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How You Can Fly First-Class Without Paying First-Class

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | It doesn't require some effort in terms of learning how to do this stuff.
00:00:03.440 | Yeah.
00:00:04.040 | You know, of course it does, but is the juice worth the squeeze?
00:00:07.180 | Well, yeah, it absolutely is.
00:00:09.060 | I mean, we travel like this all the time.
00:00:10.680 | My family travels very frequently.
00:00:12.360 | I do find awards.
00:00:13.700 | It does require a slightly different perspective in terms of how
00:00:16.440 | you look at booking travel.
00:00:17.600 | You put in a little bit of effort and you can be flying first
00:00:20.600 | class for next to nothing.
00:00:21.940 | And that is a pretty fantastic feeling, you know, with a modicum of effort, you
00:00:26.960 | can save yourself tons and tons of money, or what I often tell people is I spend
00:00:31.060 | less money than most people I know on vacation, but I get far more vacations
00:00:37.220 | and far more comfortable experiences because you do have plenty of those
00:00:41.580 | opportunities to travel around the world and feel like you're not paying for it.
00:00:45.560 | To be honest.
00:00:46.140 | I mean, you'll pay your award taxes and fees, but when you're using Monopoly
00:00:50.120 | money to pay for the ticket and you're still getting the champagne and the
00:00:53.220 | caviar and the onboard chef or the shower or whatever it might be, it
00:00:57.460 | certainly feels pretty incredible.