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A Reading of Psalm 115 in the LSB by Philip De Courcy


0:0 Psalm 115
0:36 The Work of Man
1:1 Everyone who trusts in Him
1:26 He will bless
1:54 The Lords Prayer

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | I'm reading from the Legacy Standard Bible, Psalm 115.
00:00:10.180 | Not to us, O Yahweh, not to us, but to your name give glory, because of your lovingkindness,
00:00:19.280 | because of your truth.
00:00:21.400 | Why should the nations say, "Where now is their God?"
00:00:26.300 | But our God is in the heavens.
00:00:28.660 | He does whatever He pleases.
00:00:31.400 | Their idols are silver and gold, the work of man's hands.
00:00:37.060 | They have mouths, but they do not speak.
00:00:39.520 | They have eyes, but they do not see.
00:00:42.060 | They have ears, but they do not hear.
00:00:44.500 | They have noses, but they do not smell.
00:00:47.940 | As for their hands, they do not feel.
00:00:51.100 | As for their feet, they do not walk.
00:00:54.660 | They do not make a sound with their throat.
00:00:58.500 | Those who make them will become like them.
00:01:02.280 | Everyone who trusts in them.
00:01:04.580 | O Israel, trust in Yahweh.
00:01:09.120 | He is their help and their shield.
00:01:11.080 | O house of Aaron, trust in Yahweh.
00:01:15.560 | He is their help and their shield.
00:01:18.500 | You who fear Yahweh, trust in Yahweh.
00:01:23.440 | He is their help and their shield.
00:01:27.540 | Yahweh remembered us.
00:01:29.620 | He will bless.
00:01:31.620 | He will bless the house of Israel.
00:01:33.960 | He will bless the house of Aaron.
00:01:36.460 | He will bless those who fear Yahweh, the small together with the great.
00:01:43.980 | May Yahweh give you increase, you and your children.
00:01:48.860 | May you be blessed of Yahweh, who made heaven and earth.
00:01:54.580 | The heavens are the heavens of Yahweh, but the earth he has given to the sons of man.
00:02:03.060 | It is not the dead that praise Yah, and it is none of those who go down to silence.
00:02:11.200 | But as for us, we will bless Yah from now until forever.
00:02:18.580 | Praise Yah.
00:02:19.660 | Praise Yah.
00:02:20.660 | Praise Yah.
00:02:21.660 | Praise Yah.
00:02:22.660 | Praise Yah.
00:02:23.660 | Praise Yah.