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David Friedberg's COVID-19 vaccine rollout strategy | "We need to go win the war."

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | It is a wartime scenario. When war is happening, you don't go home at 5 p.m. and wake up at 9 a.m. and clock out for an hour for lunch.
00:00:09.340 | And, you know, you don't, oh, well, don't run too fast. You know, you might trip. You don't do any of that.
00:00:14.640 | We've created incredible disincentives in the system. In fact, Cuomo put out a million dollar fine if you get your vaccine out of line.
00:00:25.220 | I mean, think about the disincentive that creates. Now people are more scared about giving the vaccine to the wrong person than they are incentivized to give the vaccine to the right person.
00:00:35.700 | And the reality is this is a group game. This isn't an individual game. It's not about who gets vaccinated first and you'll live and you'll die.
00:00:43.040 | We all need to get vaccinated as a group so that we all have immunity so that this virus stops spreading.
00:00:50.340 | It doesn't matter if you're individually vaccinated. It matters if we're all vaccinated.
00:00:54.780 | Because that's the only way we're all going to get out of the economic slump that is truly damaging this country right now.
00:00:59.380 | And so the first step is create a military style operation.
00:01:04.020 | Figure out how many feet on the ground. You know, it's all a rate based system, right?
00:01:07.800 | How many are you running per day and then how do you achieve that objective?
00:01:11.500 | And over time, you have your target rate per day.
00:01:13.960 | You would scale it up over 75 days or whatever your rollout timeframe needs to be.
00:01:18.180 | And you would say, this is how we're going to get there.
00:01:19.880 | We need this number of people giving shots this many minutes apart, and then you go figure out where you're going to give the vaccine.
00:01:24.340 | Where are you going to give the shots and who's going to give them?
00:01:26.100 | Get the vaccines to where they need to get to.
00:01:28.680 | Take over all the gymnasiums and all the stadiums and all the open sports facilities around the country.
00:01:33.820 | People can drive up, stand in line, get a friggin shot.
00:01:37.360 | And 65 year olds get priority for the first 30 days.
00:01:40.420 | And then after 30 days, your 65 and over crowd loses their priority and it's open season for who wants to get a shot.
00:01:46.300 | You stand in line, you get a shot.
00:01:47.900 | Walk in, you got 3.8 million nurses in the United States.
00:01:52.160 | You go contract 500,000 of them.
00:01:53.900 | You give them a huge friggin one time bonus to come and run this program.
00:01:56.740 | You run 24 hour shifts in the gymnasiums around the country.
00:01:59.840 | People come in, they get shots, they get out, takes three minutes.
00:02:03.000 | If you're feeling weird, if you have risk of allergies, you go sit in the other room, you wait for two hours and there's a bunch of roaming nurses keeping an eye on you.
00:02:09.580 | And you get this thing done.
00:02:10.880 | That's it.
00:02:11.780 | This is not that complicated.
00:02:13.420 | And we can leverage the National Guard to create the infrastructure to support these lines and get these things done.
00:02:17.920 | We can go recruit.
00:02:18.660 | There are plenty of nurses associations you can go.
00:02:21.000 | People can work overnight shifts and get paid triple overtime.
00:02:23.460 | Get extra bonuses for doing this is a great way to kind of create an economic stimulus around this.
00:02:27.700 | We can get this entire country vaccinated in 90 days.
00:02:30.640 | And the way that Israel is doing it is a great model.
00:02:33.700 | You know, when they run out of that.
00:02:35.340 | Yeah.
00:02:35.840 | So at the end of the day, if you know when you open when you take these things out of deep freeze, you're at risk of them spoiling at that point because the M.R.N.A.
00:02:43.120 | is very, you know, can break.
00:02:44.920 | And so it needs to be really cold.
00:02:46.220 | And then you got to give the vaccine very quickly.
00:02:48.020 | Otherwise, the M.R.N.A.
00:02:48.980 | can degrade and it's not effective.
00:02:50.580 | And you have to defrost it in order to give it.
00:02:53.020 | Yes, you defrost it.
00:02:54.020 | Then it's sitting there.
00:02:54.680 | Now you got to give it within a couple hours.
00:02:56.020 | And if you got extra doses sitting at the end of the day, what they're doing in Israel is they're looking outside.
00:03:00.460 | They grab the pizza guy that's on the bicycle truck on the bicycle cruising by.
00:03:03.760 | They're like, do you want a shot?
00:03:04.600 | Come on in.
00:03:05.000 | They give him a shot.
00:03:05.940 | They grab the next guy.
00:03:06.900 | You do not need to track everyone that gets a shot.
00:03:09.260 | You do not need everyone to show their I.D.
00:03:10.980 | to get a shot.
00:03:11.540 | You do not need to X, Y and Z.
00:03:13.040 | All the disincentives that create friction in the system of rolling out the vaccine need to be completely eliminated.
00:03:18.540 | There's no qualifying criteria except maybe being 65 and over for the first 30 days.
00:03:22.580 | And we've prioritized politics over health and safety.
00:03:26.960 | We have made it the case that the teachers should get the shot first because the teachers unions created an uproar in California and said they're not going to go to work unless they.
00:03:33.700 | So now the teachers are going to get it and the essential workers are going to get it, which are people that are working in stores and warehouses and other stuff.
00:03:39.860 | And meanwhile, the people that can actually die from this 15 percent likelihood of death if you're over 85 are not getting it because they're not technically an essential worker.
00:03:47.240 | So the prioritization where we've tried to create these artificial politically motivated systems.
00:03:52.140 | For defining who gets the vaccine and who doesn't is absolutely killing us and literally killing us.
00:03:57.280 | 4000 people died yesterday in the United States.
00:03:59.940 | And so this system is fucked up.
00:04:02.220 | The incentives we've and don't bleep that out because that's exactly what it is.
00:04:05.720 | The difference is that the disincentives we've created are destroying the rollout.
00:04:10.960 | The the governor is getting involved in creating models of prioritization that are politically motivated or killing us.
00:04:16.340 | And we should centrally plan this thing.
00:04:18.360 | War Production Act make a shit ton of this stuff.
00:04:21.040 | Grab it all.
00:04:21.700 | Get 100 million doses distributed into gymnasiums around the country.
00:04:24.700 | Get the nurses in there.
00:04:25.540 | Get the National Guard to organize.
00:04:26.600 | Should have been federal.
00:04:27.300 | I mean, that's the key.
00:04:28.140 | This should have been a federal effort.
00:04:30.000 | Central planning is sometimes needed to get shit done.
00:04:32.220 | We did it with the War Production Board during World War Two.
00:04:34.740 | We did it with the Manhattan Project.
00:04:36.340 | We there have been countless examples where we've had to centralize planning for a massive short term event.
00:04:43.460 | And this is one of those events.
00:04:45.060 | And this needs to be prioritized and organized centrally.
00:04:49.020 | And it needs to have the right minded people on this.
00:04:51.260 | Not kind of people that are political operatives and not people that are working nine to five.
00:04:55.600 | And this is this is this is a war and we need to go win the fucking war.