56.400 | So if this is sounding a little bit vague to you,
01:26:59.420 | it's because this is still truly experimental and new
01:27:03.380 | and still very much on the cutting edge
01:27:05.600 | of what's happening now, we don't have all the answers.
01:27:08.440 | So if it sounds like I'm moving slowly through this
01:27:10.520 | and I'm being extra careful about what I say,
01:27:12.780 | you are correct, your antennae are correct in this case.
01:27:17.780 | I never want to misstep and say something that's not true,
01:27:21.760 | but that's especially the case
01:27:23.960 | when we're talking about experimental therapies and drugs,
01:27:26.240 | which formerly were taken as drugs of abuse,
01:27:28.220 | which are now being used as drugs
01:27:29.920 | for therapeutic treatment in the clinic.
01:27:31.960 | There is a very interesting study.
01:27:35.840 | This was published in Science in 2019.
01:27:38.640 | So these are very recent studies.
01:27:41.120 | The last author on this is Liston, L-I-S-T-O-N.
01:27:44.440 | The title of the paper is "Sustained Rescue
01:27:47.040 | of Prefrontal Circuit Dysfunction
01:27:49.340 | by Antidepressant-Induced Spine Formation."
01:27:52.200 | And here, when we hear spine,
01:27:54.160 | we're not referring to spine as in your vertebrae
01:27:57.360 | running down your spinal column.
01:27:59.940 | We're talking about the spines,
01:28:01.100 | which are these little protrusions on neurons.
01:28:04.180 | Neurons are not smooth by any stretch.
01:28:07.380 | If you zoom in on a neuron,
01:28:09.380 | if you were to come to my lab
01:28:10.440 | and look down the microscope at a neuron and zoom in on it,
01:28:13.120 | you'd find that some neurons are smooth,
01:28:14.440 | but most neurons have these little protrusions,
01:28:16.340 | and those little protrusions are called spines.
01:28:18.420 | And those little spiny protrusions are little sites
01:28:22.000 | where neurons can reach out and form and receive
01:28:24.900 | new synapses from neighboring neurons.
01:28:27.760 | So they increase the surface area of a neuron
01:28:29.880 | and allow new connections to be formed.
01:28:31.980 | And so spine formation is synonymous with neuroplasticity,
01:28:36.340 | which is synonymous with changes in circuit function,
01:28:38.800 | which is synonymous with changes in the ways that we think,
01:28:42.520 | we feel, and we behave.
01:28:45.160 | And what was shown in this study is really interesting.
01:28:47.920 | What they showed is that ketamine
01:28:49.880 | can relieve depressive symptoms rapidly
01:28:53.400 | by changing or increasing, in this case,
01:28:56.920 | the spines on these neurons in the prefrontal cortex.
01:29:00.660 | And if that word prefrontal rings a bell,
01:29:02.740 | well, now you remember the phosphocreatine system,
01:29:05.680 | the ingestion of creatine monohydrate,
01:29:08.580 | and the forebrain, activation of the forebrain,
01:29:12.340 | were related to, in some way or another,
01:29:15.180 | to relief or improvement of major depressive symptoms.
01:29:19.380 | So we're starting to converge on a picture here
01:29:21.820 | whereby these drugs, ketamine, PCP,
01:29:25.400 | used in a therapeutic context,
01:29:27.360 | may be increasing neuroplasticity,
01:29:30.540 | literally the changing of neural circuits in the forebrain,
01:29:33.640 | somehow through dissociative states.
01:29:36.540 | And I don't want to speculate too much
01:29:38.640 | about how that might come about,
01:29:40.600 | but one of the things that's such a resounding
01:29:44.720 | or repeating theme of major depression
01:29:47.600 | is that when you talk to somebody who has major depression,
01:29:50.060 | it is a real downer,
01:29:52.000 | and I'm not being disparaging of those people,
01:29:54.200 | but if you've ever had a conversation
01:29:55.380 | with someone who's depressed,
01:29:56.960 | they're always talking about how exhausted they are,
01:29:59.180 | or in really severe cases,
01:30:01.140 | they are not even responsive at all.
01:30:02.820 | They just kind of stare at you blankly or they fall asleep.
01:30:06.480 | I mean, they're truly depressed.
01:30:08.160 | Their system is lowered in terms of its activation state.
01:30:12.120 | So I think that it's interesting
01:30:14.900 | that the application of drugs
01:30:18.020 | that allow people to separate from that state
01:30:20.660 | of not caring or being uninterested
01:30:22.820 | or unwilling to do anything
01:30:24.700 | is actually one of the paths to treatment.
01:30:26.680 | It's not always about just getting people peppy
01:30:29.260 | and excited and happy.
01:30:31.440 | There also seems to be a requirement
01:30:32.900 | for getting them distanced from their own grief.
01:30:36.320 | And this brings us back to something that we talked about
01:30:38.680 | way back at the beginning of this episode,
01:30:40.840 | which was this particular feature
01:30:43.920 | of the anti-self confabulation,
01:30:46.760 | that everything that happens is a reflection
01:30:49.300 | that I should say for the depressed person,
01:30:50.940 | that everything that happens is a reflection
01:30:52.740 | of how life is bad and their experiences
01:30:54.940 | just point to the fact that nothing is going to get better.
01:30:58.100 | This is the common language of depression.
01:31:00.060 | If this is very depressing to hear me talk about,
01:31:02.660 | it is heavy.
01:31:04.020 | And that's what it's like to hear these things.
01:31:06.340 | It's even heavier, of course,
01:31:07.420 | for somebody to experience them.
01:31:09.460 | And those beliefs, those patterns of guilt and grief
01:31:14.780 | and anhedonia and delusional anti-self confabulations,
01:31:18.840 | those are the things that eventually,
01:31:20.500 | if they get severe enough,
01:31:22.120 | start to convert into things like self-harm, mutilation,
01:31:26.180 | and in the most tragic of cases, of course, suicide.
01:31:29.640 | And so I think we can look to these treatments
01:31:33.400 | such as ketamine and PCP,
01:31:35.660 | but in particular ketamine and its use in the clinic
01:31:38.640 | as ways for people to get distanced
01:31:41.080 | from the negative affect that they feel
01:31:43.700 | isn't just inside them or overwhelms them,
01:31:46.600 | but that for the very severely depressed person,
01:31:49.300 | they feel is them.
01:31:51.420 | And we hear this sometimes, you are not your emotions.
01:31:54.020 | That's a statement that I've always been
01:31:55.340 | a little bit challenged by.
01:31:56.180 | I mean, yes, indeed, emotions are not who we are.
01:32:01.140 | They are states that we go into and out of,
01:32:03.100 | including happiness and sadness,
01:32:04.940 | but they are very much a part of us when we experience them.
01:32:08.940 | We don't experience them as next to us or behind us
01:32:11.200 | or across the room from us.
01:32:12.840 | We experience them as our emotions.
01:32:14.900 | They are so much part and parcel
01:32:17.680 | with our experience of ourself
01:32:19.760 | that a statement like we aren't our emotions
01:32:22.300 | is a very hard statement to digest,
01:32:24.120 | especially for the depressed person.
01:32:26.020 | And so I think that the NMDA receptor
01:32:28.940 | and its capacity to induce neuroplasticity circuit changes,
01:32:32.500 | the fact that PCP and ketamine
01:32:33.880 | are both showing activation of neural circuits
01:32:37.420 | by way of suppressing activity of the NMDA receptor
01:32:40.140 | and some of the positive or exciting therapeutic outcomes
01:32:43.440 | that are coming from this
01:32:44.640 | really point to the fact that ketamine and PCP
01:32:47.640 | and removal of negative experiences
01:32:51.200 | or the experience of a negative experience,
01:32:53.680 | it's sort of getting meta there,
01:32:55.080 | but the experience of a negative experience
01:32:56.900 | may be an important path
01:32:58.380 | by which people treat their depression,
01:33:00.720 | especially in its most severe forms
01:33:02.600 | where people are veering towards
01:33:04.560 | self-harm, mutilation, and suicide.
01:33:07.480 | So you may have noticed a theme,
01:33:08.880 | which is that certain categories of approaches
01:33:11.080 | that we've been discussing
01:33:12.040 | for offsetting the symptoms of depression,
01:33:14.680 | such as exercise, ingesting EPAs, reducing inflammation,
01:33:19.680 | or even the SSRIs for increasing serotonin,
01:33:22.700 | focus on changing some core biological function,
01:33:27.440 | like raising the amount of a chemical, serotonin,
01:33:29.700 | or reducing the amount of inflammatory cytokines
01:33:33.360 | in the brain and body.
01:33:35.740 | And yet things like ketamine focus more
01:33:38.920 | on rewiring circuitry, changing neural circuitry
01:33:42.060 | so that it functions better in the immediate
01:33:44.760 | and hopefully in the long-term as well,
01:33:46.380 | and keep people with major depression
01:33:48.040 | in what they call remission, away from major depression.
01:33:52.100 | Another category of treatments
01:33:53.780 | that's being actively explored now in laboratories
01:33:57.040 | and in the psychiatry realm are the psychedelics.
01:34:00.780 | And that's a huge category of compounds.
01:34:04.820 | However, one in particular, psilocybin,
01:34:07.400 | is one that's being most intensely and actively pursued
01:34:11.180 | for its capacity to treat major depressive disorder.
01:34:14.240 | I want to be very clear that the work
01:34:16.280 | that I'm going to describe is work that's being done
01:34:18.860 | in university settings, university hospitals,
01:34:21.840 | by scientists and psychiatrists.
01:34:25.820 | And these are clinical studies, clinical trials,
01:34:28.240 | leading to peer-reviewed data.
01:34:30.360 | And those are the data that we'll be discussing.
01:34:33.200 | Some of the major luminaries in this area include,
01:34:36.480 | of course, aren't limited to,
01:34:37.360 | but include people like Matthew Johnson,
01:34:38.940 | who's at Johns Hopkins.
01:34:40.320 | We'll discuss some of his work now.
01:34:41.660 | And fortunate to say that he will be coming on the podcast
01:34:44.460 | as a guest to describe the studies
01:34:47.120 | in a variety of laboratories,
01:34:49.320 | working on a variety of different psychedelic compounds.
01:34:52.700 | But let's focus on psilocybin for its capacity
01:34:55.660 | to rewire neural circuits and alleviate depression.
01:35:00.200 | There have been anecdotal data or evidence over the years
01:35:04.500 | that psilocybin has this capacity.
01:35:06.600 | How does psilocybin work?
01:35:07.680 | Well, psilocybin magic mushrooms, as it's sometimes called,
01:35:11.580 | mainly works on what's called the serotonin 5-H2-A receptor
01:35:16.580 | with some affinity for the 5-HT1 receptor.
01:35:19.980 | What does that mean?
01:35:20.820 | Well, basically you've got a lot of different kinds
01:35:22.840 | of serotonin receptors,
01:35:24.000 | just as you have a lot of different kinds
01:35:25.400 | of dopamine receptors or other types of receptors.
01:35:28.200 | The advantage of having different receptors
01:35:30.280 | expressed in different parts of the brain and body,
01:35:33.000 | even on different parts of individual cells
01:35:35.540 | in the brain and body,
01:35:36.760 | is that the same compound serotonin
01:35:38.640 | can have a diverse set of effects
01:35:40.920 | on different cells and tissues.
01:35:42.540 | This is also the basis of some of the side effect profiles
01:35:45.680 | of SSRIs, because maybe, for instance,
01:35:50.040 | we know that taking Prozac fluoxetine
01:35:52.480 | will increase serotonin in one area,
01:35:54.040 | but also in another area,
01:35:55.280 | and then they will go have diverse effects
01:35:57.500 | on different brain circuits
01:35:58.780 | because of the variety of receptors.
01:36:00.860 | Receptors are just like parking slots
01:36:02.840 | where the molecule serotonin parks
01:36:05.000 | and has different effects.
01:36:06.500 | Well, psilocybin engages or increases serotonin transmission,
01:36:11.500 | meaning it increases the amount of serotonin,
01:36:15.400 | mainly by acting at these 5-H2-A receptors,
01:36:18.980 | but where in the brain does it happen
01:36:21.200 | and what are the major effects?
01:36:22.400 | First, let's talk about the major effects,
01:36:23.840 | 'cause I think that's what people are interested in.
01:36:26.100 | The study that I'd like to highlight
01:36:27.600 | is a fairly recent one.
01:36:28.940 | It was published in May of 2021 in Journal of the American
01:36:34.920 | Medical Association Psychiatry, so JAMA Psychiatry,
01:36:39.440 | and it's entitled "Effects of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy
01:36:42.360 | "on Major Depressive Disorder, a Randomized Clinical Trial."
01:36:45.800 | It's an absolutely beautiful study, a very important study.
01:36:49.040 | It includes some of the luminaries in this area,
01:36:51.120 | like Matthew Johnson, Patrick Finnan, Roland Griffiths,
01:36:54.440 | and others, we will provide a link to this study.
01:36:57.140 | It is available in its full form at zero cost
01:37:02.080 | if you want to read it.
01:37:02.920 | It's got a lot of details,
01:37:03.840 | so I'm just going to summarize a few things,
01:37:05.360 | but basically what they did was they screened for patients
01:37:09.460 | to come into the clinic.
01:37:10.380 | These were people that suffered
01:37:11.420 | from major depressive disorder
01:37:13.820 | and administered either one or two rounds of psilocybin.
01:37:18.820 | They used particular dosages.
01:37:21.620 | They're listed in the study, so you can look it up
01:37:23.260 | if you're really interested in that level of detail.
01:37:25.680 | Typically, it was 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight,
01:37:29.260 | so it depends on body weight,
01:37:30.780 | or 30 milligrams of psilocybin
01:37:33.380 | per 70 kilograms of body weight.
01:37:36.940 | They were given in capsule form,
01:37:38.120 | so people weren't eating the mushrooms.
01:37:39.600 | This is obviously a very controlled study,
01:37:42.400 | and they want to control the dosages appropriately.
01:37:46.180 | They were randomized to begin the treatment immediately
01:37:48.600 | or after an eight-week delay.
01:37:50.760 | They had all the appropriate control groups
01:37:52.440 | that one would like to see.
01:37:53.980 | What's really striking about this study
01:37:56.380 | is that there was a very significant improvement
01:38:00.720 | in mood and affect and relief from depressive symptoms
01:38:04.340 | in anywhere from 50 to 70% of the people
01:38:09.160 | that were subjects in the study
01:38:11.100 | who received the psilocybin treatment,
01:38:16.100 | and whether or not it was 50 or whether or not it was 71%
01:38:19.840 | varied according to how long after the study
01:38:23.060 | they maintained these antidepressant effects,
01:38:25.380 | whether or not they stayed in remission from the depression,
01:38:27.660 | but these are really enormous and significant effects,
01:38:31.140 | very exciting, and are pointing in the direction
01:38:35.620 | of psilocybin very soon becoming a treatment
01:38:39.620 | for various forms of depression,
01:38:41.720 | including major depression.
01:38:43.800 | Now, of course, this is limited to the laboratory at present.
01:38:48.160 | There are a number of elements of these studies
01:38:50.140 | that are important to take into consideration, too,
01:38:51.980 | which is that there are highly trained guides,
01:38:55.340 | meaning people to direct people through the experience.
01:38:58.620 | As Matthew Johnson has told me,
01:39:00.660 | there is the occurrence from time to time
01:39:03.600 | of people having so-called bad trips,
01:39:05.360 | of having anxiety attacks during the hallucinations
01:39:07.940 | and all that, and they have ways to mitigate that
01:39:10.260 | and deal with that because the guides are trained.
01:39:12.780 | They have all the sorts of medical monitoring devices
01:39:16.680 | for heart rate and temperature and things
01:39:18.260 | that one would like to see for a study like this,
01:39:21.960 | because these are very powerful compounds.
01:39:24.300 | I don't want to give away any elements of the discussion
01:39:26.800 | with Matthew Johnson because it will be released
01:39:29.460 | in podcast form reasonably soon here,
01:39:32.260 | the Huberman Lab podcast,
01:39:33.740 | but one of the things that came up
01:39:35.540 | and is a fundamental question that I had
01:39:37.140 | that I think probably many of you are asking is,
01:39:39.760 | does the experience that one has on these compounds
01:39:43.780 | make a difference for whether or not somebody gains relief
01:39:46.480 | from depression from these psilocybin journeys or not?
01:39:50.780 | In other words, does it matter what they talk about?
01:39:52.780 | Does it matter what they think about?
01:39:53.900 | Does it matter if they have a good trip or a bad trip?
01:39:55.980 | And I don't want to hold you in too much suspense.
01:39:58.700 | I'll let Matthew provide the more thorough answer,
01:40:00.960 | but what's really interesting is there are some common themes
01:40:05.300 | to psilocybin administration and experience
01:40:09.140 | that lead to relief from depressive symptoms,
01:40:11.420 | but they are subjectively, excuse me,
01:40:14.740 | subjectively very varied, meaning that whether or not
01:40:19.740 | people feel they had a good experience or a bad experience,
01:40:22.520 | whether or not people thought about their parents
01:40:24.620 | or thought about the color of the ceiling
01:40:27.420 | doesn't seem to have too much of an impact
01:40:30.140 | on whether or not they receive relief during these studies,
01:40:34.780 | in these clinical studies.
01:40:36.280 | It seems like different people
01:40:38.580 | can have lots of different experiences
01:40:40.160 | and still receive benefit.
01:40:42.780 | And that points to something deeper.
01:40:45.420 | It points to the fact that these drugs,
01:40:48.180 | which is really what they are,
01:40:49.800 | are rewiring neural circuitry in a common way
01:40:53.780 | despite a diversity of experience while on the drug.
01:40:56.980 | And that itself is really interesting.
01:40:58.700 | And it takes us back to a place that we've been before
01:41:01.100 | in this discussion, which is layer five of the cortex,
01:41:04.060 | this area that ketamine seems to impact as well
01:41:06.520 | by generating rhythms of the,
01:41:08.180 | I mentioned one to three Hertz activity in layer five
01:41:10.960 | of certain areas of the cortex.
01:41:13.240 | Well, the 5-HT1A receptor is known to be enriched
01:41:17.480 | in layer five of the cortex.
01:41:19.800 | And layer five of the cortex is a very interesting area
01:41:23.540 | because it's an area in which
01:41:25.100 | there's a lot of lateral connectivity.
01:41:27.300 | So connections between different brain areas laterally
01:41:30.640 | generally is what allows us to merge different senses.
01:41:34.560 | So for instance, when we hear a sound off to our right,
01:41:37.020 | over here, we turned our right,
01:41:39.200 | there's a very hardwired response.
01:41:41.000 | And typically we hear something off to our right,
01:41:42.680 | we don't look to our left.
01:41:44.140 | That's how hardwired some of these circuits are.
01:41:46.700 | What appears to be happening is that the activation
01:41:49.340 | of the serotonin system in 5-HT1A receptor in layer five
01:41:53.580 | is offering up or providing an experience
01:41:57.440 | whereby the lateral connections are able to engage
01:42:01.260 | much more broadly than they would normally.
01:42:03.820 | Now that also could be a bad thing.
01:42:07.100 | When I asked Matt about this, that sounds kind of spooky.
01:42:10.480 | I don't know that when I hear something off to my right
01:42:12.620 | that I want to look off to my left,
01:42:13.820 | that could be highly maladaptive,
01:42:15.440 | especially if it's a car coming at me from my right.
01:42:18.460 | That doesn't seem to be what's happening.
01:42:19.980 | It's not really rewiring these deeply reflexive circuits.
01:42:24.040 | It's somehow rewiring associations between events,
01:42:27.680 | emotional events, past events, current events,
01:42:30.240 | and future events in ways that allow people
01:42:33.100 | to get some sort of relief or distance
01:42:35.720 | from these narratives, these depressive stories
01:42:39.140 | about their past and present,
01:42:40.780 | and allow them to see new opportunity
01:42:42.900 | and optimism in the future.
01:42:44.460 | That's really a fascinating thing
01:42:46.980 | if you really think about it,
01:42:48.380 | because I would have thought that simply
01:42:51.220 | by ramping up laterality of connections,
01:42:53.880 | meaning the cross associations,
01:42:56.060 | that things could either be rewired randomly
01:42:59.660 | in ways that don't serve us
01:43:01.260 | or would perhaps just cause no effect at all.
01:43:04.860 | So it's either going to be bad or neutral,
01:43:06.480 | but that's not really the way things are turning out.
01:43:08.680 | Again, these are highly controlled studies.
01:43:10.600 | I do want to emphasize that ketamine, psilocybin,
01:43:13.140 | these things are still illegal, most all places.
01:43:16.460 | There are some regions and cities in the United States
01:43:19.160 | where they are locally decriminalized,
01:43:21.420 | but they are not legal.
01:43:22.560 | They're still illegal.
01:43:23.540 | So what we're referring to here are indeed clinical studies
01:43:26.500 | in which people are taking them legally.
01:43:29.780 | I think it's very likely we will see a shift
01:43:32.880 | in the legislature around psychedelics
01:43:35.380 | and in particular psilocybin in the not too distant future.
01:43:39.700 | And I think that for now,
01:43:41.420 | what we should know is what Matt told me
01:43:44.820 | and what you'll hear far more about,
01:43:47.080 | which is that psilocybin, this one,
01:43:51.420 | or in most cases, two dose treatments done
01:43:54.380 | in a highly clinical setting, controlled setting
01:43:57.580 | with patients that are carefully selected,
01:44:00.320 | can in many cases, the majority of people receive
01:44:03.620 | and maintain relief from their depressive symptoms
01:44:07.100 | simply through the experience of this psychedelic journey.
01:44:11.500 | I did ask him about microdosing.
01:44:13.580 | I made it sound as if I had never heard about it before.
01:44:16.760 | Microdosing, not microdosing, microdosing.
01:44:19.780 | And his answer was interesting.
01:44:22.660 | His answer was that the microdosing effects
01:44:25.500 | don't seem to be nearly as impactful as some of these,
01:44:29.820 | let's just call them what they are,
01:44:31.320 | these kind of high amplitude sessions
01:44:34.500 | that there are just one or two.
01:44:37.820 | There are some studies ongoing where there's more than two,
01:44:40.720 | but that the microdosing doesn't seem to compare
01:44:43.120 | to these macrodosing, I mentioned the dosages before,
01:44:47.600 | this 20 milligrams per 70 kilograms
01:44:49.640 | or 30 milligrams per 70 kilograms,
01:44:51.760 | dosages given several weeks apart.
01:44:55.960 | So you'll hear more about microdosing
01:44:58.220 | and other psychedelics and their impact
01:45:00.440 | on depressive states and major depression
01:45:04.200 | in the episode with Matt.
01:45:05.640 | But for the time being, it really seems as if,
01:45:07.880 | again, we're looking at neuroplasticity,
01:45:09.560 | we're coming back to layer five,
01:45:11.040 | just like with ketamine and PCP,
01:45:13.060 | we're hearing about layer five,
01:45:14.320 | we're hearing about rewiring of circuitry,
01:45:15.940 | we're hearing about a dissociation
01:45:17.800 | or a distancing of oneself from these negative moods
01:45:22.680 | and affects and narratives.
01:45:24.000 | But there's a key distinction between the ketamine work
01:45:28.860 | and the psilocybin work, which is that in the ketamine work,
01:45:31.500 | it really is about dissociating from experience
01:45:34.580 | during the session with the psychiatrist.
01:45:36.820 | Whereas during the psilocybin journey,
01:45:38.760 | it's really about immersing oneself in the experience
01:45:41.740 | and being fully present to that experience.
01:45:43.860 | That does seem to be an important component.
01:45:45.700 | And what the difference is there
01:45:47.460 | and why they both seem to provide some relief
01:45:50.580 | from major depression isn't clear.
01:45:53.460 | I think most likely it takes us back to the fact
01:45:56.400 | that this thing we call major depression
01:45:59.260 | clearly involves serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
01:46:03.520 | And in some individuals,
01:46:04.520 | they may be more deficient in one or several of those
01:46:07.900 | or all of those, whereas in other individuals,
01:46:09.740 | it might be a different collection of chemicals.
01:46:12.200 | And of course, there are a tremendous number
01:46:14.380 | of other psychedelic compounds that people are exploring
01:46:18.580 | for treatment of major depression,
01:46:21.240 | but really psilocybin is the one
01:46:22.600 | that we have the most data on.
01:46:24.540 | MDMA has mainly been explored in the clinical realm
01:46:29.060 | for treatment of trauma.
01:46:30.260 | There are some trials ongoing for treatment of depression,
01:46:34.420 | but the big breakthroughs seem to be happening
01:46:38.140 | in the realm of trauma treatment,
01:46:40.380 | the so-called MAPS group that's doing this,
01:46:42.500 | again, legally in a clinical setting.
01:46:44.820 | And there are other groups
01:46:45.860 | that are starting to do it as well.
01:46:47.260 | We are going to do an entire podcast episode about MDMA
01:46:50.740 | and some related compounds.
01:46:52.180 | So I'll save that discussion for then.
01:46:54.560 | One of the most common questions I get for this podcast
01:46:57.320 | is about different diets, different regimes,
01:47:00.720 | different nutritional plans, things like keto,
01:47:03.460 | ketogenic diet, or vegan diets, or intermittent fasting,
01:47:07.980 | or the all meat diet, the so-called lion diet, et cetera.
01:47:11.760 | There are actually really interesting data
01:47:14.360 | relating nutrition and diet to major depressive disorder.
01:47:18.720 | And I think we just need to frame this
01:47:21.660 | by returning to something that was said earlier,
01:47:23.560 | which is that the ingestion of carbohydrates,
01:47:26.700 | in particular carbohydrates and some meats like turkey
01:47:29.660 | that are rich in tryptophan, this precursor to serotonin,
01:47:34.660 | are in many ways the self-medicating version
01:47:39.660 | of depression treatment.
01:47:41.700 | Now, to be clear, I'm not saying that people should use food
01:47:44.300 | to medicate their depression.
01:47:46.100 | Many people do that reflexively, however,
01:47:48.300 | they reach for carbohydrate-rich foods
01:47:50.240 | to blunt their cortisol, because that's indeed what it does.
01:47:53.420 | It blunts cortisol when you ingest high carbohydrate foods,
01:47:56.080 | in particular starchy foods.
01:47:57.720 | And it does increase serotonin, in particular,
01:48:01.760 | if those foods rather are rich in the amino acid tryptophan.
01:48:06.760 | Now, ingesting food is wonderful and important and great,
01:48:10.320 | but ingesting excessive foods of any kinds,
01:48:12.380 | carbohydrate or otherwise is not healthy, of course.
01:48:16.420 | There have been some explorations
01:48:19.200 | of whether or not a vegan diet
01:48:20.660 | can improve symptoms of depression.
01:48:23.100 | Not a lot of data, not impressive data.
01:48:25.460 | There have been very few controlled studies
01:48:27.700 | looking at the carnivore all-meat diet.
01:48:31.100 | On that, I think there are now some
01:48:32.700 | that are starting to spin up,
01:48:34.020 | meaning the studies are starting to spin up.
01:48:35.540 | However, the ketogenic diet has been explored
01:48:39.140 | for its ability to relieve certain symptoms of depression,
01:48:44.140 | in particular to what's called maintained euthymia,
01:48:49.140 | Euthymia is the kind of state of equilibrium
01:48:51.820 | between a manic episode and a depressive episode
01:48:55.020 | in a manic bipolar person.
01:48:56.340 | We'll return to this more in a future episode.
01:48:58.200 | But basically, manics have highs and they have lows.
01:49:01.680 | Bipolars either cycle back and forth really quickly,
01:49:04.320 | so rapid cycling, bipolars or slope, some people.
01:49:07.360 | So really quickly can be day-to-day.
01:49:09.200 | Other people, it's month-to-month or week-to-week,
01:49:11.100 | they're going highs and lows.
01:49:13.460 | And you hear about mania and you hear about dysphoria.
01:49:16.040 | Euthymia is that kind of place in the middle
01:49:19.160 | where people feel neither too high nor too low.
01:49:22.840 | And there are some interesting studies
01:49:25.180 | looking at the ketogenic diet
01:49:26.840 | for maintaining euthymia in manic depressives,
01:49:29.720 | but also in people with major depressive disorder.
01:49:32.520 | Why would this work?
01:49:33.600 | Well, we have to remember that the ketogenic diet
01:49:36.600 | wasn't discovered so that self-appointed nutrition gurus
01:49:41.420 | could talk about it online
01:49:43.160 | or so that people could make money selling anything
01:49:46.440 | related to ketosis.
01:49:48.000 | And here I'm not disparaging of the ketogenic diets,
01:49:50.000 | helped a lot of people.
01:49:51.320 | The ketogenic diet was actually shown to be medically
01:49:55.180 | relevant for its use to treat epilepsy.
01:49:58.860 | It turns out that in epilepsy
01:50:02.800 | or in particular pediatric epilepsy,
01:50:05.280 | that a ketogenic diet and the shift of brain metabolism
01:50:09.580 | to predominantly one in which ketones are being metabolized
01:50:12.840 | rather than more standard glucose type metabolism
01:50:17.680 | can greatly reduce the number of epileptic seizures
01:50:20.780 | that these children experience.
01:50:22.720 | It's not always the case, but it's often the case.
01:50:24.560 | And so you talk to a neurologist or a neurosurgeon
01:50:27.320 | who's specialized in epilepsy
01:50:31.320 | and particular pediatric epilepsy,
01:50:32.880 | and they'll tell you this,
01:50:34.140 | oh yeah, the ketogenic diet in many cases,
01:50:36.480 | not all can be very effective for this treatment.
01:50:38.740 | How, how is it that a ketogenic diet reduces seizures?
01:50:43.600 | Well, the way it reduces seizures
01:50:46.380 | is by increasing what's called GABA transmission.
01:50:49.940 | GABA is a substance that is naturally released in our brain.
01:50:54.260 | It's an inhibitory neurotransmitter,
01:50:56.380 | meaning that when it's released into the synapse,
01:50:58.980 | it has the tendency to reduce the firing,
01:51:01.700 | to reduce the electrical activity of the next neuron
01:51:04.700 | or sets of neurons.
01:51:06.940 | There are various compounds that increase GABA,
01:51:09.500 | in particular, GABA in the forebrain.
01:51:10.900 | One common example would be something like alcohol.
01:51:14.540 | Drinking alcoholic drink or two
01:51:16.900 | will increase GABA transmission will ironically,
01:51:20.380 | will lower your social inhibitions
01:51:22.980 | by increasing your neurochemical inhibition.
01:51:25.980 | It basically suppresses the self-monitoring pathways.
01:51:30.020 | And if people drink enough, it will suppress all pathways
01:51:32.440 | and people will urinate themselves and fall over.
01:51:34.840 | It will eventually inhibit all sorts of pathways.
01:51:37.480 | So the GABA system has a rich array of effects
01:51:41.240 | all over the brain and body,
01:51:42.920 | but alcohol tends to activate the release of GABA.
01:51:47.160 | You might say, well, then why not just take alcohol
01:51:49.520 | to suppress seizures?
01:51:50.360 | Well, that would be a terrible idea
01:51:51.500 | because there tends to be a rebound excitability
01:51:54.040 | after alcohol stops having its effects
01:51:57.680 | on the GABA receptors.
01:51:58.880 | And so then there's an excitability
01:52:00.680 | for which an epilepsy would be terrible.
01:52:03.120 | The reason why the epileptic diet is useful for epilepsy
01:52:07.120 | is that increases the, what we call the tonic level,
01:52:09.720 | the sort of the tide, the level of GABA in the brain.
01:52:13.840 | And that suppresses some of the hyperexcitability
01:52:16.580 | that is the characteristic feature of epilepsy.
01:52:20.160 | And there are other drugs, for instance,
01:52:21.880 | the benzodiazepines and things of the Xanax variety,
01:52:26.600 | Valium and so forth, those increase GABA transmission.
01:52:30.080 | Those drugs also have a lot of potential
01:52:32.100 | for abuse and addiction, et cetera.
01:52:34.000 | And they're problematic for other reasons.
01:52:35.960 | But the ketogenic diet,
01:52:38.620 | by way of increasing ketone metabolism
01:52:40.900 | or shifting brain's metabolism over to ketones,
01:52:44.560 | tends to modulate GABA such that GABA is more active
01:52:49.560 | and adjust the so-called GABA glutamate balance.
01:52:54.000 | This is getting technical,
01:52:55.000 | but glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter,
01:52:58.060 | GABA is inhibitory neurotransmitter,
01:52:59.760 | and their balance is vital for neuroplasticity,
01:53:02.480 | for maintaining healthy levels of activity
01:53:04.640 | in the brain, et cetera.
01:53:06.800 | And so there is decent evidence
01:53:10.120 | that people with major depressive disorders,
01:53:13.340 | in particular, the people with major depressive disorders
01:53:17.160 | that are refractory, meaning they don't respond
01:53:20.760 | to classical antidepressants, can benefit, it seems,
01:53:25.600 | from the ketogenic diet.
01:53:28.820 | Now, this is not always the case,
01:53:30.240 | but for those of you out there
01:53:31.600 | who are struggling with major depression
01:53:33.840 | and for which drugs have not worked,
01:53:35.080 | please talk to your psychiatrist.
01:53:36.380 | I don't know how many of them are up on the literature
01:53:38.360 | about the ketogenic diet or the EPAs and the rest.
01:53:42.840 | Psychiatrists vary in terms of how involved
01:53:45.480 | in the current literature they tend to be,
01:53:47.420 | but there are many excellent psychiatrists out there.
01:53:49.880 | Most of them, in my experience,
01:53:51.320 | are actually quite avid learners about what's happening
01:53:55.840 | and what's new in this realm that they call psychiatry.
01:53:59.260 | So it's really interesting that eating in a particular way,
01:54:02.980 | lowering carbohydrates to the point where you rely
01:54:06.520 | on ketogenic metabolism in the brain increases GABA
01:54:10.480 | and can provide some relief for depressive symptoms.
01:54:13.780 | And that in particular, that seems to have positive effects
01:54:16.860 | in people that are refractory
01:54:18.100 | or don't respond to classic antidepressants.
01:54:21.040 | And that would include things like fluoxetine, et cetera.
01:54:24.060 | I'll make one final point about ketogenic diets
01:54:26.700 | and GABA and depression,
01:54:27.920 | which is that it's also been shown that for people
01:54:31.720 | that respond well to these drugs
01:54:34.800 | that impact the serotonin system, dopamine system,
01:54:37.260 | or norepinephrine, the ketogenic diet there
01:54:40.460 | may improve the ability for those drugs
01:54:44.380 | to work at lower dosages,
01:54:45.580 | which is reminiscent of what we saw
01:54:47.040 | with the EPA supplementation.
01:54:49.120 | So today we've covered what at least feels to me
01:54:51.820 | like a tremendous amount of material.
01:54:53.820 | This topic of depression is indeed an enormous topic
01:54:56.540 | to try and get our arms around.
01:54:58.160 | We talked about the symptomology,
01:54:59.500 | we talked about some of the underlying neurochemistry
01:55:01.420 | and biology, and then we talked about approaches
01:55:04.120 | to deal with it that are really grounded
01:55:06.200 | in the neurochemistry and biology.
01:55:08.700 | I just want to recap a few of those tools
01:55:11.480 | and what those things are.
01:55:12.780 | First of all, we talked about making the effort
01:55:16.340 | to not overwhelm the pleasure system.
01:55:19.080 | That might seem counterintuitive,
01:55:20.620 | to not overly seek out pleasure
01:55:22.660 | or else one can find themselves in a place of depression.
01:55:26.500 | I mentioned way back at the beginning of the episode,
01:55:29.020 | a young man who I know to be really struggling
01:55:32.720 | with depression and it is thought,
01:55:36.020 | and we don't know for sure,
01:55:37.460 | but it is thought that some of that depression
01:55:39.220 | was probably triggered by an overindulgence in video games
01:55:42.620 | and other highly dopaminergic activities
01:55:45.380 | to the point where those activities
01:55:47.100 | eventually were countered by the pain balance
01:55:50.440 | that Dr. Analemke described.
01:55:52.680 | And he now has to do those activities repeatedly
01:55:57.140 | and for many, many hours each day just to feel okay,
01:56:00.040 | not even to derive pleasure from them.
01:56:02.400 | And worse, many other activities,
01:56:05.960 | practically all other activities have lost their zest,
01:56:09.520 | they've lost their excitement
01:56:10.700 | and his sense of pleasure for them.
01:56:13.040 | And so there's a really active campaign now
01:56:15.920 | to reset that system.
01:56:17.820 | So number one, don't overwhelm your pleasure centers
01:56:22.020 | either through activities or compounds.
01:56:24.060 | It might seem counterintuitive,
01:56:25.400 | but you're setting yourself up for anhedonia and depression
01:56:28.540 | if you do that.
01:56:29.380 | It's not just about addiction, that too,
01:56:31.000 | but it's also about setting yourself
01:56:32.280 | for anhedonia and depression.
01:56:35.160 | How often can you engage in these activities?
01:56:37.460 | Well, that's going to differ from person to person,
01:56:39.400 | everyone's slightly different,
01:56:40.880 | but you should really mind your extreme highs
01:56:43.480 | and your extreme lows and be cautious about those.
01:56:46.260 | We'll probably have Dr. Lemke on again in a future time
01:56:49.200 | to try and get some more specifics about that.
01:56:51.300 | But if you do feel like you need to reset that system,
01:56:54.640 | it really does seem like a 30-day complete detox
01:56:58.940 | from whatever activity or substance that is,
01:57:01.120 | and ideally it doesn't continue after that 30 days,
01:57:03.840 | especially in conditions of drugs of abuse.
01:57:06.880 | Second of all, talked about the norepinephrine system
01:57:10.080 | and how the norepinephrine system is really deficient
01:57:12.880 | in many forms of major depression and in depression.
01:57:17.740 | There is now more deliberate pursuit
01:57:20.540 | of norepinephrine-inducing activities that are healthy,
01:57:23.080 | that aren't adrenaline-seeking per se,
01:57:26.260 | things like cold showers,
01:57:27.500 | things like particular patterns of breathing
01:57:31.520 | that engage and tend to make us more alert,
01:57:35.260 | things like exercise that will increase
01:57:37.580 | our levels of noradrenaline.
01:57:39.140 | I'd be remiss if I said that these activities
01:57:42.040 | could completely eliminate depressive symptoms
01:57:45.340 | in people with major depressive disorder.
01:57:46.860 | I don't think that's the case.
01:57:47.860 | And again, I want to acknowledge
01:57:48.860 | that people with major depressive symptoms
01:57:50.900 | often don't have the energy, the willingness,
01:57:53.960 | or the capacity to engage in some of these activities,
01:57:57.120 | but things like cold showers, deliberate cold showers,
01:58:00.020 | things like regular exercise,
01:58:02.300 | they aren't just feel-good activities.
01:58:05.140 | They actually engage the norepinephrine system
01:58:07.460 | and keep that system tuned up
01:58:09.140 | and allow us to increase our norepinephrine levels at will
01:58:11.740 | on a regular basis.
01:58:13.020 | And their mood-enhancing effects are real effects
01:58:15.420 | that at the level of neurochemistry.
01:58:17.840 | Then we talked about EPAs, these essential fatty acids,
01:58:20.200 | and it's clear that for most people,
01:58:23.080 | getting above 1,000 milligrams
01:58:24.880 | and probably even closer to 2,000 milligrams per day of EPAs
01:58:28.280 | can be beneficial for mood,
01:58:29.500 | especially in attempts to treat
01:58:31.840 | or offset major depressive disorder.
01:58:34.640 | Are there side effects?
01:58:35.600 | Well, you need to explore those for yourself
01:58:37.820 | and with your doctor.
01:58:38.640 | Everyone has a different health background.
01:58:41.340 | You know, for the margins of safety for most people
01:58:43.860 | will probably be quite large,
01:58:45.880 | but for some people that might not be the case.
01:58:48.500 | So definitely check with your physician.
01:58:50.960 | We also talked about exercise
01:58:52.360 | and how EPA and exercise on a regular basis
01:58:54.820 | can offset these inflammatory pathways.
01:58:57.140 | I want to mention something I've mentioned
01:58:58.580 | on a previous podcast,
01:58:59.680 | but in terms of keeping the inflammatome,
01:59:02.100 | all these molecules that create inflammation
01:59:04.300 | and then the inflammation can limit the amount of serotonin
01:59:07.020 | through the pathways we described.
01:59:08.640 | In order to do that, it's also very, very useful
01:59:12.720 | to ingest two to four servings of fermented foods
01:59:16.040 | on a daily basis or near daily basis.
01:59:17.920 | These are data that were published by the Sonnenberg Lab
01:59:19.920 | at Stanford recently in the journal Cell,
01:59:22.040 | Cell Press Journal, excellent journal,
01:59:24.240 | that ingestion of these fermented foods
01:59:27.600 | really keeps the gut microbiome tuned up, so to speak,
01:59:31.360 | well in order to offset these inflammatory cytokines,
01:59:34.160 | keeping inflammation at bay.
01:59:35.780 | It just turns out to be a really good thing
01:59:38.040 | in order to keep our mood in a good place.
01:59:40.760 | So EPA, exercise, fermented foods,
01:59:42.640 | creatine as a potential source of relief from depression
01:59:45.860 | or offsetting or keeping us away from major depression
01:59:49.320 | or relapse into depression.
01:59:50.840 | And then we talked about the prescription compounds
01:59:53.600 | and the compounds that are being used
01:59:55.080 | mainly in the course of studies
01:59:56.540 | and of psychiatry and depression,
01:59:58.500 | things like ketamine, PCP, psilocybin and related compounds.
02:00:01.680 | And then lastly, we talked about ketosis,
02:00:03.480 | which may not be right for everybody,
02:00:04.940 | but might be right for certain individuals out there
02:00:08.060 | who are grappling with this.
02:00:09.460 | If you're learning from this podcast
02:00:11.940 | and hopefully enjoying it
02:00:12.900 | and applying some of the tools that we describe,
02:00:15.640 | please subscribe to the podcast on YouTube.
02:00:17.940 | That really helps us.
02:00:19.400 | As well, please leave us a comment and some feedback
02:00:22.140 | for future episodes and topics
02:00:23.840 | that you'd like to see us cover.
02:00:25.160 | You can do that on YouTube in the comment section.
02:00:28.340 | As well, please follow us on Instagram.
02:00:30.260 | It's Huberman Lab on Instagram there.
02:00:32.380 | I provide some recaps of some of this material.
02:00:34.700 | I also provide some original material
02:00:36.940 | that doesn't show up in the podcast.
02:00:38.820 | Please also subscribe on Apple and Spotify
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02:00:42.120 | And on Apple, you have the opportunity
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02:00:48.960 | Please also check out the sponsors
02:00:50.580 | that we mentioned at the beginning of the podcast.
02:00:52.660 | So that's a terrific way to support what we're doing.
02:00:55.340 | We also have a Patreon.
02:00:56.500 | It's
02:01:00.020 | And there you can support the podcast
02:01:01.840 | at any level that you like.
02:01:03.800 | Throughout the course of today's episode
02:01:05.420 | and in previous episodes, I mentioned supplements
02:01:08.260 | that may be appropriate for you.
02:01:10.540 | If you want to check out the supplements that I take,
02:01:12.860 | you can go to
02:01:17.360 | That's
02:01:22.360 | There, you can see the supplements I take.
02:01:25.220 | If you want to try any of those supplements,
02:01:27.220 | you can get 20% off any of those supplements.
02:01:29.160 | And if you navigate from that location in the website
02:01:32.000 | to any other locations in the Thorne site,
02:01:33.960 | you will also get 20% off any of the other supplements
02:01:36.640 | that Thorne makes.
02:01:37.820 | We partnered with Thorne
02:01:38.860 | because they have the absolutely highest levels
02:01:41.100 | of stringency in terms of the quality and quantity
02:01:43.940 | of the supplements that they put in their formulations.
02:01:47.380 | And last but not least,
02:01:48.540 | I want to thank you for embarking on this journey
02:01:50.940 | of trying to understand what is depression,
02:01:53.140 | how does it work, and how to treat it.
02:01:55.460 | And thank you for your interest in science.
02:01:57.460 | [upbeat music]
02:02:00.040 | (upbeat music)