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Are you truly making the most of your time? — Make Every Moment Count | Sahil Bloom & Chris Hutchins

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | What do you think someone gets from being more intentional with their time?
00:00:03.280 | Time is your most precious asset. And like in your prior episode, where you were talking about
00:00:07.520 | making more time, we talked about a lot today is not making more of it, but making the best use of
00:00:14.240 | it using it more intentionally. When you use your time more intentionally, you get better outcomes,
00:00:19.440 | you're investing that time in something that has a higher ROI. And so everything that we're talking
00:00:24.400 | about that doesn't mean you're making more money with your time, but it means you're using it more
00:00:28.400 | intentionally, where you're going to experience higher benefits than you would have otherwise.
00:00:34.000 | And that applies to all of these areas, it might be productive time where you're pushing and
00:00:38.160 | working on things, it might be solitude, where you're just creating space, where you're slowing
00:00:42.560 | down, where you're going for walks, it might be intentional listening, where you're with people,
00:00:46.960 | and you're really thinking about what's the best way to create these feelings of connection and to
00:00:51.200 | develop these relationships of love and support, all of those things, create better outcomes on
00:00:56.480 | on the same one unit of time.