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Ten Principles for Personal Productivity


1:48 avoiding obstacles to productivity
4:9 get a sense of gospel rooted accountability before the living god
4:42 work out your salvation with fear and trembling
5:15 intensify this sense of accountability on the last day with the parable
6:32 add to your sense of accountability

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | (upbeat music)
00:00:02.580 | - We recently talked about the book you just wrote,
00:00:07.560 | Pastor John, back on Thursday of last week.
00:00:10.120 | You gave us a personal update.
00:00:11.840 | In light of that, Brandon in Charlotte, North Carolina
00:00:14.960 | writes in to ask this.
00:00:15.800 | Pastor John, thank you for your Christ-centered precision
00:00:18.880 | and for the tremendous volume of your ministry output.
00:00:22.560 | I'm curious how you produce so much content.
00:00:26.140 | What time do you wake up?
00:00:27.200 | How do you find time to read and write?
00:00:29.240 | When do you eat your cereal?
00:00:30.920 | I mean, you mentioned your aversion to TV
00:00:33.480 | and don't waste your life,
00:00:35.180 | but what advice do you have for the daily schedule making
00:00:38.080 | to make the most of your life for Christ?
00:00:41.480 | - I think the first thing that I should say
00:00:43.420 | is beware of wanting to be like me.
00:00:47.660 | You don't know the sins of my life.
00:00:50.800 | You don't know how much I have neglected.
00:00:55.480 | You don't know what the costs have been.
00:00:59.220 | The real question is how to be the fullest,
00:01:05.040 | most God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated,
00:01:09.080 | loving, humble, mission-advancing,
00:01:13.000 | justice-seeking, others-serving person you, you can be.
00:01:18.000 | Don't measure yourself by others.
00:01:23.100 | Measure yourself by your potential in Christ.
00:01:28.100 | That's the first thing that I felt I had to say
00:01:33.300 | because of the way the question seemed to be posed.
00:01:38.120 | Now, there are a lot of other things to say.
00:01:40.000 | Let me tick 'em off.
00:01:41.720 | The second thing I would say is give 10% of your focus
00:01:46.720 | in life to avoiding obstacles to productivity,
00:01:52.120 | and 90% of your focus to fastening onto great goals
00:01:56.960 | and pursuing them with all your might.
00:01:59.320 | Very few people become productive
00:02:03.080 | by avoiding obstacles to productivity.
00:02:06.480 | It's not a good focus.
00:02:08.480 | That's not where energy comes from.
00:02:11.040 | It's not where vision comes from.
00:02:12.540 | People write books about that and make a lot of money,
00:02:14.600 | but that's not where anybody gets anything worthwhile done.
00:02:18.540 | Getting things done that count come from great, glorious,
00:02:23.420 | wonderful future possibilities that take you captive
00:02:28.260 | and draw your pursuit with all your might,
00:02:31.100 | and then all that other stuff
00:02:32.320 | about getting obstacles out of your way.
00:02:34.300 | That's the 10% of broomwork that you have to do.
00:02:38.700 | Third thing I wanna say.
00:02:40.120 | Life comes to us in chapters
00:02:45.700 | that are very different from each other.
00:02:48.220 | If you are married and have little children,
00:02:50.740 | that's a chapter that needs a great deal
00:02:52.660 | of focus on the children.
00:02:54.080 | If God wills, there may be another chapter for you
00:02:58.300 | with different possibilities,
00:02:59.620 | different potentials, and different priorities.
00:03:03.220 | The Lord will be pleased if you focus
00:03:05.980 | on the chapter you're in and live according
00:03:09.300 | to the demands of that chapter with all your might.
00:03:12.780 | Fourth thing to say.
00:03:14.660 | Give serious thought and prayer
00:03:17.380 | to what your big, all-consuming life goal is.
00:03:20.640 | The biblical expression of mine is found in Philippians 1:20.
00:03:26.420 | "It is my eager expectation."
00:03:28.340 | This is John Piper, not just Paul talking.
00:03:30.440 | "It is my eager expectation and hope
00:03:36.180 | "that I will not at all be ashamed,
00:03:38.420 | "but that with full courage."
00:03:40.060 | Now, as always, "Christ will be magnified in my body,
00:03:45.060 | "whether by life or by death,
00:03:48.460 | "for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain."
00:03:51.260 | So Christ magnified in living and dying,
00:03:55.940 | spreading a passion for that Christ
00:03:58.860 | into the lives of others.
00:04:01.100 | That's the goal.
00:04:02.140 | That's the big, overarching goal.
00:04:03.860 | So find yours and make it work in everything you do.
00:04:09.420 | Fifth, get a sense of gospel-rooted accountability
00:04:14.420 | before the living God.
00:04:17.320 | That is, understand the gospel
00:04:20.520 | and the spiritual dynamics of how it works.
00:04:24.040 | You don't labor to get into a right relationship with God.
00:04:29.040 | The gospel dynamics don't work that way.
00:04:33.500 | You labor morning till night with all your might
00:04:38.500 | because you are in a right relationship with God.
00:04:42.700 | Philippians 2, "Work out your salvation
00:04:44.940 | "with fear and trembling,
00:04:45.860 | "for ground, basis, foundation, God is at work in you."
00:04:50.860 | That's the gospel dynamic.
00:04:53.600 | "By the grace of God, I am what I am,
00:04:55.620 | "and His grace towards me was not in vain.
00:04:57.340 | "But on the contrary, I worked harder than any of them,
00:04:59.860 | "but it was not I.
00:05:01.580 | "The grace of God had already taken up residence in me
00:05:04.220 | "and was at work in me."
00:05:05.500 | And if you get that order out of whack,
00:05:08.200 | you may accomplish a lot in life
00:05:10.020 | and go straight to hell with all your books
00:05:12.740 | and all your buildings.
00:05:14.360 | Let the Lord Jesus intensify this sense of accountability
00:05:19.340 | on the last day with the parable of the talents, right?
00:05:22.860 | Gave to one person five, gave to another person two,
00:05:25.660 | gave to another person one, came to call a count,
00:05:28.620 | and the person with one heard those awful words.
00:05:32.460 | You wicked and lazy servant.
00:05:37.300 | I don't wanna hear that word.
00:05:38.920 | I do not want to hear that word.
00:05:41.220 | I want to experience the opposite,
00:05:43.760 | the counterpart to those words from Luke 12.
00:05:47.420 | "Who then is the faithful and wise manager
00:05:51.220 | "whom his master will set over his household?"
00:05:54.280 | I often thought those words when I was a pastor.
00:05:56.680 | I was over a household.
00:05:57.880 | "To give them their portion of food at the proper time.
00:06:02.880 | "Blessed is that servant whom his master
00:06:06.960 | "will find so doing when he comes."
00:06:11.960 | I would be sitting preparing my messages
00:06:14.360 | or writing something or leading the family
00:06:16.880 | in devotions or something, and I would say,
00:06:19.200 | "Come now, Lord Jesus, and you'll find me doing it."
00:06:24.120 | That's the opposite of wicked, lazy servant,
00:06:28.720 | buried your talent and didn't do anything with it.
00:06:31.400 | So that's number five.
00:06:32.760 | Number six, add to your sense of accountability
00:06:37.360 | before God a sense of urgency.
00:06:40.320 | "We must do the works of him who sent us while it is day.
00:06:46.260 | "Night is coming when no one will work," John 9, 4.
00:06:51.260 | Or Ephesians 5, "Look carefully how you walk,
00:06:55.120 | "not as unwise, make redeeming," literally redeeming,
00:06:59.840 | the time because the days are evil, or Colossians 4,
00:07:04.360 | "Walk in wisdom towards those outside,
00:07:06.940 | "make the best use of the time."
00:07:10.240 | There's urgency in this.
00:07:11.960 | The days are evil and night is coming.
00:07:15.160 | Seventh, do what you do with all your heart.
00:07:19.920 | Be done with half-heartedness.
00:07:22.160 | Oh, so many people limp through life
00:07:25.880 | doing what they do with half of a heart,
00:07:28.600 | half of their energy.
00:07:30.240 | If it's worth doing, it's worth doing with your whole soul.
00:07:35.240 | Ecclesiastes 9, 10, "Whatever your hand finds to do,
00:07:39.760 | "do it with your might."
00:07:42.080 | Jonathan Edwards' resolution,
00:07:44.680 | oh, probably had more impact on me
00:07:47.320 | in the last 30 years than anything else he said
00:07:49.880 | in his resolutions, at least, when he said,
00:07:52.400 | "Resolved to live with all my might while I live."
00:07:58.400 | Those words took hold of me a long time ago.
00:08:01.160 | Oh, yes, Lord.
00:08:02.800 | The opposite, the opposite of this,
00:08:05.320 | 14 times in the book of Proverbs,
00:08:08.920 | the word sluggard is used.
00:08:11.480 | Isn't that an ugly word?
00:08:12.600 | Sluggard.
00:08:13.840 | 14 times, and what's a sluggard?
00:08:18.080 | Chapter 20, verse 4,
00:08:19.220 | "The sluggard does not plow in the autumn,
00:08:23.740 | "and he will seek at harvest and have nothing."
00:08:28.740 | You don't wanna be a sluggard.
00:08:31.460 | Number eight, "Many chops fell a huge tree."
00:08:36.460 | Man, this is so crucial because of how quickly
00:08:41.540 | we get discouraged after a thousand chops
00:08:43.780 | and the tree's not down yet.
00:08:46.180 | I just finished listening to Robinson Crusoe.
00:08:48.940 | You may say, "What in the world,
00:08:50.660 | "what job, I've been listening to a teenage novel
00:08:53.540 | "for a, I've never heard some of these classics,
00:08:57.100 | "so I'm listening to 'em."
00:08:58.300 | Robinson Crusoe, marooned on an island,
00:09:02.320 | all by himself, wants to escape, needs a boat.
00:09:06.020 | Mainland is 45 miles away, might be cannibals over there,
00:09:09.540 | and not sure he wants to go, but he needs a boat.
00:09:12.700 | He's got nothing else to do, so he's gonna make a boat.
00:09:14.900 | He finds a tree.
00:09:16.700 | This tree is five feet, 10 inches, I think,
00:09:20.300 | across at the bottom.
00:09:21.980 | He has an ax.
00:09:23.780 | It takes him, it takes him 22 days to chop this tree down,
00:09:29.620 | 14 more days to chop the branches off,
00:09:36.060 | a year and a half to finish the boat with an ax.
00:09:40.460 | I'd chop on a tree for a day or two days
00:09:44.340 | and say, "This tree's not coming down.
00:09:45.500 | "I'm done with this tree.
00:09:46.340 | "I'm gonna go work on some little tree."
00:09:49.220 | So there's the key, many chops fell a big tree.
00:09:52.260 | Well, you wanna do something great?
00:09:53.620 | Don't quit, keep chopping.
00:09:56.260 | Number nine, I got two more.
00:09:58.060 | Number nine, be willing to do many things in life
00:10:03.060 | cheerfully that at first you don't wanna do.
00:10:06.860 | They don't come naturally to you.
00:10:08.580 | There is no worthwhile role in life
00:10:13.100 | that does not require you to do things
00:10:16.180 | you don't at first feel like doing
00:10:18.020 | or that only let you do what comes naturally.
00:10:20.580 | So be cheerful, be cheerful in doing the parts of your life
00:10:25.340 | that you do not at first prefer to do.
00:10:28.340 | And lastly, number 10, I should push it to make it 10
00:10:32.540 | so it'd be a nice round number.
00:10:34.580 | Lastly, find your niche.
00:10:36.860 | That is, find the thing you do love to do
00:10:39.700 | with all your weaknesses and all your strengths.
00:10:43.060 | Put most of your energies and your love there
00:10:47.420 | for Christ and His kingdom.
00:10:49.820 | - Wow, that is very helpful.
00:10:52.300 | Thank you, Pastor John, and thank you for the counsel.
00:10:55.100 | I've jotted down a number of these points
00:10:56.700 | for my own takeaway from my own life.
00:10:58.580 | Thank you, and thank you for listening
00:10:59.620 | to the Ask Pastor John podcast
00:11:01.100 | with author and longtime pastor, John Piper.
00:11:04.460 | For more information about the podcast,
00:11:05.940 | go to
00:11:10.220 | I'm your host, Tony Reinke.
00:11:11.540 | We will return tomorrow and I'll ask John Piper
00:11:13.300 | if joy is something we fight for
00:11:15.380 | or if joy is something we wait for.
00:11:17.580 | We'll see you then.
00:11:18.540 | (upbeat music)
00:11:21.140 | (upbeat music)
00:11:23.740 | [BLANK_AUDIO]