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What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #86


0:0 Effects of Alcohol Consumption
2:25 Momentous Supplements
3:19 Low to Moderate Alcohol Consumption & Neurodegeneration
6:52 Levels, Eight Sleep, ROKA
10:46 Historical Context & Uses of Alcohol
13:28 Alcohol Metabolism, “Empty Calories”
18:23 Inebriation: Top-Down Inhibition, Impulsivity & Memory Formation
24:23 Long-Lasting Effects & Impulsivity, Neuroplasticity & Reversibility
27:55 Food & Alcohol Absorption
30:7 Alcohol & Serotonin, SSRIs & Depression, Risk for Alcoholism, Blackouts
37:39 Predisposition for Alcoholism; Chronic Consumption, Cortisol & Stress
44:53 AG1 (Athletic Greens)
46:7 Genetic Predisposition for Alcoholism, Consuming Alcohol Too Young
52:27 Gut-Liver-Brain Axis: Alcohol, Gut Microbiome, Inflammation & Leaky Gut
59:46 Tool: Improving/Replenishing Gut Microbiome
62:44 Reducing Alcohol Consumption & Stress
64:25 Hangover: Alcohol & Sleep, Anxiety, Headache
72:11 Hangover Recovery, Adrenaline & Deliberate Cold Exposure
77:16 Hangover Recovery, Dehydration & Electrolytes
80:45 Types of Alcohol & Hangover Severity, Congeners
85:25 Alcohol Tolerance, Dopamine & Serotonin, Pleasure-Pain Balance
93:36 Are There Any Positive Effects of Alcohol?, Resveratrol
95:42 Alcohol & Brain Thickness
97:11 Alcohol & Cancer Risk: DNA Methylation, Breast Cancer Risk
104:31 Mitigating Cancer Risk, Folate, B Vitamins
106:54 Alcohol & Pregnancy, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
110:58 Hormones: Testosterone & Estrogen Balance
115:9 Negative Effects of Alcohol Consumption
118:35 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous Supplements, Instagram, Twitter, Neural Network Newsletter, Huberman Lab Clips

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | - Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,
00:00:02.280 | where we discuss science and science-based tools
00:00:04.880 | for everyday life.
00:00:05.900 | I'm Andrew Huberman,
00:00:10.320 | and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology
00:00:13.280 | at Stanford School of Medicine.
00:00:15.220 | Today, we're discussing alcohol,
00:00:17.280 | one of the most commonly consumed substances
00:00:19.180 | on the planet Earth.
00:00:20.520 | I should mention that both humans and non-human animals
00:00:23.220 | consume alcohol either for recreational purposes
00:00:26.680 | because they like the feeling that it gives them
00:00:29.760 | or for medicinal purposes
00:00:31.460 | or for other purposes that we'll discuss.
00:00:33.840 | We are of course going to discuss the effects of alcohol
00:00:36.520 | on our biology,
00:00:37.760 | ranging from its effects on individual cells,
00:00:40.500 | on organs and organ systems in our brain and body.
00:00:43.880 | We are also going to discuss the effects
00:00:45.680 | of the effects of alcohol.
00:00:47.460 | That is what being inebriated really does
00:00:49.960 | to our thinking and our behavior and how it does it.
00:00:52.440 | And we are going to address what seems to be
00:00:53.920 | one of the more common questions out there,
00:00:55.900 | which is whether or not low to moderate amounts of drinking
00:00:59.200 | are better for our health
00:01:00.360 | than zero alcohol consumption at all.
00:01:03.680 | And of course, we will talk about severe alcohol intake,
00:01:07.240 | binge drinking.
00:01:08.560 | We will also talk about hangover
00:01:10.240 | and what science says about ways
00:01:12.060 | to reduce the effects of hangover,
00:01:14.480 | either by doing things that are inoculatory,
00:01:16.440 | meaning before you drink or while you drink,
00:01:19.080 | as well as things to do if you happen to have a hangover.
00:01:22.640 | We will discuss some of the genetic differences
00:01:24.560 | for alcohol and alcoholism,
00:01:26.660 | and we will discuss alcohol consumption in young people
00:01:31.260 | and how that can be especially detrimental
00:01:33.440 | for reasons that I think are going to be quite surprising
00:01:35.520 | to most of you.
00:01:36.360 | My goal is that by the end of today's episode,
00:01:38.260 | you will have a thorough understanding
00:01:39.720 | of what alcohol does to your brain and body
00:01:41.740 | and that you will be able to make informed decisions
00:01:44.080 | as to whether or not you should be consuming
00:01:46.420 | zero, absolutely no alcohol,
00:01:48.840 | small to moderate amounts of alcohol.
00:01:51.080 | And again, we'll define exactly what that means,
00:01:54.200 | small to moderate amounts.
00:01:55.960 | And if you or somebody else that you know
00:01:58.080 | is consuming excessive amounts of alcohol
00:02:00.380 | that are clearly detrimental to your health,
00:02:02.520 | some of the better routes and resources that you can use
00:02:05.800 | in order to remove that dependence and/or consumption.
00:02:09.200 | I'd like to preface all of that by saying
00:02:11.780 | that today's discussion is really geared
00:02:14.320 | toward giving you information.
00:02:16.340 | It is not about judging alcohol intake
00:02:18.340 | or lack of alcohol intake.
00:02:19.960 | I just want you to be able to make
00:02:21.740 | the most informed decision about alcohol possible.
00:02:25.220 | I'm pleased to announce that the Huberman Lab Podcast
00:02:27.120 | is now partnered with Momentus supplements.
00:02:29.440 | We partnered with Momentus for several important reasons.
00:02:31.660 | First of all, they ship internationally
00:02:33.360 | because we know that many of you are located
00:02:35.280 | outside of the United States.
00:02:36.760 | Second of all, and perhaps most important,
00:02:38.780 | the quality of their supplements is second to none,
00:02:41.320 | both in terms of purity and precision
00:02:43.000 | of the amounts of the ingredients.
00:02:44.940 | Third, we've really emphasized supplements
00:02:47.580 | that are single ingredient supplements
00:02:49.760 | and that are supplied in dosages that allow you
00:02:52.560 | to build a supplementation protocol that's optimized
00:02:55.940 | for cost, that's optimized for effectiveness,
00:02:58.520 | and that you can add things and remove things
00:03:00.660 | from your protocol in a way that's really systematic
00:03:02.980 | and scientific.
00:03:03.820 | If you'd like to see the supplements
00:03:04.940 | that we partner with Momentus on,
00:03:06.280 | you can go to
00:03:09.380 | There you'll see those supplements.
00:03:10.500 | And just keep in mind that we are constantly expanding
00:03:12.980 | the library of supplements available through Momentus
00:03:15.680 | on a regular basis.
00:03:16.620 | Again, that's
00:03:19.180 | Before we get into today's content in detail,
00:03:21.860 | I just want to answer a commonly asked question
00:03:24.200 | about alcohol consumption and the brain.
00:03:26.460 | And the question that so often comes up
00:03:28.900 | is whether or not low to moderate amounts of alcohol,
00:03:31.900 | so maybe one drink a day or one or two drinks a day
00:03:34.580 | kind of thing, whether or not that is bad for your brain,
00:03:38.420 | in particular, whether or not it causes degeneration
00:03:40.600 | of neurons or nerve cells.
00:03:41.980 | Now, the reason that question comes up so often
00:03:44.300 | is because for many years it's been known
00:03:46.440 | that high levels of alcohol consumption,
00:03:48.340 | so 12 to 24 drinks per week or more,
00:03:52.380 | is certainly causing neurodegeneration,
00:03:55.060 | in particular of the so-called neocortex,
00:03:56.920 | the outer layers of the brain
00:03:58.780 | that house associative memories,
00:04:00.860 | that house our ability to think and plan,
00:04:03.140 | that house our ability to regulate our more primitive drives
00:04:07.700 | according to context, et cetera.
00:04:10.300 | So to make very clear, drinking a lot,
00:04:13.360 | so having three or four drinks per night
00:04:16.780 | every night of the week is clearly bad for the brain.
00:04:19.660 | A recent study, however, finally addressed the question
00:04:22.780 | of whether or not low to moderate amounts
00:04:25.100 | of alcohol consumption can cause brain degeneration.
00:04:28.840 | The title of the study is Associations
00:04:31.620 | between Alcohol Consumption and Gray and White Matter Volumes
00:04:35.040 | in the UK Biobank, the United Kingdom Biobank.
00:04:38.420 | First of all, gray matter are the neurons,
00:04:40.580 | it's the so-called cell bodies
00:04:41.860 | that house the genome of the cells, et cetera,
00:04:43.740 | and white matter is the connections, the fibers,
00:04:46.800 | the so-called axons of neurons,
00:04:48.780 | and it's called white matter because that tissue
00:04:52.300 | is surrounded by a fatty tissue called myelin,
00:04:54.500 | which allows nerve cells to communicate
00:04:56.260 | with each other very quickly.
00:04:57.580 | So what this study did is it looked at the brains,
00:05:00.580 | both the gray matter and the white matter,
00:05:02.480 | of more than 30,000, indeed more than 35,000,
00:05:06.460 | generally healthy middle-aged and older adults
00:05:09.140 | in the United Kingdom who were drinking
00:05:11.940 | various amounts of alcohol.
00:05:13.480 | What they found was that even for people
00:05:16.180 | that were drinking low to moderate amounts of alcohol,
00:05:20.020 | so one or two drinks per day,
00:05:22.460 | there was evidence of thinning of the neocortex,
00:05:27.040 | so loss of neurons in the neocortex and other brain regions.
00:05:30.820 | And I don't say this in order to cause alarm,
00:05:32.960 | I tell you this because they are important data,
00:05:36.080 | because they reveal and indeed answer the question
00:05:39.600 | that has been burning for so long
00:05:40.920 | as to whether or not chronic alcohol intake
00:05:44.340 | can disrupt the brain,
00:05:45.440 | even if the chronic intake is very low.
00:05:47.660 | Now, we should talk about what the word chronic means,
00:05:49.500 | because many people, when they hear the word chronic,
00:05:52.060 | think high levels of whatever intake, okay?
00:05:55.980 | So they think five drinks a night or 10 drinks a night
00:05:58.900 | or people drinking every night.
00:06:00.940 | Now, in this study, they looked at people who, on average,
00:06:03.380 | were drinking one or two drinks per night.
00:06:06.020 | So that could be 14 drinks on the weekend,
00:06:09.340 | it could be one drink per night,
00:06:11.820 | it could be seven drinks on Friday.
00:06:13.980 | In other words, on average, one or two drinks per night.
00:06:17.060 | And I think many people out there are drinking
00:06:19.120 | somewhere between one and two drinks per night
00:06:23.100 | or day of the week on average,
00:06:24.900 | so that would be seven to 14 drinks per week.
00:06:28.180 | So this is an important study,
00:06:29.500 | because it says that if you're consuming
00:06:31.500 | even just seven glasses of wine across the week,
00:06:34.140 | it's likely that there is going to be some degeneration
00:06:37.000 | of your brain in response to that alcohol intake.
00:06:40.160 | Although, as mentioned earlier,
00:06:41.960 | we will talk about some of the things that can inoculate
00:06:44.440 | against some of that neuronal loss.
00:06:46.300 | For those of you that are interested
00:06:47.440 | in reading the study in more detail,
00:06:50.060 | we've put a link to it in the show note captions.
00:06:52.360 | Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast
00:06:54.920 | is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.
00:06:57.460 | It is, however, part of my desire and effort
00:06:59.580 | to bring zero cost to consumer information about science
00:07:02.040 | and science-related tools to the general public.
00:07:04.700 | In keeping with that theme,
00:07:05.720 | I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.
00:07:08.500 | Our first sponsor is Levels.
00:07:10.500 | Levels is a program that lets you see
00:07:12.040 | how different foods affect your health
00:07:13.900 | by giving you real-time feedback on your diet
00:07:15.980 | using a continuous glucose monitor.
00:07:18.420 | One of the most important features
00:07:20.260 | of our immediate feelings of wellbeing
00:07:22.500 | and our ability to focus and think and move and have energy,
00:07:25.300 | as well as our long-term health,
00:07:27.700 | are our blood glucose levels,
00:07:29.860 | that is our blood sugar levels.
00:07:31.420 | And that's because all the cells and tissues of our body,
00:07:34.060 | and especially neurons and nerve cells,
00:07:36.000 | rely on glucose for fuel.
00:07:38.360 | I realize some of you out there are ketogenic,
00:07:40.220 | and yes, you can use ketones for fuel,
00:07:41.740 | but the vast majority of people
00:07:43.160 | are using glucose for fuel in their cells.
00:07:46.560 | If you want to maintain energy and focus throughout the day,
00:07:48.820 | you want to keep that blood glucose steady,
00:07:51.400 | and you don't want it ever to spike or to drop too much.
00:07:55.200 | So you need to understand how different foods,
00:07:56.760 | and indeed how different activities
00:07:58.260 | impact your blood glucose.
00:07:59.540 | I started using Levels about a year ago
00:08:01.480 | as a way to understand how different foods
00:08:03.460 | and exercise and supplements and combinations of food
00:08:06.300 | and exercise and even sequencing,
00:08:07.660 | like when I do what,
00:08:08.500 | how that affects my blood glucose levels.
00:08:10.140 | It's been tremendously informative.
00:08:11.900 | It's completely reshaped when I exercise, how I exercise,
00:08:14.980 | when I eat relative to exercise, et cetera.
00:08:16.940 | So if you're interested in learning more about Levels
00:08:18.760 | and trying a continuous glucose monitor yourself,
00:08:21.140 | go to
00:08:23.700 | Again, that's
00:08:27.340 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Eight Sleep.
00:08:30.060 | Eight Sleep makes smart mattress covers
00:08:31.620 | with cooling, heating, and sleep tracking capacity.
00:08:34.500 | I've talked many times on the podcast
00:08:36.260 | about the fact that getting a great night's sleep
00:08:38.780 | is the foundation of mental health, physical health,
00:08:42.000 | and all forms of performance.
00:08:43.740 | And one of the key variables in getting a great night's sleep
00:08:46.420 | is making sure that your sleeping environment
00:08:48.120 | is the right temperature.
00:08:49.320 | Indeed, your brain and body have to drop
00:08:51.240 | by one to three degrees in order to get into sleep
00:08:54.280 | and to stay in deep sleep throughout the night.
00:08:57.340 | If your room is too hot or if you're running too warm,
00:08:59.380 | you will wake up.
00:09:00.220 | In fact, that is why you wake up in the morning.
00:09:02.460 | With Eight Sleep, you can adjust the temperature
00:09:04.500 | of your mattress and your overall sleeping environment
00:09:06.980 | and customize that to you.
00:09:08.860 | I started using Eight Sleep some time ago
00:09:11.440 | and it's just been a total game changer.
00:09:13.640 | I program mine so that there's a subtle drop
00:09:15.820 | in the temperature of my mattress
00:09:16.840 | at the beginning of the night
00:09:17.680 | and then it gets progressively cooler
00:09:18.980 | and then it heats up toward morning.
00:09:20.800 | Even has this nice little vibrate feature.
00:09:22.660 | So it wakes me up by vibrating the mattress a little bit.
00:09:26.100 | And of course that mattress is warming
00:09:27.700 | and warming is the way that we wake up.
00:09:29.380 | If you'd like to try Eight Sleep,
00:09:30.700 | go to,
00:09:32.900 | check out their pro prod cover
00:09:34.220 | and save up to $150 at checkout.
00:09:36.820 | Eight Sleep currently ships in the USA,
00:09:38.820 | Canada and the United Kingdom.
00:09:40.500 | Again, that's
00:09:43.040 | to save $150 at checkout.
00:09:45.220 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Roka.
00:09:47.420 | Roka makes eyeglasses and sunglasses
00:09:49.700 | that are of the absolute highest quality.
00:09:51.520 | And they also have some unique characteristics.
00:09:53.980 | The company was founded by two all American swimmers
00:09:56.140 | from Stanford and everything about Roka eyeglasses
00:09:58.580 | and sunglasses were designed with performance in mind.
00:10:01.700 | Roka eyeglasses and sunglasses can be worn while running
00:10:04.740 | or cycling.
00:10:05.580 | If you get sweaty, they won't fall off your face
00:10:07.740 | and they're extremely lightweight.
00:10:09.020 | In fact, most of the time I can't even remember
00:10:10.460 | that I'm wearing them.
00:10:11.500 | I wear Roka eyeglasses when I read at night.
00:10:13.780 | So I wear their readers and I wear sunglasses
00:10:16.100 | at various times throughout the day.
00:10:17.680 | The great thing about Roka eyeglasses and sunglasses
00:10:19.720 | is that even though they were designed
00:10:21.080 | for athletic performance, they have a terrific aesthetic.
00:10:24.020 | So unlike a lot of so-called performance glasses
00:10:26.580 | that make people look like cyborgs in my opinion,
00:10:29.420 | Roka eyeglasses and sunglasses are the sort
00:10:31.180 | that you could wear out to dinner,
00:10:32.240 | that you could wear to work.
00:10:33.420 | They have a terrific aesthetic.
00:10:34.860 | If you'd like to try Roka eyeglasses or sunglasses,
00:10:37.040 | you can go to Roka, that's
00:10:39.420 | and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off
00:10:41.900 | your first order.
00:10:42.740 | Again, that's Roka,
00:10:44.880 | and enter the code Huberman at checkout.
00:10:47.140 | Let's talk about alcohol.
00:10:48.340 | And let's just acknowledge that human beings
00:10:49.740 | have been consuming alcohol for thousands of years.
00:10:52.040 | If you look at the archeological evidence from Mesopotamia,
00:10:54.520 | you'll find that 5,000 years ago, people had wine vessels.
00:10:57.180 | Or if you want to know when people first started
00:10:59.340 | distilling alcohol, much to people's surprise,
00:11:01.820 | that did not first take place in Ireland.
00:11:03.880 | And that's not a joke about the Irish,
00:11:05.120 | that you'll see a lot of claims online
00:11:06.720 | that the Irish were the first to distill alcohol,
00:11:08.620 | but in fact, they were not.
00:11:10.200 | It was the Chinese that were the first to distill alcohol
00:11:12.520 | and that took place in China in the first century.
00:11:15.320 | Alcohol has been used for nutritional purposes.
00:11:17.700 | So there are cultures that believe and indeed still believe
00:11:21.480 | that the calories in alcohol are useful.
00:11:23.600 | Although later we'll talk about how alcohol calories
00:11:25.580 | are indeed empty calories
00:11:26.860 | and what an empty calorie really is, why it's called empty.
00:11:30.260 | Alcohol has been used for medicinal purposes
00:11:33.480 | because indeed it does kill bacteria.
00:11:35.500 | And as you'll soon find out, the fact that it kills bacteria
00:11:38.380 | because that is absolutely true,
00:11:40.700 | it also kills the good bacteria in your gut
00:11:42.520 | and the destruction of that good bacteria in your gut
00:11:44.720 | can lead to things like leaky gut syndrome
00:11:47.040 | and has all sorts of issues
00:11:48.200 | and there are ways to deal with those issues
00:11:49.560 | and we'll talk about those.
00:11:50.800 | So alcohol has been used for medicinal purposes.
00:11:52.860 | It's been used to clean surfaces.
00:11:54.220 | It's used in my laboratory in order to make up
00:11:56.760 | so-called reagents to do our experiments.
00:11:59.700 | But most humans have been consuming alcohol
00:12:02.560 | in order to change their internal state,
00:12:04.360 | in order to feel differently than they would otherwise.
00:12:07.520 | That feeling of being drunk or inebriated
00:12:09.720 | or tipsy or lightheaded is something that many, not all,
00:12:13.720 | but many humans seem to enjoy and pursue
00:12:16.480 | even though typically it leads to a feeling
00:12:20.520 | of being less happy, less motivated, more stressed, et cetera
00:12:25.520 | when the alcohol wears off.
00:12:28.120 | That's pretty incredible, right?
00:12:29.180 | I mean, we're talking about a substance
00:12:30.760 | that people have been highly motivated to pursue,
00:12:32.780 | that are still highly motivated to pursue,
00:12:34.960 | to create and to consume, that they'll spend money on.
00:12:38.480 | And that's despite the fact that it makes them feel good
00:12:41.920 | and then it makes them feel lousy.
00:12:43.480 | Now, some of you might be saying,
00:12:44.480 | well, I drink, but I don't drink to excess
00:12:46.420 | and therefore I don't feel lousy.
00:12:48.080 | I feel good when I drink and then it wears off
00:12:50.120 | and it allows me to get through my evening
00:12:51.720 | and then the next morning I'm ready to go.
00:12:53.880 | Okay, that very well may be true, I believe those people.
00:12:58.480 | And as I mentioned at the beginning of the episode,
00:13:00.120 | I'm not here to demonize alcohol in any way,
00:13:02.720 | but I do want to point out what alcohol is
00:13:05.680 | and how it creates the effects that it does.
00:13:08.560 | And then I want to talk about what those effects are
00:13:11.400 | when you engage in consuming alcohol,
00:13:14.760 | even as often as one or two nights per week,
00:13:17.560 | or let's say you're just somebody
00:13:18.760 | who has a drink or two on Friday,
00:13:20.360 | maybe a few more on Saturday,
00:13:21.740 | or maybe you're somebody who consumes all your alcohol
00:13:24.240 | one night per week or one night per month.
00:13:25.920 | We'll talk about how that's affecting your biology.
00:13:28.380 | So let's address what alcohol is
00:13:31.120 | and how it affects the cells and tissues
00:13:32.700 | and organs of your body.
00:13:33.740 | Then we'll take a look at some of the epidemiology,
00:13:36.200 | that is how many people are consuming alcohol
00:13:38.240 | and how much they're drinking.
00:13:39.760 | And then you will be able, I think,
00:13:41.100 | to get a good sense of how the alcohol that you're drinking,
00:13:44.560 | if you're drinking any at all,
00:13:46.860 | is impacting your brain and body
00:13:48.480 | and the choices you might want to make
00:13:50.200 | about how and when to drink alcohol,
00:13:52.760 | or even if you want to eliminate alcohol altogether.
00:13:55.160 | Okay, so some basic chemistry and biology of alcohol.
00:13:58.160 | And again, I'll make this very clear,
00:13:59.720 | even if you don't have a chemistry and biology background,
00:14:02.480 | because of the structure of alcohol,
00:14:04.800 | it is what's called both water soluble and fat soluble,
00:14:08.860 | translated into what's meaningful for you.
00:14:11.540 | What that means is when you drink alcohol,
00:14:13.840 | it can pass into all the cells and tissues of your body.
00:14:17.560 | It has no trouble just passing right into those cells.
00:14:20.920 | So unlike a lot of substances and drugs
00:14:23.860 | that actually attach to the surface of cells,
00:14:26.080 | to receptors as they're called, little parking spots,
00:14:28.360 | and then trigger a bunch of downstreams,
00:14:31.480 | like domino cascades of effects,
00:14:33.840 | alcohol actually has its own direct effects on cells
00:14:36.720 | because it can really just pass into those cells.
00:14:39.460 | So it's water and fat soluble.
00:14:41.960 | And the fact that it can pass into so many organs and cells
00:14:45.160 | so easily is really what explains its damaging effects.
00:14:49.440 | I should mention that there are three main types of alcohol.
00:14:52.040 | There's isopropyl, methyl, and ethyl alcohol,
00:14:55.440 | and only the last one, ethyl alcohol or ethanol,
00:14:58.560 | is fit for human consumption.
00:15:00.440 | However, it is still toxic, okay?
00:15:03.480 | It produces substantial stress and damage to cells.
00:15:07.880 | I'd love to be able to tell you otherwise,
00:15:09.340 | but that's just a fact.
00:15:10.900 | Ethanol produces substantial damage to cells.
00:15:14.400 | And it does that because when you ingest ethanol,
00:15:17.720 | it has to be converted into something else
00:15:19.520 | because it is toxic to the body.
00:15:21.640 | And there's a molecule inside of all of us called NAD.
00:15:25.100 | And you may have heard of NAD because it's quite popular.
00:15:27.700 | There's a lot of discussion about NAD
00:15:30.140 | in the longevity literature right now.
00:15:32.000 | NAD is present in all our cells from birth until death.
00:15:34.680 | The levels of NAD tend to go down across the lifespan.
00:15:37.400 | There are ideas that increasing levels of NAD
00:15:39.720 | may extend lifespan.
00:15:40.740 | A lot of that is still controversial,
00:15:42.300 | or at least we should say is ongoing
00:15:43.880 | in terms of the research.
00:15:45.260 | But nonetheless, when you ingest ethanol,
00:15:47.520 | NAD and related biochemical pathways
00:15:50.160 | are involved in converting that ethanol
00:15:52.440 | into something called acetaldehyde.
00:15:54.040 | It's broken down into acetaldehyde.
00:15:56.540 | And if you thought ethanol was bad,
00:15:58.120 | acetaldehyde is particularly bad.
00:15:59.920 | Acetaldehyde is poison.
00:16:01.960 | It will kill cells.
00:16:03.040 | It damages and kills cells.
00:16:04.640 | And it is indiscriminate as to which cells
00:16:06.640 | it damages and kills.
00:16:08.960 | Now, that's a problem, obviously.
00:16:11.840 | And the body deals with that problem
00:16:14.000 | by using another component of the NAD biochemical pathway
00:16:18.400 | to convert acetaldehyde into something called acetate.
00:16:22.680 | Acetate is actually something
00:16:23.960 | that your body can use as fuel.
00:16:26.220 | And that process of going from ethanol
00:16:29.440 | to acetaldehyde to acetate
00:16:31.200 | does involve the production of a toxic molecule, right?
00:16:35.400 | Again, acetaldehyde is really toxic.
00:16:37.600 | And NAD, and if we want to get technical,
00:16:40.080 | it's the NAD to NADH ratio.
00:16:43.480 | And that chemical step is the rate limiting step
00:16:47.460 | to ethanol's metabolism.
00:16:48.680 | What does that mean for you?
00:16:50.180 | What that means is that if your body
00:16:52.460 | can't do this conversion of ethanol
00:16:54.400 | to acetaldehyde to acetate fast enough,
00:16:57.180 | well, acetaldehyde will build up in your body
00:16:59.540 | and cause more damage.
00:17:01.180 | So it's important that your body be able
00:17:03.320 | to do this conversion very quickly.
00:17:05.840 | And the place where it does that is within the liver.
00:17:09.160 | And cells within the liver are very good
00:17:11.760 | at this conversion process,
00:17:13.640 | but they are cells and they are exposed to the acetaldehyde
00:17:16.960 | in the conversion process.
00:17:18.600 | And so cells within the liver really take a beating
00:17:21.160 | in the alcohol metabolism events.
00:17:25.440 | So the key thing to understand here is that
00:17:28.480 | when you ingest alcohol, you are, yes, ingesting a poison.
00:17:31.380 | And that poison is converted
00:17:32.760 | into an even worse poison in your body.
00:17:34.460 | And some percentage of that worst poison
00:17:36.440 | is converted into a form of calories that you can use
00:17:39.260 | to generate energy, generate ATP.
00:17:42.200 | And the reason why alcohol is considered empty calories
00:17:45.480 | is because that entire process is very metabolically costly,
00:17:48.740 | but there's no real nutritive value
00:17:51.080 | of the calories that it creates.
00:17:53.360 | You can use it for immediate energy,
00:17:55.280 | but it can't be stored
00:17:56.600 | in any kind of meaningful or beneficial way.
00:17:58.800 | It doesn't provide any vitamins.
00:18:00.440 | It doesn't provide any amino acids.
00:18:02.120 | It doesn't provide any fatty acids.
00:18:04.000 | It's truly empty calories.
00:18:05.880 | I know some people talk about sugar is empty calories,
00:18:07.960 | but sugar actually is a far better fuel source
00:18:10.640 | than alcohol or acetate.
00:18:13.160 | But nonetheless, when you ingest alcohol,
00:18:16.100 | some percentage is being shuttled into a worse poison
00:18:19.240 | and some is being shuttled into a fuel source.
00:18:22.660 | Now, the important thing to understand
00:18:24.400 | is that it is the poison, the acetaldehyde itself,
00:18:28.260 | that leads to the effect of being inebriated or drunk.
00:18:32.760 | I think most people don't realize that,
00:18:34.080 | that being drunk is actually a poison-induced disruption
00:18:38.400 | in the way that your neural circuits work.
00:18:40.320 | And so we should ask ourselves which neural circuits,
00:18:43.400 | what brain areas, what body areas involved
00:18:45.800 | in feeling drunk or inebriated.
00:18:47.740 | Now, in thinking about this state of being tipsy or happy
00:18:50.560 | or really drunk or a little bit drunk,
00:18:53.440 | I want to mention something
00:18:54.660 | I think most people aren't aware of.
00:18:56.920 | And that's the fact that for people
00:18:59.040 | that are regular drinkers
00:19:00.680 | or that have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism,
00:19:04.900 | when they drink, they tend to feel very energized
00:19:08.240 | and very good for longer periods of time.
00:19:11.540 | Again, people have a genetic predisposition to alcohol
00:19:14.080 | or people who are chronic drinkers,
00:19:15.520 | or even just, if you recall,
00:19:17.200 | chronic doesn't have to mean a ton of alcohol,
00:19:19.460 | but they're drinking one or two per night
00:19:21.080 | or they're every other night type drinkers
00:19:22.880 | or Thursday through Sunday drinkers.
00:19:24.640 | Those people typically experience an increase
00:19:28.840 | in alertness and mood when they drink,
00:19:31.000 | whereas occasional drinkers will have a briefer,
00:19:34.640 | meaning less long lasting,
00:19:36.900 | period of feeling good when they drink
00:19:38.800 | and then more quickly transition into a state
00:19:41.620 | in which they're tired or they start losing motor skills,
00:19:44.440 | they start slurring their speech.
00:19:46.080 | I also want to emphasize this is distinct from tolerance.
00:19:49.620 | We'll talk about tolerance later
00:19:50.800 | and exactly what tolerance means.
00:19:52.520 | But I really want to highlight the fact
00:19:53.900 | that when people ingest this poison,
00:19:56.960 | 'cause indeed it is poison,
00:19:59.080 | the range of effects is very different
00:20:01.040 | and you can reliably predict who are the people
00:20:04.120 | with a predisposition to alcoholism
00:20:06.400 | and who are the people who are more regular drinkers
00:20:09.240 | by the contour, the timing of the different effects.
00:20:12.480 | And again, people who tend to feel more alert and excited
00:20:16.800 | every time they drink, they tend to get a real lift.
00:20:19.560 | They become kind of the life of the party
00:20:21.000 | and that lasts a long while.
00:20:23.320 | Those people are the ones that really have to be careful
00:20:26.040 | about predisposition for alcoholism.
00:20:29.080 | And those people also need to be careful
00:20:31.620 | about their drinking and the amount of drinking
00:20:34.000 | that they're doing, even if they're not full blown alcoholics.
00:20:37.420 | Now, of course, people who are ingesting alcohol,
00:20:39.800 | who are not accustomed to drinking alcohol
00:20:41.120 | have to be concerned about drinking alcohol for other reasons
00:20:43.560 | because it can impair motor function and judgment, et cetera.
00:20:46.680 | But in thinking about the biochemical effects of alcohol
00:20:49.800 | and what it's doing to the body,
00:20:51.600 | what it's doing in all cases is it's consumed into the gut,
00:20:56.600 | goes into the stomach,
00:20:57.840 | the liver immediately starts this conversion
00:20:59.700 | that we talked about before
00:21:00.640 | of ethanol to acetaldehyde to acetate.
00:21:02.880 | And some amount of acetaldehyde and acetate
00:21:05.040 | are making it into the brain.
00:21:06.180 | It crosses the blood-brain barrier.
00:21:07.660 | Again, the brain has this fence around it
00:21:09.580 | that we call the blood-brain barrier or the BBB.
00:21:12.120 | Many things, most things thankfully,
00:21:14.640 | can't pass across the blood-brain barrier,
00:21:16.800 | but alcohol because it's water and fat soluble
00:21:19.040 | just cruises right across this fence
00:21:21.040 | and into the milieu, the environment of the brain,
00:21:24.220 | which is made up of a couple of different major cell types,
00:21:26.340 | neurons, nerve cells, and so-called glial cells,
00:21:28.640 | which are in between the nerve cells.
00:21:30.640 | And we'll talk about the effects on each of those soon.
00:21:33.640 | So what happens when alcohol gets into the brain
00:21:35.560 | that makes us feel tipsy or drunk
00:21:37.100 | and in some people makes people feel really,
00:21:39.980 | especially energized and happy?
00:21:42.040 | Well, alcohol is indiscriminate
00:21:44.900 | in terms of which brain areas it goes to.
00:21:47.540 | Again, it doesn't bind to particular receptors,
00:21:49.980 | but it does seem to have a propensity or an affinity
00:21:53.920 | for particular brain areas that are involved
00:21:55.560 | in certain kinds of thinking and behavior.
00:21:57.280 | So one of the first things that happens
00:21:59.400 | is that there's a slight,
00:22:01.200 | at least after the first drink or second drink,
00:22:04.100 | there's a slight suppression in the activity of neurons
00:22:07.600 | in the prefrontal cortex.
00:22:08.980 | This is an area of your neocortex
00:22:11.240 | that's involved in thinking and planning
00:22:13.300 | and perhaps above all in suppression of impulsive behavior.
00:22:18.520 | So if you go to a party and they're serving alcohol
00:22:21.400 | and people are consuming drinks,
00:22:22.980 | what you'll notice is that a few minutes into that party,
00:22:25.960 | the volume of people's voices will increase.
00:22:28.240 | And that's because people are simply not paying attention
00:22:30.440 | to their voice modulation.
00:22:31.680 | As other people start speaking more loudly,
00:22:33.400 | other people are speaking more loudly.
00:22:34.640 | We've all had this experience, right, of going to a party
00:22:36.560 | and then you step outside for a moment and you go,
00:22:38.360 | "Oh my goodness, I was shouting."
00:22:39.680 | You come home the next day, you got a sore throat.
00:22:41.400 | It might be that you picked up some sort of bug,
00:22:43.200 | some virus or something.
00:22:44.600 | But oftentimes it's just the fact
00:22:46.520 | you've been shouting all night just to be heard
00:22:48.080 | because as the prefrontal cortex shuts down,
00:22:50.500 | people stop modulating their level of speech quite as much.
00:22:55.060 | Also notice that people start gesticulating more.
00:22:57.420 | People will start standing up and sitting down more.
00:22:59.760 | They'll start walking around more.
00:23:00.860 | If there's music on,
00:23:01.700 | people might spontaneously start dancing.
00:23:04.000 | All of this is because these areas of the prefrontal cortex
00:23:07.160 | normally are providing what's called top-down inhibition.
00:23:10.000 | They are releasing a neurotransmitter called GABA
00:23:13.160 | onto various parts of the brain.
00:23:14.800 | They're involved in impulsive motor behavior
00:23:16.680 | and thought patterns.
00:23:17.920 | And as you shut down the prefrontal cortex,
00:23:20.040 | that GABAergic suppression of impulses starts to be released.
00:23:24.440 | So people will say things that they want to say
00:23:27.400 | without so much forethought about what they're saying.
00:23:30.360 | Or they might do things that they want to do
00:23:32.800 | without really thinking it through quite as much
00:23:34.880 | or they might not even remember thinking it through at all
00:23:37.280 | or experience, I should say, thinking it through at all.
00:23:39.260 | We haven't talked about blacking out yet
00:23:40.680 | in the effects of alcohol on memory.
00:23:42.560 | But as long as we're there,
00:23:43.520 | I'll just tell you that alcohol has a very strong effect
00:23:46.600 | in suppressing the neural networks
00:23:48.280 | that are involved in memory formation and storage.
00:23:51.160 | This is why oftentimes we forget the events of a night out
00:23:55.000 | if we've been drinking.
00:23:56.780 | One of the more important things to know
00:23:58.520 | about the effects of alcohol in the brain
00:24:01.000 | is this disruption in top-down inhibition,
00:24:03.840 | but also that areas of the brain
00:24:06.820 | that are involved in flexible behavior,
00:24:09.680 | sort of considering different options,
00:24:11.200 | like I could do A or I could do B.
00:24:12.640 | I could say this to them or I could say that.
00:24:14.480 | I could say it in that way
00:24:15.600 | or I could say it in this way.
00:24:16.600 | This might be a little more tactful.
00:24:18.560 | Those brain areas basically shut down entirely
00:24:21.680 | and people just tend to say what they want to say.
00:24:23.840 | So the key thing to understand is that when people drink,
00:24:26.560 | the prefrontal cortex and top-down inhibition is diminished.
00:24:31.160 | That is habitual behavior
00:24:33.280 | and impulsive behavior starts to increase.
00:24:36.100 | Now, what's interesting is this is true in the short term,
00:24:39.180 | so after people have one or two,
00:24:40.640 | maybe three or four drinks,
00:24:42.260 | but it's also true that the more often that people drink,
00:24:47.040 | there are changes in the very circuits
00:24:50.540 | that underlie habitual and impulsive behavior.
00:24:53.500 | Okay, this is really important to highlight,
00:24:55.160 | so much so that I want to drill into it
00:24:56.480 | a little bit more deeply.
00:24:57.760 | For the person that drinks, say, every Thursday night
00:25:01.700 | or every Friday night,
00:25:02.800 | or goes out only on Saturdays, but every Saturday,
00:25:06.260 | there's evidence that there are changes
00:25:08.140 | in the neural circuits of the brain
00:25:09.740 | that control habitual behavior and impulsive behavior,
00:25:12.800 | and they are modified and strengthened
00:25:15.540 | in ways that make those people more habitual
00:25:18.280 | and more impulsive outside the times
00:25:21.080 | in which they are drinking.
00:25:22.700 | And when they drink, impulsive and habitual behavior
00:25:26.040 | tends to increase even further.
00:25:27.800 | This is something that's not often talked about
00:25:30.120 | when discussing the effects of alcohol.
00:25:31.840 | And we all know the effects of being drunk can be bad,
00:25:36.120 | can be bad in terms of judgment, motor coordination,
00:25:39.360 | certainly driving drunk is a terrible thing,
00:25:41.680 | get you or other people killed, and so on.
00:25:44.600 | But rarely do we hear about the changes in neural circuits
00:25:47.640 | from just one or two nights of regular drinking.
00:25:52.440 | Again, chronic drinking doesn't necessarily mean
00:25:55.120 | every day and every night.
00:25:56.600 | It could be the person that simply drinks
00:25:58.300 | every Thursday or every Friday,
00:25:59.580 | or just once a week has three or four drinks,
00:26:01.220 | or maybe even a few more.
00:26:03.000 | That person is going to experience
00:26:04.960 | a decrease in this top-down inhibition,
00:26:07.600 | so an increase in impulsivity and habitual behavior
00:26:09.880 | because the break on those behaviors
00:26:11.840 | has been removed while they're drinking,
00:26:13.720 | but also changes in the very neural circuits
00:26:16.360 | that allow habitual and impulsive behavior
00:26:19.000 | to occur more readily even when they're not drinking.
00:26:21.480 | And if you want to know the actual substrate for that,
00:26:23.680 | the cellar substrate, I can briefly describe it.
00:26:25.640 | It's really interesting.
00:26:27.040 | Again, you don't need to know any biology
00:26:28.340 | to understand this.
00:26:29.240 | What it does is it increases the number of synapses,
00:26:33.000 | the actual points of connection in the neural circuits
00:26:35.300 | that control habitual behavior.
00:26:37.780 | So there's literally a growth of the neural circuits
00:26:40.580 | in your brain that lead to existing habit execution, right?
00:26:44.820 | The performance of things you already know how to do
00:26:47.180 | and a reduction in the neural circuits,
00:26:49.760 | or I should say a reduction in the number of synapses
00:26:52.100 | of the contacts within the neural circuits
00:26:54.720 | that are controlling behavior.
00:26:56.540 | So this again is a not often discussed aspect
00:26:59.000 | of alcohol intake.
00:27:00.140 | Fortunately, it is reversible.
00:27:02.200 | So in animals or humans that undertake a period of abstinence
00:27:06.460 | of anywhere from two to six months,
00:27:08.920 | these neural circuits return to normal,
00:27:11.260 | except in cases where people have been chronically drinking
00:27:14.140 | large volumes of alcohol for many, many years.
00:27:16.280 | And in those cases,
00:27:17.540 | while there is some recovery of brain circuitry,
00:27:20.840 | after people get sober, meaning completely sober,
00:27:24.100 | they stop drinking entirely,
00:27:25.980 | there is evidence of long lasting impact
00:27:28.580 | of heavy alcohol usage throughout the lifespan.
00:27:31.240 | But of course, this doesn't mean that anyone
00:27:32.860 | that's suffering from alcoholism or that used to
00:27:34.780 | should not continue to focus on their health.
00:27:36.880 | You absolutely should, all is not lost.
00:27:39.280 | But for people that have been drinking for a lot of years,
00:27:40.980 | maybe you went to college and you drank a lot in those years
00:27:43.520 | and your neural circuits change.
00:27:45.380 | If there's a period in which you don't drink alcohol,
00:27:47.820 | again, from two to six months and ideally longer,
00:27:51.580 | those neural circuits can then be re-modified
00:27:53.660 | back to their original state.
00:27:55.260 | So let's consider some of the other neurochemical effects
00:27:57.740 | of alcohol in the brain and body.
00:27:59.340 | And again, for right now, we're confining the conversation
00:28:02.580 | to people that are drinking on average,
00:28:04.560 | one or two drinks per night.
00:28:06.300 | Now, some people might think that two drinks per night
00:28:07.920 | is a lot and a lot of that will depend on body weight.
00:28:10.380 | So for instance, people who weigh 110 pounds,
00:28:15.380 | for them to ingest two alcoholic drinks
00:28:18.340 | is going to be substantially different
00:28:19.820 | in terms of the biochemical effects
00:28:21.580 | than somebody who weighs 220 pounds.
00:28:24.260 | Of course, tolerance will also factor into this,
00:28:26.840 | genetic background will also factor into this,
00:28:29.480 | and indeed, whether or not people have eaten
00:28:32.100 | will factor into this.
00:28:32.940 | So there are a lot of factors and we'll talk about that.
00:28:35.000 | For the time being, if you're curious about how food impacts
00:28:38.440 | the effects of alcohol and your feelings of being drunk,
00:28:41.360 | you may have heard, for instance,
00:28:42.560 | that if somebody is inebriated and they want to sober up,
00:28:45.020 | they should eat something, turns out that does not work.
00:28:48.080 | Here's how it does work, however.
00:28:50.100 | If you eat something prior to drinking alcohol
00:28:53.280 | or while ingesting alcohol,
00:28:55.800 | it will slow the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream.
00:28:59.700 | In other words, you won't feel as drunk as fast.
00:29:02.020 | For many of you, this probably comes as no surprise,
00:29:04.220 | in particular, if that meal includes carbohydrates,
00:29:07.460 | fats, and proteins, okay?
00:29:09.660 | The inclusion of all three major macronutrients
00:29:12.800 | seems to slow the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream
00:29:15.620 | far more than having any one of those
00:29:18.520 | or two of those macronutrients present.
00:29:21.220 | Now, if you are already inebriated
00:29:23.700 | or you've had a glass of wine or a beer
00:29:25.840 | and you eat something,
00:29:27.880 | chances are that alcohol has already made it
00:29:30.960 | into your bloodstream
00:29:31.780 | because it moves into the bloodstream so quickly.
00:29:34.940 | Again, it's fat soluble and water soluble,
00:29:37.060 | so within minutes, right?
00:29:38.360 | If you have an empty stomach,
00:29:40.000 | within five to 10 minutes,
00:29:41.560 | that alcohol is going to be within your bloodstream
00:29:43.320 | and distributed throughout your body,
00:29:44.360 | maybe even faster depending on the type of alcohol
00:29:46.640 | and your metabolism.
00:29:48.600 | But if you're already drunk and you eat something,
00:29:52.240 | it's not going to sober you up more quickly,
00:29:53.780 | but it certainly will blunt the effects
00:29:55.080 | of any additional alcohol that you might consume.
00:29:57.900 | And if you're somebody who is concerned
00:30:00.440 | about getting too drunk too quick,
00:30:02.160 | even from a small amount of alcohol,
00:30:03.380 | having some food in your gut can certainly be beneficial.
00:30:06.860 | Now, that's food and alcohol and the absorption of alcohol,
00:30:10.260 | but let's go back to talking about the biochemical
00:30:13.340 | and neurochemical effects of alcohol on the brain.
00:30:15.900 | We talked about top-down inhibition
00:30:17.960 | and we talked about habitual
00:30:19.400 | and impulsive behavior circuitry.
00:30:21.820 | There are also dramatic changes in the activity of neurons
00:30:25.860 | that control the release of so-called serotonin.
00:30:28.040 | Serotonin is a neuromodulator.
00:30:30.060 | It changes the activity of neural circuits
00:30:32.860 | and many neural circuits, in particular,
00:30:34.540 | those involved in mood and feelings of wellbeing.
00:30:37.460 | Recently, there's been a lot of interest in serotonin
00:30:39.980 | because of a study that was released
00:30:41.300 | that showed pretty conclusively
00:30:42.840 | that serotonin levels can't really explain depression
00:30:46.700 | and depression-like symptoms.
00:30:48.280 | I want to make it very clear
00:30:49.460 | that although that study did show that serotonin levels
00:30:53.100 | are not necessarily associated with depression,
00:30:56.340 | the study was interpreted by many to mean
00:30:58.580 | that SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
00:31:01.540 | which have the net effect of increasing serotonin,
00:31:04.540 | these are things like Prozac, et cetera,
00:31:07.200 | that those drugs are somehow not helpful
00:31:10.440 | because they increase serotonin
00:31:13.060 | and serotonin isn't involved in depression.
00:31:15.980 | That logic doesn't really hold together,
00:31:18.320 | so I'm going to use this as an opportunity
00:31:19.720 | to just clarify what really occurred there,
00:31:22.380 | and then we'll talk about how serotonin
00:31:24.020 | relates to alcohol consumption
00:31:25.300 | in things like feeling good and in depression.
00:31:29.100 | The key thing is this,
00:31:30.580 | SSRIs can help alleviate depression.
00:31:34.860 | That's right, SSRIs can help alleviate depression.
00:31:37.820 | They are often not always associated with side effects,
00:31:40.080 | dosage is very important, et cetera,
00:31:42.320 | but they probably support relief from depression
00:31:47.120 | by changing neural circuits,
00:31:48.840 | not necessarily by increasing serotonin itself.
00:31:52.100 | That is, increasing serotonin with these drugs
00:31:54.440 | likely change the neural circuits involved in mood,
00:31:57.500 | allowing people to feel better
00:31:58.820 | through so-called neuroplasticity,
00:32:00.420 | which is the brain's ability to change itself
00:32:02.540 | in response to experience.
00:32:03.860 | So there's a bit of confusion,
00:32:04.900 | and again, I'm using this episode on alcohol
00:32:07.800 | to highlight some of the confusion
00:32:08.980 | because I think it's timely,
00:32:10.300 | because the study just came out
00:32:11.260 | and there's a lot of chatter about this out there,
00:32:13.260 | that when people are depressed,
00:32:15.700 | it's not necessarily because serotonin levels are low.
00:32:18.820 | However, if serotonin levels are increased
00:32:21.160 | with things like Prozac, Zoloft, and other SSRIs,
00:32:24.080 | oftentimes there is, yes, a relief from depression,
00:32:27.800 | but that's probably not
00:32:29.260 | because of restoring serotonin levels per se,
00:32:31.500 | it's probably because serotonin facilitates
00:32:35.380 | the changes in neural circuits that need to occur
00:32:37.540 | in order for people to feel elevated mood, okay?
00:32:40.300 | So again, that's a bit of a tangent and a sigh,
00:32:42.020 | but I do think it's a vital one for people to know about.
00:32:44.700 | Again, if you're thinking about taking SSRIs,
00:32:46.540 | you're currently taking them and you've heard this news,
00:32:48.820 | definitely talk to your doctor.
00:32:50.300 | Again, there is great utility for some of these SSRIs,
00:32:52.660 | and also in conditions like OCD,
00:32:54.740 | they've been shown to be very beneficial,
00:32:56.360 | so we really don't want to throw SSRIs out
00:32:58.580 | as a potentially valuable treatment.
00:33:00.380 | Getting back to the effects of alcohol on serotonin,
00:33:05.000 | it's very clear beyond any doubt
00:33:08.560 | that many of the circuits in the brain
00:33:10.320 | that are involved in mood and feelings of wellbeing
00:33:12.800 | and also sort of self-image in how we see ourselves
00:33:17.120 | employ the neuromodulator serotonin and alcohol
00:33:21.040 | when we ingest it and it's converted into acetaldehyde,
00:33:25.520 | it goes and that acetaldehyde acts as a toxin
00:33:29.640 | at the very synapses,
00:33:31.080 | the connections between the serotonergic neurons
00:33:33.080 | and lots of other neurons.
00:33:34.440 | In other words, when we ingest alcohol,
00:33:36.400 | the toxic effects of alcohol disrupt those mood circuitries
00:33:40.220 | at first making them hyperactive,
00:33:42.860 | that's right, making them hyperactive,
00:33:44.260 | this is why people become really talkative,
00:33:46.260 | people start to feel really good
00:33:47.380 | after a few sips of alcohol, at least most people do,
00:33:50.140 | and then as they can ingest more alcohol
00:33:53.060 | or as that alcohol wears off,
00:33:54.940 | serotonin levels and the activity of those circuits
00:33:57.620 | really starts to drop and that's why people feel less good.
00:34:00.940 | And typically what they do, they go and get another drink
00:34:03.360 | and they attempt to kind of restore that feeling
00:34:05.660 | of wellbeing and mood.
00:34:06.860 | Now, typically what happens
00:34:07.980 | is that as people ingest the third and fourth,
00:34:10.900 | maybe even the fifth drink,
00:34:12.920 | there's an absolute zero chance of them recovering
00:34:15.980 | that energized mood, right?
00:34:17.700 | Most people as they drink more and more
00:34:19.580 | will now start to feel more and more suppressed.
00:34:23.280 | The forebrain is now shutting down quite a lot,
00:34:25.500 | a lot of the motor cortical areas
00:34:27.460 | that control coordinated movement
00:34:29.580 | and deliberate movement start to shut down,
00:34:31.000 | so people start to slur their speech,
00:34:32.980 | people start to shuffle their feet,
00:34:34.740 | people forget their posture,
00:34:36.660 | people start to lean on things,
00:34:38.020 | people start passing out on couches.
00:34:40.140 | There's a great depression,
00:34:41.660 | not depression of the psychiatric depression sort,
00:34:44.960 | but a depression of alertness and arousal
00:34:49.960 | and eventually people will pass out.
00:34:53.020 | Now, I said most people
00:34:54.460 | because there's a subset of people that have gene variants
00:34:57.320 | or who are chronic drinkers
00:35:00.220 | or who are chronic drinkers and have gene variants
00:35:03.500 | that as they ingest the third and fourth and fifth drink,
00:35:07.700 | what happens?
00:35:08.700 | They become more alert, they start talking more,
00:35:11.060 | they feel great, they have all sorts of ideas
00:35:12.800 | about the fun they could have that night
00:35:14.260 | and they're the ones
00:35:15.380 | that if you've ever fallen asleep at a party
00:35:17.660 | for whatever reason or you're getting tired
00:35:19.340 | and you're yawning and looking around the room
00:35:20.620 | and like these people are still drinking and partying
00:35:22.540 | and they're having what seems to be this amazing time,
00:35:25.300 | often not always,
00:35:27.740 | those are the future alcoholics in the room
00:35:31.020 | or those are the people that have a genetic predisposition
00:35:34.700 | for alcoholism or those are the chronic drinkers,
00:35:37.060 | the people who have built up enough of a tolerance
00:35:39.820 | or who have the chemical genetic makeup
00:35:42.500 | such that increasing amounts of alcohol
00:35:44.940 | make them feel better and better and better
00:35:46.800 | and of course they too have a threshold
00:35:49.100 | beyond which their nervous system
00:35:50.680 | will start to get diminished
00:35:51.840 | and they'll pass out and fall over, et cetera,
00:35:55.340 | but that threshold is way, way higher
00:35:57.700 | than it is for most people.
00:35:59.660 | This is important to understand
00:36:01.860 | and it's important to understand
00:36:03.500 | because I think everyone should know
00:36:05.280 | and recognize their own predisposition
00:36:07.580 | and kind of risk in terms of developing alcoholism.
00:36:11.640 | It's also important to understand
00:36:12.860 | because it relates to the phenomenon of blackout.
00:36:15.460 | Many people think that blacking out is passing out,
00:36:18.100 | but blackout drunk is when people drink
00:36:21.340 | and they're talking and doing things,
00:36:22.740 | sometimes sadly or tragically they'll often drive home
00:36:26.980 | or walk home or they'll hop on a bicycle and ride home
00:36:29.240 | or they'll go swimming in the ocean,
00:36:30.360 | all of course very dangerous activities to do
00:36:33.260 | when people are really drunk
00:36:34.900 | or even a little bit drunk in some cases.
00:36:36.660 | So these people will do these sorts of things
00:36:38.960 | and they do them because they have the energy to do them
00:36:41.640 | and they feel good while doing them,
00:36:43.680 | but they are doing them while the activity of neurons
00:36:46.240 | in the hippocampus which is involved in memory formation
00:36:48.880 | are completely shut off
00:36:50.340 | and this is why the next day you tell them,
00:36:54.040 | hey, maybe we should talk about what happened last night.
00:36:56.060 | Like what happened last night?
00:36:57.360 | He said, well, do you remember going to the party?
00:36:58.820 | Yeah, no, it was great.
00:36:59.660 | We did this, we did this and then what?
00:37:01.580 | And it's very clear all of a sudden
00:37:04.140 | that they have no recollection
00:37:05.980 | of all the things they were doing despite being awake.
00:37:08.960 | Now, I wish I could tell you
00:37:09.800 | that there's some sort of blood test or other biomarker,
00:37:12.120 | even a fingerprint test that would allow you
00:37:14.520 | to determine whether or not you have a propensity
00:37:17.360 | to be one of these drinkers
00:37:18.940 | that has a predisposition for alcoholism.
00:37:22.400 | And if you've ever been blackout drunk
00:37:24.420 | and certainly if you've been blackout drunk
00:37:26.280 | more than a few times, you should be quite concerned.
00:37:29.240 | And as we talk more about the more chronic effects
00:37:32.120 | and long lasting effects of alcohol consumption
00:37:34.880 | a little bit later in the episode,
00:37:36.580 | I think it will become clear
00:37:37.500 | as to why you should be concerned.
00:37:39.220 | But in any case, there is something that can tell you
00:37:43.420 | whether or not you might be in that category
00:37:46.220 | versus likely not in that category.
00:37:48.020 | And I alluded to this a couple of times already,
00:37:49.740 | but I want to be really clear
00:37:51.620 | that when people drink, no matter who you are,
00:37:55.980 | initially there's that shutting down
00:37:57.380 | of those prefrontal cortical circuits.
00:37:59.400 | There's a gradual shutting down of the circuits
00:38:01.180 | that control memory,
00:38:02.440 | but then people divide into these two bins.
00:38:04.840 | And these two bins are the people
00:38:06.680 | who after more than a couple of drinks
00:38:09.280 | start to feel sedated.
00:38:11.060 | And the people who after more than a few drinks
00:38:13.200 | do not start to feel sedated.
00:38:15.520 | Now, of course, there's going to be differences
00:38:17.920 | created by how quickly people are drinking,
00:38:20.240 | whether or not they're combining different types of alcohol,
00:38:23.120 | the types of alcohol, et cetera.
00:38:25.020 | But in general, that can predict whether or not
00:38:27.220 | you're somebody who has a predisposition
00:38:28.600 | for alcoholism or not.
00:38:30.240 | One also very interesting finding
00:38:33.600 | is that alcohol changes the relationship
00:38:36.820 | between what's called the hypothalamus
00:38:39.260 | and the pituitary gland and the adrenals.
00:38:41.880 | Now, the hypothalamus is a small collection of neurons
00:38:44.140 | about the size of a large gumball
00:38:45.700 | sits above the roof of your mouth.
00:38:47.100 | And it houses neurons that are responsible
00:38:48.920 | for some incredible aspects of our behavior
00:38:51.300 | and our mindset.
00:38:53.100 | Things like rage, things like sex drive,
00:38:56.340 | things like temperature regulation,
00:38:57.980 | very primitive functions,
00:39:00.060 | including appetite, thirst, et cetera.
00:39:02.560 | Alcohol, because it can go anywhere in the brain,
00:39:04.840 | remember it's water and fat soluble,
00:39:07.040 | has effects on the hypothalamus.
00:39:09.280 | The hypothalamus normally provides very specific signals
00:39:13.660 | to what's called the pituitary gland.
00:39:15.160 | This is a little gland that actually sticks out of the brain,
00:39:18.240 | but it receives instructions from the hypothalamus.
00:39:22.120 | And then the pituitary releases hormones
00:39:24.340 | into the bloodstream that go and talk to your adrenals.
00:39:26.740 | Your adrenal glands sit right above your kidneys
00:39:29.600 | in your lower back.
00:39:30.880 | And the adrenals release, as the name suggests,
00:39:33.760 | adrenaline, also called epinephrine,
00:39:35.300 | and also a molecule called cortisol,
00:39:37.720 | which is involved in the kind of longer-term stress response
00:39:40.640 | has some healthy effects too on the immune system.
00:39:42.560 | Okay, so the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis,
00:39:45.620 | I know that's a mouthful,
00:39:47.640 | you don't need to remember the names,
00:39:49.120 | but the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
00:39:51.560 | maintains your physiological balance
00:39:53.560 | of what you perceive as stressful
00:39:55.160 | and what you don't perceive as stressful.
00:39:57.160 | People who drink regularly,
00:40:00.120 | so this again could be just one or two drinks per night,
00:40:02.740 | or it could be somebody that drinks just on Fridays
00:40:05.280 | or just on Saturdays, or maybe just on the weekend,
00:40:07.720 | two to four drinks.
00:40:09.020 | Well, those people experience changes
00:40:10.740 | in their hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
00:40:14.000 | that result in more cortisol,
00:40:15.880 | more of this so-called stress hormone
00:40:17.920 | being released at baseline when they are not drinking.
00:40:21.600 | This is really important.
00:40:22.840 | People who drink a bit, and when I say a bit,
00:40:26.000 | I don't mean one or two sips
00:40:27.200 | or even a glass of wine every once in a while.
00:40:29.720 | I mean, again, people that are maybe having
00:40:32.680 | one drink a night with dinner
00:40:34.520 | and maybe on the weekend a few more.
00:40:36.800 | Again, I offer a bunch of different patterns
00:40:38.360 | to explain how it could also be
00:40:41.120 | two or three drinks on Friday
00:40:42.600 | or six drinks only on Saturday.
00:40:44.720 | Well, all of those groups experience increases
00:40:47.200 | in cortisol release from their adrenal glands
00:40:51.120 | when they are not drinking.
00:40:52.440 | And as a consequence, they feel more stressed
00:40:56.240 | and more anxiety when they aren't drinking.
00:40:59.560 | This is a seldom talked about effect of alcohol
00:41:03.120 | because so often we hear about
00:41:04.520 | the immediate effects of alcohol, right?
00:41:06.320 | And we've been talking about some of those effects,
00:41:08.200 | effects like reducing the amount of stress.
00:41:10.420 | I mean, how many times have we heard somebody say,
00:41:12.640 | "Oh, I need a drink."
00:41:13.640 | And then they have a drink and they're like, "Calm down."
00:41:15.600 | Now they can shake off the thoughts about the day's work.
00:41:18.640 | They can start to think about things
00:41:20.000 | in a maybe more grounded or rational way,
00:41:22.260 | or at least they believe that,
00:41:23.400 | or they can somehow just relax themselves.
00:41:26.240 | Well, while that very well may be true
00:41:29.020 | that it can relax them when they are not drinking,
00:41:32.280 | that level of cortisol that's released at baseline
00:41:34.960 | has increased substantially.
00:41:37.180 | Again, this relates to a defined neural circuit
00:41:40.600 | between brain and body,
00:41:41.680 | and it has to do with the ratio of cortisol
00:41:44.220 | to some of the other hormones
00:41:45.880 | involved in the stress response.
00:41:48.000 | We'll provide a reference to the study
00:41:49.540 | that describes how all of this works
00:41:51.200 | for those of you that really want to delve into it.
00:41:53.200 | But let's go back to this issue
00:41:55.480 | of those who are prone to alcoholism
00:41:57.500 | versus those who are not.
00:41:59.000 | Remember, there are people who have genetic variants,
00:42:02.360 | that meaning genes that they inherited from their parents,
00:42:05.780 | that make it more likely that they will become alcoholics.
00:42:08.900 | But there are also people who drink often,
00:42:12.040 | who start to experience this increase in alertness
00:42:14.900 | the longer they drink across the night.
00:42:17.720 | Part of that effect we think is because of changes
00:42:21.200 | in this hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
00:42:23.940 | So alcohol is kind of a double hit in this sense.
00:42:27.440 | It's causing changes in our brain circuitry
00:42:29.300 | and neurochemistry that at the time
00:42:31.980 | in which we're inebriated are detrimental,
00:42:34.940 | and it's causing changes in neural circuitry
00:42:37.120 | that persist long past the time
00:42:38.920 | in which we're experiencing the feeling
00:42:40.640 | of being tipsy or drunk.
00:42:42.720 | Now, again, I don't want to demonize alcohol.
00:42:45.000 | I'm not saying, oh, you know,
00:42:46.100 | if you have a glass of wine now and again,
00:42:47.680 | or you drink a beer now and again,
00:42:48.860 | or even have, you know, a mixed drink now and again,
00:42:53.300 | or a shot, that that's necessarily terrible for you.
00:42:55.900 | I certainly do not want that to be the message.
00:42:58.620 | What I'm saying is that
00:43:01.120 | if people are ingesting alcohol chronically,
00:43:03.320 | even if it's not every night,
00:43:05.140 | there are well-recognized changes in neural circuits.
00:43:10.080 | There are well-recognized changes
00:43:11.800 | in neurochemistry within the brain,
00:43:13.920 | and there are well-recognized changes
00:43:16.140 | in the brain-to-body stress system
00:43:19.560 | that generally point in three directions,
00:43:23.100 | increased stress when people are not drinking,
00:43:26.280 | diminished mood and feelings of wellbeing
00:43:30.240 | when people are not drinking,
00:43:32.280 | and as you'll soon learn,
00:43:35.280 | changes in the neural circuitry
00:43:37.440 | that cause people to want to drink even more
00:43:41.100 | in order to get just back to baseline
00:43:43.800 | or the place that they were
00:43:45.240 | in terms of their stress modulation
00:43:46.980 | and in terms of their feelings of mood
00:43:48.220 | before they ever started drinking in the first place.
00:43:51.420 | So again, I don't want to demonize alcohol,
00:43:54.140 | but I do want to emphasize
00:43:55.840 | that there are long-term plastic changes,
00:43:58.280 | meaning changes in neural circuitry and hormone circuitry,
00:44:01.100 | that across a period of several months,
00:44:03.780 | and certainly across a period of years
00:44:05.380 | of the sorts of drinking patterns I described,
00:44:07.500 | which I think for most people
00:44:09.180 | are going to sound like pretty typical, right?
00:44:11.200 | I mean, nothing that I described so far
00:44:12.800 | was about drinking a case a night
00:44:14.300 | or about binging on alcohol
00:44:16.440 | in the way that we often hear about it in the news.
00:44:18.560 | These are pretty common patterns of alcohol consumption.
00:44:21.660 | I mean, all you have to do is board a transatlantic flight
00:44:24.800 | or actually go to an airport on a Sunday afternoon
00:44:27.180 | in a sunny area of the US,
00:44:28.500 | and people are having three, four, five, six beers, et cetera.
00:44:32.640 | Again, personal choice is personal choice.
00:44:34.860 | I'm not telling you what to do,
00:44:36.040 | but it's very clear that those sorts of drinking patterns
00:44:38.700 | are changing neural circuitry
00:44:40.180 | and they're changing hormone circuitry,
00:44:42.100 | and I'd love to be able to tell you
00:44:43.100 | that they're changing them for the better,
00:44:44.320 | but they simply are not.
00:44:46.060 | They're actually changing them for the worse,
00:44:47.580 | and worse is defined as making people
00:44:49.020 | less resilient to stress,
00:44:50.380 | higher levels of baseline stress, and lower mood overall.
00:44:53.780 | Before we continue with today's discussion,
00:44:56.020 | I'd like to just briefly acknowledge our sponsor,
00:44:58.120 | Athletic Greens, now called AG1.
00:45:01.340 | Athletic Greens, AKA AG1, is an all-in-one vitamin mineral
00:45:05.220 | probiotic drink that also has adaptogens
00:45:07.460 | and digestive enzymes.
00:45:09.140 | I've been taking Athletic Greens since way back in 2012,
00:45:11.860 | so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.
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00:45:27.640 | The gut microbiome, as many of you know,
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00:45:30.480 | It also supports the so-called gut-brain axis,
00:45:32.500 | which is vital for mood, for energy levels,
00:45:34.860 | for regulating focus, and many other features
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00:45:38.660 | that impact our daily performance and high performance
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00:46:01.220 | and calcium regulation.
00:46:02.400 | Again, you can go to
00:46:05.620 | to claim that special offer.
00:46:07.100 | Now, I've been talking a little bit
00:46:08.140 | about genetic predisposition,
00:46:10.560 | but there are a couple of important points
00:46:12.180 | I'd like to make about that.
00:46:13.480 | First of all, what sorts of genes are involved
00:46:16.260 | in setting someone down the path of alcoholism or not?
00:46:20.520 | Well, it should come as no surprise
00:46:22.420 | that the genes that chronic alcohol usage modifies,
00:46:27.380 | they tend to fall primarily in the pathways
00:46:30.940 | related to genetic control over serotonin receptors,
00:46:35.260 | GABA receptors, remember that top-down inhibition
00:46:37.760 | and the involvement of GABA, and no surprise, the HPA,
00:46:41.660 | the hypothalamic-pituitary axis.
00:46:43.740 | All of those, of course, combined with environment,
00:46:46.340 | they combine with patterns of abuse, right?
00:46:48.800 | We know that if you're in a social setting
00:46:50.240 | where a lot of people are drinking,
00:46:51.460 | the likelihood that you're going to drink is much higher.
00:46:54.400 | Social pressures, trauma, right?
00:46:57.740 | Some people will use alcohol to self-medicate
00:46:59.880 | to try and turn off their thinking
00:47:01.240 | or to deal with trauma, et cetera.
00:47:03.440 | So they combine with the environment,
00:47:05.180 | but the genes that are in the serotonin synthesis
00:47:08.520 | and receptor synthesis pathway, GABA and HPA axis
00:47:12.480 | combine with environmental pressures
00:47:14.700 | to give rise to alcohol use disorders.
00:47:18.200 | So there's a fairly coherent picture that we have here, right?
00:47:21.760 | This is not a case where, for instance,
00:47:24.120 | people that have a lot of the enzyme for metabolizing alcohol
00:47:27.060 | which we'll talk about in a minute, alcohol dehydrogenase,
00:47:30.020 | it's not like they are necessarily
00:47:32.160 | the people that become alcoholics.
00:47:33.420 | Whereas certainly in certain cultures,
00:47:35.620 | certain Asian cultures in particular,
00:47:37.840 | there are gene differences that lead them
00:47:40.740 | to have low levels of alcohol dehydrogenase.
00:47:42.640 | There are actually people
00:47:43.480 | who have so little alcohol dehydrogenase
00:47:45.160 | that when they ingest alcohol,
00:47:46.600 | they get very red and they just feel sick.
00:47:48.560 | So if you're somebody that has a sip of alcohol
00:47:50.100 | and you just feel horrible, it makes you feel nauseous,
00:47:52.320 | chances are you have gene variants that create a situation
00:47:56.120 | where you're not making very much alcohol dehydrogenase.
00:47:59.000 | You just simply can't metabolize alcohol.
00:48:01.080 | So you just get a rapid buildup
00:48:02.600 | of the toxic effects of alcohol, the acetaldehyde.
00:48:05.640 | You're not converting it into those empty calories.
00:48:08.400 | But in cultures where you have a lot of genetic variants
00:48:12.600 | and genes expressed in people
00:48:14.480 | where they have a lot of alcohol dehydrogenase,
00:48:16.580 | sure, they can drink more
00:48:18.400 | and they're converting more of that alcohol
00:48:20.160 | from its toxic form to a non-toxic form.
00:48:23.080 | And yes, of course, you will observe more alcoholism
00:48:25.960 | in those communities because they're drinking more.
00:48:28.520 | But I do want to emphasize that the environmental factors
00:48:31.560 | are playing a strong role there too,
00:48:32.960 | because if you can drink more, you're likely to drink more.
00:48:35.360 | If you're somebody that feels sick immediately
00:48:37.360 | from drinking, it's likely that you're not going to engage
00:48:39.180 | in alcohol consumption,
00:48:40.680 | especially if these things are genetically related.
00:48:42.960 | And of course, genes and culture and location in the world
00:48:45.520 | tend to run together.
00:48:47.040 | So do you have the gene for alcoholism?
00:48:50.920 | Well, there isn't one single gene.
00:48:53.040 | Chances are if you have an immediate relative
00:48:55.880 | who's a chronic abuser of alcohol
00:48:58.140 | or several relatives who are chronic abusers of alcohol,
00:49:01.500 | well, that's going to predispose you to be an alcoholic.
00:49:05.140 | But since you don't know which genes you express
00:49:07.360 | unless you do genetic testing and those things are available
00:49:09.920 | but most people aren't doing that,
00:49:11.800 | this assay, if you will, and it's not an assay,
00:49:15.100 | as we say, an assay is a test that you run in the lab
00:49:17.920 | to determine something.
00:49:19.420 | And it's not one that I recommend
00:49:20.720 | that you go drink in order to do.
00:49:22.380 | But if you've noticed that you or somebody else
00:49:24.720 | is somebody who can drink a lot throughout the night
00:49:26.660 | and have increased energy
00:49:27.640 | and can just drink and drink a drink,
00:49:29.900 | and especially if there's blackout episodes,
00:49:32.280 | not remembering things the next day despite being alert
00:49:34.620 | throughout the entire night and so on,
00:49:36.580 | well, then I would be very concerned
00:49:38.540 | that you might actually have a genetic variant
00:49:40.260 | predisposing you to alcoholism.
00:49:42.020 | The other thing that predisposes people to abuse of alcohol
00:49:45.380 | is age.
00:49:47.360 | People who start drinking at younger ages
00:49:51.040 | are greatly predisposed to developing alcohol dependence
00:49:55.760 | regardless of your family history of alcoholism.
00:49:58.500 | Okay, so I'm going to repeat that.
00:49:59.640 | People who start drinking younger
00:50:01.620 | are at great risk for developing alcoholism
00:50:04.580 | even if they don't have alcoholism in their family.
00:50:06.900 | Now, of course, you don't have to be an epidemiologist
00:50:09.580 | to understand that if you grew up in a family of drinkers
00:50:12.300 | and alcohol is everywhere,
00:50:13.860 | and especially if there's peer pressure or lack of oversight,
00:50:16.780 | then there's going to be a higher tendency
00:50:19.260 | or a higher probability, I should say,
00:50:21.080 | that you will start drinking at a younger age.
00:50:23.140 | However, even people that grow up
00:50:25.820 | nowhere near their relatives,
00:50:27.660 | if they start drinking at a young age,
00:50:29.540 | so for instance, at 13 or younger or 14 or 15,
00:50:33.380 | there's a much higher probability
00:50:34.620 | that they're going to develop
00:50:36.060 | a long-lasting dependence on alcohol.
00:50:38.900 | People who take their first sip of alcohol later,
00:50:41.760 | 15, 16, or one would hope even later,
00:50:44.800 | I can say one would hope
00:50:45.740 | 'cause I'm now of that age and generation
00:50:47.840 | where you think about all the things that young people do
00:50:51.260 | and you go, oh gosh, if they only would wait
00:50:53.140 | or if they only would abstain, it's just what happens.
00:50:56.000 | I don't know, there's some neural circuit for that
00:50:57.280 | that I can't explain yet.
00:50:58.540 | But people who, for instance,
00:51:00.680 | drink only once they reach legal age of drinking,
00:51:03.240 | which in the US, I believe in every state is 21 years old,
00:51:06.740 | if they take their first drink at 21,
00:51:08.600 | the probability that they'll go on
00:51:10.040 | to develop full-blown alcohol dependence
00:51:12.240 | or alcohol use disorder, as it's called, AUD, is very low.
00:51:15.660 | Now, a subset of them will
00:51:16.760 | because they have such a strong genetic predisposition
00:51:19.260 | or maybe life circumstances create a pattern
00:51:22.500 | in which they become a chronic drinker.
00:51:24.460 | But I found this very interesting.
00:51:26.260 | Genes matter, but also the age
00:51:29.160 | in which somebody starts drinking really matters.
00:51:32.220 | Now, whether or not that's because there are changes
00:51:34.180 | in neural circuitry as a consequence of that drinking
00:51:37.020 | that make people want to seek out more and more alcohol,
00:51:40.100 | or whether or not there's some other effect,
00:51:42.220 | maybe it's a change in hormones, et cetera,
00:51:44.460 | that predisposes those young drinkers
00:51:46.440 | to become chronic drinkers or even full-blown alcoholics,
00:51:49.540 | certainly developing alcohol use disorder,
00:51:51.920 | there's definition for that, we can talk about it,
00:51:53.620 | it involves the amount of drinking
00:51:55.520 | over a certain period of time, et cetera.
00:51:57.860 | So it's very clear that drinking early in life
00:52:00.460 | creates a propensity for the development
00:52:03.220 | of alcohol use disorder later in life.
00:52:06.460 | And while there is a genetic component
00:52:08.980 | to developing alcohol use disorder,
00:52:10.780 | I find it very interesting
00:52:13.060 | that if people who have those gene variants
00:52:15.580 | delay their onset of drinking,
00:52:18.420 | well, then the probability that they'll develop
00:52:20.080 | full-blown alcohol use disorder drops as well.
00:52:23.080 | So again, it's genes and environments, not an either or,
00:52:25.680 | and there's no single gene for alcoholism.
00:52:28.100 | Well, I promise you, I will also talk about
00:52:30.260 | some of the documented positive effects of alcohol.
00:52:33.620 | Although they are very few and far between,
00:52:36.060 | they do exist.
00:52:37.440 | But before I do that, I would be remiss
00:52:39.640 | if I didn't emphasize some more of the terrible things
00:52:42.680 | that alcohol does and the way that it does it.
00:52:45.300 | And for those of you that enjoy alcohol,
00:52:48.060 | I, again, I really, I like to say I feel guilty
00:52:51.700 | about telling you this because I know how much
00:52:53.700 | some people enjoy a good drink every once in a while,
00:52:55.740 | and I say a good drink because some people
00:52:57.340 | do like the taste of alcohol.
00:52:59.220 | I suppose I lucked out in that I don't really like
00:53:01.060 | the taste of alcohol and that just puts me to sleep,
00:53:03.100 | but I know that people do enjoy it.
00:53:04.740 | And I do want to point out that there is zero evidence
00:53:09.740 | that, you know, provided somebody is of drinking age,
00:53:14.120 | or certainly not in the stage of brain development,
00:53:17.360 | that having one drink or two drinks every now and again,
00:53:20.860 | meaning every three or four weeks or once a month,
00:53:23.940 | that is not going to cause major health concerns
00:53:27.540 | or major health issues for most people.
00:53:30.060 | I suppose if you have zero or very little
00:53:33.100 | alcohol dehydrogenates, it might make you feel sick,
00:53:34.940 | but then you're probably not the kind of person
00:53:36.340 | that's going to be drinking at all.
00:53:38.260 | So again, if you enjoy alcoholic drinks,
00:53:41.080 | I'm not trying to take them away from you by any means,
00:53:46.080 | but you should know what drinking does
00:53:48.400 | if you're consuming it in this kind of typical
00:53:50.820 | chronic pattern, as we can now refer to it,
00:53:52.680 | which is that one or two a night or a few stacked up
00:53:57.580 | on Friday and maybe three or four on Saturday,
00:54:00.380 | this kind of pattern of drinking, which is quite common.
00:54:03.380 | And one of the more serious effects
00:54:04.920 | that we should think about is the impact
00:54:07.080 | on the so-called gut-brain axis,
00:54:08.540 | or for sake of today's discussion,
00:54:10.340 | the gut-liver brain axis.
00:54:12.180 | I don't think the gut-liver brain axis
00:54:13.740 | has ever been discussed on this podcast.
00:54:15.340 | Maybe any podcast, although the moment I say that,
00:54:17.620 | I'm going to, you know, the gut-liver brain axis,
00:54:20.860 | people are going to come after me with,
00:54:22.060 | I suppose, gut, liver, brain, and brains.
00:54:24.440 | In any event, you have a brain, you have a gut,
00:54:29.180 | that gut runs from your throat
00:54:31.320 | down to the end of your intestine.
00:54:36.060 | Your gut and your brain communicate by way of nerve cells,
00:54:39.720 | neurons, and nerve connections,
00:54:41.340 | the vagus nerve in particular,
00:54:43.220 | and by way of chemical signaling.
00:54:45.660 | Your gut also communicates by way of chemical signaling,
00:54:48.340 | and believe it or not, by way of neural signaling
00:54:50.660 | to your liver.
00:54:52.380 | And as we talked about earlier,
00:54:53.820 | the liver is the first site in which alcohol
00:54:56.780 | is broken down and metabolized into its component parts.
00:55:00.220 | The liver is also communicating with the brain
00:55:04.280 | through chemical signaling and neural signaling.
00:55:06.900 | So we have the gut-liver brain axis.
00:55:10.240 | And what you find is that people who ingest alcohol
00:55:14.900 | at any amount are inducing a disruption
00:55:19.020 | in the so-called gut microbiome,
00:55:21.060 | the trillions of little micro bacteria
00:55:23.980 | that take resident in your gut
00:55:25.500 | and that live inside you all the time
00:55:26.820 | and that help support your immune system
00:55:28.300 | and that literally signal by way of electrical signals
00:55:31.920 | and chemical signals to your brain
00:55:33.940 | to increase the release of things like serotonin
00:55:36.480 | and dopamine and regulate your mood
00:55:38.100 | generally in positive ways.
00:55:39.580 | Well, alcohol really disrupts those bacteria.
00:55:41.980 | And this should come as no surprise.
00:55:43.160 | I mean, earlier we talked about this and it's well known.
00:55:45.240 | If you want to sterilize something,
00:55:47.260 | you want to kill the bacteria, you pour alcohol on it.
00:55:50.060 | And I can remember scraping myself or cutting myself.
00:55:53.840 | I was always injuring myself when I was a kid.
00:55:55.820 | And the moment they take out the peroxide,
00:55:58.460 | you're like, "Oh boy, here it comes."
00:55:59.580 | But if there's no peroxide around
00:56:01.360 | and you've got a wound there and you need to clean it out,
00:56:03.380 | yeah, they'll use alcohol,
00:56:04.940 | which I do not recommend by the way.
00:56:06.460 | That's one of the harshest ways to clean a wound.
00:56:08.600 | But for centuries, thousands of years really,
00:56:11.020 | alcohol has been used in order to clean things
00:56:13.920 | and kill bacteria.
00:56:15.620 | So alcohol kills bacteria and it is indiscriminate
00:56:19.700 | with respect to which bacteria it kills.
00:56:22.180 | So when we ingest alcohol and it goes into our gut,
00:56:24.420 | it kills a lot of the healthy gut microbiota.
00:56:27.840 | At the same time, the metabolism of alcohol in the liver,
00:56:30.960 | which you now understand,
00:56:32.120 | that pathway involving NAD, acetylaldehyde and acetate,
00:56:37.120 | that pathway is pro-inflammatory.
00:56:40.800 | So it's increasing the release of inflammatory cytokines,
00:56:43.840 | things like IL-6, et cetera, tumor necrosis factor alpha.
00:56:47.800 | If you'd like to learn more about the immune system,
00:56:49.380 | we did an episode all about the immune system.
00:56:51.460 | You can find it at
00:56:52.940 | It'll teach you all the basics of what are cytokines,
00:56:55.420 | what are mast cells, et cetera.
00:56:57.500 | In any event, all these pro-inflammatory molecules,
00:57:00.800 | those are being released.
00:57:03.920 | You've now got disruption of the gut microbiota.
00:57:07.340 | As a consequence, the lining of the gut is disrupted
00:57:10.500 | and you develop at least transiently leaky gut.
00:57:14.980 | That is bacteria that exists in the gut,
00:57:17.420 | which are bad bacteria,
00:57:18.700 | can now pass out of the gut into the bloodstream.
00:57:20.780 | So you've got a two hit kind of model here.
00:57:23.020 | In biology, we talk about two hit models
00:57:25.420 | that is kind of a one plus one equals four.
00:57:27.900 | And it's generally when you hear two hit,
00:57:29.300 | it's not a good thing.
00:57:30.700 | So you've got bad bacteria from partially broken down food
00:57:35.180 | moving out of the gut.
00:57:36.260 | The good bacteria in the gut have been killed.
00:57:38.340 | You might say, why doesn't the alcohol
00:57:39.740 | kill the bad bacteria in the gut?
00:57:41.980 | Well, the bad bacteria that are from partially digested food
00:57:46.980 | oftentimes escape the gut
00:57:49.380 | before the alcohol can disrupt them.
00:57:52.420 | And so now you've got leaks in the gut wall.
00:57:55.380 | You've got the release of this bad bacteria.
00:57:57.180 | You've got inflammatory cytokines
00:57:59.260 | and other things being released from the liver.
00:58:01.220 | And they are able to get into the brain
00:58:03.780 | through what's called a neuroimmune signaling.
00:58:06.440 | And what's really bizarre in terms of the way
00:58:08.860 | that this manifests in the brain,
00:58:10.740 | I mean, it's not the way I would have done it,
00:58:12.840 | but then again, as I always say,
00:58:14.160 | I wasn't consulted at the design phase.
00:58:16.660 | And anyone who says they did,
00:58:17.680 | you should be very skeptical of them.
00:58:19.520 | The net effect of this is actually to disrupt
00:58:24.000 | the neural circuits that control regulation
00:58:26.380 | of alcohol intake.
00:58:27.720 | And the net effect of that is increased alcohol consumption.
00:58:32.340 | So this is just terrible, right?
00:58:33.760 | I mean, so you're taking in something
00:58:36.000 | that disrupts two systems, the gut microbiota,
00:58:38.760 | and it disrupts in two ways.
00:58:39.820 | It's killing the good gut microbiota,
00:58:41.920 | and it's allowing the bad bacteria
00:58:45.800 | to move from the gut into the bloodstream.
00:58:47.480 | You've also got pro-inflammatory cytokines
00:58:49.680 | coming from the liver, and those converge
00:58:53.280 | or arrive in the brain and create a system
00:58:56.660 | in which the neural circuits cause more drinking.
00:59:00.120 | That's a bad situation.
00:59:01.460 | And this is why people who drink regularly,
00:59:04.000 | even if it's not a ton of alcohol,
00:59:05.920 | again, of the sorts of patterns of drinking
00:59:08.440 | I talked about before, and certainly for those
00:59:10.160 | that are chronic heavy drinkers,
00:59:12.560 | what you end up with is a situation
00:59:14.320 | in which you have inflammation in multiple places
00:59:16.760 | in the brain and body and the desire to drink even more
00:59:20.320 | and to further exacerbate that inflammation
00:59:22.300 | and the gut leakiness.
00:59:24.080 | So this is basically a terrible scenario
00:59:26.240 | for the gut-liver-brain axis.
00:59:28.560 | And it's especially prevalent
00:59:29.880 | in so-called alcohol use disorder.
00:59:31.400 | Again, people that are ingesting somewhere
00:59:32.640 | between 12 and 24 drinks per week.
00:59:34.920 | For those of you that are interested in learning more
00:59:36.720 | about the gut-liver-brain axis
00:59:38.200 | and in particular alcohol use disorder,
00:59:40.080 | I'll provide a link in the show note captions.
00:59:42.240 | And there's a wonderful review on this that details that.
00:59:45.520 | But on the positive side,
00:59:47.440 | it points to the possibility that at least some,
00:59:50.040 | again, at least some of the negative effects
00:59:52.600 | of alcohol consumption,
00:59:53.640 | whether or not you're somebody
00:59:54.760 | who's currently ingesting alcohol
00:59:56.960 | or who used to ingest alcohol
00:59:58.280 | and is trying to so-called repair these systems
01:00:00.400 | of the brain and body,
01:00:01.520 | whether or not replenishing the gut microbiota
01:00:03.940 | is going to be beneficial.
01:00:04.840 | And we know that there are ways to do that.
01:00:07.020 | And we know that there's at least some promise
01:00:09.060 | for the ability for the system to repair itself.
01:00:11.800 | How does one do that?
01:00:13.080 | Well, I've talked before about this on the podcast,
01:00:15.200 | but studies done by colleagues of mine at Stanford,
01:00:17.700 | Justin Sonnenberg, who's been on this podcast as a guest,
01:00:20.040 | an amazing episode all about the gut microbiome
01:00:22.100 | and his collaborator, Chris Garner,
01:00:23.720 | also at Stanford School of Medicine,
01:00:25.800 | have explored not alcoholism,
01:00:28.780 | but what are ways to improve the gut microbiota
01:00:32.840 | in particular to reduce the production
01:00:36.600 | of inflammatory cytokines
01:00:38.460 | and to adjust what's called the inflammatome.
01:00:40.520 | You've heard of the genome and the proteome, et cetera.
01:00:43.080 | Well, the inflammatome is the total array,
01:00:46.880 | or at least the near total array of genes and proteins
01:00:49.960 | that control inflammation.
01:00:51.320 | How can you reduce inflammation
01:00:52.740 | and make that inflammatome healthier?
01:00:55.160 | Well, they've shown that two to four servings
01:00:58.000 | of fermented foods per day,
01:00:59.640 | and here I'm not referring to fermented alcohol,
01:01:01.680 | I'm talking about low sugar fermented foods,
01:01:03.320 | so things like kimchi, sauerkraut, natto,
01:01:06.560 | for those of you that like Japanese food.
01:01:09.940 | There are others, I know, things like kefir,
01:01:12.300 | things like yogurts that have a lot of active bacteria,
01:01:15.600 | again, low sugar varieties of all these things.
01:01:18.100 | Those are terrific at reducing inflammatory markers
01:01:23.040 | and at improving the gut microbiome.
01:01:25.760 | One could imagine that either inoculating oneself
01:01:28.960 | from some of the effects of alcohol,
01:01:30.640 | although I'd prefer that people
01:01:31.560 | just not drink alcohol chronically, frankly,
01:01:34.480 | or if somebody is trying to repair their gut microbiome
01:01:37.160 | because they ingested a lot of alcohol
01:01:39.480 | or because they had a lot of these inflammatory cytokines
01:01:41.600 | for many years or even a short period of time,
01:01:44.400 | regular ingestion of two to four servings
01:01:46.560 | of these fermented foods can be quite beneficial.
01:01:49.820 | Want to make it clear that has not been examined
01:01:53.160 | specifically in the context of alcohol use disorder,
01:01:57.120 | but because a huge component of the negative effects
01:02:00.620 | of alcohol use disorder are based in this gut liver,
01:02:03.340 | brain access and disruption of the gut microbiome
01:02:05.280 | and the inflammatory cytokines,
01:02:07.080 | it stands to reason that things that are well-established
01:02:10.220 | to improve inflammation status,
01:02:12.920 | in other words, reduce inflammation,
01:02:14.580 | such as ingesting two to four servings
01:02:16.200 | of low sugar fermented foods per day,
01:02:18.160 | makes sense in terms of trying to repair
01:02:21.480 | or replenish the system.
01:02:23.240 | One could also imagine taking probiotics or prebiotics.
01:02:25.800 | Certainly that would work as well,
01:02:27.800 | although I've sort of favored the discussion
01:02:29.800 | around fermented foods and replenishment
01:02:31.620 | of the gut microbiome,
01:02:32.940 | mostly because there are more studies
01:02:35.840 | that have examined that in humans
01:02:37.520 | and because of the direct relationship
01:02:39.500 | that's been established between doing that
01:02:41.120 | and reducing negative markers within the inflammatome.
01:02:44.280 | And I should mention along the lines of repair and recovery,
01:02:47.160 | I put out a question on Twitter the other day.
01:02:49.240 | I said, "What do you want to know about alcohol?"
01:02:51.140 | I got more than a thousand questions.
01:02:53.240 | And we'll take some more of those questions
01:02:54.520 | a little later in the episode.
01:02:55.480 | But one of the things I noticed
01:02:56.480 | is that many of the questions, hundreds in fact,
01:03:00.000 | related to the question of,
01:03:02.360 | "Well, if I drank a lot previously, am I doomed?
01:03:05.760 | Can I reverse the negative effects?"
01:03:07.400 | Or, "I'm trying to drink less
01:03:09.560 | and I'm trying to improve my health as I do that.
01:03:11.860 | What should I do?"
01:03:12.700 | Well, certainly focusing a bit on the gut microbiome
01:03:16.100 | ought to be useful.
01:03:17.520 | The other thing that I should mention is
01:03:19.220 | as people wean themselves off alcohol,
01:03:21.040 | even if they're not full-blown alcoholics
01:03:23.300 | or have alcohol use disorder,
01:03:25.000 | they should understand that that increase in cortisol
01:03:28.880 | that we talked about earlier
01:03:29.880 | that leads to lower stress threshold
01:03:32.020 | and greater feelings of anxiety and stress,
01:03:34.580 | that's going to be present
01:03:36.940 | and it's going to take some time to dissipate.
01:03:39.280 | So for some people, it might even just be helpful to realize
01:03:42.600 | that as you try and wean yourself off alcohol
01:03:45.520 | or maybe even go cold turkey,
01:03:47.220 | that increased anxiety and feelings of stress
01:03:51.360 | should be expected.
01:03:52.620 | And in that case, I would point you to an episode
01:03:54.400 | that we did on master stress.
01:03:55.920 | You can find that again at
01:03:57.720 | It's got a ton of behavioral,
01:03:58.800 | nutritional, supplementation-based, exercise-based,
01:04:01.600 | I suppose exercise is behavioral.
01:04:03.320 | But a lot of tools, you can navigate to those easily
01:04:05.800 | 'cause we have timestamps.
01:04:06.720 | You can go right to the topic of interest.
01:04:08.340 | Those tools are going to be very useful
01:04:09.720 | in trying to clamp or control your stress.
01:04:12.260 | And the point here is just that some increase in stress
01:04:15.340 | should be expected.
01:04:16.980 | And it should be expected
01:04:18.100 | because of that increase in cortisol that occurs
01:04:20.120 | with even low-level consumption,
01:04:22.320 | yet chronic alcohol consumption.
01:04:24.380 | Now I'd like to talk about a fairly common phenomenon,
01:04:27.600 | which is post-alcohol consumption malaise,
01:04:31.420 | also referred to as hangover.
01:04:34.000 | Hangover is a constellation of effects
01:04:37.040 | ranging from headache to nausea
01:04:40.120 | to what's sometimes called a anxiety,
01:04:42.520 | which is anxiety that follows a day of drinking.
01:04:45.780 | Hangxiety, I think we can understand physiologically
01:04:50.200 | if we think about that process of alcohol intake
01:04:54.860 | increasing the amount of cortisol
01:04:56.920 | and the ratio of cortisol to some other stress hormones.
01:05:00.540 | That well explains why some people wake up the day after
01:05:04.200 | or even the day after a night drinking
01:05:08.740 | and feel anxious and not well and stressed
01:05:11.420 | for reasons they don't understand.
01:05:13.200 | So if you're somebody who experiences hangxiety,
01:05:17.260 | then again, I refer you to the master stress episode
01:05:20.460 | that we put out some time ago,
01:05:22.340 | and you can find that at
01:05:24.280 | Tools to deal with anxiety,
01:05:25.500 | tools to deal with stress ranging again from behavioral
01:05:27.860 | to nutritional, supplement-based, et cetera.
01:05:30.840 | That, of course, is not justification for going out
01:05:33.760 | and drinking so much
01:05:34.640 | that you get hangxiety-induced hangover.
01:05:38.000 | But for those of you that are experiencing
01:05:39.920 | post-alcohol consumption hangxiety, as it were,
01:05:43.380 | that could be a useful resource
01:05:44.780 | because I certainly don't want anyone
01:05:46.380 | experiencing uncomfortable amounts of anxiety,
01:05:49.120 | and there are great tools and resources for that.
01:05:51.540 | Now, the other aspects of hangover,
01:05:54.100 | such as the stomach ache or headache
01:05:58.340 | or feelings of malaise or fogginess,
01:06:01.140 | those can be related to a number of different things
01:06:02.780 | and probably are related to a number of different things.
01:06:05.140 | First of all, the sleep that one gets after even just one,
01:06:10.020 | yes, even just one glass of wine or a beer
01:06:13.940 | is not the same sleep that you get
01:06:15.660 | when you don't have alcohol circulating in your system.
01:06:18.260 | And not trying to be a downer here,
01:06:19.620 | but this was discussed in the Huberman Lab podcast episode
01:06:22.660 | where I had Dr. Matthew Walker from UC Berkeley on,
01:06:26.100 | and of course, Dr. Walker is a world expert in sleep,
01:06:29.820 | runs one of the preeminent laboratories
01:06:31.540 | studying sleep and its effects,
01:06:33.500 | wrote the incredible book, "Why We Sleep," and so on.
01:06:36.540 | Dr. Walker told me, and it certainly is supported
01:06:40.260 | by lots and lots of quality peer-reviewed studies
01:06:43.300 | in animals and in humans,
01:06:45.020 | that when alcohol is present in the brain and bloodstream,
01:06:48.400 | that the architecture of sleep is disrupted.
01:06:50.260 | Slow wave sleep, deep sleep, and rapid eye movement sleep,
01:06:53.140 | all of which are essential
01:06:54.060 | for getting a restorative night's sleep are all disrupted.
01:06:56.260 | So for those of you that are drinking a glass or two of wine
01:06:59.680 | or having a hard liquor drink or a beer
01:07:03.700 | in order to fall asleep,
01:07:05.360 | the sleep you're getting is simply not high quality sleep
01:07:07.900 | or certainly not as high quality as the sleep
01:07:09.700 | you'd be getting if you did not have alcohol in your system.
01:07:12.940 | Of course, when we're talking about hangover,
01:07:14.740 | we're talking generally about the consumption
01:07:17.100 | of more than just one or two drinks.
01:07:19.540 | Of course, for some people,
01:07:20.580 | one or two drinks is probably sufficient to induce hangover,
01:07:23.200 | but for most people, it's going to be having three or four,
01:07:25.900 | exceeding their typical limit, as it's called.
01:07:28.580 | Again, not the legal limit, that's a whole other business.
01:07:31.660 | But when one ingests too much alcohol for them,
01:07:35.160 | one of the reasons they feel terrible the next day
01:07:39.300 | is because their sleep isn't really good sleep.
01:07:41.340 | In fact, it's not even sleep,
01:07:42.860 | it's often considered pseudo-sleep,
01:07:44.820 | or at least that's what it's called
01:07:45.740 | in the sleep science field,
01:07:47.060 | because people are in kind of a low-level hypnotic
01:07:50.000 | kind of trance, it's not real sleep,
01:07:51.540 | there are multiple bouts of waking up,
01:07:52.940 | they may not even realize they're waking up multiple times.
01:07:55.860 | Okay, so there's the sleep-induced effects.
01:07:57.620 | Then there are the disrupted gut microbiome effects,
01:08:01.820 | some of which we talked about earlier,
01:08:03.140 | so now you understand the mechanism
01:08:04.980 | of alcohol destroying good, healthy gut microbiota,
01:08:09.520 | which then leads to leaky gut and things of that sort.
01:08:12.240 | But one could imagine, again, could imagine,
01:08:14.980 | and there is some evidence starting to support this,
01:08:17.700 | that again, ingesting low-sugar fermented foods,
01:08:21.480 | or maybe in prebiotic or probiotics
01:08:23.300 | to support the gut microbiome might assist
01:08:25.500 | in some of the gut-related malaise associated with hangover.
01:08:30.180 | In other words, get those gut microbiota healthy again
01:08:33.420 | as quickly as possible, or maybe even before you drink,
01:08:36.060 | have those gut microbiota healthy,
01:08:37.320 | I would hope that you would do that.
01:08:38.160 | I think everybody should be doing something
01:08:39.540 | to support their gut microbiome,
01:08:40.920 | whether or not it's the ingestion
01:08:41.940 | of low-sugar fermented foods daily,
01:08:43.780 | or at least on a regular basis,
01:08:45.540 | or ingestion of probiotic or prebiotic,
01:08:47.940 | the gut microbiome is so important
01:08:49.440 | for so many different things.
01:08:51.100 | In terms of hangover and headache,
01:08:54.980 | we know that that's caused by vasoconstriction,
01:08:58.020 | the constriction of blood vessels
01:08:59.500 | that tends to occur as a rebound after a night of drinking.
01:09:02.900 | Alcohol can act as a vasodilator,
01:09:04.780 | it can dilate the blood vessels.
01:09:06.020 | Part of that is associated with the increase
01:09:09.300 | in so-called parasympathetic tone.
01:09:11.300 | We have an autonomic nervous system,
01:09:12.760 | it's got a sympathetic component.
01:09:14.900 | These are neurons that make us more alert,
01:09:17.160 | and if they're very active, they make us very stressed.
01:09:19.540 | There's also the parasympathetic aspect
01:09:22.620 | of the autonomic nervous system.
01:09:23.660 | This is all just fancy geek speak
01:09:25.140 | for the parts of your brain and body,
01:09:26.920 | the nerve cells that make you very relaxed.
01:09:28.580 | When you're very relaxed, there tends to be vasodilation.
01:09:32.700 | It allows for more movement of blood and other things
01:09:35.620 | through the bloodstream,
01:09:37.420 | and alcohol tends to induce some vasodilation,
01:09:40.640 | at least in some of the capillary beds.
01:09:42.340 | And then when the alcohol wears off,
01:09:44.320 | there's vasoconstriction, and people get brutal headaches.
01:09:48.080 | That's why some people will take aspirin or Tylenol
01:09:50.940 | or Advil or things like that,
01:09:53.440 | the sort of non-steroid anti-inflammatories.
01:09:55.860 | I should mention there's a lot of literature coming out
01:09:58.560 | that some of these non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
01:10:02.300 | are not good for us for a number of different reasons,
01:10:04.480 | the way they impact the liver,
01:10:06.320 | the way they impact the immune system,
01:10:08.300 | and no surprise, the way they impact the gut microbiome.
01:10:11.860 | So I'm not one to tell you
01:10:13.400 | what medications to take or not take,
01:10:15.360 | but you certainly would want to do a quick web search
01:10:17.740 | of effects of non-steroid anti-inflammatories and aspirin
01:10:22.740 | before you start taking those,
01:10:24.920 | or stop taking those for that matter.
01:10:27.620 | Generally, they will alleviate headache,
01:10:29.120 | but they can often have other issues,
01:10:30.900 | including liver issues.
01:10:31.820 | And keep in mind, the night after drinking,
01:10:33.820 | your liver has already taken a beating
01:10:35.980 | because of the need of the liver
01:10:38.020 | to convert alcohol from acetaldehyde into acetate,
01:10:42.820 | which is now a pathway that you well understand.
01:10:45.020 | So I'm not certain,
01:10:46.660 | and in fact, I believe it's not the greatest idea
01:10:48.540 | to burden your liver further through the use of things
01:10:52.500 | that are going to cause it to have to work harder
01:10:54.940 | and metabolize things
01:10:56.020 | if the goal is simply to alleviate a headache.
01:10:58.680 | There's a lot of kind of lore,
01:11:01.100 | old school lore about how to relieve a hangover.
01:11:03.060 | We already talked about how eating food won't do that,
01:11:06.060 | but eating food will prevent the rapid absorption
01:11:09.620 | of even more alcohol into the bloodstream.
01:11:11.880 | There's the lore that one should simply ingest more alcohol.
01:11:15.660 | What terrible advice that is.
01:11:17.260 | That's just going to delay an even worse hangover.
01:11:19.460 | However, I'd be remiss if I didn't say
01:11:22.220 | that the reason that that myth came to be,
01:11:25.420 | or that I should say that truth came to be,
01:11:28.380 | because indeed ingesting more alcohol
01:11:31.120 | will alleviate a hangover,
01:11:32.640 | but then a worse hangover will show up.
01:11:34.700 | The reason that came to be is because ingestion of more
01:11:36.980 | alcohol will cause those constricted vessels
01:11:39.760 | that are giving the headache to dilate again.
01:11:41.980 | But of course, ingesting more alcohol to relieve a hangover
01:11:44.460 | is simply a bad idea.
01:11:45.960 | Just don't do it.
01:11:46.800 | I think this is called the hair of the dog approach.
01:11:48.680 | Maybe someone can put in the show note captions on YouTube
01:11:51.220 | why it's called the hair of the dog.
01:11:52.980 | I can come up with a few ideas,
01:11:55.320 | but they're not going to be very good ones.
01:11:58.420 | And some of them would probably even be outright ridiculous.
01:12:01.940 | So do not ingest more alcohol simply to try
01:12:04.600 | and recover from a hangover.
01:12:06.580 | I know many people have tried that one before,
01:12:08.720 | but that's a terrible idea.
01:12:10.520 | Now, one thing that you'll also hear out there
01:12:12.080 | is that deliberate cold exposure,
01:12:14.180 | for instance, taking a cold shower might relieve hangover.
01:12:17.200 | I find this one particularly interesting
01:12:18.720 | because we've done episodes on the benefits
01:12:20.900 | of deliberate cold exposure.
01:12:21.840 | We have an entire episode about that.
01:12:23.800 | You can find it again, human
01:12:26.360 | There are direct links to some of the tools
01:12:28.040 | related to deliberate cold exposure.
01:12:29.840 | And we have an entire newsletter
01:12:32.680 | on deliberate cold exposure protocols.
01:12:34.460 | You can find on human
01:12:35.820 | go to our neural network newsletter.
01:12:37.680 | So those of you that are interested in ice baths
01:12:39.680 | and cold showers and ways to leverage those,
01:12:42.140 | you can find that there.
01:12:43.440 | What you won't find there is a description
01:12:45.200 | of how to use deliberate cold exposure
01:12:46.600 | for sake of treating hangover.
01:12:48.100 | But here I went into the literature
01:12:49.440 | and I found something kind of interesting.
01:12:51.080 | There is some evidence that increasing levels of epinephrine
01:12:54.720 | in the bloodstream can actually help with alcohol clearance.
01:12:58.680 | That was very surprising to me.
01:12:59.920 | And I want to point out,
01:13:00.760 | this is not a large and robust literature,
01:13:03.000 | but there's some evidence pointing to the fact
01:13:04.880 | that when levels of epinephrine, adrenaline,
01:13:06.900 | are raised in the brain and bloodstream,
01:13:08.920 | that some of the components of alcohol metabolism
01:13:11.120 | can be accelerated
01:13:12.140 | and some of the inebriating effects of alcohol
01:13:14.980 | can be reduced.
01:13:15.820 | So maybe this old school lore of taking a cold shower
01:13:18.320 | actually has something to it.
01:13:19.660 | So in thinking about the use of deliberate cold exposure
01:13:22.000 | in order to reduce the effects of hangover
01:13:24.560 | or to more rapidly clear alcohol
01:13:28.040 | from the brain and bloodstream,
01:13:29.740 | I want to be very clear
01:13:31.080 | and I want to emphasize your safety.
01:13:34.520 | The way to do that is to understand
01:13:36.400 | that alcohol lowers core body temperature, okay?
01:13:39.800 | It can make people slightly hypothermic.
01:13:42.540 | It's going to drop core body temperature.
01:13:44.960 | So if you were inebriated
01:13:47.440 | and you went and got into a body of water, right?
01:13:50.000 | A pool or a lake or something,
01:13:52.000 | first of all, that's extremely dangerous to do
01:13:54.240 | while you're inebriated, right?
01:13:55.540 | People drown all the time.
01:13:56.760 | People drown, they die as a consequence of doing that.
01:13:59.120 | So please don't do that.
01:14:00.940 | But also if it's very cold water,
01:14:03.040 | your core body temperature is going to drop even further.
01:14:05.740 | Now, if you've heard the episodes
01:14:07.120 | that I've done on deliberate cold exposure,
01:14:09.660 | previously I've talked about how normally
01:14:12.080 | when people are not ingesting alcohol,
01:14:14.300 | they get into an ice bath or a cold shower
01:14:16.040 | and their body temperature initially dips,
01:14:17.820 | but then it rebounds and increases.
01:14:19.420 | That's a process that's going to occur
01:14:20.920 | when people do not have alcohol in their system.
01:14:23.560 | When you have alcohol in your system,
01:14:24.980 | one of the reasons that you become hypothermic
01:14:27.660 | is because there's a disruption
01:14:29.180 | in those hypothalamic brain areas,
01:14:30.620 | in particular the brain area
01:14:31.640 | called the medial preoptic area
01:14:33.440 | that regulates core body temperature.
01:14:35.400 | So it's not so much that alcohol makes you cold,
01:14:37.980 | it's that alcohol disrupts the central command centers
01:14:41.480 | of the brain that control temperature regulation
01:14:43.760 | and that leads you to be slightly hypothermic.
01:14:46.740 | So if you then go get into a very cold lake
01:14:49.160 | or you get into even a cold shower or an ice bath,
01:14:52.540 | there's the possibility of you going very, very far down
01:14:56.320 | the ladder into very hypothermic territory
01:14:59.200 | and that can be very dangerous.
01:15:00.740 | Now, in terms of dealing with hangover
01:15:02.380 | when the alcohol has been largely cleared from your system,
01:15:05.200 | well, that's where some of this kind of old lore
01:15:07.940 | combines with some of the modern science and says,
01:15:10.600 | well, if you can spike adrenaline
01:15:12.180 | and certainly getting into an ice bath
01:15:15.220 | or getting into a cold shower
01:15:16.860 | or any kind of cold body of water,
01:15:19.120 | provided you can do that safely,
01:15:20.340 | that will sharply increase your adrenaline
01:15:22.660 | and I should say your dopamine, that's been shown
01:15:24.740 | and we've talked about this on the podcast before,
01:15:26.380 | you get these long extended increases, several hours
01:15:29.400 | of increases in dopamine from deliberate cold exposure.
01:15:31.780 | It's well-documented in humans, by the way.
01:15:34.180 | So one could imagine using deliberate cold exposure
01:15:37.920 | as a way to accelerate the recovery from hangover.
01:15:41.880 | Provided that's done safely,
01:15:43.260 | I think there's no reason to not explore that
01:15:45.500 | and if you're wondering what safely is
01:15:47.860 | and what temperatures to use,
01:15:49.260 | please check out the episode on deliberate cold exposure.
01:15:52.540 | Cold showers therefore might actually be one way
01:15:55.860 | to at least partially relieve hangover.
01:15:57.640 | Certainly the science from various places
01:16:00.740 | in the literature converge to say that,
01:16:02.300 | but again, be careful, please, please, please be careful
01:16:05.660 | not to get into cold water when you are inebriated.
01:16:09.180 | It's absolutely dangerous for all the obvious reasons
01:16:12.180 | and it's dangerous also for the non-obvious reasons,
01:16:14.700 | not the least of which is the dramatic decreases
01:16:17.780 | in core body temperature
01:16:18.980 | that can make you dangerously hypothermic.
01:16:21.380 | Now, how would you go about using deliberate cold exposure
01:16:23.660 | to accelerate recovery from hangover?
01:16:25.520 | Well, there I would look to the kind of standard protocols
01:16:28.400 | of one to three minutes or maybe even six minutes
01:16:30.520 | if you can tolerate or if you're really cold adapted,
01:16:33.280 | maybe you do seven or 10 minutes in a cold shower,
01:16:35.740 | although that could be a lot.
01:16:36.640 | Most people are going to experience a sharp increase
01:16:40.300 | in epinephrine and adrenaline
01:16:41.620 | and a long lasting increase in dopamine
01:16:44.220 | from one to three minutes of deliberate cold exposure,
01:16:47.460 | ideally done immersion up to the neck,
01:16:49.180 | again, do this safely, please, please, please,
01:16:51.280 | or a cold shower where you're getting under the shower
01:16:53.220 | as much as possible.
01:16:54.040 | How cold, well, that's going to vary person to person.
01:16:56.700 | I suggest making it as cold as is uncomfortable
01:16:59.500 | such that you really want to get out,
01:17:00.880 | but then you know you can stay in safely
01:17:02.260 | without, for instance, giving yourself a heart attack
01:17:03.780 | because if the water is really, really cold,
01:17:05.420 | of course you can give yourself a heart attack.
01:17:06.740 | Most showers won't go that cold,
01:17:08.380 | although probably some will.
01:17:10.380 | Again, please use caution, spike your adrenaline,
01:17:12.780 | spike your dopamine with deliberate cold exposure safely.
01:17:15.860 | Other components of hangover that could be good targets
01:17:18.200 | for trying to alleviate hangover,
01:17:19.940 | and here I hope you are getting the picture
01:17:21.980 | because it is accurate to say that hangover
01:17:25.600 | is a multifaceted phenomenon.
01:17:27.740 | It's not like one molecule and one receptor.
01:17:29.540 | It's a bunch of things happening in the brain and body,
01:17:31.800 | but is the dehydration associated with alcohol.
01:17:34.860 | Alcohol is a diuretic for multiple reasons.
01:17:37.800 | It causes people to excrete not only water, but also sodium.
01:17:41.860 | Sodium is an electrolyte critical
01:17:43.480 | for the function of neurons.
01:17:44.660 | So making sure that you have enough sodium, potassium,
01:17:47.040 | and magnesium, so-called electrolytes,
01:17:49.460 | is going to be important for proper brain function,
01:17:52.980 | bodily organ function.
01:17:54.580 | Even for people that have just had one or two drinks
01:17:56.620 | the night before, it's likely that your electrolyte balance
01:17:59.900 | and your fluid balance is going to be disrupted,
01:18:02.340 | and that's because alcohol
01:18:03.660 | also disrupts the so-called vasopressin pathway.
01:18:06.340 | I talked a lot about vasopressin
01:18:08.500 | and the way that it interacts with
01:18:10.980 | and controls different aspects of water retention
01:18:13.620 | and water release from the body in the form of urine
01:18:16.180 | in the episode on salt.
01:18:18.180 | So again, I'm referring to
01:18:21.760 | as the site where you can find that episode
01:18:23.220 | on salt balance and ways to restore electrolyte balance.
01:18:26.100 | Having your electrolytes at the proper levels
01:18:29.740 | before you drink is ideal.
01:18:31.340 | Some people will say for every glass of alcohol
01:18:34.180 | that you drink, you should drink one glass of water.
01:18:36.860 | I would say better would be two glasses of water
01:18:40.060 | given the dehydrating effects of alcohol,
01:18:42.020 | and even better would be water with electrolytes.
01:18:44.540 | That certainly would set you up
01:18:46.020 | for a better day the next day.
01:18:47.840 | And if you don't manage to do that,
01:18:50.080 | 'cause I suppose it's kind of geeky
01:18:51.200 | walking around with electrolyte packets
01:18:53.420 | out at the bar or whatnot,
01:18:55.060 | although, you know, geeky in my book is a good thing,
01:18:59.080 | the next day you could take some electrolytes upon waking,
01:19:02.540 | maybe even some before you go to sleep
01:19:04.620 | at the night of drinking.
01:19:05.940 | So hangovers made worse by disturbed sleep,
01:19:09.000 | made worse by disrupted gut microbiome,
01:19:10.860 | made worse by disrupted electrolytes,
01:19:13.020 | made worse by the depletion of epinephrine and dopamine.
01:19:16.420 | That's why replenishing the microbiome with fermented foods,
01:19:19.800 | low sugar fermented foods that is,
01:19:21.680 | that's why using safe deliberate cold exposure
01:19:25.540 | for spiking adrenaline and for increasing dopamine,
01:19:29.940 | and that's why consuming electrolytes
01:19:32.600 | are all going to be beneficial.
01:19:34.760 | The folks over at, a website that I really like
01:19:38.440 | because it just has so much useful information,
01:19:41.100 | have assembled a list of things that have been proposed,
01:19:45.320 | purported to improve, or I should say,
01:19:48.820 | to remove the effects of hangover.
01:19:51.620 | And as they point out, and I would like to point out
01:19:54.320 | over there, there isn't a lot of quality science
01:19:56.900 | to support the idea that any one compound
01:19:59.760 | can eliminate hangover.
01:20:01.100 | And that's probably because hangover, again,
01:20:03.140 | arises from multiple organs and tissues and systems
01:20:05.940 | in both the brain and body.
01:20:07.380 | Nonetheless, they have a terrific list over there of things,
01:20:10.720 | everything from Japanese pear fruit juice
01:20:14.020 | has been proposed to do this,
01:20:15.280 | to some other really esoteric things,
01:20:17.560 | even things like yohimbine.
01:20:20.800 | Frankly, when I look at the literature there and elsewhere,
01:20:25.520 | one simply cannot find the magic substance, the one herb,
01:20:30.100 | the one potion that can wipe away hangover.
01:20:33.820 | Getting rid of hangover is going to be best solved
01:20:37.380 | by doing a collection of a small number
01:20:40.060 | of very powerful things,
01:20:41.760 | of which I've already listed off a few.
01:20:44.400 | However, there are some additional things
01:20:46.040 | that one can do for relieving hangover.
01:20:48.460 | And one of them is to be very thoughtful
01:20:51.820 | about what sorts of alcohol one consumes.
01:20:54.380 | So I find this interesting.
01:20:56.100 | There have actually been studies of which types of alcohol
01:21:00.620 | lead to the greatest hangovers.
01:21:02.180 | There's actually a lot of legend and lore about this as well.
01:21:06.220 | Some people have said, for instance,
01:21:07.560 | that drinks that have a high sugar content
01:21:10.180 | lead to greater hangovers.
01:21:12.320 | Turns out that's not the case,
01:21:13.640 | or at least that's not what the science points to.
01:21:15.700 | If you look at the expected hangover severity,
01:21:18.780 | what you find is that at the bottom end of the scale,
01:21:21.960 | there's a drink that I'm not going to tell you for the moment
01:21:25.820 | but what you find is that near it is, for instance, beer.
01:21:28.940 | The consumption of beer,
01:21:31.200 | provided it is not overconsumption, right?
01:21:33.620 | It's not far beyond the tolerance of the individual.
01:21:36.860 | So it's one or two beers,
01:21:38.300 | is less likely to cause a hangover than, say, whiskey.
01:21:42.640 | And a glass of whiskey,
01:21:44.260 | or I should not as much whiskey as beer, of course,
01:21:46.900 | but a glass of whiskey, for instance,
01:21:48.460 | is more likely to cause hangover than gin, as it turns out.
01:21:53.100 | Again, this is what's fallen out of the data.
01:21:56.340 | And yet a glass of rum or red wine
01:22:00.060 | is more likely to cause a hangover
01:22:02.080 | than any of the other things I've mentioned so far.
01:22:04.420 | At the top, top, top of the list of drinks
01:22:06.540 | that induce hangover is brandy.
01:22:08.980 | And one could then say,
01:22:10.800 | well, doesn't brandy have a lot of sugar?
01:22:12.620 | Maybe it's the sugar that's causing hangovers.
01:22:14.420 | And this is something that's been, again,
01:22:16.000 | discussed over and over that people say,
01:22:17.500 | oh, it's the high sugar drinks that cause hangover.
01:22:19.860 | It turns out, however, that when one looks at drinks,
01:22:24.340 | alcoholic drinks and sugar content and hangover,
01:22:26.900 | at the very bottom of the list is,
01:22:29.220 | gosh, this makes me cringe just to think about,
01:22:32.000 | is ethanol diluted in orange juice?
01:22:35.380 | Oh, I can't believe people actually drink this,
01:22:37.580 | but ethanol diluted in orange juice.
01:22:39.260 | So this is not vodka and orange juice, okay?
01:22:41.380 | Vodka was third on the list
01:22:42.900 | from the bottom of drinks that induce hangover.
01:22:45.320 | Again, this is within amounts
01:22:47.420 | that are comfortable for the person to drink,
01:22:50.220 | that they have enough experience with,
01:22:52.040 | or that they have the body weight to tolerate
01:22:53.640 | without getting very, very drunk.
01:22:55.540 | So the point is that if it were sugar
01:22:58.660 | that's causing hangover,
01:22:59.700 | well, then the ethanol dilute in orange juice
01:23:02.940 | would probably be at the top of the list
01:23:04.680 | in terms of inducing hangover.
01:23:06.260 | But it's not, it's at the bottom of the list.
01:23:07.780 | And brandy is at the top of the list.
01:23:09.940 | So what you find is that what scales
01:23:12.940 | from ethanol diluted in orange juice
01:23:15.360 | to beer to vodka to gin,
01:23:16.660 | here I'm ascending the hierarchy of things
01:23:18.520 | that cause hangover, gin, white wine, whiskey, rum, red wine,
01:23:22.160 | and then brandy at the peak,
01:23:24.100 | it's sort of the world heavyweight champion
01:23:26.660 | of hangover-inducing drinks.
01:23:29.140 | Well, what's increasing are congeners within those drinks.
01:23:34.300 | Congeners are things like nitrites and other substances
01:23:37.900 | that give alcohol its distinctive flavor
01:23:41.720 | and that also lead to some of the
01:23:44.660 | inebriating effects of alcohol.
01:23:46.880 | Now, then you ask, okay, well,
01:23:48.040 | what is it that these congeners are doing
01:23:50.820 | and what are these nitrites doing?
01:23:52.160 | And guess what?
01:23:53.520 | While they do have effects on the brain
01:23:55.120 | and on other tissues,
01:23:57.060 | their main effects are to disrupt the gut microbiome.
01:24:00.840 | So what this points to, again,
01:24:03.400 | is that having a healthy gut microbiome
01:24:05.860 | and perhaps ensuring that you bolster your gut microbiome
01:24:10.620 | the day after drinking is going to be especially important
01:24:14.500 | for warding off hangover,
01:24:16.620 | at least reducing the effects of hangover
01:24:19.400 | or the symptoms of hangover or both.
01:24:21.580 | I would love to see a study on this.
01:24:24.100 | I could imagine designing the study myself,
01:24:25.960 | although this isn't really the sorts of things
01:24:27.620 | my laboratory does,
01:24:29.120 | but you can imagine some people getting probiotic
01:24:31.780 | and prebiotic, some regularly,
01:24:33.900 | some just after drinking or low sugar fermented foods
01:24:37.200 | and see what the effects are
01:24:38.220 | in terms of subjective effects of hangover,
01:24:40.620 | but also some physiological measures.
01:24:42.480 | I think that way to think about hangover overall
01:24:45.780 | is that, again, it represents a multifaceted,
01:24:50.120 | multi-organ, multi-tissue phenomenon.
01:24:53.980 | And the best way to deal with it
01:24:55.580 | is as a multi-cell, multi-tissue, multi-chemical phenomenon.
01:24:59.820 | And before I listed off some of the things
01:25:01.360 | that one could do in order to adjust hangover,
01:25:03.980 | again, the one that comes out at the top of that list,
01:25:08.660 | I believe, at least based on my read of the data,
01:25:10.900 | is to support the gut microbiome
01:25:13.420 | and certainly not to ingest more alcohol.
01:25:16.580 | And I suppose if we were to get really honest
01:25:19.100 | with one another and ask,
01:25:21.020 | what's the best way to avoid a hangover?
01:25:23.360 | It would be to not drink in the first place.
01:25:25.620 | So we've covered the major effects of alcohol
01:25:28.160 | that lead to this state that we call drunkenness
01:25:31.700 | or inebriation.
01:25:33.300 | Again, there's a range there.
01:25:34.460 | It can be tipsy, people can be blackout drunk,
01:25:37.180 | people can be passed out drunk.
01:25:39.300 | We've also talked about hangover
01:25:42.000 | and the fact that it's a multifaceted phenomenon
01:25:44.500 | and recovery from hangover
01:25:46.140 | involves a multifaceted approach.
01:25:48.800 | Next, I want to talk about tolerance.
01:25:51.700 | Tolerance to alcohol is a very interesting phenomenon.
01:25:54.440 | It has roots mainly in the brain and in brain systems.
01:25:58.400 | There's not time in the world,
01:26:02.160 | let alone within this podcast,
01:26:03.540 | to get into all the aspects of tolerance.
01:26:05.540 | There are more than 10 different types of tolerance.
01:26:08.080 | There's functional tolerance, chronic tolerance,
01:26:09.780 | rapid tolerance, there's metabolic tolerance,
01:26:12.420 | there's psychological tolerance.
01:26:14.580 | Let's keep it simple for sake of today's discussion.
01:26:16.700 | And for those of you that are interested in learning
01:26:18.540 | about all the different types of tolerance
01:26:20.300 | and aspects of tolerance, there's an excellent review.
01:26:23.700 | We will provide a link to this.
01:26:24.980 | This was published in 2021, so it's pretty recent.
01:26:27.520 | In the journal, "Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior,"
01:26:30.700 | incidentally, or not so incidentally,
01:26:32.580 | that was the first journal I ever published in.
01:26:34.420 | So I have a particular affection for that journal.
01:26:38.400 | Nonetheless, it is called "Tolerance to Alcohol,
01:26:41.380 | a Critical Yet Understudied Factor in Alcohol Addiction."
01:26:44.640 | And while this paper does include alcohol addiction
01:26:48.500 | in the title, it's not just about alcohol addiction.
01:26:52.660 | Here's the basic summary of what tolerance is.
01:26:54.760 | First of all, tolerance refers to the reduced effects
01:26:57.860 | of alcohol with repeated exposure.
01:27:01.020 | And it is caused mainly by changes
01:27:03.260 | in neurotransmitter systems in the brain
01:27:06.120 | that are the direct consequence of the toxicity of alcohol,
01:27:09.500 | that aldehyde molecule that we talked about before.
01:27:12.660 | There's an enormous number of chemicals that change
01:27:16.360 | with repeated exposure to acetaldehyde,
01:27:20.000 | everything from GABA to dopamine to serotonin,
01:27:22.300 | second messenger systems, adenosine, and on and on.
01:27:25.120 | Rather than go into each of those in detail,
01:27:26.940 | I just want to talk about the contour of the reinforcing
01:27:31.220 | and the tolerance-inducing effects of alcohol.
01:27:33.300 | What do I mean by that?
01:27:34.620 | Well, here we are back to our old friend,
01:27:38.680 | meaning the molecule that comes up over and over again
01:27:41.660 | in these podcast episodes, which is dopamine.
01:27:44.860 | Whether or not somebody has a predisposition alcoholism
01:27:47.220 | or not, whether or not they're experienced drinker or not,
01:27:49.900 | when people initially start drinking,
01:27:51.180 | there are increases in dopamine
01:27:53.180 | or what we call dopaminergic transmission.
01:27:55.220 | Dopamine is involved in motivation, craving,
01:27:58.240 | it creates a sense of wellbeing, it increases energy.
01:28:01.220 | Again, typically only at the beginning of alcohol exposure.
01:28:05.220 | That occurs in most people as a sharp spike,
01:28:07.860 | as an increase.
01:28:08.680 | Again, if somebody does not have alcohol dehydrogenase
01:28:12.040 | or has very low levels of the enzyme
01:28:13.520 | that convert that acetaldehyde into acetate
01:28:16.420 | and metabolize alcohol, in other words,
01:28:19.060 | they will feel sick and lousy
01:28:21.260 | in a way that will override any recognition
01:28:23.420 | of the dopamine release.
01:28:24.400 | They're going to be the people that are listening to this
01:28:26.160 | and just think alcohol just makes me feel sick.
01:28:28.100 | I don't like it.
01:28:29.200 | Okay, that's a specific subcategory of people,
01:28:31.300 | but most people experience some sort of mild euphoria.
01:28:35.020 | That's why so many people drink, right?
01:28:36.660 | The current estimates are that in most countries
01:28:38.620 | and certainly in the US,
01:28:40.020 | as many as 80% of the adult legal drinking age population
01:28:44.060 | drinks alcohol.
01:28:45.060 | And that number could be even higher now
01:28:47.900 | because in the last couple of years
01:28:49.280 | there's been a trend towards increased alcohol consumption,
01:28:51.380 | especially in the wake of the pandemic
01:28:54.160 | and during the pandemic topic for another time.
01:28:57.780 | So there's an increase in dopamine
01:28:59.420 | and an increase in serotonin.
01:29:01.180 | So it's kind of an increase in wellbeing,
01:29:02.800 | an increase in mood,
01:29:04.100 | but it's a very short-lived increase.
01:29:06.860 | Very soon after and actually triggered by that increase
01:29:10.160 | is a long and slow reduction in dopamine and serotonin
01:29:15.160 | and related molecules and circuits.
01:29:17.180 | So basically what you're getting is a blip of feel good
01:29:19.660 | followed by a long, slow arc of feeling not so great,
01:29:23.540 | which is why typically people will drink again and again
01:29:26.220 | across the night.
01:29:27.140 | The key thing to understand about tolerance
01:29:31.780 | is that with tolerance,
01:29:34.300 | the duration of that long, slow reduction
01:29:37.980 | in dopamine and serotonin gets even longer.
01:29:42.140 | In other words, the negative effects of alcohol
01:29:44.640 | that happen after the initial feeling good
01:29:47.840 | extend longer and in fact get more robust.
01:29:51.260 | However, there's also a reduction
01:29:55.480 | in the reinforcing properties of alcohol.
01:29:57.300 | There's a shrinking of the feel good blip
01:30:00.200 | that happens when one first ingests alcohol.
01:30:02.660 | And this has been measured in animals and humans.
01:30:04.820 | So the first drink that somebody has,
01:30:06.860 | provided they have enough alcohol dehydrogenase
01:30:09.360 | that doesn't make them feel nauseous and sick right away,
01:30:11.820 | they feel really good.
01:30:13.800 | And then as it wears off, they feel kind of lousy
01:30:15.780 | and they want to drink more, so they might drink more.
01:30:17.700 | With each subsequent drink and even drinks
01:30:19.780 | on different nights or even different weeks,
01:30:23.480 | the amount of dopamine that's released is reduced.
01:30:26.740 | The amount of serotonin that's released is reduced.
01:30:29.140 | So what you're getting is less and less
01:30:31.540 | of the reinforcing properties of alcohol,
01:30:34.540 | the feel good stuff, and more and more
01:30:37.320 | of the punishment pain signal aspects of alcohol.
01:30:39.940 | This is the contour of chemical release in the brain
01:30:44.940 | that was referred to by my colleague,
01:30:47.980 | the incredible Dr. Anna Lemke, who's a medical doctor.
01:30:50.440 | She wrote the incredible book, "Dopamine Nation."
01:30:52.340 | She was a guest on this podcast, on Joe Rogan's podcast,
01:30:54.840 | on Rich Roll's podcast, and several other podcasts.
01:30:57.560 | World expert in addiction and she talked about
01:30:59.400 | this pleasure pain balance that extends beyond alcohol
01:31:03.080 | to things like sex and gambling and to other behaviors
01:31:07.260 | that can potentially become addictive,
01:31:08.980 | but certainly includes alcohol.
01:31:11.200 | So tolerance, it seems, is a process in which people
01:31:15.580 | are ingesting more and more alcohol as an attempt
01:31:18.940 | to get that feeling of wellbeing back,
01:31:22.480 | but what they're really getting is an extended period
01:31:24.860 | of punishment, of pain, and of malaise from the alcohol.
01:31:28.520 | Now you might say, well, how does that relate to tolerance?
01:31:30.940 | Well, it turns out what they do behaviorally,
01:31:33.340 | and when I say they, I mean, animals do this
01:31:34.940 | and humans do this, is they start drinking more and more
01:31:37.980 | in an attempt to activate those dopamine
01:31:40.580 | and serotonin neurons and receptors.
01:31:43.880 | And as they do that, there is an increase
01:31:47.380 | in alcohol dehydrogenase.
01:31:48.660 | So the enzyme that metabolizes alcohol is increased
01:31:51.460 | because the body and liver have to contend
01:31:53.420 | with all that alcohol.
01:31:54.940 | So now you've got, again, the two hit model.
01:31:57.020 | You're getting less of the feel good chemicals,
01:31:58.740 | more of the negative chemical release or pattern
01:32:02.120 | of subjective feeling, I should say,
01:32:05.060 | and you're metabolizing alcohol more quickly
01:32:09.020 | and more readily, but it's not taking you
01:32:10.860 | to a better place in terms of how you feel.
01:32:13.180 | That's one of the major underlying reasons
01:32:15.320 | for what we call tolerance.
01:32:16.580 | So if you're somebody who drinks and you notice
01:32:18.380 | that the feeling that you are seeking with alcohol
01:32:21.320 | is now requiring an additional drink or drinks, plural,
01:32:26.320 | chances are you are disrupting the dopamine
01:32:29.220 | and serotonergic systems of your brain,
01:32:31.720 | and you are doing that in a way
01:32:33.780 | that is increasing the pain and punishment signals
01:32:37.220 | that follow alcohol ingestion.
01:32:40.220 | And again, that's not just on the night
01:32:41.520 | that you're drinking, but afterwards as well.
01:32:43.700 | Is that all bad news?
01:32:44.820 | Well, pretty much, but the good news is
01:32:47.680 | that if you abstain from drinking for some period of time,
01:32:50.860 | then of course these systems reset.
01:32:52.820 | How long you need to abstain will depend
01:32:54.500 | on how much you were drinking
01:32:55.680 | and how long you were drinking for.
01:32:56.840 | Certainly people who have alcohol use disorder
01:32:58.980 | who are alcoholics, their main goal should be
01:33:01.380 | to quit alcohol completely.
01:33:02.780 | I know there's some debate about this,
01:33:04.340 | and I don't want to get into that debate
01:33:05.780 | because I'm certainly not going to try
01:33:07.420 | and direct anyone's recovery.
01:33:08.580 | There are expert counselors and MDs
01:33:12.420 | and people that can work with people.
01:33:13.820 | In fact, for some very heavy drinkers
01:33:15.900 | and people with serious alcohol use disorder
01:33:18.020 | going cold turkey, that is stopping drinking completely
01:33:20.500 | can actually be medically dangerous.
01:33:22.500 | So the path to sobriety for certain people
01:33:25.500 | looks different than the path to sobriety for other people.
01:33:27.780 | What I'm referring to here are people
01:33:29.620 | that are ingesting again somewhere between,
01:33:31.900 | on average, one to two drinks per night,
01:33:34.620 | whether or not that's done night to night
01:33:36.460 | or whether or not that's condensed to weekend use.
01:33:39.180 | I know a number of people are going to ask,
01:33:41.140 | perhaps are screaming, is drinking good for me in any way?
01:33:45.060 | For instance, many people have probably heard
01:33:47.020 | that resveratrol is good for people
01:33:49.360 | and that red wine is enriched in resveratrol.
01:33:52.100 | I hate to break it to you, but the reality is that
01:33:55.300 | if indeed resveratrol is good for us,
01:33:57.360 | and there's some debate about this,
01:33:58.620 | some people say strongly yes, some people say no,
01:34:01.200 | other people say maybe the amount of red wine
01:34:04.340 | that one would have to drink
01:34:06.100 | in order to get enough resveratrol
01:34:07.940 | in order for it to be health promoting
01:34:10.260 | is so outrageously high that it would surely
01:34:13.120 | induce other negative effects
01:34:14.440 | that would offset the positive effects of resveratrol.
01:34:17.280 | So I wish I could tell you different.
01:34:19.740 | Again, I'm not here to be the bearer of bad news,
01:34:22.440 | but the statement I just made was confirmed
01:34:24.500 | by Dr. David Sinclair when he was a guest on this podcast.
01:34:27.580 | It's confirmed by other researchers
01:34:29.620 | who work on resveratrol and related pathways.
01:34:32.280 | I wish I could tell you that red wine
01:34:34.400 | is good for your health.
01:34:35.420 | And indeed it might be through some other mechanisms.
01:34:39.300 | So for instance, there have been studies
01:34:40.940 | of low to moderate red wine consumption.
01:34:44.240 | This would be anywhere from one to four glasses per week.
01:34:48.420 | And I don't mean enormous glasses,
01:34:50.180 | I mean six ounce glasses of red wine.
01:34:53.140 | And in those cases, some of the stress reduction
01:34:56.740 | that can be induced by consumption of red wine
01:34:59.260 | may be some of the other micronutrients and components
01:35:02.480 | within red wines, in particular red wines
01:35:04.500 | that come from particular grapes,
01:35:05.900 | and this gets really nuanced and frankly is not well worked
01:35:09.420 | out in the peer reviewed literature,
01:35:11.580 | certainly not clinical trials,
01:35:13.660 | at least not that I'm aware of.
01:35:14.780 | Tell me if you're aware of a great clinical trial on this.
01:35:17.460 | Well, there may be some positive effects
01:35:19.160 | of that very low level of consumption.
01:35:22.260 | I'm not trying to take away anybody's red wine.
01:35:24.340 | I'm not trying to take away anybody's anything.
01:35:27.540 | I would be remiss, however, if I didn't tell you
01:35:31.980 | that resveratrol as the argument for drinking
01:35:36.240 | and drinking red wine in particular is just not a good one.
01:35:39.060 | It's just not supported by the peer reviewed research.
01:35:42.180 | A few other things about alcohol and health.
01:35:45.620 | The beginning of the episode,
01:35:46.860 | I referenced a study showing that indeed
01:35:49.860 | not just heavy alcohol consumption
01:35:51.960 | of 12 to 24 more drinks per week,
01:35:53.660 | but also light to moderate alcohol consumption
01:35:56.540 | of any type, wine, beer, spirits, et cetera,
01:35:59.740 | does reduce the thickness of the brain.
01:36:03.240 | It really does reduce cortical thickness.
01:36:05.260 | In fact, it actually scales with the amount of alcohol
01:36:09.420 | that people drink.
01:36:10.500 | And this has been well-documented
01:36:12.780 | in a number of different studies.
01:36:13.820 | I can provide a link to several of these.
01:36:16.120 | One of the more striking ones actually shows
01:36:17.780 | that there's almost a dose dependent increase
01:36:21.320 | in shrinkage of the gray matter volume
01:36:23.300 | and in these white matter tracks,
01:36:24.700 | these axons, these wires as it would,
01:36:27.940 | that connect different neurons
01:36:29.820 | as a function of how much alcohol people drink.
01:36:31.540 | And that's also what's been seen in this recent study
01:36:34.100 | that I referenced at the beginning
01:36:35.180 | and that's in the show note captions.
01:36:36.960 | So again, probably the best amount of alcohol to drink
01:36:40.040 | would be zero glasses per week or ounces per week.
01:36:43.620 | For those of you drinking low amounts of alcohol,
01:36:45.680 | make sure you're doing other things to promote your health.
01:36:48.940 | And for those of you that are drinking moderate,
01:36:51.780 | and certainly for those of you that are heavy drinkers,
01:36:53.720 | please do everything you can to move away from that
01:36:56.520 | and to quit entirely.
01:36:58.020 | But even for the moderate consumers of alcohol,
01:37:01.520 | you are going to want to be aware
01:37:03.940 | of some of the negative health effects
01:37:05.140 | and do things to offset those
01:37:06.640 | if indeed you're not going to stop drinking
01:37:09.180 | or reduce your intake.
01:37:10.480 | One of the really bad effects of alcohol,
01:37:12.960 | but that's extremely well-documented,
01:37:15.580 | is the fact that alcohol,
01:37:18.220 | because of this toxicity of acetaldehyde
01:37:20.960 | and related pathways, can alter DNA methylation.
01:37:24.420 | It can alter gene expression.
01:37:26.180 | That can be many things in different tissues,
01:37:28.620 | but it is associated with a significant increase
01:37:33.620 | in cancer risk, in particular breast cancer.
01:37:36.420 | And in particular, because breast tissue
01:37:38.980 | is present in both males and females,
01:37:40.500 | but in women, it's especially vulnerable
01:37:43.360 | to some of the DNA methylation changes.
01:37:45.820 | Well, breast cancer in women
01:37:48.060 | has a relationship to alcohol intake
01:37:49.820 | and alcohol intake has a relationship
01:37:51.300 | to breast cancer in women.
01:37:53.060 | In fact, there has been proposed to be
01:37:56.540 | anywhere from four to 13% increase
01:38:01.100 | in risk of breast cancer
01:38:03.080 | for every 10 grams of alcohol consumed.
01:38:05.900 | How much is 10 grams?
01:38:07.140 | Well, there we need to think a little bit
01:38:08.740 | about the variation in the amount of alcohol
01:38:10.600 | in different drinks across the world.
01:38:12.260 | Different countries serve different sized drinks
01:38:14.140 | and have different concentrations of alcohol
01:38:15.700 | in those drinks.
01:38:16.700 | So without going down too much of a rabbit hole
01:38:18.960 | and just giving you some good rules of thumb to work with,
01:38:21.800 | there have been studies of the percentage of alcohol
01:38:25.020 | included in different drinks
01:38:26.080 | and the sizes of different drinks
01:38:27.440 | that are served in different countries.
01:38:28.620 | And here's a kind of a patchwork of those findings.
01:38:32.740 | In Japan, one beer, one glass of wine,
01:38:37.220 | or one shot of liquor as it's served there
01:38:40.080 | tends to include anywhere from seven to eight grams
01:38:42.740 | of alcohol.
01:38:44.180 | In the US, one beer, which generally is 12 ounces.
01:38:48.260 | If it's in a bottle,
01:38:49.320 | one glass of wine or a shot of liquor
01:38:52.680 | tends to include about 10 to 12 grams of alcohol.
01:38:57.680 | And in Russia,
01:39:00.200 | one drink of the various sorts that I just described
01:39:03.660 | typically will have as much as 24 grams of alcohol
01:39:09.040 | because of the differences in the concentration of alcohols
01:39:12.780 | and the sizes of drinks
01:39:14.600 | that are poured in these different countries, okay?
01:39:16.820 | Of course, there are other countries in the world
01:39:18.200 | those countries are also vitally important,
01:39:19.900 | but those are the ones that extracted from the studies
01:39:22.700 | that I could find.
01:39:23.660 | What does this mean?
01:39:26.020 | Well, what we're talking about is that
01:39:27.560 | for every 10 grams of alcohol consumed,
01:39:29.940 | so that's one beer in the US,
01:39:32.500 | maybe a little bit more than one beer in Japan,
01:39:34.900 | or basically a third of a drink in Russia,
01:39:38.900 | there's a four to 13% increase in risk of cancer.
01:39:43.900 | That's pretty outrageous, right?
01:39:46.600 | And you might think, wait, how could it be that
01:39:49.340 | this stuff is even legal?
01:39:50.620 | Well, look, as I described before, it's a toxin.
01:39:54.020 | It's also a toxin that people enjoy the effects of.
01:39:57.140 | I mean, in the US, at least they tried prohibition
01:40:00.420 | that certainly did lead,
01:40:02.300 | yes, did lead to a reduction in alcohol-induced
01:40:06.820 | health disorders, in particular cirrhosis of the liver.
01:40:09.500 | It also led to a lot of crime
01:40:11.180 | because it became a substance
01:40:12.980 | that a lot of people still wanted
01:40:15.020 | and that people were willing to break the law
01:40:17.220 | in order to provide, or I should say to sell and provide.
01:40:20.780 | But the point is that the more alcohol people drink,
01:40:24.200 | the greater their increase of cancer,
01:40:26.500 | in particular breast cancer.
01:40:27.620 | And that's because of the fact that alcohol
01:40:31.060 | has these effects on cells
01:40:33.460 | that include changes in gene expression.
01:40:36.540 | And cancer, that is the growth of tumors,
01:40:39.380 | is a dysregulation in cell cycles, right?
01:40:42.160 | A tumor is a aggregation or the proliferation,
01:40:45.520 | aggregation is stuff sticking together, by the way.
01:40:47.560 | Proliferation is stuff duplicating.
01:40:50.160 | A proliferation and aggregation of cells
01:40:52.960 | that could be a glioma, glial cells, glioma, brain tumor,
01:40:56.720 | it could be lymphoma, so within the lymph tissue, et cetera.
01:41:00.640 | The mutations that alcohol induces to cause this
01:41:03.960 | are wide ranging.
01:41:05.260 | Some of those are starting to start to be understood.
01:41:07.240 | For those of you that are interested in cell biology,
01:41:08.960 | I'll just mention that the PD-1 pathway,
01:41:11.480 | again, this is super specialized
01:41:14.160 | and for the aficionados only, you don't need to know this.
01:41:17.180 | The PD-1 pathway seems to be upregulated.
01:41:19.280 | And we knew this from the discussion earlier,
01:41:21.840 | there's a downregulation
01:41:23.460 | in some of the anti-inflammatory molecules
01:41:27.760 | that help suppress this proliferation of cancers.
01:41:31.360 | Nowadays, there's a lot of interest in the fact
01:41:33.320 | that the immune system is constantly combating cancers
01:41:37.360 | that exist in us all the time.
01:41:38.920 | Little tumors start growing and our immune system
01:41:41.200 | goes and gobbles them up.
01:41:42.660 | Little tumors start growing,
01:41:44.020 | the immune system senses inflammation,
01:41:45.880 | sends out these incredible cells,
01:41:47.300 | these killers B cells and T cells and beats them up.
01:41:50.260 | Cancers proliferate and take hold and cause serious problems
01:41:55.160 | when the proliferation of cells
01:41:57.260 | exceeds the immune system's ability to gobble up
01:42:00.000 | and remove those cells.
01:42:00.920 | There are other mechanisms of regulating cancers,
01:42:02.920 | but that's one of the primary one.
01:42:04.240 | And alcohol hits it, again, it's a two hit model.
01:42:07.240 | It increases tumor growth and it decreases
01:42:11.340 | the sorts of molecules that suppress and combat tumor growth.
01:42:15.280 | So again, even low to moderate amounts of alcohol
01:42:18.720 | can be problematic for sake of cancers,
01:42:20.660 | in particular breast cancers.
01:42:22.320 | Epidemiologists and health specialists love to try
01:42:26.640 | and compare different substances
01:42:28.680 | in terms of how bad they are.
01:42:30.260 | Rarely do they compare substances
01:42:32.280 | in terms of how good they are, but sometimes they do.
01:42:35.700 | And what they'll sometimes tell you
01:42:38.020 | and what you can find in the literature
01:42:39.340 | is that ingesting 10 to 15 grams of alcohol a day,
01:42:42.620 | so that would be like one beer in the US,
01:42:44.380 | one glass of wine,
01:42:45.460 | is the same as smoking 10 cigarettes a day.
01:42:48.500 | Frankly, it's hard to make that direct relationship
01:42:53.020 | really stick because it's a question of
01:42:56.020 | how long people inhale,
01:42:57.240 | do they have a predisposition to a lung cancer, et cetera.
01:43:00.580 | But even if that number is off
01:43:03.420 | by plus or minus two cigarettes,
01:43:06.660 | or even if that number with the equivalent
01:43:09.540 | of one glass of wine equals one cigarette per day,
01:43:12.260 | I think there's general consensus now
01:43:14.440 | that nicotine consumed by vaping or by cigarette,
01:43:18.500 | it's bad for us in terms of lung cancer
01:43:22.540 | and other forms of cancer.
01:43:24.020 | And for some reason, I don't know why,
01:43:26.500 | because this knowledge about alcohol and cancer
01:43:29.400 | and these established relationships
01:43:31.660 | have been known since the late 1980s.
01:43:33.880 | The first kind of landmark paper on this
01:43:36.220 | was published in 1987.
01:43:37.620 | I can provide a link to that paper.
01:43:38.800 | It's actually quite interesting to read.
01:43:41.820 | Well, the relationship is there
01:43:45.240 | and yet we don't often hear about it, right?
01:43:47.460 | In fact, before researching this episode,
01:43:49.560 | I had heard before that alcohol can increase cancer risk,
01:43:52.960 | but I wasn't aware of just how strong
01:43:55.020 | that relationship is.
01:43:56.280 | Because of the serious nature of what we're talking about
01:43:58.800 | and because I would hate to be confusing
01:44:01.780 | or misleading to anybody,
01:44:03.180 | I wanted to just emphasize that this statistic
01:44:05.760 | that there is a 4 to 13%,
01:44:07.860 | depending on which study you look at,
01:44:09.280 | a 4 to 13% increase in the risk of cancer,
01:44:12.460 | in particular breast cancer,
01:44:13.680 | for every 10 grams of alcohol consumed,
01:44:17.200 | that's 10 grams per day.
01:44:18.740 | So that's one drink per day.
01:44:20.800 | But I do want to emphasize
01:44:22.960 | that if that equates to seven drinks per week
01:44:27.160 | and all those seven drinks are being consumed
01:44:29.800 | on Friday and Saturday,
01:44:31.160 | it still averages to 10 grams per day.
01:44:33.800 | And I also want to emphasize
01:44:35.140 | that there are things that people can do
01:44:37.080 | to at least partially offset
01:44:38.720 | some of the negative effects of alcohol
01:44:40.880 | as it relates to predisposition
01:44:43.320 | to the formation of certain kinds of tumors and cancers.
01:44:46.120 | I also want to be clear before I say it
01:44:49.480 | that doing the things I'm about to tell you
01:44:51.980 | is not a guarantee that you're not going to get cancer,
01:44:55.760 | nor is it a guarantee that alcohol
01:44:58.640 | is not going to lead to an increased predisposition
01:45:02.420 | for certain kinds of cancers.
01:45:03.880 | And the two things are consumption of folate
01:45:07.220 | and other B vitamins, especially B12.
01:45:10.400 | You know, the consumption of folate and B12
01:45:13.320 | has been shown to decrease cancer risk
01:45:16.980 | in people that ingest alcohol,
01:45:19.180 | but not completely offset it.
01:45:21.500 | Why that is isn't exactly clear.
01:45:23.420 | It probably has something to do with the relationship
01:45:25.960 | between folate and B12 and other B vitamins
01:45:29.800 | in gene regulation pathways that can lead to tumor growth.
01:45:33.140 | At some point soon, we will get an expert in cancer biology
01:45:37.100 | and in particular in breast cancer biology on the program,
01:45:40.800 | and we can ask them about this,
01:45:42.400 | but I realize this is going to raise a number of questions
01:45:45.180 | and maybe even cause some of you to go out there
01:45:47.360 | and start taking folate and other B vitamins and B12.
01:45:51.680 | Not incidentally, a lot of the reported
01:45:55.680 | hangover supplements and treatments include folate and B12.
01:46:00.340 | I don't know if they had the cancer literature in mind
01:46:02.840 | when they created those supplements and products.
01:46:06.040 | I doubt they did.
01:46:07.880 | Alcohol really does disrupt B vitamin pathways,
01:46:11.220 | both synthesis pathways and utilization pathways.
01:46:14.240 | So sometimes you'll hear, oh, you know,
01:46:15.780 | if you get your B vitamins,
01:46:16.780 | it helps you recover from hangover more quickly.
01:46:20.280 | Again, the literature doesn't support that,
01:46:22.460 | but also again, there aren't a lot of studies,
01:46:24.560 | but more to the point as it relates to alcohol
01:46:28.080 | and the formation of tumors and cancers,
01:46:30.040 | it does appear that decreased folate
01:46:33.120 | and other B vitamins like B12 are partially responsible
01:46:36.760 | for the effect of alcohol and increasing cancer risk.
01:46:40.940 | And it does appear that consuming adequate amounts
01:46:45.240 | of folate and B12 might, again,
01:46:47.360 | might partially, really want to bold face and underline
01:46:50.620 | and highlight, partially offset some of that increased risk.
01:46:54.320 | There's an additional category
01:46:55.720 | that I want to highlight, of course,
01:46:58.160 | and this is vitally important to state,
01:47:01.200 | even though it's obvious,
01:47:02.580 | which is that people who are pregnant
01:47:05.400 | should absolutely not consume alcohol.
01:47:09.080 | Fetal alcohol syndrome is well-known and established.
01:47:13.240 | It's terrible.
01:47:14.320 | Fetuses experience diminished brain development
01:47:18.160 | that's often permanent, diminished limb development,
01:47:21.100 | diminished organ development in the periphery,
01:47:23.040 | meaning the heart, the lungs, the liver, et cetera.
01:47:25.640 | Ingesting alcohol while pregnant is simply a bad idea.
01:47:28.840 | And the reason I say this at all is,
01:47:31.840 | first of all, it's important to include
01:47:33.280 | in an episode like this,
01:47:34.240 | but also because we can look at two things.
01:47:37.920 | First of all, we can look at mechanism
01:47:39.400 | and then we can also look at some of the lore
01:47:42.000 | that still sadly exists out there.
01:47:44.920 | Let's take care of the lore that sadly exists first.
01:47:48.400 | If you look online,
01:47:50.760 | you will sometimes be able to find, sadly,
01:47:54.440 | that some people believe that certain kinds of alcohol
01:47:58.520 | are not detrimental to fetuses.
01:48:00.360 | They'll say, well, champagne is safe
01:48:02.480 | for a pregnant mother to drink, but beer is not.
01:48:05.320 | That is absolutely categorically false.
01:48:08.400 | Alcohol is alcohol.
01:48:10.300 | There is no evidence whatsoever
01:48:12.000 | that consuming certain types of alcohol
01:48:13.720 | is safer for fetuses than others.
01:48:15.560 | Alcohol is a toxin,
01:48:16.640 | and the reason fetal alcohol syndrome exists
01:48:19.140 | is because the ability of that toxin
01:48:21.980 | to disrupt cellular processes.
01:48:24.160 | Remember tumor growth and the way that alcohol
01:48:27.300 | can accelerate tumor growth by proliferation of cells,
01:48:30.740 | the wrong cells, the ones you don't want to proliferate?
01:48:33.560 | Well, all of embryonic development,
01:48:35.380 | all of fetal development, it's not the growth of a tumor,
01:48:38.340 | it's obviously the growth of an embryo,
01:48:39.940 | and it's done in a very orchestrated way.
01:48:43.440 | I started off studying brain development.
01:48:45.100 | That's where I got my beginnings in neurobiology,
01:48:47.720 | and I still teach embryology to medical students
01:48:50.680 | and graduate students.
01:48:52.440 | The set of coordinated processes
01:48:55.080 | that has to take place from conception to birth
01:48:58.280 | in order to give rise to a healthy embryo
01:49:00.440 | is so dynamically controlled and so exquisitely precise
01:49:05.440 | with checkpoints and recovery mechanisms
01:49:07.940 | and redundancy in the genes that are expressed
01:49:10.360 | to make sure that if anything goes wrong,
01:49:11.920 | it's repaired, et cetera.
01:49:13.720 | Alcohol as a mutagen, I haven't used that word yet,
01:49:17.640 | but a substance that can mutate DNA
01:49:21.040 | through alterations in DNA methylation
01:49:23.120 | and these checkpoints in the cell cycle.
01:49:25.280 | Alcohol as a mutagen is one of the worst things
01:49:29.300 | that a developing embryo can be exposed to.
01:49:31.680 | And again, because it's water-soluble and fat-soluble,
01:49:34.880 | ingestion of alcohol when people are pregnant
01:49:36.680 | passes right to the fetus.
01:49:39.040 | Now, I realize that a number of people out there
01:49:41.540 | might be thinking, "Oh goodness, you know,
01:49:42.920 | I didn't realize I was pregnant
01:49:45.120 | until a certain stage of pregnancy,
01:49:46.900 | and before I realized I was ingesting alcohol."
01:49:50.080 | Obviously, one can't undo what's been done,
01:49:53.900 | but I want to also emphasize that fetal alcohol syndrome,
01:49:57.180 | while yes, there's a full-blown syndrome
01:49:59.520 | that manifests as changes in the craniofacial development
01:50:02.080 | that are very obvious, and you can look these up,
01:50:03.920 | you've probably seen these before,
01:50:05.080 | the pictures before, rather.
01:50:06.720 | It has to do with eye spacing, forehead size,
01:50:08.680 | a number of other features of the craniofacial development,
01:50:11.700 | and of course, stuff's going on in the brain too.
01:50:13.600 | It's along a continuum, so it is possible
01:50:16.600 | that some of the changes that occur are more minor,
01:50:20.040 | and thankfully, the young brain,
01:50:22.680 | in particular the early postnatal brain,
01:50:24.520 | is incredibly plastic.
01:50:25.600 | There are things that can be done
01:50:26.780 | in order to help recover neural circuits
01:50:28.780 | that didn't develop well, et cetera.
01:50:31.780 | But even though it's somewhat obvious
01:50:34.920 | or should be obvious, I really want to make clear
01:50:37.600 | that there's zero evidence whatsoever
01:50:39.020 | that certain forms of alcohol are safer
01:50:40.860 | for pregnant women to ingest than others.
01:50:42.400 | It's absolutely wrong.
01:50:43.600 | No one who's pregnant should be ingesting alcohol whatsoever,
01:50:47.960 | and certainly, if people feel like they can't avoid alcohol
01:50:51.720 | while pregnant, they really need to work with somebody
01:50:54.080 | to make sure that it just absolutely doesn't happen
01:50:55.920 | because it is so detrimental to the developing fetus.
01:50:58.840 | Lastly, I want to talk about the effects
01:51:00.380 | of alcohol on hormones, and I want to distinguish
01:51:03.880 | between low amounts of alcohol intake,
01:51:06.400 | higher amounts of alcohol intake,
01:51:08.000 | and again, this chronic alcohol intake
01:51:09.920 | versus occasional use versus really chronic use,
01:51:13.560 | meaning alcoholic or alcoholic use disorder
01:51:16.560 | where people are drinking an immense amount
01:51:18.320 | on an ongoing basis.
01:51:20.380 | The literature on alcohol and hormones is quite extensive,
01:51:23.140 | and there are, of course,
01:51:23.980 | many, many different types of hormones.
01:51:25.360 | The hormones that most often get mentioned
01:51:28.000 | and talked about on this podcast are the hormones testosterone
01:51:30.440 | and estrogen, which are present in both men and women,
01:51:33.080 | in both men and women are important for things like libido.
01:51:37.140 | They're also responsible for sexual development,
01:51:40.320 | actual development of the genitalia
01:51:42.520 | before birth and after birth.
01:51:43.920 | They're responsible, for instance,
01:51:45.200 | estrogen is important for memory and cognition.
01:51:47.360 | You never want to drop estrogen too low in men or women
01:51:49.840 | 'cause it can disrupt cognition and joint health, et cetera.
01:51:52.840 | To keep this discussion relatively constrained,
01:51:56.820 | it's fair to say that alcohol, and in particular,
01:52:00.080 | the toxic metabolites of alcohol,
01:52:03.320 | increase the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
01:52:07.640 | Now, this occurs in a number of different tissues.
01:52:10.620 | This is not just occurring in the testes of males.
01:52:12.720 | This is occurring in lots of different tissues,
01:52:14.320 | and I'll refer you to a excellent review.
01:52:16.380 | We'll provide a link in the show note captions.
01:52:18.280 | This is a paper that was published in the year 2000,
01:52:21.280 | but the data are still quite strong.
01:52:23.640 | The journal is called, of all things, Alcohol.
01:52:27.920 | There's, yes, literally a journal called Alcohol
01:52:31.120 | for the publication of data and reviews
01:52:33.560 | on alcohol and its effects.
01:52:34.900 | And the title of the paper is,
01:52:36.000 | Can Alcohol Promote Aromatization of Androgens to Estrogens?
01:52:39.240 | Aromatization is this process of the conversion
01:52:41.640 | of testosterone and other androgens to estrogens
01:52:44.600 | through things like aromatase enzyme.
01:52:46.720 | And this is a beautiful review that describes every tissue
01:52:50.760 | or near every tissue from the ovary in females
01:52:54.800 | to the placenta, to the liver, to the testes,
01:52:58.420 | in which alcohol can increase the aromatization
01:53:02.900 | of testosterone to estrogen.
01:53:04.040 | Now, in females, this may be part of the reason
01:53:06.640 | why there's an increase in estrogen-related cancers.
01:53:09.720 | Breast cancer can be either estrogen-related
01:53:12.040 | or non-estrogen-related.
01:53:13.120 | There are other types of estrogen-related cancers
01:53:14.920 | outside of breast cancer,
01:53:16.720 | but it appears that one reason why alcohol increases
01:53:19.600 | the risk of breast cancer is because of this aromatization
01:53:22.920 | from, of testosterone, excuse me, to estrogen.
01:53:26.560 | In males, accelerated or abnormal conversion
01:53:31.560 | of testosterone to estrogen can actually lead to growth
01:53:34.100 | of the breast tissue in males, so-called gynecomastia,
01:53:37.280 | or other effects of high estrogen,
01:53:39.800 | or I should say of altered testosterone-estrogen ratios,
01:53:43.280 | 'cause that's really what's important.
01:53:45.400 | And these can include things like diminished sex drive,
01:53:48.840 | increased fat storage, and a number of other things
01:53:51.560 | that I think most people would find to be negative effects.
01:53:55.300 | I once talked about the fact that drinking alcohol
01:53:58.640 | can increase the aromatization of testosterone to estrogen.
01:54:01.220 | I posted that online, and I didn't get attacked,
01:54:03.560 | but I did get criticized for the fact
01:54:07.560 | that it has been shown, yes, has been shown,
01:54:09.940 | that small amounts of alcohol ingestion,
01:54:11.800 | so five grams or so of alcohol ingestion,
01:54:14.120 | this would be half a glass of wine or half a glass of beer,
01:54:16.400 | at least in some studies showed increases in testosterone,
01:54:19.740 | which was kind of surprising,
01:54:21.160 | but I should point out other studies have shown
01:54:23.840 | that alcohol ingestion causes decreases
01:54:26.720 | in testosterone over time.
01:54:29.160 | So there's always this issue
01:54:30.640 | of whether or not you're looking at a study
01:54:31.640 | of acute exposure versus chronic exposure,
01:54:33.840 | one dose versus multiple doses and exposure.
01:54:37.040 | I think it's fair to say,
01:54:39.540 | based on my read of the literature,
01:54:41.000 | this review and other reviews
01:54:42.700 | that focus more particularly on humans,
01:54:45.040 | that regular ingestion of alcohol
01:54:47.200 | is going to increase estrogen levels,
01:54:49.540 | whether or not you're male or female,
01:54:50.880 | and it's largely doing that through the aromatization process
01:54:54.200 | by increasing the aromatase enzyme.
01:54:57.360 | Yes, there's some dose dependence,
01:54:59.040 | but I think if you're somebody who's trying
01:55:00.440 | to optimize your testosterone to estrogen ratio,
01:55:03.240 | regardless of whether or not you're male or female,
01:55:05.300 | well, then most certainly you're going to want
01:55:06.880 | to avoid drinking too much alcohol.
01:55:09.440 | So we've covered a lot of topics and data
01:55:11.840 | related to the mechanisms of alcohol,
01:55:14.760 | hangover, tolerance, cancer risk, et cetera.
01:55:18.160 | I acknowledge that I've mainly talked to you
01:55:19.960 | about the negative effects of alcohol.
01:55:21.940 | I want to acknowledge that many people enjoy alcohol
01:55:26.560 | in moderation or even light drinking,
01:55:30.120 | the occasional drink or the occasional two drinks,
01:55:32.720 | or maybe even on average, one drink per night,
01:55:35.380 | so seven drinks per week.
01:55:37.100 | I'm certainly not here to tell you what to do
01:55:39.140 | and what not to do.
01:55:40.760 | I do find it immensely interesting, however,
01:55:43.660 | that first of all, alcohol is a known toxin
01:55:46.760 | to the cells of the body.
01:55:47.920 | Some of you might immediately say,
01:55:49.080 | well, wait, what about hormesis?
01:55:50.520 | What about this phenomenon where
01:55:51.960 | if we regularly ingest a toxin, it makes us stronger?
01:55:54.760 | In other words, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
01:55:57.120 | There's some reason to believe that might be beneficial
01:56:00.760 | in terms of some forms of cellular resilience,
01:56:04.040 | maybe, maybe, no, sorry, it doesn't work that way.
01:56:07.640 | There are processes of hormesis in which, for instance,
01:56:10.880 | exposing yourself safely to increases in adrenaline
01:56:14.680 | through ice baths or other things that increase adrenaline
01:56:17.800 | can raise your so-called stress threshold.
01:56:20.080 | But here we're talking about cellular stress
01:56:22.720 | and damage to cells.
01:56:24.760 | So my read of the literature, and again, this is my read,
01:56:27.920 | and I invite others to provide studies
01:56:30.800 | or I would prefer actually collections of studies
01:56:33.240 | that point in the direction, if they exist,
01:56:35.880 | that alcohol can be beneficial.
01:56:39.080 | But my read of the literature, or I should say,
01:56:42.340 | my understanding of what I would call the center of mass
01:56:45.040 | of the literature on alcohol is that no consumption,
01:56:49.640 | zero consumption, consumption of zero ounces of alcohol
01:56:53.840 | is going to be better for your health
01:56:55.980 | than low to moderate consumption of alcohol.
01:56:59.120 | And that low to moderate consumption of alcohol
01:57:02.340 | is going to be better for you, of course,
01:57:04.360 | than moderately high to high alcohol consumption
01:57:08.480 | on the order of 12 to 24 or more drinks per week.
01:57:13.160 | I realize that for most people listening to this,
01:57:15.660 | it's probably low to moderate alcohol consumption
01:57:19.680 | that is part of their standard repertoire.
01:57:23.040 | And I'm not here to give you justification for doing that,
01:57:26.360 | nor am I going to tell you not to do that.
01:57:28.360 | I would like you to consider perhaps, however,
01:57:31.540 | the negative effects that we understand
01:57:33.920 | and that are documented.
01:57:34.800 | For instance, the negative effects of alcohol
01:57:37.560 | in the gut microbiome and the things that you can do
01:57:40.480 | to better support your gut microbiome.
01:57:42.560 | The negative effects on the stress system,
01:57:45.000 | that HPA axis that we talked about earlier,
01:57:47.140 | and the fact that even low to moderate levels
01:57:49.580 | of alcohol consumption can increase our levels of stress
01:57:52.080 | when we're not drinking.
01:57:53.880 | And to think about acquiring some tools
01:57:57.320 | and getting some proficiency with tools,
01:58:00.080 | behavioral or otherwise,
01:58:01.140 | that can help you with stress modulation
01:58:03.280 | that don't involve alcohol consumption.
01:58:06.120 | Again, the point here is to illustrate
01:58:09.000 | where the problems lie with alcohol consumption,
01:58:11.080 | but also what I've tried to do is to point you
01:58:13.800 | to some resources that can help offset
01:58:15.780 | some of those negative effects.
01:58:17.320 | Will they offset all the effects?
01:58:19.400 | I can't say that for sure,
01:58:20.940 | but certainly taking measures
01:58:24.000 | to offset some of the negative effects
01:58:25.560 | of any alcohol consumption
01:58:26.760 | that you might be having or doing
01:58:29.640 | is going to be beneficial to you.
01:58:31.520 | And those tools and protocols
01:58:32.740 | are going to be health promoting in any case.
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02:00:37.840 | look for Huberman Lab Clips in the search area,
02:00:40.760 | and it will take you there, subscribe,
02:00:42.320 | and we are constantly updating those with new clips.
02:00:44.640 | This is especially useful, I believe,
02:00:46.200 | for people that have missed some of the earlier episodes
02:00:48.200 | or you're still working through the back catalog
02:00:49.820 | of Huberman Lab Podcast,
02:00:50.920 | which admittedly can be rather long.
02:00:53.040 | And last, but certainly not least,
02:00:55.320 | thank you for your interest in science.
02:00:57.120 | [upbeat music]
02:00:59.700 | (upbeat music)