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MIT AGI: Autonomous Weapons Systems Policy (Richard Moyes)


0:0 Introduction
47:28 Q&A

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Welcome back to 6S099 Artificial General Intelligence
00:00:04.800 | Today we have Richard Moyes
00:00:07.920 | He's the founder and managing director of Article 36
00:00:11.440 | A UK-based not-for-profit organization
00:00:14.800 | Working to prevent the unintended, unnecessary
00:00:18.800 | and unacceptable harm caused by certain weapons
00:00:22.000 | including autonomous weapons and nuclear weapons
00:00:26.080 | He will talk with us today about autonomous weapons systems
00:00:30.000 | in the context of AI safety
00:00:32.640 | This is an extremely important topic for engineers, humanitarians, legal minds,
00:00:39.840 | policy makers and everybody involved in paving the path for a safe, positive
00:00:46.400 | future for AI in our society, which I hope is what this
00:00:51.280 | course is about. Richard flew all the way from the UK to
00:00:55.600 | visit us today in snowy Massachusetts, so please give him a warm welcome
00:01:00.720 | [Applause]
00:01:07.680 | Thanks very much Lex and thank you all for coming out
00:01:11.520 | As Lex said, I work for a not-for-profit organization based in the UK
00:01:15.280 | We specialize in thinking about policy and legal frameworks
00:01:19.360 | around weapon technologies particularly, and generally about how to establish
00:01:23.280 | more constraining policy and legal frameworks
00:01:26.560 | around weapons. I guess I'm mainly going to talk today
00:01:31.760 | about these issues of to what extent we should enable
00:01:35.920 | machines to kill people, to make decisions to kill people
00:01:41.120 | It's I think a conceptually very interesting topic, quite challenging in
00:01:44.400 | lots of ways. There's lots of unstable terminology
00:01:47.760 | and lots of sort of blurry boundaries. My own background, as I said, we work on
00:01:55.440 | weapons policy issues and I've worked on the development of two legal
00:01:59.200 | international legal treaties prohibiting certain types of weapons. I worked on the
00:02:03.440 | development of a 2008 convention on cluster munitions which
00:02:06.960 | prohibits cluster bombs and worked on our organization pioneered
00:02:11.920 | the idea of a treaty prohibition on nuclear weapons which was agreed last
00:02:15.760 | year in the UN and we're part of the steering group of
00:02:19.360 | ICANN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons which
00:02:22.000 | won the Nobel Peace Prize last year so that was a good year
00:02:25.440 | for us. The issue of autonomous weapons, killer robots, which I'm going to talk
00:02:30.480 | about today. We're also part of an NGO, non-governmental
00:02:33.840 | organization coalition on this issue called the Campaign to Stop Killer
00:02:37.440 | Robots. It's a good name, however I think when we get into some
00:02:42.160 | of the details of the issue we'll find that perhaps the
00:02:46.080 | snappiness of the name in a way masks some of the
00:02:50.560 | complexity that lies underneath this. But this is a live issue in
00:02:56.320 | international policy and legal discussions. At the
00:02:58.880 | United Nations for the last several years, three or four
00:03:02.720 | years now, there have been groups of governments
00:03:05.920 | coming together to discuss autonomous weapons and whether or not there
00:03:09.280 | should be some new legal instrument that tackles
00:03:13.520 | this issue. So it's a live political issue that is being debated in
00:03:18.960 | policy legal circles and really my comments today are going to be speaking
00:03:24.080 | to that context. I guess I'm going to try and
00:03:27.200 | give a sort of bit of a briefing about what the issues are in this
00:03:31.520 | international debate, how different actors are
00:03:33.920 | orientating to these issues, some of the conceptual models that we
00:03:38.480 | use in that. So I'm not really going to give you a
00:03:41.280 | particular sales pitch as to what you should think about this issue, though
00:03:44.960 | my own biases are probably going to be fairly evident
00:03:48.320 | during the process. But really to try and lay out a bit of a sense of how these
00:03:52.800 | questions are debated in the international political
00:03:56.160 | scene and maybe in a way that's useful for reflecting on
00:04:00.240 | sort of wider questions of how AI technologies
00:04:04.000 | might be orientated to an approach by policy makers and the legal
00:04:09.360 | framework. So in terms of the structure of my
00:04:12.960 | comments, I'm going to talk a bit about some of the pros and cons that are put
00:04:16.000 | forward around autonomous weapons or movements
00:04:19.440 | towards greater autonomy in weapon systems. I'm going to talk a bit more
00:04:23.520 | about the political legal framework within which these
00:04:26.800 | discussions are taking place and then I'm going to try to sort of lay
00:04:30.480 | out some of the models, the conceptual models that we
00:04:32.960 | as an organization have developed and are sort of using
00:04:36.320 | in relation to these issues and perhaps to reflect a bit on where I see the
00:04:40.880 | the political conversation, the legal conversation on this going at an
00:04:43.760 | international level. And maybe just finally to
00:04:48.720 | try to reflect on or just draw out some more general
00:04:51.920 | thoughts that I think occur to me about what some of this says about
00:04:56.880 | thinking about AI functions in different social
00:05:00.640 | social roles. But before getting into that sort of
00:05:07.120 | pros and cons type stuff, I just wanted to
00:05:10.400 | start by suggesting a bit of a sort of conceptual
00:05:14.080 | timeline because
00:05:16.880 | one of the things, this could be the present,
00:05:23.040 | one of the things you find when we start, when you say to somebody well we work on
00:05:28.880 | this issue of autonomous weapons, they tend to orientate to it in in two
00:05:33.120 | fairly distinct ways. Some people will say oh you mean
00:05:37.920 | armed drones and you know we know what armed drones
00:05:40.960 | are, they're being used in the world today and that's kind of an
00:05:45.600 | issue here in the in the present, right? Armed drones.
00:05:51.520 | But other people, most of the media and certainly
00:05:55.360 | pretty much every media photo editor thinks you're talking about the
00:06:00.480 | Terminator over here, yeah,
00:06:04.960 | maybe a bit of Skynet thrown in. So this is a sort of advanced futuristic
00:06:12.960 | sci-fi orientation to the issues. My thinking about this, I come from a
00:06:18.320 | background of working on the impact of weapons in the
00:06:21.440 | present. I'm less concerned about this
00:06:26.560 | area. My thinking and my anxieties or my concerns around this issue don't
00:06:31.760 | come from this area. I do this line a bit wiggly here because I also don't
00:06:35.920 | want to suggest there's any kind of, you know, teleological certainty going on
00:06:40.960 | here, this is just an imaginary timeline. But I think it's important just in terms
00:06:46.960 | of situating where I'm coming from in the debate that
00:06:49.760 | I'm definitely not starting at that end. And yet in the political discussion
00:06:54.160 | amongst governments and states, well you have people coming in at all
00:06:57.360 | sorts of different positions along here, imagining
00:07:01.440 | that autonomous weapons may exist at, you know, somewhere along this sort of
00:07:05.040 | spectrum. So I'm going to think more about stuff
00:07:08.640 | that's going on around here and how some of our
00:07:12.000 | conceptual models really build around some of this thinking, not so much
00:07:15.760 | actually armed drones but some other systems.
00:07:18.960 | But my background before I started working on
00:07:23.200 | policy and law around weapons was
00:07:27.520 | setting up and managing landmine clearance operations overseas.
00:07:31.040 | And well they've been around for quite a long time, landmines.
00:07:38.720 | And I think it's interesting just to start with, just to reflect on
00:07:44.400 | the basic anti-personnel landmine. It's simple
00:07:48.000 | but it gives us I think some sort of useful entry points into
00:07:51.200 | thinking about what an autonomous weapon system might be
00:07:54.880 | in its most simple form. If we think about a landmine,
00:07:58.560 | well essentially we have a person,
00:08:05.120 | and there's an input into the landmine, and there's a function that goes on here.
00:08:11.840 | Pressure is greater than x. Person, they tread on the landmine,
00:08:15.680 | there's a basic mechanical algorithm goes on, and you get an output,
00:08:21.360 | an explosion that goes back against the person who trod on the
00:08:28.400 | landmine. So it's a fairly simple system of a
00:08:31.680 | signal, a sensor, taking a signal from the outside world. The landmine is
00:08:36.000 | viewing the outside world through its sensor, it's a basic pressure plate,
00:08:40.160 | and according to a certain calculus here, you get an output
00:08:44.160 | and it's directed back at this person, and it's a loop. And that's one of the
00:08:47.680 | things that I think is fundamental essentially to understanding the
00:08:51.040 | idea of autonomous weapons, and in a way this is where the autonomy comes in.
00:08:54.560 | That there's no other person intervening in this process at any
00:08:58.160 | point, there's just a sort of straightforward relationship
00:09:01.600 | from the person or object that has initiated the system back into
00:09:08.160 | the effects that are being
00:09:10.960 | applied. So in some ways we'll come back to this later and think about how
00:09:16.240 | some of the basic building blocks of this may be there in our thinking about
00:09:20.480 | other weapon systems and weapon technologies as they're
00:09:23.440 | developing. And maybe thinking about landmines and thinking about these
00:09:28.320 | the processes of technological change, we see a number of different
00:09:32.880 | dynamics at play in this sort of imaginary timeline.
00:09:36.800 | Anti-personnel landmines of course are static, they just sit in the ground where
00:09:40.800 | you've left them, but we get more and more mobility perhaps
00:09:44.400 | as we go through this system, certainly drones and other systems that I'll talk
00:09:48.320 | about, you start to see more mobility in the
00:09:50.720 | in the weapon system. Perhaps greater sophistication of
00:09:56.480 | sensors, I mean a basic pressure plate, just gauging weight, that's a very simple
00:10:04.240 | sensor structure for interrogating the world.
00:10:07.280 | We have much more sophisticated sensor systems in weapons
00:10:11.200 | now, so we have weapon systems now that are looking at radar signatures, they're
00:10:14.720 | looking at the heat shapes of objects and we'll come
00:10:18.000 | back and talk about that, but more sophistication of sensors and more
00:10:21.440 | sophistication of the computer algorithms that are
00:10:26.160 | basically interrogating those sensor inputs.
00:10:31.120 | Perhaps a little bit as well of a movement
00:10:34.720 | in this sort of trajectory from physically very unified
00:10:38.480 | objects, I always sort of wrestle slightly whether this is the word I want,
00:10:42.160 | but it's a sort of self-contained entity, the landmine,
00:10:45.680 | whereas as we move in this direction maybe we see
00:10:48.640 | more dispersal of functions through different systems and I think
00:10:51.920 | that's another dynamic that when we think about
00:10:54.400 | the development of autonomy and weapon systems, it might not
00:10:57.840 | all live in one place physically moving around in one place, it can be
00:11:02.720 | an array of different systems functioning in different places.
00:11:07.760 | And perhaps for people with a sort of AI type of mindset,
00:11:11.360 | maybe there's some sort of movement from more specific
00:11:14.640 | types of AI functioning here, use of different specific AI functions here,
00:11:19.280 | to something more general going in this direction. I'm wary of
00:11:23.440 | necessarily buying straightforward into that, but maybe you could see some
00:11:26.400 | movement in that sort of direction. So I just want to sort of put this
00:11:31.040 | to one side for now, but we'll come back to it and think about some systems that
00:11:34.240 | are existing here that I think sort of raise
00:11:37.680 | issues for us and around which we could expand some
00:11:40.240 | some models. But I just want us to have this in mind when thinking about this,
00:11:43.280 | that we're not necessarily, we're definitely not for me thinking
00:11:46.400 | about humanoid robots walking around fighting like a soldier, rather we're
00:11:51.840 | thinking about developments and trajectories we can see
00:11:54.960 | coming out of established military systems now.
00:12:00.160 | So I was going to talk now a bit about the
00:12:03.920 | political and the legal context. Obviously
00:12:08.320 | there's a lot of complexity in the world of politics and legal structures, so I
00:12:11.920 | don't want to get too bogged down in it, but I think in
00:12:14.640 | terms of understanding the basics of this debate on the
00:12:18.640 | international landscape, we have to have a bit of background in that
00:12:21.360 | area. Essentially there's I think three main types of international
00:12:27.440 | law that we're concerned with here, and again
00:12:30.320 | concerned with international law rather than domestic legislation which
00:12:33.840 | any individual state can put in place whatever domestic legislation they want.
00:12:37.840 | We're looking at the international legal landscape.
00:12:41.040 | Basically you have international human rights law which
00:12:44.080 | applies in pretty much all circumstances and it involves the right to life and
00:12:48.560 | the right to dignity and various other legal protections for people.
00:12:54.240 | And then particularly prominent in this debate if you have what's called
00:12:57.360 | international humanitarian law which is the rules that govern behaviour during
00:13:02.480 | armed conflict and provide obligations on
00:13:04.960 | militaries engaged in armed conflict for how they have to conduct themselves.
00:13:09.040 | This isn't the legal framework that decides whether it's okay to have a war
00:13:12.560 | or not, this is a legal framework that once
00:13:15.360 | you have in the war this is the obligations that you've got to
00:13:18.880 | you've got to follow. And it basically includes rules that say
00:13:21.920 | you're not allowed to directly kill civilians, you've got to
00:13:25.360 | aim your military efforts at the forces of the enemy, at enemy
00:13:29.200 | combatants. You're not allowed to kill civilians
00:13:32.480 | directly or deliberately, but you are allowed to kill some civilians as long
00:13:35.920 | as you don't kill too many of them for the military
00:13:39.200 | advantage that you're trying to achieve. So there's a sort of balancing acts
00:13:42.960 | like this, this is called proportionality. Nobody ever really knows where the
00:13:47.440 | balance lies but it's a sort of principle of
00:13:50.880 | the law that whilst you can kill civilians you
00:13:53.840 | mustn't kill an excessive number of civilians.
00:13:58.160 | These are general rules, these apply pretty much to all states
00:14:01.280 | in armed conflict situations. And then you have treaties on specific
00:14:05.920 | weapon, specific weapon types and this is
00:14:09.360 | really where you have weapons that are considered to be particularly
00:14:12.400 | problematic in some way and it's decided a group of states decides
00:14:16.320 | to develop and put in place agree a treaty that
00:14:20.080 | that applies specifically to those to those weapons.
00:14:24.080 | I think it's important to recognize that
00:14:27.680 | these legal treaties are all developed and agreed by states,
00:14:32.480 | they're agreed by international governments talking together,
00:14:36.320 | negotiating what they think the law should say and they generally only bind
00:14:40.720 | on states if they choose to adopt that legal instrument. So
00:14:46.240 | I guess what I'm emphasizing there is a sense that
00:14:49.760 | these are sort of social products in a way, they're political products.
00:14:53.200 | It isn't a sort of magical law that's come down from on high perfectly written
00:14:57.040 | to match the needs of humanity. It's a
00:15:00.720 | negotiated outcome developed by a complicated set of
00:15:05.040 | actors who may or may not agree with each other on
00:15:07.360 | all sorts of things. And what that means is there's quite a
00:15:10.320 | lot of wiggle room in these legal frameworks and quite a lot of
00:15:12.960 | uncertainty within them. Lawyers of international humanitarian law will
00:15:17.280 | tell you that's not true but that's because they're particularly
00:15:21.040 | keen on that legal framework but in reality there's a lot of
00:15:24.080 | a lot of fuzziness to what some of the legal provisions, what some of the legal
00:15:27.520 | provisions say. And it also means that the extent to
00:15:31.040 | which this law binds on people and bears on people
00:15:33.840 | is also requires some social enactment. There's not a sort of world
00:15:37.840 | police who can follow up on all of these
00:15:41.200 | legal frameworks. It requires a sort of social function from states and from
00:15:45.440 | other actors to keep articulating their sense of the
00:15:48.880 | importance of these legal rules and keep trying to put pressure on other actors
00:15:52.000 | to accord with them. So the issue of
00:15:55.120 | autonomous weapons is in discussion at the United Nations
00:15:59.520 | under a framework called the UN Convention on Conventional Weapons.
00:16:03.040 | And this is a body that has the capacity to agree
00:16:06.320 | new protocols, new treaties essentially on specific weapon
00:16:09.840 | systems. And that means that diplomats from lots of countries, diplomats from
00:16:14.320 | the US, from the UK, from Russia and Brazil and
00:16:18.320 | China and other countries of the world will be
00:16:21.600 | sitting around in a conference room putting forward their perspectives on
00:16:25.040 | this issue and trying to find common ground or
00:16:28.480 | trying not to find common ground just depending on what
00:16:31.120 | sort of outcome they're working towards. So you know the UN isn't a
00:16:35.120 | completely separate entity of its own. It's just the
00:16:38.320 | community of states in the world sitting together talking about
00:16:42.320 | talking about things. So main focus of concern in those
00:16:47.760 | discussions when it comes to autonomy is not some sort of generalized
00:16:53.280 | autonomy or not autonomy of all of its forms that may
00:16:56.480 | be pertinent in the military space. It's rather much more these
00:17:00.320 | questions of how the targets of an attack
00:17:03.600 | are selected, identified, decided upon and how is a decision to apply force to
00:17:09.520 | those targets made. And it's really these are sort of
00:17:13.280 | the critical functions of weapon systems where the movement towards greater
00:17:17.200 | autonomy is considered a source of anxiety essentially that we
00:17:21.360 | may see machines making decisions on what is a target for
00:17:25.360 | an attack and choosing when and where force is
00:17:29.040 | applied to that specific target.
00:17:33.440 | So obviously in this context not everybody's like-minded on this.
00:17:40.720 | There are potential advantages to increasing
00:17:43.760 | autonomy in weapon systems and there's potential disadvantages and
00:17:49.200 | problems associated with it. And within the you know within this
00:17:52.960 | international discussion we see different perspectives laid out
00:17:56.400 | and some states of course will be able to see some advantages and some
00:17:59.680 | disadvantages. It's not a black and white sort of
00:18:02.720 | discussion. In terms of the possible advantages for autonomy,
00:18:07.040 | I mean one of the key ones ultimately is framed in terms of military advantage
00:18:12.160 | that we want to have more autonomy in weapon systems because it will
00:18:16.320 | maintain or give us military advantage over possible
00:18:19.840 | adversaries because in the end military stuff is about winning
00:18:23.120 | wars right so you want to maintain military advantage.
00:18:26.480 | And military advantage, number of factors really within that,
00:18:31.520 | speed is one of them, speed of decision making.
00:18:35.600 | Can computerized autonomous systems make decisions about where to apply force
00:18:39.920 | faster than a human would be capable of doing and therefore
00:18:43.920 | this is advantageous for us.
00:18:48.160 | Also speed allows for coordination of numbers so
00:18:51.440 | if you want to have swarms of systems, you know swarms of small drones or
00:18:58.000 | some such, you need quite a lot of probably
00:19:00.800 | autonomy and decision making and communication between those systems
00:19:03.680 | because again the level of complexity and the
00:19:06.240 | speed involved is greater than a human would be able to
00:19:09.040 | sort of manually engineer. So speed both in terms of
00:19:14.000 | responding to external effects but also perhaps coordinating your own forces.
00:19:18.640 | Reach, potential for autonomous systems to be able to operate in
00:19:24.400 | communication denied environments where if you're relying on an electronic
00:19:29.040 | communications link to say a current armed drone, maybe in a future
00:19:33.120 | battle space where the enemy is denying communications in some
00:19:36.480 | way, you could use an autonomous system to
00:19:39.280 | still fulfill a mission without needing to rely on that
00:19:42.720 | communications infrastructure. General force multiplication,
00:19:47.440 | there's a bit of a sense that there's going to be more and more teaming of
00:19:49.840 | machines with humans, so machines operating alongside
00:19:53.600 | humans in the battle space.
00:19:56.720 | And then there's importantly as it's presented at least, a sense that these
00:20:00.400 | are systems which could allow you to reduce the risk to your own
00:20:03.200 | forces. That maybe if we can put some sort of autonomous robotic system
00:20:07.680 | at work in a specific environment then we don't need to put one of our own
00:20:11.040 | soldiers in that position and as a result we're
00:20:13.520 | less likely to have casualties coming home which of course
00:20:16.000 | politically is problematic for maintaining any sort of
00:20:19.840 | conflict posture. Set against all that stuff, there's a
00:20:25.440 | sense that I think most fundamentally there's
00:20:28.240 | perhaps a moral hazard that we come across at some point that there's
00:20:32.880 | some sort of boundary where
00:20:37.200 | seeing or conceptualizing a situation where
00:20:40.320 | machines are deciding who to kill in a certain context
00:20:44.400 | is just somehow wrong and well that's not a very easy argument to
00:20:49.680 | just start you know articulate in a sort of
00:20:52.400 | rationalized sense but there's some sort of moral
00:20:55.840 | revulsion that perhaps comes about at this sense that machines are now
00:21:00.320 | deciding who should be killed in a particular environment.
00:21:05.760 | There's a set of legal concerns. Can these systems be used in accordance with
00:21:10.800 | the existing legal obligations? I'm going to come on a little bit later
00:21:15.440 | to our orientation and the legal side which is
00:21:18.800 | also about how they may stretch the fabric of the law and the structure of
00:21:22.080 | the law as we see it. There's some concerns in this
00:21:25.680 | sort of legal arguments for me that we sometimes slip
00:21:30.640 | into a language of talking about machines making legal
00:21:34.240 | decisions. Will a machine be able to apply the rule of proportionality
00:21:38.960 | properly? There's dangers in that. I know what it means
00:21:43.280 | but at the same time the law is addressed to humans, the law isn't
00:21:47.280 | addressed to machines so it's humans who have the
00:21:49.920 | obligation to enact the legal obligation. A machine
00:21:54.320 | may do a function that is sort of analogous to that legal decision
00:21:58.320 | but ultimately to my mind it's still a human who has to
00:22:01.680 | be making the legal determination based on some prediction of what that machine
00:22:05.920 | will do and I think this is a very dangerous
00:22:07.760 | slippage because even senior legal academics can slip into
00:22:12.800 | this mindset which is a little bit like
00:22:15.200 | handing over the legal framework to machines before you've even
00:22:18.640 | got on to arguing about what we should or shouldn't have. So
00:22:22.240 | we need to be careful in that area and it's a little bit to do with
00:22:25.360 | for me continuing to treat these technologies as machines rather than
00:22:28.800 | into treating them as agents in some way of a sort of equal
00:22:32.720 | or equivalent or similar moral standing to
00:22:35.920 | to humans. And then we have a whole set of wider
00:22:39.600 | concerns that are raised. So we've got moral anxieties, legal concerns
00:22:43.920 | and then a set of other concerns around risks
00:22:46.960 | that could be unpredictable risks. There's a sort of normal accidents
00:22:51.360 | theory, maybe you've come across that stuff, there's a bit of that sort of
00:22:54.080 | language in the debate about complicated systems and not being able to
00:22:58.960 | not be able to avoid accidents in some respects.
00:23:04.240 | Some anxieties about maybe this will reduce the
00:23:07.360 | barriers to engaging in military action, maybe being able to use autonomous
00:23:11.360 | weapons will make it easier to go to war and some anxieties about sort of
00:23:15.920 | international security and balance of power and arms races and the like.
00:23:21.280 | These are all significant concerns. I don't tend to
00:23:25.280 | think much in this area, partly because they involve quite a lot of speculation
00:23:28.800 | about what may or may not be in the future
00:23:30.960 | and they're quite difficult to populate with sort of more grounded
00:23:35.120 | arguments I find. But that doesn't mean that they
00:23:37.760 | aren't significant in themselves but I find them
00:23:40.560 | less straightforward as an entry point. So in all of these different issues
00:23:46.400 | there's lots of unstable terminology, lots of arguments coming in different
00:23:49.600 | directions and our job as an NGO in a way is we're
00:23:53.920 | trying to find ways of building a constructive
00:23:56.400 | conversation in this environment which can move towards states adopting
00:24:00.320 | a more constraining orientation to this movement towards autonomy.
00:24:05.760 | And the main tool we've used to work towards that so far has been
00:24:11.920 | to perhaps stop focusing on the technology per se and the idea of what
00:24:17.520 | is autonomy and how much autonomy is a problem and to bring the focus back
00:24:21.840 | a bit onto what is the human element that we want to preserve in all of this
00:24:25.680 | because it seems like most of the anxieties that
00:24:29.120 | come from a sense of a problem with autonomous weapons
00:24:32.880 | are about some sort of absence of a human element that we want to preserve.
00:24:37.040 | But unless we can in some way define what this human element is that we want
00:24:40.160 | to preserve I'm not sure we can expect to define its
00:24:43.600 | absence very straightforwardly. So I kind of feel like we want to pull the
00:24:46.880 | discussion onto a focus on the human element.
00:24:51.760 | And the tool we've used for this so far has been
00:24:55.440 | basically a terminology about the need for meaningful human control
00:24:59.200 | and this is just a form of words that we've
00:25:02.400 | sort of introduced into the debate and we've promoted it
00:25:05.680 | in discussions with diplomats and with different actors and we've built up the
00:25:08.960 | idea of this terminology as being a sort of tool, it's a bit
00:25:12.960 | like a meme right, you create the terms and then you use
00:25:17.360 | that to sort of structure the discussion in a
00:25:19.680 | productive way. One of the reasons I like it is it
00:25:24.080 | works partly because the word meaningful doesn't
00:25:26.880 | mean anything particular or at least it means
00:25:30.240 | whatever you might want it to mean and I find
00:25:34.160 | an enjoyable sort of tension in that but the term meaningful human
00:25:38.000 | control has been quite well picked up in the literature on this issue and in
00:25:41.920 | the diplomatic discourse and it's helping to structure us
00:25:45.200 | towards what we think are the key questions.
00:25:50.160 | Basic arguments for the idea of meaningful human control from my
00:25:53.920 | perspective are quite simple and we tended to use
00:25:57.440 | basically a sort of absurdist sort of logic if there is such a thing.
00:26:04.640 | First of all really to recognize that no governments are in favor of an
00:26:09.680 | autonomous weapon system that has no human control whatsoever
00:26:13.440 | right, nobody is arguing that it would be a good
00:26:16.160 | idea for us to have some sort of autonomous
00:26:19.600 | weapon that just flies around the world deciding to kill people, we don't know
00:26:23.920 | who it's going to kill or why, it doesn't have to report back to us but
00:26:27.360 | you know we're in favor, nobody is in favor of this right, this is obviously
00:26:31.200 | ridiculous so there needs to be some form of human control
00:26:34.720 | because we can rule out that sort of you know ridiculous extension of the
00:26:39.680 | argument and on the other hand if you just have a
00:26:43.520 | person in a dark room with a red light that
00:26:47.360 | comes on every now and again and they don't know anything else about
00:26:49.920 | what's going on but they're the human who's controlling this autonomous
00:26:53.200 | weapon and when the red light comes on they push the fire button to launch a
00:26:57.680 | rocket or something, we know that that isn't sufficient human
00:27:01.600 | control either right, there's a person doing something, there's a person engaged
00:27:05.200 | in the process but clearly it's just some sort of
00:27:08.480 | mechanistic pro forma human engagement so between these two
00:27:13.040 | kind of ridiculous extremes I think we get the idea that there's
00:27:17.760 | there's some sort of fuzzy line that must exist in there
00:27:23.360 | somewhere and that everybody can in some way agree to the idea that such a
00:27:27.440 | line should exist, so the question then for us is how to
00:27:32.160 | move the conversation in the international community towards a
00:27:35.680 | productive sort of discussion of where the parameters of this line might be
00:27:40.960 | conceptualized.
00:27:43.760 | So that's brought us on to thinking about a more substantive set of
00:27:48.640 | questions about what are the key elements of
00:27:50.480 | meaningful human control and we've laid out some basic elements
00:27:56.000 | so I might get rid of that fuzzy line because it's a bit useless anyway isn't
00:27:58.400 | it and then I can put my key elements on
00:28:01.440 | Well one of them is predictable,
00:28:06.560 | reliable,
00:28:11.840 | transparent
00:28:15.440 | technology.
00:28:19.760 | This is kind of before you get into exactly what the system's going to do,
00:28:26.480 | we want the technology itself to be sort of well made
00:28:30.160 | and it's you know it's going to basically do what it says it's
00:28:33.840 | going to do whatever that is and we want to be able to understand it to some
00:28:37.840 | extent. Obviously this becomes a bit of a
00:28:39.840 | challenge in some of the AI type functions where you start to
00:28:43.200 | have machine learning issues and like these issues of
00:28:46.160 | transparency perhaps they start to come up a little bit
00:28:48.720 | a little bit there but these are kind of issues in the design and the
00:28:51.600 | development of systems. Another thing we want to have is
00:28:57.440 | and I think this is a key one, is accurate information
00:29:03.520 | and it's accurate information on the intent of the commander
00:29:14.480 | or the outcome, what's the outcome we're trying to achieve,
00:29:19.840 | how does the technology work,
00:29:24.240 | and what's the context.
00:29:33.440 | Third one, there's only four so it won't take long, third one is
00:29:42.960 | timely intervention,
00:29:47.920 | human intervention I should be.
00:29:53.040 | It'd be good if we could turn it off at some point if it's going to be a very
00:29:57.120 | long acting system, it'd be good if we could turn it off
00:30:00.240 | maybe. And the fourth one is just a sort of framework of accountability.
00:30:06.160 | So we're thinking that basic elements of
00:30:13.360 | human control can be broken down into these areas.
00:30:16.720 | Some of them are about the technology itself,
00:30:19.840 | how it's designed and made, how do you verify and validate
00:30:22.960 | that it's going to do what the manufacturers have said it's going to do,
00:30:26.960 | can you understand it. This one I think is the key one
00:30:31.280 | in terms of thinking about the issue and this is what I'm going to talk about a
00:30:34.240 | bit more now, but accurate information on what's the
00:30:37.680 | commander's intent, what do you want to achieve
00:30:39.920 | in the use of this system, what effects is it going to have.
00:30:44.880 | I mean this makes a big difference how it works, these factors here involve
00:30:48.720 | what are the target profiles that it's going to use, where is our landmine. On
00:30:52.640 | the landmine of course it was just pressure,
00:30:55.040 | pressure is being taken as a, pressure on the ground is being taken as a proxy
00:30:59.680 | for a military target for a human who we're going to assume is a military
00:31:03.280 | target, but in these systems we're going to have
00:31:06.320 | different target profiles, different heat shapes, different
00:31:09.440 | patterns of data that the system is going to operate on the basis of.
00:31:14.320 | What sort of actual weapon is it going to use to apply force, it makes a
00:31:16.960 | difference if it's going to just fire a bullet from a gun or if it's
00:31:20.000 | going to drop a 2,000 pound bomb, I mean that has a
00:31:23.840 | different effect and the way in which you envisage
00:31:27.120 | and sort of control for those effects is going to be
00:31:29.440 | different in those different cases. And finally very importantly these
00:31:34.480 | issues of context, information on the context in which the system will
00:31:38.320 | will operate.
00:31:40.960 | Context of course includes are there going to be civilians present in the
00:31:45.920 | area, can you assess are there going to be other objects in
00:31:48.880 | the area that may present a similar pattern to the proxy
00:31:52.720 | data, you know if you're using a heat shape of a vehicle engine,
00:31:56.640 | it might be aimed at a tank but if there's an ambulance in the same
00:32:00.160 | location, is an ambulance's vehicle engine heat
00:32:04.080 | shape sufficiently similar to the tank to cause
00:32:07.600 | some confusion between the two, so sets of information like that.
00:32:13.600 | And context of course varies in different, you know obviously varies in
00:32:16.720 | different environments but I think we can see different domains in this area
00:32:19.200 | as well which is significant, that operating in the water or in the
00:32:23.280 | ocean you've probably got a less cluttered
00:32:25.440 | environment, a less complex environment than if you're operating in an urban
00:32:28.640 | in an urban area, so that's another factor that needs to be taken into
00:32:32.400 | into account in this. So I just wanted to talk a little bit about
00:32:38.400 | some existing systems perhaps and think about them in the context of
00:32:43.040 | this, these sort of set of issues here.
00:32:48.160 | One system that you may
00:32:54.080 | may be aware of is, it's on a boat.
00:33:03.840 | Okay so something like the Phalanx
00:33:12.560 | anti-missile system, it's on a boat but there's various anti-missile systems, I
00:33:15.920 | mean it doesn't, the details don't matter in this context. These are systems
00:33:20.800 | that a human turns it on, so a human is
00:33:25.200 | choosing when to turn it on and a human turns it off
00:33:28.560 | again, but when it's operating it's, the radar is basically scanning an area of
00:33:34.080 | an area of sky up here and it's looking for fast-moving incoming
00:33:41.120 | objects because basically it's designed to automatically shoot down
00:33:44.640 | incoming missiles or rockets. So thinking about these characteristics,
00:33:51.680 | you know what the outcome you want is, you want your boat not to get blown up
00:33:54.720 | by an incoming missile and you want to shoot down any
00:33:58.480 | incoming missiles. You know how the technology works
00:34:01.680 | because you know that it's basically using radar to
00:34:04.400 | see incoming fast-moving signatures and you have a pretty good idea of the
00:34:10.720 | context because the skies are fairly uncluttered comparatively and
00:34:16.800 | you'd like to think that any fast-moving incoming objects towards you here
00:34:20.480 | are probably going to be incoming missiles.
00:34:24.480 | Not guaranteed to be the case, one of these systems shot down an Iranian
00:34:28.400 | passenger airliner but by accident, which is obviously a significant accident.
00:34:34.080 | But basically you have a sense of, you know,
00:34:38.000 | the fact that the data that you're using tracks pretty well to the target
00:34:41.120 | objects, if not absolutely precisely. You've got a relatively controllable
00:34:45.760 | environment in terms of the sky and you've got a
00:34:49.040 | human being. This system isn't really mobile, I mean
00:34:51.920 | it's kind of mobile in so far as the boat can move around but
00:34:54.960 | the person who's operating it is, you know,
00:34:58.480 | they're mobile in the same place so it's
00:35:01.680 | relatively static. So I think looking at that you could
00:35:06.640 | suggest that there's still a reasonable amount of human control over this system
00:35:10.480 | because when we look at it in terms of a number
00:35:12.800 | of the functions here, we can understand how that
00:35:17.120 | system is being managed in a human controlled way and although
00:35:20.400 | there's still a degree of autonomy or at least it's sort of
00:35:23.440 | highly automated in the way that it actually identifies the targets and moves
00:35:27.360 | the gun and shoots down the incoming object.
00:35:29.760 | The basic framework is one in which I feel like, and I mean it's not for me to
00:35:33.920 | say, but I feel like still a reasonable amount of human
00:35:37.360 | control is being applied. Okay, another sort of system.
00:35:42.480 | I've got to draw some tanks or something now.
00:35:46.320 | Let's see what...
00:35:48.880 | Okay, well I'm just going to draw them like that because otherwise it'll take
00:35:53.600 | too long.
00:35:56.800 | Okay, these are tanks, armored fighting vehicles. Ignore the
00:36:00.720 | graphic design skills. There are sensor fused weapon systems
00:36:06.480 | where a commander at a significant distance
00:36:09.600 | can't necessarily see the location of the of the tanks
00:36:13.840 | but they know that there's some enemy tanks in this area
00:36:16.880 | over here. And maybe they have some sense of what this
00:36:22.960 | area is. They're not in the middle of a town,
00:36:25.040 | they're out in the open. So they have an understanding of the context but maybe
00:36:28.080 | not a detailed understanding of the context.
00:36:30.640 | So the weapon system is going to fire multiple warheads
00:36:34.480 | into this target area. The commander has decided upon the
00:36:38.400 | target of the attack, this group of tanks here.
00:36:43.040 | But as the warheads approach the target area, the warheads are going to
00:36:45.920 | communicate amongst themselves and they're going to allocate
00:36:49.200 | themselves to the specific objects.
00:36:54.640 | And they're going to detect the heat shape of the vehicle's engines.
00:36:58.560 | They're going to match that with some profile that says this is a
00:37:01.920 | enemy armored fighting vehicle as far as we're concerned.
00:37:05.520 | And then they're going to apply force downwards from the air
00:37:09.680 | using a bit of explosive engineering shaped charge which focuses a blast of
00:37:13.760 | blast of explosive, basically a jet of explosives,
00:37:17.760 | downwards onto the specific targets.
00:37:23.520 | Okay, so in this situation, well, has the weapon system chosen
00:37:30.880 | the target? Well, it's a bit ambiguous because
00:37:34.000 | as long as we conceptualize the group of tanks as the target, then
00:37:38.240 | a human has chosen the target and the weapon system has essentially just
00:37:42.720 | been efficient in its distribution of force to the target objects.
00:37:47.200 | But if we see the individual vehicles as individual targets, maybe
00:37:51.280 | the weapon system has chosen the targets.
00:37:54.880 | Potentially some advantages of autonomy in this
00:37:58.400 | situation from my perspective. This kind of
00:38:03.040 | ability to focus a jet of explosive force directly on the object that you're
00:38:07.920 | looking to strike, so long as you've got the right object, this is much better
00:38:11.200 | than setting off lots of artillery shells in
00:38:13.840 | this area which would have a much greater
00:38:15.680 | explosive force effect on the surrounding area, probably put a wider
00:38:19.120 | population at risk. So there's a sort of set of considerations
00:38:24.640 | here that I think are significant. So we have these systems,
00:38:27.920 | you know, these systems exist today. You could ask questions about
00:38:32.800 | whether those heat-shaped profiles of those objects
00:38:35.920 | sufficiently tightly tied to enemy fighting vehicles or whatever, but
00:38:39.760 | I think it can be conceptualized reasonably straightforwardly in those
00:38:42.960 | terms. But the area where I start to have a
00:38:47.840 | problem with this stuff is in the potential for this
00:38:53.120 | circle or this pattern just to get bigger and
00:38:56.560 | bigger essentially, because it's all reasonably straightforward when you put
00:39:00.720 | the tanks reasonably close together and you can
00:39:02.880 | envisage having one sort of information about this area
00:39:07.680 | which allows you to make the legal determinations that you need to make.
00:39:11.040 | But once these tanks get spread out over a much larger area and you have a weapon
00:39:14.560 | system that using basically the same sorts of
00:39:18.080 | technological approach is able to cover a substantially wider
00:39:22.560 | area of enemy terrain over a longer period of time,
00:39:25.680 | then it suddenly gets much more difficult for the military commander
00:39:29.520 | to have any really detailed information about the
00:39:32.560 | context in which force will actually be applied. And for me this is I think the
00:39:36.960 | main point of anxiety or point of concern that I
00:39:39.600 | have in the way in which autonomy and weapon systems is
00:39:42.240 | likely to develop over the immediate future.
00:39:46.080 | Because under the legal framework a military commander has an obligation
00:39:50.320 | to apply certain rules in an attack and an attack
00:39:54.560 | is not precisely defined but it needs to have some I think some
00:40:00.320 | spatial and conceptual boundaries to it that allow a sufficient granularity of
00:40:05.280 | legal application. Because if you treat this as an attack
00:40:09.760 | I think that's fine. As you expand it out, so you've got vehicles
00:40:13.040 | across a whole wide area of a country, say across the country as a whole using
00:40:17.440 | the same sort of extension logic as in some previous
00:40:21.280 | arguments, once you've got vehicles across the whole
00:40:24.560 | country and you're saying in this attack I'm going to just target the vehicles of
00:40:27.520 | the enemy and you send out your warheads across
00:40:30.800 | the whole location, now I don't think that's going to
00:40:33.200 | happen in the immediate term but I'm just using that as a sort of conceptual
00:40:38.160 | challenge. You start to have applications of actual physical force in all sorts of
00:40:42.160 | locations where a commander really can't assess in any realistic way
00:40:46.480 | what the actual effects of that are going to be and I
00:40:49.040 | think at that point you can no longer say that there is sufficient
00:40:53.040 | human control being applied. So this capacity of AI enabled systems
00:41:00.320 | or AI driven systems to expand attacks across a much wider
00:41:04.960 | geographical area and potentially over a longer period of
00:41:08.080 | time I think is a significant challenge to how the legal framework is
00:41:12.160 | is understood at present, not one that relies upon
00:41:15.520 | determinations about whether this weapon system will apply the rules
00:41:19.280 | properly or not but rather one which involves
00:41:24.240 | the frequency and the proximity of human decision making
00:41:27.760 | to be sort of diluted progressively over
00:41:30.720 | time. So that's a significant area of concern for me.
00:41:35.920 | Final sort of set of concerns in these areas is around these issues about
00:41:40.240 | encoding of targets. I think we could say pretty clearly that
00:41:44.480 | weight is a very meagre basis for evaluating whether something is a
00:41:51.680 | valid military target or not. The significant problems with
00:41:56.320 | suggesting that we could just take the weight of
00:41:58.640 | something as being sufficient for us to decide
00:42:01.120 | is this a target or not. In any of these processes
00:42:05.920 | we have to decide that certain patterns of data represent
00:42:10.640 | military objects of some type and of course
00:42:14.640 | in a way I think what we sort of see in the sort of proponents of greater and
00:42:17.840 | greater autonomy and weapon systems is a sense that well as we expand the
00:42:21.840 | scope of this attack we just need to have a more sophisticated
00:42:25.040 | system that's undertaking the attack that can
00:42:27.680 | take on more of the evaluation and more of this
00:42:32.000 | process of basically mapping a coding of the world
00:42:35.520 | into a set of decisions about the application of force.
00:42:39.120 | But overall yeah I'm skeptical about the way in which
00:42:44.960 | our social systems are likely to go about mapping
00:42:48.560 | people's indicators of identities into some sort of fixed sense of military
00:42:53.920 | objects or military targets. As a society over you know the last
00:42:59.040 | hundred years there's been plenty of times where we've
00:43:01.760 | applied certain labels to certain types of people, certain groups
00:43:06.160 | of people, based on various indicators which
00:43:10.880 | apparently seemed reasonable to some significant section of society at the
00:43:15.440 | time but that ultimately I think we've
00:43:17.760 | subsequently thought were highly problematic. And so I think we need to be
00:43:21.680 | very wary of any sort of ideas of thinking that we can
00:43:25.520 | encode in terms of humans particularly, very concrete indicators that certain
00:43:30.720 | groups of people should be considered valid targets or not. Just going to say a
00:43:36.000 | couple of final things about
00:43:41.040 | future discussions in the CCW. The chair of the group of governmental experts
00:43:45.840 | that's the body that's going to discuss autonomous weapons
00:43:49.040 | has asked states for the next meeting which will take place in April to come
00:43:52.160 | prepared with ideas about the touch points of human
00:43:56.240 | machine interaction. This is a sort of code for
00:44:01.280 | what are the ways in which we can control technology.
00:44:04.400 | So I suppose from our context as an organization
00:44:08.400 | we'll be looking to get states to start to try and lay out this kind of
00:44:12.000 | framework as being the basis for their perception of the ways in which the
00:44:15.600 | entry points to control of technology could be thought about.
00:44:19.520 | Again it's really a question of structuring the debate. We won't get into
00:44:23.440 | detail across all of this but I think it's plausible that
00:44:26.800 | this year and next we'll start to see the debate falling into some
00:44:31.040 | adoption of this kind of framework which I think will give us some tools to work
00:44:34.960 | with. I think at least if we start to get some
00:44:37.520 | agreement from a significant body of states that
00:44:40.560 | these are the sort of entry points we should be thinking about in terms of
00:44:43.360 | control of technology. It will give us a bit of
00:44:46.960 | leverage for a start towards suggesting an
00:44:49.680 | overarching obligation that there should be some sort of
00:44:52.000 | meaningful or sufficient human control but also in a way of thinking about that
00:44:56.320 | and interrogating that as new technologies develop in the future
00:44:59.680 | that we can leverage in some ways. I feel reasonably confident about
00:45:05.040 | that but it's a difficult political environment
00:45:07.680 | and you know it's quite possible that I don't see any rush amongst states to
00:45:11.920 | move towards any legal controls in this area. Just as a
00:45:16.240 | few very final thoughts which may be a bit
00:45:19.200 | more abstract in my thinking on this. I feel like and this sort of
00:45:24.080 | reflecting on maybe some dynamics of AI functioning. My anxiety
00:45:28.560 | here about the expansion of the concept of attacks and in the same in
00:45:32.880 | in conjunction with that a sort of breaking down of the granularity of the
00:45:36.960 | legal framework. I think this is another a sort of
00:45:40.880 | generalizing function again and it's a movement away
00:45:44.160 | from more specific legal application by humans
00:45:46.880 | to perhaps pushing humans people towards a more general
00:45:53.680 | legal orientation. I feel like in the context of
00:45:57.040 | conflict we should be pushing for a more specific and more
00:46:00.880 | focused and more regular application of human judgments and
00:46:06.640 | moral agency. That isn't to say that I think
00:46:09.520 | humans are perfect in any way. There's lots of problems with humans
00:46:13.680 | but at the same time I think that we should be very wary of thinking that
00:46:17.200 | violence is something that can be somehow perfected and that we can encode
00:46:21.920 | how to conduct violence in some machinery that will then
00:46:26.640 | provide an adequate social product for society as a whole.
00:46:31.520 | I guess there's a very final thought a bit linked to that is
00:46:34.960 | there's some questions in my mind about how this all relates to bureaucracy in a
00:46:38.000 | way and a sense that some of the functions that we're seeing
00:46:40.640 | here and some of the AI functions that we see here are
00:46:43.600 | in many ways related I think to bureaucracy to the
00:46:47.760 | encoding and categorization of data in certain ways
00:46:50.960 | and just a very fast management of that bureaucracy
00:46:55.600 | which is really an extension of the bureaucracies that we already have
00:46:59.360 | and I think extending that too far into the world of
00:47:03.280 | violence and the application of force to people will
00:47:06.320 | precipitate painful effects for us as a society and as it brings to the
00:47:10.560 | fore I think some of the underpinning
00:47:13.200 | sort of rationales of that bureaucratic framework.
00:47:16.880 | So there we go it's a bit of a broad brush sketch.
00:47:23.040 | So this question is kind of a little bit multifaceted but
00:47:35.680 | as humans evolve and adapt to increasingly autonomous weapons
00:47:39.360 | the complexity and sophistication could increase with expansion of targets and
00:47:43.520 | types and target area. Do you think there's like a
00:47:46.720 | limit to which we can repair against such an
00:47:50.000 | evolution and do you think that bureaucracy can keep up with
00:47:54.880 | how fast the autonomy of these weapons could develop over time?
00:48:00.560 | Yeah I'm not sure I caught all the first bits of the question but there's
00:48:03.600 | definitely it's definitely a challenge that the
00:48:06.720 | types of legal discussions at the UN Convention on Conventional Weapons
00:48:10.240 | they're not famous for going too quickly.
00:48:13.840 | In fact they're incredibly slow and in that framework every state essentially
00:48:19.040 | has a veto over everything so even over the agenda of the
00:48:23.040 | next meeting if you know if the US wants to block the
00:48:26.400 | agenda they can block the agenda let alone block
00:48:29.040 | the outcome that might come if you could agree an agenda.
00:48:32.800 | So every state has an ability to keep things moving very slowly there
00:48:36.800 | and that's definitely a challenge in a context where
00:48:40.080 | pace of technological development moves pretty quickly.
00:48:43.440 | The only thing I would say which I forgot to mention before in terms of
00:48:46.720 | thinking about the dynamics in this debate is that it's not straightforwardly
00:48:50.640 | a situation where militaries really want loads more
00:48:54.480 | autonomous weapons and other people don't.
00:48:57.600 | I mean military commanders also like control and they
00:49:00.640 | they like troops on the ground like control and they like
00:49:03.600 | trust and confidence in the systems that they're operating around.
00:49:06.720 | They don't want to get blown up by their own equipment and
00:49:10.240 | military commanders like control and like to know what's happening so
00:49:13.920 | there are some constraints within the military structures as well
00:49:17.760 | to the overall sort of development here. I guess from our side in terms of this
00:49:22.080 | sort of how to constrain against this expansion of attacks and the expansion
00:49:26.400 | of sort of objects that may be attacked by
00:49:30.480 | autonomous systems. In a way that's where I feel like
00:49:32.640 | developing the idea that there's a principle of human control that needs to
00:49:36.080 | be applied even if it's a bit fuzzy in its
00:49:39.040 | boundaries we can use that and interrogate it as a social process
00:49:43.040 | to try and keep constraint going back towards the specific because
00:49:48.160 | in the end like I said earlier these legal structures are sort of social
00:49:52.000 | processes as well and it's not very easy it's not something where you can just
00:49:55.440 | straightforwardly draw a line and then no new technologies will come along that
00:49:59.200 | challenge your expectations right. Rather we need to find the sort of camp
00:50:03.760 | on the international legal political landscape. We need to
00:50:07.520 | sketch out the parameters of that camp in legal terms
00:50:11.120 | and then we need people to turn up at those meetings and continuously
00:50:15.120 | complain about things and put pressure on things because that's the only way
00:50:18.400 | over time where you maintain that sort of interrogation of
00:50:21.200 | future technologies as they come out of the pipeline or
00:50:25.040 | or whatever. So it's a sort of social function I think. Yeah
00:50:28.240 | that answered my question is like the balance between like how fast science
00:50:32.160 | would be like advancing in this field versus
00:50:34.640 | like how fast the bureaucracy can move to keep up. Yeah I don't think it can just
00:50:37.600 | be resolved I think it's an ongoing it's got to be an ongoing
00:50:40.080 | social political process in a way. Thank you.
00:50:45.280 | So given that this course is on AGI and we'll likely see a wide variety of
00:50:51.280 | different kinds of autonomous systems in the future
00:50:54.240 | can you give us perhaps some sort of extrapolation from this domain
00:50:58.160 | to a broader set of potentially risky behaviors that
00:51:02.480 | more autonomous and more intelligent systems would do and ways that
00:51:06.480 | you know the creators of such systems such as potentially the folks sitting in
00:51:10.080 | this room can change what they're doing to make
00:51:12.480 | those safer. Yeah I mean I think
00:51:17.600 | useful to think about in some ways these ideas
00:51:21.280 | of from the present from where we are now how can
00:51:24.880 | people involved in developing different technologies new technological
00:51:28.400 | capacities just be thinking of the potential outcomes in this sort of
00:51:33.760 | weaponization area and building in some orientation to their
00:51:36.880 | work that thinks about that and thinks about what
00:51:40.000 | the potential consequences of work can be. I mean I think in some ways
00:51:44.560 | the risky outcomes type thinking I mean again it gets you
00:51:49.120 | into hypothetical arguments but the the idea of two sides
00:51:53.840 | both with substantial autonomous weapon system capabilities is probably
00:51:58.640 | the sort of area where these ideas of accidental escalations
00:52:03.840 | come to the fore that if you've got two adversarially orientated
00:52:09.840 | states with substantial autonomous systems then
00:52:14.160 | there's a potential for interactions to occur between those systems that
00:52:18.320 | rapidly escalate a violent situation in a way that
00:52:21.840 | greater capacity for human engagement would
00:52:25.120 | allow you to to curtail it and to stall it and I think I mean I know in
00:52:30.960 | other areas of you know of algorithm functioning in
00:52:35.040 | society we've seen aspects of that right and it's sort of
00:52:37.680 | probably in the financial sector and other such locations so
00:52:42.880 | so I think yeah those areas those ideas of sort of rapidly escalating
00:52:46.800 | cascading risks is a concern in that area but
00:52:52.080 | again based on hypothetical thinking about you know stuff.
00:52:56.560 | Last question. All right what do you think of this
00:53:00.480 | criteria? So we have this tank example on the right.
00:53:04.720 | Our simulations, our ability to simulate things is getting better and better.
00:53:09.840 | What if we showed a simulation of what would happen to a person that has the
00:53:15.760 | ability to hit the go button on it and if the simulation does not have
00:53:20.080 | enough fidelity we consider that a no-go. We cannot do that or if the
00:53:26.960 | simulation shows it does have enough fidelity and it shows
00:53:30.960 | a bad outcome then maybe that would be a criteria in which
00:53:37.440 | to judge this circumstance on the right and that could also let us
00:53:43.680 | as that circle gets bigger and bigger it can let us kind of
00:53:48.560 | put a it could let us cap that by saying hey if we don't if we do not have
00:53:55.360 | enough information to make this simulation to even show the
00:53:59.680 | person then it's a no-go. Yeah yeah I think
00:54:05.360 | in a way this is an issue of modeling right based on
00:54:08.480 | contextual information that you that you have so
00:54:13.120 | maybe with technological developments you have a better capacity for modeling
00:54:16.960 | specific situations. I suppose the challenge is how do you
00:54:22.480 | in a sort of timely manner especially in a conflict environment where
00:54:26.240 | tempo is significant can you can you put the data that you have into a
00:54:31.840 | some sort of modeling system adequately but
00:54:36.480 | I don't see any problem with the idea of using
00:54:39.920 | AI to model the outcomes of specific attacks
00:54:43.120 | and to you know give you readouts on what the likely effects are going to be.
00:54:47.920 | I guess the challenge is that what counts as an adequate effect
00:54:51.360 | and where the boundary lines of sufficient information and insufficient
00:54:54.800 | information fall they're kind of open questions as well
00:54:58.480 | right and you know militaries tend to like to
00:55:01.440 | leave some openness on those those points as well but
00:55:05.840 | but I think there can be definitely a role for modeling in
00:55:09.120 | better understanding what what effects are going to be.
00:55:12.640 | Great let's give Richard a big hand. Thank you very much.
00:55:33.840 | [Code Red Defense]
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