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How to Get Rid of Hiccups #shorts

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Everybody experiences hiccups from time to time.
00:00:02.560 | I think most people would agree that one hiccup,
00:00:04.760 | sort of funny, two hiccups in a row is really funny.
00:00:08.520 | And three hiccups in a row is where it starts
00:00:10.640 | to be concerning in part
00:00:12.000 | because hiccups can be kind of painful.
00:00:13.920 | There is a technique that can reliably eliminate hiccups.
00:00:17.440 | And it's a technique that takes advantage
00:00:19.620 | of hyper-contracting the phrenic nerve
00:00:22.040 | over a short period of time
00:00:24.440 | so that it then subsequently relaxes
00:00:27.480 | or alleviates the spasming of the phrenic nerve.
00:00:30.720 | And that simple method is to inhale three times in a row.
00:00:34.760 | This is a very unusual pattern of breathing,
00:00:36.760 | but what it involves is taking a big, deep inhale
00:00:39.160 | through your nose.
00:00:40.440 | Then before you exhale any air,
00:00:42.260 | take a second inhale through the nose,
00:00:43.960 | however brief that inhale might be.
00:00:45.480 | And then a third, even micro or millisecond long,
00:00:49.760 | inhale through your nose to get that third inhale
00:00:52.240 | and then hold your breath for about 15 to 20 seconds
00:00:55.160 | and then slowly exhale.