back to indexShould We Side with Israel or Palestine?
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A podcast listener named Melinda writes in to ask this, "Pastor John, what is the proper 00:00:09.920 |
response of the Christian to all that's going on in Israel and Gaza? 00:00:13.600 |
I have Christian friends praising Israel because they are God's people defeating their longtime 00:00:18.020 |
enemies saying that all their offensives are justified and sanctioned by God because they 00:00:24.720 |
I have other Christian friends who are outraged over Israel's slaughter of innocent civilians 00:00:28.960 |
and children in Gaza and the support they receive from the United States. 00:00:36.400 |
Let's start with an overarching position on the conflict, and then I'll try to put some 00:00:45.560 |
And when I say conflict, I mean between the Jewish people, Israel, the state, and Jews 00:00:54.720 |
There are Jewish Christians and there are Palestinian Christians, and these Christians 00:01:00.280 |
are the meek who will inherit the earth, including the land of Israel someday. 00:01:05.080 |
Jesus died to make peace between Jews and the nations. 00:01:11.000 |
That's the point of Ephesians 2, 11 following. 00:01:13.480 |
And therefore, our prayers and our labors should be devoted especially to heralding 00:01:21.000 |
the gospel of Messiah Jesus as the only hope for long-term peace and justice among Jews 00:01:29.920 |
That's the most important thing to say, I believe. 00:01:33.800 |
And then I would say, the Bible does not teach that we should be partial to Israel or to 00:01:42.800 |
the Palestinians in the present Christ-rejecting rebellion that both of them have against God. 00:01:50.880 |
As if either of them had a divine right to the land of Israel in spite of their rebellion 00:02:00.720 |
and unbelief against their maker and their covenant God, which carries this implication. 00:02:09.920 |
Both sides, Palestinians and Israel, should be treated with compassionate public justice 00:02:17.920 |
in the same way that disputes are settled between nations generally, with a wise mingling 00:02:30.680 |
Neither Jews nor Palestinians can justify anything they do or be treated any particular 00:02:39.160 |
way by virtue of claiming a present-day divine right to the land while they are living in 00:02:47.200 |
rebellion against the one who made the land a gift of covenant keeping. 00:02:52.520 |
Now here's some biblical foundations for that. 00:02:56.400 |
Israel was chosen by God from all the peoples of the world to be the focus of his blessing 00:03:06.320 |
This history climaxed in the coming and the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah. 00:03:11.480 |
The Lord, your God, has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession out of 00:03:16.440 |
all the peoples who are on the face of the earth, Deuteronomy 7, 6. 00:03:24.800 |
And not only that, God promised to Israel the present disputed land from the time of 00:03:32.040 |
God said, Deuteronomy 34, 4, "This is the land of which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, 00:03:45.880 |
But neither of those two facts, Israel's election and God's covenant promise of the 00:03:52.040 |
land, neither of those two facts means that Israel today has a present day divine right 00:04:06.040 |
Because a non-covenant keeping people does not have a divine right to hold the land of 00:04:16.320 |
Covenant breaking forfeits covenant privileges. 00:04:21.700 |
God said to Israel, "If you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be 00:04:28.260 |
my treasured possession among all the peoples." 00:04:36.680 |
There are thousands, I know, there are thousands of Messiah trusting Jews. 00:04:47.200 |
But as a whole, as an ethnic unity, as a state, they are defined by rejecting Messiah Jesus. 00:04:56.440 |
They are, because if they'd be Christian and they don't want to define themselves as Christian, 00:05:01.880 |
If they embraced Messiah Jesus as Messiah and Savior, they'd be Christian. 00:05:09.020 |
They are in a state of treason against their king who sent his son to save them. 00:05:16.280 |
A people in treason against her king cannot lay legitimate claim on the king's promises 00:05:27.280 |
For example, when Israel was driven from the land of promise under God's judgment with 00:05:34.240 |
the Babylonians, Daniel prayed like this, "Oh Lord, we have sinned and done wrong. 00:05:41.680 |
To you, oh Lord, belongs righteousness, but to us, open shame. 00:05:47.400 |
To all Israel, in all the lands to which you have driven them because of the treachery 00:06:02.160 |
He says righteous to deny Israel her divine right to the land when she is a treasonous 00:06:11.840 |
Jesus stood with tears, looking out over Jerusalem and said, "Would that you had known the day 00:06:24.000 |
You did not know the time of your visitation." 00:06:31.640 |
And when they did that, Jesus said, "The kingdom will be taken away from you and given to a 00:06:42.080 |
And then he explained like this, Matthew 8-11, "Many will come from east and west and recline 00:06:47.400 |
at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, while the sons of the 00:07:00.440 |
These are the times of the Gentiles, the times of the nations, Luke 21-24. 00:07:06.080 |
But this hardening of Israel is not God's last word. 00:07:14.960 |
All Israel will someday turn to the Lord Christ as a group. 00:07:20.120 |
This is my deep understanding and belief of Romans 11. 00:07:23.960 |
The broken off branches will be grafted in one day to the people of God, the bride of 00:07:36.080 |
I pray, "Lord, bring the day when the hardening will be lifted from Israel. 00:07:41.640 |
Grant, oh God, that their eyes would be opened. 00:07:44.440 |
They would see Jesus as their Messiah and join the church of Jesus Christ. 00:07:49.440 |
And in one great tree of covenant love, may they be grafted into salvation." 00:08:04.040 |
Careful not to draw false and unbiblical inferences from anything I've said, like, "Well, Israel's 00:08:12.080 |
present rebellion against God means that the other nations have the right to molest her." 00:08:19.880 |
She still has human rights among nations when she has no rights before God, just like all 00:08:30.000 |
We don't think any nation, because it's a pagan and unbelieving nation, should be treated 00:08:37.640 |
In the Old Testament, the nations that gloated over her divine discipline were punished by 00:08:47.040 |
So our plea as Christians to Palestinians and Jews is, "Believe on the Lord Jesus and 00:08:56.120 |
And until that day, when both Jewish and Gentile followers of King Jesus inherit the earth, 00:09:03.920 |
not just the land, until that day when we together inherit the earth, without lifting 00:09:09.680 |
a sword or without lifting a gun, the rights of nations should be decided by principles 00:09:16.520 |
of compassionate public justice, not claims to divine right or divine status. 00:09:27.440 |
And for an even fuller biblical and theological exploration of these themes, see Pastor John's 00:09:31.600 |
sermon "Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East," which he preached on March 7th of 2004. 00:09:36.880 |
You can find that sermon and 1,200 others in the archive at 00:09:43.120 |
On this podcast, we talk a lot about sexual temptation and sexual sin, but what exactly 00:09:48.440 |
Tomorrow on the podcast, Pastor John will give us a foundational definition to help 00:09:52.240 |
us understand the sin and what's underneath it. 00:09:56.320 |
We'll see you tomorrow on the Ask Pastor John podcast. 00:09:59.560 |
Pastor John's Sermon on the "Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East" (Pastor John's Sermon)