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Understanding & Controlling Aggression | Huberman Lab Podcast #71


0:0 Aggression, Types of Aggression
3:33 AG1 (Athletic Greens), ROKA, Helix Sleep
8:29 Neural Circuits for Aggression, “Hydraulic Pressure Model”
15:50 Brain Regions Controlling Aggression, Ventromedial Hypothalamus (VMH)
22:14 Psychiatric Disorders & Aggression
23:36 Stimulation of the VMH, Estrogen Receptors & Aggression
31:57 Neural Circuits Mediating Physical Acts of Aggression, Biting
35:56 Testosterone & Competitiveness/Estrogen & Aggression
43:0 Sunlight, Melatonin & Aggression
45:46 Cortisol, Serotonin & Aggressive Behaviors
51:56 Tool: Omega-3 Supplementation & Mood
54:18 Tool: Sunlight, Sauna & Cortisol Reduction
55:54 Tool: Ashwagandha & Cortisol Reduction
57:6 Tool: Seasonality/Sunlight, Genetic Variation in Estrogen Sensitivity
60:37 Testosterone & Aggression, Competitive Work Environments
65:7 Testosterone, Amygdala, Challenge & Effort
69:27 Caffeine, Alcohol & Impulsivity
73:15 Tool: Caffeinated Alcohol Beverages, Impulsivity & Aggression
77:18 Tool: ADHD, Acetyl-L Carnitine & Aggressive Behavior
84:10 Factors Affecting the “Hydraulic Pressure Model” of Aggression
85:44 Book by Dr. David Anderson, Aggression & Social Relationships
87:35 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Patreon, Momentous Supplements, Neural Network Newsletter, Instagram, Twitter

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.320 | - Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,
00:00:02.280 | where we discuss science and science-based tools
00:00:04.880 | for everyday life.
00:00:05.900 | I'm Andrew Huberman,
00:00:10.040 | and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology
00:00:12.960 | at Stanford School of Medicine.
00:00:14.960 | Today, we are discussing aggression.
00:00:17.440 | I'm going to explain to you
00:00:18.520 | that there are several different types of aggression.
00:00:20.780 | For instance, reactive aggression
00:00:22.360 | versus proactive aggression,
00:00:23.720 | meaning sometimes people will be aggressive
00:00:26.440 | because they feel threatened or they are protecting those
00:00:29.840 | that they love who also feel threatened.
00:00:32.440 | There's also proactive aggression
00:00:33.960 | where people go out of their way
00:00:35.520 | to deliberately try and harm others.
00:00:37.920 | And there is indirect aggression,
00:00:40.240 | which is aggression not involving physical violence,
00:00:43.320 | for instance, shaming people and things of that sort.
00:00:46.760 | It turns out that there are different biological mechanisms
00:00:49.240 | underlying each of the different types of aggression.
00:00:51.860 | And today I will define those for you.
00:00:53.980 | I'll talk about the neural circuits in the brain and body
00:00:55.880 | that mediate each of the different kinds of aggression,
00:00:58.680 | talk about some of the hormones and peptides
00:01:00.760 | and neurotransmitters involved.
00:01:02.480 | I promise to make it all accessible to you,
00:01:04.540 | even if you do not have any biology or science background.
00:01:07.960 | I will also discuss tools,
00:01:09.920 | psychological tools and biological tools
00:01:12.920 | that one can use to better control aggression.
00:01:16.360 | Now, right here at the outset,
00:01:17.440 | I want to acknowledge that any discussion about aggression
00:01:20.640 | has to have an element of context within it.
00:01:23.600 | To be fair, human beings invest a lot of money,
00:01:28.120 | a lot of time and a lot of energy,
00:01:30.400 | and indeed can even derive pleasure from aggression.
00:01:33.880 | Later, I'll talk about neural circuits in the brain and body
00:01:36.860 | that reinforce, in other words,
00:01:38.440 | reward through the release of chemicals
00:01:41.760 | that make people feel good, acts of aggression.
00:01:45.000 | However, what I'm mainly referring to
00:01:47.080 | is the context in which human beings will pay money
00:01:50.740 | in order to derive what we call vicarious aggression.
00:01:55.040 | Put it simply, people spend an enormous amount of money
00:01:58.400 | and time and energy watching other people engage in,
00:02:01.240 | for instance, aggressive sports.
00:02:02.880 | And we know that observing your team winning
00:02:05.440 | over another team causes the release of neurochemicals
00:02:08.440 | in your brain and body that make you feel good,
00:02:10.200 | and yes, that can make you feel more aggressive.
00:02:13.940 | We also know, of course,
00:02:16.000 | that most governments invest many billions,
00:02:19.080 | if not trillions of dollars in infrastructure technologies
00:02:22.600 | and human beings in order to engage in aggression if needed,
00:02:26.320 | so-called military warfare, et cetera.
00:02:29.180 | So today's discussion will include a description of aggression
00:02:32.600 | in the pathological sense.
00:02:34.300 | We'll actually talk about an explosive aggressive disorder
00:02:38.220 | that most of you probably haven't heard of,
00:02:39.820 | but is actually far more common than perhaps you know.
00:02:43.280 | We'll talk about the role of things
00:02:45.000 | like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
00:02:47.200 | and how that can relate to aggression
00:02:49.520 | through the relationship between impulsivity
00:02:52.000 | and aggression.
00:02:52.840 | And we'll talk about verbal aggression, physical aggression,
00:02:55.760 | proactive aggression as mentioned before,
00:02:57.960 | and reactive aggression.
00:02:59.500 | I'm certain that by the end of the episode,
00:03:00.960 | you will come away with a much more thorough understanding
00:03:03.760 | of what this thing that we call aggression really is.
00:03:06.720 | And when you see it in other people,
00:03:08.900 | I think it will make more sense to you.
00:03:10.760 | And when you observe it in yourself
00:03:13.080 | or the impulse to engage in aggression,
00:03:15.280 | verbal or physical or otherwise,
00:03:17.640 | I hope that you'll understand it better as well.
00:03:19.660 | And of course, the tools that I will describe
00:03:22.060 | should allow you to modulate and control
00:03:25.200 | aggressive tendencies or predispositions to aggressiveness,
00:03:28.220 | and just generally to be able to engage with people
00:03:31.920 | in a more adaptive way overall.
00:03:34.060 | Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast
00:03:36.700 | is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.
00:03:39.580 | It is however, part of my desire and effort
00:03:42.000 | to bring zero cost to consumer information
00:03:43.960 | about science and science-related tools
00:03:45.880 | to the general public.
00:03:47.440 | In keeping with that theme,
00:03:48.480 | I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.
00:03:51.520 | Our first sponsor is Athletic Greens.
00:03:53.920 | Athletic Greens is an all-in-one
00:03:55.540 | vitamin mineral probiotic drink
00:03:57.640 | that's designed to meet all your foundational health needs.
00:04:00.920 | I started taking Athletic Greens way back in 2012.
00:04:04.260 | So I'm delighted that they're sponsoring this podcast.
00:04:07.020 | The reason I started taking Athletic Greens
00:04:08.760 | and the reason I still take Athletic Greens
00:04:10.360 | once or twice a day is that it covers
00:04:12.280 | all of my basic vitamin mineral and probiotic needs.
00:04:15.920 | The probiotics are especially important to me.
00:04:17.820 | There are now abundant data showing that the gut microbiome,
00:04:22.080 | which is basically a community
00:04:24.400 | of trillions of little bacteria that live in our guts,
00:04:27.720 | are beneficial for our immune system, for brain function,
00:04:31.540 | for mood, and many other aspects of our health.
00:04:34.920 | The gut microbiome thrives on probiotics
00:04:37.520 | and Athletic Greens contains the proper array of probiotics
00:04:40.580 | to optimize the gut microbiome.
00:04:42.700 | Athletic Greens also has adaptogens for recovery
00:04:45.020 | from physical and mental exertion,
00:04:46.960 | digestive enzymes for gut health, vitamin C, zinc,
00:04:50.360 | as I mentioned before,
00:04:51.460 | all the other vitamins and minerals that you need
00:04:53.260 | in order to cover your basic needs each day.
00:04:56.280 | If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,
00:04:57.660 | you can go to
00:05:00.380 | and claim a special offer.
00:05:02.120 | They'll give you five free travel packs
00:05:03.680 | that make it easy to mix up Athletic Greens
00:05:05.220 | while you're on the road
00:05:06.060 | and a year supply of vitamin D3K2.
00:05:08.580 | There's now a wealth of data showing that vitamin D3
00:05:11.800 | is important for many aspects
00:05:13.640 | of our immediate and long-term health.
00:05:15.960 | Many people, even if they get out in the sunlight,
00:05:17.960 | are not getting enough vitamin D3.
00:05:20.440 | And the K2 is thought to be beneficial
00:05:22.520 | for calcium regulation
00:05:24.000 | and a number of other things important to our health.
00:05:26.440 | So again, if you go to,
00:05:29.200 | you can claim the special offer of the five free travel packs
00:05:31.500 | and the year supply of vitamin D3K2.
00:05:34.520 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Roca.
00:05:37.200 | Roca makes sunglasses and eyeglasses
00:05:39.000 | that are of the absolute highest quality.
00:05:41.120 | The company was founded by two all-American swimmers
00:05:43.200 | from Stanford and everything about their eyeglasses
00:05:45.680 | and sunglasses were designed with performance in mind.
00:05:49.080 | I've spent a lifetime working
00:05:50.580 | on the biology of the visual system.
00:05:52.480 | I can tell you that your visual system has to contend
00:05:54.420 | with some pretty tough challenges
00:05:56.200 | as you move throughout the day.
00:05:57.240 | For instance, if you go from a brightly lit region
00:05:59.600 | to a dimmer region, your visual system has to adjust.
00:06:02.520 | Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses were designed
00:06:04.520 | with those sorts of adjustments in mind.
00:06:06.440 | So for instance, if you're outside in the shade,
00:06:08.320 | you move into the sun and then back into the shade,
00:06:10.080 | you don't have to take your sunglasses on and off.
00:06:12.640 | Their glasses were initially designed for sports performance
00:06:16.000 | and the great thing is they can be used for that,
00:06:17.820 | but also they have a terrific aesthetic
00:06:19.760 | so you can wear them to work or out to dinner.
00:06:21.880 | I wear readers at night and when I drive at night
00:06:25.080 | and I wear sunglasses if I'm out a lot
00:06:27.500 | on really bright days.
00:06:29.540 | The terrific thing about Roca glasses
00:06:31.200 | is that even if you get sweaty, they won't fall off
00:06:33.220 | so you can run with them, you can cycle with them,
00:06:35.600 | or as I mentioned before,
00:06:36.560 | you can just wear them out and about.
00:06:38.460 | If you'd like to try Roca, you can go to,
00:06:40.920 | that's and enter the code Huberman
00:06:43.840 | to save 20% off your first order.
00:06:46.080 | Again, that's Roca,
00:06:48.240 | and enter the code Huberman at checkout.
00:06:50.560 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Helix Sleep.
00:06:53.440 | Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows
00:06:55.460 | that in my opinion are the very best you'll find.
00:06:58.300 | I started sleeping on a Helix mattress
00:07:00.680 | a little over a year ago
00:07:02.080 | and it's the best sleep I've had ever since.
00:07:04.980 | If you go to the Helix site,
00:07:06.340 | they have a terrific sleep quiz
00:07:08.800 | that just takes a few minutes,
00:07:10.060 | asks you questions like, do you tend to sleep on your side,
00:07:12.760 | your back or your stomach?
00:07:14.020 | Maybe you don't know because you're asleep,
00:07:15.940 | but many people do know.
00:07:17.260 | And even if you don't know, that's okay.
00:07:18.780 | It will also ask you questions like,
00:07:20.100 | do you tend to run hot or cold?
00:07:21.700 | Do you tend to wake up in the middle of the night or not?
00:07:23.800 | And by taking that brief quiz,
00:07:25.060 | they will match you to the specific mattress
00:07:27.020 | that's ideal for you and your sleep needs.
00:07:29.800 | And that's really what sets Helix Sleep mattresses apart.
00:07:33.540 | Everybody's unique and they know that.
00:07:35.300 | So if you take this quiz,
00:07:36.440 | you'll get matched to a particular mattress.
00:07:37.800 | For me, it was the Dusk mattress, D-U-S-K,
00:07:39.980 | but again, that's just me and you may match to that one
00:07:42.640 | or you may match to a different one.
00:07:44.960 | If you're interested in upgrading your mattress
00:07:46.540 | and sleeping much better,
00:07:47.620 | go to,
00:07:50.020 | take that two minute sleep quiz
00:07:51.340 | and they'll match you to a customized mattress
00:07:52.840 | and you'll get up to $200 off any mattress order
00:07:55.920 | and two free pillows.
00:07:57.200 | I also love their pillows.
00:07:58.460 | I've always had this issue with pillows
00:07:59.740 | that they heat up too much.
00:08:01.060 | I'm always looking for the pillow that can cool itself.
00:08:03.520 | Somehow the pillows stay nice and cool.
00:08:05.580 | They're also not too big, so they're not propped up.
00:08:08.160 | Not getting the text neck in the middle of the night,
00:08:10.180 | but I shouldn't push my chest nor am I falling back
00:08:13.060 | and having trouble breathing in the middle of the night.
00:08:14.940 | They're designed just right.
00:08:16.180 | They also have a 10 years warranty
00:08:17.820 | and you get to try it out for 100 nights risk-free.
00:08:20.540 | They'll even pick it up for you if you don't love it,
00:08:22.100 | but I think that you will.
00:08:23.320 | Again, if you're interested,
00:08:24.160 | you can go to
00:08:27.080 | for up to $200 off and two free pillows.
00:08:30.040 | Let's talk about aggression.
00:08:31.780 | I think that many people out there are put off by aggression,
00:08:35.860 | although others are drawn to aggression,
00:08:37.980 | both in themselves and when observing it in others.
00:08:42.260 | The reason to talk about aggression is that,
00:08:44.440 | as mentioned before,
00:08:46.020 | the context of aggression really matters.
00:08:48.140 | So there are instances where aggression is adaptive.
00:08:51.740 | For instance, a mother protecting her children,
00:08:55.300 | if she's being attacked
00:08:56.400 | or if her children are being threatened,
00:08:57.580 | I think most people would agree
00:08:59.280 | that so-called maternal aggression of that sort,
00:09:02.180 | provided the context is right, is a great thing.
00:09:05.620 | Protecting our young is, after all,
00:09:07.780 | one of the primary adaptive drives of our species,
00:09:10.500 | and thank goodness it is.
00:09:12.240 | Of course, other forms of aggression
00:09:13.860 | like unprovoked proactive aggression,
00:09:16.880 | somebody simply being violent to somebody else,
00:09:19.900 | even when unprovoked.
00:09:21.220 | Most of us cringe when we see that kind of behavior.
00:09:23.700 | It can even evoke aggression in people
00:09:26.100 | when they observe that kind of behavior.
00:09:28.700 | So again, context really matters,
00:09:31.140 | but a more general and perhaps an even more important reason
00:09:34.900 | to think about and understand aggression
00:09:37.760 | is that by understanding the biology
00:09:39.580 | and psychology of aggression,
00:09:41.520 | you will be in a much better position
00:09:43.820 | to understand how all emotional states come to be,
00:09:46.820 | both in yourself and in others.
00:09:49.100 | For instance, many of you have probably heard the statement
00:09:52.800 | that I believe arises from pop psychology,
00:09:55.420 | not from formal academic psychology,
00:09:57.820 | that aggression is just sadness.
00:10:01.220 | It's a form of sadness that's amplified
00:10:03.220 | and it shows up as aggression.
00:10:05.020 | But when we look at the underlying biology
00:10:07.460 | and the peer-reviewed literature on this,
00:10:09.780 | nothing could be further from the truth.
00:10:11.600 | We have distinct circuits in the brain
00:10:13.920 | for aggression versus grief and mourning.
00:10:17.880 | Those are non-overlapping.
00:10:19.280 | Now, that doesn't mean that you can't be sad and aggressive
00:10:21.940 | or in a state of mourning and aggressive at the same time,
00:10:24.980 | but the idea that sadness and aggression
00:10:26.740 | are one and the same thing is simply not true.
00:10:30.460 | And by understanding that or perhaps by understanding
00:10:33.760 | that irritability and aggression are not the same thing,
00:10:37.060 | you'll be in a much better position to apply
00:10:39.080 | some of the tools that we will talk about in this episode
00:10:41.260 | in order to be able to reduce or eliminate,
00:10:44.940 | or if it's adaptive to you, to modulate aggression.
00:10:47.860 | And yes, there are cases where modulating your aggression,
00:10:50.680 | in some cases, even amplifying aggression can be adaptive.
00:10:54.460 | Now, this of course is not the first discussion
00:10:56.700 | about the biology of aggression
00:10:58.840 | or the psychology of aggression.
00:11:00.340 | And we really can look to the beginning of the last century
00:11:03.380 | as the time in which the formal study
00:11:06.520 | of aggression really began.
00:11:08.700 | One of the names that's most associated
00:11:10.980 | with the formal study of aggression
00:11:12.860 | is none other than Conrad Lorenz.
00:11:15.660 | Some of you may be familiar with that name.
00:11:17.540 | Others of you may not be familiar with that name.
00:11:20.660 | Conrad Lorenz studied so-called imprinting behaviors
00:11:25.420 | and fixed action pattern behaviors.
00:11:27.940 | He's most famous, at least in scientific circles,
00:11:30.840 | for getting geese to believe that he was their parent.
00:11:34.340 | And if you were to put into Google Conrad with a K Lorenz,
00:11:37.540 | just as it sounds, Conrad Lorenz geese,
00:11:40.140 | you're going to see a lot of photos of Conrad
00:11:41.860 | walking down roads with a lot of geese following him
00:11:44.240 | or swimming in lakes with a lot of geese following him.
00:11:46.860 | He had a habit of geese adopting him
00:11:49.820 | because of the behaviors that he partook in.
00:11:51.740 | So he would swim out on a lake
00:11:53.220 | in front of a bunch of little geese,
00:11:54.300 | and then they would think that he was the parent
00:11:55.980 | and they would imprint on him.
00:11:56.900 | He even lived with these animals and they lived with him.
00:11:59.380 | Sort of a strange character from what I hear.
00:12:01.620 | But nonetheless, all this work was deserving
00:12:04.080 | of a Nobel prize because what he discovered
00:12:06.460 | were fixed action patterns, that is patterns of behavior
00:12:11.140 | that could be evoked by a single stimulus.
00:12:14.300 | This is really important.
00:12:15.940 | The idea that you can get a whole category of behaviors,
00:12:19.160 | like swimming behind a parent
00:12:22.580 | or looking to somebody for comfort and only them.
00:12:26.640 | The idea that you could get a huge category
00:12:28.640 | of different behaviors in a bunch of different contexts
00:12:31.020 | triggered by just the presence of that person is remarkable
00:12:34.580 | because what it suggested and what turns out to be true
00:12:37.180 | is that there are neural circuits,
00:12:39.420 | not just individual brain areas,
00:12:40.740 | but collections of brain areas that work together
00:12:43.060 | to engage a pattern of behaviors.
00:12:45.620 | And that's the first fundamental principle
00:12:48.580 | that we need to define today.
00:12:50.260 | That when we talk about aggression,
00:12:52.600 | we're talking about activation of neural circuits,
00:12:55.520 | not individual brain areas,
00:12:56.980 | but neural circuits that get played out in sequence,
00:12:59.900 | like keys on a piano.
00:13:01.980 | But that playing out in sequence means that aggression
00:13:05.140 | is a verb, it has a beginning, a middle and an end.
00:13:08.220 | And it's a process, it's not an event.
00:13:10.900 | And as you'll see, that turns out to be very important
00:13:13.060 | in terms of thinking about how one can halt aggression,
00:13:16.900 | prevent it from happening before it's initiated,
00:13:21.060 | or maybe even prolonging aggression if that's what's needed.
00:13:24.740 | Now, Conrad Lorenz had no real knowledge of neural circuits.
00:13:28.000 | I mean, obviously he knew there was this thing
00:13:29.860 | that we call a brain and a nervous system.
00:13:32.260 | And he knew that there were chemicals in the brain
00:13:34.960 | and hormones and things of that sort
00:13:36.720 | that were likely to play a role,
00:13:38.240 | but he really didn't take any measures
00:13:40.160 | to define what the neural circuits were.
00:13:42.860 | Frankly, he didn't need to.
00:13:43.700 | He had his Nobel prize and he did all this beautiful work.
00:13:46.020 | He's known for an abundance of work,
00:13:48.800 | but he did think about what sorts of underlying processes
00:13:53.260 | could drive something like aggression.
00:13:55.740 | And he talked about one particular feature
00:13:58.600 | that's especially important.
00:14:00.060 | And that's this notion of a pressure.
00:14:02.540 | The idea that, yes, certain hormones will bias somebody
00:14:07.540 | or an animal to be aggressive.
00:14:10.380 | Certain neurotransmitter states,
00:14:11.980 | and you'll learn what those are today,
00:14:13.400 | will bias somebody to be more or less aggressive,
00:14:16.740 | maybe even submissive and passive,
00:14:18.640 | maybe outright proactively aggressive
00:14:21.340 | towards anyone or anything in front of them.
00:14:23.900 | And yes, of course, there will be historical features
00:14:26.640 | based on their childhood, et cetera, et cetera.
00:14:29.300 | He understood that there will be a constellation of things
00:14:31.540 | that would drive people to be aggressive.
00:14:34.620 | And he described a so-called pressure,
00:14:36.260 | almost like a hydraulic pressure.
00:14:37.740 | Just think about fluid pressure in a small container
00:14:40.340 | being pushed, pushed, pushed until the can
00:14:42.260 | or the container is ready to explode.
00:14:44.620 | And how multiple features, multiple variables
00:14:48.080 | could impinge on that and create that pressure.
00:14:51.220 | It turns out that's exactly the way the system works.
00:14:53.980 | There is no single brain area
00:14:55.540 | that flips the switch for aggression.
00:14:57.820 | Although we'll soon talk about a brain structure
00:14:59.620 | that generally houses the propensity
00:15:02.940 | and the output of aggression.
00:15:04.400 | This notion of a hydraulic pressure
00:15:07.700 | that can drive us toward aggressive behavior,
00:15:10.480 | or conversely can be very low pressure
00:15:14.460 | and keep us in a state of non-reactivity,
00:15:16.640 | maybe even passivity or submissiveness
00:15:19.660 | is a very important feature
00:15:21.100 | because it really captures the essence
00:15:23.300 | of how neural circuits work
00:15:24.900 | when we're talking about primitive behaviors generally.
00:15:27.380 | And you can start to notice this in yourself and in others.
00:15:31.320 | You can start to notice
00:15:32.480 | when you are veering toward aggression
00:15:34.800 | or when someone is veering toward aggression,
00:15:36.980 | verbal or physical.
00:15:39.100 | Now that veering is the buildup of this hydraulic pressure
00:15:43.980 | that Lorenz was referring to.
00:15:45.420 | And it really does have an underlying biological basis.
00:15:49.300 | Now it was some years later
00:15:51.980 | that the first experiments came along,
00:15:54.480 | which really started to identify the brain areas
00:15:57.940 | and the biological so-called pressures
00:16:00.600 | that can induce aggressive behavior.
00:16:03.340 | And the person that really gets credit for this
00:16:05.140 | is a guy by the name of Walter Hess,
00:16:08.100 | who at that time was working on cats.
00:16:10.780 | And I know that when you say working on cats,
00:16:12.960 | a lot of people will cringe,
00:16:13.860 | a lot of people have cats as pets,
00:16:15.240 | and certainly cats can be delightful.
00:16:17.380 | Some people like them more, some people like them less.
00:16:19.500 | Most people cringe at the idea of doing experiments on cats.
00:16:23.220 | I should say that these days,
00:16:24.640 | very few laboratories work on cats.
00:16:26.480 | Most laboratories that work on animal models
00:16:28.700 | will work on flies, Drosophila fruit flies
00:16:31.220 | for their capacity to do genetics,
00:16:33.380 | on laboratory mice, sometimes rats, but usually mice.
00:16:37.220 | And occasionally you'll find a lab
00:16:39.420 | that still works on cats.
00:16:41.400 | Back in the time of Hess,
00:16:43.300 | very few laboratories worked on mice.
00:16:45.100 | Most laboratories worked on cats or rats.
00:16:48.380 | And the reason for that is nowadays
00:16:49.940 | most laboratories use mice if they use animal models
00:16:53.220 | because of the genetic tools that exist in mice
00:16:55.560 | to knock out this gene or knock in this gene, et cetera,
00:16:58.480 | which can't be done in humans or non-human primates,
00:17:01.100 | at least not very easily at this point in history.
00:17:04.660 | So when I say he was working on cats,
00:17:06.380 | I realized that probably evoked some negative emotions
00:17:08.560 | in some of you, maybe even aggression in some of you.
00:17:11.540 | What we can do, however, is look at the data
00:17:14.900 | and make use of the data in terms of our understanding.
00:17:17.980 | What Hess did was he had cats that were awake
00:17:22.880 | and he was able to lower stimulating electrode
00:17:25.120 | into their brain.
00:17:25.960 | Now, keep in mind that the brain
00:17:26.780 | does not have any pain sensors.
00:17:28.520 | So after a small hole is made in the skull,
00:17:30.860 | electrodes are lowered into the brain.
00:17:32.300 | This is what's done commonly in human neurosurgery.
00:17:35.380 | And he was able to stimulate different brain areas.
00:17:38.440 | And he was sort of poking around.
00:17:40.180 | And when I say sort of,
00:17:41.100 | he was doing this with some logical intent and purpose.
00:17:44.660 | He wasn't just poking around in there for fun.
00:17:46.160 | He was trying to identify brain regions
00:17:49.220 | that could generate entire categories of behavior,
00:17:53.760 | a la Lorenz, right?
00:17:55.300 | These fixed action pattern behaviors.
00:17:57.160 | Eventually, his electrode landed in a site
00:18:01.320 | and he provided electrical stimulation to the cat
00:18:03.980 | that caused this otherwise passive purring, relaxing cat
00:18:08.980 | to suddenly go into an absolute rage.
00:18:13.120 | So arched back, hissing, hair up,
00:18:16.300 | so-called pyloerection where the hairs go up.
00:18:19.320 | Animals try and make themselves as big as possible,
00:18:21.340 | often when they're aggressive.
00:18:22.840 | Drooling, maybe even spitting, believe it or not,
00:18:27.200 | cats and other animals can do this.
00:18:29.080 | And the cat tried to attack him and anyone else
00:18:32.040 | and anything else, even inanimate objects
00:18:36.240 | when he stimulated this particular brain area.
00:18:38.860 | So Hess obviously took notice
00:18:41.120 | of this incredible transformation in behavior.
00:18:44.120 | And the fact that when he turned off the stimulation
00:18:47.280 | of this particular brain area,
00:18:48.760 | the cat very quickly within seconds
00:18:50.980 | went back to being passive calm kitty.
00:18:54.080 | Now, of course, he repeated this experiment in other animals
00:18:57.580 | because he had to confirm that it wasn't just happenstance,
00:19:00.760 | that there wasn't something unique about this one cat
00:19:04.340 | that perhaps he had stimulated an area
00:19:07.500 | that had been built up during the kittenhood
00:19:10.400 | of this cat and had been reactivated.
00:19:13.560 | Maybe this kitten had been traumatized early in life
00:19:15.780 | or scared and reactivation of a particular circuit
00:19:18.820 | unique to that cat created this aggressive behavior.
00:19:23.020 | That wasn't the case.
00:19:23.860 | Every cat that he looked at
00:19:26.600 | and stimulated this particular brain area,
00:19:28.800 | the cat would immediately go into an aggressive,
00:19:31.280 | almost rage type behavior.
00:19:32.560 | Now, of course, we can't anthropomorphize.
00:19:34.320 | We don't know what the cat was feeling.
00:19:35.720 | For all we know, the cat could be happy,
00:19:37.080 | although that seems pretty unlikely.
00:19:39.960 | And later experiments done in mice, but also in humans,
00:19:43.820 | confirm that indeed stimulation of this brain area
00:19:47.480 | evoked not just behavioral aggression,
00:19:49.800 | but also subjective feelings of aggression and anger.
00:19:53.360 | So what was this incredible brain area?
00:19:56.520 | Or rather, I should say,
00:19:57.760 | what is the brain area that harbored
00:19:59.540 | this incredible capacity to generate aggressive behavior
00:20:04.120 | in Hess's experiments?
00:20:05.500 | Well, for those of you that are regular listeners
00:20:08.560 | to this podcast, you'll probably be relieved to know
00:20:11.600 | that today we're going to talk
00:20:12.580 | about some new neural circuits.
00:20:14.320 | Oftentimes we'll center back on the amygdala
00:20:17.560 | or the prefrontal cortex, and those names will come up.
00:20:20.040 | And for those of you that haven't heard them before,
00:20:21.840 | don't worry, I'll make it clear
00:20:23.040 | as to what those brain areas are and what they do.
00:20:26.000 | But today we're going to talk a lot
00:20:27.560 | about the so-called VMH or ventromedial hypothalamus.
00:20:32.560 | The ventromedial hypothalamus is a nucleus,
00:20:36.360 | meaning a small collection of neurons.
00:20:38.760 | What are neurons?
00:20:39.880 | Nerve cells.
00:20:41.280 | And that small collection of neurons
00:20:43.520 | that we call the ventromedial hypothalamus is truly small.
00:20:46.420 | It's only about 1,500 neurons on one side of your brain
00:20:50.940 | and a matching 1,500 neurons on the other side of your brain.
00:20:54.400 | And that combined 3,000 neurons or so,
00:20:57.680 | it's not exactly 3,000, but 3,000 neurons or so
00:21:00.720 | is sufficient to generate aggressive behavior
00:21:05.920 | of the sort that Hess observed in the cat.
00:21:10.520 | And believe it or not,
00:21:11.660 | when you see somebody who's in an act of rage
00:21:14.560 | or in an act of verbal aggression
00:21:17.080 | or in an act of defensive aggression,
00:21:19.240 | protecting their family or loved ones or country, et cetera,
00:21:22.920 | almost certainly those neurons are engaged in that behavior.
00:21:28.320 | Those neurons are perhaps even generating that behavior.
00:21:32.680 | And next I'll describe some experiments
00:21:34.360 | that were done just recently within the last 10 years or so,
00:21:37.760 | but leading right up until this year and even last month
00:21:41.060 | that keep confirming again and again and again
00:21:43.960 | that it is the activity of neurons
00:21:45.600 | in the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:21:46.960 | that are both necessary and sufficient
00:21:49.360 | to generate the full catalog of aggressive behaviors.
00:21:53.780 | Now, before I go further to describe
00:21:56.400 | the beautiful recent studies on the VMH,
00:21:59.600 | the ventromedial hypothalamus,
00:22:01.240 | and the important role of testosterone,
00:22:03.080 | and more importantly estrogen
00:22:05.480 | in the activation of aggressive behavior.
00:22:07.200 | That's right, that's soon to be clear to you
00:22:09.680 | why that's the case.
00:22:10.800 | I want to emphasize that the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:22:15.060 | is something that we should all care about, why?
00:22:17.840 | Well, it turns out that many categories
00:22:21.380 | of psychiatric disorders, developmental disorders,
00:22:24.880 | and psychological challenges, things like schizophrenia,
00:22:28.120 | PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression,
00:22:31.680 | borderline personality disorder,
00:22:33.880 | and even certain forms of autism
00:22:35.960 | can include elements of aggression and even violence.
00:22:39.000 | Now, it's certainly not the case
00:22:40.700 | that aggression and violence are present
00:22:42.980 | in all people who suffer from schizophrenia or PTSD
00:22:46.840 | or depression or autism or borderline personality disorder.
00:22:50.360 | I'm absolutely not saying that.
00:22:53.240 | However, it can be a feature of those,
00:22:56.040 | and it's a well-described feature
00:22:58.720 | in terms of trying to understand the constellation
00:23:01.680 | of challenges that people suffer from when they have those.
00:23:04.120 | So thinking about the VMH goes way beyond
00:23:06.040 | just understanding basic aggression
00:23:08.160 | in the context of adaptive aggression.
00:23:10.120 | So when earlier I used the example maternal aggression,
00:23:14.200 | that's one adaptive form of aggression.
00:23:17.640 | It also can be pathologic aggression,
00:23:20.440 | meaning it can harm ourselves or others.
00:23:22.480 | So keep this in mind as we go forward,
00:23:24.040 | because later we're going to talk about specific tools
00:23:26.600 | designed to modulate or prevent aggression in,
00:23:30.760 | for instance, people with
00:23:31.800 | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
00:23:33.720 | and especially kids with ADHD.
00:23:35.720 | In the meantime, let's return to the VMH,
00:23:40.080 | this relatively small collection of neurons.
00:23:42.320 | And the reason I say relatively small is,
00:23:43.840 | well, your brain has many hundreds of billions of neurons,
00:23:47.200 | maybe even trillions of neurons.
00:23:48.640 | The exact number of neurons isn't really clear,
00:23:50.640 | but it's a lot.
00:23:52.040 | And it certainly is a lot relative to the number of neurons,
00:23:56.080 | this 3000 or so neurons living in your hypothalamus
00:23:59.680 | that can evoke this aggressive response.
00:24:02.500 | Experiments done by David Anderson's lab at Caltech,
00:24:07.960 | were really the first to parse the fine circuitry
00:24:10.980 | and to really show that the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:24:13.960 | is both necessary and sufficient for aggressive behavior.
00:24:17.280 | These are important experiments
00:24:18.360 | and they're worth knowing about.
00:24:20.460 | What they did was they identified,
00:24:24.500 | first of all, where the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:24:26.220 | was in the mouse.
00:24:27.120 | That was pretty straightforward to do,
00:24:28.360 | sort of known before they started these experiments.
00:24:30.800 | And then they analyzed which genes,
00:24:34.900 | meaning which DNA, which of course,
00:24:37.840 | becomes RNA and RNA becomes protein,
00:24:40.480 | which DNA and therefore which proteins are expressed
00:24:44.200 | in particular cells of the ventromedial hypothalamus.
00:24:47.860 | And it turns out that there's a particular category
00:24:50.560 | of neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:24:54.040 | that make an estrogen receptor.
00:24:56.420 | And it is those neurons in particular
00:25:00.020 | that are responsible for generating aggressive behavior.
00:25:04.080 | How did they know this?
00:25:05.020 | Well, they used a tool that's actually been described
00:25:07.540 | by a previous guest of this podcast.
00:25:09.160 | We had an episode with the psychiatrist and bio engineer
00:25:11.720 | and my colleague at Stanford School of Medicine,
00:25:13.620 | Carl Deisseroth.
00:25:14.800 | He and others have developed tools
00:25:18.000 | that allow people to control the activity of neurons,
00:25:21.600 | essentially by remote control,
00:25:22.880 | by shining light on those neurons.
00:25:24.560 | So in the context of an experiment on a mouse,
00:25:26.840 | which is what David's lab did,
00:25:28.240 | and these were the beautiful experiments of Dai Yu Lin,
00:25:30.160 | who's now in her own laboratory at New York University,
00:25:32.920 | put a little fiber optic cable down into the brain
00:25:36.160 | of the hypo, into the hypothalamus that is of the mouse.
00:25:39.220 | The mouse is able to move around in its cage, freely moving.
00:25:43.520 | Even though it has a little tether, this little wire,
00:25:45.400 | it's a very thin wire.
00:25:46.600 | And that little thin wire is actually a little,
00:25:48.360 | what we call optrode.
00:25:49.440 | And the experimentalist, in this case, Dai Yu,
00:25:51.840 | was able to stimulate the turning on
00:25:55.640 | of a little bit of blue light.
00:25:57.700 | And that blue light activated
00:26:00.000 | only those estrogen receptor neurons
00:26:03.340 | in only the ventromedial hypothalamus.
00:26:06.280 | And the way she was able to do that
00:26:07.400 | is she had introduced a gene
00:26:09.680 | that had been developed by our friend, Carl Deisseroth,
00:26:13.120 | that allows light to trigger electrical activity
00:26:17.240 | in those neurons.
00:26:18.060 | So if any of that is confusing,
00:26:19.180 | or if all of that is confusing, here's the experiment.
00:26:21.120 | There's a mouse in a cage,
00:26:23.160 | has a little wire coming out of its head.
00:26:24.620 | It doesn't notice, believe it or not.
00:26:26.520 | We know this 'cause it's still eating and mating
00:26:28.340 | and doing all the things that mice like to do
00:26:30.760 | on a daily basis and sleeping, et cetera.
00:26:33.240 | And the mere pressing of a button
00:26:35.320 | will activate a little bit of light
00:26:37.120 | released at the end of that wire.
00:26:38.680 | That light activates particular neurons.
00:26:41.040 | In this case, it's the estrogen receptor-containing neurons
00:26:43.920 | in only the ventromedial hypothalamus.
00:26:45.840 | When that mouse is in a cage with another mouse,
00:26:50.280 | a couple of things happen,
00:26:51.280 | depending on what the other mouse is,
00:26:53.820 | or we could say who the other mouse is.
00:26:56.200 | If it's a male mouse,
00:26:58.040 | and you put it in there with a female mouse,
00:27:00.240 | the male mouse will attempt to mate with a female mouse.
00:27:03.280 | Provided that the male mouse has gone through puberty,
00:27:05.320 | he will try to mount and mate with a female mouse.
00:27:07.900 | Now, female mice are either in a receptive phase
00:27:11.220 | or a non-receptive phase of their so-called estrous cycle.
00:27:13.720 | They don't have a menstrual 28-day cycle,
00:27:15.560 | they have an estrous cycle.
00:27:17.480 | And on particular days of that estrous cycle,
00:27:20.000 | they are not happy to mate.
00:27:22.400 | They will basically keep their hindquarters
00:27:25.420 | away from the male mouse at all costs.
00:27:27.540 | They'll even attack the male mouse.
00:27:29.280 | On certain days of the estrous cycle, however,
00:27:32.600 | the female mouse will undergo what's called lordosis,
00:27:34.760 | which is an arching of her back,
00:27:36.280 | and she'll allow the male to mount and mate with her.
00:27:39.760 | So a large number of experiments were done,
00:27:42.560 | but the first experiment really was
00:27:44.440 | to put the male mouse in with a female mouse
00:27:47.320 | who's in the so-called receptive phase of estrous.
00:27:50.300 | That is, she will allow mating.
00:27:52.120 | And he starts mating with her.
00:27:54.300 | And they go through the standard repertoire
00:27:56.720 | of mating behaviors that you observe in mice,
00:27:59.420 | mounting, thrusting, intromission,
00:28:02.600 | as it's called in the mouse sex world.
00:28:05.280 | Well, I guess, I don't know what the mice call it,
00:28:06.560 | but that's what the experimenters call it.
00:28:08.360 | And then afterwards, he will dismount, okay?
00:28:11.960 | So they observe this kind of mounting and sex behavior.
00:28:15.440 | It's very typical.
00:28:16.840 | But about halfway through the behavior,
00:28:20.080 | Dayu turned on the light
00:28:22.600 | to stimulate these estrogen receptor-containing neurons
00:28:25.880 | only in the male mouse.
00:28:27.200 | And what she observed was incredibly dramatic.
00:28:30.120 | The male mouse ceases from trying to mate
00:28:32.360 | with the female mouse
00:28:33.200 | and immediately tries to kill the female mouse.
00:28:35.500 | He starts attacking her.
00:28:36.700 | Then she turns off the light, the male stops,
00:28:41.120 | and goes back to trying to mate with the female mouse.
00:28:43.200 | I'm sure all of this was very confusing
00:28:45.240 | and disturbing to the female mouse.
00:28:46.840 | Nonetheless, that was the repertoire.
00:28:49.320 | They would mate.
00:28:50.480 | She would stimulate these ventromedial hypothalamus neurons.
00:28:53.420 | The male mouse would immediately
00:28:54.840 | try and attack and kill the female mouse.
00:28:57.800 | And then she would stop the stimulation,
00:28:59.660 | and he would stop trying to attack and kill the female mouse,
00:29:02.280 | return to the attempt, at least,
00:29:04.880 | to mate with the female mouse.
00:29:06.460 | These are such dramatic shifts in behavior
00:29:10.060 | triggered only by the activation
00:29:11.880 | of only the small set of neurons
00:29:13.660 | within the ventromedial hypothalamus.
00:29:15.600 | And for those of you that think
00:29:17.260 | that you can watch this sort of thing
00:29:18.880 | without being disturbed,
00:29:20.300 | I encourage you to go to YouTube.
00:29:23.180 | We will provide a link where you can see a video
00:29:26.240 | of this type of behavior.
00:29:27.180 | It's incredibly dramatic.
00:29:28.980 | The shift in behavior is almost instantaneous,
00:29:32.300 | occurs within seconds, if not milliseconds,
00:29:35.060 | thousandths of a second.
00:29:36.320 | The next experiment that she did was to put a male mouse
00:29:41.020 | with this stimulation with light capability
00:29:44.760 | in its ventromedial hypothalamus into a cage alone,
00:29:47.740 | but with a rubber glove filled with air or water.
00:29:50.340 | Mouse was walking around sniffing, peeing,
00:29:52.740 | which is what male mice seem to do.
00:29:54.000 | They seem to urinate everywhere.
00:29:55.520 | Essentially an interesting, perhaps interesting feature
00:29:58.000 | of male mice and actually many male animals,
00:30:00.920 | perhaps even humans, we don't know, or maybe we do know.
00:30:03.820 | Basically, this has been observed time and time again
00:30:06.580 | in experiments, mainly by Lisa Stowers' lab
00:30:09.380 | at the Scripps Institute has characterized this.
00:30:11.540 | If you put female mice into an arena or a cage,
00:30:14.240 | they always urinate in a very small corner of that cage.
00:30:17.900 | Whereas if you put male mice into an arena or a cage,
00:30:21.180 | they urinate everywhere.
00:30:22.340 | They have this kind of obsession
00:30:23.540 | with spraying their urine everywhere.
00:30:25.400 | You can sort of transpose that to human behavior
00:30:28.540 | if you like.
00:30:29.380 | In any event, Dayu put the mouse in the cage alone,
00:30:34.720 | but with this rubber glove,
00:30:36.300 | the mouse is walking around, urinating, et cetera,
00:30:38.720 | doing whatever it is that mice do.
00:30:40.220 | Then she stimulates the activation
00:30:42.460 | of these ventromedial hypothalamus neurons,
00:30:44.940 | and the mouse immediately tries to kill the glove.
00:30:48.380 | It goes into a rage attacking the glove
00:30:50.420 | as if it were another mouse or some other animate object,
00:30:55.040 | but of course it's an inanimate object.
00:30:56.780 | It's just a rubber glove.
00:30:58.340 | She stops the stimulation and the mouse immediately goes back
00:31:00.780 | to being completely calm or at least not attacking.
00:31:03.820 | Again, we don't know what the mouse was feeling.
00:31:06.680 | So these are very dramatic videos.
00:31:08.460 | Again, you can see them by following the link
00:31:10.080 | that we'll provide in the caption.
00:31:11.860 | If that sort of thing is going to disturb you
00:31:14.180 | to see, for instance, the attack,
00:31:16.200 | one mouse attacking another, please just don't watch them.
00:31:18.760 | I'm not interested in traumatizing anybody.
00:31:21.580 | Are you traumatizing yourself, that is?
00:31:23.480 | A number of different variations
00:31:26.020 | were done on this experiment.
00:31:27.080 | For instance, stimulating the VMH in female mice
00:31:32.080 | as opposed to male mice,
00:31:33.740 | putting the female mice in with other female mice
00:31:36.700 | or with other male mice.
00:31:38.420 | No matter what variation one carries out,
00:31:41.980 | so it doesn't matter if it's male with female,
00:31:43.680 | male with male, female with female, et cetera,
00:31:47.380 | stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:31:50.060 | in a male mouse or a female mouse
00:31:51.660 | evokes this very dramatic,
00:31:53.580 | almost instantaneous aggressive behavior,
00:31:56.140 | physically aggressive behavior.
00:31:57.700 | Subsequent experiments done by Dai-Yu Lin
00:32:01.100 | in her own laboratory and other laboratories
00:32:03.540 | have shown that the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:32:05.840 | is connected with a bunch of other brain areas
00:32:07.720 | that are interesting,
00:32:08.560 | and I'll talk about some of those in a little bit,
00:32:10.520 | but one of them that I want to call out now
00:32:13.940 | is the so-called PAG, the periaqueductal gray nucleus.
00:32:17.240 | This is a large structure in the back of the brain
00:32:20.220 | that houses things like neurons that can create opioids.
00:32:23.820 | We all know of the opioid crisis,
00:32:25.040 | but these are neurons that can produce endogenous means
00:32:28.920 | made by the body, chemicals that can cause pain relief.
00:32:33.720 | You could understand why that might occur
00:32:35.800 | in a circuit for aggression, right?
00:32:37.260 | Even if one is the aggressor,
00:32:39.720 | it's likely that they may incur some physical damage
00:32:42.820 | and they'd want some pain relief.
00:32:44.480 | The PAG also is connected to a number of neural circuits
00:32:49.340 | that eventually through several processing stations,
00:32:53.380 | excuse me, arrive at things like the jaws.
00:32:56.220 | And in fact, stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:32:58.620 | can evoke biting and aggressive biting behavior.
00:33:01.820 | Now, aggressive biting behavior is particularly interesting
00:33:05.240 | because in humans, and especially in human children,
00:33:08.440 | biting is something that while young children might do
00:33:12.300 | as a form of aggression,
00:33:13.440 | tends to disappear pretty early in childhood.
00:33:17.040 | And if it doesn't, it's often seen as a mark of pathology.
00:33:21.540 | I have a story about this.
00:33:22.400 | Actually, when I was a kid, I went to a summer sports camp
00:33:27.140 | and I'll never forget this.
00:33:29.080 | We were playing soccer and in a rare stroke of luck
00:33:33.260 | or accident, I happened to score a goal.
00:33:35.080 | I wasn't a particularly good soccer player,
00:33:36.580 | especially not at that stage of my life.
00:33:37.940 | They later figured out that it was just better
00:33:39.740 | to make me a fullback 'cause I could just wait there
00:33:42.020 | and do what fullbacks do.
00:33:43.420 | I was better at taking the ball or the person out
00:33:45.720 | than I was putting the ball in the goal.
00:33:49.460 | Nonetheless, I, again, by chance, I scored a goal
00:33:53.340 | and I was trotting back to my side of the field.
00:33:55.900 | And all of a sudden I felt this sting in my back.
00:33:59.600 | A kid, not to be named, although I do remember your name,
00:34:03.260 | I'm not going to tell you what his name was,
00:34:05.180 | a kid jumped on my back and bit me on the top of my back.
00:34:09.420 | And this, of course, resulted in a discussion
00:34:12.440 | and a timeout and all the usual things.
00:34:14.800 | And parents, I think, got involved.
00:34:16.540 | I don't recall.
00:34:17.700 | I didn't think much else of it.
00:34:19.180 | But I recall that this was considered
00:34:21.420 | especially troubling behavior because he bit me
00:34:24.740 | as opposed to hit me or shoved me down
00:34:26.880 | or something of that sort.
00:34:27.920 | And it does seem as if the tendency to use biting
00:34:31.520 | as an aggressive behavior is associated
00:34:34.500 | with a more primitive circuitry.
00:34:35.920 | Now here, I'm truly anthropomorphizing.
00:34:37.800 | I don't know what this other kid happened to be thinking
00:34:39.720 | or feeling at the time.
00:34:40.900 | How could I?
00:34:41.740 | And I certainly am not going to say that biting
00:34:44.460 | in every case reflects a pathology.
00:34:48.060 | Although I think there is general agreement
00:34:50.360 | in the psychology community and the psychiatric community
00:34:52.660 | that past a certain age, the using of one's teeth
00:34:55.480 | to impart aggression and damage on others
00:34:58.500 | is a particularly primitive and troubling,
00:35:01.660 | or at least for the observer or the person
00:35:03.560 | that experiences a pretty disturbing event.
00:35:06.320 | Daew's lab has shown that activation
00:35:08.980 | of the ventromedial hypothalamus triggers
00:35:10.540 | a downstream circuit in the periaqueductal gray,
00:35:13.240 | which then triggers a whole other set of circuits
00:35:15.780 | of fixed action patterns.
00:35:17.020 | Here we are back to Lorenz again with fixed action patterns,
00:35:20.760 | including swinging of the limbs, right, punching.
00:35:24.320 | This wouldn't necessarily be controlled punching,
00:35:26.700 | but also biting behavior.
00:35:28.600 | So it's remarkable to me at least that we have circuits
00:35:31.680 | in our brain that can evoke violent use of things
00:35:35.560 | like our mouth or violent use of things like our limbs
00:35:38.640 | that of course could be used for things like singing
00:35:41.340 | or kissing or eating or gesticulating
00:35:45.600 | in any kind of polite or impolite way.
00:35:48.120 | The point here is that neural circuits,
00:35:51.440 | not individual brain areas, evoke the constellation
00:35:54.180 | of behaviors that we call aggression.
00:35:56.400 | Now, many of you are probably puzzled
00:35:57.800 | or at least should be because I've been talking
00:36:01.020 | about this highly specialized brain area,
00:36:02.800 | the ventromedial hypothalamus,
00:36:04.000 | and this highly specialized subcategory of neurons
00:36:07.960 | in the ventromedial hypothalamus,
00:36:09.240 | these neurons that make estrogen receptor.
00:36:11.900 | And yet the activation of those cells
00:36:14.840 | triggers dramatic and immediate aggression,
00:36:17.580 | both in males and in females,
00:36:19.600 | and both against males and against females.
00:36:22.280 | So what's going on here?
00:36:24.600 | Most of us think about estrogen
00:36:26.600 | and we don't immediately think of aggression.
00:36:29.500 | Most of us hear testosterone
00:36:31.240 | and we might think about aggression,
00:36:32.600 | although other things as well.
00:36:34.100 | In order to understand this,
00:36:36.020 | I just want to briefly refer back to a conversation
00:36:39.560 | that I had on a previous episode
00:36:41.040 | of the Huberman Lab Podcast.
00:36:42.240 | And that was with my colleague, the great Robert Sapolsky,
00:36:45.920 | of course, is a professor at Stanford
00:36:47.200 | who studied testosterone and its impacts on behavior,
00:36:50.360 | as well as estrogen and other hormones
00:36:51.860 | and their impacts on behavior.
00:36:54.240 | To make a long story short
00:36:56.240 | and to dispel a still unfortunately very common myth,
00:37:01.240 | testosterone does not increase aggressiveness.
00:37:05.000 | Testosterone increases proactivity
00:37:07.840 | and the willingness to lean into effort
00:37:10.440 | in competitive scenarios.
00:37:12.420 | Sometimes this is referred to as the challenge hypothesis,
00:37:15.840 | but to make a long story short,
00:37:19.660 | if people are given testosterone,
00:37:22.480 | or if you look at people who have different levels,
00:37:26.560 | excuse me, of testosterone endogenously
00:37:28.600 | that they naturally make,
00:37:30.080 | what you'll find is that testosterone
00:37:32.600 | tends to increase competitiveness,
00:37:34.840 | but not just in aggressive scenarios.
00:37:37.320 | So if somebody is already aggressive,
00:37:40.360 | giving them testosterone will have the tendency
00:37:43.740 | to make them more aggressive.
00:37:45.140 | If somebody, however, is very benevolent and altruistic,
00:37:49.420 | giving them testosterone
00:37:50.400 | will make them more benevolent and altruistic,
00:37:52.480 | at least up to a point.
00:37:53.680 | Now, of course, there are certain forms
00:37:55.240 | of synthetic testosterone that are known
00:37:58.520 | in sports circles and in other circles
00:38:03.040 | to increase aggressiveness
00:38:04.720 | because of the way those particular forms
00:38:06.340 | of synthetic testosterone work.
00:38:08.080 | But in general, most of the experiments
00:38:09.560 | that I'm referring to have not been done using those.
00:38:11.140 | They've been done using the,
00:38:13.200 | let's call them the more traditional
00:38:15.640 | biological forms of testosterone
00:38:17.280 | or that resemble the biological forms of testosterone.
00:38:19.740 | In fact, Robert Sapolsky described
00:38:21.660 | a really interesting experiment
00:38:23.040 | in which if you look at testosterone levels
00:38:26.360 | or you administer additional testosterone
00:38:28.460 | to people who are doing philanthropy,
00:38:30.640 | giving money to organizations,
00:38:33.520 | and so they're essentially doing good
00:38:34.960 | because these are organizations doing good,
00:38:37.200 | what you find is that increased testosterone
00:38:40.180 | or further increasing testosterone
00:38:42.220 | makes people more willing to compete
00:38:43.740 | to give more money than the other person in the room
00:38:45.600 | in order to put it in air quotes,
00:38:48.140 | to alpha out the other person by giving more money.
00:38:51.000 | So this is an act of altruistic or benevolent philanthropy.
00:38:54.680 | It is not an act of aggression.
00:38:56.520 | Of course, we don't know what the people
00:38:58.040 | are feeling underneath all that.
00:38:59.720 | Again, we can't anthropomorphize
00:39:01.240 | or project onto other people what they're feeling.
00:39:04.100 | But the point is that testosterone itself
00:39:06.820 | does not make people more aggressive.
00:39:08.800 | And in the experiments that we've been talking about
00:39:11.960 | up until now, it's actually the activation
00:39:14.480 | of estrogen receptor containing neurons
00:39:17.040 | that makes these animals more aggressive.
00:39:19.220 | And it turns out there's evidence that in certain contexts,
00:39:22.600 | estrogen can make people more aggressive.
00:39:24.580 | So what's going on here?
00:39:25.780 | Well, what's going on is that
00:39:29.140 | testosterone can be converted into estrogen
00:39:32.500 | through a process called aromatization.
00:39:34.680 | There's an enzyme called aromatase.
00:39:36.640 | Anytime you have a word that ends in A-S-E,
00:39:39.680 | at least if it's in the context of biology,
00:39:41.400 | it's almost always, not always, but almost always an enzyme.
00:39:45.340 | So the aromatase enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen.
00:39:49.360 | And it is actually testosterone aromatized,
00:39:54.200 | converted into estrogen,
00:39:55.980 | and then binding to these estrogen-containing neurons
00:40:00.300 | in the ventromedial hypothalamus that triggers aggression.
00:40:04.460 | I want to repeat that.
00:40:05.300 | It is not testosterone itself that triggers aggression.
00:40:08.360 | It is testosterone aromatized into estrogen
00:40:11.100 | within the brain and binding to these estrogen receptor
00:40:14.680 | containing neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:40:17.140 | that evokes aggression and dramatic aggression at that.
00:40:21.100 | Now, this effect of estrogen causing aggression in the brain
00:40:24.680 | is very robust, so much so that if you take a mouse
00:40:28.900 | that lacks the aromatase enzyme
00:40:30.740 | or a human that lacks the aromatase enzyme,
00:40:33.120 | and they do exist,
00:40:34.380 | then there is a reduction in overall aggression
00:40:39.900 | despite high levels of testosterone.
00:40:42.940 | And if people who, or mice who have the aromatase enzyme
00:40:47.940 | have that enzyme blocked,
00:40:50.380 | well, then it doesn't matter
00:40:51.640 | how much you increase testosterone
00:40:53.480 | or any of its other derivatives.
00:40:55.440 | You do not observe this aggression.
00:40:58.660 | So this runs counter to everything that we know
00:41:01.020 | and think about the role of testosterone.
00:41:03.280 | Again, testosterone increases competitiveness.
00:41:06.340 | It can increase the desire to work under challenge.
00:41:09.800 | I've said it before, and I ran this or pressure tested this
00:41:14.280 | against Robert Sapolsky, who's been working on testosterone
00:41:16.900 | and its role in the brain and behavior for many decades now.
00:41:20.580 | It is fair to say that testosterone has the net effect
00:41:25.040 | of making effort feel good,
00:41:26.680 | or at least increasing the threshold
00:41:29.660 | at which effort feels bad or unsustainable.
00:41:32.860 | And it does that by way of changing the activity
00:41:36.480 | or the threshold for activation of brain structures
00:41:38.980 | like the amygdala and other brain structures
00:41:40.760 | associated with anxiety.
00:41:42.780 | So the next time somebody says
00:41:44.480 | testosterone makes people aggressive,
00:41:46.120 | you can say, ah, no, actually it's estrogen
00:41:49.460 | that makes people aggressive
00:41:51.280 | and animals aggressive for that matter.
00:41:53.860 | Now, of course, it is the case
00:41:55.660 | that because males have relatively less estrogen
00:42:00.220 | circulating in their brain and body than females, right?
00:42:03.220 | Because they have testes, not ovaries,
00:42:06.100 | that testosterone is required in the first place
00:42:09.440 | in order to be converted into estrogen
00:42:11.320 | to activate this aggressive circuit
00:42:13.620 | involving these estrogen receptor-containing neurons
00:42:16.140 | and the ventromedial hypothalamus.
00:42:17.880 | But nonetheless, it is estrogen that is the final step.
00:42:22.880 | It is the hormone on which aggression hinges.
00:42:27.440 | And I think for most people,
00:42:28.700 | that's a quite surprising finding.
00:42:30.600 | And yet this is perhaps one of the more robust findings
00:42:33.360 | in both the animal and human literature
00:42:36.280 | as it relates to hormones
00:42:38.420 | and psychological states and behavior.
00:42:40.560 | Now, of course, it is the case that if testosterone is low,
00:42:44.600 | that a person or an animal
00:42:46.680 | will exhibit less aggressive behavior,
00:42:50.000 | but that's not because of reduced testosterone per se,
00:42:52.400 | it's because of the subsequent reduction in testosterone,
00:42:55.880 | meaning if there's no testosterone
00:42:57.400 | to aromatize into estrogen, estrogen will also be lower.
00:43:00.400 | So we've established that it's not testosterone,
00:43:03.360 | but testosterone converted into estrogen
00:43:05.920 | that activates these circuits for aggression.
00:43:08.660 | But nonetheless, it's still surprising, right?
00:43:12.080 | I mean, most of us don't think about estrogen
00:43:14.600 | as the hormone that stimulates aggression,
00:43:17.440 | but turns out it's all contextual.
00:43:19.280 | There are beautiful data
00:43:21.760 | showing that whether or not estrogen stimulates aggression
00:43:26.120 | can be powerfully modulated
00:43:28.620 | by whether or not days are short or days are long.
00:43:31.760 | In other words, whether or not
00:43:33.000 | there's a lot of sunshine or not.
00:43:35.280 | Now, obviously brain is encased in skull,
00:43:39.800 | so it doesn't really know
00:43:41.320 | if there's a lot of sunshine out there,
00:43:42.640 | even though you can see the sun with your eyes,
00:43:44.160 | you can feel it on your skin.
00:43:46.360 | Day length is converted into hormonal signals
00:43:49.880 | and chemical signals,
00:43:50.800 | and the primary hormonal and chemical signals
00:43:53.000 | involve melatonin and dopamine and also the stress hormones.
00:43:57.740 | So to make a very long story short,
00:43:59.720 | in the long days where we get a lot of sunlight,
00:44:01.880 | both in our eyes and on our skin,
00:44:04.320 | melatonin levels are reduced.
00:44:06.000 | Melatonin is a hormone
00:44:06.920 | that tends to produce states of sleepiness and quiescence.
00:44:10.580 | It also tends to activate pathways
00:44:12.120 | that tend to reduce things like breeding
00:44:14.680 | and sexual behavior.
00:44:16.560 | In long days, dopamine is increased.
00:44:19.080 | Dopamine is a molecule associated
00:44:20.600 | with feelings of wellbeing and motivation,
00:44:23.860 | and the desire to seek out all sorts of things,
00:44:27.320 | all sorts of motivated behaviors.
00:44:29.180 | And in long days,
00:44:31.020 | provided we're getting enough sunlight on our skin
00:44:33.760 | and to our eyes, the stress hormones,
00:44:36.940 | especially cortisol and some of the other stress hormones
00:44:39.740 | are reduced in levels.
00:44:40.920 | If estrogen levels are increased experimentally
00:44:45.760 | under long day conditions, it does not evoke aggression.
00:44:49.980 | However, in short days, if estrogen is increased,
00:44:53.280 | there's a heightened predisposition for aggression.
00:44:57.100 | And that makes perfect sense
00:44:59.420 | if you think about what short days do
00:45:01.380 | to the biology of your brain and body.
00:45:03.500 | In short days, the melatonin signal goes up.
00:45:06.300 | There's more melatonin circulating
00:45:07.740 | for more of each 24 hour cycle.
00:45:09.700 | Stress hormones are circulating more.
00:45:14.280 | Short days tend to be associated with winter.
00:45:16.240 | In winter, we are bombarded with more bacteria and viruses
00:45:19.500 | because bacteria and viruses actually survive better in cold
00:45:24.500 | than they do in heat.
00:45:25.600 | In fact, in my laboratory, we work with a lot of viruses
00:45:27.760 | and bacteria, and when we want to keep them alive,
00:45:29.380 | we put them in the freezer.
00:45:30.600 | If we want to kill them, if we want to inoculate them,
00:45:32.600 | we put them under UV light,
00:45:34.120 | like you would see from the sunlight.
00:45:35.720 | So shorter days are conducive to aggression,
00:45:38.680 | not because days are short per se,
00:45:41.620 | but because stress hormone levels are higher
00:45:43.800 | and because dopamine levels are lower.
00:45:47.520 | Now here's where all of this starts to converge
00:45:48.900 | on a very clear biological picture,
00:45:51.320 | a very clear psychological picture,
00:45:53.200 | and indeed a very clear set of tools
00:45:55.800 | that we can think about and use.
00:45:57.580 | Under conditions where cortisol is high,
00:46:01.380 | where the stress hormone is elevated,
00:46:04.360 | and under conditions where the neuromodulator serotonin
00:46:07.840 | is reduced, there is a greater propensity
00:46:11.680 | for estrogen to trigger aggression.
00:46:14.020 | Now, again, I know I've said it before,
00:46:17.480 | but for males who make a lot of testosterone
00:46:20.660 | relative to estrogen, you have to swap in your mind
00:46:23.880 | this idea that if testosterone is high,
00:46:26.380 | that means that estrogen is low,
00:46:27.800 | because while that can be true in the periphery in the body,
00:46:31.360 | if testosterone is high,
00:46:33.240 | there is going to be some aromatization,
00:46:35.320 | that conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
00:46:37.240 | So anytime you hear that testosterone is high,
00:46:39.520 | you should think testosterone is high in the body
00:46:42.160 | and perhaps estrogen is low in the body,
00:46:43.740 | but that means that there's going to be heightened levels
00:46:45.640 | of estrogen in the brain,
00:46:47.400 | and therefore increased propensity for aggression.
00:46:50.520 | In females who generally make less testosterone
00:46:54.540 | relative to estrogen,
00:46:55.960 | there is sufficient estrogen already present
00:46:59.800 | to trigger aggression.
00:47:01.660 | So both males and females are primed for aggression,
00:47:06.280 | but that's riding on a context,
00:47:09.220 | and that context of whether or not you get a tendency
00:47:12.040 | for aggression or not,
00:47:13.880 | depends on whether or not cortisol is high or low,
00:47:16.320 | and I'm telling you that if cortisol is relatively higher
00:47:19.760 | in any individual, there's going to be a tilt,
00:47:22.820 | an increase in that hydraulic pressure
00:47:25.240 | that Lorenz talked about toward aggression.
00:47:28.440 | And if serotonin, the neuromodulator
00:47:33.520 | that is associated with feelings of wellbeing,
00:47:35.880 | and sometimes even of slight passivity,
00:47:38.160 | but certainly of wellbeing,
00:47:40.160 | if serotonin is low,
00:47:41.480 | there's also going to be a further shift
00:47:43.620 | towards an aggressive tendency.
00:47:46.300 | So if we return to Lorenz's hydraulic pressure model
00:47:50.060 | of aggression and other internal states,
00:47:52.860 | we realize that external stimuli,
00:47:55.620 | things that we hear, things that we see,
00:47:57.900 | for instance, someone saying something upsetting
00:47:59.860 | or us seeing somebody do something
00:48:03.020 | that we don't like to others or to us,
00:48:06.660 | as well as our internal state,
00:48:08.920 | our subjective feelings of wellbeing,
00:48:11.020 | but also our stress level,
00:48:12.400 | our feelings of whether or not we have enough resources
00:48:15.280 | and are content with what we have,
00:48:17.100 | all of that is converging on this thing
00:48:18.840 | that we call internal state and creating this pressure
00:48:21.280 | of either to be more aggressive or less aggressive.
00:48:23.660 | And now we have some major players
00:48:26.020 | feeding into that final pathway,
00:48:29.100 | that question of whether or not,
00:48:30.360 | will we hit the other person?
00:48:31.680 | Will we say the thing that is considered aggressive?
00:48:35.160 | Will we not say it?
00:48:36.640 | If somebody says something or does something aggressive
00:48:39.620 | to us, will we respond or will we be submissive
00:48:41.880 | or even passive?
00:48:43.500 | Again, there are many things funneling into that question
00:48:46.620 | and dictating whether or not the answer is,
00:48:48.160 | absolutely, I'll fight back,
00:48:49.540 | or I'm going to attack them even unprovoked,
00:48:51.900 | or if they say this, I'm going to do that,
00:48:54.020 | or no matter what they do, I'm not going to respond.
00:48:57.100 | These kinds of things are very complex
00:48:59.020 | and yet we really can boil them down
00:49:00.980 | to just a few common elements.
00:49:02.540 | And I'm telling you that those elements
00:49:04.100 | are whether or not cortisol levels
00:49:06.020 | are relatively lower or relatively higher.
00:49:09.420 | Again, relatively higher is going to tend
00:49:11.280 | to make people more reactive, why?
00:49:13.680 | Because reactivity is really a function
00:49:17.100 | of the autonomic nervous system,
00:49:18.940 | which is sort of like a seesaw that oscillates
00:49:21.060 | between the so-called sympathetic arm
00:49:24.100 | of the autonomic nervous system,
00:49:25.140 | which tends to put us into a state of readiness
00:49:27.160 | through the release of adrenaline.
00:49:28.680 | Cortisol and adrenaline,
00:49:29.940 | when they're circulating in the brain and body,
00:49:31.580 | make us more likely to move and to react and to speak.
00:49:34.740 | It's actually what will induce a kind of low level tremor,
00:49:37.300 | which is an anticipatory tremor
00:49:38.840 | to be able to move more quickly, right?
00:49:40.860 | The body in motion is more easily set into further motion,
00:49:44.020 | that is.
00:49:44.860 | And the neuromodulator serotonin is a neuromodulator
00:49:50.020 | that in general is associated with feelings of wellbeing
00:49:54.860 | in response to what we already have.
00:49:56.400 | So when we are well-fed,
00:49:58.260 | serotonin tends to be released in our brain and body,
00:50:00.500 | in particular, well-fed with carbohydrates.
00:50:02.560 | The precursor to serotonin is tryptophan.
00:50:06.360 | And indeed, there are nice studies exploring
00:50:09.240 | the types of diets, nutritional programs,
00:50:12.400 | that can reduce aggressive behavior,
00:50:15.280 | both in children and in adults.
00:50:17.140 | And tryptophan-rich diets or supplementation with tryptophan.
00:50:20.780 | So for tryptophan-rich diets, things like white turkey meat,
00:50:24.240 | but then there are also a number of carbohydrates.
00:50:25.900 | You can look up, it's very easy to find,
00:50:28.340 | foods that contain lots of tryptophan.
00:50:30.380 | Those foods contain the precursor to serotonin.
00:50:34.940 | Now, it isn't simply the case that eating more foods
00:50:37.140 | with tryptophan will tend to reduce your aggression.
00:50:39.980 | I suppose it could do that if you ate it in abundance,
00:50:42.780 | it could make you tired,
00:50:43.780 | and then you're less likely to be aggressive.
00:50:45.660 | I don't recommend that strategy.
00:50:47.700 | But the idea here is that when it's been explored,
00:50:51.700 | increasing levels of tryptophan,
00:50:53.540 | either by supplementation or by food,
00:50:55.540 | or drugs, prescription drugs that increase serotonin,
00:50:59.100 | so for instance, fluoxetine, sometimes called Prozac
00:51:01.560 | or Zoloft or any number of the other SSRIs,
00:51:03.880 | tend to reduce aggressive behavior.
00:51:05.780 | Now, not always, but in general, that's the case.
00:51:08.900 | Similarly, because elevated cortisol
00:51:11.260 | tends to shift the whole system, again,
00:51:13.380 | create more of a hydraulic pressure
00:51:15.080 | towards aggressive states.
00:51:16.560 | If cortisol levels are reduced,
00:51:18.700 | well, then the tendency for aggressive behavior is reduced.
00:51:21.820 | This is supported by a number of peer-reviewed studies.
00:51:24.060 | We'll provide links to some of those
00:51:25.380 | in the caption show notes.
00:51:26.540 | And we're going to return to these a bit later
00:51:28.900 | in the context of specific studies
00:51:30.660 | that have looked at genetic variants in different individuals
00:51:35.340 | that cause them to make more or less serotonin,
00:51:38.100 | or at least to metabolize serotonin differently.
00:51:40.620 | This is also the case
00:51:41.460 | for so-called intermittent explosive disorder
00:51:44.940 | that can often be associated with gene variants
00:51:49.060 | that control how much serotonin is made
00:51:52.380 | or how it's metabolized or how much cortisol is made
00:51:54.560 | and how much it's metabolized.
00:51:56.460 | In thinking about tools,
00:51:57.460 | there are a number of things that one could consider.
00:51:59.160 | First of all, there are a number of decent studies
00:52:03.020 | exploring how supplementation with the omega-3 fatty acids,
00:52:06.620 | which are precursors of some of the transmitter systems,
00:52:11.620 | including serotonin, that can modulate,
00:52:14.540 | not directly mediate, but modulate mood and emotional tone.
00:52:18.860 | Supplementation with the omega-3s has been shown
00:52:20.920 | to reduce impulsivity and aggressiveness in certain contexts
00:52:24.660 | in things like ADHD or in individuals
00:52:27.420 | who have a predisposition for aggressive type behavior
00:52:30.780 | or aggressive thinking.
00:52:32.380 | Now, that doesn't necessarily mean
00:52:34.220 | that the omega-3 fatty acids are going directly
00:52:37.180 | to the ventromedial hypothalamus
00:52:38.560 | and changing the activity of neurons there.
00:52:40.480 | More likely, they are causing or modulating
00:52:43.300 | an overall shift in mood through the immune system,
00:52:47.580 | through hormone systems that are changing the overall tone
00:52:51.880 | or the propensity for neurons
00:52:53.620 | in the ventromedial hypothalamus to be activated.
00:52:56.880 | How much omega-3 fatty acid, what source?
00:52:59.020 | Well, we've talked about this on the podcast before.
00:53:01.440 | You can, of course, get omega-3 fatty acids
00:53:03.300 | from a number of different foods.
00:53:04.440 | Getting them from whole foods
00:53:05.740 | is probably the best way to do it.
00:53:07.480 | But many people, including people with depression,
00:53:10.060 | will often supplement with one gram or more
00:53:12.600 | of omega-3 fatty acids per day.
00:53:14.540 | Some people, including myself, will take them every day
00:53:17.980 | as just a general mood enhancer.
00:53:20.060 | I don't suffer from depression,
00:53:21.220 | but I've found it to be beneficial for my health.
00:53:24.420 | And so some people will do that.
00:53:25.760 | And I've talked about before
00:53:26.740 | how in double-blind placebo-controlled studies,
00:53:28.860 | people taking one to three grams of omega-3 fatty acids
00:53:31.760 | per day, typically in the form of a high-quality fish oil,
00:53:34.000 | although there are other sources as well,
00:53:35.800 | algae and so forth,
00:53:36.840 | can experience improvements in mood
00:53:40.460 | that are on par with some of the SSRIs,
00:53:43.000 | the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
00:53:44.920 | And of course, if you are prescribed an SSRI
00:53:46.740 | by your psychiatrist or other doctor,
00:53:48.240 | please do take that and don't cease to take it,
00:53:50.620 | just simply to take omega-3s.
00:53:52.320 | However, you might mention to them,
00:53:54.860 | and you can find links to the studies
00:53:56.400 | in our previous episodes on depression,
00:53:58.400 | that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids
00:54:02.060 | at this one gram or more of EPA specifically,
00:54:05.080 | so getting above that one gram threshold
00:54:06.820 | as high as three grams per day of the EPA
00:54:10.920 | has allowed people to take lower doses of SSRIs
00:54:14.520 | and still keep their mood in a place
00:54:16.480 | that's beneficial for them.
00:54:18.160 | And in terms of keeping cortisol in a range
00:54:20.600 | that's healthy and doesn't bias someone
00:54:22.540 | toward high levels of aggression and irritability,
00:54:27.000 | that's again going to be set
00:54:28.780 | by a number of larger modulators or contextual cues.
00:54:32.160 | And I've talked about some of those on the podcast,
00:54:33.780 | but I'll just briefly recap them now.
00:54:35.940 | Obviously getting sunlight in your eyes early in the day
00:54:39.000 | and as much sunlight as you safely can in your eyes
00:54:42.080 | throughout the day is going to be important.
00:54:44.120 | Again, because of this effect of estrogen in long days,
00:54:48.460 | not increasing aggression.
00:54:50.560 | However, in shorter days, estrogen increases aggression
00:54:53.520 | because of the increase in cortisol
00:54:55.860 | observed in short days.
00:54:57.780 | Another way to reduce cortisol was discussed
00:55:00.680 | in our episode on heat and the use of sauna and heat,
00:55:03.780 | but also hot baths.
00:55:04.820 | It turns out that hot baths and sauna
00:55:07.400 | can be very beneficial for reducing cortisol.
00:55:09.600 | All the details on that are included
00:55:10.960 | in the episode on heat and its timestamp,
00:55:12.600 | so you can go directly to that
00:55:14.120 | if you want to learn about the temperatures
00:55:15.540 | and the various durations,
00:55:16.660 | but to just give a synopsis of that,
00:55:20.320 | a 20 minute sauna at anywhere
00:55:23.400 | from 80 to 100 degrees Celsius
00:55:25.760 | is going to be beneficial for reducing cortisol.
00:55:29.900 | If you don't have access to a sauna,
00:55:31.280 | you could do a hot bath,
00:55:33.080 | adjust the temperature so you don't burn yourself.
00:55:34.840 | I think, you know, 80 to 100 degrees Celsius
00:55:36.720 | is going to be too hot for many people if it's a hot bath,
00:55:39.140 | whereas many people who can't tolerate that hot bath
00:55:42.160 | can tolerate the sauna.
00:55:43.180 | So safety first, always, and of course,
00:55:46.000 | but hot baths reduce cortisol.
00:55:49.400 | Hot saunas reduce cortisol of a duration
00:55:52.240 | about 20 or 30 minutes is going to be beneficial.
00:55:54.420 | And of course, some of you may be interested
00:55:56.040 | in exploring the supplementation route
00:55:57.520 | and for reductions in cortisol,
00:55:59.700 | really the chief player there is ashwagandha,
00:56:03.160 | which is known to decrease cortisol fairly potently.
00:56:06.800 | I should just warn you that if you're going to use ashwagandha
00:56:09.200 | in order to reduce cortisol,
00:56:11.320 | first of all, check with your doctor or healthcare provider
00:56:13.800 | before adding or subtracting anything
00:56:15.520 | from your supplementation or health regimen.
00:56:17.360 | Of course, I don't just say that to protect us.
00:56:18.980 | I say that to protect you.
00:56:20.120 | You are responsible for your health.
00:56:22.100 | What you take and what you don't take.
00:56:24.040 | Chronic supplementation with ashwagandha
00:56:27.080 | can have some not so great effects of disruption
00:56:30.300 | of other hormone pathways and neurotransmitter pathways.
00:56:33.060 | So the limit seems to be about two weeks of regular use
00:56:36.540 | before you'd want to take a break of about two weeks.
00:56:39.300 | So ashwagandha, again, a very potent inhibitor of cortisol,
00:56:42.920 | but with some other effects as well,
00:56:45.340 | don't use it chronically for longer than two weeks.
00:56:47.400 | But if your goal is to reduce cortisol,
00:56:49.480 | let's say you're going through a period
00:56:50.580 | of increased irritability and aggressive tendency,
00:56:53.720 | maybe you're also not getting
00:56:54.680 | as much light as you would like.
00:56:56.280 | And perhaps also if there are other circumstantial things
00:57:00.040 | leading you towards more aggressiveness
00:57:01.400 | and your goal is to reduce aggressiveness,
00:57:03.340 | that can be potentially helpful.
00:57:05.160 | And in light of all this stuff about cortisol
00:57:07.920 | and estrogen and day length,
00:57:10.920 | I should mention that there are in fact,
00:57:13.200 | some people who have a genetic predisposition
00:57:16.200 | to be more irritable and aggressive.
00:57:19.880 | And there are a couple of different gene pathways
00:57:21.900 | associated with this.
00:57:23.100 | We never like to think about just one gene
00:57:25.340 | causing a specific behavior.
00:57:27.540 | The way to think about genes is that genes generally code
00:57:30.620 | for things within our biology
00:57:33.620 | in the context of today's discussion,
00:57:35.040 | things like neural circuits
00:57:36.860 | or the amounts of neurotransmitters that are made
00:57:39.260 | or the amounts of hormones that are made
00:57:40.720 | or the amount of neurotransmitter hormone receptors
00:57:43.320 | or enzymes, et cetera,
00:57:45.280 | that shift the activity of our biology
00:57:48.540 | in a particular direction.
00:57:49.440 | They bias our biology.
00:57:51.600 | And in fact, there is a genetic variant
00:57:55.320 | present in certain people
00:57:58.160 | that adjusts their estrogen receptor sensitivity.
00:58:02.200 | And that estrogen receptor sensitivity
00:58:05.120 | can result in increased levels of aggression,
00:58:08.340 | sometimes dramatic increases.
00:58:10.320 | However, and also very interestingly,
00:58:13.180 | photoperiod, meaning day length,
00:58:15.840 | is a strong modulator of whether or not
00:58:18.820 | that aggressiveness turns up or not.
00:58:20.920 | Whether or not that person with the particular gene variant
00:58:25.080 | is more aggressive or not depends on how long the day is
00:58:28.720 | and how long the night is.
00:58:30.300 | One particular study that I like that references this
00:58:33.080 | is Treynor et al.
00:58:34.300 | The title of the study is photoperiod
00:58:36.480 | reverses the effects of estrogens on male aggression
00:58:39.420 | via genomic and non-genomic pathways.
00:58:41.660 | This was a paper published in the Proceedings
00:58:43.520 | of the National Academy of Sciences.
00:58:45.340 | We'll put a reference to this in the show notes
00:58:47.520 | if you'd like to explore it further.
00:58:49.240 | But it really points to the fact that rarely,
00:58:51.860 | sometimes, but rarely is it the case
00:58:55.300 | that just one gene will cause somebody
00:58:57.860 | to be hyper-aggressive.
00:58:59.180 | Almost always, there's going to be an interplay
00:59:02.240 | between genetics and environment.
00:59:04.080 | And as environment changes, such as day length changes
00:59:07.080 | and the length of night changes,
00:59:08.520 | so too will the tendency for people
00:59:10.640 | with a given genetic variant to be more aggressive or not.
00:59:14.620 | Now, of course, in the absence of detailed genetic testing
00:59:17.340 | for this particular estrogen receptor variant,
00:59:19.460 | most people, I'm guessing you,
00:59:21.140 | are probably not walking around knowing
00:59:22.540 | that you have this gene or not.
00:59:24.900 | Regardless, I think it's important to pay attention
00:59:28.820 | to how you feel at different times of year,
00:59:31.140 | depending on whether or not it's summer,
00:59:33.040 | whether or not it's winter,
00:59:33.880 | whether or not you're getting sufficient sunlight,
00:59:36.180 | meaning viewing sufficient sunlight or not,
00:59:38.140 | whether or not you're getting sufficient sunlight exposure
00:59:40.160 | to your skin or not,
00:59:41.280 | whether or not you're indoors all the time.
00:59:42.900 | Generally, those things correlate with season,
00:59:46.300 | but not always.
00:59:47.540 | You can go through long bouts of hard work
00:59:50.240 | in the summer months when days are long,
00:59:51.900 | but you're indoors a lot
00:59:52.920 | and getting a lot of fluorescent light exposure
00:59:54.700 | late in the evening,
00:59:55.540 | and perhaps that's when you're feeling more aggressive.
00:59:57.660 | So we have to be careful about drawing
00:59:58.900 | a one-to-one relationship between any biological feature
01:00:02.460 | and certainly psychological or behavioral feature
01:00:04.900 | like aggressiveness.
01:00:06.000 | But it's, I believe, helpful to know
01:00:08.020 | that these genetic biases exist, how they play out.
01:00:11.980 | Again, they shift our biology
01:00:13.380 | in a general thematic direction.
01:00:16.660 | They don't change one thing.
01:00:17.740 | They change a variety of things that bias us toward or away
01:00:20.360 | from certain psychological and behavioral outcomes
01:00:23.100 | and the various things that we can do
01:00:25.700 | in order to offset them.
01:00:27.300 | We described those earlier in terms of trying
01:00:28.900 | to keep cortisol low by getting sufficient sunlight
01:00:31.100 | regardless of time of year
01:00:32.700 | and regardless of whether or not you happen
01:00:34.740 | to have this particular genetic variant.
01:00:36.680 | So earlier I talked about how it is testosterone converted
01:00:39.740 | into estrogen that's activating aggression
01:00:42.180 | in the ventromedial hypothalamus, not testosterone itself.
01:00:45.520 | However, there are some studies carried out in humans
01:00:48.520 | that have evaluated the effects of testosterone
01:00:51.340 | and how levels of testosterone correlate
01:00:53.660 | with aggressiveness in the short term.
01:00:56.180 | I'm just going to detail a few of those studies
01:00:57.960 | because I think they are interesting and important.
01:01:00.980 | First of all, there is a study that has explored levels
01:01:05.660 | of testosterone in men of different professions.
01:01:09.020 | Now, before I tell you the data,
01:01:10.460 | I want to be very clear here.
01:01:12.160 | With a study such as this,
01:01:14.700 | one never knows whether or not these men went
01:01:17.600 | into a particular profession
01:01:19.180 | because they had a testosterone level of a given value
01:01:23.980 | or whether or not the work itself altered
01:01:27.420 | their testosterone levels or both.
01:01:30.300 | And I think it's fair to assume that it's probably both.
01:01:34.320 | So be very careful in assuming
01:01:36.020 | that a given testosterone level is causal
01:01:39.980 | for choosing a particular career
01:01:41.380 | or that a particular career is causal
01:01:43.420 | for creating a particular testosterone level.
01:01:46.260 | This study used salivary testosterone levels
01:01:49.460 | as the measure, which to be fair,
01:01:52.100 | is not the best way to measure testosterone.
01:01:55.260 | Typically, blood draw would be the best way
01:01:57.180 | to measure testosterone, but nonetheless,
01:01:59.460 | provided the appropriate methods are used,
01:02:01.760 | salivary testosterone can be a reasonable measure
01:02:04.060 | of testosterone.
01:02:05.800 | The different occupations that were looked at
01:02:09.100 | were, and here they just looked at men
01:02:11.100 | in this particular study, were ministers,
01:02:13.820 | salesmen, they didn't say what particular types of salesmen,
01:02:16.300 | firemen, professors of all things,
01:02:19.420 | physicians and NFL players.
01:02:21.740 | And what they discovered was that the testosterone levels
01:02:26.300 | were essentially in that order from low to highest.
01:02:29.380 | So minister, salesman, fireman, professor,
01:02:31.700 | physician, NFL player.
01:02:34.000 | Now we could micro dissect all the different stereotypes
01:02:38.500 | and all the different features of each of these jobs.
01:02:41.300 | For instance, we don't know whether or not the fact
01:02:44.280 | that the firemen happened, at least in this study,
01:02:47.140 | to have lower testosterone levels on average
01:02:49.640 | than the professors or the physicians
01:02:51.600 | was because firemen have lower testosterone levels
01:02:54.020 | or because they have a much more stressful job
01:02:55.960 | and their cortisol levels are higher
01:02:58.260 | than the professor or the physician.
01:03:01.120 | And cortisol and testosterone, not always,
01:03:03.480 | but generally are in somewhat antagonistic push-pull mode
01:03:07.680 | because they derive from the same precursor, et cetera.
01:03:09.740 | Typically when cortisol is high,
01:03:12.180 | testosterone tends to be lower and vice versa.
01:03:14.460 | So we don't know what's causing these effects.
01:03:17.180 | And again, this is just one study and just six occupations,
01:03:21.200 | but I think it's relatively interesting given the fact
01:03:23.180 | that each of these professions involves different levels
01:03:25.180 | of competitiveness, right?
01:03:27.380 | So we don't necessarily just want to think about the level
01:03:29.620 | of physical exertion that's required,
01:03:32.500 | but also the level of competitiveness
01:03:34.280 | because it's known that competitive interactions
01:03:36.740 | can cause increases in testosterone in particular
01:03:40.900 | in the winners of competitive interactions,
01:03:42.900 | a topic for a future podcast.
01:03:45.260 | Meanwhile, studies that have analyzed also, again,
01:03:48.980 | salivary testosterone in prisoners,
01:03:53.100 | in this case, female prisoners,
01:03:55.360 | so these are incarcerated individuals,
01:03:57.400 | have looked at levels of testosterone
01:03:59.740 | according to whether or not the person committed
01:04:02.620 | a nonviolent or a violent crime in order to arrive in prison
01:04:06.280 | and higher levels of salivary testosterone
01:04:08.940 | were related to those that had arrived in prison
01:04:13.780 | because of conviction of a violent crime
01:04:16.740 | as opposed to a nonviolent crime.
01:04:18.580 | Likewise, when they analyze prison rule violations,
01:04:21.780 | so an indirect measure of aggressiveness,
01:04:24.260 | but in this case, it was strongly associated
01:04:26.660 | with aggressiveness because they knew
01:04:27.700 | what the violations were.
01:04:29.260 | They found where for prisoners that had none,
01:04:32.060 | no prison violations, prison rule violations,
01:04:35.460 | I should say their testosterone levels tended to be lower
01:04:39.520 | than the testosterone levels of women that had some,
01:04:42.860 | even one or more aggressive violations of prison rules.
01:04:47.860 | We'll provide links to these studies in the show notes
01:04:51.440 | if you'd like to go into them further.
01:04:53.480 | Obviously, studies like this need to be taken
01:04:55.340 | with a grain of salt
01:04:56.220 | because there are so many different factors,
01:04:58.460 | different prisons have different degrees of violence
01:05:02.860 | to begin with and competitiveness to begin with.
01:05:05.460 | But just as a final pass at examining the role
01:05:07.980 | between testosterone and aggressiveness,
01:05:10.380 | there was a very interesting study from Gotz et al.
01:05:13.580 | G-O-E-T-Z published in 2014 that looked at serum,
01:05:18.580 | so in this case, blood levels of testosterone,
01:05:22.340 | 30 minutes after application of a gel-based testosterone
01:05:26.620 | that goes transdermal so that the testosterone
01:05:28.780 | can go very quickly into the bloodstream
01:05:30.540 | and then did brain imaging to evaluate the activity
01:05:34.820 | of neurons in the so-called corticomedial amygdala.
01:05:38.860 | The medial amygdala is one of the areas
01:05:41.540 | of the amygdala complex, as we call it,
01:05:43.420 | because it's complex, it's got a lot of different nuclei.
01:05:46.220 | You now know what nuclei are, little clusters of neurons.
01:05:48.260 | It's got a lot of different ones,
01:05:49.240 | but that medial and that corticomedial amygdala
01:05:52.980 | in particular is known to be associated
01:05:55.300 | with aggressive type behaviors.
01:05:57.260 | It's linked up with, it's part of the larger circuit
01:05:59.980 | that includes the ventromedial hypothalamus
01:06:02.780 | and other brain areas that we referred to earlier,
01:06:04.540 | such as the PAG.
01:06:05.900 | What is remarkable about this study is that it showed
01:06:10.260 | that just 30 minutes after application
01:06:13.120 | of this so-called androgel,
01:06:14.380 | this testosterone that seeps into the bloodstream,
01:06:16.980 | there was a significant increase in, of course, testosterone
01:06:21.120 | and corticomedial amygdala activation.
01:06:25.380 | So testosterone can have acute effects, immediate effects,
01:06:29.320 | on the pathways related to aggression.
01:06:31.240 | And I think this is something that's not often discussed
01:06:33.620 | because many of the effects of steroid hormones,
01:06:36.280 | like testosterone and estrogen, are very slow acting.
01:06:38.640 | In fact, steroid hormones,
01:06:40.320 | because they have a certain biochemical composition,
01:06:43.920 | can actually pass through the membranes of cells,
01:06:46.260 | so the outside of a cell and into the nucleus of the cell
01:06:48.660 | and change gene expression in the cell.
01:06:50.700 | You think about puberty,
01:06:51.520 | the kid that goes home for the summer
01:06:53.020 | and then comes back looking completely different.
01:06:55.120 | Well, that's because a lot of genes got turned on
01:06:57.240 | by steroid hormones like testosterone and estrogen,
01:07:00.700 | but the steroid hormones can also
01:07:02.480 | have very fast acting effects.
01:07:05.020 | And with testosterone in particular,
01:07:06.780 | those can be remarkably fast acting.
01:07:08.880 | And one of the most apparent
01:07:10.700 | and well-documented fast acting effects is this effect,
01:07:13.180 | the ability to activate cells within the amygdala.
01:07:16.200 | So you might say, well,
01:07:17.040 | I thought the amygdala was associated with fear.
01:07:18.740 | Wouldn't testosterone then cause fear?
01:07:20.340 | No, turns out that the amygdala harbors both cortisol,
01:07:25.020 | corticosterone receptors, and testosterone receptors,
01:07:27.840 | and they each adjust the activity
01:07:29.840 | in the amygdala differently,
01:07:31.640 | such that testosterone tends to activate amygdala circuitry
01:07:36.120 | for inducing states of mind and body
01:07:40.080 | that are more action-based.
01:07:41.940 | And indeed, in animals and in humans,
01:07:43.920 | testosterone application and activation
01:07:45.840 | of this corticomedial amygdala pathway
01:07:47.760 | will make animals and humans lean into effort.
01:07:50.080 | This is why I say testosterone makes effort feel good,
01:07:52.520 | or at least biases the organism toward leaning
01:07:55.380 | into challenge.
01:07:56.340 | So if you recall, there's not just one type of aggression.
01:07:59.660 | There's reactive aggression,
01:08:01.660 | which is triggered when one is confronted with something
01:08:04.500 | that sometimes is inevitable, right?
01:08:06.580 | One needs to fight for their life
01:08:07.940 | or for somebody else's life,
01:08:09.540 | but also proactive aggression.
01:08:12.340 | And proactive aggression involves activation
01:08:14.780 | of those go pathways in the basal ganglia
01:08:17.100 | and a leaning into effort to overcome
01:08:19.100 | whatever state one happens to be in to begin with.
01:08:22.020 | And so this is very important because it points to the fact
01:08:24.560 | that yes, estrogen is activating aggression pathways
01:08:27.560 | that are in the ventromedial hypothalamus,
01:08:30.580 | but it's very likely the case
01:08:32.300 | that testosterone is acting to accelerate
01:08:35.180 | or to bias states of mind and body
01:08:38.100 | toward those that will lead to aggression.
01:08:40.540 | Again, aggression is not like a switch on and off.
01:08:43.140 | It's a process.
01:08:44.060 | It has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
01:08:46.620 | Remember that hydraulic pressure
01:08:48.300 | that Konrad Lorenz hypothesized?
01:08:50.960 | Well, think of testosterone as increasing the pressure
01:08:55.460 | toward an aggressive episode
01:08:57.400 | and then estrogen actually triggering
01:08:59.580 | that aggressive episode in the ventromedial hypothalamus.
01:09:02.400 | So if somebody tells you that testosterone,
01:09:04.980 | endogenous or exogenous, makes people aggressive,
01:09:07.760 | tell them no.
01:09:08.980 | Testosterone tends to make people lean into effort.
01:09:13.120 | And if that effort involves being aggressive,
01:09:16.360 | either reactively aggressive or proactively aggressive,
01:09:20.280 | well, then it will indeed lead to aggression,
01:09:22.660 | but the actual aggression itself
01:09:25.180 | is triggered by estrogen, not testosterone.
01:09:28.380 | Now, thus far, we really haven't talked too much
01:09:30.580 | about the social context in which aggression occurs.
01:09:34.660 | And that's because there is a near infinite,
01:09:36.500 | if not infinite number of variables that will determine that.
01:09:40.340 | So for instance, violent aggression is entirely appropriate
01:09:44.220 | at a professional boxing match
01:09:46.100 | provided it's occurring inside the ring
01:09:48.300 | and only between the competitors
01:09:50.220 | and within the bounds of the rules of the sport, et cetera.
01:09:55.220 | However, there are some things
01:09:58.140 | that tend to bias certain social contexts
01:10:01.020 | toward being more aggressive or less aggressive
01:10:03.200 | and not always physical aggression.
01:10:05.460 | And those generally come in two forms
01:10:08.260 | that many of you are familiar with,
01:10:09.560 | which are alcohol and caffeine.
01:10:12.820 | Let's discuss caffeine first.
01:10:15.020 | Why would caffeine increase aggressive impulsivity?
01:10:18.300 | Well, the general effects of caffeine
01:10:20.380 | are to increase autonomic arousal,
01:10:22.200 | the activity of the so-called sympathetic arm
01:10:25.100 | of the autonomic nervous system,
01:10:26.840 | which is, to put it very much in plain language,
01:10:30.660 | it's the alertness arm of your nervous system.
01:10:34.360 | That is, it creates a sense of readiness
01:10:37.100 | in your brain and body.
01:10:38.420 | And it does so by activating
01:10:40.000 | the so-called sympathetic chain ganglia.
01:10:41.860 | Again, as I always remind people,
01:10:43.260 | simpa and sympathetic does not mean sympathy.
01:10:46.660 | Simpa means together or all at once.
01:10:49.660 | And caffeine tends to bias our brain and body
01:10:54.180 | to activate the sympathetic chain ganglia,
01:10:57.300 | which run from about the base of your neck
01:10:59.500 | until the top of your pelvis,
01:11:01.160 | and deploy a bunch of chemicals
01:11:03.280 | that jut out into the rest of your body,
01:11:04.860 | activate adrenaline release.
01:11:06.580 | There's a parallel increase of adrenaline in your brain,
01:11:10.140 | creating the state of alertness and readiness.
01:11:12.500 | That state of alertness and readiness
01:11:13.900 | can be for all sorts of things, not just aggression.
01:11:16.900 | However, when we are in a state
01:11:19.100 | of increased sympathetic tone, meaning more alert,
01:11:22.860 | such as after drinking caffeine,
01:11:25.180 | we will bias all those brain and body systems,
01:11:28.400 | the hormones, the chemicals, et cetera,
01:11:30.280 | that exist toward action as opposed to inaction.
01:11:34.360 | So put simply, caffeine can increase impulsivity.
01:11:37.840 | No surprise there.
01:11:39.020 | On the opposite end of things,
01:11:41.540 | alcohol tends to decrease activity
01:11:46.020 | in the sympathetic arm of the autonomic nervous system,
01:11:48.260 | tends to make us feel less alert.
01:11:50.020 | Now, initially it can create a state of alertness
01:11:52.580 | because of its effects in inhibiting the forebrain.
01:11:55.180 | Our forebrain prefrontal cortex in particular
01:11:58.040 | has what's called top-down inhibition.
01:11:59.920 | It exerts a inhibitory or a quieting effect
01:12:04.060 | on some of the circuits of the hypothalamus,
01:12:05.820 | such as the ventromedial hypothalamus.
01:12:08.020 | The way to conceptualize this is that your forebrain
01:12:10.100 | is able to rationalize and think clearly
01:12:12.460 | and to suppress behavior and to engage the no-go pathways
01:12:15.940 | telling you don't say that mean thing,
01:12:18.480 | don't do that violent thing, et cetera.
01:12:20.740 | Alcohol initially tends to increase
01:12:23.920 | our level of overall activity by reducing inhibition,
01:12:27.780 | not just in that forebrain circuit,
01:12:30.200 | but in other circuits, tends to make us more active.
01:12:32.200 | We tend to talk more than we normally would,
01:12:34.060 | move more than we normally would,
01:12:35.660 | but very shortly thereafter starts acting as a sedative
01:12:39.580 | by way of reducing activity in the forebrain,
01:12:43.380 | releasing some of the deeper brain circuits
01:12:45.980 | that are involved in impulsivity,
01:12:47.540 | but also causing a somewhat sedative effect.
01:12:51.120 | And then of course,
01:12:51.960 | as alcohol levels increase even further,
01:12:54.080 | people eventually will pass out, blackout, et cetera.
01:12:57.020 | So what we've got with alcohol and caffeine
01:12:59.900 | is we've got two opposite ends of the spectrum,
01:13:01.940 | caffeine increasing arousal and readiness
01:13:04.780 | and the tendency for impulsivity,
01:13:06.540 | and alcohol also increasing impulsivity,
01:13:10.820 | but through a different mechanism.
01:13:12.800 | A really interesting study,
01:13:16.180 | and I should just mention that the title of the study
01:13:18.140 | is Caffeinated and Non-Caffeinated Alcohol Use
01:13:20.900 | and Indirect Aggression, the Impact of Self-regulation.
01:13:23.820 | So the title is almost self-explanatory.
01:13:25.940 | This was a paper published in the Journal
01:13:27.700 | of Addictive Behavior in 2016,
01:13:30.260 | examining how ingestion of alcohol
01:13:34.180 | that's either caffeinated or non-caffeinated alcohol drinks
01:13:38.020 | impacted what they call indirect aggression.
01:13:40.860 | And just to remind you what indirect aggression is,
01:13:42.760 | these are not physical acts of aggression,
01:13:44.820 | these are verbal acts of aggression.
01:13:46.480 | So embarrassing others,
01:13:48.080 | or otherwise somehow trying to reduce
01:13:51.740 | the wellbeing of others by saying certain things,
01:13:54.380 | in particular, in groups.
01:13:56.060 | This study examined both males and females.
01:13:58.700 | This was done by way of a college campus study.
01:14:02.180 | Subjects were 18 to 47 years old.
01:14:04.720 | I guess there's some older students on that campus,
01:14:06.320 | or maybe they use some non-students,
01:14:07.580 | but these days you've also got some students
01:14:09.400 | that are in their 30s and 40s.
01:14:11.060 | So they have a fairly broad swath of subjects included,
01:14:15.200 | fairly broad racial background as well,
01:14:18.020 | included not at equal numbers,
01:14:19.520 | but at least they included a pretty broad spectrum
01:14:22.220 | of people with different backgrounds.
01:14:23.740 | They looked in particular at people
01:14:26.260 | that ingested non-caffeinated alcohol drinks
01:14:29.020 | at a frequency of 9.18 drinks per week.
01:14:32.620 | Okay, again, this is a college campus,
01:14:34.140 | not that I encourage that.
01:14:35.140 | I'm one of these people that I've never really liked,
01:14:38.340 | drugs or alcohol, and since we're fortunate in that way,
01:14:40.440 | I can drink or not drink and tend to not drink.
01:14:43.700 | But so to me, 9.18 drinks per week sounds like a lot,
01:14:47.580 | but I know for some people that might actually be typical.
01:14:50.300 | And then others who were drinking
01:14:52.620 | at least one caffeinated alcoholic beverage per week,
01:14:56.820 | and those individuals end as high, I should say,
01:14:59.940 | as 7.87 caffeinated alcohol beverages per week.
01:15:04.380 | So this would be energy drinks
01:15:05.480 | combined typically with hard alcohol
01:15:07.140 | that's fairly commonly available in bars and so forth.
01:15:10.840 | And some individuals drank as much as, goodness,
01:15:14.460 | 20.36 alcoholic drinks per week total,
01:15:18.680 | some that were caffeinated, some that were not caffeinated.
01:15:21.620 | The basic outcome of this study was that
01:15:24.500 | the more alcohol someone tended to consume,
01:15:26.740 | the more likely it was that they would engage
01:15:28.540 | in these indirect aggressive type behaviors.
01:15:31.820 | And in terms of the caffeinated alcoholic beverages,
01:15:34.520 | there the effect was especially interesting.
01:15:36.160 | Here I'm just going to paraphrase,
01:15:37.420 | or I'll actually read from the study.
01:15:39.780 | Quote, "With regard to caffeinated alcoholic beverage use,
01:15:43.200 | our findings indicated that heavier
01:15:45.100 | caffeinated alcohol beverage use
01:15:46.920 | was associated positively with indirect aggression
01:15:49.420 | even after considering one's typical alcohol use
01:15:51.880 | and dispositional aggression."
01:15:53.900 | What this means is that even though alcohol
01:15:57.460 | can bias certain individuals to be more aggressive,
01:15:59.460 | and even though certain individuals
01:16:00.660 | already have a disposition toward being more aggressive,
01:16:03.740 | there was an effect that was independent,
01:16:06.620 | meaning above and beyond both alcohol and a predisposition,
01:16:11.300 | meaning if someone was consuming
01:16:13.480 | caffeinated alcoholic beverages,
01:16:15.260 | they had a particularly high likelihood
01:16:18.100 | of engaging in indirect aggressive behavior.
01:16:21.380 | Now, this makes perfect sense in light of the model
01:16:23.860 | they propose, which is this self-regulation model
01:16:27.340 | that basically self-regulation involves several things.
01:16:29.580 | It involves engaging in certain behaviors
01:16:32.060 | and suppressing other behaviors.
01:16:33.420 | So as described before,
01:16:36.220 | because alcohol tends to have a sedative,
01:16:40.100 | suppressive effect on the autonomic nervous system,
01:16:42.660 | at least after the initial period,
01:16:45.340 | it's going to tend to reduce the likelihood
01:16:47.860 | that people will engage in any type of behavior,
01:16:50.540 | whereas caffeine will increase autonomic arousal
01:16:53.060 | and increase the likelihood that someone will engage
01:16:55.580 | in a particular type of behavior, aggressive or otherwise.
01:16:58.920 | So the combination of caffeine and alcohol
01:17:01.340 | is really acting as a two-prong system
01:17:03.740 | to bias people towards more impulsivity,
01:17:06.300 | that is less self-regulation.
01:17:07.820 | So it's really yanking your volitional control,
01:17:10.940 | your ability to engage in prefrontal top-down inhibition
01:17:14.280 | over your hypothalamus from two distinct
01:17:16.920 | and specific circuits.
01:17:18.020 | By now, you should be getting the impression
01:17:19.660 | that self-regulation is a key feature
01:17:22.300 | of whether or not somebody, maybe even you,
01:17:25.420 | is going to engage in aggressive speech
01:17:27.260 | or aggressive behavior.
01:17:28.500 | And we've talked about a number of tools
01:17:29.820 | that one can use to reduce the probability
01:17:32.780 | that that will happen.
01:17:34.320 | I suppose if the context were appropriate,
01:17:36.340 | you could even take those two recommendations
01:17:39.380 | and just invert them and increase the likelihood
01:17:41.900 | that aggressiveness would happen.
01:17:43.460 | But regardless, self-regulation is key.
01:17:46.980 | And in light of that, I want to share with you a study
01:17:49.780 | that's focused on kids, but that has important ramifications
01:17:54.780 | for adults as well.
01:17:56.220 | As you probably are already aware,
01:18:00.060 | there are many kids out there that suffer
01:18:01.980 | from so-called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
01:18:04.580 | ADHD.
01:18:05.600 | There are also many adults we are finding
01:18:07.340 | that are suffering from ADHD.
01:18:09.140 | And there's also an epidemic, I would say,
01:18:12.400 | of people that are concerned
01:18:13.720 | about whether or not they have ADHD.
01:18:15.500 | Now, whether or not they have true clinical ADHD or not
01:18:18.640 | is not clear.
01:18:19.500 | We did an episode all about ADHD and tools for ADHD.
01:18:22.840 | I would encourage you to check out that episode
01:18:24.500 | and some of the diagnostic criteria.
01:18:26.820 | If you have the opportunity,
01:18:28.020 | you can find that at
01:18:30.340 | As this study I'm about to share with you aptly points out,
01:18:34.380 | there is no objective diagnostic marker of ADHD.
01:18:36.980 | There's no biomarker or blood draw or blood test for ADHD.
01:18:40.580 | Whether or not one has ADHD depends on their performance
01:18:44.880 | on a number of different cognitive tests
01:18:46.900 | and behavioral tests and self-report.
01:18:49.640 | In any event, the study I'm about to share with you
01:18:52.280 | explored how a particular pattern of supplementation
01:18:55.520 | in kids with ADHD was able to reduce aggressive episodes
01:19:00.240 | and impulsivity and increase self-regulation.
01:19:03.440 | And the title of the study is efficacy of carnitine
01:19:06.340 | in the treatment of children
01:19:07.440 | with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
01:19:10.120 | Even though they put carnitine in the title,
01:19:12.000 | that what they focused on was
01:19:13.620 | whether or not acetyl-L-carnitine supplementation
01:19:17.040 | could somehow adjust the behavioral tendency
01:19:19.660 | of these kids with ADHD.
01:19:21.280 | And to make a long story short, indeed, it did.
01:19:24.400 | There was a very significant effect
01:19:25.880 | of acetyl-carnitine supplementation
01:19:28.000 | on improving some of the symptomology of ADHD.
01:19:32.780 | A few details about the study that might be relevant to you.
01:19:36.660 | This was a randomized double blind placebo controlled
01:19:38.840 | double crossover study.
01:19:40.560 | This was done as an outpatient study.
01:19:42.620 | So the kids weren't in a hospital.
01:19:44.200 | They were living out in the world.
01:19:45.520 | This again was done on younger kids.
01:19:47.320 | So this was six to 13 year old kids
01:19:49.760 | that were diagnosed with ADHD.
01:19:53.460 | They received either acetyl-L-carnitine or placebo.
01:19:58.460 | And they did all the good practice stuff
01:20:02.640 | that good researchers do of making sure
01:20:04.280 | that the placebo and the acetyl-L-carnitine
01:20:06.720 | had similar look and taste.
01:20:08.840 | It was consumed twice daily after meals.
01:20:11.840 | Now she just mentioned that acetyl-L-carnitine
01:20:13.400 | typically is taken in capsule form
01:20:16.200 | or occasionally an injectable form here.
01:20:18.240 | They were using this as a drink,
01:20:19.680 | which essentially the same as capsule form,
01:20:21.480 | but the powder is just going directly into liquid.
01:20:23.920 | And the carnitine dosage was 100 milligrams per kilogram.
01:20:27.920 | So they're doing this according to the body weight
01:20:29.760 | of these kids with a maximum dosage of four grams per day.
01:20:34.280 | The quantity of the medication was supplied.
01:20:36.080 | Here I'm reading for a period of eight weeks.
01:20:37.860 | And every eight weeks,
01:20:38.700 | a new quantity of medication was supplied.
01:20:40.280 | So basically this is a fairly long-term study
01:20:43.360 | exploring behavioral outcomes and psychological outcomes
01:20:48.240 | in week eight, 16, and 24.
01:20:50.720 | They also looked at things
01:20:53.240 | that you could only get through a blood draw.
01:20:54.840 | So things like hemoglobin, hematocrit,
01:20:56.740 | red blood cell count, white blood cell count, et cetera.
01:20:58.840 | These are kids.
01:20:59.680 | And even if it were adults,
01:21:01.040 | they were quite appropriately examining
01:21:02.600 | a lot of the physiological measures
01:21:04.000 | that one would want to carry out to make sure, first of all,
01:21:08.280 | that blood levels of carnitine are increasing
01:21:10.840 | and indeed they confirm that,
01:21:11.900 | but also that no negative effects are showing up
01:21:15.180 | in the physiology as well as the psychology of these kids.
01:21:17.900 | So first I'll just tell you the basic outcome of the study,
01:21:20.000 | which was here I'm paraphrasing.
01:21:21.760 | Given twice daily, carnitine appeared to be effective
01:21:23.880 | in well-tolerated treatment
01:21:24.980 | for a group of children with ADHD.
01:21:26.960 | They showed significant abnormal behavior
01:21:29.460 | compared to these other boys.
01:21:31.680 | And now I'm moving to the table of results.
01:21:35.100 | They showed significant reductions
01:21:36.680 | in their so-called total problem score.
01:21:38.960 | The total problem score is a well-established measure
01:21:41.120 | of behavioral problems in kids with ADHD.
01:21:44.480 | And I should say adults with ADHD has to do with challenges
01:21:49.440 | in social and learning environments
01:21:51.920 | and how well or poorly an individual tends to perform.
01:21:56.080 | Reductions in attentional problems overall,
01:21:58.040 | reductions in delinquency,
01:21:59.320 | and most important for sake of today's discussion,
01:22:01.920 | significant reductions in aggressive behavior.
01:22:04.700 | Now, what's especially nice about this study I think
01:22:07.020 | is that even though it's a relatively small number
01:22:09.380 | of subjects and certainly needs to be repeated
01:22:13.060 | in other studies and other laboratories,
01:22:16.020 | that they were able to confirm the shifts in L-carnitine
01:22:21.020 | within the bloodstream of these kids.
01:22:22.400 | That is, they were able to correlate the physiology
01:22:24.760 | with the psychological changes.
01:22:27.000 | In studies like this,
01:22:28.360 | and frankly in all studies of human pharmacology,
01:22:31.840 | you have to worry about effects that show up
01:22:33.700 | not just because of placebo effects,
01:22:35.560 | but because of so-called off-target effects
01:22:37.620 | or related things totally independent of the drug
01:22:41.320 | or the particular supplement
01:22:42.360 | that you happen to be looking at.
01:22:43.840 | To put it in the words of a great neuroscientist,
01:22:46.460 | unfortunately he passed away some years ago,
01:22:48.680 | but he was a member of the National Academy,
01:22:50.120 | extremely accomplished neuroscientist,
01:22:53.400 | who once turned to me and said,
01:22:54.520 | "Never forget, a drug is a substance
01:22:57.120 | "that when injected into an animal or a human being
01:22:59.840 | "creates a paper."
01:23:02.520 | Meaning you can see effects of pretty much any drug
01:23:06.580 | or any supplement in most all conditions.
01:23:09.300 | However, it is in cases such as this study
01:23:12.080 | where you can quite convincingly see
01:23:15.480 | that the particular feature of physiology
01:23:18.080 | that you expected to change actually changed,
01:23:21.180 | and you see a psychological outcome
01:23:23.420 | that you can gain much greater confidence
01:23:26.040 | that the changes in delinquency,
01:23:28.820 | in this case reduced delinquency, improved attention,
01:23:31.160 | reduced aggressiveness, and so forth
01:23:33.160 | was at least somehow related to the shift in blood physiology
01:23:38.040 | and levels of L-carnitine or acetyl-L-carnitine and carnitine
01:23:41.680 | in the bloodstream of these children,
01:23:43.280 | as opposed to something else,
01:23:44.880 | like L-carnitine going and affecting some downstream target
01:23:48.460 | that you have no knowledge of.
01:23:49.560 | Now, of course, that's still entirely possible,
01:23:52.040 | but I think studies such as these increase our confidence
01:23:54.680 | that things like L-carnitine can be used
01:23:57.840 | perhaps in concert with things
01:23:59.320 | like omega-3 supplementation,
01:24:01.200 | diets that are biased towards increasing more tryptophan
01:24:04.480 | and therefore more serotonin,
01:24:06.880 | obviously avoiding things like alcohol,
01:24:08.720 | and as it appears from the study I just described,
01:24:10.960 | reducing one's intake
01:24:13.080 | or not consuming any caffeinated alcoholic beverages,
01:24:16.760 | seems like it would be a good idea
01:24:17.760 | if your goal is to reduce aggressiveness,
01:24:19.840 | to think about the hormone context
01:24:21.660 | and whether or not you tend to have higher testosterone
01:24:25.440 | and estrogen or lower testosterone and estrogen,
01:24:27.840 | maybe even thinking about the work environment,
01:24:29.360 | whether or not you are existing
01:24:30.920 | in a particularly competitive work environment
01:24:32.920 | and even day life, time of year,
01:24:35.960 | and whether or not you're getting sufficient sunlight,
01:24:37.860 | whether or not you're avoiding light
01:24:39.240 | in the evening and so on.
01:24:40.660 | So studies such as this I think are useful
01:24:42.920 | because they point to the fact that very seldom, if ever,
01:24:47.880 | will there be one supplement or one nutritional change
01:24:51.320 | or even one behavioral change
01:24:52.740 | that's going to completely shift an individual
01:24:55.140 | from being aggressive and impulsive,
01:24:57.240 | but rather that by combining different behavioral regimens,
01:25:01.660 | by paying attention to things like time of year
01:25:04.300 | and work conditions and school conditions
01:25:06.360 | and overall levels of stress
01:25:07.640 | and likely therefore levels of cortisol, et cetera,
01:25:11.540 | that you can use behaviors, diet, and supplementation
01:25:14.920 | as a way to shift that overall internal milieu
01:25:18.580 | from one of providing a lot of internal hydraulic pressure,
01:25:22.040 | as it's been called throughout the episode,
01:25:24.100 | toward aggressive impulsivity and relax some
01:25:27.540 | of that hydraulic pressure and reduce aggressive tendencies.
01:25:31.820 | So once again, and frankly, as always,
01:25:34.480 | we've done a deep dive into the neurobiology
01:25:38.340 | and the psychology of what I believe
01:25:40.300 | to be an important feature of our lives,
01:25:42.100 | in this case, aggression.
01:25:43.860 | I want to point out that in a episode
01:25:46.260 | in the not too distant future,
01:25:47.560 | I'm going to be hosting Dr. Professor David Anderson
01:25:50.820 | from Caltech University, who is the world expert
01:25:54.260 | on the neurobiology of aggression.
01:25:56.980 | In fact, he is the senior author on many of the studies
01:25:59.640 | related to the ventromedial hypothalamus
01:26:01.280 | that I discussed today.
01:26:02.880 | Our discussion will touch on aggression, of course.
01:26:05.880 | So hearing today's episode will help you digest
01:26:08.940 | that information, but we are also going to talk
01:26:10.660 | about other emotional states.
01:26:12.340 | He is an expert, not just in aggression,
01:26:14.220 | but in motivated states related to sex and mating behavior,
01:26:17.960 | social relationships of all kinds and how those relate,
01:26:21.800 | not just to biology and psychology,
01:26:23.460 | but also certain forms of pathology,
01:26:25.860 | things like PTSD and the relationship, for instance,
01:26:28.080 | between anger, fear, anxiety, and depression,
01:26:31.480 | and many other important topics that I know many of you,
01:26:34.520 | if not all of you, will be interested in.
01:26:36.360 | In the meantime, I want to point you
01:26:37.620 | to his recently released and wonderful book entitled
01:26:42.280 | "The Nature of the Beast, How Emotions Guide Us."
01:26:45.000 | And again, the author is David Anderson from Caltech.
01:26:48.760 | This is a wonderful book.
01:26:50.420 | It serves as a tremendous introduction
01:26:53.880 | to the history of the study of these areas,
01:26:56.360 | the current science and discoveries being made
01:26:58.900 | in these areas, all made accessible to the scientists
01:27:02.320 | and non-scientists alike.
01:27:03.600 | It's a very engaging read and so much so
01:27:07.520 | that even though he was gracious in sending me a copy,
01:27:10.040 | I also purchased myself a copy to give to somebody
01:27:12.680 | who is a therapist, and I've purchased another copy
01:27:15.660 | to give to a high school kid that I mentor
01:27:17.960 | because he's very interested in the neuroscience
01:27:19.840 | of emotions, and I think we are all interested in emotions,
01:27:23.000 | not just fear and some of these negative states,
01:27:25.780 | not just aggression, but also the positive emotions
01:27:27.960 | of our lives.
01:27:28.800 | And so "The Nature of the Beast, How Emotions Guide Us"
01:27:31.800 | by David Anderson is a wonderful read.
01:27:34.160 | I can't recommend it highly enough.
01:27:36.120 | If you're learning from and/or enjoying this podcast,
01:27:38.520 | please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
01:27:40.440 | That's a terrific zero-cost way to support us.
01:27:43.140 | In addition, please subscribe to our podcast
01:27:45.400 | on Apple and Spotify, and on Apple,
01:27:47.940 | you have the opportunity to leave us
01:27:49.680 | up to a five-star review.
01:27:51.420 | Also, if there are any episodes of the podcast
01:27:53.560 | that you particularly like, please share them with others.
01:27:56.220 | And if you have suggestions about particular guests
01:27:59.200 | or topics that you'd like us to cover on the podcast,
01:28:01.860 | please put that in the comment section on YouTube.
01:28:04.280 | We do read all those comments.
01:28:06.720 | Please also check out the sponsors mentioned
01:28:08.620 | at the beginning of today's episode.
01:28:10.140 | That is the best way to support this podcast.
01:28:12.920 | We also have a Patreon.
01:28:14.080 | It's,
01:28:17.280 | and there you can support the podcast
01:28:19.080 | at any level that you like.
01:28:20.620 | During today's episode and on many previous episodes
01:28:22.980 | of the Huberman Lab Podcast, we discussed supplements.
01:28:25.880 | While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,
01:28:28.220 | many people derive tremendous benefit from them
01:28:30.640 | for things like improving the transition time
01:28:33.120 | and the quality of your sleep,
01:28:35.160 | and improving alertness and focus, and so on.
01:28:38.520 | Anytime you're considering taking supplements,
01:28:40.640 | there are several key considerations.
01:28:42.080 | First of all, those supplements
01:28:43.300 | should be of the very highest quality,
01:28:45.240 | and you want to make sure that what's listed on the bottle
01:28:47.800 | is actually what's in the bottle,
01:28:49.080 | which is a problem for many supplement companies out there.
01:28:52.160 | The Huberman Lab Podcast is pleased to announce
01:28:54.640 | that we are now partnered with Momentous Supplements
01:28:57.720 | because we believe Momentous Supplements
01:28:59.500 | to be of the very highest quality
01:29:01.520 | of any supplements out there,
01:29:03.400 | and we've been working very closely with them
01:29:05.480 | in order to direct them to create supplements
01:29:07.620 | that are individual ingredient supplements
01:29:09.880 | of the particular quality and sources
01:29:12.180 | that we would like to see,
01:29:13.320 | and that relate to the science and studies covered
01:29:15.740 | on the Huberman Lab Podcast.
01:29:17.300 | If you'd like to see some of those supplements,
01:29:19.000 | you can go to,
01:29:22.480 | and there you will see some of the supplements
01:29:24.940 | that we've talked about on this podcast before,
01:29:26.840 | such as magnesium threonate for augmenting sleep,
01:29:30.420 | things like L-tyrosine for augmenting dopamine,
01:29:32.640 | and things like L-carnitine,
01:29:34.480 | which we've discussed on today's podcast.
01:29:36.800 | Right now, the list of supplements
01:29:38.640 | and the products that are there is only partial
01:29:40.880 | to what will soon be included in the future,
01:29:42.580 | so that's an ever-expanding catalog of, again,
01:29:45.100 | what we believe to be
01:29:46.000 | the very highest quality supplements available to you.
01:29:48.620 | For those of you that are interested in behavioral,
01:29:50.980 | nutritional, and supplementation-based tools
01:29:53.880 | for neuroscience and other aspects of your biology
01:29:57.040 | that impact your health and performance,
01:29:58.900 | we have a newsletter.
01:30:00.080 | It is a zero-cost newsletter.
01:30:02.200 | It's called the Neural Network Newsletter.
01:30:03.900 | You can go to,
01:30:06.160 | and there in the menu,
01:30:07.320 | you'll find the Neural Network Newsletter signup.
01:30:09.680 | You can just put your email.
01:30:11.160 | We do not share your email with anybody else.
01:30:13.280 | You will also find examples of the newsletter
01:30:16.120 | that you can download right away without having to sign up
01:30:18.240 | and decide if signing up is right for you.
01:30:20.260 | And if you're not already following us
01:30:21.840 | on Twitter and Instagram,
01:30:23.400 | we are HubermanLab on both Instagram and Twitter,
01:30:27.080 | and at both places,
01:30:28.820 | I describe science and science-based tools,
01:30:30.760 | some of which overlaps with the content
01:30:32.360 | of the HubermanLab podcast,
01:30:33.880 | but much of which is distinct from the content
01:30:36.420 | of the HubermanLab podcast.
01:30:38.200 | Once again, thank you for joining me for our discussion
01:30:40.440 | about the biology, psychology,
01:30:42.480 | and actionable tools around aggression.
01:30:45.320 | And as always, thank you for your interest in science.
01:30:48.220 | [upbeat music]
01:30:50.800 | (upbeat music)