back to indexLesson 2: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022
0:0 Introduction
0:55 Reminder to use the fastai book as a companion to the course
2:6 for quizzes on the book
2:36 Reminder to use fastai forums for links, notebooks, questions, etc.
3:42 How to efficiently read the forum with summarizations
4:13 Showing what students have made since last week
6:45 Putting models into production
8:10 Jupyter Notebook extensions
9:49 Gathering images with the Bing/DuckDuckGo
11:10 How to find information & source code on Python/fastai functions
12:45 Cleaning the data that we gathered by training a model
13:37 Explaining various resizing methods
14:50 RandomResizedCrop explanation
15:50 Data augmentation
16:57 Question: Does fastai's data augmentation copy the image multiple times?
18:30 Training a model so you can clean your data
19:0 Confusion matrix explanation
20:33 plot_top_losses explanation
22:10 ImageClassifierCleaner demonstration
27:18 Putting your model into production
30:20 Git & Github desktop
31:30 For Windows users
37:0 Deploying your deep learning model
37:38 Dog/cat classifier on Kaggle
38:55 Exporting your model with learn.export
39:40 Downloading your model on Kaggle
41:30 How to take a model you trained to make predictions
43:30 learn.predict and timing
44:22 Shaping the data to deploy to Gradio
45:47 Creating a Gradio interface
48:25 Creating a Python script from your notebook with #|export
50:47 Hugging Face deployed model
52:12 How many epochs do you train for?
53:16 How to export and download your model in Google Colab
54:25 Getting Python, Jupyter notebooks, and fastai running on your local machine
60:50 Comparing deployment platforms: Hugging Face, Gradio, Streamlit
62:13 Hugging Face API
65:0 Jeremy's deployed website example - tinypets
68:23 Get to know your pet example by aabdalla
69:44 Source code explanation
71:8 Github Pages
00:00:08.120 |
We had a bit of an administrative issue at our university. 00:00:11.920 |
Somebody booked our room, so I'm doing this from the study at home, so sorry about the 00:00:25.800 |
I'm actually really, really pumped about this lesson. 00:00:29.320 |
It feels like going back to what things were like in the very early days, because we're 00:00:34.760 |
doing like some really new, really cool stuff, which, you know, stuff that hasn't really 00:00:42.360 |
been in courses like this before, so I'm super, super excited. 00:00:48.160 |
So thanks a lot for coming back after lesson one, and I hope it's worth you coming back. 00:00:57.960 |
Now remember that the course goes with the book, so be sure that you're not following 00:01:04.480 |
along in the book because we're covering similar things in different directions, but read the 00:01:10.160 |
And remember, the book is entirely available for free as well. 00:01:14.000 |
You can go to the Fastbook repo to see the notebooks, or through 00:01:20.080 |
You can read it there, for example, through Colab. 00:01:23.360 |
And also, remember that the book, I mean, the book's got a lot of stuff that we didn't 00:01:33.920 |
cover in the course, like, you know, stuff I find pretty interesting about the history 00:01:37.200 |
of neural networks, some of which has some really interesting personal stories, actually, 00:01:46.160 |
And at the end of each chapter, there is a quiz. 00:01:49.360 |
And remember, it's not a bad idea before you watch the video to read the quiz, so if you 00:01:55.400 |
want to read the chapter 2 quiz, you know, and then come back, that's not a bad idea. 00:02:00.560 |
And then make sure that you can do the quiz after you've watched the video and you've 00:02:07.840 |
Something I didn't mention last week is there's also a very cool thing that Radak, who I mentioned 00:02:11.720 |
last week, has written called, which is a site specifically for quizzes about 00:02:20.720 |
And it actually uses repetitive space learning techniques to make sure that you never forget. 00:02:24.500 |
So do check out, it's all brand new questions, they're different to the ones 00:02:31.640 |
And they're really nicely curated and put together, so check out as well. 00:02:39.440 |
However, as well as, there's also 00:02:45.040 |
So is where you want to go to get links to all the notebooks and Kaggle 00:02:55.600 |
You'll also find on, every lesson has an official topic, you know, with 00:03:04.520 |
Generally there'll be a bit more info on the forums. 00:03:07.040 |
We try to keep the course lean and mean, and the forums are a bit more detailed. 00:03:14.020 |
So if you find, in this case, you'd want to look at the Lesson 2 official topic, but here's 00:03:25.000 |
So from the Lesson 1 official topic, already after just a few days since I recorded it, 00:03:32.640 |
we haven't even launched the course, so it's just the people doing it live, there's already 00:03:36.240 |
a lot of replies, and that can get pretty overwhelming. 00:03:40.280 |
So be aware that there's a button at the bottom of my post that says summarize this topic. 00:03:48.440 |
And if you hit that, then you'll just see the most upvoted replies, and that's a really 00:03:54.140 |
good way to just make sure that you hit on the main stuff. 00:03:58.800 |
So there's the button, and here's what it looks like after you hit it, you'll just get 00:04:02.840 |
the upvoted stuff from legends like Sanyam and Tanishk. 00:04:09.800 |
So hopefully you'll find that a useful way to use the forum. 00:04:14.680 |
So one of the cool things about this week is I, as promised, put up the Show Us What 00:04:21.280 |
You've Made post, and already a lot of people have posted. 00:04:27.600 |
I took the screenshot a few days ago, it's way above 39 replies already, if I remember 00:04:34.160 |
I had a lot of trouble deciding which ones to share, because they're also good. 00:04:39.240 |
So I've actually decided to kind of, you know, went the easy route, and I just picked the 00:04:47.320 |
So I'm just going to show you the first ones that were posted, because they're also good. 00:04:50.960 |
So the very, very first one to be posted is a damaged car classifier. 00:04:58.560 |
So that worked out pretty well, it looks like. 00:05:00.880 |
And I really liked what Matt the creator said about this is that, you know, wow, it's a bit 00:05:07.640 |
uncomfortable to run this code, I don't really understand yet, but I'm just doing it. 00:05:12.060 |
And so I'm like, yeah, good on you, Matt, for just for just doing it. 00:05:20.760 |
Very nice to see that the next one posted was actually a blog post in fast pages, very 00:05:27.480 |
They were describing some stuff, some experiments that they ran over the week. 00:05:33.640 |
Next one was the amazing beard detector, which if I understand correctly, was mainly because 00:05:38.080 |
it's very easy to get from bird to beard by just changing one letter to two. 00:05:42.800 |
And this is doing a very good job of finding gentlemen with beards. 00:05:49.040 |
And then this one is another level again, it's a whole in production web app to classify 00:06:00.080 |
Apparently we're up to 80 replies now in that thread. 00:06:10.800 |
So you know, obviously, so this was actually created by Suvash, who's been doing the courses 00:06:23.840 |
And so, you know, one day you too might be able to create your very own web app and put 00:06:30.320 |
And when I say one day, more specifically today, I'm actually going to show you how 00:06:37.620 |
So it's actually quite lucky coincidence that Suvash put this up there because it's exactly 00:06:46.160 |
So how do we go about putting a model in production? 00:06:51.760 |
Step one is, well, you've kind of done step one, right? 00:06:57.120 |
Step one is step one, two, three, four is figure out what problem you want to solve, 00:07:03.160 |
figure out how to find the data for it, gather some data and so forth. 00:07:08.720 |
So what's the kind of first step after you've got your data? 00:07:15.840 |
And if you go to chapter two of the book, which I'm going to go ahead and open up now. 00:07:24.060 |
So here is the book, so you can open it in CoLab directly from the course, or if you've 00:07:31.280 |
cloned it to your computer or whatever, you can do it there. 00:07:34.640 |
So remember, will run you through exactly how to run these notebooks. 00:07:40.400 |
And so you can see chapter two is all about putting stuff in production. 00:07:47.180 |
And so remember, we hit Shift+Enter to run cells, okay, to execute them. 00:07:53.880 |
And so we're going to go to the part of the book where we start cleaning the data. 00:07:59.880 |
So I'll click on navigate, and we'll go down here, gathering data, there we are. 00:08:08.400 |
So we could do a quick bit of revision first. 00:08:10.840 |
So by the way, I will mention a lot of people ask me what are the little tricks I use for 00:08:16.440 |
getting around Jupyter Notebook so quickly and easily. 00:08:20.760 |
One of the really nice ones, as you'll see, is this navigate menu, which actually doesn't 00:08:25.920 |
So if you install something called Jupyter Notebook Extensions, Jupyter Notebook Extensions, 00:08:37.200 |
and so you just pip install them, follow the instructions. 00:08:46.120 |
And then restart Jupyter, obviously, Colab already has a table of contents, by the way. 00:08:52.560 |
This is just if you're using something local, for example. 00:08:56.480 |
Then you'll see here that this nb extension thing will appear. 00:09:00.000 |
And if you click on table of contents two, that gets you this handy navigation bar. 00:09:05.480 |
The other thing I really like is this one here called collapsible headings. 00:09:11.760 |
And that's the one which gives me these nice little things here to close and open up. 00:09:20.720 |
The best part for me is if I hit right arrow, it goes to the end of a section. 00:09:26.040 |
And if I hit left arrow, it goes to the start of a section. 00:09:29.620 |
So it's like if I want to move around sections, I just press up left, down right, down right. 00:09:35.920 |
And if you hit left again, when you're here, it'll close it up. 00:09:43.240 |
And we'll be talking a lot more about getting your notebook set up today at the moment. 00:09:50.200 |
So one thing you'll notice is in the book, we use the Bing API for searching images. 00:09:57.920 |
I've just gone ahead and replaced Bing with DDG because the Bing API requires getting 00:10:04.160 |
an SDK key, which honestly, it's like the hardest thing in deep learning is figuring 00:10:09.700 |
out that the Bing Azure website and getting that sorted out, DDG doesn't. 00:10:20.100 |
And you can, I'll share this notebook as well on the course website and the forum. 00:10:25.840 |
But all I've basically done is I've replaced Bing with DDG and got rid of the key. 00:10:30.280 |
So then just like we did last week, we can search for things. 00:10:35.000 |
And so in the book, we did a bear detector because at the time I wrote it, my then toddler 00:10:41.060 |
was very interested in me helping identify teddy bears. 00:10:45.760 |
And I certainly didn't want her accidentally cuddling a grizzly bear. 00:10:50.460 |
So we show here how we can search for grizzly bears just like last week, something that 00:10:56.820 |
loops through grizzly bears, black bears and teddy bears, just like last week, get rid 00:11:06.880 |
And one thing a few people have asked on the forum is how do I find out more information 00:11:14.100 |
about basically any Python or fast AI or PyTorch thing? 00:11:24.240 |
One is that if you put a double question mark next to any function name, you'll actually 00:11:32.120 |
And by the same token, if you put a single question mark, you'll get a brief, a little 00:11:44.620 |
If you've got nbdev installed, I think it's nbdev you need, then you can type doc and 00:11:55.740 |
that'll give you, perhaps most importantly, a link straight to the documentation where 00:12:09.840 |
And also a link here to the source code, if you want to, let's do that with a control. 00:12:15.580 |
A link to the source code and that way you can jump around. 00:12:19.840 |
Notice that in GitHub in the source code you can click on things and jump to their definition, 00:12:24.840 |
so it's kind of a nice way of skipping around to understand exactly what's going on. 00:12:42.200 |
But what I promised you is that we're going to now clean the data. 00:12:46.520 |
So I'm going to tell you something that you might find really surprising. 00:12:51.880 |
Before you clean the data, you train a model. 00:12:55.440 |
Now I know that's going to sound really backwards to what you've probably heard a thousand times, 00:13:00.680 |
which is that first you train, you plane your data and then you train your model. 00:13:06.680 |
But I'm going to show you something really amazing. 00:13:08.840 |
First we're going to train a model and you'll see why in a moment. 00:13:11.480 |
So to train a model, just like before, we use a data block to grab our data loaders. 00:13:17.240 |
There's lots of information here in the book about what's going on here. 00:13:27.800 |
And so then we can call show batch to see them as per usual. 00:13:31.600 |
There's a little sidebar here in the book I'll quickly mention, which is about the different 00:13:45.400 |
You can use a string or this kind of enum-like thing that we have. 00:13:48.720 |
You can see with a squish, you can end up with some very thin bears. 00:13:54.400 |
So this is the real site that's the shape of the bear. 00:14:02.860 |
So it squished it to make sure we can see the whole picture. 00:14:08.240 |
This guy now looks weirdly thin, but we can see the whole thing. 00:14:14.360 |
It's cropped out just the center of the image, so we get a better aspect ratio, but we lose 00:14:24.740 |
And so you can pad with various different things if you pad with zeros, which is black. 00:14:28.600 |
You can see here now we've got the whole image and the correct aspect ratio. 00:14:34.920 |
And you know, different situations, you know, result in different quality models. 00:14:42.440 |
It doesn't normally make too big a difference, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. 00:14:47.220 |
I'll tell you one though that is very interesting is random resized crop. 00:14:52.140 |
So instead of saying resize, we can say random resized crop. 00:14:58.660 |
And if we do that, you'll see we get a different bit of an image every time. 00:15:04.400 |
So during the week, this week, somebody asked on the forum, I'm trying to, this is a really 00:15:10.280 |
interesting idea, which it turned out worked slightly, was they wanted to recognize pictures 00:15:22.760 |
So obviously this is not the normal way you would do that, but just for a bit of experiment. 00:15:27.800 |
So they had very big scans of documents and they wanted to figure out whether it was French 00:15:37.080 |
I said, use random resized crop and that way you would grab different bits of the image. 00:15:41.680 |
And this is very nice because you could run lots and lots of epochs and get slightly different 00:15:51.760 |
And this idea of getting different pictures each time from the same image is called data 00:15:57.160 |
And again, I'm not going to go into too much detail about data augmentation because it's 00:16:06.920 |
But I'll just quickly point out here that if you use this thing called aug transforms, 00:16:12.120 |
so augmentation transforms, and here I have multiplied them by two. 00:16:17.000 |
So I've made them super big so you can see them more easily. 00:16:19.840 |
You can see that these teddies are getting turned and squished and warped and recolored 00:16:27.200 |
and saturated, all this stuff to make every picture different. 00:16:31.800 |
And generally speaking, if you're training for more than about five or 10 epochs, which 00:16:37.560 |
you'll probably want to do most of the time, unless you've got a super easy problem to 00:16:41.600 |
solve, you'll probably want to use random resized crop and these orb transforms. 00:16:48.520 |
Don't put them all equals two, just leave that empty. 00:16:50.840 |
I'm just putting it there so you can see them more clearly. 00:16:56.920 |
So I've got an interesting question here from Alex in our audience, which is, is this copying 00:17:05.200 |
the image multiple times, doing something like this or something like this? 00:17:11.340 |
And the answer is no, we're not copying the image. 00:17:16.200 |
What happens is that image, so each epoch, every image gets rid. 00:17:21.560 |
And what happens here is though, is kind of in memory, in RAM, this, the image is being 00:17:29.220 |
It's being, we're cropping it and recoloring it and so forth. 00:17:32.240 |
So it's a real time process that's happening during model training. 00:17:37.080 |
So there's no copies being stored on your computer, but effectively it's almost like 00:17:41.800 |
there's infinitely slightly different copies, because that's what the model ends up seeing. 00:17:47.120 |
So I hope that makes sense, Alex and everybody else. 00:17:54.880 |
Okay, so we've got, we're going to use random resized crop, we're going to use augmentation 00:18:00.120 |
transforms so that we can get a data loaders from that and then we can go ahead and train 00:18:08.520 |
In this case, we only did four epochs of fine-tuning. 00:18:13.040 |
We'll talk about why there's five here later in the course, but four main epochs of fine-tuning. 00:18:18.540 |
So we probably didn't really need random resized crop and aug transforms because there's so 00:18:23.240 |
few epochs, but you know, if you want to run more epochs, this is a good approach. 00:18:31.160 |
Okay, so remember I said we're going to train a model before we clean. 00:18:46.560 |
So while that's training, so it's running on my laptop, which only has a 4 gigabyte GPU, 00:18:53.760 |
it's pretty basic, but it's enough to get started. 00:18:56.760 |
While that's training, we'll take a look at the next one. 00:18:59.560 |
So the first thing we're going to look at is the confusion matrix and the confusion matrix 00:19:04.080 |
is something that it only is meaningful for when your labels are categories, right? 00:19:09.680 |
And what it says is how, what category errors are you making? 00:19:13.580 |
And so this is showing that the model that we've got at this point, there was two times 00:19:19.660 |
when there was actually a grizzly bear and it thought it was a black bear. 00:19:24.920 |
And there was two times when there was actually a black bear and it thought it was a grizzly 00:19:29.320 |
And there was no times that it got teddies wrong, which makes sense, right? 00:19:32.160 |
Because teddies do look quite different than both. 00:19:39.240 |
In a lot of situations, when you look at this, it'll kind of give you a real sense of like, 00:19:45.600 |
So for example, if you use the pets dataset that we quite often play within the book in 00:19:50.160 |
the course, this classification metric matrix for different breeds of pet, you know, really 00:19:56.880 |
shows you which ones are difficult to identify. 00:19:59.800 |
And I've actually gone in and like read Wikipedia pages and pet breeding reports about how to 00:20:06.400 |
identify these particular types because they're so difficult and even experts find it difficult. 00:20:11.120 |
And one of the things I've learned from doing the course actually is black bears and grizzly 00:20:14.880 |
bears are much harder to pick apart than I had realized. 00:20:22.160 |
But I'll show you the really interesting thing we can do with this model is that now we've 00:20:25.680 |
created this classification interpretation object, which we use for confusion metrics. 00:20:47.560 |
What it does is it tells us the places where the loss is the highest. 00:20:53.720 |
Now, if you remember from the last lesson, the loss is that measurement of how good our 00:21:00.580 |
model is that we take after each time we run through an item of data. 00:21:05.880 |
A loss will be bad if we predict wrongly and we're very confident about that prediction. 00:21:13.360 |
So here's an example where we predicted, here's the order here, prediction, actual loss probability, 00:21:19.000 |
where we predicted grizzly and it was actually a black. 00:21:23.160 |
And we were 96 percent sure, our model was, that it's a grizzly. 00:21:29.120 |
Now I don't know enough about bears to know whether the model made a mistake or whether 00:21:34.280 |
this actually is a picture of a grizzly bear. 00:21:38.560 |
But so an expert would obviously go back and check those out. 00:21:43.000 |
Now you'll notice a couple here, it's got grizzly, grizzly, teddy, teddy. 00:21:52.360 |
And the reason is because it wasn't very confident, it was only 66 percent confident, right? 00:21:57.880 |
So here's a teddy, it's only 72 percent confident, right? 00:22:01.440 |
So you can have a bad loss either by being wrong and confident or being right and unconfident. 00:22:08.000 |
Now the reason that's really helpful is that now we can use something called the FastAI 00:22:15.040 |
image classifier cleaner to clean up the ones that are wrongly labeled in our data set. 00:22:25.120 |
So when we use the image classifier cleaner, it actually runs our models, that's why we 00:22:32.040 |
And I mentioned that I don't know much about black bears and grizzly bears, but I do know 00:22:36.920 |
a lot about teddy bears, so I picked teddy bears. 00:22:41.280 |
And if I click teddy bears, it's now showing me all the things in the training set - you 00:22:45.360 |
can pick training or valid - that were marked as teddy bears. 00:22:48.640 |
And here's what's really important, they're ordered by loss. 00:22:55.000 |
So I can scroll through just the first few and check they're correct, right? 00:23:02.360 |
So when I find one that was wrongly gathered, I can either put it if it's in the wrong category, 00:23:07.400 |
I can choose the correct category, or if it shouldn't be there at all, I click delete. 00:23:11.520 |
So here I'll go ahead and click delete, right? 00:23:14.280 |
So you can see some reasons that some of these are hard, like, for example, here's two teddies, 00:23:17.800 |
which is just, I guess, confusing, so it doesn't see that often. 00:23:20.880 |
This one here is a bit weird looking, it looks almost like a wombat. 00:23:32.160 |
This one maybe is just a bit hard to see from the background, but these other ways they 00:23:38.440 |
So we just looked through the first few, and if you don't see any problem or problems in 00:23:48.320 |
So here's that one it had trouble with, I don't know why it had trouble with that one, 00:23:53.320 |
but so be it, and we'll have a quick scroll through. 00:23:57.840 |
Okay, I'm not really sure that's a bear, so I'm just going to go ahead and delete it. 00:24:04.240 |
So teddy something, but you know, it's a problem. 00:24:16.920 |
So after we've done that, what that does is the cleaner has now stored a list of the ones 00:24:23.480 |
that we changed and a list of the ones we deleted. 00:24:26.240 |
So we can now go ahead and run this cell, and so that's going to go through a list of 00:24:31.600 |
all of the indexes that we said to delete, and it will delete those files, and it'll 00:24:37.000 |
go through all the ones we said to change, and it will move them to the new folder. 00:24:45.520 |
So this is like not just something for image models, it's just, it's actually a really 00:24:50.360 |
powerful technique that almost nobody knows about and uses, which is before you start 00:24:55.160 |
data cleaning, always build a model to find out what things are difficult to recognize 00:25:01.880 |
in your data, and to find the things that the model can help you find data problems. 00:25:06.880 |
And then as you see them, you'll kind of say, okay, I see the kinds of problems we're having, 00:25:10.720 |
and you might find better ways to gather the next data set, or you might find ways to kind 00:25:15.440 |
of automate some of the cleaning and so forth. 00:25:21.080 |
Okay, so that is data cleaning, and since I only have a four gigabyte GPU, it's very 00:25:30.880 |
important for me to close and halt, because that will free up the memory. 00:25:34.880 |
So it's important to know on your computer, your normal RAM doesn't really get filled 00:25:43.640 |
up, because if you use up too much RAM, what will happen is that instead your computer 00:25:51.960 |
will start, it's called swapping, which is basically to save that RAM onto the hard disk 00:25:57.800 |
GPUs can't swap, GPUs when they run out of RAM, that's it, you're done. 00:26:04.200 |
So you need to make sure that you close any notebooks that are using the GPU that you're 00:26:08.840 |
not using, and really only use it one thing at a time on the GPU, otherwise you'll almost 00:26:16.200 |
So we've got the first few reds starting to appear, so remember to ask. 00:26:22.440 |
And in terms of the yellows, it's important to know, as you watch the video, I'm not asking 00:26:31.360 |
The idea is to kind of watch it, and then go back and pause, you know, as you go along, 00:26:40.880 |
The approach I really like and a lot of students really like for watching these videos is to 00:26:44.800 |
actually watch the entire thing without touching the keyboard to get a sense of what the video 00:26:52.080 |
is about, and then go back to the start, and watch it again, and follow along. 00:26:58.440 |
That way, at every point, you know what it is you're doing, you know what's going to 00:27:01.600 |
happen next, that can actually save you some time. 00:27:04.120 |
It's a bit of an unusual way, because obviously, like, real life lectures, you can't do that, 00:27:10.880 |
you can't rewind the professor and get them to say it again, but it's a good way to do 00:27:18.840 |
So now that we've cleaned our data, how are we going to put it into production? 00:27:22.120 |
Well, in the book, we use something called Voila. 00:27:26.000 |
And it's pretty good, but there's actually something that I think most of you are probably 00:27:32.400 |
going to find a lot more useful nowadays, which is something called Hugging Face Spaces, 00:27:38.200 |
and there's a couple of things you can use with that. 00:27:40.160 |
We're going to look at something called Gradio today. 00:27:43.080 |
And there isn't a chapter about this in the book, but that doesn't matter, because Tanishk 00:27:49.640 |
Abraham, who's actually one of the TAs in the course, has written a fantastic blog post 00:27:55.000 |
about really everything we're going to cover today. 00:27:58.840 |
So there's a link to that from the forum and from the course page. 00:28:03.880 |
So this is like the equivalent of the chapter of the book, if you like. 00:28:07.860 |
And I would be remiss if I didn't stop for a moment and call out Tanishk in a big way 00:28:14.200 |
The first is, he is one of the most helpful people in the FAST AI community. 00:28:19.480 |
He's been around quite a few years, incredibly tenacious, thoughtful, and patient. 00:28:25.080 |
And also, because I have this fantastic picture of him a few years ago with Conan when he 00:28:32.700 |
So now you know what happens to famous child prodigies when they grow up. 00:28:35.760 |
They became even more famous FAST AI community members and declining experts. 00:28:41.520 |
So you should definitely check out this video of him telling jokes to Conan. 00:28:50.240 |
So thank you very much, Tanishk, for all your help in the community. 00:28:54.200 |
And sorry if you're embarrassing you with that picture of you as a nine-year-old. 00:29:01.280 |
Now, the thing is, for doing radio and hugging-face spaces, well, it's easy enough to start. 00:29:08.160 |
We start over here on the hugging-face spaces page, which we've linked to from the forum 00:29:14.560 |
And we're going to put a model in production where we're going to take the model we trained. 00:29:19.880 |
And we are going to basically copy it to this hugging-face spaces server and write a user 00:29:34.480 |
So you can just go ahead and say, all right, so obviously you sign up. 00:29:39.240 |
And basically everything I'm showing you in this entire course you can do for free. 00:29:46.960 |
So give it a name, just create something minimal. 00:29:50.600 |
I always use the Apache license because it means other people can use your work really 00:29:55.120 |
easily, but you don't have to worry too much about patents. 00:29:57.600 |
As I say, there's a few different products you can use with it. 00:30:04.760 |
If you make it public, then you can share it, which is always a good idea when you're 00:30:08.020 |
a student, particularly to really be building up that portfolio. 00:30:23.000 |
Now most software developers will be very familiar with Git. 00:30:32.240 |
I'm not going to talk about it in detail, but let's kind of quickly learn about how 00:30:41.160 |
Now Git, you can use it through something called GitHub Desktop, which is actually pretty 00:30:48.960 |
And even people who use Git through the console should probably be considering using GitHub 00:30:54.680 |
Desktop as well, because something's just much faster and easier in it. 00:30:58.740 |
In fact, I was talking to my friend Hamill today and I was like, "Oh, help. 00:31:02.880 |
I've accidentally committed this two things by mistake. 00:31:07.720 |
And he used to work at GitHub, and I thought he was going to have some fancy console command 00:31:12.040 |
and he was like, "Oh, you should use GitHub Desktop." 00:31:14.080 |
And you can just click on it and say, "Oh, that's a great idea." 00:31:19.120 |
But most of the time we do use Git from the console, from the terminal. 00:31:25.120 |
If you're a Linux user or a Mac user, you've already got a terminal. 00:31:30.700 |
If you're a Windows user, I've got good news. 00:31:40.000 |
So in fact, every time you see me using a terminal, I'm actually using that Windows 00:31:47.680 |
God knows why I'd want it to have all these ridiculous colors, but there you go. 00:31:54.280 |
Now what do you want to be running inside your terminal? 00:31:57.160 |
Obviously, if you're in Linux or Mac, you've already got a shell set up. 00:32:01.900 |
In Windows, you almost certainly want to use Ubuntu. 00:32:06.240 |
So Windows, believe it or not, can actually run a full Linux environment. 00:32:11.800 |
And to do it is typing a single line, which is this. 00:32:17.240 |
So if you go to just Google for WSL install, run PowerShell as administrator, paste that 00:32:27.320 |
command, wait about five minutes, reboot, you're done. 00:32:32.560 |
Now, one of the reasons I'm mentioning this is I'm going to show you how to do stuff on 00:32:41.160 |
And so this is like going to a bit of an extra level of geekery, which some data scientists 00:32:52.440 |
I think you're going to find it really helpful and much less scary than you expect. 00:32:59.600 |
And I particularly say like for me, I choose to use Windows and that's because I get all 00:33:07.200 |
the nice Windows GUI apps and I can draw on my screen and do presentations. 00:33:11.360 |
And I have a complete Linux environment as well. 00:33:14.980 |
And that Linux environment uses my GPU and everything. 00:33:17.680 |
So for me, my first choice is to use Windows. 00:33:21.960 |
My second choice, not very much, really like it, would be to use Linux. 00:33:26.320 |
Mac is a little bit harder, but it's still usable. 00:33:34.120 |
So some things are a little bit trickier on Mac, but you should be fine. 00:33:38.960 |
So whatever you've got at this point, you've now got a terminal available. 00:33:44.980 |
And so in your terminal, one of the really nice things about using a terminal is you 00:33:48.280 |
don't have to follow lots of instructions about click here, click here, click here. 00:33:53.360 |
So I'm just going to, you just copy this and you go over to your terminal and you paste 00:34:00.480 |
And after you do that, you'll find that you've now got a directory. 00:34:07.260 |
And so that new directory initially is empty and they tell you, okay, go ahead and create 00:34:17.160 |
So how do you create a file with that in it when we're in here in our Linux environment 00:34:23.920 |
on Windows or in the terminal on Mac or whatever? 00:34:26.840 |
Well, all you do in Windows, if you just type explorer.exe dot, it'll open up explorer here, 00:34:34.120 |
or better still on either Mac or Linux or Windows. 00:34:42.460 |
So yeah, so regardless of what computer type of computer on, you can just type code dot 00:34:50.080 |
and it will pop up official studio code and open up your folder. 00:34:56.600 |
And so then you can just go ahead and if you haven't used VS code before, it's really well 00:35:01.760 |
worth taking a few minutes to read the some tutorials. 00:35:05.960 |
It's a really great IDE and so you can go ahead and create an app dot py file like they tell 00:35:13.960 |
you to, app dot py file containing what they told you to put in it. 00:35:26.240 |
So you can now go ahead and save that and then you need to commit it to a radio. 00:35:37.480 |
So one really easy way is just in Visual Studio itself. 00:35:40.760 |
You can just click here and that'll give you a place where you type a message and you hit 00:35:45.680 |
tick and it'll send it off to hacking face bases for you. 00:35:50.560 |
So once you've done that, you can then go to back to the exact same website you run 00:35:58.560 |
before, hugging space bases, JPHO minimal, and what you'll find now is that it'll take 00:36:06.280 |
about a minute to build your website and the website it's building is going to have a radio 00:36:19.960 |
interface with a text input, a text output, and it's going to run a function called greet 00:36:29.800 |
on the input and my function called greet will return hello name. 00:36:44.800 |
I'm not always very good at remembering how to spell his name. 00:36:51.600 |
So you can see it's put the output for our input. 00:36:53.700 |
So not a very exciting app, but we now have, to be fair, an app running in production. 00:37:00.480 |
Now I told you we'd have a deep learning model running in production. 00:37:05.200 |
So now we have to take the next step, which is to turn this into a deep learning model. 00:37:10.320 |
All right, so first we're going to need a deep learning model, and there's a few different 00:37:18.640 |
ways we can get ourselves a deep learning model, but basically we're going to have to 00:37:29.040 |
I've got a Kaggle example and a Colab example. 00:37:35.120 |
And I'm just going to create a dog or a cat classifier. 00:37:41.920 |
I'll click on edit so you can actually see what it looks like in edit view. 00:37:52.240 |
Now Kaggle already has installed, but I always put this first just to make sure 00:38:00.740 |
So we're going to grab the pets data set, a function to check whether it's a cat. 00:38:06.800 |
That's our labeling function for our image data loaders. 00:38:09.000 |
Remember, this is just another way of doing data blocks. 00:38:14.040 |
And we create our learner and we fine-tune it. 00:38:22.320 |
So in Kaggle, every notebook has an edit view, which is what you just saw, and a reader view. 00:38:27.620 |
And so you can share your notebook if you want to, and then anybody can read the reader 00:38:37.440 |
And so here you can see it shows you what happened when I ran it. 00:38:42.840 |
And so I trained it, it took, you know, so that the GPUs on Kaggle are a bit slower than 00:38:54.480 |
And there's one bit at the end here, which you haven't seen before, which is I go learn.export 00:39:02.840 |
Now that's going to create a file containing our trained model. 00:39:08.120 |
And that's the only thing, creating this file is the only thing you need a GPU for, right? 00:39:18.960 |
You can see pip install, here's cat, entire data, image data loaders. 00:39:24.080 |
So I've got to show batch here as well just for fun, create my learner and then export. 00:39:31.800 |
So while we wait, I might go ahead and just run that. 00:39:36.840 |
One nice thing about Kaggle is once you've run it and saved it, you can then go to the 00:39:55.840 |
And that will then be downloaded to my downloads folder. 00:40:01.800 |
And then I need to copy it into the same directory that my Hugging Face Spaces apps in. 00:40:07.480 |
Now my Hugging Face Spaces app is currently open in my terminal. 00:40:13.640 |
On Mac you can type open. or in Windows you can type explorer.exe. 00:40:21.720 |
And that'll bring up your finder or explorer in that directory. 00:40:29.160 |
And so then you can just paste that thing you downloaded into this directory. 00:40:36.160 |
Something by the way in Windows I do, which I find really helpful, is I actually grab 00:40:40.120 |
my home directory in Linux and I pin it to my Quick Access. 00:40:46.640 |
And that way I can always jump in Windows straight to my Linux files. 00:40:51.880 |
Not really something you have to worry about on Mac because it's all kind of integrated. 00:40:55.840 |
But on Windows they're like, kind of like two separate machines. 00:41:01.000 |
Okay so let's do, so I created a space called testing and I downloaded my model.pickle and 00:41:15.320 |
So now we need to know how do we do predictions on a saved model. 00:41:30.600 |
And so I'm going to take you through how we use a model that we've trained to make predictions. 00:41:37.160 |
There's a few funny things with hash pipe which I'll explain in a moment, just ignore 00:41:42.920 |
So we import as usual, we import radio as we did before, and we copy in the exact 00:41:54.400 |
Any external functions that you used in your labeling need to be included here as well 00:42:00.520 |
because that learner refers to those functions. 00:42:03.840 |
It saves, that learner's saved everything about your model, but it doesn't have the 00:42:08.320 |
source code to the function so you need to keep those with you. 00:42:14.680 |
So for example, I just grabbed, as you might have seen in my explorer, I just popped a 00:42:27.520 |
And so we can create a Python image library image from that dog, turn it into a slightly 00:42:34.560 |
smaller one so it doesn't overwhelm our whole screen and there's a picture of a dog. 00:42:38.680 |
So how do we make predictions of whether that's a dog or a cat? 00:42:42.560 |
All we do is instead of training a learner, we use load_learner. 00:42:48.080 |
We pass in the file name that we saved and that returns a learner. 00:42:52.340 |
This learner is exactly the same as the learner you get when you finish training. 00:42:58.220 |
So here we are, here's Colab, right, we've just been training a learner. 00:43:02.120 |
So at the end of that, there's a learner that's been trained. 00:43:05.260 |
And so we kind of froze it in time, something called a pickle file, which is a Python concept. 00:43:15.600 |
We saved it to disk, we transferred it to our computer and we've now loaded it and we've 00:43:24.960 |
And we can now do whatever we like with that. 00:43:26.420 |
So one of the things that the, one of the methods that a learner has is a .predict method. 00:43:34.720 |
So if I run it, you can see even on my laptop, it's basically instance, instant. 00:43:42.960 |
If you, in Jupyter, things that start with percent are called magics, they're special 00:43:48.480 |
So for example, there's a thing to see how long something takes. 00:43:52.720 |
Okay, so it took 54 milliseconds to figure out that this is not a cat. 00:44:09.720 |
And then the probability that it's a dog and the probability that it's a cat. 00:44:15.480 |
So the probability of zero, false, and one, true of is it a cat? 00:44:22.280 |
So we now want to create a Gradio interface, which basically has this information. 00:44:28.320 |
So Gradio requires us to give it a function that it's going to call, so here's our function. 00:44:35.580 |
So we're going to call predict, and that returns, as we said, three things. 00:44:39.160 |
The prediction is a string, the index of that, and the probabilities of whether it's a dog 00:44:47.440 |
And what Gradio wants is it wants to get back a dictionary containing each of the possible 00:44:53.680 |
categories, which in this case is dog or cat, and the probability of each one. 00:44:59.380 |
So if you haven't done much Python before, a dict of a zip may be something you haven't 00:45:13.160 |
One slightly annoying thing about Gradio at the moment is that it doesn't handle PyTorch 00:45:21.120 |
As you can see here, PyTorch is not returning normal numbers, it's returning tensors, it's 00:45:26.440 |
In fact, Gradio can't handle NumPy either, so we have to change everything just to a 00:45:31.480 |
So that's all that this is doing, is changing each one to a float. 00:45:34.560 |
So for example, if I now call classify image with our doggy image, we get back a dictionary 00:45:45.420 |
So now we've got all that, we can go ahead and create a Gradio interface. 00:45:51.320 |
So Gradio interface is something where we say, well, what function do you call to get the 00:45:58.040 |
In this case, we say, oh, the input is an image. 00:46:01.020 |
And so check out the Gradio dots, it can be all kinds of things like a webcam picture 00:46:04.680 |
or a text or, you know, all kinds of things, give it a shape that it's going to put it 00:46:12.160 |
So we're going to create very, very simple interface. 00:46:19.240 |
And so there's a dog, a cat and a don't know, which I'll talk about in a moment, which you'll 00:46:24.120 |
see here, there's a dog and a cat and a don't know. 00:46:27.800 |
So once they launch it, it says, okay, that's now running on this URL. 00:46:31.620 |
So if I open that up, you can see now we have just like a Sousvash, we have our own, not 00:46:39.680 |
yet in production, but running on our own box, Classifier. 00:46:45.860 |
So you can click and upload one or just choose the examples. 00:46:49.540 |
Yeah, yeah, so it's running on my own laptop, basically instant. 00:46:55.480 |
And I really have to tell you the story about this guy here. 00:47:00.240 |
This is the don't know, submit, wait, why is it saying a hundred? 00:47:09.720 |
So last time I trained this model and I ran it on the don't know, it said, it said like, 00:47:18.400 |
And the way we found this picture is I showed my six year old daughter, she was like, what 00:47:29.360 |
And the first question is, can I take your keyboard for a moment? 00:47:32.480 |
And she goes to Google and she's like, what is a dog mixed with a cat called? 00:47:37.440 |
Like, there's no such thing as a dog mix of the cat. 00:47:40.280 |
Anyway, she goes to the images tab and finds this picture and she's like, look, there's 00:47:46.560 |
She said, run it on that, dad, run it on that. 00:47:49.800 |
And I ran it and it was like 50/50, it had no idea if it was a dog or a cat. 00:47:55.500 |
Now this model I just retrained today, now I'm sure it's a cat. 00:48:00.520 |
I think I used a slightly different training schedule or something or gave it an extra 00:48:04.600 |
Anyway, so that's a dog cat, but apparently it's a cat. 00:48:19.280 |
So you actually have to click the stop button to stop it running. 00:48:21.740 |
So otherwise you won't be able to do anything else in your notebook. 00:48:29.000 |
So now we have to turn that into a Python script. 00:48:33.900 |
So one way to turn it into a Python script would be to copy and paste into a Python script 00:48:40.560 |
It would be to copy and paste into a Python script all the parts of this that you need. 00:48:46.000 |
So for example, we wouldn't need this, it's just to check something out. 00:48:49.160 |
We wouldn't need this, it was just experimenting. 00:48:51.960 |
This was just experimenting, we'd need this, right? 00:48:55.240 |
So what I did is I went through and I wrote hash pipe export at the top of each cell that 00:49:02.640 |
contains information that I'm going to need in my final script. 00:49:10.280 |
And then at the very bottom here, I've imported something called notebook to script from nbdev. 00:49:16.960 |
And if I run that and pass in the name of this notebook, that creates a file for me 00:49:31.520 |
So this is a nice, easy way to like when you're working with stuff that's expecting a script 00:49:35.800 |
and not a notebook, like hugging face spaces does. 00:49:39.920 |
It's fine to just copy and paste into a text file if you like, but I really like this way 00:49:43.320 |
of doing it because that way I can do all of my experimentation in a notebook. 00:49:48.800 |
And when I'm done, I just have a cell at the bottom, I just run and export it. 00:49:56.620 |
That's because there's a special thing at the top, default export, default x, which 00:50:09.000 |
So now we've got an, we need to upload this to Gradio. 00:50:19.640 |
So you can either do it with Visual Studio Code or you can type git commit and then git 00:50:29.760 |
And once you've done that, if we change minimal to testing, I think this hopefully might still 00:50:41.960 |
be running my previous model because I didn't push it and that way we can see our crazy 00:50:51.560 |
So now this is something that anybody can, if you set it to public, anybody can go here 00:50:55.040 |
and check out your model and so they can upload it. 00:50:58.440 |
And so here's my doggy, yep, definitely a dog cat. 00:51:04.280 |
Yeah, I think I might have trained this for Epoch or two less, so it's less confident. 00:51:08.560 |
Yeah, definitely a cat, dog cat, hey, dog cat, hmm, still thinks it's definitely a cat. 00:51:25.600 |
Okay, so that is, okay, so that is an example of getting a simple model in production. 00:51:43.200 |
There's a couple of questions from the forum from the community. 00:51:48.200 |
Okay, so one person's asking, what's the difference between a PyTorch model and a fast AI learner? 00:51:58.920 |
Don't know if it'll be this lesson, it might be this lesson or the next lesson. 00:52:10.320 |
And then somebody else asked, basically is asking, how many Epochs do we train for? 00:52:14.880 |
So as you train a model, your error rate, as you can see, it improves. 00:52:28.040 |
Here's my three Epochs plus one to get started. 00:52:34.240 |
I mean, this is here saying there's a 1% error, I'm okay with the 1% error. 00:52:39.440 |
You know, if you want it to be better, then you could use more data augmentation and you 00:52:46.220 |
If you train for long enough, as we'll learn about soon and then maybe the next lesson, 00:52:52.200 |
if you train for long enough, your error rate actually starts getting worse. 00:52:59.600 |
So basically, yeah, you can train until it's good enough or until you've run out of patience 00:53:04.760 |
or time or run out of compute, or until the error rate starts getting worse. 00:53:15.160 |
Oh, and then in Colab, how do you grab your model? 00:53:21.160 |
All you need to do in Colab is after you've exported it, is if you go into their file 00:53:39.640 |
It doesn't like pop up a box saying, where do you want to download it to? 00:53:42.840 |
But instead, this kind of progress circle thing pops up. 00:53:47.000 |
And so depending on how big it is and so forth, it can take a few minutes. 00:53:51.320 |
And once that circle fills up, then the browser thing will finally pop up and say, okay, you 00:53:59.380 |
So as you can see that the step where you actually need a GPU, you can use these totally 00:54:03.520 |
free resources, Colab, Kaggle, there are other ones we'll talk about in future lessons. 00:54:10.440 |
And then you can do everything else on your own computer, including the predictions. 00:54:15.460 |
So you really don't need to use a GPU for that unless you're doing thousands of them. 00:54:25.280 |
Okay. So now one big issue is we needed to run it on our computer. 00:54:32.980 |
We needed Python and Jupyter notebooks running on our computer. 00:54:42.000 |
Because this is where often people get in all kinds of trouble. 00:54:46.560 |
I'm trying to figure out how to get this all working. 00:54:49.520 |
So the good news is we've actually got something that makes it very, very straightforward. 00:54:55.600 |
There's really only just one part of it you need. 00:55:03.160 |
GitHub's the place where most Git repositories live. 00:55:06.920 |
So if you go to GitHub, you'll see it. 00:55:10.520 |
And so what you can do is you can now grab this whole repository just by clicking here 00:55:18.720 |
And if you've got GitHub Desktop installed, click on open with GitHub Desktop. 00:55:26.160 |
And as you'll see, it brings this up saying, okay, I'm ready to save this for you. 00:55:29.560 |
So I click clone, so it's making a copy of it. 00:55:40.040 |
So basically once you've cloned it, you'll then find there's a file in there called, 00:55:54.240 |
which you know, the details don't really matter, it's pretty short. 00:55:56.600 |
But that's the thing that's going to install Python for you. 00:55:59.880 |
So at that point, you can just run ./setup-conda and it'll run this installer. 00:56:05.760 |
Now if you've got Linux or Mac, you've already got Python on your machine. 00:56:14.440 |
And the reason is because that Python, it's called the system Python, it's used by your 00:56:22.640 |
You don't want to be messing with it, I promise you. 00:56:31.880 |
You want your own development version of Python. 00:56:34.320 |
It's also going to make sure you've got the latest version and all the libraries you want. 00:56:38.900 |
And by far the best one for you is almost certainly going to be these Conda-based Python 00:56:47.520 |
So if you run setup-conda, you'll get the one that we recommend. 00:56:50.520 |
And the one we recommend at the moment is something called MambaForge. 00:56:57.560 |
So basically once you run it, you'll find that you've now, and you close your terminal 00:57:02.120 |
and reopen it, you'll find you've now got one extra command, which is called Mamba. 00:57:11.160 |
So once you've run it, you'll be able to go Mamba, install 00:57:17.960 |
And that's going to, actually we should probably, I should mention there's actually more, bit 00:57:23.440 |
more detail about how to install it correctly. 00:57:27.360 |
If we go to, installing, yeah, okay, we actually want to do conda install 00:57:35.480 |
minus C fast-chain fast-ai, so let's just copy and paste. 00:57:41.880 |
And then the other thing I'll say is instead of using conda, replace conda with Mamba, because 00:57:45.760 |
nowadays it's much faster, so Mamba install minus C fast-chain fast-ai. 00:57:52.440 |
Now this is going to install everything you need. 00:57:57.160 |
It's going to install PyTorch, it's going to install NumPy, it's going to install fast-ai, 00:58:11.440 |
And then the other thing you'll want to do is install nbdev, so you can do exactly the 00:58:22.280 |
It's just, but that'll install Jupyter for you, amongst other things. 00:58:28.760 |
And so at that point you can now use Jupyter. 00:58:33.040 |
And so the way Jupyter works is, you can see it over here, this is my, I'll go ahead and 00:58:42.880 |
So basically to use Jupyter, you just type Jupyter notebook, okay? 00:58:51.580 |
And when you run it, it'll say, okay, we're now running a server for you. 00:58:55.360 |
And so if you click on that hyperlink, it'll pop up this, okay, which is exactly what you 00:59:06.160 |
Okay, so that hopefully is enough to kind of get you started with Python and with Jupyter 00:59:17.920 |
The other way people tend to install software is using something called pip instead of mamba. 00:59:26.960 |
Pretty much anything you can do with mamba, you can also do with pip. 00:59:29.500 |
But if you've got a GPU, pip isn't going to install things generally so that it works 00:59:35.380 |
You have to install lots of other stuff, which is annoying. 00:59:38.420 |
So that's why I kind of tell people to use mamba, but you can use pip otherwise. 00:59:48.520 |
Please let us know how we can help you, gang. 00:59:52.920 |
Okay, so let's see, how are we going with our steps? 00:59:56.760 |
I forgot I had these steps here to remind myself. 00:59:59.080 |
We created a space tick, we created a basic interface tick. 01:00:03.120 |
Okay, we got get set up, we got condor and set up or mamba. 01:00:07.800 |
So mamba and condor are the same thing, mamba is just a much faster version. 01:00:12.880 |
And we'll keep some notes on the course website, because at the moment, they're actually working 01:00:17.600 |
on including the speed ups from mamba into condor. 01:00:20.540 |
So at some point, maybe it'll be fine to use condor again. 01:00:23.520 |
At the moment, condor is way too slow, so don't use it. 01:00:26.200 |
Okay, we've done dogs versus cats, no problem. 01:00:33.240 |
Yeah, so we could also look at pet breeds, well, yeah, we'll briefly look at that. 01:00:43.200 |
Okay, we've used exported learner, no problem, we've used nbdev, no problem, oh, okay, try 01:00:50.480 |
So I think we can all agree, hopefully, that this is pretty cool that we can provide to 01:00:58.360 |
anybody who wants to use it for free, a real working model and, you know, with Gradio, there's 01:01:09.280 |
actually, you know, a reasonable amount of flexibility around like how you can make your 01:01:16.960 |
your website look, you know, using these various different widgets. 01:01:23.200 |
It's not amazingly flexible, but it's flexible enough to kind of, it really just for prototyping. 01:01:31.000 |
So Gradio has lots of widgets and things that you can use. 01:01:36.520 |
The other main platform at the moment that Hugging for Spaces supports is called Streamlit. 01:01:44.280 |
Streamlit is more flexible, I would say, than Gradio. 01:01:50.280 |
Not quite as easy to get started with, but, you know, it's kind of that nice in-between, 01:01:56.680 |
So also a very good thing, again, mainly for kind of building prototypes, but at some point 01:02:02.160 |
you're going to want to build more than a prototype, you want to build an app, right? 01:02:07.280 |
And one of the things I really like about Gradio in Hugging for Spaces is there's a button 01:02:15.560 |
So we can actually create any app we want, and the key point is that the thing that does 01:02:28.400 |
the actual model predictions for us is going to be handled by Hugging for Spaces, Gradio. 01:02:35.760 |
And then we can write a JavaScript application that then talks to that. 01:02:45.880 |
Anybody who's done some front-end engineering is going to be like, "Oh, great. 01:02:49.440 |
I can now literally create anything in the world because I just write any code and I 01:02:57.520 |
And a lot of data scientists might be going, "Uh-oh, I have no idea how to use JavaScript. 01:03:07.560 |
So this is, again, where I'm going to say, "Look, don't be too afraid of JavaScript. 01:03:10.360 |
I mean, obviously one option here is just to kind of say, 'Hey, I've got a model. 01:03:14.320 |
Throw it over the wall to your mate who does know JavaScript and so please create a JavaScript 01:03:20.280 |
But let me just give you a sense of like how really not hard this actually is. 01:03:31.160 |
There's now a URL that's running with our model on it. 01:03:36.040 |
And if you pass it some data, some image data to this URL, it's going to return back the 01:03:47.960 |
So it's going to do exactly the same thing that this UI does, but as an API, as a function 01:03:58.640 |
And so it's got like examples here of how to call it. 01:04:01.660 |
So for example, I can actually, let me show you the API as an example using that minimal 01:04:08.920 |
interface we had, because it's just going to be a bit simpler. 01:04:13.160 |
So if I click curl, and I copy that, copy that, and paste. 01:04:25.560 |
So you can see there, oh, that's not a great example passing in "Hello, world." 01:04:28.760 |
But if I pass in "Tanishk" again, let's see how I'm going with his name, Tanishk. 01:04:43.880 |
So we can use JavaScript to call the API, and we've got some examples. 01:04:56.320 |
So I've created a website, and here is my website, Tiny Pets. 01:05:04.840 |
And on this website, as you can see, it's not the most amazingly beautiful thing, but it's 01:05:11.680 |
And up here, I've got some examples, here you go, single file, click, choose file, click. 01:05:22.960 |
And in this example, I'm actually doing full pet classification, so I actually trained 01:05:27.680 |
a model to classify breed, which we'll talk about more next week, rather than just dog 01:05:34.120 |
So let's pick a particular breed, and we run it. 01:05:47.760 |
But the fact is that this is now a JavaScript app, means we have no restrictions about what 01:06:09.360 |
It's basically we create an import for our photo, we add an event listener that says 01:06:17.040 |
when you change the photo, call the read function. 01:06:19.800 |
The read function says create a file reader, read the file. 01:06:27.720 |
And when you finished loading, call loaded, and then loaded says fetch that. 01:06:33.840 |
Now that path there is that path there, right, except we're doing the full pets one. 01:06:44.720 |
So this is basically just copied and pasted from their sample. 01:06:53.840 |
And then grab the JSON, and then grab from the data, the first thing, the confidences, 01:07:05.640 |
So as you can see, it's like, okay, if you haven't used JavaScript before, these are 01:07:09.920 |
But they're not, it's not harder than Python, right? 01:07:12.600 |
It's just another, it's just another language to learn. 01:07:16.600 |
And so from here you can start to build up, right? 01:07:20.640 |
So for example, we've created a multi-file version. 01:07:26.520 |
So with the multi-file version, let me show you, multi-file, choose, so we can now click 01:07:33.200 |
a few, so we've got a new fee, a rag doll, a basset hound, and some kind of cat. 01:07:42.740 |
So we chose four files, and bang, they've all been classified, apparently it's a Bengal, 01:07:54.640 |
And if you look at the code, it's not much more, right? 01:07:58.040 |
It's now just doing, it's getting all the files and mapping them to read, and now appending 01:08:10.080 |
And as you might have seen on our site here, there's a few more examples, which is some 01:08:16.160 |
of the community during the week has created their own versions. 01:08:21.600 |
So this one here is, I think this is the, yeah, this is from one of the gradio guys. 01:08:33.800 |
So if I choose a pet, I kind of, I really like this because it actually combines two models. 01:08:39.640 |
So first of all, it says, oh, it's a basset hound, and then it lets me type in and ask 01:08:44.600 |
So I could say, oh, what kind of tail does it have? 01:08:52.960 |
And so that's now going to call an NLP model, which asks about this, oh, it's a curved saber 01:09:11.760 |
So again, like here, you can kind of see how, oh, basset hounds ears must be cleaned inside 01:09:20.600 |
So you can see this is something that you couldn't do with just a kind of a ready to 01:09:29.560 |
And so the next thing I wanted to point out is, how did we create the website that showed 01:09:36.680 |
you how to create an HTML file, but like, how do you create those and how do you make 01:09:43.640 |
Well, watch this, let's, here's, here's, here's a, here's the source code to our most basic 01:10:09.960 |
So we could open that with Visual Studio Code. 01:10:20.440 |
And what we could actually do is we could just use an explorer or Mac and finder. 01:10:25.160 |
I could just double click on it and here it is, it's a working app. 01:10:30.600 |
So you can see I don't need any software installed on my computer to use a JavaScript app, right? 01:10:41.240 |
A browser is our complete execution environment. 01:10:47.080 |
So here you can, you know, here you can see it's, it's just calling out to this external 01:10:52.720 |
So I can do it all sitting here on my computer. 01:10:54.960 |
So once I've got my HTML file that's working fine on my computer in VS code, how do I then 01:11:02.960 |
put it on the web so that other people can use it? 01:11:09.000 |
There's a really cool thing called GitHub Pages, which basically will host your website 01:11:15.440 |
And because it's just JavaScript, it'll, it'll all work just fine. 01:11:23.160 |
The easiest way to create a GitHub Pages site, in my opinion, is to use something called 01:11:33.320 |
And basically all you do is you follow the setup process. 01:11:45.760 |
So it says generate a copy by clicking on this link. 01:12:08.760 |
And then there's basically two more steps takes about five minutes. 01:12:14.600 |
So I'll show you the one that I've already built, which is fast AI slash tiny pets. 01:12:22.280 |
And so once it's done, you'll basically end up with this empty site, which again, you 01:12:30.000 |
just go code, open with GitHub desktop or open with Visual Studio, whatever. 01:12:36.160 |
So open with GitHub desktop, or you can copy and paste this to your terminal. 01:12:40.680 |
And so any one of those is going to get you this whole thing on your computer. 01:12:44.120 |
You can save your HTML files there, push it back up to GitHub. 01:12:49.360 |
And what you'll find is fast pages will show you the link to the website that is created 01:12:57.060 |
Now the website that's created for you, you can make it look however you want using something 01:13:04.960 |
So you'll see it's created a file called config.yaml where you can pick a theme. 01:13:10.640 |
So in this case, I picked a theme called alembic for no particular reason. 01:13:18.360 |
So GitHub pages uses something called Jekyll. 01:13:27.160 |
And so as a result, when I now save things into this repo, they will automatically appear 01:13:35.640 |
And the files automatically appear up here in this list. 01:13:39.720 |
So if you look at my index, that's the homepage, the entire file is just this. 01:13:48.960 |
The only slightly weird thing is at the top of every GitHub page's file, you have to have 01:13:54.680 |
three dashes, title and layout, and three dashes, it's called front-matter. 01:14:02.240 |
And so once you do that and save it, it will appear in your website. 01:14:09.240 |
So something else I did then I was like, okay, well, that's all very well that has 01:14:14.120 |
created this website, but I don't really like what it looks like. 01:14:20.000 |
You can go to Tiny Pets and click fork. 01:14:24.280 |
And when you click fork, it's going to create your own copy. 01:14:27.760 |
So I did that under my personal account, which is jph00. 01:14:39.560 |
One change I made was I went to config.yaml and I changed the theme to pages themes hacker. 01:14:48.040 |
So once you fork, one thing you have to do, which normally Fast pages does for you is 01:14:52.640 |
you do have to go to settings and click pages and actually enable GitHub pages. 01:14:58.800 |
So you basically have to, by default it's turned off. 01:15:03.120 |
So use the master branch, root, save, and then it'll say, no worries. 01:15:09.520 |
And so I changed the config.yaml file to point at a different theme. 01:15:12.720 |
And so if you look at now the jph's tiny pets, it's different. 01:15:18.880 |
So it's got the same info, but it's much more hackerish because jph00 is a serious hacker, 01:15:30.160 |
So anyway, look, it's a very brief taste of this kind of world of JavaScript and websites 01:15:38.680 |
But I wanted to give you a sense of like, you know, you don't need any money. 01:15:45.680 |
You don't need any IDEs, you know, you don't really need much code to get started with 01:15:56.880 |
And thanks to hugging face spaces, you know, they'll even host your model for you. 01:16:01.360 |
And all you need to do is just have the magic string as a thing to call. 01:16:07.400 |
So signing out hacker Jeremy Howard, thanks very much for watching. 01:16:14.400 |
And in the next lesson, we're going to be digging into some natural language processing. 01:16:18.200 |
We're going to be doing some of the same stuff, but we're going to be doing it with language 01:16:22.000 |
rather than pictures, and we're going to be diving under the hood to see how these models 01:16:29.160 |
We're going to learn about things like stochastic gradient descent, and we might even be having 01:16:36.160 |
I hope I haven't put you off by saying the C word.