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Do THIS – You Can Get The Most Value From Your Points And Miles

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00:00:00.000 | You also have redeeming points and miles for travel through your credit card portal.
00:00:04.080 | And that typically looks a little bit better than a statement credit, but it
00:00:07.500 | doesn't necessarily perform better.
00:00:09.180 | And what I mean by that is a lot of times card issuers or some card issuers, at
00:00:13.180 | least, will offer opportunities to get like, let's say, 25% more for your points
00:00:17.240 | when you redeem points for travel through their travel portal.
00:00:19.880 | And that looks and sounds good, but there's some opportunity cost involved
00:00:24.140 | there where you're not necessarily getting the 25% more that you think you are.
00:00:28.140 | So I don't necessarily love booking travel through the credit card portal.
00:00:31.600 | Although there are times when it makes sense.
00:00:33.100 | And I think it makes more sense for flights in general than for hotels.
00:00:35.840 | Uh, and sometimes if you're booking a boutique hotel where you wouldn't have
00:00:39.540 | access to a better price, otherwise, there are times when that can make sense.
00:00:43.260 | But generally speaking, I find the opportunities to get outsized value to
00:00:47.080 | be in transferring your points to the various credit card transfer programs.