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Ariel Ekblaw: Space Colonization and Self-Assembling Space Megastructures | Lex Fridman Podcast #271


0:0 Introduction
0:56 Space exploration
10:2 Swarm robotics and self-assembling space habitats
27:44 Microgravity
32:1 Deep duration space missions
37:11 Extraterrestrial life
43:33 Music and sports in space
50:12 Colonizing space
57:33 War in space
62:6 Robots in space
76:48 Commercial space exploration
80:25 Future of space exploration
88:11 Beauty of the universe
93:7 Space cities
98:49 Advice for young people
102:9 Consciousness
103:54 Meaning of life

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | We think that self-assembly,
00:00:01.720 | this modular reconfigurable algorithm
00:00:04.760 | for constructing space structures in orbit
00:00:07.520 | is gonna give us this promise of space architecture
00:00:10.760 | that's actually worth living in.
00:00:12.320 | - You do believe we might one day
00:00:14.480 | become intergalactic civilization?
00:00:17.920 | - I have a hope, yeah.
00:00:19.060 | - The following is a conversation with Ariel Egbla,
00:00:24.240 | director of MIT Space Exploration Initiative.
00:00:27.400 | She's especially interested in autonomously
00:00:30.120 | self-assembling space architectures,
00:00:32.700 | basically giant space structures
00:00:35.880 | that can sustain human life
00:00:37.720 | and that assemble themselves out in space
00:00:40.440 | and then orbit Earth, Moon, Mars, and other planets.
00:00:45.440 | This is the Lex Friedman Podcast.
00:00:48.280 | To support it, please check out our sponsors
00:00:50.240 | in the description.
00:00:51.480 | And now, dear friends, here's Ariel Egbla.
00:00:56.360 | When did you first fall in love with space exploration
00:00:59.560 | and space in general?
00:01:01.280 | - My parents are both ex-Air Force.
00:01:04.140 | So my dad's an A-10 fighter pilot
00:01:05.880 | and my mom trained and had qualified to be a fighter pilot,
00:01:09.680 | but it was early enough
00:01:11.040 | that women were not allowed in combat at that time.
00:01:13.420 | And so I grew up with these two pilots
00:01:16.400 | and although they themselves did not become astronauts,
00:01:18.680 | there's a really rich legacy of Air Force pilots
00:01:21.000 | becoming astronauts and this loomed large in my childhood.
00:01:24.300 | What does it mean to be courageous, to be an explorer,
00:01:26.800 | to be at the vanguard of something hard and challenging?
00:01:31.720 | And to couple with that,
00:01:32.940 | my dad was a huge fan of science fiction.
00:01:35.100 | And so I, as a kid, read Heinlein and Isaac Asimov,
00:01:38.780 | all these different classics of science fiction
00:01:41.300 | that he had introduced me to.
00:01:42.540 | And that just started a love affair with space exploration
00:01:45.920 | and really thinking about civilization scale
00:01:49.680 | space exploration.
00:01:51.880 | - So did they themselves dream about going to the stars
00:01:56.880 | as opposed to flying here in the Earth's atmosphere,
00:02:01.020 | just looking up?
00:02:02.020 | - Yeah, my dad always said he was absolutely convinced
00:02:04.100 | 'cause he was a child of the Apollo years
00:02:06.300 | that he would get to go in his lifetime.
00:02:08.620 | Really thought it was gonna happen.
00:02:09.940 | And so it was a challenge and sad for many people
00:02:12.780 | when to their view on the outside,
00:02:15.260 | space exploration slowed down for a period of time.
00:02:17.980 | In reality, we were just catching up.
00:02:19.740 | I think we leapt so far ahead with Apollo
00:02:23.160 | more than the rest of society was ready for.
00:02:25.280 | And now we're coming back to this moment
00:02:27.640 | for space exploration where we actually have an economy
00:02:30.000 | and we have the other accoutrement that society needs
00:02:32.800 | to be able to make space exploration more real.
00:02:35.000 | And my dad's thrilled because finally,
00:02:37.360 | not nearly, I hope not anywhere near the end of his life,
00:02:40.000 | but as he's an older man,
00:02:40.940 | he now can see still within his lifetime,
00:02:44.520 | people really getting a chance
00:02:45.560 | to build a sustainable lunar settlement on the moon
00:02:47.920 | or maybe even go to Mars.
00:02:49.240 | - So settlement, civilizations and other planets,
00:02:52.160 | that's the cool thing to dream about in the future.
00:02:55.640 | - It certainly is.
00:02:56.880 | - What was the favorite sci-fi authors when you're growing up?
00:03:00.640 | - Pablo Isaac Asimov Foundation Trilogy.
00:03:02.600 | This is an amazing story of Harry Seldon,
00:03:05.280 | this foundation that he forms at different ends of the,
00:03:09.240 | well, according to the story,
00:03:10.920 | different ends of the universe
00:03:12.480 | and has this interesting focus on society.
00:03:16.880 | So it's not just space exploration
00:03:19.240 | for the sake of space exploration or novel technology,
00:03:21.520 | which is a lot of what I work on day to day at MIT,
00:03:23.960 | but how do you structure a society
00:03:27.000 | across those vast expanses of distance and time?
00:03:31.580 | And so I'd say absolutely a favorite.
00:03:33.680 | Now though, my favorite is Neil Stevenson and "Seveneves."
00:03:38.080 | It's a book that inspired my own PhD research
00:03:40.640 | and some ongoing work that we're doing with NASA now
00:03:43.120 | for the future of swarm robotics for spacecraft.
00:03:46.680 | - We were saying offline about Neil Stevenson
00:03:49.720 | 'cause I just recently had a conversation with him.
00:03:51.600 | And I said that not until I was doing the research for him
00:03:54.680 | that I realized he also had a role to play in "Blue Origin."
00:03:59.680 | So it's like sci-fi actually having a role to play
00:04:02.800 | in the design, engineering,
00:04:06.120 | just the implementation of ideas
00:04:07.680 | that kind of percolate out from the sci-fi world
00:04:10.880 | and actually become reality.
00:04:12.000 | It's kind of a fascinating figure in that way.
00:04:14.560 | Do you also think about him beyond just his work
00:04:18.720 | in science fiction, but his role in coming up
00:04:21.200 | with wild, crazy ideas that actually become reality?
00:04:24.200 | - Yes, I think it's a great example of this cycle
00:04:26.880 | between authors and scientists and engineers
00:04:29.960 | that we can be inspired in one generation
00:04:32.100 | by what authors dream up.
00:04:33.880 | We build it, we make it a reality,
00:04:35.720 | and then that inspires another generation
00:04:37.400 | of really wild and crazy thought for science fiction.
00:04:40.520 | I think Neil Stevenson does a beautiful job
00:04:42.240 | of being what we'd call a hard science fiction author.
00:04:44.720 | So it's really grounded in a lot of science,
00:04:46.480 | which makes it very compelling for me
00:04:47.920 | as a scientist and engineer to read
00:04:50.120 | and then be challenged to make that vision of reality.
00:04:53.240 | The other community that Neil's involved with
00:04:56.080 | and some of my other mentors are involved with
00:04:57.600 | that we are thinking about more and more
00:04:59.920 | in the work that we do at MIT is the Long Now Foundation.
00:05:03.960 | And this focus on what does society need to take
00:05:08.840 | in terms of steps at this juncture,
00:05:11.440 | this particular inflection point in human history
00:05:14.480 | to make sure that we're setting ourselves up
00:05:16.160 | for a long and prosperous horizon for humanity's horizons.
00:05:20.440 | There's a lot of examples
00:05:21.360 | of what the Long Now Foundation does and thinks about.
00:05:23.840 | But when I think about this in my own work,
00:05:25.500 | it's what does it take to scale
00:05:28.840 | humanity's presence in orbit?
00:05:31.720 | We are seeing some additional investment
00:05:34.200 | in commercial space habitats.
00:05:36.280 | So it'll no longer be just NASA
00:05:37.640 | running the International Space Station,
00:05:39.400 | but to really democratize access to space,
00:05:42.080 | to have, like Bezos wants to have millions of people
00:05:44.520 | living and working in space,
00:05:46.000 | you need architecture that's bigger and grander
00:05:49.440 | and can actually scale.
00:05:50.920 | That means you need to be thinking about
00:05:52.080 | how can you construct things for long-time horizons
00:05:55.080 | that are really sustainable in orbit
00:05:56.720 | or on a surface of a celestial body
00:05:59.440 | that are bigger than the biggest rocket payload fairing
00:06:02.160 | that we currently have available.
00:06:03.440 | And that's what led me to self-assembly
00:06:05.400 | and other models of in-space construction.
00:06:08.280 | - Okay, every time you speak,
00:06:10.560 | I get like a million tangent ideas.
00:06:12.320 | - You can cut me off, keep going.
00:06:13.440 | - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, please keep talking.
00:06:15.200 | This is amazing.
00:06:16.120 | I just, there's like a million ideas.
00:06:19.080 | So one sort of on the dark side, let me ask.
00:06:21.800 | Do you think about the threats to human civilization
00:06:25.040 | that kind of motivate the scaling of the expansion
00:06:28.920 | of humans in space and on other planets?
00:06:31.720 | What are you worried about?
00:06:32.880 | Nuclear war, pandemics,
00:06:36.520 | super intelligent artificial intelligence systems,
00:06:39.720 | more not existential crises,
00:06:44.160 | but ones that have potentially significant
00:06:47.280 | detrimental effects on society like climate change,
00:06:50.280 | those kinds of things.
00:06:51.120 | And then there's of course the fun ass story
00:06:52.840 | coming out from the darkness and hitting all Earth.
00:06:55.480 | There's been a few movies on that.
00:06:57.120 | Anyway, is there something that you think about
00:06:59.480 | that threatens us in this century?
00:07:02.320 | - I mean, as an ex-military family,
00:07:04.600 | we used to talk about all of this.
00:07:06.480 | We would say that luck favors the prepared.
00:07:09.040 | And so growing up, we had a plan,
00:07:12.240 | actually a family plan for what we would do in a pandemic.
00:07:14.560 | Didn't think we were gonna have to put that
00:07:15.640 | in a plan into place and here we are.
00:07:17.600 | We do, certainly among my own family and my friends
00:07:20.880 | and then our work at MIT,
00:07:21.920 | we do think about existential threats and risks to humanity
00:07:24.960 | and what role does space exploration
00:07:27.360 | and getting humans off world have to play
00:07:29.280 | in a resilient future for humanity.
00:07:32.160 | But what I actually find more compelling recently
00:07:35.480 | is instead of thinking about a need to ever abandon Earth
00:07:40.480 | through a path of space exploration or space voyaging,
00:07:43.040 | is to see how we can use space technology
00:07:44.920 | to keep Earth livable.
00:07:47.320 | The obvious direct ways of doing this
00:07:49.480 | would be satellite technology that's helping us learn more
00:07:52.360 | about climate change or emitters or CO2.
00:07:56.320 | But there's also a future for geoengineering
00:07:58.200 | that might be space-based.
00:07:59.640 | A lot of questions that would have to be answered around that
00:08:01.920 | but these are examples of pivoting our focus away
00:08:05.320 | from maybe the Hollywood vision of,
00:08:06.960 | oh, an asteroid's gonna come,
00:08:08.240 | we're all gonna have to escape Earth
00:08:09.400 | to let's use our considerable technology prowess
00:08:14.400 | and use space technology to save Earth
00:08:16.440 | and be very much focused on how we can have
00:08:18.240 | a worthwhile life for Earth's citizens.
00:08:20.840 | Even as some of us wanna go out and further venturing.
00:08:24.080 | - Right, just the desire to explore the mysterious, yes.
00:08:28.120 | But also it does seem that by placing us in harsh conditions,
00:08:32.600 | the harsh conditions of space,
00:08:33.880 | the harsh conditions of planets,
00:08:35.680 | and the biology, the chemistry, the engineering,
00:08:38.000 | the robotics, the materials, all of that,
00:08:41.520 | that's just a nice way to come up with cool new things.
00:08:43.920 | - Great forcing function, yeah.
00:08:45.120 | - Yeah, it's a forcing, exactly.
00:08:46.200 | It's a forcing function like survival.
00:08:48.880 | Don't get this right, you die.
00:08:50.960 | So, and that you can bring back to Earth
00:08:53.400 | and it will improve, like figuring out food in space
00:08:57.920 | will make you figure out how to eat,
00:09:01.840 | live healthier lives here on Earth.
00:09:04.120 | - So true, I mean, some of the technologies
00:09:05.880 | that we're directly looking at right now
00:09:08.680 | for space habitats, it's hard to keep humans alive
00:09:12.040 | in this really fragile little pocket against the vacuum
00:09:15.600 | and all of the dangers that the space environment presents.
00:09:19.040 | Some of the technologies we are gonna have to figure out
00:09:20.880 | is energy efficient, cooling and air conditioning,
00:09:24.620 | air filtration, scrubbing CO2 from the air,
00:09:28.880 | being able to have habitats that are themselves resilient
00:09:33.880 | to extremes of space weather and radiation.
00:09:36.320 | And some of these are direct translational opportunities
00:09:39.360 | for areas turned by natural disasters.
00:09:41.720 | People in California a decade ago
00:09:43.160 | would never have had to think about having an airtight house
00:09:45.840 | but now with wildfires, maybe you do want something close
00:09:48.800 | to an airtight house, how do you manage that?
00:09:51.520 | There's a lot of technologies
00:09:52.760 | from the space habitation world
00:09:55.080 | that we are hoping we can actually bring back down
00:09:57.040 | to benefit life on Earth as well
00:09:58.680 | in these extreme environment contexts.
00:10:01.240 | - Okay, so you mentioned to go back to swarm.
00:10:05.880 | - Yeah.
00:10:06.720 | - So that was interesting to you,
00:10:09.120 | first of all, in your own work,
00:10:10.380 | but also I believe you said something
00:10:12.640 | that was inspiring from Neil Stephenson as well.
00:10:14.920 | So when you say swarm, are you thinking about architectures
00:10:19.920 | or are you thinking about artificial intelligence
00:10:25.360 | like robotics or are those kind of intermixed?
00:10:28.360 | - I think the future that we're seeing
00:10:30.200 | is that they're going to be intermixed,
00:10:31.760 | which is really exciting.
00:10:33.160 | So the future of space habitats
00:10:35.240 | are one of intelligent structures,
00:10:38.560 | maybe not all the way to how
00:10:39.960 | and the 2001 "Space Odyssey" reference
00:10:42.480 | that scares people about the habitat
00:10:44.520 | having a mind of its own.
00:10:45.820 | But certainly we're building systems now
00:10:47.820 | where the habitat has sensing technology
00:10:51.800 | that allows it to communicate its basic functions,
00:10:56.360 | maintaining life support for the astronauts,
00:10:58.360 | but could also communicate in symbiosis
00:11:01.520 | with these swarm robots
00:11:03.240 | that would be on the outside of the spacecraft,
00:11:05.720 | whether it's in a microgravity orbiting environment
00:11:08.180 | or on the surface.
00:11:09.240 | And these little robots, they crawl,
00:11:11.200 | just a la Neil Stephenson and "Seveneves,"
00:11:13.360 | they crawl along the outside of the spacecraft
00:11:15.500 | looking for micrometeorite punctures
00:11:18.200 | or gas leaks or other faults and defects.
00:11:21.560 | And right now we're just working on the diagnosis.
00:11:24.040 | So can the swarm with its collective intelligence
00:11:27.240 | act in symbiosis with the spacecraft and detect things?
00:11:30.200 | But in the future, we'd also love
00:11:31.280 | for these little micro robots to repair in situ
00:11:34.080 | and really be like ants living in a tree
00:11:37.600 | all together connected to the spacecraft.
00:11:39.480 | - Do you envision the system to be fully distributed
00:11:44.240 | and just like an ant colony
00:11:45.800 | if one of them is damaged or whatever,
00:11:50.640 | loses control and all those kinds of things
00:11:53.520 | that that doesn't affect the performance
00:11:55.880 | of the complete system
00:11:57.320 | or doesn't need to be centralized?
00:11:58.960 | This is more like almost a technical question.
00:12:01.160 | Do you think we could-- - Good architecture question.
00:12:03.040 | - Right, from the ground up,
00:12:05.880 | it's so scary to go fully distributed.
00:12:08.800 | - Yes. (laughing)
00:12:10.160 | - But it's also exceptionally powerful, right?
00:12:12.680 | A robust, resilient to the harsh conditions of space.
00:12:15.840 | Where do you, if you look into the next 10, 20, 100 years,
00:12:22.320 | starting from scratch,
00:12:23.440 | do you think we should be doing
00:12:24.600 | architecture-wise distributed systems?
00:12:27.180 | - For space, yes, because it gives you this redundancy
00:12:31.280 | and safety profile that's really critical.
00:12:33.360 | So whether it's small swarm robots
00:12:35.160 | where it doesn't matter if you lose a few of them,
00:12:37.320 | to habitats that instead of having
00:12:39.880 | a central monolithic habitat,
00:12:43.840 | you might actually be able to have
00:12:45.800 | a decentralized node of a space station
00:12:49.080 | so that you can kind of right out of "Star Wars,"
00:12:50.960 | you can shut a blast door if there's a fire
00:12:53.320 | or if there's a conflict in a certain area
00:12:55.080 | and you can move the humans and the crew
00:12:57.160 | into another decentralized node of the spacecraft.
00:12:59.840 | There's another idea out of Neil Stephenson's "Seveneves"
00:13:01.960 | actually where these arclets,
00:13:03.840 | which were decentralized spacecraft that could form
00:13:06.200 | and dock little temporary space stations with each other
00:13:09.960 | and then separate and go off on their way
00:13:12.120 | and have a decentralized approach to living in space.
00:13:15.880 | - So the self-assembly component of that too,
00:13:19.080 | so this is your PhD work and beyond.
00:13:21.760 | You explored autonomously self-assembling
00:13:24.400 | space architecture for future space tourists' habitats
00:13:28.200 | and space stations in orbit around Earth, Moon, and Mars.
00:13:31.400 | There's few things I personally find sexier
00:13:34.640 | than self-assembling space,
00:13:37.560 | autonomously self-assembling space architecture.
00:13:40.960 | In general, it doesn't even need to be space.
00:13:42.720 | The idea of self-assembling architectures
00:13:46.080 | is really interesting, like building a bridge
00:13:48.400 | or something like that through self-assembling materials.
00:13:51.560 | It feels like an incredibly efficient way to do it
00:13:56.560 | because optimization is built in.
00:13:59.880 | So you can build the most optimal structures
00:14:02.400 | given dynamic, uncertain changing conditions.
00:14:08.200 | So maybe can you talk about your PhD work,
00:14:11.360 | about this work, about Tesserae?
00:14:14.240 | What is it in general?
00:14:16.960 | Any cool stuff 'cause this is super cool.
00:14:19.400 | - Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
00:14:21.120 | So Tesserae is my PhD research.
00:14:23.680 | It's this idea that we could take tiles
00:14:26.840 | that construct a large structure like a buckyball.
00:14:30.000 | Yeah, this is exactly what we're looking at here,
00:14:31.840 | which is the tiles that are packed flat in a rocket.
00:14:34.680 | They're released to float in microgravity.
00:14:38.360 | Magnets, pretty powerful electropermanent magnets
00:14:41.200 | on their edges draw them together for autonomous docking.
00:14:44.480 | So there's no human in the loop here
00:14:46.080 | and there's no central agent coordinating,
00:14:48.160 | saying tile one, go to tile two.
00:14:50.720 | It's completely decentralized system.
00:14:52.480 | They find each other on their own.
00:14:54.840 | What we don't show in this video
00:14:56.040 | is what happens if there's an error, right?
00:14:58.200 | So what happens if they bond incorrectly?
00:15:00.160 | The tiles have sensing, so proximity sensing,
00:15:02.640 | magnetometer, other sensors that allow them
00:15:04.760 | to detect a good bond versus a bad bond
00:15:07.920 | and pulse off and self-correct,
00:15:10.040 | which anybody who works in the field of self-assembly
00:15:12.680 | will tell you that error detection and correction,
00:15:15.760 | just like error detection in a DNA sequence
00:15:19.040 | or protein folding is really important part of the system
00:15:21.900 | for that robustness.
00:15:23.160 | And so we've done a lot of work to engineer
00:15:25.360 | that ability for the tiles to be self-determining.
00:15:29.320 | They know whether they're forming the structure
00:15:30.880 | that they're supposed to form or not.
00:15:32.240 | - They know if they're in a toxic relationship
00:15:34.400 | and they need to get out.
00:15:35.800 | - Right, right, if they need to separate, exactly, yeah.
00:15:38.720 | - All right, this is like so amazing.
00:15:40.520 | And for people who are just listening to this,
00:15:42.000 | yeah, there's a lot, I mean, how large are these tiles?
00:15:45.200 | - So the size that we use in the lab,
00:15:47.800 | they can really be any size
00:15:49.160 | 'cause we can scale them down to do testing in microgravity.
00:15:51.880 | So we sent tiles that were about three inches wide
00:15:55.040 | to the International Space Station a couple of years ago
00:15:57.120 | to test the code, test the state machine,
00:16:00.120 | test the algorithm of self-assembly.
00:16:02.280 | But now we're actually building
00:16:03.520 | our first ever human scale tiles.
00:16:05.680 | They're me human size, so a little smaller
00:16:08.040 | than maybe your average human,
00:16:09.720 | but they're 2.5 feet on edge length.
00:16:14.040 | The larger scale that we would love to build in the future
00:16:16.720 | would actually be tiles that are big enough
00:16:18.720 | to form a buckyball, big open spherical volume,
00:16:21.920 | spherical approximation volume,
00:16:23.620 | that'd be about 10 meters in diameter, so 30 feet,
00:16:27.200 | which is much bigger and grander in terms of open space
00:16:30.360 | than any current module on the ISS.
00:16:32.560 | And one of the goals of this project was to say,
00:16:35.160 | what's the purpose of next generation space architecture?
00:16:38.800 | Should it be something that really inspires
00:16:41.640 | and delights people when you float into that space?
00:16:44.800 | Can you get goosebumps in the way that you do
00:16:46.720 | when you walk into a really stunning piece
00:16:48.760 | of architecture on Earth?
00:16:50.080 | And so we think that self-assembly,
00:16:52.280 | this modular reconfigurable algorithm
00:16:55.280 | for constructing space structures in orbit
00:16:58.060 | is gonna give us this promise of space architecture
00:17:01.280 | that's actually worth living in.
00:17:03.440 | - Living in, oh, I thought you also meant
00:17:05.320 | from like outside artistic perspective,
00:17:07.320 | when you see the whole thing, it's just--
00:17:09.640 | - With the aesthetics of it, absolutely.
00:17:11.480 | You know, when you like go like into Vegas,
00:17:14.440 | whenever you go into a city and it like over the hill
00:17:18.040 | appears in front of you, and I mean,
00:17:19.720 | there's something majestic about seeing like,
00:17:23.360 | wow, humans created that.
00:17:25.280 | It gives you like hope about like,
00:17:26.800 | if these a bunch of ants were able to figure out
00:17:28.800 | how to build skyscrapers that light up.
00:17:31.440 | And in general, the design of these tiles
00:17:34.000 | and the way you envision it are pretty scalable.
00:17:36.440 | - Yes, and they're inspired by exactly
00:17:38.440 | what you mentioned a moment ago,
00:17:39.560 | which is we have these patterns of self-assembly on earth.
00:17:43.000 | And there's a lot of fantastic MIT research
00:17:45.040 | that we're building this concept on.
00:17:46.520 | So like Daniela Rus at CSAIL and Pebbles
00:17:49.400 | taking the power of magnets to create units
00:17:53.880 | that are themselves interchangeable,
00:17:56.200 | this notion of programmable matter.
00:17:58.640 | And so we're interested in going really big with it
00:18:01.600 | to build big scale space structures with programmable tiles.
00:18:05.360 | But there's also a really fascinating, you know,
00:18:07.600 | end of that on the other side of the spectrum,
00:18:08.960 | which is how small can you go with matter
00:18:11.400 | that's programmable and stacks and builds itself
00:18:13.800 | and creates a bridge or something in the future.
00:18:16.920 | - What do you envision the thing would look like?
00:18:19.560 | Like when you imagine a thing far into the future
00:18:22.320 | where there's, so we're not even thinking about like,
00:18:26.720 | small space, let's not call them small,
00:18:29.000 | but are currently sized space stations,
00:18:30.800 | but like something gigantic.
00:18:33.000 | What do you envision?
00:18:34.280 | Is this something with symmetry
00:18:36.640 | or is this something we can't even come up with yet?
00:18:38.880 | Is there beautiful structures that you imagine in your mind?
00:18:42.880 | - I've got three candidates that I would love to build.
00:18:45.680 | If we're talking about monumental space architecture,
00:18:48.640 | one is what does a space cathedral look like?
00:18:51.680 | It can be a secular cathedral,
00:18:52.840 | doesn't necessarily have to be about religion,
00:18:54.400 | but that notion of long sight lines,
00:18:57.920 | inspiring, stunning architecture when you go in.
00:19:01.240 | And you can imagine floating,
00:19:03.080 | instead of being on the ground and only looking up,
00:19:06.560 | in space, you could be in a central node
00:19:08.720 | and each direction you look at,
00:19:10.760 | all the cardinal directions are spires going off
00:19:14.080 | in a really large and long way.
00:19:15.440 | So that's concept number one.
00:19:17.200 | Number two would be something more organic
00:19:20.000 | that's not just geometric.
00:19:21.800 | So here, one of the ideas that we're working on at MIT
00:19:24.440 | in my lab is to say, could you,
00:19:27.600 | instead of the tesserae model, right?
00:19:29.280 | Which is self-assembling a shell,
00:19:31.920 | could you define a module that's a node,
00:19:35.000 | a small node that someone can live in
00:19:36.960 | and you self-assemble a lot of those together,
00:19:39.640 | they're called a plesiohedrons, like space filling solids,
00:19:43.600 | and you dock a bunch of them together
00:19:45.560 | and you can create a really organic structure out of that.
00:19:49.800 | So the same way that muscles accrete to appear,
00:19:53.440 | you can have these nodes that dock together
00:19:55.560 | and one shape that I would love to form out of this
00:19:57.640 | is something like a nautilus, a seashell,
00:20:00.440 | that beautiful Fibonacci spiral sequence
00:20:03.480 | that you get in that shape,
00:20:04.920 | which I think would be a stunning and fabulous
00:20:07.280 | aggregated space station.
00:20:10.320 | - You said so many cool words, plesiohedron.
00:20:14.200 | - Yeah, plesiohedron.
00:20:15.040 | - So that's a space filling--
00:20:18.240 | - Solid, the simplest thing to think of is like a cube.
00:20:21.040 | - Oh, cubes. - A cube, right?
00:20:22.000 | So you can stack cubes together
00:20:23.640 | and if you had an infinite number of cubes,
00:20:25.400 | you'd fill all that space,
00:20:27.160 | there's no gaps in between the cubes,
00:20:28.920 | they stack and fill space.
00:20:31.400 | Another plesiohedron is a truncated octahedron
00:20:34.720 | and that's actually one of the candidate structures
00:20:36.480 | that we think would be great for space stations.
00:20:38.680 | - What's the truncated part?
00:20:40.080 | - Ah, so you cut off,
00:20:41.880 | an octahedron actually has little pointy areas,
00:20:44.560 | you truncate certain sections of it
00:20:46.320 | and you get surfaces that are on the structure
00:20:50.040 | that are cubes and I think hexagons,
00:20:52.840 | I have to remind myself exactly what the faces are.
00:20:55.600 | But overall, a truncated octahedron can be bonded
00:20:59.240 | to other truncated octahedrons and just like a cube,
00:21:02.040 | it fills all the gaps as you build it out.
00:21:04.880 | So you can imagine two truncated octahedrons,
00:21:07.760 | they come together at an airlock,
00:21:09.200 | which is what we space people call doors in space
00:21:12.280 | and you dock them on all sides
00:21:14.240 | and you've basically created this decentralized network
00:21:18.120 | of space nodes that make a big space station
00:21:22.000 | and once you have enough of them
00:21:23.680 | and you're growing with enough big units,
00:21:25.480 | you can do it in any macro shape you want,
00:21:28.040 | that's where the Nautilus comes in,
00:21:29.360 | this could be designed an organically inspired shape
00:21:32.920 | for a space station.
00:21:33.760 | - Can I just say how awesome it is to hear you say,
00:21:36.840 | we space people.
00:21:38.720 | I know you meant people that are doing research
00:21:41.200 | on space exploration, space technology,
00:21:43.840 | but it also made me think of a future,
00:21:45.920 | there's earth people and there's those space people.
00:21:50.600 | - I'd love to unite those two.
00:21:52.400 | - Yeah, no, no, for sure, for sure.
00:21:54.160 | But like, it's like New Yorkers
00:21:56.760 | and like Texans or something like that.
00:21:59.680 | Yeah, of course, you live for a time in New York
00:22:03.520 | and then you go up to Boston
00:22:05.160 | but for a time you're the space people.
00:22:07.120 | I know those space people, they're kind of wild up there.
00:22:11.160 | - Let's see how that dynamic evolves.
00:22:12.520 | - Yeah, exactly, there's that culture, culture forms
00:22:14.680 | and I would love to see what kind of culture,
00:22:17.040 | once you have sort of more and more civilians,
00:22:21.160 | I mean, there's a human,
00:22:22.560 | I mean, I love psychology and sociology
00:22:25.120 | and I'll maybe ask you about that too,
00:22:27.600 | which is like the dynamic between humans.
00:22:29.640 | You have to kind of start considering that
00:22:31.720 | and you start spending more and more time up in space
00:22:34.720 | and start sending civilians,
00:22:36.800 | start sending bigger and bigger groups of people.
00:22:39.160 | And then of course, the beautiful and the ugly emerges
00:22:42.960 | from the human nature that we haven't been able to escape
00:22:47.920 | up to this point.
00:22:49.240 | But when you say the plesiohedrons, these kinds of shapes,
00:22:53.120 | are they multifunctional?
00:22:54.560 | Like is the idea you'd be able to,
00:22:56.760 | humans can occupy them safely in some of them
00:23:02.280 | and some others have some other purposes?
00:23:04.880 | - Exactly, one could be sleeping quarters,
00:23:07.320 | one could be a greenhouse or an agricultural unit,
00:23:10.440 | one could be a storage depot,
00:23:13.800 | essentially all of the different rooms or functions
00:23:16.480 | that you might need in a space station
00:23:17.920 | could be subdivided into these nodes
00:23:19.960 | and then stacked together.
00:23:22.280 | And one of the promises of both Tesserae,
00:23:24.520 | my original PhD research, which is these shells,
00:23:26.960 | and then this follow-on node concept
00:23:29.560 | is that right now we build space stations
00:23:32.160 | and once they're built, they're done.
00:23:33.840 | You can't really change them profoundly,
00:23:36.320 | but the benefit of a modular self-assembling system
00:23:39.000 | is you can disassemble it,
00:23:41.000 | you can completely reconfigure it.
00:23:42.840 | So if your mission changes
00:23:44.280 | or the number of people in space that you wanna host,
00:23:46.360 | if you have a space conference happening
00:23:47.800 | like South by Southwest.
00:23:48.920 | - I was thinking space party,
00:23:50.120 | but space conference is good too.
00:23:51.600 | (Tesserae laughs)
00:23:52.520 | - Then maybe all of a sudden you want to change out
00:23:55.720 | what were window tiles yesterday, cupola tiles,
00:23:58.800 | and make them into a birthing port
00:24:00.560 | so that you can welcome five new spaceships
00:24:02.640 | to come and join you in space.
00:24:04.360 | That's what this promise of reconfigurable space architecture
00:24:07.360 | might allow us to explore.
00:24:09.160 | - I've been hanging out with Grimes recently,
00:24:10.760 | I just feel like she belongs up in space.
00:24:13.280 | This is like designed for artists, essentially.
00:24:15.560 | I imagine, I mean, this is what South by
00:24:18.280 | keeps introducing me to,
00:24:19.320 | there's like the weird and the beautiful people
00:24:22.080 | and like the artists.
00:24:23.480 | And it feels like there's a lot of opportunities
00:24:26.360 | for art and design.
00:24:28.720 | - 100%.
00:24:29.560 | - It's like space is a combination of arts,
00:24:31.920 | design and great engineering.
00:24:34.120 | It's a safety critical with like the highest of stakes.
00:24:39.840 | So don't, you can't mess it up.
00:24:41.760 | And is this, first of all, you're talking about tiling.
00:24:44.680 | So Neil Stephenson is obsessed about tiling.
00:24:46.640 | I don't know if it's related to any of this,
00:24:48.840 | but he seems to be obsessed with like,
00:24:50.640 | how do you tile a space?
00:24:51.680 | That's like a geometric notion, like the tessellation.
00:24:55.120 | And it's, I mean, it's a beautiful idea for architecture
00:24:59.560 | that you can self-assemble these different shapes
00:25:03.440 | and you can have probably some centralized guidance
00:25:07.520 | of the kind of thing you want to build.
00:25:09.760 | But they also kind of figure stuff out themselves
00:25:12.080 | in terms of the low level details,
00:25:13.560 | in terms of the figuring out
00:25:16.040 | when everything fits just right.
00:25:18.760 | For the OCD people, like, what's that subreddit?
00:25:23.080 | Pleasantly, it's like really fun.
00:25:25.680 | Everything, they have like videos of everything
00:25:27.400 | is just pleasant when everything just fits perfectly.
00:25:29.600 | - Very pleasing.
00:25:30.440 | All the tolerances come together.
00:25:32.560 | - So they figure that out on themselves
00:25:34.440 | and the local robotics problem.
00:25:36.360 | But by the way, was Daniela Rose Pebbles,
00:25:38.040 | was the Pebbles Project?
00:25:38.880 | - Yeah, the Pebbles Project are little cubes
00:25:41.560 | that have EPMs in them, electropermanent magnets,
00:25:44.160 | and they can self-disassemble.
00:25:46.160 | So they'll turn off and so you'll have this little structure
00:25:48.400 | that all of a sudden can flip the little pebbles over
00:25:51.720 | and essentially just disaggregate.
00:25:54.600 | - They have to make some pleasing sounds.
00:25:56.640 | - Yes.
00:25:57.480 | (imitates sound)
00:25:58.680 | - And that's gonna, so I'm supposed to talk to Daniela,
00:26:01.440 | so I'll probably spend an hour just discussing
00:26:03.720 | the sounds on the pebbles.
00:26:05.040 | Okay, what were we talking about?
00:26:07.600 | So that's, 'cause you mentioned two, I think.
00:26:11.040 | - Right, my third one.
00:26:12.120 | - Yeah, is there a third one?
00:26:13.280 | - My third one is a ring world,
00:26:14.640 | just because every science fiction book ever
00:26:17.360 | that's worth anything has a ring world in it.
00:26:19.880 | And--
00:26:20.720 | - Is it a donut?
00:26:21.840 | - A donut, yeah, so really big torus
00:26:24.520 | that could encircle a planet
00:26:27.480 | or encircle another celestial body,
00:26:29.600 | maybe an asteroid or a small moon.
00:26:32.160 | And the promise here is just the beauty
00:26:36.120 | of being able to have that geometry in orbit
00:26:39.920 | and all that surface area for solar panels
00:26:42.360 | and docking and essentially just all of what that enables,
00:26:46.600 | to have a ring world at that scale in orbit.
00:26:48.960 | - By the way, for the viewers,
00:26:50.440 | we're looking at figure 11, what paper is this from?
00:26:52.560 | This is a hexagonal tiling of a torus
00:26:55.600 | generated in Mathematica, referencing code
00:26:58.840 | and approach from two citations.
00:27:01.080 | So we're looking at a tiled donut, and I'm now hungry.
00:27:04.240 | So this is the, is this from your thesis or no?
00:27:06.920 | - This is probably, I mean, this is in my thesis.
00:27:08.720 | This looks like it was one of my earlier papers.
00:27:10.560 | This was an approach to say, great,
00:27:13.240 | we've come up with this tessellation approach
00:27:15.480 | for a buckyball.
00:27:16.840 | And we picked the buckyball
00:27:18.120 | because it is the most efficient surface area
00:27:21.320 | to volume shape and what's expensive in space,
00:27:23.940 | the surface area, shipping up all that material.
00:27:26.360 | So we wanted something that would maximize the volume.
00:27:28.780 | But if we think about ring worlds and other shapes,
00:27:30.820 | we wanted to look at how do you tile a torus,
00:27:34.040 | and this is one example with hexagons,
00:27:36.420 | to be able to say, could we take this same tesserae approach
00:27:39.120 | of self-assembling tiles and create other geometries?
00:27:42.200 | - This is so freaking cool.
00:27:43.560 | That's awesome.
00:27:44.380 | So you mentioned microgravity, and I saw,
00:27:48.440 | I believe that there's a picture of you
00:27:50.400 | floating in microgravity.
00:27:52.240 | When did you get to experience that?
00:27:53.760 | What was that like?
00:27:54.600 | - Ah, so I've flown nine times
00:27:56.920 | on the affectionately known as the Vomit Comet.
00:28:00.000 | It's the parabolic flight, and essentially,
00:28:02.520 | it does what you'd want a plane never to do.
00:28:04.280 | It pitches really steeply upwards at 45 degrees.
00:28:07.040 | - Oh, that's a picture of you.
00:28:07.880 | - Yeah, yeah.
00:28:08.920 | That's tesserae.
00:28:09.760 | That's super early in my PhD.
00:28:11.320 | Some of just the passive tiles,
00:28:12.800 | before we even put electronics in,
00:28:14.280 | we were just testing the magnet polarity
00:28:17.120 | and the, essentially, is it an energy favorable structure
00:28:20.920 | to self-assemble on its own?
00:28:22.260 | So we tweaked a lot of things between--
00:28:23.920 | - Are we looking at a couple of them?
00:28:25.920 | - Yeah, you're looking at a bunch of them there.
00:28:27.200 | It's almost 32 of them.
00:28:28.920 | Yeah, they're clumping.
00:28:30.600 | They're clumping, yeah.
00:28:31.680 | - Can you comment on what's the difference
00:28:33.160 | between microgravity and zero gravity?
00:28:35.920 | - Yes, so there is--
00:28:36.760 | - Is that an important difference?
00:28:38.000 | - It's an important difference.
00:28:38.840 | There is no zero gravity.
00:28:41.600 | There's no, nothing, there's, in the universe,
00:28:43.760 | there is no such thing as zero gravity.
00:28:46.000 | So Newton's law of gravity tells us
00:28:48.200 | that there's always gravity attraction
00:28:50.280 | between any two objects.
00:28:51.320 | So zero G is a shorthand that some of us fall into using,
00:28:54.240 | where it's a little easier to communicate to the public.
00:28:56.400 | The accurate term is microgravity,
00:28:59.400 | where you are essentially floating, you're weightless,
00:29:02.040 | but generally in free fall.
00:29:04.240 | So on the parabolic flights, the Vomit Comet,
00:29:06.600 | you're in free fall at the end of the parabola.
00:29:09.280 | And in orbit around the Earth when you're floating,
00:29:12.400 | you're also in free fall.
00:29:14.360 | So that's micro-G. - What was it like?
00:29:15.880 | So affectionately called Vomit Comet,
00:29:17.640 | I'm sure there's a reason why it's called affectionately.
00:29:19.760 | So what's it like?
00:29:21.040 | What's your first time,
00:29:23.560 | so both philosophically, spiritually, and biologically,
00:29:27.920 | what's it like?
00:29:28.840 | - It's profound.
00:29:30.320 | It is unlike anything else you will experience on Earth
00:29:35.120 | because it is this true feeling of weightlessness
00:29:38.640 | with no drag.
00:29:40.000 | So the closest experience you could think of
00:29:41.680 | would be floating in a pool,
00:29:43.000 | but you move slowly when you float in a pool
00:29:44.840 | and your motion is restricted.
00:29:46.520 | When you're floating, it's just you and your body flying,
00:29:49.960 | like in a dream.
00:29:51.160 | It takes the littlest amount of energy,
00:29:54.280 | like a finger tap against the wall of the plane
00:29:56.440 | to shoot all the way across the fuselage.
00:29:58.400 | - Wow, and you can move at full speed.
00:30:00.480 | You can move your arms. - Exactly.
00:30:03.120 | - So your muscles work. - There's no, yeah.
00:30:04.680 | - There's no resistance. - There's no resistance.
00:30:06.800 | They actually tell you to make a memory
00:30:09.960 | when you're on the plane
00:30:11.440 | because it's such a fleeting experience for your body
00:30:13.880 | that even a few days later,
00:30:14.960 | you've already forgotten exactly what it felt like.
00:30:17.800 | It's so foreign to the human experience.
00:30:20.120 | - They kind of suggest that you explicitly try
00:30:22.520 | to really form this into a memory
00:30:24.360 | and then you can do the replay.
00:30:25.680 | Is that for training? - Cognitively freeze it.
00:30:27.680 | Yeah. (laughs)
00:30:29.640 | - Save.
00:30:31.200 | When we have Neuralink, we can replay that.
00:30:32.960 | - There you go.
00:30:33.800 | - We can replay that memory.
00:30:35.000 | So in terms of how much stress it has on your body,
00:30:38.200 | is it biologically stressful?
00:30:41.200 | - You do feel a 2G pullout, right?
00:30:43.600 | So the cost of getting those micro G parabolas
00:30:46.480 | is you then have a 2G pullout.
00:30:48.280 | And that's hard.
00:30:49.120 | You have to train for it.
00:30:50.200 | If you move your neck too quickly in that 2G pullout,
00:30:52.640 | you can strain muscles.
00:30:54.800 | But I wouldn't say that it's actually
00:30:56.840 | a profound, tough thing on the body.
00:31:00.220 | It's really just an incredibly novel experience.
00:31:02.960 | And when you're in orbit and you're not having to go
00:31:05.480 | through the ups and downs of the parabolic plane,
00:31:07.840 | there's a real grace and elegance.
00:31:09.920 | And you see the astronauts learn to operate
00:31:12.480 | in this completely new environment.
00:31:15.000 | - What are some interesting differences
00:31:16.400 | between the parabolic plane
00:31:17.840 | and when you're actually going up in orbit?
00:31:20.000 | Is it that with orbit you can look out
00:31:22.920 | and see that blue little planet of ours?
00:31:26.200 | - You can see the blue marble,
00:31:27.240 | the stunning overview effect,
00:31:28.840 | which is something I hope to see one day.
00:31:31.960 | What's also really different is if you're in orbit
00:31:34.200 | for any significant period of time,
00:31:36.080 | there's gonna be a lot more physiological changes
00:31:38.200 | to your body than if you just did an afternoon flight
00:31:41.500 | on the Vomit Comet.
00:31:42.880 | Everything from your bones, your muscles,
00:31:44.920 | your eyeballs change shape.
00:31:47.480 | There's a lot of different things that happen
00:31:49.000 | for long duration spaceflight.
00:31:51.120 | And we still have to, as scientists,
00:31:52.520 | we still have to solve a lot of these interesting challenges
00:31:54.480 | to be able to keep humans thriving in microgravity
00:31:58.400 | or deep duration space missions.
00:32:01.000 | - Deep duration space missions.
00:32:03.560 | Okay, let's talk about this.
00:32:05.080 | I was just gonna ask a bunch of dumb questions.
00:32:08.240 | So approximately how long does it take to travel to Mars?
00:32:11.640 | Asking for a friend.
00:32:12.600 | - Asking for a friend, as we all do.
00:32:14.800 | About three years for a round trip.
00:32:17.800 | And that's not that it actually takes that long.
00:32:19.160 | - Why the round trip?
00:32:20.200 | Is that?
00:32:21.040 | - Well, you're just asking about the one way trip.
00:32:23.800 | - Got it, got it, got it.
00:32:24.640 | - So okay, cool.
00:32:25.680 | So for just like literally flying to Mars in a round,
00:32:29.440 | it takes three years.
00:32:30.720 | There's some interstitial time there
00:32:32.560 | because you really can only go between Earth and Mars
00:32:35.480 | at certain points in their orbits
00:32:37.560 | where it's favorable to make that journey.
00:32:39.440 | And so part of that three years
00:32:40.880 | is you take the journey to Mars a few months,
00:32:43.520 | six to nine months.
00:32:45.000 | You're there for a period of time
00:32:46.400 | until the orbits find a favorable alignment again.
00:32:49.880 | And then you come back another six to nine months.
00:32:51.920 | - So one way travel, six to nine months.
00:32:54.120 | They hang out there on vacation and come back.
00:32:56.400 | - Forced vacation.
00:32:57.240 | - Forced vacation.
00:32:58.080 | - You come back.
00:32:59.120 | - Me, who loves working all the time,
00:33:00.960 | all vacation is forced vacation.
00:33:03.240 | All right.
00:33:04.080 | Okay, so that gives us a sense of duration.
00:33:07.760 | And we can maybe also talk about longer and longer
00:33:10.640 | and longer duration as well.
00:33:13.600 | What are the hardest aspects of living in space
00:33:18.600 | for many days, for let's say 100 days, 200 days?
00:33:23.320 | Maybe there's a threshold when it gets really tough.
00:33:25.920 | What are some stupid little things
00:33:28.880 | or big things that are very difficult
00:33:30.680 | for human beings to go through?
00:33:32.360 | - So one big thing and one little thing.
00:33:33.880 | And there's two classic problems
00:33:35.480 | that we're trying to solve in the space industry.
00:33:37.280 | One is radiation.
00:33:38.840 | It's not as much of a problem for us right now
00:33:40.960 | on the International Space Station
00:33:42.320 | because we're still protected
00:33:44.120 | by part of Earth's magnetosphere.
00:33:46.160 | But as soon as you get farther out into space
00:33:48.000 | and you don't have that protection
00:33:49.360 | once you leave the Van Allen belt area of the Earth
00:33:52.760 | and the cocoon around the Earth,
00:33:55.440 | we have really serious concerns about radiation
00:33:57.960 | having an effect on human health long-term.
00:33:59.960 | That's the big one.
00:34:01.360 | The small one, and I say it's small
00:34:02.960 | because it seems mundane,
00:34:04.320 | but it actually is really big in its own way,
00:34:06.000 | is mental health and how to keep people happy and balanced.
00:34:09.080 | And you were alluding to some of the psychological challenges
00:34:11.480 | of having humans together on missions
00:34:13.960 | and especially as we try to scale
00:34:15.400 | the number of humans in orbit or in space.
00:34:18.160 | So that's another big challenge
00:34:19.360 | is how to keep people happy and balanced and cooperating.
00:34:22.840 | - That's not an issue on Earth at all.
00:34:25.920 | - At all.
00:34:27.200 | - Okay, so we'll talk about each of those
00:34:29.440 | in a bit more detail,
00:34:31.120 | but let me continue on the chain of dumb questions.
00:34:34.440 | What about food?
00:34:35.680 | What's a good source for food in space?
00:34:38.680 | And what are some sort of standard go-to meals, menus?
00:34:42.720 | - Right now, your go-to menu
00:34:44.040 | is gonna be mostly freeze-dried.
00:34:46.040 | Every so often, NASA will arrange for a fun stunt
00:34:50.360 | or fresh food to get up to station.
00:34:51.920 | So they did bake DoubleTree cookies with Hilton
00:34:54.520 | a couple of years ago, as I recall,
00:34:55.800 | I think sometime before the pandemic.
00:34:57.840 | But there's work actually in our lab at MIT,
00:35:00.160 | Maggie Koblentz, one of my staff researchers,
00:35:02.160 | is looking at the future of fermentation.
00:35:04.600 | Everybody loves beer, right?
00:35:06.160 | Beer and wine and kimchi and miso,
00:35:08.760 | these foods that have just been really important
00:35:11.920 | to human cultures for eons
00:35:13.240 | because we love the umami and the better flavor in them.
00:35:16.560 | But it turns out they also have a good shelf life
00:35:18.480 | if done properly.
00:35:19.760 | And they also have an additional health benefit
00:35:22.520 | for the microbiome, for probiotics and prebiotics.
00:35:25.720 | So we're trying to work with NASA
00:35:27.600 | and convince them to be more open-minded
00:35:29.280 | to fermented food for long-duration deep space missions.
00:35:33.120 | That we think is one of the future elements
00:35:35.160 | in addition to in-situ growing your own food.
00:35:38.560 | - Okay, this is essential for the space party,
00:35:41.440 | is the space beer.
00:35:43.320 | - Yes, it's the fermented product, yes.
00:35:45.760 | - Okay, cool.
00:35:46.720 | In terms of water,
00:35:47.560 | what's a good source of drinkable water?
00:35:49.680 | Like where do you get water?
00:35:50.680 | Do you have to always bring it on board with you?
00:35:52.880 | And is there a compressed, efficient way of storing it?
00:35:56.680 | - So to steal a line from Charlie Bolden,
00:35:58.880 | who's the former administrator of NASA,
00:36:01.360 | "This morning's fresh water is yesterday's coffee."
00:36:04.640 | So if you think about what that means,
00:36:06.440 | you drank the coffee yesterday.
00:36:08.160 | - Right, as a child.
00:36:09.000 | So it goes fully through the body.
00:36:10.840 | - Fully through the body as the recycling system.
00:36:13.120 | And then you drink what you peed out
00:36:15.400 | as clarified, refined fresh water the next day.
00:36:21.400 | That is one source of water.
00:36:23.320 | Another source of water in the near neighborhood
00:36:25.400 | of our solar system would be on the moon.
00:36:27.120 | So water ice deposits, there's also water on Mars.
00:36:30.000 | This is one of the big things that's bringing people
00:36:32.680 | to want to develop infrastructure on the moon,
00:36:35.200 | is once you've gotten out of the gravity well of earth,
00:36:37.800 | if you can find water on the moon and refine it,
00:36:40.360 | you can either make it into propellant
00:36:41.880 | or drinkable water for humans.
00:36:44.120 | And so that's really valuable as a potential gateway
00:36:47.120 | out into the rest of the solar system
00:36:48.600 | to be able to get propellant
00:36:49.840 | without always having to ship it up from earth.
00:36:52.240 | - So how much water is there on Mars?
00:36:56.280 | - It's a great question, I do not know.
00:36:57.560 | - We don't know this yet, right?
00:36:58.400 | - I know there's water at the caps.
00:36:59.840 | I suspect NASA from all of the satellite studies
00:37:04.200 | that they've done at Mars have a decent idea
00:37:06.720 | of what the water deposits look like,
00:37:08.520 | but I don't know to what degree
00:37:09.600 | they have characterized those.
00:37:11.480 | - I really hope there's life
00:37:13.320 | or traces of previous life on Mars.
00:37:16.760 | - This is a special spot in my heart
00:37:18.680 | because I got to work on SHERLOCK,
00:37:20.960 | which is the astrobiology experiment
00:37:23.200 | that's on Mars right now,
00:37:24.680 | searching for what they would say in a very cautious way
00:37:27.520 | is signs of past habitability.
00:37:31.080 | They wanna be careful not to get people overly excited
00:37:33.240 | and say we're searching for signs of life.
00:37:35.160 | They're searching to see if there would have been organics
00:37:38.480 | on the surface of Mars or water in certain areas
00:37:40.840 | that would have allowed for life to flourish.
00:37:43.680 | And I really love this prospect.
00:37:45.680 | I do think within our lifetimes,
00:37:47.480 | we'll get a better answer about finding life
00:37:50.320 | in our solar system if it's there.
00:37:52.360 | If not on Mars, maybe Europa, one of the icy worlds.
00:37:55.880 | - So you like astrobiology.
00:37:59.240 | - I do.
00:38:00.080 | - This is part of the,
00:38:01.320 | it's not just about human biology,
00:38:03.520 | it's also other extraterrestrial alien biology.
00:38:06.600 | - Search for life in the universe.
00:38:08.440 | - Okay. - Yeah.
00:38:09.280 | - Does that scare you or excite you?
00:38:10.480 | - It excites me, profoundly excites me.
00:38:12.160 | - That there's other alien civilizations
00:38:14.480 | potentially very different than our own?
00:38:16.800 | - I think there's gotta be some humility there
00:38:18.680 | and certainly from science fiction,
00:38:19.920 | we have plenty of reasons to fear that outcome as well.
00:38:23.240 | But I do think as a scientist,
00:38:24.600 | it would be profoundly exciting if we were to find life,
00:38:27.280 | especially in the near neighborhood of our solar system.
00:38:30.120 | Right now, we would expect it
00:38:31.160 | to be most likely microbial life,
00:38:33.160 | but we have a real serious challenge in astrobiology,
00:38:35.440 | which is it may not even be carbon-based life.
00:38:38.440 | And all of our detectors,
00:38:39.720 | we only know to look for DNA or RNA.
00:38:42.680 | How would you even build a detector
00:38:44.400 | to look for silicon-based life or different molecules
00:38:48.960 | than what we know to be the fundamental molecules for life?
00:38:51.960 | - And then you mentioned offline Sarah Walker.
00:38:53.880 | I mean, the question that she's obsessed with
00:38:56.920 | is even just defining life.
00:38:58.880 | What is life to look outside the carbon-based?
00:39:02.600 | I mean, to look outside of basically anything
00:39:04.960 | we can even imagine chemically,
00:39:07.320 | to look outside of any kind of notions
00:39:08.880 | that we think of as biology.
00:39:10.820 | Yeah, it's really weird.
00:39:12.280 | So you now get into this land of complexity,
00:39:14.960 | of measuring how many assembly steps
00:39:19.960 | it takes to build that thing.
00:39:23.120 | - Right.
00:39:23.960 | - And maybe dynamic movement or some maintenance
00:39:28.200 | of some kind of membrane structures.
00:39:30.880 | We don't even know which properties life should have,
00:39:34.520 | whether it should be able to reproduce
00:39:36.760 | and all those kinds of things,
00:39:37.800 | or pass information, genetic type of information.
00:39:41.680 | We don't know.
00:39:42.520 | And it's like, it's so humbling.
00:39:45.120 | I mean, I tend to believe that there could be
00:39:47.680 | something like alien life here on earth,
00:39:51.080 | and we're just too human biology obsessed
00:39:54.640 | to even recognize it.
00:39:56.000 | - The shadow biosphere,
00:39:57.140 | I remember you and Sarah were talking about.
00:39:58.960 | - I mean, that's like, speaking of beer,
00:40:02.240 | I mean, that's something I wanted to make sure,
00:40:04.400 | in all of science, to shake ourselves out of,
00:40:06.560 | like, remind ourselves constantly how little we know.
00:40:10.160 | 'Cause it might be right in front of our nose.
00:40:13.120 | Like, I wouldn't be surprised if, like,
00:40:15.000 | trees are, like, orders of magnitude
00:40:17.320 | more intelligent than humans.
00:40:18.880 | They're just operating at a much slower scale,
00:40:21.280 | and they're, like, talking shit about us the whole time.
00:40:23.840 | Like, about silly humans that take everything seriously,
00:40:26.560 | and we start all kinds of nuclear wars,
00:40:28.640 | and we quarrel, and we tweet about it,
00:40:31.120 | and then, but the trees are always there,
00:40:33.480 | just watching us silly humans.
00:40:35.200 | - Like the Ents in "Lord of the Rings."
00:40:37.080 | - Exactly.
00:40:38.200 | So, I mean, I don't know.
00:40:39.640 | I mean, obviously, I'm joking on that one,
00:40:41.320 | but there could be stuff like that.
00:40:43.040 | Well, let me ask you the Drake equation,
00:40:46.720 | the big question, how many, like,
00:40:50.000 | obviously, nobody knows, but what's your gut,
00:40:52.200 | what's your hope, as a scientist, as a human,
00:40:54.960 | how many alien civilizations are out there?
00:40:57.160 | - As a ex-physicist, I'm now much more
00:41:01.320 | on the aerospace engineering side for space architecture,
00:41:03.520 | but as an ex-physicist, I hope it is prolific.
00:41:08.680 | I think the challenge is, if it's as prolific
00:41:10.680 | as we would hope, if there are many, many,
00:41:12.640 | many civilizations, then the question is, where are they?
00:41:16.960 | Why haven't we heard from them?
00:41:18.760 | And the Fermi paradox, is there some great filter
00:41:21.840 | that life only gets to some level of sophistication
00:41:25.560 | and then kills itself off through war,
00:41:28.360 | or through famine, or through different challenges
00:41:30.240 | that filter that society out of existence?
00:41:33.840 | And it would be an interesting question
00:41:34.920 | to try to understand if the universe was teeming with life,
00:41:38.120 | why haven't we found it or heard from it yet,
00:41:41.080 | to our knowledge?
00:41:41.920 | - Yeah, I personally believe that it's teeming with life,
00:41:44.880 | and you're right, I think that's a really useful,
00:41:46.920 | productive engineering and scientific question
00:41:49.480 | of what kind of great filter can just be destroying
00:41:53.520 | all of that life, or preventing it from just constantly
00:41:57.360 | talking to us silly descendants of apes.
00:42:01.560 | That's a really nice question, like,
00:42:04.120 | what are the ways civilizations can destroy themselves?
00:42:08.680 | And-- - There's too many, sadly.
00:42:10.680 | - Well, I don't think we've come up with most of them yet.
00:42:13.640 | - That's also probably true.
00:42:15.600 | - That's the thing, it's, I mean,
00:42:17.920 | and like, if you look at nuclear war, some of it is physics,
00:42:21.880 | but some of it is game theory, it's human nature,
00:42:26.200 | it's how societies built themselves, how they interact,
00:42:29.280 | how we create and resolve conflict,
00:42:32.680 | and it gets back to the human question
00:42:34.640 | on when you're doing long-term space travel,
00:42:37.120 | how do you maintain this dynamical system
00:42:40.320 | of flawed, irrational humans such that it persists
00:42:45.320 | throughout time, to not just maintain the biological body,
00:42:50.120 | but get people from not murdering each other,
00:42:52.640 | and like each other sufficiently
00:42:54.920 | to where you kinda fit well, but I think, you know,
00:42:59.280 | if songs or poetry or books taught me anything,
00:43:02.440 | if you like each other a little too much,
00:43:05.800 | I mean, the problems arise,
00:43:07.240 | 'cause then there's always a third person who also likes,
00:43:09.280 | and then there's the drama, it's like,
00:43:10.800 | I can't believe you did that last night, whatever,
00:43:13.560 | so, and then there's beer,
00:43:14.760 | - Gets complicated quickly. - And it gets complicated
00:43:16.400 | quickly, okay, anyway, back to the dumb questions,
00:43:20.240 | 'cause you answered this, there's an interview
00:43:22.960 | where you answer a bunch of cool little questions
00:43:24.520 | from young students and so on about like space.
00:43:28.340 | One of them was playing music in space,
00:43:32.320 | and you mentioned something about
00:43:35.280 | what kind of instruments you could use
00:43:37.800 | to play music in space, could you mention about
00:43:40.640 | like does Spotify work in space,
00:43:43.160 | and if I wanted to do a live performance,
00:43:45.120 | what kind of instruments would I need?
00:43:47.800 | - Yeah, I mean, you referenced culture before,
00:43:50.320 | and I think this is one of the most exciting things
00:43:51.960 | that we have at our fingertips,
00:43:53.880 | which is to define a new culture for space exploration,
00:43:57.760 | we don't just have to import cultural artifacts from Earth
00:44:01.600 | to make life worth living in space,
00:44:03.480 | and this musical instrument that you referenced
00:44:05.120 | was a design of an object that could only be performed
00:44:08.200 | in microgravity, - Oh, cool.
00:44:10.200 | - So it doesn't sound the same way
00:44:12.200 | when it's a percussive instrument,
00:44:14.200 | when it's rattled or moved in a gravity environment,
00:44:16.760 | it is unique. - Can we look it up?
00:44:18.280 | - It's called the Telemetron, yeah, it's created by--
00:44:20.640 | - Of course it's called the Telemetron,
00:44:22.360 | that is so awesome.
00:44:23.520 | - Created by Sans Fish and Nicole Lillier,
00:44:25.760 | two amazing graduate students and staff researchers
00:44:28.520 | on my team. - What does it look like?
00:44:30.320 | - It looks steampunk, actually, yeah,
00:44:33.840 | it's a pretty cool design, it looks like
00:44:35.640 | it's a geometric solid that has these interesting artifacts
00:44:38.720 | on the inside, and it has a lot of sensors, actually,
00:44:41.240 | additionally on the inside, like IMUs,
00:44:43.120 | inertial measurement sensors, that allow it to detect
00:44:46.960 | when it's floating and when it's not floating,
00:44:49.120 | and provides this really kind of ethereal,
00:44:52.480 | they later sonify it, so they use electronic music
00:44:55.000 | to turn it into a symphony or turn it into a piece,
00:44:57.760 | and yeah, this is the object, the Telemetron.
00:44:59.600 | - How does a human interact with it?
00:45:01.400 | - By tossing it, so it's an interactive
00:45:03.320 | musical instrument, it actually requires another partner,
00:45:06.400 | so the idea was that it's something like a dance,
00:45:09.400 | or just something like a choreography in space.
00:45:12.040 | - Got it, and speaking of which,
00:45:13.720 | you also talked about sports, and ball sports,
00:45:17.440 | like playing soccer, so you mentioned that,
00:45:20.280 | so your muscles can move at full speed,
00:45:23.000 | and then if you push off the wall lightly,
00:45:26.520 | you fly across, zoom across, so how does the physics
00:45:30.160 | of that work, can you still play soccer,
00:45:33.000 | for example, in space?
00:45:34.480 | - You can, but one of the most intuitive things
00:45:37.280 | that we all learn as babies, right,
00:45:39.200 | is whenever you throw something,
00:45:40.660 | if I was gonna toss something to you,
00:45:42.000 | I'd toss it up, 'cause I know that it has to compensate
00:45:44.720 | for the fact that that Keplerian arc is gonna drop down,
00:45:47.680 | the equations of motion are gonna drop down,
00:45:50.900 | I would, in space, I would just shoot something
00:45:53.080 | directly towards you, so like straight line of sight,
00:45:56.320 | and so that would be very different
00:45:57.440 | for any type of ball sport, is to retrain
00:45:59.600 | your human mind to have that as your intuitive
00:46:02.780 | arc of motion, or lack of arc.
00:46:04.400 | - From your experience, from understanding
00:46:06.280 | how astronauts get adjusted to this stuff,
00:46:08.560 | how long does it take to adjust to the physics
00:46:10.400 | of this world, this other world?
00:46:13.040 | - So even after one or two parabolic flights,
00:46:15.480 | you can gain a certain facility
00:46:18.680 | with moving in that environment,
00:46:20.720 | I think most astronauts would say,
00:46:22.240 | maybe several days on station, or a week on station,
00:46:25.080 | and their brain flips, it's amazing,
00:46:27.500 | the plasticity of the human brain,
00:46:29.000 | and how quickly they are able to adapt,
00:46:31.160 | and so pretty quickly, they become creatures
00:46:34.360 | of this new environment.
00:46:36.160 | - Okay, so that's cool, it's creating
00:46:38.080 | a little bit of an experience, what about if you go
00:46:40.460 | for more than 100 days, for one year,
00:46:43.520 | for two years, for three years,
00:46:46.140 | what challenges start to emerge in that case?
00:46:49.120 | - So Scott Kelly wrote this amazing book
00:46:50.960 | after he spent a year in space, and he's a twin,
00:46:53.480 | it's absolutely fantastic that NASA got to do
00:46:56.000 | a twin study, it's perfect.
00:46:58.600 | So he wrote a lot about his experience
00:47:00.800 | on the health side of what changed,
00:47:03.040 | things like bone density, muscle atrophy,
00:47:06.960 | eyesight changing because the shape of your eyeball changes,
00:47:10.140 | which changes your lens, which changes how you see.
00:47:12.960 | If we're then thinking about the challenges
00:47:14.680 | between a year and three years,
00:47:16.560 | especially if we're doing that three year trip to Mars
00:47:18.600 | for your friend, who asked earlier,
00:47:20.420 | then you have to think about nutrition,
00:47:24.000 | and so how are you keeping all of these different needs
00:47:26.760 | for your body alive, how are you protecting astronauts
00:47:29.600 | against radiation, either having some type of a shell
00:47:32.200 | on the spacecraft, which is expensive because it's heavy,
00:47:35.360 | you know, if it's something like lead,
00:47:36.440 | a really effective radiation shell,
00:47:38.000 | it's gonna be a lot of mass, or is there a pill
00:47:41.360 | that could be taken to try to make you less in danger
00:47:46.360 | of some of the radiation effects?
00:47:49.320 | A lot of this has not yet been answered,
00:47:51.100 | but radiation is a really significant challenge
00:47:53.440 | for that three year journey.
00:47:55.560 | - And what are the negative effects of radiation
00:47:57.480 | on the human body out in space?
00:47:59.160 | - A higher likelihood to develop cancer at a younger age.
00:48:03.320 | So you'd probably be able to get there and get back,
00:48:05.320 | but you'd find yourself in the same way
00:48:08.120 | if you were exposed to significant radiation on Earth,
00:48:10.800 | you'd find significant bad health effects as you age.
00:48:13.500 | - What do you think about, like, decades?
00:48:17.200 | Do you think about decades, or is this, like,
00:48:20.220 | an entire human lifetime? - I think about centuries.
00:48:22.840 | - Centuries? - For my space,
00:48:24.040 | but yeah, for decades, I think as soon as we get past
00:48:27.280 | the three year mark, we'll absolutely want,
00:48:29.640 | somewhere between three years and a decade,
00:48:31.160 | we'll want artificial gravity.
00:48:33.680 | And we know how to do that, actually.
00:48:35.380 | The engineering questions still need to be tweaked
00:48:37.440 | for how we'd really implement it,
00:48:38.520 | but the science is there to know how we would spin
00:48:41.360 | habitats in orbit and generate that force
00:48:44.160 | so even if the entire habitat's not spinning,
00:48:46.440 | you at least have a treadmill part of the space station
00:48:49.140 | that is spinning, and you can spend some fraction
00:48:51.560 | of your day in a near to 1G environment
00:48:55.480 | and keep your body healthy.
00:48:56.840 | - Wait, literally from just spinning?
00:48:58.480 | - From spinning, yeah, centripetal force.
00:49:00.200 | - That's fascinating. - So you generate this force.
00:49:01.560 | If you've ever been in those carnival rides,
00:49:03.600 | the Gravitrons that spin you up around the side,
00:49:06.120 | that's the concept.
00:49:07.400 | And this is actually one of the reasons why
00:49:09.240 | we are spinning out a new company from my MIT lab.
00:49:13.200 | - Spinning out, ha. - Spinning out, ha.
00:49:14.680 | That was an accidental but well-noted space pun.
00:49:18.080 | It's impossible to avoid. - Dad jokes, all right.
00:49:20.740 | - But yeah, we're spinning out a new company
00:49:23.920 | to look at next-generation space architecture
00:49:27.880 | and how do we actually scale humanity's access to space,
00:49:30.640 | and one of the areas that we wanna look at
00:49:32.640 | is artificial gravity.
00:49:34.160 | - Is there a name yet?
00:49:35.000 | - Yep, there's a name.
00:49:35.840 | We are brand new.
00:49:36.660 | We are just exiting stealth mode,
00:49:38.880 | so your podcast listeners will literally be among
00:49:41.040 | some of the first to hear about it.
00:49:42.640 | It's called Aurelia Institute.
00:49:44.800 | - Beautiful.
00:49:45.640 | - Aurelia is an old English word for chrysalis,
00:49:48.360 | and the idea with this is that we, humanity, collectively,
00:49:52.020 | are at this next stage of our metamorphosis,
00:49:55.660 | like a chrysalis, into a space-faring species.
00:49:58.740 | And so we felt that this was a good time,
00:50:00.940 | a necessary time, to think about
00:50:04.380 | next-generation space architecture,
00:50:06.140 | but also Starfleet Academy,
00:50:08.140 | if you know that reference from Star Trek.
00:50:10.240 | - Yes, so let me ask a silly-sounding,
00:50:16.380 | ridiculous-sounding, but probably extremely important
00:50:18.400 | question, sex in space, including intercourse,
00:50:22.520 | conception, procreation, birth,
00:50:24.780 | like being a parent, like raising the baby.
00:50:29.200 | So basically, from birth, well,
00:50:31.120 | from the before-birth part,
00:50:32.600 | like the birds and the bees and stuff,
00:50:34.780 | and then the whole thing, how complicated is that?
00:50:38.480 | I remember looking at the, thank you.
00:50:41.020 | I remember looking at this exact Wikipedia page, actually,
00:50:46.000 | and I remember being, the Wikipedia page is sex in space,
00:50:50.320 | and fascinated how difficult of an engineering problem
00:50:52.640 | the whole thing is.
00:50:53.720 | Is that something you think about, too,
00:50:55.360 | how to have generations of humans,
00:50:58.800 | self-replicating organisms?
00:51:02.720 | - Societies, yes, we are. - Yeah, societies, essentially.
00:51:04.720 | I mean, I guess with micro,
00:51:05.800 | like if you solve the gravity problem,
00:51:07.480 | you solve a lot of these problems.
00:51:09.040 | - That's the hope, yeah, is like the central challenge
00:51:11.320 | of microgravity to human reproduction,
00:51:13.680 | but we do host a workshop every year at Beyond the Cradle,
00:51:16.680 | which is the space event that we run at MIT,
00:51:18.840 | and we always do one on pregnancy in space,
00:51:21.600 | or motherhood, or raising children in space,
00:51:24.440 | 'cause there are huge questions.
00:51:26.760 | There've been a few mammal studies
00:51:29.120 | that have looked at reproduction in space,
00:51:31.120 | but there are still really major questions
00:51:32.520 | about how does it work, how does the fetus evolve
00:51:35.320 | in microgravity if you were pregnant in space?
00:51:37.480 | And I think the near-term answer is just gonna be
00:51:39.560 | we need to be able to give humans a 1G environment
00:51:43.960 | for that phase of our development.
00:51:45.240 | - Yeah, so there's some studies on mice in microgravity,
00:51:49.280 | and it's interesting, like I think the mice,
00:51:51.200 | like one of them, the mice weren't able to walk,
00:51:53.200 | or like their understanding of physics, I guess,
00:51:55.400 | is off or something like that.
00:51:56.600 | - Yeah, the mental model, when you're really young
00:51:59.960 | and you're kind of getting your mental model of physics,
00:52:03.480 | we do think that that would change kids' abilities
00:52:07.040 | to if they were born in microgravity,
00:52:09.040 | their ability to have that intuition
00:52:11.120 | around an Earth-based 1G environment might be missing,
00:52:13.880 | 'cause a lot of that is really crystallized
00:52:15.360 | in early development, early childhood development.
00:52:17.820 | So that makes sense that they would see that in mice, yeah.
00:52:20.040 | - So what about life when we choose to park our vehicles
00:52:25.040 | on another planet, on the moon, but let's go to Mars?
00:52:30.480 | First of all, does that excite you,
00:52:32.920 | humans going to Mars, like stepping foot on Mars?
00:52:37.440 | And when do you think it'll happen?
00:52:38.800 | - It does excite me.
00:52:39.840 | I think visionaries like Elon are working to make that
00:52:42.880 | happen in terms of building the road to space.
00:52:45.800 | We are really excited about building out
00:52:48.440 | the human lived experience of space once you get there.
00:52:51.400 | So how are you gonna grow your food?
00:52:53.160 | What is your habitat gonna look like?
00:52:55.200 | I think it's profoundly exciting,
00:52:56.600 | but I do think that there's a little bit
00:52:57.960 | of a misunderstanding of Mars anywhere in the near future
00:53:02.420 | being anything like a replacement for Earth.
00:53:04.960 | So it is good for humanity to have these other pockets
00:53:07.280 | of our civilization that can expand out beyond Earth.
00:53:10.040 | But Mars is not in its current state
00:53:13.600 | a good home for humanity.
00:53:15.760 | Too many perchlorates in the soil,
00:53:17.400 | you can't use that soil to grow crops.
00:53:19.560 | Atmosphere is too thin, certainly can't breathe it,
00:53:21.820 | but it's also just really thin compared to our atmosphere.
00:53:25.420 | A lot of different challenges that would have to be
00:53:27.240 | fundamentally changed on that planet to make it a good home
00:53:31.280 | for a large human civilization.
00:53:33.360 | - How does a large civilization of humans get built
00:53:37.040 | on Mars and what do you think it gets,
00:53:41.520 | starts being difficult?
00:53:42.540 | So can you have a small base of like 10 people essentially,
00:53:46.240 | kind of like the International Space Station
00:53:47.840 | kind of situation?
00:53:49.760 | And then can you get it to 100 to 1,000 to a million?
00:53:53.240 | Are there some interesting challenges there
00:53:55.640 | that worry you, saying that Mars is just not a good backup
00:53:58.920 | at this time for Earth?
00:54:01.000 | - I think small outposts, absolutely, like McMurdo, right?
00:54:04.060 | So we have these models of really extreme environments
00:54:06.540 | on Earth in Antarctica, for example,
00:54:08.760 | where humans have been able to go
00:54:10.360 | and make a sustainable settlement.
00:54:13.460 | McMurdo style life on Mars, probably feasible in the 2030s.
00:54:18.460 | So we wanna send the first human missions to Mars
00:54:21.080 | and maybe as early as the end of this decade,
00:54:22.640 | more likely early 2030s.
00:54:24.760 | Moving anywhere beyond that in terms of a place
00:54:28.080 | where like an entire human life would be lived,
00:54:31.040 | where it's not just you go for a three month deployment
00:54:33.440 | and you come back,
00:54:34.400 | that is actually the big challenge line,
00:54:36.820 | is just saying, is there enough technological sophistication
00:54:41.420 | that can be brought that far out into space?
00:54:44.520 | If you imagine your electronics break,
00:54:46.540 | there's no Radio Shack, this dates me a little bit
00:54:48.860 | that my mind jumps to Radio Shack,
00:54:50.360 | but there's no supply chains on Mars
00:54:54.140 | that can supply the level of technological sophistication
00:54:58.100 | for all the products that we rely on on day-to-day life.
00:55:01.100 | So you'd be going back to actually a very simple existence,
00:55:03.940 | more like pioneer life out West
00:55:06.000 | in the story of the US, for example.
00:55:08.700 | And I think that the future of larger scale gatherings
00:55:13.140 | of humans in orbit, or sorry, in space,
00:55:15.180 | is actually gonna be in microgravity,
00:55:17.660 | floating space cities,
00:55:19.580 | not so much trying to establish settlements on the surface.
00:55:24.580 | - So you think sort of a significant engineering investment
00:55:29.500 | in terms of our efforts and money
00:55:31.420 | should be on large spaceships
00:55:36.420 | that perhaps are doing this kind of self-assembly,
00:55:40.060 | all these kinds of things, and doing it in orbit,
00:55:41.940 | maybe building a giant donut around the planet over time.
00:55:45.460 | - Yeah, that is the goal.
00:55:46.300 | And I think the current political climate
00:55:48.220 | is such that you can't get the trillion dollar investment
00:55:52.340 | to build, to start from scratch
00:55:54.340 | and build the sci-fi megastructure.
00:55:56.740 | But if you can build it in fits and starts,
00:55:58.980 | in little different pieces,
00:56:00.020 | which is another advantage of self-assembly,
00:56:02.020 | it's much more like how nature works.
00:56:04.140 | So it's biomimicry inspired way
00:56:06.700 | for humanity to scale out in space.
00:56:09.740 | - And whether it's out in space or on Mars,
00:56:12.700 | the idea that sort of two people fall in love,
00:56:15.300 | they have sex,
00:56:17.440 | a child is born,
00:56:21.580 | and then that couple has to teach that child
00:56:24.980 | that like we, that they came from Earth.
00:56:27.620 | I just love the idea that somebody is born on Mars
00:56:30.540 | or out in space, and you have to be like,
00:56:33.020 | that this is not actually like the original home,
00:56:36.380 | just them looking at Earth
00:56:38.380 | and being like, this is where we came from.
00:56:40.260 | I don't know, that's really inspiring to me.
00:56:42.060 | And the child being really confused
00:56:43.620 | and then wanting to go back to TikTok,
00:56:45.780 | or whatever they do.
00:56:47.500 | - Whatever they do in that era.
00:56:49.100 | I mean, there's great sci-fi, right,
00:56:50.500 | about people being born on Mars,
00:56:52.960 | and because it's a lower gravity environment,
00:56:54.980 | they're taller, they're more gangly,
00:56:56.820 | if they were actually able to develop there,
00:56:58.220 | and then they come back to Earth,
00:56:59.360 | and they're like second-class citizens,
00:57:01.380 | 'cause they can't function here in the same way,
00:57:04.060 | 'cause the gravity's too strong for them.
00:57:06.060 | You see this in series like "The Expanse"
00:57:07.800 | with the Belters and these different societies
00:57:10.100 | that if we were to succeed in having human societies
00:57:13.860 | grow up in different pockets,
00:57:14.960 | it's not necessarily going to be easy for them
00:57:17.880 | to always come back to Earth as their home.
00:57:20.380 | - Yeah, different cultures form,
00:57:21.780 | which is the positive way of phrasing it,
00:57:23.460 | but it's also, this human history teaches us
00:57:26.700 | that we like to form the other,
00:57:29.380 | so there's this kind of conflict that naturally emerges.
00:57:32.180 | Let me ask another sort of dark question.
00:57:35.260 | What do you think about, coming from a military family,
00:57:38.020 | there's still, sadly, wars in the world.
00:57:43.340 | Do you think wars, military conflicts,
00:57:46.460 | will follow us into space, wars between nations?
00:57:51.340 | Like, from my perspective currently,
00:57:54.060 | it just seems like space is a place for scientists
00:57:57.740 | and engineers to explore ideas,
00:58:00.140 | but the more and more progress you make,
00:58:02.700 | does it worry you that nations start to step in
00:58:05.980 | and form, you know, that go out,
00:58:09.780 | unfold military conflict, whether it's in cyberspace,
00:58:13.320 | in space, or actual hot war?
00:58:18.420 | - I am really concerned about that,
00:58:19.900 | and I do think for decades,
00:58:22.020 | the scientific community in space has hung on
00:58:24.220 | to this notion from the 1967 Outer Space Treaty,
00:58:28.000 | which is space is the province of all humankind,
00:58:30.400 | peaceful uses of outer space only,
00:58:32.800 | but I do think the rise in tensions
00:58:35.000 | and the geopolitical scene that we're seeing,
00:58:37.340 | I do, yeah, I do harbor a lot of concern
00:58:40.980 | about hot wars following humanity out into space,
00:58:44.860 | and it's worth trying to tie nations together
00:58:49.340 | with more collaboration to avoid that happening.
00:58:51.960 | The International Space Station is a great example.
00:58:53.760 | I think it's something like 18 countries
00:58:55.500 | are party to this treaty.
00:58:57.040 | It might be less, it might be more,
00:58:59.340 | and then of course, there's a smaller number of countries
00:59:01.120 | that actually send astronauts,
00:59:02.620 | but even at the fall of the Soviet Union
00:59:05.640 | and through some tense times with Russia,
00:59:07.900 | the ISS had been a place where the US and Russia
00:59:10.700 | were actually able to collaborate between Mir and ISS.
00:59:13.960 | I think it'd be really important right now, in particular,
00:59:17.060 | to find other platforms where these hegemonic powers
00:59:20.600 | in the world and developing world nations
00:59:23.500 | can come and collaborate on the future of space
00:59:26.740 | and purposefully intertwine our success
00:59:29.560 | so that there's a danger to multiple parties
00:59:31.320 | if somebody is a bad actor.
00:59:32.940 | - So we're now talking as there's a war in Ukraine,
00:59:36.540 | and I haven't been sleeping much.
00:59:37.900 | I have family, friends, colleagues in both countries,
00:59:42.900 | and I'm just talking to a lot of people,
00:59:45.500 | many of whom are crying, refugees,
00:59:48.780 | and there's a basic human compassion and love
00:59:53.100 | for each other that I believe technology
00:59:55.800 | can help catalyze and accelerate,
00:59:59.160 | but there's also science.
01:00:00.440 | There's something about rockets.
01:00:02.160 | There's something about, and I mean like space exploration,
01:00:05.800 | that inspires the world about the positive possibilities
01:00:10.800 | of the human species.
01:00:15.600 | So in terms of Ukraine and Russia and China and India
01:00:18.760 | and the United States and Europe and everywhere else,
01:00:22.840 | it seems like collaborating on giant space projects
01:00:27.840 | is one way to escape these wars,
01:00:30.080 | to escape these sort of geopolitical conflicts.
01:00:33.680 | I mean, there's so much camaraderie to the whole thing,
01:00:37.400 | and even in this little period of human history
01:00:42.400 | we're living through, it seems like that's essential.
01:00:45.440 | Even through this pandemic,
01:00:47.680 | there is something so inspiring
01:00:49.160 | about those like SpaceX rockets going up, for example.
01:00:52.240 | - It's true.
01:00:53.400 | - This reinvigoration of the space exploration efforts
01:00:57.120 | by the commercial sector.
01:00:58.920 | I don't know.
01:00:59.760 | That was, as many of us have,
01:01:03.160 | sort of some dark times during this pandemic,
01:01:06.400 | just like loneliness and sometimes emotion and anger
01:01:10.120 | and just hopelessness and politics,
01:01:13.640 | and then you look at those rockets going up
01:01:15.720 | and it just gives you hope.
01:01:17.160 | So I think that's an understated sort of value
01:01:21.400 | of space exploration,
01:01:22.960 | is the thing that unites us and gives us hope.
01:01:26.360 | Obviously also inspires young generations
01:01:29.160 | and young minds to also contribute
01:01:31.520 | in not necessarily in space exploration,
01:01:33.040 | but in all of science and literature and poetry.
01:01:35.440 | There's something about when you look up to the stars,
01:01:38.160 | it makes you dream.
01:01:39.800 | - Very true.
01:01:40.640 | - And so that's a really good reason
01:01:43.600 | to sort of invest in this,
01:01:45.120 | whether it's building giant megastructures,
01:01:47.160 | which is so freaking cool,
01:01:48.440 | but also colonizing Mars.
01:01:52.680 | Yeah, it's something to look forward to,
01:01:55.000 | something that,
01:01:56.840 | and not make it a domain of war,
01:02:02.080 | but a domain of human collaboration
01:02:04.560 | and human compassion, I think.
01:02:06.840 | You're the founder and director
01:02:09.240 | of the MIT Space Exploration Initiative.
01:02:12.280 | It includes a ton of projects.
01:02:14.480 | So I just wanted to,
01:02:15.760 | they're focused, I guess, on life in space
01:02:18.560 | from astrobiology, like we talked about, to habitats.
01:02:22.200 | Are there some other interesting projects,
01:02:23.840 | part of this initiative that you are,
01:02:26.360 | that pop to mind that you find particularly cool?
01:02:29.320 | - Absolutely.
01:02:30.320 | One is the future of in-space manufacturing.
01:02:33.360 | So if we're gonna build large-scale space structures,
01:02:35.760 | yes, it's great to ship them up from Earth
01:02:37.800 | and self-assemble them.
01:02:39.240 | But what about extrusion in orbit?
01:02:41.880 | It's one of the best technologies
01:02:43.800 | to leverage in microgravity
01:02:45.280 | because you can extrude a particularly long beam
01:02:48.480 | that would sag in a normal gravity environment,
01:02:51.040 | but might be able to become the basis of a truss
01:02:53.600 | or a large-scale space structure.
01:02:55.080 | So we're doing miniature tests of extrusion
01:02:57.960 | and are excited to fly this
01:02:59.320 | on the International Space Station in a few months.
01:03:01.880 | We are working on swarm robots.
01:03:04.320 | We have just announced, actually, MIT's return to the moon.
01:03:08.880 | So my organization is leading this mission for MIT,
01:03:11.480 | going back to the surface of the moon
01:03:12.960 | as early as the end of this year, 2022,
01:03:15.440 | maybe early 2023,
01:03:17.440 | and trying to take data from our research payloads
01:03:21.640 | at this historic South Pole site
01:03:24.440 | where NASA's supposed to send the first humans back
01:03:27.120 | on the Artemis III mission.
01:03:28.200 | So our hope is to directly support
01:03:29.960 | that human mission with our data.
01:03:32.120 | - How does that connect to the swarm aspects?
01:03:34.400 | Does it connect?
01:03:35.240 | - Yes, yeah.
01:03:36.080 | So we're actually gonna fly one of the little astro-ants,
01:03:38.400 | that's the current plan,
01:03:39.840 | one of the little swarm robots on the top of a rover
01:03:43.400 | that's part of the mission.
01:03:44.240 | - Ants riding a rover?
01:03:45.680 | - Yes, exactly, an ant riding a rover.
01:03:48.200 | That rover gets packed in a lander.
01:03:49.900 | That lander gets packed in a SpaceX rocket.
01:03:52.040 | So it's a whole nesting doll situation to get to the moon.
01:03:55.440 | - Mother of robot dragons.
01:03:57.240 | - Yes, yeah, exactly.
01:03:58.680 | - So this one, a swarm of one?
01:04:01.600 | - Swarm of one, exactly.
01:04:02.760 | We're testing out.
01:04:03.760 | It's a tech demonstration mission,
01:04:05.520 | not a true swarm.
01:04:06.880 | Yeah, there they are.
01:04:07.720 | Those are the astro-ants.
01:04:09.240 | - Wow, and this was a distributed system,
01:04:11.600 | and in theory, you could have a ton of these.
01:04:14.200 | - Yes, these could also be centralized.
01:04:15.920 | So they have wireless technology
01:04:17.440 | that could also talk to a central base station,
01:04:19.840 | and we'll be assessing, kind of case by case,
01:04:22.540 | whether it makes sense to operate them
01:04:23.880 | in a decentralized swarm,
01:04:25.120 | or to command them in a centralized swarm.
01:04:27.840 | - Each robot is equipped with four magnetic wheels,
01:04:32.220 | which enable the robot to attach to any magnetic surface,
01:04:35.720 | so you can operate basically in any environment.
01:04:37.760 | - He tested the, we tested the mobility of all robots
01:04:41.000 | on different materials in a microgravity environment.
01:04:44.840 | - On the vomit comet prior to going to the moon.
01:04:46.920 | - That must look so cool.
01:04:48.360 | So they're basically moving along
01:04:49.840 | different metallic surfaces.
01:04:52.080 | - Yeah, exactly.
01:04:53.120 | It's interesting when you, just a minute ago,
01:04:56.460 | talking about the reflection of
01:04:58.320 | how space can be so aspirational and so uniting.
01:05:01.900 | There's a great quote from Bill Anders
01:05:03.700 | from the Apollo 8 mission to the moon,
01:05:05.320 | which is he, it's the Earthrise photo
01:05:07.640 | that was taken where you see the Earth
01:05:09.200 | coming up over the horizon of the moon,
01:05:10.800 | and the quote is something along the lines of,
01:05:12.760 | "We came all the way to discover the moon,
01:05:15.120 | "and what we really discovered was the Earth."
01:05:17.900 | This really powerful image looking back.
01:05:20.080 | And so we're also trying to think for our lunar mission,
01:05:22.360 | we realize we're a very privileged group at MIT
01:05:24.560 | to get the opportunity to do this.
01:05:26.280 | How could we bring humanity along with us?
01:05:29.040 | And so one of the things we're still testing out,
01:05:31.080 | I don't know if we're gonna be able to swing it,
01:05:32.760 | would be to do something like a Twitch Plays Pokemon,
01:05:35.560 | but with the robot.
01:05:36.920 | So let a lot of people on Earth actually control the robot,
01:05:39.560 | or at least benefit from the data that we're gathering,
01:05:41.960 | and try to release the data openly.
01:05:44.000 | So we're exploring a couple of different ideas
01:05:45.540 | for how do we engage more people in this mission.
01:05:48.320 | - That would be surreal to be able to interact
01:05:51.420 | in some way with the thing that's out there.
01:05:53.880 | - Exactly. - On another surface.
01:05:55.480 | - Direct connection. - Direct connection.
01:05:57.680 | I think about artificial intelligence in that same way,
01:06:01.280 | which is like building robots puts a mirror to us humans.
01:06:06.720 | - Certainly.
01:06:07.560 | - It makes us wonder about what is intelligence,
01:06:10.520 | what is consciousness,
01:06:11.640 | and what is actually valuable about human beings.
01:06:14.560 | When an AI system learns to play chess better than humans,
01:06:18.320 | you start to let go of this idea
01:06:19.760 | that humans are special because of intelligence.
01:06:22.800 | It's something else.
01:06:24.680 | It's maybe the flame of human consciousness.
01:06:29.160 | It's the capacity to feel deeply,
01:06:32.680 | to both suffer and to love, all those things.
01:06:36.840 | Somehow AI to me puts a mirror to that.
01:06:39.840 | You mentioned HAL 9000.
01:06:41.880 | You have to bring it up.
01:06:43.080 | With these swarm bots crawling on the surface
01:06:47.520 | of your cocoon in space.
01:06:50.080 | - Right.
01:06:50.920 | - I mean, all right, let me steel man
01:06:53.840 | the HAL 9000 perspective here.
01:06:56.680 | - Okay.
01:06:57.520 | - The poor guy just wanted to maintain the mission,
01:07:02.160 | and the astronauts were,
01:07:03.240 | I mean, I don't know if people often talk about that,
01:07:05.720 | but you know, like doctors have to make difficult decisions.
01:07:09.960 | So when there's limited resources,
01:07:11.640 | you actually do have to sacrifice human life often
01:07:14.040 | 'cause you have to make decisions.
01:07:16.000 | - Right.
01:07:16.840 | - And I think HAL is probably making that kind of decision
01:07:20.160 | about what's more important,
01:07:22.840 | the lives of individual astronauts or--
01:07:25.240 | - The mission.
01:07:26.080 | - The mission.
01:07:26.920 | And I feel like AI and other humans
01:07:30.240 | will need to make these decisions.
01:07:33.000 | And it also feels like AI systems
01:07:35.160 | will need to help make those decisions.
01:07:38.920 | I don't know.
01:07:40.200 | I guess my question is about
01:07:42.680 | greater and greater collective intelligence by systems.
01:07:46.020 | Do you worry about that?
01:07:51.560 | What is the right way to sort of solve this problem,
01:07:54.720 | keeping a human in the loop?
01:07:56.000 | Do you think about this kind of stuff?
01:07:57.480 | Or are they sufficiently dumb now,
01:07:59.360 | the robots that's not yet on the horizon to think about?
01:08:03.480 | - I think it should be on the horizon.
01:08:04.840 | It's always good to think about these things early
01:08:06.560 | because we make a lot of technical design decisions
01:08:09.280 | at this phase working with swarm robots
01:08:11.160 | that it would be better to have thought about
01:08:12.840 | some of these questions early in the life cycle of a project.
01:08:16.320 | There is a real interest in NASA right now
01:08:18.600 | thinking about the future of human robot interaction, HRI,
01:08:21.640 | and what is the right synergy
01:08:22.940 | in terms of level of control for the human
01:08:25.800 | versus level of dependence or control for the robot?
01:08:29.120 | And we're beginning to test out more of these scenarios.
01:08:33.560 | For example, the Gateway Space Station,
01:08:36.080 | which is meant to be in orbit around the moon
01:08:37.900 | as a staging base for the surface operations,
01:08:40.680 | is meant to be able to function autonomously
01:08:43.640 | with no humans in it for months at a time
01:08:46.360 | 'cause they think it's gonna be seasonal.
01:08:47.800 | They think we might not be constantly staffing it.
01:08:50.160 | So this will be a really great test of,
01:08:51.800 | I don't know that anybody's yet worried
01:08:53.460 | about how 9,000 evolving,
01:08:55.280 | but certainly just the robustness of some of these AI systems
01:08:58.780 | that might be asked to autonomously maintain the station
01:09:01.840 | while the humans are away.
01:09:03.140 | Or detection algorithms that are gonna say,
01:09:06.640 | if you had a human pilot,
01:09:07.960 | they might see debris in orbit and steer around it.
01:09:09.920 | There'll be a lot of autonomous navigation
01:09:11.280 | that has to happen.
01:09:12.800 | That'll be one of the early test beds
01:09:14.160 | where we'll start to get a little bit closer to that future.
01:09:16.640 | - Well, the HRI component is really interesting to me,
01:09:19.400 | especially when the I includes almost friendship
01:09:24.760 | because people don't realize this, I think,
01:09:27.560 | that we humans long for connection.
01:09:29.840 | And when you have even a basic interaction
01:09:32.320 | that's just supposed to be just serving you or something,
01:09:36.280 | you still project,
01:09:37.720 | it's still a source of meaning and connection.
01:09:42.720 | And so you do have to think about that.
01:09:47.040 | I mean, how 9,000,
01:09:48.700 | the movie maybe doesn't portray it that way,
01:09:51.960 | but I'm sure there's a relationship there
01:09:53.800 | between the astronauts and the robot,
01:09:56.240 | especially when you have greater and greater level
01:09:57.800 | of intelligence.
01:09:58.720 | And maybe that addresses the happiness question too.
01:10:02.960 | - Yeah, I think there's a great book by Kate Darling,
01:10:06.280 | who's one of my colleagues at MIT.
01:10:08.200 | - Yeah, she's amazing.
01:10:09.480 | She's already been on this podcast,
01:10:11.500 | but we talk all the time and we're supposed to talk
01:10:14.840 | and we've been missing each other
01:10:16.160 | and we're gonna make it happen soon.
01:10:18.000 | - Yeah.
01:10:19.000 | - Come down to Texas, Kate.
01:10:20.520 | All right.
01:10:21.360 | Anyway, yeah, she's amazing.
01:10:22.280 | And she has this book,
01:10:23.120 | and she has her whole work is about this.
01:10:25.160 | - Connection with robots, yeah.
01:10:26.520 | - This beautiful connection that we have with robots.
01:10:28.440 | But I think it's greater and greater importance
01:10:30.580 | when it's out in space.
01:10:32.240 | 'Cause it could help alleviate some of the loneliness.
01:10:34.920 | - Right.
01:10:35.760 | One of the projects in the book that I gave you,
01:10:37.360 | which is a catalog of the projects that we've worked on
01:10:39.640 | over the last five years,
01:10:40.720 | is this social robot that was developed at the Media Lab.
01:10:43.920 | And one of the first years in 2017
01:10:46.320 | that we flew a zero-g flight,
01:10:47.880 | we took the social robot along
01:10:49.680 | and tried to do a little bit of a very scaled down
01:10:51.840 | human study to look at these questions.
01:10:54.080 | Because you do imagine that we would form a bond,
01:10:56.880 | a real bond with the social robots
01:10:58.860 | that might be not just serving us on a mission,
01:11:01.600 | but really be our teammates on a future mission.
01:11:04.480 | And I do think that that could have a powerful role
01:11:06.640 | in the mental health and just the stability of a crew
01:11:08.640 | is to have some other robot friends come along.
01:11:10.880 | - What do you, by the way, the book you mentioned
01:11:13.320 | is "Into the Anthropocosmos,"
01:11:18.320 | a whole space catalog from the space catalog.
01:11:22.000 | - Get that reference.
01:11:22.840 | - Yeah, so call it to Earth catalog,
01:11:25.280 | a whole space catalog
01:11:26.360 | from the MIT Space Exploration Initiative.
01:11:29.500 | What about the happiness?
01:11:31.920 | You said that that's one of the problems
01:11:33.960 | of when you're out in space.
01:11:35.920 | How do you keep humans happy?
01:11:37.520 | Again, asking for a friend.
01:11:38.880 | - Yes.
01:11:39.720 | I mean, one of the big challenges is
01:11:41.160 | you can't just open a window or walk out a door
01:11:44.540 | and blow off steam, right?
01:11:45.960 | You can't just go somewhere to clear your head.
01:11:49.320 | And in that sense, you need to build habitats
01:11:52.800 | that are homes that really care for the humans inside them
01:11:56.960 | and have, whether it's biophilia
01:11:59.280 | and a place where you can go and feel like you're in nature
01:12:02.040 | or a VR headset, which for some people is a poor simulcrum,
01:12:06.960 | but is maybe better than nothing.
01:12:09.240 | You need to be thinking about
01:12:10.600 | these technological interventions
01:12:12.960 | that are gonna have to be part of your home
01:12:15.000 | and be part of your maybe day-to-day ritual
01:12:17.760 | to keep you steady and balanced and happy
01:12:20.800 | or feeling fulfilled.
01:12:22.900 | - What about other humans, relationship with other humans?
01:12:25.620 | Do those get weird
01:12:28.060 | when you get past a certain number of humans?
01:12:30.420 | - I'm not an expert in this area,
01:12:31.700 | but an anecdote that I'll share,
01:12:33.100 | my understanding is that NASA has still not decided
01:12:36.300 | whether it's better to send married couples
01:12:38.460 | or single crew members in terms of
01:12:41.120 | you want some level of stability,
01:12:43.120 | you don't wanna have the drama of romantic relationships
01:12:45.620 | like you're alluding to before,
01:12:47.660 | but they can't decide because married couples also fight
01:12:50.660 | and have a really tough dynamic.
01:12:52.100 | And so there's a lot of open questions still to answer
01:12:54.420 | about what is the ideal psychological makeup of a crew?
01:12:57.540 | And we're starting to test some of these things
01:12:59.820 | with the civilian crews
01:13:01.180 | that are going up with Inspiration4,
01:13:02.780 | like last fall with SpaceX and Axe-1
01:13:04.940 | that's gonna fly in a few days here in March.
01:13:07.380 | As we begin to lengthen the time of those civilian crews,
01:13:10.920 | I think we'll start to learn a little bit more about
01:13:13.060 | just average everyday human-to-human dynamics
01:13:15.780 | and not the astronauts that are themselves selected
01:13:18.300 | to be perfect human specimens, very good to work with,
01:13:21.580 | easy to get along with.
01:13:23.060 | - I wish we collected more data about this pandemic
01:13:26.340 | because I feel like it's a good rough simulation
01:13:29.220 | of what it'd be like out in space.
01:13:30.420 | A lot of people were locked down, some married couples.
01:13:33.500 | I think a lot of marriages broke up,
01:13:35.340 | a lot of marriages got closer together.
01:13:37.600 | And then the single people, some of them went off the cliff
01:13:43.100 | and some of them discovered their new happiness
01:13:45.660 | and meaning and so on.
01:13:46.820 | It's a beautiful little experiment, a painful one.
01:13:50.100 | Is there a thorough way to really test that?
01:13:52.580 | 'Cause it's such a costly experiment.
01:13:56.780 | Send humans up there,
01:13:59.800 | but I guess you can always return back to Earth
01:14:01.540 | if it's not working out.
01:14:02.740 | - That's what we hope.
01:14:03.580 | (laughs)
01:14:04.400 | That's what we hope, you don't have like a Apollo 13
01:14:06.500 | situation that doesn't quite make it back.
01:14:08.040 | But yeah, this is also why Mars is such a challenge.
01:14:11.920 | The moon is only three days away.
01:14:13.540 | That's a lot quicker to recover from
01:14:15.260 | if there's a psychological problem with the crew
01:14:17.020 | or any type of maintenance problem, anything.
01:14:19.380 | Three years is such a challenge
01:14:23.700 | compared to these other domains
01:14:25.020 | that we've been getting more used to
01:14:26.240 | in terms of human space flight.
01:14:27.940 | So this is a question that we will need to have explored
01:14:30.540 | more before we start really sending crews to Mars.
01:14:33.020 | - So you're a young scientist.
01:14:36.140 | Do you think in your lifetime you will go out into orbit,
01:14:41.140 | you will go out beyond into deep space
01:14:47.340 | and potentially step, you,
01:14:50.380 | I don't know if you can call yourself a civilian.
01:14:53.300 | I don't know if that's what you count as,
01:14:54.740 | but you as a curious aunt from MIT, land, step on Mars.
01:14:59.740 | - Yes.
01:15:04.500 | (laughs)
01:15:06.340 | That's a firm, that's a firm--
01:15:07.180 | - Are you coming back?
01:15:08.020 | - Firm, yes.
01:15:08.840 | Yeah, I'm coming back.
01:15:09.680 | I don't want that one-way mission,
01:15:10.520 | I want the two-way mission.
01:15:12.100 | But yes, I mean, I think we're already talking
01:15:14.220 | about a pretty near-term opportunity
01:15:16.260 | where I could send graduate students
01:15:17.900 | to the International Space Station.
01:15:19.140 | - First, okay.
01:15:19.980 | (laughs)
01:15:21.260 | - Not a sacrifice, but send graduate students--
01:15:25.100 | - For the experience.
01:15:25.940 | - For the experience.
01:15:26.940 | Send graduate students to the ISS to do their research.
01:15:29.420 | I do think you and I both would have an opportunity
01:15:31.720 | to go to a lunar base of some sort within our lifetime.
01:15:35.640 | And there's a good chance if we really wanted to,
01:15:39.620 | we might have to really advocate for it,
01:15:41.740 | apply to an astronaut program.
01:15:43.260 | There will be some avenues for humans
01:15:45.100 | in our lifetime to go to Mars.
01:15:46.780 | - What's the bar for health?
01:15:51.060 | Do you think that bar will keep getting lower and lower
01:15:53.380 | in terms of how healthy, how athletic,
01:15:55.300 | like how, the psychological profile,
01:15:57.860 | all those kinds of things?
01:15:58.980 | - Yeah, for one, we're gonna build more robust habitats
01:16:01.580 | that don't depend on astronauts
01:16:03.340 | being so impeccably well-trained.
01:16:05.300 | So we're gonna make it better for inclusion
01:16:08.260 | and just opening access to space.
01:16:10.460 | But there's a fantastic group called Astro Access
01:16:12.780 | that is already helping disabled space flyers
01:16:15.500 | do zero-G flights and potentially get access to the ISS.
01:16:18.380 | And some of the things that we think of as disabilities
01:16:20.740 | on Earth are hyper abilities in space.
01:16:24.780 | You don't need really powerful legs in space.
01:16:27.500 | What you'd really benefit from having is a third arm,
01:16:30.760 | more ways to kind of move yourself around
01:16:32.380 | and grip and interact.
01:16:33.640 | So we are already seeing a much more open-minded approach
01:16:38.060 | to who gets to go to space.
01:16:40.020 | And Astro Access is a wonderful organization
01:16:41.900 | doing some of that work.
01:16:43.460 | - I'm hoping introversion
01:16:45.580 | will also be a superpower in space.
01:16:47.660 | Okay, well, first I'd love to get your opinion
01:16:49.980 | on commercial space flight,
01:16:51.780 | what SpaceX, what Blue Origin are doing.
01:16:54.180 | And also another question on top of that is,
01:16:57.700 | because you've worked with a lot of different kinds
01:17:01.340 | of people, culturally, what's the difference between
01:17:03.860 | SpaceX or commercial type of efforts, NASA, and MIT?
01:17:09.940 | - And academia.
01:17:11.780 | - And academia.
01:17:12.740 | - Yeah, so the first part of your question,
01:17:14.420 | I am thrilled by all of the commercial activity in space.
01:17:18.340 | It has really empowered our program.
01:17:19.980 | So instead of me waiting for five years to get a grant
01:17:23.500 | and get the money from the grant,
01:17:24.580 | and only then can you send a project to space,
01:17:26.940 | I got my fundraise, a lot like a startup founder,
01:17:29.660 | and I directly buy access to space
01:17:32.420 | on the International Space Station
01:17:33.580 | through SpaceX or NanoRacks.
01:17:35.220 | Same with Blue Origin and their suborbital craft.
01:17:37.500 | Same with Axiom now.
01:17:38.720 | Axiom's making plans for their own commercial space station.
01:17:42.480 | It's not out of the realm of possibility,
01:17:44.200 | but in a few years, I will rent lab space in orbit.
01:17:48.360 | I will rent a module from the Axiom space station
01:17:50.920 | or the orbital reef, which is the Blue Origin space station,
01:17:54.000 | or NanoRacks is thinking about Starlab Oasis.
01:17:56.840 | There's probably some other companies
01:17:58.000 | that I'm not even aware of yet
01:17:59.040 | that are doing commercial space habitat.
01:18:00.880 | So I think that's fabulous.
01:18:02.800 | And really empowering for our research.
01:18:04.800 | - Is it affordable?
01:18:06.320 | So like loosely speaking, does it become affordable
01:18:09.760 | for like MIT type of research lab?
01:18:13.800 | Does it, you know, or does it need to be a multi-university,
01:18:18.160 | like a gigantic effort? - Consortium thing.
01:18:19.800 | - Yeah, consortium thing.
01:18:20.760 | - One of the reasons we're spinning out Aurelia
01:18:22.760 | is we actually realized it's cheap enough,
01:18:24.600 | it doesn't even have to be MIT.
01:18:26.640 | And we wanted to start democratizing access
01:18:29.600 | to these spaceflight opportunities
01:18:30.920 | to a much broader swath of humanity.
01:18:33.000 | Could you take a, you know,
01:18:34.160 | Khan Academy educational course
01:18:36.600 | about, hey, students around the world,
01:18:38.800 | this is how you get ready for a zero-g flight.
01:18:40.720 | And by the way, come fly with us next year,
01:18:43.280 | which is something we're gonna do with Aurelia.
01:18:44.800 | We're gonna bring, you know,
01:18:46.240 | much more just kind of day-to-day folks on zero-g flights
01:18:49.040 | and get them access to engaging in the space industry.
01:18:52.600 | So it's become cheap enough
01:18:54.720 | and the prices have dropped enough to consider even that.
01:18:56.960 | So that's amazing.
01:18:57.960 | It definitely doesn't have to be
01:18:58.800 | a consortium of universities anymore.
01:19:00.880 | It depends on what you wanna fly.
01:19:02.000 | If you wanna fly James Webb,
01:19:03.400 | a huge telescope that's decades in the making,
01:19:05.840 | sure, you need a NASA allocation budget.
01:19:08.920 | You need billions.
01:19:10.480 | But for a lot of the stuff in the book
01:19:12.440 | and our research portfolio,
01:19:13.560 | it's actually becoming far more accessible.
01:19:15.960 | - So that's commercial.
01:19:17.480 | What about NASA and MIT academia?
01:19:21.160 | - Yeah.
01:19:22.040 | I think, you know,
01:19:22.880 | people have been worried about NASA the last few years
01:19:26.680 | because in some people's minds,
01:19:28.360 | they are ceding ground to these commercial efforts.
01:19:31.560 | But that's really not what's happening.
01:19:34.320 | NASA empowered these commercial efforts
01:19:37.520 | because they wanna free themselves up to go to Mars
01:19:40.040 | and go to Europa
01:19:41.200 | and continue being that really aspirational force
01:19:45.240 | for humanity of pushing the boundary,
01:19:47.400 | always pushing the boundary.
01:19:48.800 | And if they were anchored in low-Earth orbit,
01:19:50.800 | maintaining a space station indefinitely,
01:19:53.160 | that's so much a part of their budget
01:19:54.760 | that it was keeping them from being able to do more.
01:19:57.080 | So it actually is really fantastic for NASA
01:19:58.960 | to have grown this commercial ecosystem
01:20:00.840 | and then that frees NASA up to go further.
01:20:02.960 | And in academia,
01:20:03.840 | we like to think that we will be able to do
01:20:05.840 | the provocative next-generation research
01:20:09.400 | that is going to unlock things at that frontier.
01:20:13.040 | And we can partner with NASA.
01:20:14.800 | We can go through a program
01:20:15.880 | if we wanna send a probe out really far,
01:20:18.080 | but we can also partner with SpaceX
01:20:19.480 | and see what human life in a SpaceX Mars settlement
01:20:22.640 | might look like and how we could design for that.
01:20:24.800 | - Speaking of projects,
01:20:25.760 | maybe are there other projects that pop to mind
01:20:28.320 | from the Space Exploration Initiative
01:20:30.040 | or maybe stuff from the book, the convention?
01:20:32.760 | - Yeah. - Something super cool?
01:20:34.240 | I mean, everything we've been talking about is cool,
01:20:35.760 | but just something that pops to mind again?
01:20:37.760 | - Yeah, so we talked about life in space
01:20:40.480 | and you might need more arms than legs.
01:20:42.640 | One of the projects by Valentina Sumini
01:20:44.760 | was an air-powered robotics tail.
01:20:48.640 | So it's a soft robotics tail
01:20:50.360 | that essentially has a little camera on the back end of it,
01:20:52.960 | can do computer vision and knows where to grapple,
01:20:55.640 | so it's behind you.
01:20:56.800 | It grapples onto something and holds you in space
01:20:59.280 | and then you can actually free up both of your hands to work
01:21:02.040 | so we're already starting to think about the design
01:21:04.040 | of bionic humans or prosthetics or things
01:21:07.360 | that would make you kind of like a cyborg
01:21:09.200 | to augment your capabilities
01:21:11.560 | when you're in a space environment.
01:21:13.120 | - How would you control something like that?
01:21:14.560 | So it's kind of like a, I mean, you can't call it a leg,
01:21:17.960 | but whatever, it's a-- - An additional appendage.
01:21:20.240 | - Appendage, so how would you,
01:21:21.720 | what are ideas for controlling something like that?
01:21:23.800 | - Yeah, so right now it's super, yeah, there you go.
01:21:26.520 | - That's cool.
01:21:27.360 | - Right now it's super manual.
01:21:28.860 | It's basically just like a kind of a set pattern
01:21:32.440 | of inflating as we're testing it,
01:21:34.200 | but in the future, if we had a Neuralink,
01:21:36.000 | I mean, this is something that you could imagine
01:21:38.040 | directly controlling, just thinking thoughts
01:21:40.120 | and controlling it.
01:21:41.400 | That's a ways away.
01:21:42.600 | - Yeah, so we talked about on the biology side,
01:21:45.400 | astrobiology, there's probably agriculture stuff.
01:21:47.880 | Is there other things that kind of feed the ecosystem
01:21:51.280 | of out in space for survival?
01:21:53.200 | Or the robotics architectures, the self-assembly stuff?
01:21:56.200 | - So kind of combining something we were talking about,
01:21:58.960 | you can form these relationships with objects
01:22:01.000 | and anthropomorphize.
01:22:02.600 | One of the things that we're thinking about for agriculture
01:22:04.800 | created by Manwe and Somu, so two students at MIT,
01:22:08.680 | was this little, it looks like a planet,
01:22:10.840 | but it's inspired by, I think, a mandala
01:22:13.120 | or Nepalese spinning wheel.
01:22:14.960 | And you plant plants on the inside
01:22:16.640 | and the astronaut has to spin it every day
01:22:19.120 | to help the plant survive.
01:22:20.860 | So it's a way to give the astronaut something to care about,
01:22:23.900 | something that they are responsible for keeping alive
01:22:26.280 | and can really invest themselves in.
01:22:28.800 | And it's not necessary, right?
01:22:30.480 | We have other ways to grow in orbit.
01:22:33.400 | Hydroponics, liquid medium, trying to keep the liquid
01:22:35.960 | around the plant roots is hard
01:22:37.320 | 'cause there's no gravity to pull it down
01:22:38.920 | in a particular direction.
01:22:40.320 | But what I loved about this project was they said,
01:22:42.480 | "Sure, we have ways that the plants could grow
01:22:44.520 | "on their own, but the astronauts might wanna care for it
01:22:47.820 | "in the same way that we have little plants
01:22:49.440 | "that come to be important to us, little plant friends."
01:22:52.560 | So there's AgriFuge, that's an early model
01:22:54.560 | of this manually spinning plant habitat.
01:22:58.120 | - I guess this is the best of academic research
01:23:01.560 | is you can do these kinds of wild ideas.
01:23:03.200 | - Wild ideas, yeah.
01:23:04.600 | - Well, I get to spend quite a bit of time
01:23:07.320 | with Mr. Elon Musk and he's very stressed,
01:23:11.460 | especially about Starship
01:23:14.600 | and all those kinds of engineering efforts.
01:23:16.760 | What do you think about how damn hard it is
01:23:20.680 | to get out of space?
01:23:23.600 | Like, are we humans gonna be able to do this?
01:23:25.840 | - I don't know, I think it feels like
01:23:29.000 | it's an engineering problem, it's a scientific problem,
01:23:31.480 | but it's also just a motivation problem
01:23:33.480 | for the entire human species.
01:23:35.480 | And you also need to have superstar researchers
01:23:39.600 | and engineers working on it.
01:23:40.880 | So you have to get the best people in the world,
01:23:43.000 | inspire them, and starting from a young age and kinda--
01:23:47.280 | - It's inculcating us into why we do it.
01:23:49.000 | - I mean, I guess this way it's exciting.
01:23:50.440 | You don't know if we're gonna be able to pull this off.
01:23:52.400 | (laughs)
01:23:54.240 | We could fail miserably.
01:23:56.360 | And that, I suppose, I mean,
01:23:57.840 | that's where the best of engineering is done,
01:24:00.040 | is success is not guaranteed.
01:24:02.960 | And even if it happens, it might be very painful.
01:24:06.400 | - I think that's what's so special
01:24:07.280 | about what Elon is doing with SpaceX
01:24:09.000 | is he takes these risks and he tests iteratively
01:24:12.080 | and he'll see the spectacular failures
01:24:14.960 | on the path to a successful Starship.
01:24:17.560 | It's something that people have said,
01:24:18.720 | "Why isn't NASA doing that?"
01:24:20.040 | Well, that's 'cause NASA is doing that with taxpayer dollars
01:24:22.520 | and we would all revolt if we saw NASA failing
01:24:25.200 | at all these different stages.
01:24:26.280 | But that level of spiral engineering theory of development
01:24:30.280 | isn't super impressive.
01:24:31.640 | And it's a really interesting approach
01:24:32.840 | that SpaceX has taken.
01:24:34.440 | And I think between people like Elon and Jeff Bezos
01:24:38.000 | and Firefly and NASA and ESO, we are gonna get there.
01:24:41.600 | They're building the road to space.
01:24:43.240 | These trailblazers are doing it.
01:24:45.080 | And now part of the challenge is to get the rest
01:24:47.840 | of the public to understand that it's happening.
01:24:51.120 | A lot of people don't know that we're going back to the moon,
01:24:54.320 | that we're gonna send the first woman to the moon
01:24:56.560 | within a few years.
01:24:57.820 | A lot of people don't know
01:24:58.720 | that there are commercial space stations in orbit,
01:25:00.760 | that it's not just NASA that does space stuff.
01:25:03.400 | So we have a big challenge to get more of humanity excited
01:25:07.120 | and educated and involved again,
01:25:08.560 | kind of like in the Apollo era
01:25:09.920 | where it was a big deal for everybody.
01:25:12.440 | - Well, a lot of that is also one of the big,
01:25:14.560 | impressive things that Elon does, I think,
01:25:17.840 | extremely well is the social media,
01:25:19.560 | is the getting people excited.
01:25:21.360 | And I think that actually, he's helped NASA step their game
01:25:24.920 | up in terms of social media.
01:25:26.580 | There's something about, yeah, the storytelling,
01:25:28.760 | but also not like, you know, like authentic
01:25:33.760 | and just real and raw engineering.
01:25:36.280 | There's a lot of excitement for that.
01:25:38.480 | Humor and fun also.
01:25:40.600 | All of those things you realize,
01:25:42.640 | the thing that make up the virality of the meme
01:25:46.120 | is beautiful.
01:25:47.240 | You have to kind of embrace that.
01:25:48.760 | And to me, this kind of,
01:25:52.360 | I criticize a lot of companies based on this.
01:25:56.240 | I talked to a bunch of CEOs and so on,
01:25:59.400 | and it's just like, there's a caution.
01:26:01.080 | Like, let us do this like press conference thing
01:26:04.660 | where when the final product is ready and it's overproduced
01:26:08.240 | as opposed to the raw, the gritty just showed off.
01:26:11.520 | And something that I think MIT is very good at doing
01:26:14.040 | is just showing the raw by nature, the mess of it.
01:26:17.560 | And the mess of it is beautiful.
01:26:18.960 | And people get really excited and failure is really exciting.
01:26:21.800 | When the thing blows up and you're like, oh shit,
01:26:23.960 | that makes it even more exciting when it doesn't blow up.
01:26:27.120 | And doing all of that on social media
01:26:29.080 | and showing also the humans behind it,
01:26:31.720 | the individual young researchers or the engineers
01:26:35.260 | or the leaders where everything's at stake.
01:26:38.520 | I don't know.
01:26:39.360 | I think I'm really excited about that.
01:26:40.880 | I do want MIT to do that more for students
01:26:43.840 | to show off their stuff and not be pressured
01:26:47.280 | to do this kind of generic official presentation,
01:26:51.100 | but show their, become a YouTuber also.
01:26:54.480 | Like show off your raw research as you're working on it
01:26:56.880 | in the early days.
01:26:58.120 | I hope that's the future.
01:26:59.480 | Things like, I was teasing about TikTok earlier,
01:27:02.300 | but these kinds of things I think inspire young people
01:27:07.360 | to show off their stuff, to show their true self,
01:27:11.280 | the rawness of it.
01:27:12.120 | 'Cause I think that's where engineering is best.
01:27:14.000 | And I think that will inspire people
01:27:16.160 | about all the cool stuff we could do in space.
01:27:18.960 | - I should say, I couldn't agree more.
01:27:20.280 | And I actually think that this is why we need
01:27:21.960 | a real life Starfleet Academy right now.
01:27:24.720 | It was the place where the space cadets got to go
01:27:27.140 | to learn about how to engage in a future of life in space.
01:27:31.400 | And we can do it in a much better way.
01:27:33.920 | There are a bunch of groups that traditionally
01:27:35.160 | haven't thought that they could engage in aerospace.
01:27:37.880 | Whether it's because you were told
01:27:38.960 | you had to be into math and science.
01:27:40.700 | Now we need space lawyers.
01:27:42.200 | We need space artists like Grimes, right?
01:27:44.280 | We need really creative, profoundly interesting people
01:27:48.160 | to wanna see themselves in that future.
01:27:50.740 | And I think it's a big challenge to us
01:27:53.220 | in the space industry to also do some more diversity,
01:27:55.440 | equity and inclusion and show a broader swath of society
01:27:58.940 | that there's a future for them
01:28:00.380 | in this space exploration vision.
01:28:01.960 | - Let me push back on one thing.
01:28:03.200 | We don't need space lawyers.
01:28:04.520 | I'm just kidding.
01:28:05.360 | Okay, it's a joke.
01:28:06.720 | - We do, we do, we do.
01:28:07.880 | - Okay, we do.
01:28:09.480 | The lawyers are great.
01:28:10.440 | I love them.
01:28:11.440 | Okay, let me ask a big ridiculous question.
01:28:13.860 | What is the most beautiful idea to you
01:28:17.160 | about space exploration?
01:28:19.240 | Whether it's the engineering, the astrobiology,
01:28:22.600 | the science, the inspiration, the human happiness
01:28:27.600 | or aliens, I don't know.
01:28:31.240 | What do you like inspires you every day
01:28:35.440 | in terms of its beauty, in terms of its awe?
01:28:39.640 | - As a ex physicist, what I've always found so profound
01:28:43.320 | is just that at really, really small scales,
01:28:47.140 | like particle physics and really, really big scales,
01:28:50.240 | like astrophysics, there are similarities
01:28:53.040 | in the way that those systems behave and look.
01:28:55.600 | And there's a certain beautiful symmetry in the universe
01:28:59.480 | that's just kind of waiting for us to tie together
01:29:02.200 | the physics and really understand it.
01:29:04.300 | That is something that just really captivates me.
01:29:07.780 | And I would love to, even though I'm now much more
01:29:09.960 | on the applied space exploration side,
01:29:12.520 | I really try to keep up with what's happening
01:29:14.280 | in those physics areas 'cause I think that will be
01:29:16.480 | a huge answer for humanity along the lines of
01:29:19.680 | are we alone in the universe?
01:29:21.520 | - One of the fascinating things about you
01:29:24.240 | is you have a degree in physics, mathematics,
01:29:28.160 | and philosophy, and now, I don't know,
01:29:30.880 | would you call it aerospace engineering maybe kind of thing?
01:29:34.280 | So you have it afoot in all of these worlds,
01:29:36.940 | the theoretic, the beauty of that world,
01:29:41.940 | and the philosophy somehow is in there,
01:29:44.680 | and now the very practical, pragmatic implementation
01:29:48.360 | of all these wild ideas, plus your incredible communicator,
01:29:52.520 | all of those things.
01:29:53.360 | What did you pick up from those different disciplines?
01:29:56.120 | Or maybe I'm just romanticizing
01:29:57.540 | all those different disciplines.
01:29:59.400 | But what is there, what did you pick up
01:30:01.800 | from the variety of that physics, mathematics, philosophy?
01:30:06.200 | - What I loved about having this chance
01:30:07.880 | to do a liberal arts education
01:30:10.120 | was trying to understand the human condition,
01:30:13.400 | and I think more designers for space exploration
01:30:16.420 | should be thinking about that
01:30:17.720 | because there's so much depth of,
01:30:19.800 | like we were talking about, issues and opportunities
01:30:23.280 | around human connection, human life, meaning in life,
01:30:27.060 | how do you find fulfillment or happiness?
01:30:29.400 | And I think if you approach these questions
01:30:31.200 | just purely from the standpoint of an engineer
01:30:33.280 | or a scientist, you'll miss some of what makes it
01:30:36.160 | a life worth living.
01:30:38.240 | And so I love being able to combine
01:30:40.360 | some of this notion of philosophy
01:30:41.800 | and the human condition with my work.
01:30:43.680 | But I'm also a pragmatist, and I didn't wanna stay
01:30:46.280 | just purely in these big picture questions
01:30:48.680 | about the universe.
01:30:49.960 | I wanted to have an impact on society,
01:30:52.320 | and I also felt like I had such a wonderful childhood
01:30:55.960 | and a really fantastic setup that I owe society some work
01:31:00.960 | to really make a positive impact
01:31:04.400 | for a broader swath of citizens.
01:31:05.640 | And so that kinda led me from the physics domain
01:31:07.820 | to thinking about engineering and practical questions
01:31:10.340 | for life in space.
01:31:11.240 | - In physics, was there a dream?
01:31:13.960 | Are you also captivated by this search
01:31:16.120 | for the theory of everything that kind of unlocks
01:31:19.400 | the deeper and deeper, in the simple, elegant way,
01:31:23.560 | the function of our universe?
01:31:25.320 | Do you think that'll be useful for us
01:31:27.160 | for the actual practical engineering things
01:31:30.360 | that you're working on now?
01:31:31.520 | - It could be.
01:31:32.360 | I mean, I worked at CERN for two summers in undergrad,
01:31:35.200 | and we were looking for supersymmetry,
01:31:37.560 | which was one of these alternatives to the standard model.
01:31:40.040 | And it was sad because my professors
01:31:41.640 | were getting sadder and sadder
01:31:43.200 | 'cause they weren't finding it.
01:31:44.520 | They were excluding what we would call this parameter space
01:31:47.080 | of finding these supersymmetric particles.
01:31:50.000 | But the search for what that theory of everything could be,
01:31:53.100 | or a grand unified theory that kinda answers
01:31:55.440 | some of the holes within the standard model of physics,
01:31:58.320 | would presumably kind of unlock a better understanding
01:32:02.280 | of certain fundamental physical laws
01:32:05.440 | that we should be able to build a better understanding
01:32:07.960 | of engineering and day-to-day services from that.
01:32:10.720 | It might not be an immediately obvious thing.
01:32:13.120 | When we discovered the Higgs, the Higgs boson,
01:32:15.120 | I was there at CERN that day.
01:32:16.560 | It was July 4th, 2012 that it was announced.
01:32:19.800 | We all waited like nerds overnight in line
01:32:22.200 | to get into the announcement chamber.
01:32:23.760 | I'd never waited for even like a Harry Potter premiere
01:32:25.720 | in my life, but we waited for this like announcement
01:32:27.720 | of the Higgs boson to get into the chamber overnight.
01:32:30.840 | But did that immediately translate
01:32:33.800 | to technology for engineering?
01:32:35.680 | No, but it's still a really important part
01:32:39.160 | of our understanding of these fundamental laws of physics.
01:32:41.520 | And so I don't know that it's always immediate,
01:32:43.120 | but I think it is really critical knowledge
01:32:44.620 | for humanity to seek.
01:32:45.960 | - It might just shake up understanding of the world.
01:32:50.640 | - What scares me is it might help us create
01:32:52.840 | more dangerous weapons.
01:32:54.120 | So, and then we'll figure out that great filter situation.
01:32:57.640 | And I still believe that human compassion and love
01:33:00.760 | is actually the way to defend against all these
01:33:03.920 | greater and greater and more impressive weapons.
01:33:07.720 | Let me ask a weird question
01:33:10.120 | in terms of you disagreeing with others.
01:33:12.480 | What important idea do you believe is true
01:33:15.620 | that many others don't agree with you on?
01:33:20.360 | Maybe it's a tough question.
01:33:22.080 | You might have to think about that one,
01:33:23.800 | but it was very specific,
01:33:26.320 | like which material to use or something
01:33:28.800 | about a particular project,
01:33:30.680 | or it could be grand priorities on missions.
01:33:35.200 | I think one you actually mentioned is interesting
01:33:36.920 | is like the thing we should be looking for
01:33:40.640 | is like colonization of space
01:33:43.000 | versus colonization of planets, meaning like-
01:33:45.640 | - Yes, that's probably my best hot take
01:33:47.520 | that people would disagree with me on
01:33:49.080 | is life in floating cities
01:33:51.840 | as opposed to life on the surface.
01:33:54.840 | - How do you envision that like spread of humans?
01:33:58.320 | 'Cause you said at the beginning of the conversation
01:34:00.720 | something about like scale, increasing the scale,
01:34:03.800 | basically humans in space.
01:34:05.560 | Are they just like in, they're in orbit
01:34:09.480 | and then they get a little farther and farther out.
01:34:11.640 | Like, do you see these kind of floating cities
01:34:15.760 | just getting farther and farther from earth
01:34:17.480 | that can always kind of return?
01:34:18.960 | But like, if you look a few centuries from now,
01:34:22.000 | do you just see us all these like floating cities?
01:34:24.160 | - Like Namibia?
01:34:25.000 | - Yeah. - Correct.
01:34:25.840 | - And it just kind of envelops the space around us
01:34:30.640 | in these like neighborhoods.
01:34:32.000 | - Yeah, yeah, in these neighborhoods.
01:34:32.840 | - It's like rural and there's like giant structures
01:34:36.760 | and there's small pirate structures
01:34:38.960 | and that kind of stuff. - Pirate structures, yeah.
01:34:40.480 | I think low earth orbit might come to look like that.
01:34:43.400 | And it's a really interesting regulatory challenge
01:34:45.680 | to make sure that there's some cross purposes.
01:34:49.200 | So the more cool space cities we have in orbit,
01:34:51.640 | the more shiny objects in the night sky,
01:34:53.800 | the worse it is for astronomers
01:34:55.320 | in a really kind of overly simplified case.
01:34:58.080 | So there's some pushback to this like amoebaing
01:35:00.840 | where we just grow kind of incongruously
01:35:05.120 | or indiscriminately as an amoeba in low earth orbit.
01:35:08.000 | Beyond that though, I think we'll grow in pockets
01:35:10.640 | where there are resources.
01:35:12.240 | So we won't just expand around the gravity well of earth.
01:35:15.880 | We'll do some development around the moon,
01:35:18.640 | some development around asteroids,
01:35:20.240 | some development around Mars
01:35:21.800 | because there'll always be purposes
01:35:23.320 | for which we wanna go down to a physical object
01:35:25.520 | and study it or extract something or learn from it.
01:35:28.500 | But I think we'll grow in fits and starts in pockets.
01:35:32.040 | Some of the coolest pockets are the gravity balanced pockets
01:35:35.200 | like the Lagrange points,
01:35:36.800 | which is where we just sent, we, not me personally,
01:35:38.880 | but NASA just sent James Webb, the big telescope.
01:35:42.160 | I think it's at L2.
01:35:44.020 | - What's the nice feature about those pockets?
01:35:46.480 | - So it's a stable orbit.
01:35:48.480 | There are several different Lagrange points.
01:35:50.520 | And so it just requires less energy
01:35:52.400 | to stay where you're trying to stay.
01:35:54.320 | - Yeah, that's fascinating.
01:35:57.480 | What's also fascinating is the interaction between nations.
01:36:02.480 | - That was gonna be--
01:36:03.680 | - On that regard, like who owns that?
01:36:05.960 | Would you say in those floating cities,
01:36:09.200 | do you envision independent governments?
01:36:13.080 | - That was gonna be my next answer to you,
01:36:14.520 | which pushed me harder for a more provocative question
01:36:17.480 | where I might disagree with other people.
01:36:19.320 | I don't yet have my own opinions fully formed on this,
01:36:22.720 | but we are trying to figure out right now
01:36:24.280 | what happens to the moon
01:36:25.840 | with all of these first come first served actors
01:36:29.820 | just arriving and setting precedents
01:36:32.360 | that might really affect future access.
01:36:34.520 | And one example is property rights.
01:36:37.260 | We do want companies that have the expertise
01:36:40.080 | to go to the moon and mine stuff
01:36:41.880 | that will help us develop a human settlement there
01:36:45.960 | or a gateway, but companies need to know generally
01:36:49.200 | that they have rights to a certain area
01:36:50.800 | or that they have some legal right to sell things
01:36:52.900 | that they're getting.
01:36:53.740 | Does that mean we're gonna grant property rights
01:36:55.760 | on the moon to companies?
01:36:57.320 | Who has the right to give that right away?
01:37:00.720 | So there's a bunch of really kind of gnarly questions
01:37:02.760 | that we have to think about,
01:37:03.580 | which is why I think we need space lawyers.
01:37:04.920 | Maybe that's the true provocative answer
01:37:07.240 | is I think we need space lawyers.
01:37:08.440 | - True.
01:37:09.280 | I mean, yeah, yeah.
01:37:10.920 | I mean, but those questions again, as you said eloquently,
01:37:14.580 | will help us answer questions about here.
01:37:17.120 | - We hope so, yeah.
01:37:17.960 | - It is a little strange.
01:37:20.920 | I mean, it's obvious, but it's also strange
01:37:23.100 | if you look at the big picture of it all,
01:37:25.640 | that we draw these like borders around geographical areas
01:37:28.940 | and we say, this is mine.
01:37:30.340 | And then we fight wars over what's mine and not.
01:37:34.480 | It seems like there's possible alternatives,
01:37:39.200 | but also it seems like there needs to be
01:37:41.760 | a public ownership of some parts.
01:37:43.920 | - Something.
01:37:44.880 | - Like, what is it, Central Park in New York?
01:37:47.280 | Is there something like preserving--
01:37:50.540 | - The commons.
01:37:52.400 | - Yeah, the commons.
01:37:53.240 | - The commons.
01:37:54.080 | That's why we titled the book "Into the Anthropocosmos."
01:37:57.320 | We know it's a long and kind of a mouthful,
01:37:59.680 | but this notion of the Anthropocene.
01:38:02.360 | We have a lot of commons problems
01:38:04.360 | in humanity, how are we treating the earth,
01:38:06.160 | global climate change?
01:38:07.000 | How are we gonna treat and behave in space?
01:38:09.200 | How can we be responsible stewards of the space commons?
01:38:12.920 | And I would love to see an approach to the moon
01:38:15.120 | that is commons-based, but it's hard to know
01:38:18.360 | who would be the protector or the enforcer of that.
01:38:21.960 | - And if it's, which it will be probably in the early days,
01:38:25.120 | a lot of companies sort of working on the moon,
01:38:28.100 | working on Mars, working out in space,
01:38:30.840 | it feels like there still needs to be
01:38:33.100 | a civilian representation of the greater effort
01:38:37.440 | or something like that,
01:38:38.720 | like where there should be a president,
01:38:40.200 | there should be a democracy of some kind
01:38:42.880 | where people can vote.
01:38:43.880 | - Some representative government.
01:38:45.320 | - Those are all, again, the same human questions.
01:38:49.200 | What advice would you give to a young person today
01:38:54.000 | thinking about what they wanna do with their life, career?
01:38:57.840 | So somebody in high school, somebody in college,
01:39:01.540 | maybe somebody that looks up to the stars
01:39:03.280 | and dreams to one day take a one-way ticket to Mars
01:39:07.120 | or to contribute something to the effort.
01:39:09.920 | - I'd say you should feel empowered
01:39:12.800 | because it's really the first time in human history
01:39:16.080 | that we're at this cusp of interplanetary civilization,
01:39:19.940 | and I don't think we're gonna lapse back from it.
01:39:22.240 | So the future is incredibly bright for young people
01:39:25.200 | that even younger than you and I
01:39:26.680 | who will actually really get a chance
01:39:27.840 | to go to Mars for certain.
01:39:30.280 | The other thing I would say is be open-minded
01:39:32.820 | about what your own interests are.
01:39:34.380 | I don't think you anymore have to be shoehorned
01:39:36.500 | into a particular career
01:39:38.380 | to be welcomed into the future of space exploration.
01:39:41.340 | If you are an artist and that is your passion,
01:39:43.820 | but you would love to do space art,
01:39:45.620 | or if not space art, use your artistry
01:39:48.360 | to communicate a feeling or a message about space,
01:39:51.920 | that's a role that we desperately need
01:39:54.440 | just as much as we need space scientists
01:39:56.100 | and space engineers.
01:39:57.900 | - Well, when you look at your own life,
01:40:00.260 | you're an incredibly accomplished scientist,
01:40:02.820 | young scientist, and you hopped around
01:40:06.260 | from physics to aerospace,
01:40:08.940 | so going from the biggest theoretical ideas
01:40:11.660 | to the biggest practical ideas.
01:40:14.260 | Is there something from your own journey
01:40:15.780 | you can give advice to,
01:40:17.740 | like how to end up doing incredible research at MIT?
01:40:22.300 | Maybe the role of the university and college
01:40:26.700 | and education and learning, all that kind of stuff?
01:40:29.460 | - I'd say one piece of advice is find really good teammates
01:40:33.180 | because I get to be the one that's talking to you,
01:40:35.340 | but there are 50 graduate students, staff, and faculty
01:40:38.980 | that are part of my organization back at MIT,
01:40:41.700 | and I'm actually, you guys can't see it on camera,
01:40:43.220 | but I'm sitting here with my co-founder and COO,
01:40:45.620 | Danielle DeLotte, and that is really what makes
01:40:48.980 | these large-scale challenges for humanity possible
01:40:52.640 | is really fantastic teams working together
01:40:55.220 | to scale more than what I could do alone,
01:40:57.420 | so I think that that's an important model
01:40:58.660 | that we don't talk about enough in academia.
01:41:00.460 | There's a big push for this lone wolf genius figure
01:41:03.780 | in academia, but that's certainly not been the case
01:41:06.060 | in my life.
01:41:06.900 | I've had wonderful collaborators and people
01:41:09.540 | that I work with along the team.
01:41:10.780 | - Also cross-disciplinary.
01:41:12.660 | - Absolutely, yeah, cross-disciplinary,
01:41:14.620 | interdisciplinary, whatever you wanna call it.
01:41:17.340 | - Artists, where do artists come in?
01:41:19.340 | Do you work with artists?
01:41:20.260 | - We do, we have an arts curator
01:41:22.180 | on the Space Exploration Initiative side.
01:41:24.220 | She helps make sure,
01:41:25.420 | partly around that communication challenge
01:41:27.000 | that we talked about, that we're not just doing
01:41:28.580 | zero-G flights and space missions,
01:41:30.780 | but that we take our artifacts of this sci-fi space future
01:41:34.420 | to museums and galleries and exhibits.
01:41:38.080 | She pushed me to make sure, her name is Xing Liu,
01:41:41.820 | she pushed me for our first ISS mission.
01:41:44.500 | I was just gathering all the engineering payloads
01:41:46.780 | that I wanted to support for the students to fly,
01:41:48.660 | including my own work, and she said,
01:41:50.260 | "You know what, we should do an open call internationally
01:41:52.940 | "for artists to send something to the ISS,"
01:41:55.980 | and we found out it was the first time.
01:41:57.780 | We were the first ever international open call
01:42:00.140 | for art to go to the ISS, and that was thanks to Xing
01:42:03.260 | and artists bringing a perspective
01:42:04.620 | that I might not have thought about prioritizing.
01:42:07.060 | - Yeah, that's awesome.
01:42:09.060 | So when you look out there,
01:42:11.100 | it's the flame of human consciousness.
01:42:12.940 | There does seem to be something quite special about us humans.
01:42:16.200 | First of all, what do you think it is?
01:42:21.780 | What's consciousness?
01:42:24.100 | What are we trying to preserve here?
01:42:25.940 | What is it about humans that should be preserved,
01:42:32.100 | or life here on Earth?
01:42:33.920 | What gives you hope to try to expand it out
01:42:37.940 | farther and farther?
01:42:39.100 | What makes you sad if it was all gone?
01:42:43.140 | - I think we're a remarkable species,
01:42:46.220 | that we are aware of our own thoughts.
01:42:49.860 | We are meta-aware of our own thoughts and of ourselves.
01:42:52.780 | - We're able to speak on a podcast
01:42:54.580 | about a meta-awareness about our own thoughts.
01:42:56.940 | - About our own thoughts, yeah, turtles all the way down.
01:42:59.660 | I think that that is a really special gift
01:43:03.140 | that we have been given as a species,
01:43:04.740 | and that there's a worth to expanding
01:43:07.660 | our circles of awareness.
01:43:09.540 | So we're very aware of, as an Earth-based species,
01:43:12.140 | we've become a little bit more aware
01:43:13.740 | of the fragility of Earth and how special a place it is
01:43:15.980 | when we go to the moon and we look back.
01:43:18.140 | What would it mean for us to have a presence
01:43:21.980 | and our purpose in life as a inter-solar system species,
01:43:26.220 | or eventually an intergalactic species?
01:43:28.580 | I think it's a really profound opportunity for exploration,
01:43:32.140 | for the sake of exploration,
01:43:34.540 | a real gift for the human mind.
01:43:36.340 | - Yeah, for anything, we're curious creatures.
01:43:41.060 | You do believe we might one day become
01:43:44.180 | intergalactic civilization?
01:43:46.380 | - Long, long time from now.
01:43:47.740 | We have a lot of propulsion challenges
01:43:50.020 | to answer to get that far.
01:43:51.540 | - So you have a hope for this.
01:43:53.220 | - Yeah.
01:43:54.820 | - Another big, ridiculous question,
01:43:56.700 | building on top of that,
01:43:57.660 | what do you think is the meaning of life?
01:44:00.300 | This individual life of ours, your life,
01:44:03.900 | that unfortunately has to come to an end,
01:44:06.380 | as far as we know for now?
01:44:08.100 | - Yeah.
01:44:09.260 | - And our life here together, is there a why?
01:44:13.940 | Or do we just kinda let our curiosity carry us away?
01:44:20.780 | - Oh, interesting.
01:44:21.620 | Is there a single kind of driving purpose why,
01:44:25.420 | or can it just be curiosity based?
01:44:28.060 | I certainly feel,
01:44:29.340 | and this is not the scientist in me talking,
01:44:31.420 | but just more of like a human soul talking.
01:44:34.140 | I certainly feel some sense of purpose
01:44:38.500 | and meaning in my life.
01:44:39.620 | And there's a version of that,
01:44:40.620 | that's a very local level within my family,
01:44:43.380 | which is funny, 'cause this whole conversation
01:44:44.900 | has been big, grand space exploration themes,
01:44:47.100 | but you asked me this question,
01:44:48.180 | and my first thought is what really matters to me,
01:44:50.100 | my family, my biological reproducing unit.
01:44:53.540 | (both laughing)
01:44:56.220 | But then there's also another purpose,
01:44:57.940 | like another version of the meaning in my life
01:44:59.820 | that is trying to do good things for humanity.
01:45:02.460 | So that sense that we can be individual humans
01:45:05.060 | and have our local meaning,
01:45:06.780 | and we can also be global humans,
01:45:08.660 | maybe someday like the Star Trek Utopia
01:45:10.540 | will all be global citizens.
01:45:12.500 | I don't wanna sound too naive,
01:45:14.500 | but there is, I think, that beauty to a meaning
01:45:17.300 | and a purpose of your life that's bigger than yourself,
01:45:20.140 | working on something that's bigger and grander
01:45:21.980 | than just yourself.
01:45:23.700 | - The deepest meaning is from
01:45:25.180 | the local biological reproduction unit,
01:45:28.060 | and then it goes to the engineering, scientific,
01:45:31.300 | what is it, corporate, like company unit
01:45:35.260 | that can actually produce and compete
01:45:37.420 | and interact with the world.
01:45:38.660 | And then there's the giant human unit
01:45:41.380 | that's struggling with pandemics.
01:45:43.980 | - And commons.
01:45:45.220 | - And together struggling against the forces of nature
01:45:49.220 | that keeps wanting to kill us.
01:45:50.820 | - Yeah, there'd be nothing like an alien invasion
01:45:52.900 | to unite the planet, we think.
01:45:54.980 | - I can't wait, bringing on aliens.
01:45:57.980 | Listen, your work, you're an incredible communicator,
01:46:00.660 | incredible young scientist, Sarah.
01:46:01.940 | It's a huge honor that you would spend your time with me.
01:46:04.860 | I can't wait what you do in the future.
01:46:07.740 | And thank you for representing MIT so beautifully,
01:46:10.980 | so masterfully, you're an incredible person.
01:46:12.780 | Thank you for talking to me.
01:46:13.620 | - Thank you so much for having me.
01:46:14.620 | It's been an absolute pleasure.
01:46:15.660 | It's a great conversation.
01:46:17.660 | - Thanks for listening to this conversation
01:46:19.180 | with Ariel Ekblal.
01:46:20.740 | To support this podcast,
01:46:21.980 | please check out our sponsors in the description.
01:46:25.300 | And now let me leave you with some words from Seneca,
01:46:29.300 | the Roman Stoic philosopher.
01:46:31.220 | "There is no easy way from earth to the stars."
01:46:36.500 | Thank you for listening, and hope to see you next time.
01:46:40.500 | (upbeat music)
01:46:43.100 | (upbeat music)
01:46:45.700 | [BLANK_AUDIO]