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00:00:00.000 | Holiday shopping is so stressful.
00:00:03.280 | It doesn't have to be.
00:00:04.440 | Blendjet is the perfect gift for everyone on your list.
00:00:07.560 | Blendjet?
00:00:08.280 | It's the portable blender that lets you make smoothies and shakes anywhere.
00:00:11.960 | That sounds amazing.
00:00:13.400 | But what about the price?
00:00:14.840 | That's the best part.
00:00:16.040 | Blendjet's Black Friday sale is going on right now.
00:00:18.720 | It's their lowest price ever.
00:00:20.680 | I'm sold.
00:00:21.600 | Where do I get it?
00:00:22.680 | Just go to
00:00:24.760 | But you've got to hurry.
00:00:25.880 | The sale won't last forever.
00:00:27.600 |
00:00:30.240 | Today on Radical Personal Finance, it's live Q&A.
00:00:33.240 | Welcome to Radical Personal Finance, a show dedicated to providing you with the knowledge,
00:00:52.440 | skills, insight, and encouragement you need to live a rich and meaningful life now,
00:00:56.680 | while building a plan for financial freedom in 10 years or less.
00:01:00.040 | My name is Joshua, I am your host, and today we do live Q&A.
00:01:03.600 | And in general, these shows are supposed to be scheduled for Friday, but...
00:01:06.960 | Wait about 10 seconds for the music to catch up,
00:01:09.480 | and I'll have a special announcement of how you can join me next week.
00:01:12.520 | I have restricted these shows to patrons of the show.
00:01:24.600 | That helps me to meter the calls that come in just a little bit.
00:01:27.640 | So I open these Friday Q&A shows up to everybody who supports the show
00:01:30.920 | at
00:01:33.320 | But obviously, as I have been traveling,
00:01:35.000 | one of the challenges has been figuring out how to record these shows,
00:01:37.160 | and that is entirely my fault.
00:01:38.720 | I have done my best, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to keep to a strict weekly show.
00:01:42.880 | Sorry, a strict weekly schedule.
00:01:44.720 | And so this coming week, which will be the week of...
00:01:48.640 | December 17th?
00:01:49.880 | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, each day this coming week,
00:01:54.160 | I will be releasing a live Q&A show.
00:01:57.520 | So I'm going to give you instructions on how you can join that show.
00:02:00.600 | Let me rephrase that.
00:02:01.480 | I'm going to be recording a live Q&A show.
00:02:03.440 | I will not necessarily release them five in a row.
00:02:05.600 | I have a number of other shows that I want to get to next week,
00:02:08.040 | but I will be recording them live each day,
00:02:10.520 | and then we'll be releasing them over the next couple of weeks.
00:02:12.880 | So if you would like to join for a Friday Q&A show,
00:02:16.760 | and if you are not a patron of the show,
00:02:19.480 | this will be your opportunity to join me for a total of potentially five shows.
00:02:23.800 | So here are the instructions.
00:02:25.160 | Each day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,
00:02:27.920 | starting on the 17th, December 17th,
00:02:31.960 | you can join me at noon Eastern time at 561-440-7362.
00:02:38.120 | That's what you need.
00:02:38.680 | Call in at 12 noon Eastern time at 561-440-7362.
00:02:44.600 | Each day from December 17th through whatever that Friday is,
00:02:47.960 | I would say, I guess the December 22nd.
00:02:49.720 | 561-440-7362.
00:02:52.400 | That will be your best chance if you'd like to join me for a Q&A show.
00:02:55.320 | And then in the future, then this will, of course,
00:02:57.280 | revert back to patrons only as all of the callers on today's show are.
00:03:01.240 | So I'd love for you to join me for that special series of Q&A shows.
00:03:03.440 | You can call up and talk to me about anything that you would like,
00:03:06.200 | any question, any comment, anything related to current topics on the show.
00:03:10.440 | Feel free to join in and call in for those series of shows,
00:03:13.960 | and your question will be released on the show.
00:03:16.480 | We begin with Anne in Maryland.
00:03:17.680 | Anne, welcome to the show.
00:03:18.480 | How can I serve you today?
00:03:21.400 | Thank you, Joshua.
00:03:22.560 | I really enjoyed your asset protection for the immortals series.
00:03:28.400 | And I also want to say that I bought both of your courses for credit card
00:03:33.640 | and then for career income.
00:03:36.440 | And I really like them.
00:03:37.720 | And so I just want to pass three ideas for the courses.
00:03:41.240 | I think if you had a course on asset protection with a little bit more
00:03:45.200 | detail of maybe with links to different states, maybe with some ideas.
00:03:49.080 | It doesn't need to be extensive, but some people who can click on the links
00:03:52.680 | and go and find the information.
00:03:54.880 | And then maybe also an insurance course.
00:03:57.240 | I personally have a question about that today.
00:04:01.560 | But I am sure there are many people who have no idea about life and disability
00:04:05.920 | insurances and introduction to basics and where to start and dig deeper
00:04:11.960 | would be great.
00:04:12.640 | And on trust, I hear you talk a lot about trust.
00:04:16.160 | I know about their existence, but I wouldn't know where to start with those.
00:04:20.960 | So these are just ideas to add to, I'm sure, your very long list of ideas
00:04:25.440 | for courses for you.
00:04:27.760 | So I have two questions, actually two topics and quite quick questions on each.
00:04:34.200 | So the first topic is on asset protection.
00:04:38.000 | And I have three questions.
00:04:39.440 | And I can repeat them if you forget which one.
00:04:42.840 | So it so happens that I and my husband move quite frequently
00:04:49.600 | compared to the majority of people.
00:04:51.520 | So I keep an eye on the state and different states.
00:04:53.920 | Sometimes we have a choice of a state.
00:04:55.560 | Sometimes we don't.
00:04:56.800 | But what I would like to confirm with you first
00:04:58.800 | is whether in general, if you move from one state to another,
00:05:04.400 | you're essentially starting over with the asset protection plan
00:05:08.400 | unless that the new state is very similar to the previous one
00:05:15.640 | in terms of asset protection rules.
00:05:18.080 | Is that your understanding?
00:05:19.880 | Yeah, in a way.
00:05:20.880 | And so that's a difficult question because it would involve
00:05:24.440 | a number of different factors.
00:05:26.040 | And if your estate and your affairs are very significant,
00:05:32.440 | that would be one where you would want to get specific legal counsel.
00:05:36.040 | I'll give you what my understanding is
00:05:37.600 | of kind of the broad picture.
00:05:39.000 | But that's one where you would want to get specific legal counsel
00:05:42.320 | as it relates to your state because there are a couple
00:05:46.120 | of important issues involved.
00:05:48.240 | Just to be clear, I'm not a lawyer.
00:05:50.480 | I'm very interested in law.
00:05:52.120 | But I do not consider myself a lawyer.
00:05:54.120 | I just consider myself a little bit more
00:05:55.800 | capable than most people of reading books by lawyers
00:05:58.640 | and then interpreting them into a little bit more
00:06:01.080 | of a practical situation.
00:06:02.360 | But I get stuff wrong.
00:06:03.280 | And so if I bungle the stuff in today's show,
00:06:06.080 | then go and speak to a lawyer.
00:06:08.680 | So the first thing that you want to be clear on
00:06:10.640 | is what is your domicile?
00:06:12.520 | What is the state where you are domiciled?
00:06:15.200 | And depending on how your affairs are set up
00:06:17.720 | and what your actual moves look like, then you
00:06:23.320 | have to figure out how the law will apply to your situation.
00:06:26.800 | Now, often when this type of planning comes in,
00:06:30.920 | you look at where your assets are located.
00:06:33.640 | So the best example, down here in Florida,
00:06:35.520 | we have a lot of people from the Northeast
00:06:37.880 | who moved down and retired down here.
00:06:39.920 | So from New York, New Jersey, all
00:06:42.080 | of the Northeastern states.
00:06:44.160 | But frequently what people will do
00:06:46.000 | is they will retain some of their property in the Northeast.
00:06:49.440 | And they'll also start to acquire property in Florida.
00:06:53.120 | Now, one of the big benefits of Florida
00:06:54.720 | is, of course, the lack of a state income tax.
00:06:56.800 | And so many people want to change their residence
00:06:59.360 | to Florida, but they don't want to get rid of their estate
00:07:01.880 | in New York.
00:07:02.520 | They want to keep their nice house in Connecticut or New
00:07:06.280 | York.
00:07:06.840 | They want to keep their affairs there,
00:07:08.360 | but they also want to switch their state down to Florida
00:07:10.960 | so they can escape the state income tax.
00:07:13.720 | In addition, when planning for estate taxes--
00:07:16.440 | and this has really minimized a lot in the last few years--
00:07:19.480 | what most people don't recognize is how burdensome estate taxes
00:07:23.560 | used to be.
00:07:24.060 | It used to be that if you had an estate as small as several
00:07:27.680 | hundreds of thousands of dollars at one point,
00:07:30.000 | then anything above-- any value of property
00:07:33.280 | that you owned above those several hundreds of thousands
00:07:35.660 | of dollars was subject to an estate tax rate of perhaps 50%
00:07:39.160 | of the assets.
00:07:40.160 | And so that brought many, many thousands--
00:07:42.560 | hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people--
00:07:45.000 | in under the purview of estate tax planning.
00:07:47.400 | And that was a real challenge for people
00:07:49.200 | because they weren't used to thinking about it.
00:07:51.880 | Whereas now, with a $5.5 million estate tax exemption
00:07:55.320 | amount for any individual, $11 million for married couples,
00:07:59.720 | there's a much smaller percentage
00:08:01.120 | of the population that has to think about estate taxes.
00:08:04.000 | So the reason I say that is if you can imagine for a moment
00:08:07.920 | when you had a house in New York state and a house in Florida
00:08:11.960 | and then some additional business
00:08:13.880 | interests, some additional investments,
00:08:16.320 | you would find yourself with a very mixed up situation.
00:08:20.400 | And you would probably find yourself paying estate taxes
00:08:23.160 | in the state of New York and then also in Florida.
00:08:25.720 | And if you can imagine you had $10 million of assets
00:08:28.920 | and you had even a $1 million exemption amount,
00:08:32.120 | the estate taxes on those $9 million
00:08:33.640 | were very significant, even the state level estate taxes.
00:08:38.840 | So one of your biggest issues is how
00:08:40.800 | do you establish your domicile?
00:08:42.220 | How do you move your domicile?
00:08:43.880 | And you may still be taxed on the value of the estate
00:08:46.800 | in New York.
00:08:50.440 | But if you can keep your New York estate subject solely
00:08:54.160 | down to the amount of property that you own in New York
00:08:56.840 | and the rest of your estate can be moved to Florida,
00:08:59.040 | then that's going to be successful.
00:09:00.480 | But now we have to ask the question,
00:09:01.940 | how do you establish domicile in a state?
00:09:04.280 | And here, every state is different
00:09:06.040 | in terms of what they allow and what they don't allow.
00:09:08.360 | So the worst state, from my understanding,
00:09:10.160 | is the state of California.
00:09:11.560 | If you spend almost any time in the state of California,
00:09:14.520 | the state of California wants to get their claws into you,
00:09:16.980 | their taxing claws with income taxes
00:09:19.160 | and then whatever other taxes are applicable to you.
00:09:21.840 | And so you can't just-- if you live in California
00:09:24.120 | and you want to say, I'm going to move to Nevada,
00:09:26.160 | you can't just move and buy a house in Nevada
00:09:28.680 | and think that that fixes everything.
00:09:30.160 | You have to systematically cut off
00:09:33.040 | all or most of your ties from California
00:09:39.480 | and move those ties over to the state of Nevada.
00:09:42.920 | So one of the most valuable things
00:09:45.480 | that you can do in your analysis is look at your assets
00:09:48.640 | and try to think about where those assets are located.
00:09:51.400 | And each state you move to, you'll
00:09:53.120 | need to figure out if you should move assets
00:09:55.520 | or if you shouldn't and what your actual situation is.
00:09:58.360 | Now, it may be possible for you to establish
00:10:00.840 | your domicile in one place and to keep
00:10:03.560 | that domicile in that one place, even if you're not specifically
00:10:07.720 | living there all the time.
00:10:09.200 | If your travel and your movement is more short-term in basis,
00:10:13.560 | perhaps you're just moving for a short-term contract,
00:10:16.960 | six months here, six months there.
00:10:18.720 | In that case, I think you can make a very good case
00:10:20.840 | that you can just simply set up your domicile
00:10:23.200 | in one specific place and then make sure
00:10:25.640 | that you adjust your lifestyle in a way that remains clearly
00:10:30.280 | your domicile.
00:10:31.320 | So for example, if I ever had to do anything
00:10:34.000 | in the state of California, I would work very diligently
00:10:37.280 | to completely stay out of the state
00:10:40.320 | and keep everything possible out of the state.
00:10:43.000 | So I would make sure--
00:10:45.160 | and just to be clear, this is a little bit of a muddled area
00:10:48.680 | because it's not just one factor.
00:10:50.600 | You can't have a Nevada driver's license
00:10:54.160 | and register to vote in Nevada, but then
00:10:56.400 | have California bank accounts, a California house that you own.
00:11:00.120 | All your vehicles are registered in California.
00:11:02.560 | Your banking statements go to California.
00:11:05.480 | You go to doctor's appointments in California.
00:11:07.400 | You go to church in California.
00:11:08.800 | You can't say, OK, well, then I'm not a California resident.
00:11:13.040 | You would clearly lose that case.
00:11:14.400 | You are, in that case, a California resident.
00:11:16.880 | But if you have all of your affairs established
00:11:20.480 | in one particular place, you have a house in Nevada--
00:11:24.800 | and I'm just using that because it's the most--
00:11:26.800 | California is the strongest in terms
00:11:30.320 | of their pursuit of taxation.
00:11:31.920 | And you have the very clear line between California and Nevada
00:11:35.240 | in terms of a very clear difference of legal system.
00:11:38.600 | So if you have a house in Nevada,
00:11:41.220 | if you have a driver's license in Nevada,
00:11:43.240 | if you register to vote in Nevada,
00:11:45.040 | if all your vehicles are registered in Nevada,
00:11:47.600 | if all of your banking records are sent to your billing
00:11:50.880 | addresses in Nevada, if all of your bank accounts
00:11:53.720 | are with Nevada banks, if you go to visit doctors and dentists
00:11:58.040 | and to professional business organizations in Nevada,
00:12:01.400 | if you volunteer locally in Nevada,
00:12:04.000 | if you're part of a church in Nevada,
00:12:05.520 | if you go to your country club in Nevada,
00:12:09.280 | if everything you do is in Nevada,
00:12:12.080 | but then on occasion you travel to California,
00:12:16.280 | then California cannot make the claim
00:12:19.400 | that all of your assets are subject to their tax system.
00:12:25.040 | Now, they can make the claim that any income that you earn
00:12:27.560 | in the state of California will be California-sourced income,
00:12:30.640 | and you would owe California income tax on that basis.
00:12:33.800 | Now, back to your situation.
00:12:35.480 | What I would pursue if I were you
00:12:37.080 | is I would look carefully at my affairs,
00:12:39.400 | and I would look to see if I could establish my domicile
00:12:42.600 | in one place in a state that I know,
00:12:45.120 | and then simply treat my moves or my traveling contracts
00:12:51.680 | as temporary contracts.
00:12:53.600 | So the last five months, I've been traveling
00:12:56.680 | around the United States with my family, but I didn't move.
00:13:00.680 | Everything is in Florida, so my Florida will under Florida law
00:13:04.240 | is still in force.
00:13:05.200 | All of my trusts under Florida law are all still in force,
00:13:08.520 | and I intentionally am going to be very careful and clear
00:13:11.520 | about not setting up a domicile or not even giving indication
00:13:15.360 | of moving somewhere outside of Florida
00:13:17.840 | because that would systematically change
00:13:19.560 | everything in my affairs.
00:13:21.360 | So that's my advice to you is look to see if you can do that.
00:13:25.960 | If you can't do that, if you're actually
00:13:28.320 | moving every three years, and if you're not
00:13:31.480 | willing to establish your affairs in one state,
00:13:34.240 | work with a bank in one state, spend your time in one state,
00:13:37.520 | and establish that state as your clear domicile,
00:13:40.200 | and rather you're just going to simply move,
00:13:42.080 | then yes, every three years when you move states,
00:13:44.560 | you would need to take a careful look at what accounts are
00:13:47.200 | protected or not protected.
00:13:49.040 | You would need to update your will
00:13:50.680 | and make sure that if you have anything fancy or special,
00:13:53.480 | you would need to make sure that it's
00:13:55.080 | valid under the laws of that state.
00:13:56.880 | And so in that case, if that's your situation,
00:13:59.920 | your only answer is to simplify your affairs.
00:14:02.960 | So that-- well, not your only answer,
00:14:04.760 | but my recommendation would be to simplify your affairs
00:14:07.560 | and focus on planning that would be applicable in all states.
00:14:10.360 | So for example, in the series that we did,
00:14:12.280 | I made it clear that 401(k) accounts or other qualified
00:14:15.160 | plans are protected from an asset protection
00:14:18.200 | standpoint in every state because that's
00:14:21.000 | governed under federal law.
00:14:22.840 | Now, your IRA depends on state law.
00:14:26.400 | Your life insurance protection depends on state law.
00:14:28.800 | But you would be well-suited to carefully focus
00:14:31.720 | on your planning that would be protected in every state.
00:14:35.520 | And then when we move to things like trusts,
00:14:38.040 | for example, domestic asset protection trusts
00:14:41.560 | are increasing in popularity.
00:14:43.440 | But my understanding of--
00:14:45.840 | for clear, asset protections trust
00:14:47.560 | that's built and governed under the law of several United
00:14:51.040 | States.
00:14:51.540 | The problem with domestic asset protection trusts
00:14:54.520 | is in general, there's no US law that
00:14:56.880 | protects a self-settled trust from the claims creditors,
00:14:59.680 | which is what a domestic asset protection trust is.
00:15:03.200 | Now, there are, I think, about 13 states--
00:15:05.640 | I could be wrong on that number, but I
00:15:07.220 | think about 13 states whose laws have been updated and reflected
00:15:11.240 | to say, hey, we're going to protect a self-settled trust
00:15:15.600 | based upon this specific law that has
00:15:17.880 | been passed in about 13 states.
00:15:19.520 | But there's a debate that happens among attorneys,
00:15:21.560 | whether, number one, whether it's accurate,
00:15:23.440 | or whether that only protects the assets that
00:15:26.360 | are held in those 13 states.
00:15:28.040 | So if you live in one of those states
00:15:29.840 | and you have all of your assets in one of those states,
00:15:32.120 | and if your trust is in that state, then maybe it works.
00:15:34.680 | But in your case, that kind of thing doesn't work.
00:15:36.760 | So then if you need a trust, you need
00:15:38.340 | to look at something that's completely
00:15:40.200 | outside of US jurisdiction.
00:15:41.560 | You would go offshore with your trust,
00:15:43.140 | and you would set up an offshore trust, which
00:15:45.360 | would be applicable under each state,
00:15:47.800 | because you're completely removing those assets
00:15:49.800 | from outside from US jurisdiction.
00:15:52.680 | So that was an extensive answer, but did
00:15:54.440 | that get at the heart of your question
00:15:56.000 | and give you some thoughts to consider?
00:15:59.080 | - Yes, absolutely.
00:16:00.040 | I think that's extremely valuable.
00:16:02.120 | I just have a couple of comments.
00:16:04.160 | When I started to research my state and the states
00:16:07.280 | that I know I may move to, and I noticed
00:16:11.520 | that laws change in state.
00:16:16.320 | And I have a question for you.
00:16:18.960 | From your research and experience,
00:16:22.120 | how frequently do you see laws change in each state?
00:16:26.960 | It seems like you may have a plan for asset protection.
00:16:30.520 | You may stay in the state of Florida,
00:16:32.400 | for example, in your case, but in any other state
00:16:35.000 | for another person's case.
00:16:36.640 | And then let's say in five years, they change law,
00:16:39.400 | and now it's completely different.
00:16:41.480 | How frequent is it that the laws change,
00:16:43.880 | and maybe to the detriment of asset protection situation?
00:16:50.280 | - I'm not knowledgeable enough to give a specific answer
00:16:53.320 | to that, and so let me give you a couple of different ways
00:16:56.960 | to think about it from my observation.
00:16:59.960 | In general, it seems that there will
00:17:02.920 | be a culture in a specific state that is reflected
00:17:07.800 | in the laws of that state.
00:17:09.360 | And unless there's something happening culturally
00:17:11.920 | in the state that's going to change that,
00:17:15.960 | then the laws are going to follow along
00:17:18.400 | a systematic legal theory.
00:17:19.680 | So I'm most familiar with Florida law,
00:17:22.000 | so let me speak to that.
00:17:23.440 | In Florida, in the Florida Constitution,
00:17:26.520 | there is a culture of protection of assets
00:17:29.560 | that has been codified.
00:17:31.400 | It's codified in the Florida Constitution.
00:17:33.520 | The Homestead Exemption example, it's
00:17:36.800 | codified in the Constitution.
00:17:39.040 | And that culture is then reflected
00:17:41.200 | in the interpretations of the courts of that law.
00:17:44.640 | So an example would be the most famous thing
00:17:47.640 | about the Florida Homestead Exemption
00:17:50.160 | is what I've mentioned on the show several times,
00:17:52.160 | that even if you buy a Florida homestead
00:17:54.720 | with fraudulent intent, then you are still protected
00:17:59.080 | under the state of Florida.
00:18:00.240 | Well, that specific law was based upon a case
00:18:03.400 | that was heard before the US Supreme Court,
00:18:06.280 | and that case was interpreted based upon the codified law
00:18:10.280 | in the Constitution.
00:18:11.280 | So the US Supreme Court studied the case.
00:18:13.360 | The facts of the case very clearly indicated
00:18:15.400 | that somebody had purchased real estate
00:18:17.520 | with the intent to defraud their creditors,
00:18:19.880 | but they interpreted the Florida Constitution
00:18:23.760 | under the intent, or what they interpreted
00:18:26.160 | as to be the intent of the legislators,
00:18:28.360 | which was to provide virtually an absolute protection
00:18:31.880 | for a Florida homestead with the exception of the exceptions
00:18:36.880 | that are specifically listed in the Florida Constitution.
00:18:40.800 | Now, that law is not going to change anytime soon.
00:18:44.200 | It's constitutional, and it's been interpreted,
00:18:46.880 | the precedents have been set in the common law rulings
00:18:50.120 | of the various courts.
00:18:51.640 | And all of the precedents in the state of Florida
00:18:54.400 | that would be drawn on for most asset protection lawsuits
00:18:58.720 | basically are on the favor of protecting the assets.
00:19:01.960 | The same thing happened when Florida looked
00:19:03.920 | at the protection for retirement accounts.
00:19:06.440 | So there was this big question of, are IRAs and Roth IRAs
00:19:10.560 | protected from the claims of creditors?
00:19:12.520 | And perhaps a Florida attorney would,
00:19:15.400 | I think I'm right in this understanding,
00:19:17.920 | but what happened was the case went forward with it,
00:19:21.680 | and it was starting to be interpreted by the courts,
00:19:24.240 | but the Florida legislature actually came along
00:19:26.300 | and clarified the issue and said,
00:19:27.760 | yes, we protect IRAs and Roth IRAs
00:19:30.600 | because that's in line with the philosophy of this state.
00:19:33.300 | Now, let's flip it around and pick on a different state.
00:19:35.680 | A different state will have a very different culture
00:19:39.520 | of protection of those assets,
00:19:42.760 | and you can't change that culture overnight.
00:19:45.960 | So a state like California has an entrenched culture
00:19:50.960 | of taxation and of minimal protections for assets.
00:19:56.840 | So California doesn't allow tenancy by the entirety.
00:20:00.680 | So all of the titling,
00:20:01.680 | which we haven't talked about in the series yet,
00:20:03.400 | is not available.
00:20:04.680 | Tenancy by the entirety protections
00:20:05.880 | is not available in California.
00:20:07.040 | It is in Florida.
00:20:08.240 | California has a very limited homestead exemption,
00:20:11.480 | 50 to 50 or $75,000 for a single person or family,
00:20:15.960 | up to $150,000 if somebody's older.
00:20:18.400 | That's very different than the unlimited protections
00:20:20.440 | in Texas and Florida.
00:20:21.660 | California doesn't protect IRA assets.
00:20:23.640 | California doesn't protect Roth IRA assets.
00:20:26.380 | California doesn't protect life insurance cash values
00:20:29.940 | beyond about $10,000 for an individual,
00:20:32.320 | $20,000 for a couple.
00:20:34.020 | You can go on.
00:20:34.860 | California doesn't protect college savings plans
00:20:38.880 | like a state like Florida does.
00:20:40.320 | So you can foil those states.
00:20:42.160 | You can compare them one to the other,
00:20:43.760 | and you can see there is a very entrenched culture
00:20:46.380 | in one state versus another state.
00:20:48.760 | Now, the specific application of the law will change
00:20:52.160 | as more court rulings are found,
00:20:54.200 | as a particular technique is tested in a court.
00:20:57.000 | But the general culture of a state,
00:20:59.880 | the general legal culture and the precedent,
00:21:02.360 | the common law precedent for each state
00:21:04.480 | is unlikely to change very much.
00:21:07.040 | So my answer is, in general,
00:21:10.520 | the specifics of the law might change a little bit.
00:21:14.080 | One type of trust may be defeated in court,
00:21:16.300 | and so the attorneys would stop using that type of trust
00:21:18.600 | to move somewhere else.
00:21:19.640 | But the general theory will hold true
00:21:22.800 | in a long series of cases,
00:21:25.480 | depending on the culture of a state.
00:21:27.080 | And the same thing applies internationally, by the way.
00:21:29.800 | Exactly the same thing applies internationally.
00:21:31.500 | So there are many jurisdictions
00:21:34.560 | that are used very favorably for different perspectives,
00:21:38.160 | whether it's banking or tax planning
00:21:41.120 | or asset protection planning,
00:21:43.680 | and a jurisdiction sets up its laws in a certain way,
00:21:47.120 | and then an attorney analyzes those laws
00:21:49.040 | and says, "These laws are favorable,"
00:21:50.600 | and that jurisdiction then continues
00:21:53.100 | over a long period of time to maintain that same culture.
00:21:56.520 | So from that perspective, it's fairly stable.
00:22:04.200 | - That's very clear.
00:22:05.520 | Now I know where to go and look and have an idea.
00:22:08.800 | Two very quick questions.
00:22:10.360 | I also noticed that sometimes it says
00:22:13.980 | that a state opted out of federal statutes and regulations.
00:22:18.800 | I understand there is lots of nuances there, probably,
00:22:24.320 | but is it possible that the state will say,
00:22:28.120 | "Well, we don't care that federal laws
00:22:31.760 | protect 401(k)s, we will opt out"?
00:22:34.600 | - It's not that way.
00:22:36.120 | So specifically, in each state,
00:22:38.960 | a state has to decide what laws it's going to use
00:22:43.280 | in its state to govern bankruptcy,
00:22:46.120 | and they have a choice.
00:22:48.400 | They can just adopt the federal bankruptcy code,
00:22:51.420 | the federal bankruptcy exemptions, and many states do that.
00:22:54.760 | So you can read the federal code,
00:22:57.280 | and you can look, and some states will say,
00:22:59.000 | "We'll just go along with the federal code."
00:23:01.400 | Or the state can adopt a different state-specific code.
00:23:06.160 | So that's what Florida has done,
00:23:07.840 | is they have adopted their own specific code.
00:23:09.960 | Now, here, there's a difference between bankruptcy law
00:23:12.800 | and asset protection law.
00:23:14.320 | They are close together, so that's why I recommend
00:23:17.600 | you can study the bankruptcy exemptions
00:23:19.840 | and understand a little bit about asset protection,
00:23:21.700 | but they are not equivalent.
00:23:23.480 | But it doesn't mean that a state can willy-nilly just say,
00:23:26.020 | "Hey, that's it, we're gonna change our laws."
00:23:28.320 | That process happens slowly.
00:23:30.260 | It's just simply a matter of, has the state chosen
00:23:33.280 | to perfectly mirror and simply adopt
00:23:36.540 | the federal bankruptcy code, or have they chosen
00:23:39.440 | to institute their own version of that?
00:23:41.540 | Now, remember, bankruptcy court is federal,
00:23:44.480 | and so it's not clear to me at the moment.
00:23:47.280 | I'm not competent enough to explain
00:23:50.140 | all of the legal theory there.
00:23:51.240 | That would be a question for a bankruptcy attorney.
00:23:53.600 | But that's what's happening.
00:23:58.160 | So it's not just that a state is saying,
00:23:59.500 | "Oh, we're gonna just change this one thing willy-nilly."
00:24:02.000 | You can trust the stability of whether a state
00:24:05.400 | has opted in or opted out, and you can trust that state
00:24:08.560 | to be fairly stable going forward.
00:24:10.260 | - And I don't wanna take more of your time.
00:24:14.780 | Just to confirm, I'm reading that 403(b) and 457,
00:24:19.780 | well, 457, I don't know, but I assume it's the same,
00:24:22.060 | but I'm reading it as 403(b) is under the state regulation,
00:24:27.060 | not federal.
00:24:29.240 | If that's what you're reading, I don't know.
00:24:33.040 | - I think I saw it either on the IRS website
00:24:37.000 | or somewhere on the federal website,
00:24:39.840 | and I was surprised 'cause I usually treat 401(k)s
00:24:42.960 | and 403(b)s quite similar.
00:24:45.200 | I know they're a little bit different,
00:24:46.580 | but in general, similar.
00:24:48.160 | And then I saw that academic institutions
00:24:52.560 | that provide 403(b)s are not protected by federal law.
00:24:58.000 | But I can double check.
00:24:59.840 | - I'm not, I can't answer that question
00:25:02.960 | on the top of my head without specifically looking at it
00:25:05.240 | in research.
00:25:06.080 | I didn't prepare that in my preparation
00:25:07.920 | for the Asset Protection Series,
00:25:09.360 | so I would personally need to research that to answer it.
00:25:12.220 | But I would just say the best thing is, yes, read,
00:25:15.880 | but the most important thing is to get advice
00:25:18.120 | on your specific situation from your specific state.
00:25:21.320 | Because even if a certain account type is protected
00:25:27.040 | in some way or not protected in some way,
00:25:29.600 | a good attorney who's familiar with your state law
00:25:32.800 | will know how to get the maximum protection
00:25:35.360 | for each particular account type.
00:25:37.320 | And that's beyond my ability to interpret state by state.
00:25:41.680 | And I'm gonna put you on hold and come back to you
00:25:43.920 | if we have time at the end,
00:25:45.500 | but let's get some other callers and then we'll come back
00:25:47.240 | 'cause I know you had another line of questions
00:25:49.120 | that you wanted to pursue,
00:25:49.980 | but we'll move on here for a moment.
00:25:51.760 | We go down to Nathan in Florida.
00:25:53.080 | Welcome to the show.
00:25:53.920 | How can I serve you today, Nathan?
00:25:55.880 | - Hi, good afternoon.
00:25:57.520 | So I wanted to thank you for all these long format podcasts
00:26:02.520 | you came out with over the previous few years.
00:26:05.760 | I recently finished my medical training in Chicago
00:26:09.760 | and I had a long commute for a multi-medical school
00:26:12.320 | in residency, so you really helped me
00:26:14.840 | sort through a lot of financial life issues
00:26:17.400 | during that commute.
00:26:18.400 | So recently, my family and I moved from Chicago
00:26:23.320 | down to central Florida and we have a one-year-old now.
00:26:27.600 | So I've been going through a lot of your podcasts
00:26:29.440 | about your educational philosophy
00:26:32.560 | and how it's changed over the years.
00:26:34.480 | And one of the other things that I recently
00:26:36.240 | was your podcast in 1999 about your vision
00:26:39.640 | and plans for your child's primary and secondary education.
00:26:42.840 | And I believe that was published more than four years ago.
00:26:46.760 | So I'm just wondering how your thoughts have changed
00:26:48.560 | over the past four years.
00:26:50.880 | - What a good question.
00:26:52.880 | So what I try to do in any kind of public comment
00:26:57.880 | is provide a little bit of creative fodder
00:27:01.120 | of ideas that individual parents can consider
00:27:05.160 | that might be different than the mainstream.
00:27:07.080 | And I don't publicly advocate for one certain approach
00:27:10.280 | versus another, because that would violate
00:27:12.240 | what I think is important, which is a personalized approach
00:27:15.160 | that's appropriate for each child.
00:27:17.800 | The only thing I'm rather vociferous about
00:27:21.200 | is simply opting out of the government system,
00:27:24.240 | which is almost by definition,
00:27:26.360 | with the exception of the teachers
00:27:27.600 | who try to individualize it,
00:27:29.480 | tries to fit children into one specific system
00:27:34.480 | that doesn't serve most children.
00:27:37.080 | The most cognitively capable children
00:27:38.960 | seem to do well in that system,
00:27:40.520 | but it doesn't serve most children.
00:27:42.400 | So in my own personal life,
00:27:44.760 | I also have recognized and experienced,
00:27:48.720 | and I don't talk much about this stuff publicly
00:27:51.440 | 'cause my show is not an education podcast,
00:27:53.440 | but you have to look at the individual situation
00:27:57.280 | in your life, the individual skills, interests,
00:28:00.920 | abilities that you have,
00:28:02.160 | the financial capabilities that you have,
00:28:04.120 | and then compare that to the specific child.
00:28:06.120 | And the most important thing is to expect in time
00:28:11.120 | that things will change.
00:28:13.200 | So I'll give you an example of something
00:28:15.240 | that has changed for me.
00:28:17.680 | I did a show a long time ago
00:28:19.320 | where I talked about the teach your baby to read proponents.
00:28:23.760 | And there are a number of authors
00:28:27.360 | who are very focused on teaching babies
00:28:29.160 | who are not yet verbal to read
00:28:32.120 | and at a very extremely young age.
00:28:34.920 | Now, I've read a number of books
00:28:36.160 | and it's important to note
00:28:37.000 | that it's a very controversial subject.
00:28:38.960 | Many people think, hey, this is all bunk.
00:28:43.960 | I don't think it's bunk,
00:28:46.320 | but I recognize that it's a controversial thing.
00:28:48.680 | But it was very attractive to me at that time,
00:28:51.000 | especially when my wife and I had one child.
00:28:53.120 | Well, we have more than one child now.
00:28:55.640 | And so our family circumstances have changed.
00:28:57.920 | So even if I wanted to engage
00:29:00.360 | in the teach your baby to read philosophy,
00:29:02.680 | we're no longer capable of doing it
00:29:04.520 | without that being a controlling factor in our life
00:29:07.320 | or without my wife and I
00:29:08.520 | being extraordinarily motivated and dedicated, and we're not.
00:29:11.680 | I haven't seen any very convincing evidence
00:29:14.360 | that that's the most important thing.
00:29:16.200 | So I've changed on that perspective.
00:29:19.240 | I've changed my opinion
00:29:22.040 | just simply due to life circumstances.
00:29:23.760 | And I'm leading with this because first,
00:29:25.920 | it's the thing I worry most about.
00:29:27.680 | As a public commentator,
00:29:30.840 | which is, I guess at this point, it's not particularly new,
00:29:33.680 | but I've chosen to try to be clear
00:29:36.000 | and to make clear statements.
00:29:37.340 | But when you do that,
00:29:38.180 | you run the risk of being misunderstood.
00:29:39.840 | And I have just made the decision
00:29:42.120 | to hope that my audience is mature enough
00:29:44.160 | to make personal application to their own life.
00:29:46.920 | But there are times in your life
00:29:48.360 | where you will have to change.
00:29:50.080 | So for example, even though I'm extraordinarily dogmatic
00:29:53.720 | against government education systems,
00:29:56.880 | that doesn't mean that I couldn't create scenarios
00:29:59.400 | in my life or that I haven't been in scenarios
00:30:01.160 | with other people where the best thing to do
00:30:03.440 | is to put your children into the government schools.
00:30:06.280 | I've been in government schools.
00:30:08.320 | When I was younger, my sister died.
00:30:10.440 | And one of the things that happened
00:30:12.600 | after the death of my sister,
00:30:14.760 | she had an epileptic seizure
00:30:16.840 | when she was a teenager and died.
00:30:18.440 | One of the things that happened
00:30:19.500 | is I was put into a government school for a time.
00:30:21.720 | Now, I look at that
00:30:22.760 | and it was exactly the right thing to do at the time.
00:30:24.960 | And I can imagine many circumstances
00:30:26.640 | in which that's the best thing to do.
00:30:28.360 | So I think it's important that parents always keep in mind
00:30:32.920 | that we're looking to see what is happening,
00:30:35.800 | what are the results?
00:30:36.760 | And those results need to be,
00:30:38.360 | what are the results for the child?
00:30:40.440 | And those results need to be,
00:30:41.640 | what are the results for the parents?
00:30:43.640 | Because no matter if you have the perfect system
00:30:47.020 | that you think is the world's greatest educational system,
00:30:51.160 | but if it destroys your family life
00:30:53.360 | or it destroys the child's life, it's not.
00:30:55.200 | It's not the perfect system for you.
00:30:57.240 | So the normal course of action
00:30:59.280 | from most people who are engaging with their children
00:31:01.800 | and who are working with them
00:31:03.120 | is they'll choose some place to start,
00:31:05.240 | something that interests them,
00:31:07.080 | and then that's philosophy will change.
00:31:09.640 | My eldest at this point in time
00:31:11.540 | is just in the kindergarten type years.
00:31:14.760 | Now he's academically substantially ahead
00:31:17.200 | of perhaps some of his peers, but he's behind others.
00:31:20.920 | But it doesn't matter because my job
00:31:22.760 | is to look and to see what's working for him.
00:31:24.960 | And even in our recent travels, in the beginning of that,
00:31:27.880 | we focused on academics,
00:31:29.120 | but then it came a point on our trip
00:31:30.600 | where the academics just weren't working.
00:31:32.440 | They weren't working for the child
00:31:33.600 | and they weren't working for my wife.
00:31:35.880 | And so we just canceled, canceled all of it
00:31:38.040 | and said, that's it for now, we're not going to do it.
00:31:40.520 | And that's the ability, the precious gift
00:31:45.520 | that parents have when they take control
00:31:48.260 | is they can look to see what's working,
00:31:50.540 | they can change things based upon
00:31:52.940 | what's working with the child.
00:31:53.900 | So I'll tell you right now my working philosophy,
00:31:56.780 | which is your question,
00:31:57.620 | but I feel like I should add that preamble,
00:32:00.020 | especially when I bring such,
00:32:01.900 | for a time I aired such dogmatic presentations
00:32:04.560 | like John Taylor Gatto's work and things like that.
00:32:07.140 | It's important to always listen to what somebody says,
00:32:09.300 | consider it, but then interpret it for your own situation.
00:32:12.100 | So here are a few things that I believe are important.
00:32:14.680 | Number one, I believe that academics are important
00:32:19.680 | if a child, especially for a child
00:32:21.920 | who is cognitively capable,
00:32:23.780 | a child who has a high cognitive ability,
00:32:26.020 | I believe that academics are important.
00:32:28.620 | In our modern society,
00:32:30.340 | academics are an important part
00:32:33.300 | of functioning well within the society.
00:32:37.940 | The priests and priestesses in our society
00:32:40.300 | are all in the academy and in the extensions of the academy.
00:32:44.340 | And so it's important to recognize
00:32:46.420 | that if you're going to be a person of influence,
00:32:49.340 | you're going to at least have to figure out
00:32:51.060 | how to work within that system of academics.
00:32:53.500 | And I see no reason to not encourage a child
00:32:57.020 | who is capable to function well
00:33:00.420 | at a high point in academics.
00:33:02.560 | For me, it's also very important to note
00:33:04.540 | that academics, in my opinion, are not ultimate.
00:33:07.660 | There are a lot of academics who see themselves
00:33:11.540 | as God's gift to mankind or the magical,
00:33:16.100 | let's use a non-theistic interpretation,
00:33:19.220 | an accidental mixture of organic material
00:33:24.220 | that has come together that has created
00:33:28.620 | an accidental gift to mankind of knowledge and insight.
00:33:32.780 | There are many academics who believe that that's ultimate,
00:33:35.340 | and I don't see it as ultimate.
00:33:36.740 | I don't think that that's ultimately important.
00:33:38.700 | And so it seems to me that that should be reflected
00:33:40.820 | in the lives of our children.
00:33:42.400 | With an excessive focus on academics,
00:33:44.600 | it's easy to create very boring children
00:33:47.220 | who simply come out and they look like everyone else,
00:33:51.460 | and they don't have much depth or much interest
00:33:53.580 | or much texture to their lives.
00:33:55.020 | And so I look at character development
00:33:57.180 | as being very important.
00:33:59.380 | That's the cornerstone of success
00:34:02.220 | is character development, in my opinion.
00:34:04.300 | And academics can be used as a tool in that,
00:34:06.660 | but it's not necessarily the most effective tool.
00:34:09.060 | In addition, then, I look at education.
00:34:11.700 | I say education needs to involve good social training
00:34:16.060 | so that a child can work effectively in the society.
00:34:18.900 | And then education needs to involve good business training.
00:34:22.060 | And so those are kind of a few basic themes.
00:34:24.520 | And at the moment, what I look at,
00:34:27.580 | I'm torn between an extreme focus on academics,
00:34:32.060 | like I'm the kind of person as an extremist,
00:34:34.780 | I'm the kind of person who would be
00:34:36.620 | in the direction of saying,
00:34:37.660 | we've got to be academically excellent in everything.
00:34:40.260 | So I run in that bent,
00:34:42.000 | but then I look at the arguments of the unschoolers
00:34:45.060 | and the people who talk about
00:34:46.800 | the importance of natural interest,
00:34:48.460 | and I find those arguments persuasive as well.
00:34:51.120 | And so at the moment, my operating philosophy is
00:34:54.580 | you can focus on just a simple core discipline
00:34:57.700 | of excellence in reading, writing, and arithmetic,
00:35:01.700 | and then everything else can basically fit in
00:35:05.460 | based upon the interests of the child.
00:35:07.980 | And then what I like the idea of is,
00:35:10.700 | arithmetic is interesting because it's its own language,
00:35:13.380 | it's its own discipline.
00:35:14.620 | And although there is application to everything in life,
00:35:16.940 | it's one of those things that
00:35:18.580 | I don't see how it can be learned
00:35:19.900 | except by consistent effort.
00:35:21.460 | And so to me, that seems the best point
00:35:23.360 | for character development.
00:35:24.820 | But reading and writing are skills that can be developed
00:35:27.780 | with a careful focus on the child's particular interests.
00:35:30.380 | And so the reading, I think a child needs to read
00:35:33.340 | a comprehensive library that has been developed
00:35:38.340 | with good attention on all of the areas that are important,
00:35:41.820 | but then the outlets for writing can be customized
00:35:43.940 | to the child based upon their interest
00:35:45.380 | to maintain a high degree of interest.
00:35:47.180 | So that's my current philosophy,
00:35:49.420 | and my wife and I are just working through it
00:35:51.620 | and constantly analyzing it to see,
00:35:54.980 | is this working well,
00:35:56.700 | and is this working well in the life of the child?
00:35:58.920 | To me, the biggest thing is that academics in childhood
00:36:03.080 | should not be all consuming,
00:36:05.140 | neither should play or simply,
00:36:08.040 | and by play, let me differentiate between creative play
00:36:12.860 | and a kind of stultifying mindless entertainment.
00:36:16.600 | So I don't like the idea,
00:36:18.800 | you go to the Asian model and school children in Singapore,
00:36:21.700 | I don't think it's good for children
00:36:22.940 | to spend 10 hours a day just doing academics.
00:36:25.800 | So to me, it seems like a good fit
00:36:28.080 | is to have a few hours a day, perhaps two, three, four,
00:36:31.900 | but hopefully no more than four
00:36:33.420 | of hard, strong, focused academics,
00:36:35.740 | and then the rest of the time
00:36:37.000 | be filled with many diverse experiences,
00:36:39.260 | many diverse exposures, diverse work,
00:36:41.740 | diverse business activities, diverse individual pursuits,
00:36:44.580 | diverse hobbies, et cetera,
00:36:45.940 | and that seems to me to be the best philosophy
00:36:48.800 | to create a comprehensive whole person
00:36:51.740 | who does do well in academics,
00:36:53.460 | but also maintains their diverse interests.
00:36:57.300 | So that's my current approach.
00:36:59.160 | - I know, very interesting,
00:37:02.220 | seeing your small thought out and all your plans
00:37:05.300 | and the way you present them to your children.
00:37:07.900 | I really appreciate it.
00:37:09.260 | I've come across most of Mr. Gatto's work so far,
00:37:13.620 | and I don't think there was a podcast
00:37:15.460 | that presented some of his work as well.
00:37:18.700 | I was wondering what other books have influenced you
00:37:21.220 | in this regard, just off the top of your head?
00:37:23.900 | - So if I were to cite,
00:37:28.900 | the opinions of being anti-compulsory education,
00:37:38.940 | being anti-government schooling,
00:37:40.860 | is largely influenced by Gatto and R.J. Rushduni
00:37:45.380 | with his book, "The Messianic Character
00:37:46.780 | of American Education."
00:37:48.580 | And Gatto makes the historical argument,
00:37:51.700 | kind of tracing through the historical threads
00:37:53.680 | based upon his research as a teacher.
00:37:55.660 | Rushduni makes the religious arguments
00:37:59.580 | and basically advances the concept and the idea
00:38:04.340 | that the educational, the compulsory schooling problem
00:38:08.620 | or process is a religious ideal,
00:38:11.580 | which has meant that by schooling,
00:38:13.260 | you can bring salvation to an individual.
00:38:16.420 | And that's the cultural control,
00:38:21.140 | and that's what's been most successful
00:38:22.660 | in the United States of America.
00:38:23.500 | So he makes the religious argument,
00:38:25.660 | which I'm very sensitive to,
00:38:27.300 | because I see religion as the underpinning of culture.
00:38:30.260 | Culture, I think as Rushduni's comment,
00:38:32.780 | he says, "Culture is simply religion externalized."
00:38:35.460 | I think that's a valid way of looking at
00:38:37.460 | and understanding the culture.
00:38:39.860 | Now, so those two things have been inspirational
00:38:43.180 | in the kind of just that anti-government school perspective.
00:38:48.180 | I'm currently reading another one right now,
00:38:51.380 | a book right now called "Crimes of the Educators."
00:38:53.660 | And I always feel it's very hard for me.
00:38:56.140 | I don't like to sound like a conspiracy theorist,
00:38:59.700 | and it's very hard to avoid that sometimes
00:39:02.780 | when you read people like Gatto
00:39:03.980 | and you start to see the primary source material.
00:39:06.740 | And what I find maddening is to try to figure out
00:39:09.860 | how do you interpret what somebody wrote 70, 80,
00:39:13.140 | 100 years ago into the modern age?
00:39:15.520 | I don't know the answers to those.
00:39:17.820 | So those would be just two things
00:39:18.940 | for anybody who's interested in the history of it.
00:39:22.860 | Fast forward to what philosophy is of interest.
00:39:27.500 | I don't have a lot of resources.
00:39:28.900 | The person that my wife and I have found most inspirational
00:39:32.540 | has been Charlotte Mason.
00:39:33.800 | There's a large movement in the philosophy of...
00:39:38.620 | So Charlotte Mason was a British teacher
00:39:40.980 | back at the turn of the 20th century,
00:39:42.620 | and she developed this series of schools
00:39:44.140 | that seemed to have some really wonderful results
00:39:45.980 | in the lives of her children.
00:39:47.300 | And what most interests and attracts me
00:39:49.740 | is that she had the concept of education
00:39:52.380 | that involves a whole person.
00:39:55.240 | If I were to try to articulate something
00:39:56.660 | that a philosopher I think is very important to me,
00:39:59.020 | it's that, it's that we need to educate a whole person.
00:40:02.580 | And you can't, so you can't disconnect
00:40:05.120 | the education of virtue from the education in mathematics.
00:40:10.120 | And you can't disconnect mathematics
00:40:12.900 | from the philosophy of religion.
00:40:14.580 | There is a religion, the religious philosophy
00:40:17.020 | that underpins mathematics.
00:40:18.420 | There is a religious philosophy that underpins history.
00:40:20.740 | And so if you try to disconnect these things,
00:40:22.900 | then you wind up with a disconnected person
00:40:25.340 | that doesn't see how these things go together.
00:40:26.940 | And so I found Charlotte Mason very inspirational
00:40:29.940 | from her concept of a whole person, whole person education.
00:40:33.700 | The problem with Charlotte Mason is her books
00:40:35.700 | are somewhat meandering and hard to read.
00:40:38.420 | It's a different writing style.
00:40:40.000 | And so perhaps the best Charlotte Mason teacher right now
00:40:44.820 | is, what's her name?
00:40:47.420 | I've forgotten her name, but the leading writer
00:40:50.140 | behind Simply Charlotte Mason.
00:40:51.780 | She does a wonderful job.
00:40:53.300 | I've spoken with her.
00:40:54.820 | She does a good job of articulating more clearly
00:40:57.620 | many of Charlotte Mason's philosophies.
00:40:59.120 | And that has been most inspirational to me.
00:41:01.600 | Now, the problem I have with Charlotte Mason
00:41:03.980 | and kind of the Charlotte Mason philosophy
00:41:05.780 | is it's very teacher intensive.
00:41:08.220 | And the intensiveness of the interaction
00:41:13.620 | between the teacher, the educator,
00:41:15.820 | usually the parent, most normally the mother,
00:41:18.740 | it's so intensive that I wonder if it can actually be done.
00:41:22.460 | Sonia, her name escaped me again.
00:41:24.820 | Her name is Sonia something or other.
00:41:26.940 | It's so intensive that it's hard for me to see
00:41:29.580 | how is that practical?
00:41:30.620 | And so then I read kind of the unschoolers,
00:41:32.980 | the interest-directed learning, and I see, wait a second,
00:41:36.060 | there's really something here,
00:41:37.140 | because the only thing that I remember from my education
00:41:40.220 | are the things that I was interested in.
00:41:41.820 | I passed so many classes that I wasn't interested in,
00:41:44.420 | and I don't remember everything.
00:41:46.140 | And so I personally kind of bring those two things together.
00:41:50.620 | And then finally, I'll give you one comment.
00:41:52.740 | I have not yet found an inspirational educational
00:41:56.740 | philosopher who has grappled with the realities
00:42:00.420 | of the modern world.
00:42:01.580 | And the question is this, how do you educate a child
00:42:05.580 | in a world where any fact is accessible
00:42:09.900 | or any piece of data is accessible with,
00:42:13.020 | okay, Google or whatever Google's name, Alexa,
00:42:15.420 | no, that's not, anyway, Siri, Alexa, Google,
00:42:17.900 | tell me when did the War of 1812 start?
00:42:22.300 | That's a totally different world than ever before.
00:42:24.820 | And so the most important thing I see
00:42:27.020 | is to try to teach children analysis,
00:42:31.740 | the ability to bring these things together.
00:42:33.260 | And obviously that can't be done
00:42:34.340 | in the primary school years.
00:42:36.420 | But what seems to be missing is a connect,
00:42:39.220 | in my observation of many people,
00:42:40.820 | is a connected, coherent worldview,
00:42:42.660 | a thing that brings these things together
00:42:44.580 | in a way that makes sense.
00:42:45.620 | And so I don't have any better results for you.
00:42:47.460 | It's a reading project that I need to do
00:42:49.020 | in the next couple of years,
00:42:50.220 | because I've been occupied with other things.
00:42:52.460 | But of course, now with a child heading into those,
00:42:55.220 | primary school is straightforward.
00:42:56.560 | But once you get past primary school into secondary school,
00:42:58.940 | I'm not quite sure what to do.
00:43:00.640 | - Thank you so much for sharing.
00:43:04.740 | - My pleasure.
00:43:05.580 | And just be, the reason I started
00:43:08.140 | with what I said in the beginning,
00:43:09.100 | just simply to recognize that things are gonna change
00:43:11.040 | is because you don't have to fit into one,
00:43:14.580 | just one philosophy.
00:43:15.740 | You don't have to pick one thing
00:43:17.020 | and then have it be from time to time.
00:43:18.580 | If you try Charlotte Mason and it works for you, great.
00:43:21.540 | You put your kid in a Montessori school and it works,
00:43:24.140 | try that.
00:43:25.220 | Then you go and you try classical conversations, try that.
00:43:29.780 | You will change over time.
00:43:31.500 | And that's the most important thing.
00:43:33.220 | Look at what's working for your child,
00:43:35.300 | for you, for your wife, look at what's working
00:43:37.780 | and don't be scared to change it if it's not working.
00:43:40.100 | Chris in Kentucky, welcome to the show.
00:43:41.260 | How can I serve you today?
00:43:42.580 | - Thanks so much for taking my call.
00:43:45.380 | - My pleasure.
00:43:46.540 | - My overarching question is how do you set
00:43:49.420 | financial priorities and plan well
00:43:51.900 | when you have an income that fluctuates?
00:43:54.360 | So I quit my job about six months ago
00:43:57.500 | to start my own freelance animation business.
00:44:00.440 | We shortly after found out that my wife was pregnant.
00:44:04.580 | So a lot of change in a very, very short amount of time.
00:44:08.120 | Business has done really well this year
00:44:10.740 | and I think I should have about $20,000 in cash reserves
00:44:15.740 | at the end of the year.
00:44:17.260 | It's just kind of in the business.
00:44:18.920 | So my basic, the way I've basically been conducting
00:44:22.300 | my business is I've been saving 50% of my business income
00:44:25.940 | to cover taxes and business expenses
00:44:28.560 | and then taking the additional 50%
00:44:30.540 | as like a personal income for our family.
00:44:33.700 | So basically I'm trying to figure out,
00:44:36.820 | I feel a little bit confused as to what I should be
00:44:39.740 | investing in just because of the unknown nature
00:44:42.660 | of my future income, some changes, new baby,
00:44:46.380 | and then also just life goals.
00:44:49.060 | We initially were really gung ho
00:44:52.180 | about paying off our house quickly,
00:44:54.480 | but we also have some additional house projects
00:44:59.420 | and wanna invest for retirement.
00:45:01.460 | So I think I'm at this, a lot of change
00:45:04.220 | in the last six months, have some additional cash at hand
00:45:08.660 | and trying to figure out how do I set
00:45:11.900 | those financial priorities when I'm unsure
00:45:14.700 | that I'm gonna get X amount of income
00:45:17.820 | every month moving forward.
00:45:20.080 | - Is your wife currently pregnant
00:45:21.780 | or has your baby already been born?
00:45:23.660 | - She's currently pregnant.
00:45:26.540 | - So first, my experience and my observation
00:45:30.280 | and my recommendation to you is
00:45:33.420 | when you are expecting a baby,
00:45:35.980 | I would encourage you to essentially hit pause
00:45:39.580 | on any big decisions.
00:45:41.460 | And there are a couple of reasons for that.
00:45:43.660 | This is your first child, is that correct?
00:45:46.460 | - So we have a foster child who we likely will adopt
00:45:49.780 | in the next year or so, but yeah,
00:45:51.780 | this will be our first biological child.
00:45:53.500 | - Okay, great.
00:45:54.420 | So, and that's also if you are fostering
00:45:57.540 | and looking towards adoption, that's also
00:46:00.300 | kind of the same advice applies.
00:46:02.900 | Let me just focus on pregnancy and you can extrapolate
00:46:06.620 | to fostering leading to adoption.
00:46:09.760 | With pregnancy and with childbirth,
00:46:13.880 | the future becomes significantly uncertain.
00:46:17.980 | The first thing that can happen is your goals will change.
00:46:21.780 | Your understanding of life will change.
00:46:24.120 | Not necessarily immediately with a new baby,
00:46:27.500 | although certainly when you are first holding your new baby
00:46:30.780 | and looking at that child and just kind of staring
00:46:35.420 | at that life and holding those little fingers
00:46:38.580 | and just marveling at the incredible creation
00:46:43.580 | that is a tiny little baby,
00:46:45.180 | there's something deeply impactful about that.
00:46:47.620 | It changes your view on the world in a really special way
00:46:51.380 | that's hard to articulate.
00:46:53.280 | So that's obvious, but it also changes your goals,
00:46:56.260 | your understanding, it changes the things
00:46:58.420 | that you can or can't do, and it changes your lifestyle.
00:47:02.340 | There's no way around the fact that children
00:47:04.800 | will dramatically change your lifestyle.
00:47:07.380 | And so, simple examples.
00:47:10.380 | Prior to having children, perhaps your financial goal
00:47:13.420 | was we want to go to Europe and backpack around Europe.
00:47:17.500 | Well, you can backpack with children around Europe.
00:47:19.520 | You absolutely can do that.
00:47:21.340 | But what might happen is you look at it and say,
00:47:23.260 | I don't really want to backpack with a child this age.
00:47:25.620 | I want to wait a little bit.
00:47:26.720 | And so that goal will change.
00:47:28.060 | Or you'll look at your house and you say,
00:47:30.620 | previously, this particular thing about our house
00:47:33.260 | wasn't very important, but now this is more important.
00:47:36.300 | Our house is not fenced.
00:47:38.020 | But now, with a little toddler running around,
00:47:40.600 | we'd like to be able to let them go out in the backyard,
00:47:42.420 | and so now we're gonna go ahead
00:47:43.540 | and spend the $10,000 on the fence.
00:47:45.660 | And I want to encourage you that that is normal,
00:47:48.400 | and that's right.
00:47:49.540 | That's absolutely appropriate,
00:47:52.220 | and it's appropriate for you to spend money
00:47:54.700 | on your children, because they're an important part
00:47:56.900 | of your life.
00:47:57.780 | But it does mean that things will change in your planning.
00:48:00.460 | Now, most of those are longer term.
00:48:01.940 | A new baby, you can put a new baby
00:48:03.700 | in a little cardboard box in the broom closet.
00:48:06.440 | Make sure that there's ventilation, of course.
00:48:08.020 | But babies don't need that much stuff.
00:48:10.180 | Now, if it's your first baby,
00:48:11.460 | most likely your house is bursting with baby gear.
00:48:14.660 | By the time you get to your third or fourth,
00:48:16.580 | you'll probably just have two or three little baby things,
00:48:19.700 | and by then you've dispensed with most of the gear.
00:48:21.660 | So when they're little, they don't require much.
00:48:24.140 | The easy, you know, when they're little,
00:48:25.420 | you can take them backpacking very easily.
00:48:27.140 | It's when they're three that it becomes more challenging.
00:48:30.140 | A bigger thing to be careful of
00:48:31.740 | is you don't know how the childbirth will go.
00:48:34.700 | And I think it's important to be prepared for that.
00:48:37.820 | So first, you don't know how the childbirth will go
00:48:40.100 | for your baby and for your wife.
00:48:42.060 | You may have a premature birth,
00:48:43.620 | and a premature birth will completely
00:48:45.500 | turn your world upside down.
00:48:47.460 | If your baby is in a NICU,
00:48:49.900 | and you're trying to also care for your wife,
00:48:53.080 | then you're not gonna be working much.
00:48:55.220 | And so every bit of cash that's available to you
00:48:57.380 | will be helpful.
00:48:58.800 | If you wind up, and perhaps something happens
00:49:02.580 | that your wife or your baby needs ongoing care,
00:49:04.980 | every bit of cash is going to be helpful.
00:49:07.800 | Your wife might experience
00:49:09.300 | something like postpartum depression.
00:49:11.420 | And so all of a sudden,
00:49:13.060 | you were, your wife was, you know,
00:49:16.340 | physically and mentally healthy,
00:49:17.900 | but all of a sudden, she is experiencing depression.
00:49:20.580 | And now you as a husband have to figure out
00:49:23.300 | how do I love her and help her through this?
00:49:25.540 | And it's hard for you to be as focused on work.
00:49:28.260 | And so because of all of these unknowns,
00:49:30.060 | I think that whenever you're expecting a baby,
00:49:32.080 | the best course of action is basically
00:49:33.900 | hit pause on all your big decisions.
00:49:36.180 | Unless there's something that you're pretty confident about,
00:49:38.660 | we wanna move, we're gonna go ahead and move,
00:49:40.800 | hit pause on a lot of those things,
00:49:43.220 | or at least hit pause on big financial things.
00:49:46.660 | You know, we've done all kinds of crazy stuff.
00:49:48.500 | We moved houses when we had, I think, a two-week-old baby.
00:49:51.780 | So, you know, we've done some of those things,
00:49:54.340 | but in general, the philosophy is just kind of pause
00:49:57.320 | and wait to see how things go.
00:49:59.040 | Once the baby's born, baby's doing well,
00:50:01.520 | mama's doing well, you can pick things up
00:50:03.620 | and renegotiate going forward.
00:50:06.480 | So that's my general advice, is it's okay to pause.
00:50:11.140 | One of the things I hope,
00:50:12.540 | one of the messages I hope to bring to people
00:50:15.020 | is to recognize that it's okay
00:50:16.740 | to just pause and let time pass.
00:50:19.380 | You don't always have to freak out
00:50:20.680 | about every dollar's gotta be invested today,
00:50:22.940 | or every decision's gotta be made today.
00:50:24.700 | It's fine to just pause and let life pass,
00:50:27.340 | and then you'll make a better decision going forward.
00:50:29.660 | Now, practically, what does that mean practically?
00:50:32.240 | Well, if you might be very careful
00:50:36.260 | about putting money where you can't get it.
00:50:37.900 | Now, depending on if you're gonna make things
00:50:39.780 | like retirement account investments,
00:50:42.400 | you're dealing with an end of the year deadline,
00:50:45.780 | if you're gonna participate in that,
00:50:46.980 | you might choose to participate in something
00:50:48.520 | like a Roth IRA, where you are gonna go ahead and make that,
00:50:53.260 | but you can take the money out.
00:50:54.420 | Or if your baby's expected before the tax filing deadline,
00:50:57.300 | you might just wait until next year to make the contribution.
00:51:00.300 | If you're dealing with a business retirement plan,
00:51:03.340 | you might do it, but you might just be careful
00:51:05.580 | about other things.
00:51:06.960 | And so I would say, when you're expecting a baby,
00:51:09.820 | just pause, and the same thing with adoption expenses.
00:51:12.020 | You don't know what the adoption expenses
00:51:13.380 | ultimately are gonna be.
00:51:14.760 | You don't know how long the process
00:51:16.100 | ultimately is going to be.
00:51:17.720 | Depending on your method of adoption and fostering,
00:51:21.060 | maybe you might have house modifications that are required.
00:51:23.800 | You might need to consider what's best
00:51:26.160 | in the best interest of the child.
00:51:28.200 | You might need to build, a baby is easy in a small house,
00:51:31.300 | but if you have a foster baby and a little baby,
00:51:33.740 | you might need a bigger place.
00:51:34.820 | And so I would say, just basically pause.
00:51:38.660 | And then now I'll go back to your question
00:51:41.300 | of fluctuating income,
00:51:42.540 | which was the core of your question.
00:51:43.820 | Before I do, is that,
00:51:45.820 | any clarifying questions that you wanna ask about that?
00:51:48.920 | - No, I think that helps a lot.
00:51:50.220 | I think basically where I was at is,
00:51:52.780 | I think you hit the nail on the head.
00:51:53.860 | Basically, I had this additional income
00:51:57.260 | that I wasn't expecting, and I kind of feel like,
00:51:59.500 | man, I really, I should be doing something with it.
00:52:01.980 | I'm pretty new to investing.
00:52:03.740 | I've, over the last six months,
00:52:05.460 | been listening to your podcast a lot,
00:52:07.060 | been trying to figure out some other, yeah,
00:52:10.500 | things with investment
00:52:11.700 | and just being prudent with my finances.
00:52:13.880 | So I think the overall comment about just hitting pause
00:52:18.100 | might be totally the right thing
00:52:21.980 | with that extra money that we'll have.
00:52:25.360 | I think maybe an additional follow-up is,
00:52:28.580 | I do have a Roth IRA.
00:52:30.540 | I just opened a Roth IRA for my wife.
00:52:33.620 | So that was definitely an option,
00:52:35.420 | but also does not reduce our taxable income.
00:52:39.160 | So I also have additionally set up a SEP IRA
00:52:42.700 | with the potential of funding that
00:52:46.180 | after the calendar year,
00:52:48.420 | when we know what's gonna happen with the baby,
00:52:50.460 | 'cause she's due in February.
00:52:52.300 | And then also, as far as I know,
00:52:54.840 | I can contribute to a SEP IRA
00:52:57.180 | up until I file for my taxes in 2019.
00:53:00.780 | So anyway, that's kind of where my head's at.
00:53:02.660 | So I think that was good.
00:53:03.740 | And then, yeah, I would love to hear your input
00:53:06.540 | about the income fluctuations.
00:53:09.420 | - You are exactly correct.
00:53:11.020 | A SEP IRA is a perfect solution for you,
00:53:13.260 | especially if your baby is expected in February.
00:53:16.180 | You can try to get as much tax prep done in January
00:53:20.340 | in terms of your own expenses.
00:53:22.440 | Perhaps you'll be waiting on 10 and 99s and such,
00:53:24.400 | but try to get your own accounts in order in January
00:53:26.220 | before the baby is expected.
00:53:27.660 | Take February off, take March off,
00:53:29.580 | and then in the beginning of April,
00:53:30.940 | go ahead and finalize your tax returns.
00:53:32.620 | And by then, you should have a better understanding
00:53:35.420 | of how mom is doing, how the baby is doing, et cetera.
00:53:38.740 | And then you could comfortably at that point in time
00:53:41.040 | make your SEP IRA contributions
00:53:42.780 | and make your Roth IRA contributions at that time.
00:53:44.820 | So practically, tactically,
00:53:46.320 | I think that's an appropriate solution.
00:53:48.260 | Now, let's talk about irregular income.
00:53:50.700 | The hardest financial problem
00:53:52.980 | that I don't know the great answer for
00:53:55.060 | is living on an irregular income.
00:53:57.620 | And I have extensive experience in this
00:54:00.340 | because since about 2008,
00:54:01.940 | I have lived on an irregular income.
00:54:04.140 | And I was always a personal finance buff,
00:54:06.420 | a personal finance nerd,
00:54:07.900 | and I thought, oh, it's going to be easy
00:54:09.820 | to live on an irregular income.
00:54:11.020 | And I found that it's very, very difficult,
00:54:14.180 | extraordinarily difficult to live on an irregular income
00:54:17.180 | because most of the comments about things like budgeting
00:54:20.460 | just totally go out the window.
00:54:22.060 | If you have a stable salary,
00:54:24.020 | budgeting is fairly straightforward,
00:54:26.300 | and especially budgeting between needs and wants
00:54:30.460 | or luxury spending is fairly straightforward.
00:54:33.080 | Let's say you sit down
00:54:34.060 | and you have a monthly income of $6,000 a month,
00:54:37.500 | and you make your savings decisions first,
00:54:39.400 | your giving decisions,
00:54:40.320 | you decide how much you're going to save and give.
00:54:41.860 | And let's say you net out,
00:54:43.220 | that you say, okay, we're going to spend $3,500 a month.
00:54:46.020 | Well, you look at your expenses,
00:54:47.660 | you figure out how much we're going to spend on housing.
00:54:50.540 | And then you say,
00:54:51.380 | well, let's assign a fun money budget of $100 a month,
00:54:54.860 | let's assign an eating out budget of $300 per month.
00:54:58.300 | So then when the decision comes of, should I eat out?
00:55:01.180 | Then you simply look in your budget account,
00:55:03.460 | be it an envelope, your wallet,
00:55:05.580 | a digital accounting of some kind,
00:55:08.380 | and you say, oh, look,
00:55:09.220 | we got $300 or $200 left in our eating out account,
00:55:12.140 | let's go out.
00:55:12.980 | And then when you're trying to decide,
00:55:14.340 | do we go to the fancy place or do we go to the cheap place?
00:55:17.240 | You can just simply go based upon what you feel like doing
00:55:20.580 | at the time,
00:55:21.540 | based upon how much money is left in that account.
00:55:24.020 | Now, fast forward,
00:55:25.100 | you get a check from a client for $15,000 on January 1.
00:55:30.100 | And on January 25,
00:55:32.740 | you and your wife are looking at each other and saying,
00:55:34.460 | you know what, we'd like to go out to eat.
00:55:36.540 | Question, how much money do you spend going out to eat?
00:55:40.020 | Do you decide you're going to go out to eat right then?
00:55:42.940 | Or do you decide that you are going to go
00:55:45.020 | to the expensive place or the cheap place?
00:55:46.540 | It's a very difficult question to answer.
00:55:49.180 | And all of the budgeting systems that I've heard
00:55:52.660 | and have tried, they've not really ever worked.
00:55:56.060 | For example, one of the pieces of suggestions,
00:55:58.100 | which I think is a beautiful suggestion,
00:56:00.580 | is set up enough money in a savings account
00:56:03.020 | and then pay yourself a salary every month
00:56:04.740 | that you can live on.
00:56:07.020 | So if you have business income,
00:56:08.800 | put it in your business account
00:56:09.820 | and then go ahead and pay yourself that salary of 6,000
00:56:12.020 | or 3,500 a month or whatever is appropriate.
00:56:14.980 | And then make sure that that account is always there.
00:56:17.100 | Well, that's true.
00:56:18.540 | But the problem is as a business owner,
00:56:20.380 | you often have big opportunities for investing
00:56:23.180 | in your business and you're also making those decisions.
00:56:26.620 | So you look down and you say, all right,
00:56:28.820 | I've got enough money here in this account
00:56:30.820 | to pay three months of salary.
00:56:32.580 | But there's a conference here that I'd like to go to
00:56:34.740 | and I think my total expenses for that
00:56:36.180 | are going to be $2,000.
00:56:37.660 | Or maybe I should hire somebody to help me
00:56:39.740 | and that's going to change it.
00:56:40.860 | And so it's just basically an ongoing battle
00:56:43.580 | and it's very difficult to know the answer to it.
00:56:45.820 | So I don't have a great solution.
00:56:47.700 | I'll give you just my suggestions.
00:56:49.020 | Number one, don't borrow money.
00:56:51.700 | Every time I borrowed money, I got in trouble
00:56:54.660 | because I would overspend with borrowed money.
00:56:57.580 | So don't borrow money.
00:56:58.700 | Make sure that you're paying with the money
00:57:01.940 | that you actually have.
00:57:03.420 | Number two, spend cash.
00:57:05.980 | And one of the ways that I've always done that
00:57:07.660 | is make a distribution into your wallet and spend cash.
00:57:11.300 | And then keep your bank accounts fairly static
00:57:14.460 | and then make distributions into cash
00:57:16.220 | and use that to moderate your spending.
00:57:18.380 | And so even today, I don't have a beautiful system
00:57:21.220 | in my own personal budgeting.
00:57:22.420 | I kind of just look at my wallet and say,
00:57:23.760 | is there a lot of money here or not?
00:57:25.460 | And how close are we to the end of the month
00:57:27.260 | and how is the money coming in
00:57:28.900 | and the money going out, et cetera.
00:57:30.700 | And, but simply by focusing on the numbers in the account,
00:57:34.060 | the cash in the wallet,
00:57:34.940 | where I'm very conscious of every decision,
00:57:36.820 | I can usually with my gut,
00:57:38.500 | just make a big enough, a good enough decision
00:57:41.220 | in terms of sticking to around a spending level
00:57:45.380 | that it seems appropriate.
00:57:46.580 | It feels like I'm not being excessive,
00:57:48.940 | but not being, you know, miserably cheap.
00:57:52.000 | Now, the big thing is keep a list of investments
00:57:55.660 | in your business that you think will help you.
00:57:58.340 | If you're building a new business,
00:57:59.580 | your best investment opportunities
00:58:01.020 | are gonna be in your business.
00:58:02.340 | Now they may be in employees, they may be in technology,
00:58:05.660 | they may be in tools, they may be in connections,
00:58:08.500 | they may be in a myriad of things
00:58:11.580 | that are related to your business,
00:58:13.080 | but don't go investing in other people's businesses
00:58:16.560 | until you've fully maximized
00:58:18.380 | all of the opportunity for your own.
00:58:20.220 | And in that case, what you should do is start to think,
00:58:23.460 | how could I invest productively in my business
00:58:25.740 | and keep a list of those things?
00:58:27.260 | Because most likely what you will need to do
00:58:29.620 | is spend most of your profit reinvesting in your business
00:58:32.420 | over the next few years,
00:58:33.820 | keep your family expenses as modest as possible
00:58:36.860 | and as modest as necessary to be comfortable,
00:58:39.580 | but invest all that money back into your business
00:58:41.300 | until you turn it into a self-sustaining cash cow,
00:58:45.380 | a vehicle, and those are gonna be big dollars, usually.
00:58:50.120 | When you sign up to bring on an employee or an assistant
00:58:53.760 | or some kind of a salesperson or a customer service person,
00:58:58.440 | then you start to, all of a sudden, $20,000,
00:59:02.040 | if you're paying $2,000 a month,
00:59:03.640 | $20,000 doesn't go so far.
00:59:05.480 | When you're buying investments in software
00:59:09.180 | or tools, materials, that $20,000 goes away
00:59:11.920 | much more quickly than you're accustomed to
00:59:13.360 | in your personal life.
00:59:14.600 | So that was perhaps a wordy way of saying,
00:59:17.140 | I don't have a perfect system,
00:59:18.880 | but you'll start to get in the rhythm and the groove
00:59:21.440 | of knowing how reliable and predictive your cashflow is
00:59:25.000 | and stack up money and stack up resources.
00:59:27.660 | The best thing that my wife and I have always done
00:59:30.120 | is stack up money and stack up resources.
00:59:32.460 | And it sounds silly, but there were times
00:59:34.640 | in your regular income over the last more than a decade,
00:59:38.680 | or I guess a decade, the last decade,
00:59:40.560 | there were times at which I would go months
00:59:42.280 | without any income, and there were times
00:59:44.000 | at which I would have massive income put together.
00:59:46.320 | And one of the reasons I started the practice,
00:59:50.800 | in addition to just it being a smart practice,
00:59:52.820 | but one of the reasons I started the practice
00:59:54.780 | of stockpiling the normal things of life,
00:59:58.200 | keeping extra food on hand, having extra toilet paper,
01:00:01.700 | and those kinds of things, buying when they're cheap,
01:00:04.160 | is because when you have all those resources,
01:00:06.800 | you can pick and choose without,
01:00:09.160 | because there's an abundance of resources around.
01:00:11.480 | So this month, if you just hired a new assistant,
01:00:14.760 | you just bought a new computer,
01:00:16.400 | and you just decided that you're gonna go
01:00:18.320 | to this conference that is expensive to get to
01:00:20.880 | and expensive to buy, but it's gonna give you access
01:00:22.780 | to the right network, you can go
01:00:25.520 | and you still have plenty of food in your pantry
01:00:28.000 | where you're not feeling pinched there.
01:00:30.380 | But I don't have a good solution.
01:00:32.400 | I've looked for one.
01:00:33.520 | That's the best I've come up with by experience.
01:00:35.920 | - Yeah, that's helpful.
01:00:39.160 | I have one additional question if we have time.
01:00:41.360 | - Go ahead.
01:00:42.640 | - So how do you, and this is a hard question too,
01:00:46.080 | but how do you personally balance
01:00:49.240 | having that stockpile of cash
01:00:51.880 | and also potentially making big personal investments
01:00:56.880 | in things that you know are gonna help your lifestyle
01:01:00.680 | or just things that you need to do?
01:01:02.440 | To give you an example,
01:01:03.480 | we bought our house a year and a half ago.
01:01:06.600 | We found out probably about six months after we bought it
01:01:10.320 | that there were serious structural issues
01:01:13.240 | with the back addition of our house,
01:01:15.200 | which basically means it wasn't built on a concrete slab,
01:01:18.960 | all kinds of issues.
01:01:19.800 | Anyway, eventually we're gonna have to tear it down
01:01:21.840 | and rebuild it.
01:01:22.680 | We've gotten some estimates that say,
01:01:25.160 | it's gonna cost us 45,000 to $60,000
01:01:29.080 | to tear it down and rebuild it
01:01:31.360 | in the way that we would want to.
01:01:33.680 | So I think that, and for us,
01:01:35.520 | that seems like a project that's probably
01:01:37.240 | three to five years out.
01:01:38.760 | And all the questions obviously come up of,
01:01:41.000 | should we even do it?
01:01:41.980 | It's $150,000 house, so it's like,
01:01:44.920 | we're probably not gonna get that money back,
01:01:46.880 | but from a lifestyle perspective,
01:01:49.120 | should we do it or not?
01:01:50.440 | So I guess my question is,
01:01:51.880 | how do you balance that when the stockpiling cash versus,
01:01:56.880 | like stockpiling cash in your business
01:01:59.480 | versus withdrawing that cash to do something
01:02:02.880 | that's gonna be meaningful to your life or just necessary?
01:02:05.780 | - It's a hard question.
01:02:07.800 | I would say the simple answer
01:02:08.920 | is talk with your wife about it,
01:02:10.880 | because you are balancing multiple interests.
01:02:14.280 | So having the house work beautifully
01:02:17.760 | is probably going and be exactly
01:02:19.800 | what you would dream of it being
01:02:21.120 | is probably gonna be very important to her,
01:02:22.720 | or at least more important to her than you.
01:02:24.800 | And having your business be incredibly productive
01:02:27.620 | is probably gonna be more important to you
01:02:29.560 | than it is to her.
01:02:30.840 | And so you're gonna have to talk it through together
01:02:34.000 | and come to an understanding together
01:02:37.000 | of what's best for us as an integrated marital unit.
01:02:41.240 | And in general, I would say,
01:02:43.540 | start by investing in things that make money,
01:02:45.840 | and especially start when you're young.
01:02:48.600 | So one of the best things you can do
01:02:52.000 | is defer your consumption as long as you possibly can.
01:02:56.260 | It's fairly easy when you're young
01:02:58.560 | and you have little babies
01:02:59.640 | that are easy to stick into a small corner,
01:03:01.400 | and it's fairly easy to maintain the habits
01:03:04.280 | of frugality and going without
01:03:07.240 | that have gotten you to an initial place in life.
01:03:10.240 | Nobody walks into a college student's dorm room and says,
01:03:12.960 | oh, you've got furniture here made from cinder blocks
01:03:15.240 | and such, what's wrong with you?
01:03:17.200 | It's normal for that life stage.
01:03:19.460 | So it's fairly easy for you at the beginning of life
01:03:22.280 | to put up with things,
01:03:24.700 | because all your friends are doing exactly the same thing.
01:03:27.220 | It's a little harder when you're 45 years old
01:03:29.560 | and your children are 12 years old, 15 years old.
01:03:33.040 | It's a little harder for you at that point
01:03:35.080 | to have things look not as nice as they would like to be.
01:03:38.880 | And it's a little bit,
01:03:40.120 | just emotionally a little bit more difficult.
01:03:42.360 | So logically, start with the business,
01:03:44.480 | because the house expenses are just simply
01:03:47.960 | a pure consumption item, it's a pure luxury item,
01:03:51.680 | whereas the business will make money.
01:03:53.240 | And one of the best just simple things is,
01:03:55.680 | if you have a goal,
01:03:57.480 | figure out how you make an investment in the business,
01:04:00.200 | pay for it.
01:04:01.600 | Instead of going and buying a car, simple example.
01:04:05.440 | I've never understood why people go and buy cars
01:04:07.920 | and then put payments on them,
01:04:10.000 | especially if they have money.
01:04:11.400 | So if you wanna buy a $30,000 car,
01:04:13.480 | don't go and spend the money on a $30,000 car,
01:04:15.660 | because then when the car is used up, all the money is gone.
01:04:18.080 | Go invest the $30,000
01:04:19.520 | and figure out how to make it give you $300 a month.
01:04:22.440 | And then if you have to get a $30,000 car loan,
01:04:25.760 | pay for it with $300 a month,
01:04:27.280 | at the end of it, when the car is dead,
01:04:28.480 | you'll still have the money.
01:04:29.360 | So do the same thing with your business.
01:04:31.520 | Invest in your business, make it very profitable,
01:04:34.320 | make it run itself, make it efficient,
01:04:36.440 | make it profitable, make it productive.
01:04:38.860 | Stack up lots of money.
01:04:40.400 | And then in a few years,
01:04:41.840 | you'll start to grasp a little bit more
01:04:43.640 | of what should change.
01:04:45.000 | What you think is perfect for you today
01:04:47.280 | will change in the next few years.
01:04:49.520 | And so I would say,
01:04:51.600 | I don't have a philosophy beyond,
01:04:54.160 | invest in your business,
01:04:55.820 | make it produce money for you significantly.
01:04:59.880 | And then you'll have what you need
01:05:02.560 | to move on to the personal consumption.
01:05:05.720 | We'll go now to the state of Washington.
01:05:07.080 | Welcome to the show.
01:05:07.920 | How can I serve you today?
01:05:09.000 | - Hi, first of all,
01:05:12.000 | just wanna say thank you, Joshua,
01:05:13.240 | for all you do.
01:05:14.080 | Your podcast is an excellent source of information.
01:05:17.160 | The credit card is fantastic.
01:05:18.440 | If anyone listening who hasn't got it yet
01:05:20.760 | should definitely get it.
01:05:21.960 | I've already made my money back on it.
01:05:23.520 | So thank you for producing such great quality.
01:05:25.880 | - Thank you.
01:05:26.840 | I wanted to ask you more on the business side
01:05:31.760 | of radical personal finance.
01:05:34.600 | I have just a side business
01:05:36.040 | that I started a few years ago,
01:05:37.760 | but did pretty well doing affiliate marketing.
01:05:40.240 | And when the,
01:05:43.940 | maybe three months ago,
01:05:46.440 | the affiliate links that I used,
01:05:49.360 | Apple ended their affiliate program for apps.
01:05:53.140 | And so the main revenue source is gone.
01:05:56.560 | And I'm trying to convert that
01:05:57.760 | to kind of a membership model using Patreon.
01:06:00.960 | Advice you could give having run Patreon campaigns
01:06:06.120 | and done it fairly successfully.
01:06:07.760 | I know it's not 100% of where you want,
01:06:10.000 | but you've done well with that.
01:06:11.520 | I was wondering what advice you could give to me
01:06:13.920 | of what you did or what you do differently,
01:06:16.040 | or what you might suggest in converting an audience
01:06:19.520 | from an affiliate model over to a paid membership model.
01:06:26.520 | - So you currently have a content-driven platform
01:06:31.360 | and you have people reading your things, listening to you.
01:06:35.120 | You currently have an audience, is that correct?
01:06:38.400 | - That's correct.
01:06:39.240 | So I can share a little bit more detail.
01:06:41.720 | So I find basically apps that have gone on sale
01:06:45.240 | as well as movies.
01:06:46.920 | There's hundreds of those that go on sale each day,
01:06:49.480 | and most are junk.
01:06:50.320 | And so I'm curating out just the best that my audience,
01:06:53.020 | that I publish those online.
01:06:56.660 | So I have an audience, about 1,300 people follow me
01:07:00.940 | across the internet and the different places
01:07:02.460 | that I publish.
01:07:03.340 | And I've got, I think, 10 people
01:07:07.100 | who've actually become paid members on Patreon.
01:07:10.460 | - Right.
01:07:11.740 | So I am not particularly bullish on Patreon.
01:07:15.860 | And it's not that Patreon can't help people,
01:07:20.860 | but I think it's best suited for a certain specific type
01:07:24.580 | of creator.
01:07:26.620 | And it's best suited for a creator whose content
01:07:30.980 | or product doesn't, is either entertainment-driven,
01:07:35.980 | such as music, or is ideological,
01:07:41.180 | such as a certain political ideology, et cetera.
01:07:48.020 | But I'm not particularly bullish on Patreon,
01:07:50.900 | even though with my own experience,
01:07:52.940 | and I'll explain for you why.
01:07:57.300 | I worked very hard to, it's ironic that you are a patron,
01:08:02.300 | that's how you got access to this call.
01:08:04.380 | And here we are, we are dissing on Patreon.
01:08:07.620 | But I wanna answer the question
01:08:08.820 | in as clear a way as possible.
01:08:10.540 | I love the topic of, or the concept of crowdfunding.
01:08:16.940 | I love the concept of democratization of ideas.
01:08:20.980 | I love the concept of individual people
01:08:23.260 | being able to support others.
01:08:25.340 | I'm very enthusiastic about those philosophies.
01:08:29.020 | And that was why for an extended period of time,
01:08:32.460 | I really hammered hard on Patreon to try to see
01:08:36.940 | if I could fulfill kind of that ideological interest
01:08:40.700 | that I have to say, is it possible to build a business
01:08:44.220 | exclusively based upon serving your customers?
01:08:47.220 | And my answer is yes, it is possible.
01:08:50.220 | The problem is it's not nearly as profitable
01:08:53.380 | as other potential opportunities.
01:08:58.100 | And so if there's, so earlier in the call,
01:09:00.580 | at the very beginning of the call,
01:09:01.940 | Anne was saying how much she had benefited
01:09:04.340 | from my course, both of my courses that I've released.
01:09:08.580 | And you made some very nice comments
01:09:10.980 | about how much you'd benefited
01:09:12.220 | from the course that I released.
01:09:14.340 | And so those comments unsolicited by me
01:09:19.020 | demonstrate that for someone like me,
01:09:21.580 | there's a much better opportunity for me
01:09:23.820 | to serve specific needs effectively
01:09:27.420 | and to provide content or value.
01:09:29.140 | Now I'm dealing in a space of money
01:09:31.260 | where even as Anne's recommendations,
01:09:33.100 | she recommended a course on insurance,
01:09:35.580 | a course on asset protection, a course on trusts.
01:09:38.100 | That's effectively what I'm doing.
01:09:39.380 | And that's, by the way,
01:09:41.180 | that's my business model going forward.
01:09:43.540 | Because I wanna focus on creating
01:09:45.380 | the highest quality things that will serve people
01:09:48.260 | in specific situations.
01:09:49.820 | And there's a natural model between someone like me
01:09:52.500 | selling financial information to interested people
01:09:55.700 | that may not exist if I were creating a podcast
01:09:58.340 | on political punditry or religious philosophizing
01:10:02.300 | or playing music, guitar music for somebody.
01:10:06.180 | Those things don't have that natural outlet that this has.
01:10:09.980 | But yet the profitability of my creating courses
01:10:14.180 | and is so much higher than Patreon
01:10:18.940 | that it's foolish of me to focus on Patreon
01:10:22.860 | to the detriment of courses.
01:10:25.860 | I have never seen, I created,
01:10:27.940 | I gave a speech at FinCon, I guess it was 17 last year
01:10:32.140 | at the Financial Bloggers Conference FinCon.
01:10:34.940 | And it was on Patreon.
01:10:36.180 | And basically I had a bunch of my fellow podcasters.
01:10:39.700 | And basically my answer to them was,
01:10:41.820 | if you have anything that's more suitable
01:10:45.300 | to your business platform, don't do Patreon.
01:10:47.940 | I have never had more than,
01:10:50.140 | I've always been had far less than 1%
01:10:52.300 | of my listening audience support the show.
01:10:54.700 | Which I don't begrudge, just to be clear,
01:10:56.420 | I'm not bitter about this.
01:10:57.260 | But just in practical analysis,
01:10:59.060 | I've never had more than 1% of the audience
01:11:01.460 | support the show.
01:11:02.980 | And I've not found a single platform
01:11:05.060 | that ever has more than 1% of the audience support the show.
01:11:08.300 | Now I'm deeply grateful, so grateful
01:11:10.460 | to the 1% of the audience that supports the show.
01:11:13.300 | I don't wanna minimize that.
01:11:16.020 | But you can't build an ongoing business on 1%,
01:11:20.860 | unless there's a very high dollar amount involved.
01:11:24.100 | And in even my own Patreon earnings,
01:11:27.220 | the way that I have structured Patreon,
01:11:29.980 | the most profitable component of Patreon
01:11:33.060 | has not just been in direct support,
01:11:34.820 | it's been when I've been able to offer additional value.
01:11:37.020 | One point I had a small type of,
01:11:40.660 | basically mastermind type of call
01:11:42.460 | that was very successful for a time.
01:11:45.860 | I offer access to these Q&A shows.
01:11:47.620 | That's the biggest draw for people,
01:11:49.300 | is to access these Q&A shows.
01:11:50.980 | And so those people who value those things
01:11:53.620 | pay a higher amount.
01:11:54.940 | But if I were trying to eat exclusively on Patreon,
01:11:58.100 | I couldn't do it.
01:11:59.220 | The other problem with Patreon is it puts your,
01:12:02.060 | puts your,
01:12:05.020 | your livelihood in the hands of another person
01:12:08.940 | who doesn't really care specifically about you.
01:12:11.940 | Now, Patreon has had some significant things that happened.
01:12:16.940 | There was a couple of years ago,
01:12:18.940 | there was a right-wing political commentator
01:12:22.500 | named Lauren Southern, who's a provocateur on the right.
01:12:25.980 | And she had a very successful Patreon account at that time.
01:12:30.940 | And she did an event over in Europe
01:12:35.740 | where she went out on a boat and was basically talking to,
01:12:39.500 | and I didn't watch the video,
01:12:41.300 | but allegedly harassing migrants,
01:12:44.700 | Syrian and other African migrants into Italy.
01:12:48.260 | And when Patreon saw that video,
01:12:50.460 | they canceled her Patreon account.
01:12:53.740 | And they completely deleted it and canceled it.
01:12:56.260 | Now, I get very concerned about that
01:12:58.100 | because one of my real concerns right now
01:13:00.420 | is censorship, that there is an ideological press
01:13:03.780 | towards additional censorship,
01:13:04.980 | especially in the United States of America.
01:13:06.580 | And so if you don't conform to the orthodoxy of the day,
01:13:09.940 | there's a strong press towards censorship,
01:13:12.140 | and that's only heated up.
01:13:13.380 | Without going into too many examples,
01:13:16.780 | I wanna stay focused on Patreon,
01:13:17.860 | but it's become so strong that there's this concept
01:13:22.260 | that we've gotta weed out the heretics.
01:13:24.180 | So Patreon, I listened to an interview
01:13:26.780 | that Jack Conte gave to a conservative commentator
01:13:31.140 | named Jordan Rubin, who interviewed him,
01:13:34.340 | because Jordan Rubin has built a very successful platform
01:13:39.020 | built on Patreon, where he uses Patreon
01:13:41.460 | and supports a video talk show,
01:13:43.860 | and it's been very successful.
01:13:46.020 | And Jack Conte promised, he said,
01:13:48.420 | "We are not filtering people
01:13:50.260 | "for their ideological commentary.
01:13:52.180 | "We're not filtering, we're not gonna do this.
01:13:54.860 | "We're not gonna do it."
01:13:56.580 | And so I was very concerned,
01:13:59.140 | but I said, "I'm gonna believe Jack Conte.
01:14:01.020 | "Maybe he's right.
01:14:02.980 | "He sounds like an authentic, sincere guy.
01:14:05.500 | "He's committed to people being able to use his platform."
01:14:08.940 | Well, a little bit, about four or five months ago,
01:14:12.820 | there is a researcher and an academic named Robert Spencer.
01:14:17.180 | And Robert Spencer is an expert on Muslim theology
01:14:22.180 | and specifically jihad.
01:14:24.780 | Now, he's a controversial figure
01:14:26.460 | because he has strong-winded,
01:14:28.820 | very strong perspectives on Islam
01:14:31.660 | and the integration of Islam with violent jihad.
01:14:34.900 | So Robert Spencer created a Patreon account
01:14:38.060 | that was instantly, very quickly funded.
01:14:40.660 | But Robert Spencer, and by the way,
01:14:42.500 | Robert Spencer is a very impressive person
01:14:44.700 | in terms of his academic knowledge.
01:14:46.620 | There is a legitimate debate to be had
01:14:48.580 | with his interpretation of certain facts,
01:14:51.340 | but he's a very impressive person.
01:14:52.820 | He was, for many years,
01:14:55.260 | with the Department of Homeland Security
01:14:56.940 | and many national governments,
01:14:58.020 | he was a consultant on, specifically on Islam
01:15:01.580 | for the US government.
01:15:03.220 | So he's not a lightweight.
01:15:05.780 | He's absolutely not lightweight.
01:15:07.540 | He started a Patreon account,
01:15:08.900 | and what happened was, within a couple of days,
01:15:11.420 | he was banned from the platform.
01:15:13.060 | But Patreon's defense of it is they said,
01:15:15.740 | "We're not going to, we didn't ban him,
01:15:17.620 | "but MasterCard banned him.
01:15:19.100 | "MasterCard didn't wanna do business with him
01:15:21.540 | "because he's viewed as an anti-Islamic person,
01:15:24.460 | "and because of that,
01:15:25.740 | "because MasterCard won't do business with him,
01:15:27.580 | "and Patreon uses MasterCard to fund their pledges,
01:15:32.580 | "because of that, he's not allowed on our platform."
01:15:38.300 | Now, the accusations that they made against him
01:15:41.420 | were, in my opinion, in my research, completely unfounded.
01:15:45.660 | And this is the problem that we face,
01:15:47.420 | especially with companies like Patreon.
01:15:49.140 | And it's been more and more.
01:15:50.340 | There've been other figures as well,
01:15:51.340 | but this was the most high-profile.
01:15:52.540 | Now, I reached out to Patreon.
01:15:53.740 | I asked for a comment.
01:15:56.340 | I never received personal comment.
01:15:58.420 | I am not sure if they've publicly commented on it,
01:16:01.260 | but I've absolutely lost any confidence in Patreon
01:16:04.100 | because they are going the way
01:16:06.460 | that many other large brands have gone.
01:16:09.940 | And the problem is not simple.
01:16:12.220 | It's not as simple as saying,
01:16:14.180 | "Well, there should be freedom of speech."
01:16:16.260 | Obviously, there is a component,
01:16:19.220 | and this is where people like me who support,
01:16:23.140 | I support the right of discrimination.
01:16:25.260 | I believe that you should be allowed to discriminate
01:16:27.700 | for any reason that you want against anybody.
01:16:30.180 | Now, obviously, that's illegal in current law,
01:16:32.220 | but ideologically, philosophically,
01:16:34.540 | I support the right of discrimination.
01:16:36.260 | So I support the right of Patreon
01:16:38.660 | to discriminate against anyone they want to
01:16:40.340 | for any reason they want to,
01:16:41.460 | and they don't have to give accountability to me.
01:16:42.900 | That's an unpopular view in most of the world,
01:16:45.460 | but that's my personal opinion.
01:16:47.180 | But the problem is there's such an intense groupthink
01:16:49.860 | that's happening around these platforms,
01:16:51.340 | and if you give your brand over to one of these platforms,
01:16:55.060 | you run the risk of them basically squeezing you
01:16:58.020 | and cutting you off in a moment,
01:16:59.660 | and I consider that an unacceptable risk.
01:17:02.060 | The same thing has happened with platforms
01:17:04.180 | that went over and used Facebook.
01:17:06.140 | I consider Facebook to be entirely untrustworthy
01:17:08.740 | at this point.
01:17:09.660 | You cannot trust a company like Facebook
01:17:12.340 | because every time they come out with something,
01:17:14.580 | every time they've come out with a tool,
01:17:16.460 | they create this tool, they use it,
01:17:18.620 | and they try to incentivize people to come and use the tool
01:17:21.620 | so people say, "Okay, I'm gonna take you at your value.
01:17:24.460 | "I'm gonna believe that you're acting in good faith,
01:17:26.100 | "and I'm gonna use your tool.
01:17:27.060 | "I'm gonna build an audience on my Facebook page.
01:17:29.940 | "I'm gonna build an audience with your Facebook tools."
01:17:32.180 | And so they invest in it, and they invest in it,
01:17:34.700 | and then all of a sudden, Facebook decides,
01:17:36.420 | "Okay, now we're gonna start charging you."
01:17:37.820 | And it goes all the way back to charging for views
01:17:39.860 | on a Facebook page.
01:17:41.460 | You look at the debacle with journalism
01:17:43.700 | of how they basically destroy the online journalism setup.
01:17:48.100 | Unfortunately, so you cannot trust them
01:17:51.340 | to behave in good faith.
01:17:53.420 | And so all of these platforms, if you're going,
01:17:56.060 | in my opinion, if you're going to have interaction
01:17:58.900 | with a platform, with a provider,
01:18:00.900 | first of all, you have to be very, very suspicious of them,
01:18:04.500 | and you have to ask, "What's the business model,
01:18:06.740 | "and how am I gonna actually do this?"
01:18:08.460 | I don't trust people that I don't pay.
01:18:10.500 | That's the current thing.
01:18:11.860 | If I'm not paying you for your services,
01:18:14.460 | I'm not going to trust you.
01:18:16.020 | So I'm not gonna trust Facebook.
01:18:17.540 | I'm not gonna trust Patreon.
01:18:18.780 | If I'm not paying for a specific service,
01:18:21.220 | I'm not going to trust it.
01:18:22.420 | And then the second thing is you have to think about,
01:18:24.460 | "How do I protect myself if this particular company
01:18:27.780 | "decides they don't wanna do it?"
01:18:28.980 | Now, if you're doing apps, you're not involved
01:18:31.460 | in the cultural wars of today.
01:18:33.020 | You're not talking about-- - No, I'm not.
01:18:35.220 | - This is far away from you.
01:18:36.780 | And so you say, "Well, I could just kind of skate along."
01:18:40.460 | Well, yes, maybe, but those are my concerns with it.
01:18:44.100 | So with Patreon specifically, number one,
01:18:46.060 | you can expect a very, very low level of participation,
01:18:50.740 | very low level of participation.
01:18:52.540 | And with that low level of participation,
01:18:54.940 | unless you have a massive audience,
01:19:00.700 | 100,000 people that are listening to you
01:19:04.340 | means 1,000 people supporting you on Patreon.
01:19:06.500 | That's great.
01:19:07.340 | But if you have 150 people supporting you,
01:19:09.860 | then that means one or two people
01:19:12.140 | supporting your Patreon page.
01:19:13.420 | So you have to have a massive audience
01:19:15.300 | because you're going to get
01:19:16.140 | a very low level of participation.
01:19:17.300 | Number two, you're putting the future of your business
01:19:19.940 | in the hands of an entity that has proven
01:19:22.740 | that they will take action if they agree
01:19:24.900 | or disagree with you.
01:19:26.340 | Now, I think Patreon is better than Facebook, right?
01:19:29.340 | But the problem is all of the press,
01:19:32.100 | the movement is in the direction
01:19:34.580 | of the companies are supposed to make
01:19:36.980 | ideological discriminatory positions
01:19:40.220 | because that's what's right,
01:19:41.660 | 'cause we're on the right side of history kind of thing.
01:19:43.340 | And so even in your own personal life,
01:19:45.260 | if you have a website related to app development,
01:19:48.700 | but you hold personal opinions and positions
01:19:53.140 | that are not the orthodoxy of the day,
01:19:54.860 | you run the risk of having your business shut down.
01:19:57.620 | And I think that's an unacceptable risk.
01:19:59.580 | So with a few exceptions,
01:20:02.060 | the people that I think are,
01:20:03.820 | and the exceptions are,
01:20:05.020 | if you don't have a natural normal outlet for services
01:20:09.380 | or for your own products, then Patreon can work.
01:20:12.300 | I support a couple of Patreon creators.
01:20:14.620 | One of my favorite,
01:20:15.900 | there's a guy named Andrew St. Pierre White,
01:20:17.620 | who's a four-wheel drive enthusiast.
01:20:19.860 | He creates these wonderful four-wheel drive videos
01:20:23.140 | of overlanding, et cetera.
01:20:24.380 | He's very good.
01:20:25.700 | And that's really the only natural outlet for him
01:20:28.740 | is crowdfunding.
01:20:29.620 | And he does such a good job with it.
01:20:30.980 | I love his stuff.
01:20:31.820 | I support him on Patreon.
01:20:33.420 | Or if you support somebody ideologically,
01:20:36.940 | you pick somebody and they're a political provocateur
01:20:41.020 | or they're a preacher of some kind,
01:20:43.100 | or they're an artist,
01:20:44.900 | then in that case, I think Patreon's a really good fit.
01:20:46.940 | But in general, it should be basically
01:20:49.900 | the last thing on your list
01:20:51.740 | because you have a very low profit,
01:20:53.420 | you have low participation.
01:20:54.900 | So unless you can't find
01:20:56.420 | any other superior monetization model,
01:20:59.060 | I discourage you from Patreon.
01:21:02.540 | Was that clear enough?
01:21:03.700 | (laughing)
01:21:05.140 | - That's very clear.
01:21:06.420 | That's very clear.
01:21:07.340 | There's some good thoughts on that.
01:21:09.140 | There used to be fantastic alignment to monetization
01:21:14.420 | 'cause I'm providing apps.
01:21:15.700 | - Exactly.
01:21:16.540 | - I've added the revenue and I'm just dying
01:21:19.140 | because Apple ended that program.
01:21:21.100 | So need to explore other options.
01:21:23.700 | So this is good thoughts on Patreon,
01:21:26.420 | especially that 1% number is a really great reference point
01:21:29.060 | for me to have and think through.
01:21:31.020 | - Do the research.
01:21:32.100 | - I researched that before I ever started a Patreon account.
01:21:35.180 | I hoped that based upon my, at that time,
01:21:38.140 | my demonstrated commitment to my audience
01:21:40.900 | to produce massive amounts of what I did my very best
01:21:44.460 | to make high quality, massive amounts of content.
01:21:47.140 | I said, if there's ever a content creator
01:21:50.220 | who can get higher than this number,
01:21:52.420 | I think I could do it
01:21:53.580 | because I've demonstrated my value already to my audience.
01:21:57.860 | And at that point in time,
01:22:02.020 | so at that point in time,
01:22:03.380 | I thought maybe I could get higher, but I did the research.
01:22:06.940 | I looked at all the big brands on Patreon.
01:22:09.060 | I looked at their audience size with YouTube subscribers
01:22:11.660 | and I came to the presumption it's gonna be a small number,
01:22:14.620 | but I gave it everything I had and I came to the conclusion,
01:22:18.220 | we're just not really wired or accustomed
01:22:21.020 | to specifically crowdfunding something
01:22:25.820 | unless we have a strong connection with it
01:22:28.180 | or unless we're getting specific value.
01:22:29.580 | That's why I focused on political provocateurs
01:22:32.620 | or political ideological teachers of some kind.
01:22:35.500 | Those are great people for a platform like Patreon
01:22:39.180 | because there's not really a natural other way to do it
01:22:42.940 | other than to support that philosophy.
01:22:45.980 | And so if you support a left-wing ideology,
01:22:47.980 | a right-wing ideology, a no-wing ideology,
01:22:50.540 | and if you can find your person
01:22:52.100 | who's preaching your gospel, then you can support them
01:22:54.820 | and you'll be happy that they're doing well.
01:22:59.020 | But if you don't have that,
01:23:00.700 | then you're not gonna do the same thing.
01:23:03.060 | And in general, I think there are better ways.
01:23:06.520 | So hopefully that helps.
01:23:09.700 | And in the future, just for clarity,
01:23:11.780 | I guess I don't have to do it.
01:23:12.620 | It's hard for me, I don't wanna discount Patreon
01:23:14.300 | because I deeply appreciate everyone
01:23:16.300 | who supports me on the show.
01:23:17.700 | But in the future, I think I'm probably going
01:23:21.060 | to cancel my Patreon account 'cause I don't love
01:23:25.460 | to do business with people who are not,
01:23:29.420 | I don't love to do business with companies like that
01:23:31.100 | and I've lost trust in them.
01:23:32.460 | I thought when I heard Jack's interview with Jordan Rubin,
01:23:36.420 | I said, "Okay, well, I can understand
01:23:38.340 | "why they made the decisions they made,
01:23:39.660 | "but the Robert Spencer thing really bothered me."
01:23:44.020 | And so we'll see what happens in the future.
01:23:47.280 | But first, I'm still working on the thing.
01:23:50.140 | I misspoke a moment ago.
01:23:50.980 | I said, number one, if you have a position
01:23:52.980 | where people wanna support you, or number two,
01:23:54.320 | if you could have great bonuses,
01:23:56.320 | the most helpful thing to me of Patreon,
01:24:03.140 | or the thing that's helped the most people support me
01:24:05.020 | is this Q&A call we're on right now.
01:24:06.740 | And that has turned out to be the best bonus
01:24:08.660 | that I could come up with that has been effective
01:24:11.260 | at building a Patreon campaign.
01:24:12.420 | So if you can create great bonuses,
01:24:14.660 | which involve some measure of service,
01:24:17.020 | maybe it's you providing specific consulting services
01:24:19.620 | to your customers in some way,
01:24:21.860 | and you can market it on the Patreon platform,
01:24:24.180 | then I think you can use it.
01:24:27.560 | All right, last caller of the day.
01:24:29.120 | Wow, what a Q&A show.
01:24:30.320 | We go now to Alabama.
01:24:31.240 | Welcome to the show.
01:24:32.080 | How can I serve you today?
01:24:34.080 | - Hey, Josh, my name's Brian.
01:24:35.160 | I was calling because I'm interested
01:24:37.120 | in evaluating new healthcare options for our 2019 plan.
01:24:42.120 | We run a small company with five employees,
01:24:45.040 | including my wife and me.
01:24:47.000 | We currently pay roughly between 25 and $28,000 a year
01:24:52.480 | to our local monopoly insurance provider.
01:24:54.960 | My wife is a little scared about doing any type of HSA
01:24:59.820 | or medical sharing program.
01:25:01.860 | And I'm trying to, I'm wondering if there's a middle ground.
01:25:05.140 | So as the company director of these finances,
01:25:07.900 | I'm trying to figure out,
01:25:08.760 | is there a way to administer a savings account
01:25:13.260 | where we could take the savings
01:25:14.860 | that we would normally pay to the insurance provider
01:25:18.420 | and keep them in a form of asset
01:25:22.080 | that we could pay out to the,
01:25:24.980 | like a MediShare or an HSA scenario
01:25:29.300 | for the benefit of the employees that are here.
01:25:33.060 | So if theoretically we could save $15,000 a year
01:25:36.900 | using a MediShare type program,
01:25:39.620 | would it be possible to let that money stay in the company
01:25:43.120 | and then have the company pay
01:25:44.260 | those personal medical expenses
01:25:46.900 | rather than just prepaying for the possibility
01:25:49.460 | of needing medical treatment?
01:25:52.360 | - What an interesting question.
01:25:54.840 | So I need to start with my disclaimer.
01:25:59.440 | I have not worked in group medical insurance
01:26:03.620 | in almost a decade.
01:26:05.640 | I spent a little bit of time in that marketplace,
01:26:08.160 | but things have changed so much.
01:26:09.920 | When the Affordable Care Act was passed,
01:26:12.360 | I completely got out of the business
01:26:13.840 | and I said, there's no reason for me
01:26:14.800 | to deal in this world anymore.
01:26:16.280 | And I never really sold much group insurance
01:26:19.360 | and so I am not your best resource,
01:26:24.140 | but I'll try to point you in the right direction
01:26:25.900 | by at least asking a couple of hopefully helpful questions.
01:26:28.340 | So to be clear,
01:26:29.720 | you currently have a mainstream health insurance program,
01:26:34.160 | right?
01:26:35.000 | - Mm-hmm, that's correct.
01:26:36.320 | - And the two things that you mentioned,
01:26:38.900 | you said starting potentially an HSA,
01:26:41.760 | a healthcare sharing account,
01:26:44.440 | or you mentioned the idea of moving
01:26:46.600 | to a Christian ministry approach,
01:26:50.200 | like a MediShare, the medical sharing plan.
01:26:52.840 | Those are two very different things.
01:26:54.200 | So you could just simply add an HSA account
01:26:57.680 | onto your current plans,
01:26:59.040 | if your current plans offer you
01:27:00.480 | a high deductible health plan,
01:27:02.160 | for you to move to a medical sharing plan
01:27:04.040 | using a Christian healthcare sharing ministry,
01:27:06.120 | that would be a very different move and a very big move.
01:27:08.760 | So those are two big different questions on it.
01:27:13.760 | Is there any reason why you think
01:27:15.320 | you shouldn't just go ahead and add the HSA?
01:27:17.240 | Is there any downside to the HSA?
01:27:18.960 | - It looks like maximum deductions
01:27:23.800 | and maximum out-of-pocket expenses
01:27:26.240 | would be fairly similar within a rounding error
01:27:29.400 | of what we currently pay versus the worst case scenario
01:27:32.640 | for paying the HSA premium
01:27:34.200 | and then paying the maximum amount of out-of-pocket expense.
01:27:37.800 | So there isn't a huge downside there
01:27:39.960 | in that particular case.
01:27:41.720 | And then of course you have the added value
01:27:43.600 | of hopefully growing assets in an HSA plan.
01:27:46.880 | What we were hoping to do though,
01:27:49.520 | is even with that very different option
01:27:52.480 | than the medical sharing program,
01:27:54.400 | there's still an annual savings that the company would see.
01:27:57.680 | Now, granted, we could just keep that,
01:27:59.400 | we could take that as a distribution,
01:28:01.720 | we could do whatever we wanna do with that difference.
01:28:03.480 | But what I would hope to see is if there's a way to,
01:28:07.000 | I don't know, and that's less obvious
01:28:11.000 | than the medical sharing option,
01:28:12.520 | where there's such a significant contribution savings
01:28:15.480 | that we're trying to find a way to perhaps
01:28:19.440 | keep the burden on the company
01:28:22.240 | so that we're not paying income tax against this
01:28:25.960 | and use the company assets that would normally go
01:28:29.240 | to the mainstream healthcare provider
01:28:31.480 | to pay whatever related cost associated with it.
01:28:35.120 | - Would your company qualify based upon the ideological
01:28:39.760 | and religious screenings
01:28:40.680 | of the Christian Healthcare Sharing Ministries,
01:28:42.720 | would your company qualify
01:28:43.800 | for a group healthcare sharing program?
01:28:46.240 | - At least for the highest paying,
01:28:51.840 | most expensive family, which would be for my wife and I,
01:28:54.920 | I can speak for us personally.
01:28:56.360 | - So that's your problem there.
01:29:00.960 | And you'll have to research it.
01:29:03.000 | So there are organizations that would qualify
01:29:05.520 | if your organization, for example,
01:29:07.280 | has some statement of faith screening
01:29:10.720 | that your employees have to subscribe to,
01:29:14.200 | then you could qualify for a healthcare sharing ministry.
01:29:16.800 | But most companies wouldn't qualify for that
01:29:19.520 | because most companies wouldn't be able
01:29:21.680 | to discriminate against employees one way or the other.
01:29:24.160 | And so you could offer it.
01:29:26.920 | You're not required to offer it.
01:29:28.080 | You could offer it if somebody could participate in it.
01:29:30.640 | But most companies, in my understanding,
01:29:33.040 | couldn't do that collectively.
01:29:35.280 | So on that, you'll have to research that and talk with them
01:29:37.920 | and see if you would qualify.
01:29:39.680 | If you would qualify, and if your employees,
01:29:42.160 | your three non-related employees would be interested in it,
01:29:45.880 | I think it's a really wonderful option.
01:29:47.560 | I love the outcome of the Healthcare Sharing Ministries
01:29:52.560 | plans because they just do such a good job.
01:29:57.240 | They align, number one, they can save you money
01:30:01.320 | out of your actual pocket in terms of paying for premiums
01:30:04.800 | 'cause they're so much less expensive.
01:30:06.640 | They do a really good job, in my opinion,
01:30:09.080 | of starting to change the medical marketplace.
01:30:11.240 | I was very excited when under the,
01:30:14.600 | I think it was President Bush, George W. Bush,
01:30:17.200 | when he passed the legislation
01:30:18.480 | that brought in healthcare sharing accounts
01:30:20.600 | because I was very excited
01:30:21.840 | about the high deductible health plan.
01:30:23.120 | From my reading, it was about the only option
01:30:25.560 | that could start to change medical costs
01:30:29.060 | because with a high deductible health plan,
01:30:31.360 | you had an incentive to change,
01:30:34.000 | to negotiate with your provider.
01:30:36.160 | Well, my experience with the Healthcare Sharing Ministry
01:30:37.960 | has been that incentive is much stronger
01:30:40.120 | because now, not only do I have the incentive
01:30:42.560 | of saving money, but I'm with a group
01:30:44.640 | of ideologically like-minded people,
01:30:47.040 | which means I see myself as part of a group of people
01:30:49.720 | that I wanna help, I wanna see them succeed,
01:30:51.400 | and so I drive a harder bargain with my medical providers,
01:30:54.920 | and then I just pay cash, and then that's right,
01:30:56.920 | that's good for the doctors
01:30:58.000 | because they can spend less time paying people
01:30:59.760 | to work through the billing,
01:31:00.840 | and they can just take cash payment,
01:31:02.600 | and then I have total flexibility also
01:31:05.360 | by not being limited to what's in network
01:31:07.160 | versus out of network.
01:31:08.400 | Now, we can pit the free market against one another,
01:31:10.520 | and I can go where I'm treated best
01:31:12.000 | with whatever physician is better,
01:31:13.840 | whatever state is better,
01:31:15.080 | anywhere in the world that's better,
01:31:16.240 | and so you open up things like medical tourism for,
01:31:20.840 | I mean, there's just so many options,
01:31:21.800 | so I love what Healthcare Sharing Ministries
01:31:24.080 | can accomplish financially and for everybody,
01:31:28.720 | where everybody benefits.
01:31:29.560 | I benefit, the doctors benefit,
01:31:31.560 | my fellow plan participants benefit.
01:31:33.320 | I think it's a really good option,
01:31:35.920 | but I don't know how you can apply it in a company
01:31:38.320 | unless there, I don't know the answer to that.
01:31:42.320 | I don't see any reason not to do the HSA.
01:31:44.520 | I think in that same vein of what's effective,
01:31:47.820 | the HSA is really good for most people.
01:31:50.280 | Unless you have an employee
01:31:51.760 | that has ongoing chronic health conditions
01:31:54.440 | where they need a plan that has a low deductible,
01:31:56.880 | if you can offer a health deductible health plan,
01:31:59.000 | high deductible health plan that's qualified for an HSA,
01:32:02.600 | for the majority of people,
01:32:03.680 | that's gonna be the best solution for them
01:32:05.080 | because they can get their preventive care
01:32:07.000 | covered under the high deductible health plan,
01:32:09.000 | and yet they can still enjoy lower premiums.
01:32:12.200 | Those lower premiums can be for you, good for you,
01:32:14.760 | and then what you can do as a company
01:32:16.200 | is you can just put some of those savings and match them
01:32:19.040 | or make contributions
01:32:20.320 | to their health savings account for them.
01:32:22.680 | So that, in my mind, is a great use for the money.
01:32:26.560 | Now, I think you could create
01:32:29.760 | some additional supplemental health plan
01:32:32.380 | if you're willing to create your own private plan,
01:32:35.240 | usually in supplement.
01:32:36.980 | I think you could create a plan
01:32:39.120 | that would allow you to spend more money on it,
01:32:42.580 | but that's out of,
01:32:43.420 | you'll need to find an appropriate consultant on that,
01:32:46.240 | and I don't know.
01:32:47.060 | But I don't see any reason not to do the HSA.
01:32:49.320 | I don't see any reason why you shouldn't just go ahead
01:32:51.160 | and make contributions to the accounts for the employees
01:32:54.040 | and then allow them to also put their money in for them.
01:32:56.640 | I don't see any downside to that.
01:32:58.280 | - Okay.
01:33:00.360 | Yeah, I think that was what I was defaulting to,
01:33:02.380 | just for simplicity and familiarity for the employees,
01:33:05.080 | to be able to basically give them
01:33:07.520 | the same premium amount month over month,
01:33:09.600 | but then they have the benefit
01:33:11.200 | of seeing an HSA account value grow
01:33:13.360 | compared to just, yeah,
01:33:15.280 | if they don't use their insurance all that much,
01:33:17.000 | that's just money spent,
01:33:18.680 | which is one of the frustrating things about insurance.
01:33:21.680 | - Right, right.
01:33:22.600 | And you can, yeah, exactly.
01:33:24.400 | It's the thing that is the very best way to help them.
01:33:28.840 | And when they understand the power
01:33:30.280 | of the healthcare sharing account,
01:33:32.440 | where they, I'm sorry, the health savings account,
01:33:34.000 | where they understand the power
01:33:34.880 | that the money can be contributed.
01:33:36.920 | If you do it as a payroll deduction,
01:33:38.360 | they can avoid the employment taxes on their contribution.
01:33:40.760 | That's really great.
01:33:41.840 | If they understand that if you don't use the money
01:33:44.240 | for health needs, you can take it out in retirement.
01:33:47.440 | It's a really powerful account,
01:33:49.280 | and you can match the money,
01:33:50.680 | you can put the money in for them, make contributions,
01:33:53.080 | and that'll be good for them and good for you,
01:33:55.160 | allow you to do that with them.
01:33:59.000 | So I think that's probably your best option,
01:34:01.480 | because although, if you ran some religious organization
01:34:06.480 | where you had a doctrinal statement
01:34:08.560 | that your employees had to assent to before joining,
01:34:11.280 | then the healthcare sharing ministries would work great,
01:34:13.840 | but you can't do that
01:34:14.760 | in just a private for-profit business.
01:34:17.320 | So I don't see how that would work for you.
01:34:20.440 | - Well, I think in this particular case,
01:34:22.520 | we're such a small company,
01:34:24.360 | we would be able to let people who chose not to be
01:34:27.080 | in the healthcare sharing program
01:34:28.720 | to still continue with their current plan.
01:34:31.160 | So in this scenario,
01:34:32.440 | I was looking at keeping the other two employees
01:34:34.160 | on just a small two-point contract
01:34:35.960 | with the healthcare provider,
01:34:37.720 | and perhaps moving my family
01:34:39.400 | to the medical sharing program alone.
01:34:41.080 | - Okay, maybe so.
01:34:42.600 | I would just say, I'm sorry,
01:34:44.080 | you've reached the end of my knowledge.
01:34:45.520 | (laughing)
01:34:47.560 | I'm not good enough,
01:34:48.400 | but hopefully maybe there'll be a listener
01:34:50.640 | who knows something about it
01:34:52.120 | and can get in touch with me,
01:34:53.320 | and if so, I'll forward the info on to you.
01:34:55.200 | If you do, send me an email, do that.
01:34:56.480 | If a listener has a suggestion for you,
01:34:59.600 | you can email me,,
01:35:02.400 | and then you can go ahead and send me an email,
01:35:05.120 | and that way I have your email address
01:35:06.280 | and can pass that on after the show.
01:35:08.360 | But it's an interesting idea,
01:35:09.480 | and I appreciate your doing a good job.
01:35:11.640 | Employees really do value medical programs,
01:35:17.120 | especially the appropriate caliber of employees.
01:35:19.480 | I hate how ridiculous the marketplace has gotten.
01:35:22.760 | Unfortunately, I don't have a solution.
01:35:24.480 | I don't see how it can be solved in the short term.
01:35:28.440 | But for now, take care of yourself,
01:35:29.840 | take care of your employees,
01:35:30.760 | and may your business continue to grow.
01:35:34.080 | That's it for today's Q&A show.
01:35:35.000 | I'm gonna skip the music as we go.
01:35:36.360 | I will just simply close with three things.
01:35:38.060 | Number one, the healthcare sharing ministry that I use,
01:35:40.440 | the Samaritan Ministries, love them, they do a great job.
01:35:42.520 | Check 'em all out.
01:35:44.200 | I intend, back to the courses,
01:35:46.260 | my goal is to create a comprehensive course on that
01:35:48.680 | and at some point,
01:35:50.680 | and so that you can kind of work between 'em,
01:35:52.680 | 'cause I love them.
01:35:53.680 | They do such a great job.
01:35:54.760 | We have such a great experience.
01:35:56.000 | But if you wind up joining Samaritan Ministries
01:35:58.040 | in your research, go check out the past series
01:36:00.160 | that I did on the podcast,
01:36:01.320 | and if you wind up joining,
01:36:02.160 | let 'em know Joshua Sheets sent you.
01:36:04.200 | Number two, several listeners made unsolicited good words
01:36:08.580 | about my courses.
01:36:09.420 | I'm so grateful for that.
01:36:10.480 | If you'd like to check those out,
01:36:11.600 | the career and income course
01:36:13.920 | is not currently available for sale.
01:36:15.880 | I may be launching it.
01:36:16.960 | I'm still deciding.
01:36:17.800 | I'm changing a few things
01:36:18.640 | and trying to update it and make it better,
01:36:20.160 | but I may be launching that again in the new year.
01:36:22.000 | I see it's the number one thing that can be done,
01:36:23.880 | but for now, go and buy the credit card course,
01:36:25.720 |,
01:36:27.720 | and then closing, number three,
01:36:29.520 | join me next week, Monday, December 17,
01:36:33.840 | Tuesday, December 18, Wednesday, December 19,
01:36:37.100 | Thursday, December 20, and Friday, December 21.
01:36:40.120 | Join me at 12 o'clock, noon Eastern time for a Q&A call.
01:36:43.980 | That phone number is 561-440-7362.
01:36:47.780 | I'll do about an hour of Q&A each day,
01:36:49.800 | and then I'll cut things off,
01:36:50.860 | so it behooves you to get in early.
01:36:53.100 | If I don't get to you, just call in again,
01:36:54.660 | but 561-440-7362.
01:36:57.660 | Join me on Monday at noon Eastern
01:36:59.520 | for a special week-long series of Q&A shows.
01:37:02.420 | Thank you for listening.
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