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Where Can I Find All Your Ideas from the Podcast?


0:0 Cal's intro
0:13 Where Can I Find Your Ideas from Podcast
0:50 Cal talks about YouTube
2:22 Cal talks about his upcoming protal

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | [MUSIC]
00:00:06.480 | All right, let's put in one more question here.
00:00:10.000 | Well, final question here comes from Liata.
00:00:13.760 | Liata said, is there a place where I can find all of your insights from the podcast written down?
00:00:20.160 | She says, I often listen to your podcast when walking to work, but can't keep stopping,
00:00:24.000 | pulling out a notebook and writing your ideas down.
00:00:25.840 | I know that many of your ideas appear in your books, blog, and New Yorker articles,
00:00:29.200 | but do they cover all of your ideas?
00:00:30.640 | If you espouse a new idea in the podcast, you always write it down somewhere for future
00:00:33.760 | prosperity. I'm thinking I might have to stop listening to your podcast when walking and
00:00:37.440 | instead treat it like listening to a lecture, i.e. sitting down at a desk and writing down notes.
00:00:43.680 | Well, no, there's not right now a place where every idea from the podcast is written down,
00:00:50.000 | but there's a few things I will suggest here.
00:00:52.480 | One, the big part of the YouTube page we launched,
00:00:57.360 | and I keep trying to make this point, is not about trying to build up a large YouTube audience.
00:01:02.560 | It's not about trying to be a YouTube influencer that is getting people to smash the subscribe
00:01:08.400 | button while doing giveaways on Minecraft videos. It's not the goal. The goal is to
00:01:13.440 | make the information from the podcast much more usable.
00:01:17.120 | So now the big ideas I talk about are going to have a core idea video. You can go to the core
00:01:24.240 | idea playlist on YouTube and see in one place me talking about each of the big ideas on which I
00:01:30.320 | base a lot of my answers. So if you hear a particular answer, like where's that coming
00:01:35.360 | from? There's probably going to be a core idea video where the foundational ideas are.
00:01:38.800 | There's deep dives on there. Usually when I'm working out an idea,
00:01:42.880 | I might try it a few times and answers. And at some point I'll do a deep dive on that idea.
00:01:47.120 | There's a playlist of just those deep dives. You can go and see those. If there's a particular
00:01:51.280 | question, you say, man, I'm walking and I hear this question and that seems like a big idea.
00:01:54.800 | Well, there's going to be a video of just that question. You can, within a couple of days of that
00:01:59.120 | episode airing that you can find in bookmark. And you could just go and look at, you know,
00:02:04.400 | go and look at the show notes. Like, oh, what was that? What was that question called? And you'll
00:02:08.400 | find it. It'll be posted pretty soon after it comes out. So I'm hoping the YouTube page will
00:02:12.320 | make it easy for people to begin pulling out. Like this will be the good archive of the information.
00:02:17.840 | Now, when the portal launches and the standalone portal launches from which you can access all of
00:02:23.200 | the videos and podcast episodes without even having to go to YouTube, it is going to include
00:02:28.320 | a dedicated page for every episode of the podcast. You're going to see the show notes,
00:02:33.680 | the description of every question in that episode on that page. You are going to be able to play it
00:02:38.000 | straight from that place. You're going to see every video taken from that episode accessible
00:02:42.160 | in a horizontal carousel right there from that page. Once we're doing that, we might start adding
00:02:47.760 | more information to our show notes. So that will become a pretty good record as well. But we really
00:02:51.920 | are hoping that people can remix and gather their favorite questions, their favorite videos, etc.
00:02:58.560 | Now that they're all accessible, people can find them, they can put them into their own pages,
00:03:03.040 | they can put them into their own playlist. So we're really thinking this through. But the YouTube
00:03:06.560 | page was a major step towards making the information this podcast way more accessible and
00:03:11.280 | findable and saveable than it just being in the long form on audio. So Liata start there,
00:03:18.160 | get used to the YouTube page, bookmark or save videos that are important to you create your own
00:03:23.120 | playlist, that's probably the right way to begin collecting the things we talked about on the
00:03:26.880 | podcast that are of particular interest to you. [Music]