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Ep 232. The Lumberjack Paradox


0:0 Cal's intro
3:30 Why are lumberjacks happier than lawyers?
29:0 Cal talks about Notion and Huel
32:20 Should I leave a good job to gain more autonomy?
38:27 Should I quit my trainer job?
45:52 What does Cal’s workday look like?
54:49 How can I create a career without skills?
58:38 Case Study - The Slow Lawyer
62:40 Cal talks about Policy Genius and Better Help
65:34 December 2022 Books

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Why are lumberjacks happier than lawyers?
00:00:05.000 | I think by unpacking this,
00:00:07.580 | we're gonna get some interesting insight
00:00:08.880 | into how to get more depth and meaning
00:00:10.560 | out of almost any type of job.
00:00:12.540 | I'm Cal Newport, and this is Deep Questions,
00:00:23.580 | the show about working and living deeply
00:00:25.740 | in a increasingly distracted world.
00:00:30.320 | I'm here in my Deep Work HQ.
00:00:33.680 | I'm joined by my producer, Jesse.
00:00:36.100 | So Jesse, this weekend,
00:00:40.700 | I was reading my physical copy of the Washington Post
00:00:43.980 | because as I often emphasize on this show,
00:00:46.300 | in my leisure life, I strive to be as much as possible
00:00:49.240 | like a depression-era farmer.
00:00:52.360 | I read newspapers and listen to the radio,
00:00:56.000 | and I sit on the porch with a rocking chair
00:00:58.880 | holding a pitchfork.
00:00:59.960 | Maybe not the pitchfork part,
00:01:01.960 | but I aspire to be in my leisure life
00:01:04.620 | like a depression-era farmer.
00:01:06.040 | Anyway, so I'm reading the physical newspaper,
00:01:08.680 | and I come across an interesting article
00:01:10.840 | in the business section of the Washington Post.
00:01:12.860 | This is from Sunday.
00:01:14.020 | The title is "The Happiest, Least Stressful Jobs on Earth."
00:01:19.020 | So it looks like here there is new data,
00:01:22.380 | new data on how people feel
00:01:24.160 | about how happy their job makes them,
00:01:27.080 | as well as how stressful their life makes them.
00:01:30.480 | And I'm looking at this here.
00:01:32.560 | This is a Bureau of Labor Statistics.
00:01:34.240 | They were adding these new questions
00:01:36.360 | to their standard American Time News survey.
00:01:37.940 | So they kind of wanted to understand
00:01:40.040 | what jobs make us happy, what jobs make us unhappy,
00:01:42.640 | what jobs stress us out, what jobs don't stress us out.
00:01:45.800 | I was a little surprised, actually, by the top choice,
00:01:50.240 | so what was the happiest, least stressful job
00:01:53.560 | from the survey.
00:01:54.580 | I was less surprised by the bottom,
00:01:57.900 | what was the least happy, most stressful job.
00:02:01.100 | Let me quiz you, Jesse.
00:02:02.780 | What do you think the happiest, least stressful job
00:02:06.300 | in America is according to this survey?
00:02:08.340 | - Probably some volunteer job
00:02:11.460 | with somebody that's retired, you know?
00:02:14.180 | - I thought you were gonna say podcast producer.
00:02:15.780 | (Jesse laughs)
00:02:17.020 | And the fact that you didn't say podcast producer
00:02:19.100 | tells me everything I need to know.
00:02:21.740 | You're outta here.
00:02:23.260 | All right, good guess.
00:02:24.460 | And what about least happy, most stressful job?
00:02:27.740 | What would you guess?
00:02:29.020 | - Most stressful job, I think,
00:02:30.140 | is air traffic controllers, aren't they?
00:02:32.140 | - Okay, and then you think that's also the least happy?
00:02:35.740 | - Least happy, lawyers.
00:02:39.820 | - So you are 100% correct about least happy.
00:02:45.380 | Least happy, most stressful does turn out to be lawyers.
00:02:51.260 | The surprising question, the surprising response
00:02:53.340 | was happiest, least stressful, lumberjacks.
00:02:56.680 | - Really?
00:02:57.520 | - Lumberjacks.
00:02:58.540 | Followed closely by various other agricultural jobs,
00:03:03.540 | so farmers, and then also foresters.
00:03:05.780 | - Yeah, I guess that's that.
00:03:06.620 | - So if you're like a forestry agent
00:03:07.860 | or something like that.
00:03:08.740 | So I thought this was a good, deep question
00:03:11.740 | for us to dive into in today's episode,
00:03:14.820 | which is why are lumberjacks happier than lawyers?
00:03:20.820 | I think by unpacking this,
00:03:22.900 | we're gonna get some interesting insight
00:03:24.180 | into how to get more depth and meaning
00:03:25.860 | out of almost any type of job.
00:03:28.220 | All right, so let's actually jump into this article
00:03:29.940 | to get an answer.
00:03:30.780 | I have the physical copy here,
00:03:32.300 | but we also loaded it up on the tablet.
00:03:34.580 | So if you're watching at,
00:03:39.480 | this is episode 232, you'll see this on your screen.
00:03:42.860 | If you're just listening, I'll narrate it.
00:03:44.820 | So I have the article here.
00:03:46.220 | I should give credit to the writer, of course.
00:03:48.160 | This is Andrew Van Dam.
00:03:49.860 | This came out on January 6th, 2023 online,
00:03:54.020 | the physical paper much more recently.
00:03:56.020 | All right, so to start off in this article,
00:03:57.740 | we get what I was just talking about here.
00:04:00.740 | We have an analysis based on thousands of time journals
00:04:04.660 | from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
00:04:06.900 | American Time Use Survey.
00:04:09.180 | And they found, the researchers quoted in this article
00:04:13.100 | found agriculture, logging and forestry
00:04:17.360 | have the highest levels of self-reported happiness
00:04:20.180 | and the lowest levels of self-reported stress.
00:04:25.140 | This is over all major industry categories they looked at.
00:04:30.140 | Here's the actual questions they added.
00:04:32.620 | So in four recent surveys,
00:04:34.020 | they added to the Time Use Survey,
00:04:36.460 | instead of just asking what activities are you doing,
00:04:39.420 | they were asking people how meaningful their activities were
00:04:41.920 | and how happy, sad, stressed, pained and tired
00:04:44.580 | they felt on a six point scale.
00:04:46.300 | So these were the questions they used to get this data.
00:04:49.360 | All right, some other things I wanna point out
00:04:50.560 | from this article,
00:04:51.460 | healthcare workers and social workers
00:04:55.160 | rate themselves as doing meaningful work.
00:04:58.120 | In fact, they're at the top
00:04:59.480 | of the meaningful work ranking scale,
00:05:03.440 | by far the most likely to say they're doing meaningful work,
00:05:05.520 | but they rank low on happiness.
00:05:07.520 | They also rank high on stress.
00:05:09.480 | If we look at stress in general,
00:05:11.500 | the most stressful sectors were finance and insurance.
00:05:15.800 | The single most stressful occupation, lawyers.
00:05:18.820 | So interesting.
00:05:20.940 | Even jobs that felt very meaningful
00:05:24.220 | could be low happiness and high stress.
00:05:26.960 | Jobs like lumberjacks weren't particularly
00:05:29.540 | highly ranked on meaning scales,
00:05:32.000 | but they were happier and they were less stressed.
00:05:36.260 | Now this is a bit of a puzzle.
00:05:39.420 | I mean, let's give this a name
00:05:40.960 | because I like to give things names.
00:05:41.980 | We can call this the lumberjack paradox.
00:05:44.820 | Why is this the case?
00:05:45.940 | And the reason why this is a bit of a paradox
00:05:47.740 | is if we think about it,
00:05:48.820 | I mean, lumberjack jobs and farmers and forestry,
00:05:52.060 | but we'll focus just on lumberjacks here.
00:05:53.940 | It's not particularly meaningful in the sense
00:05:55.900 | that what I'm doing is connected to a bigger cause
00:05:59.100 | that I feel is really important.
00:06:01.220 | That's rarely the case.
00:06:02.620 | It's also physically perilous.
00:06:04.500 | I have this on the screen here.
00:06:05.780 | They point this out.
00:06:06.960 | This job, especially lumberjacks is particularly perilous.
00:06:11.380 | They report the self-report,
00:06:13.060 | the highest levels of pain on the job, right?
00:06:15.380 | So it's a physically demanding job.
00:06:16.620 | You're more likely to get hurt on the job.
00:06:18.940 | The actual activity from moment to moment is,
00:06:22.380 | often let's say not rote,
00:06:24.620 | but very, very physical and demanding,
00:06:27.460 | yet they're happy, yet they're less stressed.
00:06:31.160 | So what is the answer?
00:06:33.020 | Well, when it comes to this particular survey
00:06:35.820 | and that particular observation
00:06:37.580 | of lumberjacks and related jobs
00:06:40.500 | being happier than white-collar jobs,
00:06:43.380 | the answer they honed in on for this particular example
00:06:45.860 | is just what Jesse pointed out.
00:06:47.940 | They take place outside.
00:06:50.000 | So when they were doing this time-use survey,
00:06:53.700 | they found that being in the great outdoors
00:06:56.300 | ranks in the top three for both happiness and meaning
00:06:59.140 | among locations in which measured activities occurred.
00:07:03.300 | Only places of worship consistently rated higher
00:07:06.140 | on those meanings.
00:07:06.980 | So they said, look, our data shows
00:07:08.100 | that whether you're working or not,
00:07:09.940 | when you're outside, you're more likely to be happy.
00:07:13.460 | You're more likely to be less stressed.
00:07:16.020 | Lumberjacks, farmers, foresters, they're outside a lot.
00:07:19.820 | And so they're reaping that benefit throughout the day.
00:07:22.380 | If you're a lawyer, by contrast, you're not outside.
00:07:24.620 | So you don't reap that benefit.
00:07:25.860 | And you have high stress because of the nature of your job.
00:07:29.520 | So this leads us to a broader answer
00:07:32.380 | to the lumberjack paradox.
00:07:33.620 | And this is the thing that,
00:07:34.860 | the idea that we're gonna explore throughout today's episode,
00:07:38.120 | which is the idea that the characteristics of your workday
00:07:42.460 | matter as much as the content of your work.
00:07:46.460 | Especially in American thinking,
00:07:50.320 | we tend to focus a lot on the latter.
00:07:53.180 | What specifically do I do for a job?
00:07:56.380 | We assume that this is where we're gonna find meaning,
00:07:58.820 | it's where we're gonna find happiness,
00:08:00.100 | and it's gonna be the main thing controlling our stress.
00:08:02.580 | Am I a doctor?
00:08:03.740 | Am I a lumberjack?
00:08:04.940 | Am I a podcast producer?
00:08:07.140 | Or am I a drug dealer?
00:08:09.380 | Similar professions in terms of their drain on society.
00:08:12.980 | Isn't that right, Jesse?
00:08:13.820 | - Yeah. - No, thank you.
00:08:15.660 | I'm just joking, I'm just mad.
00:08:16.980 | I'm still just mad you didn't say podcast producers
00:08:18.940 | the happiest job on earth.
00:08:21.820 | So we care a lot in American culture about what is my job.
00:08:24.940 | The reality that I think is being emphasized
00:08:28.060 | by the study summarized in the Washington Post article
00:08:32.320 | is that the characteristics of your workday,
00:08:34.740 | independent of the specific content of your job,
00:08:37.220 | the characteristics of your workday
00:08:38.900 | can matter just as much.
00:08:41.120 | Those lumberjacks are happy not because on paper
00:08:44.380 | there's something abstractly really exciting
00:08:46.520 | or meaningful about being a lumberjack,
00:08:47.860 | but because of the characteristics of the workday.
00:08:50.180 | They're outside, they're fresh air,
00:08:53.900 | and other things going on,
00:08:55.080 | I'm gonna summarize here in a second,
00:08:55.980 | but the characteristics can play a huge role.
00:08:58.980 | So what I wanted to do here was list,
00:09:01.580 | I wrote down four different characteristics of a workday
00:09:05.540 | that are relatively independent of the content of your job
00:09:09.260 | that seem to have a big impact
00:09:12.580 | on how happy you are in your job.
00:09:15.380 | All right, so I wanna go through these four
00:09:17.020 | because what I wanna do, of course,
00:09:18.060 | is generalize our toolkit here
00:09:20.140 | beyond just telling people quit your lawyer job
00:09:22.820 | and become a lumberjack.
00:09:23.740 | Let's have a more nuanced approach on this.
00:09:25.520 | So I'm gonna enumerate four characteristics of workdays
00:09:29.260 | that really has an impact on your subjective experience
00:09:31.500 | of work.
00:09:32.340 | Number one, the setting of your work, right?
00:09:37.100 | This is what we got with the lumberjack data.
00:09:39.700 | Being outside, for example,
00:09:40.820 | tends to make human beings happier and less stressed.
00:09:44.140 | Things like stressful commutes, busy offices,
00:09:46.540 | having an ugly home office,
00:09:48.520 | it's in your laundry room and it's loud and it's cluttered.
00:09:51.540 | All of this can matter for how you,
00:09:53.940 | your subjective experience of your workday.
00:09:55.700 | So where it is you do your work,
00:09:57.080 | what it takes to actually get there.
00:09:59.820 | Number two, the stress generated by your work.
00:10:03.100 | I say this is a characteristic of your workday as well,
00:10:05.780 | is how much stress you encounter
00:10:07.980 | independent of the specific source of this stress.
00:10:11.620 | This also shows up in the data summarized in that article.
00:10:15.260 | Lawyers and healthcare workers,
00:10:16.660 | one of the reasons why they're not happy
00:10:18.060 | is that their jobs have many moments of stress
00:10:20.460 | and humans don't like to be constantly exposed to stress.
00:10:25.180 | So if your job has these constant rate of moments
00:10:29.820 | of your cortisol going up, that heart rate getting going,
00:10:32.120 | that feeling of anxiety growing,
00:10:33.660 | if that's happening all the time,
00:10:35.320 | you are likely to be less happy about that job.
00:10:38.900 | Again, independent of the specifics
00:10:41.860 | of the content of your work.
00:10:43.700 | I would say the major source of stress is overload,
00:10:46.720 | especially in white collar work.
00:10:48.860 | So this would be your job has too many things coming at you,
00:10:51.940 | too many things on your plate
00:10:53.080 | for you to be able to really juggle.
00:10:54.540 | So you're constantly context shifting, which is painful,
00:10:57.140 | constantly falling behind on things
00:10:58.980 | that you think need to be done,
00:10:59.980 | not even sure about everything that's on your plate.
00:11:02.100 | That is probably the most common source of acute stress
00:11:06.820 | in white collar jobs, this type of thing matters.
00:11:09.480 | The third characteristic of your workday
00:11:13.100 | that we're gonna talk about
00:11:13.940 | is the clarity or simplicity of your work.
00:11:16.740 | Humans are upset when we have lots of ambiguous tasks
00:11:19.500 | and obligation to deal with
00:11:20.660 | and it's unclear how to deal with them,
00:11:22.380 | it's unclear what to do next.
00:11:25.020 | Let me just tell you a specific example from my life
00:11:28.220 | that I think highlights this.
00:11:29.220 | It's a trivial thing,
00:11:32.100 | a logistical and active logistical organization
00:11:35.400 | I needed to do with my teaching assistants.
00:11:37.700 | And there was a little bit of ambiguity about how to do it.
00:11:40.920 | I wasn't quite sure if I had the right information
00:11:43.420 | or it's complicated in the details,
00:11:46.900 | but it's trivial is the main thing
00:11:47.940 | I'm trying to emphasize here.
00:11:48.860 | It was, I don't really know how to take the next step
00:11:51.700 | towards organizing, it was office hours or something like that
00:11:53.980 | because I'm missing some information
00:11:55.180 | or something was unclear.
00:11:57.080 | That was a huge source of stress for me.
00:11:58.940 | I didn't wanna do it, it was hanging over me,
00:12:01.260 | something that is on paper, a very simple,
00:12:03.940 | let me just think this through and send some messages,
00:12:05.620 | but it was ambiguous what to do next, source of stress.
00:12:08.220 | So the more of that type of work you have on the plate,
00:12:10.820 | the more stressed you're gonna be.
00:12:13.300 | If you're constantly context shifting,
00:12:14.780 | constantly trying to figure out how to put out fires,
00:12:17.540 | whose entire scope you don't quite understand,
00:12:20.140 | it's gonna hurt your subjective experience of work.
00:12:22.700 | Remember, this makes me think of the movie "Office Space".
00:12:26.580 | You know "Office Space", Jesse, the Mike Judge movie?
00:12:28.880 | - Yeah.
00:12:29.720 | - Do you remember the ending of that movie?
00:12:32.400 | - No.
00:12:33.240 | - So for those who don't know, "Office Space",
00:12:34.980 | the Mike Judge movie, I think this was like 1999 or 2000.
00:12:38.580 | And the main character had this job
00:12:42.980 | at a generic office park, office building,
00:12:46.100 | doing something vaguely involving software development.
00:12:49.420 | He filled out TPS reports, et cetera, right?
00:12:51.900 | So it was a send up, right?
00:12:53.220 | A send up of the inanity of modern knowledge work.
00:12:57.660 | And I won't spoil the whole plot,
00:12:59.660 | but where he ends up in the end, he's very happy,
00:13:03.140 | is a construction crew where he's just shoveling debris.
00:13:07.540 | Now it's actually the building, I will spoil it,
00:13:09.980 | it is the building of his company
00:13:12.020 | because it got burnt down to the ground.
00:13:14.820 | So, but the reason why he's happy
00:13:16.540 | is not because his company burnt down
00:13:17.900 | because of the simplicity.
00:13:19.820 | He's like, he shows up, I'm moving this stuff into here,
00:13:22.580 | this is what you want me to do.
00:13:24.020 | And he had this sort of great piece about it.
00:13:25.600 | So that's a sending up a true point,
00:13:28.420 | which is clarity and simplicity about what you wanna do.
00:13:31.460 | The Lumberjacks have this, of course.
00:13:33.660 | The job is clear, we're cutting these trees,
00:13:35.540 | we're moving these logs, here's what has to happen.
00:13:38.540 | The final characteristic of a workday that really matters
00:13:41.140 | for your subjective experience is control over your work.
00:13:44.620 | So this is about having autonomy
00:13:46.260 | about your hard and easy periods.
00:13:47.820 | Not that your job is always easy, but you can control it.
00:13:50.780 | All right, we're gonna have a busy period here
00:13:52.100 | that I can pull back here.
00:13:53.300 | I have the reins of my own career.
00:13:56.180 | I can slow it down, I can speed it up.
00:13:58.540 | I'm not always being evaluated by a boss.
00:14:00.900 | I don't always feel like I'm in a performative state
00:14:02.900 | of trying to act like I'm busy.
00:14:04.780 | That sort of autonomy over how you actually
00:14:07.820 | apply your efforts, that's natural.
00:14:09.960 | When we don't have that, that can also be something
00:14:12.780 | that pulls down our happiness, pushes up our stress.
00:14:17.180 | All right, so we have four characteristics here.
00:14:19.260 | The setting, the stress, the clarity,
00:14:21.140 | and the control of your work.
00:14:23.300 | All of this, again, is agnostic to the content of your job.
00:14:27.160 | These are characteristics that are more general than that
00:14:30.300 | and really matter whether or not you're happy
00:14:32.020 | or not really matter about how stressed
00:14:35.240 | your job actually makes you.
00:14:36.300 | So the practical implication here is that
00:14:38.480 | when we're thinking about the deep life,
00:14:40.980 | and in particular, the craft bucket of the deep life,
00:14:43.160 | how does our work fit into our vision of the deep life,
00:14:47.280 | we should care as much about the characteristics
00:14:50.020 | of these jobs as we do the specifics
00:14:51.740 | of what the jobs actually are.
00:14:54.920 | We should engineer for the characteristics of our work,
00:14:58.680 | just like we might engineer to get in better shape,
00:15:01.320 | or just like we might engineer to live in a place
00:15:03.460 | that has more activities that make us happy.
00:15:06.980 | We should care and engineer for those characteristics.
00:15:10.520 | So what I wanna do is go through
00:15:11.660 | those four characteristics again,
00:15:13.000 | and for each, give you a concrete example
00:15:15.540 | of someone who has engineered their career
00:15:20.440 | to emphasize or push that characteristic
00:15:22.800 | in a good direction, just so we get a sense
00:15:25.080 | of what this type of lifestyle engineering
00:15:27.520 | actually looks like.
00:15:28.560 | All right, so let's go back to the setting of the work.
00:15:32.240 | I mentioned the setting of the work can really matter.
00:15:34.960 | So I wanna give an, oops, it's the wrong browser.
00:15:36.600 | I'm gonna give an example here.
00:15:37.680 | Again, if you're watching at,
00:15:40.880 | you'll see this on the screen.
00:15:41.920 | Otherwise I'll narrate it.
00:15:43.220 | I wanna give an example here.
00:15:44.980 | This is Nate, I guess I'll call him Nate Frugalwoods.
00:15:49.000 | It's not really his name.
00:15:50.220 | I don't think his name is private,
00:15:51.680 | but he has a blog, him and his wife, Liz,
00:15:54.640 | who I know and who I interviewed
00:15:56.640 | and wrote about in Digital Minimalism.
00:15:58.980 | They have a blog called the Frugalwoods.
00:16:00.680 | They refer to themselves as the Frugalwoods.
00:16:03.560 | And so I have a picture of Nate and his two daughters
00:16:05.560 | up on the screen now from their website.
00:16:08.200 | But what I really wanna show was his house.
00:16:10.440 | So here's what Liz and Nate did.
00:16:11.840 | And I'm gonna focus on Nate's job in particular.
00:16:15.320 | They were living in Central Square in Cambridge,
00:16:19.440 | Massachusetts, so near Harvard and MIT.
00:16:22.720 | It's actually closer to MIT.
00:16:24.400 | No, it's in between MIT and Harvard.
00:16:26.360 | They lived there in a row house and they were stressed.
00:16:29.200 | He worked in computer programming,
00:16:30.840 | IT type stuff for a nonprofit.
00:16:32.540 | She worked in a different policy shop or a nonprofit.
00:16:35.760 | And they decided they were going to leave the city.
00:16:38.760 | And they moved to the house
00:16:39.840 | that I'm showing you on the screen now.
00:16:42.160 | It's in Vermont, Central Vermont.
00:16:45.160 | It's 66 acres on a mountaintop,
00:16:47.840 | beautiful house, showing it on the screen.
00:16:50.040 | And most of it's forest.
00:16:51.980 | I have another picture to show you here.
00:16:53.940 | Here's, I'm showing very scenic pictures.
00:16:56.520 | All right, here's what I wanna show.
00:16:57.800 | Most of it's forest, but they have meadows with,
00:17:00.760 | they have farms on here, a barn,
00:17:03.600 | and then they have all these hiking trails
00:17:05.800 | that they maintain.
00:17:06.640 | Very scenic, isolated up on this mountainside.
00:17:10.520 | What's interesting about what Nate and Liz did
00:17:14.120 | is that Nate kept his job as a computer programmer
00:17:19.120 | for this nonprofit because he was good
00:17:20.780 | and he had career capital.
00:17:21.760 | And he said, "I wanna work remotely
00:17:23.320 | "before that was fashionable."
00:17:24.800 | This farm is isolated, but it has,
00:17:27.080 | due to rural internet, some rural internet programs,
00:17:30.560 | high-speed fiber for the internet.
00:17:33.360 | So he can work from this isolated farm.
00:17:35.520 | So he worked from this isolated farm,
00:17:37.800 | still doing his normal job,
00:17:39.620 | but now interspersing this work on the computer screen
00:17:43.140 | with a growing list of outdoor activities
00:17:45.740 | that he found to be meaningful
00:17:47.800 | or stress-relieving or engaging.
00:17:49.600 | And I've heard the whole list from him.
00:17:51.880 | I won't go through it all,
00:17:52.720 | but he chops a lot of firewood
00:17:54.860 | because they heat their house off a wood-burning stove.
00:17:57.480 | They have this long driveway
00:17:58.960 | that's sort of the bane of their existence.
00:18:00.680 | So he's constantly tending to the driveway,
00:18:02.800 | cutting logs that have fallen across it,
00:18:04.940 | tending rivets or ruts.
00:18:06.880 | I mean, I don't know about this stuff,
00:18:07.880 | but you know what I mean.
00:18:08.720 | Driving skid steers and doing things with chainsaws.
00:18:12.200 | He grows food.
00:18:13.360 | He manages the chickens.
00:18:15.100 | They started doing sugar mapling.
00:18:18.840 | He maintains the trails on the property.
00:18:20.640 | So like all this outdoor work.
00:18:21.920 | Whenever I would see a picture of Nate,
00:18:23.480 | he was almost always in Carhartt coveralls.
00:18:26.640 | So whatever those suits are you wear,
00:18:28.400 | those Carhartt suits when you're living in New England
00:18:30.520 | and working outside.
00:18:31.600 | And he just back and forth,
00:18:32.680 | working on that stuff, working, taking breaks,
00:18:34.620 | ending his work early, going out and doing that.
00:18:37.600 | This is someone who engineered the setting
00:18:39.540 | in which their work happened in an extreme way.
00:18:42.040 | He's a happy guy.
00:18:43.040 | He loves doing all that stuff.
00:18:44.680 | When I see how much he loves doing all that stuff,
00:18:47.240 | I feel bad for 10 year ago,
00:18:50.020 | Nate living in Central Square in a small row house,
00:18:52.340 | that version of him.
00:18:53.280 | He must've been way less happy than he realized.
00:18:56.300 | All right, example number two.
00:18:58.300 | Let's talk about controlling stress in your job.
00:19:04.240 | I'm gonna point towards Paul Jarvis here.
00:19:08.020 | So those who are watching the YouTube channel will see,
00:19:11.240 | I've loaded an article from Bench
00:19:13.940 | called "Entrepreneur on the Island,
00:19:15.280 | a Conversation with Paul Jarvis."
00:19:17.600 | There's a picture of Paul here.
00:19:19.840 | It's probably a theme you're probably seeing here, Jesse.
00:19:21.680 | He's in the woods, walking a path in a field on his property
00:19:26.260 | towards a greenhouse that him and his wife
00:19:28.100 | use to grow vegetables.
00:19:29.640 | I like the outdoor rural settings.
00:19:32.620 | Here's what, you may recognize the name Paul
00:19:35.420 | 'cause I've talked about him before on the show.
00:19:37.560 | He wrote a book that I blurbed
00:19:39.080 | that was called "A Company of One,"
00:19:41.840 | where he made the argument
00:19:42.940 | that you shouldn't grow your small business
00:19:45.540 | as you get better.
00:19:46.380 | Instead, use that career capital you're growing
00:19:49.600 | to make your business have a smaller footprint on your life.
00:19:52.920 | So if you get really good at what you do,
00:19:54.420 | instead of saying, "Great, I can triple my business
00:19:56.380 | and hire five people,"
00:19:57.700 | you say, "Great, I can work half the hours
00:19:59.660 | and make the same money."
00:20:00.780 | So it was a really cool book.
00:20:02.140 | I thought it was a really good idea.
00:20:03.420 | Well, anyways, he has done this in his own life.
00:20:05.480 | So he was a web developer and he was good at it.
00:20:08.660 | But dealing with clients for Paul,
00:20:10.700 | like a lot of people, is a stress vector.
00:20:14.220 | There's demands that you have to answer.
00:20:15.960 | There's personalities that sometimes clash with your own,
00:20:18.820 | and there's an unpredictability about it.
00:20:20.700 | And if you're like Paul or someone like me,
00:20:22.460 | that unpredictability stresses you out.
00:20:24.620 | That was a big source of stress.
00:20:27.140 | So he shifted from client work to now he does more,
00:20:31.260 | I would call it like esoteric one-off projects.
00:20:35.060 | He'll build a software tool, he'll write a book,
00:20:37.820 | he has a newsletter, he'll build a different software tool.
00:20:40.460 | And then that tool, eventually,
00:20:41.460 | he'll move on and do something else.
00:20:42.740 | So it's things that he completely controls the schedule for.
00:20:46.580 | Now it's not highly lucrative work,
00:20:48.180 | but that's fine because him and his wife moved
00:20:51.460 | to this rural plot of land on Victoria Island
00:20:54.740 | off of Vancouver,
00:20:56.300 | that again has good enough internet for him to do his work,
00:20:58.540 | but they live cheap.
00:21:00.060 | It's near a surf break, she likes to surf.
00:21:02.420 | He has a greenhouse, they tend their land,
00:21:05.940 | and he works on projects on his own schedule.
00:21:07.880 | So this is someone who, again, engineered
00:21:10.700 | the characteristics of their workday
00:21:12.940 | away from what they identified as specific sources of stress.
00:21:16.860 | Let's look now at the third characteristic
00:21:20.540 | we mentioned before, the clarity or simplicity of your work.
00:21:25.540 | So I'm pulling up here a blog post I wrote
00:21:28.260 | about John Grisham, the author John Grisham.
00:21:30.980 | We've talked about him recently before on the show,
00:21:33.140 | but I think he's a great example of this.
00:21:35.500 | He has a very simplified approach to life as an author.
00:21:40.500 | He doesn't have 15 different irons in the fire.
00:21:45.700 | He's not trying to develop television shows
00:21:47.860 | and write movie scripts and direct and have products
00:21:50.460 | and build a James Patterson style partnership deal
00:21:53.800 | with his publisher where he has seven authors
00:21:55.600 | working under him.
00:21:56.500 | And they publish 10 books a year
00:21:58.180 | that are all John Grisham Presents.
00:21:59.540 | He doesn't wanna do any of that.
00:22:01.220 | He wants to write one book a year
00:22:03.660 | that makes him more than enough money,
00:22:05.620 | and then he wants to go on
00:22:06.580 | and do other things with his life.
00:22:07.660 | So in this article on my blog, which is from May of 2017,
00:22:12.660 | I summarize some things I learned deep diving
00:22:15.980 | on Grisham's routines.
00:22:17.540 | And I'll just point out a couple things here.
00:22:20.220 | Grisham primarily writes his novels
00:22:21.980 | during the winter months on his farm.
00:22:24.620 | During this period, he works five days a week,
00:22:26.380 | starting at seven and typically ending by 10.
00:22:29.860 | So you do that math, that is a 15 hour a week work week.
00:22:34.860 | He writes in a period outbuilding on his property
00:22:37.500 | that used to house an antebellum summer kitchen.
00:22:39.700 | He and his wife refurbished the kitchen
00:22:41.140 | to maintain his period details,
00:22:43.820 | adding only electricity and air conditioning.
00:22:46.260 | Crucially, it has no internet.
00:22:49.180 | Grisham says, "I don't want the distraction.
00:22:50.620 | "I don't work online, I keep it offline."
00:22:53.020 | Grisham maintains strict rituals for his writing.
00:22:55.900 | He starts work on a novel on the same day each year,
00:22:58.940 | starts writing each day at the same time.
00:23:00.820 | He works on the same computer.
00:23:02.140 | He drinks the same type of coffee from the same cup.
00:23:05.180 | He always starts a new novel on January 1st
00:23:07.100 | and is usually done by the end of March.
00:23:08.980 | Then he shifts over to editing.
00:23:10.620 | He aims to have the manuscript polished
00:23:12.340 | and submitted by July,
00:23:13.340 | which leaves him half the year to do other things.
00:23:15.860 | So this is someone who engineered the characteristics
00:23:20.740 | of their workday towards simplicity.
00:23:24.020 | And that was a conscious decision he made.
00:23:26.180 | Clearly he had a lot of other options.
00:23:28.780 | Final example is about having control
00:23:31.900 | over how your work unfolds.
00:23:33.540 | We saw a little bit of that with Paul Jarvis.
00:23:36.660 | Another example is friend of the show, Ginny Blake.
00:23:40.340 | I've loaded up here on the page.
00:23:42.580 | So if you read her latest book, "Free Time,"
00:23:45.300 | and there's an interview I did with her on this show,
00:23:48.300 | God, it must've been a year or so ago, I don't know.
00:23:49.980 | I lose track of time with this show,
00:23:51.260 | but I have had Ginny on the show to talk about this.
00:23:54.540 | In her book, "Free Time,"
00:23:55.380 | she talks about how she left her job at Google,
00:23:58.420 | started a company.
00:24:00.300 | The company got to be too demanding,
00:24:02.500 | a source of stress, a source of unease.
00:24:05.900 | So she simplified it around sustainability.
00:24:10.220 | What makes this company maximally sustainable?
00:24:13.740 | And I wrote down some things here.
00:24:16.620 | She works with what she calls a delightfully teeny team,
00:24:21.060 | which is not too many people.
00:24:24.220 | She doesn't want a huge amount of employees.
00:24:26.540 | She is very into processes now.
00:24:28.900 | She does not wanna be a bottleneck
00:24:30.580 | for any of the things their company does.
00:24:32.220 | So she focuses more, for example,
00:24:33.700 | on licensing her material,
00:24:35.140 | as opposed to doing individualized coaching
00:24:38.060 | of different clients.
00:24:39.580 | She has a huge amount of control
00:24:40.940 | over her workload and schedule,
00:24:42.260 | which is, I think, best exemplified by the fact
00:24:44.620 | that she takes off two months each year to not work.
00:24:47.580 | She's built her schedule around that.
00:24:50.380 | Now, as she says, she could be making more money
00:24:54.380 | if she was, whatever, hammering the big keynotes
00:24:56.940 | or the one-on-one consulting,
00:24:59.180 | but her goal is not to make more money.
00:25:00.660 | It's to make enough money with a job
00:25:03.060 | that's very sustainable and interesting.
00:25:04.420 | So again, she engineered the characteristics of her work.
00:25:07.620 | Here's the point I wanna make
00:25:08.780 | about all four of those examples.
00:25:10.580 | We don't know this if we just write down
00:25:14.420 | what is these people's jobs.
00:25:17.100 | These type of details are not captured there.
00:25:18.940 | If I say, what are these people's jobs?
00:25:20.260 | I would say Nate is a computer programmer.
00:25:22.420 | Paul Jarvis is a software developer.
00:25:24.940 | John Grisham is a writer.
00:25:26.100 | Jenny Blake runs a small business consulting company.
00:25:29.820 | There are so many different ways
00:25:32.740 | you could experience those four jobs I just mentioned.
00:25:35.340 | In the examples I gave,
00:25:36.940 | the characteristics of the workdays
00:25:39.140 | that these individuals experience
00:25:40.740 | were engineered radically to make that experience better.
00:25:43.720 | So the content of your job is not the sole determinant
00:25:47.260 | of how you experience it.
00:25:48.320 | You can engineer these characteristics,
00:25:49.940 | and by doing so, really change how you experience your job.
00:25:53.480 | All right, so we don't have to become lumberjacks,
00:25:55.840 | but we do have to care about
00:25:57.420 | whatever our equivalent is of working outside.
00:26:01.420 | How we work matters as much as what we work on.
00:26:05.100 | So Jesse, that's my conclusion from that piece.
00:26:09.820 | - I like it.
00:26:11.060 | Well summarized.
00:26:11.900 | - Outdoor matters, but this other stuff matters too.
00:26:14.800 | And I think we get stuck,
00:26:15.840 | young people get stuck on that in particular.
00:26:17.460 | They really get stuck on just what is my job,
00:26:21.120 | or what do I want my job to be,
00:26:23.100 | as opposed to how do I want it to actually feel.
00:26:26.660 | - Yeah. - Yeah.
00:26:28.240 | So what I wanna do is, as we now do,
00:26:30.700 | I have five questions and case studies I pulled
00:26:33.800 | that are all relevant to this general topic
00:26:36.640 | of engineering the characteristics of your workday.
00:26:39.840 | So I wanna do five questions,
00:26:40.960 | and then at the end we'll switch gears
00:26:42.320 | and I'll talk about the books I read in December.
00:26:44.900 | First, however, I wanna mention a brand new sponsor
00:26:48.620 | of the Deep Questions podcast.
00:26:50.020 | I'm excited about this one.
00:26:51.920 | This is Huel, H-U-E-L.
00:26:55.080 | Huel Black Edition is the product
00:26:58.240 | I wanna talk about in particular.
00:26:59.360 | It's a high protein, nutritionally complete meal
00:27:02.000 | in a convenient shake.
00:27:03.440 | So this is a meal replacement shake.
00:27:05.920 | It has everything your body needs in just two scoops,
00:27:08.000 | including 27 essential vitamins,
00:27:10.040 | minerals, and 40 grams of protein.
00:27:12.640 | This is why I was interested in having Huel,
00:27:16.120 | and in particular their Huel Black Edition product
00:27:18.440 | as a sponsor, is because, as I've mentioned
00:27:21.580 | multiple times on this show,
00:27:23.580 | the way I deal with food and nutrition
00:27:25.300 | is that during my work hours, my fixed work hours,
00:27:29.040 | I want to automate eating.
00:27:31.840 | I don't wanna think about it.
00:27:33.680 | I don't want this to be a source of energy drain.
00:27:37.640 | I don't want it to be a time sink.
00:27:39.000 | Oh, I'm gonna go walk halfway across town
00:27:42.280 | to a restaurant or something like this.
00:27:44.040 | I automate my eating so I don't have to think about it.
00:27:46.840 | And as long as I'm automating it,
00:27:48.280 | then I might as well automate it towards something
00:27:50.400 | that's gonna be maximal energy and good for me.
00:27:53.760 | So Huel works perfectly into that plan.
00:27:57.440 | I think the, arguably, at least in my opinion,
00:28:00.060 | the most effective way to use it
00:28:01.120 | is just for a breakfast replacement.
00:28:03.360 | One scoop, you get your 200 calories.
00:28:05.820 | Two scoops, you get 400 calories,
00:28:07.480 | which is about a standard meal.
00:28:09.560 | You have all of those vitamins you need.
00:28:11.280 | You have all that protein you need.
00:28:12.680 | You get vitamin C, calcium, omega-3, iron, magnesium,
00:28:15.600 | the stuff you need, the energy you need,
00:28:17.980 | not all the sugar, not all the stuff
00:28:19.760 | that's gonna make you run down.
00:28:20.740 | And it takes a minute.
00:28:21.600 | You just scoop in the shaker.
00:28:24.560 | You got it.
00:28:25.560 | You take it.
00:28:26.380 | You move on with your day.
00:28:27.960 | So my thought is if you're gonna enjoy eating,
00:28:30.540 | enjoy eating.
00:28:32.480 | Wait when the workday is over.
00:28:34.280 | You know, take your time.
00:28:35.640 | Let that be a source of relaxation.
00:28:37.880 | Let that be a ritualistic aspect.
00:28:40.640 | But when you're in the middle of getting after it,
00:28:42.300 | you're time blocking, you're working,
00:28:44.560 | automate your food.
00:28:45.640 | That's where something like Huel, I think,
00:28:48.200 | plays or could potentially play a really big role.
00:28:51.760 | It's also cost effective.
00:28:54.360 | $2.50, it works out to about $2.50
00:28:57.920 | for each 400 calorie meal.
00:28:59.680 | They give you that shaker I talked about
00:29:01.440 | for making the protein shake.
00:29:04.440 | They'll give you one of those as well
00:29:08.160 | when you order at
00:29:11.920 | So that's
00:29:14.700 | Go to that URL with the slash questions
00:29:16.280 | to get the free shaker when you order.
00:29:19.760 | When you're working, don't think about food.
00:29:22.160 | Use something like Huel.
00:29:23.520 | When you're done working, then you can care about it.
00:29:26.800 | All right, another sponsor I wanna mention.
00:29:28.760 | This is a product that we use heavily here in my life
00:29:32.120 | and at my media company, and that is Notion.
00:29:36.580 | So Notion is one of these electronic note-taking companies
00:29:41.720 | that is not nearly a detailed enough explanation
00:29:44.800 | of everything that Notion does.
00:29:46.320 | This is what you need to know.
00:29:47.820 | There's a lot of these companies
00:29:49.360 | that offer interesting products
00:29:52.000 | for building sort of roughly Zettelkasten-inspired
00:29:55.240 | note-taking database interfaces, et cetera.
00:29:58.080 | Notion is the one I use most often.
00:30:00.760 | It's the one that the people I know
00:30:02.400 | who are into this type of technology use most often.
00:30:05.320 | Here's a couple of different ways we use it.
00:30:08.880 | It's how we interact, ironically,
00:30:11.480 | given that I'm reading the ad.
00:30:12.440 | It's how we interact with our ad agency.
00:30:14.920 | They built a custom Notion view where what happens is
00:30:19.380 | every ad we're supposed to do has its own entry
00:30:22.040 | in this underlying database, but using the magic of Notion,
00:30:25.440 | we can display it all sorts of different ways.
00:30:27.440 | So there's a calendar view where we can just see
00:30:29.240 | what are the ads we're supposed to read today?
00:30:31.480 | There's a view by sponsor.
00:30:33.000 | What are all the different ads that we have done
00:30:35.080 | for this particular sponsor?
00:30:37.920 | The click on one of these items,
00:30:39.760 | we see all the information about the ad.
00:30:41.400 | Here's the script.
00:30:42.900 | It's where we can go back in.
00:30:44.400 | Jesse does this each week and says,
00:30:45.920 | "Here's the timestamp on where the ad showed up.
00:30:48.200 | The sponsors have their own views to quickly pull out.
00:30:50.520 | Can I see all the reads of my ads among different shows?"
00:30:53.360 | All of this is very useful,
00:30:56.560 | simple to build in a tool like Notion.
00:30:58.800 | Here's a completely different use.
00:31:00.160 | So I recently talked with Jenny Blake
00:31:02.360 | and we actually recorded this.
00:31:03.440 | I haven't released it yet on the podcast, but we plan to.
00:31:07.020 | She walked me through how to build
00:31:09.200 | a idea database using Notion.
00:31:11.920 | Blew my mind.
00:31:13.320 | I was like, "I am absolutely going to do this."
00:31:15.280 | She was showing me step-by-step
00:31:17.480 | how she did it with her own idea database
00:31:19.720 | where you can have different ideas
00:31:21.040 | with different categories that link together
00:31:22.560 | that you view in different ways.
00:31:24.480 | Flexible, powerful.
00:31:26.220 | If you need to keep track of information,
00:31:28.440 | collaborate with other people on your teams or clients,
00:31:31.960 | you need a tool like Notion.
00:31:34.280 | This is why I wanted them to be a sponsor of the show
00:31:36.620 | because I think they do it best.
00:31:38.900 | Now, here's the way they say it.
00:31:41.120 | Whether you're starting a new gym routine,
00:31:42.720 | organizing a trip with friends,
00:31:44.000 | or even planning your company goals,
00:31:46.200 | Notion is a flexible, collaborative workspace
00:31:48.160 | that helps you make meaningful progress
00:31:49.600 | in every part of your life.
00:31:51.000 | Get started in seconds by choosing
00:31:52.720 | from thousands of templates for every task
00:31:54.400 | to make it your own from to-do list
00:31:55.720 | to OKR trackers and so much more.
00:31:57.960 | Notion lets you build the exact system you want
00:31:59.560 | so you can work the way you work best.
00:32:01.640 | You need these processes in your business.
00:32:03.480 | Notion's the way to do it.
00:32:04.880 | So start your year off right
00:32:05.920 | and get organized with a free Notion account
00:32:09.480 | at
00:32:12.160 | That's all lowercase letters,
00:32:14.240 | to learn more
00:32:16.880 | and get started for free right now.
00:32:19.360 | Using that /cal link supports the show,
00:32:21.880 | so go right now to
00:32:27.840 | All right, so now we're gonna do some questions.
00:32:29.240 | Again, I'm trying to make the questions we pull
00:32:30.960 | be relevant to today's deep question.
00:32:33.160 | Today's deep question is about
00:32:35.360 | engineering the characteristics of your work
00:32:37.400 | to make your work more happy and less stressful.
00:32:40.640 | All right, what's our first question, Jesse?
00:32:42.560 | - All right, first question is from Yosef,
00:32:44.240 | a 36-year-old programmer.
00:32:46.200 | "I like my current job as an AI developer,
00:32:48.360 | "but I'm considering learning web development.
00:32:50.800 | "My motivation is lifestyle design.
00:32:52.720 | "Data and AI are mostly related to large companies,
00:32:55.140 | "which means working as a full-time employee.
00:32:57.580 | "Web development is more flexible
00:32:59.140 | "and suitable for freelancing or consulting,
00:33:01.640 | "doing multiple small projects.
00:33:03.660 | "You could be your own boss,
00:33:04.740 | "leaving me time to follow my passions
00:33:06.320 | "like music and philosophy.
00:33:08.200 | "What should I do?"
00:33:09.580 | - Standard question when thinking about
00:33:12.840 | happiness in your careers is,
00:33:15.000 | "Should I leave my current job
00:33:16.720 | "to go to another job that's more flexible?"
00:33:20.140 | There's a story I tell in my book,
00:33:23.760 | "So Good You Can't," what is it?
00:33:26.740 | "So Good I," why can't I remember my own book title, Jesse?
00:33:29.020 | "So Good You Can't Ignore You."
00:33:30.500 | - They can't.
00:33:31.320 | - They can't ignore you.
00:33:32.160 | - Yeah.
00:33:33.000 | - So good they can't ignore you.
00:33:34.500 | Let me remember my own books.
00:33:37.060 | I don't know if that's a good sign,
00:33:38.000 | maybe it means I'm productive,
00:33:39.860 | or maybe it means I'm getting old.
00:33:42.020 | All right, so in "So Good They Can't Ignore You,"
00:33:45.060 | in that book, I talk about this exact question,
00:33:48.020 | and I tell a story, and I believe the woman's name
00:33:52.100 | was Lisa, and she was, I'm trying to remember here,
00:33:56.540 | I think in marketing or something like this.
00:33:58.620 | So she was in marketing, her particular position
00:34:01.100 | was somewhat stressful, and she's like,
00:34:03.220 | "I want more control over my time,
00:34:05.700 | "I want a more flexible, slower-paced job."
00:34:09.020 | And so she took a yoga instructor certification course,
00:34:13.800 | quit her marketing job to become a yoga instructor.
00:34:16.960 | And the point I made in that book
00:34:19.580 | is that within whatever it was, six months,
00:34:22.780 | that had not worked nearly enough to replace her income,
00:34:26.380 | and she was actually on food stamps at that point.
00:34:29.700 | And the argument I made is, you have to be careful
00:34:32.940 | just thinking about, what is this job gonna offer me?
00:34:36.240 | Oh, a yoga instructor, that's more flexible,
00:34:38.020 | that's less stressful, I don't have to do email.
00:34:39.420 | That's fine, but what do you have to offer
00:34:41.940 | to the world of yoga instructing?
00:34:43.500 | And in this point, in this particular example,
00:34:46.260 | Lisa just had an online certification.
00:34:48.320 | There's a lot of yoga instructors,
00:34:49.580 | it's a very competitive business.
00:34:51.180 | She was not able to offer enough in that marketplace
00:34:53.760 | to actually build up the sort of demand
00:34:55.740 | that would allow her to have a stable income
00:34:57.780 | and actually live this much more flexible life.
00:35:01.460 | The answer I then concluded is,
00:35:03.580 | you have to care about career capital.
00:35:07.340 | Career capital is my term for the rare and valuable skills
00:35:12.020 | that you possess, the things that are of actual value
00:35:14.820 | to the marketplace of jobs.
00:35:17.780 | So if you have career capital, rare and valuable skills,
00:35:20.820 | that gives you leverage, you can use that leverage
00:35:22.640 | to try to get in your work things that you desire.
00:35:25.380 | So this, Joseph, is how I want you
00:35:27.440 | to think about more autonomy.
00:35:30.660 | Having more autonomy while still being financially sound
00:35:34.960 | is very desirable.
00:35:37.040 | Lots of people want that in their work,
00:35:39.480 | so you should expect a need, a substantial amount
00:35:42.100 | of career capital to offer in return.
00:35:44.720 | Just because you want your job to be more flexible
00:35:46.980 | doesn't mean you actually can get that in your life
00:35:48.860 | unless you have something to offer in return.
00:35:50.980 | So I want you to do this calculus
00:35:52.620 | in thinking through what you're doing with your career
00:35:54.560 | through the lens of career capital.
00:35:56.580 | Right now, you're working on AI development,
00:35:58.840 | data science and AI development.
00:36:00.640 | If you shifted to web development,
00:36:02.240 | you're starting from scratch.
00:36:03.180 | That's a very competitive marketplace.
00:36:05.140 | To make a good living as a web developer
00:36:06.860 | and enjoy flexibility, you have to be really good
00:36:09.380 | at what you do.
00:36:10.500 | And even if you're really good at what you do,
00:36:11.780 | you might not get it.
00:36:12.880 | Remember earlier in the program,
00:36:15.540 | I gave the example of Paul Jarvis,
00:36:17.220 | who was a very good web developer,
00:36:18.700 | but still eventually switched to living cheaply
00:36:21.140 | and doing one-off software projects
00:36:23.660 | because the stress of dealing with the clients
00:36:25.540 | was something he was just done with.
00:36:27.820 | But let's say you do get really good,
00:36:29.260 | you can pick and choose your clients,
00:36:30.460 | you do two at a time, they pay you really good money,
00:36:32.840 | you take a few months off,
00:36:34.320 | that's gonna require a lot of work.
00:36:35.740 | You're gonna have to be better
00:36:36.640 | than a lot of other web developers.
00:36:37.940 | So think through what would really be involved
00:36:39.500 | in getting that good.
00:36:40.720 | Don't delude yourself into thinking,
00:36:42.500 | hey, if I do a summer course online in web development,
00:36:45.340 | that'll be me by the fall.
00:36:47.460 | So think about this all through the context
00:36:49.460 | of career capital.
00:36:51.340 | The flip side to that is in addition
00:36:53.700 | to just trying to evaluate
00:36:55.860 | how much skill would I really need
00:36:58.300 | for this other job to give me these traits I want,
00:37:00.460 | these characteristics I want,
00:37:02.260 | ask the question of, in my current job,
00:37:05.300 | with my current career capital,
00:37:07.420 | which for you has to do with your ability
00:37:08.980 | to do AI relevant programming,
00:37:10.840 | are there other ways I can apply this leverage?
00:37:14.580 | And they might be unusual,
00:37:15.740 | and they might be somewhat radical,
00:37:16.880 | but if I was to really take my skills
00:37:19.140 | in my current profession out for a spin,
00:37:22.020 | what is the full range of possible modifications
00:37:25.660 | or ways forward I might be able to imagine or ask for?
00:37:29.420 | That's often the more fruitful direction.
00:37:32.180 | I'm an in-demand AI programmer.
00:37:33.980 | They really like me here.
00:37:35.460 | Hey, like Nate Frugalwoods,
00:37:37.220 | who we talked about in the first segment of the show,
00:37:38.940 | I'm moving up to the mountains in Vermont,
00:37:40.580 | but I've got good fiber,
00:37:41.820 | and I'm gonna work project-based,
00:37:43.740 | but I'm done at three every day
00:37:44.980 | because I have to chop wood.
00:37:47.580 | That's often where you're likely to find
00:37:50.540 | the tractable solutions
00:37:52.500 | because you already have the capital,
00:37:54.180 | the career capital developed.
00:37:55.460 | It doesn't mean you might not be able
00:37:56.820 | to develop new capital in another area.
00:37:58.460 | You just have to correctly assess
00:38:00.780 | how long of a path that's going to be.
00:38:03.000 | So that would be my advice, Joseph,
00:38:04.640 | is in addition to thinking about what is really required
00:38:08.040 | to be a really autonomous web developer,
00:38:10.100 | ask, if I get even better at what I'm doing now,
00:38:13.340 | are there options I'm not thinking about?
00:38:15.260 | They might be non-standard.
00:38:17.220 | You might be the only person at your company doing that,
00:38:20.500 | but if you're good and they want you,
00:38:23.520 | you would be surprised by how many options
00:38:25.300 | you actually have for manipulating
00:38:27.180 | or modifying the characteristics of your workday
00:38:29.180 | to be things you enjoy more.
00:38:30.580 | All right, so good, they can't ignore you.
00:38:36.340 | That makes sense.
00:38:37.180 | All right, what do we got next?
00:38:39.820 | - All right, next question's from Nick,
00:38:41.380 | a 28-year-old personal trainer.
00:38:44.180 | Hi, Cal and Jessie, I have a question about my career
00:38:46.420 | as a strength and conditioning coach
00:38:48.420 | and my interest in creating a deep life.
00:38:50.340 | I love the training side of what I do,
00:38:51.940 | but I work long hours and my pay is stagnant,
00:38:54.580 | so I'm starting to resent my boss and the company.
00:38:57.280 | Unfortunately, there are no better gyms for me to go.
00:39:00.900 | I'm currently looking for adjunct teaching positions.
00:39:04.080 | I have a master's degree,
00:39:05.600 | but I'm not sure about leaving fitness.
00:39:07.940 | Many personal trainers build an online
00:39:10.220 | or contracting business,
00:39:11.420 | but these take months or years to build.
00:39:13.940 | Any advice you may have is appreciated.
00:39:16.300 | - Well, Nick, I think your solution is I'm gonna hire you.
00:39:21.580 | We're gonna work two hours a day
00:39:23.820 | into building the "Scarsguard" body from the "Viking" movie.
00:39:28.820 | And that's just what we're gonna do.
00:39:30.660 | It's just me and you,
00:39:32.220 | and I'm just gonna get unreasonably large.
00:39:34.220 | Actually, Jessie, yesterday, my sons and I were watching
00:39:37.780 | a series on Disney+ called "Limitless."
00:39:41.220 | I mentioned this to you maybe with Chris Hemsworth,
00:39:43.060 | the guy who plays Thor.
00:39:44.140 | Yeah, and this particular episode,
00:39:47.060 | it kind of overlapped him starting
00:39:48.460 | to film the new Thor movie,
00:39:50.080 | so they kind of gave some insight
00:39:51.860 | into how he prepares for those movies.
00:39:53.820 | So let's give us some insight
00:39:54.660 | into what Nick and I will be doing together.
00:39:56.380 | It turns out, I mean, he stays in good shape
00:39:58.980 | because he's been doing these movies for a decade.
00:40:01.900 | He has to add, in the six-month period
00:40:04.220 | before one of these shoots, 30 pounds of muscle.
00:40:07.540 | - Really? - 30 pounds of muscle,
00:40:10.180 | which means he has to eat, he eats like 10 meals a day.
00:40:13.860 | - Wow. - Yeah.
00:40:15.220 | And then the other thing we learned from that
00:40:16.940 | is when they're on set, if it's a shirtless scene,
00:40:21.940 | there is a long weightlifting session he has to do
00:40:25.300 | right before he goes on camera to get pumped.
00:40:28.320 | So they're doing all of these curls and pull-ups
00:40:32.060 | and all this type of stuff right before they run
00:40:33.540 | and get on camera so that they have,
00:40:36.100 | he has the pumped muscles, I mean,
00:40:38.300 | I don't know how that works.
00:40:39.620 | And then also they dehydrate themselves.
00:40:41.940 | - That's interesting. - So they're like bodybuilders.
00:40:43.260 | They're super dehydrated so that the veins will pop
00:40:45.980 | and then they pump up right before
00:40:47.940 | and then they have like 30 extra pounds of muscle
00:40:50.020 | that's almost impossible to maintain
00:40:52.220 | because of how much food they have to eat to keep it there.
00:40:54.820 | So anyways, Nick, you and I, that's what we're doing.
00:40:58.340 | All that.
00:40:59.180 | Just me, I'll be like the liver king.
00:41:04.460 | Still doing the same podcast material.
00:41:06.780 | No shirt, four muscles, 20 minutes of pumping up
00:41:10.620 | right before every episode so they can get veiny.
00:41:13.220 | I mean, I think this is what the audience
00:41:14.900 | is looking for, Jesse, when it comes to content
00:41:16.980 | about living deeply is veiny muscles.
00:41:21.020 | All right, Nick, let me give you my first reaction
00:41:24.700 | from your question is that my concern is that you're
00:41:28.260 | in your mind right now taking a,
00:41:30.100 | what is essentially a random walk
00:41:32.860 | through the career space.
00:41:34.780 | You're just bouncing off one idea to another.
00:41:37.380 | I don't know, I guess I could be an adjunct professor
00:41:39.780 | or maybe I could just do like an online thing
00:41:41.580 | but that seems like really hard and I don't like my boss
00:41:44.220 | but there's no other gym so I can't do anything else.
00:41:46.180 | You're just ping ponging.
00:41:47.980 | You're ping ponging off a different career ideas
00:41:50.900 | without any actual grounding in research
00:41:54.020 | or systematic thinking.
00:41:55.020 | So what I wanna do is first of all, slow you down
00:41:57.860 | and say, okay, you're unhappy in your current situation.
00:42:01.500 | That I get.
00:42:03.020 | You don't like your boss and the way he's treating you.
00:42:05.660 | That's an issue.
00:42:07.100 | Yeah, my book's so good they can't ignore you.
00:42:08.380 | I really talk about that as being one
00:42:09.900 | of the small number of things that really disqualifies
00:42:11.860 | a job regardless of all the other attributes.
00:42:13.500 | So we need to find you something different
00:42:15.700 | but we have to take our time here.
00:42:18.020 | I don't want you to jump haphazardly
00:42:19.780 | from one thing to another.
00:42:21.380 | So number one, go through the lifestyle-centric
00:42:24.340 | career planning exercise we always talk about.
00:42:26.860 | Really lock in your vision of what you want
00:42:29.020 | your ideal lifestyle to be like.
00:42:30.740 | All aspects of your life, not just work.
00:42:33.380 | Now we have a target that we're working backwards
00:42:36.180 | from when thinking through different career opportunities.
00:42:38.900 | Our goal now is not just, is this a thing I could do?
00:42:43.180 | Our goal is, is this on a path I can articulate
00:42:46.140 | that brings me closer to my ideal lifestyle?
00:42:48.420 | And that might lead you to very different options.
00:42:50.940 | Next, as you explore these different options,
00:42:54.140 | pretend you're a business journalist
00:42:56.860 | and you're writing an article on the reality
00:42:59.100 | of that industry, talk to people.
00:43:01.380 | What is the job really like?
00:43:02.700 | What's the pay like?
00:43:03.980 | How does it fit into their overall income streams?
00:43:07.940 | What's it like being an adjunct professor?
00:43:09.940 | What do these people do in addition?
00:43:11.700 | Are any of these people happy?
00:43:13.260 | Or do they have a lot of complaints about it?
00:43:15.420 | What's going on with people doing online coaching?
00:43:17.460 | Who's successful and who's not successful?
00:43:19.660 | Can you build a whole livelihood on it?
00:43:21.180 | Or is it just an adjunct?
00:43:22.460 | All right, you say there's no gyms nearby.
00:43:24.980 | Where are there gyms you would like to work?
00:43:27.500 | Maybe they're in different parts of the country,
00:43:29.460 | but that's actually a part of the country
00:43:31.220 | that might satisfy some of the other things
00:43:33.540 | on your list that goes into your ideal lifestyle.
00:43:36.700 | Maybe you need to leave where you're living.
00:43:38.460 | And maybe there's something holding you back there.
00:43:40.060 | Like, well, there's whatever, one family member there,
00:43:42.140 | but what if you moved over here?
00:43:43.620 | And then you had access to outdoor fitness
00:43:45.780 | and you could start an online presence
00:43:47.500 | from which you could build an online coaching.
00:43:49.280 | Meanwhile, there's gyms there that are hiring.
00:43:51.220 | So you could start doing personal training there
00:43:53.360 | with an adjunct.
00:43:54.200 | I mean, you could start to get options
00:43:55.540 | that are grounded in research on the reality of options
00:43:59.100 | and guided by your vision of an ideal lifestyle.
00:44:02.060 | So this is what I'm trying to get you to do here, Nick,
00:44:04.580 | is to slow down and be more systematic.
00:44:08.300 | Don't bounce.
00:44:09.660 | Don't just random, that's no good, that's good.
00:44:11.780 | Maybe I should just do that.
00:44:12.620 | Let me fixate on this.
00:44:13.440 | I see that all the time.
00:44:14.540 | Someone just fixates on an idea
00:44:17.140 | that doesn't really necessarily make sense.
00:44:21.300 | It has all these other issues that come with it.
00:44:22.920 | It's going to make these parts of their life worse
00:44:24.460 | if they fix this, but if you're just bouncing around,
00:44:26.460 | we're just going to stick to things randomly.
00:44:28.060 | So let's get more systematic, lifestyle articulation,
00:44:31.660 | research options, consider different locations,
00:44:35.220 | and then really work through things carefully.
00:44:37.260 | What's going to get me closer to my ideal lifestyle?
00:44:39.760 | The combination of decisions you come up with in the end
00:44:42.660 | might be very different
00:44:43.540 | than anything you're considering now.
00:44:45.380 | - Strength and conditioning coaches are hard,
00:44:49.460 | especially for the ones at small colleges
00:44:52.660 | and stuff like that.
00:44:53.500 | It's a hard job or it's hard to get?
00:44:55.580 | - It's a hard job.
00:44:56.820 | You have to be there really long hours.
00:44:58.940 | - I edited the question down,
00:45:01.940 | but he talked about evening hours.
00:45:04.140 | He's there a lot.
00:45:04.980 | - Yeah.
00:45:05.820 | And then the other thing about those coaches,
00:45:07.740 | you have to be so energetic for each client.
00:45:10.820 | - Why do you, what's the appeal of that job?
00:45:13.540 | Is that on a trajectory towards,
00:45:16.300 | I could be a strength and conditioning coach
00:45:17.820 | for a D1 sports program or something?
00:45:21.180 | What's the--
00:45:22.020 | - If it's at a college, yeah, that's the dream.
00:45:25.140 | I think there's five college strength and conditioning
00:45:29.180 | coaches or whatever that make over a million dollars a year.
00:45:31.940 | - Right, so there is a winner take all
00:45:35.700 | kind of trajectory in there.
00:45:37.100 | So you should understand that as well.
00:45:40.260 | This is the thing about those trajectories,
00:45:41.340 | is figuring out am I actually on this trajectory or not?
00:45:44.180 | Or have I already started, I'm over at this small college,
00:45:47.460 | if this is where I'm starting,
00:45:48.540 | I'm never going to be the Notre Dame
00:45:51.700 | or USD head strength and conditioning coach.
00:45:54.980 | - Yep, yeah.
00:45:56.460 | - Interesting.
00:45:57.300 | All right, what do we got next?
00:46:00.140 | - Oh, we got a question from Ben.
00:46:01.860 | Hey Cal, I'm curious,
00:46:03.180 | what does your typical workday look like?
00:46:04.860 | Is it closer to a typical nine to five
00:46:06.660 | or are you up early burning the midnight oil?
00:46:09.700 | - Well, Ben, I'll tell you about my workday in a second,
00:46:13.180 | but I gotta say, I was having fun walking over here,
00:46:17.540 | imagining what my critics think
00:46:20.340 | my typical workday is like.
00:46:21.700 | So I know that I do have some critics out there
00:46:24.220 | that are pretty vocal and their assumptions
00:46:26.660 | about my workday are probably quite different
00:46:29.500 | from the reality.
00:46:31.140 | So I thought it'd be fun to go through a critics assumption
00:46:35.060 | about what Cal Newport's normal workday works like.
00:46:38.380 | So I would say the critics would probably assume
00:46:39.860 | that I'm up at something like 4.30 in the morning.
00:46:42.820 | This is when the head of my extensive household staff
00:46:45.100 | would come in and prep me
00:46:46.100 | on what was gonna happen in the day.
00:46:48.540 | Maybe the head of the household staff would say,
00:46:50.900 | Dr. Newport, I wanted to tell you something
00:46:53.740 | about one of your children.
00:46:54.700 | And I would say, enough, away with you.
00:46:58.260 | Do not bother me with such trivialities.
00:47:01.100 | I have productive work to do.
00:47:03.860 | My worth and meaning as a person is based off of the labor
00:47:07.500 | that I produce for the owners of capital.
00:47:09.620 | Do you not realize this?
00:47:10.700 | Away with you.
00:47:11.700 | After that, I would then go
00:47:12.820 | to my extensive underground lair,
00:47:15.540 | paid for by a massive inheritance
00:47:17.660 | that I came into very young in my life.
00:47:20.300 | In this underground lair,
00:47:21.940 | I would don minority report style art,
00:47:25.340 | augmented reality goggles,
00:47:26.820 | where I would have a souped up Trello board
00:47:28.940 | where I could move cards around,
00:47:30.660 | like Tom Cruise in "Minority Report" at extreme speeds.
00:47:33.620 | Next to me would be a coach who I insist dress
00:47:37.500 | like early 20th century labor consultant,
00:47:39.740 | Frederick Winslow Taylor,
00:47:41.940 | including the mustache, with a stopwatch,
00:47:44.580 | looking for any inefficiencies in my action.
00:47:46.740 | Because again, as I would tell people frequently
00:47:50.820 | and declaratively throughout my day,
00:47:53.180 | my worth as a person is defined by my labor,
00:47:56.660 | which I owe to the owners of capital.
00:48:01.100 | I would take a break maybe around lunchtime.
00:48:03.540 | This is when James Clear and Tim Ferriss would come over.
00:48:06.420 | We'll take supplements and weight lift for two hours
00:48:08.980 | before confidently convincing each other
00:48:10.740 | that we understand how everything in the world
00:48:12.740 | should be done.
00:48:14.420 | Another couple hours of quick work on my Trello board.
00:48:17.900 | At this point, I would then take some time
00:48:20.060 | to go to whatever manuscript of a book
00:48:22.100 | I'm currently writing,
00:48:23.740 | and then look for any examples that feature women
00:48:26.140 | that I could swap out for examples featuring men instead.
00:48:28.980 | So I'll go through and do that swapping out.
00:48:31.740 | Patriarchy preserved, I'll then return to more work.
00:48:35.140 | Maybe by the evening, I'll take some time
00:48:37.020 | to just stare at a poster of Mark Zuckerberg
00:48:40.380 | and just mutter, "You,
00:48:44.020 | you."
00:48:44.860 | Five minutes FaceTiming with my family,
00:48:48.460 | seven more hours of work, boom, 2 a.m. I'm back in bed.
00:48:52.500 | That is what I imagine my critics think
00:48:55.540 | my workday is actually like.
00:48:58.460 | The reality is much less interesting.
00:49:01.420 | From the very earliest days of my grad student career,
00:49:04.960 | I've maintained what I call fixed schedule productivity,
00:49:07.100 | where I fix in advance the hours I wanna work,
00:49:09.580 | and then work backwards to make my career
00:49:11.300 | fit into those hours.
00:49:13.060 | For me, that is roughly nine to five.
00:49:17.140 | So when I drop my kids off at the bus stop,
00:49:18.900 | I'm usually home by like 8.30,
00:49:21.540 | but then it takes some time,
00:49:23.220 | maybe I shower, some of the things.
00:49:24.300 | So usually I'm starting work by nine,
00:49:26.620 | and I like to be done by five,
00:49:27.860 | though I'm often done earlier.
00:49:29.540 | When I'm writing, I'll also put in writing sessions
00:49:31.880 | on Sunday mornings.
00:49:32.880 | I'll occasionally also do like an evening writing session
00:49:35.180 | for my newsletter or something like this.
00:49:36.580 | That's just an old tradition of mine,
00:49:37.860 | but that's 90 minutes once a week.
00:49:41.140 | What I do during those roughly nine to five schedule,
00:49:43.700 | it just depends on the time of year.
00:49:46.380 | So if it's the summer,
00:49:48.260 | or like it was last semester for me
00:49:50.280 | when I had a teaching release and I was writing a book,
00:49:52.740 | those days are gonna be very heavily focused
00:49:54.660 | on three to four hours of deep work writing
00:49:57.140 | right off the bat,
00:49:58.640 | than anything else that has to be done
00:50:00.800 | before I shut down for the day.
00:50:02.740 | Other parts of the year look different.
00:50:04.980 | Right now, for example, I'm in a teaching semester,
00:50:08.140 | I'm not writing a book, I just submitted my manuscript.
00:50:10.980 | And so I have a much more standard
00:50:12.460 | sort of professor schedule.
00:50:14.500 | And Jesse, I actually brought my computer.
00:50:16.020 | So I thought what I would do is I'm gonna grab it
00:50:18.940 | and just, I'll load up my calendar for this week.
00:50:21.880 | I'm not gonna show it to you,
00:50:23.140 | but I will walk through and just quickly summarize
00:50:25.620 | like what each of my days looks like if this is helpful.
00:50:28.460 | All right, so I've grabbed my calendar now
00:50:31.780 | for those who are watching the YouTube channel.
00:50:34.260 | You see, I'm looking down at my screen.
00:50:36.320 | So for this time of year,
00:50:39.660 | where I'm just sort of in a normal teaching semester,
00:50:41.300 | not book writing.
00:50:42.260 | All right, here was my week.
00:50:46.620 | Let's look at the things around the calendar.
00:50:48.180 | Monday was Martin Luther King Day,
00:50:49.940 | the Monday of the week we're recording this.
00:50:51.980 | So there was actually, I didn't have to teach,
00:50:55.460 | nothing on my calendar actually for that Monday.
00:50:58.460 | Tuesday was also a very light day in terms of appointments.
00:51:03.460 | So I don't even remember what I did on Tuesday.
00:51:07.540 | I think I watched a movie in the afternoon.
00:51:10.220 | I think I actually over lunch,
00:51:11.700 | I watched "Downhill Racer" with Robert Redford, 1969.
00:51:16.620 | Fantastic sports movie, I highly recommend it.
00:51:19.580 | Wednesday was a teaching day.
00:51:21.180 | So I did some work on my course in the morning,
00:51:24.900 | drove into campus at 10, taught, office hours, taught,
00:51:28.740 | came home, worked out, day was over.
00:51:31.980 | Today, I was actually up early today
00:51:35.020 | 'cause my oldest kid had a early morning
00:51:37.380 | orthodontics appointment, so I woke up.
00:51:39.700 | My wife still came to that.
00:51:40.940 | And while I was waiting for my other kids to wake up,
00:51:42.820 | I actually did some podcast work in the morning.
00:51:45.740 | Then I did some administrative work, now we're podcasting.
00:51:48.540 | And then I'm gonna do a relatively early shutdown
00:51:50.220 | and workout before I pick up one of my other kids at three.
00:51:53.420 | Tomorrow, I'm going in for,
00:51:55.180 | oh, tonight I'm also gonna do some writing.
00:51:57.780 | I'm kicking off a new New Yorker piece.
00:51:59.540 | So I'm gonna do writing probably
00:52:00.620 | at the local coffee shop tonight
00:52:02.260 | because I need to get out of my normal routine
00:52:04.900 | to get something hard started.
00:52:06.700 | Tomorrow, I'm going to campus for a faculty meeting
00:52:08.460 | and then adventure working.
00:52:09.780 | So I'm gonna go to a scenic library to continue writing.
00:52:12.260 | That's my week.
00:52:13.100 | So it's like not that interesting.
00:52:14.020 | No day am I working past four or five.
00:52:16.380 | Some days I have appointments,
00:52:18.620 | other days I have less appointments.
00:52:20.140 | So it's not exciting.
00:52:22.140 | - Where's your adventure writing gonna be?
00:52:24.460 | - I don't know.
00:52:25.940 | It depends how crowded various libraries are.
00:52:28.420 | I think we're early enough in the semester
00:52:30.100 | that I might still have options.
00:52:31.660 | - You mean at school?
00:52:32.500 | - Yeah. - Oh, okay.
00:52:33.540 | - 'Cause my thought is if I'm going into Georgetown
00:52:35.180 | for a meeting, I might as well take advantage
00:52:37.500 | of the fact that I'm in a new location
00:52:40.100 | to work in interesting places.
00:52:41.900 | So I like, for example, the bioethical library
00:52:44.140 | in Healy Hall at Georgetown.
00:52:46.220 | If that's crowded, I'll go to a lesser used floor
00:52:49.260 | of the main library on campus.
00:52:52.340 | If I have thinking to do, I like to walk.
00:52:55.220 | So there's these trails that go up through Glover Park,
00:52:58.260 | down from the canal up through Glover Park,
00:53:01.860 | intersected by Reservoir Road.
00:53:03.740 | I love those trails, I used to live by them.
00:53:05.340 | So I'll often leave campus and walk up and down those
00:53:07.700 | if I have thinking to do.
00:53:09.060 | When the weather's nicer, I have a bunch of outdoor spots
00:53:11.980 | on campus where I'll bring my laptop to write.
00:53:13.980 | It's too cold this time of year.
00:53:16.380 | But you know, I'm writing a hard article
00:53:19.300 | and it's hard to get started and get a hard article going.
00:53:23.300 | So I like to do this trick whenever possible,
00:53:25.460 | use interesting locations to try to get the juices flowing.
00:53:29.900 | If you're on chapter seven of a book,
00:53:32.140 | six months into the writing, you're just, let's just go.
00:53:34.780 | You know, you start each morning at your office.
00:53:37.020 | When you're starting something, you're like,
00:53:38.220 | this needs to be, I don't know how I'm gonna even do this.
00:53:41.260 | You know, you wanna be at the whatever,
00:53:44.060 | at the coffee shop or in the woods
00:53:46.620 | or somewhere kind of interesting to shake it out.
00:53:48.580 | But the reality here, Ben,
00:53:49.660 | is my workday is not that interesting.
00:53:52.280 | I don't work crazy hours.
00:53:54.180 | Now, the two things I will say is,
00:53:55.540 | during my actual work hours, I'm locked in.
00:53:58.620 | I time block plan, I don't waste time.
00:54:01.020 | I mentioned that I watched a movie on Tuesday.
00:54:02.820 | That was scheduled well in advance.
00:54:05.100 | This 90 minute block that I'm going to sit
00:54:08.060 | and watch this movie,
00:54:09.140 | it's not something I just casually did
00:54:10.980 | because I was procrastinating.
00:54:12.380 | So I do work really hard when I'm working,
00:54:14.560 | but I don't work an unusual amount of hours.
00:54:17.060 | The key to my apparent productivity
00:54:20.020 | is that over time, a lot of things pile up.
00:54:24.460 | So when I work, I work hard.
00:54:25.660 | I'm careful about what I work on.
00:54:27.500 | I am usually working on a couple things at a time.
00:54:30.500 | I keep making slow but steady progress
00:54:32.160 | on multiple things at a time and things finish.
00:54:35.420 | And then you look at the end of the year
00:54:36.380 | and say you wrote all these articles
00:54:37.420 | and finished this book and did all these things,
00:54:39.260 | but they weren't being done simultaneously.
00:54:41.940 | It's just the steady application
00:54:43.860 | of a reasonable amount of intense effort
00:54:45.620 | over time aggregates to some pretty cool results.
00:54:48.020 | All right, let's do, I have a case study.
00:54:53.500 | Let's do one more question,
00:54:54.420 | and then I have a case study I want to share.
00:54:56.400 | - Sounds good.
00:54:57.240 | - All right, next question is from Moritz,
00:54:59.220 | a high school student from Germany.
00:55:00.980 | "I worry that to create the career I want,
00:55:03.780 | "I need to be really skilled at something.
00:55:05.720 | "I worry that I don't really have found an activity
00:55:08.180 | "which I find so fulfilling as to accomplish that.
00:55:10.940 | "Do you have any recommendations on getting started?"
00:55:14.220 | - Well, Moritz, it's good that you're thinking
00:55:15.700 | about this at an early age.
00:55:17.460 | I also want to reassure you
00:55:18.740 | that you're still at an early enough age
00:55:20.640 | that you should not need to have
00:55:23.400 | your whole career figured out.
00:55:26.300 | Now, I think what you're expressing here
00:55:28.440 | is maybe the German equivalent
00:55:31.480 | of the follow your passion mentality
00:55:34.180 | that's here in America.
00:55:36.800 | At the core of follow your passion is this notion
00:55:39.640 | that you can figure out in advance
00:55:41.240 | at the beginning of your career journey
00:55:43.240 | what it is that you're best suited to do,
00:55:45.060 | and therefore use that certainty to actually guide you
00:55:47.640 | through the work required to get there.
00:55:49.920 | My big argument is that that's rarely the case.
00:55:53.760 | Really cool careers that are meaningful,
00:55:57.160 | that require a lot of skill, that create impact,
00:55:59.240 | they often unfold more haphazardly
00:56:01.260 | and in a less predictable fashion
00:56:03.140 | than most young people imagine.
00:56:05.740 | So as a high school student,
00:56:08.380 | I would focus on figuring out how to be a student,
00:56:12.820 | treating it like a job,
00:56:14.500 | letting that open up various university opportunities.
00:56:17.580 | As you go to university opportunities,
00:56:19.340 | choose a field of study that matches the skills
00:56:21.380 | you already have and interest of yours.
00:56:23.940 | Do well at the university level.
00:56:25.800 | Again, treat your studying like a job,
00:56:27.640 | the type of things I talk about in my book,
00:56:29.740 | how to become a straight A student,
00:56:31.820 | be efficient, autopilot schedule, time control, et cetera.
00:56:36.360 | That's gonna open up opportunities.
00:56:38.440 | Choose an opportunity that is well-matched to your skills.
00:56:41.680 | You're getting, at this point now,
00:56:43.040 | the career capital you built up in college or university,
00:56:46.080 | you're actually now really able to deploy it
00:56:48.040 | and use it as leverage, and that's interesting to you,
00:56:51.000 | and that has interesting opportunities down the line
00:56:53.960 | if and when you continue to get good,
00:56:55.600 | and then just start doing that.
00:56:57.120 | I mean, really, it's often not until you're five years in
00:56:59.880 | to a career opportunity out of a university
00:57:02.120 | that was well-suited to your skills and interesting
00:57:04.800 | that you really get to start doing cool things,
00:57:07.060 | that you've built up enough skill
00:57:08.280 | that now you can shift your job role
00:57:10.640 | or go over to another company or start your own thing.
00:57:12.800 | So that's down the line.
00:57:14.440 | Right now, just be a good high school student,
00:57:17.880 | get to university, figure out how to ace that particular job,
00:57:22.880 | open up opportunities, choose an interesting one,
00:57:26.560 | put your head down, do really well,
00:57:28.440 | look up after a few years and say,
00:57:29.680 | "Okay, now I'm ready to take my career capital
00:57:32.640 | "out for a spin,"
00:57:34.040 | and that's when things really do start to get interesting.
00:57:36.440 | Jesse, I think I have it in the library,
00:57:41.500 | but the German edition of "So Good They Can't Ignore You,"
00:57:45.120 | maybe this says something about Germany,
00:57:46.920 | but in America, the book is called
00:57:48.480 | "So Good They Can't Ignore You,"
00:57:49.520 | it's focusing on the positive.
00:57:51.520 | The German edition, it's a newspaper on the cover
00:57:55.180 | and the headline translates to,
00:57:57.680 | I think it's called "The Dream Job Delusion."
00:58:00.080 | I like that, it's very German.
00:58:02.640 | So the Americans are like, "Yeah, be so good
00:58:04.680 | "and you're gonna find meaning,
00:58:05.900 | "but this is just an alternative way,"
00:58:07.560 | and the Germans are like, "Ah, that dream job delusion?
00:58:10.940 | "You delusion to think the dream job,
00:58:15.740 | "that's not how it works.
00:58:17.260 | "Efficiency, efficient effort applied
00:58:21.900 | "towards a pragmatic goal.
00:58:23.940 | "For a dream job is delusion."
00:58:28.100 | Bon, I don't know, bon is,
00:58:29.940 | I don't know what that means, road or something like that.
00:58:32.620 | Oh, well, let me do a quick case study
00:58:34.660 | before we get to the books I read.
00:58:36.120 | All right, so our final case study,
00:58:37.060 | again, all of these questions and case studies
00:58:38.700 | are trying to relate to the central theme
00:58:40.200 | of today's episode, which is engineering
00:58:42.240 | the characteristics of your workday
00:58:45.140 | to be more satisfying.
00:58:48.220 | All right, this one comes from Dana,
00:58:49.820 | a 40-year-old lawyer from British Columbia.
00:58:52.420 | So she, Dana, or it might be a he, I'm not sure,
00:58:55.700 | wants to redeem the profession of law.
00:58:58.640 | We said earlier in this episode
00:59:00.060 | that it ranked last in terms of happiness,
00:59:02.780 | ranked last in terms of stress,
00:59:05.220 | so it's the most stressful, least hapful job.
00:59:07.780 | Are all lawyers doomed?
00:59:09.260 | Dana says, "Not necessarily."
00:59:10.820 | Let's listen to this case study.
00:59:13.000 | She says, "I work as a lawyer in civil litigation
00:59:15.620 | "in a small firm.
00:59:17.640 | "It is a deadline-driven client service profession.
00:59:21.080 | "Your suggestion that people focus
00:59:22.500 | "on lifestyle-centric career design,
00:59:24.580 | "where you try to figure out how work fits into your life,
00:59:26.780 | "has been very informative.
00:59:28.800 | "For example, I have turned down jobs
00:59:30.800 | "as well as offers of partnership in this firm
00:59:32.940 | "because they offered less freedom in my schedule.
00:59:35.900 | "At present, I work more as a contractor
00:59:38.100 | "who can dictate my schedule and quota of cases.
00:59:41.980 | "If I took a more traditional path
00:59:43.620 | "of buying into a partnership,
00:59:45.480 | "then I'd probably have to take out a loan
00:59:47.060 | "or be paying money to the partners for a share.
00:59:49.320 | "Alternatively, if I went into the public sector
00:59:51.200 | "or a larger firm, then I would lose autonomy.
00:59:54.180 | "I have found that lifestyle-centric career planning
00:59:56.640 | "is indispensable."
00:59:58.600 | That's what it looks like
01:00:01.840 | when you engineer the characteristics of your workday.
01:00:04.860 | You reject the inertia towards what everyone else is doing
01:00:07.980 | and say instead,
01:00:09.180 | "These are the characteristics I want in my job.
01:00:11.120 | "I'm pretty good.
01:00:12.520 | "I have some leverage.
01:00:13.520 | "I have some say over how my working life unfolds.
01:00:16.680 | "What can I do to get more of these and less of that?"
01:00:19.520 | And for Dana, the lawyer, she said,
01:00:21.820 | "Okay, I know everyone else thinks being a partner
01:00:24.320 | "is the ultimate goal because I guess ultimately
01:00:26.400 | "that's the highest prestige and/or the highest income,
01:00:29.060 | "but who cares?
01:00:29.900 | "I make more than enough money as a non-partner lawyer.
01:00:33.060 | "What I want is autonomy.
01:00:34.120 | "So no, I don't wanna be a partner.
01:00:35.600 | "I wanna stay right here.
01:00:36.680 | "I want my relationship
01:00:37.600 | "to be a contractor-type relationship
01:00:39.240 | "where I tell you how many cases I wanna take on
01:00:41.360 | "and then I will do those cases really well.
01:00:43.760 | "I will control my workload.
01:00:45.420 | "I'm happy with the money I make here."
01:00:48.440 | That's engineering the characteristics.
01:00:50.080 | Now, I didn't read these details in the episode,
01:00:52.840 | but Dana sent a huge amount of information
01:00:54.880 | about her organizational systems
01:00:57.640 | that her and her legal assistant use.
01:00:59.540 | That's the other aspect of that
01:01:01.440 | is she's really dialed in.
01:01:02.800 | It's really kind of cool.
01:01:03.980 | I mean, it's insider baseball,
01:01:05.160 | so I didn't wanna get into all the details on the show,
01:01:06.760 | but they have these really detailed systems
01:01:09.200 | for keeping track of each case,
01:01:11.600 | what needs to be done each week.
01:01:13.680 | They group together tasks by type
01:01:16.200 | so that if the legal assistant's gonna go
01:01:17.680 | pull records for one case,
01:01:19.460 | she can see all the other cases that need records pulled
01:01:21.800 | so she can do it all at once.
01:01:23.360 | They have a system they use
01:01:25.720 | to pass notes back and forth on cases
01:01:27.600 | without having to just interrupt each other.
01:01:29.100 | They use Agile-style weekly check-in planning.
01:01:31.560 | So that's the other aspect of this
01:01:33.260 | is that Dana plugged in the organizational systems
01:01:35.680 | to try to shave the rough stress edges off
01:01:39.080 | of the work that she does do.
01:01:40.560 | Let's get the processes dialed in.
01:01:43.040 | Let's make this less haphazard.
01:01:44.480 | Let's make this less interrupt-driven.
01:01:47.000 | That's controlling the characteristics of your workday.
01:01:49.600 | So I thought that was a good example to end on.
01:01:52.300 | All right, so that's our discussion of today's theme.
01:01:55.660 | I wanna end the show by talking about
01:01:57.640 | the books I read in December.
01:01:59.240 | First, I wanna talk about another sponsor of this show.
01:02:02.720 | This show is sponsored by BetterHelp.
01:02:07.120 | Now, we talk a lot on this show about
01:02:09.680 | treating your brain as something that needs to be
01:02:12.760 | trained and protected and fed
01:02:15.840 | in the same way that you might do that with your body.
01:02:17.840 | You need to give it good ideas,
01:02:19.360 | high-quality ideas in the forms of books.
01:02:21.760 | You need to set up the proper conditions for it
01:02:23.600 | to be able to concentrate.
01:02:25.120 | If you wanna do deep work,
01:02:26.120 | you have to have locations where you work.
01:02:28.280 | You have to have rituals around your work.
01:02:29.720 | You have to have systems around your work
01:02:31.320 | so that you can make your mind more comfortable focusing.
01:02:35.760 | Well, another thing that we have to care about
01:02:37.720 | if you wanna function in a cognitive economy
01:02:40.880 | is what about how you deal with negative thoughts,
01:02:44.440 | stress, anxiety, ruminations,
01:02:48.520 | thought stuff that can draw your attention away,
01:02:51.720 | make you unhappy, make it difficult to execute.
01:02:54.760 | This is something else you need to work on systematically.
01:02:58.800 | Therapy is what is going to work here.
01:03:02.960 | Therapy is like the personal trainer for your brain
01:03:06.320 | that helps you learn through practice,
01:03:08.960 | evidence-based and experience-based practice
01:03:10.800 | how to actually deal with the difficult things
01:03:13.600 | that pop up in our mental lives.
01:03:17.000 | So if you're thinking of giving therapy a try,
01:03:19.080 | better help is a great option.
01:03:22.680 | It's convenient, flexible, affordable, and entirely online.
01:03:27.680 | You just fill out a brief questionnaire
01:03:29.800 | to get matched with a licensed therapist
01:03:31.720 | and you can switch therapist anytime
01:03:35.000 | for no additional charge.
01:03:38.160 | If you have anything in your cognitive life right now
01:03:40.920 | that really is a drag on you,
01:03:42.480 | the anxiety, stress, rumination, a hedonic affect,
01:03:47.320 | you have any of this going on in your life right now,
01:03:51.360 | go to BetterHelp.
01:03:52.960 | Let's get a trainer for your brain involved in your life.
01:03:57.080 | So if you wanna live a more empowered life,
01:03:58.680 | therapy can help you get there.
01:03:59.840 | Visit
01:04:04.840 | to get 10% off your first month.
01:04:07.680 | So you have to do the slash deep questions
01:04:10.640 | to get the discount.
01:04:12.280 | That's betterhelp,
01:04:17.280 | I also wanna briefly mention our friends at Policy Genius.
01:04:23.160 | If you have a family like I do,
01:04:26.280 | you have a million things to do.
01:04:28.840 | One of those things is having good life insurance.
01:04:32.680 | This is something that we often procrastinate on
01:04:34.840 | because we don't really know how to get started.
01:04:37.240 | Where do we go?
01:04:38.480 | Who do we talk to to actually get this in place?
01:04:42.840 | This is where Policy Genius can help.
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01:05:05.840 | If you don't have life insurance and you have a family,
01:05:09.040 | you need it, Policy Genius is gonna make this easy.
01:05:12.720 | Look, we just went through this again.
01:05:14.320 | My wife and I just went through it again
01:05:15.760 | where we sat down with our advisor
01:05:17.200 | and figured out what we had to adjust our numbers to.
01:05:19.600 | So I know how complicated and confusing the industry can be
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01:05:26.360 | that makes it simple.
01:05:27.960 | So your loved ones deserve a financial safety net.
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01:05:39.960 | That's
01:05:42.320 | All right, Jesse, it's late, but better late than never.
01:05:46.880 | This final segment, I wanna mention the books
01:05:48.640 | I read in December, 2022.
01:05:53.400 | As you might recall, December for me is Thriller December.
01:05:57.920 | It is the month in which I like to read adventure
01:06:01.520 | or thriller novels.
01:06:02.560 | That's the genre that I'd say genre I really like.
01:06:06.040 | There's a lot of holidays in December.
01:06:07.360 | So it's a tradition of mine is to read more thrillers
01:06:10.040 | than normal in December.
01:06:11.360 | So I read three thrillers in December, Jesse,
01:06:13.600 | and I will go through them all right now.
01:06:16.040 | All right, the first one I read,
01:06:17.640 | The Apollo Murders by Chris Hadfield.
01:06:22.840 | This is a action thriller that takes place
01:06:25.920 | in an alternative timeline.
01:06:28.200 | So it's in the seventies
01:06:30.240 | and it's positing an alternative timeline
01:06:33.200 | where we did a few more Apollo programs.
01:06:35.720 | And I don't wanna give too many details away
01:06:38.320 | other than there's gun battles happening in space
01:06:42.120 | with the Soviets.
01:06:43.720 | What was cool about this book, what attracted me to it
01:06:45.800 | is that Chris Hadfield, the author, is an astronaut.
01:06:49.480 | So this actually has realistic details
01:06:53.840 | of how all the 1970s era Apollo space program
01:06:58.520 | technology actually worked.
01:07:00.120 | He actually understands space and what this world is like.
01:07:03.480 | So I liked that idea that it was written by an astronaut,
01:07:05.560 | a book about astronaut murders.
01:07:06.840 | It's pretty good.
01:07:08.120 | The next one I read was Recursion by Blake Crouch.
01:07:11.320 | I wanna flag this book for a second
01:07:14.600 | because I read a lot of thrillers.
01:07:17.960 | Recursion is about as platonic of an example
01:07:22.680 | I have found of perfection in pacing.
01:07:27.520 | It's like a masterclass in thriller structure and pacing.
01:07:32.520 | Really that this piece of it is brilliantly done.
01:07:37.360 | It's datelined chapters
01:07:40.240 | and you're moving back and forth between two timelines
01:07:42.280 | and those timelines kind of catch up
01:07:44.000 | and the way it moves back and forth, back and forth
01:07:46.680 | and ratchets up is just a precision plot construction.
01:07:51.480 | It's a book that's really hard to put down
01:07:54.160 | once you pick it up.
01:07:55.600 | I was really impressed by it.
01:07:56.880 | I mean, actually I was so impressed by it
01:07:58.000 | that I was a little bit disappointed
01:07:59.160 | when I went back to read a prior book of Blake's,
01:08:01.920 | which was good, but man with Recursion,
01:08:05.520 | he has the pacing just locked in.
01:08:07.640 | It's the best thriller pacing I've read.
01:08:10.960 | One of the best thriller pacing I've probably ever read.
01:08:13.120 | - When was it written?
01:08:14.440 | - This book would have been, I don't know,
01:08:15.480 | the last 10 years or something like that.
01:08:17.720 | It's like a time, I won't give away everything that happens,
01:08:21.480 | but the way it opens is it's playing with time.
01:08:25.840 | So he's a techno thriller writer.
01:08:28.360 | He's like our age.
01:08:29.200 | He's not like, I used to say relatively young.
01:08:31.560 | I guess we're not that young anymore,
01:08:33.600 | but there's this virus sort of happening
01:08:36.200 | where people are having memories of different lives
01:08:40.480 | suddenly appear and it seems to be contagious.
01:08:43.440 | Like people nearby have the same thing happen.
01:08:46.880 | And there's a detective that's trying to unwind
01:08:49.120 | like what's going on.
01:08:50.220 | And then it starts to unravel.
01:08:54.600 | And then you get a plot line from back in time
01:08:56.960 | and it catches up and then it gets crazy at the end.
01:08:58.680 | Anyways, perfection in structure and pacing.
01:09:02.600 | The last thriller I read in December
01:09:04.600 | was The Last Juror by John Grisham.
01:09:06.520 | I just had it from a little free library
01:09:08.400 | here in Tacoma Park.
01:09:10.760 | Here's the thing about being a writer like John Grisham.
01:09:15.240 | If you have that one or two huge successes early on,
01:09:17.800 | you can just keep writing books
01:09:19.320 | that don't have to be blockbusters.
01:09:22.600 | Like if The Last Juror was written by someone else,
01:09:26.560 | like that's nice.
01:09:29.720 | But because he wrote The Firm,
01:09:32.160 | because he wrote The Pelican Brief and The Client
01:09:35.240 | and he became such a superstar,
01:09:36.960 | you could just write these books
01:09:38.200 | where they don't have to be bangers.
01:09:40.200 | It's just interesting.
01:09:41.040 | It's just, it's a guy starting up a newspaper
01:09:43.120 | in the small Mississippi town that he likes to write about.
01:09:46.480 | And there's a trial and 20 years later,
01:09:50.520 | like some of the jurors start dying out,
01:09:53.000 | like getting killed, right?
01:09:53.900 | And then they kind of figure out what's going on.
01:09:55.800 | That's the book, but I enjoyed it.
01:09:59.280 | I enjoyed it.
01:10:00.120 | But if this was the book you ran instead of The Firm,
01:10:03.200 | you wouldn't know the name John Grisham.
01:10:04.760 | So it's a good gig if you can get it.
01:10:06.980 | There's another thriller I didn't quite finish
01:10:08.800 | in December, so I'll get to that in the January.
01:10:10.280 | So I really read four in December,
01:10:11.720 | but the fifth one I didn't finish until into January.
01:10:15.180 | So we'll get it with the next list.
01:10:16.920 | All right, I read two other books as well, non-thrillers.
01:10:20.480 | One was called Living with Frankenstein
01:10:22.800 | by Steven Schoen.
01:10:24.920 | This is, I'm working on some things
01:10:28.200 | with artificial intelligence.
01:10:29.240 | So this is like a small philosophical tract
01:10:32.560 | about machine sentience.
01:10:34.640 | And this is like a gentleman scholar
01:10:38.000 | has this thesis about what does it really mean
01:10:41.720 | for technology to be conscious,
01:10:43.400 | and he has a much lower bar for that,
01:10:44.760 | and things were already there.
01:10:46.480 | I needed it for something I was doing.
01:10:48.380 | What I enjoyed more was John Meacham's
01:10:51.360 | And There Was Light.
01:10:52.680 | It was John Meacham's new Lincoln biography.
01:10:55.360 | It was very good, very good.
01:10:57.360 | So Meacham is taking a,
01:11:00.040 | he's looking at Lincoln through the lens
01:11:02.200 | of in part ethics and in part religion.
01:11:06.560 | So the virtue ethics worldview of Lincoln,
01:11:10.080 | and then also the impact of religions on Lincoln.
01:11:11.880 | I think the early part of Lincoln's life,
01:11:13.480 | I really enjoyed the way this Meacham treated it
01:11:16.080 | because what he does good in this book,
01:11:17.520 | and I've read a lot of Lincoln books.
01:11:19.680 | What he does good in this book is set context.
01:11:22.160 | So there's a lot of primary sources
01:11:24.280 | that he pulls from to set the context.
01:11:25.920 | So it's one of the better, for example,
01:11:28.760 | depictions of Southern culture
01:11:31.120 | during the pre-war period.
01:11:35.080 | Because he pulls from sermons and newspapers
01:11:38.000 | and headlines to try to really understand
01:11:41.000 | the reactionary culture that was emerging in the South
01:11:44.680 | in defense of slavery.
01:11:46.360 | And understanding that really helps make sense
01:11:48.920 | of some of the big historical things that happened.
01:11:50.640 | He goes to primary sources to get there.
01:11:53.480 | Another thing I learned from Meacham,
01:11:55.200 | which was really interesting, was,
01:11:56.720 | I didn't know this, and I read a lot of Lincoln,
01:11:59.120 | that Lincoln's family, when he was a young kid,
01:12:02.340 | was attending a church, one of these rural churches,
01:12:06.220 | that was, it's very anti-slavery.
01:12:09.260 | So he was exposed to anti-slavery thinking,
01:12:12.380 | in part because of, this was the early exposure
01:12:15.900 | he had to it, was in church, which I hadn't heard.
01:12:18.200 | I had heard about the, there's a labor argument.
01:12:21.060 | His dad was a working, poor, working class white
01:12:26.020 | in Illinois, were worried about the economic ramifications
01:12:29.480 | of slave labor coming into their state.
01:12:31.680 | So I had heard that piece of it.
01:12:33.020 | So he grew up in an anti-slavery household,
01:12:35.020 | but he was inculcated with a religious anti-slavery message.
01:12:38.780 | And Meacham went back and found, here's the preacher,
01:12:42.260 | and here's the type of things they talked about.
01:12:43.620 | So I thought that was all good.
01:12:45.420 | Once they get to the war, and the presidency,
01:12:47.460 | it's like, (imitates explosion)
01:12:48.700 | real fast.
01:12:49.980 | He just covers it in 70 pages.
01:12:52.220 | It just, it moves by really fast, but enjoyed it.
01:12:55.420 | All right, Jesse, those were my five books from December.
01:12:58.220 | Next month, we will talk about the five books I read
01:13:01.540 | in January.
01:13:02.380 | We'll try to do a little bit sooner next time.
01:13:04.120 | All right, well, that's all the time we have
01:13:05.420 | for today's episode.
01:13:06.360 | We'll be back next week with a new episode.
01:13:09.540 | If you wanna submit your own questions,
01:13:10.880 | there's a link right in the show notes.
01:13:12.560 | If you want to watch these episodes instead of listening,
01:13:14.840 | go to
01:13:18.040 | See you next week.
01:13:18.880 | And until then, as always, stay deep.
01:13:21.460 | (upbeat music)
01:13:24.040 | [Music]