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Should Creators Get Paid for AI Training Data?

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00:00:00.000 | Adam Schiff yesterday proposed a bill called the Generative AI Copyright Disclosure Act
00:00:04.560 | in response to, I think, over 100 musicians signing a letter saying they're concerned
00:00:10.480 | that their copyrighted works are being used to train AI models.
00:00:14.040 | Look, I think there's three potential outcomes here.
00:00:16.480 | Outcome number one is that the courts decide that this is fair use and these AI companies
00:00:20.760 | aren't in violation of rights.
00:00:22.720 | Outcome number two is that the courts throw a big wrench into it or a bill like Schiff's
00:00:27.880 | bill throws a big wrench into it.
00:00:29.480 | I think what happens then is new AI companies have a really hard time accumulating training
00:00:34.440 | data.
00:00:35.440 | Now you've created a real moat and barrier to entry, and it's going to be a big problem,
00:00:38.760 | I think, for the open source movement.
00:00:40.240 | Outcome number three is you create some sort of rights clearinghouse, kind of like exists
00:00:45.720 | in the recording industry.
00:00:47.400 | That would be the compromise, in which case the incumbents probably like that because,
00:00:51.400 | again, they want there to be a barrier to entry.
00:00:54.000 | I don't know which one of the three it's going to be, but those are the three potential outcomes