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How Do I Make the Most of Daily Bible Reading?


0:0 Intro
0:50 Bible Reading Tricks
3:55 Bible Reading Tips
6:10 Bible Reading Program

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | [Music]
00:00:04.380 | We stand on the doorstep of a new year and with a new year, new resolves and with new
00:00:08.920 | resolves and new determination to read the entire Bible for ourselves.
00:00:13.200 | And knowing this is on the minds of many listeners this time of year, we enter 2019 with a series
00:00:18.020 | of episodes to address your questions about daily Bible reading.
00:00:21.480 | And here is the first one from a listener named Dave.
00:00:23.600 | "Hello Pastor John, and thank you for this podcast.
00:00:26.400 | My question is about Bible reading plans.
00:00:28.800 | Some plans are familiar, plans to read the entire Bible canonically or just the Old Testament
00:00:32.960 | or just the New Testament, and then chronological reading plans, and then two or three year
00:00:37.800 | reading plans as well.
00:00:39.400 | My question is what Bible reading plan do you recommend a first timer to use when he
00:00:43.860 | has never read the Bible entirely before?
00:00:47.200 | And can you offer some tricks to keep in mind on first read?"
00:00:51.560 | Before I actually make a concrete, specific recommendation about a Bible reading plan,
00:00:56.560 | which I will do, let me make six or so observations that might fit into the category that Dave
00:01:06.320 | asked when he says, "Any tricks to keep in mind."
00:01:09.920 | I'm not just thinking he asked about, "Give me a program," but rather, "Any tricks to
00:01:14.320 | be in mind?"
00:01:15.640 | So here's what I think he might be getting at and what I would offer in that category.
00:01:22.580 | Number one, what I would recommend for Bible reading through the Bible is it's going to
00:01:28.400 | depend on at least five things that I don't know about Dave.
00:01:34.320 | In other words, I'm qualifying my recommendation because I don't know him.
00:01:38.960 | How disciplined is he?
00:01:41.140 | How much time does he have available?
00:01:44.740 | What skill does he have in reading?
00:01:47.080 | What speed and comprehension?
00:01:48.760 | How familiar is he with all the parts of the Bible, even those maybe even he hasn't read
00:01:54.560 | at all?
00:01:55.680 | What level of curiosity does he have that might drive him to slow down and figure things
00:02:01.520 | out that are puzzling to him?
00:02:03.040 | So taking all those into account, I will recommend a Bible reading program, but I just want him
00:02:10.640 | and others to know people are really different.
00:02:14.840 | And our capacities for reading and comprehending and speed and our life situation.
00:02:22.160 | So what I recommend may not fit everybody, but I'll make a recommendation anyway.
00:02:28.720 | So that's my first thing I wanted to say about when you're thinking about tricks, know yourself
00:02:33.480 | well.
00:02:34.480 | Number two, be sure to belong to a good Bible reading church, Bible preaching church, and
00:02:42.040 | Bible reading church.
00:02:43.840 | If you possibly can.
00:02:45.440 | Few things are more helpful in grasping the totality of Scripture than a steady week in,
00:02:52.520 | week out, month in, month out, year in, year out, decade in, decade out, feeding on the
00:02:58.680 | preached Word of God.
00:03:01.200 | Oh, so important.
00:03:03.880 | If your pastor doesn't preach Bible texts and explain to you what they mean, please
00:03:11.840 | try to find another church, because the decades of your life will be gloriously transformed
00:03:21.520 | if you sit under the preaching of the Word like that for a long, long time.
00:03:26.840 | Number three, get into a group, a small group of people where you expect each other to be
00:03:33.360 | reading your Bible and taking or talking to each other about what you've seen there.
00:03:41.880 | Number four, pray earnestly over your Bible reading before you read, while you're reading,
00:03:48.880 | after you read, that God would show you what's really there and make it real for you.
00:03:55.720 | Five, set aside a place and a time where you're going to read your Bible every day.
00:04:02.160 | If you don't have a set place and a set time, Satan will almost certainly, along with your
00:04:09.080 | own flesh, more easily push your Bible reading right out of your schedule and out of your
00:04:15.960 | space.
00:04:17.680 | And number six, reading through the Bible in a year involves about four or five chapters
00:04:24.120 | a day.
00:04:25.520 | If you think you have to remember all you read while you're reading those four or five
00:04:32.120 | chapters, this will feel absolutely overwhelming and pointless.
00:04:36.080 | So I want to encourage you, when you think you have forgotten 95% of what you just read,
00:04:46.120 | that's true in the short run.
00:04:48.720 | God's Word nevertheless is lodging itself in your mind and your heart in ways you cannot
00:04:56.800 | comprehend.
00:04:58.240 | The so-called forgotten language, the forgotten paragraphs, the forgotten words, the forgotten
00:05:04.880 | stories, the forgotten points are becoming a repository from which the Holy Spirit can
00:05:13.040 | draw out things you do not even know are there.
00:05:19.120 | So when you walk away from your Bible reading in the morning, don't fret that you can't
00:05:25.960 | recite an outline of every paragraph you read.
00:05:29.960 | You won't be able to, unless you're a genius with a photographic memory.
00:05:34.120 | Instead, take one crisp, clear sentence with you, something encouraging, something motivating,
00:05:43.480 | something strengthening, something guiding.
00:05:46.760 | Write it down on a little piece of paper, stick it in your pocket, stick it in your
00:05:49.280 | purse, whatever.
00:05:50.920 | Say it to yourself over and over again during the day.
00:05:54.760 | Those same sentences, accumulated, 365 of them, an amazing power and stockpile of truth
00:06:03.320 | over time.
00:06:04.440 | So now here's my recommendation for the Bible reading program that he asked for.
00:06:10.000 | And I'm going to recommend the one that I use because that's why I use it.
00:06:12.960 | I love it.
00:06:13.960 | I think it's valuable.
00:06:14.960 | It's called the Discipleship Journal Reading Plan.
00:06:18.640 | Just Google it, you'll find it.
00:06:20.560 | Or Google best Bible reading programs through the year, it'll be one of them.
00:06:24.600 | It's called the Discipleship Journal Reading Plan.
00:06:27.240 | It has two unique features that make me love it.
00:06:30.680 | One is that every day you're reading in four different places in the Bible, which means
00:06:35.780 | that if one of them leaves you scratching your head, another one might be perfectly
00:06:42.280 | exactly what you need for the day.
00:06:45.440 | And the other unique feature is that you only are required to read 25 days out of the month,
00:06:51.800 | not 30 or 31.
00:06:53.720 | The main reason is because all of us know people tend to fall behind in their reading.
00:06:59.680 | And if you fall behind and there are no catch-up days, then in February, you're 10 chapters
00:07:04.680 | behind and you give up.
00:07:06.760 | But if you have five days at the end of every month for catch-up, you tend to take heart
00:07:12.040 | and keep going.
00:07:13.440 | Or if you're quite a disciplined reader and you never fall behind, you have this glorious
00:07:18.080 | five-day moment when you can memorize.
00:07:20.560 | This is what I do with them anyway.
00:07:23.000 | I pick a Psalm.
00:07:24.000 | I'm working through Psalm 25, Psalm 103.
00:07:27.000 | I re-memorize Romans 8.
00:07:28.840 | I re-memorize Philippians.
00:07:30.480 | This is what I do with my five days at the end of the month.
00:07:34.080 | So this morning I was reading in Gospel of John, Book of Revelation, Job, and Amos.
00:07:41.480 | No, that was yesterday.
00:07:42.480 | This morning I was in Jonah.
00:07:46.200 | And even though I can't remember the details of what I read in all three passages, what
00:07:54.360 | I saw in John 17 and what I saw in Jonah at the end, shouldn't I pity this city, 120,000
00:08:03.000 | people don't know their right hand from their left.
00:08:04.720 | I remember that.
00:08:05.720 | I remember that, but I don't remember what I saw in Job.
00:08:09.520 | What was that in Job?
00:08:10.520 | What was Elihu saying?
00:08:11.520 | I can't remember what Elihu was saying.
00:08:14.600 | But okay, I forgot Job, but I remembered a sentence that I need about being merciful
00:08:21.480 | to people who don't know their right hand from their left.
00:08:23.600 | So you get the idea.
00:08:25.160 | I love the Scriptures.
00:08:26.800 | I love to encourage people to read the whole Bible, because if we leave out big parts of
00:08:33.440 | the Bible, we probably won't know God the way we should.
00:08:38.120 | Amen.
00:08:39.120 | The entire book is important to our spiritual lives.
00:08:41.720 | Thank you for speaking these words and for not only speaking these words, but modeling
00:08:45.520 | a love for the Bible for so many decades, Pastor John.
00:08:47.960 | Thank you.
00:08:48.960 | And speaking of years, in six years, we have generated about 1,300 total episodes.
00:08:54.620 | Thank you for your interest and for your questions over those six years.
00:08:58.400 | You can search all those episodes, read full transcripts, and send us your own question
00:09:02.080 | as well at our online home at
00:09:07.580 | We are going to ring in the new year next time, talking about Bible reading again, specifically
00:09:12.640 | the desire, the act, and the reward of daily Bible reading.
00:09:16.540 | Some motive questions are on the table next.
00:09:18.800 | That's on Wednesday when we return.
00:09:20.640 | Until then, I'm your host Tony Reinke.
00:09:21.640 | We'll see you then.
00:09:21.640 | We'll see you then.
00:09:22.720 | [BLANK_AUDIO]