back to indexDr. Jordan Peterson: How to Best Guide Your Life Decisions & Path
0:0 Dr. Jordan Peterson
2:32 Sponsors: David & Levels
5:19 Brain, Impulses, Integration, Personalities
14:8 Personalities, Motivation
18:18 Context & Children; Religion, Motivation & Personality
24:8 Hypothalamus, Context, Maturation
29:46 Psychopathy, Kids & Aggressive Behavior & Socialization
33:37 Polytheistic & Monotheistic Religions; Rage, Sociopathy & Addiction
41:5 Sponsors: AG1 & ROKA
43:58 Belief in God, Addiction
50:34 Pornography, Dopamine, Processed Foods
56:20 Clean Diet, Satiety; Fundamental Pleasures, Food, Sexuality
64:44 Power, Target, Sin
66:46 Sponsor: Function
68:33 Abraham; Call to Adventure, Success, Respect, Community
81:30 Wisdom, Noah; Religion, Incentive Structure & Motivation
86:52 Dopamine & Target, Sin; Frontal Eye Fields
91:59 Meta-Target & Goals, Sermon on the Mount; Fears
100:36 Sponsor: LMNT
101:51 Ultimate vs. Local Victory, Pearl of Great Price
105:5 Time Scales & Rewards; Entropy, Dopamine & Goals
111:20 Pornography, Effortless Gratification; Revelation & Sexuality Demise
122:33 Adventure & Responsibility, Sacrifice; Tool: Ordering Room
132:2 Storytelling, Science, Career Advancement, Pursuing Truth
143:46 Abraham & Adventure; Purposeful Satisfaction, Podcast
148:13 Finding Your Calling, Tools: Calling & Conscience; Creating Order
155:6 Order vs. Chaos; Public Shootings, Narcissism
160:16 Long-Term Goals, Pursuit, Curiosity, Commitment
165:43 Finding Purpose, Tool: Fixing Messes; Conscience & Voice of Divine
174:26 Prayer, Aim, Revelation; Thought
180:34 Religion, Common Themes
190:55 Psychoanalytical Traditions; Play
199:23 Play; Humor, Discourse, Alternative Media
207:18 Democrats, Republicans; Fear & Growth
214:59 Tour, Peterson Academy, YouTube, Cancel Culture
228:30 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter
00:00:10.320 |
and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology 00:00:17.900 |
Dr. Jordan Peterson is a psychologist, an author, 00:00:29.000 |
at the level of psychology, at the level of neuroscience, 00:00:36.900 |
Most of us don't think about having different personalities. 00:00:42.060 |
due to the activity of specific brain circuitries, 00:00:48.600 |
we each and all can adopt different states of mind 00:01:00.200 |
Today's discussion is both an intellectual one 00:01:03.840 |
You will learn where and how to place your thoughts. 00:01:08.520 |
between the call to adventure and responsibility. 00:01:11.600 |
And as Dr. Peterson emphasizes in his new book, 00:01:20.360 |
to understand oneself and to best guide one's actions 00:01:23.880 |
towards the most positive and generative outcomes. 00:01:26.660 |
We discuss the self, romantic relationships and commitments, 00:01:33.400 |
We also discuss the media, politics, cancel culture, 00:01:41.680 |
and the innate human drive to create action at a distance, 00:01:46.840 |
Today's discussion is both intellectual and practical. 00:01:50.080 |
Dr. Peterson emphasizes how to use different sources 00:01:53.320 |
of story, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience 00:01:57.320 |
to understand and best guide one's decision-making process. 00:02:03.220 |
between the call to adventure and responsibility 00:02:06.600 |
as a trustable framework for moving forward in life 00:02:12.360 |
And I'm certain that by the end of today's discussion, 00:02:14.840 |
you will be thinking about your own neural circuits, 00:02:21.240 |
as well as your psychology, your different states of mind, 00:02:24.440 |
and you're going to have a number of different tools 00:02:26.680 |
and frameworks with which to apply all that knowledge 00:02:33.920 |
that this podcast is separate from my teaching 00:02:46.760 |
I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast. 00:03:06.960 |
My favorite flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough, 00:03:09.240 |
but then again, I also like the chocolate fudge-flavored one, 00:03:16.560 |
For me personally, I strive to eat mostly whole foods. 00:03:19.560 |
However, when I'm in a rush, or I'm away from home, 00:03:22.420 |
or I'm just looking for a quick afternoon snack, 00:03:27.800 |
With David, I'm able to get 28 grams of protein 00:03:31.880 |
which makes it very easy to hit my protein goals 00:03:33.940 |
of one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day, 00:03:40.680 |
I typically eat a David bar in the early afternoon 00:03:42.960 |
or even mid-afternoon if I want to bridge that gap 00:03:51.680 |
of very high-quality protein with just 150 calories. 00:03:59.800 |
Again, the link is 00:04:03.920 |
Today's episode is also brought to us by Levels. 00:04:10.240 |
by giving you real-time feedback on your diet 00:04:18.040 |
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Indeed, using Levels has helped shape my entire schedule. 00:04:52.900 |
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to try the new sensor and two free months of membership. 00:05:16.320 |
And now for my discussion with Dr. Jordan Peterson. 00:05:24.680 |
and want to talk about elements within your new book, 00:05:28.740 |
also some elements within your previous books, 00:05:35.780 |
I'm wondering if you would tolerate or permit 00:05:39.220 |
a little bit of a discussion about brain and psychology, 00:05:44.560 |
just kind of lay the groundwork for where we might prod 00:05:48.260 |
some of the themes that you bring up related to the book. 00:05:55.920 |
but I distill it down to some sort of basic features. 00:05:59.940 |
First of all, we have an autonomic physiology, 00:06:03.020 |
that regulates our sleepiness and wakefulness, 00:06:08.460 |
And then we have a lot of circuitry devoted to 00:06:13.220 |
things that we desire we want to move toward, 00:06:17.720 |
and we also have some impulses to avoid things 00:06:22.520 |
That's all in there like it is in other angles. 00:06:28.700 |
- 'Cause there's an important point to be made on the, 00:06:32.780 |
you pay a price for characterizing that as impulse, 00:06:37.560 |
and I'd like to explore that with you 'cause it's crucial. 00:06:40.440 |
- Great, we'll circle back to impulse, I'd like to do that. 00:06:45.580 |
people will hear about it as executive function, 00:06:47.980 |
prefrontal circuitry, which does many things, 00:06:51.460 |
but I like to think of as a circuit that can say, 00:07:00.020 |
it can say, shh, or exert what's called top-down suppression 00:07:08.100 |
the suppression idea and the inhibition idea in general. 00:07:11.900 |
- Because there's, I think there's a parallel problem there 00:07:14.820 |
to the notion of impulse that's very much worth delving into. 00:07:22.260 |
to self-inhibit the desire to reach for something 00:07:29.140 |
we can avoid doing things that would otherwise drive us 00:07:36.080 |
And then we have what I think of as our default settings, 00:07:43.840 |
with respect to food, other people, ourselves, our thoughts, 00:07:52.560 |
And these default settings are of course established 00:07:54.760 |
by both nature, a genetic program that wires up circuitry, 00:07:58.880 |
but also nurture because of the immense neuroplasticity 00:08:01.840 |
that occurs in the first 25 years plus of life, 00:08:08.680 |
this incredible gift that humans have more of 00:08:19.260 |
is because there are so many amazing questions 00:08:23.860 |
that you ask in this book, we who wrestle with God, 00:08:32.320 |
And it occurred to me to just step back from all of that 00:08:35.180 |
and ask, is part of the reason that we have a concept of God 00:08:42.840 |
is that the consequence of some humans at some point 00:08:55.920 |
which we just described, is insufficient to allow us 00:08:59.320 |
to evolve as a species and be the best version of ourselves. 00:09:03.200 |
I think this for me really is like the central question 00:09:05.660 |
of at least my life, which is, to what extent do I need 00:09:08.760 |
to intervene with my default settings, rewire them, 00:09:28.180 |
and I'm now 49 years old, that we need a rule book, 00:09:30.980 |
that the neural circuitry that's encased within our skulls 00:09:34.540 |
is not sufficient to allow us to navigate through life 00:09:41.140 |
even you admitted that in some ways implicitly 00:09:49.100 |
And what that means is that we have to interact 00:10:10.220 |
And so then the question is, well, what is it 00:10:16.340 |
And you can think about it, and people have thought about it 00:10:22.760 |
of lower order motivational states, impulses. 00:10:26.120 |
But I'm not very happy with the inhibition model 00:10:28.920 |
because inhibition is unsophisticated socialization. 00:10:36.560 |
So here's a way of, I really learned this, I think, 00:10:53.680 |
as someone who had integrated their lower order, 00:11:01.900 |
that regulated them and gave them all their proper place. 00:11:04.980 |
That's very different than an inhibitory model. 00:11:07.540 |
So for example, I'll give you an example from my own life. 00:11:10.740 |
My son was quite a willful young child when he was two. 00:11:22.200 |
And so my son liked to do what he liked to do. 00:11:27.200 |
And it took him quite a bit of tussling with him 00:11:41.080 |
Well, because it wasn't like he stopped being assertive 00:11:45.660 |
It's that he learned how to put that aggression 00:11:53.600 |
than merely getting his own way moment to moment. 00:12:02.400 |
a team athlete in particular, isn't not aggressive. 00:12:09.160 |
They may now and then when they're provoked, let's say, 00:12:13.280 |
what they've done is subordinate their aggression 00:12:24.760 |
And Piaget's point, and he's absolutely right about this, 00:12:27.480 |
is that that's much better conceptualized as integration. 00:12:39.720 |
And a lot of that was derived from animal experiments 00:12:47.880 |
on the basis of a deterministic reflex, you should. 00:12:51.000 |
And there's something to be said for that hypothesis. 00:12:58.160 |
How far can you get with a theory of chained reflexes, 00:13:03.760 |
They couldn't get to the highest strata of human endeavor 00:13:08.760 |
but there was a lot of things they did that were very good. 00:13:11.540 |
But one of the things they made a big mistake about 00:13:20.320 |
That's not sufficient because it fails to take into account 00:13:27.560 |
So it's much better to think of a motivated state. 00:13:31.680 |
This is what helped me integrate behavioral theory 00:13:35.720 |
especially the psychoanalytic theory of religious endeavor. 00:13:40.760 |
It's much better to think of those lower-order 00:13:56.000 |
You certainly see that in addiction, let's say. 00:14:00.020 |
Like, they are small personalities, unidimensional, 00:14:06.440 |
But they're personalities, they're not impulses. 00:14:10.260 |
what most people would think of as our larger personality? 00:14:19.020 |
because you could be nothing but a succession 00:14:27.460 |
And so you have to build an integrating personality 00:14:34.740 |
That means your socialization is unsophisticated. 00:14:41.500 |
even though he had basically an inhibitory model 00:14:53.020 |
and the impulse of sexuality to take two major, 00:14:56.160 |
lower-order motivational states into account, 00:14:59.240 |
would have them integrated into the functioning ego. 00:15:28.380 |
because it's not gonna work out well for you if you don't. 00:15:33.380 |
Now, time-out is an effective disciplinary strategy 00:15:36.140 |
for social creatures because we don't like isolation. 00:15:54.860 |
say, to run around because he was gonna sit on the steps. 00:16:00.380 |
and the rule was as soon as you get yourself under control, 00:16:06.620 |
Okay, so now the question is what does under control mean? 00:16:18.340 |
probably cortically, that has enough dominion 00:16:23.740 |
can now be integrated and placed properly into a hierarchy. 00:16:27.140 |
And when I'm insisting that he regulate his behavior 00:16:33.540 |
when he is now able to be a social creature again, 00:16:47.980 |
comes into the world with a warring battleground 00:16:55.200 |
We know a lot of that is mediated by the hypothalamus, 00:16:57.500 |
for example, and the amygdala and these lower order, 00:17:06.580 |
Now, the specific manner in which those systems 00:17:10.380 |
should find their expression and the specific way 00:17:12.780 |
that they're going to be hierarchically integrated 00:17:17.820 |
on the particulars of the society at that moment, 00:17:28.760 |
But I think the best way to conceptualize that 00:17:36.420 |
within an overarching superordinate personality. 00:17:39.460 |
And that personality is not bound to the moment. 00:17:43.780 |
It takes the medium and long-term into account. 00:17:46.100 |
And it's not self-serving, like a two-year-old would be, 00:17:49.780 |
because you have to take other people into account 00:17:56.740 |
as far as I'm concerned, this is what it's doing. 00:17:58.620 |
It's stretching the, it's integrating the lower order, 00:18:11.100 |
that takes the future into account and other people. 00:18:20.360 |
because the way that I think of the prefrontal cortex 00:18:23.980 |
is that its main job is context-dependent strategy setting. 00:18:28.180 |
- Right, context-dependent. - Context-dependent. 00:18:32.000 |
- And you mentioned hypothalamus, this, you know, 00:18:35.340 |
two marbles or so sitting above the roof of our mouth, 00:18:43.060 |
Anytime a neurosurgeon has stimulated neurons 00:18:52.620 |
I mean, this was done in both non-human primates 00:19:02.700 |
- And prefrontal cortex has direct access to it, 00:19:08.960 |
and prefrontal cortex is context-dependent learning, 00:19:20.620 |
in the example that you gave in your son's impulse 00:19:24.620 |
that was inappropriate for the home environment 00:19:27.860 |
And two things that you said really resonate. 00:19:31.480 |
The prefrontal cortex, his prefrontal cortex had to learn 00:19:34.580 |
that whatever he was feeling for himself, his own desires, 00:19:38.580 |
needed to be placed in a context of other people's wishes, 00:19:42.460 |
So there's an-- - Even for him to thrive, right? 00:19:45.140 |
- It's not merely a sacrifice of his own desire 00:19:49.500 |
It's like, no, no, look, kid, if you're, we know this. 00:19:53.420 |
If you have the same orientation towards other people 00:20:03.460 |
you will not make friends and you will be isolated 00:20:08.640 |
So that two-year-old impulsiveness, that has its place. 00:20:18.220 |
And the reason for that is that you have to integrate 00:20:27.020 |
And so the reason you're disciplining your child 00:20:30.140 |
isn't to teach them that what they're doing is bad, 00:20:39.780 |
It's like, no, you need to be more sophisticated. 00:20:59.700 |
You take the most anti-social human beings there are 00:21:02.420 |
and you can punish them by making them be alone. 00:21:20.740 |
in the most sophisticated possible way into account. 00:21:23.640 |
Right, and that is, see, as soon as you understand 00:21:26.340 |
that that's the fostering of like a meta-personality 00:21:29.380 |
in the child, which would really be the personality 00:21:34.180 |
you start to understand how that might be related 00:21:36.180 |
to religious thinking, because religious thinking 00:21:39.300 |
is the attempt to formulate something approximating 00:21:45.580 |
Now, that's often attributed elements of the divine, 00:21:50.300 |
but there's reasons for that that we could go into. 00:21:52.340 |
But as soon as you know that the basic structure, 00:21:55.220 |
even at the lower motivational level, is personality, 00:21:59.020 |
well, then that changes the way you view the brain. 00:22:02.200 |
Look, a lot of archaic deities are motivational systems. 00:22:18.260 |
and they imitated predators from an early age. 00:22:27.560 |
but also relaxes you, that's why people like nicotine, 00:22:30.300 |
and then the muscarinic system, which creates changes 00:22:42.300 |
I would veer towards almost like a psychedelic, 00:22:45.260 |
or it has an effect of making us less fearful 00:22:57.620 |
- It's outside the LSD, psilocybin, mescaline domain. 00:23:06.260 |
before going into that. - Sure, because what they 00:23:14.820 |
And they practiced that from a very early age. 00:23:16.740 |
So the Vikings worked themselves up, they went berserk. 00:23:22.980 |
They transformed themselves, so to speak, into predators. 00:23:26.300 |
- They would narrow the context within which their, 00:23:35.920 |
the strategically aggressive impulse could be channeled. 00:23:38.260 |
- Right, and give full rein, give full rein, right? 00:23:41.620 |
- To be able to decapitate people, eviscerate people, 00:23:44.180 |
do whatever it was that they needed to do in order to win, 00:23:48.180 |
- Yeah, well, then you could imagine in a way 00:23:49.940 |
that what they were doing was bringing the full resources 00:23:52.460 |
of the cortex to, and placing them at the service 00:23:58.420 |
Like, we have no idea what that would be like. 00:24:02.320 |
We have no idea what a human being who does that is like 00:24:06.820 |
You would give you nightmares to think about it deeply. 00:24:13.820 |
that might shed some light on what it would look like. 00:24:24.140 |
discovered a small, tiny, tiny collection of neurons 00:24:27.500 |
in the ventromedial hypothalamus that, when stimulated, 00:24:33.280 |
you can find videos of this online, into a rage. 00:24:37.760 |
is it required the presence of another mouse. 00:24:45.320 |
they wouldn't attack themselves or the walls of the cage. 00:24:47.600 |
But if you put a air or water-filled glove within the cage, 00:24:52.600 |
they would absolutely attack it to try and destroy it. 00:24:56.020 |
Then you turn off these neurons, the mouse is calm. 00:24:58.080 |
We can put a link to this in the "Show Note" caption. 00:25:00.900 |
The ventromedial hypothalamus has these neurons 00:25:05.640 |
that, when stimulated, suppress rage and activate copulation. 00:25:18.160 |
And it speaks to, I think, some of the things 00:25:22.760 |
in terms of the juxtaposition of these neurons, 00:25:29.160 |
which lends itself to some really interesting questions 00:25:34.840 |
become combined in states of pathology, okay? 00:25:38.680 |
But in any event, so context-dependent control 00:25:57.100 |
to be able to think about the time domain differently. 00:25:59.720 |
This is something I'm absolutely obsessed by. 00:26:04.880 |
was that we have this autonomic arousal system. 00:26:17.420 |
Autonomic activation, stress, panic, fear, anger, 00:26:24.380 |
lose sight of the fact that there was a past, 00:26:27.520 |
- Yes, well, that's because they're collapsing 00:26:35.760 |
You have to collapse to the moment to act, right? 00:26:45.840 |
And this is partly why conceptualizing its various states 00:26:53.240 |
You can take a female cat and take out its whole brain, 00:27:13.480 |
where it's a cat with no brain, it's hyper-exploratory. 00:27:17.320 |
but it shows you how sophisticated the hypothalamus is. 00:27:26.880 |
It can run them, and it can do that quite successfully. 00:27:51.640 |
that emerges between those fundamental motivational states, 00:27:59.160 |
Well, you have to mediate between the states to some degree. 00:28:02.760 |
What do you do if you want to solve the problem 00:28:04.840 |
of being hungry and tired over a long period of time 00:28:10.600 |
Well, you need more and more brain to calculate that, right? 00:28:20.720 |
Actually, what's happening is that as you mature, 00:28:27.800 |
with more and more other things taken into account. 00:28:31.240 |
Right, right, and there has to be some war there, 00:28:35.360 |
which is why you're wrestling with God, let's say, 00:28:38.700 |
because it's also the case that you do have to 00:28:50.300 |
between the individual and the group, you might say. 00:28:57.960 |
it's not useful to identify your individuality 00:29:10.440 |
They think, well, why shouldn't I get what I want? 00:29:13.960 |
It's like, I see, so your claim is that the you 00:29:35.340 |
well, first of all, you're rather psychopathic, 00:29:39.920 |
as the extension of immaturity into adulthood. 00:29:42.800 |
That's a pretty good default way of conceptualizing it. 00:29:45.680 |
And it's like, it's an unsophisticated strategy. 00:30:01.680 |
'cause I studied antisocial behavior for a very long time. 00:30:08.200 |
for their inability to learn from experience. 00:30:24.120 |
Well, what that means is that they are so non-communitarian 00:30:29.120 |
that they're willing to even betray their own future selves. 00:30:34.020 |
There's no difference between that and betraying someone else. 00:30:40.600 |
- Well, so here's something I learned in Montreal. 00:30:43.760 |
I worked with a man named Richard Tremblay there, 00:30:55.120 |
and he was really interested in antisocial behavior 00:31:00.040 |
and one of the conclusions that our lab enterprise 00:31:05.040 |
moved towards was that, one observation was that 00:31:16.280 |
group of four-year-olds, all the way up to 15. 00:31:21.840 |
but if you analyze the two-year-olds themselves, 00:31:26.720 |
you find that all the aggressive kids are boys, 00:31:35.440 |
5% of the boys will kick, steal, hit, and bite, 00:31:53.000 |
and they're the ones who become juvenile delinquents 00:31:59.320 |
And so what it is, is imagine there's some kids 00:32:06.040 |
are a little bit more dominant than the typical kid. 00:32:13.600 |
but there's a very interesting paper published 00:32:15.920 |
about two years ago showing that there's a specific circuit 00:32:25.480 |
that control jaw closure for eating and for drinking, 00:32:32.240 |
I mean, I hope people understand the significance of this, 00:32:34.200 |
because what this means is there are dedicated circuits 00:32:45.240 |
in order to try and get out of that circumstance, 00:33:03.120 |
A two-year-old, like, okay, we need to work on this. 00:33:05.120 |
An eight-year-old biter, people are starting to be concerned, 00:33:12.640 |
if their eight-year-old is biting other kids, 00:33:16.720 |
but it's so very different and so much more primitive 00:33:36.680 |
and defensive or predatory aggression, that's bad news. 00:33:45.680 |
Well, the upshot is that there is a, that's right, 00:34:04.940 |
and I would say the same thing about narcissism 00:34:10.000 |
essentially what it is is failure of socialization, right? 00:34:13.840 |
And this has very interesting political implications 00:34:17.840 |
imagine that impulsive self-gratification is a personality, 00:34:26.880 |
is a personality with its own political opinions. 00:34:32.620 |
that every drive attempts to philosophize in its spirit. 00:34:56.880 |
whose attack system is activated electronically. 00:35:02.560 |
you can see that there's a relationship with perception 00:35:07.540 |
that's biologically relevant in the environment, 00:35:29.200 |
or perhaps threat 'cause we don't know exactly 00:35:33.720 |
then it's the perception driving the behavior. 00:35:40.780 |
I really started to understand some of the literature 00:35:56.860 |
the greatest historian of religions who ever lived 00:36:03.540 |
"The Sacred and the Profane" is the best one to start with. 00:36:12.800 |
was the pattern by which polytheistic belief systems 00:36:51.000 |
as different hypothalamic and related circuits. 00:37:00.640 |
And the other thing that's very interesting, you see, 00:37:04.720 |
that these don't exist independently of historical context. 00:37:19.360 |
Like, it's not only that the motivational impulse 00:37:23.560 |
It's a personality with a history and a philosophy. 00:37:31.480 |
So like, for example, if you're fighting with someone 00:37:45.840 |
you might wanna defeat them or even hurt them, 00:37:48.240 |
independently of the fact that you actually love them. 00:37:54.600 |
No, no, you're inhabited by the spirit of rage. 00:38:03.000 |
of sophisticated intellectual rationalizations 00:38:10.280 |
One of the things you see with people who are psychotic, 00:38:24.160 |
So for example, these kids that shoot up high schools, 00:38:28.600 |
like they're fantasizing under the influence of rage 00:38:45.560 |
You could think they've inverted the neurological order, 00:38:47.800 |
and the god of rage is now the, what would you say, 00:38:59.220 |
who's our vice chair of psychiatry at Stanford, 00:39:03.900 |
between prefrontal cortical areas and the insula, 00:39:07.200 |
a brain area that has a map of our internal body state, 00:39:10.080 |
interoception, you know, our ability to sense 00:39:15.700 |
including depression, where the direction of flow 00:39:21.920 |
It's like running against the typical traffic. 00:39:33.160 |
But I do absolutely subscribe to what you just said, 00:39:36.680 |
that if one drops into one of these more primitive states 00:39:39.200 |
and emotions, and all the things that go with it 00:39:40.880 |
for a very long time, it's almost as if the governor, 00:39:47.440 |
that the whole circuit starts to run from bottom up 00:39:51.400 |
And I think there's good neurological evidence. 00:39:57.520 |
that's seeking the drug with repeated doses of dopamine. 00:40:01.120 |
You know, people say they have a monkey on their back. 00:40:03.040 |
It's like, no, they have a monster in their brain, 00:40:05.860 |
and they grew it, and it grows because it's reinforced 00:40:22.640 |
after having dealt with the physiological withdrawal, 00:40:26.560 |
let's say, and a cued craving will make itself manifest 00:40:31.720 |
and it's all of a sudden, whoom, that monster is alive, 00:40:40.300 |
You know, one of the hallmarks of addictive behavior 00:40:43.000 |
is lying, and the lies are the rationalizations 00:40:54.960 |
- It's like there's multiple people in there. 00:41:04.720 |
Right, right, that's the condition of the two-year-old. 00:41:19.240 |
so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring this podcast. 00:41:26.740 |
and most complete foundational nutritional supplement. 00:41:31.640 |
that you're getting all the necessary vitamins, 00:41:35.740 |
to form a strong foundation for your daily health. 00:41:44.880 |
of microorganisms that line your digestive tract 00:41:47.760 |
and impact things such as your immune system status, 00:41:50.240 |
your metabolic health, your hormone health, and much more. 00:41:53.240 |
So I've consistently found that when I take AG1 daily, 00:41:56.240 |
my digestion is improved, my immune system is more robust, 00:41:59.440 |
and my mood and mental focus are at their best. 00:42:02.080 |
In fact, if I could take just one supplement, 00:42:18.300 |
Right now, they're giving away five free travel packs 00:42:28.320 |
Today's episode is also brought to us by Roka. 00:42:35.580 |
I'm excited to share that Roka and I have teamed up 00:42:40.680 |
These red lens glasses are meant to be worn in the evening 00:42:48.800 |
the sorts of LED lights that are most commonly used 00:42:51.260 |
as overhead and frankly, lamp lighting nowadays. 00:42:58.420 |
They're not designed to be worn during the day 00:43:00.600 |
and to filter out blue light from screen light. 00:43:03.320 |
They're designed to prevent the full range of wavelengths 00:43:16.180 |
Most nights I stay up until about 10 p.m. or even midnight 00:43:26.680 |
and I've noticed a much easier transition to sleep, 00:43:29.380 |
which makes sense based on everything we know 00:43:31.120 |
about how filtering out short wavelengths of light 00:43:35.760 |
Roka red lens glasses also look cool, frankly. 00:43:38.360 |
You can wear them out to dinner or to concerts 00:43:43.000 |
to support your biology, to be scientific about it 00:43:50.840 |
that's and enter the code Huberman 00:44:01.680 |
One of the most remarkable real life examples 00:44:05.440 |
I've ever witnessed of the power of belief in God, 00:44:14.800 |
struggled with alcohol and drug addiction of multiple kinds. 00:44:19.160 |
Incredibly kind person, incredibly successful in his career 00:44:23.960 |
married, two beautiful children, multiple relapses, 00:44:32.240 |
after getting intoxicated at 6.30 in the morning, 00:44:39.440 |
of the sort of standard treatment, et cetera. 00:44:47.880 |
You've got to solve this or we just can't be with you." 00:44:51.600 |
A very scary situation for everybody involved, 00:44:54.800 |
including him who absolutely adored his family. 00:44:57.600 |
He told us, his friends, that he was going to go 00:45:02.680 |
to a center here in Los Angeles that treats addiction 00:45:12.560 |
Most Sundays he attended church and things of that sort. 00:45:16.520 |
And you can imagine we all thought, including myself, 00:45:25.080 |
But like, I would say zero minus one confidence 00:46:04.040 |
and the work that he did there allowed him to then, 00:46:07.120 |
it's almost like he got another prefrontal cortex, 00:46:16.100 |
about what it is that people are trying to do 00:46:32.320 |
but that's what you do when you dwell on your rage. 00:46:40.660 |
So what you're doing is you're generating a hypothesis 00:46:47.140 |
that would best typify you if you were ideal, 00:46:50.980 |
and then establishing a relationship with that 00:46:54.640 |
That's what the evangelical Protestants are doing 00:47:22.180 |
that the most reliable treatment for alcoholism 00:47:26.260 |
And this is well accepted among researchers in the field 00:47:29.220 |
who have no religious affiliation whatsoever. 00:47:40.740 |
Well, alcohol's a pretty good anxiolytic drug, 00:47:44.420 |
but it's also, for people who are prone to alcoholism, 00:47:47.100 |
it's a good incentive reward source, like cocaine. 00:47:50.980 |
If you're going to, you can't get rats addicted to cocaine 00:47:58.860 |
before they'll bar press to their own death for cocaine. 00:48:02.620 |
So one of the things you want to do when you treat addiction 00:48:05.220 |
is you want to substitute a new incentive structure, right? 00:48:10.860 |
is you fall into a false incentive pattern, right? 00:48:19.660 |
in respect to an important goal, even though you're not. 00:48:26.500 |
- And I'll just say, I've never done cocaine. 00:48:32.480 |
that I've been very scared of doing it, frankly. 00:48:49.460 |
at finding cocaine, even in the absence of resources, 00:48:52.580 |
which is pretty remarkable if you think about it. 00:49:17.340 |
and things like methamphetamine take over people's minds. 00:49:21.820 |
- The pathway appears when the aim is firmly in mind. 00:49:28.700 |
that's derived from the religious literature. 00:49:30.980 |
So, because the idea there is that if your aim is upward, 00:49:35.420 |
the pathway forward to that will make itself manifest. 00:49:46.140 |
once you're in that realm of possessed personality, 00:50:01.560 |
Right, so now the addiction, the addicted brain, 00:50:08.880 |
So now the highest god is cocaine, let's say. 00:50:20.160 |
'Cause it just dominates, but it's not just an impulse. 00:50:23.620 |
It dominates the perceptual landscape as well. 00:50:26.480 |
That's makes it, and the emotional landscape. 00:50:28.400 |
And it comes with all these rationalizations. 00:50:37.600 |
Nowadays, I get a lot of questions about pornography. 00:50:45.320 |
is always related to the discussion around masturbation. 00:50:48.400 |
But let's just talk about pornography for a moment 00:51:01.500 |
to our progression as a species through reproduction. 00:51:05.420 |
Sexual behavior being linked to reproduction. 00:51:07.340 |
Not always, but certainly we can all agree on that. 00:51:15.000 |
A sperm and an egg met someplace in some context 00:51:22.520 |
Pornography is something that I hear quite a lot 00:51:27.520 |
from typically young males, but sometimes young females, 00:51:32.520 |
or even older females who say that they can see themselves 00:51:37.080 |
trying to resist the desire to go look at it. 00:51:40.400 |
And it almost doesn't feel like a desire anymore. 00:51:42.620 |
They're sort of just in a kind of a compulsion 00:51:48.840 |
but they're just aware of the fact that they're- 00:51:55.840 |
And we could think about two ways to attack this 00:52:12.760 |
is it the prevalence of pornography out there? 00:52:22.040 |
after having the discussion we've had thus far 00:52:25.200 |
It seems to me that it's like the, as you said, 00:52:40.280 |
moving towards the culmination of a desired goal, 00:52:44.040 |
a dopamine, that's accompanied by dopamine release, okay? 00:52:50.640 |
There's two elements to that dopamine release. 00:52:52.760 |
One is pleasure, but the other is that the dopamine, 00:52:57.160 |
imagine that there are circuits activated as you're acting. 00:53:01.480 |
What the dopamine does is increase the probability 00:53:06.200 |
just before the positive experience happened grow. 00:53:09.860 |
Okay, so now if you're engaged with pornography, 00:53:12.700 |
and that culminates in successful sexual satiation, 00:53:23.080 |
toward that set of stimuli is going to come to dominate. 00:53:31.880 |
there's been work done with generally simpler animals 00:53:38.040 |
I think it's stickleback fish where this was first observed. 00:53:49.800 |
they're very aggressive towards other male sticklebacks. 00:54:03.040 |
And if you use a red dot that's a little bigger 00:54:05.360 |
and a little brighter than the typical red dot, 00:54:09.560 |
It's virtually irresistible to the stickleback. 00:54:12.320 |
And it's weird because the maximal activation 00:54:15.400 |
is produced by a stimulus that they wouldn't see in nature. 00:54:17.880 |
It slightly exceeds, that's exactly what pornography does. 00:54:23.120 |
And it's not surprising that young males in particular 00:54:26.000 |
are susceptible to that because male sexuality 00:54:35.360 |
Certainly every other primate and every other mammal. 00:54:38.760 |
And so we have a situation where any 13 year old boy 00:54:43.320 |
can see more hyper attractive super stimulus women 00:54:56.320 |
ecological, radical ecological transformation. 00:54:59.880 |
And it's worse because it's easily accessible, 00:55:14.680 |
would be highly palatable, highly processed food. 00:55:22.180 |
to use the restroom 'cause I was traveling home 00:55:25.720 |
and I thought this isn't a convenience store, 00:55:34.560 |
Everything, every drink seemed to combine not just sugar, 00:55:43.160 |
- And these things on their own aren't necessarily bad, 00:55:46.600 |
in low enough doses, in frequent use, et cetera, 00:55:51.400 |
I think, deserves deeper investigation, right? 00:55:57.760 |
- There isn't much difference between manufacturing sugar 00:56:04.780 |
in its natural form in relatively low concentrations 00:56:09.540 |
I mean, coca leaves, the natives used coca leaves forever 00:56:12.420 |
as mild stimulant, didn't seem to cause them any trouble, 00:56:14.700 |
but that's way different than cocaine, right? 00:56:23.220 |
- Well, I didn't think we were gonna go here, 00:56:33.340 |
I eat meat, vegetables, fruit, and some starches, 00:56:41.540 |
from following a clean diet, so to speak, of any kind, 00:56:45.860 |
but let's say of the sort that you follow or I follow, 00:56:52.140 |
between taste of the food, volume of the food, 00:56:56.700 |
macronutrient, so protein, fat, or carbohydrate content, 00:57:10.640 |
the association between the taste, the caloric content, 00:57:17.620 |
or even combinations of multiple ingredients, 00:57:22.600 |
The brain can't parse what are the various things in here 00:57:26.060 |
and how do they relate to my feelings of satisfaction. 00:57:30.260 |
and what I believe are the elements that we have- 00:57:34.980 |
- Explain why you think that link about satiation 00:57:39.420 |
can't be learned in the case of these processed foods. 00:57:41.820 |
- Yeah, because in the context of these processed foods, 00:57:48.180 |
We know that the gut has neurons that can respond to sugar, 00:58:07.460 |
that signal through the vagus up through a little relay 00:58:09.400 |
called the no-dose ganglion, if you wanna look at it, 00:58:11.500 |
fun name, and then up to the dopaminergic centers 00:58:22.700 |
the neurons in the gut in a way that is independent of taste 00:58:33.120 |
of those amino acids that are present in a candy bar 00:58:38.300 |
which I'm guessing there's very few of them, if any, 00:58:43.220 |
because those neurons will also respond to sugar. 00:58:48.620 |
In other words, there are two parallel tracks, 00:59:02.100 |
The mouth can't actually learn nutrient content. 00:59:10.620 |
or essential amino acids or essential fatty acids. 00:59:12.580 |
After all, there are no essential carbohydrates. 00:59:24.260 |
Now, here's the issue, if you've ever done this, 00:59:26.180 |
it's probably been- - So that's empty calories. 00:59:40.620 |
but in the evolutionary sense, it absolutely is, right? 00:59:51.540 |
If we are eating without any gut-level understanding 01:00:01.200 |
You probably haven't done this experiment in a while, 01:00:02.940 |
but if you've ever just had rib eye steak or two, 01:00:10.720 |
If one takes, then even after you've eaten all that, 01:00:18.540 |
Even though you already have enough essential amino acids 01:00:24.420 |
you've reached that, et cetera, all of that good stuff. 01:00:27.740 |
Because blood glucose goes up, and then you desire more, 01:00:29.500 |
because blood glucose elevations are linked directly 01:00:33.700 |
So what I'm basically trying to say here is that 01:00:35.380 |
I do think that there are elements to our food, 01:00:52.800 |
any behavior that spikes dopamine dramatically 01:01:01.680 |
a calmer, more prudent version of themselves, right? 01:01:06.120 |
To enter a different hypothalamic activation pattern 01:01:13.780 |
About the motivation, the pleasure, et cetera, 01:01:21.060 |
then less extreme pornography doesn't seem to work. 01:01:24.180 |
- Well, that's 'cause there's also a novelty kick 01:01:28.140 |
I mean, so with any basic appetitive pleasure, 01:01:36.940 |
But with any novelty, there's also a dopaminergic kick. 01:01:39.980 |
So there's an optimized threshold for novelty 01:01:42.440 |
and appetitive striving that plays out in pornography. 01:01:45.700 |
So there's the direct effect of the stimulus as such, 01:01:50.700 |
but there's variation in the stimulus that's also novel. 01:01:56.620 |
And so it's a common pattern for pornographic usage 01:02:00.500 |
to become more, what would you say, fetishistic. 01:02:05.500 |
That's one way of thinking about it as it progresses, 01:02:13.280 |
- Right, and I would venture in a very different domain 01:02:20.420 |
which by the way, this is a great opportunity 01:02:22.260 |
to educate people about something that you taught me 01:02:33.460 |
the umami taste, we should have a devoted taste receptor. 01:02:37.540 |
So, and if they don't know what a Pittsburgh char is, 01:02:46.940 |
in a bunch of things, I would suspect that after a while, 01:02:54.560 |
would be to eat them plain for a period of time 01:02:57.020 |
in which the stuff, all the condiments, et cetera, 01:03:03.580 |
to the sort of most naturally satisfying mode 01:03:11.780 |
here we're talking about food and sex in parallel, 01:03:21.820 |
and they're not addicted like it's telling me they love it 01:03:24.940 |
They're telling me it's no longer working for them, 01:03:36.620 |
a real sexual relationship or a relationship of any kind. 01:03:38.780 |
- Well, it's also, there is some evidence suggesting too 01:03:42.660 |
that if you've been socialized into pornography sexuality, 01:03:48.120 |
to establish a sexual relationship with an actual partner. 01:04:00.240 |
well, it sets up a whole landscape of expectation, 01:04:02.980 |
for example, that's not necessarily gonna play out 01:04:42.580 |
has on the development of male sexuality, none. 01:04:49.540 |
whether there's something inherently rewarding 01:04:54.180 |
about creating impact or action at a distance. 01:05:00.580 |
I've been watching these videos of Elon's rockets 01:05:11.220 |
- Yeah, just there's one image of the rocket thrusters 01:05:20.740 |
that looks at the stars and thinks I wanna go up there. 01:05:31.900 |
It's really about having impact or action at a distance. 01:05:38.820 |
What an incredible display of funneling the laws 01:05:50.140 |
- The word sin in many languages means to miss the target. 01:05:53.900 |
Right, and it speaks to exactly what you're describing. 01:05:58.140 |
Like that, the cache of action at a distance, 01:06:07.520 |
Like human beings throw, that's our physiology, right? 01:06:17.900 |
We're using our thoughts to hit distant targets. 01:06:28.940 |
that people wanna participate in vicariously, 01:06:31.100 |
even vicariously, they're target hitting games. 01:06:34.580 |
Like our gaze specifies as the center of a target. 01:06:39.640 |
And we're unbelievably focused on bridging the gap 01:06:54.760 |
after searching for the most comprehensive approach 01:07:00.000 |
I really wanted to find a more in-depth program 01:07:06.480 |
my hormone status, my immune system regulation, 01:07:09.240 |
my metabolic function, my vitamin and mineral status, 01:07:12.520 |
and other critical areas of my overall health and vitality. 01:07:22.640 |
and provides insights from top doctors on your results. 01:07:26.200 |
For example, in one of my first tests with Function, 01:07:29.060 |
I learned that I had two high levels of mercury in my blood. 01:07:47.420 |
while also making an effort to eat more leafy greens 01:07:49.760 |
and supplementing with NAC and acetylcysteine, 01:07:52.660 |
both of which can support glutathione production 01:07:54.740 |
and detoxification and worked to reduce my mercury levels. 01:08:03.260 |
I've always found it to be overly complicated and expensive. 01:08:11.100 |
as well as how comprehensive and how actionable 01:08:14.000 |
the tests are, that I recently joined their advisory board. 01:08:17.420 |
And I'm thrilled that they're sponsoring the podcast. 01:08:24.260 |
Function currently has a wait list of over 250,000 people, 01:08:36.360 |
So this thing about action at a distance, to me, 01:08:39.340 |
feels like so inherent to our progression as a species. 01:08:45.040 |
somebody tweets something and when people react to it, 01:08:56.120 |
Then you think about pornography and masturbation, 01:09:00.740 |
It's like the ultimate form of creating action 01:09:04.500 |
at a distance would be to create a new human being 01:09:09.120 |
I mean, you're propagating it in physical distance, 01:09:24.760 |
I mean, literally, there's not much action at a distance. 01:09:30.520 |
It's almost as if the energy that we're born with 01:09:36.760 |
to evolve our species through action at a distance, 01:09:49.960 |
It's as if, and I don't know what language there is 01:09:54.760 |
all that dopaminergic drive is just kind of looped back 01:09:59.240 |
And I think when I hear about the incredibly, 01:10:02.040 |
what the language for it is only like the diminished souls 01:10:05.960 |
of these people who are coming to me saying like, 01:10:12.840 |
I know some things about the dopaminergic system, 01:10:16.280 |
I think there are 12-step programs for this and so forth 01:10:18.360 |
and other things, but I think what they're saying 01:10:28.840 |
but there's no action at a distance for them. 01:10:31.120 |
This is the same thing I see with the failure to launch kids 01:10:36.800 |
I think we were designed to disperse from our families 01:10:39.280 |
and to create action at a distance up until a certain age. 01:10:43.040 |
But I see so many of the problems that we face 01:10:52.720 |
- Well, that's a failure venture, I would say, 01:10:54.560 |
in the terminology that I've been developing. 01:11:01.780 |
one of the stories I analyze is the story of Abraham, 01:11:07.040 |
and it's a very interesting story psychologically. 01:11:19.920 |
in the classic stories of our culture as the ultimate up. 01:11:24.920 |
So you can think about the divine as the target as such, 01:11:39.020 |
and then you'll aim at fulfilling that ambition, 01:11:45.720 |
which might be a greater ambition, let's say, 01:11:49.820 |
and then if you fulfill that, the same thing will happen. 01:11:52.640 |
So then you could imagine that there's a meta-ambition 01:12:06.160 |
So it's something that recedes as you approach it, 01:12:08.820 |
but it's also the thing that all ambitions have in common. 01:12:13.560 |
because otherwise we wouldn't have a concept of ambition, 01:12:16.400 |
which speaks to a commonality among ambitions. 01:12:34.360 |
that's akin in a way to the scenario of a wealthy 01:12:43.460 |
Abraham's parents are wealthy, and they provide for him. 01:12:49.860 |
And in consequence, so he's attained the socialist utopia 01:12:58.380 |
And there's no reason for him to move forward. 01:13:21.600 |
which is a very interesting proposition to begin with. 01:13:32.480 |
when you're being delivered everything you need. 01:13:36.440 |
So God says, "You have to leave your father's tent. 01:13:42.480 |
"You have to leave those who speak your language. 01:13:47.120 |
So God is conceptualized in this story as the impulse, 01:13:52.120 |
the voice that compels you out into the world 01:13:58.380 |
So that's a hypothesis about what the ultimate up is. 01:14:03.260 |
And Abraham agrees, and he does so in two ways. 01:14:12.120 |
that he's going to abide by the command of this voice 01:14:18.260 |
and that he'll make the appropriate sacrifices. 01:14:26.820 |
because the process of transformation requires sacrifice. 01:14:31.440 |
To be more than you are means you have to let go 01:14:36.780 |
Now, Abraham's life is punctuated by a sequence 01:14:42.820 |
and declamations of his willingness to sacrifice. 01:14:51.620 |
So this is this agreement to follow the voice of adventure. 01:15:08.460 |
Okay, so now it's not, it's just as fundamental 01:15:12.340 |
as the hypothalamic motivational states, let's say, 01:15:19.420 |
all the motivational states across time and socially, right? 01:15:24.420 |
And then imagine it manifests itself as an instinct, 01:15:28.060 |
to be something like the instinct to mature, right? 01:15:35.140 |
And maybe there have been people like Csikszentmihalyi 01:15:38.220 |
who've characterized that as the attractiveness of flow, 01:15:41.700 |
and maybe it's associated with the exploratory circuit 01:15:46.100 |
in the hypothalamus that's mediated by dopamine. 01:15:51.580 |
Now, the character of that instinct in this story 01:15:56.120 |
is the way it's characterized is as the voice of adventure. 01:16:02.160 |
beyond your zone of comfort and go into the foreign world. 01:16:05.540 |
Now, the advantage to that is that you fortify yourself 01:16:17.820 |
And that's a better win than merely being good 01:16:36.280 |
That's what Gandalf offers Bilbo, for example. 01:16:39.800 |
Okay, God characterizes the consequences of that. 01:16:45.680 |
When I figured this out, it just flattened me. 01:16:50.560 |
God is defined as that which says this, by the way. 01:16:53.980 |
If you push yourself beyond your zone of comfort, 01:17:00.280 |
that's Abraham's situation, here's what'll happen. 01:17:09.120 |
Because lots, the miserable people you're talking about, 01:17:18.440 |
Well, it's not satiation, not in this formulation. 01:17:28.660 |
You'll live in a life that'll be a blessing to you. 01:17:30.960 |
Okay, and then God says, that's not all that'll happen. 01:17:37.980 |
that will make you renowned among other people, justly. 01:17:42.900 |
So that's a good deal, because we know that people, 01:17:50.920 |
is highly correlated with their social status, 01:17:56.060 |
but still, it's like, renown is crucially important. 01:18:00.920 |
on the shoulders of your teammates, you know? 01:18:05.960 |
and then the same voice says, and that's not all. 01:18:09.520 |
You'll be a blessing to yourself and be renowned 01:18:12.000 |
in a manner that will maximize the probability 01:18:14.280 |
that you will establish something of lasting value. 01:18:17.400 |
That's a good deal, so that's stretching across time, 01:18:20.400 |
multi-generationally, because God tells Abraham 01:18:31.560 |
that will maximize the success of his offspring 01:18:36.560 |
in the longest possible run, 'cause that's so cool. 01:18:46.840 |
you'll do that in a way that'll bring abundance 01:18:50.440 |
Now, so think about what that means biologically. 01:18:52.560 |
This is so cool, and I can't see how it can be wrong. 01:19:02.940 |
so you put yourself on the edge of adventure, 01:19:10.880 |
a blessing to yourself, to make you successful 01:19:13.480 |
among other people, to maximize your probability 01:19:16.360 |
of long-term success, and to do that in a way 01:19:33.440 |
isn't aligned with psychological and social well-being. 01:19:37.080 |
Well, what's the chance that the fundamental drive 01:19:40.880 |
that would facilitate your transformation across time 01:19:44.720 |
would not be aligned with your psychological integrity 01:19:49.160 |
Like, we wouldn't be social animals if that was the case. 01:19:51.960 |
So as far as I can tell, that has to be true. 01:19:56.320 |
Now, that doesn't mean you can get lost in false adventures. 01:20:01.900 |
That's what an addiction is, or that's what pornography is. 01:20:07.400 |
It's failure to hit the proper target, you might say. 01:20:18.480 |
And then we could cap that with an observation 01:20:31.880 |
insofar as God's the father in these ancient stories. 01:20:42.680 |
When you see your son, and you love your son, 01:20:45.640 |
when you see your son pushing himself beyond his own limits 01:20:50.640 |
in an adventurous manner, if you're a good father, 01:20:56.400 |
And I would say, insofar as you encourage that, 01:21:01.440 |
And that would mean that you're the embodiment 01:21:06.160 |
That's why Abraham is characterized, for example, 01:21:26.160 |
I think that's, I just can't see how that can be wrong. 01:21:40.360 |
of what that integrating personality might be like, 01:21:43.900 |
so a single characterization is insufficient. 01:21:48.860 |
God is, this personality is characterized quite differently. 01:21:54.760 |
So Noah is presented as a man who's wise in his generations, 01:22:03.960 |
So he's the sort of guy that people would go to for advice 01:22:21.100 |
The hypothesis is the voice that calls to the wise 01:22:34.560 |
and so you can see what the imagination is doing 01:22:36.760 |
is agglomerating these different characterizations 01:22:41.800 |
insisting that there's an integrated unity behind them, 01:22:55.340 |
that the culmination of the library of stories 01:23:07.760 |
when they're engaging in a religious enterprise 01:23:12.880 |
like that happened in the case of your friend, right? 01:23:17.920 |
and that new personality had different incentive structure, 01:23:28.520 |
but to us, his friends who had seen him try so hard 01:23:32.360 |
in the context of people he truly, deeply cares about, 01:23:35.160 |
more than anybody in the world, his children, his wife, 01:23:38.280 |
it was almost like he got a brain transplant. 01:23:46.440 |
okay, you had every reason to change, and yet you didn't, 01:24:17.360 |
- And he had the adequate social support within this place, 01:24:25.040 |
but what's remarkable is that he was able to take that 01:24:31.080 |
It was a residential facility, out of this place. 01:24:35.040 |
- And to this day, he is rock solid in that domain, 01:24:40.000 |
and I will say in all the other domains of his life, too, 01:24:45.640 |
You know, extremely successful as a commercial artist, 01:24:52.760 |
and just seems like he got a brain transplant. 01:25:03.080 |
that he realized that Jesus Christ loved him? 01:25:05.640 |
Right, that's okay, what do you mean by that? 01:25:07.560 |
And then somehow that's associated with the vision 01:25:14.140 |
There's a relationship between those two things. 01:25:29.320 |
But you know, we know, think about it this way. 01:25:36.240 |
different phenomena have dopaminergic cachet to you 01:25:40.720 |
than if you're possessed by, like, sexual desire. 01:25:50.680 |
produces a given motivational response is incorrect 01:25:57.520 |
And then most, so I think one of the best ways 01:26:02.160 |
is that a motivational drive grips the target. 01:26:11.880 |
that certain action patterns will make themselves manifest. 01:26:16.440 |
But fundamentally, what it's doing is changing the target. 01:26:26.520 |
things that lead you there are dopaminergically relevant. 01:26:33.640 |
Same underlying emotion, but the stimuli, so to speak, 01:26:38.640 |
that give rise to the emotion are radically different. 01:26:41.080 |
So now, he has a different orientation and aim. 01:26:44.520 |
And so, the incentive structure of his psyche 01:26:50.680 |
Now, we know that can happen because that happens to you 01:26:52.880 |
when you move from one motivated state to another. 01:27:00.120 |
I mean, there's clearly a dopaminergic component. 01:27:01.880 |
I hope people understand that dopamine is dumb. 01:27:08.000 |
It's just a currency of motivation and reward. 01:27:21.320 |
And I hope people picked up on what you said before 01:27:23.880 |
because it's so important that as one moves toward a target, 01:28:01.480 |
- Not least because as you approach successfully, 01:28:04.800 |
the probability of ultimate success is obviously increasing. 01:28:08.400 |
So it makes perfect sense that you would narrow in focus. 01:28:18.800 |
or this definition of sin, I think is incredibly important. 01:28:24.000 |
but it's also the word for sin in ancient Hebrew 01:28:28.880 |
And there's other languages where that's the case, 01:28:41.360 |
And that that's unbelievably deeply built into us 01:28:44.040 |
as you pointed out, our eyes are target established. 01:29:03.320 |
as a consequence of our inference of aim from gaze. 01:29:09.760 |
then I can occupy the same psychophysiological state 01:29:13.080 |
that you do and that's the basis of my understanding. 01:29:17.040 |
And there's something that I've never talked about 01:29:30.520 |
If you wanna look it up, it's superior colliculus. 01:29:44.720 |
who did some beautiful work on neuroplasticity, 01:29:48.360 |
where they take out the frontal cortex of these owls. 01:29:50.520 |
Owls are because they don't have much eye movements. 01:29:54.480 |
They move their head almost all the way around, right? 01:29:58.240 |
And they use this for homing in on their targets. 01:30:08.000 |
or suppression of prefrontal cortex becomes like a machine. 01:30:21.960 |
- That's why a cat with no brain is hyper-exploratory. 01:30:28.180 |
- Everything's a target. - Everything's a target. 01:30:30.160 |
- And there's no context-dependent learning, right? 01:30:32.400 |
I love that you gave the example of the decerebrate cats. 01:30:40.400 |
It is amazing. - Makes you rethink the cortex. 01:30:50.160 |
So this is a cortical area, a frontal cortical area 01:30:57.840 |
So it no longer becomes just a reflex that you can suppress 01:31:01.000 |
as in the case with an adult cat versus a kitten 01:31:13.360 |
- Well, then maybe I'll activate my aggression 01:31:19.380 |
but she seems super interested in like directing her gaze. 01:31:41.400 |
of what gaze is and our ability to control gaze 01:31:55.800 |
allows us to understand what they are defining 01:31:58.560 |
as the target, we started to get into notions 01:32:06.480 |
is that as you mature and your cortex integrates 01:32:13.620 |
the targets of your gaze become voluntary, right? 01:32:32.080 |
and you hear a loud and sudden noise behind you, 01:32:34.520 |
you'll do an anti-predator crouch and then turn 01:32:37.360 |
and you'll do that, essentially, automatically. 01:32:44.640 |
where your stereoscopic audition has indicated 01:33:02.760 |
- Right, right, and you do that before you think, right? 01:33:04.960 |
Okay, so that's an activation of the eye fields, 01:33:08.640 |
let's say, by these underlying motivational systems 01:33:35.280 |
in a manner that made all the potential targets 01:33:41.880 |
You said that's what happened to your friend, right? 01:33:44.240 |
Is not only did he dispense with his addiction, 01:33:47.020 |
but all of the other enterprises that he was associating, 01:33:50.760 |
that he was pursuing in his life became more effective. 01:34:02.180 |
- And it's funny because for the first couple of months 01:34:09.340 |
- And I thought, you know, like most people would, 01:34:11.220 |
you know, perhaps would think like, all right, let's see. 01:34:29.020 |
When you talk to him, he's not kind of off some other place. 01:34:33.900 |
- And even his text messages are very much of like, 01:34:37.560 |
You know, asking questions that are very much of the now. 01:34:40.820 |
- And it's been a remarkable thing to observe. 01:34:44.640 |
- Because he was about as down in his addiction 01:34:48.180 |
and had so much to lose and had essentially risked it 01:34:52.860 |
over and over and over to the point where, you know, 01:34:56.940 |
I didn't think it was ever gonna turn around. 01:35:07.060 |
'cause no one knows, I'm godfather to his son. 01:35:09.460 |
And his son is thriving, which is wonderful to see. 01:35:11.740 |
And I just think of sometimes about how badly 01:35:17.180 |
It's like, he's nothing short of spectacular. 01:35:19.180 |
- Okay, so let me put that into a context of, 01:35:30.300 |
And the Sermon on the Mount, it's a meta-goal strategy. 01:36:00.780 |
that the firstborn is to be consecrated to God. 01:36:06.660 |
Imagine that your life consists of a sequence of episodes. 01:36:10.220 |
Okay, an episode has a beginning and a middle and an end. 01:36:12.780 |
The beginning sets the frame for the episode. 01:36:23.360 |
so that that constitutes the frame of perception 01:36:27.860 |
That's why the firstborn should be consecrated to God. 01:36:30.500 |
So for example, to think about it prosaically, 01:36:43.620 |
that will make the podcast most radically successful. 01:36:46.260 |
Now, you could imagine that that could be subordinated 01:36:48.500 |
to either of our proximal desire for an increase 01:36:54.820 |
Or we could try to dominate each other in the conversation. 01:37:06.100 |
and we could elevate our conversation in that manner. 01:37:09.020 |
Okay, and that would set the frame for the conversation. 01:37:11.180 |
And the good podcasters always do that, right? 01:37:28.460 |
All right, so Christ says first orient your eyes upward, 01:37:38.900 |
and you allow that to determine your perceptions 01:37:49.600 |
in that nature of that utmost aim and treat them that way. 01:38:11.620 |
Otherwise, you could never use your senses to orient. 01:38:16.660 |
So if you aim upward to the best of your ability, 01:38:19.500 |
then the pathway upward is what will make itself manifest 01:38:25.220 |
And so then you get this weird perverse optimality, 01:38:37.540 |
and you can make most use of what's right in front of you. 01:38:40.620 |
And that, the implication in the Sermon on the Mount 01:38:52.380 |
And I think that seems to me to be exactly right. 01:39:01.220 |
all of your friends' endeavors had become elevated. 01:39:04.140 |
So imagine that one problem you might wanna solve 01:39:19.660 |
so that every goal has the highest probability of succeeding? 01:39:23.340 |
So that would be like the pursuit of a metagoal. 01:39:25.260 |
I would say that's what defines the religious enterprise. 01:39:28.460 |
There's another variant of that, for example. 01:39:48.900 |
So the attitude there is you adopt the stance of voluntary, 01:39:53.860 |
what, a voluntary approach in the face of terror 01:39:59.940 |
And that's the strategy that works to protect you 01:40:03.060 |
across the largest possible array of dangerous situations. 01:40:07.380 |
This is what we learned as clinical psychologists 01:40:13.260 |
You find the particulars of what someone is afraid of. 01:40:28.740 |
And so, yeah, the religious pursuit is the pursuit 01:40:44.460 |
that has everything you need and nothing you don't. 01:40:47.140 |
That means the electrolytes, sodium, magnesium, 01:40:49.340 |
and potassium in the correct ratios, but no sugar. 01:40:52.760 |
We should all know that proper hydration is critical 01:40:58.940 |
can diminish your cognitive and physical performance 01:41:02.740 |
It's also important that you're not just hydrated, 01:41:04.660 |
but that you get adequate amounts of electrolytes 01:41:08.020 |
Drinking a packet of Element dissolved in water 01:41:15.100 |
To make sure that I'm getting proper amounts of both, 01:41:22.260 |
and I drink that basically first thing in the morning. 01:41:24.940 |
I'll also drink a packet of Element dissolved in water 01:41:27.080 |
during any kind of physical exercise that I'm doing, 01:41:29.520 |
especially on hot days when I'm sweating a lot 01:41:37.900 |
I like the citrus, basically I like all of them. 01:41:54.820 |
- I love this idea of looking upward and defining, 01:41:59.820 |
or at least having a sense that there's a internalization 01:42:15.420 |
or life in eternity, both of those are the same thing. 01:42:26.380 |
But the disadvantage is you're going to strive 01:42:43.940 |
in the best possible manner, what would that look like? 01:43:02.940 |
that benefits your relationship in an upward manner. 01:43:05.980 |
- And you have to make sure that you're not hijacked 01:43:16.580 |
You gotta think, I'd really like to win this. 01:43:20.800 |
It's like, no, you need something better than that victory, 01:43:23.900 |
and that would be a victory that would deepen 01:43:28.900 |
and enrich your relationship and help it grow across time, 01:43:34.260 |
Even though I think my wife is wrong, I'm gonna listen, 01:43:38.220 |
and I'm gonna see if I can find a pathway in the argument 01:43:43.380 |
and then you think, now, you have to really want that, 01:44:08.640 |
It's like, why would you ever attain a proximal victory 01:44:15.980 |
between the salvation of the soul and the victory in sin. 01:44:20.980 |
That's how the religious language would portray it. 01:44:32.000 |
that's not a victory, that's a defeat, obviously. 01:44:34.380 |
It might even be a worse defeat than if you lost. 01:44:46.480 |
to generate that dopamine inflection is very dangerous. 01:44:56.640 |
of indulgence and pleasure without any effort 01:44:59.080 |
is running counter-current to our evolutionary wiring. 01:45:16.940 |
of rewards that exist over multiple timescales 01:45:21.200 |
One of the things that I feel truly lucky for 01:45:38.200 |
The reward schedule in science could take four years. 01:45:43.560 |
like getting papers through sometimes took a year, 01:45:52.080 |
or sometimes you had to abandon projects altogether. 01:45:55.540 |
So my reward system was trained up on lots of timescales, 01:46:04.040 |
the temporal loops are shorter, they're faster. 01:46:12.860 |
But I think platforms like X, I think are wonderful 01:46:16.940 |
I think it's especially great nowadays, frankly, 01:46:18.960 |
and Instagram, et cetera, they're very useful. 01:46:23.220 |
and I imagine they've trained the young brains 01:46:27.380 |
but that were weaned on them for fast temporal timescales. 01:46:39.740 |
- Complete with intermittent random reinforcement, 01:46:42.140 |
which is what happens when something goes viral 01:46:47.660 |
- And then, of course, we have this notion in this country 01:46:49.940 |
that in any moment, it could be a rags to riches 01:46:59.460 |
So I think that one of the things that could be useful, 01:47:10.900 |
over what variation of timescales do I derive reward? 01:47:17.060 |
training for a marathon is a longer timescale 01:47:24.100 |
In business, the timescales are sometimes fast, 01:47:28.620 |
- I think you can ask even a better question than that. 01:47:44.620 |
Because now you're conducting yourself in a manner 01:47:47.100 |
that works in an iterated way that's socially productive, 01:47:52.100 |
right, and maybe intergenerationally socially productive. 01:47:57.420 |
That's kind of what you're doing as a good father. 01:48:00.980 |
that enables you to also derive maximal impact 01:48:04.980 |
from each step you take forward in the present. 01:48:18.060 |
that anxiety signifies the emergence of entropy, 01:48:21.980 |
like technically, which I was really thrilled about 01:48:24.140 |
because it gives emotion a physical grounding, 01:48:30.740 |
he has a theory of positive emotion that's analogous. 01:48:40.540 |
when you reduce the entropy in relationship to a goal. 01:48:45.860 |
because it means that uncertainty is entropy. 01:48:50.380 |
But when you see yourself stepping towards a goal, 01:48:57.500 |
is 'cause with each successful step you take towards a goal, 01:49:06.340 |
which is manifested in that phenomena you described, 01:49:15.100 |
- Well, to have goals at multiple timescales, 01:49:17.500 |
you need to be able to, I love this entropy argument. 01:49:20.660 |
It makes total sense that you want to be able 01:49:24.740 |
to withstand the periods of time when you don't know 01:49:29.740 |
whether or not things are becoming more or less uncertain. 01:49:33.740 |
- This is part of becoming an adult, if you will. 01:49:36.140 |
- Okay, okay, so yeah, that was exactly the thread. 01:49:45.300 |
the higher the dopamine kick per unit of advancement. 01:49:48.480 |
So what that means is you want an ultimate goal 01:49:52.220 |
operating in the domain of each proximal sub-goal. 01:49:56.260 |
And that's what happens with this upward orientation. 01:49:58.620 |
It's like what you're trying to do is to make things 01:50:01.680 |
as good as they could be, whatever that means, 01:50:06.540 |
for the largest number of people, you included. 01:50:08.940 |
Now, you're not gonna know exactly how to do that, 01:50:12.740 |
Okay, now that's gonna inform your perceptions 01:50:17.260 |
but it's also gonna modify your reward system 01:50:36.280 |
because now he's doing something that's so worthwhile 01:50:44.980 |
- Right, it's a rewriting of the reward contingencies. 01:50:51.220 |
you could imagine a situation where a culture 01:51:12.660 |
That's what's happening from a biological perspective 01:51:27.460 |
because the level of uncertainty is basically zero. 01:51:38.080 |
- And that's not the way that relationships work. 01:51:42.180 |
The way relationships work is I ask somebody out, 01:51:47.060 |
You go out on a date, they might not want a second date. 01:51:50.960 |
You might think that you're on the path to one thing 01:52:12.820 |
Like they're rejecting you because there is something wrong. 01:52:48.260 |
because it's more pornography in a degenerating game 01:52:51.940 |
'cause as you said, you have to chase that novelty edge. 01:53:03.980 |
like what do you mean more and more extreme exactly? 01:53:07.180 |
Well, you know, a casual glance at online pornography 01:53:10.940 |
can give you some real insight into where that ends. 01:53:21.140 |
because sexuality can definitely twist itself 01:53:31.500 |
- No, we see this with people who are highly successful 01:53:33.980 |
who seem to have lots of areas of their life regulated 01:53:37.540 |
and then, you know, they collapse their lives. 01:53:40.580 |
And we sometimes see it with drugs of abuse as well. 01:53:44.260 |
Although unless those drugs of abuse are dopaminergic 01:53:57.160 |
- Yes, well, time is the problem as we've been pointing out. 01:54:03.200 |
So Revelation is a vision of the end of time. 01:54:24.740 |
I figured this out with my friend Jonathan Paggio. 01:54:33.640 |
of the Scarlet Beast and the Whore of Babylon. 01:54:37.780 |
And it's very relevant to our discussion on pornography. 01:54:42.060 |
So it's a vision of how society disintegrates. 01:54:46.200 |
Okay, now imagine when society disintegrates, 01:54:51.560 |
and women disintegrate according to their pattern. 01:54:57.980 |
it's gonna be men and women who disintegrate. 01:54:59.960 |
There's no reason to assume that their pattern 01:55:04.000 |
Okay, Scarlet Beast, that's the Scarlet Beast of the state. 01:55:20.240 |
And so now it's got heads in every direction. 01:55:23.440 |
And it's red, scarlet, because that confusion, 01:55:39.680 |
it loses its unity, and then it's multiple heads, right? 01:55:42.960 |
And that's the emblem of descent into diverse chaos. 01:55:47.960 |
- And gazes everywhere with these multiple heads. 01:55:53.400 |
Okay, now that's the disintegration of the patriarchy, 01:56:02.200 |
That's a beautiful woman who's subordinated her psyche 01:56:12.680 |
So she's extremely attractive, and she's clad in gold, 01:56:15.620 |
and she holds a cup, it's very graphic imagery, 01:56:22.020 |
- Is this like, I mean, I guess I will just say it. 01:56:27.600 |
on X of this woman who had sex with 100 men in a day. 01:56:34.240 |
- Yeah, well, she seems to be rethinking her plan, 01:56:49.360 |
My response to her kind of post-100 men thing 01:56:54.360 |
was it was hard for me to know to what extent 01:57:20.880 |
to hold onto their sanity would possibly imagine. 01:57:27.480 |
I'm just saying this from a place of just kind of like, 01:57:30.440 |
wow, like this woman obviously navigating life in this way, 01:57:36.640 |
But the fact that so many people know about this, 01:57:46.700 |
I certainly believe, that this is now out there, right? 01:57:55.740 |
- Just like seeing somebody murder somebody in cold blood. 01:58:04.320 |
but those two things kind of leveled up or leveled down, 01:58:31.240 |
and all of the people that are following her, 01:58:33.580 |
and all the young women who are influenced by her. 01:58:36.020 |
So you have this figure on the back of the degenerate state, 01:58:55.200 |
because why wouldn't female sexuality commoditize 01:59:07.960 |
The degenerate state offers the whore of Babylon 01:59:13.840 |
You can have everything you want on the sexual side. 01:59:35.900 |
And I think we're seeing that in our society now. 01:59:38.720 |
30% of Japanese under the age of 30 are virgins. 01:59:46.360 |
Right, the birth rates in those countries have plummeted. 02:00:13.140 |
where one in four women will be involuntarily childless. 02:00:17.020 |
Right, and so it's so, well, that's a good example, 02:00:20.420 |
as I said earlier, of how these things are characterized 02:00:23.580 |
in this symbolic language that outlines the starkest, 02:00:27.700 |
you might say, the starkest of biological realities. 02:00:33.060 |
you know, your sense was that there was a problem 02:00:39.100 |
part of the problem with effortless gratification 02:00:48.020 |
was an unlimited horizon of sexual opportunity. 02:00:52.660 |
Okay, we know, but the actual consequence of that 02:01:02.700 |
- This was if you can't be with the one you love, 02:01:05.660 |
Someone I know who was in their 20s in the 1970s 02:01:10.820 |
explained to me, I always thought that song was about, 02:01:12.860 |
you know, if you can't be with the person that you love, 02:01:15.940 |
you know, you find someone else you can love. 02:01:17.500 |
He explained to me that's not what that was about. 02:01:24.960 |
just promiscuity had emerged as a theme of the 1970s. 02:01:33.420 |
of the birth control pill, it was not surprising 02:01:40.460 |
And we're going to be dealing with the consequences 02:01:48.780 |
- Well, no, I would say that happens in concert, sure, sure. 02:01:54.580 |
- No, no, you can't, men and women degenerate 02:02:05.060 |
like there's no oppressing women without oppressing men. 02:02:07.620 |
There's no oppressing men without oppressing women. 02:02:09.700 |
It's like we're joined at the hip, so to speak. 02:02:19.940 |
you might think, well, that leads to the domination of men. 02:03:01.260 |
And I thought, wow, like he's not a political candidate, 02:03:07.020 |
vigor, pride, and achievement to celebrate those. 02:03:12.780 |
the deep pleasure in generative action at a distance, 02:03:24.180 |
It's like the highest form of potential satiation 02:03:54.420 |
You know, they must average about 3,000 or 4,000 people. 02:04:01.140 |
that always reduces the audience to like dead silence. 02:04:05.460 |
The audiences are usually quiet in the events. 02:04:10.460 |
That's one of the ways, I'm sure you know this, 02:04:14.980 |
you wanna stay in that zone where no one's moving, right? 02:04:18.180 |
'Cause then you know their attention is focused, 02:04:20.860 |
and you can hear that, and you can, I wouldn't say, 02:04:49.060 |
responsibility is dutiful, orderly productivity. 02:04:57.980 |
What they fail to understand is that there's no difference 02:05:05.080 |
And you can tell young men in particular that. 02:05:13.200 |
It will increase your status, it will improve your life, 02:05:20.800 |
Every fiber of your being is screaming for it. 02:05:24.840 |
You find it in the voluntary adoption of responsibility. 02:05:28.640 |
And that's like, everyone needs to know that. 02:05:42.960 |
One of the first things I do when I wake up in the morning, 02:05:45.580 |
I look around the kitchen, I look around my room, 02:05:49.680 |
Now I need that in order to be able to think clearly, 02:05:58.920 |
especially if you have a bit of a depressive tilt, 02:06:01.280 |
that it's kind of hard to get oriented properly 02:06:05.600 |
And if you take, like, I moved into a new house 02:06:33.480 |
I made my bed, and then I went and fixed the garage 02:06:41.220 |
Like the ability to carry out something linearly 02:06:43.560 |
when there's a near infinite number of options 02:06:48.640 |
I think is so powerful, because you're picking a target. 02:07:12.000 |
that adventure and responsibility are the same thing. 02:07:21.280 |
let's say you go see an adventure movie, James Bond movie, 02:07:24.840 |
you know, classic archetypal action adventure movie 02:07:37.520 |
- Yeah, he's trying to battle with the forces of chaos 02:07:40.480 |
that undermine the international order, right? 02:07:45.200 |
And he's putting himself at substantive risk to do that. 02:08:08.680 |
And here's something else I figured out, so remarkable. 02:08:11.840 |
So I went to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, 02:08:17.880 |
which is the first Christian church that was established. 02:08:27.840 |
And so at the center of the church is an altar, 02:08:38.280 |
Crucifixion, sacrificial image, altar, church. 02:08:44.560 |
And then that becomes the pattern for European towns, right? 02:08:48.200 |
And all the towns that everyone wants to go visit in Europe 02:08:53.640 |
Well, responsible sacrifice is at the core of the community. 02:08:57.320 |
That's what's dramatized in all that, in that architecture, 02:09:04.040 |
in the actual, in the structure of the community 02:09:10.600 |
Well, of course, sacrifice is the center of the community. 02:09:13.760 |
Obviously, because community is a sacrificial gesture. 02:09:25.160 |
that you want right now to the future and the community. 02:09:29.480 |
Clearly, and now that's gonna integrate you psychologically, 02:09:32.040 |
it's gonna integrate the society and make it productive. 02:09:34.680 |
And it's so interesting that we acted that out for, 02:09:43.360 |
Christian-oriented civilization for the last 2,000 years, 02:09:50.840 |
that sacrifice is at the center of the community. 02:09:55.120 |
- Well, what are we to make of cities like San Francisco, 02:10:09.920 |
I mean, it's a testament to what's possible in a city 02:10:23.380 |
to walk down in the afternoon hours, let alone at night. 02:10:35.260 |
I mean, you literally have to avoid the center of the city 02:10:40.220 |
And it's very, it's sad. - Yeah, well, the question is. 02:10:43.900 |
- You're asking a symbolic question in some ways. 02:10:46.360 |
Like, you're asking, what is the nature of the relationship 02:10:55.500 |
and the fact that the centers of cities have deteriorated? 02:10:59.780 |
Well, those aren't unrelated, not in the least. 02:11:11.400 |
And mere chaos is around, mere chaos is set upon the world. 02:11:18.800 |
He knew that when the center pillar disintegrates, 02:11:24.280 |
That's one of the oldest realizations of humankind. 02:11:29.600 |
what has caused the degeneration of the center? 02:11:42.320 |
There's an insistence on the postmodern side. 02:11:47.860 |
that we see the world through a story, and they were right. 02:12:02.620 |
And a story is something like the prioritization 02:12:07.500 |
- I heard recently that religion teaches through story, 02:12:16.520 |
and that science is designed to try and remove itself 02:12:22.640 |
I mean, you'd love to just present graphs and figures, 02:12:24.520 |
but you have to explain what's in those, right? 02:12:26.160 |
There's a discussion, there's some conclusions, 02:12:38.260 |
- But story is the way that the brain works, right? 02:12:55.180 |
So I read a book once that was written by an ex-KGB agent 02:13:03.860 |
where there was a dreadful accident at one point 02:13:06.660 |
that resulted in the death of about 500 people. 02:13:09.460 |
They were trying to produce an amalgam of Ebola 02:13:20.500 |
- Okay, now look, from a strictly scientific perspective, 02:13:36.980 |
because we know that you can have an evil scientist. 02:13:43.100 |
how many movies uses evil scientist as a trope? 02:13:48.100 |
Like, the bad guy is almost always an evil scientist, right? 02:14:04.000 |
the story's always lurking in the background. 02:14:06.160 |
Like, why are you conducting your investigation? 02:14:08.720 |
Well, I wanna understand more about the human psyche. 02:14:12.240 |
Well, I wanna be of aid to the human enterprise. 02:14:17.000 |
I wanna pursue truth in a manner that makes things better. 02:14:23.080 |
And you might say, "Well, that's self-evidence." 02:14:26.000 |
Like, it's only self-evident when it's working properly. 02:14:28.600 |
When it's not working properly, things get bad quick. 02:14:46.640 |
it's the worst human atrocity I've ever seen by a lot, 02:14:51.520 |
and that was the scientific enterprise gone astray, 02:14:56.200 |
It has to be encapsulated within a value structure, 02:15:00.280 |
well, what's the appropriate value structure? 02:15:04.760 |
I talked to Richard Dawkins about this a little bit. 02:15:09.000 |
is that as the humanistic enterprise has progressed, 02:15:12.980 |
and as the atheistic impulse has made itself more manifest, 02:15:29.840 |
between, let's say, Newton and Bacon and Descartes. 02:15:35.320 |
that when you destabilize the underlying story, 02:15:38.080 |
everybody becomes a narcissistic, immature psychopath, 02:15:46.720 |
because I'm sure you've observed, like I've observed, 02:15:57.120 |
I mean, one of the primary ones, in my opinion, 02:15:59.520 |
and I'm familiar with the scientific community, 02:16:01.200 |
is that a lot of science is built on lineages 02:16:11.760 |
within and across lineages was to seek out new territory. 02:16:16.040 |
I could tell a lot of stories that would take up hours 02:16:24.800 |
But instead, what they were encouraging them to do 02:16:30.680 |
- But instead, what's happened is that 95% of the scientists 02:16:34.360 |
in a given subfield all work on similar problems, 02:16:37.880 |
pin metals on each other, validate each other, 02:16:49.720 |
within the field of Alzheimer's and dementia, 02:16:53.800 |
and you kind of wonder if, I mean, that's not my subfield, 02:17:00.400 |
where everyone was, like the emperor has no clothes, 02:17:04.080 |
like everyone agreeing that this is the stuff to work on 02:17:06.120 |
when in fact the data were falsified and people knew. 02:17:10.760 |
So what that means is that it's like bad family values 02:17:15.040 |
And I do think these are well-meaning people along the line, 02:17:39.480 |
you have to put discovering that you're wrong 02:17:45.640 |
And that is hard on your career in the short term. 02:17:48.320 |
Like if you play that game and you're good at it, 02:17:53.400 |
But that's gonna take a while and it's not certain. 02:17:57.480 |
- It's not at all surprising that people would subvert 02:18:06.560 |
unless there was a stunningly powerful countervailing force. 02:18:11.160 |
And that force was powerful enough, let's say, 02:18:25.320 |
And we don't know what conditions had to be in place 02:18:28.040 |
for people to actually like seriously prioritize the truth. 02:18:32.360 |
Seriously, 'cause that's what a serious scientist does. 02:18:35.720 |
And so it's not surprising that it would degenerate 02:18:44.880 |
what are the preconditions that have to be in place 02:18:48.000 |
as narrative foundation for there to be at least 02:18:53.360 |
- I think one needs to reward true adventure and novelty, 02:19:02.920 |
and yet there are huge, huge sets of untapped problems. 02:19:07.520 |
The challenge for them is it's difficult to get funding 02:19:17.960 |
which is also an issue that needs to be dealt with, 02:19:21.680 |
is that we tend to reward science that's already completed, 02:19:29.800 |
Whereas great science comes through taking great risk, 02:19:32.440 |
and people, like you said, holding the truth above all else, 02:19:35.360 |
and being willing to stake their careers on it. 02:19:40.680 |
if it involved effort to solve things correctly. 02:19:43.320 |
In other words, give young scientists funding 02:19:46.120 |
and encourage them to go after novel problems, 02:19:52.320 |
that they have to be exited out of the university, 02:19:59.040 |
and you know, because you're a university professor, 02:20:02.800 |
you need to reduce the entropy as much as possible. 02:20:06.240 |
In any event, without going down that path too far, 02:20:16.600 |
- Otherwise, well, science is the handmaiden of some story. 02:20:22.200 |
because motivation is the handmaiden of some story. 02:20:38.640 |
on a particular hypothesis, and you run a critical study, 02:20:41.640 |
and it turns out that the reason you're famous is invalid, 02:20:50.680 |
And the answer has to be because you hold the truth 02:21:01.800 |
Well, man, that's a very difficult thing to establish. 02:21:06.640 |
Now, you can do that with young scientists to some degree, 02:21:16.200 |
there's nothing better than pursuit of the truth. 02:21:22.640 |
It's worth a risk because you can be spectacularly successful 02:21:53.400 |
Like you can instill love of the truth in your students, 02:22:02.200 |
you have to believe that the truth will set you free, right? 02:22:05.560 |
And that's a religious presumption in the final analysis. 02:22:09.160 |
Serve truth, it's the best long-term strategy. 02:22:24.960 |
And I figured it out with regard to truth too. 02:22:37.480 |
you have to let go of the predictability of the outcome. 02:22:40.720 |
Right, now if I wanted to manipulate you in some way, 02:22:43.240 |
I would craft my strategy for this podcast a priori. 02:22:48.160 |
And then I would tilt the podcast toward that end, right? 02:22:53.080 |
And I could be more or less sophisticated than that. 02:22:57.400 |
we're gonna follow the thread wherever it goes, 02:23:04.160 |
is the best outcome that could possibly have been, 02:23:23.720 |
It's like you're bounding over the uncharted sea, let's say, 02:23:44.240 |
It's like, yeah, it's better to have the adventure. 02:23:48.960 |
- So he left what was indulgent, he had everything, 02:24:03.240 |
to rescue his nephew from the hands of tyrants. 02:24:06.920 |
It's like, all the adventures of life get thrown at him. 02:24:13.280 |
He wants all the adventures of life to be thrown at him. 02:24:21.160 |
when you go watch "The Lord of the Rings," for example, 02:24:24.280 |
or "The Hobbit," you're seeing the characterization 02:24:41.760 |
that's the genuine identity of the individual. 02:24:49.280 |
you'll have the redemptive adventure of your life. 02:24:54.240 |
that it'll justify the suffering that's intrinsic to life. 02:25:08.420 |
In a way that I'm sure you couldn't have imagined. 02:25:12.180 |
- Yeah, we are about to hit the end of four years 02:25:21.020 |
I had no concept that it would become what it's become. 02:25:24.340 |
And so what's the existential consequence of that? 02:25:27.500 |
Like, you know, I mean, everyone's life is rife 02:25:32.440 |
and now you have something exciting and generative to do. 02:25:44.520 |
well, on Friday, I'm talking to Jordan Peterson, 02:25:52.320 |
I just believe, that's setting my sights on the proximal. 02:25:56.220 |
And I just believe in, I know my deep, deep, deep love 02:26:01.220 |
of finding, organizing, and disseminating information 02:26:14.860 |
So I would say, I don't think that that proclamation, 02:26:17.880 |
I don't think is any different from the notion 02:26:25.260 |
'Cause you said generated, generating ideas, right? 02:26:51.620 |
well, what's the basis for that intrinsic pleasure? 02:26:56.700 |
Well, you could imagine it as a manifestation 02:27:07.700 |
It integrates you with other people across time, right? 02:27:11.640 |
Why wouldn't you find your, how could it be otherwise 02:27:15.100 |
than you would find your deepest satisfaction 02:27:26.140 |
Like, that would assume that there's a concordance 02:27:39.140 |
And we've been doing this for a very long time 02:27:41.780 |
as human beings, so why we wouldn't have an instinct 02:27:45.940 |
And of course, we'd find our deepest satisfaction in that. 02:27:53.580 |
through that light, they become, I think, painfully obvious. 02:27:57.700 |
So, also because the contrary hypothesis is absurd. 02:28:01.780 |
It's like you're gonna find deep satisfaction, 02:28:04.940 |
And if you do happen to stumble across a nugget, 02:28:15.860 |
- Earlier, we were talking about operationalizing 02:28:20.300 |
the effort, the calling to move from potential chaos 02:28:24.060 |
to order starts with organizing one's physical space. 02:28:29.060 |
If we were to extend the rings of the bullseye 02:28:32.980 |
out a little bit further for people listening 02:28:42.740 |
So responsibility and adventure being perhaps 02:28:46.620 |
the compass through which we can navigate there. 02:28:50.940 |
So they think like, well, where can they grab a hold 02:28:55.300 |
of their responsibility and then as a consequence 02:28:58.460 |
of doing that, engage in adventure and have an impact 02:29:02.100 |
that is good for them and good for the world. 02:29:06.740 |
- I think there's very practical answers to those questions. 02:29:15.420 |
characterizations of the divine in the biblical library 02:29:23.660 |
You could think about those as integrated manifestations 02:29:28.780 |
So imagine there's a pathway forward to your aim, okay? 02:29:33.780 |
Your negative emotion tells you when you deviate 02:29:35.740 |
from the pathway and your positive emotion tells you 02:29:44.460 |
and there's a voice of your integrated negative emotion. 02:29:47.260 |
Calling, that's what fills you with enthusiasm. 02:30:05.700 |
And you might think, I don't wanna have any problems. 02:30:10.420 |
You can tell that 'cause those things bug you. 02:30:13.180 |
That's your conscience calling you to your destiny. 02:30:17.740 |
Calling, there's some things that interest you, right? 02:30:28.860 |
That's the symbolic representation of calling. 02:30:32.220 |
It's the dynamism between calling and conscience 02:30:37.780 |
That's the pillar of flame and the pillar of darkness 02:30:45.380 |
Conscience provides disciplinary limitations. 02:31:10.780 |
And it's like you see people, their lives are so chaotic. 02:31:16.100 |
every single bit of it is a catastrophic mess. 02:31:24.720 |
It's like, where do you start dealing with chaos? 02:31:32.600 |
And then see what happens 'cause what'll happen is 02:31:41.800 |
and then you'll be able to see what's the next step. 02:31:48.800 |
It's like, it's okay because the process is exponential. 02:31:53.360 |
So even if you start nowhere, if you keep doubling, 02:31:58.360 |
you're gonna get somewhere and faster than you think. 02:32:03.120 |
when you're plummeting into the abyss, unfortunately. 02:32:06.680 |
A colleague of mine who studies, he's a geneticist, 02:32:13.460 |
It doesn't take very many to devolve a species. 02:32:25.160 |
There's way more ways to make something complex worse 02:32:31.360 |
- That's why it's a straight and narrow path. 02:32:34.080 |
- My father came to this country from Argentina 02:32:43.600 |
And it was probably in the early '90s that we went, 02:32:48.200 |
I was born in '75, so probably, yeah, early '90s, 02:32:50.560 |
that we went to a movie theater together to see a movie. 02:32:58.380 |
And he said, "This is the beginning of the end." 02:33:05.320 |
And he said, "There are people here in their pajamas." 02:33:08.580 |
- And obviously, they weren't in their pajamas, 02:33:10.220 |
but they'd come in in kind of like bathroom slippers. 02:33:19.520 |
- They didn't care what other people thought, right? 02:33:22.240 |
They were making a public display of their lack of care. 02:33:35.220 |
But, you know, I would say from 1990 until fairly recently, 02:33:39.660 |
hopefully things are shifting for the better now, 02:33:47.820 |
by wearing clothes that they feel represent them, et cetera. 02:33:57.500 |
The evocation of voluntary chaos, that's one thing. 02:34:00.940 |
The degeneration into chaos through sloth, let's say, 02:34:25.500 |
in the manner they present themselves in dress, 02:34:28.560 |
because they have a inspiration or a purpose, 02:34:43.340 |
when you were a kid that your dad was overreacting. 02:34:49.580 |
you can see things before other people see them. 02:34:52.080 |
And he came from a place that had gone through 02:35:04.820 |
That's another example of the center disintegrating, right? 02:35:09.280 |
- Where do you think we are now in the United States? 02:35:23.220 |
We just had a public display of an assassination. 02:35:27.500 |
- Maybe, you know, I hadn't intended on going there, 02:35:32.940 |
I got pulled into this through tangential reasons. 02:35:35.380 |
This Luigi Mancione's last tweet was a podcast cover 02:35:41.920 |
And some media outlets tried to make something of that. 02:35:56.060 |
It is all alleged now, but it seems to be pointing 02:36:01.320 |
because he claims there's no one else acting with him, 02:36:07.380 |
but the statement was a combination of statements 02:36:10.220 |
about the insurance system, sort of anti-establishment 02:36:15.220 |
because of his affinity for Kaczynski Unabomber bombings. 02:36:19.300 |
But at the same time, he didn't really seem to fall 02:36:22.980 |
into kind of left-leaning or right-leaning politics squarely. 02:36:31.380 |
or schizophrenic type organization there in his head 02:36:37.740 |
And we had to see somebody assassinated, shot in the back, 02:36:42.740 |
multiple times. - If I had to hazard a guess, 02:36:44.100 |
I would say the first thing I would be looking for 02:37:01.180 |
is very, very much difficulty in maintaining. 02:37:06.220 |
in a highly intellectual atmosphere, for example. 02:37:14.500 |
And the intellect is particularly prone to that. 02:37:16.920 |
The archetypal representation of the intellect 02:37:25.080 |
God's highest angel gone most catastrophically wrong, 02:37:39.140 |
And so I think he's a worshiper of his own intellect 02:37:41.780 |
and believed that he was the guy who could make the decision 02:37:46.980 |
which means he took onto himself the role of ultimate judge. 02:37:50.500 |
And that's what the kid who shot up Columbine did too 02:37:56.660 |
And that's like narcissistic beyond comprehension. 02:38:01.820 |
well, that's an echo of that moralizing narcissism 02:38:05.780 |
that's deeply embedded in our culture, deeply embedded. 02:38:09.900 |
And so, yeah, it's a very ugly, it's very ugly. 02:38:15.880 |
We're now vigilantes in relationship to the corporate world, 02:38:41.740 |
That's hardly going to cause them to adjust their premiums 02:38:53.460 |
I mean, earlier we were talking about action at a distance. 02:38:56.340 |
I mean, clearly this Mangione guy is aware of action. 02:39:03.940 |
So ignored or notorious, there's a hard choice for young men. 02:39:21.860 |
It's just hard to do, it's hard to do good things. 02:39:25.180 |
I mean, I think that's one reason why I'm very happy 02:39:29.820 |
You don't have to agree with him politically, 02:39:32.340 |
but the rockets going, the idea of going to Mars, 02:39:35.420 |
trying to make sure that our species replaces itself. 02:39:57.820 |
but the probability that it's fluke once is higher. 02:40:06.260 |
Right, and so, and he's a from first principle sort of guy. 02:40:13.180 |
So, and that is independent of his political stance. 02:40:29.660 |
the thing is it's also, this is that back to that issue 02:40:32.680 |
of the relationship between responsibility and adventure. 02:40:35.640 |
It's like, if the aim is true, the voyage is worthwhile. 02:40:44.780 |
Like, you know, you're very successful with your podcast, 02:40:47.980 |
but my suspicions are you've deeply enjoyed it 02:40:52.180 |
Well, so, well, that means that some of your pleasure 02:40:59.420 |
You've become successful, but if that was your aim, 02:41:06.260 |
- Definitely, I definitely would have failed. 02:41:10.080 |
- 'Cause it wasn't the pursuit of pleasure per se. 02:41:12.020 |
It's sort of like the difference between, you know, 02:41:13.740 |
is it easier to be the class clown or the top of the class? 02:41:20.780 |
All you have to do is crack 10 jokes, one of them hits, 02:41:28.260 |
Well, that's the prioritization of the short-term 02:41:31.220 |
I mean, Rogan's a perfectly appropriate example 02:41:54.660 |
who refuse to talk to people in the podcast world 02:41:58.180 |
for 10 years are now proclaiming to everyone who will listen 02:42:01.500 |
that they should have built their own, you know, 02:42:06.460 |
and they could have participated in the one that exists now 02:42:09.620 |
at any time had they shown the least proclivity to do so. 02:42:30.540 |
- I think people forget how Joe's podcast started. 02:42:39.300 |
He had done some television and things of that sort, 02:42:44.380 |
where a comedian was stealing Ari Shaffir's jokes. 02:43:08.280 |
and the guy challenged him and Joe said, "No," 02:43:13.780 |
And my understanding, could be wrong about this, 02:43:15.980 |
but my understanding is that Joe was then banished 02:43:24.060 |
and he and Brian Redman and a few other folks 02:43:27.140 |
started what eventually became the Joe Rogan Podcast. 02:43:30.100 |
It came out of an impulse to stand up for the truth, 02:43:46.060 |
Yeah, and he doesn't claim to always be right, 02:43:55.140 |
- He claims consistently to not be sufficiently right. 02:44:03.900 |
if you believe that you already know everything. 02:44:11.060 |
And Joe wouldn't be perennially attractive to his audiences 02:44:17.420 |
that the audience would like to have answered. 02:44:23.540 |
- Well, Musk himself said, when I interviewed him, 02:44:26.400 |
he talked about a terrible existential crisis 02:44:32.140 |
which is not atypical of people with outstanding intellects, 02:44:49.260 |
to confront difficult problems and try to solve them. 02:44:53.380 |
And he found that to be sufficiently gratifying, 02:45:02.040 |
that Rogan is exemplifying in you, in your pursuits. 02:45:06.500 |
And you can see what impact it has on the public, you know? 02:45:10.660 |
And I was talking with one of your staff members 02:45:13.760 |
before this podcast about your lectures, say, in Australia. 02:45:22.340 |
to a biologist lecture spontaneously for, what, 90 minutes? 02:45:28.060 |
Well, that's just an indication of how compelled people are 02:45:42.740 |
And that is a manifestation of the word that redeems. 02:45:49.120 |
that it doesn't even so much matter the direction 02:45:59.660 |
she's the head of our Dual Diagnosis Addiction Center. 02:46:01.920 |
She was the one who really truly deserves credit 02:46:04.600 |
for bringing dopamine into the public discussion 02:46:07.780 |
She initiated that, talking about how big inflections 02:46:14.040 |
aka drugs of abuse, behavioral addictions, et cetera, 02:46:18.920 |
And then people will engage in more of the behavior 02:46:20.920 |
that drives us further and further and further. 02:46:24.020 |
I was talking to her about how people get sober 02:46:36.520 |
"Everyone nowadays wants to know what their purpose is." 02:46:46.560 |
You find purpose by figuring out how you can be of use 02:46:57.060 |
- And in doing that, you start to hear the calling 02:47:00.560 |
And as you said, you don't- - Or it reveals itself to you. 02:47:03.540 |
- It reveals, yeah. - And this is the same thing. 02:47:05.760 |
- So I think you two would enjoy a conversation 02:47:08.680 |
- I think you're very aligned. - This is an important thing 02:47:09.960 |
to return to because people are often curious 02:47:14.320 |
It's like, okay, first, this is what Jacob does. 02:47:26.680 |
Now, Jacob is a bad guy when the story starts. 02:47:29.920 |
And he leaves his home and the perverse influence 02:47:32.920 |
of his mother and his criminal betraying past behind. 02:47:41.540 |
And that night, he makes an altar and he makes a sacrifice. 02:47:45.280 |
And that night, he has a dream of a staircase 02:48:07.920 |
you have to review how wretched and miserable 02:48:16.520 |
And then you have to think, I'd rather not have that. 02:48:24.520 |
because you're pretty scattered and dissolute, 02:48:27.440 |
but at least you got the damn intent in mind. 02:48:30.640 |
And then you have to be willing to make the sacrifices, 02:48:37.120 |
Well, then the pathway will reveal itself to you 02:48:42.600 |
Is there something around here that I could fix, 02:48:57.160 |
So you might have to start with something pretty trivial, 02:48:59.240 |
but it doesn't matter 'cause you start getting better. 02:49:02.120 |
Is there something that bothers me, that's conscience, 02:49:09.640 |
In the midst of the most catastrophic mess, that pathway, 02:49:13.320 |
you might even say, look, the more mess around you, 02:49:15.920 |
the more unstructured possibility you have at hand. 02:49:26.720 |
but it is the case that the more mess at hand 02:49:29.680 |
that you can see, the more opportunity that's there, 02:49:32.780 |
'cause, well, if you can see that it's a mess, 02:49:35.800 |
then you can see the pathway to cleaning it up. 02:49:50.560 |
I used to have students do this as a project. 02:49:53.280 |
And one of the projects was find something around you 02:49:56.600 |
in your neighborhood, wherever, in your family 02:49:58.760 |
that isn't set right and see if you could set it right. 02:50:10.080 |
And so he decided he would try to take on the role of mother, 02:50:13.560 |
you know, be responsible for the household operating. 02:50:18.000 |
Well, it grew him up like mad, as you can imagine. 02:50:20.840 |
He ran into all sorts of weird resistances, right? 02:50:27.240 |
And like, he just had a tremendously complex adventure 02:50:31.040 |
as a consequence of his willingness to pursue this. 02:50:34.560 |
It was obviously necessary 'cause the alternative 02:50:40.920 |
You say, well, my circumstances are so difficult. 02:50:47.120 |
But that means there's a lot of mess, fix it a bit. 02:50:51.400 |
And that's ridiculously entertaining and unpredictable. 02:51:03.940 |
- I had a, for me, I felt a compulsion to share what I knew, 02:51:11.840 |
everyone was so focused on vaccines and lockdowns 02:51:23.220 |
our director of the National Institutes of Mental Health. 02:51:29.680 |
hey folks, if you're gonna be indoors this much, 02:51:31.920 |
get some sunlight in your eyes in the morning, 02:51:34.680 |
Trouble sleeping equates to mental health issues. 02:51:38.520 |
My lab was working on ways to regulate stress 02:51:41.480 |
through deliberate breathing, through other mechanisms. 02:51:44.440 |
It was like, well, I want people to have tools, 02:51:49.040 |
to help them regulate their circadian biology, 02:51:51.180 |
because those wick out to countering the negative forces 02:51:56.020 |
that were on us, which are social order was disrupted, 02:52:01.540 |
that I knew existed, that I was knowledgeable about. 02:52:04.580 |
And I had a longstanding kind of growing compulsion 02:52:13.700 |
- There was a lot of energy behind the mission, 02:52:17.760 |
The calling was from hearing about people's suffering. 02:52:19.760 |
It's like, well, of course you're not sleeping well. 02:52:22.980 |
to worry about right now, people aren't working, et cetera, 02:52:25.600 |
but you're not getting sunlight in your eyes. 02:52:29.920 |
and then there's the whole socialization thing, 02:52:36.480 |
and my conscience told me that I have the knowledge, 02:52:44.460 |
And so I just started blabbing on the internet. 02:52:51.400 |
you can think, well, that's a logical extension 02:52:53.760 |
of your subsidiary calling to be a teacher and a professor. 02:52:57.880 |
You're already a researcher, you're already a professor, 02:53:00.100 |
so you're investigating and transmitting knowledge. 02:53:02.560 |
It's like, well, looks like you could do that 02:53:04.880 |
on a broader scale, and the technology's there. 02:53:19.600 |
Elijah, Elijah's the prophet who appears with Christ 02:53:24.240 |
when he's transfigured on the mount in the New Testament. 02:53:34.440 |
That's a major psychological revolution, right? 02:53:37.920 |
It's an unheralded transformation in understanding. 02:53:42.920 |
It's like, it's not the storm, it's not the forest fire, 02:53:46.280 |
it's not the earthquake, it's not the god of nature. 02:53:49.600 |
He's the originator of the phrase, the still, small voice. 02:54:03.400 |
There's no proposition more revolutionary than that. 02:54:06.680 |
And so that's why Elijah is a prophet of primary status. 02:54:23.280 |
I mean, you have to gerrymander the definition of you 02:54:30.160 |
that things come from outside of us, certainly for me. 02:54:46.180 |
and to help transmit that knowledge out to people 02:54:58.200 |
and not try and control or lead with questions. 02:55:02.600 |
- And to allow a sense of randomness and serendipity 02:55:12.440 |
trusting that it's in service to the listeners. 02:55:23.160 |
I've been doing this for a little over a year. 02:55:29.840 |
- My coming to the whole notion of prayer and God, 02:55:41.840 |
And then about a year, about a year and a half ago, 02:55:50.640 |
We started talking about God and it made sense. 02:55:56.480 |
I'm not through it yet and I started praying. 02:56:27.920 |
to remember what the hell you're trying to accomplish 02:56:45.440 |
'cause it has some aspect of neuroplasticity in there. 02:56:50.680 |
that was built out of this practice called yoga nidra, 02:56:54.320 |
where you go into an awake but deeply relaxed state, 02:56:59.440 |
is a way of enhancing one's ability to focus. 02:57:05.320 |
I mean, we know based on the data, it improves focus. 02:57:07.480 |
Prayer, to me, is entirely different than all of those. 02:57:19.520 |
is the allowing of something from truly outside me 02:57:23.260 |
to come through me and bring out the best in me. 02:57:34.440 |
that a powerful aspect of prayer is just listening. 02:57:44.840 |
that if I didn't still myself, that I wouldn't hear. 02:57:50.020 |
and then the next morning something will come to mind. 02:57:53.460 |
- Well, I don't think there's any real difference 02:57:58.160 |
what speaks to you in intuition is the voice of your aim. 02:58:11.300 |
and the images that appear to you are tools, so to speak, 02:58:20.820 |
Because if your thoughts and your visions, let's say, 02:58:26.660 |
they would be useless and you'd never get anywhere. 02:58:38.020 |
And one of these days when we have a podcast, 02:58:40.300 |
I'd like to sit down and talk to you about the relationship, 02:58:42.820 |
the formal relationship between thought and prayer. 02:58:46.980 |
Because I think thought is secularized prayer. 02:59:00.980 |
after we developed the ability to use language. 02:59:10.660 |
The probability that it emerged from something like prayer, 02:59:17.700 |
but I'd like to have a discussion with you about that. 02:59:21.020 |
So imagine that to have an informative intuition 02:59:34.140 |
that I don't know that I could know that I'd like to know. 02:59:50.740 |
That's discriminating the spirits, you might say. 02:59:58.620 |
is something approximating secularized prayer. 03:00:15.460 |
because I suppose the magic is that you can think up 03:00:26.460 |
So you're on your knees, hoping for an answer. 03:00:31.820 |
Well, if that's not revelation, then what the hell is it? 03:00:40.540 |
recording from neurons, slicing up brains, staining brains, 03:00:55.820 |
I don't see how anyone who's really interested 03:01:08.300 |
And I'm not being disparaging of people that don't. 03:01:10.660 |
I know people that are atheists, I have some in my family, 03:01:14.140 |
and I just don't think that the human brain and mind 03:01:18.420 |
is capable of understanding and managing itself 03:01:24.500 |
in the absence of a concept of God in prayer. 03:01:29.260 |
And I think there's a lot of historical evidence 03:01:39.580 |
I mean, humans have discarded many of the things 03:01:55.460 |
to what extent do you think the different religions 03:01:58.660 |
and the way that they represent God differently, 03:02:02.020 |
or in the case of Christianity, God and Jesus Christ, 03:02:20.860 |
Seems to me that they all converge on the same themes, 03:02:23.940 |
but I'm not, you know, I'm somewhat of a newbie 03:02:26.260 |
to formal prayer and to reading the Bible and so on. 03:02:30.020 |
So I like to say, you know, I haven't gotten my jersey yet 03:02:33.540 |
but I'm putting in, I'm showing up to practice, 03:02:48.140 |
And for anyone listening, I mean, I wanna make clear, 03:02:50.820 |
like the, there's, I don't have any pushback on atheism. 03:02:59.020 |
really coming to terms with a real belief in God, 03:03:02.300 |
and adopting a prayer practice every single night, 03:03:09.980 |
has been just tremendously beneficial to my life. 03:03:18.420 |
the way that different religions represent God, 03:03:20.980 |
you think across religions converge on common themes? 03:03:30.460 |
I talked to Camille Paglia about this a few years ago. 03:03:35.220 |
Maybe she's one of the world's foremost literary theorists, 03:03:38.940 |
and she said something very interesting to me 03:03:42.020 |
She said that had the academy turned to Eric Neumann, 03:03:49.060 |
instead of Foucault, the whole history of the university 03:03:53.900 |
and the intellectual enterprise over the last five decades 03:04:00.500 |
- Well, Foucault is the most cited scholar who ever lived. 03:04:04.580 |
And Foucault believes that the story that we act out 03:04:20.060 |
partly because power does not provide a stable basis 03:04:23.740 |
for psychological integration or social unity. 03:04:47.940 |
And I outline that in this book, "Will You Wrestle With God?" 03:05:02.020 |
and it took them most of the 20th century to do that, 03:05:04.660 |
and they found recurring themes that are profound. 03:05:09.540 |
the ancient Egyptians worshiped a god, Horus. 03:05:21.820 |
that the ancient Egyptians worshiped attention, 03:05:48.300 |
So they believed that the degenerate state had a spirit, 03:05:51.980 |
and the antidote to the spirit of the degenerate state 03:06:04.460 |
- That sounds like what you were saying before. 03:06:38.240 |
And it's the antidote to the degenerate state 03:06:50.840 |
and the Egyptian theology had a walloping impact 03:07:25.220 |
Yes, just as there's a hierarchy in literary depth. 03:07:46.040 |
And I think the Jungian school did that brilliantly, 03:07:52.360 |
The best neuroscientists of emotion and motivation 03:07:56.120 |
that I knew, and that includes Joachim Panksepp, 03:08:09.060 |
I would start with "The Sacred and the Profane" by Iliad. 03:08:53.240 |
that the gods that Iliad described as warring 03:08:56.500 |
in the pagan world are in part manifestations 03:09:10.980 |
There's a war that integrates towards a monotheism. 03:09:14.060 |
And Iliad had tracked that in multiple cultures. 03:09:16.580 |
And that's very, it's very much worth knowing. 03:09:19.100 |
Because it explains, it explains the symbolism 03:09:23.820 |
of the emergence of the integrated literate human psyche 03:09:34.100 |
So imagine this, here's a way of thinking about it. 03:09:49.100 |
They kill each other, they cooperate and trade. 03:10:00.300 |
acting out that war just as you could think about the war, 03:10:03.940 |
the abstraction reflecting the conflict on earth. 03:10:09.640 |
That pattern is quite stable across cultures. 03:10:14.800 |
in so far as the multiplicity of cultures unifies. 03:10:29.300 |
which is the establishment of a larger scale civilization, 03:10:32.480 |
would involve the battle between ideas of the divine 03:10:36.280 |
and their integration into something resembling a unity? 03:11:02.660 |
just how powerful these academic lineages are 03:11:10.760 |
Like, all the people that advised me as a graduate student, 03:11:15.640 |
even those who had my best interests firmly in mind, 03:11:22.880 |
- Sorry, I'm laughing 'cause it's so preposterous. 03:11:27.960 |
I mean, I always did when I went for job interviews, 03:11:31.680 |
and that definitely was part of what scuttled at me 03:11:41.120 |
And so, what I was discussing was verboten in many places, 03:11:49.320 |
So, you know, that worked out quite nicely for me. 03:11:51.200 |
- Yeah, I was gonna say, clearly it worked out. 03:11:53.920 |
to ask you, I've been reading a really interesting book 03:11:57.040 |
recently that's basically grounded in Adlerian psychology. 03:12:01.920 |
- I wasn't familiar with Adlerian psychology. 03:12:05.500 |
- The book talks about Adler as a counterpoint 03:12:10.860 |
- The book is called "The Courage to be Disliked," 03:12:16.240 |
It was actually written by a Japanese author. 03:12:19.140 |
It didn't get quite so popular in this country, 03:12:30.820 |
between essentially a philosopher of Adlerian psychology 03:12:37.300 |
So it's a conversation that raises all the challenges 03:12:40.140 |
that would come to one's mind if you were to be presented 03:12:44.820 |
and that we're supposed to discard with our thoughts 03:12:55.300 |
I was just curious what your thoughts were about that. 03:12:59.860 |
and what you've talked about in multiple books, 03:13:01.500 |
including the most recent one, the one that's out now, 03:13:04.820 |
about getting really serious about what your tasks are 03:13:08.660 |
at this moment in time and embracing those tasks 03:13:13.380 |
as opposed to floundering in notions about the past. 03:13:17.700 |
And I think it might hit some people square upside the head 03:13:20.380 |
when there's, I think, one of the chapters opens 03:13:23.300 |
with the words, "There's no such thing as trauma," 03:13:26.960 |
But the whole idea is to prompt a different way of thinking. 03:13:35.300 |
regardless of what my parents did or didn't do? 03:13:47.060 |
of embracing task while agonizing over the meaning of life 03:13:55.180 |
of the small crowd that aggregated around Freud. 03:14:00.120 |
And so Jung's take was that Freud focused on sex 03:14:16.440 |
and you're interested in all three of them, let's say, 03:14:19.060 |
there's a great book called "Discovery of the Unconscious," 03:14:22.440 |
which was written by a man named Henri Ellenberger 03:14:31.740 |
And it is the best analysis of Freud, Jung, and Adler 03:14:48.700 |
and he was much less charismatic than Freud and Jung. 03:14:55.800 |
and much of his thinking, what would you say, 03:14:59.320 |
fits quite nicely with the same kind of bottom-up approach 03:15:03.240 |
that a more behaviorally oriented psychotherapist 03:15:11.980 |
if you're engaging in a therapeutic process with someone, 03:15:23.540 |
Those are people who are high in trait openness. 03:15:36.200 |
'cause they wouldn't have come to him otherwise. 03:15:38.960 |
And there's also people for whom sexual dysfunction 03:15:43.160 |
and trauma are the primary, what would you say, 03:15:47.680 |
the primary preoccupation of their life and the past. 03:16:04.760 |
he's got plenty of things to say that are good. 03:16:12.880 |
So that also put him off to the side to some degree. 03:16:18.040 |
can certainly be found in "Discovery of the Unconscious." 03:16:22.440 |
who's interested in psychological ideas broadly 03:16:36.880 |
- You know what's missing from the literature? 03:16:54.720 |
depending on which author you're paying attention to. 03:17:37.280 |
that fit perfectly with Piaget's observations 03:17:42.520 |
It's like I came across Panksepp and I thought, 03:17:55.280 |
- Youngsepp would have been far more recognized 03:17:59.200 |
had he been, he was at Bowling Green University, I think. 03:18:10.360 |
- Yeah, I don't know how he was as a lecturer. 03:18:14.000 |
And man, he had an unerring eye for the right problems 03:18:24.200 |
And you think, "Oh, of all the absurd things to focus on." 03:18:26.880 |
It's like, "No, you just don't understand where the goal is 03:18:32.480 |
Well, that would be the sort of research proposal 03:18:35.360 |
that would be pilloried by sensible Republicans 03:18:43.320 |
Rats organize their social hierarchy through play, 03:18:50.920 |
Like that's, I think he should have won a Nobel Prize. 03:19:02.000 |
That's a major league, and it's based on play. 03:19:07.560 |
- And we see the same thing in kids, obviously. 03:19:09.640 |
- And well, we see the same thing in chimpanzees. 03:19:14.280 |
that dominance hierarchies, if they're functional, 03:19:17.800 |
are often organized in consequence of play, not force. 03:19:25.360 |
- When you look out on the landscape of social media, 03:19:34.120 |
among people that's establishing a hierarchy? 03:19:44.600 |
I think that the antithesis of tyranny is play. 03:20:09.480 |
the fact that play is the antithesis of tyranny 03:20:18.800 |
if they were possessed by any other motivational state. 03:20:44.840 |
when you're watching someone who's a master at their task. 03:21:17.520 |
- Let's talk about sense of humor, if you don't mind, 03:21:19.840 |
because I think it's something that's sorely lacking 03:21:24.600 |
in a lot of the discourse among adults, so to speak. 03:21:31.400 |
I think a lot about what young people are observing. 03:21:38.280 |
Forgive me, because I think the actor was quite good. 03:21:42.320 |
But the show was "Californication" with David Duchovny. 03:21:46.920 |
this show is all about the adults acting like children 03:21:50.720 |
- Oh yeah, that's a typical Hollywood inversion. 03:21:56.840 |
Not because I'm some sort of moral avenger or something, 03:22:05.080 |
Who's actually regulating all this stuff that's happening? 03:22:09.480 |
People are misbehaving in the kind of worst of ways 03:22:26.840 |
I think that's been one of the successes of your work 03:22:30.760 |
And I like to think, you know, my podcast as well, 03:22:44.640 |
that there isn't this kind of like enjoyment of discourse 03:22:54.120 |
or like, "Oh, you got, like, good one, like, you got me." 03:22:56.440 |
Or, you know, and it seems like it's degenerated 03:23:03.040 |
And it's sort of like people are entering the game, 03:23:12.720 |
Like, you have to be willing to have a winner and a loser, 03:23:16.460 |
if you're going to engage in real discourse, in real play. 03:23:27.720 |
or not participate to the extent that I want, 03:23:29.280 |
but for young people, it's gotta be really discouraging. 03:23:31.940 |
It's like you either dunk on somebody or get dunked on. 03:23:35.360 |
- You know, I guess the optimistic riposte to that 03:23:38.600 |
would be the fact that the people that you're pointing to, 03:23:49.360 |
Constantine Kisson, Russell Brand, Dave Rubin, 03:24:01.160 |
So there's a lot of play in the alternative media, 03:24:08.220 |
So I think there's genuine room for optimism there. 03:24:11.940 |
And there's plenty of play in those podcasts. 03:24:29.900 |
to invite the Democrats to come and talk to us. 03:24:33.920 |
Rubin was part of that, Rogan was part of that, 03:24:36.380 |
if I remember correctly, I'm quite certain of it. 03:24:39.180 |
I was part of that, Shapiro was part of that. 03:24:44.040 |
which was extended many times in serious ways 03:24:55.780 |
- Nope, they'd speak to me, for example, privately, 03:24:58.140 |
never publicly, virtually never, almost without exception. 03:25:06.460 |
All the while, we were telling them, this isn't optional. 03:25:10.740 |
Your legacy media foothold is dying, wake up. 03:25:18.380 |
because he's not precisely your stereotypical Republican. 03:25:27.740 |
They try and, you know, manosphere, bro, whatever. 03:25:30.500 |
It doesn't, the reality falls so far from that. 03:25:39.740 |
and so I think we can be positive about that. 03:25:53.200 |
Well, so you can see what the spirit of playful adventure 03:25:59.540 |
Now, there's technological reasons for that, too, 03:26:09.420 |
and a very positive one as far as I'm concerned, 03:26:13.480 |
- Yeah, the power pendulum has definitely swung. 03:26:17.920 |
- Yeah, well, that became stark, starkly obvious 03:26:24.160 |
That was the death knell of the legacy media. 03:26:28.920 |
and their impact and significance across the board. 03:26:35.700 |
It was evidence of that that was so conclusive 03:26:39.680 |
that there was no longer any way of questioning it. 03:26:46.980 |
who were very resistant to that as a hypothesis, 03:26:54.140 |
because Rogan's conversation with Trump was a serious one. 03:27:41.540 |
to be derisive about Theo and his backwoodsy stick. 03:27:46.540 |
But man, there's a first rate mind lurking behind that. 03:27:53.920 |
It's not a persona 'cause it's actually him too. 03:28:10.940 |
It's very funny to see him do this successfully. 03:28:18.140 |
I mean, I just thought that was, that's so funny. 03:28:32.380 |
is like that's whatever the hell's happening. 03:28:36.780 |
in terms of our normal political dichotomy, right? 03:28:47.380 |
'cause every administration needs an opposition. 03:28:52.380 |
And if the Democrats continue with this woke idiocy, 03:28:59.940 |
that will definitely emerge in the Trump administration, 03:29:02.820 |
especially if they face no credible opposition. 03:29:10.060 |
Before we started, we were touching on this a little bit. 03:29:14.940 |
which was that you're hoping for a really formidable, 03:29:18.000 |
strong Democratic Party to counter the Republican Party. 03:29:33.140 |
You know, and that the Republicans themselves, 03:29:44.420 |
because someone's gotta be telling you where you're stupid. 03:29:49.300 |
so this is another public invitation to the Democrats, 03:29:52.340 |
which is like, must be the 50th one that I've issued. 03:30:12.180 |
I'm afraid that all the people with any real courage 03:30:21.060 |
which is why they wouldn't appear on my podcast 03:30:24.500 |
It's like, why does Peterson always interview conservatives? 03:30:27.300 |
It's like, well, how about because they'll talk to me? 03:30:37.520 |
and there's gotta be somebody in the Democrats 03:30:39.820 |
who's got enough courage to forge a new direction. 03:30:53.160 |
- I think that judging from some of the article titles 03:30:57.480 |
that I've seen at New York Times and other venues, 03:31:01.120 |
it seems like there might be some consideration about this. 03:31:50.120 |
- Yeah, and someone who is a self-declared Democrat 03:31:53.660 |
will do that as well, but not by trying to be him. 03:31:56.740 |
- No, they'll do that by trying to figure out 03:32:08.900 |
You know, I read today some Democrat claiming 03:32:11.060 |
that the Democrats are the true voice of the working class. 03:32:18.740 |
and maybe the Democrats should be the true voice 03:32:21.300 |
of the working class, but they're certainly not. 03:32:39.860 |
that's going to have to take place before that happens. 03:32:54.220 |
regardless of what might do to your reputation, 03:33:08.540 |
I mean, I get a little frightened every podcast. 03:33:17.700 |
I'll talk about circuits in the brain all day long 03:33:24.980 |
which is a real exploration and evolution of where I'm at, 03:33:38.060 |
And clearly this conversation is a new direction 03:33:47.020 |
And I think that some level of fear and anxiety 03:33:54.340 |
And I think that that's something that hopefully any, 03:33:56.820 |
especially young people listening need to know. 03:33:59.100 |
You're not supposed to perform well at the outset. 03:34:07.380 |
You have to accept the role of fool voluntarily 03:34:17.860 |
So that's the price of entry is to be a fool. 03:34:23.980 |
then you have a bit of a sense of humor about yourself. 03:34:27.940 |
And maybe even makes you an attractive character 03:34:35.180 |
for ignorance that's voluntarily admitted to. 03:34:40.340 |
apologized for the ones that I felt I should apologize for. 03:34:43.260 |
There's a slip of the tongue and make it, said something, 03:34:54.500 |
It's just thinking like, oh God, where was I thinking? 03:35:17.180 |
Or are you, where does your mind land most mornings? 03:35:24.860 |
- Well, I've suffered from a proclivity towards depression 03:35:32.840 |
And I would say the roughest part of the day for me 03:35:36.660 |
is morning, although it's way better than it once was. 03:35:39.880 |
So when I get up, I have a shower and make my bed 03:35:54.380 |
from whatever happened to me a couple of years ago. 03:36:00.260 |
But psychologically, my life is ridiculously, 03:36:09.020 |
It's crazily and absurdly interesting all the time. 03:36:13.800 |
And so anyone with any sense would be like open-mouthed 03:36:26.840 |
well, it's been going for like six years, really. 03:36:52.500 |
because everyone else there is gonna be wearing a jacket, 03:37:07.460 |
And so that's great because Europe is in trouble. 03:37:10.700 |
And going there to speak is a privilege and an honor. 03:37:19.100 |
at, the dates and so forth. 03:37:23.760 |
We launched Peterson Academy, where we want you to teach. 03:37:31.260 |
- This is a place where people can hear lectures 03:37:39.140 |
Each of them is sequenced over six to eight hours, 03:37:57.420 |
because we can take the best lectures in the world 03:38:04.400 |
We took the best of the social media networks. 03:38:16.940 |
We threw four people off the platform out of 40,000. 03:38:19.980 |
Well, three, 'cause we put one guy on probation 03:38:32.500 |
And now, you know, the community has settled into a, 03:38:47.860 |
And I would say the quality of what we're offering exceeded, 03:38:56.980 |
Michael Malice did a course for us on totalitarianism. 03:39:04.460 |
And he said that the trailer brought him to tears. 03:39:08.300 |
And that's my, now I can be easily brought to tears. 03:39:15.460 |
- I've cried a few times on this podcast this year 03:39:17.540 |
So that was a vulnerability I'd never expected, but. 03:39:20.980 |
- Yeah, well, it's good to know I'm not alone in that. 03:39:23.820 |
- I'm less susceptible now that I'm more healthy. 03:39:25.900 |
But I feel the same way about what we're producing, 03:39:29.060 |
because it's exactly, if you were a professor 03:39:53.060 |
- And so, you know, and I have an endless field 03:40:00.320 |
So hopefully I have enough sense to appreciate that. 03:40:09.980 |
- A long way from posting lectures on YouTube, 03:40:13.560 |
which is where most people originally found you, 03:40:19.900 |
I thought this guy's talking about really interesting things 03:40:29.940 |
Was that from conscious, was that calling or conscience? 03:40:41.860 |
and I think it is my fundamental motivation, is curiosity. 03:40:51.700 |
Video on demand worldwide, what does that mean? 03:41:03.180 |
as the written word and more easily disseminated. 03:41:18.820 |
I thought, might as well put my videos up there 03:41:34.780 |
Maybe seven years, somewhere between five and seven years 03:41:41.900 |
because when I opposed the Trudeau government's attempt 03:41:46.900 |
to compel my speech in the form of Bill C-16, 03:41:55.820 |
right-wing Nazi, even though I'd spent my whole career 03:41:59.780 |
publicizing the horrors of the Nazi administration 03:42:02.820 |
and teaching my students how not to fall prey 03:42:10.220 |
I had like 200 hours of lectures up on YouTube already. 03:42:15.880 |
So, when all that negative attention was drawn to me, 03:42:20.520 |
And the huge advantage there was that there wasn't a single, 03:42:33.000 |
I was a reprehensible character had every opportunity 03:42:35.840 |
to go through everything I'd said with a fine-tooth comb, 03:42:38.800 |
which you can be absolutely certain they did. 03:42:44.240 |
that led any credence whatsoever to their accusations. 03:42:48.040 |
And so, that was a breaking point in some ways 03:42:50.360 |
for council culture, because there were very forceful 03:43:03.080 |
and they thought, huh, nothing he says falls into alignment 03:43:16.240 |
That was part of the dam breaking with regards 03:43:23.100 |
So, not only was what I was accused of a lie, 03:43:41.680 |
- Well, I guess that speaks to what I was going to say, 03:43:53.640 |
because it certainly was the beginning of a long adventure 03:44:00.160 |
where you continue to take risks that are healthy risks 03:44:04.920 |
in service to trying to understand the truth and share that. 03:44:11.080 |
that you know absolutely right for everybody, 03:44:17.000 |
you could share useful knowledge at the practical level, 03:44:24.320 |
Do these things to try and discover your path, 03:44:27.660 |
get on your path, set your sights to the right level. 03:44:32.800 |
and a repeated lifelong practice is really spectacular. 03:44:37.160 |
And it's obviously inspired millions of people, 03:44:43.040 |
that you are also continuing to do that yourself 03:44:49.160 |
are an exploration in the moment where you raise a question 03:44:55.640 |
And I must say that your progression of books and podcasts 03:45:06.240 |
I think most people assume that you're very right-leaning. 03:45:10.800 |
but the fact that you are intentionally inviting 03:45:13.520 |
and hoping for opposition so that power is checked 03:45:19.000 |
because what you're asking for is more balance 03:45:22.040 |
as opposed to more skewing of knowledge and power. 03:45:27.520 |
And it's clear that you live right near the edge 03:45:30.600 |
in order to inspire us to basically explore knowledge, 03:45:39.400 |
- Yeah, well, it's been unbelievably rewarding. 03:45:41.360 |
I mean, part of the reason that my wife and I keep touring 03:45:57.200 |
that someone will come up and say, "Thank you." 03:46:08.120 |
And there isn't anything better that can happen to you 03:46:14.280 |
and have perfect strangers come up to you as friends 03:46:23.840 |
than they would have been because of their efforts 03:46:26.040 |
and because of their encounter with what you've been doing. 03:46:30.040 |
Like, if you could pray for anything to happen to you, 03:46:34.660 |
there's not a possibility that you could come up 03:46:44.840 |
And it's fascinating to explore its continuation 03:46:59.000 |
It's unspeakably immense privilege to be in that position. 03:47:14.840 |
and to see the massive effect that's having on people. 03:47:27.460 |
available to anyone who follows their calling and conscience. 03:47:54.460 |
And it's a pleasure watching your progress forward 03:47:58.780 |
and seeing you propagate all the remarkable discoveries 03:48:03.780 |
that have been made in the field of neuroscience 03:48:09.580 |
and people need to know the biology of motivation, 03:48:25.220 |
It's a labor of love inspired in no small part by you 03:48:34.300 |
Thank you for joining me for today's discussion 03:48:38.220 |
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If you have questions for me or comments about the podcast 03:49:11.060 |
or topics or guests that you'd like me to consider 03:49:14.480 |
please put those in the comment section on YouTube. 03:49:18.820 |
And if you're not already following me on social media, 03:49:21.240 |
I am Huberman Lab on all social media platforms. 03:49:24.080 |
So that's InstagramX, formerly known as Twitter, 03:49:35.560 |
but much of which is distinct from the content 03:49:39.040 |
Again, that's Huberman Lab on all social media platforms. 03:49:56.200 |
And it covers protocols for everything from sleep, 03:50:04.240 |
And of course, I provide the scientific substantiation 03:50:09.640 |
The book is now available by presale at 03:50:28.400 |
that includes everything from podcast summaries 03:50:34.440 |
that cover things like how to optimize your sleep, 03:50:38.800 |
We also have protocols related to deliberate cold exposure, 03:50:45.720 |
Again, all available at completely zero cost. 03:50:51.840 |
scroll down to newsletter and enter your email. 03:50:54.840 |
that we do not share your email with anybody. 03:50:57.660 |
Thank you once again for joining me for today's discussion