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Lesson 19: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion


0:0 Introduction and quick update from last lesson
2:8 Dropout
12:7 DDPM from scratch - Paper and math
40:17 DDPM - The code
41:16 U-Net Neural Network
43:41 Training process
56:7 Inheriting from miniai TrainCB
60:22 Using the trained model: denoising with “sample” method
69:9 Inference: generating some images
74:56 Notebook 17: Jeremy’s exploration of Tanishq’s notebook
84:9 Make it faster: Initialization
87:41 Make it faster: Mixed Precision
89:40 Change of plans: Mixed Precision goes to Lesson 20

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Okay, hi everybody, and this is Lesson 19 with extremely special guests Tanish and Jono.
00:00:08.200 | Hi guys, how are you?
00:00:10.260 | Hello.
00:00:11.260 | Hey Jeremy, good to be here.
00:00:13.640 | And it's New Year's Eve 2022, finishing off 2022 with a bang, or at least a really cool
00:00:22.800 | lesson.
00:00:25.920 | And most of this lesson's going to be Tanish and Jono, but I'm going to start with a quick
00:00:33.120 | update from the last lesson.
00:00:39.840 | What I wanted to show you is that Christopher Thomas on the forum, what I want to show you
00:00:49.360 | is that Christopher Thomas on the forum came up with a better winning result for our challenge,
00:00:58.960 | the Fashion MNIST Challenge, which we are tracking here.
00:01:04.520 | And be sure to check out this forum thread for the latest results.
00:01:11.240 | And he found that he was able to get better results with Dropout.
00:01:17.920 | Then Peter on the forum noticed I had a bug in my code, and the bug in my code for ResNets,
00:01:27.360 | actually I won't show you, I'll just tell you, is that in the res block I was not passing
00:01:32.400 | along the batch norm parameter, and as a result, all the results I had were without batch norm.
00:01:38.120 | So then when I fixed batch norm and added Dropout at Christopher's suggestion, I got
00:01:45.040 | better results still, and then Christopher came up with a better Dropout and got better
00:01:50.280 | results still for 50 epochs.
00:01:52.400 | So let me show you the 93.2 for 5 epochs improvement.
00:01:59.640 | I won't show the change to batch norm because that's actually, that'll just be in the repo
00:02:05.880 | So the batch norm is already fixed.
00:02:08.880 | So I'm going to tell you about what Dropout is and then show that to you.
00:02:13.740 | So Dropout is a simple but powerful idea where what we do with some particular probability,
00:02:22.480 | so here that's a probability of 0.1, we randomly delete some activations.
00:02:30.100 | And when I say delete, what I actually mean is we change them to zero.
00:02:36.080 | So one easy way to do this is to create a binomial distribution object where the probabilities
00:02:45.280 | are 1 minus p, and then sample from that.
00:02:50.440 | And that will give you a 0.1 probability.
00:02:56.640 | So in this case, oh, this is perfect.
00:02:58.680 | I have exactly 1, 0.
00:03:00.180 | Of course, randomly, that's not always going to be the case.
00:03:03.240 | But since I asked for 10 samples and 0.1 of the time, it should be 0, I so happened to
00:03:08.400 | get, yeah, exactly one of them.
00:03:11.020 | And so if we took a tensor like this and multiplied it by our activations, that will set about
00:03:21.360 | a tenth of them to 0 because multiplying by 0 gives you 0.
00:03:25.640 | So here's a Dropout plus.
00:03:28.400 | So you pass it and you say what probability of Dropout there is, store it away.
00:03:33.440 | Now we're only going to do this during training time.
00:03:37.900 | So at evaluation time, we're not going to randomly delete activations.
00:03:43.440 | But during training time, we will create our binomial distribution object.
00:03:49.220 | We will pass in the 1 minus p probability.
00:03:52.200 | And then you say, how many binomial trials do you want to run, so how many coin tosses
00:03:58.760 | or dice rolls or whatever each time, and so it's just one.
00:04:02.520 | And this is a cool little trick.
00:04:04.000 | If you put that one onto your accelerator, GPU or MPS or whatever, it's actually going
00:04:10.520 | to create a binomial distribution that runs on the GPU.
00:04:13.720 | That's a really cool trick that not many people know about.
00:04:18.800 | And so then if I sample and I make a sample exactly the same size as my input, then that's
00:04:25.680 | going to give me a bunch of ones and zeros and a tensor the same size as my activations.
00:04:32.240 | And then another cool trick is this is going to result in activations that are on average
00:04:38.400 | about one tenth smaller.
00:04:41.400 | So if I multiply by 1 over 1 minus 0.9, so I multiply in this case by that, then that's
00:04:53.040 | going to scale up to undo that difference.
00:05:02.280 | And Jeremy, in the line above where you have props equals 1 minus p, should that be 1 minus
00:05:08.660 | self.p?
00:05:09.660 | Oh, it absolutely should.
00:05:12.560 | Thank you very much, Jenna.
00:05:15.940 | Not that it matters too much because, yeah, you can always just use nn.dropout at this
00:05:21.080 | point and use point one, which is why I didn't even see that.
00:05:24.440 | So as you can see, I'm not even bothering to export this because I'm just showing how
00:05:27.720 | to repeat what's already available in PyTorch.
00:05:35.600 | So yeah, thanks, Jenna.
00:05:36.840 | That's a good fix.
00:05:40.640 | So if we're in evaluation mode, it's just going to return the original.
00:05:45.880 | If p equals 0, then these are all going to be just ones anyway.
00:05:53.440 | So we'll be multiplying by 1 divided by 1, so there's nothing to change.
00:05:57.980 | So with p of 0, it does nothing in effect.
00:06:01.080 | Yeah, and otherwise it's going to kind of zero out some of our activations.
00:06:05.240 | So a pretty common place to add dropout is before your last linear layer.
00:06:11.200 | So that's what I've done here.
00:06:15.720 | So yeah, if I run the exact same epochs, I get 93.2, which is a very slight improvement.
00:06:24.200 | And so the reason for that is that it's not going to be able to memorize the data or the
00:06:34.880 | actions, because there's a little bit of randomness.
00:06:39.400 | So it's going to force it to try to identify just the actual underlying differences.
00:06:45.500 | There's a lot of different ways of thinking about this.
00:06:47.480 | You can almost think of it as a bagging thing, a bit like a random forest.
00:06:50.880 | Each time it's giving a slightly different kind of random subset.
00:06:56.000 | Yeah, but that's what it does.
00:07:03.120 | I also added a drop2d layer right at the start, which is not particularly common.
00:07:07.960 | I was just kind of like showing it.
00:07:10.320 | This is also how Christopher Thomas' idea tried it as well, although he didn't use dropout2d.
00:07:14.920 | What's the difference between dropout2d and dropout?
00:07:17.960 | So this is actually something I'd like you to do to implement yourself is an exercise
00:07:21.640 | is to implement dropout2d.
00:07:24.480 | The difference is that with dropout2d, rather than using x.size as our tensor of ones and
00:07:35.400 | zeros.
00:07:36.400 | So in other words, potentially dropping out every single batch, every single channel,
00:07:40.400 | every single x, y independently, instead, we want to drop out an entire kind of grid
00:07:49.560 | area, all of the channels together.
00:07:53.080 | So if any of them are zero, then they're all zero.
00:07:57.640 | So you can look up the docs for dropout2d for more details about exactly what that looks
00:08:03.280 | like.
00:08:04.280 | But yeah, so the exercise is to try and implement that from scratch and come up with a way to
00:08:11.440 | test it.
00:08:12.640 | So like actually check that it's working correctly, because it's a very easy thing to think that
00:08:17.560 | it's working and then realize it's not.
00:08:23.480 | So then yeah, Christopher Thomas actually found that if you remove this entirely and
00:08:31.120 | only keep this, then you end up with a better results for 50 epochs.
00:08:35.920 | And so he's the first to break 95%.
00:08:39.000 | So I feel like we should insert some kind of animation or trumpet sounds or something
00:08:47.160 | at this point.
00:08:48.160 | I'm not sure if I'm clever enough to do that in the video editor, but I'll see how I go.
00:08:54.880 | Hooray.
00:08:55.880 | Okay.
00:08:56.880 | So that's about it for me.
00:09:00.400 | Did you guys have any other things to add about dropout, how to understand it or what
00:09:04.320 | it does or interesting things?
00:09:06.080 | Oh, I did have one more thing before, but you go ahead if you've got anything to mention.
00:09:12.120 | And I was going to ask just because I think the standard is to set it like remove the
00:09:17.280 | dropout before you do inference.
00:09:18.520 | But I was wondering if there's anyone you know of, or if it works to use it for some
00:09:23.560 | sort of test time augmentation.
00:09:25.000 | Oh, dude.
00:09:26.560 | Thank you.
00:09:27.560 | Because I wrote a callback for that.
00:09:28.800 | Did you see this or were you just like, okay, test time dropout callback.
00:09:35.480 | Nice.
00:09:36.440 | So yeah, before Epoch, if you remember in learner, we put it into training mode, which
00:09:48.200 | actually what it does is it puts every individual layer into training mode.
00:09:53.160 | So that's why for the module itself, we can check whether that module is in training mode.
00:09:58.800 | So what we can actually do is after that's happened, we can then go back in this callback
00:10:04.000 | and apply a lambda that says if this is a dropout, then put it in training mode all
00:10:22.320 | the time, including a devaluation.
00:10:26.280 | And so then you can run it multiple times just like did for TTA with this callback.
00:10:33.720 | Now that's very unlikely to give you a better result because it's not kind of showing at
00:10:45.720 | different versions or anything like that, like TTA does that are kind of meant to be
00:10:51.040 | the same.
00:10:53.120 | But what it does do is it gives you some a sense of how confident it is.
00:11:04.400 | If it kind of has no idea, then that little bit of dropouts quite often going to lead
00:11:11.000 | to different predictions.
00:11:12.920 | So this is a way of kind of doing some kind of confidence measure.
00:11:16.920 | You'd have to calibrate it by kind of looking at things that it should be confident about
00:11:22.120 | and not confident about and seeing how that test time dropout changes.
00:11:27.020 | But the basic idea, it's been used in medical models before.
00:11:35.040 | I wouldn't say it's totally popular, which is why I didn't even bother to show it being
00:11:41.840 | used, but I just want to add it here because I think it's an interesting idea and maybe
00:11:47.160 | could be more used than it is, or at least more studied than it has been.
00:11:54.900 | A lot of stuff that gets used in the medical world is less well-known in the rest of the
00:12:00.880 | world.
00:12:01.880 | So maybe that's part of the problem.
00:12:04.840 | Cool.
00:12:05.840 | All right.
00:12:07.840 | So I will stop my sharing and we're going to switch to Tanish, who's going to do something
00:12:13.880 | much more exciting, which is to show that we are now at a point where we can do DDPM from
00:12:21.680 | scratch or at least everything except the model.
00:12:26.120 | And so to remind you, DDPM doesn't have the latent VAE thing and we're not going to do
00:12:32.720 | conditional, so we're not going to get to tell it what to draw.
00:12:40.000 | And the UNET model itself is the one bit we're not going to do today.
00:12:46.040 | We're going to do that next lesson, but other than the UNET, it's going to be unconditional
00:12:53.160 | DDPM from scratch.
00:12:56.400 | So Tanish, take it away.
00:12:59.200 | Okay.
00:13:01.200 | Welcome back.
00:13:02.200 | Sorry for the slight continuity problem.
00:13:05.620 | You may notice people look a little bit different.
00:13:07.800 | That's because we had some Zoom issues.
00:13:09.880 | So we have a couple of days have passed and we're back again.
00:13:14.600 | And then Chavado recorded his bit before we do Tanishk's bit.
00:13:18.520 | And then we're going to post them in backwards.
00:13:20.360 | So hopefully there's not too many confusing continuity problems as a result.
00:13:24.640 | And it all goes smoothly, but it's time to turn it over to Tanishk to talk about DDPM.
00:13:30.800 | So we've reached the point where we have this mini AI framework and I guess it's time to
00:13:42.760 | now start using it to build more, I guess, sophisticated models.
00:13:48.440 | And as we'll see here, we can start putting together a diffusion model from scratch using
00:13:54.600 | the mini AI library, and we'll see how it makes our life a lot easier.
00:13:59.040 | And also, it'd be very nice to see how, you know, the equations in the papers correspond
00:14:04.360 | to the code.
00:14:05.420 | So I have here, of course, the notebook that we'll be watching from.
00:14:13.800 | The paper, which, you know, we have the diffusion model paper, the Doising Diffusion Probabilistic
00:14:20.720 | Models, which is the paper that was published in 2020, it was one of the original diffusion
00:14:27.200 | model papers that kind of set off the entire trend of diffusion models and is a good starting
00:14:33.720 | point as we delve into this topic further.
00:14:38.200 | And also, I have some diagrams and drawings that I will also show later on.
00:14:45.880 | But yeah, basically, let's just get started with the code here, and of course, the paper.
00:14:53.240 | So just to provide some context with this paper, you know, this paper that was published
00:14:58.600 | from this group in UC Berkeley, I think a few of them have gone on now to work at Google.
00:15:04.860 | And this is a big lab at UC Berkeley.
00:15:10.500 | And so diffusion models were actually originally introduced in 2015.
00:15:15.520 | But this paper in 2020 greatly simplified the diffusion models and made it a lot easier
00:15:20.040 | to work with and, you know, got these amazing results, as you can see here, when they trained
00:15:25.000 | on faces and in this case, CIFAR-10, and, you know, this really was very kind of a big leap
00:15:34.160 | in terms of the progress of diffusion models.
00:15:37.960 | And so just to kind of briefly provide, I guess, kind of an overview.
00:15:42.560 | If I could just quickly just mention something, which is, you know, when we started this course,
00:15:52.040 | we talked a bit about how perhaps the diffusion part of diffusion models is not actually all
00:16:00.480 | that.
00:16:01.480 | Everybody's been talking about diffusion models, particularly because that's the open source
00:16:05.700 | thing we have that works really well.
00:16:07.920 | But this week, actually a model that appears to be quite a lot better than stable diffusion
00:16:15.040 | was released that doesn't use diffusion at all.
00:16:20.320 | Having said that, the basic ideas, like most of the stuff that Tanishk talks about today,
00:16:28.440 | will still appear in some kind of form, you know, but a lot of the details will be different.
00:16:35.160 | But strictly speaking, actually, I don't even know if I've got a word anymore for the kind
00:16:41.900 | of like modern generative model things we're doing.
00:16:46.760 | So in some ways when we're talking about diffusion models, you should maybe replace it in your
00:16:51.960 | head with some other word, which is more general and includes this paper that Tanishk is looking
00:16:56.760 | at here.
00:16:57.760 | iterative refinement, perhaps.
00:16:58.760 | That's what I...
00:16:59.760 | Yeah, that's not bad.
00:17:00.760 | Iterative refinement.
00:17:01.760 | I'm sure by the time people watch this video, probably, you know, somebody will have decided
00:17:06.760 | on something.
00:17:07.760 | We will keep our course website up to date.
00:17:10.920 | Steve?
00:17:11.920 | Yeah, yeah, this is the paper that first Jeremy was talking about.
00:17:16.000 | And yeah, every week there seems to be another state of the art model.
00:17:21.260 | But yeah, like Jeremy said, a lot of the principles are the same, but you know, the details can
00:17:25.920 | be different for each paper.
00:17:28.200 | But yeah.
00:17:30.040 | And just to, I just want to again, also, like Jeremy was saying, kind of zoom back a little
00:17:34.360 | bit and kind of talk about a little bit about what, you know, I just kind of provide a review
00:17:40.680 | of what we're trying to do here, right?
00:17:42.680 | So let me just, yeah, so with this task, we were trying to, in this case, I would try to
00:17:54.880 | do image generation, of course, it could be other forms of generation like text generation
00:17:59.240 | or whatever.
00:18:01.080 | And the general idea is that, of course, we have some, you know, data points, you know,
00:18:07.360 | in this case, we have some images of dogs, and we want to produce more like these data
00:18:11.160 | points that were given.
00:18:12.400 | So in this case, maybe the dog image generation or something like this.
00:18:17.120 | And so the overall idea that a lot of these approaches take for image, you know, for some
00:18:24.000 | sort of generative modeling task is they have, they tried to, not over there, here, they tried
00:18:30.960 | to, yeah, so let me use it in a bit, P of X, which is our, which is basically the sort
00:18:45.160 | of likelihood of data point X, of X. So let's say X is some image, then P of X tells us
00:19:01.560 | like, what is the probability that you would see that image in real life.
00:19:07.320 | And like, if we can take like a simpler example, which may be easier to think about of like
00:19:12.760 | a one dimensional data point, like height, for example.
00:19:17.080 | And if we were to look at height, of course, we know like we have a data distribution that's
00:19:20.740 | kind of a bell curve.
00:19:22.240 | And, you know, you have maybe some, you know, mean height, which is like something like
00:19:27.160 | 5'9", 5'10", yeah, I guess 5'9", 10 inches or something like that, or 5'9", whatever.
00:19:34.920 | And of course, we have some is like, you have some on more unlikely points, but that is
00:19:38.920 | still possible.
00:19:39.920 | Like, for example, we have a set of feet, or where you have something that maybe not
00:19:44.320 | as likely, it was just like, you know, like three feet or something like this.
00:19:46.960 | So here's my X axis is height, and the Y axis is the probability of some random person you
00:19:53.840 | meet being that tall.
00:19:56.560 | Exactly.
00:19:57.760 | So you know, yeah, this is basically the probability.
00:20:02.160 | And so of course, you have this sort of peak, which is where, you know, you have higher
00:20:05.760 | probability. And so those are the sorts of, you know, values that you would see more often.
00:20:11.200 | So this is this is our what we do call our P of X. And like, the important part about
00:20:19.360 | P of X is that you can use this now to sample new values, if you know what P of X is, or
00:20:25.320 | even if you have some sort of information about P of X.
00:20:27.480 | So for example, here, you can think of like, if you were to like, say, maybe have some,
00:20:33.040 | let's say you have some game, and you have some human characters in the game, and you
00:20:36.600 | just want to randomly generate a height for this human character, you know, you could,
00:20:42.780 | you wouldn't want to, of course, select a random height between three and seven, that's
00:20:45.800 | kind of uniformly distributed, you would instead maybe want to, you would want to have the
00:20:52.960 | height dependent on this sort of function where you would more likely sample values,
00:20:58.760 | you know, in the middle, and less likely sample the source of extreme points. So it's dependent
00:21:03.760 | on this function to P of X. So having some information about P of X will allow you to
00:21:09.760 | sample more data points. And so that's kind of the overall goal of generative modeling
00:21:15.260 | is to get some information about P of X, that then allows us to sample new points and, you
00:21:22.040 | know, create new generations. So that's kind of a high level kind of description of what
00:21:28.520 | we're trying to do when we're doing generative modeling. And of course, there are many different
00:21:34.120 | approaches. We, you know, we have our famous scans, which, you know, used to be the common
00:21:39.800 | method back in the day before diffusion models, you know, we have VAEs, which I think we'll
00:21:45.760 | probably talk a little bit more about that later as well.
00:21:48.120 | We'll be talking about both of those techniques later here.
00:21:51.520 | Yeah. And so there are many different other techniques. There are also some niche techniques
00:21:55.320 | that are out there as well. But of course, now the popular one is, are these diffusion
00:22:00.320 | models? Or, you know, as we talked about, maybe a better term might be inhibitor of
00:22:04.200 | refinement or whenever, you know, whatever the term ends to be. But yeah, so there are
00:22:12.160 | many different techniques. And yeah, so let's just, so this is kind of the general diagram
00:22:20.160 | that shows what diffusion models are. And if we can look at the paper here, which let's
00:22:26.440 | pull up the paper. Yeah, you see here, this is the sort of, they call it a direct directed
00:22:31.960 | graphical model. It's a very complicated term. It's just kind of showing what's going on
00:22:36.080 | in this, you know, in this process. And, you know, there's a lot of complicated math here,
00:22:42.680 | but we'll highlight some of the key variables and equations here.
00:22:48.520 | So basically the idea is that, okay, so let's see here. So this is like, so this is an image
00:22:54.720 | that we want to generate, right? And so X0 is basically, you know, these are actually
00:23:03.440 | the samples that we want. So we want to, X0 is what we want to generate. And, you know,
00:23:11.280 | these would be, yeah, these are images. And we start out with pure noise. So that's the,
00:23:19.440 | that's what, X uppercase T, pure noise. And the whole idea is that we have two processes.
00:23:30.680 | We have this process where we're going from pure noise to our image. And we have this
00:23:38.240 | process where we're going from image to pure noise. So the process where we're going from
00:23:41.880 | our image to pure noise, this is called the forward process. Well, word, sorry, my typing
00:23:50.820 | instead of my handwriting is not so good in it. So hopefully it's clear enough. Let me
00:23:56.640 | know if it's not. So we have the forward process, which is mostly just used for our training.
00:24:02.460 | Then we also have our reverse process. So this is the reverse process, right up here. Reverse
00:24:13.320 | process. So this is a bit of a summary, I guess, of what you and Waseem talked about
00:24:20.840 | in lesson 9b. And just, it's just mostly to highlight now what, what are the different
00:24:29.520 | variables as we look at the, the code and see, you know, the different variables in
00:24:35.120 | the code. Okay. So we'll be focusing today on the code, but the code we'll be referring
00:24:40.360 | to things by name and those names won't make sense very much unless we see the, what they're
00:24:47.680 | used for in the math. Okay. And I will dive too much into the math. I just want to focus
00:24:53.520 | on the sorts of variables and equations that we see in the code. So basically the general
00:25:01.200 | idea is that, you know, we do these in multiple different steps. You know, we have here from
00:25:06.680 | time step zero all the way to time steps, time steps, uppercase T. And so there's some
00:25:13.120 | fixed number of steps, but then we have this intermediate process where we're going, you
00:25:17.200 | know, from some particular, yeah, some particular time step. Yeah. We have this time step lower
00:25:26.200 | T steep, which is some noisy image. And, and, and yes, we're transitioning between these
00:25:35.120 | two different noisy images. So we have this, what is sometimes called the transition. We
00:25:39.880 | have this one here. This is like sometimes called the transition kernel or yeah, whatever
00:25:44.440 | it is, it basically is just telling us, you know, how do we go from, you know, one in
00:25:50.120 | this case, we're going from a less noisy image to a more noisy image. And then going backwards
00:25:53.840 | is going from a more noisy image to a less noisy image. So let's look at the equations.
00:25:59.040 | So the forward direction is trivially easily to make it something more noisy. You just
00:26:02.640 | add a bit more noise to it. And the reverse direction is incredibly difficult, which is
00:26:07.480 | to particularly to go from the far left to the far right is strictly speaking impossible
00:26:11.840 | because none of that person's face exists anymore. But somewhere in between, you could
00:26:18.880 | certainly go from something that's partially noisy to less noisy by a learned model.
00:26:26.160 | Exactly. And that's like what I'm going to write down right now in terms of, you know,
00:26:31.000 | in terms of, I guess, the symbols in the map. So yeah, basically, I'm just trying to pull
00:26:35.880 | out the, just to write down the equations here. So we have, let me zoom in a bit. Yeah,
00:26:45.040 | so we have our two, oops, let's see here. Two of x t, x t minus one. Or actually, you
00:26:58.880 | know what, maybe it's just better if I just snip. Yeah, it's a snippet from here. So the
00:27:08.980 | one that is going from our, the one that is going from our forward process is this, this,
00:27:19.400 | this equation here. So I'll just make that a little smaller for you guys. So right there.
00:27:26.040 | So that is going, and basically, to explain, we have this, we have this sort of script,
00:27:36.880 | a little bit of a, maybe a little bit confusing notation here. But basically, this is referring
00:27:41.120 | to a normal distribution or Gaussian distribution. And instead of saying, okay, this is a Gaussian
00:27:48.080 | distribution that's describing this particular variable. So it's just saying, okay, you know,
00:27:54.400 | n is our normal or Gaussian distribution, and it's representing this variable x of t,
00:28:01.360 | or x, sorry, x t. And then we have here is, is the mean. And this is the variance. So
00:28:15.280 | just to again, clarify, I think we've talked about this before as well. But like, you know,
00:28:20.280 | this is a, you know, this is, of course, a bad drawing of a Gaussian. But, you know,
00:28:24.040 | our mean is just, our mean is just, you know, this, you know, the middle point here is the
00:28:30.680 | mean, and the variance just kind of describes the sort of spread of, of the Gaussian distribution.
00:28:37.760 | So if you think about this a little further, you have this beta, which is one of the important
00:28:43.800 | variables that kind of describe the diffusion process, beta dot t. So you'll see the beta
00:28:51.040 | t in the code. And basically, beta t increases as t increases. So basically, your beta t
00:29:02.000 | will be greater than your beta t minus one. So if you think about that a little bit more
00:29:07.960 | carefully, you can see that, okay, so at, you know, t minus one, at this time point here,
00:29:16.560 | and then you're going to the next time point, you're going to increase your beta t, so increasing
00:29:20.880 | the variance, but then you have this one minus beta t and take the square root of that on
00:29:27.160 | and multiply it by x t minus one. So as your t is increasing, this term actually decreases.
00:29:35.300 | So your mean is actually decreasing, and you're getting less of the original image, because
00:29:39.880 | the original image is going to be part of x t minus one. So as you,
00:29:44.540 | And just to let you know, just like, you know, we, we can't see your pointer. So if you want
00:29:52.160 | to point at things, you would need to highlight them or something.
00:29:56.080 | Yeah, so yeah, I'll just, let's see. Yeah. Or yeah, basically, I mean, I don't particularly
00:30:05.080 | play anything in specific, I was just saying that, yeah, basically, if we have our, our,
00:30:11.360 | our x of t here, as, as the time step increases, you know, you're getting less contribution
00:30:17.800 | from your x of x t minus one. And so that means your mean is going towards zero. And
00:30:24.240 | so you've got to have a mean of zero, and, you know, the variance keeps increasing, and
00:30:28.240 | basically, you just have a Gaussian distribution and you lose any contribution from the original
00:30:32.520 | image as your time step increases. So that's why when we start out from x of zero and go
00:30:38.160 | all the way to our x of t here, this becomes pure noise, it's because we're doing this
00:30:43.600 | iterative process where we keep adding noise, we lose that contribution from the original
00:30:47.240 | image, and, and, you know, that that leads to, that leads to the image having pure noise
00:30:54.960 | at the end of the process. So just something I find useful here is to consider one extreme,
00:31:03.800 | which is that is to consider x one. So at x one, the mean is going to be one minus beta
00:31:13.560 | t times x naught. And the reason that's interesting is x naught is the original image. So we're
00:31:19.160 | taking the original image. And at this point, one minus beta t will be pretty close to one.
00:31:28.240 | So at x one, we're going to have something that's the mean is very close to the image.
00:31:34.280 | And the variance will be very small. And so that's why we will have a image that just
00:31:39.600 | has a tiny bit of noise. Right, right. And then another thing that sometimes is easier
00:31:46.120 | to write out is sometimes you can write out, in this case, you can write out q of x t directly.
00:31:56.160 | Because these are all independent in terms of like, q of x t is only dependent of x t
00:32:01.880 | minus one, and then x t minus one is only dependent on x t minus two. And you can you
00:32:06.560 | can use this independent, each of these steps are independent. So based on the different
00:32:11.920 | laws of probability, you can get your q above x t in close form. So yeah, that's what's
00:32:19.000 | shown here. q of x t did it the original image. So this is also another way of kind of seeing
00:32:24.360 | this more clearly where you can see you can see that. Anyways, some going back here. Yeah,
00:32:34.760 | so this is another way to see here more directly. So this is, of course, our clean image. And
00:32:45.280 | this is our clear, our noisy image. And so you can also see again, now, alpha bar t is
00:32:59.160 | dependent on beta t, basically, it's like one minus like the cumulative. This is I mean,
00:33:07.600 | we'll see the card for it, I guess. So maybe, yes, yes. So it might be clear to see that
00:33:12.600 | this is alpha bar t or something like this. But basically, basically, the idea is that
00:33:17.360 | alpha bar t, alpha bar t is going to be, again, less, this is what is going to be less than
00:33:27.520 | alpha bar t minus one. So basically, alpha, this keeps decreasing, right? This decreases
00:33:34.400 | as as time step increases. And on the other hand, this is going to be increasing as time
00:33:39.380 | step increases. So again, you can see the contribution from the original image decreases
00:33:45.080 | as time step increases, while the noise, you know, as shown by the variance is increasing,
00:33:50.280 | while, you know, the time step is increased. Anyway, so that hopefully clap eyes that the
00:33:55.800 | forward process and then the reverse process is basically a neural network, as we as Jeremy
00:34:02.600 | had mentioned. And yeah, this is a screenshot this, that's he's this. That's yes, this is
00:34:16.760 | our this is our reverse process. And basically, the idea is, well, this is a neural network.
00:34:23.340 | And this is also a neural network, a neural network. And we learned during the training
00:34:31.660 | of the model. But the the nice thing about this particular diffusion model paper that
00:34:37.560 | made it so simple was actually, we completely ignored this and actually said to our instance
00:34:45.360 | just based on, you know,
00:34:47.400 | We can't say what you're pointing at. So I think it's important to mention what this
00:34:50.560 | is here.
00:34:51.560 | This term here. So this one, we just kind of ignore and it's just a constant dependent
00:35:04.680 | on beta t. So you only have one neural network that you need to train, which is basically
00:35:11.800 | referring to this mean. And when the nice thing about this decision model process is
00:35:19.040 | that it also meet power prices mean into this easier form, where you do a lot of complicated
00:35:26.800 | math, which will not get into here. But basically, you get this kind of simplified training objective
00:35:34.600 | where see here. Yeah, you see the simplified training objective, you instead have this
00:35:43.080 | epsilon beta function. And let me just screenshot that again, screenshot. This is our loss function
00:35:53.920 | that we train and we have this epsilon beta function.
00:36:00.200 | You could see it's a very simple loss function, right? This is just a, you can just write
00:36:05.280 | this down. This is just an MSC loss. And we have this epsilon beta function here. That
00:36:11.800 | is our... I mean, to folks like me here are less mathy.
00:36:14.440 | It might not be obvious that it's a simple thing because it looks quite complicated to
00:36:17.800 | me, but once we see it in code, it'll be simple. Yes, yes. Basically, you're just doing like
00:36:25.040 | an... Yeah, you'll see an encode how simple it is. But this is like just an MSC loss.
00:36:30.440 | So we've seen MSC loss before, but you'll see how... Yeah, this is basically MSC. So
00:36:35.560 | the nice... So just to kind of take a step back again, what is this epsilon theta? Because
00:36:41.160 | this is like a new thing that seems a little bit confusing. Basically, epsilon... You can
00:36:48.280 | see here, basically... Yeah, absolutely. This here is saying... This is actually equivalent
00:36:58.800 | to this equation here. These two are equivalent. This is just another way of saying that because
00:37:05.200 | basically it's saying that's X of t. So this is giving X of t just in a different way.
00:37:13.680 | But epsilon is actually this normal distribution with a mean of zero and a variance of one.
00:37:24.520 | And then you have all these scaling terms that changes the mean to be the same as this
00:37:30.040 | equation that we have over here. So this is our X of t. And so what epsilon is, it's actually
00:37:38.480 | the noise that we're adding to our image to make it into a noisy image. And what this
00:37:43.840 | neural network is doing is trying to predict that noise. So what this is actually doing
00:37:49.600 | is this is actually a noise predictor. And it is predicting the noise in the image. And
00:37:59.400 | why is that important? Basically, the general idea is if we were to think about our distribution
00:38:11.460 | of data, let's just think about it in a 2D space. Just here, each data point here represents
00:38:21.840 | an image. And they're in this blob area, which represents a distribution. So this is in distribution.
00:38:36.080 | And this is out of the distribution. Out of distribution. And basically, the idea is that,
00:38:47.640 | OK, if we take an image and we want to generate some random image, if we were to take a random
00:38:56.040 | data point, it would most likely be noisy images. So if we take some random data point,
00:39:03.240 | the way to generate a random data point, it's going to be just noise. But we want to keep
00:39:08.880 | adjusting this data point to make it look more like an image from your distribution.
00:39:14.040 | That's the whole idea of this iterative process that we're doing in our diffusion model. So
00:39:18.800 | the way to get that information is actually to take images from your data set and actually
00:39:26.660 | add noise to it. So that's what we try to do in this process. So we have an image here,
00:39:32.280 | and we add noise to it. And then what we do is we try to plan a neural network to predict
00:39:37.440 | the noise. And by predicting the noise and subtracting it out, we're going back to the
00:39:42.240 | distribution. So adding the noise takes you away from the distribution, and then predicting
00:39:47.020 | the noise brings you back to distribution. So then if we know at any given point in this
00:39:54.440 | space how much noise to remove, that tells you how to keep going towards the data distribution
00:40:04.160 | and get a point that lies within the distribution. So that's why we have noise prediction, and
00:40:10.560 | that's the importance of doing this noise prediction is to be able to then do this iterative
00:40:15.260 | process where we can start out at a random point, which would be, for example, pure noise
00:40:20.080 | and keep predicting and removing that noise and walking towards the data distribution.
00:40:26.000 | Okay. Okay. So yeah, let's get started with the code. And so here, we of course have our
00:40:35.480 | imports, and we're going to load our dataset. We're going to work with our fashion amnesty
00:40:43.400 | set, which is what we've been working with for a while already. And yeah, this is just
00:40:51.160 | basically similar code that we've seen from before in terms of loading the dataset. And
00:40:57.920 | then we have our model. So we remove the noise from the image. So what our model is going
00:41:02.660 | to take in is it's going to take in the previous image, the noisy image, and predict the noise.
00:41:10.520 | So the shapes of the input and the output are the same. They're going to be in the shape
00:41:14.800 | of an image. So what we use is we use a unit neural network, which takes in kind of an input
00:41:22.840 | image. And we do see your pointer now, by the way, so feel free to point at things.
00:41:27.680 | Yeah. So yeah, it takes an input image. And in this case, a unit is for purpose, but they
00:41:38.640 | can also be used for any sort of image-to-image path, where we're going from an input image
00:41:43.920 | and then outputting some other image of some sort.
00:41:48.000 | And we'll talk about a new architecture, which we haven't learned about yet, and we will
00:41:51.760 | be learning about in the next lesson. But broadly speaking, those gray arrows going
00:41:58.880 | from left to right are very much like ResNet skip connections, but they're being used in
00:42:07.840 | a different way. Everything else is stuff that we've seen before. So basically, we can
00:42:16.360 | pretend that those don't exist for now. It's a neural network that the output is the same
00:42:25.280 | size or a similar size to the input, and therefore you can use it to learn how to go from one
00:42:32.320 | image to a different image.
00:42:34.880 | Yeah. So that's where the unit is. And yeah, like Jefferson said, we'll talk about it more.
00:42:45.280 | The sort of units that are used for diffusion models also tend to have some additional tricks,
00:42:50.520 | which again, we'll talk about them later on as well. But yeah, for the time being, we
00:42:57.080 | will just import a unit from the Diffusers library, which is the Hagen-Feiss library for
00:43:05.740 | diffusion models. So they have a unit implementation, and we'll just be using that for now. And
00:43:13.120 | so, yeah, of course, strictly speaking, we're cheating at this point because we're using
00:43:17.560 | something we haven't written from scratch, but we're only cheating temporarily because
00:43:21.480 | we will be writing it from scratch.
00:43:24.360 | Yeah. And yeah, so and then of course, we're working with one channel images or fashion
00:43:30.720 | MNIST images or one channel images. So we just have to specify that. And then of course,
00:43:35.880 | the channels of the different blocks within the unit are also specified. And then let's
00:43:42.240 | go into the training process. So basically, the general idea of course, is we want to
00:43:52.200 | train with this MSE loss. What we do is we select a random time step, and then we add
00:44:00.880 | noise to our image based on that time step. So of course, if we have a very high time
00:44:06.480 | step, we're adding a lot of noise. If we have a lower time step, then we're adding very
00:44:14.840 | little noise. So we're going to randomly choose a time step. And then yeah, we add the noise
00:44:22.120 | accordingly to the image. And then we pass the noisy image to a model as well as the
00:44:28.400 | time step. And we are trying to predict the amount of noise that was in the image. And
00:44:34.960 | we predicted with the MSE loss. So we can see all the--
00:44:37.440 | I have some pictures of some of these variables I could share if that would be useful. So
00:44:46.440 | I have a version. So I think Tanishka is sharing notebook number 15. Is that right? And I've
00:44:52.320 | got here notebook number 17. And so I talked to Tanishka's notebook and just as I was starting
00:44:58.000 | to understand it, I'd like to draw pictures for myself to understand what's going on.
00:45:02.720 | So I talked to things which are in Tanishka's class and just put them into a cell. So I
00:45:10.960 | just copied and pasted them, although I replaced the Greek letters with English written out
00:45:17.680 | versions. And then I just plotted them to see what they look like. So in Tanishka's class,
00:45:24.680 | he has this thing called beta, which is just lin space. So that's just literally a line.
00:45:33.120 | So beta, there's going to be 1,000 of them. And they're just going to be equally spaced
00:45:37.960 | from 0.001 to 0.02. And then there's something called sigma, which is the square root of
00:45:50.360 | that. So that's what sigma is going to look like. And then he's also got alpha bar, which
00:46:00.640 | is a cumulative product of 1 minus this. And there's what alpha bar looks like. So you
00:46:10.160 | can see here, as Tanishka was describing earlier, that when T is higher, this is T on the x
00:46:19.600 | axis, beta is higher. And when T is higher, alpha bar is lower. So yeah, so if you want
00:46:30.840 | to remind yourself, so each of these things, beta, sigma, alpha bar, they're each got 1,000
00:46:40.400 | things in them. And this is the shape of those 1,000 things. So this is the amount of variance,
00:46:51.120 | I guess, added at each step. This is the square root of that. So it's the standard deviation
00:46:57.760 | added at each step. And then if we do 1 minus that, it's just the exact opposite. And then
00:47:07.880 | this is what happens if you multiply them all together up to that point. And the reason
00:47:10.840 | you do that is because if you add noise to something, you add noise to something that
00:47:15.120 | you add noise to something that you add noise to something, then you have to multiply together
00:47:18.120 | all that amount of noise to say how much noise you would get. So yeah, those are my pictures,
00:47:23.880 | if that's helpful.
00:47:26.080 | Yep, good to see the diagram or see how the actual values and how it changes over time.
00:47:35.600 | So yeah, let's see here, sorry. Yeah, so like Jeremy was showing, we have our lint space
00:47:44.280 | for our beta. In this case, we're using kind of more of the Greek letters. So you can see
00:47:49.720 | the Greek letters that we see in the paper as well as now we have it here in the code
00:47:54.720 | as well. And we have our lint space from our minimum value to our maximum value. And we
00:48:01.080 | have some number of steps. So this is the number of time steps. So here, we use a thousand
00:48:06.880 | time steps, but that can depend on the type of model that you're training. And that's
00:48:11.720 | one of the parameters of your model or high parameters of your model.
00:48:16.280 | And this is the callback you've got here. So this callback is going to be used to set
00:48:24.720 | up the data, I guess, so that you're going to be using this to add the noise so that
00:48:30.760 | the models then got the data that we're trying to get it to learn to then denoise.
00:48:37.600 | Yeah, so the callback, of course, makes life a lot easier in terms of, yeah, setting up
00:48:45.560 | everything and still being able to use, I guess, the mini AI learner with maybe some
00:48:51.560 | of these more complicated and maybe a little bit more unique training loops. So yeah, in
00:48:58.240 | this case, we're just able to use the callback in order to set up the data, the data, I guess,
00:49:08.600 | the batch that we are passing into our learner.
00:49:11.520 | I just wanted to mention, when you first did this, you wrote out the Greek letters in English,
00:49:19.600 | alpha and beta and so forth. And at least for my brain, I was finding it difficult to
00:49:25.760 | read because they were literally going off the edge of the page and I couldn't see it
00:49:29.840 | all at once. And so we did a search in a place to replace it with the actual Greek letters.
00:49:36.520 | I still don't know how I feel about it. I'm finding it easier to read because I can see
00:49:43.600 | it all at once and it was a scroll and I don't get it as overwhelmed. But when I need to
00:49:49.960 | edit the code, I kind of just tend to copy and paste the Greek letters, which is why
00:49:56.300 | we use the actual word beta in the init parameter list so that somebody using this never has
00:50:03.520 | to type a Greek letter. But I don't know, Johnno or Tanishka, if you had any thoughts
00:50:09.080 | over the last week or two since we made that change about whether you guys like having
00:50:13.360 | the Greek letters in there or not.
00:50:18.160 | I like it for this demo in particular. I don't know that I do this in my code, but because
00:50:22.400 | we're looking back and forth between the paper and the implementation year, I think it works
00:50:27.200 | in this case just fine.
00:50:29.520 | Yeah, I agree. I think it's good for like, yeah, when you're trying to study something
00:50:35.800 | or trying to implement something, having the Greek letters is very useful to be able to,
00:50:41.560 | I guess, match the math more closely and it's just easy just to do it. Take the equation
00:50:47.640 | and put it into code or, you know, white-swear style looking at the code and try to match
00:50:52.000 | to the equation. So I think for like, yeah, educational purpose, I tend to like, I guess,
00:50:58.480 | the Greek letters. So yeah, so, you know, we have our initialization, but we're just
00:51:08.640 | defining all these variables. We'll get to the predict in just a moment. But first, I
00:51:15.200 | just want to go over the before batch, where we're ever setting up our batch to pass into
00:51:23.200 | the model. So remember that the model is taking in our noisy image and the time step. And
00:51:32.840 | of course the target is the actual amount of noise that we are adding to the image.
00:51:39.640 | So basically, we generate that noise. So that's what... epsilon is that target. So epsilon
00:51:45.920 | is the amount of noise, not the amount of, is the actual noise. Yes, epsilon is the actual
00:51:51.560 | noise that we're adding. And that's the target as well, because our model is a noise-predicting
00:51:56.880 | model. It's predicting the noise in the image. And so our target should be the noise that
00:52:03.320 | we're adding to the image during training. So we have our epsilon on and we're generating
00:52:08.700 | it with this random function. It's the random normal distribution with a mean of zero, variance
00:52:15.320 | of one. So that's what that's doing and adding the appropriate shape and device.
00:52:21.200 | Then the batch that we get originally will contain the clean images. These are the original
00:52:30.200 | images from our dataset. So that's x0. And then what we want to do is we want to add
00:52:36.400 | noise. So we have our alpha bar and we have a random time step that we select. And then
00:52:43.280 | we just simply follow that equation, which again, I'll just show in just a moment.
00:52:47.880 | That equation, you can make a tiny bit easier to read, I think. If you were to double-click
00:52:51.480 | on that first alpha bar underscore t, cut it and then paste it, sorry, in the xt equals
00:52:57.840 | torch dot square root, take the thing inside the square root, double-click it and paste
00:53:03.200 | it over the top of the word torch. That would be a little bit easier to read, I think. And
00:53:13.560 | then you'll do the same for the next one. There we go.
00:53:24.560 | Yeah, so basically, yeah, so yeah, I guess let's just pull up the equation. So let's
00:53:37.400 | see. There's a section in the paper that has the nice algorithm. Let's see if I can find
00:53:44.520 | it. No, here. I think earlier. Yes, string. Right, so we're just following the same sort
00:53:54.360 | of training steps here, right? We select a clean image that we take from our data set.
00:54:01.560 | This fancy kind of equation here is just saying take an image from your data set, take a random
00:54:08.380 | time step between this range. Then this is our epsilon that we're getting, just to say
00:54:15.120 | get some epsilon value. And then we have our equation for x of t, right? This is the equation
00:54:22.360 | here. You can see that square root of alpha bar t x0 plus square root of 1 minus alpha
00:54:27.840 | bar t times epsilon. So that's the same equation that we have right here, right? And then what
00:54:34.520 | we need to do is we need to pass this into our model. So we have x t and t. So we set
00:54:40.200 | up our batch accordingly. So this is the two things that we pass into our model. And of
00:54:45.200 | course, we also have our target, which is our epsilon. And so that's what this is showing
00:54:49.160 | here. We pass in our x of t as well as our t here, right? And we pass that into a model.
00:54:56.280 | The model is represented here as epsilon theta. And theta is often used to represent like
00:55:01.120 | this is a neural network with some parameters and the parameters are represented by theta.
00:55:05.520 | So epsilon theta is just representing our noise predicting model. So this is our neural
00:55:09.400 | network. So we have passed in our x of t and our t into a neural network. And we are comparing
00:55:15.040 | it to our target here, which is the actual epsilon. And so that's what we're doing here.
00:55:20.820 | We have our batch where we have our x of t and t and epsilon. And then here we have our
00:55:28.100 | prediction function. And because we actually have, I guess, in this case, we have two things
00:55:33.640 | that are in a tuple that we need to pass into our model. So we just kind of get those elements
00:55:40.620 | from our tuple with this. Yeah, we get the elements from the tuple, pass it into the
00:55:45.720 | model, and then hugging face has its own API in terms of getting the output. So you need
00:55:51.360 | to call dot sample in order to get the predictions from your model. So we just do that. And then
00:55:57.360 | we do, yeah, we have learned dot preds. And that's what's going to be used later than
00:56:02.920 | when we're trying to do our loss function calculation.
00:56:05.880 | So, I mean, it's just worth looking at that a little bit more since we haven't quite seen
00:56:11.440 | something like this before. And it's something which I'm not aware of any other framework
00:56:15.760 | that would let you do this. Literally replace how prediction works. And many AIs kind of
00:56:21.800 | really fun for this. So because you're inherited from TrainedCB, TrainedCB has predict, it
00:56:28.320 | ought to find, and you have to find a new version. So it's not going to use the TrainedCB version
00:56:33.240 | anymore. It's going to use your version. And what you're doing is instead of passing learned
00:56:40.320 | dot batch zero to the model, you've got a star in front of it. So the key thing is that
00:56:46.720 | star is going to, and we know actually learned dot batch zero has two things in it because
00:56:52.680 | that learned dot batch that you showed at the end of the before batch method has two
00:56:56.920 | things in learned dot zero. So that star will unpack them and send each one of those as
00:57:02.680 | a separate argument. So our model needs to take two things, which the diffusers unit
00:57:08.820 | does take two things. So that's the main interesting point. And then something I find a bit awkward
00:57:15.280 | honestly about a lot of HackingFace stuff including diffusers is that generally their
00:57:22.280 | models don't just return the result, but they put it inside some name. And so that's what
00:57:27.960 | happens here. They put it inside something called sample. So that's why Tanishk added
00:57:33.360 | dot sample at the end of the predict because of this somewhat awkward thing, which HackingFace
00:57:40.320 | like to do for some reason. But yeah, now that you know, I mean, this is something that
00:57:44.920 | people often get stuck on. I see on Kaggle and stuff like that. It's like, how on earth
00:57:50.080 | do I use these models? Because they take things in weird forms and they give back things with
00:57:54.360 | weird forms. Well, this is hell, you know, if you inherit from TranCB, you can change
00:58:01.000 | predict to do whatever you want, which I think is quite sweet.
00:58:07.120 | Yep. So yeah, that's the training loop. And then of course you have your regular training
00:58:14.840 | loop that's implemented in many AI where you are going to have, yeah, you have your loss
00:58:21.400 | function calculation. I mean, at the predictions, learn.preds, and of course the target is our
00:58:31.400 | learn.batch1, which is our epsilon. So, you know, we have those and we pass it into the
00:58:37.880 | loss function. It calculates the loss function and does the back propagation. So I'll just
00:58:42.480 | go over that. We'll get back to the sampling in just a moment. But just to show the training
00:58:49.520 | loop. So most of this is copied from our, I think it's 14 augment notebook. The way you've
00:58:58.880 | got the Tmax and the shed. The only thing I think you've added here is the DDPM callback,
00:59:06.480 | right? Yes. The DDPM callback.
00:59:09.200 | And the transient loss function. Yes. So basically we have to initialize our
00:59:14.560 | DDPM callback with the appropriate arguments. So like the number of time steps and the minimum
00:59:21.840 | beta and maximum beta. And then of course we're using an MSC loss as we talked about. It just
00:59:32.480 | becomes a regular training loop. And everything else is from before. Yeah. We have your scheduler,
00:59:39.840 | your progress bar, all of that we've seen before.
00:59:42.240 | I think that's really cool that we're using basically the same code to train a diffusion
00:59:46.880 | model as we've used to train a classifier just with, yeah, an extra callback.
00:59:51.840 | Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I think callbacks are very powerful for being, you know, for allowing
00:59:57.720 | us to do such things. It's like pretty, you can take all this code and now we have a diffusion
01:00:05.080 | training loop and we can just call it And yeah, you can see got a nice training
01:00:11.720 | loop, nice loss curve. We can save our model. Saving functionality to be able to save our
01:00:19.880 | model and we could load it in. But now that we have our trained model, then the question
01:00:25.800 | is what can we do to use it to sample, you know, the dataset?
01:00:32.080 | So the basic idea, of course, was that, you know, we have like basically we're here, right?
01:00:44.160 | We have, let's see here. Okay. So we have a basic idea is that we start out with a random
01:00:50.200 | data point. And of course that's not going to be within the distribution at first, but
01:00:55.160 | now we've learned how to move from, you know, at one point towards the data distribution.
01:01:03.520 | That's what our noise prediction predicting function does. It basically tells you in what
01:01:09.220 | direction and how much to... So the basic idea is that, yeah, I guess I'll start from
01:01:17.740 | a new drawing here. Again, we have distribution is and we have a random point. And we use
01:01:28.480 | our noise predicting model that we have trained to tell us which direction to move. So it
01:01:33.400 | tells us some direction. Or I guess, let's... It tells us some direction to move. At first
01:01:46.460 | that direction is not going to be like you cannot follow that direction all the way to
01:01:50.160 | get the correct data point. Because basically what we were doing is we're trying to reverse
01:01:55.560 | the path that we were following when we were adding noise. So like, because we had originally
01:01:59.640 | a data point and we kept adding noise to the data point and maybe, you know, it followed
01:02:03.440 | some path like this. And we want to reverse that path to get to... So our noise predicting
01:02:12.760 | function will give us an original direction which would be some kind of... It's going
01:02:18.720 | to be kind of tangential to the actual path at that location. So what we would do is we
01:02:25.040 | would maybe follow that data point all the way towards... We're just going to keep following
01:02:30.920 | that data point. We're going to try to predict the fully denoised image by following this
01:02:39.040 | noise prediction. But our fully denoised image is also not going to be a real image. So what
01:02:45.540 | we... So let me... I'll show you an example of that over here in the paper on where they
01:02:51.080 | show this a little bit more carefully. Let's see here. So X zero... Yeah. So basically,
01:03:00.600 | you can see the different... You can see the different data points here. It's not going
01:03:08.520 | to look anything like a real image. So you can see all these points. You know, it doesn't
01:03:12.080 | look anything. That we would do is we actually had a little bit of noise back to it and we
01:03:23.320 | start... We have a new point where then we could maybe estimate a better... Get a better
01:03:27.480 | estimate of which direction to move. Follow that all the way again. We follow a new point.
01:03:33.920 | I get add back a little bit of noise. You get a new estimate. You make a new estimate
01:03:38.760 | of this noise prediction and removing the noise. Follow that all again completely and
01:03:44.840 | add a little bit of noise again to the image and burst onto a dimension. So that's kind
01:03:52.640 | of what we're showing here as well. That's a lot like SGD. With SGD, we don't take the
01:03:57.080 | gradient and jump all the way. We use a learning rate to go some of the way because each of
01:04:01.280 | those estimates of where we want to go are not that great, but we just do it slowly.
01:04:08.680 | Exactly. And at the end of the day, that's what we're doing with this noise prediction.
01:04:12.800 | We are predicting the gradient of this p of x, but of course, we need to keep making estimates
01:04:21.320 | of that gradient as we're progressing. So we have to keep evaluating our noise prediction
01:04:27.040 | function to get updated and better estimates of our gradient in order to finally converge
01:04:33.920 | onto our image. And then you can see that here where we have maybe this fully predicted
01:04:40.520 | denoised image, which at the beginning doesn't look anything like a real image, but then
01:04:45.740 | as we continue throughout the sound like process, we finally converge on something that looks
01:04:50.880 | like an actual image. Again, these are CIFAR-10 images and still a little bit maybe unclear
01:04:55.880 | about how realistic these images, these very small images look, but that's kind of the
01:05:00.880 | general principle I would say. And so that's what I can show in the code. This idea of
01:05:12.400 | we're going to start out basically with a random image, right? And this random image
01:05:17.480 | is going to be like a pure noise image and it's not going to be part of the data distribution.
01:05:23.440 | It's not anything like a real image, it's just a rounded image. And so this is going
01:05:27.040 | to be our x, I guess, x uppercase T, right? That's what we start out with. And we want
01:05:32.960 | to go from x uppercase T all the way to x0. So what we do is we go through each of the
01:05:39.520 | time steps and we have to put it in this sort of batch format because that's what our neural
01:05:48.600 | network expects. So we just have to format it appropriately. And we'll get to Z in just
01:05:55.760 | a moment. I'll explain that in just a moment. But of course, we just again have similar
01:06:00.000 | alpha bar, beta bar, which is getting those variables that we --
01:06:06.840 | And we faked beta bar because we couldn't figure out how to type it, so we used b bar
01:06:10.320 | instead.
01:06:11.320 | Yeah, we were unable to get beta bar to work, I guess. But anyway, at each step, what we're
01:06:20.260 | trying to do is to try to predict what direction we need to go. And that direction is given
01:06:24.320 | by our noise predicting model, right? So what we do is we pass in x of t and our current
01:06:30.480 | time step into our model and we get this noise prediction and that's the direction that we
01:06:35.280 | need to move it. So basically, we take x of t, we first attempt to completely remove the
01:06:41.600 | noise, right? That's what this is doing. That's what x0 cap is. That's completely removing
01:06:45.880 | the noise. And of course, as we said, that estimate at the beginning won't be very accurate.
01:06:53.160 | And so now what we do is we have some coefficients here where we have a coefficient of how much
01:06:58.420 | that we keep of this estimate of our denoise image and how much of the originally noisy
01:07:06.800 | image we keep. And on top of that, we're going to add in some additional noise. So that's
01:07:13.160 | what we do here. We have x0 cap and we multiply by its coefficient and we have x of t, we
01:07:24.320 | multiply by some coefficient and we also add some additional noise. That's what the z is.
01:07:29.480 | It's basically a weighted average of the two plus the natural noise. And then the whole
01:07:37.940 | idea is that as we get closer and closer to a time step equals to zero, our estimate of
01:07:48.120 | x0 will be more and more accurate. So our x0 coefficient will get closer as we're going
01:07:58.520 | through the process and our x t coefficient will get closer and closer to zero. So basically
01:08:05.200 | we're going to be weighting more and more of the x0 hat estimate and less and less of
01:08:10.600 | the x t as we're getting closer and closer to our final time step. And so at the end
01:08:15.620 | of the day, we will have our estimated generated image. So that's kind of an overview of the
01:08:23.540 | sampling process. So yeah, basically the way I implemented it here was I had the sample
01:08:34.720 | function that's part of our callback and it will take in the model and the kind of shape
01:08:43.800 | that you want for your images that you're producing. So if you want to specify how many
01:08:48.600 | images you produce, that's going to be part of your back size or whatever. And you'll
01:08:52.400 | just see that in a moment. But yeah, it's just part of the callback. So then we basically
01:08:57.600 | have our DDPM callback and then we could just call the sample method of our DDPM callback
01:09:07.720 | and we pass in our model. And then here you can see we're going to produce, for example,
01:09:11.960 | 16 images and it just has to be a one channel image of shape 32 by 32. And we get our samples.
01:09:20.720 | And one thing I forgot to note was that I am collecting each of the time step effects
01:09:27.560 | of t. So the predictions here, you can see that there are a thousand of them. We want
01:09:34.680 | the last one because that is our final generation. So we want the last one and that's what we
01:09:40.120 | have. They're no sad actually. Yeah. And this is a long way since DDPM. So this is like
01:09:46.860 | slower and less great than it could be. But considering that except for unit, we've done
01:09:52.400 | this from scratch, you know, literally from matrix multiplication. I think those are pretty
01:09:58.160 | decent. Yeah. And we're only trained for about five epochs. It took like, you know, maybe
01:10:05.360 | like four minutes to train this model, something like that. It's pretty quick. And this is
01:10:09.880 | what we could get with very little training. And it's yeah, pretty decent. You can see
01:10:15.200 | it or some clear shirts and shoes and pants and whatever else. So yeah. And you can see
01:10:21.480 | fabric and it's got texture and things have buckles and yeah. You know, something to compare,
01:10:29.480 | like we did generative modeling in the first time we did part two back in the days when
01:10:37.320 | something called Vassus Guy and Gan was just new, which is actually created by the same
01:10:41.760 | guy that created PyTorch or one of the two guys, Sumith. And we trained for hours and
01:10:47.160 | hours and hours and got things that I'm not sure were any better than this. So things
01:10:54.320 | that come a long way. Yeah. Yeah. And of course, then yeah, so we can see then like how this
01:11:06.800 | sampling progresses over time, over the multiple time steps. So that's what I'm showing here
01:11:12.440 | because I collected during the sampling process, we are collecting at each time step what that
01:11:17.080 | estimate looks like. And you can kind of see here. And so this is an estimate out of like
01:11:23.360 | the noisy image over the time steps. Oops. And I guess I had to pause for a minute. Yeah,
01:11:28.480 | you can kind of see. But you'll notice that actually, so we actually what we did is like,
01:11:33.200 | okay, so we selected an image, which is like the ninth image. So that's this image here.
01:11:38.560 | So we're looking at this image, particularly here. And we're going over, yeah, we have
01:11:43.640 | a function here that's showing the i time step during the sampling process of that image.
01:11:51.280 | And we're just getting the images. And what we are doing is we're only showing basically
01:11:57.560 | from time step 800 to 1000. And here, we're just, we're just having it like where it's
01:12:04.040 | like, okay, we're looking at like, maybe every five steps and we're going from 800 to nine.
01:12:09.160 | And this kind of make it a little bit visually easier to see the transition. But what you'll
01:12:14.400 | notice is I didn't start all the way from zero, I started from 800. And the reason we
01:12:19.320 | do that is because actually, between zero and 800, there's very little change in terms
01:12:25.560 | of like, it's just mostly a noisy image. And it turns out, yeah, I didn't see as I make
01:12:32.040 | a note of this year, it's actually a limitation of the noise schedule that is used in the
01:12:37.000 | original DDP on paper. And especially when applied to some of these smaller images when
01:12:42.200 | we're working with images of like size 32 by 32 or whatever. And so there are some other
01:12:48.880 | papers like the improved DDP on paper that propose other sorts of noise schedules. And
01:12:54.320 | what I mean by noise schedule is basically how beta is defined, basically. So, you know,
01:13:00.520 | we had this definition of torch.lenspace for our beta, but people have different ways of
01:13:05.840 | defining beta that lead to different properties. So, you know, things like that, people have
01:13:11.800 | come up with different improvements, and those sorts of improvements work well when we're
01:13:15.120 | working with these smaller images. And basically, the point is like, if we are working from
01:13:19.840 | 0 to 800, and it's just mostly just noise that entire time, you know, we're not actually
01:13:24.680 | making full use of all those time steps. So, it would be nice if we could actually make
01:13:28.680 | full use of those time steps and actually have it do something during that time period.
01:13:32.960 | So, all these, there are some papers that examine this a little bit more carefully.
01:13:37.160 | And it would be kind of interesting for maybe some of you folks to also look at these papers
01:13:41.600 | and see if you can try to implement, you know, those sorts of models with this notebook as
01:13:47.400 | a starting point. And it should be a fairly simple change in terms of like noise schedule
01:13:51.120 | or something like that. So, yeah.
01:13:52.680 | So I actually think, you know, this is the start of our next journey, you know, which
01:13:57.200 | is our previous journey was, you know, going from being totally rubbish at FashionMnist
01:14:04.280 | classification to being really good at it. I would say now we're like a little bit rubbish
01:14:10.640 | at doing FashionMnist generation. And yeah, I think, you know, we should all now work
01:14:20.080 | from here over the next few lessons and so forth and people, you know, trying things
01:14:26.020 | at home and all of us trying to make better and better generative models, you know, initially
01:14:34.520 | a FashionMnist and hopefully we'll get to the point where we're so good at that, that
01:14:37.800 | we're like, oh, this is too easy. And then we'll pick something harder.
01:14:42.960 | Yeah.
01:14:44.840 | And eventually that'll take us to stable diffusion and beyond, I imagine.
01:14:53.680 | Yeah.
01:14:55.800 | That's cool. I got some stuff to show you guys. If you're interested, I tried to, you
01:15:07.600 | know, better understand what was going on in Tanishk's notebook and tried doing it in
01:15:13.080 | a thousand different ways and also see if I could just start to make it a bit faster.
01:15:18.680 | So that's what's in notebook 17, which I will share. So we've already seen the start of
01:15:31.120 | notebook 17. Well, one thing I did just do is just drew a picture for myself, partly just
01:15:36.800 | to remind myself what the real ones look like, and they definitely have more detail than
01:15:43.480 | the samples that Tanishk was showing. But they're not, you know, they're just 28 by 28. I mean,
01:15:51.040 | they're not super amazing images and they're just black and white. So even if we're fantastic
01:15:55.360 | at this, they're never going to look great because we're using a small, simple dataset.
01:16:01.200 | As you always should, when you're doing any kind of R and D or experiments, you should
01:16:06.480 | always use a small and simple dataset up until you're so good at it that it's not challenging
01:16:11.800 | anymore. And even then, when you're exploring new ideas, you should explore them on small,
01:16:17.920 | simple datasets first.
01:16:19.480 | Yeah. So after I drew the various things, what I like to do is one thing I found challenging
01:16:27.200 | about working with your class to Tanishk is I find when stuff is inside a class, it's
01:16:32.160 | harder for me to explore. So I copied and pasted it before batch contents and called it Noisify.
01:16:43.800 | And so one of the things that's fun to do that is it forces you to figure out what are
01:16:48.040 | the actual parameters to it. And so now that I, rather than putting that fast, now that
01:16:52.360 | I've got all of my various things to do with, so these are the three parameters to the DDPM
01:17:01.560 | callbacks in it. So then these things we can calculate from that. So with those, then actually
01:17:07.440 | all we need is, yeah, what's the image that we're going to Noisify and then what's the
01:17:16.760 | alpha bar, which I mean, we can get from here, but it sort of would be more general if you
01:17:20.560 | can pass in your alpha bar. So yeah, this is just copying and pasting from the class.
01:17:27.240 | But the nice thing is then I could experiment with it. So I can call Noisify on my first
01:17:32.320 | 25 images and with a random T, each one's got a different random T. And so I can print
01:17:41.160 | out the T and then I could actually use those as titles. And so this lets me, I thought
01:17:45.960 | this was quite nice. I might actually rerun this because actually none of these look like
01:17:51.440 | anything because as it turns out in this particular case, all of the Ts are over 200. And as Tanishk
01:17:58.280 | mentioned, once you're over 200, it's almost impossible to see anything. So let me just
01:18:03.240 | rerun this and see if we get a better, there we go. There's a better one. So with a T of
01:18:12.200 | 0, right? So remember T equals 0 is the pure image. So T equals 7, it's just a slightly
01:18:19.560 | speckled image. And by 67, it's a pretty bad image. And by 94, it's very hard to see what
01:18:26.480 | it is at all. And by 293, maybe I can see a pair of pants. I'm not sure I can see anything.
01:18:36.680 | So yeah, by the way, there's a handy little, so I think we've looked at map before in the
01:18:45.520 | course. There's an extended version of map in fast core. And one of the nice things is
01:18:49.640 | you can pass it a string and it basically just calls this format string if you pass
01:18:55.200 | it a string rather than a function. And so this is going to stringify everything using
01:18:59.560 | its representations. This is how I got the titles out of it, just by the way. So yeah,
01:19:06.720 | I found this useful to be able to draw a picture of everything. And then I wanted to, yeah,
01:19:14.280 | look at what else can I do. So then I took, you won't be surprised to see, I took the
01:19:19.640 | sample method and turned that into a function. And I actually decided to pass everything
01:19:24.560 | that it needs even, I mean, you could actually calculate pretty much all of these. But I
01:19:29.840 | thought since I've calculated them before, it was passed them in. So this is all copied
01:19:32.800 | and pasted from Janiszk's version. And so that means the callback now is tiny, right?
01:19:39.420 | Because before batch is just noisify and the sample method just calls the sample function.
01:19:47.640 | Now what I did do is I decided just to, yeah, I wanted to try like as many different ways
01:19:52.240 | of doing this as possible, partly as an exercise to help everybody like see all the different
01:19:59.800 | ways we can work with our framework, you know. So I decided not to inherit from train_cb,
01:20:05.160 | but instead I inherited from callback. So that means I can't use Janiszk's nifty trick
01:20:14.080 | of replacing predict. So instead I now need some way to pass in the two parts of the first
01:20:21.800 | element of the tuple, add separate things to the model and return the sample. So how
01:20:28.280 | else could we do that? Well, what we could do is we could actually inherit from unit
01:20:33.040 | 2D model, which is what Janiszk used directly, unit 2D model, and we could replace the model.
01:20:40.400 | And so we could replace specifically the forward function. That's the thing that gets called.
01:20:45.080 | And we could just call the original forward function, but rather than passing an x or
01:20:50.320 | passing star x, and rather than returning that, we'll return that dot sample. Okay. So
01:20:56.840 | if we do that, then we don't need the train_cb anymore and we don't need the predict. And
01:21:03.120 | so if you're not working with something as beautifully flexible as mini AI, you can always
01:21:09.440 | do this, you know, to make, to replace your model so that it has the interface that you
01:21:16.600 | need it to have. So now, again, we did the same as Janiszk had of create the callback.
01:21:23.160 | And now when we create the model, we'll use our unit class, which we just created. I wanted
01:21:28.800 | to see if I can make things faster. I tried dividing all of Janiszk's channels by two,
01:21:35.460 | and I found it worked just as well. One thing I noticed is that it uses group_norm in the
01:21:41.720 | unit, which we have briefly learned about before. And in group_norm, it splits the channels
01:21:47.400 | up into a certain number of groups. And I needed to make sure that those groups had more than
01:21:56.320 | one thing in. So you can actually pass in how many groups do you want to use in the
01:22:00.800 | normalization. So that's what this is for. If you're going to be a little bit careful
01:22:06.280 | of these things, I didn't think of it at first. And I ended up, I think the NAM groups might
01:22:10.720 | have been 32, and I got an error saying you can't split 16 things into 32 groups. But
01:22:18.200 | it also made me realize, actually, even in Janiszk's, maybe you probably had 32 in the
01:22:22.400 | first with 32 groups, and so maybe the group_norm wouldn't have been working as well. So they're
01:22:27.120 | little subtle things to look out for. So now that we're not using anything inherited from
01:22:34.840 | train_cb, that means we either need to use train_cb itself or just use our train_liner,
01:22:40.200 | and that everything else is the same as what Janiszk had.
01:22:44.280 | So then I wanted to look at the results of Noisify here, and we've seen this trick before,
01:22:51.640 | which is we call fit, but don't call the training part of the fit, and use the single batch_cb
01:22:58.320 | callback that we created way back when we first created learner. And now learn.batch
01:23:03.560 | will contain the tuple of tuples, which we can then use that trick to show. So, I mean,
01:23:12.520 | obviously we'd expect it to look the same as before, but it's nice. I always like to
01:23:16.480 | draw pictures of everything all along the way, because it's very, very often. I mean,
01:23:21.000 | the first six to seven times I do anything, I do it wrong. So given that I know that,
01:23:26.600 | I might as well draw a picture to try and see how it's wrong until it's fixed. It also
01:23:30.280 | tells me when it's not wrong. Isn't there a show_batch function now that does something
01:23:37.320 | similar? Yes, you wrote that show_image_batch, didn't you? I can't quite remember. Yeah,
01:23:46.240 | we should remind ourselves how that worked. That's a good point. Thanks for reminding
01:23:55.480 | it. Okay, so then I'll just go ahead and do the same thing that Nish did. But then the
01:24:02.160 | next thing I looked at was I looked at the, how am I going to make this train faster?
01:24:07.160 | I want a higher learning rate. And I realized, oddly enough, the diffuser's code does not
01:24:16.960 | initialize anything at all. They use the defaults, which just goes to show, like even the experts
01:24:24.440 | at Hugging Face that don't necessarily think like, oh, maybe the PyTorch defaults aren't
01:24:33.680 | perfect for my model. Of course they're not because they depend on what activation function
01:24:37.960 | do you have and what resbox do you have and so forth. So I wasn't exactly sure how to
01:24:45.840 | initialize it. Partly by chatting to Kat Crowley, who's the author of K. Diffusion, and partly
01:24:55.040 | by looking at papers and partly by thinking about my own experience, I ended up doing
01:25:00.240 | a few things. One is I did do the thing that we talked about a while ago, which is to take
01:25:06.640 | every second convolutional layer and zero it out. You could do the same thing with using
01:25:12.080 | batch norm, which is what we tried. And since we've got quite a deep network, that seemed
01:25:16.200 | like it might, it helps basically by having the non-ID path in the resnets do nothing
01:25:25.560 | at first. So they can't cause problems. We haven't talked about orthogonalized weights
01:25:33.280 | before and we probably won't because you would need to take our computational linear algebra
01:25:40.580 | course to learn about that, which is a great course. Rachel Thomas did a fantastic job
01:25:45.040 | of it. I highly recommend it, but I don't want to make it a prerequisite. But Kat mentioned
01:25:49.320 | she thought that using orthogonal weights for the downsamplers was a good idea. And
01:25:57.000 | then for the app blocks, they also set the second comms to zero. And something Kat mentioned
01:26:03.840 | she found useful, which is also from, I think it's from the Darrow while Google paper is
01:26:10.660 | to also zero out the weights of basically the very last layer. And so it's going to
01:26:15.960 | start by predicting zero as the noise, which is something that can't hurt. So that's how
01:26:24.160 | I initialized the weights. So call in at DDPM on my model. Something that I found made a
01:26:31.400 | huge difference is I replaced the normal atom optimizer with one that has an epsilon of
01:26:36.200 | one in Nick five. The default I think is one in egg eight. And so to remind you, this is
01:26:44.000 | when we divide by the kind of exponentially weighted moving average of the squared gradients,
01:26:51.400 | when we divide by that, if that's a very, very small number, then it makes the effective
01:26:58.880 | learning rate huge. And so we add this to it to make it not too huge. And it's nearly
01:27:04.680 | always a good idea to make this bigger than the default. I don't know why the default
01:27:08.400 | is so small. And I found until I did this, anytime I tried to use a reasonably large
01:27:13.320 | learning rate somewhere around the middle of the one cycle training, it would explode.
01:27:20.120 | So that makes a big difference. So this way, yeah, I could train, I could get 0.016 after
01:27:31.000 | five epochs and then sampling. So it looks all pretty similar. We've got some pretty
01:27:38.480 | nice textures, I think. So then I was thinking, how do I get faster? So one way we can make
01:27:44.640 | it faster is we can take advantage of something called mixed precision. So currently we're
01:27:53.720 | using 32 bit floating point values. That's the defaults and also known as single precision.
01:28:02.040 | And GPUs are pretty fast at doing 32 bit floating point values, but they're much, much, much,
01:28:09.240 | much faster at doing 16 bit floating point values. So 16 bit floating point values aren't
01:28:17.120 | able to represent a very wide range of numbers or much precision at the difference between
01:28:23.000 | numbers. And so they're quite difficult to use, but if you can, you'll get a huge benefit
01:28:28.820 | because modern GPUs, modern Nvidia GPUs specifically have special units that do matrix multiplies
01:28:37.920 | of 16 bit values extremely quickly. You can't just cast everything to 16 bit because then
01:28:46.280 | you, there's not enough precision to calculate gradients and stuff properly. So we have to
01:28:51.280 | use something called mixed precision. Depending on how enthusiastic I'm feeling, I guess we
01:29:01.000 | ought to do this from scratch as well. We'll see. We do have an implementation from scratch
01:29:09.160 | because we actually implemented this before Nvidia implemented it in an earlier version
01:29:14.360 | of fast AI. Anyway, we'll see. So basically the idea is that we use 32 bit for things
01:29:23.400 | where we need 32 bit and we use 16 bit for things we use 16 bit. So that's what we're
01:29:27.800 | going to do is we're going to use this mixed precision. But for now, we're going to use
01:29:31.720 | Nvidia's, you know, semi-automatic or fairly automatic code to do that for us. Actually,
01:29:40.600 | we had a slight change of plan at this point when we realized this lesson was going to
01:29:45.160 | be over three hours in length and we should actually split it into two. So we're going
01:29:49.840 | to wrap up this lesson here and we're going to come back and implement this mixed precision
01:29:56.960 | thing in lesson 20. So we'll see you then.
01:30:00.720 | [BLANK_AUDIO]