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00:00:00.000 | Don't just dream about paradise, live it with Fiji Airways.
00:00:05.000 | Escape the ordinary with Fiji Airways Global Beat the Rush Sale.
00:00:09.120 | Immerse yourself in white sandy beaches or dive deep into coral reefs.
00:00:14.040 | Fiji Airways has flights to Nadi starting at just $748 for light and just $798 for value.
00:00:21.160 | Discover your tropical dreams at
00:00:24.920 | That's
00:00:26.640 | From here to happy.
00:00:28.160 | Flying direct with Fiji Airways.
00:00:29.800 | Here at Radical Personal Finance, one of my missions is to understand, identify, and elucidate
00:00:41.000 | for you the fundamental principles and philosophies of personal finance and wealth.
00:00:48.480 | Principles and philosophies are those things that do not change over time.
00:00:53.440 | Tactics and techniques may change, but principles do not change.
00:00:57.880 | They are constant throughout time.
00:00:59.840 | They are constant throughout the earth.
00:01:01.880 | They are true things regardless of context.
00:01:07.800 | I love to find and pull apart these principles in old writings or from cultures that are
00:01:14.400 | not my own.
00:01:15.400 | Today, I have a treat for you.
00:01:16.720 | I'm going to share with you an essay written by Benjamin Franklin in the year 1757.
00:01:21.400 | It's called The Way to Wealth.
00:01:25.120 | I think you'll find that 250 years have not dimmed the value of these underlying principles.
00:01:33.040 | This essay is a collection of adages and advice that was presented by Franklin in his Poor
00:01:39.300 | Richard's Almanac for the first 25 years of publication.
00:01:43.080 | He's organized it in this essay into a speech given by a man named Father Abraham to a group
00:01:49.520 | of people.
00:01:50.520 | I hope you'll find it useful.
00:01:52.600 | I think this type of story or parable is a particularly effective way of learning because
00:01:58.560 | it forces you to take and understand the principles discussed in a different context to your own,
00:02:05.120 | and then to translate them to your own context.
00:02:10.380 | The great problem and deficit or deficiency of speaking always on tactics and techniques,
00:02:18.000 | such as, "Well, if you want to get rich, put money in a Roth IRA," the great deficiency
00:02:22.760 | of this method is, if you don't have access to a Roth IRA, you no longer know what to
00:02:29.280 | Perhaps your income grew to the point where you can't contribute.
00:02:32.080 | And if all you knew was a tactic or a technique, then you're like a fish out of water not
00:02:37.400 | knowing what to do.
00:02:39.720 | But if you can understand the underlying principle or philosophy, in this case, the principle
00:02:45.520 | is frugality, the minimization of expenses, especially the expenses of taxes, then when
00:02:51.760 | your income rises to the point that you can no longer participate in a Roth IRA, you are
00:02:56.880 | not left without knowledge of what to do.
00:03:01.200 | You're just simply looking for the next tool, the next tactic or technique that will help
00:03:06.840 | you to accomplish the same purpose, namely, lowering expenses, lowering investment expenses,
00:03:15.800 | and especially minimizing the expense of taxes.
00:03:21.040 | So allow me to step back and allow Benjamin Franklin to teach you today.
00:03:28.080 | Benjamin Franklin, The Way to Wealth.
00:03:31.920 | Courteous Reader, I have heard that nothing gives an author so great pleasure as to find
00:03:38.560 | his works respectfully quoted by other learned authors.
00:03:43.640 | This pleasure I have seldom enjoyed, for though I have been, if I may say it without vanity,
00:03:51.320 | an eminent author of almanacs annually now a full quarter of a century, my brother-authors
00:03:58.000 | in the same way, for what reason I know not, have ever been very sparing in their applauses,
00:04:06.160 | and no other author has taken the least notice of me.
00:04:09.840 | So that did not my writings produce me some solid pudding, the great deficiency of praise
00:04:16.760 | would have quite discouraged me.
00:04:19.400 | I concluded at length that the people were the best judges of my merit, for they buy
00:04:24.480 | my works, and besides, in my rambles where I am not personally known, I have frequently
00:04:31.880 | heard one or other of my adages repeated with, as poor Richard says, at the end on it, this
00:04:39.920 | gave me some satisfaction, as it showed not only that my instructions were regarded, but
00:04:46.640 | discovered likewise some respect for my authority.
00:04:50.780 | And I own that to encourage the practice of remembering and repeating those wise sentences,
00:04:58.520 | I have sometimes quoted myself with great gravity.
00:05:04.720 | Judge then how much I must have been gratified by an incident I am going to relate to you.
00:05:10.320 | I stopped my horse lately where a great number of people were collected at a vendue of merchant
00:05:16.520 | goods, the hour of sale not being come, they were conversing on the badness of the times,
00:05:24.120 | and one of the company called to a plain, clean old man with white locks, "Pray, Father
00:05:30.720 | Abraham, what think you of the times?
00:05:33.520 | Won't these heavy taxes quite ruin the country?
00:05:36.560 | How shall we be ever able to pay them?
00:05:39.280 | What would you advise us to do?"
00:05:42.080 | Father Abraham stood up and replied, "If you'd have my advice, I'll give it to you
00:05:46.800 | in short, for a word to the wise is enough, and many words won't fill a bushel," as
00:05:52.320 | poor Richard says.
00:05:54.560 | They joined in desiring him to speak his mind, and gathering round him, he proceeded as follows,
00:06:02.240 | "Friends," says he, "and neighbors, the taxes are indeed very heavy, and if those
00:06:09.840 | laid on by the government were the only ones we had to pay, we might more easily discharge
00:06:16.360 | them.
00:06:17.640 | But we have many others, and much more grievous to some of us.
00:06:23.760 | We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four
00:06:31.360 | times as much by our folly, and from these taxes the commissioners cannot ease or deliver
00:06:38.920 | us by allowing an abatement.
00:06:41.600 | However, let us hearken to good advice, and something may be done for us.
00:06:46.800 | God helps them that help themselves," as poor Richard says in his Almanac of 1733.
00:06:53.920 | It would be thought a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their
00:07:00.820 | time to be employed in its service, but idleness taxes many of us much more.
00:07:07.680 | If we reckon all that is spent in absolute sloth, or doing of nothing, with that which
00:07:15.000 | is spent in idle employments, or amusements that amount to nothing, sloth by bringing
00:07:22.000 | on diseases absolutely shortens life.
00:07:25.800 | Sloth like rust consumes faster than labor, wears, while the used key is always bright,
00:07:32.280 | as poor Richard says.
00:07:34.120 | But dost thou love life?
00:07:36.380 | Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of, as poor Richard says.
00:07:42.320 | How much more, then, is necessary do we spend in sleep, forgetting that "the sleeping
00:07:47.640 | fox catches no poultry," and that there will be sleeping enough in the grave, as poor
00:07:52.640 | Richard says.
00:07:54.540 | If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be, as poor Richard says,
00:08:01.840 | the greatest prodigality, since, as he elsewhere tells us, lost time is never found again,
00:08:08.760 | and what we call "time enough" always proves "little enough."
00:08:14.840 | Let us then be up and be doing, and doing to the purpose, so by diligence shall we do
00:08:20.200 | more with less perplexity.
00:08:23.640 | Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all easy, as poor Richard says, and he that
00:08:31.380 | riseth late must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night, while laziness
00:08:38.840 | travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him, as we read in poor Richard, who adds,
00:08:45.760 | Drive thy business, let not that drive thee, and early to bed and early to rise makes a
00:08:51.800 | man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
00:08:55.800 | So what signifies wishing and hoping for better times?
00:08:59.880 | We may make these times better if we bestir ourselves.
00:09:05.000 | Industry need not wish, as poor Richard says, and he that lives upon hope will die fasting.
00:09:12.960 | There are no gains without pains, then help hands, for I have no lands, or if I have they
00:09:18.980 | are smartly taxed.
00:09:21.080 | And as poor Richard likewise observes, he that hath a trade hath an estate, and he that
00:09:27.480 | hath a calling hath an office of profit and honor.
00:09:31.960 | But then the trade must be worked at, and the calling well followed, or neither the
00:09:36.480 | estate nor the office will enable us to pay our taxes.
00:09:41.940 | If we are industrious, we shall never starve, for, as poor Richard says, at the working
00:09:47.320 | man's house hunger looks in, but dares not enter.
00:09:53.320 | Nor will the bailiff nor the constable enter, for industry pays debts while despair increaseth
00:10:00.280 | them, says poor Richard.
00:10:02.840 | What though you have found no treasure, nor has any rich relation left you a legacy, diligence
00:10:08.760 | is the mother of good luck, as poor Richard says, and God gives all things to industry.
00:10:15.080 | Then plow deep while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell and to keep, says
00:10:22.260 | poor Dick.
00:10:24.180 | Work while it is called to-day, for you know not how much you may be hindered to-morrow,
00:10:29.080 | which makes poor Richard say, One to-day is worth two to-morrows.
00:10:33.600 | And farther, have you some what to do to-morrow?
00:10:37.080 | Do it to-day.
00:10:38.720 | If you were a servant, would you not be ashamed that a good master should catch you idle?
00:10:44.960 | Are you then your own master?
00:10:46.960 | Be ashamed to catch yourself idle, when there is so much to be done for yourself, your family,
00:10:53.520 | your country, and your gracious king.
00:10:56.380 | Be up by peep of day.
00:10:58.380 | Let not the sun look down and say, In glorious here he lies.
00:11:03.740 | Handle your tools without mittens.
00:11:06.620 | Remember that the cat in gloves catches no mice, as poor Richard says.
00:11:10.980 | 'Tis true there is much to be done, and perhaps you are weak-handed, but stick to
00:11:16.020 | it steadily, and you will see great effects, for constant dropping wears away stones, and
00:11:23.020 | by diligence and patience the mouse ate into the cable, and little strokes fell great oaks,
00:11:31.140 | as poor Richard says in his almanac, the year I cannot just now remember.
00:11:36.260 | Methinks I hear some of you say, Must a man afford himself no leisure?
00:11:41.220 | I will tell thee, my friend, what poor Richard says.
00:11:44.580 | Enjoy thy time well, if thou meanest to gain leisure, and since thou art not sure of a
00:11:50.380 | minute, throw not away an hour.
00:11:53.340 | Leisure is time for doing something useful.
00:11:56.420 | This leisure the diligent man will obtain, but the lazy man never.
00:12:01.260 | So that, as poor Richard says, a life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things.
00:12:09.420 | Do you imagine that sloth will afford you more comfort than labor?
00:12:14.180 | No, for as poor Richard says, trouble springs from idleness, and grievous toil from needless
00:12:21.180 | ease.
00:12:22.580 | Many without labor would live by their wits only, but they break for want of stock, whereas
00:12:29.340 | industry gives comfort and plenty and respect.
00:12:34.740 | Fly pleasures, and they'll follow you.
00:12:37.380 | The diligent spinner has a large shift, and now I have a sheep and a cow.
00:12:42.700 | He bids me good morrow, all which is well said by poor Richard.
00:12:47.720 | But with our industry we must likewise be steady, settled, and careful, and oversee
00:12:54.480 | our own affairs with our own eyes, and not trust too much to others.
00:13:00.100 | For as poor Richard says, I never saw an oft-removed tree, nor yet an oft-removed family, that
00:13:06.620 | throve so well as those that settled be.
00:13:10.420 | And again, three removes are as bad as a fire.
00:13:14.260 | And again, keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee.
00:13:18.780 | And again, if you would have your business done, go, if not, send.
00:13:25.380 | And again, he that by the plow would thrive, himself must either hold or drive.
00:13:33.180 | And again, the eye of a master will do more work than both his hands.
00:13:38.420 | And again, want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge.
00:13:44.620 | And again, not to oversee workmen is to leave them your purse open.
00:13:51.320 | Trusting too much to others' care is the ruin of many.
00:13:54.140 | For, as the almanac says, in the affairs of this world men are saved not by faith, but
00:14:00.300 | by the want of it.
00:14:02.500 | But a man's own care is profitable.
00:14:05.300 | For saith poor Dick, learning is to the studious, and riches to the careful, as well as power
00:14:12.500 | to the bold, and heaven to the virtuous.
00:14:16.340 | And farther, if you would have a faithful servant, and one that you like, serve yourself.
00:14:23.480 | And again, he adviseth to circumspection and care, even in the smallest matters, because
00:14:29.700 | sometimes a little neglect may breed great mischief.
00:14:34.220 | Adding, for want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost, and
00:14:39.980 | for want of a horse the rider was lost, being overtaken and slain by the enemy, all for
00:14:45.340 | want of care about a horse-shoe nail.
00:14:49.500 | So much for industry, my friends, and attention to one's own business.
00:14:53.160 | But to these we must add frugality, if we would make our industry more certainly successful.
00:14:59.700 | A man may, if he knows not how to save as he gets, keep his nose all his life to the
00:15:05.700 | grindstone, and die not worth a groat at last.
00:15:09.820 | A fat kitchen makes a lean will, as poor Richard says, and many estates are spent in the getting,
00:15:19.060 | since women for tea forsook spinning and knitting, and men for punch forsook hewing and splitting.
00:15:27.340 | If you would be wealthy, says he in another almanac, think of saving as well as of getting.
00:15:33.220 | The Indies have not made Spain rich, because her outgoes are greater than her incomes.
00:15:39.380 | Away then with your expensive follies, and you will not have so much cause to complain
00:15:43.460 | of hard times, heavy taxes, and chargeable families, for as poor Dick says, women and
00:15:50.700 | wine, game and deceit, make the wealth small and the wants great.
00:15:57.120 | And farther, what maintains one vice would bring up two children.
00:16:03.620 | You may think, perhaps, that a little tea, or a little punch now and then, diet a little
00:16:08.980 | more costly, clothes a little finer, and a little entertainment now and then, can be
00:16:14.400 | no great matter.
00:16:16.280 | But remember what poor Richard says, many a little makes a mickle, and farther, beware
00:16:22.420 | of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship, and again, who dainties love
00:16:29.300 | shall beggars prove, and moreover, fools make feasts, and wise men eat them.
00:16:37.940 | Here you are all got together at this vendue of fineries and knick-knacks.
00:16:43.380 | You call them goods, but if you do not take care they will prove evils to some of you.
00:16:49.500 | You expect they will be sold cheap, and perhaps they may for less than they cost, but if you
00:16:54.740 | have no occasion for them, they must be dear to you.
00:17:00.740 | Remember what poor Richard says, buy what thou hast no need of, and ere long thou shalt
00:17:06.420 | sell thy necessaries.
00:17:08.980 | And again, at a great penny worth, pause a while.
00:17:13.420 | He means that perhaps the cheapness is apparent only, and not real, or the bargain by straightening
00:17:19.380 | thee and thy business may do thee more harm than good.
00:17:23.980 | For in another place he says, many have been ruined by buying good pennies worths.
00:17:30.100 | Again poor Richard says, 'tis foolish to lay our money in a purchase of repentance,
00:17:35.140 | and yet this folly is practiced every day at vendues, for want of minding the almanac.
00:17:42.300 | Wise men, as poor Dick says, learn by others' harms, fools scarcely by their own.
00:17:50.820 | But Felix quem facunti aliena pericula cautum.
00:17:56.740 | Many a one, for the sake of finery on the back, have gone with a hungry belly, and half-starved
00:18:04.060 | their families.
00:18:06.140 | Silks and satins, scarlet and velvets, as poor Richard says, put out the kitchen fire.
00:18:14.660 | These are not the necessaries of life.
00:18:16.840 | They can scarcely be called the conveniences, and yet only because they look pretty, how
00:18:22.620 | many want to have them.
00:18:24.820 | The artificial wants of mankind thus become more numerous than the natural, and as poor
00:18:31.060 | Dick says, for one poor person there are an hundred indigent.
00:18:36.940 | By these and other extravagancies the genteel are reduced to poverty, and forced to borrow
00:18:43.820 | of those whom they formerly despised.
00:18:46.880 | But who through industry and frugality have maintained their standing?
00:18:52.180 | In which case it appears plainly that a plowman on his legs is higher than a gentleman on
00:18:57.760 | his knees, as poor Richard says.
00:19:01.580 | Perhaps they have had a small estate left them, which they knew not the getting of.
00:19:06.760 | They think, 'Tis day and will never be night, that a little to be spent out of so much is
00:19:11.200 | not worth minding.
00:19:12.820 | A child and a fool, as poor Richard says, imagine twenty shillings and twenty years
00:19:18.400 | can never be spent.
00:19:20.300 | But always taking out of the meal tub and never putting in soon comes to the bottom.
00:19:26.140 | Even as poor Dick says, when the wells dry they know the worth of water.
00:19:31.240 | But this they might have known before if they had taken his advice.
00:19:34.720 | If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some, for he that goes a borrowing
00:19:39.980 | goes a sorrowing.
00:19:42.220 | And indeed so does he that lends to such people, when he goes to get it in again.
00:19:48.180 | Poor Dick farther advises and says, 'Fond pride of dress is sure a very curse.
00:19:55.020 | Where fancy you consult, consult your purse.'
00:20:00.040 | And again, 'Pride is as loud a beggar as want, and a great deal more saucy.
00:20:06.780 | When you have bought one fine thing, you must buy ten more, that your appearance may be
00:20:12.040 | all of a piece.'
00:20:13.720 | But poor Dick says, 'Tis easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that
00:20:19.580 | follow it.'
00:20:21.520 | And 'Tis as truly folly for the poor to ape the rich, as for the frog to swell in
00:20:28.480 | order to equal the ox.
00:20:31.680 | Great estates may venture more, but little boats should keep near shore.
00:20:35.800 | 'Tis however a folly soon punished, for pride that dines on vanity, sups on contempt.'
00:20:44.160 | As poor Richard says.
00:20:46.120 | And in another place, 'Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, and supped
00:20:52.960 | with infamy.'
00:20:54.880 | And after all, of what use is this pride of appearance, for which so much is risked, so
00:21:00.080 | much is suffered?
00:21:01.500 | It cannot promote health or ease pain.
00:21:04.260 | It makes no increase of merit in the person.
00:21:06.960 | It creates envy.
00:21:08.720 | It hastens misfortune.
00:21:11.520 | What is a butterfly?
00:21:13.460 | At best he's but a caterpillar dressed.
00:21:15.940 | The gaudy fop's his picture just, as poor Richard says.
00:21:20.960 | But what madness must it be to run in debt for these superfluities?
00:21:25.260 | We are offered by the terms of this vendue six months' credit, and that perhaps has
00:21:30.220 | induced some of us to attend it, because we cannot spare the ready money, and hope now
00:21:35.060 | to be fine without it.
00:21:37.280 | But ah, think what you do when you run in debt.
00:21:40.160 | You give to another power over your liberty.
00:21:44.460 | If you cannot pay at the time, you will be ashamed to see your creditor.
00:21:48.980 | You will be in fear when you speak to him.
00:21:51.280 | You will make poor, pitiful, sneaking excuses, and by degrees come to lose your veracity,
00:21:58.520 | and sink into base, downright lying.
00:22:03.000 | For as poor Richard says, 'The second vice is lying, the first is running in debt.'
00:22:08.640 | And again to the same purpose, 'Lying rides upon debt's back.'
00:22:14.200 | For as a free-born Englishman ought not to be ashamed, or afraid to see or speak to any
00:22:19.780 | man living, but poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue.
00:22:26.120 | 'Tis hard for an empty bag to stand upright, as poor Richard truly says.
00:22:31.060 | What would you think of that prince, or that government, who should issue an edict forbidding
00:22:36.160 | you to dress like a gentleman, or a gentlewoman, on pain of imprisonment or servitude?
00:22:44.080 | Would you not say that you are free, have a right to dress as you please, and that such
00:22:48.780 | an edict would be a breach of your privileges, and such a government tyrannical?
00:22:53.820 | And yet you are about to put yourself under that tyranny when you run in debt for such
00:22:57.600 | dress.
00:22:59.000 | Your creditor has authority at his pleasure to deprive you of your liberty by confining
00:23:04.160 | you in gaol for life, or to sell you for a servant if you should not be able to pay him.
00:23:10.620 | When you have got your bargain, you may, perhaps, think little of payment; but creditors, poor
00:23:17.420 | Richard tells us, have better memories than detours.
00:23:22.080 | And in another place, creditors are a superstitious sect, great observers of set days and times.
00:23:31.420 | The day comes round before you are aware, and the demand is made before you are prepared
00:23:36.300 | to satisfy it.
00:23:38.320 | Or if you bear your debt in mind, the term which at first seemed so long will, as it
00:23:44.200 | lessens, appear extremely short.
00:23:49.280 | Time will seem to have added wings to his heels as well as shoulders.
00:23:55.360 | Those have a short lent, saith poor Richard, who owe money to be paid at Easter.
00:24:02.880 | Then since, as he says, the borrower is a slave to the lender, and the debtor to the
00:24:08.200 | creditor, disdain the chain, preserve your freedom, and maintain your independency.
00:24:14.200 | Be industrious and free, be frugal and free.
00:24:18.620 | At present, perhaps, you may think yourself in thriving circumstances, and that you can
00:24:23.760 | bear a little extravagance without injury; but for age and want, save while you may,
00:24:31.120 | no morning sun lasts a whole day, as poor Richard says.
00:24:35.520 | Gain may be temporary and uncertain, but ever while you live, expense is constant and certain.
00:24:44.960 | And 'tis easier to build two chimneys than to keep one in fuel, as poor Richard says.
00:24:52.040 | So rather go to bed supperless than rise in debt.
00:24:56.880 | Get what you can and what you get hold.
00:24:59.080 | 'Tis the stone that will turn all your lead into gold, as poor Richard says.
00:25:06.960 | And when you have got the philosopher's stone, sure, you will no longer complain of
00:25:12.020 | bad times or the difficulty of paying taxes.
00:25:16.720 | This doctrine, my friends, is reason and wisdom.
00:25:21.600 | But after all, do not depend too much upon your own industry and frugality and prudence,
00:25:27.280 | though excellent things, for they may all be blasted without the blessing of heaven.
00:25:33.100 | And therefore ask that blessing humbly, and be not uncharitable to those that at present
00:25:40.240 | seem to want it, but comfort and help them.
00:25:44.800 | Remember, Job suffered and was afterwards prosperous.
00:25:50.400 | And now to conclude, experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other.
00:25:57.520 | And scarce in that, for it is true.
00:25:59.720 | We may give advice, but we cannot give conduct, as poor Richard says.
00:26:05.320 | However, remember this, they that won't be counseled can't be helped, as poor Richard
00:26:12.080 | says, and farther, that if you will not hear reason, she'll surely rap your knuckles.
00:26:20.200 | Thus, the old gentleman ended his harangue.
00:26:23.820 | The people heard it and approved the doctrine and immediately practiced the contrary, just
00:26:30.040 | as if it had been a common sermon.
00:26:32.780 | For the vendue opened, and they began to buy extravagantly, notwithstanding all his cautions
00:26:39.000 | and their own fear of taxes.
00:26:41.320 | I found the good man had thoroughly studied my almanacs and digested all I had dropped
00:26:46.320 | on those topics during the course of five and twenty years.
00:26:50.440 | The frequent mention he made of me must have tired anyone else, but my vanity was wonderfully
00:26:56.280 | delighted with it, though I was conscious that not a tenth part of the wisdom was my
00:27:00.960 | own which he ascribed to me, but rather the gleanings I had made of the sense of all ages
00:27:06.640 | and nations.
00:27:07.840 | However, I resolved to be the better for the echo of it, and though I had at first determined
00:27:14.140 | to buy stuff for a new coat, I went away, resolved to wear my old one a little longer.
00:27:20.720 | Reader, if thou wilt do the same, thy profit will be as great as mine.
00:27:26.800 | I am, as ever, thine to serve thee.
00:27:30.680 | July 7, 1757.
00:27:36.120 | Thank you for listening.
00:27:37.120 | You have honored me with your time and attention, and I am grateful for that.
00:27:41.320 | And I hope that I have effectively served you today with some ideas and strategies and
00:27:45.600 | tactics and techniques and tools that will help move you towards your goals.
00:27:50.860 | Before you go, three simple requests.
00:27:53.320 | One, if there's an idea that's been helpful to you in today's show, make a plan to take
00:27:59.000 | action on it.
00:28:01.040 | Listening does lead to learning, but learning in and of itself doesn't automatically lead
00:28:06.440 | to a life change.
00:28:08.780 | It's action that leads to a life change.
00:28:12.760 | So take action.
00:28:14.400 | Two, take something that was helpful to you in today's show and share it with somebody
00:28:20.080 | that you care about.
00:28:21.680 | I'm depending on you to be a co-laborer with me in helping me to propagate the message
00:28:28.840 | that I'm seeking to share.
00:28:31.320 | That helps the person that you are engaging with, and it also helps you because teaching
00:28:37.160 | others is one of the most effective ways for you to learn and for you to cement your learning.
00:28:43.960 | Three, if there's an idea that's been specifically helpful to you, and if you're gaining financial
00:28:49.280 | benefit from Radical Personal Finance, I'd be grateful if you'd consider paying me for
00:28:54.000 | this work voluntarily.
00:28:56.640 | Come by and you can sign up there to support the show
00:29:00.880 | at whatever level you feel is right for you.
00:29:04.120 | This is a voluntary support.
00:29:05.900 | That's my Patreon page.
00:29:07.520 | You can support me with a dollar a month, five dollars a month, ten dollars a month,
00:29:11.480 | any number that seems right to you.
00:29:13.200 | But if you're gaining financial benefit from this show, and if it's achieving financial
00:29:18.480 | results in your life, I'd be grateful for your financial support at
00:29:27.360 | At Arizona State University, we are committed to our students' success.
00:29:31.720 | That's why our online educational experience is unmatched.
00:29:35.480 | You'll access our state-of-the-art adaptive learning technology that fosters innovative
00:29:39.720 | thinking and inspires collaboration with faculty and peers.
00:29:43.720 | Explore more than 300 world-class programs offered online, all designed to empower our
00:29:48.680 | students to become the next generation of critical thinkers and innovators.
00:29:53.200 | Visit