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E39: West coast super drought & climate crisis, Nuclear virtue signaling, chaos in SF & more


0:0 Super drought & climate crisis on the west coast
25:53 Nuclear energy, virtue signaling, cognitive laziness, positive signals of optimism
36:50 Friedberg's "anti-science" theory
44:48 San Francisco chaos, "crime is down" controversy, viral crime videos
59:42 Are Israel's recent COVID vaccine findings problematic?

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.160 | what did your doctor give you to make you lose all this weight what is your celebrity doctor
00:00:04.160 | giving you tell the truth do you get that new shot people people on twitter are like your
00:00:08.480 | your twitter account sounding a lot more like jay count and i'm like i think we're on the same diet
00:00:13.040 | i think that's what's going on here in three two let your winners ride brain man david sacks
00:00:26.240 | and instead we open source it to the fans and they've just gone crazy
00:00:29.600 | hey everybody hey everybody welcome to another episode of the all in
00:00:38.640 | pod with us today of course the queen of quinoa and from his castle in italy the cackling
00:00:46.320 | uh dictator chamath palihapitiya nice gardenias and back from his big
00:00:55.200 | big battle his brawl unblocked and undefeated the rain man himself david sacks and judging by
00:01:03.600 | the comments uh i'd say dominant oh you read the comments just another sign of your obsession with
00:01:10.400 | how you proceed don't like don't even i never read comments don't rule number one don't read
00:01:15.520 | the comments we're not doing it again it shows because you're not listening to the comments so
00:01:19.040 | it makes sense oh okay go ahead and you got your whole troll army how many people have you hired on
00:01:24.720 | your social media team to troll me from anonymous accounts on twitter now to prove your points
00:01:29.760 | now you're paranoid too all right i'm not gonna don't be paranoid don't be paranoid anyway look
00:01:34.800 | we've patched things up don't break the peace we have detente all right so freeburg is busy uh
00:01:44.480 | writing tweet storms now um about the drought in california which seems to be uh just gonna be a
00:01:54.000 | really bad year basically so freeburg walk us through it how bad is california's drought going
00:01:58.640 | to be this year so the drought is already very bad um i put out a lot of tweets at two in the
00:02:03.600 | morning last night i think i drank way too much caffeine yesterday i'm in the mountains and like
00:02:07.280 | the only way i can avoid having headaches is like drinking caffeine all day and it
00:02:10.640 | was a mistake it kept me up all night you're sure it's not fair
00:02:13.680 | maybe you're so excited about this that you just can't sleep when you're up into needles
00:02:23.280 | nick you could beat this out nick you gotta be no no keep that keep that so
00:02:29.120 | you know the the big tweet storm i put out at two in the morning last night kind of highlighted that
00:02:35.280 | there was a paper published in 2018 2019 that showed how you know north america particularly
00:02:42.880 | the western half of north america is in this you know mega drought that we haven't seen in
00:02:47.360 | you know 500 plus years and since that paper was published you know um in 2019 conditions
00:02:53.120 | have only worsened we talked about this a few pods ago but like the snowpack level in california
00:02:59.200 | reached zero percent throughout the entire state by june 1st that has never happened before
00:03:04.160 | temperatures in british columbia as you guys know reached over 120 degrees for several days
00:03:09.360 | in a row last week which has never been seen in history in british columbia um you know there was
00:03:14.320 | a paper published today that estimates that over a billion um animals and life forms were wiped
00:03:19.120 | out in the coastal region of british columbia because of this heat wave
00:03:22.960 | um and the temperatures in in california are obviously excessive as well not as bad as they
00:03:27.200 | were last year but what matters most is that the moisture conditions in our forest land is lower
00:03:32.320 | than we've ever seen at this time of year in history and so this all sets us up and and the
00:03:37.920 | other kind of big consequence the high temperatures is causing an increased demand for air conditioners
00:03:42.160 | that's the big variable in power demand on all grids and the low snowpack means that we're not
00:03:47.120 | getting hydroelectric power hydroelectric power is down by 70 percent in the state of california
00:03:52.800 | over where we were in 2019 because there's no snow that's melting causing the rivers to flow
00:03:58.000 | and about 11 to 15 percent of our state's electricity comes from hydroelectric power
00:04:02.160 | so we're going to have more power demand we have less power available we have extremely dry forests
00:04:07.360 | and so this is setting us up for a number of possible disasters this year and so rather than
00:04:13.600 | just trying to sound the alarm bells what i'm pointing out is that there may be some things that
00:04:16.880 | we should be thinking about doing to try and get ahead of some of the consequences of these big
00:04:21.600 | risks like
00:04:22.640 | you know having enough masks for people to breathe outside so we don't have to shut down schools and
00:04:26.560 | shut down outdoor work and all the things that might happen having community centers that have
00:04:30.960 | power available the state is scrambling to find excess power on the grid right now but um you know
00:04:36.320 | it just highlights that there's a moment here that is almost like where we were going into covid
00:04:40.480 | it may not happen but the probability is high enough that something bad may happen that we
00:04:45.520 | should probably start to get prepared for it you know we should probably be talking about
00:04:49.920 | the things we're doing to get prepared for it and we're talking about and we should be
00:04:52.480 | talking about the things we're going to do to make sure that communities are safe and people
00:04:55.040 | are safe and businesses can keep operating because if the state of california has 150 aqi which is the
00:05:00.480 | air quality index workers can't work outside and all the outdoor work which employs three million
00:05:05.760 | californians has to shut down and you know you kind of start to add these things up it's like
00:05:09.200 | what are we going to do as this happens not if this happens and we should kind of be planning for it
00:05:13.600 | and i don't see much happening in terms of planning and and preparation and talking about
00:05:18.880 | the opportunity history rhymes because if you remember uh
00:05:22.320 | and this is all going into a recall election in the fall uh this was a different but kind
00:05:27.920 | of equivalent setup where you guys remember we were having all these blackouts and brownouts
00:05:32.720 | when uh gray davis was recalled and then schwarzenegger just swooped up out of nowhere and
00:05:38.160 | you know people thought oh there's no chance and people were just frustrated because the
00:05:42.640 | quality of life took a measurable step backwards uh in the intervening six or nine months before
00:05:48.800 | the recall election and so it'll be really interesting to see how gavin
00:05:52.160 | newsom manages all of this because if he can't get the state's act together and
00:05:57.040 | you have all of these issues at hand and a credible candidate emerges um you could have
00:06:06.240 | some really interesting political fireworks in september a big part of this correct me if i'm
00:06:10.400 | wrong friedberg is that we live in essentially like a lot of desert area here in california and
00:06:16.160 | we just haven't invested in the desalinization plants we have one that's come on since 2005
00:06:22.000 | and i think there's another one in socal that was mothballed and they during the last drought
00:06:26.560 | wanted to open it up again but we now have one in carlsbad the uh claude budd louis carlsbad
00:06:34.480 | desalinization plant that is now i think that cost us a billion bucks but israel correct me if i'm
00:06:39.920 | wrong is now they charge three times as much for water than we do so people take water seriously
00:06:45.360 | and they actually monitor their water usage and they have desalinization and they have more water
00:06:51.840 | than they need per capita well desal doesn't really solve a number of these problems that
00:06:56.320 | i'm highlighting you know the probability of the the forest land on the west coast not just in
00:07:01.200 | california but all up and down the west coast catching on fire is very high no number of desal
00:07:05.440 | plants is going to put out those fires when that happens the air quality is going to get really bad
00:07:09.760 | you know like we saw last year i don't know you guys remember i escaped to lake michigan last
00:07:13.520 | summer when the threads yeah yeah and it was um it was insane you know it doesn't desal plants don't
00:07:21.680 | solve the air quality problem where people can't work outside your kids can't go to school etc etc
00:07:26.000 | desal plants don't solve the problem of hydroelectric plants which requires snowpack
00:07:31.520 | to melt to get rivers to run to turn those turbines to generate electricity for the state
00:07:36.160 | nuclear would solve that though nuclear would solve that certainly and so you know the point is
00:07:41.440 | we're kind of reaching this apex of are we going to do climate change adaptation are we going to
00:07:46.640 | have um you know kind of long-term systemic solutions that we're going to start to put in
00:07:50.320 | place for these risks that we face
00:07:51.520 | and more importantly from an acute perspective in the near term what are the actions we should be
00:07:56.880 | taking to protect communities and get ahead of this problem so it's not a scramble after the crisis
00:08:01.920 | which is what we typically do with these sorts of crises we're not investing in infrastructure
00:08:06.080 | if we put in some nuclear power plants if we did more desal and we did more forest management or
00:08:11.280 | put more fire breaks into you know all this i'm talking about the simple solutions like
00:08:16.480 | i have a community three things would be massive wouldn't they well those are long-term solutions i'm
00:08:21.360 | talking about like for this summer oh this summer is it even solvable we need we need communities
00:08:25.600 | no but we need to prepare for what is going to happen this summer so when communities get run out
00:08:29.600 | what are we going to do you know do we have community centers set up where people can get
00:08:33.680 | water and power do we have masks available so that outdoor workers can keep working in the state
00:08:39.600 | you know all of these things that we could be doing to get in front of the inevitable consequences
00:08:43.920 | of these risks i think are things that we should be actively if you're in california
00:08:47.840 | you should order your air purifiers now we ordered six
00:08:51.200 | more of these conway ones that we used last year that were amazing get n95 masks
00:08:56.320 | we have the n95 masks we ordered them already and we're going to put in a power generator which i
00:09:02.000 | know not everybody is able to do but you can buy a portable one for as little as 300 or 400 bucks i
00:09:07.840 | think now so a portable generator in case you lose power stock up on everything else we need those
00:09:12.400 | solutions like i think there's going to be a big kind of power generator push right like distributed
00:09:16.640 | power has always been something that's the whole point of solar you get solar on your roof you get
00:09:20.480 | your own power
00:09:21.040 | um but how are you going to keep your ac running when it's 120 degrees outside if you have no power
00:09:25.440 | you know that that's kind of a very scary um circumstance of heat waves uh and it's um it's
00:09:31.440 | something that we should have a real plan around and if i were the governor or if i were kind of
00:09:35.520 | california leadership or leadership up and down the west coast you know the western governors
00:09:40.000 | um i'd probably be running a daily press conference starting now saying let's just
00:09:44.400 | get in front of this problem and talk about what are the risks we're seeing what are the problems
00:09:47.360 | we're seeing and what we're doing about it just so people feel reassured because you know square
00:09:50.880 | scrambling after a crisis doesn't make anyone feel better you know showing that we're prepared
00:09:55.040 | and we're taking action to get in front of this crisis which is not 100 certain but it's a greater
00:09:59.840 | than zero percent probability is something that could helpfully kind of reassure and start to put
00:10:04.160 | the pieces in place um for the near term by the way just just for those that don't really appreciate
00:10:09.680 | how interconnected everything is the basics the science basics on drought as i learned about them
00:10:14.800 | were really really incredible so you think okay well how how is all this stuff connected it turns
00:10:20.720 | out that you know as we have warmer and warmer temperatures yeah i didn't know this freebreak
00:10:25.280 | you probably do this but it accelerates soil evaporation and then there's this really terrible
00:10:29.680 | feedback loop that starts which is you have drier soil which means you have less vegetation
00:10:34.640 | and then as a result you have less what's called evapotranspiration which means there's less
00:10:40.240 | regional precipitation and then this whole thing just starts to spin and spin and spin
00:10:45.040 | you have warmer temperatures that results in less snowpack the snow plaque the snowpack melts earlier
00:10:50.560 | and we have a situation now in the united states which is just incredible i saw a graph which is
00:10:55.040 | uh one of soil moisture and it shows basically the western half of the united states is in the first
00:11:02.640 | percentile of soil moisture looking back over many many decades so well and then all of that
00:11:10.560 | vegetation dries up and then we're in a position fodder for more fires no jason we're well even
00:11:16.160 | worse than this we're in a position where you know we are threatening our own food supply
00:11:20.400 | and just just just to put a a finer point on this it's not just the western half of the united states
00:11:27.680 | that's now suffering from this it's brazil it's the mediterranean and southern europe and its large
00:11:33.360 | parts of africa you add up all those number of people there are many countries there that are
00:11:37.520 | actually self-sufficient which will then no longer be we'll have to import food that food quality is
00:11:43.760 | you know questionable at best in some cases so we're in a really tough position here and so it's
00:11:49.040 | isn't this all solvable
00:11:50.240 | with technology i mean if we just tax people a little more for the water usage if we really
00:11:54.320 | invested in the desal plants if we really invested in nuclear we could actually flip this whole thing
00:11:58.480 | the same way it's spiraling in the wrong direction it could spiral in the right direction two things
00:12:02.960 | on the water side i've been looking at water investing for a while there's a there's a real
00:12:07.600 | problem which is you know when i when i looked at this uh my team found some incredibly interesting
00:12:12.000 | opportunities largely it it evolves around owning water rights right and then basically selling them
00:12:18.720 | back to the state and when
00:12:20.080 | states get in difficult situations the problem is i think it's politically intolerable for
00:12:25.680 | let's just say somebody like me um to own those kinds of water to be a water baron yeah i think
00:12:32.160 | i think it's i think it's no bueno the the idea then that i had was like well maybe what we should
00:12:36.400 | be doing is buying these things and sticking them in a foundation so that we can guarantee water
00:12:40.480 | for people in certain states maybe that flies i'm not so sure that's the government's job
00:12:46.720 | that's the government's job and but then they're not doing their job but they're incompetent
00:12:49.920 | they're not doing their job but they're not doing their job but they're not doing their job but they're
00:12:51.360 | unfortunately not uh not as skilled as you'd want them to be on the stocks how would you spin this
00:12:56.320 | uh out of this death spiral and into abundance is there a way well i mean the the first thing
00:13:02.960 | to realize here is that this is not a black swan event i mean this is entirely foreseeable
00:13:08.320 | um drought conditions have existed in california for a long time in fact 200 years yeah well and
00:13:15.760 | even maybe going back millions of years i mean geologists have found evidence
00:13:19.760 | that you know millions of years ago you would have millions of acres of california burning every year
00:13:26.800 | and so drought conditions have existed for a long time uh has climate change amplified that and made
00:13:33.440 | it worse yes but this is entirely foreseeable we know we're dealing with these conditions
00:13:38.720 | and in fact back on his first day in office in 2019
00:13:42.880 | newsom held his very first press conference about this issue on emergency preparedness for fires
00:13:49.600 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:13:52.800 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:13:56.080 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:13:59.360 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:14:02.560 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:14:05.440 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:14:08.480 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:14:11.440 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:14:14.320 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:14:17.440 | and he said that he was going to be the first person to be on the call for fire
00:14:19.440 | this recall is supposed to happen in the october november time frame
00:14:22.160 | they've moved it up to september because newsom thinks there's a higher chance of fading
00:14:26.800 | the worst of fire season by doing the election sooner the problem for him
00:14:30.320 | is that fire season now starts in august and so we could be in the middle of fire season
00:14:34.800 | when this recall election happens and this thing could boomerang on him but back to the point about
00:14:40.480 | you know newsom held this press conference back in in january of 2019
00:14:44.800 | and the problem is there hasn't been any real fall through on
00:14:49.280 | forest management so you know newsom was recently caught in a lie
00:14:52.720 | saying that you know they had basically treated 90 000 acres this is what this article i'll put
00:14:58.800 | in the chat said in reality that only really treated about 11 000 acres even 90 000 would
00:15:04.880 | be inadequate right they're not doing enough and the way um you know i talked to a very
00:15:10.080 | prominent person who knows california politics well and knows all the players
00:15:14.080 | and what he said is look the fundamental problem is that gavin is not operational right he's
00:15:19.120 | fantastic at fundraising he says all the right things at press conferences but but not everything
00:15:26.000 | is about running for re-election and the problem is he has not managed to this outcome and and so
00:15:32.880 | now we're in the situation where to freebrook's point we're going to be scrambling after the fact
00:15:37.440 | now what is newsom's excuse going to be it's going to be you know climate change can be global warming
00:15:41.840 | it's kind of the all-purpose dog ate my homework excuse for anything that goes wrong is he can just
00:15:48.240 | blame it on climate change but the reality is we knew about climate change climate change
00:15:53.200 | something we're going to have to live with even if we stop it in its tracks from this point forward
00:15:58.640 | we're not going to be able to reverse the effects it's already had and so we need leaders who will
00:16:04.240 | step up and and get much more aggressive about preventing this problem i think my
00:16:09.440 | and by the way my tweet i didn't mention climate change at all i got you know i
00:16:12.880 | don't think that that's even the point the point is we are facing acute conditions on the
00:16:18.080 | in the western half of the united states right now that lead to a number of significant and severe
00:16:22.640 | consequences those acute conditions you know you could blame them on climate change and say that
00:16:27.360 | they're part of climate change it doesn't change the reality they are here today and we have to
00:16:31.520 | deal with them um and i think yeah we have a we have a couple of things that are that are
00:16:37.280 | uh going to happen here in short order that i think can make this thing
00:16:40.480 | accelerated a little so there's a an organization a department in the united states government
00:16:47.920 | that's not very well known called the u.s bureau of reclamation usbr and they are the ones that
00:16:54.000 | will make formal assessments of water levels and there's a really important assessment that's going
00:16:58.720 | to happen in lake mead at the end of this year and the reason why it's critical is that if the
00:17:04.640 | u.s bureau of reclamation measures lake mead under
00:17:09.040 | a certain threshold they can declare a tier one shortage and what that means just practically
00:17:17.760 | as a whole is that if the state of mead is not going to be able to deal with water levels that's
00:17:23.520 | going to be a huge challenge for us and so what we're going to do is we're going to start to deal
00:17:27.840 | with these sort of like rolling i don't know what we're even going to call these water out scenarios
00:17:35.280 | where uh it's not just about watering your lawn that's not going to be possible it's going to be a
00:17:39.760 | whole bunch of other things now there is a solution in the water level system but it's not going to be
00:17:44.320 | a solution that's going to be possible in the water level system as well and i think that's
00:17:47.600 | the most important thing that we're going to do and that's why we're going to start with the water
00:17:50.640 | level system because we're going to start with the water level system and then we're going to start
00:17:53.520 | with the water level system because it's going to be a huge challenge for us to deal with and so if
00:17:57.440 | we start with the water level system we're going to start with the water level system and then we're
00:18:00.000 | going to start with the water level system and then we're going to start with the water level system and
00:18:03.120 | then we're going to start with the water level system and then we're going to start with the
00:18:05.760 | water level system and then we're going to start with the water level system and then we're going to
00:18:07.680 | start with the water level system and then we're going to start with the water level system and then
00:18:10.160 | we're going to start with the water level system and then we're going to start with the water level system
00:18:12.080 | the aquifer to deliver drinking water to folks that are lacking
00:18:17.580 | water. And this has been a multi year, you know, bordering on
00:18:23.580 | multi decades slog because of California politicians, because
00:18:28.220 | water has become highly politicised, no one wants to pay
00:18:33.200 | the full cost for a commodity that they frankly view is a
00:18:35.960 | right, but then they don't want to step in to do the work to
00:18:39.500 | actually make it reasonable and viable. So this whole thing is
00:18:43.760 | just again, as David, as you said, the dog ate my homework.
00:18:46.640 | And now we're really playing with some very complicated
00:18:49.260 | things that are really out of the control and intellectual
00:18:51.280 | capacity of the frankly state governments, which is the
00:18:54.280 | interconnectedness of weather, temperature, water or soil or
00:18:58.640 | food supply. It's a I think what's so frustrating. This is
00:19:02.960 | this is so easily solvable. And we are not doing the blocking and
00:19:06.540 | tackling the free throws the basic things.
00:19:09.260 | David Wright: Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's a really
00:19:11.260 | important point. And I think that's a really important point.
00:19:13.260 | Because if you look at just monitoring our water usage, I
00:19:17.260 | invested in two companies, one of them didn't work out. But both
00:19:21.260 | of them were to monitor water usage. And what we learned was
00:19:25.260 | at a campus like Stanford, they have like four water meters,
00:19:29.260 | like they're not going down to the building level, in some
00:19:32.720 | cases, they'll be like four buildings on one water meter.
00:19:35.480 | And you can very easily at each sink, at each, you know,
00:19:39.140 | put a device that cost 25 bucks installed, it just wraps around
00:19:44.060 | the the water, the pipe, and it could tell you how it's flowing.
00:19:49.140 | And we lose 2030% of our water to leaks. Nobody is monitoring
00:19:54.740 | their usage because there is no cost to it to schmutz point. And
00:19:58.580 | then you look at these crazy insane, almond and other
00:20:03.120 | agriculture in the middle of California. They are using flood
00:20:08.360 | irrigation, which
00:20:09.020 | I'm sure Friedberg can give us an education at versus what you
00:20:12.080 | know, the trip irrigation that they use and other reclaiming
00:20:14.780 | methods in Israel and other places. So we look at water as
00:20:19.040 | like, to Schmutz point, some crazy, God given right that we
00:20:22.980 | can just splash it everywhere, we can take 20 minute showers.
00:20:26.240 | And then we allow how crazy is this, we allow the bottling of
00:20:30.560 | water in California, we allow these companies to bottle water
00:20:33.440 | and then sell it. And we don't even monitor usage we have well,
00:20:37.140 | new. So entitled, it
00:20:38.900 | is gross.
00:20:39.860 | Newson's biggest donors, who's that family that grows all the
00:20:43.720 | almonds or whatever?
00:20:44.780 | Whoever they are the resnick's the resnick's single biggest
00:20:48.140 | don't them and the teachers union signals.
00:20:49.820 | Oh, Linda Resnick and those palm people with the palm stuff.
00:20:53.000 | It's total political corruption, right? I mean, they get
00:20:56.380 | Chinatown. It's literally the movie Chinatown.
00:20:58.700 | Yeah. Well, I think so to this point about why aren't
00:21:01.640 | politicians solving the problems? I mean, to make a meta point,
00:21:04.340 | there's a great tweet from Thomas soul or the person who manages
00:21:07.860 | the Thomas soul.
00:21:08.640 | Account.
00:21:08.780 | Where he said no one will really understand politics until they
00:21:13.300 | understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems.
00:21:16.060 | They're trying to solve their own problems.
00:21:18.020 | Which are getting elected and reelected. That's number one,
00:21:21.560 | number two in office. That is their only goal three is far
00:21:24.320 | behind. And that's basically the situation we have is, I think
00:21:28.380 | Newsom actually is a little bit like Trump, not in his personal
00:21:31.440 | style, but in that he thinks he can talk his way out of
00:21:34.500 | problems. And he's not going to focus on solving a problem. And
00:21:38.660 | he's not going to focus on solving a problem when he can just
00:21:40.340 | spin his way out of it.
00:21:41.340 | By the way, I just think you guys should know the you know,
00:21:44.300 | because a lot of people talk about residential water use,
00:21:46.880 | that is also kind of an acute and local problem, where
00:21:50.180 | depending on your water supply, how much water you have
00:21:53.300 | available to your community. But in terms of aggregate water
00:21:57.020 | use, the vast majority of water in California is used in
00:22:00.020 | agriculture. It's about 10x, what is used for residential
00:22:06.560 | applications.
00:22:07.820 | Yeah.
00:22:08.540 | So it's a huge part of our agriculture. By the way, it's not
00:22:10.880 | a bad thing. It's a huge part of our economy, that water has
00:22:14.420 | generally been fully available in aquifers, people bought that
00:22:16.940 | land with rights, they paid a premium for those rights to
00:22:19.160 | those aquifers. This is a very complicated problem in
00:22:22.400 | California. And that, you know, supports a large part of the
00:22:24.740 | California economy. So you know, you can't just kind of blow them
00:22:27.560 | away. But 90% of water use in California is associated with
00:22:30.500 | AG. And it's not just a generally we need to save water
00:22:33.500 | problem. It's very specific to a region and a community and their
00:22:37.040 | particular water source on
00:22:38.420 | the water. So it's a very complicated problem. And it's a
00:22:41.360 | very complicated problem. And it's a very complicated problem.
00:22:42.680 | And it's a very complicated problem. And it's a very
00:22:43.640 | complicated problem. And it's a very complicated problem. And
00:22:44.120 | so it's a little bit more complicated. But yeah, but we
00:22:45.200 | should be focused on abundance freeberg. If you look at the
00:22:47.600 | new nuclear power plants that you know, Bill Gates has invested
00:22:50.660 | in, and then you look at desalinization, which is an
00:22:53.060 | energy issue. We can desalinize for roughly two or three times
00:22:57.260 | the cost that we're getting water for now. So just put a
00:22:59.720 | nuclear power plant next to a desalinization plant and you're
00:23:03.860 | done.
00:23:04.460 | Great. That's a 20 year project. And you got to why Why is it a
00:23:08.300 | 20 year project? China does it into you got to be more bold in
00:23:11.840 | this country. It is completely ridiculous that we accept that
00:23:15.620 | everything has to take 20 years. We need this now. Where's the
00:23:18.740 | leadership that says, fuck it, let's do it immediately. Let's
00:23:21.740 | set a goal of two years to build 10 of these. Fucking money.
00:23:26.060 | I'm not sure it solves our acute problems. It solves long term
00:23:29.300 | problems associated with climate change and energy.
00:23:31.460 | We can't do both. Let's do both.
00:23:34.400 | Sure, we should do everything. But right now, the you know,
00:23:38.180 | the conditions indicate that there are some specific things
00:23:40.760 | that we can and should be doing to kind of support the state in
00:23:43.220 | terms of what's going to happen in the next year or two. And
00:23:45.560 | yes, we should also be funding long term projects that create
00:23:48.380 | water security and energy security for everyone in the
00:23:50.600 | United States. But SACS to your point, and by the way, if you
00:23:53.120 | guys ever want to read an interesting book about how the
00:23:55.220 | grid operates, there's a book called the grid. And it talks
00:23:58.940 | about how the electrical power grid system was built in the
00:24:01.700 | United States and how inefficient it is and all the
00:24:03.500 | problems. There are a lot of structural problems that need
00:24:05.960 | to be solved. Not just, you know, dropping and cheaply.
00:24:08.060 | Cheap power. SACS, who is the good operational candidate that
00:24:11.240 | you've seen that's running for governor of California in this
00:24:13.220 | recall? Is there someone that stands out in your mind? Because
00:24:15.740 | I don't seem to hear anyone talking about, hey, there's a
00:24:18.320 | good alternative to Gavin Newsom at this point.
00:24:20.840 | Yeah, I mean, we don't a clear alternative has not emerged yet.
00:24:24.440 | You know, I guess the end part of the problem is that because
00:24:28.580 | there was no Republican primary, you haven't sort of consolidated
00:24:32.360 | the opposition to a leading candidate. There are a couple of,
00:24:36.620 | I guess, interesting
00:24:37.940 | candidates on the Republican side, I need to spend more time
00:24:41.120 | getting to, you know, know them. I mean, I have never met them or
00:24:44.600 | talk to them. But the two who are I think, mentioned quite a
00:24:47.780 | bit are this guy, Falconer, who's the mayor of San Diego,
00:24:51.380 | who is sort of a socially liberal Republican. And then
00:24:57.860 | there's a state assemblyman named Kevin Kiley, who, who I
00:25:04.640 | think says a lot of interesting things. And he just announced
00:25:07.820 | he's running. There's another guy as well, John Cox, but he got
00:25:12.020 | trounced by Newsom in the last election, I think it's time to
00:25:14.540 | let somebody else take a shot against him. And then of course,
00:25:17.780 | you've got Caitlyn Jenner, but I think people are still trying to
00:25:19.880 | figure out if her campaign is real or how real it is. So yeah,
00:25:23.960 | look, we the opposition has not consolidated against Newsom, the
00:25:29.180 | way it did with Schwarzenegger, you know, back in 2001.
00:25:32.240 | I'm voting. I'm voting Republican,
00:25:34.460 | just to create a counterbalance. I don't care who it is. And I'm
00:25:37.580 | not a Republican. I'm an independent. But I'm voting
00:25:40.280 | across the board. I'm just going to go to Republican for every
00:25:43.040 | position in California. And I'm going to just run my finger down
00:25:46.100 | the line. How does it feel to be a radical Trump supporter?
00:25:50.840 | I listen, I am not for Trump. But Chamath, talk to us about
00:25:55.400 | nuclear and what we can do to get to reverse with these hippie
00:26:00.560 | dippy well intentioned no nukes concert set us back 50 years.
00:26:06.200 | And let's be honest, we're going to have to do a lot of work.
00:26:07.460 | And I'm going to be honest, a lot of the climate change
00:26:09.020 | problems we have today we would not have if we had invested in
00:26:11.600 | nuclear Yeah, I said, Well, I sent her on an image, Nick,
00:26:15.920 | maybe you can stick it in the show notes or something so that
00:26:18.560 | people can see but if you if you look at if you graph the
00:26:21.740 | construction of nuclear reactors from the great 60s 1960s to
00:26:26.720 | today, essentially what and you color code them by country, what
00:26:30.620 | essentially you see is a transition from the able from
00:26:36.380 | the frankly, from countries that are not nuclear reactors, from
00:26:37.340 | countries that are not nuclear reactors, from countries that
00:26:37.820 | basically were just right at the leading the pack, and it was
00:26:41.480 | really the United States, building building building, and
00:26:44.600 | then two things really happened. There was Three Mile Island, and
00:26:47.960 | then there was Chernobyl. And there was an incredible over
00:26:52.400 | reaction to not really understanding either the cause,
00:26:56.660 | and or the remediation to two events. Now, could you imagine
00:27:02.240 | if there were two airlines that crashed and we stopped flying?
00:27:07.220 | How basically we would have, you know, retarded the progress of
00:27:11.240 | the world. And now you impose it on something like nuclear energy,
00:27:16.160 | which is consistently proven to provide an enormous, the
00:27:20.240 | abundant, cheap, and clean form of sustainable energy. And it
00:27:25.640 | actually solves a bunch of the problems we talked about before.
00:27:27.800 | So for example, if you look at the power consumption for
00:27:30.680 | desalination, it's off the charts, quite honestly, okay,
00:27:33.440 | that's why people say that it can't be done credibly. If you
00:27:36.860 | look at even nuclear power consumption, it's off the charts, quite honestly. Okay, that's why people say that it can't be done credibly. If you look at
00:27:37.100 | in just like the amount of energy that's required to clean water and to, you know,
00:27:41.500 | sanitize water and make it drinkable, the, the standards that are defined by the government
00:27:46.940 | are incredibly stringent, but the implication of it operationally is an enormous amount
00:27:51.020 | of power that goes into it.
00:27:52.140 | But Jason, you are right, which is that if we have small forms of sustainable abundant
00:27:58.220 | energy that can be basically hyper localized and located where we can do these jobs, the
00:28:03.100 | jobs to be done, it's transformational.
00:28:05.340 | Now, why doesn't it happen?
00:28:07.020 | It doesn't happen because the same folks who really want to sound the alarm bells on climate
00:28:11.740 | change, which is the progressive left are not really willing.
00:28:15.340 | They're intellectually lazy when it comes to nuclear, they don't do the work.
00:28:18.940 | They make a brand sort of broad based prognostication about how we need to do something
00:28:25.260 | about climate.
00:28:25.900 | Then they will point to solar and wind without really understanding the contamination of
00:28:31.580 | the earth that we do in order to mine.
00:28:35.180 | Rare earths and the actual metal and mineral inputs that are required for solar.
00:28:40.780 | It's nuts, but it sounds better, right?
00:28:43.500 | It sounds better.
00:28:44.620 | It sounds better.
00:28:45.500 | It's better optics.
00:28:45.980 | Oh, we're using air and the sun.
00:28:47.660 | The sun and it's abundant.
00:28:49.740 | And it's like, if I could show you what, what tailings are and like the dirty after effects
00:28:56.220 | of mining copper and nickel out of the ground, which is what we need for batteries and how
00:29:00.940 | countries like Indonesia are literally dumping it into the ocean.
00:29:05.660 | Dumping it faster that they can get their hands on it so that they can sell copper and nickel
00:29:10.140 | and cobalt to us so that we can make batteries.
00:29:13.980 | You would actually say to yourself, if you knew all these facts, you'd actually say to yourself,
00:29:17.100 | you know what?
00:29:17.340 | Maybe nuclear isn't so bad.
00:29:18.540 | And maybe I overreacted to two incidents.
00:29:20.220 | You want to understand this.
00:29:21.580 | You just have to look at the laziest group of individuals and society.
00:29:26.780 | The French, they want to take the laziest route and do the least amount of work and
00:29:31.340 | have the most amount of leisure.
00:29:32.620 | Sorry to our French listeners.
00:29:34.860 | 70% of the energy in France is from nuclear.
00:29:37.660 | They figured this out.
00:29:39.180 | They said, how do we take more time off and not work and have unlimited electric 70% nuclear.
00:29:46.860 | They're so smart.
00:29:48.140 | Well, the French are actually smart because after they're smart, because after Fukushima,
00:29:53.180 | what happened is if you had, you know, sort of like woke politicians, Germany, a bunch
00:29:58.700 | of Germany, they completely unwound their entire nuclear agenda, which was down, which
00:30:04.700 | was insanity, insanity.
00:30:06.780 | And so now here they are, they're writing laws faster than they can make them up.
00:30:10.780 | They're basically pivoting entire industries to try to now adopt batteries and storage
00:30:17.180 | without any real understanding about the downstream implications to the earth that they are going
00:30:21.820 | to create.
00:30:22.620 | The net consequences.
00:30:24.860 | If they had just stayed the course on nuclear, they would be in a much better place.
00:30:29.580 | And to France's credit, they were like, what the fuck are you people overreacting about?
00:30:33.820 | Again, you know, I'm not saying that.
00:30:34.540 | I'm not saying that they're going to make a big impact on the future.
00:30:35.660 | They're going to make a big impact on the future.
00:30:35.980 | I'm not saying that they're going to make a big impact on the future.
00:30:35.980 | I'm not saying that they're going to make a big impact on the future.
00:30:36.060 | I'm saying that they're going to make a big impact on the future.
00:30:36.460 | I'm not saying that they're going to make a big impact on the future.
00:30:36.700 | So, again, just think about this, guys.
00:30:37.580 | The pragmatism is delightful.
00:30:37.660 | If we stopped flying after two airline crashes, where would the world be?
00:30:42.300 | Where would the world be?
00:30:44.860 | I mean, be pragmatists here.
00:30:46.300 | Do we want to deal with high energy prices and brownouts and all kinds of problems and
00:30:53.100 | rolling blackouts or do we want to put this issue behind us?
00:30:57.980 | If we just go on a Manhattan Project literally to make new nuclear, we would be, this issue would
00:31:04.620 | be behind us and we could focus on something else like education.
00:31:08.060 | It's so dumb.
00:31:09.580 | The very scary thing about nuclear is despite all of the progress,
00:31:12.780 | it will get bogged down in litigation and bureaucracy.
00:31:18.540 | These are the last two things that should be in front of science and physics,
00:31:22.540 | especially when it comes to energy independence.
00:31:26.380 | I just think it's crazy.
00:31:27.820 | Can you break any way out?
00:31:28.460 | Any way we can get people to, what's the best way to convince the American public to embrace
00:31:34.620 | nuclear and force our politicians to do it?
00:31:37.820 | Open your mind and think for yourself.
00:31:39.820 | Right.
00:31:40.540 | Please read a book.
00:31:42.540 | Mark Andreessen had a good term.
00:31:44.300 | He said we're living in a "Vetocracy" as in the word veto.
00:31:47.900 | I think it was an interesting interview with Antonio Garcia Martinez on his blog.
00:31:54.060 | Anyway, yeah, they were talking about the inability of the US to build anything
00:31:57.660 | anymore, especially when you compare us to some place like China.
00:32:00.700 | And whether you want to call it NIMBYism or VETOCRACY, there are just too many people and
00:32:06.780 | groups who have the right to say no to anything and block anything important from happening.
00:32:12.220 | But we got to stop letting our politicians off the hook by making excuses.
00:32:18.700 | Just because there's climate change doesn't mean that the politicians can't do anything about it.
00:32:24.380 | I mean, welcome to the downstream consequences of a
00:32:27.500 | successful democracy, right?
00:32:29.420 | Like a democracy over time doesn't reduce the number of laws it has.
00:32:33.500 | Every year, politicians need to do their job and they create new laws.
00:32:36.860 | As new laws accumulate, like the things get clogged up, right?
00:32:39.740 | Like, when have you seen a law that gets passed by a local government,
00:32:43.980 | a state government or federal government that makes it easier to do something?
00:32:47.820 | I get that.
00:32:48.300 | But where does it say in the Constitution of the United States that being part of a
00:32:52.380 | democracy also means shutting your brain off and becoming a dumb cynic?
00:32:55.980 | Yeah.
00:32:56.620 | That's so stupid.
00:32:57.340 | That's not part of what being part of a democracy is.
00:32:59.980 | By the way, I want to talk about that for one second.
00:33:02.620 | There was this thing that I sent you guys in the chat, and Nick, hopefully you post that in the
00:33:07.500 | show notes as well.
00:33:08.620 | But there was a study that was done about cynicism.
00:33:12.300 | And it went back and it did like a qualitative assessment of more than 200,000 people and their
00:33:20.060 | attitudes and their measured IQ, their measured literacy, their measured numeracy, and their
00:33:26.460 | measured earnings.
00:33:27.180 | And here's what they found.
00:33:28.860 | Cynicism is associated with lower IQ, lower literacy, lower numeracy and lower earnings.
00:33:36.140 | The idea of cynical individuals being more competent appears to be a widespread, yet
00:33:42.940 | largely illusory lie.
00:33:45.260 | So I think we have to teach people-
00:33:47.900 | I think this makes sense.
00:33:49.740 | I mean-
00:33:50.460 | I was shocked by that study because I actually generally think cynical people must be smarter.
00:33:56.300 | Yeah.
00:33:57.020 | They're smarter because they're thinking more rationally and maybe I'm being emotional.
00:34:00.380 | It turns out they're fucking stupid.
00:34:01.820 | Well, here's the thing.
00:34:02.860 | There's cynicism and then there's people who are cantankerous and not content.
00:34:06.780 | And I think people sometimes conflate those two things.
00:34:10.140 | If you look at the people-
00:34:10.860 | But constant pervasive cynicism is not a feature of democracy.
00:34:14.620 | It means that you just stop thinking for yourself as a protective mechanism.
00:34:18.460 | Right.
00:34:19.020 | But the people we know who have changed the world and who- they seem to be-
00:34:24.140 | They're not cynical.
00:34:25.580 | They're not cynical.
00:34:26.860 | They're actually delusional and optimistic or else they wouldn't have started a company
00:34:30.940 | to make electric cars or whatever piece of software or or synthetic biology.
00:34:38.380 | You have to be a radical optimist.
00:34:40.220 | I mean, we're literally trying to attack our incredible capitalists who are actually solving
00:34:47.260 | these problems while our politicians can't get their shit together and make desal plants
00:34:51.980 | and nuclear plants.
00:34:52.860 | The private market seems like the only solution Sachs had ever-
00:34:56.380 | Well,
00:34:56.700 | there's an old saying that pessimists get to be right and optimists get to be rich.
00:35:03.660 | And yeah.
00:35:05.980 | I mean, if you think about it, pessimists don't create companies, right?
00:35:12.860 | They throw rocks.
00:35:14.300 | They become journalists.
00:35:15.660 | They become shit posters on Twitter.
00:35:17.180 | They become critics.
00:35:17.420 | They become critics.
00:35:18.140 | Yeah.
00:35:18.380 | Anton Ego.
00:35:19.180 | Right.
00:35:19.740 | I hate TUI.
00:35:20.620 | Sachs, what do you think about this idea that if we get into the throes of it for water,
00:35:26.540 | the folks that own water rights, I think that this is going to be like an eminent domain
00:35:30.940 | issue where the government is at some point just going to say, "Sorry, need it back.
00:35:34.860 | It's mine."
00:35:35.340 | Yeah.
00:35:36.380 | During an emergency, for sure.
00:35:37.740 | For sure.
00:35:39.020 | But I mean, I hate to use the words, "I agree with J-Cal," but
00:35:45.980 | you know, look, there's not a shortage of water in the world, right?
00:35:51.260 | I mean, the world is mostly water, so it is a function of building desalination plants if,
00:35:56.380 | if that's what we need.
00:35:57.820 | There has to be a solution for that problem.
00:36:00.780 | And Freiburg's right that maybe it does take a decade or two to put in place all that
00:36:05.740 | infrastructure, but then why didn't we start 10 years ago?
00:36:08.300 | You see, we should be starting a program where we convince the American public
00:36:12.780 | that abundance would lead to them having more freedom and our country being stronger.
00:36:19.660 | Electrical abundance with nuclear, water abundance with desalinization, and
00:36:26.220 | agricultural abundance with those previous two.
00:36:29.660 | Because if you had unlimited nuclear energy and you had unlimited clean water,
00:36:33.420 | the price of agriculture would go down and we'd have more free food for everybody or lower cost
00:36:39.100 | food.
00:36:39.340 | I'll tell you, I'll tell you a theory I have on this.
00:36:41.580 | And it's basically an anti-science theory, which is that, you know, culturally,
00:36:46.700 | we've kind of developed this anti-innovation, anti-science mentality, broadly speaking, across
00:36:51.100 | kind of modern culture in the United States.
00:36:54.540 | If you remember coming out of World War II,
00:36:56.060 | and I think it has its roots in the Cold War, you know, out of when World War II ended,
00:37:00.860 | you know, we were all in it together.
00:37:02.860 | You know, this country, everyone bought the same stuff.
00:37:05.900 | We all had Rice Krispies every day.
00:37:07.660 | We all kind of, you know, were excited about our homes that look like everyone else's home
00:37:12.460 | on the block.
00:37:13.340 | And technology was empowering all of this, right?
00:37:15.500 | There was a space race on.
00:37:16.940 | There were plastics that were suddenly allowing us to make all sorts of amazing things.
00:37:21.820 | There were chemicals that were creating new drugs for humans and new applications for our
00:37:25.900 | agriculture that was making an abundance of food and increasing lifespans and so on.
00:37:30.540 | But then what happened in the late 60s and 70s is we realized we got ahead of ourselves.
00:37:34.940 | And, you know, there was cancer from DDT.
00:37:40.140 | There was, you know, Three Mile Island.
00:37:42.220 | There was a number of pollutants that got into the environment that permanently damaged
00:37:49.020 | the environment from chemical companies.
00:37:51.420 | And we started to wake up and say, like, wait a second, all of this technology that we thought
00:37:55.100 | was so great.
00:37:55.740 | And was giving us this extraordinary abundance, it turns out is really risky and can cause
00:38:00.460 | massive unknown consequences.
00:38:02.460 | And if you watch, I think I talked about this on our podcast once, but one of my favorite
00:38:05.980 | videos to watch, there's a video on YouTube from the Disney Channel History Institute.
00:38:10.540 | And they show the history of Tomorrowland at Disneyland.
00:38:13.100 | When Tomorrowland opened in 1955, every ride was all about adventuring into space and like
00:38:18.620 | traveling into the human body.
00:38:19.740 | And they even had a ride for Monsanto where you would go into the micro world and look
00:38:23.020 | at plastics and stuff.
00:38:24.060 | And it was all about this amazing abundance.
00:38:25.580 | And technology.
00:38:26.540 | And the guy, the narrator on the video says, beginning in the late 60s, early 70s, we changed
00:38:31.420 | all the rides.
00:38:32.300 | And the rides all became about the fear of technology.
00:38:34.940 | It was all about aliens attacking Earth.
00:38:37.020 | It was all about Captain EO was like, you know, the world became robotic and got taken
00:38:41.820 | over by unnatural things.
00:38:43.500 | Even Star Tours was about a robot that went awry and the robot doesn't know what it's
00:38:47.500 | doing.
00:38:47.740 | So it drove us off course and we had to survive the robot.
00:38:50.300 | And so everything became subconscious or subliminally a little bit, this negative technology
00:38:55.180 | sentiment.
00:38:55.420 | And I think that that still persists.
00:38:57.580 | You know, there is an asymmetry.
00:38:58.860 | People take for granted the abundance over time because you get used to it, but you feel
00:39:03.500 | the acute pain of the loss when technology goes awry.
00:39:07.180 | And then that becomes the social conscience.
00:39:08.940 | And I think we're still grappling with that.
00:39:10.380 | And I don't know how you reverse it.
00:39:11.900 | Well, you know what, Freeberg, are we not experiencing this right now, everybody, with
00:39:17.580 | COVID, where there's one group of people who are like, oh, my God, the science we were
00:39:22.380 | able to deploy in COVID and get through this so quickly.
00:39:25.260 | It's so promising that the world's going to be better, net net after the pandemic, even
00:39:31.900 | with all the suffering, you could make an argument that that suffering is going to lead
00:39:36.380 | to more prosperity.
00:39:37.500 | And there's another group of people who are like the Delta variant.
00:39:40.140 | Let's get our masks back on.
00:39:41.500 | And people want to take the Sinica rat on.
00:39:44.780 | As an individual, I don't want harm done to me or my kids or my environment.
00:39:49.420 | That's that's the I think the general kind of conscience.
00:39:51.580 | Right.
00:39:52.220 | And I don't care about the abundance because
00:39:55.100 | I've basically taken it for granted.
00:39:57.100 | And so now I find myself as an individual saying, you know what, we shouldn't do nuclear
00:40:02.060 | because look at what happened in Fukushima, forgetting the fact that you've been living
00:40:05.980 | off of free electricity practically for decades or whatever the case might be.
00:40:09.580 | And free water.
00:40:10.300 | And free water and all these things.
00:40:11.580 | And I think that the abundance that technology delivers to humans because humans are only
00:40:15.980 | programmed to recognize change.
00:40:17.260 | They're not programmed to recognize absolutes.
00:40:20.060 | There's a lot of good socio psychological and evolutionary.
00:40:22.780 | Give us an example of that.
00:40:23.740 | Give us an example of that.
00:40:24.940 | If you go to the store every day and you're used to just getting a $1 can of Coke, you don't say,
00:40:30.460 | oh my God, I feel it's an amazing world I live in.
00:40:32.860 | I get a $1 can of Coke.
00:40:33.980 | You never praise that $1 can of Coke.
00:40:36.300 | Now, if you went to the store and the can of Coke went up to $2, you'd be like, what the heck?
00:40:41.980 | Why does Coke cost so much?
00:40:43.820 | And so, you know,
00:40:45.180 | so we habituate, but but you habituate to the great things in our life.
00:40:48.700 | The price of Coke dropped to 50 cents.
00:40:51.020 | You're like, okay, that feels good.
00:40:52.540 | And then you get used to the price of Coke being 50 cents.
00:40:54.780 | And a few weeks later, if it goes up, you're upset, but you're not as happy on the other way.
00:40:59.100 | So human emotion is kind of asymmetrically, you know, defined by these negative consequences.
00:41:04.220 | And I think over time, you accumulate these negative consequences as your core psyche,
00:41:08.860 | and you have an aversion to doing, you know, innovative things as a whole, not all people,
00:41:12.700 | but as a whole, that's how we operate.
00:41:14.220 | And it's why technology kind of gets lambasted over over time.
00:41:18.300 | This is the most frustrating thing to me.
00:41:20.140 | Chamath is that we have so many amazing things happening in technology, and nobody will
00:41:24.620 | 10x or 100x on them from the government perspective or the public.
00:41:30.060 | I had a company called Zero Mass on my podcast, which I think is now called Source.
00:41:34.700 | And you're aware of this company.
00:41:36.140 | Maybe you could talk a little bit about the impact hydro panels would make
00:41:40.460 | if we just embrace this technology.
00:41:42.140 | Well, I mean, Source is an incredible, incredible company.
00:41:45.820 | Basically, there's a there's a guy who runs a Cody Friesen, who when he was at MIT, basically developed
00:41:54.460 | a essentially a material, a membrane that can absorb the ambient water that's in the atmosphere,
00:42:02.380 | and basically allow you to collect it and to separate it into its components and to basically
00:42:08.300 | create potable salinized or potable drinkable water in a panel that looks like a solar panel.
00:42:14.940 | So you put these solar arrays everywhere.
00:42:17.180 | And out of the back, you put a little pipe and it collects the humidity in the ambient air and
00:42:23.260 | it spits out water.
00:42:24.300 | And it's, it's an incredible thing.
00:42:25.980 | And he's able to go and rewire schools.
00:42:27.980 | And, and the thing is, he can go anywhere because again, he doesn't need anything, right?
00:42:32.860 | You literally put it on your roof.
00:42:34.460 | It's incredible.
00:42:35.180 | And it makes you if you I think he told me at the time when I interviewed him two or three years ago.
00:42:40.300 | He said you could put two of these on your roof and get like four cases of bottled water a day,
00:42:46.780 | no matter where you were on the planet.
00:42:48.940 | And by the way, he's moving to a place which is really cool.
00:42:51.340 | He told me this.
00:42:52.060 | I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say it, but I'll say it anyways.
00:42:54.140 | This might be beeped.
00:42:55.260 | Now where he's going to be candidate.
00:42:58.140 | No, he'll have an eventual app where you can kind of direct the hydro panel to make the kind of
00:43:03.820 | water that you like.
00:43:04.700 | So if you love or if you love, um, dial it in water, or if you love smart water or you're on
00:43:12.300 | the voice, right?
00:43:13.340 | Specifically because it's the most expensive.
00:43:14.700 | No, I love, I love smart water.
00:43:16.460 | I, I have a very gratuitous reason why I remember when I met jobs, he drank smart water.
00:43:23.980 | And I thought, boop, it's good enough for him.
00:43:25.660 | It's good enough for me.
00:43:26.540 | I'll tell you when I knew Chamath made it.
00:43:28.700 | I just get to copy people.
00:43:30.060 | I can, you got to copy the good ones.
00:43:31.420 | And I was just like,
00:43:32.140 | this is a personal anecdote.
00:43:33.340 | This is when I knew Chamath made it.
00:43:34.780 | We used to play poker in his garage, in his little 3000 square foot Palo Alto house.
00:43:39.260 | Little.
00:43:39.980 | No, Burlington, Burlington, Burlington.
00:43:41.500 | In Burlington, whatever.
00:43:42.460 | He had this little tiny house and we're in the garage and he's like, look, I'm putting up a flat
00:43:46.460 | panel.
00:43:46.860 | I'm going to like paint the walls.
00:43:47.980 | No, we had a little, uh, you had a little, uh, easel and you'd write on chalk how much you owe.
00:43:52.140 | Yeah.
00:43:52.380 | You know, then.
00:43:53.340 | Chamath's like, I got a new house.
00:43:55.020 | He's got his new house.
00:43:58.460 | We come over.
00:43:59.340 | He's like, Jake, how you want some water?
00:44:00.540 | I'm like, yeah, I'd love a glass.
00:44:01.420 | He's like, oh, Jake, how you want a beverage?
00:44:02.380 | I'm like, yeah, I'll take a glass of water.
00:44:03.900 | And, uh, he goes, oh, and he walks over to a rack.
00:44:06.300 | And in the rack, like, you know, those things you push wine on, there's a rack for water.
00:44:12.300 | And there is Voss in the glass bottles.
00:44:15.020 | There is Evian in glass bottles.
00:44:17.340 | And you're not like the Evian that you get at the regular supermarket.
00:44:20.700 | Like somebody sourced the Evian bottles, that restaurant.
00:44:23.180 | And then he had the smart, I mean, there's 60 and I'm like, I just wanted a glass of water,
00:44:27.820 | but okay, I'll take the Evian in the glass bottle.
00:44:30.860 | It was delightful.
00:44:32.140 | Sax, I got three different bounce passes.
00:44:34.140 | I can give you just where you want it.
00:44:35.580 | Do you want cancel culture?
00:44:37.340 | Do you want Chesa Booden or.
00:44:39.180 | COVID.
00:44:40.380 | What do you want?
00:44:41.260 | Or COVID?
00:44:41.900 | I can give you any of these.
00:44:43.340 | I can.
00:44:43.740 | I'm ready to pass.
00:44:44.700 | I'm talking about any of those sound good to me.
00:44:46.940 | I mean, the, the, the, it might be time for a chase update because we haven't done that
00:44:51.820 | in a while.
00:44:52.220 | The killer DA.
00:44:53.020 | The killer DA.
00:44:54.060 | Yeah.
00:44:54.300 | Oh, by the way, I just want to say, I found the journalist, you know, the journalist
00:44:57.660 | Sax, don't say her name.
00:44:58.700 | And she is setting up her LLC and the $60,000 we raised from the GoFundMe is going to go
00:45:03.900 | to her to cover the DA's office for the next six to 12 months in a newsletter website.
00:45:09.180 | Right.
00:45:09.820 | And just to be clear, because I think people kind of misinterpreted what you were trying
00:45:12.860 | to do there with the GoFundMe JCal.
00:45:15.180 | This is not for opposition research.
00:45:17.020 | This is not.
00:45:17.980 | This is not digging up dirt.
00:45:19.340 | This is reporting on, uh, on
00:45:22.860 | On public policy on what should be public facts with respect to what the DA's office
00:45:29.180 | is doing, how chase is performing in his job.
00:45:32.220 | Isn't it interesting though, how the left journalists, when I hired investigative
00:45:36.380 | journalists to cover criminal justice accused me of hiring an oppo researcher and these
00:45:41.980 | are investigative journalists.
00:45:43.580 | And I told them explicitly, I'm just hiring an investigative journalist to cover crime
00:45:47.580 | in San Francisco.
00:45:48.220 | There's no oppo research here.
00:45:49.500 | And they insisted on saying, I wanted to get into Chessa's personal life.
00:45:52.460 | And I,
00:45:52.700 | Yeah.
00:45:53.260 | explicitly said that's not what this is for.
00:45:54.940 | Well, let's face it.
00:45:57.180 | There aren't too many journalists anymore who are investigative, who are actually in
00:46:01.500 | the business of turning up new facts about elected officials.
00:46:04.220 | They're too busy pushing a narrative.
00:46:05.980 | They're engaged in agenda journalism.
00:46:08.220 | And actually we saw a really good example just to tie into, to what's happened, what
00:46:12.460 | happened over the past week is you had this story in the San Francisco Chronicle, which
00:46:17.020 | is basically pure propaganda, uh, from, you could see that the,
00:46:22.540 | the, um, the passing from Chessa to this reporter of this, this farcical, uh, claim
00:46:30.780 | that crime is falling in San Francisco.
00:46:33.020 | Uh, I mean, this claim is so preposterous.
00:46:36.460 | This is the same week we saw viral videos of 10 robbers bursting out of Neiman Marcus,
00:46:43.180 | you know, with,
00:46:44.460 | With every hand.
00:46:45.580 | Yeah, exactly.
00:46:46.460 | And so, you know, plus you had the viral,
00:46:48.620 | It was scary.
00:46:49.260 | Yeah.
00:46:49.500 | You had the viral video of the, the guy going into,
00:46:52.380 | into CVS and just, you know, it wasn't even shoplifting.
00:46:56.140 | It was, it was throwing up garbage bags.
00:46:56.780 | Did you see Brian Sugar's, uh, video of the person who broke into his house,
00:47:01.180 | stole his kids' iPads and everything while they were in the house?
00:47:04.860 | Right.
00:47:05.340 | And Cyan Bannister, who had another home invasion, just tweeted.
00:47:08.620 | Home invasions are now, um, not prosecutable crimes in San Francisco.
00:47:15.740 | Well, no, what they're doing is, so what Cyan reported about her case is, and by the way,
00:47:19.820 | her case is in the public eye.
00:47:22.220 | Okay.
00:47:22.940 | So it's very brazen for the DA to be doing this, but what they did is they dropped the home
00:47:27.740 | invasion charges and they're just treating it as basically a, a theft of, you know, a few hundred
00:47:34.220 | dollars, you know, that does not capture the violation of breaking into someone's house and
00:47:39.900 | how dangerous that is.
00:47:41.420 | But I originally, I thought, okay, why is the DA's office doing this originally?
00:47:45.660 | I thought, well, maybe it's just because, you know,
00:47:47.660 | Chasey doesn't want to incarcerate anybody, but it's more than that.
00:47:50.700 | You see, if they drop the charge, they're going to be in jail.
00:47:52.060 | They're going to be in prison.
00:47:52.780 | They're going to be in prison for a long period of time.
00:47:53.740 | It's like, Oh, well, what's going on with this case?
00:47:54.940 | And then, you know, they're going to be in prison for a long time.
00:47:56.620 | And then they're going to be in prison for a long time.
00:47:57.340 | So they're going to have to go through all these charges down to petty larceny.
00:48:00.060 | Then he can include it in a different stat.
00:48:01.580 | You see home burglaries are up by some gargantuan amount, like 50% year over year.
00:48:05.660 | They want to be able to claim crime is falling.
00:48:07.340 | It's now they're juking the stats by reducing the charges from the more serious crime to the less serious crime.
00:48:13.820 | And then what they do is.
00:48:15.180 | Wow. They're shaping the stats.
00:48:16.860 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:17.820 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:19.020 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:20.060 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:21.020 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:21.980 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:22.860 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:23.660 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:24.460 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:25.340 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:26.140 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:26.940 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:27.740 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:28.540 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:29.420 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:30.300 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:31.260 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:32.300 | They're juking the stats.
00:48:33.340 | They're juking the stats.
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00:49:48.220 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:49.260 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:50.300 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:51.260 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:52.300 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:53.340 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:54.380 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:55.420 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:56.460 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:57.500 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:58.540 | They're juking the stats.
00:49:59.580 | They're juking the stats.
00:50:00.700 | They're juking the stats.
00:50:01.740 | They're juking the stats.
00:50:02.780 | They're juking the stats.
00:50:03.820 | They're juking the stats.
00:50:04.860 | They're juking the stats.
00:50:05.820 | You had this senior policy advisor to Chesa Boudin who works for the DA's office named
00:50:11.340 | Kate Chatfield, attacker basically implying her views were KKK values for having the audacity
00:50:22.620 | to warn that people are worried about crime in San Francisco.
00:50:26.060 | So she gets attacked.
00:50:27.180 | By the way, this Chatfield person, the top of her profile is the clenched fist of the
00:50:32.620 | communist revolution, J. Cal.
00:50:34.220 | So this is who's running the DA.
00:50:35.660 | I love this.
00:50:35.740 | I love this.
00:50:35.780 | I love this.
00:50:35.820 | I love this.
00:50:36.060 | I love this.
00:50:36.060 | I love this.
00:50:36.140 | I love this.
00:50:36.380 | I love this.
00:50:36.460 | But look, it's not just trolling, and it's not even just slander.
00:50:41.900 | It's I think an abuse of power for someone in the DA's office to go after and attack
00:50:47.180 | a concerned citizen like this, okay?
00:50:49.820 | But this is how they enforce.
00:50:51.340 | Can you read the tweet that she did?
00:50:52.940 | Do you have that there?
00:50:53.820 | Yeah.
00:50:53.980 | Because she basically is, the people who have experienced home invasions are concerned
00:51:00.380 | for the safety of their families.
00:51:01.980 | And what this woman did, Michelle, I believe is her name, she just-
00:51:05.780 | She just said, like, people are scared for their families.
00:51:09.100 | And then Kate Chatfield referenced Birth of a Nation and compared her to, oh, our wives
00:51:17.640 | are not safe because of Black people.
00:51:20.740 | And that's a KKK-
00:51:21.740 | Birth of a Nation.
00:51:22.740 | Birth of a Nation.
00:51:23.740 | Everybody knows Birth of a Nation.
00:51:24.740 | Birth of a Nation.
00:51:25.740 | Everybody understands what Birth of a Nation is.
00:51:26.740 | Yeah, the original name of Birth of a Nation, I think, was the Klansmen.
00:51:28.740 | Yeah.
00:51:29.740 | Yeah.
00:51:30.740 | It's like a KKK piece of propaganda.
00:51:32.740 | But it's really outrageous.
00:51:33.740 | She just blocked me.
00:51:34.740 | She just blocked me.
00:51:35.740 | Kate Chatfield blocked me.
00:51:38.700 | This is a public policy advisor who's now hiding her account.
00:51:41.740 | Well, I mean, a public official should not do that.
00:51:45.240 | I mean, they should be-
00:51:46.240 | And so this set you off.
00:51:47.600 | Let's be honest.
00:51:48.600 | It set you off.
00:51:49.600 | Well, I know Michelle Tandler.
00:51:50.600 | She worked at Yammer.
00:51:51.600 | And I thought it was out of bounds for not just a public official, but someone in the
00:51:57.500 | DA's office who has the power-
00:51:59.700 | So what did you do?
00:52:00.700 | Well, I just-
00:52:01.700 | You went into revenge mode.
00:52:02.700 | Let's be honest.
00:52:03.700 | No, no.
00:52:04.700 | I don't-
00:52:05.700 | I don't think you did.
00:52:06.700 | I don't think you did.
00:52:07.700 | You just went into a little bit.
00:52:08.700 | Tweaked.
00:52:09.700 | I donated another $50,000 to the Recall Chasing Campaign.
00:52:12.960 | And you dedicated it to Kate.
00:52:15.260 | Yeah.
00:52:16.260 | You said, "This is for you."
00:52:18.120 | Yeah, because look, this is threatening.
00:52:21.020 | Every American should have the right to criticize their government without having its law enforcement
00:52:26.660 | arm come down on them.
00:52:29.120 | And so here you have a legitimate concern expressed by a private citizen and the DA's
00:52:34.580 | office is coming down on them.
00:52:35.660 | That's not acceptable.
00:52:36.660 | I think I need to break some news here.
00:52:39.480 | I didn't want to talk about this publicly, but I'm so outraged now that I think I should
00:52:42.840 | let this out.
00:52:45.980 | So while I- after the- in the weeks after I started that campaign to hire an investigative
00:52:52.420 | journalist for Chester's office, this is breaking news.
00:52:55.100 | I haven't talked about this publicly, but I'm going to break it now.
00:52:58.220 | Do you know who contacted me?
00:53:02.400 | The DA's office.
00:53:03.660 | Do you know what that means?
00:53:05.620 | Do you know what they contacted me about?
00:53:08.100 | They were investigating a startup that I had invested in.
00:53:11.900 | I won't say which one.
00:53:13.500 | And they wanted to interview me about my involvement with that startup because that startup had
00:53:19.580 | some complaint from a downstream investor who felt that they were committing some type
00:53:24.380 | of fraud or problem.
00:53:26.020 | Coincidence?
00:53:27.020 | Are you serious?
00:53:28.020 | I am dead serious.
00:53:29.020 | This is literally becoming Chinatown.
00:53:32.460 | They literally tried to intimidate me and I didn't want to bring it up.
00:53:35.580 | I talked to the person on the phone, the person from the DA's office who was investigating
00:53:40.620 | this, and I was like, "Do I need an attorney for this?
00:53:44.160 | Why are you calling me?"
00:53:45.160 | And he said, "Well, you know, we just want to talk to you about this."
00:53:47.640 | And I was like, "Yeah."
00:53:49.640 | We have a bunch of questions.
00:53:50.640 | And I just said, "You know what?
00:53:51.640 | Subpoena me.
00:53:52.640 | I'm not, you know, file something and I'll come in with my attorney to talk to you, but
00:53:55.960 | I'm not going to talk with you on background.
00:53:59.580 | So they literally tried to intimidate me.
00:54:00.900 | You know what?
00:54:01.900 | And I kind of let them because I didn't want to make it public, but I'm making it public
00:54:05.580 | And this is two weeks after I said, "Let's hire the journalist."
00:54:11.080 | It's intimidation tactics.
00:54:12.540 | It is intimidation tactics.
00:54:14.040 | That's intimidation.
00:54:15.040 | I will not be intimidated, Chessa.
00:54:17.040 | All right.
00:54:18.040 | But what you can see here is, okay, look.
00:54:19.700 | I mean, I was intimidated.
00:54:20.700 | I'm not going to have me intimidated again.
00:54:27.700 | Now that I think about it, like I didn't do anything wrong here.
00:54:32.480 | I put 50k.
00:54:33.480 | I put 50 or 100k into a company that didn't work.
00:54:35.540 | I put 50 to the company that didn't work.
00:54:36.540 | I put 50 to the company that didn't work.
00:54:37.540 | I put 50 to the company that didn't work.
00:54:38.540 | And now some other investor is complaining.
00:54:39.540 | And they're trying to tie it back to me somehow.
00:54:40.540 | But Jason, of course, you're going to be intimidated.
00:54:41.540 | The chief law enforcement officer of San Francisco is basically trying to make you the target
00:54:47.580 | of an investigation because of what you said publicly.
00:54:50.540 | Of course, that is intimidation.
00:54:52.540 | Guys, isn't it possible that they're just interviewing you about a fraud claim?
00:54:56.200 | I mean, like what this...
00:54:57.980 | Wait, wait, hold on.
00:54:58.980 | Think about the timing, Freebird.
00:54:59.980 | It's two or three weeks after...
00:55:00.980 | AM radio, like conspiracy theory, like...
00:55:01.980 | No, it's not.
00:55:02.980 | Two or three weeks after...
00:55:03.980 | You know what?
00:55:04.900 | I got it.
00:55:05.500 | I got it.
00:55:06.500 | I got to tell you something.
00:55:07.500 | A police officer drove past my house last night.
00:55:09.500 | Yeah.
00:55:10.500 | Freebird.
00:55:11.500 | Okay.
00:55:12.500 | Wait, it's the first and only time I've ever been contacted by a law enforcement officer
00:55:15.460 | over an investment.
00:55:16.460 | I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
00:55:18.180 | Stop committing fraud.
00:55:19.180 | 350 investments.
00:55:20.180 | Yeah.
00:55:21.180 | Listen, Chesa has not had time.
00:55:23.620 | He's almost two years in office now, and he has not had time to successfully prosecute
00:55:27.820 | one murder trial.
00:55:29.900 | Not one.
00:55:30.900 | But his office has time to run down whatever they're trying to run down with J-Cal.
00:55:35.460 | They don't have time to prosecute the home invader who broke into Cyan Banister's home.
00:55:41.460 | Or Brian's.
00:55:42.460 | Or Brian's.
00:55:43.460 | They don't have time to do that, but they somehow have time to contact J-Cal.
00:55:46.460 | He tweeted the video.
00:55:47.460 | Let me explain what's going on here.
00:55:49.460 | There's two things going on.
00:55:50.460 | I think one of which is becoming very well understood, but the other one is not.
00:55:53.460 | The first one is the Gothamization of San Francisco.
00:55:56.460 | We understand that crime is out of control.
00:55:59.460 | Cynicism and resignation, people are just kind of given into it.
00:56:02.460 | It feels like San Francisco has become Gotham City.
00:56:04.460 | These viral videos of the robbers brazenly committing daylight theft.
00:56:09.460 | There is no punishment.
00:56:10.460 | Beating up UPS drivers in the street.
00:56:11.460 | Beating a UPS driver in the street.
00:56:12.460 | Because there is no consequence, okay?
00:56:14.460 | But there's a second thing happening, which is the Orwellianization of San Francisco government
00:56:20.460 | and San Francisco politics.
00:56:21.460 | You not only have the crime, you've got the brazen lies about the crime.
00:56:25.460 | You've got this insistence on this Animal Farm Commandment that crime is falling.
00:56:31.460 | And if you question it, you are a bad person.
00:56:33.460 | Are a Klansman.
00:56:34.420 | You are a Klansman.
00:56:35.420 | And then they get their, you know, the Kate Chatfields to push this out.
00:56:39.420 | And then they get academics to back this up, okay?
00:56:42.420 | There are now, they get their friends in the media and in the academy to give these spurious claims credence.
00:56:49.420 | And then the final step is that the rich virtue signalers pay these people off.
00:56:55.420 | They pay the protection money.
00:56:56.420 | Who might that be?
00:56:57.420 | Who's paying off?
00:56:58.420 | The Dustin Moskovitz's, the Mike Krieger's, the Reed Hastings.
00:57:03.420 | And, you know, even actually the biggest contributor to Chesa right now is a guy who's under SEC indictment for the Ripple scandal.
00:57:12.420 | Oh, no.
00:57:13.420 | Yeah.
00:57:14.420 | Chris?
00:57:15.420 | Chris, yes, exactly.
00:57:16.420 | So, people who need to curry favor either because they've got their own problems or they just like to virtue signal.
00:57:22.420 | Chris Larsen.
00:57:23.420 | Chris Larsen is Chesa's biggest.
00:57:24.420 | Then fund this Orwellian campaign.
00:57:27.420 | Oh, wow.
00:57:28.420 | That is dark.
00:57:29.420 | Brian Sugar released the video and that person's not going to be prosecuted.
00:57:32.420 | I mean, that is the crazy part.
00:57:33.420 | You get somebody on camera and they won't prosecute them.
00:57:34.420 | And people forget these are organized gangs that are doing this.
00:57:35.420 | This has been proven.
00:57:36.420 | This is not a poverty issue.
00:57:37.420 | These are not poor people who are stealing bread for their families or trying to make their rent.
00:57:38.420 | It's organized gangs.
00:57:39.420 | Right.
00:57:40.420 | Did you see the getaway cars?
00:57:41.420 | Who realized with Prop 47.
00:57:42.420 | Did you see the getaway cars for the Neiman Marcus heist?
00:57:43.420 | Yeah, they're all like.
00:57:44.420 | The Mercedes.
00:57:45.420 | They're driving great, beautiful cars with their license plates off.
00:57:46.420 | This is like mob behavior.
00:57:47.420 | And if you give credit to the people who are doing this, they're going to get a lot of
00:57:48.420 | credit.
00:57:49.420 | Yeah.
00:57:50.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:57:51.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:57:52.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:57:53.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:57:54.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:57:55.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:57:56.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:57:57.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:57:58.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:57:59.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:00.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:01.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:02.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:03.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:04.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:05.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:06.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:07.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:08.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:09.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:10.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:11.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:12.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:13.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:14.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:15.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:16.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:17.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:18.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:19.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:20.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:21.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:22.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:23.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:24.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:25.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:26.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:27.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:28.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:29.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:30.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:31.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:32.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:33.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:34.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:35.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:36.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:37.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:38.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:39.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:40.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:41.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:42.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:43.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:44.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:45.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:46.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:47.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:48.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:49.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:50.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:51.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:52.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
00:58:53.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
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01:03:31.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
01:03:32.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
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01:09:57.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.
01:09:58.420 | And I think that's the biggest thing.