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My Pastors Don’t Preach Against Sin — Is That Okay?


1:49 Why Would Pastors Presume To Be Wiser than the Scriptures
5:54 Pattern of Sanctification
8:50 The Work of the New Birth
10:28 The Fruit of the Spirit
11:38 15 Works of the Flesh
11:42 The Works of the Flesh

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | A pretty common question is reflected in today's email from a young woman from Sweden, a listener
00:00:09.860 | to the podcast. And Pastor John joins us over Skype today to answer.
00:00:14.560 | "Dear Pastor John, hello to you and the team at DG. I'm a relatively new Christian in Sweden,
00:00:19.380 | and I have a problem with my church. I got baptized four years ago and became a member.
00:00:24.540 | As time passed, I noticed our sermons don't touch on sin and never call for repentance.
00:00:30.420 | I've asked one of the pastors who said they are not preaching contradictory to the Bible,
00:00:34.180 | they just decided to not talk directly about sin. They want to focus on the love of Jesus
00:00:39.420 | and his acceptance of sinners. It sounds well to me as an effort to attract lots of people
00:00:44.500 | into the church. At the same time, they don't celebrate repentance and obedience. What do
00:00:49.940 | you think of a church that doesn't preach against particular sins?"
00:00:55.860 | I think that church is profoundly defective. It is unfaithful to the Word of God. Over
00:01:08.100 | and over, issue after issue, controversy after controversy, sin after sin is traced back
00:01:19.060 | up the stream to the watershed issue of, do leaders and people treasure the Word of God
00:01:28.780 | above gold? Do they savor the Word of God as sweeter than honey? And do they submit
00:01:36.340 | to the Word of God gladly in its truth and in its proportions? That's the watershed issue
00:01:44.100 | over and over again, Tony, that I'm seeing in these days as it is right here. So why
00:01:50.500 | would pastors presume to be wiser than the Scriptures in the way they speak to God's
00:01:59.900 | people? That baffles me. And yet over and over, I find that to be the case on this issue
00:02:08.100 | and other issues. Church leaders think they know better than the pattern of the Scriptures
00:02:16.820 | themselves. So let me give four reasons from the Bible why it is defective, why it is unfaithful
00:02:27.060 | not to explicitly name, denounce, and call for repentance from specific sins that are
00:02:36.820 | in the world and in the church. First, whether you look at the prophets in the Old Testament
00:02:43.460 | or Jesus preaching before the crucifixion or the apostles preaching after the crucifixion
00:02:50.460 | and after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, wherever you look in biblical preaching, God's
00:02:56.420 | spokesman included not only the glorious good news of forgiveness for sins, but also a blood
00:03:06.780 | earnest denunciation of sinning and specific sins and a call for repentance and obedience
00:03:13.620 | in the power of God's grace. For example, Malachi 3.5, to look to the prophets, "I
00:03:22.700 | will be swift witness. I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers,
00:03:29.460 | against those who swear falsely, against those who oppress the hard worker in his wages,
00:03:35.100 | the widow and the fatherless, against those who thrust aside the sojourner. And do not
00:03:40.260 | fear me," says the Lord. In other words, they named the sins. That's the way they preached.
00:03:46.500 | Or take Jesus on the sin of lust. "If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out,
00:03:52.380 | throw it away," Matthew 5.29. Or greed, "Woe to you that are rich, for you have received
00:03:58.600 | your consolation," Luke 6.24. Or hypocrisy, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites,"
00:04:05.660 | Matthew 23.29. Or take Paul, "Flee from sexual immorality," 1 Corinthians 6.18. "Do not be
00:04:13.900 | deceived, neither sexually immoral or idolaters or adulterers or men who practice homosexuality
00:04:20.340 | or thieves or greedy or drunkards or revilers or swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
00:04:28.580 | So prophets, Jesus, the apostles, this is the way they preached. They named sins and
00:04:38.020 | they denounced them and they called for repentance and obedience in the power of the glorious
00:04:44.700 | good news of forgiveness that they preached. So if a pastor wants to find an authority
00:04:51.960 | for preaching that does not name and denounce and call for repentance from sins, he's not
00:04:58.060 | going to find it in the Bible. But there's something even more important than the fact
00:05:05.140 | that in all biblical preaching, sins are named. The New Testament reveals that the actual
00:05:11.620 | way that sanctification works—and I presume these pastors want their people to be holy
00:05:17.980 | and loving and good and beautiful representatives of Jesus—the way that actually comes about
00:05:26.060 | is by a combination of God's conquering sin by divine action together with God's command
00:05:37.780 | to kill sin in reliance on that divine action. That's the pattern. It's unbiblical to separate
00:05:46.740 | God's conquering of sin and his command for us to kill it.
00:05:51.940 | Now let me give you three illustrations of that pattern of sanctification. This is the
00:05:57.940 | more fundamental problem. These pastors just don't get how God works. That's their problem.
00:06:04.060 | They're making it up as they go along instead of submitting to the pattern of how sanctification
00:06:10.500 | actually works. And so they're cutting the legs out from under their own gold to make
00:06:14.780 | a beautiful people. Number one, let's take the cross, then let's take new birth, and
00:06:20.380 | then let's take the fruit of the Holy Spirit. So how does the cross work to get sin out
00:06:25.380 | of our lives and make us holy? How does new birth work? And how does the fruit of the
00:06:29.540 | Holy Spirit work?
00:06:30.860 | Peter—let's cross first. Let's go to the cross. Peter says in 1 Peter 2.24, "He himself
00:06:38.420 | bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness."
00:06:49.320 | So Christ died not only to forgive sin, but that it might die in the lives of his people.
00:06:59.220 | But that glorious triumph of Jesus over sin's power on the cross is given as the basis in
00:07:08.820 | 1 Peter, the basis of verses 22 and 23. "Don't revile when you are reviled. Don't threaten
00:07:17.180 | when you suffer." In other words, Peter did not assume that the way the cross kills sin,
00:07:26.260 | the sin of reviling and threatening, was automatic. Instead, he named the sin, he called for obedience
00:07:35.740 | on the basis of the cross and the power of the cross. Christ conquered vengeance on the
00:07:44.020 | cross for his people. Then he commanded us on the basis of his conquering not to revile
00:07:52.860 | those who revile us, not to threaten those who cause us to suffer, not to return evil
00:07:58.540 | for evil. That's how we are made new. The divine sin-destroying work of Christ and the
00:08:06.940 | divine sin-naming, sin-denouncing word of Christ. That's the pattern. The conquering
00:08:14.580 | of Christ, the command to kill it, the work of God and the word of God to name it and
00:08:22.660 | put it to death. Here's the second illustration, the new birth.
00:08:26.860 | Peter says in 1 Peter 1.23 to Christians, "You have been born again, not of perishable
00:08:34.360 | seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God." So there, that's
00:08:41.860 | the decisive divine work in us to make us new, turn us into the kind of people who hate
00:08:48.260 | sin and love righteousness. That's the work of the new birth. Hate the dark, love the
00:08:55.220 | light, turn from Satan, embrace Christ. That was worked for us by the Spirit in the new
00:09:01.660 | birth. But three verses later he says, "So," in other words, on the basis of this new birth,
00:09:10.100 | "So because this miracle has happened in your life, put away malice, deceit, hypocrisy,
00:09:19.900 | envy, all slander." Now we might ask, maybe these pastors ask, "Why? Why, if we're
00:09:28.580 | born again and we have the divine DNA in us to make us holy, inclining us away from sin,
00:09:37.980 | inclining us to love God, why, Peter? Why, Mr. Apostle, inspired by God Almighty, why
00:09:44.740 | would you bother to name sins and tell us to put them away?" And the answer is, because
00:09:51.700 | that's the way God has designed for sanctification to work. Christ conquers sins by the new birth,
00:10:01.820 | and then he commands us to kill what he has conquered. He does not say, "Christ conquered
00:10:09.500 | it, so I never need to name it anymore. I never need to summon my people into battle
00:10:15.220 | against their sins." No, that's not the way God designed it. These pastors are making
00:10:21.640 | it up as they go along. They're not submitting to God's way in the Bible.
00:10:26.780 | One more illustration, namely the fruit of the Spirit. I remember back in Germany, goodness,
00:10:33.340 | a hundred years ago when I was studying there, sitting in my pantry wrestling with this very
00:10:40.940 | issue of how the Word of God and the fruit of the Spirit related to each other. Galatians
00:10:46.780 | 5:22, Paul says, "The fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, and all the rest,
00:10:52.420 | all nine of them, those who belong to Christ," he says, "have crucified the flesh with its
00:10:57.620 | passions and desires." The Spirit is going to bear fruit in your life, so you are dead
00:11:02.460 | with Christ and the Spirit is alive and bearing fruit in your life. Ah, what a beautiful,
00:11:07.340 | positive, positive, positive way to look at the Christian life. Let's preach that and
00:11:13.180 | only that. Well, you can be unbiblical if you want to. Make it up as you go along. Draw
00:11:18.660 | inferences that the Bible doesn't draw. That's not a good way to minister. So we might think,
00:11:23.980 | "Well, that's all we need. We've got the Holy Spirit. We've got the cross. We've got the
00:11:27.500 | new birth. Just love, joy, peace." Paul, in the preceding verses, names, he names 15 works
00:11:41.040 | of the flesh. I'll read them. The works of the flesh are evident. Sexual immorality,
00:11:47.500 | impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries,
00:11:56.020 | tensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like that, in case I missed any.
00:12:04.380 | And then he adds, "For the sake of Christians to hear." Now, this is what these pastors
00:12:08.980 | are not doing. Paul thinks this is essential. He says, "I warn you. I warn you, Christians
00:12:15.180 | in Galatia, as I warned you before, I've done this before, that those who do such things
00:12:21.160 | will not inherit the kingdom of God. So I ask again, why name the works of the flesh
00:12:28.700 | and tell us not to do them if the fruits of the Spirit are mightily at work in our lives?
00:12:34.980 | Why? That's what I wrestled with those hundred years ago. The answer is, that's the way God
00:12:41.580 | designed it to work. Don't try to be smarter than God. God conquers our sins by the Spirit.
00:12:50.900 | And commands that we kill those sins by means of the Spirit. That's the biblical pattern.
00:13:01.280 | So I conclude that a church that fails to name sins, denounce them, call for repentance,
00:13:11.980 | puts human wisdom above divine wisdom by ignoring the way the prophets, Jesus, and the apostles
00:13:19.780 | preached and by failing to grasp how sanctification in the Bible really works. How the cross,
00:13:29.860 | the new birth, the fruit of the Holy Spirit actually conquers sin through God's command
00:13:38.300 | for us to kill it.
00:13:40.860 | Hard words, but necessary ones. Necessary for our joy. Thank you, Pastor John, and thank
00:13:46.100 | you for listening to the podcast today. And thank you for supporting
00:13:51.020 | And this podcast, Ask Pastor John, even with all the disruptions in this crazy year, ministry
00:13:55.780 | has been full throttle for us in 2020. In fact, it feels like the Lord has given us
00:13:59.940 | even more work to do this year in addressing the pandemic, particularly with the international
00:14:04.520 | launch of Pastor John's new book, Coronavirus and Christ. We're investing tens of thousands
00:14:09.140 | of dollars to get that timely book translated and distributed around the world in 29 different
00:14:14.540 | languages, and possibly even more to come.
00:14:18.140 | And all of this at a time when so many organizations are forced to cut staff and slash budgets.
00:14:22.740 | Instead, we are actually spending more money than ever to freely give away the best news
00:14:27.220 | in the world. And all of our ministry, the website, the books from Pastor John, and of
00:14:32.340 | course, this podcast, all of it is possible because God continues to raise up generous
00:14:36.740 | ministry partners around us, people who regularly pray for us and who donate to support all
00:14:42.540 | of our work.
00:14:43.940 | If that's you, thank you for your partnership. We can't do this without you. And if this
00:14:49.060 | is not you, maybe you've been a listener to the podcast or a reader of the website for
00:14:52.980 | a while, or maybe you've downloaded the book by Pastor John or watched our free YouTube
00:14:57.300 | videos online. Maybe you've been blessed by all the content that our partners have made
00:15:00.700 | free of charge to you in the past. And now maybe you want to become someone who will
00:15:05.580 | now make those resources available to a new generation who will experience all of Pastor
00:15:10.840 | John and Desiring God's content free of charge. If that's you, now is a great time to join
00:15:17.540 | us as our fiscal year ends in June and our new fiscal year begins in July, and we dream
00:15:22.540 | about all the new resources we want to make in the year ahead and new audiences we want
00:15:27.380 | to reach, too. If you want to join us, go online to That's
00:15:37.180 | Thank you for supporting us. I'm Tony Reinke. We will see you back here on Wednesday.
00:15:42.240 | [END]
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