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Barry Barish: Gravitational Waves and the Most Precise Device Ever Built | Lex Fridman Podcast #213


0:0 Introduction
1:8 Early math and physics questions
10:42 Enrico Fermi
17:14 Birth of the Nuclear Age
22:22 The Fermi Paradox
27:26 Gravity
44:8 Philosophical implications of general relativity
51:14 Detecting gravitational waves
54:28 LIGO
87:25 Nobel Prize
102:14 Black holes
114:34 Space exploration
122:28 Books
131:17 Advice for young people
137:13 Meaning of life

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | The following is a conversation with Barry Barish,
00:00:02.960 | a theoretical physicist at Caltech,
00:00:05.440 | and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics
00:00:08.280 | for his contributions to the LIGO detector
00:00:11.360 | and the observation of gravitational waves.
00:00:14.760 | LIGO, or the Laser Interferometer
00:00:17.080 | Gravitational Wave Observatory,
00:00:19.200 | is probably the most precise measurement device
00:00:22.380 | ever built by humans.
00:00:25.240 | It consists of two detectors
00:00:27.120 | with four kilometer long vacuum chambers
00:00:29.520 | situated 3,000 kilometers apart,
00:00:33.240 | operating in unison to measure a motion
00:00:36.360 | that is 10,000 times smaller than the width of a proton.
00:00:41.220 | It is the smallest measurement ever attempted by science,
00:00:44.720 | a measurement of gravitational waves
00:00:46.840 | caused by the most violent and cataclysmic events
00:00:50.260 | in the universe,
00:00:51.560 | occurring over tens of millions of light years away.
00:00:55.080 | To support this podcast,
00:00:57.600 | please check out our sponsors in the description.
00:01:00.760 | This is the Lex Friedman Podcast,
00:01:03.400 | and here is my conversation with Barry Barish.
00:01:07.140 | You've mentioned that you were always curious
00:01:10.080 | about the physical world,
00:01:11.360 | and that an early question you remember stood out
00:01:14.600 | where you asked your dad,
00:01:16.200 | "Why does ice float on water?"
00:01:18.400 | And he couldn't answer.
00:01:19.800 | And this was very surprising to you.
00:01:22.320 | So you went on to learn why.
00:01:25.560 | Maybe you can speak to what are some early questions
00:01:27.920 | in math and physics that really sparked your curiosity?
00:01:31.760 | - Yeah, that memory is
00:01:33.800 | kind of something I use to illustrate
00:01:39.240 | something I think that's common in science,
00:01:42.200 | is that people that do science somehow have maintained,
00:01:45.340 | maintained something that kids always have.
00:01:50.000 | A small kid, eight years old or so,
00:01:55.160 | asks you so many questions usually,
00:01:57.000 | typically that you consider them pests,
00:01:59.760 | tell them to stop asking so many questions.
00:02:02.160 | And somehow our system manages to kill that in most people.
00:02:08.000 | So in school, we make people do study and do their things,
00:02:14.460 | but not to pester them by asking too many questions.
00:02:18.040 | And I think, not just myself,
00:02:22.680 | but I think it's typical of scientists like myself
00:02:25.840 | that have somehow escaped that.
00:02:28.920 | Maybe we're still children,
00:02:30.280 | or maybe we somehow didn't get it beaten out of us.
00:02:34.080 | But I think it's, I teach in college level,
00:02:37.580 | and it's, to me, one of the biggest deficits
00:02:40.640 | is the lack of curiosity, if you want,
00:02:43.340 | that we've beaten out of them,
00:02:44.520 | 'cause I think it's an innate human quality.
00:02:47.520 | - Is there some advice or insights you can give
00:02:49.600 | to how to keep that flame of curiosity going?
00:02:51.240 | - I think it's a problem of both parents,
00:02:53.280 | and the parents should realize
00:02:56.800 | that's a great quality we have,
00:02:58.480 | that you're curious and that's good.
00:03:01.120 | Instead, we have expressions like curiosity killed the cat.
00:03:04.880 | And more, but I mean, basically,
00:03:10.960 | it's not thought to be a good thing.
00:03:13.160 | You get, curiosity killed the cat means
00:03:15.140 | if you're too curious, you get in trouble.
00:03:17.240 | - I don't like cats anyway, so maybe it's a good thing.
00:03:20.560 | - Yeah, yeah, that, to me, needs to be solved,
00:03:25.000 | really, in education and in homes.
00:03:27.520 | That realization that there's certain human qualities
00:03:30.540 | that we should try to build on and not destroy,
00:03:34.320 | one of them is curiosity.
00:03:35.720 | Anyway, back to me and curiosity,
00:03:38.160 | I was a pest and asked a lot of questions.
00:03:40.760 | My father generally could answer them at that age.
00:03:45.000 | And the first one I remember that he couldn't answer
00:03:48.800 | was not a very original question,
00:03:52.600 | but basically that ice is made out of water,
00:03:56.520 | and so why does it float on water?
00:03:58.500 | And he couldn't answer it.
00:04:03.320 | And it may not have been the first question,
00:04:06.160 | it's the first one that I remember.
00:04:07.400 | And that was the first time that I realized
00:04:10.880 | that to learn and answer your own curiosity or questions,
00:04:15.880 | there's various mechanisms.
00:04:17.880 | In this case, it was going to the library
00:04:20.720 | or asking people who know more and so forth,
00:04:23.080 | but eventually you do it by what we call research.
00:04:26.600 | But it's driven by,
00:04:31.280 | if you're, hopefully you ask good questions,
00:04:33.800 | if you ask good questions
00:04:35.000 | and you have the mechanisms to solve them,
00:04:37.360 | then you do what I do in life, basically.
00:04:39.360 | Not necessarily physics,
00:04:40.680 | and it's a great quality in humans and we should nurture it.
00:04:46.560 | - Do you remember any other kind of, in high school,
00:04:49.960 | maybe early college, more basic physics ideas
00:04:54.320 | that sparked your curiosity
00:04:55.880 | or mathematics or science in general?
00:04:57.400 | - I wasn't really into science until I got to college,
00:05:01.400 | to be honest with you.
00:05:02.820 | But just staying with water for a minute,
00:05:06.680 | I remember that I was curious
00:05:11.160 | why, what happens to water?
00:05:15.040 | You know, it rains and there's water in a wet pavement
00:05:17.680 | and then the pavement dries out.
00:05:19.120 | What happened to this water that came down?
00:05:22.240 | And I didn't know that much.
00:05:24.000 | And then eventually I learned in chemistry or something,
00:05:27.000 | water's made out of hydrogen and oxygen.
00:05:29.600 | Those are both gases,
00:05:30.680 | so how the heck does it make this substance, this liquid?
00:05:33.800 | (both laugh)
00:05:37.560 | - Yeah, so that has to do with states of matter.
00:05:41.440 | I know perhaps LIGO and the thing
00:05:45.280 | for which you've gotten the Nobel Prize
00:05:46.760 | and the things much of your life work
00:05:49.400 | perhaps was a happy accident in some sense
00:05:53.000 | in the early days,
00:05:54.040 | but is there a moment where you looked up to the stars
00:05:57.200 | and also the same way you wondered about water,
00:05:59.800 | wondered about some of the things
00:06:01.120 | that are out there in the universe?
00:06:03.480 | - Oh yeah, I think everybody looks and is in awe
00:06:07.600 | and is curious about what it is out there.
00:06:11.600 | And as I learned more, I learned, of course,
00:06:15.560 | that we don't know very much about what's there.
00:06:18.960 | And the more we learn, the more we know we don't know.
00:06:21.400 | I mean, we don't know what the majority
00:06:23.760 | of anything is out there.
00:06:25.360 | It's all what we call dark matter, dark energy.
00:06:28.680 | And that's one of the big questions.
00:06:30.480 | 20 years when I was a student, those weren't questions.
00:06:33.120 | So we even know less in a sense
00:06:35.120 | the more we look.
00:06:38.000 | So of course, I think that's one of the areas
00:06:41.400 | that almost it's universal.
00:06:44.960 | People see the sky, they see the stars
00:06:47.680 | and they're beautiful and see it looks different
00:06:50.840 | on different nights.
00:06:51.920 | And it's a curiosity that we all have.
00:06:54.800 | - What are some questions about the universe
00:06:59.240 | that in the same way that you felt about the ice,
00:07:03.280 | that today, you mentioned to me offline,
00:07:05.760 | you're teaching a course on the frontiers of science,
00:07:08.760 | frontiers of physics.
00:07:10.360 | What are some questions, outside the ones
00:07:12.920 | we'll probably talk about, that kind of,
00:07:15.420 | yeah, fill you with, get your flame of curiosity up
00:07:21.920 | and firing up, fill you with awe?
00:07:26.680 | - Well, first I'm a physicist, not an astronomer.
00:07:29.520 | So I'm interested in the physical phenomenon, really.
00:07:32.480 | So the question of dark matter and dark energy,
00:07:37.480 | which we probably won't talk about,
00:07:39.680 | are recent, they're in the last 20, 30 years,
00:07:43.200 | or certainly dark energy.
00:07:45.420 | Dark energy is a complete puzzle.
00:07:47.880 | It goes against what you will ask me about,
00:07:51.520 | which is general relativity
00:07:53.720 | and Einstein's general relativity.
00:07:55.840 | It basically takes something that he thought was,
00:08:00.440 | what he called a constant, which isn't,
00:08:03.240 | and if that's even the right theory,
00:08:07.160 | and it represents most of the universe.
00:08:10.840 | And then we have something called dark matter,
00:08:12.760 | and there's good reason to believe
00:08:14.280 | it might be an exotic form of particles.
00:08:18.720 | And that is something I've always worked on,
00:08:22.280 | on particle accelerators and so forth.
00:08:24.320 | And it's a big puzzle, what it is.
00:08:26.440 | It's a bit of a cottage industry
00:08:28.040 | in that there's lots and lots of searches.
00:08:30.820 | But it may be a little bit like,
00:08:34.120 | looking for a treasure under rocks or something.
00:08:36.840 | It's hard to, we don't have really good guidance,
00:08:40.320 | except that we have very, very good information
00:08:44.480 | that it's pervasive and it's there.
00:08:48.500 | And that it's probably particles, small,
00:08:51.800 | that evidences all of those things.
00:08:55.220 | But then the most logical solution doesn't seem to work,
00:08:59.440 | something called supersymmetry.
00:09:01.040 | - And do you think the answer could be
00:09:05.560 | something very complicated?
00:09:07.560 | - You know, I like to hope that,
00:09:10.840 | think that most things that appear complicated
00:09:14.420 | are actually simple, if you really understand them.
00:09:17.560 | I think we just don't know at the present time,
00:09:21.360 | and it isn't something that affects us.
00:09:23.680 | It does affect, it affects how the stars
00:09:27.480 | go around each other and so forth,
00:09:29.160 | 'cause we detect that there's missing gravity.
00:09:31.400 | But it doesn't affect everyday life at all.
00:09:35.520 | I tend to think and expect, maybe,
00:09:40.520 | and that the answers will be simple,
00:09:43.600 | we just haven't found it yet.
00:09:45.500 | - Do you think those answers might change
00:09:47.140 | the way we see other sources of gravity, black holes,
00:09:51.240 | the way we see the parts of the universe that we do study?
00:09:56.240 | - It's conceivable.
00:09:58.400 | The black holes that we've found in our experiment,
00:10:01.440 | and we're trying now to understand the origin of those,
00:10:06.040 | it's conceivable, but not, doesn't seem the most likely
00:10:10.500 | that they were primordial,
00:10:12.280 | that is, they were made at the beginning.
00:10:14.280 | And in that sense, they could represent
00:10:16.480 | at least part of the dark matter.
00:10:18.840 | So there can be connections.
00:10:20.280 | Dark black holes, or how many there are,
00:10:23.880 | how much of the mass they encompass
00:10:25.640 | is still pretty primitive, we don't know.
00:10:28.520 | - So before I talk to you more about black holes,
00:10:30.560 | let me take a step back to,
00:10:32.380 | I actually went to high school in Chicago,
00:10:34.800 | and would go to take classes at Fermilab,
00:10:39.800 | watch the buffalo and so on.
00:10:41.320 | - Yeah. (laughing)
00:10:42.960 | - So let me ask about, you mentioned that Enrico, for me,
00:10:45.820 | was somebody who was inspiring to you
00:10:48.400 | in a certain kind of way.
00:10:49.880 | Why is that, can you speak to that?
00:10:52.560 | - Sure.
00:10:53.920 | He was amazing, actually.
00:10:55.680 | He's the last, this is not the,
00:10:59.600 | I'll come to the reason in a minute,
00:11:01.080 | but he had a big influence on me at a young age.
00:11:05.020 | But he was the last physicist of note
00:11:11.480 | that was both an experimental physicist
00:11:14.360 | and a theorist at the same time.
00:11:16.720 | And he did two amazing things within months.
00:11:20.520 | In 1933, we didn't really know what the nucleus was,
00:11:25.520 | what radioactive decay was, what beta decay was,
00:11:32.560 | when electrons come out of a nucleus.
00:11:36.480 | And near the end of 1933,
00:11:40.840 | the neutron had just been discovered,
00:11:45.560 | and that meant that we knew a little bit more
00:11:47.400 | about what the nucleus is,
00:11:49.040 | that it's made out of neutrons and protons.
00:11:51.440 | The neutron wasn't discovered till 1932.
00:11:55.120 | And once we discovered that there was a neutron and proton,
00:11:59.160 | and they made the nucleus,
00:12:00.600 | and then there are electrons that go around,
00:12:02.840 | the basic ingredients were there.
00:12:05.080 | And he wrote down not only just the theory,
00:12:09.600 | a theory, but a theory that lasted decades
00:12:12.600 | and has only been improved on of beta decay,
00:12:17.240 | that is, the radiation.
00:12:19.320 | He did this, came out of nowhere,
00:12:22.320 | and it was a fantastic theory.
00:12:24.360 | He submitted it to "Nature" magazine,
00:12:27.460 | which was the primary best place to publish even then.
00:12:32.460 | And it got rejected as being too speculative.
00:12:37.680 | And so he went back to his drawing board in Rome
00:12:42.400 | where he was, added some to it, made it even longer,
00:12:46.920 | 'cause it's really a classic article,
00:12:48.680 | and then published it in the local Italian journal
00:12:53.680 | for physics and the German one.
00:12:56.720 | At the same time, in January of 1932,
00:13:01.040 | Giulio and Curie, for the first time,
00:13:04.440 | saw artificial radioactivity.
00:13:07.600 | This was an important discovery
00:13:09.160 | because radioactivity had been discovered much earlier.
00:13:12.640 | And they had X-rays, and you shouldn't be using them,
00:13:16.880 | but there was radioactivity.
00:13:19.000 | People knew it was useful for medicine.
00:13:21.040 | But radioactive materials are hard to find,
00:13:25.440 | and so it wasn't prevalent.
00:13:27.040 | But if you could make them, then they had great use.
00:13:29.920 | And Giulio and Curie were able to bombard aluminum
00:13:34.420 | or something with alpha particles
00:13:38.120 | and find that they excited something
00:13:41.560 | that decayed and had some half-life and so forth,
00:13:46.280 | meaning it was the artificial version,
00:13:48.960 | or let's call it not a natural version,
00:13:51.680 | an induced version of radioactive materials.
00:13:54.680 | And Fermi somehow had the insight,
00:14:02.320 | and I still can't see where he got it,
00:14:06.980 | that the right way to follow that up
00:14:09.560 | was not using charged particles like alphas and so forth,
00:14:13.920 | but use these newly discovered neutrons
00:14:17.800 | as the bombarding particle.
00:14:19.440 | Seemed impossible.
00:14:21.440 | They barely had been seen.
00:14:22.980 | It was hard to get very many of them.
00:14:26.480 | But it had the advantage that they don't,
00:14:28.820 | they're not charged, so they go right into the nucleus.
00:14:34.660 | And that turned out to be the experimental work
00:14:37.720 | that he did that won him the Nobel Prize.
00:14:40.700 | And it was the first step in fission,
00:14:43.080 | discovery of fission.
00:14:45.640 | And he did this two completely different things,
00:14:48.840 | an experiment that was a great idea
00:14:52.200 | and a tremendous implementation,
00:14:55.000 | because how do you get enough neutrons?
00:14:57.760 | And then he learned quickly that not only do you want
00:15:01.040 | neutrons, but you want really slow ones.
00:15:04.540 | He learned that experimentally,
00:15:06.000 | and he learned how to make slow ones,
00:15:07.840 | and then they were able to make,
00:15:09.740 | go through the periodic table and make lots of particles.
00:15:14.740 | He missed on fission at the moment,
00:15:17.120 | but he had the basic information,
00:15:18.920 | and then fission followed soon after that.
00:15:21.920 | - Forgive me for not knowing,
00:15:23.040 | but is the birth of the idea of bombarding neutrons,
00:15:27.700 | is that an experimental idea?
00:15:33.360 | Was it born out of an experiment,
00:15:34.840 | he just observed something,
00:15:35.880 | or is this an Einstein-style idea
00:15:38.240 | where you come up from basic intuition?
00:15:40.760 | - I think it took a combination,
00:15:43.120 | because he realized that neutrons had a characteristic
00:15:46.700 | that would allow them to go all the way into the nucleus
00:15:50.160 | when we didn't really understand
00:15:51.720 | what the structure was of all this.
00:15:55.820 | So that took an understanding or recognition
00:16:00.080 | of the physics itself of how a neutron interacts
00:16:03.120 | compared to say an alpha particle
00:16:04.800 | that Giulio and Curie had used.
00:16:07.440 | And then he had to invent a way to have enough neutrons,
00:16:11.960 | and he had a team of associates,
00:16:16.760 | and he pulled it off quite quickly.
00:16:18.960 | So it was pretty astounding.
00:16:20.840 | - And probably, maybe you can speak to it,
00:16:25.020 | his ability to put together the engineering aspects
00:16:28.720 | of great experiments and doing the theory,
00:16:31.280 | they probably fed each other.
00:16:32.760 | I wonder, can you speak to why we don't see more of that?
00:16:36.360 | Is that just really difficult to do?
00:16:38.540 | - It's difficult to do, yeah.
00:16:40.120 | I think in both theory and experiment,
00:16:44.320 | in physics anyway,
00:16:45.540 | it was conceivable if you had the right person to do it,
00:16:51.480 | and no one's been able to do it since.
00:16:52.920 | So I had the dream that that was
00:16:55.020 | what I was gonna be like, Fermi.
00:16:56.880 | - So you love both sides of it, the theory and the experiment.
00:16:59.320 | - Yeah, I never liked the idea that you did experiments
00:17:02.320 | without really understanding the theory,
00:17:04.040 | or the theory should be related very closely to experiments.
00:17:07.920 | And so I've always done experimental work
00:17:10.480 | that was closely related to the theoretical ideas.
00:17:14.140 | - I think I told you I'm Russian,
00:17:16.760 | so I'm gonna ask some romantic questions.
00:17:18.720 | But is it tragic to you that he's seen
00:17:23.260 | as the architect of the nuclear age,
00:17:25.360 | that some of his creations led to potentially,
00:17:28.640 | some of his work has led to potentially still
00:17:33.640 | the destruction of the human species,
00:17:36.000 | some of the most destructive weapons?
00:17:38.920 | - Yeah.
00:17:39.740 | I think even more general than him,
00:17:43.600 | I gave you all the virtues of curiosity a few minutes ago.
00:17:48.320 | There's an interesting book
00:17:49.380 | called "The Ratchet of Curiosity."
00:17:51.280 | You know, a ratchet is something that goes in one direction.
00:17:54.280 | And that is written by a guy who's probably a sociologist
00:17:58.880 | or philosopher or something.
00:18:00.720 | And he picks on this particular problem, but other ones,
00:18:04.440 | and that is the danger of knowledge, basically.
00:18:07.520 | You're curious, you learn something.
00:18:10.200 | So it's a little bit like curiosity killed the cat.
00:18:12.520 | You have to be worried about whether you can handle
00:18:15.400 | new information that you get.
00:18:16.840 | So in this case, the new information had to do
00:18:19.660 | with really understanding nuclear physics.
00:18:23.000 | And that information, maybe we didn't have
00:18:26.200 | the sophistication to know how to keep it under control.
00:18:31.200 | Yeah, and Fermi himself was a very apolitical person.
00:18:36.400 | So he wasn't very driven by,
00:18:40.200 | or at least he appears in all of his writing,
00:18:43.480 | the writing of his wife,
00:18:44.680 | the interactions that others had with him
00:18:46.380 | as either he avoided it all or he was pretty apolitical.
00:18:50.100 | I mean, he just saw the world through
00:18:52.120 | kind of the lens of a scientist.
00:18:55.240 | But he asked if it's tragic.
00:18:57.520 | The bomb was tragic, certainly on Japan,
00:19:01.960 | and he had a role in that.
00:19:03.520 | So I wouldn't want it as my legacy, for example.
00:19:06.660 | - I mean, but brought it to the human species
00:19:10.160 | that it's the ratchet of curiosity that we,
00:19:14.280 | we do stuff just to see what happens.
00:19:21.080 | That curiosity, that in sort of my area
00:19:24.200 | of artificial intelligence, that's been a concern.
00:19:27.440 | There, on a small scale, on a silly scale,
00:19:29.960 | perhaps currently, there's constantly
00:19:33.280 | unintended consequences.
00:19:35.160 | You create a system and you put it out there
00:19:37.920 | and you have intuitions about how it will work.
00:19:41.040 | You have hopes how it will work,
00:19:42.500 | but you put it out there just to see what happens.
00:19:44.520 | - Yeah.
00:19:45.360 | - And in most cases, because artificial intelligence
00:19:47.840 | is currently not super powerful,
00:19:49.780 | it doesn't create large-scale negative effects.
00:19:54.780 | But that same curiosity, as it progresses,
00:19:58.060 | might lead to something that destroys the human species.
00:20:01.560 | And the same may be true for bioengineering.
00:20:04.840 | There's people that engineer viruses
00:20:09.840 | to protect us from viruses, to see how do,
00:20:14.920 | how close is this to mutating so it can jump to humans?
00:20:17.880 | Or going, or engineering defenses against those.
00:20:22.880 | And it seems exciting, and the application,
00:20:26.380 | the positive applications are really exciting at this time,
00:20:28.880 | but we don't think about how that runs away
00:20:33.120 | in decades to come.
00:20:34.580 | - Yeah, and I think it's the same idea
00:20:36.500 | as this little book, "The Ratchet of Science,"
00:20:39.700 | the ratchet of curiosity.
00:20:43.300 | I mean, whether you pursue, take curiosity
00:20:47.420 | and let artificial intelligence or machine learning
00:20:51.300 | run away with having its solutions to whatever you want,
00:20:55.500 | or we do it, is, I think, a similar consequence.
00:20:59.820 | - I think, from what I've read about Enrico Fermi,
00:21:03.700 | he became a little bit cynical about the human species
00:21:08.340 | towards the end of his life,
00:21:09.940 | both having observed what he observed.
00:21:12.080 | - Well, he didn't write much.
00:21:14.860 | I mean, he died young.
00:21:15.860 | He died soon after the World War.
00:21:19.540 | There was already the work by Teller
00:21:24.620 | to develop the hydrogen bomb,
00:21:26.540 | and I think he was a little cynical of that,
00:21:28.900 | pushing it even further, and the rising tensions
00:21:32.220 | between the Soviet Union and the US,
00:21:34.220 | and it looked like an endless thing.
00:21:36.460 | But he didn't say very much, but a little bit,
00:21:38.980 | as you said, that--
00:21:39.820 | - Yeah, there's a few clips to sort of maybe pick
00:21:43.700 | on a bad mood, but in a sense that,
00:21:46.260 | almost like a sadness, a melancholy sadness,
00:21:48.860 | to a hope that waned a little bit about that,
00:21:53.860 | perhaps we can do, like, this curious species
00:21:59.540 | can find the way out.
00:22:01.320 | - Well, especially, I think, people who worked
00:22:03.080 | like he did at Los Alamos and spent years of their life
00:22:07.080 | somehow had to convince themselves
00:22:09.060 | that dropping these bombs would bring lasting peace.
00:22:12.740 | - Yes, and it did.
00:22:13.580 | - And it didn't, yeah.
00:22:14.900 | - As a small interesting aside,
00:22:19.620 | it'd be interesting to hear if you have opinions on this,
00:22:22.500 | his name is also attached to the Fermi Paradox,
00:22:26.060 | which asks if there's, you know,
00:22:29.300 | with, it's a very interesting question,
00:22:31.100 | which is, it does seem, if you sort of reason, basically,
00:22:35.540 | that there should be a lot of alien civilizations out there
00:22:39.300 | if the human species, if Earth is not that unique,
00:22:43.820 | by basic, no matter the values you pick,
00:22:47.400 | it's likely that there's a lot of alien civilizations
00:22:51.200 | out there, and if that's the case,
00:22:53.620 | why have they not at least obviously visited us
00:22:57.220 | or sent us loud signals that everybody can hear?
00:23:00.820 | - Fermi's quoted as saying, sitting down at lunch,
00:23:03.960 | I think it was with Teller and Herb York,
00:23:09.260 | who was kind of one of the fathers of the atomic bomb,
00:23:13.660 | and he sat down and he says something like,
00:23:15.500 | "Where are they?"
00:23:16.860 | - Yeah.
00:23:17.780 | - Which meant, where are these other,
00:23:20.100 | and then he did some numerology where he calculated,
00:23:25.100 | you know, how many, what they knew about how many
00:23:29.660 | galaxies there are and how many stars
00:23:33.220 | and how many planets there are like the Earth
00:23:35.540 | and blah, blah, blah.
00:23:36.780 | That's been done much better by somebody named Drake,
00:23:40.500 | and so people usually refer to the,
00:23:42.460 | I don't know whether it's called the Drake formula
00:23:44.180 | or something, but it has the same conclusion.
00:23:46.660 | The conclusion is it would be a miracle
00:23:49.260 | if there weren't other, you know,
00:23:51.860 | the statistics are so high that how can we be singular
00:23:55.180 | and separate?
00:23:56.020 | That, so probably there is,
00:24:01.700 | well, there's almost certainly life somewhere.
00:24:04.580 | Maybe there was even life on Mars a while back,
00:24:07.300 | but intelligent life, probably white,
00:24:12.300 | or we saw, so, you know, the statistics say that.
00:24:15.340 | Communicating with us, I think that it's harder
00:24:19.060 | than people think.
00:24:20.600 | We might not know the right way to expect the communication,
00:24:27.820 | but all the communication that we know about,
00:24:34.280 | travels at the speed of light,
00:24:35.780 | and we don't think anything can go faster
00:24:40.340 | in the speed of light.
00:24:41.180 | That limits the problem quite a bit,
00:24:44.220 | and it makes it difficult to have any
00:24:47.940 | back and forth communication.
00:24:49.420 | You could send signals like we try to or look for,
00:24:53.140 | but to have any communication, it's pretty hard
00:24:55.500 | when it has to be close enough that the speed of light
00:24:58.700 | would mean we could communicate with each other,
00:25:02.180 | and I think, and we didn't even understand that.
00:25:05.720 | I mean, we're an advanced civilization,
00:25:07.960 | but we didn't even understand that
00:25:09.660 | a little more than 100 years ago.
00:25:12.900 | So, are we just not advanced enough, maybe,
00:25:17.900 | to know something about that's the speed of light?
00:25:22.720 | Maybe there's some other way to communicate
00:25:24.560 | that isn't based on electromagnetism.
00:25:27.000 | I don't know.
00:25:28.760 | Gravity seems to be also have the same speed.
00:25:31.960 | That was a principle that Einstein had,
00:25:34.360 | and something we've measured, actually.
00:25:36.800 | - So, is it possible, I mean,
00:25:38.640 | so we'll talk about gravitational waves,
00:25:40.760 | and in some sense, there's a brainstorming going on,
00:25:45.760 | which is like, how do we detect the signal?
00:25:50.440 | Like, what would a signal look like,
00:25:51.840 | and how would we detect it?
00:25:52.960 | And that's true for gravitational waves.
00:25:54.440 | That's true for basically any physics phenomena.
00:25:57.600 | You have to predict that that signal should exist.
00:25:59.640 | You have to have some kind of theory
00:26:00.980 | and model why that signal should exist.
00:26:03.280 | I mean, is it possible that aliens
00:26:05.360 | are communicating with us via gravity?
00:26:07.400 | Like, why not?
00:26:10.400 | - Well, yeah, it's true, why not?
00:26:15.020 | For us, it's very hard to detect
00:26:17.280 | these gravitational effects.
00:26:19.080 | They have to come from something pretty,
00:26:21.560 | that has a lot of gravity, like black holes.
00:26:24.120 | But we're pretty primitive at this stage.
00:26:29.340 | There's very reputable physicists
00:26:34.200 | that look for a fifth force,
00:26:36.680 | one that we haven't found yet.
00:26:38.120 | Maybe it's the key.
00:26:39.320 | - What would that look like?
00:26:42.440 | What would a fifth force of physics look like, exactly?
00:26:45.200 | - Well, usually, they think it's probably a long-range,
00:26:48.160 | longer-range force than we have now.
00:26:50.400 | But there are reputable colleagues of mine
00:26:55.500 | that spend their life looking for a fifth force.
00:26:58.240 | - So, longer-range than gravity?
00:27:00.140 | Is it like super long?
00:27:01.820 | - It doesn't fall off like one over r-squared,
00:27:04.020 | but maybe separately.
00:27:06.580 | Gravity, Newton taught us, goes like inversely,
00:27:10.740 | one over the square of the distance apart you are.
00:27:13.180 | So, it falls pretty fast.
00:27:14.420 | - That's okay.
00:27:15.240 | So, now we have a theory of what consciousness is.
00:27:16.820 | It's just the fifth force of physics.
00:27:19.940 | - Yeah.
00:27:20.780 | - There we go.
00:27:21.600 | That's a good hypothesis.
00:27:26.260 | Speaking of gravity, what are gravitational waves?
00:27:31.260 | This may be start from the basics.
00:27:33.340 | - We learned gravity from Newton, right?
00:27:37.720 | You and you were young.
00:27:39.640 | You were told that if you jumped up,
00:27:41.620 | the Earth pulled you down.
00:27:42.920 | And when the apple falls out of the tree,
00:27:47.300 | the Earth pulls it down.
00:27:48.720 | And maybe you even asked your teacher why,
00:27:52.420 | but most of us accepted that.
00:27:55.600 | That was Newton's picture,
00:27:57.800 | the apple falling out of the tree.
00:27:59.720 | But Newton's theory never told you
00:28:01.280 | why the apple was attracted to the Earth.
00:28:04.400 | That was missing in Newton's theory.
00:28:06.980 | Newton's theory also,
00:28:10.200 | Newton recognized at least one of the two problems,
00:28:12.900 | I'll tell you.
00:28:13.740 | One of them is, there's more than those,
00:28:15.540 | but one is, why does the Earth,
00:28:18.520 | what's the mechanism by which the Earth pulls the apple
00:28:22.360 | or holds the moon when it goes around, whatever it is?
00:28:25.500 | That's not explained by Newton,
00:28:27.800 | even though he has the most successful theory of physics ever
00:28:30.960 | went 200 and some years with nobody ever seeing a violation.
00:28:35.040 | - But he accurately describes the movement of an object
00:28:38.080 | falling down to Earth, but he's not answering why that,
00:28:41.080 | what's, 'cause it's a distance, right?
00:28:43.120 | - He gives a formula, which it's a product
00:28:46.900 | of the Earth's mass, the apple's mass,
00:28:50.140 | inversely proportional to the square
00:28:51.920 | of the distance between,
00:28:53.440 | and then the strength he called capital G,
00:28:56.400 | the strength he couldn't determine,
00:28:58.480 | but it was determined 100 years later.
00:29:01.080 | But no one ever saw a violation of this
00:29:03.160 | until a possible violation, which Einstein fixed,
00:29:07.120 | which was very small,
00:29:08.240 | that has to do with Mercury going around the sun,
00:29:10.680 | the orbit being slightly wrong,
00:29:14.320 | if you calculate it by Newton's theory.
00:29:17.800 | But so, like most theories then in physics,
00:29:22.800 | you can have a wonderful one like Newton's theory,
00:29:25.480 | it isn't wrong, but you have to have an improvement on it
00:29:30.480 | to answer things that it can't answer.
00:29:33.900 | And in this case, Einstein's theory is the next step.
00:29:37.680 | We don't know if it's anything like a final theory
00:29:41.240 | or even the only way to formulate it either,
00:29:45.520 | but he formulated this theory, which he released in 1915.
00:29:50.520 | He took 10 years to develop it,
00:29:55.320 | even though in 1905, he solved three or four
00:29:58.600 | of the most important problems in physics
00:30:00.320 | in a matter of months,
00:30:01.420 | and then he spent 10 years on this problem
00:30:03.480 | before he let it out, and this is called general relativity,
00:30:07.300 | it's a new theory of gravity, 1915.
00:30:10.520 | In 1916, Einstein wrote a little paper
00:30:15.520 | where he did not do some fancy derivation,
00:30:21.520 | instead he did, what I would call it,
00:30:26.520 | he used his intuition, which he was very good at too,
00:30:31.080 | and that is he noticed that if he wrote the formulas
00:30:37.040 | for general relativity in a particular way,
00:30:40.120 | they looked a lot like the formulas
00:30:42.220 | for electricity and magnetism.
00:30:43.900 | Being Einstein, he then took the leap
00:30:48.680 | that electricity and magnetism,
00:30:50.680 | we discovered only 20 years before that,
00:30:53.200 | in the 1880s, have waves.
00:30:56.360 | Of course, that's light and electromagnetic waves,
00:30:59.600 | radio waves, everything else.
00:31:01.560 | So he said if the formulas look similar,
00:31:04.880 | then gravity probably has waves too.
00:31:07.600 | - That's such a big leap, by the way,
00:31:10.080 | I mean, maybe you can correct me,
00:31:11.440 | but that just seems like a heck of a leap.
00:31:15.080 | - Yeah, and it was considered to be a heck of a leap.
00:31:18.960 | So first, that paper was, except for this intuition,
00:31:22.800 | was poorly written, had a serious mistake,
00:31:27.800 | it had a factor of two wrong in the strength of gravity,
00:31:31.240 | which meant if we used those formulas, we would,
00:31:34.440 | and two years later, he wrote a second paper
00:31:40.200 | and in that paper, it turns out to be important for us
00:31:43.720 | because in that paper, he not only fixed his factor
00:31:47.880 | of two mistake, which he never admitted,
00:31:50.160 | he just wrote it, fixed it like he always did,
00:31:53.840 | and then he told us how you make gravitational waves,
00:31:58.360 | what makes gravitational waves.
00:32:01.080 | And you might recall in electromagnetism,
00:32:04.480 | we make electromagnetic waves in a simple way,
00:32:06.800 | you take a plus charge and minus charge,
00:32:09.160 | you oscillate like this
00:32:10.360 | and that makes electromagnetic waves.
00:32:12.800 | And a physicist named Hertz made a receiver
00:32:15.760 | that could detect the waves and put it in the next room.
00:32:18.960 | He saw them and moved forward and backward
00:32:21.140 | and saw that it was wave-like.
00:32:23.160 | So Einstein said it won't be a dipole like that,
00:32:27.880 | it'll be a four-pole thing,
00:32:29.360 | and that's what, it's called a quadrupole moment
00:32:32.400 | that gives the gravitational wave.
00:32:34.640 | So he saw that again by insight, not by derivation.
00:32:39.080 | That set the table for what you needed to do to do it.
00:32:42.480 | At the same time, in the same year,
00:32:44.640 | Schwarzschild, not Einstein,
00:32:47.080 | said there were things called black holes.
00:32:49.440 | So it's interesting that that came the same.
00:32:51.720 | - So what year was that?
00:32:53.640 | - 1915.
00:32:54.660 | - It was in parallel.
00:32:57.140 | I should probably know this,
00:33:00.160 | but did Einstein not have an intuition
00:33:01.760 | that there should be such things as black holes?
00:33:04.320 | - That came from Schwarzschild.
00:33:05.840 | - Oh, interesting.
00:33:07.320 | - Yeah, so Schwarzschild,
00:33:09.400 | who was a German theoretical physicist,
00:33:13.160 | he got killed in the war, I think,
00:33:15.080 | in the First World War two years later or so.
00:33:19.600 | He's the one that proposed black holes,
00:33:21.760 | that there were black holes.
00:33:22.760 | - That feels like a natural conclusion
00:33:24.380 | of general relativity, no?
00:33:27.200 | Or is that not?
00:33:28.040 | - Well, it may seem like it,
00:33:30.600 | but I don't know about a natural conclusion.
00:33:32.560 | It's a result of curved space-time, though.
00:33:36.760 | - Right, but it's such a weird result
00:33:39.000 | that you might have to, it's a special--
00:33:41.640 | - Yeah, it's a special case.
00:33:43.720 | So I don't know.
00:33:46.920 | Anyway, Einstein then,
00:33:49.120 | an interesting part of the story
00:33:50.640 | is that Einstein then left the problem.
00:33:52.920 | Most physicists, because it really wasn't derived,
00:33:57.360 | he just made this, didn't pick up on it,
00:33:59.920 | or general relativity much,
00:34:01.560 | because quantum mechanics became the thing in physics.
00:34:05.720 | And Einstein only picked up this problem again
00:34:10.720 | after he immigrated to the US.
00:34:12.640 | So he came to the US in 1932,
00:34:15.420 | and I think in 1934 or '35,
00:34:19.160 | he was working with another physicist called Rosen,
00:34:21.980 | who he did several important works with,
00:34:24.520 | and they revisited the question.
00:34:26.840 | And they had a problem that most of us as students
00:34:31.840 | always had, that studied general relativity.
00:34:34.560 | General relativity's really hard
00:34:36.320 | because it's four-dimensional instead of three-dimensional.
00:34:39.620 | And if you don't set it up right,
00:34:41.280 | you get infinities, which don't belong there.
00:34:44.720 | We call them coordinate singularities as a name.
00:34:48.560 | But if you get these infinities,
00:34:50.260 | you don't get the answers you want.
00:34:52.040 | And he was trying to derive now,
00:34:55.960 | general relativity from general relativity,
00:34:59.560 | gravitational waves.
00:35:01.160 | And in doing it, he kept getting these infinities.
00:35:04.320 | And so he wrote a paper with Rosen
00:35:07.560 | that he submitted to our most important journal,
00:35:11.000 | Physical Review Letters.
00:35:13.080 | And that when it was submitted to Physical Review Letters,
00:35:17.960 | it was entitled, "Do Gravitational Waves Exist?"
00:35:21.960 | A very funny title to write
00:35:23.600 | 20 years after he proposed they exist.
00:35:26.600 | But it's because he had found these singularities,
00:35:29.760 | these infinities.
00:35:31.840 | And so the editor at that time,
00:35:36.840 | and part of it that I don't know is peer review.
00:35:41.920 | We live and die by peer review as scientists
00:35:45.200 | send our stuff out.
00:35:46.480 | We don't know when peer review actually started
00:35:49.600 | or what peer review Einstein ever experienced
00:35:53.200 | before this time.
00:35:54.280 | But the editor of Physical Review sent this out for review.
00:35:57.500 | He had a choice.
00:35:59.780 | He could take any article and just accept it.
00:36:02.200 | He could reject it or he could send it for review.
00:36:05.640 | - Right, I believe the editors
00:36:07.120 | used to have much more power.
00:36:08.600 | - Yeah, yeah.
00:36:09.560 | And he was a young man, his name was Tate.
00:36:12.040 | And he ended up being editor for years.
00:36:14.360 | But so he sent this for review
00:36:18.160 | to a theoretical physicist named Robertson
00:36:22.120 | who was also in this field of general relativity
00:36:25.160 | who happened to be on sabbatical at that moment at Caltech.
00:36:29.060 | Otherwise his institution was Princeton
00:36:31.080 | where Einstein was.
00:36:33.740 | And he saw that the way they set up the problem,
00:36:38.320 | the infinities were like I make it as a student
00:36:41.800 | 'cause if you don't set it up right in general relativity,
00:36:44.160 | you get these infinities.
00:36:46.480 | And so he reviewed the article and gave an illustration
00:36:51.040 | that if they set it up
00:36:52.000 | on what are called cylindrical coordinates,
00:36:54.000 | these infinities went away.
00:36:57.600 | The editor of Physical Review
00:37:00.900 | was obviously intimidated by Einstein.
00:37:03.420 | He wrote this really not a letter back
00:37:05.540 | like I would get saying,
00:37:07.180 | you're screwed up in your paper.
00:37:08.900 | Instead, it was kind of,
00:37:11.620 | what do you think of the comments of our referee?
00:37:16.540 | Einstein wrote back, it's a well-documented letter,
00:37:20.620 | wrote back a letter to Physical Review
00:37:22.940 | saying I didn't send you the paper
00:37:26.220 | to send it to one of your so-called experts,
00:37:28.440 | I sent it to you to publish.
00:37:30.360 | I withdraw the paper.
00:37:32.640 | And he never published again in that journal.
00:37:37.360 | That was 1936.
00:37:38.560 | Instead, he rewrote it
00:37:42.320 | with the fixes that were made,
00:37:45.120 | changed the title and published it
00:37:47.840 | in what was called the Franklin Review
00:37:50.520 | which is the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia
00:37:55.160 | which is Benjamin Franklin Institute
00:37:57.540 | which doesn't have a journal now but did at that time.
00:38:00.480 | So the article is published.
00:38:02.020 | It's the last time he ever wrote about it.
00:38:04.700 | It remained controversial.
00:38:06.740 | So it wasn't until close to 1960, 1958
00:38:11.740 | where there was a conference
00:38:13.940 | that brought together the experts in general relativity
00:38:20.500 | to try to sort out whether there was
00:38:23.380 | whether it was true
00:38:27.780 | that there were gravitational waves or not.
00:38:30.180 | And there was a very nice derivation
00:38:34.180 | by a British theorist from the heart of the theory
00:38:39.180 | that gets gravitational waves.
00:38:42.460 | And that was number one.
00:38:44.780 | The second thing that happened at that meeting
00:38:46.500 | is Richard Feynman was there.
00:38:49.020 | And Feynman said, well, if there's typical Feynman,
00:38:53.260 | if there's gravitational waves,
00:38:54.980 | they need to be able to do something.
00:38:57.020 | Otherwise, they don't exist.
00:38:58.700 | So they have to be able to transfer energy.
00:39:00.540 | So he made a idea of a Gedanken experiment
00:39:04.180 | that is just a bar with a couple of rings on it.
00:39:08.460 | And then if a gravitational wave goes through it,
00:39:11.060 | distorts the bar.
00:39:12.320 | And that creates friction on these little rings.
00:39:17.180 | And that's heat and that's energy.
00:39:19.180 | So that meant--
00:39:20.580 | - Is that a good idea?
00:39:21.660 | It sounds like a good idea.
00:39:22.820 | - Yeah, it means that he showed
00:39:25.300 | that with the distortion of space-time,
00:39:28.260 | you could transfer energy just by this little idea.
00:39:31.620 | And it was shown theoretically.
00:39:33.620 | So at that point, it was believed theoretically
00:39:38.620 | then by people that gravitational waves should exist.
00:39:43.340 | - No, we should be able to detect them.
00:39:45.620 | - We should be able to detect them,
00:39:47.100 | except that they're very, very small.
00:39:50.660 | - So what kind of, there's a bunch of questions here,
00:39:53.140 | but what kind of events would generate gravitational waves?
00:39:58.140 | - You have to have this, what I call quadrupole moment.
00:40:01.340 | That comes about if I have, for example,
00:40:06.220 | two objects that go around each other like this,
00:40:08.580 | like the Earth around the Sun or the Moon around the Earth.
00:40:13.300 | Or in our case, it turns out to be two black holes
00:40:15.680 | going around each other like this.
00:40:17.660 | - So how's that different
00:40:18.700 | than basic oscillation back and forth?
00:40:20.780 | Is it just more common in nature to have--
00:40:22.300 | - Oscillation is a dipole moment.
00:40:24.100 | - So it has to be in three-dimensional space
00:40:25.620 | and kind of oscillation.
00:40:26.740 | - So you have to have something that's three-dimensional
00:40:28.940 | that'll give what I call a quadrupole moment
00:40:31.580 | that's just built into this.
00:40:33.140 | - And luckily in nature, you have stuff--
00:40:35.380 | - And luckily, things exist.
00:40:37.460 | And it is luckily because the effect is so small
00:40:40.340 | that you could say, look, I can take a barbell
00:40:44.420 | and spin it, right, and detect the gravitational waves.
00:40:49.060 | But unfortunately, no matter how much I spin it,
00:40:52.300 | how fast I spin it-- - Oh, interesting.
00:40:54.220 | - So I know how to make gravitational waves,
00:40:56.900 | but they're so weak, I can't detect them.
00:40:58.700 | So we have to take something that's stronger
00:41:01.060 | than I can make.
00:41:02.120 | Otherwise, we would do what Hertz did
00:41:03.980 | for electromagnetic waves, go in our lab,
00:41:06.580 | take a barbell, put it on something, spin it.
00:41:09.060 | - Can I ask a dumb question?
00:41:10.100 | So a single object that's weirdly shaped,
00:41:14.140 | does that generate gravitational waves?
00:41:15.660 | So if it's rotating?
00:41:18.900 | - Sure, it-- - But it's just
00:41:20.580 | much weaker signal. - It's weaker.
00:41:23.020 | Well, we didn't know what the strongest signal would be
00:41:25.380 | that we would see.
00:41:27.840 | We targeted seeing something called neutron stars,
00:41:30.380 | actually, because black holes,
00:41:31.700 | we don't know very much about.
00:41:32.980 | It turned out we were a little bit lucky.
00:41:34.740 | There was a stronger source, which was the black holes.
00:41:37.900 | - Well, another ridiculous question.
00:41:39.840 | So you say waves.
00:41:42.920 | What does a wave mean?
00:41:44.600 | Like the most ridiculous version of that question is,
00:41:48.880 | what does it feel like to ride a wave
00:41:53.000 | as you get closer to the source?
00:41:54.960 | Or experience it?
00:41:57.920 | - Well, if you experience a wave,
00:41:59.880 | imagine that this is what happens to you.
00:42:02.180 | I don't know what you mean by getting close.
00:42:04.960 | It comes to you.
00:42:06.280 | So it's like this light wave or something
00:42:09.760 | that comes through you.
00:42:10.600 | So when the light hits you, it makes your eyes detect it.
00:42:14.880 | I flashed it.
00:42:16.240 | What does this do?
00:42:17.120 | It's like going to the amusement park,
00:42:20.960 | and they have these mirrors.
00:42:22.440 | You look in this mirror, and you look short and fat,
00:42:24.800 | and the one next to you makes you tall and thin, okay?
00:42:28.160 | Imagine that you went back and forth
00:42:30.760 | between those two mirrors once a second.
00:42:33.480 | That would be a gravitational wave
00:42:35.120 | with a period of once a second.
00:42:37.680 | If you did it 60 times a second, go back and forth.
00:42:40.360 | And then that's all that happens.
00:42:42.720 | It makes you taller and shorter and fatter back and forth
00:42:45.880 | as it goes through you
00:42:47.640 | at the frequency of the gravitational wave.
00:42:50.280 | So the frequencies that we detect
00:42:52.840 | are higher than one a second, but that's the idea.
00:42:56.200 | So, and the amount is small.
00:42:59.480 | - Amount is small, but if you're closer
00:43:02.440 | to the source of the wave, is it the same amount?
00:43:08.320 | - Yeah, it doesn't dissipate.
00:43:11.000 | - It doesn't dissipate.
00:43:12.160 | Okay, so it's not that fun of an amusement ride.
00:43:16.040 | - Well, it does dissipate, but it doesn't,
00:43:19.000 | it doesn't, it's just, it's proportional to the distance.
00:43:22.520 | - Right, it's not--
00:43:23.360 | - It's not a big power or something.
00:43:25.360 | - Gotcha, so, but it would be a fun ride
00:43:29.080 | if you get a little bit closer, or a lot closer.
00:43:31.960 | I mean, like, I wonder what the,
00:43:34.040 | okay, this is a ridiculous question, but I have you here.
00:43:36.800 | (laughs)
00:43:38.240 | Like, the getting fatter and taller,
00:43:40.840 | I mean, that experience, for some reason,
00:43:44.840 | that's mind-blowing to me,
00:43:45.960 | 'cause it brings the distortion of space-time to you.
00:43:50.960 | I mean, space-time is being morphed, right?
00:43:55.400 | Like, this is a wave. - That's right.
00:43:57.280 | - That, how, that's so weird.
00:43:59.880 | - And we're in space, so we're affected by it.
00:44:01.280 | - Yeah, we're in space, and now it's moving.
00:44:03.880 | I don't know what to do with it.
00:44:06.040 | - I mean, does it, okay.
00:44:07.280 | How much do you think about
00:44:10.360 | the philosophical implications of general relativity?
00:44:14.760 | Like, that we're in space-time,
00:44:17.280 | and it can be bent by gravity?
00:44:19.560 | Like, is that just what it is?
00:44:24.080 | Are we supposed to be okay with this?
00:44:26.440 | 'Cause, like, Newton, even Newton is a little weird, right?
00:44:29.600 | But that at least, like, makes sense.
00:44:31.320 | That's our physical world.
00:44:33.160 | You know, when an apple falls, it makes sense.
00:44:36.600 | But, like, the fact that entirety
00:44:38.680 | of the space-time we're in can bend.
00:44:42.360 | - Well-- - That's, that's,
00:44:46.200 | that's really mind-blowing.
00:44:47.040 | - Well, let me make another analogy.
00:44:49.560 | - This is a therapy session for me at this point.
00:44:51.080 | - Yeah, right, another analogy.
00:44:53.040 | - Thank you.
00:44:53.880 | - So, imagine you have a trampoline.
00:44:56.120 | - Yes.
00:44:56.960 | - Okay.
00:44:58.600 | What happens if you put a marble on a trampoline?
00:45:00.720 | Doesn't do anything, right?
00:45:02.920 | - No.
00:45:03.760 | - Just sit. - Maybe a little bit,
00:45:04.800 | but not much.
00:45:05.760 | - Yeah, I mean, just if I drop it,
00:45:07.480 | it's not gonna go anywhere.
00:45:09.320 | Now, imagine I put a bowling ball
00:45:10.840 | at the center of the trampoline.
00:45:12.440 | Now, I come up to the trampoline,
00:45:15.640 | and I put a marble on, what happens?
00:45:17.880 | - It'll roll towards the bowling ball.
00:45:21.560 | - All right, so what's happened is the presence
00:45:24.640 | of this massive object distorted the space
00:45:29.080 | that the trampoline did.
00:45:30.820 | This is the same thing that happens
00:45:33.000 | to the presence of the earth, the earth and the apple.
00:45:37.400 | The presence of the earth affects the space around it,
00:45:40.240 | just like the bowling ball on the trampoline.
00:45:43.960 | - Yeah, this doesn't make me feel better.
00:45:45.640 | I'm referring from the perspective of an ant
00:45:48.240 | walking around on that trampoline.
00:45:50.140 | Then some guy just dropped a ball,
00:45:54.720 | and not only dropped a ball, right?
00:45:56.520 | It's not just dropping a bowling ball.
00:45:59.000 | It's making the ball go up and down,
00:46:02.300 | or doing some kind of oscillation thing,
00:46:04.600 | where it's like waves.
00:46:06.540 | And that's so fundamentally different
00:46:08.460 | from the experience on being on flatland
00:46:10.660 | and walking around and just finding
00:46:12.460 | delicious sweet things as ant does.
00:46:14.660 | And it just feels like, to me,
00:46:16.380 | from a human experience perspective,
00:46:18.340 | completely, it's humbling.
00:46:20.900 | It's truly humbling.
00:46:22.740 | - It's humbling, but we see that kind of phenomenon
00:46:25.100 | all the time.
00:46:26.740 | Let me give you another example.
00:46:29.040 | Imagine that you walk up to a still pond.
00:46:33.040 | - Yes.
00:46:33.880 | - Okay?
00:46:34.700 | Now I throw, you throw a rock in it, what happens?
00:46:39.240 | The rock goes in, sinks to the bottom, fine,
00:46:42.120 | and these little ripples go out, and they travel out.
00:46:46.800 | That's exactly what happens.
00:46:48.360 | I mean, there's a disturbance, which is these safe,
00:46:52.000 | the bowling ball, or black holes,
00:46:54.600 | and then the ripples, they go out in the water.
00:46:58.060 | They're not, they don't have any,
00:46:59.960 | they don't have the rock, any pieces of the rock.
00:47:02.600 | - You see, the thing is, I guess,
00:47:04.400 | what's not disturbing about that is it's a,
00:47:08.220 | I mean, it's a, I guess, a flat, two-dimensional surface
00:47:11.160 | that's being disturbed.
00:47:12.780 | Like, for a three-dimensional surface,
00:47:15.400 | three-dimensional space to be disturbed feels weird.
00:47:19.920 | - It's even worse.
00:47:20.900 | It's four-dimensional, because it's space and time.
00:47:23.520 | - Yeah.
00:47:24.920 | - So that's why you need Einstein,
00:47:26.600 | is to make it four-dimensional.
00:47:28.120 | - To make it okay?
00:47:29.400 | - No, to make it.
00:47:30.800 | - To make it four-dimensional?
00:47:32.240 | - Yeah, to take the same phenomenon
00:47:34.480 | and look at it in all of space and time.
00:47:38.440 | Anyway, luckily for you and I and all of us,
00:47:43.440 | the amount of distortion is incredibly small.
00:47:46.220 | So it turns out that if you think of space itself,
00:47:52.400 | now this is gonna blow your mind too,
00:47:54.360 | if you think of space as being like a material,
00:47:56.680 | like this table, it's very stiff.
00:47:59.960 | You know, we have materials that are very pliable,
00:48:02.080 | materials that are very stiff.
00:48:03.720 | So space itself is very stiff.
00:48:06.560 | So when gravitational waves come through it,
00:48:08.600 | luckily for us, it doesn't distort it so much
00:48:11.200 | that it affects our ordinary life very much.
00:48:14.880 | - No, I mean, that's great.
00:48:18.000 | That's great, I thought there was something bad coming.
00:48:20.080 | No, this is great. - No, not bad.
00:48:20.920 | - That's great news.
00:48:21.760 | So I mean, perhaps we evolved as life on Earth
00:48:25.400 | to be such that for us, this particular set
00:48:30.480 | of effects of gravitational waves is not that significant.
00:48:35.480 | Maybe that's why-- - It is.
00:48:37.280 | You probably used this effect today or yesterday.
00:48:42.280 | So it's pervasive.
00:48:45.640 | Well-- - You mean gravity
00:48:47.040 | or the way, or external?
00:48:49.640 | 'Cause I only-- - Curvature of space
00:48:51.440 | and time. - Curvature of space, how?
00:48:53.400 | I only care personally as a human, right?
00:48:55.800 | The gravity of Earth.
00:48:56.920 | - But you use it every day almost.
00:48:59.080 | - Oh, it's curving. - Because, no, no, no.
00:49:02.800 | It's in this thing.
00:49:04.360 | Every time it tells you where you are.
00:49:07.040 | How does it tell you where you are?
00:49:09.960 | It tells you where you are because we have 24 satellites
00:49:12.840 | or some number that are going around in space
00:49:15.640 | and it asks how long it takes the being
00:49:20.400 | to go to the satellite and come back the signal
00:49:23.320 | to different ones and then it triangulates
00:49:26.200 | and tells you where you are.
00:49:27.440 | And then if you go down the road,
00:49:28.720 | it tells you where you are.
00:49:30.120 | Do you know that if you did that with the satellites
00:49:32.760 | and you didn't use Einstein's equations--
00:49:35.040 | - Oh, no, you wouldn't-- - You won't get
00:49:37.280 | the right answer, that's right.
00:49:39.240 | And in fact, if you take a road that's say 10 meters wide,
00:49:43.640 | I've done these numbers, and you ask how long
00:49:45.720 | you'd stay on the road if you didn't make the correction.
00:49:49.020 | For general relativity, this thing you're poo-pooing,
00:49:52.400 | 'cause you're using every day, you'd go off the road
00:49:55.560 | a minute. - You'd go off the road.
00:49:56.600 | Well, actually, that might be my problem.
00:49:57.440 | - So you use it, so don't poo-poo it.
00:50:00.640 | - Well, I think I'm using an Androids,
00:50:02.320 | and maybe, and the GPS doesn't work that well,
00:50:04.120 | so maybe I'm using Newton's physics,
00:50:06.240 | so I need to upgrade to general relativity.
00:50:08.400 | So, gravitational waves and Einstein had,
00:50:14.280 | wait, Feynman really does have a part in this story?
00:50:17.440 | Was that one of the first kind of experimental
00:50:20.500 | proposed detect gravitational waves?
00:50:22.180 | - Well, he did what we call a Godunkin experiment,
00:50:24.500 | that's a thought experiment, okay, not a real experiment.
00:50:27.700 | But then, after that, then people believe
00:50:31.020 | gravitational waves must exist.
00:50:32.860 | You can kind of calculate how big they are, there's tiny.
00:50:35.940 | And so, people started searching.
00:50:38.200 | The first idea that was used was Feynman's idea,
00:50:41.000 | oh, a variant of it.
00:50:44.200 | And it was to take a great big, huge bar of aluminum,
00:50:48.060 | and then put around, and it's made like a cylinder,
00:50:52.920 | and then put around it some very, very sensitive detectors
00:50:56.120 | so that if a gravitational wave happened to go through it,
00:50:59.440 | it would go (mimics electric shock)
00:51:01.600 | and you'd detect the extra strain that was there.
00:51:04.860 | And that was this method that was used until we came along.
00:51:09.320 | It wasn't a very good method to use.
00:51:12.320 | - And what was the, so we're talking about
00:51:15.560 | a pretty weak signal here.
00:51:17.040 | - Yeah, that's why that method didn't work.
00:51:19.400 | - So what, can you tell the story of figuring out
00:51:22.820 | what kind of method would be able to detect
00:51:25.560 | this very weak signal of gravitational waves?
00:51:28.980 | - So, remembering what happens when you go
00:51:35.180 | to the amusement park, that it's gonna do something like
00:51:39.620 | stretch this way and squash that way,
00:51:41.720 | squash this way and stretch this way.
00:51:44.080 | We do have an instrument that can detect that kind of thing.
00:51:48.360 | It's called an interferometer.
00:51:49.960 | And what it does is it just basically takes usually light,
00:51:56.040 | and the two directions that we're talking about,
00:51:59.760 | you send light down one direction
00:52:02.060 | and the perpendicular direction.
00:52:04.320 | And if nothing changes, it takes the same,
00:52:08.280 | and the arms are the same length.
00:52:09.960 | It just goes down, bounces back.
00:52:13.040 | And if you invert one compared to the other, they cancel.
00:52:16.000 | So there's nothing happens.
00:52:17.800 | But if it's like the amusement park
00:52:20.280 | and one of the arms got, you know, it got shorter and fatter
00:52:23.520 | so it took longer to go horizontally
00:52:25.960 | than it did to go vertically.
00:52:27.700 | Then when they come back, when the light comes back,
00:52:31.000 | that comes back somewhat out of time.
00:52:34.400 | And that basically is the scheme.
00:52:37.040 | The only problem is that that's not done very accurately
00:52:42.040 | in general, and we had to do it extremely accurately.
00:52:45.920 | - So what's the difficulty of doing so accurately?
00:52:50.920 | - Okay, so the measurement that we have to do
00:52:56.800 | is a distortion in time.
00:52:58.760 | How big is it?
00:53:00.440 | One, it's a distortion that's one part in 10 to the 21.
00:53:04.160 | That's 21 zeros and a one.
00:53:06.960 | Okay? - Wow.
00:53:08.400 | And so this is like a delay in the thing coming back?
00:53:11.840 | - It's one of them coming back after the other one,
00:53:15.760 | but the difference is just one part in 10 to the 21.
00:53:19.020 | So for that reason, we make it big.
00:53:23.320 | Let the arms be long.
00:53:25.720 | Okay, so one part in 10 to the 21.
00:53:27.980 | In our case, it's kilometers long.
00:53:31.280 | So we have an instrument that's like kilometers
00:53:33.120 | in one direction, kilometers in the other.
00:53:35.000 | - How many kilometers are we talking about?
00:53:36.440 | Four kilometers?
00:53:37.440 | - Four kilometers in each direction.
00:53:39.400 | If you take then one part in 10 to the 21,
00:53:44.600 | we're talking about measuring something
00:53:46.840 | to 10 to the minus 18 meters.
00:53:51.460 | (Lex laughing)
00:53:54.880 | - Okay.
00:53:55.720 | - Now to tell you how small that is,
00:53:58.200 | the proton thing we're made of,
00:54:01.000 | which you can't go and grab so easily,
00:54:03.040 | is 10 to the minus 15 meters.
00:54:05.560 | So this is one 1,000th the size of a proton.
00:54:08.720 | That's the size of the effect.
00:54:10.560 | Einstein himself didn't think this could be measured.
00:54:15.160 | Have you ever seen?
00:54:16.520 | Actually, he said that,
00:54:18.640 | but that's because he didn't anticipate modern lasers
00:54:22.720 | and techniques that we developed.
00:54:25.900 | - Okay, so maybe can you tell me a little bit
00:54:31.720 | what you're referring to as LIGO,
00:54:33.160 | the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory.
00:54:37.400 | What is LIGO?
00:54:39.520 | Can you just elaborate kind of the big picture view here
00:54:42.040 | before I ask you specific questions about it?
00:54:44.320 | - Yeah, so in the same idea that I just said,
00:54:47.720 | we have two long vacuum pipes,
00:54:52.560 | 10 to four kilometers long, okay?
00:54:55.820 | We start with a laser beam and we divide the beam
00:55:00.580 | going down the two arms,
00:55:02.920 | and we have a mirror at the other end,
00:55:04.840 | reflects it back.
00:55:06.560 | It's more subtle, but we bring it back.
00:55:09.600 | If there's no distortion in space-time
00:55:12.560 | and the lengths are exactly the same,
00:55:14.120 | which we calibrate them to be,
00:55:16.120 | then when it comes back,
00:55:17.520 | if we just invert one signal compared to the other,
00:55:20.880 | they'll just cancel.
00:55:22.040 | So we see nothing, okay?
00:55:24.900 | But if one arm got a little bit longer than the other,
00:55:28.240 | then they don't come back at exactly the same time.
00:55:30.480 | They don't exactly cancel.
00:55:31.920 | That's what we measure.
00:55:33.080 | So to give a number to it,
00:55:37.440 | we have to do that to,
00:55:40.040 | we have the change of length
00:55:42.240 | to be able to do this 10 to the minus 18 meters
00:55:45.920 | to one part in 10 to the 12th.
00:55:48.080 | And that was the big experimental challenge
00:55:50.280 | that required a lot of innovation to be able to do.
00:55:55.280 | - You gave a lot of credit to, I think,
00:55:59.640 | Caltech and MIT for some of the technical developments
00:56:02.680 | within this project.
00:56:04.400 | Is there some interesting things you can speak to
00:56:07.120 | at the low level of some cool stuff that had to be solved?
00:56:12.600 | Like what are we talking?
00:56:14.040 | I'm a software engineer, so all of this,
00:56:16.920 | I have so much more respect for everything done here
00:56:19.200 | than anything I've ever done.
00:56:20.520 | So it's just code.
00:56:21.560 | - So I'll give you an example of doing
00:56:28.840 | mechanical engineering at a better,
00:56:32.360 | at a basically mechanical engineering and geology
00:56:35.960 | and maybe at a level.
00:56:37.860 | So what's the problem?
00:56:40.560 | The problem is the following,
00:56:42.000 | that I've given you this picture of an instrument
00:56:44.280 | that by some magic, I can make good enough
00:56:47.400 | to measure this very short distance.
00:56:49.880 | But then I put it down here, it won't work.
00:56:53.400 | And the reason it doesn't work
00:56:55.240 | is that the earth itself is moving all over the place
00:56:58.300 | all the time.
00:56:59.400 | You don't realize it, it seems pretty good to you.
00:57:01.720 | - I get it.
00:57:02.560 | - But it's moving all the time.
00:57:03.840 | So somehow it's moving so much that we can't deal with it.
00:57:08.360 | We happen to be trying to do the experiment here on earth,
00:57:11.700 | but we can't deal with it.
00:57:12.980 | So we have to make the instrument isolated from the earth.
00:57:17.720 | - Oh no.
00:57:18.900 | - At the frequencies we're at, we've got to float it.
00:57:21.520 | That's a mechanical, that's an engineering problem,
00:57:23.680 | not a physics problem.
00:57:24.840 | - So when you actually, like we're doing,
00:57:27.560 | we're having a conversation on a podcast right now,
00:57:29.640 | there's, and people who record music work with this,
00:57:33.160 | how to create an isolated room.
00:57:34.880 | And they usually build a room within a room,
00:57:39.240 | but that's still not isolated.
00:57:40.940 | In fact, they say it's impossible to truly isolate
00:57:43.080 | from sound, from noise and stuff like that.
00:57:45.940 | But that's like one step of millions that you took
00:57:50.940 | is building a room inside a room.
00:57:55.040 | You basically have to isolate all.
00:57:56.920 | - Now this is actually an easier problem.
00:57:58.960 | It's just have to do it really well.
00:58:00.680 | So making a clean room is really a tough problem
00:58:03.920 | because you have to put a room inside a room.
00:58:06.120 | You have to, this is really simple engineering, our physics.
00:58:11.120 | Okay, so what do you have to do?
00:58:13.360 | How do you isolate yourself from the earth?
00:58:16.520 | First, we work at, we're not looking at all frequencies
00:58:21.520 | for gravitational waves.
00:58:22.560 | We're looking at particular frequencies
00:58:25.280 | that you can deal with here on earth.
00:58:27.680 | So what frequencies would those be?
00:58:29.480 | You were just talking about frequencies.
00:58:32.320 | - I mean, I don't-- - We know by evolution.
00:58:35.400 | Our bodies know, it's the audio band, okay?
00:58:39.600 | The reason our ears work where they work
00:58:41.840 | is that's where the earth isn't going,
00:58:43.580 | making too much noise.
00:58:45.120 | - Okay, so the reason our ears work the way they work
00:58:47.560 | is 'cause this is where it's quiet.
00:58:49.640 | - That's right.
00:58:50.920 | So if you go to one hertz instead of 10 hertz,
00:58:55.920 | it's the earth is really moving around.
00:58:59.600 | So somehow we live in a, what we call the audio band.
00:59:04.000 | It's tens of hertz to thousands of hertz.
00:59:06.480 | That's where we live, okay?
00:59:09.520 | If we're gonna do an experiment on the earth--
00:59:13.000 | - Might as well do it in the-- - It's the same frequency.
00:59:14.880 | That's where the earth is the quietest.
00:59:16.400 | So we have to work in that frequency.
00:59:18.120 | So we're not looking at all frequencies, okay?
00:59:21.240 | So the solution for the shaking of the earth
00:59:25.620 | to get rid of it is pretty mundane.
00:59:28.680 | If we do the same thing that you do
00:59:32.520 | to make your car drive smoothly down the road.
00:59:35.640 | So what happens when your car goes over a bump?
00:59:38.900 | Early cars did that, they bounced.
00:59:41.360 | Okay, but you don't feel that in your car.
00:59:43.900 | So what happened to that energy?
00:59:46.440 | You can't just disappear energy.
00:59:48.240 | So we have these things called shock absorbers in the car.
00:59:51.520 | What they do is they absorb,
00:59:53.760 | they take the thing that went like that
00:59:56.480 | and they basically can't get rid of the energy
00:59:58.760 | but they move it to very, very low frequency.
01:00:01.960 | So what you feel isn't, you feel it go smoothly, okay?
01:00:06.960 | All right, so we also work at this frequency.
01:00:14.440 | So we basically, why don't we have to do anything
01:00:17.960 | other than shock absorbers?
01:00:19.240 | So we made the world's fanciest shock absorbers, okay?
01:00:23.900 | Not just like in your car where there's one layer of them.
01:00:28.340 | They're just the right squishiness and so forth.
01:00:30.440 | They're better than what's in the cars.
01:00:32.480 | And we have four layers of it.
01:00:34.080 | So whatever shakes and gets through the first layer,
01:00:36.680 | we treat it in a second, third, fourth layer.
01:00:39.320 | - So it's a mechanical engineering problem.
01:00:41.360 | - Yeah, that's what I said.
01:00:42.200 | So it's a real--
01:00:43.680 | - There's no weird tricks to it
01:00:45.240 | like a chemistry type thing or--
01:00:47.520 | - No, no, just well, the right squishiness,
01:00:49.680 | you need the right material inside.
01:00:52.040 | And ours look like little springs, but they're--
01:00:55.400 | - Springs, they're springs?
01:00:57.120 | So like legitimately like shock absorbers?
01:01:00.000 | - Yeah.
01:01:01.520 | - What?
01:01:02.440 | Okay.
01:01:03.280 | - Okay, and this is now experimental physics at its limit.
01:01:07.480 | Okay, so you do this and we make
01:01:09.200 | the world's fanciest shock absorbers,
01:01:11.240 | just mechanical engineering.
01:01:13.440 | - Just mechanical engineering, this is hilarious.
01:01:15.920 | - But we weren't good enough
01:01:18.200 | to discover gravitational waves.
01:01:20.120 | So we did another, we added another feature.
01:01:26.120 | And it's something else that you're aware of,
01:01:30.640 | probably have one, and that is to get rid of noise.
01:01:34.800 | You've probably noise, which is you don't like.
01:01:38.440 | And that's the same principle
01:01:39.920 | that's in these little Bose earphones.
01:01:43.080 | - Noise canceling?
01:01:44.440 | - Noise canceling.
01:01:45.520 | So how do they work?
01:01:48.200 | They basically, you go on an airplane
01:01:50.080 | and they sense the ambient noise from the engines
01:01:54.360 | and cancel it 'cause it's just the same
01:01:56.640 | over and over again, they cancel it.
01:01:59.040 | And when the stewardess comes and asks you
01:02:00.920 | whether you want coffee or tea or a drink or something,
01:02:03.680 | you hear her fine 'cause she's not ambient,
01:02:06.360 | she's a signal, so.
01:02:08.000 | - Are we talking about active canceling?
01:02:09.560 | Like where the actual-- - Active canceling.
01:02:11.920 | - So-- - This is, okay.
01:02:13.880 | - So another-- - Don't tell me
01:02:14.960 | you have active canceling on this.
01:02:18.000 | - Yeah, yeah. - Besides the shock absorbers.
01:02:20.080 | - So inside this array of shock absorbers,
01:02:23.440 | you asked for some interesting--
01:02:26.240 | - This is awesome. (laughs)
01:02:27.960 | - So inside this, it's harder than the earphone problem,
01:02:31.920 | but it's just engineering.
01:02:33.560 | We have to see, measure not just
01:02:35.760 | that the engines still made noise,
01:02:40.200 | but the earth is shaking, it's moving in some direction.
01:02:43.320 | So we have to actually tell not only
01:02:46.000 | that there's noise and cancel it,
01:02:47.520 | but what direction it's from.
01:02:49.100 | So we put this array of seismometers
01:02:52.040 | inside this array of shock absorbers
01:02:55.760 | and measure the residual motion and its direction.
01:03:00.760 | And we put little actuators that push back against it
01:03:05.680 | and cancel it.
01:03:08.400 | - This is awesome.
01:03:10.240 | So you have the actuators and you have the thing
01:03:12.200 | that is sensing the vibrations,
01:03:14.120 | and then you have the actuators that adjust to that
01:03:16.520 | and do so in perfect synchrony.
01:03:18.440 | - Yeah. - What--
01:03:19.920 | - If it all works right.
01:03:21.080 | And so how much do we reduce the shaking of the earth?
01:03:24.080 | - I mean-- - One part in 10 to the 12th.
01:03:29.400 | - One part in 10-- - So what gets through us
01:03:32.260 | is one part in 10 to the 12th.
01:03:36.880 | That's pretty big reduction.
01:03:38.920 | You don't need that in your car, but that's what we do.
01:03:41.160 | And so that's how isolated we are from the earth.
01:03:43.400 | And that was the biggest, I'd say, technical problem
01:03:47.400 | outside of the physics instrument, the interferometer.
01:03:50.280 | - Can I ask you a weird question here?
01:03:53.040 | You make it very poetically and humorously.
01:03:55.760 | You're saying it's just a mechanical engineering problem,
01:03:58.880 | but is this one of the biggest precision
01:04:04.800 | mechanical engineering efforts ever?
01:04:07.600 | I mean, this seems exceptionally difficult.
01:04:09.880 | - It is, and so it took a long time.
01:04:12.400 | And I think nobody seems to challenge the statement
01:04:16.960 | that this is the most precise instrument
01:04:19.800 | that's ever been built, LIGO.
01:04:21.640 | - I wonder what listening to Led Zeppelin sounds
01:04:25.160 | on this thing, 'cause it's so isolated.
01:04:27.280 | I mean, this is like, I don't know.
01:04:30.200 | - No background noise. - No back, it's, wow.
01:04:34.000 | - Wow, wow.
01:04:36.480 | So when you were first conceiving this,
01:04:40.040 | I would probably, if I was knowledgeable enough,
01:04:44.320 | kind of laugh off the possibility that this is even possible.
01:04:48.240 | I'm sure, like how many people believe that this is possible?
01:04:53.200 | Did you believe this was possible?
01:04:54.960 | - I did.
01:04:55.800 | I didn't know that we needed,
01:04:58.400 | for sure that we needed active when we started.
01:05:00.400 | We did just passive, but we were doing the,
01:05:04.120 | tests to develop the active,
01:05:07.000 | to add as a second stage, which we ended up needing.
01:05:09.680 | But there was a lot of, you know,
01:05:13.320 | now there was a lot of skepticism.
01:05:15.680 | A lot of us, especially astronomers,
01:05:18.440 | felt that money was being wasted,
01:05:20.560 | as we were also expensive.
01:05:22.560 | Doing what I told you is not cheap.
01:05:24.440 | So it was kind of controversial.
01:05:26.960 | It was funded by the National Science Foundation.
01:05:30.800 | - Can you just linger on this just for a little longer?
01:05:33.600 | The actuator thing, the active canceling.
01:05:36.000 | Do you remember like little experiments
01:05:42.040 | that were done along the way to prove to the team,
01:05:45.200 | to themselves that this is even possible?
01:05:47.800 | So from our, because I work with quite a bit of robots,
01:05:51.560 | and to me, the idea that you could do it this precisely
01:05:54.320 | is humbling and embarrassing, frankly.
01:05:59.080 | Because like, this is another level of precision
01:06:02.360 | that I can't even, 'cause robots are a mess.
01:06:07.360 | And this is basically one of the most precise robots ever.
01:06:12.400 | Right, so like, is there,
01:06:16.560 | do you remember any like small-scale experiments
01:06:18.600 | that were done that just made this as possible?
01:06:21.000 | - Yeah, and larger scale.
01:06:22.800 | We made a test, that also has to be in vacuum, too,
01:06:28.360 | but we made test chambers that had this system in it,
01:06:31.760 | our first mock of this system, so we could test it.
01:06:34.840 | And optimize it and make it work.
01:06:40.160 | But it's just a mechanical engineering problem.
01:06:42.080 | - Okay. (laughs)
01:06:45.160 | Humans are just ape descendants, I gotcha.
01:06:47.600 | I gotcha.
01:06:49.760 | Is there any video of this?
01:06:51.560 | Like some kind of educational purpose visualizations
01:06:56.280 | of this active canceling?
01:06:58.240 | - I don't think so.
01:07:00.400 | - I mean, does this live on?
01:07:05.040 | - Well, we worked for parts of it, for the active canceling,
01:07:08.560 | we worked for the instruments,
01:07:10.920 | for the sensor and instruments,
01:07:12.880 | we worked with a small company near where you are,
01:07:17.600 | 'cause it was our MIT people that got them,
01:07:20.160 | that were interested in the problem
01:07:22.760 | because they thought they might be able to commercialize it
01:07:25.320 | for making staple tables to make microelectronics,
01:07:29.360 | for example, which are limited by how stable the table is.
01:07:33.240 | I mean, at this point, it's a little expensive.
01:07:36.160 | - So you never know, you never know where this leads.
01:07:40.000 | So maybe on the,
01:07:42.440 | let me ask you, just sticking at it a little longer,
01:07:47.440 | this silly old mechanical engineering problem,
01:07:50.000 | what was, to you, kind of the darkest moment
01:07:55.640 | of what was the hardest stumbling block
01:07:59.240 | to get over on the engineering side?
01:08:00.880 | Like, was there any time where there was a doubt,
01:08:03.040 | where it's like, I'm not sure we would be able to do this,
01:08:05.800 | a kind of a engineering challenge that was hit?
01:08:09.080 | Do you remember anything like that?
01:08:09.920 | - I think the one that,
01:08:11.760 | my colleague at MIT, Ray Weiss, worked on so hard
01:08:18.200 | and was much more of a worry than this.
01:08:21.920 | This is only a question, if you're not doing well enough,
01:08:25.280 | you have to keep making it better somehow.
01:08:28.120 | But this whole huge instrument has to be in vacuum.
01:08:33.120 | And the vacuum tanks are this big around.
01:08:37.840 | And so it's the world's biggest high vacuum system.
01:08:41.440 | And so how do you make it, first of all?
01:08:45.100 | How do you make this four meter long sealed vacuum system?
01:08:50.160 | It has to be made out of--
01:08:51.080 | - Four kilometers long.
01:08:52.000 | - Four kilometers long, would I say something else?
01:08:54.120 | - Meters.
01:08:54.960 | - Four kilometers long.
01:08:56.200 | - Big difference.
01:08:57.040 | - Yeah, and so, but to make it, yeah,
01:09:00.080 | we started with a roll of stainless steel,
01:09:05.000 | and then we roll it out like a spiral
01:09:08.680 | so that there's a spiral weld on it.
01:09:11.360 | Okay, so the engineering was fine, we did that.
01:09:14.640 | We worked through very good companies
01:09:17.080 | and so forth to build it.
01:09:18.860 | But the big worry was, what if you develop a leak?
01:09:23.860 | This is a high vacuum, not just vacuum system.
01:09:29.880 | Typically in a laboratory, if there's a leak,
01:09:32.400 | you put helium around the thing you have,
01:09:37.400 | and then you detect where the helium is coming in.
01:09:41.080 | But if you have something as big as this,
01:09:42.960 | you can't surround it with helium.
01:09:44.560 | - So you might not actually even know that there's a leak
01:09:46.880 | and it will be affecting--
01:09:47.960 | - Well, we can measure how good the vacuum is,
01:09:52.960 | so we can know that, but a leak can develop,
01:09:56.400 | and then we don't, how do we fix it,
01:09:59.120 | or how do we find it?
01:10:00.800 | And so that was, you asked about a worry,
01:10:03.640 | that was always a really big worry.
01:10:06.480 | - What's the difference between a high vacuum and a vacuum?
01:10:09.840 | What is high vacuum?
01:10:11.320 | That's like some delta close to vacuum?
01:10:15.400 | Is it some threshold?
01:10:16.760 | - Well, there's a unit, high vacuum is when the vacuum
01:10:21.760 | and the units that are used, which are TORs,
01:10:24.040 | there's 10 to the minus nine.
01:10:25.440 | - Gotcha.
01:10:26.280 | - High vacuum is usually used in small places.
01:10:31.340 | The biggest vacuum system, period,
01:10:35.200 | is at CERN in this big particle accelerator,
01:10:38.320 | but the high vacuum, where they need really good vacuum
01:10:40.840 | so particles don't scatter in it, is smaller than ours.
01:10:43.920 | So ours is a really large high vacuum system.
01:10:48.920 | - I don't know, this is so cool.
01:10:50.440 | I mean, this is basically by far
01:10:53.440 | the greatest listening device ever built by humans.
01:10:57.280 | The fact that like descendants of apes could do this,
01:11:01.000 | that evolution started with single cell organisms.
01:11:04.300 | I mean, is there any more, I'm a huge,
01:11:07.640 | theory is like, yeah, yeah, but like bridges,
01:11:10.240 | when I look at bridges from a civil engineering perspective,
01:11:13.360 | it's one of the most beautiful creations by human beings.
01:11:15.600 | It's physics, you're using physics to construct objects
01:11:19.120 | that can support huge amount of mass.
01:11:21.920 | And it's like structural, but it's also beautiful
01:11:24.080 | in that humans can collaborate to create that
01:11:26.460 | throughout history.
01:11:27.360 | And then you take this on another level.
01:11:29.920 | This is like, this is like exciting to me beyond measure
01:11:36.040 | that humans can create something so precise.
01:11:39.880 | - But another concept lost in this, you just said,
01:11:43.040 | you started talking about single cell.
01:11:44.760 | - Yeah. - Okay.
01:11:46.320 | You have to realize this discovery that we made
01:11:48.480 | that everybody's bought off on,
01:11:50.080 | happened 1.3 billion years ago, somewhere.
01:11:55.080 | And then the signal came to us.
01:11:56.800 | 1.3 billion years ago, we were just converting on the earth
01:12:00.840 | from single cell to multi-cell life.
01:12:03.520 | So when this actually happened,
01:12:05.640 | this collision of two black holes, we weren't here.
01:12:09.080 | We weren't even close to being here.
01:12:09.920 | - And we're both developing slowly.
01:12:11.160 | - There were single, yeah, we were going from single cell
01:12:15.280 | to multi-cell life at that point.
01:12:16.880 | - All to meet up at this point.
01:12:18.880 | - Yeah.
01:12:19.720 | - Wow, that's like, that's almost romantic.
01:12:23.540 | - It is.
01:12:26.040 | - Okay, so on the human side of things,
01:12:30.720 | it's kind of fascinating 'cause you're talking about
01:12:35.080 | over a thousand people team for LIGO.
01:12:38.080 | - Yeah.
01:12:38.920 | - You started out with around a hundred
01:12:42.520 | and you've for parts of the time at least led this team.
01:12:47.180 | What does it take to lead a team like this
01:12:51.160 | of incredibly brilliant theoreticians and engineers
01:12:56.160 | and just a lot of different parties involved,
01:12:59.400 | a lot of egos, a lot of ideas.
01:13:02.680 | You had this funny example, I forget where,
01:13:06.980 | where in publishing a paper, you have to all agree
01:13:09.780 | on like the phrasing of a certain sentence
01:13:13.500 | or the title of the paper and so on.
01:13:15.480 | That's a very interesting, simple example.
01:13:17.300 | I'd love you to speak to that, but just in general,
01:13:19.300 | how, what does it take to lead this kind of team?
01:13:23.140 | - Okay, I think the general idea is one we all know.
01:13:28.140 | You wanna get where the sum of something
01:13:36.240 | is more than the individual parts is what we say, right?
01:13:39.440 | - Yeah.
01:13:40.600 | - So that's what you're trying to achieve.
01:13:42.120 | - Yes.
01:13:42.960 | - Okay, how do you do that actually?
01:13:44.760 | Mostly if we take multiple objects or people,
01:13:49.000 | I mean, you put them together, the sum is less.
01:13:51.560 | - Yes.
01:13:52.400 | - Why?
01:13:53.240 | Because they overlap.
01:13:54.480 | So you don't have individual things that,
01:13:58.160 | this person does that, this person does that,
01:14:00.880 | then you get exactly the sum.
01:14:03.440 | But what you want is to develop where you get more
01:14:07.040 | than what the individual contributions are.
01:14:09.400 | We know that's very common.
01:14:10.520 | People use that expression everywhere.
01:14:13.260 | And it's the expression that has to be kind of built
01:14:17.420 | into how people feel it's working.
01:14:19.560 | Because if you're part of a team and you realize
01:14:23.960 | that somehow the team is able to do more
01:14:26.680 | than the individuals could do themselves,
01:14:28.820 | then they buy on kind of in terms of the process.
01:14:32.700 | So that's the goal that you have to have is to achieve that.
01:14:37.700 | And that means that you have to realize parts
01:14:44.440 | of what you're trying to do that require,
01:14:50.160 | not that one person couldn't do it.
01:14:51.840 | It requires the combined talents to be able to do something
01:14:56.060 | that neither of them could do themselves.
01:14:58.180 | And we have a lot of that kind of thing.
01:15:00.080 | And I think, I mean, build into some
01:15:03.580 | of the examples that I gave you.
01:15:05.460 | And so how do you then, so the key almost
01:15:10.460 | in anything you do is the people themselves, right?
01:15:13.980 | So in our case, the first and most important was to attract,
01:15:18.980 | to spend years of their life on this,
01:15:24.100 | and the best possible people in the world to do it.
01:15:26.940 | So the only way to convince them is that somehow
01:15:30.840 | it's better and more interesting for them
01:15:34.840 | than what they could do themselves.
01:15:37.040 | And so that's part of this idea.
01:15:40.560 | - I got you, yeah, that's powerful.
01:15:42.240 | But nevertheless, there's best people in the world,
01:15:45.160 | there's egos.
01:15:46.160 | Is there something to be said about managing egos?
01:15:48.880 | - Oh, that's, the human problem's always the hardest.
01:15:51.920 | And so that's an art, not a science, I think.
01:15:55.840 | I think the fact here that combined,
01:16:00.380 | there's a romantic goal that we had to do something
01:16:05.380 | that people hadn't done before,
01:16:06.980 | which was important scientifically and a huge challenge,
01:16:11.980 | enabled us to say, take and get,
01:16:19.940 | I mean, what we did, just to take an example,
01:16:21.680 | we used the light to go in this thing, comes from lasers.
01:16:26.100 | We need a certain kind of laser.
01:16:27.640 | So the kind of laser that we used,
01:16:30.720 | there were three different institutions in the world
01:16:35.720 | that had the experts that do this,
01:16:37.800 | maybe in competition with each other.
01:16:40.080 | So we got all three to join together and work with us
01:16:44.280 | to work on this, as an example.
01:16:46.200 | So that you had, and they had the thing
01:16:50.500 | that they were working together on a kind of object
01:16:53.320 | that they wouldn't have otherwise,
01:16:55.160 | and were part of a bigger team
01:16:57.460 | where they could discover something
01:16:59.280 | that isn't even engineers.
01:17:01.080 | These are engineers that do lasers,
01:17:03.160 | and they're part of our laser physicists.
01:17:07.080 | - So could you describe the moment or the period of time
01:17:12.080 | when finally this incredible creation of human beings
01:17:18.400 | led to a detection of gravitational waves?
01:17:21.620 | - It's a long story.
01:17:22.580 | Unfortunately, this is a part that we started--
01:17:26.020 | - Failures along the way kind of thing, or what?
01:17:28.380 | - All failures, that's all, it's built into it.
01:17:31.040 | - Okay.
01:17:31.880 | - If you're not--
01:17:32.700 | - Just mechanical engineering.
01:17:34.500 | (both laughing)
01:17:35.900 | - You build on your failures, that's expected.
01:17:38.380 | So we're trying things that no one's done before.
01:17:40.680 | So it's technically not just gravitational waves,
01:17:43.580 | and so it's built on failures.
01:17:46.340 | But anyway, we did, before MEVE,
01:17:49.480 | and the people did R&D on the concepts.
01:17:54.480 | But starting in 1994, we got money
01:17:58.240 | from the National Science Foundation to build this thing.
01:18:01.100 | It took about five years to build it.
01:18:04.820 | So by 1999, we had built the basic unit.
01:18:09.820 | It did not have active seismic isolation at that stage.
01:18:15.160 | It didn't have some other things that we have now.
01:18:18.360 | What we did at the beginning was
01:18:21.760 | stick to technologies that we had at least enough knowledge
01:18:29.640 | that we could make work or had tested in our own laboratories.
01:18:35.000 | And so then we put together the instrument,
01:18:37.840 | we made it work.
01:18:39.840 | It didn't work very well, but it worked.
01:18:41.700 | And we didn't see any gravitational waves.
01:18:44.680 | Then we figured out what limited us,
01:18:46.360 | and we went through this every year for almost 10 years,
01:18:51.360 | never seeing gravitational waves.
01:18:54.080 | We would run it, looking for gravitational waves for months,
01:18:59.080 | learn what limited us, fix it for months,
01:19:03.760 | and then run it again.
01:19:05.320 | Eventually, we knew we had to take another big step,
01:19:09.680 | and that's when we made several changes,
01:19:12.160 | including adding these active seismic isolation,
01:19:16.400 | which turned out to be a key.
01:19:17.900 | And we fortunately got the National Science Foundation
01:19:23.960 | to give us another couple hundred million dollars,
01:19:27.640 | a hundred million more, and we rebuilt it,
01:19:31.480 | or fixed, or improved it.
01:19:34.560 | And then in 2015, we turned it on,
01:19:39.560 | and we almost instantly saw this first collision
01:19:44.560 | of two black holes.
01:19:51.960 | And then we went through a process of,
01:19:58.600 | do we believe what we've seen?
01:20:00.240 | - Yeah, I think you're one of the people
01:20:02.040 | that went through that process.
01:20:03.080 | Sounds like some people immediately believed it.
01:20:05.200 | - Yeah.
01:20:06.040 | - And then you were like, "It's disgusting."
01:20:07.320 | - So as human beings, we all have different reactions
01:20:09.920 | to almost anything, and so quite a few of my colleagues
01:20:13.320 | had a eureka moment immediately.
01:20:15.560 | I mean, it's--
01:20:16.400 | - It's amazing.
01:20:18.360 | - The figure that we put in our paper,
01:20:22.600 | first is just data.
01:20:25.600 | We didn't have to go through fancy computer programs
01:20:28.920 | to do anything.
01:20:30.080 | And we showed next to it the calculations
01:20:35.080 | of Einstein's equations, and it looks just like
01:20:37.760 | what we detected.
01:20:38.800 | - Wow.
01:20:39.640 | - And we did it in two different detectors
01:20:41.360 | halfway across the US, so it was pretty convincing.
01:20:44.760 | But you don't wanna fool yourself.
01:20:49.800 | So we had, being a scientist, we had, for me,
01:20:54.800 | we had to go through and try to understand
01:20:57.240 | that the instrument itself, which was new,
01:20:59.040 | I said we had rebuilt it, couldn't somehow generate
01:21:02.720 | things that looked like this.
01:21:04.720 | That took some tests, and then the second,
01:21:08.160 | you'll appreciate more, we had to somehow convince ourselves
01:21:12.360 | we weren't hacked in some clever way.
01:21:14.440 | - Cybersecurity question.
01:21:15.880 | - Yeah, even though we're not on the internet.
01:21:18.480 | - Yeah, no, it can be physical access too.
01:21:22.320 | Yeah, that's fascinating.
01:21:24.400 | It's fascinating that you would think about that.
01:21:26.080 | I mean, not enough.
01:21:31.680 | I mean, 'cause it matches prediction,
01:21:35.520 | so the chances of it actually being manipulated
01:21:37.400 | is very, very low, but nevertheless.
01:21:40.400 | - We still could have disgruntled all the graduate students
01:21:42.960 | who had worked with us earlier that--
01:21:45.200 | - Who want you to, I don't know how that's supposed
01:21:47.600 | to embarrass you.
01:21:48.520 | I suppose, yeah, I suppose I see,
01:21:50.760 | but about what I think you said, within a month,
01:21:55.520 | you kind of convinced yourselves officially.
01:21:57.240 | - Within a month, we convinced ourselves.
01:21:59.360 | We kept 1,000 collaborators quiet during that time.
01:22:03.200 | Then we spent another--
01:22:04.400 | - That's funny.
01:22:05.240 | - Month or so trying to understand what we'd seen
01:22:09.160 | so that we could do the science with it
01:22:12.640 | instead of just putting it out to the world
01:22:14.520 | and let somebody else understand
01:22:15.880 | that it was two black holes and what it was.
01:22:18.960 | - The fact that 1,000 collaborators were quiet
01:22:22.160 | is a really strong indication
01:22:23.800 | that this is a really close-knit team.
01:22:25.640 | - Yeah, and they're around the world.
01:22:29.040 | - Well, either strong-knit or tight-knit
01:22:33.160 | or a strong dictatorship or something.
01:22:36.480 | - Yeah, either fear or love.
01:22:37.880 | You can rule by fear or love.
01:22:38.960 | - Yeah, right.
01:22:39.800 | - You can go back to Machu Belly.
01:22:41.800 | All right, well, this, I mean,
01:22:43.300 | this is really exciting that that was,
01:22:48.700 | that's a success story 'cause it didn't have
01:22:52.080 | to be a success story, right?
01:22:54.640 | I mean, eventually, perhaps you could say it'll be an event,
01:22:57.320 | but it could have taken it over a century to get there.
01:23:00.080 | - Oh, yeah, yeah.
01:23:01.240 | It's, and it's only downhill now, kind of.
01:23:06.240 | (both laughing)
01:23:10.040 | - What do you mean it's only,
01:23:11.320 | you mean with gravitational waves?
01:23:12.600 | - Well, yeah, we've now,
01:23:15.240 | we now, well, now we're off because of the pandemic,
01:23:18.960 | but when we turned off,
01:23:20.400 | we were seeing some sort of gravitational wave event
01:23:24.600 | each week.
01:23:26.960 | Now we're fixing, we're fixing,
01:23:28.760 | we're adding features where it'll probably be,
01:23:31.200 | when we turn back on next year,
01:23:32.720 | it'll probably be every one every couple of days,
01:23:35.880 | and they're not all the same.
01:23:37.160 | So it's learning about what's out there in gravity
01:23:40.720 | instead of just optics.
01:23:42.640 | And so it's all great.
01:23:46.020 | We're only limited by,
01:23:47.520 | the fantastic thing,
01:23:50.640 | other than that this is a great field
01:23:53.760 | and it's all new and so forth,
01:23:55.600 | is that experimentally,
01:23:57.520 | the great thing is that we're limited by technology
01:24:02.520 | and technical limitations, not by science.
01:24:06.920 | So the, another,
01:24:12.640 | a really important discovery that was made before ours
01:24:17.640 | was what's called the Higgs boson,
01:24:19.240 | made on the big accelerator at CERN.
01:24:21.800 | You know, this huge accelerator,
01:24:23.280 | they discovered a really important thing.
01:24:25.680 | It's, you know, we have Einstein's equation,
01:24:28.160 | E equals MC squared.
01:24:30.000 | So energy makes mass or mass can make energy,
01:24:33.360 | and that's the bomb.
01:24:34.360 | But the mechanism by which that happens,
01:24:38.280 | not vision, but how do you create mass from energy,
01:24:42.780 | was never understood until there was a theory of it
01:24:51.080 | about 70 years ago now.
01:24:54.040 | And so they discovered it's named after a man named Higgs.
01:24:58.560 | It's called the Higgs boson.
01:25:00.520 | And so it was discovered,
01:25:02.700 | but since that time,
01:25:04.360 | and I worked on those experiments,
01:25:06.880 | since that time,
01:25:07.720 | they haven't been able to progress very much further,
01:25:10.040 | a little bit, but not a lot further.
01:25:12.120 | And the difference is that we're really lucky
01:25:14.440 | in what we're doing,
01:25:17.360 | in that there you see this Higgs boson,
01:25:21.640 | but there's tremendous amount of other physics that goes on,
01:25:24.400 | and you have to pick out the needle
01:25:25.720 | in the haystack kind of physics.
01:25:28.280 | You can't make the physics go away, it's there.
01:25:30.920 | In our case, we have a very weak signal,
01:25:34.080 | but once we get good enough to see it,
01:25:36.360 | it's weak compared to where we've reduced the background,
01:25:40.080 | but the background is not physics, it's just technology.
01:25:44.280 | It's getting ourselves better isolated from the earth
01:25:48.120 | or getting a more powerful laser.
01:25:50.640 | And so since 2015, when we saw the first one,
01:25:55.640 | we continually can make improvements
01:25:59.020 | that are enabling us to turn this into a real science
01:26:03.200 | to do astronomy, a new kind of astronomy.
01:26:05.920 | It's a little like astronomy.
01:26:07.720 | I mean, Galileo started the field.
01:26:12.400 | I mean, he basically took lenses that were made for classes
01:26:16.640 | and he didn't invent the first telescope,
01:26:20.280 | but made a telescope, looked at Neptune
01:26:25.280 | and saw that it had four moons.
01:26:27.720 | That was the birth of not just using your eyes
01:26:31.120 | to understand what's out there.
01:26:33.800 | And since that time,
01:26:34.720 | we've made better and better telescopes, obviously,
01:26:37.200 | and astronomy thrives.
01:26:39.740 | And in a similar way, we're starting to be able to crawl,
01:26:44.040 | but we're starting to be able to do that
01:26:47.560 | with gravitational waves.
01:26:49.920 | And it's gonna be more and more that we can do
01:26:53.560 | as we can make better and better instruments,
01:26:55.600 | because as I say, it's not limited by-
01:26:58.340 | - Physics. - Picking it out of others.
01:27:00.960 | Yeah, it's not limited by the physics.
01:27:02.600 | - So you have an optimism about engineering,
01:27:04.880 | that as human progress marches on,
01:27:09.880 | engineering will always find a way
01:27:14.500 | to build a large enough device,
01:27:17.380 | accurate enough device to detect the-
01:27:19.700 | - As long as it's not limited by physics,
01:27:21.500 | yeah, they'll do it.
01:27:22.740 | - So you, two other folks, and the entire team
01:27:31.260 | won the Nobel Prize for this big effort.
01:27:35.440 | There's a million questions I can ask for,
01:27:39.420 | but looking back,
01:27:41.900 | where does the Nobel Prize fit into all of this?
01:27:51.260 | If you think hundreds of years from now,
01:27:54.720 | I venture to say that people will not remember
01:27:59.160 | the winners of a prize.
01:28:01.480 | But they'll remember creations like these.
01:28:03.480 | Maybe I'm romanticizing engineering.
01:28:05.560 | But I guess I wanna ask,
01:28:09.440 | how important is the Nobel Prize in all of this?
01:28:11.840 | - Well, that's a complicated question.
01:28:16.200 | As a physicist, it's something,
01:28:20.880 | if you're trying to win a Nobel Prize, forget it,
01:28:23.880 | because they give one a year.
01:28:27.240 | So there's been 200 physicists
01:28:31.140 | who have won the Nobel Prize since 1900.
01:28:33.340 | And so that's, you know,
01:28:36.320 | so things just have to fall right.
01:28:39.300 | So your goal cannot be to win a Nobel Prize.
01:28:42.260 | It wasn't my dream.
01:28:43.480 | It's tremendous for science.
01:28:49.420 | I mean, why the Nobel Prize for a guy
01:28:51.940 | that made dynamite and stuff is what it is,
01:28:55.300 | it's a long story.
01:28:56.140 | But it's the one day a year where actually the science
01:29:00.160 | that people have done is all over the world and so forth.
01:29:04.320 | Forget about the people again.
01:29:06.360 | It is really good for science.
01:29:08.840 | - Celebrating science.
01:29:10.040 | - It celebrates science for several days,
01:29:13.760 | different fields, chemistry, medicine, and so forth.
01:29:18.200 | And everybody doesn't understand everything about these.
01:29:21.680 | They're generally fairly abstract,
01:29:24.280 | but then it's on the front page
01:29:27.000 | of newspapers around the world.
01:29:28.240 | So it's really good for science.
01:29:29.920 | It's not easy to get science on the front page
01:29:32.080 | of the New York Times.
01:29:33.120 | It's not there.
01:29:34.180 | Should be, but it's not.
01:29:36.780 | And so the Nobel Prize is important in that way.
01:29:42.460 | It's otherwise, you know,
01:29:46.640 | I have a certain celebrity that I didn't have before.
01:29:52.400 | - And now you get to be a celebrity
01:29:54.240 | that advertises science.
01:29:55.440 | It's a mechanism to remind us how incredible,
01:29:59.520 | how much credit science deserves in everything we do.
01:30:02.800 | - Well, it has a little bit more.
01:30:04.880 | One thing I didn't expect, which is good,
01:30:07.720 | is that we have a government,
01:30:12.040 | I'm not picking on ours necessarily,
01:30:16.160 | but it's true of all governments,
01:30:17.480 | are not run by scientists.
01:30:18.800 | In our case, it's run by lawyers and businessmen.
01:30:23.640 | Okay?
01:30:25.200 | And at best, they may have an aide or something
01:30:27.920 | that knows a little science.
01:30:29.560 | So our country is, and all countries,
01:30:34.240 | are hardly to take into account science
01:30:39.240 | in making decisions.
01:30:42.760 | - Yes. - Okay.
01:30:44.080 | And having a Nobel Prize,
01:30:48.240 | the people in those positions actually listen.
01:30:53.240 | So you have more influence.
01:30:55.800 | I don't care whether it's about global warming
01:30:57.640 | or what the issue is.
01:30:59.080 | There's some influence which is lacking otherwise.
01:31:02.720 | And people pay attention to what I say.
01:31:06.400 | If I talk about global warming,
01:31:07.840 | they wouldn't have before I had the Nobel Prize.
01:31:11.240 | - Yeah, this is very true.
01:31:13.880 | You're like the celebrities who talk.
01:31:17.080 | Celebrity has power.
01:31:19.080 | - Celebrity has power.
01:31:20.400 | - And that's-- - And that's a good thing.
01:31:22.120 | - That's a good thing, yeah.
01:31:23.240 | - Singling out people, I mean, on the other side of it,
01:31:26.160 | singling out people has all kinds of,
01:31:29.520 | whether it's for Academy Awards or for this,
01:31:32.760 | have unfairness and arbitrariness and so forth and so on.
01:31:36.680 | So that's the other side of the coin.
01:31:41.120 | - Just like you said,
01:31:41.960 | especially with the huge experimental projects like this,
01:31:45.320 | it's a large team and it does,
01:31:47.880 | the nature of the Nobel Prize is singles out
01:31:50.240 | a few individuals to represent the team.
01:31:52.240 | Nevertheless, it's a beautiful thing.
01:31:55.560 | What are ways to improve LIGO in the future,
01:31:59.600 | increase the sensitivity?
01:32:01.520 | I've seen a few ideas that are kind of fascinating.
01:32:04.640 | Is, are you interested in them?
01:32:06.640 | Sort of looking, I'm not speaking about five years.
01:32:09.480 | Perhaps you could speak to the next five years,
01:32:11.660 | but also the next hundred years.
01:32:13.800 | - Yeah, so let me talk to both the instrument
01:32:17.080 | and the science, okay?
01:32:19.040 | Since that's, they go hand in hand.
01:32:21.000 | I mean, the thing that I said is if we make it better,
01:32:23.920 | we see more kinds of weaker objects and we do astronomy,
01:32:28.040 | okay?
01:32:28.880 | We're very motivated to make a new instrument,
01:32:32.920 | which will be a big step, the next step,
01:32:36.400 | like making a new kind of telescope or something.
01:32:39.320 | And the ideas of what that instrument should be
01:32:43.600 | haven't converged yet.
01:32:45.600 | There's different ideas in Europe.
01:32:47.280 | They've done more work to kind of develop the ideas,
01:32:52.280 | but they're different from ours and we have ideas.
01:32:56.640 | So, but I think over the next few years,
01:32:59.000 | we'll develop those.
01:33:01.120 | The idea is to make an instrument
01:33:02.560 | that's at least 10 times better than what we have,
01:33:06.000 | what we can do with this instrument,
01:33:07.720 | 10 times better than that.
01:33:09.480 | 10 times better means you can look 10 times further out.
01:33:13.120 | 10 times further out is a thousand times more volume.
01:33:18.160 | So, you're seeing much, much more of the universe.
01:33:22.400 | The big change is that if you can see far out,
01:33:26.680 | you see further back in history.
01:33:28.760 | - Yeah, you're traveling back in time.
01:33:30.600 | - Yeah, and so we can start to do what we call cosmology
01:33:35.480 | instead of astronomy or astrophysics.
01:33:39.360 | Cosmology is really the study of the evolution of the-
01:33:43.440 | - Oh, interesting, yeah.
01:33:45.360 | - And so then you can start to hope
01:33:48.440 | to get to the important problems
01:33:51.640 | having to do with how the universe began,
01:33:56.440 | how it evolved and so forth,
01:33:58.120 | which we really only study now with optical instruments
01:34:04.440 | or electromagnetic waves.
01:34:08.320 | And early in the universe, those were blocked
01:34:12.040 | because basically it wasn't transparent,
01:34:15.040 | so the photons couldn't get out
01:34:17.800 | when everything was too dense.
01:34:19.920 | - What do you think, sorry, on this tangent,
01:34:21.720 | what do you think an understanding of gravitational waves
01:34:24.600 | from earlier in the universe can help us understand
01:34:27.160 | about the Big Bang and all that kind of stuff?
01:34:28.880 | - Yeah, yeah, that's, so-
01:34:30.760 | - But it's a non, it's another perspective on the thing.
01:34:35.760 | Is there some insights you think could be revealed
01:34:38.800 | just to help a layman understand?
01:34:41.120 | - Sure, first, we don't understand,
01:34:43.040 | we use the word Big Bang,
01:34:44.160 | we don't understand the physics
01:34:45.840 | of what the Big Bang itself was.
01:34:48.340 | So I think my, and in the early stage,
01:34:55.240 | there were particles and there was a huge amount of gravity
01:34:58.260 | and mass being made.
01:35:00.200 | And so the big, so I'll say two things.
01:35:05.200 | One is, how did it all start?
01:35:09.360 | How did it happen?
01:35:10.200 | And I'll give you at least one example
01:35:12.080 | that we don't understand, but we should understand.
01:35:15.800 | We don't know why we're here.
01:35:17.720 | - Yes, no, we do not.
01:35:19.620 | - I don't mean it philosophically.
01:35:23.080 | I mean it in terms of physics, okay?
01:35:26.080 | Now, what do I mean by that?
01:35:27.220 | If I go into my laboratory at CERN or somewhere
01:35:30.600 | and I collide particles together or put energy together,
01:35:33.880 | I make as much antimatter as matter.
01:35:36.200 | Antimatter then annihilates matter and makes energy.
01:35:41.840 | So in the early universe, you made somehow,
01:35:46.840 | somehow a lot of matter and antimatter,
01:35:51.100 | but there was an asymmetry.
01:35:52.760 | Somehow there was more matter and antimatter.
01:35:55.680 | The matter and antimatter annihilated each other,
01:35:58.200 | at least that's what we think.
01:35:59.660 | And there was only matter left over,
01:36:01.800 | and we live in a universe that we see this all matter.
01:36:05.960 | We don't have any idea.
01:36:07.360 | We have an ideas, but we don't have any,
01:36:09.900 | we don't have any way to understand that
01:36:12.280 | at the present time with the physics that we know.
01:36:15.360 | - Can I ask a dumb question?
01:36:16.680 | Does antimatter have anything like a gravitational field
01:36:21.680 | to send signals?
01:36:24.960 | So how does this asymmetry of matter, antimatter,
01:36:29.960 | could be investigated or further understood
01:36:33.680 | by observing gravitational fields
01:36:35.480 | or weirdnesses in gravitational fields?
01:36:37.640 | - I think that in principle, if there were, you know,
01:36:42.380 | anti-neutron stars instead of just neutron stars,
01:36:47.020 | we would see different kind of signals,
01:36:49.620 | but it didn't get to that.
01:36:52.120 | We live in a universe that we've done enough
01:36:54.640 | looking 'cause we don't see matter,
01:36:57.080 | anti-protons anywhere, no matter what we look at,
01:37:00.120 | that it's all made out of matter.
01:37:02.160 | There is no antimatter except when we go in our laboratories.
01:37:05.160 | So, but when we go in our laboratories,
01:37:09.200 | we make as much antimatter as matter.
01:37:11.360 | So there's something about the early universe
01:37:13.220 | that made this asymmetry.
01:37:15.400 | So we can't even explain why we're here,
01:37:17.740 | that's what I meant.
01:37:18.720 | - Yeah.
01:37:19.560 | - Physics-wise, not, you know,
01:37:22.880 | not in terms of how we evolved and all that kind of stuff.
01:37:27.800 | - So there might be inklings of,
01:37:30.240 | of some of the physics that gravitational-
01:37:36.160 | - So gravitational waves don't get obstructed like light.
01:37:40.160 | So I said light only goes to 300,000 years.
01:37:42.840 | So it goes back to the beginning.
01:37:44.560 | So if you could study the early universe
01:37:46.520 | with gravitational waves, we can't do that yet.
01:37:49.440 | Then it took 400 years to be able to do that
01:37:52.780 | with optical, but then you can really understand
01:37:56.640 | the very, maybe understand the very early universe.
01:38:00.500 | So in terms of questions like why we're here
01:38:05.500 | or what the Big Bang was, we should be,
01:38:09.800 | we can in principle study that with gravitational waves.
01:38:12.680 | So to keep moving in this direction,
01:38:15.440 | it's a unique kind of way to understand our universe.
01:38:20.600 | - Do you think there's more Nobel Prize level ideas
01:38:23.220 | to be discovered in relation to-
01:38:25.380 | - I'd be shocked if there-
01:38:26.660 | - Gravitational waves.
01:38:27.500 | - If there isn't, not even going to that,
01:38:30.100 | which is a very long range problem.
01:38:31.820 | But I think that we only see with electromagnetic waves
01:38:36.820 | 4% of what's out there.
01:38:39.700 | There must be, we looked for things
01:38:45.020 | that we knew should be there.
01:38:47.180 | There should be, I would be shocked
01:38:52.180 | if there wasn't physics, objects, science,
01:38:57.520 | and with gravity that doesn't show up
01:38:59.600 | in everything we do with telescopes.
01:39:02.000 | So I think we're just limited
01:39:05.300 | by not having powerful enough instruments yet to do this.
01:39:09.700 | - Do you have a preference?
01:39:11.760 | I keep seeing this E. Lisa idea.
01:39:17.260 | - Yeah.
01:39:18.100 | - Do you have a preference for earthbound
01:39:23.100 | or spacefaring mechanisms for-
01:39:27.140 | - They're complementary.
01:39:28.180 | It's a little bit like-
01:39:29.020 | - A signal.
01:39:29.860 | - It's completely analogous
01:39:32.300 | to what's been done in astronomy.
01:39:34.300 | So astronomy from the time of Galileo
01:39:37.340 | was done with visible light.
01:39:40.420 | - Yeah.
01:39:41.260 | - The big advances in astronomy in the last 50 years
01:39:45.180 | are because we have instruments
01:39:46.340 | that look at the infrared, microwave,
01:39:49.940 | ultraviolet, and so forth.
01:39:51.700 | So looking at different wavelengths has been important.
01:39:55.620 | Basically going into space means
01:39:58.460 | that we'll look at instead of the audio band,
01:40:00.760 | which we look at, as we said, on the earth's surface,
01:40:03.580 | we'll look at lower frequencies.
01:40:05.780 | So it's completely complementary
01:40:07.860 | and it starts to be looking at different frequencies
01:40:10.880 | just like we do with astronomy.
01:40:14.460 | - It seems almost incredible to me engineering-wise,
01:40:17.100 | just like on earth, to send something
01:40:19.140 | that's kilometers across into space.
01:40:23.860 | Is that harder to engineer?
01:40:26.540 | - It actually is a little different.
01:40:28.460 | It's three satellites separated
01:40:31.820 | by hundreds of thousands of kilometers.
01:40:34.020 | And they send a laser beam from one to the other.
01:40:38.360 | And if the triangle changes shape a little bit,
01:40:44.020 | they detect that from a passage.
01:40:46.060 | - Did you say hundreds of thousands of kilometers?
01:40:48.700 | - Yeah.
01:40:49.540 | - Sending lasers to each other.
01:40:51.240 | (laughing)
01:40:54.340 | Okay.
01:40:56.460 | - It's just engineering.
01:40:57.460 | - Is it possible though?
01:41:01.620 | - Yes. - Is it doable?
01:41:02.460 | - Yes.
01:41:03.660 | - Okay.
01:41:04.500 | That's just incredible 'cause they have to maintain,
01:41:10.100 | I mean, the precision here is probably,
01:41:12.180 | there might be some more, what is it?
01:41:14.380 | Maybe noise is a smaller problem.
01:41:16.900 | I guess there's no vibration to worry about,
01:41:20.180 | like seismic stuff.
01:41:21.940 | So getting away from earth, maybe you get away from--
01:41:23.820 | - Yeah, those parts are easier.
01:41:25.180 | They don't have to measure it as accurately
01:41:27.320 | at low frequencies.
01:41:28.600 | But they have a lot of tough engineering problems.
01:41:33.580 | In order to detect that the gravitational waves
01:41:40.900 | affect things, the sensors have to be
01:41:44.180 | what we call free masses, just like ours,
01:41:46.620 | are isolated from the earth.
01:41:48.140 | They have to isolate it from the satellite.
01:41:51.100 | And that's a hard problem.
01:41:53.220 | They have to do that pretty, not as well as we have to do it
01:41:55.540 | but very well.
01:41:57.100 | And they've done a test mission
01:41:59.620 | and the engineering seems to be,
01:42:01.800 | at least in principle, in hand.
01:42:04.400 | This'll be in the 2030s when it--
01:42:07.260 | - 2030s? - Yeah.
01:42:08.500 | - This is incredible.
01:42:10.700 | This is incredible.
01:42:13.600 | Let me ask about black holes.
01:42:17.260 | So what we're talking about is observing
01:42:20.020 | orbiting black holes.
01:42:24.740 | I saw the terminology of binary black hole systems.
01:42:28.940 | - Binary black holes.
01:42:30.260 | - That's when they're dancing?
01:42:32.940 | Okay.
01:42:33.780 | - They're both going around each other
01:42:34.620 | just like the earth around the sun.
01:42:36.180 | - Okay, is that weird that there's black holes
01:42:38.600 | going around each other?
01:42:40.100 | - So the finding binary systems of stars
01:42:43.100 | is similar to finding binary systems of--
01:42:45.980 | - Of black holes.
01:42:46.820 | - Well, they were once stars.
01:42:48.220 | So we haven't said what a black hole is physically yet.
01:42:55.900 | - Yeah, what's a black hole?
01:42:56.900 | - So black hole is, first it's a mathematical concept
01:43:01.260 | or a physical concept, and that is a region of space.
01:43:05.660 | So it's simply a region of space
01:43:07.380 | where the curvature of space-time
01:43:10.820 | in the gravitational field is so strong
01:43:13.220 | that nothing can get out, including light.
01:43:18.240 | And there's light gets bent in the gravitation,
01:43:23.980 | if the space-time is warped enough.
01:43:26.420 | And so even light gets bent around and stays in it.
01:43:29.660 | So that's the concept of a black hole.
01:43:31.500 | So it's not a, and maybe you can make,
01:43:35.140 | maybe it's a concept that didn't say how they come about.
01:43:39.620 | And there could be different ways they come about.
01:43:43.500 | The ones that we are seeing,
01:43:45.900 | there's a, we're not sure.
01:43:50.180 | That's what we're trying to learn now is what they,
01:43:52.540 | but the general expectation is that they come,
01:43:57.160 | these black holes happen when a star dies.
01:44:01.300 | So what does that mean that a star dies?
01:44:03.780 | What happens?
01:44:05.320 | A star like our sun
01:44:06.720 | basically makes heat and light by fusion.
01:44:11.940 | It's made of, and as it burns,
01:44:15.960 | it burns up the hydrogen and then the helium,
01:44:18.920 | and then, and slowly works its way up
01:44:22.020 | to the heavier and heavier elements that are in the star.
01:44:25.820 | And when it gets up to iron,
01:44:27.960 | the fusion process doesn't work anymore.
01:44:30.680 | And so the stars die, and that happens to stars.
01:44:34.100 | And then they do what's called a supernova.
01:44:37.360 | What happens then is that a star is a delicate balance
01:44:41.000 | between an outward pressure from fusion
01:44:43.840 | and light and burning,
01:44:46.360 | and an inward pressure of gravity
01:44:49.020 | trying to pull the masses together.
01:44:52.560 | Once it burns itself out, it goes,
01:44:55.100 | and it collapses, and that's a supernova.
01:44:57.840 | When it collapses, all the mass that was there
01:45:00.720 | is in a very much smaller space.
01:45:04.000 | And if a star, if you do the calculations,
01:45:07.480 | if a star is big enough,
01:45:09.580 | that can create a strong enough gravitational field
01:45:12.920 | to make a black hole.
01:45:14.040 | Our sun won't.
01:45:16.400 | It's too small. - Too small.
01:45:19.280 | - And we don't know exactly what,
01:45:22.940 | but it's usually thought that a star has to be
01:45:25.540 | at least three times as big as our sun
01:45:29.820 | to make a black hole, but that's the physical way there.
01:45:32.320 | You can make black holes.
01:45:33.960 | That's the first explanation
01:45:35.960 | that one would give for what we see,
01:45:42.040 | but it's not necessarily true.
01:45:44.320 | We're not sure yet.
01:45:45.540 | - What we see in terms of, for the origins of black holes?
01:45:48.680 | - No, the black holes that we see in gravitational waves.
01:45:52.880 | - But you're also looking for the ones
01:45:54.960 | who are binary solar systems.
01:45:56.800 | - So they're binary systems,
01:45:58.680 | but they could have been made from binary stars,
01:46:01.000 | so there's binary stars around, so that's--
01:46:03.800 | - Gotcha, so the first explanation
01:46:06.280 | is that that's what they are.
01:46:07.680 | - Gotcha.
01:46:08.520 | - Other explanation, but what we see has some puzzles.
01:46:14.920 | This is kind of the way science works, I guess.
01:46:17.560 | We see heavier ones than up to,
01:46:24.280 | we've seen one system that was 140 times
01:46:28.900 | the mass of our own sun.
01:46:32.000 | That's not believed to be possible
01:46:35.040 | with the parent being a big star
01:46:39.240 | because big stars can only be so big,
01:46:41.840 | or they are unstable.
01:46:45.600 | It's just the fact that they live in an environment
01:46:49.280 | that makes them unstable.
01:46:51.320 | So the fact that we see bigger ones,
01:46:53.880 | they maybe come from something else.
01:46:56.080 | It's possible that they were made in a different way
01:47:01.960 | by little ones eating each other up,
01:47:04.480 | or maybe they were made,
01:47:06.400 | or maybe they came with the Big Bang,
01:47:09.120 | what we call primordial,
01:47:11.480 | which means they're really different,
01:47:12.960 | they came from that.
01:47:14.080 | We don't know at this point.
01:47:15.640 | If they came with the Big Bang,
01:47:17.160 | then maybe they account for what we call dark matter
01:47:20.440 | or some of it.
01:47:21.280 | - Hmm, like there was a lot of them,
01:47:23.040 | if they came with, 'cause there's a lot of dark matter.
01:47:26.240 | - Yeah.
01:47:27.480 | - But will gravitational waves give you
01:47:29.960 | any kind of intuition about the origin of these oscillating?
01:47:34.480 | - We think that if we see the distributions,
01:47:37.840 | enough of them,
01:47:38.680 | the distributions of their masses,
01:47:41.000 | the distributions of how they're spinning.
01:47:43.640 | So we can actually measure
01:47:45.360 | when they're going around each other,
01:47:47.360 | whether they're spinning like this or--
01:47:49.960 | - The direction of the spin?
01:47:51.040 | Or no, the orientation.
01:47:52.360 | - Whether the whole system has any wobbles.
01:47:55.760 | - What?
01:47:57.280 | So this is now, okay.
01:48:00.080 | We're doing that.
01:48:01.440 | - And then you're constantly kind of crawling back
01:48:03.760 | and back in time.
01:48:04.600 | - And we're crawling back in time
01:48:06.280 | and seeing how many there are as we go back.
01:48:08.720 | And so do they point back to--
01:48:10.600 | - So you're like, what is that discipline called?
01:48:13.040 | Cartography or something?
01:48:14.080 | You're like mapping the early universe
01:48:18.800 | via the lens of gravitational waves.
01:48:21.960 | - Not yet the early universe,
01:48:23.280 | but at least back in time.
01:48:24.160 | - Earlier, right.
01:48:25.680 | So black holes are this mathematical phenomenon,
01:48:30.680 | but they come about in different ways.
01:48:33.320 | We have a huge black hole
01:48:35.400 | at the center of our galaxy and other galaxies.
01:48:39.080 | Those probably were made some other way.
01:48:40.840 | We don't know when the galaxies themselves
01:48:43.520 | had to do with the formation of the galaxies.
01:48:45.600 | We don't really know.
01:48:47.120 | So the fact that we use the word black hole,
01:48:50.400 | the origin of black holes might be quite different
01:48:52.960 | depending on how they happen.
01:48:56.080 | They just have to in the end have a gravitational field
01:48:58.600 | that will bend everything in.
01:49:00.440 | - How do you feel about black holes as a human being?
01:49:04.040 | There's this thing that's nearly infinitely dense,
01:49:08.080 | doesn't let light escape.
01:49:12.000 | Isn't that kind of terrifying?
01:49:13.400 | Feels like the stuff of nightmares.
01:49:15.760 | - I think it's an opportunity.
01:49:17.960 | - To do what exactly?
01:49:20.400 | (laughing)
01:49:21.360 | - So like the early universe is an opportunity.
01:49:24.960 | If we can study the early universe,
01:49:26.680 | we can learn things like I told you.
01:49:28.480 | And here again, we have an embarrassing situation in physics.
01:49:33.120 | We have two wonderful theories of physics,
01:49:37.120 | one based on quantum mechanics, quantum field theory.
01:49:41.480 | And we can go to a big accelerator like at CERN
01:49:45.320 | and smash particles together
01:49:47.080 | and almost explain anything that happens beautifully
01:49:51.400 | using quantum field theory and quantum mechanics.
01:49:54.800 | Then we have another theory of physics
01:49:56.840 | called general relativity,
01:49:58.120 | which is what we've been talking about most of the time,
01:50:00.680 | which is fantastic at describing things at high velocities,
01:50:05.640 | long distances, and so forth.
01:50:10.280 | So that's not the way it's supposed to be.
01:50:15.280 | We're trying to create a theory of physics,
01:50:17.920 | not two theories of physics.
01:50:20.200 | So we have an embarrassment
01:50:21.640 | that we have two different theories of physics.
01:50:24.520 | People have tried to make a unified theory,
01:50:27.840 | what they call a unified theory.
01:50:29.040 | You've heard those words for decades.
01:50:32.400 | They still haven't.
01:50:33.480 | That's been primarily done theoretically
01:50:37.360 | or people actively do that.
01:50:40.920 | My personal belief is that like much of physics,
01:50:45.880 | we need some clues.
01:50:47.760 | So we need some experimental evidence.
01:50:49.600 | So where is there a place?
01:50:52.280 | If we go to CERN and do those experiments,
01:50:54.520 | gravitational waves or general relativity don't matter.
01:50:57.620 | If we go to study our black holes,
01:51:01.160 | elementary particle physics doesn't matter.
01:51:03.560 | We're studying these huge objects.
01:51:05.440 | So where might we have a place
01:51:07.840 | where both phenomenon have to be satisfied?
01:51:10.960 | An example is black holes.
01:51:12.920 | - Inside black holes.
01:51:13.920 | - Yeah.
01:51:15.060 | So we can't do that today.
01:51:17.000 | But when I think of black hole,
01:51:18.840 | it's a potential treasure chest
01:51:22.440 | of understanding the fundamental problems of physics
01:51:27.440 | and maybe can give us clues
01:51:31.320 | to how we bring the embarrassment
01:51:34.440 | of having two theories of physics together.
01:51:37.680 | That's my own romantic idea.
01:51:39.880 | - What's the worst that could happen?
01:51:41.400 | It's so enticing.
01:51:42.400 | Just go in and look.
01:51:43.920 | Do you think, how far are we away from figuring out
01:51:47.680 | the unified theory of physics,
01:51:50.200 | a theory of everything?
01:51:51.600 | What's your sense?
01:51:52.720 | Who will solve it?
01:51:54.360 | Like what discipline will solve it?
01:51:56.200 | - Yeah.
01:51:57.040 | I think so little progress has been made
01:52:05.240 | without more experimental clues, as I said,
01:52:10.240 | that we're just not able to say that we're close
01:52:16.000 | without some clues.
01:52:20.680 | The most popular theory these days
01:52:25.560 | that might lead to that is called string theory.
01:52:28.640 | - Yeah.
01:52:29.480 | - And the problem with string theory is it works,
01:52:32.880 | it solves a lot of beautiful mathematical problems
01:52:35.840 | we have in physics.
01:52:37.560 | And it's very satisfying theoretically,
01:52:42.560 | but it has almost no predictive,
01:52:49.220 | maybe no predictive ability
01:52:50.960 | because it is a theory that works in 11 dimensions.
01:52:55.960 | We live in a physical world of three space
01:53:00.000 | and one time dimension.
01:53:02.040 | In order to make predictions in our world
01:53:05.920 | with string theory,
01:53:07.520 | you have to somehow get rid of these other seven dimensions.
01:53:11.260 | That's done mathematically
01:53:13.960 | by saying they curl up on each other
01:53:15.760 | on scales that are too small to affect anything here.
01:53:19.840 | But how you do that, and that's okay,
01:53:22.040 | that's an okay argument,
01:53:23.400 | but how you do that is not unique.
01:53:26.140 | So that means if I start with that theory
01:53:29.680 | and I go to our world here,
01:53:31.400 | I can't uniquely go to it.
01:53:33.800 | - Which means it's not predictive.
01:53:35.280 | - It's not predictive.
01:53:36.600 | - And that's actually--
01:53:37.880 | - And that's a killer, that's a killer.
01:53:39.800 | - And string theory is,
01:53:41.240 | it seems like from my outsider's perspective
01:53:43.200 | has lost favor over the years,
01:53:45.080 | perhaps because of this very idea.
01:53:46.760 | - Yeah, it's a lack of predictive power.
01:53:48.280 | I mean, science has to connect to something
01:53:52.080 | where you make predictions as beautiful as it might be.
01:53:56.280 | So I don't think we're close.
01:53:57.800 | I think we need some experimental clues.
01:54:01.840 | It may be that information
01:54:04.680 | on something we don't understand presently at all,
01:54:07.920 | like dark energy, or probably not dark matter,
01:54:11.200 | but dark energy or something might give us some ideas.
01:54:14.520 | But I don't think we're,
01:54:17.120 | I can't envision right now in the short term,
01:54:22.120 | meaning the horizon that we can see
01:54:27.520 | how we're gonna bring these two theories together.
01:54:30.600 | - A kind of two-part question,
01:54:35.000 | maybe just asking the same thing in two different ways.
01:54:38.080 | One question is,
01:54:40.200 | do you have hope that humans will colonize the galaxy,
01:54:45.200 | so expand out, become a multi-planetary species?
01:54:49.720 | Another way of asking that,
01:54:51.200 | from a gravitational and a propulsion perspective,
01:54:54.160 | do you think we'll come up with ways
01:54:55.560 | to travel closer to the speed of light,
01:54:57.160 | or maybe faster than the speed of light,
01:54:59.760 | which would make it a whole heck of a lot easier
01:55:02.400 | to expand out into the universe?
01:55:06.120 | - Yeah.
01:55:06.960 | Well, I think,
01:55:10.680 | that's very futuristic.
01:55:15.640 | I think we're not that far from being able
01:55:17.880 | to make a one-way trip to Mars.
01:55:21.840 | That's then a question of,
01:55:26.760 | whether people are willing to send somebody
01:55:30.560 | on a one-way trip.
01:55:31.640 | - Oh, I think they are.
01:55:33.240 | There's a lot of, the Explorer's burned bright
01:55:36.040 | and with their hearts.
01:55:36.880 | - Yeah, yeah, exactly.
01:55:37.720 | - There's a lot of people willing to die
01:55:38.560 | for the opportunity to explore new territory.
01:55:42.080 | - Yeah, so, you know,
01:55:45.440 | this recent landing on Mars is pretty impressive.
01:55:49.960 | They have a little helicopter that can fly around.
01:55:51.960 | You can imagine,
01:55:54.000 | you can imagine in the not too distant future
01:55:56.600 | that you could have,
01:55:57.800 | I don't think civilizations colonizing,
01:56:01.080 | I can envision,
01:56:02.240 | but I can envision something more like the South Pole.
01:56:06.360 | We haven't colonized Antarctica,
01:56:09.080 | 'cause it's all ice and cold and so forth,
01:56:12.960 | but we have stations.
01:56:16.360 | So we have a station that's self-sustaining
01:56:18.600 | at the South Pole.
01:56:19.800 | I've been there.
01:56:21.160 | It has--
01:56:22.000 | - Wow, really?
01:56:22.840 | - Yeah.
01:56:23.840 | - What's that like?
01:56:24.920 | 'Cause there's parallels there to go to Mars.
01:56:29.960 | - It's fantastic.
01:56:31.920 | - What's the journey like?
01:56:33.440 | - The journey involves going,
01:56:36.080 | the South Pole station is run in the US
01:56:39.800 | by the National Science Foundation.
01:56:43.040 | I went because I was on the National Science Board
01:56:46.520 | that runs the National Science Foundation.
01:56:49.520 | And so you get a VIP trip if you're healthy enough
01:56:52.440 | to the South Pole to see it,
01:56:55.040 | which I took.
01:56:57.200 | You fly from the US to Australia,
01:57:00.640 | to Christ Church in Australia, Southern Australia.
01:57:05.640 | And from there you fly to McMurdo Station,
01:57:11.240 | which is on the coast.
01:57:12.480 | And it's the station with about a thousand people
01:57:15.720 | right on the coast of Antarctica.
01:57:17.440 | It's about a seven or eight hour flight,
01:57:21.560 | and they can't predict the weather.
01:57:23.040 | So when I flew from Christ Church to McMurdo Station,
01:57:28.040 | they tell you in advance,
01:57:29.720 | you do it in a military aircraft,
01:57:32.400 | they tell you in advance
01:57:33.720 | that they can't predict whether they can land
01:57:36.240 | 'cause they have to land on--
01:57:37.720 | - That's reassuring.
01:57:39.440 | - Yeah, and so about halfway the pilot got on and said,
01:57:44.440 | "Sorry, this is a," they call it a boomerang flight.
01:57:48.360 | You know, a boomerang goes out and comes back.
01:57:50.920 | So we had to stay a little while in Christ Church,
01:57:53.760 | but then we eventually went to McMurdo Station
01:57:56.980 | and then flew to the South Pole.
01:58:00.360 | The South Pole itself is,
01:58:04.140 | when I was there, it was minus 51 degrees.
01:58:07.760 | That was summer.
01:58:08.700 | It has zero humidity.
01:58:14.600 | And it's about,
01:58:21.800 | 11,000 feet altitude
01:58:23.640 | because it's never warm enough for anything to melt.
01:58:28.120 | So it doesn't snow very much,
01:58:29.600 | but it's about 11,000 feet of snowpack.
01:58:33.200 | So you land in a place that's high altitude,
01:58:36.040 | cold as could be,
01:58:39.080 | and incredibly dry,
01:58:41.920 | which means you have a physical adjustment.
01:58:46.480 | The place itself is fantastic.
01:58:51.480 | They have this great station there.
01:58:54.680 | They do astronomy at the South Pole.
01:58:56.680 | - Nature-wise, is it beautiful?
01:58:58.320 | What's the experience like?
01:59:01.400 | Or is it like visiting any town?
01:59:03.000 | - No, it's very small.
01:59:05.000 | There's only less than 100 people there
01:59:08.160 | even when I was there.
01:59:09.440 | There were about 50 or 60 there,
01:59:13.600 | and in the winter there's less, half of that.
01:59:16.260 | Their winter.
01:59:17.100 | - It gets real cold.
01:59:19.280 | - It gets really cold, yeah.
01:59:20.940 | But it's a station.
01:59:25.440 | I mean, we haven't gone beyond that.
01:59:30.800 | On the coast of Antarctica,
01:59:32.480 | they have greenhouses and they're self-sustaining
01:59:35.480 | in McMurdo Station,
01:59:36.640 | but we haven't really settled more
01:59:39.400 | than that kind of thing in Antarctica,
01:59:42.320 | which is a big country,
01:59:47.320 | or a big plot, a big piece of land.
01:59:52.460 | So I can't envision kind of colonizing
01:59:58.220 | at people living so much,
02:00:00.140 | as much as I can see the equivalent
02:00:04.740 | of the South Pole Station.
02:00:06.180 | - Well, in the computing world,
02:00:07.780 | there's an idea of backing up your data,
02:00:11.020 | and then you wanna do off-site backup
02:00:13.040 | to make sure that if your whole house burns down,
02:00:18.420 | that you can have a backup off-site of the data.
02:00:21.220 | I think the difference between Antarctica and Mars
02:00:25.380 | is Mars is an off-site backup.
02:00:27.560 | That if we have nuclear war,
02:00:29.120 | whatever the heck might happen here on Earth,
02:00:31.560 | it'd be nice to have a backup elsewhere.
02:00:33.640 | And it'd be nice to have a large enough colony
02:00:35.720 | where we sent a variety of people,
02:00:38.120 | except a few silly astronauts in suits,
02:00:43.120 | have an actual vibrant,
02:00:45.140 | get a few musicians and artists up there,
02:00:49.120 | get a few, maybe one or two computer scientists.
02:00:52.420 | Those are essential.
02:00:53.720 | Maybe even a physicist, but I'm not sure.
02:00:56.160 | - Yeah, maybe not.
02:00:57.440 | So that comes back to something you talked about earlier,
02:01:00.520 | which is the Fermi's paradox,
02:01:03.640 | because you talked about having to escape.
02:01:07.640 | And so the missing, one number you don't know how to use
02:01:11.720 | in Fermi's calculation, or Drake, who's done it better,
02:01:15.160 | is how long do civilizations last?
02:01:17.360 | - Yeah.
02:01:18.200 | - We've barely gotten to where we can communicate
02:01:22.860 | with electricity and magnetism,
02:01:25.200 | and maybe we'll wipe ourselves out pretty soon.
02:01:28.320 | - Are you hopeful in general?
02:01:29.720 | Like you think we've got another couple hundred years
02:01:31.560 | at least?
02:01:32.400 | Are you worried?
02:01:35.440 | - Well, no, I'm hopeful,
02:01:39.280 | but I don't know if I'm hopeful in the long term.
02:01:42.440 | If you say,
02:01:43.280 | are we able to go for another couple thousand years?
02:01:51.720 | I'm not sure.
02:01:52.680 | I think we have where we started,
02:01:56.480 | the fact that we can do things
02:01:58.080 | that don't allow us to kind of keep going,
02:02:00.780 | or there can be, whether it ends up being a virus
02:02:04.040 | that we create, or it ends up being the equivalent
02:02:07.040 | of nuclear war, or something else.
02:02:09.680 | It's not clear that we can control things well enough.
02:02:12.980 | - So speaking of really cold conditions,
02:02:15.520 | and not being hopeful, and eventual suffering,
02:02:20.080 | and destruction of the human species,
02:02:22.360 | let me ask you about Russian literature.
02:02:24.560 | You mentioned, how's that for a transition?
02:02:27.120 | I'm doing my best here.
02:02:28.320 | You mentioned that you used to love literature
02:02:31.520 | when you were younger, and you were even,
02:02:34.040 | or hoping to be a writer yourself,
02:02:36.600 | that was the motivation.
02:02:38.240 | And some of the books I've seen that you listed
02:02:41.280 | that were inspiring to you was from Russian literature,
02:02:46.280 | like I think Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn.
02:02:50.880 | - Yeah, right.
02:02:52.280 | - Maybe in general you can speak to your fascination
02:02:55.000 | with Russian literature, or in general,
02:02:57.240 | what you picked up from those.
02:02:59.960 | - Not surprised you picked up on the Russian literature.
02:03:02.360 | - I'm sorry. - With your background,
02:03:03.720 | but that's okay.
02:03:04.880 | (both laughing)
02:03:06.920 | When I--
02:03:08.240 | - You should be surprised I didn't make
02:03:09.720 | the entire conversation about this.
02:03:11.400 | That's the real surprise.
02:03:13.000 | - I didn't really become a physicist,
02:03:20.880 | or want to go in science, until I started college.
02:03:24.160 | So when I was younger, I was good at math,
02:03:27.360 | and that kind of stuff, but I didn't really,
02:03:29.720 | I came from a family, nobody went to college,
02:03:32.120 | and I didn't have any mentors.
02:03:34.580 | But I liked to read when I was really young.
02:03:38.240 | And so when I was very young, I read,
02:03:41.200 | I always carried around a pocketbook and read it.
02:03:44.840 | And my mother read these mystery stories,
02:03:48.200 | and I got bored by those eventually.
02:03:49.800 | And then I discovered real literature,
02:03:51.640 | I don't know at what age, but about 12 or 13.
02:03:55.320 | And so then I started reading good literature,
02:03:58.920 | there's nothing better than Russian literature, of course.
02:04:02.160 | - Thank you.
02:04:03.000 | I heard you. - Reading good literature.
02:04:05.360 | So I read quite a bit of Russian literature at that time.
02:04:10.360 | And so you asked me about, well, I don't know,
02:04:19.880 | I'll say a few words, Dostoevsky.
02:04:22.080 | So what about Dostoevsky?
02:04:23.920 | For me, Dostoevsky was important in,
02:04:28.920 | I mean, I've read a lot of literature
02:04:33.320 | 'cause it's kind of the other thing I do with my life.
02:04:35.840 | And he made two incredible,
02:04:39.080 | and in addition to his own literature,
02:04:41.560 | he influenced literature tremendously by having,
02:04:45.300 | I don't know how to pronounce, polyphony.
02:04:49.180 | So he's the first real serious author
02:04:52.160 | that had multiple narrators.
02:04:54.700 | And he absolutely is the first.
02:05:00.360 | And he also was the first,
02:05:02.240 | he began existential literature.
02:05:07.360 | So the most important book that I've read in the last year
02:05:11.960 | when I've been forced to be isolated
02:05:14.520 | was existential literature.
02:05:17.160 | I decided to reread "Camus, The Plague."
02:05:21.560 | - Oh yeah, that's a great book.
02:05:23.800 | - It's a great book, and it's right now to read it.
02:05:26.040 | It's fantastic. - I think that book
02:05:27.180 | is about love, actually.
02:05:29.320 | Love for humanity, for all men.
02:05:32.360 | - It has all the, if you haven't read it in recent years,
02:05:36.120 | I had read it before, of course,
02:05:37.580 | but to read it during this, 'cause it's about a plague,
02:05:41.280 | so it's really fantastic to read now.
02:05:43.600 | But that reminds me of, he was a great existentialist,
02:05:47.440 | but the beginning of existential literature was Dostoevsky.
02:05:50.960 | - Dostoevsky, yeah.
02:05:51.840 | - So in addition to his own great novels,
02:05:54.520 | he had a tremendous impact on literature.
02:05:59.520 | - And there's also, for Dostoevsky,
02:06:02.040 | unlike most other existentialists,
02:06:04.660 | he was, at least in part, religious.
02:06:07.320 | I mean, religiosity permeated his idea.
02:06:11.280 | I mean, one of my favorite books of his is "The Idiot,"
02:06:13.560 | which is a Christ-like figure in there.
02:06:16.840 | - Well, there's Prince Mishkin, is that his name?
02:06:19.000 | - Prince Mishkin, yeah.
02:06:19.840 | - Yeah, Mishkin.
02:06:20.680 | - Yeah, Mishkin.
02:06:21.500 | - Yeah.
02:06:22.340 | - That's one thing about,
02:06:24.040 | so you read it in English, I presume?
02:06:25.920 | - Yeah, yeah.
02:06:26.760 | - Yeah, so that's the names,
02:06:28.100 | that's what gets a lot of people,
02:06:29.240 | is there's so many names, so hard to pronounce,
02:06:31.160 | you have to remember all of them.
02:06:33.040 | It's like, you have the same problem.
02:06:35.440 | - But he was a great character, so that, yeah.
02:06:38.320 | - I kind of, I have a connection with him,
02:06:42.840 | 'cause I often, the title of the book, "The Idiot,"
02:06:47.280 | is, I kind of, I often call myself an idiot,
02:06:50.760 | 'cause that's how I feel, I feel so naive about this world,
02:06:53.760 | and I'm not sure why that is,
02:06:57.780 | maybe it's genetic or so on,
02:06:59.720 | but I have a connection,
02:07:03.440 | a spiritual connection to that character.
02:07:05.120 | - To Mishkin.
02:07:05.960 | - To Mishkin, yeah, that you're just--
02:07:08.320 | - But he was far from an idiot.
02:07:10.120 | - No, in some sense, in some sense.
02:07:14.520 | But in another sense, maybe not of this world.
02:07:17.360 | - In another sense, he was, yeah.
02:07:19.160 | I mean, he was a bumbler, a bunker.
02:07:21.240 | - But you also mentioned Solzhenitsyn,
02:07:25.520 | very interesting, did--
02:07:27.840 | - And he always confused me, of course,
02:07:29.880 | he was really, really important
02:07:34.000 | in writing about Stalin,
02:07:38.000 | and first getting in trouble,
02:07:42.400 | and then later he wrote about Stalin in a way,
02:07:47.400 | I forget what the book was,
02:07:51.360 | in a way that was very critical of Lenin.
02:07:54.400 | - Yeah, he's evolved through the years,
02:07:58.320 | and he actually showed support for Putin eventually.
02:08:00.600 | It was a very interesting transition he took,
02:08:05.200 | no, journey he took through thinking about Russia
02:08:09.080 | and the Soviet Union,
02:08:11.160 | but I think what I get from him is basic,
02:08:16.160 | it's like Viktor Frankl has this "Man's Search for Meaning,"
02:08:19.400 | I have a similar kind of sense
02:08:20.880 | of the cruelty of human nature,
02:08:27.320 | cruelty of indifference,
02:08:29.360 | but also the ability to find happiness
02:08:31.400 | in the small joys of life,
02:08:33.720 | that's something, there's nothing like a prison camp
02:08:37.320 | that makes you realize you could still be happy
02:08:40.280 | with a very, very little.
02:08:41.720 | - Well, yeah, his description of how to make,
02:08:45.880 | how to go through a day and actually enjoy it
02:08:49.240 | in a prison camp is pretty amazing.
02:08:51.920 | - Yeah.
02:08:52.760 | - Oh, and some prison camp,
02:08:53.760 | I mean, it's the worst of the worst.
02:08:55.440 | - The worst of the worst.
02:08:56.520 | And also just, you do think about
02:08:59.760 | the role of authoritarian states,
02:09:02.840 | in hopeful, idealistic systems
02:09:09.120 | somehow leading to the suffering of millions.
02:09:12.000 | And I, you know, this might be arguable,
02:09:15.920 | but I think a lot of people believe that Stalin,
02:09:20.460 | I think genuinely believed that he's doing good
02:09:22.580 | for the world, and he wasn't.
02:09:25.920 | This is a very valuable lesson that
02:09:27.920 | even evil people think they're doing good.
02:09:32.620 | Otherwise it's too difficult to do the evil.
02:09:36.440 | The best way to do evil is to believe,
02:09:38.520 | frame it in a way like you're doing good.
02:09:40.800 | And then this is a very clear picture of that,
02:09:44.600 | which is the Gulags.
02:09:46.340 | And Solzhenitsyn is one of the best people to reveal that.
02:09:51.000 | - Yeah.
02:09:51.840 | The most recent thing I read, it isn't actually fiction,
02:09:56.680 | was the woman, I can't remember her name,
02:09:59.400 | who got the Nobel Prize about within the last five years.
02:10:03.840 | I don't know whether she's Ukrainian or Russian,
02:10:06.260 | but their interviews, have you read that?
02:10:09.920 | - Interview of Ukrainian survivors of--
02:10:12.920 | - Well, I think she may be originally Ukrainian.
02:10:16.040 | The book's written in Russian and translated into English,
02:10:19.300 | and many of the interviews are in Moscow and places.
02:10:23.000 | But she won the Nobel Prize
02:10:24.400 | within the last five years or so.
02:10:26.720 | But what's interesting is that
02:10:28.760 | these are people of all different ages,
02:10:32.740 | all different occupations and so forth,
02:10:36.480 | and they're reflecting on their reaction
02:10:39.800 | to basically the present Soviet system,
02:10:43.940 | the system they live with before.
02:10:45.480 | There's a lot of looking back by a lot of them with,
02:10:50.180 | well, it being much better before.
02:10:56.120 | - Yeah.
02:11:00.020 | I don't know what,
02:11:02.720 | in America, we think we know the right answer,
02:11:05.260 | what it means to build a better world.
02:11:08.580 | I'm not so sure.
02:11:10.200 | I think we're all just trying to figure it out.
02:11:12.520 | - Yeah, there's-- - We're doing our best.
02:11:14.560 | - I think you're right.
02:11:15.720 | - Is there advice you can give to young people today,
02:11:20.740 | besides reading Russian literature at a young age,
02:11:24.760 | about how to find their way in life,
02:11:27.760 | how to find success in career or just life in general?
02:11:31.840 | - Uh, I just,
02:11:36.840 | my own belief, it may not be very deep,
02:11:41.240 | but I believe it.
02:11:42.080 | I think you should follow your dreams,
02:11:43.920 | and you should have dreams,
02:11:45.880 | and follow your dreams if you can,
02:11:47.960 | to the extent that you can.
02:11:49.920 | And we spend a lot of our time
02:11:52.840 | doing something with ourselves,
02:11:54.760 | in my case, physics, in your case, I don't know,
02:11:57.280 | whatever it is, machine learning and this.
02:11:59.960 | (chuckles)
02:12:02.220 | We should, yeah, I should have fun.
02:12:06.400 | - What was, wait, wait, wait, wait,
02:12:07.960 | follow your dreams, what dream did you have?
02:12:10.960 | 'Cause there's-- - Well, originally I was--
02:12:14.600 | - 'Cause you didn't follow your dream.
02:12:16.120 | I thought you were supposed to be a writer.
02:12:16.960 | - Well, I changed along the way.
02:12:17.960 | I was gonna be, but I changed.
02:12:20.320 | - What happened? - That was what happened?
02:12:22.920 | Oh, I read, I decided to take
02:12:26.920 | the most serious literature course in my high school,
02:12:30.360 | which was a mistake.
02:12:31.320 | I'd probably be a second-rate writer now.
02:12:33.880 | - Could be a Nobel Prize-winning writer.
02:12:37.080 | - And the book that we read,
02:12:42.080 | even though I had read Russian novels,
02:12:47.460 | I was 15, I think, cured me from being a novelist.
02:12:52.460 | - Destroyed your dream? - Yes.
02:12:54.640 | - Cured you, okay, what was the book?
02:12:56.720 | - "Moby Dick." - Okay.
02:12:59.240 | - So why "Moby Dick?" - Yeah, why?
02:13:01.440 | - And so I've read it since, and it's a great novel.
02:13:06.160 | Maybe it's as good as the Russian novels.
02:13:07.760 | - I've never made it through.
02:13:08.680 | I, well, it was too boring, it was too long.
02:13:11.040 | - Okay, your words are gonna mesh with what I say.
02:13:14.160 | - Excellent. - And you may have
02:13:15.400 | the same problem at a older age.
02:13:17.800 | - Maybe that's why I'm not a writer. (laughs)
02:13:19.440 | - It may be, so the problem is, "Moby Dick" is,
02:13:24.080 | what I remember was there was a chapter
02:13:27.000 | that was maybe 100 pages long,
02:13:29.560 | all describing this, why there was Ahab and the white whale,
02:13:33.920 | and it was the battle between Ahab
02:13:35.880 | with his wooden peg leg and the white whale.
02:13:39.400 | And there was a chapter that was 100 pages long,
02:13:41.840 | in my memory, I don't know how long it really was,
02:13:44.340 | that described in detail the great white whale
02:13:48.920 | and what he was doing and what his fins were like
02:13:51.160 | and this and that, and it was so incredibly boring,
02:13:54.880 | the word you used, that I thought,
02:13:57.360 | if this is great literature, screw it.
02:14:00.320 | - Oh, fascinating. - Okay?
02:14:02.400 | Now, why did I have a problem?
02:14:04.200 | I know now in reflection, because I still read a lot,
02:14:07.280 | and I read that novel, you know,
02:14:11.960 | after I was 30 or 40 years old,
02:14:16.960 | and the problem was simple, I diagnosed what the problem was.
02:14:20.520 | I, that novel, in contrast to the Russian novels,
02:14:25.400 | which are very realistic and, you know, point of view,
02:14:29.040 | is one huge metaphor.
02:14:31.560 | - Oh, yeah.
02:14:32.900 | - At 15 years old, I probably didn't know the word,
02:14:35.880 | and I certainly didn't know the meaning of a metaphor.
02:14:38.160 | - Yeah, like, why do I care about a fish?
02:14:40.040 | Why are you telling me all about this fish?
02:14:41.760 | - Exactly, it's one big metaphor,
02:14:44.040 | so reading it later as a metaphor, I could really enjoy it.
02:14:48.240 | But the teacher gave me the wrong book,
02:14:50.020 | or maybe it was the right book,
02:14:51.120 | 'cause I went into physics, and so,
02:14:53.000 | but it was truly, I think, I may oversimplify,
02:14:58.320 | but it was really that I was too young to read that book,
02:15:00.600 | because, not too young to read the Russian novels,
02:15:03.560 | interestingly, but too young to read that,
02:15:06.120 | because I probably didn't even know the word,
02:15:08.160 | and I certainly didn't understand it as a metaphor.
02:15:11.400 | - Well, in terms of fish,
02:15:12.240 | I recommend people read "Old Man and the Sea,"
02:15:14.400 | much shorter, much better, still a metaphor, though, so,
02:15:17.480 | but you can read it just as a story
02:15:19.800 | about a guy catching a fish, and it's still fun to read.
02:15:24.180 | I had the same experience as you, not with Moby Dick,
02:15:30.300 | but later in college, I took a course on James Joyce.
02:15:32.980 | Don't ask me why.
02:15:34.580 | I was majoring in computer science,
02:15:36.060 | I took a course on James Joyce,
02:15:37.940 | and I was kept being told that he is widely considered,
02:15:42.500 | by many considered, to be the greatest literary writer
02:15:46.800 | of the 20th century.
02:15:48.860 | And I kept reading, I think, so his short story is,
02:15:51.840 | "The Dead," I think it's called, it was very good.
02:15:54.060 | Well, not very good, but pretty good.
02:15:56.580 | And then, "Ulysses." - It's actually very good.
02:15:58.300 | - It is very good.
02:15:59.140 | I mean, "The Dead," the final story,
02:16:00.900 | still rings with me today.
02:16:02.380 | But then, "Ulysses" was, I got through "Ulysses"
02:16:06.260 | with the help of some Cliff Notes and so on, but,
02:16:08.660 | and so I did "Ulysses" and then "Finnegan's Wake."
02:16:11.340 | The moment I started "Finnegan's Wake,"
02:16:13.740 | I said, "This is stupid.
02:16:17.420 | That's when I went full into, I don't know,
02:16:21.660 | that's when I went full Kafka, Bukowski,
02:16:24.780 | like people who just talk about the darkness
02:16:27.340 | of the human condition in the fewest words possible,
02:16:30.680 | and without any of the music of language.
02:16:35.680 | So it was a turning point as well.
02:16:38.580 | I wonder when is the right time
02:16:40.820 | to appreciate the beauty of language.
02:16:45.060 | Like even Shakespeare, I was very much off-put
02:16:47.220 | by Shakespeare in high school,
02:16:48.700 | and only later started to appreciate its value
02:16:52.020 | in the same way.
02:16:52.860 | Let me ask you a ridiculous question.
02:16:55.800 | - Okay.
02:16:58.140 | - I mean, because you've read Rush Literature,
02:17:02.820 | let me ask this one last question.
02:17:05.800 | I might be lying, there might be a couple more,
02:17:09.540 | but what do you think is the meaning of this whole thing?
02:17:12.340 | You got a Nobel Prize for looking out
02:17:16.660 | into the, trying to reach back
02:17:18.580 | into the beginning of the universe,
02:17:20.660 | listening to the gravitational waves,
02:17:22.780 | but that still doesn't answer the why.
02:17:26.380 | Why are we here?
02:17:29.280 | Beyond just the matter and antimatter.
02:17:32.440 | The philosophical question.
02:17:35.340 | - The philosophical question about the meaning of life
02:17:39.340 | I'm probably not really good at.
02:17:41.560 | I think that
02:17:45.180 | the individual meaning,
02:17:50.200 | I would say rather simplistically,
02:17:55.140 | is whether you've made a difference,
02:17:59.300 | a positive difference, I'd say,
02:18:00.900 | for anything besides yourself.
02:18:02.880 | Meaning you could have been important to other people,
02:18:09.180 | or you could have discovered gravitational waves
02:18:11.860 | that matters to other people or something,
02:18:13.580 | but something beyond just existing on the Earth
02:18:17.340 | as an individual.
02:18:18.420 | So your life has meaning if you have affected
02:18:23.100 | either knowledge or people or something beyond yourself.
02:18:29.900 | - Do you-- - That's a simplistic
02:18:33.220 | statement, but it's about as good as I can have.
02:18:36.220 | - That may, in all of its simplicity, it may be very true.
02:18:42.380 | Do you think about,
02:18:43.600 | does it make you sad that this ride ends?
02:18:47.900 | Do you think about your mortality?
02:18:49.660 | - Yeah.
02:18:51.640 | - Are you afraid of it?
02:18:54.100 | - I'm not exactly afraid of it, but saddened by it.
02:18:59.920 | you know, I'm old enough to know that
02:19:04.780 | I've lived most of my life,
02:19:10.780 | I enjoy being alive.
02:19:12.820 | I can imagine being sick and not wanting to be alive,
02:19:15.500 | but I'm not.
02:19:16.420 | And so
02:19:18.140 | I'm--
02:19:20.940 | - It's been a good ride.
02:19:22.940 | - Yeah, and I'm not happy to see it come to an end.
02:19:26.180 | I'd like to see it prolong.
02:19:28.820 | I don't,
02:19:31.060 | I don't fear the dying itself,
02:19:36.980 | or that kind of thing.
02:19:38.260 | It's more I'd like to prolong
02:19:40.740 | what is, I think, a good life
02:19:45.260 | that I'm living and still living.
02:19:48.060 | - That's kind of,
02:19:49.160 | it's sad to think that the fineness of it
02:19:53.740 | is the thing that makes it special.
02:19:57.820 | And also sad to,
02:20:02.480 | to me at least, it's kind of,
02:20:06.420 | I don't think I'm using too strong of a word,
02:20:08.260 | but it's kind of terrifying, the uncertainty of it.
02:20:10.820 | The mystery of it, you know.
02:20:14.660 | - The mystery of death.
02:20:15.820 | - The mystery of it, yeah, of death.
02:20:18.220 | When we're talking about the mystery of black holes,
02:20:20.000 | that's somehow distant, that's somehow out there.
02:20:22.460 | And the mystery of our own--
02:20:24.620 | - But even life, the mystery of consciousness,
02:20:27.580 | I find so hard to deal with too.
02:20:31.020 | I mean, it's not as painful.
02:20:32.860 | I mean, we're conscious, but the whole magic of life,
02:20:36.700 | we can understand, but consciousness,
02:20:38.700 | where we can actually think and so forth, it's pretty--
02:20:43.460 | - It seems like such a beautiful gift
02:20:45.100 | that it really sucks that we get to let go of it,
02:20:48.440 | we have to let go of it.
02:20:49.980 | What do you hope your legacy is?
02:20:51.980 | As I'm sure they will.
02:20:53.620 | Aliens, when they visit,
02:20:54.740 | and humans have destroyed all of human civilization.
02:20:58.220 | Aliens read about you in an encyclopedia
02:21:00.580 | that we'll leave behind.
02:21:02.140 | What do you hope it says?
02:21:03.740 | - Well, I would hope they,
02:21:06.100 | to the extent that they evaluated me,
02:21:10.780 | felt that I helped move science forward
02:21:13.940 | as a tangible contribution,
02:21:17.140 | and that I served as a good role model
02:21:21.060 | for how humans should live their lives.
02:21:24.260 | - And were part of creating
02:21:27.340 | one of the most incredible things humans have ever created.
02:21:32.340 | - So yes, there's the science,
02:21:33.940 | that's the Fermi thing, right?
02:21:35.680 | - And the instrument, I guess.
02:21:38.220 | - And the instrument.
02:21:39.060 | The instrument is a magical creation,
02:21:41.940 | not just by a human, by a collection of humans.
02:21:44.980 | The collaboration is,
02:21:47.740 | that's humanity at its best.
02:21:53.140 | I do hope we last quite a bit longer,
02:21:59.340 | but if we don't, this is a good thing to remember humans by.
02:22:04.340 | At least they built that thing.
02:22:06.420 | That's pretty impressive.
02:22:08.580 | Barry, this was an amazing conversation.
02:22:10.100 | Thank you so much for wasting your time
02:22:12.100 | in explaining so many things so well.
02:22:14.420 | I appreciate your time today.
02:22:15.740 | - Thank you.
02:22:16.580 | - Thanks for listening to this conversation
02:22:19.860 | with Barry Barish.
02:22:21.260 | To support this podcast,
02:22:22.660 | please check out our sponsors in the description.
02:22:26.060 | And now, let me leave you with some words
02:22:28.180 | from Werner Heisenberg, a theoretical physicist
02:22:31.540 | and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics.
02:22:34.440 | "Not only is the universe stranger than we think,
02:22:39.500 | "it is stranger than we can think."
02:22:42.420 | Thank you for listening and hope to see you next time.
02:22:46.500 | (upbeat music)
02:22:49.080 | (upbeat music)
02:22:51.660 | [BLANK_AUDIO]