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Thinking in Probabilities | #shorts

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | It is very important to think in probabilities and not absolutes, so you don't miss out on opportunities.
00:00:05.700 | Think about if you had to feel you needed 100% certainty to make a decision, how many opportunities would pass you by?
00:00:14.440 | Whether it's job opportunities, whether it's the girl or boy that you like that you were too afraid to ask out because you were afraid of rejection.
00:00:21.740 | It's such a shame to have to think in 100% probability.
00:00:25.200 | And so my idea is to create a 70/30 decision-making framework, which states if you believe with a 70% probability or greater your decision is the correct one,
00:00:36.740 | the right one, then go with it with 100% conviction while having the humility, knowing that 30% of the time, hopefully less, you'll get it wrong.
00:00:45.940 | And so long as you don't die or something catastrophic happens, you're going to learn from your mistakes and get better over time.