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Using Light (Sunlight, Blue Light & Red Light) to Optimize Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #68


0:0 Using Light to Improve Health
4:31 The Brain-Body Contract
5:17 AG1 (Athletic Greens), Thesis, LMNT
9:56 Physics of Light, Electromagnetic Energy
12:23 Wavelengths of Light
15:38 How Light Penetrates Tissues
20:13 Light & the Body: Direct & Indirect Signals
28:35 Light, Seasonality & Melatonin
33:40 Melatonin: Regulatory & Protective Effects
38:49 Tools: Optimizing Melatonin Levels
44:49 Sun (UVB light) Exposure, Mating Behavior, Testosterone & Estrogen
58:9 Seasonality, Romantic Passion & Testosterone
62:13 Tool: Skin Sun Exposure & Testosterone
66:13 Light & Improved Pain Tolerance
71:55 Protocol: Sun Exposure & Chronic Pain
72:48 Tools: Sunlight (UVB), Blue-Light Blockers, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
79:44 Light & Enhanced Immune Function
83:30 Tool: Light During Winter Months
86:18 Light Therapies: Local vs. Systemic Exposure
88:54 Tool: Improving Mood, Timing of Natural & Artificial Light
92:44 Light Conditions & Sleep Optimization
99:0 Infrared Light, Skin & Wound Healing
106:0 Infrared Light Therapy & Skin, Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT)
109:20 Infrared Light & Age-Related Vision Loss
119:36 Tools: Infrared Panels, Morning Exposure
125:22 Infrared Light at Night, Shift Work
128:35 Light Flicker Phototherapy & Neuroprotection
139:7 Phototherapies for Health
140:50 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify Reviews, Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Patreon, Thorne, Instagram, Twitter, Neural Network Newsletter, Brain-Body Contract

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | - Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,
00:00:02.260 | where we discuss science and science-based tools
00:00:04.880 | for everyday life.
00:00:05.900 | I'm Andrew Huberman,
00:00:10.200 | and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology
00:00:13.320 | at Stanford School of Medicine.
00:00:15.260 | Today, we are going to discuss light
00:00:17.160 | and the many powerful uses of light to optimize our health.
00:00:20.880 | We're going to discuss the use of light
00:00:22.680 | for optimizing skin health, appearance, and longevity,
00:00:26.280 | for wound healing, for optimizing hormone balance,
00:00:29.640 | and for regulating sleep, alertness, mood,
00:00:32.680 | and even for offsetting dementia.
00:00:35.000 | One of the reasons why light has such powerful effects
00:00:37.540 | on so many different aspects of our biology
00:00:40.240 | is that it can be translated into electrical signals
00:00:43.800 | in our brain and body,
00:00:45.080 | into hormone signals in our brain and body,
00:00:47.600 | and indeed into what we call
00:00:49.400 | cascades of biological pathways,
00:00:51.560 | meaning light can actually change the genes
00:00:54.720 | that the cells of your bodies express,
00:00:56.680 | and that is true throughout the lifespan.
00:00:59.120 | Today, I will discuss the mechanisms
00:01:00.760 | by which all of that occurs.
00:01:02.640 | I promise to make it clear for those of you
00:01:04.480 | that don't have a biology background,
00:01:06.360 | and if you do have a biology background,
00:01:08.320 | I'll try and provide sufficient depth
00:01:10.080 | so that it's still of interest to you,
00:01:12.040 | and I promise to give you tools,
00:01:14.260 | very specific protocols that are extracted
00:01:16.240 | from the peer review literature
00:01:17.640 | that will allow you to use different so-called wavelengths,
00:01:20.660 | which most of us think of as colors of light,
00:01:23.280 | in order to modulate your health
00:01:25.600 | in the ways that are most important to you.
00:01:27.980 | For those of you that are thinking
00:01:28.980 | that the use of light to modulate health
00:01:30.800 | falls under the category of woo science,
00:01:32.680 | pseudoscience, or biohacking,
00:01:35.120 | well, nothing could be further from the truth.
00:01:37.820 | In fact, in 1903, the Nobel Prize was given
00:01:41.140 | to Niels Vinson, he was Icelandic, he lived in Denmark,
00:01:44.700 | for the use of phototherapy for the treatment of lupus.
00:01:48.800 | So there's more than 100 years of quality science
00:01:52.140 | emphasizing the use of light,
00:01:54.680 | and as you'll soon see,
00:01:55.960 | the use of particular wavelengths or colors of light
00:01:59.960 | in order to modulate the activity of cells
00:02:02.360 | in the brain and body.
00:02:04.160 | So while it is the case that many places
00:02:07.380 | and companies are selling therapies and products
00:02:10.360 | related to the use of flashing lights and colored lights,
00:02:14.520 | promising specific outcomes
00:02:16.440 | from everything from stem cell renewal
00:02:18.820 | to improvement of brain function,
00:02:21.040 | and some of those don't have any basis in science,
00:02:24.420 | there are phototherapies that do have
00:02:27.320 | a strong foundation in quality science,
00:02:29.480 | and those are the studies and the protocols
00:02:31.480 | that we are going to discuss today.
00:02:33.240 | But I thought that people might appreciate
00:02:35.100 | knowing that over 100 years ago,
00:02:37.400 | people were thinking about the use of light
00:02:39.160 | for the treatment of various diseases
00:02:40.640 | and for improving health,
00:02:41.780 | and indeed, many of those therapies are used today
00:02:45.080 | in high quality hospitals and research institutions,
00:02:48.440 | and of course, clinics and homes around the world.
00:02:51.100 | One of the more exciting examples of phototherapy
00:02:53.220 | in the last few years is the beautiful work
00:02:55.420 | of Dr. Glenn Jeffrey at University College London.
00:02:58.240 | The Jeffrey Lab is known for doing pioneering
00:03:00.260 | and very rigorous research
00:03:01.360 | in the realm of visual neuroscience.
00:03:03.360 | And in the last decade or so,
00:03:04.680 | they turned their attention to exploring the role
00:03:06.960 | of red light therapy for offsetting age-related vision loss.
00:03:11.740 | What they discovered is that just brief exposures
00:03:15.060 | to red light early in the day
00:03:16.960 | can offset much of the vision loss
00:03:18.920 | that occurs in people 40 years or older.
00:03:21.840 | And what's remarkable about these studies
00:03:23.780 | is that the entire duration of the therapy
00:03:26.560 | is just one to three minutes done
00:03:28.320 | just a few times per week.
00:03:30.080 | What's even more exciting
00:03:31.360 | is that they understand the mechanism by which this occurred.
00:03:34.960 | The cells in the back of the eye
00:03:36.260 | that convert light information into electrical signals
00:03:39.180 | that the rest of the brain can understand
00:03:41.000 | and create visual images from,
00:03:42.800 | well, those cells are extremely metabolically active.
00:03:46.000 | They need a lot of ATP or energy.
00:03:49.840 | And as we age, those cells get less efficient
00:03:53.520 | at creating that ATP and energy.
00:03:56.320 | Exposure to red light early in the day,
00:03:58.960 | and it does have to be early in the day,
00:04:01.060 | allowed those cells to replenish the mechanisms
00:04:03.900 | by which they create ATP.
00:04:05.960 | I'll talk about these experiments
00:04:07.660 | in more detail later in the episode and the protocols
00:04:10.520 | so that you can apply those protocols should you choose.
00:04:13.080 | But I use this as an example of our growing understanding
00:04:17.720 | of not just that phototherapies work, but how they work.
00:04:22.000 | And it is through the linking of protocols and mechanism
00:04:25.840 | that we, meaning all of us,
00:04:28.100 | can start to apply phototherapies
00:04:29.600 | in a rational, safe, and powerful way.
00:04:32.400 | I'm pleased to announce
00:04:33.240 | that I'm hosting two live events this May.
00:04:36.080 | The first live event will be hosted
00:04:37.600 | in Seattle, Washington on May 17th.
00:04:40.280 | The second live event will be hosted
00:04:41.880 | in Portland, Oregon on May 18th.
00:04:44.280 | Both are part of a lecture series
00:04:45.760 | entitled The Brain-Body Contract,
00:04:47.880 | during which I will discuss science
00:04:49.600 | and science-based tools for mental health,
00:04:51.760 | physical health, and performance.
00:04:53.560 | And I should point out that while some of the material
00:04:55.980 | I'll cover will overlap with information covered here
00:04:58.640 | on the Huberman Lab podcast
00:05:00.280 | and on various social media posts,
00:05:02.120 | most of the information I will cover is going to be distinct
00:05:05.280 | from information covered on the podcast or elsewhere.
00:05:08.160 | So once again, it's Seattle on May 17th,
00:05:10.680 | Portland on May 18th.
00:05:12.040 | You can access tickets by going to,
00:05:16.120 | and I hope to see you there.
00:05:17.600 | Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize
00:05:19.280 | that this podcast is separate
00:05:20.660 | from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.
00:05:22.980 | It is, however, part of my desire and effort
00:05:25.080 | to bring zero-cost-to-consumer information about science
00:05:27.760 | and science-related tools to the general public.
00:05:30.480 | In keeping with that theme,
00:05:31.620 | I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.
00:05:34.400 | Our first sponsor is Athletic Greens, also called AG1.
00:05:38.300 | I started taking AG1 way back in 2012,
00:05:41.240 | so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.
00:05:43.680 | The reason I started taking AG1
00:05:45.340 | and the reason I still take AG1 once or twice a day
00:05:48.400 | is that it covers my foundational vitamin,
00:05:50.660 | mineral, and probiotic needs.
00:05:52.520 | It also has adaptogens and things like zinc
00:05:54.960 | for immune system function,
00:05:56.680 | but the probiotics are one of the key features in there.
00:05:59.440 | I've done several podcasts on the gut microbiome,
00:06:01.740 | which are these trillions of microbiota
00:06:03.600 | that live in our digestive tract
00:06:05.040 | and that are crucial for our immune system,
00:06:07.040 | brain function, and so on.
00:06:09.400 | One way to enhance our gut microbiome
00:06:11.640 | to ensure that it's healthy
00:06:12.880 | is to make sure that we get the correct probiotics,
00:06:15.800 | and Athletic Greens has the correct prebiotics
00:06:18.300 | and probiotics that ensure a healthy gut microbiome.
00:06:21.600 | If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,
00:06:23.060 | you can go to
00:06:25.860 | to claim a special offer.
00:06:27.180 | They'll give you five free travel packs
00:06:28.720 | that make it very easy to mix up Athletic Greens
00:06:30.760 | while you're on the road, so in the car and on the plane.
00:06:33.160 | I should mention that Athletic Greens is delicious.
00:06:35.060 | I love the way it tastes.
00:06:35.880 | I mix mine with some water
00:06:36.960 | and a little bit of lemon or lime juice.
00:06:38.480 | The special offer is the five free travel packs
00:06:40.660 | plus a year supply of vitamin D3K2.
00:06:43.580 | Vitamin D3 has been shown to be important
00:06:45.600 | for a tremendous number of biological functions.
00:06:48.080 | Many of us who get sunlight get enough vitamin D3.
00:06:51.480 | Many of us, even if we do get sunlight,
00:06:53.560 | do not get enough vitamin D3.
00:06:55.500 | So the year supply of vitamin D3 also has K2,
00:06:58.480 | which is important for cardiovascular function,
00:07:00.400 | for calcium regulation.
00:07:02.040 | Again, go to
00:07:04.720 | to get the five free travel packs
00:07:06.060 | and the year supply of vitamin D3K2.
00:07:08.620 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Thesis.
00:07:11.180 | Thesis makes custom nootropics.
00:07:13.380 | Nootropic is a smart drug.
00:07:15.660 | And personally, I'm not a big fan
00:07:17.500 | of the concept of a smart drug,
00:07:19.260 | at least not the way that most people talk about smart drugs
00:07:22.180 | or nootropics, for the following reason.
00:07:24.480 | Being smart involves various things.
00:07:27.580 | There is creativity, there's focus,
00:07:29.580 | there's task switching, and so on.
00:07:31.540 | And each one of those involves different operations
00:07:33.860 | in the brain, different neural circuits,
00:07:35.320 | different neurochemicals have to be deployed
00:07:37.840 | in order for us to, for instance, be very focused
00:07:40.380 | or for us to be very creative
00:07:42.100 | or for us to be able to switch tasks easily.
00:07:45.380 | Thesis understands this.
00:07:46.700 | And for that reason, they've developed custom nootropics
00:07:50.060 | that are aimed at getting your brain and body
00:07:52.560 | into particular states for particular types
00:07:55.020 | of work or physical activity.
00:07:57.940 | In order to accomplish that,
00:07:59.080 | they've created unique blends of high quality ingredients.
00:08:01.700 | And each of those blends is designed
00:08:03.460 | to get your brain and body into a particular mode,
00:08:05.660 | such as focus, clarity, or motivation.
00:08:08.240 | I've been using thesis nootropics for over six months now.
00:08:11.300 | And I have to say, it's been a total game changer
00:08:13.340 | and very unique from the experience
00:08:15.280 | of using sort of what I call catch-all nootropics.
00:08:18.120 | So with thesis, it's really directed
00:08:19.880 | toward particular brain body states.
00:08:21.940 | I should also mention
00:08:22.780 | that they tailor those custom blends to you.
00:08:25.100 | So by taking a quiz on their site,
00:08:26.920 | they will tailor the blend to you and your specific needs
00:08:29.260 | and the things you don't want.
00:08:30.620 | So if you want to try
00:08:31.460 | your own personalized nootropic starter kit,
00:08:33.220 | you can go online to
00:08:36.860 | You'll take a three minute quiz
00:08:38.100 | and thesis will send you four different formulas
00:08:40.140 | to try in your first month.
00:08:41.420 | And then based on the outcomes with those,
00:08:43.380 | they can update your formulations for you.
00:08:45.480 | That's
00:08:47.500 | and use the code Huberman at checkout
00:08:49.160 | to get 10% off your first box.
00:08:51.140 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Element.
00:08:53.660 | Element is a properly balanced electrolyte drink
00:08:56.340 | that has no sugar.
00:08:58.320 | When we get our electrolytes in the proper ratios,
00:09:00.820 | the cells of our brain and body can function optimally.
00:09:03.480 | Many people are surprised to find
00:09:05.020 | that when they increase their sodium intake,
00:09:07.120 | provided that it is in proper balance
00:09:09.100 | with potassium and magnesium,
00:09:10.620 | they can think more clearly.
00:09:12.040 | They recover from exercise better and they have more energy.
00:09:15.240 | There is no surprise as to how that all works however.
00:09:18.460 | Every cell of your body requires the electrolytes
00:09:20.500 | to function and in particular,
00:09:21.900 | the neurons of your brain and body
00:09:23.460 | require sodium in order to function.
00:09:25.780 | So while people with pre-hypertension and hypertension
00:09:28.820 | definitely need to be careful about increasing
00:09:30.880 | their sodium intake,
00:09:31.900 | many people do well to increase their sodium intake,
00:09:34.780 | again, provided it's in the proper balance
00:09:37.000 | with potassium and magnesium.
00:09:38.820 | Element provides that proper balance.
00:09:41.240 | If you'd like to try Element, you can go to Drink Element,
00:09:43.880 | that's
00:09:46.860 | to claim a free Element sample pack.
00:09:48.940 | You only cover the cost of shipping.
00:09:50.460 | Again, that's Drink Element
00:09:54.580 | to claim a free sample pack.
00:09:56.440 | Okay, let's talk about light.
00:09:57.860 | First, I want to talk about the physics of light
00:10:00.460 | and I promise to make that very clear
00:10:01.980 | even if you don't have a background in physics.
00:10:03.740 | And then I want to talk about the biology of light,
00:10:06.620 | meaning how light is converted into signals
00:10:09.680 | that your brain and body can use
00:10:11.860 | to impact things like organ health or disease
00:10:15.260 | or how you can use light in order to repair
00:10:17.960 | particular organs like your skin,
00:10:19.940 | your eyes, your brain, et cetera.
00:10:22.080 | The physics of light can be made very simple
00:10:24.140 | by just illustrating a few key bullet points.
00:10:26.840 | The first bullet point is that
00:10:28.640 | light is electromagnetic energy.
00:10:31.720 | If the word electromagnetic feels daunting to you,
00:10:34.640 | well then just discard that
00:10:35.860 | and just think of light as energy
00:10:37.640 | and think of energy as something that can impact
00:10:41.220 | other things in its environment.
00:10:43.700 | Now, the way to imagine light
00:10:46.080 | or to conceptualize light as energy
00:10:48.380 | is that all around you,
00:10:49.620 | light is traveling in these little wavelengths.
00:10:51.580 | And the reason for those of you that are watching,
00:10:53.200 | I'm making a little wavy motion with my hand
00:10:55.000 | is that's actually the way that light energy moves
00:10:56.900 | in little waves,
00:10:58.020 | just like sound waves are coming at you
00:10:59.740 | and impinging on your ears.
00:11:01.000 | If you can hear me talking right now, that is happening.
00:11:03.260 | Those are sound waves,
00:11:04.100 | meaning the movement of air particles out there
00:11:07.020 | impacting your eardrum.
00:11:08.180 | Well, light energy is just little bits
00:11:10.740 | of electromagnetic energy traveling
00:11:13.100 | through your environment all the time in these little waves
00:11:16.740 | and impinging on your brain and body and eyes, et cetera.
00:11:20.740 | And as I mentioned before,
00:11:22.180 | energy can change the way that other things behave.
00:11:25.740 | It can cause reactions in cells of your body.
00:11:29.180 | It can cause reactions in fruit, for instance, right?
00:11:32.000 | You see a piece of fruit and it's not ripe,
00:11:34.320 | but it gets a lot of sunlight and it ripens.
00:11:36.000 | That's because the electromagnetic energy of sunlight
00:11:39.260 | had an impact on that plant or that tree,
00:11:42.360 | or even on the fruit directly.
00:11:44.280 | As a parallel example of energy
00:11:46.180 | and its ability to impact other things,
00:11:49.380 | we are all familiar with food
00:11:50.760 | and the fact that food has calories.
00:11:52.800 | Calorie is a measure of energy.
00:11:55.420 | It has everything to do with how much heat is generated
00:11:58.500 | when you burn a particular article of food,
00:12:00.800 | believe it or not.
00:12:01.840 | And it turns out that how hot a given article of food burns
00:12:06.680 | gives you a sense of how much energy
00:12:08.320 | it can provide your body in terms of your body's ability
00:12:11.560 | to store or use that energy.
00:12:13.920 | So again, think of light as electromagnetic energy,
00:12:16.860 | but really put that word energy into capital letters,
00:12:20.980 | embed that in your mind going forward,
00:12:22.900 | and you'll understand most of the first bullet point
00:12:26.560 | of what light is in terms of the physics of light.
00:12:29.860 | Now, the second thing that you need to understand
00:12:31.860 | about the physics of light
00:12:33.100 | is that light has many different wavelengths.
00:12:35.740 | And the simplest way to conceptualize this
00:12:37.620 | is to imagine that cover of that Pink Floyd album
00:12:39.680 | where there's a prism,
00:12:40.760 | you have a white beam of light going into that prism,
00:12:43.660 | and then the prism splits that beam of light
00:12:46.140 | into what looks like a rainbow.
00:12:48.080 | So you've got your red, your orange, your greens,
00:12:49.660 | your blues, your purples, et cetera.
00:12:51.820 | Anytime we have light in our environment
00:12:54.080 | that is so-called white light,
00:12:55.740 | it includes all those wavelengths,
00:12:57.680 | but sunlight and other forms of light
00:13:00.840 | also have other wavelengths of light that we can't see.
00:13:05.020 | So when we think about the rainbow,
00:13:06.380 | that's just the visible spectrum of light.
00:13:09.100 | There are also wavelengths of light
00:13:11.020 | that are not visible to us,
00:13:12.420 | but that are visible to some other animals
00:13:15.280 | and that can still impact your brain and body
00:13:19.140 | because there is still energy at those wavelengths.
00:13:22.920 | I'll give a few examples of this.
00:13:24.940 | Humans are not a species that can see
00:13:27.420 | into the infrared realm of the spectrum.
00:13:31.380 | A pit viper, meaning a snake that has infrared sensors,
00:13:35.960 | however, can sense in the infrared.
00:13:38.900 | So if you were to walk through a jungle
00:13:40.980 | and there's a pit viper there,
00:13:42.640 | it sees you as a cloud of heat emission
00:13:46.340 | because your body is emitting infrared energy all the time.
00:13:51.180 | You're casting off infrared energy.
00:13:53.740 | The snake can see it, you can't.
00:13:55.780 | If you were to put on a particular set of goggles
00:13:58.700 | that were infrared goggles,
00:14:01.220 | well, then you would be able to see the heat emissions
00:14:03.580 | of any organism, human or otherwise,
00:14:06.020 | that could emit infrared energy.
00:14:08.860 | Let's take the opposite end of the spectrum.
00:14:11.940 | We are familiar with seeing things that are blue or green
00:14:14.660 | or very pale blue, but as we say below that,
00:14:18.740 | meaning even shorter wavelength light is out there.
00:14:21.440 | Ultraviolet light is a really good example
00:14:23.960 | of light energy that's coming from the sun
00:14:26.240 | and is in our environment
00:14:27.280 | and is being reflected off surfaces all the time.
00:14:29.720 | We don't see it and yet if it's very bright outside,
00:14:33.400 | that ultraviolet light can burn our skin.
00:14:36.280 | As you'll learn in today's episode,
00:14:38.080 | ultraviolet light can also positively impact us.
00:14:42.760 | In fact, I will describe a particular set of new results
00:14:45.860 | that show that ultraviolet light viewed
00:14:48.640 | for just a few minutes each day
00:14:51.160 | or landing on the skin for just a few minutes each day
00:14:53.560 | can actually offset a lot of pain.
00:14:56.440 | It actually has the ability to reduce the amount of pain
00:14:59.960 | sensed by your body and we now understand
00:15:01.960 | the specific circuits in the brain and body
00:15:03.760 | that allow that to happen.
00:15:05.200 | I'll talk about that
00:15:06.040 | in the related protocols a little bit later.
00:15:08.320 | So the important thing to understand
00:15:09.520 | about the physics of light
00:15:10.840 | is that there's energy at all these different wavelengths.
00:15:13.320 | We only see some of those wavelengths,
00:15:15.600 | which basically is to say that light impacts us
00:15:19.040 | at many different levels.
00:15:21.340 | And the so-called levels that I'm referring to
00:15:24.000 | are the different wavelengths of light.
00:15:26.080 | And you're welcome to think of the different wavelengths
00:15:28.160 | of light as different colors,
00:15:29.720 | but do understand that there are truly colors of light
00:15:33.240 | that you and I can't see and yet that have powerful impact
00:15:37.380 | on your brain and body.
00:15:38.440 | Now, the third bullet point to understand
00:15:40.460 | about the physics of light
00:15:41.880 | is that different wavelengths of light
00:15:44.240 | because of the way that their wave travels
00:15:47.880 | can penetrate tissues to different depths.
00:15:51.800 | This is very, very important.
00:15:53.960 | Today, we're going to talk a lot about red light therapies
00:15:56.400 | and near infrared light therapies.
00:15:59.920 | Those are so-called longer wavelengths.
00:16:02.280 | Longer wavelength, just think of a bigger, longer wave,
00:16:06.360 | a bigger curve, as opposed to short wavelength light,
00:16:08.680 | which is going to be shorter.
00:16:10.780 | A short wavelength light would be something like blue
00:16:12.780 | or green light or ultraviolet light.
00:16:14.720 | Blue, green, and ultraviolet light,
00:16:17.840 | because it's short wavelength light,
00:16:19.640 | doesn't tend to penetrate tissues very easily.
00:16:23.620 | It has to do with the way that the physics of light
00:16:25.520 | interacts with the physical properties of your skin
00:16:27.780 | and other tissues of your body.
00:16:29.200 | But basically, if you were to shine UV light
00:16:31.240 | onto your arm, for instance,
00:16:33.000 | it could impact the skin on the surface of the arm
00:16:35.200 | and maybe some of the cells
00:16:36.880 | just beneath the top layer of skin,
00:16:38.980 | but it wouldn't penetrate much deeper.
00:16:40.880 | Long wavelength light like red light and near infrared light
00:16:45.960 | has this amazing ability to penetrate through tissues,
00:16:49.960 | including your skin.
00:16:51.280 | And so if we were to shine red light
00:16:53.440 | or near infrared light onto your arm,
00:16:56.120 | it would pass through that top layer of skin.
00:16:59.880 | It might impact it a little bit,
00:17:01.460 | but it could penetrate deeper into your skin,
00:17:04.800 | not just to the skin layers,
00:17:05.980 | but maybe even down to the bone,
00:17:07.640 | maybe even down to the bone marrow.
00:17:09.540 | And for many people, this will be hard to conceptualize.
00:17:11.800 | You think, well, wait, I've got a skin there.
00:17:13.360 | Doesn't the light just bounce off?
00:17:14.800 | And the answer is no,
00:17:15.940 | because of the way that long wavelength light
00:17:19.540 | interacts with the absorbance properties of your skin.
00:17:22.520 | Absorbance properties is just the way
00:17:24.040 | that the skin takes light energy
00:17:26.160 | and converts it into a different form of energy.
00:17:29.280 | And your skin is not able to take long wavelength light
00:17:32.780 | like red light and near infrared light and absorb it,
00:17:36.340 | but the tissues deeper in your body can.
00:17:39.640 | So if you shine red light or near infrared light
00:17:42.200 | onto the surface of your skin,
00:17:43.500 | you'll see a red glow there as a reflectance
00:17:46.040 | on the surface of your skin.
00:17:47.440 | But a lot of the photon energy,
00:17:49.720 | the light energy in those longer wavelengths
00:17:52.000 | is indeed passing through those top layers of skin
00:17:54.840 | into the deeper layers of skin
00:17:56.400 | and can even make it into the deep layers of your arm.
00:17:59.640 | And as we start to transition from the physics of light
00:18:01.880 | to the biological impacts of light,
00:18:03.920 | just understanding that the different wavelengths of light
00:18:07.380 | impact our tissues at different levels,
00:18:09.280 | literally at different depths,
00:18:10.920 | will help you better understand
00:18:12.840 | how light of different colors, of different intensities,
00:18:16.200 | and how long you are exposed to those colors
00:18:19.620 | and intensities of light can change the way
00:18:22.320 | that the cells and the organs of your body work.
00:18:25.700 | And if it didn't sound weird enough
00:18:27.040 | that you can pass light through particular tissues
00:18:29.800 | and have them land and be absorbed
00:18:31.740 | at tissues deeper in your body,
00:18:34.480 | well, it turns out that different wavelengths of light
00:18:37.520 | are also best absorbed by particular
00:18:40.920 | so-called organelles within your cells.
00:18:43.520 | What are organelles?
00:18:44.360 | Organelles are the different compartments
00:18:46.240 | and different functions within a given cell.
00:18:48.900 | So for instance, your mitochondria,
00:18:50.420 | which are responsible for generating ATP
00:18:52.520 | and energy in your cells,
00:18:54.920 | those exist at a particular depth,
00:18:56.980 | at a particular location within a cell.
00:18:58.560 | They're not all at the cell surface.
00:18:59.920 | They sit somewhat deeper in the cell.
00:19:01.760 | The nucleus of your individual cells contains DNA,
00:19:05.120 | and that sits at a particular depth
00:19:06.620 | or location within your cell.
00:19:08.120 | Different wavelengths of light
00:19:10.720 | not only can penetrate down into different tissues
00:19:13.480 | and into different cells of your body,
00:19:15.600 | but they can also penetrate and access particular organelles,
00:19:19.540 | meaning mitochondria or the nucleus
00:19:22.180 | or the different aspects of your cells
00:19:24.040 | that are responsible for different functions.
00:19:26.400 | This is exquisitely important and it's exquisitely powerful
00:19:31.340 | because as you'll learn today,
00:19:32.760 | particular wavelengths of light
00:19:34.160 | can be used to stimulate the function of particular organelles
00:19:37.160 | within particular cells
00:19:39.000 | within particular organs of your body.
00:19:41.560 | I can think of no other form of energy,
00:19:43.780 | not sound, not chemical energy, so not drugs,
00:19:47.800 | not food, not touch,
00:19:51.720 | no form of energy that can target the particular locations
00:19:55.720 | in our cells, in our organelles, in our organs,
00:19:59.640 | and in our body to the extent that light can.
00:20:02.400 | In other words, if you had to imagine
00:20:04.660 | a real-world surgical tool by which to modulate our biology,
00:20:09.660 | light would be the sharpest
00:20:11.640 | and the most precise of those tools.
00:20:13.840 | Now let's talk about how light is converted
00:20:15.280 | into biological signals.
00:20:17.040 | There are several ways in which that is accomplished,
00:20:19.600 | but the fundamental thing to understand
00:20:22.200 | is this notion of absorption of light energy.
00:20:26.020 | Certain pigments or colors
00:20:30.440 | in the thing that is receiving the light energy,
00:20:33.800 | meaning the thing that the light energy lands on
00:20:37.360 | are going to absorb particular wavelengths of light.
00:20:40.480 | Now, I promise you that you already intuitively know
00:20:43.320 | how this works.
00:20:44.700 | For instance, if you were to sit outside
00:20:47.280 | on a very bright sunny day
00:20:49.080 | and you had a table in front of you that was metal,
00:20:52.520 | you might find it hard to look down at that metal table
00:20:55.000 | because it's reflecting a lot of light
00:20:56.900 | of particular wavelengths.
00:20:58.200 | If that table were pitch black, however,
00:21:02.000 | it wouldn't reflect quite as much
00:21:04.520 | and you would be able to comfortably look at it.
00:21:06.880 | If that table were red, it might be somewhere in between.
00:21:10.860 | If that table were green,
00:21:12.820 | it would be also somewhere in between,
00:21:14.700 | but let's say it were very light blue,
00:21:16.520 | well, then it might reflect almost as much as a table
00:21:19.720 | that were just metal or a white table surface.
00:21:23.400 | So the absorbance properties of a given surface
00:21:26.420 | will determine whether or not light energy goes
00:21:28.600 | and stays at that location
00:21:31.080 | and has an impact on that location,
00:21:33.280 | or whether or not it bounces off.
00:21:35.220 | Every biological function of light
00:21:38.720 | has to do with the absorbance or the reflectance of light
00:21:43.040 | or light passing through that particular thing,
00:21:46.780 | meaning that particular cell or compartment within a cell.
00:21:49.960 | I'd like to make it clear how this works
00:21:53.520 | by using the three primary examples
00:21:55.840 | of how you take light in your environment
00:21:58.920 | and convert it into biological events.
00:22:01.620 | We have photoreceptors in the back of our eyes.
00:22:05.960 | These photoreceptors come in two major types,
00:22:08.680 | the so-called rods and the cones.
00:22:10.340 | The rods are very elongated, they look like rods,
00:22:13.260 | and the cones look like little triangles.
00:22:15.980 | Rods and cones have within them photopigment.
00:22:20.800 | They have dark stuff that's stacked up in little layers.
00:22:24.300 | Rods absorb light of essentially any wavelength.
00:22:27.380 | There's some variation to that,
00:22:28.720 | but let's just say rods don't care
00:22:32.020 | about the different colors of light.
00:22:34.900 | They will absorb light energy, photon energy,
00:22:37.700 | if it's red, if it's green, if it's blue, if it's yellow,
00:22:41.320 | doesn't matter as long as that light is bright enough.
00:22:44.160 | And it turns out that rods are very, very sensitive.
00:22:46.480 | They can detect very, very small numbers of photons.
00:22:50.760 | And rods are essentially what you use
00:22:53.140 | to see in very low light conditions.
00:22:55.400 | We'll return more to vision later.
00:22:57.440 | The cones come in three major varieties,
00:23:00.920 | at least for most people who aren't colorblind,
00:23:02.960 | you have so-called red cones, green cones, and blue cones,
00:23:05.300 | but they're not really red, green, and blue
00:23:06.800 | in the back of your eye.
00:23:07.900 | They are cones that either absorb long wavelength light,
00:23:11.680 | red, that absorb medium wavelength light, green,
00:23:16.080 | or short wavelength light, blue.
00:23:18.160 | The reason that they can absorb different wavelengths
00:23:22.280 | of light is they have different photopigments.
00:23:24.740 | So much as the example I gave before,
00:23:26.920 | where you have different tables outside
00:23:29.580 | in the sunny environment,
00:23:30.760 | and some are reflecting light more than others,
00:23:32.660 | others are absorbing light more than others.
00:23:35.460 | Well, so too the photoreceptors,
00:23:38.120 | meaning the cones are absorbing light
00:23:41.280 | of different wavelengths to different extents.
00:23:43.720 | And in a absolutely incredible way,
00:23:46.560 | your brain is actually able to take that information
00:23:49.000 | and create this perception that we have of color.
00:23:51.360 | But that's another story altogether
00:23:52.840 | that we'll just touch on a little bit more later,
00:23:55.500 | but that if you want to learn all about,
00:23:57.040 | you can go to our episode on vision.
00:23:59.840 | So that's photoreceptors in the back of your eye
00:24:03.760 | absorbing light of different wavelengths, rods and cones.
00:24:07.100 | The other place, of course,
00:24:08.180 | where light can impact our body is on our surface,
00:24:11.180 | on our skin.
00:24:12.620 | And skin has pigment too.
00:24:14.640 | We call that pigment melanin.
00:24:16.960 | We have within our skin multiple cell types,
00:24:19.840 | but in the top layer of skin,
00:24:21.180 | which is called the epidermis,
00:24:23.060 | we have keratinocytes and we have melanocytes.
00:24:27.340 | And the melanocytes are the cells
00:24:29.700 | that create pigmentation of the skin.
00:24:31.340 | And of course, there is wide variation in the degree
00:24:34.760 | to which there's pigmentation of the skin,
00:24:37.160 | which has to do with genetics,
00:24:38.580 | also has to do with where you were born and raised,
00:24:41.100 | how much light exposure you have throughout the year, right?
00:24:43.720 | So people toward the equator
00:24:45.000 | tend to have more melanocyte activity
00:24:46.900 | than people who are located at the North Pole.
00:24:49.380 | And of course, people live at different locations
00:24:51.260 | throughout the earth,
00:24:52.100 | regardless of their genetic background
00:24:53.920 | or where they were born.
00:24:54.860 | And so, as you all know, with light exposure,
00:24:58.380 | those melanocytes will turn on genetic programs
00:25:02.560 | and other biological programs
00:25:04.360 | that lead to enhanced pigmentation on the skin,
00:25:06.720 | which we call tanning.
00:25:08.720 | The way they do that is by absorbing UV light specifically.
00:25:12.700 | So with melanocytes, we have a very specific example
00:25:16.580 | of how a pigment absorbs light of a particular length,
00:25:20.300 | in this case, ultraviolet short wavelength light,
00:25:23.200 | which in turn creates a set of biological signals
00:25:26.860 | within those cells
00:25:27.840 | that in turn creates changes in our skin pigmentation.
00:25:31.000 | So we have photoreceptors, we have melanocytes.
00:25:33.200 | And the third example I'd like to provide
00:25:35.240 | is that of every cell of your body.
00:25:37.640 | And what I mean by that is that every cell of your body,
00:25:40.360 | meaning a cell that is part of your bone tissue
00:25:44.540 | or your bone marrow or heart tissue or liver or spleen,
00:25:48.760 | if light can access those cells,
00:25:51.520 | it will change the way that those cells function
00:25:53.780 | for better or for worse.
00:25:56.520 | For many organs within our body
00:25:58.640 | that reside deep to our skin,
00:26:02.060 | light never arrives at those cells.
00:26:05.320 | A really good example of this that we'll touch on later
00:26:07.600 | is the spleen.
00:26:09.400 | Unless you have massive damage to your body surface,
00:26:12.560 | unless you literally have a hole in your body,
00:26:14.760 | light will never land directly on your spleen.
00:26:18.060 | But the spleen still responds to light information
00:26:21.760 | through indirect pathways.
00:26:24.120 | And those indirect pathways arise through light
00:26:26.920 | arriving on the skin and light arriving on the eyes.
00:26:30.600 | So a key principle that I'm going to return to
00:26:32.740 | again and again today is that the ways in which light
00:26:37.200 | can impact the biology of your organelles, your cells,
00:26:40.600 | your organs and the tissues and indeed your whole body
00:26:43.500 | can either be direct.
00:26:45.360 | So for instance, light onto your skin impacting skin
00:26:48.240 | or light onto your photoreceptors
00:26:49.780 | impacting the photoreceptors of your eye.
00:26:52.060 | Or it can be indirect.
00:26:53.880 | It can be light arriving on your photoreceptors,
00:26:56.920 | the photoreceptors then informing another cell type
00:26:59.880 | which informs another cell type,
00:27:01.720 | which then relays a signal in kind of a bucket brigade
00:27:04.880 | manner off to the spleen and says to the spleen,
00:27:07.620 | hey, there's a lot of UV light out here.
00:27:10.360 | We're actually under stress.
00:27:12.080 | In fact, there's so much UV light
00:27:13.680 | that you need to activate an immune program
00:27:16.720 | to protect the skin.
00:27:18.080 | And in response to that,
00:27:19.160 | the spleen can deploy certain signals and certain cell types
00:27:21.920 | to go out and start repairing skin that's being damaged
00:27:24.380 | by UV light.
00:27:25.400 | So we have direct signals and we have indirect signals,
00:27:28.360 | but in every case,
00:27:30.960 | it starts with light of particular wavelengths
00:27:34.260 | being absorbed by particular pigments or properties
00:27:37.880 | of the surfaces that those light waves land on.
00:27:42.300 | And as you recall from our discussion
00:27:43.840 | about the physics of light,
00:27:45.060 | remember it's not just about light impinging
00:27:47.460 | on the surface of your body.
00:27:48.560 | Light can actually penetrate deep to the skin
00:27:51.920 | and access at least certain tissues and cells of your body.
00:27:55.800 | Even though you can't see those wavelengths of light,
00:27:58.400 | they are getting into you all the time.
00:28:00.980 | So perhaps the best way to wrap this discussion
00:28:04.080 | about the physics and the biology of light
00:28:06.120 | with a bit of a bow
00:28:07.800 | is to think about light as a transducer,
00:28:11.240 | meaning a communicator of what's going on
00:28:13.880 | in the environment around you.
00:28:15.720 | And that some of those signals are arriving at the surface
00:28:19.120 | and impacting the surface of your body.
00:28:21.220 | But many of those signals are being taken by cells
00:28:24.060 | at the surface of your body,
00:28:25.800 | meaning your melanocytes in your skin
00:28:27.520 | and the photoreceptors of your eyes,
00:28:29.280 | and then being passed off as a set of instructions
00:28:33.320 | to the other organs and tissues of your body.
00:28:35.720 | Light can impact our biology in very fast,
00:28:38.920 | moderately fast and slow ways.
00:28:41.480 | But even the slow ways in which light can impact our biology
00:28:45.180 | can be very powerful and very long lasting.
00:28:48.340 | Just as a quick example of the rapid effects of light
00:28:52.120 | on our biology.
00:28:53.920 | If you were to go from a room that is dimly lit or dark
00:28:58.320 | into a very brightly lit room,
00:29:01.060 | you would immediately feel very alert.
00:29:04.560 | You might say, no, that's not true.
00:29:05.960 | Sometimes I wake up and it's dark and I kind of stumble out
00:29:09.040 | and it's lighter out in the next room
00:29:10.980 | and it takes me a while to wake up.
00:29:12.500 | Ah, but if we were to move you from a room
00:29:15.040 | that was very dark to very bright,
00:29:17.060 | a signal conveyed from your eyes
00:29:19.840 | to an area of your brainstem called the locus coeruleus
00:29:23.140 | would cause the release of adrenaline
00:29:25.740 | similar to the release of adrenaline
00:29:27.480 | if you were to be dropped into very, very cold water
00:29:29.980 | all of a sudden.
00:29:30.820 | You just had an immediate wake up signal
00:29:32.360 | to your brain and body.
00:29:33.500 | So that's an example of a rapid effect of light
00:29:36.420 | on your biology.
00:29:37.500 | Not a very typical one, but nonetheless,
00:29:39.720 | one that has a hardwired biological mechanism.
00:29:43.500 | At the other end of the spectrum
00:29:45.520 | are what we call slow integrating effects of light
00:29:48.460 | on our biology.
00:29:49.940 | So what I mean by that are ways in which
00:29:52.720 | your body is taking information about light
00:29:55.260 | in the environment, not in the sort of snapshot acute sense,
00:29:59.720 | but averaging the amount of light in your environment.
00:30:02.500 | And that average light information
00:30:05.240 | is changing the way that your biology works.
00:30:07.940 | But even though this is a slow process,
00:30:10.620 | as I mentioned before, it's a very powerful one.
00:30:13.460 | The primary example of this
00:30:15.500 | are so-called circannual rhythms.
00:30:18.300 | Circannual rhythms are literally a calendar
00:30:21.820 | that exists within your body that uses not numbers,
00:30:26.420 | but amounts of hormone that are released
00:30:28.820 | into your brain and body each day and each night
00:30:31.820 | as a way of knowing where you are
00:30:34.100 | in the 365 day calendar year.
00:30:37.520 | Now that might seem kind of crazy, but it's not crazy.
00:30:40.900 | The earth travels around the sun once every 365 days.
00:30:45.020 | And depending on where you are on the earth,
00:30:48.220 | where you live, you are going to get more or less light
00:30:53.020 | each day on average, depending on the time of year.
00:30:56.520 | So if you're in the Northern hemisphere
00:30:58.800 | in the winter months, days are shorter, nights are longer.
00:31:02.900 | In the summer months, days are longer, nights are shorter.
00:31:05.980 | And of course, things change whether or not
00:31:08.340 | you're in the Northern hemisphere
00:31:10.060 | or the Southern hemisphere.
00:31:11.660 | But nonetheless, in short days,
00:31:15.140 | you have more darkness, that's obvious.
00:31:17.840 | And if you understand that light arriving on the eyes
00:31:22.660 | is absorbed by a particular cell type
00:31:26.140 | called the intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cell,
00:31:29.020 | it's just a name, you don't need to know the name,
00:31:30.620 | but if you want, it's the so-called
00:31:31.740 | intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cell,
00:31:33.420 | also called the melanopsin cell,
00:31:35.280 | because it contains an opsin, a photopigment
00:31:38.600 | that absorbs short wavelength light
00:31:41.920 | that arrives through sunlight,
00:31:43.700 | those cells communicate to particular stations in the brain
00:31:47.460 | that in turn connect to your so-called pineal gland,
00:31:51.640 | which is this little pea-sized gland
00:31:53.400 | in the middle of your brain
00:31:54.660 | that releases a hormone called melatonin.
00:31:57.600 | And the only thing you need to know
00:31:59.060 | is that light activates these particular cells,
00:32:02.160 | the intrinsically photosensitive melanopsin cells,
00:32:04.500 | which in turn shuts down the production of melatonin
00:32:08.420 | from the pineal gland.
00:32:09.640 | If you think about this in terms of the travel of the earth
00:32:14.480 | around the sun across the year,
00:32:16.940 | what it means is that in short days,
00:32:19.560 | because there's very little light on average
00:32:22.040 | landing on these cells,
00:32:23.700 | the duration of melatonin release will be much longer
00:32:28.140 | because as I mentioned before,
00:32:29.620 | light inhibits, it shuts down melatonin.
00:32:32.540 | Whereas in the summer months,
00:32:34.340 | much more light on average will land on your eyes, right?
00:32:37.540 | Because days are longer,
00:32:38.960 | even if you're spending more time indoors,
00:32:40.420 | on average, you're going to get more light
00:32:43.500 | to activate these cells.
00:32:45.140 | And because light shuts down melatonin production,
00:32:48.600 | what you'll find is that the duration of melatonin release
00:32:51.280 | for the pineal is much shorter.
00:32:54.380 | So melatonin is a transducer.
00:32:57.460 | It's a communicator of how much light on average
00:33:00.580 | is in your physical environment.
00:33:02.960 | What this means is for people living
00:33:05.820 | in the Northern hemisphere,
00:33:07.420 | you're getting more melatonin release in the winter months
00:33:10.540 | than you are in the summer months.
00:33:12.640 | So you have a calendar system that is based in a hormone,
00:33:17.640 | and that hormone is using light in order to determine
00:33:22.420 | where you are in that journey around the sun.
00:33:26.160 | Now, this is beautiful, at least to me, it's beautiful,
00:33:28.500 | because what it means is that the environment around us
00:33:31.860 | is converted into a signal
00:33:33.820 | that changes the environment within us.
00:33:36.860 | That signal is melatonin.
00:33:38.780 | And melatonin is well-known for its role
00:33:41.180 | in making us sleepy each night
00:33:42.860 | and allowing us to fall asleep.
00:33:44.780 | Many of you have probably heard before,
00:33:46.200 | I am not a big fan of melatonin supplementation
00:33:48.900 | for a number of reasons, but just as a quick aside,
00:33:52.160 | the levels of melatonin that are in most supplements
00:33:54.340 | are far too high to really be considered physiological.
00:33:57.480 | They are indeed super physiological in most cases,
00:34:00.180 | and melatonin can have a number of different effects,
00:34:02.920 | not just related to sleep,
00:34:05.140 | but that's supplemented melatonin.
00:34:07.680 | Here, I'm talking about our natural production
00:34:10.360 | and release of melatonin,
00:34:11.460 | according to where we are in the 365-day calendar year.
00:34:15.740 | Endogenous melatonin,
00:34:18.220 | meaning the melatonin that we make within our bodies
00:34:20.380 | naturally, not melatonin that's supplemented,
00:34:23.560 | has two general categories of effects.
00:34:26.760 | The first set of effects are so-called regulatory effects,
00:34:29.140 | and the others are protective effects.
00:34:30.900 | The regulatory effects are, for instance,
00:34:32.780 | that melatonin can positively impact bone mass.
00:34:37.540 | So melatonin can, for instance,
00:34:39.300 | turn on the production of osteoblasts,
00:34:41.800 | which are essentially stem cells that make more bone for us,
00:34:45.820 | that make our bones stronger,
00:34:47.420 | and that can replace damaged aspects of our bone.
00:34:50.040 | Melatonin is also involved in maturation of the gonads
00:34:53.940 | during puberty, the ovaries, and the testes.
00:34:56.860 | Although there, the effects of melatonin
00:34:58.620 | tend to be suppressive on maturation
00:35:01.300 | of the ovaries and testes,
00:35:02.780 | meaning high levels of melatonin
00:35:04.620 | tend to reduce testicle volume
00:35:07.520 | and reduce certain functions within the testes,
00:35:10.880 | including sperm production and testosterone production.
00:35:13.580 | And within the ovaries,
00:35:15.420 | melatonin can suppress the maturation of eggs, et cetera.
00:35:18.580 | Now, I don't want anyone to get scared
00:35:20.020 | if you've been taking melatonin.
00:35:21.540 | Most of the effects of melatonin on those functions
00:35:23.880 | are reversible,
00:35:25.180 | but I should point out that one of the reasons
00:35:27.260 | why children don't go into puberty until a particular age
00:35:30.660 | is that young children tend to have
00:35:32.540 | chronically high endogenous melatonin,
00:35:34.760 | and that is healthy to keep them out of puberty
00:35:37.380 | until it's the right time for puberty to happen.
00:35:40.700 | So melatonin can increase bone mass,
00:35:43.400 | but reduces gonad mass, so to speak.
00:35:46.860 | It's going to have varying effects
00:35:48.740 | depending on the ratios and levels of other hormones
00:35:51.460 | and other biological events in the body.
00:35:53.220 | But as you can see,
00:35:54.140 | melatonin has these powerful regulatory effects
00:35:56.500 | on other tissues.
00:35:57.540 | I should also mention that melatonin
00:35:59.140 | is a powerful modulator of placental development.
00:36:02.120 | So for anyone that's pregnant,
00:36:03.500 | if you're considering melatonin supplementation,
00:36:05.860 | please, please, please talk to your OBGYN,
00:36:08.540 | talk to your other doctor as well.
00:36:10.980 | You want to be very, very cautious
00:36:12.380 | because of the powerful effects that melatonin can have
00:36:14.660 | on the developing fetus and placenta.
00:36:16.900 | For people that are not pregnant,
00:36:19.080 | in fact, all people,
00:36:20.020 | melatonin has a powerful effect
00:36:22.660 | on the central nervous system as a whole.
00:36:24.960 | Your brain and spinal cord are the major components
00:36:26.980 | of your central nervous system,
00:36:28.460 | and melatonin, because it's associated with darkness,
00:36:32.180 | which is just another way of saying
00:36:34.200 | that light suppresses melatonin,
00:36:35.880 | melatonin is thereby associated with the dark phase
00:36:39.180 | of each 24 hour cycle,
00:36:40.660 | it can have a number of different effects
00:36:44.700 | in terms of waking up or making our body feel more sleepy.
00:36:48.340 | And it does that by way of impacting cells
00:36:50.420 | within our nervous system,
00:36:51.460 | literally turning on certain brain areas,
00:36:54.040 | turning off other brain areas.
00:36:55.580 | And it does that through a whole cascade
00:36:57.060 | of biological mechanisms,
00:36:58.460 | a bit too detailed to get into today.
00:37:00.460 | So melatonin is regulating how awake or asleep we are.
00:37:03.000 | It tends to make us more asleep, incidentally.
00:37:05.940 | It's regulating our timing of puberty
00:37:08.860 | and it's regulating how our gonads,
00:37:11.300 | the testes and ovaries function,
00:37:12.900 | even in adulthood to some extent,
00:37:14.780 | and it's regulating bone mass.
00:37:17.420 | As I mentioned before,
00:37:18.240 | melatonin also has protective effects.
00:37:20.480 | It can activate our immune system.
00:37:22.140 | It is among the most potent antioxidants.
00:37:25.500 | So it is known to have certain anti-cancer properties
00:37:28.140 | and things of that sort,
00:37:29.620 | which is not to say that you simply want more melatonin.
00:37:32.120 | I think a lot of people get misled
00:37:33.860 | when they hear something like melatonin
00:37:36.100 | has anti-cancer properties.
00:37:37.960 | That doesn't mean that just cranking up
00:37:39.580 | the levels of melatonin by supplementing it,
00:37:42.060 | or by spending time in darkness and not getting any light,
00:37:44.540 | which would of course inhibit melatonin
00:37:46.140 | is going to be beneficial for combating cancer.
00:37:48.500 | That's not the way it works.
00:37:50.540 | It is actually the rise and fall of melatonin
00:37:53.980 | every 24 hour cycle,
00:37:55.660 | and the changes in the duration of that melatonin signal
00:37:58.480 | throughout the seasons that has these anti-cancer
00:38:01.780 | and antioxidant effects.
00:38:03.300 | So when we think about light impacting our biology,
00:38:07.100 | the reason I bring up melatonin
00:38:08.660 | as the primary example of that is A,
00:38:10.740 | because melatonin impacts so many important functions
00:38:13.220 | within our brain and body,
00:38:14.420 | but also because hormones in general, not always,
00:38:17.840 | but in general are responsible
00:38:19.220 | for these slow modulatory effects on our biology.
00:38:22.660 | And so I'm using this as an example
00:38:24.780 | of how light throughout the year
00:38:26.740 | is changing the way that the different cells and tissues
00:38:29.660 | and organs of your body are working,
00:38:31.060 | and that melatonin is the transducer of that signal.
00:38:34.300 | So at this point,
00:38:35.140 | we can say light powerfully modulates melatonin,
00:38:38.060 | meaning it shuts down melatonin.
00:38:39.700 | Melatonin is both beneficial for certain tissues
00:38:42.420 | and suppressive for other tissues and functions.
00:38:46.220 | What should we do with this information?
00:38:47.780 | Well, it's very well established now
00:38:50.860 | that one of the best things that we can all do
00:38:53.100 | is to get the proper amount of sunlight each day.
00:38:56.580 | And by proper, I mean appropriate for that time of year.
00:39:00.340 | So in the summer months where the days are longer
00:39:03.540 | and nights are shorter,
00:39:04.780 | we would all do well to get more sunlight in our eyes.
00:39:08.220 | And again, it's going to be to our eyes
00:39:10.100 | because as you recall, the pineal sits deep in the brain
00:39:14.220 | and light can't access the pineal directly,
00:39:16.320 | at least not in humans.
00:39:17.820 | So in order to get light information to the pineal
00:39:22.620 | and thereby get the proper levels of melatonin,
00:39:25.240 | according to the time of year,
00:39:27.560 | we should all try and get outside as much as possible
00:39:30.900 | during the long days of summer and spring.
00:39:34.140 | And in the winter months,
00:39:35.340 | it makes sense to spend more time indoors.
00:39:37.720 | For those of you that suffer
00:39:38.820 | from seasonal affective disorder,
00:39:40.180 | which is a seasonal depression
00:39:41.460 | or feel low during the fall and winter months,
00:39:44.180 | there are ways to offset this.
00:39:45.300 | We did an entire episode on mood and circadian rhythms
00:39:47.880 | where we described this.
00:39:49.100 | So it does make sense for some people
00:39:50.480 | to get more bright light in their eyes early in the morning
00:39:52.920 | and throughout the day during the winter months as well.
00:39:56.020 | But nonetheless, changes in melatonin,
00:39:59.380 | meaning changes in the duration of melatonin release
00:40:02.060 | across the year are normal and healthy.
00:40:04.100 | So provided that you're not suffering from depression,
00:40:06.760 | it's going to be healthy to somewhat modulate your amount
00:40:09.540 | of indoor and outdoor time across the year.
00:40:12.260 | The other thing to understand
00:40:13.240 | is this very firmly established fact,
00:40:15.040 | which is light powerfully inhibits melatonin.
00:40:18.140 | If you wake up in the middle of the night
00:40:20.960 | and you go into the bathroom and you flip on the lights,
00:40:23.320 | and those are very bright overhead fluorescent lights,
00:40:26.480 | your melatonin levels,
00:40:28.040 | which would ordinarily be quite high
00:40:30.160 | in the middle of the night,
00:40:31.000 | because you've been eyes closed in the dark presumably,
00:40:33.820 | will immediately plummet to near zero or zero.
00:40:37.000 | We would all do well regardless of time of year
00:40:40.020 | to not destroy our melatonin
00:40:43.540 | in the middle of the night in this way.
00:40:45.380 | So if you need to get up in the middle of the night
00:40:46.940 | and you use the restroom,
00:40:47.780 | which is a perfectly normal behavior for many people,
00:40:50.860 | use the minimum amount of light required
00:40:53.940 | in order to safely move through the environment
00:40:57.080 | that you need to move through.
00:40:58.580 | Melatonin needs to come on early in the night.
00:41:02.440 | It actually starts rising in the evening and towards sleep.
00:41:06.280 | But then as you close your eyes and you go to sleep,
00:41:08.200 | melatonin levels are going to continue to rise
00:41:10.680 | at least for several hours into the night.
00:41:13.580 | Again, if you get up in the middle of the night,
00:41:15.200 | really try hard not to flip on a lot of bright lights.
00:41:17.920 | If you do that every once in a while,
00:41:19.480 | it's not going to be a problem.
00:41:21.000 | But if you're doing that night after night,
00:41:22.960 | you are really disrupting this fundamental signal
00:41:27.440 | that occurs every night,
00:41:28.980 | regardless of winter, spring, summer, et cetera,
00:41:31.280 | and that is communicating information
00:41:33.480 | about where your brain and body should be in time.
00:41:37.040 | And I know that's a little bit of a tricky concept,
00:41:38.900 | but really our body is not meant to function
00:41:41.840 | in the same way during the winter months
00:41:43.320 | as the summer months.
00:41:44.520 | There are functions that are specifically optimal
00:41:48.000 | for the shorter days of winter,
00:41:49.620 | and there are functions that are specifically optimal
00:41:51.800 | for the longer days of summer.
00:41:53.800 | So again, try to avoid bright light exposure to your eyes
00:41:58.520 | in the middle of the night.
00:41:59.560 | And for those of you that are doing shift work,
00:42:01.560 | what I can say is try and avoid getting bright light
00:42:04.100 | in your eyes in the middle of your sleep cycle.
00:42:06.060 | So even if you're sleeping in the middle of the day,
00:42:07.440 | because you have to work at night,
00:42:08.720 | if you wake up during that bout of sleep,
00:42:11.160 | really try hard to limit the amount of light,
00:42:13.360 | which is going to be harder for shift workers, right?
00:42:15.580 | Because there are generally a lot more lights on
00:42:17.420 | and bright lights outside too.
00:42:18.640 | You would want to close the blinds
00:42:20.080 | and limit artificial light inside.
00:42:22.400 | One way to bypass some of the inhibitory effects of light
00:42:26.260 | on melatonin is to change your physical environment
00:42:29.980 | by, for instance, dimming the lights.
00:42:32.000 | That's one simple way, very low cost way.
00:42:34.000 | In fact, you'll save money by dimming the lights
00:42:35.760 | or turning them off.
00:42:36.700 | The other is if you are going to use light
00:42:39.120 | using long wavelength light,
00:42:40.700 | because as you recall,
00:42:41.840 | these intrinsically photosensitive melanopsin cells
00:42:44.040 | within your retina that convey the signal
00:42:46.740 | about bright light in your environment to impact melatonin,
00:42:50.420 | to shut down melatonin,
00:42:51.740 | respond to short wavelengths of light.
00:42:53.840 | So red light is long wavelength light.
00:42:55.880 | You now understand that from our discussion
00:42:57.760 | about the physics of light.
00:42:59.620 | And if you were to use amber colored light or red light,
00:43:03.400 | and even better dim amber or dim red light
00:43:06.680 | in the middle of the night,
00:43:07.520 | well, then you would probably not reduce melatonin at all,
00:43:11.100 | unless those red lights and amber lights
00:43:13.040 | are very, very bright.
00:43:14.080 | Any light, provided it's bright enough,
00:43:16.260 | will shut down melatonin production.
00:43:18.860 | One final point about melatonin,
00:43:20.900 | and this relates to melatonin supplementation as well,
00:43:23.960 | is that now that you understand how potently melatonin
00:43:27.340 | can impact things like cardiovascular function,
00:43:29.220 | immune function, anticancer properties,
00:43:31.160 | bone mass, gonad function, et cetera,
00:43:34.340 | you can understand why it would make sense
00:43:36.680 | to be cautious about melatonin supplementation,
00:43:38.980 | because supplementation tends to be pretty static.
00:43:41.480 | It's X number of milligrams per night.
00:43:44.460 | Whereas normally, endogenously,
00:43:47.220 | the amount of melatonin that you're releasing each night
00:43:49.420 | is changing according to time of year.
00:43:52.140 | Or if you happen to live in an area
00:43:54.340 | where there isn't much change in day length across the year.
00:43:56.940 | So for instance, if you live near the equator,
00:43:59.140 | well, then your body is accustomed
00:44:00.920 | to having regular amounts of melatonin each night.
00:44:04.020 | When you start supplementing melatonin,
00:44:06.180 | you start changing the total amount of melatonin, obviously,
00:44:09.240 | but you're also changing the normal rhythms
00:44:12.240 | in how much melatonin is being released
00:44:14.980 | into your brain and body across the 365 day calendar year.
00:44:19.000 | So while I'm somebody who readily embraces supplementation
00:44:22.940 | in various forms for things like sleep and focus, et cetera,
00:44:26.360 | when it comes to melatonin, I'm extremely cautious.
00:44:30.080 | And I think it's also one of the few examples
00:44:32.580 | where a hormone is available without prescription
00:44:35.820 | over the counter.
00:44:36.660 | You can just go into a pharmacy or drug store,
00:44:38.020 | order online this hormone,
00:44:39.620 | which is known to have all these powerful effects.
00:44:41.880 | So I get very, very concerned
00:44:43.620 | when I hear about people taking melatonin,
00:44:45.740 | especially at the levels that are present
00:44:47.380 | in most supplements.
00:44:48.560 | It's been recognized for a very long time.
00:44:50.580 | And in fact, there are now data to support the fact
00:44:53.540 | that animals of all kinds, including humans,
00:44:56.580 | will seek out mates and engage in mating behavior
00:44:59.860 | more frequently during the long days of spring and summer.
00:45:04.140 | That's right, in seasonally breeding animals,
00:45:06.820 | of course, this is the case, but in humans as well,
00:45:10.860 | there is more seeking out of mates and mating behavior
00:45:13.780 | in longer day times of year.
00:45:16.840 | Now you could imagine at least two mechanisms
00:45:19.540 | by which this occurs.
00:45:21.520 | The first mechanism we could easily map to melatonin
00:45:25.360 | and the fact that melatonin is suppressive
00:45:28.000 | to various aspects of the so-called gonadal axis,
00:45:31.440 | which is basically a fancy way of saying
00:45:34.020 | that melatonin inhibits testosterone and estrogen output
00:45:37.700 | from the testes and from the ovaries.
00:45:40.100 | I just want to remind people that both males and females
00:45:42.280 | make testosterone and estrogen,
00:45:44.680 | although in different ratios,
00:45:45.820 | typically in males versus females,
00:45:47.580 | and that both testosterone and estrogen are critical
00:45:51.720 | for the desire to mate and for mating behavior.
00:45:55.860 | There's a broad misconception that testosterone
00:45:58.860 | is involved in mating behavior
00:46:00.280 | and estrogen is involved in other behaviors,
00:46:01.980 | but having enough estrogen is critical
00:46:04.640 | for both males and females
00:46:05.920 | in order to maintain the desire to mate
00:46:08.060 | and indeed the ability to mate.
00:46:10.160 | I discussed this on the episode
00:46:11.960 | on optimizing testosterone and estrogen.
00:46:14.320 | So if you'd like more details on that,
00:46:15.940 | please see that episode of the Huberman Lab Podcast.
00:46:19.300 | Okay, so if melatonin is suppressive
00:46:22.840 | to the so-called gonadal axis
00:46:25.380 | and reduces overall levels of testosterone and estrogen
00:46:28.660 | in males and females, and light inhibits melatonin,
00:46:33.520 | then when there's more light, then there's less melatonin
00:46:36.700 | and more hormone output from the gonads.
00:46:39.540 | And indeed that's how the system works,
00:46:41.700 | but that's not the entire story.
00:46:43.700 | It turns out that there is a second
00:46:46.100 | so-called parallel pathway,
00:46:47.780 | meaning a different biological pathway
00:46:50.500 | that operates in parallel
00:46:52.300 | to the light suppression of melatonin pathway
00:46:55.460 | that provides a basis for longer days inspiring more desire
00:46:59.980 | to mate and more mating behavior.
00:47:02.040 | So if we think of the first pathway involving melatonin
00:47:05.220 | as sort of a break on these reproductive hormones,
00:47:08.480 | the second mechanism is more like an accelerator
00:47:11.100 | on those hormones, and yet it still involves light.
00:47:15.060 | As I'm about to tell you, in animals such as mice,
00:47:18.740 | but also in humans, exposure to light,
00:47:22.320 | in particular UV blue light, so short wavelengths of light,
00:47:26.120 | can trigger increases in testosterone and estrogen
00:47:29.180 | and the desire to mate.
00:47:30.800 | Now what's especially important about this accelerator
00:47:33.640 | on the desire to mate and mating behavior and hormones
00:47:36.820 | is that it is driven by exposure to light,
00:47:40.920 | but it is not the exposure of light to the eyes.
00:47:44.740 | It turns out that it is the exposure of your skin
00:47:48.120 | to particular wavelengths of light
00:47:50.200 | that is triggering increases in the hormones,
00:47:52.840 | testosterone and estrogen,
00:47:54.460 | leading to increased desire to mate.
00:47:57.020 | As it turns out, your skin,
00:47:59.220 | which most of us just think of as a way
00:48:01.400 | to protect the organs of our body
00:48:03.340 | or something to hang clothes on or ornaments on
00:48:06.300 | if you're somebody who has earrings and so forth,
00:48:09.440 | your skin is actually an endocrine organ,
00:48:12.340 | meaning it is a hormone producing
00:48:15.180 | and hormone influencing organ.
00:48:17.360 | I promise what I'm about to tell you next
00:48:19.680 | will forever change the way that you think about your skin
00:48:22.600 | and light and the desire to mate
00:48:25.760 | and indeed even mating behavior.
00:48:28.400 | I think the results are best understood
00:48:30.580 | by simply going through the primary data,
00:48:33.000 | meaning the actual research on this topic.
00:48:35.360 | And to do so, I'm going to review a recent paper
00:48:37.560 | that was published in the journal Cell Reports,
00:48:39.960 | Cell Press Journal, excellent journal.
00:48:42.080 | This is a paper that came out in 2021
00:48:44.360 | entitled Skin Exposure to UVB Light
00:48:48.640 | Induces a Skin Brain GONAD Axis and Sexual Behavior.
00:48:53.080 | And I want to emphasize that this was a paper
00:48:55.760 | that focused on mice in order to address specific mechanisms
00:49:00.560 | because in mice, you can so-called knock out
00:49:03.400 | particular genes, you can remove particular genes
00:49:05.540 | to understand mechanism.
00:49:06.600 | You just can't do that in humans
00:49:08.160 | in any kind of controlled way,
00:49:09.980 | at least not at this point in time.
00:49:12.440 | And this study also explores humans
00:49:15.360 | and looked at human subjects, both men and women.
00:49:18.840 | The basic finding of this study was that when mice
00:49:23.240 | or humans were exposed to UVB,
00:49:26.280 | meaning ultraviolet blue light,
00:49:27.600 | so short wavelength light of the sort
00:49:29.120 | that comes through in sunshine,
00:49:30.960 | but is also available through various artificial sources.
00:49:34.300 | If they received enough exposure of that light
00:49:39.180 | to their skin, there were increases in testosterone
00:49:44.100 | that were observed within a very brief period of time,
00:49:47.000 | also increases in the hormone estrogen.
00:49:50.080 | And I should point out that the proper ratios of estrogen
00:49:52.760 | and testosterone were maintained in both males and females,
00:49:55.800 | at least as far as these data indicate.
00:49:58.740 | And mice tended to seek out mating more and mate more.
00:50:03.740 | There were also increases in gonadal weight,
00:50:07.580 | literally increases in testes size and in ovarian size
00:50:11.260 | when mice were exposed to this UVB light
00:50:14.040 | past a certain threshold.
00:50:15.500 | Now, as I mentioned before, the study also looked at humans.
00:50:18.160 | They did not look at testes size or ovarian size
00:50:21.940 | in the human subjects.
00:50:23.240 | However, because they are humans,
00:50:25.240 | they did address the psychology of these human beings
00:50:28.960 | and address whether or not they had increases in,
00:50:31.680 | for instance, aggressiveness or in passionate feelings
00:50:34.800 | and how their perception of other people changed
00:50:38.660 | when they were getting a lot of UVB light exposure
00:50:42.320 | to the skin.
00:50:43.200 | So before I get into some of the more important details
00:50:45.360 | of the study and how it was done
00:50:47.040 | and how you can leverage this information for yourself,
00:50:49.760 | if you desire, I just want to highlight
00:50:52.800 | some of the basic findings overall.
00:50:55.600 | UVB exposure increased these so-called sex steroid levels
00:50:59.380 | in mice and humans.
00:51:00.680 | The sex steroid hormones, when we say steroids,
00:51:03.780 | we don't mean anabolic steroids taken exogenously.
00:51:06.480 | I think when people hear the word steroids,
00:51:07.880 | they always think steroid abuse or use.
00:51:10.640 | Rather steroid hormones such as testosterone and estrogen
00:51:13.900 | went up when mice or humans had a lot of UVB exposure
00:51:18.300 | to their skin.
00:51:19.200 | Second of all, UVB light exposure to the skin
00:51:22.780 | enhanced female attractiveness.
00:51:24.640 | So the perceived attractiveness of females by males
00:51:27.780 | and increase the receptiveness or the desire to mate
00:51:31.880 | in both sexes.
00:51:33.340 | UVB light exposure also changed various aspects
00:51:36.640 | of female biology related to fertility,
00:51:39.020 | in particular, follicle growth.
00:51:41.480 | Follicle and egg maturation are well-known indices
00:51:45.820 | of fertility and of course correlate with the menstrual
00:51:49.160 | cycle in adult humans and is related overall
00:51:52.860 | to the propensity to become pregnant.
00:51:56.200 | UVB light exposure enhanced maturation of the follicle,
00:51:59.340 | which just meant that more healthy eggs were being produced.
00:52:02.540 | These are impressive effects.
00:52:03.880 | First of all, they looked at a large number of variables
00:52:06.400 | in the study and the fact that they looked at mice
00:52:08.500 | and humans is terrific.
00:52:10.140 | I think that oftentimes we find it hard to translate data
00:52:13.060 | from mice to humans.
00:52:13.900 | So the fact that they looked at both in parallel
00:52:16.260 | is wonderful.
00:52:17.160 | In the mice and in the humans,
00:52:20.260 | they established a protocol that essentially involved
00:52:24.500 | exposing the skin to UV light that was equivalent
00:52:27.820 | to about 20 to 30 minutes of midday sun exposure.
00:52:31.340 | Now, of course, where you live in the world
00:52:33.060 | will dictate whether or not that midday sun
00:52:34.700 | is very, very bright and intense or is less bright.
00:52:37.640 | Maybe there's cloud cover, et cetera.
00:52:39.360 | But since I'm imagining that most people are interested
00:52:43.080 | in the ways to increase testosterone and or estrogen
00:52:46.560 | in humans and are not so much interested
00:52:48.840 | in increasing testosterone in mice,
00:52:51.060 | I'm going to just review what they did
00:52:52.800 | in the human population or the human subjects.
00:52:55.900 | What they did is they had people first of all,
00:52:58.920 | establish a baseline and the way they establish a baseline
00:53:01.320 | was a little bit unusual,
00:53:02.640 | but it will make perfect sense to you.
00:53:04.520 | They had people wear long sleeves and essentially cover up
00:53:06.940 | and avoid sunlight for a few days
00:53:08.780 | so they could measure their baseline hormones
00:53:10.720 | in the absence of getting a lot of UVB light exposure
00:53:14.680 | from the sun or from other sources.
00:53:16.600 | Now, of course, these people had access
00:53:18.840 | to artificial lights,
00:53:19.980 | but as I've pointed out on this podcast before,
00:53:22.040 | it's pretty unusual that you'll get enough UVB exposure
00:53:25.420 | from artificial lights throughout the day
00:53:28.000 | and in the morning, you need a lot of UVB exposure
00:53:30.660 | or we should be getting a lot of UVB exposure
00:53:33.440 | to our eyes and to our face and to our skin
00:53:35.400 | throughout the day, provided we're not getting sunburn.
00:53:37.700 | This is actually a healthy thing for mood
00:53:39.600 | and for energy throughout the day.
00:53:41.180 | It's only at night, basically between the hours
00:53:43.880 | of about 10 PM and 4 AM that even a tiny bit of UVB exposure
00:53:48.740 | from artificial sources can mess us up
00:53:50.760 | in terms of our sleep and our energy levels and so on
00:53:53.420 | and that's because of the potent effect of UVB
00:53:55.840 | on suppressing melatonin.
00:53:58.040 | So the point here is that they establish a baseline
00:54:01.200 | whereby people were getting some artificial light exposure
00:54:04.200 | throughout the day, but they weren't getting outside a lot.
00:54:06.660 | They weren't getting a lot of sunlight.
00:54:08.360 | And then they had people receive a dose
00:54:11.700 | of UVB light exposure.
00:54:14.020 | That was about 20 to 30 minutes outdoors.
00:54:16.820 | They had people wear short sleeves, no hat, no sunglasses.
00:54:20.320 | Some people wore sleeveless shirts.
00:54:21.880 | They encouraged people to wear shorts.
00:54:23.560 | So they were indeed wearing clothing.
00:54:25.960 | They were not naked and they were wearing clothing
00:54:28.920 | that was culturally and situationally appropriate
00:54:31.440 | at least for the part of the world where this study was done
00:54:34.360 | and they had people do that two or three times a week.
00:54:37.120 | So in terms of a protocol that you might export
00:54:39.120 | from this study, basically getting outside
00:54:40.980 | for about 30 minutes, two or three times a week
00:54:43.320 | in a minimum of clothing and yet still wearing
00:54:46.520 | enough clothing that is culturally appropriate.
00:54:48.920 | They were outside, they weren't sunbathing,
00:54:51.160 | flipping over on their back and front.
00:54:52.560 | They were just moving about doing things they could read.
00:54:54.720 | They could talk, they could go about other activities
00:54:57.520 | but they weren't wearing a broad brim hat
00:54:59.540 | or a hat of any kind, just getting a lot of sun exposure
00:55:01.800 | to their skin.
00:55:02.640 | They did this for a total of 10 to 12 UVB treatments.
00:55:07.960 | So this took several weeks, right?
00:55:10.040 | It took about a month if you think about it,
00:55:11.400 | two or three times per week for a total
00:55:12.760 | of 10 to 12 UVB treatments.
00:55:15.760 | These treatments of course are just being outside
00:55:17.280 | in the sun and then they measured hormones
00:55:20.880 | and they measured the psychology of these male
00:55:23.180 | and female adult subjects.
00:55:24.920 | Let's first look at the psychological changes
00:55:27.080 | that these human subjects experienced
00:55:28.960 | after getting 10 to 12 of these UVB light exposure,
00:55:33.060 | outdoor and sunlight type treatments.
00:55:35.360 | They did this by collecting blood samples
00:55:37.080 | throughout the study and they saw significant increases
00:55:40.940 | in the hormones beta estradiol,
00:55:42.720 | which is one of the major forms of estrogen,
00:55:45.240 | progesterone, another important steroid hormone
00:55:48.400 | and testosterone in both men and women.
00:55:51.680 | Now an important point is that the testosterone increases
00:55:55.200 | were significantly higher in men that happened
00:55:58.640 | to originate from countries that had low UV exposure
00:56:03.000 | compared to individuals from countries
00:56:05.520 | with high UV exposure.
00:56:07.960 | Now this ought to make sense if we understand a little bit
00:56:11.340 | about how the skin functions as an endocrine organ.
00:56:13.980 | Many of you have probably heard of vitamin D3,
00:56:17.040 | which is a vitamin that we all make.
00:56:19.680 | Many people supplement it as well
00:56:21.180 | if they need additional vitamin D3.
00:56:24.280 | We all require sunlight in order to allow vitamin D3
00:56:28.800 | to be synthesized and perform its roles in the body.
00:56:32.160 | And it turns out that people who have darker skin
00:56:35.120 | actually need more vitamin D3 and or more sunlight exposure
00:56:39.680 | in order to activate that D3 pathway
00:56:42.180 | than do people with paler skin.
00:56:45.240 | And this should make sense to all of you
00:56:47.440 | given what you now understand about melanocytes,
00:56:50.160 | that cell type that we discussed earlier
00:56:51.720 | because melanocytes have pigment within them.
00:56:54.800 | And if you have darker skin,
00:56:56.640 | it means that you have more melanocytes
00:56:59.260 | or that you have melanocytes that are more efficient
00:57:02.120 | at creating pigment.
00:57:03.960 | And as a consequence, the light that lands on your skin
00:57:07.680 | will be absorbed by those melanocytes
00:57:09.380 | and less of it is able to impact the D3 pathway.
00:57:12.720 | Whereas if you have pale skin,
00:57:14.040 | more of the light that lands on your skin
00:57:16.080 | can trigger the synthesis and assist the actions
00:57:20.880 | of vitamin D3.
00:57:22.340 | Similarly, in this study,
00:57:23.560 | they found that people who had paler skin
00:57:25.760 | and or who originated from countries
00:57:28.180 | where they had less UVB light exposure across the year
00:57:32.260 | had greater meaning more significant increases
00:57:35.480 | in testosterone overall than did people
00:57:37.880 | who already were getting a lot of UVB exposure.
00:57:41.080 | This led them to explore so-called seasonal changes
00:57:43.800 | in testosterone that occurred normally in the absence
00:57:47.680 | of any light exposure treatment.
00:57:49.660 | So up until now, I've been talking about the aspects
00:57:52.640 | of this study involving people getting outside
00:57:55.140 | for about 20 to 30 minutes per day in sunlight
00:57:57.960 | in a minimum of clothing.
00:57:59.440 | There was an increase in testosterone observed
00:58:01.840 | in both men and women.
00:58:03.240 | The increases in testosterone were greater for people
00:58:05.800 | that had paler skin than darker skin.
00:58:08.520 | So the data I'm about to describe
00:58:10.220 | also come from this same paper,
00:58:11.920 | but do not involve 20 to 30 minute
00:58:14.360 | daily sun exposure protocols.
00:58:16.080 | It's simply addressing whether or not testosterone levels
00:58:19.660 | change as a function of time of year.
00:58:22.540 | They measured testosterone across the 12 month calendar.
00:58:27.820 | This study was done on subjects living
00:58:29.660 | in the Northern hemisphere for the entire year.
00:58:32.180 | And so in the months of January, February, and March,
00:58:35.500 | of course, the length of days is shortest
00:58:38.620 | and the length of nights is longest.
00:58:41.060 | And of course, in the spring and summer months,
00:58:43.620 | June, July, August, September, and so on,
00:58:45.700 | the days are much longer and the nights are shorter.
00:58:47.760 | And what they observed was very obvious.
00:58:50.600 | They observed that testosterone levels were lowest
00:58:55.380 | in the winter months and were highest in the months
00:58:58.380 | of June, July, August, and September.
00:59:01.260 | Now, these are very important data.
00:59:03.040 | At least to my knowledge,
00:59:03.880 | these are the first data systematically exploring
00:59:06.840 | the levels of sex steroid hormones in humans
00:59:09.960 | as a function of time of year and thereby as a function
00:59:13.420 | of how much sunlight exposure they're getting.
00:59:15.980 | And what's remarkable about these data is
00:59:18.060 | that they map very well to the data in mice
00:59:20.660 | and the other data in this paper on humans,
00:59:23.560 | which illustrate that if you're getting more UVB exposure,
00:59:28.000 | your testosterone levels are higher.
00:59:29.780 | This study went a step further and explored whether
00:59:31.940 | or not the amount of sunlight exposure
00:59:33.740 | that one is getting to their skin influences
00:59:36.060 | their psychology in terms of whether
00:59:38.740 | or not they have increased desire to mate and so on.
00:59:41.560 | It's well known that sunlight exposure
00:59:43.940 | to the eyes can increase mood.
00:59:46.760 | And I talked about this in the podcast episode
00:59:49.040 | with my guest, Dr. Samir Hatar,
00:59:50.980 | who's the director of the Chronobiology Unit
00:59:52.760 | at the National Institutes of Mental Health.
00:59:54.380 | And Samir's recommendation is that people get
00:59:56.260 | as much bright light exposure as they safely can
00:59:58.800 | in the morning and throughout the day for sake
01:00:00.620 | of both sleep and energy, but also for enhancing mood
01:00:04.980 | and regulating appetite.
01:00:06.860 | In this study, it was found that both males
01:00:10.100 | and females had higher levels of romantic passion
01:00:13.340 | after getting the UV treatment.
01:00:16.140 | In fact, some of them reported increases
01:00:17.860 | in romantic passion from just one
01:00:19.560 | or two of these UV treatments.
01:00:21.480 | So they didn't have to go through all 10 or 12
01:00:24.160 | in order to get a statistically significant increase
01:00:26.960 | in passion.
01:00:28.400 | Now, when we talk about passion,
01:00:30.020 | as the authors of this paper acknowledge,
01:00:31.980 | there's really two forms.
01:00:32.940 | There is emotional and sexual,
01:00:34.640 | and they parse this pretty finely.
01:00:36.380 | I don't want to go into all the details
01:00:37.920 | and we can provide a reference and link to this study
01:00:39.740 | if you'd like to look at those details.
01:00:41.740 | But what they found was that women receiving
01:00:45.100 | this UVB light exposure focused more on increases
01:00:49.500 | in physical arousal and sexual passion,
01:00:51.740 | whereas the men actually scored higher
01:00:53.700 | on the cognitive dimensions of passion,
01:00:55.580 | such as obsessive thoughts about their partner and so on.
01:00:58.220 | Regardless, both males and females experienced
01:01:02.220 | and reported a increase in sexual passion
01:01:05.420 | and desire to mate.
01:01:06.880 | And we now know there were increases in testosterone
01:01:09.580 | and estrogen, which of course could be driving
01:01:11.940 | the psychological changes.
01:01:13.180 | Although I'm sure that those interact in both directions,
01:01:15.820 | meaning the hormones no doubt affect psychology
01:01:19.380 | and no doubt the psychology,
01:01:21.180 | these changes in passionate feelings,
01:01:22.940 | no doubt also increased or changed
01:01:25.420 | the hormone levels as well.
01:01:26.920 | And I want to reemphasize that there was a component
01:01:30.620 | of the study that had no deliberate daylight,
01:01:33.620 | sunlight exposure for 20 or 30 minutes,
01:01:36.340 | but rather just looked at hormone levels
01:01:38.500 | throughout the year and found that the increase
01:01:42.400 | in day length correlated with increases
01:01:45.420 | in testosterone and sexual passion.
01:01:47.420 | Now, my opinion, this is a very noteworthy study
01:01:50.140 | because it really illustrates that sunlight
01:01:53.740 | and day length can impact the melatonin pathway
01:01:56.420 | and thereby take the foot off the brake, so to speak,
01:02:00.580 | on testosterone, estrogen, and the desire to mate.
01:02:03.980 | It also emphasizes that sunlight, UVB light,
01:02:08.220 | can directly trigger hormone pathways
01:02:11.360 | and desire to mate and mating behavior.
01:02:14.080 | Now, this study went a step further
01:02:15.460 | in defining the precise mechanism
01:02:17.500 | by which light can impact all these hormones
01:02:19.740 | and this desire to mate.
01:02:21.540 | And here, understanding the mechanism is key
01:02:23.660 | if you want to export a particular protocol
01:02:26.140 | or tool that you might apply.
01:02:27.800 | We talked earlier about how UVB light exposure
01:02:31.700 | to the eyes triggers activation
01:02:33.380 | of these particular neurons within the eye
01:02:35.620 | and then with centers deeper in the brain
01:02:37.940 | and eventually the pineal gland
01:02:39.780 | to suppress the output of melatonin
01:02:42.140 | and thereby to allow testosterone and estrogen
01:02:45.020 | to exist at higher levels
01:02:46.180 | because melatonin can inhibit testosterone and estrogen.
01:02:50.580 | In this study, they were able to very clearly establish
01:02:54.100 | that it is sunlight exposure to our skin
01:02:57.460 | that is causing these hormone increases
01:02:59.420 | that they observed in mice and humans.
01:03:02.120 | And the way they did that was to use
01:03:05.020 | the so-called knockout technology,
01:03:06.640 | the ability to remove specific genes
01:03:08.700 | within specific tissues of the body.
01:03:11.100 | And what they found is that UVB light,
01:03:13.600 | meaning sunlight exposed skin upregulated,
01:03:18.000 | meaning increased the activity of something called P53,
01:03:20.980 | which is involved in the maturation of cells
01:03:24.020 | and various aspects of cellular function.
01:03:25.980 | And the cells they were focused on were the keratinocytes,
01:03:29.840 | which you are now familiar with from our earlier discussion
01:03:32.520 | about the fact that the epidermis of your skin
01:03:35.100 | contains mainly keratinocytes and melanocytes.
01:03:37.980 | Sunlight exposure increased P53 activity in the skin
01:03:43.020 | and P53 activity was required
01:03:46.220 | for the downstream increases in ovarian size,
01:03:49.420 | in testicular size, in testosterone increases,
01:03:53.680 | in the estrogen increases
01:03:55.540 | and the various other changes that they observed
01:03:58.460 | at the physiological level
01:03:59.980 | when animals or humans were exposed to sunlight.
01:04:03.060 | So these data are important
01:04:04.060 | because what they mean is that not only is it important
01:04:06.900 | that we get sunlight exposure early in the day
01:04:09.820 | and throughout the day to our eyes,
01:04:11.660 | at least as much as is safely possible,
01:04:14.000 | but that we also need to get UVB sunlight exposure
01:04:16.700 | onto our skin if we want to activate this P53 pathway
01:04:21.020 | in keratinocytes and the testosterone and estrogen increases
01:04:25.660 | that are downstream of that P53 pathway.
01:04:28.380 | So even though the gene knockout studies were done on mice,
01:04:33.220 | they clearly show that if you remove P53 from the skin,
01:04:36.580 | that these effects simply do not occur.
01:04:39.220 | So in terms of thinking about a protocol
01:04:41.600 | to increase testosterone and estrogen,
01:04:43.540 | mood and feelings of passion,
01:04:45.860 | the idea is that you would want to get
01:04:48.420 | this two to three exposures per week minimum
01:04:52.620 | of 20 to 30 minutes of sunlight exposure
01:04:55.460 | onto as much of your body
01:04:57.440 | as you can reasonably expose it to.
01:05:00.380 | And when I say reasonably, I mean,
01:05:02.020 | of course you have to obey cultural constraints,
01:05:04.360 | decency constraints, and of course you have to also obey
01:05:08.180 | the fact that sunlight can burn your skin.
01:05:10.620 | So many people are probably going to ask,
01:05:13.020 | what happens if you wear sunscreen?
01:05:15.980 | In theory, because sunscreen has UV protection,
01:05:19.700 | it would block some of these effects.
01:05:21.840 | Now I'm not suggesting that people do away
01:05:23.380 | with sunscreen entirely.
01:05:24.540 | I do hope to do an episode all about sunscreen
01:05:27.140 | in the future because sunscreen
01:05:29.000 | is a bit of a controversial topic.
01:05:30.960 | Skin cancers are a real thing
01:05:32.720 | and many people are especially prone to skin cancer.
01:05:35.620 | So you need to take that seriously.
01:05:37.540 | Some people are not very prone to skin cancers
01:05:39.800 | and can tolerate much more sun exposure.
01:05:42.620 | You're probably familiar with the simple fact
01:05:44.480 | that if you've gone outside on the beach with friends,
01:05:47.900 | some people get burned very easily, others don't.
01:05:49.960 | So you really should prioritize the health
01:05:52.440 | and the avoidance of sunburn on your skin.
01:05:54.840 | However, these data and other data point to the fact
01:05:58.740 | that we should all probably be striving
01:06:01.500 | to get more sunlight exposure
01:06:03.460 | onto our skin during the winter months
01:06:05.680 | and still getting sunlight exposure
01:06:07.620 | onto our skin in the summer months,
01:06:10.020 | provided we can do that without damaging our skin.
01:06:12.740 | Another set of very impressive effects of UVB light,
01:06:15.640 | whether or not it comes from sunlight
01:06:16.740 | or from an artificial source,
01:06:18.920 | is the effect of UVB light on our tolerance for pain.
01:06:22.400 | It turns out that our tolerance for pain
01:06:24.320 | varies across the year
01:06:26.160 | and that our pain tolerance is increased
01:06:29.360 | in longer day conditions.
01:06:32.120 | And as we saw with the effects of UVB
01:06:34.840 | on hormones and mating,
01:06:36.640 | again, this is occurring via UVB exposure to the skin
01:06:42.100 | and UVB exposure to the eyes.
01:06:45.120 | I want to just describe two studies
01:06:46.720 | that really capture the essence of these results.
01:06:49.480 | I'm going to discuss these in kind of a top contour fashion.
01:06:52.500 | I won't go into it as quite as much depth
01:06:54.220 | as I did the last study,
01:06:55.400 | but I will provide links to these studies as well.
01:06:57.960 | The first study is entitled
01:07:00.880 | skin exposure to ultraviolet B rapidly activates
01:07:04.560 | systemic neuroendocrine and immunosuppressive responses.
01:07:07.520 | And you might hear that and think,
01:07:08.400 | oh, immunosuppressive, that's bad.
01:07:09.860 | But basically what they observed
01:07:11.520 | is that even one exposure to UVB light
01:07:16.200 | changed the output of particular hormones
01:07:18.440 | and neurochemicals in the body,
01:07:20.060 | such as corticotropin hormone and beta endorphins,
01:07:23.640 | which are these endogenous opioids.
01:07:25.720 | We've all heard of the opioid crisis,
01:07:27.280 | which is people getting addicted to opioids
01:07:29.440 | that they are taking in drug form, pharmaceuticals.
01:07:32.800 | But here I'm referring to endorphins
01:07:35.040 | that our body naturally manufactures and releases
01:07:37.520 | in order to counter pain
01:07:39.240 | and act as a somewhat of a psychological soother also,
01:07:44.080 | because of course, physical pain and emotional pain
01:07:46.360 | are intimately linked in the brain and body.
01:07:48.720 | What they found was that exposure to UVB light
01:07:51.940 | increased the release of these beta endorphins.
01:07:55.040 | It caused essentially the release
01:07:56.600 | of an endogenous painkiller.
01:07:59.380 | Now, a second study that came out very recently,
01:08:03.000 | just this last week in fact,
01:08:04.780 | published in the journal neuron,
01:08:06.020 | cell press journal, excellent journal,
01:08:08.260 | is entitled a visual circuit
01:08:09.880 | related to the periaqueductal gray area
01:08:12.380 | for the anti-nociceptive effects of bright light treatment.
01:08:15.300 | I'll translate a little bit of that for you.
01:08:17.980 | The periaqueductal gray is a region of the midbrain
01:08:21.620 | that contains a lot of neurons
01:08:24.160 | that can release endogenous opioids.
01:08:26.840 | Things like beta enkephalin, things like enkephalin,
01:08:30.800 | things like mu opioid.
01:08:32.200 | These are all names of chemicals
01:08:34.320 | that your body can manufacture
01:08:35.640 | that act as endogenous painkillers
01:08:37.600 | and increase your tolerance for pain.
01:08:39.480 | They actually make you feel less pain overall
01:08:41.880 | by shutting down some of the neurons that perceive pain
01:08:45.360 | or by reducing their activity, not to a dangerous level.
01:08:48.640 | They're not going to block the pain response
01:08:50.140 | so that you burn yourself unnecessarily
01:08:52.620 | or harm yourself unnecessarily,
01:08:54.140 | but they act as a bit of a painkiller from the inside.
01:08:57.520 | If you heard the word anti-nociceptive,
01:09:01.240 | nociception is basically the perception
01:09:05.160 | or the way in which neurons respond to painful stimuli.
01:09:09.400 | So you can think of nociceptive events
01:09:11.680 | in your nervous system as painful events.
01:09:14.040 | And there I'm using a broad brush.
01:09:15.720 | I realized that the experts in pain will say,
01:09:17.520 | "Oh, it's not a really a pain circuit, et cetera, et cetera."
01:09:20.460 | But for sake of today's discussion,
01:09:22.840 | it's fair to say that nociception is the perception of pain.
01:09:26.480 | So if this title is a visual circuit
01:09:29.120 | related to the periaqueductal gray,
01:09:31.320 | which is this area that releases these endogenous opioids
01:09:34.200 | for the anti-nociceptive,
01:09:35.560 | the anti-pain effects of bright light treatment.
01:09:38.360 | The key finding of this study
01:09:41.520 | is that it is light landing on the eyes
01:09:45.220 | and captured by the specific cells
01:09:48.080 | I was talking about earlier,
01:09:48.980 | those intrinsically photosensitive melanopsin ganglion cells
01:09:52.220 | is the long name for them.
01:09:53.060 | But these particular neurons in your eye
01:09:54.940 | and in my eye, incidentally,
01:09:57.300 | that communicate with particular brain areas.
01:10:00.580 | These brain areas have names if you want to know them
01:10:03.180 | for you aficionados or for you ultra curious folks,
01:10:05.740 | they have names like the ventrolateral geniculate nucleus
01:10:08.100 | and the intergeniculate leaflet.
01:10:09.580 | The names don't matter.
01:10:10.780 | The point is that light landing on the eyes
01:10:13.400 | is captured by these melanopsin cells.
01:10:16.680 | They absorb that light,
01:10:18.000 | translate that light into electrical signals
01:10:20.220 | that are handed off to areas of the brain,
01:10:22.000 | such as the ventral geniculate.
01:10:24.440 | And then the ventral geniculate
01:10:26.880 | communicates with this periaqueductal gray area
01:10:30.280 | to evoke the release of these endogenous opioids
01:10:33.960 | that soothe you and lead to less perception of pain.
01:10:38.000 | This is a really important study
01:10:39.360 | because it's long been known that in longer days
01:10:43.360 | or in bright light environments,
01:10:44.620 | we tolerate emotional and physical pain better.
01:10:47.380 | Previous studies had shown that it is light landing
01:10:51.300 | on our skin that mediates that effect, but only in part,
01:10:55.460 | it couldn't explain the entire effect.
01:10:57.400 | This very recent study indicates
01:10:59.380 | that it's also light arriving at the eyes.
01:11:02.380 | And in this case, again, UVB light,
01:11:04.700 | ultraviolet blue light of the sort that comes from sunlight,
01:11:08.380 | that is triggering these anti-pain or pain relieving pathways.
01:11:12.700 | So once again, we have two parallel pathways.
01:11:15.200 | This is a theme you're going to hear
01:11:16.320 | over and over and over again, not just in this episode,
01:11:19.380 | but in all episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast,
01:11:21.460 | because this is the way that your brain and body are built.
01:11:24.760 | Nature rarely relies on one mechanism
01:11:27.920 | in order to create an important phenomenon.
01:11:30.200 | And pain relief is an important phenomenon.
01:11:32.400 | So we now have at least two examples
01:11:34.400 | of the potent effects of UVB light exposure
01:11:37.960 | to the skin and to the eyes.
01:11:39.580 | One involving activation of testosterone
01:11:44.280 | and estrogen pathways as it relates to mating,
01:11:46.340 | and another that relates to reducing the total amount
01:11:50.200 | of pain that we experience in response
01:11:52.240 | to any painful stimuli.
01:11:54.200 | So for those of you that are thinking tools and protocols,
01:11:57.160 | if you're somebody who's experiencing chronic pain,
01:12:00.120 | provided you can do it safely,
01:12:01.760 | try to get some UVB exposure, ideally from sunlight.
01:12:06.180 | I think the 20 to 30 minute protocol,
01:12:07.920 | two or three times per week is an excellent one.
01:12:10.520 | It seems like a fairly low dose of UVB light exposure.
01:12:14.280 | It's hard to imagine getting much damage to the skin.
01:12:17.340 | Of course, if you have very sensitive skin,
01:12:19.740 | or if you live in an area of the world that is very,
01:12:22.660 | very bright and has intense sunlight,
01:12:25.400 | particular times of year, you'll want to be cautious.
01:12:27.820 | Heed the warnings and considerations about sunscreen
01:12:30.460 | that I talked about earlier or about wearing a hat.
01:12:32.880 | But the point is very clear.
01:12:34.860 | Most of us should be getting more UVB exposure
01:12:38.260 | from sunlight.
01:12:39.120 | I can already hear the screams within the comments
01:12:42.540 | or the rather the questions within the comments saying,
01:12:44.620 | well, what if I live in a part of the world
01:12:46.220 | where I don't get much UVB exposure?
01:12:48.760 | And I want to emphasize something that I've also emphasized
01:12:51.340 | in the many discussions on this podcast related
01:12:53.540 | to sleep and circadian rhythms and alertness,
01:12:55.460 | which is even on a cloud covered day,
01:12:59.380 | you are going to get far more light energy photons
01:13:03.160 | through cloud cover than you are going to get
01:13:06.640 | from an indoor light source, an artificial light source.
01:13:10.140 | I can't emphasize this enough.
01:13:12.700 | If you look outside in the morning and you see some sunlight,
01:13:16.100 | if you see some sunlight throughout the day,
01:13:17.740 | you would do yourself a great favor to try
01:13:20.700 | and chase some of that sunlight and get into that sunlight,
01:13:24.120 | to expose your eyes and your skin to that sunlight,
01:13:27.020 | as much as you safely can.
01:13:28.140 | And when I say as much as you safely can,
01:13:30.560 | never ever look at any light,
01:13:31.900 | artificial sunlight or otherwise that's so bright
01:13:34.220 | that it's painful to look at.
01:13:35.300 | It's fine to get that light arriving
01:13:37.080 | on your eyes indirectly.
01:13:38.820 | It's fine to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses.
01:13:41.340 | In fact, if you think about the biology of the eye
01:13:43.540 | and the way that those lenses work,
01:13:45.080 | that it will just serve to focus that light
01:13:47.480 | on to the very cells that you want those light beams
01:13:50.740 | to be delivered to.
01:13:51.900 | Whereas sunglasses that are highly reflective
01:13:54.160 | or trying to get your sunlight exposure
01:13:56.000 | through a windshield of a car or through a window
01:13:59.080 | simply won't work.
01:14:00.940 | I'm sorry to tell you,
01:14:02.060 | but most windows are designed to filter out the UVB light.
01:14:06.220 | And if you're somebody who's really keen on blue blockers
01:14:09.020 | and you're wearing your blue blockers all day,
01:14:11.000 | well, don't wear them outside.
01:14:13.020 | And in fact, you're probably doing yourself a disservice
01:14:15.900 | by wearing them in the morning and in the daytime.
01:14:18.260 | There certainly is a place for blue blockers
01:14:20.100 | in the evening and nighttime,
01:14:21.320 | if you're having issues with falling and staying asleep.
01:14:24.140 | But if you think about it, blue blockers,
01:14:26.020 | what they're really doing
01:14:26.860 | is blocking those short wavelength UVB wavelengths of light
01:14:30.880 | that you so desperately need to arrive at your retina.
01:14:33.820 | And of course, also onto your skin
01:14:35.940 | in order to get these powerful biological effects
01:14:38.620 | on hormones and on pain reduction.
01:14:40.680 | And in terms of skin exposure,
01:14:44.320 | these data also might make you think a little bit
01:14:46.540 | about whether or not you should wear short sleeves
01:14:48.120 | or long sleeves,
01:14:48.960 | whether or not you want to wear shorts or a skirt or pants.
01:14:51.780 | It's all going to depend on the context of your life
01:14:53.920 | and the social and other variables
01:14:56.300 | that are important, of course.
01:14:57.800 | I don't know each and every one of your circumstances,
01:15:00.540 | so I can't tell you to do X or Y or Z, nor would I,
01:15:05.440 | but you might take into consideration
01:15:07.180 | that it is the total amount of skin exposure
01:15:10.280 | that is going to allow you to capture more or fewer photons,
01:15:14.180 | depending on, for instance,
01:15:16.180 | if you're completely cloaked in clothing
01:15:18.000 | and you're just exposed in the hands, neck and face,
01:15:21.420 | such as I am now,
01:15:22.600 | or whether or not you're outside in shorts and a t-shirt,
01:15:25.100 | you're going to get very, very different patterns
01:15:28.340 | of biological signaling activation
01:15:30.800 | in those two circumstances.
01:15:32.160 | Many of you I'm guessing are wondering
01:15:33.900 | whether or not you should seek out UVB exposure
01:15:37.120 | throughout the entire year or only in the summer months.
01:15:39.620 | And that's sort of going to depend
01:15:41.640 | on whether or not you experience depression
01:15:45.200 | in the winter months,
01:15:46.480 | so-called seasonal affective disorder.
01:15:48.880 | Some people have mild,
01:15:49.840 | some people have severe forms of seasonal affective disorder.
01:15:52.280 | Some people love the fall and winter and the shorter days.
01:15:55.160 | They love bundling up, they love the leaves,
01:15:56.880 | they love the snow, they love the cold,
01:15:58.160 | and they don't experience those psychological lows.
01:16:00.120 | So it varies tremendously.
01:16:01.920 | And there are genetic differences
01:16:03.800 | and birthplace origin differences that relate to all this,
01:16:07.800 | but really it has to be considered on a case-by-case basis.
01:16:11.100 | I personally believe,
01:16:14.040 | and this was reinforced by the director
01:16:17.440 | of the Chronobiology Unit
01:16:19.020 | at the National Institutes of Mental Health, Samir Hattar,
01:16:21.580 | that we would all do well to get more UVB exposure
01:16:25.080 | from sunlight throughout the entire year,
01:16:27.740 | provided we aren't burning our skin
01:16:29.220 | or damaging our eyes in some way.
01:16:31.380 | In addition to that, during the winter months,
01:16:34.780 | if you do experience some drop in energy
01:16:38.020 | or increase in depression or psychological lows,
01:16:42.980 | it can be very beneficial to access a sad lamp,
01:16:47.460 | or if you don't want to buy a sad lamp,
01:16:49.300 | 'cause oftentimes they can be very expensive,
01:16:51.220 | you might do well to simply get a LED lighting panel.
01:16:55.080 | I've described one before,
01:16:56.440 | and I want to emphasize that I have no affiliation
01:16:59.340 | whatsoever to these commercial sources,
01:17:01.840 | but I've described one before and I'll describe it again,
01:17:03.680 | and we can provide a link to a couple examples of these
01:17:06.120 | in the show notes, in the show note captions, excuse me.
01:17:09.400 | This is a 932,000 lux, L-U-X,
01:17:14.240 | light source that's designed for drawing.
01:17:16.360 | It's literally a drawing box.
01:17:17.720 | It's a thin panel.
01:17:18.540 | It's about the size of a laptop.
01:17:20.480 | Very inexpensive compared to the typical sad lamp.
01:17:22.680 | I actually have one and I position on my desk all day long.
01:17:25.500 | I also have enough skylights above my desk.
01:17:27.740 | I'm fairly sensitive to the effects of light.
01:17:29.860 | So in longer days,
01:17:30.700 | I feel much better than I do in shorter days.
01:17:32.180 | I've never suffered from full-blown
01:17:33.720 | seasonal affective disorder,
01:17:35.140 | but I keep that light source on throughout the day,
01:17:38.680 | throughout the year.
01:17:39.660 | But I also make it a point to get outside
01:17:41.500 | and get sunlight early in the morning
01:17:42.780 | and several times throughout the day.
01:17:44.520 | And if it's particularly overcast outside,
01:17:47.220 | or there just doesn't seem to be a lot of sunlight
01:17:49.640 | coming through those clouds,
01:17:50.920 | I will try to look at that light source
01:17:53.500 | a little bit more each day
01:17:54.840 | in order to trigger these mechanisms.
01:17:57.380 | Now, some people may desire to get UVB exposure
01:18:00.120 | to their skin and they want to do that
01:18:02.120 | through sources other than sunlight.
01:18:03.960 | And there it's a little bit more complicated.
01:18:06.100 | There are of course, canning salons,
01:18:08.280 | which basically are beds of UVB light.
01:18:10.660 | That's really all they are.
01:18:12.160 | I've never been to one.
01:18:13.080 | I know people do frequent them
01:18:14.600 | in certain parts of the world.
01:18:16.100 | There of course, people are covering their eyes.
01:18:19.280 | They are only getting UVB exposure to their skin typically
01:18:21.740 | because the UVB exposure or intensities rather
01:18:24.880 | tends to be very, very high.
01:18:26.520 | And so you can actually damage your eyes
01:18:27.880 | if you're looking at a very, very bright
01:18:29.900 | artificial UVB source up close.
01:18:32.500 | So you really have to explore these options for yourself.
01:18:35.140 | Sunlight, of course, being the original
01:18:37.120 | and still the best way to get UVB exposure.
01:18:40.740 | So without knowing your particular circumstances,
01:18:43.320 | finances, genetics, or place of origin, et cetera,
01:18:47.340 | I can't know whether or not you need
01:18:48.820 | to use artificial sources.
01:18:49.860 | You're going to have to gauge that.
01:18:51.620 | Meanwhile, getting outside, looking at
01:18:55.220 | and getting some exposure of UVB onto your skin
01:18:59.280 | is going to be beneficial for the vast majority
01:19:01.940 | of people out there.
01:19:03.340 | And in fact, it's even going to be beneficial
01:19:05.480 | for people that are blind.
01:19:07.100 | People that are blind provided they still have eyes
01:19:10.720 | often maintain these melanopsin cells.
01:19:14.200 | So even if you're low vision or no vision,
01:19:16.200 | getting UVB exposure to your eyes can be very beneficial
01:19:19.480 | for sake of mood, hormone pathways,
01:19:22.220 | pain reduction, and so forth.
01:19:24.360 | A cautionary note, people who have retinitis pigmentosa,
01:19:28.760 | macular degeneration, or glaucoma,
01:19:31.360 | as well as people who are especially prone to skin cancers
01:19:34.680 | should definitely consult with your ophthalmologist
01:19:37.640 | and dermatologist before you start increasing
01:19:40.080 | the total amount of UVB exposure that you're getting
01:19:42.600 | from any source, sunlight or otherwise.
01:19:44.960 | There are additional very interesting
01:19:46.880 | and powerful effects of UVB light,
01:19:50.200 | in particular on immune function.
01:19:52.460 | All the organs of our body are inside our skin.
01:19:57.320 | And so information about external conditions,
01:20:00.460 | meaning the environment that we're in,
01:20:02.200 | need to be communicated to the various organs of our body.
01:20:06.360 | Some of them have more direct access
01:20:08.640 | to what's going on outside.
01:20:10.600 | So for instance, the cells in your brain
01:20:13.800 | that reside right over the roof of your mouth,
01:20:15.600 | your hypothalamus that control hormone output
01:20:17.760 | and then control the biological functions
01:20:20.560 | that we call circadian functions,
01:20:21.960 | the ones that change every 24 hours.
01:20:24.440 | Well, those are just one or two connections,
01:20:27.060 | meaning synapses away from those cells in your eye
01:20:29.760 | that perceive UVB light, excuse me.
01:20:32.500 | Other organs of your body, such as your spleen,
01:20:35.960 | which is involved in the creation of molecules and cells
01:20:39.360 | that combat infection.
01:20:41.240 | Well, those are a long ways away
01:20:42.940 | from those cells in your eye.
01:20:43.880 | And in fact, they're a long ways away from your skin.
01:20:47.240 | There are beautiful studies showing that
01:20:49.980 | if we get more UVB exposure from sunlight
01:20:53.220 | or from appropriate artificial sources,
01:20:55.980 | that spleen and immune function are enhanced.
01:21:00.800 | And there's a very logical, well-established circuit
01:21:04.280 | as to how that happens.
01:21:06.040 | Your brain actually connects to your spleen.
01:21:09.320 | Now, it's not the case that you can simply think,
01:21:12.080 | okay, spleen, turn on, release killer cells,
01:21:14.680 | go out and combat infection.
01:21:16.380 | However, UVB light arriving on the eyes
01:21:20.700 | is known to trigger activation of the neurons
01:21:23.520 | within the so-called sympathetic nervous system.
01:21:26.040 | These neurons are part of the larger thing
01:21:28.360 | that we call the autonomic nervous system,
01:21:30.120 | meaning it's below or not accessible by conscious control.
01:21:34.160 | It's the thing that controls your heartbeat,
01:21:35.560 | controls your breathing, and that also activates
01:21:38.020 | or flips on the switch of your immune system.
01:21:41.000 | When we get a lot of UVB light in our eyes,
01:21:43.560 | or I should say sufficient UVB light in our eyes,
01:21:46.880 | a particular channel, a particular set of connections
01:21:50.120 | within the sympathetic nervous system is activated,
01:21:53.220 | and our spleen deploys immune cells and molecules
01:21:57.360 | that scavenge for and combat infection.
01:22:00.300 | So if you've noticed that you get fewer colds and flus
01:22:03.860 | and other forms of illness in the summer months,
01:22:06.780 | part of that could be because of the increase in temperature
01:22:10.440 | in your environment, because typically longer days
01:22:12.440 | are associated with more warmth in your environment,
01:22:15.640 | as opposed to winter days, which are short,
01:22:17.480 | when it tends to be colder out.
01:22:19.560 | Well, that's true, but it's also the case
01:22:23.960 | the people around you have fewer colds and flus
01:22:26.440 | and that you will get infected with fewer colds and flus
01:22:29.640 | and other infections, because if those infections,
01:22:34.480 | whether or not they're bacterial or viral,
01:22:36.880 | arrive in your body, right, if you inhale them
01:22:39.380 | or they get into your mouth or on your skin,
01:22:41.980 | your spleen meets those infections with a greater output.
01:22:45.480 | In other words, the soldiers of your immune system,
01:22:47.540 | the chemicals and cell types of your immune system
01:22:50.200 | that combat infection are in a more ready deployed stance,
01:22:55.200 | if you will.
01:22:56.440 | If you want to know more about the immune system
01:22:58.120 | and immune function, I did an entire episode
01:23:00.000 | about the immune system and the brain in a,
01:23:02.660 | you can find that at
01:23:04.840 | We talk about cytokines, we talk about killer cells,
01:23:06.820 | B cells, T cells, et cetera, a lot of detail there.
01:23:09.480 | So we often think about the summer months
01:23:11.720 | and the spring months as fewer infections floating around,
01:23:15.320 | but in fact, there aren't fewer infections floating around.
01:23:18.840 | We are simply better at combating those infections
01:23:21.460 | and therefore there's less infection floating around.
01:23:25.080 | So we are still confronted with a lot of infections.
01:23:27.640 | We're just able to combat them better.
01:23:29.920 | What does this mean in terms of a tool?
01:23:31.360 | What it means is that during the winter months,
01:23:33.840 | we should be especially conscious of accessing UVB light
01:23:38.560 | to enhance our spleen function,
01:23:41.320 | to make sure that our sympathetic nervous system
01:23:43.700 | is activated to a sufficient level
01:23:46.160 | to keep our immune system deploying all those killer T cells
01:23:49.520 | and B cells and cytokines
01:23:51.100 | so that when we encounter the infections,
01:23:52.860 | as we inevitably will, right,
01:23:54.740 | we're constantly being bombarded with potential infections
01:23:57.740 | that we can combat those infections well.
01:24:00.240 | And as just a brief aside,
01:24:01.980 | but I should mention a brief aside that's related
01:24:04.280 | to tens of thousands of quality studies.
01:24:07.240 | It is well known that wound healing is faster
01:24:10.540 | when we are getting sufficient UVB exposure.
01:24:13.900 | Typically that's associated with the longer days
01:24:16.340 | of spring and summer.
01:24:17.680 | It is known that turnover of hair cells,
01:24:21.400 | the very cells that give rise to hair cells
01:24:23.580 | are called stem cells.
01:24:24.420 | They've lived in little so-called niches in our skin
01:24:27.040 | with these hair stem cells
01:24:28.560 | and your hair grows faster in longer days.
01:24:31.000 | That too is triggered by UVB exposure,
01:24:34.440 | not just to the skin, but to the eyes.
01:24:37.520 | That's right.
01:24:38.440 | There was a study published in the Proceedings
01:24:40.720 | of the National Academy of Sciences a couple of years ago
01:24:44.120 | that showed that the exposure of those melanopsin ganglion
01:24:47.460 | cells in your eyes is absolutely critical
01:24:49.960 | for triggering the turnover of stem cells
01:24:53.320 | in both the skin and hair.
01:24:56.340 | And also it turns out in nails.
01:24:58.640 | So if you've noticed that your skin, your hair
01:25:01.240 | and your nails look better and turn over more,
01:25:03.560 | meaning grow faster in longer days,
01:25:06.560 | that is not a coincidence.
01:25:08.040 | That is not just your perception.
01:25:09.780 | In fact, hair grows more, skin turns over more,
01:25:13.520 | meaning it's going to look more youthful.
01:25:14.880 | You're going to essentially remove older skin cells
01:25:18.200 | and replace them with new cells.
01:25:20.320 | And all the renewing cells and tissues of our body
01:25:23.660 | are going to proliferate, are going to recreate themselves
01:25:26.800 | more when we're getting sufficient UVB light to our eyes
01:25:30.240 | and also to our skin.
01:25:31.960 | And so while some of you may think of light therapies,
01:25:36.200 | such as red light therapies or UVB therapies
01:25:38.560 | as kind of new agey or just biohacking,
01:25:41.000 | again, a phrase I don't particularly like,
01:25:42.920 | this notion of biohacking,
01:25:44.200 | 'cause it implies using one thing for a purpose
01:25:47.440 | that it was never intended to have.
01:25:49.700 | Well, it turns out that UVB exposure and red light,
01:25:54.240 | as we'll soon see, is a very potent form
01:25:57.520 | of increasing things like wound healing and skin health
01:26:00.160 | for very logical mechanistically backed reasons.
01:26:04.660 | So while I can't account for everything
01:26:07.480 | that's being promoted out there in terms of this light source
01:26:09.860 | will help your skin look more youthful
01:26:11.280 | or will help heal your scars,
01:26:13.420 | the mechanistic basis for light having those effects
01:26:17.560 | makes total sense.
01:26:19.160 | But what you should consider, however,
01:26:21.240 | is that if the particular light therapy
01:26:23.720 | that you're considering involves very local application
01:26:27.580 | rather than illuminating broad swaths of skin,
01:26:32.560 | and if it has no involvement with the eyes,
01:26:35.000 | meaning there's no delivery of UVB or red light
01:26:38.860 | or the other light therapy to the eyes,
01:26:41.400 | it's probably not going to be as potent a treatment
01:26:44.960 | as would a more systemic activation
01:26:48.120 | of larger areas of skin and the eyes.
01:26:51.080 | Now, again, a cautionary note,
01:26:52.800 | I don't want people taking technologies
01:26:54.480 | that were designed for local application
01:26:56.500 | and beaming those into the eyes.
01:26:58.260 | That could be very, very bad and damaging
01:27:00.040 | to your retinal and other tissues.
01:27:02.540 | Certainly wouldn't want you taking bright light
01:27:05.280 | of very high intensity of any kind
01:27:07.440 | and getting cavalier about that.
01:27:09.560 | Typically the local illumination of say a wound
01:27:12.940 | or a particular patch of acne
01:27:14.360 | or some other form of skin treatment
01:27:17.020 | involves very high intensity light.
01:27:18.840 | And if the intensity is too high,
01:27:20.440 | you can actually damage that skin.
01:27:22.400 | And so, as we'll talk about in a few moments,
01:27:24.880 | most of those therapies for modifying skin
01:27:27.380 | involve actually burning off a small,
01:27:30.360 | very thin layer at the top of the epidermis
01:27:33.480 | in efforts to trigger the renewal
01:27:35.640 | or the activation of stem cells
01:27:37.000 | that will replenish that with new cells.
01:27:39.860 | So there's a fine line to be had
01:27:42.800 | between light therapies that are very localized and intense,
01:27:45.960 | which are designed to damage skin
01:27:48.140 | and cause reactivation of new stem cells,
01:27:52.500 | whether or not it's hair cells or skin cells, et cetera,
01:27:54.740 | versus systemic activation
01:27:56.480 | across broad swaths of skin in the eyes.
01:27:58.340 | You really have to consider this on a case by case basis,
01:28:00.860 | but at least for now,
01:28:02.740 | just consider that increases in hormones,
01:28:05.900 | reduction in pain by way of increases in enkephalin
01:28:10.660 | and other endogenous opioids,
01:28:12.700 | improving immune status by activating the spleen
01:28:15.700 | and so on and so on,
01:28:17.360 | really are all the downstream consequence
01:28:19.540 | of illuminating large swaths of skin
01:28:21.900 | and making sure that those neurons within the eye
01:28:23.940 | get their adequate UVB exposure
01:28:26.240 | or other light wavelength exposure,
01:28:28.240 | not simply beaming a particular wavelength of light
01:28:31.340 | at a particular location on the body
01:28:32.960 | and hoping that that particular illumination
01:28:35.360 | at a particular location on the body
01:28:37.100 | is going to somehow change the biology at that location.
01:28:40.460 | Our biology just really doesn't work that way.
01:28:43.320 | It's possible, but in general,
01:28:45.240 | systemic effects through broad scale illumination
01:28:48.420 | and illumination to the eye
01:28:49.700 | combined with local treatments
01:28:51.560 | are very likely to be the ones that have the most success.
01:28:54.340 | Now I'd like to shift our attention
01:28:55.680 | to the effects of light on mood more specifically.
01:28:57.980 | We talked about this
01:28:58.820 | in terms of seasonal affective disorder,
01:29:00.680 | but many of us don't suffer from seasonal affective disorder.
01:29:03.380 | So I'd like to drill a little deeper
01:29:04.820 | into how light impacts mood.
01:29:07.620 | And here, I want to, again,
01:29:10.540 | paraphrase the statements of Dr. Samir Hattar
01:29:14.460 | at the National Institutes of Mental Health.
01:29:16.780 | I should mention the director of the Chronobiology Unit
01:29:18.940 | at the National Institutes of Mental Health
01:29:20.660 | and perhaps one of the top one to two to three world experts
01:29:25.660 | in how light can impact mood, appetite,
01:29:28.180 | circadian rhythms, and so forth.
01:29:29.780 | Samir stated on the podcast
01:29:33.040 | and he said in various other venues as well,
01:29:36.220 | that getting as much UVB light in our eyes
01:29:39.860 | and on our skin in the early day and throughout the day
01:29:42.380 | as a safely possible is going to be beneficial for mood.
01:29:45.500 | There's also another time of day,
01:29:48.100 | or rather I should say a time of night
01:29:49.780 | in which UVB can be leveraged in order to improve mood,
01:29:54.400 | but it's actually the inverse
01:29:55.900 | of everything we've been talking about up until now.
01:29:58.500 | We have a particular neural circuit
01:30:01.740 | that originates with those melanopsin cells in our eye
01:30:04.900 | that bypass all the areas of the brain
01:30:07.220 | associated with circadian clocks.
01:30:09.140 | So everything related to sleep and wakefulness
01:30:11.540 | that's specifically dedicated to the pathways
01:30:14.760 | involving the release of molecules like dopamine,
01:30:16.980 | the neuromodulator that's associated with motivation,
01:30:19.900 | with feeling good,
01:30:22.120 | with feeling like there's possibility in the world
01:30:24.540 | and so on and so forth.
01:30:25.760 | And other molecules as well, including serotonin
01:30:28.060 | and some of those endogenous opioids
01:30:29.700 | that we talked about before.
01:30:31.100 | That particular pathway involves a brain structure
01:30:34.340 | called the perihabenular nucleus.
01:30:36.700 | The perihabenular nucleus gets input
01:30:39.700 | from the cells in the eye that respond to UVB light
01:30:43.420 | and frankly to bright light of other wavelengths as well.
01:30:46.740 | 'Cause as you recall, if a light is bright enough,
01:30:49.440 | even if it's not UV or blue light,
01:30:51.340 | it can activate those cells in the eye.
01:30:53.820 | Those cells in the eye communicate
01:30:55.340 | to the perihabenular nucleus.
01:30:57.380 | And as it turns out, if this pathway is activated
01:31:01.060 | at the wrong time of each 24 hour cycle,
01:31:04.740 | mood gets worse.
01:31:07.060 | Dopamine output gets worse.
01:31:09.740 | Molecules that are there specifically to make us feel good
01:31:13.180 | actually are reduced in their output.
01:31:16.080 | So while UVB exposure in the morning and throughout the day
01:31:20.420 | is going to be very important for elevating
01:31:24.380 | and maintaining elevated mood,
01:31:26.500 | avoiding UVB light at night is actually a way
01:31:30.820 | in which we can prevent activation of this
01:31:34.900 | eye to perihabenular pathway that can actually
01:31:37.460 | turn on depression.
01:31:38.900 | To be very direct and succinct about this,
01:31:41.640 | avoid exposure to UVB light from artificial sources
01:31:44.940 | between the hours of 10 PM and 4 AM.
01:31:48.460 | And if you're somebody who suffers from low mood
01:31:51.780 | and overall has a kind of mild depression
01:31:54.660 | or even severe depression, of course,
01:31:56.460 | please see a psychiatrist, see a trained psychologist,
01:31:59.340 | get that treated.
01:32:00.940 | But you would do especially well to avoid UVB exposure
01:32:05.940 | from artificial sources, not just from 10 PM to 4 AM,
01:32:09.560 | but really be careful about getting too much exposure
01:32:12.020 | to UVB, even in the late evening.
01:32:14.380 | So 8 PM perhaps to 4 AM.
01:32:17.180 | I can't emphasize this enough that if you view UVB light,
01:32:21.740 | you activate those neurons in your eye very potently.
01:32:24.540 | And if those cells communicate to the perihabenular nucleus,
01:32:28.060 | which they do, you will truncate or reduce
01:32:30.700 | the amount of dopamine that you release.
01:32:33.360 | So if you want to keep your mood elevated,
01:32:36.140 | get a lot of light, UVB light throughout the day.
01:32:38.880 | And at night, really be cautious about getting UVB exposure
01:32:42.840 | from artificial sources.
01:32:44.120 | Now let's say you're somebody who has no issues with mood.
01:32:46.940 | You're just the happiest person all year long,
01:32:49.500 | or maybe you just have subtle variations in your mood.
01:32:52.520 | You feel great about that.
01:32:53.820 | Turns out that you still want to be very careful
01:32:57.900 | about light exposure between the hours of 10 PM or so
01:33:02.040 | and 4 AM.
01:33:02.880 | In fact, even during sleep.
01:33:04.980 | There's a recent study that just came out
01:33:06.800 | in the proceeds of the National Academy of Sciences.
01:33:09.720 | And it's entitled light exposure during sleep
01:33:12.700 | in pairs cardiometabolic function.
01:33:14.980 | This is a very interesting study
01:33:17.660 | where they took human subjects, young adults,
01:33:20.180 | and having them sleep in rooms
01:33:22.620 | that had different lighting conditions,
01:33:24.000 | either dim light or slightly bright light.
01:33:27.880 | Now, many people can't fall asleep in brightly lit rooms.
01:33:30.440 | So they acknowledge this.
01:33:32.240 | These were not very brightly lit rooms.
01:33:33.920 | These were rooms that had just a little bit
01:33:36.220 | of overhead room lighting, a hundred lux,
01:33:39.200 | which is not very bright at all.
01:33:41.240 | Or they had them sleep in a room that had very dim light,
01:33:43.880 | which is less than three lux.
01:33:45.760 | If you want to get a sense of how bright three lux is
01:33:49.120 | versus a hundred lux,
01:33:50.720 | I would encourage you to download the free app Light Meter.
01:33:53.860 | I have no relationship to the app.
01:33:55.380 | It's a pretty cool app.
01:33:56.220 | However, I've used it for a long time
01:33:57.540 | where you can basically point your phone
01:34:00.040 | at a particular light source, sun or otherwise,
01:34:02.320 | and you just press the button.
01:34:03.240 | It'll give you an approximate readout of lux,
01:34:05.560 | which is the light intensity that the phone happens
01:34:08.760 | to be staring out at at that location.
01:34:10.900 | It's not exact, but it's a pretty good back
01:34:14.300 | of the envelope measure of light intensity.
01:34:17.400 | So these subjects were either sleeping in a very dim room,
01:34:20.360 | three lux is very, very dim,
01:34:22.160 | or a somewhat dim room, a hundred lux.
01:34:25.900 | In this study, they measured things like melatonin levels.
01:34:29.180 | They looked at heart rate.
01:34:30.920 | They looked at measures of insulin and glucose management.
01:34:35.880 | Now, in previous episodes,
01:34:38.020 | I've talked about how glucose blood sugar
01:34:40.400 | is regulated by insulin
01:34:42.380 | because you don't want your glucose levels to be too high,
01:34:44.820 | hyperglycemia or too low.
01:34:46.580 | Hypoglycemia and the hormone insulin is involved
01:34:49.140 | in sequestering and shuttling glucose in the bloodstream.
01:34:52.480 | Basically how well you manage glucose in the bloodstream
01:34:55.360 | can be indirectly measured by your insulin levels.
01:34:58.460 | And it's well-known that sleep deprivation
01:35:01.440 | can disrupt glucose regulation by insulin.
01:35:06.440 | However, in this study,
01:35:08.260 | subjects were sleeping the whole night through.
01:35:10.120 | It just so happens that some of the subjects
01:35:11.720 | were sleeping in this very dimly lit room, three lux,
01:35:14.120 | and other subjects were sleeping
01:35:15.360 | in a somewhat dimly lit room, a hundred lux.
01:35:19.720 | What's incredible about this study
01:35:21.680 | is that both rooms were sufficiently dim
01:35:24.160 | that melatonin levels were not altered in either case.
01:35:27.460 | This is really key.
01:35:28.300 | It's not as if one group experienced a lot of bright light
01:35:31.460 | through their eyelids and others did not.
01:35:33.600 | Melatonin levels were not disrupted.
01:35:35.520 | And given how potently light can inhibit melatonin,
01:35:38.240 | this speaks to the fact that this very dim condition
01:35:41.440 | of three lux and the somewhat dim condition of a hundred lux
01:35:44.840 | was not actually perceived by the subjects,
01:35:48.040 | nor was it disrupting these hormone pathways.
01:35:50.720 | They also looked at glucose responses.
01:35:53.240 | They had people essentially take a fasting glucose test
01:35:56.440 | in different conditions.
01:35:57.360 | I won't go into all the details,
01:35:58.920 | but here's what they found.
01:36:00.380 | In healthy adults,
01:36:01.920 | even just one night of sleeping
01:36:04.400 | in a moderately lit environment,
01:36:06.880 | this hundred lux environment,
01:36:08.320 | caused changes, increases in nighttime heart rate,
01:36:12.600 | which means that the sympathetic nervous system
01:36:14.400 | was overly active as compared to people that slept
01:36:17.080 | in a completely dark or in a very, very dimly lit room,
01:36:20.860 | decreases in heart rate variability.
01:36:23.460 | And here I should point out that heart rate variability
01:36:25.720 | or HRV is a good thing.
01:36:27.420 | We want heart rate variability.
01:36:28.660 | So they saw increases in heart rate,
01:36:30.340 | decreases in heart rate variability,
01:36:32.440 | and increases in next morning insulin resistance,
01:36:36.320 | which is an indication that glucose management is suffering.
01:36:40.740 | So this is powerful.
01:36:43.280 | The results of this study essentially indicate
01:36:45.840 | that even just one night of sleeping the whole night through
01:36:49.120 | in a dimly lit environment is disrupting the way
01:36:52.460 | that our autonomic nervous system is functioning,
01:36:54.920 | altering so-called autonomic tone,
01:36:57.520 | making us less relaxed is probably the best way
01:37:00.240 | to describe it.
01:37:01.480 | Even though we are asleep,
01:37:03.080 | disrupting the way that our cardio metabolic function
01:37:06.820 | operates such that we have lower heart rate variability
01:37:09.820 | and increased insulin resistance.
01:37:12.880 | This is not a good thing for any of us to experience.
01:37:15.640 | So while we've mainly been talking about the positive
01:37:18.240 | effects of UVB light and other forms of light.
01:37:21.160 | Now we have two examples,
01:37:22.920 | one from the work of Hotar and colleagues showing
01:37:25.600 | that UVB exposure via the perihabenula can diminish
01:37:29.480 | the output of dopamine and other molecules that make us
01:37:32.580 | feel good if that UVB exposure is in the middle
01:37:34.840 | of the night or late evening.
01:37:36.760 | And now we have yet another study performed in this case
01:37:39.800 | in humans indicating that even if we fall asleep
01:37:43.160 | and sleep the whole night through,
01:37:44.560 | if the room that we're sleeping in has too many locks,
01:37:47.520 | too much light energy,
01:37:48.840 | that light energy is no doubt going through the eyelids,
01:37:51.820 | which it can activating the particular cells in the eye
01:37:55.600 | that trigger an increase in sympathetic nervous system
01:37:59.160 | activation and disrupting our metabolism.
01:38:02.340 | And this study rests on a number of other recent studies
01:38:05.640 | published in Cell, which is a superb journal
01:38:07.920 | and other journals showing that during the course
01:38:10.180 | of a healthy deep night's sleep,
01:38:13.040 | our body actually transitions through various forms
01:38:15.400 | of metabolic function.
01:38:16.760 | We actually experience ketosis like states.
01:38:20.400 | We experience gluconeogenesis.
01:38:22.840 | We experience different forms of metabolism associated
01:38:25.640 | with different stages of sleep.
01:38:27.200 | Not something that we're going into in depth
01:38:29.040 | in this podcast, we will in a future podcast.
01:38:31.760 | What this study shows is that light exposure,
01:38:34.840 | even in sleep is disrupting our autonomic,
01:38:38.060 | in this case, the sympathetic arm
01:38:39.360 | of the autonomic nervous system in ways
01:38:41.380 | that are disrupting metabolism probably in sleep,
01:38:44.240 | but certainly outside of sleep.
01:38:46.240 | So that we wake up and have our first meal of the day,
01:38:48.400 | or even if you're intermittent fasting,
01:38:49.680 | you eat that first meal of the day.
01:38:51.280 | If your sleep is taking place in an environment
01:38:54.280 | that's overly illuminated,
01:38:56.560 | well, that's disrupting your cardiac function
01:38:59.260 | and your metabolism.
01:39:00.680 | I've been talking a lot about UVB light,
01:39:02.440 | which is short wavelength light.
01:39:03.940 | So UV light, blue light, maybe even some blue green light.
01:39:07.140 | That's going to be short wavelength light.
01:39:08.660 | Now I'd like to shift our attention
01:39:09.760 | to the other end of the spectrum,
01:39:11.100 | meaning the light spectrum,
01:39:12.320 | to talk about red light and infrared light,
01:39:14.320 | which is long wavelength light.
01:39:16.220 | Many so-called low-level light therapies,
01:39:19.920 | the acronym is LLLT, low-level light therapies,
01:39:23.960 | involve the use of red light and infrared light.
01:39:27.560 | Sometimes low-level light therapies involve the use of UVB,
01:39:31.080 | but more often than not these days when we hear LLLT,
01:39:34.200 | low-level light therapy,
01:39:35.720 | it's referring to red light
01:39:37.500 | and near infrared light therapies.
01:39:39.980 | Low-level light therapies have been shown to be effective
01:39:44.560 | for a huge number of biological phenomenon
01:39:47.600 | and medical treatments.
01:39:49.380 | I can't summarize all of those now.
01:39:50.900 | It would take me many, many hours.
01:39:52.740 | It would be an effective episode for curing insomnia,
01:39:55.340 | but it wouldn't inform you properly
01:39:57.340 | about the use of light for your health.
01:39:59.760 | Rather, I'd like to just emphasize
01:40:01.340 | some of the top contour of those studies
01:40:03.520 | and point out that, for instance,
01:40:06.000 | low-level light therapy with infrared light
01:40:08.120 | has been shown to be effective for the treatment of acne
01:40:10.920 | and other sorts of skin lesions.
01:40:13.000 | There've been some really nice studies actually
01:40:15.160 | where they use subjects as their own internal control.
01:40:17.960 | So people, believe it or not,
01:40:19.120 | agreed to have half of their face illuminated
01:40:21.620 | with red light or near infrared light
01:40:23.880 | and the other half of their face serve as a control
01:40:26.000 | and to do that for several weeks at a time.
01:40:28.300 | And you can see pretty impressive reductions
01:40:31.060 | in skin lesions, reductions in scars from acne,
01:40:35.180 | and reduction in acne lesions themselves,
01:40:38.180 | meaning the accumulation of new acne cysts
01:40:40.980 | with low-level light therapy using red light
01:40:43.200 | and infrared light.
01:40:44.560 | Sometimes, however, there is a resistance of that acne
01:40:49.240 | to the low-level light therapy,
01:40:50.580 | such that people will get an initial improvement
01:40:52.740 | and then it'll go away despite continuing the treatment.
01:40:55.660 | So you're probably asking, or at least you should be asking,
01:40:58.220 | how is it that shining red light on our skin
01:41:00.740 | can impact things like acne and wound healing, et cetera?
01:41:04.600 | Well, to understand that,
01:41:06.100 | we have to think back to the beginning of the episode
01:41:08.340 | where I described how long wavelength light,
01:41:10.700 | such as red light and near infrared light,
01:41:13.060 | which is even longer than red light,
01:41:15.120 | can pass through certain surfaces, including our skin.
01:41:19.140 | So our skin has an epidermis, which is on the outside,
01:41:21.780 | and the dermis, which is in the deeper layers.
01:41:24.400 | Red light and infrared light can pass down
01:41:27.100 | into the deeper layers of our skin
01:41:29.020 | where it can change the metabolic function
01:41:31.740 | of particular cells.
01:41:32.860 | So let's just take acne as an example.
01:41:35.600 | Within the dermis, the deep layers of our skin,
01:41:37.900 | we have what are called sebaceous glands
01:41:39.700 | that actually make the oil that is present in our skin.
01:41:43.700 | Those sebaceous glands are often nearby hair follicles.
01:41:46.700 | So if you've ever had an infected hair follicle,
01:41:50.100 | that's not a coincidence
01:41:51.460 | that hair follicles tend to get infected.
01:41:53.100 | Part of it is because there's actually a portal down
01:41:56.220 | and around the hair follicle,
01:41:57.380 | but the sebaceous gland is where the oil is created
01:42:00.500 | that is going to give rise to, for instance, acne lesions.
01:42:03.740 | Also in the dermis, in the deep layers of the skin,
01:42:06.900 | are the melanocytes.
01:42:07.900 | They're not just in the epidermis,
01:42:08.920 | they're also in the deeper layers of the skin.
01:42:11.780 | And you have the stem cells that give rise
01:42:14.740 | to additional skin cells.
01:42:16.820 | If the top layers of the epidermis are damaged,
01:42:19.180 | those stem cells can become activated.
01:42:21.260 | And you also have the stem cells
01:42:23.520 | that give rise to hair follicles.
01:42:25.340 | So by shining red light or near infrared light
01:42:29.620 | on a localized patch of skin,
01:42:31.580 | provided that red light is not of such high intensity
01:42:34.940 | that it burns the skin,
01:42:36.500 | but is of sufficient intensity
01:42:38.520 | that provides just a little bit of damage
01:42:41.060 | to the upper layers of the skin, the epidermis,
01:42:43.820 | and that it triggers certain biological pathways
01:42:47.180 | within the cells of the sebaceous gland
01:42:49.500 | and the stem cells within the hair cell niche
01:42:52.460 | and the stem cells in skin,
01:42:54.020 | what happens is the top layers of the skin
01:42:56.660 | are basically burned off by a very low level of burn
01:43:00.460 | and/or the cells in the deeper layer
01:43:02.420 | start to churn out new cells
01:43:03.900 | which go and rescue the lesion,
01:43:07.380 | essentially clear out the lesion
01:43:09.620 | and replace that lesion with healthy skin cells.
01:43:12.020 | This does work in the context of wound healing,
01:43:17.420 | getting scars to disappear.
01:43:19.020 | It also works to remove certain patches of pigmentation.
01:43:22.980 | There are sometimes cases where people will get
01:43:24.840 | a red blotchiness due to certain skin conditions
01:43:28.580 | or some darker pigmentation that they want removed
01:43:31.340 | or that they need removed
01:43:32.560 | because it's a potential skin cancer threat.
01:43:36.020 | Now, how is red light actually doing it
01:43:37.860 | within the cells of the sebaceous gland,
01:43:39.540 | the stem cells, et cetera?
01:43:41.000 | Well, long wavelength light
01:43:43.180 | can actually get deep into the skin.
01:43:45.180 | I mentioned that before,
01:43:46.000 | but can also get into individual cells
01:43:49.780 | and can access the so-called organelles,
01:43:51.700 | which I described at the beginning of the episode.
01:43:53.340 | In particular, they can access the mitochondria,
01:43:55.800 | which are responsible for producing ATP.
01:43:58.500 | Now, the simple way to think about this
01:44:00.540 | for sake of this discussion is that as cells age,
01:44:05.540 | and in particular in very metabolically active cells,
01:44:09.120 | they accumulate what are called ROSs,
01:44:12.780 | reactive oxygen species.
01:44:14.980 | And as reactive oxygen species go up,
01:44:18.780 | ATP energy production in those cells tends to go down.
01:44:22.340 | It's a general statement,
01:44:23.400 | but it's a general statement that in most cases is true.
01:44:27.180 | There are some minor exceptions that don't concern us
01:44:29.880 | that have to do with cell types
01:44:31.340 | different than the ones that I'm talking about now.
01:44:33.540 | So the way to think about this is that red light
01:44:35.420 | passes into the deeper layers of the skin,
01:44:37.980 | activates mitochondria, which increases ATP,
01:44:40.940 | and directly or indirectly
01:44:42.720 | reduces these reactive oxygen species.
01:44:45.060 | These reactive oxygen species are not good.
01:44:48.220 | We don't want them.
01:44:49.360 | They cause cellar damage, cellar death,
01:44:52.340 | and for the most part,
01:44:53.820 | just inhibit the way that our cells work.
01:44:56.660 | So if you've heard of red light
01:44:58.560 | or near infrared light therapies designed to heal skin
01:45:02.540 | or improve skin quality or remove lesions
01:45:05.020 | or get rid of scars or unwanted pigmentation,
01:45:07.860 | that is not pseudoscience.
01:45:10.020 | That is not woo science.
01:45:12.340 | That is grounded in the very biology
01:45:14.580 | of how light interacts with mitochondria
01:45:16.440 | and reactive oxygen species.
01:45:18.360 | Some of you may also find it interesting to note
01:45:20.540 | that some of the cream-based treatments
01:45:22.740 | for acne, for instance, like retinoic acid, Retin-A,
01:45:26.600 | is actually a derivative of vitamin A
01:45:30.060 | and the pathway involving retinoic acid and vitamin A,
01:45:33.720 | believe it or not, is very similar
01:45:35.900 | to the natural biological pathway
01:45:38.520 | by which photopigments in the eye convert light information
01:45:41.980 | into biological changes within those cells.
01:45:44.640 | So the key point here is that light is activating
01:45:48.380 | particular pathways in cells
01:45:50.260 | that can either drive death of cells
01:45:52.820 | or can make those cells essentially younger
01:45:55.700 | by increasing ATP by way of improving mitochondrial function.
01:46:00.540 | And in recent years,
01:46:01.800 | there've been some just beautiful examples
01:46:04.340 | that exist not only in the realm of skin biology,
01:46:07.700 | but in the realm of neurobiology,
01:46:10.180 | whereby red light and near infrared light
01:46:12.800 | can actually be used to enhance the function of the cells
01:46:15.620 | that, for instance, allow us to see better
01:46:17.780 | and indeed cells that allow us to think better.
01:46:20.600 | So now I'd like to review those data
01:46:22.320 | because not only are they interesting in their own right,
01:46:25.660 | but they also point to some very interesting
01:46:28.500 | and powerful application of low cost or zero cost tools
01:46:31.900 | that we can use to improve our vision.
01:46:34.460 | If you are somebody who's interested in the use of red light
01:46:37.020 | or near infrared light, so-called LLLT,
01:46:40.060 | low level light therapies for treatment of dermatologic
01:46:43.640 | issues, so anything related to skin,
01:46:45.920 | I will include a link to a excellent set of reviews.
01:46:49.160 | The first one is light emitting diodes in dermatology,
01:46:52.240 | a systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
01:46:55.220 | That one includes review of a very large number of studies
01:46:58.480 | came out just a few years ago in 2018,
01:47:00.840 | and I think is very clearly and cleanly laid out
01:47:03.900 | for anyone to access.
01:47:05.220 | You can see the degree of effects of red light,
01:47:07.120 | for instance, on treatment of acne or scarring, et cetera.
01:47:09.360 | And I'll also provide a link to another review,
01:47:12.040 | which is low level light therapy in skin,
01:47:14.320 | stimulating healing and restoring.
01:47:16.080 | So for those of you that are interested,
01:47:17.760 | again, in dermatologic issues and the kind of restoring
01:47:21.260 | youthfulness and the kind of general themes of anti-aging
01:47:25.200 | and longevity and how red light therapies can be used
01:47:27.880 | for that, I will encourage you to take a look
01:47:30.280 | at those reviews.
01:47:31.360 | What you're going to find is that rarely, if ever,
01:47:35.240 | is there a study looking at whole body red light illumination
01:47:38.840 | for sake of treating and improving skin.
01:47:41.880 | And I mentioned this because I get a lot of questions
01:47:44.320 | about infrared sauna and global illumination with red lights.
01:47:49.320 | We'll talk more about cases where global illumination
01:47:52.520 | of your whole body or your whole face with red lights
01:47:55.260 | might be useful.
01:47:56.560 | But in terms of infrared sauna,
01:47:58.400 | I've mentioned on this podcast before,
01:47:59.880 | and I will certainly go deeper on this
01:48:01.400 | in an upcoming episode,
01:48:02.400 | all about the use of heat and temperature
01:48:04.840 | for augmenting our biology.
01:48:06.940 | But in general, infrared saunas don't get hot enough
01:48:11.840 | temperature wise in order to trigger some
01:48:14.880 | of the important effects on growth hormone
01:48:16.760 | and heat shock proteins and some of the other things
01:48:18.760 | that sauna has been shown to be excellent for.
01:48:21.960 | That's a general statement.
01:48:22.900 | I realized there are some infrared saunas
01:48:24.520 | that do get hot enough.
01:48:26.400 | There are very few data on the use of whole body illumination
01:48:30.760 | with infrared saunas.
01:48:32.580 | They really point to any specific
01:48:35.240 | mechanistically supported effects.
01:48:37.380 | Almost all the positive effects that you're going to see
01:48:39.560 | of red light and low level light therapies,
01:48:41.860 | certainly the ones discussed in the reviews
01:48:43.320 | that I just mentioned are going to be the consequence
01:48:46.800 | of very directed illumination of particular patches of skin
01:48:50.700 | that are seeking repair,
01:48:52.140 | that people are seeking the repair of.
01:48:54.240 | So again, I don't want to disparage infrared saunas,
01:48:58.020 | but in general, they don't get hot enough
01:48:59.360 | to trigger most of the positive effects
01:49:01.060 | that sauna have been demonstrated to have.
01:49:03.860 | And it's unclear at all as to whether or not
01:49:07.000 | they can enhance skin quality, youthfulness,
01:49:09.320 | restore top layers of skin that are damaged,
01:49:14.160 | repair acne, et cetera.
01:49:15.720 | So more on heat saunas and infrared saunas
01:49:18.080 | in their comparison in an upcoming episode.
01:49:20.680 | So let's talk about a clear set of examples
01:49:23.560 | where red light and near infrared light
01:49:26.760 | have been shown to have positive effects on our health.
01:49:30.360 | And these are the data that I referred to
01:49:32.400 | at the beginning of the episode
01:49:33.760 | from Dr. Glenn Jeffrey at University College London,
01:49:37.020 | who again is a longstanding member
01:49:40.600 | of the neuroscience community
01:49:41.680 | working on visual neuroscience
01:49:43.220 | and who over the last decade or so
01:49:45.400 | has really emphasized the exploration of red light
01:49:48.520 | and near infrared light for restoration
01:49:51.520 | of neuronal function as we age.
01:49:53.980 | This is absolutely critical.
01:49:55.200 | We know that we don't accumulate many new brain cells
01:49:59.400 | as we get older.
01:50:00.240 | And in some areas of our nervous system,
01:50:02.220 | such as our neural retina,
01:50:04.000 | which is the part of our eye that's responsible
01:50:06.060 | for translating light information to electrical signals
01:50:08.480 | so that we can see we don't get any new cells
01:50:12.140 | after the time in which we were born.
01:50:13.980 | So the ability to keep our neurons healthy
01:50:16.560 | is extremely important for our visual system,
01:50:19.400 | extremely important for our hippocampus,
01:50:22.140 | an area of the brain involved in memory.
01:50:24.260 | And I should just mention
01:50:25.980 | that even if people don't get Alzheimer's,
01:50:28.040 | there's always going to be some degree
01:50:29.980 | of age-related dementia.
01:50:31.860 | Sadly, nobody is as cognitively sharp
01:50:35.660 | in the years before they die
01:50:36.960 | as they are 20 years before that.
01:50:39.200 | It's just never the case.
01:50:40.320 | We're all getting worse at thinking,
01:50:42.480 | feeling, perceiving, et cetera.
01:50:44.480 | The question is how quickly we are getting worse.
01:50:46.680 | So any mechanism by which we can preserve
01:50:49.560 | or reverse neuronal function
01:50:51.600 | turns out to be immensely beneficial.
01:50:54.360 | The Jeffrey Lab has published two studies in recent years
01:50:58.960 | on humans that looked directly, no pun intended,
01:51:03.520 | at how red light and near infrared light
01:51:05.800 | can improve visual function.
01:51:08.300 | I'm going to describe the parameters of those studies
01:51:10.320 | and then I'm going to describe what they found exactly.
01:51:13.220 | The mechanistic motivation for these studies,
01:51:17.600 | again, traces back to this effect of light on mitochondria.
01:51:22.480 | So to go a little bit deeper into that mechanism
01:51:24.240 | just briefly so that you can frame any potential protocol
01:51:28.120 | that you would develop.
01:51:29.400 | When light arrives on cells, including neurons,
01:51:35.600 | that light can penetrate into the cells
01:51:37.600 | if it's at the appropriate wavelength.
01:51:38.980 | Red light can do that, it can get into cells,
01:51:40.960 | it can access the mitochondria, it can increase ATP.
01:51:44.000 | In general, anytime ATP is doing its thing
01:51:47.840 | to increase energy in cells,
01:51:50.060 | it's involving this thing called cytochrome C,
01:51:54.440 | which is an oxidase.
01:51:55.600 | Anytime you hear ACE, A-S-E in biology,
01:51:58.720 | it's going to be an enzyme.
01:51:59.800 | It's involved in some process of degrading a molecule
01:52:02.920 | and creating another molecule typically.
01:52:05.200 | So ATP in cytochrome C is going to give you ATP.
01:52:08.440 | Now that's a great thing, but it creates a by-product.
01:52:13.300 | It breaks things down such that you get these ROSs,
01:52:16.080 | these reactive oxygen species.
01:52:18.080 | And those reactive oxygen species,
01:52:19.860 | for those of you that want to know,
01:52:21.160 | are involved in things like redox signaling
01:52:23.860 | and reactive oxygen species actually change
01:52:27.280 | which genes are made in a cell.
01:52:29.560 | So the goal of any treatment to keep neurons
01:52:32.400 | or other cells youthful and functioning well,
01:52:35.860 | and to prevent or reverse aging is going to be
01:52:39.780 | to increase ATP and to reduce reactive oxygen species.
01:52:44.140 | And in doing so, to disrupt some of the normal pathways
01:52:48.480 | associated with aging.
01:52:51.860 | The Jeffrey lab approached these studies with that
01:52:54.040 | understanding of how mitochondria and reactive oxygen species
01:52:57.160 | and ATP work.
01:52:58.700 | And what they did was exquisitely simple to the point
01:53:02.060 | of being elegant.
01:53:02.900 | And what they found was really, really exciting.
01:53:05.240 | What they did is they had people,
01:53:08.600 | subjects that were either younger,
01:53:10.440 | so in their twenties or 40 years old or older,
01:53:14.000 | view red light of about 670 nanometers.
01:53:18.000 | 670 nanometers would appear red to you and me.
01:53:21.520 | They had them do that, excuse me,
01:53:23.640 | at a distance that was safe for their eyes.
01:53:25.620 | So at about a foot away.
01:53:27.720 | Now, a foot away from a very intense red light
01:53:31.700 | could actually be damaging to the eyes.
01:53:33.020 | So they had them do this at about a foot away
01:53:35.200 | from a red light that was of low enough intensity
01:53:37.960 | that did not damage the eyes.
01:53:39.960 | And they had them do that anywhere from two to three minutes
01:53:42.980 | per day.
01:53:44.120 | And in one study, they had them do that
01:53:45.840 | for a long period of time of about 12 weeks.
01:53:48.360 | And in the other study, they had them do that
01:53:49.760 | just for a couple of weeks.
01:53:51.680 | What's remarkable is that when you collapse the results
01:53:54.560 | across these two studies,
01:53:56.080 | what they found is that when looking at these subjects
01:53:58.660 | ranging from 28 years old to about 72 years old,
01:54:02.880 | the major findings were that in individuals 40 years old
01:54:07.880 | or older, so in the 40 to 72 year old bracket,
01:54:12.920 | but not in the subjects younger than 40 years old,
01:54:16.600 | they saw an improvement in visual function.
01:54:20.120 | That improvement in visual function was an improvement
01:54:22.440 | in visual acuity, meaning the ability to resolve,
01:54:25.440 | find detail, and using a particular measure
01:54:28.840 | of visual function, which is called the Tritan exam,
01:54:33.840 | T-R-I-T-A-N, Tritan exam, which specifically addresses
01:54:39.080 | the function of the so-called short wavelength cones,
01:54:42.360 | the ones that respond to green and blue light.
01:54:45.000 | They saw a 22% improvement in visual acuity,
01:54:48.840 | which in the landscape of visual testing
01:54:52.240 | is an extremely exciting result, okay?
01:54:55.540 | So I think in most studies of improvements of vision,
01:54:59.220 | you'd be very excited to see an improvement of 5% or 10%.
01:55:03.320 | So a 22% improvement in visual acuity,
01:55:06.520 | even though it's in this very specific form
01:55:08.980 | of visual testing, this Tritan exam or this Tritan score,
01:55:13.720 | well, that turns out to be very significant
01:55:16.000 | and translates to the real world in an important way.
01:55:20.200 | In particular, as we age,
01:55:23.080 | we tend to lose certain neurons within our retina,
01:55:26.120 | but we don't tend to lose cones.
01:55:28.520 | We tend to lose rods.
01:55:30.160 | We tend to lose other cells within the retina,
01:55:32.280 | including the cells that connect the eye to the brain,
01:55:34.240 | the so-called ganglion cells.
01:55:35.800 | Cones for whatever reason are pretty resilient
01:55:38.660 | to age-related loss.
01:55:40.200 | However, because rods and cones both
01:55:44.460 | are not just among the most metabolically active cells
01:55:47.720 | in your entire body,
01:55:49.120 | but the most metabolically active cells in your entire body.
01:55:52.960 | That's right, your rods and cones are the cells that demand
01:55:56.200 | and that use the most energy of all the cells in your body.
01:55:59.860 | Not your skin cells, not your spleen cells,
01:56:02.520 | not your stomach cells.
01:56:03.720 | Even if you talk a lot,
01:56:04.920 | not the cells that are responsible for moving your mouth,
01:56:07.120 | it is the rods and cones of your neural retina
01:56:09.680 | that are responsible for using the most amount
01:56:12.680 | of ATP and energy in your entire body.
01:56:15.640 | And because of that, those cells tend to accumulate
01:56:19.080 | a lot of reactive oxygen species as we age.
01:56:22.280 | Red light of the sort used in these studies
01:56:25.360 | was able to reduce the amount of reactive oxygen species
01:56:29.920 | in the rods and cones,
01:56:31.360 | and to rescue the function of this particular cone type,
01:56:35.200 | the short wavelength and medium wavelength cones,
01:56:37.020 | which if you think about the study
01:56:38.480 | is a little bit surprising because it was red light
01:56:41.200 | and near infrared light, not short wavelength light
01:56:44.120 | that was used in order to create this improvement
01:56:47.040 | in cellular function.
01:56:48.560 | But if you step back a little bit further,
01:56:51.000 | it makes perfect sense because there's nothing specific
01:56:54.760 | about the red light in the sense that it's not,
01:56:56.940 | that it gets delivered only to red cones.
01:56:59.600 | That red light and near infrared light is being absorbed
01:57:02.400 | by all the photoreceptors within the eye,
01:57:04.700 | the rods and the blue cones and the green cones
01:57:07.640 | and the red cones.
01:57:08.480 | It's just that the red cones absorb that light best.
01:57:11.760 | So the important takeaway here is that viewing red light
01:57:16.340 | and near infrared light at a distance at which it is safe
01:57:19.780 | for just a couple of minutes each day allowed a reversal
01:57:23.680 | of the aging process of these neurons,
01:57:25.920 | which some people have heard me say before,
01:57:28.640 | and I'll just say it again,
01:57:30.320 | the retina, including your photoreceptors
01:57:32.200 | are not just connected to your brain.
01:57:34.160 | They're not just near your brain.
01:57:35.280 | They are actual central nervous system tissue.
01:57:37.400 | They are the only two pieces of your brain.
01:57:39.560 | Many of your neural retinas are the only two pieces
01:57:41.480 | of your brain that reside outside your skull
01:57:43.320 | or at least outside the cranial vault.
01:57:45.000 | So here we're seeing a reversal of the aging process
01:57:48.280 | in neurons by shining red light on those neurons.
01:57:51.560 | Now, of course, the Jeffrey Lab is primarily interested
01:57:55.160 | in vision and humans are most dependent on vision
01:57:58.040 | as a sense to navigate the world and survive.
01:57:59.880 | So this is really wonderful.
01:58:01.240 | Here we're looking at a therapy
01:58:03.040 | that can reverse age-related vision loss,
01:58:06.560 | at least in some individuals.
01:58:08.680 | But as you can imagine, the study was also done
01:58:10.480 | on these cells because they reside outside the skull
01:58:13.080 | and you can shine light directly on them, right?
01:58:15.320 | I'm sure that there are many people out there
01:58:16.980 | who are interested in how they can improve the function,
01:58:19.440 | say of the neurons in their brain responsible for memory.
01:58:22.600 | And in a few minutes,
01:58:23.440 | I'll describe the non-invasive applications of light
01:58:27.000 | to try and restore the function of those cells as well.
01:58:31.060 | So a little bit more about the studies from the Jeffrey Lab.
01:58:35.900 | One of the things that they observed was a reduction
01:58:38.860 | in so-called drusen, D-R-U-S-E-N.
01:58:41.720 | Drusen are little fatty deposits, little cholesterol deposits
01:58:46.720 | that accumulate in the eye as we age.
01:58:49.880 | We've all heard about cholesterol
01:58:51.540 | within our veins and arteries
01:58:53.080 | and how that can clog our veins and arteries
01:58:55.660 | and how, of course, clogging of veins and arteries
01:58:58.720 | is not a good thing.
01:58:59.760 | Well, our neural retina being so metabolically active
01:59:02.540 | requires a lot of blood flow, it's heavily vascularized.
01:59:06.140 | And drusen are a special form of cholesterol
01:59:09.080 | that accumulate in the eye.
01:59:10.380 | As it turns out, these red light
01:59:12.900 | and near-infrared light therapies
01:59:15.020 | explored by the Jeffrey Lab
01:59:16.480 | were able to actually reduce or reverse
01:59:19.560 | some of the accumulation of drusen.
01:59:21.600 | And so in addition to reducing reactive oxygen species,
01:59:25.620 | the idea in mind now is that red light
01:59:27.980 | may actually reduce cholesterol deposits
01:59:31.520 | and reactive oxygen species
01:59:34.060 | in order to improve neuronal function.
01:59:36.520 | So what should you and I do with these results?
01:59:38.740 | Or should we do anything with these results?
01:59:40.220 | Well, first of all, I want to emphasize
01:59:42.220 | that even though these studies are very exciting,
01:59:44.680 | they are fairly recent.
01:59:45.920 | And so more data, as always, are needed.
01:59:48.960 | There's some additional features of these studies
01:59:50.660 | that I think are also important to consider.
01:59:52.580 | First of all, the exposure to red light
01:59:55.780 | needed to happen early in the day,
01:59:58.380 | at least within the first three hours of waking.
02:00:01.160 | How would one do that?
02:00:03.120 | Well, nowadays there are a number
02:00:04.640 | of different red light panels
02:00:06.600 | and different red light sources
02:00:08.880 | that certainly fall within the range of red light
02:00:11.740 | and near-infrared light that one could use.
02:00:14.260 | I don't have any affiliation to any companies
02:00:17.120 | or products that promote or make those red light therapies.
02:00:21.640 | I do own a red light panel.
02:00:23.380 | So I confess I have started using this protocol.
02:00:25.920 | I am older than 40 years old.
02:00:27.800 | I also have been experimenting with these red light panels
02:00:30.720 | as a way of addressing other changes in biological tissues
02:00:35.500 | for which I'm doing blood work, et cetera.
02:00:37.140 | And I'm going to talk about that in a future episode,
02:00:39.480 | but that of course is what I call anecdotal data.
02:00:41.560 | It only relates to my experience.
02:00:43.180 | So today, and certainly on all episodes
02:00:46.360 | of the Huberman Lab Podcast,
02:00:47.700 | we emphasize peer-reviewed studies almost exclusively
02:00:50.700 | talking about anecdotal data
02:00:52.020 | only when highlighting it as anecdotal data.
02:00:54.820 | So if you're somebody who wants to explore red light therapy,
02:00:58.540 | here's what you need to do.
02:00:59.580 | You need to make sure that that red light source,
02:01:02.100 | whatever source you happen to use,
02:01:04.160 | whether or not you purchase it or make one.
02:01:05.500 | And in fact, these red light sources
02:01:07.260 | are very, very easy to make.
02:01:08.860 | You could essentially take a bright flashlight
02:01:11.580 | and cover it with a film or a filter
02:01:14.100 | that would only allow particular long wavelengths
02:01:17.380 | to pass through.
02:01:18.220 | This would be very easy to look up online
02:01:19.860 | and figure out how to do this.
02:01:20.700 | You could probably do this for just a few dollars,
02:01:23.520 | or you could purchase a red light unit
02:01:25.480 | if that was within your budget
02:01:27.440 | and something that you're interested in.
02:01:28.960 | You want to make sure that it's not so bright
02:01:30.800 | that you're damaging your eye.
02:01:32.580 | A good rule of thumb is that something
02:01:34.300 | isn't painful to look at.
02:01:35.880 | And in fact, I should just emphasize
02:01:37.360 | that anytime you look at any light source,
02:01:39.520 | sunlight or otherwise that's painful
02:01:41.460 | and makes you want to squint or close your eyes,
02:01:43.000 | that means it's too bright to look at
02:01:44.860 | without closing your eyes.
02:01:45.980 | Okay, that's sort of a duh,
02:01:47.380 | but I would loathe to think that anyone
02:01:49.480 | would harm themselves with bright light in any way.
02:01:51.720 | I don't just say that to protect us.
02:01:52.940 | I say that to protect you, of course,
02:01:54.840 | because you are responsible for your health.
02:01:56.700 | And again, retinal neurons do not regenerate.
02:01:59.260 | Once they are gone and dead, they do not come back.
02:02:02.140 | There's no technology to replace them
02:02:03.740 | at this current state in time.
02:02:06.240 | So please don't damage your retinas.
02:02:08.360 | So is a red light source safe to look at
02:02:10.820 | if it is not painful to look at?
02:02:13.460 | Chances are it is, and yet I would still encourage you
02:02:16.000 | to talk to your optometrist or ophthalmologist
02:02:19.180 | before getting into any extensive protocols.
02:02:21.900 | But if you were still determined to pursue
02:02:24.060 | the sorts of protocols that are in the Jeffrey studies,
02:02:26.260 | certainly we'll provide a link to those studies.
02:02:28.400 | Again, it involves looking at these red light panels,
02:02:31.140 | blinking aloud for two minutes to three minutes,
02:02:36.140 | every morning for a period of two weeks or more.
02:02:40.760 | And if you're older than 40,
02:02:44.820 | that could very well have an effect.
02:02:46.200 | If you're longer, younger than 40, excuse me,
02:02:48.540 | that's unlikely to have an effect.
02:02:50.700 | At least that was what was observed
02:02:52.460 | in these particular studies.
02:02:54.060 | The lights were not flashing.
02:02:55.540 | It was continuous illumination.
02:02:57.220 | Again, you're allowed to blink.
02:02:58.820 | It does not have to even be direct illumination.
02:03:00.820 | It can be somewhat indirect illumination,
02:03:02.460 | much as we described for the use of UVB light before.
02:03:06.220 | The wavelength of light is important.
02:03:08.180 | It is red light and near-infrared light
02:03:10.180 | that is going to be effective in this scenario.
02:03:14.020 | The authors of this study emphasize that it was red light
02:03:16.780 | of 670 nanometers in wavelength
02:03:20.220 | and near-infrared light of 790 nanometers in wavelength.
02:03:25.780 | That were effective.
02:03:26.820 | And that those wavelengths could be complimentary.
02:03:29.720 | That's probably why, or maybe it's just coincidental,
02:03:33.200 | but it's a fortunate coincidence
02:03:35.220 | that a lot of the commercially available red light panels
02:03:37.680 | that you'll find out there
02:03:38.520 | combine both red light and near-infrared light.
02:03:41.500 | However, I want to emphasize that most of the panels
02:03:44.280 | that are commercially available are going to be too bright
02:03:47.940 | to safely look at very close up.
02:03:50.500 | And in fact, that's why most of those red light panels
02:03:53.020 | are designed for illumination of the skin
02:03:54.980 | and oftentimes arrive in their packaging with eye protectors
02:03:58.940 | that are actually designed to shield out all the red light.
02:04:01.740 | So take the potential dangers of excessive illumination
02:04:06.220 | of the eyes with any wavelength of light seriously.
02:04:09.260 | But if you're going to explore 670 and 790 nanometer light
02:04:12.820 | for sake of enhancing neuronal function,
02:04:16.340 | set it at a distance that's comfortable to look at
02:04:18.660 | and that doesn't force you to squint
02:04:20.340 | or doesn't make you feel uncomfortable physically
02:04:22.940 | as if you need to turn away during the period
02:04:26.280 | of that two to three minute illumination each day.
02:04:28.780 | In terms of turning away from light,
02:04:32.380 | I'll just briefly mention that that is not an accident
02:04:36.020 | or a coincidence that you have that response
02:04:37.780 | to very bright light.
02:04:38.980 | There is a so-called photic avoidance pathway
02:04:41.820 | that involves cells within your retina,
02:04:43.660 | these ganglion cells that communicate
02:04:45.260 | with yet another brain station,
02:04:48.120 | a certain area of your thalamus
02:04:49.900 | that communicate to areas of your brain
02:04:52.400 | that are associated with pain.
02:04:53.580 | So literally that can trigger headache
02:04:55.340 | and that can trigger the squint reflex.
02:04:57.460 | Biology is just beautiful in this way.
02:05:00.420 | Too much light is bad for us in that it can damage our eyes
02:05:03.480 | and other aspects of our body.
02:05:05.160 | So if we look at a light that's too bright,
02:05:07.380 | our eyes send a signal to the brain
02:05:08.980 | that gives us a sort of a headache
02:05:10.360 | and a desire to squint and turn away.
02:05:12.100 | So that can be a useful guide
02:05:14.040 | in terms of gauging how bright a light should be
02:05:16.680 | or at least how far away you should be from a bright source
02:05:19.980 | in order to safely engage with that light source.
02:05:23.080 | So the studies I just described, once again,
02:05:25.880 | involve the use of red light early in the day
02:05:27.980 | within three hours of waking
02:05:29.400 | and are for the sake of improving neuronal function.
02:05:31.760 | Red light has also been shown to be beneficial
02:05:35.760 | late in the day and even in the middle of the night.
02:05:38.160 | And when I say middle of the night,
02:05:40.260 | I'm referring to studies that explore the use of red light
02:05:43.100 | for shift workers.
02:05:44.620 | I know that most people are not working
02:05:46.380 | in the middle of the night, at least I hope they're not,
02:05:48.040 | but some of you may do that from time to time.
02:05:50.440 | All-nighters for studying, I confess,
02:05:51.920 | I still pull all-nighters every once in a while
02:05:53.580 | to prepare things like podcasts and other deadlines.
02:05:57.160 | Really try not to, happens less and less as I get older
02:05:59.760 | because I think I get more disciplined
02:06:01.640 | and or less good at pulling all-nighters.
02:06:04.960 | But I realized that many people are doing shift work
02:06:07.360 | or they have to work certainly past 10 p.m.
02:06:09.760 | or maybe they're taking care of young children
02:06:11.600 | in the middle of the night and they have to be up.
02:06:14.040 | In that case, red light can actually be very beneficial.
02:06:16.400 | And nowadays there are a lot of sources of red light
02:06:19.000 | available just as red light bulbs, you don't need a panel.
02:06:21.940 | So what I'm basically saying is that it can be beneficial
02:06:25.220 | to use red lights at night.
02:06:28.080 | The study I'd like to emphasize in this context
02:06:30.160 | is entitled Red Light,
02:06:31.880 | a Novel Non-Pharmacological Intervention
02:06:34.160 | to Promote Alertness in Shift Workers.
02:06:36.800 | So beautiful study.
02:06:38.000 | They explored the use of different wavelengths of light.
02:06:41.360 | So blue light of 460 nanometers or red light
02:06:45.260 | or dim white light of different brightnesses, et cetera,
02:06:49.500 | and looked at things like melatonin.
02:06:52.720 | How much does light of a given color
02:06:55.160 | and intensity suppress melatonin?
02:06:56.800 | They looked at cortisol, a stress hormone.
02:06:58.580 | They looked at wakefulness.
02:07:00.320 | How much or to what degree could a given color of light
02:07:03.600 | increase wakefulness at different hours of the day?
02:07:06.220 | The takeaway from this study is very clear.
02:07:08.320 | If you need to be awake late at night
02:07:10.540 | for sake of shift work or studying
02:07:12.320 | or taking care of children, et cetera,
02:07:14.780 | red light is going to be your best choice
02:07:17.500 | because if the red light is sufficiently dim,
02:07:21.240 | it's not going to inhibit melatonin production
02:07:25.000 | and it's not going to increase cortisol at night.
02:07:28.080 | Cortisol should be high early in the day
02:07:30.800 | or at least should be elevated
02:07:31.960 | relative to other times of day if you are healthy.
02:07:34.500 | A late shifted increase in cortisol, however,
02:07:36.840 | 9 p.m. cortisol, 10 p.m. cortisol
02:07:39.020 | is well known to be associated with depression
02:07:42.120 | and other aspects of mental health
02:07:44.480 | which is a mental illness.
02:07:46.380 | So if you do need to be awake at night or even all night,
02:07:50.100 | red light is going to be the preferred light source.
02:07:53.620 | And in terms of how bright to make it,
02:07:55.380 | well, as dim as you can while still being able
02:07:59.000 | to perform the activities that you need to perform,
02:08:00.840 | that's going to be your best guide.
02:08:03.060 | I'll provide a link to this study as well.
02:08:05.420 | Again, it's a really important study
02:08:08.100 | because it emphasized that there are forms of light,
02:08:10.320 | red light provided it's dim,
02:08:12.240 | that can allow you to stimulate the alertness
02:08:15.400 | that light landing on the eyes can provide.
02:08:19.080 | So it allows you to stay awake
02:08:20.200 | and to do whatever work that you need to do.
02:08:22.520 | It does not seem to alter melatonin production.
02:08:26.040 | So that's good.
02:08:26.860 | It does not seem to alter levels
02:08:28.880 | or timing of cortisol production.
02:08:31.000 | So yet another case where red light used correctly
02:08:34.680 | can be beneficial.
02:08:35.800 | Up until now, we've been talking about the effects
02:08:37.760 | of shining different wavelengths of light on the skin
02:08:41.440 | or on our eyes and the downstream health consequences
02:08:45.640 | of that illumination.
02:08:47.560 | However, one of the most important goals
02:08:49.560 | of science and medicine is to figure out
02:08:52.000 | how to change the health of our brain.
02:08:54.600 | And of course our brain is contained within our skull
02:08:58.240 | and therefore we can't just shine light
02:09:01.160 | onto the outside of our head
02:09:03.440 | and expect it to change the activity of neurons
02:09:06.000 | deep within the brain,
02:09:07.000 | unless those neurons are linked up with our eyes
02:09:11.560 | or with our skin.
02:09:12.580 | And as it turns out,
02:09:13.520 | even though there are a lot of brain areas
02:09:15.480 | that are connected through neural circuits
02:09:17.680 | and hormone circuits through our eye
02:09:19.580 | and believe it or not also to our skin,
02:09:22.240 | many brain areas are not.
02:09:24.140 | Brain areas such as the hippocampus,
02:09:27.800 | which is involved in learning and memory,
02:09:30.220 | brain areas such as our neocortex.
02:09:33.180 | Well, some areas of our neocortex,
02:09:34.840 | such as our visual cortex are indirectly linked to our eyes.
02:09:38.400 | So if we shine light on our eyes,
02:09:39.600 | we can change the activity of neurons in our neocortex,
02:09:42.420 | but there are other brain areas that are not directly
02:09:46.520 | or even indirectly connected to our visual system,
02:09:50.060 | not at least in any immediate way.
02:09:53.080 | So that raises the question of how do you change
02:09:55.040 | the activity of neurons in the brain?
02:09:56.400 | Well, there's pharmacology.
02:09:58.080 | You can take pills,
02:09:59.800 | you can inject drugs that will change the pharmacology
02:10:02.360 | of neurons and the way they operate in fire.
02:10:04.840 | Of course, antidepressants are one such instance.
02:10:07.760 | Opioid drugs are another.
02:10:09.720 | There's a huge array of psychoactive compounds,
02:10:12.700 | meaning compounds that will change the levels
02:10:14.700 | of chemicals in your brain.
02:10:16.760 | Some of those work.
02:10:17.640 | Many of them also carry side effects.
02:10:20.700 | It's all rather indirect,
02:10:22.540 | meaning you have lots of different cells
02:10:24.320 | in different areas of your brain
02:10:25.300 | that utilize the same chemicals.
02:10:26.640 | So a drug, for instance, to increase serotonin
02:10:29.060 | for sake of improving depression
02:10:31.520 | will also often have the effect
02:10:33.560 | of reducing certain neurons output of serotonin
02:10:38.080 | in the hippocampus and cause changes in appetite
02:10:40.280 | or changes in libido and so on and so forth.
02:10:42.480 | You could imagine using electrical stimulation,
02:10:45.260 | putting wires into the brain
02:10:46.420 | and stimulating specific brain areas
02:10:48.520 | in order to activate the neurons in those brain areas.
02:10:51.320 | And certainly that works and has been done experimentally
02:10:53.960 | and is done during neurosurgery exams, et cetera,
02:10:56.860 | but involves removing a piece of skull.
02:10:59.600 | So that's not very practical.
02:11:01.320 | In principle, light would be a wonderful way
02:11:04.360 | to modulate the activity of neurons deep within the brain.
02:11:08.460 | But again, the skull is in the way.
02:11:10.320 | Recent studies, however, have figured out ways
02:11:14.400 | that light can be delivered to the eyes
02:11:16.720 | to change global patterns of firing in the brain
02:11:20.220 | in ways that can be beneficial to the brain.
02:11:22.640 | And the work that I'm referring to now
02:11:25.480 | is mainly the work of Liwei Tsai at MIT,
02:11:28.560 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her colleagues.
02:11:32.120 | And what they've discovered is that there's a particular
02:11:34.840 | pattern of brain activity called gamma activity.
02:11:38.940 | Gamma activity is one so-called wavelength
02:11:42.080 | of electrical activity in the brain.
02:11:44.200 | So not wavelengths of light,
02:11:45.220 | but wavelengths of electrical activity in the brain
02:11:47.980 | that can be restorative for certain aspects
02:11:50.520 | of learning and memory and can actually help create
02:11:53.080 | molecular changes in neurons that lead to clearance
02:11:56.780 | of debris and even reductions
02:11:59.240 | in age-related cognitive decline.
02:12:01.760 | So the way to think about brain waves and brain oscillations
02:12:06.760 | is that neurons are electrically active,
02:12:09.280 | that involves chemicals, et cetera.
02:12:11.120 | And they can be active in very slow, big wave forms.
02:12:15.200 | So you can think of, you know, delta waves,
02:12:17.840 | meaning, so you can imagine a wave of electrical activity
02:12:20.400 | that comes along very infrequently.
02:12:22.200 | So a given neuron fires and then some period of time later
02:12:26.120 | fires and then some period of time even later fires.
02:12:29.680 | Or you can imagine that that same cell is very active,
02:12:32.520 | fires, fires, fires, fires, fires.
02:12:34.340 | You can imagine if it's firing very often,
02:12:36.000 | it's going to be short wavelength, right?
02:12:38.400 | Shorter gaps between firing,
02:12:40.340 | or if it's firing very seldom,
02:12:43.560 | you're going to think about that
02:12:45.480 | as longer wavelength firing.
02:12:47.280 | Turns out that gamma waves are one pattern of firing
02:12:51.020 | that lead to downstream metabolic functions
02:12:54.760 | and biological functions that end up clearing away debris
02:12:57.340 | that's associated with aging in cells.
02:13:00.200 | And that also lead to molecular changes
02:13:03.280 | that enhance the kind of youthfulness of neurons,
02:13:06.400 | so to speak.
02:13:07.240 | How do we induce gamma oscillations within the brain?
02:13:12.400 | Well, what Liwei, Tsai and colleagues have beautifully shown
02:13:17.220 | is that by delivering certain patterns of light flicker,
02:13:22.040 | so lights going on and off at a particular frequency,
02:13:25.320 | the brain as a whole starts to entrain,
02:13:28.480 | meaning it matches to those particular patterns
02:13:30.860 | of light flicker,
02:13:31.700 | even though many of the brain areas that do this
02:13:34.360 | are not directly within the visual system or visual pathway.
02:13:38.680 | So the studies that I'm referred to are several,
02:13:42.040 | but the one that I'd like to highlight is entitled
02:13:43.920 | Gamma Entrainment Binds Higher Order Brain Regions
02:13:46.780 | and Offers Neuroprotection.
02:13:49.140 | What they essentially did was to expose subjects to 40 Hertz,
02:13:54.140 | which is a particular frequency of illumination to the eyes.
02:13:59.140 | So it's light goes on, light goes off, light goes on,
02:14:02.020 | light goes off at a frequency of 40 Hertz.
02:14:06.220 | And when they did that,
02:14:07.620 | and they recorded the activity of neurons within the brain,
02:14:10.360 | not just within the visual areas of the brain,
02:14:12.920 | but within other areas as well,
02:14:14.840 | they observed increased gamma oscillations,
02:14:18.820 | meaning that the electrical activity of the brain at large
02:14:23.040 | started to match to the patterns of light
02:14:26.080 | that were delivered to the eyes.
02:14:27.980 | This is really exciting and very unique
02:14:29.720 | from the different types of phototherapies
02:14:31.620 | that we've been talking about up until now.
02:14:33.200 | All the patterns of phototherapy
02:14:35.080 | that we've been talking about up until now
02:14:36.680 | involved constant illumination with a given wavelength.
02:14:39.280 | Here it is wavelength generating patterns of illumination,
02:14:44.280 | light on, light off, light on, light off
02:14:46.600 | at a particular frequency.
02:14:48.480 | So what they found, for instance,
02:14:49.740 | using this pattern of stimulation,
02:14:51.200 | and by the way, the stimulation was called GENUS,
02:14:53.640 | gamma entrainment using sensory stimulation.
02:14:56.160 | So G-E-N-U-S, gamma entrainment using sensory stimulation,
02:15:00.000 | had a number of really interesting effects.
02:15:01.560 | First of all, it reduced so-called amyloid plaques
02:15:04.920 | and phosphorylated tau.
02:15:06.680 | Amyloid plaques and phosphorylated tau
02:15:08.360 | are associated with Alzheimer's
02:15:09.760 | and normal age-related cognitive decline.
02:15:12.840 | So this is incredible, right?
02:15:15.920 | A pattern of flashing light delivered to the eyes
02:15:19.240 | creates a pattern of neuronal firing,
02:15:21.360 | not just in the visual areas of the brain,
02:15:23.120 | but in other areas of the brain as well,
02:15:25.600 | that in turn trigger molecular pathways
02:15:28.720 | that reduce some of the markers
02:15:32.000 | and the cause of age-related cognitive decline
02:15:34.460 | in Alzheimer's.
02:15:35.520 | And in parallel to that,
02:15:37.200 | they observed an upregulation
02:15:39.120 | of some of the biological pathways
02:15:41.300 | that lead to enhancement of neuronal function,
02:15:43.500 | maintenance of synapses,
02:15:44.620 | which are the connections between neurons
02:15:46.480 | and so on and so on.
02:15:48.320 | They have discovered and list out a huge number
02:15:50.820 | of these biological effects,
02:15:52.400 | both the reduction in bad things, so to speak,
02:15:55.280 | and the improvement in good biological pathways.
02:15:59.080 | And I find these studies so exciting
02:16:02.060 | because first of all, they're non-invasive, right?
02:16:05.560 | There's no drilling through the skull.
02:16:07.520 | They are very tractable in the experimental sense,
02:16:11.760 | meaning that you could imagine
02:16:14.020 | that if 40 hertz stimulation turns out
02:16:15.920 | to be the very best stimulation protocol
02:16:17.820 | to induce these gamma oscillations, well, great,
02:16:20.360 | but because it's non-invasive,
02:16:22.280 | it's fairly easy to explore 50 hertz stimulation,
02:16:25.080 | 100 hertz stimulation, 20 hertz stimulation,
02:16:27.480 | and to do that with different wavelengths of light.
02:16:30.540 | And so that's what's happening now.
02:16:31.780 | The PSI lab and other labs are really starting
02:16:33.600 | to explore the full range of variables
02:16:36.680 | that can impact oscillations within the brain
02:16:39.680 | and their downstream consequences.
02:16:41.440 | So again, this is phototherapy,
02:16:43.600 | but phototherapy of a very different sort
02:16:45.400 | that we've been talking about up until now.
02:16:47.840 | It's phototherapy designed to trigger activation
02:16:50.920 | of biological pathways far away
02:16:53.360 | from the very tissue that's being illuminated.
02:16:55.240 | And it calls to mind the same sorts of mechanisms
02:16:57.300 | that we were talking about earlier,
02:16:58.320 | where illumination of the skin with UVB light
02:17:00.840 | is setting off an enormous number of different cascades
02:17:03.120 | in different organs and tissues, including the spleen,
02:17:05.680 | the testes, the ovaries, and so on.
02:17:08.140 | So again, light has these powerful effects,
02:17:11.760 | both locally on the cells that the light is delivered to,
02:17:15.060 | but also systemically in terms of the cells
02:17:18.440 | that are changing their electrical and chemical outputs
02:17:21.680 | are modifying lots and lots of biological programs.
02:17:24.720 | Is there an actionable tool related to these studies yet?
02:17:27.920 | Well, that sort of depends on how adventurous you are.
02:17:30.280 | Right now, these studies are being explored
02:17:32.880 | in the context of clinical trials
02:17:34.500 | in people with Alzheimer's dementia
02:17:36.320 | and other forms of neuronal degeneration.
02:17:39.360 | Is it dangerous to look at?
02:17:41.720 | A 40 Hertz flickering light?
02:17:44.080 | Well, in general, the answer is going to be no.
02:17:46.820 | However, if you're prone to epilepsy, for instance,
02:17:49.960 | staring at a flickering light
02:17:51.240 | of a given continuous frequency can induce seizure, right?
02:17:55.180 | That might surprise some of you, but it shouldn't,
02:17:57.680 | because as this study illustrates,
02:18:00.040 | and as anyone who's ever been out at night to a club
02:18:03.100 | or something illustrates,
02:18:04.520 | when you look at a strobe light, for instance,
02:18:07.800 | your whole world of visual perception changes,
02:18:09.920 | but actually the rhythm at which you perceive music,
02:18:13.200 | at which you perceive conversation,
02:18:14.440 | at which you perceive the movement of your body
02:18:16.200 | actually changes according to the patterns of visual flicker
02:18:19.720 | in most cases, strobe,
02:18:21.160 | if we're using the sort of club dancing example,
02:18:24.800 | your brain is in training to its outside environment.
02:18:28.080 | So given the power of flickering lights
02:18:30.840 | to entrain brain rhythms, I think at this stage,
02:18:34.400 | it's probably too preliminary
02:18:36.500 | to really suggest a specific protocol,
02:18:38.760 | but I would definitely keep an eye out
02:18:41.400 | for these sorts of studies.
02:18:43.700 | They are coming out all the time.
02:18:45.280 | And I think in a very short period,
02:18:47.920 | we're going to see specific protocols
02:18:50.420 | that one could potentially use even at home.
02:18:53.020 | And of course, these are non-invasive protocols
02:18:54.920 | in order to place the brain into a particular state,
02:18:58.700 | not just for sake of offsetting neurodegeneration,
02:19:01.540 | but also for enhancing focus,
02:19:03.880 | for enhancing the transition into sleep
02:19:05.920 | and other brain states as well.
02:19:07.620 | Today, I covered what I would say is a lot of information.
02:19:11.240 | My goal was to give you an understanding
02:19:13.000 | of how light can be used to change the activities of cells,
02:19:17.780 | organelles within those cells, entire organs,
02:19:21.420 | and how that can happen locally and systemically.
02:19:25.900 | We talked about the power of light to impact our biology
02:19:28.520 | at the endocrine level, neuronal level,
02:19:30.360 | immune level, mood, et cetera,
02:19:33.460 | through both illumination of the eyes and the skin
02:19:36.640 | and other tissues as well.
02:19:38.700 | I realized that even though this was a lot of information,
02:19:42.360 | there are many aspects of phototherapy that I did not cover.
02:19:46.380 | I know there's a lot of interest nowadays, for instance,
02:19:48.520 | in the use of red light and other wavelength light therapies
02:19:52.160 | for ovarian health and testicular health.
02:19:55.420 | In fact, I get a lot of questions such as,
02:19:59.120 | can red light be used to improve testosterone output?
02:20:02.200 | And if so, is that best accomplished
02:20:04.420 | by shining red light on the skin
02:20:06.720 | or directly on the gonads, on the testicles?
02:20:09.500 | I'm going to cover those data at a future time.
02:20:13.460 | Right now, the studies that have been done in rodents,
02:20:16.220 | I don't think are easily enough translated to humans.
02:20:19.140 | And the studies that are happening in humans now
02:20:21.460 | are exciting in the sense that they hold a lot of potential,
02:20:24.520 | but the data aren't clear yet.
02:20:27.540 | However, the data using UVB on the skin of men and women
02:20:32.980 | in order to increase hormone,
02:20:35.240 | in particular testosterone and estrogen output,
02:20:37.220 | those data I think are very exciting and very actionable.
02:20:40.220 | And we talked about those earlier.
02:20:41.980 | So if you want more information
02:20:43.860 | on how phototherapy can be used,
02:20:45.600 | certainly we will do another episode on phototherapy
02:20:48.780 | in these other contexts.
02:20:50.620 | If you're learning from and are enjoying this podcast,
02:20:53.020 | please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
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02:21:37.060 | During today's podcast,
02:21:38.180 | we didn't really talk about supplements,
02:21:39.620 | but we do talk about supplements and their various uses
02:21:42.540 | in many other episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast.
02:21:45.500 | While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,
02:21:47.900 | many people derive tremendous benefit from them.
02:21:50.340 | For that reason, we've partnered with Thorne, T-H-O-R-N-E,
02:21:53.820 | because Thorne supplements are of the very highest quality
02:21:56.480 | and stringency.
02:21:57.860 | If you'd like to see the Thorne supplements that I take,
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02:22:21.200 | It's @hubermanlab on Instagram.
02:22:22.540 | It's also @hubermanlab on Twitter.
02:22:24.600 | And at both places, I provide science
02:22:27.180 | and science-based tools,
02:22:28.140 | some of which overlap with the content of this podcast,
02:22:30.780 | much of which is unique from the content of this podcast.
02:22:33.580 | If you're not already subscribing to our newsletter,
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02:22:37.160 | It's the so-called neural network newsletter.
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02:22:58.300 | I'm also pleased to announce
02:22:59.380 | that we have some live events coming up.
02:23:01.260 | So I will be giving a lecture called the brain body contract
02:23:04.260 | where I'll talk about science and science-based tools,
02:23:06.420 | some of which overlap with the content
02:23:08.060 | of the Huberman Lab podcast,
02:23:09.220 | much of which is unique
02:23:10.300 | and has never been presented publicly before.
02:23:12.940 | The first one is going to be May 17th, 2022
02:23:16.060 | in Seattle, Washington.
02:23:17.300 | The second one is going to be May 18th in Portland, Oregon.
02:23:21.460 | To access tickets, you can go to the link
02:23:23.500 | at
02:23:26.360 | So thank you once again for joining me today
02:23:28.440 | for this deep dive discussion into phototherapies,
02:23:31.640 | meaning the power of light
02:23:32.820 | to modulate our biology and health.
02:23:34.860 | And as always, thank you for your interest in science.
02:23:37.960 | (upbeat music)
02:23:40.540 | (upbeat music)