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Brian Armstrong: Coinbase, Cryptocurrency, and Government Regulation | Lex Fridman Podcast #307


0:0 Introduction
1:49 Programming
7:47 Coinbase
38:35 Startup advice
56:26 Economic freedom
65:36 Coinbase technology
77:3 Listing on Coinbase
86:17 Regulations
100:55 Crypto dominance
105:12 Employee activism
121:30 Leadership
124:9 ResearchHub
133:47 NewLimit
138:15 Advice for young people
142:25 Meaning of life

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | The following is a conversation with Brian Armstrong,
00:00:02.600 | co-founder and CEO of Coinbase,
00:00:05.280 | the largest cryptocurrency exchange platform
00:00:07.840 | with 98 million users in 100 countries,
00:00:11.400 | listing Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano,
00:00:13.920 | and over 100 popular cryptocurrencies.
00:00:17.360 | I recorded this conversation with Brian
00:00:19.320 | before this week's SEC probe
00:00:21.920 | into whether some of the crypto listings are securities
00:00:25.480 | and thus need to be regulated as such.
00:00:27.920 | As always with conversations that involve cryptocurrency,
00:00:31.280 | I try to make it timeless
00:00:33.040 | so that the price soaring high or crashing down low
00:00:37.220 | doesn't distract from the fundamental technological,
00:00:40.520 | economic, social, and philosophical ideas
00:00:42.760 | underlying this new form of money, energy, and information.
00:00:47.760 | Our world runs on money, the exchange and store of value,
00:00:52.440 | and cryptocurrency seeks to build the next chapter
00:00:55.400 | of how money works and what it can do.
00:00:58.720 | Coinbase and Brian are trying to do this
00:01:01.280 | by working together with regulators and governments,
00:01:04.280 | which is a long and difficult road.
00:01:06.760 | Bureaucracies resist change, for better and for worse.
00:01:11.260 | The latest SEC probe is a good representation of this.
00:01:14.720 | It is a serious attempt to limit fraud,
00:01:17.520 | but one that also runs the risk of limiting innovation
00:01:21.000 | and limiting financial freedom of individuals.
00:01:24.460 | This is a complicated mess,
00:01:26.040 | and I applaud everyone involved
00:01:27.480 | for trying to work through it.
00:01:29.400 | I hope in the end, the interest of the individual wins.
00:01:33.120 | Decentralization, after all,
00:01:35.080 | is a hedge against the corrupting nature
00:01:37.280 | of centralized power.
00:01:39.340 | This is the Lex Friedman Podcast.
00:01:41.360 | To support it, please check out our sponsors
00:01:43.520 | in the description.
00:01:44.760 | And now, dear friends, here's Brian Armstrong.
00:01:48.280 | Let's start with the fact that you're a programmer.
00:01:51.680 | What was the first program you've ever written,
00:01:54.000 | or the first one that you remember?
00:01:55.960 | - The first memory I have of programming
00:01:57.740 | was probably in middle school.
00:01:59.340 | And I remember it was recess,
00:02:01.800 | and they had this time period where you could read books,
00:02:04.820 | and the other kids were reading comic books and stuff.
00:02:07.240 | And for some reason, I had gotten into this idea
00:02:10.240 | that I wanted to get into computers,
00:02:11.580 | and I was playing with computers at home.
00:02:13.920 | And so I got this book, I think from the library,
00:02:15.920 | and it was called "How to Learn Java in 30 Days."
00:02:19.540 | So I was reading this book at the recess,
00:02:24.020 | and I didn't understand anything.
00:02:25.700 | And I remember I went home,
00:02:26.980 | and I tried to get this thing working.
00:02:29.620 | And if you've ever written a Java program,
00:02:31.860 | the first lines are like,
00:02:33.260 | "Public static void main string args," or whatever.
00:02:35.900 | And it's just so foreign,
00:02:38.020 | and it's so difficult to get started.
00:02:39.420 | And so I was kind of frustrated.
00:02:40.540 | I was like, "I don't understand anything
00:02:41.780 | "that's happening in this book."
00:02:43.300 | So the first thing I wrote was probably
00:02:45.640 | just a Hello World app in Java.
00:02:48.260 | But I felt like I was so confused
00:02:51.660 | about what was actually happening
00:02:52.860 | that I later learned a bit of PHP.
00:02:55.820 | And PHP was more fun for me,
00:02:57.700 | 'cause it was like, "Oh, just print out what you want."
00:03:00.420 | It didn't have all this complexity around it.
00:03:02.100 | So then I got more into PHP,
00:03:04.340 | started building some simple websites,
00:03:06.900 | I think learned some HTML.
00:03:09.260 | So I think that was my introduction to programming,
00:03:12.180 | at least the very beginning part.
00:03:13.380 | - Yeah, Java has a lot of...
00:03:17.420 | Out of all the Hello Worlds you can possibly write,
00:03:20.700 | Java is the one where I think it's the longest.
00:03:23.220 | - Yeah.
00:03:24.260 | - Which is quite interesting,
00:03:25.140 | 'cause Java is often, at least for a long time,
00:03:27.100 | was used as the primary programming language
00:03:29.220 | to teach people how to program,
00:03:30.860 | or at least about object-oriented programming.
00:03:32.740 | I think most universities have now switched,
00:03:35.340 | in high school switched to Python.
00:03:37.420 | I'm not sure if that's the case.
00:03:38.860 | - Probably better.
00:03:39.700 | It's easier to learn.
00:03:40.540 | It lowers the, it makes it less scary.
00:03:42.260 | It was like less of a hurdle.
00:03:43.560 | - And certainly none of them use PHP.
00:03:45.340 | I love PHP, and I feel like it's a dirty secret
00:03:48.420 | I have to keep private to myself,
00:03:51.020 | like it's somebody I'm seeing on the side
00:03:52.620 | or something like that,
00:03:53.460 | because it's just not a respected programming language,
00:03:56.340 | because I think there's so many ways
00:03:57.900 | you can write poor code with PHP,
00:04:00.740 | which is why it's not respected.
00:04:02.100 | - Yeah, it's a scripting language more so,
00:04:03.980 | although of course Facebook built a huge stack
00:04:06.300 | on top of it and valuable company,
00:04:07.660 | but I still love Ruby to this day.
00:04:10.220 | Ruby is probably my favorite language.
00:04:12.320 | Python's great too,
00:04:13.160 | but I just love the idea behind Ruby
00:04:15.540 | that it's like, let's make it easier for the human,
00:04:18.220 | harder for the computer,
00:04:19.540 | and make it a joy to be expressive and all these things.
00:04:22.620 | So I was never the best computer scientist,
00:04:24.940 | but I was a good hacker.
00:04:26.260 | I could rapidly prototype products
00:04:28.260 | and using languages like Ruby.
00:04:30.500 | Do a lot of computer science programs
00:04:32.420 | still use like Lisp and Scheme and things like that?
00:04:35.260 | - No, no.
00:04:36.220 | They do for, that's like, that's if you're hardcore.
00:04:39.100 | If you're legit, you're gonna do
00:04:40.540 | some of the functional languages.
00:04:42.300 | I think there's a few others that popped up,
00:04:44.920 | but Lisp is a distant memory for a lot of people.
00:04:48.580 | That's like somebody that's like,
00:04:49.980 | you go to library, you dust off the book.
00:04:53.620 | But Scheme a little bit.
00:04:55.760 | I think if you're starting,
00:04:57.260 | I mean, there's courses about languages themselves,
00:04:59.440 | like programming languages.
00:05:01.580 | Lisp might be one of those,
00:05:03.180 | you know how there's languages that nobody uses anymore?
00:05:05.460 | Like ancient languages?
00:05:07.740 | You might have to go to school in that same way
00:05:09.180 | for programming languages.
00:05:10.660 | Back in the day, we used to use parentheses.
00:05:12.860 | I, of course, still use Emacs as the editor
00:05:15.860 | for most things that I do.
00:05:17.500 | And Emacs is, you know, a lot of the customization
00:05:21.700 | you could do is in Lisp.
00:05:23.360 | - Yeah. - And that's the language
00:05:24.340 | probably when I first really fell in love
00:05:28.300 | with programming is Lisp.
00:05:30.060 | Because for a long time throughout the earlier history
00:05:34.480 | of artificial intelligence, Lisp was the primary language.
00:05:36.860 | But it still had a life in the '90s in the arts
00:05:41.540 | where some people would use it.
00:05:43.220 | - Yeah. - It's such a beautiful,
00:05:44.660 | functional language, but it just somehow didn't pick up.
00:05:48.160 | That said, I should say, sort of push back,
00:05:53.500 | PHP, I feel like it's still true
00:05:55.820 | that most of the web runs on PHP.
00:05:58.860 | Most of the back end is still PHP.
00:06:02.220 | So if you look at, you know,
00:06:03.740 | it's like the stuff that people don't talk about.
00:06:05.700 | It's like what runs most systems in the world,
00:06:08.540 | what runs most back end, what runs most front end?
00:06:12.780 | - Yeah. - JavaScript, you know, HTML.
00:06:15.620 | - JavaScript, I think, the Stack Exchange surveys
00:06:17.780 | showed JavaScript's the most popular language
00:06:19.500 | in the world, I think, right?
00:06:20.420 | - Oh yeah?
00:06:21.260 | In terms of programmers and numbers of, I wonder.
00:06:23.660 | - By survey of number of programmers on Stack,
00:06:28.500 | Stack Overflow. - Oh yeah.
00:06:29.500 | But that's also the cutting edge, right?
00:06:31.440 | Those are the people that are just like
00:06:33.220 | excitedly writing code. - That's true.
00:06:34.860 | - I wonder if there's people that are just like
00:06:37.500 | maintaining gigantic code bases.
00:06:40.300 | - Yeah.
00:06:41.140 | I feel like the amount of Java out there
00:06:43.540 | just running industrial systems has gotta be enormous.
00:06:46.700 | And then of course in the banking industry,
00:06:48.780 | finance, it's like even older stuff, Cobalt and whatnot.
00:06:52.780 | - I've been actually looking for somebody
00:06:54.820 | to interview who represents Cobalt and Fortran,
00:07:00.780 | like who's the figure still,
00:07:03.460 | still there that holds the flag.
00:07:05.300 | I did, you know, with Java, founder of Java,
00:07:07.580 | creator of Java, creator of Python, creator of C++,
00:07:11.340 | but nobody wants to hold the flag for Cobalt and Fortran,
00:07:14.340 | even though some of the most important systems in the world
00:07:17.900 | still run on those. - Yeah.
00:07:20.060 | - Like power systems and infrastructure systems,
00:07:23.460 | which is fascinating.
00:07:24.700 | Which, and ATMs and stuff like that.
00:07:27.060 | Like a lot of stuff that we rely on that just works,
00:07:31.340 | and the reason we don't change it, 'cause it works well,
00:07:33.940 | is written in languages that people don't use anymore.
00:07:36.900 | - Yeah.
00:07:38.140 | That'd be a cool series of interviews.
00:07:39.580 | Get the stuff that's like tech that was invented
00:07:42.420 | 40, 50 years ago, but still is being used widely.
00:07:45.300 | I mean, Emacs is an example of that.
00:07:47.100 | - Let me ask the big question of
00:07:49.100 | what are cryptocurrency exchanges and what's Coinbase?
00:07:53.980 | How does it work?
00:07:55.020 | Before, I'll ask even bigger questions,
00:07:57.420 | but it's just a nice kind of palate cleansing question
00:08:00.780 | of what is Coinbase?
00:08:02.060 | - Coinbase is a cryptocurrency exchange,
00:08:06.260 | brokerage, custodian.
00:08:07.620 | Basically, we're the primary financial account
00:08:10.180 | for people in the crypto economy,
00:08:12.460 | how they buy crypto, how they store it,
00:08:14.300 | how they use it increasingly in different ways.
00:08:16.180 | We can talk about that.
00:08:17.340 | So yeah, we wanna be the way that a billion people
00:08:20.860 | hopefully access the open financial system globally.
00:08:23.860 | - How does it work?
00:08:25.060 | What's cryptocurrency?
00:08:29.700 | There's Bitcoin, there's Ethereum.
00:08:33.460 | What does it mean to be an exchange?
00:08:37.380 | What does it mean to store?
00:08:39.020 | What does it mean to transact?
00:08:41.260 | What does Coinbase actually do?
00:08:43.660 | - Okay, so basically in any given market,
00:08:46.700 | there's some people who wanna buy,
00:08:47.860 | some people who wanna sell,
00:08:49.380 | and you keep an order book of all those prices.
00:08:53.300 | And then if someone's willing to buy
00:08:56.940 | for more than the lowest price someone is willing to sell,
00:08:59.820 | then you get a trade to execute.
00:09:02.140 | That's kind of how an exchange works underneath.
00:09:04.460 | And a brokerage is kind of simpler than that even.
00:09:06.780 | You don't have to look at the whole order book
00:09:08.980 | and everything, but you just go in there and you say,
00:09:10.580 | "I wanna buy $100 of Bitcoin or whatever cryptocurrency."
00:09:14.020 | You get a quote, and if you like it, you can hit accept.
00:09:16.220 | And the core things that we do to make all that
00:09:19.460 | kind of just work, make it seamless,
00:09:21.460 | it sounds simple on the surface,
00:09:23.060 | is we have to do payment integrations
00:09:26.140 | in a variety of places around the world
00:09:27.540 | to make it easy for people to get fiat currency
00:09:29.580 | into this ecosystem.
00:09:31.740 | We have to work on cybersecurity a lot.
00:09:33.740 | There's lots of hackers out there
00:09:35.180 | trying to break into our systems and steal crypto,
00:09:37.100 | or to put stolen credit cards and bank accounts
00:09:39.860 | and things like that into these systems.
00:09:41.860 | We have to integrate with the blockchains themselves,
00:09:45.500 | which are periodically getting updated
00:09:48.380 | and having various airdrops and all kinds of things.
00:09:51.300 | So we're integrated with lots of different blockchains.
00:09:53.500 | And then we have to store the crypto
00:09:54.540 | that people buy securely as well.
00:09:57.060 | So crypto is kind of like storing,
00:09:59.380 | you store the private keys, essentially.
00:10:00.940 | And we've invented a lot of cool technology
00:10:03.020 | about how to do that securely that helps me sleep at night
00:10:06.980 | as one of the largest crypto custodians out there.
00:10:09.500 | So those are some of the pieces that had to come together
00:10:12.420 | to get that early, simple buy-sell experience to work.
00:10:16.340 | And yeah, I mean, Coinbase actually has
00:10:18.660 | a lot of different products now.
00:10:20.020 | So we have like an institutional product.
00:10:21.900 | We have Coinbase Commerce, which is like merchant payments,
00:10:24.660 | like Stripe for crypto.
00:10:26.140 | We've got a self-custodial wallet, which we can talk about.
00:10:28.740 | There's all kinds of cool applications
00:10:30.300 | people are building with Web3
00:10:31.540 | and they can access it through that.
00:10:32.700 | We just launched an NFT product.
00:10:35.000 | I can go on down the list.
00:10:37.620 | So we're sort of like a portfolio of crypto products now.
00:10:39.660 | We're big enough where we can do multiple things.
00:10:42.020 | But yeah, the core thing we got started with,
00:10:43.900 | and still the majority of our revenue today,
00:10:45.500 | is people just want to come in and buy and sell some crypto.
00:10:48.660 | And we help them do that and make it simple and easy to use.
00:10:51.500 | - I'll ask you about wallet, NFTs, about,
00:10:53.860 | what is it called, the Stripe type?
00:10:55.380 | - Oh yeah, Coinbase Commerce.
00:10:56.660 | - Coinbase Commerce.
00:10:58.020 | I'll ask you about all that.
00:10:59.100 | But order books and exchange,
00:11:01.260 | what's the difference between that and stocks, for example,
00:11:04.820 | which there's also order books?
00:11:06.460 | - Yeah, so I mean, stocks trade through order books too.
00:11:08.540 | So do commodities.
00:11:09.540 | - There's all similar type of situation.
00:11:11.940 | So when I want to buy one Bitcoin
00:11:14.100 | and I see Coinbase say the price of that Bitcoin
00:11:17.660 | is say $40,000,
00:11:20.500 | and I press buy, what happens?
00:11:23.540 | - Yeah, okay, so you've gotten a lot,
00:11:27.620 | like, you know, when you press the button on your keyboard,
00:11:30.940 | like an electrical signal goes up the wire on your keyboard.
00:11:33.340 | No, we won't get on the level.
00:11:34.980 | - Well, that's also important, the timing, right?
00:11:36.700 | 'Cause isn't that price fixed?
00:11:38.780 | - Yeah, that's true.
00:11:39.620 | It's giving you a quote, right?
00:11:40.740 | That's, you know, there's a whole concept of like slippage.
00:11:44.500 | And like, by the time the quote is executed,
00:11:47.340 | if the price has moved too much,
00:11:49.620 | like we may reject it.
00:11:50.700 | And you know, there's various things like that.
00:11:52.900 | But how do, I mean,
00:11:53.740 | what's the simple version I can give you?
00:11:54.980 | So we, you know, we'll basically check the order book,
00:11:57.500 | give you a quote.
00:11:58.860 | It's good for some period of time
00:12:00.500 | or for some amount of slippage.
00:12:02.420 | And then what's happening is we're initiating a debit
00:12:06.180 | to your payment method,
00:12:07.020 | whether that's a credit card or a bank account,
00:12:08.980 | or, you know, you're storing dollars or euros
00:12:11.220 | or something on our platform.
00:12:12.380 | There's various payment methods.
00:12:13.780 | So we're basically debiting that.
00:12:15.580 | And then we're crediting you the crypto
00:12:17.500 | and we're taking a fee for it too.
00:12:19.620 | So that's fundamentally what's happening underneath.
00:12:24.140 | - And then there's some interesting slippage.
00:12:26.140 | How do you calculate the, how much slippage is allowed?
00:12:30.660 | Like, how do you know these things?
00:12:32.780 | That, you know, 'cause order books are fascinating.
00:12:35.340 | The dynamics of that is pretty interesting.
00:12:39.020 | - Yeah. - From the little
00:12:39.860 | I know about it.
00:12:40.700 | - Yeah, so there's a lot of people like traders
00:12:43.700 | who get super into this and like high frequency traders
00:12:46.100 | and arbitrage and all kinds of interesting topics.
00:12:48.340 | Flash Boys was like an interesting book on this whole thing.
00:12:50.900 | You want like access to information to the fastest,
00:12:53.860 | sometimes even putting your, you know,
00:12:55.900 | your thing in the data center right next to the thing.
00:12:57.980 | We don't allow that colo stuff
00:12:59.460 | 'cause we want it to be more democratized.
00:13:01.500 | But, you know, basically you give a,
00:13:05.260 | let's say we wanted to just keep it math simple.
00:13:07.100 | We want to charge a 1% fee.
00:13:08.660 | So if you're buying $100 of Bitcoin
00:13:11.140 | and we'll charge you $101, you know,
00:13:13.420 | we've presented you the amount of Bitcoin
00:13:14.820 | you're gonna get for the $100.
00:13:16.300 | Now let's say 10 seconds later, you hit accept.
00:13:18.740 | We go to fill the order.
00:13:20.980 | So it's gonna be some error bound around that 1% fee, right?
00:13:25.380 | And if we think we're actually losing money on the trade,
00:13:27.500 | I think we'll often reject it.
00:13:29.540 | - So some part of the fee,
00:13:31.940 | the slippage is incorporated into that,
00:13:34.980 | averaged over a large number of people.
00:13:37.980 | I mean, just, it's fascinating.
00:13:39.660 | 'Cause like even just like that little detail
00:13:41.540 | probably requires a lot of experimentation.
00:13:44.260 | - Yeah, and it's kind of like a giant bug bounty out there
00:13:46.940 | because if you get it wrong,
00:13:48.460 | there's people who are gonna arbitrage that.
00:13:49.980 | And we've had people sort of pen test our systems
00:13:53.580 | in really creative ways where like,
00:13:55.820 | they'll just fire, like programmatically with APIs,
00:14:01.260 | they'll fire off like a million different quotes
00:14:03.620 | and look for one of them that's out of bounds
00:14:05.260 | and then actually take that money right there.
00:14:07.140 | And you know, we get people doing all kinds of crazy stuff.
00:14:10.300 | - So how do you protect against that?
00:14:12.260 | How do you protect?
00:14:13.340 | So we'll talk about cybersecurity in interesting ways,
00:14:15.820 | but there's a lot of clever people
00:14:18.180 | trying to do clever things to earn,
00:14:20.900 | not even just to break into the system,
00:14:22.580 | but to earn an edge of some kind in the system.
00:14:26.260 | How do you stay one step ahead?
00:14:28.780 | - There's no silver bullet,
00:14:29.620 | it's a bunch of lead bullets, right?
00:14:30.740 | So it's like, you know, one thing we do is
00:14:34.620 | we just have good test suites, right?
00:14:36.140 | So you're testing every piece of code that goes out.
00:14:38.340 | That's like just common, good best practice,
00:14:40.100 | but it's particularly important in financial services.
00:14:43.340 | Another thing we do is we hire third-party firms
00:14:45.900 | to try to audit this stuff and break in.
00:14:47.980 | Another one we do is we have a bug bounty program.
00:14:51.220 | So we basically pay white hat hackers
00:14:54.340 | to find this stuff before the black hats do.
00:14:56.740 | And we've paid out lots of good bug bounties.
00:14:59.740 | So, you know, try all the above.
00:15:02.700 | And occasionally you don't get it right
00:15:03.780 | and you lose some money and then you fix it
00:15:05.340 | and you keep going, so yeah.
00:15:07.300 | - Let's talk about cybersecurity a little bit more.
00:15:09.980 | - Yeah.
00:15:10.820 | - You mentioned using stolen bank accounts.
00:15:12.500 | - Yeah.
00:15:13.340 | - So that's another one.
00:15:14.180 | That's another interesting one.
00:15:15.180 | How do you protect against that?
00:15:17.460 | - Okay, so fraud prevention, yeah, is a big topic.
00:15:20.700 | So one of the, there's a lot of things people do,
00:15:23.100 | but one of the things they do is that
00:15:25.940 | use machine learning, right?
00:15:28.140 | So you look at hundreds--
00:15:29.660 | - Protect or to attack?
00:15:30.900 | - To protect against it.
00:15:32.380 | So what you wanna do is kind of build up a labeled data set
00:15:37.020 | of all the different people who have turned out
00:15:40.340 | to be fraudulent and good actors,
00:15:42.700 | and hopefully collect as much data as you can.
00:15:44.220 | And then you might feed hundreds or thousands
00:15:46.300 | of these factors into your machine learning model
00:15:49.420 | and it'll come back with a risk score.
00:15:51.540 | So, you know, an example of like the kinds of factors
00:15:54.660 | people create or put in there,
00:15:56.220 | you know, obviously I don't wanna disclose too many of them
00:15:57.820 | 'cause it's a cat and mouse game,
00:15:59.700 | but just kind of, I don't know,
00:16:01.340 | relatively well-known stuff might be,
00:16:03.260 | you know, you have device fingerprints, right?
00:16:06.860 | So like, what kind of device are you on
00:16:08.860 | and what fonts do you have installed?
00:16:10.380 | A lot of people who are farming lots of these accounts,
00:16:12.300 | they're using emulators and like virtual machines and stuff.
00:16:15.220 | They're not like, you know, an average person on that device.
00:16:18.220 | And then you'll see sometimes like,
00:16:21.140 | one of my favorite metrics we track for this was called
00:16:23.620 | like improbable travel velocity.
00:16:26.100 | So we were tracking people's IPs, right?
00:16:28.460 | And you might see someone who was one day in Austin, Texas,
00:16:33.340 | and then like an hour later,
00:16:34.940 | they were in London or something.
00:16:36.140 | And it's like, well, that's very improbable.
00:16:37.580 | I mean, sometimes people are using VPNs.
00:16:39.500 | So you gotta be careful with that
00:16:40.500 | 'cause like there's legitimate people who use VPNs too.
00:16:42.780 | But if it's not possible for them to have gotten on a plane
00:16:46.700 | and gotten there that quickly,
00:16:47.620 | then that's usually they're like spoofing a device or IP.
00:16:50.260 | Sometimes those are interesting factors.
00:16:52.540 | But yeah, if you feed enough of these in,
00:16:54.580 | you will, oh, another fun one is like,
00:16:57.860 | you know, real users will type their credit card
00:17:01.580 | like one number at a time.
00:17:03.700 | Scammers have a list of them
00:17:05.260 | and they'll just paste in a whole number.
00:17:08.260 | So you can look at like the number of milliseconds
00:17:10.740 | between keystrokes.
00:17:11.900 | Like there's all kinds of stuff people have come up with.
00:17:13.660 | - And even for travel velocity,
00:17:15.340 | you could probably incorporate VPNs too
00:17:17.740 | because there's probably a travel velocity
00:17:21.100 | for VPN switching too.
00:17:23.420 | That's human-like.
00:17:24.500 | Like if you're using legitimately VPN for something else,
00:17:27.340 | - Yep.
00:17:28.620 | - That might be, there's like legitimate uses too.
00:17:31.060 | Actually, you know, I feel embarrassed
00:17:32.660 | that I don't know this, probably should.
00:17:34.860 | But the, I'm not a robot.
00:17:37.660 | - Capture thing?
00:17:38.500 | - Capture thing.
00:17:39.340 | - Yeah.
00:17:40.180 | - So that probably works in the same way.
00:17:42.580 | Like how do you move your mouse maybe?
00:17:46.020 | Or how the dynamics of the clicking.
00:17:48.940 | - Totally.
00:17:49.780 | - But how does that even work that well then?
00:17:51.660 | And why can't it be faked?
00:17:52.980 | I need to look into this.
00:17:53.940 | 'Cause it's such a trivial capture.
00:17:56.860 | It feels like it should be very crackable.
00:17:58.740 | And yet a lot of high security places use that.
00:18:02.340 | - Yeah.
00:18:03.180 | - It's really interesting.
00:18:04.020 | - It's another cat and mouse game.
00:18:04.940 | So I think they've, yeah,
00:18:05.980 | but it's using a lot of similar signals
00:18:07.460 | like mouse movements, keystrokes.
00:18:10.260 | And then obviously all the stuff that comes
00:18:11.700 | over the wire with your browser.
00:18:14.180 | So like what operating system, what fonts, you know,
00:18:17.340 | what headers are being sent over.
00:18:18.980 | And there's actually, there's an old website.
00:18:21.940 | I can't remember what it's called.
00:18:22.780 | It was called like Panopticon or something.
00:18:25.500 | But it basically was like a proof of concept site
00:18:27.580 | that they would just show you all the data
00:18:30.180 | that was kind of getting sent over with your request.
00:18:33.100 | And like say that there's only one person
00:18:35.860 | in the world who has this exact set of data.
00:18:37.460 | It's you.
00:18:38.300 | And so it's almost like a workaround,
00:18:41.140 | a clever workaround to track somebody.
00:18:43.860 | Make, identify a unique person,
00:18:45.460 | even if like there wasn't a cookie involved or something.
00:18:48.380 | - Yeah, this is a fascinating world
00:18:50.180 | where you can't see anybody.
00:18:51.340 | You're in the dark and yet you have a lot of signal
00:18:54.060 | and you have to figure out who's a real person, who's not.
00:18:56.260 | Who's a robot, who's not.
00:18:57.700 | - Yeah.
00:18:58.540 | - Let me step back.
00:18:59.360 | We're gonna jump around all over the place.
00:19:00.460 | - Great.
00:19:01.300 | - Let me step back.
00:19:02.140 | - That's why I like your interviews.
00:19:02.960 | - I like technical topics.
00:19:04.140 | - So just let's use Bitcoin as a measure of time.
00:19:09.260 | You started Coinbase when Bitcoin was $10.
00:19:11.980 | - Yeah.
00:19:14.460 | - And you just mentioned an incredible system
00:19:17.020 | with security, with transactions.
00:19:19.800 | Everything is thought through.
00:19:20.940 | There's a lot going on.
00:19:21.980 | But what was version one back in those early days,
00:19:25.060 | the first prototype of Coinbase?
00:19:26.740 | What did that look like?
00:19:28.020 | - Yeah.
00:19:28.860 | - Like what did it take to write it,
00:19:31.060 | to think through it and make it work enough
00:19:35.420 | to at least make you believe that it's gonna work?
00:19:38.600 | - Well, I definitely didn't know if it was gonna work.
00:19:40.080 | I mean, it was kind of,
00:19:41.400 | I felt like I was just following my gut.
00:19:44.120 | So, I mean, I was working at Airbnb.
00:19:47.000 | I was a software engineer there, project manager.
00:19:50.080 | I was working on some fraud prevention stuff, for instance.
00:19:52.680 | And I read the Bitcoin white paper
00:19:55.280 | in kind of December of 2010.
00:19:57.020 | I started going to some Bitcoin meetups in the Bay Area.
00:20:01.020 | Met lots of interesting people there,
00:20:02.300 | like crazy people, anarchists,
00:20:04.760 | really brilliant people, all the above.
00:20:06.860 | And so I started nights and weekends
00:20:09.220 | trying to put together a prototype.
00:20:11.220 | And my initial thought was,
00:20:12.660 | well, SMTP is a protocol that runs email.
00:20:16.700 | And Git is a protocol for version control
00:20:21.020 | that people made like Gmail and GitHub.
00:20:23.380 | Most people don't wanna run their own email server
00:20:25.500 | or even their own Git server.
00:20:26.860 | They just wanna use a hosted thing
00:20:28.920 | that will do all the security and backups for them.
00:20:31.700 | So the thought in my head at that time was,
00:20:33.260 | Bitcoin's this new protocol.
00:20:34.620 | There's probably gonna be somebody
00:20:35.620 | who makes a hosted service
00:20:37.460 | that does all the security and backups for you,
00:20:39.300 | makes Bitcoin as a protocol easy to use.
00:20:42.100 | So maybe I should make like a hosted Bitcoin wallet
00:20:45.860 | or something.
00:20:46.700 | That was my, it was gonna make Gmail
00:20:48.060 | for Bitcoin or something.
00:20:50.020 | And a bunch of people told me that was a bad idea.
00:20:52.860 | Like most of my smart friends who I told about it,
00:20:55.060 | they were like,
00:20:56.940 | well, first of all, I don't really get
00:20:58.680 | what you're doing at all.
00:20:59.520 | Like Bitcoin sounds like a scam
00:21:01.120 | or something you've gotten involved in.
00:21:03.080 | But then other people who understood what Bitcoin was
00:21:06.040 | told me they thought it was a dumb idea.
00:21:07.120 | 'Cause they're like, dude, if you store all this Bitcoin,
00:21:09.960 | you're just gonna get hacked.
00:21:10.840 | Like nobody, why would you do that?
00:21:14.800 | And so I kinda had this thought like, you know what?
00:21:18.160 | I'm not gonna go all in
00:21:19.760 | and like make a store everyone's Bitcoin.
00:21:21.760 | That would be too much right now.
00:21:22.680 | I have a job, I have a day job.
00:21:25.040 | But let me just make a prototype
00:21:26.560 | and I'll tell people this is like a beta thing.
00:21:28.300 | Like don't put any real money in it
00:21:29.580 | and just see if there's interest.
00:21:31.100 | And if I feel like I'm onto something,
00:21:32.300 | maybe I'll go do this as a company.
00:21:33.860 | 'Cause I really wanted to be an entrepreneur at that time.
00:21:36.000 | I was like, I was 29, I was almost turning 30.
00:21:38.700 | And I always wanted to like start a company,
00:21:40.500 | but I wasn't yet.
00:21:43.580 | I was an employee at a company that was great.
00:21:45.020 | But so anyway, I had this prototype.
00:21:47.740 | I was hacking together nights and weekends.
00:21:50.300 | I actually wrote a whole Bitcoin node in Ruby,
00:21:53.900 | which turned out to be maybe a weird decision in hindsight.
00:21:56.260 | 'Cause Ruby wasn't the most performant language.
00:21:57.940 | We've subsequently had to rebuild that many times.
00:21:59.660 | But yeah, I had this hosted Bitcoin wallet.
00:22:03.100 | And the thing that I didn't have any users for it,
00:22:05.980 | by the way, I applied to Y Combinator.
00:22:08.020 | 'Cause I was like, maybe if somebody there writes me a check
00:22:10.700 | this will like make it feel like a real company.
00:22:12.340 | And I was trying to find a co-founder
00:22:14.100 | at that time unsuccessfully.
00:22:16.100 | So I was basically just wandering in the desert.
00:22:18.220 | I had a lot of self doubt about this.
00:22:20.460 | 'Cause I was like, I don't know,
00:22:21.860 | all my friends don't think this is kind of dumb.
00:22:24.220 | And maybe Bitcoin is just gonna get shut down
00:22:27.380 | and like this will all be some stupid thing.
00:22:29.020 | So there was definitely a feeling of just wandering,
00:22:31.820 | lost in the desert, lots of self doubt.
00:22:33.820 | Paul Graham and the Y Combinator group
00:22:37.200 | kind of wrote me the first check
00:22:38.580 | after I went and interviewed and stuff.
00:22:39.860 | And they wrote me a check for like 150K.
00:22:42.380 | And that was the first time somebody
00:22:44.020 | who I really looked up to kind of said,
00:22:46.020 | this is worth pursuing.
00:22:47.540 | Like maybe you're onto something, maybe you're not,
00:22:49.260 | but like, let's at least try it.
00:22:50.940 | And so that was kind of what gave me the confidence
00:22:53.740 | to quit my job and try it.
00:22:55.420 | And I'll wrap the story here by saying that,
00:22:58.740 | like I found the right co-founder after Y Combinator.
00:23:02.860 | We still didn't have any customers.
00:23:03.980 | The thing that, I basically launched
00:23:05.940 | the hosted Bitcoin wallet.
00:23:07.620 | There were people signing up.
00:23:09.100 | I just posted on Reddit and places like that.
00:23:11.300 | And maybe like a hundred people would sign up
00:23:13.300 | and then nobody would come back.
00:23:14.980 | And so I was like, I just, in Y Combinator,
00:23:18.300 | they often tell you like,
00:23:20.300 | talk to your customers and improve your product.
00:23:21.860 | Talk to your customers, improve your product.
00:23:23.140 | That's all you're supposed to be doing.
00:23:24.220 | Try to find product market fit.
00:23:25.740 | So I emailed like five of the users that had signed up
00:23:28.820 | and I was like, hey, I worked on this app.
00:23:30.540 | I saw you signed up. Can I get on the phone with you?
00:23:32.100 | I get on the phone with like five of these folks.
00:23:34.420 | And I was like, you know, why didn't you come back?
00:23:36.820 | And the guy was like, well, the app was okay for a beta,
00:23:39.780 | but like, I don't have any Bitcoin.
00:23:41.580 | So I didn't really know what to do with it.
00:23:43.380 | And I remember this light bulb kind of went off my head.
00:23:44.980 | I was like, well, if I put a buy Bitcoin button in there,
00:23:48.020 | would you have used it?
00:23:49.740 | And he was like, yeah, maybe.
00:23:51.500 | So then I had this, we went about the process.
00:23:54.180 | My co-founder at that time, we like got,
00:23:56.340 | basically you had to get like a bank partnership,
00:23:57.940 | payment rails, you know, an exchange,
00:23:59.300 | basic exchange functionality,
00:24:00.420 | all that stuff I was mentioning earlier in place.
00:24:03.620 | And the minute we launched that feature
00:24:05.340 | where you could just click buy,
00:24:06.260 | put in your bank account or credit card,
00:24:07.620 | buy it, buy Bitcoin, it showed up in your account.
00:24:09.620 | From that day forward, like the number of users
00:24:11.500 | started to go up like this.
00:24:12.660 | And so we finally had found product market fit
00:24:15.020 | after two years of wandering in the desert.
00:24:17.180 | - So you weren't even thinking about the buy the on-ramps.
00:24:20.500 | You were thinking it would be just a wallet,
00:24:22.060 | a place to store Bitcoin that you've already gotten.
00:24:25.540 | - Yeah. - Okay.
00:24:27.500 | This is, I mean, 'cause that's such a pain to do,
00:24:31.140 | to have to work with others to convert dollars
00:24:34.380 | of any fiat currency into Bitcoin.
00:24:37.860 | - Yeah. - So did you,
00:24:39.460 | I mean, were you overwhelmed
00:24:42.700 | by the immensity of the task here,
00:24:45.420 | or were you just sort of like,
00:24:49.260 | sort of not allowing yourself to think too deeply
00:24:52.940 | through this whole thing
00:24:53.860 | and just letting the optimism take over here?
00:24:57.180 | - You know, I was really looking forward
00:25:00.540 | to like doing something crazy and like a big challenge.
00:25:03.300 | And I wanted to, I love kind of crisis moments like that
00:25:08.300 | where, you know, I'm very determined, right?
00:25:12.260 | And especially when I get like very set on something
00:25:14.780 | and I'm just like, you know what?
00:25:15.700 | I'm gonna figure out a way to make this fucking thing work.
00:25:18.380 | Like no matter what.
00:25:19.700 | And so I reveled in that.
00:25:23.140 | I was sort of, I had read all these books about startups
00:25:26.220 | and like every startup has these like, you know,
00:25:28.140 | major setbacks and just like nothing works.
00:25:30.340 | And so--
00:25:31.180 | - So that was a sign that you're doing something right.
00:25:33.460 | - I had no idea if I was doing anything right at all,
00:25:35.460 | but I was like, I was kind of loving the experience of it
00:25:38.220 | in a weird way.
00:25:39.060 | It felt stressful at the time, like, you know,
00:25:41.700 | nothing was working and, but I was just,
00:25:44.420 | I felt like I was on the right path somehow.
00:25:47.180 | And so I just kept going.
00:25:48.180 | I don't know.
00:25:49.020 | - What was the darkest moment that you've gone to
00:25:53.900 | in your mind during that time?
00:25:55.660 | What were some of the tougher moments?
00:25:58.660 | You said self-doubt.
00:26:00.460 | - Yeah.
00:26:01.860 | - Have you, yeah.
00:26:03.340 | Where'd you go?
00:26:04.700 | Where'd you go in your mind?
00:26:06.100 | (laughing)
00:26:07.900 | Is there a moment where you're just like laying there,
00:26:10.460 | this is hopeless?
00:26:12.220 | - Well, there's a couple moments I'm remembering.
00:26:15.500 | I mean, so for whatever reason,
00:26:18.260 | I had this like big chip on my shoulder at that time.
00:26:20.780 | And I was like, I really want to do something important
00:26:23.380 | in the world.
00:26:24.220 | Like, you know, I could have a good life
00:26:26.260 | and like work for some good companies
00:26:27.860 | and write some software.
00:26:29.100 | And I'm, for some reason, I never wanted that for myself.
00:26:31.940 | That probably would have been healthier, honestly,
00:26:33.340 | just to like, as an expected value outcome,
00:26:35.860 | that's probably a better thing in life.
00:26:38.020 | But I was like, I was like, man,
00:26:40.260 | I really want to do something important
00:26:41.940 | and have a bigger impact.
00:26:43.140 | And I was like, I was willing to sacrifice a lot for that.
00:26:46.220 | I was like sleep and not going out with friends and stuff.
00:26:49.620 | I remember one of the,
00:26:50.660 | just for like years working on this stuff.
00:26:52.740 | I remember one of the darker moments was,
00:26:55.940 | we probably had like maybe five employees at that time.
00:27:00.140 | And I remember like a bunch of bad things happened
00:27:03.580 | like all at once.
00:27:04.420 | And it was, so first of all,
00:27:06.660 | you have to remember at this time,
00:27:08.860 | we were all very sleep deprived,
00:27:10.420 | which kind of exacerbates everything.
00:27:11.900 | If you look at like the Exxon Valdez spill
00:27:14.460 | and all these like natural disasters,
00:27:16.300 | like sleep deprivation is often involved.
00:27:18.500 | So, 'cause the reason why we were so sleep deprived
00:27:20.940 | is not just 'cause we were working so much,
00:27:22.100 | but like the site would go offline
00:27:24.580 | in the middle of the night and we'd get,
00:27:25.700 | I'd get paged, I was like on pager duty.
00:27:27.180 | So I'd get woken up sometimes like two or three times
00:27:28.980 | a night, like have to try to fix something,
00:27:30.580 | go back to sleep.
00:27:31.940 | So in that environment, you can kind of get,
00:27:34.980 | you can get discouraged.
00:27:37.020 | So one bad thing that happened was,
00:27:39.380 | we had a bug on the website
00:27:40.660 | and there was thousands of people on Reddit and Twitter
00:27:43.740 | who were all like pissed at Coinbase
00:27:46.660 | 'cause like the balances were showing wrong.
00:27:48.340 | And they were just like, fuck this company, it's over.
00:27:51.580 | Like, I hate these guys.
00:27:52.540 | And so that was, I'd never had this feeling
00:27:55.300 | of a thousand people mad at me at the same time.
00:27:57.260 | You know, I feel like I'm a pretty chill guy.
00:27:58.820 | Like most of the time people don't get mad at me.
00:28:00.420 | So that was one.
00:28:02.100 | Another one was that-
00:28:03.420 | - Can we pause on that?
00:28:04.260 | That's so interesting.
00:28:05.220 | So you were saying like, here's a dream,
00:28:07.100 | I'm trying to create something
00:28:08.660 | and now forever the reputation of this dream is ruined.
00:28:13.180 | It will never, it's irrecoverable, it's over.
00:28:15.860 | That kind of feeling.
00:28:17.220 | - Yeah, well, I didn't, you're right.
00:28:18.620 | I didn't know at that time.
00:28:19.580 | I was like, is this the end?
00:28:21.660 | Like everybody, we're so tiny now everybody hates us.
00:28:25.100 | So is it over?
00:28:26.340 | - Yeah.
00:28:27.180 | - Nobody told me this before starting a company
00:28:30.780 | that like, a bunch of people will hate you for this,
00:28:33.580 | which is like a very counterintuitive thing.
00:28:35.220 | 'Cause you know, most companies I think
00:28:37.900 | are doing good things in the world,
00:28:38.940 | at least you're trying, right?
00:28:39.780 | And so even if someone's like trying,
00:28:41.980 | but they're not, they're failing,
00:28:42.860 | I'm generally rooting for them,
00:28:43.940 | at least you're trying, right?
00:28:45.380 | But that's not the case at all.
00:28:47.100 | And most founders I've known have gone through this too,
00:28:50.180 | where they're very surprised
00:28:52.660 | at the amount of hate that they get.
00:28:54.180 | And if it's, I think it's actually like a muscle
00:28:55.980 | you can build your tolerance to it.
00:28:57.740 | Like, because you go talk to somebody who's like,
00:29:01.500 | for you it feels terrible
00:29:02.420 | 'cause you're at the center of this storm.
00:29:03.660 | And like, but if you go, then you go talk to like,
00:29:05.900 | you know, your family or some other person,
00:29:07.620 | like, dude, I didn't even hear about that.
00:29:09.580 | They're just busy in their own life.
00:29:11.300 | And so they have no idea that you had all this negative
00:29:14.420 | press or like whatever it was.
00:29:16.500 | - Can I once again linger on that?
00:29:19.020 | - Yeah.
00:29:20.380 | - There's an interesting person I'd like to bring up,
00:29:23.500 | just as an example, Bill Gates.
00:29:26.460 | - Yeah.
00:29:27.600 | - So he gets a very large amount of hate on the internet.
00:29:31.540 | - Yeah.
00:29:32.380 | - And there's something about him,
00:29:34.220 | this is me talking, not you,
00:29:35.740 | that he seems out of touch about that hate.
00:29:38.960 | I believe, at least in my understanding,
00:29:44.300 | with the resources he has,
00:29:46.380 | he's trying and is actually doing a lot of good.
00:29:49.520 | And yet there's a gigantic amount of hate,
00:29:52.660 | conspiracy theories and stuff like that.
00:29:54.660 | - Right.
00:29:55.500 | - And it feels like that's the case
00:29:57.980 | because he's somehow out of touch with people.
00:30:02.100 | So I wonder how you stay in touch
00:30:04.340 | with the voice of the people
00:30:05.540 | without being destroyed by the outrage.
00:30:08.820 | Is there any wisdom you have to that?
00:30:10.900 | (laughing)
00:30:12.140 | - I don't know about wisdom,
00:30:12.980 | but I've thought about this too,
00:30:14.460 | because yeah, you want to always be open to feedback,
00:30:19.100 | especially from people who have
00:30:20.340 | your best interests at heart, right?
00:30:22.380 | And you can become isolated from it
00:30:25.440 | and just surrounded by yes people.
00:30:28.340 | And I mean, who knows, maybe like she and Putin
00:30:32.500 | and people like that are in situations I have no idea.
00:30:35.200 | But if you listen to too much of it
00:30:39.140 | and you just try to please everyone,
00:30:40.300 | you'll never get anything done.
00:30:41.500 | And I mean, most of the best leaders are people
00:30:44.920 | who they can act when they believe
00:30:47.940 | that they're doing something net positive
00:30:49.780 | for the world and humanity.
00:30:51.560 | And they actually don't really care
00:30:52.780 | if they piss off some portion of the people.
00:30:55.640 | Almost anything you're gonna do of significance
00:30:58.180 | in the world today is gonna piss off 5% of people,
00:31:01.120 | maybe 49% of people or whatever, maybe 60%, I don't know.
00:31:04.860 | So you never want to become so surrounded
00:31:07.740 | by people who just work for you and will say yes.
00:31:09.740 | And then you think like, well, I'm a genius
00:31:11.500 | and I'm like, that's how you become a dictator or whatever.
00:31:15.260 | But you also can't care so much about what people think
00:31:18.060 | because then you'll never do anything
00:31:19.300 | that's truly authentic to yourself.
00:31:21.580 | One other thought on that, by the way,
00:31:22.780 | I think it's a really good question.
00:31:25.120 | So I've thought about this a lot,
00:31:26.500 | like why, you know, people generally kind of hate on Zuck
00:31:29.580 | and they hate on Bill Gates and they hate on,
00:31:32.340 | they don't really hate on Elon.
00:31:34.820 | Well, actually, Elon has a lot of haters too,
00:31:36.020 | but it's a different thing.
00:31:37.380 | - This is measured, this is measured.
00:31:39.260 | I was looking at some surveys.
00:31:41.220 | So I think Zuck is the most, so loved and hated, right?
00:31:45.540 | - Yeah.
00:31:46.540 | - Zuckerberg is the most both loved and hated.
00:31:50.780 | He's the most hated.
00:31:52.380 | And then I think it's Bill Gates and Elon is down there.
00:31:55.300 | I think it's like 40% hate Zuck.
00:31:58.660 | People asked, and then Elon is in the double digits,
00:32:02.620 | but low double digits.
00:32:04.220 | And so it's interesting.
00:32:05.060 | You just look at this data, ask yourself why.
00:32:08.100 | - Right.
00:32:08.940 | So I ask myself this sometimes too,
00:32:10.420 | because I don't claim to know any of these people well,
00:32:13.100 | but like I've met them briefly.
00:32:15.100 | And my impression is that they're actually all smart people
00:32:17.780 | trying to do good things in the world.
00:32:18.800 | So there's not too much difference there
00:32:21.180 | despite public perception.
00:32:23.300 | So why is it that some are really hated and some aren't?
00:32:25.460 | I mean, it's a complicated question.
00:32:28.100 | Obviously, Zuck and his Facebook got blamed
00:32:31.260 | for the whole election thing and all that didn't help.
00:32:34.260 | Social media has gotten a lot of pressure just from like,
00:32:38.140 | hey, why aren't you solving all of society's tough problems?
00:32:40.780 | It's like, well, they're just one company.
00:32:42.620 | But one thing I've noticed is that
00:32:44.380 | a lot of these people, they have like Asperger's, right?
00:32:49.300 | A little bit.
00:32:50.140 | And sometimes people with Asperger's
00:32:53.340 | don't really emote in the same way.
00:32:54.740 | And so I think it's almost a form of like,
00:32:58.100 | bias against their cognitive type or something,
00:33:03.100 | which is like, that person doesn't emote right.
00:33:07.940 | I don't trust their intentions.
00:33:11.280 | And the other thing I've thought about too,
00:33:14.380 | is that sometimes I think some leaders,
00:33:16.840 | like maybe Zuck or Bill Gates,
00:33:19.260 | they can come across as like a little bit PR rehearsed.
00:33:22.940 | Like they're basically,
00:33:24.860 | they're giving the PR approved answers
00:33:26.940 | where Elon just says whatever he thinks to a fault.
00:33:29.660 | So even if people hate what he says,
00:33:31.020 | they're like, at least I believe it's authentic.
00:33:33.220 | So I've always thought about that too for myself.
00:33:34.900 | I'm like, how do I,
00:33:36.460 | 'cause you can fuck it up on both sides, right?
00:33:38.420 | Like if you just come out and you're like saying
00:33:39.900 | whatever's stream of consciousness,
00:33:42.220 | you'll often end up like pissing off people on your team
00:33:44.640 | or like tripping over some regulation that you've,
00:33:47.980 | there's all kinds of things about running a public company.
00:33:51.420 | You can't say certain stuff.
00:33:53.080 | But if you're too PR approved in your answers,
00:33:56.300 | nobody trusts you, what you're saying.
00:33:58.220 | And so anyway, this is something I think about a lot.
00:34:00.420 | I don't think I have the right answer,
00:34:01.500 | but I'm trying to find that balance.
00:34:02.780 | - And more and more with the internet,
00:34:04.340 | there's a premium on authenticity, just like you're saying.
00:34:07.380 | - Yeah.
00:34:08.220 | - People really, really appreciate that.
00:34:09.040 | So for leaders, it's a challenge to be,
00:34:11.940 | how do I make sure I'm authentic,
00:34:15.600 | but also don't say stupid shit.
00:34:19.140 | - Yeah.
00:34:19.980 | - And so that's an interesting thing.
00:34:20.940 | I've noticed that just having interacted
00:34:23.700 | with a bunch of leaders that you have to be careful
00:34:28.700 | how much you surround yourself with PR folks.
00:34:31.940 | 'Cause the best, I would say,
00:34:33.380 | let me just say a nice thing about marketing and PR folks,
00:34:36.320 | the best marketing folks are extremely good.
00:34:40.020 | - Yeah.
00:34:40.860 | - So they understand exactly what great marketing is
00:34:43.660 | and great PR, it's authenticity.
00:34:46.040 | It's showing, revealing the beauty.
00:34:48.260 | As opposed to PR and marketing out of fear.
00:34:51.460 | Oh, don't say that, don't say this, don't that.
00:34:53.500 | Because then you start living in this kind of,
00:34:57.100 | that pushes you towards a bubble
00:34:58.460 | where you can't express your beautiful quirks
00:35:01.420 | and weirdness and all that kind of stuff.
00:35:03.260 | And also the cool, the beautiful things
00:35:06.060 | about what you're doing.
00:35:07.120 | I find like, especially with tech things,
00:35:10.340 | like even like Coinbase, the way to reveal the beauty of it
00:35:15.060 | is not only by showing all the things you could do with it,
00:35:18.460 | but showing that there's great engineering
00:35:20.660 | going on underneath.
00:35:22.180 | So letting the nerds shine too.
00:35:23.780 | It doesn't have to be like these kind of commercials
00:35:28.540 | where it's like a happy family using Coinbase
00:35:33.500 | to send a transaction about flowers for mom
00:35:36.660 | or something like that.
00:35:37.660 | Like it could be also like gritty stuff and real stuff.
00:35:41.580 | So that's a general just observation I made.
00:35:45.280 | But you said you were talking about dark moments
00:35:46.940 | and that there's people on the internet
00:35:49.060 | that were pissed off that the site was down.
00:35:51.180 | And you said there might be something else.
00:35:54.060 | - Yeah, so sleep deprived,
00:35:55.860 | like a bunch of people on the internet were pissed at me.
00:35:57.800 | The balances were fucked up.
00:35:59.440 | Like people were tweeting the company's over,
00:36:01.220 | just give the money back, whatever.
00:36:03.580 | And then, oh yeah, somebody posted.
00:36:07.800 | So we had all this, we didn't,
00:36:09.500 | we had started to get all these customer support inquiries
00:36:11.300 | and like we only had like a few people at the company.
00:36:14.220 | And so we were backed up maybe like 20,000 support requests.
00:36:17.980 | So people couldn't get ahold of us.
00:36:19.740 | So somebody posted my cell phone number on Reddit
00:36:22.820 | and they were like,
00:36:24.220 | if you need to get ahold of the CEO, whatever,
00:36:25.800 | 'cause everyone's upset about where their money is.
00:36:28.260 | So I remember we're in the office,
00:36:30.020 | it's like late at night, we've been working like 12 hours,
00:36:32.700 | we're all sleep deprived.
00:36:33.540 | I'm trying to hack and like get this bug fixed.
00:36:36.620 | And we all need like food at the office.
00:36:38.660 | And so my phone has been blowing up all day
00:36:41.020 | 'cause someone posted my phone number on the internet.
00:36:43.020 | And there's like a guy,
00:36:44.140 | there was a guy like trying to deliver food
00:36:46.960 | and I needed to answer my phone
00:36:48.500 | to like get the food from downstairs.
00:36:50.460 | So I was like, shit, I gotta just see if that's him.
00:36:53.020 | So I started answering the call and it's like,
00:36:55.980 | is this Brian?
00:36:56.820 | I'm like, nope, wrong number, click.
00:36:58.540 | And I pick up the next call.
00:37:00.940 | It's like every way when I finished the call,
00:37:02.700 | another call is like coming in.
00:37:03.700 | So I was like, I'm a reporter from Japan,
00:37:06.420 | like asking about a security.
00:37:08.060 | Nope, wrong number, click.
00:37:09.060 | And then I like, finally I get the delivery guy downstairs,
00:37:11.180 | bring the food up.
00:37:12.020 | We're all like surviving to like fix this bug.
00:37:17.100 | I remember there was just basically a point that night
00:37:19.020 | where I was like, fuck, I need to just,
00:37:20.700 | I basically just curled up on like a ball on the floor.
00:37:24.500 | And I just like cried for a little bit.
00:37:27.360 | I think I let myself just kind of wallow in self-pity,
00:37:31.060 | kind of took a nap for about five minutes.
00:37:32.780 | And I was like, let's fucking solve this.
00:37:35.180 | And I like, you know, stopped being like a little whatever
00:37:38.380 | and like got back up.
00:37:40.100 | - Sleep deprivation combined with just the stress
00:37:42.220 | and the pressure of the site going down
00:37:44.780 | and everybody wants the site to be up,
00:37:47.100 | just the pressure from people and the number of users
00:37:49.740 | is growing and growing and growing.
00:37:51.420 | So that pressure is just mentally tough.
00:37:53.780 | - Yeah.
00:37:54.620 | - What was your source of strength during that time?
00:37:57.380 | Like somebody that patted you on the back
00:38:02.140 | and said, we got this.
00:38:04.180 | - Yeah, well, it definitely helped to have a co-founder.
00:38:06.820 | So, you know, there's like that old saying about,
00:38:10.060 | it's better to be in a great relationship
00:38:11.780 | than to be single, but it's better to be single
00:38:13.060 | than to be in a bad relationship.
00:38:14.020 | So co-founders actually blow up a lot of companies too.
00:38:17.300 | But when you find the right co-founder,
00:38:18.660 | which I was lucky to find with Fred Urshom,
00:38:21.540 | that was very important.
00:38:22.500 | There was definitely moments where, you know,
00:38:24.900 | I was like kind of, you know, at the wits end or whatever.
00:38:28.820 | And he was like, dude, let's rally.
00:38:31.580 | Like, and he basically carried the team, you know,
00:38:33.380 | a couple of times, like in really key moments.
00:38:35.420 | - What advice would you give to startup founders
00:38:39.020 | about this particular stage,
00:38:41.460 | about surviving it to the five
00:38:44.460 | and through the five employee stage where you--
00:38:47.020 | - Yeah, well, if you're pre-product market fit,
00:38:49.980 | the best advice that I have from that period
00:38:52.740 | is action produces information.
00:38:55.740 | So just like keep doing stuff, you know.
00:38:58.740 | I remember like Paul Graham--
00:39:01.980 | - Good line, it's a good line.
00:39:02.820 | - Yeah, Paul Graham had this great line like that.
00:39:05.580 | I think that's his line.
00:39:06.420 | And he was like, startups are like sharks.
00:39:08.500 | If they stop swimming, they die.
00:39:10.420 | You know, so even if you're like not sure what to do,
00:39:12.260 | like just do anything because when you do it,
00:39:14.380 | it'll produce some information.
00:39:16.100 | Like people liked it, they didn't.
00:39:17.580 | This was very true for me.
00:39:18.620 | There was times where I just did something
00:39:21.500 | instead of debating it endlessly.
00:39:23.940 | And like, just try it, you know, like, all right.
00:39:25.420 | So we shipped it.
00:39:26.260 | And like, there was a couple of times
00:39:27.780 | where like the minute I shipped it,
00:39:29.660 | I was like, I know we built this wrong,
00:39:32.860 | but now I have an idea of what to do next.
00:39:34.380 | And it wasn't, I only would have had the idea
00:39:36.500 | if we'd actually gone through the exercise
00:39:37.940 | of going to build it.
00:39:38.900 | It's like, my other favorite analogy for this is that
00:39:41.700 | you're like at the base of a mountain
00:39:43.980 | that's shrouded in fog.
00:39:45.940 | And you're looking up at the mountain
00:39:47.060 | and you're trying to think like,
00:39:47.940 | okay, how do I get up there?
00:39:48.940 | But you can only see like three or four steps ahead
00:39:50.980 | 'cause the fog is so thick.
00:39:52.540 | So you have to just take steps into the unknown.
00:39:55.860 | And when you take three steps,
00:39:57.620 | another three steps will be revealed ahead of you.
00:39:59.900 | And sometimes you'll end up on some local maximum.
00:40:01.900 | You'll have to retrace your steps or whatever,
00:40:03.500 | but, or come up to a cliff, you know.
00:40:05.980 | But most people in life don't take the steps
00:40:10.580 | into the fog, into the unknown, because it's scary.
00:40:14.140 | Or they're like, I don't know, what if I fail?
00:40:15.820 | Or like, I don't know how that's gonna work.
00:40:17.620 | Or I might run out of money,
00:40:18.460 | or I won't be able to get a job after,
00:40:19.740 | or I don't know, whatever reason.
00:40:21.660 | But that is like one of the things that separates,
00:40:24.460 | I think, entrepreneurial people with that kind of inclination
00:40:27.140 | is that they have sort of a comfort
00:40:29.820 | with this risk tolerance,
00:40:31.660 | but it's actually not really risky if you think about it.
00:40:33.820 | It's not like, you know, at least in most places,
00:40:38.140 | like, you know, if you go to a startup and it fails,
00:40:40.740 | like you're gonna, you're even more valuable
00:40:42.580 | to your next employer, right?
00:40:44.140 | Or you can go raise a seed round, pay yourself a salary,
00:40:47.220 | try it for like two years or three years.
00:40:49.020 | If it doesn't work, go get another job.
00:40:50.500 | It's not like you weren't paying yourself a salary
00:40:52.780 | during that time.
00:40:53.620 | So I think people overestimate the risk of doing a startup,
00:40:56.500 | and they just never, they never start,
00:40:58.180 | because it seems crazy.
00:41:00.900 | And all your friends think it's silly.
00:41:02.140 | Like that's sort of the default nature
00:41:03.620 | of every big startup idea.
00:41:05.620 | - It's just basic fear.
00:41:06.820 | It's the same kind of fear that if you see a,
00:41:08.900 | if you're a guy, see a cute girl at a bar,
00:41:11.700 | it's the fear associated with coming up to her,
00:41:14.300 | you like her, asking her.
00:41:15.820 | It's like, what's the actual risk exactly?
00:41:18.140 | - Right.
00:41:19.300 | She'll say, "No thanks, I'm not interested."
00:41:20.820 | - No thanks.
00:41:21.660 | I guess the risk is like,
00:41:23.380 | that's going to be mentally difficult
00:41:26.020 | to deal with rejection.
00:41:27.680 | So just like it's mentally difficult to deal with failure.
00:41:30.700 | If you had a bunch of ideas and you were excited about them,
00:41:33.780 | and you implement them and you realize they're not good,
00:41:37.140 | that could be difficult to keep pushing through that.
00:41:40.380 | But I suppose that's life.
00:41:41.880 | You're supposed to, you know,
00:41:44.220 | perseverance through the failures.
00:41:46.540 | And then the risk is low.
00:41:48.080 | So that's, and then the whole time through the fog
00:41:50.100 | up the mountain, you're looking for product market fit.
00:41:52.340 | - Yeah, that's right.
00:41:53.340 | So you know you have it when the usage of your product
00:41:55.620 | keeps growing without any marketing dollars
00:41:57.420 | or anything like that.
00:41:58.260 | It's just like more people keep coming back
00:41:59.700 | every week or month.
00:42:01.180 | So you're kind of keep,
00:42:02.020 | you're basically watching your stats.
00:42:04.400 | Nothing is working.
00:42:05.860 | You see these little wiggles of false hope in your metrics.
00:42:09.380 | And you basically just keep talking to customers,
00:42:11.380 | fixing the, improving the product,
00:42:12.700 | talk to customers, improve the product,
00:42:13.900 | talk to customers, improve the product,
00:42:15.660 | you know, and try not to run out of money.
00:42:17.120 | So it'd be really scrappy.
00:42:18.420 | And then if you're lucky,
00:42:20.540 | you hit some kind of threshold where like,
00:42:22.780 | okay, the thing is good enough now,
00:42:24.060 | or we hit on some use case
00:42:25.140 | and then it'll organically start to grow a bit.
00:42:28.340 | And then you have a whole different set of problems
00:42:30.740 | once you hit product market fit,
00:42:31.680 | which is how do we scale this thing?
00:42:34.220 | How do we hire people?
00:42:35.720 | How do we, you know,
00:42:38.220 | hire an executive team or raise more money?
00:42:39.740 | And like, so the problems totally change, but yeah.
00:42:42.740 | - Well, you were there through the whole thing.
00:42:45.080 | So that's the other question that's fascinating.
00:42:48.100 | Again, back to the girl at the bar,
00:42:50.980 | how do you hire people?
00:42:52.260 | It's like, how do you find good friends?
00:42:55.340 | How do you find good relationships?
00:42:57.780 | And in this specific case, how do you hire good people?
00:43:01.100 | Engineers, executive, all of it.
00:43:04.940 | - One thing is I've done a lot of reps
00:43:06.300 | on hiring at this point.
00:43:07.240 | So Coinbase has about 5,000 people,
00:43:10.660 | probably the first 500 people or something,
00:43:14.380 | maybe in that range.
00:43:15.980 | You know, I interviewed every single one of those,
00:43:18.140 | but you have to remember there's probably like,
00:43:20.740 | I don't know, on average,
00:43:21.580 | maybe 10 people that we went in the process
00:43:24.140 | for every one we hired or something.
00:43:25.260 | So it was like, by the time that we had 500 employees,
00:43:29.320 | I had done like 5,000 interviews or something.
00:43:31.260 | I was like very burned out on interviews.
00:43:32.820 | I had been doing, some days I did like seven interviews
00:43:36.380 | in a day or maybe, you know,
00:43:38.500 | you've been doing lots of interviews.
00:43:39.740 | Maybe you wouldn't get burned out,
00:43:40.700 | but different kind of interviews.
00:43:42.460 | - Very different, very different.
00:43:44.140 | - Yeah. - Very different
00:43:44.980 | because you're, so first of all,
00:43:49.140 | most of your interviews lead to rejection.
00:43:51.400 | - Yeah.
00:43:52.540 | - Which is also exhausting.
00:43:54.740 | - Yeah, and there's a whole part of the interview,
00:43:57.460 | which is about candidate experience, right?
00:43:59.180 | Sometimes you know it's not the right person,
00:44:00.900 | but you wanna make sure they have a good experience.
00:44:03.060 | If you're just exhausted and you're on your sixth interview
00:44:05.060 | and you're like, well, thanks for coming in
00:44:06.860 | and you wrap and you just,
00:44:07.780 | and then like, you're gonna create a detractor
00:44:09.820 | or someone who's out there like,
00:44:10.660 | fuck that company or Brian was rude to me or whatever.
00:44:12.700 | So I had to, honestly,
00:44:14.100 | I had to work on that a little bit in the early days
00:44:15.540 | 'cause I was doing so many interviews.
00:44:16.700 | Like I needed to make sure that when people came in,
00:44:20.100 | I was like, you know, made them feel comfortable,
00:44:23.620 | ask them a couple of like warmup questions.
00:44:25.300 | Just like, oh, how was it getting in the office?
00:44:27.060 | Like, did you find it okay?
00:44:27.940 | And like, what have you been up to this week?
00:44:29.220 | And not just like, you know,
00:44:31.580 | like a factory assembly line, like boom, boom, boom.
00:44:33.500 | Like, yeah.
00:44:34.860 | - But also there's a moment,
00:44:35.820 | 'cause I've interviewed a bunch of people
00:44:37.020 | for like teams and stuff.
00:44:38.220 | - Yeah.
00:44:39.060 | - There's also a moment when you early on know
00:44:40.860 | it's not gonna be a good fit.
00:44:42.420 | - Yeah.
00:44:43.260 | - And you still have to land that plane
00:44:44.980 | and all that kind of stuff.
00:44:46.860 | And that could get really, really, really exhausting.
00:44:49.340 | So yeah, anyway, sorry.
00:44:51.540 | - Yeah, so basically we tried all,
00:44:53.260 | we've tried so many things over the years
00:44:54.380 | to make interviews more efficient,
00:44:55.620 | 'cause it's a huge time sink for the team.
00:44:58.860 | So, you know, we basically,
00:45:00.700 | we'll usually get them down to like 25 minutes.
00:45:03.300 | I've seen, if you're trying to hire like a big team,
00:45:05.820 | let's say, you know, of people who are like contractors
00:45:09.820 | or something, not necessarily full-time employees.
00:45:11.220 | I've seen people actually do 10 minute interviews.
00:45:14.260 | You can even interview like a thousand people
00:45:16.380 | almost like in a week or something.
00:45:17.740 | I'm not sure if that quite works out,
00:45:18.900 | but let me listen to that.
00:45:20.820 | But you can basically get six done in an hour
00:45:23.660 | if you're just, I need to get a team of 30 contractors
00:45:25.860 | for whatever purpose.
00:45:26.700 | But if you're talking about full-time employees,
00:45:28.460 | I usually do like 25 minute.
00:45:30.740 | You know, you're oftentimes like,
00:45:32.860 | one thing we've done is we'll put like a Google form online.
00:45:37.300 | And it's like, put some basic hurdles in there.
00:45:39.540 | Like, you know, ask them to put in an answer
00:45:43.100 | of which you can check in a spreadsheet
00:45:44.220 | if it was correct or not.
00:45:45.180 | And like, there was some funny examples
00:45:46.700 | in the early days of Coinbase
00:45:47.540 | where we put in like brain teasers and stuff,
00:45:49.260 | but we don't do that anymore.
00:45:50.460 | We do like normal interviews, we do references.
00:45:52.620 | The kinds of things I ask in interviews,
00:45:54.620 | you know, it's usually like,
00:45:57.780 | I like to think about what do we need this person
00:46:00.340 | to accomplish in this role, right?
00:46:02.980 | And get really specific about that.
00:46:05.260 | It's like usually something pretty hard.
00:46:07.140 | And then I'll ask them a question.
00:46:08.500 | It's like, tell me about a time you did X
00:46:11.340 | and, or tell me about the hardest,
00:46:14.540 | the hardest kind of problem you've had to solve in Y.
00:46:17.380 | And what did you do specifically to overcome it, right?
00:46:20.340 | So I'm asking to see if they can actually do the stuff
00:46:22.380 | we need to get done.
00:46:23.220 | But then I'm also kind of asking like culture questions
00:46:25.820 | if I'm interviewing for that.
00:46:27.420 | And so I'm trying to see like,
00:46:29.380 | are they concise communicators?
00:46:30.820 | Can they just give me a clear answer and stop talking?
00:46:34.420 | Some people like ramble on for like five, 10 minutes
00:46:37.180 | if you ask the first question.
00:46:38.700 | Some people are, you know, they're interrupters,
00:46:41.180 | like church of interruption.
00:46:42.140 | So like they won't stop talking until you interrupt them,
00:46:44.820 | which for me, I'm always patient and I wait.
00:46:46.740 | So that's weird.
00:46:49.340 | I'm looking to see for humility too.
00:46:50.860 | Like, you know, I'll tell, I'll ask people,
00:46:53.340 | tell me about a time something went really wrong.
00:46:55.380 | Like you had conflict with someone on a team or,
00:46:58.340 | what I'm kind of looking for is,
00:47:00.140 | were they part of the solution
00:47:01.260 | or are they still holding onto like blame
00:47:03.180 | and criticism about that and be like,
00:47:04.420 | "Well, I told them it shouldn't do that way,
00:47:06.300 | but they didn't listen to me."
00:47:07.340 | And, you know, these are all like bad signs.
00:47:09.420 | So I'm looking for, yeah.
00:47:10.900 | Can they get the job done?
00:47:11.940 | Will they work together on a team?
00:47:13.580 | Can they communicate effectively?
00:47:15.740 | Do they fit into our cultural values?
00:47:17.380 | And, you know, those kinds of things.
00:47:18.740 | - Yeah, I mean, there's, 'cause I've,
00:47:21.540 | even for help with this podcast here,
00:47:24.420 | but also at MIT and so on, I've done a bunch of hiring.
00:47:27.420 | And I was always looking for, you said brain teasers,
00:47:30.380 | all kinds of simple questions that can,
00:47:33.060 | that can reveal a lot of information.
00:47:35.620 | And it's always been challenging.
00:47:36.860 | I used to, I still ask this question,
00:47:39.060 | but do you think it's better to work hard or work smart?
00:47:45.580 | And, you know, I had this idea that I've,
00:47:50.300 | that I think I've matured about,
00:47:54.900 | which is I kind of believe that people who say
00:47:58.100 | work smart on that question don't actually work smart.
00:48:03.100 | So the right textbook answer is better to work smart.
00:48:07.860 | But the reality is it's people that haven't actually
00:48:12.140 | ever done anything that say work smart.
00:48:15.020 | They're like, they haven't really struggled
00:48:17.860 | because my general belief at the time
00:48:20.620 | was in order to discover what it means to work smart,
00:48:25.620 | to be efficient, you have to work your ass off.
00:48:29.060 | So you have to really fail a lot.
00:48:30.940 | And failure feels like hard work.
00:48:33.460 | And so I was always suspicious of people
00:48:36.380 | that would say work smart.
00:48:37.820 | I would want to interrogate that question.
00:48:40.520 | But then I also, you know, have learned that there is,
00:48:45.220 | people that are just exceptionally,
00:48:47.640 | exceptionally efficient.
00:48:51.340 | They really do know what it means to work smart,
00:48:53.860 | even at a young age.
00:48:55.660 | And so like, you can't just disqualify based on that.
00:48:58.500 | You have to dig in deeper.
00:49:00.340 | But some of the most interesting people I've ever worked with
00:49:02.980 | would say work hard, unapologetically.
00:49:05.020 | And they're usually the ones that know how to be efficient.
00:49:08.580 | Which is, it's just an interesting thing like that.
00:49:11.220 | And I've always searched for questions of that nature
00:49:13.940 | to see, can I get,
00:49:17.060 | can I get a person to reveal something profound about them
00:49:22.460 | in as brief of a question as possible?
00:49:25.600 | And I, you know, and then of course,
00:49:28.580 | there's basic attention to detail and brain teasers
00:49:31.540 | and stuff like that, depending on the role,
00:49:33.420 | programming and so on, to see,
00:49:35.220 | can they solve a tricky puzzle and do so,
00:49:39.100 | like one that doesn't require a lot of effort,
00:49:40.980 | but requires a certain nonlinear way of thinking.
00:49:45.980 | Is there some, I mean, maybe you don't want to reveal,
00:49:49.780 | but is there some questions
00:49:51.760 | that you sometimes find yourself leaning on?
00:49:55.020 | You said like, how did you solve a hard problem
00:49:58.140 | in your past and have them talk through it?
00:50:01.380 | That's one.
00:50:02.200 | - You know, we started with brain teasers periodically
00:50:04.780 | at Coinbase and we got away from that relatively quickly.
00:50:07.700 | And I think one, it's a tough one,
00:50:10.860 | 'cause I actually think it does show
00:50:13.620 | how somebody kind of performs under pressure,
00:50:16.380 | but I don't think it's a super reliable indicator
00:50:18.660 | 'cause there's some people who are really good
00:50:21.820 | in the typical work situation,
00:50:25.140 | but that's not a typical work situation
00:50:26.420 | where somebody puts you on the spot,
00:50:27.600 | like in a live interview.
00:50:28.580 | And sometimes people get nervous
00:50:29.880 | and they can't think clearly
00:50:30.980 | and like they don't have their computer in front of them
00:50:32.660 | or whatever they normally use.
00:50:34.460 | So yeah, I'm a little skeptical now
00:50:39.180 | of the brain teaser thing.
00:50:40.980 | There is a whole, yeah,
00:50:44.940 | there is a whole question about,
00:50:46.340 | like a lot of universities are getting rid of entrance exams.
00:50:48.900 | So if you're hiring right out of universities,
00:50:51.260 | sometimes it's becoming a less reliable indicator
00:50:54.700 | of like, are they in that university?
00:50:56.500 | And I've heard some companies, we haven't done this yet,
00:50:58.460 | but I've heard some companies are actually creating
00:50:59.740 | their own like for college grads,
00:51:01.620 | like their own basically exams,
00:51:05.620 | like standardized testing almost to get people in the door
00:51:08.100 | because the degree almost like doesn't mean what it used to,
00:51:10.980 | which is the whole topic, but.
00:51:12.780 | - Yeah, that's fascinating.
00:51:14.340 | 'Cause it's fascinating both for that,
00:51:17.540 | 'cause it's not just about you trying to hire a great team,
00:51:20.640 | it's also to help them find the right place to work at.
00:51:23.380 | - Yeah.
00:51:24.220 | - It's like a two way street.
00:51:25.940 | All right, so once you found the product market fit,
00:51:32.360 | how did Coinbase become what it is today?
00:51:37.160 | - Ooh, that's a good question.
00:51:40.000 | - Let me ask an engineering question actually.
00:51:42.040 | - Yeah.
00:51:42.880 | - From the Ruby wallet days,
00:51:47.520 | what are some of the interesting challenges there?
00:51:50.400 | Or are they not engineering?
00:51:52.340 | Just the things that had to be solved, what were they?
00:51:56.520 | Engineering, regulation,
00:51:59.120 | financial, hiring, lawyers,
00:52:06.120 | what was it?
00:52:07.720 | - So post product market fit, yeah, a lot of it's scaling
00:52:10.600 | and you gotta build out an actual company.
00:52:12.420 | So I remember I was still writing a lot of code there
00:52:15.480 | for a while and we were hiring in,
00:52:17.200 | we had like maybe 25 people or something.
00:52:19.440 | I remember one of our investors came by one day
00:52:21.080 | and he was like, "Brian, how much of your time
00:52:22.800 | "are you spending writing code?"
00:52:24.320 | And I was like, "Maybe 50% or something."
00:52:27.280 | He was like, "How much time are you spending hiring people?"
00:52:29.600 | I was like, "Probably 20%."
00:52:31.960 | He was like, "I think you need to flip those numbers.
00:52:35.140 | "Like this company is not gonna scale.
00:52:36.640 | "You're the CEO, you don't need to be writing code every day.
00:52:39.300 | "You're gonna have to transition that stuff.
00:52:40.700 | "Like even if people can't,
00:52:41.840 | "all that stuff's locked in your head,
00:52:43.060 | "so maybe they're not gonna do it as well as you
00:52:44.640 | "for the first six months or something.
00:52:46.440 | "But like, if you don't start to transition it,
00:52:48.280 | "you're never gonna build a real company.
00:52:49.640 | "It's just gonna be, you're gonna be the bottleneck."
00:52:52.600 | So, like a lot of founders that took me a while
00:52:55.840 | to like really internalize that lesson.
00:52:57.240 | I'd always heard people say that and,
00:52:59.760 | but I still was holding on too much to decision-making.
00:53:02.880 | And I probably still am by the way,
00:53:04.080 | like even to this day at Coinbase,
00:53:05.360 | where we continually have to push down decision-making
00:53:08.560 | in the org, like even with 5,000 people,
00:53:10.680 | like who are the owners of each of these things?
00:53:12.240 | And so the temptation is people to push it up
00:53:14.160 | and you become a bottleneck and anyway.
00:53:16.120 | So yeah, you basically need to make sure
00:53:19.040 | you have enough money where you don't die,
00:53:21.160 | if there's some kind of a downturn
00:53:23.240 | or hit break even in profitability.
00:53:24.960 | We were in a position where we were periodically profitable
00:53:27.680 | during up periods, but then crypto would go down
00:53:29.280 | and we were unprofitable.
00:53:30.600 | And so we had to kind of manage our own psychology
00:53:33.320 | and the balance sheet to make sure we didn't like die
00:53:35.920 | in the downturn, which a lot of crypto companies did.
00:53:38.960 | We had to basically professionalize
00:53:40.520 | a whole bunch of services that had been
00:53:42.240 | just very quickly thrown together by like 20 year olds.
00:53:45.720 | Whether that was cybersecurity, it's like, okay,
00:53:47.880 | how do you get like a really senior experienced
00:53:50.400 | cybersecurity person, but not someone who's so senior
00:53:52.440 | that they can't get their hands dirty
00:53:53.480 | and they can come into a company with 25, 50 people.
00:53:56.380 | How do you get a finance person to come and do that?
00:53:58.120 | Our finances were a mess.
00:54:00.080 | Like we didn't even really know how much money we had
00:54:01.920 | at certain times and stuff.
00:54:03.000 | I mean, this was, it's embarrassing to say,
00:54:04.880 | but it was true.
00:54:05.720 | Like I remember there was a point where we had raised,
00:54:09.680 | I think like our series C or something like that.
00:54:12.040 | And I think we had our bank accounts.
00:54:14.920 | I just put like $25 million like in a different bank account
00:54:17.800 | that none of this stuff was touched
00:54:18.960 | to the actual operation of the business.
00:54:20.120 | 'Cause I was like, you know, our operations were so messy
00:54:23.600 | and we needed to hire a new finance person.
00:54:25.280 | And I was like this, I'd heard horror stories
00:54:28.300 | of actually startups where they thought they had X amount
00:54:30.360 | of money and then it turned out they had way less.
00:54:33.040 | And then the whole thing was insolvent in like three weeks.
00:54:35.160 | - So you wanted to have some padding
00:54:36.440 | to at least like, all right, I can at least count on this
00:54:38.900 | to save us if we go to like super negative.
00:54:41.400 | - Right, I mean, it was like a cheap hack,
00:54:43.560 | but that was like the only thing I could come up with.
00:54:46.000 | And you know, until we could hire like a real CFO
00:54:48.840 | and finance team who like, okay, now we got our arms around
00:54:51.980 | how much cash we have.
00:54:52.820 | It sounds silly, but we had such high volume
00:54:55.640 | of money coming in and out anyway.
00:54:57.320 | - What was the ordering of hiring by the way?
00:54:59.840 | Like how many engineers was it early on?
00:55:03.400 | You said CFO was not, you didn't even have a CFO for a bit.
00:55:06.600 | - Yeah.
00:55:07.440 | - Like what was the landscape of hiring
00:55:10.860 | as you building up this company?
00:55:12.460 | Was it engineering focused?
00:55:15.240 | - Well, let's see.
00:55:16.080 | I mean, so the first person we hired was just like,
00:55:18.520 | we need to solve customer support.
00:55:20.040 | So we brought someone to do that
00:55:20.960 | 'cause we were all staying up till midnight every night
00:55:22.500 | trying to do customer support.
00:55:23.840 | And then we got more engineers.
00:55:26.400 | And then I think maybe the sixth hire
00:55:27.960 | or something like that was a recruiter.
00:55:29.540 | 'Cause that turned out to be, you need to build,
00:55:31.960 | hire the person who can hire more people.
00:55:33.800 | - Yeah.
00:55:34.640 | - That turned out to be a great force multiplier.
00:55:37.160 | And then you're going down the list.
00:55:39.800 | Eventually you wanna hire some more senior people.
00:55:42.520 | We needed legal and compliance.
00:55:45.200 | We needed that really badly 'cause we,
00:55:47.440 | it was all kinds of questions
00:55:48.320 | about what the legality of it was.
00:55:50.400 | - Was it hard to find legal people that work with crypto
00:55:52.720 | like serious adults?
00:55:54.960 | 'Cause it's such a cutting edge new world.
00:55:57.520 | - Yeah, I mean, there was nobody who had like more than,
00:56:01.100 | nobody had three years of experience with it
00:56:02.380 | 'cause it had only been around a few years.
00:56:03.980 | - That's right.
00:56:04.820 | - So yeah, we were finding people from adjacent fields.
00:56:07.180 | There's a certain personality type of people
00:56:08.860 | who are willing to join early companies
00:56:10.420 | because they have no structure.
00:56:12.500 | You can't really commit to them about,
00:56:14.100 | you're gonna have this team or this boss or whatever.
00:56:16.620 | Like everything's in chaos and flux.
00:56:18.940 | So it takes, yeah.
00:56:21.220 | Hiring is one of the hardest things
00:56:22.340 | in the early stage for sure.
00:56:23.220 | You gotta find people crazy enough
00:56:24.620 | to join you in this journey.
00:56:26.260 | - So one of the interesting things about Coinbase,
00:56:28.180 | and you've written, we'll talk about it a bit.
00:56:31.340 | You're very focused on the mission.
00:56:33.540 | - Yeah.
00:56:34.380 | - You're very kind of, I think that simplifies things.
00:56:37.980 | That makes hiring easier,
00:56:40.700 | that makes working at Coinbase easier,
00:56:42.820 | that makes, I mean, it's similar.
00:56:44.940 | So Elon has the same thing.
00:56:46.780 | It's pretty clear.
00:56:47.740 | It's pretty clear what we're here to do.
00:56:50.460 | So I suppose what's the mission of Coinbase?
00:56:55.540 | - Well, it's to increase economic freedom in the world.
00:56:57.860 | - And what is economic freedom?
00:56:59.940 | - Yeah, so economic freedom is this term
00:57:01.620 | kind of like GDP that economists use.
00:57:04.060 | And it's basically a measure
00:57:05.020 | of different countries around the world.
00:57:06.320 | It looks at things like,
00:57:07.660 | are there property rights enforced?
00:57:09.700 | Is there free trade?
00:57:10.780 | Is the currency stable?
00:57:12.520 | Can you start companies that you wanna start?
00:57:14.100 | And can you join the ones you wanna join?
00:57:15.340 | And is there corruption and bribery prevalent
00:57:18.620 | or is it relatively free of that?
00:57:20.700 | And so there's several different organizations
00:57:24.300 | that basically score countries by economic freedom.
00:57:27.260 | And the really cool thing about economic freedom
00:57:28.900 | is that basically it positively correlates
00:57:31.780 | with things that we all want in society.
00:57:33.380 | Like not only higher growth of the economy,
00:57:36.660 | but also things like higher self-reported happiness
00:57:39.380 | of citizens, better treatment of the environment,
00:57:41.820 | better income for the poorest 10% of people.
00:57:44.380 | And it negatively correlates with things
00:57:45.860 | we don't want in society,
00:57:46.780 | like corruption and bribery and war,
00:57:48.980 | even and things like that.
00:57:50.500 | And so it's this pretty crazy, provocative idea,
00:57:53.980 | which is that if you give people good property rights
00:57:58.580 | and rule of law and allow them to trade,
00:58:01.160 | it basically encourages them to do more good stuff
00:58:03.380 | and the whole society benefits.
00:58:05.260 | Like one of the things, you may have noticed this
00:58:08.340 | growing up in various places you did,
00:58:09.660 | or I spent a year living in Buenos Aires, Argentina
00:58:12.220 | that went through hyperinflation.
00:58:13.340 | And there's a certain like pessimism
00:58:15.820 | that can creep into countries
00:58:18.540 | when they don't have economic freedom,
00:58:21.040 | which it's basically like everyone has this
00:58:23.260 | bit of this vibe, which is like,
00:58:24.780 | don't stick your head up, don't try too hard
00:58:27.620 | 'cause it could all be gone tomorrow.
00:58:28.940 | Like the things that really are valuable in life
00:58:30.900 | are just family and friends,
00:58:32.540 | and the past was better than the future will be.
00:58:35.440 | And so you don't really, people don't try as many,
00:58:37.580 | they don't try hard because you're not really sure
00:58:40.220 | you can actually keep the upside of your labor
00:58:42.060 | if you try hard, so you just don't try as hard.
00:58:44.820 | Whereas in America, historically,
00:58:47.700 | or high economic freedom countries,
00:58:51.060 | people basically like they just try more stuff
00:58:53.700 | 'cause they're like, if I do good for other people,
00:58:55.500 | I'll get to keep part of it for myself
00:58:56.740 | and I can improve my lot in life and for my children
00:58:58.740 | and my community, whatever.
00:59:00.540 | So I realized when I read the Bitcoin white paper
00:59:03.660 | a long time ago, that at least I had a hunch at the time,
00:59:07.060 | I was like, this might be a really powerful piece
00:59:09.300 | of technology that can inject good financial infrastructure
00:59:13.620 | into all these countries around the world
00:59:14.820 | that don't have it.
00:59:15.900 | Basically good economic freedom principles
00:59:17.980 | in like property rights and things like that
00:59:20.660 | into these countries all over the world,
00:59:22.140 | which just, as long as you had a smartphone
00:59:23.580 | and now crypto got invented,
00:59:25.100 | everybody could have economic freedom.
00:59:27.220 | And crypto is kind of really well suited
00:59:28.940 | for economic freedom 'cause if you want property rights,
00:59:31.820 | it's basically, crypto is,
00:59:32.900 | if you can remember a 12 word phrase
00:59:34.580 | or have an app on your phone,
00:59:37.020 | you can store as much wealth as you want
00:59:38.620 | and it can't be taken away from you.
00:59:39.780 | You can even, there's like refugees who need to flee
00:59:42.980 | and they wanna take their wealth with them
00:59:44.660 | and they can't do it often
00:59:46.240 | in the traditional financial system.
00:59:47.500 | And so crypto lets them do that, right?
00:59:49.740 | Crypto is inherently global,
00:59:51.060 | so it allows free trade and cross-border payments.
00:59:53.740 | It makes it easy to accept payments from people globally.
00:59:57.860 | It provides a stable currency to everyone,
01:00:00.060 | not only with Bitcoin,
01:00:00.980 | which is kind of like this new reserve currency,
01:00:03.100 | but also with stable coins, right?
01:00:05.900 | Which are new inventions there.
01:00:08.220 | So yeah, I basically feel like crypto
01:00:10.860 | is this secret hiding in plain sight
01:00:13.140 | that can create economic freedom
01:00:14.780 | for people all over the world
01:00:15.780 | and a more fair and free and global economy.
01:00:18.980 | - Well, so the limit,
01:00:21.060 | and by the way, I didn't know about Argentina.
01:00:22.860 | Why'd you end up in Argentina?
01:00:25.180 | - Okay, so I was basically,
01:00:26.960 | I was living in Houston, Texas after college
01:00:30.180 | where I went to school and I had never studied abroad.
01:00:33.220 | I kind of like, I don't know,
01:00:36.220 | I felt like I needed some adventure or something in my life
01:00:38.140 | and I was running this other startup
01:00:40.220 | that I was trying at the time, a tutoring company,
01:00:41.900 | and I could work from anywhere.
01:00:43.740 | So my plan was, you know what,
01:00:44.940 | I'm just gonna go do like a month
01:00:47.260 | in every city around South America,
01:00:49.100 | just be like, almost like to force myself
01:00:51.260 | out of my comfort zone,
01:00:52.180 | 'cause I had never traveled by myself
01:00:54.660 | to a foreign country or whatever,
01:00:55.720 | and where I didn't really speak the language.
01:00:57.340 | And anyway, I landed in Buenos Aires
01:01:00.420 | thinking I'd go all around South America
01:01:01.740 | where I had never been there.
01:01:03.220 | But I basically, once I was set up in Buenos Aires
01:01:06.560 | with an apartment and a cell phone and stuff,
01:01:08.140 | then I was like, I don't wanna do that all again next month.
01:01:10.260 | So I just stayed there for most of the time
01:01:11.580 | and took some day trips.
01:01:12.420 | But yeah, it was kind of a formative experience
01:01:15.020 | in that regard.
01:01:15.860 | - You got a chance sort of unexpectedly
01:01:18.580 | to experience the social effects of hyperinflation,
01:01:21.460 | which is interesting.
01:01:22.500 | But I also, I've never been,
01:01:24.340 | but I really, really wanna go as a person
01:01:26.100 | who likes tango, as a person who likes
01:01:28.220 | the Argentinian national team and soccer.
01:01:30.940 | - Yeah.
01:01:31.780 | - And steak.
01:01:34.340 | All right.
01:01:35.740 | And all the other things that Argentina's known for.
01:01:38.220 | Okay, so economic freedom.
01:01:41.380 | One of the limits on economic freedom
01:01:43.620 | comes from government and government regulations
01:01:46.300 | and all those kinds of things throughout the world.
01:01:49.340 | So how does cryptocurrency help resist that?
01:01:52.340 | So can you sort of elaborate a little bit further?
01:01:55.540 | What are the things that limit economic freedom
01:01:57.860 | and how does crypto help ease that?
01:02:01.900 | - Today, the world, the traditional financial system
01:02:05.460 | is basically every country of the world,
01:02:07.300 | for the most part, has their own currency.
01:02:10.260 | And so there's a group of people or institutions
01:02:13.300 | in each of those countries that's controlling
01:02:15.420 | that economic policy or that money supply.
01:02:18.620 | And it can be manipulated, right?
01:02:22.420 | So it's not like many of these currencies
01:02:25.140 | are not linked to gold standard.
01:02:26.860 | The US kind of famously came off that in the 1970s,
01:02:29.260 | for instance, but if you read Ray Dalio and all this stuff,
01:02:32.020 | like he talks about, there's thousands of fiat currencies
01:02:34.500 | that have been in existence over time.
01:02:36.700 | And basically all of them eventually get disconnected
01:02:39.660 | from backing of like hard commodities,
01:02:43.700 | and then they get over inflated and printed.
01:02:46.460 | And so in times of stress, with Nixon,
01:02:50.980 | I guess it was like in the US,
01:02:52.620 | it was the Vietnam War or something like that.
01:02:54.900 | It kind of drove government spending.
01:02:56.340 | And so under times of stress, they say,
01:02:57.900 | "Hey, it's a temporary measure, we need to break the peg."
01:03:00.820 | Temporary was like famous words that he used.
01:03:03.100 | And they go print.
01:03:07.500 | And so the bad thing about that, of course,
01:03:09.300 | is that it sort of erodes people's wealth
01:03:11.980 | if they can only hold their assets in cash,
01:03:13.580 | which basically like poor people tend to do that.
01:03:16.460 | If you're wealthy, you can hold stocks
01:03:19.220 | or like real estate and things like that.
01:03:20.740 | But it's really a tax on the poorest people
01:03:22.700 | in society, inflation.
01:03:24.780 | So anyway, crypto in a way is a little bit of like
01:03:29.060 | a return to the gold standard in this digital era, right?
01:03:31.620 | Bitcoin, there's guaranteed scarcity of it,
01:03:33.820 | it's deflationary,
01:03:34.940 | there's never gonna be more than 21 million Bitcoin.
01:03:37.420 | And so that's a really important principle.
01:03:40.740 | I also think, not just Bitcoin,
01:03:44.260 | but like cryptocurrency generally,
01:03:46.060 | it's really important in terms of this,
01:03:48.940 | you asked about regulation, right?
01:03:50.700 | So think about like,
01:03:52.460 | if you wanted to make a global
01:03:54.660 | borrowing and lending marketplace or a global exchange,
01:03:59.100 | you would have to go to all 200 countries in the world,
01:04:01.780 | sometimes like maybe 50 states in the US
01:04:03.740 | and get lending licenses or an operating exchange
01:04:07.820 | or whatever.
01:04:09.020 | And, you know, they're not gonna,
01:04:11.660 | that's just an incredible amount of work
01:04:12.860 | and you can't even do business in many of these countries
01:04:14.860 | because like, you know, you have to bribe somebody
01:04:17.260 | or it's corrupt or whatever.
01:04:18.820 | And so, but with DeFi, with decentralized finance,
01:04:22.260 | people have published, you know,
01:04:24.220 | like Uniswap is a decentralized exchange.
01:04:26.260 | Everybody in the world,
01:04:27.140 | no matter what country you're in, what jurisdiction,
01:04:29.100 | can interface with that decentralized exchange.
01:04:31.980 | 'Cause it, and there's no central company operating it.
01:04:35.460 | It's a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain,
01:04:38.580 | which is globally decentralized.
01:04:40.140 | So there's no throat to choke.
01:04:41.220 | There's no one person you can,
01:04:42.620 | or a company you can go to, to like,
01:04:43.940 | hey, shut this thing down.
01:04:45.460 | Even if everybody who's working on Uniswap today stopped,
01:04:48.860 | the Uniswap smart contract would continue to operate
01:04:52.140 | on the Ethereum blockchain.
01:04:53.540 | Similarly for like a borrowing and lending marketplace,
01:04:56.340 | you know, like it's, you know,
01:04:59.220 | if you want, somebody in India wants to borrow
01:05:00.820 | from somebody in the US or whatever,
01:05:01.980 | like there's very difficult to do that
01:05:04.220 | in the traditional financial world.
01:05:06.180 | But in a smart contract that's decentralized,
01:05:08.820 | you can enable anybody to access it.
01:05:10.620 | So it's really kind of this great democratizing force
01:05:14.220 | that is creating a new financial system
01:05:16.260 | that is more fair and more free.
01:05:17.900 | Yeah, and in some ways it is,
01:05:21.100 | it's a clever way that's not,
01:05:26.220 | yeah, it's enabling people to do that in a novel way.
01:05:28.340 | - So is Uniswap in some sense a competitor to Coinbase?
01:05:32.180 | In which way is it, in which way is it not?
01:05:34.660 | So, because for people who don't know,
01:05:38.300 | Coinbase is centralized.
01:05:40.620 | So let me ask, doesn't that go against the spirit of crypto?
01:05:45.620 | Since crypto is decentralized,
01:05:49.060 | what are the pros and cons of being centralized
01:05:51.900 | as an exchange?
01:05:53.940 | - So I don't think Coinbase is fully centralized.
01:05:55.940 | We have many different products,
01:05:57.300 | and the way that I think about it is that our exchange
01:06:01.060 | or our brokerage is a centralized,
01:06:03.700 | regulated financial service business.
01:06:06.060 | And it's actually important for the crypto ecosystem
01:06:08.100 | to have that because you wanna allow a lot of the fiat money
01:06:11.460 | in the world to flow into the crypto economy.
01:06:13.340 | So we, you know, we're very proud of that,
01:06:15.900 | and I think we've helped a lot of that money flow in.
01:06:18.580 | Now, once people have money in crypto,
01:06:20.580 | they can choose to hold it in a variety of ways,
01:06:22.220 | and they can choose to hold it in a self-custodial wallet,
01:06:24.620 | which is more decentralized.
01:06:26.180 | They can choose to use decentralized exchanges,
01:06:29.540 | which we love, and Uniswap is not really,
01:06:32.740 | I don't think of them as like a direct competitor to us.
01:06:34.860 | We basically have integrated Uniswap
01:06:37.420 | into a number of our products.
01:06:38.300 | We love DeFi, decentralized exchanges, the whole thing.
01:06:41.420 | So Coinbase wallet, which is a self-custodial wallet,
01:06:46.260 | is more decentralized, and it allows people
01:06:48.780 | to hold their own crypto.
01:06:51.460 | They don't have to trust us.
01:06:52.460 | - Can you explain what a self-custodial wallet is?
01:06:55.820 | What is a wallet, and what is a self-custodial wallet?
01:06:58.820 | - Yeah, so it's confusing.
01:07:00.580 | So a custodial wallet means you're trusting Coinbase
01:07:04.180 | to store your crypto, the private keys themselves.
01:07:08.340 | And, you know, for some people in institutions
01:07:10.540 | and everything, just meeting them where they are today,
01:07:12.860 | that's nice because it's simpler, you know,
01:07:15.940 | they're not afraid of losing their crypto
01:07:18.620 | if they make some accidental mistake.
01:07:21.140 | So, you know, custodial crypto products are important
01:07:25.060 | to help get a bunch of people into the ecosystem.
01:07:27.420 | But I'm very supportive of self-custodial wallets.
01:07:30.500 | And I think in some ways they are the future
01:07:32.420 | because more and more people are gonna wanna store
01:07:34.540 | their own crypto, not trust a third-party institution
01:07:36.940 | to do it.
01:07:37.780 | And in some ways that is much more authentic
01:07:38.900 | to the ethos of crypto.
01:07:40.100 | So Coinbase will help you convert the fiat into crypto.
01:07:44.540 | Frankly, that's a more centralized thing.
01:07:45.980 | But once you have crypto, you can then go
01:07:47.700 | to the self-custodial world, store it yourself.
01:07:50.100 | To get into the technical details, just for a second,
01:07:53.460 | it's basically saying you're gonna store the keys
01:07:56.460 | on your own device.
01:07:57.860 | And so even if Coinbase, you know,
01:08:01.140 | gets some court order to seize it, we actually can't.
01:08:03.620 | Like from an architecture point of view, we can't do it.
01:08:06.540 | Or, you know, if Coinbase gets hacked or something,
01:08:08.460 | we can't lose your funds.
01:08:09.500 | Like now you, the thing is you have to take
01:08:11.500 | the responsibility 'cause we're not taking it.
01:08:13.060 | So the individual person could get hacked, right?
01:08:15.860 | And there's a whole bunch of really cool research happening
01:08:18.940 | to make self-custodial wallets more resilient
01:08:21.860 | to accidental loss, hacks, and just user error.
01:08:25.780 | Like, you know, I don't know how much you've looked
01:08:28.900 | at like various cryptography things,
01:08:30.340 | but there's like, basically you can have multiple key,
01:08:33.340 | multi-sig, multiple signatures from different keys
01:08:36.460 | on different devices where you need like two of the three
01:08:38.540 | or three of the five.
01:08:39.740 | There's a whole technology called multi-party computation
01:08:43.220 | or threshold signing signatures, which is really cool.
01:08:46.460 | - But those are the things you would run locally?
01:08:49.060 | - Yeah. - Like what,
01:08:49.900 | these are all security measures, like cryptography measures
01:08:52.460 | to protect you without a centralized component?
01:08:56.620 | - Right.
01:08:57.460 | So like a simple example would be,
01:08:58.980 | let's say you had a two of three key signature
01:09:02.340 | and, you know, one key might be stored at Coinbase,
01:09:04.820 | but that's not a quorum.
01:09:06.220 | So we couldn't unilaterally move your funds.
01:09:08.180 | But another key is on your device, on your phone, let's say.
01:09:10.780 | - Oh, cool.
01:09:11.700 | - So that, so in a normal situation,
01:09:13.820 | you have a key on your phone, we have one,
01:09:15.900 | but you, and so two out of three, now just, you know,
01:09:19.700 | it can all get signed very quickly for day-to-day use.
01:09:21.940 | But let's say you lose your phone or something.
01:09:23.980 | Now there has to be a third key,
01:09:25.420 | and that's where, you know,
01:09:26.660 | you could store it in a backup somewhere,
01:09:28.700 | like in Google Drive or iCloud.
01:09:31.860 | You could trust a third party that's not Coinbase
01:09:34.860 | to also have that one key,
01:09:36.260 | and they can't do anything unilaterally with that one key.
01:09:39.180 | So that's a simple example.
01:09:40.660 | You can get way more complicated.
01:09:42.260 | - Yeah, that's an awesome idea.
01:09:43.260 | And so like, if your funds get seized,
01:09:46.380 | Coinbase can't do anything.
01:09:49.220 | - Right.
01:09:50.060 | - But you better not lose your phone, maybe, in that case.
01:09:52.300 | - Yeah.
01:09:53.140 | - So that's, okay.
01:09:53.980 | - Well, then it, but it provides a, there is,
01:09:55.700 | so even if you lose your phone,
01:09:56.620 | then there is a recovery mechanism,
01:09:57.820 | 'cause you can get the one key from Coinbase,
01:09:59.140 | the one from your backup provider,
01:10:01.460 | and recover a new one back on your phone.
01:10:03.860 | - I know, yeah.
01:10:04.700 | But what if Coinbase is no longer,
01:10:06.820 | but because of government,
01:10:08.380 | because of, say it's in North Korea,
01:10:10.980 | government says you're no longer,
01:10:12.620 | like Coinbase is shut down in that country
01:10:14.740 | or something like that.
01:10:15.820 | Then you can get it, even if you have access to those two.
01:10:18.740 | - Right.
01:10:19.580 | - So again, perhaps a silly question,
01:10:23.180 | but isn't a self-custodial wallet
01:10:25.780 | a competitor as a notion to Coinbase?
01:10:29.860 | - No, I mean, so we offer a self-custodial wallet.
01:10:33.460 | We've built one and it's like-
01:10:34.620 | - But doesn't it bleed the,
01:10:36.460 | like, I guess I'm asking a sort of a financial question,
01:10:39.580 | is like, how does Coinbase make money on transactions?
01:10:43.940 | So does this not, does it does not decrease the number
01:10:47.140 | or does not significantly negatively affect transactions?
01:10:50.700 | Or are you more focused on growing the number of,
01:10:53.020 | the pie of the number of people
01:10:54.820 | that are using cryptocurrency?
01:10:56.700 | - Yeah, like a traditional financial service firm
01:10:58.580 | would probably say, well, we should be storing,
01:11:01.740 | let's keep more of the custody with us
01:11:03.740 | because that's how we prove to the world
01:11:05.780 | that we're valuable or whatever.
01:11:07.540 | I don't really believe that.
01:11:08.660 | Like, I think that actually we kind of want to encourage
01:11:11.020 | our users to move to self-custody over time
01:11:13.020 | for those who are ready and willing.
01:11:15.020 | And that technology needs to mature.
01:11:16.680 | I'm not trying to like force anybody to do it
01:11:18.260 | who doesn't want to do it.
01:11:19.100 | But to me, that's like the future
01:11:21.300 | of how we get billions of people using crypto.
01:11:23.860 | - But doesn't that mean they can go somewhere else?
01:11:26.620 | Easier?
01:11:27.460 | - Yeah, that's sort of the point is like,
01:11:29.660 | we're all using the same protocol.
01:11:31.020 | So there's low switching costs,
01:11:32.340 | which keeps all the companies accountable, right?
01:11:34.520 | Like, if you want to access the Visa network,
01:11:38.540 | there's only one company in the world
01:11:39.620 | you can go through to do that, like Visa.
01:11:41.760 | But if you want to access the Bitcoin network,
01:11:43.540 | there's dozens or hundreds of companies out there
01:11:45.780 | who can do that.
01:11:46.620 | So it's, you know, it's arguably,
01:11:48.980 | you could argue it's worse for us as a company,
01:11:51.340 | but I think it's better for,
01:11:53.160 | it's what makes Bitcoin interesting
01:11:54.580 | and cryptocurrency interesting is that nobody controls it.
01:11:58.040 | There is low switching costs for customers.
01:11:59.980 | It's better for customers.
01:12:01.220 | And that means that all the companies in the space
01:12:03.300 | are going to be held to a high standard
01:12:04.540 | because the minute you lose someone's trust,
01:12:06.100 | they're just going to move their Bitcoin
01:12:07.020 | to some other service.
01:12:08.540 | And that's good for the world.
01:12:10.220 | - Do you think of Coinbase as,
01:12:12.500 | so there's these ideas of layer one, layer two,
01:12:14.940 | layer three technologies.
01:12:16.460 | - Yeah.
01:12:17.300 | - Do you think of Coinbase as layer one,
01:12:20.060 | layer two, layer three?
01:12:21.740 | Now that said, there's so many products
01:12:24.740 | that are under the Coinbase umbrella
01:12:28.780 | that it's hard to answer that question,
01:12:30.180 | but what do you think?
01:12:31.660 | - Yeah.
01:12:32.500 | - Do you acknowledge the existence of layer three?
01:12:34.340 | (laughs)
01:12:35.420 | - So, you know, usually when people are using those terms,
01:12:38.900 | layer one, layer two,
01:12:39.740 | so they're referring to like layer one would be
01:12:41.940 | the blockchain, layer one blockchain itself,
01:12:43.840 | like a Bitcoin or Ethereum or something,
01:12:45.820 | not like a centralized service like Coinbase
01:12:48.180 | or even our decentralized self-custodial wallet.
01:12:51.740 | So, yeah, I wouldn't consider us to be like a layer one.
01:12:56.300 | These are the decentralized protocols
01:12:58.580 | that we're integrating, but we are,
01:13:00.380 | Coinbase itself is not those.
01:13:01.780 | - Yes, but layer two is the thing that
01:13:04.620 | was basically doing transactions
01:13:06.100 | without the settlement on the blockchain.
01:13:09.220 | And so you get to have some of the benefits
01:13:11.220 | of faster transactions without the security
01:13:15.260 | associated with the blockchain.
01:13:16.420 | And layer three is, I suppose,
01:13:20.300 | sort of apps built on top of that.
01:13:23.060 | So, you know, at least I think talking to Michael Saylor,
01:13:26.860 | he considers Coinbase a layer three technology.
01:13:29.940 | - Interesting, okay.
01:13:31.220 | - I don't even, I'm not really particularly familiar
01:13:34.460 | with this kind of distinction of layer three and two.
01:13:37.460 | I don't see them as fundamentally different.
01:13:40.380 | But some of the, okay, I mean, one way of asking that,
01:13:44.740 | is there some layer two like of magic happening
01:13:48.180 | in order to make transactions associated
01:13:50.220 | with the blockchain happen instant,
01:13:53.340 | so that they're quick?
01:13:55.460 | So that-- - On Coinbase?
01:13:56.620 | - On Coinbase, yeah.
01:13:57.620 | Is there some magic going on?
01:14:00.140 | 'Cause you're, okay, we should say,
01:14:01.820 | how many cryptocurrencies are currently on Coinbase?
01:14:04.980 | So it's more than two.
01:14:06.420 | - Yeah. (laughs)
01:14:07.580 | - It's a lot more than two. - Yeah.
01:14:08.940 | - So you have to understand,
01:14:10.500 | you have to incorporate all these technologies.
01:14:12.580 | - Yeah.
01:14:13.900 | - So how do you make that magic
01:14:16.140 | of sort of universal transactions happen
01:14:18.820 | across all of these different cryptocurrencies?
01:14:21.220 | - There's our centralized products
01:14:24.580 | and decentralized products, right?
01:14:25.820 | The centralized products,
01:14:27.100 | we are storing that crypto for you.
01:14:31.100 | And so if you're moving from one of your accounts
01:14:33.460 | to another account, like an ETH1 account to ETH2 account,
01:14:36.100 | or from my ETH Coinbase centralized account
01:14:39.860 | to your ETH centralized,
01:14:40.700 | so we can do that transaction off chain to make it faster.
01:14:43.540 | And it saves the customer fees
01:14:45.420 | and it just confirms instantly.
01:14:47.020 | But it's not truly using the decentralized blockchain, right?
01:14:49.740 | So you can also send any Bitcoin address
01:14:52.260 | or Ethereum address, for instance,
01:14:53.940 | and that is putting the transaction on chain.
01:14:56.420 | Now our decentralized products like Coinbase Wallet,
01:14:59.300 | the self-custodial wallet,
01:15:01.020 | every transaction is happening on chain with that.
01:15:03.580 | And so basically, it just shows a little bit
01:15:05.700 | of the evolution of Coinbase and the blockchains themselves.
01:15:07.980 | Like in the early days,
01:15:09.380 | these networks were not scalable.
01:15:13.220 | And so there were no L2 solutions, for instance.
01:15:16.820 | And so we had to do sort of these hacks,
01:15:18.540 | like moving the crypto off chain,
01:15:20.100 | if you were moving between your own accounts
01:15:21.540 | and stuff like that.
01:15:22.460 | Otherwise, the minor fees would have just eaten us alive
01:15:24.580 | as a company, right?
01:15:25.420 | And we, yeah.
01:15:26.500 | But now that like, the blockchains are starting to scale.
01:15:29.020 | There's a whole bunch more work
01:15:29.940 | that needs to be done on that,
01:15:30.780 | and we're getting L2 solutions.
01:15:32.260 | So I think more and more of the transactions
01:15:33.780 | are going on chain, whether it's L2, L1.
01:15:36.620 | And we shouldn't be like,
01:15:38.860 | ideally, we shouldn't be doing that many transactions.
01:15:43.060 | You know, off chain,
01:15:45.260 | just internal Coinbase ledger or something.
01:15:47.060 | That's not really in the spirit of crypto.
01:15:48.740 | - So when you say on chain,
01:15:49.860 | that includes like a lightning network.
01:15:51.260 | That includes layer two technology
01:15:54.860 | that the blockchain proposes.
01:15:56.740 | - Yeah.
01:15:57.580 | - So you're, when you, yeah, okay.
01:15:58.940 | So I guess I was asking how much fun magic
01:16:01.700 | is happening off chain within Coinbase.
01:16:04.420 | And you're saying in the early days, you had to,
01:16:07.300 | but you're trying to do less and less.
01:16:09.620 | - So look, there's a bunch of like high frequency traders
01:16:11.620 | that use the centralized products
01:16:13.180 | and even just regular retail people,
01:16:15.300 | like they don't want to pay the gas fees and stuff.
01:16:17.660 | And they're trying to, it actually,
01:16:19.460 | back of the envelope, you know,
01:16:22.540 | calculated this out at one point,
01:16:24.180 | and just like, it would be completely infeasible
01:16:26.780 | for like high frequency traders
01:16:28.140 | to put everything on chain at this point.
01:16:29.780 | That's basically what DEXs are doing.
01:16:31.420 | And so both are important.
01:16:33.620 | I think more and more is going to move decentralized
01:16:35.660 | over time, which is great.
01:16:36.900 | And we're basically-
01:16:37.740 | - DEXs are decentralized exchanges, by the way.
01:16:40.340 | - Yeah.
01:16:41.180 | - So anyway, we want to encourage more and more of it
01:16:45.460 | to move decentralized over time,
01:16:46.860 | but I don't, the centralized things aren't going away
01:16:48.740 | for like a long time.
01:16:50.220 | It's a decade from now, there's going to be some
01:16:53.100 | big institution or pension fund or central bank
01:16:56.620 | that's like, all right, we got to hold crypto.
01:16:58.900 | Let's set up the account in a centralized way.
01:17:00.740 | So that's fine.
01:17:01.980 | Both are important.
01:17:03.180 | - Do you know the number of cryptocurrencies currently
01:17:06.260 | on Coinbase?
01:17:07.260 | Do you know that number?
01:17:08.140 | - It's over a hundred, but it depends.
01:17:10.620 | It depends what jurisdiction you're in and, you know,
01:17:13.020 | are you an institution versus retail?
01:17:16.380 | There's so many different categories now.
01:17:18.940 | - But over a hundred.
01:17:20.100 | - Yeah.
01:17:21.580 | - So what does it take to become an asset,
01:17:25.780 | to become a cryptocurrency on Coinbase,
01:17:28.180 | to add your technology to Coinbase?
01:17:32.220 | - Okay, well, so we're trying to get away from this idea
01:17:36.420 | of being listed on Coinbase as being seen as like
01:17:39.220 | an endorsement or something,
01:17:40.380 | because I actually think it's very important
01:17:42.660 | that we are not considered judge and jury about, you know,
01:17:47.660 | like imagine it was the early days of the internet
01:17:49.420 | and you were like, what's a good webpage
01:17:50.660 | and what's a bad webpage?
01:17:51.500 | Like you would have been totally wrong.
01:17:52.700 | Or anytime big tech companies try to make these review
01:17:57.460 | boards of like, you know, Apple famously gets in trouble
01:18:00.020 | for this a lot with their app store review process, right?
01:18:02.780 | And so something that you think like a committee of people
01:18:06.140 | somewhere thinks look silly may turn out to be
01:18:08.180 | the next big thing, right?
01:18:09.260 | And so it's very difficult.
01:18:10.620 | So what do we do?
01:18:11.460 | I mean, we basically have a test of legality, right?
01:18:15.060 | We check, you know, do we believe this is a security?
01:18:19.820 | If so, it can't be listed on Coinbase.
01:18:21.660 | And there's a very rigorous process we go through for that.
01:18:25.100 | Just currently the way the laws are in the US,
01:18:26.660 | you can't do that.
01:18:27.940 | And we've been, we acquired a broker to your license
01:18:30.220 | from the SEC.
01:18:31.060 | We're trying to work with them to get that operational.
01:18:32.860 | And hopefully someday we can trade real crypto securities,
01:18:35.300 | but today that's not possible in the US at least.
01:18:38.900 | Then we look at sort of the cybersecurity
01:18:40.940 | of the crypto asset.
01:18:42.540 | Does it, do we see that there's some flaw
01:18:44.300 | in the smart contract or, you know,
01:18:47.060 | a way that somebody could manipulate it
01:18:49.340 | without the customer's permission?
01:18:51.280 | We look at some compliance pieces to it as well,
01:18:54.740 | like the actors behind it and like, you know,
01:18:57.540 | their any kind of criminal history, anything like that.
01:19:00.140 | But if we believe it meets our listing standards,
01:19:02.980 | basically this test of legality and everything
01:19:06.300 | for customer protection,
01:19:08.180 | then we wanna list it because we want the market
01:19:10.500 | to at that point decide.
01:19:11.660 | And it's kind of like,
01:19:12.860 | it's kind of like Amazon or something like that,
01:19:16.140 | where, you know, a product might have three stars
01:19:18.880 | or it might have five stars,
01:19:19.940 | but if it starts to get one star consistently,
01:19:22.460 | like it's probably a fraudulent or it's defective
01:19:24.680 | or something like maybe Amazon will remove it.
01:19:26.700 | But otherwise you wanna let the market decide
01:19:29.080 | what these things are.
01:19:30.180 | So that's generally how we do it.
01:19:32.920 | And by the way, more and more of these assets,
01:19:36.220 | I think, especially like low market cap assets
01:19:38.420 | are gonna be traded on DEXs through Coinbase.
01:19:40.520 | It's not that we,
01:19:41.640 | we don't need to list every asset on a centralized exchange.
01:19:45.260 | I think DEXs are really good for the long tail.
01:19:47.820 | And then it becomes an even,
01:19:49.660 | it's even more clear to people,
01:19:50.900 | like this is not some endorsement by Coinbase of like,
01:19:54.020 | this asset's good and this one's bad.
01:19:55.400 | Like, you know, my belief is there's gonna be millions
01:19:57.940 | of these assets over time.
01:19:59.060 | And so I hope it doesn't like make news
01:20:02.380 | every time we add one in the future, basically.
01:20:03.820 | - Yeah, I wonder how you get there
01:20:06.020 | because even I look to Coinbase for example,
01:20:10.620 | you know, people, as you can imagine,
01:20:13.060 | sort of tag me on Twitter or something like that
01:20:15.340 | and all that, like you should interview our sort of this,
01:20:20.340 | the founder of this particular coin, right?
01:20:23.180 | - Yeah.
01:20:24.020 | - And it's so hard for me to know what's,
01:20:27.340 | first of all, what's the interesting technology?
01:20:29.700 | Who's a scammer or not?
01:20:34.820 | Who's actually legitimately representing
01:20:37.340 | an ambitious new thing versus a scam.
01:20:42.340 | And I, you know, there's very few sources
01:20:46.180 | of like verification signal.
01:20:50.540 | And unfortunately Coinbase in part has become
01:20:54.060 | a little bit of that too.
01:20:55.580 | And you're trying to get away from that
01:20:57.500 | because you're trying to get as many,
01:20:58.740 | sort of let the people decide.
01:21:00.740 | So you're thinking of like Amazon star type system
01:21:03.940 | where the people could rate.
01:21:05.660 | - Yeah, so I think we'll actually probably add
01:21:07.340 | like user ratings and reviews.
01:21:09.060 | So, and we'll be very cautious about like,
01:21:12.460 | you know, these are real people.
01:21:14.060 | There's a bunch of stuff we have to do for that already.
01:21:17.340 | So I think wisdom of the crowds is good
01:21:19.780 | in terms of getting feedback on items.
01:21:21.940 | But we also, we're gonna do our own review,
01:21:24.180 | which I mentioned earlier, right?
01:21:25.180 | Which is like, okay, it meets this minimum bar
01:21:27.620 | to be listed on our site.
01:21:28.700 | - Yeah.
01:21:29.540 | - So I think, yeah, both are important.
01:21:32.220 | - How do you know if a coin is a scam or not?
01:21:35.300 | - Well, you can see a few things.
01:21:39.100 | So, you know, I hate to use the word scam
01:21:41.140 | because a lot of these are judgment calls.
01:21:42.580 | You gotta, I kind of, a court may or a jury
01:21:45.140 | may land either way.
01:21:45.980 | But things that would be red flags to look at would be,
01:21:48.980 | you know, is a bunch of the asset owned by an insider
01:21:53.620 | or insiders with short vesting periods,
01:21:59.020 | you know, are, does the background of the founders,
01:22:02.940 | like they may have criminal records
01:22:04.820 | or if they've perpetrated other frauds in the past, right?
01:22:08.260 | There's a difference between something which is
01:22:11.340 | just a me too product that's like,
01:22:14.540 | doesn't have anything interesting about it
01:22:16.100 | and something that's an actual fraud or outright scam.
01:22:18.220 | And you have to, a lot of this data,
01:22:21.300 | what's cool about it is that it's now available on chain.
01:22:23.540 | You can look at like the tokenomics behind it
01:22:25.500 | and see who owns it.
01:22:26.340 | - Tokenomics, I love that term.
01:22:27.540 | - Yeah, and are they selling it, you know,
01:22:30.340 | in like inappropriately or are they pumping it
01:22:34.020 | on like YouTube and Twitter and making promises about,
01:22:38.160 | hey, the value of this thing may be a higher in the future.
01:22:40.260 | And like, all those are just big, big no-nos that we would,
01:22:43.260 | you know, we just don't wanna go there.
01:22:45.860 | So our whole thing is like,
01:22:48.260 | we want to enable the innovation in this space,
01:22:50.940 | but not allow anybody to curtail the advancement
01:22:54.660 | of this industry by like doing some kind of fraudulent thing
01:22:57.380 | or get rich quick thing.
01:22:59.260 | - It's a tricky industry,
01:23:00.100 | 'cause I'm trying to figure out who to, you know,
01:23:02.660 | what's interesting to understand, to research.
01:23:07.580 | - Yeah.
01:23:08.420 | - And it's hard to know.
01:23:09.860 | Let me ask you about a tricky one to add
01:23:12.100 | to a centralized exchange,
01:23:13.460 | which is privacy-preserving cryptocurrency.
01:23:16.300 | So like Monero.
01:23:17.380 | - Yeah.
01:23:18.220 | - Is that technically difficult or is that why,
01:23:21.660 | why is like Monero, for example, forget that specific one,
01:23:24.580 | but like privacy-preserving cryptocurrency blockchains,
01:23:29.580 | why is that, is that ever possible to add?
01:23:32.220 | - So that's a great question.
01:23:35.100 | So the answer is maybe.
01:23:36.860 | So here's the reason why.
01:23:40.260 | So because we're a regulated financial service business,
01:23:43.660 | we have various licenses to do that.
01:23:46.300 | We are regulated by various regulators.
01:23:48.460 | Part of those licenses requires us to have a quote,
01:23:51.020 | reasonable program to monitor for suspicious activity,
01:23:56.020 | you know, an AML program, anti-money laundering, right?
01:23:59.620 | And so if a coin is 100% anonymous
01:24:03.820 | and we can't really do blockchain analytics
01:24:05.500 | to track source of funds
01:24:07.780 | and where these things might be going,
01:24:09.660 | it makes it harder to have a reasonable program around that,
01:24:14.660 | that's defensible.
01:24:15.980 | Now there are privacy-preserving coins like Zcash,
01:24:19.380 | which have something called a view key.
01:24:21.180 | And a view key is basically another key,
01:24:23.260 | which allows you to de-anonymize the transactions
01:24:26.020 | in specific situations where you want that.
01:24:28.060 | So for instance, you know, we do support Zcash.
01:24:30.780 | And one of the ways we got comfortable with that
01:24:32.380 | is that when you're buying it on Coinbase,
01:24:35.140 | you know, you can basically have a view key.
01:24:38.340 | The transactions are not anonymous while you're buying it.
01:24:41.060 | And we can see where it goes afterwards
01:24:42.620 | and do our whole standard program.
01:24:44.380 | Now, if it gets a few hops away down the road,
01:24:47.980 | I mean, people could eventually
01:24:49.580 | turn on privacy-preserving aspects.
01:24:51.780 | So, you know, these are tough judgment calls,
01:24:53.820 | but at least in terms of our interaction
01:24:55.700 | with the customer and everything,
01:24:56.900 | we feel comfortable at that.
01:24:58.540 | I think there's a broader point here,
01:25:00.340 | which is that I actually think privacy coins
01:25:03.220 | are a good thing for the world
01:25:04.300 | and they should be allowed.
01:25:05.740 | And more like, you know,
01:25:07.900 | despite we've made this judgment call
01:25:09.740 | to operate in a regulated and safe and compliant way,
01:25:11.860 | but just taking my Coinbase hat off for a minute,
01:25:15.140 | I think the world would be a better place
01:25:17.540 | if there were more privacy coins,
01:25:19.060 | because it's kind of like the internet
01:25:20.700 | when it first came online,
01:25:21.740 | like there was no HTTPS, everything was HTTP.
01:25:25.500 | And there was, you know,
01:25:26.580 | so people were afraid to put their credit cards
01:25:28.100 | on the internet and your messages could be intercepted
01:25:31.540 | and all this stuff.
01:25:32.380 | And now the whole internet has basically moved to HTTPS
01:25:34.500 | with a little lock icon in your browser, which is better.
01:25:37.300 | Like, and financial information
01:25:39.220 | is like the most important information to keep private.
01:25:41.460 | Right?
01:25:42.580 | So there's times where,
01:25:44.180 | like let's say you're running a charity or something
01:25:46.020 | and you want to have total auditability,
01:25:47.900 | transparency for the whole world,
01:25:49.700 | who donated and where did the money go?
01:25:51.260 | That's great.
01:25:52.100 | You want it to be public.
01:25:53.220 | But if it's like your personal money
01:25:55.100 | or something like that,
01:25:56.060 | you don't want to be broadcasting that to the whole world.
01:25:58.060 | And in some ways that's what blockchains are doing,
01:26:00.580 | you know, pseudonymously,
01:26:01.900 | 'cause like, but it is a public ledger.
01:26:03.700 | And so if you can know who owns each address,
01:26:05.780 | you can basically de-anonymize it.
01:26:07.740 | I, you know, I think basically the people should fight
01:26:11.460 | for privacy and freedoms of all kinds,
01:26:13.940 | but privacy of money is a good thing.
01:26:15.980 | So I would like to see more of that in the future.
01:26:17.500 | - You've chosen with Coinbase
01:26:19.740 | to have a seat at the table with the regulators.
01:26:24.740 | - Yeah.
01:26:25.820 | - So what kind of conversations are there at that table?
01:26:30.820 | What are the regulations like?
01:26:33.500 | What is the level of understanding with regulators?
01:26:36.860 | What are they worried about?
01:26:38.140 | What are they thinking about?
01:26:39.260 | What are the positive
01:26:40.380 | and what are the negative regulations that you're facing?
01:26:44.580 | That you're educating, struggling with,
01:26:47.100 | pushing back on, supporting, all that kind of stuff.
01:26:49.780 | - Yeah.
01:26:51.220 | Oh man, there's so many, 'cause we're,
01:26:53.020 | I mean, we're live in like, you know,
01:26:55.540 | maybe a hundred countries or more at this point.
01:26:56.980 | So the conversations are all over the map.
01:26:59.900 | I'm trying to think what broad strokes
01:27:01.260 | I could paint for you.
01:27:02.100 | So I'd say one trend that's positive
01:27:05.260 | is that basically regulators around the world
01:27:07.460 | are more and more,
01:27:09.180 | over the last five years I would say,
01:27:11.460 | it's more and more common to find a regulator today asking,
01:27:15.780 | how can we preserve the innovation potential
01:27:17.740 | of this technology while keeping the bad actors out
01:27:21.140 | than it was five years ago where they were saying,
01:27:23.500 | this is all bad activity, how do we prevent it?
01:27:25.780 | And so maybe this is-
01:27:28.500 | - When you say more and more, what fraction?
01:27:32.460 | (laughing)
01:27:33.300 | - Okay, so just, I'll give you like a US specific example,
01:27:36.500 | although we operate in many countries.
01:27:38.220 | So when I go to DC now, I would say,
01:27:41.380 | you know, 50, 60% of the people who I meet with
01:27:44.980 | are basically, you know, they're in the camp of,
01:27:48.100 | crypto has a lot of potential,
01:27:50.300 | we should regulate it to make sure the bad people
01:27:52.340 | don't do something bad with it,
01:27:53.580 | but this is here to stay and it has a lot of upside,
01:27:56.260 | we should basically create the awful regulation
01:27:59.380 | and celebrate it and actually encourage this innovation
01:28:02.020 | to happen in the US.
01:28:03.220 | That's a huge change from just three years ago
01:28:06.620 | where it was probably 30% of people saying that,
01:28:08.380 | now it's like 60, it's like almost double.
01:28:10.420 | It's getting harder to find like true crypto skeptics in DC.
01:28:15.420 | I'd say that, you know, maybe only like 20 or 30% of people
01:28:19.580 | are like willing to say something negative,
01:28:21.900 | like they actually think it's net negative,
01:28:23.580 | it's like, it's really hard to defend that position
01:28:25.700 | at this point 'cause almost like one in five Americans
01:28:28.660 | have used or tried crypto at this point.
01:28:30.100 | So you're kind of condemning 20% of your fellow citizens
01:28:32.940 | if you say that at this point.
01:28:35.860 | You know, especially with NFTs and all these things,
01:28:37.260 | like a huge segment of people who don't even care
01:28:39.180 | about investing or whatever came into the space.
01:28:41.660 | And then basically that same conversation is happening,
01:28:46.660 | but, you know, delayed by a few years in like India
01:28:50.820 | and Europe and in some Asian countries.
01:28:53.100 | And some countries have really embraced crypto
01:28:56.260 | and they're like trying to really,
01:28:58.100 | they're ahead of where the US is
01:29:00.900 | 'cause they're trying to actually attract the best startups
01:29:04.100 | and entrepreneurs like, you know, like Dubai and the UK
01:29:06.820 | and Australia and all are kind of pushing good regulation.
01:29:09.500 | El Salvador actually, I guess, adopted it as like Bitcoin
01:29:12.500 | as a legal tender.
01:29:13.500 | There was another country, Central African Republic,
01:29:15.560 | I think that is supposedly did that as well.
01:29:18.220 | But, you know, there's countries like China
01:29:20.500 | that are more autocratic that are saying,
01:29:22.060 | "Hey, this is a threat to our power
01:29:24.540 | and like we're gonna try to really curtail it."
01:29:26.380 | - So what kind of regulations are there
01:29:28.820 | that you feel the most that are limiting
01:29:31.860 | or that are empowering?
01:29:33.220 | Like, is there specific examples?
01:29:35.260 | - Yeah, okay, so, I mean, basically,
01:29:38.060 | I think the securities laws in the US need to be clarified
01:29:40.980 | about what, crypto is many different things.
01:29:45.580 | That's what people don't realize.
01:29:46.620 | So like some crypto like Bitcoin, Ethereum
01:29:49.660 | and many others are probably more like commodities.
01:29:53.140 | They're not controlled by any one person, you know,
01:29:55.260 | like anyway, there's people who wanna raise money
01:29:58.140 | for a company that sounds more like a security
01:30:00.300 | that should be regulated by the SEC.
01:30:02.380 | Commodities regulated by the CFTC.
01:30:04.540 | Then there's some cryptocurrencies
01:30:06.380 | which are more like currencies, like stable coins
01:30:09.220 | and central bank digital currencies.
01:30:10.780 | And those are probably, you know,
01:30:12.860 | should be regulated by the treasury or someone like that.
01:30:15.140 | And then there's a whole another category
01:30:16.580 | of cryptocurrencies, which are none of those things.
01:30:18.340 | They're NFTs like artwork or they're metaverse items
01:30:21.740 | or decentralized identity or voting.
01:30:23.580 | And so I think that there's a very unhelpful point of view
01:30:30.580 | out there by some folks, which is, hey, this is all,
01:30:34.220 | most of this is like bad activity.
01:30:36.240 | We need to shut it down.
01:30:37.740 | So we're just gonna pursue enforcement actions
01:30:39.860 | or something like that.
01:30:40.980 | Most people in DC don't feel that way anymore.
01:30:43.020 | And I think the people of the US don't feel that way anymore
01:30:45.780 | 'cause a lot of them are using this stuff.
01:30:47.020 | And their general view is,
01:30:49.180 | there's a lot of upside potential here.
01:30:50.820 | We can all agree, let's get rid of the fraud and the scams.
01:30:52.940 | We all wanna get rid of that.
01:30:54.380 | So let's create a relatively simple test, which says,
01:30:58.900 | you know, if it's like, nobody controls more than 20%
01:31:02.700 | of it or some threshold,
01:31:03.700 | it probably is more like a commodity.
01:31:05.540 | If someone's raising money for,
01:31:07.580 | they're selling this thing for a business,
01:31:09.980 | then it's probably a security.
01:31:11.100 | And then, you know, if it's more like a medium of exchange,
01:31:14.360 | it's a currency.
01:31:15.200 | And if it's none of those things,
01:31:16.060 | maybe it's artwork or whatever.
01:31:18.300 | A legal test like that would help clarify who,
01:31:21.460 | which regulator is regulating what.
01:31:23.580 | And then, you know, we also wanna have probably
01:31:26.060 | like a sandbox for innovation,
01:31:27.740 | where if you're a startup and you're doing less than,
01:31:30.420 | I don't know, some number,
01:31:31.720 | less than some amount of payment volume
01:31:34.980 | or customer funds you're storing,
01:31:36.380 | it's like, just let those things get off the ground
01:31:38.700 | without a soul crushing amount of legal bills,
01:31:41.540 | you know, and uncertainty.
01:31:42.880 | So if the US can get there, that would be great.
01:31:46.020 | I think a bunch of other countries now
01:31:47.500 | are rushing around the world to sort of
01:31:49.260 | create that regulation that it does attract innovation.
01:31:52.560 | And so in the international bodies like IMF and G20
01:31:57.100 | and stuff, they're starting to look at proposed regulation.
01:32:00.100 | I hope that Coinbase and a bunch of other crypto companies
01:32:02.100 | can help in that conversation too.
01:32:03.280 | We have a whole policy effort.
01:32:04.860 | I think actually crypto policy efforts
01:32:07.060 | are like probably one of the biggest things in DC right now.
01:32:09.100 | So it moves slow at the speed of government, but yeah.
01:32:14.100 | And in the meantime, we're just trying to help
01:32:17.260 | more and more people use crypto
01:32:18.460 | 'cause ultimately that's what, in the democracies,
01:32:20.900 | that's what they care about.
01:32:22.060 | Like they'll do what the people of the country want.
01:32:24.740 | - So you want governments to start understanding
01:32:27.020 | the differences between in the crypto space,
01:32:29.460 | commodities, securities, currencies, NFTs.
01:32:32.460 | I still don't understand.
01:32:34.020 | What are the supposed to make sense of NFTs?
01:32:37.060 | What is NFTs exactly from a perspective of a regulator?
01:32:41.100 | - Yeah, so-
01:32:42.980 | - Is it the other categories?
01:32:44.820 | - Yeah, you know, most NFTs you could think of
01:32:46.500 | as like artwork, although it's,
01:32:48.100 | who knows where it's gonna go?
01:32:49.020 | It could be-
01:32:49.860 | - You mentioned metaverse, right?
01:32:50.700 | You mentioned some kind of unique identity of a thing.
01:32:54.860 | - Yeah, like-
01:32:55.700 | - Isn't everything art, man?
01:32:57.180 | - People sell on virtual land in NFTs.
01:32:59.860 | I actually, I bought this NFT that's like,
01:33:02.740 | it's like citizenship in this like city,
01:33:04.740 | Dow in Wyoming, like I've never been there,
01:33:06.780 | but it's almost like a badge or attestation
01:33:11.540 | like to get access to this location.
01:33:13.340 | There's like people doing like tickets to events,
01:33:17.380 | like, you know, they're called a POAPs,
01:33:19.660 | like proof of attendance and things like that.
01:33:23.620 | So it'll be very interesting to see where NFTs go over time.
01:33:27.820 | It could get, and that's the danger.
01:33:29.940 | You don't wanna try to like define the regulation
01:33:31.740 | if you don't even know where this thing's gonna go, so.
01:33:33.380 | - And so your efforts in the policy arm is education?
01:33:37.540 | - Yeah, education, advocacy.
01:33:39.900 | We're just trying to be like
01:33:40.740 | a helpful educational resource essentially.
01:33:42.620 | And then if they give us feedback and like,
01:33:44.180 | hey, don't do this or don't, or do this,
01:33:46.740 | like we're more than happy to do anything that's requested.
01:33:50.580 | We generally go get licenses
01:33:52.500 | and we've just tried to do the right thing
01:33:53.820 | in the absence of clarity,
01:33:54.940 | because if it's not clear what the law says,
01:33:59.180 | then you should just basically do good things
01:34:01.180 | that you think may be required in the future
01:34:02.780 | to show good faith effort towards the right thing.
01:34:05.100 | And that's part of like innovating in a regulated field,
01:34:08.700 | which is, you know, a whole topic in itself.
01:34:11.060 | - So if you are at the table,
01:34:13.820 | I mean, this is less the case in the United States,
01:34:17.280 | but can government agencies seize a person cryptocurrency
01:34:20.780 | by forcing Coinbase to hand it over?
01:34:24.820 | So when you're centralized,
01:34:26.340 | they have a phone number to call.
01:34:28.180 | - Okay, so this is a complicated topic.
01:34:30.440 | Like if you really wanna be sure that,
01:34:34.780 | this is why people wanna store their own crypto, right?
01:34:36.660 | Like with self-custodial wallets,
01:34:37.940 | like with Coinbase wallet and bracing decentralization,
01:34:40.180 | they wanna avoid that.
01:34:42.140 | Now in the US there is rule of law, right?
01:34:44.740 | So we have reasonable protections in place around
01:34:48.220 | like search and seizure and things like that.
01:34:50.460 | You know, Coinbase does,
01:34:52.660 | we publish transparency reports on this.
01:34:54.420 | We get subpoenas, court orders, things like that
01:34:56.940 | from various countries around the world.
01:35:00.300 | And there are situations where we have been ordered
01:35:04.700 | to freeze accounts, things like that.
01:35:06.740 | You know, we have to follow the law.
01:35:09.420 | Is there's no other way to put it.
01:35:10.980 | We're a regulated financial service business.
01:35:12.780 | And so-
01:35:13.620 | - If the money is used as part of breaking the law,
01:35:16.960 | that's what that, in a particular jurisdiction,
01:35:20.860 | in a particular-
01:35:22.500 | - Right, and then the other thing,
01:35:23.920 | sometimes we will actually get court orders
01:35:25.820 | or subpoenas that are overly broad.
01:35:27.220 | We've seen, so they need to follow due process, right?
01:35:30.940 | And so we've seen some in the past that were like,
01:35:34.340 | "Well, we need you to freeze this huge number of accounts."
01:35:36.580 | And it's like, well, we'll actually have gone to court
01:35:39.140 | and like pushed back on some of these and said like,
01:35:40.740 | "What is your, the probable cause?
01:35:42.940 | And has the threshold been met?"
01:35:44.460 | And like, we've won some of those cases
01:35:45.940 | on behalf of our customers.
01:35:46.960 | So yeah, it's actually really,
01:35:50.100 | it's kind of unfortunate and frustrating as a,
01:35:52.040 | you know, as a large business,
01:35:53.140 | you spend a lot of resources basically interacting
01:35:56.740 | with inbound requests by all kinds of lawyers and people
01:36:01.500 | and requesting things.
01:36:03.700 | And some of them are silly and ridiculous
01:36:06.020 | and you have to push back and say no.
01:36:07.420 | And so it's kind of a tax on every company
01:36:10.840 | at a certain size,
01:36:11.780 | which ultimately gets passed on to the customer
01:36:14.340 | in higher fees.
01:36:15.180 | So you have to employ armies of lawyers
01:36:17.540 | to deal with this stuff.
01:36:18.380 | - Can you educate me on something?
01:36:19.820 | How much innovation is there in the legal space?
01:36:23.820 | So for lawyers working with Coinbase,
01:36:26.300 | because it's such a new cutting edge thing.
01:36:30.780 | So you're, there's a lot of gray area
01:36:33.580 | you're supposed to be operating under.
01:36:36.500 | Like how hard is it being a lawyer at Coinbase?
01:36:40.100 | (both laughing)
01:36:41.100 | Like how much precedence is there,
01:36:43.380 | I guess is what I'm asking.
01:36:44.500 | I mean, just like you said, three years.
01:36:46.620 | It's kind of a new space.
01:36:49.580 | - Yeah.
01:36:50.420 | Well, it's probably very hard to be a lawyer at Coinbase
01:36:52.580 | and very fun because, you know,
01:36:54.820 | whenever you're in a new field that's growing fast,
01:36:57.220 | there isn't a lot of case law and just precedent set.
01:37:02.220 | So that's also an opportunity for you
01:37:04.460 | to go create that stuff.
01:37:05.420 | And that's what a lot of legal careers are made out of
01:37:07.620 | is like, take a complex situation
01:37:09.700 | where you have to balance difficult things.
01:37:11.300 | Like how do we prevent bad activity,
01:37:13.100 | but still enable an innovation?
01:37:14.140 | That's a hard question.
01:37:15.900 | And there's, you can go draft legislation
01:37:18.460 | and circulate it to policymakers
01:37:19.740 | or come up with these policies and, you know,
01:37:23.500 | how do you operate a business in an environment
01:37:25.340 | where the law is just unclear, right?
01:37:27.780 | It's like, try to do the right thing,
01:37:29.980 | but like, you know, strike the right balance.
01:37:33.820 | So yeah, a lot of our lawyers have to come up with that.
01:37:36.220 | Very creative stuff.
01:37:37.780 | - You mentioned one of the things you're focused on
01:37:39.540 | is expanding the number of people,
01:37:41.020 | maybe a billion people on Coinbase or using cryptocurrency.
01:37:46.020 | Where are we at now?
01:37:47.180 | How do we get to a billion?
01:37:48.940 | - As of Q4 last year,
01:37:50.620 | we had 89 million verified accounts on Coinbase,
01:37:53.540 | but in any given quarter, only, you know,
01:37:57.060 | maybe like 10 or a little more million of those
01:38:00.100 | are like really active.
01:38:02.020 | So, and then if you look at globally,
01:38:04.860 | I think some of the estimates I've seen is maybe
01:38:07.180 | there's like 200 million people or something like that
01:38:09.180 | who have ever used or tried crypto.
01:38:11.500 | So we're along, you know, we're a ways from a billion,
01:38:15.580 | but it's not like that far off.
01:38:17.540 | - How do you get there?
01:38:19.900 | - Yeah, okay. - How do you get to a billion?
01:38:21.300 | - So a few things.
01:38:22.380 | One is the blockchains have got to become
01:38:23.740 | way more scalable.
01:38:24.700 | It's kind of like we're all running dial-up modems
01:38:27.980 | and we need broadband.
01:38:28.980 | And so it's just like too expensive,
01:38:31.740 | too slow to do all these transactions.
01:38:33.180 | And I think if we just get L2s working and scalability,
01:38:38.020 | you know, we'll see another order of magnitude
01:38:39.900 | kind of come out just from that.
01:38:41.540 | I think the second one would be more clear regulation.
01:38:44.860 | That would help a lot.
01:38:46.820 | I do talk to, you know, pension funds and, you know,
01:38:51.620 | various asset managers, sovereign wealth funds and stuff.
01:38:53.780 | And a lot of them tell me,
01:38:55.700 | we've got 1% of our portfolio in crypto today,
01:38:58.740 | but we really would rather have like 20% in there.
01:39:02.140 | But what we're waiting for is more clear regulation
01:39:06.540 | coming out and saying that clear test that I was saying,
01:39:08.820 | these assets are commodities regulated by SEC,
01:39:10.980 | these are by SEC, these are by treasury, whatever.
01:39:13.700 | So that would be a big unlock.
01:39:15.460 | - Do transactions, so one of the things that you mentioned,
01:39:19.700 | payments, sorry. - Yeah.
01:39:21.460 | - Well, does that unlock a lot of users?
01:39:23.860 | - Yeah, it does.
01:39:26.060 | I mean, remittance is like a huge thing.
01:39:28.220 | People sending money home to their families
01:39:30.060 | and other countries where the fees are super high.
01:39:32.940 | So yeah, if we get blockchains to be more scalable
01:39:35.660 | and there's more global adoption,
01:39:37.020 | like I think we'll see remittance quarters
01:39:40.220 | move over to crypto a lot.
01:39:42.300 | There's also just, the other thing that's driving
01:39:44.420 | a lot of crypto adoption is basically
01:39:46.740 | the creation of more and more third-party apps.
01:39:49.300 | So, or dApps, they're sometimes called decentralized apps.
01:39:52.180 | So a lot of startups now, you know how like,
01:39:55.700 | used in the early 2000s, they called them dot-com startups,
01:39:58.540 | but now you don't need to say dot-com
01:39:59.980 | 'cause everybody's using the internet.
01:40:01.500 | And so now there's like hundreds or thousands
01:40:04.380 | of these crypto startups, but I think in the future,
01:40:06.940 | you won't need to call them crypto startups
01:40:08.180 | 'cause they'll just be called startups
01:40:09.260 | 'cause everyone's using the internet and crypto and whatever.
01:40:11.900 | So anyway, the use cases, the utility of crypto
01:40:15.820 | is getting better and better with like
01:40:17.780 | all these third-party apps getting funded and created.
01:40:20.460 | - Do you think there's gonna be a killer
01:40:22.660 | or a set of killer dApps,
01:40:24.940 | like a thing where nobody can live without?
01:40:27.740 | Are we still waiting for that?
01:40:29.300 | - There's gonna be a bunch of them.
01:40:30.220 | It's just like, it's like the internet,
01:40:31.500 | like what were the killer web companies?
01:40:33.740 | You know, like Uber and Wikipedia and Airbnb and Google.
01:40:37.020 | And like, so there's gonna be some big winners,
01:40:40.420 | but there'll be thousands of,
01:40:42.620 | this is basically the new,
01:40:45.020 | it's like what happened with the dot-com startups
01:40:46.740 | in the early 2000s.
01:40:47.580 | It's like a lot of the best entrepreneurs
01:40:49.140 | are building crypto startups now.
01:40:50.820 | So tons of venture money flowing into the space,
01:40:54.100 | a lot of smart young people, so.
01:40:55.620 | - Do you think Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency
01:40:57.620 | will become the reserve currency of the world at some point?
01:41:01.700 | - 'Cause this is kind of a controversial idea,
01:41:03.700 | but I actually think yes.
01:41:05.380 | I do think Bitcoin could end up becoming
01:41:08.540 | a reserve currency of the world.
01:41:10.780 | So, you know, I've been reading Ray Dalio recently
01:41:13.300 | with his new book, like "The Changing World Order."
01:41:16.620 | And I thought it was a really well-researched book.
01:41:19.860 | He talks in there, he looks back at history, right?
01:41:21.740 | He looks at like empires and, you know,
01:41:24.780 | going back to various Chinese empires,
01:41:26.660 | the Dutch and Ottomans and everybody,
01:41:28.060 | and how did they rise?
01:41:29.780 | And they were able to have the reserve currency
01:41:31.620 | as they rose.
01:41:32.940 | And what produced that?
01:41:34.220 | Like it came from, you know, good education and innovation
01:41:36.620 | and better trade and anyway.
01:41:39.180 | So the US by some measures is kind of,
01:41:43.620 | looks like it's maybe had a really good run
01:41:46.540 | and it's coming down a little bit.
01:41:47.820 | And China is kind of coming up.
01:41:49.820 | Who knows how that'll play out by the way?
01:41:51.140 | Like the world is very complicated.
01:41:52.460 | It could, that could switch.
01:41:54.020 | But I guess if the US dollar is gonna be seeing
01:41:59.180 | more inflation in the future,
01:42:01.980 | the Chinese Yuan is not like necessarily better, right?
01:42:05.900 | I mean, they have a ton of debt as well.
01:42:08.500 | And, you know, it's not like you could really,
01:42:13.220 | that the Yuan could be inflated as well, right?
01:42:15.500 | It probably will be.
01:42:17.020 | And so I do think that there's this group of people today,
01:42:19.940 | which probably most traditional, I don't know,
01:42:24.460 | like the people who run big banks
01:42:27.340 | and like governments and stuff,
01:42:28.380 | that they're not, this is not really on their radar today,
01:42:29.980 | but I think there's basically a group of younger people
01:42:32.740 | in that kind of, you know, 25, 35 year old range
01:42:35.980 | who are tech savvy.
01:42:37.540 | They're starting to think of crypto as like
01:42:39.420 | the primary thing in their financial life.
01:42:42.100 | It's like, I basically hold my wealth in crypto
01:42:44.900 | and I use dollars or euros or whatever.
01:42:47.900 | If I happen to need something,
01:42:49.420 | I convert it to that at the last minute.
01:42:50.580 | It's like, if I go on, if I'm traveling,
01:42:52.340 | I might convert some local currency in the moment,
01:42:54.060 | but that's not where I hold most of my wealth.
01:42:57.100 | So this segment of the population is not like massive yet
01:43:01.580 | from a GDP point of view,
01:43:02.580 | but I think it's a leading indicator
01:43:05.580 | of where things could be going.
01:43:06.700 | And this is actually good for the world.
01:43:07.940 | It's kind of like, especially if China does continue to rise
01:43:11.340 | and it has a more authoritarian view,
01:43:13.620 | it'll be kind of this very centralized East
01:43:16.900 | versus a decentralized West,
01:43:18.740 | where people are in the West, in the free world,
01:43:21.860 | really kind of embracing crypto
01:43:24.420 | in a more open, fair, free, global financial system,
01:43:27.740 | which I think will be enormously beneficial for humanity.
01:43:31.020 | And I do think basically Bitcoin is the reserve currency,
01:43:33.900 | the gold standard of the crypto economy.
01:43:36.180 | So that's pretty crazy.
01:43:39.260 | - Yeah, the gold standard.
01:43:40.340 | I mean, it's also like with Ray Dalio,
01:43:43.620 | I feel like China will drive a lot of this,
01:43:47.820 | either in response or directly.
01:43:49.900 | I mean, I think the ruble,
01:43:52.340 | I'm not paying as close attention to the financial systems,
01:43:55.380 | but I think they're trying to tie it to gold once again.
01:43:59.940 | So that's an interesting,
01:44:01.660 | maybe it'll be one of the more authoritarian regime
01:44:04.580 | that will switch to a Bitcoin standard first.
01:44:07.900 | And then it's the West that will,
01:44:11.340 | out of that pressure will catch up
01:44:14.900 | versus the other way around.
01:44:18.500 | It's fascinating to think of what is the forcing function,
01:44:23.100 | what kind of perturbation is required to switch,
01:44:26.260 | to change anything, honestly, about the financial system.
01:44:28.540 | But it could be, as you're saying,
01:44:32.660 | just waiting for the people that are young now
01:44:34.940 | that are embracing crypto
01:44:36.620 | to enter the positions of power, essentially.
01:44:40.980 | But I hope that's not the case,
01:44:42.340 | 'cause that's, if for any innovation, we have to wait,
01:44:47.340 | I'm sorry to say, for the older folk to pass away.
01:44:50.940 | - Yeah.
01:44:51.860 | - That's not an efficient way to make change.
01:44:54.700 | - Yeah, that's a super interesting topic
01:44:57.460 | of how people's minds become less plastic as they age.
01:45:01.460 | - I guess it's a feature.
01:45:04.700 | It's called wisdom,
01:45:06.540 | but then we also need the wild ones to explore,
01:45:09.100 | exploration versus exploitation.
01:45:11.120 | You wrote a blog post that's really interesting
01:45:14.500 | in September 2020 titled Coinbase is a mission-focused
01:45:18.540 | company, like what we're talking about.
01:45:20.660 | So one interesting thing you said in that blog post
01:45:23.540 | is that we're not going to be distracted
01:45:27.540 | by sort of activism within the company
01:45:30.980 | that's not related to the mission of the company.
01:45:35.160 | Now, that's a rare thing for a company to state,
01:45:38.580 | for a company CEO to state, especially in this climate.
01:45:42.520 | Can you, first of all, describe in a little more detail
01:45:47.520 | what you meant?
01:45:50.320 | Did you receive blowback for this?
01:45:52.400 | - I definitely received some blowback,
01:45:53.620 | but yeah, I'll describe what I meant.
01:45:55.020 | And if you wanna talk about how it came to that too,
01:45:57.680 | we can talk about that.
01:45:58.520 | But what I meant is that there's a lot of companies
01:46:03.440 | right now, including tech companies,
01:46:05.360 | but not exclusively where,
01:46:07.440 | I think like great companies,
01:46:11.420 | they have an important mission.
01:46:12.680 | They're trying to do something really good for the world.
01:46:15.080 | And unfortunately, they're getting a little distracted
01:46:17.640 | from that at times because of employee activism
01:46:20.840 | that is causing the company to basically jump
01:46:25.340 | into whatever the current thing is and try to help,
01:46:29.080 | is like the positive interpretation.
01:46:30.760 | The negative interpretation would be to virtue signal.
01:46:33.480 | And my view is that this is actually kind of destructive
01:46:37.480 | to, this is largely an American company phenomenon,
01:46:40.440 | by the way.
01:46:41.280 | I do worry that this is making America less competitive,
01:46:45.640 | even though I think of myself
01:46:46.480 | as kind of internationally minded,
01:46:47.800 | but I am a US citizen, have a lot of my whole life here.
01:46:50.040 | So when we put out this statement,
01:46:53.960 | we had employees that were not in the US
01:46:56.000 | who were confused by it.
01:46:57.180 | They were like, why did Brian need to say that?
01:46:59.520 | We're just saying you're gonna work, focus on work at work.
01:47:02.460 | That's what we were doing already.
01:47:04.460 | And there was certain pockets of the US, certain cities,
01:47:08.620 | in particular, where we had employees
01:47:10.300 | that a very peculiar cultural phenomenon had evolved,
01:47:15.300 | where I think people really wanted the company
01:47:19.060 | they worked at to be almost acting
01:47:24.060 | like the government or something,
01:47:25.240 | and trying to solve the hardest societal issues
01:47:28.180 | and at least have an opinion on it,
01:47:30.380 | if not contribute to the solution on almost everything.
01:47:35.500 | And for me, it was a very uncomfortable situation
01:47:39.780 | for me as a CEO.
01:47:40.620 | I'd never quite been in this situation
01:47:42.020 | where most of the time when employees in the past
01:47:45.060 | were kind of asking me questions,
01:47:47.460 | they would be asking about,
01:47:49.580 | how do we make this product better?
01:47:51.100 | What do we do with this competitor?
01:47:52.340 | What about this regulator?
01:47:53.700 | And it got to a place around that time
01:47:56.700 | where most of the questions we were receiving
01:47:59.380 | were, I think, even about things not related to the company.
01:48:02.060 | They were about broader societal issues,
01:48:03.260 | like, Brian, what's your stance
01:48:04.380 | on XYZ controversial thing?
01:48:06.660 | And I often didn't have an opinion on these.
01:48:10.860 | These were really hard questions, right?
01:48:12.100 | And I felt like it was distracting the company.
01:48:15.820 | People internally were getting into fights a lot, too,
01:48:17.780 | like disagreeing with each other.
01:48:19.620 | There was a thing where Slack internally
01:48:22.500 | was turning into social media almost
01:48:24.140 | with people putting in flame wars.
01:48:26.340 | So, and this culminated, by the way,
01:48:27.980 | with a walkout that happened in the company.
01:48:31.300 | We had received some demands from employee groups
01:48:34.660 | about various things,
01:48:35.500 | and there was basically an antagonistic thing
01:48:37.660 | with management and employees.
01:48:39.220 | I was like, we're all on the same team here.
01:48:42.020 | If you wanna be antagonistic,
01:48:43.260 | let's do it with somebody else outside the company
01:48:46.500 | that we're trying to improve the world in that dimension.
01:48:48.500 | So, yeah, eventually I was like,
01:48:50.740 | okay, the company is not aligned on this.
01:48:52.780 | I just don't feel, I don't like the job as CEO, frankly.
01:48:57.380 | If the job is to come in here every day
01:48:58.820 | and have to squirm in front of
01:49:01.140 | these most difficult societal questions,
01:49:03.140 | I don't think I wanna do that job.
01:49:05.380 | So either they're gonna have to go,
01:49:06.700 | or I'm gonna have to go.
01:49:08.140 | And I founded this company,
01:49:09.380 | and I really believe in the mission,
01:49:10.340 | so they're gonna have to go.
01:49:11.380 | And what I realized was that,
01:49:14.140 | so I basically, I made an exit package available
01:49:16.940 | to anybody who wasn't on board with this direction.
01:49:19.340 | 5% of employees took it.
01:49:21.180 | I got the company realigned towards this mission.
01:49:23.900 | We're all here to do work.
01:49:25.140 | By the way, people can, they can go do anything
01:49:27.460 | like political or social activism outside of work.
01:49:29.740 | It's totally fine.
01:49:30.580 | Like we all, everybody has stuff like that
01:49:33.340 | in their personal life.
01:49:34.220 | But while at work, we can also disagree at work,
01:49:36.300 | by the way, on the work.
01:49:37.780 | This is not like a no disagreement culture.
01:49:39.780 | Like we should, let's try to get the truth.
01:49:42.300 | But don't bring stuff into work
01:49:44.020 | that's just gonna create division.
01:49:46.260 | Make the workplace a refuge from division
01:49:48.420 | about all these crazy things.
01:49:49.420 | And like, we're all aligned here to work on the mission.
01:49:51.700 | Let's do that.
01:49:52.620 | - Yeah, that was really, really, really refreshing to hear.
01:49:57.220 | So this is me speaking,
01:49:59.060 | but there's a sense when companies
01:50:01.660 | take on these issues publicly,
01:50:03.460 | from a CEO position or anywhere else,
01:50:06.100 | that it does seem to optimize for virtue signaling
01:50:10.920 | versus solving a particular problem.
01:50:13.500 | Because to solve a particular problem,
01:50:15.620 | you really have to, really put in a huge,
01:50:18.820 | you have to hire a huge number,
01:50:20.500 | you basically have to create a company
01:50:21.900 | within a company to take on a particular thing.
01:50:24.620 | - Right.
01:50:25.460 | - But if you allow yourself to internally care
01:50:29.420 | about a particular issue,
01:50:30.580 | you're basically pacifying some number of employee,
01:50:34.180 | like making sure Slack doesn't get out of hand.
01:50:36.980 | And then you're doing this kind of, from my perspective,
01:50:40.140 | especially on issues I care about, fake virtue signaling,
01:50:43.740 | basically trying to understand
01:50:45.540 | what will make me look the best,
01:50:47.200 | what would make the company look the best
01:50:48.700 | in this particular aspect.
01:50:50.260 | And it just seems very shallow.
01:50:52.100 | And it's optimizing for the wrong thing,
01:50:54.260 | not for the solving of the problems,
01:50:56.860 | but for the making yourself look like the good guy,
01:51:01.860 | and trying to then leverage that to say,
01:51:04.940 | I'm the good guy in all situations.
01:51:07.500 | And it's the wrong thing.
01:51:09.740 | And perhaps from your perspective as a CEO, as a leader,
01:51:13.860 | it's also creating division,
01:51:16.540 | unnecessary division within people.
01:51:19.300 | Like they get, yeah, there's something about us
01:51:21.260 | who gets extremely argumentative about certain topics.
01:51:25.820 | They really bring out the emotion.
01:51:27.820 | - Yeah.
01:51:28.660 | - And I think that probably, as you were saying,
01:51:30.840 | that emotion is even probably okay, maybe productive,
01:51:34.900 | when that emotion has to do with the mission of the company.
01:51:37.660 | Like you really care about those disagreements
01:51:40.400 | versus like something that has nothing to do
01:51:43.860 | with the particular,
01:51:45.140 | with increasing economic freedom using crypto.
01:51:50.980 | Yeah, it's fascinating.
01:51:52.700 | But it was so refreshing because it's rare.
01:51:55.420 | Why do you think that's a rare?
01:51:57.300 | So the city you're mentioning,
01:51:59.820 | I mean, there's a bunch of cities,
01:52:01.960 | but San Francisco is one such city with that culture.
01:52:06.960 | And it's sad because San Francisco is also,
01:52:12.340 | the Bay Area is also the hub historically
01:52:16.660 | of some of the greatest innovation in human history.
01:52:20.180 | - Yeah.
01:52:21.020 | - So there's that tension.
01:52:22.040 | How did that culture emerge there,
01:52:24.380 | where like the innovation was done by people
01:52:27.340 | that are very mission-driven.
01:52:29.000 | You get a bunch of smart people together
01:52:30.800 | to solve a difficult problem.
01:52:32.640 | They get maybe sometimes too much blinders on,
01:52:35.660 | but they try to balance that
01:52:37.580 | 'cause it requires that focus to solve an actual problem.
01:52:41.420 | And yet that's also the place where this culture emerged.
01:52:44.700 | It's a fascinating human dynamic.
01:52:47.300 | I don't know.
01:52:48.140 | Somebody will one day tell the history of Silicon Valley,
01:52:52.380 | not just the innovation,
01:52:54.240 | but the social dynamics that occurred there.
01:52:56.180 | Anyway, why do you think that's so rare?
01:52:58.180 | - Well, because people don't wanna get attacked.
01:53:01.700 | It's like super, you don't wanna get canceled, right?
01:53:04.100 | It's super uncomfortable.
01:53:07.660 | Nobody wants to be called a racist
01:53:08.980 | or whatever people wanna say on Twitter.
01:53:11.940 | - To get attacked?
01:53:14.540 | - Yeah, yeah, I definitely got attacked.
01:53:15.980 | I mean, and I knew it would be controversial.
01:53:17.940 | The only reason I did it, frankly,
01:53:19.580 | was that I was kind of at my wits end.
01:53:22.540 | I was like, well, like I said earlier,
01:53:24.740 | like the job, the CEO job sucks.
01:53:26.420 | Like either I don't wanna do it or they have to go
01:53:29.420 | and I'm gonna make the company into something that I want.
01:53:31.280 | And I'd spent eight or nine years in my life at that point
01:53:36.280 | kind of building this thing.
01:53:37.300 | I was like, well, I could go start another company,
01:53:39.140 | but it takes a long time to get momentum with these things.
01:53:41.180 | And Coinbase is a very rare thing
01:53:43.500 | that happened in the world.
01:53:44.380 | I feel very passionate about it.
01:53:46.180 | So yeah, I'm not gonna go.
01:53:48.780 | Like I need to make this the company that I wanna work at.
01:53:50.980 | And what was really interesting
01:53:53.020 | was that there was such a huge outpouring of support.
01:53:56.740 | So I knew that it would be controversial
01:53:58.180 | and I would get attacked.
01:53:59.020 | And predictably, there was some journalists
01:54:02.940 | and New York Times and all these people
01:54:04.460 | who kind of like went and started writing hit pieces
01:54:06.780 | on the company shortly thereafter.
01:54:09.420 | And they basically just call people who've left the company
01:54:12.060 | and can get quotes on whatever they want
01:54:14.620 | and then they'll write a story.
01:54:16.260 | So mainstream media,
01:54:17.540 | I lost a lot of trust in mainstream media,
01:54:19.220 | frankly, after that.
01:54:20.060 | And of course, it's kind of become obvious since then
01:54:22.640 | that most mainstream media is like hyper politicized
01:54:25.900 | at this point.
01:54:26.740 | It's basically either super left or super right.
01:54:28.500 | And it's not really that focused on truth.
01:54:32.980 | So that's kind of unfortunate
01:54:35.500 | 'cause I think journalism is actually like
01:54:36.820 | really important in society.
01:54:37.900 | So that whole thing got eroded in the US.
01:54:40.740 | Luckily, there's sort of new media, people like you
01:54:43.340 | and a whole bunch of people.
01:54:44.660 | - Did that blog post help that statement,
01:54:47.620 | the 95 people that remained,
01:54:50.540 | is this still something you struggle with?
01:54:52.500 | Because it's also a culture of the broader tech space.
01:54:56.580 | - Okay, so that was an interesting thing,
01:54:57.980 | which was that, so the 95% of people stayed.
01:55:00.620 | I got a huge outpouring of support from people who said,
01:55:04.940 | "Thank God you finally spoke up and said something."
01:55:07.200 | Because frankly, it was making it not a very fun place
01:55:10.860 | to work either.
01:55:12.280 | And I realized that there is,
01:55:15.220 | I think there was a, I think Nassim Taleb
01:55:17.700 | has this blog post about the tyranny of the 1%
01:55:21.300 | or something like that.
01:55:22.340 | But there's basically a relatively small group,
01:55:24.020 | one in 5% or something like that,
01:55:25.500 | that is really upset about something.
01:55:28.340 | It's not the majority of the company, it's like 5%.
01:55:30.820 | There's another 15% or something
01:55:32.380 | that are sympathetic to the cause.
01:55:34.180 | They're actually somewhat suggestible.
01:55:35.940 | They will go along with whatever,
01:55:37.520 | because it sounds reasonable.
01:55:38.680 | These are like real issues they're talking about.
01:55:40.360 | It's not to say that it's not real.
01:55:42.620 | And they'll kind of get swept up in it.
01:55:44.900 | But there's an 80% of the company that basically
01:55:48.460 | doesn't agree or just wants to get their work done
01:55:50.360 | without all this drama or distraction.
01:55:52.880 | And they're afraid to speak up because if they speak up,
01:55:56.600 | they're afraid of being, again, called a racist,
01:55:58.740 | like fired, ostracized amongst their peers.
01:56:01.920 | And so it did require it to get to a bad enough place
01:56:06.600 | for me to finally say, you know what,
01:56:07.760 | I just, I feel like I have to do this.
01:56:10.080 | Live through the short-term attacks of the press,
01:56:12.560 | which ultimately was very freeing for me
01:56:14.300 | because now I don't really care.
01:56:16.320 | And now I can actually just build the company
01:56:18.060 | that I want to build without caring about that.
01:56:20.720 | So, and then what was cool was a lot of really great people
01:56:24.160 | reached out to the Coinbase too after that.
01:56:25.940 | And were like, I'm an early engineer at Google or whatever.
01:56:29.700 | And like this culture has gotten kind of messed up
01:56:33.000 | and like, I want to work at a company
01:56:34.200 | that's willing to stand for that.
01:56:35.240 | And so we've gotten a lot of good people come over.
01:56:37.360 | Basically what I realized, and by the way,
01:56:38.880 | our diversity numbers and all that stuff,
01:56:40.360 | like people told me when I was drafting this post,
01:56:42.400 | they're like, don't post this.
01:56:44.400 | You're like, people, underrepresented groups
01:56:46.240 | will never want to work at this company again.
01:56:47.840 | I was like, I don't think that's true.
01:56:49.740 | Like I talked to like our ERG groups
01:56:52.680 | and they're not telling me they care
01:56:53.720 | about this stuff that much.
01:56:54.840 | They're telling me they just want to like be respected
01:56:56.800 | at work and do good work and contribute.
01:56:58.840 | So my gut was telling me that that advice was wrong.
01:57:01.620 | And like, I can tell you a year after doing it,
01:57:04.820 | like our diversity numbers are basically
01:57:06.540 | either the same or better in every category.
01:57:08.840 | So that turned out to be false.
01:57:10.380 | Look, I hate to be like, you know,
01:57:15.420 | polarizing on in either dimension here.
01:57:17.240 | Like I just want to get good work done
01:57:18.540 | and build good stuff with technology.
01:57:19.980 | So, you know, I think companies should just have
01:57:23.800 | like reasonable policies.
01:57:25.580 | Like you want to get rid of bias in hiring.
01:57:27.300 | You want to attract great people
01:57:28.660 | from all different backgrounds.
01:57:30.600 | Like, you know, we have pledge 1%.
01:57:32.860 | We put 1% of the company equity into a foundation.
01:57:34.980 | Like I hope we're able to do good stuff with that.
01:57:36.820 | That's, you know, give back in some way.
01:57:39.120 | But like the main message, I guess for me is like
01:57:43.700 | the core mission, the core work that we're doing
01:57:47.460 | on economic freedom and just all of our products,
01:57:49.980 | that is like the main value
01:57:51.300 | that we're contributing in the world.
01:57:52.340 | Like, let's just do that more.
01:57:53.520 | And hopefully we can get from 89 million verified users
01:57:56.580 | to a billion or whatever.
01:57:58.140 | And then I just think that's how we'll have
01:58:01.240 | the biggest impact.
01:58:02.280 | - It's tempting though.
01:58:03.460 | It's so interesting how companies get tempted to help.
01:58:06.820 | - Yeah.
01:58:07.660 | - It's like, and you step in and it's almost like a drug
01:58:10.180 | and then you can't, you forget.
01:58:11.940 | I mean, like all of us in life,
01:58:13.780 | it doesn't have to be companies, you get distracted.
01:58:16.260 | - Yeah.
01:58:17.100 | - And maintaining focus, like you're absolutely right.
01:58:19.780 | The way for Coinbase to add value to the world
01:58:22.100 | is to maximize the mission that it's on,
01:58:25.180 | not other stuff.
01:58:27.340 | And when you get wealthier and more successful,
01:58:29.220 | there's, it becomes more and more tempting
01:58:31.940 | to just help out in some other shallow ways.
01:58:34.260 | And it's fascinating.
01:58:35.900 | And you just kind of brought that to light.
01:58:37.540 | So it was very refreshing
01:58:38.740 | and it shouldn't be controversial
01:58:40.260 | to sort of focus on just getting stuff done.
01:58:43.980 | - Well, let me ask you, I mean, do you think that this,
01:58:46.220 | it's all these things tie together.
01:58:47.660 | There's like a general trend of like more censorship,
01:58:50.140 | you know, there's like more cancel culture.
01:58:54.060 | There's some of these like freedom values
01:58:57.300 | are kind of, you know, even like freezing people's accounts,
01:59:00.660 | like the trucker thing that happened.
01:59:02.460 | And it seems like there's a general trend
01:59:05.060 | of more authoritarian, you know, policies there.
01:59:10.060 | But do you think that,
01:59:12.460 | do you feel like the tide is turning on that?
01:59:13.900 | Like there's counter examples to it we've seen recently.
01:59:16.340 | - Yeah, I think it's the last gasp
01:59:19.340 | of old way of doing things.
01:59:20.900 | And so there's desperation and so on.
01:59:22.900 | 'Cause to be fair, it's kind of the internet,
01:59:27.100 | which is where's the source of a lot of this,
01:59:29.660 | where people have a voice,
01:59:31.180 | is making the power centers of the world really nervous.
01:59:34.300 | And so that's where that's coming from, I think.
01:59:36.540 | And the internet is tricky.
01:59:38.780 | It's weird.
01:59:39.980 | It's full of bots.
01:59:41.660 | It's full of like misinformation of all kinds,
01:59:45.780 | full of large groups with conspiracy theories and so on.
01:59:49.820 | And I mean, misinformation broadly,
01:59:51.580 | people are misusing the word misinformation.
01:59:53.780 | They're just, governments are just labeling random things
01:59:56.780 | with misinformation just to censor them.
01:59:59.040 | But I just think it's just like a new world
02:00:03.540 | where the internet is really finally taking hold,
02:00:06.100 | where there's billions of devices and everybody has a voice.
02:00:09.260 | It's almost, basically governments and powerful people
02:00:14.260 | are slightly losing hold of power
02:00:18.400 | and they're starting to freak out a little bit.
02:00:20.540 | That's it.
02:00:21.420 | And so, and then once you have young people
02:00:23.900 | that are coming up now,
02:00:25.620 | gain power, I think will rebalance everything.
02:00:28.700 | And then there's, yeah, like you said, promising signs
02:00:31.540 | that it's obvious that the majority of people want freedom.
02:00:38.220 | And that means a lot of things.
02:00:39.460 | That means economic freedom.
02:00:40.660 | That means freedom to have a voice,
02:00:43.040 | freedom to move around,
02:00:45.660 | freedom to act in the way they,
02:00:47.980 | without reasonable sort of limitations
02:00:50.980 | by people that don't have their best interests.
02:00:55.020 | And I gain more hope from just regular people
02:00:59.700 | that are fighting and like demanding
02:01:04.340 | being able to have freedom of speech,
02:01:08.620 | or more specifically sort of resisting crude
02:01:13.380 | overreach of government in the acts of censorship,
02:01:16.460 | at least in the United States.
02:01:18.020 | And hopefully that percolates out to the rest of the world
02:01:22.660 | that's struggling on a much more basic level
02:01:25.340 | where people are being put in prison
02:01:26.780 | for the words they say, not just banned from Twitter.
02:01:30.060 | - Right, could be worse.
02:01:31.500 | - What are some lessons from your failures
02:01:35.900 | and your successes about what it takes to run a company?
02:01:40.100 | - I think one of the things that I've learned
02:01:42.980 | about leadership is that,
02:01:46.020 | I never really thought of myself
02:01:47.260 | as a very natural leader, to be honest.
02:01:48.860 | I don't think I was a natural leader.
02:01:51.580 | But so I always envisioned good leaders
02:01:54.060 | as like these military generals,
02:01:55.500 | like they seem so confident
02:01:57.540 | and they're just like bark orders,
02:01:58.980 | charge that hill and do this.
02:02:00.380 | And I was actually like more introverted
02:02:03.260 | and kind of, I wasn't really confident
02:02:06.740 | in the way I communicated.
02:02:08.060 | And so what I realized is that
02:02:11.940 | there's lots of different kinds of leaders.
02:02:13.140 | You can be any kind of CEO you want, right?
02:02:15.020 | I was kind of more of like a product technical focus CEO.
02:02:18.180 | And I preferred to sort of hear everyone's opinion.
02:02:21.740 | And it wasn't just gonna like render a decision in the room
02:02:23.780 | in some like kind of heated moment
02:02:25.100 | and like piss off half the people.
02:02:26.260 | I would be like, all right, I'm gonna go think about it
02:02:28.380 | and I'll send you my decision later today
02:02:30.660 | or tomorrow or whatever.
02:02:32.140 | And so I found ways to kind of make it work for me
02:02:35.020 | where I could basically, I always tried to avoid like,
02:02:38.600 | when people getting like super emotional about something
02:02:42.580 | and like, I think they're thinking
02:02:44.540 | their judgment goes down, right?
02:02:46.460 | And it's like never make a decision when you're angry.
02:02:48.500 | And so if I would always sort of try to get a sense of,
02:02:50.980 | are these people like trying to be right
02:02:52.260 | or are they trying to seek the truth?
02:02:54.660 | And you can do these little tricks like,
02:02:57.260 | okay, you argue that person's position
02:02:59.380 | and you argue the other one
02:03:00.380 | and like see if you can genuinely represent it.
02:03:02.820 | Now I know you're listening and these kinds of things.
02:03:05.380 | But I guess, sorry,
02:03:07.140 | getting back to your question about leadership.
02:03:08.540 | I think I basically just kept doing things
02:03:12.180 | that were a little outside my comfort zone
02:03:15.140 | and then my comfort zone kept getting bigger and bigger.
02:03:17.780 | You know?
02:03:18.620 | And so I think that's how you build confidence
02:03:22.060 | is you do the thing that's scary
02:03:24.940 | and it's like a little outside.
02:03:26.820 | And like when I first started Coinbase,
02:03:29.100 | I had never managed anybody.
02:03:30.220 | I would have been scared to death
02:03:32.060 | to have put out like a very controversial opinion like that
02:03:34.660 | and sort of, all right, 5% of people will go,
02:03:38.180 | you know, we didn't know what percent it was gonna be
02:03:39.300 | by the way, it could have been 1%, it could have been 50%.
02:03:41.380 | Like, but we went into it scary
02:03:44.100 | because it was a scary thing.
02:03:45.220 | I was like, I don't know, I think this is right.
02:03:47.540 | I'm just gonna do it.
02:03:49.420 | So if you do enough scary things,
02:03:50.940 | like you'll build the confidence.
02:03:52.820 | And I feel like I'm still on that journey.
02:03:54.540 | Every year or two at Coinbase,
02:03:57.060 | there's some big thing that comes out.
02:03:58.420 | It's like, oh my God, like I didn't sleep well for a week
02:04:00.620 | and like this is the next level, right?
02:04:03.580 | But that's how you learn and grow.
02:04:05.580 | - So you're still going up that mountain
02:04:07.540 | through the fog one step at a time.
02:04:09.340 | - Yeah.
02:04:10.580 | - Can I just quickly ask you about a couple other efforts
02:04:13.980 | that are super interesting that you're involved with?
02:04:15.860 | So first of all, a little bit more old school,
02:04:18.900 | fascinating effort of Research Hub.
02:04:20.660 | So what's that about?
02:04:24.300 | The GitHub for open science.
02:04:26.980 | - Yeah, okay, so basically I've had a chance
02:04:28.740 | to try to help a couple other companies
02:04:30.100 | get off the ground too
02:04:30.940 | 'cause I wanna see various efforts out there succeed.
02:04:34.620 | And one of them, I've always thought about like,
02:04:37.340 | why is scientific research not more like open source software
02:04:41.300 | or why couldn't it be much faster, right?
02:04:42.700 | And you've probably have seen this
02:04:44.780 | like in an academic setting, right?
02:04:46.020 | But there's all kinds of things
02:04:47.700 | that feel very antiquated to me about scientific research.
02:04:50.500 | Everything from the funding process and grants
02:04:53.740 | to how peer review works, to how you submit to journals,
02:04:57.620 | all the costs associated with journals,
02:04:59.580 | the people you'd think like you'd get paid for this
02:05:02.580 | or something and it would then be available
02:05:03.820 | to all the taxpayers for free,
02:05:05.140 | but no, they're like, they're all paywalled
02:05:06.700 | and there's like these big companies that have sort of,
02:05:09.380 | in my view, kind of held back innovation here.
02:05:12.020 | So, and the preprint servers like bioRxiv
02:05:14.980 | and have really helped this,
02:05:16.580 | but those websites, they look like they're kind of
02:05:18.580 | from like 15 years ago or something.
02:05:20.380 | - Yeah, it's like Craigslist or something.
02:05:21.780 | - Yeah, so anyway, one of the things I,
02:05:24.780 | once Coinbase went public last year,
02:05:26.340 | I had a little bit of liquidity and I was like,
02:05:27.580 | all right, let me find a small team
02:05:28.900 | and let's see if they can like go off
02:05:31.580 | and make something better here.
02:05:32.700 | So we have a prototype out there.
02:05:35.140 | It's at
02:05:36.300 | People can check it out.
02:05:37.380 | And it's basically, you know,
02:05:39.700 | the first version is kind of like Reddit for science.
02:05:41.540 | There's like various hubs, which are like journals,
02:05:44.500 | but you know, you can publish papers there.
02:05:46.460 | You can use an electronic lab notebook
02:05:48.260 | to sort of have a modern day paper,
02:05:49.740 | which is not just a PDF that's static,
02:05:51.580 | but it's a living document.
02:05:53.580 | Ideally in the future, you know,
02:05:54.460 | you can get comments and feedback from people in there.
02:05:56.580 | You can update it over time.
02:05:57.980 | We want people to be able to share the code
02:06:00.180 | and the datasets associated with their research paper
02:06:02.660 | is not just a PDF.
02:06:05.020 | In the future, we want to make it even where like,
02:06:07.020 | you know, people can get funding for science
02:06:09.860 | through that site and even license out innovations
02:06:13.660 | that they've made.
02:06:14.500 | 'Cause the other thing I've noticed in life
02:06:16.380 | is that there's kind of like,
02:06:17.940 | there's a bunch of people working on science
02:06:19.220 | and there's a bunch of people building companies
02:06:21.100 | and they very rarely intersect,
02:06:23.340 | but when they do, you get the best things
02:06:25.140 | like SpaceX and Genentech and even Google.
02:06:28.020 | And like even Coinbase was based on a research paper,
02:06:31.020 | the Bitcoin white paper.
02:06:32.460 | And so most business people are like creating
02:06:34.900 | companies that don't have any scientific innovation.
02:06:36.780 | They're just like marketing based on, you know, whatever.
02:06:40.220 | And then a lot of scientists are making things
02:06:42.740 | which never actually benefit humanity
02:06:44.740 | 'cause they're not commercialized and turned into products.
02:06:47.540 | And so if we can somehow create a translation layer
02:06:50.660 | between those two groups and help them,
02:06:53.300 | you know, helps align the market forces,
02:06:56.260 | align scientific research to market forces
02:06:58.100 | so that they're more incentivized.
02:06:59.140 | Like if you discover CRISPR or something like that,
02:07:01.740 | like you should be a billionaire, you know,
02:07:03.220 | and like all the downstream implications of that,
02:07:05.540 | not going through some antiquated tech transfer office
02:07:07.860 | or whatever.
02:07:08.700 | And if you're an entrepreneur,
02:07:11.180 | you should be looking to commercialize
02:07:12.580 | the latest scientific innovations.
02:07:14.780 | And so that's kind of like the long-term vision
02:07:17.060 | for that site.
02:07:18.700 | I think it's just an early step today,
02:07:20.220 | but we've got like a really passionate community on there
02:07:22.580 | that are jumping into like, you know,
02:07:24.820 | computer science or longevity or various bio hubs
02:07:29.740 | or whatever, and like beginning to source
02:07:31.820 | the best innovations, but also discuss them,
02:07:34.220 | improve them, and publish through the site.
02:07:36.260 | - So I have a question about incentives,
02:07:38.260 | but first let me say for people listening
02:07:39.980 | that are outside of academia might not be familiar
02:07:42.700 | with an absurd situation.
02:07:44.300 | So there's journals, like you mentioned,
02:07:47.260 | and scientists publishing those journals,
02:07:51.640 | and the journals provide very little value
02:07:56.340 | except matching you with reviewers that are unpaid.
02:08:01.780 | And so in the digital world,
02:08:05.540 | they're providing basically almost no value
02:08:07.460 | except hosting your paper.
02:08:09.040 | And they put up a paywall and charge people to access that.
02:08:15.300 | And that charge is not like even Netflix fees.
02:08:18.500 | You're talking about a lot of money.
02:08:20.900 | So they're basically blocking your research
02:08:24.060 | that should be wide open from the world
02:08:27.060 | and creating a paywall.
02:08:28.420 | It's a fascinating like scam
02:08:30.620 | that's actually holding back.
02:08:32.300 | It's a shitty scam 'cause you're not making that much money.
02:08:37.300 | I feel like a definition of a scam,
02:08:38.780 | you should at least be making money,
02:08:40.780 | so like significant amount of money.
02:08:42.140 | You're basically making shady money
02:08:44.420 | and holding back all of human knowledge, okay?
02:08:46.860 | So that put aside, and people get a little confused
02:08:49.220 | because the journals aren't the ones paying the scientists.
02:08:53.420 | People think like the journals are somehow
02:08:55.820 | funding the scientists, therefore they have the right
02:08:59.960 | to put up a paywall.
02:09:01.140 | No, no, no, the funding is coming from elsewhere.
02:09:03.460 | Journals are the middleman that nobody asks for,
02:09:07.040 | especially in the digital world.
02:09:08.220 | Anyway, that said, there is a interesting kind of incentives
02:09:13.220 | for scientists, which is prestige and so on.
02:09:16.100 | So there's a thing with journals.
02:09:20.060 | If there's a prestigious journal
02:09:22.300 | and you pass the review process,
02:09:25.180 | you get into that journal,
02:09:26.660 | or a prestigious conference in computer science,
02:09:29.780 | then that's seen as a good thing on your resume.
02:09:33.460 | And not just your resume, within your community,
02:09:36.100 | that's a respected thing.
02:09:37.400 | Is there some way to achieve that same kind of incentive
02:09:40.700 | in the open setting of Research Hub?
02:09:44.760 | So like where I could say, I got X, Y, and Z.
02:09:49.500 | Like look, I'm impressive
02:09:50.820 | because this happened on Research Hub.
02:09:52.700 | - I think you're right.
02:09:53.540 | Like the whole academia progress track
02:09:56.920 | is about where you got published
02:09:58.900 | and how many citations.
02:09:59.860 | And it's kind of like a false economy of reputation
02:10:04.300 | because there's not real money backing it.
02:10:06.940 | And so I think we've thought about this a little bit,
02:10:10.260 | and I think the Research Hub team has an opportunity
02:10:12.220 | to do something here that basically says like,
02:10:14.900 | okay, I had the top paper for 2022 in biology in here.
02:10:19.900 | And you basically publish a list,
02:10:23.220 | a leaderboards of these,
02:10:24.060 | like the top for the month, the year,
02:10:27.600 | in all these different categories.
02:10:29.180 | Then actually, we should probably give out grants and awards
02:10:33.140 | in addition to that.
02:10:34.500 | Fund those people almost like fellows
02:10:36.340 | or even give out like, you know how like the Nobel Prize,
02:10:40.100 | there should be like a Research Hub Prize or something
02:10:42.080 | and like ship people,
02:10:43.940 | maybe even ship like a print version of a journal
02:10:47.740 | that is the top papers in each category
02:10:50.260 | in each month or whatever.
02:10:51.260 | And like people wanna put that in their wall in the lab.
02:10:53.820 | And like, so I do think we need to sort of change,
02:10:57.600 | I don't know, like the traditional folks in academia
02:11:00.000 | or science would probably think this is like crazy idea,
02:11:02.560 | but I think we need to change the culture
02:11:04.580 | to not celebrate getting published in paywall journals,
02:11:09.360 | almost like friends don't let friends publish
02:11:11.400 | in like paywall journals,
02:11:14.160 | like 'cause that's, it's just not helping humanity.
02:11:16.480 | So like, you know, it should be more prestigious
02:11:19.080 | to publish in an open science way and get the top spot.
02:11:23.940 | That should be celebrated above being published
02:11:25.740 | in whatever, I don't even wanna name one of them, you know?
02:11:27.780 | - Well, there's currently,
02:11:30.100 | the culture has already shifted
02:11:31.300 | to where almost everybody publishes on archive
02:11:33.660 | and by archive and so on.
02:11:34.900 | - Yeah.
02:11:36.100 | - But so that the culture is there on that,
02:11:39.060 | that scene friends don't let friends not publish open,
02:11:42.400 | but then the prestige thing is missing,
02:11:44.700 | which is like anyone can publish an archive.
02:11:47.860 | - Yeah.
02:11:48.700 | - That's actually a strong paper.
02:11:50.020 | Now, funny enough, even with the crappy systems we have now,
02:11:55.020 | word of mouth is powerful.
02:11:56.540 | Like you have a, like citation system is pretty powerful.
02:12:00.220 | So like you say, okay, this is a strong paper.
02:12:02.660 | We don't need reviewers.
02:12:04.060 | Our human eyes are the reviewers,
02:12:06.140 | like the community is the reviewers.
02:12:08.500 | So it's already, like that part is there,
02:12:11.020 | but it would be nice to have like, you know, nature level,
02:12:17.220 | like this is respect, this is a respectful accomplishment.
02:12:21.020 | - Yeah.
02:12:21.860 | - And something like a leaderboard,
02:12:23.740 | but a stable kind of system.
02:12:25.940 | - Yeah, and I should mention too,
02:12:27.620 | so there's a crypto angle to this too,
02:12:29.060 | which is, so Research Hub has a coin
02:12:31.100 | associated with Research Coin.
02:12:32.540 | And it's basically if people, you know,
02:12:34.380 | upvote your paper or like support it,
02:12:37.060 | you'll accumulate more Research Coin,
02:12:38.940 | which is basically like rep or like a reward token.
02:12:42.140 | And so that is a way to, I guess,
02:12:45.300 | measure the community's collective view of that paper,
02:12:49.460 | a form of peer review.
02:12:51.140 | And it can even be weighted by like the reputation
02:12:53.100 | of the people voting on it
02:12:54.140 | and that sort of thing over time.
02:12:55.780 | Yeah, I think the last thing I'll just say is that,
02:12:59.460 | so I think from a prestige point of view,
02:13:02.380 | it won't start off that way.
02:13:05.060 | It'll probably start off like being a little more quirky.
02:13:07.380 | Like, you know, like remember when YouTube first started,
02:13:10.100 | it was like people posting weird cat videos and stuff.
02:13:13.260 | And, but now like, you know,
02:13:14.420 | if you have a million subscribers on YouTube,
02:13:16.020 | that's probably better than getting like a TV show on NBC
02:13:18.460 | or whoever the traditional gatekeeper was.
02:13:21.020 | So my hope, it might take 10 years, 20 years, whatever,
02:13:23.460 | but I'm hoping that this can sort of be the new
02:13:27.140 | prestigious way that young people publish in science
02:13:30.060 | and it'll become to be viewed as more prestigious.
02:13:32.500 | The journals, the traditional journals
02:13:34.100 | will be viewed as old fashioned.
02:13:36.020 | - Well, it's definitely a system
02:13:39.460 | that could do a lot better.
02:13:41.440 | And there's a lot of incredible, brilliant people
02:13:43.380 | doing science.
02:13:44.620 | They deserve better, the better platforms.
02:13:47.500 | So another thing you're taking on and helping out with
02:13:50.260 | is this new limit, which is looking at longevity.
02:13:53.820 | What's the idea there?
02:13:55.660 | - Yeah, okay, so as you can see, I'm excited about science.
02:13:58.060 | Like I think, you know, science is sort of the,
02:14:01.120 | basically if you get scientific innovation,
02:14:03.300 | then you get better products
02:14:05.640 | and you get better economic growth.
02:14:07.100 | And then you get all kinds of like surplus in society
02:14:10.300 | that can go to arts and philosophy
02:14:12.500 | and like all kinds of stuff.
02:14:13.340 | But with new limits, so yeah, I kind of got excited.
02:14:17.700 | I started hosting some dinners with scientists last year
02:14:21.080 | and I was learning about all kinds of the latest stuff
02:14:23.620 | happening in bio.
02:14:24.620 | And there's a lot of really cool stuff happening
02:14:26.740 | with like CAR T cells and CRISPR and all these things.
02:14:28.900 | And anyway, one of the topics I started to learn more about
02:14:32.740 | was something called cell reprogramming.
02:14:35.100 | And, you know, people maybe have heard of this
02:14:38.680 | induced pluripotent stem cells,
02:14:39.980 | where you could take like a skin cell
02:14:41.380 | and turn it back into a stem cell.
02:14:43.220 | And Shinya Yamanaka won the Nobel prize for this work
02:14:46.860 | that was done in 2006.
02:14:48.980 | And, you know, it's kind of a crazy thing.
02:14:51.740 | You can turn one cell into another type of cell.
02:14:54.260 | Well, people recently have been experimenting
02:14:57.980 | with different types of transcription factors
02:15:01.260 | that would either not,
02:15:02.860 | you don't want a cell to go all the way back
02:15:04.100 | to being a stem cell.
02:15:05.560 | You can end up getting like cancerous cells
02:15:07.300 | and things like that.
02:15:08.120 | But you want it basically to the cell to revert
02:15:10.500 | a little bit earlier in its, you know,
02:15:13.380 | it would call it the Waddington landscape,
02:15:15.020 | but it's basically like,
02:15:16.620 | it'll start to act like a bit of a younger cell,
02:15:19.700 | but not to de-differentiate and become
02:15:21.860 | more like a stem cell.
02:15:23.180 | And so I decided this might be an interesting area
02:15:25.760 | to go fund.
02:15:27.020 | I think that that team has come together.
02:15:28.780 | There's like some really talented people
02:15:30.900 | who've come together to help get that off the ground.
02:15:32.560 | And they're basically building a platform
02:15:36.080 | that can test a lot of different transcription factors
02:15:38.820 | on different cell types,
02:15:39.840 | and hopefully find ways to rejuvenate
02:15:42.620 | different types of cells and tissues
02:15:44.380 | to extend human health span.
02:15:45.520 | I mean, the moonshot goal here, you know,
02:15:47.760 | the get to Mars is that there could be some therapy here
02:15:51.700 | that in, I don't know, 10 or 20 years that you take
02:15:54.260 | and from a whole body point of view
02:15:56.580 | is sort of rejuvenating tissue,
02:15:58.340 | not just one type of tissue like your immune system,
02:16:00.740 | but eventually your whole body, maybe even your brain,
02:16:02.560 | so that, you know, we don't have that issue
02:16:04.900 | where people who are older have trouble learning
02:16:06.520 | or they're more ossified in their thinking.
02:16:08.620 | To me, this is just, I always think about,
02:16:12.200 | you know, it's actually a little inspired by Elon, right?
02:16:15.540 | Is like, what are some of the biggest things in the world
02:16:18.060 | like that are probably high technology risk,
02:16:20.520 | but if they did work,
02:16:21.540 | maybe they're kind of low chance of working,
02:16:23.560 | but if they did work, would have enormous impact.
02:16:26.020 | I like the idea of trying hard tech problems,
02:16:28.380 | especially for people like founders like me
02:16:30.880 | who've made some money in software,
02:16:32.460 | which I think we're in kind of like a golden age of software
02:16:34.700 | so there's like fortunes to be made.
02:16:36.540 | But if you do make some money in that,
02:16:38.700 | my hope is people will like do atoms, not bits, you know,
02:16:42.700 | and try some of the harder things like in biotech
02:16:45.020 | or, you know, I guess he's doing cars and rockets and stuff,
02:16:48.460 | but anyway, I think we should try hard tech
02:16:52.500 | or, you know, physical science problems as well
02:16:54.660 | and see if that can advance for Team Human.
02:16:58.140 | - Yeah, so he's also doing bio with Neuralink
02:17:02.540 | and I feel like bio is tough 'cause it's messy.
02:17:07.300 | - We don't understand it as well.
02:17:08.340 | - We don't understand it.
02:17:09.420 | The risk is higher in terms of, not the risk is higher,
02:17:14.200 | but like you have to deal with the actual sort of,
02:17:18.220 | to get to human, to get to stuff where it could be therapies
02:17:23.220 | for actual human bodies is tricky
02:17:28.220 | 'cause you have to prove that it's safe, it's effective,
02:17:30.220 | all those kinds of things with FDA.
02:17:33.540 | I mean, it's just, it's tricky.
02:17:34.900 | It's very difficult.
02:17:36.140 | It's a long journey.
02:17:38.500 | I mean--
02:17:39.340 | - If I can give a quick plug.
02:17:41.700 | So yeah, I'm on the board at New Limit.
02:17:43.420 | We're hiring talented scientists that are interested
02:17:45.820 | in the cell reprogramming space.
02:17:47.040 | They don't necessarily have to be coming
02:17:48.860 | from like an aging background or anything like that.
02:17:50.700 | There's sort of a small group of people doing even--
02:17:53.100 | - So this is a new thing?
02:17:54.220 | This is, is New Limit relatively new?
02:17:56.420 | - Yeah, it's very new.
02:17:57.620 | There's a small team today,
02:17:59.580 | just a handful of people.
02:18:00.700 | And so we're hiring more there.
02:18:03.660 | If people are excited about that space, reach out.
02:18:05.580 | And same thing for Research Hub.
02:18:07.940 | There's a small team there that's really awesome
02:18:10.100 | that's doing more like software engineering,
02:18:12.380 | design, product, that kind of stuff.
02:18:15.020 | - What advice would you give,
02:18:16.820 | if you put on your old wise sage hat,
02:18:21.260 | what advice would you give to young people today?
02:18:23.980 | High school, maybe undergrad and college,
02:18:28.340 | about life?
02:18:29.580 | So like career, having a career they can be proud of,
02:18:34.220 | or maybe a life they can be proud of.
02:18:36.380 | - So people can do whatever they want to be happy, right?
02:18:40.460 | So there's not one way to do it.
02:18:42.380 | I do think that some people,
02:18:44.860 | a particular type of people out there,
02:18:46.460 | a lot of people actually,
02:18:47.300 | they want to have an impact on the world.
02:18:48.500 | That's how they get a sense of fulfillment, right?
02:18:50.980 | So, I mean, you need to have like health, physical health.
02:18:53.700 | You need to have good relationships.
02:18:55.020 | Like there's lots of things,
02:18:56.420 | but most people want to do something important.
02:18:58.420 | They want to have fulfilling work,
02:18:59.700 | a way that they can feel like they're contributing.
02:19:01.660 | I think a lot of people, young people today,
02:19:04.380 | are thinking like, you know,
02:19:07.380 | I should be an activist or something like that.
02:19:09.540 | And there's people in the world who have power,
02:19:11.460 | and a lot of people who don't, I don't have power.
02:19:13.820 | And so the way to change the world is to, you know,
02:19:16.620 | speak truth to power or like criticize power
02:19:20.420 | and try to pressure them to change.
02:19:25.420 | To me, I don't think that's the right way
02:19:27.260 | to actually have an impact on the world,
02:19:28.860 | because, you know, everybody has probably,
02:19:33.700 | I think people have more power than they realize.
02:19:36.860 | And by the way, it's easy to be a critic.
02:19:39.500 | It's hard to actually change these things and fix it.
02:19:42.220 | And so you'll get a lot of accolades from friends
02:19:45.500 | and things like that if you kind of go around criticizing.
02:19:47.620 | You know, it's easy to do.
02:19:48.580 | Like everything is broken and could be better,
02:19:50.900 | including, you know, stuff I'm working on.
02:19:53.420 | I find like, it's so frustrating.
02:19:56.100 | There's a million things I want to be better about,
02:19:57.700 | like what we're doing in Coinbase.
02:19:59.380 | So be the person in the arena, you know,
02:20:04.140 | like that Theodore Roosevelt quote,
02:20:05.580 | I think he said it right.
02:20:07.020 | Like, go chew glass and stare into the abyss.
02:20:10.220 | Like, if you really want to have an impact,
02:20:11.900 | either join a company that has a mission
02:20:14.620 | that is trying to fix the thing you're passionate about,
02:20:16.260 | or start that company if it doesn't exist,
02:20:18.980 | or start a charity if it's not suitable to be a company
02:20:22.300 | or whatever it is, but go try to be a part of the solution.
02:20:25.700 | Don't just, you know, criticize or be a part of the problem.
02:20:30.340 | My hope is that more people can, you know,
02:20:35.340 | realize that they actually can have
02:20:38.780 | a meaningful impact that way.
02:20:39.900 | And I think that to me, technology is actually
02:20:43.340 | one of the most important ways to improve the world.
02:20:45.500 | Like if you look at climate change,
02:20:49.260 | like a lot of the best ideas like carbon sequestration,
02:20:52.020 | all these things, it's a technology thing, right?
02:20:53.660 | If you want to try to fix education,
02:20:56.020 | it's like look at like Khan Academy
02:20:57.460 | and all the stuff going online, right?
02:20:59.140 | If you want to fix, you know, whatever,
02:21:02.060 | transportation and like the financial system
02:21:05.100 | and global freedom and like equality of all these things,
02:21:07.860 | like there's typically the way to get something changed
02:21:11.300 | in the world today is with technology.
02:21:13.340 | And so I do think people, it's very bizarre to me
02:21:15.940 | that there's this kind of like anti-tech thing going on.
02:21:19.260 | Look, nothing is perfect.
02:21:20.580 | Like if you create something new and like
02:21:22.580 | tens of millions of people use it
02:21:23.580 | or billions of people use it,
02:21:24.460 | it's like there's going to be some bad people
02:21:26.500 | who use it too, okay?
02:21:27.420 | And there's, you know, society is complicated,
02:21:29.540 | but like I think most of these things
02:21:32.020 | have been net positive because most people
02:21:33.700 | in the world are good, is at least my view.
02:21:36.260 | So yes, we can mitigate like the 1% of bad people
02:21:39.140 | trying to, you know, abuse something,
02:21:41.020 | but 99% of people in the world are good.
02:21:42.660 | And the way you can improve the world is with technology,
02:21:45.060 | joining companies, starting companies
02:21:46.460 | that are working on the right stuff.
02:21:48.260 | So I hope more young people do that.
02:21:50.940 | And just, if you're not sure what to do,
02:21:53.580 | like just get started with anything.
02:21:54.860 | That's how you learn.
02:21:55.780 | - And basically have the optimism
02:21:57.780 | that you have the power to do the change.
02:22:00.260 | So it's easy to distract yourself by being the critic.
02:22:05.140 | That's almost like acknowledging to yourself
02:22:08.180 | that that's all you can be.
02:22:09.600 | But basically everybody has the power to be the fixer.
02:22:16.180 | - I like chew glass and look into the abyss.
02:22:19.820 | That's much more fun than it sounds.
02:22:24.000 | What do you think is the meaning of this whole thing?
02:22:27.420 | Why are we here?
02:22:28.900 | - Life.
02:22:29.980 | - Yep, what's the meaning of life?
02:22:31.740 | What's this existence we got?
02:22:34.140 | You're trying to increase the amount of economic freedom
02:22:36.380 | on this planet Earth, trying to alleviate
02:22:38.260 | some of the suffering, but why?
02:22:40.460 | - I don't really think there is any point to life.
02:22:45.980 | You know, somebody once told me,
02:22:49.220 | you know, if you go into these like kind of
02:22:51.900 | really big existential questions,
02:22:54.600 | it can get a little scary,
02:22:55.700 | 'cause like you stare off the cliff
02:22:58.160 | and there's like, there's nothing there, you know?
02:23:00.560 | This one person told me one time, they were like,
02:23:03.940 | you know, Brian, you should probably snorkel, don't scuba.
02:23:08.180 | I guess, and I think they were trying to say like,
02:23:10.680 | some of my friends have done this, right?
02:23:13.340 | They'll go to like, you know, epic meditation retreats
02:23:16.900 | and like, they'll kind of come back with all this
02:23:20.260 | existential dread of like, what's the meaning of it all?
02:23:22.220 | And then like, as far as I can tell,
02:23:24.060 | we are just some organic molecules in the ocean
02:23:27.700 | started like dividing and replicating
02:23:29.980 | and the selfish gene and all this stuff
02:23:32.460 | like basically ended up here.
02:23:34.580 | And our only, it's some kind of like really naive algorithm
02:23:38.060 | that's just kind of trying to get us to survive
02:23:40.220 | and replicate and we have DNA just like every other animal.
02:23:43.580 | And so we happen to develop these like really cool
02:23:46.020 | neocortexes and so now we're sort of self-aware
02:23:48.600 | and we have all these big questions.
02:23:50.980 | And maybe we'll create another, you know,
02:23:54.060 | as computers get better,
02:23:55.020 | we'll create the simulation inside our thing.
02:23:57.080 | And I think it's cool, like we should basically,
02:23:59.780 | I just wanna keep watching the movie, you know, unfold.
02:24:02.660 | That's part of why I wanna work on like,
02:24:04.900 | New Limit is really cool 'cause it's helped.
02:24:06.420 | If people can live longer,
02:24:07.720 | whether that's uploading their brain to the cloud
02:24:10.660 | or, you know, basically through,
02:24:13.220 | we get biology to work or the strong AI to work
02:24:16.180 | or whatever, one of those two hopefully works out.
02:24:18.780 | And then we get to keep watching the movie
02:24:20.680 | and see how it all unfolds.
02:24:22.180 | I think that's fun.
02:24:23.380 | And so I don't know if that's like an answer,
02:24:25.640 | but I guess, I don't think there's any real purpose.
02:24:27.660 | So just try to have fun.
02:24:28.660 | - Well, the cool thing is that we get to write the movie
02:24:32.740 | as we watch it.
02:24:34.500 | - Yeah, that's exactly right.
02:24:36.620 | I mean, that's like the Steve Jobs quote and all that,
02:24:38.680 | where he's like, "Everything around you was invented
02:24:40.380 | "by somebody who just was like,
02:24:42.140 | "that this was a crazy idea they thought up."
02:24:43.580 | So once you realize you can kind of do anything you want,
02:24:48.580 | then that's what you start to go,
02:24:53.020 | you start to go try crazier stuff.
02:24:55.120 | I mean, this is another one of those areas where,
02:24:57.720 | not to get too out there, but like, you know,
02:24:59.080 | when you're, I think you can build your comfort zone
02:25:02.060 | around like people being upset with you.
02:25:03.980 | You can also build your range
02:25:06.940 | of what you think is possible, right?
02:25:08.180 | Like when I was in my 20s,
02:25:10.500 | I was like reading all these books
02:25:12.180 | about like self-improvement and goal,
02:25:13.860 | how to write down your goals and stuff.
02:25:15.080 | And my goals were like,
02:25:17.900 | "Someday I wanna make $100,000 a year,"
02:25:21.380 | or something like, and that was,
02:25:23.340 | and, you know, and it seemed like a little outlandish
02:25:27.700 | or what, and I wrote down these goals,
02:25:28.980 | like I wanna own rental property or something, anyway.
02:25:31.700 | And then I slowly started to get some of these things done
02:25:35.140 | over a couple of years.
02:25:35.960 | And so I started to think a little bigger.
02:25:38.460 | I remember one time I wrote down this goal where I was like,
02:25:41.060 | what's the craziest thing I could think of?
02:25:42.940 | I was like, "What if I wanna write,
02:25:44.620 | "I wanna start a billion dollar tech company."
02:25:47.300 | That's crazy.
02:25:48.220 | And I had never started like a million dollar tech company
02:25:50.940 | or any tech company really.
02:25:52.220 | So what business did I have writing that goal down?
02:25:54.980 | I remember I wrote that on a piece of paper,
02:25:57.460 | like probably every day for a year or something, almost.
02:26:01.620 | I don't know if it was every day,
02:26:02.540 | but like I wrote it down a lot.
02:26:03.700 | And so little things started to happen.
02:26:06.660 | I was like, "All right, well, maybe I should move back
02:26:08.460 | "to the Bay Area from Buenos Aires.
02:26:09.960 | "Maybe I should try to apply to Y Combinator or whatever."
02:26:13.060 | Like, and I started thinking about these ideas.
02:26:15.260 | And so whatever gets you fired up,
02:26:16.940 | it doesn't have to be like some company goal
02:26:18.780 | or startup thing, it could be anything, right?
02:26:21.620 | Maybe you wanna publish a book
02:26:22.620 | or like do something creatively or whatever.
02:26:25.140 | Anyway, you know, I think like within seven years,
02:26:31.140 | no, it's probably more like 10 years
02:26:33.260 | of me writing that goal down,
02:26:34.780 | Coinbase had a valuation over a billion dollars.
02:26:38.780 | So it was out of my realm of what was even possible.
02:26:42.860 | And then within 10 years,
02:26:44.620 | you can accomplish more in 10 years than you think,
02:26:46.640 | less in a year than you think.
02:26:48.460 | So now I'm like, "Okay, what's the next goal?
02:26:51.580 | "What's the crazy, okay, maybe I wanna get a billion people
02:26:55.520 | "accessing the open financial system
02:26:57.460 | "through our products every day."
02:26:59.620 | You know, that would be cool for humanity.
02:27:01.660 | And that's a pretty crazy goal.
02:27:03.460 | Like it's only 8 billion people or something, right?
02:27:05.060 | So the one out of eight.
02:27:06.260 | Or maybe I can radically,
02:27:09.700 | like if I make some like the right investments
02:27:11.980 | or whatever, I can like help radically extend
02:27:14.860 | human health span or whatever, right?
02:27:17.360 | So try crazier stuff.
02:27:21.220 | I don't know, even if it doesn't work,
02:27:22.480 | like hopefully you'll advance the state of affairs,
02:27:27.480 | like something interesting will happen.
02:27:29.060 | And so most people today,
02:27:31.100 | they look at people trying this stuff and they're like,
02:27:33.380 | "Oh my God, they're so, they're a genius."
02:27:35.300 | Or they're an idiot, like one of the two.
02:27:38.540 | Neither one are true.
02:27:39.540 | It's just like anybody can start
02:27:41.980 | by thinking about what they want and then like go for it.
02:27:45.180 | And then once you get that,
02:27:46.340 | like go for something a little bigger
02:27:47.460 | and like you just have fun with it.
02:27:48.860 | - And the universe is a way of smiling
02:27:51.700 | and helping you out if you just write it down
02:27:55.220 | and you dream big.
02:27:57.100 | There's something about just karma,
02:27:59.820 | about the energy you put into this world.
02:28:02.980 | Other people will help you out, doors will open.
02:28:05.260 | You'll notice that the doors opened
02:28:07.460 | and you could actually have a shot at making it happen.
02:28:10.580 | It's a funny world.
02:28:12.260 | - Yeah, I mean, I don't really subscribe
02:28:14.380 | to all like the woo-woo interpretations of this,
02:28:16.020 | but my very rational brain interpretation of it
02:28:18.340 | is that if you just wake up every day
02:28:20.180 | and write down like what you want to get done
02:28:22.140 | and towards your longer goals, your larger goals,
02:28:24.380 | it's just on your mind that day.
02:28:26.540 | So you start to notice opportunities
02:28:28.020 | and you think about it more.
02:28:29.340 | - So Brian, thank you for dreaming big.
02:28:32.060 | Thank you for doing what you're doing,
02:28:33.420 | doing incredible engineering at scale,
02:28:35.620 | trying to help out people from all over the world
02:28:39.580 | and actually helping me personally get more into crypto
02:28:43.340 | (laughs)
02:28:44.660 | just 'cause it's so easy.
02:28:46.340 | So thank you so much.
02:28:48.020 | And thank you so much
02:28:49.580 | for giving your extremely valuable time today
02:28:51.900 | to this awesome conversation.
02:28:53.300 | - Thanks for your awesome podcast.
02:28:55.020 | I love it and I listen to it often.
02:28:57.540 | - Thanks for listening to this conversation
02:28:58.980 | with Brian Armstrong.
02:29:00.500 | To support this podcast,
02:29:01.700 | please check out our sponsors in the description.
02:29:04.300 | And now let me leave you with some words
02:29:06.180 | from Benjamin Franklin.
02:29:08.300 | "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
02:29:12.980 | Thank you for listening and hope to see you next time.
02:29:15.900 | (upbeat music)
02:29:18.500 | (upbeat music)
02:29:21.100 | [BLANK_AUDIO]