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E67: Revisiting Rogan, Canadian truckers' protest, fusion breakthrough, $MSFT's savvy move & more


0:0 Bestie Intro: Phil Hellmuth found a new billionaire
1:30 Chamath's new camera positioning
3:58 Revisiting the Joe Rogan/Spotify situation, racism claims, and the video controversy
30:4 Canadian truckers' "Freedom Convoy": root causes, impact, what is this turning into?
45:0 Nuclear fusion breakthrough: Friedberg shares thoughts and theories on what this could mean for the future of energy and life on Earth
54:15 Contrarian energy trade, Chamath's Big Tech play morphing into a long-term investment
61:1 Microsoft's savvy "burn it down" app store strategy, US income not keeping up with inflation, consumer sentiment getting worse, opening up and getting back to normal
75:57 CIA allegedly used an executive order from 1981 to execute warrantless surveillance on American citizens, DHS domestic terrorism infrastructure

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | We had a nice dinner. Chamath hosted a little, and we played a little bit of the cards. And
00:00:04.960 | there's this new kid there. Oh, big shout out to . Co-founder of .
00:00:08.720 | Is there. Great guy.
00:00:09.520 | I'm like, " , how do you wind up here at the game, sitting here,
00:00:13.600 | having a beautiful dinner with us?" And he's like, "Well," and then Chamath goes,
00:00:18.640 | and he points to Helmuth. Helmuth found a billionaire. When Helmuth finds a billionaire,
00:00:25.360 | what happens? He's tied to the hip. He has a billionaire bromance.
00:00:30.480 | He's a billionaire wrangler.
00:00:31.840 | Helmuth is like one of those truffle dogs in Alba in Italy. You send him out into the woods,
00:00:38.080 | he forages around. He finds a truffle, just digs it out.
00:00:42.080 | That's it. Then he follows, like a dog. He follows a billionaire around.
00:00:48.400 | Tail wagging.
00:00:49.440 | Tail wagging. Waiting for his owner to show up and pick this little billionaire off the ground.
00:00:53.280 | "Here's another one."
00:00:54.240 | "Look, daddy, see?"
00:00:55.120 | Unbelievable.
00:00:56.400 | "I found another billionaire."
00:00:58.000 | Helmuth is the most insecure person, but he's such a beautiful human being.
00:01:02.560 | He's a great human.
00:01:04.080 | It's like the tale of two people. He really is a walking
00:01:07.200 | case of schizophrenia and narcissism. Just .
00:01:10.480 | I mean, that's Chamath saying that.
00:01:12.080 | "I'm going all in."
00:01:14.640 | "We'll let your winners ride."
00:01:16.640 | "Rain Man, David Sacks."
00:01:18.640 | "I'm going all in."
00:01:20.640 | "And it's said."
00:01:22.640 | "We open sourced it to the fans and they've just gone crazy with it."
00:01:25.840 | "Love you, man."
00:01:26.320 | "I'm going all in."
00:01:30.560 | Hey, everybody. Hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of the All In Podcast. With us again,
00:01:37.200 | the new chairman and majority shareholder of Laura Piana, Chamath Palihapitiya.
00:01:40.960 | And the viceroy of veganism.
00:01:44.240 | Do you like my thin cashmere gilet that I'm wearing?
00:01:47.120 | Gilet?
00:01:48.080 | Gilet.
00:01:48.800 | Do you mean polo?
00:01:50.560 | No, gilet.
00:01:52.000 | Oh, gilet. Okay. Magnifique. Also with us, the viceroy of veganism,
00:01:57.440 | the sultan of science, David Friedberg, and the regent of the right wing,
00:02:03.760 | David Sacks.
00:02:08.800 | The viceroy of veganism.
00:02:11.600 | The viceroy of vegans. He came to me in the shower today. I was like, you know what? He needs a new
00:02:15.760 | I switched my background, guys. Do you like it? I just flipped the camera to look the other way,
00:02:19.360 | just to mix it up a little bit.
00:02:20.240 | Now we can see your chef picking the vegetables in your garden.
00:02:22.960 | Well, yeah. Well, before you used to see him pick the herbs.
00:02:25.600 | Yeah.
00:02:26.080 | Because the herbs are on this side. But now he's, yeah, you can see him pick the veggies.
00:02:28.720 | Oh, you see the veggies? Yeah.
00:02:29.680 | Yeah.
00:02:30.240 | Oh, yeah. Oh, there's the sous chef. Okay. There's the prep chef. And there's the head chef. Okay.
00:02:35.520 | Yes. Everybody showed up today. Okay, great.
00:02:37.520 | You know, you seem to enjoy the food, Jason, every time you come in.
00:02:40.640 | Yeah. Don't go away.
00:02:42.240 | But you are always eating when you're at my house. You're always eating.
00:02:45.520 | Who's the first RSVP after Phil has eaten?
00:02:47.600 | He's not just eating. He's sending his notes to the kitchen. Could you just do this a little
00:02:51.120 | differently?
00:02:52.000 | I do give notes. I do. I do. Usually positive ones. It's like three out of four are positive
00:02:57.440 | notes.
00:02:57.760 | You know, when I flew with Chamath a few weeks ago, the chef made gluten-free Nutella crepes
00:03:03.360 | with homemade Nutella. I mean, it was like the most extraordinary breakfast experience.
00:03:07.760 | That Nutella has no sugar.
00:03:09.200 | It's incredible.
00:03:10.000 | It's basically
00:03:10.480 | All protein, fat, and it's sweetened with monk flour sugar.
00:03:14.400 | So delicious. That Nutella.
00:03:17.920 | They also kill some albino seals.
00:03:20.480 | I've not brought a chef on the plane with me. But I think in fairness, your kitchen's bigger.
00:03:24.240 | Well, your plane's not that big. Yeah. I mean, you've got a small plane.
00:03:26.480 | Mine has a kitchen.
00:03:27.200 | Yeah.
00:03:28.080 | So you got to bring something.
00:03:29.840 | I mean, I don't know if a Cessna 142 can fit a chef, Sax.
00:03:33.760 | I'm feeling plane shamed.
00:03:35.040 | Cessna.
00:03:35.520 | You are plane shamed.
00:03:38.640 | I just got to,
00:03:40.320 | I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now.
00:03:44.720 | All right, everybody, let's get started.
00:03:47.760 | A lot of topics people want to talk about.
00:03:49.920 | Do you want to start with Rogan or the Canadian truckers?
00:03:52.880 | I think Rogan probably leads into the truckers.
00:03:55.200 | No, it might, in fact, lead into the truckers.
00:03:57.520 | Okay.
00:03:57.920 | So we covered Rogan and Spotify in episode 66, a whole bunch.
00:04:01.520 | Since that time, a video surfaced on Saturday with Joe Rogan repeatedly saying,
00:04:10.160 | well, the N-word, and it's pretty rough to watch.
00:04:15.360 | And he did a mea culpa, an apology.
00:04:19.920 | And overall now Spotify has taken down 70 episodes of his podcast.
00:04:25.200 | You know, that's out of over a thousand.
00:04:27.600 | I thought it was like 113.
00:04:29.360 | That's what I saw on Twitter.
00:04:32.640 | There's 113 total.
00:04:34.000 | Maybe 70 had the N-word, but 113 total.
00:04:36.000 | Oh, okay.
00:04:36.160 | Yes, you're correct.
00:04:36.880 | I stand corrected.
00:04:37.840 | 110 have been taken down.
00:04:39.440 | I was texting you.
00:04:40.000 | I was texting with Sax.
00:04:40.720 | It's like almost 6% of all of his episodes they took down.
00:04:44.320 | Yeah.
00:04:44.960 | Something like that.
00:04:45.680 | Yeah, but not all of them were because of that language.
00:04:47.760 | No, that's what I'm saying.
00:04:48.400 | But 6% were taken down.
00:04:50.000 | 6% taken down.
00:04:51.200 | In his apology, he said, obviously, he was wrong to use that word for the decade or so,
00:04:57.040 | but he pointed out that he did not use it towards a person as a slur, but was talking about it
00:05:02.640 | more in studying or discussing the N-word.
00:05:05.600 | Use versus mention.
00:05:06.720 | Is that right?
00:05:07.600 | Is that the distinction?
00:05:08.560 | Yeah, or use versus quoting.
00:05:09.840 | Yeah.
00:05:10.880 | So he said it was taken out of context, apologized.
00:05:14.240 | He also made a joke that he immediately said, "Oh my God, that's pretty racist.
00:05:21.200 | I shouldn't have told that joke," where he compared going to see Planet of the Apes in
00:05:26.240 | an all-black theater in Philly, saying he was in Africa.
00:05:28.960 | On Sunday, Daniel Ek sent a memo to Spotify employees claiming he is not the publisher
00:05:35.600 | of the Joe Rogan show, something I
00:05:39.680 | completely dispute.
00:05:40.560 | We'll talk about that in a moment.
00:05:42.240 | Thoughts on the latest brouhaha, and do we think that Spotify will be able to handle
00:05:49.200 | this?
00:05:50.960 | What seems to have died down over the last couple of days, and Rogan is now joking about
00:05:56.160 | it in his comedy engagements at small comedy clubs.
00:06:01.120 | What do you think, Sax?
00:06:02.000 | Is Joe Rogan going to weather the storm?
00:06:04.240 | Is Spotify going to stick with him?
00:06:05.520 | Well, okay.
00:06:06.480 | So as of the last episode of the All In podcast, we're going to have to wait and see.
00:06:09.520 | pod, they were trying to cancel Rogan for misinformation. And for the reasons we discussed
00:06:14.140 | that basically failed, because, you know, so many of the times something starts as misinformation
00:06:19.160 | eventually becomes the truth. Rogan seemed like a guy who actually just wants to present
00:06:23.240 | both sides present a balanced viewpoint. In any event, that whole attempt to cancel them
00:06:28.540 | basements information was fizzling out. And then lo and behold, this 22 second clip comes
00:06:33.040 | out, and they escalate the charges to racism. If you kind of look at, you know, who's behind
00:06:41.780 | this clip, it's pretty clear that it was a democratic super PAC put this together and
00:06:46.620 | sort of Astro turfed it as a viral video. This is part of an organized attempt to cancel
00:06:51.400 | Rogan. Now, as to the merits of the sort of racism accusation against him. I mean, look,
00:06:59.620 | let me say that I don't think any body, especially a public figure, would be willing to do that.
00:07:03.020 | I think that the public figure should be using this kind of language. You know, in this day
00:07:07.340 | and age, even if you're just sort of quoting something or mentioning it, you know, he should
00:07:15.340 | have he should he should have known better. However, there are also similar clips that
00:07:20.560 | are now circulating of Joe Biden doing the same thing using this type of like incredibly
00:07:26.620 | incendiary language and like a brazen almost offhanded way. You've got clips of how
00:07:33.000 | you're saying brazen and he said it exactly the same way as Joe would say, maybe in a
00:07:38.600 | cavalier way. He's he's been late. Let me come back. So you have you have Biden doing
00:07:43.620 | it. You've got Howard Stern doing it. So what is the difference? I mean, the the reality
00:07:49.640 | here is that we used to in our culture have a distinction between the use of this type
00:07:55.500 | of language as an epithet, which was never okay. Or using it.
00:08:02.980 | And I'm not saying that it's a bad thing. I'm saying that it's a bad thing. But we've
00:08:07.440 | been using it, you know, for a long time. And we've been using it for a long time. And
00:08:13.040 | we've been using it for a long time. And we've been using it for a long time. And we've been
00:08:15.080 | using it for a long time. And we've been using it for a long time. And we've been using it
00:08:16.080 | for a long time. And we've been using it for a long time.
00:08:17.080 | And we've been using it for a long time. And we've been using it for a long time. And we've
00:08:18.080 | been using it for a long time. And we've been using it for a long time. And we've been
00:08:19.080 | using it for a long time. And we've been using it for a long time. And we've been using it
00:08:20.080 | you can't say it but the truth is that 10 years ago 20 years ago the rules were a little different
00:08:25.600 | that's why biden said it that's why howard stern has these episodes and i think it's why
00:08:32.400 | rogan had said it and i think it's a little bit disingenuous uh for people to now try and apply
00:08:38.720 | the new rules to this old language and they're doing it very selectively because they're not
00:08:43.440 | trying to cancel these other people who said these things under the old rules they're trying to
00:08:47.360 | cancel rogan so i think what you're seeing here is selective cancellation outrage selective
00:08:53.520 | application of these new language rules for the purpose of getting rogan cancelled why
00:09:00.000 | for the same reasons we were talking about two weeks ago or last week which is he's an outsider
00:09:06.000 | he's an independent voice he bucks the establishment he doesn't present the orthodox
00:09:11.440 | view on covet and that's frankly why they want to cancel him friedberg i'm just looking at the
00:09:16.000 | howard stern quote-unquote
00:09:17.340 | so in 1993 howard stern um dressed in blackface and used the n-word in a skit he did uh mimicking
00:09:27.080 | ted danson talking about whoopi goldberg something and he said i'll be the first to admit i won't go
00:09:32.880 | back and watch those old shows it's like who is that guy but that was my shtick it's what i did
00:09:36.880 | and i own it i don't think i got embraced by nazi groups and hate groups they seem to think i was
00:09:40.520 | against them too so i think you know sax is probably right i mean howard stern's a very
00:09:45.400 | different character today you know i don't think he's a very different character than howard stern
00:09:47.320 | i think the question of if howard stern acted that way today would cancel culture kind of mob him
00:09:52.820 | the answer is probably yes um but i think it's because uh you know rogan is out here
00:09:58.740 | probably picking a bone with everyone you know he's kind of there's there's there's no alignment
00:10:05.880 | there's no there's no tribal uh behavior with rogan right he doesn't he he's been pretty public
00:10:13.960 | about being very liberal he's been very public about being conservative and such but he's been
00:10:17.300 | very open about being conservative and such but he's been pretty public about being conservative
00:10:17.800 | and i don't think he kind of aligns himself strongly with anyone and so he's a threat to
00:10:21.640 | everyone he's got a huge following and you know he speaks openly and honestly in a way that uh that
00:10:27.040 | is threatening uh certainly his behavior was inexcusable and has been inexcusable but there
00:10:31.600 | are others right and so it's it's a it's an important question which is why him why now
00:10:36.160 | it's also interesting with that ted danson he was dating whoopi goldberg at the time
00:10:40.160 | i believe and ted danson was there was a roast of whoopi goldberg at the friars club ted danson
00:10:47.080 | dressed in blackface i think which whoopi goldberg was it oh ted danson dressed him didn't
00:10:53.780 | howard dressed and then howard did a send-up of that yeah anyway the point is the more the the
00:10:59.600 | standard has changed significantly let's let chamath chime in my book of the year last year
00:11:06.180 | was this book wanting by this uh author luke burgess um he wrote something on substack um i'll
00:11:13.640 | i'll send you guys a link you can put it in here but he said he said the
00:11:17.060 | following he said as we regress to a superstitious quasi-pagan world of witch burning civil
00:11:25.080 | discourse will be replaced with superstition and scapegoating um and he was talking about
00:11:31.000 | rogan i think that the the thing that i was the most proud of in this whole thing uh was danielek
00:11:38.620 | i mean disclosure he's a friend of mine so maybe this is biased however i think that spotify
00:11:45.680 | had been a part of the history of the world and i think that spotify had been a part of the
00:11:47.040 | history of the world and i think that spotify had been a part of the history of the world and
00:11:47.060 | business principles um and this was similar to what brian armstrong did at coinbase i think they
00:11:52.380 | stuck to those principles they made a well-reasoned decision that they explained to their
00:11:59.940 | employees and shareholders and then they did the most important thing that saxe has always
00:12:06.340 | been saying around free speech which was which is more speech and so what spotify said when they
00:12:13.660 | explained the decision to not de-platform joe rogan
00:12:16.420 | was that they would take the exact equivalent economic value of what they were paying them
00:12:21.160 | him a hundred million dollars and invested in underrepresented historically underrepresented
00:12:26.840 | groups to tell their stories to tell you know to make their music etc and so effectively doubling
00:12:33.120 | you know the universe of that kind of content and so i think if the if people are really willing to
00:12:39.260 | listen i think what we should take away from this is here's a really clear-eyed example of the
00:12:45.420 | solution to free speech and i think that's a really clear-eyed example of the solution to free speech
00:12:46.400 | which is just to get more of it on your platform to have the right disclosures and disclaimers
00:12:52.620 | and then for you know people to go along with their lives so that they can then choose
00:12:58.700 | and i think that that's um that was the that was the one positive outcome that that i saw from this
00:13:05.500 | entire episode the rest of it was uh another attempt at you know uh being morally absolutist and
00:13:15.100 | you know scapegoating and then the uh that was before obviously the the n-word thing and then
00:13:25.040 | the n-word thing just brought to light that we live in a very different age where the rules have
00:13:29.880 | changed and i think the open question is um you know if you're going to judge people for past
00:13:35.520 | behaviors on current rules are we allowed to do it selectively or does it apply to everybody
00:13:40.580 | and i and i think that you know this is why i think you know we saw people like david simon
00:13:46.580 | you know came out and david simon was very um you know basically excoriated joe rogan but then
00:13:55.180 | david simon wrote the wire you know and if you if you watch the wire which is a you know an
00:14:00.400 | incredible piece of television that people point to all the time is one of probably the greatest
00:14:03.920 | shows on television you know every probably you know 13th or 14th word was the n-word yeah i have
00:14:10.700 | like two observations here though and then i'll get to you sax i know you have something you want
00:14:16.160 | to chime in on i i always like to think about intent and then i like to look at the apology
00:14:22.140 | and think is this like sincere or not and when you look at the intent does anybody actually think
00:14:28.960 | joe rogan is a racist and i think it's pretty clear he's not from all of the behavior collectively
00:14:33.820 | in his life and then you look at the apology i thought i felt it was incredibly sincere
00:14:38.960 | uh and there were many learning moments in it and he's a comedian which is kind of this other space
00:14:45.040 | where we we ask comedians to make us laugh and make us feel uncomfortable and now we're also
00:14:49.680 | asking them to live by a standard that changes every year and and words come on and off the
00:14:55.600 | allowable list would anybody here does anybody here actually think or anybody listening to me
00:15:02.700 | think joe rogan is actually racist
00:15:03.800 | i i think the answer is i don't think anybody thinks that and then number two i i felt the
00:15:07.480 | apology was incredibly thoughtful um and well done sax what are your thoughts yeah i mean i agree i
00:15:14.260 | agree with those things um nobody was accusing joe rogan of racism until the cancellation mob
00:15:20.660 | started throwing stones and the misinformation stones didn't work so then they escalated to
00:15:26.200 | racism i think the generalized thing is just take take the context out of rogan for a second
00:15:31.220 | i think that the the formula
00:15:33.780 | if i can point to this of cancel culture is now i think pretty well understood which is
00:15:40.040 | um if you don't like somebody you need to throw some ism label on them until that ism label sticks
00:15:48.480 | and eventually you will find an ism label but the the thing that this cancel culture doesn't
00:15:54.500 | appreciate is everybody has some ism that that can be attached to them yeah now some isms are
00:16:01.980 | worse than others obviously
00:16:03.260 | but you know we're all infallible right i go back to like if you want to quote the bible right
00:16:09.660 | there's a there's a beautiful passage into the bible uh the book of john and the whole thing and
00:16:15.240 | you guys have heard this quote many times before but let me just give you the setup so in the law
00:16:19.980 | of the land back then adultery was illegal but only for the woman right and so there's a very
00:16:25.640 | famous example of a woman who is accused of adultery and uh you know she was about to be
00:16:31.420 | uh stoned to death which was a very famous example of a woman who was accused of adultery
00:16:33.240 | and she was accused of adultery and she was accused of adultery and she was accused of adultery
00:16:33.260 | essentially the punishment and jesus basically draws a line and says you know he who is without
00:16:40.620 | sin should cast that first stone and uh nobody does it de-escalates that conflict and everybody
00:16:47.700 | leaves right and there's a very famous essay uh that renee girard wrote that basically compared
00:16:53.220 | that to it to a different example in a more paganist context where people did stone people
00:16:57.900 | the idea of all of this is that there's some amount of
00:17:02.020 | you know sin that everybody carries and i think that at some point cancel culture will realize
00:17:12.240 | that you have to de-escalate and you have to see through some of this noise you have to have some
00:17:19.500 | point of moral resolution to really move on because this sort of like fatalistic judgment
00:17:25.740 | doesn't work anymore so whoever people wanted to cancel rogan they must be very frustrated today
00:17:31.320 | because for all in all they're not going to be able to do anything they're not going to be able to
00:17:32.000 | intents and purposes, he got off the hook. Maybe try again in the
00:17:35.500 | future with some other ism. He may just as well get off the
00:17:38.260 | hook in the future, right? So what what is the real solution?
00:17:41.480 | The real solution is to figure out how to de escalate and
00:17:43.820 | actually have a conversation about the things that he's doing
00:17:46.600 | that really upset you. And that is still not what's happening
00:17:50.180 | and a path perhaps to resolution, let's get free
00:17:52.440 | Bergen and then you sex free bird.
00:17:53.960 | I'll say two things. One, I think I want sat next to Tony
00:17:57.440 | Blair for dinner, you know, he was the Prime Minister of the
00:17:59.980 | UK. And he told me it was a really funny conversation
00:18:03.400 | because he was talking about his youth. And he's like, if there
00:18:05.500 | were iPhones when I was young, I would not have ever been elected
00:18:08.320 | to public office. Like, you know, he was in a rock band. He
00:18:12.440 | I don't know if you guys know his history, but you know, he
00:18:14.620 | was pretty freewheeling kind of guy. And his point was really
00:18:17.720 | broader than that. It was that, you know, all of us have
00:18:20.140 | something that people can look to us for and use against us in
00:18:23.500 | some way. But I think what's really important with this Joe
00:18:26.260 | Rogan thing, and I think the bigger picture for me, dissenting
00:18:29.500 | voices,
00:18:29.960 | and critical voices and outspoken voices are extremely
00:18:33.260 | important in the discourse that makes society progress. It is
00:18:37.040 | not a good society, when people that have dissenting of voices
00:18:40.880 | or offensive voices are shut down. Society has a better
00:18:44.540 | opportunity to chart a new course and to identify new pads.
00:18:48.900 | Sometimes when the dissenting voice is wrong, and sometimes
00:18:52.700 | when it is right, but in both cases, it is important to have
00:18:55.840 | that dissenting voice because it allows us to have the dialogue
00:18:58.580 | that allows us
00:18:59.480 | collectively to figure out what is wrong, and what is right. And
00:19:03.200 | so this notion of cancel culture and the way that people like Joe
00:19:06.500 | Rogan are and have been attacked for things that they have said
00:19:10.400 | in the past or do say today, I think is really contrary to the
00:19:15.020 | opportunity that the United States presents with this, you
00:19:17.660 | know, founding principle of freedom of speech.
00:19:21.280 | Yeah, so I agree with that. I want to build on what Chema said
00:19:24.680 | with the Rene Girard analysis of this. I mean, what we're seeing
00:19:29.000 | here is the modern day equivalent of a primitive, you know, archaic
00:19:34.700 | stoning ritual. This is a modern day virtual stoning, in which
00:19:39.080 | we're not killing somebody, but we're trying to kill their
00:19:42.680 | digital avatar. I mean, we're basically trying to remove and
00:19:45.320 | destroy their online presence. I mean, that was really the goal
00:19:48.620 | here. And, and the mechanics of this thing, it only works to the
00:19:54.440 | extent that people are unaware of the, the
00:19:58.520 | mechanism of the scapegoating. As soon as they become aware that
00:20:01.520 | this person's being targeted selectively as a scapegoat, it
00:20:04.820 | stops working. And that was the situation we were in last week
00:20:08.840 | where you had, you know, Neil Young through the first, he cast
00:20:12.140 | the first stone, despite being guilty of misinformation many
00:20:16.020 | times himself, he's got like a weird history of saying weird
00:20:19.040 | things about GMOs and gay people and some of the stuff got dredged
00:20:22.740 | back up. And I think that was fair, because let he who is
00:20:25.820 | without misinformation cast his first stone.
00:20:28.040 | And then he got some of his friends, you know, the these
00:20:31.880 | aging, you know, rockers like Joni Mitchell, and Crosby,
00:20:36.740 | Stills and Nash to throw the next stones. And then the media
00:20:40.520 | got in on this and through CNN and MSNBC, they were throwing
00:20:44.000 | stones. And it was all motivated by the fact that Rogan is
00:20:48.680 | simply does not refuse, he refuses to parrot their orthodoxy
00:20:52.220 | because, you know, we can see people like Howard Stern, who I
00:20:55.400 | like Stern, okay, but
00:20:57.560 | today, Howard Stern has become a full fledged COVID hysteric. I
00:21:00.800 | mean, he is fully on board with the COVID restrictions and
00:21:04.160 | mandates in this area. That's why he gets diplomatic immunity
00:21:07.040 | to this. So this whole, the whole scapegoating ritual around
00:21:11.720 | Rogan was about to fail last week. And that's why they
00:21:14.780 | escalated it is because they saw first of all, Rogan was getting
00:21:18.200 | away. And then second, our ability to to run these sorts of
00:21:23.840 | like witch hunts. If people start to reject that we lose
00:21:27.080 | all of our power. And so that's why this thing escalated into
00:21:30.320 | the most sensitive area that we have in our society, this
00:21:33.920 | language around race, this very hurtful, these hurtful epithets.
00:21:38.060 | And these people are playing games with that with with that
00:21:41.920 | type of language. And it's very destructive. And but I think
00:21:47.660 | people are seeing through it, you know,
00:21:49.040 | I really agree with this. I think like the the scapegoating
00:21:52.600 | has a way to resolve things.
00:21:56.600 | I think it's a way to resolve things in a way that is very, very
00:22:00.860 | effective. And I think that's the key. And I think that's the
00:22:02.840 | key to solving things. And I think that's the key to solving
00:22:05.360 | things. And I think that's the key to solving things. And I think
00:22:07.360 | that's the key to solving things. And I think that's the key to
00:22:08.980 | solving things. But I think that's the key to solving things.
00:22:11.600 | And I think that's the key to solving things. And I think that's
00:22:12.380 | the key to solving things. And I think that's the key to solving
00:22:13.100 | things. And I think that's the key to solving things. And I think
00:22:13.640 | that's the key to solving things. And I think that's the key to
00:22:14.360 | solving things. And I think that's the key to solving things.
00:22:14.860 | But I think that's the key to solving things. And I think that's
00:22:15.300 | working. And it's not nearly as effective anymore. It's a burnt
00:22:18.940 | out tactic, you know, we see this in startups. And it's like
00:22:21.520 | this marketing channel has been overburdened everybody knows
00:22:23.920 | like, okay, I'm being marketed to and to give it some context
00:22:26.840 | for those people who are wondering, you heard renesha on
00:22:29.400 | like three or four times here. It's a philosopher. And he
00:22:33.160 | taught at Stanford, he had a big impact on Peter Thiel. I don't
00:22:36.360 | know if Saks actually took any courses with them. And there's a
00:22:38.820 | book me Peter David. I mean, like, if you take courses with
00:22:42.340 | him, I never took any courses. But Peter told me about his
00:22:45.960 | ideas in college. I read some of his books. Yeah,
00:22:48.020 | his books are incredible. I mean, he is one of the most
00:22:51.400 | powerful thinkers of this. I mean, he's he passed away
00:22:55.600 | and reminds me of Joseph Campbell, the power of math,
00:22:57.740 | like they were really thinking about the sort of basic basic
00:23:02.140 | tenants of like human, the human condition and how people
00:23:05.080 | behave. It's really worth double clicking on. I think also
00:23:08.920 | interesting, in terms of forgiveness and blackface.
00:23:12.680 | Justin Trudeau has appeared no less than three times in his
00:23:17.340 | youth in blackface. And it's not a joke. It's literally true.
00:23:21.780 | Justin Trudeau, like the reason why the the racism label was
00:23:27.060 | planted on Rogan is because he's heterodox. The reason why that
00:23:31.520 | racism label has not yet really been planted on Justin Trudeau is
00:23:35.880 | because he's Orthodox. He's quite he's quite part of the
00:23:39.180 | ingrained establishment. He comes from royalty. In Canada,
00:23:42.120 | Okay.
00:23:42.120 | Okay.
00:23:42.180 | growing up peer trudeau you know we were we were liberals growing up we were members of the
00:23:46.740 | liberal party we'd made donations to the liberal party you know in our lore there is no greater
00:23:53.780 | symbol than pierre trudeau his father and so when you're the son of somebody like that you
00:23:58.340 | get an enormous amount of credit in your bank account that you're born with and he was able
00:24:04.100 | to burn through so much of it by doing things that anybody else in any other situation may
00:24:09.060 | have been judged much more harshly for and he wasn't um and he becomes prime minister and then
00:24:14.180 | he's able to get re-elected but you know his day of reckoning reckoning is coming um because he is
00:24:20.820 | revealing himself to be a part of this establishment with these views that are actually
00:24:27.060 | really uncomfortable and you know quite grotesque because of how judgmental they are of everybody
00:24:33.300 | else and that's a great segue and then just finally sax it correct me if i'm wrong here
00:24:39.300 | joe rogan has voted democrat his whole life he holds largely democratic beliefs uh he's for
00:24:45.940 | universal health care he's pro-trans he's pro-gay he's supporting bernie sanders and he was a voting
00:24:51.940 | for bernie sanders he's a really stupid person for the democrats for democratic politicians like
00:24:57.620 | biden to alienate because he's a hero to young people he's a hero to the working class and his
00:25:04.260 | views are fundamentally i'd say more progressive yeah they're 100 percent progressive yes
00:25:08.740 | so it's stupid for them to do this but it's also stupid for them to be alienating these truckers
00:25:13.220 | because democrats were supposed to be the party of the working class so let's pivot to that issue can
00:25:17.300 | i just say one last thing i just want to reiterate this sax because i just i just want to really give
00:25:21.780 | you a chance to say it again you've always said and it's so true the solution to free speech and
00:25:27.060 | to protect it is more speech and i just want to say to danielak and the team at spotify you guys
00:25:32.180 | must have been in a really difficult spot but the decision to take that hundred million dollars to
00:25:38.260 | increase the funnel for other voices and historically underrepresented voices is so good
00:25:44.980 | and i hope you guys get to the other side of it but i thought it was a really really really
00:25:49.300 | good decision yeah i mean so on eck and the spotify decision let me say i want to think
00:25:53.140 | to that so i applaud them for not cancelling rogan they must have been under enormous pressure to do
00:25:58.820 | so including from their own you know employees um the only thing i didn't like in x statement
00:26:03.540 | was when he talked about the user safety and how they need to do a better job of
00:26:07.780 | of user safety that's a concept that doesn't make a lot of sense to me i mean rogan is not sneaking
00:26:14.180 | into people's living rooms and turning his show on and pressing play if people don't like it i'm
00:26:20.340 | talking about users if users don't like the content they don't have to listen you don't have
00:26:25.220 | to click play he's not literally turning the channel safety yeah but we've still bought into
00:26:29.780 | this idea of psychological safety that being confronted with any view you don't like is a
00:26:35.060 | threat to your safety that is actually a threat to your safety and that's why i think that's a threat
00:26:37.300 | actually a threat to free speech because it's giving the most hysterical people in our culture
00:26:41.380 | the ones who are most prone to being offended a veto over any idea and speech they don't like
00:26:46.580 | yeah if you're uncomfortable you're unsafe you could remove yourself from that situation
00:26:51.060 | if it's a piece of media you don't need to read every book you don't need to see every quentin
00:26:54.580 | tarantino film you don't need to listen to joe rogan or whatever else that you find
00:26:58.020 | offensive to you personally i just don't think we should be feeding that idea that that psychological
00:27:02.580 | safety is a legitimate idea we talked about this before with like you know people at work
00:27:06.820 | if they say they feel unsafe that's instantly like an hr like oh my god you feel unsafe yeah
00:27:12.340 | red alert hr right now everybody has a legal requirement if someone's creating a safety issue
00:27:18.020 | in the workplace they have a legal requirement to remove that problem that's why this language
00:27:22.660 | got started is it triggers the machinery of hr to remove people who are doing nothing wrong
00:27:28.340 | what if i told you as an employee like saxon hey listen your work product is not good enough you're
00:27:33.060 | like i feel unsafe right okay anyway let's go to the truckers because i think we're going to talk
00:27:36.340 | about this because i think we're beating this to death i just want to have one final comment on
00:27:39.300 | spotify i think and i appreciate what daniel did with 100 million dollars that's great and i think
00:27:47.940 | it's great that he's supporting free speech and he's holding his ground there i know that's not
00:27:51.220 | easy however i think he's intellectually dishonest saying they're not the publisher of joe rogan
00:27:56.100 | i have a three-part test to see if you're a publisher do you pay for the content do you promote
00:28:00.420 | it do you produce it if you do two or more of those you're de facto a publisher in my mind they
00:28:05.380 | pay a lot of money for joe rogan they promote the heck out of him and while they don't produce it in
00:28:10.420 | advance by picking the guests they do have a production-like veto uh on what content they
00:28:17.060 | put out there and so if netflix has to own the people they pay uh even if they don't produce it
00:28:23.220 | and they promote then spotify does need to have the same standard and disney and netflix all are
00:28:29.700 | producers of content nobody would argue that and i believe spotify is the producer daniel's not being
00:28:34.580 | honest final thought on this let me just defend spotify for a second okay you guys have been
00:28:38.580 | through this i've i've been through this many times at several of my companies but when you
00:28:42.340 | are in the middle of a firestorm it's very rare that you can put out these you know press releases
00:28:50.660 | where the pride of authorship is one person and in many ways you have to write these pr releases
00:28:58.980 | and i think that's something that you know you may not have the ability to do in a really good way but
00:29:03.300 | i think that's something that you know we can do it and i think that's going to be a very good way to
00:29:07.300 | get people to buy into spotify and i think it's going to be a very good way to get people to buy
00:29:11.940 | into spotify because i think that's going to be a very good way to get people to buy into spotify
00:29:15.940 | and i think that's going to be a very good way to get people to buy into spotify as well so i think
00:29:19.620 | that's going to be a very good way to get people to buy into spotify and i think that's going to be a
00:29:22.900 | very good way to get people to buy into spotify and i think that's going to be a very good way to get
00:29:28.260 | people to buy into spotify and i think that's going to be a very good way to get people to buy
00:29:30.260 | into spotify and i think that's going to be a very good way to get people to buy into spotify and
00:29:31.620 | you know i didn't particularly like sometimes you know brian's essay i could have written it better
00:29:36.100 | but at the end of the day what i saw through it and i admitted this later
00:29:39.060 | the substance of what brian armstrong did was incredibly profound one of the most important
00:29:44.260 | things that actually happened in the last few years in silicon valley culture and i would just
00:29:48.340 | say that i think that daniel did something really powerful here and i think that both spotify and
00:29:52.660 | coinbase deserve and the employees and the leaders there deserve a round of applause i think it was a
00:29:57.540 | i think it was a very very hard decision and i think they stuck to their guns irrespective of
00:30:01.940 | what you believe they stuck to their guns canadian truckers are protesting as many of you know vaccine
00:30:08.180 | mandates just breaking today ontario's premier has declared a state of emergency for the entire
00:30:15.060 | province and ottawa police have braced for thousands of protesters to descend for the third
00:30:21.300 | consecutive weekend usa today also reported the convoy could disrupt the super bowl by the state of
00:30:26.820 | the union etc the protest has been self-titled the freedom convoy and has been underway since
00:30:32.500 | january 29th 29th it appears it uh has spanned several thousand vehicles across the country
00:30:39.380 | and the truckers are blocking key roadways and bridges including the ambassador bridge
00:30:43.860 | they're seeking an end to canada's vaccine mandates and
00:30:50.740 | it feels like this is now morphing into something a little bit wider than just vaccine mandates
00:30:57.620 | maybe it's becoming a occupy wall street type of uh protest open to many people with many different
00:31:04.580 | uh things that they have uh grievances about a reporter from uh barry weiss's common sense
00:31:12.980 | newsletter slash media operation uh wrote what the truckers want jason you're you you just nailed it
00:31:19.860 | um i do think that this is actually occupy wall street 2.0 yeah look it it turned out just to get
00:31:26.180 | root some facts so it's not just truckers this is a broad-based coalition of people across every
00:31:32.420 | single race and gender and age group in canada that's participating in this thing in fact the
00:31:37.620 | barry weiss article you know she profiled men women of all ages seeks you know whites i mean
00:31:43.860 | everybody blacks there is so there's a there's a coalition of people second is this really isn't
00:31:49.860 | about vaccination rates because it turns out truckers are 90 vaccinated they're vaccinated at
00:31:54.500 | a higher percentage than the average population of people who are vaccinated in canada and the
00:31:56.120 | other thing is that truckers are 90 vaccinated they're vaccinated at a higher percentage than the
00:31:56.120 | average population of people who are vaccinated in canada and the other thing is that truckers are 90
00:31:56.160 | broad based population of Canada, which is about 78%. I think the the point of this and again, I care about this so much as a Canadian, but I just want to read a quote from Justin Trudeau because I think it encapsulates what this is really about. The quote is the small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing do not represent the views of Canadians. And I think it's that phrase,
00:32:25.960 | unacceptable views that really points to what the real issue here is, which is that there are a lot of people who now say it's been two years, enough with mask mandates, enough with all of this, you know, almost police state that's developed all of the emergency use power that politicians have taken. Let's reclaim our democracy and let's have, you know, freedom again. And under the
00:32:55.940 | political viewpoint of the ruling Liberal Party, which by the way, is now going into revolt as well. A bunch of liberal MPs have just completely flipped because of this statement. It summarizes what Trudeau is saying, which is what you believe is unacceptable to me. And so now I will quash you or that Canada has one viewpoint. Freeberg. Did any of you guys listen to the New York Times Daily podcast that our friend sent out the link to this morning? Yes. You know, to me, these are the same story. It was actually an interview
00:33:25.560 | with a reporter who highlighted some work that she had done and identified that Phil Murphy, the Democratic governor of New Jersey, had done some, some some polling and some some focus group discussions with some of his constituents. And the overriding tone was one of emotion, one of feeling left out of the life that they believe they should have been living over the past two years. And ultimately, I think the tone speaks very clearly to what the Trump
00:33:55.540 | Rutgers are saying, which is everyone feels more than ever, incredible overreach into
00:34:00.020 | their personal lives by the government, and by different governments, whether it's local
00:34:04.180 | or federal here in the US, or by this Canadian government, or, you know, go to Australia
00:34:08.980 | or the UK and the sentiment seems to be similar everywhere. I don't think that anytime since
00:34:13.640 | World War Two, have we seen the government create such restrictions and such mandates
00:34:19.040 | in in democratic republics, like the United States, that we just saw over the past two
00:34:25.180 | years. And I think the fact that it's continuing when folks are now seeing, you know, on the
00:34:29.600 | ground every day, you know, the mildness of Omicron, or like, you know, the big, the challenges
00:34:36.780 | that their kids are facing in school, and you kind of put these things together, and
00:34:39.680 | you say to yourself, why is my government restricting my life and causing the challenge
00:34:44.900 | that I'm being forced to face? For what?
00:34:48.000 | And I think that's a tone that
00:34:49.000 | everyone feels everywhere in the West today, I think in the East, it's a little bit different,
00:34:53.040 | right? Because of the the mindset there, but I think here, collectivism, collectivism.
00:34:58.500 | And I think here, we're we pride individual liberty and freedom, as kind of the foundation
00:35:04.120 | of these democracies, to have the government tell us what we have to wear shots, we have
00:35:09.140 | to put in our arms, where we can go and when how we can behave in ways that were never
00:35:13.920 | legislated in ways that were never kind of debated and discussed publicly, just feels
00:35:18.960 | like a little bit of a shame. And I think we're reaching at this point, I think everyone's
00:35:20.220 | hit their breaking point. And this is another one of these examples, this trucking thing
00:35:23.920 | is another one of these examples of people manifesting their breaking point.
00:35:27.340 | And sacks to the point we've been discussing over and over again, things have changed radically
00:35:31.780 | since the beginning of the pandemic, you believed in mask mandates early, because hey, no downside.
00:35:35.960 | We talked about that. And we didn't want hospitals to be overrun, which is reasonable, you want
00:35:41.420 | to have oxygen, we were all, you know, trying to make plans for Hey, how bad is this going
00:35:45.860 | to be? But we're sitting here two years later, and it's pretty clear Omicron, which I've
00:35:48.920 | had, thank you, sacks is is a nothing. Thanks, sacks.
00:35:54.320 | Sacks of Cron. I helped you. Superhero. Thank you. I've ever gotten a sick when I've been
00:36:00.420 | around you. Yeah, I went to sacks party. And all I got was an $8,000 gift bag and Omicron.
00:36:06.300 | The gift bags pretty great at sacks parties.
00:36:07.800 | No, I think I think getting Omicron helped you because it enabled you to see that this
00:36:12.240 | for you was largely a nothing burger. And so you could come out of your house and start
00:36:15.360 | acting normal. I think there's a lot of people all over the country. You're saying that you
00:36:18.880 | left your house for two years. Do you remember the photos of sacks at the beginning of COVID
00:36:23.180 | when he was wearing a triple mask and the
00:36:25.060 | death? Yeah. Yeah, he Colonel Kurtz.
00:36:30.120 | Well, look, I supported mass mandates at the beginning of the pandemic. When Fauci was
00:36:34.440 | telling us mass didn't work. Let's let's not forget that. You know, I was supporting when
00:36:38.640 | the health officials told us they didn't work. Why? Because it was the only thing we had.
00:36:42.140 | We didn't have
00:36:43.140 | David, David, David Cohen, he was he was doing us a favor by lying to us by his own admission.
00:36:48.840 | I lied to you so that we could preserve these masks for frontline workers. Well, thank you.
00:36:53.780 | Thank you, Anthony.
00:36:54.780 | One of many one of many look noble lies that he's been telling.
00:36:58.080 | Here we go. He's in he's a noble liar. He's in right by May of 2020. I would say
00:37:03.320 | biggest political loser pick from 2020. Go on. Take it easy on your picks. I know you
00:37:08.580 | want to do your victory lap. It's only February. Give us till like June for the check in. Okay,
00:37:13.380 | Colonel Kurtz continue mass were the main alternative to lockdown. So that's the way
00:37:16.740 | I saw it in the summer of 2020. And I think that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to
00:37:18.800 | take a look at the numbers. And I was saying and these crazy lockdowns just do mass and
00:37:22.040 | then once we had the vaccine and all COVID restrictions that was a year ago. And now
00:37:26.880 | we still have these restrictions a year later. And that is what the truckers are rebelling
00:37:31.440 | against. Just like you said, these are ordinary people who are sick and tired of having to
00:37:36.300 | show their papers and have to deal with these mandates. And, and for that they've been like
00:37:42.760 | absolutely demonized. I mean, Trudeau comes out and says that they're basically white
00:37:46.400 | supremacists and racist and homophobic.
00:37:48.760 | Every epithet he can throw at them.
00:37:50.560 | Sorry, to your point, he used every he did use every ism. He really did try to cancel
00:37:54.400 | them at first. And this is what's really painted him in a corner. He went on national TV. And
00:37:58.820 | he said, these people are racist and misogynist. That's, that's specifically what he said.
00:38:03.800 | And it actually turned out that the overwhelming majority of them were not they were just normal,
00:38:09.120 | ordinary law abiding Canadians who are just fed up with the overreach. And then, then
00:38:13.380 | what happened was the polling said, you should bring these convoy leaders in, sit them down
00:38:18.720 | and talk to them. And then the political calculus, though, was impossible for him, because he had
00:38:23.960 | already called them racist and misogynist. So then how could he bring them in?
00:38:27.480 | Right? Exactly. Yeah. How do you negotiate with Nazis, basically?
00:38:30.680 | So then what he did was he ran out of Ottawa. So instead of staying in Ottawa,
00:38:34.280 | now he's under in a secure location for his seat.
00:38:37.320 | Oh, my God. Oh, he feels unsafe. So trigger warning. But in fairness, when you bring 8000 people
00:38:43.240 | together, and you get a wide enough group of people, there was swats, tickers and whites, Confederate flag
00:38:48.680 | flags that were flown. So it might have been two of 8000. But that did happen within the
00:38:54.740 | protest movement, which I just said, yes, with any protest movement, there's always gonna be a
00:38:59.420 | handful of people who go too far and are too extreme. But they did not represent the vast,
00:39:05.360 | vast majority of the people who turned out which are ordinary citizens. And Trudeau seized on a
00:39:11.000 | handful of isolated examples to try and demonize these guys. And I think it's blowing up in his
00:39:15.800 | face. The fact of the matter is, the truckers did not get away with it.
00:39:18.640 | They did not start this fight. It's the zealotry of our elites of our professional class that
00:39:23.740 | started this fight. They will not give up on these mandates. That's the fundamental problem.
00:39:28.000 | Well, and while they go to the Super Bowl with no mascot,
00:39:30.580 | I think what you're seeing here with this trucker thing, I think it's going to have huge ripple
00:39:33.760 | effects because it's showing the schism in the Democratic Party between the professional elites
00:39:38.800 | and the working class. Here you have the working class. Remember, these were the essential workers,
00:39:44.200 | these are the people bringing us our food. Most of them have already had COVID over the last couple
00:39:48.600 | of years. They couldn't sit behind a computer and do their job in their pajamas on Zoom all day.
00:39:54.360 | Okay? So, these guys know the reality of COVID, just like you learned the reality, Jason, when
00:39:59.520 | you actually got it. And yet we've got this neurotic class of professionals within the
00:40:04.680 | Democratic Party who are these COVID dead-enders, don't want to give this stuff up. And that's the
00:40:10.260 | fundamental divide. And I think Biden's going to have to choose which side are you on. Are you on
00:40:14.160 | the side of the working class or the professional class? Trudeau has chosen his side. He is the
00:40:18.560 | defeat elite face of these COVID dead-enders. And Biden's going to have to choose who he supports.
00:40:25.520 | And those are dwindling. You have governors now who are Democratic governors in many states who
00:40:30.920 | are saying, "Listen, Omicron is obviously different. And look at the charts, look at the
00:40:36.260 | data. We don't need masks." We have to talk about this New York Times story on how New Jersey and
00:40:41.360 | several other of these blue states dropped the mask mandates. It was absolutely extraordinary.
00:40:44.960 | I mean, it's not extraordinary. The risk assessment is different, David.
00:40:47.900 | Well, it was extraordinary.
00:40:48.520 | What's extraordinary about it is that...
00:40:50.320 | I mean, I think it's kind of obvious more than extraordinary. If Omicron is less deadly,
00:40:55.000 | it's an upper respiratory, doesn't kill people who are vaccinated, and most people are vaccinated,
00:40:59.320 | pretty obviously, it's time to pivot and open everything up. It sounds like an obvious decision.
00:41:03.040 | Biden really missed his moment here. So I think, like Freeberg said, it was Phil Murphy. He's
00:41:07.780 | the Democratic governor of New Jersey. He was supposed to have an easy reelect win by 20 to 30
00:41:11.980 | points. He narrowly squeaks by, by two to three points. So then he conducts the focus groups to
00:41:17.740 | find out what do we miss?
00:41:18.480 | Why were we so off on this thing? And they find out that people are tired of these mandates. He
00:41:23.580 | goes to the White House, okay, and shows these findings and says, "Guys, we have to get off this
00:41:28.380 | losing position on COVID." And the White House sits on his hands and does absolutely nothing.
00:41:33.060 | So Murphy is like, "We can't wait anymore." So he unilaterally goes without White House support.
00:41:38.340 | This is all in the New York Times article. This is not like some right-wing publication saying
00:41:42.540 | this, okay? So he unilaterally says, "Okay, we're getting rid of the mask mandate." Okay? And then five
00:41:48.440 | other states do the same thing because they realize we can't wait anymore. And Biden is
00:41:52.580 | just nowhere to be found. And Psaki is saying, "Well, we're deferring to the CDC." They're
00:41:56.960 | deferring to Rachel Walensky at the CDC and Randy Weingartner at the teachers unions and these
00:42:03.380 | health officials like Barbara Furrier in LA County, all of whom are saying, "We cannot lift these
00:42:08.000 | mandates yet." They don't want it. So they are completely on the wrong side of this. And then
00:42:11.780 | Biden really steps in it by saying to Trudeau and Canada, "Listen, you guys got to clear this bridge.
00:42:18.400 | Do whatever you need to do to clear this bridge." Basically implying that the civil disobedience
00:42:24.040 | needs to be met by force. And then you've got Harvard professors and CNN analysts saying,
00:42:28.840 | "Slash their tires, take away their trucking licenses, starve them out."
00:42:32.860 | You know? So this has been the response. And the response to that is now there's a trucker convoy
00:42:37.780 | getting started in the US and they're going to march on Washington. They're going to drive to
00:42:41.560 | Washington. Great.
00:42:42.580 | And between now and then, Biden better figure out what side he's going to be on because if he doesn't
00:42:47.740 | handle this right, he's going to be on the right side.
00:42:48.360 | I think it's going to be the end of his presidency.
00:42:49.920 | Peaceful civil disobedience is fine as long as they're not blocking ambulances,
00:42:53.280 | getting people to and from hospitals. That's fine, especially the unvaccinated.
00:42:56.880 | Joe Biden, is this Scranton Joe, the guy who said he would take us back to normalcy,
00:43:03.180 | the representative of the working class, is that who the president of the United States is? Or is
00:43:08.580 | he in the Trudeau camp, the Fauci and the Walensky and the Barbara Ferreres?
00:43:14.520 | Or is he out of it and easily influenced?
00:43:15.420 | I think you're asking a rhetorical question. I think
00:43:18.320 | that the polling data makes the answer pretty clear, which is that the Democratic Party is
00:43:25.700 | lurching towards establishment insiders and working normal ordinary people have in larger
00:43:34.040 | and larger numbers started gravitating towards to the Republican Party. Minorities in far larger
00:43:42.320 | numbers than we ever expected have started lurching towards the Republican Party. And so the answer
00:43:48.280 | is sort of in the polling data and what what the actual facts on the ground have been, you know,
00:43:54.040 | I mean, we forget. Because we were also ready to to to cast away our Trump derangement syndrome,
00:44:01.180 | syndrome, but he did get I think, what was it 9 million more people to vote for him in this past.
00:44:06.400 | Yeah, the working class, whether they're the white working class or the non white working class are
00:44:11.920 | moving in huge numbers. I think I think I think the margin of non white working class who moved to the
00:44:17.560 | Republicans last election was 18 points. They got 18 points more share than eight years ago. So the
00:44:23.920 | working class, regardless of their race is moving towards the Republicans while the Democrats are
00:44:29.140 | becoming this more a feat elite professional class party, this woke elite party. And, you know,
00:44:35.440 | I think Biden sort of is caught in the middle of this. And I think he's running out of time to try
00:44:40.720 | and reestablish that he's going to have a centrist presidency that is not completely Kowtow. And,
00:44:47.520 | you know, I think he's going to have to defer to the left of his party to this sort of woke elite
00:44:50.460 | thinking, you know, you see democratic political scientists like Roy to share writing about this,
00:44:54.120 | like, every week, saying, this is your last chance. This is your moment to save your presidency. I
00:44:59.820 | don't know if he's listening. Okay,
00:45:01.240 | Freedberg, we made some great progress in science this week in nuclear fusion.
00:45:05.820 | You want to tee this up for us? I'm happy to. So let me just give a little background
00:45:12.120 | for maybe a minute on fusion. So you know, the, the way energy is made in the sun, and in all stars
00:45:19.380 | is through this process of nuclear fusion, where hydrogen nuclei, the protons inside of hydrogen
00:45:25.860 | atoms shoot around, it's such a high energy, and they're so dense, because of the amount of
00:45:29.880 | hydrogen, it all causes gravity to pull them all together, they get really dense, they start slamming
00:45:34.320 | into each other, when they slam into each other, they fuse into helium and ultimately the heavier
00:45:37.800 | elements and release energy in the process. And that is what fusion is.
00:45:41.160 | So you know, we talked about nuclear energy on Earth, all nuclear energy that we generated on
00:45:45.960 | Earth, as a species to date has been through fission, where we take much heavier elements,
00:45:50.880 | like plutonium and uranium, and they break apart by squeezing them together, and they release energy.
00:45:55.080 | But this creates radioactive material, it's dangerous, it's very, very expensive, and so on.
00:46:00.480 | So there's always been a question since roughly the 1950s, on whether or not we could recreate
00:46:05.700 | the conditions of the sun or stars on planet Earth, by creating a plasma,
00:46:10.200 | by creating the same sort of plasma that exists inside of stars, very hot, very fast, very dense
00:46:16.260 | hydrogen that can slam into itself and slam into atoms and fuse into helium and release energy.
00:46:22.500 | Does that same plasma exist on Uranus?
00:46:25.500 | Uh huh.
00:46:26.100 | Yeah. God, you're gonna give him a wedgie. Let science boy finish. Come on.
00:46:31.680 | Oh, sorry. Back to you.
00:46:33.780 | Never gets old.
00:46:34.920 | Was it 69 megajoules or 420 megajoules? Go ahead. Sorry.
00:46:38.820 | Well, plasma fusion's always been this kind of holy grail of energy, because if you can actually
00:46:42.540 | generate plasma fusion, the amount of energy it takes to create the plasma is less than the energy
00:46:47.400 | that comes out of the plasma. So it's effectively infinite, free, cheap plasma. And so the system
00:46:54.180 | that people have been building for the last 25, 30 years is these donut-shaped systems called
00:47:00.000 | tokamaks. They're like a circle, like a donut, and they spin the plasma around inside. And so
00:47:05.220 | it generates a lot of energy and magnets and so on to try and make this work.
00:47:08.040 | You know, there's a company we talked about a few months ago called Commonwealth Fusion Systems,
00:47:12.000 | which uses a new superconducting material to control that plasma and use instead of
00:47:16.500 | using expensive magnets, may just raise $1.8 billion.
00:47:19.260 | And, you know, more recently, the joint European Taurus, which is managed by the
00:47:27.060 | Atomic Energy Authority in the United Kingdom, just this week demonstrated energy output from their
00:47:35.100 | tokamak plasma fusion system, where they generated, you know, 59 megawatts of energy in five seconds,
00:47:40.920 | which is a record. The prior record was set in 1997. By that same agency, they generated 16
00:47:47.880 | megawatts of power output. So it was a great breakthrough. And you know, to make this all
00:47:52.680 | possible has required technical breakthroughs in electronics, technical breakthroughs in sensors
00:47:59.520 | and computing and hardware and material science and superconductors. And so all of this is starting
00:48:04.380 | to coalesce.
00:48:04.980 | But plasma fusion might actually become a reality. And the ITAR system, which is the biggest
00:48:10.320 | construction project in Europe, 35 nations have contributed a total of roughly 50 to $60 billion
00:48:15.840 | to make this system is it's going to go online around 2027. They've been building it for 20 years,
00:48:21.960 | it's going to be a 500 megawatt demonstration system. And if it works, then it opens up the
00:48:27.240 | door that in the future, we may actually be able to turn plasma fusion into an energy source for
00:48:32.040 | all of humanity. It basically would use water,
00:48:34.860 | plasma fusion is made from taking hydrogen, which you would get from water, spinning it around,
00:48:38.880 | heating it up, getting it to be really, really dense, and ultimately driving power out of it.
00:48:43.080 | The implications are extraordinary, right. So over the next few decades, it is appearing more likely
00:48:48.780 | that we will have plasma fusion systems working on Earth. And as that happens, energy becomes free,
00:48:53.880 | and it becomes unlimited. And with unlimited free energy, we can terraform Earth, right,
00:48:59.040 | we can take ocean water, desalinate, turn it into fresh water, we can pump that into deserts, turn
00:49:04.740 | it into rainforests. You know, the total annual production of energy on Earth today is about 170
00:49:10.920 | terawatt hours, that amount of energy can be generated from just a 10 foot by 10 foot by 10
00:49:15.660 | foot cube of water. That's the amount of energy, the amount of material that would be turned into
00:49:20.400 | photons that would drive all of the electricity we need on Earth. So it's an incredible technology,
00:49:24.660 | an incredible breakthrough, we're starting to see this stuff happen. One area that I wanted
00:49:28.860 | to kind of just highlight, which no one talks about, but which I think is extraordinarily important,
00:49:34.620 | about 100 years from now, let's say, as these plasma fusion systems work, it's certainly going
00:49:40.500 | to be true that we'll have abundant free energy during the back half of this century. And that'll
00:49:45.480 | change everything will decarbonize the atmosphere will terraform the planet, we can make whatever we
00:49:49.980 | want, we can build things, etc. But the same system of plasma fusion theoretically could be used to
00:49:57.240 | fuse heavier elements than just helium. So fast forward 100 or 200 years, if we can actually make
00:50:03.180 | plasma fusion systems work,
00:50:04.500 | we could also and to make helium to make energy, we could also use them to make heavier elements,
00:50:10.080 | like the rare earth metals that we talked about being so important here on Earth to make batteries
00:50:14.940 | or phosphorus, which you know, we're going to run out of on planet Earth in about 100 years,
00:50:20.280 | which is a critical component of agriculture and feeding ourselves. So you know, over the next call
00:50:25.920 | it 100 years plasma fusion systems, I think back half of this century come online, provide us with
00:50:30.540 | abundant free energy. And then in the 22nd century, I think this idea of nuclear
00:50:34.380 | synthesis, the idea that we can actually make the rare earth or the heavier elements that are limited
00:50:39.780 | natural resources here on Earth, where we could turn water into gold or water into lithium or
00:50:44.940 | water into molybdenum, or you know, into beryllium or whatever, starts to become a reality. And so
00:50:50.700 | this to me, like I feel like we're on the eve of plasma fusion being a reality, you know, based on
00:50:54.840 | some of the results we're seeing, and it's one after the other I tear is going to come online,
00:50:58.380 | you know, Commonwealth fusion had their materials breakthrough and on and on and on. So this seems
00:51:02.820 | to be building up. And so the 2030s a tipping point. Yeah, that's right. I think the 2030s and
00:51:07.860 | the 2040s are where this becomes real. And all these problems and concerns we have about climate
00:51:13.020 | change, and carbon in the atmosphere, all of this stuff can be reversed with infinite energy. And so
00:51:18.900 | so I'm optimistic, and I'm excited about a lot of what we're seeing. Let me ask you one question.
00:51:23.160 | Obviously, when people start hearing about nuclear reactors and fission, and then they
00:51:27.840 | start learning about fusion, they immediately have the Chernobyl's of the world and Fukushima
00:51:32.700 | has come to mind and nuclear bombs. In this case, when this reaction occurs, my understanding,
00:51:38.400 | I've interviewed a couple people working on these reactors, is that the reaction just fizzles out,
00:51:43.680 | it just stops. And then it's not radioactive. So these, these are not radioactive materials that
00:51:49.140 | naturally decay into radioactive ions or particles that can damage the body or damage. These are
00:51:57.000 | literally just hydrogen atoms that are spun around so hot and smashed into each other. So if the
00:52:01.620 | machine breaks, everything just turns off. That's it. And the output, even when it's working, my
00:52:06.360 | understanding is some natural, like just air and water. So there's no output. There's no, there's
00:52:12.840 | nothing radioactive. There's no environment. Let me fast forward 200 years. So now assume these
00:52:18.600 | systems work. As you guys know, all technology over time gets better, faster, cheaper, smaller.
00:52:25.620 | So in 200 years, we could find that we have plasma fusion reactions in every pocket in
00:52:31.500 | every computer in every phone. Imagine a world where we no longer need batteries,
00:52:35.460 | where we no longer need transmission lines, and where a system can literally pull hydrogen out
00:52:40.440 | of the air, generate electricity on the fly. And it sounds crazy. But people thought people would
00:52:45.300 | have never thought that the batteries that we put inside of phones would have existed when the first
00:52:49.140 | flow cell battery cell was made, you know, whatever, you know, during the early days of
00:52:53.040 | chemistry, electrical chemistry. So you know, the idea that we've been able to shrink batteries as
00:52:58.020 | we have the idea that we've been able to make generators like we have today,
00:53:01.380 | these were concepts that would have been so foreign. So I do think that in 200 years,
00:53:05.340 | if plasma fusion systems work, there's nothing about the laws of physics that says they're
00:53:09.120 | limited in scale to only being large, they theoretically could be reduced down to there's
00:53:13.860 | no limit to the size they could drop down to. And so there could be a world 200 years from now where
00:53:18.300 | plasma fusion reactors exist in every component that needs electricity. And so ultimately, you
00:53:24.540 | could see putting these systems on spaceships, and using them to convert elements from one form to
00:53:31.260 | another. And we could live for, you know, 100,000 years on a spaceship, and just recycle the elements
00:53:36.420 | on that spaceship to produce all our food and our air and everything. And yeah, for sure, we could
00:53:40.860 | get to Uranus with that. Absolutely. The summary and back, you can back you could circle his anus.
00:53:46.980 | So that was my diatribe on plasma fusion. I'm super excited about some of the right now. Sax is
00:53:52.560 | wondering how we want our beaks. Just tell us where to place the bet. It's there's nowhere yet.
00:53:55.680 | This is being honestly, I don't place bets on things that take 100,000 years.
00:54:01.140 | 100 years. Oh, 100 years. Sorry. 100,000 things that might materialize in four years. Sorry.
00:54:06.300 | 100 weeks. He needs to operate his plane.
00:54:07.620 | Sax's bills are due next month.
00:54:08.940 | I got bills to pay.
00:54:13.560 | I got bills.
00:54:14.400 | He's got bills.
00:54:15.960 | A big part of the, you know, just speaking markets for a second, I mentioned to you guys at the end
00:54:21.300 | of last year that I made a bet on energy stocks. And the reason I made a bet on energy stocks is
00:54:25.260 | because some of the breakthroughs that we're seeing in decarbonization and renewable energy has driven
00:54:31.020 | in capital improvements across energy infrastructure, because people are so optimistic
00:54:35.820 | about what's over the horizon. And they're so pessimistic about carbon intensive energy systems
00:54:40.740 | that we actually have under invested over the past few years in energy infrastructure that it's
00:54:46.020 | turning out today is critically needed. So while this is a great long term kind of optimistic world
00:54:51.360 | scenario, and it's going to decarbonize energy production and energy systems in the near term,
00:54:56.340 | we're actually struggling a bit to meet our energy demands. And there's a lot of leverage that energy
00:55:00.900 | producers have over those that are the consumers as we're seeing currently with the Russia, Ukraine,
00:55:04.920 | Europe, crisis and so on. And so part of the reason for the climate energy stocks over the
00:55:10.020 | last couple of weeks has been largely driven by the fact that we're realizing that this under
00:55:14.220 | investment in capex has created a decline in productivity of these assets relative to the
00:55:18.240 | demand. And so suddenly, everyone's like, Oh, my gosh, these things are gonna be able to charge
00:55:21.720 | more commodity prices are going up, and so on. So you know, it's very hard to think about playing
00:55:26.940 | an investment cycle around this stuff, because in the near term, there's still significant
00:55:30.780 | demand. And we only have carbon intensive systems to produce energy.
00:55:34.680 | Well, I was gonna ask you, if does this mean on an investment thesis, you might see a massive spike
00:55:39.720 | in carbon based fuel systems and these sovereign wealth funds and then a dramatic drop off?
00:55:45.420 | Okay. What do you predict will happen?
00:55:47.280 | The nobody will support anybody investing in pulling more oil out of the ground. They'll,
00:55:52.380 | they'll support trying to get more from what we have. But you know, I don't know if you guys saw,
00:56:00.660 | you know, there's no support for this, whether you're an investor, and you go activist on some
00:56:07.080 | of these oil companies. You know, whether you're I think they're Biden had a big setback because
00:56:12.120 | you know, he had cleared a whole like millions of acres of offshore
00:56:16.620 | land for some kind of some kind of energy extraction that was then just reversed by
00:56:23.400 | the courts. No, no, but nobody has support for this stuff.
00:56:26.100 | But that's it. But what you're saying is exactly right. And it's exactly the reason oil prices are
00:56:30.540 | climbing. I just sent you guys a link to what's going on today.
00:56:32.940 | They're but they're climbing for the wrong reasons. So look, let's just be realistic here.
00:56:36.840 | We, you know, we have a cartel, it's called OPEC, you know, and what they do is they decide output.
00:56:44.220 | And we have some balance checks and balances to OPEC, namely Russia and a few other actors,
00:56:49.860 | who will try to then regulate supply and demand so that there's mutually assured destruction.
00:56:56.280 | The net result of all of that right now is that we do have some constrained
00:57:00.420 | supply for the amount that we need to get to get back to the level of production we had pre pandemic.
00:57:05.520 | So we are going to have some sustained energy prices. But you saw something really important
00:57:09.660 | this past week. Everybody was waiting for this big CPI print, right, the consumer price index print.
00:57:14.580 | Everybody thought it was going to be a bad number. It was a pretty bad number.
00:57:18.360 | But the markets were pretty responsive to it. And, and then it's been pretty responsive the rest of
00:57:26.280 | the week, despite a whole bunch of stuff. I don't know if you guys saw but like yesterday, there was
00:57:29.640 | this crazy article,
00:57:30.300 | where, you know, one of the Fed governors was like, we should raise by 100 basis points by July.
00:57:35.100 | And, you know, we should do eight, eight raises. And the markets were like, what are you talking
00:57:40.020 | about? And why is that? Because now people have started to look, you know, I've mentioned this
00:57:45.480 | before, when you go into a rate cycle, we're kind of past worrying about how many we kind of look to
00:57:52.800 | the end, and decide what we want to believe about the future. And one of the most interesting things
00:57:58.560 | is the rate of change.
00:58:00.180 | Of this inflation was actually lower month over month. And so if you think about it that way,
00:58:06.420 | we had a bad CPI print, but it's actually not going up as much. And in fact, it's starting to
00:58:11.940 | trail off. And a lot of economists now forecast basically this inflation peaking or already having
00:58:18.600 | peaked over the last few weeks. Consumer sentiment is not so good. A lot of us are now shifting our
00:58:25.020 | consumption away from goods to more services, we're we're stopping, you know, the hoarding,
00:58:30.060 | the hoarding of the toilet papers of the world, if you will. And so I'm not a big buyer of this trade,
00:58:35.340 | to be honest with you, freeberg, I think that it works in the short term, I don't think it's
00:58:38.700 | an investment, I think, at some point, you're going to have to make a decision about what your
00:58:42.600 | view on energy is. I agree, I don't think this is a long term trade, trade, not an investment.
00:58:46.920 | That's right. But I do I do, I do think that the macro sentiment sent the market in one direction,
00:58:50.880 | it creates this optic, it created a buying opportunity, which I was pretty clear about. And
00:58:54.780 | I do think that some of this global tension stuff we're seeing is only going to drive it up for a
00:58:58.200 | while. I do, I do think, however,
00:58:59.940 | that the the, this big tech spread trade is moving from a trade to an investment, actually. And that
00:59:10.680 | I didn't expect. And the reason is, I talked to a bunch of folks on Wall Street over this past week.
00:59:16.440 | And they told me two things. And one of them is a segue, because I think we should talk about
00:59:20.700 | Microsoft, which is another brilliant move in the lexicon of business. But
00:59:24.180 | what they said was, Facebook has become a funding short.
00:59:29.820 | For other investments. Now, what does that mean?
00:59:32.520 | Everybody was crowded into big tech, we talked about this before, right,
00:59:36.660 | those five stocks were broadly owned, they were effectively the index.
00:59:39.900 | But after that, after that earnings report, a lot of investors, including retail investors had to
00:59:48.660 | decide where to reallocate their capital, and had to decide where to invest, where the money
00:59:54.900 | was going to come from to invest in these other names that were really beaten up. And what folks on
00:59:59.700 | Wall Street have been telling me is that, you know, Facebook has become what's called a funding short,
01:00:03.660 | meaning there is no bid to buy that from institutional owners, they'd rather on the
01:00:07.980 | margin sell it to generate the cash to then take and invest in other things. And what you saw over
01:00:13.380 | this past week is the bottoming out of a lot of these growth stocks that were beaten up,
01:00:18.480 | right, they rallied pretty significantly every day, three, four, five, 6% rallies.
01:00:23.160 | And other names in big tech have rallied really well, including Microsoft. And, and so I'm, I'm,
01:00:29.580 | I think that there is the potential, a small potential, that that's going from a trade to
01:00:34.200 | an investment, actually a sustainable trend that you can bank on for, you know, several years,
01:00:38.040 | investment, hold the stock for 510 years, the trade that spread trade, you can get for a long
01:00:42.300 | period of time, but for the winners to be the winners in that just so people get refreshed.
01:00:45.720 | Google's Microsoft, Google, Microsoft, Google, and then you feel Amazon, Facebook, obviously.
01:00:51.120 | And Netflix are the losers in that trade. Still feel that way.
01:00:56.040 | I think that Microsoft and Google are far and away the winners, far and away,
01:00:59.460 | the winners. And look, you saw you saw you saw this Microsoft thing today, or sorry,
01:01:03.900 | this past week, so smart, you know, yeah. So just to give catch people up on that Microsoft
01:01:07.980 | has made another savvy move to get approval for their $75 billion Activision Blizzard acquisition,
01:01:14.400 | they promised their video game app store would operate with open market principles.
01:01:19.080 | CEO of the year Satya Nadelle and others travel to Washington in the Dell Nadella right at the end,
01:01:29.340 | which is the largest one in the world. And so they are going to be the first to launch this week to meet with regulators regarding the acquisition. So they are proactively going to Washington as opposed to other people who maybe are not quote for Microsoft President Brad Smith, we are more focused on adopting, adapting to regulation than fighting against it. That's some really interesting.
01:01:47.640 | Yeah, yeah. There's a famous story about this Explorer named Hernando Cortez, where, you know, we've all heard this analogy, or this, this, this little phrase before, where, you know, when they were exploring, coming from Europe, and you know, they hit the Caribbean islands, and then, you know, looking for America, etc. The famous phrase is burn the boats. Yep. Right. Can't go back, we have to find our way make it work. The, the way that that's been extended in business is sort of what we would call scorched.
01:02:17.620 | The earth. And there's a competitive move that a lot of businesses if they're smart enough can execute, which is to effectively take a key market and take an economic view of that market, where you say that we're going to take all the economic value away from it. And I think this is a first step towards a really interesting play that Microsoft could pull, which is essentially to scorch the earth of app stores, which is Google's and Apple's really big money printer to make a completely open permissible
01:02:47.500 | platform.
01:02:47.500 | Yeah.
01:02:47.600 | And I think that's a really interesting move, because if you look at the market, it's a completely open platform, with very little to no take rate. And in a market as big as video games, I think what it does is it creates pressure on all these other mega platforms to essentially copy them. And I think Friedberg mentioned this before Google has actually been the best in doing this by finding these key markets, or I think it was sacks, you know, Chrome and other things and giving them away for free. Google is in a position to make the app store effectively free. And then that puts Apple on a little bit of a desert island. So Jason, back to why I think you can keep Apple free.
01:03:17.480 | Apple in that basket of shorts, the competitive pressures are
01:03:20.780 | mounting by by the moves of Microsoft that I think are
01:03:23.400 | easier for Google to copy, and very difficult for companies
01:03:26.240 | like Apple to copy because it creates an incredible
01:03:28.460 | disincentive.
01:03:29.960 | Mark Leary: Yeah. And also as part of this open App Store
01:03:33.200 | concept, they would let you use any payment system. So if you're
01:03:36.380 | on an iPhone, and you wanted to use Apple Pay with a Google app
01:03:39.740 | purchase, you could do that. If you're on, you know, Microsoft,
01:03:42.920 | you could use PayPal as an example.
01:03:44.600 | Alex Levy: Sax, what do you what do you think about inflation?
01:03:46.560 | Mark Leary: Okay, there was a really interesting chart on
01:03:48.320 | inflation that actually zero hedge tweeted. And I threw it up
01:03:51.900 | in the notes here, where they said real hourly earnings are
01:03:55.560 | negative 1.7%. It's the 10th month in a row where US incomes
01:04:00.200 | aren't keeping up with inflation. So the problem here
01:04:03.600 | is that, you know, people's incomes have increased with
01:04:08.220 | inflation, but not as much as the inflation rate. So the net
01:04:11.560 | effect of it is that people are feeling worse off when they go
01:04:14.900 | to the grocery store to buy
01:04:16.360 | groceries or whatever they need, they don't feel as rich. That's
01:04:20.120 | the fundamental problem here. And I think there's a lot of
01:04:22.740 | people out there who think that there's a free lunch that if we
01:04:26.680 | printed 2 trillion worth of STEMI checks, this is the whole that
01:04:30.760 | $2 trillion bill last year, they shoveled through I think the
01:04:33.940 | idea was, we're going to print as much money as we can for the
01:04:36.340 | election. And it's going to help us in the midterms. Actually, as
01:04:39.800 | it turns out, it boosted inflation so much that people
01:04:42.800 | are feeling worse off, even though their wages went up
01:04:45.340 | slightly.
01:04:46.160 | Because on a net basis, their earnings are down. So I just
01:04:49.520 | think it's a good reminder that you can't just like print wealth,
01:04:55.920 | you can't print your way to prosperity,
01:04:57.440 | no free lunches.
01:04:58.220 | There's no free lunches. Yeah.
01:04:59.840 | Or we're going to create addiction to universal income or
01:05:03.840 | universal subsidy. That's the alternative is people are going
01:05:07.100 | to basically try and vote to make some programs that were
01:05:09.260 | initially meant to be temporary and more permanent in order to
01:05:11.900 | keep up the lifestyle that they've become accustomed to
01:05:14.960 | just, just
01:05:15.960 | build on taxes point, the University of Michigan consumer
01:05:19.140 | sentiment was released, I think it was today this morning. And
01:05:22.340 | it shows exactly what he's saying, which is that, you know,
01:05:24.600 | consumers propensity and confidence in the economy has
01:05:26.920 | been falling off a cliff. You know, the month over month
01:05:30.200 | change was almost it was down 8.2%. The year over year change
01:05:34.880 | is down almost 20%. Current economic conditions was down 20%.
01:05:40.400 | And then index of consumer expectations, down 19%. So to
01:05:45.760 | Sachs's point, people are scared.
01:05:47.860 | Yeah, well, we've been we've been talking on the show for the
01:05:49.720 | last, I'd say a couple of months about balancing the risk of
01:05:52.340 | recession versus the risk of inflation. Inflation, I think
01:05:55.700 | has gotten slightly worse. The print went from the last print
01:05:59.480 | was like 7.1%. Now it's 7.5%. So to Jamal's point earlier, it's
01:06:05.000 | getting worse, but the rate of how fast it's getting worse is
01:06:07.720 | slowing. But the risk of recession I think is increasing.
01:06:10.840 | Because what's keeping this economy going is the consumer.
01:06:14.620 | And if the consumer
01:06:15.560 | sentiment now all of a sudden is tanking, and people feel poor
01:06:18.680 | because of inflation. I just you know, now that the risks are
01:06:22.220 | starting to
01:06:22.880 | sentiment as sentiment goes down, this is where governors
01:06:26.160 | play a critical role. Because if they don't open up these
01:06:28.400 | economies, we can't actually have a consumer led consumption
01:06:32.120 | rebound of the economy because there aren't any services to buy
01:06:34.840 | because you can't actually be around anybody. So if the
01:06:37.460 | economy remains effectively closed, and people are done
01:06:40.340 | buying, you know, tubs of margarine and toilet paper,
01:06:43.640 | because you know, Armageddon
01:06:45.520 | isn't coming as we were worried it would, what are we supposed to
01:06:49.180 | be doing? So this is how these things interplay. So we have to
01:06:52.000 | get these again, going back to where we started, we have to get
01:06:54.460 | this economy open. And we have to just get back to some sense
01:06:58.000 | of normalcy. And the consumer will lead us out. But I think
01:07:01.800 | sacks, you're right on the margin, I think the risk is
01:07:04.060 | towards a recession because people don't see this Thomas
01:07:06.160 | Sowell, who's a well known Stanford, he's a I think he's a
01:07:09.140 | senior fellow at Hoover. You know, he has this comment, which
01:07:13.400 | is effectively taxes are bad.
01:07:15.100 | For the rich, and the poor, but inflation is bad just for the
01:07:19.700 | poor. And the reason he says that is because, you know, if
01:07:23.860 | you're wealthy, you can transition to assets that are
01:07:26.320 | sort of inflation adjusted or inflation protected, right, you
01:07:29.380 | can consume assets, or you can purchase assets to protect
01:07:31.760 | yourself. But inflation is an exceptionally regressive means
01:07:36.040 | of the government taking compensation away from your
01:07:38.120 | current compensation, and it disproportionately affects
01:07:40.480 | working class ordinary people. And so if you have real wages
01:07:43.880 | that are negative, inflation, you're going to have to pay a
01:07:45.060 | lot of taxes. And if you have a situation that's high, that's
01:07:47.820 | confiscatory, right? You are you are meaningfully less well off
01:07:51.840 | than you were before. And, you know, the wealthy folks have a
01:07:54.660 | way to hedge but normal ordinary working class people do not. And
01:07:58.020 | on the margin, then if they then do not go out and spend, the
01:08:01.800 | problem will be some sort of recessionary effect.
01:08:03.900 | I also think if we open up, more people might, since they're so
01:08:07.980 | lonely and getting weird staying at home, I think they might
01:08:10.320 | actually want to go do jobs to socialize and do things I'm
01:08:13.260 | seeing.
01:08:15.020 | do, you know, trips with their teams and they're and they're
01:08:18.560 | sick of staying home. Salesforce just bought a retreat center
01:08:21.020 | and we saw this out of the city, the Bay Area. And because
01:08:24.800 | Bennion, he's got a concern, I guess that all these employees
01:08:27.920 | he hired over two years who've never met another Salesforce
01:08:30.200 | employee are getting weird and lonely. And, you know,
01:08:33.960 | it's gonna be very, I think David, you're right, I think
01:08:36.720 | history is going to be really judgmental of Biden. If he is
01:08:40.080 | the last person to basically give the green light and all of
01:08:43.920 | these democratic governors basically revolt and open up
01:08:47.580 | under underneath, you know, either silence or the complete
01:08:52.660 | opposite point of view. This is a really bad setup.
01:08:55.080 | Well, National Journal, which again, is not some right wing
01:08:58.440 | publication, they're just sort of a an analyst of what's
01:09:01.100 | happening in Washington said that Biden had an article Biden
01:09:03.540 | is blowing his COVID moment, he was elected to lead us back to
01:09:06.300 | normalcy. All you had to do was say, guys, it's time for the
01:09:08.980 | restrictions to come off and take credit for the fact that we
01:09:12.820 | were that the whole country was ready to move on. And he's kind
01:09:15.760 | of missed it. And but this trucker convoy is coming to
01:09:19.760 | Washington gives him one more chance, I think, to get on the
01:09:23.980 | right side of this, because there's really two ways he can
01:09:26.740 | react. One is to treat them as, you know, domestic terrorists,
01:09:30.920 | you know, racist, white supremacist, insurrectionaries,
01:09:34.060 | or he can, you know, embrace them. And all he has to do is
01:09:39.640 | say, Listen, we love you, we respect you. We love you, we
01:09:42.040 | respect you. And we're going to do this. And we're going to do
01:09:42.280 | this. And we're going to do this. And we're going to do this.
01:09:42.820 | We respect you, we hear you, we agree with you, it's time for
01:09:45.760 | these mandates to end. And you know what, thank you, Rachel
01:09:48.980 | Walensky and Anthony Fauci, for your service. We understand
01:09:52.760 | you're just trying to keep the country safe. But thank you very
01:09:55.180 | much. We're ready to move on. We're getting rid of all these
01:09:57.660 | restrictions. His popularity would like bounce five points,
01:10:01.000 | 10 points if he did that.
01:10:02.320 | Yeah, I'm betting he's going to I mean, he's he's always
01:10:04.660 | represented the working man and woman of this country. That's
01:10:07.340 | been his thing from the beginning. I bet you he does
01:10:09.180 | embrace them. And if you look at Omicron, remember the scariness
01:10:11.520 | of December?
01:10:12.040 | Hey, the
01:10:12.280 | thing is spreading 3040 50 times faster, I wonder if it's
01:10:16.000 | gonna have the same death rate, and we didn't know. And now we
01:10:18.400 | know. And it's February. Two months later, we know that the
01:10:21.500 | curve in South Africa, same as a curve in New York and
01:10:24.160 | California up and down. And then the only people who die
01:10:28.040 | seemingly are immunocompromised or unvaccinated or both. So
01:10:32.500 | feels like the perfect time
01:10:33.660 | really led us back to normalcy. I mean, we really need to give
01:10:36.220 | credit to all the people who fought to it's the moms who went
01:10:40.300 | to these school board meetings were denounced as domestic
01:10:42.040 | terrorists. They're the ones who put pressure to repeal these
01:10:44.920 | mass mandates on their kids, which by the way, aren't even
01:10:47.420 | fully off in New York and California. Adults don't have to
01:10:50.320 | wear a mask anymore. But the kids do. It's the scientists is
01:10:53.260 | the scientists of the Great Barrington Declaration who were
01:10:55.300 | demonized and called fringe and kooks and conspiracy theorists.
01:10:59.260 | They're the ones who provided the real data against lockdowns,
01:11:01.660 | not the NIH. It's these truckers who are basically opposing
01:11:05.320 | mandates. These are the people who are dragging us back to
01:11:07.920 | normalcy. And as the politicians who are reacting to that when the
01:11:11.540 | polls change,
01:11:11.800 | change. And I think what the people want now is some real
01:11:14.800 | leadership. It's a politician who gets up there and leads us
01:11:17.700 | back to normalcy. Why can't buy and do that?
01:11:20.860 | There's a great article in the Times and they profiled, you
01:11:23.480 | know, a couple people and one of them was a mom in New York who's
01:11:26.200 | running for Congress against, you know, an intention and
01:11:29.040 | entrenched Democrat. And she's, I mean, you know, she's just a
01:11:33.700 | good hearted mom who was like, this is enough. Enough's enough.
01:11:37.560 | I need to get back to normalcy. My kids need to get back in
01:11:40.020 | school.
01:11:40.480 | We still have
01:11:41.560 | mask mandates here in California. Kids are still wearing
01:11:44.060 | a mask in school. Yeah,
01:11:44.660 | it's becoming tribal warfare amongst the Democrats in
01:11:47.340 | California, because even when you know, the governor basically
01:11:52.680 | said, Okay, mask mandates can go on X date. The county
01:11:57.460 | supervisors have not decided. So for example, in Santa Clara
01:12:02.100 | County, you know, they've not said yes,
01:12:05.020 | in LA County, there's a health director, an unelected
01:12:08.120 | bureaucrat, a health director named Barbara Ferrer, she calls
01:12:10.300 | the shots on COVID.
01:12:11.860 | After Newsom basically said that the masks can come off, she says, no, they can't, not until April.
01:12:17.020 | Who is this person giving us orders?
01:12:19.420 | She told this to the Board of Supervisors down there, and we're all just supposed to listen?
01:12:23.240 | Now, the reason why she has this authority is because Newsom is granted to her under Newsom's state of emergency.
01:12:29.200 | So, what he should do is end that.
01:12:31.720 | What is the emergency?
01:12:32.840 | The Super Bowl is happening this weekend in the state, and everyone's going to be there maskless.
01:12:36.800 | I mean, I was at the Warriors game last night, and you had people wearing the most flimsy of masks that does nothing to protect,
01:12:44.080 | people taking them off while they're eating and drinking, and then people walking around with signs.
01:12:47.720 | The security guards had signs that said, please put your mask on.
01:12:50.940 | And they were walking up to people, I kid you not, and putting this little round sign in people's faces and not talking to them.
01:12:57.820 | And they would stand there until you put your mask back on, and you're literally eating a hot dog,
01:13:02.160 | and then you put the hot dog down, and then they come up and put the sign in your face,
01:13:04.800 | and you put your mask up, you take another bite of your hot dog.
01:13:06.440 | I mean, it was getting unnecessarily confrontational and just weird.
01:13:10.620 | And nowhere else are you seeing it.
01:13:13.400 | And then you go to a restaurant, and the employees are wearing masks, and nobody else is.
01:13:18.600 | Nick, I hope you can find it.
01:13:19.980 | So weird.
01:13:20.440 | There was this clip on Twitter when the mask mandate was lifted in Nevada,
01:13:25.660 | and it was a clip of kids in like grade two or three, and they went crazy.
01:13:32.380 | Okay?
01:13:33.480 | And the reason they were so excited.
01:13:36.300 | It was like they got to be normal again.
01:13:38.340 | And the explanation, I had never heard this more beautifully said,
01:13:43.680 | these children can finally see their friends as emotions on their face.
01:13:48.380 | Oh, my God.
01:13:49.620 | Can you imagine if you're four, five, six, seven years old, and you cannot understand the emotions of other kids?
01:13:57.180 | Because you're covered up in a mask.
01:13:59.360 | And you've only had an experience in school.
01:14:01.860 | Two years in school.
01:14:02.860 | My six year old has never attended a day of school without a mask.
01:14:05.940 | Enough.
01:14:06.140 | Enough.
01:14:06.200 | Enough.
01:14:06.300 | - What do you have to say, right?
01:14:07.140 | There's kids out there who I never had, I put the clip--
01:14:08.840 | - I was at, I was at like the,
01:14:11.380 | I was at Horse's with one of my kids last weekend.
01:14:13.900 | And there were a bunch of kids out there riding.
01:14:15.900 | It's sunny, it's outside, they're on a horse,
01:14:18.320 | they're all wearing masks
01:14:19.860 | in a voluntary, optional situation.
01:14:22.100 | I'm just like, how brainwashed?
01:14:23.660 | This generation that we're raising,
01:14:25.620 | I mean, they're gonna be so neurotic,
01:14:26.940 | but they're also like brainwashed.
01:14:29.320 | - To the point, yeah. - I mean, it's crazy.
01:14:31.500 | - We see it in the Bay area,
01:14:33.120 | like I'll have a party with the kids
01:14:34.920 | or a group of kids come over
01:14:36.240 | and there's two or three parents who show up at the house.
01:14:39.040 | We only do outdoor parties, obviously.
01:14:40.920 | Two or three of the 10 kids will have masks on,
01:14:44.200 | their parents will have masks on,
01:14:45.300 | and like the most intense N95, like sealed masks.
01:14:48.580 | And I'm like, you wanna take your mask off for a picture?
01:14:50.760 | And one of the kids refused to take her mask off
01:14:52.680 | for a picture outside at a birthday party.
01:14:55.760 | I was like, okay.
01:14:57.720 | - Listen, I mean, when I supported the mask mandate
01:14:59.560 | at the very beginning of the pandemic--
01:15:01.140 | - Made total sense. - It was always
01:15:02.260 | as an interim measure.
01:15:03.220 | If I had known that people would wanna continue this thing
01:15:06.180 | forever, there's no way I would have supported it.
01:15:08.680 | - But it also probably was effective in the early days
01:15:10.600 | with the first virus. - I don't think we know
01:15:11.720 | what the psychological impact to children is
01:15:13.860 | when they don't understand other people's emotions
01:15:15.780 | and you do it over a long period of time.
01:15:17.320 | - No, we don't.
01:15:18.160 | - I think that's a fair statement.
01:15:19.160 | We don't know the impact. - Sure.
01:15:20.700 | - And it's probably not zero.
01:15:22.980 | And so at some point we need to look at the risks,
01:15:27.920 | calculate some expected value,
01:15:30.920 | and the people we need to prioritize
01:15:33.300 | are those that are the youngest, okay?
01:15:36.120 | I've said this before, and it's like,
01:15:38.340 | the teachers unions need to understand that calculus.
01:15:41.040 | Parents already understand that calculus.
01:15:43.500 | I don't think the state legislators, governors,
01:15:47.040 | and the federal bureaucracy yet understands this calculus,
01:15:49.960 | but it's time to return to normal--
01:15:51.600 | - It's time to return. - And it's time to return.
01:15:53.140 | Sorry, and on this point, I would like to bring up something,
01:15:56.180 | the ACLU thing, just 'cause I think I would love
01:16:00.520 | to get your take on talking about civil liberties
01:16:03.440 | and freedoms, there are things that are happening
01:16:06.060 | there under our noses every day,
01:16:09.100 | under Democratic and Republican presidents,
01:16:14.100 | that to me, when I saw this on the ACLU Twitter feed yesterday
01:16:17.480 | was shocking, Jason, do you wanna tee that up?
01:16:20.900 | - All right, in other news,
01:16:21.900 | the CIA has been secretly conducting surveillance programs
01:16:24.780 | to capture Americans' private information.
01:16:27.000 | On Thursday, Democratic senators Wyden and Heinrich
01:16:31.760 | sent a letter to director of the CIA
01:16:33.920 | and the director of national intelligence,
01:16:36.000 | calling for greater transparency into the CIA's data collection
01:16:39.800 | of private U.S. citizens.
01:16:42.040 | Basically, the CIA used executive order 12333,
01:16:46.500 | which was signed by Reagan in 1981
01:16:48.720 | to gather data on U.S. citizens.
01:16:50.600 | The letter notes the program was, quote,
01:16:52.600 | "Entirely outside the statutory framework
01:16:55.820 | "that Congress and the public believe govern the collection
01:16:58.280 | "and without any judicial, congressional,
01:17:01.160 | "or even executive branch oversight that comes from FISA,"
01:17:04.620 | that's the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance,
01:17:05.940 | the Act collection, quote,
01:17:08.200 | "What these documents demonstrate
01:17:09.480 | "is that many of the same concerns that Americans have
01:17:11.780 | "about their privacy and civil liberties
01:17:13.400 | "also apply to how the CIA collects and handles information
01:17:16.200 | "under executive order and outside of FISA law.
01:17:18.820 | "In particular, these documents reveal serious problems
01:17:21.700 | "associated with warrantless backdoor searches of Americans,
01:17:25.700 | "the same issue that had generated bipartisan concern
01:17:28.720 | "in the FISA context."
01:17:29.960 | - I mean, where's the mainstream media
01:17:32.640 | while they breathlessly run around
01:17:34.340 | chasing cancellation stories?
01:17:35.880 | Where are they to report and to hold accountable this stuff?
01:17:40.340 | And where are politicians actually doing their job?
01:17:43.880 | But, you know, I don't think there's ever been
01:17:46.520 | this kind of overreach that's just constantly been going on
01:17:49.760 | with zero accountability or transparency into it.
01:17:52.640 | You know, the FBI is responsible for domestic laws, right?
01:17:56.440 | And the FBI has a very clear path
01:17:58.320 | in which they need to get warrants
01:18:00.620 | in order to be able to surveil U.S. citizens.
01:18:03.040 | And then the fact that we give an agency
01:18:04.780 | whose responsibilities
01:18:05.820 | are actually foreign to basically stay here.
01:18:07.820 | - Yes, the CIA is supposed to work only on international,
01:18:11.240 | not domestic.
01:18:12.120 | - And then to basically spy on its citizens
01:18:13.820 | with zero accountability or reporting,
01:18:15.320 | it seems to be a pretty important issue
01:18:17.000 | that should at least be discussed,
01:18:18.880 | especially in a world now where executive power
01:18:20.880 | just keeps ramping up and ramping up.
01:18:22.500 | What's going on?
01:18:23.380 | And there's zero transparency or accountability.
01:18:25.920 | If I didn't randomly see this on an ACLU tweet,
01:18:28.300 | would we even be talking about this?
01:18:30.100 | - Probably not.
01:18:30.920 | And the other thing that's crazy about it is,
01:18:33.600 | I think the way they get away with this, Chamath,
01:18:35.760 | and this has been something that the Patriot Act had,
01:18:39.720 | a similar technique is,
01:18:41.900 | the CIA and some other organizations
01:18:43.760 | will track international people of interest,
01:18:47.820 | money launderers, et cetera,
01:18:49.280 | and then say in order to track them,
01:18:51.780 | well, anybody they contact in America is fair game.
01:18:54.240 | And so you can get the metadata
01:18:57.080 | from the phone calls and the emails.
01:18:58.900 | And I think that's how a lot of this gets justified.
01:19:00.920 | - What this letter seems to say is,
01:19:02.820 | there's a broad scale surveillance program against U.S. citizens
01:19:05.700 | that is indeterminate in scope and scale.
01:19:08.780 | - Right, so we don't know.
01:19:10.000 | - That seems very different than that.
01:19:11.660 | - And then in parallel to this,
01:19:13.500 | there was also that announcement
01:19:14.800 | that the Department of Homeland Security
01:19:16.300 | is creating this major apparatus,
01:19:18.680 | this infrastructure to go after domestic terrorists.
01:19:21.680 | Well, look, if they mean people who actually set off bombs
01:19:25.380 | or commit real crimes, fine,
01:19:27.380 | but Chamath, you asked where the media is.
01:19:29.680 | The media is defining routine political dissent
01:19:33.020 | as domestic terrorism now.
01:19:34.680 | I mean, you know,
01:19:35.640 | you hear this type of threat inflation.
01:19:37.600 | We've heard these truckers even described as insurrectionists.
01:19:41.320 | So, you know, how are these programs gonna be used
01:19:43.740 | is really the question.
01:19:44.820 | You create this massive infrastructure
01:19:46.940 | under the executive branch.
01:19:48.020 | We've seen that in Washington,
01:19:50.440 | this trend towards criminalizing political disagreements
01:19:53.500 | where Democrats and Republicans
01:19:55.240 | have been putting their partisans in jail for years,
01:19:58.200 | but are they now gonna apply this
01:20:00.000 | to political disagreements in the country?
01:20:01.800 | Can they use these powers to go after truckers
01:20:04.720 | who are engaging in,
01:20:05.580 | I mean, civil disobedience?
01:20:06.920 | Can they use these surveillance powers
01:20:08.920 | to go after somebody who just tweets things
01:20:11.420 | on social media that they don't like?
01:20:13.220 | I mean, these are the open questions.
01:20:15.040 | - Yeah.
01:20:15.880 | - It's very scary.
01:20:16.720 | - Well, and it's also hard to determine
01:20:17.680 | because you might have some people on the right
01:20:19.760 | who are protesting something in a very valid way,
01:20:22.840 | and then you get some whack jobs like the Oath Keepers
01:20:25.100 | who are bringing in tons of weapons
01:20:27.600 | outside the DC area on January 6th.
01:20:29.440 | So there's a valid concern here
01:20:31.140 | with all those weapons the Oath Keepers brought
01:20:33.320 | and their plans to do a coordinated takeover
01:20:35.520 | after they first got in there.
01:20:36.520 | But then you have the other dipshits
01:20:37.560 | who are there are probably just there to have fun
01:20:39.860 | and bang drums and support Trump, right?
01:20:42.900 | - Do you think these truckers are engaged in an insurrection?
01:20:45.120 | - Well, I mean, we don't know, and I don't think so, no.
01:20:47.700 | I mean, if they bring a bunch of guns,
01:20:49.780 | then yes, we should have concerns,
01:20:51.280 | but I don't think they are.
01:20:52.280 | - The slippery slope is when you have an executive order
01:20:55.620 | that is not governed by the standard guardrails
01:20:59.000 | that we use to have checks and balances
01:21:01.180 | between these kinds of government agencies
01:21:02.960 | and the people and the elected officials that we elect.
01:21:05.460 | Here's how it basically gets in a really tricky place.
01:21:09.300 | You have, I'm just gonna use Justin Trudeau's quote, okay?
01:21:12.460 | But replace that person with any politician in power.
01:21:15.420 | Hey, there's a small fringe minority of people
01:21:17.840 | who are on their way here.
01:21:19.340 | They hold unacceptable views.
01:21:20.880 | Well, you know what that person is going to do?
01:21:23.660 | That person's gonna wanna do everything in their power
01:21:26.080 | to basically understand, break apart,
01:21:28.800 | and tear up that fringe minority group.
01:21:33.180 | Now, isn't that scary?
01:21:35.400 | - Right, when you have this overheated political rhetoric
01:21:37.900 | that describes your political opponents, your dissenters.
01:21:41.900 | - As enemies of the state.
01:21:42.900 | - Yeah, as enemies, as white supremacists, as Nazis,
01:21:45.900 | as insurrectionaries, as domestic terrorists.
01:21:49.400 | Why wouldn't then the law enforcement arms of our government
01:21:52.860 | then treat them that way?
01:21:54.320 | I mean, does the Department of Homeland Security
01:21:56.440 | or the CIA or the FBI,
01:21:58.120 | do they understand that the politicians are just engaging
01:22:00.980 | in rhetoric and in threat inflation?
01:22:03.660 | Or will they take that,
01:22:05.340 | those invocations literally,
01:22:07.840 | to what we have to investigate and stop these people?
01:22:10.340 | - I think they've done,
01:22:11.180 | the Department of Justice has done a pretty good job of that.
01:22:13.340 | - I just brought this up
01:22:14.680 | because I think it's really important
01:22:15.960 | for somebody in the mainstream media,
01:22:17.380 | of which many listen to this podcast.
01:22:19.220 | - Sure.
01:22:20.040 | - You have a responsibility to actually double click
01:22:22.500 | into this issue and figure out what's going on, please.
01:22:24.720 | - Yeah.
01:22:25.580 | - On behalf of all of us.
01:22:26.920 | - By the way, like if you guys,
01:22:28.760 | I mean, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, BBC,
01:22:31.640 | everyone covered it today,
01:22:32.720 | but the story today is that, like,
01:22:35.280 | that lawmakers made this claim
01:22:37.360 | with no details and no evidence.
01:22:39.040 | So I'm sure the investigations are underway.
01:22:41.160 | I mean, the journalists are clearly leaning in
01:22:43.720 | to identify, you know, the evidence behind the story.
01:22:46.500 | And I'm sure more will come out
01:22:47.540 | over the coming days and weeks.
01:22:48.700 | - And in fairness, like you said,
01:22:49.860 | is the Justice Department doing this even-handedly?
01:22:51.880 | They were very specific
01:22:52.960 | with the January 6th Interactions Acts,
01:22:55.480 | where they went after Oath Keepers
01:22:57.260 | because they had a coordinated, they're a militia.
01:22:59.780 | They literally refer to themselves as militia.
01:23:02.180 | And those people are getting treated very different
01:23:04.360 | than the people who broke glass
01:23:05.220 | or sat on Pelosi's desk.
01:23:07.100 | Those people are getting three months suspended sentences,
01:23:09.540 | six months sentences.
01:23:10.720 | And the Oath Keepers, who are a militia,
01:23:13.360 | they call themselves a militia, they're dangerous.
01:23:15.240 | And they're treating them very differently.
01:23:16.940 | And they're the only ones who are being charged
01:23:18.940 | with the more serious 10 to 20 year sentences.
01:23:21.020 | So I would say they are doing a great job.
01:23:23.020 | All right, everybody, this has been an amazing journey
01:23:25.620 | from truckers to Joe Rogan.
01:23:29.320 | And all the way to Uranus.
01:23:32.460 | And back for
01:23:35.160 | Rain Man, David Sachs,
01:23:36.920 | the Sultan of Science, David Greenberg.
01:23:39.740 | - Nobody needs your outro, Jason.
01:23:41.380 | - And the benevolent dictator.
01:23:43.840 | - They know who we are.
01:23:44.680 | - They live for the outro.
01:23:45.800 | People love it.
01:23:46.640 | - Oh my God.
01:23:47.460 | Love you, boys.
01:23:48.420 | We'll see you all next time
01:23:50.100 | on the All In The Podcast.
01:23:50.940 | Bye-bye.
01:23:52.180 | - Love you, besties.
01:23:53.020 | ♪ We'll let your winners ride ♪
01:23:57.400 | - Rain Man, David Sachs.
01:23:58.800 | ♪ I'm going all in ♪
01:24:01.720 | - And it said,
01:24:02.560 | ♪ We open source it to the fans ♪
01:24:03.980 | ♪ And they've just gone crazy ♪
01:24:05.100 | ♪ We're the winner ♪
01:24:05.940 | - Love you, besties.
01:24:06.760 | ♪ I'm the queen of Kinwa ♪
01:24:07.860 | ♪ I'm going all in ♪
01:24:09.340 | ♪ We'll let your winners ride ♪
01:24:10.840 | ♪ We'll let your winners ride ♪
01:24:13.080 | ♪ We'll let your winners ride ♪
01:24:14.700 | - Besties are gone.
01:24:15.540 | - Go 13.
01:24:16.380 | - That's my dog taking a drive.
01:24:19.240 | What are you saying?
01:24:20.080 | - Wait, no, no.
01:24:20.920 | - Oh, man.
01:24:21.760 | - Oh, man.
01:24:22.600 | - My avid basher will meet me at .
01:24:25.160 | - We should all just get a room
01:24:26.220 | and just have one big Hugh Georgie
01:24:27.800 | 'cause they're all just useless.
01:24:28.640 | It's like this sexual tension
01:24:30.520 | that they just need to release somehow.
01:24:32.220 | ♪ Let your beat be ♪
01:24:33.340 | - Let your beat be.
01:24:34.220 | - Let your beat be.
01:24:35.060 | - Let your beat be.
01:24:35.900 | - Let your beat be.
01:24:36.720 | - Beat?
01:24:37.560 | - What?
01:24:38.400 | - We need to get merch.
01:24:39.220 | - Besties are back.
01:24:40.060 | ♪ I'm going all in ♪
01:24:45.060 | ♪ I'm going all in ♪