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Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction | Huberman Lab Podcast #39


0:0 Introduction & Tool 1 to Induce Lasting Dopamine
4:48 Sponsors: Roka, InsideTracker, Headspace
9:10 Upcoming (Zero-Cost) Neuroplasticity Seminar for Educators
9:58 What Dopamine (Really) Does
15:30 Two Main Neural Circuits for Dopamine
18:14 How Dopamine Is Released: Locally and Broadly
22:3 Fast and Slow Effects of Dopamine
25:3 Dopamine Neurons Co-Release Glutamate
28:0 Your Dopamine History Really Matters
30:30 Parkinson’s & Drugs That Kill Dopamine Neurons. My Dopamine Experience
36:58 Tool 3 Controlling Dopamine Peaks & Baselines
40:6 Chocolate, Sex (Pursuit & Behavior), Nicotine, Cocaine, Amphetamine, Exercise
46:46 Tool 4 Caffeine Increases Dopamine Receptors
49:54 Pursuit, Excitement & Your “Dopamine Setpoint”
56:46 Your Pleasure-Pain Balance & Defining “Pain”
60:0 Addiction, Dopamine Depletion, & Replenishing Dopamine
67:50 Tool 5 Ensure Your Best (Healthy) Dopamine Release
75:28 Smart Phones: How They Alter Our Dopamine Circuits
79:45 Stimulants & Spiking Dopamine: Counterproductive for Work, Exercise & Attention
82:20 Caffeine Sources Matter: Yerba Mate & Dopamine Neuron Protection
84:20 Caffeine & Neurotoxicity of MDMA
86:15 Amphetamine, Cocaine & Detrimental Rewiring of Dopamine Circuits
87:57 Ritalin, Adderall, (Ar)Modafinil: ADHD versus non-Prescription Uses
88:45 Tool 6 Stimulating Long-Lasting Increases in Baseline Dopamine
97:55 Tool 7 Tuning Your Dopamine for Ongoing Motivation
107:40 Tool 8 Intermittent Fasting: Effects on Dopamine
113:9 Validation of Your Pre-Existing Beliefs Increases Dopamine
113:50 Tool 9 Quitting Sugar & Highly Palatable Foods: 48 Hours
115:36 Pornography
116:50 Wellbutrin & Depression & Anxiety
118:30 Tool 10 Mucuna Pruriens, Prolactin, Sperm, Crash Warning
121:45 Tool 11 L-Tyrosine: Dosages, Duration of Effects & Specificity
125:20 Tool 12 Avoiding Melatonin Supplementation, & Avoiding Light 10pm-4am
127:0 Tool 13 Phenylethylamine (with Alpha-GPC) For Dopamine Focus/Energy
128:20 Tool 14 Huperzine A
130:2 Social Connections, Oxytocin & Dopamine Release
132:20 Direct & Indirect Effects: e.g., Maca; Synthesis & Application
134:22 Zero-Cost & Other Ways To Support Podcast & Research

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | - Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,
00:00:02.260 | where we discuss science and science-based tools
00:00:04.880 | for everyday life.
00:00:05.900 | I'm Andrew Huberman,
00:00:10.480 | and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology
00:00:13.320 | at Stanford School of Medicine.
00:00:15.380 | Today, we are going to talk all about dopamine
00:00:18.160 | and what drives you to do the things that you do.
00:00:21.160 | We're going to talk about motivation and desire and craving,
00:00:25.480 | but also how dopamine relates to satisfaction
00:00:29.160 | and our feelings of wellbeing.
00:00:31.040 | And of course, any discussion about dopamine
00:00:33.580 | has to include a discussion about the potential
00:00:36.300 | for dopamine-induced addiction.
00:00:39.440 | Indeed, dopamine lies at the heart of addiction
00:00:42.000 | to all things, but today we are mainly going to focus on
00:00:45.960 | how what we do and how we do it
00:00:49.320 | and how we conceptualize those things
00:00:52.160 | leads to changes in this amazing molecule
00:00:55.200 | in our brain and bodies that we call dopamine.
00:00:58.160 | I'm going to teach you what dopamine is and what it is not.
00:01:01.640 | There are a lot of myths about the molecule dopamine.
00:01:04.000 | We often hear about so-called dopamine hits.
00:01:06.560 | Today, we are going to dispel
00:01:08.060 | many common myths about dopamine,
00:01:09.980 | and we are going to talk about how dopamine actually works.
00:01:13.180 | We're going to discuss the biology of dopamine,
00:01:15.760 | the psychology, we will discuss some neural circuits,
00:01:18.640 | and a really exciting aspect of dopamine biology
00:01:21.600 | are so-called dopamine schedules.
00:01:23.880 | In other words, we are going to discuss
00:01:25.280 | how things like food, drugs, caffeine, pornography,
00:01:28.920 | even some plant-based compounds
00:01:31.000 | can change our baseline levels of dopamine,
00:01:33.880 | and in doing so, they change how much dopamine
00:01:36.300 | we are capable of experiencing
00:01:38.680 | from what could be very satisfying events
00:01:42.040 | or events that make us feel not so good
00:01:44.180 | because of things that we did or took prior.
00:01:47.060 | So I promise you it's going to be a vast discussion,
00:01:50.800 | but I will structure it for you,
00:01:52.320 | and you'll come away with a deep understanding
00:01:54.580 | of really what drives you.
00:01:56.080 | You will also come away with a lot of tools,
00:01:58.520 | how to leverage dopamine
00:02:00.480 | so that you can sustain energy, drive, and motivation
00:02:03.280 | for the things that are important to you
00:02:04.680 | over long periods of time.
00:02:06.680 | Before we dive into the meat of today's discussion,
00:02:09.720 | I'd like to share with you a fascinating result
00:02:13.200 | that really underscores what dopamine is capable of
00:02:16.040 | in our brains and bodies and underscores the fact
00:02:19.100 | that just through behaviors, no drugs, nothing of that sort,
00:02:22.860 | just through behaviors, we can achieve terrifically high
00:02:26.560 | increases in dopamine that are very long
00:02:29.080 | and sustained in ways that serve us.
00:02:32.200 | This is a result that was published
00:02:33.420 | in the European Journal of Physiology.
00:02:35.500 | I'll go into it in more detail later,
00:02:37.120 | but essentially what it involved is having human subjects
00:02:40.720 | get into water of different temperatures.
00:02:43.880 | So it was warm water, moderately cool water,
00:02:47.280 | and cold, cold water.
00:02:49.200 | Had them stay in that water for up to an hour,
00:02:52.120 | and they measured, by way of blood draw,
00:02:55.000 | things like cortisol, norepinephrine, and dopamine.
00:02:58.320 | What was fascinating is that cold water exposure
00:03:03.540 | led to very rapid increases in norepinephrine and epinephrine,
00:03:08.360 | which is also just called adrenaline.
00:03:10.680 | It also led to increases in dopamine,
00:03:13.460 | and these increases in dopamine were very significant.
00:03:16.840 | They kicked in around 10 or 15 minutes
00:03:19.380 | after submersion into the cold water,
00:03:21.420 | and I should mention the head wasn't below water,
00:03:23.100 | it was just up to the neck,
00:03:24.860 | and the dopamine release continued to rise
00:03:29.500 | and rise and rise and eventually reached
00:03:31.400 | 250% above baseline.
00:03:33.800 | Now, what was interesting is after subjects got out
00:03:36.880 | of this cold water, that dopamine increase was sustained,
00:03:40.940 | and I know nowadays many people are interested
00:03:42.980 | in using cold water therapy as a way
00:03:45.460 | to increase metabolism and fat loss,
00:03:48.260 | but also to improve sense of wellbeing,
00:03:51.400 | improve cognition, improve clarity of mind.
00:03:54.600 | You know, there's something really special
00:03:56.100 | about this very alert but calm state of mind
00:03:59.280 | that seems to be the one that's optimal
00:04:01.460 | for pretty much everything except sleep,
00:04:03.980 | but for all aspects of work and for social engagement
00:04:07.620 | and for sport, that highly alert but calm state of mind
00:04:12.000 | really is the sweet spot that I believe most of us
00:04:14.460 | would like to achieve, and this cold water exposure,
00:04:17.180 | done correctly, really can help people achieve
00:04:19.900 | that state of mind through these increases in dopamine
00:04:23.300 | that last a very long time.
00:04:25.100 | So I will later detail the specifics of that study,
00:04:28.440 | what it entailed in terms of how long the variations
00:04:31.860 | that different subjects experienced,
00:04:33.700 | as well as how to limit the amount of stress hormone,
00:04:36.300 | cortisol, that's released as a consequence of the cold water
00:04:40.180 | and we will also talk about compounds,
00:04:41.980 | supplements that people can take in order
00:04:44.100 | to increase their levels of dopamine should they choose.
00:04:47.500 | Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast
00:04:49.960 | is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.
00:04:52.820 | It is however, part of my desire and effort
00:04:55.060 | to bring zero cost to consumer information about science
00:04:57.860 | and science-related tools to the general public.
00:05:00.580 | In keeping with that theme,
00:05:01.740 | I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.
00:05:04.660 | Our first sponsor is Roca.
00:05:06.600 | Roca makes sunglasses and eyeglasses
00:05:08.700 | that are of the absolute highest quality.
00:05:11.260 | I've spent a lifetime working on the visual system
00:05:13.620 | and I can tell you that the visual system
00:05:14.860 | has to go through a lot of work in order to maintain clarity
00:05:17.580 | of what you see when there are shadows,
00:05:20.140 | when you go into different types of indoor lighting
00:05:22.020 | and so on and a lot of glasses don't work well
00:05:24.460 | because you put them on and then you're in bright light
00:05:27.660 | and you can see fine, but then you move into a shadow
00:05:29.420 | and then you have to take them off and they don't adjust
00:05:31.420 | or they don't adjust quickly enough.
00:05:33.180 | With Roca, their eyeglasses and sunglasses are designed
00:05:36.120 | with the visual system biology in mind.
00:05:38.760 | So you always see things with perfect clarity.
00:05:40.680 | The glasses are also terrific
00:05:42.000 | because they're very lightweight
00:05:43.340 | and they won't slip off your face if you're exercising,
00:05:45.680 | if you're running or biking.
00:05:46.700 | In fact, they were designed for the purpose
00:05:48.420 | of being able to be worn while you're engaging
00:05:50.820 | in those sorts of activities or simply working at your desk.
00:05:53.820 | I happen to wear readers at night when I drive
00:05:56.860 | or when I work and I love their sunglasses
00:05:59.200 | 'cause I can wear them anywhere and also the aesthetics
00:06:02.180 | of their sunglasses and eyeglasses are terrific.
00:06:04.300 | Unlike a lot of other performance glasses
00:06:06.160 | that frankly make people look like cyborgs,
00:06:08.580 | the aesthetics on Roca's are really terrific.
00:06:10.380 | You could wear them anywhere you'd like to go.
00:06:12.580 | If you'd like to try Roca glasses,
00:06:14.100 | you can go to, that's
00:06:17.540 | and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off your first order.
00:06:20.960 | That's Roca,, enter the code Huberman
00:06:24.320 | at checkout.
00:06:25.460 | Today's podcast is also brought to us by Inside Tracker.
00:06:28.940 | Inside Tracker is a personalized nutrition platform
00:06:31.340 | that analyzes data from your blood and DNA
00:06:33.740 | to help you better understand your body
00:06:35.780 | and help you reach your health goals.
00:06:37.700 | I'm a big believer in getting regular blood work done.
00:06:40.780 | And now with the advent of modern DNA tests,
00:06:43.020 | you can also analyze your DNA to see what you ought
00:06:46.100 | to be doing for your immediate and long-term health.
00:06:49.320 | We hear a lot these days about optimization,
00:06:51.180 | optimizing hormones, optimizing your metabolism,
00:06:53.360 | optimizing this, optimizing that.
00:06:54.820 | But unless you know the measurements of metabolic factors,
00:06:57.860 | hormones, and other things that are in your blood and DNA,
00:07:01.340 | you don't know what to optimize.
00:07:03.120 | With Inside Tracker, it makes all of that very easy.
00:07:05.900 | They can come to your house to take the blood and DNA test,
00:07:08.140 | or you can go to a nearby clinic.
00:07:10.220 | They send you the information and you take those results.
00:07:13.060 | And unlike a lot of laboratories doing blood work out there
00:07:16.300 | and DNA tests, they have a simple platform,
00:07:18.580 | a dashboard that walks you through your results
00:07:21.540 | and helps you identify what sorts of nutritional
00:07:23.940 | or behavioral or other types of practices
00:07:26.300 | you might want to incorporate into your life
00:07:28.020 | in order to positively impact your immediate
00:07:30.540 | and long-term health.
00:07:31.900 | It's a very easy system to use,
00:07:33.580 | and you will gain a ton of information
00:07:35.160 | simply by doing that test,
00:07:36.340 | whether or not you end up making changes
00:07:37.740 | to what you're doing or not.
00:07:39.500 | If you'd like to try Inside Tracker,
00:07:41.320 | you can go to
00:07:44.340 | to get 25% off any of Inside Tracker's plans.
00:07:47.320 | Just use the code Huberman at checkout.
00:07:50.000 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Headspace.
00:07:52.780 | Headspace is a meditation app backed by 25 published studies
00:07:56.220 | and has over 600,000 five-star reviews.
00:07:59.500 | I've been meditating for a long time, but I confess,
00:08:02.300 | sometimes I meditate and sometimes I am very inconsistent
00:08:05.440 | about my meditation.
00:08:06.980 | Ideally, I would meditate every day for 20 or 30 minutes,
00:08:10.500 | but what I found over the years is that
00:08:12.600 | I'll start a meditation practice,
00:08:14.100 | and then as life gets more stressful or busier,
00:08:17.600 | which is exactly when I need to meditate more,
00:08:19.660 | I tend to meditate less often.
00:08:21.980 | Switching over to Headspace as a meditation app
00:08:24.100 | really helped me stay consistent
00:08:25.700 | with my meditation practice.
00:08:27.260 | And that's because they have a huge range of meditations
00:08:30.300 | to select from.
00:08:31.160 | Some are short, some are longer.
00:08:33.180 | And in general, I try and get 20 minutes of meditation
00:08:36.160 | in every day, but some days it's just five minutes
00:08:38.280 | and they have some terrific just five-minute meditations.
00:08:40.900 | The science says that even a five-minute meditation
00:08:43.540 | can be beneficial for different aspects
00:08:45.660 | of our brain and body.
00:08:47.740 | If you want to try Headspace,
00:08:48.820 | you can go to
00:08:51.980 | And if you do that, you'll get one month as a free trial
00:08:54.600 | with Headspace's full library of meditations
00:08:57.180 | that you can use in any situation.
00:08:59.980 | This is the best deal offered by Headspace right now.
00:09:02.140 | So if you're interested, go to
00:09:05.560 | to get one free one-month trial
00:09:07.960 | with Headspace's full library of meditations.
00:09:10.780 | I'd like to announce that there's an event
00:09:12.360 | that some of you may find very useful.
00:09:14.700 | This is an event put on by Logitech
00:09:16.700 | that I will be speaking at.
00:09:18.380 | It's called Rethink Education, The Biology of Learning,
00:09:22.160 | Reimagining Learning Through Neuroscience.
00:09:24.320 | And at this event, I will be speaking,
00:09:26.180 | there will be other speakers as well.
00:09:27.780 | And I will be talking about neuroplasticity
00:09:30.100 | and its applications for teaching and for learning.
00:09:33.140 | I will describe what I call the plasticity super protocol
00:09:36.000 | that incorporates all of what we know about rapid learning,
00:09:39.820 | efficient learning, and the best ways to teach and learn.
00:09:42.860 | It's geared towards educators of all kinds.
00:09:45.140 | It is zero cost.
00:09:46.620 | So please feel free to sign up.
00:09:48.460 | The event is September 30th, 2021 at 3 p.m. Eastern.
00:09:53.460 | You can find the registration link
00:09:56.000 | in the caption for this episode.
00:09:58.260 | So let's talk about dopamine.
00:10:00.000 | Most people have heard of dopamine
00:10:01.560 | and we hear all the time now about dopamine hits,
00:10:04.260 | but actually there's no such thing as a dopamine hit.
00:10:08.260 | And actually the way that your body uses dopamine
00:10:12.220 | is to have a baseline level of dopamine,
00:10:15.540 | meaning an amount of dopamine
00:10:17.120 | that's circulating in your brain and body all the time.
00:10:20.340 | And that turns out to be important
00:10:21.840 | for how you feel generally,
00:10:23.560 | whether or not you're in a good mood, motivated, et cetera.
00:10:26.760 | And you also can experience peaks
00:10:29.080 | in dopamine above baseline.
00:10:31.500 | This has a very specific name in the neurobiology literature,
00:10:35.280 | so-called tonic and phasic release of dopamine.
00:10:39.380 | And I'll explain what that means in a couple of minutes.
00:10:41.420 | But if you remember nothing else from this episode,
00:10:44.380 | please remember this, that when you experience something
00:10:48.380 | or you crave something really desirable,
00:10:51.740 | really exciting to you, very pleasurable,
00:10:54.300 | what happens afterwards is your baseline level
00:10:58.380 | of dopamine drops, okay?
00:11:00.740 | So these peaks in dopamine,
00:11:03.320 | they influence how much dopamine
00:11:05.100 | will generally be circulating afterward.
00:11:07.380 | And you might think, oh, a big peak in dopamine,
00:11:09.340 | after that, I'm going to feel even better
00:11:11.340 | because I just had this great event.
00:11:13.380 | Not the case.
00:11:14.340 | What actually happens is that your baseline level
00:11:16.980 | of dopamine drops.
00:11:18.220 | And I will explain the precise mechanism for that, okay?
00:11:21.340 | In the neuroscience literature,
00:11:23.340 | we refer to this as tonic and phasic release of dopamine.
00:11:29.160 | Tonic being the low level baseline
00:11:32.240 | that's always there circulating,
00:11:34.920 | released into your brain all the time.
00:11:37.220 | And then phasic, these peaks that ride above that baseline.
00:11:41.440 | And those two things interact.
00:11:43.160 | And this is really important.
00:11:44.940 | I'm going to teach you the underlying neurobiology,
00:11:46.500 | but even if you have no background in biology,
00:11:48.420 | I promise to make it all clear.
00:11:49.660 | I'll explain the terms and what they mean.
00:11:52.020 | And I'm excited to teach you about dopamine
00:11:54.220 | because dopamine has everything to do
00:11:56.340 | with how you feel right now as you're listening to this.
00:11:59.100 | It has everything to do with how you will feel
00:12:01.300 | an hour from now has everything to do
00:12:03.320 | with your level of motivation and your level of desire
00:12:06.320 | and your willingness to push through effort.
00:12:08.860 | If ever you've interacted with somebody
00:12:10.880 | who just doesn't seem to have any drive they've given up,
00:12:14.640 | or if you've interacted with somebody
00:12:16.120 | who seems to have endless drive and energy,
00:12:18.880 | what you are looking at there in those two circumstances
00:12:22.020 | is without question a difference in the level
00:12:26.020 | of dopamine circulating in their system.
00:12:28.920 | There will be other factors too,
00:12:30.840 | but the level of dopamine is the primary determinant
00:12:34.820 | of how motivated we are, how excited we are,
00:12:37.900 | how outward facing we are and how willing we are
00:12:40.600 | to lean into life and pursue things.
00:12:43.140 | Dopamine is what we call a neuromodulator.
00:12:45.500 | Neuromodulators are different than neurotransmitters.
00:12:48.060 | Neurotransmitters are involved in the dialogue
00:12:50.600 | between neurons, nerve cells,
00:12:52.680 | and neurotransmitters tend to mediate local communication.
00:12:56.260 | Just imagine two people talking to one another
00:12:57.980 | at a concert.
00:12:59.220 | That communication between them is analogous
00:13:01.820 | to the communication carried out by neurotransmitters,
00:13:05.120 | whereas neuromodulators influence the communication
00:13:08.560 | of many neurons.
00:13:09.600 | Imagine a bunch of people dancing
00:13:11.220 | where it's a coordinated dance involving 10 or 20
00:13:13.720 | or hundreds of people.
00:13:15.480 | Neuromodulators are coordinating that dance.
00:13:18.420 | In the nervous system what this means
00:13:19.940 | is that dopamine release changes the probability
00:13:23.240 | that certain neural circuits will be active
00:13:26.280 | and that other neural circuits will be inactive, okay?
00:13:29.880 | So it modulates a bunch of things all at once.
00:13:33.020 | And that's why it's so powerful.
00:13:34.160 | It's shifting not just our levels of energy,
00:13:36.240 | but also our mindset, also our feelings
00:13:39.760 | of whether or not we can or cannot accomplish something.
00:13:44.360 | So how does dopamine work and what does it do?
00:13:46.720 | Well, first of all, it is not just responsible for pleasure.
00:13:50.100 | It is responsible for motivation and drive primarily
00:13:53.240 | at the psychological level.
00:13:54.520 | Also for craving, those three things are sort of the same,
00:13:57.560 | motivation, drive, and craving.
00:13:59.200 | It also controls time perception.
00:14:01.160 | And we will get deep into how dopamine
00:14:03.920 | can modulate time perception and how important it is
00:14:07.600 | that everybody be able to access increases in dopamine
00:14:12.040 | at different timescales.
00:14:13.480 | This turns out to be important
00:14:14.720 | to not end up addicted to substances,
00:14:16.720 | but it also turns out to be very important
00:14:19.000 | to sustain effort and be a happy person
00:14:21.120 | over long periods of time,
00:14:22.400 | which I think most everybody wants.
00:14:24.680 | It certainly is adaptive in life to be able to do that.
00:14:27.880 | Dopamine is also vitally important for movement.
00:14:31.260 | I'll explain the neural circuits for dopamine and mindset
00:14:35.000 | and dopamine and movement in a moment,
00:14:37.540 | but in diseases like Parkinson's or Louie's body's dementia,
00:14:42.540 | which is similar to Parkinson's in many ways,
00:14:45.780 | there's a depletion or death of dopamine neurons
00:14:48.240 | at a particular location in the brain,
00:14:50.160 | which leads to shaky movements, challenges in speaking,
00:14:54.400 | challenges in particular in initiating movement.
00:14:57.580 | And because dopamine is depleted elsewhere too,
00:15:01.620 | people with Parkinson's and Louie's,
00:15:03.960 | excuse me, Louie body dementia also experience drops
00:15:07.300 | in motivation and affect, meaning mood.
00:15:10.140 | They tend to get depressed and so on.
00:15:12.800 | When those people are properly treated,
00:15:15.380 | they can, not always,
00:15:17.300 | but they can recover some fluidity of movement,
00:15:20.360 | some ability to initiate movement.
00:15:22.120 | And almost without question,
00:15:23.980 | those people feel better psychologically,
00:15:26.820 | not just because they can move,
00:15:28.020 | but also because dopamine impacts mood and motivation.
00:15:31.640 | So what are the underlying neural circuits?
00:15:35.400 | For those of you that are not interested in biology
00:15:38.020 | and specific nomenclature, you can tune out now if you want,
00:15:40.860 | but it's actually pretty straightforward.
00:15:42.600 | You have two main neural circuits in the brain
00:15:45.580 | that dopamine uses in order to exert all its effects.
00:15:50.580 | The first one is a pathway that goes from this area
00:15:54.540 | in the what's called the ventral tegmentum.
00:15:56.820 | That's a fancy, but ventral just means bottom
00:15:58.940 | and tegmentum actually means floor.
00:16:01.060 | So it's at the bottom of the brain
00:16:02.860 | and it's the ventral part of the floor.
00:16:04.540 | So it's really low in the back of the brain,
00:16:06.300 | the ventral tegmentum,
00:16:07.780 | and it goes from the ventral tegmentum
00:16:11.540 | to what's called the ventral striatum
00:16:14.100 | and the prefrontal cortex.
00:16:15.340 | Now that's a lot of language,
00:16:16.500 | but basically what we call this
00:16:17.820 | is the mesocorticolimbic pathway.
00:16:20.260 | This is the pathway by which dopamine influences
00:16:24.400 | motivation, drive, and craving.
00:16:27.220 | It involves structures that some of you
00:16:28.720 | may have heard of before,
00:16:29.640 | things like nucleus accumbens and the prefrontal cortex.
00:16:32.900 | This is the pathway that really gets disrupted
00:16:35.620 | in addictions where in particular drugs
00:16:39.300 | that influence the release of dopamine
00:16:41.180 | like cocaine and methamphetamine,
00:16:42.580 | we'll talk about those drugs today,
00:16:44.060 | they tap into this pathway.
00:16:45.580 | But if you are pursuing a partner,
00:16:49.460 | a boyfriend or girlfriend,
00:16:50.420 | if you're pursuing a degree in school,
00:16:52.400 | if you're pursuing a finish line in a race,
00:16:54.780 | you are tapping into this so-called
00:16:56.260 | mesocorticolimbic pathway.
00:16:58.340 | This is the classic reward pathway in all mammals.
00:17:03.340 | The other pathway emerges from an area in the brain
00:17:06.820 | called the substantia nigra,
00:17:08.660 | so-called because the cells in that area are dark
00:17:13.560 | and the substantia nigra connects to an area of the brain
00:17:17.060 | called the dorsal striatum.
00:17:18.420 | This is not surprisingly called the nigrostriatal pathway.
00:17:22.480 | For those of you who have never done any neuroanatomy,
00:17:24.460 | I'm going to teach you a little trick right now.
00:17:26.340 | Everything in neuroanatomy,
00:17:27.720 | the first part of a word tells you where the neurons are.
00:17:32.420 | And then the second part tells you
00:17:33.580 | where they are connecting to.
00:17:34.760 | So when I say nigrostriatal pathway,
00:17:37.300 | it means that the neurons are in the substantia nigra
00:17:39.340 | and they connect to the striatum, nigrostriatal pathway.
00:17:42.520 | So while it's a lot of language, there is some logic there.
00:17:46.240 | So we've got these two pathways,
00:17:47.660 | one mainly for movement.
00:17:49.860 | This is the substantia nigra to dorsal striatum.
00:17:53.020 | And we've got this other pathway,
00:17:55.620 | the so-called mesocorticolimbic pathway
00:17:57.280 | that's for reward reinforcement and motivation.
00:17:59.920 | I want you to remember that there are two pathways.
00:18:03.740 | If you don't remember the two pathways in detail,
00:18:05.940 | that's fine, but please remember that there are two pathways
00:18:08.740 | because that turns out to be important later.
00:18:10.600 | Now, the other thing to understand about dopamine
00:18:12.700 | is that the way that dopamine is released
00:18:16.180 | in the brain and body can differ,
00:18:19.460 | meaning it can be very local or it can be more broad.
00:18:24.460 | Now, most of you have probably heard of synapses.
00:18:27.460 | Synapses are the little spaces between neurons
00:18:30.620 | and basically neurons, nerve cells
00:18:32.220 | communicate with one another
00:18:33.860 | by making each other electrically active
00:18:36.280 | or by making each other less electrically active.
00:18:39.780 | So here's how this works.
00:18:40.620 | You can imagine one nerve cell and another nerve cell
00:18:43.080 | with a little gap between them, a little synapse.
00:18:45.660 | And the way that one nerve cell
00:18:47.760 | causes the next nerve cell to fire,
00:18:49.880 | what we call fire really means to become electrically active
00:18:52.600 | is that it vomits out these little packets,
00:18:55.500 | what we call vesicles.
00:18:56.440 | They're little bubbles filled with a chemical.
00:18:58.880 | When that chemical enters the synapse,
00:19:01.720 | some of it docks or parks on the other side
00:19:04.940 | in the other neuron.
00:19:06.320 | And by virtue of electrical changes in the,
00:19:10.140 | what we call the postsynaptic neuron,
00:19:12.400 | that chemical will make that neuron
00:19:14.460 | more electrically active or less electrically active.
00:19:17.540 | Dopamine can do that like any other neurotransmitter
00:19:20.960 | or neuromodulator.
00:19:22.440 | So it can have one neuron influence another neuron,
00:19:25.960 | but dopamine can also engage
00:19:28.240 | in what's called a volumetric release.
00:19:30.460 | Volumetric release is like a giant vomit
00:19:33.580 | that gets out to 50 or a hundred or even thousands of cells.
00:19:37.820 | So there's local release, what we call synaptic release,
00:19:40.480 | and then there's volumetric release.
00:19:41.960 | So volumetric release is like dumping all this dopamine
00:19:44.720 | out into the system.
00:19:46.260 | So dopamine is incredible because it can change the way
00:19:50.180 | that our neural circuits work at a local scale
00:19:52.860 | and at a very broad scale.
00:19:54.780 | And for those of you that are only interested in tools,
00:19:57.280 | like how do I get more dopamine?
00:19:59.120 | Let me tell you, this part is really important
00:20:01.740 | because if you were to take a drug or supplement
00:20:05.600 | that increases your level of dopamine,
00:20:07.560 | you are influencing both the local release of dopamine
00:20:11.700 | and volumetric release.
00:20:13.840 | This relates back to the baseline of dopamine
00:20:16.160 | and the big peak above baseline.
00:20:18.920 | And that turns out to be important.
00:20:20.480 | And I'll just allude to why it's important.
00:20:23.200 | Many drugs and indeed many supplements that increase dopamine
00:20:29.520 | will actually make it harder for you to sustain
00:20:32.300 | dopamine release over long periods of time
00:20:34.780 | and to achieve those peaks that most of us are craving
00:20:37.960 | when we are in pursuit of things.
00:20:40.640 | Because if you get both volumetric release,
00:20:43.540 | the dumping out of dopamine everywhere,
00:20:45.340 | and you're getting local release,
00:20:47.220 | what it means is that the difference between the peak
00:20:49.540 | and baseline is likely to be smaller.
00:20:52.820 | And this is very important, how satisfying or exciting
00:20:57.820 | or pleasureful a given experience is
00:21:00.700 | doesn't just depend on the height of that peak.
00:21:03.880 | It depends on the height of that peak
00:21:05.840 | relative to the baseline.
00:21:08.060 | So if you increase the baseline and you increase the peak,
00:21:12.360 | you're not going to achieve more
00:21:14.080 | and more pleasure from things.
00:21:15.760 | I'll talk about how to leverage this information
00:21:18.840 | in a little bit, but just increasing your dopamine,
00:21:22.800 | yes, it will make you excited for all things.
00:21:25.220 | It will make you feel very motivated,
00:21:26.960 | but it will also make that motivation very short lived.
00:21:31.240 | So there's a better way to increase your dopamine.
00:21:34.700 | There's a better way to optimize
00:21:36.260 | this peak to baseline ratio.
00:21:38.260 | For now, what we've talked about
00:21:39.420 | is two main neural circuits, one for movement
00:21:42.020 | and one for motivation and craving with dopamine.
00:21:45.040 | And we've talked about two main modes of communication
00:21:47.880 | between neurons with dopamine.
00:21:50.460 | One is this local synaptic release.
00:21:52.920 | One is more volumetric release.
00:21:56.500 | And in the back of your mind,
00:21:57.600 | you can relate this back to again,
00:21:59.200 | this baseline versus peaks above baseline.
00:22:02.240 | So that's a description of what we would call
00:22:04.000 | the spatial effects or the spatial aspects of dopamine.
00:22:08.920 | I said, this connects to that, that connects to this.
00:22:11.120 | You can get local or more broad volumetric release.
00:22:13.920 | What about the duration of release
00:22:16.140 | or the duration of action for dopamine?
00:22:19.020 | Well, dopamine is unique among chemicals in the brain
00:22:23.300 | because dopamine unlike a lot of chemicals in the brain
00:22:26.640 | works through what are called G protein coupled receptors.
00:22:29.480 | And for those of you that are about to pass out
00:22:31.120 | from the amount of detail, just hang in there with me.
00:22:32.960 | It's really not complicated.
00:22:34.980 | There are two ways that neurons can communicate
00:22:38.240 | or mainly two ways.
00:22:39.480 | There are a third and a fourth,
00:22:40.660 | but mostly neurons communicate by two modes.
00:22:45.620 | One are what we call fast electrical synapses,
00:22:48.960 | ionotropic conduction, all right?
00:22:51.360 | You don't need to know what that means,
00:22:52.280 | but basically one neuron activates another neuron
00:22:56.320 | and little holes open up in that neuron and ions rush in.
00:23:00.700 | Sodium is the main ion salt by which one neuron
00:23:05.160 | influences the electrical activity of another neuron
00:23:07.240 | because sodium ions contain a charge, okay?
00:23:10.140 | There are other things like chloride and potassium.
00:23:12.480 | If you're interested in looking this up,
00:23:13.680 | just look up ionic conductances in the action potential,
00:23:17.180 | or I could do a post on it sometime
00:23:18.700 | and we could go into detail,
00:23:20.520 | but just understand that when neurons want to
00:23:22.360 | influence each other,
00:23:23.400 | they can do it by way of this fast ionotropic conduction.
00:23:26.520 | This is a really quick way for one neuron
00:23:29.600 | to influence the next.
00:23:31.920 | Dopamine doesn't communicate that way.
00:23:34.240 | Dopamine is slower.
00:23:35.680 | It works through what are called
00:23:36.600 | G protein coupled receptors.
00:23:38.520 | So what happens is dopamine is released
00:23:40.580 | in these little vesicles that I've mentioned before,
00:23:42.560 | get vomited out into the synapse.
00:23:45.040 | Some of that dopamine will bind
00:23:47.300 | to the so-called postsynaptic neuron.
00:23:49.400 | It'll bind to the next neuron.
00:23:50.760 | And then it sets off a cascade.
00:23:53.300 | It's kind of like a bucket brigade of one thing
00:23:55.240 | getting handed off to the next, to the next, to the next.
00:23:58.020 | It's G protein coupled receptors.
00:24:00.360 | And anytime you hear about these GPCRs
00:24:02.120 | or G protein coupled receptors,
00:24:04.360 | pay attention because they're really interesting.
00:24:06.620 | They're slow,
00:24:07.880 | but they also can have multiple cascades of effects.
00:24:11.120 | They can impact even gene expression at some level.
00:24:14.320 | They can change what a cell actually becomes.
00:24:17.240 | They can change how well or how poorly that cell
00:24:20.560 | will respond to the same signal in the future.
00:24:23.960 | So dopamine works through the slower process,
00:24:26.760 | these G protein coupled receptors.
00:24:28.420 | And so its effects tend to take a while in order to occur.
00:24:32.780 | This aspect of dopamine transmission is important
00:24:37.800 | because it now underscores two things.
00:24:39.460 | One, there's two pathways for dopamine to communicate,
00:24:42.520 | one for movement, one for motivation and craving.
00:24:44.660 | There's two spatial scales at which dopamine can operate
00:24:49.020 | synaptically or volumetrically.
00:24:51.220 | And dopamine can have slow effects, really slow effects,
00:24:56.220 | or even very long lasting effects.
00:24:58.280 | And it even can control gene expression.
00:25:00.880 | It can actually change the way that cells behave.
00:25:03.460 | One thing that's not often discussed about dopamine,
00:25:05.520 | but is extremely important to know
00:25:07.900 | is that dopamine doesn't work on its own.
00:25:11.040 | Neurons that release dopamine co-release glutamate.
00:25:15.880 | Glutamate is a neurotransmitter,
00:25:18.540 | and it's a neurotransmitter that is excitatory,
00:25:21.200 | meaning it stimulates neurons to be electrically active.
00:25:24.760 | So now, even if you don't know any cell biology,
00:25:28.680 | should start to gain a picture that dopamine is responsible
00:25:31.920 | for movement, motivation, and drive.
00:25:34.340 | It does that through two pathways,
00:25:35.720 | but also the dopamine stimulates action in general
00:25:39.680 | because it releases this excitatory neurotransmitter.
00:25:41.960 | It tends to make certain neurons that are nearby,
00:25:45.880 | or even that are far away because of volumetric release,
00:25:48.240 | it tends to make those more active.
00:25:50.080 | So dopamine is really stimulating.
00:25:52.240 | And indeed, we say that dopaminergic transmission
00:25:56.320 | or dopamine tends to stimulate sympathetic arousal.
00:26:00.600 | Sympathetic doesn't have anything to do with sympathy.
00:26:02.680 | It's just simply means that it tends to increase
00:26:05.880 | our levels of alertness.
00:26:07.300 | It tends to bring an animal or a human into a state
00:26:10.780 | of more alertness, readiness, and desire to pursue things
00:26:15.100 | outside the confines of its skin.
00:26:17.400 | So if I were to just put a really simple message
00:26:21.040 | around dopamine, it would be,
00:26:22.800 | there's a molecule in your brain and body
00:26:24.880 | that when released tends to make you look outside yourself,
00:26:29.880 | pursue things outside yourself,
00:26:32.620 | and to crave things outside yourself.
00:26:36.620 | The pleasure that arrives from achieving things
00:26:39.080 | also involves dopamine,
00:26:40.460 | but is mainly the consequence of other molecules.
00:26:43.840 | But if ever you felt lethargic and like just lazy
00:26:46.620 | and you had no motivation or drive,
00:26:48.280 | that's a low dopamine state.
00:26:50.480 | If ever you felt really excited, motivated,
00:26:52.960 | even if you were a little scared to do something,
00:26:55.680 | maybe you did your first skydive
00:26:57.040 | or you're about to do your first skydive
00:26:59.000 | or you're about to do some public speaking
00:27:00.500 | and you really don't want to screw it up,
00:27:02.820 | you are in a high dopamine state.
00:27:05.600 | Dopamine is a universal currency in all mammals,
00:27:08.900 | but especially in humans for moving us toward goals
00:27:13.660 | and how much dopamine is in our system at any one time
00:27:17.640 | compared to how much dopamine was in our system
00:27:20.520 | a few minutes ago and how much we remember
00:27:24.220 | enjoying a particular experience of the past.
00:27:27.740 | That dictates your so-called quality of life
00:27:30.740 | and your desire to pursue things.
00:27:33.260 | This is really important.
00:27:34.180 | Dopamine is a currency
00:27:36.160 | and it's the way that you track pleasure.
00:27:38.620 | It's the way that you track success.
00:27:40.360 | It's the way that you track whether or not
00:27:42.540 | you are doing well or doing poorly.
00:27:44.920 | And that is subjective.
00:27:47.000 | But if your dopamine is too low,
00:27:50.340 | you will not feel motivated.
00:27:52.000 | If your dopamine is really high, you will feel motivated.
00:27:55.360 | And if your dopamine is somewhere in the middle,
00:27:57.760 | how you feel depends on whether or not
00:27:59.680 | you had higher dopamine a few minutes ago or lower dopamine.
00:28:04.160 | This is important.
00:28:05.760 | Your experience of life and your level of motivation
00:28:08.800 | and drive depends on how much dopamine you have
00:28:13.480 | relative to your recent experience.
00:28:17.080 | This is, again, something that's just not accounted for
00:28:20.560 | in the simple language of dopamine hits, okay?
00:28:23.760 | A simple way to envision dopamine hits
00:28:26.860 | is every time you do something you like,
00:28:28.320 | you eat a piece of chocolate, dopamine hit.
00:28:29.920 | You look at your Instagram, dopamine hit.
00:28:31.640 | You see someone you like, dopamine hit.
00:28:34.280 | All these things described as dopamine hits
00:28:37.540 | neglect the fact that if you scroll social media
00:28:40.640 | and you see something you really like, dopamine hit.
00:28:43.740 | Sure, there's an increase in dopamine,
00:28:45.800 | but then you get to something else
00:28:47.640 | and you go, "Hmm, not that interesting."
00:28:49.680 | However, had you arrived at that second thing first,
00:28:53.520 | you might think that it was really interesting.
00:28:55.880 | If you had arrived to that second Instagram post
00:28:59.540 | three days later or four days later,
00:29:01.560 | you might find it extremely interesting.
00:29:03.940 | Again, how much dopamine you experience from something
00:29:07.260 | depends on your baseline level of dopamine
00:29:09.320 | when you arrive there and your previous dopamine peaks, okay?
00:29:14.320 | That's super important to understand,
00:29:16.600 | and it's completely neglected
00:29:18.120 | by the general language of dopamine hits.
00:29:20.180 | This is why when you repeatedly engage in something
00:29:23.680 | that you enjoy, your threshold for enjoyment
00:29:27.140 | goes up and up and up.
00:29:29.040 | So I want to talk about that process,
00:29:30.960 | and I want to explain how that process works,
00:29:33.060 | because if you understand that process
00:29:34.840 | and you understand some of these schedules and kinetics,
00:29:37.760 | as we call them around dopamine,
00:29:39.000 | you will be in a terrific position
00:29:40.840 | to use any dopamine-enhancing tools that you decide to use.
00:29:44.560 | You'll be in an excellent position to modulate
00:29:46.860 | and control your own dopamine release
00:29:48.760 | for optimal motivation and drive.
00:29:50.960 | I realized that was a lot of information
00:29:53.360 | about the biology of dopamine,
00:29:55.000 | sort of like trying to make you drink
00:29:56.480 | from the fire hose of dopamine biology.
00:29:59.280 | However, I realize that some people probably want
00:30:01.360 | even more information about the biology
00:30:03.880 | of dopamine transmission.
00:30:05.720 | If you're interested in that,
00:30:07.240 | I'll post a link to a absolutely stellar review
00:30:09.840 | that was published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience
00:30:12.360 | called Spatial and Temporal Scales of Dopamine Transmission.
00:30:15.480 | It is quite detailed, but they have beautiful diagrams
00:30:18.240 | and can walk you through all the things
00:30:20.280 | that I just described and get into even more detail.
00:30:22.680 | We'll put a link to that in the caption on YouTube.
00:30:26.240 | Right now, I want to share with you two anecdotes,
00:30:29.360 | one from my own life and one from some fairly recent history
00:30:34.220 | that illustrate some of the core biology of dopamine
00:30:38.140 | and how profoundly it can shape our experience.
00:30:41.560 | The first one is a really tragic situation that occurred.
00:30:45.980 | This was in the '80s.
00:30:49.300 | There was a outbreak of what looked
00:30:52.360 | like Parkinsonian symptoms in a young population.
00:30:56.300 | So many of you heard of Parkinson's disease.
00:30:58.200 | Parkinson's disease is a disease
00:31:00.260 | in which people initially start to quake,
00:31:03.640 | can't generate smooth movements.
00:31:05.080 | They'll have issues with speech,
00:31:06.320 | sometimes cognition as well.
00:31:08.560 | There are examples like Michael J. Fox,
00:31:10.940 | which are kind of early onset Parkinson's.
00:31:13.500 | Typically, it hits people a little bit later in life.
00:31:16.660 | There's a genetic component,
00:31:19.620 | but there is this question and there's always been
00:31:22.700 | this question whether or not certain lifestyle factors
00:31:25.260 | can also create Parkinson's.
00:31:27.580 | And some years ago, there was a situation
00:31:32.140 | where laboratories, street laboratories,
00:31:35.300 | illicit laboratories were trying to make a drug called MPPP,
00:31:39.980 | which is an opioid-like compound.
00:31:41.780 | It's a bit like heroin and heroin addicts seeking heroin
00:31:47.260 | went out and bought what they thought was MPPP.
00:31:50.680 | Unfortunately, it was not MPPP.
00:31:56.120 | I mean, it would have been tragic if it was anyway,
00:31:58.000 | because they were drug addicts,
00:31:59.200 | but what they ended up taking turned out to be a lot worse.
00:32:02.280 | What they ended up taking was MPTP,
00:32:05.740 | and MPTP can arise in the synthesis of MPPP.
00:32:10.740 | So someone in a lab someplace,
00:32:12.680 | this was mainly in the Central Valley in California,
00:32:14.660 | but elsewhere as well,
00:32:16.820 | somebody created MPTP.
00:32:20.160 | And what ended up happening was a large number
00:32:23.820 | of young people who were opioid addicts
00:32:26.780 | became completely boxed in paralyzed,
00:32:30.220 | couldn't speak, couldn't blink, couldn't do anything,
00:32:34.240 | couldn't function, couldn't move.
00:32:35.800 | So both aspects of dopamine transmission were disrupted.
00:32:40.800 | They had no motivation and drive.
00:32:43.300 | They couldn't generate any movement of any kind.
00:32:45.740 | They were literally locked in frozen.
00:32:47.880 | And sadly, this is irreversible.
00:32:51.540 | It's irreversible because what MPTP does
00:32:54.900 | is it kills the dopaminergic neurons
00:32:58.180 | of the substantia nigra, that nigrostriatal pathway
00:33:00.900 | that's involved in generating movement,
00:33:02.780 | and it kills the dopaminergic neurons
00:33:05.180 | of the so-called mesocortical limbic pathway.
00:33:07.940 | I was in college when this whole MPTP thing happened,
00:33:10.980 | and I remember hearing this story.
00:33:13.100 | At the time, I had no understanding of what it is
00:33:16.320 | to have very high levels of dopamine
00:33:18.380 | or extremely depleted levels of dopamine.
00:33:20.660 | There was no reason why I should have that understanding.
00:33:22.560 | I mean, of course, I had experienced different pleasures
00:33:24.700 | of different kinds, and I've had lows in my life,
00:33:27.660 | but nothing to the extreme that I'm about to discuss.
00:33:32.040 | I got Giardia, and Giardia is a stomach bug
00:33:38.060 | that if any of you ever had it, it is terrible.
00:33:40.780 | It's terrible diarrhea, you end up very dehydrated,
00:33:43.180 | very quickly, you drop a ton of weight,
00:33:45.740 | and it is extremely unpleasant.
00:33:48.120 | I ended up going to the emergency room,
00:33:51.660 | and in the emergency room,
00:33:53.780 | I begged them for something to stop up my guts,
00:33:56.100 | and they gave it to me.
00:33:57.340 | They put a saline line in to rehydrate me,
00:33:59.500 | and they injected something into the saline bag,
00:34:02.660 | and within minutes, I felt more sadness,
00:34:08.700 | more overwhelming sense of depression,
00:34:13.340 | basically lower than I'd ever felt in my entire life.
00:34:16.580 | It was absolutely profound.
00:34:19.620 | I was crying endlessly without knowing why I was crying.
00:34:23.700 | I was miserable, and I asked them, "What did you inject?"
00:34:26.740 | And they said, "We injected Thorazine."
00:34:29.020 | Thorazine is an anti-psychotic drug.
00:34:31.540 | It's actually used to block dopamine receptors.
00:34:34.120 | It's what's given to people who have schizophrenia,
00:34:37.380 | often is given to people who have schizophrenia,
00:34:39.440 | because schizophrenia involves, among other things,
00:34:42.860 | elevated levels of dopamine.
00:34:44.500 | It was horrible.
00:34:47.860 | The experience of it was miserable,
00:34:50.620 | unlike anything I'd ever experienced.
00:34:53.140 | And so I actually said to them, "What did you give me?"
00:34:56.540 | They said, "Thorazine," and I said,
00:34:58.220 | "You have to give me L-DOPA.
00:35:00.700 | You have to give me something
00:35:01.780 | to get my dopamine levels back up again."
00:35:04.100 | And they did.
00:35:04.980 | They gave me an injection of L-DOPA into the bag
00:35:07.320 | went straight into my bloodstream,
00:35:08.500 | and within minutes, I felt fine again.
00:35:12.220 | It was incredible, and it really opened up my mind
00:35:15.300 | and my experience to what it is
00:35:17.060 | to have absolutely plummeted levels of dopamine.
00:35:21.060 | There's nothing more miserable than that, I'll tell you.
00:35:23.120 | And these poor souls who had this MPTP experience,
00:35:27.820 | unfortunately, they couldn't recover those cells.
00:35:29.820 | People who have severe Parkinson's
00:35:31.980 | are struggling with this as well,
00:35:33.360 | because in Parkinson's and in Lewy body dementia,
00:35:35.500 | the dopaminergic neurons often die.
00:35:37.800 | It's not just a problem
00:35:38.700 | with those neurons releasing enough dopamine.
00:35:40.940 | Later, we're going to talk about some approaches
00:35:43.200 | to maintaining dopaminergic neuron health
00:35:46.040 | and things that we can all do for that.
00:35:47.800 | But I will tell you, these dopamine neurons
00:35:49.980 | that we all have are very precious
00:35:51.800 | for movement and mood and motivation.
00:35:54.240 | Having experienced what it is
00:35:56.120 | to have very, very low levels of dopamine,
00:35:58.720 | or in this case, to have my dopamine receptors
00:36:00.740 | blocked from thorazine was eye-opening, to say the least,
00:36:05.740 | and has given me tremendous sensitivity
00:36:09.060 | to the fact that dopamine is perhaps
00:36:12.120 | one of the most powerful molecules
00:36:13.900 | that any of us has inside of us,
00:36:16.460 | and the one that we ought to all think very carefully
00:36:19.120 | about how we leverage.
00:36:20.100 | Because while most experiences and most things
00:36:24.380 | that we do and take and eat and et cetera
00:36:27.260 | won't create enormous highs and enormous lows in dopamine,
00:36:30.860 | even subtle fluctuations in dopamine
00:36:33.600 | really shape our perception of life
00:36:35.740 | and what we're capable of and how we feel.
00:36:38.060 | And so we want to guard those
00:36:39.180 | and we want to understand them.
00:36:40.580 | So let's lean into that understanding about dopamine,
00:36:42.660 | and then let's talk about some tools that we can all use
00:36:45.220 | to leverage dopamine in order to keep that baseline
00:36:48.340 | in the appropriate healthy place
00:36:50.520 | and still be able to access those peaks in dopamine,
00:36:53.780 | because those, after all,
00:36:55.520 | are some of what makes life rich and worth living.
00:36:58.380 | So let's talk about the baseline of dopamine
00:37:00.620 | that we all have and the peaks in dopamine
00:37:03.640 | that we all can achieve through different activities
00:37:07.040 | and things that we ingest.
00:37:08.560 | All of us have different baseline levels of dopamine.
00:37:13.760 | Some of this is sure to be genetic.
00:37:17.000 | Some people just simply ride at a level a little bit higher,
00:37:21.240 | they're a little bit more excited,
00:37:22.500 | they're a little bit more motivated,
00:37:24.620 | or maybe they're a lot more excited
00:37:25.980 | or a lot more motivated.
00:37:27.240 | Some people are a little mellower,
00:37:30.340 | some people are a little less excitable.
00:37:32.460 | And some of that has to do with the fact
00:37:34.500 | that dopamine doesn't act alone.
00:37:37.180 | Dopamine has close cousins or friends in the nervous system,
00:37:41.300 | and I'll just name off a few of those
00:37:42.640 | close cousins and friends.
00:37:44.000 | Epinephrine, also called adrenaline,
00:37:48.620 | is the main chemical driver of energy.
00:37:52.020 | We can't do anything.
00:37:54.280 | Anything at all unless we have some level of epinephrine
00:37:56.980 | in our brain and body.
00:37:58.620 | It's released from the adrenal glands,
00:38:00.020 | which ride atop our kidneys.
00:38:01.180 | It's released from an area of the brainstem
00:38:03.420 | called locus coeruleus.
00:38:05.420 | And its release tends to wake up neural circuits
00:38:08.620 | in the brain and wake up various aspects
00:38:11.880 | of our body's physiology and give us a readiness.
00:38:15.780 | So it should come as no surprise
00:38:16.940 | that dopamine and epinephrine,
00:38:19.580 | AKA adrenaline, hang out together.
00:38:22.300 | In fact, epinephrine and adrenaline
00:38:24.640 | are actually manufactured from dopamine.
00:38:28.120 | There's a biochemical pathway involving dopamine,
00:38:30.560 | which is a beautiful pathway.
00:38:32.200 | If ever you want to look it up,
00:38:33.700 | you could just look up biochemistry of dopamine.
00:38:36.120 | But what you'll find is that L-DOPA
00:38:39.160 | is converted into dopamine.
00:38:41.480 | Dopamine is converted into noradrenaline,
00:38:47.200 | norepinephrine, it's also called.
00:38:49.500 | And noradrenaline, norepinephrine is converted
00:38:52.840 | into adrenaline.
00:38:54.460 | So not only are dopamine and epinephrine,
00:38:57.800 | AKA adrenaline close cousins,
00:39:00.020 | they are actually family members, okay?
00:39:02.540 | They're closely related.
00:39:04.060 | I'm not going to get too deep into epinephrine today.
00:39:06.260 | I'm not going to talk too much about those pathways,
00:39:08.380 | but anytime I'm talking about dopaminergic transmission
00:39:11.020 | or that you have a peak in dopamine,
00:39:13.060 | inevitably that means that you have a peak
00:39:15.100 | in release of epinephrine as well.
00:39:17.660 | What dopamine does is dopamine really colors
00:39:21.560 | the subjective experience of an activity
00:39:24.340 | to make it more pleasureful,
00:39:26.340 | to make it something that you want more of.
00:39:28.600 | Epinephrine is more about energy.
00:39:30.780 | Epinephrine alone can be fear, paralysis, trauma,
00:39:35.780 | not physical paralysis, but mental paralysis,
00:39:38.640 | frozen in fear or being traumatized or scared.
00:39:42.160 | But the addition of dopamine to that chemical cocktail,
00:39:45.980 | if dopamine was released in the brain,
00:39:48.380 | well, then that epinephrine becomes one of excitement.
00:39:53.060 | Okay, I'm using a broad brush here,
00:39:54.860 | but essentially what you need to know is that dopamine
00:39:57.460 | and epinephrine, AKA adrenaline are family members
00:40:00.820 | and they tend to work together like a little gang
00:40:03.160 | to make you seek out certain things.
00:40:06.020 | So what sorts of activities,
00:40:08.100 | what sorts of things increase dopamine
00:40:11.200 | and how much do they increase dopamine?
00:40:14.000 | Well, let's take a look at some typical things
00:40:17.700 | that people do out there or ingest out there
00:40:21.340 | that are known to increase dopamine.
00:40:23.840 | So let's recall that you have a baseline level of dopamine
00:40:26.580 | and that everybody does.
00:40:28.200 | And even within a family,
00:40:29.360 | you might have family members who are very excitable,
00:40:31.900 | happy and motivated and others who are less excitable,
00:40:34.500 | happy and motivated.
00:40:36.080 | But your level of dopamine has everything to do
00:40:40.660 | with those genetics,
00:40:41.800 | but also with what you've experienced in the previous days
00:40:44.640 | and the previous months and so on.
00:40:46.380 | When you do or ingest certain things,
00:40:50.440 | your levels of dopamine will rise above baseline transiently
00:40:54.500 | and depending on what you do or ingest,
00:40:57.980 | it will rise either more or less
00:41:00.780 | and it will be very brief or it'll last a long time.
00:41:03.700 | So let's take a look at some of the typical things
00:41:05.540 | that people take and do and eat.
00:41:08.820 | Some are good for us, some are not good for us.
00:41:12.000 | And let's ask how much dopamine is increased above baseline.
00:41:15.720 | Now, of course, these are averages,
00:41:16.940 | but these are averages that have been measured
00:41:19.100 | in so-called micro dialysis studies in animals.
00:41:21.860 | So actually extracting from particular brain areas,
00:41:24.020 | how much dopamine is released or from measuring the serum,
00:41:27.340 | the circulating levels of dopamine in humans.
00:41:30.720 | Chocolate, they didn't look at milk versus dark chocolate,
00:41:35.820 | but chocolate will increase your baseline level
00:41:38.940 | of dopamine 1.5 times, okay?
00:41:41.920 | So it's a pretty substantial increase in dopamine.
00:41:44.400 | It's transient, it goes away after a few minutes
00:41:48.000 | or even a few seconds.
00:41:50.320 | I'll explain what determines the duration in a minute,
00:41:53.280 | but 1.5 times for chocolate.
00:41:55.620 | Sex, both the pursuit of sex and the act of sex
00:42:01.600 | increases dopamine two times.
00:42:06.320 | So it's a doubling above baseline.
00:42:08.980 | Now, of course, there's going to be variation there,
00:42:11.300 | but that's the average increase in baseline dopamine
00:42:15.220 | caused by sex.
00:42:17.720 | Later, I will talk about how the different aspects
00:42:22.300 | of the so-called arousal arc, the different aspects of sex,
00:42:25.260 | believe it or not, have a differential impact on dopamine.
00:42:28.900 | But for now, as a general theme or activity,
00:42:33.060 | sex doubles the amount of dopamine circulating in your blood.
00:42:37.100 | Nicotine, in particular, nicotine that is smoked,
00:42:43.340 | like cigarettes and so forth,
00:42:44.940 | increases dopamine 2.5 times above baseline.
00:42:49.900 | So there's a peak that goes up above baseline
00:42:53.240 | 2.5 times higher.
00:42:55.640 | It is very short-lived.
00:42:59.160 | Anyone who's ever been a chain smoker
00:43:01.480 | or observed a chain smoker understands
00:43:03.440 | that the increase in dopamine from nicotine
00:43:06.580 | is very short-lived.
00:43:08.420 | Cocaine will increase the level of dopamine
00:43:12.300 | in the bloodstream 2.5 times above baseline.
00:43:15.080 | And amphetamine, another drug that increases dopamine,
00:43:21.340 | will increase the amount of dopamine in the bloodstream
00:43:25.000 | 10 times above baseline,
00:43:27.420 | a tremendous increase in dopamine.
00:43:30.200 | Exercise.
00:43:31.780 | Now, exercise will have a different impact
00:43:34.460 | on the levels of dopamine,
00:43:35.660 | depending on how much somebody
00:43:37.500 | subjectively enjoys that exercise.
00:43:40.580 | So if you're somebody who loves running,
00:43:43.300 | chances are it's going to increase your levels of dopamine
00:43:47.740 | two times above your baseline, not unlike sex.
00:43:51.320 | People who dislike exercise
00:43:55.140 | will achieve less dopamine increase
00:43:57.500 | or no increase in dopamine from exercise.
00:44:01.000 | And if you like other forms of exercise,
00:44:02.560 | like yoga or weightlifting or swimming or what have you,
00:44:05.920 | again, it's going to vary by your subjective experience
00:44:08.320 | of whether or not you enjoy that activity.
00:44:11.380 | This is important.
00:44:12.720 | And it brings us back to something
00:44:14.100 | that we talked about earlier.
00:44:15.280 | Remember that mesocorticolimbic pathway?
00:44:19.300 | Well, the cortical part is important.
00:44:21.560 | The cortical part actually has a very specific part,
00:44:25.220 | which is your prefrontal cortex.
00:44:26.980 | The area of your forebrain
00:44:28.900 | that's involved in thinking and planning
00:44:31.360 | and involved in assigning a rational explanation
00:44:35.460 | to something and involved in assigning
00:44:38.060 | a subjective experience to something.
00:44:41.100 | So for instance, the pen that I'm holding right now,
00:44:43.240 | it's one of these Pilot V5s.
00:44:44.580 | I love these Pilot V5s.
00:44:45.700 | They don't sponsor the podcast.
00:44:46.680 | I just happen to like them.
00:44:47.520 | I like the way that they write, how they feel.
00:44:49.780 | If I spent enough time thinking about or talking about it,
00:44:53.260 | I could probably get a dopamine increase
00:44:54.700 | just talking about this Pilot V5.
00:44:56.220 | And that's not because I have the propensity
00:44:58.840 | to release dopamine easily.
00:45:00.260 | It's that as we start to engage with something more and more
00:45:03.520 | and what we say about it
00:45:05.040 | and what we encourage ourselves to think about it
00:45:07.980 | has a profound impact on its rewarding
00:45:11.080 | or non-rewarding properties.
00:45:13.300 | Now it's not simply the case that you can lie to yourself
00:45:15.780 | and you can tell yourself, I love something.
00:45:17.260 | And when you don't really love it
00:45:18.620 | and it will increase dopamine.
00:45:20.880 | But what's been found over and over again
00:45:22.740 | is that if people journal about something
00:45:24.580 | or they practice some form of appreciation for something
00:45:27.780 | or they think of some aspect of something that they enjoy,
00:45:31.540 | the amount of dopamine that that behavior will evoke
00:45:35.580 | tends to go up.
00:45:37.140 | So for people that hate exercise,
00:45:38.660 | you can think about some aspect of exercise
00:45:41.580 | that you really enjoy.
00:45:42.660 | However, I will caution you against saying to yourself,
00:45:47.660 | I hate exercise or I hate studying or I hate this person,
00:45:52.700 | but I love the reward I give myself afterward.
00:45:55.900 | Later we're going to talk about how rewards given afterward
00:45:59.280 | actually make the situation worse.
00:46:01.640 | They won't make you like exercise more or studying more.
00:46:04.600 | They actually will undermine the dopamine release
00:46:07.080 | that would otherwise occur for that activity.
00:46:09.440 | So certain things, chemicals have a universal effect.
00:46:13.580 | They make everybody's dopamine go up.
00:46:16.040 | So some people like chocolate,
00:46:17.540 | some people don't of course,
00:46:19.380 | but in general it causes this increase in dopamine,
00:46:22.860 | but sex, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamine,
00:46:25.940 | those things cause increases in dopamine
00:46:28.040 | in everybody that takes them.
00:46:29.500 | Things like exercise, studying, hard work,
00:46:33.400 | working through a challenge in a relationship
00:46:35.300 | or working through something hard of any kind,
00:46:38.100 | that is going to be subjective
00:46:40.300 | as to how much dopamine will be released.
00:46:42.740 | And we will return to that subjective component
00:46:45.320 | in a little bit.
00:46:46.780 | But now you have a sense of how much dopamine
00:46:50.900 | can be evoked by different activities
00:46:53.060 | and by different substances.
00:46:54.980 | One that you might be wondering about is caffeine.
00:46:57.440 | I'm certainly drinking my caffeine today
00:46:59.320 | and I do enjoy caffeine in limited quantities.
00:47:03.500 | I drink Yerba Mate and I drink coffee and I love it.
00:47:07.340 | Does it increase dopamine?
00:47:10.100 | Well, a little bit.
00:47:11.820 | Caffeine will increase dopamine to some extent,
00:47:14.380 | but it is pretty modest compared to the other things
00:47:17.580 | that I described.
00:47:18.780 | Chocolate, sex, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamine, and so on.
00:47:21.580 | However, there's a really interesting paper published
00:47:25.780 | in 2015, this is Volkow et al,
00:47:28.540 | you can look it up, it's very easy to find,
00:47:30.580 | that showed that regular ingestion of caffeine,
00:47:33.600 | whether or not it's from coffee or otherwise,
00:47:36.100 | increases up regulation of certain dopamine receptors.
00:47:40.940 | So caffeine actually makes you able to experience
00:47:45.940 | more of dopamine's effects.
00:47:47.940 | Because as I mentioned before,
00:47:49.060 | dopamine is vomited out into the synapse
00:47:51.260 | or it's released volumetrically,
00:47:52.500 | but then it has to bind someplace
00:47:53.960 | and trigger those G protein coupled receptors.
00:47:56.820 | And caffeine increases the number,
00:47:59.700 | the density of those G protein coupled receptors.
00:48:03.380 | Now, sitting back and thinking about that,
00:48:06.020 | you might think, oh yeah, sometimes I'll notice people,
00:48:09.300 | at least in the old days that it used to be a cigarette
00:48:11.900 | and a cup of coffee, or when people drink alcohol,
00:48:14.660 | oftentimes they'll smoke.
00:48:16.260 | And it's well known that different compounds
00:48:18.980 | like alcohol and nicotine or caffeine and nicotine
00:48:23.020 | or certain behaviors and certain drugs
00:48:25.660 | can synergize to give bigger dopamine increases.
00:48:28.740 | And this is not terribly uncommon.
00:48:30.580 | There are a lot of people nowadays who, for instance,
00:48:32.840 | take pre-workout energy drinks.
00:48:34.740 | They'll drink, I won't name names,
00:48:36.420 | but they'll drink a canned energy drink
00:48:38.640 | or they'll drink a pre-workout
00:48:40.500 | and they'll try and get that big stimulation,
00:48:42.900 | that stimulant effect for the dopamine, the norepinephrine,
00:48:45.960 | that family of molecules that works together
00:48:47.680 | to make you motivated.
00:48:48.700 | And then they'll also exercise to try and get even more
00:48:51.720 | of a dopaminergic experience out of that workout.
00:48:54.940 | Sometimes it's also to perform better as well, of course.
00:48:59.100 | But as we'll talk about in a few minutes,
00:49:01.840 | that aspect or that approach rather
00:49:04.140 | of trying to just get your dopamine
00:49:05.500 | as high as you possibly can
00:49:07.040 | in order to get the most out of an experience,
00:49:09.540 | turns out to not be the best approach.
00:49:11.820 | And what you'll find as we talk about dopamine schedules
00:49:15.980 | is that layering together multiple things,
00:49:19.660 | substances and activities that lead to big increases
00:49:23.100 | in dopamine actually can create pretty severe issues
00:49:26.980 | with motivation and energy right after those experiences
00:49:30.460 | and even a couple of days later.
00:49:32.180 | So I'm not saying that people shouldn't take
00:49:33.940 | the occasional pre-workout if that's your thing
00:49:35.800 | or drink a cup of coffee or two before working out.
00:49:38.560 | Now and again, some people really enjoy that.
00:49:40.660 | I certainly do that every once in a while.
00:49:42.720 | But if you do it too often,
00:49:44.240 | what you'll find is that your capacity to release dopamine
00:49:48.380 | and your level of motivation and drive and energy overall
00:49:51.500 | will take a serious hit.
00:49:53.380 | Now I've been alluding to this dopamine peaks
00:49:55.760 | versus dopamine baseline thing
00:49:57.480 | since the beginning of the episode,
00:49:58.940 | talked about tonic and phasic release and so forth.
00:50:01.960 | But now let's really drill into what this means
00:50:04.280 | and how to leverage it for our own purposes.
00:50:07.960 | In order to do that, let's take a step back and ask,
00:50:10.200 | why would we have a dopamine system like this?
00:50:12.960 | Why would we have a dopamine system at all?
00:50:15.100 | Well, we have to remember
00:50:16.260 | what our species primary interest is.
00:50:20.900 | Our species like all species has a main interest
00:50:24.980 | and that's to make more of itself.
00:50:26.740 | It's not just about sex and reproduction.
00:50:28.580 | It's about forging for resources.
00:50:31.300 | Resources can be food.
00:50:32.540 | It can be water, it can be salt, can be shelter,
00:50:36.600 | can be social connection.
00:50:38.100 | Dopamine is the universal currency of forging and seeking.
00:50:44.040 | We call sometimes talk about motivation and craving,
00:50:46.780 | but what we mean in the evolutionary adaptive context,
00:50:49.600 | what we mean is forging and seeking, seeking water,
00:50:52.460 | seeking food, seeking mates,
00:50:54.780 | seeking things that make us feel good and avoiding things
00:50:57.320 | that don't make us feel good,
00:50:58.280 | but in particular seeking things
00:51:00.040 | that will provide sustenance and pleasure in the short term
00:51:03.760 | and will extend the species in the longterm.
00:51:06.520 | Once we understand that dopamine
00:51:09.080 | is a driver for us to seek things,
00:51:12.240 | it makes perfect sense as to why
00:51:14.240 | it would have a baseline level and it would have peaks
00:51:17.400 | and that the baseline and peaks would be related
00:51:19.880 | in some sort of direct way.
00:51:21.920 | Here's what I mean by that.
00:51:23.800 | Let's say that you were not alive now,
00:51:26.080 | but you were alive 10,000 years ago
00:51:28.920 | and you woke up and you looked
00:51:31.160 | and you realize you had minimal water
00:51:33.800 | and you had minimal food left.
00:51:36.120 | Maybe you have a child, maybe you have a partner,
00:51:38.560 | maybe you're in an entire village,
00:51:39.960 | but you realize that you need things, okay?
00:51:43.120 | You need to be able to generate the energy
00:51:47.240 | to go seek those things.
00:51:49.040 | And chances are there were dangers in seeking those things.
00:51:52.120 | Yes, it could be saber tooth tigers and things of that sort,
00:51:55.160 | but there are other dangers too.
00:51:56.840 | There's the danger of a cut to your skin
00:51:58.460 | that could lead to infection.
00:51:59.480 | There's the danger of storms, there's the danger of cold,
00:52:01.880 | there's the danger of leaving your loved ones behind.
00:52:04.680 | So you go out and forage, right?
00:52:07.480 | You could be hunting, you could be gathering,
00:52:08.940 | or you could be doing both.
00:52:10.920 | The going out and foraging process was,
00:52:14.500 | we are certain, driven by dopamine.
00:52:16.980 | I mean, there's no fossil record of the brain,
00:52:18.720 | but these circuits have existed, we know,
00:52:20.600 | for tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years
00:52:23.820 | and they are present in every animal, not just mammals,
00:52:27.000 | but even in little worms, like C. elegans,
00:52:28.880 | the same process is mediated by dopamine.
00:52:32.280 | So dopamine drives you to go out and look for things.
00:52:35.100 | And then let's say you find a couple berries
00:52:37.500 | and these ones are rotten, these ones are good.
00:52:39.500 | Maybe you hunt an animal and kill it,
00:52:41.640 | or you find an animal that was recently killed
00:52:43.660 | and you decide to take the meat.
00:52:45.260 | You are going to achieve, or I should say,
00:52:48.720 | experience some sort of dopamine release.
00:52:51.560 | You found the reward, that's great,
00:52:53.980 | but then it needs to return to some lower level.
00:52:58.320 | Well, because if you just stayed there,
00:53:00.380 | you would never continue to forage for more.
00:53:02.620 | It doesn't just increase your baseline and then stay there,
00:53:06.720 | it goes back down.
00:53:08.240 | And what's very important to understand
00:53:09.860 | is that it doesn't just go back down
00:53:11.460 | to the level it was before,
00:53:13.500 | it goes down to a level below what it was
00:53:16.720 | before you went out seeking that thing.
00:53:19.020 | Now, this is counterintuitive.
00:53:20.940 | We often think, oh, okay, I'm going to pursue the win, right?
00:53:24.340 | Let's move this to modern day.
00:53:26.420 | I'm going to run this marathon,
00:53:28.500 | I'm going to train for this marathon.
00:53:29.700 | Then you run the marathon and you finish,
00:53:32.200 | you cross the finish line, you feel great.
00:53:34.460 | And you would think, okay, now I'm set for the entire year.
00:53:37.180 | I'm going to feel so much better.
00:53:38.200 | I'm going to feel this accomplishment in my body.
00:53:40.140 | It's going to be so great.
00:53:41.460 | That's not what happens.
00:53:42.900 | You might feel some of those things,
00:53:44.320 | but your level of dopamine
00:53:45.900 | has actually dropped below baseline.
00:53:48.460 | Now, eventually it will ratchet back up.
00:53:51.320 | But two things are really important.
00:53:52.700 | First of all, the extent to which it drops below baseline
00:53:55.800 | is proportional to how high the peak was.
00:53:59.020 | So if you cross the finish line pretty happy,
00:54:02.700 | it won't drop that much below baseline afterward.
00:54:05.980 | If you cross the finish line ecstatic,
00:54:08.940 | well, a day or two later,
00:54:10.140 | you're going to feel quite a bit lower
00:54:12.360 | than you would otherwise.
00:54:13.380 | You might not be depressed
00:54:14.480 | because it depends on where that baseline was to begin with.
00:54:17.180 | But the so-called postpartum depression
00:54:19.060 | that people experience after giving birth
00:54:21.700 | or after some big win, a graduation,
00:54:25.620 | or any kind of celebration,
00:54:27.620 | that postpartum drop in mood and affect and motivation
00:54:32.260 | is the drop in baseline dopamine.
00:54:35.060 | This is very important to understand
00:54:36.380 | because this happens on very rapid timescales
00:54:38.740 | and it can last quite a long time.
00:54:40.640 | It also explains the behavior
00:54:44.620 | that most of us are familiar with
00:54:46.100 | of engaging in something that we really enjoy,
00:54:48.220 | going to a restaurant that we absolutely love
00:54:51.060 | or engaging in some way with some person
00:54:53.140 | that we really, really enjoy.
00:54:55.220 | But if we continue to engage in that behavior
00:54:57.300 | over and over again, it kind of loses its edge.
00:55:01.180 | It starts to kind of feel less exciting to us.
00:55:05.300 | Some of us experience that drop in excitement
00:55:10.100 | more quickly and more severely than others,
00:55:12.860 | but everyone experiences that to some extent.
00:55:16.360 | And this has direct roots
00:55:18.860 | in these evolutionarily conserved circuits.
00:55:22.180 | Some of you may be hearing this and think,
00:55:23.620 | "No, no, no, that's not how it works for me.
00:55:25.500 | I'm just riding higher and higher all the time.
00:55:27.540 | I love my kids. I love my job.
00:55:29.420 | I love school. I love wins.
00:55:31.100 | I don't want losses."
00:55:33.020 | I agree.
00:55:33.860 | We all feel good when we are achieving things,
00:55:37.460 | but oftentimes we are feeling good
00:55:40.120 | because we are layering in different aspects of life,
00:55:43.880 | consuming things and doing things that increase our dopamine.
00:55:46.460 | We're getting those peaks.
00:55:48.240 | But afterward, the drop in baseline occurs
00:55:52.720 | and it always takes a little while
00:55:54.680 | to get back to our stable baseline.
00:55:58.160 | We really all have a sort of dopamine set point.
00:56:01.520 | And if we continue to indulge in the same behaviors
00:56:04.800 | or even different behaviors that increase our dopamine
00:56:07.420 | in these big peaks over and over and over again,
00:56:10.000 | we won't experience the same level of joy
00:56:12.560 | from those behaviors or from anything at all.
00:56:16.360 | Now that has a name, it's called addiction,
00:56:18.580 | but even for people who aren't addicted,
00:56:22.000 | even for people don't have an attachment
00:56:23.980 | to any specific substance or behavior,
00:56:26.360 | this drop in below baseline after any peak in dopamine
00:56:30.160 | is substantial and it governs whether or not
00:56:33.240 | we are going to feel motivated
00:56:34.340 | to continue to pursue other things.
00:56:36.960 | Fortunately, there's a way to work with this.
00:56:39.880 | Such that we can constantly stay motivated,
00:56:42.120 | but also keep that baseline of dopamine
00:56:44.440 | at an appropriate healthy level.
00:56:46.380 | A previous guest on the Huberman Lab podcast
00:56:48.700 | was Dr. Anna Lemke.
00:56:49.880 | She's head of the Addiction Dual Diagnosis Clinic
00:56:52.660 | at Stanford, has this amazing book, "Dopamine Nation,
00:56:56.140 | Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence."
00:56:58.020 | If you haven't read the book,
00:56:59.040 | I highly encourage you to check it out, it's fantastic.
00:57:02.000 | The other terrific book about dopamine
00:57:03.980 | is "The Molecule of More,"
00:57:05.520 | which is similar in some regard,
00:57:08.000 | but isn't so much about addiction,
00:57:09.440 | it's more about other types of behaviors.
00:57:11.840 | Both books really focus on these dopamine schedules
00:57:15.520 | and the relationship between these peaks
00:57:17.160 | and baselines of dopamine.
00:57:18.560 | In Dr. Lemke's book,
00:57:21.480 | and when she was on the Huberman Lab podcast,
00:57:23.320 | another podcast,
00:57:24.160 | she's talked about this pleasure-pain balance
00:57:26.040 | that when we seek something that we really like,
00:57:28.780 | or we indulge in it,
00:57:29.620 | like eating a little piece of chocolate,
00:57:31.160 | if we really like chocolate, there's some pleasure,
00:57:33.540 | but then there's a little bit of pain
00:57:37.080 | that exceeds the amount of pleasure.
00:57:38.680 | And it's subtle and we experience it
00:57:41.560 | as wanting more of that thing.
00:57:43.700 | Okay, so there's a pleasure-pain balance,
00:57:45.760 | and I'm telling you that the pleasure and the pain
00:57:48.640 | are governed by dopamine to some extent.
00:57:50.680 | Well, how could that be, right?
00:57:52.080 | I said before, when you engage in an activity
00:57:54.880 | or when you ingest something that increases dopamine,
00:57:57.580 | the dopamine levels go up to a substantial degree
00:58:00.320 | with all the things I listed off.
00:58:02.240 | Where's the pain coming from?
00:58:06.080 | Well, the pain is coming from the lack of dopamine
00:58:09.080 | that follows,
00:58:10.940 | and you now know what that lack of dopamine reflects.
00:58:15.940 | How do you know?
00:58:17.080 | Well, earlier we were talking about
00:58:18.660 | how dopamine is released between neurons,
00:58:22.040 | and I mentioned two ways.
00:58:23.080 | One is into the synapse
00:58:24.460 | where it can activate the postsynaptic neuron,
00:58:26.720 | and the other was what I called volumetric release
00:58:28.760 | where it is distributed more broadly.
00:58:31.000 | It's released out over a bunch of neurons.
00:58:35.240 | In both cases, it's released from these things
00:58:37.960 | we call synaptic vesicles, literally little bubbles,
00:58:40.800 | tiny, tiny little bubbles that contain dopamine.
00:58:43.760 | They get vomited out into the area or into the synapse.
00:58:47.580 | Well, those vesicles get depleted.
00:58:50.680 | For the synaptic physiologists out there,
00:58:54.400 | we call this the readily releasable pool of dopamine.
00:58:58.900 | We can only deploy dopamine that is ready to be deployed,
00:59:03.080 | that's packaged in those little vesicles
00:59:04.720 | and ready to go.
00:59:05.560 | It's like when you order a product
00:59:07.240 | and they say out of stock until two months from now,
00:59:10.520 | well, it's not ready to be released.
00:59:12.320 | Same thing with dopamine.
00:59:13.220 | There's a pool of dopamine that's synthesized,
00:59:16.420 | and you can only release the dopamine
00:59:20.000 | that's been synthesized.
00:59:20.920 | It's the readily releasable pool.
00:59:22.820 | The pleasure pain balance doesn't only hinge
00:59:27.000 | on the readily releasable pool of dopamine,
00:59:29.400 | but a big part of the pleasure pain balance
00:59:33.160 | hinges on how much dopamine is there
00:59:36.620 | and how much is ready and capable
00:59:38.680 | of being released into the system.
00:59:40.320 | So now we've given some meat to this thing
00:59:44.960 | that we call the pleasure pain balance.
00:59:47.240 | And now it should make perfect sense
00:59:49.680 | why if you take something or do something
00:59:52.620 | that leads to huge increases in dopamine,
00:59:55.760 | afterward, your baseline should drop
00:59:58.220 | because there isn't a lot of dopamine around
01:00:00.960 | to keep your baseline going.
01:00:03.460 | Fortunately, most people do not experience
01:00:07.260 | or pursue enormous increases in dopamine
01:00:10.140 | leading to these severe drops in baseline.
01:00:12.360 | Many people do, however, and that's what we call addiction.
01:00:17.880 | When somebody pursues a drug or an activity
01:00:20.400 | that leads to huge increases in dopamine,
01:00:22.820 | and now you understand that afterward,
01:00:24.320 | the baseline of dopamine drops
01:00:26.780 | because of depletion of dopamine,
01:00:28.660 | the readily releasable pool,
01:00:30.520 | the dopamine is literally not around to be released,
01:00:33.320 | and so people feel pretty lousy.
01:00:35.640 | And many people make the mistake
01:00:37.520 | of then going and pursuing the dopamine evoking,
01:00:41.040 | the dopamine releasing activity or substance.
01:00:43.240 | Again, thinking mistakenly
01:00:46.300 | that it's going to bring up their baseline.
01:00:48.080 | It's going to give them that peak again.
01:00:50.340 | Not only does it not give them a peak,
01:00:52.020 | their baseline gets lower and lower
01:00:54.200 | because they're depleting dopamine more and more and more.
01:00:57.280 | And we've seen this over and over again
01:00:59.480 | when people get addicted to something,
01:01:01.640 | then they're not achieving much pleasure at all.
01:01:04.380 | You can even see this with video games.
01:01:08.240 | People will play a video game, they love it,
01:01:10.940 | it's super exciting to them,
01:01:12.580 | and then they'll keep playing and playing and playing,
01:01:15.200 | and either one of two things happens, typically both.
01:01:19.540 | First of all, I always say addiction
01:01:22.360 | is a progressive narrowing
01:01:23.720 | of the things that bring you pleasure.
01:01:25.120 | So oftentimes what will happen is
01:01:26.620 | the person only has excitement and can achieve dopamine
01:01:30.080 | release to the same extent doing that behavior
01:01:33.700 | and not other behaviors.
01:01:35.140 | And so they start losing interest in school,
01:01:37.560 | they start losing interest in relationships,
01:01:39.900 | they start losing interest in fitness and wellbeing
01:01:42.300 | and depletes their life.
01:01:44.980 | And eventually what typically happens
01:01:47.460 | is they will stop getting dopamine release
01:01:50.220 | from that activity as well,
01:01:52.260 | and then they drop into a pretty serious depression.
01:01:55.120 | And this can get very severe and people have committed
01:01:57.320 | suicide from these sorts of patterns of activity.
01:02:01.680 | But what about the more typical scenario?
01:02:04.200 | What about the scenario of somebody
01:02:06.640 | who is really good at working during the week,
01:02:10.080 | they exercise during the week, they drink on the weekends?
01:02:13.680 | Well, that person is only consuming alcohol
01:02:16.200 | maybe one or two nights a week,
01:02:17.980 | but oftentimes that same person
01:02:20.640 | will be spiking their dopamine
01:02:23.280 | with food during the middle of the week.
01:02:25.360 | Now we all have to eat
01:02:26.480 | and it's nice to eat foods that we enjoy.
01:02:28.280 | I certainly do that.
01:02:29.440 | I love food in fact,
01:02:31.380 | but let's say they're eating foods
01:02:34.300 | that really evoke a lot of dopamine release
01:02:36.180 | in the middle of the week,
01:02:37.160 | they're drinking one or two days on the weekend,
01:02:39.760 | they are one of these work hard, play hard types.
01:02:42.560 | So they're swimming a couple miles in the ocean
01:02:45.320 | in the middle of the week as well.
01:02:48.140 | They're going out dancing once on the weekend,
01:02:49.920 | sounds like a pretty balanced life as I describe it.
01:02:53.360 | Well, here's the problem.
01:02:55.180 | The problem is that dopamine
01:02:59.200 | is not just evoked by one of these activities,
01:03:01.520 | dopamine is evoked by all of these activities.
01:03:04.280 | And dopamine is one currency of craving motivation
01:03:08.900 | and desire and pleasure.
01:03:11.240 | There's only one currency.
01:03:13.480 | So even though if you look at the activities,
01:03:16.760 | you'd say, well, it's just on the weekends
01:03:18.480 | or this thing is only a couple of times a week.
01:03:21.340 | If you looked at dopamine simply as a function,
01:03:23.840 | as a chemical function of peaks and baseline,
01:03:26.940 | it might make sense why this person,
01:03:28.480 | after several years of work hard, play hard,
01:03:31.460 | would say, yeah, you know, I'm feeling kind of burnt out.
01:03:34.120 | I'm just not feeling like I have the same energy
01:03:35.840 | that I did a few years ago.
01:03:37.360 | And of course there are age-related reasons
01:03:39.280 | why people can experience drops in energy,
01:03:42.400 | but oftentimes what's happening
01:03:45.200 | is not some sort of depletion in cellular metabolism
01:03:48.100 | that's related to aging.
01:03:49.080 | What's happening is they're spiking their dopamine
01:03:51.420 | through so many different activities throughout the week
01:03:54.760 | that their baseline is progressively dropping.
01:03:57.200 | And in this case, it can be very subtle.
01:03:59.540 | It can be very, very subtle.
01:04:00.880 | And that's actually a very sinister function of dopamine,
01:04:05.880 | we could say, which is that it can often drop
01:04:08.840 | in imperceptible ways,
01:04:10.740 | but then once it reaches a threshold of low dopamine,
01:04:15.360 | we just feel like, hmm,
01:04:16.480 | we can't really get pleasure from anything anymore.
01:04:18.600 | What used to work doesn't work anymore.
01:04:20.460 | So it starts to look a lot like the more severe addictions
01:04:23.100 | or the more acute addictions
01:04:25.000 | to things like cocaine and amphetamine,
01:04:26.620 | which lead to these big increases,
01:04:28.380 | these big spikes in dopamine,
01:04:29.620 | and then these very severe drops in the baseline.
01:04:33.380 | Now, of course, we all should engage in activities
01:04:36.980 | that we enjoy.
01:04:38.240 | I certainly do, everybody should.
01:04:39.820 | A huge part of life is pursuing activities
01:04:42.160 | and things that we enjoy.
01:04:44.680 | The key thing is to understand this relationship
01:04:47.240 | between the peaks and the baseline
01:04:48.640 | and to understand how they influence one another.
01:04:50.920 | Because once you do that,
01:04:52.300 | you can start to make really good choices in the short run
01:04:55.320 | and in the long run
01:04:56.500 | to maintain your level of dopamine baseline,
01:04:59.860 | maybe even raise that level of dopamine baseline,
01:05:02.880 | and still get those peaks
01:05:04.760 | and still achieve those feelings of elevated motivation,
01:05:08.480 | elevated desire and craving.
01:05:10.000 | Because again, those peaks
01:05:12.840 | and having a sufficiently healthy high level
01:05:16.280 | of dopamine baseline
01:05:17.720 | are what drove the evolution of our species.
01:05:19.380 | And they're really what drive the evolution
01:05:20.740 | of anyone's life progression too.
01:05:22.760 | So they're a good thing.
01:05:23.600 | Dopamine is a good thing.
01:05:25.380 | Just very briefly,
01:05:26.220 | because it was also covered in the interview episode
01:05:28.800 | I did with Anna Lemke about addiction.
01:05:32.480 | Some of you might be asking,
01:05:34.160 | what should I do if I experience a drop
01:05:36.600 | in my baseline level of dopamine
01:05:38.820 | because of engagement with some activity
01:05:41.600 | or some substance that led to big peaks?
01:05:44.080 | Just to put some color and example on this,
01:05:48.120 | a few episodes ago,
01:05:49.080 | I talked about a friend who I've known a long time.
01:05:52.360 | So actually the child of a friend
01:05:53.920 | who has basically become addicted to video games.
01:05:57.520 | He decided actually after seeing that episode with Anna
01:06:00.200 | to do a 30 day complete fast from phone,
01:06:04.400 | from video games and from social media of all kinds.
01:06:07.400 | He's now at day 29.
01:06:08.880 | He's really accomplished this.
01:06:11.000 | Not incidentally, his levels of concentration,
01:06:13.400 | his overall mood are up.
01:06:14.520 | He's doing far, far better.
01:06:16.880 | What he did is hard.
01:06:18.080 | In particular, the first 14 days is really hard.
01:06:20.600 | But the way that you replenish the releasable pool
01:06:23.920 | of dopamine is to not engage
01:06:25.880 | in these dopaminergic seeking behaviors.
01:06:29.080 | Because remember, typically people arrive at a place
01:06:31.840 | where they want to stop engaging in these behaviors
01:06:34.080 | or ingesting substances when that dopamine is depleted,
01:06:37.120 | when they're not getting the same lift.
01:06:38.660 | In his case, he was feeling depressed.
01:06:40.240 | He thought he had ADHD.
01:06:41.520 | They were starting to treat it as ADHD.
01:06:44.420 | And certainly there are people out there who have ADHD,
01:06:47.160 | but what he found was that his levels
01:06:48.640 | of concentration are back.
01:06:49.680 | He does not need to be treated for ADHD.
01:06:52.680 | And actually the psychiatrist wondered if he did prior
01:06:55.100 | to this video game social media fast.
01:06:58.000 | He's feeling good.
01:06:58.880 | He's exercising again, not making this up.
01:07:01.560 | This is really a very specific,
01:07:04.880 | but very relevant example of how the dopamine system
01:07:08.440 | can replenish itself.
01:07:10.640 | Of course, if there's a clinical need for ADHD treatment,
01:07:13.180 | by all means, pursue that.
01:07:14.700 | But I think a lot of ADHD does go misdiagnosed
01:07:19.320 | because of this depletion in dopamine that occurs
01:07:21.900 | because of overindulgence and other activities
01:07:23.980 | in the drop in baseline.
01:07:25.640 | So for anyone that's experienced a real drop in baseline
01:07:28.720 | who has addictive tendencies,
01:07:31.180 | whether or not their behaviors are substances,
01:07:32.840 | that is always going to be the path forward,
01:07:36.980 | is going to be either cold Turkey
01:07:38.880 | or through some sort of tapering to limit interactions
01:07:42.780 | with what would otherwise be the dopamine evoking behavior
01:07:46.400 | or substance.
01:07:47.400 | So let's talk about the optimal way to engage in activities
01:07:51.920 | or to consume things that evoke dopamine.
01:07:55.680 | And by no means am I encouraging people
01:07:57.300 | to take drugs of abuse.
01:07:58.360 | I would not do that.
01:07:59.280 | I am not doing that.
01:08:00.540 | But some of the things on these lists
01:08:03.180 | of dopamine evoking activities are things like chocolate,
01:08:07.160 | coffee, even if it's indirect, sex and reproduction,
01:08:11.960 | provided it's healthy, consensual, context appropriate,
01:08:15.080 | age appropriate, species appropriate, of course,
01:08:17.440 | is central to our evolution and progression as a species.
01:08:21.800 | So certain things like cocaine, amphetamine,
01:08:24.760 | I will put in the classification of bad.
01:08:26.880 | I'm willing to do that.
01:08:27.720 | And other things are part of life, food, exercise.
01:08:31.200 | If that evokes your dopamine,
01:08:32.560 | how are we supposed to engage
01:08:33.840 | with these dopamine evoking activities in ways
01:08:37.000 | that are healthy and beneficial for us?
01:08:38.520 | How do we achieve these peaks,
01:08:40.240 | which are so central to our wellbeing and experience of life
01:08:43.020 | without dropping our baseline?
01:08:45.040 | And the key lies in intermittent release of dopamine.
01:08:50.040 | The real key is to not expect or chase high levels
01:08:55.260 | of dopamine release every time we engage
01:08:58.760 | in these activities.
01:09:01.840 | Intermittent reward schedules are the central schedule
01:09:05.160 | by which casinos keep you gambling,
01:09:08.800 | the central schedule by which elusive partners
01:09:12.360 | or potential partners keep you texting and pursuing
01:09:15.200 | on either side of the relationship.
01:09:18.680 | Intermittent schedules are the way that the internet
01:09:22.040 | and social media and all highly engaging activities
01:09:27.040 | keep you motivated and pursuing.
01:09:31.400 | And we can take this back
01:09:32.720 | to our evolutionary adaptive scenario,
01:09:36.260 | where you are out there looking for water,
01:09:38.360 | looking for food, not every trail, not every pursuit,
01:09:42.820 | not every hunch about where the animals will be,
01:09:46.640 | where the food will be, where the berries will be,
01:09:49.800 | not every single one of those played out.
01:09:51.860 | There's something called dopamine reward prediction error.
01:09:56.560 | When we expect something to happen,
01:09:58.880 | we are highly motivated to pursue it.
01:10:01.500 | If it happens, great, we get the reward.
01:10:04.720 | The reward comes in various chemical forms,
01:10:06.640 | including dopamine, and we are more likely to engage
01:10:09.480 | in that behavior again.
01:10:11.020 | This is the basis of casino gambling.
01:10:13.560 | This is how they keep you going back again and again
01:10:15.480 | and again, even though on average, the house really does win.
01:10:19.060 | You can transplant that example
01:10:22.440 | to any number of different pleasureful activities.
01:10:24.660 | If you're not a gambler and that doesn't appeal to you,
01:10:27.140 | I have to imagine there's something that appeals to you,
01:10:29.340 | something that you do repeatedly because you enjoy it.
01:10:31.940 | And almost inevitably it's because
01:10:34.220 | there's an intermittent schedule.
01:10:36.160 | There's a intermittent schedule by which dopamine
01:10:40.000 | sometimes arrives, sometimes a little bit,
01:10:42.100 | sometimes a lot, sometimes a medium amount, okay?
01:10:45.860 | That intermittent reinforcement schedule
01:10:48.200 | is actually the best schedule to export to other activities.
01:10:53.200 | How do you do that?
01:10:54.940 | Well, first of all, if you are engaged in activities,
01:10:59.480 | school, sport, relationship, et cetera,
01:11:01.760 | where you experience a win,
01:11:04.120 | you should be very careful about allowing yourself
01:11:06.820 | to experience huge peaks in dopamine,
01:11:09.120 | unless you're willing to suffer the crash that follows
01:11:12.520 | and waiting a period of time for it to come back up.
01:11:17.060 | What would this look like in the practical sense?
01:11:18.960 | Well, let's say you are somebody
01:11:20.200 | who really does enjoy exercise,
01:11:22.360 | or let's say you're somebody who kind of likes exercise,
01:11:24.640 | but forces yourself to do it,
01:11:26.280 | but you make it pleasureful by giving yourself
01:11:28.520 | your favorite cup of coffee first,
01:11:30.460 | or maybe taking a pre-workout drink,
01:11:32.520 | or taking an energy drink,
01:11:34.120 | or listening to your favorite music,
01:11:35.640 | and then you're in the gym and you're listening to your music
01:11:37.440 | that all sounds great, right?
01:11:39.080 | Well, it is great, except that by layering together
01:11:42.260 | all these things to try and achieve that dopamine release,
01:11:44.800 | and by getting a big peak in dopamine,
01:11:46.780 | you're actually increasing the number of conditions required
01:11:50.920 | to achieve pleasure from that activity again.
01:11:53.560 | And so there is a form of this
01:11:55.800 | where sometimes you do all the things that you love
01:11:58.200 | to get the optimal workout.
01:11:59.360 | You listen to your favorite music,
01:12:00.860 | you go at your favorite time of day,
01:12:02.600 | you have your pre-workout drink if that's your thing,
01:12:04.520 | you do all the things that give you that best experience
01:12:08.280 | of the workout for you.
01:12:09.860 | But there's also a version of this
01:12:12.620 | where sometimes you don't do
01:12:14.960 | the dopamine enhancing activities.
01:12:17.180 | You don't ingest anything to increase your dopamine.
01:12:19.840 | You just do the exercise.
01:12:22.800 | You don't do the exercise and expect dopamine to arrive
01:12:27.380 | through some what we call exogenous source as well.
01:12:30.520 | You might think, well, that sounds lame.
01:12:31.880 | I want to continue to enjoy exercising.
01:12:35.000 | Ah, but that's exactly the point.
01:12:36.840 | If you want to maintain motivation for school,
01:12:39.960 | exercise, relationships, or pursuits of any duration in kind,
01:12:44.120 | the key thing is to make sure that the peak in dopamine,
01:12:47.720 | if it's very high, doesn't occur too often.
01:12:51.280 | And if something does occur very often,
01:12:54.380 | that you vary how much dopamine you experience
01:12:56.840 | with each engagement in that activity.
01:13:00.260 | Now, some activities naturally have
01:13:02.500 | this intermittent property woven into them, right?
01:13:05.240 | We sometimes have classes that we like
01:13:07.920 | and other classes we don't like.
01:13:09.360 | We don't always get straight A's.
01:13:11.360 | Sometimes we don't get rewarded
01:13:13.000 | with the outcome that we would like.
01:13:14.720 | We don't always have the perfect relationship outcome,
01:13:18.000 | but understand that your ability to experience
01:13:20.640 | motivation and pleasure for what comes next
01:13:23.520 | is dictated by how much motivation and pleasure
01:13:25.960 | and dopamine you experienced prior.
01:13:28.260 | The reason I can't give a very specific protocol
01:13:32.420 | like delete dopamine or lower dopamine every third time
01:13:36.020 | is that that wouldn't be intermittent.
01:13:38.200 | The whole basis of intermittent reinforcement
01:13:40.680 | is that you don't really have a specific schedule
01:13:44.460 | of when dopamine is going to be high
01:13:46.560 | and when dopamine is going to be low
01:13:48.020 | and when dopamine is going to be medium.
01:13:49.840 | That's a predictable schedule,
01:13:51.320 | not a random intermittent schedule.
01:13:53.920 | So do like the casinos do, certainly works for them.
01:13:57.200 | And for activities that you would like to continue
01:14:00.000 | to engage in over time, whatever those happen to be,
01:14:03.960 | start paying attention to the amount of dopamine
01:14:07.120 | and excitement and pleasure that you achieve with those
01:14:09.320 | and start modulating that somewhat at random.
01:14:11.980 | That might be removing some of the dopamine
01:14:15.040 | releasing chemicals that you might take prior.
01:14:18.100 | Maybe you remove them every time,
01:14:21.020 | but then every once in a while you introduce them.
01:14:23.540 | Maybe it involves sometimes doing things socially
01:14:27.460 | that you enjoy doing socially,
01:14:28.580 | sometimes doing the same thing, but alone.
01:14:30.780 | There are a lot of different ways to do this.
01:14:34.180 | There are a lot of different ways to approach this,
01:14:36.240 | but now knowing what you know about peaks
01:14:38.860 | and baselines in dopamine and understanding
01:14:41.660 | how important it is not just to achieve peaks,
01:14:43.940 | but to maintain that baseline at a healthy level,
01:14:46.380 | it should be straightforward for you to implement
01:14:48.500 | these intermittent schedules.
01:14:49.980 | For those of you that are begging for more specificity,
01:14:54.320 | we can give you a tool.
01:14:55.740 | One would be you can flip a coin before engaging
01:14:59.240 | in any of these types of activities and decide whether
01:15:01.820 | or not you are going to allow other dopamine supportive
01:15:06.300 | elements to go, for instance, into the gym with you.
01:15:09.540 | Are you going to listen to music or not?
01:15:10.980 | If you enjoy listening to music, well then flip a coin.
01:15:13.620 | And if it comes up heads, bring the music in.
01:15:15.400 | If it comes up tails, don't, okay?
01:15:17.820 | Sounds like you're undercutting your own progress,
01:15:19.940 | but actually you are serving your own progress,
01:15:23.040 | both short-term and long-term by doing that.
01:15:25.740 | Now, the smartphone is a very interesting tool
01:15:29.020 | for dopamine in light of all this.
01:15:30.980 | It's extremely common nowadays to see people texting
01:15:35.160 | and doing selfies and communicating in various ways,
01:15:39.180 | listening to podcasts, listening to music,
01:15:41.660 | doing all sorts of things while they engage
01:15:43.620 | in other activities or going to dinner and texting
01:15:45.760 | other people or making plans, sharing information.
01:15:48.800 | That's all wonderful.
01:15:49.640 | It gives depth and richness and color to life,
01:15:52.540 | but it isn't just about our distracted nature
01:15:56.900 | when we're engaging with the phone.
01:15:59.440 | It's also a way of layering in dopamine.
01:16:02.300 | And it's no surprise that levels of depression
01:16:06.660 | and lack of motivation are really on the increase.
01:16:11.180 | Everything that we've talked about until now sets up
01:16:15.420 | an explanation or an interpretation
01:16:17.540 | of why interacting with digital technology
01:16:21.220 | can potentially lead to disruptions
01:16:23.420 | or lowering in baseline levels of dopamine.
01:16:26.960 | I can use a personal example for this.
01:16:30.620 | I happen to really enjoy working out.
01:16:32.220 | I've always really enjoyed it.
01:16:33.900 | But in recent years, I noticed that if I was bringing
01:16:38.020 | my phone to my workouts,
01:16:39.780 | then not only was I a little bit more distracted
01:16:41.980 | and not focusing on what I was doing
01:16:43.580 | as much as I could have or should have,
01:16:45.800 | but also I started to lose interest in what I was doing.
01:16:49.380 | It wasn't as pleasureful.
01:16:50.820 | I would feel like it just didn't have the same kind of oomph
01:16:53.680 | and I was beginning to question my motivation.
01:16:55.980 | As I started learning more about this relationship
01:16:59.620 | between the peaks and the baselines and dopamine,
01:17:02.020 | what I realized was that some time ago,
01:17:04.380 | I probably experienced a incredible increase
01:17:07.560 | in the amount of dopamine during one of my workouts
01:17:09.900 | because I enjoy working out and I enjoy listening to music.
01:17:13.760 | I also enjoy listening to podcasts.
01:17:15.280 | I also enjoy communicating with people.
01:17:17.360 | Those are all wonderful pursuits,
01:17:18.700 | but I had layered in too many of them too many times.
01:17:22.540 | And then it essentially wasn't working for me anymore,
01:17:25.940 | much in the same way a drug wouldn't work for somebody
01:17:28.140 | who takes it repeatedly
01:17:29.060 | because their baseline of dopamine is dropping.
01:17:31.520 | So at least for this calendar year,
01:17:33.860 | I've made a rule for myself,
01:17:35.380 | which is I don't allow my phone into my workouts at all.
01:17:40.380 | No music, at least not from the phone.
01:17:42.580 | It can be in the room.
01:17:43.640 | I might listen to a podcast in the room,
01:17:46.920 | but I don't listen to anything
01:17:49.060 | or engage in anything on my phone, no texting whatsoever.
01:17:51.460 | And most of the time,
01:17:52.300 | I just don't even bring it with me for that period of time.
01:17:54.480 | It's only a short period of time.
01:17:56.340 | I'm not training that often.
01:17:58.000 | This is something that I think has been misinterpreted
01:18:03.940 | as people can't be alone now.
01:18:06.380 | People talk about, oh, you know,
01:18:07.880 | they can't walk across the street
01:18:10.180 | or they can't go anywhere, ride the bus,
01:18:13.320 | can't be on the plane without being in contact.
01:18:15.720 | They can't handle just their thoughts.
01:18:17.380 | I don't think that's really what's going on.
01:18:19.120 | I think what's happened is
01:18:20.760 | that we achieved the great dopamine increase
01:18:23.780 | that comes from this incredible thing,
01:18:25.520 | which I personally enjoy being able to communicate
01:18:28.620 | by phone, by text and exchange pictures
01:18:30.700 | and send links and these kinds of things, social media.
01:18:33.500 | But then what happens is it doesn't have
01:18:36.220 | that same fulfilling aspect to it.
01:18:38.620 | And it tends to remove the excitement
01:18:41.260 | and the pleasure of the very activities
01:18:42.960 | that we are engaged in.
01:18:44.640 | So I know this is a hard one for many people,
01:18:46.860 | but I do invite you to try
01:18:49.140 | removing multiple sources of dopamine release,
01:18:52.820 | or what used to be multiple sources of dopamine release
01:18:56.100 | from activities that you want to continue to enjoy
01:18:58.940 | or that you want to enjoy more.
01:19:00.820 | And now you understand the biological mechanisms
01:19:03.000 | that would underlie a statement like that.
01:19:05.740 | It takes a little bit of working with.
01:19:07.820 | I know it can be challenging in the first week or so
01:19:10.800 | of not engaging with the phone during any kind of workout.
01:19:14.140 | That actually was really tough.
01:19:16.020 | But now I'm back to a place where I enjoy it that much more.
01:19:18.960 | I also feel as if I conquered something
01:19:20.540 | in terms of the circuitry related to dopamine.
01:19:23.300 | I now understand why something that I enjoyed so much
01:19:26.740 | had become less pleasureful for me.
01:19:29.420 | And there's a deep, deep satisfaction
01:19:31.560 | that comes from understanding,
01:19:32.540 | okay, there wasn't anything wrong with me
01:19:34.640 | or what I was doing or anything at all.
01:19:38.440 | It was just,
01:19:39.440 | there was something wrong with the approach I was taking,
01:19:41.360 | which was layering in all these sources of dopamine
01:19:43.660 | and dropping my baseline.
01:19:45.240 | For this very same reason,
01:19:46.600 | I caution people against using stimulants
01:19:49.660 | every time they study or every time they work out
01:19:54.660 | or every time that they do anything
01:19:57.380 | that they would like to continue to enjoy
01:19:59.040 | and be motivated at.
01:20:00.900 | There's one exception, which is caffeine,
01:20:02.660 | because I mentioned before, if you like caffeine,
01:20:06.680 | that actually could be a good thing for your dopamine system
01:20:08.660 | because it does upregulate these D2, D3 receptors.
01:20:11.740 | So it actually makes whatever dopamine is released
01:20:14.600 | by that activity more accessible or more functional
01:20:18.340 | within the biochemistry and the pathways
01:20:20.900 | of your brain and body.
01:20:22.060 | However, a number of energy drinks
01:20:25.900 | and in particular pre-workouts contain things
01:20:28.420 | that are precursors to dopamine.
01:20:30.580 | And on their own, even if you didn't engage in the activity,
01:20:33.820 | would cause the release of dopamine to a substantial degree.
01:20:36.720 | They do cause the release of dopamine
01:20:38.460 | to a substantial degree.
01:20:40.060 | And over time, that will deplete your dopamine.
01:20:44.080 | So energy drinks, pre-workout drinks,
01:20:48.300 | drugs of various kinds that people take to study
01:20:51.280 | and pay attention.
01:20:52.120 | We talked about some of these for the ADHD episode,
01:20:54.060 | things like Adderall, Ritalin, Armadafinil, Modafinil.
01:20:58.300 | Taken repeatedly over time
01:21:00.580 | will reduce the level of satisfaction and joy
01:21:03.640 | that you get from the activities you engage in
01:21:05.940 | while under the influence of those compounds.
01:21:10.060 | I'm not trying to demonize those compounds
01:21:11.820 | for their clinical use.
01:21:13.020 | What I'm saying is taking stimulants
01:21:14.860 | and then engaging in activities
01:21:16.620 | that you would like to continue to feel pleasureful
01:21:19.220 | is undercutting the process.
01:21:20.920 | And inevitably, it might not happen tomorrow,
01:21:23.660 | might not happen in a month,
01:21:24.900 | but inevitably you will have challenges
01:21:27.140 | with motivation and drive related to those activities.
01:21:30.500 | Now, some people can keep it right in check.
01:21:32.260 | They can just do the one can of the energy drink
01:21:34.760 | or they only do their pre-workout
01:21:36.860 | before really hard days, for instance.
01:21:39.940 | More power to you.
01:21:41.040 | I actually do that sometimes, frankly.
01:21:44.780 | But people who are trying to get into that peak,
01:21:47.460 | super motivated, driven, driven state,
01:21:49.680 | really focused every time they engage in an activity,
01:21:52.900 | you are absolutely undercutting the process
01:21:55.220 | and you are undermining your ability to stay motivated
01:21:57.780 | and focused.
01:21:58.900 | So just as we talked about intermittent reward schedules
01:22:02.940 | a moment ago, intermittent spiking of dopamine,
01:22:07.160 | if you do it at all, is definitely the way to go.
01:22:10.260 | And chronically trying to spike your dopamine
01:22:12.980 | in order to enhance your motivation, focus, and drive
01:22:15.900 | will absolutely undermine your motivation, focus, and drive
01:22:19.380 | in the long run.
01:22:20.460 | Ingestion of caffeine is somewhat of an exception
01:22:24.780 | among the other examples of things I've mentioned
01:22:27.420 | to avoid before what would otherwise be
01:22:30.220 | dopamine-increasing activities.
01:22:32.260 | Because again, caffeine can increase the density
01:22:37.260 | and the efficacy of these dopamine receptors.
01:22:40.280 | Turns out that the source of caffeine could also matter.
01:22:45.140 | While coffee or tea or other forms of caffeine
01:22:48.860 | will have this effect of increasing dopamine receptors.
01:22:52.660 | Yerba mate, something I've talked about before
01:22:55.380 | on this podcast, has some interesting properties.
01:22:58.180 | First of all, it contains caffeine.
01:22:59.900 | It's also high in antioxidants.
01:23:02.000 | It also contains something called GLP-1,
01:23:04.640 | which is favorable for management of blood sugar levels.
01:23:07.780 | Yerba mate, it turns out, has also been shown
01:23:12.980 | to be neuroprotective specifically for dopaminergic neurons.
01:23:17.940 | Now I should mention this is just a couple of studies,
01:23:20.100 | so we don't want to conclude too much from these studies.
01:23:23.020 | More needs to be done.
01:23:24.460 | But they showed that in a model of damage
01:23:27.780 | to dopamine neurons, ingestion of yerba mate
01:23:31.100 | and some of the compounds within yerba mate
01:23:33.300 | can actually serve to preserve the survival
01:23:35.780 | of dopamine neurons in both the movement-related pathway
01:23:39.100 | and the motivation pathway.
01:23:41.240 | So perhaps you need that incentive
01:23:44.100 | in order to ingest yerba mate tea.
01:23:46.140 | Perhaps you don't need any incentive.
01:23:48.220 | In my case, I don't need any incentive.
01:23:49.740 | I already enjoy yerba mate as my principal source of caffeine
01:23:53.220 | although I do drink coffee as well.
01:23:55.100 | But if one were going to consume caffeine,
01:23:57.860 | you might consider consuming that caffeine
01:24:00.140 | in the form of yerba mate,
01:24:01.980 | both for sake of upregulating dopamine receptors
01:24:05.040 | and getting more of a dopamine increase.
01:24:07.800 | And of course, for the stimulant properties of caffeine,
01:24:10.380 | if that's what you're seeking.
01:24:12.520 | And in addition to that,
01:24:13.980 | because yerba mate does appear to have
01:24:16.780 | some sort of neuroprotective
01:24:18.500 | and in particular dopamine neuron protective properties.
01:24:22.100 | Now that doesn't mean that caffeine is always beneficial.
01:24:24.540 | And actually there's one instance related to dopamine
01:24:27.540 | where caffeine can be particularly dangerous.
01:24:30.740 | This relates to MDMA, so-called ecstasy.
01:24:33.340 | MDMA is under investigation in various clinical trials
01:24:37.460 | for its potential to treat trauma and depression.
01:24:40.320 | It's also of course a drug that's used recreationally.
01:24:44.760 | It's still illegal, at least in the United States.
01:24:48.320 | Whether or not MDMA is neurotoxic
01:24:52.600 | has been very controversial.
01:24:53.820 | Early on, it was thought that it is neurotoxic,
01:24:56.240 | that it can destroy serotonergic neurons.
01:24:58.880 | There were other papers that came out
01:25:01.680 | which argued that's not the case.
01:25:04.520 | And that's in particular because one of the early papers
01:25:07.640 | published in Science Magazine
01:25:09.160 | claiming that MDMA was neurotoxic.
01:25:12.220 | That paper was retracted.
01:25:14.700 | It turns out that that study had mistakenly used
01:25:17.860 | methamphetamine instead,
01:25:19.500 | and methamphetamine is known to be neurotoxic.
01:25:21.880 | I think most of the data point to the idea
01:25:25.420 | that MDMA might not be neurotoxic, but in any case,
01:25:29.980 | caffeine has been shown to increase
01:25:32.260 | the toxicity of MDMA receptors.
01:25:34.580 | And you might say, well, how could that be?
01:25:36.420 | Well, now you understand why that could be.
01:25:39.420 | Caffeine increases the density and efficacy
01:25:42.460 | of these dopamine receptors, the D2 and D3 receptors.
01:25:45.260 | MDMA is a potent drug for increasing concentrations
01:25:50.260 | of dopamine as well as serotonin and other neuromodulators.
01:25:53.820 | And it appears that caffeine ingestion
01:25:56.100 | by upregulating these receptors
01:25:58.240 | can lead to more toxicity of MDMA.
01:26:02.420 | So caffeine can be a beneficial substance in one context
01:26:06.740 | and actually can be a detrimental
01:26:08.820 | if not dangerous substance in another context.
01:26:11.940 | Two substances that greatly increase dopamine,
01:26:14.660 | namely amphetamine and cocaine,
01:26:17.600 | can cause long-term problems with the dopaminergic pathways.
01:26:22.560 | And this is largely based on a study
01:26:24.800 | that was published some years ago, 2003,
01:26:27.840 | but still holds a lot of merit.
01:26:29.820 | This is a paper published
01:26:30.980 | in "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,"
01:26:33.240 | a very high tier, stringent journal.
01:26:36.940 | First author is Kolb, K-O-L-B.
01:26:38.900 | And the title of the paper pretty much tells the story.
01:26:42.400 | Amphetamine or cocaine limits the ability
01:26:45.120 | of later experience to promote structural plasticity
01:26:47.860 | in the neocortex and nucleus accumbens.
01:26:49.420 | Neocortex is the outer shell of the brain, more or less,
01:26:54.080 | and the nucleus accumbens is part
01:26:55.740 | of that mesolimbic dopamine pathway
01:26:58.500 | for motivation, drive, and reinforcement.
01:27:01.420 | Neuroplasticity, of course,
01:27:02.700 | is the brain's ability to change
01:27:04.180 | in response to experience,
01:27:05.220 | and neuroplasticity is the basis of learning
01:27:08.580 | and memory and essentially remodeling
01:27:12.140 | of our neural circuitry in positive ways of all kinds.
01:27:15.420 | And this study was really one of the first to show
01:27:18.780 | that ingesting amphetamine and cocaine
01:27:21.740 | because of the high peak in dopamine that it creates
01:27:26.140 | and the low dopamine state,
01:27:27.980 | the baseline drop that it creates afterwards,
01:27:31.740 | limits plasticity and learning subsequent
01:27:34.200 | to taking amphetamine and cocaine.
01:27:36.340 | It was, at least in this study,
01:27:38.500 | shown to be a long-lasting effect.
01:27:40.340 | I doubt it's a permanent effect,
01:27:41.860 | but this should serve as a serious cautionary note
01:27:45.260 | that amphetamine and cocaine not only can cause
01:27:48.260 | a drop in baseline dopamine,
01:27:49.620 | but can actually put the brain into a state
01:27:51.940 | in which it cannot learn and modify itself to get better,
01:27:55.280 | at least for some period of time.
01:27:57.300 | In a previous episode on ADHD,
01:28:00.220 | I talked about the widespread use of drugs
01:28:02.740 | like Adderall, Ritalin, modafinil, and armodafinil,
01:28:05.340 | all of which lead to very large increases in dopamine
01:28:07.860 | and for people with ADHD can really improve their symptoms.
01:28:12.700 | But of course, there's a lot of non-prescription,
01:28:15.300 | non-clinical use of those compounds as well.
01:28:17.980 | And it stands to reason that the use of those substances
01:28:21.220 | to increase dopamine could very well provide
01:28:24.980 | the same sort of blockade of neuroplasticity
01:28:27.140 | that cocaine and amphetamine do,
01:28:28.620 | because when you look at the amount of dopamine increase
01:28:31.960 | that's triggered by those compounds, it's really comparable.
01:28:35.320 | So again, a cautionary note against spiking
01:28:38.640 | one's dopamine too much on a regular basis,
01:28:41.520 | unless there's a valid clinical need for doing that.
01:28:45.520 | So we've been focusing a lot for the last few minutes
01:28:48.160 | on the kind of darker side of dopamine
01:28:50.880 | and how getting big peaks in dopamine can be detrimental.
01:28:54.520 | But I want to acknowledge the truth,
01:28:56.460 | which is that dopamine feels great.
01:28:59.060 | Being in pursuit and motivated and craving things
01:29:01.840 | feels wonderful, and I don't want to demonize dopamine.
01:29:05.400 | What I'm trying to do today is to illustrate
01:29:07.440 | how dopamine works in your brain
01:29:09.260 | so that you can continue to engage
01:29:12.120 | in dopamine evoking activities.
01:29:15.780 | And certainly there is a place for ingesting things
01:29:18.500 | that can increase dopamine provided that they are safe for us
01:29:22.300 | in the short and long-term.
01:29:23.680 | There are activities that we can do
01:29:27.880 | that will give us healthy sustained increases in dopamine,
01:29:31.620 | both the peaks when they happen and to maintain
01:29:35.440 | or even increase our baseline levels of dopamine.
01:29:37.720 | So how do we do that?
01:29:39.120 | What are some of these activities?
01:29:41.000 | Well, in recent years, there's been a trend
01:29:44.360 | toward more people doing so-called cold exposure.
01:29:47.640 | In part, this was popularized by Wim Hof,
01:29:51.120 | the so-called Iceman, getting into cold showers,
01:29:53.960 | taking ice baths, exposing oneself to cold water
01:29:57.360 | of various kinds can in fact increase our levels
01:30:00.980 | of dopamine as well as the neuromodulator, neuronephrine.
01:30:04.300 | This is not a new phenomenon.
01:30:07.080 | In the 1920s, a guy by the name of Vincent Priznitz
01:30:12.040 | was one of the first people to popularize
01:30:14.580 | and formalize cold water therapies.
01:30:17.360 | He was an advocate of cold water exposure
01:30:20.600 | in order to boost the immune system
01:30:22.880 | and increase feelings of wellbeing.
01:30:24.560 | And actually this practice dates back
01:30:26.140 | long before Vincent's popularized it.
01:30:30.080 | And Wim Hof is the more recent iteration of this.
01:30:33.320 | First of all, some of the safety parameters.
01:30:35.220 | Let's establish those first.
01:30:36.600 | Getting into very, very cold water, you know,
01:30:38.800 | 30 degree Fahrenheit or even low 40 degree Fahrenheit
01:30:42.120 | can put somebody into a state of cold water shock.
01:30:44.640 | I mean, people can die doing that.
01:30:46.460 | So obviously you want to approach this with some caution,
01:30:49.560 | but for most people getting into 60 degree water
01:30:52.940 | or 50 degree water, or if you're acclimated
01:30:55.680 | and comfortable with it, you know,
01:30:57.780 | 40 degree water or 45 degree water
01:31:00.020 | can have tremendously beneficial results
01:31:03.300 | on your neuromodulator systems, including dopamine.
01:31:06.300 | What temperature of water you can tolerate will depend
01:31:10.700 | on how cold water adapted you are and how familiar you are
01:31:14.400 | with the experience of getting into cold water.
01:31:16.940 | And when I say comfortable with, I should mention,
01:31:19.840 | there is never a case in which getting into cold water
01:31:23.120 | does not evoke a release of epinephrine.
01:31:27.620 | So the quickening of the breath, the widening of the eyes,
01:31:29.840 | the feeling as if you can't catch your breath
01:31:32.880 | and even some physical pain at the level of the skin,
01:31:35.420 | that happens almost every time
01:31:37.260 | or every time that you get into cold water,
01:31:39.360 | even if you're cold water adapted.
01:31:41.140 | What almost everybody knows and understands is that
01:31:44.460 | that wall, as I like to refer to it, is coming.
01:31:47.020 | That's always the first experience
01:31:48.780 | of getting into cold water.
01:31:50.060 | There's no real way around that.
01:31:52.420 | Now, the study that I mentioned earlier,
01:31:55.340 | human physiological responses to immersion into water
01:31:58.300 | of different temperatures, really interesting study
01:32:00.520 | that was done and published in the University of,
01:32:03.540 | excuse me, the European Journal of Applied Physiology.
01:32:06.180 | I can provide a link to that study in the show caption.
01:32:09.700 | It's a really interesting study.
01:32:10.980 | They looked at people getting exposed to water
01:32:14.460 | that was warm, moderately cold or very cold.
01:32:16.780 | It was 32 degrees Celsius, 20 degrees Celsius
01:32:19.020 | or 14 degrees Celsius.
01:32:21.100 | You can just put those online and do the conversion
01:32:23.380 | or you can do the conversion to Fahrenheit if you like.
01:32:25.740 | But in any case, what they looked at were the concentrations
01:32:29.820 | of things like epinephrine and dopamine and so on.
01:32:34.120 | And what they found was really interesting.
01:32:36.340 | First of all, upon getting into cold water,
01:32:41.340 | the changes in adrenaline and noradrenaline,
01:32:46.580 | epinephrine and norepinephrine were immediate and fast
01:32:49.740 | and these were huge increases.
01:32:52.020 | So that's the getting into the cold water
01:32:53.820 | that everybody experiences,
01:32:55.160 | these huge increases in adrenaline.
01:32:57.300 | But then what was interesting is they observed
01:32:59.500 | that dopamine levels started to rise somewhat slowly
01:33:03.180 | and then continue to rise and reach levels
01:33:06.460 | as high as 2.5 times above baseline.
01:33:10.740 | That's a remarkably high increase.
01:33:12.760 | Remember, if we go back to our examples of chocolate, sex,
01:33:17.760 | a doubling above baseline, nicotine,
01:33:20.180 | 2.5 times above baseline, cocaine,
01:33:23.000 | the increase in dopamine from cold water exposure
01:33:27.060 | of this kind was comparable to what one sees from cocaine,
01:33:31.080 | except in this case, it wasn't a rise and crash.
01:33:36.080 | It was actually a sustained rise in dopamine
01:33:40.000 | that took a very long time, up to three hours
01:33:42.500 | to come back down to baseline, which is really remarkable.
01:33:46.060 | And I think this explains some of the positive mental
01:33:50.080 | and physical effects that people report subjectively
01:33:53.260 | after doing cold water exposure.
01:33:55.320 | One question that many of you are probably asking is
01:33:57.500 | just how cold should the water be?
01:33:59.940 | Well, you could mimic what was done in this study
01:34:01.660 | and do 14 degrees Celsius,
01:34:03.220 | but for some people that won't be cold enough,
01:34:05.280 | for some people that will be too cold.
01:34:07.580 | They did look at the release of stress hormones
01:34:10.060 | like cortisol in addition to the release
01:34:11.820 | of things like epinephrine and adrenaline.
01:34:13.940 | And it's interesting that they noted that in all cases,
01:34:17.280 | but especially at that coldest temperature,
01:34:19.180 | there was an increase in cortisol, but that it was transient
01:34:22.160 | that eventually people's cortisol,
01:34:24.080 | the stress hormone subsided a bit.
01:34:26.780 | There are basically two different approaches
01:34:28.740 | to remaining in the cold when it's uncomfortable.
01:34:31.700 | One is to try and relax yourself,
01:34:34.200 | to try and practice slow breathing,
01:34:36.780 | to try and dilate your gaze.
01:34:38.220 | I've talked about this before in previous podcasts,
01:34:40.060 | to go into panoramic vision,
01:34:41.180 | to essentially try and calm yourself
01:34:42.980 | so that it's not as stressful in the cold.
01:34:46.660 | Other people, however, take the approach
01:34:49.580 | of trying to ramp up their level
01:34:51.540 | of internal autonomic arousal,
01:34:53.780 | meaning to get really energized
01:34:55.700 | and kind of lean into the friction of the cold.
01:34:58.300 | And they find that easier.
01:34:59.740 | Other people distract themselves.
01:35:01.180 | They recite the alphabet or they do something,
01:35:04.100 | anything to try and distract themselves
01:35:06.100 | from the discomfort.
01:35:08.060 | To be totally honest,
01:35:09.060 | it does not matter for sake of dopamine release
01:35:12.020 | because the dopamine release is triggered
01:35:14.060 | and then continues even after you get out of the cold water.
01:35:17.900 | Now, in this study, it was long exposure to cold water.
01:35:22.380 | It was an hour.
01:35:23.960 | That's a long period of time.
01:35:25.580 | And I do warn you against getting into cold water
01:35:29.180 | that's so cold that it will make your temperature drop
01:35:32.160 | and make you hyperthermic for an hour.
01:35:33.780 | That actually could be dangerous for a lot of people.
01:35:35.500 | You might have a hard time reheating
01:35:36.940 | and hypothermia is not a good thing.
01:35:39.540 | They had people monitoring subjects in these studies
01:35:42.980 | and paying attention to their core body temperature.
01:35:45.220 | They were able to reheat them afterwards.
01:35:47.820 | It's well-established now that getting into cold water,
01:35:51.220 | whether or not it's a shower, an ice bath,
01:35:52.920 | circulating cold water, a stream, et cetera,
01:35:55.220 | that can evoke the norepinephrine release immediately
01:35:59.380 | and the long arc of that dopamine release.
01:36:01.580 | Why would that be good?
01:36:02.680 | Up until now, I've basically said
01:36:04.780 | getting increases in dopamine
01:36:06.940 | are detrimental to your baseline.
01:36:09.340 | Well, this does appear to raise the baseline of dopamine
01:36:12.380 | for substantial periods of time.
01:36:13.940 | And most people report feeling a heightened level
01:36:18.060 | of calm and focus after getting out of cold water.
01:36:22.060 | So cold water exposure turns out to be
01:36:23.660 | a very potent stimulus for shifting the entire milieu,
01:36:27.300 | the entire environment of our brain and body
01:36:30.520 | and allowing many people to feel much, much better
01:36:34.980 | for a substantial period of time
01:36:36.760 | after getting out of the ice bath or cold water of any kind
01:36:40.560 | than they did before.
01:36:42.140 | Now you might ask how often to do this.
01:36:44.340 | Some people do this every day.
01:36:45.980 | It can be very stimulating.
01:36:47.260 | So typically doing it early in the day,
01:36:49.980 | it's going to be better.
01:36:50.800 | I don't necessarily recommend doing it right before sleep,
01:36:53.700 | but some people do it in the afternoon
01:36:55.620 | and some people will indeed do that seven days a week.
01:36:58.500 | Other people, three days a week.
01:36:59.660 | Other people, every once in a while.
01:37:01.220 | What I can say is once you become cold water adapted,
01:37:05.300 | once it no longer has the same impact of novelty
01:37:09.120 | and feeling a bit like a,
01:37:10.900 | I don't want to say a shock to your system
01:37:12.220 | because you don't want to go into cold water shock,
01:37:13.760 | but once it is comfortable for you,
01:37:17.960 | then it will no longer evoke this release.
01:37:20.220 | There really does seem to be something in the pathway
01:37:22.340 | from cold water exposure through the norepinephrine pathway
01:37:25.460 | and into the mesolimbic brainstem
01:37:27.240 | that causes this release in dopamine.
01:37:29.360 | But nonetheless, it's a basically zero cost.
01:37:32.560 | I mean, you need access to water of some sort,
01:37:34.380 | cold water, shower, et cetera,
01:37:35.580 | but basically zero cost way of triggering
01:37:38.160 | a long lasting increase in dopamine
01:37:39.860 | without ingesting anything, no pharmacology whatsoever.
01:37:42.780 | Please again, approach it with safety and caution in mind,
01:37:46.000 | but it is a very potent stimulus.
01:37:47.920 | Again, 250% rise in baseline,
01:37:51.740 | two and a half times rise in baseline rivals that of cocaine,
01:37:55.100 | which is really remarkable.
01:37:56.760 | Now I'd like to talk about the positive aspects of rewards
01:37:59.580 | for our behavior and the negative aspects
01:38:01.860 | of rewards for our behavior.
01:38:03.020 | And from that, I will suggest a protocol
01:38:06.060 | by which you can achieve a better relationship
01:38:09.180 | to your activities and to your dopamine system.
01:38:12.060 | In fact, it will help tune up your dopamine system
01:38:14.500 | for discipline, hard work, and motivation.
01:38:18.260 | Hard work is hard.
01:38:22.580 | Generally, most people don't like working hard.
01:38:26.000 | Some people do, but most people work hard
01:38:29.020 | in order to achieve some end goal.
01:38:31.380 | End goals are terrific and rewards are terrific,
01:38:34.900 | whether or not they are monetary, social, or any kind.
01:38:39.820 | However, because of the way that dopamine relates
01:38:43.860 | to our perception of time, working hard at something
01:38:48.860 | for sake of a reward that comes afterward
01:38:52.300 | can make the hard work much more challenging
01:38:55.700 | and make us much less likely to lean into hard work
01:38:58.840 | in the future.
01:38:59.820 | Let me give you a couple examples
01:39:01.600 | by way of data and experiments.
01:39:03.840 | There's a classic experiment done actually at Stanford
01:39:07.620 | many years ago in which children in nursery school
01:39:11.980 | and kindergarten drew pictures.
01:39:14.840 | And they drew pictures 'cause they liked to draw.
01:39:17.680 | The researchers took kids that liked to draw
01:39:20.660 | and they started giving them a reward for drawing.
01:39:23.540 | The reward generally was a gold star
01:39:25.580 | or some thing that a young child would find rewarding.
01:39:28.940 | Then they stopped giving them the gold star.
01:39:33.480 | And what they found is the children
01:39:35.660 | had a much lower tendency to draw on their own, no reward.
01:39:40.660 | Now, remember this was an activity
01:39:44.300 | that prior to receiving a reward,
01:39:46.460 | the children intrinsically enjoyed and selected to do.
01:39:50.400 | No one was telling them to draw.
01:39:52.800 | What this relates to is so-called intrinsic
01:39:54.500 | versus extrinsic reinforcement.
01:39:57.260 | When we receive rewards,
01:39:58.800 | even if we give ourselves rewards for something,
01:40:01.980 | we tend to associate less pleasure
01:40:04.060 | with the actual activity itself that evoked the reward.
01:40:07.940 | Now, that might seem counterintuitive,
01:40:09.420 | but that's just the way
01:40:10.660 | that these dopaminergic circuits work.
01:40:13.240 | And now understanding these peaks and baselines in dopamine,
01:40:16.640 | which I won't review again, this should make sense.
01:40:20.300 | If you get a peak in dopamine from a reward,
01:40:24.260 | it's going to lower your baseline.
01:40:25.740 | And the cognitive interpretation
01:40:29.060 | is that you didn't really do the activity
01:40:31.540 | because you enjoyed the activity, you did it for the reward.
01:40:34.420 | Now, this doesn't mean all rewards of all kinds are bad,
01:40:37.320 | but it's also important to understand
01:40:39.740 | that dopamine controls our perception of time.
01:40:42.780 | When and how much dopamine we experience
01:40:46.200 | is the way that we carve up
01:40:48.160 | what we call our experience of time.
01:40:50.540 | When we engage in an activity,
01:40:52.140 | let's say school or hard work of any kind or exercise,
01:40:56.980 | because of the reward we are going to give ourselves
01:40:59.420 | or receive at the end, the trophy,
01:41:01.100 | the Sunday, the meal, whatever it happens to be,
01:41:05.320 | we actually are extending the time bin
01:41:10.500 | over which we are analyzing or perceiving that experience.
01:41:15.500 | And because the reward comes at the end,
01:41:19.380 | we start to dissociate the neural circuits
01:41:22.820 | for dopamine and reward
01:41:24.520 | that would have normally been active during the activity.
01:41:28.580 | And because it all arrives at the end over time,
01:41:32.880 | we have the experience of less and less pleasure
01:41:35.800 | from that particular activity while we're doing it.
01:41:39.180 | Now, this is the antithesis of growth mindset.
01:41:43.100 | My colleague at Stanford, Carol Dweck, as many of you know,
01:41:45.780 | has come up with this incredible theory and principle,
01:41:49.040 | and it actually goes beyond theory and principle
01:41:50.900 | called growth mindset,
01:41:51.980 | which is this striving to be better,
01:41:54.140 | to be in this mindset of I'm not there yet,
01:41:56.760 | but striving itself is the end goal.
01:42:00.880 | And that of course delivers you to tremendous performance
01:42:03.200 | has been observed over and over and over again,
01:42:05.160 | that people that have growth mindset,
01:42:06.580 | kids that have growth mindset end up performing very well
01:42:09.420 | because they're focused on the effort itself.
01:42:12.000 | And all of us can cultivate growth mindset.
01:42:15.540 | The neural mechanism of cultivating growth mindset
01:42:18.140 | involves learning to access the rewards
01:42:21.600 | from effort and doing.
01:42:23.800 | And that's hard to do because you have to engage
01:42:27.880 | this prefrontal component of the mesolimbic circuit.
01:42:30.380 | You have to tell yourself, okay, this effort is great.
01:42:33.660 | This effort is pleasureful,
01:42:35.180 | even though you might actually be in a state of physical pain
01:42:37.500 | from the exercise, or I can recall this from college,
01:42:40.100 | just feeling like I wanted to get up from my desk,
01:42:42.240 | but forcing myself to study,
01:42:43.640 | forcing myself and forcing myself.
01:42:45.140 | What you find over time is that you can start to associate
01:42:48.420 | a dopamine release, you can evoke dopamine release
01:42:51.020 | from the friction and the challenge
01:42:53.980 | that you happen to be in.
01:42:55.820 | You completely eliminate the ability to generate
01:42:59.580 | those circuits and the rewarding process
01:43:02.340 | of being able to reward friction while in effort,
01:43:06.040 | if you are focused only on the goal that comes at the end,
01:43:09.540 | because of the way that dopamine marks time.
01:43:12.500 | So if you say, oh, I'm going to do this very hard thing
01:43:15.440 | and I'm going to push and push and push and push
01:43:17.340 | for that end goal that comes later,
01:43:20.260 | not only do you enjoy the process of what you're doing less,
01:43:24.980 | you actually make it more painful
01:43:27.060 | while you're engaging in it.
01:43:28.520 | You make yourself less efficient at it,
01:43:30.260 | because if you were able to access dopamine while in effort,
01:43:33.500 | dopamine has all these incredible properties
01:43:35.360 | of increasing the amount of energy in our body
01:43:37.940 | and in our mind, our ability to focus
01:43:39.880 | by way of dopamine's conversion into epinephrine,
01:43:43.200 | but also you are undermining your ability
01:43:46.160 | to lean back into that activity the next time.
01:43:48.540 | The next time you need twice as much coffee
01:43:51.500 | and three times as much loud music
01:43:53.660 | and four times as much energy drink
01:43:55.700 | and the social connection just to get out the door
01:43:58.360 | in order to do the run or to study.
01:44:00.740 | So what's more beneficial in fact can serve
01:44:04.780 | as a tremendous amplifier on all endeavors
01:44:07.640 | that you engage in, especially hard endeavors,
01:44:11.200 | is to A, not start layering in other sources of dopamine
01:44:15.660 | in order to get to the starting line,
01:44:17.500 | not layering in other sources of dopamine
01:44:19.960 | in order to be able to continue,
01:44:21.220 | but rather to subjectively start to attach
01:44:24.580 | the feeling of friction and effort
01:44:27.500 | to an internally generated reward system.
01:44:30.340 | And this is not meant to be vague.
01:44:32.380 | This is a system that exists in your mind,
01:44:35.140 | that exists in the minds of humans
01:44:37.000 | for hundreds of thousands of years
01:44:38.900 | by which you're not just pursuing the things
01:44:41.740 | that are innately pleasureful, food, sex,
01:44:44.660 | warmth, water when you're thirsty.
01:44:47.860 | But the beauty of this mesolimbic reward pathway
01:44:51.180 | that I talked about earlier
01:44:52.820 | is that it includes the forebrain.
01:44:54.380 | So you can tell yourself the effort part is the good part.
01:44:59.240 | I know it's painful.
01:45:00.080 | I know this doesn't feel good, but I'm focused on this.
01:45:02.380 | I'm going to start to access the reward.
01:45:04.940 | You will find the rewards,
01:45:07.380 | meaning the dopamine release inside of effort
01:45:10.060 | if you repeat this over and over again.
01:45:12.040 | And what's beautiful about it
01:45:13.720 | is that it starts to become reflexive
01:45:15.240 | for all types of effort.
01:45:17.420 | When we focus only on the trophy,
01:45:19.280 | only on the grade, only on the win as the reward,
01:45:22.960 | you undermine that entire process.
01:45:25.520 | So how do you do this?
01:45:27.400 | You do this in those moments of the most intense friction,
01:45:31.420 | you tell yourself, this is very painful.
01:45:34.760 | And because it's painful,
01:45:36.920 | it will evoke an increase in dopamine release later,
01:45:40.580 | meaning it will increase my baseline in dopamine.
01:45:43.900 | But you also have to tell yourself that in that moment,
01:45:48.640 | you are doing it by choice
01:45:50.460 | and you're doing it because you love it.
01:45:53.640 | And I know that sounds like lying to yourself.
01:45:55.980 | And in some ways it is lying to yourself,
01:45:58.380 | but it's lying to yourself in the context of a truth,
01:46:01.260 | which is that you want it to feel better.
01:46:05.020 | You want it to feel even pleasureful.
01:46:07.780 | Now, this is very far and away different
01:46:10.820 | from thinking about the reward that comes at the end,
01:46:14.300 | the hot fudge Sunday after you cross the finish line,
01:46:17.000 | and you can replace hot fudge Sunday
01:46:18.320 | with whatever reward happens to be appealing to you.
01:46:21.980 | We revere people who are capable
01:46:23.660 | of doing what I'm describing.
01:46:25.800 | David Goggins comes to mind as a really good example.
01:46:28.060 | Many of you are probably familiar with David Goggins,
01:46:30.160 | former Navy SEAL,
01:46:31.480 | who essentially has made a post-military career
01:46:36.040 | out of explaining and sharing his process
01:46:39.800 | of turning the effort into the reward.
01:46:42.640 | There are many other examples of this too, of course.
01:46:45.340 | Throughout evolutionary history,
01:46:48.720 | there's no question that we revered people
01:46:50.580 | who were willing to go out and forage and hunt and gather
01:46:53.920 | and caretake in ways that other members of our species
01:46:58.560 | probably found exhausting
01:47:00.400 | and probably would have preferred to just put their feet up
01:47:02.720 | or soak them in a cool stream
01:47:04.020 | rather than continue to forage.
01:47:06.060 | The ability to access this pleasure from effort aspect
01:47:10.420 | of our dopaminergic circuitry is without question
01:47:14.980 | the most powerful aspect of dopamine
01:47:17.580 | and our biology of dopamine.
01:47:19.520 | And the beautiful thing is it's accessible to all of us,
01:47:23.020 | but just to highlight the things that can interfere with
01:47:25.940 | and prevent you from getting dopamine release
01:47:29.920 | from effort itself,
01:47:32.120 | don't spike dopamine prior to engaging in effort
01:47:34.980 | and don't spike dopamine after engaging in effort.
01:47:39.420 | Learn to spike your dopamine from effort itself.
01:47:42.980 | One straightforward example of learning to attach dopamine
01:47:47.480 | to effort and strain as opposed to a process or a reward
01:47:52.480 | that naturally evokes dopamine release
01:47:55.260 | is so-called intermittent fasting.
01:47:57.120 | I know this is very popular nowadays.
01:47:59.500 | Some people like to do intermittent fasting,
01:48:01.160 | some people don't.
01:48:02.300 | Some people have a 12 hour feeding window every 24 hours.
01:48:05.180 | Some people do long fasts of two to three days even.
01:48:08.260 | I personally don't monitor a feeding window
01:48:11.540 | with a lot of precision.
01:48:12.660 | I tend to skip one meal a day, either breakfast or lunch,
01:48:15.380 | and then I eat the other two meals of the day
01:48:16.840 | depending on which meal I skip.
01:48:18.100 | So it's either breakfast, lunch,
01:48:19.740 | and maybe a little something in the evening,
01:48:22.280 | or I'll skip breakfast and do lunch and dinner and so on.
01:48:25.700 | Many people are now eating this way
01:48:28.320 | in part because many people find it easier
01:48:30.240 | to not eat at all than to eat a smaller portion
01:48:35.220 | of some food.
01:48:36.060 | And that has everything to do
01:48:37.420 | with the dopamine reward evoking properties of food.
01:48:42.000 | When we ingest food, or when we are about to ingest food,
01:48:45.940 | our dopamine levels go up.
01:48:47.160 | And typically when we ingest food,
01:48:49.320 | if it evokes some dopamine release,
01:48:51.000 | then we tend to want even more food.
01:48:52.680 | Remember, dopamine's main role is one of motivation
01:48:55.960 | and seeking.
01:48:56.800 | And what dopamine always wants more of is more dopamine,
01:49:00.680 | more activity or thing that evokes more dopamine release.
01:49:05.180 | Well, let's just look at fasting from the perspective
01:49:09.080 | of dopamine schedules and dopamine release
01:49:11.880 | and peaks and baselines.
01:49:13.180 | Typically when we eat, we get dopamine release,
01:49:18.820 | especially when we eat after being very hungry.
01:49:21.520 | If you've ever gone camping or you're very, very hungry,
01:49:24.180 | the food tastes that much better.
01:49:26.080 | And that's actually because of the way
01:49:28.080 | that deprivation states increase the way
01:49:32.800 | that dopaminergic circuits work.
01:49:35.080 | Our perception of dopamine is heightened
01:49:38.540 | when the receptors for dopamine
01:49:40.320 | have not seen much dopamine lately.
01:49:42.440 | They haven't bound much dopamine.
01:49:43.840 | So when you fast, fast, fast, fast, fast,
01:49:45.760 | and then you finally eat, it evokes more dopamine release.
01:49:49.640 | So this is the big reward that comes at the end.
01:49:52.000 | Even bigger because you deprived yourself.
01:49:56.200 | This is true for all rewarding behaviors and activities,
01:49:59.000 | by the way.
01:50:00.200 | The longer you restrict yourself from that activity,
01:50:02.960 | the greater the dopamine experience
01:50:05.280 | when the dopamine is finally released
01:50:06.820 | because of an upregulation of the receptors for dopamine.
01:50:09.680 | But I just spent five minutes or more telling you
01:50:13.440 | that you should avoid too much reward at the end,
01:50:16.420 | and you should actually focus on the dopamine
01:50:20.000 | that you can consciously evoke
01:50:22.680 | from the deprivation strain and effort.
01:50:24.880 | And in fact, this is what happens for many people
01:50:28.060 | that start doing fasting and take a liking to it.
01:50:31.160 | Many people say that their state of mind
01:50:33.960 | when they fast is clear,
01:50:35.880 | that they actually start to enjoy the period of fasting.
01:50:39.080 | In fact, some people start pushing out their eating window
01:50:41.840 | or skipping entire days of eating more and more
01:50:44.220 | in order to get deeper into that state of mind
01:50:47.920 | where surely it's not just dopamine,
01:50:50.420 | but dopamine is released, they will track their clock.
01:50:53.340 | Oh, I've been fasting 12 hours, 16 hours, et cetera.
01:50:56.020 | They are starting to attach dopamine release
01:50:58.440 | or create dopamine release from the deprivation,
01:51:01.440 | not from the food reward itself.
01:51:03.740 | And this, I think, makes it an interesting practice
01:51:06.240 | and one that certainly has been practiced for centuries
01:51:10.220 | in different cultures and different religions
01:51:12.200 | of deliberately restricting food,
01:51:14.240 | not just to increase the rewarding properties of food itself
01:51:17.980 | but also to increase the rewarding properties
01:51:20.520 | of deprivation.
01:51:22.040 | And I should emphasize that a lot of the subjective aspects
01:51:25.040 | of the knowledge of the benefits of fasting
01:51:27.480 | serve as reinforcing dopamine amplifying aspects to fasting.
01:51:32.480 | Meaning if somebody does intermittent fasting
01:51:36.560 | and they are deep into their fast
01:51:38.340 | and they're telling themselves,
01:51:39.240 | oh, my blood lipid profiles are probably improving
01:51:41.880 | and my glucose management is probably improving,
01:51:44.460 | my insulin sensitivity is going up
01:51:46.240 | and I'm going to live longer.
01:51:47.160 | All these things that have some basis from animal studies
01:51:50.960 | and some basis or not from human studies,
01:51:53.720 | it's all kind of still in emerging literature,
01:51:55.760 | but it does seem to be pointing in that direction
01:51:57.600 | that fasting can encourage things like autophagy,
01:52:01.280 | the engulfment of dead cells and things of that sort.
01:52:04.520 | Well, as people tell themselves these things,
01:52:07.760 | they are enhancing the rewarding properties
01:52:10.960 | of the behavior of fasting.
01:52:12.840 | And so this is a salient example
01:52:14.960 | of where knowledge of knowledge
01:52:17.120 | can actually help us change these deep primitive circuits
01:52:21.840 | related to dopamine.
01:52:23.020 | And this illustrates how the forebrain,
01:52:25.440 | which carries knowledge and carries interpretation
01:52:28.240 | and rational thought can be used to shape the very circuits
01:52:32.680 | that are involved in generating reward
01:52:35.240 | for what would otherwise just be kind of primitive
01:52:37.400 | behaviors, hardwired behaviors.
01:52:39.060 | And that's the beauty of these dopamine circuits.
01:52:41.320 | And that's the beauty of dopamine.
01:52:42.540 | It's not just attached to the more primitive behaviors
01:52:46.080 | of food, sex, heat, et cetera.
01:52:49.480 | It's also attached to the things that we decide
01:52:52.400 | are good for us and are important for us.
01:52:54.660 | So telling yourself that exercise or fasting or studying
01:52:58.640 | or listening better or any kind of behavior is good for you
01:53:01.760 | will actually reinforce the extent to which it is good
01:53:05.880 | for you at a chemical level.
01:53:08.000 | And a somewhat eerie example of what I just mentioned
01:53:10.800 | was a study that was published last year
01:53:13.740 | in the journal Neuron, Cell Press Journal,
01:53:15.440 | excellent journal, that showed that hearing something
01:53:20.160 | that reinforces one's prior beliefs
01:53:22.920 | actually can evoke dopamine release.
01:53:25.400 | So the dopamine pathway is so vulnerable
01:53:28.460 | to subjective interpretation that it actually makes it such
01:53:32.260 | that when we see something or hear something
01:53:34.440 | that validates a belief that we already have,
01:53:36.840 | that itself can increase dopamine release.
01:53:40.560 | Along the lines of how dopamine and dopamine schedules
01:53:44.140 | and our perception of things can shape the way
01:53:46.640 | that we experience things as pleasureful or not.
01:53:49.520 | There are beautiful studies,
01:53:51.120 | mainly looking at sugar appetite and our sense of pleasure
01:53:54.480 | from sweet things, but also for savory foods, et cetera.
01:53:58.640 | And essentially the results that come out of this
01:54:00.600 | are the following.
01:54:01.540 | If you ingest something that you like,
01:54:03.800 | it tastes good to you,
01:54:05.080 | but then you ingest something that's even sweeter
01:54:07.900 | or even more savory, and then you go back to the food
01:54:11.760 | that you ate previously,
01:54:13.540 | well, you don't like it as much.
01:54:15.560 | And that might seem like a duh, obviously,
01:54:18.280 | but that shift in perception can be blocked
01:54:22.560 | by blocking the shift in dopamine.
01:54:25.160 | And so this really speaks to these peaks and valleys
01:54:28.160 | in dopamine that I mentioned before
01:54:29.480 | and how your experience of anything is going to depend
01:54:33.040 | on your prior experience of other things
01:54:35.880 | that evoke dopamine.
01:54:36.840 | Big dopamine release makes it more challenging
01:54:39.840 | to experience more big dopamine release.
01:54:42.960 | So dopamine is one of those things that you don't want,
01:54:45.400 | too high or too low for too long.
01:54:47.820 | It's all about staying in that dynamic range,
01:54:50.100 | and that's going to be different for everybody.
01:54:52.460 | So for the very savory foods that are now everywhere,
01:54:57.460 | those highly savory foods,
01:54:59.600 | or I think they call them highly palatable foods,
01:55:02.160 | are making more bland foods, whole foods,
01:55:06.000 | meaning foods that aren't processed,
01:55:07.400 | it's making those tastes less good, at least for a while.
01:55:10.140 | And all it takes is a short period of time,
01:55:12.280 | even just days, two days or so,
01:55:14.600 | of not consuming any highly palatable foods.
01:55:17.920 | And suddenly broccoli with just a little bit of seasoning
01:55:22.400 | tastes delicious to you, all right?
01:55:24.480 | So again, this just speaks to the fact
01:55:26.600 | that dopamine is this universal currency.
01:55:29.120 | It establishes value based on
01:55:31.560 | not just what you're experiencing in the moment,
01:55:33.200 | but what you experienced in the days and minutes before.
01:55:36.580 | Now that you understand how your previous level of dopamine
01:55:40.400 | relates to your current level of dopamine
01:55:42.680 | and how your current level of dopamine
01:55:45.200 | will influence your future level of dopamine,
01:55:48.460 | it should become obvious why things like pornography,
01:55:52.560 | not just the accessibility of pornography,
01:55:54.640 | but the intensity of pornography
01:55:57.280 | can negatively shape real-world romantic
01:56:01.200 | and sexual interactions.
01:56:02.680 | This is a serious concern.
01:56:04.020 | The discussion is happening now.
01:56:06.180 | The underlying neurobiological mechanisms you now understand,
01:56:09.800 | and this isn't to pass judgment on whether or not
01:56:12.880 | people like or don't like pornography.
01:56:14.720 | That's an ethical discussion.
01:56:15.900 | It's a moral discussion that has to be decided
01:56:18.000 | for each individual by virtue of age, et cetera.
01:56:21.320 | But again, any activity that evokes a lot of dopamine release
01:56:27.500 | will make it harder to achieve the same level
01:56:32.120 | and certainly the greater level of dopamine
01:56:34.560 | through a subsequent interaction.
01:56:36.840 | So yes, indeed, many people are addicted to pornography
01:56:40.400 | and yes, indeed, many people who regularly indulge
01:56:44.500 | in pornography experience challenges
01:56:46.800 | in real-world romantic interactions.
01:56:49.100 | You now understand the mechanisms
01:56:50.560 | behind what I'm telling you.
01:56:52.260 | Now, there are circumstances in which increasing levels
01:56:55.040 | of dopamine is desirable and advantageous
01:56:57.840 | and clinically helpful.
01:56:59.380 | Good example of this would be the drug wellbutrin,
01:57:01.740 | also called bupryron,
01:57:03.240 | which increases dopamine and norepinephrine.
01:57:06.120 | Wellbutrin and bupryron was developed
01:57:07.800 | as an alternative treatment for depression
01:57:10.200 | because some people who take the so-called SSRI,
01:57:12.840 | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
01:57:15.560 | which as the name suggests, increase serotonin,
01:57:17.820 | suffer from serotonin-related side effects,
01:57:21.360 | things like decreased appetite, decreased libido,
01:57:24.720 | or sometimes increased appetite
01:57:27.080 | or other side effects that they don't want.
01:57:30.360 | And wellbutrin seems to avoid the sexual side effects.
01:57:34.200 | It can blunt appetite and these sorts of things
01:57:38.460 | because of the increase in norepinephrine
01:57:40.540 | and dopamine increases levels of motivation and craving,
01:57:44.480 | but also can create a state of elevated alertness
01:57:49.120 | that can sometimes get in the way of healthy eating
01:57:52.120 | and things of that sort.
01:57:52.960 | So one has to work with their clinician,
01:57:55.520 | as a psychiatrist, it is a prescription drug,
01:57:57.960 | in order to find the dosage of wellbutrin
01:57:59.920 | that's correct for them.
01:58:01.840 | In addition, things like wellbutrin and bupryron
01:58:04.400 | can increase anxiety
01:58:05.480 | because of the way that dopamine and norepinephrine
01:58:08.200 | are stimulating and tend to place people
01:58:10.080 | into heightened levels of alertness.
01:58:11.720 | Nonetheless, many people have gained terrific relief
01:58:14.640 | from depression from wellbutrin and bupryron,
01:58:17.240 | and many of those same people had serious trouble
01:58:19.780 | with some of the SSRI.
01:58:21.040 | So it does seem to be a very useful drug in certain contexts,
01:58:24.000 | both for depression and for the treatment of smoking,
01:58:26.840 | for people desiring to quit smoking.
01:58:29.140 | And of course, there are a lot of people out there
01:58:31.240 | who are seeking to increase their baseline levels of dopamine
01:58:34.800 | without taking any prescription pharmaceutical compounds.
01:58:38.640 | And nowadays there exists a lot of supplements to do that.
01:58:42.400 | The two most common ones that are directly
01:58:44.760 | within the dopamine pathway are mucuna prurines,
01:58:48.400 | which is actually a velvety bean whose contents are L-DOPA.
01:58:53.400 | Believe it or not, the content of this bean
01:58:56.280 | is the precursor to dopamine.
01:58:58.600 | So mucuna prurines is sold over the counter,
01:59:01.480 | at least in the United States,
01:59:03.160 | and it literally is the precursor to dopamine.
01:59:07.060 | Meaning if you take it,
01:59:08.160 | you will experience very large increases in dopamine.
01:59:11.160 | Those increases are transient and very, very intense.
01:59:14.040 | And in fact, if you look at the constellation of effects
01:59:17.760 | of mucuna prurines,
01:59:19.600 | what you find is that they're pretty striking
01:59:21.480 | and they look a lot like, if not identical to L-DOPA.
01:59:25.640 | The most obvious of those is in the context
01:59:28.360 | of Parkinson's disease.
01:59:29.660 | There are at least five studies that have shown
01:59:31.740 | that mucuna prurines can reduce the symptoms
01:59:35.160 | of Parkinson's disease, much in the same way
01:59:37.400 | that L-DOPA can reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
01:59:41.280 | And that shouldn't come as any surprise
01:59:42.920 | given what I just told you,
01:59:43.840 | that mucuna prurines is essentially L-DOPA.
01:59:46.800 | It also can reduce a particular hormone called prolactin.
01:59:50.240 | Dopamine and prolactin tend to be
01:59:51.860 | in somewhat push-pull fashion.
01:59:53.880 | When dopamine is up, prolactin is down, and vice versa.
01:59:57.240 | Prolactin is involved in milk let down in women.
01:59:59.600 | It's involved in setting the refractory period
02:00:02.300 | for sex after ejaculation in males.
02:00:06.000 | The reason mating can occur
02:00:07.800 | and then not occur after ejaculation
02:00:09.520 | is because of an increase in prolactin.
02:00:11.200 | Mucuna prurines is often used to blunt prolactin.
02:00:14.920 | And there are actually a couple of studies showing
02:00:17.020 | that it can indeed do that.
02:00:18.480 | Mucuna prurines has a number of other effects
02:00:21.760 | that lie in the sort of sex and reproduction pathway
02:00:24.900 | that are worth noting.
02:00:26.000 | Sperm concentration, sperm quality
02:00:29.660 | is actually greatly increased by mucuna prurines.
02:00:32.520 | These are kind of curious effects
02:00:33.760 | until you understand a little bit more
02:00:35.000 | about the biology of dopamine,
02:00:36.400 | which I'll mention in a moment.
02:00:37.900 | But there are several studies, four in fact,
02:00:41.680 | that describe how mucuna prurines can increase sperm count,
02:00:46.680 | sperm quality, and sperm motility.
02:00:49.640 | So for those of you seeking to conceive children,
02:00:52.360 | mucuna prurines might be an interesting choice
02:00:54.940 | if you're interested in exploring non-prescription compounds.
02:00:58.100 | However, I should mention that anytime you consume
02:01:02.680 | a substance that increases dopamine by mimicking dopamine
02:01:07.680 | or acting as a direct precursor to dopamine,
02:01:10.600 | there's almost inevitably a crash
02:01:13.560 | or a reduction in the baseline in dopamine
02:01:16.440 | that we referred to previously.
02:01:18.640 | So many people who take mucuna prurines
02:01:20.760 | feel really elevated, really motivated, really alert,
02:01:24.840 | all the sorts of things that one would expect
02:01:26.600 | from a dopaminergic drug, which mucuna prurines is,
02:01:30.360 | and then they feel a low or a reduction in drive
02:01:34.720 | and excitement and enthusiasm after the drug wears off,
02:01:38.160 | just like they would with any other
02:01:40.160 | dopamine-increasing compound.
02:01:41.960 | For that reason, many people have turned
02:01:45.340 | to the use of L-tyrosine.
02:01:47.360 | L-tyrosine is an amino acid precursor to L-DOPA,
02:01:50.760 | so it lies further up the dopamine synthesis pathway.
02:01:54.160 | And nowadays it's very common because L-tyrosine
02:01:57.480 | is sold over the counter in the United States,
02:02:00.040 | that people will take L-tyrosine as a way
02:02:02.860 | to get more energized, alert, and focused.
02:02:06.120 | Indeed, there are data that L-tyrosine will accomplish that.
02:02:09.560 | L-tyrosine is typically taken in capsule form
02:02:13.160 | or powder form, anywhere from 500 to 750 to 1,000 milligrams.
02:02:18.160 | It is a potent stimulus for increasing dopamine.
02:02:21.840 | And the timescale for increasing dopamine
02:02:23.700 | is about 30 to 45 minutes after ingestion,
02:02:26.480 | dopamine levels start to peak.
02:02:28.340 | The classic study that really nailed down the fact
02:02:31.640 | that tyrosine has this effect
02:02:34.000 | was published way back in 1983,
02:02:36.720 | Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,
02:02:39.520 | that directly compared L-tyrosine supplementation
02:02:42.900 | with tryptophan ingestion on plasma dopamine and serotonin,
02:02:47.900 | tryptophan being a precursor to serotonin.
02:02:51.320 | And indeed what they found is that ingestion of L-tyrosine
02:02:55.000 | can increase the amount of dopamine circulating in the blood
02:02:58.800 | and in the brain too, of course.
02:03:00.740 | The tyrosine ingestion induced dopamine increases
02:03:04.540 | within 45 minutes, and they were short lasting.
02:03:07.640 | After about 30 minutes, the effect had dissipated,
02:03:10.960 | meaning the levels of dopamine had dropped down to baseline.
02:03:13.940 | And even though they didn't look at levels
02:03:16.060 | of baseline dopamine past that time point,
02:03:19.140 | the expectation based on everything we know
02:03:21.600 | about dopamine biology is that it would then drop
02:03:24.160 | below baseline due to the depletion
02:03:27.240 | of the readily reservable pool of dopamine vesicles
02:03:29.900 | that we talked about way back
02:03:30.960 | at the beginning of this episode.
02:03:33.320 | The nice thing about this study is it does show specificity
02:03:35.760 | of effect because ingestion of tryptophan
02:03:38.280 | did not increase dopamine.
02:03:40.300 | Instead, it increased serotonin.
02:03:42.320 | So there's really specificity of these pathways
02:03:44.260 | that rule out any placebo type effects.
02:03:46.580 | I'm not suggesting that anybody,
02:03:50.280 | everybody increase their dopamine levels
02:03:52.640 | by way of tyrosine and macuna purines.
02:03:55.900 | For those of you that are seeking to increase
02:03:57.460 | your dopamine levels without prescription drugs,
02:03:59.780 | those are the most direct route to that.
02:04:01.900 | Of course, if you have a preexisting dopaminergic condition,
02:04:05.440 | so schizophrenia or psychosis of any kind,
02:04:08.640 | bipolar, anxiety, things like macuna purines
02:04:13.060 | and L-tyrosine will not be good for you.
02:04:15.860 | And if you don't, you should just understand
02:04:18.900 | and expect that it's going to lead
02:04:21.260 | to an increase in dopamine.
02:04:23.340 | You'll certainly feel an elevated state.
02:04:25.140 | For some of you, that might be agitating.
02:04:27.820 | For some of you, that might be really pleasureful.
02:04:29.580 | And then you will feel a crash afterwards.
02:04:31.880 | How deep is that crash will really depend
02:04:34.340 | on your biology and where your dopamine baseline began.
02:04:38.300 | So I personally am not a fan of using things
02:04:41.020 | like macuna purines at all for myself,
02:04:43.620 | for the reasons I mentioned earlier,
02:04:45.680 | just too intense and too much of a crash.
02:04:48.280 | I do use L-tyrosine from time to time
02:04:50.700 | for enhancing focus and motivation,
02:04:52.460 | but I want to emphasize from time to time.
02:04:55.180 | So I might use it once a week, occasionally twice a week,
02:04:58.460 | but I've never been one to take L-tyrosine regularly
02:05:01.340 | in order to focus or train or do any kind of mental work.
02:05:04.900 | I just don't want to rely on any exogenous substance
02:05:08.940 | in order to get my dopamine circuits activated.
02:05:12.320 | And I don't want to experience the drop in dopamine
02:05:15.140 | that inevitably occurs some period of time afterwards.
02:05:18.420 | I should also mention things that can reduce your levels
02:05:22.260 | of baseline dopamine.
02:05:23.960 | One that is rarely discussed is melatonin.
02:05:27.620 | I have talked before on this podcast about melatonin,
02:05:30.460 | why I am not a fan of using melatonin
02:05:33.220 | in order to enhance sleep.
02:05:35.120 | It can help one get to sleep, but not stay asleep.
02:05:37.660 | Dr. Matt Walker, sleep expert
02:05:39.300 | from University of California, Berkeley.
02:05:41.400 | I think I don't want to put words in his mouth,
02:05:43.840 | but in our discussion about melatonin on this podcast,
02:05:48.600 | when Matt was a guest and in his book and on other podcasts,
02:05:51.400 | Matt has generally stated that the use of melatonin,
02:05:54.660 | except for treatment of jet lag,
02:05:56.580 | is generally not a good idea, and I agree.
02:05:59.740 | I think that melatonin is not often thought about
02:06:03.180 | as impacting the dopamine pathway,
02:06:04.820 | but there's at least one study published in 2001.
02:06:08.660 | First author is Nishiyama, just as it sounds.
02:06:12.540 | It's spelled just as it sounds.
02:06:14.480 | Acute effects of melatonin administration
02:06:16.420 | on cardiovascular autonomic regulation in healthy men.
02:06:19.020 | So the study wasn't specifically about dopamine,
02:06:21.800 | but they looked at norepinephrine and dopamine levels,
02:06:24.180 | and they found a significant,
02:06:26.640 | statistically significant decrease in dopamine
02:06:29.740 | 60 minutes after melatonin administration.
02:06:32.700 | I've talked before about how viewing bright lights
02:06:36.060 | between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.
02:06:38.160 | has been shown in studies by Dr. Samir Hattar,
02:06:40.500 | David Berson, excellent circadian scientists
02:06:42.900 | to reduce levels of dopamine for several days
02:06:46.980 | after that light exposure.
02:06:48.280 | So dim the lights at night.
02:06:50.420 | If you can, avoid exogenous melatonin,
02:06:53.660 | meaning if you don't have to take melatonin
02:06:56.260 | and you can find a better alternative,
02:06:58.060 | that would be a good idea
02:06:58.960 | if you want to maintain healthy levels of dopamine.
02:07:01.700 | Now, there is one compound that you are all familiar with
02:07:04.460 | and you've probably actually taken without realizing it
02:07:07.540 | that increases dopamine,
02:07:08.780 | and that's something called PEA for phenylethylamine,
02:07:12.980 | technically beta phenylethylamine.
02:07:16.060 | And PEA is found in various foods.
02:07:19.180 | Chocolate just happens to be one enriched in PEA
02:07:23.020 | and can increase synaptic levels of dopamine.
02:07:25.680 | I personally take PEA from time to time
02:07:29.620 | as a focus and work aid
02:07:32.700 | in order to do intense bouts of work.
02:07:35.400 | Again, I don't do that too often.
02:07:36.860 | This might be once a week or once every two weeks.
02:07:39.300 | I might use it for training, but typically I don't.
02:07:41.660 | It's usually for mental work.
02:07:42.980 | And I will take 500 milligrams of PEA
02:07:46.180 | and I'll take 300 milligrams of alpha-GPC.
02:07:49.220 | That's something that I personally do.
02:07:50.800 | That's what's right for me.
02:07:51.840 | It's within my margins of safety for my health.
02:07:54.320 | Again, you have to check with your doctor
02:07:55.940 | and decide what's right for you.
02:07:57.920 | It leads to a sharp but very transient increase in dopamine
02:08:02.500 | that lasts about 30 to 45 minutes.
02:08:05.500 | And at least in my system,
02:08:06.760 | I found to be much more regulated
02:08:10.080 | and kind of even than something like L-tyrosine
02:08:13.280 | and certainly much more regulated
02:08:15.100 | and even and lower dopamine release
02:08:17.440 | than something like macuna prurines.
02:08:20.200 | One of the lesser talked about compounds that's out there,
02:08:22.820 | but that's gaining popularity for increasing dopamine
02:08:26.540 | and as a so-called nootropic
02:08:28.300 | is something called Hooperzine A.
02:08:30.580 | Hooperzine A is a compound sold over the counter,
02:08:33.780 | at least in the United States,
02:08:35.180 | that can increase acetylcholine transmission,
02:08:38.100 | a different neuromodulator entirely.
02:08:40.380 | But what's interesting is that Hooperzine A
02:08:42.580 | somehow by way of interactions
02:08:44.980 | between the cholinergic system and the dopaminergic system
02:08:48.200 | leads to increases in dopamine
02:08:51.020 | in the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus.
02:08:53.660 | Hippocampus, of course, being an area of the brain
02:08:55.620 | associated with learning and memory
02:08:57.180 | and prefrontal cortex being associated
02:08:58.980 | with the mesolimbic pathway decision-making focus, et cetera.
02:09:02.300 | And so I think the reason why we're seeing an increase
02:09:04.580 | in popularity of companies,
02:09:06.620 | including Hooperzine A and nootropic compounds
02:09:09.460 | is both for the cholinergic stimulating properties,
02:09:12.140 | but also for stimulating dopamine release.
02:09:15.520 | I personally have never tried Hooperzine A.
02:09:17.500 | You can go to or put Hooperzine A into PubMed
02:09:21.440 | if you'd like to search around
02:09:22.660 | and see some of the science behind it.
02:09:24.340 | Again, I'm not recommending anyone take these things.
02:09:26.300 | In fact, I recommend against anyone just diving in
02:09:28.460 | and starting to consume things
02:09:29.620 | without gaining knowledge about how they function
02:09:32.380 | and whether or not they're right for you.
02:09:33.940 | But nonetheless, I think in the years to come,
02:09:36.080 | we are going to see a lot more of L-tyrosine,
02:09:39.320 | PEA, phenylethylamine, and Hooperzine
02:09:42.300 | as a way of tapping into the dopaminergic
02:09:44.720 | and cholinergic circuits,
02:09:45.960 | certainly along with things like alpha-GPC
02:09:48.360 | as non-prescription, short-lived,
02:09:50.860 | somewhat milder alternatives
02:09:53.300 | to things that really spike dopamine,
02:09:56.340 | things like Adderall, Ritalin,
02:09:57.740 | Modafinil, R-Modafinil, and similar.
02:10:00.620 | And I can't help but share with you one more result.
02:10:02.900 | It's not related to pharmacology.
02:10:04.900 | It's related to behaviors and social interactions.
02:10:08.540 | And that's the very interesting,
02:10:10.220 | and I would say important finding
02:10:12.340 | that was made a few years ago by my colleague, Rob Malenka,
02:10:15.140 | who's in our department of psychiatry at Stanford,
02:10:17.500 | showing that oxytocin and social connection
02:10:20.820 | is actually directly stimulating the dopamine pathway.
02:10:24.740 | I think for many years, all of us, including me,
02:10:27.940 | would hear and thought that oxytocin
02:10:31.900 | was in the serotonergic pathway,
02:10:33.780 | that it was about pair bonding,
02:10:35.300 | and it was about some of these neuromodulators
02:10:37.380 | that were more associated with things related
02:10:40.080 | to feeling good with what we have in the present moment.
02:10:43.500 | That's typically what we think of
02:10:44.620 | when we think of the opioid system
02:10:46.140 | or the serotonergic system.
02:10:48.080 | The dopamine system is really about seeking and reward.
02:10:50.920 | But in a paper published in 2017 in the journal Science,
02:10:53.800 | excellent journal, the paper's titled
02:10:57.040 | "Gating of Social Reward by Oxytocin
02:11:00.480 | "in the Ventral Tegmental Area."
02:11:02.580 | You now know what the ventral tegmental area,
02:11:04.160 | it's that area of the mesolimbic pathway.
02:11:06.280 | What this paper essentially showed
02:11:08.000 | is that oxytocin, social connection,
02:11:11.320 | and pair bonding itself triggers dopamine release.
02:11:15.000 | And as everyone read this result, we all realized,
02:11:18.420 | ah, this makes total sense that for the evolution
02:11:21.900 | of our species, indeed for any species
02:11:23.840 | where social connections are important,
02:11:26.640 | it's also important to go seek social connections.
02:11:29.240 | And so while it's fun to think about pharmacology
02:11:31.580 | and underlying neural circuitry and cold water baths
02:11:34.900 | and all these different things related to dopamine schedules
02:11:38.500 | and reward mechanisms and attaching reward to effort
02:11:41.300 | and all the various things that we've talked about today
02:11:43.340 | in terms of science and tools and protocols,
02:11:45.540 | I'd be remiss if I didn't include description of this result
02:11:49.700 | and just emphasize that social connections,
02:11:53.740 | close social connections in particular
02:11:55.860 | that evoke oxytocin release.
02:11:57.340 | So those are romantic type, those are parent-child type,
02:12:01.200 | those are friendship related,
02:12:02.680 | and those can even be just friends at a distance related.
02:12:06.540 | It doesn't actually require skin contact
02:12:08.720 | to get oxytocin release,
02:12:11.340 | but oxytocin release is central
02:12:13.340 | to stimulating the dopamine pathways.
02:12:15.900 | So the take-home message there is quite simple,
02:12:18.720 | engage in, pursue quality, healthy social interactions.
02:12:24.060 | I know I've covered a lot of material today.
02:12:26.300 | I've really tried hard to focus on things
02:12:28.100 | that lie directly within the dopamine pathway
02:12:31.260 | and circuitries, as well as things that directly stimulate
02:12:34.660 | those pathways and circuitries.
02:12:36.940 | What I haven't talked about are all the things
02:12:39.560 | that indirectly serve the dopamine pathways.
02:12:42.880 | And out there on the internet,
02:12:44.320 | and indeed in the scientific literature,
02:12:46.360 | you will find, for instance,
02:12:47.640 | that things like maca root can increase dopamine,
02:12:50.200 | things like the gut microbiome can influence dopamine,
02:12:53.520 | and indeed they can,
02:12:54.920 | but they do that through indirect mechanisms
02:12:57.040 | by creating an environment, a milieu,
02:12:59.960 | in which dopamine and dopamine circuits can flourish.
02:13:03.440 | Maca is a good example of that.
02:13:04.800 | It will reduce cortisol,
02:13:06.320 | and through some indirect pathways related to cortisol
02:13:09.380 | can increase dopamine,
02:13:10.860 | but it's not a direct increase in dopamine.
02:13:13.060 | And so as a consequence, it's rather subtle
02:13:15.180 | compared to the various compounds and behaviors
02:13:17.380 | that I talked about today.
02:13:18.740 | Indeed, cold water exposure leads to huge increases
02:13:23.240 | in dopamine, as we talked about before,
02:13:25.540 | and very sustained ones at that.
02:13:27.520 | I realize in giving you a lot of information
02:13:31.000 | about science and mechanism,
02:13:32.560 | all the way from psychological and biological
02:13:34.660 | to circuitry and synaptic transmission,
02:13:36.500 | volumetric transmission, and so forth,
02:13:39.100 | that it might seem overwhelming.
02:13:40.720 | The most important things to understand
02:13:42.560 | are that these dopamine pathways
02:13:43.800 | really are under your control,
02:13:45.760 | and the locus of control resides in the fact
02:13:49.040 | that your previous levels of dopamine
02:13:51.280 | are influencing your levels of dopamine right now,
02:13:54.060 | and your current levels of dopamine
02:13:55.560 | and where you take them next
02:13:56.960 | will influence your dopamine levels
02:13:58.520 | in the next days and weeks to come.
02:14:00.300 | So I hope both with the mechanisms that you now have in hand
02:14:04.000 | plus some of the tools to tap into the dopaminergic system,
02:14:06.720 | both behavioral, pharmacologic, prescription,
02:14:09.140 | and non-prescription, et cetera,
02:14:10.760 | that you'll feel that you have more control
02:14:12.180 | over your dopamine system,
02:14:13.440 | and certainly that you have a better understanding
02:14:15.480 | of your dopamine system so that you can modulate
02:14:18.380 | and adjust your levels of dopamine
02:14:19.840 | in the ways that serve you best.
02:14:22.080 | If you're learning from and/or enjoying this podcast,
02:14:25.840 | please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
02:14:27.600 | That's a terrific way to support us.
02:14:29.480 | In addition, please leave us a comment or a suggestion
02:14:32.520 | for a guest you'd like us to interview
02:14:34.880 | or a topic you'd like us to cover.
02:14:36.800 | In addition, please subscribe to us on Apple and Spotify.
02:14:40.960 | And on Apple, you have the opportunity
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02:14:44.520 | and to leave us a comment there as well.
02:14:47.080 | Please also check out the sponsors mentioned
02:14:48.960 | at the beginning of today's podcast.
02:14:50.860 | That's a terrific way to support us.
02:14:52.920 | In addition, if you'd like to support the Huberman Lab
02:14:55.080 | and research at Stanford on stress, stress mitigation,
02:14:58.320 | and human performance,
02:14:59.480 | you can do that by going to
02:15:05.000 | And there you can make a tax deductible donation
02:15:07.420 | to the research in my laboratory.
02:15:09.660 | In addition, we have a Patreon.
02:15:11.480 | It's
02:15:14.520 | And there you can support the podcast
02:15:16.360 | at any level that you like.
02:15:18.320 | Today and on previous podcast episodes,
02:15:20.460 | we talked a bit about supplements.
02:15:22.360 | Supplements certainly aren't necessary,
02:15:24.320 | but many people find them beneficial
02:15:25.920 | for things like adjusting their levels of dopamine
02:15:27.920 | or for other purposes.
02:15:29.920 | If you're going to use supplements,
02:15:31.080 | it's very important that the supplements you use
02:15:33.280 | be of very high quality
02:15:34.680 | and that the quantity of ingredients that are on the label
02:15:37.920 | match what's actually in those bottles.
02:15:39.560 | For that reason, we've partnered with Thorne, T-H-O-R-N-E,
02:15:42.840 | because Thorne has the highest levels of stringency
02:15:45.040 | with respect to quality
02:15:46.560 | and how much of each supplement
02:15:48.840 | they put in the products that they sell.
02:15:51.040 | If you'd like to see the supplements that I take,
02:15:52.840 | you can go to
02:15:57.840 | And there you can see what I take.
02:15:59.260 | You can get 20% off any of those supplements.
02:16:02.000 | And if you navigate into the Thorne site
02:16:04.040 | through that portal,
02:16:05.640 | then you can get 20% off any of the supplements
02:16:08.020 | that Thorne makes.
02:16:09.060 | If you're not already following us on Instagram
02:16:11.180 | at Huberman Lab, please do so.
02:16:12.740 | There I teach neuroscience tools and information.
02:16:15.960 | Oftentimes it's tools and information
02:16:17.580 | that I don't cover on the podcast.
02:16:19.660 | We're also on Twitter, also at Huberman Lab.
02:16:22.280 | And last, but certainly not least,
02:16:24.500 | thank you for your interest in science.
02:16:26.320 | [upbeat music]
02:16:28.900 | (upbeat music)