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Science-Supported Tools to Accelerate Your Fitness Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast


0:0 Tools to Improve Fitness
2:36 Sponsors: LMNT & Helix Sleep
5:13 Foundational Fitness Program
13:33 Tool 1: Zone 2 Cardio & Daily Activities
20:33 Tool 2: Low Repetition Strength Training, 3 x 5 Protocol, Warm-Up Sets
33:11 Age-Related Strength Decline
36:53 Sponsor: AG1 (Athletic Greens)
38:8 Tool 3: “Sugarcane” Endurance Protocol
43:29 Tool 4: Exercise “Snacks”; Cardiovascular & Muscular Endurance
55:31 Tool 5: Rest Period & Physiological Sighs
64:32 Sponsor: InsideTracker
65:38 Tool 7: “The Line”
69:55 Tool 8: Smartphone Use & Training
73:44 Tool 9: Omega-3 Fatty Acids
75:37 Tool 10: Creatine
80:8 Tool 11: Rhodiola Rosea
85:13 Tool 12: Training Fasted or Fed, Caffeine
91:9 Training Session Flexibility
93:37 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | - Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,
00:00:02.280 | where we discuss science and science-based tools
00:00:04.880 | for everyday life.
00:00:05.900 | I'm Andrew Huberman,
00:00:10.360 | and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology
00:00:13.240 | at Stanford School of Medicine.
00:00:15.120 | Today, we are discussing ways to improve your fitness.
00:00:18.000 | In particular, we are going to discuss tools
00:00:19.740 | that you can incorporate into your existing fitness routine
00:00:22.840 | that will allow you to make significant improvement
00:00:25.340 | without having to invest a lot of extra time.
00:00:28.160 | Most all of the tools we are going to discuss today
00:00:29.960 | were gleaned from the six episodes that we did
00:00:32.400 | with Dr. Andy Galpin.
00:00:34.240 | We provide a link to those full episodes
00:00:36.160 | in the show note captions, of course.
00:00:37.720 | Now those episodes included a very large number of protocols,
00:00:41.120 | everything from how to build a fitness routine,
00:00:43.080 | how to enhance recovery, nutrition and supplementation,
00:00:46.280 | exercises and routines aimed specifically at strength
00:00:50.460 | or hypertrophy or endurance or building anaerobic capacity.
00:00:54.480 | What I've done is to select key protocols
00:00:56.320 | from those episodes that I myself have started
00:00:58.920 | to incorporate into my existing fitness routine
00:01:01.640 | and that I think will be especially beneficial
00:01:04.240 | and frankly fun for you to incorporate
00:01:06.420 | into your fitness routine.
00:01:08.280 | Now, a little bit later in this episode,
00:01:09.760 | I review the key components of any fitness program.
00:01:12.860 | That is the number and type
00:01:14.640 | of cardiovascular training sessions
00:01:16.480 | and resistance training sessions that are essential
00:01:18.840 | for everyone to include as a template or a foundation
00:01:22.320 | for their overall fitness program.
00:01:24.120 | Now, a little bit later in the episode,
00:01:25.520 | I will be sure to review what are the essential components
00:01:28.480 | of any fitness program.
00:01:30.040 | So the number and type of resistance training sessions,
00:01:32.720 | the number and type of cardiovascular training sessions,
00:01:35.720 | as well as some of the elements of how those are arranged
00:01:38.280 | to ensure proper and adequate recovery between sessions
00:01:41.380 | so that you can continue to make ongoing progress.
00:01:44.160 | However, the bulk of today's discussion is going to focus
00:01:46.920 | on tools that you can use, again, very easily, very quickly,
00:01:51.160 | in some cases, even saving you time
00:01:53.660 | during your fitness regimen
00:01:55.520 | in order to improve all aspects of your fitness,
00:01:58.240 | your endurance, your muscular endurance,
00:01:59.840 | your anaerobic capacity, your recovery, your strength,
00:02:02.520 | your hypertrophy.
00:02:03.760 | And in describing these tools to improve your fitness,
00:02:06.760 | it also provides an opportunity for each and all of us
00:02:08.960 | to step back from our existing fitness routine
00:02:11.600 | and ask whether or not it's really checking off
00:02:13.720 | all the boxes that are necessary,
00:02:15.480 | as well as where we can be more economical
00:02:17.680 | with our time and our efforts
00:02:19.020 | in order to reach our specific goals
00:02:20.920 | related to exercise and performance.
00:02:23.320 | So by the end of today's episode,
00:02:24.600 | you can be sure that you have at least one
00:02:26.520 | and as many as 12 tools that you can incorporate
00:02:28.940 | into your existing fitness routine,
00:02:30.620 | again, without adding much additional time or effort,
00:02:33.600 | that are sure to accelerate your progress.
00:02:35.960 | Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast
00:02:38.680 | is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.
00:02:41.400 | It is, however, part of my desire and effort
00:02:43.400 | to bring zero cost to consumer information about science
00:02:46.000 | and science-related tools to the general public.
00:02:48.600 | In keeping with that theme,
00:02:49.680 | I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.
00:02:52.420 | Our first sponsor is Element.
00:02:54.360 | Element is an electrolyte drink
00:02:55.880 | that has everything you need and nothing you don't.
00:02:58.600 | That means plenty of salt, sodium, magnesium, and potassium,
00:03:02.440 | the electrolytes, but no sugar.
00:03:04.700 | Having adequate electrolytes is absolutely critical
00:03:07.000 | to cellular function, in particular, the function of neurons.
00:03:10.280 | In order for your neurons to function properly,
00:03:12.360 | you need electrolytes in your system
00:03:14.660 | and you need to be well-hydrated.
00:03:16.440 | There's a lot of research to support the fact
00:03:18.040 | that if you are even mildly dehydrated,
00:03:20.640 | that your cognition suffers,
00:03:22.440 | your physical performance suffers,
00:03:24.420 | and your sleep can also suffer.
00:03:27.080 | So getting adequate electrolytes and hydration is key,
00:03:29.420 | and Element allows you to do that.
00:03:31.160 | I typically mix Element into 16 to 32 ounces of water
00:03:34.700 | and drink that first thing in the morning.
00:03:36.420 | I'll also drink another one during exercise,
00:03:38.540 | and sometimes another one after exercise as well,
00:03:41.840 | especially if I've been sweating a lot
00:03:43.260 | or it's a particularly hot day.
00:03:44.840 | If you'd like to try Element,
00:03:46.000 | you can go to,
00:03:48.800 | and that's spelled
00:03:52.160 | And you can claim a free sample pack with your purchase.
00:03:55.200 | Again, that's drinkelement,
00:03:58.260 | to claim a free sample pack.
00:04:00.020 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Helix Sleep.
00:04:02.520 | Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows
00:04:04.440 | that are the absolute highest quality.
00:04:06.660 | I've talked many times before on this podcast
00:04:08.440 | about the fact that sleep is the foundation
00:04:10.540 | of mental health, physical health, and performance.
00:04:12.880 | And I say that because when we are not sleeping well
00:04:15.120 | or enough, all of those things suffer.
00:04:17.340 | Conversely, when we are sleeping well
00:04:19.280 | and we're sleeping enough, all of those things improve.
00:04:22.120 | One of the key elements to getting a great night's sleep
00:04:24.440 | is to have the proper mattress.
00:04:26.280 | Helix mattresses are different
00:04:27.580 | because they are customized to your unique sleep needs.
00:04:30.080 | So if you go to their website
00:04:31.120 | and take a brief two-minute quiz,
00:04:32.620 | they will match you to a mattress
00:04:34.160 | that's ideal for your sleep needs.
00:04:36.000 | The quiz asks questions such as,
00:04:37.440 | do you sleep on your back, your side, or your stomach?
00:04:39.340 | Perhaps you don't know, that's fine too.
00:04:41.620 | Or do you tend to run hot or cold during the night?
00:04:43.880 | Things of that sort that allow them to match you
00:04:46.060 | to a mattress that will give you
00:04:48.400 | the best possible night's sleep.
00:04:49.960 | I started sleeping on a Helix mattress a few years ago,
00:04:52.180 | and it has vastly improved my sleep.
00:04:54.600 | If you're interested in upgrading your mattress,
00:04:56.260 | you can go to
00:04:58.800 | to take that two-minute sleep quiz,
00:05:00.240 | and they'll match you to a customized mattress.
00:05:02.440 | You can also get up to $350 off any mattress order
00:05:05.360 | and two free pillows.
00:05:06.780 | Again, if you're interested,
00:05:08.020 | you can go to
00:05:10.360 | for up to $350 off and two free pillows.
00:05:13.800 | Let's talk about tools to improve your fitness.
00:05:17.080 | Before we do that, however,
00:05:18.520 | I just want to briefly remind everybody
00:05:20.680 | what constitutes a core or a foundational fitness program.
00:05:24.860 | Now, what I'm about to describe is not for the athlete
00:05:27.560 | that's trying to just improve one aspect
00:05:30.480 | of fitness or sports performance.
00:05:32.360 | So for instance, if you are a powerlifter
00:05:34.800 | and your main goal is to move more weight
00:05:37.260 | on the core powerlifting movements,
00:05:39.720 | or if you are somebody training for a marathon,
00:05:42.800 | it's likely that your core fitness program
00:05:45.680 | will differ substantially from what I'm about to describe.
00:05:48.360 | However, the vast majority of you
00:05:50.760 | are almost certainly trying to have some level
00:05:53.020 | of cardiovascular fitness.
00:05:54.680 | So the ability perhaps to run a mile or more,
00:05:57.780 | certainly to be able to walk up a flight of stairs
00:05:59.840 | without getting winded.
00:06:01.060 | You almost certainly want some degree of strength,
00:06:03.480 | the ability to perhaps pick up a heavy load of groceries
00:06:06.800 | and carry it in one arm
00:06:08.700 | as you carry something else in the other arm.
00:06:10.800 | You want the ability to help move furniture.
00:06:13.020 | You want the ability certainly to not injure yourself
00:06:15.880 | when performing daily tasks.
00:06:17.760 | And perhaps you also want to be able to go out
00:06:19.640 | and play a pickup game of basketball or soccer,
00:06:22.500 | or to go out on a long hike with the family
00:06:24.660 | without feeling so sore
00:06:26.420 | that you have to rest in bed the next day.
00:06:28.520 | An optimal fitness program of the sort that was covered
00:06:31.080 | in the optimal fitness protocols episode that I did
00:06:34.220 | is therefore one that checks off the major boxes
00:06:37.000 | that science tells us are important
00:06:38.920 | for health span and for lifespan,
00:06:40.640 | and that can also help us improve various aspects
00:06:43.340 | of performance and improve various aspects of aesthetics,
00:06:47.580 | whether it's fat loss or muscle growth, if we choose.
00:06:50.660 | So without going into that program in a lot of detail,
00:06:53.500 | the core elements of it are that it include
00:06:56.240 | at least 150 minutes,
00:06:58.100 | and ideally more like 200 minutes per week
00:07:00.980 | of so-called zone two cardio.
00:07:02.900 | I'll talk a little bit more about zone two cardio
00:07:04.600 | a little bit later in the episode.
00:07:06.120 | But zone two cardio is, for those of you that don't know,
00:07:09.700 | the type of cardiovascular exercise that you can do
00:07:12.540 | while maintaining a conversation without getting winded,
00:07:15.540 | but that if you were to push a little bit harder,
00:07:18.200 | that you would find it hard to complete your sentences.
00:07:21.060 | In general, zone two cardio is the sort
00:07:23.400 | that you can do while purely nasal breathing,
00:07:25.900 | unless you need to talk, of course,
00:07:27.100 | it's perfectly fine to talk while doing zone two cardio.
00:07:29.380 | And again, the scientific research tells us
00:07:31.620 | that we should all be getting at least 150 minutes
00:07:34.380 | and probably more like 200 minutes
00:07:35.920 | of zone two cardio per week.
00:07:38.380 | Now, in addition to that,
00:07:39.780 | a foundational or optimal fitness program for most people
00:07:43.020 | is going to include anywhere from two to four
00:07:46.260 | cardiovascular training sessions that are separate,
00:07:48.900 | that's right, separate from the zone two cardio,
00:07:51.860 | as well as two to four resistance or strength training,
00:07:54.900 | sometimes also aimed at hypertrophy
00:07:56.620 | or muscle growth training sessions.
00:07:58.940 | Now, we have to acknowledge that most people
00:08:01.100 | are probably not going to hit the upper threshold
00:08:03.860 | of all of those three things.
00:08:05.180 | Most people simply do not have the time and/or discipline
00:08:09.040 | to get 200 minutes of zone two cardio per week
00:08:11.580 | plus four resistance training sessions
00:08:14.040 | plus four cardiovascular training sessions
00:08:16.540 | that are separate from the zone two cardio.
00:08:18.820 | As a consequence, the optimal fitness program
00:08:21.160 | that I described in that episode,
00:08:23.060 | and by the way, it's the program
00:08:24.380 | that I've essentially followed
00:08:25.620 | for the last 30 years or more,
00:08:28.140 | includes three cardiovascular training sessions.
00:08:31.180 | So one longer duration,
00:08:33.660 | sort of typical endurance type training,
00:08:35.900 | this would be a long, slow jog or a long hike,
00:08:38.080 | one day per week,
00:08:39.400 | as well as a shorter cardiovascular training session
00:08:42.180 | of about 25 to 30 minutes,
00:08:44.620 | moving a bit faster, getting the heart rate up a bit more,
00:08:47.140 | breathing a little bit harder,
00:08:48.560 | as well as one very short cardiovascular training session
00:08:52.000 | that would fall under the category
00:08:53.440 | of high-intensity interval training,
00:08:54.880 | things like sprints,
00:08:56.160 | which don't necessarily have to be done running,
00:08:57.900 | could be done on a rower, could be done on a bike, et cetera.
00:09:01.280 | So three cardiovascular training sessions,
00:09:03.320 | as well as three resistance training sessions.
00:09:06.760 | I want to acknowledge that resistance training
00:09:09.060 | can be done with body weight,
00:09:10.280 | can be done with weights, with machines.
00:09:12.140 | I talked about the differing virtues
00:09:13.740 | of one approach versus another,
00:09:15.420 | but nonetheless, three resistance training sessions,
00:09:18.540 | one focusing specifically on leg training,
00:09:22.240 | one focused specifically on torso training,
00:09:25.140 | that's right, chest, shoulders, and back altogether,
00:09:27.320 | as well as some neck training for important reasons
00:09:29.440 | that were mentioned in that episode,
00:09:30.980 | and then a third session
00:09:32.860 | that was aimed at somewhat smaller body parts,
00:09:35.540 | biceps, triceps, calves,
00:09:37.260 | and some other small body parts
00:09:38.620 | that tend to be neglected
00:09:40.340 | and that are important to train
00:09:42.720 | if one wants to encourage muscular balance,
00:09:45.060 | both aesthetically and structurally to avoid injury
00:09:47.600 | and have excellent posture.
00:09:49.560 | So those were the core elements
00:09:51.680 | of that foundational fitness program.
00:09:53.480 | And I mentioned then, and I'll mention again now,
00:09:55.840 | that that program is not a mandate.
00:09:58.160 | It is not an absolute requirement for anyone to follow.
00:10:01.560 | It was simply meant as a template
00:10:03.140 | from which people could evaluate
00:10:04.680 | their own existing fitness program,
00:10:06.640 | perhaps modify it somewhat or a lot,
00:10:08.880 | or if you were interested in trying
00:10:10.180 | that specific fitness program, that you could do that.
00:10:13.160 | And we have provided a link
00:10:14.560 | both to that episode in the show note captions,
00:10:17.480 | but we've also provided a link to a table or chart
00:10:20.040 | that describes that foundational fitness program.
00:10:22.940 | It provides examples of different cardiovascular training
00:10:25.840 | and resistance type training sessions,
00:10:27.920 | and it describes some potential exercises
00:10:30.520 | and the rationale for those exercises
00:10:32.360 | and the rationale for selecting
00:10:34.040 | particular repetition ranges and rest between sets.
00:10:36.780 | All of that information is available completely, zero cost.
00:10:39.640 | You don't even need to sign up for anything.
00:10:41.040 | You simply go to the link
00:10:42.720 | that we provided in the show note captions,
00:10:44.440 | and there's a downloadable PDF there for you to explore.
00:10:47.900 | Now, in addition to the solo episode
00:10:49.560 | that I did about optimal fitness protocols,
00:10:52.260 | we did a six-episode guest series with Dr. Andy Galpin,
00:10:55.940 | who is a professor of physiology at Cal State Fullerton
00:10:58.820 | and a world expert in all aspects
00:11:01.200 | of exercise and muscle physiology.
00:11:03.480 | That episode described a lot of the science
00:11:05.760 | and in particular science-backed tools
00:11:08.400 | for improving everything from long distance endurance
00:11:11.360 | to anaerobic capacity, strength, hypertrophy, speed,
00:11:15.600 | power, recovery, nutrition, supplementation,
00:11:19.000 | and ways to develop a year-long program
00:11:21.800 | that will ensure you ongoing progress.
00:11:24.400 | In that series, Dr. Andy Galpin provided
00:11:26.360 | an enormous amount of valuable information
00:11:29.400 | such that anyone and everyone,
00:11:31.200 | meaning the person who's just interested
00:11:33.480 | in starting a fitness program
00:11:35.080 | or improving their existing fitness program,
00:11:37.760 | or the elite athlete who's interested
00:11:40.280 | in improving their sprint times or their jump height
00:11:43.340 | or their powerlifting or their marathon time,
00:11:46.100 | could clearly benefit from some or all of the protocols
00:11:49.080 | that he described.
00:11:50.560 | Now, because that series is so extensive
00:11:52.480 | in terms of its depth and breadth,
00:11:54.240 | again, providing so much value at zero cost,
00:11:57.300 | thanks to Dr. Andy Galpin's expertise,
00:11:59.580 | but at the same time, because it might be
00:12:01.100 | a little bit intimidating for many people out there
00:12:03.760 | to try and figure out which protocols to incorporate
00:12:06.120 | into their existing fitness regimen,
00:12:08.160 | I thought it would be fun and very beneficial
00:12:10.560 | to talk about some of the key tools
00:12:12.440 | that were described throughout that series
00:12:14.520 | that one could consider incorporating
00:12:16.120 | into their existing fitness routine now.
00:12:18.800 | So that's what this episode is really about.
00:12:21.220 | It's about the tools that I personally glean
00:12:23.500 | from those discussions and that I found
00:12:25.640 | to be of tremendous value in improving
00:12:28.340 | both my cardiovascular fitness,
00:12:30.220 | my strength and hypertrophy training,
00:12:32.360 | my recovery, and other aspects
00:12:34.160 | of my overall fitness protocols.
00:12:35.500 | And when I say beneficial,
00:12:36.440 | I mean in terms of improving my cardiovascular fitness,
00:12:39.920 | improving my strength and hypertrophy training,
00:12:42.400 | and that have improved the various metrics
00:12:44.440 | of fitness, lifespan, and healthspan,
00:12:47.080 | which include things like heart rate variability,
00:12:49.360 | resting heart rate, blood pressure, VO2 max,
00:12:52.840 | as well as some of the fitness metrics
00:12:54.340 | that were described during that episode series
00:12:56.680 | with Dr. Andy Galpin, such as performance metrics,
00:12:59.580 | the ability to jump a certain distance,
00:13:01.960 | the ability to run a certain speed
00:13:04.160 | or to run a certain distance at a given speed,
00:13:06.080 | the ability to move weights in good form
00:13:08.780 | for a certain number of repetitions.
00:13:10.020 | Again, all of the metrics of performance and health
00:13:12.420 | are going to vary tremendously from person to person,
00:13:14.840 | depending on where you're starting,
00:13:16.800 | how long you've been training,
00:13:18.160 | and other aspects of your health.
00:13:19.820 | The tools described in today's episode
00:13:23.000 | are designed for everybody.
00:13:24.520 | Again, these are simple tools
00:13:25.700 | that you can put into your existing routine
00:13:27.720 | that should really move the needle forward
00:13:29.640 | in terms of improving your overall levels
00:13:31.500 | of fitness and health.
00:13:32.860 | Okay, let's talk about the tools to improve your fitness.
00:13:36.080 | The first tool is to mesh your zone two cardio
00:13:39.260 | with your daily activities.
00:13:41.400 | So for those of you that don't know,
00:13:43.340 | zone two cardio is the type of movement
00:13:46.040 | that we typically call cardio exercise
00:13:49.160 | that elevates your heart rate somewhat,
00:13:51.300 | increases your breathing somewhat,
00:13:53.600 | but that still allows you to carry out a conversation
00:13:56.360 | without having to pause or to gasp
00:13:58.720 | in order to complete your sentences, okay?
00:14:01.460 | So that's a general rule of thumb for zone two cardio.
00:14:04.600 | Now, for those of you that use a fitness tracker,
00:14:07.460 | you can monitor whether or not
00:14:08.740 | you are in zone two cardio very precisely,
00:14:11.720 | but if you're like me and you don't use a fitness tracker,
00:14:14.520 | it's very easy to know if you're in zone two cardio,
00:14:16.780 | because again, it's that level of output
00:14:18.640 | that puts you right below or somewhat below the threshold
00:14:22.540 | where if you were to exert yourself with any more intensity
00:14:26.420 | that you wouldn't be able to complete your sentences.
00:14:29.400 | Now, this could of course be evaluated
00:14:31.320 | by jogging with someone or walking with someone
00:14:33.880 | or hiking with someone and carrying out a conversation.
00:14:37.060 | If somebody isn't available,
00:14:38.320 | you could of course do this by trying to speak out loud
00:14:41.240 | and have a conversation with yourself.
00:14:42.640 | Or if you want another way to monitor
00:14:44.940 | whether or not you're in zone two cardio
00:14:46.320 | without having to use a fitness tracker,
00:14:48.280 | you could simply ask yourself
00:14:49.840 | whether or not you are maintaining a level of output
00:14:52.480 | that increases your heart rate and your breathing,
00:14:55.020 | but that allows you to maintain purely nasal breathing
00:14:58.060 | the entire time.
00:14:59.600 | Any of those approaches will tell you more or less
00:15:02.600 | whether or not you're in zone two cardio.
00:15:04.780 | Now, the scientific data tell us
00:15:06.840 | that we should all be getting anywhere from 150 minutes
00:15:10.240 | to 200 minutes per week minimum of zone two cardio
00:15:14.480 | for sake of cardiovascular health, cerebrovascular health,
00:15:17.560 | and a number of other aspects of health
00:15:19.960 | that are important essentially to everybody
00:15:21.840 | for healthspan and lifespan.
00:15:24.320 | Now, many people including myself schedule zone two cardio
00:15:28.240 | into their weekly fitness regimen.
00:15:30.560 | So for me, I have one day a week.
00:15:32.580 | For me, it falls on a Sunday where I go out for a jog
00:15:36.000 | that lasts anywhere from 60 minutes to 90 minutes.
00:15:38.760 | It's a slow jog.
00:15:40.120 | I can maintain nasal breathing the entire time
00:15:42.240 | or have a conversation with somebody else or myself
00:15:44.860 | the entire time if I like.
00:15:47.400 | Or sometimes it consists of a hike by myself
00:15:51.080 | or with other people.
00:15:52.640 | And sometimes those hikes extend anywhere from an hour
00:15:55.480 | to four hours depending on the circumstances, et cetera.
00:15:58.880 | I will mention that whenever possible,
00:16:00.420 | I try and do that once a week zone two cardio session
00:16:03.320 | out of doors because I like being in nature
00:16:05.160 | and I like getting sunlight and I like getting fresh air.
00:16:08.420 | Now, during the discussion with Dr. Andy Galpin,
00:16:11.080 | I explained how I get my zone two cardio
00:16:13.600 | and I acknowledged that that once a week session
00:16:16.480 | doesn't always allow me to reach that 150 minute
00:16:19.480 | to 200 minute minimum threshold of zone two cardio per week.
00:16:23.760 | Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
00:16:26.240 | And his response to that was very reassuring.
00:16:28.440 | What he said was, "Look, if you want to schedule
00:16:31.360 | "zone two cardio and head out for a long Sunday jog
00:16:34.800 | "or hike, terrific.
00:16:36.540 | "If you want to schedule zone two cardio
00:16:38.580 | "as two or more sessions on the treadmill or on the bike,
00:16:42.780 | "great."
00:16:43.880 | But that he doesn't actually think of zone two cardio
00:16:46.760 | as exercise at all.
00:16:48.920 | And to that I gasped and then I was a little bit deflated.
00:16:51.640 | I thought, "Oh, great, I'm doing all this zone two cardio
00:16:54.660 | "and you don't even consider that exercise."
00:16:56.960 | And then when he said it was very reassuring
00:16:59.000 | and I think it's going to be very reassuring to all of you,
00:17:01.280 | he said, "First of all, zone two cardio
00:17:04.600 | "is absolutely critical to our health
00:17:06.440 | "for a number of reasons that I already mentioned.
00:17:09.120 | "But in addition to that, zone two cardio does not impede
00:17:13.300 | "and in fact can enhance our other aspects of fitness."
00:17:17.040 | So for example, our strength training,
00:17:18.560 | our hypertrophy training or any type of speed work
00:17:21.100 | or other types of cardiovascular training one might do.
00:17:23.760 | And that the best way to get zone two cardio is okay,
00:17:28.300 | if you want to schedule it, schedule it as a session,
00:17:31.240 | but that to simply increase the amount of walking
00:17:34.760 | and in particular walking at a rapid pace that one does
00:17:38.360 | and to increase the total amount of movement
00:17:40.220 | that one's getting throughout the week.
00:17:41.440 | So taking groceries in and out of the grocery store,
00:17:44.800 | running around with the kids,
00:17:46.360 | taking a walk with a coworker while having a work discussion,
00:17:49.480 | taking your calls for work while pacing in the office
00:17:51.780 | or going outside.
00:17:52.920 | What he impressed on me is that zone two cardio
00:17:56.140 | can be meshed throughout the daily activities
00:17:58.380 | that I and everybody else generally have to do.
00:18:01.160 | And this was of great relief to me
00:18:02.880 | because I, as many of you are, am extremely busy.
00:18:07.000 | I don't have time to schedule in more cardio per week,
00:18:10.160 | or at least I don't see the way I could do that
00:18:11.840 | without reducing the amount of sleep that I'm getting
00:18:14.660 | or without reducing the amount of social connection
00:18:17.440 | that I'm getting with family and friends,
00:18:18.780 | both of which are extremely important
00:18:20.440 | to our mental health and physical health.
00:18:22.480 | So the basic tool here is, yes, get 200 minutes per week,
00:18:26.740 | minimum of zone two cardio.
00:18:28.500 | And notice I said 200 minutes,
00:18:29.740 | not 115 minutes to 200 minutes.
00:18:31.700 | I'm going to set the higher threshold
00:18:33.340 | of 200 minutes per week, minimum of zone two cardio,
00:18:37.180 | but that you don't need to schedule that
00:18:39.420 | as time on the treadmill.
00:18:40.460 | If you want to, great.
00:18:42.040 | But what was communicated to me from Dr. Andy Gallopin
00:18:44.880 | is that zone two cardio is immensely beneficial.
00:18:47.280 | It's not going to impede,
00:18:48.480 | and in fact, it's going to improve other aspects of fitness,
00:18:51.720 | and that it does not have to impede,
00:18:53.980 | and it in fact can improve other aspects of our daily life,
00:18:57.440 | like our ability to engage socially,
00:18:59.540 | our ability to have a great output at work
00:19:02.460 | in whatever type of work you do.
00:19:04.360 | So the message is very simple.
00:19:05.940 | Get 200 minutes or more of zone two cardio per week.
00:19:09.040 | And the message is also a very reassuring one,
00:19:11.520 | which is that that zone two cardio
00:19:13.340 | can be spread throughout your daily activities,
00:19:15.700 | and that if you're doing enough of it,
00:19:17.860 | you probably don't even have to count
00:19:19.520 | the total amount of zone two cardio that you're getting.
00:19:21.860 | If you simply make the effort to move around a lot more
00:19:24.820 | during your daily activities,
00:19:26.780 | and to mesh that zone two cardio with your daily activities,
00:19:30.020 | you're going to hit that threshold
00:19:31.220 | of 200 minutes per week, minimum.
00:19:33.360 | Now that's a great message for me,
00:19:35.320 | because I'm already doing
00:19:36.940 | the three resistance training workouts per week.
00:19:38.860 | I'm doing what now I can just call the two other
00:19:41.840 | cardiovascular training workouts per week,
00:19:43.560 | because now I don't even count that long Sunday jog
00:19:46.260 | or Sunday hike as exercise.
00:19:47.880 | I just consider that movement out of doors on the weekend.
00:19:51.600 | And in doing so,
00:19:52.520 | it's also allowed me to really enjoy that a lot more.
00:19:55.160 | There's something about considering something,
00:19:57.060 | a fitness training program,
00:19:58.880 | that shifts it from just recreation
00:20:01.120 | and enjoying life to training.
00:20:03.220 | And I of course love training.
00:20:04.840 | I love training in the gym and I love training out of doors.
00:20:07.000 | I love running, I love lifting weights.
00:20:08.620 | I love all sorts of physical training.
00:20:10.680 | I know many people do, I know many people don't,
00:20:13.220 | but if one looks at zone two cardio
00:20:15.920 | as just part of their daily life,
00:20:18.020 | you're far more likely to get that zone two cardio in
00:20:21.640 | and all the benefits that come with it.
00:20:23.240 | And you're also opening up time for work,
00:20:26.400 | for social engagements,
00:20:28.200 | and to do and pay attention to other aspects of fitness,
00:20:31.440 | which is what we're going to talk about next.
00:20:33.240 | The second tool that I've incorporated
00:20:34.720 | into my fitness regimen,
00:20:36.240 | and that I believe can be of great benefit
00:20:38.780 | to frankly everybody,
00:20:40.720 | is to start including low repetition, pure strength work.
00:20:45.720 | Now, some of you may already be doing
00:20:48.440 | low repetition, pure strength work,
00:20:51.000 | but I believe that most people don't.
00:20:53.740 | Most people who do resistance training
00:20:55.500 | are using either machines or free weights
00:20:57.400 | or some combination of those,
00:20:59.220 | or perhaps are using body weight.
00:21:01.260 | And they tend to focus on repetition ranges
00:21:04.300 | from about five and usually more like six repetitions
00:21:09.300 | out to about 10 and perhaps 15 repetitions.
00:21:13.240 | Now, of course, doing resistance training
00:21:15.080 | in repetition ranges of five to 15 reps per set,
00:21:19.200 | provided it's done at sufficient intensity,
00:21:21.960 | so either to failure or close to failure,
00:21:24.400 | of course, in good form,
00:21:25.800 | is tremendously beneficial.
00:21:27.340 | It can help build strength.
00:21:28.320 | It can enhance hypertrophy.
00:21:30.240 | There is tremendous value
00:21:31.440 | to training in those repetition ranges.
00:21:33.760 | But when I sat down with Dr. Andy Galpin
00:21:35.860 | to discuss resistance training specifically,
00:21:38.520 | he made it very clear that at least for some portion
00:21:42.080 | of one's yearly training cycle,
00:21:44.560 | so perhaps eight weeks or 10 weeks,
00:21:47.020 | or in the case that I adopted, 12 weeks,
00:21:50.880 | there is tremendous benefit to training
00:21:53.400 | in the three to five repetition range and maybe even lower.
00:21:57.320 | So the second tool of training specifically for strength
00:22:00.100 | in this three to five repetition range
00:22:01.720 | is something that I started to incorporate
00:22:03.780 | after I sat down to record that series.
00:22:06.280 | And I'll just tell you a few of the benefits
00:22:08.400 | that I've experienced,
00:22:09.360 | and then I'll tell you the specific protocol
00:22:11.160 | that makes it very easy to do this.
00:22:12.980 | The most obvious benefit to me was that I got much stronger
00:22:16.360 | and that that strength persisted
00:22:18.200 | such that when I went back to using higher repetition ranges,
00:22:21.480 | so typically I trained with weights or machines
00:22:23.600 | in the six to 10 repetition range,
00:22:25.520 | sometimes a little higher, sometimes a little lower,
00:22:27.760 | but never before had I specifically trained
00:22:30.620 | in the three to five repetition range exclusively
00:22:33.440 | for a period of 10 to 12 weeks.
00:22:35.720 | And when I did that, I of course gained strength,
00:22:39.120 | but that strength stayed with me
00:22:40.340 | such that when I returned to higher repetition ranges,
00:22:42.680 | I could use more weight in good form,
00:22:44.680 | and that of course enhanced strength
00:22:46.380 | and hypertrophy further.
00:22:48.240 | In addition, there was another effect
00:22:50.200 | that was at least to me very unexpected,
00:22:52.560 | which was that my cardiovascular training
00:22:55.140 | improved significantly.
00:22:56.880 | Now, why would this be?
00:22:57.720 | Because typically a three to five repetition set
00:23:00.000 | does not elevate the heart rate for long enough
00:23:02.000 | that you would consider it cardiovascular training.
00:23:04.260 | And of course the rest periods between those sets
00:23:06.100 | is pretty long as well.
00:23:07.300 | So even if heart rate goes up during those heavy sets,
00:23:09.780 | it's going to go down during those long
00:23:11.500 | three to five minute rest periods between those sets.
00:23:14.360 | But what I noticed was that my overall posture
00:23:17.720 | and my ability to maintain cardiovascular output
00:23:20.540 | while using good running form or good rowing form
00:23:23.960 | was also vastly improved.
00:23:25.980 | And the logical interpretation of why that would be
00:23:28.860 | is simply that the muscles got stronger
00:23:32.100 | and those same muscles are being incorporated
00:23:34.020 | into the cardiovascular, let's call it endurance work
00:23:37.740 | that I'm doing on other days.
00:23:39.100 | And therefore I can carry out
00:23:40.900 | those cardiovascular training sessions
00:23:43.060 | in better form for longer periods of time.
00:23:45.220 | I actually felt much stronger
00:23:46.900 | during my cardiovascular training
00:23:48.820 | as I got much stronger moving these heavier weight loads
00:23:51.740 | for low repetition sets.
00:23:53.620 | And then the third specific benefit that I noticed
00:23:56.340 | is that when training heavy for three to five repetitions
00:24:00.040 | per set, I didn't get sore.
00:24:03.180 | And this to me was an incredible benefit
00:24:05.680 | because typically when I train in the six repetition
00:24:07.960 | to 15 repetition range,
00:24:09.540 | and I take those sets to failure or near failure,
00:24:12.460 | I do experience some soreness the next day.
00:24:15.260 | Ordinarily that soreness isn't so intense
00:24:17.540 | that it prevents me from doing
00:24:18.740 | any of the other sorts of workouts that I do.
00:24:20.940 | And for those of you that have visited
00:24:22.380 | that foundational fitness protocol,
00:24:24.160 | you know that I hit each major and minor muscle group
00:24:27.000 | once per week directly,
00:24:28.540 | as well as once per week indirectly.
00:24:31.660 | That's the overall structure of that program
00:24:34.180 | in order to allow sufficient recovery
00:24:36.260 | between those resistance training workouts
00:24:37.980 | to be able to make continual progress.
00:24:40.320 | Now, by training in this three to five repetition range
00:24:43.280 | that Dr. Andy Gallopin suggested,
00:24:44.860 | I was able to improve my strength,
00:24:46.380 | improve my cardiovascular output, reduce soreness.
00:24:49.320 | I also just felt better overall.
00:24:51.020 | I had a lot more energy after those workouts
00:24:53.020 | than I typically do after my resistance training sessions
00:24:56.460 | when I use higher repetition ranges.
00:24:58.480 | There are just a number of different things
00:24:59.840 | that made me feel, wow, this is really a powerful protocol.
00:25:04.120 | And of course, moving heavier weights in the gym
00:25:05.800 | feels good too.
00:25:06.960 | It feels good to get stronger.
00:25:08.140 | At least there's a positive feedback there for me,
00:25:10.400 | and I think for most people.
00:25:11.780 | And I should also mention that for those of you
00:25:14.060 | that are averse to doing heavier resistance training
00:25:16.420 | in this three to five repetition range,
00:25:18.200 | because you fear that it will make you too big or too bulky,
00:25:21.640 | training in the low repetition ranges
00:25:23.360 | is actually more geared towards increasing strength
00:25:26.580 | and is shifting away somewhat
00:25:28.600 | from increasing hypertrophy or muscle size.
00:25:32.060 | So that's a great benefit for those of you
00:25:34.260 | that want to be strong
00:25:35.560 | and also want to maintain cardiovascular fitness,
00:25:38.040 | but you don't want to add muscular size.
00:25:39.920 | And of course, for all of you that want to add muscular size
00:25:43.180 | it's well-established that increasing your strength
00:25:45.000 | will allow you then to return to patterns
00:25:46.760 | of hypertrophy training
00:25:47.720 | that will allow you to use heavier weights
00:25:49.640 | and therefore induce greater hypertrophy.
00:25:52.440 | So there are oh so many reasons
00:25:54.040 | to incorporate these strength training protocols.
00:25:56.760 | So the way that Dr. Andy Galpin suggested one do it
00:25:59.600 | and it was the way that I did it
00:26:00.800 | is to use this three by five protocol.
00:26:03.320 | The three by five protocol is very straightforward.
00:26:06.280 | It involves doing three to five exercises per workout, okay?
00:26:11.200 | So if it's a workout for legs, it's three to five exercises.
00:26:13.860 | If it's a workout for some upper body muscle,
00:26:17.520 | it's three to five exercises.
00:26:19.200 | Three to five exercises for three to five sets per exercise,
00:26:24.200 | three to five repetitions per set,
00:26:28.800 | and three to five minutes of rest between each set.
00:26:32.760 | In addition, he emphasized that one can do those workouts
00:26:37.360 | three to five times per week.
00:26:39.340 | Although I'm going to put an asterisk
00:26:41.340 | next to that last statement
00:26:43.040 | because I found that I couldn't do the three by five protocol
00:26:46.440 | say for legs specifically three to five times per week.
00:26:50.120 | I realize that might be possible for some people,
00:26:52.120 | but I'm somebody who like many of you out there
00:26:55.120 | either doesn't have the time
00:26:56.920 | or doesn't have the recovery capacity
00:26:59.920 | to train my legs three to five times per week.
00:27:03.120 | Even though I acknowledge that there are probably ways
00:27:05.420 | to do that that would still allow me to recover,
00:27:07.740 | it just simply starts to impede
00:27:09.180 | into other areas of training.
00:27:11.500 | It starts to impede other areas of life
00:27:13.720 | like work and family and sleep and all the rest.
00:27:17.400 | So what I did and what I'm suggesting you try
00:27:20.720 | is for any existing resistance training that you're doing
00:27:25.000 | to take a period of eight or 10 or ideally 12 weeks
00:27:29.620 | and do the vast majority,
00:27:31.640 | if not all of that resistance training
00:27:33.440 | in the lower repetition range
00:27:35.200 | that's designed specifically to induce strength adaptations
00:27:39.240 | and to not pay attention to whether or not
00:27:40.860 | you're hitting that same muscle group
00:27:42.600 | three to five times per week.
00:27:44.400 | Rather if you train your legs once or twice per week
00:27:47.240 | to simply do all of the work for your legs
00:27:49.360 | in that three to five repetition range.
00:27:51.480 | If you train an upper body muscle or muscle groups,
00:27:54.120 | chest, shoulders, back once per week or twice per week
00:27:58.280 | to just stay within that three to five repetition range
00:28:01.340 | for those work sets, right?
00:28:03.380 | Warmups can include a few more reps.
00:28:05.420 | And then to adhere to this three to five exercises,
00:28:09.440 | three to five sets per exercise,
00:28:11.680 | three to five repetitions per set
00:28:13.720 | and three to five minutes between sets.
00:28:16.380 | Now, the one exception to this that I incorporated
00:28:19.720 | was that for very small muscle groups.
00:28:21.920 | So for instance, the rear deltoids or for neck work
00:28:25.800 | or for calf work to not rely purely
00:28:30.040 | on three to five repetitions,
00:28:31.480 | but maybe to work in a range of anywhere
00:28:33.600 | from five to eight repetitions.
00:28:35.640 | So still fairly low repetitions,
00:28:37.580 | but not so low that it restricts you
00:28:40.200 | to three to five repetitions.
00:28:41.600 | The reason for that is that I,
00:28:43.720 | and I think a lot of people out there find it hard
00:28:46.160 | to fatigue those smaller muscle groups adequately
00:28:48.760 | with good form when restricting oneself
00:28:51.120 | to those low repetitions.
00:28:52.720 | However, for big compound movements like presses and squats
00:28:55.580 | and deadlifts and glute ham raises and things of that sort,
00:28:59.520 | maybe even leg extensions and leg curls,
00:29:02.120 | which are isolation exercises, of course,
00:29:04.440 | to really restrict oneself to those
00:29:06.400 | three to five repetition ranges
00:29:08.200 | that take you to failure or near failure.
00:29:10.720 | I listed off the benefits of doing that that I experienced,
00:29:13.720 | and I'm confident that you will also experience
00:29:15.960 | a lot of benefits.
00:29:17.120 | So just to remind you what some of those benefits are,
00:29:20.340 | you get stronger, which feels great.
00:29:22.720 | That occurs within your weight workouts,
00:29:24.580 | but it also carries over
00:29:26.040 | to your endurance training sessions.
00:29:28.800 | I also noticed that when returning to higher repetitions
00:29:32.240 | for resistance training,
00:29:33.560 | so after 12 weeks,
00:29:35.160 | shifting away from three to five repetition ranges
00:29:37.720 | and going back to training in the six to 10 repetition
00:29:40.800 | ranges mainly, occasionally up to 12 or 15,
00:29:43.800 | but really mainly restricting to six to 10 repetitions,
00:29:47.140 | that you can move much heavier weights in good form
00:29:50.800 | and thereby induce more hypertrophy
00:29:52.600 | while still also continuing to gain some strength.
00:29:56.040 | And another benefit was, again,
00:29:57.960 | reduced soreness compared to when training
00:29:59.860 | with higher repetition ranges and more mental freshness,
00:30:03.580 | is I guess the only way to describe it,
00:30:05.360 | when training in those lower repetition ranges.
00:30:08.160 | I don't know about you,
00:30:09.000 | but when I finish a really hard hour long
00:30:11.960 | resistance training session
00:30:13.120 | done in the six to 12 repetition range,
00:30:16.140 | there's a certain type of mental fatigue
00:30:17.880 | that even if I eat properly afterwards,
00:30:19.960 | even if I hydrate properly,
00:30:21.660 | that it tends to sap a bit of my mental energy
00:30:23.800 | later in the day,
00:30:24.920 | but that the training at the three to five repetition range
00:30:27.520 | did just the opposite.
00:30:28.840 | It actually enhanced my focus and my cognition,
00:30:31.660 | my overall levels of physical energy,
00:30:33.920 | which is great because it allows you to do
00:30:36.080 | all the other things that we're required to do
00:30:37.880 | throughout the day.
00:30:38.720 | And by the way, it'll also allow you
00:30:40.440 | to get more of that zone two cardio.
00:30:42.600 | So if you want more details on the three by five protocol,
00:30:45.460 | again, that's timestamped in the relevant episode
00:30:48.800 | on strength and hypertrophy
00:30:49.920 | that we did with Dr. Andy Galpin.
00:30:51.820 | I'll also provide a link to that specific timestamp
00:30:54.420 | in the show note caption to this episode.
00:30:56.640 | I do want to point out that
00:30:58.360 | you don't just jump right into heavy sets
00:31:00.120 | of three to five repetitions.
00:31:01.260 | You need to warm up adequately.
00:31:03.120 | For some people that warm up
00:31:04.780 | will be higher repetition sets.
00:31:06.400 | So say 10 to 12 repetitions with just the empty bar
00:31:09.360 | or a lightweight and then adding a little bit of weight
00:31:11.280 | and doing eight repetitions and maybe six repetitions.
00:31:14.200 | And then your work sets as they're called
00:31:16.000 | of three to five repetitions.
00:31:17.840 | Or perhaps you're like me
00:31:20.120 | and you prefer to do low repetition warmups.
00:31:22.600 | So this was also something that I discussed
00:31:24.440 | with Dr. Andy Galpin and that for me
00:31:26.180 | has made a tremendous positive impact
00:31:28.880 | on all my resistance training,
00:31:30.380 | regardless of whether or not it is low repetition
00:31:32.480 | or higher repetition.
00:31:33.600 | And that's to do a brief warmup set
00:31:36.480 | that is somewhere in the range of six to eight repetitions.
00:31:39.040 | Very light, just to get familiar with the movement.
00:31:41.560 | Then to do a second warmup set
00:31:43.320 | that includes some load on the bar
00:31:45.640 | or the free weight or the machine.
00:31:47.480 | And then a second warmup set.
00:31:49.480 | Again, this could be free weights or machines
00:31:51.440 | that incorporates a bit more load
00:31:53.420 | but still keeps the repetitions low.
00:31:55.800 | So in the four to six repetition range.
00:31:58.360 | And then maybe,
00:31:59.360 | especially if it's at the beginning of the workout
00:32:01.400 | and my core body temperature isn't elevated yet,
00:32:03.600 | I'll do a third warmup.
00:32:05.220 | But that third warmup,
00:32:06.760 | which of course is going to be
00:32:08.360 | progressively a little bit heavier
00:32:09.720 | than the first or second warmup,
00:32:11.280 | is still going to fall within the low repetition range.
00:32:13.720 | So just two to four repetitions.
00:32:16.040 | For me, including a few more warmup sets
00:32:18.560 | with progressively heavier weight on each warmup,
00:32:21.920 | but still keeping the total repetition count low,
00:32:24.940 | so somewhere in the range of two to six repetitions,
00:32:28.540 | has been very beneficial for improving my work output
00:32:32.300 | during the so-called work sets,
00:32:34.240 | regardless of whether or not I'm training
00:32:35.720 | in the three to five repetition range
00:32:37.360 | or whether or not I'm training
00:32:38.660 | in the six to 15 repetition range.
00:32:41.220 | I know for some people, this might be kind of surprising.
00:32:43.200 | How is it that my work sets are actually higher repetition
00:32:46.120 | than my warmup sets?
00:32:47.500 | Or put differently,
00:32:48.420 | how and why is it that my warmup sets
00:32:50.440 | are lower repetition than my work sets?
00:32:52.240 | And that's because I fall into this category of people
00:32:54.920 | that tends to fatigue pretty quickly
00:32:57.500 | when doing resistance training.
00:32:59.360 | So for me, keeping the repetition count
00:33:01.700 | on any individual warmup set pretty low
00:33:04.360 | has allowed me to really improve my strength output
00:33:07.160 | and really improve my strength and hypertrophy training
00:33:09.860 | when I shift to the so-called work sets.
00:33:11.880 | So I already listed off
00:33:12.920 | a number of important documented benefits
00:33:14.800 | and benefits that I've certainly experienced
00:33:17.000 | by incorporating low repetition, pure strength work
00:33:21.260 | into my yearly training cycle
00:33:22.920 | for periods of eight to 12 weeks.
00:33:25.880 | In addition to that, during my conversation
00:33:28.360 | with Dr. Andy Galpin, he said something very important
00:33:31.000 | for everyone to hear and understand.
00:33:33.020 | He said, when you look at the data on aging and performance,
00:33:35.700 | in particular, muscular performance,
00:33:37.980 | you see some very interesting patterns within the data.
00:33:41.180 | He said, for instance, that for every year after age 40,
00:33:45.700 | there's a 1% drop in muscle size
00:33:48.300 | that can be offset by resistance training,
00:33:50.320 | but that if you don't do resistance training,
00:33:52.660 | that you won't offset.
00:33:54.220 | And during that series, we also talked
00:33:56.260 | about the minimum requirement for six
00:33:59.200 | and probably more like 10 working sets per muscle group
00:34:02.660 | per week in order to at least maintain muscle size,
00:34:06.660 | not just age 40 and beyond, but even at younger ages.
00:34:10.620 | Okay, so that's muscle size, 1% decrease per year
00:34:13.380 | unless you do the right thing.
00:34:14.800 | And the right thing is get six to 10 working sets per week
00:34:17.480 | in order to offset that decrease.
00:34:19.220 | And if you train properly for hypertrophy,
00:34:21.480 | yes, you can still increase muscle size past age 40.
00:34:25.100 | In addition, he said that there is a 3% to 5% reduction
00:34:29.400 | per year for every year past age 40 in strength and power.
00:34:34.400 | Now, that's a very important metric
00:34:37.920 | because what it's telling us is that the drop-off
00:34:40.540 | in strength and power is significantly greater
00:34:44.240 | per each year after age 40
00:34:46.440 | than is the decrease in muscle size,
00:34:49.320 | telling us that we have to do something
00:34:51.220 | to offset that decrease in strength and power.
00:34:54.720 | In addition, he mentioned that for every year past age 40,
00:34:58.220 | there is an 8 to 10% decrease in speed and in explosiveness.
00:35:03.220 | And so if one is interested in maintaining speed
00:35:08.460 | of muscular movement and explosiveness of muscular movement,
00:35:11.380 | something that's perhaps important to a number of you,
00:35:14.060 | one also has to incorporate training specifically geared
00:35:16.820 | toward maintaining or improving speed and explosiveness.
00:35:20.620 | Now, I, like many people,
00:35:22.060 | I'm not so interested in speed and explosiveness.
00:35:24.100 | I know they have their utility,
00:35:25.700 | but I am interested in maintaining muscle size
00:35:28.480 | over the course of my life,
00:35:29.660 | perhaps even adding some muscle to particular muscle groups.
00:35:32.580 | I'm also very interested in at least maintaining
00:35:36.540 | and ideally even gaining some strength
00:35:38.540 | in certain muscle groups throughout my entire lifespan.
00:35:41.420 | And that's not just for performance reasons.
00:35:43.500 | That's also because we know that maintaining
00:35:45.460 | or improving strength of our muscles is very important
00:35:48.780 | across the entire lifespan.
00:35:50.580 | But especially in the years spanning from 40 until death,
00:35:54.780 | which I think for most people fall somewhere between 50,
00:35:58.140 | 60, 70, or ideally out into the 80s, 90s, or 100s, right?
00:36:02.880 | That's what we're all seeking is to die later
00:36:05.420 | in better health.
00:36:07.060 | And in order to do that,
00:36:08.620 | we have to dedicate some very specific training protocols
00:36:11.740 | in order to maintain or build strength.
00:36:13.820 | So to summarize, in addition to all the positive reasons
00:36:16.180 | to do dedicated strength training that I mentioned before,
00:36:19.500 | it's highly recommended that you do
00:36:21.260 | some dedicated strength training for the purposes
00:36:23.820 | of offsetting the age-related decline in strength
00:36:27.100 | that occurs, again, three to 5% per year past age 40,
00:36:31.020 | which is a pretty significant decline.
00:36:33.260 | But the good news is if you do the three to five protocol
00:36:36.260 | for say 12 weeks per year,
00:36:38.020 | and then you continue to resistance train
00:36:40.200 | using other repetition ranges geared towards hypertrophy
00:36:43.380 | and strength, or perhaps even muscular endurance,
00:36:46.020 | the good news is you'll maintain your strength
00:36:48.100 | and perhaps even build your strength,
00:36:49.900 | offsetting that natural decrease that would otherwise occur.
00:36:53.640 | I'd like to take a quick break
00:36:55.020 | and acknowledge one of our sponsors, Athletic Greens.
00:36:58.060 | Athletic Greens, now called AG1,
00:37:00.540 | is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink
00:37:02.900 | that covers all of your foundational nutritional needs.
00:37:05.780 | I've been taking Athletic Greens since 2012,
00:37:08.480 | so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.
00:37:10.700 | The reason I started taking Athletic Greens
00:37:12.300 | and the reason I still take Athletic Greens
00:37:14.380 | once or usually twice a day
00:37:16.360 | is that it gets me the probiotics
00:37:18.260 | that I need for gut health.
00:37:19.960 | Our gut is very important.
00:37:21.060 | It's populated by gut microbiota
00:37:23.620 | that communicate with the brain, the immune system,
00:37:25.360 | and basically all the biological systems of our body
00:37:27.760 | to strongly impact our immediate and long-term health.
00:37:31.420 | And those probiotics in Athletic Greens
00:37:33.260 | are optimal and vital for microbiota health.
00:37:37.100 | In addition, Athletic Greens contains
00:37:38.660 | a number of adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals
00:37:40.580 | that make sure that all of my foundational
00:37:42.460 | nutritional needs are met.
00:37:44.020 | And it tastes great.
00:37:45.900 | If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,
00:37:47.360 | you can go to
00:37:50.740 | and they'll give you five free travel packs
00:37:52.720 | that make it really easy to mix up Athletic Greens
00:37:55.040 | while you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera.
00:37:57.620 | And they'll give you a year's supply of vitamin D3K2.
00:38:01.020 | Again, that's
00:38:03.700 | to get the five free travel packs
00:38:05.100 | and the year's supply of vitamin D3K2.
00:38:08.100 | The next tool I'm about to describe
00:38:09.460 | relates to your cardiovascular training.
00:38:11.460 | And it's a tool that can greatly improve
00:38:13.140 | your cardiovascular fitness
00:38:14.880 | with a limited amount of time commitment.
00:38:17.660 | But that is not to say it is easy.
00:38:20.220 | What I'm referring to is the so-called sugarcane.
00:38:23.380 | If you listen to the series with Dr. Andy Galpin,
00:38:25.820 | you may recall our discussion about the sugarcane,
00:38:28.620 | which is so named after our friend
00:38:30.820 | and expert trainer, Kenny Kane.
00:38:33.220 | And it is a very efficient yet somewhat brutal way
00:38:36.940 | to increase your cardiovascular output.
00:38:39.540 | So the sugarcane is the type of protocol
00:38:41.840 | that you would incorporate once in the period of a week,
00:38:44.700 | but certainly not every week.
00:38:45.900 | It's the kind of thing that you might throw in
00:38:48.200 | once every two weeks or once every four weeks
00:38:51.420 | as a replacement
00:38:52.380 | for your other high-intensity interval training.
00:38:55.300 | The sugarcane involves selecting some form of exercise
00:38:58.640 | that you can do at high intensity safely.
00:39:01.920 | That, of course, will differ between individuals.
00:39:04.020 | For some of you, it will be a stationary bike.
00:39:06.180 | For others of you, it will be a road bike.
00:39:08.580 | For others of you, it will be running.
00:39:10.060 | And for others of you, it will be rowing.
00:39:12.240 | The exact form of exercise is not important.
00:39:15.800 | What is important is that you can generate
00:39:18.280 | a lot of intensity.
00:39:19.420 | So you're going to be doing some sprint-like work,
00:39:21.880 | although not all-out sprints, except on the final round.
00:39:25.660 | I'll explain where all this is going in a moment.
00:39:28.020 | But again, you need to select a movement
00:39:29.820 | that you can do without injuring yourself
00:39:32.280 | while still performing a movement at high intensity.
00:39:34.820 | So for me, that would be running.
00:39:36.460 | For you, it might be something else.
00:39:38.380 | The sugarcane is pretty straightforward in structure.
00:39:41.280 | It involves three rounds after a brief warmup, of course.
00:39:44.980 | So you're going to do three to five minutes of jogging
00:39:46.820 | or jumping jacks or skipping rope,
00:39:48.320 | something to get your core body temperature up
00:39:50.480 | so that you're prepared to do the high-intensity work.
00:39:53.300 | And then there are only three rounds of high-intensity work,
00:39:57.580 | and they go as the following.
00:40:00.080 | In round one, you're going to take two minutes,
00:40:03.020 | so you'll need to set a timer for two minutes,
00:40:05.140 | and you're going to go the maximum distance that you can
00:40:08.500 | in that two minutes.
00:40:09.900 | So run the maximum distance that you can for two minutes,
00:40:12.540 | or cycle the maximum distance that you can for two minutes,
00:40:15.540 | or verse a climber the maximum distance
00:40:17.300 | that you can for two minutes.
00:40:19.120 | Whatever you select, you're going to do that
00:40:21.460 | as far and as fast as you can
00:40:23.740 | for the duration of two minutes.
00:40:26.280 | So depending on the movement
00:40:27.660 | and depending on your level of fitness,
00:40:29.420 | that distance might be 400 meters,
00:40:31.660 | 600 meters, 800 meters, et cetera.
00:40:34.860 | Whatever distance you travel in that two minutes,
00:40:37.400 | you are going to mark that distance down in your mind
00:40:40.540 | or in your phone or on a piece of paper.
00:40:42.620 | And then you're going to rest two minutes.
00:40:46.460 | So two minutes of work, then rest two minutes.
00:40:49.000 | Then in round two, you're going to go the same distance
00:40:53.340 | that you did in round one,
00:40:55.900 | and you're going to take as much time as you need
00:40:58.280 | to do that distance as fast as you can.
00:41:01.760 | So if you went 600 meters in two minutes for round one,
00:41:06.400 | in round two, you're going to go 600 meters,
00:41:10.160 | and it's going to take you however long it takes you.
00:41:12.960 | Chances are, if you really did the best you could
00:41:16.480 | in round one, you were at maximum output
00:41:19.060 | for the first two minutes,
00:41:20.280 | that in round two, it's going to take you longer
00:41:22.600 | than two minutes to travel that equivalent distance.
00:41:25.300 | However, there is the possibility
00:41:27.060 | that it will take you less time.
00:41:28.640 | But for most people, it's going to take you more time.
00:41:31.280 | So staying with this example of 600 meters
00:41:33.680 | in two minutes on round one,
00:41:35.240 | in round two, you're going to go 600 meters,
00:41:38.000 | let's say it takes you two minutes and 30 seconds.
00:41:40.900 | You then are going to mark down how long round two took you.
00:41:46.040 | So in this case, the example is two minutes and 30 seconds.
00:41:50.520 | Then you're going to rest another two minutes.
00:41:53.120 | And then in round three, you're going to go all out,
00:41:57.320 | again, as fast and as safely as you can
00:42:00.920 | for the same duration that you did in round two.
00:42:04.160 | And your goal is to go at least as far
00:42:07.080 | as you went in round one.
00:42:09.480 | And if there's still time left,
00:42:11.340 | you're going to continue to go all out,
00:42:13.400 | again, as fast as you safely can,
00:42:15.720 | until the entire duration is completed.
00:42:18.760 | So it's really just three rounds with two rest periods
00:42:21.580 | in between round one and round three.
00:42:23.840 | And then I highly recommend that after round three,
00:42:26.800 | that you do some sort of dedicated cool down.
00:42:28.880 | So instead of just flopping onto the bench
00:42:30.740 | or the floor or the lawn,
00:42:32.180 | that you walk around slowly until you recover your breathing.
00:42:35.320 | The reason I like the sugarcane as a tool
00:42:37.260 | that one implements once every, say, two to four weeks
00:42:40.020 | as a replacement for one's typical
00:42:42.320 | high-intensity interval training is several-fold.
00:42:44.680 | First of all, if you provide the right intensity
00:42:46.920 | in round one and round two and round three,
00:42:50.600 | it is sure to elevate your heart rate substantially.
00:42:53.060 | And in doing so, improve your VO2 max,
00:42:55.660 | which is correlated with all sorts of important metrics
00:42:58.220 | related to healthspan, performance, and lifespan.
00:43:01.160 | Second of all, it gamifies things a little bit.
00:43:03.760 | It pits you against yourself
00:43:05.640 | in the sense that if you go out at maximum speed,
00:43:08.720 | again, performing a movement that you can safely perform
00:43:12.200 | at maximum speed in round one,
00:43:14.720 | well, then you have something to compete against
00:43:16.720 | in round two and round three.
00:43:18.880 | And that makes the high-intensity interval training,
00:43:21.520 | first of all, very intense,
00:43:23.160 | but also it makes it kind of fun
00:43:25.520 | in a way that lets you forget
00:43:27.040 | just how painful the whole thing is.
00:43:29.200 | The next tool to improve your fitness
00:43:31.400 | is called exercise snacks.
00:43:33.880 | And as the name suggests, this is a fun one.
00:43:36.640 | And was suggested by Dr. Andy Galpin
00:43:38.740 | as a way to either enhance or maintain your fitness
00:43:42.400 | depending on how your core
00:43:43.880 | or foundational fitness program is going.
00:43:46.360 | So when I say core, I don't mean your abs.
00:43:48.180 | I mean whether or not you're getting your regular cardio
00:43:50.680 | and your regular resistance training.
00:43:52.560 | If you were to add one or several
00:43:54.560 | of these exercise snacks per week,
00:43:56.720 | it can further improve things like VO2 max,
00:43:59.160 | muscular endurance, et cetera.
00:44:00.800 | I'll talk about the specific snacks
00:44:02.680 | that you will be doing in a moment.
00:44:04.880 | However, as Dr. Andy Galpin also pointed out,
00:44:07.480 | there are times in which we happen to not be following
00:44:10.580 | our foundational fitness program,
00:44:12.320 | either because work demands or family demands
00:44:15.440 | or we're traveling.
00:44:16.880 | We're simply not keeping up with our basic routine.
00:44:19.800 | And under those conditions,
00:44:20.880 | exercise snacks are a terrific way to maintain the fitness
00:44:23.900 | that you've already built and developed.
00:44:26.000 | And you don't lose any ground in a week say
00:44:28.920 | where you get particularly busy.
00:44:30.880 | Now, exercise snacks can take on a variety of different forms
00:44:34.200 | but for sake of simplicity and clarity,
00:44:36.760 | today we're going to divide them into two major categories.
00:44:39.560 | The first category are exercise snacks
00:44:41.880 | that are going to improve
00:44:43.320 | or maintain your cardiovascular fitness.
00:44:46.000 | So your ability to run or cycle or row,
00:44:48.680 | some distance say 12 minutes or longer.
00:44:52.480 | But keep in mind these exercise snacks are very, very brief.
00:44:55.040 | They don't require that you do them
00:44:56.300 | for 12 minutes or longer.
00:44:57.920 | What they're going to do is either maintain or enhance
00:45:01.040 | the type of endurance that allows you to continue
00:45:04.360 | in an activity for 12 minutes or longer.
00:45:06.560 | The second category of exercise snack
00:45:08.700 | relates to muscular endurance.
00:45:10.800 | Muscular endurance is a very important aspect of fitness.
00:45:13.840 | And even though some people are already training
00:45:15.580 | for muscular endurance,
00:45:16.920 | it's something that most people
00:45:18.280 | are not doing enough training for.
00:45:20.640 | Muscular endurance is your ability say
00:45:22.880 | to maintain a wall set or to maintain a plank
00:45:25.800 | or to do the maximum number of pushups
00:45:27.720 | that you can do in one session,
00:45:29.520 | the sort of drop to the floor and give me as many pushups
00:45:31.760 | as you possibly can type of thing
00:45:33.160 | or as many sit ups as you can type of thing.
00:45:35.580 | Muscular endurance translates
00:45:36.800 | to a number of other aspects of fitness.
00:45:38.800 | And it's something that we should all be working on.
00:45:41.140 | And again, many people just don't make space for it
00:45:43.520 | in their regular routine.
00:45:45.040 | So now we have these two categories of exercise snacks,
00:45:48.000 | one geared toward enhancing or maintaining
00:45:51.120 | your cardiovascular fitness
00:45:53.040 | as it translates to longer duration endurance activity.
00:45:57.020 | So 12 minutes or longer.
00:45:58.240 | And then the other category is purely muscular endurance,
00:46:01.180 | which is essentially some bout of exercise
00:46:03.160 | that's going to be fairly brief,
00:46:04.540 | anywhere from a minute to two minutes,
00:46:06.080 | but certainly less than 12 minutes.
00:46:07.660 | Okay, so let me give you an example of an exercise snack
00:46:10.440 | for enhancing your long duration endurance,
00:46:13.200 | 12 minutes or longer.
00:46:14.120 | And this is the sort of thing
00:46:15.560 | that if you are going to incorporate into your routine,
00:46:18.000 | and I highly recommend that you do,
00:46:19.800 | can essentially be done any time with no warmup.
00:46:23.440 | A good example of an exercise snack of this type
00:46:25.960 | would be to suddenly stand up from your desk
00:46:28.980 | and to do a hundred jumping jacks.
00:46:31.200 | Now, depending on how fit you are
00:46:33.080 | and how fast you do those jumping jacks
00:46:35.600 | and how wide and tall you do those jumping jacks,
00:46:38.640 | meaning, are you doing these kind of little things
00:46:40.300 | where your hands don't actually meet
00:46:41.960 | and your hand like parting your legs just a little bit,
00:46:43.820 | or are you doing full jumping jacks
00:46:45.240 | where you're really jumping and setting your feet out
00:46:48.520 | as wide as you comfortably and safely can,
00:46:50.640 | and then bring your hands together.
00:46:51.960 | It could take you anywhere from 30 seconds to 90 seconds.
00:46:55.700 | Okay, so in the case of jumping jacks,
00:46:57.960 | you may end up doing this for 90 seconds,
00:47:00.000 | but the point is to simply do a hundred jumping jacks,
00:47:02.840 | or if that takes too long,
00:47:04.360 | you can even do just 25 or 50 jumping jacks.
00:47:07.660 | The point is that it's going to get you
00:47:08.840 | moving your muscles.
00:47:10.440 | It's going to get your heart rate up.
00:47:12.600 | Even if you're very, very fit,
00:47:13.980 | if you're doing these fast enough
00:47:15.300 | and you're doing them with proper form,
00:47:17.200 | it's going to get your heart rate up and then you're done.
00:47:20.140 | You can sit back down to your desk,
00:47:21.540 | or you can continue to walk through the airport.
00:47:24.000 | Yes, I've done these in the airport,
00:47:25.960 | typically not while walking toward my gate, but at the gate,
00:47:29.080 | but occasionally I'm feeling lethargic
00:47:30.640 | or I haven't had the opportunity to train that day,
00:47:33.300 | and perhaps I won't get the opportunity to train,
00:47:36.120 | so I'll do something like a hundred jumping jacks
00:47:38.120 | while facing the window,
00:47:39.940 | so it feels a little less awkward
00:47:41.880 | facing people while you're doing them.
00:47:43.600 | And of course, you don't have to do jumping jacks.
00:47:45.280 | An equally effective type of exercise snack
00:47:48.080 | is to find a stairwell and to simply go up that stairwell
00:47:51.720 | as fast as you safely can for 20 to 30 seconds.
00:47:56.160 | So perhaps just find the bottom of a stairwell
00:47:58.420 | and go up that stairwell as quickly as you can,
00:48:00.520 | and perhaps go down as quickly as you can,
00:48:02.020 | and just keep doing that for about 20 to 40 seconds,
00:48:04.360 | and then you're essentially done.
00:48:06.540 | You could also opt to pick some distance
00:48:09.740 | away from your car in the parking lot,
00:48:11.640 | assuming you're not carrying any heavy bags or anything,
00:48:13.720 | and simply run to your car.
00:48:15.520 | So 20 to 30 seconds of not necessarily all out sprinting.
00:48:20.000 | You don't want to injure yourself,
00:48:21.120 | because again, this is done without a warmup.
00:48:23.080 | These exercise snacks are designed to be inserted
00:48:25.120 | into your day and into your week, essentially at random.
00:48:28.600 | You could plan them if you want,
00:48:30.200 | but anytime you feel inspired
00:48:31.600 | or perhaps anytime you're feeling
00:48:33.080 | like you don't want to do one,
00:48:34.360 | you could simply do one of these exercise snacks.
00:48:37.000 | And of course, doing jumping jacks or running to your car
00:48:41.040 | or taking the stairs very quickly up and down
00:48:43.720 | or just up and then walking down, for instance,
00:48:46.100 | and doing a few jumping jacks, things of that sort,
00:48:48.920 | of course, can take on a near infinite number
00:48:51.360 | of different variations.
00:48:53.300 | So if you don't like any of the variations
00:48:55.360 | that I just presented,
00:48:56.540 | you can easily come up with something else.
00:48:58.160 | Again, the purpose of these exercise snacks
00:49:00.640 | is to get your heart rate up.
00:49:02.400 | It's, of course, to do this while not getting injured,
00:49:05.320 | and it is entirely compatible
00:49:07.440 | with an existing exercise program.
00:49:09.740 | It in no way is going to impede your performance
00:49:12.880 | in strength or hypertrophy or other forms
00:49:14.980 | of long-form endurance or high-intensity interval training.
00:49:17.640 | Quite to the contrary.
00:49:19.080 | Everything we know about these exercise snacks
00:49:20.780 | is that they enhance various aspects of your physiology
00:49:23.720 | in ways that promote both recovery and performance
00:49:27.600 | in your other types of exercise
00:49:29.600 | and your other types of athletic endeavors.
00:49:31.420 | So no reason to think that they are going to be problematic
00:49:33.580 | for your training, but of course, don't trip, don't fall,
00:49:36.800 | don't undertake a movement
00:49:38.340 | that puts you into a range of motion
00:49:39.680 | that has you hurting your back or your knee
00:49:41.280 | or any other part of your body.
00:49:42.880 | Start off slowly and find something
00:49:44.920 | that really works for you.
00:49:45.800 | So these are very easy.
00:49:47.240 | They take very little time.
00:49:49.580 | They're fun, to be honest.
00:49:51.220 | And as was discussed in the conversation
00:49:53.860 | with Dr. Andy Galpin, they're also very effective.
00:49:56.500 | The second category of exercise snack
00:49:58.420 | are the exercise snacks that enhance muscular endurance.
00:50:02.200 | So muscular endurance is the type of endurance
00:50:04.480 | that allows you to maintain a fixed position
00:50:07.120 | for some period of time,
00:50:08.480 | usually somewhere between one and three minutes.
00:50:11.320 | But these endurance bouts
00:50:13.040 | are never going to last 12 or more minutes
00:50:15.720 | unless you are exceptionally evolved
00:50:18.880 | in terms of your muscular endurance abilities.
00:50:21.000 | What I'm talking about here are things like planks, wall sits,
00:50:24.480 | maximum number of pushups, things of that sort.
00:50:27.560 | And this is an aspect of fitness
00:50:29.160 | that translates to other aspects of fitness
00:50:32.120 | in a very important way.
00:50:33.620 | And again, this was covered
00:50:34.640 | in the exercise series with Dr. Andy Galpin.
00:50:36.960 | I don't want to go into any of the details now
00:50:38.760 | because it was all covered there.
00:50:40.620 | It's very easy to look up because it's timestamped.
00:50:43.360 | But just in brief, muscular endurance allows the buildup
00:50:48.360 | of more microvascular supply to muscles and connective tissue
00:50:53.760 | in a way that allows delivery and removal
00:50:57.420 | of more nutrients and waste products.
00:51:00.200 | Now, I realize to the physios,
00:51:01.420 | things like nutrients and waste products
00:51:03.080 | is far too broad a category,
00:51:04.360 | but what we're talking about here
00:51:05.580 | is the ability to deliver more fuel and oxygen
00:51:09.180 | and to remove waste products of muscular effort
00:51:13.480 | or to be more specific, neuromuscular effort.
00:51:16.560 | This is a great thing
00:51:17.400 | because it can help you enhance your strength training,
00:51:20.000 | enhance your hypertrophy training,
00:51:21.440 | enhance your long distance endurance
00:51:23.840 | and your middle distance
00:51:24.960 | and even your short distance endurance.
00:51:27.120 | And these exercise snacks for building muscular endurance
00:51:30.160 | are exceedingly easy to do.
00:51:32.240 | And you can even do them while talking on the phone,
00:51:34.120 | especially if you're using headphones
00:51:35.760 | or if you have your phone on speaker.
00:51:37.820 | A good example of an exercise snack for muscular endurance
00:51:40.680 | would be a 30 to 60 second or perhaps longer wall sit.
00:51:44.460 | So remember wall sits?
00:51:45.660 | Wall sits are, as the name suggests,
00:51:47.860 | where you put your feet out some distance from a wall,
00:51:50.140 | you squat down into a seated position,
00:51:52.320 | but there's no chair there
00:51:53.220 | and then you maintain that seated position
00:51:55.140 | and that is harder to do over time, okay?
00:51:58.360 | You could lean back against the wall a little bit harder
00:52:00.740 | if you wanted to gain some extra support and continue.
00:52:03.060 | But the idea here is that you're going to go
00:52:04.960 | not necessarily to muscular failure,
00:52:06.660 | but to the point where you can't continue
00:52:08.420 | to sit in that wall sit position.
00:52:10.440 | You could also simply do this as an air squat
00:52:13.220 | down to the bottom position where you're comfortable
00:52:15.500 | and then you don't want to rest down there,
00:52:17.660 | meaning you want to maintain some tension
00:52:19.140 | in your quadriceps and other muscles of your lower body
00:52:21.640 | so that you're actively trying to support yourself
00:52:24.220 | in the seated position, but without a seat below you.
00:52:27.700 | That can be done, again,
00:52:29.120 | while on a speakerphone conversation,
00:52:30.980 | that can be done at random throughout the day.
00:52:33.420 | You can just decide, okay, I'm going to do a wall sit now
00:52:35.220 | and I'm going to time myself.
00:52:36.140 | I'm going to see how long I can do this for.
00:52:38.240 | Or you could decide to do a plank.
00:52:40.600 | I've done this while on a phone call.
00:52:42.140 | Sorry if it was you that I was talking to,
00:52:43.720 | but I put the phone on speaker
00:52:45.340 | and just gotten into a plank position
00:52:47.100 | and then I'll just have the conversation
00:52:48.500 | in the plank position.
00:52:49.640 | I don't fight to maintain that plank position
00:52:52.180 | past the point where I could continue
00:52:53.620 | to have a conversation.
00:52:54.940 | So again, this is a type of exercise
00:52:56.720 | that one is trying to incorporate into their daily routine.
00:52:59.660 | If you wanted to dedicate a specific amount of time
00:53:02.780 | just to doing these exercise snacks, you could,
00:53:05.020 | but it's far more reasonable to assume
00:53:06.600 | that people will incorporate these
00:53:08.020 | into their daily routine more regularly
00:53:10.380 | if you can incorporate it truly
00:53:12.020 | into the other aspects of your routine, like work.
00:53:14.820 | You do this while watching TV or listening to a podcast.
00:53:17.820 | One form of muscular endurance exercise snack
00:53:19.980 | that's really terrific and is a bit of a challenge
00:53:21.820 | that's fun is to just simply see
00:53:23.700 | how many pushups you can do.
00:53:25.700 | And we talked about proper pushup form
00:53:28.060 | during the episode series with Dr. Andy Galpin,
00:53:30.800 | but here what we're talking about
00:53:32.660 | is chest all the way to the ground.
00:53:35.300 | So it touches the ground,
00:53:36.500 | then pushing up till your arms are completely straight.
00:53:38.520 | That's one pushup.
00:53:39.360 | And then continuing in piston-like fashion,
00:53:42.240 | meaning you're not pausing at the top
00:53:43.700 | and taking a bunch of breaths.
00:53:45.260 | You're not going to a plank position, in other words,
00:53:47.400 | but continuing to do as many pushups as you can
00:53:49.420 | to see whether or not you can enhance that number over time.
00:53:52.880 | And in any case, just to simply get your body working
00:53:56.340 | to engage the muscles of your chest, your shoulders,
00:53:58.260 | your triceps, and your core, et cetera.
00:54:00.500 | And to do that every once in a while.
00:54:02.100 | So instead of needing somebody to say drop and give me 20,
00:54:04.580 | just see whether or not some point,
00:54:06.800 | any point throughout the day,
00:54:08.120 | you can get into a pushup position,
00:54:09.280 | do your maximum number of pushups,
00:54:10.620 | and then just mentally note that number to yourself.
00:54:13.020 | Again, these exercise snacks serve multiple roles.
00:54:15.880 | They're designed to get you moving,
00:54:17.160 | to get your heart rate going,
00:54:18.660 | to maintain or enhance your fitness
00:54:21.080 | in other domains of fitness.
00:54:22.260 | And this is very important
00:54:23.740 | to not take too much time out of your schedule.
00:54:26.540 | In fact, like zone two cardio, right?
00:54:29.500 | Being the type of movement
00:54:30.800 | that you're just going to do a lot throughout the week,
00:54:33.320 | carrying groceries, et cetera, as we discussed earlier,
00:54:35.860 | these exercise snacks are designed to be incorporated
00:54:38.180 | into your daily life.
00:54:39.580 | And I must say that having started doing these
00:54:41.540 | after recording the series with Dr. Andy Galpin,
00:54:44.100 | I've noticed two things.
00:54:45.020 | First of all, including these exercise snacks
00:54:47.700 | at least once a week
00:54:48.780 | and more like three to five times a week for me.
00:54:51.000 | So that's one exercise snack done
00:54:52.820 | three to five times per week
00:54:54.220 | has definitely correlated with improvements in my fitness
00:54:58.900 | in other domains of fitness, strength, hypertrophy,
00:55:01.540 | long distance endurance, et cetera.
00:55:03.020 | Now I've changed a number of other things as well
00:55:05.540 | as a consequence of that series with Dr. Andy Galpin.
00:55:08.420 | So I can't say for sure that it's the exercise snacks per se
00:55:12.440 | that are causing all those positive shifts.
00:55:14.080 | I have to imagine that it's not just the exercise snacks,
00:55:16.760 | but they've become an important part of my routine.
00:55:19.060 | And that relates to the second point,
00:55:20.540 | which is that the exercise snacks are designed to be fun
00:55:23.300 | and easy.
00:55:24.420 | And so I really enjoy doing them so much so
00:55:26.320 | that if I don't do one for a couple of days,
00:55:28.340 | I can start to crave them a little bit
00:55:29.660 | kind of like the other kind of snack.
00:55:31.660 | The next category of tool to improve your fitness
00:55:34.520 | relates to breathing or respiration.
00:55:37.740 | Now breathing and respiration is an enormous topic
00:55:40.660 | in and of itself.
00:55:41.520 | In fact, I did an entire episode
00:55:43.780 | on breathing and respiration.
00:55:45.100 | And this is a topic that my laboratory works on extensively
00:55:48.020 | as it relates to anxiety control
00:55:50.300 | and some other aspects of mental health,
00:55:52.380 | as well as to physical performance.
00:55:54.540 | For today's discussion,
00:55:55.440 | I want to just review a few tools that one can incorporate
00:55:58.780 | both into workouts and around workouts
00:56:01.860 | that can greatly enhance fitness and recovery.
00:56:05.220 | The first one is the type of respiration tool
00:56:07.640 | that you use between sets of exercise.
00:56:10.860 | And again, here, we're talking about resistance training,
00:56:12.800 | but we could just as easily be talking about
00:56:15.520 | rest between rounds of say high intensity interval training.
00:56:19.860 | So for instance, between bouts of sprinting on the track
00:56:22.700 | or the bike or the treadmill or the rower.
00:56:24.920 | A great pattern of breathing to incorporate
00:56:27.160 | during rest between sets
00:56:29.100 | is something that I've talked about before
00:56:30.780 | in other contexts, which is the physiological side.
00:56:33.100 | The physiological side is a deep inhale through the nose
00:56:37.420 | to maximally or near maximally inflate your lungs.
00:56:41.500 | And then a second very brief inhale,
00:56:44.300 | and it's necessarily brief
00:56:45.860 | 'cause your lungs are already pretty full,
00:56:47.940 | to maximally inflate your lungs
00:56:50.460 | and to make sure that any of the little sacs,
00:56:52.420 | the little avioli of your lungs that have collapsed
00:56:54.580 | during the exercise exertion will re-inflate.
00:56:58.500 | And then a long exhale until lungs empty.
00:57:01.820 | So I'll demonstrate it right now
00:57:03.460 | as I've done many times before,
00:57:04.660 | but if you haven't seen it or heard it before,
00:57:06.660 | it's two inhales followed by an extended exhale
00:57:09.420 | and it goes like this.
00:57:10.580 | [inhales and exhales]
00:57:13.740 | [exhales]
00:57:15.980 | You'll notice that the inhales were through the nose
00:57:21.180 | and the exhale was through the mouth.
00:57:22.980 | That's the ideal way to do it for a number of reasons.
00:57:25.620 | Check out the episode that I did on respiration physiology,
00:57:28.020 | AKA breathing, if you want more details on why that is.
00:57:32.140 | But two inhales through the nose
00:57:33.580 | and a long extended exhale through the mouth,
00:57:35.660 | the so-called physiological side, not named by me,
00:57:38.180 | but rather named by physiologists in the 1930s,
00:57:42.060 | is as far as we know,
00:57:43.680 | the fastest way to shift your nervous system
00:57:47.220 | from so-called sympathetic drive
00:57:49.660 | to more parasympathetic drive,
00:57:51.540 | from a state of greater alertness
00:57:53.140 | to a state of greater calm.
00:57:55.240 | Now, the reason to do this
00:57:56.080 | between sets of resistance training
00:57:58.100 | is that the more that you can shift yourself
00:58:00.140 | from sympathetic drive to parasympathetic drive,
00:58:02.360 | that is from alert to calm in between sets,
00:58:05.040 | the more energy and focus you can devote to exertion
00:58:07.860 | during your work sets.
00:58:09.460 | And so one way to do this that's very convenient
00:58:12.340 | and very effective
00:58:13.700 | is to consider the last repetition of your set
00:58:17.500 | a physiological side, which is not to say, okay,
00:58:20.400 | I want to be very clear,
00:58:21.240 | which is not to say that you should do
00:58:22.380 | the physiological side during your set.
00:58:24.220 | In fact, I recommend you do not do that,
00:58:26.820 | but rather if you're doing six repetitions
00:58:29.040 | of a given exercise and you, let's say fail on the sixth
00:58:32.780 | or you do that sixth repetition
00:58:35.180 | and you're just close to failure,
00:58:36.460 | 'cause again, your work set should be too failure
00:58:38.300 | or close to it most of the time, then set down the weight,
00:58:41.500 | and then you're going to do the next repetition
00:58:43.340 | as the physiological side,
00:58:45.020 | meaning you're not going to do the movement,
00:58:46.780 | you're going to think of doing a physiological side
00:58:49.440 | as the last repetition of every set,
00:58:51.220 | not during the last repetition
00:58:53.100 | of the resistance training movement, okay?
00:58:55.220 | So the physiological side is something you do
00:58:56.840 | at the beginning of the rest period,
00:58:58.100 | immediately following a set.
00:58:59.500 | If you'd rather think about it that way,
00:59:00.680 | because it's more convenient than thinking about it
00:59:02.220 | as the last rep of a set, be my guest,
00:59:04.280 | whatever works for you.
00:59:05.460 | But what you'll quickly find
00:59:07.060 | is that if you do a physiological side
00:59:08.660 | right after completing your last repetition,
00:59:10.900 | you'll calm down much more quickly,
00:59:13.300 | your heart rate will come down more quickly,
00:59:15.260 | and you'll recover more completely
00:59:17.000 | in whatever designated rest period you've allowed yourself,
00:59:19.860 | whether or not it's 30 seconds,
00:59:21.160 | which would be very short, frankly,
00:59:22.780 | or it's a five minute period of rest between sets.
00:59:26.340 | If you do one, truly just one physiological side
00:59:29.700 | at the beginning of the rest period,
00:59:30.780 | you are going to effectively shift your nervous system
00:59:32.940 | in the direction you want it to go
00:59:34.460 | during those rest periods.
00:59:35.900 | And of course, if you're training hard during your work sets,
00:59:38.460 | you run zero risk whatsoever of feeling so calm
00:59:41.860 | that you don't feel motivated to do your next set.
00:59:44.060 | I promise you that it will allow you to relax more
00:59:46.720 | at the beginning of the rest period
00:59:48.460 | than you ordinarily would, to shift into a state of rest.
00:59:52.040 | There are differing opinions about whether or not
00:59:54.140 | you should walk around or stay still
00:59:55.900 | during your rest periods.
00:59:56.780 | I like to walk around a bit and stay standing.
00:59:59.540 | I'm not one of these people that kind of collapses
01:00:01.300 | into a C shape on the bench in between sets.
01:00:03.560 | I like to stand up and breathe normally,
01:00:05.840 | walk around, drink a little water, et cetera.
01:00:08.520 | In any case, doing a physiological side
01:00:10.720 | at the beginning of each rest interval
01:00:12.700 | between work sets of resistance training
01:00:15.360 | is a very effective way to enhance your focus
01:00:18.260 | and your output during your work sets.
01:00:20.340 | Now, the last respiration tool to improve your fitness
01:00:23.060 | is again, a tool gleaned from the discussion
01:00:25.100 | with Dr. Andy Galpin, and that's to include
01:00:28.600 | a three to five minute period
01:00:30.600 | at the end of every single workout.
01:00:33.240 | So it doesn't matter if it's high intensity
01:00:34.620 | interval training, or it's resistance training,
01:00:36.740 | or it's a long run of some sort.
01:00:39.100 | At the end of every workout to take three to five minutes,
01:00:42.700 | so you'll want to set a timer,
01:00:44.180 | and to do some form of parasympathetic
01:00:46.560 | that is calming, promoting breathing
01:00:49.240 | in order to shift your nervous system
01:00:51.520 | from a state of heightened alertness and output
01:00:54.520 | into a state of recovery.
01:00:55.920 | Because as you all well know by now,
01:00:58.300 | you get fitter not during your workouts,
01:01:01.300 | but rather after your workouts, in between workouts.
01:01:04.740 | So you stimulate the adaptation during a workout,
01:01:07.440 | but you get the adaptation,
01:01:08.780 | you get the actual improvement in between workouts.
01:01:11.580 | And a common mistake that many people make,
01:01:13.620 | and I made this mistake for years,
01:01:15.260 | was to finish a great workout,
01:01:16.900 | and then you're texting on your phone,
01:01:19.020 | or you're talking on the phone,
01:01:19.860 | you're driving home, it's certainly not as intense
01:01:21.760 | as the workout that you just did.
01:01:23.160 | Maybe you're even feeling really calm from a nice long jog,
01:01:25.900 | or you had a particularly good workout that day
01:01:27.940 | and you're feeling really happy,
01:01:29.500 | so you're enjoying the high, so to speak.
01:01:32.120 | Well, when you do three to five minutes
01:01:34.340 | of what's often called downregulation breathing,
01:01:37.180 | after a workout, it allows you to recover
01:01:39.500 | and to induce the adaptation that you've been after,
01:01:42.800 | the one that you actually train for, much more quickly.
01:01:46.020 | I can't tell you how many people I know
01:01:47.860 | who start to incorporate this into their workouts
01:01:50.220 | find that they recover far better from their workouts,
01:01:53.340 | which might seem a little bit surprising.
01:01:55.620 | Why would it be that just three to five minutes
01:01:57.300 | of some activity would enhance recovery
01:01:59.500 | to such a great degree?
01:02:00.820 | And that's because typically
01:02:02.160 | people don't bookend their workouts.
01:02:04.480 | They finish their workouts,
01:02:05.660 | and of course they're not continuing to lift weights or run,
01:02:08.460 | but they move about their day and their life,
01:02:10.380 | even if it's preparing a meal,
01:02:11.700 | in a way that the level of stress,
01:02:13.540 | and therefore stress hormones,
01:02:15.260 | things like cortisol, adrenaline,
01:02:17.260 | things that, by the way,
01:02:18.100 | are excellent to elevate during a workout,
01:02:20.340 | things like inflammatory markers,
01:02:21.900 | which, by the way, are great to enhance during a workout.
01:02:24.780 | That actually happens during a workout.
01:02:26.020 | You have a massive increase in inflammatory markers,
01:02:28.260 | which might seem bad,
01:02:29.860 | but all of those things are enhancing
01:02:32.820 | the adaptation that you're seeking.
01:02:34.780 | But as soon as those workouts end,
01:02:36.520 | you want to shift into recovery mode.
01:02:38.620 | And this three to five minutes of down-regulation breathing
01:02:41.200 | is a terrific way to do that.
01:02:42.760 | There are a couple of different patterns of breathing
01:02:44.500 | that will work best,
01:02:46.020 | but all of them emphasize exhales, okay?
01:02:49.500 | I want to repeat that.
01:02:50.360 | All of them emphasize exhales.
01:02:51.780 | So for instance,
01:02:52.660 | you could just choose slow, deliberate breathing.
01:02:55.980 | How does that emphasize exhales?
01:02:57.460 | Well, ordinarily, when we breathe,
01:02:59.900 | we inhale actively and we exhale passively.
01:03:03.520 | Whenever we deliberately breathe more slowly,
01:03:06.100 | we are actively exhaling, okay?
01:03:08.420 | So active exhales really promote the calming response
01:03:12.060 | in brain and body.
01:03:13.680 | The other thing you could do,
01:03:14.740 | which many people are now doing,
01:03:16.600 | is to do a repeated round of physiological size.
01:03:20.520 | So the double inhale through the nose,
01:03:22.160 | long exhale through the mouth,
01:03:23.580 | but repeated for, say, three minutes.
01:03:26.420 | That's another version.
01:03:27.720 | The other thing you could do
01:03:29.060 | is simply to notice your exhales
01:03:32.100 | and to emphasize your exhales,
01:03:33.700 | make them longer and more vigorous than your inhales.
01:03:37.300 | Now, you don't want to turn this into a breath work session
01:03:39.420 | where you're doing pranayama or Kundalini breathing
01:03:43.640 | or something of that sort.
01:03:44.640 | The idea is to calm down.
01:03:46.580 | So anytime you're extending your exhales,
01:03:48.560 | you're actively exhaling,
01:03:49.820 | you're trying to slow your breathing down overall,
01:03:52.220 | you're going to shift yourself in the right direction.
01:03:54.180 | So rather than complicate this type of tool,
01:03:57.380 | the best thing you can do is just focus on those exhales,
01:04:00.260 | slow your breathing overall,
01:04:01.860 | use physiological size if you want,
01:04:04.420 | or simply sit in your vehicle,
01:04:06.560 | or if you have to, drive home
01:04:08.700 | while doing this extended exhale type of down regulation.
01:04:12.480 | Ideally, you would take a couple of minutes
01:04:13.900 | and just shift your whole system by not driving,
01:04:16.860 | closing your eyes and just sitting in your car,
01:04:18.580 | stationary, of course,
01:04:19.780 | don't drive with your eyes closed
01:04:21.300 | or bike with your eyes closed.
01:04:22.620 | Just simply calm down, extend your exhales
01:04:26.560 | and shift from the workout to the recovery mode,
01:04:29.940 | which is where the progress is going to arrive.
01:04:32.460 | I'd like to take a quick break
01:04:33.580 | and acknowledge our sponsor, Inside Tracker.
01:04:36.280 | Inside Tracker is a personalized nutrition platform
01:04:38.660 | that analyzes data from your blood and DNA
01:04:41.140 | to help you better understand your body
01:04:42.680 | and help you meet your health goals.
01:04:44.580 | I'm a big believer in getting regular blood work done
01:04:46.900 | for the simple reason that many of the factors
01:04:49.220 | that impact your immediate and long-term health
01:04:51.460 | can only be analyzed from a quality blood test.
01:04:54.020 | However, with a lot of blood tests out there,
01:04:56.060 | you get information back about blood lipids,
01:04:57.940 | about hormones and so on,
01:04:59.100 | but you don't know what to do with that information.
01:05:01.100 | With Inside Tracker, they have a personalized platform
01:05:03.400 | that makes it very easy to understand your data,
01:05:06.180 | that is to understand what those lipids,
01:05:08.080 | what those hormone levels, et cetera, mean,
01:05:10.060 | and behavioral supplement, nutrition, and other protocols
01:05:13.260 | to adjust those numbers to bring them into the ranges
01:05:16.040 | that are ideal for your immediate and long-term health.
01:05:18.300 | Inside Tracker's ultimate plan now includes measures
01:05:20.620 | of both ApoB and of insulin,
01:05:22.820 | which are key indicators of cardiovascular health
01:05:25.460 | and energy regulation.
01:05:27.040 | If you'd like to try Inside Tracker,
01:05:28.500 | you can visit
01:05:31.300 | to get 20% off any of Inside Tracker's plans.
01:05:34.060 | Again, that's to get 20% off.
01:05:38.660 | The next tools to improve your fitness
01:05:40.760 | are psychological tools,
01:05:42.300 | and they're really geared toward enhancing your focus
01:05:44.600 | during your workout and separating
01:05:47.020 | or segmenting your workouts
01:05:48.660 | from the other parts of your day.
01:05:50.660 | Now, of course, workouts are naturally segmented
01:05:52.980 | from the other parts of your day
01:05:54.300 | unless you're running around all day long
01:05:56.560 | or you're lifting weights or other heavy objects
01:05:58.740 | all day long.
01:06:00.000 | But one of the more attractive tools
01:06:02.100 | that was presented during the series with Dr. Galpin
01:06:04.980 | that I adopted and found to be really effective
01:06:08.080 | is this concept of the line.
01:06:10.040 | The line is this concept that you have a physical location,
01:06:14.180 | say at the entrance to a gym
01:06:16.220 | or at the start of your run or your bike,
01:06:18.180 | or maybe it's around the stationary exercise device
01:06:20.540 | that you use,
01:06:21.980 | for which once you cross that line,
01:06:24.440 | you are all about business, okay?
01:06:26.800 | You're not socializing, or at least not too much.
01:06:29.140 | You don't want to be rude to people,
01:06:30.140 | but you're really focused on your workout.
01:06:33.240 | So this is especially effective on days
01:06:35.180 | when you're a little bit distracted
01:06:36.820 | or you didn't sleep that well the night before,
01:06:38.460 | or maybe you got something going on in mind
01:06:41.020 | or you're in an argument
01:06:42.620 | or you're excited about something else.
01:06:44.460 | But if you care about your fitness,
01:06:45.780 | which I hope everyone does,
01:06:47.340 | and your goal during any workout
01:06:49.020 | is to stimulate a particular type of physiological
01:06:51.780 | adaptation, strength, hypertrophy,
01:06:53.320 | long distance endurance, et cetera,
01:06:55.300 | and you also don't want to get injured
01:06:57.660 | so that you can continue to train for your entire life
01:07:00.980 | as regularly as possible,
01:07:02.820 | the concept of the line is fantastic.
01:07:05.160 | Because what it does is it forces you
01:07:07.820 | to compartmentalize the portion of your life
01:07:10.740 | that comes before the workout and after the workout,
01:07:13.140 | and also to really enjoy your workouts.
01:07:15.520 | This is something that's not often discussed,
01:07:17.700 | but nowadays with the advent of smartphones,
01:07:20.780 | there's a lot of infiltration of other types
01:07:22.940 | of communication and information
01:07:25.240 | while one is supposed to be exercising.
01:07:27.820 | And so our life has become far less compartmentalized
01:07:30.940 | than it used to be before the advent of smartphones.
01:07:33.300 | Now, of course, smartphones are wonderful.
01:07:34.640 | They provide all sorts of wonderful tools and benefits.
01:07:37.440 | And of course I use one.
01:07:38.640 | And I'll talk about how to incorporate the smartphone
01:07:40.780 | in a very specific way to enhance your workouts
01:07:42.720 | in just a moment.
01:07:43.860 | But the idea of a line is you pick a location,
01:07:45.980 | it can change each workout,
01:07:47.360 | but ideally it would be at the threshold
01:07:49.580 | of where the physical location to the workout begins.
01:07:52.760 | And once you cross that line, you are all business.
01:07:56.360 | You are taking care of business,
01:07:58.220 | which is not to say that you can't enjoy your workouts.
01:08:00.460 | In fact, you absolutely should.
01:08:01.800 | One of the best pieces of advice
01:08:03.220 | that I ever got about fitness was given to me
01:08:05.600 | when I was a teenager and I started lifting weights.
01:08:08.120 | And the person who was teaching me how to do that said,
01:08:12.060 | one of the best things that you can do
01:08:13.860 | and you absolutely should do for your fitness now
01:08:16.980 | and forever is to learn to enjoy training hard.
01:08:20.320 | And that really stuck with me.
01:08:21.560 | I really do enjoy training hard,
01:08:23.560 | but that was something that I learned how to do over time.
01:08:25.760 | I took on the mentality that I'm here by choice.
01:08:28.660 | I'm here for my own good and my own fitness.
01:08:31.040 | It's to enhance my life.
01:08:32.760 | So I'm going to enjoy training hard.
01:08:34.840 | I'm going to enjoy training effectively.
01:08:36.480 | And of course there are days when I train a little less hard
01:08:38.520 | where I back off quite a bit.
01:08:40.120 | I even take rest periods of a week every once in a while,
01:08:43.160 | every say 12 to 16 weeks, I'll take a week off
01:08:45.800 | and just do some activities like hiking
01:08:48.120 | and things of that sort.
01:08:48.960 | I talked to all about extended layoffs,
01:08:50.860 | meaning a layoff of more than two days
01:08:52.820 | during the episode that I did by myself,
01:08:55.340 | which is the optimal fitness protocols episode.
01:08:57.900 | But in any case, learning to train hard
01:09:00.640 | and enjoy training hard and really making the workout
01:09:04.340 | something that is separate from the rest of your life
01:09:06.400 | is one of the most gratifying things that you can do
01:09:09.120 | to enhance your overall fitness.
01:09:11.180 | Because it really teaches you how to designate your mind
01:09:13.940 | and your body toward this one specific set of goals
01:09:16.440 | while you are there and to really enjoy the process.
01:09:19.480 | Because fitness can be a truly enjoyable process
01:09:22.080 | even when you were exerting yourself especially hard.
01:09:24.440 | And for you masochists out there,
01:09:26.120 | it can be especially because you're training hard
01:09:28.400 | that it feels so good.
01:09:29.760 | In any event, the key is to set some sort of boundary
01:09:34.360 | and know that when you cross into that boundary,
01:09:36.700 | you're training.
01:09:37.540 | And when you cross out of that boundary,
01:09:38.760 | you're done training.
01:09:39.960 | Which also lends itself to more adequate recovery
01:09:42.620 | and the decompression type breathing exercises
01:09:45.120 | that we talked about before.
01:09:46.820 | I'm not going to tell you whether or not you need to do
01:09:48.320 | the down regulation breathing at the end of your workout
01:09:50.460 | within the line or after you cross the line,
01:09:52.800 | that's up to you.
01:09:53.640 | I don't think one needs to get that specific.
01:09:55.520 | Now, another tool that's wonderfully effective,
01:09:57.640 | not just for your workouts, but for all areas of your life
01:10:00.720 | is if you are going to bring a smartphone to your workouts
01:10:04.600 | to set some boundaries around what you're going to listen to
01:10:09.280 | and do with that smartphone during your workouts.
01:10:12.040 | I see people texting.
01:10:13.280 | I see people doing selfies.
01:10:14.540 | I see people having phone calls.
01:10:17.720 | I see people, I presume, listening to music or podcasts.
01:10:21.500 | Look, I am not the smartphone police, nor are you.
01:10:24.800 | And everyone has a right to use their smartphone
01:10:27.400 | in the way that they choose is best for them
01:10:29.560 | in order to distract themselves or focus themselves
01:10:31.900 | or enrich their life.
01:10:33.260 | Look, it's a free world, of course,
01:10:34.820 | more for some than for others,
01:10:36.100 | but you can do what you want with your smartphone.
01:10:38.580 | However, if your goal is to improve your fitness,
01:10:42.040 | one of the more powerful things you can do
01:10:43.660 | with your smartphone is to decide before you cross the line
01:10:47.440 | into your workout what you're going to listen to
01:10:50.460 | or do with that phone or not.
01:10:52.000 | So for me, I like to designate a playlist of music
01:10:55.360 | for that particular workout.
01:10:57.120 | And then I just stick to that playlist.
01:10:58.600 | I might repeat songs that I like a lot,
01:11:00.860 | or someone talks to me while the music's playing,
01:11:03.040 | I might go back and restart a song if they distracted me,
01:11:05.440 | that sort of thing, although I do my best
01:11:07.400 | to not get into too much social chitchat during workouts,
01:11:10.400 | but I'm friendly and it's nice
01:11:12.160 | when people come over and say hello.
01:11:14.020 | I sometimes work out with other people,
01:11:15.260 | in which case I don't use headphones,
01:11:16.640 | I don't use a smartphone.
01:11:18.120 | But setting a playlist or two,
01:11:21.320 | designating a podcast or two,
01:11:23.720 | designating an audio book or two,
01:11:25.760 | whatever it is that you're going to listen to
01:11:27.680 | to really decide what that's going to be
01:11:29.340 | before you do your workout.
01:11:31.000 | The reason I say this is that I observe a lot of people,
01:11:33.880 | and frankly, I've observed myself under conditions
01:11:37.620 | where I'm suddenly in a text communication,
01:11:40.740 | or I'm bouncing between albums or between podcasts
01:11:44.480 | or between whatever it is on the phone
01:11:46.640 | to the point where rest intervals
01:11:47.900 | aren't being controlled well,
01:11:49.380 | to the point where focus during sets
01:11:51.820 | becomes harder to achieve at the beginning of a set,
01:11:53.800 | because in between sets,
01:11:54.920 | I was focused on a conversation, not on training.
01:11:57.440 | I'm a big believer in making your exercise fun,
01:12:00.380 | making it accessible,
01:12:01.720 | meaning not so expensive or geographically difficult
01:12:04.480 | to achieve that you don't do it,
01:12:06.360 | or that it starts to interfere with other areas of life.
01:12:08.880 | This is really important.
01:12:09.720 | You want fitness to be blended with the rest of your life,
01:12:12.200 | but you don't want it so blended with the rest of your life
01:12:14.840 | that the rest of your life starts to impede your efforts.
01:12:17.800 | Or, and this happens quite often for a lot of people,
01:12:20.360 | that workouts start to take an hour and a half,
01:12:23.060 | two hours when they could easily be completed
01:12:25.200 | in 45 minutes to an hour
01:12:26.740 | if you were just more efficient with your time.
01:12:28.440 | And of course, you don't need me to tell you this,
01:12:30.200 | but smartphones can be one of the major bleeds
01:12:33.280 | on our focus and efficiency.
01:12:35.100 | In fact, it can cause you to hemorrhage focus and efficiency.
01:12:38.960 | So what I'm suggesting here
01:12:40.420 | is not throwing away your smartphone,
01:12:42.040 | although some people do benefit
01:12:43.200 | from just leaving it in the car
01:12:44.820 | or at home when they're training,
01:12:46.600 | but rather to designate podcasts, books, music playlists
01:12:50.720 | for that particular workout,
01:12:52.600 | and to just stick to those for the duration of your workout.
01:12:55.360 | And once you cross into the line,
01:12:57.280 | that's what you're listening to and only that or nothing.
01:13:00.560 | And of course, once you cross back over the line
01:13:02.760 | as you finish your workout,
01:13:04.760 | you can decide to continue to listen to the podcast
01:13:06.860 | or continue to listen to the audio book or to the music.
01:13:09.100 | That's up to you.
01:13:09.940 | Although I highly recommend that you do incorporate
01:13:11.800 | that down regulation period of three to five minutes minimum.
01:13:14.800 | The last category of tools to improve your fitness
01:13:17.760 | come from the discussions about nutrition
01:13:20.000 | and supplementation and recovery
01:13:23.040 | in the series with Dr. Andy Galpin.
01:13:25.360 | Now the list of tools I'm about to describe
01:13:26.920 | is not exhaustive,
01:13:28.240 | meaning it doesn't even begin to come close
01:13:30.800 | to the total number of tools that one could glean
01:13:33.380 | from the discussion about nutrition and supplementation
01:13:35.520 | that I had with Dr. Andy Galpin on this podcast.
01:13:38.640 | But they are the major ones
01:13:39.800 | that are definitely worth knowing.
01:13:41.480 | And those include supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids.
01:13:45.280 | Now, omega-3 fatty acids are found, of course, in foods,
01:13:48.400 | things like fatty fish and krill of all things,
01:13:51.560 | certain forms of algae, et cetera.
01:13:53.380 | But most people do not get enough
01:13:55.560 | of so-called EPA form of omega-3s.
01:13:57.720 | And for that reason, I and many other people
01:13:59.360 | choose to supplement with a minimum of one gram per day,
01:14:03.000 | and in some cases as high as two grams per day,
01:14:05.520 | of omega-3s in supplement form.
01:14:08.100 | So typically one would get to one to two grams of EPA
01:14:11.440 | by supplementing their nutrition, their diet that is,
01:14:14.660 | with fish oil capsules or liquid fish oil.
01:14:17.860 | There are many different sources of these.
01:14:19.320 | That was discussed in an episode
01:14:20.640 | that I did with Dr. Rana Patrick.
01:14:23.040 | I find that it's most cost efficient
01:14:25.700 | to get that one to two grams of EPAs from liquid fish oil.
01:14:29.560 | Despite what you might see on the internet,
01:14:31.320 | I don't have any relationship whatsoever
01:14:33.200 | to a liquid fish oil company.
01:14:34.520 | You just want to make sure that you go
01:14:36.000 | with a reputable brand.
01:14:37.340 | I like the ones that are flavored with lemon
01:14:39.960 | so that it offsets the taste of fish oil.
01:14:42.840 | And I'll take a tablespoon or two of that per day.
01:14:45.960 | And if I'm traveling, and even if I'm not,
01:14:48.080 | I will often use fish oil capsules.
01:14:50.080 | And there are a variety of different sources
01:14:51.440 | of those as well.
01:14:52.400 | Getting sufficient amounts of omega-3
01:14:54.520 | has been shown to be important for mood, okay?
01:14:56.760 | So as a way to offset depression,
01:14:59.320 | but also for enhancing overall mood.
01:15:01.780 | That probably relates to the omega-3's effect
01:15:04.400 | on neurotransmission, not just for neuromodulators
01:15:07.640 | like serotonin and dopamine, but for all neurotransmission.
01:15:11.180 | And neurotransmission, of course,
01:15:12.520 | is essential for neuromuscular performance.
01:15:14.880 | And the omega-3s have been implicated
01:15:17.020 | in reducing the inflammation response,
01:15:19.640 | cardiovascular health, et cetera.
01:15:21.580 | I realize that there is some debate about omega-3s,
01:15:23.980 | but when I look at the bulk of literature
01:15:26.280 | about the omega-3s, it's very clear to me
01:15:28.680 | that getting one to two grams of EPA form
01:15:31.840 | of omega-3 per day is the right thing for me to do.
01:15:35.520 | And many others find that as well.
01:15:37.360 | The second tool to enhance your fitness
01:15:38.960 | under this category of nutrition and supplementation
01:15:41.420 | is creatine.
01:15:42.320 | Now, again, creatine is not just found in supplement form.
01:15:44.900 | It's also found, of course, in foods,
01:15:46.540 | in particular, red meat.
01:15:47.880 | However, the amount of red meat that one would have to eat
01:15:50.280 | in order to get the amount of creatine
01:15:52.920 | that one would start to see
01:15:54.280 | a real performance-enhancing effect is just far too high.
01:15:57.140 | You'd be ingesting far too much of other things in red meat
01:16:00.140 | that you wouldn't want that much of.
01:16:02.580 | And for that reason, I and many other people
01:16:04.920 | will take creatine daily.
01:16:07.020 | We now know there's no need to so-called load creatine
01:16:09.700 | in the old days, as it were.
01:16:11.540 | So old days, by the way, meaning mid-90s and 2000s,
01:16:14.380 | we were all told that we had to load creatine.
01:16:16.160 | We had to take high-dose creatine for four or five days,
01:16:18.580 | and then you could back off to a maintenance dose.
01:16:20.860 | Now it's very clear you can just take a daily dose
01:16:22.820 | of creatine and that it really doesn't matter
01:16:24.580 | when you take that creatine.
01:16:26.080 | You could take it post-workout, as many people do.
01:16:28.160 | You could take it pre-workout.
01:16:29.200 | It really doesn't seem to matter.
01:16:30.760 | I happen to take it post-workout just as a matter of habit.
01:16:34.160 | But again, you could take it any time of day.
01:16:36.340 | Now, the point I want to make about creatine
01:16:38.280 | is one that's a bit different
01:16:39.300 | than the other discussions out there.
01:16:40.660 | I have no issue with the majority of what's discussed
01:16:43.360 | about creatine out there.
01:16:44.780 | For instance, that creatine monohydrate
01:16:46.720 | is the most effective form.
01:16:47.800 | Unfortunately, creatine monohydrate
01:16:49.440 | is also the least expensive form of creatine
01:16:51.720 | that's sold out there.
01:16:52.920 | I see no evidence whatsoever that the other forms
01:16:55.400 | of creatine are superior to creatine monohydrate.
01:16:58.360 | But what you'll usually hear is that
01:17:01.080 | taking five grams of creatine monohydrate per day
01:17:04.360 | is ideal for everybody.
01:17:06.280 | And that advice is simply not well-informed
01:17:08.400 | by the scientific literature.
01:17:09.920 | If you are a larger person,
01:17:11.400 | so for instance, I weigh 100 kilograms,
01:17:13.340 | so that's about 220 pounds,
01:17:15.560 | well, it turns out if you look at the literature on creatine
01:17:18.080 | and athletic performance,
01:17:19.600 | and if you look at the literature on creatine
01:17:21.480 | and cognitive performance,
01:17:22.860 | because as some of you already know,
01:17:24.720 | creatine is a fuel or the phosphocreatine system
01:17:28.280 | is a fuel system for the brain as well.
01:17:31.760 | And if you look at the studies on creatine,
01:17:34.680 | they almost always gauge the amount of creatine
01:17:37.240 | to give an individual based on their body weight.
01:17:39.800 | So you don't have to get really specific about this,
01:17:42.240 | but if you weigh say 185 pounds to 250 pounds,
01:17:46.960 | you can get away with and probably should be
01:17:49.400 | taking 10 grams or so of creatine per day,
01:17:51.760 | which is what I do.
01:17:52.780 | Whereas if you weigh less than that,
01:17:55.000 | five grams or maybe even three grams is sufficient.
01:17:57.920 | Now I discussed this with Dr. Andy Galpin
01:17:59.680 | during that series.
01:18:00.740 | And one of the things that I've started to do
01:18:02.740 | since the closure of that series
01:18:04.280 | is to take more creatine per day.
01:18:06.120 | So now I'm taking 10, sometimes even as much as 15 grams
01:18:09.340 | per day of creatine.
01:18:10.400 | Again, this is powdered creatine monohydrate.
01:18:12.800 | My stomach tolerates it very well,
01:18:15.200 | but frankly, I don't tend to get stomach aches
01:18:17.400 | or gastric distress from pretty much anything,
01:18:20.240 | unless it's some form of food poisoning,
01:18:23.120 | which is exceedingly rare for me.
01:18:24.960 | So some people out there find that creatine
01:18:27.760 | really disrupts their gut
01:18:28.960 | and they need to take it with food,
01:18:30.120 | or they really need to slowly increase
01:18:31.960 | the amount of creatine that they're taking each day.
01:18:34.200 | I find that I can put 10, even 15 grams of creatine
01:18:36.760 | into a whey protein shake or into some water
01:18:41.240 | with a little bit of lemon juice
01:18:42.240 | just to make it taste a little less chalky,
01:18:43.680 | drink that and I don't have any gastric distress from that.
01:18:46.080 | So you'll need to find what works for you.
01:18:47.800 | But the point here is if you're going to take creatine,
01:18:49.960 | you don't just want to quote unquote take creatine,
01:18:52.320 | one scoop per day.
01:18:53.460 | You really want to adjust the amount of creatine
01:18:55.600 | that you're ingesting according to your body weight.
01:18:58.240 | And I would give you a very specific formula
01:19:00.760 | of X grams of creatine per kilogram or pound of body weight,
01:19:04.720 | but believe it or not, no such specific recommendation
01:19:07.560 | has ever been published in the scientific literature.
01:19:10.120 | At least I couldn't find it in a whey
01:19:12.200 | that's consistent with all the other papers,
01:19:13.820 | meaning you see a lot of variation.
01:19:15.640 | So what I'm talking about here
01:19:17.160 | is if you weigh 185 pounds or so,
01:19:20.320 | okay, plus or minus five pounds,
01:19:21.880 | out to about 250 pounds, 10 to 15 grams of creatine per day
01:19:25.660 | is probably more appropriate for you than is five grams,
01:19:28.740 | meaning it's going to be more effective
01:19:30.680 | for enhancing physical performance.
01:19:32.080 | And perhaps, again, perhaps even cognitive performance
01:19:34.800 | as well.
01:19:35.640 | And if you're somebody who weighs 180 pounds
01:19:39.240 | down to say 130 pounds,
01:19:41.040 | five grams of creatine per day is probably sufficient.
01:19:44.260 | The point here is if you are taking creatine,
01:19:46.200 | again, not everyone has to take creatine.
01:19:48.080 | There's no law that says that you have to take creatine.
01:19:50.480 | Some people don't like it.
01:19:51.600 | I know some people fear it's going to make their hair
01:19:53.200 | fall out.
01:19:54.020 | We already talked about that in previous episodes
01:19:55.800 | and the lack of data to support that idea.
01:19:58.540 | But I realize some people steer away from creatine
01:20:00.560 | for whatever reason.
01:20:02.120 | But if you decide that taking creatine is right for you,
01:20:04.960 | adjust the total amount of creatine that you take
01:20:07.340 | according to your body weight.
01:20:08.920 | The next supplementation-based tool
01:20:10.400 | for enhancing your fitness is rhodiola rosea.
01:20:14.280 | Now, this very esoteric-sounding supplement
01:20:16.240 | is one that I learned about both from Dr. Lane Norton
01:20:19.040 | when he was a guest on this podcast, expert in nutrition,
01:20:21.680 | and frankly, training as it relates to resistance training,
01:20:25.600 | and from Dr. Andy Galpin.
01:20:28.120 | Rhodiola rosea is a supplement that's gaining
01:20:30.580 | increasing attention because it is what's called
01:20:33.240 | a cortisol modulator.
01:20:34.920 | It does not necessarily suppress cortisol.
01:20:37.760 | It does not increase cortisol.
01:20:39.780 | It's a cortisol modulator.
01:20:41.440 | And frankly, the mechanism by which rhodiola rosea
01:20:44.440 | modulates cortisol is still under investigation.
01:20:47.560 | I hope to do an episode about it in the future,
01:20:49.640 | or at least make it part of an episode,
01:20:51.520 | because the hypothesized mechanism that's starting to emerge
01:20:54.920 | is really interesting as it relates to neurons in the brain
01:20:58.960 | that control the stress response and glands in the body,
01:21:01.480 | like the adrenals that control the stress response
01:21:03.680 | and that secrete cortisol.
01:21:05.340 | Regardless, there's a growing body of research
01:21:07.980 | that has explored rhodiola rosea supplementation
01:21:11.400 | and one's subjective perception of fatigue or output
01:21:16.280 | during high-intensity training of various kinds,
01:21:18.800 | both resistance training,
01:21:19.920 | as well as running and endurance-type training.
01:21:23.120 | So I started taking rhodiola rosea about six months ago
01:21:27.240 | in response to conversations that I had,
01:21:29.520 | again, with Dr. Lee Norton and with Dr. Andy Galpin.
01:21:32.880 | And it's a supplement that I take
01:21:34.360 | before high-intensity workouts.
01:21:36.520 | So I don't take it before a run,
01:21:38.240 | because frankly, my run's either very long and slow,
01:21:40.840 | or they're very brief,
01:21:42.280 | like a high-intensity interval training session.
01:21:44.680 | And I find those to be pretty easy to recover from,
01:21:47.440 | even though they are very intense.
01:21:48.840 | I might take a rhodiola rosea supplement
01:21:51.880 | before doing a 30-minute hill run that's very intense,
01:21:55.400 | but typically, I only take it about 10 to 15 minutes
01:21:58.760 | before any sort of
01:21:59.800 | high-intensity resistance training session,
01:22:01.960 | in particular, my leg day,
01:22:03.700 | which falls on day two of my exercise protocol,
01:22:07.020 | or the torso day or the small body parts day.
01:22:10.000 | Again, here I'm referencing the way
01:22:12.240 | that I train across the week,
01:22:14.040 | and you can find that training protocol
01:22:15.520 | as a downloadable, completely zero-cost PDF if you like.
01:22:18.560 | But I realize other people are using
01:22:20.200 | different body part splits and different combinations
01:22:22.760 | of resistance training and endurance training.
01:22:25.640 | The reason I mentioned rhodiola rosea in this episode
01:22:28.120 | is that I realized that
01:22:29.480 | while some people might not yet be
01:22:31.520 | supplementing omega-3s,
01:22:33.240 | they might not be supplementing creatine,
01:22:35.340 | there are many of you who are already doing those things,
01:22:37.800 | and you're looking for additional tools to give you an edge.
01:22:40.440 | So again, the rhodiola rosea
01:22:42.040 | would not fall into the category of foundational supplements.
01:22:45.200 | Certainly get your nutrition right, get your sleep right,
01:22:47.080 | get your sunlight, all the basics first, please,
01:22:49.000 | before even thinking about any supplements.
01:22:51.200 | However, once you get into the category of supplements
01:22:54.300 | that can enhance fitness,
01:22:56.120 | rhodiola rosea does seem to have some good research
01:22:58.680 | to support it in the context of lots of different forms
01:23:01.460 | of high-intensity exercise.
01:23:03.180 | Now, I can't tell you whether or not it's purely subjective
01:23:06.160 | or whether or not it's objective and subjective,
01:23:09.080 | but my experience has been that when I take rhodiola rosea,
01:23:13.080 | I definitely noticed that I can exert myself harder
01:23:16.400 | without feeling like I'm bringing myself to the brink
01:23:19.600 | of fatigue, either during the exertion or afterwards.
01:23:22.880 | In other words, I feel like I can do more work
01:23:26.280 | without feeling so exhausted,
01:23:27.920 | and I feel as if I'm recovering
01:23:30.120 | from my workouts more quickly,
01:23:31.360 | in particular across the day after my workouts.
01:23:34.680 | In fact, if I had to cite one specific subjective effect
01:23:37.620 | that I've experienced from taking rhodiola rosea
01:23:39.600 | before very high-intensity workouts
01:23:41.720 | is that prior to taking it,
01:23:43.560 | I would often find that three or four hours
01:23:46.960 | after the workout, having eaten a good meal,
01:23:49.060 | taking a shower, et cetera,
01:23:51.180 | and I was tired, I have a real dip in energy,
01:23:54.040 | but now I notice that I have a lot of energy
01:23:55.760 | throughout the day,
01:23:56.600 | even after these very high-intensity sessions
01:23:58.560 | in the early part of the day.
01:24:00.000 | And frankly, I haven't changed anything else
01:24:02.260 | about my supplementation or my nutrition,
01:24:04.440 | at least nothing major.
01:24:06.300 | So I personally am going to continue to take rhodiola rosea
01:24:09.060 | before these high-intensity workouts.
01:24:10.560 | So for me, that's about two or three times per week.
01:24:13.100 | However, if I forgot to take rhodiola rosea before a workout,
01:24:16.300 | I have no reason to think that that workout
01:24:17.760 | would go much worse.
01:24:19.160 | This is a supplement that is designed
01:24:20.960 | to sort of give you an edge to be able to exert more focus
01:24:24.680 | and intensity during your workouts
01:24:26.300 | with less perceived exertion and to enhance your recovery.
01:24:29.660 | The typical dosage of rhodiola rosea
01:24:31.380 | that you'll find in most supplements
01:24:32.960 | is 100 to 200 milligrams.
01:24:35.480 | And of course, anytime you're going to take a new supplement,
01:24:38.060 | you would be wise to figure out the lowest effective dose
01:24:41.480 | from that supplement.
01:24:42.320 | That's just logic, right?
01:24:44.260 | Why spend more money taking more of something
01:24:46.120 | that you don't need more of
01:24:47.080 | if you could get away with taking less of it,
01:24:49.500 | and it's just as effective, maybe even more effective.
01:24:51.960 | So I typically will take 100 to 200 milligrams
01:24:54.400 | of rhodiola rosea about 10 to 20 minutes before a workout.
01:24:58.180 | However, I've taken as little as 100 milligrams
01:25:00.720 | on a consistent basis.
01:25:01.920 | And frankly, I don't really experience much difference
01:25:04.300 | whether I take 100 milligrams
01:25:05.720 | or I take 200 milligrams before a workout.
01:25:07.600 | So lately I've just defaulted to taking 100 milligrams
01:25:10.940 | of rhodiola rosea before any high-intensity workout.
01:25:14.020 | Now, the final tool that I want to review
01:25:15.720 | for improving your fitness
01:25:17.540 | comes from the category of nutrition.
01:25:19.920 | I've done lots of episodes
01:25:21.440 | about nutrition already on this podcast.
01:25:23.520 | We've done episodes about intermittent fasting.
01:25:25.360 | I did a long interview episode with Dr. Lane Norton,
01:25:29.780 | where we discussed all the ins and outs of nutrition
01:25:32.660 | as it relates to fat loss, muscle gain, fitness in general,
01:25:37.520 | lifestyle in general.
01:25:38.640 | So check out that episode where you will learn
01:25:40.960 | his philosophy on nutrition,
01:25:42.180 | which frankly is the one that I largely subscribe to.
01:25:44.300 | It of course obeys the laws of thermodynamics,
01:25:46.840 | calories in, calories out, being fundamentally important,
01:25:49.980 | but also gets into all sorts of details
01:25:51.760 | about which sources of protein
01:25:53.040 | are most effective and bioavailable,
01:25:54.640 | how much protein you can incorporate into your muscles
01:25:58.020 | after training, et cetera.
01:25:59.260 | All of that is included in that episode.
01:26:02.280 | With that said, the series on exercise with Dr. Andy Galpin
01:26:05.400 | also included an episode on nutrition.
01:26:08.040 | And while having the discussion for that episode
01:26:09.880 | and then listening to that episode again,
01:26:12.120 | I realized that while certainly I've gotten
01:26:14.880 | a number of things right about my nutrition
01:26:17.080 | across the years, there are a few areas
01:26:19.000 | where I could probably do better without much effort
01:26:22.940 | in ways that could really enhance my fitness.
01:26:25.440 | And the thing that I'm referring to is that for me,
01:26:28.060 | my first meal of the day lands somewhere around 11 AM,
01:26:30.880 | maybe 12 noon.
01:26:31.840 | Sometimes I'll eat an earlier breakfast,
01:26:33.480 | but most typically I hydrate and caffeinate
01:26:36.120 | and train in the morning and then I eat sometime
01:26:37.780 | around 11 or 12.
01:26:39.180 | And then I eat my last meal of the day
01:26:41.720 | sometime around 8.30 or nine.
01:26:43.860 | And as some of you already know,
01:26:45.760 | I tend to organize my meals such that meals
01:26:48.900 | during the early part of the day tend to lean
01:26:51.440 | more toward protein and fibrous carbohydrates.
01:26:54.480 | So things like meat and salad or chicken and salad,
01:26:57.880 | fish and salad, and maybe a little bit of starch.
01:27:00.480 | And the meals that I eat later in the day
01:27:02.120 | tend to be more starch focused and more vegetable focused.
01:27:05.480 | So things like pasta, rice, et cetera,
01:27:07.520 | later in the day because it helps me sleep.
01:27:09.160 | And the architecture of all that
01:27:10.560 | is really about energy and focus.
01:27:12.200 | I find I can focus a bit better
01:27:14.120 | and I have more energy throughout the day.
01:27:16.120 | When I have my first meal at around 11 or 12
01:27:18.800 | and I keep the total amount of carbohydrates
01:27:20.800 | that I ingest during the day moderate,
01:27:22.800 | not low, but moderate.
01:27:24.880 | Now there is an exception to that,
01:27:26.160 | which is if I do a high intensity resistance training
01:27:28.940 | session early in the morning,
01:27:30.140 | say train legs or train torso or even small body parts
01:27:33.000 | early in the morning,
01:27:34.380 | then I make sure to incorporate more starchy carbohydrates
01:27:37.540 | and some fruits, some simple sugars as well
01:27:39.820 | into the first meal of the day
01:27:41.260 | so that I can replenish the glycogen that I depleted
01:27:44.040 | during those high intensity resistance training sessions.
01:27:47.100 | However, after talking to Dr. Andy Galpin,
01:27:50.540 | I realized that I really shouldn't worry about
01:27:53.680 | or be afraid of eating something before training
01:27:55.920 | if I'm really hungry in the morning.
01:27:57.880 | So what I'm referring to here
01:27:59.420 | are the times in which I wake up and I want to train,
01:28:02.600 | but I personally like to train fasted and caffeinated, okay?
01:28:06.560 | Yes, I do recommend that people delay their caffeine intake
01:28:09.500 | 90 to 120 minutes after waking.
01:28:11.840 | If and only if you have trouble with an afternoon crash,
01:28:15.680 | you know, real fatigue in the afternoon,
01:28:17.240 | then it makes sense to delay your caffeine
01:28:18.960 | 90 to 120 minutes after waking.
01:28:21.060 | However, the exception to that
01:28:23.520 | is that if I'm going to train early in the day,
01:28:25.420 | I do ingest water to hydrate as well as electrolytes
01:28:29.540 | and caffeine prior to training.
01:28:31.520 | And sometimes that means I'm drinking caffeine
01:28:33.440 | within 30 minutes or 60 minutes of waking.
01:28:36.000 | I've tried to be clear about this in previous episodes,
01:28:38.440 | but I think a number of people have come to think
01:28:40.640 | that I always delay my caffeine intake
01:28:43.120 | 90 to 120 minutes after waking,
01:28:44.760 | and that's simply not the case.
01:28:45.960 | If I'm going to train, in particular,
01:28:47.520 | if I'm going to do high intensity resistance training
01:28:49.780 | or a long run, I will ingest caffeine
01:28:52.640 | sooner than 90 to 120 minutes after waking.
01:28:55.520 | And in addition to that,
01:28:57.360 | yes, I tend to eat my first meal around 11 a.m.,
01:29:00.160 | maybe 12 noon, but if I wake up and I'm very hungry,
01:29:03.400 | I will eat a small meal that includes
01:29:05.920 | typically some protein and some fat,
01:29:07.480 | so some Brazil nuts, maybe a couple of scoops of whey protein
01:29:09.940 | would be typical for me,
01:29:11.600 | or maybe even a little bit of oatmeal, some whey protein,
01:29:14.820 | not a lot of food in my gut,
01:29:16.520 | but after talking to Dr. Andy Galpin,
01:29:19.560 | what I learned was for some people training fast,
01:29:21.680 | it feels best.
01:29:22.680 | I would consider myself one of those people.
01:29:25.720 | You may be somebody in that category as well,
01:29:27.680 | or you might be somebody who really feels
01:29:29.880 | as if you run best, you resistance train best
01:29:33.160 | when you've eaten, say, 90 minutes
01:29:35.200 | or a couple hours before you do that.
01:29:37.800 | There are basically no specific rules
01:29:39.840 | as it relates to whether or not you train fasted
01:29:42.240 | or train fed, except what you can handle
01:29:44.560 | in terms of gastric distress.
01:29:45.840 | So you'll want to make food choices according to that
01:29:48.400 | and try and avoid, of course, gastric distress.
01:29:51.360 | But basically the change that I've made
01:29:53.480 | is if I wake up and I'm hungry, I'll eat a small meal,
01:29:56.440 | or if I want to work out in the afternoon
01:29:58.600 | or I have to work out in the afternoon
01:30:00.080 | and I have lunch at, say, 12 or 1230 or 11 a.m.,
01:30:04.880 | and the only opportunity that I have to train
01:30:07.800 | is 1 p.m. or even 1230, I will go ahead and train.
01:30:12.000 | And that's a new thing for me.
01:30:13.520 | Typically, I try to keep my meals
01:30:15.540 | at least three to four hours prior to any training bout.
01:30:19.900 | And of course, if you're sleeping all night,
01:30:21.640 | you're not eating, and then if you wake up
01:30:22.940 | and you don't eat and you train in the morning,
01:30:25.000 | that's certainly longer than three or four hours
01:30:26.560 | unless you're sleeping very, very little, frankly.
01:30:29.080 | So essentially what I'm saying is
01:30:30.400 | figure out what works best for you.
01:30:32.080 | Do you prefer to train fasted or fed?
01:30:34.240 | For some of you, you might prefer fasted before cardio
01:30:37.880 | and fed before resistance training.
01:30:39.920 | For some of you, it might be fasted is always best.
01:30:43.200 | Again, I put myself in that category.
01:30:44.920 | For some of you, it might be fed is always best.
01:30:47.700 | Again, this is highly individual.
01:30:49.280 | And that's another point that I'm trying to make here,
01:30:51.640 | which is Dr. Gallopin really impressed upon me
01:30:54.000 | that there is no hard and fast rule about training fasted
01:30:57.240 | or fed.
01:30:58.180 | And this is the second point that having some flexibility
01:31:02.080 | in whether or not you can train fasted or fed
01:31:04.540 | allows you to incorporate your fitness training sessions
01:31:07.040 | more readily into a shifting schedule.
01:31:09.320 | And that's a really overarching theme
01:31:11.240 | of everything we've been discussing today,
01:31:12.720 | which is, yes, it's wonderful and important
01:31:15.900 | to have a core fitness program,
01:31:17.580 | something that you're really striving to do
01:31:19.560 | each and every week.
01:31:20.400 | And for me, that's three sessions of cardio,
01:31:22.360 | three resistance training sessions,
01:31:24.040 | and a day where I'm doing thermal stress training,
01:31:26.440 | which is just fancy language for deliberate cold
01:31:29.000 | and deliberate heat exposure.
01:31:30.240 | However, real life happens, travel, work, illness, family,
01:31:35.240 | all the sorts of things that can impinge
01:31:37.900 | on an exercise schedule and make it less likely
01:31:40.080 | that one would complete their workouts.
01:31:42.000 | So today we've been discussing tools
01:31:43.760 | to improve your fitness, which are brief,
01:31:46.920 | easy to incorporate, scientifically supported,
01:31:50.040 | and that are shown to improve the various sorts
01:31:53.440 | of exercise adaptations and recovery
01:31:55.940 | that will allow you to get the most progress
01:31:57.840 | from your schedule.
01:31:58.760 | So while the tools that we discussed today
01:32:00.840 | relate to breathing, they relate to nutrition,
01:32:02.680 | they relate to supplementation,
01:32:03.920 | they relate to specific set and rep patterns
01:32:07.120 | and cadences and rest periods, et cetera,
01:32:09.320 | all of those specific recommendations
01:32:11.640 | are within a larger container that I hope has become clear,
01:32:14.840 | which is the best tools to improve your fitness
01:32:17.420 | are the tools that, of course,
01:32:18.760 | are going to be effective in improving your cardiovascular
01:32:21.580 | and strength and hypertrophy training, et cetera,
01:32:24.740 | whatever it is that your goals are,
01:32:26.680 | but also tools that are going to make it easier
01:32:29.800 | and more likely that you are going to engage
01:32:32.060 | in your fitness program with enthusiasm,
01:32:34.620 | with effort, and with focus.
01:32:36.640 | And as with any episode of this podcast,
01:32:38.880 | I covered a lot of information,
01:32:40.400 | and there are a lot of different tools
01:32:42.280 | that one could incorporate.
01:32:43.840 | By no means do you need to incorporate them all,
01:32:46.440 | although if you choose to, that's wonderful.
01:32:48.640 | Just even incorporating one or two of them,
01:32:50.620 | say, incorporating this notion of the line
01:32:52.480 | and the exercise snacks,
01:32:53.980 | or adjusting your level of flexibility
01:32:55.620 | as to whether or not you train fasted or fed and the line,
01:32:58.420 | or trying a 12-week cycle of purely training for strength
01:33:01.280 | when you do your resistance training.
01:33:03.040 | But whether or not you pick one tool or all the tools
01:33:05.880 | or somewhere in between,
01:33:07.520 | the key thing is to actually implement them.
01:33:09.920 | And I like to think that during today's discussion
01:33:12.280 | provided a number of tools, again, largely gleaned
01:33:14.820 | from the episode series with Dr. Andy Galpin's,
01:33:16.920 | and again, if you haven't seen that series,
01:33:18.800 | that's linked in the show note captions.
01:33:20.720 | Those episodes are long, there are six of them,
01:33:23.340 | but they are a wealth of information
01:33:25.820 | of every aspect of fitness.
01:33:27.360 | During today's episode,
01:33:28.320 | we're really just talking about the things that you can,
01:33:30.620 | and I do believe should,
01:33:32.120 | bring to your existing fitness program
01:33:33.860 | that can really make a positive difference
01:33:35.960 | without a lot of effort.
01:33:37.720 | Thank you for joining me for today's discussion,
01:33:39.480 | all about tools to improve your fitness.
01:33:41.880 | If you're learning from and are enjoying this podcast,
01:33:44.240 | please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
01:33:45.880 | That's a terrific zero cost way to support us.
01:33:48.280 | In addition, please subscribe to the podcast
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01:33:52.080 | And on both Spotify and Apple,
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01:33:56.020 | If you have questions for me or comments about the podcast
01:33:58.160 | or guests that you'd like me to include
01:33:59.460 | on the Huberman Lab Podcast,
01:34:00.920 | please put those in the comment section on YouTube.
01:34:03.180 | I do read all the comments.
01:34:05.080 | Please also check out the sponsors mentioned
01:34:06.800 | at the beginning and throughout today's episode.
01:34:08.760 | That's the best way to support this podcast.
01:34:11.320 | During today's episode and on many previous episodes
01:34:13.560 | of the Huberman Lab Podcast, we discuss supplements.
01:34:16.280 | While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,
01:34:18.320 | many people derive tremendous benefit from them
01:34:20.400 | for things like enhancing sleep, hormone support, and focus.
01:34:23.640 | The Huberman Lab Podcast is partnered
01:34:25.240 | with Momentous Supplements.
01:34:26.960 | If you'd like to see the supplements discussed
01:34:28.540 | on the Huberman Lab Podcast,
01:34:30.060 | please go to Live Momentous, spelled O-U-S,
01:34:32.320 | so
01:34:35.000 | If you're not already following me on social media,
01:34:37.360 | it is Huberman Lab on all social media platforms.
01:34:40.040 | So that's Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
01:34:42.720 | And on all of those platforms,
01:34:44.200 | I cover science and science-based tools,
01:34:46.020 | some of which overlaps with the content
01:34:47.640 | of the Huberman Lab Podcast,
01:34:48.860 | but much of which is distinct from the content
01:34:51.000 | on the Huberman Lab Podcast.
01:34:52.240 | So again, it's Huberman Lab on all social media platforms.
01:34:55.600 | If you haven't already subscribed
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01:35:03.000 | and it includes podcast summaries and toolkits.
01:35:05.960 | Toolkits are short PDFs that, for instance,
01:35:08.720 | describe a toolkit for sleep,
01:35:10.160 | a toolkit for learning and neuroplasticity,
01:35:12.220 | a toolkit for fitness, and on and on.
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01:35:23.000 | And again, the Neural Network Newsletter
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01:35:26.200 | Thank you once again for joining me for today's discussion,
01:35:28.500 | all about tools to improve your fitness.
01:35:30.800 | And last, but certainly not least,
01:35:33.060 | thank you for your interest in science.
01:35:34.820 | [upbeat music]
01:35:37.400 | (upbeat music)