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00:00:00.000 | - Hello, it's Sam from Financial Samurai
00:00:02.320 | and long time no speak.
00:00:04.720 | Thought we'd talk about some random things
00:00:07.240 | this December 2020, the year's almost over
00:00:10.200 | and I've got my wife here, Sydney, with me.
00:00:11.920 | - Hello, everybody.
00:00:13.240 | - So, how did you enjoy our dinner
00:00:15.400 | at the French Laundry the other week?
00:00:17.160 | - Oh, it was incredible.
00:00:19.200 | - Was it amaze-ball?
00:00:20.600 | It was like unbelievable, right?
00:00:22.800 | Did you see Gavin?
00:00:23.920 | - Oh, yeah.
00:00:24.760 | - You know, it wasn't just 12 people,
00:00:25.880 | it was like 22 people.
00:00:27.920 | That was pretty cool.
00:00:28.760 | And then, you know, the next day,
00:00:30.600 | our San Francisco mayor, London Breed,
00:00:32.720 | was out there celebrating a birthday with eight people.
00:00:36.560 | - Oh, yeah, yeah, we were there for that, too.
00:00:38.280 | - Oh, yeah, that was sweet.
00:00:40.920 | You know, it was like, you know how they say
00:00:42.440 | it's only $350 a head?
00:00:44.600 | I mean, it was more like, come on, $1,200 a head.
00:00:47.400 | - Right, and we had our kids there, too, right?
00:00:49.080 | - We had the kids.
00:00:50.760 | And yeah, it was the socialites,
00:00:53.680 | basically the father of the socialite
00:00:56.720 | is a billionaire in China.
00:00:58.400 | And so, you know what?
00:00:59.240 | You know, politicians, money, power,
00:01:02.360 | they all come together.
00:01:04.240 | And where do you think this culture all starts out?
00:01:06.840 | - Maybe it starts at preschool?
00:01:10.720 | - Oh, yeah, you mean all those preschools
00:01:12.240 | that we got rejected to?
00:01:13.880 | - Probably.
00:01:14.720 | - Man, we just didn't fit.
00:01:17.000 | We didn't fit the mold.
00:01:19.360 | You know, this is one of the problems
00:01:20.880 | with not having day jobs
00:01:22.800 | and not really being LinkedInable or anything.
00:01:25.320 | You know, when they look us up, they see nothing.
00:01:28.520 | - They're lost, right?
00:01:31.040 | - I mean, I guess.
00:01:32.560 | You know, I was thinking one of the good things
00:01:34.120 | about the pandemic is that since we got rejected
00:01:37.520 | from six of these preschools,
00:01:39.440 | and we got into one, but we pulled them out.
00:01:41.200 | But anyway, we got rejected by six of these top preschools
00:01:44.920 | and given this pandemic,
00:01:46.280 | we wouldn't have sent our kids to the school anyway, right?
00:01:49.360 | - I don't think so.
00:01:50.200 | I wouldn't have wanted to send them
00:01:52.280 | in the middle of the pandemic.
00:01:53.600 | I would feel silly.
00:01:55.120 | - Yeah, I mean, like why bother?
00:01:56.360 | Like we're both--
00:01:57.200 | - Because we have the option and the flexibility.
00:02:00.440 | - Right.
00:02:01.280 | So I mean, if we had day jobs
00:02:04.920 | or we had to work, you know, whatever,
00:02:06.160 | eight, nine hours a day, probably,
00:02:08.280 | or maybe we'd send him back.
00:02:10.640 | So the good thing about the pandemic again
00:02:11.960 | is that a lot of these preschools were shut down
00:02:14.680 | for several months.
00:02:16.160 | And so we were kind of all equal.
00:02:17.880 | But they're all back in session now.
00:02:21.120 | - A lot of them, yeah.
00:02:21.960 | - A lot of them are.
00:02:22.800 | And well, we wouldn't have gone anyway.
00:02:24.720 | So it is what it is.
00:02:26.280 | We're gonna try again in 2021.
00:02:28.800 | And we'll find out whether we get into anywhere
00:02:31.560 | in the spring of 2021.
00:02:33.440 | So it feels like the year has gone by quicker now.
00:02:37.440 | Don't you think?
00:02:38.280 | - So fast.
00:02:39.280 | - So fast, right?
00:02:40.120 | Our daughter is gonna be one years old in December.
00:02:43.360 | And it's kind of happy sad.
00:02:46.320 | Happy that she's grown and progressed so much,
00:02:49.280 | but sad that she's no longer a baby.
00:02:51.520 | - I know, it's gone too fast for me.
00:02:54.160 | Which I guess in a pandemic is a good thing, right?
00:02:57.480 | Because I know some people have really been struggling
00:03:00.960 | during this pandemic.
00:03:01.840 | It's been hard for everybody.
00:03:03.640 | - I mean, we were struggling too.
00:03:05.120 | - Some people more than others for sure.
00:03:07.280 | And I think all of us are itching to go back to normal
00:03:13.520 | or pre-pandemic normal.
00:03:15.840 | - Semi-normal life.
00:03:16.920 | - Yeah, and so in that regard,
00:03:19.800 | I guess it's good that time has gone fast
00:03:22.760 | that we haven't had too hard of a time.
00:03:25.960 | - Yeah, although you probably have had
00:03:28.520 | maybe a relatively easier time than I have
00:03:30.880 | because I'm more of a extrovert.
00:03:34.200 | So I like to go out more,
00:03:35.880 | hang out with people more and do stuff.
00:03:37.840 | And so it kind of, being at home all day.
00:03:41.640 | - Wasn't that new for me
00:03:43.000 | because I was kind of already doing that
00:03:44.840 | while I was pregnant and not that mobile
00:03:48.640 | and not feeling that well.
00:03:50.120 | I was home a lot already.
00:03:52.160 | - Right, you're home more often than I was.
00:03:54.040 | But I've been used to being at home obviously since 2012,
00:03:57.440 | since I left the work.
00:03:59.400 | - Right.
00:04:00.240 | - So what do you think about the vaccine?
00:04:01.680 | Do you think you're gonna take it?
00:04:03.800 | Are you happy that you're not gonna be one of the first
00:04:06.880 | three or four stages to take it?
00:04:08.680 | - I think it's fantastic that they've come so far
00:04:14.520 | and that it sounds like things are going well.
00:04:17.000 | I think the UK approved the Pfizer vaccine this morning.
00:04:22.840 | So I think it's great that we get the first responders,
00:04:27.840 | the people who need it the most first.
00:04:30.520 | - The doctors, yeah.
00:04:31.360 | - The doctors, the people over 65
00:04:33.840 | or who have preexisting medical conditions.
00:04:36.880 | I'm not in a rush to get the vaccine,
00:04:38.840 | I think because I don't feel I need it
00:04:43.600 | that urgently by any means.
00:04:45.640 | So I think the people who need it should get it first.
00:04:49.640 | - For sure.
00:04:50.480 | - And the way to look at it is you're like the last bucket
00:04:53.040 | to get the vaccine.
00:04:53.880 | - Right.
00:04:54.700 | - Is that every person who does get the vaccine
00:04:57.320 | helps increase herd immunity, right?
00:05:00.840 | - I would think so, yeah.
00:05:01.680 | - Helps protect the people who don't
00:05:03.640 | or who haven't gotten it yet.
00:05:05.160 | - Right.
00:05:06.000 | - And I think, yeah, who knows exactly for sure
00:05:09.400 | how effective it is.
00:05:11.000 | It's been rushed through the system
00:05:12.400 | although there's been plenty of trials.
00:05:15.840 | So I don't know, I don't think I'm in a rush
00:05:18.440 | to get it either actually.
00:05:19.480 | I'm happy to wait my turn
00:05:21.400 | which sounds like it'll be in April or May
00:05:25.120 | and then just try to stay safe during the winter
00:05:27.140 | because last winter we all got sick.
00:05:30.800 | - Yep.
00:05:31.640 | - And in retrospect, I'm hoping that we all got COVID
00:05:35.760 | because that would mean that we have some antibodies now
00:05:38.440 | but who knows?
00:05:39.280 | - Yeah, we just don't know.
00:05:40.800 | - We just don't know, we just don't know.
00:05:42.880 | So how was November?
00:05:44.720 | How was Thanksgiving and Halloween?
00:05:48.400 | - Thanksgiving and Halloween were fun.
00:05:50.200 | I really love celebrating the holidays with our family
00:05:53.880 | and Thanksgiving this year, I really tried to help our son
00:05:57.520 | understand what it means to be thankful.
00:06:00.200 | I think now that he's three and a half,
00:06:02.360 | it's really a good time to help instill
00:06:05.440 | some good values in him.
00:06:07.000 | It's challenging 'cause he doesn't have
00:06:09.440 | a very long attention span
00:06:11.200 | and he's always silly and whatnot
00:06:13.040 | but I think he really started to grasp
00:06:17.080 | what it means to be thankful.
00:06:18.440 | - Yeah.
00:06:19.280 | - So that felt good.
00:06:20.880 | - Well, that's good.
00:06:21.840 | And I'm actually wondering for all you listeners out there
00:06:24.880 | with sons and daughters,
00:06:26.560 | whether boys are harder to raise than girls.
00:06:29.880 | It seems so far that it's been easier to raise our daughter
00:06:33.320 | in the infancy stage and I'm not sure whether it's because
00:06:37.040 | she has a easier going personality
00:06:39.520 | or because she's younger and she hasn't got to
00:06:41.880 | the terrible twos and three major years yet
00:06:44.200 | or whether we're more confident parents.
00:06:47.000 | What do you think?
00:06:48.040 | - I think it's a mixture of a lot of different things.
00:06:50.840 | I think it personality is part of it for sure.
00:06:54.520 | I think we're also much more relaxed
00:06:57.160 | second time as second time parents.
00:06:59.440 | - Right.
00:07:00.280 | - And she naturally has had to learn to be patient
00:07:04.320 | from day one because we've got her brother to juggle.
00:07:09.320 | And one of the things we talked about before she was born
00:07:13.340 | is making sure that he didn't build a resentment
00:07:17.180 | towards her.
00:07:18.620 | So we wanted, let's say both of them were crying,
00:07:22.500 | we wanted to be able to approach our son first
00:07:26.020 | since he is more aware of what's going on
00:07:30.180 | and can remember, yeah.
00:07:31.340 | And to help address his needs.
00:07:34.500 | - First, yeah.
00:07:35.420 | - And then get to her, not say we're gonna ignore her
00:07:38.880 | obviously if she's in some urgent situation,
00:07:42.020 | but we wanted to kind of help her learn to be patient
00:07:47.020 | and also make sure his needs are getting addressed.
00:07:51.820 | - So do you think it's easier or harder
00:07:54.100 | to raise a girl than a boy?
00:07:56.220 | - Well, I mean, just, I don't know if it has to do
00:08:02.100 | with gender or if it just has to do with personality,
00:08:05.180 | but she just seems more calm than he was as a baby.
00:08:09.380 | He was much more spunky and feisty, I guess.
00:08:14.380 | - I think the word is feisty.
00:08:16.780 | - Feisty.
00:08:17.620 | - 'Cause she's pretty spunky too.
00:08:18.440 | - Yeah, she's a little, yeah.
00:08:19.700 | He was quite feisty.
00:08:21.780 | - Right.
00:08:22.620 | So I'd love to hear from all of you listeners
00:08:24.620 | who have sons and daughters,
00:08:26.460 | whether you think raising a boy is easier
00:08:28.700 | or a daughter in the initial stages.
00:08:31.140 | I've heard consistent feedback
00:08:32.620 | that raising a boy is harder initially
00:08:36.100 | and then easier as he gets older.
00:08:38.660 | And for girls, it's the exact opposite
00:08:40.860 | where raising girls is easier when they're younger
00:08:43.860 | and it becomes more difficult as they get older.
00:08:47.140 | What are your thoughts?
00:08:48.300 | - I think so.
00:08:51.700 | Just based on my own experience,
00:08:53.860 | I know I was a lot closer with both my parents
00:08:57.380 | when I was young and I was very moody as a teenager.
00:09:01.100 | - Why were you so moody?
00:09:02.220 | - I didn't get into trouble,
00:09:04.020 | but I remember being very moody
00:09:05.820 | and I think it's just from hormones and all that stuff.
00:09:09.380 | - Is that right?
00:09:10.220 | - So my mother and I clashed a lot in my teenage years
00:09:14.020 | 'cause I just remember I was grouchy all the time.
00:09:16.860 | (laughing)
00:09:18.380 | - Yeah, moody and grouchy,
00:09:19.780 | these are like a couple of traits
00:09:21.740 | that are probably gonna keep on coming up over time.
00:09:25.700 | It's weird because I don't think I'm really grouchy or moody.
00:09:29.180 | I mean, if I'm starving
00:09:31.060 | and something's not going smoothly as planned,
00:09:33.660 | I'll probably get a little grouchy.
00:09:35.100 | - Right, I think you're pretty even keeled.
00:09:37.060 | - You're pretty even keeled as well.
00:09:38.940 | - Yeah.
00:09:39.780 | - Well, so it is kind of interesting
00:09:41.620 | if you don't have kids now and you have kids,
00:09:44.220 | you're gonna have some pretty moody and grouchy
00:09:47.300 | years ahead of you, which you just have to get used to.
00:09:50.740 | So let's switch over to the future.
00:09:52.580 | How are you feeling about 2021?
00:09:55.100 | - I think I'm feeling pretty good about it
00:09:57.460 | since the vaccine progress has been good
00:10:00.340 | and I think we've done a pretty good job
00:10:03.700 | of getting used to the current normal per se.
00:10:07.380 | So I think with vaccines coming out,
00:10:10.860 | I think things should only get better.
00:10:12.860 | - Yeah, I guess you're right.
00:10:14.380 | I mean, after 10 months of the pandemic,
00:10:18.220 | lockdowns, just being cautious,
00:10:21.540 | anything seems like an upside.
00:10:24.380 | - Yeah, and I also try not to watch the news too much
00:10:28.500 | 'cause I feel like mainstream media loves--
00:10:31.820 | - Loves doom.
00:10:33.020 | - Doom and gloom and fear and all that stuff.
00:10:37.340 | So I don't read the news too much
00:10:40.580 | because it's just, it's too depressing and too disturbing.
00:10:45.580 | I think we all benefit more from positive thinking.
00:10:51.620 | - Now, that's something that I've been trying to do
00:10:54.300 | in the newsletters is to stay positive,
00:10:57.020 | to focus on the positives,
00:10:58.220 | because you can look at both sides of the situation
00:11:00.420 | all the time and why just focus on the negative,
00:11:03.900 | focus on the positive.
00:11:04.900 | So if you have gotten sick, for example,
00:11:08.660 | in November, like our son got sick,
00:11:11.140 | well, the positive is that hopefully
00:11:14.580 | that will boost his immunity system going forward
00:11:17.220 | for this winter, because for nine months,
00:11:19.580 | he wasn't exposed to anything really.
00:11:21.860 | And then I think when we brought him back
00:11:23.220 | to the science museum, the viral load
00:11:25.820 | or the bacterial load or whatever kind of overwhelmed him.
00:11:28.580 | So he was sick and he wasn't sick for long.
00:11:30.620 | It was like four or five days.
00:11:32.060 | - Yeah, he was actually in great spirits
00:11:34.780 | considering he kept saying, "Oh, I'm fine."
00:11:38.580 | Even though he still had a runny nose and whatever.
00:11:40.820 | So I was glad that it didn't affect his spirit
00:11:45.380 | or his mood that much, even though he had his symptoms.
00:11:50.380 | - So a pessimist would say, "Oh, he got sick.
00:11:53.500 | "Maybe he got COVID and that's a terrible time
00:11:57.500 | "for five days."
00:11:58.340 | And an optimist, I look at it optimistically
00:12:00.540 | and say, "Look, he needs to build his immune system."
00:12:03.340 | That's kind of one of the benefits
00:12:04.500 | of going to preschool, getting sick,
00:12:06.060 | hopefully not getting terribly sick,
00:12:07.380 | but getting sick enough where you just kind of
00:12:09.860 | build your immunity over time.
00:12:12.220 | So I feel like, okay, he wasn't sick for nine months,
00:12:15.700 | whereas in preschool, he was off and on sick for--
00:12:18.700 | - Every three weeks.
00:12:19.780 | - Every three weeks, it was crazy.
00:12:22.020 | So I feel like this is a great way
00:12:23.900 | for us to build our immunity once again.
00:12:26.100 | - Yeah.
00:12:26.940 | - So for 2021, I'm positive.
00:12:29.340 | I have max allocation.
00:12:31.740 | Well, we have max allocation to equities.
00:12:34.660 | We're also very highly allocated towards real estate.
00:12:38.420 | And I wanna be buying the dip.
00:12:40.700 | I wanna be buying the dip every time the S&P 500
00:12:42.780 | goes down by over 1%.
00:12:45.340 | At the end of the day, we've got at least
00:12:47.300 | two highly efficacious vaccines.
00:12:51.340 | You know, like the measles vaccine?
00:12:52.540 | There's no more measles.
00:12:53.660 | And that's because the vaccine has a 97% efficacy.
00:12:57.500 | That's something to think about when you're hearing
00:13:00.420 | Moderna and Pfizer have a 95% efficacy.
00:13:04.660 | That's unbelievable.
00:13:07.020 | We've got a supportive Fed.
00:13:08.780 | So the Fed futures market has indicated
00:13:12.060 | that the Fed funds rate will stay
00:13:14.420 | at zero to 0.125% for years.
00:13:18.740 | I mean, we're talking 2024, 2025.
00:13:22.140 | I mean, so with interest rates this low,
00:13:24.620 | I mean, we've got a floor on interest rates,
00:13:27.140 | or maybe it's a ceiling on interest rates
00:13:28.580 | that aren't gonna go higher for a while.
00:13:30.380 | So you should continue to see strong borrowing
00:13:34.060 | across consumer debt, mortgage debt, all that.
00:13:37.180 | That should help support the economy.
00:13:39.380 | - In addition, you're seeing the S&P 500 dividend yield
00:13:43.820 | much higher than the 10-year bond yield.
00:13:46.540 | Although the 10-year bond yield, watch out, folks,
00:13:48.420 | it's creeping back to 1%.
00:13:50.300 | Today, it's about 0.95%.
00:13:52.660 | So obviously higher interest rates
00:13:54.260 | mean higher borrowing costs.
00:13:57.020 | And also it means that equities are less attractive
00:14:01.460 | relatively than it was before, right?
00:14:03.260 | So the ratio of the S&P 500 dividend yield
00:14:06.460 | to the 10-year bond yield has declined.
00:14:08.940 | It hit a peak of about 3.15 in April, March, April 2020.
00:14:13.420 | And now it's only, actually it's only around two now.
00:14:17.700 | But anything above one is a relatively bullish indicator.
00:14:22.340 | I'm also really excited about big city living again.
00:14:25.540 | And that's why we're looking for opportunities
00:14:27.580 | to purchase real estate in places like San Francisco
00:14:30.620 | and New York City.
00:14:31.720 | I really believe it's gonna be a rush back to the cities
00:14:36.140 | because that is where the network effects are.
00:14:38.580 | That is where the opportunities to land your good gig is.
00:14:42.780 | And that's just the way it's always been.
00:14:45.540 | We've gone through,
00:14:46.660 | I remember living in San Francisco in 2001,
00:14:50.540 | right after the dot-com bubble.
00:14:52.260 | It was dead for, I don't know, a year or two, two years.
00:14:55.740 | I remember the restaurants were really quiet
00:14:57.700 | and then boom, shakalaka, everything came back.
00:15:01.820 | And it was kind of similar in 2008, 2009, 2010,
00:15:05.980 | not as bad as I think the 2001 dot-com bubble.
00:15:10.460 | So it's just the same thing over and over again.
00:15:13.300 | And you just can't fight human nature.
00:15:16.460 | But temporarily, I think it's really nice
00:15:19.900 | to have more space and less traffic.
00:15:23.420 | Finally, I just wanna talk a little bit
00:15:25.060 | about Financial Samurai.
00:15:27.000 | It's been over 11 and a half years
00:15:29.100 | since we started the site.
00:15:30.640 | And I'm getting kind of tired.
00:15:33.500 | I really am.
00:15:34.340 | I mean, I think 2020 has really
00:15:37.220 | kind of beaten up a lot of people.
00:15:39.780 | And I'm proud that there has never been a week missed
00:15:43.460 | during the pandemic when there hasn't been
00:15:45.720 | three posts published a week
00:15:48.220 | or a newsletter published on average every week.
00:15:51.500 | I'm tired.
00:15:53.180 | I mean, are there some things in 2021
00:15:54.980 | you wanna downshift a little bit?
00:15:58.260 | - For me, not really.
00:15:59.680 | I've actually enjoyed getting back to work this year,
00:16:02.980 | albeit part-time.
00:16:04.920 | I'm hoping to continue that and actually get--
00:16:07.620 | - Oh, you got a job?
00:16:08.900 | - What?
00:16:09.740 | - Wait, wait, wait, you're gonna get a part-time job?
00:16:11.420 | - No, I'm talking about working on FS.
00:16:14.340 | - Oh, okay.
00:16:16.020 | - Come on.
00:16:16.860 | - I thought I was gonna finally convince you
00:16:18.300 | to go back to work so we can get healthcare benefits
00:16:20.580 | and make some big bucks.
00:16:22.020 | - I am back to work on our family business.
00:16:25.700 | - Oh.
00:16:26.700 | - I love our family business.
00:16:28.300 | And I'm gonna continue to do more.
00:16:32.040 | I really like having a good balance
00:16:35.140 | between family and work.
00:16:37.460 | And it's challenging sometimes being at home with the kids.
00:16:41.820 | Like our son will come up and be like,
00:16:43.860 | "Mommy, I miss you,"
00:16:45.140 | like right when I'm in the middle of something.
00:16:47.380 | So it's easy to get distracted,
00:16:50.440 | but I am using the evenings more
00:16:53.340 | after the kids are asleep
00:16:55.460 | and especially the mornings to try and get more things done.
00:16:58.860 | And I'm having a good time
00:17:00.500 | and I wanna take more off of your plate.
00:17:03.100 | - Okay, well, good.
00:17:04.060 | So that means in 2021,
00:17:06.460 | I'm gonna check out more.
00:17:08.140 | - Yeah.
00:17:08.980 | - Okay, good.
00:17:09.800 | Just take it easier.
00:17:10.940 | - Yeah.
00:17:11.860 | - Joe Biden, sounds like he's gonna be president.
00:17:14.460 | So maybe taxes will be raised.
00:17:16.660 | Maybe there'll be more healthcare subsidies for more people.
00:17:20.380 | I don't know.
00:17:21.220 | - Yeah, I don't know.
00:17:22.060 | - Maybe we can just kick back a little bit more.
00:17:24.740 | - Well, we are saving some money
00:17:26.660 | on our health insurance in 2021.
00:17:28.540 | - Oh yeah.
00:17:29.380 | - Because we did go down a plan.
00:17:31.660 | So hopefully we'll all stay healthy
00:17:33.420 | and then we'll be able to benefit
00:17:35.620 | from a cheaper plan.
00:17:37.380 | - Right, by like $300 a month, right?
00:17:40.060 | - Yeah, something like that.
00:17:40.900 | - Yeah, I mean, better than a poke in the eye.
00:17:42.500 | $300, well, actually that can't buy you one meal
00:17:46.580 | at French Laundry.
00:17:47.660 | (laughing)
00:17:49.540 | I mean, it can buy you like 80%,
00:17:51.340 | no, maybe 60% of one person's meal.
00:17:54.060 | - Okay, so like one little morsel.
00:17:56.500 | - Of corn.
00:17:57.620 | - Yeah.
00:17:58.460 | (laughing)
00:17:59.540 | - Okay, so there you have it folks.
00:18:01.380 | In 2021, I'm gonna fade into the background.
00:18:05.220 | My wife's gonna take over.
00:18:07.540 | I'm gonna do more childcare, obviously,
00:18:09.060 | 'cause we gotta be balanced and have an equal opportunity
00:18:12.820 | and equal duty household.
00:18:15.160 | So that's it.
00:18:16.660 | - All right, thanks everybody.
00:18:17.780 | Happy holidays.
00:18:18.620 | - Happy holidays.
00:18:19.920 | I'm not sure if we're gonna record more.
00:18:21.940 | We're just trying to take it easier
00:18:23.440 | for the last 25 days of the year.
00:18:26.820 | Maybe get our mental health and physical health up to par.
00:18:30.180 | 'Cause it's not over yet.
00:18:31.780 | We can still complete our goals that we set out
00:18:34.020 | for at the beginning of the year.
00:18:36.180 | - I like to get excited about thinking about new goals,
00:18:38.980 | but it's important not to forget the goals
00:18:42.180 | that we set for this year that we haven't completed.
00:18:44.540 | - Our new goals, let's see,
00:18:47.180 | new goal is to review our old goals and complete them.
00:18:50.860 | All right guys, I hope everyone is well.
00:18:53.500 | And if you enjoyed this podcast,
00:18:55.980 | please subscribe, leave a positive review,
00:18:58.020 | 'cause we're not getting paid
00:19:00.620 | and there's not a lot of motivation
00:19:02.640 | to spend too much time on these podcasts
00:19:04.600 | because we're so tired and we have so much to do.
00:19:07.520 | So any positive comments are motivating
00:19:10.880 | and any negative comments are like,
00:19:12.420 | oh, okay, let's just take it easy.
00:19:15.400 | Take care guys.