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00:00:00.000 | Hello, everybody.
00:00:01.380 | It's Sam from Financial Samurai.
00:00:03.440 | And finally, at long last, two and a half years later, the book Buy This, Not That,
00:00:09.120 | How to Spend Your Way to Wealth and Freedom is out.
00:00:12.280 | Hooray!
00:00:13.280 | Woohoo!
00:00:14.280 | So I have with me my wife, Sini, who has been with me on this journey since the very beginning.
00:00:20.560 | She has edited and reviewed the book multiple times.
00:00:24.640 | How many times would you say you have read the book?
00:00:28.040 | We went through it about four different times during the whole process.
00:00:32.160 | Right, four different times, and it's a 300-page book, about 110,000 words.
00:00:38.560 | So it was a long, long process, but I truly believe Buy This, Not That will be the best
00:00:44.480 | personal finance book anybody can ever read.
00:00:47.480 | What do you think?
00:00:48.480 | Oh, totally.
00:00:49.480 | It is.
00:00:50.480 | It's an incredible feat and accomplishment that you have put together.
00:00:55.840 | We have put together.
00:00:56.840 | Well, you did, obviously, the bulk of the work with all the writing.
00:01:02.200 | And I'm glad I was able to contribute to helping with the editing process and fact-checking
00:01:08.080 | and looking at numbers and formulas and all that stuff throughout the book.
00:01:13.300 | It was an incredible learning experience.
00:01:16.160 | I know you definitely feel the same.
00:01:18.720 | Yeah.
00:01:19.720 | And congratulations.
00:01:20.720 | Made it!
00:01:21.720 | We made it.
00:01:22.720 | Woohoo!
00:01:23.720 | And here's something interesting, folks.
00:01:24.720 | We went through so many revisions.
00:01:26.880 | I would say a couple dozen revisions, and each revision was more polishing, getting
00:01:33.760 | better, more inclusive, thinking about new ideas, thinking about things we missed.
00:01:38.840 | And despite all the editing, all the grammatical error changes, the formula fixing and all
00:01:46.120 | that, there are still some errors in the first edition of Buy This, Not That.
00:01:52.120 | Yes, it's true indeed.
00:01:53.920 | It was crazy because I was, you know, after I sent my last pass, which is supposed to
00:01:58.320 | be the last, last pass where we don't get anything back, it goes to the copy editors,
00:02:03.040 | they polish it some more.
00:02:05.100 | About a month later, I was like, "You know what?
00:02:07.000 | I'm going to go read the book again in the hot tub."
00:02:09.880 | And I was reading the book, and I was like, "Wait a minute.
00:02:13.640 | What's up with this spelling error?"
00:02:14.760 | And the spelling error was made four times in four subtitles.
00:02:19.600 | You may or may not find it.
00:02:21.760 | And I was totally bummed.
00:02:22.920 | I was like, "What was the point of spending dozens of hours?"
00:02:27.160 | I know.
00:02:28.160 | It's tough.
00:02:29.160 | It's tough.
00:02:30.160 | And it's hard when there's so many people involved.
00:02:31.160 | And publishers have a system, a way that they do things for a good reason.
00:02:36.200 | You know, they've been doing it for decades and decades.
00:02:38.680 | And it was a new process to us, and we sent through, you know, a lot of fine-tuning in
00:02:46.280 | the last time that we touched the book.
00:02:49.280 | And there were some changes that happened between that time and when it actually went
00:02:53.120 | to print.
00:02:54.120 | And we didn't get to see the final final before it went to print.
00:02:58.800 | And somewhere along the line, there were some goofs that happened in that last bit.
00:03:05.520 | And it's just what happens.
00:03:08.360 | It seems to be very common with any book that goes to print.
00:03:12.600 | So true to Financial Samurai fashion, we always look at silver linings.
00:03:18.040 | Silver linings, when bad things happen, we think, "Ah, thank God I didn't break my ankle
00:03:23.720 | when I sprained my ankle.
00:03:25.920 | Thank God I didn't drive off a cliff and I just blew a tire."
00:03:28.720 | You know, just think about the positives.
00:03:30.640 | And the one positive that I thought, it's actually a huge positive because I've been
00:03:34.280 | a collector of awesome things like Chinese coins, baseball cards, comics, and rare books,
00:03:41.840 | is that a first edition book that becomes a bestseller, which I believe Buy This, Not
00:03:48.720 | That, will become – it's actually already an Amazon number one bestseller in the retirement
00:03:52.240 | planning category.
00:03:53.800 | But first edition bestsellers with errors actually are more valuable on the secondary
00:04:02.280 | collector's market.
00:04:03.280 | Yeah.
00:04:04.280 | I mean, there's this one – I was doing some research for this post and it was called
00:04:07.280 | like the Upside Down Jenny Stamp.
00:04:09.240 | It was like an old plain.
00:04:10.480 | It was just printed upside down and it sold for over a million dollars.
00:04:13.840 | Yeah.
00:04:14.840 | It's a classic collectible that's known for being printed funny.
00:04:20.760 | Yeah.
00:04:21.760 | So Buy This, Not That first edition has just a small spelling error but it is still an
00:04:27.040 | error so I will embrace it.
00:04:29.560 | And I think less than – maybe about 15,000 first edition copies will be sold in the United
00:04:34.640 | States.
00:04:36.000 | And what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign and have a special stamp.
00:04:41.400 | Nobody else has this stamp.
00:04:42.400 | I'm going to have this special stamp and I'm going to sign and special stamp less
00:04:46.280 | than 300 copies.
00:04:48.840 | So it's kind of going to be like the golden ticket in the Willy Wonka factory where if
00:04:53.760 | you can get your hands on one of this signed and special stamped version, it could be worth
00:04:59.520 | a lot of money in the future.
00:05:01.200 | Who knows?
00:05:02.200 | Yeah.
00:05:03.200 | All right.
00:05:04.200 | So writing and editing a book over two years is one level of hardness.
00:05:10.040 | I would say it's, I don't know, 10 out of 10 in terms of level of hardness.
00:05:13.760 | How would you – what would you think?
00:05:16.280 | How hard is it to write a book you think?
00:05:17.840 | Well, I didn't do the writing so I would – I can't give a complete answer but based
00:05:23.800 | on the amount of work that you spent writing, I would say definitely 10 out of 10.
00:05:28.360 | The editing process was intense to say the least just due to the volume.
00:05:34.600 | The back and forth, literally probably a thousand plus emails.
00:05:38.280 | Yeah.
00:05:39.280 | There were a lot of questions that we were answering back and forth.
00:05:42.080 | It wasn't just me doing the editing.
00:05:45.200 | Obviously, there's a whole team at Portfolio that was doing it.
00:05:48.720 | I was just assisting and it's an intense process to edit an entire book.
00:05:55.720 | It really is.
00:05:56.960 | But you know what's funny?
00:05:58.480 | The marketing, the marketing of the book is even maybe more intense.
00:06:05.280 | Different type of intense.
00:06:06.280 | It's actually – it's really difficult, folks.
00:06:09.080 | So I started marketing Buy This, Not That three and a half months before July 19th,
00:06:14.160 | the release date.
00:06:16.360 | What happens is you put your hopes and dreams of the book, everything you have into this
00:06:21.200 | book, you think it's the best thing you've ever created and it's been polished and
00:06:26.200 | looked over dozens of times by five, six people, right?
00:06:31.480 | And then so because you have worked so hard and you believe so much in the book, you want
00:06:35.680 | everybody to read it and therefore you believe with all your heart that other people should
00:06:41.800 | help promote it, right?
00:06:43.960 | But the problem is people will say no and it's those no's that I was reminded over
00:06:50.800 | and over again.
00:06:52.000 | It was either no, I'm not interested in marketing your book or just no response.
00:06:57.400 | That kind of bummed me out for a while.
00:07:00.800 | Yeah, it's definitely hard to feel like you're – when you're reaching out about
00:07:06.680 | something you're so excited about and then you get nothing back.
00:07:10.040 | Like nothing, black hole of darkness.
00:07:12.240 | It's pretty rough.
00:07:14.280 | And so it's an expectations game where you think some people will help you but then they
00:07:18.960 | end up just ghosting you or saying nothing.
00:07:21.520 | And these are the people you've helped before in the past.
00:07:24.400 | I've allowed them to do a guest post on Financial Samurai and help them build their
00:07:29.840 | traffic and their brand and then nothing.
00:07:32.720 | It was just a rejection.
00:07:33.720 | So that was pretty disappointing and that reminded me one of the reasons why I left
00:07:39.560 | the finance world.
00:07:41.320 | In any job that pays well, a lot of it has to do with selling.
00:07:45.320 | You have to sell your company's product.
00:07:46.880 | You have to sell yourself and you would just get no's or ignores, I would say most of
00:07:52.560 | the time.
00:07:53.840 | But if you have a 10% hit rate, that means you better ask 10 people before you get a
00:08:01.120 | success otherwise you're not going to make it.
00:08:03.640 | And so this whole marketing process of the book has really reminded me why I left my
00:08:09.600 | day job and why I actually don't want to go back.
00:08:13.600 | Yeah, for sure.
00:08:15.220 | The other interesting thing I learned is how to deal with anxiety.
00:08:20.480 | So I now firmly know why people don't try to do hard things or to create anything new.
00:08:27.400 | And the reason why is you put your heart into it, people say no, people reject you, they
00:08:32.600 | don't return your emails and calls and whatever you do create turns out to be a big flop.
00:08:40.000 | And so for a while, one of the funny things is I talk to a lot of editors who have edited
00:08:46.700 | my work.
00:08:47.700 | I've talked to you, I've talked to my father, I've talked to other people who have great
00:08:51.380 | grammatical and editing skills.
00:08:54.260 | Make me feel like English is a second language, I guess that's how you write it.
00:09:00.900 | And I always ask the editors with such great editing ability, why not create some amazing
00:09:08.580 | prose of your own?
00:09:10.460 | Yeah, we've had this conversation before.
00:09:12.980 | And my take is that they're two very different skills.
00:09:18.260 | I do enjoy writing and I have written a couple posts, well, not a couple, more than a couple
00:09:22.820 | on your site.
00:09:24.220 | And for me, my challenge is speed.
00:09:29.260 | It takes me a really, really long time to put together an article.
00:09:33.960 | I enjoy it, it's just not my strength in terms of efficiency.
00:09:38.380 | But I have a realization here.
00:09:42.020 | Go slow to go far.
00:09:45.300 | Speed is overrated.
00:09:46.500 | You don't need speed to write unless you're like a production factory, like you're on
00:09:50.300 | a deadline, you work for a newspaper or whatever, right?
00:09:53.980 | This is Financial Samurai, we do whatever we want.
00:09:56.460 | Right.
00:09:57.460 | There comes a point where maybe it takes too long.
00:10:01.900 | And if you look at word count, for example, let's say it takes you an hour and a half
00:10:09.100 | to write an article.
00:10:11.260 | If I were to try and write something of that same length on the same or similar type of
00:10:16.220 | topic, it might take me anywhere between five to eight hours, you know, significant amount
00:10:23.140 | more.
00:10:24.140 | Right.
00:10:25.140 | Whereas, you know, maybe I could have put those hours towards something else that I
00:10:30.540 | am faster at doing.
00:10:32.460 | More efficient, yeah.
00:10:33.460 | Right.
00:10:34.460 | Because unfortunately, we all have a limited amount of time.
00:10:37.220 | And given we're parents of a five-year-old and a two-year-old, you know, you're not sleeping
00:10:43.340 | much, I'm sleeping okay, thanks to you.
00:10:47.980 | But you know, opportunity cost.
00:10:49.500 | Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:10:50.940 | And you know, Buy This, Not That is about opportunity cost at the end of the day because
00:10:55.020 | we're trying to choose between two decisions, the most optimal decision and to avoid those
00:11:00.780 | suboptimal decisions.
00:11:02.980 | But I would say give yourself more credit.
00:11:04.820 | You've had a lot of posts on Financial Samurai do really well, really connect with other
00:11:09.060 | people and, you know, again, speed.
00:11:12.660 | Yeah, that is the funny thing.
00:11:14.060 | It's like we only have so much time.
00:11:16.540 | And so we better utilize our time the best way we can.
00:11:19.700 | Yeah, and I think, you know, in terms of editing, I'm obviously not a professional editor, but
00:11:26.460 | it's something that I do enjoy.
00:11:27.980 | It's something that I can do fairly quickly, especially in comparison to writing.
00:11:33.580 | And I'm a detail-oriented person, so I like catching the little things.
00:11:38.060 | Right.
00:11:39.060 | And you're good at it.
00:11:40.060 | After, you know, as a writer, after you write something, a lot of these errors just fly
00:11:44.740 | through your – fly over your head, fly over my head.
00:11:47.700 | I just can't see it because I've written it and read it so many times.
00:11:51.780 | So back to the topic of anxiety.
00:11:55.280 | For the past three months marketing the book, I have felt this consistent low level of anxiety.
00:12:03.300 | And it's kind of annoying, actually, and it's kind of weird because I'm generally not an
00:12:07.380 | anxious person.
00:12:08.700 | I'm pretty happy-go-lucky.
00:12:09.700 | I like going to battle in USTA tennis because I like the feeling, the nervousness, the adrenaline
00:12:17.680 | and all that.
00:12:18.680 | Win or lose.
00:12:19.680 | I mean, obviously, I'm bummed when I lose.
00:12:21.500 | But now, you know, as an older guy now, I'm like, "Oh, whatever if I lose."
00:12:25.020 | And it also doesn't last that long, right?
00:12:27.260 | You have some anticipation up till the match.
00:12:29.540 | Yeah.
00:12:30.540 | Then the match is done in several hours.
00:12:32.680 | It's not taking months after months.
00:12:36.780 | That's a great point.
00:12:37.780 | From start to finish.
00:12:38.900 | It's a different timeline.
00:12:40.420 | That's a great point.
00:12:41.420 | Yeah, you're right.
00:12:42.420 | Like, the anxiety before a match will last a couple days before.
00:12:46.660 | Anxiety right before the match, definitely a warm-up.
00:12:49.540 | And then during the match, I kind of have an out-of-body experience sometimes where
00:12:53.060 | I'm just like, "Am I really playing this?
00:12:54.660 | This is really cool.
00:12:55.660 | This is fun."
00:12:56.660 | And then hopefully I win.
00:12:57.660 | I had an 83% win percentage this year.
00:13:00.500 | Went like 19-4.
00:13:02.300 | That was pretty sweet.
00:13:04.860 | Showed up.
00:13:05.860 | But with the book, man, it's like-
00:13:07.460 | It's a long process.
00:13:08.940 | Three months.
00:13:09.940 | It's like a three-month anticipation of the match where you're just working hard, reaching
00:13:15.140 | out to people, calling local bookstores, "Hey, do you have Buy This, Not That available this
00:13:20.500 | week?"
00:13:21.500 | "No."
00:13:22.500 | "Oh, why not?
00:13:23.500 | I'm a local author.
00:13:24.500 | Do you want to support local author?"
00:13:25.500 | Well, you also had marketing on your mind even before we finished the editing process.
00:13:32.540 | Just kind of lurking in the back of your mind knowing that it was coming.
00:13:36.940 | Yeah.
00:13:37.940 | It was coming.
00:13:39.420 | I tried my best over these three months to not make Financial Samurai and the podcast
00:13:44.900 | all about Buy This, Not That.
00:13:47.300 | I know everything is free, right?
00:13:49.260 | So I can do whatever I want.
00:13:51.220 | But I also wanted to have a balance where I would continue to provide value in the newsletter,
00:13:55.100 | in the posts, and in the podcasts.
00:13:57.580 | But at the end of the day, this is maybe a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me.
00:14:03.300 | I don't know whether I want to write another book, which will make the first edition of
00:14:07.340 | Buy This, Not That more valuable with the air.
00:14:09.900 | And so I just have to make it count when it counts the most.
00:14:14.860 | But I will share with you how I have dealt with this anxiety of this book launch and
00:14:21.500 | the worry of whether everything will go smoothly if you're trying to do something hard or if
00:14:26.180 | you're trying to be creative.
00:14:28.460 | So the first thing I did was focus on a process.
00:14:32.980 | I came up with a game plan, a marketing game plan, and I followed it.
00:14:37.120 | Every week I would write a post that related to Buy This, Not That.
00:14:40.860 | Every week I would release a podcast episode that would be related to Buy This, Not That.
00:14:45.460 | And I would have a list of people, blogs, media outlets that I would contact, and I
00:14:51.860 | would just go through it.
00:14:52.860 | That was one, just having a plan.
00:14:55.380 | Two was setting proper expectations.
00:14:58.500 | For example, the Financial Samurai newsletter at has about
00:15:05.340 | 50,000 subscribers.
00:15:07.780 | So that sounds pretty good, but it's actually not that big based on when I started in 2009.
00:15:13.580 | And I told myself, well, I did some research and I know this, that the average conversion
00:15:18.500 | rate for someone to buy anything from your newsletter is about 2-3%.
00:15:24.460 | So you could take 2-3% times 50,000 is 1,000-1,500 buyers of Buy This, Not That the book.
00:15:32.700 | And so I set those expectations as a goal.
00:15:35.020 | Okay, if I'm the average, then maybe I'll be able to sell 1,000-1,500 copies, hard copies.
00:15:42.660 | And then that is the hurdle.
00:15:43.740 | That's the realistic expectation.
00:15:45.420 | And if I am over that, and I'm glad to say I'm over that, then it's like, okay, you're
00:15:50.660 | doing your job and you're doing better than the average.
00:15:54.820 | Another way to deal with anxiety is to just say, you are doing the best you can with what
00:16:00.260 | you have.
00:16:01.900 | Always tell yourself you're doing the best you can with what you have.
00:16:06.260 | And what will happen is you'll end up working harder, thinking about more things, leaving
00:16:11.140 | no stone unturned so that when your product is finally out, you won't have any regret
00:16:18.900 | having not tried your best.
00:16:21.860 | Another strategy for reducing anxiety and just keeping the motivation going is to diversify
00:16:26.800 | your activities.
00:16:28.160 | So I have been writing, waking up at 5 a.m., 6 a.m. to write for a couple hours, you know,
00:16:34.260 | for a couple years now.
00:16:36.300 | And it was my necessity because the kids would wake up by 8 and I just can't concentrate
00:16:40.380 | with them all screaming and wanting to play.
00:16:42.940 | And so I diversified my activities through physical activity, namely tennis and softball,
00:16:48.900 | talking to other people in different industries who have different interests.
00:16:52.500 | And this was really, really helpful for mental health.
00:16:56.520 | And the final thing I did to manage my anxiety was to put things in perspective.
00:17:03.100 | Ten years ago, I tried to get a literary agent.
00:17:05.820 | I reached out to at least a dozen and I got rejected or no word from anybody.
00:17:10.700 | But I said, screw that.
00:17:12.780 | I'm not going to take the rejection sitting down.
00:17:16.060 | And you and I created an e-book called How to Engineer Your Layoff.
00:17:20.940 | And my dad helped edit it.
00:17:22.860 | And it's in its fifth edition now.
00:17:25.420 | And since the e-book was published in 2012, it has been purchased and read by thousands
00:17:30.360 | of people and it has generated over $500,000 in net profits.
00:17:36.520 | And that's great.
00:17:37.520 | That's like $50,000 on average a year.
00:17:41.020 | I mean, that's almost livable income for us in San Francisco.
00:17:44.880 | And so to count your wins, even though you get rejected, is a good thing.
00:17:50.340 | And also to look at the perspective and say, well, I have this book.
00:17:55.000 | If it becomes a bestseller or not, it's okay.
00:17:58.120 | Because I was able to get a book deal with a reputable, one of the best imprints in the
00:18:03.240 | nonfiction space, which is Portfolio Penguin Random House.
00:18:06.760 | I couldn't even get a literary agent.
00:18:08.780 | Now I was able to skip the literary agent and go straight to the top with a great publisher.
00:18:14.580 | And so I just want to feel proud of the work that I've done and whether it becomes a
00:18:20.200 | nationwide bestseller or not is less important than being able to get the work done and not
00:18:26.520 | quitting, not quitting during a pandemic with two kids.
00:18:32.080 | I mean, when we look back, our kids are going to ask, so how was life like during the pandemic?
00:18:38.340 | And I'm going to say, it was tough.
00:18:41.380 | We worried about you constantly, but we provided as much love and care as possible.
00:18:46.560 | And we created this book that you could be proud of.
00:18:48.920 | Yeah.
00:18:49.920 | I mean, you really did not waste a minute in the last two and a half years.
00:18:55.400 | I mean, and it's about defiance.
00:18:59.520 | You've encountered something bad and you can take it sitting down or you can say, you know
00:19:04.800 | what, screw this bad situation.
00:19:07.360 | I'm going to make the most out of this situation.
00:19:10.120 | So when we got married in 2008, it was the global financial crisis right in the heart
00:19:14.780 | of it.
00:19:15.780 | I was like losing lots of money.
00:19:18.320 | We're worried about our jobs.
00:19:19.320 | We're like, hey, you know what?
00:19:21.680 | All I remember from December 2008 was our beach wedding.
00:19:27.760 | It was like 16 people, cameras.
00:19:31.520 | You had your white Target dress.
00:19:34.160 | I had my Aloha swap meet shirt that cost like several dollars and our flip flops.
00:19:41.960 | And it was a simple life, but it was really good memories.
00:19:46.240 | And so this defiance about not letting a bad situation or a nervous nerve wracking situation
00:19:51.840 | get you down is the financial samurai way.
00:19:55.100 | And I hope everybody takes that into consideration and helps cultivate their own defiance.
00:20:01.080 | All right.
00:20:02.640 | Well, it's getting late in the episode here, but the final thing I want to talk about is
00:20:07.480 | embracing one's underdog status.
00:20:12.080 | So I believe we're an underdog.
00:20:14.640 | We don't work for a large media publication.
00:20:18.280 | We're not huge on social media.
00:20:21.040 | We're not out there, but we can still fight to create an amazing book with the resources
00:20:28.040 | we have.
00:20:29.120 | And we can still fight to make Buy This, Not That a bestseller.
00:20:34.340 | And you and I know we've known each other for so long, right?
00:20:37.880 | Since what, 1998?
00:20:40.400 | And I think you have felt you've been an underdog as well.
00:20:44.800 | Yeah, I'd say so.
00:20:46.400 | So what are the things that make you keep on going no matter what?
00:20:52.840 | Well, competition helped me when I was younger.
00:20:57.000 | I had some rivals in my day, nothing serious, but wanting to do better and have that sense
00:21:07.200 | of competition helped keep me going, and also just wanting to be independent.
00:21:11.600 | I didn't come from a lot.
00:21:13.920 | And my parents had a lot of struggles, and I knew that they wouldn't be able to comfortably
00:21:18.100 | support me.
00:21:19.720 | So I knew that I needed to study hard, and I knew I needed to get a job that I could
00:21:24.800 | count on that would give me a steady paycheck that would provide opportunity for me to succeed
00:21:33.360 | and do well and learn and grow through my career.
00:21:37.520 | And that really, really got me going in my younger years, and it just continued to give
00:21:44.640 | me the fuel and motivation to make them proud, make myself proud, make you proud, and build
00:21:52.420 | our life together as a family.
00:21:54.520 | Yeah, there's a saying that it's an internal motor that I have, and that's, "Why give up
00:22:00.400 | when you can keep on going?"
00:22:02.480 | Why give up?
00:22:04.360 | No way.
00:22:05.360 | Don't give up when you can keep on going.
00:22:07.280 | And I think since our children came in 2017, it's just added more motivation to keep on
00:22:12.120 | going because not only do we want to provide for our children as any parent would, we also
00:22:17.740 | want to make them proud.
00:22:19.440 | We want to protect them.
00:22:20.540 | We want to nurture them and educate them.
00:22:24.020 | So it's been a great, great journey, folks, and thank you so much for supporting Financial
00:22:28.660 | Samurai and picking up a hard copy or an audio copy or digital copy of Buy This, Not That.
00:22:35.360 | You can buy it at any bookstore you'd like, or you can go to
00:22:43.680 | I'm really excited about one thing over the next couple of weeks, and you know what that
00:22:49.080 | Yes, you do.
00:22:50.080 | Okay.
00:22:51.080 | Wait.
00:22:52.080 | I don't know.
00:22:53.080 | That one thing, oh my gosh, I am so excited.
00:22:54.660 | This is the most excited I've been in a while.
00:22:57.000 | And that is to pick up our son from school and go to the bookstore.
00:23:04.040 | We're going to do a treasure hunt for the book, and we're just going to have so much
00:23:09.320 | fun and we're going to find it and we're going to talk about it.
00:23:11.720 | We're going to take some pictures.
00:23:13.560 | So if you want to support your local bookstore, which I definitely will be, go to your local
00:23:18.960 | bookstore and ask if they have a copy of Buy This, Not That.
00:23:22.960 | Barnes & Noble should have one, but that's like the big conglomerate.
00:23:26.280 | Those are indie bookstores.
00:23:27.800 | They might not have a copy, but you can always order one as well to support and just tell
00:23:33.120 | them you'd love to get more copies in.
00:23:36.480 | That'd be great for us and it'd be great for everybody.
00:23:39.720 | So again, thank you so much for supporting us and we will talk to you later.
00:23:44.080 | Thanks, everybody.