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Chris Gerdes (Stanford) on Technology, Policy and Vehicle Safety - MIT Self-Driving Cars


0:0 Introduction
1:20 Chris Gerdes
7:21 What is vehicle safety
11:46 Federal motor vehicle safety standards
14:26 Setting in best practices
15:18 Federal Automated Vehicle Policy
16:36 Safety Assessment
17:6 Operational Design Domain
18:58 Validation Methods
21:30 Ethical Considerations
26:18 Double Yellow Line
27:51 Speed Limits
28:38 Learning and Programming
30:39 Marty Marty
33:1 The Potential
34:8 Data Sharing
38:12 Automated Vehicle Policy
40:50 Safety Requirements
42:50 Learning from Humans
45:0 Liability
46:33 Safety
49:1 Policy
53:10 Sharing data
55:17 Accident data simulations
55:59 Testing in urban and rural environments
58:29 Opensource cars

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | So today we have Chris Gerdes with us.
00:00:03.680 | He's a professor at Stanford University
00:00:06.920 | where he studies how to build autonomous cars that perform at or
00:00:11.120 | beyond human levels both on the racetrack and on public roads.
00:00:15.560 | So that includes a race car that goes 120 miles an hour
00:00:19.560 | autonomously on the racetrack. This is awesome.
00:00:23.120 | He spent most of 2016 as the chief innovation officer at the United States
00:00:29.440 | Department of Transportation and was part of the team that developed the
00:00:33.480 | federal automated vehicle policy. So he deeply cares about the role that
00:00:39.720 | artificial intelligence plays in our society both from the technology side
00:00:44.800 | and the policy perspective. So he is now I guess you could say a policy wonk,
00:00:51.080 | a world-renowned engineer and I think always a car guy.
00:00:56.360 | Yes. So he told me that he did a Q&A session with a group of third graders
00:01:03.080 | last week and he answered all of their heart hitting questions.
00:01:07.080 | So I encourage you guys to continue on that thread and ask Chris questions
00:01:12.080 | after his talk. So please give a warm welcome to Chris.
00:01:14.840 | Great, Lex. Thanks for that great introduction and thanks for having me
00:01:22.600 | here to talk to everybody today. So this is sort of my first week back in
00:01:28.400 | a civilian role. I wrapped up at USDOT last week. So I'm no longer speaking
00:01:35.320 | and officially representing the department, although some of the slides are very
00:01:39.000 | similar to things that I use to speak and represent the department. So I think
00:01:42.960 | as of Friday, this was still fairly current, but I am sort of talking in my
00:01:46.480 | own capacity here. So I wanted to talk about both the technology side and the
00:01:52.160 | policy side of automated vehicles and in particular how some of the techniques
00:01:55.600 | that you're learning in this class around deep learning and neural networks
00:01:59.560 | really place some challenges on regulators and policy makers attempting
00:02:05.240 | to ensure vehicle safety. So just a bit about some of the cars in my background.
00:02:10.520 | I am a car guy and I've gotten a chance to work on a lot of cool ones.
00:02:14.360 | I actually have been working in automated vehicles since 1992 and the
00:02:18.440 | Lincoln Town Cars in the upper corner are part of an automated highway project
00:02:23.080 | I worked on as a PhD student at Berkeley. I then went to Freightliner Heavy
00:02:26.880 | Trucks and Daimler Benz and worked with suspensions on heavy trucks before
00:02:31.640 | coming to Stanford and doing things like building P1 in the upper right corner
00:02:36.680 | there. That's an entirely student-built electric steer-by-wire, drive-by-wire
00:02:40.720 | vehicle. We've also instrumented vintage race cars, electrified a DeLorean, which
00:02:46.040 | I'll show a little bit later, and worked, as Lex mentioned, with Shelly, which is
00:02:51.440 | our self-driving Audi TT, which is an automated race car. In addition to the
00:02:56.680 | Stanford work, I was a co-founder of Peloton Technology, which is a truck
00:03:00.080 | platooning firm, looking at bringing platooning technology, so vehicle-to-
00:03:05.080 | vehicle communication, which allows for shorter following distance out on the
00:03:09.200 | highway. So these are some of the things I've had a chance to work with. To give
00:03:13.560 | you a little bit of a sense, this is Shelly going around the racetrack at
00:03:16.480 | Thunder Hill. She can actually go up to about 120 miles an hour or so on that
00:03:21.160 | track. It's really just limited by the length of the straight. It's kind of fun
00:03:24.800 | to watch from the outside, a little disconcerting. Occasionally, as you see,
00:03:28.280 | there's nobody in the car, although from inside it actually looks all pretty
00:03:33.320 | chill. So Shelly, we've been working with her for a while out on the track. She's
00:03:38.960 | able to get performance now, which exceeds the capability of anybody on the
00:03:44.080 | development team. Many of us are amateur racers. In fact, actually, most of
00:03:49.480 | my PhD students have their novice racing license. We make sure that they get that
00:03:53.720 | license before going out on the track and testing. So Shelly can beat anybody
00:03:57.940 | in the research group. She actually can beat the president of the track, David
00:04:02.080 | Vaughn, now. And we've had the opportunity to work recently with J.R. Hildebrandt,
00:04:06.800 | the IndyCar driver who finished sixth this last year in the Indy 500. He's
00:04:11.720 | faster, but he's actually only about a second or so faster on a minute and 25
00:04:17.300 | second lap. So we're approaching his performance and he's actually helping us
00:04:22.560 | get there. Now, the interesting thing about this is that we've approached this
00:04:26.480 | problem really from one of physics. Force equals mass times acceleration. So the
00:04:31.120 | car is really out there calculating what it needs to do to break down into the
00:04:35.960 | next corner, how much grip that it thinks it has, and so forth as it's going
00:04:41.160 | around the track. It's not actually a learning approach at its core, although
00:04:45.800 | we've added on top a number of algorithms for learning because it turns
00:04:48.920 | out that the difference between the car's performance and the human
00:04:52.120 | performance is really getting that last little bit of capability out of the
00:04:56.320 | tires. Humans drive instinctively in a way, the best humans at any rate, drive
00:05:01.280 | instinctively in a way which is constantly pushing to the limits of the
00:05:04.020 | car's capability. And so if you sort of prejudge what those limits are, you're
00:05:08.480 | not going to be quite as fast. And so that's one of the things we've actually
00:05:11.240 | been working with learning algorithms on is to try to figure out, well, how much
00:05:14.880 | friction do I have in this particular corner and how is that changing as the
00:05:19.640 | tires warm up and as a track warms up from the course of the morning till the
00:05:23.920 | afternoon. These are the things that we need to be fast on the racetrack, but
00:05:28.280 | there are also the things that you need to take into account to be safe in the
00:05:31.720 | real world. So what we're trying to do with this project is understand how the
00:05:35.200 | car can drive at the maximum capability of the limits of the friction between
00:05:39.720 | the tire and the road. Now race car drivers do that to be fast. As they say
00:05:43.700 | in racing, if you want to finish first, first you have to finish. So it's
00:05:48.280 | important that they actually be fast but also accident-free. So we're trying to
00:05:52.400 | learn the same things so that on the road when you may have unknown
00:05:55.560 | conditions ahead of you, the car can make the safest maneuver that's using all the
00:06:00.280 | friction between the tire and the road to avoid ultimately any accident that
00:06:04.600 | the car would be physically capable of avoiding. That's our goal with that. So
00:06:08.680 | we've had a lot of fun with Shelly. We've gotten to drive the car up Pikes Peak in
00:06:12.520 | the Bonneville Salt Flats. Actually Shelly appeared in an Audi commercial
00:06:16.560 | with Zach Quinto and Leonard Nimoy and so at the end of the commercial they
00:06:21.360 | both look at each other and declare it fascinating. So if you're as big of a
00:06:25.880 | science fiction fan as I am, you realize that once your work has been declared
00:06:29.080 | fascinating by two Spocks, there's nowhere to go. So I had to take a stint
00:06:35.240 | and try something different in government. And so I spent the last year
00:06:38.720 | as the first Chief Innovation Officer at the US Department of Transportation,
00:06:42.960 | which I think honestly was the coolest gig in the federal government because I
00:06:47.280 | really didn't have any assigned day-to-day responsibilities but I got
00:06:50.360 | to kind of dive in and help with all manner of really cool projects, including
00:06:54.560 | the development of the first federal automated vehicle policy. So it's a
00:06:59.840 | really great opportunity to sort of see things from a different perspective. And
00:07:03.120 | so what I wanted to do was, you know, kind of coming into this from an engineer,
00:07:06.400 | give you a perspective of what is it like from somebody looking at the
00:07:10.240 | regulatory side on vehicle safety and how are they thinking about the
00:07:13.500 | technologies you're developing and where does that actually leave some
00:07:16.600 | opportunities for engineers to make some big contributions to society. So let's
00:07:21.700 | start with what vehicle safety is like today. So today we have a system of
00:07:27.840 | federal motor vehicle safety standards. So these are rules, they're minimum
00:07:32.480 | performance requirements, and each of them must have associated with it an
00:07:36.600 | objective test. So you can tell does a vehicle meet this requirement or does it
00:07:40.920 | not meet this requirement. Now interestingly there is no federal agency
00:07:45.280 | that is testing vehicles before they are sold. We rely in this country on a system
00:07:50.480 | of manufacturer self-certification. So the government puts these rules out
00:07:54.320 | there and manufacturers go, "We got this, we can meet this," and then they
00:07:59.240 | self-certify and put the vehicles out on the market. The National Highway Traffic
00:08:03.440 | Safety Administration can then purchase vehicles and test them and make sure
00:08:06.960 | that they comply. But we rely on manufacturer self-certification. This is
00:08:11.240 | a different system than in most of the rest of the world, which actually has
00:08:14.040 | pre-market certification, where before you can sell it the government agency
00:08:18.400 | has to say, "Yes, we've checked it and it meets all the requirements." Aviation in
00:08:23.320 | this country, for instance, has that. Aircraft require certification before
00:08:27.760 | they can be sold. Cars do not. Now where did that system come from? So a little
00:08:32.480 | quick history lesson. In 1965 Ralph Nader released a book entitled "Unsafe at Any
00:08:38.320 | Speed." And this is often thought of as a book about the Corvair. It's not.
00:08:43.200 | The Corvair featured prominently in there as an example of a design that
00:08:48.040 | Nader considered to be unsafe. What was very interesting about this book
00:08:53.240 | was that he was actually advocating for things like airbags and anti-lock brakes
00:08:57.960 | back in 1965. These technologies didn't come along until much later. His
00:09:03.480 | argument was that the auto industry had failed. It wasn't a failure of
00:09:07.880 | engineering, but it was a failure of imagination. And if you're interested in
00:09:11.840 | vehicle safety, I would really recommend you read this book because it's
00:09:15.280 | fascinating. They have quotes from people in the 1960s basically saying that we
00:09:20.160 | believe that any collision more than about 40 or 45 miles an hour is not
00:09:25.000 | survivable. Therefore, there's no reason for seatbelts. There's no reason for
00:09:29.200 | collapsible steering wheels. In fact, there's a quote from somebody who made
00:09:32.560 | great advances in road safety saying, "I can't conceive of what help a seatbelt
00:09:37.360 | would give you beyond like firmly bracing yourself with your hands." Those
00:09:42.560 | of you who have studied physics know that's kind of patently ridiculous. But
00:09:46.680 | there was a common feeling that there was no sense of doing anything about
00:09:49.600 | vehicle crash worthiness because once you got above a certain speed, it was
00:09:53.680 | inherently unsurvivable. And I think it's interesting to look at that today because
00:09:57.680 | if we were to be in a collision, I think if any of us were to be in a collision
00:10:01.040 | around about 40 miles an hour in a modern automobile, we'd probably expect
00:10:05.680 | to walk away. You know, we wouldn't really be thinking about our survival. And so
00:10:10.440 | what this did is it led to a lot of public outcry and ultimately the
00:10:15.160 | National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act in 1966, which established
00:10:19.680 | NHTSA and established this set of federal motor vehicle safety standards.
00:10:23.560 | Now the process to get a new standard made, which is a rule-making process in
00:10:28.000 | government, is very time-consuming. Optimistically, about the minimum time it
00:10:32.440 | can possibly take is two years. Realistically, it's more like seven. And
00:10:39.160 | so if you think about going through this process, that's really problematic. I mean,
00:10:44.520 | think about what we were talking about with automated vehicles two years ago or
00:10:48.800 | seven years ago. And think about trying to start seven years ago and make laws
00:10:53.800 | that are going to determine how those vehicles operate on the road today. It's
00:10:57.560 | crazy, right? There's really no way to do that. And the other thing is is that if
00:11:02.480 | you think about it, our system evolved from really this sense of failure of
00:11:05.960 | imagination that the government needs to say, "Hey, industry, do this. Stop slacking
00:11:11.600 | off. These are the requirements. Get there." But I think it's hard to argue today
00:11:15.680 | with all the advances in automation that there is any failure of imagination on
00:11:19.480 | the part of industry. People are coming up with all sorts of ideas and concepts
00:11:24.320 | for new transportation and automation. Tech companies, startup companies, large
00:11:29.120 | OEMs. There's all sorts of concepts being tested out on the road. It's hard to
00:11:34.480 | argue that there's still any lack of imagination. Now the question is, are
00:11:38.160 | things like this legal? It's an interesting question, right? Can I
00:11:42.680 | actually legally do this? Well, from the federal level, there's an interesting
00:11:47.160 | report that came out about 10 months ago from the folks across the street at
00:11:50.480 | Volpe who did a scan and said, "Well, what are the things that might prevent you,
00:11:54.720 | based on the current federal motor vehicle safety standards, from putting an
00:11:58.960 | automated vehicle out on the road?" And the answer was, honestly, not much. If you
00:12:04.660 | have a vehicle, if you start and you automate a vehicle that is currently
00:12:08.080 | meeting all the standards, because there are no standards that relate
00:12:11.640 | specifically to automation, you can certify your vehicle as meeting the
00:12:15.880 | federal motor vehicle safety standards. Therefore, there's nothing at the federal
00:12:19.480 | level that prevents, in general, an automated vehicle from being put on the
00:12:23.720 | road. So it makes sense. So if there isn't a safety standard that you have to meet,
00:12:27.960 | then you can put a vehicle out on the road that meets all the existing ones
00:12:31.840 | and does something new, and there's no federal barrier to that. Now there are a
00:12:37.080 | couple of exceptions. There were a few points in there that referenced a driver,
00:12:41.960 | and in fact NHTSA gave an interpretation of the rule, which is one of the
00:12:47.040 | things that they can do, is to say, "Well, we're going to give an interpretation.
00:12:50.160 | It's not making a new rule, but basically interpreting the ones that we have." And
00:12:54.200 | they said that actually these references to the driver could, in fact, refer to the
00:12:59.040 | AI system. And so that actually is now a policy statement from the
00:13:05.000 | department, that many of the references to driver in the federal motor vehicle
00:13:08.960 | safety standards can be replaced with your self-driving AI system, and the
00:13:13.340 | rules applied accordingly. So in fact, there's very little that prevents you
00:13:18.240 | from putting a vehicle out on the road if it meets the current standards. So if
00:13:21.700 | it's a modern production car, automate it. Federal motor vehicle safety standards
00:13:26.600 | don't stop that. Now a lot of the designs that I showed, though, things that
00:13:29.680 | wouldn't have a steering wheel or other things, are actually not compliant,
00:13:34.200 | because there are requirements that you have a steering wheel, that you have
00:13:37.840 | pedals. Again, these are best practices that evolved in the days, of course, when
00:13:43.480 | people were not thinking of cars that could drive themselves. And so these
00:13:48.580 | things would require an exemption by NHTSA, a process of saying that, "Okay,
00:13:53.960 | this vehicle is allowed on the road, even though it doesn't meet the current
00:13:57.160 | standards because it meets some equivalent." And setting that equivalent
00:14:00.680 | can be a bit of a challenge. Okay, so the question then is, "Well, all right, if the
00:14:04.900 | federal government is responsible, and NHTSA, by the Traffic Safety Act, is
00:14:08.740 | responsible for safety on the roads, but it can't prevent people from putting
00:14:12.760 | anything out, what do you do?" Right? One approach is to say, "Well, let's get some
00:14:17.360 | federal motor vehicle safety standards out there." But as we already said, that's
00:14:20.400 | probably about a seven-year process, and if you were to start setting in best
00:14:23.960 | practices now, what would that look like? So we've got this challenge. We want to
00:14:28.240 | encourage this technology to come out onto the roads and be tested, because
00:14:33.640 | that's the way you're going to learn, to get the real-world data, to get the
00:14:36.840 | real-world experience. At the same time, the federal government is responsible
00:14:40.400 | for safety on the nation's roads. It can recall things that don't work. So if you
00:14:45.640 | do put your automated system out on the highway, and it's deemed to present an
00:14:50.200 | unreasonable risk to safety, even if you're an aftermarket manufacturer, the
00:14:54.440 | government can tell you to take that off the road. But the question is, "How can you
00:14:57.640 | do better? How can you be proactive to try to have a discussion here?" So we
00:15:03.280 | know standards are maybe not the best way of doing that, because they're too
00:15:06.400 | slow. We'd like to make sure the public is protected, but this technology gets
00:15:10.120 | tested. And so the approach taken to sort of provide some encouragement for this
00:15:15.320 | innovation, while at the same time looking at safety, was the federal
00:15:18.720 | automated vehicle policy, which rolled out in September. So this was an attempt
00:15:25.040 | to really say, "Okay, let's put out a different framework from the federal
00:15:30.000 | motor vehicle safety standards. Let's actually put out a system of voluntary
00:15:33.720 | guidance." So what NHTSA is doing is to ask manufacturers to voluntarily follow
00:15:41.000 | certain guidance and submit to the agency a letter that they have followed
00:15:45.440 | a certain safety assessment. Now the interesting thing is, is that the way
00:15:49.000 | that this is set up is not to tell manufacturers how to do something, but
00:15:53.200 | really to say, "These are the things that we want you to address, and we want you
00:15:57.200 | to come to us to explain how you've addressed them." With the idea that from
00:16:02.160 | this, best practices will emerge, and we'll be able to figure out in the future what
00:16:06.720 | really is the best way of ensuring some of these safety items. So this rolled out
00:16:12.880 | in September. We've got the MIT car here on the side. So you see you've got
00:16:19.320 | the Massachusetts license plate. So thanks to Brian for bringing that. If you
00:16:22.960 | do put Gaudi stickers on your car, then you get closer to the center. So that's
00:16:26.280 | something to consider for future reference. But this was was rolled
00:16:31.200 | out in Washington, Washington DC by the Secretary and consists largely of
00:16:38.120 | multiple parts, but I think the most relevant to vehicle design is this 15
00:16:42.280 | point safety assessment. So these are the 15 points that are assessed, and
00:16:47.480 | I'd like to kind of talk about a few of these in some more detail. And it starts
00:16:52.600 | with this concept of an operational design domain and minimal risk or
00:16:57.760 | fallback conditions. And what that means is instead of trying to put a taxonomy
00:17:03.240 | on here and say, "Well, your automation system could be an adaptive cruise
00:17:08.760 | control that works on the highway, or it could be fully self-driving, or it might
00:17:12.240 | be something that operates a low-speed shuttle," the guidance asks the
00:17:16.440 | manufacturers to define this. And the definition is known as operational
00:17:20.660 | design domain. So in other words, you tell us where your system is supposed to work.
00:17:25.440 | Is it supposed to work on the highway? Is it supposed to work in restricted areas?
00:17:30.400 | Can it work in all weather? Or is this sort of something that operates only in
00:17:36.240 | daylight hours in the sunshine in this area of South Florida? All of those are
00:17:40.760 | fine, but it's incumbent upon the manufacturer or developer to define the
00:17:46.540 | operational design domain. And then once you've defined where the system operates,
00:17:50.720 | you need to define how you make sure that it is only operating in those
00:17:54.320 | conditions. How do you make sure that the system stays there? And what's your
00:17:58.280 | fallback in case it doesn't? And that fallback can be different. Obviously, if
00:18:02.440 | this is a car which is normally human-driven, as you see here from the
00:18:06.020 | Volvo Drive Me experiment, it might be reasonable to say, "We're going to ask the
00:18:11.800 | human driver to retake control." Whereas, clearly, if you're going to enable blind
00:18:17.520 | passengers or you are going to have a vehicle that has no steering wheel, you
00:18:22.920 | need a different fallback system. And so within the guidance, it really allows
00:18:28.000 | manufacturers to have a lot of different concepts of what they want their
00:18:31.600 | automation to be, so long as they can define where it works, what the fallback
00:18:36.480 | is in the event that it doesn't work, and how you have educated the consumer
00:18:41.200 | about what your technology does and what it doesn't do, so that people have a good
00:18:47.160 | understanding of the system performance. A few things, if we go down, you see also
00:18:52.080 | validation methods and ethical considerations are aspects that are
00:18:56.720 | brought up here as well. And so validation methods are really
00:19:00.000 | interesting as it applies to AI. So really, the idea is that there's lots of
00:19:05.920 | different ways that you might test an automated vehicle. You might go out on a
00:19:10.120 | test track and run it through a series of standard maneuvers. You may develop a
00:19:15.080 | certain number of miles of experience driving in real-world traffic and figure
00:19:19.320 | out how does the vehicle behave in a limited environment. There's questions
00:19:23.960 | about a test track, obviously, because you don't have the sort of unknowns that can
00:19:28.400 | happen in the real-world environment. But if you test in one real-world
00:19:31.480 | environment, you also have a question of, is this transferable information? So if
00:19:36.600 | I've driven a certain number of miles in Mountain View, California, does that tell
00:19:40.400 | me anything about how the vehicle is likely to behave in Cambridge,
00:19:43.480 | Massachusetts? Maybe, maybe not. It's a little bit hard to extrapolate
00:19:48.480 | sometimes. And then finally, there's also the idea of simulation and analysis. So
00:19:52.520 | if I can record these situations, if I can actually create a virtual environment
00:19:57.240 | of the sorts of things that I see on the road, maybe I can actually run the
00:20:00.880 | vehicle through many, many of these scenarios, perturbed in some way, and
00:20:04.640 | actually test the system much more robustly in simulation than I could ever
00:20:08.840 | actually do out on the road. So the guidance is actually neutral on which of
00:20:13.720 | these techniques manufacturers take and allow manufacturers to approach it in
00:20:18.320 | different ways. And I think, you know, based upon conversations, when you think
00:20:22.440 | about the way customers or companies develop this, they do take all these
00:20:26.560 | different approaches. A company like Tesla, for instance, which is recording
00:20:29.880 | all the data streams from all their vehicles, basically, is able to run ideas
00:20:35.400 | or technologies silently in their vehicle. They can actually test systems
00:20:40.240 | out, get real-world data, and then decide whether or not to make that system
00:20:43.800 | active. Companies that don't have that access to data really can't use that
00:20:48.600 | sort of development method and may rely much more heavily on simulation or
00:20:53.480 | test-track experience. So the guidance really doesn't have a particular blend
00:20:58.280 | of this, and in fact, it does envision that you might have over-the-air software
00:21:02.880 | updates in the future. So it is interesting, though, to think about
00:21:07.120 | whether you have data-driven approaches, things like artificial neural networks,
00:21:12.360 | or whether you actually start to program in hard and fast rules. Because as you
00:21:17.600 | start to think about requirements on a system, how do you actually set
00:21:21.320 | requirements on a system which has learned its behavior, and you don't
00:21:24.840 | necessarily know what the internal workings or algorithms look like. There's
00:21:30.480 | another one that comes up, which is the ethical considerations. I'm going
00:21:33.800 | to pick on MIT for a moment here. So this is an area that I actually did a lot of
00:21:37.600 | work on with Stanford together with some philosophers who joined
00:21:43.960 | our group. And so when people hear ethical considerations in automated
00:21:47.920 | vehicles, it often conjures up the trolley car problem. And so this sort
00:21:52.600 | of classic formulation here about the fact that you have a self-driving car
00:21:57.880 | which is heading towards a group of ten people, and it can either plow in and
00:22:02.720 | kill those ten people, or it can divert and kill the driver. What do you do? And
00:22:06.840 | these are classic questions in philosophy. You actually look, in fact, at
00:22:12.880 | the trolley car problem, which is I have a runaway trolley car, and I need to
00:22:17.960 | either divert it to another track, or it will kill somebody who's wandering
00:22:21.080 | across that track, or the five people on the trolley car are killed. What do I do?
00:22:25.640 | Well, in fact, as this article points out, it's like, you know, before
00:22:29.520 | automated vehicles can become widespread, car makers must solve an
00:22:33.200 | impossible ethical dilemma of algorithmic morality. So if all this
00:22:37.360 | wasn't hard enough, I mean, you're understanding how tough the technology
00:22:40.440 | is to actually program this stuff, and then you have to get the regulations
00:22:44.440 | right, and now we actually have to solve impossible philosophical questions. Well,
00:22:49.840 | I don't think that's actually true, and I think, you know, it's good for
00:22:53.480 | engineers to work with philosophers, but not to be so literal about this. This is
00:22:59.920 | a question that philosophers can ask, but engineers might ask a number of
00:23:03.560 | different questions, like, who's responsible for the brakes on this
00:23:06.560 | trolley? Why wasn't there a backup system? I mean, why am I headed into a group of
00:23:11.440 | ten people without any capability to stop? So an engineer would, in fact, have
00:23:18.520 | to answer this question, but might approach it much differently. So if I
00:23:21.400 | look at the trolley car problem, I might say, okay, let's see, my options are I've
00:23:26.040 | got a trolley car which is out of control. First of all, I'd like to have an
00:23:29.440 | emergency braking system. Let's make sure that I have that. Well, there's a chance
00:23:33.760 | that that could break as well. So if my emergency, if my base braking system
00:23:38.160 | goes, and my emergency braking system goes, my next option would be to divert
00:23:43.080 | it to this side track. Well, knowing that that's my option, I should probably put
00:23:46.640 | up a fence with a warning sign that says, "Do not cross runaway trolley track." Okay,
00:23:52.120 | now let's say that I've done all of that. The brakes fail, the emergency
00:23:58.360 | brakes fail. I have to divert the trolley, and somebody has ignored my sign and
00:24:02.720 | crossed over the fence, and now is hit by the trolley. Do I feel a little
00:24:06.600 | differently about this whole scenario than I did at the beginning of just
00:24:10.640 | trying to decide who lived and who died? The solution was made, but by thinking of
00:24:15.240 | it as an engineer trying to reduce risk, and not by thinking of levels of
00:24:19.400 | morality and who deserves to live or die. And so I think this is a very important
00:24:24.820 | issue, and the reason it's in the guidance is not to basically have
00:24:27.960 | everybody solve trolley car problems, but to try to think about these larger
00:24:31.920 | issues. And so I think ethics is not just about these sorts of situations, which
00:24:37.840 | actually will be in automated vehicles, I think addressed much more by engineering
00:24:42.280 | principles than by trying to figure out from philosophical merits who deserves
00:24:46.760 | to live and die. But there's broader issues here. Just any time that you have
00:24:51.200 | concern for human safety. How close do I get to pedestrians? How close do I get to
00:24:56.920 | bicycles? How much care should I put in to other people in the environment?
00:25:03.280 | That's very much an ethical question, and it's an ethical question that
00:25:07.880 | manufacturers are actually already addressing today. If you look at the
00:25:12.280 | automatic emergency braking systems that most manufacturers are putting on their
00:25:16.320 | vehicles, they will actually use a different algorithm depending upon
00:25:20.240 | whether that obstacle in front of it is a vehicle or a human. So they're already
00:25:25.000 | detecting and making a decision that the impact of this vehicle with a human
00:25:28.880 | could be far worse than the impact of this vehicle with a vehicle, and so
00:25:32.520 | they're choosing to brake a little bit more heavily in that case. That's
00:25:36.560 | actually where these ethical considerations come in, and the idea of
00:25:39.640 | the guidance is to begin to share and have a discussion openly about how
00:25:42.920 | manufacturers are approaching this with the idea of getting to a best practice
00:25:46.840 | where not only the people in the automated vehicles, but other road users
00:25:50.440 | feel that there's an appropriate level of care taken for their well-being.
00:25:54.320 | That's one of the areas where ethics is important. The other area where ethics is
00:25:58.720 | important is that we have different objectives as we drive down the road. We
00:26:02.520 | have objectives for safety, we'd like to get there. We have objectives for
00:26:06.200 | mobility, we'd like you to get there probably pretty quickly. And we also have
00:26:10.360 | the idea of legality, we'd like to follow the rules. But sometimes these things
00:26:15.160 | come into conflict with each other. So let's say you're driving down the road
00:26:18.720 | and there's a van that's parked where it has absolutely no business parking.
00:26:22.600 | You've got a double yellow line. Is it okay to cross? Well, at least in
00:26:28.120 | California, there's no exception to the double yellow line representing the lane
00:26:33.560 | boundary for a vehicle that's parked where it has no business being parked. So
00:26:38.640 | according to the vehicle code, you're supposed to kind of come to a stop here.
00:26:43.360 | I don't think any of us would, right? In fact, actually when you're in
00:26:47.720 | California and you're riding through the hills and you come upon a cyclist,
00:26:52.080 | virtually every vehicle on the road is deviating across the double yellow line
00:26:56.920 | to give extra room to the cyclist. That's also not what you're supposed to do by
00:27:00.800 | the vehicle code. You're supposed to stay on your side of the double yellow line
00:27:04.240 | but slow to an appropriate speed to pass. All right? So there's behaviors where our
00:27:10.560 | desire for mobility or our desire for safety are outweighing our desire for
00:27:15.720 | legality. This becomes a challenge if you think about how do I program the
00:27:19.200 | self-driving car. Should it be based on the way that humans drive or should it
00:27:23.320 | be based on the way that the legal code tells me to drive? Of course, the legal
00:27:28.080 | code was never actually anticipating a self-driving car. From a human standpoint,
00:27:33.000 | that double yellow line is a great shorthand that says maybe there's
00:27:36.240 | something coming up here where you don't want to be in this other lane. But if I
00:27:40.080 | actually have a car with the sensing capability to make that determination
00:27:43.560 | itself, is the double yellow line actually all that meaningful anymore?
00:27:47.840 | These are things that have to be sorted out. Speed limits being another one. You
00:27:52.080 | know, if we're out on the highway, it's usually a little bit flexible. Do we give
00:27:56.720 | that same flexibility to the automated vehicle or do we create these wonderful
00:28:00.800 | automated vehicle roadblocks of vehicles going to the speed limit when nobody
00:28:06.000 | else around them is? Do we allow them to accelerate a little bit to merge into
00:28:11.040 | the flow of traffic? Do we allow vehicles to speed if they could avoid an accident?
00:28:15.120 | Is our desire for safety greater than our desire for legality? These are the
00:28:19.600 | sort of ethical questions that I think are really important. These are things
00:28:23.160 | that need to be talked through because I believe if we actually have vehicles
00:28:26.840 | that follow the law, nobody will want to drive with them. And so we need to think
00:28:31.920 | about either ways of giving flexibility to the vehicles or to the law in the
00:28:35.880 | sense that vehicles can drive like humans do. So this brings up some really
00:28:40.760 | interesting areas, I think, with respect to learning and programming. And so the
00:28:45.680 | question is, you know, should our automated vehicles drive like humans and
00:28:49.000 | exhibit the same behavior that humans do? Or should they drive like robots and
00:28:53.120 | actually execute the way that the law tells them that they should drive?
00:28:58.320 | Obviously fixed rules can be one solution to this. Behavior learned from
00:29:03.880 | human drivers could be another solution to this. We might have some sort of
00:29:07.720 | balance of different objectives that we do more analytically in terms of how
00:29:13.480 | much we want to obey the double yellow line when there are other things
00:29:16.560 | influencing it in the environment. Now what's interesting is that as you start
00:29:20.320 | to think about this, there's limits to any of these approaches in the extreme.
00:29:24.080 | You know, as we found with our self-driving race car, if you're not
00:29:26.920 | learning from experience, you're not making use of all the data. You're not
00:29:31.400 | going to do as well. And there's no way that you can possibly pre-program an
00:29:35.720 | automated vehicle for every scenario it's going to encounter. Somehow you have
00:29:41.480 | to think about interpolating. Somehow you have to think about learning. At the same
00:29:45.640 | time you can say, well why don't we just measure humans? Well, human error is
00:29:50.280 | actually the cause or a factor, the primary factor in 94% of accidents.
00:29:56.400 | It's either a lack of judgment or some lack of perception on the part of the
00:30:01.400 | human. So if we're simply following humans, we're actually only learning how
00:30:06.360 | well humans can do things. We're leaving a lot on the table in terms of the
00:30:10.040 | potential of the car. And so this is a really interesting discussion that I
00:30:14.520 | think will continue to be both in the development side of these vehicles and
00:30:19.400 | the policy side. What is the right balance? What do I want to learn versus
00:30:22.920 | what do I want to program? How do I avoid leaving anything on the table here? So
00:30:29.560 | because it's the point where, you know, I've had a bunch of slides with words
00:30:32.880 | here, I want to give people a little bit of a sense for what you could be leaving
00:30:36.720 | on the table if in fact you don't adapt. This is Marty. Marty is a DeLorean that
00:30:46.200 | we've been working with in my lab. Now DeLoreans are really fantastic cars
00:30:50.760 | unless you want to accelerate, brake, or turn. It really didn't do any of those
00:30:57.000 | things terribly well. There's no power steering, there's an underpowered engine,
00:31:02.760 | and very small brakes. All of these things are fixable. In fact, what's nice
00:31:08.280 | about the DeLorean is it separates quite nicely. The whole fiberglass tub comes up.
00:31:13.640 | You can take out the engine. You can take out the brakes. You can make some
00:31:18.000 | modifications to the frame, stiffen the suspension, work with Renovo Motors, a
00:31:23.400 | startup in Silicon Valley, to put in a new electric drivetrain and put it all
00:31:31.480 | back together. And when you do, you come up with a car that's actually pretty
00:31:35.280 | darn fun. And one we've programmed to drive itself. This is Adam Savage from
00:31:39.960 | Mythbusters going along for a drive.
00:31:49.960 | And what you see is Marty doing something at a level of precision that
00:31:54.120 | we're pretty sure no human driver can meet. JR said there's no way he can do
00:31:57.720 | this. You see it's going into a perfect drift, doing a perfect donut around this
00:32:04.240 | cone, and then it launches itself through the next gate, sideways into the next
00:32:13.960 | cone. Now it's doing this, you see it shoots through the gate, missing those
00:32:17.760 | cones, and then launches into a tight circle around the next cone. It's
00:32:21.320 | actually doing this as sort of an algorithm similar to orbital mechanics,
00:32:24.400 | if you think about how it's actually orbiting these different
00:32:27.960 | points as it sets a trajectory. Now the limit on this is tires, as you can see as
00:32:33.960 | it comes around here. The tires disintegrate into many chunks flying at
00:32:38.760 | the camera as we do this. But the ability of the car to really continue, even as
00:32:45.080 | the tires heat up, to execute this pretty nice trajectory. Here you see it
00:32:49.040 | going through the gates again and launching into a stable equilibrium,
00:32:53.720 | putting pretty much the tire tracks right over where they were in the
00:32:56.760 | previous run, and then finally ending. So this is the sort of thing that I think
00:33:03.880 | is possible. As you look at these vehicles, there's a huge potential out
00:33:08.520 | there for these things to not drive about as well as an average human, but to
00:33:13.120 | far exceed human performance in their abilities to use all the capabilities of
00:33:18.960 | the tires to do some amazing things. Now maybe that's not the way that you want
00:33:22.520 | your daily drive to go, although when we first posted some of this
00:33:27.120 | video, one of the commenters was like, "I want this car. That way I can go
00:33:31.280 | into the store to buy donuts while it sits in the parking lot doing donuts."
00:33:35.760 | It wasn't a use case that I had thought of, but that's one of the
00:33:40.520 | things that we thought of is really how if you limit yourself to only thinking
00:33:45.960 | about what the tires can do before they get to the saturation of the friction
00:33:50.000 | of the road, you're only taking into account one class of trajectories.
00:33:53.320 | There's a lot more beyond that that could be very advantageous in some
00:33:57.400 | emergency situations. Wouldn't it be great if the car had access to that?
00:34:01.460 | That's not a way that we're going to get if we only sort of monitor day-to-day
00:34:05.760 | driving. We're not going to get that capability in our cars. So one other
00:34:10.680 | aspect that came through in the policy, which I think is extremely
00:34:15.320 | important as we think about neural networks and learning, is this idea of
00:34:19.320 | data sharing. And there's a huge potential to accelerate the development
00:34:23.520 | of automated vehicles if we can share some information about edge case
00:34:28.480 | scenarios in particular. So if you think about trying to train a neural network
00:34:32.760 | to handle some extreme situations, that's really much easier if your set of
00:34:37.440 | training data contains those extreme situations. So if you think about
00:34:41.640 | the weird things that can happen out on the road, if you had a database of those
00:34:45.280 | and those comprised your training set, you'd have a head start in terms of
00:34:49.480 | being able to get a neural network and begin to validate that it would work in
00:34:52.880 | these situations. So the question is, is there a way for the ecosystem
00:34:57.120 | around self-driving cars to actually share some of this information so that
00:35:01.040 | different players can actually share some information about the critical
00:35:06.760 | situations and be able to make sure that if you learn something, that yes, you can
00:35:10.920 | make your cars safer, but actually all the cars out on the road get safer. Now
00:35:15.680 | clearly you need to balance this with some other considerations. There's
00:35:18.760 | the intellectual property concerns of the company. There's privacy concerns of
00:35:22.880 | any individuals who might be involved. But it does seem to me that there's a
00:35:27.480 | big potential here to think about ways of sharing certain data that can
00:35:32.000 | contribute to safety. And this is a discussion that's going to be ongoing
00:35:36.240 | and I think academia can do a lot to sort of help broker this discussion
00:35:40.840 | because, you know, the first level people say, you know, data sharing, I don't know,
00:35:44.760 | companies aren't going to share, we're not going to get the information we need.
00:35:48.120 | But most of the time people stay in the abstract as opposed to saying, well, what
00:35:52.240 | information would be most helpful? What information is really going to give
00:35:55.600 | people confidence in the safety of these cars? It's going to let regulators
00:35:59.720 | understand how they operate and yet at the same time is going to protect the
00:36:04.120 | amount of development effort that companies put in there. I think there is
00:36:08.320 | a solution here and in fact if you look at aviation, there's a really good
00:36:11.720 | example that already exists. It's known as the Asias system. It started with only
00:36:15.720 | four airlines that decided to share safety information with each other. And
00:36:20.280 | this goes through MITRE, which is a federally funded R&D center. And it's
00:36:24.520 | actually now up to 40 airlines. And if companies get kicked out of the MITRE
00:36:29.080 | project, they really try very hard to get back in. Now this is anonymized data.
00:36:33.560 | It's anonymized data so that, you know, companies actually get an assessment of
00:36:38.560 | what their safety record is like and they can compare it to other airlines in
00:36:43.120 | the abstract, but they can't compare it to any identifiable airline. So there's
00:36:47.520 | no ranking of this. It's not used for any enforcement techniques. And it took
00:36:52.520 | people a long time to kind of build up and begin to share that. But now there's
00:36:56.760 | a huge amount of trust and they're sharing more and more data and looking
00:37:00.720 | at ways that they can perhaps actually start to code in things like weather and
00:37:05.560 | time of day, which had been removed for anonymization purposes in the original
00:37:10.080 | version of the system. So I think there's some good examples out there and this is
00:37:14.480 | something that's very important to think about for automated vehicles. And I think
00:37:17.820 | as this discussion goes forward, those of you who are interested in developing
00:37:21.560 | these vehicles, using techniques that rely on data are going to be an
00:37:25.880 | important voice for the importance of data sharing. I think there's a
00:37:31.120 | large role here to kind of make people aware that this actually does have value
00:37:36.160 | in the larger ecosystem. So this is something that I was able to work on
00:37:40.960 | more broadly as well. So I was part, and I was the DOT representative on the
00:37:46.320 | National Science and Technology Committee's subcommittee on machine
00:37:51.680 | learning and artificial intelligence. And this was one of the recommendations that
00:37:55.040 | was really pushed forward as well because AI has tended to really make
00:37:59.240 | great advances with the availability of good data sets. And in order to make
00:38:03.680 | those sort of good advances in transportation, this group was also
00:38:07.480 | advocating that those data sets need to be made broadly available. So this is a
00:38:14.200 | little bit about the vision behind the automated vehicle policy, what the goal
00:38:19.200 | was to really achieve here. The idea of trying to move towards a proactive safety
00:38:24.960 | culture, not to necessarily put in regulations prematurely and try to set
00:38:29.760 | standards when honestly we don't know the best way to develop automated
00:38:33.040 | vehicles, but to allow the government to kind of get involved in discussions with
00:38:36.920 | manufacturers early and be comfortable with what's going out on the roadway. And
00:38:42.480 | actually to kind of help the U.S. to continue to play a leading role in this.
00:38:47.280 | Obviously if vehicles were going to be banned from the roads, it would be very
00:38:51.440 | difficult for the country to continue to be a place where people could test
00:38:56.240 | and develop this technology. And then the belief really that there can be an
00:39:00.140 | acceleration of the safety benefits of this through data sharing. So each car
00:39:04.640 | doesn't have to encounter all the weird situations itself, but in fact can learn
00:39:10.520 | from what other vehicles experience. And the idea is that really this is meant to
00:39:16.000 | be an evolving framework. So it comes out as guidance, it really generates
00:39:20.520 | conversations, it generates best practices, which can eventually evolve
00:39:24.600 | into standards and law. And there's a huge opportunity here because the belief
00:39:29.680 | isn't that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will be doing all
00:39:34.040 | of the development of these best practices, but that that'll really evolve
00:39:37.680 | from what companies do and what all of us at universities are able to do to
00:39:42.520 | sort of generate ways to solve these problems in creative manners. Ways to
00:39:47.880 | actually keep the innovation going, but ensure that we have safety. So as you
00:39:53.160 | start to think about all of the AI systems that you're developing, you
00:39:56.320 | start to flip around a little bit and think about how is the regulator going
00:39:59.960 | to get comfortable, that it's not going to do something weird. These are great
00:40:03.200 | research questions. I think these are great practical questions and these are
00:40:07.340 | things that will need to be worked out going forward. So I leave you with that
00:40:11.720 | as a challenge to think about, to think as you take this course, not only about
00:40:16.040 | the technology that you're learning, but how do you communicate that to other
00:40:19.920 | people? And where are the gaps that need to be filled? Because I think you'll find
00:40:24.400 | some great opportunities for research, startup companies, and ultimately
00:40:28.840 | work with policy and government there. So thanks for the opportunity to talk to
00:40:33.040 | all of you, and I want to stop there because probably the things that you
00:40:35.280 | want to talk about are more interesting than the things that I wanted to talk
00:40:38.160 | about. So I'm happy to take questions along there.
00:40:42.400 | We had a quick hand here.
00:40:50.520 | [Question]
00:41:09.520 | I do. I think that's a great question. Thanks for reminding me.
00:41:15.000 | So the question was whether in the future when you have all vehicles
00:41:18.200 | automated, would we be able to actually roll back things like airbags and seat
00:41:23.640 | belts and other things that we have on there, what we might know as passive
00:41:27.040 | safety devices in vehicles. I believe that we will, and in fact actually one of
00:41:32.320 | the things that I think is most extraordinary, if you think about this
00:41:35.280 | from a sustainability standpoint, when you look at the average sort of mass of
00:41:40.080 | vehicles and average occupancy of vehicles in the U.S., you know, with
00:41:45.280 | passenger cars we're using maybe about 90% of the energy to move the vehicle as
00:41:50.120 | opposed to moving the people inside. And one of the reasons for that is crash
00:41:53.560 | worthiness standards, which are great because that's what's enabled us to be
00:41:56.700 | surviving these crashes at 40 miles an hour. But if we do have vehicles that are
00:42:00.680 | not going to crash or if they are going to have certain modes which might be
00:42:05.840 | designed with very carefully designed, you know, crash areas or things like
00:42:12.200 | this, we can potentially take a lot of that mass out. Particularly if these are
00:42:15.920 | low-speed vehicles which are designed only for the urban environment and
00:42:19.320 | they're not going to crash because they're going to drive, you know,
00:42:22.800 | somewhat conservatively or in some ways separated from pedestrians, then I think
00:42:27.000 | you can get a lot of the mass out and then you start to actually have
00:42:31.320 | transportation options which, you know, from an environmental standpoint are
00:42:35.640 | comparable to cycling. So I think that's actually a really
00:42:40.760 | good goal to strive for, although we either have to kind of limit the
00:42:44.440 | environment or think in the far future with some of those techniques.
00:42:49.520 | Good. Yeah, that's a great question. So what are we doing with
00:43:07.120 | Shelly? Is our mission really just to drive as fast as possible and faster
00:43:11.080 | than a human or are we trying to learn from this something that we can apply to
00:43:15.320 | other automated vehicles? It really is a desire to learn from other automated, you
00:43:21.560 | know, for the development of other automated vehicles. And we've often said
00:43:24.520 | that at the point where, you know, the difference between Shelly's performance
00:43:29.240 | and the human driver, you know, starts to be really mundane things like, you know,
00:43:33.440 | our shift pattern or something which isn't applicable, we kind of lose
00:43:37.200 | interest at that. However, you know, up to this point, every insight that we've
00:43:42.000 | gotten from Shelly has been directly transferable. And we've programmed the
00:43:47.640 | car to do some emergency lane changes in situations where you don't have enough
00:43:52.000 | room to brake. And we've actually been demonstrating in some cases that the car
00:43:55.960 | can do this much faster than a human, even an expert human's response can be.
00:44:01.960 | So there's certain scenarios that we've done like that. And I would say from the
00:44:05.600 | bigger picture, what's really fascinating is that we originally started out with
00:44:10.360 | this idea of let's find the best path around the track and track it as close
00:44:14.800 | as we can. But in fact, when you look at human race car drivers, what they're
00:44:18.880 | doing is actually very different. They're pushing the car to the limits and then
00:44:23.040 | sort of seeing what paths that opens up to them. And it flips the problem a bit
00:44:27.720 | on its head in a way that I think is actually very applicable for developing
00:44:32.640 | safety systems out on the road. But it's not a way that people have looked at it,
00:44:36.360 | to the best of my knowledge, up to this point. And so, you know, that's really what
00:44:41.040 | we're hoping is that the inspiration in trying to reproduce human performance
00:44:44.560 | there leads us to better safety algorithms. So long, you know, so far
00:44:48.080 | that's been the case. And when that ceases to be the case, I think we are
00:44:51.760 | definitely much less interested.
00:44:55.280 | [Question from audience]
00:45:00.280 | Yeah, so liability is a good question. So, you know, what, who is liable, if I can
00:45:05.680 | sort of rephrase, you know, for an accident in an automated vehicle.
00:45:10.320 | On the one hand, that's kind of an open question. On the other hand, we do have a
00:45:15.240 | court system. And so whenever there are new technologies, these things are
00:45:20.160 | actually generally figured out in the courts and it can be different from
00:45:23.280 | state to state. So this is one aspect where, you know, potentially some
00:45:27.640 | discussion so that manufacturers aren't subject to different conditions in
00:45:30.960 | different states would be helpful. But the way that it works now is that it's
00:45:35.560 | it's usually not binary. We have in the U.S. the sense of a joint and several
00:45:40.640 | liability. And so you can actually assign different portions of responsibility to
00:45:46.120 | different players in the game. You have had companies like Volvo and, in fact,
00:45:50.520 | Google make statements that if their vehicles are involved in accidents, then
00:45:54.960 | they would expect to be liable for it. So people have often talked about needing
00:45:59.480 | something really new for liability, but I'm not sure that's the case. We do have
00:46:05.360 | a court system that can ultimately figure out who is liable with new
00:46:08.880 | technologies. We have some manufacturers that are starting to make some
00:46:12.760 | statements about assuming product liability for that. The one thing that
00:46:17.120 | really could be helpful, as I mentioned, is perhaps some harmonization. Because
00:46:20.400 | right now insurance is something that is set state by state. And so the rules in
00:46:25.600 | one state as to who's at fault for an accident may be very different in
00:46:30.080 | another state.
00:46:32.680 | [Question]
00:46:57.160 | Okay, so what if companies, you know, as they send in the safety letters, are
00:47:01.720 | using criteria to set safety that may not be broadly acceptable to the
00:47:06.840 | public, where the public would like these vehicles to have greater safety? I think,
00:47:11.760 | you know, the nice thing about this process is, first of all, we would know
00:47:15.080 | that, right? So we would have a sense that companies are developing with certain
00:47:22.320 | measures of safety in mind, and there could actually be a discussion as to, you
00:47:26.720 | know, whether that is setting an acceptable level. It's a difficult
00:47:31.640 | question because it's not clear that people really know what an acceptable
00:47:35.200 | level is. Is it, does it have to be safer than than humans drive now? You know, my
00:47:40.440 | personal feeling, I would say yes. And does it have to be much, much safer? Well,
00:47:48.560 | that's hard to say. You know, you start to then get into this situation of, we're
00:47:52.520 | comfortable to a certain extent with our existing legal system and with the
00:47:56.640 | fact that humans could cause errors that have fatal consequences. Do we feel the
00:48:01.000 | same way about machines? All right, you know, we tend to think the machines
00:48:04.040 | really should have a higher level of perfection, so we may, as a society, be
00:48:07.840 | less tolerant. People will often say, well, so long as the overall national
00:48:11.760 | figures go down, that would be good, but that's really not going to matter much
00:48:16.200 | to the families who are impacted by an automated vehicle, particularly if it's
00:48:20.880 | a, if it's a scenario with very, very bad optics. What do I mean by that? It's, if
00:48:27.080 | you think about the failures of mechanical systems, because they're
00:48:31.400 | different than the failures of human beings, they can often, like, look really
00:48:35.600 | bad, right? If you sort of think about a vehicle that doesn't detect something
00:48:39.900 | and then just continues to plow ahead, you know, visually that's, that's really
00:48:44.560 | striking, and that's the sort of thing that, you know, would get replayed and be
00:48:48.520 | in people's consciousness and raise some fears, and so, you know, I think that's,
00:48:53.040 | that's an issue that's going to have to be, have to be sorted out.
00:48:58.920 | Yeah, my question is about automated vehicles on a global scale.
00:49:04.920 | You talked about, you know, data sharing and the potential for collaboration in terms of, you know, technology, but also maybe policy.
00:49:11.920 | Is there anything, you know, any sort of collaboration between different, you know,
00:49:17.920 | between research in different parts of the world to exchange, you know, different policies and different technologies?
00:49:24.920 | Because, you know, it's very different.
00:49:26.920 | Yes, so that's a, that's a good question. What's being done, really, from a global
00:49:30.920 | standpoint to sort of share ideas, to share research, and to kind of work
00:49:35.040 | through some of these things, particularly on the policy side? So most
00:49:38.200 | of the auto manufacturers are global corporations, and so a lot of the
00:49:42.440 | research in this is done in very different parts of the world. So Renault,
00:49:47.400 | Nissan, for instance, is doing a lot in Silicon Valley, in Europe, and in Japan.
00:49:52.000 | And I think you see a lot of that with the different manufacturers. One of the
00:49:56.240 | cool things that I got to do as part of my role was to go with the Secretary of
00:50:00.200 | Transportation to the G7 Transportation Ministers meeting in Japan and address
00:50:04.800 | the ministers about sort of the the U.S. policy on automated vehicles. And one of
00:50:11.440 | the parts of that discussion was, well, the U.S. has a very different set of
00:50:16.040 | rules. So we have this manufacturer self-certification as opposed to
00:50:20.680 | pre-market certification. But testing, for instance, is something that has to be
00:50:25.360 | done regardless. So either it's testing that's done by a manufacturer, or it's
00:50:29.760 | testing that's done by, for instance, you know, in Germany, the, the, the TÜV and
00:50:35.840 | other agencies that are responsible for, for road safety. And so the idea is maybe
00:50:41.440 | we should be sharing best practices on testing, so we have a set of standard
00:50:45.960 | tests. And then manufacturers across the globe could test to a certain set of
00:50:50.400 | standards that might be translated differently according to the policies
00:50:54.200 | and regulatory environments in different countries. So that was, that was part of
00:50:58.200 | the idea that we advanced at the G7, and it seemed to kick off really well.
00:51:04.480 | [inaudible]
00:51:06.480 | I never had a conscious decision on this. I actually got a call from the White
00:51:11.120 | House one day. You know, and, and, you know, I got this message, or this email, you
00:51:15.880 | know, I'm, I'm reaching out from the White House for you to give my call, you know,
00:51:19.080 | give me a call back. So of course I called back immediately, and Pam Coleman on the
00:51:22.520 | other end of the line was like, "I love doing that." She's like, you know, when
00:51:25.000 | you're calling for the White House, everybody returns your call. And, and so
00:51:28.880 | honestly, you know, she said, "Here's the situation. We're looking at a lot of these
00:51:33.240 | areas in the Department of Transportation that seem to hit upon
00:51:37.080 | your areas of expertise. We want to talk about working with you in some way, the
00:51:40.920 | holy grail would be for you to come out and work in DC for a while." And then I
00:51:45.040 | got a call from the Department of Transportation, and they're like, "Well, we
00:51:47.800 | know you wouldn't want to come out to DC for a while." I'm like, "Try me. Could I do,
00:51:50.880 | you know, could I do cool stuff, and could I make an impact?" And then, you know, I
00:51:55.440 | met with the Secretary of Transportation out in San Francisco, and, you know, he
00:51:58.840 | assured me, he's like, "You would be surprised. You would be very surprised at
00:52:02.760 | how much of an impact you could have." And this ended up being really true. A lot of
00:52:09.160 | times this stuff moves quickly, and people who are involved in policymaking
00:52:12.040 | may or may not have a technical background in this. They may have come
00:52:14.560 | through the campaign, for instance, and then ended up in political roles. Yet the
00:52:20.120 | folks that I worked with were really trying to get good information and make
00:52:22.960 | good decisions. And so I just kept getting called in for advice on all
00:52:26.640 | sorts of things, and I found that people actually really wanted to have that
00:52:29.840 | technical information and then used it. So, so that, that's the way it happened.
00:52:34.960 | It seemed like it was an opportunity to take things that I've worked on, as I
00:52:38.080 | mentioned, you know, automated vehicles since 1992, and then to be part of this
00:52:42.240 | policy development, which went really quickly. It was a one-page outline when I
00:52:46.080 | arrived in February, and then in September it rolled out. And along the
00:52:50.760 | way was all sorts of editing and negotiations at the White House and
00:52:54.000 | other agencies. Fascinating, fascinating process. So, so I kind of fell into this,
00:53:00.920 | but, you know, as Lex mentioned, I think I'm emerging as a policy wonk here
00:53:05.520 | because it was a, it was a very fun experience. Let's see over here, what we
00:53:09.840 | got? With data sharing, you have a lot of companies that have somewhat of a
00:53:15.520 | monopoly on a lot of data, especially like Google has so much more data
00:53:18.720 | available. Yeah. A lot of smaller startups. How do you incentivize these big
00:53:22.960 | companies to actually share their data? Good, so how do you incentivize companies to share
00:53:27.920 | their data when they have an awful lot in, invested in them, in that, in the
00:53:32.720 | gathering of that data and being able to process that data? And I think the answer
00:53:36.360 | is to start small and to try to say, are there certain high-value things that
00:53:39.760 | could, again, make the public comfortable, make policy makers comfortable, that
00:53:43.480 | really aren't going to be a burden on the company? You know, so, so one of the, you
00:53:48.760 | know, one of the things that, from the Peloton standpoint, that was bounced
00:53:53.080 | around at one point, so our, our trucks actually use vehicle-to-vehicle
00:53:56.920 | communications as part of their link. Well, when you do that, you discover that
00:54:01.560 | there's actually an awful lot of places where that drops out, because cell phone
00:54:06.920 | towers, which are not supposed to be broadcasting on that frequency, seem to
00:54:11.080 | create an awful lot of interference there. Well, that could be very
00:54:13.840 | interesting from a public policy perspective to know, you know, where are,
00:54:17.440 | you know, we were sort of monitoring for incursions in that, in that frequency
00:54:21.720 | range everywhere we go. That, for instance, might be a very useful piece of
00:54:25.200 | information to share with policy makers that wouldn't be any real proprietary
00:54:29.880 | issue to share from the company's perspective. And so I think that the
00:54:34.680 | trick is to start small and find what are the high-value data where there
00:54:38.040 | isn't a big issue of sharing. I mean, if you go to Google and say, "All right,
00:54:41.720 | Google, what will it take for you to share all of the data you're acquiring
00:54:46.320 | from your entire self-driving car program?" I guess Waymo now. I think that
00:54:50.840 | would be a very big number, and so I don't think that's a starting point. I
00:54:54.560 | think you start with, you know, what is the high-value data, data that's of high
00:54:57.720 | value for the public policy sense, and really minimal hassle to the, to the
00:55:02.880 | companies. I don't know how much longer you, I'm happy to stay and, and answer,
00:55:08.840 | answer as many questions, but I know you have a class to run. How are we? Okay,
00:55:14.720 | good. Yes?
00:55:17.920 | Are there any efforts that you know to come up with standards for sharing map data, accident data, simulations?
00:55:25.560 | Good. So is there any effort underway for, for sharing map data, some of the edge
00:55:32.000 | case accident data, simulation capabilities, and things like that? This
00:55:36.600 | is one of the next steps that NHTSA outlined in the policy, and so there are
00:55:40.720 | people at, at NHTSA actually working on taking some of these next steps again in
00:55:45.040 | sort of a pilot or prototype mode. So, so that's something that's, that's currently
00:55:50.240 | being worked on in the, in the department. You can probably expect to hear more
00:55:54.320 | from in the not so distant future.
00:55:59.360 | I have a question about the learning from data.
00:56:01.360 | Yeah.
00:56:02.360 | Driving in the urban areas and driving in the highway and rural areas are very different. Do you see the federal government to make like a standard data set for like an air company, so that's good before they can take a car on production? Or do you see that you should be asking the company to do the test itself?
00:56:17.360 | Okay, so the question is, testing in urban and rural environments, or even driving in, in urban and rural environments, are very
00:56:23.880 | different. And should the, the government actually come up with a standard set of
00:56:26.920 | data that all companies have to attest to? I think one of the reasons that the
00:56:33.240 | policy was designed the way it was, was to make sure we had this concept of
00:56:37.960 | operational design domain. So, in fact, if the only area that I've mapped, and the
00:56:43.920 | only area that I want to drive is, say, in a campus environment, or in one quarter
00:56:50.880 | square mile, then, then the idea is that we would like the companies to explain
00:56:55.000 | how they handle the eventualities in that one quarter square mile, but they
00:56:59.700 | should really have no reason to handle other situations, right? Because their
00:57:04.040 | vehicle won't encounter that, so long as it's been designed to stay within its
00:57:08.320 | operational design domain. So, I think in the short term, you know, what you see is
00:57:12.400 | people often looking at hyperlocal solutions, or kind of the low-hanging
00:57:17.480 | fruit for, for a lot of automation. And even if you think about offering
00:57:21.240 | mobility as a service, if I'm gonna offer sort of an automated taxi, I'm probably
00:57:27.320 | gonna do that in a limited environment to start with. And so, if I'm only doing
00:57:31.560 | this in Cambridge, does it really matter if I can drive in Mountain View or not?
00:57:36.280 | And so, you know, I think the idea is to start with the definition of the
00:57:40.440 | operational design domain, with a data set that is appropriate for that
00:57:44.200 | operational design domain. And then, as people's design domains start to expand
00:57:48.680 | nationwide, then I think, you know, the idea of common data sets starts to be,
00:57:53.560 | starts to be interesting. Although, you know, there is a sense that no finite
00:57:57.560 | data set is really going to capture every eventuality. And so, you know, people
00:58:02.440 | will be able to develop, or sort of, you know, design to the test in some ways. Is
00:58:07.240 | that sufficient? I think it'll make people feel better, but I, I personally
00:58:11.080 | wonder how much value there is. You know, it's same with test track testing. I can
00:58:15.320 | think of 20 different tests that automated vehicles will have to pass, and
00:58:18.200 | people will design ways to pass all 20 of those tests. It may make some people
00:58:22.800 | more comfortable, but it doesn't make me all that much more comfortable that
00:58:25.800 | they'd be able to handle a real-world situation. All right, let's see, one last
00:58:30.880 | hand up.
00:58:33.200 | [inaudible]
00:58:49.200 | Could you, could you make an open-source car under, okay, so the question is, could
00:58:53.720 | you make an open-source car under the, the guidance provided by US DOT? The
00:59:02.120 | question would be, you know, from a, from a practical question, you're supposed to
00:59:06.960 | submit a safety assessment letter, which is supposed to be signed by somebody
00:59:10.920 | responsible for that. And so, an issue, if you were to open-source, would be, you
00:59:16.920 | know, do I use this module, and who is actually signing, signing off on that?
00:59:21.120 | Would I feel comfortable signing off on something which I then allowed to be
00:59:24.320 | open-source? I, you know, not a lawyer, but I would think that, you know, I don't
00:59:30.160 | think there would be anything that would prevent that if you had a development
00:59:33.760 | team that was doing that, and people who are willing to sign off on whatever
00:59:37.080 | version of the software was actually used in an open-source car. You know, I
00:59:43.920 | will say that the, the guidance does apply to universities or to, or to other
00:59:49.000 | groups that would be putting a car out on the road. And I think if you look
00:59:52.760 | through the 15 points, they're not really meant to be overly restrictive. In fact, I
00:59:59.240 | would argue that pretty much any group that is going to sort of put real people
01:00:02.800 | at risk by, by putting an automated vehicle out on the road should really
01:00:08.000 | have thought through these things. So I don't think it's a, I don't think it's a
01:00:10.760 | terribly high, high burden to, to meet. I think it would be, you know, it would be
01:00:16.440 | meetable by a group. It just, the question would be, you know, from the open-source
01:00:19.680 | sense, how do you sort of trace who's responsible and who's signing off on that?
01:00:24.680 | All right. I think we gave those third graders a run for their money. Yeah,
01:00:30.040 | absolutely. Thank you so much. Let's give Chris a big hand.
01:00:35.480 | Thanks a lot.
01:00:36.320 | (applause)